The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 03, 1851, Image 3

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Erg !ft 0.L.:..21i Engagement, Quadrate
Companad by,,H:Xleber." ' .
"Titi...4istil• Nardi—Composed by H., xis.
... . . . . . ,
Tho shove nestplaces of mmdc, composed by
car , ineeMiltehed...ecrwmunan, Mr. H. 'Either,
bariejust coati onti and are very popular 'Rqb ..
lashed Lit Seer TAlt, by Fifth, Fond, di Co:, and
is Eitteburgh, bill. Ipeber, Third atreet.
~,______l- 1 --- 1" . " --- A_ _
srFransstio eiCCTOK3T-1•0.1115 Of Llll.—A
eadaccident .00le:pliiqc baleen four end five
p%leek; Y.. ieeteilift y afternoon, in the Eagle Cot
toCtactory, Allegheny City,• of which King,
l'int*.k: h.' CO, are ) proprietor,. Machines,
technically Callisdlevators, are used to convey
Areo.hOhhlitaite', to the respective rooms end are
Meted from the first to the second and third
aerial, so thetwken the loirer elevator reaches
tiof,luet.ond story, the tipper is et the third:
Thfloaded elevators were ascending, when three'
young Women; Min NETT Myers, and the Mis
ses Catharine and Elisabeth Hubcap, who were
waiting in the spininiroom., oaths amendatory,
lookeddeirn through the trapdoor, to watch the
went of the bobbins, for which tietywere wait
ing. While leaning oven.; the rope by which the
ehrratertleire hoisted, broke, and the upper one.
falling .shuck them ttptet i their head. Miss
Catharine.` Bohol. was instantly Jellied, her
, F ,
.authoring been,brok 'n.l Miss Elisabeth liti
hot* sicelved a setnre cut on the 'head, as did
Miss' Myers.
_Their nude were dressed by
.lhic* giever, who d es not consider them den
. Mamie which broke was, tre ‘ taideistand, be
titan one and sit) Ineiss Wet, and appeared to
hisyerrairong. he leads on the eltrietors were
.0181=19ns thoile which were usually raised.
oa them
..Waitqanros .Commie.—The commencement
azercies of We, excellent college, are said to hare
been exciedingli creditable, both to the graft
atia and thair hostractto l it. 'The apartment in
• whiihthei took I place, 'was crowded to incess
Stitt IlicttatOil;'tthOliattined to' them with deep
isite*Wand attention) • The following is si hat
et the 'notelets *hich took place on the
Iniantr 1 -
Lein Pentatory, Monis' Hunt, Lebanon, Ohio;
English Bentary„Thoseas Magill Bakerstown,
PL.; Greek Salnutry, John W. White, Baltsburg,
Pa.; Party Spirit. Benjaniin B. Brogser, Pitts
tturgh;'•Pa.; .Energac Alexander Harris,' Mifflin.
town,.la.; OpWion, W. W. Jamieson,
West Middletawit, — `. Pa. , . Atalanta, or intrigue,
.Praneis IL Power, Elizabeth, Pa.; Commerce,
B. fi. debater, Lebanon Ohio; Secession —A
Colloquial Disensefon :Aonthern Beeettsionists;
.Aler.. geed, Canton, Pa.; Northern Unionist, G.
W. Hunt,• Lebanon, Pa. •
Human Capability, Freeman Brady, Washing
'tan; Pe.; The effects of Learning upon the Conn
teatime, John C. Wilson , Sawicki:, Pa.; Char
lotte-Corday,. - Robert P. Strean, 'Canton, . PIA;
J: D. Braden Old Brighton, Pa.;
Tht Rloxisceacer of Rains, Akchabald hrEltath,
Centertcmn i Pa.; !Classical Literature, Thomas
C. Stockton, Crop Creek Village, Pa.; The
:Pa; Darl4P. Strewart, Canton,:, Pa.; Intellee
lug Enjoyment, James P. Gabby, I Canton, Pa.;
,Valedictory, John Ewing, Washington Pa.;
no following are th names of the gradaat
.. • ' '
Braden,!Freem Brady, Jr., Jacob A.
Brooks, John Ewing, Ja ex H. Flannigan, Jan
F."Oabby, B. P„.„ Gallaher, Alexander
Hunt, W. W. Jaimicson, Jobn . M.
. William hi. C. Gibson, William
brelean,. Robert A. Ipponnell, John ,T,
FAMLII,- Wanda H. Power, Joseph C. - Tower,
Reed; Be.min-;R. Sniper, Archibald
Winreib, Thomas 31. C. Stockton , David P.
fitewart, Robert F.' Stern . Temple.
ton }John - C. oho W. • White Jacob
Wright, Mortis Rant: ,
' 011C0 PzaksTvreiru li.utttotn.—The ears
4111.tommtate to ;Intel Nen. Brighton, for the
strati station et half past one o'clock,
caMonility:Ottitbei .Ctt Eatoratitg, theY
lesm at tour Volotk.
. • n05...--We. learn with regret that the fine
' steam mlll of Ur. /ohs,' kammerei, of Notting
ham towishlP, :in Washington couniy, vim to
tillyleatioyed by are on the night of 23d inst.
In • balding contained three hundred bUshels of
wheat end two thousand of corn,belonleng to Mr.
In. addition. ,to_ four r htmdrett borhebi, which
.were the property.of timers in the nMghbor.
, One of. Mr. K ammerer r' a sons, and the miller,
;whoenera bleeping in one of the upper !dories,
wine isakenad by the flames and compelled to
jump to the ground. ' The miller was Ise/asap
injured by the shock, and the young man was
;Ovally. burnt They are both, however we are
liaised to learn; recovers. ' •
. The building woe ne And valuable. It was
'notinsured, the iialicy tying expired a short
tbis previous to the fire, which wad, undoubted-
IT "the work of en incendiary.. - 1'
. .
ran MON aux.--No commitments were
tide - yeeterday to the county prison, with the
tettilption 'of a few invents:.
Da' Comm' in:lncited and sixty
„tit. commitments acre model° thC.Coicity pHs
anoiiming,xath of Soptctober. Of lt,tds isrge
tituabtr, inamiiiirwers committed o dunes
of Twin:my or dninkenness.
la dm clty lecntri room, op Tneaday,lTharsday
and Saturday. His
_subjects will be "Babylon,
Sixoteeb' and, Persepolis, MMus fame
-Scab as a luu:Lir And author as well u an an
- willrdenhtless attract crowded' houses.
RA.soluitt&—Hutchings panorama of the :Med
iterranean is still on , exhibition at the Athens,-
-*-A meeting of the Scott 6.nd Jolmetois dab of
'the Sizth Word wu heldat the Avenue Hotel,
on.uesday evening, SePtatithei 30th, the meet
;l4 otonbed br,the oppolntinent of John T.
Whittier as Chairman; and Joint . Major Seer.-
On :potion of Divid C. Bruce, Esq., the tot
lowing committees true af.pointed: ,
•Poll CoMmittees--James Lowry, jr.,.Daniel
AMlishOng; John T. Whitton, Thomas ROW
:ley, Jahn Bar, Charles Armstrong, John Philips
". Chronlger, Thomas McCoy. and Thomas
11"--R. Rea, Samuel Shore, C. T.
,Boligh.r, John Illunan, G. L f Lambc=, G. C.
—Reds and Wm. Knee. •
Skottedield from Vine to Loganliar
: gal . 1; Toluthi Edmondson, Theodore Robbins,
-.Rmsanel Eckel.; George Arthur". •
-, - ,Soutts Fields, Logan to Ellin, striet-,Was.
Wabsugh, Capt. C. Eateldar, - ,Rbbert
IJohn Itlinefelter, Samuel Troth, Healey.
' --;:xtert .Plet=irm. Detheridgd, Sohn . Biggs,
Thomis•Cruaniugham, J. L. Little,
and Samna
• .
• Wylie and Franklin street--Capt. W. Dawson,
701 tuts Coolly, 8.C.. Sawyer, Copt- Crosier, Da
,-;-,sitt Jones, Samuel Ralph, John Shore.
Waihington to Elut•fireet—Rob
art Ulster', John Cunningham,llObert Lafferty
airge, Moore, and Robert Billgoru,
i:E.lm'street to Fulton—James Catimole, Wm.
Thomas Gillespie, James Kerr,' James LIT-
<Fontein Inn—Wm. bleeper; Wm. Thotop
aors,. Was. Heed, Thos.. Lyttic , D. ,D. Bruce,
Jams i Wro. Farley,. John . ; Scott Amos
lolly; Dr. A. 0: McCandless. '
• .3esolndi That the'Whige of the Sixth - Ward
-fakittbin method to inform the 'Whigs of. the
• Wier districts of the county thaethey *TO right
are 'determined to do the/fall share
to deft - Willi= F. 'Johnston and the balance
ticket by gjeitig an increased ma-
Beaolied—That this meeting do now adjourn
to snort' at the , polls 011 .the Second Triesclay of
%toter, to carry the abase resolutions Into el..
feet. -' JOHN T. WHITTSN Chairman
f..lJamo bLeJoa,
, . •
- IL 819 Coffam: 1000 brs. Window 01229
2 ta.Gewen HI% Taw 160 bbl.. M ar l Rosin:
: as. as • 82129 Ton.= DO
l'ir.TEnandPinr. n9l:
20 99 treah Nies; • M. .. sjp..ue snduain
:..39 1919 P.R.& N.o.6agar; . 0a • . Alnan
70 19
. 191.011. 10 Myna/ Lownoo9;
71:11 . ; • -4
29 Syrup . 'ides Fted
lig Ins. fiksh.*WlLCheter, 60 da9. Patent 0.1919
299 4291199 Brom= 600 km N 2112. dtp Orns9l9
To29lber 'Hen Hadder, Clones, 9% Popper, Alspkn.
12902w5, La, 09 hintd and for Inge
.. • V JUILN WATT Ai Übeaty at.
. orejny zratiTed and tos
. J. KIDD k CO.
s lt i
' INDOW SHADES—A • fms at/SA em
, undoir ell the retied. of Traospatelit lna,dow
hut metro! tem the cuanteettast. &Melt Ire
.1.111 wholeule ea& retell. ea km es they east let bencht
4... a,.. . I J,& IL MI LLITO, 7. end tt,Wood et.
rowA.x . 4b FEATHERS-, •
2 oskialwinm 44 mats Festilaselltergatil
ADD airiartspyozram rmascitau ciamarit
Onzuss, Sept. 29
The steam ship Yacht, brings. papers which
state that a fight took plate on the 19th at Car
rouge, between the Government troops and the
Revolutionists under Cabsgal ; the battle lasted
10 . houra, resulting in the defeat of the Govern
ment troops with the lose of 60 killed and
'wounded. Gen. Moralee, and .8 other officers
are among the killed. None of CahootFe men
were killed, and only ten wounded.
Cabegal'e forces consisted of only about 400
men; one comptuoy.was Americans under the
command of Trimble; Canales commanded one
Mexican company, and CoL Cabana xnother.
The papers contain CabagaVe proclamation,
(pronunciementoo which does not declare the
Insurgent States independeat, except in the
event of the Federal. Government itfasing thole
overtures. The ports are declared open for
foreign goods paying moderate duties.. It is. re
ported that Arista is expected to .assume the
command of the Revolutionists.
Accounts (min the City of Mexico state that
the Convention of Goventors bad adjourned
without effecting any good. The whole Cabinet
has' resigned, and ranch disaffection prertils
throughout the country.,
The eteameas Winfield Scott and Empire City
sailed today for New York.
Haw Oar -teas, Sept 30.
, The British have determined to sieve liorral,
Banaccoaad other rout Islands, and form a plan
of Provisional Goiernment.
A alight earthquake was felt at the Belize.
The American schooner, G. 11. Waters, was
winked on Key Crochet.
Havrixotts, Oct. 1.
The five upper Wards of Baltimore grre Ham
mon, Dem., for Congress, Third Diagict, 2,-
210; Lica, 1,333. Fifth District—TWo Dis
tricts in Moil County gives McColloch, 'Dem, 66
majority over Ikons, Whig, being a gain for
the Democrats of 95. Two Districts in Hart
ford county give Evans, Whig, 140 majority,
showing a Democratic gain of 28. Second Dia
trict—Severil Districts in Frederick County,
gives Rowan, Whig, 66 majotity, being* Whig
gain of 69. Two Districts in Allegheny iConnty
give Rowan again of:116.
Era -tense, Oct. 1.
A fugitive slave was rescued tliis morning; his
name was Henry White. He was undergoing an
examination before the commissioner„ and by
the assistance of some persona in the crowd, on
attempt at rescue was made; he was, however,
subsequently recaptured; bat the excitement had
reached•eaeh a height that a further examina
tion to-day was deemed advisable. In cense
queue° of &difficulty being apprehended,the mili
tary have been called out to assist In enforcing
the laws.
The fugitive has again been rescued from the
hands of the U. 8. authorities. The i ezeitement
is increasing. The military see atiikoniduty.
The Hem Levi Hubbell has been elect
of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin by o
sand majority.
The railroad engine race wan a very n
attractive one, to- day, over the Boston
well Railroad, in connection with theio
clanks' Fair, being a. race with a loom
gine. Biz entered for the race; the die •
was 9 miles, with a load of 71 tons. •
motive, -Addison Gilmore, belonging to
tern Railroad, accomplished the distant
minutes and 18 seconds; the Nathan B
longing to Wisconsin, 12 minutes and 66
The race was witnessed by a large n
persons. . .
The Roller trial takes place to,morrowl
Neer Tata, Oct. 1-10 i • •. • u.
More bank diffociilties are apprehende 'lathe
Metropolitan Bank refused to receive in deposit
the notes of the Farmers Bask at Mina, t . of
Rochelle, the James Bank, the Phoenix t auk at
Bainbridge, 970111.8111 Bank, White creek, and
Mechanics Bank, at Ellevy.
..c.trrsrzu.s, Oct 1
Miss Sallie Ward, lato.Mns. Lawrence, was
married to-day, at the residence of her;fatber;
to Dr. Robert P. Hunt
• Floixr--Bales 100 tbs B. 8. brands at $3,-
93t bbL
Grain—Supplies are wry Limited and prices
Groceries—The market it steady, with sales
of coffee at 13}c@8t ; Porto Pico sugar, be ®6}
Whiskey—Salesat 22 ®23c gall.,
Anchor Cotton Factory lots at Atiaticat,
fiN SATIIRDAY, OCTOBER 4th, ;will be
KVA d vn b atil u arr"l b uiTZT—"tf . t:=
.I.lnoscut and Leseock streets mum 20 feet front and boss
Wax leek 100 fret to •ID Let tiler. Tots purperty b
sell south the so tontion'of caoltaheos, bobs a n She 444-
nos hart of the Irby. aord.ho the Ltounebste slob:Illy of the
Hallooed Depot it cannot •411 to edvenea bspelos
easto come.- It would snit eduarshly for A' DOTES..
whist, Is greetly needed In thb 1 07 . ' P er vidolog In
Int eat mosey In teal totes souk, do well to glee it tomb
atZentlut. es 11 b Quo only ptoperty• for sale in that el Jt.
Sty. rod none grozobb to edleahoe last. 131 pries It sill
he told all together. or Inlets to salt goistteses.
