The Friends o J 0168143; itt, they rah 'Wird Meant TELLS NINO at tie Public &tool }Lim st, the cu of Pike and WalntakBteeet, 127 o'elcck. -'A ems by Maps. Halt and - Dante maybe e • &del 'American : plea e copy. , A Mi.Otthoou *O. Ilm.Lecznace—Be ob. 4 • Mate by the Pi ~ use that .this gentleman 13 / bias appointed the Board of Education of th Second yard.. polity, to deliver a coarse of a t least,. twelve . l i .ree on archeology at .Neir Orleans this win r. - Tide fact will show: the nine attached b the enlightened citirena of one. larger cities o the discoveries of which Mr. Glidden isiti.ou canary the sole popular. ex. ',, pounder.. It give us pleasure to ace that our ~.- Tong M en'e Lib Association has fore.atalled 1 ' : om•soillerzifrientle in securing the prior delis ! . ay of three of these lectures in Pittsburgh, the t .. more eo, - as Ably joave been, composed by i'llr.' Glidden ithile rusticating daring this summer in ' cur Immediate vicinity. Theraerematerials rel. 1 Min to Babylon, Nineveh and Persepolis were ' collected by. him, we undiretand, during two visits to Europe, wheie be atadied the ,Oriental Assyriszt 'Mom:mets ' at the Museum .of Lon - . don and Paris ; receiving eveey facility from Lb; friends :Bemis} Botta, Loyard. Binh, and otherdi Onri citizene may therefore' be sasurid that in'e "course Which commences this trolling they will be presented' with - the . • most complete an . interesting synomds -of the • minute. tailors of cuneiform *indents, which '• sheds i beautlinl sadamazing light Upon the . wan betvie6 the of Asayris and those 0_,..1 '• Israel and Judah , rior to the Babyl9Lsh cap- ' t.. ,w .. :Jetty., ' Tidi ition ought to ensure for these .1 ... letitures universal. patronage, aside (ions the '"_necessity of gala: an Institution eo honorable 'and useful to our ity as the , Young' Men's Li . Dr. Gleason teas of Plush frig, on Digest *pepsin, Gloo Heart, &c. tional mode o medicine, &o, t the largest oo tinge In the IT4 cents, .. RALLY WHIGS, BALLY : - , The Executive Committee request the Whigs in the different districts in the county, to meet - at their election precincts on Saturday previous .1 to the election, an appoint committees to attend the polls on the. ele tion day, and to co-operate i with the Couunitte of Vigilance in order that every Whig vote may be polled. The Soli, com mittees should be carefallto see thit each election district is vitipplied withithe fall Whig tickets. - The fireentive Committee take this occasion to say to the Whigs, that the news from all parts of the State, gives the most encouraging hopes of the triumphant success of the Whig candi date for Governor, Wm. F. Johnston—if the . Whigs , do their dutrand see to it, that the Whig vote is polled, the whole Whig ticket will be elected in the State. ,10. Darragh, - Deopald Pahl, 'Fred'k Lorena , Anthony Dart.; CoL Alex. Rilands, li. S. Fleming, Col Meagan Robertson, Caps. Thos. 3l'Malxers; Paul Anderson Way, Joshua Rhodes, • Geo. Darsle, Ilegh Magary , C. 0. Loomis, Alex. 11. Miller, W K. Vankirk. JOSIAH KING, Ch'm Lescisr. —Stephen Hill waz, committed to prisonon Saturday, by Mayor Guthrie; charged irithstealing a Pair of hoots belonging to Joseph Buski• dce Or.—The Chronicle says that on Fri day e log, as the coal wagon of Mr. Gilvery was be" , edriven down to-the boat, Jones' lower terry; n Saw. Mill - Run, a co* ran across the read; . d her horns by some means or other be came e: tangled In . the bridle reins of the lead berme; . her efforts td extricate herself, the . whole team of four horses was thrown' over the gooier*, bifilt to form the road of the Landing. One of the horses was killed, and others hurt.— The drit!er fortunately escaped injury. AND PemiSTLYASILA Hansom> —The pamengets on the Ohio and Pennajd i!rued, list week, was 2695. The amount "a, was §1282 litierocitt —.hums Cunningham was Co ....'tted to prison' by Alcterinati mt., on oath or Allison Roberts,.with I 'or Illanciarrait.—ThO following • sacred at a putt meeting of nom-, ;Led by the Allegheny and Man= Au .1 baguets Mitten al cleater Sarmatian 29, 1841. At a ' of conference of the Committee of Alleghen y omens and the Committee ' . 6f Mooch - r C cils, the members present Were Messrs. .la all, Milford, Schwartz, Walker, t ric and ft j e t', from Allegheny, and Messrs. Caughey ml e, from Manchester. It was Besot, ~ at the opinion of this joint Com mittee, t . e A 'aeration of the borough of Alan charter t. the city of Allegheny, would be alkke adnntag . tie o both Corporations, if such terms can be a.reed upon by the contracting parties as will b sail tort' to the population. Resolnd, T at a copy of these proceedings be submitte to he Opinions of Allegheny and the borough f Manchester. I .7. MARSHALL, Ch'm of Com. W. BA Aix—, Seey. 1 In S. . mon accepted and Com. continued until the )matter ip finally disposed of ; ITC - C. C. not yet a ed on.. Eisoly! mittee, t cheater sdnatag can be a, b Besot submitte ,borough F 01711.74 W an ArECTI2IO.—In pursuance of I t. public noti ce meeting of the friends of Wil liam 5 % ..?,:, On, was held in the Public School. House, uttit Fourth ward, on Saturday even- Jag the 44h i , when the citizens of the ward •were theist in great numbers. The dine orris- Ing for till g the meeting to order, A. G. .fitaintrenr E ~ ' was called to the Chair, and -James Blporhad, appointed Secretary. After the chair nun tateh the object of the meeting, ..with semi:. ap opriato remarks regarding the duty of every Vhig in the wand, at the approach :hag coat o. the second Tuesday of October, on moti be appointed a committee of three, tar z J ohn' ippy, Samuel. Fabnestock, and Henry Wemds, to block the ward, and appoints Poll Com Mitt , and a Committee of Vigilance for each bloc'. • . It then he'. understood that the Hon. Thou ' IL Howe, an• Geo. Darsie were present, they were loud v ailed for, when Mr. Howe first ',spoke at • - I length, showing up the ruinous I policy of the me Trade Locofoco ;party, to the Intent!! of P ansylvania, and on the other hand I i pointing o t - e duty of the Whig party—the' protection pa y—a urging them to do their ~ elinty to th it • tato d nation in the coming Mr. Townie at . . owe, spoke in which he re- I viewed the :. rapines and thefts of the board of Ceuta oteptiagionre in the building of the 4+reerwt. neduet, and various Other matters, - ..with good Fttelet. Hon. John Strohm, the Whig candidate 1 fonCanal Commissioner, whom he - knows well,and pledged himself that there would . no ma stealing if the people would but elect — bonen Jo n Strohm one of the Board of Canal Commlssi ners. Both speakers wore listened•te with area attention throughout. ', , . - - • After speaking was ended the • Cemmittee :',.. • . pain to bfock the ward, and appoint. Qom,. P latwasp tices 0 Vigilance, reported the following, and I Vi'expl —That the folliring persus be :a /ore nuttee to attend at the poll in the 4th Ward-iR. J. The s, Rowan McClurg, R..