The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 07, 1851, Image 4

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"tehtlatieto .004 1 4,7 ''''
„EdiMr—ln the Angwit number of
ilr* . htbiridfiaYitt?rliprirritte nanlt troth.;
ful. article igirparsi'dn''ibe'lltfrirtilia
Geidus:' Your testires4ill be ;Iterated
with r(portion.';:if Ittif .$ Thd.denti.
Meat eontaiiii‘rtii zt iPiU open the'ayasof
.MartyL:whei are soaentorious and nneharita.
in; :tVair . iiiiituiest 'of - mai of active
mina and nrdenttemperament. the writer
commeit'Oei ofWith the :seasonable attempts
to show that there fa no "necessary ionhee
tion between genius euid vice," and shows
from iiitaples, fhst the' bighest order of
Mina is mad has been ienera4y asaOelatett
with virtue.
" Real genius has not always 'received its
due fliettel frdin-the Like' true reli- J.;
gion, it has found itself
Resisted, as it his Often heen;tts every step, m
it has not been able unifinvaly to maintain m .
the dignity,' or„ to' enjoy : the s t
repose, : to ~'
C . to wliic entitled... Men of genius ,r.
baveo - iftenYCOned in
ftd. Predieillient in whichthe Min of genius
bait often fret hiuntelf." •• - p m .
ilanlisifirutities hails been' found con a r
nectedftiith' tatM.: of . , genius ; , on , this . point we
..the writes Observes.: "The abetrations are Jos
often Magnified. The spots on a 4 ;,
star are invisible—those in a sun are Mark- ot
ed by:feitery,teleseoPe. No man - is a hero .4.
to his .Own sertstit. l And the reason - -is,
.411 e Servant is an observant : but malicious is
awrnear-sighted fool. He 'sees the spots, of
witheint lieeind the small proportion to the, st.'
magnittidW Of . the . orb.' Nay, he creates
spots ifße cannot see them. The servants of
of Milt: Siddens; while giving her famous to
private' readings from Milton and Shal:-
s:rthought their mistress mad; and
etThere, the old lady is mak- ' •
jug - 04. much-noise as ever/ . Many and I.
microscopic are the oyes which follow the
steps of gAtiiit;) and often, too, While - they t•
- ;mark the , .lciiatakes, they are , blind to.. the
meitives; to 'the pMliations, to the resistance T
and to the remorse. The world first idol- ,
ises gentus—,rates it. even beyond its true .
I` , ...stortli it perfect—re - Members its di.
i vine derivation, but forgets that it, must
shine: en; us through earthly vessel . ; the
disafliointnent , of its own eraggecited_ex
pectatiolut 1. Hence each ;careless look,oc
word,,a.nation, of the hapless son of pub
. licity;*itdiet4 and, if pt Ssible,- Misinter
ireted beeisiontil` . .: high spirits are
traced ' excitement recce
: atonal stupidity is voted a sin; his; ipture
and the resetic,n from it are' both called
- innrwitriess - againit , bite; nay, an entire
creatures arisets'wliese instinct it
• is 'to dis — adver, and vhose trade is to tell
bis fault; - 4i-i.w - riter andhis failings as a
man. , it is under such a broad glare, like
that of a stage;that , many-men of warm
temperament, strong paisions and sensitive
• feelings, have been' - 'obliged' to play their
part. And can we wonderthatr—scnetimeo
sickened at the excessive and unnatural
neat, sometimes daziled - the-overbear
: ing and insolent light ; . and often diagasto,i
ISt the falsehood of their position, and the
cruelty or incotepetency of, their telf-cee
atituted judges-- - -they - • have played their
•• ~...yart" ludicrously or woftdly ill ?"
A correspondent. of the Phßadelplqa
le,`Vitiang. from NIVCIVOCI, states that
" Mormonism at ..tbisi day is as different
and from - anything which the Pr..
Weser taught or ordained, PS
tiira:q:-The sect — is' already silt L i e;
seven different bodies;," each , repudiating
the !Ott These are as follows: -Rigdou
ites, who - are the ifimen-pare of the sect,
ere scattered through the land; Brigha4-
itee,' nstiriiipy ocenpyiug the valleys .of
Utah.; Strangites, at Porde, Beaver Island,
Lake Michigan; Hydites; squatters on the
nsenxveyed public 'lands in Western lows
--Kunesville their beid-quarters; Cutler
' itee, settled on 'Silver 'Creek, Mills county,
lowa;llliewsterifee. Saeo'rro, 'Nor Mex
ico; Bishopitet?, kirkland, Lake county,
Ohio. 'The Strangites, Brewaterites and
Bishopites: are mew lights; the thatleritcs
are - reformerel, and the Hydites are the
Whig braueu of. the: usurpers of the gov
ernment of the church after the assassina
tion of Prophet Smith." •
lificroscopio Geology. -
The following notace of the ,labors of
ProfeteloiEhrunberg, -of Germany, in this
depariment of science, is from the Boston
Journal. Investigations in the
• saind.directiobri hive been,very successful
ly made , by Professor J. W. Bailey, of the
WeetToint"Military . 'Academy. These re
searches have thrown much light upon the
various formations in' the crust of the earth.
Thei' dear the same relation - to Geology
that Mieroscopic AnatoreT does to human
aryl g.eieral Physiology •
"Professor Ehrenter the literal
ing of-whose name is 'mountain of honor,'
is Anise -a short man, thick-set, with
rotted, full face, hair quite gray, whose en
-0111143113 is great on' Microscopical research
es: He bong April 19,. 1795. He,
too, lives, among his books. His work on
the Nile will soon be out. Be' has Racer
:tamedthat something like an- eighth of the
Sind bruited "dowit'by the annual overflow
is imam of microscopic beings.. The land
is Iherefore fertilized . by', animal matter.
Hi showed me,perhaps two doren of hows.
pithio - vials ? in Which - were specimens of
-tintdrtuit.nuned down in different countries
•-tridukdifferent periods' which.. on inspec
thin seirtoved to be fossil animal forma
tionie.:L;Boine were detected by him alive.
_ Whenever such phenomena as falling dust,
; rod snow , occur in our cmantry, - he
pissed a hope th a t *same of it might be
-4prerorved for laitlysie
GOOD In Ea.—The College Library,
ltliddletoiwn; COnnectionto consists of
About twelve thousand volumes, divided
into apartments,' according to the names of
the . donors; as "Chapman Library," "Som..
. afield 'Library," It contains a com
, t* set of the Arminian Magazine, trot
waned November 1, 1777. la 1798, it was
• :styled ”Methodist Magazine," 'and in 182 . 2.
-"Wesleyan Methodist Magazine." We
4ould.anggat . this plan to' riouthern Col
leges their friends and supporters
' Let the ddiation of s- even number of vol.
'times' entitle - -the" ddnor to an honorable
niche in the college library. We'shall
• glad te - seicnowledge :the receipt of any
nand= of-volumes on this or any other Ira
',tip, for WatrohiCoUege.—S. Ch. Advocate.
- •
. ~.
. . . - .
... MELLOR, No. 81 wk.' street,
- WM MAW tatiolWlrlnif new and popular Thep of
.lintog.dnninOW.O.Ylf4WW.l. ' Huth from Lucia do into.
°rsealtd==trtrf " Foo=7
Vt i vggerlip . ,- 1ae...T.-,..gx.t.v.
Ito fdalanoll . 1. bay* rkboo, Winn han.
Tata ow hon. to die; ', beaut—tornado.
lwatrif for thew ' eon. Ida* nu that ovrot SIT
Pa Ylsoltotholoted damned analn—yaritionn
jai H a Y . :Syn . : . , Lo Tyertoloktoosonotnoor ,
• .foo Hardy; - ' Bann , . mo If anj,d2Cooe on.
Way do mamma TONS We dossing ;annoy onaron
V.liffont WM GO.flodok ntev. ~..---
.'. :w.f.., ity oflrs,..turota. and Pilverll atteor.
.:141yonawyn.F1.1., Sloonnon,..Sblooon'olke Yly. irdur
. 3 .. ordmmm.,rmtddde, tad.; -IMlsett.
altOhig, YELLOW-2 cases for sale by
C' eU
E . D . L.V.p—pO O lbs. superior; foraale by
. J. REDD it C0...t0 Wood .1.
. , . .
W! MlTTSl—Mtrwpwr Blpicn mi.])
Ago. jWs i.airod • fog Wortmont of the above
' ,ottrooli 87K o e. to AV. pa pa.... of which are
lG—for sato low by)
lefiltr JALMTB
• .
,INSEEp pIL--25 bbl 3. far We by
- 7 1 tirt.a)RlF-K`J"' I.l2ofre
• bbls.
• " I . 6l3reenir leadlnL y a fg, b .
- 7“. PAP* PlCA ''' 'me •
nu.)' & Co.
nor AO:- viaduct .esers • twairtlf6 art MI.
TS, shwa watts sokt sanstud ar. vat
Lame VIIIIIIPof *am va-kil..stzsida
ma lamt
":I,lls4Aliksitai, '
-"` '
•46 , - --, ,.. ~..
WTERE,S, in . * oa f bilthe. Act or the
A ,ena Asostai et ii...n.Les.;..attut 4e. .
Lettehlting so Ilmettonsofl2 tt. Weer ".•
= W I g •Al ° l= l, & '** l.4,, r4l l: ' .
r .
ed. 1 yagatattoothereofjoCklai . Wig .••
tho .4.1 . or ltilkhettf, do th 4fte ' vie.
~.. ..,,,,,u s , to the tiilVWSOitliilla Gemara at. •
r„ . Clot i tieneraf Paystinpoleilli IPI- held hi Wo
Coast .att the FECONIVIIICII-12.1tOr r OCP0p1:14 MIXT,
The Wotan of Xlell • Sktaitfthettltyof Phi:Phut/ 1 6i
F t' lg7 t " l :.rtorP‘ k7 Ful. tl:7‘ A....4w 4 " ll" eit u ltA' 4i 44i r o r ri4l-ti b7:404 '
to root st do IttantDbtritm Itotal, am. of Soto. ..
hotlWliell stteotWitkoldi Wt., ,
~,,i,l=',Vit;: of
ur pint Ward of the city of Plttsbnuth.
The elerlors qf the WatelliW.Lot Mare me
tbsichy of
d- tsbnrgh•
to*. 0711blie School UMW, IS said w • . •
The whOlt Itt tho..lifth W..tot the oltif of Pittebaryth. •
to m of- 1 / 4 •Pusbahltanialltoe. oenthlost lor Uotheh
Mullet, Lao Alm thrown; in said w.d. , •
If tut ol =a ot the Itixtb•Wohl of tho4hy r of Plltehntliith
W armrATi r oirs6NritY4 " 4l7ti r of Plitt'
b'R'. - ;=; - 11tIltattIVAMIe d vgik:, '
to meat at the Po IN co 6 ,
The eh:nom of the Ntnth Ward of tlptea 1f Ilitabargh,
th .
Tre t e .' Cto so • lbe !rtro t t sr4 inli r' Ta tttl-oestail„,,,
~....t st the tamme of J. W 5 . , 142...., /Coigns= street.
The eteetots of U. Som.!. loylookhistilgot A 11...
to meet at the hook of WM. inamtamo; tow
net of Milo onvot and the Pnbllt aquae. ' .
Theo els... arl.bis Th ltd IN szOnf the olt of Allegnent,
0 meet at the Public School pin want s .
The yOertots of tba Fotutb Ward of thacigg tsll•ghttl.
to stect et the house of llth Wyllo. P.ast own. . -
la pt . tenr. of Pat: r a hlr ,. ..t c rteLdu st,Avot
bilk .11.171 n =l . owltottip - . tlessitt di:4.116.1 totem to
Is. Citing lot twyno. hos. 4,1, and li-uf thy city distsict, who
4 , l6 t all , : r ogvilt . Lrensl elections to the Ninth It ant of the
fho oloctora of 66111115. ttuf VW So Meet 'at Um bon:sea
John Heiner, In the villa. qf att tAbett,
-Th. eleotorsOfAbilllllltownititit to meet atlhe Ow:mot
Wco. •isatiAtTLY. •
T. olootars of Wiltina towns fp, to loot at lb* hon.
of John Shade; oil the Osumi nrylt Wt.'. noel . in
odd township
TO. elector...of Phun towothip - , to..t la the hon. of
I John Sommerwil ie. to ..1 t0..10
1 he elector!.
twornsbip•we meet at Wu hot. of
Abraham W. 1.,. the 2,6tthotn . Turaplito, In sail town
kIIIP Arens. of P.m townships to mkt at the bones of
Soto It D 0001..... the Hai, In tail to.-
Ws •
ltre electors of to township,m eet the thick
*toot Ron., near the It ht. Mom formerly ocoomad be tooth
1 bozo. P tam by Wat atm. , Tr*
The, elloOms of Elizabeth tuwzoldp, to meet at the bon. Ely tb
of Daniel Sarver, former;!' ovrtrthsl by Juba talker,
Ithrelletb korough Th .
T .Vetoes el the 00001111 of Illthabetb. to meet at the ,
bow of Daunt Server, forsoorly orropled by JOlll1 11 alk
toosoua' 4 '
Tta, e ta Tore of Je tt
ff.oon lonottlp to met at the haute
of Illetterl Stseo, Zoo/Orly neeopled by Jobn Flog. tu said g ,
U TlVectots of Illfkin townstdp lo meet at the house of n
faro el Pr 11. tr, formerly ceetthlea be J,illl heel, to sett(
The ereztors of ilppei St Clair towuzlor to meet et the eel
bar. of.). Germ.: la rah) TOWirabln.
The etertOre of lekwor Clair townrh l a to meet at the
brick boar.. the yithellon Of ttto Cool and ft. Cali
to rata. wtth the Solornov Lae road. -
The arsenate of Chortler) towrolds to meet et the Palk' "L
-11.3*- moth the Saw krill KAI) otz,
rp 1
M e O earn(
tom m.p.m to meet let we hove( b.
ke •
Tints - Ors of Polley 10•111521i0 to meet at the house 00
fend a Armor. formerly oseugled,by J. ararlselo
e 'l ltre e ct ' llot2=l l :l l r a uttrp u. to %met at the have of It(
Peter OtrOoktrth add 00.0019 1 '
the electors of Ohio townstup to mfr[ at the tr0... 1 Jo. Bye
Gar, to mad townshth I n
'Abe elocuus of Franklin townthlp to meet th• hon® l ,
ountprod hydra, Marmon. In rail towpath/-
rho electors of the tlomobh of Stanchion, to meet et the
Cool hoax.{ I VI tc
the electors m AMMO toinsabb tO vet at fthoollmose
Z. 4. In RILI.I toirOdop. I
The t Ireton of Saila'. township tor moth tt the hon e o n
of J no Cow.. 1,2 ml , l township.
The electors of `pooleo township to in.t at the boo.
Oh. electors of luthrallTe . township to meat the
e boas. of II aloes. 0 hem 01 tr 1..001.114.1 . to said , c) .
- the elortor tit. North arena torroblp . bl a meet t h e
r"°d° 'eree' l u ll.
• The has
eleetotz of Ross townthdp to meet at the hart.
- of Jacob (.011,11Lb. CD the, kratfllo joart. In mud to ,
e lectors ot Pine townthlp to urea: at the bon. of
°"Artll7: b `.l7,l ,l t,T.
II taro altar e 1,41013, 10 cud towash , P.
'the electors Of aleCondle. township ere to meet at the
a bower of Jae Ander... In odd l
Tao elsclorsot Weer Geer toa tau) eet at the bon.
ot blob. CoidaY,th odd ma DAMP. sl • ,
_ The electors, of leo. bear lownthip to meet at zoo Public
• School !louse, us the farortakkalTerentries.
The 1.1..C.0.40-0i Suzann= tot:met at the p
FTb. atale Seboul kroner, in soul Itamoutrb
electur. t I Indleoe ....LOP to meet at the house
I,oooolr ...coed by f. Newton - , In said townehlp
0 0 Ih. electots to fluster too - D.lp tui meth at Joe hires I
0111. In call thenthlP
SI TOO ousloted voters of that part of
Indtaoa townshlP,
In Alit g bony county. mid.. tboa the lollustime de a
• .11.1 0000.1.4.0. at e /roust lobo
Li .
L a. e' :gd ' yl;gQ,7:l t a l Valrrly coillvt l 7 . be= the
of Ole,
Cable mod Juno Go).1.1.0 the Di P. cor.r of Cable o
t- them-about , . mouth p a wearer hens. to the Stout
ustil hoe, lo such, =tuner se toenthroce MI azimut
Ithe situate In Conntopbaro's Iletrict, nturn . a l s r ltuf
e ' r at I'"hluirtte'rlo=tl Zgl a rlutrylb,st 4 1 ;
e 'l=n r. poll sath
Th. , electors of the borough,/
ro b e to meet M
the PAlleoehool /too o tail torotie t
The e lnman( the lioroursh of koot fuonoghem I
meet at the ftellooad Gator of .10,00 ormsty, lo sail
hittDuqopnve 11c.mugt; mart at time Fuld,e
me. said L., I,
yesrramralle to meet
Its s±ool 1141.4 m lord botough.
thiZU st
eleeDar.of the hthough of 10500000100 to meet
pg• the holt. 0( Jame. ( - heap. Moral Lorouatt
The *lathers of the hothugti of . meet at
(1.9 distr./too Ilath in aril (axonal).
• Th. rl.loo.o(tibe Isonoutpzuf PoUth Stitt...oh to met
I, Fes, 0.141 c. osopi=lortaa4,
bi b thirl4lgba's4ste:3l'lr'sot rirtit "
0 , 11 *aid oulth sete l for
Onwperem. for thyver.r of Ponosyleonle:
C 7 Woe puma for Gs.ltkthtatie 40400. 0y :lAOM.
eme „
am- grirjr''". nn of "
Ithepeimn as Readmit Jul. the f'stril.tiono f.,0
of the ...LI of alillat•lIT •
Gov pore. for ortothut Jolte of the District Coon for
••Y the county ol alle
rsoa roe t keen resl Te
t e thorns of (common 1
the a . ,of egheay county.
, eW'l Fir's= ra ''''' ter &c. rs j ol udo" ofbll P , tell;orle ,
tier- Go. person ear ReeonJer of Allelettent count - , .
(roe person Carling - later,
s toy 0000 person for clerk o f tae Coot of Quarter am
ex- 0.. pavan ALT...SW.Of All;ZheOr muOtT
thropemon for t.outy Ibruerlss4n , r.
1/ ty, Jut person for .A ulltur 4
and °AVlu'rutt,'"yetheTtlo-sTellta‘tf . tut approved the
nt , ee gethisg April
the eieettoaeof adsDarmoorockallb.thialltith Le ea eaastrud as
taareeent any militia oflaper
dam, from sera
GOV. Ing saJode,ltomostm,oi lerk, at gray General or SPecial
kiecotion Ole .Mosfealtki
too - et 4 the return JuJava of tire Veopective district, afore.
mat. sae molted to meet az the ,Court Musa lo the city
olopotthursh, on the Frith,' after the *cod Tuesday of
MPher" MT; env:. •pa,itreta dutlee
rerpthed by law
01100 ander my hand and Della; Pltttharahl tale 40,7
of September,A, I) lbkl. gal alba lolel , ..denthzt tn.
