'ITTSBURGE GAZETTE. PO.BLIFOIXD.Ity WRITE • CO r zree oH. 4 elthantt-FritEada til BATURDAYI.IOItx . 0; OCT . . 4, 18131. - r":""7"1" -- •- ' • Attf co Cot iudlohnston. stierhd attention of the frkenda of Scorr,- , Joess.r..x. not Peoecton. to Allegheny county. to neetel. , o! iy: need to thh Importance of. thorough ornate:Woo, by : -da L 4, toutOtlosiqf Coat., In every election &Mee; for the ... etnid.ten tho'sopolotopot of Cooooluses of Vigilance, ' to in thot norylriend'of gent entl Johnston I mooed. act that Lbw ybo require it en naturalised. and that • '' envy voter &foet his ballot 17111 the ikon:A Eileen/ of 4 fobeo 'ant. 1,. • ' • ' The fjarneingi limmulttee. Ou Itisturalleatlon hoe been 1 iiierg.iflNrd&trr' '4ltriitra3egabl. A. oy , l, Cant P. SelJenetilr. 31. Dreldetata, Dr. J. E. ~:liney, Wm. It. Welter, James Methane. Joseytt •Itolls. , - - 1 by taller prAbo 4,,01u1y Cocciffth.lre. . M=AIMEI= Meetings : . . . iwarrt VCllllama, Upper EL Clay' KaI...MP, 0. E.E . • dzi, A. at 2 P.. 11. • At Roan UAW , : Tortl• Crock, 102 Batt:Aar, 4th, at At ltki has Janie. so Robhan Tolnahip, as' .310.4.1.0.... • At tkpame. Km, Ealaar 1.011.u1P.,012 Tueplar, .th, at 2 !Atli: oo k Booth. Fajetia tp., On TOurslay,the 01./... Z. Partorron't 11111, 1p,11.• .- A r- t rieh"l=i;;oo, trlwdt trill Da - rpbse t t: ita:Prt7 mar, tit greiC !politiesl interest. of 4' , * .iir ' fr '' lciLis 1 0 AO: elactioti Matrix. of itte cm:tar...7 gat o ikti tr/bV. 0 :27 ). .,11 1, At0r:V. ml a ' 2' "2 . " 07 COMMITTEE OF AIItAIiOKSIIEST. Voris, are you assesseel 'lr. not, see to It inatietlintly. Unless you are assessed ten days ,before the election, you will lese your vote. Re member tbis.- ; or RE tt.D DM. mAr *ILL BEFOUND °Aria:Cß" P.,44E OF i'I7I6.PAPER. • . "COKE, BROTHERS; AROUSE." pret The day of the election rapidlrsdrances. A do n , few days only remain in Which to work for our mak. • cause, our principles, and our :country.. _lt ds Sen. . ' time to be up and doing: • Let there be no more apathy,• no more dallying.,. The eyes of then- the tion ire on Pennsylvania. The papers in every . StetiOU . Of the country, ar/coMmenting on dulls- °`" sues in this etate. 'The hearts of the true friends P r ' s of liberty and human progress every where are tern hoping and praying for the'euecesi of the Whig Cub r • T tiCket; yrbile the, oppressots of humanity, end inemlei"of. American Industry„nre .. ollXlo ll 4 for ottrdefeat . Shall wo ,distress our .friends, , and gratify one opponents,_ by neglecting our awn • Allegheny county hie :been strongly. Whig for molly years, but never - morn so than at the peel- P s ' Vet moment. We hive' mat with no losses and Pr have gained many from the ranks of our cope! . Dents.gentleman who ;has been in nearly r Y t every election. district of the eonnty.srithin to ••••'=",:,:-..; few weeks , remarked to ne, a few deje ago, that tJo ar'- he had not mei with!a single individual who voted for Johnstonin IS4S, .Who did not intend m il to vote for him no*, while he found many who 1 " : ' did not vote for him at the last election who IP will vote for him at this. ; . •We feet convinced that We have the . votes in w ' • this county to give Gov. Johnston 4,000 majori • ty! And why should we tint? ' WXS there ever ro , more need of a Whig victory to save and redeem s•-2 the country than at present? Do we not need we eddilional Protection to our iron and coal, and to , ' other branches of manstraduring industry ? No or . man is so besotted as to deny this. Our silent n . -yrnektsau4 idle operatives attest this beyond all .;••ctaiii..: The low priceof.l agricultural Produets p and the severe stringencyof tbo money marlret, to proclaim in thunder tones the ruinous effects of -the present tariff policy. i Bat, says au honest inquirer, how will the successor Goiernarlohnston relieve our distress- a. =Xs? Will not the nest. Congress bo decidedly it Democratic? 'We ansWer that it; is , true that P' . • ishe next Congress will contain' a deilded Demof •=.• critic majority, and • that 'consequently no tariff f Can be:passed withont,the consent of at least a portion of that majority. It, is on this fact that we predicate the 'satiation of the country, . provided: Johnsten is elected. Every body • • knows-that the Locofoce ]elders will make any = sacrifice; and anyeonceasion to inane the Pres.; d idency: They will give us a tariff or break one ( down; go for a bank or aisinst one ; fight for . - slavery= against it; do any thing almost to Obtain ( office and power. If the Whigs enceeed ha Permaylvania this fall, they will discover that Pennsylvania is irrecoverably iv* to them in the i next Presidential election, without to change in . the tariff, and without Pennsylvania. they can , not oem ery the Presidencyi Is this not clear ! What still they do in this.emergencY? blast as- . " • saredly they will giro es a tariff Therwill givens any amount of protection rather than lose the Presidency for another term. Even Southem Locofocos will go in for a tariff rather ther;"the Whigs shall longer hold the reins of Government. Elect Johnston, then, and the next 1 Cowes; will hasten; to give us a tariff, and the Locofoeos will go into the Presidential campaign, and claim Sit the honor • and credit of its pse cage. They will - call it a Denzocratio tuiff, and declare they have always been friends of protec. ' tion, and in tideway hOpe to carry the State for the Democratic candidate. But if Bigler is elected what hope will there be of any change for the Nape slight : • cif If Pennsylvania - elects Bigler she - declares to the world, that she is opposed to protection, that shosranth no change in the present tariff, and that ehels eatiefied . to see her infant mann factures prostrate in the .dust..; Despair will •: seize uporevery person engaged in•taanufactur :4 leg, and they will bitten to escape from calami ties impending . over them. , Ate the' people of Peteasylvanii prepared for this destruction of - 1 . her vital interests?. Are they willing to become • horeris of wood 'And drawers of water; to the cot . ton growens foreveit ' = This la only oneissu of importi s tice; There are • . others, such as the• finances of th'e State, the payment of one enormous debt, and the high • " stand taken; by, our noble standard . bear . • er in' !ser of' free discussion and human rlghti r These bernes are great, animating, glo - flow! If they will not move;u: to action, noth. .r Whet are the prospects of success? Good— ' never better.. From overy section. of the State .. . 1 we have the most ,encoureging accounts. One fact is perfectly ascertained, that is, that the ma- jority of the people ore in favor of sleeting Goo-, • ernor Jo4eratel If, a large - vote' :Out,. we • • shall meet nisuredly succeed.' (Sur - own fear a is the carlesenesa, aid neglect of our Whig' e friends. '• The Stronger. the feeling the' brighter ° the flees; the more intense the eseitement, the ; • . more glorious will be our majority. . In - ,the the W estern . and Northern parts of the State, there has andoubtedly been great In . crease of Johnston votes. ~ .In the middle coon des there is greatraciteinent, and. the vote will Li thIlY out. 