GAZETTE PUBLISUXO II! Winn a 00 Pl3r3/11711 . 0H, hIONPAY 51ORNING, OCT.' 6, 1651._ 7 JT! Friendsof Scott and Johnston: ' ,-The attention of the friends of Scott, ilea( rg idfus n'"' Ul i nf Pi*U"Wi eltibe. th i' vr AU er l ;7lteU/i T 7Oll "t eir r i . :t s , "'l to the .l. • Wag.: rte appointment of Oomialthed of Vigiluith. 7 701 ‘" I' s 7 :fr 7 end of Solt .04 Jl t listern "r""W le asal bY SW thou erbo require Ware nottuallsed, and Stud mil:voter deposit his ballot on lb* BAwnd Tuealay o ; • rOrr West. I • r I Tbst followthr itsdnolthw .on 10 turallsation has beer rez,,;...g.1, , ,..7.1.gh1.: 1 ' . A. loyd, Cast F. lskiroutitri. M. Brvowo,tha , , Dr. ; 1.4 Uithy. Vim- B. Waß.r, Jthtee SteCunoi doreOlt AD." i By order of th e Bounty Cethotthoe. iillegheny -- County Scott old Johz s tanl ffieetings. i I At the late Jima. Pidlltge, Robinson Tthrrothly, orti Monday, eta. et 2.g. U. . , Atruge Min, alder Stornebly, on Tuesday, I tts, ar/ . i At ti, P. ijoilitsi's Mill, soup Poyetto tp.. Wedureday . Itn i t e brrdel,lit k i 900, at Z. paroJoate. ABU. Intllstia tOwn.thly/. at. 2 o'clock. B. M. At set di Wad thevoltrs, our frith& will be attires/IAI en thtdecte important to use great toll Ural taleroste oT ! h t./1/1= Di rub election -Markt of the county, ari stood to organise, awl Stave every person sawed nuke arntheesdnu to bring all our voters to th e 111. ;DT or4or of 1 t IXI3I.IIIDDED llk, ARRINGFJ.I.D.W D.. . iterREADINC,VATTER WILL BE FOUNP OS EACH PATE OF LOCOFOCOIM RA PAIIT We replies* our ieaders understand by this •.. e what "we mean ; by ~ tea:Accuse !" We do nor mean old-fashioned Pennsylvania Demoi-, racy: the Democracy of Thomas Jefferson, of Simon Snyder, or of the earlier and purer daysi of Jaeksonitrm. By Lotolooirm we mean that reckless,- unpriumpled, lying spirit which • has pomMed a portion of the old Democratic party, and which Is peculiarly the growth of modern times. The great object of.locifecoism is pow ,er, and the Spoils which power affords. Its Ant principle is victory at any expense of honor, justice,princlple and patrbdism." Its second is, that. ”to the Tiaras belong the spoils." It is fomented by the .., cohealre power of public ''phender." Locotocoism is the most villainous Oligarchy which ever existed. A few unprinci pled leaders, Mostly degenerate members of the old. Federal party,are the:beads and control , and Wee are satiated hy a well trained . baf ntieramppera, who do ill , the ler, meand unPrincipled, work - the! lying, mlsrepresenta. ' tion, slander, deception,;sct. These take such trend* from the epolla as the leaders can spire. tilt ' great nutm of the rank and file of the Dew itt(' party are true liMmblletuts at heart, but so ' ll witched axe they- by the word Democracy, i lb they blindly follow Locofoco' leaders, - and thus countenance men and principles, which irere they better inforMed they would abhor. As a fair specimizt of unmitigated Loootoce jinn read the Rost of last Saturday. We wish thit every intelligent Wh g in the county could ;amid It, as It:would bririg out oar whole vote, it nothing ebrewould. .. lSp 1 .: i!.. I ' 10 , . 1 'i , II: .. ! i ' o a nother article we have' told what Locofo , calm is. ,' We now proteed to give a specimen of it, from the editorial columna of the Pittsburgh Pen, of Saturday. That paper Makes the fol loising Statements; which's. copy In Its own style and adornment:se' . .. . ' . • I LET THE PEOPLE REMEMBER. That .13overnor llitnei'e admlnistratlon,'sith the sad of Wm. F. Johnston and Thaddeus Stevens in the Legislature, lad the , foundation for all our financial cetbnrraresents, and absolutely incressed t/:e Bate debs.more than any other adminlstra ti n ever did. , . I LET THE PEOPLE REMEMBER. TT tirt he .pi s:: red baci by m a e s : t : f ol::: in tn 6 a p ' led deht wh of is, 0,17 : ::: Tusthrozrpylsotpheureckh•REmss REMEMBER. :fro of o :I:lr.a...6.,,mdir.7whi:Aguiad.6,ttuatrt tath:esathe- 8 Lte became almest bankrupt and unable to eet ihe accruing iinterest; on the State debt; afben the cry of repudiation was raised, and the - credit of Pennsylvania became a bye-ward of re mach acmes the*ater. .. It r, would proba bly be • enough to publish the a sentiments to secure their condemnation, as everye Jnielligent !ennui's* reader knowe that each and every statement*ade lathe above ' paragraph in ralse?,—and that 'taken. as o whole, it is a monstrens perversion of the truth. It is si fine specimen of Locofoto ren,tilessness end de- verity, 'end of its astonishing reliance on the • gullibility of its Sank and file: Ent we choose. '. to press the abide statement false—to put it be yond all , question, that they are lies ,nunanfac tared for the ccevision, to the true spirit-of una dulterated LotOtocolem.' • Now, we r assert; that Gov. Eitner'S adminis iita:lo.far freak laying the foundation of all financial embarrassments, did nit hiciorese ' • • state debt one dollar. This we prove by the • ~ joined statement, from the report of Jolts N. • • maacc, late Locofoco Auditor General, roods , • , oath—mark that—to the Legislature of .e State, to wit: • . • , . Statement of the Tut.lic Debt of Transylvania. pa Stock Imo yes Oct' Amil 2, 12.61 67.4622 99 ,e Do do ... 285.101 '7l . 2 9 1: ..... n: 1,1'471,114 qg Do Da do lyec. le, 1820-_-_---7461,274 at In 110 do . I ........ 2,1?7,672 000 0o if Do do Mar. 3.94,80 J Do.. do ' I sta, 2.481,201 [4l fo Do - 4 do 4 , Mar. 8 0, 0, 1881 ...... 344,906,63 Do do ' , Mar. 1832 ........ 2,343,4447. 4 62 • April, .:.. .. nru u " , Do . do . gar. , I', -05,:Srft7 74 ir 4. 4 ./102 27, 1833.. ..... - fff.c.cra 76 3,0 Lo -d0 i4Amil 6.4831-- ..... 4 ,:,3 4 . 4 . 61 `d o dt/eil lb, 1 8 .--... .... 940.7.56 18 1.19' )ye, 4?"2, 1879 ...... fa to Jane 1839..___......... 1,1 ‘ 34.2 .9 fit ' Do 40 A M. 11. rsru 410.‘" Do do 300. 11, 1840 -- 1.9 3 '. % :6 Do do .Isn'y mice co r elf« V.:Vt 11Z t. ... _ 4.1.1:1212 i • 10t.%t01e12: i wail 71 s 1126....; 2r, arn F C,lt;clrtil.oLt.'t: 4.661 4 ,,i1l 1,1 I .: 11% P Iss rLD:anao.; - Mail 10. /849....,....-.—,., 400.04X1 00 $40,677.2 10 hi% be seen, that with the single exception c of the last Stein, for which a special Loan VAS ' asdhorlud, avoid the inclined Plane, .near the Schuylkill, on the Columbia railroad- - a work of large haportazie to the trade of the State, and 1 Thiel will be repaid by the saving In expenses before the loan In due—every dollar of this forty - million &Ulm accumilated while the Locofocos • were In powtr. l dot that this declaration may i be made more palpable, let as divide the aggre pte of 71035,, between the consecutive guber notarial terms, pa that each idmloistretion may t I rest upon its o w n 61161441. Daub.