• 0 Inured Mates the oes'enTy culla
o , iniO3 drated iCARTER COATIS. thera
.• , •
_ Proelamatitm. • '
Or i ge
lo 4
FOR the infuruatatlonof the electors of Alle-
glonar Comity, I potion the fillowingesstione of
to /Ist of the °Wesel Asouitly of the swoon of lESI,
entitled, .An Ad to provide Tor the election of lodge. of
t .
the several Wort& of Wit Corrunotwoolth. and to regulate t
certain Judicial owoisse."
Seaton Tho It mood br the Pena. mad flows of ni
llicrweutatlees of the Coossnotorraith of litinowlrenta
In General Auer/Oily wet, ad It le bulgy warted by the El
author., of the i.e... That th e gostli,4 electirs of rub
of thaw - rend Coulltl.4 of Writ Onamon • ealth tie. et the
nest general eleriton...r the Wise. .d plow of Weston,
represantahare. nod • lonseer. It shall therolter pews. .
peceptary for an election under WU Oct. and adder the - -
' Cocehtntion of thittierrilliOnWeallh. rote for nee perk..
at the Ant election, sod at ettery electloo therearter ite
Ml= us shall be uwetwarY utider We 7 , 70 7 .00 0 .• hereof.
to serve &Adolfo. of the duprome (Sort of tote Conanco
wealth, one pew= to owe ay 1.7..1.1k1n1tl Jude. a the to u
distal dlttrlst In which web ostust, Wall two ...Irmo ler fee
eon. to twee 13 sawciate indttespf the over. , wit , " °I I
oink aunty. . . . ~ ,
So. I. That the eitaliged Shown midis. wt.:kin the 1 -
parralktiosi of del district 007 or other court of moor
row existing or bereatler to louvered by law,abeilar. the
nest general eletliwr and itlow tberesiter the woe
WWI be rattit./7, at the Aloof end pl.. for holding
each elootiOu•it/sin their reeplictlve of
diarist., vow
gor'otsi pawn for prodder. yndge of such work and a.
many pawn) foe woe-WO haws thereof las shall be re
gutted by law.
Ste 3. That We indgre oetbe Supreme Cowl and the
president Jude. of all other trout of retold, end the üßru Br •
...latejudge. of tai idiarrid tenort 401 the Court of Coo.
mon Pitmen( the rlty awl WOrity at MI Wrinkle, and the
I.ll,r,itt,:tlT.l'Lthiltr,ficUP,ritTrl'',ft",t2: .401,
fed electors of MO fetastoonwerktth, .°4 .11.00 beethereftte he
qualified as molted hy the Omni sertign Gf Wm ton ar. -
tlele of the ConWituflon of tot. Csortnottreolth •
dee. 4. ditat the elartlen :of Joslyn shall tt held and
osolurted Ix the Beret./ eiritrou distrlote In the .tore
I L l T i ralVi n bet;lTZTritn i a l r lo7tr i =e ' XiC i."6.',
Inapesteno *oil other oflcers: wid the poritioto of the
bonsgeneral osetubln entitled 'IA& Art relating w the elec
tions onthetion.herriwilalth,t approved the ow.; nee of
Jule, one thorOand eight hutidevil arid thirty..., &Sid 11.
mocha sOpplements. sod all other /Ike lent eel. Os the
....hail tei in force and wiplicable,ehidi to deemed sod
take. to apyily to the election of Judger Previdel. TO6l
the Worn.' electors WWI rule foe tuigf th e 3ciprone • •
Court co • Myra aro 0.00 01 gaper. and ... Pa r jadif e
requital to he leaned Inlbelew en wrow. Piece •
o f nate , I' •
1 ses.k. TOO at • meeting of the return Jude. of the
several Marko In each cowry provided tor by We act
howloheltior dint, 40000.010 Ostrow ef ehthe, votes giteu . r
In each earful,' for fridges of thetaprento Consf, asal all
fudges 006s0 the, qualified Win& of . nob rowdy are .13.
I 1717•1 70 elect of retwortrelunconnested with any Wiser
county or district. Wail be We wit 17 the choke( the
Tar r
glPhr d' eg itlX'et; 1110VeTe"rttrUe'
Ifrottuforeary of the Court of Common Pleat of such route
ty. writ the other he WWI. lortrkroyo en envelope. which , I
"..h riwtr n ' il . t!las s e n i a lf :....z.L:4 to a:t i,-,,oz:.'th"
tlom t. lnc, LL That In the cowl of ore election of profiles. °I
r daisy indiclat diftein. re
turn of ow or wow
i ' otirtin. at • weeting of rtie return /whit& In each of
sorb counties,. tot clerko ifermaid shalltuake out 0611 p ,
Helen:tent of WI the rotes which' Wall hare been WI. cawed
nob election within the counttizzrry frit,. awed at
• ,Wtidg"."WoUtistrd4i3.darClVALX and L ' te . e . l% d y ure a e ,
atiaillate cheeks of I.lll.lsternerd, awl of
wogs.. w
the owe at a matting of one O f .
, . eponym, eettirk stoetrag 4.11 t a ha d on We roventia day
afor the *teeth., silts , roost bonne of woof the roan... „
V be 0....1 II taking wish counties alterwoelyso their . r
i • l il. F t.. 7! TLATlVe'llitllifw df the evreralcountlee Gavfng
so met, shell roil up W./Several wort, returns, sod
' t k. ...1 121;Igna'41_.!'!0:=14 !I 1 7111 1 :411 0 •1 0 1:7 ! fr. : 4 0 :11 ' 4l . 9 1
which the y n en.Ll .certify,..aud one 01 which they Well
lodge forthwith In the 6M...0r - the prothonotary of the
Corot of
Plow or AWL of staid counties, arid one •
of which they shallettelsok owl, and dins., w Pb. Error,
Lery of the Cornmonwealtb . In Pb. pagan preN•l7l3ol to
et o
the fifth wilco of Ltd& lict, ' c .ts of &o • '
udge of
re. rt.Tt.t in =mot the electler j
607 court of record owe' Costing. or' hereafter to be
to created, haegiselielitin ore. territory tying within
o r al rluti all atly gounty,ktra retOrn Sag. GI •
the cr &WAWA within much territor7 "LW. '
ccautioide•g or maw - alight. wait respect to 'wk.
election. sad Walk attire haricareg raw. °film meeting
of Po returondges ofenrottaintyoproseed Ire
all reetode
In relation to Nob electleu es If &wired ot the curial
ei Goel4 In Um elstb sectko' loreef, wool that Wow eh
lodge ore of Lto duplicate,. .10110 lo the Wine of We '
ari ' Clerit CfPBl.l week Itteteeil.of that pith. prothonoisly of
en , 131. Court of Skowson YOWL' ..._.:
_,_ . i .. ,
Sec. 9. Twit au the grefiTuteday Of (Weewoer &wit rai
lowing any election sirthurisall he ticks tick the. liecreto:
of ItieCommonivealto WWI to the house of helirwento
. lives, in the prestwe.of the Governor
such other cit.
..,1 low of itde Coonionerasth le war chi.* to . the"
caws the retsina melees hi m it odtwilogrorielorot hero
of tow opened, and Inv . ..t. Lb. Pidgqi Of the
~..7 , : raillt:. be wchrately computed, and the Gov.
with WM.. Ida prochisneliter declaring iiii
• Itunl.7 at the venous eolot lie judge& of the o.9www,
.I, . Lreart ui WWI ler required to lie WO .4 bY thlt °a. a d
who legre . owdred We &ruint number of Tot., to ke do
lyelected, I i
PrecilO . Tbat She ere persons chef
In tthe not ...WWI, *ball noe a " so 1: 0 ,.. * ; 1°00"
how t he day UM above mentlanal s i jibe ttlwe ' ' 11. ' .1 .'4 1
hWe tlo Pogrom.. Conn W. lientrakurob, ois o b.]; '''' -
• beflets coulllnlest the Walla kifioo . o ,„ e ... °° ,, u ,........ 1. !
- 'MIMI, yesrs . ' Welts yews," tosd -pd.. i -- , 1- " ,
n Two, row.
tirelyxt a bs o tt . it b =qo: ; : t inriall each MOM Mew .
rale eta tarizintance,And thee . .ririr e :`,..t " .b. " -°°4 ° -
web tekikOng Lo We tioyer.r. fy the malt of
• . &cal. That as won as practlcable mo o iy,,, ~,,, T •
- day to - Noma..
want nol election of jud ."- wee.
the GOWltire Wall want Untiperwas elected mine. - I
ecommisslensaskscrw requireAtry law, us With I r Pee . r
tire Whew from n u SC. MI Ifni Howler to Ill. " b•
. mot following nub electiott, for trod' .1 stew we ' re Iv!
Alrealisp taws Woltlre 68 gweeribed whilie c a t ebi Lh o
p o niod medico of We VW article of the Constltuhou of
° by. Wif Ldwalinrce•Odth. I
. ~ ~. e .,,,, ei.. That le the ferrule( any' :wawa owereog In .
' • ,65 •,: rhan WU liOndownialth. by deist. twarowit,
Co. t y,,,, : - froth Leer. theta:Wig reelect reetheeefo
Wile rtreCre==l VA =7tl=l,'"ASl l '
, nr•-- IngtketteXt Wawa ClectLru ; and Ito guaritieit igadoes
tn. tiallUit c = nra •w a nn V WWI hat Mon
, thi p, moatliftet 'llltarrief oorrrr.
. .• - adiggitartgagegainagr harailiglinia pancrigad e a agar:
. . ... .
1 11 / I tri 44k''Stig*"b*LIIZteirt trimW h Al i A
.riflles In caw of way Qt., yJoa.Mic
a«. LS. TbatllitraleaUakat iwyMa utia - Sica th•
litoproos Cattrt ntberjayialetalteil .to be Lund In
Ins laneVenT biliftdevetterrellitlestetlb.e4. 42.l
,Yoter• of tills Common wealth ar afyiliainioarT in." 4.t . b y
Mtak Panto tilt:m.loo 1A tbri arlactitans. an tbs.
I awaMmabititicif-tareinrinaf= by alsa act
hipmlabstorwriadifba:erartmatem the Mcrae* of - -Ist7iPia .
.NM ea Cloyartain Maas CorialtOwirealtiL • •
IL flat the Court of titular Sias us of oray
atilt baceYtirbilictioulo bast and ;amt. all,
imam rtittlythsrimnon 6f Say
..,t4sted,lEvarkbd.-I.llaat judg ofwa r mutt
! ttol , Jottim.lberrof durias ton can or bin own
:SaL If , That Minn Ilnypetitloo In writing. of at Imat
twenty quallded &atom of the proper County. Yarifial by
. ibaafidanitofat lama two of I. petlUoureL.CoMPlMMOli
an atmue election or napemaim of ant Swaim as ar.
meat... Jed. otter mum; tby court barinit-Jurtallaton
ichall appoint Imitable time far baring. stab complalogy
totWo of irtSch shall be styes to the enact returns! .
elmbal at lent Trutt.). Oaf.. snob. Waring,kaaa /web
court rball ham all the pawns la 1/co Priarasie! conferral
treitS ffr u gm a t ‘t rry ed
cmiraty •314 umsisply ommpi--Panani Lyra IL Mi. S u
yen under my . brood Pittipa tbis lad Ilaf of Sep.
[ember. thy. year o f Mir lWra, one tboamaill Attic
bundrdl awl liftywne, and of thy ladepamistan ot the
United Stamm the werynty-tlftb.
, acolti - C. CURTIS. Pherio.
eV'. so osa, itet Received.
[LEAST: a Problem; reprinted with eorree
-1 lions and addltiown by the author of Alton ',cote.
i o
o7Po ' t grutu gine: hrJmob Sh l,Bll -
Dttno., onia. .
Wsi.. Math a Tale of the Puritans. 12m0.. taus.
Easltairy; a Tale: by no
Dowry. author of "r
mai Fortune." Pap. arid
- • AtiVatun'a lasettanire Ilaiimme SnnincBre Jour
.nali dr
~-. ertoed Uletloncri of }1.r.t , 00tr... t 0000. Wort .aT 00-
00,000inr. No. 31 sun SS.
haulm& Pictorial Meld Book of the heyolution:
Palestine: Se 01rogyaohr and Bible liistoryi with :hi Lilts
carrsphic Ma s: by -F. U. 1111.1caa, of.g.unGeneeclintfes
sum, .811184 by Dantol P.: &tither, 13mn. Inns
for sal. Ly J. h. 00000.
Tif Apollo Itulyinga...Vnurihtit:i . _
I ODFREY MALVERN: or the Life of in' ti
A:1 1 1' Author. or Tbtanas Miller. With tnenty.tair
lustratkins by Phis. •
Travel, in the UMW States, ar. daring 1010 and 050 .
O ttio Lady eatutelloo Spam Pinttley.
So. 8 of London Labor land the Land. Poor.
1 The ahoy. boas
vir e-Pr ...SIC'S' TdAGAZINE, No. 6, for
ilN=t... . a DortirsticTate.
Pastan. in the Life 01 .11ra. Margaret !Santini...l.of Sun
"OsSiZtiTtiAlt;7l-iarall Drpot, upporlte 01.- en
EeI!.SICS MAiiiZ[N, Nu. S. fur tom Pam ot on years' standing eund by Übt rl. u'+ -- - - 3 --
A.IE.. AnehlauLialloant AVINO DISPOSED OF DALE MY ta... -
•a is Home: a Domestic Tall Mr LI.IO. 'motto- D eer bir Iha been athlete] with Itil, IFIIUeT IN BINGHAM'. LINT' to MY bro th er ,
to the Ufa ol Mr, Margaret Alaitlemd.of Sun the ell. Pahl° forme hut uu years, sod rould to/verge At. 0 UlbdUA?l, the bud. oat Pittoburth will hare
e, wrlituLby betaelf seltet •• pt or himilor. but I. [ha umof 11 li karult: Mt, be tranembol wader the stYle of -Wm limoshmto a
red at U 01.110. 0. Literati Depot, opposite. the. Post Arab.= La oiment. applied nor the tomplmabout tin:, of Co. (metal
1m: I {Ski 010011 all
mgr. lour um.. dcl. It war eutirely removtab sod 1 hare 3. it --
,--. ------ -- a - nothlua ol It elm., Leal taro tha stable one Mai., t' Binghams ' Trans rtation Line,
Ili KS 1 ---- No. 33 of Byrne', lEetionary of ~,,,, ,o.„ 0,„,,,,..„„,,,,,, 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mao - hanks aml Ettaineartny bled, and fell a•Most my legs, etarhille Lad aralatl/t awn , ael,. is 1 .
o, Anbletou's Meehan/ea' klagattne tMd Engine:re' Weedy that they turned Aimy hat, retolaring
vowed , . I applied tour Liolment, and am won . Bervrtzkkk
A Orosarrortmimat of Clatoteal .04 School Soots, •rtullAb In a leer taTe to go abut. nolo so moat I aim
'4 Star isle by . J L READ, Agent clothed tor roger lo a ehotklng Mannar, by loud.. a PITtSBDROII & THE STERN CITIES.
Yll %polio liolLitora Fourth sti or na-lt log ult uit tut runt I.lalania ...Maio! it on
B -Ram taken tu extbanot. It 3,P JOHN 11 Ilelibla HE CANAL being no r open, we are re 1,-
_ _ - 1.• II Pmeto , d. FeOrta es . 111, Feb c . l•to dy to rt.t.tre and forward promptly, Pra.lar• bad
NSW Music. ____ Tobaudlo. emt and mot_
lIE SPERIT POLKA, composed by U. Beware of Cow:ter:fats. ,"."-. .t i'' ' " ""
1 orlr'lll'lo
Klther o yfird dedicated . EuPhto C PIM , - of Clio'fu OLIAII.II AtIAIZIoT IMPOIrIrION READ TUE NI, , Proime ant
Met...handl. wlll re.ol-ed aril l•rward i
Lt. 11..) CAI...till:LI I eot and wt, trubout any cha no fyr Lmonl.oo
mien Wahl. arranged by a Klabert, ea played 01 OM Poolle to pmticularlt outmoded b,,,1111.4 • 8.. i T.. , ...7 , ight , “... 0.4 ....* , ...Fe 100. 1,
00 _
I d, ' D U lrtt - t11 0 .1. ` ,1;211:, 1 1 MY '.'' '" "''''''' ,-,,7:=1,,-.1"1,„.":,1,:e.t,-.ravv-},--.1. lanai'] .„%";...-.Art., = rlfl.l, a" th"` ' ''' " '
dry Jones, with varlaUttou by Date an Unitneut . ' This to • 11•11011.IP fraud mad More'ltable WU. RING 1 CO. Canal Ilapin,
e Autumn ~£ cur leers, orei....o.larver to deeelko horn h. taming 11.0 uame al /moon . Ttorr I Corner Libe rt y and WIM lee OA. I'lttrtatr. ,
ao, agm stlvntirao of ForeitQ. Mtiale for Plano. F lute, ~. 0 0 pgr , o o o . „.., ‘ „. 10 0 ,
,„‘„, 0 , , ,,,, 0 - 0 , 0 ,,,,, I , , 131 , 1111A1l A DOCK, 15,3 Market .
to. do. IL SLEBEN 11l 'lard Mo., liniment,' tor unprencipint dealers Intl cur.. tb , .sll.- .b.m. , .0 tour./ .00 ilronsta.ron.e.lphta
o 30 le
•at the Oolleu limp RlOO4 attzarc norm you for th e genuine. but almom na. JAmdis WILSON.Agrat.
b.-A splendid lot of ar/ PIANOd IlOw 014/Inta‘ r , r . 1/ u threell. drastan Lammenl,' amt taiaLo ahn, No 114 berth Howard Meet. Baltimore
eery ]eau --and head /,oboe Plarofor MO 1 _ m th e gego u g , g o., y p aa , 00 /0000 , h . 0 , ~,,0 100. 0 11 .„ JAMES IIINGILA M. No. LEI We. e . -
----. ---- New lora
-31-ERIOAN STATE PAPERS.-State Pe- 1e.,„.1=2.7:27,,,,, ,-, ,„u7„0,..._ , .. 1 ...„.d. c rr1f,,, i ,,,- A d ro th,: , ..,, . ' chi -- •
1r Att i e& c i f Il t ordeTT:tiggt t Ottl l ftle 1 r. tod I .4 l ati L" .er.,7•7; 1 ; vekno.l 10 et:ry 1 Aro. Nolace and llamiat to
~....cOalplete/tAniratnutfandatteLSlADlA.l.ll the Unitel Mau a m whoh me la not mtabllabet Apr , ,
t LIMY including Cutdabeutial Datuaeuts. or letter .II .1 Farrell, Poona, 111 , with good rehreme Merchants' Transportation Line,
~..,, w rny.Ly murn;
co W 1 m to char.,. ter, reeponeibllity. so
althea., etatutical kumonocal, and Di Call en the .000 1 who will tarnish it.. of Charm, • VIA PENNSYLVANIA CAS. aI,S AND RAILROAF../
7t.r.. h i/ I lld=rt 0, •••• Le Lethal ,
'Feels, t nether alt.. book contaluing touch rattlaile int Innanon fit •l.r) rl4al OR PIIILADELPII IA iDIRECT-WI 111
L-... of the Artaand himittacturea, utd alOcorlot the a 01,1•FLP 4
ots el the Trmei trutalbll. PILVIA-aweenta, 60 Nut., mot ens dollm per beetle. OLT ilLgUll PING
ha shoo ealttabla work. for we by r.... .n 4 orrosow to ...stars-tura, uy U. O 1.. 4 •11,,,,,,,, A IUe.LNOLTI ACO Least Dana, 441 Penn Ore.
tell ,tt ... bIOC.A.TON 4 . Market ot Meant= and 'o oprmar. mt whole druittoted, No. It Patti.. Arab .
