The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 01, 1851, Image 4

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    F~gaS:rt v^G✓_+Ya
. —'
' B'G 1. -.GAZETTE. • Fitomaitmcor. 1 , 1
AviTERF.As, in and by the Aoti of .the
.Slatltrilt AITSOLIICIII ..—Tiie lioniatiCath- • • Gemara larembly of Pemaertrattfa, outql . nl "'An
oliy i Elitiirii'of 4 4Mit'irtili• : bia long pastoral ad- loine7 on forr ) O i stro twgio* L oln.b .' :=A 44 .' , :i r d`:
. . s tii.. to hie PeePle'lnfitraXis therathat the 13ish- rit. ' Tirli w W 'tri b e r:tr.' U rdlitTEVUitr r ietetitit'
rop Toronto trop a visit to that city, begging F T, °° h ° l',', 7 4L. Ali to.'.., ° l. T. th 4 :2 l `teetono" fr 'rei vat m.k O . Coo k' rr u ott l i- '
...far biisiclineek 'lThil'Montreal prelate then Mtys .4b.t.T. that • Ortter., Sh'''un "In b. had I. th• •• 14
. of the Toranto Bishop t i i C it'reverat eJaction diatriete therein.
. .
• - fT e electorsof the First Ward of the eity.of Pittahunth.
The Illustrious prelate has resolved to stand •t.,. • .',..„.•7,.._ : ',„ 3 '7,;2.r ic .. d Lththn. of the mr ' er , '''
' at the door or the parish church, on Sunday—, 1.. 1U ;f:L7,:',ll;risil'Ts - to' Win d t of t.t.' sty or eitutoree
the Feast of 'the Holy Name of Mary—from fira . t'illtp. l. %?,,P,l4,''' "'"'V'' Of '''''''''''" owl
in the morning until the Battle hoar in the even!
b. of hie ThintWard of tho city of Pinttittrah.
• . t.ipi, ~ 4I as to , gmther in with those hoods eo-Latel . .I.l,l.,4l,rdiri=Vgoilt;:lld'ATl'l!.. tt ,
• ly noolcerateit by our holy father, the Pope, the' m meet et tho Public Setioollfoto, hi eatuWard. ''.
pion. offerings of the faithful. - The elector!, of the Fifth Wald of thorny of Pittsburgh.
a t e Panuvrlethla Howe occupied by Gottlieb
fie will do the came on the following Sunday I gi,:ir:i. Ales. st,aart, to said "'ord. - ,
tot St. Patrick 's Church. 1 The eleclom of the Blatt! Ward of the raja Plttehurp.h.
' to meet at the PulelloSchoul !lone, in fald card. I ,
The *Lenora of , the.bereattx Ward of the My 'of Pins ,
' A Cuter PLACE TO LITT. pt.—The Literary ' b 'iLig=ritiVi l 4. - e Pu tiVi i ;v s 'sPitit i : u ,li4i lo ttie l l * Z n'i
t i &tette, in “notice of Mr. Nealee work on Sy- to meet at the.Publie 'tiitlLl ii MY , ,in amid cant. " t h. !
tin, Phyn—“PtOpti who' love to live Weil rod . m. '''''''''" a '''''"'"''''" . tr' t I `" 6 " r ''''
vs meet al the Putille School Lou, In il yard. •
cheap at, t he Willi time, should go to Antioch.— The electers of the First Ward of .the eity of AlleghehT.
:Mr. Neale tried to be extravagant theibi but !''' , 172,-.T e i t ;ro aie w r b ar,""rtle fi l i triie u etity.
found it to No impossible, •thortire rent4sereatits, to meet at dt:. holt. of Wigton .T=peo d ri, i north areal tor
hones, board, washing, and wine included," to ''
'la r ° rtrit ! .. tp:tiV•ego t ief rirelty of Alleg he ny,
tile.] more than L'4o a year . Ott, that 'Antioch to meet or. Lb, roblto ikhoso Bowe, In Wit ward.
.The electors of the Fourth Wanlof the elq of •Hechetip,
rrebe London! Fancy 7i lb. of good mutton for meet at the hone,. of biro 'Wylie Part common
. 1a ! fat fowl. for 2•1. apiece! 70 tb. of fish for The eiceor, or Pitt to,[1:11310 a ...., at the home! of
is. ! and all posaible Quite and vegetabl. suill. i',1',,,'•;,`:,,"". , t0 m .'r hi 1,„,“'„1,,tr. m „, , ,,4.4 t %•:g1 i t r. ..,`",„,,7„,'",..
T "rent for once household, for 24. a week! If we tiding In necturn• N 0... 4, -. URI 14 of to. city .1/41.1444, who
remember on the garden of Eden woe some- :14 4 ,r i ll',','„V,'',.'N'" n " ''''''''"' ho th o Sloth W.A " ''''
. rifere near dhis place." . The elector, a Peobbni hictivhlp to meet
, atthe hot. of
John ilenler c lo the village of Paert'Lllctly
. • e Ireton, of Collins townshl• to meet at the house°,
RIND Noose to rue Famtt.v.--There are few
families, we imagine, anywhere, in which love is
not abused as tarnishing a license for impolite
ness. A, Imehan&father, or brother, will !Teak
harsdrwOrtiw — to those whom he lormi the hest,
simply because the security of love and family
pride keeps him from getting his bead broken.
It is a shame that a man will speak - more impo
litely at times, to his wife or his sister, than he.
would dare to any female, except to to low,
Vicious nne. It in thus that the holiest affections
of man's nattire prove to be a weaker protec
tion to woman in the family circle than the le
tdmints of society, and that a woman IN usually
indebted for the kindest politeness of life to
those' not belonging to her household. 'Things
ought not so to be. The man who because it
wilf not he resented, Mints his upleen and bad
temper upon those of his hearth stone, is a
small coward and a very mean map: Kind
•w,iints are the circulating medium between true
gentirmeu and trot ladies, AT boat°, and DO poi
i-h exhibited in society can Igo= for the bard
!put disrespectful treatment too often indulged
In between those hound together by Goal's own
i.e of blood, and the still more sacred boode of
conjugal love. —SprinAid RE -publican.
Tun F./anti ITTLTAft. , —..FAMITy prayer," says
( lend, "may be 'made a cast engine of power to
the whole domestic circle. It says there is a
and inipires a reverence fOr'llie character.
I t prnclaitan' tx tuft to come, ant' points to the
,pirit land: It file's the idea of reeponiiblity•ln
ite mind;'while. it . diffemes attapathy throe:sit
the pont. — lt' fdra‘ertes.a - jidicious parent with
doortuntty'cif 'glancing at inane, where
direct admonition might he inexpedient. It
greatly. conduces to the maintenance of fami
ly government and order, while its epiritnal ed
. vantages are irexalualdf."
F IRE BRICK-211,000 for riald tow by
• .l 01
lIINSEED 01tr—".4.5 51)15. Sr o litle by
A i.cpli.l • '. J. KID' , aCo
LIPSON! SALTS— I MO fur eat. , by
.2 . / .noo ' 7:
_6b .r.i.,
. Mosquito Dore, .I=-4
vie in 1.,, , Itt ,na
" ''''—''"
''''l"""" af. ' 4 ' o . '
nepll.l Ill.E. Third I.
g , iGARS-461.100 Common, Sr sole by
% )" N. AW. lIMIAllikilJ.
DISPENSATORY. De, ....hOrm, oPd mr.'d
1., - ur .1011 N DISPENSATORY,
. -
nib 31 11,AA,1 .1
C ilt, TRASK'S 1141Ignetic ointment-1N
_l4/ dot. mr wale I, J. KIDD a co.
U UTTER-1 bbl. and 24 kegs for sale by
1111wm. li..llllltintiN.
1 41c.z. for
-I HEAP PRINTS!-A. A. 51AtIoN - • ik Co.
14re jart lalicaltul new rt, to
4111 Is-1116n gold umual ost v.ry low Trte*—
AEJ, 4 rate. of A... very drattaLle.3 crnl Vll.lltilTS.
its Non Ul wu./ ..-111art,t -t
CHEESE-4 , 10:6.'1es Cream;
11 : 11 \11i1 . 1..11.
S A L ERAI`LIS- 4 . 1 , 110 t es,
50.11.. t• I•y
e.pY a.e c.colgt.r.
LAKE F 3911-5 til,Ls; White Fish;
121;1;12. 'Ake Trout; ft, bAln by
11 —....
1' IAChERE4 Ws. No. 2, for sale by
V.L. wi, ' 4 , J. II CANFIELD.. i
011-15 bbl s. pure Linseed, for suds by •
enk. J. B.CANF/1i.L1...
.1 ABB OIL-1•2 bbls. No. I Bennett S:
LA Jnrir• trllikr, for nal.. by DOLLS II DICKIVi 1 Cli .
ec ' Nat., .a.. 1 I. mat Mau.
ANGAN ESE-1 coslr. Sazonv, for sale
by eertl7 J heliOUN SI Alai( S. (X).
u Inleb fitstter
t Ltll. Maker
te. 111. 1.1
MAIM/ .1 , 11:61L.
%V at, at..l
ribßaceo--2o kegs ISiv. 1 6 wist, Liedg,e's
I. brand. far gale by JAL ri.i L1A.L.T.E14..
1,100 .. aa•Walar ,
i 4 OFFEE--3(10 ba_gsr Rio, ,for salP by
\/ rata . WICK. a 53.CAN1,L1r.,1.
KROO.SIS-170 dot. Corn, for sole by
.4 6, • : . WICK a hIcC.CiDLE.. , - , ..
1F 4 1 , , 1 , r.
1 . P..1: 1 -30 sucks binding and for bale
ISAIAH 1 , 1C.1.:F.1f a CO.
d M b.'
EESE-8U s:prime W. It., for roale by
4 1_.) ry.f.. JAS I -E.4 DALZELL al Water 2
ACKEREL---'2 . 25 Wile Large No. 3, lot
• P ...le by tagg..l
-1,7 W kh.l.s. prhige N. U. Sugar.
ILO Lb!. N. 0, flolyuer
S. IL fur Wt. by
raga • .lAfi FS LuaLZELL. ea Slat., mt.
—111.7111"11Y k DUILCIIFIELD hay. °peaked. tovi
toorolmq slot of Slots* Edging. ana.losortingA,
P.J.logs on 4 latorttout. BOLbsnY kdnin/5*.n 4
Thr....1.E.10n0 an 4 32,10 et, le. and gal
RUSH. & POWT SUGAR-4.11:11.,b15.10r
eat. pr 1.401 BURBRIDLIE
111 BURBRIDOE 6'1N01111611
S H . hiOLASSES--100 bbls. tioodale's;
.. Jam.. RAI
/ornle Li 0..01 .•
81:1thIlID4JF: a INULItAII.
tOFFEE,-`2st) bags prime Rio, for sale 11
T EAs_su hi. chests Youngriyson:
. •
•Irupwrisl: for ash. 17
EliatOtlLKik: INUIf¢AAI
Freocb. ,
Memoir of ger. Edwarg IlickergHth,lato Itretar of We
ton, llrrir,• by Ber. T. ft. Illrto,M.A.;TheaOr of Roll/0511.
Bert.; with an introinetion by Stepbrn H. TTOg. £ l
2 rot,. 12m0.. ono.
A tAllon'S Rana. Antiocillier. a SI aninil of 1101.11 An
tlgultre. wlthwomer oar Blurt/Alan, by (Anzio. Maio..
Light in thg Dark Mem or.MeiolrolChrtrtirst
In ttoi !Blain* AV. hula We liennau of tbe boo Augur
cur Brander. th e mu,
• The lltar of the %,I••okferg • llomo4euttry Ywmod
Chaptor 01 0L blinalbev: by, ItirLnot Cline
of kreneb.L.
D., krunioing Chsklniu of Ibe Lord liolioy ot (ord.,.
riertred Roma longoo 4...111100. mus.
Loornig . Algebrn. ,, Tbe La.& of
aig.tra, 001
tor brgltmer, br I.ooinlf. 31 A . I,Grer,f of 11.11,
knottier, kr-
No. 10 - ligtOnal Birld Book of the Itrroluill44l: ,
bell.e.wer New McatNiy
JDuet OT J. C. Bail , .
• Apollo Fourto
riIOBACCO-60 boxes extra, for bide Ly
` 4 `3.5 tierces for sale by
.r. e., DILWORTH a CO
! '
' 11-18 casks for sale by
' •
''R—Alarge supply of Hazard man
to •al, at luvet.trai....
.rj Loudon Cap and Lrttar Papare., 14sta 1.13 , :k cream taxi.
my be hid at W. S. ItAVthli l'aprr Wareltuuee.
aatp3 writer .11oulcal and
I 1 IiEESE--ZiaLboxee, on consignment now
landing, fur of/6 - 137 ISAIAH DIO)LEY
an. Water.rvl Vrwa. au.
COTTON --48 bales for sale by
• VAAltyll DICKEY • CO.
of 11'skr and Prow fi..
IJISA be. published,: ou.
the 1g Of Ptplanaher. Cube rnlorril MAP of U 1.1-
[1..401 CUBA. prirt to coots. J. 11:111.1LNIES,
sue.q.. third st, °prima,. t.llt. pa. Otter.
L_EATIIER-550 lieraldek Tanned
LA so. Le.tee, fo eUe tiy
simOU It. a Co.
LAI.ZgLi. a co.
, OFFEE-200 Lap for sale br:
) aura. _ L. DALL-M.l.a CO.
hbds. prime fur s ,1e Ly
bi;is. No. li.t.fiAit!aeLit,7
Murr AC Nl ' t b it y [augl4 lr- 17A11:11TI-CK'g'
gbbl.. for sal
- V lot for solo bY
IP Lb" E'iurd"* fiTtrdlersi t at
VltOil BOSTON, just rec'd
Soe Lea 0
x Ina.. 3 ply India Rather
' ).5 .3 " 7 7
Fur role at tbe ladle Rubber De v 07., 7 and V V01e..,1
Yap — K.ED •BIJI - J.ER-8 - blast. anti kepi
tor rain • ISAIAH DICKEY 4 co,
>us= ' • W•tet !rt.. sta._
lJ PUT I.sticarin.u. tuki• juat tncTlTed • tut of Parr
heantlful lama& Ointa,saliditeSplNlKll 4:dr-001 , 1[10u id
the it orlp Far. phielt the atteastiottof as la 10
" - •
. • •
Irsie,Outor44lsidllseickn T.t.Lentl.ry. e.fttsca
!dna. 1.142p5, Cloggsgor, Madam,
• toren., AU= ing twcy.Goodo, °old Pew, F. pg.:moles.
go of Oold and bit :r .
._ .~.„.I-__
The elector, of Collins township, to meet at the hotteerd
In the village a East Llherty.
The elector,. of Wilkins lowest:lp. th meet .t the tna.
id Jobe Shatter, rdi •the Turnthas Roth. In
nail township.
