HOME MATTERS. CONCZILTII.—We eann'ot . refntin from gapes- Ong the plestunwe felt at linteriing to the at , ':::-.Mnpanl Monte Of Professors Fame .and Hu ' 5,, N ordt on the piano, to .the piedes snag by Mail- Donna ad lionsicur NervelJ.i, at the don last week:'. They are superior performen i'md panned of musical talents of a high or -2 ter. The piano farte.used was a very excellentone, I'Minitfacturedby7Nunn's and Clerk; of New nrk, and kindly furnished by Mr. Henry file- Orr, an accoalplited niuoician, of .11ttabargb. was p rovided with Coleman's attachment, - . ", , ..flte effect .of ;which, in serious airs, especially • the -tuna of I " Homo,:sweot Home," was very g SCDDS3 Dears.—We regret to team that :dm td. M. tem a very estbnablelady, safe of B. 1.1. .ttertl, Esci,, of the First Ward, died trud ge/AY trn .Thursday night, of congestion of the . 'She had, only been ill for about an hour. .ILentsrios! Went's or LAWILItiCCTILLE.—A , 00tt and Johnston meeting will ba held et the Pof House, in Lairrencerille, ion Tuesday hig, the-7th last ,at 7 o'clock. - Beyond speakers will addreselbe meeting. NEW COLIPMIrin 7.--:Cotuatekplt tweniy dol farMeteS State Bankofllndiona are in ' l tkrcrthition. They'atti. tolerably Wag executed, }n3• bare &broker's stamp 9u them', It:Corder the hater to dettiee. 1' Nov counterfeit teals and twenties on the State Boat of Olxiti, re Mei, in circulation. I Swamp. Or otrensicr.--Severaeoaldiggers, in the eroployrnent: otAlr. Wm. J. Morrie - on were 'pa Saturday arrested, and held to -bail on a ;large ofnonapiraey.' They wished, we believe, - to prevent certain persons from working in the Pezaas.--The Jetersou Cavalry', Captain H. Holtz, will paradeit. Isaac Lyttle's . hotel (late Pryor's) au the Bionzundlle road, Ito-toorrow at Thu calms caltdidatee are iiirited to at- . . D.+-11en_ry Berkle I sku.coan Faeco.i-lleury, Berkley, a native kit England, was committed to prison on Friday Dy Aldermen Ilsjor,!Sitarged, on oath of Mary Under with taking eletter, contOning the sum jot fifteen &Ilan, which belonged to' her, from pie poet office, and appropriating, it to his own ;nee. The Letter was directed to hor, care of ...Spire Berkley," and the latter had written ',a letter for Mist Loader, revoiting Thorns rlhompson, of Boston, *use., to fo art the mo .?ney to his care. • Stronsa Dearn:—Thos. Manche ter, who has to tome time been engaged in Nicholson's loan idry, and was • resident of the Sixth Ward, died • sli uddenly - on Satorday morning. e complained_ of illness on going to bed, and hen his wife ,stoke ,{ we hours afterwards, he Iy a corpse by her side. I litonwar R.Calligi.T.—illenngin Bremer of Plum Township, on iFriday committed William Vanden Tatars to prison. ebargbed; on his own confession with hlgwsy robberry, committed in taking a pair of pantalona and abaci, from Wil liam Bola. j: • . • Folarar.--Poliael officer Fitzmarris, on Fri , day arrested a . rmix Who was charged with hay ing,forged anoto.for sixtY , thiee dollars purpor leg to heel lieitigiyeti by John 41. botchy, Be gave bait for his ,appwaraneo at Court. •Frs.k.-:-A fire broke out - nn Saturday morning st an early hour, in 'the bakery of M. Arthur Thin, at the corner of Washblgtort and Webster streets. The house'lcas consumed, no was the `home end shop next door, and an adjoining' The houses belonged to Mr. Thomas Hamil ton, and wereirulied at between SrOand $lOOO. Mi17L7 . 6 Or TUX Boor MAZIAGI67 ' O7 ran bi7111001:21:1KAL Sootrr.—The Bo . ara of .lilans;. ME= J. E. ifeCabejresident, in the chair. Members present—Messrs. 'Martin, Miller, MeCaslin,Speer.Setively, Murdoch, Kelly, Boyd, IGumeily, and McCabe, Chairman. Various cOMmillees reported. Mr. Martin,.from the committee ori' arrange meaty reported relative to the arrangements made for bolding the' Fair: in. Allegheny City, .stating that a suitable person had entered into a contract Tor the purpose of putting up' stalls for :cattle, and for enclosing the Upper Mai , ket, in- Allegheny City, for the Fair, on Wed nesday. and Thursday, 'the Bth and 9th of de: Mr. Martin, from the committee onplotighing, made report, from which it appeared that, Lin the opinion of the "committee, a field, situated a 'short distance above Sharpeburgh, in India na* biienship, belonging to Mr. James Koss, and ocaupied by Jesse° Garrard, was the Most suitable in irbich;to hold the annual plough ' ing match. Oa motion, it wits unanimously se leeter .. Persons intending to compete for premiums at the ploughing match, will eater their names !on or before the Saturday preceding the appointed • day the llth of November. The , nearer competitors keep the corner !or angle of their furrows to the square, the bet ter, but they are by no means to,go within the square On motion Messrs. 'Martin, 801,011 and Kelly were spponted a committee to stake off the ground, put up the numbers, and prepare the , ground for ploughing. ,, On motion, it was , .. • • Rooked, That the Board of - Managers be re solyed into committees for the arrangement of the ,horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry upon the grounds on the day of the Fair. On motion, it Yas Resoletvl, That Messrs, Sulsolyitud Kelly be appointed Assistant Secretaries. . Arrangement of Horses—Messrs. Young, Boyd and M'Cenliu were =pointed a-harm:dime for the arrangement of horses. - 1- . Arrangment of Cattle--Messna M'Catss,,..fehn eliterard and Cooper were appointed a committee fa the ausearmat of ewe. . Arreegeteset of Sheet), Swine, and poultry - Messrs: Iltredoeb, Way, and Miller were appoint. ed a oatnnittre for thearrangement of sheep, swine, and poultry. • hlsnufsetural Articlea—The committee on manufactured articles consists of 11. - Pittsburgh; Jolm,-.Fleming, Allegheny; John Walker, North Fayette; James Shaw, Skater; • C. West, Pittsburgh. 