.. -- " -- 7 ..,- - - - Math /doe% Peoria. 111 ant 1. wee r /male an I rootlet CtIARLLS EIA 1. NCR Central It& a Erni etoot fI a
mum for the =Damara. bruprlator'a Dale in li 4OP Udall& 1 defla I
I KLERER, 101 Third street, sign onf the ,....0; Mood ~,..., •, • ore prepared to receive • large aunt uutenan leo
o rlf. t crt V caner - Alt.., Cas I a prolum to ship on the opening of the emote to Pal..
a GOlden Flarp, haa,lu. teralsai- , dotabla. ]]d e al loOrmechtde place, M lower rate...,/ lc
1 A IILOOIIEII. or NEW CONTI/ME POLKA. with a The Gilman Body Must Perspire, lOw time than in am Pre1100.....9.
utlfol rhotata of the Bloomer• eogtuJobt....ll.• iiii?2 , If. The Inorearod numbee of Trurke prorthl bt
the pato/ear of the/floe/mem c ky E lows SO SAYS NATURE, to have a twenty no. I Mat e nal COSIMISPOF.Okri tor car l, boa.. tr..
KILI WALK S CEP, • Well ntriarb y cempoution nu poem, and persons who do toot peon., m 514 o. kimituede, ortll t /event any poAsibilit) of delay as
beautiful Mr a °Nally Wm • lair' Jobanowo. Uoldaysburg or Colo 116. Illb. 0. wren
Ala • a aupply of itooton deumerma tile. rack tylt. .. 'W....V...w........''.° ..... N.. .. L... C..
btleadeat ...1. eau.* a foe perepludllo, and at the • 1 raa V A 11.-AbLiTl a Ltt,
Chickering ' s Pianos. I tune tnolliewA aul mien] th e eked. 110ing IL th a t r,
an mane , , I A Auld Haan
OH N 11. MELLOR., Atient forliMil aarrh 2.4. Mauna, arA , klora , ar• to Doty b.'s. &Fogg 13 5 1
u.. or de oo as at Us. 7 guy...m.ln 14 lurk ko
it.1it'0,01.'11%.:00%r,.'',...0.%0L0r gYL.woodb“Teb who uo it .P: h cam. md Und it tudalllug-•• oho in
YolattWra lilutchowlreolOoa. or my othm sidled...ea loe ..
Nmenad awl Dow "open for we, the gob to Shippers of hlerchalde, Produce, BCC.,
/trace rm. u„,, r....t,r ~. moan. that thir .no tooleo. used ametrum ee
.....4...0 0, ...." .....L °I 11... " . '"' - - one trial 4111 trove I could enumerate at lea. *UM/ I .'Ol.ll/01g Wilwell-wart. 'an. 4 , IATIAIonu All. , TO. ,
.. '"' W "' st M. Cb" ' Wee " k.'"" r '''''' moot. cured of em hrs.l, oda 1(115. LLd , r. bemd REI.IANCL ' PI 1 f SEE ROM 'IRAN SPO ft
0 .. 0 .v.... , R.... v., ...d e w Pi ! ... r . ''''!"'' nor it -sod the reader ].rain emoted I aid uot. ru. '
Ora Fir e .. - Plato - 7 . •i Thee eel. it I a lt, Move, ualte• I 0••• it l• tall I mtute. TATION L 7
ta• - • or Ire : bh .
. plux. Ttoee 0100 art liable to elided, ataekol or chapped mom , atglyto k (..o. Proprietor+ No ''.. Mart. ant I.‘
MU Mad the. nut unit a Aare, bat a prerentive, mai I .ail I 1 . 0g0 ., 1 ,... 10 .,...1 p 011 , 4 „1 0 0 1 .
~,,,., _ . 0 , 00 , c0n .,,,.. i . .. I ~„,,., ,1, t r, ,5 t , .., !...„ ....e ,v.
~ ,5,at z ,, ,, 1iv.1. 1 1, , bx, . .1,1, b ,: ,-...!.....1.: , ... , ,
j ky ,. 1 , .L A ,L L 100 „. 7, 0 1
, A 0 . ,.., n ,,Tu t.......
u. ltata. „ Pdtmuon
Two ° Nome -
lhe atone Plano Foam or. ot to.. lam. 00104 of (oral i rel. tr , 0 , ... , ..X . . r t1e t e n t ,. T.4 0 1 0 . :A . ,e,,,..„,..„, . 0h 0. „, , ,,,, , , , via are popereu,on_he cpeuitif' if the P.•1an5...? i , ..
. r. ' . "' d ..I'h all ' 4 ' ChW":4'. tm .,''' '.'"' ita th ` I entre ets . e you ail tor Jot. 101.1,LelL1 • al t‘cap-un f‘L.:,'"'',l", t,", t ,,,t,1, .17.., r , 1 „... tt"
tiff Invariably' the Mu. mat Barb M. - 1 3 '4 . r, 0 .°,, 0 , ' ,, . Our It hal e owat J ACI.Pts, uraly *Aral In l'itt.le arra, ''. an nlll . . ....." .- - letl cal
arc/more 1n this region the mPeom me . - = I mad el Woof;
•rtattob ' -o,„ i , gr, ..
00, ., ~,,., e 0 0 , 0„, moui„ , oo ,. 0 ,,, 0, ., •• ,,, ~,, , ,0 0, ...
. 1" ..i ca , c ,,, 1 i y . ty . o hLt_e
~.T.,,,,,,i30.11;,.-t,u,,..1.,.1::?,r,:,..8.:,:t1,1,L.1:. ~ SZMI 1851
Lred by Adam M 0 . ,. A C, Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
Quo Iteaseao.l4 octave. Adam ProJart Os Lir meurartt7st ll the. breath le arm I.J, foul. < r the.
one .0 a.. theme. a Karen; teeth Memel, darlt or pow., and S eal Mtn wt. , I J %NIES t/ C.lbboll ..0., lanal ibuon, Pateleara t•
Om .. 0 ° Ao. that •-. mot %..../ .1.00,1 Allitsl, rutlit I .L.O •111 Wall. sig uy „,,,,,,, 0 0.0 u .,,,,,„ , 0 . 004 . 0 , L . 0 .0 0. „„,. 0 ,
thoe sae'-trod .3 .... tlt l• LP •01-4 ila mir. im. 10.10 -•..- 1.,.....i-b-- ----, I ar e ,i7s.lthbourtistreet between Market out th et
Yr?... , ..
'-'. .. 0,00 i.. 1 A, klgthton DAAI .illy at J it, A 6.1 .r or 11. .10 L mu, Ai, 1.14 et 1 ' . l l , t". ‘ 7,,tsjer?_•Zj P ,T..7.., . 01 ,, .. 0 „,. / 10„,,,,.
UP. t - 1.41,1• A5.•1011,. i 0,1
Oar - .1"... '• -11•Illhatlau tommur --- / _A VINli iiclly rumplet , ll our err u 1. ,,
ricraiNEs -- poR ...,,,.^...,-....- ' . .14..511.2LiN1a--3- /...' oe -' ol: " iroe-; " te7le ' ar: l- trod "- I f0t...7. 7 X 7,:21 y ." ;- ... eet oirtkl;;V•;ak.t . ,) . 4 " 7/1, 1 / 1 /0 L '•
/Amoy Depot, dlalul so, uyawal. tha toed Ilin • , 1.4' um. de. lueuotat tow its wa.oltant .0........ - / . 34L.- ' . " - P . " f „,'''''d l e b ri " 10, / ' o - ag d v.;,, et
y's Latys he., t. r Auguet I MON Me. Lam mt. ot• veure It td wa.emi th e [almond I ••••• 11 . •,• • , 1 1,,, 1 .I'. •U 1 • n „ I ,
mham's Idag!tina. dmiltlea -It mll foto the Liar ha Vat all ILO) part vb.., Lace rake sad with ALIA, 41,4101. 4 .0 ,, ,A;arr 1 1 4 1 .0 a 1 . ,
11e.11:414'S - - I nature
Inuendal halt to drotr, Wry It falling 0S rorwi-art w• Law , Al. atmla thippot L ./ .rar Ili •re , 111 . t .
Ladieehattaualkiagarit. 0 /YU lor dandrult. mod make light. ..M. ur gray halr grow dark 1.:.: ‘ ,....,.. e. „„ .1 , 1 ,, ,tut0t ..:1 ,.. ....4. , ".1 ....I. . P... '
"'"'"4 the
.ra trll...''W"''''''.l '''•
,2 fu.,....,1,` :.,,1.',.. - tr.1..... „ .. .., .., .'
- thts-it mat. It truly Leauttla4 -p.itm it I- tto- If m
DRY "GOODS, 41-.. c. , Med. the =opt aruaorakal-y..l.o.lperlwr-arttrle aP,o, imil dCe Coe. ilia ... W...... L....". ... ..."
, lokr ueberno, et Lou. Mil am. with t ato id att. ut. u
. eo ouly at 1./ /I JAVIL-,..'t o ...too I.IJ Idol, ....C. I yed°02,,,0,,t......014^1,,WQ:r0.0.0m,...,.."-0,V3,13.,.,'0.7,307.",..", 't
heal of le vat, Pmith.
INJ ._.VV. EMBROIDERIES.-Jusl received Erwm-gi e, ewe o te. mots, a-1 lil 1 ktna AI, uo-o
wanewp., a 'err Lary. wanly It Etobruttertes, . •,. - - -
.1 :A. tnedot
aentth mt.. earl oot.. ledert anill o,4o PA. l , JONES' :411 , 11:10L1 et Jet. a Liquid Human
eletlng of Workal Collars, Cuffs, Chem...... Lam sal ii „ i „, , , th , e / 00 ,,,, t4 o f white, mu, or Grey tau, i • , COVODE & COLE,
Utast. Alorms,dace.... and F.lmilmottedOno M wt. and a...guf"ol Loyd. or black ier met, lu a few cortutee .
beautiful styliew. lardoetr. and Swiss AdValr. dad it. a I.° 1, ,_ „,,,, ~,,, ii ieuereerora to Mckalon a loe/-le
MD , White md M. , , lIM. Lam "...L..' 0 W . .... I ~,1,7, 7 wig ,At ~.4.0,..., La.., ..r e el. .....,,,, ...,.,. teal Brlrt, Pr',
tint of the halm Is partimilmly oolleital to th e t a bet, . 1 , ~, o '. ~ . -
a.miamthemeortmant witl be bdual On larger; , ' _ _ Penna. Bail Road Co. -Cebtral Rail Road
eve. oftered la Ude eity tmliFel IA. 111/..." • 1.../
' JON ES' LILLY IS lii.TE.-L , i1e. , .. .t. 4, t• 1 II
Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, &c. [omit strata. Yet. the common Molar , ' .tM Id Mapping ormt• for nue Morro. or te4,.. I .
, 1 1 11 E subs h,,in t.• , . ~”,,
I DRPIIT i B . DRCEIF r IELD taL i e ‘ r , , .;‘ , . , :d . , F.::1'..,....1ii..',i,,,11':E::::'...,,'r41.'yr6111/..vr'l.' l ' sk ‘ it ,. , ' : :. * l i_L',.4,...X°3,,..0.1„..,',..&01.,.,L-,Trr, ~,..-„.,„, -r,,,„, ~
..11,..1111,Ver D,,,,,,.: 1 11 1 1; a 721 " 1 "
~. 00
'N'' ''.7.4=''':.7'1'?'11=.1L.15.‘....r1"..1. 3 ... au ° ,l:. ' l . c.. "' . ' i b b ' t ra,.:,' ",'.''7'',',f.‘"..":2',' . .:" ''.' ' ".„'"
Embroidered Plouncings. no ..,....y , 'A121.111.44 4 tut. ..,,, ~ uot. , ' "''''
It o .. rt,tiy barment, beim porttiod of 111 011.1.1.
A. MASON dc CO. have just received 1.,N as .04 It 1.11110 1. the ;am a datural moat, .1 a.m . e p 10a101 ,,,,,,,,g, „,,,,y 0 .„,.r0e, •,_
Lit and i Tau r gal, l ttr b l l Pl3? ar L rl b 7e 'a rr ' ot .I''
ixi .. I,I :i ' : -%,!',`•:1'.1 " .'d`rT=T;, -0. " ''''''' "rr, `'" 4 " k1,17.":'.7,14''`:1;1 1 : , ...7 ,, ': , „.""1 1 f'l
- accds.r. G 2164 Market et_ arge e II by Me Ayt. at, UAI JAI. a VI,. -ea 114,11 84..1 0 . 41 , 1 ) ~,, j„. 1 , 1 . 1 1.1, 0 ,
Inee 1 IG,P,tI I tut man er. - .- ordem... t
i f INEN TABLE CLOTHS -51 ouPtly 3. .., ‘...1, . Letther,lbeer /tat 1.... l imi other uram r - -el
Bcacalleth Welt. the art
,!., of ma,basete to , -
t e I savortment of the oboe< goads, mall, aural., and , MORSE'S 0..1 14,5 /bitter tart tort Ild. I L. , J 1.....1, I ,
00 I. 1.
' ILt.ti,uz'i"iLuAirnai.To...`"ll 'ocb.VoLikil'i`ll"u'i,ttrd,7.. Co Wed S P I T of Yellow D°C ‘ Root, ' A N T tita i" .4:t l t. "' le ' l L r. ' 4 ' 4 ' l ' l%r 1 , 0,4 110,1. llernaai Ala
so arolatteleta attar. to t.P....... m lowest mho. CCU PIES the front rank 'aru. , ng the pr ,- Pee.. bs -Is. a ••• , .'r r "
I 1.140 art...tart prawn.. Al tall r antrY 40 o-olo•tett , ot ul.e. a 0.11
I cur a Canter, !oak Rheum tremolos, awl all . Ito r 1.. ot rum I eull mot P. ert..... , ..
Murphy & Burchfield . • anelna from M Impure state of Ito. I,4•At MA, , W.ltollurati Aaly 1.1 Ir I --,, 4
l_i AVE OPEN' this ruorrung a turther ~.t.p.• , ‘ l -r ~. ., . ....•, v v., ...L., , Z..r" . 1. 1 " h ” ....“...
.Ih . °-,... ...O ..... ... • ..- et C. ''..' .". oF reig h t received for all the Way Statioi
I V'' " M "''''''' '."''... ''''''.. W.. '" ..... 1 I col ea or tearouota do men aal a U alt. ono.
r .. - ..........a •
' ... 2 ' t a . the LW . all is mei .not. unpre.elent.e. oo o- I on the Pennsylvania (I entral Eadro , l
r latumer wear. Frith /100 w . colored lOt in ll re.« /I
moo. Acy al the oorthmet eorner of Fourth sot Mum: 1 ~,,,.0 , ~, , 0 , 0 " , . 03 0,0. „ 00 , r ,, , ,,,, , , e'er. ea •/..,...,
arm. /T liata J Um. ro
a tom to the 1 ;',1',17,',.' •alm... , tl,
- LOOMF.H. 11 ATS, FOR. THE COSTUME r; L ' O ' , ' ,t.t 7: ' ,ZtoT7to:Vlila rel.Tri,:in. ' tst.m I Lill ~,,, Monet. kitil...
ALA TURK -Ladle, 111 0304.... m.... 4,•t T or, 14.1 1 f the terto.n.l of thummale I bring wittemeo 11 m . t ../ t 0/ . a . 31 b - ehor
alit. r rale or r.. /LP/a-O. MI Nita of the r - untry. Oen be re 1 .1 rpm, It lA neta•tar I
......1 o s I. ber
.l7 bl• `het It Mari... In 'if 0.1 I .arr ••." l. ra.raal Alrwit• 011111101.1
• 441 biota] .10W0 roustitatlons It le gatowly ire ',le . . or ,,
Black I,ace Ve il s. Ibi to It, compoeition , sod so souraoly comahmed . it. i thdlioyet .cab.
, 11 Pr porn...that the
of Gotatt.rwa atAl air.hra. WIT , 1 Learmuo 1L,, ,,,,,
t l II ,
~ ,,,„,. _„ 1 esi
... „
p 4 U ... R . P ,, H . :1 .7. " & a BURCHFIELD C.
1 8) 1 1. EL1) , 1: , ar e a
~ ..11 4 1 , ..., , 0,,„ a m eg I adoot
01, /.... a, tfromereti • haul,
Titrify the Blood. V=lrra. 0 - ... j. now •.., A `:u
u, lel.. atel gm.... do. gtmo Boo l e ..1 'lug.. b .,..,,,,,,,,,, 1.414,11‘1,1 1 t
o a er kl ram. 4 0..
rut do, blue do- black Silt Nett. plain ml laurel , I ' ...' 3".`'...1.....'`.3..'""....... ‘,. I o. woo. Pn ii...t•t.
I 1 auill th ,tut of th e Leal nhyairlauo. sad hualw , Urea
-a it kihrna, Compel.. and Scrofula, Mot/ tareepuilo p.„,,, de., .tome
e I Scarce and Desirable Goods, . P rap &Wird, Sahel to make th• imst tmpremioo upon
It nee bees, tasted la LL, a1..1 of LA oi_kßule liar WI eytom, I i
tats 111.111
F VARIOUS STYLES, open this worn- • Li tt. Th. moot 0b 0 e,.. -Coot. have ho. cured li, rl . lVt .'" l, ' Au 1100114. , d,
mien. • Um...,
4I 0 Ina, be M 1.111.11) A MitCIIVIELD-An i 4 n ....Woe M • .ty mu au• • •Luutta• tondtdoe ut .u. '"` ,c,l, ante.
i black ' llat De LIM/ Sleek P 0 •lit; ' L/•4 ' I h blutolt CIAIPLAINTS It rowsa all olatrorttono Is. .......- tY)COI:i a con 1
.. . . molar. the L.,r free, artlre,od Mai e, ruer et Peto and limn. to. . t
ROOKS —No. 33 of Byrne's Dictionary of
IP ht hanks anti Valenceloot,.
J 7 of APLletonbibiarhantef bltaletttne and Enotrearte
JoutnaL ,'
Also—A. tat—a asinettinant of Clatolml and School Booty.