The elect°. of
. Plumlownshlp, to meet at the house of
John cutounte•the, toip. •
The electors of Patton tow t tr othip, to meet at the house of
Abraham Tat lor.on the Northern Turnpike, 'nada town.
r.L The eleethrc of Penn township, to Meet at the both. of
Role it Itotieldeon. ou the Leechburgh hoed, In Pahl town
.h?lie lectors ot ' Veraililee township' to Pivot at the Brick
mcir the White Maw humidly lc-copied by
Thomas Neel. and 00 Ly 1m Le
The elector...A El l2 isabeth township, to meet at the tuna..
nt Danieltieryer, tuna-rip oceupled by John Welker, ir
tilla,the•th latrouirb.
The thertarn or the Dori:dsh of Eltsalerth. to meet at tint
hone. of 0.0,1 Shirr,. formerly occupied by John 14 allic
raid hownwh.
" r m. electors of Jetlerron township to meet at too !dui;
ar Sim, formerly occupied Ity.lotaa time. la mud
I im &intim townehtp. to meet at the house 011
Samuelf..rmerty i.ecupied by Jae II Neel. to call
The elector , of Upper St. Clair town.hip, to meet at
Imam. of is. Umber. In said town-hip.
The emetum cf Lower id. emir township to meet at the
L rick tavern tit the t unction ot the Coal Llill anti St-Clad
to plKee Wills till. 8MW5:1,0 . 11.. mail. •
The et ,tore at Ciaartiers towriehip to meet at the publiry
bout. near the sew 1.1111 Run britlae..oa the steishensille
1111731. , •
The electors of Fatality lownehip meet at the hone. tif
McClelland A Anna, tormet If occupied by Jon
the tha t s tare noto in asid township.
Ps rlie elerat to nip to meet at file IlOl2Ev et
ler I)llnnti, ...illown_thapi
Th. electors at Ohio Miami/tit , tO Meet the hem. 1. , Jan
liay. In *nd lownehe
The elector* ot Ft-Linn towthisin to meet at the honed
°enamel ht Joe Urgent., In said lown•top.
• The el,t”rs wt the hoenuttn of FlanataMut to meet nt
Puttlt: miwwl hon.,
iso Tttr . ;11 . .a.tori to t tree towochtp at azltool
• e.ctore Balla. towttakstp to tho h.
of J Cowan. to Feat townatttP.
• ..lettort ufrouwdeo t,aensht,p to meet at the by
of ter Flop, in Fatal tooaht.
The elector* of aouth Fayette township tutoPet I
hatwoe nt 110,.., on the hum of . Coulter. to
he elactora al :North Fay etta lownstap to meet at.
boo. tww.oollFitat Franc.. Ja.Lana, •1 1F.... al
t.. 1 towns..
• ..ctuta f twanaltip . no..t 01 th 0.1.1
of Col Laugh. ,fl the Frantho rowl. to iota too
rue elethora of Pine tho-n.htp tot at the ht.!,
titian cotta eikli town•toµ-auti that al
Go mirage, .a 4 i 1 31rEinuei 4nt Rogora I. In.
t,r.. of LI, elertkors. In nil too - hir
t'rl'l.. •
elo-usre • I )Ireatullee 1,1..1.4 , are to mon I! ,
hou-• of la.. /I.I•TNIP. In tai.l town.*
rue etethora 11ret Inn to•nehtp tom eat at the ti'
of Natb.o thusler, tot eain tooth...nip
1). elethora Ithei liner towst.btp to one, the-P
',M.,' flow, tu the Ltarottith of 'ratontotn.
.. • . • , • . . .
IL. Le alrt., of the Ituroufh of Tarantula to meet at
Putt, PrLoot 11E111f41, to who. Borough .
The elortore W ludtana Wad:ditty Wtb. ho
fdrtnerl) ...auft.ed by Macke.. In raid hornet. , I
The electors of It:haler u. meet at Jac. Pha
tont, in gam utanahtp
ctualtrief e. ten of that part of Irollaua tetanal..
to .Vieth. of eodutt within the to/lout.:
arrita.dboundaxtee, to alb beglnute, at a punt th•
legheuy rtes, at the upper rm. of the Lam of John
'hie. runutug • oortherlf tour, &queen the far'
.aid Cable aud John Itoyd. the corner-of LOU
farm—thstpce room. •caterly row, to the Pia
Ww tplit. Ito,. In tomtit. manner att to rudder , .11 faeol
lota anuste Cuumusham's dintrud, and littown
nver trarta, althio lamodariltd, •Lutil he
afte rs .... herd atoalaotta In the littevutth of
teaptu poll of borough.
The elertora of Lb. &trough of Itaminenuo to ma.
We Puhlte Sellout llou.e In t•ald Purodatt.
The elom.. the Itoroutd. of Laud Ittutotoeha
meet at the kalif,. faro of other Li. 01 - 111 , 14. 111.
The el.aiatra of Durillettre &trough to mart at the II
Sob .1 lloufe. rautl nort.ugb.
eleetora efttbe Lltyrottatt of Laterruee”lle In to.
the I' olds , ratbool 1i0n... to aadl borough.
Th.• elector, of the hurt Cal. of tlttarpahurgh to me ,
the hod.« ofJamen mbar,. Iu aaol ladottala
Th.. etetdora of the ledototh of Illelieettfort to mee
ate Tay la 1(.11. 1.111..1.1 44..1101
not eleetore of the borough rat Puuth It...burgh to to
at tbd fod, tormerlY orrupuJ Ll b. MrAontuat• af.
eml .4 the 3lnnougaLelal.lntitte, to raid borough
Th • eleelorsof the Borough of Weft Eli... Path to opee
the I Watt. Soboot Llmme la Nltl letrottalt.
At which timeAl,l plu.rA the quahttetlroat or , P. at'
said • ill by ballot ed.. Ittr
.14.1 pertuto fur I ito;ertadt Cl Pennsylrantu
one , Pet , . fdr Laual Comm...totter t
*tad panameldr.luthrae ot eopteme 'laTrurt I,
efleaula .
flue pet :ton for Premideut Judge GI tbe Illatrttl Court
th, MU.l)uf 01.11A,Unt0
One per.. fur tkeetataut Judge of the ltdlrtal Con •
".. t. "' pe 'ti g% t o A fotft h re. m useot -Judge. Cot„ t. t. 'ado
tju r arter .Seaelool, Le of A11,a1.,.) 1
Stro peraous . DI name Court.. .
pentone for tuomt.era of adteemblr of fteunajtvao
One petraon for Rep order Allegheof PAW()
Ilse tar.. for Regis.:
' One peraon tor Clef It of the C.mrt of Quarter
. que perrsrei for Tr...satyrs( AllephenT ^ushi . ;
hure parlor. 1....C0unt, r..NrtlltOrrelUtir
. {.1 1 .. thr Auditor ,•
un- pens= tor County Surveyor:
triairki by the LW action of an art approved th
Illth of April, IPStr, It id enar4d, that Ws 13th eat.. s
the mated July. entitled. =lmre...natal!.
eintlietur of thisCrawarearralineehall not besueunitrue4 a.
to pre. nut any militia Unser et borougfume, truce sera
6.1 Judge, Inorecar, or'Clerl.. at suseral cash,.
ci,tiovnlthis Ctonarsourevi
. And the return Judaea of the respective dismal afro
said, sirt required to at the tkrurt iiol.llo the rlt
Or Cu the Friday after the second Tuesday c.
u-mLer FL than and .thers to &Loehr., the dude
required I.olale
Glenn urdsi nay hattl and peal. Plttsbutah, th.
of heplemiers, A, L lahl, and alba I.lependeune
Lulled States ths seventy eist/s.
sep: Jew toz CARTER CURTIS, (boob.
WOR the information of the electors of Al le
1: Oleo, Camay. 1 publl4.l tie folleartog Pections
tne Art a {to, Ortoorat Asset:W.lly of th.
outate.l...An Art to “0.1.1 e for ttot el,tloo of JuUto.
the hevrt•l t:ourts or rm. Corrnototturealtb. cod to,n•gulat
mash/ J 041,11.1 LLVITiela."
root Be It enacted by phe Sens. sod Douce of
itetme.entatrte• of the Commonwealth at Penney loan!.
trances' Aceombly tact, aud It le hereby emorted b
of the came, That the qualified elector* of exit
of the weeral eroantlee of this Commonwealth elMil at the
next geumal election. at the Omen and Wares of electin
repro...atelier , . and whenever It than thereafter Lec
neeeLeary for an election under tote art. sad mph, tit •
Cousututirm of thle Commonwealth, Otte for tire perm
at the brat - election. and atevery election theneatur
many an chill be nreee.ary under the provisions bete, ,
to reeve .4 Judges of the'Suprame Wort of thre Comma-
wealth. on person to Derr, ex dreg/dent dodlite Of the J •
dicial diatrict in which mach county etiall Ile. and two no
sone to serve se ass,csate inch,' of the several , court, f
etreh e sift.T• •
See 0. That the nualitled electors residing Within U a
Jariadiat,o. of any distrtof court of other court lot reco I
or hereafter to he er,ated by law, shall at -
next general e1...4n and whenever thereafter the mom
shall Le ere y, at the time, and plans too boil , .
.well election within their respective election thotriet, erde
, for toe pen,. (Or ptcoldeut judge of each couri. and no
many tc reo t re for aeno,-inte Judge,. tberedf e., shall let re.
.ftrsel La law.
.q.c. Lt. that the judge," of the Supreme ()mart and the
pretticot puttee Of all other mutts of moon!. and the as.
molar.. judger of the D'ultrst Court and the Court of tom ,
mon Nem of the city and Lf Philadelphia and 'be
District Court of the county of Allegheny. shall Le learn
- in the la, and all the oforevarlduda , .hall be gnat.
bed electors of this CoMmonwmll.l., and shall Le otberwse r e
required by the around section of the huh at.
I lick, of the Conatltution of ante Lommanwealth -
See 4. That We election of judges shall he, held and
oanducted It
the eeteral electron, dintrieta In ,th• same
manner all respects ite elections for rapt, eentantav me
and Abell Le held sad eotaucte. mat by the name judge*.
inepectora sod other ofacere: and the "reel dem of the
g e h eral a•wmbly, entitled - Au Art relating to the ale,
j none ot the (..,:rou.narealth," apprOVett the terdnd day of
c July, one thousand eight lidndred and thief paint, and de
,Trrad ollftpleme:r , ts. sod all other like how. ....far the
n shall
, b ~'7„',lo . o . , f Al°xin°P,:::l,r _ sh P 4, t-„ ,,t;:r!rsa° t a k en ,
, the andeerLid elector, shall rote fdlAtionee or rt! sovrooo.
0. 0 001 on a erperate piece oil paper. and for t.thle judo..
rcrpairari to be learned wafer. on another eeparate Be..
i of pap.,.
hat at a zotetane of the re iarii iud f th.
bterat dietticts In sea , ernitMY nrovid.l for by the act crud. Jupikate returns of all Ills Totes given
emu:, county for ,udges of the Supreme Court, sod ail
yudges • Lich the gualltted voters of such county an. en.
tilled to elect of tbecose/rei utizonnected with ear other
eon., Gr district, shall be nvde out by the alert of the
board of mane. 'napes, cure of which returns ttmarsuideot
td raid brain :ball forthwith twee m theoldlce of the
prothonotaryot (he Court of Common pleas of race noun.
ty. std tn. other he shall ouch, e In an vanity)), which
envelope Le shall seal and direct to the neeretary of the
entasuouvrealth. and placate the neatest poet odire.
Sec. 6 That ire the case of the election of annhlent
fudge of any judicial dieter: oomposapf t•o or more
“iunttes.• aaa meeting of • corona mister, to earh of
euch counties, the clerks aliiiesald shall maire,ont • Mir
statement of all the votes whith shall have best siren at
each steel,. wlttiln lb. county L.r yemson voted
for u such president alts, which shall be sienled by mLI
Judges, and attested er the clerta and one of mid Judges
shall lets charge of curb statement 'and shall produce
the stun. at • mee.tit CO one Judito from each of skill
eu ontt e s,thich ineeting shell be held on the seventh day
atter the election, at toe court house ntoneof the counties.
to to• bind by tatting each c sontles alternately In their
. . . . . . .
al h.hrtlTn
Tnlfit:lo4, or the several counties bad..
sd met, shall east op the anent county r..torut, and
make •
es number of cohles ot a general ntaro of
all the rotes dens for such Amon.n saM dirtriet, Ai) of
•hlati they shall certify, ad o of which they shall
pet,. forthwith in the oMeef the prothouotexy. of the
Court of Common Pleas of nob of said month, and one
of which they then endure, mud dlr. to the Peen.
tiny of lb. Commonwealth, in the manner en
prnhed hi
the Pah secon of Mils act •
Sec. e. That in' Um more of the election of 1,11.1 Jtxdwe of
any court of sword now existing, or hereafter to he
reveled, hating Jurisdietion over territory Ill,g within
end not Inchullug all of arty county. the returnJudaraol
the ...lei ection districts within ouch territory shall
constitute • toted of return nides with rewPect h. such
and shall. sr the time and pine yin. writing
of the redustuudge. ofsucti county, pruned In all rennet.
lu relation to such election soo if retina...l 01 the co.tit7
board 111 11111.21.01.100 pf, *tempt that they dull
lodvoe of the duplicate returns in the oale s of the
cis.. of eald court, instead of that of the prothou...7
tin rt of Cormoon Plow.
Se , V. The. nu the Drat Tana., 01 horellkher 0.11,101.
to tin presence of the Governor end each other cit.
tuns 01, this Cosurnotcanth as to•T htnse .
cause W.
returns mode to biro under the
of to be. ouered, and the rote rast tor the Judges of the
pummel* Court h. hr andualely rem Puled. the 00,
moor shall forthwith Lenin hit prociamateou inclining so
look, or the pal `ms voted for judge. Of the Duo..
Court an Mull In nequind to in ele. Wby Mile sot, and
lhave n‘wlerd the greatest number of nay.. 14 he to
y alerted.
That the toe perm. declared to he 1 , 0 elected
at. the ran eleation, *hall meet.. the heath day ouch
tin day last *Lena suentnand, at the Ouse fin bolding
the Supreme Court .t Ilaryleburgli, mad Shall sawn Ore
ballots eircitalhibit the won. - threw yeara."
'tae pare' tithe years . and'Maven years...l9.P .
tint,. to he Oct tuts • Loa, add shall each nvennly dam ,
therefrom ono Wk.. the words upon which .hall
rune his term of Otte, and they shall enmity the result of
each whining to the Governor.
