sites-4 thing not safficknerthonght of in con nection with, the hardwarldngnailor. She In al-' so :pnrildedokillt , of: Francis!' life boats, patent' metalwindLsaee, witullasams numerous , fire and . other pumps, of the,latest intention and moteapproVed ehafacter.. Thwcooking and all the other perapbernalia connected with the sol .rine, slid the decorating and general furnishing of Ale reisel, have been completed in the meet akillful • manner, .ipeak :highly for the talent of the3nechanics. lite' city of Pittsburg is commanded by Cap: William" C. Stateabury; a gentleman tong known as • commander between this country and Eu dupe. The agents for her this city ore Messrs, llichardsoo, Watson &a. . -We congratulate our "liter city of l'hiladel 'villa on the possessiore of ouch • splendid addl. .11011 to her itmressing steam fleet, and from the ',conflation that ale will be appreciated as pucb • noble specimen of handicraft ought to be, we Laren little doubt ,of her monopolireing a. large 'share of the trade between that section of coun- Itry and the old World. , , • t'ITTSI iJ tGf (=AZLTTL Y1.1131.4.1iti8p Ii WILITN t CA lirTszoitO.K TUESDAY bIOKNINO, OCT. '4_1851 Laelg::iord l'Oeilds of Scott and'Jolinston. ----- . • . I . •se'rhe attention o f the friend* . of SCOTT , . ?hetrhoteref ntefft,ttl'Alleghettyeoutatt, lifpeetal• tithe ItteMetahm of • Um:tough ortienifehow.bY the bre:l4loe of Club«, Mt' evert els:flee tihtzlet. for the ethwedist: the erpolutmeot of Committee* of Clitilaute. to N. that - friena of Boca , mei J chaste* Is - arsosetil. ..hi that Mote who mph.* it ace ma p.l-41.1',,,m1 that deees. it hie talbi ett the.hc , :x..lThetlei of Gaither Reit.: I.. Thou following Committee on ' Netarellestlou ON. been . eppolated: U. hlsoff,..l oho Marelson, teltete, 5. J O5O . • to. Ciapiaehm. A. ttethf. Cot.. C 0.... 1•13,02, COL L. Sahl . .1.40,4, Capt. P. 51: Bieuloathal. 1m..1. E. titter, Wm. U. Welkor, James htethaue. Jomph meeta. •. ,dlr , Ofdef offhe Ceunty thentoittee. Allegheny County Scott and .Tohnston Meetings. 2 At.;:tog's111111, Stealer township, osr ItesSer,:t.h. Al O Conifer's Mill, Pond; Payette to. Welinolday.. Un.112.2 ticket., uU Tbureler,,the 9 th. at Z. Patterton's 31111, loctleva '" Af=l . tarate ' r: l. 4 oar Wands ail' be adiregeol on suhplets luitoarant the greet political Murat. of iIU Ottr fritratetn sash election district of the mural'. too -.maenad to - trifonito awl here err , / Cerra. L.... 4. gun mega atronerouritti to bring sit ow , oae 10 M. Y' a, . l.: : ::A 7- .. "'"l°‘- 00314CLITEE AItRANGyArENT. WELOINO 14TTER WILL BE F.2OND ON EACHP.OE OF THIS FAPER. The kwsaly6 thet Whigs of Allegneuy county ' . can acu4lP raise a" hurry for Jobston this `cam— Feign. The people now are too entirely takes' up with devising ways and means to mitigate the &Direst's!' occasioned by the Tariff Policy of the LorefooS party; to attend poliiical meetings, but ifire WV; 0 not mistaken the temper of the velem of Allegheny county,they will roll up such &Majority eyeing lx:rofotairm, and its destructive sad di"- grading resdencies, that it will cause the editor at that:paperWS quail before, the expressed will of : an *eased people. A solemn protest will then be entered against forgery, falsehood, and LocofocoistL Coi BlaiYa AdIONGIIIn SIAADVIIEB3.—We;are astonished 'that Col Bigler could so far foiget what wet doe to decency and fairness, as to join'the nnprjtacipled slanders of Gor. Johnston. irt the matter of the Gorsuch murder. But it seems that he descended to . this Meanness in Chambersburg, according to the 1E74 of that . piece. Col. Bigler: mu deem it good, policy thus to arrange himself on the aide of human oppression, - but he will - find his mistake before - be ts many years 'older. Beery ennobling aenti , . meat of the lame= heart is averse to bunting . down, it'esor wretch flying frosa:the worst species of oppression upon earth; and to blame &public, man becaniabe tins no taste for elicit business is to acknowledge that the fault.finder would make a good elate hunter. and negro-delver himself. poswARD. We understand that some Whigs have express ed diesatisfaction at the continued - absence of Mr. Forward post at' Copenhagen, as Charge to lc. But the following corns ' pondence, we think, will he snffipient to sad.