— eassusistnamea Nu. sostrsetar 11941-400.93 ilelstor, federalist, 120,Eta 93 Ira. wilt:64-4w. Andre. Iltdclae. Democrat, 6,1531,501 35 ltri 16.85—Ueorg• Wolf, do • ie,osacos 76 itus to 1646...100.r0b Mtn., Wh 4 4 4 N • DM 1864—Darld p.n.% Loedoio. 13.100666 iod 3341.1dllea—Youbtla A. thank, do : 6,766,1523 CO )80.277.214 68 'Gov. alma , went into office in December, 18M . , and retired. the lest of December, 1838. Eisminatbe oArial statement above, Made under oath' to the Legisletttre, by a Locofoco Auditor GenersVand yen willuee that not one dollar of debt was convicted, while Gov. Eimer wee le office. Have we' not given you, in the above astride from the Pot, a fair specimen of Loco ' focomerality 1 • • • The third paragraph, cb red abovep from the Post; assert{ that it was doder "a Whipoactinis. trotters" that the State became almost bankrupt, and 'lmable to meet the accruing interest on the State debt V'. . The only Whig administration we have hid. fir the thirty years previoue to the election'Of Gov. Johnston, Wm that of Joseph Ititner. • During bin administration the Interest • on ate pub lic debt Iris paid promptly, in gold and silear, andwithoutthe necessity of resorting to loans, ma the' 'Gioia official - stateMent shows. It was daring GOT. porter's recendlenn, if we reeolleet 'trills some four - years after Governor Rimer left office, that the interest remained • unpaid; cud "the cry of repudistionvas raised." lance Got. Johnston came into ofSoe, theinterest has been promptlY pelt in gold and direr, with. out ihe AsCupiti, or miarting to , i t in than semi by , a stitement of undeniable faate,ahet:every assertion =de in the above ex " trade 'from, the Post fit • faitt--a specimen of mr adniteiit LOof," Nfizeow'aek aurae:Jere of ererypaliticsl seit= want, whether it ',mail not be the moo idol ' dad poliay, for na; as kaansybrluglino, to aids!, .~, :,;_ ~} directly or indirectly—by voting far Bigler, or, by neglecting to vote )for Johnston--to place a party in power which --' hue when in office, such an enormous debt, and which resorts to inch un mitigated falsehood, and such gross slander„ to avoid the responsibility of Its own acts "WE NUST GET UP AN Amax r . asye Judge Woodward, in the conversation at Flarrisburg, in account of. which we publish ed on Saturday from the Thipisburg American, and which is proved in another article to-day. “We must get up a panic, and frighten the peo ple about the diseolution of the Union." "We mint getup m alarm, ant frighten the commu nityon'tbe slave question." This system of tac tics woh agreed upon, although the Judge can didly acnowledged that he "did not know that there was any cause for alirm," but, he adds, in the true spirit of lomifoco morality, "it is better to raise a false alarm than that Johnston shduld be electedl" The _Port, which belongs to the corpe,of the "understrappers," mentioned in our description of Locofocoism, has taken Its cue from the ihr rieburgh leaded; and the following from that pa per of Saturday, is thrresult. - LET TEE PEOPLE REMEMBER, That the fell demon of political abolitionism was the manse of the late horrid murder and 'treasonable outrage at Christiana; and that Wm. F. Johnston,-sympathises with and sustains three traitors in soul, who are ever read , . to counsel butchery of our brethren of the Booth. LET T 1 PEOPLE REMEMBER, - - That Wm. F..ldohnston is in daily touitannion with the abolitionists; that be pardoifdd a negro burglar 11leajah Williams; and that he also par doned Than. Richardson at the urgent request of the abolitionists. LET. THE PEOPLE 'REMEMBER That Wm. F. Johnston has refused to sign the bill repealing the 6th aeetiou of the obstruction law of 11247 : that he is an enemy to the compro mise nod tho Union; and that he has declared he will agitate the repeal of the compromise, if elected. ': LET THE PEOPLE REMEMBER That Wm. F. Johnston•ia continually talking of his devutioit and loyality to the Uulon and his obedleuce, to the laws of the General Government, while:heactually said at Lancaster that Psasi eTLVANIIOWLD TUC FLVITIVS SLAVS LAW ISO AL LLISCE. There is so touch untrue In the above para graphs, that it is perfectly fair to call the whole, one grand falsehood. , It is false that Oov John ston .wympathises with and et:Lefties those trai tors who are seer ready to counsel the butchery of our brethren in the South." It is false that .•she is an enstriy to the Enlon; and that he has declared he 4111 agitate for the repeal of the Compromise if elected." It is false that GOY. Johnston said at Lanc4ter, that "Pennnylvanis owed the Fugitive Slave Law no allegiance:" Thin falsehood is coined out of whole cloth. This is what he did say, speaking of the com promisemeasans "The fugitive slave law alone is within the reach of amendment. While it remains. the law of the land, it must and trill be enforcedf Resistance to late Aas never been characteristic of the IT4iy party." How different this language is from that coin ed for the occasion by the Yost! It cannot be said that, the editor does not per lorm the commands of his ouperiorn in true Locotoco style, in doing his share of the work of raising the FALSE AEA11.111!" •PVTILINGNIIi AND ROCHESTER RAILROAD. By a special despattlipubilihed in thbcpaper, with some remarks, on Thraiday morning, our c 1 readers were futon:se - I of the important fact 1 . that the city of Rochester, by an almost unani mous vote of the citiseus, had declared In favor b of a subscription on the part of that city of $500,000. to the stock of the Pittsburgh and ilo- c chester Railroad. Subsequently we learn from P o despatch to the Journal that one hundred guns f were fired in honor of this first movement in fa- Tor of connecting that city with Pittsburgh:: The reader will have also observed that our New York correspondent of l i ßaturday, spoke very en. couragingly of this great enterprise. . We burn that just on the eve of an import- sat electionit is hardly worth while to go Into elaborate arguments; •cr a long array of facts and statbnits, to prove the imPor lance of this work; but there is one re mark which is very seasonable at this time, .which is, that unless we put an end to locofoto rule, and thus secure a tariff , which will restore