'~S- _,,. .#~:~5?..}:: csTAßusTrEp IN '1786 GA.ZEI'I'E. PDDLIDECED.DAILYAND {MELT' DI & CO. erne= Ler onsn mcn.scrr DOoa vo rut ran on,, . dol i twi iau, peeable ball =eels' tnizaLy—Zi a dothus eer ustua. In advance. CM= Sit' benulled on thus colrarlog cendttlonv-- three coplee per anon= ..... 00 cotnee do Sea =pies Up ow. to be earned to cm pence, sad be paid Invartablvin ad nom No Club rapers CU I, laeutafter the nmindret. unless the comer I. out fm. • metal. , iti 7 B II tOPADYZEtTIIIIIIO. ikuukciOile« of Nonpareil or lasi z one ° Da. eaeheddidostel lateertlen- 0 ...1% rq. • ;".VO, three m0nthe.,..•......... 90 0 0 .... 843 / twelve =oaths Da 00 - 151.tiedrag Card . F Han ow less, perannton-115 00 • •OasDolterfer additional 1t0.., • Ole gdbare,v , ang=l , le at PliallklaY (paw n. wan) exelnetve ot the sweer--.---.25 00 Ala alieleaddltlonal Noun. herded arse one month. and *eases alolttontd square insecced wader the yeesis ranee. =exceeding a mantra. and Oa out MOM /WM to hosettived, .0 almand a half. ,za l Lieste t e... o =l o, .. 4. ll,o o, l,.4 . en aen t s r. aubsonateog ess,thdatee for wane. tor cheitao the soma •• , , ddebttleesseate not Intel,ed Ota ow/ for a apicided moo, nedenerunns • •111 he Motioned. OW fabid. and tar swat exacted accorennely. Isnuselenege otannual advertise= I. ettl r Aglited tiddrartelteatudistsdrosliteen; end RA id 1.4 to 14: 43 tuctt of other arrellasaltedvestlanot eoncavabi with their own bosineu end ell ti of advernitments. In length or otherwise, Derma • thailtalle angeged, t il l he charged at the uatteS rates. Yor , • all tael — traesUnt atlatticlng hlas 61$ he separate!: • totem]. sal prom.pcpr . yaenAA, danced. s,,t2nizttotact= thaelotbilvl en - ta r E=3C4 bhartet half =kr Doub twbb le etrTetTnis au - tikr• eetic.do e• clumi 60 =ate Deeth mho= Warted adthont chug;• nub= um:ow Idea by funeral Invitetton or o:Unar7 notlees, ant wt. ao amempanied to be =Ad gar. - , Regular adrarthltev, and °the= sendmg'ocersotolor 110a4 or maid= nor., &signed to call =gnu. to feirn=47 'alfifttgol-Ll,llTaree'ra. ea. ae , ndetions—eeery wane dvtlipted to call anterdlon to ' • Pinto enterretNl, calculated ,a Intetsiedromote • o hlhallatenat e nen only be boasted ' , nth theunderstand 21:t.ttt Val j et erg in paid 4 - tifera' i t rata telemeter than ten= pee loam= Ablpv Nottoes.to be charged hijg• prim _ 311"Teata"=:,.ragr idvertfsent=te not betse claemet under reatireatee, hut to be allot:rod a die tonatallttr i thres and one third pa onst, from the r - irlarr on 1213-6206.7 LI .tar MISS 1. 1 201110.V1N three . ... .91 40 Do. each additional Insertion .. . . sarloacev-111 la MMIT UM. • Una Sdnere.llo ah th u ,s.)ooriasert.ton--... 14 cent,. 10 .4Taeee. o. BVSINESS- CARDS. axxo~e.. RR,A s :t s . offic e rout. K., bealieu Staltll4ll and Ono; Pitt. O& 'WEAVER,. Attorney at Law,.Foiarth 4f- - , . itirikil/q1: . ititti,.) • , - WHAM - rE• TAYLOR, Attoraeya at Leve...oz.. 4, a,,,tretre.t.ato.azt.totifiwir* t• - V lth a"Virtti l t b ' vh ' v.- • ' e' ' ..t.Tei - t.'...'.'.. '.'• ?.. !?"'?'''''''''" t fa &ha Stabt of ..............- amisratt.Attort..:., . • .. 00.4rg, Rupp &' CO ''' LlER, : ittorneys at Law— . usli,.. Youth greet. Sialtb&td. A it . torrkey at law--Of ez exivonflllztt, neliT Four", IziArt=ldild; P. &G. L. B. FETTERM =N, At par; 4.- - asys.nt, Law and heal Estate Agents. NG. lin 4th Uhl° Attiiriley at Law offic , . e . altr.a. /JAIL no of Grant street-and .111astunut 17 V.RWOIS C. FLAN EGIN, Attaraeyatlisc, ,r No. Ito fourth great. Pittsburgh. towurfeno - 4 - 34: ...... 413 a. MAFATIMN. sqtyy t '. et. WATSON, • Attorneys at . Law. - No:110 fouth itroit; Pittaburt. ontve &AllM k a a i r eZ: .dtTlYlft, 11 .it - - coltektant Re.W.Jsabon. Pitt...burgh. iinlar .. • IibWARD P. - JONES, Attorney at Laic: inlat w,Poarth rn t, betarro Wow uti Piah '(ASPS' 'E.' BEADY; Attorney u Law, .... _lt tr% '.l # BEI4FL :h • - . • . , • . •,• flux _ll l 4.o.leComminAtimer P.r . taking' .1, 0s ' Ltiarn—Woonh . sprret al "' atatittrftl; ,;....:..... :, • .;; ; • . ,; .. _ ; cf*lire4". - .DAMIEN AND IDIOM= " .tuzaix em ~t.E . :LAßNal.P. SW-!..tekaMult! or n—ggahit , k 4.4? - -.1 , , , .., "ISiPIEU a it . OCI„ , ilank s t •-imisittficath Eat mut ! a. - . ' 4i •?" ti; . c7iM ' ivst tem% -CIO, .Oliiaticai _ Irt 1 ,1{0111,:B , 4 & ~A , .; B 004tts u W a li94.t . 2 ..t - Itaak- i Nates,. o - 124,•/ . _6l_ !swan zees Dahl 14 pftsulum fat ....9 Iftiklat sad Opalkish Dona.: , Banker' ,r titharrek edjahrdseg the Bank of PittAiusib. INS k CO&chap' Braersi ibabitut Cornar or T6rd sad Usiket streob. Al ,UOT2dES . '&. SON - Dealers' in Foreign ,7.LY'r. iad' Doaro • So 3111L1 of Bilelainze CortlEentonAf Do ,pal4,'Bantlfoteo mil Opeolo, 2,0. 69 blarket stow; Ms ...I=a V g:=E= " " "., P ri* P? l d t '.. 1.,.. ~..&,..iii„-. tankers and. Ex. 4, ' Brains Dealer, In Forslgn aIA Dacuartia 4 . k-WouVaLOarlUtrain a . Dapoitte, Ei.ak zi u t...-:. ' un a IlcurdaatliVoat atraata,direetly appraise ___ TT— orra,7o 'tam ..tl4 23.1: 9° 11 1631°U Personal ' '.E.Utate inn% SlOO mow arm Ca had . . t tur, Anfra !L. Pc_,...,..4_0 a ay,. 5u.A.....,.....arx.'[. ir.“7. HAMM. & CO., Succe,soors to i I -;'"): orra. irsto.i .. k yr...xi lossuzuritomus, or t, , fillt rt.:sad Ipme.-ti=lrest antter of pm lr l trargtoo=jl . =Veegi r =t a arrun t i. sy mat the printlpsapclatlyetto (Jana Stow . 1711.1aa.: orroou,r,,ir fur Foreign a./ Amerk...l2 ....trutossuilsof Prodn:INALIDP.4..... t. Coadaissionar and Bill - •,..bn - ,_-114 Swazi street, &Met eeter.taa .111 be ago -So All. tozelbea•entruetol to Ells axe.. Pi:lobe/rib znietnStetaled vattehoolvetreOn .cr heolcer tereostnO•atoteett ettettemOyl llotos.i3ondsiegattexPeAto,.l4lA4l44 ir.....ktreacce sds. - au. • a= • ):KO:i3 :4)l* w: VA/1404:4A1 Johnston k Stock _Le. um. Bookaetler, I bt.tkmer, Printer, 'and Elaer, ear arr Ilasket and third arev ta. FltethaA. • 1 - 443. HOLMES' Cheap Liters Depot,. ' t rill silx ontisltr eta 1.1. So< I .l3caks' r•• CU 411 1 10 tneirOMMZrairCtitiliM It ~ , -...EgAD...flookaeller. and :Stationer, I 1 . • . ikttli.:76 foirtti . vtx•st..4lollit cauititi , CM=T DEAIXEt. I I 3 lane thretan. m . v s; c ry pf Camett, Clatts., Steam 1341. Ireca arah crux. Ea 11.5 Yourth .t, ~~ ::~{~ a .i;n~;~~ : ^ , i:~qr e • IV. POlNDEXTER;corneroMittorand Ontaam-x - , oarn -11orst. - awl for tho lorcilaso .M Ito)* of nom., rfrir# flaines. IzottlVatis,an.ltpoixionatocturol pr Pirahltft. - 7- • AVo....atrott VIM 0410 d i f Hyper .I.so.ruil.Wit . Potfrand JOrdatts Oi...o..y.!Lr=ori'Tea f 1 AA— ••MoANULT.T CO—Tligurtpfs, - cut - tramit,:f.h=r4l,77:h.°l":. nos. Dll ta , 2l4ltroolxl,—" . ... T . . >. :WOODS ii/pog DEALERS rad •Carandmiesr, atm • td, No. 511V.itr • Y 53; - .11:!',101INST - For7ading. and ittr_b=i, No. rt.' Bferca Itfte, YLKALa NE'; Forwtu.diag arid' .pota Mazi.4.l;g7lVAl'areig.t°46.4lit ' ' ..: .. ..: ...