Pre. 11. That as 0.0 as prarticable,after the tint Tues.
day lu November nett, toll leg any *lmams of Judge,
thi• Governor' grant the person,. elected. r entente,
connoltelowisn now required the
law, to hold Lir ,„„.
tire allitee. from atd after the tint Monday In Pecritther
1- freshA
MD a W
nnd following each election,
,for aud dorm., their le.
awn,. term, angina prennitwal and limited la
raw. uu. ran article of the Connitial n.
dna IMMonotivrealth.
nee. 11. That in the rand of any vacancy der. g to
n,y judyelng ln thla Commonwealth ny damn,
non. removal Inas odiee the galore to elect or Mlle ease
the Gonna. than appnint wooe anitagga pgaog
(nob vacancy untlll t Ana Monday In Damper
gag the next gnacial union: and lila qualified e
shall al Um gat genera! diction which shell hap Mani
glen threw oalvalag emote titer da. Timmy *ball nr,
.mm the runner berwinbefbni provided, • aultalns pon.
son to snob office fro tho unaxpitw.l term In lull mar of a
indobln al the Supreme Court. and for tbo term of
Gatos In can, of other Jud,gablp.
der, 13. That t heeleetino of any pdeedu an Jodd*. of the
Bumme Court or other judge re/carpi to br In
the law. may La contsatad on tits nesiuon of IS. onablbal
Totem Of Ws Commonwealth or of .ho propor
dm am trilmual and In lb* .sams manner and ondwrthr
muse Tesulations and rastrietkow. Drorerlbed by the art
barelntonwr cited for t .eoutedius tbra election of any, per.
son as Goner./ of Commonwealth.
. . , ........ •
Svc- 14. That the Courtof Quarter Senior. of every
county eball hate juriedlction to he. and determine .11
ego. whlch the ilieetion of our parmon u auntie...judge
'hall be eggiteeted, Frorided,...-Tbut no jud.go or en/ earl
nit no judge thereof duriog toe eoute4 of his .own
-. •
ne. lb. That upon the peUtlon in writing of at lout
twenty qualified electura of the proper count, yenned he
the affidavit of at least two of the putitivners.
of an unions election or false return of toy nevem u u.
enEate judge of any roux., the eourt httioe jurtaatction
nhall appoint • suitable time for hearing turtt
otice of which be given to the Pers.. returned
-elected t leant ton days infra. Inch hear.," and Inch
court shall have all the powers in tho premium conasrred
o f upu the Court of Quanta; PVIAOI.I4 by the net herelnle..
fore ted fnr the trying of caw. of contested elt•etiso
sounty and township nrikers—huased April 15, I.
111,2 LI pa r hand at pit
tsPorfth• this day 0
tenth,, the year of one Lord, one tboowsad eight
hutelml fifts-one. and of the Indefendeo.,
Vnitod States the .eventy-tiftli.
.0.24 C UUItTItI, ,berlff.
New Booke, Just Received.
VFAST: a Problem; reprinted kith corree
tiann nod addition, by LLr rd' Alum
1.3n0 , moo.
HlniuY of eleopatra i likleen of Egypt; by Jamb Abbott.
ilnko, mum. .
Caleb Field: •le of Ibis Pritanr. lona
FAust bury: • Tale: bfAntio 11. Lantry,ut hot of i•Frienilii
and Fortunes." Pan. and mu,
Appleton'. kleobuilick' MIK... awl Kiwis:leer , Juur
nal; No
11,rne , Dletionarf or Engine Work land En
itirteerioni Noe. 31 and Ail
Ikealog's Pictorial Yield Book of the Revolution; No. 14
Paleklitoe. it, lleogiaphr and Bible with 111 IA
iarrantile Mal, by F fl. Hibbard, of Ilan tieneeeet , ufer
eunei ekliterl liy Ihinlei P. Kidder. Innto.. tuna -
For role by J. I. READ.
/I= 7a Apollo Bulltltnerst Fourth eL
New Booke
ODFREY 111 A ERN: or the Life of 1141
ILI Author
P h flil ri m .. NIIIIer. %Itt.h twrittr.lottr II
Trani. to the Lit.llo.l eta., Itt, during:l44o and 1“0
ttrartaltuell , Zr°,
No 01 ltoctat.n Itlthttr awl the Louth.. Pr. , r
The altutre ttooke put rer'tl.,and for saht
t I) , N e 4, !dark. et
ECIIAN ICS" lAt;Aitta.NE, No. e, for
llama rfifil lanarirtir 'rah.
Pumice' , in thy Lite et Mr, Nl.rgaret Maltlkotl.o Fllll
aritire heraolf.
Ilr , ...•••• at SMOTE,' Lltrra.ry Rep., tlntotottt the.
001 i S n. it& of Byrne's I)ietionary of
Slerhanirr..ll.l Ermlnerring.
7 of ADDlrenia Ilechapv , Maga:lo. and Eng.:wen'
!aria att ,, ltmtet of CI4(FICAI sad NhW !buts.
Pt. r , ,...14.1.1 for rale br 311 ILEA
u 11,1114... Fourth at ire.
N taker! 10 cYchastst , . lO.l
New Mimic
•-- -•
HE SPIRIT POLKA, coniTinsed I.v 11.
Byerty's Walm, arranmil Of 11. Pkrod 11 1'
Itand—ona tho zoo, popular value, out
Nett,' Ply, with mutations. 1,, Pole.
Dolor Jones, with rornaloos. Dato.
The Autumn of oar team, by uoargu Bukar.
Alva, a tlno ...locum of Foreign Sturic for than, Flute.
Violin. an, IL 14 'Mud 0100.1.
.IrOo num of tho GoLlen
011,1f1A1.1 lot of nom PIANO.? not opening.
ono rory good u.oonLhharrl 6 octavo Puna far sal..
' • •
• ,ev. per , and PuElte Doeurro.nts oti
f the Uned ..I,lat
from tho Accauion tioorm artangton to the Prri,len. ,,,
thexhlniting a r,aciplctorlasr of otir forourntelatmun run-.
at ttone,includtrig Contdential IMmunenu
NMI'S W501:1T 11.6.21,C.1.101.1
Geographical, ,?clentifival, tratiolload, Erononanal, .n d Ili
ozraphloal urumrl.ts Easy,. and Fart, together v..
Noll,. A 01 4i. 6: Art.. And iluaufarturee,nd a Itoe, •'1 the
krente tit the Tuner from 1611
, Cotta ha ad ,
t; N STOI.IiTI,I I .. 47 :data,
'Music for the loomers.
KLEBER, 101 Third ,tr.. 4, th..
III.tPINLEit, or N POLK A. teMp ,
bettottful eiguelt.e of the 1111rprrhet C , ltture. tpurAtelpe4 on
dor the ottroptatreof the tilt...wit, L. 5 E le lt, p
NE1.1.1 r Clip, , ^Pr , rtalY ".
V.IOCA tepeonrut sir of — Nell, W•-• It Loaf
Ale, a•Enyvly at Rcaat-n l romorapee oi.e IL KA.. Ifli
Ckickering's Pianos.
' , 1011,N IL MELLOR, Art
t 0 l'lta•keticia • roam, littahuratt
V\l •-t•ru t•a•Lna, attic Nu. al Ml%
1 Eta• rtital 31,1 LLIA3 0131 U It+ 1..1-
p- • Itmtaa •,••••Jkal waa.rtantqlt t•t 1310. I•urte.,ltract, tram the
U 3 I actattufartor y, at alt. t'ln,..x.taa a ti,al-11 , rt.•••
•'• ttata.trarant ao.eata•l am. arra. Ptatto...t.
er Our ' rara..l
:fa- • Oat- •• •
Itto •• tquvr
Altns• Furl.* ar- the,l.tott 0.• rur.i
tun, ttu.l •ittt wt ?dr Clot, ring •, Ih
utvaristult ttt. 'ante t, *to - ul,t IL
In MI. ...t . , sran,
one ....stud Core, tutdt”
pre,lU to-3 1 , , Ad ft. ,4a3.11
time •• 6 •• nu:tat It ire,
tine it“
uneMarker... .4 niemt se ors:
One I,dol a Brothers:
oite •• eto - t .
/I.NES Plitt AI IA St • (II I -
/ix j ria I/ " 1 , 1: 7
Nan c... 1 •••••,..••• '•
D RY G()()DS,
N.; :w
avapr,u, • hug..
tL irreat rue from
•”,[:11,, (.1 i , Jl•xp. Oulta, to.u.
Mosllu ri....vrA.J•ec..qt arid t. , •.1 , 1 , ..tut
J,Liett au[ ILAk,
earl 01. a volik I.Av.
01 'lb. la.,* yart.ularly Wiret
as tbej,Asort.ntot 4.6.11. b.
..etotiere-J tbit My. tougt./ L. A. A.
- Flack Silks, Mohair Mi ,
suyid/of euV•r
Awl .111.• wr nrrannt and A ondra.
• Embroidered Ample'
A. MASON t CO. lave
pa, larg. auCt. ,
Anikrit andlrlounring. u.sw
Prior krocili. at
1.4 licvurmtn r7i'•1?;e•Vfl"".
Abolbtbpers the y•reh
and otallt.e, Tow, mu,/ 1 •
eaortment alerwee ho r.,:actal, et I,
liturvhy . & Burchtlel.
• itAVE OPED, thi n moriang 1.1 further cul
t ply 44 Iletunlbt. Neturt4, 4041..4,1.10r mud errru .....
1,7:..i.;;'f:r1 1 '.`: - . iti k , Lif,::.",!";:i.%...'::,3 tM..`i'.7.`:.
epee, A: tt btu. wattle-eel rortier 4.4 i4LI lb sat ttsetrl
street.. 15 , 4
A LA It/Alt.—lathes and Sneer.: eltr. Ilbet trerleet
fur ttle by 11. II I' L3IF-It,
yel: - llt. 1.e. , .
. . _ . .
Black Lace Veils.
tetortment 4.1 Lune ted VeLlll Hier Lae. \..b:
. au. tlut• tud pertly ilture do, arr.. Bo esker! Tlwu.
fee dr.: blue du- blrt bilk bine. ult. sod ..4113tr.1. tr.
Scarce and Desirable Ga.!),
• y .m a nygytuuimrfl7 . -
T it zti io
4 , livaaw. M.
b n a l: l
a n , v6 . I ' to .
sl+ for Jr.....,dic
17 pm.smat Lw ju-t r«-<1...1 ~r e. 4.11 me..., of 00.
Isuunoer Bonnet, rolur boaatitui .11.1 opt.
Alee'i sod Bone Braid, vttoelle.a. • /ell
Goods fori#Oim Weather.
NIURPHY & BUfteIIFIELD, at the North
Etr.rnur of Fourth mud fdarket well
carp ivd with snnds adapted In warn... nab,. earl, es
New atria. Vl , toria Muslin e:
lieragne and Tleenea;
Hun white Swim and 3101 Alnelinin
tlawae Lr Lenny,
they have ~uet renesred another Int of 1111 owtDe.
L 1
t...r do., newt piain .11neharne, dark Linen Liptr., Fren , L
I.inetie end Dribs, 11bIte Blond, new eiryl. 1111.1%
Their eaw.runent Leing very full. wah tihetwnt at cea.
inoue ot new quod., dceni
.dryad to lorrere I. tall and wake ttietr tr.rrrbee,.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse
No. 105 NrnassilicEr,
t. 1 , 1 .;
p l. ,
, A re. L.7: 131 . 0 : 1 11
31 very
" V..11 9 . 4 ia1-Forrign and A.u.t.rlian Warta and fancy
117.10. Chip. (limy, Millon. Lar-a,11.1r, Pamela.. Lug.
Voutni, and Ili ' L.,lmm. fancy nd
Isrood.alr. Panama. Alanilln, an - d
Pain. beat. 'ln
fants' Lrgborn, Braid, Straw, Only, Obnl, and Han . .
J..ntst and GM... fume. grrat rarl
"r itlia.T.. 2 /tit . l 7 ;:un , and 22e..11. •Ya”n'and Taf.
Cuter all .10th, and color. fancy Linn.. and Crap. 54.;,..
LACES--Ylalu and agor..l and enlored Silk and
e.t.a tittle
BTHA 4Y TIUNIIINCIS—Corth. Tawol, Matt's. Rood,
P lL l al. Nitl frb eE' *nd ruch and Amerfran 4190. lootcbr+ gool
' .....1 . 77. i g1T1N5.-4/Oro. Om. an Pia.
pi, Oro. de Moor. iluotor. sod othrr
quollk, sal mluni.
BA 1 LVS-1...,0rd qualities MOti mloot.
ALen—llkb avd lna prowl how. lota Umbollage, Thad
Ooze., dr., te. =.l.‘
. 1111.1111".4, No 136 L10[11.17 ',±rater.
vary large auJ aupertor atorlt a Fashionable Uon•ls,
adapt ,1 to that:Mien/en , ITrar fur Hprina - conspeleduc the
nearest styles la American. English, and bench aiud
otuatra; very splendid aaturttneut of Verdings and C abt
f reery fitehlunable shade and cad., •bleh,tuelller with
I nt In l .l E l - ••• "2 I ' ,2L A P.t
etrekA verst , uf the aiNguenlet, oil of hlch thePrnprietur
la dataTialned to offer at ourb prh.ea u all (..111Vilir.0 .11
who favor blot with • call. that nut ‘.,nly the tanat oup.rlor
lauthlutt ,a bid at thir,dahllshruent. hut ale, at (h, low.
eel prlces Itt the city
All order,. in the Tailurinat nne e. , nted. 0.0. 1 . In the
bast pumaible Manner. and at the •borteat nonce.
C now imnstantly re,./slng Nprtng Fto•-lr af
Compraetopt . psrlthe r011u,104
Litra 1107.4 do. do. T.144 4 0r env , -
tonic Jo. do. Bruseelv. {au. pup,. 3 ply: superrad.
dO. 10111111..xtru DM/ do, 11. do; cvmmou do.; cottoo J.
44, Y 4, 4-0,11.4 2-.41/111.1 VeUltuu, 44, 34, !et, awl 24
plalo dod 4-4, Y-4, 1•40. dA 140,1 sod cuttou
auas, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, &a.
Pau. Cbtoille Humr, Y. do; do.: extr• tufbed dud Too
40, 404 do. C 0.4.111 4, Dom Mat, tuflud do. do;
.Ittr•s; akin do J. 0.; Adelal4l.4l‘. th. 3 bruin Jo Jr.
Crumb Clolll4, Pe ltdou do_ 2-4
Alou—Skoret 011 Clotb4, cut tr., 01 am, 004 0411 r,do.
44, 64, 444, 4-4,aud 34 011Clotla.
AL.-stoir 1;0.44 of all alder C.rp.t loodtoFc 4.1410ar
ORIL Lag do.; 64,44,0.000 34 Matti our. Table Lineaur, (..sraab
and Dias., Iluckobuck. dn. Trao4s.,nt IFlutlowdbad, , d
Byer 110115010 Vealtlau 811odr, Eroba44.l Pique
GOT.. ..14 Table. do: 40. Stand du, Wm - nod Ted. do.
1.10.10; Imturtadatuldoircbsoied our alcekdlraco 'moo the
zooo re , •LraUS V.oWILo, brio; of lb. 14 4 4 .a 44 44 . 1 . 4 4.4
pr07.11p0w , .,..1 5 0 000
sues, and cwardo4d, pnus ow or , 0 , / , A.
• and in ,00 of G 54 ist'sra 0444.1.
W. mr•Val.TlnTlte 411tocill arid oramatut our .10kct
The Carpet Warehouse, b 5 Fourth street,
tochl.9 W. MeOLINTOCK.