Tert4—Ohe fourth In hand, the belsoesp one, ten,
and those yews, 01111 ,, Itetur.4. 1 „At s tiri °T an d
A Valuable Farm for Sale.
N PURSUANCE of the directions contain
ed in the lag abd tentarnent of 001 IN Con Ul n
we armee to public sale, at the Conn Ulnae,
in the City of Pitteburgh, on 1,10511AY , th e alb day of
uCTOBEB, at 10 o'clock, A. it. all that talsabit
FAILV, situate in Baldwin townehlp. the County 11 Al
imheay, hounded by lands of Danielsher,Jobn Goa- on,
.la.ob efteady. aid ahem near the ill. Verry, on tha
dlononashehi river • containing about NINET Y-BLX
ACRE" sec sucesiLes
A larilarroportosa mats-ins 610120 Coal of the wary Eva
Oneiltri the land Is of an oscelient description fat farming
pungent, and p.m.. ',ethics to coon, either in agrieui
tn. or tne Onsiness, will End this a desirable onor
Wally It, seems • goal ban*. Terms gate known at
selaWdatieltT EV. of John Creadr. deed.
Real Estate at Auction.
THE subscribers will sell at Public Auc
rkm. oh theor embus, on Thunder,- tb. Irth der of
October nest. Dui well tune, Bean and Cbeadlerr pea..
Ilebunab ronmerly occabled br O. OAR DIA, deed, shout.
eu Reserve tomushly, Inomededelr bor./. teeeLl7 , Due.
and bounded ea oes Ode br the new resok ll a .1 The
.10$ Is 112 *et br lel Last, on which Le erictedi=l
Beiek'Dlealdlug Rouse, andedl the oeneeterr,oca
rule to eanDueuee st o'clock, 4. M. •
JOLIN 11.01150,
eep2lde Reo..'utore.
.:LECEIVED THIS DAY and now opening
at wM. DICUIrd, 151 Lately Areas.
W=l=434 black Cann:meek of the neuest
Tykes. black end . colored Clothk'of the mese ruperlor
Umlarva and mast rplenfld ancrtment of 1 - estlnfe
ever brought to Ude city.
5U dm. Undershirt" and Dummy. - .-
10 flm. one and enperlln• Illatete
A lane vo l t Cravats, tiandkerchlekke, _
117.1nA V AIII, tlye t terZth W lMs " ablni
to 1.4, 1 manta one of th e largest and mat mammal..
gumlm of goods. adapted for protium:mem Ow, to the
traders, conutrpeall ot which the peoprietor le *tannin.
e 4 en offer at tp. vrrp lairestirsices for matt
Orders In tllNTallarlng line emented In the bat man
nat. and at the etarteve notice. urpl7
. • •
ri a l a kub SUBSCRIBER having now received
amszwo nWrlnform d' Felt
to. V 111711.413,11
that hr Is nmarad to dispose of hint.iools, enter !hole-
We or Mall, at my love mints.
lir bas In Da 7 (fools all the sowb4 u w.ll no r h.g.
stook of Panay Demo Oasta, comprising In
4-4 Chem, ennts,.for eTtntlne 111 . 24 Art. dotT446. rich:
4.4 Brocade pos.., • •
Plans black . 11 1 Ellka,.. totes and .vellthea
Hrtstada Black inlk j , •
• Ileavy.Watavet 6115. all Ruda
1 110 04.01..5; •
Poach Mariam and Cashaveren
Togethst with Ivoneh and knallsh Printa.let andlermo
li tl4 4 * i tt s "! ' " =Pillow flouts;
7-t ki and 124 'fable Danaaska.
64 and 24 Damask kink!. and Dalkon
ilaclentack Liam and Clash
i ldllititlta, M rrt . thr tjuttr t a l ',l2 . lltrZlafolli
Curtain 4141.411114,
"E" -Ili r l yd ik .%lll'll7,lar. 64 yids: •
Dolton Clothn
Blnct Mobslr lantrer,
sus wulernuwe ciothr
Nut utkaller,
English, marl aDC. tealLn Poen Mod. .4 CM*
I n tiod Ch" yTro ' f ina, l 7.l l 4,lVit= c gMMV.:4
colors and cheap 12:m <MORT.
.016 t • JAMES A.
•. Fine Watches!
APEW very attperior Gold Patent
Low, Watehes,, raid br oaLroaar..." : l lf*
artuth are rplead itookal Chrormatara, of Imo. t.
111419.cdah; doable eased Land..: also aaa -
aarra , ...d. of Tarim. styles andmmernii, at ,
Itch U.8.1011.4.11N . /14 . 91 SIFIL• t
HINTER-18 kegs for exile by.
VELEESE-80 bozea prime W. R., for sale
1..1 by W tat a lieJaNDLada.
SPER7II.9IL-17 bbls. for sale
pole WICK £ MeilAti LEes.'
I?LAX-2" sacks fur gals! by
.Buie vacs IfeCIANDLESS.
rI'IRIESTE VERMILLION-2 cases for sale
by I+•c101 J. 801100.NILLICKR a CO.
5000 2 °SB ,4 3UP 'jlti:
..t1 Co.
Supply of Fall Goode.
OfUT a BURCHFIELD have now
t u x ju g ; met/ of Fall 0004.1,12d111• 11i
thedr nscuar enibmannumtbayeao
L'OR a C
nHd cAh3ll BEorßa.Srs—Very cheap Wall
, lornoPwMAßSlulALfrale
a aruann a ham open 11141 inamini, • woveof
bOve tashloaable good..
N Infallible Remedy for TOOTII ACIIE,
A Tyter on the Teeth, Epon oral 111sedin r unth
toe eel. at I.lEl:nlht s OIcDOWELL'h
stall) 110 Wood street
PILE OlNTMENTWarratited to sure the'
wont moos of Yfla by ►few die, fir Lilo by
teDtD KEYSER t MoDOWkLL. 110 Wool
en d eo r Tl E
site t i T Ern a Mc/WWI:LA. Idd Wood
DAPAR_ HANGING - S,-New style of Gold
1 Pipet '11`7,P"'N7.11,1.'.=121.,..'''
BETIO 136 Wood A.
lIIEEN OIL OLOTH-500 • yards 4,4/,
t• .13a 5 easrter Green MI Poch, Aludow
eoperlor for eervice to any article manufactured kw that
P.M., rust received and for vale by tbo Pine or nrdi ar
the ware 19019.1., Nos.: and 9 Wood et reek
IvP3 9 J. n 11. MULLINS.
1000 LBS. ROSE PINIU—On- hula
end for ale lit
~ h ,,.s E r tl , y i OLIVE OlL—
oerl EID D -t. co.
3on reed ao3 for sal* or J. KIDDY Co.
LINSEED; OLL-23 Ibis. for sale by
to 13 BCIIOC/NUAKKR 0 CO., 24 Niord
CORIANDER SEED—I cask for sale by
OPS—Put up hi 1 lb. packikeo, for Cam
21 us use, kat reed and for Miff br
WM. A. McCLOEO a 00.,
iepl2 3U Liberty IL
cautreea)CLlEVlE, pet nit to Wail use, in sizes
to suit, from 1020 pound. tea be °Patine/ a trhoireele or
fruit. of tho subscribers. ThlsCbeesie I s Piti 10 'err high
repel. la the east, but Is nor introditmlfor thsaret time
into thlz market. flea derleitig cl.olro article ar. Or
guested to tell zi32 examine.
1111. A. AlctiLintil A CU.,
er21.2 iirocers sod Tea Dealers.
G LUE -21.1 bb s. re 'd and for sale by
.(nriol Waal aturlzthe.tii.
GREEN-4 cases for We by
CREAM TARTAR bbls. for sale by
LAUBER. SALTS-5 bbls. fur sale by
..nide for presierring, as—:s bbia. just ne r d br
sepl.2 CU.
- .MOKED SALMON —MA be read, this
4 , 1 , 4 erprres. - wr e n f i c, , , m k : by
A RROW ROOT-5 but. Bermuda, for eale
IV by Lsapls) SeIIOON.IIALER a CO.
lizy.lretva-mtpt; n0dn . ,',.)4 , 1t1t,:r 03
SOAP -100 boxes No. .1 Rosin, for sale by
repl2 ' R. * W. 11A1111AU011.
OSIN:=200 Ws. No. I, for sale by
.Pl 2 S. a IV. ILARDAUGIi.
LASS-100 boxes Window, for sale by
gal: t. 0 W. LiAiIIIAIMIL
UTTER-20 kegs for elile Ly
iJ KDi - J. 11. (lAN FIE.D.
[EARL ASII-40 bbls. fa; role by
RALSINS--60 bru bunch in store, for sale
low be t eA IAII
,stpB DICKEI a CO.,
Water and Front sta.
ONEi-6 bbls. for tale by ,
L OAF Sl?p b A2 . ,
C.a. Daltlo 660 . 0ary:
Ca Jam.'
0641.4.4 kr silo by 111:11.13KIlait: t 1NG111.61,
.06 110 W V.. a. Ilk Front It.
NEW BOOKS!—gavels in the United
Slates, Ac., during 1549 and ISSO, by the Lerallr Etra
entle Stuart Wortley: I 101. Xt.130..
The notary of the PzeoreseJoseshinr. brJ. S. Cabbott
with enicreelown 1 erL Irmo_ fele_
tia e, far"Auvo% Apsolemes natural,' Maseru. era
1 . 10. II
Field Book of the Rorohnion.
[eel and
.d Lo
ell Me.
;five en
nee raw
be loco
•e Mes
e in 12
ell, be
;tuber of
Na.. 35 sad 11,0 blettiaaryof itecliginlc . .o . Elgitur li sal
met Engineering Just teed shd for sale by
J. L 11.1 .Alt, rir Apollo Unildiuge,
... !apt
_ L • Fourthettest
WO SMALL FAMILIES can be secant
eandetod with plekseut trout roam. co the veconi
or, either furnished or unfueetthed, lira nod. told/
sal cbe earner of third end Want sta. , QT.]
• jkONDON LABOR and the London Poor,
Haab, 10,11. ,
tercel Yield Book or the Revolution, No. if.
!Received es IlltLblka' Lloesty Leos. li Mira e4•f4
eke:wie the Poet aince- I. ert ,
It !i!, UGAR-70`bhds. N. 0.,-tor sale by
_ . !e. Et. DlLlt!ultrli aCV .
3 OFFEE-25 packets Java, for sale by.
teal • BtIitBIUDGE k INGllltall.
I EATIEV-200 sides Sole, for sale by
en. 4 DunlillllX/E L
• IL--.20 bbls, pure 'l'm:mere', for sale by
rent BINFIII4TADE A IS(71111A.11.
, tttitutt4 Bond. Le. , Jarstiono, Indentum, }...".*
! I
Struit. lllLMlatti , g, 0111 artAttt. A rtkl. a A ;ay.:mut,.
At e Anita& Fee pills. LX, LT.. Ar salt, At
. . W. .. ALA VEN'a. datttnr,
.ens cerner ,tarter AAA It At trund eta
DitAPTA—A. brim iartett 01 :it."... =I Dt‘ft.,
AdAntAIT ‘4,o7. lri. ' l.A " 4 o Ef'S S:I.TACT/e{7 At .
pep 3
_, cum. ]letter end Sem. Mt i
_ LANK BOOKS.--W. S. EATIN, corset
BOOKS.--W. S. I.lArtN, c . orrie
JJI Marta and &road. streets, b. Wr rats lbe 10 t
swot of Blank - 800. ty. odosed 4 04. dor Mi —COni
of Lager, Journal, 047 Z.., Minn. liook, W
aT onle of blndlir. and at C. meant pr.. ao.ool
QAFETY .FUSE-12 bbla. for sale by
17 .p 2 J. B. DILWORTII a CO.
FARES. 11ANOLNOS--.Ne7 , patterns for
norel 4 Wood street
TEW DRESS GOODS—Wo ore now ri..-
winer the arytot Valharles of Ql . BBBOOOBB, garb as
LLLeee Gahm..., Puttlao !Lobel. Alitacu,
raattaa, iroach owl flab. Cloth. trrer 1000
mna up t h, 1.0) A. A. MA.BON & CO
M/ SITE GOODS—A. A. Keso:: k Co.
bare) ast roo'd 801 pot. 01084 Ucolt, coolishogut
Mala and plaLl .15totuata. Molls, tabu, 44010 .4 zed
India Book SIG. Moll. Nuosook Mutant. at A comphtta
astortmotst and Ter, cheap. •no 3
IIIOBACCO-10 kegs Va. Twist. for sale LT
sea • S. •W. 1.111111•IAill.
POFFEE-100 bags lido. for sale by
1 10 ana J. DILWORTii Mk.
EON will be received in exchange (with a
amount of su.ay) for TWO BULLION() LOTS.
111115 11:11 Ward LBroOse of •
seyll . sOA/Fp. ATK/ NEON di OkIELI
J. Try ram. of MORRINt r f re ell EoRT WINE, lo 11
per boUlo. for tale 01 5101111 T•allarl. tro Irtarm(Ltl
setWi, ELoto. Lore. Irina. Buckler.. LL. to alv
etT. tar solo by IooPI I W.N.w
VINEGAR-97 bble. eider7for sale b
S QI}RA TI/S--31 bbla. for bale by
Hazel r oi We by
.e r e WALTYH I' 3.1,5,1151LLi1.
• Omer Wood and ARA Ora..
a.. Ore. 0 OPP. Teas IS boxes Coma 0 Ct...OtEs.
100 mt. La .. .• - 3 ram assorted Pickle=
CO bas. thole* 'Tau. a - /lord.. and Piet
a aro. Elitlff's a tlodwlrea 17 10088:
Fine. Cut Total.; 10 141 e. Alonotl, 7.60 eecl
. I.4ta. limns Bro m 'nl Toileta;
.. 23m. 110nt..0 lit Boaeh: i 1 boa Farin
GO boat 6060 OA._ •1 2 boxes ()urn Starch:
36 - Old
Cntleal 3 - MAGGIO:a Enap ano
'33 .* Old Llov. Java '. Ye.% Ponds.
Ed .* Etas Candles: 0/ Woe. Clothe. I'llas:
10 .. !perm - 24 do. Patent Zinc Wasta
70 . Mould ODI pal .. Boards:
GO kegs (hound *Etc. IGOdol. Corn Siam.. .
6 base Yapper a Penuntre ' Wholssal. and Wail Gr
.1, I). WILLIAII3 • CO,
`guar Northeast ler. Wood and Path au.
GO. The. add SLR.' We id TtA 31A1IT,
to the Dlatomd. Tarrro topper. would do well to edam.
Ina the. Whittkkv, u . (oottlitY oo'otadord.2) they &d .
dolly they. ..p6
(11100OLATE-200 bxs. Bost., fur sale by
sODFISH-3 tea. for sale by. .
ssia WICK k irrOANDLESS.
-4U bbl.. fur We by WICK s bIeCIANDLY..B.9.
SALERATUB--43 casks;
nr9 " b".42ll'..PbUr..littc.n
PARER -200 reams Medium;
A c`"Astes"tritial,
p . NG L I 911 AIRY CHEESE-59 boxes
e 1 ..4 1
b" l 7lnit t.:" "" n 444 ""' 4.4 " 4
ACKERE 2.40 No. 3, for sale by
14 Lbl ://o. I btrtEupr . oloo Balm.;
23 la. bk. 1
:5 bb Lib 2 " " •
14 Lbl
23 LL'
:5 Lb
20 ht.