prosperity to the country, and keep our money from being shipped abroad to pay for ' iron and other goods that we can better make at • home, it will be pefectly idle to talk about ma king this road.. It cannot be. done. We have come to a tight place at last, which nothing but a modification of the tariff laws can relieve. If we re-elett Gov. Johnston, it will be an etn phatio declaration that Pennsylvania demands a change of policy; 'but should Col. Bigler be chosen, it Trill be taken as an equally emphatic . declaration that Pennsylvania is satisfied with • the existing tariff. We kfiow tinit many Demo crats profess to be in favor of the principle, of ' t protection, and would be very glad to see the , law Changed ; but permit us to assure. all such. . persons, that their friendship is utterly useless' if they cast their votes for Wm. Bigler. The question of tariff or free trade is fairly joined. In this election ; and we hesitate not to say, that if we elect Col. Bigler we been no ground to n expect that Congress would heed any petitions 2 for that object we might send in. So then, per -09 mit us to say to the voters up the Allegheny, as 1: 1 1 well as every have else, that if,yon want to see to your furnaces in brisk operation again, your to farmers enjoying good markets, and:the Pine ryburgh and Rochester Railroadmade, then vote it for Johnston and the rest of the Whig ticket.. 141 • Recoils TRIPLE ALLIRECII AGAIN!? TUC Us:- yrs , STAMM—The 'following item ofnewe wu received by the Canada: and England are decided on prevent ing a rupture between Spain and the United, II States, and of preferring to the former her val noble colony, but with the introducti= of some indispetusable reforme in the* internal Govern ment of Cuba. The French steamer, with dis patches for Washington was ,to leave Havre on the Nth. The statement also reaches us from Other sour ces, from London, Paris and Madrid. 'We think there Is some truth in it. This movement on the , part of England and France into secure to Spaialthe. ptmemeltm of Cubs, against the United States, whose people at imiat, If not its government, are imeturied to entertain designs of wresting that Island from her possession. The despatches which are com ing are called ”eeeresentatione on the subject —being tantamount to a demand from the gov ernment, of the United Staten uf bonds to keep the peace. Vowed In the most favorable light, it is an unwarrantable Interference with our af fairs. It is predicated upon the presumption that the goiernment of the United States will not observe good faith to its treaty engagements without coercion. Interference of this kind, we . l ir e very sure, will not for a moment be tolerated ; I and as the whole movement (if.such a movement is really contemplated) is based upon a presumption to tally false in fact, 'our government is able to take high ground—refuting calmly upon both Ito integrity end its power.' , In a contest like this, as the North American well remarks,-..the United 'estates need burn no gunrwder," nor and a single armed Teasel to sea; for notwithstanding we have been brought to a condition of commercial Tassaiage to Great Britain by =wise- goierneoent, by means of her revenue live, can bring that noble but haughty' government to terms at any moment.. It has been the weakness and folly of lout= role, which pre to the hankers, mer chants and manufacturers of Great, Britain inch • control over our again, which in fact brought la into tlintomidition .of tributaMes, that has rendered that nation so arrogant in its bearing towards us. tic long u our merchants, man ufacturers, Flinders and farmers look with. trembling anxiety. to the market) rates of that nation, of course" so long we Inuit expect to be elder:Wed Inferior to it—and whit is more, so lops an we persist in so foolish and injurious a policy, we are inferior. We may boast as we please of our grestaeti, base long as the Present policy of international , commerce le persisted in --eo,long as 'oar Ecru:intent re kiso to throw around its own people 'preisiction against flea wotaistitiow:of fitreiipters er!aisti all OXIXE!i ease has toughly' to be cowl 1 to our pros perity, eo,lnßg will Gnat ltrhoill retain the at- petierltx which the creditor but or the prince over trihastary vassal. open the eyes of our "democrats" view of tills great question? It is not to be regretted that G , and France have thus early tat= their real commercial and fancied riority, , in this matter of Cuba.. I slumbering national pride in our Democrats./ perhaps this Insult will ronseit up. As we said before, we are happily so circamsanced, that no resort 'to force is required to bring Great Britain and France to term!. A little alteration in our' laws, regulating Imports, Would very son bring them both into such a iondition al home; that they could not afford t I be lusoleut abroad. This is our legitimate w port, and it is the one which these two nations dread more ban any other. NIOSETAHT LITMUS. —The conti pressure in the money market, in cid cities, gives evidence of the causes which are not accidental but intimpely connected with o•r commercial and financial eyetem. in New t •rk there has been, and there still continues to •e much com plaint, and money is raised at set re sacrificec The Boeton Atlas states that in that city very high rates are freely paid for eh. rt loans ; and In view of the large payment on fa sign account, which are to be met during the c .ming month It sees nothing in the existing eta e of affairs to warrant even the expectation of e .e and plenty . That journal says 'The causes of the existing evil may as well be-looked at. boldly:in the face, n.s .. passed - by will_tout - reproach., The- importafions of late_ have loco too heavy in propurtiou to our Emcee:. cities; and there are immense quantities of goods uow Id the country which are as useless to our people as would be the fifth wheel-To — A roach. These have been, or or are, paid ... • . . _ for. And again—we are exporting specie to an .. Alarming extent,' when we are noble to bear the burden the exportation will i filet upon as. !The currency of the country h not a suitable' • 'tliecie basis, and until chic basis is moored, our finances will be In a ductuatiug condition.