'Spedel Committee—Messrs. Henry Maser, Hon. Hugh S. Fleming and Woo.. Boyd were ap pointed a special committee on stores, , hollow ware, and foundry castings generally. Committee on Works of Art—As specimens of in/graving, statuary, &c., will be exhibited, a committee on the Cale arts was deemed necessary; andi.on motion of /BUM K. Kennedy, Mr. Back. ofen, of the - Oenhaa Cottrier, Chas. Reinhard, .and H.-S. Bosworth were unartitaostslysPPointed on said Committee. " ..,CoL Hiram Halts is expected-to address the Gociati on Wednesday, the Bth of October, at 10 o 'clock A. M. t lo motion, it was . R e soloed, That the lion. Charles' Naylor and the ;I.:l...William Wilkins be appoioteato delirer • rsche,, ,at the .Pair.„ Capt.. Naylor to speak on whitia - tfieFiir will be held, at 2 °N i lo& on Wednesday; Judge Wilkins to , gums she g o oiety at l o'clock P. IL, on Than- On emotion, JohiL tilindoeb- of Peebles ; ai d s eme n gio n oly; of Pittsburgh, were up potated. eonnioln Co notify the speakers of t h e i r nppo lioie nt , wi th ' power to fill fllC4ooiee. On snotion, the Board Odjourned to reesernble „ A a &a m t. A, 3 . 1., w,, , nesday, the Ansi day , Of the Falk, at 3.1;. Orperhlng'i Torero, in Alle gheny City . J., t E. MeCAD:V, Chldmin. Jana's- K: Kesesser, Seeretary. WHIG NIMMIGS, Zicansht),hig geetiv.--Pelvnant to nodes, whirs, Meeting of .the Whigs of Findlay Township, was held at Clinton, on the li rMac at 2 o'clock P. 31., and sms organized bp call ing Josiah tiny to the chair, and appointing so. BUMS, Secretary. Ron. T. 31. Rowe, being called upon, then ad dressed the meeting in tin able and impressive manner, span the tariff, szol other issues involv ed% the present contest..'For on hour and a half,' Mi.' Rows held the atention of the large andience , ,l audit the effrot of hie speech is not apparent. ion the 2nd Tuesday of_ October, in Findlny township-7by an increased Whig vote— we no prophets., After 31r. Rowe, O.' E. Appleton next took the stand and urged :the triende of Johnston and protection to tarn out e n the election day, and to devote' their, energies, from now then, to secure a slaloms victory for Whigoirinciples. The meeting then sdjourn ad Ls' go spirits for the work. Ron Anoark,o.— . The Whigs of Ross township made a Tally at the hOnse of J. Newell, in Per swill., on the tad inst., Johlf, Brown, in the ells's', and D liitatida Beeritsry• ' .The meeting was addressed by lion. Geo. Dar- stn and T. J. Dieters, Esq. , Ross township promitrtm wellth the coming contest, and will do .. t eyrt, In ta igas_ up the_ 3,000_ yukjeriq for Johludol•'sritieb ,Allaghetty in_bonust to Bits on thui tad Tinisday Oetober.'. • ' •:•-; `.:~1 YS.t. -^'~~ 'drawn Turn Alp . —At &meeting cif the friends of gfott, Johnston, sail Protection, held at Amos Pierced, ,in Jefferson township on the 30th ult. at Bo'clOck P. M. On motion, James M'Ree was called to the. Chair, and .1 T. Phillips cho sen Secretary. Ilon. I'. M. Howe then addressed the meeting on the principles of the Whig party, and elo quently appealed to the friends of those pried pies to rally in the presmit contest around the standard of Johnston and protection. , Hr. Howe was succeeded by T. J. Bighorn, and Geo. E. Appleton who made able speeches in defence of Whig principles. After which on motion, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to the sev eral speakers for their addigsses. The meeting then appointed the folloiing sem mitten of vigilance, (two for each district) to bring out the whole Whig vote of Jefferson on the day of the election, : 'Ring Torrence, A. M. Work, Josiuh Aber, W. Kennedy, David DC °egging, E. Curry, Hugh Kennedy, James P. Wiley, Thos. Pollock, R. Cunningham, John Shepler, Joseph Lowrie, John Chamberlin, Geo. Beam. BY TELEGRAPH. LESS, - 2MCLIVID BY TUE II'IMILLy nusalasu AND EX.I.OIITYD.POR THE PITTIIIIIISGH Alarm OF: no [ PROMETHEUS. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. New Tons, Oct. 4. The steamship Prometheus arrived from San Juan de Nicaragua, with three weeks I later news Irons California, arrived at her dock this evening at 6 o'clock. She left Ban Juan em the 26th. Bhe brings 466 passengers, and $123,000 gold dust on freight. • ;The dates ftem!Ran Francisoe are to the 6th ; of September, and were brought down by the! steamer Pacific, which arrived at San Juan Del l Bud, with 229 passengers, and 123,000 dollars , 'in gold dust. The North America left San Juan on the 2911 ult., with 260 passengers for Ban Francisco ;! and the Gold Bunter t: left for the same place on: the 21st. The Motanientiii City also left the same day for &wept and Panama. It was reported that the steam propeller (sprite had been erhtirely, destroyed by fire in the harbor' at Chagres, on the 11th September ; the cargo was partly , saved. Scattered returns of the election in California are rather in favor of the Whigs, They baps carried every ward in the city of Ben Francisco; save one. The-aggregate majority- is 1200. Sacramento City and county are Democratic by 400 majority, Returns from the whole Bute are very incomplete. There see= eery little doubt, however, of the election of Bigilsr (Dem.) for Governor, alt ough it is by no means cer tain.. The Alta Calif rnian cf the 6th says, "so far as relates so the remainder of the State ticket,' we think we cannot be wrong in saying that the prospect is much in favor of Ithts Democrstifi candidates; such is especially the Case in the matter of the two Democratic members of Con . grass, McCorkle and Marshall. !There can ecircely be a doubt of their election." The Legislature is, so far, in doubt, but will', it iithought, be Democratic. The clipper ship, Flying Cloud, arrived at San Francisco, from New York, in 89 days, the quickest trip ever made. The markets• are generally quiet, and inter rupted, to some extent, by the elections. A brisk trade was anticipated in a few dayi, it be ingabout the season for the miners to lay in their winter stocks. Flour—Was pretty active, and prices Sri.-- The following quotations are from the Price Currant of Sept. Gth .