PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ,rUPLIriI!ED 11Y WUrra A CS PITT s Bxt Hp it MEDNESDAY : 110P.2 , 110;! - OCT. 8, 1951 NeITTE4.TILLBR FOUND Off „13-4,011 TAGE OF THIS PAPER. ,Attentton! Fti.etuls of Scott and Johnston. iter`The attention of tho.frienalo of Styx. Paprzettos, la Allrighitny eritmt.r. , the importance of thot i onghorgnintMLiihbr ilia %TAU,* of Chiba, In emir, Martian diatrkit. for the rt,Llonimittees, of Vigilance, Peeihat every friend of limit Johmtete Is inn tint 'whir rinnira It are hataratlred, ant that nirro ' , Mar depreit hL traitot on the Sieottif TtrehlnY of flair following litrx mitt.. on flantrsinntinnihnit been 11,Vmon, John alotrinon,,li. lingems U. 0- Angleton, A. llama, Rm., Chet. Pugh. en L. :min, A. Lloyd, Capt. 0. retiltioarilier, U. lirendenthnli; hr. 4. 0. Wm.l4 Welker, Juries Wenn, Jomph Athena. .07 order of Um COMA} tinitiOnti".• Allegheny County Scott and Johnston Ifeetings. 2 AS 9lgo g 'a Kill, ander township, on Yticada7,:tlt, at AC U. Y. Condor's Still, Booth fayettn tD., Winlonsdni„ •ihn titw at it o'citc k. an Th p lir 1 JcO tan I'. aj . iPattansna's Mill, Indium At °dr *teals will be wilrnsend ta t swinwts tm s Itorniatedd tan ittsnt tutunnta of i ' sill " risttels waklrrinctlon distrint o: thn 'count y, arn relowitcd• -aritaitizo, sail Wave etcry aneser.l, and 'Pit tasks arrati.,onati to triad all . our Colons to tan ( VONIMITYI4II OY ''••• , - Myr' Wax. Mtrrma.—The Whip and An ot in. Second Ward, Pittsburgh, 0111 useable sit.dttoltarnt District Hotel, on 'Wednesday melting, Oct. .-T r A,ipi. at 7 o'clock. . 0c7:21 BALLY WII10; RALLY! .The F4ecutive Committee request the Snags is tho • different districts in the county, to meet . • at their ulection precincts on 4sturday previous to the election, and nppoitit committees to attend i'the *as on the election day; and to co-operate - pith the Committees ot. Vigilance in order that every Whig vote may be polled. The Poll corn. issittees'ehonld be careful to see that each election at,triti is Supplied with the full Whig 'tickets. -4 , . The Exeeittive Committee take this occasion to sny to thi Whigs, that the news from all parts of the Mute,. giros the most encouraging hopes i ofthe trianiphant !totem. of the Whig eandi .•, - ilate . - for Governor, Wm. F. Johnston—if the *Lige: da, their duty and SSe..ia it, that the Whig vote is polled, the whole Whig tiaket will be elect:4ln the State. • •• C. Leoptild Said, • 'F:red'k Liireaz klithonyfilirtr, Col. Loop*ld Sold, dalhopy.llittz, Rilauds, IL S.' Flea dog, Eloigan Robertson, Capt.Vhos. 5111aeiers, Vaud'Anderson Way, 'Joshua Rhodes, Oeo. - Dareie, ' . Hegli - AleKelry, , C. 0. 1.061:0ii, Alex. H. sliller, W. K. =kirk. JOSIAH KING, Ch'm • Alagoas. norm 4tre. Deistu.—The series meetings arranged for the country districts hav'e been gone through with, and have preyed of most satisfactory character. They have been geueralli.well attended, and bare no doubt doni moth good in arousing the people to a sense of the importance of the approaching-contest. The. speakers at these meetings hare been varioui,-, but the principal credit for unflinching seal and' unwearied labor; It due to Hon. T. 11f. Howe, , and Geo, DiStilE, Esq. Mr. Danis is an old'and ' popular stump speaker, and he has done most effective service in pointing the people to the ?.,'pecalatioae and mismaziageinent of the L0caf0`;'...,71..,„ `;' . .. , 71 . . , „ to administrations and office holders in thin flae he is perfectly at home, Ins long aseep~cp.. in the Legislatare haring made him ,: i'.fidlYlapittainted with State affairs. , Mr Irown has hitherto been but little known .21 apubrao speaker. Ile was elected to Con " gresafeT,his high character for hallows quali ficationi, great probity; Iton9l common sense., and eeneralinformati 012 on oyery object likely to coma before C;ongress, of interest to his constitu: eats. In this campeign he has established a rep -reputation. for no mean oratoried abilities He ;speaks quite fluently,und always sensiblyandat , . traettrely. He bids fair to. become a rag able and ready. congressienal debater, while in the .Comosittee Hoorn; where business is, transacted, he will harednw superiors 4 The Whigs of this Cerinty owe a".debi of gratitude to Messrs. Howe and Hartle for their indefatigsble Inborn In this • campaign,ind weleel astound they will not go Other gentlemen have also spoken quite ire .. :queue", and done good nenice,• among whom ..;we may mention T. J. Bight 6, Geo. E. Apple ton. E. P. Tones, and Babt. Eflilnight, &qrs. • •We hope to hear some of the •tkt veterans in stump epeaking, before the camgign. closes In this city, such 'he 'Messrs.' Thos. 3toies Hampton, A. iv_ Loomis, Harrah: 'etc. JUDGE WCLIIRE. In a scurtilous sheet published in this city, - called the. Tribune, edited by John Fowl, there • appea!red on Monday a gross attack upon Judge - McClure, •as a judge, a citizen, a man and. a Christian. Who the author of the article may be is a watter'ef little moment, or it is altoge., thir too. brutal to be entitled to a reply. • Baal an assault es the one to bleb we hive Vuivertcd,'coming from the q er it does, will it ...cause Wboleeeme motion in J dge 3l'Clure's favor amongst the people of All ghcny evirinty, who have no ides of Beeler • sue a man as be borne down by blackgnardleta d the worst in finencee that ever cursed a c mnuity. .man can lorig occupy the nsible statien .which Judge M'Clure bus, t our giving um brage to some persons; but It ust be confers edbi every otie that even his re, if he has erred, are reore of judgment d not of heart. • The cause of sound morals,. In t e widest sense of the term, hae ever found In h m since he has -been on the bench, a firm dud fearleee cham pion ; and as such, if we are no greatly mists ken,-8e will be triumphantly •stained by the peeple,of tho county. ,We hopeour whig friends will pay no regard to the .nutaerous slanders put into_ circulation by the etlnies of Judge Wel.. . As the Om .- - lunar the - patty, as well as 'le character of a min, he is entitled to their .ndivided sup. MARYLAND O. KaitTLAND O. "Th 4 Whigs of Maryland hart rions victory. Four Whig mem to two Locofocoa In the last C. ge4lon stood threo to three. Bh. of. Presidtost devolve upon. the • sentat.tves, this result will give ' tyland to the Vibiga The. fol sseeeterfol . Mindidites : FitstDisteiet-13. L - Howie,Wbo . Second. District—M. T. ftsmil . :Third Distriet--Blward .11ammo. rotuth Dstriet--Thomas Y. Ws Fifth Distrief--Aleiander Evan Stith tohstrict—D. Tr. , linty ! ' • This is Worthy : of imitation Pewo7l,lltillgi.atat while it wil will lea wet blanket to their • . • wilt be a wet blanket to their • .ponents.. • A. Bola Petrttoas. Fonbrar.