-.....;;V1L.P...10= 4 .!' . '.. - "'" ,i ViSi ; i§ ." 4l CY, i§llCOenOre t° A U ' • ' co.. cvami.a....4 Forwarding. Sl raitt " h '"' '''' ' ' ... 'a ramiumrelM)qlAs: :7,0:13;yVA ce• AVATITSI=I...--e-MS- Ut,:tr.MON Zt CO•Onioletude and Rana as ID nag ffiad ptavls R79 .. .41, a 11,art.t • ' IWRCHFIELD, WWII" 4.8.i.LE ' 11011 . fxbal good .. rthp , .o. came.. of Four th MAC irtevetkilttabut • • k0:i.1 , 44 - 4 D.' MINT, Dentist, korner of Feurth 1 Damtnr Ir 4 bitlrna -Market and fernayesu. ivitri) .414:j4:41,410 gUICPII I PIIr. LEE, Vom,..DLAutes sad noaLeuLaua !arght American Gkir - Any. TIARBAUGII,7IVooI Merchants, los Ark. inn= zwl Prelnal irstotalzl 141 .1..d . CoasnosannIterthmtk a 114 en.t. , VlNtrocht amt. Pllttbargb. • , • , :ILuoWAREIi ..j4 ,4 A1+1; lip.a)N C Imwtters Artsdata• Draler. ttarchrars,sal tlarr . Oh.= h. . D&6TEI rum .„ . RT- MORRIS Tea ' ...5,,,;.. 1ier _ . ...0f. . Dbgosa..PULdmrad _____—__ - - &lin(r & vii GrneaTa and .- z,..D...km .Na Z• Ili:or:7 ariet; Om w • Ba•• alms) . * on band • • tat CIL• Or. vat Hann hoe Tes. . Um lindlint• Wadi. th. 0421144 Dalai on the Swat Wpm . TliE DRUGGISTS A. FAIINESTOCK CO., - Wholesale FL. • Cr tsosssatrzbt Mats Lesd s. lial VW, sod maim Waal cut Frantstsrosts,./Ist, arab', Ps. meta . int. u. ii. anal jr. e. afrafera. A.EYSED, A . MeDOWELL, . (Sasses sore_ to ' t'a lt , *7 * Nerdie../ ITholidade and Retell Mrs* add fewrlftlou note, corr.-of Weed Strew, and Virglit alley. Plifaielesis' pr phone ....irefully eneopeanded algid-Red gay. 0 KIDD & Co., Wholesale Dru . ' eta: Deal . ars lb Palate, Oily Dr. Sleds , soul tie— reirrietota of .11r. Nl'Laties celebrated %Pony iipa Liv id PM, and Lome efrule No. bd. norberusf Woad laid Vourtb atreeta, l'imburgh... Order* will be carefully. paok. ..I. 0.4 forwarded with disrabeh... • lE. SELLERS, Vilolesalo Dealer in 11,,, Deo" Pahno. Dye Stuffs. Vandstrre. Am, o. 51 Word rtren, httelbrumb., Pi. Goods trarcultret. Priem •• t , ' ma e .ggiet r t ./ Dealer_in Seeds and Adrioultaral Imploilooot ti 04 3411139 Wood Shoot, woe, of 040th. • runniscrc 1114 1 11 , -...—....7....7: .... ......A.lO. *rm.. pitAUN & - "REITER, Wholesale 4nd Retail , , Droggists. corner of Liberty .o d Et. Clair etc. Pitt, omit. Ps. •..e. • JSCIIOOIMAKER.& CO., Wholesaleiirug cp gig.. No . ...4 W.l et. Pittsburgh. GROCERS fik• BLACKBURN CO., Wholesale (ho Mtia earg rL ' r . u OL,l 4am 0. h... a their Wtroltovst. It Wartrstrett, I'lttz Oakum turga Pa. tett=y Int. WHIN. JR . - k. WILSON, 'WholesaleGrocers and .---Z, , ...n m = 4A V 4o[ f' ,Yost'. s •%li iar L. SIIEE, WholesaleOrocer,'Commission :Vann3/elrbant. and dealer In Paper and 1141, tamer cd and Levin strarta. Pittsburgh. AMIr p EL, P. SHEIVER, Wholesale Geo gslo Inttsbr 3 t a gn.Feetuted.Aita i e":''er t. l3o own I.ti between libel Ond SadtbneAttebutitt. 7do. e i d =t l as IS mti st./Ittaburga Caccualseion.. burg.U.natuata. N0.7.16,Wat0 • and .140./iirstraeotalttah. ItHEY, MATTELEWS• & C0.,1 Wholesale '0 romii, Coarninion and Warn's/Inns tderstunts.and mt. trzpa. Cotton lams. L. Watet 4..l.lnstranaL OLIN WATT & CO., Wholesale Grose:l'l4 b f4lll - accosals r tlierchssas, OS .. Deafen In, Produce wad arcr hof .66 Ltbert7 irtxret, Pitt, - _ _ j B. CANFIELD, late of Warren. Ohio, Z.*Deauroie t= 4 2.lait,r, Rat eti Pearl' dab. end Western Prn,lwne genersllv. Water street, betneen Smith Lela end Wood. Pittsburgh. 4.1 F. VON BONNIIORST & CO., 'Whole io • We Grocer. Ws. Dealcro -Fitjun.ll.'4 co , No. al ' , rompo of Frontl 'Oxon and Choaxory Lana, Plttogglo. • 15 1 / 1 -11 DlCrtr... Z.06.1.7111CM. )ISAIAII DICKEY CO., Wholesale Oro 'rata. Commirrion Merchatta sal Dealers to Prod • 0 , . 1•0 Dater, and 107 Front street, PllOlO.lO, ri,Mfal g NGL ISE EIsiNETT, late English, WhalmilletlmorrfiCkmmelmme rwatellms . Sterelbmateoemd Deserts In Prodive mul burgh 31mmlietumee„teo. LtlSeitsrul mtil 121 Vint et, bettrem_Wood anAl Smithfield. I .roax 0. aratu........inr.na C. tot ArGJT,L9 Bar, Wholesale Greeds and Coasolition Merchants, No. 257 LibertY x6T.h. 40BERT. 1109 RE, :Wholesale Grocer, ,Reackftias DLZWer, tholes I . Pxodtim. Palabargb utsatarre. sad . all .khada of Varian, acal likarkeetle IV ass attd - Lloors: , No. LA*l, strart.“On hand r IV= a... lle t o: =d i tiloaangaba la Whiakay, gOBERT DALZELL & CO., :Wholesale Omer* Comealselott liershastig egging Presiuse P_Pitts b h. urgh Essottartureu Yes- P 33 Liberty uttret. ittehurg OBEIU' A. 'CUNNINGELAM, Wholesale arjealP'r'de egtteb ❑ tl:nfier=t. Ut.rt;:ntott. PlthbFreb. arY .rr. uauir. ..__. ......... . 1910 t. HACE.ALEV Co., Wholesulo 01,- V oer., Km. 18..m:20 Wood Moot, Vitu4iiib. JOHN n. 11TICK Meb)ll - ClitifeSS, succemore V J. D. Wick,' WholesaLCrocus, Torwardnor and Contialtdon itforobanta, h..: lilt. D. R. SMITH in now prepared 10 givo. 4.7` , .:.tt•1b`;','W:,',:`,7,2,-,`ZZl' d ;I'M:VA Intl', Innruction . a few &dolls In tee dilen.nt branehiw I ora - A, tor ever, .100diption zr rehicled,Cnarhes. Cktarlottt, t. !t delightful art. at his Pomo, In Means. 8 00 dh, & barouchea Burgh., idradrr, 4,, .0.. whirl, twain thelr Atkinson e-. non building. Forst street, botwern. Wail and long •sperirtir. In thr man or lb. *limo wort, Illarktit strrets. Hours or Distrurtlon, frum 2.34 to ah,and and the farillfw, they Ent., tart re.n and:tent did, art fwittl filii tO 4x P. it Charge/. and other partlintlara inin Let gablwd.lild.o. 0. ..r .. 4.1 . i i ,„ tti,r t., Ttr0a....nn,h1, reran wilt /wn bY muing lartrrinwiul at th.• rooms tefer to Dr Oa or hr. Addition i„cfn.,, tt I Pay la particular attention I. the setertina of Material, -, ---- _--. -- - and Lasing none bid is:ilk:hint w ni1..., hitr) b. , * po ~LlGlmaliro EnDs__sprays Patent b....1...t.1n liaristariug [Lair wrwk. We I/Lyndon, A& the attentlanof Me public tuthlA mar., JAMES' JAl:di:N.lh. tirwrail Alm"; N. ll.' Repairing don,. In rho bow mateer. and on M. 1141eictie Drpo:, 86 Frood ,r-ta, Pat.buryh, Pa , "'''' . "'"..hi` ''''.' - ti.i. , er_ i HESE EiaNTlL:,'br'' . l'iljlig ' are ..,u C.L. 1 Grindston es! Grindstones ! LOGAN,WILSOI, .t CO , No. Ps- Wood • arnao than they owadd g‘A oat or Ohl, 'Me Ih. I .tent.. will ten nirl• ut o , •nitlo - tur-r0 pike, on abort ....oau ataril Sr.) littritliMenta MIMI: se - yr-1,41T, the D,nt.. 0 ,.,.. 0 , .1, ~,f 0,, 1... g 1b,,,,, c.ir,u4gopm,...tpyt Aidg.^,..., ". , .. 1 .'i - , W ... I - ...e. '4 . P.3 ;hir ''-' 1 thiult:rl. ....,,z. .1 t.. 0 - 1 ,-,,,...5 .ei...imi -- dallis”.l - ....4 , nataantaL a1..1 i.iitaiat. ill,iiite the 1...,t ciduluAcr rnirr• . th, , e l, • - 0/ . r t I=l.ollterttr:tl ih r ff , ,, ...s , tiii. , d; .... n o, till o l r tij.j . .d t 1111.17.1 at 1f ,. .i 1 A full ..ovirtir.rht .d .