'The Only part of the State our opponents look to for us to lost .in,.. is the `city ' end county of Philadelphia, and there they ell ' culate on fates premises. Oar advises assure us that Jotaisto' rre majority will not berdinainish- , • • . • ed. Every account is of the 'most cheeing na ture. • In, feet our friends In. Philadelphia prom „ •.: tae Its an increased, majority for the Whig tick et. At the late. mass meeting held in Ludepen ,- .. dome Squire, the folloviing:resolution was ,L- adopted: • ."11.11‘011ed, That the friends of the National ,i and Stele-Adialniatrations in the city and coon ty Philadelphbt , trent as seer, cherish onion 4 ri ake of the V'tror that they recognise in the --• bones of the present contest every duty and in .:, cantles that has seer united and Sustained them, helghtened,by toils more oppreesive, and an ezi ge.rzt at4ll, threatening than any which has " hitherto invoked patriotism; that they en. tar into the geld ureter the saute loaner which . wee upheld bribe mighty arms of Harrison 1.;',,;1;5'.,4"t,", Clay, and Taylor, - and with ell; end more than . 'all their olden ntdon,-4sdor and confidence; and thatrary pledge theauclog totheir friends of.:the Interior-to...givers larger vote and a heavier • ty for'Tohnstoirtbo tried end true-,than any . recorded Lathe annals ol t he party." ...thiaLdicbtrittlonr4no unmeaning bravado.. It be'tneds gnat On . the dey : Of 'the election.— miciiaailae, 143004 A, Allegheny ' rie and Somerset will again tout their mujontirty.b7 thodsaude oe, wchers;Arapc!!.. ,, . Pat uP JetLF.ar*, ..tav ,• . mar (Orpeaght, arid cease not your labors with glad shouts, that a glen- :one eletory has perched upon our baoner.;;-;'.;;:: l'aoraannnus.—The Paoli ptbliolnit' d e f r om ~ L unfer," the °von of the European Donoorady in Latvian. Its sentiments aro sim ilar to atose of numerous lotion we him pnb- , . tithed on the subject of liberty in Europe, except that it Irish's America to lead in the great battle against despotism and ComMckism. We copy one parisrap' b: , "An American force in the battle-field of Eu rope, raising the etandard of Universal Democ racy, wou ld cal forth every People of the conti nent in hope, courage, and irresistible numbers. Floating In that geld, 'the star spangled banner,' I &mold strike terror and despair into the heart of old despotism, conscious of its doom. Its very coining would be &victory." Very' well—the "Leader," make fo , r a "force," en army o f Americans; but tbe Poet only propo ses to give them Me man. Perhaps the recollec tion of the late Cuba foray is painfully distinct But hear him. "What momentous thought is here involved. It is not the masers of our country who are call ed on to bear the bright-beaming, standard of Republican Freedom. Our thousands and mil lions ere not called on to.suffer and bleed in a etrange land' for the sacred cause. No; although each aid would be acceptable and proudly en couraging. yet we are alone asked to furnish a man who, by his great power as a statesman, and ,kils indomitable courage as a warrior, can command, direct and guide the armies of Liber ty to victory, under her own cheep flag. And we may ask is there not one among the nobly brave, who is willing to extend his arm in the s sacred causer Aye, are there not thonsand ready to go at a moment's warning, when they shall be assured that their services Till prove effective? We think there are,—yes, we know there are." To be sure there arm, and if we may be so bold, we beg leave to nominate use—one who, if the Post and the Allegheny county Democracy are to be belived, is the greatest man nowliving "a self-made man"—agrest "statesman, patriot 'and philentbroplet"—one who etudied' military taeticatfrthe fireside after the labors of the day were over—we mean Col. Woe. Brotea lie is the very man for the work; and as it -is now pretty certain that the people of Perinsylvaia do not appieciate his great merits, and, will not make him Governor, he will be out of a f ob.— Send hits. . The infamous attempt on the part of the Locofecos to make capital for their party out of the Gareueh murder cue, is likely to prove ae disastrously ebertive as Ira? their at tempt to strengthen themselves by Means of the Cuba affair. The unmitigated atrocity. of their attempt to roake't3overnuJohnston responsible 'for that outrage, either' directly or remotely, while {trouts thepastindignation.of the Whigs. disgusts the honest and reflecting men of their Own party. The reader will }lndio this paper • history of the origin of the plot to get hp a panic' upon the subject of slavery. It is the trick of a few unscrupulous politicians to prop tip the tottering.fabric of Locofocolem In Penn- SYlverea. The object of the whole plot is to persuade, as many people as possible that the safety of 'the Union depends upon the defeat of Johnston, and they presume upon the gulli bility of of the people to swallow this gives ab surdity. Alas for the Union, if it has no better guardians than the Locefoe is of Pennsylvania. Should their trick succeed, how heartily they will 'sigh at public credulity.- The earnings of the New York and, Erie Rail- Toad for the first 25 days of September, were $220,000; and the remaining days of the month were expected to yield $lOO,OOO more—making a total for the month of $320,000, or at the rate of three soda bilf millions of dollars per an 1113M. TELL PACIIIC ILAILLOAD.—The Si, Louis Re publican of the 20th inst announces the return to that city from New York of Mr. Allen, Presi dent of the Pacific R. It. Company. While at the East be bad made contracts for the construe ti2ti of portion of the road, and had ordered rods for -the first division, about forty miles,. sad locomotives and machinery for its equipment it is expected that cars will be running on a 'Onion of the road by the 4th of July next. • ----- The late fire in . Buffalo - has Its redeeming ef fect as well as Its hardships. The Buffalo Com- Menial Bays of it, that - -'Nearly all the buildings of Roik and Pea cock streets, seine 70 or 80 in number, were occupied as houses of ill-fame,:and the lowest' kinds of groggeries, and . their being burned up, was decidedly , the best thing that has been done in that vicinity for a long time. A public nuisance has, for the time at least, been abated,. and this sink of all vice and iniquity ha; been ,purified by fire- Whatever is lost here is a gain. Between Bock street and the Caned, it was twin:inch better. Such dens es there mist ed would have disgraced the Hottentots, and it Is a good thing tha i n divid u al: clean work has been made, though do suffer 'some. Tac Faorrrys SLATS CAM Bnuccaz Oar telegraphic despatches yasterday . gave an i account titan exciting fugitive Shire Case at Sy- T mouse, New York. 1. telegraphic despatch d - published by theCaroside, yesterday afternoon, • PI gives the folloiridg additional pa:Oaths:in al At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon—the consid eration of the fugitive slave VI! 114jOunied for bi half an hoar, in order that a larger room might i t be obtained, While waiting or f the dispersion h of the crowd the negro Jerry, seised the Wore- g hie opportunity to make an attempt to escape, and with the aid of friends partly succeeded; o hard struggle with the officers unseal, Jerry s surrounded by his Mends mode his way into the street, and ran through Gennesso4 and water sm. - • as far as Snot street, Canal Brldge,,where be was retaken by the officers, and conveyed to p the police office. A large and excited crowd gathered around o the building, and addresses were delivered by Charles Foote, of Michigan; and -Samuel R. Ward,lif Mass.. who, though they did not coun sel resistance to the law, advised all the friends of liberty to stand by and see the affair through. , Tho examination was resumed at five o'clock; , by Henry Sheldon and D. D. 1111111 Esqs., who , appeared to aid Mr. Gibbs in Inshalf of the fu- gitiCe, and J. X 'Anderson, Esq. , assisted My- . Myers, Laurence, and Loomis far, isirtiants..The examination of .1, P. Lear, - the alleged owner of the fag - inv., Was resumed, e but before any Progress was madathe commissioners consent ed to hear. the *claim. The defence contended that the prisoner wan ; legally held to service in Missouri.. The matter was argued at length. The feeling of the increasing crowd became Intense, and a number Of the windows of the office being' broken by atones; t at 7 o'clock the commissioners adjourned the , I conrt until this - morning. After the adjournment, [attire . was taken into an apartment:in the back of the police office; with the intention of asking the dispersion of the crowd when he was to be re moved to a place of 'Safety. Bat the excite. e meut continued to increase, and an attack was e made upon the police office by a number of per _ sons ; clubs, axes, and crowbars were used, and windows and doors broken through, and the office filled with men. * Bat as the negro was still bejond their reach, a plank was used as a batter - mg ram, end an g entnume forced with it through the portilon separating the office from the I apartment in the rear of it, in *Melt the negro was confined. ' • Resistance was made by the .officers having the negro charge, but they ware , ' h_ having • powered, and he wail borne away by his Mends. _ A carriage ,was' in' mediums into which the negro was hurried and taken' up to a place of security.: la endeavoring to ; detain the negro in custody Marshall Fitch of 'Rochester had his • r right UM broken in two places, no one dm is, ty reported as seriously hurt,' One half hour after . the *rescue the crowd dispensed. P. J.I Lear the claimant, was arrested aka kidnappar on warrant issued by a lustitly . Rinse, on co plaint h - of C. A. Wheaton. He will .have so exfutios-i lion this morning. • _ __ • - . I , Slavery it the corner-Stone of the rtpublica: edi .fics,• said the late GOT. McDuff:le of South Carolina, In . one of Mil messages. Wbsterer. 'may be thought of that ventimat. there it no doubt bat that &Avery is note the oornm , stone of the Locofoco party Ft Ii the only rivted. .. , they contend for. We have but recently rankled the ahem:ion of a batch of New Jerse banks, sir : thee" Peo pies Bank of Patterson ; theComdercial Bank, st Perth antboy ; and either bank In that 80,000 —and now immediately on., the heels of these come rumari Ere, or(tnnhtiny in Ire. York, of * rupture in the Saliebotry concern In Maryland.. The probabilities are 'debut too re • tines to ad- . rt.,... mit of s doubt that thee are but 'fferent vari eties of the same kidne , and one 5 fallen Wi der the &nett .s com on wym y with the others. Wall street, no oubt, tab ~,• es the poor remains„ sod the Info to not . elders retain the dim memorials of eir brief .areer.—Bale. . It is with a joy too sober for e • tattoo that we recognise, in the elite of the p• bile mind of this country, since the hatred th late criminal enterprioe against Cuab, the tri • •• ph of moral principlr,ofratersuce forlaw,Dl ' • and hawse; end of a just regard for the pod • . Won of the W0r1d..... Whilst these elements in the ascend. .nation n the *lewd cherecter end • .110 y, we have i mbio feat for the &public. People that scukceeetelfiu 9PF daNSVP• 4 , • Whin; sad sieve antral scrod ones; as • People has &MO an the late occult% arm • noble specta cle to the wadi of a sound Tinto • not incom patible with the treed institlitms*--Not. feta orreco — ndie 9 r the N. T. C.xlattertial Adeertt.er. LeGHOlth, -..ktig. 27, 1851. The very cothaplbieutary remarks of Lord' Palmerston lit the Home of Commons, respecting the waturtitutioth and the people of Piedmont, have been Published entire in most of the jour nal" of that kaniary, and extensively tnroughout Lay: and lay editorial comment have 'men put forward es laMstinct pledge on the part of Eng land to anstaid Piedmont against Austria, who as a creditor ntver lacked pretext to pursue an aggressive pots y toward her. Lord Palmenton's praise of this duly constitutional government in Italy is prOduoing and will continue to produce the beat effects throughout the Peninsula, since it harmonises with all the noble aspirations of the peoplel It not only reflects a just odium upon the despotic. governments of the rest of Italy and spurs the heroism of the true patriots against a hoped for day of change; but It gives a sensible heck to the influence of the Martini party, whose principles, now no longer, disguised, augur the worst for poor bleeding Italy. The argument for constitutional freedom drawn from the risingTharacter of the kingdom of Sardinia, is' the mos effectual that ;can be brought to bear upon the public mind of Italy at the present time; fur the Italians are not like the French, disposed 10 plunge into political experiment., but prefo modificatira of government which al low of their continuing to glory somewhat In the past. 1 To bo able to ,rejoice as lover. of freedinxi In something that is,inateed only of something prom ised in r.publican revolutionary circulars, is a matter of wonder and consolation with the great ... . mass of talians. et • iedmont but • 'tante om her prosperous career as a constitutional manor- wprosperousuomdge, chy, grown% in favor of England, and disap pointing the bitter and industrious calumny of the °°' dud. Austria end the Jesuit press of Franco and Italy, "I d and the .antiatnatory appeals of the socialists will soon havel •" ittle or