10 bbl.
. 5 DIAL
and for
Largo N 0.3 Muirlel;
No, Ijust receiving
Panel W
It LASS-300 bas. 8:10;
I BENN;. - irt littitel i eb.,
Frout arca, Emu. Maker-
For .deer
UP3 • I
de l . N. 0., for sale by
S UA •O O r, IL--1
Wo ore prepared to furnish
• sets, e.. 1 the trade ‘enaralli, with
tneoufsettare. et lb* lowest matter sw
asns to t
NTT. thedol Cu
frontito Less gasket.
ciunati & icinisville Tele
grh. •
of this Company malted by
&aloud Exch.,. brokers.
• ewer of Dlorket and wltlAt streets.
- - -
As 4 'oflmmo
odor, on/ obkh vel
Coin Wanted.
price will be paid for every
1.. r cote. at thi Exchange. Ogles ut
' •
r ex of
MattanLKTlN h D• . Ca, t
.1;ige :8 1
[NIOTL--10 pkgs.
W just reo'd
:034 e.
lar.nle by
: 11M - o— s orlon e
ll mrn
bbls. for IWO by
J. EctiooNmAKEß I co.
le. for _
Pennvolomnit RaWrnad and &pre" Packet Lint
tunes Railroad I 03 miles Canal.
101157, 41.. T PLUS., L. outdo...MLA corn TO
Two Daily Lines Erpress Packet Boats,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
Packet.. of this Linewill home Pitteborgh for LoekPMI
kkm7 morning at Pi o'clock. and evert mining at 20 . 0 onE.
'remed—there taking the Can of the new Penney Irani.
Railroad twhieh leave Immediately after their arrimil dl.
reel for Philadelphia.
AtirTnne throntol. Forty tionre..4 - El
By thie new arrangement pamengera go through SLX
DOUR* SOONER than hermnfonr. !toeing roantymilae lam
canal travel.) enabling them on arrival at Philadelphia to
proceed on to New York at once.
Take the kand Cumberland Railroad. at Liarrhtburg.
Divkattm, aightldintr mile.. Time. FOUR boon.
Pare to Philalelphia. RIO. Fare to Ilaitimory 19,75.
do LtoP , Rvtvr fp do ILarrishing 59,00.
If TVI Moire cheap traveling arid comfortable ammonia
hela Hum,
dation, mcum your Otte. at the Ticket ()elm. Mononda .
.1. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Or of D. LEECH & CO.,
angld Canal Basin. Pam street
Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
. .
. .•
4 Sailing from Philadelphia on . the 10 -4 4 4
15th, and LitetweA [1 the let of et•hciotth...W.
fp MARY PLEAS ANT,, R. R. Reasons, blaster.
SWINANDUArto Wm. /. iiardiner, blaster.
EUROPE, Nathaniel C. Barrie, blamer
..` BERLIN, Alfred F. Smith, Muter.
PIIACEAMAXOh, (new,' W. W. West, blaster.
The above ships are baits of the bast end most anti/
materials, and are noted for the rapidity of, their paasagun
they are Btted up with all latest Improremente, are mod
Abates:4M) ventilated, and am unsurpa.Wwd for their d 0
rummaJanona km &culla Clzben and .Terropt Itmertort:
they ire commanded Its mon of lulinowlialgr4talstlai Rho
are unaztudled for their experience In the packet inlite
Persons desirona of bringing their Blends Rom the Old
Country can obtain cot - titre.," of postage, which. will he
good for eight months, and our agents!. Ireland and Lir
*moot will furnish them with the proper Information sod
instructions relative to their departure.
• For the ronrenteuro ofp
etrrltu assengers wishing to send flap .
e t
e~ he without dinvt, ohtclirolii is gz„, b/ A n y
the wanks or Pilot fgrea in the United saltation,
faßvitovisions supplied passenger, coming from Liver
•- .
Et."' . elk lbe following nupplle. will be furniatted
eil passenger of 12 'cars of age and ore, 23/ Ibr. bread,
2 lb.. rice. let, I lb. ..Meal, it lb. .near, I lb. hour,
ti lb. m 011..., and I W.l.:irk. Italcr Teary of &art. ,
lb.. brew:MOIL. 1 IR pork. full allowance of water had .M
-efar, and half allrwatic. of tea, row.r and molames.
No. tl7 Walnut rimer, NW. &frond. Phihia:
1111. FLOYD,
ielmtf corner 810th and Wood al., Plataburvb.
1851, Eiggl4go 1851.
Dunkirk and the Erie Railroad, connectiag with
ciao Reamers - on Late Ittrie, the chLtota.Clpreland.
Columba. aml Cincinnati. Cler eland and lOtt.buralf and
Sanduskyadd Cincinnati Railroad, and ideation, on that
Ohio and Idisahalrßl ricrof and ti,. tlhlo, Indiana and
I . .nrttinnalit Canal.
lxi.lblornlns Cann , . train at o o'etoet.
5d Wv.nitut LxM.
The Midi Taaln Op! Olt KIM., hero r , ueenker. can
DI dAY - 11,h ,
The Ex,roto Freight azid CSllir Tt•4ll leu.. Dunkirk et
4 A. M. dallv , 04, I. •ItAzhod tr ill. 11,113
lectuvaraodet..l , WA% 1 . 14..11.1ert aul Drayels,
Mr-rare . flt.inkltl, tick, ward Clue
pricy...llllo .Loll m • 1.. .o>..
Ibb.Cornr4n, triamor.rl Ilr..txk sad
frvlrrhte of IQ kl&d. l a. art.l from he. York.
. - . •- • .. • .
Particular littetuici. aill he pail to Etia-k. The SWUM
bring il [retrial., airy. thic toutc areal .deantageauvra
ar liaila .I, lu the traunairtatiula or aiuca•
ppic-A ditiCual !tali. rill be put I. coculaisalou In a
aarl . churl nu,
.ill 1...11.1111.114.1, givtaa partleti
lar• ha regard t.. froAyht, tho
J NbrriNott thi ' a l t d rk , '..")11
Excursion Tteketa to Beaver, 25 gents.
1111 E floe p.,engEr Atearners
11. !MAC A111:111ii Al No will
lowv• ikwir liistur,h aull !la
h.... . .1a) 2uu..11p, • a• I.Alow• ..-
.watt, I 1,11-itairwh it w. ilw-biwtpr '2 P. r.
.• L.a. , to eao prwur• V.,rair.o
1,1 let• t.• a0..1 back t. I l itutakalah.lor./.1.....
e‘a yt.c..l fat down cap day 404 ‘ , P
11.1 tviel. apply oa b.rol nt...114.41•
— 3ll:blaan at the. 0111.. DI
Vol. R 3 a ' ,.. " 1 I h i' ge i ti fi . A , VI P . 11 lin Irg b.
&w 1851. MIM
Ewes.; /'poker and Ruil,ad Line to Clerelznd.
IIAssENGERs )(ACP ',Tory morning at 9
at,amilx.4.: ttr.ce, by %%WWI
most park. 1.,•ta elfTt.
land•Raltrat• to Cier.lutul.
40 4 1 , ..fe to Clervelatl. k. 4 •
r Clorel Lour. - 1,. l•ottcat. :)
I scare:
rioettirrrr fro Prindt. Chicn 1 111 , 11•01Vie . . i Iva
00 (.2 b l iti rrA 4 4
arrh . m . „ m , .7 0 ,01„ at Chirac." ht
No.olo 1r.., In M. Ohio 11.,1tb tr.
InuGslcrm. .111 •
7IAN ri o th
r S
''''''' ' .lqlllV P .\ r e t luoarx,
(LT mem., or Eutittsr.Plct .al It Fur stre.e.
orr.v.:to the .
'lan-1n:40.4. Mum
.1e , 63 pirrssußuii
1851. WESTERN 18.51.
HE Canal being in goad order, we mire
to tr...tur..rt prfure *ha merr,hamlise to
P r rfrom the eh", the it:mt. rurrviat Moo of
ft.h , :ht Irith pr,mytnc... The Kak.t. %pi
rpro are sad rontrulled ty the yroPrie - tor.•
lakllna transmittal, ar..t.tal it..tru:tims promptly at.
Lnled M.
ACPIT b,tt atlfr,ee
lIAI6 I , ,priewrs.
Canal Esau. VIttAtAISSh.
11.A.R)11.: , A LY.CCFi. rrorietarA.,
Reralvi2: No. Is 11.1, .Skraall Phlla.
or.. ex-, Akt ' lltiularo
r YEA/tell:. Ageol.
7. WO/1 litre,. New York
PARE RaitrOn!
.6E21 185 1. griAMPWI
Pte Brownsville sod Cumberland. to Baltimore
Ewa Philadelphi,
HE MORNING BOAT leases the Wharf
Z `
ahem, the artlg daily. at 5 c'elte..k tarrumir. e`6.-
I..4turg with the care al Cumberland nest morning.
The Eeening goat V.ll daily t.: tautly evening I
a: o'clock. connecting with the runal Cumberland nest
Tins to.Battlmore. n boom Fare mill f 9
Time through to I•hlhilelptila. 511 bouts. Fare only $lO.
lb. rho halo:ma It.oad la now gierl. Conductors go with
Coarhew betyceultrovinerllie and Cumberland. which
make, thit tha Witt route East.
mY:oat:. In the Monongahela Howe.
On the Pennsylvania and Chin Canals.
CllAllifKßLlff, CRAWFORD a (X).,....Claves.sero, 0.
PHIS well known Line is now prepared to
s'i f 'g t ="Tr" `; l 2 r T."
he erri,fT,gtif°:l2oiT.T
In of the I.lnn are unsurpaosed boat...goal.
ICJ, and capacity of floats, experiewe of a....l.fatn. And et.
ttoacy of Agents.
One Boat Durso littehttrahuut Clovelan4 .1411,mm:dna
In connection with a Una of 1.11.61t , (4•1• beta/elm saris
11011011 and DEAVXIS. and a Line r.f gretcluisfe.a.eadoate
(proneller ars/ vedoela) on lo
Parks • Co., YourNst..4(r.. ES:
M. IL Taylor r Warrren.oi •
A. rt. N. &lark, Notals.r. i
C Prentlso. Ravenna. (I.:
Playls.n A Lb., Harm.. 04
Lsys, Orivnal A Co. ;
11. A. 31111sr, Coyali&ga F.ll, L,
Whealer, 1.. Co. Atts.a.
Ilentlermal • l'oltlts&sa, tscdtaks fill.
Psckhasn & E7Cri t,
0. WlilLisat • (~ , I.Ontrolt. Sltslstzau.
I. , .onsssua& , h.llll(sukte, Wis.,
.0.1., ACo
.lotIN A A (wow,
ail rut. Wales sad t C u51(1,11.14 sts PlttsLat,(ll
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
. 1 . 1111•4alph4,!.1
eorOlit. k
)01 _ r,44,eryenpand tV•Fr4 1,14g_ .,
INSET() Ull-5 t.6ls.thtvmalo„for sale
by atiptl , WICKIMI/All.
csIoARPETS I CIARPETS!—Ithe',I thy, dxy
by W. McCLIZITOCii. ltsw god Orb sty WI Sown..
V o...lCuumnta ISGRA.IN CARPETS, .filch yre
g ' itVtlee l l. ". e " !. ' Y:t re ri;l4 . 6 " = a r l
Maud. sal... v•wt e a
e to pu y
ch•ee 2 .e . nus • cog.
the Uld I:atablishe• W arerhuthst, lin hh Fourth It
seP4 W. hIceLINTIM.:K.
PALL GOODS.—Just reed, per express,
& ,6,1
‘A M
A. A. APON Lai cart. &
. atoll Itibbotie,
4 t faablortatrle 'tyke: 124 dne.Tabe and Para
iloiterre 10 pea. tiro de Afrique, beautiful caber: 00 pea.
filareelltia, a.s abader. 6 doe- Oeuieli Yluseee, ehetidee JIM
lIINGEIANIS--10 eases, French and Do
‘,.‘ [nestle. juxt ree'd by A. A. MAoO A (X).
- I ADZES' CARPET 11.11H5-0) dot. reed
!Al Ptrexprar, I.ooj A MASON 6 CO,
ff. HENN'. MERINOES ANL) 5101.J5.
LALNES. of °moue, Lull. Plo.t. Ulu. .4 are 6
cry tor Claikit... .rr4 jos, n.a.4 I.
.111 3111111.11 DIMICIIPIELD.
UGAR-20 11116.1S:0., for Nato by
GOLDEN SYRUP-l 0 Ws. for sale by
Dept b. 15'. 11AltilAtli111.
MOLASSES—SO bbls. N. 0., for Fele by
rspl B. k IV. 11All8AU811.
E . DIA I RUBBER CAPE doz. just ree'd
tr , AZta weiirrit r .rartre k orttirtiLl`Wil
St. I J. au. Pu um •
MUTTE R-6 bble roll butter for male by
sag: J. 6. DILWORTLI i tXJ
FOH BALE—An excellent FAlkilLY,
E ' Pth.° e ' J. SCILOONM &Exit t W.
101URPIIY & BURCH.F f I . EL , p
a r::
to• tb. att.= o of 113eIr atom. sal
b.) t.itiTinui UM Witt ;.,"
04.119 . 4: i t :: the man deoi ng
nble new Mile of o=4
SW. mtarttneat oot to - bo enryavM.aad 10,
B0970:7, KASS
MILIS w.. 11 known establish men t in still eon
daried In the aim, =worn. It hao The
central and piaamnt altnAtinn or VI, teat,. It, r•ramndi
rni artannement., and the rnrofmtv ~n.I lurntive to Le
10.0 thare. cninhine to ret.der i; eareeet.le knd runt>.
geone to the traveler.
Raring been cm. of the Or., of John L. Tucker et 120.,
to long at the head of the ,t t.
ahh,bm.nt, the an..rib..
pledge. his Met exertion.. to . rnelltuvin Ito reputation, and
to une,sallsfartion to hit cu.:torture.
tere..tzdeodqat • VOL IL PARKER.
- •
Ficlllllllll, -H Eoutti .51,131 a Etr,t, (above l c l ertlllit.eust MU, ils Dthls:l,
vft. ... . ......
afi mkt. Grocer,. No. 1:21 Motet Ai, rbilrvivlphla. :DO]
L. J. IaCCVMR . znv,tr..2. nut/4
.o. licnatlos • JB.
• CO., 'fobicco
Cemiabslorx hierzt.t. tior4.l ,c.l - 1.11 Kat. r Meet.
. North Wbar.a. Phile lolpb u. .•WuFI
- :
NEW YOltli. -
To Dealers in Liquors, &e. •
jJ. COMTII, Freuch Rectifier, 360 Eighth
cereal. NEW YORK. boa Ina Dtatlllary furrow" -
atton for the manufa cture of Fine Alcohol, Pure hphits,
Jtrnedr, 0 ia Ttrgent'a Pu net, euraroa.AhtYntbe,Anleolte,
Bitters, An. The IlYandy and Olt use carefully made we
rording to the heel rrcrlnte uletf lb the Routh of Frunre
and liolltald, thr egnal' to most of the itoportr
tiona rerun thole rountrir, Dralcra are itched to Pull and
Judge of the qualltlea and forward their onlva to the of
fice, el Bator !treat, :i121.4* YOUR, whlrh prmortlT
attended to. ery4:lto
American Hardware.