The moo Ex.o•aordindry Docnnery in Mr 11"orld t 1 ' • :i CI i lIE SCALP lIUN'PERS, or Ito nantie Ad- 1 Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
the grist Arabian Rcrudy for Man and Betxt.: 1 I CP; )
,1 . L . ait r t
attn... fn Nerthern 31Miro Ity'Capt Mayne Reid
Ish It utherfor I, a &em 'fa. Id . .r. Ad • ral &Maher, ; PHIS COMPANY was incorporated in.
H, G. Farrell's LAgE Km . Alm miciErmAlr Lyn, i havata In amen., by Lady Stuart %rot. y. ' 1 i Petd-uar 1b31.. &tith • Perp.ona Char.; and b.
CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT : UN tHE EXTENSICIN CANAL -, i Shooting Dor It; Fran& FArremter. , cannarnmeed businees on ay-spltal of SlO.lOO.
The Eli; Beat ot Araanmas. a antourhue . ova!, - with 11 , I The Company doe. hiteinese both on the Joint Stock anil
Ci. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini- I (MAR/CF.. PARKS a co, no. ni.. - rxa, laioriarr.m. . ItTltil,t f i 1r r 1 , ...,..i n. „ ; \
~,, ,,i . .r, 6 ,kkii ~, Tki,ril
i.ii. Mutnni Pr.. k
flu the
...... ,, ,, , ,A ~.t h.
3..3. On W. van. Moc k ......
• ,•• .. ,. .t i• •• lIIOr , eat...MD:lntl' tm.mlleine, the &nab 1 TILE pRO,PRIETORS of thb , tad luid weii .4.1...,ite tot. 1 . ,,..t..111,... " au& - 2.1 I threw T han by IlurnaJCompattlea..d Fifteen P. Cent
let, ta Oared baynnd daubt t y tte enet Male,. rif the ,_
~__, ~...,,. _.,,. lets. ii. „ iii ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ' lowmr than the rat. of &Aunt block Cmpazdea.
article. .41 the warty enter. elo daily te rlnt,nl by it. ~ i r i r r ,: i r ki n7'i...ll',:," . ,
present meaaotf and have...0r:F..10,, ,( I OX'S j',.r,,,t :•4 1 .;03,..1ing 33.41,:itil - 3 groN3 Mutual fa. , am, the tame aa therm actopted by other
bkh ' rr ''''" u '''' h ' i r ''''''''''''' " ''°'' r ''''''''''' '''' th. ' orml na , r,iin . FMe.leht atal Paamen -ra ;Web they.. niiir , , [.., ~.. t ) .1 Alb a co, ..ausly en:Austad Comtettarmr. no. Insured on the mut.
till of th. b ''' ' '''''''''' '""'"' ' '' '''„V "U. ' ''''' Prd Pre .m 1 tut -art; . all point.un ' '&M . l anal. aCmI krt.. , Ere ' m0g,... ,o w,.,,, ~ al pie nciiilm haye the co= hlnntl a.utiDem turniabai by that
of ta1...1m, b'''rut..,'' µtwo, tm.mlll to AntLit „ l..... , lld t, twe I f h I'. •I tnlm ~ atern of tuaurance. Anil the capital and e and. Filtlsl of
build tutu, all then' rainotlatinw amPe sn ' ''' . I ‘ ll- . ''' "''' t '''''''' '."" l '' " . ' l'i I It 'I 'Pag r t. I: • r
d,.. ~ ~.T. , , ~,,,,,.„„, ~, ~, ,„,,,,,: ~ i . 1.1., r 4,11 be cony tantly at the I.dlng. below the Mono. k. ...- ..,.. ......-_,.,., .3&n , Fru,: in g.„,,j , th....4, , ,,nt stn e •d e ,,,,,emenm,• „
he ' ,ts... ' w ' hleb " . -m....,. mA-n. •ere umod 1,, ‘ tid.%,",,, „i ,_,,. &at a,. hrolite. to te , elme frelqht ,Charter permute the 1.11teltill• of loath... en life,
.mort,.. with anal inltiomilone mu. cam, In cumin, tha D. 1 . JIJIIN
,A. CAW) UP 1 ..&,,nt. I an&
..„.".'',.. ..Mere t.' - ",, - ,„;/,...v,;;, ,I ., ,A,R,v, R I .. ' :: ' ..ry font, Inch:din, the'riuht or .ite, chna.., Oa
renh.a ratan., (nand, or.credltArm--to In. the 11. of
or Ir . LZI•n mud 1,...1. , ittlee. eat Neter •11.1.,6110111. , 1 ate., I ttteturati. . \ m e-,A \ .
' FillEA: , 41) I.f. ilio?1,
, Powo ‘ toing, another Int their ow I, marinate. trenent...qabla after death.
Itewl th, folloaini, amt curer., which mlionl.l of 1- CONSINEE., •
I I mr „non It. partiem arriving Ai elle Me ~ `'.. ' 4, ...., ~.,,
h0n,,,..11., place II Mi lanais" Arahlan Liniment far 1.- I It IV Dostoinahmum, New C....tte Pa
.;'', :: ..: \ „ ° :,,T . ,',,,,t,,,'. \ m I mt the rd&o.ti nt the insured
„rad .., , •lILILIX raw.: i lo , 11i11a...• , 1 . 1311.0.1, i'.... 0,71(.41,
.11.011 l .1 , ear and a Eat t asp, n ...'llina aPPPar,-.1.n t+.l 41 CM. lan. Sharon .-•• \ Y It; ~N . ,\ , _.,„,
,fi... at,,,,Aa,L, anulnally Ineroaminit in mi. until It De I J A Elul:, Sliarnmtursh; •' t, ..„..,1 , _JA II P,...i11./1.1,\.!.., %, ~...,..,..., I Jar:. e. no.. Prevident;
Ammuel M - lurkinzi; Vier Pt...ardent. •
~,e n• larye me to. 11. A, and to are that aln.:vuld iant n n: Arnie & PA , tire..., n. , .
' I
mda•P•r tip. Paq pr. .... ..- ~,,n It vrithpat Ruing st tp Henry. IlArtatuarn.
re.aln I ...t the a•lk...- (./..1.11 . 1... , c1.r . 1.0.., plitl the, ... ler Dui Power, Ounneautrilhn i
. ki.: , . DRIES fi .•Itik , l'Ddn.sti, \
• C• ' 1 ' . ii ii tme ii.i pt i. l . n .k t,e .
c et ,ki lt zk r . teas si_ki nf`m ik r. i„.
,-.1 in
ne rve m l about ,t, euine an it am. an ~to dal or I t• 11 Reed. ro, P.: . - lld .l Lete*:_urnuts ear oil, he , Jame- S. Ilo„n, m. t losevt S. Leech.
pp, olarnen., ot ot tt. •spleen. eon, tin,. it wa.,mn L.,. ~ „
,„ ,m„iii„,,,, u„,,,,,, , m , , ard I •”.0" J. la Di 1.11 11,& 1 -&-. Jon. & InlsAtt h, Chrillea A. Voltou,
lent ..t Mr .rvar , n.I other:. ral.l It , 01,1. % TUIII .0 I .
" '''''''''''''
' New Lake Superior Line.-1851.;
..,. 1., u,,, mime, nilllnlloll. I vx........,...,,,, ......, , :
....lid Cl \ libt R• '''''''''''''''''''''
'l i r ii7il l i.V l Nt. ' ) l i:ll ' .; d eiT. d i t . ' ,it:l! "I
nu, rhlllt,
1. Perron'. Arahlan Liniment nPon ii• and, trans" lI , It 1 Til E nen - .4tearner .NOltTli ENE lt, Cara It I ,
i tn ll , i t !, A R - ' ' ' ' " '''
\ "II"
' ''
' ii.1i0,.:, A :„. " ,. ' :::„„,., ,-; ;iv,.
Yr appear , upon the third aPPlieatlon .the lv.g•to 1.. ill, 1 • ' ''
. „ ..... .. . , - • I l i ''' on " 1 '1 . '" ; "F..r.,,N i ~., .., t Ti.....- •
tome. and too. eonttuned getting hatter dull, .11 , t , .. i " ~.i‘ , h.O. .. , .r, ~.1, . unprys.m,ul 1,.r T 1 / thtl.,Cl / -.i n .O.S, ,m.„ 111 TA, ~,,t, ire\ e
~,,, ~,,„,,.. ~,,,
.._,,,,,,„,,, ~,‘„, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,
he la .v. ••11 a- et er -eidovina ex,,•11.1 health
Peoria. Niar..l. n. Into oaet y atol eoulh,rt. will 1e.V.1..1..Vr.1A11 , 1 on IP, tte -.I
~,,,,,, ~,1 1., ..,‘,-. ., , , , ii
k ,,,, k, ~,,,..•,...„.,,,, i. „ .
im 1i,, ,,_,, , ,,,....., ~ 7
L. 3,,,,,,,,,i, .a 31.3 ...In .3 her Ord trl&-and weekly thereafter . I '
I- rid., at Ai ....rt. I. M for the Sant Ste llarte
• a.anier 3A, ar A.. apt MI, .4,11 i .. ~. , ' ~....,.....7...,
IN • 1 Nit r'N o ~ , 1(i 1 1 EEs E jou I,,,xei! NN . If., tor , ale 4, , ,„ , ...„ ~ ~ Loe.mno, A. It. M&Caltunot., Esp.' /
~ it,,,,,, j,,,,ln....itingater, aaym:l ~.....". •,eave &aid Ste. Mar, for the different landing, 01, Like 1 , ..0,.,1 4 JA MPS 11,11./.1.1.1.. I : ern, Pit.. Nlareh . ..'71e411
. t hArialt.n.y 1' hynclunx., \
, otty.ri., ,nu the arrival ta them.auter horthertler, meet. t 1 I I r'l) liblii No I f ,
''''' ' 1... " h 1" ''"' ,I '" rl ''''''''' t .6°. '''''' r '''''''' . .. m trmulam .......31, lit, throushuut the r....N.A..1,. ............ I A 111 , „ ... - R. ~ ,r &At rV \ „ Jtanyls Dam... 11. D, • 11 , 1Iliam , Addloon, 31. D. •
• he bad lo.t the nam. of her log. for therm- )eare, the eon'. 1 plev;land and the Copt., and Iron 111 i,...
i.. ..i . in t
,7,, ,nt k r i me ,i t,...1 . ,, , A „... th L a i t , 1,.. i r ii 1 k ev iii m ii er ,i e i r , , , ..1., , , , , , ,t , t. i 1 .. „ . ,..;!,
w aelt e
Attu R, and ate could not land then. rot t 1,.. lewd, hut hi 1 . Cir '... l ' " • °. APol ''''' ' ''' '' .l.lj. ‘ Lrft-NER. Pr''''l'''''
he tiae ot II ti Fla-tell a Arabian Liniment. min. I. now
1.1. iu wale with .......and hma a rtrusght illu I bare ' Manufacturer's Line. 1 A ~...:,.., ...)vmp, 1 ., LI.. ' K t, \' \ Jerecut•i, Itrookm, AI. f), E. 0. &mltima&ton...lll P.
Erantnnag &rh&siculta.,
PT , 4 'I. 1.. It PENT! NE • -45 t , 1,15. for' toile I,y ‘ I\ teamnuel 011..orth, VI 11., 47 Stnlthleelli xtreet, „ A
A - ) .....,,.., b
„ „., , „,,,,, ..,....,1....1, T...1y ,, rot nuts , tirrii, a 1. ., r.. 3 a , laz... i 8 5 L iftA ''ale r ,
r• I, thtua a bleb teem's... e . al tamed,
'I he 41,11....11..1 all .41....,...r1..1.0,1,4.1.4 . 1..ntir1e iarrler . .. \ , , P. .141 i k}•.•'4.411, 31 D., - -9 Slrth att.,. • , .
A l ull k, • E II I I
' v. n. m..ii, M D., Itf: Lawny iltreet ‘,- M
S l' i. ~:" A 1(11 ' S'"' . (.•) '.'S '.',. ''' . 1., \ rni.orth .J ~....“...d..,, .t th...m—..,...,
It A 4 All& 4.&. I. & Ad, ,
~,„ ,z,„.0„..x.
' . . " atta of the Company, No. 75 Poartti mtrmet.
41 ambit:too. lowa. June . 2.., la.Pl . 1 L! 11l PPE ItS ARE II EILEIS Y I N FUR3I EI , I N.: ' 1 'l'm Elis- -`;'"' ''':
:::::::::::: Y . ‘ 1
. 1:11::: d"._ '',
. l'''
7. 'l' A. (:::Ttl&I„. Pe , ... ' I". '' ‘1
From the mp. , ..1, •nd &erniauentenrea,lauh on Ina,: and C 3 lira, thin ',NJ:, e „,„,,,,,,, anth.,,,,, He ,, hunts, I _ l ,l a t:, - - • -
Oanal, • hht. 1 unr Arab.. Luiti&m l I` Per l unotl l, Id°l ta „ow In full ,deumto„.. with hoopla , . to.-arr, s !area Al A cf.; • , ,a,.p,.., f,.„,,1,. i, v , A s
, . .
0 t r. , , ..,, ,, ,,!.-.‘,.., , ,,-,, ,, ;,,t , , , .,.: : , , ,, 1 .,, , ,,-,.. , ,, , ,„1 , ,, nn , , ,....-, : t n ,i, , ,.m , , , , , ,,,
~ ....,‘,1 1 ..• i
~ ,, , ,, ,, ,z , , ,, , , , ;, , ,,, ,, ,, , , : r., „. L.,„ . 1;, , ,, , , ,: tt:, : 1, 1 :,„ : 1„ . , ,, , ....„,r , ,, ,, ,, , , , ., .. ... ,:::„.„,,,,,,, . 1
~,,, . .
i, s ,
~, ‘, '
~ State utual Fire JIISILTELLICe COlllpalq.: ; , i
pi hat... totes nil Up. , a npu• lipinp tax. putmeut, a. . ~,,,r „„,„,. ~,,,,.. It liii 'lf IFf ICE—No. 54 fieurur4un 8711.3.11 . ,
mu ell noted n„ to the paper , hitt I snuat ...v tlial II ~...„.,,a ~„„„x . .,,,,,, b„„ ~,,,,, „,„.,,, . a ,„ ~„ ..,,, „,,,, cri Elt 9 1.14. ' i'aek...4, lor snin v , PITT&LICAGIL •
• :Itobeit 1.1•14:1 t /L.%
u... Marsh Marrh
wantau ban tient our Unlearnt with h,
SI.. bot (ht. uao ot h er lugu for three tuaro, the
auitut contrarted an 0,1 I.ur louu aut.. bunt at m uch whilr
, ;ha ponition lb. b." wlillu
a la thrm Lb Iruet. hut ht
the t,. a lll rl l 0 Fairt.ll A r a bia.. Liniment. rhe la nowt
• to wait with luta a Kt . ..tit. limb hat.
11.L111.1 It IL rvniudy rot bora*. 'f.o.b. al., for
ea. it num, which reu tun , nu ...a.m.:a TILIII•LI,
hu 11,11.1•LLI • ILL au .11. uaturiesa.,l.a.l v luntine Parrot,
M'anliingtoo, lowa.] uuo Ibl, lbatt .