no effect upon the people alarm, here. Nothing penetrates deeper into Italian ' m ' This hearts than p4ise for whatover may still exist that commands respect from toe world. (hoer- W 0 ". raxsi, the esiled revolutionary Minister of the r .,P e , e° ' grand duke ..? Tuscany, is creeping hack into.glorio. ""°-"' the comPassi..n, if not the favor, of his old mac- ter, by [pubbshing in Tuscany, with license of au , th° authorities, a defence of parts of his policy prig- 53. ' r , inatitig,las hesaye, in ll'eettjed hostility to Pied- u ,..f,.' ° _ ° ' wont. 1 They may allow him to publish hie ...."' vindication at Rome also, fod there hostility to and . n Piedmont is a high , recommendation to govern- "' r 66 innoc mentfoyor; but with the people gradually opening their eyes to the true interests of their country, This the th. the fame 'o Piedmont in grateful at this mo- ' k l for po meat 4 wet rto the thirsty soul. I have seen these Tuscans and Romans kindled to euthuuiaem.for v the youngg of Sardinia, and in hope for the Pr°motes other etateal of Italy, by Lord Palmerston's praise,l and although some, of the English jour. °k-I , r „ e t° nalesuier at it as mere words, from which no- " thing is to come„ I can testify that those words P' ° • have gone 'through Italy like the news of a ',l'l l°. glorious victory, after a protracted season of n° •°°,'" 5 doubt arid anxiety for the cause. It 'is almost o, mu* inconceivable, to one not living in the contry ' here, what efforts ire made by the of jour- "' nil '' • - Mils of Auatria and the despotic govermirints of Italy, to misrepresent the policy of Piedmont, er - and to makt It appear that she is reciting to de- •,''' a :', "!„ i eviction. ' The Assembles Nationale of Paris ,', has taken up th e cry against her with the most r?' 6 l" determined hatred, and has been publishing se- 'f rice of labored articles which are copied into the - official. journals here, to show that the govern ment of Piedmont Is revolutionary and deetruo- Imre , rite Lord Palmeratott's testimony at this' mo b•ii. ment is worth everything to the cause of Rattan liberty. 7 The projected line of steamers between Genoa , and New York opens a new era for Italy. The to., whole country is deeply Interested in it. The bee I- 'journals are gall of statietical information in re- an. e gard to the commerce that will now be directed "o' , from Germany, -Switierland and Lombardy, " 0 . ; through Piedmont, to the injury of Berra and Z r '''' a. • a Trietel They have not got so far in political .... to economy berets to understand how the prosper .- ity of ourkaation may advance that of others, t,t and under the intense political hatred of France and Austria, - the great feature of this oceen steamer enterprise, is connection with the rail- b u s ta , road over the-Rips, is ethic to have the soppos- , ;f at pi effect of eeriounly ituzing there countries. of t ~ France to lose the India mail nod considerable t . tt transit commerce between Switeerland and Ida- ...I es, vre; and Austria to be baffled in her attempt to - "i draw the grand commerce of the hlpliterrean to ••I , a Triete. So the nations reason,lanti the Ans. 7:: trions and French, are certainly awake to the „ t ~' fact that Piedmont has thus, with the aid of , 0 ,,, ef- British and American capital and enterprise. 1100 m- suddenly became a powerful rivet in wide. At at Genoa - theyntoy hold popular assemblies to glo• cot ray themselves in the new prospects opening to ns, ea - their country. Here at Leghorn, however, no- i , ere thing of the kind is permitted—but the board of .„ tot commerce is active in correspondence with the to 'Pi government upon the subject as it may be turned la a to the profit of Tuscany; and in circulating re- Po 'Be ports drawn up for the purpose of enlightening '°' °di the commercial community in the matter. By :•,'' • the terms of the contract between Piedmont and • a the American company, the steamers are not to eat It touch at Marseilles, or any port in Italy save tv • Genoa. Leghorn, however, will probably effect 1 ... it some arrangement 'M. profit considerably by this a has new opening for Italian commerce, and the effect - may loon be to obtain abetter commercial treaty .p between the United States and Tuecany, about which the Tuscan government has thus far shown. an itself excessively bigoted and norrrow minded. Sy- This government bates the prosperity which to t itch derived from foreign commerce—it wishes only eon, a rich court, a powerful clergy, and a poor peo ple. That wore the acme of what it calls nation. i al prosperity. . ' ' id - The Tuscan and Roman papers have been for. A far bidden to publish extracts from Mr. Glisdetone's fight letters upon the prisons of Naples, copies of which -on have been sent by Lord Palmerston to all the • - British legations on the continent, to be commu- v pe, Ideated to the governmento. The government .dud; of Naples is preparing an answer, some of the arty statistics of which, are already in circulation, ' the which may possibly place Lord Palmerstou in an SSA awkward position. Mr. Gladstone may have he 'been misinformed .as to the number of political -d to prisoursothich he sets down 0t20,000, and up- t t on some other points also. At all events the •atid Ring of Naples hos a certain advantage over -• by Lord Palmerston in this matter, in the prediepo- I R. titian of the foreign cabinets to justify his sere actin- rides in the authority which will be allowed to ends the denials given to several important points in Pugh Mr. Gledstane's letters, and in the irregularity ock s of-Lord Palmerston's course in violation of diplo , who motto usage, making unofficial statements the ' e in - basis of appeal to the European cabinets against My - a power .with whom England is in friendly re. The lations.—Much as one may rejoice that the at , wrier tendon of all Europe is thus • drawn tothe info - any Mons course of the King of Naples, it may be • eat- doubted whether Lord Palmerston will not In the •ded end see reason to regret Ids preciPitancy in the ee ta matter. The religious prosecution becomes more and scams mortsiolent every,month• Yesterday two poy a .f the men, one a gentleman's servant, the other a oho d'- If the 'maker, were sentenced to exile far opinion's sake 't , this 'only. These two, ' , with a Dr. Walker, on English -1... • griive resident of Pisa, were arrested a week ago last of the Sunday, at the house of a Protestant Italian. 'g the. They had met accidentally and not-for worship, bo re- and were merely engaged in conversation. Tho -tette- master of the house was also 'arrested, although WAS not present at this interrisw of his friends Dr. 'f per- Walker was, upon the strong remonstrance of • , and his government's representative, reluctantly re .d the leased after twenty-twolboors, imprisonment, no evidence being produced of hisbeing taken In any reach, violation of law. The poor Tuscans, however, ad tla will have no merey.