- •
AiLIVEN DOUGLASS, lUnnufaztarers'
mt.% No. Platt "tree; three dool, from Pearl' et .
YORK., would rospootfully Invite the attrudoo of the
Hardware Trude to thair Stock of Gouda, novived of
from the nata.ufacturvr.,, and far cafe ou favorable term..
ale - 4m
Steam Cotannuireation between New York
and Glasgow.
TRE Illosgorr and New York
St..vittip Ctar.j , ,
steamship IiLASJOIf. nre , iworrrful
1.4a0 too. Lod 4.1 "9dif4
bord ne porn, etekosere Etetrard de , (tato of tbe
tud commanr. is appointed to !from • elf
York direct far Glwasr, oo Eaturday. the Ilth of Octoter
next, at 1 . 1 o'clock. noon.
Firai Patin (risirard's tor
Fe^ond Laila
. .. .
... . ee.
Thew.ra miontters taken.
ates Include proTtalocia. but not wines or Liquors.
riewhich will be
n. supplied - on boon], at mcwierate prise. Car.
s a Ramo
33 Br. l. 1 0RK. 04 Y.7
uug2tAlsre. M
New York India Rubber Wareham,
No. 27 Maiden Lane,' and No. 69 Nassau street,
Fin% fOrner from DrOVIWay. F.etorf9h rut tAth
"RE SUBSCRIBEIt, Proprietor of this eo•
tablishropot, would Inform Ms old customers. and
me.hania Matertelly , they ho It daily recelrtna from hit
factory au nnummily Wire and eseellent e rock of India
Rubber Ocala manufaetured expressly for the Fall Trade,
and which. faun hays introduced teverel Onlr .0 Im
portant Improvements in tda machluery and mmpoeltlor
be feels confident cannot fall 10,10 g perfect malefaction.
Rpetial attention contain.. to be mild to the mane..
tura of ligurnriandplain CARRIAGE ClooTll,al4l width.
from 3-4 to 8-4 Intitudve. Tte drinker. , carefully Relented
frym the ben brande.and spread wil e Anent glum whleh
tinißhea equal to iGtent bother. l i th e l. manutartumw
the ..trim Cloth, a highly Important improvement r.-
lantly dummered, by wltirh the cloth IR made to bear aa
ect ruaemblaner to enameled leather. The plain 1111.1.
m admae mud .old AA usual. Orders About' 'Tenn} the variety
OVIRAIIOEO.—A full Float of OH the dlflervut nylex
and varieties, Irmo the Imported Pan Itithbris to the re.
howtied Perrmtus.l illone--embraelhg 1111.1 . 1, omrtee end
Marro'. ota. Shoes, Slippery .m 1 Sambel., Vomeo . •
Vorted an 4 Llted Rubbers, ti
A compkin .reortmeist of the following &War} on hand:
Mseistoehre,Coule,Cupre. I , nchos. rente.Llfe
Drisiog (Borer. Howa iilorce, I 0100 Jacket, Cape, Leg.
gin.. Totetwo Mwehlue Iktuuo. 11,001141 :heating
rpe .
Tiovere, Whip.,llfrent l'acktog.Shoril
der Brae.. Pepe, Holder, Alf Valls,ll ll.awl Figure,
Rut b.r GoOds
Spnisge, upder lioodyear's Cabircrt.
The. 471Amss will to fnutid a sour, ewrialo our. ore
lLvent,. of Chaptro.l hand., blewehhur thew •nd keepin
rm whit. sod loft.
Pure lttibbwr Cetoett for 11an.,. ore
1,17'10. h. lIDIUIIAh
L. 1100011 Ah
Bkawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
S. 111 1.1..5. No. ti Cortlandi. in., N. York,
. olreortg at ht. Lata•l Vtanapattr. • 1.. ,n
thr Of Fall and Winter )ItAwLe, a all at lea
r<Greti anJ Itentealic Wteti Let., entaaa.
Tfull W..... (.1 rent th anti %ion. tt ear. atel La%
tp .1.• pf *vt wet. t
elan ‘n %%Walt% apt% W Cttnurg, Itattese, I haw t,,ltt,
elate, ap.l ar a Uwe &tatlin t
altaltat an.l %Wt., aptattap tuttpt 111.. m Pat% pa
lull l ea eau 1114{,flatilnis, rwe./1, ne,111.1,4“.• v."
KM* $04.6 r.
gat...Waal, L.../..-ro 0.u.11{..At
S . l..reimuto ”. IL. aa 10
w. .1 4 a.ll-um..l+ filr
tmoua..e.rf rp In m. elty.
14”..51, NIKE lc •
.;.1, •. t l•nui
To the thiblie.
INDiA RUBBER SIICIES.--0111 Atterit.Lip
11 . WV toes called L. au advartiaetorot by
übitahr:l In tin, 6.r luta flarall of T. $l. and
lb, and Et/mgr.,' ot ran... data. 45 which, altar
murk unn,aritadattune', IA .iadu , n, .
ha aaaa , rt. that dun. huo with uat aut.,
year', Pataut 4 4111 4 4.11 %MI 1.44 he 4 14,4 4 4 44 nut
inhanua (kna” lutauta thatuatiunartur,nuot?towa.
Wt 'Late purahap.4 our hcan.o. Inc It,, umuulvartuur of
hubuar ;bora .Istadyeatr'a I'manta, Odd
our niunay..l v. daily turinu • tardl r tha oarne, and
any otherpera-n might tatTe dna, the sun, it Mann... 4 to
do act Whet than runt. upon tiaralyasr• Pater.. W..
think it max Just to Ins: a ristbu to ma yilld Cr
tbsta to lunrnacr A. ?J r Pat haattic ttanpr,lental.
aa.knuat..4u...d (Itaidraua riuhts. :hada a arlthruant. and
a•-rawl to tutor* cod u.•itatriap.e Lig patent*. Ile is Luta
artainututuy. nct anly tr.Yrtn,. bar, Akio,
unr.draa. whchapa., Li a. larga n, yarahar,l
our -.Way,+ and sow •ork math, them: and we chaiar
Mr. bat. 41rea411., sod that owe, our own aiunatuts, alit
p ia
alma I.waltetit . . Patent., in lb< tnannlauturr
which Pe la 4 th - ial; to thy VAIL , air] w. gine
oati. , that la. •nd ail r ail, with L .l pi pop
his 0414 444 1, =WO in wtolataon
d ' t
lIA 1. in
1 U '.7,Nrf !, Vi k frfuladria'"Co .
11111 , hirttec.1,-.1.1..ut.
tOta. 4 CO
Al. Juli / 2 M. PA
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
I ONE'S EMPIRE INK, ST Nal3Aan , rtreet,
IPP Cualinga. N.. Vert.
ni t
an draught. iter gaZlap .... . htt
I• ..... . •-v
ihu I. ',nun,art.l , l6 menufartur, It rh.ty• nta
Iv • an..l COl VINO will naLayid,
pr,tpltair or Omar. anl y^alerwo all th•• qualittew
ad F., • go., t , :ra.aug Ink, iroltal,l.-t.n. In.. quill. mai .4
y adapt, far It. Slewl Van.
1k; andnr,raerol. ppyparwd to (um.), to to. trul• el.
U.*, trr L.:me rr mptwn, . It •I.•••••• .err
law prkwa., put up a. per ericr. and deliv..,r,d au, - part
tita rill rf rho; Nod:Lug.. fir Na la
Prat a. - 0 duirgred extra at rustle.,
1 . 111.01,01 it.
Itansu f l llllilt/100,
Professor Max. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
ru ' b="r ' tZin VW . pggett b Z. T Th7t le nd rry ' t'l ' rif:op t
of our has prtolticsd thotaxas elk, runng 41. eases of the
Sot, ot, of the horse. an d
all the mmitool 'rho
fsilovring tßotomottislo. oolecteti from hueoirtots of similar
tmpart. will servo ti oho. the vslat• lb* prom - talon.
sal the ontmatico, rhi-b it is L.aa be those ovho hove
r.veh It a "1.1
Sin Your. Sept 22, Ifh3.
Emat —War ku.eck alnetad wall eu.
of the map, of • iffat agar... Lied char
t uddr, dor Ihr layt slyt.m Teary nd during that period
faye had lb. advice of anruenf , a moot •enduent phyol.
md.hara tried all the prrparatlen• ER the bear and
'to fury kraut, with:kit the Iranbenott. Lama added a fritnithin your Pictryherous. I did au. la • tut
moon. and, to my mrprif• m.I a'nuilltaticaa. found ay fill
eutad In Mmt Pro month,. barb ...wadi. TiOittlr• of the
Ihkr 1, that at tines I 11l pettish 7 bah , .
ftamectfully. your", lf V II RAPELYP.
Colnabla meth .
Nins yowl, Om.
taar. tlmal—My Dear liir—Atommtv Team mo my bats
cane m‘t assat Mal, an! my bead was myth aldirced
wIM Qandrvß. I was MI/ by a Mend to try your rsissmbst
oun. amt-I dtd an. and to my artOnlaMlmera, my Mir , mll
Znalv mated.and MI the daadra/tAmmammd. u the
Wm/ now Miami tat Walt
kflth retret:t, I sto your °bell ssrv't,
II any lady or gel:W.-mac doubts rt. aUtUrOtirlty wf the
=se. thus will pleav all at Profess= C iiwrrr llrowaroy, New York. whoa he will prulore the rrhd
.ttrn. •
(From Ma Mt., and Natal Agus. NOT. C. /050.]
Tlxra Ls no malady tor tha permanent cum rd
end disc.. of It. serarrallr, that b. reached
the populaNtt enjoyed Sz the arttc , k known as Vrofessor
t P. f . st 7 l; ufficS brihttrppor " clas::: i of ' llreo n rtzu 41% IP:, i.
&Invocatory tomary In the laud 111. used In
O la
tte , ankh., of U. kind It Imparts too to tho rnstsvf
the lair. sad thus promotes Its aroath to. reinartabla dr.- It destroys tha dam-troll and scurf. and onto. ths
awl plat.. It cum ill dirs.. of the ca
such ...meld hood. drip irtlttp, and othrr obnoxious 40 .0 0.
d•q• *I the althr. to as well uettlescr, It atanda
unrivalled. it Is sold Its large =con., at No.
07 Hossotwar, and at Um ilrwalsts arnsralls, thmuchout
that mtad ctatta and Cans4a. ant.. 1131
THOMAS 11A1,11,
eitatm...), mu. :n.l,
AUNTINUES Llx twual to receive
bwra,e, Tutord,..l
E...e.1.1 him. Nolt, lo•vo hiq ac), LE .11 pant.
. aulAtke. 1111. A. Comllvor
Luenc,l"lattliNi • C. , .
M.P.. d '
Mr J 0... A.C.i, her *USA. •
. _ • .. _
41(1. Watt, •
1.10,1.11.1..411..1. Commis,n bug.. i
Prod.* 1.:.11/01......4 runmria ng uu
N. ..u,05. PI
lor to 11.611J0r .11ordoll.•o5 t:rou., lll.ttlog a i`o ,
Plltul.utub •oI II
10111) C. TOTTI.E, Attorney at
J{ ay.l4NtoWlonrr fu! I'ruaellr~nla, "
RANK IN, Attorney Watt .I.loun-
Oar at Law, ana Coma: waive,' Ea the ntAir
catuyliaala. Bt. Laub, Mo., (I.le of 11C.1.4.1,,i1l
flefgrescra.—rlLaburglo Rm. W. Yanoranf, Ilmapam
antler, .11 . Candleu AleClarr, Jchuk. Farto, tlirull, a
iklarie.ficcord a Co. tualkly
ril 1151301 , 1 H RI IS IiON ! itro Opening
nod ngautlini Magnet oun :n•ilt
xlln It 111FIELL
BVICIIV.LIF hED J treed • rplelldid aphOrtinent .
151114, Iluto fa, to IL:prr,nral. tl)er.ll6l.ldn
tonal' kall tquatwe thruz. erpl
robtioE LAINES—A. A.
Maxus h
e.• ere now .timing nut tbblr stork berxge.,n.l
laraxed•Lalurx at WI thin CI.
rt FATE, Tale of Stirring Tiniex. ht
U. P U. James, Xrva.,--lbe mood. int... Ming watt Elie
sur o
hat .... .ratan. Abxr-LlttelVo Livlng Axe. No.
.Ibo-4 r .ll.lwltb lutereqinxel %Ireful matter.
Vor xelo at 1101.111 W Lite in nar Kept. Third
poshe We tug inbctl.
VHEirSTE HOSE-500 feet 2 inch 3 ply
Mon: ll l , __;P h . 6.` tertVi. " tWetr . t:lie ` pirinVi Lth
la ur.
eiticau there. ots they az. warrnot...l ., n ,
1 1 0 .0 211 ''' er ' WT:t r e * IteT .t:Oo k t ‘ ggi r 3 o b r:r7n i rs:llr , !.
the Looney VIM Le reinnded or th e tide err la r red by Oct
aust2i and I/ Hood at.
ANTED—Stocks of the Pitts'gh Buda:
Amorriala Dollars and Ralf Dollars 31.1116. and
Egaukh Dollars: French =4 ilierrowerowas; lor •lll.b.
the hl4hnt Wak.tPr i or wtli t br
a Hanka.
t.nto tar
D. ILit, , .
91111 well known EAGLE EfOrrEL,g
PP.' urenPird by CoI•TIIDS.SIAYEBB. f...rneT or
eiseilllog Ohio. 1
This large and comniodions Liotel—eontainin ' tipwards
of EV mate. a gentlenven's PaiduriW br 70 fiu . t.ValAiDve
Parlor and of
gee .1 private paritua with bed rims at•
Mai, vd. • dining room '.25 by ED.reet—eitneted in Abe Im•
0r11111.1.1 ric., of che Weir
,Ulsoll,lll/. boar. VI,
pugn. the wen tnown bowie of ECKEL. 111.10 U
CO., ..en he had at a resonneble rent impel and a:teed:he
FIR.VT DAY OF APRIL NEXT. when lte present orcii
pant's lease!.
The Hotel • recentyreeted upon the jatest .4 moll,
improved stile No er . recotrunendlit4on: however;
should be tkr.ded , lawn the unparalleled eds.? of the,
present oerwyeut Jorirty rtu term of ha Davi,
L.,,, b"h""'" Arital•ViltlnVkEiii -
..e.....,1331 A.w.u.alr. MIDI et.. Fhlledelph a
Valaable Realßeta ti For Sale.
_ .
rintE following desckib , o . l property will be
sold at publie !ale .n Priday \ th e 1006 day otOetober
net. 0 10 o'clock. A. NI Illov.titatntoet to Allegiartsr
Two lota of grount, on tb.• corn. neat , treat and
Woer allot 1 0 C. 0.,. in trout op beaver atrrot• and
exten.lina tack 0..n0 11 at. r sin 77. On winch are
erected two Inn, nor 3 brol. Da - cllini,kiocon,nun
Jai lila ot eight room. AO.. one Tocant t e nt on Orator it.