£. McGowan; yd. Id wain,:Charles McKnight, John Rippey, ~Hetiry„ II ye, Henry Woods, Alex Speer Wade .. 'tempt° Israel Wiggins, Esor,C Yeage;, Sand faintest° k and Robert MeCuteheon. Resolve =That the following persons be Op . - .:pointed B ock Committees to see that the Totes •of said Blks areal' polled.: , • ~,,, . „ , Blocks er Marbitry to Hay Stem, John Rip .; •piy,'Jame A Hutchinson, Wm Mltcheltreo Jr , Y. 'LC. Rai , James. Caldwell, James Patton Jr, Win S. Lasely. James W Riddle, Capt Wm For . I . sythe and James Thompson. - I Rica/rye Bag to Pitt Street—A. G. Rinehart Fair,. Jose h Elliott, C. Yeager, Wm MeCatul • - ,lessi Oct S Belden MajOrJohn McCandless, John -T. Coxhien, J. W. Robertson, Jno M Okely, John Patton, Win Mc Knight, Dr, J. IR. Speer, Philip IL - Elnlieed, Jamili SlCAoulty, Isaac Pennoik. .. -_. .- - meek from Pitt. to St : Mir Strret.—Charles - llsYs; ea eel Hare, James histliews, Alexander Speer, jkl: Whitmore, Henry Woods, James Doti k3 , eldseu, Henry' flays, W. W. Alexander, Wm. `' ELI. Georse Miami; James Verner and 11. s e• .. ' Block from' St Clair to /rein St.—ValenSee rehi, R. Mackey Jr, M. S. Johns; Wm. Young. JamesYerner, Sand Morrison , . ,C. W. Ricketsen, Joseph Petuaork, Jas. M. Moorhead, C. if. •D on _ , notte.nd Wm Rinehart- • ,‘•••,, Block from Irsin -to Hand St. Henry Earle, w e Hampton, . w..A. BroWn, W. 4..1hr50, 0 .W. Bell, Alex Watson, H. Thompson, John Lovely, 1.:5.; .. Johns ,Drl...:Jones, W. W. Marlatt, Bloakfroya Hand St to Canal.-.-Da v id Holinia, Jae. Mensal's, B. E. McGowan, Solomon Stoner, , Thomas Casten. Imo IAV iggiiis SKr, Benj Triio. 1- Ade, „Joseph Craig, Robert MeCntelmon, Rowa n .;3t0910re,. Geergo 0.1 4 gL..T 01 7./ 3 ?" 1 7:7114 1 .• ott endjOhP;lVAlteJ• ... . • ..,-,., i A. G. Roggen': Chairman. janit iNi. Mo6uman secistay. , - Filter WARD fojiliT/111--it II Scott AndJehn..l ston meeting, kohl at thi base .Xre LWie, on the 2diuscon motion ''of MajorJoitis Mick, David • Fitzimmens, Esq, was called to the'clair, and. Samuel Long Secretary. F'l} Kay moved that a committee be appoint ed to district the Ward Into blocks. , and to select .a iigilant committee for each block, awl a •poll committee; whereupon, the Chair Appointed' the following gentlemen:—F 0 - Kay, Major. John Willock and Colonel Leopold SAM, who rep o rted the following: Pim blathers, street to the Point, tittOce to Liberty street, Samuel Barnes,'Washington Mae on, James Bunting, William Roseburg, John B Bell, James Nelson, Jobe Grimy, James A Wight mut, George Berkbacuteer, • Robert Lee; 13,0bn From Liberty up to second street, thence to Wood street, Col Leopold Bahl, F 6 Kay, jAlez ander Nimick, Hobert M Biddle. Adams Oeuy, Pater Walker, C B Scully, Wm Thaw, D Fltrhlt maims, Frank Dohrnian,John Caldwell, N tan Murphy,,Wth Collingwood. • ;.1 Prom Liberty. and Second streets to Fourth streets, thence to Wood streets, Joseph 1..0ng, Major John . Wdlock, John Wedden, J L Brindle, Alexander MeCuOy, ST Northam, J. T Schry:. ock, W S Harem,., Thomas hieFaddau, Col Win Deili. Dr Wm Thorn, Dr Smyier ;Walter H Bate man. From Liberty and Fourth streets to M ket; thence to Diamond Alley and Wood street, Peter Shepler, George Beale, Allen Cordell, Benjamin Darlington, Jacob Hnbley ; John White Goa Al. hree„ Adam Bay, H Vierheller SantlateMsatert,.. Col 7 Heron Foster, Charles Craig. Poll Committee, Wm Algeo, B M Riddle4ho man McFadden, Allen Cordell, Wm Gorman and Andrew Miller. ' - On motion of $ T Northam, Esq. Resolved; that .a meeting of the eitliens of the Ward ho held at the old'Coort time. on Friday ereadng, the 10th inst, when Several gentlemen invited to address them. DAVID FITZIABIONS, Pres:t • SAMLTI. A. LOFO,Secy SUPREME ,Cousr.—The 'members of the Su preme Court are now engaged upon the trial list of the Tenth Judicial District, composed 0,1 , the counties of Westmoreland, Indihna, Armstrong, and Clarion ' ecture to the liall, this even be 'cause of ,Dy alpitation of the reeention, and ea the use of any five manikins and models . and pain &mission only 12 SHOCEISO ACC/DENT.,—.9. .young mon named Henry Shannon, who was engaged in the;steel factory of Hews. Jones & Quigg, met with a shocking accident, yesterday. He was working at a machine told for cutting axletreo screws, and endeavored to shift the bands from! one drum to another, when his hand was caught and horribly mangled. His arm was likewise broken' in two places. It is feared that amputation will hate. to be resorted to. . BY TELEGRAPH RUMMER ES THE eRZILLT TRIXORMIT 'LINZ, AND 6Zr9WiTD roe SUL EVIL4III Wirrrir. LATER FROM CAISFORETA.