—Glalligas and Hatalls flour $11,50012 ; sweet western $16,50 . 1i bbl. Corn—Sales at $343,50 bc, Corn lifeal—ls ceiling at $7,50 -$ bbl. Provisions—Mem pork is Belling at $15,00, and clear do at $l7 "it bbl. Mims 26; lard 14c; butter 25c@40 cheese-10c015 alb. ' The market was well 'riapplied with boots and shoes,. and dollar% generally was very dial from the great quantity in the market. The 'same also, may be said of pork, Cheese ; and a variety of other articles. The mining noire generally is favorable. A great oonflagration occurred at Marysville, I on the evening of the 30th August. Three en tire Squares were destroyed. comprising 80 build lugs. The loss Is estimated at half a naillinn. The Mina district comprises the chief busineei part of the citya . Parish, Adams A Co., were the heaviest' losers—say $30,800. The Indians are very troublesome on the route from Great Salt Lake to the city of S.acriiMent.o. The mail riders had been attacked several but had escaped, unhurt. Several etzKrufts had been killed on route. Two men, McKenzie and Whittaker had been executed in San Francisco, and two executions bad also taken place in Sacramento, since which perfect quiet has been restored. Robinson. who bad been reprieved by the Governor, was executed by the people. Dates from Astoria and Oregon are to the 27th August. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaines, wife of Gov. Gainesi, of Oregon, died on the lath of August. . The steamer Tennessee, tailed from San Fran cisco on the 31st for Panama, with one million seven hundred thousand dollars in gold dos& and the steamer Constitution, with $100,000. The former had about 250, and the latter 120 passengers. . , Nr.se Sou, October it The steamship Washington sailed to-day for Southampton, with 35 passengers, and $OO,OOO, in specie. T131103T0, October' . - The Governor sent for A. A- Hineka this morning, to consult with him relative :to th 4 for mation of a new, cabinet . . . A public meeting was held in this city rester day; at which s resolution was adopted in favor of the appropriation of $OO,OOO by the city, for the Taranto and Such Railway. NEW YORK MALREET. Nzw Your, Oct..t. Flour—Prices are declinLug Sales 3,800 bbls at $3,34 for Indiani, and • Ohio, and $4,06- Ens,lB for Genesee: GM:Lin—Wheat is quiet, with sales-1500 bush els Michigan of 87een90 t 0 bu. Sales 10,000 at 66c®78 for damaged, and 8911 c for Michi- Pu. Pork is dull at $16,60 for mess, and $13,80 for prime. Lard has declined, with sales 70 bbls at 00 ffl Ib. Whiskey—Ohio is bewry at 21jc 7 j3 gaL .• Groceriei--Sales 100 bags • Porto Rico coffee at p i tc. Sales 60 lards New Orleans sugar. at Sc Lead—Sales 1700 pigs Galena at $4,40 p 1 100, on time Spirits Turpentine—Sales 200 bbls at 28c Ld gallon. Stocks—Erie has advanced lj ; U. S. sizes, 1867 ; Reading and Canton a l per cone Mar sr's Canal has declined 1 31 cent. NEW. GOODS TIIESUBSCRIBER having now received Lis entire .reek .WALL AND 'WINTER DODDS, ould respectfully infer 'his customers and the public that Le Is prepared tedlspese of hi. (Mods. either whole woosst eery low primes He laws lu Dry (Mole All the Ptaple, irell wadi of Pansy limsa (Mods. comp ri sing In put— - Ws Chute Silks ; even ly: and Amu thrum very , rich: 4.4 Brocade B.llto, . • " Plain Black Elks, al/ plias and widths. • Brocade Black heavy Watered Bilk. all pada: Smash Poplins. Muslin de haloes: • Punish Merinos and Caihmenns I Together with Preach and Dudish PrintailAindleases - , • HOUSE FURNISHINCi — d(roDi3: 11-4. 12-4 sod 13.4 ilumeley Neeeilliso 44, 64 sod 64 v-• wad irieb. Piliow Linea; 14,84 and /04 Table Desmakir. 4-8 and 34 Damask haptlos sod linckateek Diaper and Crag; ToweldniNa Rich Printed PM... arta Table, Covers, superb itocalr, Yrectet, Pnimilare. Dim ity. Curtain and Certain Materials km MOUliNniCk DRY GOODS: • nleek Canton Ciabs. othM " ltarehaller; Engilehi krench .04 Italian Crapes; Mode and crape • k,_• Chemlzettee and 81uvew; Collars and enthq dierves andLlosiery: all of which Conde will be warranted of scud ch.'D fin qu'Ut'. JAMES A. IfeliNlOErr. Fine.. Watches! FEW very anperior Gold Patent ft Layer Watch., reed br exprPub, =must wibcik I. erleadld Pceterchrouorretars, Or beam, UM Luba.; double reed Haat= eleo. plain nand " Jris "4. a 'a ' to'llllalleflArtlilMarke„L BUTTER -1.8 kegs for sale by .019 WICK I IIceriNDLIESS. IfEESE-4 , 0 boxes prime W. IL, fur sale Li by WICK a IdeCAN CLEF& • QPERM OIL-47 bbls. for anlc by i 7 eerie WICK & McCANDLKSS. VLAX-22 ;auks fpr bale by • • 1.91.4 WICK I SIeCANDUKSS. feItLESTE VERMILLION -2 awes for onto 1 by .I;BOHOONMAKEK CO. First Supply of Fall Goods: MURPHY . & BURCIIFIELD blive now atii•lith`r.r.t.T2V7of iul tr;',VgAry° --:-2--IR---)S8Ll hr AL COMCS gin DULY ( ' VICO t CO. • SUNIMIES-- 10 bp Saab.. 4 inuoeng: 4 blja. honer 6 .oe.ne: Eintetrax: lathlthiLanlfor by LSLAAN 1111C2iya OU., 11.4 r .4 trout., • ICHEAP PRINTS!---A. MasOr CO. bare .0:14 neetval eifte . beauttfal ex. 4.0, , yr& erbio mill be sole se WWI at eery lei alp IS cues of thaw ewer dedrable tea rgante the Oozed eeeda Weer affarolla, able bauble. MISCELLANEOUS. yOR CHAbIBERS—Very chap Wall PA- M. and clasp liorasts. LlTVAl LLis yilitz yy.l• y joyml9l • jEILAID RIBBONS AND SILKS,--Muarui PLAID c Boxingn Lase epee chie morelne • ouloPil e stove When:Able goods. 0•9,7 N Infallible Remedy for TOOTU ACNE,' ph Tarter on-the Teeth. Sponge 111e adt0000 cent; for gale at LEYBB.B 310)01 - 1 1-.L4 8. *elan • 140 1T8.4.1 street. . 11[111LE OINTMENT—Wain:int - id to cure the• 3- word "**" 'FS-Yale:l=lZ ...le el st. • sepl9 MEDICINAL PORT I.fi DR.kNOV, AN D. MADE! ILA WIND.—Iv boulsAand oa d::::‘1'9" sale SIc.DOWELL tO) Wool IL. 3APAR. ITANGINGS—New style of Gold ;121`.1 ( 11.2. -0 aepl9 - Wood i t.,... 