* every reasonable hind that it is no fault of Mr. Forward. that he is not now mingling with his fellow.citirens ofiAllegheny county. Upon being advised of his iimination 89 a candidate for, the judgeship, promptif • for Warded his•resignatlou of the appointment be now hold"; but owing to causes which Mr. Howe 'details, and 'over which . Mr. F. had, no control, letters of recall were not forwarded until the 'lBth of SePtember. It is hardly necessary for. us to say thit Mr. Forward is nut at liberty to le IlTe. hi, pent, at Copenhagen, until he receives : letters of recall frotd the Secretary of. State. 1-1 -- 11. These letter probably - reached hint about the let int!” se that he may be expitted home about the first of Hort:ober, being several weeks before he will be called upon to assume the duties of the Judgeship, ehould he be elected. • • My Dear . • It is sought to prejudice the chances of Mr. 'Forward's election, by the feat that he is not now,ur likely, on the day of election, to be at home. • ' you were entrusted with his letter of resig nation, will you be pleased to communicate to me, for public action, the date of its receipt, and all the: subsequent proceedings thereon, which May be, within your knowledge. 'With great respect, Yours soc., • \ • ALFRED W. MARES. • Hon, Tito. M. Howe. • ... ' '• •• \ Prrruusuu, Oct. 3, 1861. A. W. Mums, Esq., • Dair. Sir: In reply to your letter of this day, it gives me pleasure to Mato that the resignation of Mr. Forward was in this city, under cover f 6 " toe, about the 27th of July last. In consequence of toy absence from home, it was not forwarded to the State DeplatMCDt MAR the Bth of August, Viand was' not acted open by the President until ' the Bth of September. This details supposed to • 'have been occasioned by,atunce of tho • President. end Sunset" of State. • lam advised by a letter from W. S. Derrick, :acting Secretary of Statei l under date of 10th September,that letters of Irecel hid been foi ,- warded. • , Mr. 'Forward, in =Fo l ding . the quilution "-dendered by his party,' and In forwarding his Ilutuation, has acted with possible prompti tude, ' and, in all probability, would ILOW be amongst his friends at Unit!, butlfor the delays , liver which be had no control, 1 Very,respectfully, yours, &c., • TH(B. M. HOWE. GOV- NMI out it E OZEXANS.—The 'letter of GOT.' 11ing. lgliasogu r complaining of the late parade on the Sabba by the German,military companies at St Louie; led to a meeting of the members of those companies, and the adoption. of someessolutions. Their tone is subdued and respectful; bitt.'thoy still contend thgit they have only egalciags the rights guaranteed by the • `-• 41inrk0 1 1 ego 'ATAILIFISTS TO macs.—Tbe t American has the following corn „ . • Monts On the course punned by the falee-elarm ash) to relation to theClornich aff air. • "The Locofocos say Gor. Johnston ought to . have offered rewardat an earlier period than healdliforthe irreats'of the rioters at Christiana. Tulle , a slave riot occurred inearlisle, in which Mr.-James Kennedy of lfagerstown, was so much wounded that he died in stew days after the oc -• Wcarrence. Francis Stitink was then Govereo, isrurd noprortaniatioa a(4llfor the anent of thi rioters. Why did he not? The Locofoco Press did not for that reason . call Gov. Shenk a traitor to hie country, and an incitor to rebellion sod murder. Because Gov: Johnston headline more to secure the apprehension of the Christiana riot ers tbso floe. Shur& did for the arrest-of. the .Cortisto rioters; the tocofocos denounce him in the most shamelessand hafazoons manner. Will a sensible and honest 'Peo o ple allow themslves to be deoelved by the n e ts treacherous eli e tism, who gloat over the destruction of human life as a means of advancing their political prospects? Thenltra pro:elsvery, presses of Pennsylvania see waging a bitter and unrelenting war upon Gov. Aohnston. But, he maintains -his ground with the fearlessness of ahem They may tied in in defeating him, but they cannot drive him from the field before the close or the canvass ei ther with the pen ore pistol. Both have been tried. The people of Pennsylvania here degen erated KIWI do *of etend by their noble Exe mitts* ?ben thus beset by unscrupulous libelers sad t. 4.40 emolne,-,-dleany Evening Tolimal. Ws saute our Albany friends.that the ,LOCCI . • fOOOI SlOnOtAffOlit GOT, JOJIVOIiOg, If he is de. fowl et all, it still be from cattlessees in the menhi,, We Were, however . meet firmly a OFett he will be tritscpbsietly elected, despite the • 1167.41 W 1191 th4 la m. #elomtv.