—The master!of. the house :lan still remains in prison. It is of no avail for these in the men to plead that in this instance they. were in apt& lament of the charge of holding a religious meet ing the log. They confess upon examination that they over are Protestants, and for that alone they are now , ends. at the mercy of ecclesiastical judges. Madiai, . the the muter of the house, is a man highly esteem ' of ed among the numerous English families whom negro he has served daring the last fifteen years, either 'ad his as courier, or mastro di essa, or landlord. The else is two exiles leave toonorrow for Turin. Medial, • after as a man remarkably wellversed in the Scrip- Lear,t tures, Is probably destined to long and close con- Mr on of Snement. Ho Is in fact handed over to the In tltplalnt quieition. The Pope labia sovereign in ride' mot e:line- tar. ____ —.--- Gen Scott being written to, Nome months since by a gentleman of Pennsylvania, at the requast of eight members of the Senate, addressing him am the undoubted Whig candidate for the Preeiden oy, spa requesting his opinionit on the various political questions which bare agitated the coun try, wrote the following characteristic letter, in reply: . , 20 1851. *rl 3 WASUINOTON, Nor.. 20, 1851. . • Sir; Ihave received your letter (marked “con. &den tial,") in which after committing the error of supposing me tube ' ' , fully before the country as the Whig candidate for the the Presidency,"— you proceeded to interrogate me on many points of grave public interest. Permit me to way, that, conildering we shall probably only have a Whig candidate for the Presidency through a,National Convention, and that I cannot be its nominee exect b the force of th e unsolicited partiality of p large y masses of my COUDtSyMetr. Consider also, that if my character or 'prin ciples be not already known , it would now be idle to attempt to supply the deficient;nformation by mere paper professions of wisdom and virtue, made for the occasion. and 'considering that if. I rinawsrFoulln erie II must go on, and answer others already before me as well as the long series that would inevit ably follow—to the disgust of the public. I will beg permission to close thlsieknowledge meta of your letter by subscribing thyself, With great reepeet, Your obedient servant • WINFIELD SCOTT. Harriebnrg. Penns. P. 8.-1 mast add, thet I write and say no thing,on public subjects, which I am nwilling.to see pablialted, W ti. ~ . • From lb Herriaturg .dtrienr-cin. THE CGIMEDIJITION DETAILED! THE PLOT 1 lIIIHAVKLIXD!!—RSJID !I =AD!!! 1 ou Locofoco speakers in this end of the State n spend all their time in declamation about the r f !descry question. The object is evident. They a. wish to create an alarm about the dissolution of the Union, and dins try to elm,' Willim Bigler. p, , Locofocos are pursuing a settled policy which .• ! was agreed upon in caucus, but unfortunately l. for them not kept as quiet as they intended.— b We know all about it, and will now tell our read- ' ers the particulars. a On Thursday, the 18th of September, George •W. Woodward was in Harrisburgh, and put up . ',at Buelaler's hotel. On the evening of the day, r.• he was conversing in the side room of his hotel, with several members of the Locofoco party.— We know who were preseothesides Judge Wood- r ; ward, but it is not necessary for cur presentpur- pose to mention any other names. Judge Wood- . 1 1 ward gave his views of the condition of the two parties in this State, and the probable result of the pending contest for Governor. He said that ° whilst hundreds of Democrats were going over 2 to Johnston, he had seen but one single Whig e who would appose him, and that Whig, had. but recently become a resident of this State. Ho said that something must be done to ; counteract this movement or else all would be fait ! He said that the best thing they could de ' would be to get up a panic, and frighten the people about a dissolution of the Union; that in the present eodition of things it would be easily , done, Sc.; no. One of the o mpany—a cidten of Harrisburg, 1 whom we kno —said: Yea, I concur with the _ Judge, "we m et get open alarm I and frighten • ~ the commusit upon this slave question!" ' Judge Woo ward continued and said: ' "I do not ow that there is any cause for ° alarm, but it is better to raise a false alarm e than that Joh Sten should be elected !" '', This was theconversation. -Accordingly Judge Woodward went to Philadelphia and made a - speech in which he said that the election of Gov. e n Johnston would sound the death knell of our ° glorious Constitution, and that Gov. J. was the . . - f author of the Christians tragedy. The Penn , _ sylvanian laviehes column after column of abuse upon Governor Johnston in the same strain.— • a The Locofoco press have caught up the cry o and now like a pack of infuriate wolves on ° the scent of blood, they try to hunt down an • . „ innocent man by charging the Govenpar ''''' of thin State with being seceasory to Murder I O'_ This rant is all hypocritical It was concocted for political effect and is now corned out with ~ p the same design. Put down their risings to the : o promptings of a fiendish , spirit which, to make , o votes for their party, seek to stain another'e p . skirts with the blood of the victim of a riot I We have narrated the conversation as it took o o place. We have the proof of the truth of our °e place. statements in our possession. We stated the of -sithstance of the above article on Thursday last ot and not one Locofoco paper of respectability has dared to deny its troth l Voters of Pennsylva r nisi Will ' yen be duped by tbe cunning artifices of of Locofoco politicians, who have surrendered , t every honestand manly feeling to the dictation 1 o; of a beanie policy, which seeks to arouse the , 4 , living by en ering th e grave of did dead and 0 .- o - , finding the the means of accomplishing their o ,; - _ itfameus purposes 1 . e rn- grir it isr 7 ust what is wante --eayall who ,c. bare ever Ihml Sl'Lene'• Varovifehet Stead the ushering „°- letter from artiahtrit ! •Ititcana. Chem./ Co., N. Y-t lan Feb. 10th, INT. / ••J. Kul ..1 ,r go —When cm ascot as. Wire 1 bad Mat opened. ant he left Lut • fee dosan of ll'Latm's Venni. fuse.sood I Mad It is going ad very Kat, and thus far it ha oven good satisfaction. and ha proceed to be lad what the public wants, and tee ham got It *going. end I do not Irish to get out. I ham but cis dome left. When your agent was bora. I Mint h. told me ohms glace to send If I sboold want mom. Lot if hs did, I Lusa forgot. ten. Will ion have the valiant.; to ardor be me six dos. en um. on merlin of this. PYTKIL PRYER '' Iris male by J. KLDD • CO.. tnZaletwlLSHn.6o Wood et . Petroleum i air A /War Reataltiftatt Casa or Tow. litattunne CUaao MT P.m.