1 ItEEN OIL CLOTII-500' yards 4,4 a. mad 5 brutrter Orren Oh Cloth. for pplMo Blind, o Mos for terylee to any article ea.ufaehared fur that p ova..lott trorivrtl Lod for tale by the plror or Tor& at th rooms; Tot ." oar' 9 Wool erre 9 11 ' 911.1LLIPS. • • oepl9 . Vann LBS. RQSE PINK Unfit/ .d for oob, br MEM 500 GALLONS PURE OLIVE OIL -3.1 received and for sale LT 6 tin.. 66. AN ARROW ROOT— ,by (.17) J MUD ICo bble. for sale by :vMAKEB: a CO, 21 Wcodst. )-1 cask for sale by J. 2CIIOO2NIAtIER a OW CASK AMERI Jett reed lead tdr sal 1 1s3ED 4 J. iORIANDEk SE stylS I 1 lb.ackages, for fam io 41 ' .A" kircLutto a Co • :48 Litertr AL 1 ated DURHAM FARM ° `=U'Obt 6 atel a l:ni t :at'''. laig---..„zt.dli.vilawt: oath. s thoica artlrle wry re- I " M ,Ir. MC g L a V a:Ple a s C ailers lee 'd and for sale I ex' ai' . WoogglVlxth no. , "---4 casea for sale by,• IOP9+-Put up i Hy 1...1u5t reed HEZLEP'B oeleb 1 (Nutmeat CREKSE to suit, fon. V tWal pan • Intel. of the subscribers, rtputo In the HA, but It luto title tune, Moot questod to cell nal e i st.vl2 IMAM d 111.1tOrtiE (MEE , 1 NJ 0.0 1 I S Y. wice.raiasm: —5 bbls: for' sale by CREAM TART A , .412 _I GLAIIBER SAL amll I J. SCIIOONMAKEIC t CO. I S-5 bbls. for sale by J. 15CiluONNIALLB. a Co. ISi:IOAR—A thy " N—Wiir he reed, this i'Vrent"Ztiiiiirce 0!; . 0 ,, R17 r - s - gE ,, DI MOKED SALMI op , L, T , by t•nrYss. • las. Bermuda, for s }MOW ROOT b, IY*PIS/ J SMOONMAKI:Ii d CU. D DE LAINES—IS sa !iii7"dA. MASON k CO N.o. -1 Rosin., for sale by S. RARBAUGII. VA,SUBIERES A of the iltheet .164 51. k et R. W.; SOAP -1.0.) boxe . No. 1. for axle by B. a, W. lIARBill.rO U. o Window, fur sale by a sr. 11Althilltii.1 OSEI4 - -200 bbl i GL a - EAB S-- ATC 1 1;0 ,‘A 5..p12 R IITTER--20 kegs for Rule 1.1 , kJ/ .pep! J CAN! , ILL() PEARL ASI.IIII bblr. for sale by ••`,' .1 ,8 ' J. U. CA:it lk:LLe .11 AISINS--6U bay bunch in store, for eye I_II.. Inn by ISAIAH DICKEY • CO., 4 «as • Watcy and Front Ita. i 11_110N.EY-6 hbbi. for tale by i Li. non ISAIAH tOCELV .t. CO . ._ ..„__ LOAF SUGAR - . i :6 bbla.aaid No. Battle Ornund &Imo): nO " " " Lafayette tq..junrs' Oa fund and tor pin by BUILIMILXi K X INGIULAX . d. 6603 116 N torn and 130 1 mut 11.. NEW BOOKSI---Travols in the Eikited &atm As—, during 181 P And ISLO. by the Ind! Ens. ne 24.11 Worttsyt I soh Ilbto—Pf...e. llistory of the EtopreraJtsephtne , bra. 8. htbbo. filth engturlnton I eel. hamo— nOc. Pin. S. for Auggst. Appleton'. Plrchsru , ' agsztoe And Engineers' Joarniu Plo 11,Uortslityld took a the {tartan.... ' No.. .1.1 Instkomer of Pleottsnin , Eng.. Woth And Eaultuessing. Jing .nd thr ule by r J. L. I:P.AD,: ti *Dodo Ilnliding. 201 Fourth suer% • Boarding. • enr4-0 SMALL FAM ILIES can be 4cd m- Idudaard with pleasant front ryas. on U-.Warttat ether fdrultbed or unturnbibed. and bumf- ktddr at thr corner of Tided and Urant 4ONDON LABOR and the London Poor, No& 9.10,11. .thrlal Field 13,1 t tit itiiolutka, No. 10 kierelrgAi ut WARE!' LiterarF Deppt. 71 Mill rtrect. oppoute the l'oPt tifse. SUGAR -70 hhds. N. U., for s:Os t.y -lo s,ps %.1_ S. Itil.Wor , tt • CO. f laFFEt—'2l , Fag - kets Jain, for mule by XJ .op.l DI.TILDIUIxit A ING.IIIIOI. L EATHER-ZO - o"iides Soli, for sale . by wN IiIIII3IIIDUF • 1NU111..1.31. .. • 01L-20 bblx. pare Tunnerg', for sato by Mg 01:RBRII•iN • ItlUttAll. ?LANES FOR ATTORNEYS, ALDER , ZEN. AND lusrices UP TUE 51LACE--heods. orthstmes. Mad. Itseist.tiom. Isolantare. Esactatons, habpsem,..Sl.ll.lo9.F., Bills of 0.-Artlehrsof •sreeosca. Attachment.. Vse lalL. se.-. Ix- for sala st Nt . 5. ILAVEM . M, St...tinter, sa • ' corner Earkst and &mad shi .• lENGRAVED PROMISSORY NOTES & DMiI —A Date of :.o•. and bran.. andsoneely t.ngraflel. for Dale at . 6.1.L.5.VEN • 13 iteulorp,store. reo 'nutlet rlarket and Seeor..l eta IaLANE. BOOKS. W. S. 'levy:, o rne r jUP Market and 5.ru0 1 rtreru. Bea fr tele lb+ lanreet &Beek of Blank Baok• VW offered In Bus elty—conaon.l4, of Ur:, Journal... Day bee/Its. Minute Bunk. ao.. to er. try etsl. of Irtudlßa. end at the lowest prlera QAFETy FUSE—IS bbl.. for sale by sao2 J. S. DILWORSII a ?AYER IikNOINGS--New patterns for esle 00 WALTER P MARSHALL. SS Wood Breat • JEW DRESS GOODS--We are now re raseettaa, aresab .11ermod. sad natal Ckata lOW - atom my apen. I .L A. MacoN a CV. L111; ... E GOODS—A.Z. G .M.isox ec ~ plalo mad padffo r :LtiC 11,11,. ;LT:W.l7l ' d balk llcok b.ise Ntuwat. CI A cozalstal wort/Dant. Aud very amp. TOBACCO-40 keg. Va. Twist, fur gale by j oral c. AN. I.IARBAUGIt. VOFFEE.--100 bags Rio, for saley it R• 92 3.0. DILWORSII aCO RQN will be received in exchange (with a emW obtabot of money) fur TWO OGILI)13ili Urn, the Beth wood. %ovally of orbit rICAI VI. ATI:I:COON It OILELY. IVOR WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY -rry gone of ILORilIW per bottle. for ..le or MOKItIF Tee Mort. lo tt,tnaotoul troll I.i I III.£SIEVS PAReIDE.--Spangle., ,ito !l;.Z.ft.dir'''''''lri2Or °"``kit''V.iv°,lt:gr.,'*- ITINEOAR-9T table. Cider, for side by , V orty.3_ SI IL H. JOLINPIUN 61A.LERATUS-31 bblg. for gale by 0 amyl . . . 0. tK. fIAILBAUUH. ('!KEEN WINDOW PAPER--Plain arl LA eased, toy tale by 0.92 WALTerr•VMARRLIALr.. r FRESH GROCERIES AND SUNDRIE. )• Cise. Ironl and Pt/GA Oast, th) ht rh.l7tess3 A 116 k Tata 16 Ear. Cana • Chan3l..l LW at bo. - - - II ens. amount Pickle, CA has. chair.. Totraay. 3 . Bodnar and 816 6 on 1111an's A 0.160.4 Is Prusen . ETA, Out Tot... 14 kor..tes A 10064, Paha ant anst.lllollllB &WV. Tollianoap: I 30. Cam. and 111. Pyznl6lll I.lsa l'arina IA Ito Ht tiotre.. lA' trar (.. , Drl3 Stard. , 17. 01 f ir. Callan 11. ' babbitt'. Iroar. .36 163 . 01 liar.Jsra .. Trot Pond. , N) - It Canal., , 16 , hos. 0.13. Inr.r.,: 19 0 : B , lgia 4 - Di 1...., .; 1 SS dol i Ztt4rd Err Wartll 36 OAS tiroand Spina: 106 Oa. Corn Omaha 1 byrr Poplar A Inolat. Wh01.61 , .61 1.611 Cy 1.0. WILLIAMS a 111/.. r ya la NortloaA an Wood and 6111 b sta. VERY SUPERIOR RYE WHISKEY, ttt tth...l IL to Gale at lIORRUF TEA 31ART. lo tar Mumma. Tsvan 1.. n would do well to asso- I. thew Withal.. as (Oath) uthudd.. ) la. Ow OH ult.P. *Pr, 111110CoLATR-5.1/0 Ins. Boot., for salo by lJ WICK t SI/CAM/Li:SW t ° ! 