..13 feel in front. and feoi dory_ Aloo4ann Vacant let
on Water nth,. iPrOvP GT.llt. 00 facade:B.p.
Aldo, two
tram, I.Crt.llll, Ootionatid Lot. VI It.
niche. In, in,l ins nni Arwp. cont,lnlng elaht
The al ote pro error in &boat cua L•oin tn. Patin
stlranla and Ohio nail P.oat. : Dot.ot. FOrlarthen.nartku.
onn Inpufro of in, ..ut.fcrinorat Int offne, FUthi atriott.
Torso made torus cc 10. Jac of +ale
. A M 1(1.11.0NO.
I!. F.:. 're el
0 LET—A large and
WAILEII4 /USK, nn fleemel etreec, between ircorl;p7l,
Smichheid. grelulre
eep3 K
Great Bargainl ,
—The MANSION HOUSE, forcaerlr"liipt hy, il. AL
tOnl owe by J. O. &Not, l• Nies/A .t private stint
Oak% Itotel le opposite terrbe Canal lUoo. and ndYslning
the location 0( the I , lmq/rands Rallrofil l'afirenger
Mot —by MOO tor 41..hh. regeTezr—ho. Frorpectoof
ereaaed Taillt. I'm furthel ]nrllcolars enahlre OAR.
/AIRMAN, Federal rt., Allegheny: or R. CAALEOIMX.L.
Libertyet., PfttrburFh. Adrolnietratore of the ertalerbf
7 lionise lairtar. dee d. seabynt:
• . .
Private Rtxsidence for'Sale.
THE 1110P1111:PY iiintrered exceeding- 1 0
,i lo.or, *lel 40 very arcattitandrohn o g terms 1t..A.4
I. most ellgobly kcatoct M thoo rapid ImPmein a Cat,
of Allegheny. The 1.4(4f00 11. uneurpasied In the coun
ty: ratan:landing a 03•*i Ae.slit. slew of the city of Pitts
burgh and three rivet. otaa glance: besides being cored.-
01.01 to the quaint.... part of Plttsburgt.• Combining In au
eminent degree the aole.tagrao of ho tit loan and opsnlory.
The Int IP large, erobropang,neou an acre of mond. le
one hundred and lift) feet traps. running hank two hone
dyed and nits feet In an allay. Tile improvements are
nen; the no.» brick , built intoldern alike , of the beat
Material, and finished in the boat manner: having every
eaneentenee that good lute and skill ovoid soggeeL. with
due regard to annum:). There isto well Of excellent wa
ter at the door, and pircs laid frorhydrant water. Carriage
house and "tabling, a rarlety of riluice fruit and shrub
bery. In lotorat, lle ontuation and sotrantyres ran only be
.rrivel.wd by an examinAlon of the preentses ()entice
Men wishing to putome ern inaltedloo call on the under
signed. who mill ta re ke pletuntra in alving esery informs,
•iOll. It it •MT Cii•llte tor s metuingat,delianttul oral'
deuce, rte pureb a sve nu speculation. '
seso2 loAl RP! piViN:lll &could st.
• Real Estate:
FOR SALE—TwO Lloustl‘ and Lots in the
Fifth Ward---ome ~n Liteorty street, lend the other In
, .
, . .
Also-o- rear. A
pie, of ground. 11l (let no\ 'Webster Sheet. by
300 fret on liatner. et Inquire at 317 I.lberty tot
aug26o 1 . - Pholanni odor. I
_ . ..
Seven Valuable Fa rms fc7r Bale,
i LL siTuATEIw near the Ohio \nod Penn-
Pa ny lestoo• ailroad; no the shandy ot nalaan, aqua,
onntomilatt ham a , 0 00 Wu ...h. aloof to i•OtAi dal/
oot cultivation,
AL.— 11. ICI% Si Leis. !also-n the siontene,hoslonst
tart 01 one etlls• •not tn. Pre. •t hateed
-All or • hi-h. w , ill t0...0J oat e.y orm. 7, tee PurCh•
shHkelo. Its the OPP. aid Verney i.stolvilloolirned), dr a
eer of On Paul. t•• ilthquo`gb. alit ta taken ito lair
I air, ostoth 10, duo.. • ul,a, id,g ~,,, n.g adlotning the,
Do.pot gerun. to. a P.Utt rand nuou'or"...mpsay . , •rect a
tirod .110.1 ii , 1../ ap“. 0.0 whteolta mountain ... he boat to.
apt) the !apnea and -tab. wale:water
' Salem 11. liNt ....Oil ~..i.l bet-wean the cities od Mite
burgh and Clorrelen.t o an.... toa osealltnoUtotattatcl Waco*
ten and the tosto,Ct to., to dented. ( rotto the Plant }toads
nun being onfatrooo.ied too •tal town hairdo. /tttoo it one od
the :IS ms poa taut ,010 ou the lour , tol ratirtdal fur a first
eisas ,.,,, thote , i..
1, , 1 0 0
0,,,,, Z , ,A . ch01i STILKIT.
a o 1 J 1 I - 11 ,
FINO Tit.INSPORTMIS, 1.11..4,Mi551(.11 , ; ot
11, tolitollolt 11E111211341 a a /Lot saloo on sacommo,
ring .rno., 111th , tor/ you ...tale LorTe. at,cto trouthno L.:
fret a% inch. at, tract VU., Alle•i•-311 . C tI . .d trout.
Ins on the Penn. and Kean lioute.a.t. ,enolltto &annexe 00l
It,. hated,) , sal estato:ne , l.... - , a ,, c. the ...anal' t , oIIIIX , th ere,
nv ,,,, , natt
~,,b,......z ., ,,.. •.,..., .._,.., , b , Nr. \bj \ eilber
r., t•tnos enquire ,q 11, t at , 14.`b 111.1. AilloaboxpaitlY .
oor at the Ico.olo-1..0. oot \ to t . -.1.!hloo o ~
nat , Sia . rliel rot fist\ .4 .
For\.B.le. .
LAttta LA or I.olhilc tot A roulld eittllii 11.
4 the Ntth hares .1 `1,.• ~/ :oe . Pottodairat.o. tr, ha '
at LH On .01 •.o. t ult... week lood es tetodhog lact ' — el
no I.: pawl,. street I hie proop. , ..skr i- Inentso directly/shoo
the hid Basin. so flu the et,Pultr 1.1 the rale., mad..
of the tat,. II )Isttea, Lo, , lab. claelinog haul.
• A 1.... ALP, I PIL, . nu.l 1.0 I* spl as autLehle 01 -10.1
•ither 00,/ Me ere:to,. od ooue •Ateetelat olaallni,..a
eon.. eta oa et o .ht Aumiler lonebtante \,,, . ,
l'area•- onoe thlr.l no toselhand tbh nave to Ire +Anal
annual POOO wan t.. 1 q hand on* mo`r4lag•
Annoy L. eToW I* Wathl,!l, Arty'. at Lew
augl . ,-.11 noo IP/ Funot h street.
- . -
114 1 1 11l fI.EN I the ikrolling. , . 'n 155 c•Ir•
V thud cear a lottbneld- ei.p. , co ine l a
re bara 0,1114100 01.4 IL_ pattotaus snot to TILA a
thentire boa, is oogyptat...l The bed ah tar ma mad
done Las • lath attach...l. eq..% and eo - oold
water, water en-et, es, . .
AL.,—the hoc, soli...dn a . at a mater
L e non Ennui,
•ux:, tf . licurtb street., neat. At , at.
_For Sale or
.Perpetnal Lease ; .
.1 4 1 0ItTt -TIIREE 11171,1.1)ING LOTS,' \ aid
I. It out loa Ito . ...0. In the original plan of the
l Aiie,ay . fi.ltsliug no both aldali of 'tabors-a atrtal- 1 71
.L bant.Lsoe
• •
Al., .fut :Ala mnre 'can. tha rood at A,'
;Am nol
alervAln, Iva I,
wrZF. un,
~, :-..equir•
rnneere.. tiotLAND, De er.
/I ' l . l'rs . .Tl l 7l f itatllit " at
_ITI , I 11. GAUDY wiLmNe.
II ifiIADY wn.xtNe
Real Estate for Sale.
VALUABLE uoimproved LOT on the
Farwry etreets, Fifth Wu*
oppolte the uer la an l'at.h..llr Cburel, 3(t fart front on Llb
arll e t), ,101 i feet deep on iartnry. runningrunningbee* to Spring
:I.l.”—the three et..ry Lierun.. Liberty
4, re., adwantog e above. th. lot being':. Pet fndtt hi ,
at feet de, TL Pau. lart, and L , Nrouieut- built
modem ety Ir. ea.l ooutalu• eleVc.l.l
a , res..l very valuable !endue," Sharyabureh.
Ileo-4 Fara um, Nu townaltlp
urea Lawrence mutt,. 4 tulle..
rran New Carle
A1..--Parin. In ..ever moray. ,1 alzee 1.051
tr,ra NCO an, Joao
. . .
12 vary 1.4. In Aanso, Ilhnria. Prtma;
mo.lamt• Extqutra ut
Pa •• 1
Alv.raKart 41101. 4 •nd 14.1 VssawAc....
10. Vourthatramt..l.ll.tnbuzgh.
A Good BaKgain is now Offertd,
Pmca thava La Fuer ACItr.A. Ip Gwattrane
went Iletea pramtNa• accal tan 1.11.
with buildlnKa. Tb• przlpertr may be Mai.
&d tato loft. and Fold at • 4..4r0ti
bt •Perftwa dispetked
to purettaao..alll apply to 'PAIR! , t fitVIN.,
.17 2, - • 114 &Nona at.
A History of Pitte h n.rgh.
." tc.L of Pthttburah. tr , un the earlient o. rind when It.
wan rielted In whit. wen. Own to the nkar it Lha .1.1.
century. with 1,00. r. of the fli,t of aoute,4
the itup.,rtant ulanufa.Acries dad ration. 11,4t110f int.,
nal up to the pre:tont time: to which 0 • ht.
odthat. r upon the al rilthlta,,,fe uf our position tor Ina.
ufac n
turtun and wow:urn-1111 purailits. with afu parr of
thn withrestato muount nt huann , inrcatua.-ted torf a annual.
Ii - tr,ort ri rut, C..¢..!/...14 lalell.Gter itnpreirecnents
There I 4 Lle. pnint In rhos er ere . nanny Inthei.
Lunt errutil and oreiirreonn, of hit 4 - '4l Intaind hare
been r. napnuserl - I th lu w, brief •re n(litaa, until the
1 .1.
o.nth ti-i 4,1.004 the lamt if the (Th ~ crane. I..nnther
and rahlbit .th hinfortnaa order hesoia.rikus. Inthfanta,
and ti. proclaim it...advantage. of our itokttalni. wr indute
nlentof, raphn r.e
ali. t,ttle here, la that.N . ieed ..f the in.. ,
111.panga. V' 1... Wood , 1 - rie'lli,ys \.:-
Published...lint .at. by Jirtinf LI hICLUItt.
ser . !S SI 11N.4elear ' t.
The College, of St. J
unes, \
.• _ .
(The m o,llll .lf , flage .1 th. Tru EplecupalTA‘uith.
11.. )(1(0,1(A I. oetober blh, SII , II 44;1111/Aly
n 11 the 13.13 .. c..trup.,u(3,inent Amy,. the lvtlburelel, Iv
July, 1 . 4(2 Neer ntu4eul , ern retflo3llleodVai ((levier. ekthr
opening of toe 1,,,, •re nvelved ul any ((um the,
ntoply. 444 the. lo 4,11, 11.1.. T RI the date ' t(l their
I:ol.f.t.ta ha• the (Aui number of el. 0.. 1.
THE COLChtil. ha• the 41.1Lal number or
fordo all 11.1,p.m:0n0. a.. • ~ ..mplch.....turatloN atti et
the ou....evatil tea 1,it0•it.... Old 1 . ..11egia0te10ar.....1..1,11.
11. Fraltut.. the ~,. .11.....tetateml J•tirws.
Tlih te113.11.11A ttort..Jtatkly..llt4l.l./.1 IL.
L!..11...,r, and 0u.1.., th,l\l4'<tort
tier dlptlnct at tl,e. he;lntuutuot
theft at-aduoncal pr.t.atrs theto ha the mdlt
elate llau. e. it. 1.t.1 att..rth.uX IL. Pod..
oa DI tbe.(.l6,l)ege ••.:1/r• •y . ,1•1 .d j atatu.iet o the pupil.
Ivthe Oramm•r
to the Al ERCAtiI ILE eldatlF...,. the .1411111 arr.,
ornitt.l, sod It• pliwe .opplieJ .10.1t111t..1 1.1.14 Is Ir
Modern 11001 - k•eplutt. ac .
The •Ituallon of tt•Chllma• eallnlttr hnalthhal. sat
01 . IL• 41•Inton frAn 1.....1•11 out riliattro. ' , vet) fayshable.le
gaol Moms and tote, ,
. .
KEMP BALI, • 14.; LalLihn, 0. 1 4. b 3 10. veitlt to
Ia•ly for twrukati.o lu the &Ain. W lb.Ntuluy nasal.
lu hlithq. tha Intinat .04 - 0 Or P.,11/4...”1. lb
hays recscktii atonnionni Bunn Danny L,11411%LL li, Lan
Inter n I.ell an.. L ,, 1.1.1 , 1uthal Lan, au.l .L/410 Ait:\
1.L.11 114
Tha whole otiari.a tot that...lntl bill 411,11ttliLlilt 11•11114'
In IL. Colley* dram...,ls tan hnintre,l ants
twanti.tvo.loll tad th ate., , astrble oaranannuallv in''adran.-an
'""c""'furaaltulailiou to La maga to
hr. .h.IIN B. KEltithlT, Ib 8., Haeur,
. • W'r-,'lt'uVtftt....‘Pujnr;.7,l4l7:;.,•
• h.-.B_---P,Anna In: inn,butalt ' , twin./ any intorinal4un
reeTiFitua this lustitutinu, ale relettroj L. the Bev It*.
L.)znan ..llakr ,
f tho an, IlTniatlr • .11rustaa
University of Maryland. '
rill NEM' SESSION ,4 lir tlega ,
111441. :be um 14, ck... In
AW 'h „ . ,‘ 11 1 47.14.
.ainibel 111,, t •
~,,, em,.l
sl 4, An , tl , .. mA.I.
Wt. Muter, 11 4 1,1,n au,l Vrxrtlce ,11
l'branas, Al , weary l
1Vt•molo 04 C1,11,4.n
. ..
th,irga W Mlite.lieutr, Ai L. , P•Lbutowl.l AWWC6.."
Th. mos, au.wle. oportualitl,.... fay tti• prosw,uWou of
rractirsl Anyl.Ally at a tualara. xxpeose,
CIIIIIPaI Leanne ruin. limrs • awl. Lr P,r4rawsuroh
ali.l 1,1..1.. in N. /iallltnora lutiroiarli •I Oa yrITI •
of LULL, Iwo. L., 11% w.J.1., •ilLunt eigr.. a Iti• aludeut
L, IL. lacks,
1.. s 1,. Ilia Lawltima, tau to 111.5; l'ra,lie Au•turttA,
$1. , . hlaittrulattoo, li, Ut,witusln.u, 1.2 a. ,
M M I, A. AIK/A, \thus.