- ,ithei ,ii,..:,..j.‘tl,aitif....nAaltao &I,..ist arritlettli,a are raipectltitly Ireiviri,l 1., ,i-,11 at 80 t i . , ..! ' "-- Stt and di - amino rho oborw. where. a1...1nn Anont Mit, Screen,n.a& mall i FALL FASHION FOR 1651 14 I RTISSEY & SIRCLAIII, autano I WILSON & SON Pis *Z - 113, .t Et ' $ , ~ . , . gli -A. 41. wc,,,d ;irer:-I:ay . al.l ln r i .. ‘ f l ail Invitee zt oieEflupinticuillparchantA, I Vika oritheitcuetona,racnd the public to the Atif 1 l.ife ' inf ' itiat A'- ' .I.s'h th" toll i'r'd"'" '''b4 a7tlll 4. ' I !17 . OLE:, L. il ealersinGrocurres,Glu . i4, 1 fish, Salt, lhastar, iwn, 1tc..70 en fkwk. and .Z 4 .• - 0 ,--. .0 - - Paint -., filr r attret, Clefeland. OLIO. 1 . aims Eire Proof ..., ,c.rt, ad imams inAde nu niintisnments. , Annuls tur all ateamboatt. and .L . A.seillows In th*Lak r i ga- I THE nubnriber, hissing completed bin ed- 1 • rurri.turr L . tatribUrbutrirt iottliollOrntntlort cf 100 atom nanti atrtrr to-Widt. A. fair & co_ ci. , a.s: if. ,,, Pinglitrii!A F*l. /11 7 ' " . "141.74s - t u R iit',"ol4.ll s grisb .. ntab. ,rtia and ,in oil. oath.. . 124hfr C. 81149! •I ••=714,50 • • • HUSSEY & SISCLALII, Stiiriage,fib4 ipinpkGricierchant,3, )11 7 HOLE sail; deal erei in Groceries, G 16,,, Fish, Salt, Piaster, ten- Ne.. 70 ikek. ane • rFame Cleyeland, i Cue el =maw made au reallictlents. , AC.= tar all Ntesenbeatr and ,Vccr,ll•ara ink ri.Sa cereclahre a/Pr ie—wn. 011, Cc...Ciaeie=al Niles dWheeler . , trclalw :canteen , Uvre, Calcbler,littreexce. .• • ; Qualm tire. ILATOODWARD. BLAKELY & CO., Man- Cali V g • i lafatattrer• of Ilockfinghato &al fellow Coot Wart. itact%oaggd. (Itcomt Cb P urcb e t o r ttltle at," Pa b ; /lord. Wtr.lettale drotar‘, to J A It flor extensive Work& foible as to fill orders groinatltt • comment dtalgota bed, rocta.antlf tttoytd, al., to. able& n& ten, ow& jolt& all the nem and jammed AV of the 4.7. . Fl''ott.t s nnt grUT:aluirtl,"'ll %rol '4lV aMt 7 ea r tTil ° o74, r , ` „ . ..t ' n% dim& .1 =tido for dtttottbe Os.. In great vart.:, Onfera rt . tate/WI, .I.la. 01010111 AjpeandAr Bradley, .N . 11 Woad race:, betstsen First and s•nnd r (SIGN OF THE Of.f.DEN ETOVE,, MANUFACTURER of every 41racriptioo a. COO.Sa NO render a the mast epproT.l ;,>, ter...oilmen we elll render the [ malls/34.4m. Alev—l'AltLGU StIOWEI , ., among' attn.:l% - will be found Jewell Ilont'a t•elenrated,fMing dorx Fwine :.torut 14t, - , Store= 'atom Franklin St”velt, plain and laneyaret.:e. to whi to ham, the attention of bullderw. Tea Kettles. t he are; Wag.. itca.,,..1, I, .11 c.t to hfrh wel.it. d t ...,,i the attazienn r: dealt ea net.:, our.-haein 4 .t.,,,eh,,, .. t7 . 1 Pi ugh Cias Pipe and Tube Worke. T ' iundersigned b yte i Gist completed Theirrummy.. - • ; IRON TUBE WORKS. and are nowanuda - tarlra ell slurs of Gan POP, encoacira and other Flow. and all N.," of • }WROUGHT IRON TUBES, whirl, that oft: for rale at lb. loves: prin. senor prepared to execute ordere, Aar event, orlthoo, Ser. • arell.(l CJ., ' tl and etrrst tabs Em irlryrdre• , Bolivar Fire Br,ieTifartufacturing Comp'y. das. Gwen. . ran la Ir GLOVER, KUHR PROPRICTOgq. FrHE SUBSCRIBERS, having been up if 'stews Aguas far On s h ore nana concern. aail Deg 0 004..rty 0. • sat Or uP lbe caiebrated DAiry kfrellritt.Cructlal. tireClay.l tom, llaartbsargl In walla They 111 . 0 alien yoeyar ato ri to receive order. for aid Drink, to beloncently• be Ellide Vt. awl ne to dud porch...ea. ohleti stall adom* deem U nece,e.r in anumerste lb. 03.17 W. vegitaKee the Rolle. Flee Krick rewire ores all others :bat havebeas .Reed far oat. In tn. United Ptak., thelyattja, slash y belan sell Peon to almost all pongee tab° use 'Ere Mich The proyelerone bare determlnel that that • Drlokshall lose vont their prevent envier/. nottitetlan, edlld (bet no erne... obeli be flowed to make theta even better than they hare heretofore been, Thu la the only establislon.t no. manufacturing Fite Dried at Bolles, Nitta a JUNKS, meta nips! BUM, herrenth •n, Pittsburgh . W. Dizon's London Patent Lever Watches, i ncense. any Mech. enrefree4 se Pattrinonn j ug RICIIABDSON, 81 Market street, is Igr i fsli s sOlrl'a r ts t o l f fly appointen Worth aunt lt'Pty, KingIXON, Mon. eumeter and :v[ln,, I(guars, tea.. Rood; lemdon, • This tact the encianyanylng Retch, etrrstke tr me to be of toy ...rect.., and .alb an h.. It Ls gaunt. unleaa soiximpaaled by a mom:au bast es MY elenanani. bbctl of the Yurchnur. "k IfIlt = 1111 ' 11 1 .41 ..". spied. k • L HAVE FITTED UP, (on the New York Men) a vett sunerlor 'liarerooro, fed the tale of Cur thertaln 3lot.a.Mls, nod eeeel-19 inn arpertolnlng to the foehlOnabie parlor: and bore edetted the farmed and Moat roperint amortment Of Satin Ito Cahn,ttnxotela, 'French and Dolmen Dammk De telnef, bum ak Tur . korregt Chet. titre .r of 4Verent Mdtht,'lltrniCe.teVledlflerentpattenan; and Melee. Door Ahata , Weratoor.lllindo rod Shodee,Curteln Bolden' and Betel, Corral, hoe. drala and novel Lndoo, Coed, and Woman,. Bad Cbtotroansul.frnmeA, lfar still. and Loaaauter ltullte , Coutderocera and re 1 ,1,1 Comfort', Blatraea., Beds' and Atetdlnm All onhra thankful', ntedv,d sod m . dtootly tiled apl4 Wlll. NOBLE. Th . nlidned PINE AND OEDAR WARE.. • l IA.MUELLKROESEN keeps constantly cal hand a gmedl Oak of Wash and Bath Tuba, orse, Eteamtuat.' Oak Nell, tillthou or terur LlutlmM, Wooden Dorle, Clam., Dry Ideatmores. Mar and Ch., WWI. &adds, and all ether tlnds of sore Me lino Wareroom, Meant& Hell, V/Ith mined. ritteldwohl... GEORGE ARNOLD & CO.. BANKERS. DLAIJIRII IN EXCNANOI4. CO/77. BUNN NOUS, 10. No 74 Putra L. mut 471iNeuu9h, Nat. stiO , Ur447u buthmtu4 on 471 pub. 01 th bbloo Stock. bought gn4 .14 nn roturniuune 747444,7 J. Wilson & Son. • 110LESALE.and retail manufactn- ,4 " 1 1 dealer. lu ilale M M Cep a, Nu. al X V I :treat. inq door bete. D 1.1.4 Allry,• MM. Largit—whe MU ulhir . t Noll and complete mocker Um. and Cape 0 eir Qllll E.teme tomodaeture, nf evr/ quality aint etyle, by IT otemic and Wall. and Mail, the tht.tinll of their cuttontem.d the publie. moan. them thmt thrall wllleell. the ehmt relmenahle nouns. (.;IMIT t L.I I Y COLVIN . , Coal Merchants iP wee.7,1,g7, af00d—f5;,,,7=7;.Y.0472.ttil • ..TML.ESTATE AGENCY For Bearer County, and adjacent Countict, I.I.IHITED.IN; xze.a.accitTott or HRH BRIGHTON. TrlllE SUBSCRIBER, hnving been located ftnllioscitwo years put itrtb•bouHshing Boxeugh of Beightoul. boa - n:446d *mon th an t•shew yvarspart' lathe reeenyipit teeekeet, , eed amine Ma Hratlov Ras bee gran alum. excitor/Onto Land Age.. For ItuT=Todatlon cd la eb..bigorrallzi 11,=ay . n tb• rut. t.b• tafrallltzlitg the tlggy it gr re , l4 l : . •glotry (=entering Town Than The an• • WM-Ur valoabls LAa and W real dencos is the gh ma nelistborl4.3, fara.e at low taro euilCarls advantagoeu.s. thr•l *Wally denuded Int., nail no propertf will Mr pile r•of tikes the tide ig Per nosccetesi • of parctisacg Win dwell tosall and laSsAtne'llmtb ITT!. OENJ. =MIA BRADMIW, PITTSBURGII, FRIDAY MORNING, _ OCTOBER 3, 1851 NIYBI()L6H6. Fall Fashinas. HATS, CAPS, AND LADLE:B' PCPS. I WILSON 3: SON, No. 97 Wr•od sr., ` 4,41 ' ,1, T. 1, r , g.1..4 4 r00ZZ172-grar-o.A'rt"'lLfst'llao Mr, of U.... rule BATS. /awl; intructl,wuil which ale ao very much admired -for their meaty awl irentiliq: 50 0 5k., with walla! earhabwof blaek, ttriwni and Dm, • re f t, e enfant/fiat thalr shallot or , doh,. together with aorrwar. variety oi ilagt io lirfotni :nip ' • . .