Fran. Mr and tsurninuuntrurra,both on man
10.1. tout Arabi. Ltuunrut it berb.notad, I Jo
mit hum.. to brunt...rig, .1 tau ',realll‘..
A, l• herr nretetiool durioring tint," Mr taunt, 'eat..
mat trird nil prum• linituuuta, olutnieu,
muub imitoAt tu muperu 1.10 I muut that II
0. Farrell . , Amin.. Littimuut ant that trt,
ad. 11, lip I ha, cur...1.-ie.., mut
4.2 Alter the, had tart. j.ruasuumo.l iururahlo, and Eli x ,.
ranol ulorr ilton tiny horuee 1110 um*. will. tour 1.1111
•,..o ore, rtuote dues. Irtuu 01,.10.
ut. chit hot, and IIR,•••111 Cu,
• nutituaut ut .0 ut“,l 1•11.411. M:EMU qt.
roulluea aaarit all 0111 , 1 . 4' Litt "-KW.
tiit itiIetIMIIIistII..I44IL . CLIAILI 1,1 u,ttlittv a, hu ll . tar ut.
C,1Y1111.1,11, ut-L• 4.1 Limment u ha-L
• me•
\\>l 11. tA. ME,
:tun Pam oftan tontu . -.lan nom utirell hr II ti Fart-it
Arabian 1/141trIeLlt •
!dr 11 ir 1,10.1./1-1..,, 1 Leal Peels
"" " ,
C~ M
"' u mu . " ""`
~11,:,7:`1". 4 ;.!;k17. . ". : .1::',..t.• the AiiLle rine iiight, 1...
1•411•Ing Teri la, Perth.
••• mr h.. relneril...
pp., ieur WV. Ixo.ll
I.llolklh • l•O• J 3,• 4. go ....tit ii•uxi 1 alio
Pilger ill gleetilLii aware, 1.1 litig •
1411 up.. It Put :Mr I.llll[Laynt liefl etl el It Ls,.
.11,11.`i II 11 , •11.1:
• h I. 101 l
. .
• I-Milt-it Carl1:01t1.1.1. .
Flu ere partuulartr rauttatutrastsluat Bum.
ll•urer,of at huh b.. latrl, mark Ita spi.arntwe attr
eattralt t thrltau rt. r vitt, matter It II artell, /tram
I.sturarul " Ittia u a &rawer. us fraud tart mt., hat.,
Jtt - rttr !rum hut Manna the name t.l Farrell I tutu
uao parttrular hen, rt Pa . 11 rat the name - F•rrt-11 . •
I.lalturut.' for witty - n - 10rd dralru sill tap A. Sr!
...tor "pan you for tbr otutunr. tut attuts., tut
• 11. 0, tlarrSir Aratnan Lto,mv, aur hou
aw dr-at...mar ahorystma tht Utter. II 1-rlort
hl.sitalaturr la al. nu the ,•11(.1.i. strum soil thr.-0
arra, blran it, au al. - or last /I Pt:ruff', Aralaaa
Lantourtt., ru.rut
Anal, scant., 1 . , Sl/1- 4 40 11.1ustrt
the butted utatra. Irr r butt our uut ratahltinul Appl I
Ur lett, In .5 ,rrt.ll, rrt 5,11,
art: ritararter e.
trail rts the al. tll.turoult I 5r...!
tuul ~ ..ttrautrut swat h I'4lu, J. tut: matt tot f. •vt-rt .4-tt
1 3 3.1. 333...../ .13e dot tat Nl
tr.+ 33.3.33333.actur0d 17 31
14,3.333.33.3. 3.33.1 .1..1.7.11/ 4.331.3.3. .3. I
W.I. 343.73, 111 sr. I 1.7 W 3.33
It E. 3113.1.F1:3 1 ,
3,3 . 3;
3., .3 F 3 tart 1. 3111,13.333 12133
• The Human Body Must Perspire,
N U RE, t.,. h, i heath - 7
i.,. rrgAsr.• , .
111.-urr• N
,••{. • • lore rrr . til.rtlcla. wad r
• •
.ard mar, are rrvi tvav bra.l
va a r., r•r ar• raw, ae atltlava,
hurt 7 raanartar LI. tr Ir •ry ••• Ir. •
wt.. tr.. itt ava luvl al WAAL.. ra• La, -lb
L., /rt.:Lie, •or a.: other .Icar Jar v..
i• v.,...nr1 thrr tr or, ...1., trull.4 ave. v.v..
nn. trat urrir y.a. - 1
..tat :Lawyer... fat Lea,. tura,
ettr.v rra hr./. hotel 11.... , / I
bug it tb. rear., MI 1 LA
.1 1.. r 110. tali.... ay./.
1.11 I .a. t,.••••
111 rtL
. - .
• Ott tbu. but but prev..t.t...., and I
bui uttl. tt..-
u - tli Luta but 1.1
' 24 " 1
but - .1 It NI 1 WI% bit
Vearly H Into Tectit, anti Pare lir... k th,
h... 1 ,
I lit, 11
J ,4•1 . h..J Li
A ticientitio Hair Ilitau•
ILA I!! C, !, I It -!!! hove uW !
.to It- .`tr,ielll..o•2lilen
or, o! t"! ,ourr .1 t.• 6.ltooMe !
gaunt,.ll 4/1111.•,.. on) part
a0r5,..1. Lear ,00: q!!!! , Liff • out
ll..l•Loir oil. aE, to!!!, ot r•!1. on - ., 1..” er - •
.rr.o.l.ncot tao!rooff •tol .116, utdolLg !!oo
flao • It zool T s trul. oo I b.,. -!!! 1, to!
1.1u5.-1 nopettor—artolo In, Qom 1
• •
4.v1 i. ..., I•.f
t T
• -__ -
JONES ' I - 1. ItAtha, of Jet, a Liquid human . COVODE & COLE, t n.l
.... ~ .... 0.. -,......,. m1...r •tirt LAT: . ,
tyAntalut .. • WI..
.h.-, iiluiti s•t ~Int. In •A Ists huh 1•. thilt".-Artr. ti. Mr I. al,. a I ~.1..
l i ttn•tt -au ..uhr. and $1 •
Cana: Barn, Prnn
tidal Lt 11 ,1 thAtihrnth.....htlwrly ...Lin t . , tr tr t i '.. l . __ _
t i ttl.l urAL '
I Penna. Rail_Road Co.- Central Ra
JUNES' LILLY ‘l , llll'E.-Ladietoira rill' I.: ~,),....r i t,...r , t,,,i,, g 1,.,. 0 ~
41[4.41 44414 4 1 ..411.4 Ih• ..ttznanti Th t t.r ii,l hrr•l rtt 1 i ithti.tithtt ~, ,t- ttr , li i ...L .. / irii " it r r '',
A,1.. 111 614i:11411, 11.1,..111t41. a a le 1.1.• .1,. , It•st, tutor. the snshile ri o t" a . .... rt..• tt.t.'
tstritJ. , • ...m.. • 1,4,040, al le.,
NI, 1... ~,tourl •
1 1 . 0n: 4 4,4.41:4 14,14111 I. ICI 4141 oil . cal4ar,l l . ile will la. or la Ir--.,
ra.ll Jtt r - t.... 11 L... 1, 111.,
It .4 ,-. 14.10 ;Dn./0 4 W ... 41,4 i ll at Ail 4.1•, --- •
talaellabe, 1a..1 11y.... the ekill 4 maul . , t.0i11t,..• t lalit . . a/ ... 0..117 . ,trn i writi, t iiitAltritillA •No I .
ahrott . . ithst, Wong A lilt. st th, -Air. .au.. Athos. A. ~ brit irt..i. 11 Attl. r`t. - • Iri i ht• , t i trl i ' ., tl t r " ti
mth: ..1. tls , At, urbilh, tt .41 Antl stu-thi. ~ It art. r• I. nriarlort lira. ,
N. 1.1 ~ thr .ot, 1 , , II .1 A, },... -nr 1 ,I.g - ft ' ''''''
' ' '''''
4 ' til ith
P., 11, t.. 1. 11t,t....41 . 1 11. • , ...1. . 114, w,14 4re, itithit , ,,or , .. t,rte. rt.s. P•inte
. sl at hr
1.•1, , r . I..tilt..r.thtrit. 11.1. I thr. thy tsinl Alt.. ,
MORSE'S 11.1. I . .tt natl., 1...1.1...t toll. 'I t rm... I
1.11 , ...hoer •,.,1 h. • I
COMpOtlild Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, ''''''"" .sl . ''':!'-"'''' '''• ' ''' ". 21- `"."'
4 )(-t:-1. PI ll'l th., it,oit. Trltlk 11112i.11,:: Ow !tr., lhottilth • t
nnrn. l'..tot hatl 11 try..
h., nt-ittlrst , ttl tlns ',tun,' s rntnr, istr, i ,
rortom t'stst.r s :Alt ltlt. ~,,, .hr rt . . 0 . 1 - tr. , , dl t'tht ""l'lrr ' l'• . -r"lr I'', I" . . I.‘•
.. arthug I. sit than,r• *A. [b. ra..t A.,
h,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ rit.,..,..., 11..1.,..,triz,.. , . Freight received for all the Way '
..1,• ~:r.......n.. t.. 0,........., .0. Itt , ..h,: h, lit, 1.
0m... 4 t5.....h.... rruet. Arnt Ato 'ltirou ..Att..° on the Pennsylvaiva Central Ra
a./.....l 0.4 Mtn, att.l h. ...1 sr ith itiths....t.rtto,l .... .•
1,1.,. ' Atl•nr J 11.. r
tErtnetif Weaknril and litn , ral 1 , th.) ,, v I•Fil.e. Solt,
t i trtingth , hark 11. utv• 4- mug hat, t r th• 1.. ttt r ts n.
•Arhitto trtstan,i. an 1 intr. r•tart. , ths- .n.ll. rt , tem
; Allnint taw.,
ll th. t..12..r) nt thiJl••thl• it/ 111.uµ 4.111.0e1. In tu ' II alitmgata.,
all rt., hr 11. retitatl.. .... be r 41.4.1 40., a la •lea.ll. ; r i t ritt. - .Orrelt,
Is ell, r i tnratt in curing' Lin Ilton,r. •til r....ting th-hilis t . ; / s t i t J..
teal an.l tr.. 1,.. J..l..l,,,,tintsorts Is t• pitrril, ~...els. Ihtis.l., /Luigi, .1.a..... 21111.2.11
.1 1. Et
I lilillits-th
A 11.414:
I 4 an,
Mr ID .11s n'ttop,•rtitn. Anti . titittthitt.. It ils ; I Aht ttrtirr, 1, 16.1.. r, ell
014. ' 24.1 a h•
' hropttrttor.• thra U. c he... 1. 6.4413..v.1. 41.4 1441, 411, 4 , la inert.,
pert.. t.I ea. It .nyr 4 1.7111 h.traritti .n.l r tame rt, l HArr,-ithroit .1 Wnllnvrer A
Purify the ithapl. I,tn.rautata.
~,,,,,,,, 1 . 1.0. - iltastain.
.1,-. grail r.
It 1.. ntnt.T.,l many , hrunirt11...... , •111.6 have 10,1 ; 5,,i,„..;,,,i,, 11.1-..., Jon.
thr eslil itl th• ~.t tiltr•li - h•nr..A.l hulal.i.mtil 0n..., i • l i .r. , s title. is It 1 Ishmtt .13
,411 Llt.n.r. t rvireittar snit ,nrtul, .11tet. -^r-.1. .t 1 ‘,..,,,,,,,.. 1,1011,1 htt.l,n
y• otlrrily t.,11..1 tit coal, tin. 1-.4 tmph.thst. uhnn 1 1, ,• r n J..htt. I , nnfl '4l
, ' WI, ..:1,....1, t.t., In umnyi rw•-• i.l llANLEltilltri 111 I ‘,721',.,.,,,,• h.... t 4 Itt, tls
Naha Th.. ..lati..4a. i t
44.4 14...4 r 141.41 ti ....11.2.2 . Iluptal
I 21, alealeake. Ile eat that it 1. • 14104144 limaillne Ir. 111
' 1.111.1 ,, h. (11 ., 11 - I.AIN ' T` , It rev... all nr-truilion• to atter 41 P.Z.T . il ' i l
Ithy .ttuint.itt. rt..1,1t1.4 Ilte tr..,,,...11 l. Al . J,,,, 11,,, 1.., ''''
r ,
Its, It rnatov• • 1 - •lftttal...ll 4.1 Lt. ll , urt. mad r. 11 . -.. trt
All ...A Jorltrnx, mud tn., . rr•tith trr AI , r i t.tat,,,hd . Dissolution.
41 .II otramun rather r•r.
1 2 ,22 'Tr. ,. t i t ti t' Ar•-ih I 't i q I I C ' ll ‘ Prlt ' , " • 0, - 1 . ,, t Intl ! Ei N c0:,:5.., [3 EN C I', al themiee L ti,
Frtuntalti ets...l, i i tt,,,.1.... it t., anti ...Isl. wt....a...1 1 ~,., ~,s , I, . r „ ~,,,,, ~ , ,
anoh t, ,• N , icni.ILNIIAsi. • y i , :,,„,!, 6,4',,n, 1 r..„, r ''.,,....".7,',''' ', ":-
rt. , / Ar.r. , t i r ~' '`r rt. ~rturr l rAhlA , ' I nai l a.a, +rm.! t•-.A.1., ta. ia,aa....6 1. t•l' '.,
n u t. r ill ars.... .trig'
tVots.l •n.l rirt.t I: atr, Patti. Air hating .114llys will Ir.: px V
Mtg. Pitt! ' nurgh.J II
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder I' 2 '
I%, , ASlllNG ., withn . nt ,. labori
u. Warraratat . l' Alt TN-ER Sli I P
• • `1 _ I . I ,k• .
li. 'rhr
, &c.
ha‘c r ecd
Len Gro I el
awl el
MIA. al A.
'MUM,. ran Cm-- Put Lu entheteut
quanta,. et rod] water tr• etwer them, then Idd 1.0 1, it
+,..(111• MIL Ueet, P , ,wder, ash •t quarts of wdt,
nee-L..lth the ed./thee. If the water IL hard, aid nture
the - 1 , 1,1er. nod tall them lenlll/11111, al the mean Ilme
prep. theta dna u with a sq&k, than put them In • tut , end
add eutllctent rot,' weter..n that they wilt not hr tan but
to handle. Then rub the ,lirte etroelta. an In .thee word..
tos• them a thorough rlnalow, and that In en“ l /1 , 1•4I
it —Than. 1. lug an ru.tu In the. hue, at - leave
thw elothee Ter, who', und no Gad oily emelt. an adult
WM.. dr. The, call, Net tie' maternal net uot
Thu is a Phlrdec that uue pa yer Lelh make twat...rm:lr.,
teLl tau, hult :Map.