--- . . e Harrisburg .! ...linerican says it Wei lulls poises ion a locofoco forgery of the Proclamation, Wli h the (lover • nor was required by law to ins* relatite to the payment of the public debt..L. T forged doen meat hi.psinted in °faint forw, and Is likely to deceive at the first glance..., 1 peation of its contents, however, epeedily ill los that it is ;n , . • base -forgery. concocted and!sexecuted by men who am more fit for the 'cella ;of a jail than the s o ciety of honest men. This forged proclamation isilated) as thothe official proclamation is, the , fifth day of September, although it has been printed within the lost;ten days, and, contains the following asserttionr.-That gnome inereee-' el thr State debt $16.029,947 19....1.Thi5t Gov. Shuak pail 4.::,11,Gif. 29 of the debi. - Gov. JOllll. &Cox paid 0n1y.5155,37,4 49. That Gov. Sous . altos In his term approved sets borrowing $4.- -1480,000, &c., &e. ' No gaper in the S 4 lies had. 1, lhisrudemily to publish the infamously f 1 se state- Mesta which are contained in Me above. P /emotion. I—PAIL Son. • ' ' • ' • l es ; on e_poper has puldished it, and only one, •• : . that i 0 have seen. .The Sun )310 not Been the , , - t of this city, mrl?loh , ; or all the PePere of the . . bad . . • . - ' State has "the audacity to publish the tufa , . measly false statemente which are contained In •t . . the forged Proclennitlon. ho w ever . creates . . , noastonishment hers : ilt would he aston ishing .... It that paper did not seize hold of that Preclona , , piece of forgery, and anise to paint it off upon its I . ' . . /144. 2 ; 1 ga g enuine.. knell articles suit its taste. I . astaea4te. But it , abs o lutely ~ lutely,,refuseil to pub.. , D: Lsice and Co:willpleaseaccept , oar thanks for Now Tory sad nabololihi; popoit in&IV final of the DWI. One weekago th ILIMS is morn ßßl ing a W n seepoke cheeri ugly . and encohragingly to oar whlg friends of the pros pest before us. Now we are.farranted in using still stronger terms of assurance of a glorious triumph. From every quarter the evidence reach es us that the Whigs are deeply inspired with. the importance of the pending contest. It is true that there exists at present very little of that wild excitement which charaiterised the strug gles of 1840f-'44, and '4B; but there Is what is far better—there is a wide-spread conviction that the prosperity, the honor, and the freedom of Psunsylinmia are at stake. ;The abominations of LOcofocoi m have at last loomed up before the eyes of the people In undisguised • hideountess, as a grand Mao, of tfalsehoOd, fraud, penis i tion, and v eighty and himest sad conscientious democrats casting it from them with abhor: tense. The grea fact that the free trade policy of the Loeofocos is highly injurious to the beet in terests o f the country, is vapidly forcing its way to the public ruled through the thick films of party prejtilice; and this fact will make more now whip In 1851 than have over been made in any ono year. . - The attempt to get up a "Gibe alarm" on the slavery question, by the leads:re of the Lecofoco party, is order If possible to 'stop the alarming ing desertion from their- own ranks, is reacting upon them with terrible efiket. Sanest and honorable dCmocrists are'dispisted at the idea of bringing such an element into our State politics. Heretofore all parties in P ennsylvania have re garded 'slavery as an evil, ad a thing to be de plored, ,but which. as citizen's of a free State,we hod no right to meddle with. , In that light the Whigs stilt regard it; but these locofoco alarm ists have adopted it as one 6r the most dearly cherished principles of their party, and hold up its defence as the highest evidenie of patriotism, and its condemnation as tantamount to treason. They profess to yield obedience to the fugitive slave law, not as a painful duty, but:with alacri ty and delight. Such is the vile. thing which is dignifiedaeith the name of Democracy d in Pennsylvania. The Leaders of Locofocoista in this, State have somehow managed to descend to a lower depth of degradation than those otany other State.— In no other State, where they have the ascen dency, are the the interests of the people ideati fied vvittt the tarilf policy as in Pennsylvania In no other free Stale ha re the Locofoeos become the champions of slavery per ae. 'ln no other Slate is the party is under the control of one man, as they are in We. The Demoiracy of South Car olina was once es much uadef the control of Mr. Calhoun, as Pennsylvania is that of Mr.°Buchan an; but such servility is now only to be found in Pennsylvania. In no other State do we ever Ind such scandalous exhibittoas of knavery and swindling as that which took .place at the Freeport aqueduct. And 'lino other State was there ever such an infamous political swindle as that of 1844. But we see recently that they are ready and willing to descend to a depth still more profound; and that depth has been reach - 'eel in the late effort to arouse' a proslavery panie, and to 'brand the Governor of the State :as a traitorand a 'murderer F. To show how this ;last miserable device is recoiling upon them, we :give a single incident. A day 'or two since we pet a respectable democrat. Knowing his party * preferences, we didl not mention politics; but ho feemarked, "I have always voted the democratic i-ticket, but At this electien I intend to vote for „Gov. Johnston; and the reason I do so is, that have no idea of seeing a mail sacrifica upon ii~r'oib of slavery." Tait it lint one among .inany., slash futaneet which might he pen- .. . . • ' • • i tioned. .- . ,„ 1 ~ W e assure our friends that our prospecte of ! success are growing brighter every chly, and we may add, the importance of the greet principles caz i 'involved is becoming daily more apparent. !.• he country is evidently on:the eve of a dims ' iterons revalition; arid nothing avert ! the • -iiitartriphe brit a 'speedy eetern to the only .• • , policy under whiCh it ever did isever, an prosper. ~ . . We Mast stop the egos of the preclous metals. We most employ our . own people to make our j • iron, our clothing, and countless s ther articles which we now get froai abroad. The triumph of the Whig ticket will be uni versally regarded a 4 -the !declaraßsn of the peo ple of.Pennsylvanba in favor of the protection of Mamie= industry; and will of itself—even before there can •be - any action ,on the part of Congreseinspire a degree of hope and cent denee which will be felt melt betieficially in ev ery , aepartment of business: This, of itself, were there no othee•great principles Involved, ought to bring tint every Whig in the State. • Bear In mind, Whigs, that we eau .beat our opponents easily if we do our duty. We have the votes, even if not it man should come over to onr side, provided they can be brought out. 