— Could we gat rid of our breadstuff,: with but n tithe part of the facility we can of our gold, there would be little or no suffering — to record among mercantile men, for our Importations would be balanced, in that event, by the ex ' portatlon of the only articles of produce we could" well spare. Before this country can L afford to — export specie in large quantities, vs. rious tillage will have to be expected—among which is the establitihment of a basis of curren• cy adapted to the wants of the mercantile ern ' urtinitv." The steady tide of specie which sets fro. this country to Europe is evidence of tho fact that the mines of California are not our', except to work them: that we are in fact the miners for Europe, and have nothing to do with the golden treasures of our soil except to transfer them to other Lands Gold is taking its place in commerce as • commodity, while Its connec tion with , currency -infects the whole financial system, stud we are left in conetant apprehen sion of revulsion,. Induatry commands gold and silver as well a other things. England, having no mines of the precious metals. controls the coin of the world. That control ought to be in the bands of this Re public, and it might be, if we were true to our selves and to our domestic Industry. But we prefer a 'tributary condition, it would seem, and give our patronage and care to the industry of other nations who grow rich at our expense. writer in the National leielligencer lays: "iris a common saying that this le • great country; but the time income when the word liberal eholild be substituted for common. The , last arrival from England informs as that, dur- ing the week liling 12th September, there had been very larg arrivals of "specie," which had lands the money market much easier, and first clans bills were readily discounted below three per cent. per annum. .; Now, no it in well known that this country furniehed nearly all the amount referred to, is it not proper that we should. boast of living in a liberal country' We, good natured fellows, were not satisfied at seeing the rate of interest in England three .per cent., and the rate here from els to ten per cent.; but, in order to ac commodate John Bull, we shape our revenue laws to reduce the rate of interest with him &c -law three per cent„ and raise it among ourselves to fifteen per cent., for find class paper. Fif teen per cent. for inch paper is now (es reported) the lowest rate in the city of New York, and other paper lel fully at from twenty to twenty five per cent. per annum, and large :allures oc curring almost every day. As we elevate the fortunes of old Johnny at the nape:use of Brother Jonathan. in all time to come I we must style our country the most liberal on tide face of the globe. If our gold continues to leave us In such large quantities, the rate of interest In London will , be reduced to two per cent. per annum,•whilet we may. be lave to pay thirty per cent. per an num for money. When,we reverse our system, interest in London will rise, and in New York fall to old rate., and then we shall be prosper one' It is n Ii tie strange, considering bow old the world le, that the science of currency, including the doctrine of values, should be Nall in ite in fancy. It will come forth some day or other, no doubt, and astonish every body by Its ex treme simplicity. But for the 'Jolene it is a malts of mysteries, to which no one seems to have a clue—Baltimore American Daniel M finayser, Esq., of Adams county, is the Whig candidate foriPresident Judge in the Berke and Montgomery Judicial district. Mr. Bcoyserds a well read lawyer, a ripe scholar and an able man. Be would adorn the Bench and we hope he may be elected. For (4. Pilts:srgh Garr A Few Woaos To Wawa Previous to the alteration of the constitution I of this State, youare all aware of the Immense patronage of the Governor of this Commonwealth. The' r o baliges of the constitution had to a great I extent the effect of taking the patronage from b• the Governor and , placifig it In the hands of the people. The whips of the State, knowing the debisedipower as wielded by the locofoco party, hailed with pleasure the return of this delega ted power back to the people, and felt as though they had escaped from under the iron heel of of locofocoiem that hail been crushing them and their principles to the dust. Still there was some power, left in the hands of the aforesaid executive, and that power was the nominating (appointing, I may say,) of the judiciary; loco foeo governors always give this oboe, to their party. Lately the whirs of the State Assembly forced the looofooos to loosen , their grasp, and give np.tkds power by submitting the election of the judiciary to the people, who, by a large majority, decided that they were ea fully able to • choose good officers ea the Governor could nom inate or appoint. What has been the ASS'S since the alteration of the constitution, whereby the power was ta ken from the governor, and acted upon by the people? has it not proved beneficial by giving no better public officers I There is no other answer to these questions but yea. Whip, you are called upon to elect a }whole. ry; the r whiiconventions, both state and nation• ' al have nominated prod men and from this being the case, are you willing to throw one vote away which might elect a locofoco jcidge,sad,eo far as the county judges are concerned,who may o ordain wield an influence that will tall to the die . advantage of your party and your, principles,and whictJwould have thieffect of turning the hono. rable pride of whig ascendancy into a sorrow ' log minority, I ask you, are yol t prepared for o this I if nay, watch well the ele ion of judges. . Thelocofocos ale aware of th immense now t er and patronage vested in the judiciary of this State; they well know .what has bean taken from the governor is gone. TheY now wish to . retain the power of patronage vested in the t judges, and use all kind Of meal* o retin it; they court. and flatter the vote r a , and abuse our candidates as they think best suited to the person they address. • In this county the Judge of the court of com b won pleas and (Meer sessions has. e greatest • t power, hence the great effort on fli er'part to t •t. S. Craft; Esq. If he is elected would he give an appointment to a whig? I g rather think his former political life andpresent disposition to help ~the party th a t nominated ' answer this' question. Fon can rely on I t it that all his influence by appoint:Meta will be used to benefit loccdocoism to the prostration of the whig party sad principles. is thislcounty so No man can please every person; it [sari ins. a 'possibility; thi s tieing the case let Me ask of e tray Whig to throw aside all personal feelings if • t they have any, and vote for your nominees- One in question and iam done; is Mr. Craft more ca .T pubis or more knelt than Wm. 11. hfeelstral if not, would you not prefer voting for a good uthig, one of your own party, to a looofoco op ,•posed to you in enrirytmr? Let your sinew be .1 " made at fka ballot box. -• As Oza &Limo= WKIO . Far the Fittsbugh Osseo. To at "Rank and Fai• of at (.. culled) Fowl- the debtor,. en nothing to the true 7 - sylodnia Detooeracy. You may profit by puthigihe following ques tions to your leaders, demanding at the cams time unequivocal answers. le there any differ . ante In principle, between indiVidual and.