- ARRIVAL OF THE STEAM !HIP OHIO. Tha.Steam Ship Ohio, from Chagres, arrived this mprniag. She brings $1,600,000 in gold dust, no freight, and $600,000 in the hands of passengers. She also toings the California mails,rto let of Sept., and 460 passengers., Among her passengers are Capt. Stoddard. and the crew of the Lafayette; which was burn ed at San Juan on the 10th. 1 The Isthmus appears still' to be infested by robbers; and many passengers by that route have been robbed of every thing they posseseetl. A gold train woo attacked some time eineirby 14 robbers, two Of whom were .afterwards pap= lured, and the gold recovered. .Four others Were shot, two of whom were mortally wOun ded. 1' , 1 RyoNl. S. Consul at Acapulco, #as been detained at Pampa is consequence of sickness. E. H. Allen, U. S. Consul at, the Sandwich Is lands, arrived at Panama on the 14th of Beptem ber, and preneeded on the 16tii. From Chili we have later advices. Only $7O, 000 of the $lOO,OOO loan salted by the Gorern meet. had been-raised. ==t2ES I .S=II!III MA1237LA.130- ELLOTiON B.InUO", Oct: 4. In the 6th Congressional District, Josi S. Coltman, Ittdependent Whig, is elected over D. hi. Benry,:the regular Whig Uemine4 by 202 majority.i At the final bearing of, Henry Alma; to-day, on the charge of libelling the wife of Maj. Toeb man, wan held to bail in $l,OOO, to anrwer at the December term of the Criminal Court. RISE IN THE MISSISSIPPL ST. LOGI!, OM 6. • The upper Mississippi River is rising rapid ly. At St. Paul's the water erns within two feet of high water mark,and the Myer rising fast from there down, There are Berea or eight feet at the lower, and nine Or tenet Mo upper rapids. EXTENSIVE FAILURES • Bcarrox. Oct. 6. Two extensive leather. boasts failed on Battu , day, and one or two other failure!, are reported. Moran and two others were d ' rciwned . st Blackstone, Mus., on Friday night but being .precipitated some 70 ft. from the railroad bridge, `wlaich they were crossing in a Chaise.' lomph Beatty a wealthy merchant of this city, died last. night, in the 82nd year of!his age. . The fire annihilator was tried on Saturday, on a two story frame building, built for the occa sion, and filled with combustible material, and the experiment 'failed, owing is alleged to some mismanagement. Upwards of 200 perions were present NEW YORK MARKET. • NEW Yoas., Oct ti Cotton—Prices m irregular, with sales 100 bales. Flour —Sales 4000 bbls at $8 76(ii4 for Ohio and hams, and $412}(4 26 for Genesee. Grain—Wheat is quiet, with 2000 'bus south ern at 818®89e. Bales 1700 bus rye at 67e 7$ bu-E Corn is firm, with sales 14000 btu! at 55® 68 for.damaged, and 60 for mixed. Provisiona—P.ork is cheaper, with sales, 60 bbls newntess at $l6 37, and new prime at $l3 60 111 bbL Lard is dull at 9c. Whiskey—Ohio is held at 21to. Groetries--Sales 120 hags Perto Rico Coffee at 9j. dad 100 bgs Rio .at 80 14 lb. Sales , CA hhds Muscovado Molasses at 22011 gil, and 100 do Orleaaa Sugar at Lio 12 lb. Spirits Turpentine-1s 'nominal at:G. Linseed Oil—Sales 1800,j gals at 74c gaL Tobacco—Sales 88 hltds ay at 6(3;30 11 lb. Stoeks—Canton advanced 2e; Reading I: Erie 11;and U. States eines, 1867, •II en Sales Ohio sixes 1878, at 112 i. ' • . BALTIMORE MARKET. BALTIYORL, Oct. 6 Flour , —The market is dull, with • sales H. 'Ht. brands at $3 94, and of City Mills at $8 87 bbl. Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Sales Rye Flour' at 3 60; cora meal at,s3 bu. • 'Grain—Sales Red Meat- at 70075 c, and of white at 75083 7/1 bu. Sales white corn ak GO 661 c, and yellow, at 63GG5c bu. Sales' ,rye an , 64; and oats at 84e. . Clover deed—Bales at ss"ti bu. ! - .Provislons—Sales mess pork at sl7,and prime atsl4 - 701 bbl, and firm, sales Bacon' shoulders st 810 fie: sides 11 V Ib . Sales Lard in bbls at 9i, and in kegs it . _ Groceries—Ssies Rio Coffee at Ri@Rie. gar and Molasses quiet. 'Buffer has adanced with sales of kegs of 12 ®l4c. _ . Cbcese-6alea at 7010 c lb ST. LOMB MARKET. l• BrLocas,Pct.. 6. Floor—fides at $3 6063 GO, for country on perfine and fancy brands. j , arain—Wheat is selling:4k 47070 a; corn 41C' for yellow, and 43 for white; Oate ace dulk at 27G364, and Barley at 02.006 V be. Provisions—The market id inactive, at with .eut change. Sales bacon' shoulders at 8i; rib bed sides 10®10}, clear di, 'lloll4c, and hems •9@loc i9lh. Load—la dull, and no large sales e l 'l)e. made over s4®4 03 V 10. Whiskey—Sales at 19i11,20011 galL Freights are declining. ' QENEKA OIL, (Parkersbuig,)=4 bbl,, kj. prigs. &rude. for male ••1726 SELLZII9.S7 WOW AILS- 5 .7i 8 ,42°4ee; c lY gr i e, o ' N ; 1 %1 en ..p2o us Lam rty Lux POPLINS--Beantifut gobds, jUgt ,10 red extrreout. W.ICI A. A. MA AC. it - I - WARS-40AM Regalia, Principe, and Ilan= CIOAtt ha.l goad for IWO br _ . aka COLIMICLION CO. REESWAX dz . F.EATHEICS= I 7 - ~ nets Festb•nr. - /SLUR DICKRIt 01, 84.4 • • Fine Wetchesl .. , - ,CEEIV - Tory 'ooperior Gold Patent 4i ts. 1...,,_. - wita.... now*" Man.- ...Wit orofdi illl, tplandittPookotctfooomoterk of boom Ural fah; doable atfWi flozOlon al" Dign•nd perr3. of isrloos stvwrima Dat.ct .. . iris • 1 B.B.I.CUANDOONIL 111 Market it. NEW GOODS. rrUTE SUBSCRIBER luiving now received • 1 AA entire ttcek of FALL AND -WINTER GODDO. would reipeetfolly Inform bin enamor. and the public Nun he Is prepared to dinner of Ids Gouda. either ?thole. we or retail, al yes . ) low - pries.. Lte has to • Dry prod. all the Staple, a. wet/ awe largo Oak of Farley Ore., Bonds. comprlsloo to pall -44 Cheep Milks. for eeenlog and street dress., 'ext . rlebs 44 brocade 11111 s, • - Plain Black SARA all prices and whist= Brocade Black. 011 k. Usury Noland 411%, allshadec • French . French e Fre Merino. nch Merino. and Caohnoows: Together with French add Foolisti hints, to midi...lw rtery. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS: .114. 124 and 134 Barnsley Sheellogto .4 , 1,04 and 04 and Iriels Pillor Linen, .0, e 4 and PH Table_Dalnukso ' Vtg .. .!iletTlZPitlt'S ' sig l i r oTettor liferti l rlotnl Plus° and 'Table Covers ...veb goodg Marseilles (duns, French. Furniture, Moths, Curtain and Curtain klateeSals. se.. • . MOURNING DRY GOODS: Lttizie. Bleat Black Calm CIAZ Black Mohair Luotiosk Bilk Thibel Cloths: • Blank C.:Ballot • English. ?renal ADA Italian Crape,: hloda awl ErACA , Vellic Checnizettes Slimver GMIAzs and Cultic Gloacks sad H0t01.7; .11 at which Goals will ber warranted at good ears and that Inc count F. • aatoln ' JAMES A. SWINK/11T. UTTER-18 kegs for sato by 4,/ saplB WICK it McCANDLESS. HEESE-80 boxew:prime W. R., for sale br WICK & NI N cCADLESS. • • Al OIL-17 Gbh. for sale by kJ min WICK a McCANDLESS. FLAX -22 socks for sale by .015 WIC%B IdeCANDLEM PrRIESTE VERMILLION-2 eases foreale frrplsl J. SCI:100N 31 A KM A 00. .„=First Bupiily of Fan Goods. 