'The Whigi dee united, harmonious and fall of hope. Our opponents are divided and dispirited. Let no give them no overwhelming defeat. We • sayit not in malice—far it will 40, them no much good as will do no. Many of them will rejoice with us. At the last Presidential election, af ter it was ascertained that Taylor bad carried - Pennsylvania, we met an hottest i but thorough going Democrat. ••lell,' said he; 'lon have beaten as, and I ant glad of i; So it will be again. Johnston to 'a noble fellow, and a uni versal favorite; and !many a vote will be mist for Bigler with a secret wish that Johnston may succeed. • rocoroco AND FBEZ-BOIL common While the Locofooos of this State are de nouncing Gee. Johnston in the most virulent longnap, for his manly position on the Fugitive Slave law, and on the question of Slavery gen.: molly, the Loctfocorief Masmichusetts, and the. Free Soil party of. that State have (ten)ed a coy pillion for the purpose of.defeating the Whig ticket, each party furnishing a portion of the candidates. The Commonwealth paper, publish ed In Seaton, the editor of which was indicted for hie share in effecting the escape of the Fu gitive Slave e , supporta i this coaraft coalition strongly. The Bog Pool, the Locofoco organ, sap that a msjority of the eounties of the State will enter into this e &Mimi We ask sensible Men to look at this. Sae the two faces of Locofocoism ! In' Pennsylvania, where Tdr. Boehm:Mei &cite the party,. It Is tamely, basely subservient to Slavery, and 00.1. Johnston. is hunted by the slanders of his Loco foco enemies with all thereat with which one of their . allies will follow a flying fugitive from the Domestic Institption. Let the South be ware of this Locofoeo party. ,jt is devoid of principle. As it has done in New Veit, Muria 'chosen, and Ohio, so it will do In Pennsylvaniu, whenever it conceives it esti obtain the spoils by such a course. The Whigs; on the other hand, are open and. manly opponcots. They takotheir ground- and abide by it, and can al ways be depended upon as the conservative power of tits cruntry, never going to extremes, and never Submitting to be driven into a corner, and to yield up principle in a time of political pressure and excitement. achieved a glo • of Congeeet the (lel • agrees old the election -use of Renee .. e vote of Ma lowing aro the .n, Ler-fifer°. Loeofoce. eb, Whig. Whig. ' the Whigs of • cheer them, it ponents. . At LAST WORD 'We have a last word to the readers of our country paper. Before our next issue, the de cision of Pennsylvania in nthation to the great principles of her policy In the future, will have been rendered, Iloy. Johnston or Wee. Bigler will have been elected, and the hopes of the true friendi of Pennsylvania be bright and cheering, or overwhelmed with despair. Now all we have to say is, that we trust 110 reader of the °suite will falter in the discharge of his whole duty. 190 have endeavored to - set the 'truth before you, plainly and earnestly. If we have erred, we are not conscions of it. We have written from the honest convictions of our heads, and the warm est feelings of our hearts. It now remains with you to do the work—to doyoor duty. We have discharged ours. We have another piece of advice to offer, and we think we have some right to advise in this metter--at least we know our readers will take it in'good part. Our &dyke .Is, to. 'every Whig, to rote the schole etekei: It le the beet'and safest tray: - 'if there should be any person on the tickettliat we did noi,personally prefer, still we cannot Igt6l. It by cot voting .it all; or vain for ai oppozoni , Tbe ticket is made officially, by the solemn set of . the .Whig psrty,;tke . repra- F esnstiee 'of our ptinciples,, and our duty as Whiffle to Give it anUtulivided support:- 'ltswais of Lunde and Woke. nays?* Ahnip resorted to at the last moments of the campaign. Pay no heed to them. No truth comes to light at BO late an hoar. Our opponents are des perate-,they scent defeat, and they will resort to desperate measures. Set them at defiance by calmly wotinethe Whig ticket, and by exerting all yourinfluence to get your neighbors to do likewise. We expect a good account from the country districts, and we expect to scud theta in return, ndiss which will casino a shout of victory to sound all over the hills of Western Pennsyl vania ! • BEING OUT TEC LAZY ONES! We an know that there are thousands of citi zens of this State, who, if they vote at all, vote the Whig ticket, but who attach as little im portance to this high prerogative of freemen, that they will 'nobput themaelves to the little inconvenience required to go to the place of voting. In this way we lose thousands of votes at every election. We subjoin the vote of 184? for Governor and the votes of 1848 for Governor and President, to show to how great an extent this evil operates • DEMOCRAT. BRIO. 1847—Shunt, 146,114 Irwin, 128,138 1848—Longstreth, 168,221 Johnston, 168,623 1848—Cass, 172,186 Taylor, 185,644 These figures show what immense number's of votes are lost through the carelessness.and su pineness of Whigs of this class. - In 1847, as the above statement shows, more than fifty thousand Whigs neglected to vote. This inns( not be per mitted this fell. The interests and principles at stake are too important to be lost through carelessness. Active Whigs generally feel that they ought to be on the ground early, and stay there. This Is very good: but It is not the place for alt the active men. Some of them ought to devote the day to bringing out some of those. fifty thous and who staid at home in 18.17. No better plan for the rural distrietz can be devised than to hi up wagons with seats, and carry all the willing and tit:twilling voters to the polls who may not hove conveyances of their own. There is some thing cheering and inspiriting In this mode, which, were it generally adopted, would tell with great effect upon the general result. Au old, very old subscriber, called upon MI to saji that Joe Barker is riding the county, —and, all he said, in Mr. Craft's buggy, which we hope .is not true--electioneering for Mr Craft, and defaming in the grossest manner, the character of Judge M'Clure. irbecame Judge iff'Clure's official duty to sentence Joe Backe to the County Jail, for an offence of which he was found guilty by injury of hie fellow-citizens, and of coarse Joe does not feel very friendly to the Judge, whose conduct was approved by the whole community. We ..have no fears that the country people will believe one word that Joe may say derogatory to the character of Judge M'Clure, who is well known to all our 'citizens as a gentleman of high honor and as of exem plary character. In fact, we rather congratu late JUdgo M'Clure, in having for au active op ponent a person so notorious as Joe Barker.