1 4 7511-3 tc' far riAbime3Anni.Lis UNGARIAN SMOKIN(i —r f °BM:CO— LE 40 bb V. fur alb by wxa • McCANDIAL.B. LI ALERATUS-43 emilmi J-- .70 -- .70 --.70 04 6 " Verdn'Ard;g l aitiii , PAPER -400 reimm Medium; rplo :' .. . C"" TA)M IL IWI L:M. yaNOLISLI I.)AiitY CIINESE-59 Luxes. .. ,.. 11 .11 , 1 . 716 ; .., t , : i l, ;:ulrzie a and Durham Pawn _ KTI WICK A IdeCANni.EFE_ StAtikilli.EL-4MU bbin. Nu. :i.lor mile by ..1,9 WICK t Mr.CANDLKES. • f i IS 11 ',Xi bbl!. tio. 1 L.Y. Bnre . riar sal!nntt_:_ bbl No. 1 Lek. Noperiorlmnn . iblo No. I 14114, LO bblt Law :k t 3 51.1ren.t. . .. , . I bbla .. No. I . pun receiving awl for iale by teeptli AMIN WATT A CO. —e" 'WINDOW GLASS-300 boo. 81.10; GLASS -71 - 10112' Fm tale b 7 BEN:lvry. BERRY a CO.. eeVt • Front atrent, titer Market. QI, UGAR-7 hhds..NjO.,. fO ' r sale by 0 attea , .i. D CANFIELD. ‘IOISA ASH—We are prepared to furnish 10 Diana manufacture., mut the Miele generally. with ends Anti of hon. manufarture, at the loerrat untektt r 6 " c.."'hick ." ''' lVA ' l;Of th , aftkVPr,s7 °. . Froutat.. rate Market. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele. graph. THE 'STOCK of Chi n Company wanted by A. ISILEINS k W.. Stock ask krettenen broker, 'corner or Market and Third streets. • Silver Coin Wanted. MILE highest price Rill be paid for every doarriation of ether Cot% at tbo &toga Ono* of A. WILK' Ntl Cu, .3 tatter of Nortot sod Third otrftta. ERRA JAPONICA-10 pkgs. just read wiltor wle Dr J.,80110ONNAKI'01:d rtIR 0:1.. 2441. HLTRADIARINEBLUE-10 cues for solo wds J. SCIIOONZWILIt a OP. E — , PSOII SALTS-25 bble. for sale by m4O J. &MCC:MAK Ia & ef.). 11 051 N-5 0 bbls. sale4oVidaritit*oo. TRANSPORTATION PF:NRSYLVANIA BAILEOAD OPEN TO'LOcKPOET,TWEIITY MILES WEST :OP JOHNSTOWIL aginf= 2 gge 1!+51. , FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1651 011eigoF OF HOAR. TIME REDUCED AND 'PEED INCREASED! ==2',J=UMM PLLIMINT - 1110 COI/ WM To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEB YORK Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, ESEEE2I &gad El3=l On and 'after Monday ; , August 25th, the Patikets of Ws War will' leave Pittsburgh Or lice:lrpo . rs ererr morning at t =clcej. ,, , and er;r&er . e v ultig e a: 2 it i c , t f 1, 1 .411 crIT ft.. 224 di. ref for Ptilladetp/tla. sisig-Time through. Vbrir rintore - SR, Ity this net , arrauga. e nt pasesugeta go HOURS SOONER than heretatio . (being tuentr.oss Rw canal traveld.abling them on Snivel at Philadelphia to proceed on to New York 1.1. ones. Take the Y ofk , mad Cumberland Railroad, al flarrtahtuß inatance. eighty:four males Time. YOUR boon , PlathdelPhl. $lO. Pare to 71.1tImote, 101 l Id Lancaster $9 do ilartiabors ea.®. I f you &Ars rhe; trarellos nutl comfortable roommate, deka., secure your ticket* at the Ticket °MCP. MOOOOOO bolt Boum eal J. P. HOLBIES, Agent, D. LEECH' & CO., 114 ilia. Nage , l4The Philadelphia & Liverpool Line of Packets. 4 Sailing from Philadelphia on the 136, and Liverpool on the Isi of cash month..naga. fp : M ARY I'LEASAISTS. IL I. D• 114-41111 Muter. sigNANDOAIi. W. P Us:dinar. 'Matter. " EUROPE, Nathaniel C. tient. Matter. - 111ELIN, &Weed F. amid !Isomer . •• gIiACISAhIgEON, thug) W. W Wilt. elmmr. Tcruise ships ere built of the best their t sestly obey .r. are thud ft. the rapidity o P.S•altr.. obey .I.ed up with all total improvements, are most thoroughly ' , suntans& ant ens trothrpathel for their as onumodallone for leased (Lbws and &serum Ettmengers: they are Commanded br men of acknowledged talent, who are unequalled Ur their experience In the packet serekei Venous desdrom of bringing their friends from the Old tkittittly Mu obtain mullicatve of paeanr which wilt-be good for eight motat6gth4 oar agents In Ireland and LIT spool alll furnish them with the pinto , sof...anon god . matructlts Males to their &sputum. For th Novel:deuce of pessen sere withing to tend 0:40 05311.1 L . re . dratte tor PI etereashe i v iti oputiv i sieyeble 1 ' 11 2 : LllO. o,ltirrlVO l g` al t.,1 liiol,T;. "' " 1 ' 44-Provinone 'applied passenger, [06111:11I from 110.1 Every ,week the followtms suppilea will na ftuniveed each pa of 12 ye. of um it&l over .; lb. btagll ib. riot... ol tea, it lb. oatmeal. ig lb. ever, Ilb Mm, "gib. mclum.and Ilb pork- Under 12 , - eara of asp, n lisa. hmegetuffe, Ilb pork. full . ellowance of watt-rand vinl *gar, and boll allow.. of t i e i lthjw i tte n l3olnasest. No r Waltut street. below defend. IthUad ID,4Eles W)1. FLU ielnif corner Sixth and W001y.... Pittsburg. rirEWYORK itliatlß RAILROAD. 1851. 1 iffill._ . 1851. :NEW ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via Dunkirk and the Erie Italloced. oanseeing with ola. reenters on Lake Erie m the Idithipa.Clerelthd. Columbus and Citicinuth. Cleveland and Pittsburgh. and Seminally thdthminnati railroad. and steams. cis the Ohlo ami Miseimippl river. ani the Uhl.. Indfatta and re onsylvthla Canal. 'TEAM) LEASE UM , 6111.8 An et FOLLOWS. - (Fonder. mceritsoL) Ist Morning Etyma Etya Trans to o'clock 21 " Mell 1U .Ict 10.0104 Expresso " 1 .. as - The Mall Train amps et Elmira, where Pauentem eth sleep 7 holly., and tern the ExpresaTS aln. arriving In Uwe York next morning ate o'clock: making the whole diatomite by aliebt. I T d he y- Express Freight and Cottle Tinto Dame Dunkirk at .4.111 daily; e Pamenger Car le attached to that Train to =modem Way P.M4051 , and Doom.. AU-Vara from Dunkirk to New York. kJ. Second Clam . Prices will be gone in a few day*. , ibis Cthipeny e prvpared to iced ilve wick and fivlghte of .11 kinds in and from hew York. Particular attention will be paid ../ At ari. The gangs Befell d feet wide, gives that mum mot advantegess over narrow geoge liailnude In th e tre portal. of crock. fisie - .lllltithei Trains will be go6ll so conunimion in a I:l 7 nl b art 'l lVilis wiii be distsibutsvl, Orion full Vends& . ' " .In "'‘ l s '`' U" ' 1". " Tlf i ki . ntidi.lirys r t "oo I be m Pp.". .1 ..errinonAle. kams - r. Dunkirk. Jr riellt Excaruon Tickets to Beaver, 2S cents 11111 E fibo 1, paseengtr FtPd."7 44 9ii i i F.A VER And RI !MUA? , No. 2. 