An ne4anelat,tale by . J. L. BEAU. A.tent.
:11•APollie0u0.linget, Fnoritt sneer.
0. 11.—.1tare Laken In estlaccs;
New Mu s ic.
It 30 —
-pus sputtr POLKA, composed by U.
1 Klelter . ,ol tledleated to Stephen C. Fcatar. of CIL.
laye'rlee Wane: arrategod 'bf El: Bieber Ika ylay-ri ty
B7 'A . o97ll — tr2l2L * ef_lLL.??l: " W ''''..lo"'''
1 ' t•alry Jones, elm
f ast
bra Dale.
The Ahturon of cur fast"; brae=ge Booboo.
AI, a Am selection of ForelVottifor Plano. Plate,
Vlclat. ac. Bk. tin Thiel Meat,
.64 -ktign , tf the itoblete Elam.
P. ii..—A obaull.l lot of nen PliaiOd no. opaninbe.
Ono eery Root awasebband 6 octave Vitro-for eels.,___
gl rlbt .. ,==gr=car E f m fam 4 attelsrlormunr•
Nuss.;Vmus Canal Mscorrical,
Geharaphical,Suentirwal,Ftatuticah Ecohomleal, andDi
'itt%it'tt the Art= tri=4 " ati I=l hTChe
Ereo. al the Taunt DD 1 r
Tha share Talttable moth far axle
,•11 e.STOC , h7I) , 1' k
_ - • 1--
itittsa — ' — e for the omen.
111 KLERE.R, 101 Third etreet, sign of the
g aV ii ;tLMIg YOLK A. vitt;
beautiful alunette 4f Ilia IlloOtomeoatuf+aetriburbad ftu
der the pat:mop of the Woomera; c E la Ito,
rt E.l.Lif QUILL b' CIT. • T. 7 Ce 211041.1...
Porter'. beautiful air a .. rfelly traa • 1.4- -
ale, a wooly of itoeton e couersure glee Udok. tyla
Chickering's Pianos.
JOHN IL MELLOR, Agent fcir li flV ll
chlatlitle. Pll6lOl. for l'ltisturrob
od rm ~tern Pes,lvants. No. n Woodri
bn ,tend
r.u.l now open for od M
e, r tot.
foxing 11110,11110 WlCrtirallt of Nato rod... direct Ire= the
roarrfortOrT, at Mr. Cbleirodux , (001.0) Vines!
One ereffant froorsoci durods . sui W ctantr
Vire plain
ct: t ir ," : f.\'
• • rr run rOrners.
Three reuttl romers.
The sante Plate. rotes ere et the
'r ft, tura ,
tare, eta with all Hr. Clackerfite'r ltomteftlents: th
prices luvatittly the ems ea at &dot. theretl
eerebseert In this mitten the •tte•hee sett tie te.l.•;*
pottettoth •
• - • .. •
One inniesood Carved Mauldinn , by WWI/ Vain. ranc
uPaiunal by Adam iitourt A C.
One itammeail Goat., Ada. Stn.. A CO
One " It - Oscan •
Cod - 0 " A.
One ele-hand ii ..... tildaneriff. W. .cod . noir.
M: • ! - Mr A kl “- Ittna
3,.°: . ; --` ; -1/,% l n 'l luds. " ii T''' LL '4 i.cirial . ai
; vi..---nlictils: ES . .11.1.1171.,r,,,..-. ....... -. _..
• IT tLl.r.r Dz... Ilini e , .... ananini ins i , t ....•
W. Lady s tisit.l.l Anglia.
I entiant's MiuniOns.
iieslinin's .. • - .
I \ LadieetiactanalMairial.. " Iris
Scarce and Desirable Goods,
OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this worn-'•
Ithe4Ml4"reaVAN:=:.'' it
Mourns:lg Poplins. nix& Lace ob., is. •
Blaslr. kilts, neat blauratne
Oinghiss. eir. . at. .1
Attention Is Incited to Weir their. auartnient of f esnrik I s
145 n, Whits. Goods for draws. SC
W•to-day.or VA:Dorms, tram Nor tors— I
Bruton Dem /awns. sot
‘, 1 1.31,11Eit, SoNNETS AND 11A143 -R.
17 rautrai has reeeirtd • areal tenet,' u• •
Summer lionoras, Anse beautiful and tonal talks. AO..
tad Sure Stns.. and sal, flab , ~17
Hoods for Warm Weather.
M1 .4 .111.1 , 11Y BURCLIFIELD, at the North
tut corner a Yourtb and Market steer., an. wrtli •
sups with loads adapted to warm ...the, Pt., 55.
Stuteb sat absorb LAWNS;
Embrullereil owl Printed SI tolitur
isklSt, ldleTti.
Pletn Altellaiso amt al 011 llinellust
kOrase Ifs Lean..
Tiler Gaye furl reeetrat another lot of NEW I.IOOOS,
garb Pluatols, ibanalabbi Silks for &lota [dark fur do.
abet flotddr!diti.,LlA•tiloves, Vs...Wyss, 1..41 Nets
for fast plain Ulng buss, d•rk Lawn Lasts., much
Llossis and •14111 s, Wfulto Blvd?. ossr KY'. WOW
LAWN& ebanstable POPLINS.
Th e ir o r. being Ter" foil. - scostaat 'we...-
slops of or. goosta, sod sold aiyarlsonscusibulueoursts
are atbrred to buyers to nil Kul wake Owl , Putpb...•
Straw .Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 Kilmer STRZIT,
CI. PALMER offere .ale, at very
• 10. prim, • roll sreortment of Mom and 1111110-
' 9loA'Ak .l .4oreian 4 and American plain and fancy
Arta , Glum Millen Lam. idalr Pamela L..,
Gor;lo , At. '
HATA-11m% ImAstne. and Bore Annum. fano, mai
plain Erma, Panama, Marnlio and Palm loaL In
Untie L,ubom. Chip, 13311,1...,..4
Miran . lilq.r.
Jeri land, and Liner forms.ln a r eal rarl-
I":1t0/181=1-L-11c: boOnct and Scarf. Main Main and loi
tered. all IMAM. and rolmal tom (Immo mill:ram Cap.
LAMY-Plain nod Pi tied millta and ooloroi CA end
.YTYd tl' igl/tif lA'QA-kiarda 'Masada, 8111/.11. Braids.
p.l<tloe tr.
American SlMltta nonclim and
" r(rVA. irStierAlir l iTTA A-Olac Urn..B Ns.
plot WV. Mate, ilop.ote. and otter !trim. alortid
al:milli.* and corms. '
Ad tiNli-A•sarted quam end colors.
Alin-Itleb and lov mired Paraml• and Um trra llato,b aiiland
Boxes, AA, Ale. le
teeef fleAhre.
vett . len,. and entente retook of fesblonskle Goode.
W (i.otlemete4 vr.. for Ihnittit , olhoidoloif, the
nawen etwe fmerteash Fognele. stet French useth
theme: ♦ very eplendld eseortment of Vest' op end Cloths
of area tetaal , eloule . and colonethirh,tootthertrlth
11 I'V'erl4l2l
Silik• Vett UT ID A tea 1Zbe9.15 . 1.11 or . whlotiebetq l roprietor
4,om:tined to other et snob ee convince ell
gliki floor blot With s'eoll. thet'not only We 1900. superior
-I.:lathing is wohl at We establishment. but al. at lb. low •
" Ord al fright/tato; lintorertoted.heuettshlo the
pm; potelble manner onel al the aborpfst =Um
. . • '
tow Writottintir tot , el.lsig Ile Space Stock or
e.,:0ne.19 pattlo• following roriotire .
Ext,..51.074 Volytt P. 14 Carprtc. do. do. T4l , 44irr Dror
do '' t 4"rott.•Trait rjot ‘ CototraO[ ,' l P r i c rtot
pp 44; ntl mil roltiso, 44, 34, Q 4, our
4,4 n, VS, ad 0 4 wool and cotton do.
grin ebridll doum One do do I
retool do; Zoo
do do:common Chenille Door LAW t 07144 do do ;
atm, 451.0 do dui Aggidr ckacar434.. IL.
IVA% ‘ i!uotge, ' ;ut to nt Mir Me eon tti MO=
5-4 74 64, 64, 44.4,1541 34 Oil Clotho
Ator—Stolr 15045, of all Ater Carpet Ditaiwg
fro.: Km do: 64, 440.13.4 tdortiogc To.ol4lLoitc Crash
and thaw: Lteck.back ,TntArporrot frlodoornsdor.
Dud 'l4 Woo, isollorldE Yoution Winds. Korbolord *limo
Dorm. do. Tabl4 404 do. Mob ,Soo Worrtertlatto do
Matra torootord sod poretsoo4 , l oar stkialroct War Ms
moor rotelnolod /works, being or Ur , 145 , 41 4od 0 5 . 5 0 5 -
..i gr. e ol lark; and c04,..t Ire az
t p=tr . ..1414 to oAr .
Ri=rtrilo alt or , :r 5554 k
The Carpet WaraltAtme,l3.s . Yo.h street.
mehlg W. MOWNTOOK.
iieesest Extrmediaary Discovery in the World in
the great Arabian Smudgier dirmand Beast!
H. G. Farrell'/
. FARRELL ' S genuine Arabilin Lini
,e Woe, the troth
t• hleL ' l7ll t:d m bry t or doubt b 7 the rut mire a me
brume, mm lb. many cures being daily performed by
which previouely had resided all other medicine. end the
skill of the but physic/main the world. it L. coMPJoid
f baboons, extract. and gams lacunae to Arabia, pasts.
dng. ln a runoentrated (1 , their their stimutating, nue
dyne. penetrating, men/sive properthes, and g
thw same which. aged egg, were usel by t h e wdent of the
lareut, e wilkiatich antrum/one innuse.ln curing Am die
ues of both man awl beast.
Read the following none/table muss, which should of
then glare IL U.
Ferreira Arabian Liniment far be
, and Buy Omiler mnedy
About • year and a half ago. • swelling •PPuned in my
eibee sumach. gradually incrotteing in Au until It be
. large toy nid, end to note that she maid red
• best the leant permute It without (dying her extreme
ia. 1 got the ad v ie. of our beet kb.d.oni, and the d
e, er
. mo d in opinion about it mute tab/ it we. an Agtn, L.%.k or •
nlargement of the Anhui: worm , Limb it wt.. o
nt the Oniriest and others wild It was a Tumor of
lb. OM% and could not be cego-1d by cutting It
cut. Inn this critical eiluation, lest. peninaded to try H.
O. Varrwil'a Arablen Liniment upon It. end, trange an 11
may appear. upon the third application be began to L. -
m. 0.., and hut ow/tamed getting Letter daily, final
sitelau excellent health.
Peoria, March 4. tete.
'Robert Mods, Past.initer esgel
Cerrito/xi, Pa., 1ebry 4, 7.1. 1819 .
true woman bu used yob!. Liniment with groat Nur...
Pile had had the U. of her legs for three year., the con.
being °attracted to f o rthegs were of
branch while
standing,. it natural e position of the legs while
sitting, end she ronid not bend them in the least but ho
the use of LI U. Farrell's - Arabian Liniment,vhe L. nos
able In wain with cuss, and bean straight limb, I have
Nun,/ It • mint excellent Remedy for honor nett, also. for
Thpinion hich requires an external remedy:
e of ma oU. experienced. and migraine Farrier
Wubliortan. lowa, June
• nom the rpecdy and tormanesit titres. Loth unman end
• b.m., •hich your Arabian Lininunt is performing, Ido
ma beano. tia pronounce It the "tireat Ruud, of ti e
putiol up lu the ' , opera but 1 [Maya, that it
U. Farreirs Arabian Liniment caned. any-that I have
mo of fly to use, I barroom! hereen y and Pparin
a lona atter they tad horn pi-outman,' incurable. and I hare
cured moor than titt& norm. this mason with lour Lini
ment, embracing every thud+ of disease. fro. toratrbee•
• and bruise. up to eparlo, ring -lime. nod L La.
oleo War toerdimout of Its g. 4 tort the human ate
tem. I au contmol nearly ail tact winter to 111. Nod.%
with librumatinm, end grail got nuttdtau m help me un
til I OnUmenrd,l the U. of dp.'Lltddaqnt, which entirAT
wired me. ' WM. IL ditirelF.A.
✓ him Pain of ten yes.' standing eared by M. U. Farreirs
Aniblan Linn:mut '
el r. n. U. FuntlA—Dear Sir , I had been al:Meted with
• the "Sun rain" for the lot ton years, and could never get
r•lset pt by bleeding: but Id the. ure.of ILO. Ferrule.
- et Arabian 1.112101e111. applied over UM tuniPlunbOut.thrue or
tear using a it woe entirely reoved. and / felt
nottiluu it once, wont into t he stable owe night t.l
epPit it toe Lurie', mt. end being - very tame Gotta.
Idol and lell against my legs, ernirtillig and ! them
ley so badly that they turned 6,1 black an my hat, rendering
theca porerista. I applied your . Liniment, and wu •5011
ta,emuigh Ina Pre dayi go Unlit moth se neul. lal
cruabei linger In a ehotting manner, by lett ma
boot-log tali upon it. but your IdUldlalllK4.3 healed It up
JOHN 11. 111cligle..
La falls endues. Peoria cc.. 111., Feb. h. 1,.
.. .. .
• t........ ~i
/male ireakortr and 6 1 4,f :al Dr6lla4 ,
. trebutbetrina thor Wealteoeet half. Koalas .trotie to the i
a rait .4,.... ant Inligt.ratioa the .tottre eorat•ro
f the tertontny 01 thrueande tot bring winery. , fr.,on o
I Nita It thaererntry. eau bw relied awl, it it
y Maria. In curing' a 4 thneton,. Ii
reenorro.t del,tota- I
tort hro ten darn etruattltitlona. It Is poorly Vr.•slr 1
I• ,1.:,i.t.,'001M7e - ;T:.:,llr,' ,, ' l oT:=V.f.' ,1 T' 4, .:" ,, ::
. [lona.( tuft InVowllent hannolorualy unite to , I
Purify thu Blood.
I ha. remoeeel magi ennoul:diraswe • hit. bar. bahlet
. Moto at Va. Leal tohyntotano. and has - alto:um. Cvoter,
It kthenm, Crynnelaeamt Se - rookoler eetacto 1iar....101 1,
etily f1t.11.1 to make the least 101 ppr n
It ha. been.brawl la mane cataw of Car CEILi,OOIII
RS. Tha mart 0.n.0.. -Canoe. have Leen cured by
ie meilkine ia • ear that It ta a aaluable.ledw-10 0 111 10.
• 1.104 n CIJNIPLAINT.S. It 2...¢....3.4 all otatru , ... I.
'.. e "li ""'". • "P iTtitio l zt7. lL irj , fr ,....n "" aX . "4 i l: 4 .
• 1 ' ..mdt Ori.i . bota. tad it • r he uen ' t ira al I ell 173..a0) , 0 r k ,
a all wooawone ol Me year.
hie :temp le prepared nolo . hy C. 111)1I1O.orto.. at I'.
I untalto .tent l'rnethenee. el. I . and voidherle ase
re all, he to N. et ICKLltalla .4.
11317 41.1001 ft, Weetern Vernet Iv anor.
my 4 0 Wart hcner. corner pied 11.01 ..±ll4 tot, trol'oi
T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap 'Powder
IrASIIING without laboti• IV tirrauteil 1
T To tale the .tel. out of labial littn,li airl nay-
beatcyouwe root Loate-Put your doll,'. on a rottonen.
• aotn en
yof cold waxer to aer them. I en add two 1.11 O
e OW. et nal. Snap Powder.. each al. 'Oar , . 'e 0 ..'
wod with the elothuroc If the tarter la bard. add tuo , re t
e Pnittier and boll them ten minutes; In the mean tone
real them down with'. atirk, then put; them in a tub and
4 rufheleut cold water... that nut will oot lee be - , tort
handle. Then rah the dirt, attowhor tr la other w”td . •
•re ttwan • thotougb zwalag,. MI that la euffieterot to.
~ them clean.
N. it—Shen twiny no ftVill It thie Soap, it will Irate
ha sloth.. tory What., and rut had Mil atttelli te• wtt'
•P. 40. the entire we p t of the material used olceet oct
aceehl two neon,. to complete • 'tubing of 1,7 P.1.0. ,
V arranteol not to trot Or ITU illr the cluthes
, /tote la • .1 1 / 4 •lnlet that o.ltapar Will Make twelve quaroe
I &A El...sp. •
!tikg . clulmo rwlier.—Tale. lay al quarts or 00107.1
pale the rumba with if. .ad dont Intl boll. say Owe Mill'
rk , ?.:::... 14 t 111••=fa.1:1.1f-Zi tr,=*il'i
~,,,,...„„.„,,, ~, ~„ 1„, eery thick and nice White 70.0, ,e nd
will loath well. and will n 0.4 eat Um band. like ardor Sett
. P. Par rot the <lotto.. Can Low wad with bard or fat,
tlttlg;rtlt=lett64:ll.°lttil= er,,,,lrrilig
an.) wool'. aocels.
11.14 utua.ut..4 .14107 It , F.- ktoLE,IS.
Th. highly eanatotn,baboarile Wed bmle prop.. ,
V t In iloogar, render It fir oupoior to (Mono. Wbt,
lor the or.llbery purponof the toilet and bath. t0:.14 ,
'o g
ag ' r . . l lltet.7l It ' r a:. r=tro,nlJ.b. — t°- - ,.. ntlzx
it In WWI reeotounettd.l , to lull. fon the ordloarY .111.3
&Iwo.. pnurpo..e of the toilet. and tor pr.e...renon a 1...
frrehhe.s of tb. counpleslou lueraullent'
, a n h.., ..o.l,ltylmtnot the etlto asol Koh. , . I L ..
elantleity by Ithollon, 11. sod rubblog II ~.
the Ontbhlry. it erifl ,, e , ezlon: tnloyebe I 0 • two 11.11161( 1. 0
DS b It. b.. dELLEII.4. 0 W0.n.1 nt.
OTICE—The partnenthip heretofore er
ooitte unortht, dm of M. A..11' MITI'. * CO.. bn•
' ,Nary Ines .11seolved by walnut nottnent.
JUAN R 1 Arih.
Mill In. b. SLY.NTA.
cf l o-PARTNEItSIIIP—The suluseriberif have
entere..l kilo CO Part uerri.l. mole, the lirm of bralfa,
A woo 1 Otoly. - - WM. b. BUALFF,..
41 .1011 IN M. Oltha.Y.
Rent - ov.
•- • •
ENNETT, BEISItY it CO. have removed
to their Dew Warrbottre,thrryer of Cbarteer Iw:whoa
t stn., irAttf_
Greenwood Garden.
A CHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining
n o ,stumb.try,ominbe
ev rr).-}thot.b ,
tuadt . Monthly 11. com spa er, pl.t o•-
ressary 4 ofwaiarbt p.4111111.1(lutlocub IrLD br found at
Greenwood NUM.). An Oiablbus the of
la•••••bsta Ylll.O rbretta,Pillaburgb, every half bout, tot
tb• tfitrdwl. lee ere-Amami other raftwaltafaits band •D
In flap:Wool:fr.