— Nine-tenths of the community • will be sure they era voting right, if they go against Jon's favor ite, for they have no wish to have Joe set loose upon us again, by electing a man who appears to be on such friendly terms with him as to lend him. his buggy. PIPE REMO I' LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS. Yestorday we mentioned that the Locrifocos had forged the Governor's proclamation on the subject of the pubiio.debt. To-day we tall our readers that the [Amoroso, are making special efforts to carry the election in this and other counties this fail by fraud I We • learn through' a highly intelligent and respectable citizen of Middletown, Dauphin county, that the Canal Commissioners have fifty-one men at work there repairing the Dam. This darn hie needed re pair for several mouths, and a private citizen who woe pecuniarily interested in Its being in good condition has several times within that period of fered to do for $5O all that will now be done at much greater expense. This proposition was refased—the men were not employed until a ay or two since, to perform this work—those there at present number My-oar—they &repaid $1,50 a day, and work about three hours every day. if they were to work regularly the fall time, they would finish before the 14th of October, and of course would not be in Middletown to affect the Senatorial election. It is understood the force be increased in a day or two to seventy,five, and thel!entire expenses of the work will riot be lees than seven or eight hun dred dollies! Mr. Daniel Kendig has offered to do it for fifty dollars!! This Is the way the people's money it squan dered, and thus It is that Loceforooffice holders try to drown the vole, of the tai payers, and ensure a continoance of their stealing. This plan will, doubtless be punned In other places. Corrupt Locofoco officers will use every means • to . preretit the election of Wm. P. Johnston, and the entire whig ticket. They must- he watched ! Observe their movements I prevent illegal voting !! bring the legal Totem to the polls, and all will be . well. Let no one neglect to vote, and vote early.. Place in office Wm F Johnstim, John Strohm and a Whig Legislature, and abuses will be corrected, the public money will - be saved, the public debt will be diminish ed, and the people's taxes will be reduced!— /far. .4torr. Fos the riftWurvil awn Faun's Wmus :—There are only slew days now to elapse, before you are called on to cast your votes for Clovernar, toilet me ash of you “are you readf—hiTe you 'organised in your different Wards, Townships and Boroughs, so that we are ready to go into the battle, with the determination to fight until victory is perched ,upon oar banners. Let the cry be Johnston and Protection. To gain this victory,. every Whig must be at his post, and let us give old Alleghe ny County a majority of 3,000, let us show to the unterrified that we are in earneet. ". A YOUTIO Vona. OFFICIAL MAJORITY OP PACE COUNTY FOB oovEßNou IN 1848. Johnston. Longitretb. Adams, &25 • Allegheny, 1.119 q • Adams, • 526 Allegheny, v9r4 Armstrong,. 11 • 381 Bradfo;d, Berke, ,Bedford,t Backs, Butler, 102 Blair, 866 Cambria, Carbon, Centre, Chester, 755 Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Columble,l Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, • 980 Delaware, 476 Elk, ' • Erie, 1418 Fayette, Franklin, 770 Greene, X,Huntingdon, 418 l ane, 808 aul s r' J j Lancaster, 4213 Lebanon, 887 Lehigh, \ Lucerne, ' Lycoming, McKean, Mercer,. 684 Muffin, Monroe, Montgomery, pp Northampton, Northumlberland, Puna. city & county, 48 . 61 Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, 726 Somerset, 1,662 Busiuelleana, Sulimn, flogs Union, 1 1208 Venatigo, Warren,Washinton, 116 Wayne, , Westmorelichd, Wyoming, York, • • GOT. Johnston's nusj. 297 4.rysy formed Id.e out of MU, of gatas7=Zirg There were several .scatterlog votes. E. I): . 13assam received 48; Thomas Earle, 7; F. J. Le. Moyne, I; 0. W. Jackie., 1; Wm. Larimer, Jr. 1; E. C. /1431prt, 1; W/21. Elder; 1, sad Scatter- lug 7—in all, 721'The- total , number 'of votes cut was 336,819. Morris Longstretb received 168,225—being 7,9(13 votes more..t.han were ever before polled for a Locoloco candidate in thin State! Gov, Johnston beat him, notwithstand ing his large vote, and thousands of Whigs did not attend the polls that election under the im pression that the result would be as in times past—a Whig defeat.. In 1848, Oov. Johnston was comparatively butlittle known.- Now hi is widely known, nod the knowledge of his mns terly management of the State finances, has given him a reputation which the beat might envy. A little activity—a full vote, and tbq day in cars! Be firm, he energetic, be vigilant, and all will he well! Examine the, majorities. What can defeat usl Nothing but our supineness. Shall we to inactive! We have the answer in the ems of the Whig party riffle State. They are working as men _ should wont. They are organizing their forcesi and on the 14th day of October they will teach public plunderers and Locofoco debt gran tore that they can no longer deceive the people With their honied phrases and treacherous pro fessions. Make n vigorons attack, aid th!. en emy's citadel will he CUM. Pennsylvania Will be a Whig State, and Pennsylvania Whigwa ill receive the cordial thanks of the great Whig party of the Union !—Aar. Amer. Fall Importation of Hardware, Cullery, &v. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, 00.1, to nil th• atter:Lino or Merrttavt, sod others to their !Altai ertont of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 'SHIMMED DI RECENT PACKETS, Avd arblrh "boy are moat pre panol to off, at anolt prima a•owont fall to ploase. iir-A meortzmna of e4lats.rated E. S. A XVI al war. on baud. anallS:r I I LOVES AND HOSIERY—A. A..blssoN 11l a Co. here now on' nand TIA doe. of Lailles , Cerh ow ellk, and other Gloves. Alan semi de,r e. iptiin of Hosiery, comprising more then IWO domn. I)R m ESSGUgD .,. S-24pening at. A t AI crto.L., A N 41;7 L0V.. b 4.1 1 1707. berme., Abwee, Ac. utb BATTING & CANDLEWICK— :am newnrz Candlewick: for sal. by A. CULD).3I.IbON A CO. ERNS-111 bbln. Wh . .. ... . — 1 OLE LEATIIER-100 Oak tanned: Ij 109 .. Hemlock For tale by • A. (.7LBERMIN • co. -if iLD RYE IVIIISKEY—A lot of superior vy -01.1 Rye.. f. r bale by orb A. CCIAIEFITKIN h CO M j a . U i c t .A l ii,...i l, 1 C.amban fbtly on hand and r pate or A1. , 11 IN. IiERILINGS. J. PALMER A CO., KIRK. MArkbt btre.t Wheat _ lIA 11. AND .511/lizl. lIIIILADELPIIIA. bIIII/CLUEILi nciv.3bra LARD ANL/C:IIE6SE. y t UTTER-100 kegs and 6 bbls. prime No. Iffl I, to arriy• and rt.r Nos or 0.1.. SIIRIVER, Not. LW •04 1311 Second otrost- I ARLo-5 kegs No. I, fur Elsie by IA ... ' •ASILIIIL PI SIIIRIVER. BUTTER -50 kegs prime, for sole by 6:3 • J. IL CANFIELD. LINSEED OIL-20 bb6.Eiriawold'o brand, for pale by J. D. CANFILLU. ASEI-20 casks fur sale by sol J. It IDINiILLD. LEBAT US--100 bra. and 20 bbls. pure 7 for lath• Or J CANFIELD : , 1 1 11E1,SL-4k bores Common; Cr.,u. for ay e by J. 11. LVI LLD s.i, UOAII--10 hbds. N. 0., for sale by F,7 .., b J. li caNerkto. DACKED BUTTEII-25 bbls. ged, for 1 . MI a 0 by . ac 4 Armed Church 13.11d10g DEA ItL ASII-30 caaks Adams'; for sale J. II FL 11.....01(1.. L by J . . . . 