—So desperate have -the. Looofoco leaders become that they have resorted to Fon lesrirl. to sustain their sinking cause. A forged' irodantarion was published in the Port of last Baturday, which was either concocted in that offiCe, or received from the L leadera at Ifarrisburg,l 13103 t probably the latter. But one sentiment of universe] indignation has been expressed in the community at such nefarious modes of election eering. which we fe'el assured. will make more votes for Johnston, than Bigler whom this for gory was intended to serve.- A TASTE. Mit THE DOGGISH BUMPS& A terrible hue and cry has beeu raised against. Governor Johnstau, by the Locofocufalse-alarm- Asti, because he would not condescend to de grade hie high office, by manifesting en inde cent haste and interference with: the duties of the regular local executive and judicial author ities, in a fugitive Mayo riot and murder case.- 41ad it been a mule of riot of any other descrip lion, there would no complaint have been enter ed, for Ay delay. Had it been the burning of Pennsylvania Ball in Philadelphia, or a riot in Pittsburgh, they would have neat no necessity for Executive interference. But their Southern allies and masters are impatient of delays,'and the alarmists hasten to express their disappro bation of Gov. Johnston's wani of seal in hunt ing up fugitive slaves: A Mercer paper has some piquant. remark-a on this subject, which we invite the alarmists to read: But leaving the Rev. Mr. Gorsuch In his glo ry. we have a word to say of those who are C trying tu make political capital of his letter. . It Is a humiliatig epectacle tasenupolitlcalparf , ty in a free State trying to defe - it the election. of an executive officer.on t • hi,cground of his al leged want of skill in, the capture of runaway slaves. This is no . part of the businein for Which such officers are elected. The Supreme Court has decided that it belongs exclusively to the officers of the United States Government , — The interference of the Governor, even in the arrest of et:mines, is unbecoming, so long at no flagrant neglect of duty is pro.. ed against those officers to whom it appropriately belongs. But is it true that the catching of the poor, op pressed and outraged bondmen is eo popular in the free State of Pennsylvania, that her Gover nor is to beheld up to public reprobation for an alleged want of taste for, the businees l of so, then the debasement of ' the people is greeter than we supposed. It is really a most degra ding insult which those papers offer to the cit.:- acne, when they call on them to defeat one man because he refuses to stoop to the dirty business of catching runaway slaves; and urge, them to elect another on the ground that the business is more to his tette. Why, even the more honor., elaveholders despise the deed. Henry Clay declares that honorable men in the South would lose caste by engaging in it; he says it is not ytntlimve I. work. Bat Pennsylvania furnithes f a breed of politicians who are not asitatned to oppose one mop fur the want of sufficient alacri ty in playing the part of bloodhound, and id electioneer for another on the ground that his r 'taste is more to the doggish business. Verily, 'the depth still more, profound beyond the lowest , deep' of infamy, has been reached by these ser vile doughfaces. . • THE TWO FACES OP LOCOPOOODIM On the lith ult., Cal. Blotto visited Union- tewn--come into town on a raft, fixed to the lop of o wagofr t•• He made a speech to the Lo-. • cofocos assembled :to greet hire, after. which the, following, among' other resolutions, was • parsed: Resolved, That as the French word, tariff, is but another term for the English word tax, .