4ADRPITY k. BURCHFIELD have now A7117.1?0,1;V'r,. eza , art =orig. .1,17 5000 GROSS SUP. VIAL CORKS- Just received nod rot sale by J. IiEDD C CO. OW CIIAMBERS--Very cheap Wall Pa, thenp Honiara, In Ben or whir... ph. for inkle ' feepl9l W. Al_ MAIIIIIIALL. PPLAID RIBBONS AND SILKS—Motu - am AID Itcmcormo hare open thlo morning • roPPIT of b. above foshloctablo good.. AN Infallible Remedy for TOOTH ACIIE, Tang . on Um Teeth. Ejtonry esei BlerdhurChww. for nts. for Rao at • KEYMER McDOWELL:S. sepl9 Iso Wood Wrert. 'DILE OlNTMENT—Warrantr,d to cure the worn die of riles Jo i few dlrm, fee •Ile by KEYSER MeDOWELL. 110 Woo/ at if',.ENIJINE MEDICINAL PORT WINE, N_N BRANDT, AND MADEIRA WINF---lit boHlw awl Tr. rot Vara" A MeDOWELL. 140 Woody gAPAR HANGINGS - New style of Gold es liwitawc, for Parlor. with wlttcwit Gobi and ot ssi Bonier, for wale br W. P. MARSHALL. serif) 85 Woo" rt. ZREEN OIL CLOTII-500 yards 4, .4, ani quartor Green Gil Cloth. fur Wlridcrs. that r P'6' ,lrSt=r • vegi o n7l794:l:Grial . 9 c en ," Vr the tram rontna, Noa. 7 and 9 Wood atze9t. 9erplP J. t U. 91111.J.1P9. 0 LBS. ROSE PINE—On hand 1011 and for tale 1 , 9 J. KIDD t CO 500 GALLONS PURE OLIVE OIL— Rut melred and for ..le br J KIDD • CO. oel7 Nve October • " CASK AMERICAN ARROW ROOT— JUA reed eat M gal r ebr ( .4i) J. KIDS Cn LINSEED OIL-21) bbls, for sale br •013 J. FeIIOONMAICER. a eo., Rood it CORIANDER SEED—I cask for sale by arpla J. ECIIOON)TAK Mt a 1.%) 11. 0P — PIII up in 1 lb ;s t,ackages, for lam , '''' ' l l. lll..i . ...Vect.inte, a a).. /met,: 25 , 3 Liberty' LYEZLEP'S celebrated DURIIAM FARM IA, (Nutmeat 011.005 E, put up for family we. In giro to Putt, from It to IN) pantri, ran Dr obtained, wholesale or of the aub•cribera. Tbli Cheer, Is held to eery blab repute tn tbe east, hut tow intembaceJ for theta. time low thie market. Thee.. st,airina• • choice amide are le. saLtlitN to rail alai examine. V.Sf. A. iIeCLUFZU A CU.. tlrocer• sui.fra• fle•lrrs. G LUE -20 bids. reed and for sale by N. WICKERSUAiI, sepll mruer of W.l and Strth au I ILROMEGREEN---1 eased for sale by 11 seskll SN (IitEAM TARTAR-4 bbls. for sale by X.) sepr: J. L.CLIOONILAKI:II ACO GLAUBER SALTS-5 bbls. for sale by seem J. SCLIE/ONNI•KEIt A 00 OFT CRUSHED SUGAR—A very sureri- SJ mart:eh. for Ar. , ...rsing.te...,SUltzl4,,utrivj , - ;;;MOILED SALMON—WiII b, re,bb fiefs 1.3 di}, by express, • =all 101, very sup.rwr,For.k. bf • up', WII. A. McCLJTht.j A CO. A BROW ROOT-5 bxs. Bermuda, for sal; fo. 100101 J. SCIIOONMAKER a CO CASH3IEIIES AND DE LAINES—IS es,f the ridost Arks and micro, 0.1 reed II awl 65 Mame( St. (5.,10,1 A. A. JIA,ON A. CO S OAP -100 boxes No. 1 Rosin, for tale by C. a W. LIARDACtiII. ROSIN-200 bbls. No. I. for sale by pest: s. s w IVAsittsoccis, Oct. 6. 111.LASS-100 boxes Window, for sale by %_A W BUTTER -20 kegs for sale by KO J. 11. CAMIE.I.D. PEARL ASH-40 bbls. for sale by J. B. CAN) JELL, it! bb RDA 1. bra z !, Ai urk A c it h D iß :f l i st r: o v re ic ff . Pale Ds Wster sad From ids HONEY-6 bbls. for sale by svoB IEAYADI DICKEY 6 CD. L OAF SUGAR 11U.. ers'd No. lipttk °marl Aet .. • • 64) op hppd and for del, LIU ILDRIUG.. t INGIIRAM. oePi 1111 Water. wad 150 !'toot at Boinos, Oct. 6. NEW BOOKS!—Travels in the United atm., i 4 during 149 and 15.50; tbeely Coo. v ne Smut Woe,.ler 1 vol. 12m0.. tar. She Iltetury or the Etoyeess /q.t. A. Cabbott with engravinhc 1 vat Ihmo, 50Y.4 Oct 6. leletoii.! field Boot cf the Ramlutms. . Nat 35 =4 30 DiesSAttary of Ale", Y.c sloe Wmk wd Enssineering.• Just. A k isoi atl. J. L St../L1). pol g lo 81111,11004 ospl ..sx_Fourth street Boarding: ST. Ott. t rVO SMALL FAMILIES can be accom mndstei Pith plcuapt fmnt moms , my the yeppyld ear. Yithar furnlyhed so d nfaysiimbed. and hoary. Apply at the campy of Third limn rte. opp:1 tiQNDON LABOR and the London Poor Nos. 9, la. 11. ctorlal )14l Look of the Lelalution: No. h. . . . lionised at ileums . Literary Peva, 74 Third stock oritteite the Port Oincs. •P 3-7 -1 4. s UGAII.7O Mids. N. 0., for 3- sale by .40 J. S. DILWORTH • . C OFFEE -25 packets Java, for Sale y FATHER-200 sides Sole, for,sale by lJ eenl DURBRTD(3I: A INOUE M. Ono -20 bbls. pure Tanners' for to aby ssrsi suntsarnos A INGE! M. • LANES FOR ATTORNEYS, A DER MEN, AND JUSTICES OY THY. I'EAC' Dean. Bonds. Declarations, Indsuttirrn. .•tion% Pubpienaii, Summon, Bins of Ike% Articles of An MUM •Ustadarnita. Yee Dille. Au. for Baia at W. h. HAVENM. Stallone relikcomer Market and .. ate NGRAVED ' PROMISSORY NO NS Ac lerue misty of Note* and Drank. Bodeoroaly ertinu4.• Hr le at W. S. 11A kEN 'A Stallo arty St. • telid - enryer Market and Seco • ma BLANK BOOKS.—W. S. ilscas, .orner starker and Ernond strut% ha. P. tid y o the larneet stock of Blank licuks veer offered in this at of Lucy% Journal% Vsy Book.. Minute-Book —co s, ac . In ev ery style of binding. anoint the lowest priest. sena AFETY FUSE.--' 74 1.2 hble. for sale b • I mp 3 J. 8. DILWORTH 11111 AVER FLAIIGINGS--New patte s ?Or g 5 sby . WALTER P. / 2 1A4tIt.1 t A . 1 fti sl t. MEW DRESS GOODS—We arc n w re mising the newer: fall styles of Drees Goods auch as na, cashmere% Poplins. Persian Bob., Al OW, P. idnattas. French Bodin*, and Tbibet Cloth. U er pleats nor open. I sep3l A. A. MASON A CU. ' ?HITE GOODS—A. A. Alsson .- Co. I. - -••-- - - NEW DRESS GOODS—We are • Maim the newer: fall Styles of Drees dread eadmere, Popes. Peretaa Hob, Al raraetta, French Menne, and Tblbet Cloth. pleats now open. I eep3l A. A. /IMP: , • 'WRITE GOODS—A. A. Alspox have put reed 11.00_pee. Whiteftoctle, eon pkin sad plaid /temente, Mal% Melte, Plath /Adis Mot helm Alan, Nanaraot /Amen, Ae. A . aasertment and very 'cheap MOBACCO-40 kegs Va. Twist, far s ;; I. mg dc W. lIARBAU . . . „ 1 0IFFEE--100 bap fro, for sa - ?i;y l— RD: .1. 1 S. DILATOR IiKON will be received in exchnn& C• rwan Amontit of =Auer) fur TWO BUILIIIEdi he Ihrth Woad. Enquire of eepll EQATEE. ATE/NEUN A ORE DEBILi WOE. WEAKNESS AND DEBlii i!.. i i: bo r t Ye Ifila l i gigitlf6' . 7:2'iVi l , L l T . 71. 1 ,11 reDll • . IREMEN'S PARADE.—Spangles, Au. f liettes, Elam hem Iturklrr lr., 13,111 or hie by IwDI l %i". W. VOL. VINEWCR- - —97 bbls. Cider, for sale 0e!.3 WM. U. JOUNSTO SALERATUS-3I bids. for sale by i 11. a W. LIARS:WO - • . f!REEN WINDOW PAPER—Plain' I t,P glued, lby üb• by vop2 • FRESII GROCERIES AND SUND'IESI wow and Frith ab ,- 4. ID hr. eb_ Green dt Bl'k Tank: 15 b.. Doe. •Ca • • ate: MA nal Bak 4 cases aaeorted Diction CO bk. clot. 