1)10TAS11-15 cams pure, (or solo by a -^ J. aK. FLOY U. R IO COFFEE—"_!IO bap 4./ . /e . en . ,f . ,..na . leby VBACCO—Best Virginia manufacted, for hr J. • R. FLOYD. • ' FACITEAIENT congeguent. upon the arritel *tot pn< Jenoy,Clod 611,11ntr enbeldot Hose be , leporture from the city, the vnt centre of at. "ofloo ex....met to be 'ttle • • LAMP STORE, N. L. corns of Pourth shdeborrr sta. PHI LADELPIIIA, kther. eau Do band the .d tett •eturtto•ut LIMPS, of every de:trio/to. lo the ctly. Abu, Chand.i. lel. of the ue.rett fhatttet Loiters aud.Cand.la. ins* of L e moot aptdverd rtmatanUf B oa. h N. h.—% • will mats m i n t. Litlitlng p p Ile M.* fur .+l4l. or Lucre uhtlals, as Ch. 02.4 IMIII6ILILUO ltrzat eat at th. shorttet oath,. , °cite:sal . TULTORTLI 0.1/1115. Pittsburgh Hedge Perm Bursary, IIETIVEEN three and four raile34 . rut of Vllleburgh. rimer the Farmer.' and It•Ateer? Tut.Olt* I-ntj. tuteuelnu or Fourth otrorto tad ahrut our mile haw Cart Liberty. ettb.O•ribert rutmetfully gout teak. tn 1b.., rue. teueerr trlel the itobuc.e.oenknr,qort thrtr Fatted. Nur Irrutebairew. Of-. tr.. ame eremerLst betuses OW 'sal FAA° plum, all of which a» lashes/1h; rota. FRUIT FREt... mum lellieer or !Woe Pear. Plum. Fettle. orrr. rlrret e Nerfariu: Alrarteje, ttere, A, FLl•Elltel—rlr illtuthu,Ctlys,Sl.Aeutun he r. Fug. Map:, kur4•ll L ien .. .. Peleo. I..a.rahsr. 1 Forty. balm ne Wirt!. Popher.W.4l, late 'leer,' Birch, roily 11 , ruCltrstout. ' F y leis Ito. la. 11", Werring Att. Enoleh Ash. badi.o hluraMt trel.telt. . tr. InCßeereittem - tants AND Si! 1/1114-11s: .lutelrtr, Creltr . e Azure - Stunt rhorritat,Cleher.. A rbe.reltet. For I , DrLrht let l'eaUmeou Arewriesn Europe...la mar, WhltiPiur. tiorear rr rum. balsuo Flr.l.llrerr Flr, Nrntrib Vir. Iltuelaelt Frera, e.eteh Bram, tr., tr. ()KEEN 110UNE PLANTS—VIs, item. (many or them lieu Fret rale,) ouseharlor our rariette.• In elate., to tat Nyrrhkeicolne. Knot Chlrrtla Cleioret Tea Feented Hoare. B.ltittaltl Hoe., Nowt. thee., rlybri.l Perpetutl or Nuttoolaut Kra,. A'Arest untearr e.f then. ter yerreetlr haply. and blunt, fr-ele IL. Ca 'oaten. Ale, lleraulotne, Ortrete. Civtur, tr.. A, • . .. N. ll — Ali riders lAttal bell - rrclrlisdre.l M llh lel* yti:. or uttlstartury ref...otters Ph.. nn tall, vv.ml .1 rent .....erllots t, ettrertiune to trey part et' 010 Uttltirt M.N. Tereus wlehtfu(( to corukturbt tbrir r.lo•rurr. groutrle ' , mild du .01 to errus • relit, a. , tr. tlauk uur flee, 01 E. w e rrrrrrr MOP.. tee loupes...l error of tire ue-..antalee. teur fern stn eertre ot oreuud. and teur.eleertug (rata 'AI to le.o.otro, I. t. nest oupt.re e.l w hied are ..1 • Our el, tau f N e tor a•eplruttou. t ‘ r fo r sa pir t. l 1.. ry Pl•tellettiateenarl hr . rcutrarl r tr eserus v L e iter. 110 a) .1,11 to our oulanens itl Wilkins P. U. ars, I . lttelerytt.e.ll tereelerr Immrtast• aruttnu Orde u rs left at our eta.el to thee Doutu tt otel Id or t.. em star krt dal e. •al tad Itattentletts mettrotero. Thr pull, In ...red are turlteel to rail and arsssettus 001 t.e.t. •ttent...te to risitor• trlyrtt on any day ~ * , .. .7 0. ,- 1.1,. lINI.. JAI_ 511,FUNCII 4A-tt,recT • I DEDICATION OF MASONIC lIALL ORDER OF PROCESSION. Os TuvelbAr, Ocroput 9w, 185 i. • •ra Tyler* Fitt. Ors, morde. Mime. C i e Tyler nt tho oldest TV. Stoiratthr of Ode. st Lod •ito rut.ro.l Appenollece. F.dlow Craft. z . -5; dllo•oos. Tyler, Vtnyarac Junior Learvoa e•nlor llnkepes. Sactlarni.e. mturri. Put Wanlea. JunlorWordaeo. S ot mlne W . arte. h Mmet,ro ]altar ..1.- 0.."" Tryndeos of Ale donle Fund Society. (orator of the D o i. _ no; Boomers of Corn, Mlle and OIL ...4 pc Omni Semidry and Troonurty. i'. !looter of a lAkij.. INatiag. lb. Uoly Wrintut.. , 4 8,,,,p0rttl by tun Ye...words orllo Whin/Rod.. Urn. Chunlon, , 9 47 4204 6 101 Putast Grand Wards Wput, wand Pilasters. Put errand Masten. .9 1 Urand Weeded.' finality dread Masters. autos of • 1011.. bearing the Book of (truths, X. Jaatori Wend Ratios a Deseoll 00 the , On e Ilan th e • ° 1:11 ' , 1 bre enepart. ' th a Black Rod. I Week R od. • till,No Mem. Oraud Sword , brater. with • drawn sword - , Two Steward. with White Itods. ad-The prostration wit more about 11 o'clock, A. It., to the followlog ottle,-Prom the !!.mole WWl up bib street to Irmittaleld -down Pealthfleld to Water -down Water to Wool-op Wool to Third-dawn Third to Market to Elt. WWI said loos-up Peoa to Ilasol-alons Hand to Lltatrty-elo.o Elbert, to Woad-seta.a Wool to fifth, live r ed then Le na. e Wall. where th e addrers be delivered Ist the bow. . . . .:..... The ellisens of Plttaboryh anti vicinity are *iipectfullii Invited to attend. 87 Mier 01 the Com:Otte. of Arrantit tne hi. J IV,IIAILIIAtt. 8, it`AltiLlitli, certlvlld JAIINn sui uLE English & Sennett. WOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merchant* and dram In Yrrelom mod PM/Marsh Manufactuma—N. krennd Maud 1(1 Vint at.. Urine. Want and naatalaid Mtlebork 4, Pi.. hare on hand aml receir. M*11.41°10[1; gnodm which akar atm Mr Ws at Um ImMat market ratur . . - C 2 boy. mail NI Tobsr.b Mb tears AM Coffee, 1 , - 1 , ,, r o glb lump, 14)) Mite 1 tang Hymn To., 12) kegs 6 MIA Tuba., ° 011,11 op. A MY. •" OU gran Ms cut chewing do 50 btu. N. 11.11uirar. 100 " cut A drysmoking Oa Oda 12.0. hlolastal, CO Al Half ipanblo Mors. GO ° M. IL 0 . la - Prin.. -4.) ken Nal., ...I as., obl " Ham. " :W boa. lla lira 10012 OM, IW lammon ° 10,WO 1 . 1 . .. Valerian., '5O Md. Almond, 711bortaa,OW Umbro Alseldar. L. Wall.. Crean nuts 11) auks Alum, W Orooml uts, 4 serums ludlgo, ,gyp bores Rook Candy, bat 0.,. Man notp, Du mesa Tomato Clll.lO. 60 " roue/ ° 50 0 Popp. tau., 20) ° Mould Dlp Candi. . " IA 00,., 100 WM Crooke., 150 drum) Flu. 0) thlce. Mee, 11,0 blase Id. IL llaslus, 1102(1.11aleo.1 Crushed tater 110 .0 ' `AN, msti. rinand Nacos. Ito u t i t ca rgt: t. f l . .1., Camto.. 00 W a n, wbu o Plpoe, WOOOlOO,, 141511Ing,Cbalk. bate 111bIte Drool' brigarAlotton farm : batting, Can. • ) b o a,. "L. Ilarans - dlevrick and Carpel Cludo. .7 I Journal copy.' - J. - apices-300 mats ought: . 0 . 2 bbls. Cava; ---- . • • I cask Nulmegs—ter sale by , oo: . J. PCHOON MAKI/17'4C0. rikANNERS' OIL:-30 Mils, bistquality, a fur Me by tali J. 119110054516/1127{.11,0). fa PERM OIL .5 cueing pure for sale by 0 .3 S.AC/10011,11ARER a CO. A LUM-30 bbls. for sale,by /1 oc1 • 1 • SC/1 0 011MAKER i CO. WHALE OIL--5 casks bleached winter, tor sole by J.'OCIIOONII,IBNO 4 CV .. -__TL---- -, - -- -- -- . 