1.1•• their landing*, ad Pittabordb and Ke &..n., err:, 2., (buodars esoryted.) 8./ Learn. Isar. Pittsburgh ut 9 A.*. Ilorbeet, 2r. K. Michig,o do do 3 T. X, do tlr. Prrodu.robtmg an Ildar, LOU rawure Tie to KorbAste: :nd riusburst,,n vi ,•nts. Iteleti coed tor dosstoe day sod op tra tn, for apply cot Word the rldedaboats - Elnyer," or . Mlchigat. 10. 2,” or at the oZce .1011!C A CACGII36T. Agent, .159 Co.. Water A edolt.td?d4 - 26 HOOFS TO CLEVELAND. itiliaggagZ- 1854.120E2i PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Frpren Paeket and Ruffrouti! Lint to Crerland - PASSENGERS Icnve artery morning at 9 4.1 stimtabrAt to lt...T•t, eunsi ieta to Kay... tLyn, by PittAtingb L. 4 I:slim:14 to (Note land c o quet° el.velaadl. "LA • 'l.+ C1ef . ..4.1. 'Xi boom Id 10rtr05....3 boom 130410, t+l Clbookuo. " Tirteto Orem CINCINNATI. . Cnb:m.b. ik.td br CU,Atbd mad Cludonstl faswiter. 4r Getxr47. Clalbboll Lad 1111.rautio. Inn Cloyriorbl nevntilllF T. GS Ve.b.clr- b, mn apbradid fdtctd4a.b Lent." byr throe ...111( osebrk, 1. M_ hr to baffalb. and arri.ina v.* amtlatt ot 1.1,1,340 tr ift.omboat. Waring. 143..j.stes Lb ti...1.12da (N. mut.. to llxir mitt. and Watt. .111 be found valvb qtdettrt. ebe.sr. ` ban .another. totillib, RdicltiTtb.. V. Por tlrtrisv tolormstloo applr to . JOLIN A-CAGOIIRS, Arront p own) nom, r of ralt-011a14 root Virres strer4r, r 2.1 • • 1851. WESTSRH 1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. D. LEE= & CD'S. LINZ .BAIL ROAD AND CANAL i'ITTS DU It GI H. PHILADEteinA DAT L. I MORE, AND NEW Canal being in good order . we ore premed to tranrwelywdefs tnerthentilie to hod teem the oho" ot.they It the tavest cumat•rWak.c6S freight. With rroothtnehe sett lishatet --The beehe and tire ere ..meet ant eohlreitat by theteehhetare. V.lhlyyth treneautted, end all trystruttlono prtnYnt4' ed. teh.leh 90 • i Arta, to. rat 641 1 .3•• HAS: , lILACk, rrerriour. h 111132.703 Itemlvitog De 734. 'No. 13 4 16, South 33 at. I , 3lsrerthia , rput. beck at., 1311. J , 3111 . 11 A WHAN CI orth t N tit, t l tl atnt3 mr :1 . 3. Ualtto 11 PLANA:I4 Atrnt. W 11.31.. Woe groat. N.., brat: FARE REDUCED! lAEA 11351. ZS/40A . 0 .N.,E.L. Via Browns‘illo sad entexrrand. to Baltimgre Philsiltiplus. 11(111.,NiNG BOAT learLarhe Wharf lizbla• dans. at b un-LLI2., •111 tbe ears al Cutaberla..l net: c0nn...., Tbe kvanina Dust ...es 4511, leungrt nandar ebennba , wwwitertiow with the at Cnnbl...snl neat ill ' , Tim at d ull. Tine 111.nban . Balnanne. 32 ban. inn ‘...11T be Time throne,. I , knadalptila.. 40 noun- bats nab 111 Thy hational flood n..• bawl. t.k.innon go tan lb. Coarbss bstineo Brun:mill* and Cumtetlani. •tl.l. taake• t,L &elan:UT the ban N ate pat. J M ILIMEN, A nt. . tay27 Otbn tbe il 4...nobaattalaitonan 78Eda 1851. UNION LINE On the Peisissylnnis' and Ohio Canals; PROPRIZTOIU9: . ., PAWLS a. . , a.c+arrsa Pa. C1L1A1111.711.1111 cRiCIPI , OIII , C 0... .ClamoLoom 0. rAIIIIS well inown Line now lo_repared 11 trannrt a (nista sal passlnsers frnets PMSOUR,O CLEVILLASIL to .1 petal no the COO.I maul Lalow.— The flidlitleo a Um Lino aro otiouroassmilm wumbw.glia/- it r. wad comou.ty at Basta, omptiiiiioo LoPiaino. au. .1 &zap of Assn.. • Us* lasi looms Pittotough Rad elsystassidally,rovnins In manual= with a Una or slesstassas botweem 000011 0.4 AEA CPR, amA alLina of tirstelowi Womb.. 10witaliwr .01 'ewes) cm 21.:1.a1ue. CONSIUNI.LeI Puts • Co.. Youngstown, AI U. Tailor, Vim., Li' A. L. N. Clara, Neglon Vaasa. oc C. Primitlaa, Havana. U. Diaylon A tatenu. Moil, Co.. (lrina& Co, Vratiklln. A... 11111., Coltilioga b.: Warder, Iwo a Co. Akron. U. ilanderaon kittUbons, tlWduCl C 0.,. 04 Vwcatiam a 9ooo4p r ty 0., • U. William. k lt, id . boussman llwaiikle. Wit.: • lleo. A. Oibba Claomio. Thomas Ilaba, Clibago, 111. July .A. CA COUEY. A opt cur. Wats, and boolu,nol,l st... lilllsborob • Arrangement Mado. to Forward Freight TO BALTIMORE. IN FIVE DAYS, A T SAME ItA'rP.S PENNSYLVANIA /IL IL ILUOAD COMA NY nwolpt to rbilad.ll.oll.oo Co'ollll 1y,91 mane, Prim awl Want. 510., 1%a,, S AtiNAISTUS/ tot i ulTui anT Or; fa. au part In pound paper., lot Mall by DALZEI.I. a Co IN SEED 01.1 1 :5City ICK m Sake:TlAll. for nail br *mat ER ARPETS: CARPETS !—Reo'd thin day ) by W. tIeCLINTOCE,I new sad rich styles Supwtm, ue, and Comm. INUILAIN CeIRPAIS, "ddeb lee are rife to telttoer,steettrayeakmdesitsza egf.ere:l4 (hands and t han .•estsblog to putelle to awe us • ell,. d. the Old K 046110.4 ..:hresdlt embobss. No. h 5 Isdrtb st bIeCLINTOCK. FALL 000DS.—Juec read, per express, at A. A. bIAPON 011.13. LOcestonsiloowelldbbous, %wield and most fashionable styled, IV. dm.Tehs and Fars Flowers; 10 pm. Oman Altique, bemotlful colon, bt) pm. Marcella% his abeam I elbe.Ostrieh• Plumes. else Wee Cp.. ssyt 11.INGITAMS-10 canes, French and Do mvale, JT A L .ed by _ i t. A. MASON W. ADIES' (URI-I.j •11A0S-20 doz. roc'd per elpre+y by rikplol A. A. 51 AtioN A Vi). -- - I ADZES' II A wean, MEIWOES AND MOOS. DE LAINP.S. of °rooky, BOG, Plok, Bluo UR. ewkl 616041 R-20 With. N. 0., for solo by U. reps N.:• W. IIAIWAIJGII. f 1 OLDEN SYRUi'-10 bble. for Nalc7by ... .wpl P.'S W. ABBAUIIII. MOLASSES --SO bbln. N. 0., for sale by npl IT. 11.10111AUOIL RUBBER 042E8-2 doz. just rec'd (Ith Kletree.)