'Mame 3 " Bordeaux se a Ideb 0 roe. Miller's A Godnirr's IT Prune. Flue Cut. Tobamo: 10 box. Almond. BA m." 4 Slut. Havana. Toilet 50... . 30m. Co. arorg.%.!ehm .7 Lon Saliva: ~....L lo b!'" iTA ‘ u l'ff' tarat; 1 2 'l2" Corn is Dead wo " Olu (. 2' .Ja. - 2 Se&t. Sonde. ''', " ". 4 ' 73 L80u ;21 Token Cloth. • L t, •:. A m pe c zert . k " Dipi,,,l... r d0 0.. a. I . 'at c ent 7.1 n, Ranh 30 kegs tiround ApLeen. 100 .:101. Coro Broom . b bags Sem. • Seralaten %Mob... KAI no lor J. D. WILLIAMS a CU. and: . Northraat IC.. Worn, sad Fifth OL.___ QIIGAR,-7 hhdr. N. 0., for sale by J. O. OA r; §.ODA ASII—We are prepared to f ~ Glisos to.ittlotoms, sod Um trade g0...1J doh of home mannfortaft, ot the iumeot , volo, and ' , bleb ye worrOnt eons] to tf. belt toP DENNTTf. StratecY Lim I • ; nn3 rroot Ft- hoar Al Pittsburgh,. Cincinnati & Louisville ' graph.. TilE, STOCK of i ontig s w i ttelby Etcelizeul Kuban.* Broken. mpg an= of llatkat scui Third s • ts. LANEOUS TIVEDEOIiT HOUSE, PRIINSYLPARLI KALMAR , OPEN TO LOCKPORT. TWENTY MILER WEST acero nabs or JOHNSTOWN. i PHIS well known establishment is '7ll c. n- ducted In the tame Manner It has slats beau The ,firmimgmglro. 1,.,,.°):4.12=',`.'21°Attn„°1,`.1,z!'..ri!''7...7,.,t. kn. thee . n Era leo (14 r ....I.r It s r sod satraits. IRS.] FALL ARRANGEMENT. ISSI. .1.1. g '.....lng t ieroVt:'ut the firm of/oho I. luek r gHA HOE OP HOUR. , ao ps. long at the head of the mtaisinhment. the eutorn Nea la. beet exerts.. to manna u Its. 1....tatt00 slot TIME, anDtsagli *SD SPEED ISCaEAsati to mve ektithostlon to Prtingyfrania Railroad ond Repro, Packet Line .I '="'" - - 1 . % tl 11. PAKKER MI roll. 14 11 11 rout • I ST milesesosl I,IE, et istratatir'ann emodersom PHILADELPHIA, BALTI3IOREF: NEYORK . PHILADELPHIA. Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats, rifftl i l i - ..., 11111 , 1 , 7, ~,8 0, NNiE , Tr ,, MANU- EtES 7 .32I ' ji , V thc. " ategffl &stool rare side )Mbli....lelphis I. 4 r (PACLUSII ELI FOR PA/ME:WM:) oanolBo eras. nig II 14 OODICISP _RAM .1311 ST On and after Monday, August 2.5 th; the 11AGALEY, WOODI4 RD ,i. Co , M hole- Packcia of this LI. adi team Pittsburgh ( or Lorkawat Ija 'sale aroma-. No.'XI Marton et, I lilladelphia_ 04) every mons(n e at II o'clocit.l.l every earning at 2delock, m‘eleek—t hers takt hg the cu., of tbk...P.1rw1 , ..i. : ' :.=,`,,, LIAN 44.. /141, ::C1( TVPZIbII2dtZ '''''"''." .." t"'' '''''''') di- RE c A Li) BUCK NOR d ' C A .) 7 " robaci.o ,85.. Sit-Ttm e through. Forty Hour, 'TM Cortanis.lon alerrhante, No 41 issartb I% ate, Cm., ,I . 2 4.7 .E Milet=tareAlg ? r tr i tMila la .. 10 North Whams.. Philadelphl. totgl canal trarsl.) rusbliu g theta on inival at P e tdardeala 10 ___ ___ —..._ Prom-sat on to New York at none PSESINOERS FOR DALTIMOTLE ' NEW YORK. 'lake the I.k and thuribealand Railroad. at Itarristturg == -- ----- — - Distmemb .sinitr four Milk. Time. FOUR hours - To boilers in ti - quors — a, c. Fore to rbooolotoot.. $1.1) Faro to Baltimore. $9,76. 1 - J COMTE, French Rectifier, 360 Eighth do Laneastar 119 do .11arrisburg SIS.OO a s l t i f o l.r. o d , u sl r r: r c o h.eap, i tra ck :4l . in , st o ms . d .r. eatofo ck,w it th stiss , s i tseen th. o u tm . o : r io : .1 . .1', t,...Na rt i...71.t. 0 hN ,, T ,. . A DL1 n t.,54 , . , ! . .4zrj: hela Howse. of , d ate:, Hi gent is Punch. Contr.. 41.avnth. Ant IN, ate:, Ls Th. limusts and situ me easefully toad. a, 3 P HOLMES. Agent, I ft( VII. la the beet nmss t sts Wed in the yen or F,...e., Or of I.) LEEeH & co ., tad Holland the quails, equal to most of the 1111 p, rts nobs from thous coun • tess.. Dealer* so..inmts dto cell sod augl6 . Calm) Hula. Penn stmt. --- McHenry's Philadelphia .fe Liverpool Line. of Packets. 4 Sailing from Philadelphia on thla Liverpool on the irt of vsob mnn ip MARL PLEASANT:I. R. IL Delisens, Mesta. EIIENANDOAIL Wm. P. Olirdinar, Master. EUROPE, Nathaniel C. Canis, Mader. BERLIN, Alfred F. 911 ACKAMAXONdnew.)W. W. Wert. Waster. The above ships re built of the beet and molt costly materials, and are no a ted for the raPidlty of their peelisgen they are lilted no with ail latest Intorovemente, are meet thoronzaerga=rid co ar i a . on for their do- fad Httpperr they are commanded by men of at gnolirledgedtalente who !uqualled Cr their experience BS the packet weir. 'anon. desirous of bringing their Itiende frees Mie Old Country. can Oben certliteatcs of peareiga. vrtileh will be Yaad foreight menthe. and our agents in Ireland and LW erPwil finnish them with the information end iteorsict(one the to their d for-the converdence . ol l ini . mt i rrs Wishing to rolli CIO t:,11..te-, which trliriVe eashM Ili sal M he Bangs or Yds 0111t,I, in the United Mimplont ffinrrovisione mipplied paseengeril 1.1121[1, Rom User pool. Every week the following enrollee. will be farriLehed each passenger of IR yeas. of age and over: 21d Ilse. breed. Iles. rice, 2 os. tea, .5 lbs. oatmeal , )6 lb. linger. 1 lb. dour, M lb. 00111.41P,A, •134, 1 lb. perk . .. .u h v it 2.l., ' care of_atee, breedlituffe. I Port. nwr.. v.° essr, and half allegiance of G tria 7 , 3 ssocA4T n ir 50.:5a UV 11-, h.., relAtf rosner Sixth and Woo, .• . HEW YOEX AND ERB Waft ort. 185 . agglEM 1851. EW ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via Dunkirk rod the Erie Railroad, rota:tenting nith ant alias draeger. on Lake Erie, the Michigan, Cleveland: Cohan tau and Cineinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and Sandusky and Cineittnati Itailnadv, and granters th e Ohio and Marlselppi river.. and the Ohio. todisths And Pentaylvthla Canal. 