„icar. clonal economy! le not the scarcity of money with nations or individuals, eimply.the evidence of either unprsductiveness or indebtedness, or in other words, that the ontlayings exceed the ' lnexiaings! Would it be sound policy to accept as a gift from 11 foreign nation, that which we lare equal to produce ourselves ! If all our public works were, material nod labor, purely Americao, could it be said iu truth, that they lost MI a single cent. If we boild a steamboat of American materials and -workmanship, hare we not the boat and money both! Does not the American consumer of . British manufacture, mainly contribute to the perpetu ation of the British lord and beggar system!— Bas, it been by the adoption of the free trade system that the British government (we do not say nation) has acquired such immense wealth and power! Is there any . cause why the British . I government take an inteiest in the reduction of _ i our tariff, other than that it will'resnit in their .IProfit and our lOW Does not competition, the universal regulator in every bench of business, place It out of the power of the American men d ufsoturer to extort the consumer ; or oppress the operative, where comparatively (keeping the Old World in view) land without money and 'S. without price. !feat Britain vantage of ticend supe- ere be any uance of the I. nr commer operation of or transient, without price. , How cheap most foreign fabrics be, so as to be within the reach of those who are thrown idle by foreign competition. Which la the true Democracy those, who, with Jetferson of-their head, advocate American against foreign manufacture, or those wilt , to prove thrir pJtriotinA, Would throw their lonia; pence into the lap of (icon Victoria? P. 5. Would It not be advisable for those of you..who are citizens by adoptiob and who have been treated as slaves In your native laud,. to pause, nod reflect for a moment before 'you pin your faith to the sleeves of those nicknamed be. mooratic Editors of public Journals, who. are in ' (act, the mere squirts of southern slave holders, ,Whose sole business lies In the breeding of slaves for the hoe and the market. WM. M'UOWIN. 14—From the universal success of 11. 0. reason's Axel,len Liniment to curing lame Leek, rheum. atism.dhwateed Joins. white swelling. emir...tad cord, paler. as we hare no doubt but It wdl raiddlY lay • 11 other rousedleo an the eheit as there Is Cld earth:, duu bt but It Is the greaten remedy the warld weer know. It Ie equally elfective fur both man and Lei., and 5h411.1 by all meas. Le kept In every house In Lien eod euunt.r). gee Advertisement.- wed car it in jast what is wasted —say all w bare aver wood Nl'lLbra a Verralfaar' {.a4 the thia , 64w learn an soar , . . - • - stn u. Cheraw. CO, N. I.i Frb 9th. Koliu" —Whet] your ageul vas herr 1 bad 'up operwl..l ba left but • try doseu oy 31'L•oa , Neut.. Nits,sua4 Sod It Is gotug oil very rut, and thus ter I. Lee utw.• goad sattsfartioti. cud be. pr...v.d to be •Lst the public Rapt/, tut ire Lava got It •Coiott..tid 1 do got wish to get out. I he,. but cue &seri b,ll- W bra Your &seat v. tete. I 11111 b. toll oar wog. hly.e. to ...lir l about vs.ut tour. but II be 401. 1 herr f..r.tot. tom Will you have the goody.le to ord., for or tie s. r arsoriot a this rert:r. VAI EA F.Jr sale by J RtbD No. UU 11r. - 0.1 N. air A Most RIMAREADLS CUE or TOTAL 151.1 , mats. CUM. ST Pgrantata —We twette the attention or the &Meted and the public generally. to the eortank. of Wm. Hall. of Ode elty. The me* may he reen t 1 au) Per.. nbu may to atentleal In I.lsoloo to the farts here set Meth. S NI. KIER., IWC Hen altlcted reveal yearn .oth eoreneasof teoth eyes, ableh continual to Ineretu.e until I , ephernher, VOW.. the IngammalLm at that time hallos tn.wea the .hole 'lulus membrane of both et., awl ended In the donaeow of a thtck Mu, which whollt Ilea:anted tut eight I had an operatlongerformtd.and the thlrlteulng removed. .web woo returned aud let me In ax bad a ovarditicu 6! ••• • • - At MI, smug uf the omplelot I mean AFhltrAt.on to re.r . ral or Mt+ ma=t emtu.nt m.4leal men. vho informed that •my eye. weal nee*? het well: At tbletime l moil trot diettosuLeb any olut,t. Hy the Advt• hi ant. trtemie I KaMorwed the' urn of the P.Mulaum, both Intern Ally and Ix-Ally, owlet • Pith to, Orli 1.71 Improlo 4.117 0.• 01 the preveot tone. eml 1 hero remmered to) eiAtit iy. 11y ,15r7.1 health •so Ter, inutit ImPru , e , U , Petroleum. amt kattrlbute tegurlllooll of my right to Itelme,. 1 test:lest NI , tot geoLmJ sinet, to this elt3. hod • ill 1. Eat 1, to my. arty rat..mnalien in 1413117.12 try cern N L.1.1M11 HALL " Por sme iry Key..., a 11.:Lov•11. 14u 1 It. G. 2.11,,.. tI Nt ov.l rtreer. II A ViMmicatml. • Cu. ...el thaet mkt trot rtmerte; to SI. Curry. Li A Eill , .ll.. l, ervt. Li.amieno.s.n.l li. P. ',hum.. MN pro' . et Milt, ml9..lty'S OmU. Hutn.l4rrnthet. Pill*.orall. Pall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery. &c. LOUAN, WILSON 00, No. 129 Wood Street, Denn to roil Me angel= of Morborto and .O h . to 31 , that Liaai M c of - FOREIGN LTD .nozegne HARDWARE, CUTLERY; &c., IMPORTED DT RECENT PACKET:. - _ _ whi.rh they a protrll ,i to offer •,s pyA tulloaaortaxot of llANN ^ a , elobrated C tl. AXE: , 40Sr. en hand. • suet:, Citizen's Immrance Company of Pittsburgh WIN:COURAGEME INSTITUTIONS m sT oake No. 41.1T4tkr Mut In the vanbone* otC. II C. licamtt, Proof...lent A. IV Mane. ewer. Thu t.bmrany illl3O. ptlparol to tumors all taerebAsatoe In atom, and to tranoitu. voirel, Ao An atoplo pyrooty tot the .11..141, - Ity et the Inatitottn, &Gras.; in the tbl2.lrt of the thort.,:a. oho are sli clUceps of PittAttub. ell ant tavoratl: known to the ootomontty their prodetve. lni.lll~vn v, 1.0.1 loteltrtti I.ll.loloas—C 11. liosse) . . Wm Sanity. W=. LA.n.nt s . Irltltel 11r, ant, Hugh b. KW,. &Irani thuloton. Jobn 115trw0rt1..5.11.b...n. 5 11. Kier .Witt ___________ PAttabnrgh Lila insurance Company CAPITAL , 8100,000. OFFICE, NO 16 FOURTH STREET. Proeldent—Julu N. Hoax. i Nrevlout—Nufun Nleacauff. tf.o.our—lusts N. Luca. ..i..roWT —C... COLT.. ...furrows.. In another part of this rarer. ratur.lai. October Et. or •oneeeuan of the In., ana Eine.. of B. Ktax. Funeral frqm his resrleure un Front street. adrolnlon Flret Ward Flutllr School. at Y o'clock this afternoon._ 7.. • ARAMATTAS, LYONESE & COBUROS CO will our.. Ibis jay LU eldf II al FO BENCH MERINOS & TILIBET CLOTHS Now ousuln.