•••••--; mesas the same. It is as palpably a humbug to teach that the - masses of the American people can be benefited by a high 'tariff, as that they 1 could be benefited by onerous taxation. • This is the faceurhich Locofocoism puts on in Fayette county, in the presence of Cot. Bigler, ' and doubtleSs with his approbation. Now look: at the other face. A few days ago, • a meeting of the ..unterrified" took place in New Castle, Lawrence county, where our readers will recoiled there are two rolling mills and o glees works, and various other manufacturing estab lishments, which have built up that place, and made it one of the smartest towns in Western Permsylyania. Atlthis meeting three Democra tic candidates for Ohre spoke. The Clatette 'of that plaCe. says: • Mr. Morris led off feebly grasping for Whig thunder; he idtenaided to defend a judicious sys tem of Banking, and followed vp by assailing Bigler's views on the tariff, clearly pledging him :self, to the protective policy. A stranger com ing in. while Mr. Morris was • speaking, and not not knowing the character of the meeting, would never hive suspected that it was a Democrat who was thus defending the Whig doctrines on Banks and the Tariff: Mr. Zigier took the stage,. and like Mr Morrie, be repudiated Bigler's views, and defended the pftter4ive policy. While the • speakers thus repudiate lee doctrines, presen ted by the Demneratic parikamnd defended by Mr. Bigler, It was the subject of remark, that the Democratic party, and Col. Bigler, were not named by one of the speakers daring the evening. t • Thus does Locofocoism, chrunelion like, change its color to suit Ile locality. It will stoop to any e subterfuge to deceive the people, and gain votes. '• It wears two facer. on almost every subject be fore the country, and woe to the people if they trust to its pmgrees. October 3;1858 The Emning .Chronicir of yesterday, had an I editorial articlebased as it said. upon the an tbority of a broker of this city, calculated to discredit all the "New York County Banks, New England Banks, and New Jersey Banks."' The tone of the article was extremely reckless, and calculated to produce unnecessary alarm, and consequent inconvenience and loss to the com munity. Abet of 26 banks all of New York but two—is then given, the paper of which it is sta ted is "refused by the brokers both . East and in this city." We, took the trouble yesterday after noon to inquiis into the the truth ol this asser tion, and find, that only the live following of the list an in bad credit, that even they ere but 6 to 10 per cent below par : Farmers Bank, Mina, New York. Bank of New Roachelle, New York James Bank, New York, Phcenlx Bank of Bambridge. New York. • Commercial Bank, New Jersa, We believe that no New England banks have been discredited in this city. The difficulty about some of the New York County Banks has arisen from an unwillingness on their part to keep Coln in the cities of New York and Albany,' toradeem their issues, preferring to do that at their own' counters. 9To force them into this measure, the Bank of the Metropolis, and other banks, have thrown oat the paper' of such of them as refused to conform to ,this regulation, fwhich perhaps is a very good one, but is not re quired by law. As there has been a little panic about these Eastern banks recently, we that keep our readers advised of what is going on. . . TIM CIT.& ArTAIII.—ITeCaJZOT.—,/eitiOng the promibeut lights of Locofoco Democrany; En (governor Reynolds, of Illinois, Itset long been, conspicuous. He represented a district of Illi. . stain in Congress for several years; but for sum time he has been in private life. The followin characteristic letter to the editor of the 4 lung . du Weitens, the organ of the "Geisten Ilium ' erotic party of Vrogress," it St. Louis, h . brought him once more into notice. .[ The edit was indiscreet enough to publish,it, lend h thus given us an inkling of the mangier In whir such mischief-afhkere do things: ..,, : I illeid.tritts, Thursday, Sept:ll, 1851. To the Editor of the Anceiger den li - cstena. DEAR Sur —I am much pleased, to see th t , you have stirred up the dry bowed : the Repo - liciti newspaper of this morning, the 11th, on e Cuba subject. You hove taken thef,right grout) - - that the Spaniards have themselves violated t e "old treaty" of 1795, and it is all bnikeu loose to ue; but the blue-light Whig - papers will joeti fy the Government, right or wrong. :The course, in my judgment, and the one, width,' Shall per toe, is to rouse to people for true and genuine liberty, and by this course, the people rill force - the r Cocereortent into wee, or put teas Whig Adeline - print, on this Cubs subject. 