4 1'.... WM 1-.. 1 1,..1 . CHEESE --BO boxes-extra Cream Cheese; 1.11 do W. R. .. do \ 10 do . Ilealp.oolobrarsd Corti.= —Sot Weby . ' (W) - WIC K& kIeCAPWLIMS. FlBll . _ . . • ' - ' igDta1. 4 " , 4°1 , m7' , .. • • . : -:. b % blab 710.2 25 do Vo.l ." do Willtoltsk• —All of 1.11 il; klalulloglis bead—the bad ortlolo ova ed.x.d Ib than...et, and antraotad Mamas socultdorry duroosido lousch at Sim. to: a.lo by ot7 . ' AWN WATT* 00. 148 1,844 674 925 678 j 726 486 849 B UTTER -30 ans fresh Butter; a 1,,g, do do—fin. MTV Dr 0r.7 I WICK t McCANDLESS. ._. SAL.ERATUS+3O casks ro'cd and for sale by (.7) ' WICK t NrCANDLESS. SILKS! SILVi!LNow opening ut A. A. 1.3 11.1,1 ,, 0N LU plft , es of we, tasldimatde PI.W Silt,. **me a* low a* twott, ...1) pieces. mt. Ulw , • Liao, 10 do nlegaol. Uftoade BONNE: T RIEBONS-A. A. MASON vlll.ltdbit moralns ri ,, L Mu- ribboos. oe7 SUPERIOR TEAS, Put* in Metallic Park,. at Eastern Price,. THE aubseribe6 would respectfully *^'' Invite the attelloti nf doslere o ant tr. their Tory up.rttor TEA, I.ut tartaill , cabrorod taa,loh heshal .otttA tort rind.. tho^ , -* uol proaerre the Tea. porto , ti, freab. The valvautia, Teas put uplo thio • my. torretaillog. are on .bylutio that Outu,ts but lately Intruttut,ll the, pare alum. entire!) thporrodpi the haame Thu Oar al . ..ottoman% pl facilities tor huytna Tea., are *nth that we aro roes tly rr,lytult P. whoqi wo are enabled to oollas tow leas or 111. qualtt) la the ea.t. Tema aohl by thoput.seribere are Auld. there I. pauroutro ant . espauy, oo that a .+ , out atalma oats fllumay cotortUal, arid tho mou,et I'AUI ItI,V.—W hake too• Wormed Liar ini.ra aro por .13/1 !DOZ.' to .ell throtin ‘Venterri l'eutta ) “..ta atJ Ohio. Worthlroa ahi daroaaal TO, put up to 11411' ha macaw , ' tu can. by ezbibillus as prouthe Teas obtaitoat from o T. avoid hums/Woo of this Wad. 0 ,,... paa th a t paokage put up by a, la 141).41.1 with Our oar wad guarantee. LAXIMN 't HAS of all goadra and pariah., whole...to cr rotall, at the lowtat3 n roteo A.m et, Ulttl a 00. Tea Dealers, oaf 3A Liborty atront , V, EW drunel lust reed and 11 for sale by (co.) Jails ttATT h --- -,---- For Sale or Exchange, ABOUT NINE lIUNUREO ACRES OF t.A:gtLi r tt i l: . t , e i l . .2 Derry Township. Wo.tmoreland Ilite ' iloperty le knotwn hr the name of thr °THREE SPKINUS.' or .. I.YCEUM" tad - 111tS:AT BEAR" Caere. situate, near the Central latrosd. It will le• div0....101 tootethar, by sale or barter (or proven) In thr tit, or ...- amity. at told, a inks erscP: mai , A. had on reasonable terms. and but a small sum will be required in band. It any adrantane to th parchaftr. F.. It. RE ASTINGS. No 45 inhuman t. or at his DIR., No. 4 RFD.. and Na. IV Fifth. strts , t, tnmediatels optaplte theßott. Don.. and Jail.oe7,ll anter3t alat .. /L del...lath, Pamphlet forwarolt.J.-. and any other Inh.rotatlon Siren, fp mo, pervor dr.idna It- troPlMmhoo 1.. mmf'' Pew. and nretaYMna their comimutocations. tri:ARAMATTAS, LIONESE s'. COBU RO! . ; b. .... , A . ..A.. x 11 /ORIN 6 Co will ~ pen this dor Ds mays a 1 ~,,/ -I RENCH ItIERINOS 44 TIIIBET CLOTOS II —Now openlna at A A. MASON 0 Cti '.i— . ...1. 0.4, , utrkh sold Frecteheleritios and Thlb , t Cloth. o r e. 1 ASITMER i ,S ti MOUS. DE LA INES tJ A. A. MAMA OCo hoseJost rocelred 15 r.. 0 of brat style. Cashmeies awl Ps Lain... I)ESIRARLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- 1 A lot Ft armod trontinit n 5 fret on Craig street 2-7i,',Tlm;;;‘ . .,V.T.;.:':uaLhe":.lts!'LTlVlTtal:,l . l'-',:„: Halbmld For terms, appti t 5 V %ON llttlibllOS 6"r A CO- 93 and t 6 Front st not l'lttsbyrah. I, ; 1 A 11110 AND; PENNA. R. R.--00 shares for 1- , .1 " `"S ' '' to'. $OO paid. A WISI to /11 1.1. A CO.. oclllltdait Stock acid Eschana. ttr6 C ,.r... C IIIEESE—)OO boxes , • 1,0 ' 0r... —Just rrereivin4 and for aalc by I. JAMES LIALZV.LI., Wad ISS Web, tarsal. ArISIVEGOREPARED CORN-10 boxes Ur of this delkhous article just r.<. sal and ; for sale by 0. 4. _ ILE. t.5EL1.1.115, A. 11 , ot et ittaiLE pli, - - 7 - 75 galls. just re'c'ta ami T V for rate by. (ortSl It. E SELLERS: a 'REAM tkRTAR-3 blobs. WARRANT 1t..) ED PURE, for sale by torn) R. E. RELLERS , . ir 10ARSE BBLINGE-220 IMt. of superior NJ amour. Illsale by toe) 11. E FIELLERt!._ el ARP. AMMONIA-2. casks fur sale by IL . id R F FELLER, C I ASTILE I CtA P-20 boxes for sale by , rod , : It E SELLER, RICHARD .1. C. BOECKINO, Mannfaetu no. sr L..king Ala,. and Plum/. Frame* and Des;- la looking 'lute., No :4 Thad street. Philo, 11.11. i'lltabarch.l.. ' S i, lit lIKIIIL :I ,4 I b A.ED DOESKINS- an cSfußby re. ,:t et.staono no ss and Saucy mdom. tch tbey a, 5..1110s n Ida —alai sunlit Curk GSM, mar. .14 clotha. sad • earl. my of sllte• ea ewer adapted for boy a' wear a. o 11ENUIN MANCILESTER OINOIIAAIS LA --Can sl aya be (nand at the stuns of co 3 ' LIVEPRY a BURCII)IELD. 74N11E FIRST .ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders In the Wiled vial s Company ot .tilaan. will I, 11,11 at the ctn., of halm..., Ilsons a C., In Pittshortth, tot Monday, Orlolser 0.513 o'clock. I'. AI K T FRIEND.3 , e's pII'TSBIIIIOII NURSERY—An Omnibus , rorpor of At aikat atpl Focal:. streel . :tt . rlZVar b fL fr PTot i t ' yleatala Arson em, there 'satanic< r.,lortir.o of 1 /remphonwo Pt... hoeS; Month!, and llntiolna,Rumn. '3.lti Adelaide )loss do. .Sew Psorra, 1.500 Dtrart ptear a select variedly/. Darhataous Plants. Latillas, Phlos,•ottibitilums. C.'ortmluons.. la , and a b.r, marts will I . .. Oaten tot dant...Dwarf do. Pest. Cherry and Pima trees. (Dilute and Wilbert do. tirspe Vsnws, tioneelwr ries. Clorrantl. Pltawborrbrs, te.. !brunt:seer, (hal. 5r..,. Ar., from the 11111 Nunes, Orders air to the pro. Ft..., (brooch the NM...bos s :l. i'..,,t OM. ....thr llard. to. CZll.= t'l lo ir:iVa r t. " NI ; h.l' "aired.. ' t i •ttr.!l I. • • ' JA' , . ii,f11;,,,r. Jr'. T 111 . 4trthaS.Ls and Shruldwry Planted ise . If tonsder M. and IL Bank. 4(I SII.B.ES of the Uop i tal v St elt . o of this 1.1',', as: `""."' hr Ko , k anYS:I2. A* Ino 4 tem , , Ific OTICE—TIIE PARTNERS( IP EXIS I - i0.1! " 1:13 ' 1,; itt".l.?`: of l:. Kfis%'? ts Tr, I st:a;4 ' . o t?». l .ll . rsmrd •111 motions , ths hiisiners as be ,totore, ..t.r M e: ash of R. 101.1 NAP!. D A CO. iIDMIERT 41% NAEN Li, .... Wal I' T..y4NSI:ND. • iU., for nab: by . CULtI6IIIYON ' ', laustxt ro,isor., , ,PW Iltight , .. I!TOIVICSENP ei CO„ 1 Vire ,Hattufactu .lt. revi r , Jo, 1.0 Mattel •1rr....7,11.1,,0rg.b.1,vi,,,.ti.1. lilltilSri ILIALNION: .,,, AND I,4I3i , STEItS n - ,- •'"—"',""'"'''. '''.4 is7li " . l B 7 . 74,ct, • l - ,i) .1. c:. oc3 urocer. 