11t,..111. tdea Take, ~at AI quarts of water and
Lula the h,deddr with it, add! then let It Mai Imn
then add ata quart. entil %au, alit theta luthustelr
l ' rra2 " c . T&LlTtw i n w lL l ‘Vil t tt l •f n lVe . L7P. a s n al
will wool, well. and wtil nal oat the hands tits other w e n
&hp, in& tut air .lolb. Can he meal with hard nr Lett
and ,nlho woo..
hold wh,deeele and ',twit.; IL
la; N0..57, %%teed at
Dissolution. •
FriF. CO-PARTNER ItSIIIP Prtti .f“re t. x •
rat utrlvr tilf brat KA
Ft, r ..1 WILLI 1111,1 1.5.1 I 1.:1J-1/lu, , r Mutlath. tpi.
r otul. I, 1114 Lrot W MrCli LL
• • •
Fl. •
1 1 1./.l,tarah.J.o, 1.1,1 .1e• 41.9 1 . 114.6. WIIIIIIIIAN ,
N oTioF,_—Tlio. partner.hip berPtitlnrp ex•
under thr N.,. or NI. A M
1 ., Ma
l •:A WHITE,
• Imll e 11 .
C i l O-PA itTN Eitsitip- The ..ttbseribeni have
/4.44444,114444. 1'artn,4144,4 ut44.14, tb44 141rila t . . - A41• 4
At 1440r4444 a 111.
.1,0 14.:41.1A114E,
.1511 .1411114 11 4.11“:1.1
N Err, ER It 1' A: h ave removed
thrlr r..a ebau,ri lam and
Greenwood Garden
C . E
1101C , coe
llctiiiryf Slrtilibery, Vining
..sry hrnano.ut and vahli oh will hr v hastul -
ton., Nurvery Au louluiluo lospn• ,rner Of
Fifth •tr,lm, Pilturph. mere hall buur, for
Ihp limr.h.o h.O'ruiune awl other r•ln—hn,, ...1,"1
Urd.r. rid Ihr propriruir. Wrat Ninrwleretrr.
alirgiwer el.lllll, rroriti• pninwit attientrin
ri -
J aloK
- •
rrawr Mr!. in and Straw Wrapping I
•L:0 Crown ••
Crown ••
Iv sowortoil ?Jania
..rho.. •• •
inanerinr Port ninon Papal,
. lOU Dour., 01137 Printing rap,:
" Itnrwrial
Ito. stair, *lib a lir of I.IJ 511.. of {wrap., rvr rani
W.ll IPA
Plat...rand Papa, Deal,
1._73• rimer Mwiroit and nrcnniletrawla
• • -
To Druggists and Painters.
uARIS GREEN "S' BRAND, 'ruz.boße
I, lb. tinl.l Nlntat of
eAW.raau lastAtut, untarHoz
1.0.1 e eu..1,....1.0r. The tausufartuirr the alr,se
Paint b., tax..tanni Joewnl. Ind moot I,llllaut artlcla
of /Paris tir•••.o, taut by eut, and that ono Es.Frrnind
*lthaca doEtltnent to It. obaJ, and ha, rtutured lug pro
awo to purarl onit..rnalty.
unclog be.n aymointad , role agent Ica the of tbla
evlebrated brand 01 Parla Ora.n. anrebaaera rill La soy
irisreduced Fmk.. R. E...IELLEit,
ITN Woodatavat
arr.ll,ro.. havo trivlo rarryinir
1111 Ftri.lit ittitstmu 11
l.' ! , =f ' lf
.rn 10 . tlt)
I , rt y, 11Aucc
I.;.quEnt“, £l, t fill
Tr ' r 1 7 "" rV717 ". : ". ' ll ' ; ''-
1:1 4„11;1i=
I• pr.aturn. ml r..l•rt, Jp
, vrirt.r
1.1,r ay
zu..hl:: If nf !ht. Caned
A V i l N . 1./ I DI
s () , E , 111 , YI „ N
1.•• lIIN,IIIOI. h h umw., al PIM-bu.r glhll n.,lll,lrre
aft, und, e sty It a "Wn thl,l
C.. tmrhll tlll 111,011.\11,
lilinghains' Transportation Line, 1
vit 1 8 5 1 .
11F1, ECY
'lti ('ANAL hein • now 0 en, WO are reii-
TUE. CANAL being nine open, wo are roi
-43,, r-nrine an,' fsrn•nl 011
;11,•rned rn.pnn. ,,,,
1 . T. , .111, nn.l 31ernhan , lite will be and In/was-1;4
enit nn , l •nnt. An, 4101 4 0 l ,11;01 ” 11,1,
vandr, freinhl. nrnonnntnn, bryorage
111114 nr Inrw•rded, and all .11rentInna falt1;11011.
CM, Canal
'''''' 1 7 10:117:31 ' 4 6 11. ‘ 1r " ;171 . ;171 ' ;6. -1 1:.!ni. r . "'
• tw.ranors F
11.•1 WILSON, nurlb awl /Inn .ts. 1 . 11114.1.101 in
JAII Annnl.
, ! .•. ;./r11; acrd
.01 , 11 ,1 1‘1 , ,I1, 1 ; NI, I, ter IA Wer,l
Merchants' Transportation Line,
• (VIA rEII, I YI.I,SIA 1•ANA11; .0 , 1/ 11.11.14,09•1
T RV. 'lllll'lli
!, •A 111,11111.14 A Ne; I . .nn
• 1•111•1;nr,r1;
; A 1.1,1 ,, it Al:•41II unntrs; kil•• l 1001,1 Yl.nn
jlVelrn prupurt. , l Ist, •innunt rnr•han , it,
L.m a 4.1.11
ch.) inrtnn••
r I
"Int yr-nnui an, ni •1- •
I n .
wn li.I•; -nut: ; las -nannt;
t it
, 1 1 0.1 I.TI •
renal 11.0 , 1 t,
ffiL_W=D 1851 11&6§1
To Shippers of Merchatthm, Produce, &c.,
4,11• hi.15..341.. 10 •••
11E11, • I 1c...ti11, ♦ 5..1 I.,Cur,,t.
.1.1. T .14
ch. 1r...
r el. arc.. 1..n.1 •.1c
Pittebrirgh Tramportatioir Line.
ft 1,11-Icr,
.1.011., I. ..Jr.
DUI tr.., 1,11A.1.1 ~/.La
01:100.41., J. n L 11•11... re
lAN I , N(i folly ~,tuplvt..d ur V arranp
c,.1 i.), cAli, Liar
• lr. urcr..lre. r
g 1 . .1 ;L 1 4r .i ,
. 1., •
.111-cr'; II
.nd Icar.l...ret. , I k:
11,Eur 1 ..
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvatua Central Railroad.
i l`r.n . .7:: . J .
SO 11 'tn. r•
1. ~ , , wn . J....... Milidtrn
Al Olitil bum..
Ihtntn,lll,. J I; lira.
ntlierl,o.ll., I 1111114.1.
)i.A14,1,L1.1,01. i t M,llt
1.11^.,rt 1, 11w..r , ell
~ ,',.., 31,.1..rwe1l ah•,. .1 Wnllnw, A .... r
1111 L.
51.11. . t ,, t , , in, li•rtr, J,,nr
•I•.,,rikle. I, li 1 Imm, .31
1 1. 1 1 \ 101,1 0..1 n
~ 1., 0.
Mil 1:,--K. I , li n.fl . .1
1,-,..1., o
Isr, tbrt. 1111,%11
zu , ,e•••••• , n , t.• ••••I•.n e •ornie
The th, Agency' LA the Pcl
t..r . •
4., 01)..1 tli. pan, pall tJlr •.(
• exalt, r.l 1,-iut•Lu I (VD,
i . 11,1 , 1,gh. Jut% lot.. 1,0
Agricultural Implements,
I lIA% .I{,sT rrnn. tfle eat
a hdiewtum unplemente. all rd the neet manunt.d.
and the ent old 1 adald 110,1 e
kitrlPrrA tgil•l.l...aairnine nll,ll
Alaeltinee. lar earth haat , , hretniturniten Ar
limo brill, 1 , , Nadi, me net, and but el.
anntt...d.t.t whet.
dtorn hell.. ha linnet. .n.. 1 hand pole,
tratr Lad l' .`Mttla. cultlnd We,
I egetable head Cullen
lox 1 oget and l..te I.lbaln Hatter*
Laxlee I itramt and Orson Itnthes, and Int Lee
laatd te teel tan, Mahe and tear ninon, tor!.
All utandlartored tenua heM matt M tiule. • 1 Mt t
at. the 1.15 C .0 1' 4 1.4, 11
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish,,
, tr
I.4ne, Nitll , ll4, Cum
gr. .t." rn• ” ..
Dud al..rut. th. .gz
tll I Well. r.
A.. In
g d ( .11,111 g ,
ng. ~11,1ng
lrir•ll l'Ut • pp-, yrs 4r• qaaq
eta.. nke ,on laLakla
pr,,, I i. tent, ...r Cute ,tlid wllia.leNsla awl rriall
It It E :-.1,1.L3:11.n. 11.kal of..
CARD.- liitt 4. rt.111,,,it,, my new A,
otot ,
wht.. will ti.i. ray tritiiilt dud
titti.u, and i ilwir ut.. 1 n
very lard.. itriii t trizutitil qiiiiiittr", 6
JI :lair
I L17.V;;;
%Or, 11-11nii;
r•itiddititt,iii• ilt I Orden,
apt Ili etr-,
VU 001. C tor IVottl Lp
v jut 04 . ttl . ll Init K.
H just received Irmo New York.
otb , r ntyl. , INIMINV
ItTAIN BA F. 4alr
• j.. 17 ti Vi N.4.1:1 I.
6IPECTACLESI--We hove a ~..inplete
kj cil 'Aver AbAMi.,1,1.. ,- .4.1,an.10.0.-t
,o^ht I 0 mud 1,.A.-At. 11% .
8./ AI
W 1.1... I I. I i,ll •
ANI) liAl F'URKS--A gmod
1 . ..11!•• DEVI
/11 AKrol .r IlArwr A Co.
- uu.t A
rl nt r
hracite Coal. _
30 z , l2 . ksi ztrtiele
c A 11. A.\LLfI 1 10
• Copper Stocks.
‘V . E u ll AVE vari•
wi.111,0 0,07
Pure liraudy, , fur Diarrhcca, &e.
It EA 11. IN .51 IND yu6, „„,.d
4,!;7",„'-"`,.,;4.'.',' ;4'
m N 3 Small.
fed JOLtS 11 6 n V
- 11 IQUORICE HOOT-50U Ila i lur a:11 . e i p
• 6y s'
1, , )1 . ,2 I .1,1. , 4, ; for
I N r ir? W .. I ~ A , S ltc , j
aliry an
an a l . , VoN Po
S Ll,l - ER PAT E, ST ut: V E. R. ATC IA
i ft . t u o w } 2 l7TlN c i. ,), lllll , t v real
II , o()PEic wxrcifEs--in ituain, 4 . and
I, .n.l 4444.4,4.44 n..
(/44; 4
t. 4-4 nit in
übo W
tturol atltind., and of nnatitpill.
• t. peon.. , anoint I l\ N'. WILSON
!LI .I TUI4I A S & CO.'S W ES , —Now
0 . 1 • hind Ato, niodirdent-In linnt.nd plain
• n.1,111a oidalandind mak, nodod and durnitl,
vivid" 11, idittsfnotttd. tip, II so, ..t•r
indl in tit. rountri W WlLEtfoi.,
eti untiltnorth at.
ORRIS' TEA MART, in Ow biann,nll.
n . Althozl2ll tirren T.s• lu rr NI rwurP,l t.-Lx.
...Mawpr....•ll ..• ••••••,..isil..• or ,
. e•mkt.l.hmuLt. to.olt. ••lar•• on'im.
rha..4l lA.. HP! •
""" T "' t',..14,• n:1 V.:."2' .
: ermn• Cuffs, 10 um El
RE BI 'AHD Pi, at a di,..ount\.l
Murt. uILI na
per rant tr,n
ir• rtvrir.loM
)FF EF:—llnl bap kin,principally prime,
1 nal (•r M,l. 1,, 'Jon., IVATnt 1 c‘,.
I.ll,ertr nl
Lr,• t. r0,LY.E.1.1.
_ _ . .
It; A
_ . .
AL", 1.1,11 A ULI NEI I
- CA;\ for nal° Iv
; 1 . -1
- Ivo 1,1,1 L Strait,: for',4alo for
uv.JI . .1 111, I/0 \s'nt.rrt
N IACE E L 1,..arg0;
.1 N • AII4A‘IIA
nu e, .
I( Lu 1511.14. k) for qklo
40V 0 VT Ll'
!UM S NA/ jr.:o i.:Xru, for rile , k:• •
'l. 11 , 11.1,1111111V11
1441 111 1;1.1 X ~le rty
g , I .-I - tEL I ...• I.\kg . .i lif.., i,l , sale-by., '
1 ~,,,,.. .N \ Sl. %,\ II AI,BAU4II
V i'.) PI:1 N'l'' )I, ' T P,!, 'Opening, V.. 1
,1 s. IT,lllit •L •---rim,l L r ...0 X 411.• 10 PSI..
• L.p, • ,II I\ll t A I,llf_‘ . ilk EIII,
Ji 'l' KKI /. ' IN k:/'. i 'V " (I '' ' P O lii i' " il/'
....: .TW '. : '..r' .V.. '' "I ' X nl ';c7tt`` . !".,
patlelt--.t1..., .1,1 I pp.l pt L. 11,, ...1AA... , LLL ILLVLAL..P"LP 1
..1 .11 ,•tittr,A.- •
..,,. .3 \ ...f1!: , 1e. , ...,
till FRENCH !iIERINO:•t A:: A.)l s
vKV. ,‘ I 1.1, :-. V.. • .1 t1,'.....1,...), It 1......4
LI - . ..• ~ ..,, ,P....-•....1P-alati Llt• 1br0.., rtch ,AI
0... i
li: F.ll VoN \ Vt .. . 4 \l. 1;.I V WINS A.. 1.
....71,..... ‘ h ' ... ' ......, h .. 2 1:1! " :.,%.t; ' ,..,:,1 " ,..:., 1' ;; , ; ' , '„ 47 ," :. ,' ;
... \ .
\ ''....r.m
tIIh. A l' 1 . ;NI V t LiM).; 'vs. A . A . ~,,,
\ I,EF.I-F: l% Vial 1 . 11.L1.4 K' , . ..I ......v and
iltky .. - .11116 r.., 111 4 , \ 11121:11E1E1, Al
1 1 , 1,1 It v -... 1.t.h.. 11 :I.rugtAr',..ici, tilt....
, .•,...
811.111)1 , 1:1111 pl., .11 AMP ciy
-Pp A 11 11. 11111V1,11
• ~,..I
i. . .
I r ":
~.r+~.,t J•.t
hm~y lm~wl
inn r u.~:
i.~t n.r~
~m-u..m ~
r la. 1~ l
h. \IC KEIL - .1/ All.
Cr.r0.r..l um! Si 1.04
t 1.1,i tor
1.0. o• • tar,.
If' Ili Ml . l - 11 , I Alll..E'l
A la.. roio
,1 •101 t. t•
.4._Li \ ..,...... ”oitn tm rts , ri , sod hike+, ex. t e mod 11..1 lernce
. a ' n ' t.; '," i ' ' ''''
T.:N;t 2 :.;.k; L. - . LF , . A , -.1 Diarc•tdv•-inaeph /.I. Peal, Wu. , AAPots,ler,Joba C.