1 am, and have .i' beta, P :Er al:7extremely:mtfeoofrifpotter reth anxious "'""en.atbino;e forth,y'ouug with . g suggesti on , i : 1 :43 : i' vie ws , emancipation o a lso t Cobs, se you may hare seen in ourHoings in St. -' i Louis renently in front of the Court'House. i .. ' your. paper has great influence on this aide of the river with the Germans—that le.what , the n 'Rrpublican fears. - ' 1.890 the Demorstin papers have, taken up for Cabs all over the Union, and of course the Whigs are strong on the other side. Thu Cuba rudest '- - mill be a strong. element. in the nerd Prreidential .iannst.:'..l think _Douglass will go for Cuba. 1 sill rotator no ma Cuba. Excuse me writing to a swinger. .It Li Liberty . that joins us. Yfr trWtzrronna. Y 'Would not Beth Glow be a— pr'aaper snhject for , ' anhinition at the Atittiatata*Yaii t Cyan_iron Itidinsus.--thureMarkable cures of blindness, affected by the new article, called Petroleum, demands for that medicine more than ordinary attention. We had frequently heard of great r elief being experienced , but it was on ly after repeated cases had been brought to oar I notice that we could be induced to give it any attention. Among the tutee effected we refer • to that of Mr. William riel, of that city, notic ed in our advertising column, who was cured of totaibliudness. We have made inquiries, and find that the facts set forth in regard to hie case are strictly correot. Mr. S. M. Tiler may he regarded as a public benefactor in introducing this medicine, and so take pleasure in calling attendee to it, although In so doing we have de• parted from a rule which we have etricily kept in relationta the various medicines offered to the public. OOV. JOHNSTON AT PHOENIXVILLE. PROTECTION OE ABIZRICAR LAISCIT. We are Indebted to the Westchester Register, for a copy of GO , 301.1JEOlnl speech at Phicaix. vale. It is a very able effort, and embodies a clear' and manly exposition of the policy of the State Administration. The following passage in relation to American labor, we commend to the attention of every workingman In the co:a menity : "But why should we not protect labor! see pro- .„.', tect property, and if the property of this coon- r ,,i try be labor, and doubtless It is so, why should I to, we not have respect for that labor? Man labors. I not He is directed to labor by the great fret law that come from his Creator. It was laid. own by', ~7'3 Providence, and he can more violate that than 1 , any other law that comes from that great source, . ~, wlthoutincurring the penaltk, -Nan labors he- tra coussbis physical nature requires it . Without etc it, he would not enjoy the pleasure of sweet re- tsr , pose. He Iribors, because it is conducive to t - 1 health. Ha labors, because it prodiztei present 1 ', s ' • happiness, and in old age, wealth,4rrotectlon. it: and enlarged enjoyment The man ho bus no tel respect for labor, Is not only Insane but ho is a . little worse. He is a little knavish{ because he I I T : is entirely regardless of his best in ereate, and of the country in 'which he lives., I Now, fellow cititene, I am in favor of a resto ration of those laws which protect the industry of the country, 'not because I rim' a candidate for i'. talcs (because I always have been in favor of a protective tariff,) becacse I believe it is the true policy of the government, and theene that will produce the largeat amount of happittess to the greetest number of my fellow citisous. I never A could see bow I was to escape injay if my fel • low countrymen were oppressed. ,We all have a . l . embarked in the same vessel. We ere all boutri for the harhor, lined we hope to reach that bar . bor—the happiness we all design, ouch man ' must do tris share of the work, to , preserve the It i , vessel is, her straight and noble co rev. I flail ' do my part, ( applause, ) from this time to the . day of the election; and, doing as bawl done o for the last two; months, not failin to labor, in ',,-. so important a held. (Applause.) " I ask you, fellow citizene, to ...hie this o question for yourselves, to thinks out it, to talk about it, and when you have talks about it, to t go to the ballot box, and there die barge the du ty you owe to your country, and o yourselves. r It has been said, that this quest' dove not