-.1 P g i , r l . l . all 7.1i.* / 0 0 , 1ftur ti.t , oo o o.ulf ur , . aVitirlinrd e gt MrsPamitta tee 0000 , 03,11,^a:140,t1. has 1011gf,f'T. P. g, t g. 2.2:!;r1t:.t: .04 91.4 CAPS. of ifiroost di description, fancy SLOTS ten. and t4AF,3 for childddi—ogrnd at YeaSonabla prices, arhol, A ton of ~.....4•1 dia.:Age d . tial, 6.,..40. ~ 1- P luaLurgh sok and rdall, Cool , falrif nahufured.' AIso — LADIES' FURS, rig: 111. t and . a nd yl Lynx, . Apply to dna Clerk at tht calk*. Stlxid , ...',. Rocas. fa Io rf l gh, dennet and Caney ' wry* Si ted hiberlaii, thy Loghirer. YLWxvdh tidligie, 44,,,, ex ih ni Knuen ga . a ge u r , e4 gic rohiN , , ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, chwin,... Mia , lll , u , s 3 n . ,n, 1 f1d11.161 Unlit/ 4 / I :ff, /111/1411. enplO-Irif Vrao.dent C. C Co - ____ __ Samuel Gray, r a/PGoods. RERCHANT TAILOR, , NISURPILY - ,fs' BURCHFIELD, Northeast at. CLAIR EddlintdO, sr. CLAM eraktr, ~ ; 1, 1 ,.,' .... '„1 . 0 , , h 7"h "it.,4 iLit,..,1,0170,10x.,f,,,„-L AS just returned from NNW lOWA. gifu 61, 08,40.1.4 fiatiesulii 11e PO Erect .141 na, : rimausurfm, •0.1 1.• inn • spirmild IA (.4 .'7.' 1, 91. ,. . , .. '4lalfte C ,, k4;. , .....3 1a... 1 , 'Stift the gall sat Whiter 'chide, and If prepared to ma /1 them up to order. no . s tyl e .1,1, b cannot t* stir. hied to the eastern chine. Oentlatnen wanting good and i•shlu.bie *armada* 011, I f ( 114 .1 It U.. their faiirwitage to gtra Mulk • cun• Watt ' fnalhasi. elitded *Wall, Clutha - ilea, y Dautest. - P44,llntr, dllsgit and Panne . . DnatefFilltsitupdr plaid A t.', OhelXi was \ e•S , metre!, but n w• a \ n il:he.* ie • A.. I -, drel \ , . , , • hl X7l true Whig•-a"f end of my co= xy , • troth.. and I t safe, it \i yati ar s it . .omen! o WI , , \ • 3 \ ;,,e,°,,P,..ele,,t's F l L Llff ievolvt.._..... .. _ I ! \l4 e 3. 4 \ 3 at Me' a° tel l •\° ". 7 ihi ee \ fee the /e1 "'" I ' ' ? !.r4 e • 5 .5 \ A ' .• • . • ‘A \ ' \. \ u • \ 5 , yeas I haratbeen he pin to laY \ ' ~, ' _••• .--1,. , •' ' • •• ;\ ‘' • • t • \ , ! 40.7 ''Llaa. • = .------•=-='.-- -7,---/s-'- ' 5 , -:- - - : \ -,.; theitkaleep itknotmly eche ei'io, keep Penneyl- A Pawnee As 4 Csestme a rsi Eithiaht..-some -,:\ . v ' a t, ' ; •\ e yet he PRICE OF COPPICE' ST C'ES. \ -\ \ " vania 'nod er wibter--Sot how Alte.,io afloat. The reitemiint among t c4.lishfanable'and3polltical \‘'‘,\\, \ 3' \ . . 8 . Lit . P ;;;;, 1 . 7 . I twoor'7l by the Muir.' :10 4 •1116 \-:\ ir 7wo slzoi• stiee'tegerlee /6 "lik • heTe PP\ i4e Olik • ' P eter the ci lee \ I \England hos \ just Bean tresterfthY• the . \,* \\\! ' •\ Mint. Copper ttiortErrhan r. \ \ this fall; and I hot., who scoot \ elrim mast ~ ,„, • ,. 5 4,. . ,' , • •'\\ \ \ \ • • \ , 5 0r1:,4, '..r " .. P . ' . • \ " l .' eat ~ P r 8° ,to All honek,,Deitto4r le thatil.l3throw off err 'o t bubo! ef an Atahamasdete,froue *, \..; • • , •, 3 • \\ , oburg-. k , • Per. •h a • • '• •. \ . tondo a .,,, g ..„. „..„. „ n . ,......,, ,,,... . . ,te a• prejudices, tan.O'.o3,3me oolVrOm'Atib . party - • • 61 v ' B, , o iew to F .IFiole Vi o nie,44ent - •* \ \ \ 3 :• A, ' • \ • IlYto.rtr;ilo,4„• North Wart_ . 131O\'\ Y is ' and cue with the 33 f•Ap -yes, the 11'hig party and.... !ensent \or dimmer al•rela 'one betWie, . g „ . „ ...... ... ._. . ........... _. ~, t . 0 audit e only 'to to pa ~y,, Bet some: Desktata the two s i s matmile ,• The ea e weak he . rejo429. .••\• ' ', , , a. Watt ' p . tri .ii .. ' ..- • 0 , 0 n .'''' \„." ' ' " will P a 4. . 1 Ph! \ h`'' ,A."l t° rcrPe 'k"' Li el3l l l he . in is Bhe h fo,p, and au 2 terse ti deson), \ n ' \• \ • • 3, \ • ' " .57,i ' ,,,,. vl - .. ' • -,!. fli WI Ve La called'irV l coat s ; For 03,3 sake ot \ • ~ P" Y " ,,,'i netl3* tio of then ' \ :•••a f•ai ' ihd 4 ' . 4 \ ' . '• ' • ' A e,a , ear 71,0y.0 Ints .„8 ingo_e_? _ ore \ • O'.' i' 3 . N \ ; , x , g 4 . 4,. North Awanveu.... ...„.._ .... .5 .. 3.1 oar- ea , ask _or (Ledo would env witletitie ;woe '..l' .ar, he S ~, ~ or, L wdr.nxthroar6l... - -. , . . . [rat •m 1M.06 other were!` on. T,hey cry ` atsuch sod Simi) , ger is Octet es:unto the latest:La on poker. ' \ .;,,, North 14 .tern._ , , .., .... ..... L 2 Odj Id 1 • . tartar ~. 4' tei I\• to rote the Demooratio a Itca and to *Did; "As an ace ' dtted 4i:ohm/odor . 't i c fla the .\ • ~., .1 !‘ \ \:\ • Iron City . . b•'! . S' 5 '.a \• kt owing it to \ Bathe tCl,..i polio , of the Dluitioca t t , s ;court of Teitee s has peter been own.' this - ' • F. -4 ~ \ \ \ . friends pp. ...... -.... . ...... ..,,.. I 3 vu 000., • rote foi Democrats, lot them '`e black thsth 43.3 country, torn, cob Mblerarl; intereet to 6 'ted - .3 ', i • 3,• \ \ \ . ' • waucsi; T N ° , -.:-•' ! ' \, "., .‘*, • • 4' ( 1 1 , „ .. 3 \ e October* I find aillonest Democrats wh. icitiouthamptoo tiY, the 'W. iral of hid rcorleohy ' ' j, , ,..„1 \\ , •\ \ \ ..• .., 31.doralt ... . ....., .. ,_.1t02 09 - \ to promdte he tru intereaV the eit,M.,', lie Is a Mae, handadinemehi about fortY,Year9' P:• bi % \s •5 \ ' • \ r Gentle /3 ,, rile 4L. i „,,,, / ... •••• ;- • ~. ; Fr u I 1,1.,_ •I , • k ratan ar . .e party which a vacates nad , oge \He wee di : eared Bithe costly ond'ipiotu • • \ 1 • a . " , _ \ t.acioanuthoa.• unto ~:..,, 67 . : . ... .1. TX' ~) .„1 , , 1, , tr , t l l and them. De roc w.,..th be gyebaed, .„ , ..P , ITN' tte\coiturno Tr - 91 . d' ley th, e.. highest ranks m • • . A ' . • -• L ",, . • \• . itt.a ., ll!: g ga,,....,... ~,,,,, ..... 3 , , : ... - -h . ; ~,,, . ab I am, , Bawd to th nk that \ Fennsytgania sal '`)?ern s. The sleeve; nitlOlillandf his cloak' were , "„ l i\ 't o,t 11.1... L?., ,, .7.: .• • , •• ~,- i ~.'-; 'it 102 1 contio• • n her piesenoslti* , IVet , F. Jahn„ emte th eto eJswith ,gold embrol3ler_o: doe clasp'of 3. • \ 3 I i t\ . • - \ N 2.n. rat, Ambytt, •• ' ' •• ' ' lit ad ; ;;;;;,- -a d 11t0 , 71, , la • i Stott, an the mild of 18gg ismj• } s hip \ gri - dlk wat. shulded Witt. diamonds, and a \ it" , ' •• • • . ' ‘ , A , \ -- ~. ..,..., c.. .. • . ..: ... • • L .. ... ' !I- tv •• . . tic.. -s . 