1115158 LEAVE DUNKYRK AS FOLLOWS: (Sunday. exeepted.) Int Morning Capra. Endo at 6 o'clock. al Evening Exmoor " 3.4 " The Mali Train nova at Elmira where manager. can sleep 7 hour. and take the ExpreatEraln, arrivith In Nth York next utornita at 0 o'clock. mall:at/the ukoludiethee by day-light. She karma Freight and Cottle Thin (run. Dania...kat 4A. M. dal, Paseenger Car la attach.l to this Yalu to accommodate XY.V Meanders and Drayer, gisTrare from Dunkirk in Nen York. it Senn nd Claw pnees gill la given in • few day., sad Particular anent/an gill be paid to Plank. The thug. ion. to thi. route great advantages awry uorro. gauge Ilailroadt , tno transportation cf Clock_ ger Additional Trans mill Oa put In cnonnxinnjtl • veld abort tun.. Freight lan& 1.611 dinributed, giving full parting. las in regard to th e price. of sa there. It .l p rsTTlNdll.tll. Ago., Dunkirk. rof.2;lla Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. H E fine passenger steamers stiarsat sad RICHMAN No. 2 uill lett, thiar India,, At Pitisturth . a d R ch,tra, every day. (Realty.. nacept.4.4) es followc— ikanu. Rat,. Pattburgla ticchattar 2 r Melva. do do st. do t t. It. Per.. Iripkiltiti to so to ti. ~r eta procure Eatuntieti net. to Iteetwater tad but I it Pittsburgh. fir Lit Ceuta trtest good toe doom one darted up the tan For lklnta tPidt ou bond Ott ittrazabetts - Ilasvar," oe ti the 0ak...4 JOHN A. CALIGREI omtali for irate A SalthPrid sta. rlttaburgh.. 26 HOUIS TO CLEVBIABB. &1421 IBSI.'BEEEt PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Erprest !'aster and Roarood Lone to Cfrrgand. P ASSENGERS leave every • VAT.r.:LLicTgr r'ltztrkzu ' °' 4.1 . }127 , to Ckrekaj , Stud. I. ClUtalaud. 26 Lour, Tu Vaircit: Luunt Chlrsto, 1.1 • It.tat• .itto throuah to CINCINZATI, Cla Oduittbut sa.l Xenia. hi Cleveland and Clurtriusti va.oes.," Or 11.fi011., eldrago . and . ! . 1.11•411 . ,., bur, CleTolaud ev.ry ,veniog at IN= p m t i C'" ei 1421roail 'ZAK thrttet• at . 0, • 4. 1 M" ."'"" ry, this rout. to " t " • Fgt. ;111 . 6 itmmiqau , ll oa, 11 ta. 111.1 r Makin n al ' f . 71% " 2 1 . Prorrlun, '''''''''t' J r g ' lll( P VC!.ZGClllSL • J((jerllw (115 Ptatre)enrner uf Hmiallgold anal WaterareVta. etvaeta tha Hortsncah rirr .a sz ticre4o .. 1851. WESTERN 1851. RAILROAD AND CA 11A L -".. .2111121:5 FITTED°R6 H. PHILADELPHIA, BAT LI- MORE, &ND NEW YORK. r HE Canal being in 'good order, we are premint to tra•us•rt rmitants. end marthaudlos• fmm the etas,. clues. •t true Inwrst .13174. talus cl fresght. with promptness! teal Slispats.b. ' Tb e hate and car. aro ovsned and ernatrolitseby Use pr,sstest•ra. Ullt• of lastsn• Uttsumitt•sl. OA all Icssrtnas-uon. prnmptly at. body •yply La. est addresa• FAAEinumb lad 1851. • &WENN .. . . Via. Brownsville and Cumberland, to Baltimore and Philadelphia THE MORNING BOAT leaven the Wharf abme the Blida. dally..t I Wolerk rraelaely. con. mailog 'with the cur at Cetalwrhual mat maralas. Me Easing Ikett,laaar• daily (aartept Fatah, earning) at 0 cieloik. eastsrwth. with the art at Comberlazd twat or.exii. at IV Weloca. • • •• • • . Ihrovish b 11•Ittroore. tIS howl , Fare only Pt. Thaw through to PhiladelPhla. SU hours. Fare only 110. The •NatiOtal Lltrbd 0 now, prod. Conduchrls go with the Coasbre betwsen Brownsville and llumbrriand: shish make.. this decidedly the beetsoute /last J. MICHKIMBN. Avant_ mr.l7 (Mee in the blononsalwala Boom iirisdFea 18 : 51 ..iaat UNION LINE On the Pennsylvania end Ohio Canals. PROPRIETORS: CLARKE.. PARKA At- ..... Rocinstra. CHAMBERLIN. CRAWYORD.II.XI-....-Cursoenn, O. 91111 s well known Lino is now prepared to A cTratIVIL' am .54 ,°,11T0rT7:oft'etalTrAT22.° The facial!. of the Line an• unsurpassed In namber.nuab 10, and nap nit,. of Boats, expertenre of Captain, and el. Omer of Agents. Une Losslesewe Pittabrusrh end Cleveland dally,ranolng Ifi eonnretlcen with a Line of steamboats between sins. 11010111 and REAPER, and a Line of prat elsasatantboats (nem:roller andleraele) en the Lake, 000111000011: Parks et Co., Youngstown, O.: M. V. Taylor, Warren, Od • A. A. N. Clerk, Newton lolls Od C. Prentiss, Ravenna. Od !Revlon *Oa, Ravenna, 0.: Rent, Orinnel Co., Ptanklln, Od FL A. Miller, Cuyahoga Falba 04 Wheeler, Lee A 0.3., Akron, 0.: Bernier.. Pettibone, Sandusky Cllr, Peckham I Benin, Tolnele, 0.• (I. William.A Co., Detnnt, . bowman a Co., Sillenarlie. Oro. /LOMA A Co., Chicago; 111.; Thom.. Halo, Chloe o, 111. Jour: A. CANOILET, Anent. • sot roe. Water sod Emlthllelkl Pittsburgh Arrangement Made to Forward Freight 1 TO BALTIMORE IN FIVE DATIL A T SAME RATES PENNSYLVANIA tl RAILROAD COMPANY retalpt .0 PbSladaptild., by d CoLE, • corner Paa. dnd Ideal.. ad. Pitts . d. ‘, 4 ,. CM ATtiS"- - ,Cii - ;ne I C J sg. in . nna P O"' 1" .'" II. b r)AL'dICLL CO. au CM 1: LINSEED OIL-5 1.11,15. Citlr make, for sale by andll 13. S. WIC:KERS:IAI/. ic_ !ARPETS! CARPETS l—kee'd this day. . ' by W. 31rCLINT(N7.1(. new and rich at ' lea Halpern' e. - a ne, 'an d Common IS(JRAIN CARPETS. a re which we re preparPreparedto sell lower than any Carpets.... before natn ha thia market. We cordially invite the attention of frictale and Mo.o veieldnn to purchue to rive us • rail. a the Old Ertablichal 2aryet Warehonaw No. Kr, Fourth at. ... , 1 , 4 W:McCLINTOCIL - - --- VALE 000.1 - .6.—Just recd, per express, 1' at A. A. HAEON ACo . 0, 50 (..usikanotlfibbana, rest.d mmt fuhlumble rtrlrr, 126 dos.T..od E 10 yrn. Im de Aniclo, 60 P. Minelitte, nle rt.cler. 6 d0t..0.1..1.11.1.,the5u1.t1p5. g itud rfo'd by . . , RTES AND SUND 'IESI " ' 1 ' ' -,..'-, • ' - - ... .... .. . earrt,.• i' &DIES * C.ARPE'F BAGS-20 doe rec'd it IBBONS! RIBBONS !—IV . ' tad and Frith str. , 4- ' 0 an) Open' ; r ;yolk 10 bole. tkaua aCh • • etc: 11 I nor ernre-• by I oeplUl A. A. MASON 1. CO. rum. new and beautiful Bonnet awl Neck HII; • 4 caw aaaortal Plater. ~. j k ,,,,..,, a ~,,i ,16. jkiIRENCII 3IERINOES AND MOUS DE d l ' AUltll.ll' a BURCHFIELD I ?LAIN BLACR , S I I. K S. — Ml:milli' ...- LAIN PO. of (trance, Buff. Pink. Blue sod 014.12 . trio IT Prunec 10 lyT/oul Almond, Pam end .; ors, fur Chlldreo's Proolo, u ou ß d r r i v . k . sAlt e rrf;;h 4 b6 . 1 8 ..,.. a . 0 b ...., un ~,,,,, ~ ,,, , ,, a la ,rtm. . Toilet B.P. senl •!th: 3 LOS Farina: ; .aut Silk, from 07. e. to s2nor yard. Buyoraurill do .1 2 bates Corn Rats; UGAIt--20 1116ds. N. 0., for sale b • I e...,,,.ti arbd ;narke.; from tLeus. - ' .rub I . / AiIREN(iII IMERINOES AND MOUS. DE LAINKS. of (trance, Iluff. Pink . Blue and 014.12 M. lbe tblldreu'e Ursaare au,' Seeks, fast ned by styl MUltFla a BUKCIIVIE1,0„ . SUGAIt--20 hhdr. N. 0., forrude by sepl S. C W. HAI:BAUGH. i 1 OLDEN SYKIJ P-10 bblo. for sale by Cir ma 0.. W. ILA IIIIA BUIL MOLASSES --5V bbis. N. 0., for saleby 5.. 