en ter into the present campaign. Iby nut?, . Oar political opponents. when t ey assembled t ' iu-State Convention at Reading. rased resolu • .li dons on the subject of the tariff, d declared o- themselves in favor of the policy carried out un h der the teriffisw of '4B: and the alley of the tariff law of '46, has produced he result* to • which I ktavedirected your attend a. And, fel- I ' low citizens, the candidate for,Go• rnt,r in favor ' .. ,, f Is of .at policy, declares to the pen le, if the re ,- — ports of his speeches in the . new paper be cor to tat,—for I have not had the ple re of meeting .le him. — he deolares 'himself the frie ti of the tariff 'ey law of '46, or at. all event', ,f th prier -Mies em bodied in'that tariff. on The Whig party held their Convention at Lest er, caster, end they laid ilown the p atform of the Country, and the platform upon which Washing ton stood;—the platform. upon which Simon go, Snyder stood. and that upon which William F. ew Johnston stands. (Applause ) It is the plat a! form which goes for the protec ion of the do use mestic industry of this country. (Applause ) You are the people in whom the p wer is vested, air and you are to show whetaer you are iu favor of nd a 'strong political tariff man. ern If the election should be iu fav rof the tariff ey , of '4G, you know the results p iteding from . that law; but if on the other .b ,it should be - in favor of protection to your do estlo industry, you then will be regarded, and he members of hig the National Congress, cud per Icalerly these -Ye- gentlemen,who are preparing or presidential ling honors, wi hesitate for a long t(me befo'e they . ha- commit themselves to free trade" THE ERVOLIT/lON IN NORTHERN MEXICO— GREAT MICCEII/3 OF THE INSURGENTS—CAP- TIM OF CAMARO°. i• New Gaveass, Sept. 29.—The Steamship yacht, from Galveston, gives accounts of the •great success of the revolutionists in the North. • ern provinces.. The revolution commenced at Camargo, where the Patriots attacked the Mexicans and came off victorious, having taken the town by storm, with a loss on the side of the 31exicons, of ditty men I The government troupe-were entrencheti in a . church, with artillery. The revolutionists are commanded by Carbaj al, • who had also with two companies of Texan.. At the latest accounts they were marching to Matamoros, and Raynoes. Gen. Avaloi, who LI In command at Matamor as, had only three hrindred troops with him.— He had made a requisition on the city for two thousand troops, twit the city refused to rake a tingle man. The plan of the revolutlouistsess widely cir• notated through the country in a prouuncia a nen Tampico and its vicinity - are in the hands of • e Insurgents. The people of Matamorao were quietly wait i• g the arrival of the liberating army.- • Further accounts, which ate looked fur with at anxiety, will doubtless 110 of a most escit- Ing character. EASTERN BANKS. TICRYEBEXCE or FRANCE AND xarouiND IN oirun Oct.' I.—The Republic of this "truing says it has reason to believe that France and England have agreed to render aid to Spain to retain its bold on Cobs, Subject to certain provisions, that Spain shall remove the principal grleva'hces of which the Cr sal el? of the island com plain. The Republic object. to thii and says that no American government could subsist for an boo that should permit such intermeddling, and thar any apppearance of intermeddling is calculated to do extended mischief. President Fillmore and his cabinet are prepared stud able to main tain our international relationis on a proper foot ing, without being subject to dictation on the part of any foreign power. The Treasury Circular is published, prescrib ing regulations respecting goods transported from any port in the United States to another, via Teti auntepec, Panama, or Nicizagos. The draw backs on warehouse goods, Under bond, trans ported by these routes, will not be entitled. to the privileges of the drawback And honoring acts.• Parties shipping goods by these routes to give forty-eight hours' notice to the Collector. Titres that:ago:l dollars were received during September towards the Washington Monument fond_ Jefferson Davis accepts the secession nomina tion for Gov. of Mississippi. Tun Cattail Pitson.