841.103011, July. 1545. - 1.auA1..4.A5-W.CA
.. . , .. ....
Kentucky Mutual Lie Insurance Corn any.
GUARANTY rj.iND, s \ loo,ooo. .
'HIS CO:IIPAN'Y offer:, to (be imured aki,
.11 lb. ....4iyil. aid Ad. am.," uf thi \ MultslandJi. ti
It Plaiiailsollt•taiuk.keapplled. ... , cabtWed,iganbar: I.
rdles .1 piaraiout, au auwwwl r.turo au \ ..1, ol Li.. L. 4
rent., requhel Si. Iti%.,.ut4tt . gi u t.val. ut ti. , ,Nar, •
:t ' i?rt .. o . •LVar::lo ' :lll: — .stllnarill ' l.l 11,`tit"1:.V",.. a ‘t . t . ft:
Llns .Merit lu the AmstllitilAlitifi futid ae^tl:l Lai sudi
...tor.. L./ wble at death, lit crolite uf.ou LI , ir pulLei,...
m inima.) Lupi dahgood .T IL. perm.rut shier
(hurt I•Tto mamba., wud w.O fur tlv• Ram!. , I7wrILI ..I
(boss tor tbn who. 1,. ul IL.
Sella. is. l; Mutual Life 113A13.13re (qcopyko)
whole rate. o O cal
f pr•mluto Sr. hint at • Lair nAliKed.ebtod
sAl, wlttl w prorlsiout or au aulittally luenmung au\Ulnu
Istlool4 rU.I• (to, (Mu. wurity)lo euct .r.P. ..,
the wiltuUlit of Windt.. and the turf...Ws rut Ira gr.t.
rwusaull Mwsroung Ltio tultu....
tatuphlatil, tract., it,
gran,.(hang In .10.11 the idwu a 6
.. U
.or . Co.P.), losulAbell gra. _and applits • .
ha simelliatkrolyeelA.Al by J. Tli/LWI , L7, Arent.
179 Rand street. Pulanurgh,.
011.111.1/11.W01TA, hledieLl raw:einem, .
GFFE - E-200 bake' prime .Rio, for gale by
Amer JAsfes Datum...ea Wawa,'
la UP. CARE. SEGA —2O kgs. just reedand
ko tor tar or - •J. ECIKKINMAKXR A 00.. \
7,415c0f atm!.
DIARRIMA AND stritn.Rdolit.
PLA INT-177 soma a SlOltalle ienutpe <4.llTattec
In the D
,DY:bt uzucul $1 yar WWI., ti
bur *a It Nlittiti \Tea '
IrrAMERS'.OIL--291b 'for sale •• y :
14111 N.ll, 1,.1.1101.111.C1.1M.
Eterr Packet mem. 131.11RNAL•,
terlle non performing bar reVtrl-weeklyteint batman
thlalnlti i and 11"beellact,* ittabargh at 10 a dm!
a .. '"Y• W e d 'OIIdAY,, and tatunslna.
1•77.0.111m1Ind *arm Tuaotai tbanday and Saturday.'
ta ' t v atentyeek, For fralgla or maw' ,a;sttatboani. arta
AR3ll3FitOntt A ttkOZYK, Akaats.
newnetEmPlizzac..4ix t k r ; Fi n it..
r those .4 ottnartliat• rort.VA I I Fedor •
day, at i o'cleo.. -
For freight oe'lnarma r e• andr on'Acomi , act
r R.N.NATi_m,, iir. „
• Arszorr VP.IIIIONT, Cap, 11.51, , jt. \ rill
‘ re far the at:v . 4 , o,lnd an intermediate •.• te
Oda dar, the 3d Ine.,- at 10 o'clock A. , ,
,For freight or pae.tge, aryl, on boarik , ‘,L re. 3
Eipress Packet Line to Clevejen¢ \
lIE ay
lug M' P th ri e ' rtr tnN tiiii ° ll. f s n e tl ' ai L th ine tht(O l ib
Fenny Irstiroad Comsatiy, gets gui wat
either by the l' eland or New Ogrrie Psgkets, wit Frtilub
through ticketebt tbe arc, bd.fungstint with atta
rs which will ghee them this Rothe to Hoar
ter eithrr ty the Clip, or the RtessuirtiVt s
For tickets apply.* JOHN A. CA,OOIIE F. Agt.,
owner WAter EmithrielstrA. (hri stair,
setAiltit Pittsburgh.
- ---
Mi. and Pennsylvania Railroad:
lan nu
noilintr.ri.. , 0440immillip
:211 NILES. \
. .
Wand niter MONAAY, AUGUSX 441;
• 1351. •
I d Train will run no follow.: '.,
LEAVE NEW BRIGHTON at VL.. A. 11. and EM P' M.
LEAVE PITTHBURGII at , 10 A. M. and 6 P2ty.
Children under twelve yes, o ne half price. %.
llotrieerat Patsburgh End Maysville, - , Flue, 00 rt.!.
Sewickley. 1.5
" Inonomf. \ .. to
.. - YreW o n, \ " 10 .
R ' ''' ' '.4"..\ " " N'l
' '
. •
\ .•
la- Excursion lib c u basald at pedalle d rater
Between Firtaborgb and Bochenter, to aril - Wrath. e
back. the ....
hoggeen Pittsburgh and Ne• itighion and bakt,
Bart lb. Train on minds,. hal Vichreion
Tickets lathed on tieturdaylwril be grraigt furtherer \rn trip
ran Monda),
unaniburzera wiii be at the 'Begot, no Federal nirest. 1.6
r a t
passenger. landing there any where an the rknits
from the Bridge to the Monongahela Howe, th ey gray
hocee. Otoniburasee will also `leave the lionongthkla
Howe immediately pnrriona to the learinc p sUlr i eCars.
the Le bythiLL
Merchants' Rotel, the Bt. libraries, gloms th driest, it ID s '
Wood to Markel and along Lit. Clarstreet. At soy blot
along the roar, pateengera man hall he, Omnilitia and bra
co eyed to Lim Vara ,
The Itallroal will be extended bey° tit w Brightnn el
the r arileet practicable day.
order al the Board of Merl
rid:0101k ARKIN,
angittf • ...II et dont
117113811111111 7 ,A8T - D NEW C4STLE.
connection milli the (Alp and Penna. 'Rath-on
:I: Ilf. •
IDIASSF.NOEIIS trill take the 10 A. in
teem Pitiaborgh, aoJ the
INIAT ECLIPV.K. Cert. J 11. 41,1.1.1),
o arrival j i; ' , 7 , 7 4 llrikltte , n. at II
„a. NI, Jail,. artielne \
'./ 1 .. ..;;;1 . 44 Irate New Caatle al 7 melting at New
brighloti Nn the 71. A
l'eritot conn..,tn at New Cantle with the :+tage. Eu
Niert•er Yharon,
Pu alToU.h ilell.l apply inilk.\). PAREIN.
Tirtel Attrot. Itailroag3 titia‘t;
J. Pr li'ater
: • • mt.nonaahels 11.3
j virdireb:
J. Leath., ohart !itr Cazihe.
k 1 Dll'l:L3. s BROTIII.II. Proptletoiny
itoebeittor. Fa.
\ aggifig,. \ \ \
Core‘pl , rer4 to Lockport, 20 initra :rest of foluirtorn
/1 1 1112SUISSURIBE1tS have the pleasure t‘
aut.4nre to choir Rion& sad patroue tithe Peas
.•131•1 Railroad, thavw• hay- cumulate+at trahabippiu.
at Le gr., , r11, mud euhruleuti, xpec in deliver freight I.
and tn.. Philadelphia la PUPIL DAYC.
. e ate dole \ prepared to revel re sod fcrererd an) emauri
morrhandDotor produce •i Chia tor repaell w bleb is
at the - tollo.ring,teloat height
Vlll2 r ,hueo. 04.1,
t VOA. i 111.11010 . 1., ,At
mine Palau, Dye
net 11. a. u.s ,ther
A l ~
till hi, hutte r, Lind
41t1,n thain and
'o,lt II f'
KWh. ho+lu.tiettuaucclay . . 'nes, Itseuti,Ar-.50e.
et , 4 DUE A 4,oLti. •,
c.UHR , comer of Palm and Watt.* ',Create.
\ v. New Foil Drylioode,
N AsoN CO., Intve 'received and
1 . ode deer nrench Bernina, id
entibi , ,shaded data es preset lot Una matter;
cater Al acentand Molnar embracing pleb id
warn.diruey cont,CLernotun end any el ael grader;
ra-et Par•Uniarraul titer Clothe. and Cohort", coin p n.
tug all shade\ and quadri., lib pen. Woreped Bergri.nird
and tine! „ r s, The el,. iptels o.
Mr ram 01
,pricer which art isuritent ad? unprecedentrelly On..
The 1
I. v iheli.• rTihdrkl ruperwr to Cologne Vain:
.let he ordinary put poceenf the Miler. and bath:du:pad.
Ina rter In ilt \ Perthtne
r?; neemm2 to lafl.r as
fdlcfneer tite \ end bxr preterring
' C liV t lng sth. dT s' . ar^ 4l' ;'l\ i s t. strin. ' .9l7lll P 4Vl t t .
roptable .11 , robbing it pri
'. " 4? 6*. {t roil nmer•
\ttrettli m lhtritA \
'•\ Wilkinstroro deniy.
.41414 , ,had Female En;( t. nar 9,Aoc?.
INSTITUTION •Ncill• open for the
S ri
of pnpila (male and 5 \ llohnar,
sarranare, Bt. The courre (male
irudryrtl disnmiddall
the branches latight m gar hart drafteittle land Saab.
ilea. I Ilurtrations hill be given m all brain: m admitting
id them. 'the .3,15.1 la
_prceided ulthlin a tamely. and
loanable Phirow.phical. titteraleal, and /lair° oroleal Ap ,
carat. for titanium, tor...tuba Milli. elven...l
reference, add.. the Princivol. • \ I
Willitnabutg. Anwar la, 1.1.- I augliblecelin ',ABS •
i.aTOCKS FOIL' SALE— • v, •
In, 15 rhtirra Flail Vlaille Kitt k
I ^ A dentinal , balite.. InlntilY lon,
• tAlleig• InTuraum id:bruit
10 Cliff 11FIYaCncydr-ort. (
\ T. 51. Britt a le4,
!elotidadsw S Creiitand Caelninge hro uLe,
T t.. 1 , 1E Stockholders 6f\"The Little Ss 3lil
inn hallrendComm:len. hereby ttiairiP.
in* meat ot the boilers rdlitire I. muniredr ,
bought ,
on or befcrc.the let day of If, •
By order Of the Board of Vireo ion,
anstsAbrht.9 ALLVCAIt.NArIAN. Tread '
LEM. :RP, litthl, TIM 11LIJOW/lith '''.-:.--• -•".. -2 .:. ' ,l ''' ' ' l .
I Male' , itad Female En;11:4 '4:ll44l \ Classi..2 9,Aoc?. ! \
, .. Isre'ssc, N• 3., Januar.. aT 4- ,.. - ‘ ''... 1 \
J 4 ES RUSTON, ti. -1-. 1.11C41:::. 1' , .. , tt0r .Doi and Sarthparilla tore* ft2St BillitOdItilt4:41: ; - t}, N'T.
T"1 INSTITUTION 'tvii.l' open for the .. ~,..... -.. . - -•
~'. A , ,, ,
teL - trtion et paint male era \ ,on \ UPS.; • A
they reapeetable stntleman bdoristed 113 . tbatithl. , ....;‘,„
ra enema., let Ina alone ef Inewsull esunpn.a.b ~,,,,,,,‘,..,. b .,,,,,,,, .. t ,
~,,,,,,,,, ..... , ,,,, , . ; ,,,,..i tg,
..• ..,,,
the branch,. "'aught th the Met Aeadeinle and Sonde.
rte. I Iluetrations trill be Rims to all 1.0.120 A' adnettins o th er dltestsaut peculiar to her ern , the tool not hod ter, - 'a,
• (a them. Ibp School Is_ph.tided altlthus e tawdry and regular oknetroud dthehartro for a• lone tune • but br the- • • A'
edueble Ahlitt•sPhth.l , thtmls.. to'd Ar.t• . 1, .. , 'A we:of trr, Ciatyont'a SoLloor Da* and SartatZilthiba wahl l A. " 1 '
Path , . Aor tirtlllard, surklaltlidit lOW pst 'aught.' . • ,„.. .. , ~,
_...... 2 , ~ : g
relsrenee, addle. the Prlneited. • t, t. \ 1 TXllrally cured. sue used totttledttd d altdomdtlyTtletdit, • • '',..- ,
Winded -nth. August 14, Ithl. -- I awslOoletelsa 'th.ll. • ' steered:la thq)dlettert bettett. Lle bad one daughter
: r - • 1 .
1 TOCKS FOR SALE- . , . I truth tits sunatattno. . I. E. TRIPP h CO. ' •'' s ts•• 7
15 shored Btoddoek's neat rlauk Root i
, 'lliuntharnts., Wave, ennuis, 01sT hill,
1 - All .heny_battws. Indlluhou I \ rs S. f.. l . o ensh.4•ldd his. I Lthrob•etd• • thFth hthe gins , • A t , ' ~
AI .. ow wend rennet irs...?ta I \ , a y trulUn of yotlr ittllOvltotk ,ergo
... rtt sar! ,. .ik -
I. - !A u. ,„., m , u,* " ....... ‘ - '9'"" , \ 1 :40 ,- ii she haz nook earl..., ~. aiplai Eryntsthas and • .S.
IU - cud eitucelvr ewe. Unto:iv ( ' 01eatnes••
o 4
•J 1 the Womb. do. and It has al
eV s .
\ •xiM. N. 11,11:1. r in, hsthal bee very s } ; dr the }lslet/tit* - It baChttnts,.
71.-d*.st , s t'ettlt att•. r-t ,- hattro s t , tj ,,, : . etteett4 • cute. I I,ll,\\JC, purch.....l a stand hdttla e , . '''''.\\
NaLee, • ind Judtdots 'rein the offset el tbe lorads, SW =With . ` I
XIE ' Stockholders df\,"The Little Sa Bil ' ' l t s . ' li ."11.S.0" port tog.. A ' ••••••.'''. i
Run Itallthed ensupauk . , :ara hereby note's.. thaiasi AY.."." nos T"....."411‘,. N Q.aalic.c.L' ~.. • .
1 ,, , $ • '
,a, moor of kite bolas satin. 1. reylliredt Iho pall : \ ,
on or before the Ist day of her eel'. - • , \ 0 ~0 -
.0\ 0 - 1t , ..,...0., .. -2 , 1
IsT.Ordet of the Baud of Vitottord , \ i
that Salkoldth A LALSAYARN A UV., TYnr.
Marc• Ave.
actin eatts.atald s • - • .\ I
Stone WaTe Pampa, for Wells and terns . ILlrtlon . er t ar m.o. Law... . ii. 4 ~..aa.