•40.1.1 to tb• brObtirtbr, Wool bl.,b•fter.
Anohalowy rcubtf, Pb.., will Mt). prompt atterition.
J. Hat Alb.
-000 nuts bled.. Rai sod for Wf•pplog Paper,
2Go(uff ,
to •1 Double Cron;
100 u•OrtiktMaoill•
ltltam •
mlforriztr Port Ogle. Ppm-. •
ILO 2.4,07 Pa p er.
Tb• stb r ineth • lot of odd Slum of gaper', for ral• at
tb• lowes by W. 11. MAYEN,
1441100er and Payer 1/.1.0,
3403 corou of Marla& and Pa m 1 4115•10
To Bragglna and Painters.
KARIA - GREEN "Er BRAND, istohows
k, i
uwiiyea pry.", twwinlel by Ilia Uoll - Medal of
t! ' j „P IrLmag
reiel nn. prod..' the tt.yat aatl mod billl.t •
of Parls-Ortort. dug la pen:uncut, nal 'dolt ctu ty gruual
II dstrimcat to the Almek; sal Ins redurod W. pro.
noTisur boas z oig th orlllii Kraut f.
pal.d Ode
otithrusa tausid oy Paris . Gruts, plar ir l ons
sag Um:hurl Mow!. • . 1 1 .1 , 1 . •
&tie IS I:
CLAIRE. PARES a 120., nteanrnm.
THE PROPRIETORS of thin old and well
koiwn Line, would In rem Me public that. they are
mow in biersOon for the pmeentiseavori. and barer...m
oot revering Freight sod Passerlgenr,velitati they' an fully
liotareitV.the ClfigieositkAttrtrs
er.ort.tly the ' Foling.
g els Mal., to me... freigb -
/ "dee, car. Wate j ril l oi S Oletiggel .:‘ .. ll r ! ;e o,
R. W. lboonbactmon,ow Castle. I . n
C. nstnew.., eaw. Pa :
W. Mo. 'Thump
J. t . Shimpvli rob,
vu. Ochre .i - ,
ta.iimary, II gnaw in,
1 Y
WmPower, Ououeautvillei
C. Yd. Reed. Erie, Pa.:
0. IL Wallbrldua, Butte, N. Y. apl
Yew Lake Superio Line.-18M.
TI'HE new steamer NOI THEN ER, Capt. B.
sa.T, haring peen
. molern Imprommeot rot
• ealety Ind comfort. will loser L'l land uu Polder, the
of its pest. on her first trip-land weekig thervaßer an
Pride,, at tlig o'clock, P. 11.. fur the SIVA Ile. Marie.
%leastwise IdANROTTAN, Chug. Jou Catamt,wlli
ie.... taut Ste. Merle, Mr the different landing. on Laic.
Superb, un Meanies' of the steamer Northerner: making
I , i ;, :v;g=
s w o iligr 1147. tbniuvhatit the seman, twiner°
W ;..t l 'e. r! PlllNErt. Proprietors.
Clovland. 0., Axel' 1351.1 f
iffelltlfaChlle ' l Line.
iiiTggWgg ES 1.
• ky that this 1.1-NE, rumpus.' ntlrely of matlou Paste. •
• is no. lo full 0p...1i0n, with finial. lo earn • large
'" gumility a freight to Phibuiriplele and 11.111toore, mahout
• mg./nape?, In so short time, Roil id Si low' rates, as may
"I.4 " ,..' e rull ' e 4 rr Lr e Li tirOicuts here been table lot num ing
tt:sti l.. g r e b t ' jlettotrlZ UlS4 .t i rtni
• Crevt. New mutillton, cVeito cf, g b'verietorro,
ngduu.. MITI
Nectar , Clerk'' , eenT, Rarrisb amble, ami all tab.
• er rills so the Pecihay'aatriseattiti soil Port
fpf 0 24 0 1 5 :2 I ryl d n ' lnl i r r' ll2l . l4 " l2 3-(11 ; ' n
the slorveeld alote, el the homed rate., maybe r011..'
•It spot/W house, I,lbertv never,
tictirdlf 1.10(1 d welt of the Canal
Ott TEILL4T IN BINGII.4II'. LINT ' to ml bra" ,
AWE Lb, bovine e at Pittelmroli will her.-
Jiily Itth. let.]
Dissolution. -
• .
IN CONSEQUENCE la the dei.easo Ili .i,,
It cl Wen, lbw partaenltt ttattottforr •x ot /It, t t ttt
Fulett • Covotis 4 ber•by dietio4,l Jet, I . t• iv
tally aalbunt...l to pelt!. thert , tl.ln....l tt, l‘t , . [l,l,
All pent.. Lana, rislm•it . all 0,.....- t.t.....01 IL .t.
Os , Ors, l'lll..urgb..lttly lot. I • .1
I,urrrglors 4 , .51rk • len
The bugineae of the Agency the Pe
prt.lratua Crutria 14tlrtsf chmvaur nli t,re.ftrr r.
4.2c1.4 under tho n.m. sod 0.71..4
120001.4. t CULL
<OM , Cif no oni Warne,
rtttsbariat. July 1.1.. 156 .-0,9
Agrietiltosil Implements.
I follow ing VI: JUST .bel t rth from the Kest the
haplethenteq o the roanufactu..• -
au] the moat rerent luTent.lome , %gel 1 w,u1.1 111.11.
gagmers to call and valeholse mg et , ,ga.
Urllhnyy Mw-blnea, for ~.grn. beans. Erna. turwava. te.
thaw DnII. for 'the.. rjw. W. 1., and Latleg
Corn Cob...rushee%
torn Shell, tor barge and hand power.
Straw and Cur.. :grant ettlgag Dote ,
\'•4. l l.ol.knot Cultatal•
Of ora and Cow Chafe . tits.. Cealgte k et uralu and Warw. S, thee, aal
esetateel two, thrwa ...I four proua fork..
All ruenutartunkl troth ithe• - bget material., and g r
at the brug and Mmed blur. of
tit Corrtgr %%nod tad :eat!.
Beaumont'i latent - Starch Polish. .:
)I_3ATEN'ITU, Jo y 2tith; 1850. --For riving
• b....unto use.. (A 4.11, 11111•111.11. catuntiey. L'• I
bhlrt to tend also `prevents the loon fr,a..
adhertug to Idueu, tr, . gud prevente gust froh:ratl,llltut i •
Llamas, le.. wad cohtaillk nothing Injurious
ihrerfague—Put a vieire the else nf a p•at.. qua..; ot
stveh when hollluen la trig) lj •
Price, till twat. per wholenalenud 1,•111
lea • • • It I.: MELI.EItS. 67
CARD.-1 hay t e removed to my new store.
(thrw., door" holing.) near!, opposite the Liana ui
Pltleburgh, where be glad tg sga Wends and
low eitlegus, Lod re,olva a abarg of tbel, atetoht. war
rent large awe:nth:mug of yholatory, awl 0,1 .
4143 noneo.u.n. 59.44. biota tuttun and lin*. o.latr,b,
pen leathar Bede, bulgier. gud Pillower. Blanket', walk.,
tkrunterpartes, and Coentbetg; 11. ihdow Shade.. of erery Vat
,taut Door Mat, and avert attach. ttguallg fouti.l 11:1 tii.•
mutt este:Wye astabliehinrute of the alp]. Uhler,
fullf gollated and mullgrnto . ptly6llol.
asirl A Wag. l'hirg Street.
WOOL--Caeh ', paid for Wool by
- jug hI g LI . I4II t LEL
N. E. ku.eris.
Nu. V% Yin.l
RAVE just rsoeived Isuru Now York, an
other larp lot of ash style INDUIV Sod
&MIS II li DS. for rein lov.
. hen wel hllal.E.
caP EC TAC Sl—Wa•havo a complete
stock of tiol.l. :layer anJ Strel klreckwirs,aul thou,.
quality of vonves &kJ icopeay. Ulu... We tt glassov t,
v.vjytv el vision, Isom - ding to the bout_prtuokiv.
optical Nevin.. I! ,14' 1 IN W. WlL.viki.
...por of harper kCo 's celskrate4 vY v ,
0 1 ! .. ° 4 0 , 4 Allakt : Vv " .:::r ""• '
40: ,
Assnt for Manor a 1.0.
3dli TONS just , received, aupciior attiele
mr lb """ r t . "Vf 4 ,;.`:;kfAl.'4l , Y.,,,,.,
Cant/ Ita•ko.
. Copper Stocks._ S tock • r
YVE cori
un:ilitY4 7: 9 ll4ll ° G r f t la u k* ec7.,
ob.); to . ..01 will D~ti ur a
Pure Bran 4, for Diarrhank,
LuEAR IN M INIJ! should von need Freneb
mni,, taro vslit OWT ca a tlx atamrd at MORP.II
a, Ito tan 1k1atr.1,..1.11.1 twc quart ur UAW.,
Id A CKEV.Lr - .4 1 . 0 t t i ) .7 bbls. Nu. 3 Small, lo
4.7 faT J 0112.1 WAli a CO.
11.41JORIM ROOK—&)O lbs. for sale by
HE SCAIXIIIISTERS; or &ita:dig Ad=
valuate* ba Northam Muiecc by Cayd....lliyaaaaid.l
rimil RuLbrrtord\ a' rea `Tale-, by-S. A1.1•11171.11er. t
Travels Ix .I.tericy by Lady rtzters Wortley. %, '.
My Sh.tirka Hu. by Framtr. Fvreerdar. ,
Ity. Big Ba a y. of A, y Wwwwetc/Npvel, yritti , il•
lustratious by IlarboY.
Renetred at LIOLSIr.S (Auras, Devat, 74.1%12.1 Watt,
°P , `"'" 4. 1. ... 10 . ,
flOX':.' Patent :spaikling,Galcitn e---3 grosi
/ for sal. by , \ • J. moo a cu..
..a . x. . \ ''--- oy wawa., I 1
j'i . lib BUTTER—Su kega , . prime,:in - k07:04
"L ' w " l "' ' 4 .' r ' I. " ' .1 71,a
ug".4,1 ttIY.L Y. NELKITER:
T E AS- -IV I,ll,chents'Yowehottr;; I
,„ • ~ - App4,ritt. ,
s .sa it JiiMES DAL ELL, an.ip.ter et. I '
`UN UN - int I ES--..5 4 b i , , al4 . a cc. l'o 11 , , ,. .... ni \
I bb,. ' .ums ‘ LlTAlrer. for ': ; a1.• by
• J IP WI Lulls
i i LIGAR-8; 4 litiliw. II
.OuhaW , Parto ;ti,lo
1, - , Sugars. of prituitslity,),u,t d An. alder by
suglo ktYlla, TLIAI.7,ktI Oa t Lu...m. ea i
r iIOBACCU- - :VI , 111.10. IN) \ I U It t, for ash.
ji_ by 1 „,,061 '-.1,t5 DA ILLL., ed\VS'at4r eti .
Il -, ‘ •
g ‘iIEESE —loo bx.,, W. .6.„ for sale by I
11_, ...i. •J• • • DAL2:%I i .
A RI) bIL-20 bblm...tio. I, of bale ,
h _ auglii JAALE. DALZY.I. I
J auuto •JA'NAL2%I I .
~. , ••
I Alt') OIL-20 1,615...N0. I, of sale , ',Jose
11/ attald JAALE. DALZY4. I • ' l' . '"
i , vr S. TU RP E. N'EIN EL-35 bbl rut sal lry ''''
0. .4919 H. 0. rsimiarn)ix s mi,
4.1 UP. CARS. SODA-100 kegs Eliglish, fot 0 '
U Mir b., A. FAII9OutTOCK.4I CO.:, ~ \ o r '.
N UTNIEUS--- CAIO 1 1. prim s sli, fur ia)oLy' , s )r
sssis ii. FAUN PYTOCK et.. 11. \•-
Ari ACE-1:00 lbs. ' o ,A, ule s by ,.. .
~..,. 'f, tl
a a•sui
I.II . I , TTRE- -, 9 litils. Puc k, fur sale by ",
2_, adal9 W. AP. NUle, 118 Pe...14 M. \ '
- -- - - -,--- -
pLou u.--- -CO tibls. fresh tr,tound Fanoily, foiN, T ,
. aal.. toi S. F. IVY Pk/3 , HINOO .4 OA,
11.7 I N r, D , OW GLA
Area .a 1 SS-- .... E l 7 , l , 7l \ iinalityaid ss- ig",:„,
I ° " " __ _ill. v /lillailigh l /11•CIA-- ''' r '''''.
( 0 !IL1' ER PATENT LEN' Ell WATCILES, mu .,
- 1 en dIo t0i9... , , and warrauted.Aual., Jeclpg . .exp . raa , a who
aud 1..r...a . 1u , n9 ‘ lan , t( 26 , I , . 9.- 11, t. ,D o
I il), LH INI4II-11ES - In Ilun ng and\ . Alas
k„ , ,l,tn C and,t undaually law Prie , td \.".....". I.,'°
tru. beet LAutdon Watch.. , and of wit \ teqnoll. \ .
ed repatatlun , i ' (VII W. W. Wit. ON. d •
- ... _ ___
i J. 'fOIIIAS CO.'S WATCECES - 7Now 11
11.• On hand • £ OOll IlundogaW.P l Od .
12a.ea, ..I tti. old e+qat•di ed make, pound and durAble.
and pate-1•,1120 the teat atlair Hanoi an W_atelt '\9 r Wt,,
euld to ILIA counts. .W. W. W1L9.01 , 4
_A ,
_tot Platket2tudyourt.h tan B. i .
VI ORRIS' ' KEA ISi - A T, in the Diamonk =is
.17'1, -Al/bought:recta T ,14 a 99 adeanued In lb. EAFt ......:..
1.b., un 0,1600 prueVely the e qualttles, a, cnqi yea.. --'
at thts entaLlUtimens, Partnida •., block on hand par. •,f ,
thawed nnvit ti,. 10 teithe.
V., fture.s9.o Urven van, 50,.. dilV IR
C., - ,a Sur:l7, 7 D l.Ya k :e\it 12 4 . 0.
1,14:t111;3, - 101Ds. talkl. 111 '
.0030 W
I ._4ll o lE. ri , 13011 D pji.s. Ih e 'l 5, , , ,, n ti disenc i t:?.: " o o f A l ,
I"l iti r iitig "'"" . '"d ("° _,. 'l7 T ' 110 7 ; I\ 4 . : P ' A r''" L
MIOL , . , is
d , OFFE1•400 bag. Rio, prinui llyprimC•
1_,,, , .isst reed and tr.r Aale by \ JUILIN \ rr . (y).. \ , ,
:..a6 . `,..__• ' *tr ~.: A c.•
u ALEN AT US, -N tons iliNboxes ' d bbls., ..."
_ I - 3 Pl . sale ~, L \ R. AL7.ELI4 .i
....r. \ Libirt 1r . "I
-) c lti A 11 S-10 ,04 l'rincipe;\ i
L' :".193011.../Oha •
lU,OOO fra9ana: J
of . 64.1.L0U Cuipluom for aalelow o r ',
•urz , EI9HLISII t I:II:NNET , ..
. •...
UGAR-20 With , . N. 0,, fot sale by \i 0 .,
",": I.] roisoi IILOOPOS, ALP_TLE a CO. c
b ' 3 IL-lOU
this. Straits, fur calk by . „ .
aaal:l JAME., LIALZELL. e\l NI stet et. ,
U . 6 a ,', OLE: LEATITEIi-350 Sides rime, for'
- j •0•1 ER
, 00091 .IANIELII poyl.. _ ‘
-50 bias: No. a Loge;
.., .1. ~, ILA 1:0 0 -INOI1151,
lat. au.,14 P,.41.1hert7 at. Pear
as.. •
0., SUG
•kAtiat-CA) hhde.
N :.?...urt. ; (4) '-'1; 4'ri b 1 . .r... -----'
' It Room."-; - -" - -150 doz. Corn, fi;r 7 sais by -\-
aII anvil J S. HILWORTII a-L`O
, [QUID GurE-20.0015. for, salliy " ,
14 ...ndll . :J: KILII t , I qt ,
II 'OFFER-- LC bugs Km, tor.. e k, \
.....% N 0001 3 . . .., aO, II.AILLIAUI„411 ~
VEW PRINTS AT 12i!.e..-Opening\ ttils
si 11...u5, sii at , ,trolent sr .......- flfiv Tan Prputa !,'
, ......•nled (.1 r9lorn. P
;qc -- • 5..14. kmgptly a Huteinl9.l.l. \
Jl' ST RECEIVED, fri an the Phillipsvilis
oil mum Paclorl-3.50 o,la 4, "... and 6 quarter Pak
ent 111...1 Carnage od Oath. We invite the attention ur•
..u. a hob•galr Jralare and eterlaie manufacturers to tLe ',tor,
'1,...0 artpl,--thel w 111 find It lo tbrir advantaged. trarchaunt.
a.. 0. are de...mutant u..vell a.. alaal an arllcla at pt Iwo -
end perhap. a 111110 butts eta 00.0er. than any Idher
0,•0.0 In the Unurt nt..d... .., • LI PHILLIPS ~
nee • u,.., 1 . and 9 litc..l al
____ . . .. _ -i. _
' 1•11 . : N . ,, .5111111 NO S -A. A_ NIA
. • ...- roll Lave Jul; ra-a.., a utrue ..... -.• -....-.
el. at rent, Menu,. 91 tha oven desuanla abalra 41 culer,9.-•
I •46 19.....1 est.r, tur ttn. Mali tuut...-..ry cheat , . au-
, • . IN OW SILOS-Reed this day, is beautiful
4, ... C l .;-• .1 " '''
:4 0. .;71 "..01 ' I " A '. ."ial". • : . a Alp '' "
, , - 1... W. no.a.
AIL', L W BONN ET S AND R113.1.30N Ls- A. A. tuaarasenta. Raba). O. llocti. co
LI u.•,. aco liset ) ll-.4,..1,1 a uew lot of 1:001,1• Jam A Reowts "rffile-1R,.. el
.01 11,,uct 1.11,t0u, tall style, anon awl oratio ter.-;r on.. •L'il o E • Frn, A r.„,,,,. r bo t„„
ricatamal Brunk.. .
Cto.rJea Taylor, Wm. k: 10 1 1 ello•
gIIIEA 1 3 E h.l. BROI DERI E S-A.. 1. MasoN I Amino. Whoa, t j konr•mt2til,
1. sCo bamyust ter 3 ;natter at 01 the,. rer, rneasi 4.-1„.." . Lratyyealby,.
C '''''' . .' " ' " '" '''' •,9 4 4. .! "."." '. .."'''' I Tit. the olasst k v ..IXerclaMtlfinthsql_niteslbollee '
VE:EDI.E ICURK COLLARS.., , f new and I .en frt-t n't,bi" t v . " ••' .. f"E=.tteti l' '''' ' '"' i
11 boolonne J. , lEue. mar ~.pettsug iy t . attodaya . es. na
L. .
~, , y aflers
atbeast AIVP.PII3 a lill •IiFLEL.Lt . I 3 ... ' s ''","'''''' .° M,Y', Jr, zar&a , 3 ,.. k 0
N 6.141 ler.A. et.