-arm —We tootle do Idttootloo Of tee attlkt•J ..l We public cenerdly, tome tonere. of Wm. 11.11. of 'this city. The cam may 0. me. 07 Ito, person 01.0 may be e*Atitind Lc relation to the beta hue tcrtta S. 11. KIER. I bat been artUctod seem' years 0110 a soyerteleofbaCh eyes, ettueb oautitund U. Inmate wall Sesdetator, 11150, toe tutleummtioo at tber tuo. Manua Incited the whole ante membrane 'of both elre , aud ts &P.D. of.dare Um, ablen mbolly Otadoled my natl. I bad opttralou torlttrm,l,andtter thlrkentua enootod.ohkh Fou Fo u retureed and led me In as Dal a roodltlon 64 team At We 0014.4:f the r7mplala2 / Made .1010 , 0 10 . t. Krr cal of the t emitted toeWral M.M.ltaineltod ear tont •my er.VOuld 14m-eMe Ott wall.' Attbltlattol mold not .ustuurnle. any °Lod. By it. Stir/ I tommeaced lad. um of Um Nuni*nm. both tatesnally aad Lratll. under erblch my wym ban, flaprontdddlY td the preadat Uwe, and I Lave reeoutned mydebt midno lye Tyhodth erar eery ,mOlO Impeorad 11. Petroleum, end I.loooe. U. restored= or my .1000 m Itatute. I larder It 10101 111,.d Meet, to W. trMy, aid be tato, to ell, any Ural/ado. to relation to My 1L1.1.141 WALL." ler mNs by Iteymr llePullnle 110 Wood duvet. W. A. Pellets, 57 Wood Writ 0. A. rabidetto.a. • 00, U 7 Weal Wood and Fula street. U.. 5.1. curry. It rElgit.J.Wlikh alleglomyrtdeo 07 the Ifie . B. M, eelie Itter - T • Castel Dmltteeemath . KIER PlUeburela PETliiiipooflianWazv, Outlay, &c LOGAN, WILSON & - - - No. 129 wood Btseet. Destro td roll th. ottoottoo laartiosoU and o th ers to Uottr uttas nocz of 7011.82101 AND DON/Mlle HARDWARE, CUTLER', IMPORTED by Rip PAICIEnb, prim Ani b th ey en yolr y to obor at Mb oayrtot yliPyie. WA hail am:Parma= of MANN'S We bFatmlC.,S. AXES alyriLy• 413 sobliPy , • Mkan's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS .ftk. N. 41 Water gyre. fn ths usrshauss of C. IL LC. 0 Bums, Pros W MAW, WI. gbh Company tsnowprepsisti te hums mantissas!, tri slurs. sal to ussisitu, semis, 41. tatesrltl of lb. 1.% t r e ' Fs ' :t r gired k f lb. tW tre. bun al. MIL.. of Pittsburgh. 10111 ..t tworstap itubsro to the community for Mgtr grader" luttilliggussi and tuttirnry. lingsrwas—C U. Ilusary. Hasler. Wut. Jr. IS alter hruad, Hush to. gin g, P 410•10 Ussziutch Julig 1110.cut.h. b. Um dumb. IL Kitt. soightf Pittsburghlo9 444111400 Company COITAL, wo,ooo. OFFICE, NO. T& FOURT/5i STREET. OYPICEB.B , President—chat. S. Rom. %Ice Proollent—SA=6 11oCtSSW. I.realUter—Joartil S. LIAM. Societaf f —C. S. . .d.artiw.m•nt In •aotbur part of tbt• pop,. _ . _ M. and M. Bank. SHARES of the Capital Stock of this co Bank wanted by WM. A. HILL .grad. Burt .4 Es... lirotAn. . . . 'OBER' SALMON AND LOBSTERS— n; nn 013. .114 two polmd cam lutmet.k.lll &tilled—my lor salt try WM. L. SUCLUBCI a CO.. •-• Grocers Mid Ti. De..lers. WINE tiIIIIIE WINE VINE9AR— Oda .TI 9" 9 - 01 40 mat,. R. W. A. Ale(' 0,3 - _ I lODFlSll—Reoeived tri u d . !lr m sale ' R bjr .co. SJ oa Natcbleu Blacking _and Icb. r. CELEBRATED " mA T CH LE. S 8 BLACKlNG"—grammtel maim . icy yst offend u zab i lr ii tztvl i, Wt . Inaarggr:t w hir . Val bT tlt Pb 11.41906 Pa. 0e32117. • yourm--A. small sum of. money, which Mn.. ma bay* by falling ad deoulblus el • do or EDNEST, 13444 4., be 444 sad 6mit bNW.• Ohio and PoOnsYlva* s§4 3 a 4 • cuesor. IS TUE OF STAIITINO. N AND AFTER MONDAY, 410 eac Oth inst. Sl* &Nino= Itsba. sill 'pile Sew 13Sigli u tg a l e, Y. tif. t. l37l4:nn= 7,l = . calf GEO. Agent. NOTICE--Tbe Stockholders of the Little it.l mTdir. Icalrat of Oro P qu iryd br van on or before lb* Orins, ofrfovatter mrst. marl • rtortl. =aunt to to paid each and errry thirty dayrtherrsitar, .01 Me ...bola be mu . . H 7 or/~er o f Di the At Tnuiltreer.. HEW BOWEBI NSW BOONS! ALT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, N 0.74 TlLled Etvackzpittil...h.•l:c:t for litir;forgi Bettors.l.l•• of E t t.:hiosaltby Yaw—. biL Wm yt„lat. for 849,....•••—with • i•nr.lll of ussfulaiti oz. IN ._- NOTICE --THE PARTNERSHIP EXIST. l on uotlyr 111. of 11. TOWNSYNDo C0.,0D., . dlosolyed by the Mx... al goat C. TOGO d, thy 2:ll7l:4oTattnatr`97. " ""t*M" ' L utynEllT TOWNSEND, WM. P. TOWNSP.ND. Plttoboxith. Oa. 3,1161. • 001 l soy tyrolissoo, ow Wight.. to.P. Yollsovro, PlUsborgt. TOWNSEND it CO., Wire.Manatactu you. No. 19 biulyst Ansi. flttobargh. loglysit,osny N EW PLAID BONNET lIIBBONS r•--Blu LIT a Bucheeld lan rectir.4 • truh will of Um. deadrabta 4;.II:IPER. BLACK A.LPACCAS--Murphy & lJ Borcheltld bays wwwlrod • foll Lowartawat o. •bov• goals—coma as low •• UK. pg.' ods. moms gum per blotter Alpues.o. $l.OO Po , Tord. 000 SUNDRIES -2 cuks Omit'. ttokb Buda 2002 lb* Ctrumat- duo " utrs powdust Oltiren ' 22 Obis Tututs' 0.1; ' I. 02."21 l. 21; . . 4ko Dbl. chip . . COW Pm Blut 2121,24 • , _ . . . 2 Wu tut 1/36ts T•l22—olkom 62 Ito nittguml Twltt 20 bbl stp. 0/22 -1210.1.21 mil toe mie by (cca) J. BUM t Ott NIA.OKEREL-- 250 bbl., arriving, for kilo . by OW) W. It t:WIT.3OA.' . ------=, . . - AIIITEM-1 00 bags eras, arrislug, Lw onl• La 3) W.& P. WILSON. WIL.A/31 : .1--40aasks for sale - W. It a. W 11.508. litrarrfit Jarir •. • gOR e Yogi SE FOR Ms MCP, yams wad.. Swan ar J. baa ---- ael 141 Rod =CI IllY VIRTUE of sosidry writs of Veriditioni Eason. sod unirt Enda., sad rimi FadiJed of the District 00art and Court of &mown E 1 ,.. of Iptitc'iell'io,o:ll,lle.rentA r me l'of-ALI:X7II Monday. the rib day of °Maher, A D.. 71861, at 10 &M.A.' A. M.. the tolloning dceeribed property, to .11 All the right, idt.it batman sad claim of John IlMon , "i.ot In. " ball t hat "ratio Place of land Waste in Plne Township, totadel anoLdeartibed am follows. el: Bounded mi the eat by lands of the heirs of Lazarus Holmes, demonic!, 0 0 the north by hind of Hobert Wear , dl, on the west by land of Jacob Metionald. on the ecinth by laalrif Wm and Thee Baal:obi& erected too et frame dwelling boom. -saki l on and =same. alma Sb UT.. more or teas. Betted and Maim m mecalon the property of John bleDonald, at the oat of Robert Ken •dy. • • I•• All the right. title, Interest 'sod claim of Thome. W. Smith, oil. amt to. all that tutor navel oforootorl. situated in the Borough of licKeserport, bets., lot No 3. in Pinclalis T,,..1 11 ° 4 67141 t'7`411.:110,17J,"..V.:f f011 0w5 4, 4 , Llk of artiL width 340 feet to . al foot alley. on which is erected • small one end • h./fermi brick dwell ing hone, and oleo • frame one dor/ building °tenni...des turning and carpenter shop. Seised and tate. In earn-1,- 1,0. a Oh pmerty or Thomas W Smith. at the snit of John Wilkinson. ALSO. All the right, Utle.intereet and chum of Wm 11. South, of. In. and to all thet lot or parcel of ground. taunted It the Borough of i biclieesport, Wing the one hall of lot No Al=,titti b ett anilq r ajt:d ld as .114 ,11 4 44°12; at the corner of Sloth street and alley. and rooting t h oo "..1 0 00 said allay 1411 