81, 1•1...1..n. _ --kiIOILEI WINE V / NEOAR— , , - ; 13.10 r ' ' , r/ 10e0. for p!tkllog— Lm sal. , I, j ~,, 3 . 1 ~ trii A.A.11.3"-1114.1 • C., ~. r.1,1t,..,q, n, COPl: f itill—fteeeit'ed 1 u. 1 1 1 ,1 1 ft.t . ... , 4,. t. , 1,J 107 1- t'" Matchless blacking and a. rilliE k.:ELEBItATEI) " Al A 'I I.:III LESS i 111...‘iliiNt.^—vairuo:ini st.,:er., tt al, yet Aer,i I. L 1:,r,3t: ' , ' ,.. 7 : ',''' t:r l ; ,," .7:7. `,,` °;: t t.; ` (;:i r rat ' . ' l7. * l l , •.;,..Ppi,ll , -1031..1 . . , L ~, t0 , ..t0al 114 1 011/SD---A lanall ,oru of nlquiv, whioli I thei.nor rlo 1,•,,. 1., r.,ll.ndr no I .1',..,,,31,111,, it .. Ilkr 1.1,0 el ..,',1.1311 • 11ENN,7:71, ~.-.1 :left.] nt ,1 , , , ......11 X ~.1.1.1.k.tbri..,,1 Olno and Pennsylvania Rs toad. i CitaNOE IN TIME OF STAN:UM) Cr th, fi... n Ni . i.t A1TZ , R . 31 , 0 , ?.: . D . A N . 1: : a ti r i b t , t , t . i . n 1 1., i , :siie . lL.:l ,N et e . r tt , te r a i n ; ,i tlyc H T.Nitra m i etr. t . .'2 4 t44 , e u et neltf OEIO. PARKIN. Tl4et area, fiEVirqloollBl NEW BOGIES! T lIOLIVES' LITERARY DEPOT, N 0.74 TI m 111 eat, oppe.tre the root titre.— 1: Airt e . • Neu at,,thly Mattaalia. (Jr OclnLet. Motor Cl the Beetorathrn ut the XL-Parch, in Teanec— k, A. lostbarber Itankbte' Ita•assue. for Soplateltur—trlttpalsrr e ra raptly ef tpwral artul.a. IV EW PLAID BONNET RIBB6NS-3100- A I pile II Ilarchhabi twee reeplreJ . fresh alloy!) of tLe above tuuratue coy., ..•‘ ig U PER. BLACK 4LPACCAS—Mfrphy & I 3 Eitertifleld base r!Mais,l a fall astortraent noay., G , r414.. 44 3.4t .. , [ 4, .. 4 foe , pot Tani—and IlliXO•orn. sup, surer flab Alpserss al $l.OO tot rant. 0e,.. QUICDRIES— _ k.- 7 2 cans rancor. Seoteh Yana: 100 lb. Cawiroast oat". extra powdereJ Olnyer. :ft this Tanners' OIL 76 Were 0%1 Lateran. 4 0 htle chip OW Ihe Blue Thrall: 1 1: bale. East India Twine-o.nm, : 40 lb. ratiestatni Tanta: te IA) this .op. Iline -Just reel sad toe sale (oe3) J Ella , • Cir tiACKEREL-250 Ibis, nrriving, for sole IT by (oa) W. aF. WILSON. . 4LTPETRE-100 hap crude , arriving. k r W. by lec3) W..t F. WILSoN ASLI—.IO casks for sale :yr W. C F. WILSoN. iI?!..E LEATHER-200 sides hemlock ran t J Ro sale by tocZt H. u F. WILSON I~IISS C , SMITH, M illiner, from N. t. Cwr.tmul, noevnevievre fsethonablc dresanaker. tense 1.10- Moms. end pop Wei...cute all miler , et the elturlest amiss. Clbeks, eni Chlldren's Clatbum mule In the neMest manner. pettish NOTICE—The Stnekholdem of it he O'Hara uivv.i'Munitactorina tamp..) or Olubumb... s. by notlard tb en assessment n orenty.nre per cent. . to tic °"'" t ' a tte vgblW"r" .1. tr 00110 lANNY, Tremurvr. • A Card. • I'VE hove removed to our wnt areroos, No. v,y Ile Market stmt. near Liberty. where we Intend to keep on baud • complete amortubent ot eastern and our own manufmtute of floor ail clothe, cartialteourMlo find furulture oil clothe of emu description; trinemot, ersi•tf 01l cloth and buff limn. wlsolow blibde clo th s wimp, oomplete. with &what' and tleuntm oi to treat variety. fatd a. I addition to the above. a • keep constantly on hand a stock of In dia Rubber machine hotting, hoe, steam 11. Wye, clothing, ladles and gentlemen's Mom, , sandal* and Muth. of all kinds• and every other artfcle Illartufmtured of lodlo liubber, under lloodrearle t patent. all of whirl. we offer al priors that rannot r all to .I.l*. locfft . J. 111 PHILLIP, 'Clarioneta. • riIHE difficulty of obtaining 'a •orrect and 1 itood4oued Clarionet In this eountr ,lhavfnit hewn louit and meerely.felt b y tbo muslial pub le, lbw subncrl. leer has had made for him expressly, • olc* ltrisrlion, wblch ham Just arrived. They are from the factory ot the Lest maker In Lamp., and Sr. weir. ' 00051105 to rini Clatlonet• ewer offered lbw .51e--fart ...ma. ' he itoek—emnprlsm.i -,1 Clarlonetto-12 and 13 Keys: I o ofvoodflod this rafitobanco. .m nut • Sign of tile ,io11•• nary, No. 101 It. Dissolution. ritlE PARTNERSLIIP heretofore ezioting ji between the eulocclbers, under the name and stYle oi 'John Caldwell row" this day dwoolred by mum al consent The burioesa of the Ist. arm will bo by 4obo JOHN CALI/WELL, (wt let Mat JAM ki CALI/Watt. CO-PARTN ERSIIIP. ''he andereigned, having formed a Co-part ner hip under the name and Mile of ' , Caldwell a tew• a st ' will contiotie the ra.N..VisTO ANL , etilfliFlNO. by new, at the Tannery of the late nem 011.PM¢ t..11.1wr11l a ' l.'l:t, D iri.Trer °""° ' . le2lllArLagk NEW GOODS!. NEW GOODS A, MAHON a CO. - will open within the next few day., opWarlie of els hoodesol saws and pulimaterof Foreign sod Poolestbs Pry blood& to which the at salon of whole. sale Mod retail porcheeere I. Invited. 0e.2 NeiXr Stock of Chickerines P o Fortes. MIN 11. MELLO% 81 Wood street, is now it r rtr gt= l :lllll=Prf k ortid P c i e r it i , F = o ? tormlialap of a/i the earletlee .now manufactured. Thu rpr i,".y.t h emimay the moos mkat Ilcsrton,withoot any charge Ihr tramportationm Halt 011 Mama MMus la part payment JUHN /I HELLOS, Agent far the fait at Chtetartaira Mame for Western Pa. • • • • COMMERCIAL • =eons A arntudr.-- ,' AdeerElsitkoate and subeript,orke tC r nl. paper reeelee4 and forwarded free of vivo:M.l,mM Ole 0f.11,e. REVIEW (11? TEE rrrreStraon waxer" Fl.r IN wot mdW 'Adobe,. 7. 1851 cxsam. lithcata—Dealtth the week. Just closed, haai ors. generally Lai not Lath a, active eta •ottpate.l Doting thy drat Go days after the rue. in the it.... 1..u.1- nrprelig uP to a ermshlerable degree of livelluew and v!irit.y.. but the sudden muter. which ensued. mooed us eltuwt rerg-t that out change had tale, p 1.,. The thet''ray auldrient InsPortthre to muse un.. at itoprovethent in that dep•rtmeol of trade. A of loat.."left her, fnr .tillerent polou in the went. but or ...eta. that theheleo opt euilleleut toalloy of why •rr.red. troth that qu.arters rou.euuentlr. our mule h.. la.so very little Improved by the Uteri... In thy riven. The ielyrn,rtuent in the ...nal letel.ratiOn has hrought P.roartteuroaterahle quantities of dry gcmals mud other went anal.. athl the demand for thltushot hoot this pelekt 'reel bee Improved, though but very fele steamers boon departed during the oral, xihr canal bin fine [mei :ebie orderitud all are want i. !. hoe to the river, to give u an active and bus) fall trade. • Ttoi Ohio A-Pennsylvania Halirtant continues In excel lent euthlition - ; and • heavy businoes haft been johni Deer that Improvement. During the neat ending onSatuniay, Ow 4th lriet,tba number of plawrigers twastog turn the r,wd cat :M.', and the cash nreitus for paawrigere and unouticed n, $1.1.2 111:. which are Tory Ilatterlow u•sults noun a tollen ocrallrowal . extenJln.t from Uns polar to New Brighton. , • A,llk,—Thealem 41.16* Ow neck bate le..tronllned iimil e j ~ueutif:e,tor riff. pnwutnytiou,rlth to workedch..g, 10 Kr noWinue our tlllef as follow, areOring to quality and Wm. of .el.; t‘c.:imklrrmtug 44(44),,c . ..41 . 