• ern rst., artlile fie rtaltqc or lugt voarxe:zrthx. trritt}rs. UTTER-6 bbla roll butter for sale by J. 13. DILWORT aCO VON .ALE—An excellent FAMILY9 4 . O LIME- /non of sorn /.1301100NBIASSII FAMILY muRPFr, & BURCHFIELD arc t I .O IOW open oo eSlott ette l liiteltrthe etteotig %t heir kt " ° en heTere Coeterttleit rDurins to sown thy wilt re tette est or the von dn■~ new reit of tioa tm smostatent sot' to be sortoteeed, sad se low Mb • BOSTON TREMONT NOOSE DOTON. THIS well : known establishment is still coa dactsd In as same Manner It ho akas,a Lam. The truant and pleasant altustlen bow, It+ cam...sit. out arrangement, snd tbe ct.mf lust:6.lw be found them nation to Nader it Sat•. , st grew. to the tnsveler. Having beer. an*r. GI the tam It L octet' d Co.. s t o lons so tbn beat at the estabbstament. IL; suturiher tedm... hl. net c e In ian. to maintain ot. r.putatiat, sod to gi se " p•l t let) ', 3g h'“"""'" *M. If PARKER. PHILADELPHIA TeHOMAS WHITE, BONNET MANIT FACIUILER, N.. 41 Eouth l‘hsve atrAtt. rust I11,)1phla 4.010 I AG • LEY monwAs.v. 111,A211 . A, WOODWARD & Co., Whole ...JP nate Orwera, ::21 Market et. Philadelphta ak..l • ...... ..... ..VARD E CAD 11 1 . ,4311 B1 :11 1 ' rra2 l , t .So ' ll N CO. Nie T te ° r b s 'e tr..4 16 Nurtil Wbou-ves. sue' NEW °YORK &C. I J. COINITE French Rectifier, 360 Eighth thou for the geF:l;l3eurY:' hu h e? 112o k l r , '- PU ' re fe Pv ' te. B r ,ilio,Reueol'al'utuh,Curactut.Abayntne./111142ite. Bitters. a< The Bruidi and Olt are carefully made au. ro d a s the hen rec.ipts utud to the evuth of Emcee nod klulland: the quell) e,utal to moot of the Import, tioos fern thorn countnea Ilculerg aro tuelted tonal nod l ' u d a P Ul c iVtrn ' tl l 2..TA;tV attended to. " American Hardware. IRLIVEN & DOUGLASS, Manufaetrirere' „rr . t 55.01.4. No 6 Platt street. threadnorr from Pearl At . of the, il a rdZet: , T w rna 'a to or tUt; t glt y cl ' Y ' olZ., " Xgln br.: l,T , r , t awootsctur.rt. and for sale cn ut , brable tattoo Steam tomintuarcation betwe'en New York and Glasgow. THE Gla,ijzow and New 'lurk • I,,m'lra oo s% ' % or r i!:.Tcl; r ltt ° -- eagors ' aPpo a gte.l aa C 1 ..... 7rarn .I: . ltlvthriv o qi c ilttirrl Saturn:tar, th e llth of October P*511400 110N11:. fast Cabin holoranre Ire included.).llo. , Sauond Cabin " . 55. narreentrers fated. Thaw rangy. bubble prbvisioue, boo not wlnauor which wart be .polled nu board. at sulerate ;Tiers. Car iv•uu. el°. ..ur tor folizta or puutara appli to , r • rot fr''''''' or "'"r:ilfnkk,l 33 litoodwr rx r _na aug,., d2tawaw ' 0 010 1 " 011.k. ' New York India Rubber Warehouse, No. 27 Maiden Lane, 'and No. 59 Nos.. sow:, FR. corner Rom Broadway factor7llls Bast Pith at. ICIIE SUBSCRIBER, Propnelor of thie ea. tattliehment. would inform lag old e.t.a.'s. and I MethlstlLl lE•Otilaij, that La is daily rectelring from hit button - an usually largo end excellent ...A 8.1 Ind.. Robber Lim& wranntaetured exprestsly for the Pali Trade, and wkieh. Imo haring introdueed eeveral new en 8 rm. urrxe I rTniToir="l2li :TV.'. ° A r -54- . 1 . 1.7:= ,. . 0 .' . Pptwial attention edntinure to 0. ald Co the ma.... P.m. Bur.. and plain CA littlAti it (MOTU. ot all wBltn• from 3-1 to 6-4 Inclusive. The drill. erecarefotheel.....l Item the beit brand.. and ettread with tine hoe. onco. which tind.h. oductrto loaner. leather lie .1, manufacture^. the Munro Cloth. a hlghlY itnPteted. non.ccetnent te middy dlsocetrect, hy ankh the slna t. W e to Lear .8 exact reweltahlance to enanteled Init., Th. plain 1101.0 toad , and sold as usual. Under. ahcrid eleeltr lb , .....tr desired OtikliallOES —A full ate. of ill the liner,. 'tyke. and varieties. from the imported Ita.ra Ituetvet , to the te. no Perpetnal tiloar—enbraelnF Neu , . Women'. sod Children , Boot , Rho., hllt.pers Tel eattisle. V. otnette Furred and Lhanfilnbbers. &e. 8 A ...vete ascortraent of the k. 14 wing Owe.. on hand: alaelotoshe.,Conta.Car... furl nor Pante. Life l'reerry en. p.t..., Wove., Unttee Gloves. Reelos Jacket:, Caps. lot , gin, Tobacco Wallet.. his... Bell.. Iluenitat eL•otlna. 1 Bona Oster, Whip, Brea. ',tope, Flea= Backing, e het.- der Braces, Paper holders Air 1.4 e, MX. and Flttures. " role b =u l =l7.r.r d7 ir Cittl'Z4fli b e l an't!it'a'ater Iwo, SP POnto .' 4: . l.lll 4 ja . Vn i: ta ' stoit cert. me and p . e.t.a...Mapped nand, bleat. log Ll:tu t u:A 4.-tine than white and soft Wem whlVe at, soft Yurw !tubber Cesoort rnr Il.ttr swo /1 - 17‘ 12 4 Shawls! Cloaks I 1 , ; antaiii! FAS. MILLS, No. GCo lan& st., N. York, • snw et • wwl s c 4 Fell wn,ll4l2xtrr 11:11 , ...mini. of nil osrl.• of ,otell esti L.mor.t.Le luarrt.:,, 111, mu..ar Long t " l,.! n 6rAtU, ' c ' f ' o r v i e , r r =... , AL, eltegull,e Sleel. el Cee r Mcrin.n.711.16.4.„ 8.00 aoi 9.1.01 CLOAMF, MAN. ILLAF. A1,.,A . eat...lre stoel el Coorn, Merin-47b1. L.l I • i ii • 8.11), alai liolval CLOAK:, MAY.. ILLAn , trACK"... kr- o i 7 ',aroma Ay... tanl at, 1..., mono+ urael Ilf. Peri. oat , For Sale. ~,. „r bu out, .I,n...tinny r Isc.l ..ml -oodothly co , 1 i LARGE Id or pace of grourorkirt\te in Haar. otcatracre. 11. In•the• the nponial attention of ... th em and Woad 1 •,_ .. 2 °,..F.,.. n W,...1, '''' L. : . i.. di - f . .". 6 .,ndiA . , a -e n. ,, ,, „... ,, ,, k. ,, _ rrit Alerch.L• to the ahoy, a. htc will and an sone, ...A in .'....'i .. "if... •in 7`• .........doinlil .- . d". moat ...4 01..1, ...ii r...4 7 .t..t, --t. r, 1....t.tr ....t.....,..re,•..., .[reel ~. ., r r rr.., ~..--, . 7 r. c 1 the lid Bono. and to the vie ulty ol the privat r‘a , d. , tie utuourreml to the city. Ala. superter WIRE ...IWO.' F /ISt", 1, - , exhlbltioa ' °2 kti. 2.2. ° 1 n...1. E.Foe not 'h i ' ' 2..12 . 2 n. 2 n" 2 Sitawie and Ntaorrila.. dr....el in roll coOori.t Friot .... 1 : i ~ 6.. .\!"`i . " .. ,. 2 ,;' in ',"' :',7 i ii " "' ni t!' . Or , Comb. at SA Rod SS •art. 1 ., , ,,, , act, r Inc tio r..trou lonor I taatetui d.l E.n.. , anan• Kt or elglhoitoidoer trocroent. To the Pn lie. Icrion.--nn, :lard on Loud •,..d tn. 0.1.0'. in Ore .e.s.ai i : aut.*. raytn.ot.. •oriel 1.. y 1...4 and toortnan. INDIA RUBBER SRO S. --Our attention ape., to Too 1.:& a AtruN. t0r , ..i.. I Au hero 'ldled it , . al•ert =...rot by Horace II liar, ..22214'2 " So 111 Fourth etc.,- , relbllaloci in the New lerk li.ral el 11th lot, IFal. and 4 ', • • • ... I the „,,,,,, ~,,, ~,, ~,,,,,, '4 ~,, . ,1,,,,.. . hi, 1, . r,,, , .14 Oli b.F...NT- tI. Dwelling . , No. 1.5.5 ..., 1 \ r ia n nnaararnn at oon ...t our art co., te au. Julw u. tnro . i Third ,t t. re,. SA.d.) , Ccid-a. soon aa lb- ~i l r, by ...rt.th.t we dar a not rb.ra long woth [4"AP:toot...l aro Lack boii,loon ace tt, tar.. itnitiaireno, f-inie• - 7.C. I at.ut nodal. liir f 'On us ... and that ha 1 .en roc: • th..1.1/rwaloon.y. ta ...ropled Th. Lad ....baabrr n - 14 do. 