feat to - nO.T , th e nce slog AO feet, thence at right angles In a line el with the original lines of sold tot, 140 feet to alb street. thence alms, said atm; 30 feet to thelatent begintdrigt whereon is erected • mall two dwellngbona. Seised end taken In easention as the property of Wm U. South, o f the suit of John Wilkinson. ALSO, All We rixta, t. IntonvnuA clam of P Roney, ot, In And to all WI. caftan lOt of limula. eltusta on Pune. ta.714 Of t i "t!Zi".110,..a.g . rit },..ilLan &mute of 000 Int. Selz. and token In exteutkaa at We propAly of P. Roney. at the .555 01 DaTld All the sight. title Interest and claim of Wm Chambers, end to, thafollotring described tract et land. situate to Jef.tooo To VC ...hip. to erittlituateon the putt ode of gun, and containing 60 ecru., Woos or less. and wonded buten:Ls Thom e. B others. John Palm's land, and lands of Largo and lt .being 00. iro too ofa o l d W h " a; ' l b ul PO ' d.:r"1111`g rmorly I .rd . ro g - Po the to...thereon erveled. belted &Johann in execcaton se the property of Woo Chambers.' atthe suit of It. L.. IcOolean. ALSO, All that certain two story brick dwelling borne. situ. to Oboe Township. fronting nu the &MTVr toad about = feet. , rid exteuding bark about lb feet. sold dwelling hone beta, meted on lot No 12. In Preble's plan of lots In namelleyellic. sad the lot or piece of ground and curtail . appnrtenanito the same. Seised anti taken lo exc. * ninon - as ;the property of John Dickson. at the sun of it. thilboon. ALPO. All tbe right. title. Intereet sod Oahu oriel. Fleck. of. In sad to ail that certain lot of ground, mar ital dmi bervil -. won In Jackson Reeds pl. of lots In th e n, orougb of Lawrenceville. Wooded and denribed as follows—illy Roller street, by an alley II feet wide. by thebireensbutgh and Pittsburgh turnpike road. and by lot No 1 sad No said lot has a front of about 40 feet. and ...de beck . said Turnpike abou Me Int, on an d erected a frame home or Drewerr, a small brick house a =all (revise Jo Seised and taken In execution as the property or Joo fleck.. the rait Ileds. Brother Co. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of John Corristori. of. in and to all thew two Ha of ground. mituete on Ross s treet containing% feet In front, on boss mars., and extending tack, preserving the same width, lOU fee to •20 font al ley, on which are erected • torso dont% brick %retitled house. with micamare apartmenta. for different Umtata— &Med and taken In iteration no the property of John Corrldaa, at the suit of Wm llenrf, Helder. • Leo for vas of J U Monts and A te. 1111 that two dory brick boos, mituared on ticcond Weal, in the city of Pittaburgh. between Wool and Market sta. extending In front, on maid Second etreet. shout 30 test. and extending _lmek towards Third street In said city. about SO feet, being :id 43 (If numbered) on sold almond street. Thirdon addihon to or extension of the bullding•situand on Third street. Medd dry, enmmvdy known as. the - Rank Lac= a oth turd ale:a v . v g i e , 3 ,L n eolern by the sam e. sod , d ad (Pardo, as may be nece.am f o ol . Me ordinars . and usual par of maid building. 04.1 and taken In exe cution as Um property of Andrew Miller. contrutor. nod Tbomse Wallace. owner, at tbe mull of Thorn. Blue/mum All the right. title, utmost and clam of Nicholas Mon ter, of. M. and to all that certain lot or piece of groun.l. dtuate on We meth tdde of Webster Meet. In the &moth Ward of the ray of Pittsburgh. sod described as f3llowe f::S (=lT: g er:Art le b. ert s 4rer t 's , 7 o & ‘, ll= l ; o, T, street 19 inch, thence , c , parallel turn4o feet and lb, inches ..41....1 31 ("stllds t h ence don es the property of tilcholasMoster. at the mg el Wm. Dilworth Jr. • a ALSO, All the right. Oily, Wolin. and claim of lieter Sit a, of. In. and to all that eertnin commode and lot , piece of krgrattli m a=ri - T, I. r. t:utzfr i r'll a pod. on the top of the rim bill. and . wildnioll lent so anima* Snodata... the . re by lout of raid Thouvs Snot. rra,N.l.h,Eii.lsle'rebbes'to=l.‘l7).'.l74,ittr adtt • E. tiO lb. la • pan on the Look of um varunigAbola rlrel, Orebro up mad deer P. 13. 01 24 perches to • too. thence by land of Archibald Slcicore tt :1, welt to the momof beginning. contairdmi AT. OCT.. mai esx path. mom or law,. which le metal 00 old frame datillug hoax. Ac. Seized and taken in eareuthro m the pro. Pot) of Pelee Ilyo, at the colt of David Calhoun and JOAAO , CIIAOYSI. mines of !mom Caol--'0 lhouu Jr., deed • . All the rhea. We. Intgreet. and claim of Hoar/ W. 011 m, of, 30. and to a certedu lot ur tame of grotrd. altuth4 on the rooter of Robinson and Calg Otte., to the Ott of Allegheny, eiddlot hilug to by 140 feet, ou which greet, red sir two etory frame dwelling hot... and stable. 1,110.1 and taien in execution tg=l:Pert4 of lientY W. 0110,0 ' at the suit of J. end A. ALSO. A certain tax. Aunt brick building and out Louie. 'lt tote In Pitt Township. retailing on 14,0 street. W S fem. , rhynegeghendlnA back from eail W.. .1004 Ihe hrYe , l) . Of Nanny Phillips, suleardlt to Prhie eug.. gl foot o, . I O..thernevnedwardiy,br pR/P*l4, od .1...0 l. I li., to nid ' Bind time.. .0 .Wroth. Seised and talon ha eierutiou ... the property of Patriot tillaillon, limit, and lint. Lan pieg.,.lr, adaulnktrOco of Alfred boob, deer. ogrugy, et up halt of Israel MAW. Al—tic . All the riabt. tilla,lbterest, cialm.aml &swami of tiathil TATIAT Ot. In, and to all that certain lot of griand. mt.. I i n the h of Melfreeport. being lui. matted and nun b i nwil 112,1 n John Meltee . plan of lote of mid borough. g e ld bid having a front on Warred street of el fret, and to. egmlyno bect. grefee , lmi the easoe glalh.l4o fnehosterbkh Is erected two mall frame deelliog bourn. ands hop.— Voted and Woo la ...non at the WM.., of demail 'thyror, at Um rod of Joh acme. ' All the Peat. Otle, Internet and clout of John Wittleso.. Of. In. Ind to ail thatoerten Int or piece of gi al, elhgate yon tbe' can mile of AlTlolll. greet, at.. . And, 'hater rtreete, in Um birth Ward of ~ I Pitt. ac 400 l'l'M t A`TA.. lo th r" ; .<',,.1:1, "" ' o:,.."'At b..... 0. ow.i.a., i. t- 44 ,1 e. .rth.r.,1,"1.. ,-, . m,, ore . YO JAI. Wllltams, at the a * Le • ' .a. ' rialit " .. 4; *Lees t• . All the neat utle. totem.. .ml claim otfoinipsoo A WAlker, of, in and to all that certain lett f pound. situate In to. Wow. Tram oppuelte ritteburgh in Om . etti ...f Allegheny. beginning at the dietotee of 619 P.O. luii loch. Yuan thatorner. of Water Lane. oul out tot No 2&. an 1.1. division 11. between out too NM & tepee the . Me, and Pou 041. d 261 on the other. aloog . itag . We CT feet liii, Inehes, amt thence at tight . angle. 7aul It! lerr.;':,.tV: , .t." - . 0 3 :: 07 0 .7. 