—The decision of the commissioners of woods and forests, to whom appeal wai made in the last resort, Is unfavora ble to the satiation of the Crystal palace as a winter garden, or, Indeed, for any purpose what. eeVer. It wm erected, they say, upon) the es prettied stipulation that it should be removed from ths.ground before the let. of April, 180,2, audit transcends all authority committed to them to,:permit it to stand. Parliament, only., by ea acumen t for the sfecial purpose, canselesse from their obligations the parties to the contiact, and the general impression seems to obtain that par liament will not interfere.. 1 Lorca tuna lIAVAZiA Oat... airs, Oat.ails, Sept so.—By the arrival ottbe barque.Mil lg., w. Lave three days later news tram Havana —Every Jltjug was quiet. . The A. S. revenue cutter Duane, with Gov L qcbersan board, bad arrived at Havana. Gov L would proceed to Vora Care on thp '-'2.1, i, L would proceed to Vora Cara on thp L'dd, in the war !learner Saranac. Ten more wounded priioners, connected with the Lopez expedition, had been captured in the Mountains and brought to Hamm _ The Pitt,btu; poet of September 20, calls the Pottsville Emporium "a Federal paper." We thank the Poet for its boneet 0011feSeIOLI. The Emporium ia edited by Strange N. Palmer. a very.arbstacratio map, and a very bltier Loco• foe. Some other "Federal" papers are support- Aug Wm. Bigler cid the whole Locofoco tietets. Itcmeinber; the Post admit, Locofotoiste. and Federatiern be synonym:am “We that* thee Jew."—Her. Amer. Citizen's hwarance Company of Ptatsburgli KNCOURAGE 110111 f, INSTITUTiONS OrtIL.:10. 41 Water artot,hothelmrsboate all li, iT• . Q... ,, Ilona. Powithoat A. W. Mail.: boy. 1 Ws ihnopso7 ,onow prepared to bum/ea/I torehoo4l ire . •to c We. sat.l ',ottoorltu, vowld, Am 1 On olalilo It.oon•ty fa tOt bbility 04 Oa (7 °rum Looltotom, Se hurled to the ammo.. of the Llireetat.. brown an a ll dWoos of Pitutrat'sh. oeit ...a 1...0W 1 brown to the col:moot., f. , r tholo iondehoe. totoili4etto. tol totegolty. •• LO3.2ol*—C: U.' ROMY• WC , Sotoba;L li , *. 1... 1 =M ,ginVißarzzatrloti=s.ittti... II:NZ! , ,From the univereal.succees oe H. 0. Ferreira Aratilan Liniment in Citing Woe teak; rlienm onyx. alarmed mints, obits swellhamb contrectial cords. an, ne hems no doubt but repidly bky all other remedies on the shelf. am there la no earthly doubt but It lathe created remedY the ' , Miff over hum It In equally effective for both man a nd bout. arel. shotiLl br all means be kept to every bone , In toirriaml country. hoe sdvertiesinenb oe3 A sir It is just what is wanted—say all who have aver cued al•Lamea Vendfragol ILead the following latter from an agent Chemuna C 0.,. N. Y., KW a tb.—When your agent was here I had Just opened, atol he left but • few dosela of SPLane's V.rua1y,,,,,4 y,,,,,4 I Ood Itiegolos off 0000 Wt. sdol thus fite It b., oils. gaol Ystlefaetloo, .04 his proved to be Just w bat the potato wauto, sod we hire got It .solo.. mod 1 not wish to /got out. I hay. but one dotoo left. %%ben j uur 1.3,0011. s here.[taut. to ld some place to .sod II 1 should riot =Ore, but If h. 111, I hive forgot. too Will you hues the gooluo.s to order fbr me els dos e 0 mum ou reeelpt of this. PET kW Flat..." Fur eels by J. 101111) t CO., 0.-331L11.1t5 00.0 U Wood st. Petroleum I • gear'A MOST REMARKABLE Cost or Toni. t 0...... CORED .T Prraotsgre —We Invite the attention hi the afflicted and the public generally. to the certificate 'of Wm. (1011. of Ibis city. 'lle ease may be twin by ufty person who may he skeptleal to relation to the Erb here net. booth. If. 11. MIER. 1 bed been diluted several 'Nov with a adrentelof tooth eye., which continued to Inerrant until September, lOU, ins luderomatlon at that time hn log involved the whole itnlng membrane of both rove, and ended lu the deposits ‘.lta thick tam, which wholly destroyed me eight I hid en cq.eration perform... Land the thkkoningremoTed.crhlTlN wion returntal and loft me in as bad . coodltlon as before. At thIT stage of the complelnt I made application to mee ts!, of the matt eminent medical men, who Informed me that •my eyes would Deter get well.' At thin Hotel could not ilhdloguleb any oldect. By the advice of some friends I l commenced the u.e. of toe Petroleum. both Luttrnallr I and Ideally, under which or eye. have Improved daily uo , tti the preevnt time, mil I have I . .. Tared my eightentire- I ly. .lii mineral thalth Cut eery much tropro l reel by the Petro loom. and I attribute the reetoration of My sight to it. ore. 0 revale at N 0.102 &staid Mend, In this city. and eta be Minn, to give any Infertnattan In Mlation to Me C. WILLIAM MALL.' , - !'or saw by Keyeer A Md./mesh, 140 Wood street: R. t. Petters, ::: %%cod slur,. It. A. Bahnestort..