'W.V.R7o*..4.l•7l7:'''''.o.,:i't'litraF4rat: ;', — ,.."T„501:-',ZT,7, ', ,7,; 1 ..%7,T, ° ,7^ . .'.•. • -h -- s—t. -1 . —tP t-'..” - 14 . ails ltionlAr.lratn• ono.? tioc:lo}ner• lialet.t. .03 rall kon.a-thr 11didie..rali a, o a , at a m o .i.ratsi out r Leon.. eur caotomr..d are .1.111 pa, it.a It lartif li - r th. ram, ...1 ,.t ; 1. MAIt 051.-tilOraeloiya any allot perinea rulsht Tarr dont. the rune. If dosien,,FO_lo , acta..-tt l, ord. att.., car •dd oao rather Lb.,. Ora uplo )..godrese. Iiliolie.:111,1•1" - ,.• ......, - -2 - .,,•,, think it trio. just to rt.. dAsser rtgbt. to gse g r. , 11...: . -- ror Dare or Perpetual Le • , tanot. Lbw to Intrione IL Ilr 14.1 s. run L. Pc sand. • ta,ansilointal 1ic....1, ear's rt:latii, oda , • aid., r. and ' I, , ORTYIIIKEI , IIUILDING td,j laid • an:Feed ha tutor. oat to lulrorot. hl. roan 111, ta ono ■ on to cout"rie No ..i. IL tE e miginal td.. it, tcoro n Laneenena.,, oot . t; ontriona ..,..1 patent, hot to moor. oo /411,..,,, (motion co Y..th rAle•ef It to nar...1....; aL.., bare... ...... cooderntA o. ydr.haind . ie,, , „ , • i'l, our hesonew at au. u‘et roa ra thew, and .... ebtra. I AF... rde r•ut fte-ou. na• .ner. yea, lb. cadAl4. Of the „al, I,,,ohrectty. and lb. over our eon altostor-.. • tin ' cot lee •io II.: ill!, ...xi lot.r. to-1 t..llFlore ...al e Ilatelr • ppotitag,Opt. lanodover , Patent, to Mt toanafareorr of I co.-00., an a ' nouton ' t toL , • . k \ 1 lb. anent orlokb he uoLetrizat to lb. 001,11, .1,1 we give 1,, 4.ry, 0., ~,, , si r Noe \p. a •a wry, ayrlak 7 , gidt , .. that Ur sad ad abu ary Nolocirruci alto hoin on pun. ' lb. prenatner. or ot the ronweritaar. t him ollhiar. N'' Ol ehon or Insulin., lila elarnas.ittattii to rrolatlon of watA Fat- i {Lb sten., l'abantryb eat Blatt.. .111 ha ir .. .......• i' tyinc II INILAL,II3 , II.IitZ , :ri \ CA! , tr., ItAl , V ANL PAllifiCrt. C'). Beal Estate for fliilc , . , r.., a. .1 1...0b0e:z00. 1 rea.,-..: Till. Ar.W Aids INIALA o n. Mt, ('U. i V.A.Li. , .. - ViSi.E oromproeeri OT, on 1,1. ~, co LI Uotekinarn, Fr...drat I y ieiro.r of I.lin•rty an. 4 tractor, flhe . 11110 01 . ea. ,n...... tboaCa.rnaan Catlelin Chor....t. 3,t0 dal front on. b.l tarn YU...JuI . : vat.. ',I L •0,: , . ~, v., by lin f.el deep Factor, roan:nit La-. to Morino 1 ~., . , Ink lled Sn t e kl. T S ß A C it 1171It ' S i I T, F d .: o eib rj r n li . klgatn",..7, I ' u"'`,.' — .,th'i ''''l,,f'Yo'''' k b l' i: i t ' .!..-fie l : ? A ' Nft i ro j' l r ll T Id j ~„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~. T .,,,, k I.rk.: r . 1_ 4 1:... ;.; '1... ~—,,., :o ; , ......, .. c,......• ti mem. a wort !LK. T 3 ITU TIN.. ~. , 0 Jolon-,) soars of co, .alas 1. lan I near Flip boron i r ',:, r ,,,.. P 7. ''''. ' -4 1 ';',,,,,' 1a r 0i..,,, ,.. .. 4° ' •-•... ' Alwe.-A Farm el 13.. Ihr Tel , ulk..st lOwer LA no . . .. .. ... , Also-A Forlll CI . Z.... 4 ecr...n - we..., ...Amick,. nth* e a , Into Naiw l'astl., lied taugitt. per gallon ... .. 1, cants IThis It the bred &Ale!? umadnfaeturrd It G.lt Irn ly- ..t.i,-.--J--..- 0 „,4,:,, , n. , "- ,,,, v -- 0...\--1 ~. ~,.., cooeiVlFo. INK. , -...1 alit la t 71 . rr.1 , ... matt , ... .- a1,,,,0-i.a wary a'altrable lo.ts to ....or.. 1I ,i. e . I !.17 , !? ' . ,— ,, ,,, Y , i ,Z.:r2.° - .=. 'L', ',:. ,111....4 - '4.0-1. r `' a " ,r ' . a pa. to fiTLIA.7., nimbly giart...l (dr the ;Le., I•ea • tt.-nto, az L. 16.1 fioaßhstat Agent, ...,. Tl.l usaterstga.l IA prepared to furtd.t. t , tbs trade st.,. ~,,, rNg lid Fourth atina•L i l mobur la, i, glair 6'r war.drt or hems ....o.o.plactr.li tto. le •erT .-- - . - ••- - ‘ ,- ' I ntVg . :, f. L,11 ,, ;,411,. ,, r,;;ft.t,:trz n ,'; -47 , 4: A Good Bargain is now 'Offered, 1 ''' ''"' ''' 'h.'"4 '''''' . '''." 7/1101..)Li: LEN-T. -1 1 -F APPLICATIN BE 1i st: 50C1N.,., ~....,.., 1 ,„. ~,,,,, 1 i froth Flan. to lA n . ACRC.A. In li 1. liarcugh 1 A/11” 10/1): nedi 22 .. • 2 .i.nd"'.... VT..... u. mg tali fart ••••., . . ! ortle oe-reoar, hooldua, Re Th. orrywerty •t doll i Professor Alex_ C. Barry's Trieopheroas, -I ':;31=•;,,V,,,..,111 , .. • 5. ,1 gr i ;&dri1•N 1 ,,,.... , •- 3 _ . _ _ . _ , 114,5,,,,,,, . i kli. SIEDICATED COSIPOUND, for re - i /ea 11_, ttonott. yroaerring sod ladoutirytog Ike Eats. etenti“. —__...., -, Von scurf Rod Jaralrolf , and curing du , rayea of the *Ma . - totals and ttictorl.ll. ow.. cut, brut.", ,p•si . no,_tta It . • A History of Pittsburgh. N. .`:.:L . r.,r,..7:111: 1 .1'.4:=11" ,, gr`,Z=.'"i7it: : itY NEVILLE li CRAIG. Fitt.—Alliid salt, dir of tho bar,. and all tb• .10.4 . i ndolla. 70. I tory of .ruin [h. ftgo the .41•11•01 t 1,..d1.4 er ,c, II . Smoot,[ tertutioutals, relegt..l from butt Of nlmilar au eletted by • Iv. }own to the dose ..1 co agt • ingtagt, will servo tn o tire ram. uf *ha strybaraUts...; debtor,. with [...1v.. rdtbe.Mrdt a...Wan:vat .4 POILI '...f cc) tar...dictation In yak-a tile :old by Utak alto bare I tali lili.rlaril Otoonotartiorie• arid V 11.24.6 renr. ut hat ~.V•11 • 1. B•rol :2, 111.0 I;i. r etr—l bare 1*33 aCtrtel win, •op burin:c.eruraloo tho ...alp. of a moat arcratared char , ta, fr.. lb+ 1.0 tilt.= yea.. aradunsw.tlat pedal p,o 00 trio •ILlor a lAll• tbe moat amt bare trial .11 tb• prerLaatb,ra In n , the beer and rtos ku•a wltbout Lba taut trrtmetit. I sdrlael by• Wend m tr, your Trimpberraa I int so. to last ra.rrL cal to.=, ruryrtso artipLatltL-ariLL, fund czyudf ca.wilt at,ot t.c trrautt.• Marri vu ILA 114.014 of tba 11••11r,¶L.: at Owe. I on batti • tout, ti 11 it.trELv E, Culurobtsrtro•L Ityrroldtri. Nor 144. (Y.A. Itail. Mt —A bvut 'car...Alt/ma hair PO4, a.ar- It7 Dam yam. ..at aryst da•l .ad . with dandruff. rm. by • Maud to tryt.