1 1t I.NC II GELATINE, Al 11,i te an:‘ll2..h. f4L ..,..,r',..,. 1 , 't.... " ‘,. l 4'.'k. ' ''.it j ra" h i . .r L itr i tlrtrk'''''i....\ ' "Yrna lki4 .tt.7 "st wi-'
n.. 1 pr •nrr.-I L. , an hag. e. 4 t u, i .rNfnelana 'llsta lolwol. .I..k.zr Nvvrltn, Ur. R. NI. lluicon, Jame y) A
I) J• I . d- t ‘1 ' t T Olin, l'auldlnc, IL Jocect 11rnots, Ilnn
' . ' '".
' . '. s ' "ti d ' t
SI Cl, dti h . & . I \; l lVat li b it Craig. tioc,ro Perrin,' Sl.,.ne.)r Mcllvlin.
~,,.„ ' n eAbcrtt . ... ' I I .i tik. A .
, y, .1 0, -I.lloton, • Win a n y, I.l6,e.Thotrlr,
:4-11.r . d st. 1) re. Jr.
g ~,,IA sii t:i.t,S, re,. ied ire 1 . fi1.1111 % . I , IV
j0b 1AV1T .. 1 , 3 3 4 , 3 , I . 3l3• 3 o:Atill—D, T. arclvan. 114 .5 h &IC \
IL I awn,. (..-1 c.• r •t. t Idr -al, tz,
11 NI A , Icl • LI 133 tO. , W 3. T1 ' .1 3 . 1 3 3,vidvot tuna t;.. uvir., vit,.;FitAl3 .
50.3 30 '-'-''''L“'•'2'-j:-. i -" 1" , th u 1c11 . 73. ' ::33? . :,;&433:r t r . ' i ~ %i'ltur strevelt to.
1 I 1, , F . I , N 1 . 1
i : - . , I, ' i i
.:, -. 1 1 i ~ i ti-- , ,
, Er ,i,
, i: i l .1s L. .1 , ~ r ro , g r : il.r¢ . \ ,L,r-tt J I. a . A EIC.A, Ad nt.
"1 A M ' il "" • ''''' 1 MISCEI,LANEOUS. .
:ki AN( [ At'l llt Eit ; (. 0 -101 l ;e ''' t \ --- 0 - C ao ' ci,7.,,b ( t; a rt o - 7. 5 ,.
,it L.., .t .0., r.....k t , and, . '.- no I •'.l. ctnre, tor lc ‘ \ •
1., [atn.l., . 1T.,1-i.I! I.ICKEY d cv. ,--.-,....„, .. ,
\ 1-1 OW iv&
Ikit YAl' l' LES--I . I his. 4 n , 1 I can' jusi , - ,---......„ 5 • 0 - i .., ~,,...,--,--•-,,, 92 8 . - -....,..-...--;:3
air ~, ,,J 333.3.1Nr A.1..e, ,cull , J II.C.CNVIELI. , •IlaTI A . ttil_i• llitAL,_...
Lt . ICE ET: , - .1 . 1 d../. NI Ariel In, lit bl,ate .1d 11 1111 1 6 1111111 95 llliii i
„ for 11.1111 by ~,,,,I2 J. II !'41,F1..e t i c-- •8 r xi., no uivirr
r11:01.1.%Ci,p- .111 hom., Itivbak..ntl Tobacco r). - • s j ,ff
x n -
--, h• mn'n ctinv‘d ...' 1 ?. I. "'"g ' \ Per 4nt. Strength. •
ca l 11 1110ALF.IL 3.13‘,3 „
r iii 1 F. m A ,:,: 11l
..Z . r 1,4 t I.AINTs , o r ,i,,L,,._ PAIVE,LI.. FLETWIEII & CO., 31..nufactu
, ALA i\r , ,, NA LA; ullOl.. Pure Nnlrlid G. , r Coleirne and Hr.-
I, ~ -- P • • .• 111 ; r - ft• n - 0.- ~.- ~...,,, •n i d., C. ,yer VI tnd VAN XI% tacloi .01.. y., ea 1,...4. -
,' h ,'',,,,''', , ,' ""'r.r'r Van' . Ill` ''" .'".'" ''''''.„T';' - ' '''" . l , r, •r ..1 Viva an.iironiatreetaMMl:catt,llnin
. _ 1.". 4 ' 1"" D ' ',''"' -. ' ill-AI ord.. a fr om l'al,stra.h tillo, PrnnlP i hs tilled
).A NI) l' A 1"F It- - 'OO roc ,A 3 1 ' .1 for AMP In. ' " 1 "'"' '"'''' 4 9 ' . !""` ' , I—.. " '''''
. ~ .c, J lilDl/ aCV I in es and ‘ tiqtiera.
- I
‘ A :..I . olt 111 1.---'2" 1,1 . 1, .1ih , r ., ' N , .• I. I ‘. , . "1 - .) It, - l aberty et' Fc.rnker4,./.Anrixerarker factory_
iron., , , . . •
1,, .., 1,
~...°' \ '
'. 11 0)1 1 111.• lir‘g,,, , iC:n. N. I.
d , Oi N II A LA NVE:=, kr .leti t •ting Countor- •
N.. , ~ ~ ~,,,,,„„ „,„ ~,
~,, ,„, „,,, ~, ~,,, ~ . l i 'l IC K F.l.Skri:,i, 4,0 U VE.I)EL, reapectfully
~ •nl ltdAllll4.. 1,1.. r.o 1, cal.. 1., '` In e acncrel 1 - , an alb eir friend.,
"'". Ik \X \,11,,,,, c‘norra7lt r a; WiN t V l Odablichnd. NETT WINE' nd
- : \ . Litil;oll:l 4 rottE .t, ~t vir, t\ lrd, 4 1-nn - thy hall 0,
4 I i AI, PI, N: , ---A tit... of the 1110111 kevl 3 31 101 l au,r en o e beet itcsk-3 Laelle and
l I 1..., A. 3.3.3 v., \ 333. 1.3.1, vrAl v. arraate.l Fr,,,,,i, re..l and abitk Win Mao, Feciteh dark and pale,
ago , •I , V, tt W ii.., , 61:, Itrxndlne. -42 he ehoindat, tin ledni, Jantalca rano. llolland
% . s o il "."'
'''"''Y ' ''''' le , :glql l .l. b i k .l l :44 '
) v ,
r r . , L - i" I hi , -.,-, , .., ,, ,,1 , , , i u d i i, , , , , , ,, , ,i, , s „ '•i„,,Tzi,.. l . gr,f, - ,!, - Li...Asiv: ~,„.,„a,”,..:- . - 1 ,.„..a
i , , ~1.1. pi—, „,„,, (~,,k 1. wak ....ripirl:=V t L b r'r.tilk;:a t 'r t ? ",..k4t.l:, b ,,:vgi.
mw -A• • ES — ht..,„ -, .• •
~ •, .....,,,....„ •
ttn,. ,A I.he partners Mr. 'dicine •21 0411 C 4111.0111311 h.
tJ A‘l -11 l I ,1111:0N4c. 111 . -1 :: . r.',212'%,..Vir;.',1',"44 .r i , : ..,'' \l''' S • t r i r-.l"'' . .'
a., I.
\ .41. az a 111, 1/..r. .. I, . 1.121. •1117
, _ 1 nlber I,llllor 11:11b11111111 1 . 11:11 , 1\101 \lb! a c ... , k 11, lAki.rre Ina
11: NI Eli Y.- :',/ Eog,B. ( t.'. rted 1 ^‘ , l.r , I" " I.= . r ., i,.. " , b :lt ' o ' kthed '‘a '
tree cc.. tra ag a r an,.l at the
I:i 111111 11.111011 •••11•1 Pft 1111 J nnolnd, ior Ann. 1.. shorn, n..tlon : -, \ X. • a le_
au.: J neuhor: NIA i-i' , Et
1 1. ; 11. Ml/LA SAES - I`,o 1.1.1, (.11prep..) Lewis's Patept Reverse , evc ter Palter ,
IN .
~ ~ . ..L., ,IS N-ow to 'hp yeen irk i rata, at WNL
I a a ,l t , .NlNkiii ALL. -I TA 1.1, a 1744 1-I, tlnwtcra. No \14.1 Focti.ll, Arrvet, 33 ,lL
• -3 ', W..; ev32 evrrT .331 Libert . and at`YNitoll..llllFlLl:l,
1,,,, , , 11. •.:110 LA SSE:, ..2t , 1.1,1”. o.lttiv lir.. n.i: ..,,,,!:,,, >4:r i t ,
~ .., r , % . r, rh,i 1 ,,e4,,,, i i,
1J • 1., .... 1., I: A ...l ,N1•33.11A AI, 1 ..3, . ~, ~, i r+.3 ,. . 33 u 1ti
a v .a A rtan v rull v IritTl;tt t :iciAla n .n,
* ... 33. '' :; ”.."3 ! ; lA.. for tt. Auip.ridrny , ) ,, tr.ll.• el.-....nnalikupy rues? komt .L.c. , 1
INI. A I'I'LE CI IE E ;4:- ,For A ale by. , ` . .rl, ..:1:;',,.:71 , , T Ona the m is nee ,ty'hihal., ivhia.
..r-', ' " n`,., ;per
.tor ito ~ niwtiontl• 1:01.. eb-stoont ptiqy mei/1033.u. ,
1)1 \I. All ' I. E CLE F E--,For „., sule by , ;, 17,,, •;:t:',, l :Z=. 6 :j l 2 1
.2711 . . 11 1 11 .1 11 ‘r0!''',. 14 '.-
4 , i;••. ‘,1 ' ,. . 1. 4 1-,1 T. i,,01, t: .,- - ll . ,--n.• Kr.l 0a " ... " .,"-:i,;I' L 1'A".1.?.?: le,
- —I. en ti.• j ad
tn.., ,• or wator,ll.. Paten4,KovertiLle if stir Viltorwr,ln•
1111/1,1,. \\ 1 / it I. iii:N ., /, M-- / A 1111,g ,, ' N ,, r . v...t.0..111, Alt I.le . 1 . Ravlnt,ared nue of tlittnyor ie . . ,
It ""'” ''''''''. I.
' '\ - I ' ''''''''';
'''' //111/ 1 2 Vll ' l l lq, " l4 , l l. l4Vn ' utiieet .. .
anwl4 . 4 tl , LI. 110 A t ~
. - \ - PintAbetentAlLlLLmt...nth. itra. ~
1,, EU A It— TIU Idol, Tail eN.„, ih, ..toro I it, i....... Led I:wren/10e lamer friltantr. invent,' Nr id •:
1 Amu/twill. Kr" in, cud ure.4 by enwlnr ronne proutl. tat 0.1
I 3 anti I, own. It
AN., A at:N:111,03. a 00. j ''''''''. n "." T / 1 . . ''' 4,1 11/,' liar 0/T 40 n " ,, ul.l vu4/. ~..
..., ,
I‘. E , :Ii), ,131 q. iioluoNur- I ...wan towt/I It P th. nut.lle JUN ne P. KAI/MANI
l' ,/!I S- t . : 1 1 1 , ; ,, 11 . 1. 1, 1 , 4:IS'IT .1 . lit h 1 ,. . AK, It i., I \ ~,,,,,,..., r „,.. r ,,,,,...1 t05i1, 6 4°,:2',2; ettite ßna tt 0 , taw, whlch WA, rl, n.u. a...Ana..1 irtiu.l to. teKttra
, -• ' / I, 1.4.. matter ,tt the ster. Met aro warranted to luot 11.4
Aiol. A .-,, ES-- 21F. hou.. ::.:; ~.
a A t. 1./1114 , mtloll ~.n.Y Arr ti Areat.l . lool.leln/...
5 t . 11'..!C ,, :10 ,.., 14A , 11 . 4 ,
~.A !11, : . 1 .5.-;. . .L. rlTr th. .t ! 1it,i, , i..A,,.. 15„it..1,!, , , , , . c7., , ,,:,,en ,
''`L''"' ""'"' . " . :"7'LL7' ' Z7.%, -,, ~... "I ~
, r'A ro '.4l ;TA, R..,
I 1N li IV Aft liA NTS WA NTED ! '- The ,„ ~
ILA i....1,....t .i.ri....‘ prior aoi , ...41,. t r Laud // r .ttt 4 , /
~ i , ,,,..,
. AIVA /41.•EK tiiLßlvThr. , alit I. nat. of 1..11,1.4 1\
n. „/„ . „ ~
134 Front street.
• \‘‘ ' ' - -
I_P:A RLA sll -1'; L-LLA, Adana', to ;tar , ~, 1 .. . , _ ___
tor eat,. Ja ll VIM 11, \ ! ', Heating and cnOlation.
aww ilo 0. . /1..1 1 " ,6 ' '"' ". s* \it 'F. • ARE MA 1; Da; \ ANYA FLATUS for
• EJIUT AS II -.l> /Link. pure, b,t- Ade I.y L,
, V V . ~ Li. I L L L.,- Mown to . ll4l.llCort R/tuaMeetnra
" i , , i.„, U. I tom, 1/aol .101.-. tut.,, nottnnw , . Ilttopitant, mad built/-
a/Awl .44 wr w./ ....••Inttno. owl., .Irvrato. Alro.Larni
nUTTEß -; 1a.1,.. a 16,1 3 kog3, for -.ale 1,) , Ir ~,..., i. , , ,, t.... ~: ... wallo.o•tier. n.ioziar
, .
~. , ,
r axi. r Iw.. oaud for Mr.
1-.1 1t0.," tlt•. I 0 . .rT . ~...n....k.c / Lor wetlowl . equal 1001.. ,
N U. 3 MACKEREL L:o bbli, Large, tor ~, ~ , ,,,ll`. L" , ,n". , , , , ,..."P , 1ur. 1 ,-. 1 , ~ .1 traoane, will
A. are
Ifklk' °I A- ../ .OW/1n lo r I e 1,, , ,i ' : : ' p i , : \L'. .•'".t'lNit::;'‘.lC:l?-4;\•.-':;""'ll.l"'s'Ll'".":l4l7..''l9'n.°j'''ll:Fvu'l."...:.l
V .KV' J
ruCK ETs--10LI 0.7..] NI :tro.ita make, 1., sii ‘. o, • \ „ :0,, Ve., ATKINNJK ' 4.l s l bre.
I, ~, ~.. .• , :1 II CAIMIELIt , , '',, \ ,
0 lo Cl \ ' \,, Copleys Pot Clay. ', \
it “:!;:, 5I I Uer '" ( r' ""." v..V . lb r ['lliyiL '','\ rr 11 Fl rlikx.soriberei lire mw - Solo'' ' gt
- - - - • • : ~
It UTTER -1 : kepl,prtug, for piffle LS ' \ r t.,.., ,t -L , , , c, i fli;: ,, ,ifor , e nal, n 1 their PM,Clitr, et
till 1t.10,4.4.1-1 IL. (4, Ulu. Potw. ' 4 4 1.4 IP . I.."te, f.lttaa "' a.tfo th f .:or ' of tltts 'lu n;
Lip ~....„,
pi n T O. 2 ..I , PElbbl, .1. bblr. i , vT , , i , :: 1,, •utvuLvc.lo. kr. • . 1 ., ~.,,,,,,,,.,„c i
IA tut ea. by sur.Z. J. 11. C.A.Sri.ELL. 1 .3 6 . 1 ... d P 14, 4 ,4 NA 1 0 •• ... ...