0 what a. gtotiotta \ victoey, iv will 1 brilliant afar watt, anspeodeli on hi breast. * lle \ i \ , iietiew 1 ..,, ..... .•. - ' . Er 2 0 , • are over, • bro Leo do it, up -tripped Remo- I Wore theldOest conical cap of the mien coo, • ', • ' , * .eldri ' ' iothi..... ...... •-.'• !•• . • . - ,..3.1 2 64. - I tdi centic parl t s , , ,,. hie. will no aftenthxdi be \..1 i- , tr'i o : Het: wa k acthr opemed . h.r: a d °mo tion& *- , . \ • . ell ''• I Nar l'otrit a Utchtsen' ... .. 15 1 .7 00 \ 101 r ' M ` I fliVir. a - li.el. ~.....7 . : ". ' .'" \I It„L', •, it bie to t he la . e)e , , Anextenstre :mite im.comp nied him \ •‘. i from \ et.na to tirke . y. nearly tai! whole'a which • 4 tats Ptistbia......... 4 111 NI I .,!! ' ' L-I go fa) the i, teresta oPPendsylvsnionand no% !he took feiVe of at Constantinople. The ‘ afilebaa- : , , . . \ 1 i, shut t i ., 4.4 ,..4% ... ..... !, ..• :: ::. .1 314 • 2:1 for the party, * lto kr those.of Dtkglatut end for 2•litiador r eached'Conistintiouple by way .of I • betd- '•• L.'..,. - ~ . ! ';•77. kerr " . --- • • ' •:., ' 1 i• •"• ,: t •,' , r ,,, , rte, , !,-,."1-"io "I fri; . n \ do Enfir\ounrt collunmt;ifnarmndeth:balY3.3. •.'ernifi'oxinae•teh,efil:';l„saVt‘l!Stenealtrritontglieldnealo"orrvo:t..t , .•• I 1 , ' A ~ • , . t, .m rthsto-i_. • tr.'s 0 alwo uto . „, Soo , r , oLl • ;an I:initially Pulite , heady cod e 'ctoalle\for I 8 1 % other paseengers and was not more porn' '' ',t, °-* „; ! „ * ,..", k ii ' t i l i. 1 "• i '" , o , •••- '' *. 4 .1 " . 1 the future the t ' pe p ire of the Se,by i . ' milly in his lliettliao ' llhecal 3fusselmeo ash '!, •• .. - . „ rl I d .1 uZ , .. , LY • /.1 -• iii.e\E • lit Sacrad a yre, ' '\\ terra g the "n" Veal th W O M P' Let eel "`•!1• ! *re \He drank ib l9 P .3. - 3 ."° . I or.. alyza . tulinhim\ ' : , . 11 si, , -.,...„,_,...........=p,..=3\ be.hackward, but •alitie and he men an . .Bilitge,.l curia% ot sweet aolinTot without:milt or cream. o 444 BATES OF DISCOOT. _____ \ yi. rig use ' the ' fi ned wines andimirit, ". • -•• . .),„ ,i,,,,,,i, • DAY . ,' \ I tkus Inbutio• . lie`smoked =oh Hie manner 1.,„..„ ! • . Maxtor. DALLI 44.4 coo r ll ll4oplap/ 5 .4.44114, as . \ t O l OkbOard eho t ring the rn,rage were ettrettielfge. _.,.. , N. HOLMES & SONSDaiikers. , \The Witallingreo ConemonWoolth, a short \ toe ' ' manly, stifle la violently a man of edueation 1 ' • = . . \ \ o '': 44. 1 I) `' '''' efer*' ''" e ' le ''' T** " * " •*e 1 ' '.4 4 - * I3 X I k F ' n '''"' 3,• '- itine, asserted that Jathes fia\berma .i • . \'To i • •. - ! . as a - and refinem t. I e not speak Engltsh. , , .11/ I , - ' • taboo I'LN4ev , tv.ei La. .1 - ,:we ..: 5t. ,, ,aca:... ..... ~;: , , •. , \ ‘ \ ~.,,,,,, r:,.:ra...,fl'ltietu,ll... ryarlirratch at..4766.+6,V do Tor of reducing wzies to en cekts a day. Tit ) , e , rYi ontwholacdragoinanjessrod • "\ 1 . er Nan.l "h"e er. e‘• • •- tw w Dr"th rt 4 :: tas ). 4 -- .... 'd ° : Pit hu g,h , P • ' • ' • • st. . d it ...., .. t , f i n , .., born greian.. P .uldjwilS etl twitted MD:dia. His . to tie nehi.:4), Couierr*L•...-7: Oelt i ltrit h ara. l 47lottreittl •-••• So. " : 2 1- ' - 014 , •5 1 . 5 1 ,,, , ._ ,.c.11e „,_ ,i.,. , ti et, heiongrog to the ' • " 4 „__o.ol, g;f: r 4, , ,V,....?;..* con'oennoi at. 0a1n , .. 1 tee, mu3 i wieh e d , 'efertense ,:. ....e Gammon) eat AI ametiataicet, riNIF lie fi - nsmiticaldy . • i''.l. - - . .. , . . „ " I 1 eu lS. ' Sant of Ibun.o r• dri b"l nta ''. o p i al ' k lare a.u y ' e n t i tt a ir.A . ... ' l\ .1, . a a l ' i l " werliM te r eiehee the fee In le t .?e 1°41'014 .con e Cetan "s roligi%l obisernuires... , Bisty'ev en .3 '`,.-", i \ 415- e.t.a of Lbw, resstatue--nOblo LIG 1 6 .• T ''Su 1 cl i ma er. . . - • O i Mg . :awhile. o her.rgiols Edrinr. re prostrated .1.. 3 ..• ' • - \ Lt' ' ~.,,, &int at the .thud States 11 **new 44_ t Lta 0.., do ~ ''''' re - •, r°l • , \I „ „,,,,,, ocoutranial Bask st er_aar Batik or N.., ..... ....\\ •.,,,Tg.,„ ino w i t , ....,,,,tg.t..‘ 0 • ~•.. . . himself: an said pter for ithditt twos this. ..!:= 1 • . o„,„ Barmen , ltdetlybalts' e small Notes . . _ -. \\yrall • W ere, este ,_,..,., L • • ,• • ne niiq ano her of a ameOte,..., his possession ' ' ''.• L s em, rasa latho•-•• • • ..ret t. F. f - N - 4 ;Lis vi. ' the Post, "did Mr. Buchanan adearkte the real tw-attn, et b i.. i., : li. .ablatobtseem ., ,aan i .- sk,l &wilco of thin American laborer s 3t - ageslti,teb ' ailiii.tned, With 'ewe; u ~ precidieitente. One ' _.' • "' si! `‘l" I ,3 4'it ' t. L " - - ""ls: i ';.-- - . 1 , , .' cede a dart!' Cl ,..inewer,. in IPAO- 1. 6 a speech of iheee t ne s, me "e '.... rn°1 0... - nem , e m i „ld en . ' lar g e • ' *'• .. • ' . ' IT .3 , =ttai ' tee: - ' Telis ' n-r C" ar i went °m , - . .mst ett \ t erOLialletWell ter 2 • ' ,` ; • . ' ,Pill h atair r tin T;. '66.6, ~.." •::.,..tl':;.!...,ri\Tl:iiiii....••: ''').triitd.ll,.."Ut.,%-.MirrrYhat--M c•i". ;114 ,, ce 'ILC - I' , ° seated to Ego by he bhah V.. a3tomerr the '.` ' e .' _ .'! • • • ?a l• ; .i a r le.'ite •- ' - '' - • .13",,...i •c i1ftk, %jiff .\„ - iiis.„342,_".i, , 41,hir neighbor of ) tiw, Poe eays, it ha seed 3 \ fer'a e ° ' •l eiP4 . ° l .^ \ i ''' "ecl ' l 4 •• \\ ) • • , .. ' •\' \ • -' ) •,) , ~ _!.,.! ! ~,,, t hutt 'o7 Cliataugh•trob Sikh ether. L 4 l,' • . I. . 1 % ; • V • e.....0T Mr. • }jtichanetia aprecher • til id:A•tOle „ . . , . 1,,,, ,,,, , It N rctr ' f a lt " . ' lll ' ... aa ! "• - • r " .willi . r.l. orthe n Vali s t '' '7 . „I„ a' ' r''.t , k' we." eminent... I, a it - L his poirli, cis , brit . \Fr...4 ' 74...1141\7W \d, by if,. ,\,-- • T'. ,1 , . . ~ ' , 11 ?dew r,21: ., ,m..,L 0 a- ,, , , f -r,... 1 , , z t ...-. l , t , : „t t - ft -,.. 1 & *,- ignorant • • - ,1 /hie matter ' a l I 1 ,77, • 'Brapety A i- itch*, Mr. 31 er Via's rig/. ••,' ' \ , ..- 7 7 7- i ''. Datil Ort • dattystuol . If 11..i:Vrieni,Yryitiltria ty \ 3 , ,,, ,1 0 ,,, , a ebow l g .. rat have any ' ery FV , .. in machine, ethich, • has beet. ma •gn Cope, 5 ' - g.\ '! P 60 1! '''• r-.60 .‘. 6 • - I P l a '''' , ...* : P , hie• L..nr. tent , thona for dmv.ok the Poet %go \ rant~' I inezr . .l - tour of an ! enAtt ry nMA 5 Thum ' dr, \ •' \ 4 "' I 74 Al-tr 'P'''' .:s ' '4l''''M ""'''' " U PP ir- "\ ' C ' ii , - Li: r '' -• b I. refer-'• - tr • h - a ' . • - •.' \ " CiAB I `.fir.rt;ril":sg.t..i.r.l, u ; , tiTi r iTlLL:ll6`ll. A ' uPen l i fk . en) .' " 'n. 'ee. but, ne n ' ' en ; e .linn6' l , feen" n the '• • -L : • • \ • \ sate to t • subject on hand: we cannot ref eto 4 3 11 r . err • at Moh 'WI' endfey. enutte -= - 4 , - • ' '`'" " \'• ' • •), failant 4 ,,, tur01t. hi a ens, 4 • per Ili or St. n NCe 's* •„ ,2. IM part , • e•iwfortuttiou ..,, •buirteonely sought, . wiles fire , Itch= i th. 3 , • oc rity. • aerat : hem \ - \\ -„..., . , • , \ • . 