I,' LI 1 1;11 -Sit ta3 11. Sprague xs t xtru fon.. I ..,,,
. "'
'"'''' " " "* * "uh. I Western Timm - mice \ Co parry of Pittsburgh.
I) I.P. itOO.M , ' — -"A , . 1, K ,, I.* ~ I" 1, 2 ,- . /11;:iAl'ITAL‘,8300,0GO. R. MILLEI4,.ra,.. •
~,,1 ,•CO . HAL. OIL _ linaolust, P. M. tiotl,9••• t , ..r 1 .,,,,, .„, ~,,4,1,
'ill Itourt• aßalar‘ . 11 `r,' 'l e d a rumpl pa. 3
/1 1 , it Eli. E--11. 1 1,..1014 3.... 5 re i‘ 5 , r , u.. , 3 „ 1, ,, r ,8 5 , 1 ,„ Ili . I au ,,,, r a i rl i t , . , :liesrly AT by ittz or , ./.. i . tii - „ Li
. , - • - • Cowen It the eoutuansay, mal , wh are deterontad br ;
14' (IC'S - I httl. t. 1r tante Or , prompment to. Ilbentbly tonna:outs the ch•eter whoa ..,,
A tencit . ti, • 14, HARR &COIL\ I
h an,,,,,,twan,,,...., , ,r protection to [Letts, ;
.411,..13...3 . , as ter it tll I . LPL= .eli ' llee. le , %S. , ROOS.. J. 11. Ducky \ N. •
M ° lt S i• V ti. ll l. , i t ' , , h h . ..; N--' A•A " 31istraN • cot ''
I aolter,le •Wm 3 La pp. , C 01. au. W. 3 ,
.0.0, ,e, • bati., y,t a3 k.., „ t \ l% na.ll. Lyon, Jana* Lapp.... Lie. e mod.. 31
' , -, • Auk, Ales- .!..otsuat • tb•- s • , -" t "t u • - i . a et.
/ , RIAIPE 0 P.IBIIuNs , -A. A. AIA3ON A. 121 \ tithe., r e v .us blare ernes. Awar,houn \ 0 pour .,
do .
a I PIEL.LUT,h .
il. bare yu4 ree.....i u lara • •urpt tit [hellos, tea , - ,
.-e•rt.l voter. . ‘,' . g . ''' ware Mutual Safety Ins n eninliY i
(' IL IM PE i' TA R i tt i ' l.°:" A• At ‘ s M k'tt! , ' tfTICE, NORTH ROOM .OF \l „ ` E
. I . :-. -
. • c.. Son Lint roe, tor ...pre.. a leryte ait,,tlln.l I , IL L &NOP. Itled rand, Phibulalphia.
~ .1. : L3L,..1 1ta1.... a... , X ra,l cuter. A 5.... - - .aecaorte..-lluillorb Ilerullambek, • 1 other
° - ---
•t lt, toab aul couotr. ottani] agatttat le.n. other
ak s h. \N 01 RROI DEIII-ES-- A. •A.•AikkA•s.& , 1 i ' Ll: , i,,- t,,,, ~, th,• 10.1.4 rate of prOnlorr , r 7
11 I . ~,II e•to.nuo to t e..... toblaturutl riOantolo ,1 ' 31...ts\lattuasect -They el,
we 1. 5ee..02.1-e=e: , , I
1....15i. nee •an. embreoler.... ... .../1 them ar- t 1 .3 1 re&gbit, for,Mo 0r . e . f r. ...r . T:, wader open ore• co, I
• 'l t
\''` \ , I q.••l7lSAL..vsrova.a. ~-Th' .lea insunt /deo - ow
S S . l . lLl r . LOE.RS---:2 5 0 ,5 . , 150t , , 0n 5n.n. , :i• 33- •. z..„. . 1 .1 1,r
r ,-., fe . ,.
sl. `" gan ralors. Canal ben i 1
• ano lake,. tle most ltberai . •
- . ' ,,a'a. ,"' ' "n","''' 1.t ' i71 . ,:,"...1.NTLF • CZ, 1.,. DagertmteJuseph IL. Seal, laluanol A. notake...lo ~ •
- -
"U. u, Ronerbliartoto John R. I•.nroae, Scaol Ur..
I.,eR F.NC II GELATIN E. White told 1 ....‘4, - l atitra - e . O Le1Per:31.4...1 head. Darnu r atpu,t Day: .-‘, 0,
P ''. r" --- I '", " .4, -- —- '' I '=_
_."•,'„ 6 .0',p• tla =lt." it"?%:: 13' n•L ' ise ', 7 e o l \
. ""
' '.'.
. '''..".. " It It sl 'I.,R • C ; tilnan. lawn, ask. *Ram; E ,,,,, I.
l a y, 1P:U.... ,
•' ‘... Lt
- 4. , , Charles ;Sally, .1.3...../uhuson. 1 1 , In. Ilay, Or.S. Thom., •
•11 . 71.
~.. ~ - , , , I John eellena Win I:yrt. Jr.
(il.)120 .0 Sil F:LIS, ' , received fresh from the
o ri' .. . l . ,ltic.Vl . l.cti--b. 'i. 31tbgna. 1 111 E.P„CotiPt
`""'''.. ''.".• ' .".' ' ' '' ' ' . n. " 4 ' ,l, at,,,t - ,RO A yy, •• I Wutbot ' l4lll - .N. l'evhdrot Taus C. Rana Tin Prvel
'".'-. „-‘-‘'....' '**!,''.. B". L ' ...". r... L.
j rrarc ' eth e r7o:o7 '' ' '''" lso SI Water ram , P•tto•
Akt-tt -3tY bnl+ I overin .4 0 .11 \ i oetl.te 1 )\ '... t * mADEirt.k ran „ '
hF ..t iN .r. F.l. „ '4',; st Al .t tr.ttta, :.,.11t.t ....L.
__,• '•
• _
” ''''
•tt'tt " rlt ' kEtiri•r.Vc..)
...: , • tit•tt:tt • Tv. Omar. ___,,,.,
%I AN 14 ACT t i KED TouAcco--,-lot , his ' "Ohio Lib*tory.
,v 1 ewet eppeneo ..01. t t tt.i t tu touw.fir al:
1.1 al.:1
IS- ","k °.l( Y' 1 ''''. 411 , •, L . , ' \ la . 11 - 7* . )
• 111 Ilk ILI APPLE:C-4 lAA, ,and• • I eut. " ..r. Just ft....-....,• • • , A ,il7---=,-, , t r ii •- •
C..!I'P ' U AL-- '‘ n ,-----,ei - or
11/ (;I.`ii ETS.--;0 1 dol. Mitilettn In etort :
ttli‘l !MN 1 ' . II • 1 11111 I -
I.) I e eat t&
. tatill• ~ , . l I,t3RFI 3 - . IV k•ir , , ~,, , ,\ 9 ~., „.....;
1,,,8Acc ,,,,,,,, box., liletuno'nd, Tolne tt ,
-t,..n.i t n--. 1( (2, ruon apprarel nr•tta., oo.,iia • Pa ' cent - \ Strenstlt
..,. i`r estle be t•all] ' 1,1 &L. totti&a,4l - • Cl- \
*DWELL FiX,TOIISR & CO., 'Man.. =to
t- rs.uF. 31ANCO EST Is. It P 4.1 NTSlep , taitt
-e , \
at ALCOLIOL: rarseroits erre. tans • eine.-
" I rut ewer, .eel net ICrpa.o aa to ill,. then me an . ~.., eoppqr 'mowed vtpot Wllakey mamma= •• d.
artiele •••I raper. i l itaJlta, 'At . low ark.. Call ulna , Canter of Vine kt3l Smurfit..., Clarma4M, mm.
tin ot al t an• 01 - 1 'Wiest - ISE nOS 4-.111 outer. from P \tuttosch will he p - ;Sled
i it, l AN ii I . API It-SOU tali acted for sal hy ---- \ ',
- ---..- \ --- - -
11.' arta-A . , • , J KIDD ket .'
. Wines anq Liquors.
. ,
i , As 7 lctit oft.,-21.0.,bi% itio,,-, No. 1. filr No. 1 ‘ 4 • 3: Libeiry st.,Fornrcly Dans cracker don.,
L,r .0. to 1 .u61 1 ' K l D '' 4CO\ la rteas ,- Ta, o:potshot - El \ i 3 -•: , non'n t .' oN I-
• I i 'LOIN LIALANIAS. for d6tet.ting t t • \ • •
e°"!it-r-t \VICKEISEN ..t' STOUVSNEL, reap' Any
V tt.,...vtat Fi . lk. of ell tiencluilnatlons. Iht, .• I announce t 0 the 1313tWie evweeellr... l 2. l . J . Sable
''' ' 001 " . o ‘ l ...dr.. are. It-n ..I. hz epee >Z that they have establuthetl a 0 1W 13.1 and
t _,_i_ll, , , n. n ...PON _ 1 13,A01t Ayala; ..r. tn a kb.", otaml), where the shall al;
A 1 OLO PENS-A tine assortment of the -,... tet.o • tun .3ertrasat aftbe canoe
• lit tn.{
Fen e ned
to white .i n A, Wrench &Ark ..liwile
k ji: b ''''' , °""''''"'''' '''''' a",'""j e ,V.V i c_,,, N . unettle.,2Ltee choicest vintage., Jamaica rum. lloll.&,
.! 4 . 5 .-....... ... I ....:. anh t.a3t wniakeY.lbelaPasro• .111 , s . takklLughealt:etnets.
FIVA R-50 .14,15. in store and ' for sale 14 .
• ;La ta "' w6' ! " & '' r`"‘. l
" it, ' l if " , i */;l A ZTVellTh ' ilt r a
.1....._,u; . InALALL LACKEY • 130. nemnstk. Sothis and Limburgll tnensc. ' ..4.llofithien titer
Nyl elijitAi 4 fiii zl k.iieTDi,. lii - ortio ---- ii, ( oak;) 0'1,'" , 01 , •,, h - h0p... 4— ' ,- g;"• —th '" - " t "* . °" l4 '''''
. , atourcue,l6s.ll !Innen.= his
' 40 ' Pr.J•me•Pumte llonei Ittobort•llo burls.. In the city of N York, the shove ere ,
ti•,. ktbr ' JAMB: A. 11151CILINON a Co. L• <marled, 10 Itell cheaper and a better toll e 111..1:
1" ",. ~ • ' I- • other hutosean the city, Pleven art• mare baton you
• I,'. Al
w '—R :tfis kegs lasslittett) superiorto P lara.coll \ roTellinl Inv ' OfkatesEßzera. a et' Mt
VA that oolly Fan at
maket, fur sate Ly - thorreat outlet , t .,.. o , , 14 _
oto., J. SellyilahlALLEß a Co.
'-'-'\ -, . ' ,—...
I%J a, Co.
.0. A10L.A.' . 2. 4 ES -I.solbbLe. (espre. , )
to 7 10.•;) •
~... ,Lelva 8 Paten Reversible Wet • guter
Is Now to \,l, seen In Operation' • t 1 411.
• " I. r no. it ' Cl A. eIJN& INULLASI, 1 . TAU: & MS'. Plumbers:, No. CO Fourth treeb \te
sac], • ,S`-` , .• I , lberty •ar.t..: mreen Ferry and Li •rty . and 0 PRIOR i VILI: ^ S.
I '' ' 3 -. ' - " N 'lO warns str C ity:b .It Tha Filter • vied
..! S t i
:,, :i .,,, . ,,, b•Lt. , 1 .. it „ . , .0 \ , SIES-'-'2. h 0 , t,11 ,, 5 , ! ! ! , . ,,, i3 i ! , 1 1:,: tt? 1 e :i 1..) ., i/t l lOt.P i t 7'ati .. 1 L i t6; .t i nc x... ; .1.1, . ,1,\. •
vi u ; tt.r. ..:• , y ,kzp t-t 7 i.. r if ir.
i " 2 ,lin:
. • -.... -tel. ....OM lb Aosonm, ate ata .e . . ...,
~ . •-:- ,
1 , 1 ' i )1NI: A PPL I,III.EJL-F or sale bp . 11.f...r.hla c . 1' .n , arr ^ , a N-0,.•••,.
, ' • • '• . •
-u \ „NI: A. 31,Leral,* CO: \-, Pallbtukilso..3larch bah 1951.
.I 1 mtole . , 01,X,rp..13.1 reql.4 .4.m ft gl•••\• eat Fr At pleaeure IA recrinenve4 to a Igvers o
- pun., ease water. the Paten& laprentbho Water Ilt•ror,in-
It\ 1 i ()ILAN I.) LINItRII. 3 . 0-10 keg• Naga renall. he • 3 11'. L.n.i,i, , Na5 113 t y: tht. • • L'ir r ,,,,
. i 1"." " "" 1 "' ''''. ' s s t, l.- ,b 4 ,„, ay,,,,,L,,,,..1at A ~,t. " '''''..
5 \ ' : ' ollt:lLLOE W Pidftle ,7 ;,.i...r t.- \
, , , anal•
.. \ ,
i naboaktynca,3lmultl3 • Ltisl. „ .
Filter. Insmt al by Me
S, l.'ll Alt -- 140 hhils.., prque N. U., in store 1 5 a 1t i rt1,,,,„,..7.72,1 r !,..,., pater ,l. far ~,,,, s to, au, uts at rer
1.3 •ftlid Tor act,. Or t \ •
p a
tandem.. la La.u. am - para. eu wish. 1
2 L ".q ; J tat FA A ill'TelLloon • ti.. 1 therefore...l.lde It a pratllea-e to ho eV . • y power
I 1,4011.,..iii Lt. e pulAl i \ .I,I3SAh FAL lottllll,
PTS, 111 RPEN'NN 1t 5 ...,11 bbis. itt Sine or , \ , t ,to.a mat - sun-4."
3 - 3 der. Er ..le Li J. &Cala 03131 A EEha C. Thant Alters are\ we, tea to, baat ut. •a. y•Artiell •
au,ns taste which may ulna nom Reruns/Pined •Ahtml oet'Veßeist
no- bla mat. Us Ma we . Thu, Art• waStEleci 0 taft pea
lid. - .A \ 3 • 3t . ..`i---- . 'lllJ S' ' 'l3la ' \ 4 3 : ' 0
I •1‘1 ' -•- - ' .'
. -
- Planters Peru:, ream. ma& walla las. r now, Will lase lb ..1 reos• •
Calir to Senna! to be ay reeta.V„ . \
i ,
_\ _ •,, ,
• I:, ••` '-usar /halve. , \ ore- ER '4 , iN, V
--- i. ettiel.y ntlll9 ,tr Et Flail D. MT IO- q s , Are werme, thito
~ ,bi,,. ~,
lute i -C1
. t: . '.
tart 1 11
, 1 1 1.1 . . H. .pt .1 MITTS-Iflc Rent' &1 1 ; -- FAIT PIPE-- 4 / 3 • ell's\ kilt rove.a4sten
", , Ilmebracto have lIKIEII,I seta 1:14k4it14. a further LA Lead Pi, for Iltitante . \ \ r
..„ ,u..,p.,,,..;ith",,,,,,a,-.4....timtztb,tMul:it. ~C.i. 1
_, ..
0,1 I AN D WARRANTS WAN'i'Klii, , LTh. , 1 •
~,,, E A higloo market Petre will to faol fl Lab& WarilLie. Allele. on head and le attire ; erns! \ ,
1., •. 0 Oita a../aaNttLit • be.
0 , pea Fourth in... . AL alrEht
aim , \
avail. ' noel to Butk cr Patti e rg
meal:. tt , ' 134 Nut alma, \
• IIjIEARLASII -Iga: tat ke Adams', to arrive.: t K ea ti ng a id v en i• ,•ti a w \ '.
1 Ex vale 11 J & ELOO.' .
idle "uriu et.eaa Chorea Boiling ATE ARE MAKING AP'k'ARATLIS I ,
, , , , T limn. to- Steam as llotell, RookabLectur
DOTA:43 -- j tu ca•kr pure. for tele UT • Rooms. Bank 011icas1,Et.elta Fartorint. C =ll•l4.4o.l.bull&
L nugl9 ' • J• 0 ILA D. \ lugs . of every &sonnet.. putylicand Dnv r• Alto, hraa •
. - , , , ,„„ ~ „ , „ • •. '' Ems - and Drying Rane. Cer a m pu wettrelsitta
Blief 141 t- O hOld. untPif Eetio, for hale by 1 touporatunt, Mawr Irisatt . low. la dasirvaL,..l (o.k th
~.„, . ~
.1. .a . ~,,,,, Do t= s [ ,tree Inethol, se equal to IL , \ \,,
ari- , tt. scantetathuoa. er natant an niceltmcoseb a..•
' '''..
N .
0.3 MAVIi EREL-ih Ohio. Large, fu r .e.,,,,prrp•rat tdiersenthedr.t. .. • .1 .. t k,
asi. be I angle 3 aa tt FLOSat ...141nES 0 the various e.setiso..tot g s e ie.. , •ft ,
InAsi kuommtully burst& ust. Oa@ pl. an kaOhns awe ;
. I lee tittentetlall iesuree a wewiceocee, not tee belt. et
11 19 ,,.." — ._ i y 5 '",1" fur '' le
. 1 1, . ~,,,,,,, 1 meted untarstuta i t nub eatiLs trent, Out a 0 too ,
P . ...--,-.... _--., =`....- .- , Soloyke. unmet:MP, azi stet,t from • e.
tub RUC E.ETS-50 due, Mane tta make, ter silo sllfl SCAfFE. ex ki.iNboN 4 ORE 's •
P.ll' I, ' Leis J. R. CA131101.43 '-----"---------
1.11 iCE---.5t 1 linreen kto an ive) [create by ~ r ,..—‘,., , .
1, to Pot Clay.
111 ''') 11,3111114. IR 1 lA. .. 00 .14 .sobn...rtbers are DOW Sole Age ~
- - -- - - - s . ofl, °niter aes . for Ore .3.1 e . their Int Cl.y, •
it 0111.11{-7,13 ke - ga.SpritY. far tale by ' ', ...Lew yeti eatablahnl. rentstOrou for thr nuanollao •
_ up \ ..:., - . ~ wiy4, -- b.ityAityi, c. ). , cl tilayeley Steel Pots, te.. lt lama to ono Wits 0 •
by NO. 2 2,LA,K..ER.E.17-5, bble. &. 7 Qr. bble "`'" '' / '''''''''''' 7
or ..1. Di .,.. ma , . s 1 B. CANP/ 1 4 , D. •• .e.. suss , *SO.
s .