1 ".., 1 ,rir L'4 o :: to Gallane MI hart to the pler of begiontog. containing a m ezre a on which le meted a deellloll house, 00 Seised sad talon Al *reation as the Property of Flow.. A Walkir, at the cult of Win. Dilworth 44- ALSO, All the right. title, lnhervel. and eon of James 'roman. of. la. thil to w 114011 AnA Cr rite ty jo , ES D . maELL.. rep 24 .L srrlee . Data ‘731 - 1: 1 2; ham gr.hd Arisfr ' or open At the store of Mu UYIIY t :BURCHFIELD. retrA North balroxhar 4th boa Market rt. EAT BARRED INOILANS-..-MlArph uurotffela have revel 'lrol • oboloo meortmoot • gooll of • One quail ty. Or. •41441 pf real 11 m 414 FLA.N Ll.:g; Ati arrauted nn V ahrinkabla, to L. had at the' tote nl oap2., taUItPIIV k ISCROLLFIEI.D. BLLXMoIn kmca....—Adraitillitelaial sal •,• •• ir tbb P4perr x.alr.d .ad trrearded 4e. .• •• • tte.0010.\,,• ' MOVEMENTS . . . ' . ...--.-- , \ ' \ ...,,. , OF 1111 ' ', • • \ •• • '',7; , _-.7 . MAN !FILM !HIPS , , DAYS OF BAILIN , ' TO AND - FROM Tllll II , \. \ _ MOII rut cemo StAIT.: ' nLip... Lea' , e Fee Dale. ,I= 4 , '' _N \ 1•V " 1t=:1.=e,i......:7...8e1 : dtaloo . . . .... .N Non.. .1...L1verp.ab,.... AXI Oct 11 \ i A . ' t,,,,„1,, „ . .... linden .........I.lveneed:..s:".:Oet .lo 1 \ ea ... _llene ..." ...On \6 .. ' ..., :.. & ° ..t, 1.1m1.1 - ....'f. ze s . Atuot . . .... Li rerun! \...N VOrk. 1,...-..0 t I , Alf r- al an.l for Lleere.al. going ° th ereat. etatiot, ,• ' , ‘ All leant. and N..nee:a On hand for Raglan!, In. taut end ' 'm ien.! are lent tr tb• ern Mann. no mtntar ' of .batter .. L.tter.t. ,the Conttent of Europe ' . by Um Collip'e nine le prehaid twoutp one manta einsle este, eatept i t . .., • , ' , bon plane rwilred to be prepaid in full. , -, lo.tter , to I Contloent of Enter by tat Clawed Lbw.% \ " • rotb.ttr preps ttTe cents a ung • rein, eaoent tt , Ugen't ' . ' ''. \ p 4 rentred to b e prepaid be full. , Letier.'be the FIAT re Woe, wilt. be propsidl , nooir Oar ' .4, • \ c 0 c;: ., 1 , 7r belionO7 Intend Yates, to beddeal, IMMO to, . 1., • \ . . '‘Nee-Lltpt re Id efAher Woe, to the Continent. man ,be t . , • pentad Sour note eI. \ ' Nnena. ‘ Falnol LoothAs mns be added on letten and ‘ terra , the Contineoto Yoram bi - O. Bee". !ma Emmen, Li m o, t \ ‘ \ . \\ Om\ cn — Prmunton Oeuret 'l . • IL- \'‘, '' SattudeT morning, October 4., .1 * \ ' ' YIITSIMit t IM ILI.B.ILET. ' \ . \ .. Ota Prnut - son GAUT= t , , \ , o .. \ •• sartuda,T mining Oct* , tN 1 The market teiterday mantiested a considerable deport. - \ oct •SDir, and. inn, tone& viiy • a fair amount alma- , t iritrasUolud. s The'wewther Wuttcool mini clOatit, with • ion atprorkiwt , of more s rn iraa . Th. rivet Ulnas with .. • , awn[. Stella channel. ' • X • ' riAtkit—Nye ao*ia 1..0,,,,4,4 . domarid, isd trai ••. . waknol urinclually,.iulta "an active. bull Deu •nu &fag. ',, - 1,3, atliwitortaiing CL1Z5419 ~ Is at $3 . 25 $11316, including '‘, 11\ tame extriat to a p s ol. - ram ....iris:ale. were ontdinatt ',,. to .411 Teti., $221Q10 \3; II bl. . • . . 11TE sl9l.lR= , :tce heard of ...Wag doing to Rye Ilint. '. • • i we' Mat qnote triv Until - Ana, ST 21142. 27 V 11,1,, ' • 0 RAIN--3sO ites:Dl of dothitn. of 1.11:1 , 04111004 44 3 4 b. rralti. rretipt4,litingjery Iluht. 'host la bought /Atha . . mnil at the n.i./Talc,a. of hUr for eillterraneag. 62 tic . , • link and 65 to biro 'ate i quoted at 40c. Sae of 66 bn prime liar.) . t be IS bu. .Oat h La fair dr. mond at 28c from/int hands, and 211,. from ,tan. Moth ' , log doing In porn. \ \ \ , . . tiROCERIES—Wo-,n ' otice a continued 2rMlinea in the . ' market at toll trlecs.\ Saleh6 hbd•Worto Ulm' Sage. sit ' • 05... 1 15 hitda Migko Qr at'iliio IS b. • &Jo W: ~, T o. \ Vila Molasses at 9.66 ?gallon. Watt:tato Rio Vogel, at gift. . • PROTISIONII--The • mar k. 4 Unties \ krel ilinkt lan ',', titmice rock Palos 21610'• Zia aboirldo aAI 63ir N, time. . '.., and Pi cash. Salta 1 , 01/ 2., knhattor 01 iliCi`na.laiya - \ , lota w, mat quote at 9.1.ke. Salo'tt DX ki =Sic Ift b. •, Small tales dried boot at 103002 , h. ' • ' , ', CHEESE—SaIes 260 Mrs ST Rat dlic for 6.1 • X [rel.. lT lIISKET—SaIto 72 lobls ratrvat • 'and 50t rcetllo ='c? nation. t i•EANUTS--.6 sal, Of 10011.6 s it $1 ~\ , 8 no. • SEEDS—Tort little was done in:aced. We quotellusia . Ersfhanda at $6 2.1@5 50 for Oaverlll = Timothy. sad 1112 K for £ll.. Clorer la held In 'store \ tST lii b.. 67 • roan, and Timotly at 62 50'R bu. liihoisti Malted, ~ . • '•, APPLES—Receipt. of green aPale• arn, ,,,, V. h:alt.d. Oak . • cull prim, could to had 131,i11i . 19.arket., , A1 1 !at,. , . , DitlED FRUIT--small iilitr...ol , o ' . from W.I . at $1 OS (r. 175 for peseta., and elss7 t. aypiss. - , POTATOES—`r. Dote Fa. or s 1.4 o 1 2.14, t IBA •••• \ , ahanneck. ar.2lc B bu room-Prat name: • \ t/ ~ ..-1+1,0112. 11.1,2 SETS. . . , 8...W. 801 Wl\ . • Flottr F air enquiry, with sales 1500 bbla atalrlam obits.: Ohio and Itfrblow • • V" Wheat offering at lower =Ws. Wu 10,"00 bus Wassah,', nti at two. (me from shore: WOO Lis whit, at 72t. Wabub - , ww., offeral at 6.2tsc without bOYor , . ' \ Corn is, it1,i4.11.d. with sa/es at'4sSie. . . _ • Ice Ohio an• , r•Q.,. 11i be at offering .t lower rates. Wee 10, , 00 bus Witbalth ' N Jat ow. (me trout Wow: WOO ho whit? at 720. Waltwan \ •'``' offerel at (2 .r1,11001:15bnYor, . ' Corn is i0,14.1.1:10. with We* ai 45)ie. ' ~- 'OR'l' OF PITTSBURGH. '', ' k lark... , Thrre was 3 ton 10 inti ra in eltawnel trr metal ''. • ~ 2 , , art..nt Just, last elreoll3s, illifalyan• ik)itT OF PITTSBURGH. 1100411 AS TS, ' if AN VF AO TIIII,E Tilig NEW JERSEY EXPLOILLNOAND MINING mown' • \ Thliliampany le prepusci hYlitruis% .1-opir area \aluable • ZINC PAIN TS, Oc t , bt . rd te4stb ,a mt e, d i spar sey t tal ,,, zu . s' patiris d se=rPerr'.troltiZelr!`r"-'°'- w " 1 "T \ WHITE ZIN — P4HT , 2b sre of 21, and I. isauxistolfres Moir timatrull7crbit, l aTlTS %lay tree * \ Err=rilu=rtAtcflrPgt -"rT7" IT \WILL NOT TVA' YELLOW .- When c i poit h d to sulphurous or mephitic cur -7crltiris==cirs.T`• 'i,d A tb?,= any .031 M not Dr it ina liable to turn th cha on lky or to. exatl l i k v . c . d . fN ue l b4rol wroolabt %deb. BLACK ANZLORED ZINC PAINTS.. The LTV Carols od at a lon ate ¢ ndoaTr.al7f ,„ „„.„„„ paints ri the market Pa Pella& - roof, femcine, outbu steamboat, or say etestesst our, ' izer of u v r i c: tio, or inn, as ttom ara both • 'ATHERAND FIRE PROOF. r. For_ Ira, tberuste and tion, iVlly. a thawing • puf•T'setkue bus, sos .tor y of the sattitt Paita uoir, mLealen . suppl N 1 an libr tup t s i li; the s aauts - ci the "nini2lo l7 lib:Ain:4 PkllnlelpWa. -. aiMibo?ses I c Y. R..; ti ALER4TUS— 0 tone in boxes and bblx; for w e by IL DALZSLL 4004 EG•BUTTER—Ncegs fresh. or tale 14.7 OOKS AND STATIONEWIC--Jusireaq. 1101.1 I•Tierszy Depot. • sap= 74=114[W- Agra for WI. si • lov 7 oep r li Stocks lat' titciiktiffETarrfr r 6-sad S dusiterjust ree n 'd_ from #l , t tsry, sad for rale altd.lessl• s o d.rra. tics:: said Woad rt. .1 I INSEED 014-40 bble. far.. • .pzo J. BCI.I.OO:CMAN.Y.B tCO NIL HOAR krds an ' -