. . Entrthoblet. and humbnong of the Llasid,rd '
XIIE SUBSCRIBER Infoline the ' uldic , tea za`,',.....,,:«1ei.,- 'I Outuutra ' ruse] Lis. ,
' teal Pe had Introduce] 'ably.. region tb TUNE i •Al •, , I. , PLIInd, \ '' ' •
• Itasa, ris s iforion , thr 29, ISA • Z'';
RE PUMI•S. laanufattured hy Avow. Ntl r.....1. ,
Stysenn, et' Mlddlobut7, Summit munty:,(s • trln b hate • I. D. 11r.:., .E..... 4,1 .th aids As lufaros Foci Qat Wee
• ditio net'
hnlrand , thhth•othsu 101 .... 4 . Th. hudlos to•• llello
I vit'oeh and Sfaretharla.' Alrn \
aoo•Atthalltice of thew Pumps Are, that Shay a swols , I
...., ~_ ___l „
.c ,
_...._ ...,_,, gaol
wk‘M:•midm'm en-.t out
rm 'm
M 'TM' k l mP .V. S: I Itind A ' "9. 7 1 .'‘ ":
' aV .."' l7 u' Ill: ".. d .. 111e. \ f .• L'l ,
Porfeuth_satet ant cool. and are ts dust ,le ao raps a rev ears. e 7 , r , int Ic. at ao .
rottd V.1.11d7 are At. ahowst They can. Ist dt , t,. 1., I , I ~ a ... \ . ,‘,„
Case 13Y stareheue,, No. lad Atha sneetsur at . Lbw - I
rte . stor4Son Udell slißt. Selo. 'lt gale Itntste hut • " h '• t o h . .I ' l ' 4 "h ...‘Z. `"`Yr th ` .l . •• " 16. I • h: ....r.l
1 at thoeeldacot wilt bq stomper eled Its the atthscrlldr. I &WEI. Ito. tiu.ll , - ada .o at :Leith \ ,,,,lthayty tray aura.
1 Itons• Waist rthat., manutactored at It. same pl 4 sm. and ly athletsi wall dtplaituti VOw 414.4 au4 vtt.s. chi
i" f‘ i 5"....F 1 .4 ...'''' fr.. :F . 'S' , ..Z. 11 1 . W .• root ex."tudardgN path. In lb. 'l•Usk Aid idlaa. , ' tall. ' t
1 canals...b. fursaaluel. It la of 1 Aun. ran be , fur i .
~ ..
~,. . c , . .. _ _ ,
untied at Worth. sthe half the pnea id lead pipe , Mu.. rudlddl wl 11334111 W / 11l dildtt.t.ol6.o4l,“lttldt
• ienSalasdrd Jolth LC/REAR., eatremniat,ittel nu bus* oftair wen' ..11*AL *llia . ; ; ' .
' '
", NEW .ISUSIC. ~......., . I, --
i ~.. Imo tiro vary Anitis. I bat* 101' 11771.0 ...see. .--- sl, I
• , ~,updalua. Ili mnat aIAL mrllcal lints IN Ida stales '' in
ER THE WATERS NBW, by IL Ryan; I ai battiaa , but c. 121.1 ger. r*.laf Stlouths tossutlatthitg, ... 0, i
LA Arial Child Us America: M 0... batty. hy Milan 1 t turnout trledt. gnat Huai - of IVA din./ arith :.. • •1 1. ,
I 01%utOPY d• / lodo , tun" If ' 11 • • W.O . is"f f f (14 " . • little u`s• oo martyr But tba• {tat "'yak Ido411"* • '..-''-' -.1,
• ttos at, olth slgoeft Lust Ideas. th dad l• the lat. ,..
Oro, 1111 vlitnall. hells 1:11., forte., The retens.le, Ly : I Atte. thlsk and •.- , •••••ou., al, - •TED,p4a isininv4 \ , - , vl,.
rsbut A The IthARY Chance, Lt hussatlLJthly 31...t.eart. awreatstuatet Halm aa ~, wall all 11: Ws to any `... ..Ist. :. , " --;
i'V ' e. Irs•Cto7 k r
res . X7 H trXduni:7 * Tife ITV:Ii!i At:: ..,,,==,,, • -..k.. , i , •4 1...T•1'• 1, 4 \cSzh \ 4 , mond, `,,, * , ~,
II s Ara a Ladr, Masan. .dong-Twlllght bens tore '..a. hca how Va 1....? =lt? and Is& sW. Mr. 11,th per. • ~.. \ ,
t ' il . ll ' sti Yrrit ' ' 11 " a11 . 4. 4 ..4 " I tt Will[h deans:
E gVef. ' '''
'''' ' '''.i4". my
'''''''''"ll"" ! " ''''') thl. \ 0....4
tit ri
tv/ ' aiitn. tr ill:Till ' s . ... taloa lirltaur, Lth •'' hh..)- " ,.t.. • •T. h• 11 k• "1 1, •th• ''. , ;1/;•
ty Welts. o;ustiosit halts, Itlotio n F•thrlt• Wall. ell..
1 lie 'taw, tad than. I bare
tot.' Noll • a ' 1
Is and. Wel Ii••• VI Old. Loilottote, tdseat, bditollll•titlld that went ilck all unable tb tlideferddltdar • • ,
dtldtta tdi , l.k U. , . l'A.. - C...". A1 P .. b .. 1,... : dltlne, Oa Tellod \ Walt an d brfuparlUa, was to
\ \ -
titt l it.% - V2l M eet:flll,=! . - L lL• r .ll? r iPit • gran listatlfs ‘ ,Latrtd by It. th , asioe4a thsals --- \ 1-
.tt el
Vltustyrs dunk Stott . thiee I t thetruna granule. Yew, tr"./Jr, • .4.IIcL.XSTAIILDLIOL. ~ I t
he I, Item ut dltdlsnJ; hos ..tbasottoloi trelts.l. No sor Ih.„. t , ...thy tot
pa uptalazyth Lathe...fgt..
Z • 1 h t . " l '''' h( . '" 4 ' a " . " "I " . bi ' ' t Int' - 'I J.• tlb ern ab
a a• 0 • k
,41 - • \ RAIN 11 .11.1. ult. el Wood at. . •I't • Qua 4\ . • q , 'oto .stla t
• - - V. -- " 4lthA Irlth the velltett atonatutas"S.. 4. - Itlthaff - . 1 1I.:?
NEW 1.)001k8 ! NEVA:IOODR ! . oawan.wrc,par. \ ''
. . ..L ~... .i.t,,
B , CCORDEONS-.-.,-A toplelidici s and varied i 4..1 '', ... h. naafi. elndsth•n. dtdos hotthears nacr e .- t
~, fulsk ta the Imrt branda, fun trotliad •uf Prouth .1 Tialuntitreatts saattlaut-c4Asl/ Afetut, . , '
CITTIS-..-6 TotriLlaslralls ...WWII, elk:: : e, gaud II 'Co anon. all node., must he addtesotl. ' '...- '
teas, coe.. atasttnt \ u , tat tan huh... s a55z..1. , 1 •.1 Ewa a this . .. b. a, S'abuiatt A Oa: 4.. A. nues.d.
7LVAARS-4. estehtivt tni <Aare 'tart lying ' WH• f f• if- flUaisi'''FblLsa A lothatit;stilailliVAClL, I
JOLLVS-B.ris 0.006 1. 1. n. \ p ..S. and tu.• of warm - L. T. liumell • Wastilugtet. L.. 14 \ 130•14, thaldtdodnill, -'- '•
iksP' t igit t
sfk i hvi -1.., f 0 It and . W•"7•° ! ...ama ' a a.... !` h. " 4, 1 rh h." lii .
,• • • - h .. .I. •• . . t eadford,Haida ul, 140.ntlu.des 4.oyr.Efolthlsralt
rialtos. • { \ f
• Conn., Tuba/.lluolso.illAa4tme,ll - strupsta, nd el II 0.. A, esa, lusllana., el, lk..Wslght,' k
_Chthastral .
0, ratlay of Ilmsabtatrumeuta, erlected and crud I th's Fr.k. •/I 1.13,111.4111.18; A.. Wl,4*. je.5,...., • -,11j,,,,,..L.,,, ',, , •
s \lblirlt. Mm 1f and Add at raid. lit. .\
~,, ' neturetue a 0 .,- , t. C• ll . ll4 ws hk•s•ltliihr• ft.. 1 .•"• -1 - s . \
\AL. the norast and most ropularlluslc, Just }frt. sN.
XU . -The tabors ItuurstiLusuja amatasmaiast to he ii-o- f 'us Uilds 6 . 4 r.f l .fs M.A. *lat.!. tY; 0.6. - Aut. \ • •' ' .
sort and fat writs evert refpris-.4 nasal faulty tar mr- • sou U. battik Aker.. T. u Psuuts as - Ada- Ci
AI, , •111 na trutruol II di 1.6.1111 t, IN Thmt es.' , ~...,,,,, , ..t . ,,,,,..k . „,, .;4,,,i404,,,,,, , . \ saru PION UP Tilt (K)LISAN HARP. '
-s-e---_, . . ' AldirPrirr-11l per /Mull; -5,... , ,Bod,Zl4 .. fi,its. \ , - • 1
‘,l I ItUP OF ti.LLQW I.4)(d“lttarr---12 \ ..- . ~,
... \ ' :.. - 1 \
1.7 W. Sun sum Psothletier, It. f., .4 kr rale . siPleolaullaTP
•to W. dorm of dust* font., 10122 alltertlsamaut In an- \--• , -4,---4-\- - -......„,.....,:_ , ~ •1 •
1/IWas of bunt( 1 '\ •
~.,11- 0 - Wiel" } Figg \ Jud4ra Medicated liquid'eutitie:j , \ ;,-, \
.e s a i i Wood i d ••••• e ,
, - --'('- Ff i lllllS AILT.feLE iuiptuadiAl foirlidfiVidse ' - ' . - .
tiINDRIES- \ , .‘,at ,ateati Us 20111.. IL It yoltildatil. At didei hat- '
SO Itbd.a. prim...6141(u ' ' Ity 13 or laud. SioscLasslas •As art I....estotaut uatlA•d - .4 ' '' '' •
:.o. Lbisl;l3.ll. Muir.. .\ ' Injury*, Melt rdAtte tbruttyh twthent. end thuynoydri ' tr.
Bine, • ~ WM ...I UAL. •1111 Ilia! thld althistS be TAZ • ' ,-,
. ..... Wet Nuifar, (labia lu them. .4 attar •• %Uinta - silt tht.lTitt it . .. ,. •
lo Lh , la Crushed '•
\ 6 Puls , "l ,„ •' For ail. by Tata MaT raftll6 that Ite. titaiiiittio i rci, lasrlildlira . -- - ' '''' •
sapd , 4 lIN WATT.4I CU. curtal3 mad, tor t 6,1 JULl's 61.11611.4 pliklththideshe \ I • 4
. •'s -•- -..--• pared In Ilsaans cumuli s ceca - tee ti
, ' pared
raelsolmitua it tu por.. V '4 .4 t rottlrrou s . ' \
f•S IiEILEBI: GIVEN thnt an A:west:tient , t,t,. ' „, '"' „ ' „ 1" ,,... `d 11, b""'" ,.., 1 1., :"dL .A., 11.1 rt - ',1,7 01 .,11 ' ',
AL asf 11c( o.t V.n, pz ... b. ~.. 1../ ... Ull auto , 'al.. Erna, tittrAie, al .tona l aimaaw.. - -.-- \ .- • -.. ,
. sl. Mr
of fabliau tlempassy of • . • ',ls.altlati YS, IL Ae, ',.."
MIM I : natant* at . Mr Misr of the yusuratty. m rttc. s. -", Nttd. 13. C.11.111', M. It., , ..' ' I
Luso. 1•., eo 6lrslal. %Louth .1, of October bast, to ••
W PALUI.U. Terusuar. ' ,
,',' F.'W MG 1)}1. 1 N.L . -' 1
Warr N. A MINI , . Po. of Poluat. Muth/rub, dep. L'IL
„. ilaum, ~,h.., d . „ I ,
\ , 4 -7
\ o __,t , , t , , atAbenarrit /Watt, te..o.,lrkdasr:YA •
cateetutue en ttie Prdotitslattrtqatrtddd u t tha this 4
Notice, \ ' audio... 4. •
S ' 10th "ialo II ' It '4. VA liii.iAntit. a ' iv ' ---- '
4 , ,,, ..L. PERSONS . knowing theme•lves Ain , dad' \ i '' - ' , lic, ~,,,, 1.,..1 - ..,....115..: 1 t, - .4
deb.,' Id tdd tor I, , dd *food.. at. 0141.1.114,410t11/ NA L .., . ,
~.„... ..... b._ nu an re. or tide, ,ber au after Mat 11 titt,ONIPLAIN.T of five yenta' SLR d . ' .. I •
thous t ➢ e d econtst3 dill bd pluad In the ..usta of * Mane to` ed by wing Ma
.40d Ira, off I -s 0.
no colt - Inas JUIA's '4 II LPILIAILIII7-1116•11 at- t are 1.11'21 PILLS. Talloarta brit A N11111.1;41.•
'i•' . 'f ,2, ", \ --- • Iskatuiml.l.l.l\ i • . - - \ l64 .l l l6 l o, r tesas. Ate\s' 1 '
•V' . Mr. 11. A bullets-Ducar 1146 *ILIA pleasurr• 1, so - , '', .
- SAW .iiinatC,.. ',
• \ : termumaaa your Lira Pill, wale. hats abated *fa • . • •
I oils 11. 3111.L0m,,, ' , N,„ 81 Wood etrek, tr,i,==4; b 4;:r4f,: ' th* '-' ' ' tif4 - ,,,T• ' 9,1 . •
\ \O4 .
- S. - 4
l'Pr;N •• 4 ,••• ~• ta. sUllassllu'iris r sod popular ura as
, e , : r e e. uun p i i y . in i t0 ... 17:::::f .,
4, 64::::::::::
, -s
: j,,,..,_, ‘, , 4 ,•• 'i \ . ';,. \ 130*.r, 1 aux ear Uturit. novorbss Cy. s cler , :tr. , .ll a: .
0. g . 4. ,.. ; • ... i : ~ ../141A . 10 , 0t Lucia de Liar bas dons i.oolonettp‘sa. theta Gestiattatut tote •• e - s- rFa• ,
P ul Nigh Isse. Port ll ‘ Lbt• taadire, but bu rain: Ist last I heard ot rout Itrar 1... .• • s
M Isht UP kl r, b Mark qukt. sup; ninth tr ou t stood too out b-sppy noUltu aut 1 I • * . I
Use no* ut.t • \ Wesid'a i' air Piaci:new ary without' asafigeratlots Mall ioumoupeurot:s44, . '• ,
ittriart \• 1 baits -lea,
Ituot haft 1 thoritlon• secommead Mem to all irtm fr•ltt.a- 4.4 • - s • _ 1
to to AU: •\ u ( 5.,,,,,,L,,,,,,,...
1 •flfih ' WK \••C ma tau^ ma thatatirtt air d'm •rVret th giru ' lslinar -.;-, -. ..... • -• 11 1 1 2n;•• \- • , -- I
M kthd tothe katdontts • Ac . /%1.11 .