{ MSA A. A. AN & rb cord &ranch M•rinos and Thl tat Cloths. o lASIIMERES & MODS. DE LAINES ;A. A. MASON & Lave ,cut reertrud lasi sty le. Cashman , . ant Os, Lairon. pESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A lot t.t grout& irouting fret on Cr•lg Am. rvutging tett to Canal. 701. property I. hut • awn die... tram the rsiot of tb e Ohio and Pennslrans "'lt ' Vt tr li '6 F4WktVIL4rACO ,Irt awl 95 Front ca. Pittsburgh. P. CIIIIIO AND. PENNA. R. R.-40 sham for at Oa Ot go ;mkt. Avail' . Wll A. HILLA CO bozos Cron= 110 •• Gammon—J.l lair ad fur by J•MESDALZELL. oc6 iTater Et e. OTVFM 0 PREPARED CORN-10 bore. veo bf this delicious at-triv 11. i a. . SE ..LL4E113.41' 1 and Wovi. bi W . HALE OIL-775 galls. just reed and to , .1. LI • loc•e) R. L 131:LILLS. IRNAM TARTAR-3 bble. WARRANT. 1:1) PURE, tarr Isle by (be) R.F. SE LLOII.S. 110ARBE SPONGir-220 lba. of superior V,/ quality, fur ul• by (KG) R. S. BELLEIIb. _ GARB. AMMONIA-2 casks fur sale by obab 0. 111. BEOOEIEB. CASTILE SOAP-20 boxes for aale by ocll It. E YELLEItb. 4 ICHARD J. C. BOECKINO, Manufacti; rat of L o oking algal awl ?k ta lub. Frataban4l.4o l a p r . ,: b. L;al i ta i kUWr.. 1.10. 75 Third stbabt. Ybllo 4 Hall r pARK MIXED DOESKINS--Murphy & tharchtitlO ham moat Ted •an assortment of Doeskin ver mid farm, colon, which May are seilluit low—also super Mack liassimerm •od.cloths. and • yeti -517 a 071..,dg11y mlaptod for Miss' wear. mil_ I ENUINE MANCHESTER OINOHAMS L.R —Can to found at the store of orf IIU HY I fY BURCUPIRLD. IyHE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING of the sucknam.r. m the the Mining Compan of mhigan. will b. held at the ollce of Palmer, than. a Coetn Pittsburgh. on Monday, lictaber 6, et. a o'clock, P. M. K. T. PRIEND. heo's liITTSBURGII NURSERY—An Omnibus run .... ry hour from the corner of Market and Fourth smarts to the Danl., Pennsylvania ATenus, 1111.1,1 them is• choice eidiection of Orsen.botus Mots heady klonthir DUO -Dwarf Henning Roma, IMO Adelaide Mora do, New Parma, DUO Dwarf Pear of select nestles, Iferbacpus pi gg y. Dabilm, PhDs, Lath hinlunm. Canadian., la, and whom rder. will be taken for Apple. liwarf do, Pear, Cherry and Plum mem. Quitme and Silbert do. that. Vines. tlocesber. elm, Currants, Strawberries, lc., kbrimbers,.llbade tre es , iws nre e ry Orders dimmed to the pre rise.. through the Pittsburgh Post time, toile Darden, Penney Hauls AStans, or at 31r. It. Niters, Liberty si, near dm head of Wood et., will be promptly attended le JOHN MURDOCH. dr.. g l i Orctuade and Shrubbery Plemied neatly to ordes M. and M. Bank. • --- A SHARES of the Capital Stock of 'this 'a I Bank waked by. MA: . A . !LILL d CO., ogidltar tatn-k wad LYclaange Brokaw. - OTICE-THE PARTNERSHIP EXIST- Ingbaler the rum of IL TOWNSEND CO, be. nt dlseolved by the decease of Kees C. Tommie!, the un derstrned erll mutilate the business se heretofore. under bh• style of It. IOWNhEZIU •CU. ROBERT TOWNSEND, • IV if. P. TOWNHEND. Pittsburgh, Oat. • /ELL pea 2.03.1,7NM0D, KTOIVNIIIMID, Sim /hightail. h. Pibtaburgh. lITOWNSEND CO., Wire Ignalufaote . rers, No. 19,biarkst street, Pittsburgh. itieldllsrgir . . . _ Foil SALMON .AND LOBSTERS up ft O. twd Par al. by ito 3.11141 tan e, huutetkally E—.. Tery imp er WM. A. AteCLURO t CO.. • Orem, end Wal DI:4IM • - pfilLE WINE VIZIE9ABr— zso inmr4r CODFISH—ReceiTed andfor sale 14 oos WY. XeCLUao sou. • Matchless lilackaand Inks. Fic,lit, CELEBRATED "MA TCH LE SS BLACKlNG"—warnntal .ac•rlorw sk3/ ry'szahao .randphu.,...b.o4dElT IFOUND--A small eum of money, which the ow ner r tan have by tailing and deecribing It at e gore ENOLISH A BENNETT, Oct 6...4 et., between Wood and Fmitlanehl. Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. ell A NUE IN TIME OF STARTINti. QN AND'APTER MONDAY, the qt.h inst., the afternoon train sill tenet. Nen Eirlahl.4.,:t.lit 'Peltro;,lrSelso'f'ktdkonLzdz-1.,. .trove ,I oe2-11 001). PA It r o,lN, Th‘tet /Went. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOORS! T I.IOL,MES" LITERARY bEPuT, N 0.74 rk r st , i ir:;:',,74nr;%l.4, ° ;.. P , —", ..T - t...1.c?! 111,h,r1 of the ReAtoretion a T.X . Mou l areny In Fran,— br A. tl.. M Lannotine Hanker? aaasine, foe September—with a largo supply of u....fL0 artlelae.. oe3 _ .. . l‘C EW PLAID BONNET RIBBONS—Mor t\ Flo . 0 Burchfurld bare receAvel sloth anent, of the neatdedrah.• gorub. 0e.3 • -- - UPE K. BLACK ALPACCAS—Murphy Puretfirld have mceived • tali assortment of above meals—some allow as psr yard—modal...3ms imp.. ut, 7d0h! . 11 . AlPams 3 . at SIA per_Lsed. oc3 QUNDHIES-- 2 calks tiaeret's Pcoteb Nnug: n :WV Ihs Cam wood: '''..Valsta'n'or7dStre Ginger: boxes es't Intanod: AU Ws elan 501. lbaßlue %ltroil: 0 bales haat India Twlne—che.A. 50 Ito variegated Twine, za, nbis sup. tilue -Lust evcd un.l tor sale (oc:t/ J. ISLUI) a MI. IVIAEIikitEL- 250 bbls, arriving, for rode 111. L T (al, W. a F. WILSON QALTPE'IIiE--1 00 bags crude, arriving, 13 l a gale by 0 , - 3 ) , W. aF. WILSON. PEARL ASH =4O casks for sale h , i , W. a F. WILSON. • 0 , A OLE,LIIATILIER T; 2OO sidss hemlock tan ) W. a F WII4ON. PRINTINO OFFICE, amply aupplied It with art u•erssary :moor 6iP our emu. • tint rate .1 Job ik111111..5.. tl.l. tr;etwr with the un• {l.- au..l • Re, Is horrby Po yaw lhr tna , ..riai. are ali sival order, auti u.,a, a u.l a. the oiler: are crutaßad in „rsap~d, !K. 101,11141 rittel below their alio., t a .m. rh.• aLx.r. pi- , .2t0 .t ,,, uiu.K Whick geliutuoreurs FOX tnrthrt.lar• .01.1 i at ltllo M e ISS cr C , M N. ~r,• leoLtnette. , er.lnnei r..lWa d er. s ., onk tny ü b* p u l hviw x sider. et ‘hl.''