3in no/fret Hat , . Loer , Cmateterral kW. tallea- 74 ,we refer' los"; the apatth aneye alluded to,stii \ , 1 bra attepdrdto witneet. I:super's - ion. a lel . / s" 3 • .3 • - „.,, Fame . haw: . • ..pertAlerdnr4i 1.1... Nester, r . , ..• .. \ ' • " En. Bang 4,• I .01, 4 8 cuttruiLN • ko 6 which lie tav, d that Mi. ii.mlitemo, Spellan •to , e operated contained abontlie acres. or of 3,, - b. -• 3 '3l lama raraww• Be rt Boat, tu p o p at atria rt. .i M...teotuA, " • i „ Yerm....• kW 61 174646... t. obr i ltarilt orSouto d'ar t ita g ... , ; *Of the ittitell4.labor so , ored the following whir . bed \ heen reaped with,tile. piekle, nee: ' .., •\ . N , hintorwr limo. atinwllngoarraut ori:ba•lttoor.., ' !at ' tonal:Lege: 'lie Sso ow ...hist )3,. tha albladard ; pt* out ty .1-t e tll. rtmolued 2.q he experionate 'on •" , ' --- 3• 3 • . ea. fr, i ,i i h ° 23!sr i r ni a t i ... ic- ` 3 , or, °\•3°"3 ",:ta ° , :te 3° . • Lt, P a .aicee throug o' . the ~81, .04, you corm I . he sodden .state ), , f ground \pre.O.,th:td conS74l- : , . , 5 ; ~ • • I I rrarihr 80.44 jidoutra rite attettate Iv. k hartisloa V.• au country wi , easing; god j hoortits - I'll e diffealtier, hot the energies o \ha Am . ! ' . - ....t g=ee . „ 7 , 7 ; r e „,„ " t. , 1 : : 5 ,ft ,; r r r , 5 ,1 71 .i . ,; -;;;',';;;; i \ Nb,w, Beep:di' 3, Porter'e Progreis of Na- i icon odd d - i ctors overcame alYinpr.t. i.• 2.l .014. •' a \ ~,, Lewerr, A...a .. ;el. TELL'S:IA.O tiOnsi•erni Wade' ' story of the'MAldle and 1 gialtt - reap r porsue; LE. , )-7'w,',' Liat. • tly top \.' • '' '' ' ''' rec• ' 7 ' r r '''' 47 • "Prr '"Pr . P" • 7% • rr ' Werki Classes bt \ knowledged adtho' hi the at CS Of h, held le o - I \ai \ -• ' \ • *a r I • ll=H a tt. l .4 i , t7e:' , •ii • a P protsittil! ' e " r, 1- si Para sori 4 er day * •nn 4 h ele -‘ • wager, ;.' ••• • " I' • ' • . -:rn il n .**'•: reP• t • *ee ; ni' I ..., p 0 !abating mans OO O. 11. nA4 cal) occsaloce,y napping to gLe r i me '.' : 1 - . \• ' '''' R -r :i ' lgitl7:::. 7::: !!,".4="ig o'LWA .d ,' Fc,\l.,L ,- 43.4 i d. 4 . to remb e the acme:iodation s ed clay and . at. r \ h 4 \ '• • , „,,,,,,..„.., 1t- Northern 0 . 01..eata...7 r antthera m it . 6 , s yptAtity .a 4 Ili Calaia ~ 4 . , , Tram thit.hrorel heelP, onto rhinonotrat.P• it.. ~ \ ,r u_ Ratt.f , vau 4 , ok ,0,,, , ,, t i11i j i g. ~, N lSO n ek u l t etuipAe . • 0 . d, ,,,, joio. GO d .. •it tt crowd epe. utted i s, who, either , easeei2. r,\ \.„ . . lug , \ I ! l i ith r tnimp , 4, do the fresh cot ekes is • ' a.' ohyoetatthatik. ..... • - N • 39. 45 0 1500 4.'4 bi°4\"°.2)." Swed e :a \ • 0 . l i , g ously.that at o time - wk wer) und r \X; . .e \ , , towed. at Atdvt.....- ....to neat of 111h0nte..r.... •.. 13 \ ' , hnorb at Anew - tra ear 4 . '4 k . Barer i, \ 0b \ 'thee hoar \ -Fidel-able apprehensio that 31n Gethdrier l a me,' \L. . ' , \ l - • ~,, a= at 8ud.p0?..... dolklartne A Pl. 10 .- ( 5.N P. "V G. 2, , /,. , ..• _ \ ~' I',woitid be tote*, destroyed. Of bhp '' • '' i ti .r :Vo ' V. L ' aVa e ofo \ L tire taVa GANI 4. 5 i - )!, • ' \ ' oess"of the expee=enttlere nan o ve. be n o \ . ..,. 3 , • - - \ . • •• \ '• s n '• ht at Ulric.. . ... do tlover nt doe San ' !I'r D'etr" ' \ ° 4/ \ • \Be! rim Bra= at Di?.... ... _dotPardruat • e ' t east \ ~,'?" \ Mediae/that; ' 0 7 wi,ilsdot hoed ', dduht, There neSer was* agriodltursiintple. 3 \:, '. jl 3 to 10 . met Which, on its). Oratorio - Mitten, riliteued Pe \ L 's , . Ban g j,.. ttrubly at A.Litul.... An 4.1 • 74:05 • .:1: - •• ' NesrnieLaNl.s •', apprortasOf practicshfaraterr raters` goneiellyei 81 \ ''' . \ I • .. . Arendt et bd.m.. o . 1 breath at Slerrolet.A...... do Awd. of th. Prior. Tow n:66' 5 ~ Brandi at Mole; ........ dalittot Oaken:bat a \ North Holland ' , \flo withotti, 'CA MAehanilltt \ SO simple, 3 effeePtht and nieful Vila \ . \,. \ „ \ Wrench at Clutratatl . ..doltaal of 41 . 1 . 1 ensuli a Torint6 6I • Ape ! , gra, oit ' \ neber invented before: \ • .!. •• . . , \ "\ • • •, 3 I Breach at ythunbre-........d0; . „;10. LTC .I.EIiAL . 1 \ , S , , ' I l ' i= :: - .rd. '''' ... ''. ...• Vit'it.' 'ItrIA•ttlrrl • . • • • : •'- . 1.,: "t Fjud • e" " u-\ PorTeer ! A ", \- - • - "" 1•----- \ , • , \ L. ~ ', *, \. • L \ • Bwoola at La_artrtar. do m Wrinoun. d 0... .. . . ra, ';- . ' •1. 1 date Lar2llo/1 l et ter says that McCeriniak'S • 3 ' \ , reapingmathitie . 4e aelthowledged to he ": 4 1.4.Aif•ect . - ... '' 3 , - Ward. at StautaAwlitt 110 II Arils ItS I , XCILLNOL, iIL cote , 12 ". ‘ , N Is 8, 3 , I i , fc.; , ' .li . t re e Urea! Ev4thiti6tt, .It beta baittAi- , - .\ s , . . , \ \\., ' l •V ' E l i rri : "' • t;ili " L.7,l '. -•-• 7 - , --- ; I Le dj, • 4 '• \ ' •'\ certamedthat the tesplng•machtnewill Outfit= . , `", 3 ' 3 \\` ' ..,. he 84.411 al An-1,130d. r r U 41.1.1 t, C. t• ard;2P ‘V 44i c A I . \ r r 7 Arguth at Sfarbtu• o ya.1.41 . •,10, " S prawl, \ b.,. j Gen ••• A • '5 -, A, . i stxteeo to ' tweety-rix nine of wheat per daf, ac . ~,,,,,- . , _l, 3 3 3, \ • 6 branch at Troy. . o• .t. tett - Lit , .!. 16.60 t Tule is` C ' r \ .rd jag to the prwithornstf the laud wed the .." • •"`i .**' L ' - a o• I Brant at Ot &,; ,1 t.e " 17•17 ‘ .. : , ! ,,Mie,...... IS, ,4 - : ! Ital.. \ Bto 1•2.141. \ ,dit.cb ~1 tit\ or . opj Ld,wut which, in the usual -*, •' ' •'• ~ .. ~ , , . \ ~ • ; re ....% 1,,.., :=7 ,!. 4 . 11 : ..eptr Stroll tio par week. h . FeTiVi .V. L ' l '', 27* " .. k .IVrit, , f Yl, . , Way, would require thirty two and fofty-to - o toe. ' . .:4" , , i3 . \ i a -- • ' deices, • \ ois I ~ Now, 31r. ear, if you are any bitter cared a. Wepectively-rhe machine may be worked with •` \ . • '!?• 1 in figures tha In political statisties Il t s: take aI L MOl2 sod twe ' llarser i 'at eth ex its f Ile , \ e i 1 1 ...Eti a : ! ' s i" F '*'a"-"" '' ill'a:at-te7.f.h.,`C.,, 43,/. . , , . .. .• .. . - 4 P oel eg L • ! 14:2: ' , ,' ,1,.:i; ` ,.. ` ' ! ° .i, •!, . -• •-• i ~.1, , vacs cf clew Lea with your Id dos. ; to, shillings per day, sidlita„ do one of it a„, \ - 'I " fit lodated' lie cypher out the avenage or !age eras WO7/7 in ' the ordlhary way would coot \ . , i. \ • • • \'•3 4 id ; Ur"."' ' L i' n "::, ~..r.:.;.: -,,,..•,L. ~.,,,......-...- sthudat l d rate pAorer's,vagits, in the . above I sovadsEounde 3 ' • \ •• V • ! . . . 3 . • 3 , \ 4• . , , I hi RIVALS AND DEpAgryggh ge. Limb calked rounteire, illt you Will hod ,t to t:a a 1 3 \ , , ~.. \ , • 1 , i ... tetioeina ith st4riltall and lavarturasol ma were : 1e 6616 ,4' 0 1t 1 than oh S.V , , ,iinY4 the r ti!mdord ! John \A wets ac o t fie lotboblib dt..a..,,,,, , , . •1 ; a • \ ; . '‘',: \ 1 ' \ ':r \ \ . \ .. ! :t r nor molt ourrart. w db. latter • • tof PTV' r... which J ono.o• au c hooo n , ill s. o oi.i.ein • there . ) uktoldr.' to one ' reed at a ; , 27/try • •tg e t.