2 1 . • 0. a W. ITA. RUBBER CAPES—iclos.justtec'd j_ . aim lerver.) •-trtt rote ankle. for rid It, or t erink V.fmi In [7,4271 . lervratep:t.... o 1 ro ;I br a Cu Iftb s . rnish erall . rot ;arket bOOO 1 "1- r a U UTTER-6 bbls roll butter fur sale by 7 jupwy7 J. S. DILWORTH. is CO FOR SALE--An excellent FAMILYtik om HORSE. Enquire of utC: J. BCIIOO3.IIAKLa t 4t. BURCHFIELD are now eh of NEW Lin GOODS. w eh they L elte _the 101.41390 t tbolr tuttosom tot . * L l7 . 42pites o l lthort D nAlro Ttrttir r ot ' llood i' t. omosstotart not to. to rule of_ tut al low cub pm* sospi TRANSPORTATION COMPANY D. LEECH & COll, Ll= fina l AY.? a BLACK. :nem, ISMi; Prop 741rie"hr Dopot. N 00.13 a 1.,. IS:s.ith .t.. 4. • 11 ITlrTl T lL ° l ,` tg. , &Vr ''' ,,jl hu` No 76. North o,oowneoro T. 11. PFAKCY. Agent No. 7. Welt street, New Yort. MONONGAHELA BOUTS. nelrand A. ILA SON W. - BOSTON - To boilers in tiquors — a, JJ. COMTE, French Rectifier, .360 Eighth . mit. NEW Y(111/i, In oplir. salon tar the manta . of Fine Alrribol, Pure Spirit, In, Riittent'a Punch. Curare.. A lovnthe. At:m.llr, Bitters. L... Th. briny and iito are cal efulty uvula andLa the beet n.eipts timid in theyth at Fran, and Hulk.: the equal to mast of ou the initaula lions frum than countries laiskr* are invited In rail and Julio of the qualltiea. atil forward their 0r.1...ra to the ?A -n, .. . 01 Water Etre. NEU VilitK, IChlrt will be promPtl y attended tn. eeptilm American Hardware. )3 LIVEN' & DOUGLASS, Manufacturer,' ARM., No. b Platt etreet, threedoorr from Pearl st., Kw Yoar., would remeetfully ininte the attention of the Ilardware Trade to their Stook of Gonda. received direct from the mahufaeturers, and fcr sale on laromble terms. Steam Commtuneation between Hew York and Glasgow. SINGE Glasgow and New York As , 7irt:ttsktiit v is= . .ra P i::,7;",, n a'd 0 4 0 L '4SA e norm power, R. eteervt, Oate of the Cu. Clad steamers,/ etainatioder. is appointed to nil from New York direct for Olseipm, on Saturday. the Ilth of October nest. M 12 o'clock. noon- PASSAGZ SIONST. tient Cabin (stalwart:l'm fee ..... ......... SOO. * r tt. and Cabin . • steoralre saasensters taken. Tbeee rates Ineloole provielons, but not 'inn or Honore. sebleh will be sepplirol on board, at nesienklis prices. tar , 'll'4..L9l7'ir lll 7 lllZN, y 1 13 , road Em sra y r o x ii tszt.,. • scoasdhavr.B. ' New York India Rubber Warehouse. N. 27 ittaidm Lam', and No. f l it Nasaan oflerlf. neat corner from Broadway. Faetory Mut:4th a., TILE SUBSCRIBER, Pioprietor of this et. hibtblameett, would inform Me old canomern. add marchmits uermrally, that he is daily reeeteing from hie -factory an unusually lona anti tesrallent sleet of India Walter t/oode mannfartured expreaely for the Fall Trade. and which, front hannu Introduced *evens' new on ,I ho. portant imprnermeota in his machinery and romporitioa. hr (sada reolidrot mutinot hit tint g perfect ratisfaction. flpecial attention continues In he paid to the notaufao tura of !Inured maintain CARRIAGE CLOT ll,of aliwldttu. from 3.4 to 6-4 [octants, The drilla arena:ern'', eeircted from theism brood...arid voted with the finest usturiltich ilulahm equal to pa t ent Ile elm mmsul tune the mmextro Oath. • hiubly Important hoprosete tee natty dloresecend, by which the cloth to made to leas an elas, re...Mance to enameled leather. Thr plate liniati , made and .old es usual. tandem abould specify the remell a . ! 1 "" 4 • . . (WERSII.43.—A full steed, n r a ll the diam n t st r l e ,j and varieties.. from tha Itatazned I.ans Rubberr to the ended nti nond Pertnal Olds—. dine, 10 omen's an Childentes Botta Shoes, Slippers and emu's., 14 otnen Vonnd and Lined Rubbers, de. A rontplete assortment of the Edinving slyare on hand Maclntosboa.Coata. Cap., ranchos. Punta. Wel...surer rs.. Driving Monte. Rouse Cloves, Reeds" Jaen*, Caw. Len., gins.T.ohszeo Wnllets. Slaehicre Pelting!. lbarnttalnheSung.., Rome Comers, Whlp....Brea*Pntops,eteau. Basking,thentl- 1 d* Rranrs, Paper Holders.. Air Halls, Dolls, and I Laura, lanether •110 userr deresiptlun of Rubber . O.teats.. Fole =aqui...tun* 01 Vuleaulmd 11.thoer firelons, undies lioodyear's Puna'. Vito GLOTIIR .1/1 La found a cant certain sure and pre scene.. of Chayrod Wands. them and keet.lni them white and et.ft Pure Itubbor Omen, for Ratters' us , Jy',l7 1101illAj. I Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas! EIS. MILLS No. G Cortlondt At., N. York, a . l w opening at hl. Shawl Vi r atxbrns, a fresh of Fal and N a tter egnaiet ins or alistyl , s of Scntett and butneetle Wool Luna Shawls. kw,tber watt Ofull asoorthlant of Fren,li and Vienna : , .4tian Lai Lug rwhe shawl., of every glxse. Abe, .1 ext.trelve stork of thbur, Merino, Thlbtf..Rillt, Sat., and'Velvet. CLOAKS. MANTILLAS. MACE?, 33, .11 1 6.r....bag....1 atria, tasnufactur , ..l from Il pat terns of US own importations. receired wenti.u..cottdr Car arrc stalwarts. tie Invitee the P,Cia/ atlantic. of Soother. and 'wee, I ern Stereh.le to the abgve. as they .41 find an *Awn m.'t Ebsyla. sad readma..l , ( , T ta11a..1.3 lb. city. r- AlllU,7lo+ Whitt FIJOW for sabihitlng Shawls tht Nl:thrill.. dressed in ever) mitered Vritt anl Orob at 14 404 SS rub rr,.Yf To the Public. - INDIA 111131 , 2 ER SILOES::-.-Orir attention has In railed to an airertLsonsent ligra.-• IL bay, pahtleho In thr New ivrk. afraid of I Ith AA,. 00 I.'and -Mat (Yuri, and knquirer .an ,, dal.. Iu• hlnh,- rase, gatent under is. own hat., - in .. ..-gui. r OVhbiggtgi. Sfruf, 0.4 year's :are In the ma enitarturing of ohne.. IT* have purehated our ike1:1•.• fOr th• taa.U.5.1,111.