• Co. corner I Wood and Front itrv.+l D. al..Curry, D. A. Elliott. doispil 1,14•14.41, and li. P. Scbwarts:Alowybeny; faro by the pro cradcr.. M. al. 10 17.11., owl 9, sera Canal Itunn.geventh et. Pittsburgh. Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutri, &o. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, • Deere to cell Ma/Mention cc Metelutite sad omen their tutu; ma/ of FOREIGN AND &name HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c - _ IMPORTED 11l RECENT PECKET.6. And which thmr a sr4u . s2r o, sizef trak t lje otter sI such psi AIM , assorstosso of MANN'S es lebrassd C. 6. ATE. always on han4. .su.SIS7 Pittsburgh Lice e Company. CAPITAL, 81.00,000. OFFICE, NO. 75 FOURTH STREET. ovFicLits• • P r m4bla.--.h.urss.urr , Preahlent—t,axPst MeCiLIMAS. Tra6.31.11t(-2032,111 N. Ltscu. r,Pret.y—C. A- (kIPPOn. -Pc• alrestiwmant in another part of thla paper. - . fe • WHIG MILETWO.—The Whigs and An num.. of the Second Ward. Fittetoursh. 1011 ninth:obi. at the Burnt [ninth& Hotel, on Wationlar rowing, Oct. b. 1451. as o'rl.k. orTejt j The Democratic Committee of Finance aam.a favor upon the eubsorther. If they •111 cal tb-Ser or tn.-morrow et the Am...kith lintel. Bann AVM. 0r.7.1t BENJ. TRIMBLE.. Er ANCIENT BABYLON LND NINETZEI I -1.000. trlth'e laPantirr. Cittnac.ia tint Loctuto thin etching. Se,l,cr.f—Oeciritv and I.baiiraph7 cf the noun. trice between end nroand two of the cullost rims men tioned in Scripture, tb. Thiris taut Euptirstee.—Ulthaticsi claltr. of alas. primeval 15541 to our mnct; their tall; co.o6.nuoue. Very ISta. known of their 000 norn.apet nietnr, prior to 1142.‘-Elibtlußroothr.—the 081 Travellers: their txrlormattccs On the Mb sal `lath I eruturtee—tho Artiste: their prnthetton• during U. Bret halt cf the IP.h—the ,thcbecoloniete: their themroben from 17 0 0 to 1010. COpluusly St. advertise meta co7:lt DEDICATION OF MASONIC HALL ORDER' OF I PROCESSION, 0:4 Tu V lit9l;AY OCTOIII/1 9Tu, , Two Ti 71 1 , 11 , 3 4, ?raw00 monis Trier of the uldest leodge Two .4,ewarde of uhleet Lodge. •Sta white mil. Eutkrwl, Appreotteee- , imnt. A,taver Doeuosts *ink. D.raus 11-Kr Carto 11:tTlfrris - u Junta Uanten. 4rutarWar6hot Part blutert. M.% 11 s Tr tot... id Marna ,. flout reeleth. orator of the Lay. 7 2..reth of Ctn. %kat thd Olt su. eup " po r rte. Of terf:ticeserrrriottle Aticarttoir SCbsplath, Past linood Wardror . rag DepUt tirani Matters Plat tiraad• Heelers. Orme] Viarderts. . 1 Muter of r. 142:11.-A.Trtring' the " t re ofCoaet„o. 'ltiratad .loolorl r real Sento , aL. Dew,. on .tea a ‘ llsta asstoas he L1L'2.q7,1 •°°". 2N-iinn. l • tiratat Swordtower. itti a drawn fatal ere !rewards lt e h White Rods isrTtre all cave. about 110,10 it. A. .11-. the fullostue order —Prose th e Slaeooar Hall up 14.0 street Wool—h6.l=°l-ritTtVgcle‘t'i"*l.r:: Handto St Clear toot Pats —aD Peas to Hatel• — • ,, tai Hand tr. Llherta —.era Liberty to Wood--dovrtr Wool to rllib. and the to the Hell. Irbere the address trill P. dsliverad In the Lem. Room (be Shafts of Pdtstatrab and 55011! are reeperefult/ melted to anted Pa t. Jer ul the Commit... of Acreages:ovals. 7. 1110..NLEY. • JANE , SIIIDLY ICY • J st. t M.IIST7. English es Bennett. - AVriIOLESA.LE OROCEFLi, Commission kbachaots arid &list" to Prcaluce .1.1 Pittabargli Olsoutsctur.—No tiCkerocol Lod 151 flrstat.. batwero 1 Wood aril ±001014)dd Pittaborpb, PA. bv.V. cc hand and will re.p. the Allowtoli Stood , wblcb tbsy offer TO , at Lb. lowast market rata. too bos. maul Tobsec, 15Z/U bag. Rio Coal, t's, r• a IL lams. Po Yal/01 Orson tea. 1. 41 kegs Orb. Tobs , o, ors. Imp A P cc. aro. an, ellt YII. do 60 bib s & N 444 - eta dr Cb y s . mollog CA, blot N.O Molasses, ou 51 IlsA ipsolito - 11. - Prtnclp 400 bell NMI.. 10551.4 45 - 11...n^ otal boa. lislOk 10111 Olsas, 1 10 •• Common 10000 ItA Salciatus, bale. Almonds. PliLerts 2000 Ocubro Walouts Cram unto :Struts Alum. and Orourbl outs. 4