..t7;:e...Kr•Latilee. an] Chil teen, Clothtn, ma.le In .hi n t aerate. suns..., c • -- • NLir lei:- -Tile Sto,khuhiere of the tiara ,oeufecturitof Compsur at. tu.ltted t•. au La. to teeu or.lerea g un tar atoet of the Ca/ay.:U. to L. Wad o 11e.aeiteer qr Getrer tbr lab of luelatkl. ur J. u'LLAKA IMSNY. Treasuier. . IV ALT MI & CC., Flour and General Produce C 1.) )lISSION 110 USE, 111 IPA, AHD. H.II.TIMOHE IiTREE7 BALTIMORV. LINZDAL ADVANCES MADE ON OONSIONsSIENTS 11••Ing at J...rt •quat iv Tr... Port •, WWI au, marl. •s, ••• l•••nt, • atod•r•ta , ll rat, otteß gales awl qukk Mum.. 4.1 In, •uIJ r•pr•ttfull, patruu•ge. of Dank of 131ihnorc or , Varao.r. Hank VEW GOODS: NEW GOODS:--A. A. 11.00 N 11:V will es open within the neat few dal.. utnoraria ol /11 Lundreil ~ sal Oant.attea cf Purainn i liortiestic Lorr 0.....1a. to. which thy alltutino of whole aucl retail) ur:hawr , I. ilo.ted A Card. 1 • IV' F;. ,4 11a ,i r 5 e rt, r , 0ru „, ,, 74 . 1 ,.. t . 0 , t , m ,,,, r ,, ,r i a . r . e h r:x m art ., :, lo .N s. r . o to Leep 00 hand a enzutoleteauortantat or taaterti and oar ow o manufacture ,if eta, oil elatta, ,arria4e euitaia awl furniture all eTottia of nn nee.c.1n , ...: ..ani.l.airtiat. graen all cloth sod boa 051.0, •indow blind. sad trim mings comaieto. .1511 PogPth .50 iie i rlasta all clnlbs IS 'r itl s aLltiol to the Ow., as Sort .t. t. n liana a tali mtort of halm Rubber tuiwatise Writing. 1.a... *team Wain, top. elothina. laanna an..l gentleman's .11.... batt.inati.lo.4. .tat tualtitia of ali 161aue. anal. .... other article mantiLacture.l Kart lull* *Luther. Jar tiutal,rar • pataal. all .5 whp-b . a. op* at price, that awning fatl to plan,. • .1. I 11 PHILLIP , . '1 New Stock of Chickerings Piano Fortes. 1 0 I toil IC 11. MELLOR. e i wood street, is now renairli. ~,, .tafr.ill.or ino:I. of PIANO Ei,IITE. 1 num the reie,aten manutorlory of Chickerian. bato n. moup .f atin, • all Lb. vii.&thia a uptatifartured Tt.e Pinoea ate iota/14 , 1, ata -*ma ao tit Basta, without au, aharie tPah•lo , rtatina or el.* : uki PiandA .5.0 in part pay autut. Ji.111: , II lIELLUR. •nent 12 the .ale of eh...l...ratan* Piano. tor ll e .1. no Pa. -- • - Petroleum .. • Blue, dithoulty of obtaining a correct and 10,04.1,c,1 Cl,nr.tes t.‘,l• Liar.; beer. abd 1.11 Mr puytir, 31..130cn bor ha. !La.!, co..tu tut Atm rxrn , •9 l ,l - .. kL bf jkot Ttrf Lbe fl/LLIA", IL•l:eat roeikr .0 Europe. ...I vrazn,32l,3 synts-ILL u. aI3F annooes ewrroarml fu. 00 A Ctuwo.l-3:lnuLl 13 Eerr. Inwant rr.tly tInI tILL• • ••• ch•cen. KLE66I‘ Sr,:a ul th• bf.u.o 11•-• - i N. 161 '1 n 1 PARTNERSIIIP herewfure exilting 11. batween the,Mader the usrao and style C. 1.11,114 non. ' dat....) . "- ISt. Mi. • JASIEi CALDWY.I.L ==== To Printers EJII WM" TO THE PLHJE Clanoneti Dissolution. CU-PARTS ERSIIIP The undersigned, Loving Conned a Cu-part -41 r•lall. uoast the name and atjlt CO - Csblwoll a el•ol. art,. coututue the TANNING ANL l:1:11/112.VG itti•lnooo. at the Tannery of Mr ham tirm of JOhll Caldwell S 'lmo. In L1,11081:1! lvlNaah. JAME:.!e&LLAVELL, t1•.4 1 / I JI —lm aNGWAItr - TfIREE PLY IMPERIAL CARPETS— No. ennttasill, rwettrun; . W bIcCLIN7TOCK' Caere Wanthouge, CO !want •trwot, to which In , the attentlon th,-• tll•hltM to lotttloh IhM , o oo t Oleamlt/ste., am we will twll lO're, than et. lb.. market. BI:ESWAN 3 FEATLlERS— ..okalte•asur Si evb Festb.rc Ilsoith. and ~ aur DICKEY • CO, 111 Vist•r //root AA, awl sourl.l vf J. etlliasni.R • 23 V. VELV ET PILE CA"RPE'rS—W. MCCLIN• •• rn•riwitgt LU fall starer of CARPETS, cb. wilier, awl act•est tu whlcla m aitre the 4:1.1.: , 312 ystret..auet, As be IA detets:o:l,l twil tomer 11,..1 parr Lphrte olforel In thin" =not, 41 Os ilM=Zil==%=l - C LOTH TittstmiNo 11LINTUCK Inn the attentlon Carrtap , manufartur.r9 to LIT lame ourat of Bine and Lhvb ChM,. twin., Trir.intna, •bkti yri,, at tn. Carp, 'ilarenott,. 15 Fourth g • Notice to Travelere. lIIIIENNSYLVAIsiIA RAILROAD & EX- Mafia PACKET LlNE...srlu•ivalp fur th. tourer atva a ;wows" to and (ma" Philadelphia, Baltimore and PittahurglL Me Canal lo•log t•nw In gm..l orti•r. this Packats this I.ln. will 1.•• lady at •. 31. and UP. IL overplay. ,ueotiow at Lorkwrt with the Pan .i n•Vv i a t al o t m ila t i , irt: Pc.r lol000ng•balatg trr LELell • 1.1)., Canal Bum "111 NG RAIN CARPETS-W. McCLINTOCIC I. cow rouwatitly reseilus hi fall slosit of I NTO I C . me. arid common INGRAIN CARPETS, of hew mud rich styles,.t very reduced pines, to which we ivy,tw the at- I, oilou of those wilhium to furnish Steamboats or iiv us • call at the Carpet Warehouse, Na lb Fourth .0 sot W. SietiLlNTUtilt. tt.KUSSELS CARPETS--W. McCusroP has in t osd for sale invitesad new style pa - CARPETS, which he the atteutioa of pa, Chasers. as by Is &termini, to ill lower filial aver her.; la this market. Evili cc the old established Carpi tot house, No. SS Fourth t. - OO . , Iri A PESTRY CARPETS—New and . risk, 1. ttylo b Twelr, li t rtorlo earo t et. )m4 ree'd it tbe Vito w.,11,17.4=:,,T:ii.'„ trAth,cext, q 0 7,1; - . 4 41'.„ 11 " . ocl W ' ooINTOC... til ARI) OIL— lil bbl.. for sale to closeecin- Ai ripooonal. tO •• J 01E9 DALZELL. .1. cb Wotirottm.. TOBACCO—tt) kegs No. 1 G twist, I J. brand, for bole Le JADDEI/41,4. Ai OLASAS--100 bble. N. 0., for .1.73 at , , JAMEO DAL QUO Ali —31.1 Ithds. N. 0.. for salo b ),7_ ...1 JAM AA DA , Beeswax. 11 B. undersigned will pay the highe Ik.l Drk , ,•'b• hr an 7 Quioatitrl t u u rs ts o ' 14,002er Nn 41 Slnrket 'tow!, POlla ,vowsii - SANISERIIIES-r-Just reed and forte. . by ibe purr, IT Iminbkh at MORRIS' Tr. PIOI,I tbr Dlsraupd. po, ,-, .Q 00A 11--4-1 itlids. prime N. 0., foratiltil by Li rep . ...P PREY. NLATTIIms aco - i iII'RER LEATHER—fu Sides good heAry C/ Upper Lealter ‘ furniar by ..pry) lIOIIIrOrL LITTLE A CO, 25.5 Liberty it. .. .. IPLOUR-75 bide. &totes extra family, for r so. by 1.411 , 2 UN. LITTLE 0 LO.. Iota) Zlltaborty st. 13 - 1 G hiSTAL-46.5 torts ter sale by i_ ...tau IIIIEI.II4TTIIEWS t CO. %7110LASSES-32.4 bids. N. 0.: Iyi its tit - - kill. I. , roperagec) .L. 9 RILEY. kATTIIEW4 It CO. Hew Books.' AAT fIOLSIES' lieti LITERARY- DEPOT No. if on D ik.7 ann of Mech ntrnot, an oppoics, nte complete. the Pud Om, . . London Labor in:W.141340n 1000, No. IP. Liaidno Art Joon:lel for Septmber. Model Arthltoct, Nu, I,'l tusd hy.pi t he Monts auntie. • tequil to Warnutta p o w Deeeptlop, or • 111Mory of the Human Den.. an etemod. Arthunay. or Sconeelrt the Tropics. 10 [Aleclam 01.100 Fan, bratecton. 0410 tem. hator,or the taking of the Dyetllo. by A. Du' mare. Katherine Welton. or the Nebel a Dorchester. tos torical Romance of the IleetAutloa to Ontolltm - 1117.V'Coulet'eor, en ' aleroli ' e.:fro ' o b elf . 