• u( Bobber boo• under .I.hzol fear's Patents. -.4 paid g'gr tnonet• sod r•italt . • torin Um ea., and , Snot varerlerfon inight has. done the sato, tf dlstalsed dn go, rather than pirate upon tinstgru's Patent, We think It mere pqrrtauw • right.. nee • I.OW ta. tent. than In In. tt 11, llty heal,nu ark." ledgel ArtAal,ll , l , 1,016. Loa, f...ttkto , nt, and rigneW.l in future no, 6 infringe his par-ote Ile is u se u waly lorries.. Pali tn attune oureedessa who LaTia. f -a lar,gt enneil,..ti^n, gun:hued Nat :tranmei,..l 10. aura und.r them: and a. ehi, X, NT , r• !ad that neer our too signature, with Paten , stig wyeaw o,:tiewe's l'ateuts.. the rianu,etut.uf the ob.. which 1,0 is i.Cerln 6 the nod give . tglirw flit ha and who an egocarnorf with fora pur. chasing nr renchng ht. slew, wade in ardat'ot sahlYst. ant Rights. will ha grew..cuted. L. CASTitIV.. IS'n Tr•vmmt TUE NkWAltli INDIA I; 3111..1.1. • FORD C.. Nvlr I',;t. July 1=1.131. Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. JONE'S InIPIRE INK, s 7 NRAFfill +tmct, euu NWT rI/JCIA thIX Pr? dor .. lJ cs 0,1 itglit. pr . t.oitio. hie I. the t.,1 artieN clatiolorturod e 1... to...til— t. a rNF,_,..I p”uottou. or avert ed pr • orot.l Wrihn,- Ink, otatatl. far the yuitl. eves! - add mirably sampled tor the 19..4 Pen 'rho oniivrlil....l I. prepare& 1.% furnish 0o th- trade r 7 th, r esport nr i,osziaiiptkni. u,. tairo ,,, to aP 00 .1... and &hitt/v.l any ,par 7 t of th. rity of o. .ho char, Bernie or I.n or. rh•rivia •Itra at , nu mat Itoasaati al,,iltl .1 4 o A y. or VONA - - Professor Alex. C. Barry'i Tricopiterous. Ili MEDICATED COMPOUND, for ro- MU , }iraiwrrlng and teisolifylng thoo.loott,eroulles tie+ Nitir aril dandruff. cud nHns die of the alio, glands an iontorlitia, sting, Vol, brill., rprolltui, rt. It has to•ion ttainiod hy experiment, that Barry's Trimpb. tants ha+ protium.] th.aaste .11. to corona dL of the .h n. n. ate. a the hone. amt all the animal The {Moring treitiatorital... select...a from huniltvde OfelmlW itot.rrt. ov p.n. to shrive th. /aloe 01 pr.rtrathin. end 1b... agitation In sthirh It 1. Loll hl rho have ..t• 0 ' , lli" .11.. aryl "A., Poa. I:•df —Baer tiir— 1 hole ho.. atill.hel with • cu. taut,. • Idiots of the 0.419. of a moat aggravated ,her act., for lb. lot alstivn v.v., and during that period hate Eh. airier of some of the moat roluouroot ecru, an hate tririt all the prepraratlrAs t , r the hair and .012 In ottan. vithont the lowa temeEl . I **swirl...l by • Irt.n to try 7011 Triropherenno. I del an. aa a tut resort, an I, 15 my survive anillirotiee'vitl'o• foot. , W."' lorrut Iwo onnatlia Slab Ir. the vialonnv 01 the Jl.'od t nit at Boors I tit. p, Mina. r.tire, 1' 31 ItAI . k.:LYB. 140 Ociounobla areet, 1 flaw yam. ors. Z, liis,:i • !M—MY lam !ir—About two yawn..., ml . her • at deal, ma My timid am mat milictod • R. IW. told by • bland to try yourrrinnolin , did as awl in mymtotil•hmeat, ttly hair am ibo , a awl ita •Il the dar-dritti dtampt•ral, ae the for ili. . . yntar 0b....1.1 p.m's. 4 I TB TICEADWKLIa Ca-3 Brcad.ll. . or g , ..allemart doubt. the authanticitT . of the 7 0. Ne alll at inl'lnfeavr be A C 11 . .. 8w York. wh* will rolan .Z., • I3lllltary end Natal !thou, Now. D. WA.] leo twined,. tor the pertnanent core or baldoees es of the cranium generally, that has reerhod tAloYed tty the artirle kuown{Fl roofer.. !ZS by It le ex. hunter)" in the ikpee and It le n'eed he fr i p"rerretZ.:vit':, : lee of the kind. It Impute rigor to the rtworl I nd thus nn - ,motes lte growth to la remarkabl tie estroye the dandruff sod Pellet and makes the, • d ghnsy. It will cure all dieesaes of the math, d head, dew worn, end other obnoelotta thane.: ski% In cheaporse al Wen ..raira<7. it stands It Iteold in large bottle. PM , 7”wn's• u fed. I`, generally, tthootiutr athl Le imPul BArry't T almoot•Te otb r artt the balr i • Et.. su h dtra lb unrlrallo4 IF, limed ICAO() AND PEORIA. 'THOMAS HALE, DING & CO3ISIISSION MERCIIANT; t CIIICAGO„ ILLI2IOI.±. NUES his usual facilities to receive !*.Jto. Yale and_Trattublptnent,All llerchanatri , Im. Boats hare !Its dock dui). fo , .1 , rnirlUl .e and the Illinois { end hirer. I.—.lhoosss. Loren:, scollow 0 C'll • Mews. Joncot A Quiv r . Mt. John A. CautrheJ. Wm. H. Hask4 4411m_ _; .'.RAL COMMISSION !hIERCIIANT 1 A UCTIONETR, No. 3 Wira..treet., 1.E4.1111A. 'attention to Commit,. bonnet... ..11/ 4" OUIS & ST. JOSEPHI .T. JOSEPH, MISSOURI • MI DLETON, RILEY * Prs!um. ' .mals,dan. and ForsanlingraleschAste, oat /Awe, AL Joseph, ALA Hxl..s to losander Gordon,-Asa LAreSt. R.I.'S"; t Ca.. PatsburAb spAIT "VAN' D C. TURTLE, Attigney at Law ; o CoroAllroooser for I . ..toasylvasta, St. LAW., A 0. W A cons= • eak.. promptly Aro7ertni..,.. ~ on:J . r r fiIiSOILN 11. ,RANKIN, Attornay• anti Coua bullor at Lan, end nut. o spylyszda, At. Lout., Mo., (late of PittalAwAh.) ltarross.,l , ll..sborgts ILos. W. Facrdni. Ilanaptol A .W da CAudle SlNClosp, Jam C. Parke, Abseil A ..I.lcocmi A Cu. auRIAI ii..IERA.I.IIt: DE LAINES--A. A. m.,.7E i . tr., cc...,,,,i, out their stmJ . \ vete.: triton:lld 41„ir • lair rtlydlltonalder It hndlia , . \- :\ .. . \ ''.i.'l,,i.t.i ~..itr L,..,,te. - \ hattai iat, ‘•\ •' 3 .- 9 dungy unto an'at a tit.t.Se Step tat ladadit.huanntn- \'• ', ....., 1x \ \ P -4 IT4P"''' . \, -1441 4 `. .. 4 " 44 ' 44 %"" 4, \ \\• ' , ' hrel n, JJ'erlame ait he oar prodesidnall Igo tea, 'r \ \ , \ • , \ et'l=Vt:=TlVatte,rittrit= \ '.\ - \ •,mi torpedo, Itrons, a .1.4=0' 1. • ' \ \ , \ .• ‘, Att,a,...ttP\ ---- i \ ~--..',.."u„'..aL.4eL, -v,, , \ ~e2i,,,,,..E.,,,,,...t'i,.,,,.....t. \ ..,.p. ~. aractbarta abletelanklione tblt o I \ , ` s \ ` ' \ anon, \ .. ior elle • 4. A. tiONSHINX..I .t.tlt44 . ', , 1 ten \ . \ \ \ \ . ..$1 Weed eArree.... IPA. , , 1 IN" COMPLAINT of ftre.geo utit-'' ' - \ , \ 1,..,, Ib r nioa, eels'«tanaolt i t . 1a . , 4 0 2..-- , .\.. ' • ••, \ , 1.. bct i tit .1 o m m t .t t zlat ii t,, , , ...,. p. •,,, •• '4.1; ••• ' t • ' \ ' \Se rt«-Itnr• &b. It Am tetpinatlX. ~ , \ eam. Ad er TeX liak,litath h.. 4.-.7 . 1. , }. t . D ere.. ',axed pa ar rw,..ett, °mart ......7 ,L , , , 1, nhtny' neon thew, .4 Panel tb.. er the erre. , . . . \ \ en t.lll, p bllippe,alle,acrae, Pee besdeeteh Ar.. ....d.b, ". , —r , . Prre. l l. / la, the% there nearer bee bon a metlitly. ~. . , bed dol. mono atutdir. i Zttrjr.:,,lLVZ,=„.. \ , '. • 1 / 4 Vnt ‘ tifg P bat i t i nin s It. i beenat itt• . reetellh s . . ___, ~, ~ ~,, \ , which kat« « ol t r i...)._. 1 / 4 ,.„. es. althout « ' eerello stud len nat. v i n . , . , ,4, I theviitr« reruntr,nonlb . ell xv,.,ft r....b " . LI '. \ \ '',, \, r +alutrii. __. . \ ■