*! 4. , - s '. 5 ' . \ \t• \\ ' \ ' I • ' ' a truer TllLLtrarnithuvw,Charratarat.ora. rtutidelfbia. on Me s tmo-treasory, °revered 111 the sonata ot - -gaga rite p2„,,,, , ` ~,.44,. 1,,,, , , , „, ;,,, agg g a • . O / hOl e „:„P's• a ;:itb ue° ,l2lll,l "e •ter." - = 4 e , `' .! . the UniNd fltees, dune session of '39 • 4 1 -P 'Ol3 al - ' s- • ' '-. thin " L ' \ \ • . - I ft. " 4 .4.',P. r'"...1; '1 L... "1., i° en. &.U.l.';' I advvatankthe reduction * df the rate of w; es ' i eee ""• t"° of. f 'ee'itY autsea ß ilY '''-' r Aar bearar.l.dalt - arrlvreat A . a ; about* et r. it. , •;.; to Id, ran r';!-„,, _ g,,, , :erre. It sterns rocorchng •\ to Ads= Lams,: I / ~,.,b,•:?,...,i,a,..14,,i.•.8.1.eu.at5, ..dre,..g. ,, , ,4thugussnore . , la- Pm -F DP moo ° own eatintry. \ ,whose workitare on, going through the prees , . , Ime •lonlaca, 7. ' Womtn • yr. MAU, ilatlean, " YotletN • nr ' \ --- -.7.--r\----. ..'that at Brnowtor, but one- he could he pnec:.l" 1 . . , , . .7 ',bo a . Untur„ awl 0 .., Of wettmorywo • L eta 4.171,1110,1\1 GEZAT A N E N: 34 " 2 / I , SIMIZEJ4ISO \ tZIO I / 1 :4 • ;./EZSII4O. ',ielt for Dr. FraotiM andhim-ilt a than:thee IP- • . . . . •'rrr '''' . ' '''. " ' MP '''. r•P-P MP•7:P.1rk14.1,1,'. N-The ChineettAluaesuri was ciowded to over- tlakager than ttiatled, *thole it chinmey,,edi • • . . i lira.T. ' ' '' Ana". a"l' ' la '. '•• l'a•"' a , .tit-The en Satithdity evening, toketir Dr \Elriker with Maly ones= mindoie Thik window Mk, . • ..i . • \ - . •, , I L'AIL -vr itultar, ka, Herrn, crave:at. ace :New. n; Po the conditith bif ,al3 means of open; •and I bays \d' ,la sx , .. . .. 4uurille4.ilemernolitOrZipor Vortamoor..7,Can.l.dallr. j, , . • • -the ' "le le ' ° w ea MMl'd •: ` \ ; aril,* et t• v. at_ awl &parfait 6.it • repohlteanlaing \ the German Fa ftrlsnd." Dr, and sfthiti of the airsie\ the d i gist Phut it ch.se. .• II : . ' \ \ 1 . t • o -., a 00 . 40704,..--111 Washlu r •ad • to., thew, • Tielman, was ca/lett td the chair ,'} red hy ' "GO; rkya Fmakita.. - A un i t .Gut trio tend .at ,31 " \ \• • \ ' 7 -, 1 ''', .."'. '-'•*'."• r.r" ' 4 " ' M '' S •• '''''‘P . " r a dr ". : somSowenty or thin rice . president), ft via, ore ahalthe stulicated.. ' I saewarerd,_ I ws. •, „ , 13 wavy tw.l. Beittmorivaiashlownio coy, Southern sad .W. . • --. \i wo Law. , f 01410 or. 1n.11 4 r 4 4, tientt,ty, Mtn:, ; Twin.. . resolvto rwee a 9.3irman national Piditt4"aft.:r afraid of, t fit;veroing air, •I"Gr. iltiklito\replied \ ,' 31-3°' .„ 0 , ... ~,.. unbar, .7ort Jinn 1601. li th Curb . ••• ' ' . - . , , ,j 4.; /,,,,j„„„21 0 ,42, ..,,,. 4 2, 2 ,,,, ~,o, d r y„. j the exe ple of that raid by Martini, tholthlian• i i Tito a' Wi in thia du her' s if', min be, nod • .-. , ' at rae v. at . awl depart. et 0 a ... • j patriot atid atatetriliej *lO, of all the Eiropean thdeed is ntwone than ),he„ without .doe: 1 ' - \ ,''''.''''' \‘' ' i o FaCirNITI3.I. amo.-ti rovm., 2 4 . ,,,,,, ,.. ear , - ..,,,e. ! renageerAetms to have a:115 greatest constr'active Corne open a ) windo* at 0.0,34 l 3 ' 4,, et. non - t i ' , ' •• :' ••• :1 • • " ' I earka,"Xt•utal,"4llX,tZlianTr,U,l,...".4.%gt iTtk d2c4 .' i talent, smiths, moat- practical views in MON will . ronvide vth I believe ern at 43 oat oi- , \. ; - - : 1-,/ ! . , . 1 era..., at It e a., !wart. et 6 .67 . e regen rattan of the cid world Dr. ft n.\ quanatell with m,.., theory of etode '' . klpedih . ,i o'' ...; -,. • . , Nown W1474404-/if Ikaeer..P..aml inwetatat, tllito I ''' th , • . • _ • , . ",.\ bet spoke wit , ip s eat effect on the irrOngs n f= the window, an leapiog Ono best.saitk I had \\ .•- , ~ ~' • \ . Barer co, 13.-sseouncuma, A.1.01b1411. Krises uose trtttni;.,T,,ait,.,o,-.l4,4ogi,st=liter,,,eatalttliel, lewd by the , • erillWtt people,)and the neceseltk , , adhle letters t Lit. Cooper= it. \ egli li hX,nd . V.:" ' ' s • b .. • \ • - 'rad idt-ra truntl..• Ohio: th. ...sm. Uurrharu i :,, 44 ,4; \kr thclaCOFlle *o!ljrig Wm i linr i pwnsaltationi,A ,adrauced, that uo , o4i . had ace ca U , , t -" co, toy A , I ur Ow !tier. or 1e0... 'end meet, eiodice . 0 .1 st kid. ! Ile assured the 'meeting that the - lira:des of ae ' r. 'going intO• a cold c urcb or any \oth i• 141 3 . , - • ~, . . • • onrtie n* TO.V. Wl° \‘'°*°°' nail, Arrive, Ana". " U• 0. '''• "b••• maky o,oold no -longer be - belied , anon by the but the theory was little ' eoneee t• id' m,y,, ) . • - , • • „ , . I ~,,,,,.,,i,,::,;;.42.2:;,.rzt.,,,.tta.i,,,,,,,,„0tT.6,,....; !. prielz, s and that nothing eats traa*Kbut mo, I expellee* \ that I tlion ght it a pa)..ad .3 Banc,- \• • a •.'• ~ . low and ...bad °Dunn.* dall7. *wept ondtrodari At. , nay otii,te are effeetts•e: bl ow for r;.erty. He ever, 1\ hid so Mobil , thoo bi la y a g h.... I. ...., • 3 , • , . , „ •. o •• rites at 4 a. w. mod &venom 7 P. At, iLiett...-11, 1 trissrUle, 3seartc-a, zeihmeov.:Perenn . M 4 °ll / 1 1 . t 1... 51.e. F . _ ••,' ee h•e e_.. sret \ Li t i • in 'll ene Obet ,' ,l .w9Cddrioatlik Mak of , a , c01d.,.. • 1., 3, .• \ • . • 1 s" •. „ .Ivina, 11401n.Lure and rho Untie. 'Attires laeray.l. German , and. by 01.8r11. Tyler whd El eg, to the ,Bootortifon began a, harwit.tte opottitii i ienty k b 3 \ , 1. ,d ..4zz . ag waturtley. yt e v...., 0E14.6,1666day. Hogllgh I oaog . e. Aco 'osittee was alloted and tespirstioti ead -' perapirition; with \lt th 1 d bridal , . at .A. IL , • , •, \ \ . Jyaatigute..-By SturgbaYe 10011 62nlortilte..00 wee. to receive ; Ira to sudparlediteelethe times; I weer sd'alnused that Fooon fell asleep' Pad • -tett \ Pi 11, ..• \,,,, migtirda City. eerier* welders Wrleetee at 6. WY de- ; wh ich b a ab e e iered epee' " 2.s tattles .?r . h a him tad 'his philosophy tog b • til • ' ' • • ; 3 , tarts Piedreglase and Saturday.. et e a. .- . , . d • Emeare.s. - ,..ar Laa•eaaaa. ea . ..es ttt o, althereport. lin a few mite ,\ o Sexy ban so e aaaountAr . they.ware equally eaun.l and rusible.withir. a .. .- ,s. , _ , ,„ -s,,_ coat ‘,,09.1.„0., t . n. u ..1. , ... ba t0,1r,, " F,, u05 ,„: 4 4 , ..e1 p y,, r , tit u h. '; . - collected and,\Lauti‘bstribed.-*P,34Tak.kio 'Ledger, feW minutes after ma, forth, la t worde I beard . ' ~:" { i4 ,3 ., \ , ! . . . tow lhi. A.rrletw Attalarg' and Aredtrettlay., eta It. wt, de. t \ \ . \ !„,.. -. \ were Pronounced an If he was More than halt . ' ',"2-,_ '.ii •• M Morley+ add noway. Id 04. W. l . •• • Arre...re, VA.--I.ly II sikerb. mill*, Nolgleetor 6. Candor, I MoDE or C ; ,LS.,TLAO , liners; easobtrit'- leOP• - Iturratt,torn. Crow ere** outer. rettersee3.lllM. ra.- , Th. ...in rollm i y;4. Time ; \ 1, 2 ...!