Pmba:era . r Mat slAklniallilasr'Ll,
Vatbar's Pr. trf . \
,\ Ls c7oloe-dloasarlseut fair • 1•111.8" Uses tbaltillOte Vritrier.t by 11.. AM.:LT:a:. A ' ' •
4 ,7 0 1 1 0 11 . 1.. _ t . Ilasliare ma If all those ir •It 11noSIttesste aramuituTiurrof bay,/ loaltaUrna , set , •'• -.' .
f tom Ma\ d•afting ruing darns: -'
g ` g a irt ~ i r c ,,t B T ' ' '"' . ,6, ' ', L ,',. - , 113ROP A.L.E.t t . .% BAIIIII!iilltfeOl i 1 ' - •
1 7. 2 a..Par MT „Ur 8,1• 4 44, 2 ri. k - - A_ non on Rnoin•unnoatrousn.--41 , 3••k, i - . ,- .4 ..
GI l't 870.0.0.• \thlisoMd:at. Chanel', .1.11.1f1T .- , ...5":" . ..°?.ll'''''"''te2 , ,?l 11 . ' 4. ' 4 = ; -- -\ i
rot ... ~
\ \ - \ - ' *.x2 --- ' - ' I i •.. rnt, ttk..t.l'=rl4,t' w ,..4,41.4X' ~
.. m ./. . . .
CIIROME Y.E.L.LOW ' 2 oases for ante, bj .... - % ...h. '"? t r e itT L ' .. " A- I .o ,,, hgtsdAnsd • i ..
s . .
'loll ' - .7L 'Actottanan•it , : --"* ". ' "7' " ." . .`.'!"'°','."!.`."4.l'=""w-r°
'tT":" . L \ l'°'vt 2 4r&r.g.titi. 4 .
E,1,: , ; , L 1 EAD 7 -.560,1ba; eglfoio,r4r:l*.ta
ui reclettd • full ancl
• MA& 10 VIA paper.
. ,
i ii , • .
-• • ---:\ -•- ....:.; - ~,...........:::. ,--.•;, . 1
: -.. : , ', -. - 7--- T . ' : : .
% . ..'::.‘,,-• \-, , %, u:- \ ..,..,..4 ,. .; - ,
• •••:, . - ... \
\' \ j .A. _ :„ • "•\ :... \
~,: 14:
_.... . , . 7.-- :. 7...\\ , -.,,—.\ ?:.
‘‘, --,- IitEDICALV,-...::. ... A :.; .-.,;\• .• ~.,,4 :. , .
AIERSaI3.I3I3 1 1 .1.,—Imerfb --' liaa, .......: . i ..• ',- 1:- \
couoas; : poLps, go.assma9k:lol4:4 , lll-..., . ~ \ ' ,.
T 113,• WHOOPIEG 4 CWOHi,CIIOP.h.,.• .., . . : \ ••.
ASTHMA, CON/31*tiON, '•••:‘,
.;'",-. '
.• • • . • • ‘, •\
TN offering to'the, cottitinitilijitail , i1413f : ' - \ A :\ ''
\ •
.1, aaebrehoimmedy thr Mewl. of Mr Mi.: h 111 : 11 . 4 1.1o: .., :- \ 1
it Is hot ow oish a 3 Mfg* with the li**.ax naslth at uw , , - ..'1,,•. * ..1..,\ \
allieted. Wittmat,. LT ham thetd s - tho aphigtO " il - ;' 7 " : i - • '- • ''', ..
diettopulehed motteMa some of th* .. , ,iailms ath Wse :',:'',-". •••-• ' -' ' \ \ i • X
'-"J""ki ' " v 4 " Judg° ' ,l ' l / 1 .14 .1'1 - 7 111i t '7: 40 ' 5. 1 1 ' 1. v : ' ' •-. i \
meow ; ...Age °undoes ton akomouild M/iteitlimits OF iiMo
....... • ..55. , ,, - • . i
.', i \
, - . - 1 • •
giatePlCAti of Its mammy - . not viii ' hold patowr hor , • • •t• , • - i NO-yl• , ~• -; '.„
ffering humanity *WSW liteto tiilit.i.otion-rime •' '. . - ' '' ''. .'" l- :'!" ,1 1- i
6 „ „,,,,,, A , ..„' ht. kitts .nd we *tacit Wittdl:: : ' . 1 "' kw , ,
f.,-„, the publle Moo all we ptibith.' Whig mot* Um ii • • : ' k - ii ' ' ii : ';`,.
wlll find them weieot. lyrelt•blitodid the mmtki/oMdr:W , , ::..,.• 5,'"'...1t-o
tile.. le,el sort/Moue. and patimmsgs.
[From We .tittingulahoSt l'reitessoi• of Chemistry mieS . l.l. ..., ': : 1 5 ''' ' i
`d Bo dflm
Dun but I delayed atomititur Mt rend of row 1/05` ' ':" .• ' .'" v.,,
Patattosotil I had w opportunity of • itttessiott its •t l 2 , , ' ':' , ...""'i.*
mot• lo my own flu:dip:or In the tamiltes of my flistoist.,
..... i - ' 1' ' . '''...:::14 ‘ ...
"11 417:rgr *U Ptifidtlu. " .. ° _. i. '‘""" _„_ . ._, ' '...\ i .
- • • ..
1 bare mund e 4 its ittigm•Mettia sh...i• - rouo. x• - • - i'V
...irsm wade. coughs, andrimonswessal. ~•• i; 5. , , . . . 5
81,111, 5/W. Us, :O.:. 1147 - ' \ `, ' '': ' : ' —i' • '''' \ , .
Inutti au (tremors friths Masai/Ws Alillt,ii . Wis ettyj - . .. f " , ,i, . ,
Pr...LC-Ain, 1 lumo tom =reeler the weirs/ coax '"' ' :..:' Li . / X\
gm 14 Irt my 11m bY your .. Catint
yet b util,Xtetteu 1 brr. ppportatat of naltioitig . it • -' ':--4 ~. 1.
- .e.,..7,1., Y.— --- .E. ik. EaLita. .1,0 N.. , $ • • ".
: - 4
Air /11.1 tb,k/101C11,7,..{3211 see If thiiittedleins itliontlit ' ' • fi.
• trial. RIM wheat had lemoms very ft•bl‘m: : 11.1 , 0 '.. '.- '' • :it
fact of Ibtomeiticias was unutistakmbly dWM— : 1 . '''' ': "i
\ : •11 , :
T' c
. S. HMI, Allasola Brioncts, Jitly 0, 16117/ X -
Dv J. C. itmea—Siu. 1-have hem a:lsted with apataha i - • ..•.1
erection a the ' kag, wrgi allthe syMm 4, 80111:1 1 . ..' ' ' \1•; -S- ".: i
2:ll,°.°lg,T%ltTfo g tVT4 ` c... ' Z r . - ut ,l ail% l' , l gtg:Z . , ° A . ', ' .: . . • - - \\,.:.
tyiei of your Cis \toy Pottorm, whiel: mos me podium tu- 5- ' -''' •
lif. Vol 1 b.'. iiou Moodily 'aiming my amore.. "e' '
us: health is tsal Vilith ..... wciu...filK re.* oso‘' - `•,,' • ''' ''.: .
i,tha.l bad Mt Madmitism of urea,” matt: wf 1.11.1*- s - ii
d ft l ol.l. Mv•lVOttatt• 01 fitunr , ” utsum, rho had- 5 . .: •. '
b«o. swim/idiot fvota hie paitil doll. by • seretet at- - \ ' i..7•.: 1 .t.;;;. - .,• - , : '
tack of Intoob MO, 1\ have . stant• t emu . \ i ••Y.:.:' tii
I fvtv 1 0 1,11 '5. 11 : my Itrvag I.e.puri : • , ~ .;?, . - : , \ .:. , -1 ,. ..- ,1 ,...- F , 2 , •
, \ ,
.( 74.., 11.111111.1""."'"'--'' .:.\?...7 . 1 i i..1 •
'fbe fallout* mu ow f Um' euttsf of 6,..5. tehtch the "1' ..• ' . ..i' - 'i
phi/winos atut.yriends t wait to \ be irountils omatutop-' ''f.i ' ' ••• ...‘ ' '' ' i '
„, \ : uMvsy...y....tug.://5 Mtit. • , . xi i • '
J. itv,Atmt—iiiiii / w as ta Witt I. . terrible witah,: : ' • - i l . ...t'
brought ort by in oril. in the besitutiniAof ism l'obrysty. -
\.. i i,,i'l
and soorievoficed I my bed Mr mo than Mo moutlit, , ' ' 4 - -';
Couguluk,inceseautit t WO sod day. 1 bentmo ntis.stir
, ,
ppd pale, us ar. wen suntan 11 , 4unr,..aalarr trays
vom short." Indeed,
raplall ling:Luta ia meta. _..
trope for bmitth that but Uttle Lb of my`tonevery eoull .be rotortahaei Wkils in (IMF filAll /0,1 y• Mita/ of oaths, '
/th e. h e y. Johmileller, of thir illathoeMst:hutth.ibmst:h: . . - . . , ,,--7 ,
me • bottle of houichtor.plitettenth Which.: Wad morn
to Krattry him Wait from 107 expeetAttoti of phtalaintsvo -' ' ' .... ''.--• 1
lief Iti. good arta indtwokresMeouttou* ite we twit ' '
'I two (hood my alth mu improsetk Nov ihn thmo• • . •
mouths lum well !ad etratm. ud latt at bur l thce..;:ii , ' ' .. - -i
,1, to lost item rhottlelue. : I'TL thildoePP. 11 4....e.' -' . ii' ' i ,: i i i
/ . o ei tt ,.*ei. • 5 . .. • JA flabut ,
„l? El- - ' • ' •" =t I "
Motored wil iutt toy JaMll.4 I.' Al/411, pratrinntchiat ,. ::•'-`. - ',...:- - I
ut' ... r ilVetird'cit, ax. . ‘at.,.4 Li r... A. PA:II.. • ..- • . . .A'
aml 1 •':' , • • .:: , :•,.. 7 , ' , '„: 4
::!., . • Qi.',)::,s .. :,..• , ' , yr \ ,
,HR. GUI SOTT .9 Improved 'Extract f• , -. - 2 .„,,- ~
li_ i ALLOW Doch.,ua, sAmiAPAL.II,A, is DO • \ ' • ..;-.,•111 -
, l ot nv In th. Is.rgest *Rad Kottler ant le aoksOwledsprt \ .., 'l . :'. Po.
Ito he the BEST S-12.4.1044./LLA made, ... Ik mtleml
hp lb. woularful CURES It hit pirforrocl, thibuistaal
_. \ \ • ''',
Fool. of pettish are In the nof the D otiorl.tor. \
I dtem.mbrivpd. I. thrpnly fro arid orootmdl ordelgs. • ' cot': . ; .•
, Thin
j m a., lefo o . l4 , when bend
u azio . loM m
2 .1 .. t.1t ,, al:. , . . . 2,1 : . ._ ,, ...
ILL Chili& WITISORT FALL. ‘ • , ... \ 1
\ \ ' . .
Cariran. Tumor., t
panne of the Bibs\ \ - - A - p - '
Morro mor T.ttors Scald Rog, \ .o .
' tlhautoott.M., to Um IlogieeNi: - -"" -"" \ 0 ,. 7 "1.
\ .th• al.* Eyphilt.. DYPeal.4l/aldkbotuti• \i !-
Db.. of the K nay, Lam of Appidd , - - ;.,.. . \ i
itiamases 1...1g100 oin the Ore of Mer -
, r. ii ,
`ilex 1
Ohmilderi. de oral Debility. \ so. 1- I\
. t/ropm. Lora ma, Joon.
Sea .1 . elir. \ --',, ` t I
rm. Itz.,r revALS .11E% , 1.VE. .c..Now2r/-4 , :, -; ;
id to
-"- , \•• '-
lorudo Couluptierrollarreor: a. Ilf..itdaf iThatE4 - E -. ,‘ "- -
Fiii n, Loortruaa, or Whiter, loeou at,. cr rm.,. Ail -, A
.roeral .1 mind, ate 4 4,1 11 D.' (igailoYEE ' o _ w 1 - ql.' \ \
Extruct ~,/ lell..A,Ducl. aml Surs.....r , otilchaireitto-d, ' i• - • , 0 7 d,.„.t. ". '
mat late p.a.( by ranewlng th. I.,:trel• \da ol himitti .4:: \ " . ..t.0.i2 -
.tronath—the hhoyd, It o• al 100 tholnitra, goy,' \ \ .. A ditoi!,
ism.. rat reerellonk, and /lead t.ealihr 'am to Witt. '
vital tio•rr.
b.-, .II ♦ho 05th. h. Dort. to Glued
ad, tiod from the treeltidolgen, of UP. todortititi . ,
the arloor, and to props... Lb. ay stedu to MU/A eitztitam, . ..
epidemic...ll.mM DOI, to D. GllrrOter EStrild S ir t i ...- 4 A ...yd .-
Doet aml Earsayouilia, whirl. tit propinvtaelEadi odisi • ~ •
tor many of them ma li gnant dit.sta that , 0,,.., ... io-
to and thoy will never be dl..roto.inted i for Mr LI /Os, '''....,''''... .'
dy the pnblie faith ha s Deem iray.rod—tieyry .an are‘,..:',.... ,. . \
for It la Nom led on experience, joit as their want o f.'
In o therandrporlindeomtmund.4 lo '.`rE. te '-
Thep tip hind mineral nostrum % to holoo, 1 f
got from Mtlayo , elp tooolit.le rafted, Mro
oroye, holm SF t
brolten down on Lealth and ...irite, h0w....r loattommi ''' .1
hi.alf mad oilman, let noon,.dedeep..ot lit. retairetyl It . 4 -
ro s ' ' , .I, ' I
th. patient only understand that hit too.. of phyintatiei,' , . .'
Dontles Ile. Soar In Extroot of Tallow Eig.Sit,, o
and raraaganlla. and persolole him, for 04,1, esakiri,to "..-\
try It, ant Ira bare to h..itorlon In ri.dmiougli. erjeett , \
re.toratton to health.
• . 4 4 4 4 1 , v
DROP ' ALYI. (; .6.4oMVii.altteok. i
.. ROO Ott 41.1:DICATY.D CoMPOUNII . .-; , 11 . . , 16 to 1
..../ofttz a permanhat enhia thll.o,
Ilt. cthnium , therhily, . rash h. x.,..h. , hhh , l , d 'hn =
Ithjoleolly, di Ut!hl? karma htnixtephl,harTr.thi.,
Atrons.. n.WtoOto LAtotiottod. Itla3tunAt.itto.4
:_thr own-slum. a au nunicatity: ih-AhhoitypilTh
t...,, th the 444 Ala cord in pr.lettnee loGlt.rullco
an ith.h it losr...tts visas go ibh awdi htloo:NitAhf •
thu. Drusnow nolgo.T.t. t. a •
gm. the dna/ mff
.mdanV scum %tido.,tyx , , ,
E l .r. ar:Vorm.had MKT obha:hio.3l7 , r ' sitiliZ*
r . ,... , == t ravthh a g,..l• ; - .., Lttrai_oitatrOhlt4.
. .•I_ , , . :,--.- -. IS. hh .111:64 67 w -4if.',
••"t of tt• garner