400000 0 nod Phrulown or Dude and Blossoms. ~.lady poselloo Tratale We halted . .. State.. Palace*. of a Bachelor, • Bock of the itertrt. The Fete. a Tele of Kitting Luse, by O. P. P. Julies. l tele Arundel. or the ltellreaS of Lb. Ireerninie Horticulturist. comnieW from the thy; N o ., hound. The U. E., Po-et ods. Oaf. _ , . Handy Andy, t o.e edltlos.) :A cents. , . kielgralrrtrri., Is telerritotten . . The Ulywy - Cttlaby O. W. 2d. Iwynolde, • mete, ar the (lb Bd of rho He iluLt, • Tale of %lintel , ,nels27 RigGREEN-80 cues of -the co - 1173111.- C L m tad "S." brand, rewarded by 110 gold medal o the alma Institute for uniforatitrot eh.* add he ring the d.ipatoamt gad permanent Wren ye. pa dewed. Pereldwitdr digetly Mae the JlettUraetwear. Ft: " rtkleatdAriftlilt . ., " " ai Wool bleed. - • • LAX SEWIL— -010 bble just receive and 1.14: Dr iman exusaa. COMMERCIAI 11k1.1.012 aryl eitberripilorT to $ r Is parkreeeleed and fbrlrs.riled free at elven., W thse dl ti MOVEMENTS OF TII6 At.S. OMIT STELE MIPS. OF HAILINU TO AND POOO TOY. UN6KII cEs. nom SIIS UNITL9 STAMM /1•911 Slit UNIT= For rryrrn. 4 ° tlr ' : York. . S York . 01.00. Oct 11 Lirpo..... ~(let 15 N York.. . !law, IS N. York , . .2•2 N York . Lilerpool 0,0 iookisciort. hip. i Irop 'A netlp Lou tin., Bale„ Atlantic Liverpool . York . .I.lct 1 All from and for Liverpool. unit, otbenrt, Atatri . Ul Latika and New:papers on band for Engianil,l, laud and Sontland are rent br the find Metzler, no matter at what bans. • • • • Letters tntbe Continent of Europe, by the Collie's Line. must be prepaid twenty one cents • single raw, except ear thaw. places moulted to be prepaid to lull Letters to the Continent of Europe by the Canard Line, must be prepaid Pre tents a ringle rate, except to thaw places reguired to be prepaid In lulL Letters by the /here Line, must be prepaid twenty four cents per halt ounce Inland Ponape to be added. except to lirmat Britain. • ,r h , artprri: , lg t. %it!er" to•tbe Continent, must t Inland Yosta,o , can't be added on I..rt end epe. the Continent of Eurnw, by the Ll ' ar r r. and ' PITTBBI3ILOH, .&EXE grams P.TTMCILCaI Gums t Momlay ridrutet• t.frtota , S. I BUiteells on Saturday On, a. Is tiqually tbe ea.. eery and outer: and but. 11,0. doing. Tia• weatbar as. Pool cloudy. vllb aPPe•rati.of ^". • FLOCR—The receipt. were not so In nu Fridar. and but ton' aisles tranaplrad Sales .4' aas 144 al:tufo( bble rboica extra brand, for the plaqUeglle epitler talt.r7, at LEI 30 @ 001, and 13 to :00 bbl. a 1, and \ eitra brands at 13 126 - 53 15(43:5. elan titan. salts Irani rontinsei to lot. only at 53 ‘1143 37 * bbl. OltAIN—We beard a{ nothing or ~ .P.- 1 .04.1 4 and laic., an g”neratil . :ljbin tb.. range ay our 1 0 1 qotallono. notir• a continued Sansue.e. in,(be market, •Itb • fair geruirel business doing. N • t o ,itt...SM.O.h . ... s . l ulassea 5i.:4904e 'tor Oristms. and •7‘(14 fur Sull.bousa: Code. 9/4.irihe. mo Kt,. it 4(4413 pnovistoNe-Igimu Luntll3.3 t 14 ... wills sale, In a 100 to tool S. tat.olain bane OA. sera do 914 ion sugar Curn4.4o 11 4Q12. rides 10c. andlticuldors ,X,Cibl a c\ Sal,a dried N.ef at 11/(4ilic it In., LlCTlEhieboir. roll continues in fa reoueat, by lbe tal or box. at lee, and common dual 12 Ide bO. Sisit lot. at 10011 c 715, oar to. totter INlEESE—suppiles base tome forward party and the market ta welt st,clad. tales •14,n at mO, • for cream. caa 1 0 110aing Is a list of tLe m nfartit, rare Vic. , Craeters,* barrel Butter " .• '''''' 011 tic s ••tamp '' 0•04 Sugar etacsair• .1- . • ...... e rtup roe., 1 ,, ,W slowly 'FL , . •aom In • tail 1,0.11. Irons brat bands at..T1n5..410 4 Z. Clu ar I:, 254.0 W, and Flax SI 121, iA bu s TAlL—Small sales traneturs Iron own tat 11.3'75 Si 1.01. note Further sales. In limited lota at 13 ASIIES—A dueler., Luarneso dolug at. litaia deb 5.4 Sataratt.s, 01101011 at 410 qb She we.. Wlll5/2:01 —Sales in hmlw lobar 2, for rectibed.aud 21 lot 1.••• V 12, small lots to! ibe bit at sh 0 , - * gotten. • StIOAK tsigarta u( nugar add. ma the ta..l•'of Ilal•na stag Nlstagusi (row the 1,1 Jauuary to the gni of au,uaL Ital. sr... as lolloss— t,to 7114aa1 Ls. •ogar . •t , .: 6 43 hhOs guularsgs. From Malaga.* 3 1 .1 - .1.:a7 I.i sugar 4 Iklals molar. ra :rho expors al ;gulags. 1 , Cardeuss tor the sagu•. grew. wen 1 /1..14 551.. tolal, 1 01t1.211 Lts sugar. and. Ll/51 htuls guaigsges TLe e ry for the sag. period 1a ItolL a... 1 3 11.571 Oa/ sugar. along la , h:d 55.1, lualasses. I.lolllt LAD GRADOUJIKETS. FlAur-7M arras!. of nos ..nut brawls In better dell:M.l Ne 1..:.m. $4 Caner 14 3 ratrn.tirs trr.nd at s eoutntro Is dull 51 .4 3: ~ into—itor J. , of n ••• u.d.tce .uusll sm..* St LA). sal... of 141. 51 .itO fur Southern. ay St:Ss It MORTY MARKET. Vacant:on.. tk.t I There nee eon). appearance ol unprovement In.oner matter, results Neer luta, Aare en: hot einal.seneklo' 130- i ..11111.11 tuntnine. when further trouble among the r , Mat) bents mod •111.1.10 ed. Yontg Ltildmaam man • yertein degree of ml (.ieune in the eathange 01011 i.. b predln - ated on thy awl) movement of the new cotton. There Ler. ben tea, sellers this neat, at • 1,11- ..14,11 tomthr hisbrat rates ).1 :-...ptember, and it LI he -11,<4 MO Irb4i• Mcr7.l.llliio d<.11.4 C .thoelatal tulle might by 0011,110.1 tnie month, without the um of c spa,. But arca. n 1 the large tankers • ,or ud) w ad fags. mvs'ing gold without Aar 0 0 01 a, t.orent adrentaire la rates. and it Maf he from tame • ITO. that of strengthening their inends en the other a. ly. theer.bunes continue th eir elitatnent for 10010 • mite to core; rbo . gold statietice far September, 101111 In favor of th e entry -note ithetandina the fur th er ehiptuynt. of tu.n)..)- ✓ Dim,. The ))etas depositary N.J. at Phila. -ip•ttia-and ate -, 3.4.0 atlery, strleans Another la.tlctortory Ham is , th at the arnonnt reprenentesl to far b. - might la Catalbrata Passengetat ars substantially scribed L. lb. flint retance: tn..,161 - rmight for , a. Ness Tort., show" dr.1.11/..17.3 , whits the deposita at the I uric Joao Mint In Philadelphia. are g1,0)..Z.1 , 011. .tor money ratan stilt continue below these of N. Volk and Doeton. Prime paper to ranted at 104,11/i eeot. G.,tl Vann. only liinen ...some of tht. money lenden unioubled.l.lh4l l ). Thidemend fur paper is runtime] u Philadelphia ragnatiarya. There are nowt). for the di) fit...* In talcs of our money m k