Pittsburgh Life' Inur"""e Company.-
Tllls CONITA.Ick inn - incorixixated . in
Febonia7. 1151: clan Prost.] cnvi... ,, na
mantenad hoslneM•naliltal 3100/Aln :
The Company Jona Munn. both on the mot Boon ma
?Coastal plw \
,On the Joint EtnAk pi n theotea are ane-thltd tom tban
those citargedMato! Wool. and WM/11Am Cent
Inner than the raleaof 'Sort Cocoa/Um
!Into! 'rata. are these.. Jo thaw. atiotnl other
battle compacted Comfanfm Thom Merced 02)mutu
al inolp/e Lao the combined immitleo fordabed by Mat
ef Mtn of Otnrom and ttee UDltllaatflorplw . Fula of
the Jonit MOO department. \•
etl.l.T_Pennits the grottoof in.nranr Dn Ufa
in ne
ovory torah Itchnlito nte‘elaht of obildre
mint Mallow, friends or ornlttor•—to Insurer the I t of
enact, fontheloom exololesbenent.payaltheafternMUt.
or nnon thiAlMoltart= at. UM/ay. of 60 . f 4,
• Icnee ' ll. Morn Ceramic
• hotnellkelokaa, tilre'rreshlot
Joeob A' fool, Tremnren
Charloe A, Who, Awn,
'mom A. Cmcota S,Ler , h.
J.ho tf. Utleurth. \ Charm A ?'Noon.
"moot Sh•Cloollen .
Hoot II:lazo Within., la lam of Walt
Um Walter fondant Into Aferetacy of Towner' ,
• John Savior. heal, Cubic. of Pittabarab BOA:
0.1.1001ar to.rh. hm, WholmeleUromor.
Bob. A . L44SILli g dleechnotth,int
11/3Dlrit thUD.
!oomph oaryant.ll 1). • ,
A IlUim Addison, 41 11, '
•4errmlsla 8e t ,t0.1111., \\ IL tiAhdrinionn t al it• 140 t sore
o, `
..souel Dilwortli ‘ 4l, D, 17 taralthflrld street, \ '-'•
• tiotoat tletf4m. At D.,,101 Fourth 1 , 4.44, \ -
John Croeforn, 31 D ll.ih eet,
WM wort. Mores.. il.j, . 107 Llbertr
Dr Dilworth will. tat in attemlante M cse .... *rm.
do. at C 1 o'ol.o- \ \ .
olice of the Cpapoty. Ito 75• Fourth stn. 1 7 [ ln
\ ( 1.1441,14 \ \ C•A. counN.,.tee,
state Mutual Fit, Disnrince Company. t t,,
Iifj.A.NCH OFFICE-N. 14 Bm•rents'. arazwr, Prat
Vrrnscua, bur 1.0, IbLa b.f.
.I , IIE but videnee 'of the eueeesa of ‘ the f?„;„ . ,,
Norte. luaueseortnn to make the STATE 40711° note,
(4214' lASUEAACE cvirraxr meet the isetnre P bean
Oie cotemtudly, m the onmaeljelol amount o( Inssuart. priet,
Poch haelteen done, baring tuned 7 1100 Policia darn,. lion f
L b. 5 . 1 1 per t thereby. awing over $l3OOOll to the nuot iting c
ofltteCompawy hmarly Pi tb p 140.030 1.0.1 15 or , 0,,,,,
'ACM kind int =all Pale an d . proportion Immured led.
tnr (ply one year.
e'7nlt'egditti"i'ireld. et - ii . trei r li\ 75</1 ne m
oat° t
Do ac, to a,,,,.. ..., _ %EP. \ Whit
•.'•.•°. " Prolltr 1tt. 0044 ~,,i \ *:".b85 ,419 .rx •
Do etmeeled, ertrun.ted, rani . V-431.7 00 Ciao
\D. 0 4 o .otutu ,\ -- --- • 704,4,01 mai .
Po Premium fltate. ' o .fq 1 17 \ ClUt
DO e 500.1.1.1. n &tide iMitirati- 03, k I. M.P.
DA In torn-. _ - 79.034 r Eft
Do Cealli•remloin tacatred- 41,647 4 Bled
Do do
do \ waled 0:114 ~ , Du
M.A. =I 1.... mat ripe sespaif ... - 4 - 4\ 14-'-- '4
Ve ".
Balanee In tatoaol th e to: in melt "(...24 15 t o ng
To csty or country rueram.l owners of dWelltruir`. brio
and indeltd end <pantry Y. II is bellered %Id" aqn, ATI
\ PotTellfe%te.attnint Ingot
Co pan
fl ' Ial: . i 4.lrititleTAcit&Zlailsrtaikfi• CO4l
c air t2a =er Xi ' tr - - 41:1T;11.1Zi t._,l*
, . on both ,i SZOck and hiati.Vn, It not oral 11ZZO a ,
e,b,. ebbs 136 ff azd eetrommte tion of both matturdeu 3
4.0 tines the (srat to a partentatten in the profit.. \ eo
c Direevinr.-John P.lttaberford. •
..5.1 lett,S T Japes,
• Alanat.4 Cartiee. i•bilo 0 14.114* feitnEamuel Jones, Ran
O h'''''.."" 1 7' J411,,8,11 1 1Vit. rr.da. , ot
\ \ A 4 \GI I . L1•1•1\ Sec'teetary. r
\, tft C Z =L oir D A , of ‘ f.fert r..? *mot. onTypinna .
polietes her been dteci dbytl et Director...od ka Zaw + I
nn ie e pe e t Obi. (Mee 1 '7 , 3 7 r .. 1ewt..... or rcdpaabla ab ler rash
,st the end of ninety de . A .4440 . are_Agt,
a tlux
Vranklm Fire ee Co of Rhilad'a -
, , • ' l, • '.:
pi!,lELTA,S4.3lll.l7,Zit.43ejnheuz,,..lSto... i:
i 11' t k ilf.lo •
11--tts,°''''T' D."n4 0.0000.0, 1
141A/LLI . 4 It. JIANCErat. I'mnident ;
PPP. 0 elanoM. Bee ota m t4; t \
]hum mpany nantinum t e • \ larnranom, PeMottitte.l i n
or limool, on 10.7 dt6Cll.l - 100 troPartl. l. "..- cud
corEntrr, at rates so low al, ~rwoortgittent viol ettentity t
\ Th. 40.0. 0 Y hare 'to r , .. 1, 1 0 3. .ntin , n , 1n. , . ,
\* which, rah their Capital tnd PronJunicalarely Invected, ,
.1 3 . 0\ protect4ou toozsdrzl a, \ .
\rile atteet.of the Comp ty.= Jim 110,1451. aarlir-
lza( airvaal,l, to 0.0 450 of Awe . mbi . were as f01i0...
, \ \
0, 1.,.. " 1= .'.
\' ‘ltV s F - 14
, \et r _ tt4S,l
$1.114\7 0 . 44 ~\
- ‘ zloc,\ Ileir in-orpna.tfu, a period of liyear.. sarY i
here paid apwarls of One Milhon Four lion o.ol.orteand
- Dollan4Lfosee to Fw, th.rabl afrord/Zf_r' 'Z'' , /,,.1 t,t
.dremPiptkof 0] o. wen .. Qtr. • L‘ , 4
0'40'0" l'"'
.Trl t jtV. iit i B . ,
\ ti
\ .0,3\ Ode* 81- comer of Now az• _
- Penn Mid Lite Insurance C 6., ' . , AA , so.•
ty,..1 Honk, it . deresuoul,) No .343 Liberty . ‘T(
tl i S , luw r k "... c °,l`l l .?'"'hr.',;.:.'l‘ 4744= 1 12',
, ",' ‘`'tie:(l. I,l.::bn`;'"'::',,?.eilho'd".ll7-.' t= g arut. '
•...rr ..f.r...0,,,,:, wal ),.t t x,‘....d-mn.mara ,. ..tkle p...:
vitt . V
`q,' 64 ',' i',', r„t-P.".:Aatnt , ,== r..,..g,
, ,
. b , 1 , 32= e uraT,
tau 01' &Atm.! al.a. oirr 4.9.14:00 .03 ...Waif 1P 4144 • 00 0 -
*L. PPM. divided auttnedly arbortglt than trauma fur life
IVO? l'lV,yrwb. Jan ,L 10111--1a34
L' *arum, Fire, and Inland Transportation
, 1 , \ Laurance.
A i rpiaVnsorsnee Conipapy of NorthAmeriea,
__ IL Vbflalielphis-1. hartert.ll7l Capital 1 - 400,in ita•tt
Ff .4- M11 . 7010174d ttletiVgigtetta j itta ilfTeltr k aoVrit=ret
4. - _ ma prJpertnuf arc
1:01 , 1.1 lwr ...Z. :•
111 ~i :3..1 r , \I" , elt4 , La 1111.14 rizmportatlop oroz the
macCIONS \ \
- trIt•VW-'4ll,Pr r 't, rlvu°%F°" . -
,Lelva 8 1“1 t 412 RiCteniible Wat • :
Is NOW to \ t,, seen in operation , t WM.
A . TAU'. 1 L'O.`o/. Pluoatsars:. No. 10 Fourth troe&to
morn terry 55.1 1.1b,0f.y P. , And 10 PRIOR a VILI:1:19.
No: ie ariiii,a iirvr,c o ieenli, TWA Filler • reqttard
Ovid 'Modal flow lb Alneru.Aoquatatuto of. e. Ctrl,
sal 11.0.0t1taatta from \Footman loAtltuta o• Philulek
Dol. for Ito 001).1011/Au RS CleAutttlts poortertle 3tud Alort
00/W4w...a fror lboam boviao them In UM! in P • • albbbl.
of .00'4\ thl.. k t..).s ,!=,{fo.7lZiarch 230/ 15511
It glvaa, no F* a[ ples,urr IA recommend to P lovers of
iTu r. ;:arbr..l7. '" 2:?; ' .. tTUP7O.'I"ob4I: lister
.. I ' OI7HW:
Al onautbs. I.,A= oriabbal to /yof tuelrralu•
s UIO.IKO/1 PLI , s l6l . 11abaut .” \
\ A
\ •Plubtu .utiOlarobtb. • 15 i l.
Th. Patont •Tarva to Valor I'llterer, Lusts .0 1, .115.
0.100.1 II I,ow a. sod 1.1,1 by ale far snarly caw . tlts at mt .
1015100. roaltlato.. la thAt'Alfy peraroo co mist, /
tberofora...ooolda It a priallaKe do hal:a •• i pow
W.:m.14.1U1u e publk, \ .I,IS SAL 1, , ..1113, ,
riAll. Alter/ ara\ • warrl4l.4 10, t.f.10/ ut a. ruoall OT
taste arblob um, ulna (mat tßeti.llPiasa aAttstsl Rata
ti‘ v
tla water la Moira . ituv, Ara wA/71:0 0 0 0 ltft txo
with. etdmia r a...N..10 Wt . 114 ..1 avtaaln
01:11, 20 blel.Milt± VI kb ay reetaV„ . \, \ a , 10, ,
1.710 - ti s A;ik " litlret, 'ktilso obit. \
:EAD PIPE—.Oo , oll'o\un rost paten
' 'i\ pa tend
14 Load I'lr. foo 11ti07.0 _ \ 1,
A r d
- Aire... 00 011t0k1 dald IO AARITe , , Or .14. 1. 4 \ ..,
\AL .5/PEW RD4.14.' ,
1 Inytkl7..of ' EA rockt amet, \
Heating and Vent :IRO:. \ \,.
t v ii..ti. or Etta. In' Ilotolz,Cofkro N 00413. 1 ,.
Roams. Baol.Ottleve, Rom. rhrtori. lialpiCoLoWAlbod Of
logs' of ...very desenpflort. publicand pr rpn izz. A4P, ,N.u.'
tlr.i.f4 DritOot R. 0.... L. all pot . loyax.weitn e.o l.r
tamperkture, oitho , r Lyith or low. It dour.l, 0.4 f' , c , L L
P =VONtt;flZ "'c4 '''''u. li k' It il„., 0.. n .;, wy ,
, t,.... =oxur oy , .
,➢_ ." ,. ' irgSlouiri Val y•rioill . ( l,. .riDil‘.... l. '''' V'''
....f , / , ......f0ab" bloatoxt.upou Lt. plan .0 kink= tow ~i.
a* tittlYineohool. insurikf a woolefromo, oloilprol belt..." asf
Nylalool umfermura ' NAL ran
''''9*';:gb". 4 '''.
" It arnilii.4tt . q, 0.. ;.
• \
Copley's Pot Clay.
.subnlibelm 'foe now Solo Agents,
nt.s4 P" c
o ' aA
Lid iu V . P .o Scre v l e rots, te,
.2 2 t . t*C1 POO WIWI /IPTIV.
tf Wd W.
\ •
• .
, . l, t •• • •
-:-. ....:-... • •
- •
. \
. V
..., ~ Neezies-ceietcri • „,' ` \ ' \
jr ompouND lIENILOCF,. YLASTEis.— •• •
1 1../ b. , . hisblr reeekiLd . ptaaMea haililwen a...t.t. , . ~
.y .
soon , tita n ,,\dsuing vrla L
iol tin* they ha. , •••, . t
grdr.l _ 9. 9 . 9 ,-1 9)91 reputation ..
4. th e moat en/Wm.' t i. \
ri= " rffi ir rtilY l herd : ' rL ' te r 4 4 l •" : . :4 l gf gie‘lVUo=t, .\\ \ :
(lon to. been nitrtaitted. Ishe ateeti Mt amMlll•ttarhat ' i s t 1.
.. 4 4,14.,4.4411k 4.4. to their aupteli. virroo•ere tat l'ntePltem ''' . \'' c'.
ten .41. I \
The leiguaileute rf their eapohoo,, . 4 .,i,,,,,,c, it and ~ . \ .\ \
~y,,,,t lath eon/hit...J. re ml ey them peclotatir•lalkalc , *t. • ' ' ' „ t
per... tailleriimr wfth Piil.ery ilawt , „... t 4 , \
For palpe In it/. I,tea/t rmultioe,f• m pt....wt . ...1C `la ,
loo•tua, Nog/A.OM - alp l, .-'1. L . , N.f1.. ~ io, ” ~..., .• .1
di...1k,, ins th. br, their bettotem, , roireeter ‘s t- • t i. - 4 \ "
qua 4.,,c out . lie • retaftly if\ /t0t!..,..„fiy1.
p „„ . 4 ., 4 , usei 41 o orterird •pphcatiom• /io-la as iiiiita
.e,,, b„ t,.... folly carrot/tinted Cy toe aati/kuretote, ,
r'i r • ..akneirea and`palur in the haer hod thle,net.altarg' : , ~. .
tit. ,tere ers../tia &tea.. et the taluer•,4• , . their eu , ,' P
pe. ant „ otec alit/they/ larters hart too .4 amply, te-ted ItY
I oi tre:le wt.. Las,' ex
, :r u leur, ,,, , , cnr j e.val r , r . 1 , 1„ ifrom their I , ,'
~ . ,
1 l .; ..
' DI ••',.',.. e. ,l" , ' 4 h , e ' ild le.'k:lltitth!";' qti Fq:lett..tia477•
1.0•41 .
J 0 ' ,
~.., I, 1.. r•LLLI.) , III4W - col at. `
Il7 ' - .1 -t - f , ../ '' ' ' .: ) .l, VIA " 11141. POT, • .
1: 11, ~. 4. .. 4 , 4 , 4 , /,.. 44 ,riI . ii ale'to ituattool.linl. , ' , I • • . 411
I. et:date, Collar% Ott , I boromA, mad a/IV/11mA Ithintfl It. 1 FN , , ' -
\‘\ •
u.O ,0,1V•li, In o I ta,lhelnc,lt. • e ilrtt. and Ite4.). I
• frt. //irking. tt ot uniimi h, e \ uttmrkara tmet.h..• -. t , :
any retoech The lad., ham luog 814., kit UM nereukor . ', , • , •
cl .otth an article, and ID thl•lbeirmatamrmlon wIII ba IR} !. • I ,
, 1
1 . ,.
li ....1.4.1. , I ..- ..- •kk‘d etklikA) iv. (tarot af.r . Iruparttlat • • , •
trlat • V. ,
N. E --one Coke • ill JO/tie/4\ dasen of cloth., i s 110 , :, \ t
1.... , .4....i,1 to •ittomfi. . 4 , \ ,
i r , re 1 , ... ern. vor lake. Each hake with full ` lrma ",
\ L ::•-/ ". \ . \
at,,, -.., 4 1., w. ,=: , IC, i: MKy.igt . .... 4 . :..: W... 1 k
.- 7 VETItOLEUM, OR ROC 'Oil.. '., ! • •
\ \ •
. • i
_ • .i , i,
_ .
I'll/ery art' ore thl o pito hearop au, earth. , t ~
"Thur.. dre.opt of in khilueopill."
..riliE VIRTUES of this remark . hie rem. i., , ' , . •
,u Jr, Owl to. couscant •htilieattor rot'. the PnIP. •• 1 • • '
'tn. h. induool him to hare it put u. , h , vitt. la , • „, . ,__ ,
/Ms ~1 direetiors. [...the Arnett of the pohlic. , ..
' • The PETROLEUM, Is procured trom a welt in his <Mtn' 1 ' • . ~'
t • T 4 litrtriera!littiot/a'atr.,lazr.,,lc:.,v,-.":4'',L't ', _ • . •
' tht. hot. Natuma Onuit Labiatar „ .. Th ' at ' itata.l. .
properties rerchlng a, number of dieea.a, ra ;to or • , I •• ' /-_- .
. e matter of
'""''`f,' ''''" O "' - ''' '''''f 15 I h *-. 1: I 1 ' •" \
arm of name, art& . If known , mii ot he t, va. • •
C- near in allevinting.7autr/Mnii, arid mooring the 01. of . . t, ~' • „
at to-altb and Tint, to man} a mtlerer. 1-'met bro.. t 0... -
iiiietot thought .1 putting tt up ite tattle...l had a repu ,
ifir Lima fur the cure oft 11.... Tlecnm.tir and daffy More, ' • ''''',,
•T t Mn calls for It. land revent remartatt• runs to Ma , .
farmed. is • cure imlicatiho 01 it. future mpularity . .
' , with, rpread Sepik-01=111 the cure of o-aeoe.
We /Pa not 'with to mate • long per-le of mrtidaites. 4 ' • .
, •
, •
„ .
\we are consciona that Mt medielra• an roma work tr. vray i ‘,‘.
into the favor of /hue .no ender, any to to he•l- ,
Whllsrwr do not Malin for It • unirm .1 •PPIMMIon In e I
419 err Zee - strove uchemtatilaglY MY, n..i , t. . ...Mem
churn Dl.efa.4 ft 1. norirallul. Ationg them nuhr h.: • •‘! • \
e I onulnerated-all dimatees of tha muoo. Una./ an , . arl , --- t
\ .