1 . 1.E—Tbe. tr....1p50! arevu \ am.lea hare 1..... n vers. 11¢h 1. and small eark , e ,\ A only have transpired at fl t!.....4050 132 - 9 4 ht.l. areordln to quality, \ ALE-I%e notice a aNuallame.d gouttemaul to the mar ket at toll prkea. A \ flt . regular bunt c , ..s Is doing at the t..llowlua ratet • . • enmeuon, la bb1...... , \ S.l Ou ' - ." half bbt, ; 1 .?,, 'Sur. do.s. . - - Prime. I,hl ',.,. - -WI bbl \ .‘.. 4 Uto U p 541 mare.it %hr. ' • \ .............. o tou half tOt .... .............. -:.. 4 ZA.) 1. , ar Lbt .NZ -:.-.-; . ..: 40 AI.O.,II.JLITe hare - 51;-altehatton to notice In *lso bel. The regular current rates 4e ;,t, ga 000 lit .at, a,- . ( 4 /144/1j to airen,th. . \ . BACON—Th.Ire hare bean no h. aar operation*. in bacon Llarloi the rot week. A fair aeue4.l burtneer. ho 4 eror. 14u hem dohog at full pokes. The foltpatua are the prys• ettruing rates of the market=4laM at‘d can Tamed llatto. WI•0• 11 . , . Attgar euml do lltfi 6112. ride+l . o...l.shopid,r ,, , en.h and time. ' -antillea eirkurh gun, gnlatr, eared meat are Ilautc.l.. and are ge?eraily wkld be bow the above 11,...urer. 111:77E11—..r1r, have been kr;dl , maintain/A: though re..elgtm have been Itgbt, and Ihnstod. 'Frgkh .11 kutter Iron wagno I. worth 15 to,lB,,conaunn 'Au 12413 r lk bal,otof keg batter from store at 101.giit11e,/. 11. , • , 11(IAN. SHORTS. •r—Wr have uo 'rytase'to‘Setkaio Sr( .... We couttuue our uuotatsurN from the says.aud from argue... Brew , 1. , 91... Chess .t,4161.11184\30 GS "..e .n.l Shorts at 1 , 02ir 3 bushel \ 111 : ,,, 5--SotTlva ire Hunted. anJ we earl ouls .I,ote norolnall, from store \t SI C:('1 7Z, for Oriole Nita., iu , k , l 113:141 00 WI 1 , 11. fur 0ri0(.4. BEESWAX—We may rude rrgatuallT at 21 (VA. fro Era( hauda. arta 21424 c 17 (Mee. • EIROWS , SIIES.7I:SES tt.bureholloufarturerl,hrown ObeNll,l an, melting at 7./e . e \for A So 1. and 7r roc:tor,- &Wok.' • SUCK ETS AND T1:11,7- We Totter. the arrival of\ shine roosiderobe. LA. tlurlus the wek.. and there arofaAr sttrOta rs baud. Thu result' rafts ars Darker. SI ( S 14 2ft reu bawl, mm 4112 12% (4 :2.5 f at .torel TUbs $7 CS 7 \ rk re Intro lost hands. and lo4[ 50 I s tun , B. (N AlS—Ths regulfr ruling r . are SI 021i/11 Z:4 1 5 5: from i4004.7(4 . 417r(5411ii sles.o\ from Prot hands. BLI_NIeIS W. has* 11l eat. of ronsqu.neceto rrport W e may ',oho°. our Isurtatiotla at SvGekNu 3 ton, areortk- COTTON SAW , . (tar. cr.tt,.. ~.0.. Ttr, is • h. 6 Ittr . ha , 15 •\ u. 16 • ho - \ '\l I. 2.1 e • No Iv . 2.4 e Ka/ Wit, 5. ..... ... ... ...... • flualcut \ N 061216 11111D.6 Lave Yo LltreqUou.\ p+l,e'llr< µoder at 11.1..114601u lota Pnr 11.111* 4 . 4.a.Nr0,0 , ... , \T0 V Au. ...... ..... ' nk Qk ‘is Dv 4o .... v.r bu du cocoa. .. ORPCIL—Tho reaufur Pllts(Jurgb rutaulfactu:Syei,ur Ingot; are, IY fuln \ anti at 3 , 4 43r. ra.,b 1 tin, 6.1 rt u! 11•1 W s lyl 17r V 5 RACK Elt. 4, —Out cuuulacto 5,5110tte to tin s‘s tolumaa.l,lll, rater .1,11 tb27 u Wake. at tbr• o.lllii I • rt-a•Lar 11 air. Cruet.T. V ... ..... v..sa la', •• 3.60 I% a te' Cracker?, li berrel-.-..... ~- ......- .... ia..sa 1 .60 I.74t r eeigle •• ' f "4 11.? 5 7 ' ; . "1 .-- \....' ........ - 3 ' ''' re e Yva .. r. k 'r • ' A" - . C AN ELE...-EL•te \t♦4 n.C. , er ~ 3 . ... in th^ , ...1 ,, •. 7.d.. 1 r.. iar Ir e !• Isbute.eb mannfa. oriel hiS- •Mete. ..,01.1 tallow lteltildsc awl exectruOn• silted at Or* 0.- e),er enanurartbmen xe-r , ohm • liter Wein...kat tlxo. rates C111,1,E-Itte rxreentor 1n the river ha4roaabt Sot ..r- rarvdder,l4l4 pnatellt , from the Sr e;tecrr }L.,,,., ae. 1 IL , . oxert•t IA In exxxal Woe) r... 1 ,. Of a. 0 .0 .. 3 . 1 be. b•re trete.1.1...1 it tbjtk!AteX 'r for mexr.m on 4 ‘ re.a.to EIIIT.I/ FRI.,IT-310 'rale. bare tratertrl from re,. et it LE:44I 75 Lx tvectiem and el .$ aTe A. buebe.l for .1,1.1 e.. , bill El) REEE- L1:Y.41.1 welet.f es?•rn eured hare irenx r,..J at 101.:*Ile Si S. wltte eery ItUe oder,. \ ltlt IA iS A h P ‘ SIEDICI:i E.. , -1{ • are no eltenet. to 4 “ „ ea ~,,e l, week . Ti.. fillip 0,1,3,f rrire.ly .... ena of tbe. loadr.c etrtlele• under t . bred \ A 1...•, by- ........_Ai ~1117 E.lenlikr. rr0br0.....-13 .5,14 .4.4 in '0,15. , Ur rat. T ter.__.- 4.1 A ..varrtxda., ,2°,,, 3 .....1 oil ‘lto,i.. ~......_. 4 13, , Amer Kowt .... ...../. ‘ ,sr.: Rhubarb n. t - 6 411 A ,u•lartiv . ..... ..Itl xxxll eel lawn... li (1.,21.1 V dram l'emarta... xxo t , ..): Senna ~...15 leal'ex 1 i ,, ttuat , .....-, .1/294 1T.::1 , 14e , --`'.---11 ..';', C449phdr, rr1 . 4.....4, .s,t . , , . u, ..... ~ . . Ell,,rble Lao. ,4 4S Um yota,l,,kl t. d ,74 '..r.. ! . . ' d,! . .! '''' --- . 44 'C: '.. .r , r - t . 1 - 41 . ; '-- ' 4 . 't 171 ,. ‘ U ' L U... IV t.t.ix --- llq I Peru. Sto32:! oath -3.1 kip, b boineal ..-...., b ~ t A..:. , ,, , ,kI y, i Mille - . ..J. (4.1 ki ...• /um 14. pal . 4, 0d44 4 Vl. , 11111Trageetextb. -IS 31 ~ 011.( •, .....r. Nol LW ' i 3 V 1 .0 11 klto A.R., is .A' ...... . sb, ',.. o .4• 1:104s.. ..-... •41..gik,e , , Lexuertoo 11evt.._... '1 .4 .... Lei,. 2.415. S'., • Dell la , s' I erversonxt.... .. 1.4 , Or.- ....... ....., le tee lx \ rtes..:_: 4 . 10d402 1,1-I`.--1b.4.4 froit,, ,•go:. . 111 ` , : . '".."'t ' * ''''''' fr 'i' ~„. v t ri.otat -The ~...lu iv 1., ere, LlLirenl,tbr twig ...A h., e ex, be...te 4uch ern were 14101,/Cip• biit cisuatertalei. cuentl,• Lave bevve bertnent In br we n. \ eta enure Au ...veer trivet...en denkta tbat. 411,1 .0. th , .o.7enling 5.e4.- val.. here enxbuLlml(4 1900 or 12 , , 't Ll4atS3 1244, 1,. 1 13 la 1., •I. and 2.\10r .... 1 . ..= 1 . 1,4 *. l'.. Lt.• extra faun], bran.be et f 3 a) Ltd. Sale. fitern ?tore Le., be e , eontlned to regulat.elre : .1...1 lots al S. 33,1 if. 3 3 : U W .I. '_.k. by tbe R1C1414 eLI ak S 3 5 04 3 , 3 \ \ 5,,,. RYE FLOUR--W• ben Rant \ of nothing .1' tnaten nee .1.,,,,,,, tie, ry• dour We Id ir 4011., onminall, at l2 47 (.9 114 from Wry 1, 1 01611-The principal duet... , hake bolo Cub No4,Sier'Se Vllll—The principal dews* , tisa luOn 1 , .. Ng . 3,N41,7 crel, with Ales l'Allibbls. in 1 , .41, .411 :two: 14 551 e •X , d ik the Sirliall 541 at, , ,111: 25.. 11l oils, 54.44 a moderate isuk. , . IWO ms burn doing at, for No `,. larklual In N3g610. Nu . I In 11l 50012 rcalopon 111, dhaaN . 2:llAring 16446 25,101 whit; nab $0 (11 SNU NI Ltd. l fob Is Quoted at 14 el lou Tha FKUIT—The demand Is 111, willumlrsrfOraisirmatgla 1 , box: of 01/nonds at 1.54r26c Si. leAf Orogral Nuts al 14.01 D bustle': of Viltughs at re:\l;\ Cream Nuts at /a 7 . of nt.: Curt - any at i 46004114 nna l`Nnlifilell/ Wain.. P., : :o.ndlnf figs at 121(gUlic DD. Orange J .moats are wary warm. and we can report oo saga CANAL V figitilin-llts following the banns 1, aomuol ilia leading argicise Gnat tills I .t