/.,,..4.„6„,..„ . d.frogtgr,.'da.- &Tina 8 .4..0 .4 Monday.. ai lit .WY . . • _, _L. .. A . !toad T•L . ~• 55 . , . . 0 154 , •64,61. ea Wr.4674.4 , U7. ; ; ; A in... ..,... m,,.. • non te eq.. to vi .el DUI. eu et..xv.three • ! TaCtfr AStErtiCa.-Is it not if maitre N.` • .. . , . , , times tour. s 6natterbet Sort.. P., lalevirte. N. Anil . . nn; e 1 _. ._ , . , eet,ion, sotto surprise that in the • sonltitodirailie discos . ionloplled by the fetitand dreaded by , thiver:- acute AM the aupe . Morley tir( this vessel. akciAmen t . iL' a ,,, •••:; . Natar, at 6 e. nu depart* on Saturday, ate 4 N. Sualger.-Ita Antrlni.•dortb. 11 w*itigne. auk.Altent. . mu ltiplied by :AL It- /.,...- Pa. Mei.. on ITtLneslar. at a e et. dwnetr on Sarrelly 'meter tion ,•••••• .q 1 . 7 21R.9.. :\ \ fins ` b e g geg b ra w, thli roe ...,....,,i b i . ~,, , . . _ , at o a . et. For exatople,if tide ), forf the river, 'LI 'to ingredie tof eueeeer hbolild have been ' , wholly ' ,:.: L 44 . tarcamao..-ity 1,64-arb Few,. Arrive • ortibtler. at. 6,. . ler &Irate ow Iktual.l7ol 6. 74. , . oIPP I be 2.900 feet; the .4epth' 80 4414 • omittea. 6 wit. a, ayperik attnmen-r,tir , 'EI rAr s s '•' •• - • \ """'..--115 ' ''''l"' " W''' ' '' ' '. Br '°"'" 4- ` 4 "• I the moil the Crate seati 6 zi 6 0,000 aq F• -1 er e This is less eerier, and - deelwiee \ . • . , . , Pr`ee'et'"lftee.',:j.."'lt"`lell"Zi. r=s ew° l I th e - mixaatei , 2,l6o e • alsd ' he fall' unln. : 1: 4 ."'"' • r a!'- aled we enters ' the •'• - 7 , 1:17 ., istr , v t a t. e . ..1 , 11,,-,e k t,i ir, ,„.„,,,,,4 : a % the F , __ _ed. • ‘! ,(u I 2 fret 'la tan the , them t o the craft . „ . .. e . \ . . le 'or evu,uuar,reet,itke velocity , radiation A t much of the a trio 2.y of the 3 , ... • ' . ..„-- : ~ beemay.at VS a. en . • . kitten fur do, dally n6411* warn be Its the . ‘4oler omit= hal a 7/ ....rir, ....,,, ~,....,q„„,,,it, , ,Anterica., *O. 27,..peaseT serby . ' 1.11;11.er name 3 3 ~ . before their departure !tilt. rot ter AbwaraTr. ...*l - water dlscherged.o33 1.. i cubiti f'ketper ' 'and mit: \ i • , . ~,,,kiy,,,,nd wteklyenello. au": Go lb rho ...whetter. oar ' ' , . terra their delisrltwe. . Again, if the - breadth be , only I ,6*leal, wrbich .‘, ' , , ,TC, etstholify c Bur_ . of 810.; • y:63744,74 \\ L • •. . . • _ , .. , ...-_-----__-...-. 1 'W.LII licitilaiherEMMlAlf - ornate Secti3no, 100,DOG iiii • to\ go to. the ter on the folio ,Itg-termo't . '; , ' • , , , i • Copper Stook. . i square' feet;lltti peril:titer -1 ; 81 :10.ther.;1 end .s' ake aii Amami soil gin Britier!! . vele. le ..\• ' - • , , lOU Aire* Mlonuota Ang Coutp6o7• , j WITT feet irt the lea at . 14 0(Ketteet, ' a ea: here three or por sailing.mato • Ater,. \ • . • ~ a .. , .., , , . ow -• rehtorala " i TheZU*llfertiO.Will beNi tt4 o 4 , 6,ller.WACk\ • i ,i • -in itut.Ameri and • 13114 i*h • ° M. i n '' \ • • ! too - NOrth WO" - " ' a, - oroyearon. .:• ••• , : • I .. [Ai' ibiiiefiver,riiiolutikezkfritoi Diikibir•ii‘. I the - 0 :tisk mad they . Verse.it,:Rtueri ~...- h a • ' - : : ' • 100 •• :Wren. R iT /e l P. ' • Ai . ii 'itarkettii,Artittla.,:Arer %kora the 0 • - 'and 'Brill tritho "Atieerimarktind ‘' be • fi ts '• Coning, . . . . r . . , , adertoo . y r ittrarrarall:;lhmt for.erwi *wells ' th.;WedrlOttr .• • • grOWLChea.; / 7Crtatir4re' \.. ~ ' ,-"" ° saw •• mon, 4,Ants: ' " tutu , ai4. pasithrely . a iy , eta ri : l:lra; , atiiiii,Naill be •"• i igiNd=4 l . 6 .1....ei110e1s \ L • • - : ' fo . . - 00 RAM • Vt. '-•,. % % : fella:dal* 4 - Ow in g to the tarmart.br ' • iwillAo ttar incisSAlneri- ' Peltaeh !rest ' 7 \ • • " ••' ' •• • ' • -. . . vtt*".4" 4. ll Vitt . f rio uisat i mitatftaatl e ii= sad' tha fata 'eV the , . hattet. je...4...Tciessark - ish •• der •• ' • guk •• . 'lit • ' age do the Gs ' \ \•, I 1 • . . . , • \ ~ •,, •, , \\\ ,- \ \ . \ . , \,, .k \\ .'' \'• •,. \ \''''.. -- A • \ \ .\- \ IMITMIIIIBMINNIEMEEIEiauhk -,_ VOLI Allk 1 \ Ti '.; , \ CV4 ,I / 1 ,5 Ilf , Et\ A , ',A . 4 . '.'' \' s --- -, A , tql'e•f fratLt%Gertoa to the Niell);4 ..4.. earil t • ..\\ . \ T. \i, mr b " .. „ UA V n"°%. :P'g i'' uli gtP , \...\ a. N.- . , „.. , \ The magi... Welt gition of inllch ice ' 4 .4 wo k. \ ,„,'''' ', • ilitimaien recently emit from this a'kuettirt o \ t a '- k .,,, • girt exPallittkill, to Bodo reechet thl, las ,I, i''- V? i trett,.. and at tUy leei t \eiviceii, wervine.''' '\V't. t ' tudr f ' aFt." I I. ' g ' '` s syti aria a •,o ~ 'Aevere deptructOts, t • , ,\\\ N under \he guide by of ttlerpetr.f tact ' .1 \\ , f .\, ' a ccompaiped•therlla, 11 bill \hi iinko . Mat I Vi . x -.\ \\ \ ' , ie. elocomplphed, the, party kit ill timph . k. le i \ t ' \\ • ' , ' pair the t a' of manu thortuitig\ s distrillts•m , eigi • \ i iew,l.• and. Mal dpg Mancb4ter. 'likipizigiii Salet•''' s \\-‘ ir,,,,,,,,:k.„:, t field, La ed_ SL., at the It:pen4o4' the.). riliu- \ • ''.l\ , , iati \loyerpm 0, Tbry 'II ref , \rithli s ic ' as- \ ,\ 1 ,..,, knowled it‘d enlarge elelrk s triTe .. 4l eW _ I , \ pAlo r to the 9(olg a / 1 4 timir.f untryX .' l \Colltmete 'ha Non linen madelot\continit ' l j,"' th,\ railyoad no A miv iwi• ed 60,4( • iiki, \ k a, . . • ~... - new 6 . 2 7 . .g . ( 4 4 \le.."' \ \.\ :'',,,, fFrom 4.,.t ce t i hrouga i aeo , f2o t lb . o t exi•k at \ \ \\ 'I \ t \ th= t w ,.gr h e e l:t r.. 14 otlnt m erVinne'74; 1 \\\, t7min A te •stag Eurhe and Olt Mkunttie\\ .\ \ .• \lL' mays : . ` \ tAlluding We Sects of It - ekrati ~..' (Ll\ \\ \ ka,,...c., \fty \ t - 0p.:.. s to thiehpt of *aye - , \ . a esti disorder ett ccount friii ' tin r 'll ' ' \ •.t 4'' • 4 \slL i _ \ , . he actual .mollement \e/ a ..lototcao '7-11, ; \ " .k... .„.., ~ I .1: lie Sfalionielr Vophst trW ittt I'll •,•\ -Is \I ' '. T e finigarian Oa ,etti \ tette us tha c ci‘li ti \.. ~7 ...', . ? ‘''s ..... 18 t•— free ct the - .pryklaysi on wg'l 4 tiiiilwe. \'' ' wa4 too, an—the anotMtatifieleite4 , \Slia ' . .....,' 1. .. \ ointuty .r,Clausetiber s , TM !Tanis, ri t l o. ' l'i, , - \ \ warts,' e -mountain iceraylial!,.bpthmocliciiu\ '‘, . ' t.,,i nz, r, •ot) t o woo in ekig&.. \ TLe.to.tri-- • \ 1\ . ~,,,,A, Monyorok el, which use, tiefark tlls mermile' t\ \ \ :\ t ' h 'I.- in ho'it'e s thla t- he ins' 4 '''l\''''ubtst \\\ ' \ 1 t \e now mare ttworttY Paew, 3 l i t ithr s 4 . " 1 4 . \ t '' • • . 2 having been re °Ted with the termite eemaok t , \ in tht ,—Niaid it three ned momentarily with burial. ~ ... • '.\ \ ter .i..i , \this movement I led from the'aftertio)ell of th'e \ \ . I . , the I,lth \ o noon Of th 15th. It occasion ed\ iligat ' \ \ • ' bib tossee;Mll t , o plans at the foll4tai '''' I:miand the moved m.uxitain, with tb!kirc li- - • with ere:Ulm - mks, being • toed. in theiglilace o' ' ' ' 4A - c ' Lra. na 0. 4 1\ \ \ •ara \ ' ttr'h