- a CILROSIC DItONCUITIS. - CON:WM OTION, On Its early , ' . • \
n / 1 al dire.. of ilie Mrjnwagiri.Lll. i - • .. .
t- ER ihk\4.II.M..DI.,PCEPEIA. pilau/+. Uioooo,ol of the I t • . ,
\ •
litladdir ,alld Kldomyr. Pains Iri afar 11-elt Or Fide, ' Morro. I ; •
1444.41444.4„N.24.1dt. Peaky. /then:MIMIC I'Moh Gout. Erralp •
93 0., yrnar t likkawkdirk44 11.1144....1ii.0ti•.. Hem., Old souue
Ire. dm in more of debility. V.5.14-01' In). orPu../. Cr • • , r
4 5 long and r //parted mote. , of utneam , . Mr S od V . {lo ,
ruir% bring Yellen, lc will art eau general gO S IG and Alltd , , „ •
andATIVE in mach cur, party g . note ,attal enerW• to rt-• ,i - ~ \
mid whole fume oche ohatrochnta, t.heolno the 0...1A , , .
• trY.. Ilinettorm. ❑whlpti num dlarase .d a broken owneelearia• , ;
• --
and girl.: harrowed and renew:el corroy to all. t • - . • .
I.of Ilfol no preutrictor k - nems of Fever., cm.. rii.ei , I ..•
P . . - that raMaitateTCTT ahem trc/ittnenh Pat wrn mr , fee /hone. , J•I . ,
and of thu PET4Of,hIJ.II for 0. -, 11
@hart ft. , m....t ..., ~ ...r - \
"There are lucre adopt an heave { , au exalt, ,
IM. aro domuya . in ktu1t.4.41."
rriliE VIRTUES of this roniark• hie rem .\
, '
,1 dy, .rd the coustant •pplieataet• for it. th paopn t I ,
.tor• . loramel Itim to have tt put up to r.Ati , 'mt. is • a
twls .1 directions. ter the beneet of the put.lic.
The YETILOLLUAI fr procured MOM 4 MO} an . his 00.1 • ' •
LT•lagl!` ,1ar.i , , 1c.;-.,i:::,,r'Lui 11= ~• \
Law. nom la more . Orad LAW - Mars.. that i tal. , • -
properties reaching a, number of dim... ae oo . • • ,
raptor ad uocerraloty. Thee are lam, than. la ill it
, Lar \
mow of Immo, which, If Mod..
nt La of ra. o Il I • *
nee in allertaloCsuarratt, mad reacatog the blm of ',,, , . \
bealtb and .ghee to roan} •
enlister lA. br0.... • •
octet. thought a t putting tt up ite tot, leaot root are. - , ~
time Ls the cure °tl The emanaor and &ally loam • • ',
ring ca ll s for It. end
ear. 0 has \
farmed. it. Fur.. 'oaken.. ol it. two. rapalantr . .
wide rm. P ith la the cure ot d . .-.....a0e. ,
We do nOt wt. Oa, pate • lt,ng of eerridartee.
Nre axe cOnieiOna that the msdariro an .013 Week tn. way , ~,
tato the favor of tram who sutler, e ra 'rob to be bc•l
Whllet_we do not clalre Mr it • Innen eal artalicrar. Is e I ~
err dopose, we urracirtatanglt .. ay W.. , • to • a.ober ,
Citron' , Dire.. tt Is Lour Anion; do. n.l . , . ,
erannented-all dimams of Ora mob. touter, strata aa _-- .
Y. al diem.. of .., erajnworao, LP , , •
Eh &11,4.11.M..DY.PlEPEIA. Dimict. Duo.. of tbe
Valle ..1 /Odor.. Pains In the 11-it or Lode,litirreara I
Di..l.o,4„Nemairta. halm. Ithattextre Palo t bout. hunt,.
0., n o w, h.., iturn,
... 1irti1...... Old serio• , ..,,
iren tar in cams of oishility. p. , ..4- 0 • In , . ~ P.of.T.. !I .
tTi't, ' ,' ' ,ll4 -F— , t il.q. - .: ^',":47 . r0Vem.,74 - I.l°lllT
ATLI /fin see. l h ease, 10153.1 0 1.1 tn.: Ww...,..,1 enerw. to scv , •
- whole Itume,aomoving obartrairmat, ay ening the Mame , . •
• Sneer]] Teat ashlar mum disease .1 a brokra ea05e......., I 1
•.d print:become-0 and renewod comer to ell st. moo , l i -
• • of Wel That pterarletor know* of reraaal corm . rthei
that realmaL every other byeaWent. Pit .0 , nvel•se then , . JA
d of the YETROLI tor a Mort time. TO. meof "ms bes, \
0,,, ao•oy oraort who dole , . in ..,
Bo 3 biTylrr i X;etr , h Ohs
' " ".
•. , •
,i \ B. LA KIM:, Canal r.. 44 re. .. , event • i
, Alm. hr It. E. PELLallto, h 7 Nom .
\a 4 KEIL Elt k I - DOWLL,
'corner Woetstreet suet Virnin .111.1. Wt.*, '
, nortally
_ L _lallAtotruhriT apo inba Agent.
' I' . !:OVI ,' all me ho are sick. and' affliet ` pi - , -
h A ,ittz direese hf the fllmiber taut 'Kidneys. with rite i 5
- ..hq...h.. let haet:nt . hoohe: , etar.r hill...lldd mreAtlMlLlrat , , 1
a. Tril7l. A NoTtl - aT tiallrabe'of.Vbelli.g't l'n'tr4.= •
. Wm as .racked with
,pain. and ratfleng from doe., enar
r'' . f to ^ - . 1 1.0: i. 1 ce . 1 70 , t5. u. ~ t,t r ceb ."'t t :'''ro.,,Ll'''efii-;iii-7.,:o;:11;0,11,1isttlar:o I . f ; rl l2 . e 'l' Tta n 4 .7lo ,..s . ' \ '
•`.! I t e ,d uto b, i , no mixture-to ea/nomad. rhtup Mr the purpose
a•• of iturcelag ma the rot,' but &Ism remedy ashore.
' tho ' l ' err ' lraod ot:et l ure 'r*ti . alt:dabealarl:rom'el.' s
N.„...• tom. of our mother earth, In lb oritarad purity. mad or•
. fen to suffering b.oradty a re.dy :tamely, a oertam and
Pb• 'h it Ta. cured IT.. ram other m• nelson Imo Whet to
"•'`. render may relief. It 'h.. rood hbeamraisab of lak{
:thrr,,,.h4ihennitela'hh:„..Ctat ohlamn'o:hiirn.bhrrhl,e7ligm.o'rme,,l,,,,”r':dltewehrTol.d'othhoseh:t. t : ,,,,., 1 ' t -
.4 1•4;
...hi, It La batter than any melon] commun. orbitrameat
ram we know ot. It will cure chilidrans and Itintel fret. •
, ''" ln a b• fe:it o p f oll n ot o ti sc onyl ott th A rt:loUbt: l jar rat ' y eart, l' b' lte,:fLma " lalie
teey I d oe c th ., " AVl•47ll lh . I l iTtlt l ,l=l h bl; ' = h rge=
1 ,
t,b2., *li t: l. 7o. 'f t a h' l h ra ' ro. t O ' cll. ccroer of Wood ' a . rrest II %light '
`....: .]lore PI I:. :ellen. 5: Wool street 11. A. Eliot. U. BA ,
,evarry, Alleglien S . :it) , at ,. the et
l._ ' 1
iMernrll7llll2' •
. •
Ti ft.
e a
-D.J.. Item. the dimovror Mil rels propt l
ow Mast popular .med besenearl mollanee..d a.
lk t• th e inventor of the eachot.l inttnnn.•nt tor innate. A . . .
a • Mt.:. la effecting • rare of (Towle dire.s., we• • ath
tbd , ,dent of that main.. phyeletan. Doctor Phrw..4 i. • -
. c, yradtrate of the Universitr at Prouty liaai.and for thirtr
h'.. - r''''''"lb'••brkVc..".trc•linU,•';ii374V.Pal'
.° 14'. \
ti 1, ro hh u a gn the [las h of Lo inhatmg lat hmin manier.trarille
•M. 1 Porahrbsttio nrrup..d other tunin g
Os renilep, h.. b. \
torn an unwed elm maw-my in curmg race. aro.ful
ang, - d ALI maladiera lfobercular Cr.umptlene, C. 0., , ,
be fitla, IlLeuniatona, Asthma, Titer .4 Ara.. Ferro o
al ylo4. Clarnale Erytiyl.. sani all thou obstinate dle a
-- mor. M females. indemb Pfeil Long of d ra ms ,
I.lpla Tara. rAttpier tbe Sire of his remedies, to which hum... ' ,
ty is irt.,,m,t. by the too of ens contra:mod Gray, Per that
ill ineonVie with PhySiOloSital Law, but by the au of
r i, at ou re y, mertei to, ~I ramerilmd for, rub - pool/as
rem of cvlase.
Oas ti."•T I;
Dr. Ilowealitoln/llterMio Villa. Wpm toed, are rand. .
.... blr .I,..eleAred M be myranot to sacra...o p. cv
.., , jt' : LITe cr . unl- hilt, Inasmuch a.. tin.) kar• the [Q.t. Sa.• ' r
... 5 . ,, .feetly foe twow.ilretrout ara abaft. tichlen•Plileme sib
... ••••. anther. try IL , poem. peculiar pt . /partici, Woe ' ,
W to fen.le aj.Serele but bed. mtbawd that • i.• letbd .
la ratliclent to rahlab wtost L. Leto 01d,41a tbembeeloof .
I. rerast ...Me \ • . . . \
The tare)] . Mantel ter call atone the eat. .1 rao
cure :grater one a. floe Doctor's pampltlera. Ira. &detail
ed .mount of emb e Suds: mad Its appliratiw •
pre oaa e by the to , rany agents, . well . by moan dr.•
fri , a a1t0... terms , . •
J Mbar esker 4 th..T4 w on.l at, Pattaltargh.',l
grh.t i na.V4r! ' t, 4h o:t h rtntt OM " se. Ali..
/ a •
... I. lo g ep q
atlii• - •h Bartley, lharrato, Lessner county r..:
m .•••. : John Elton,. unra t , " • e , -
ii. T Adam., boss.,. • • " " ••
raiillnellf 'I ,t
Fgh. KOR kWßßA ß Set E ronild in --
Gr. Dewitt C.' Kellnigre• IVP.u.tazy.i: hcciliENT.
agie livid:hich . stood traa deer of thraty.p ex. '
, perk..., ...I has. heyood • doubt. %l a -en the meabe , eery ae-
Itaratt. • Ing the hoe cf to o f of bralvidarels, itl almosv
.1 \ cli..d entacte; of doe. We fah, that we hazard ate
Sr. will \ thing in paying_tliat thi• is the only tactllcitte that hu boo
rad 0 •Werolta the effiacted,that. does LILLS • th. ve.Ree
r which 'a i b i, a i t ttirrold for. - ' .
to IL no. It has cured. and temporal; cf our.. arlyre &moire* than ,
, • T other m...tre 13VEAa ... T , Id Ix 0.61., we caLs' tram
trier, L. .e or KILL., , ....- . \ .le, a stroay..l convineing poach of thWobors, ms .1
.. •• N 1 i l ia , ,it I l the caly article thathas sypeand 111 the m t . o r
j ' tat Medicine tbat ha• ever hem t
he m at and reoehr ,
• Co. )hr of the alit e gererally, as the matt agree.. . e..
• di, - tendollediome ever offered far .., or used•aby my of
, n% ilt: VI.
• ETD y The,lP,ra. atoms ti.. Grinnell, tam 01.0 : The la v.n. Ewa.
Ex- I: m `Zil'''''Pifit q , li t. 3 ',"'EVl,l. l) .fth""',... Hw u ',/“.''''.
' Toner radthor of otner N s cia vi r at th w
.l f other yorh, who re fully terral Its vont, Lave per.
T . .
‘,:- " hr tinVefe h iVa ' aina t la Patent riedicra.ers 4
Caws.. ally patroulrad,hy the learamt. ...ban end In.lita,
t,,, In clot Iwe have und outtpily a elght . to feel nallaelTel nlamy r •
, - .. ~u r L , . rear l s bi' 'beroittt " ;;:brif g f , Ter:Pf6 d ,°',.,1b:.01.„,u — p
a• i I strongest sal O. \ This most ood.otodly is pllTeig ...s
Jo • ourandes, It Ls at.K ,
.ereuin nraoly rd all a.m. dim..., L,
1•:::: •\. ' rlErcast7l , : , l:LO:.:7e,:ilo ' La g si t Sr:rLellan ' .:•,: l an: "" 7l::,
t h d ruire .. "" Zad: \\\
nr. , I) sort. nod alt thd ao.lmbestbettleall b Swint°. • *C I
Ilart , 1,1 bare perfected aloft totoniehlra rums, after all other ,`, •
atom., modaes see failedr.4woul,/ rtarra r brag. bad we net \ a
Thom.. s o rel. sod in our pcsMa. , lon the •trongest prorate tri•
[ CC
• Crld, i t \ Le medicinal, or tratto .• re\o k„ ,l*, is prep.:Afro. Ter.
re t \
l A. as, for interantl . weifaps ea e , tal we. It eras greet-
Port- q a the disessed_part•-ararloc St nralth sad oreerotto
t Pr ta'r cu. fry rd.rho.c.. , . Miran. Chalks rani
Pato all \ . emodto slim:lona, ' drams. of the litdaeye, .d L I.,
Ora-' Weeloy in male or female, fn. • Meyer wow it nts7 \'',
c hh o r . i'l lts, i:% , i1it1eu , rtt1,4 , 4 , .. r
. 1 ., 4 r:. ,. mar. Sal :
1 / 2 • ' - V
Pan. IP, I[v pot op no four, ts •a. cii•ehlltitta •
W, J. W. \
. \
I - To thd R‘.. , erg of Pintsthe —l e t .11 Gazette.'
To the; R erg of the Pit ~. : h Gazette.
11,0111.1,0, ' TTENTION 'Arcsk . • ully in-
_L. Mud irs li following troths. ert4 , ••n triad. le '
K , one of the no ratht remedies of mph, timed
.jo Pl. - MOLEX , ROCK 011.: it is nt no den ma
I; p r rtfliont, r ' lli e s ' iw i te Ynd '" en r r, ' , P,i - Lr ' 1 '1 4 .' 6" 'lr th.
,k. ) ,,
b. heal, have, Final m. brow& lolly Wyy Mill by be. '
ocautranity. and 'we , :y‘t , that Le • lor..erlit Is tared the ,
more turban will ltd t Pune rpm M. it if.pot I.lg•F r te
but, f
• d.j. got np le thw vile Putt.. of ma*ing .
b., one. which leo. ei, MU audio. to beets. he • S`
,_ all other nnstrtune hms et, Pug.... The P4relemit Is
• Maoist Ilemednela. wol ta the dn." wr •W'V
• by a power and agency that laughs to .read alhth •
comyetition. It it our dtd••• When we mite .I.w-* m . k- ..
_ . eine ' that wow.. the ttuill—ttiat we WaY noththEt.ealcu •
'el /and to deceive three who may trod onr word.. pith...
_._ denew in or Statementa Thellork ere Terfald to drab at
any thing that pthotteee teller4rorn dle ww , A marjoram
hardly be too highly wught an,werthc °lst. of gull.
log or totunhuggum tome or theme Boa. •e do not &Ace o -
1..• ' to do this we are erudous cal he triah to relation*?
1 rezald 7 should. be told,. unleyte aro, for It *tom
n far exceeding any eingle arts o• in the Med , .
flattens...hod fests—flicte that maybe...rat...l, •
PI For city end neighbor...l , ben: eliMic tothittmul hit lso
a r et the Petroleum:, i
1 \
th-Tlf cur awn dtivar. '
" at ' ho lvithb. Q" tc,c27 blind; bare Ls. ',edo ol to eight. UT- , \
ab ral ZZIL ' a or blindness: in the Pro* ehi.t 10, fan lawn
' \ . `,
le mind: dud, ales,thic weed estuti-m. o,_hemer ,
and, Them ii..other; TAM that. ere cm - ud - tr•nos,llMl Saar \ - .
.1, 'been
refeetedto by any prions - who h tee stool. Cea ths mth... • _
rm. Ike- Thew man ace Man; et , Mai" kart.. th.a1d0....‘, . '
rtl. 1 . , i,g;g4 4 =;g,hrrg . , a16=v,7,1 0 ,4 0 :'
..,. Pilo. Rhoeutadism.tiotthlisurelins. hropniya on the Eltin e ' ,1 •
ha Irtmides Cat). face, Chronic Fore. let ee., Itthrons, Tetter. , •?,,
mu , Scald Ilesd. pains in the bane and .000. irl r U.g.
thy Wetts.Ague. Chronic Coughs. Asthma. Lome ti. end ell' li.
you Pulmonary affection. of a throttle num., to
neo to yrro• l t,
duce consearipthan. \ O
`tLe Bonus and maids, db.. ofd. Diehl, and; * mks. \
Chappe.i HAMM% ItAcmat.4. hippie, Corn. and *mks.
In fem. it a tiaill tarramth h 0
000 furl has been tried ' ' ‘ \
t er In Land of the abort ate. elthin the prat.mrs,.l.M W.
maa Valid [ abort
Cealata. thtt alit ...tallith 'pato., ‘, - \
M. thehands i s the proprietor.who MU mite ;bums ltt Aeon. , • , ' \
~, bei v Lmni is the 5... i or their Blends- ; - .‘,4. . •
: • T .- other. may say about their niedidlice, • . .
~,,,,i Ctsoleiun is the mated Itetaltly It \ th•• lira. Ph •
, r i, r, of high rending In the proteimon , hexidniA. to use d
nd , Nei.?,...... Those who at trei Pete:T. loth don ,
.... sod untertaimtroue willing Wm. , dit dot palm Mai \
la. considerston. Rem enother year mils round. MI will be
• ...Bed toacknosled. that toe i etithosta Is the greats s ,
Vrie ever OiwooTer,l. l'or •olo.rhokeids and re- \ '
rs of by 'to ElhEll A Witt, Ak. 1313 %pod et. '
R. E. Sellers, l 7 Wood sth- 01 It . Carry, ri. Ali
ry.t.,' m*,..t, Joseph Dube., Albutheo: t .u. L. , b - 7 9. Pro- .
.-- odder, P. AL Klljt. Canal Jima., .pry stmt. ,yker.k. , \
bu j zh,...l B. A. Faldintoth l 0 Co. Wood , 1 Pron tots .
, _ •
{,g - ELLERS' IMPERiAI. COI)Till ZYRU. . , . •
'' i'L`b.',P.njJ'..ligt.di.ilbsierrellf X.' _ .
lin t- ff. St.ll,is-111 otIIR I I , O , 4 ,,,,,, th.n. It •• b.... ‘,
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AnoorW.LOYMOSO. • ~ ‘, '
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on 4h . ~k0,411,dM \ ad toe ou;ed Es a .:4 cf.. bottle Of WO
' ird•.f.sre\d\st:d.;;Oll 4 . 1... E. &ELISIO. ,•
mxta , . 47 vviod a.. gull invitgl.e.treassahl•
Ak‘NTMEDI(.IINES A -.c.--Al stock
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Ides t.ttntclut ~. I Aromul:e nace; • • .
1 -7, its..ails.ur M'Ll:'3l,\".
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