I TAI 'ot. • / I billtAiLlia dt.f*
.. . K . . , . .
i V. to. 1... Morgan, 41 Dirt Lawny ittrt•44. ‘,- ~
.) \ fhl wrath .111 1.. to ..follow,. at thr. orlirv., 44. ray
dora 1 . Z....41....1)..
in... a Ito) C.rapanr, No. i 5 Conenti Sr. 4 et
-1 1 . \:1 . ..1.1,
, C-
ACOLTON Peer. ‘ 4
State utual Fire Insurance Compa n y. ,
: 1
BR INl'lf\lFf le F.—N - 0 STRUT,
i',1,1101.0.1.N•P lit. iKoi.
. I ra
1 111} -: l'Ott ff idenca of ilie mueell.64 of the
' for.•tono 134 oars...Hupp) make Ora,srATE .V 171 .,
I /IRE ..C2il, - ASCE . CI,VP.INI 1404 th, n 1
ei to
I ',ram unparpl.l4.l.l amount of Irastram
, rloon Iran 14 , 0 i, .. b•rlnn 1 • 44 ) 44 7 ,?! ) , 4 :4'),1 1 , 1,1 f)1):!) . 1 . in,g
! ?rlt!.. ' ( .. . ‘ „ ' n ' pl ' i:) th' l44. 1711ff,..°A.,!iVi.",,,Z1`4,1t1 4 1.:
ralo)tt kool In .malt n 1 tit, and • nano P.4.PrtiOn in 4 ntt'd
Vit ' Ot .' N ' O n. :2l l 7. r liclealt.4 \ . . ' ' .
V . IZ . T:l;tt"'".4 . .sen rnl'd... .. '
%":..;;`,47!1rrLiLtr.Nt;,,,,..,.,...i..1.,2,00% . "' ° '
.bn ....• , .1,4'14191
i 1), \ I'reonrarn Non._ :9,..:114 47 ~
On. ancel4.l,4onranonat,entlrol .. O. 10
L i r4 liot7'l4:tra . Orn; '''''' - 51.451 14 ..)::
Do. N. du a...n..441. 4.,.... J2l 24
~, 7 .,,,,,
1an. ,, . PnA1.0....4 and ..xponr.of ~,:i • x:3,111 CI
Ila La.). lo 1•Tor of lb. Co.. lu ...hi \ C .624 4 "
1).. TILT. Gr Aral., coorr.basu. and )4ner .ofd aeLllnnso
i " ''''''''', ." ~ r 7 ProPortS. it I.lterod 1.4.14.•0nt
i 4...) 1.11,n1 ) ) , •.1 NICILI.PI to ;Oita of ahenpena; .9dotd, and
.....-... . . . . .
" '''''' ' d `` ' n'l .. ...anu7 P. , P ,,, T. it l ,llered thlb ,11,
pau, 1,11.,rd , t , A.l\ncuagra um point of cheapens; Well, And
Hues 1. mleFko 1., un Insurance etapaay`in Ude CIDI)..r•
1 . -1./L-I,J pt. le ruitabl. and gr.rollp.lmprueed orystens
of Claemluatiun., Plat; excluding all spes-11.1
elan ..n ,02 t g laTntobic And Mutual plan. Os apt nal.T Pa.'
it" ae...gancalati...u..l 1 methpla,
Lu I , itlit.l... Ow inAnnil to a partletpationin th prollts.
Dirs.-tors—John 1,, limthertord, A. .I..tiglet; .T. Jon.,
Aka.. A Ceara, 1 . 11118. C. Sedge i,k, , alaucl7oPeA, hob' ,
liP.lx. o.ou IL Pael,\ , , ,Spboll lutherforrl.
1 \P IILTHERI.4.II(D. Preklent.
~A.V. tilLt47l - f. l: , ,,..cretary.,.
\ A. A. 051101... Annan 5 . 4 ' runt
X N It —A P:rrlp Dividend 4 fifteen per rent. on exPirtne
L. e . e ha , ' ~ . .en ~ eelared h) lbe Directors. and la null re
1.1 . 1111,. oth, Inr reprisal., ~ r redeemable 10 Clil
Al U... 114 g.I ninety day; A , A. A. ean!...A!,...t.A
' \ \
FrlitkiiP Fire Insulin re Co. of ,Philad'a\
PII,IECTOKS: Charle:l \V. Baneker, lieu.''
le eubirai, ThosZliart, 4°)yr:cal D. Lelrisjoblaa
oet ‘,..1..1phe E 8011, Parr...4l titan,- Dalid 9. Brown.
I It . litullb Morels Palen n.. ...'
. , . 0I101100:‘ 1. BANCKER., Pregideal.
I enpa ea II Ilse&r., Serrcl,ry. \ \
.1 lo.l,omPany cvattnues to make ISIIRIIitrIOC.% pm:Lunen'
or hunt..l,,uperery dearriptP a of Pl'oPert i i Is .= . 7 5 and
uoutary. al rap.. as low as an ennalstennd It pecunry.
The CfnupanT bars 'Lee,' large .cuotlngent Lund.
.hi, L. sr.., Well Capital An 1 Premiums4s Poly Invest...l,
Alloni maple prokaelion to a ass red. \ ..
The suet. al Wu Cutupan, ...n Januarrbrt.‘l,B6l, until.-
hailed agreval.lo V‘ k cL., Ae. of A aPambly. sr \n\ as !Mina,
vl: ' -.
3init gagrel..-,. . ' ag1n,1:.:5 At
Meal reitate .., .. .. e 4,37.7 I'S
'I etan.r.ay 11 an... . . . - 4 ,..k ,
.. cl..dou
111,1:12,itat 7. i,
, •
:.,Ces tht ir ine..rp,:raticr., A pe.rlcd or 'AI yeAr.,lbel
iraie.ll4o uplearal. co oar Milne. beer Ilandred 'P.
1,11,p . 1 1...,-.. I,y 1 ... 'hereby advphuf evpieore c h° 7, '' til!
-- • .
vt rsiguraulv. well . thr. ,riiirs and dUt -
nple Ituhr aY.. corner or Wuat su.l Jd ru,\ I
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
J. f tun,. . der , stral.l so. and LLerts ftratt..
mast eu,vl.ttuv, ‘otrauu• roshtiou4, Irt he
part thr ray. the n agent way ato be found daily.
from II 1.. nod d 1 , , at the cvatirm. rour.l
J t 'trent. uhrrp vortvv
Par .10411.3.0 141111, .r.r en and conatolturattour protean .
tyte ranaht.trt+ explurn.n,,k, pilLl,4/rA
trap Ott t ut CM. lnautanao. aud blank loetn• rotund.. WI
over and couarebtly Ineetetaind
Prehte .lar Plod utuually unbound Orono 111... fur U..
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
(1 1 11 E I nhu ran,:el2 , pany of North Americo.,
4 1 . 1.11.1. ltdat.--bhantortal 1710.1. capital Idlahletto. Arnett
Id. 1e11.111401.71.... 10.
Inane Instillment.
out wet, routuutra. m ltdb city and al.
`pr.orote et rbtpisd ablrdn benlf
~tl. r tutulo inland tratuuturtation ou
„ - onscrtuis. •
\ . ' ; ' 2l ' .,Lt ' l ' . 7. '''' „,..- r''' '
3 . . b ,lftt p !. i.• L' zi ° , ''.
, 2 \ T A I ' lt '', , itlettara b. Ward.
11 Iltlato lie's),
ttaca eel I , Swab. • I' ratielP llookhca,
_ uattra..l.e, a Malta Allitattae,
• barb,. Ve) te.r.
ii .. ecegt 4 fst t: c t eat,
Ja et. M. Itaatuaa
, ~r,.%• Wei n, 1.1 4"14.,..rrer,1 be
rib- i- the ~I,lAt !neurone<
or Pah/ th the ....Lt....
,n.l tr,n . big hatatestua, I..tat experience, ample =twat,
3.1.4 as..J. ~, „ 7 ~... at an cat , . haaartla. character, It
' '''''.d. ..t"-. " INVlltrirn i k , g I h ß e Er,`""
W eaten Insurance Company of Pittaburg h. -
g, A I'IT-A 6, $36,d00. 1%. MILLER, JR,
I li ni: r .:,"',..!'",,,\,•-:, l. 'S't,l 6 .l . "' r' . ' itaxiae
ill h....5..111 4 1, ' lR...rail, J ed A y F Zeplr paid.
A 1....c.e
I tete.. a. tLe cL•utunualt.), atg..l • h are detertattaat by
°1';.:',1!,",77,...:7:.": Le ~'- . '."1 . :!,t..',1TV:..`ti , ;b i 7 -,`'!- ° `"`b i"
aet to chore
. .
, .
. •
1/111er, Jr . 4. 8.0, .1. W. BUM',
J.. 4
11.40., Ititotru, 1,, II
•I/ Ale; ,NllOlOO, 1140.. Sc.,tt
NV.E., , .t..vra.r.N.4. L'Oar ,, l • Co.,
upet.,r, raht.orgh t ,u. 1.111
. , . .
Delaware Mutual Safety klaranceEomp'4 ,
r grvet.
I.erKbeataise, iLnd other
11 , a. 4 hottred
hr Omni . the kilt
girl is ilrertkam.
ca " .:-„tu - tsr, toVer opu ' or
a•lntruzl M.)"
•u.. Lt.) .a.tao:hasure
tr.l, .10 , 1 1., II .gum.. Mall 6.4.1 car.. Caoal twat,. auJ
Mr.. I .I.trt Mayo. Joh.. It. Penro, .11.taurt kg4; b la4S.
Itgi: . l l ll4i7 l 7lflztr 4 7N7Yr ' ll b ll s : l l l .g. ' r. Sl. l lf4 l o L it, lo =76 1 1 3:
91104. Thivphiltl. .Paubllng. 11. 117ots, 110501
_t“.ort. Perrill,l*..ncer
. it%trr " ,. ' 4n
Atcamt.4 44, Pri-nr.evatin—D, T. Mclvae. 114 h CmlC
IV 3t T. .
11 I.,tid,ot too Prtd
arra. 0.v.0rt..1 is - o , ex,..eretarS•
.- -,- - —_%;
\seedleF. Celebrated
f tOMPOEPINT II . , gg
Na, , .
I,.j,Tbem lalghly medl guts. have b•sen nmdt - .
\ '
more than twente years, d hag which iihno they I.
gained • PermaAnt repotank.n as u t ma gie..
lthenmeti •mi SlAngthertina , 'levier :riar . ollt. ' -/ ".
vicuna al the higheitt reran 0 t., whom welt rein
hoar has /men mibmiktene :ars leen the =mantle. . \
Vert:hoorah& an to the ClPtilur t Wit 4\ tor• all ether -
tars sod.
The ingredients of their suet:Posit ta.Yeq\etrefnll' ,
,ome ns cobine. render them Pre`tb•rl •Pra'.b \—'
pemns suffering with pulmonary ddettco.v. .
lor palm in the Lmaat. sevulting M tn nrot,r•etesiv \ ' ' , re... ST, •
whooping mugn, and lomnpsami in tht. aationa twos .- ~
dire•ses !n the \sal', their w„vnetlenal A.riet.t. I. • • II
' , ‘ . — Ti n .fe.filti ' t ..,,lt their
1. beat \ • \
/,`;L.,,,:0.... P2 , 4 - 0 r .t , 0r1tr...t;X:L05,741.7 . 1 . At
foo l
vitt...L-4 zattAutiu4 . llitsp bsta ata.V rAe. ' ‘,
r lf.eilit ,' r•st "' ‘4 ' '''' ' - '')
r,:::.17. ‘ 4.1. " ...h ' ...have elferiead h el . " ' tra,t_./, ' . , t,,,'..11, \ •
iii•jilirviiti• T, vaieb'suller wit/N...lth, ; Ins, t \
i a.,,,,
~r e r,!,...mineo .1, with U c..andent se
.4 'tar 4.1 i ir...!e, wilt La 41;0 awry del de
rue ...e1. , . u!...1. ......,,a tg \ v5 . 11 . .,41 .. .
t '!!„,,
at.. 1.!, 1,,5, , 11 et
' f' •"1•';.,
i t },:: \ t,m, , NT's I.'A 'EIVI . I , 'FIA ROI , • ~, i .
tt!.1.:,7-! l ',..'.ll=i!i."V.,‘.‘.`.'. l ,l l ,r:diXntig • ~
0.... ......,,,,:t • U.e r.. 0 nth malli hag to the Emeq•pi t i ''
\ .
fr .0.... t a ...! !I .- tva,..• vedhit Anturt.th4ito clothe* ...
an, r,.....,...• 'I he tag.... bate to g Vito...felt ;ha .\ •
..I e.f. h kn.:1:1e....1 In i hi. the raiv , tatlon,wlll be •
IF e•altred. ia• 04 0./111...Minn i. tr i •lnter an Impart/WU
Ina \ •
N 1•.-e • 4, fate alit do thirty CM ned <tablet \ an se
lath,. ,L... 11,1 1.11 • itl ~,,, t ti. .
1.,.. e P.., rent , ,r l'str... Emit Cake Ithi tOll dlrlytA'
• A
0.., ...te 1., n..'>. tr. E.,‘ELL RS, 47 Weal r, ,
ii her!. art more things in heaven mu mann. . ‘, ',
'Than are drnni_pt of in ,
rAll I 1 , , VI li'llif:. of tins remirk. file re \ \
dy, and we evostatit appliratofn fur 4. t that pnopetV.,
e n, h., Indeed him to have it titil op 1.13 hod e, with la
LA, mil direetion,, tor the benenbef the pii! i.,
The I•ETROLF.IINI Is ;mewed froui . well o thla venni \ • \
ti , , tt r a . letlatus h . u y a r dred feet, av Pk Put, WU,.
{4.1 e iit tietillcaltehAiiigii, bii • 1 t." ,
Mat! ftuni Nio.l.l ' re%i ' ill•rat Latir4tail •.44t •
tin reactunit 4 number .of divex... i, no on ex •
l ' n ' til ' ' di `' ,' - \..
, ter el onee'rtmete. 1 1,, r.• steMany Inas In the\ ar.
I carm.of natu,, whleh, if known, .might be of vast Int- '....' \\
0r... 1u +Unclad. suffering. end restveing the bl Weir
.heialth sod vigor to m.0.,' a , dtfl , rin• I, mi , b`"lnre • • Pt.\ \
ad are la-
[iVci ' lr.r% ' ' -ell!l ' i n a./U, " INV i c ' v ' m h t ' s ' n ' T ladaily I
ring call, for It, Lint ...rend remarkable cures It 1:11 " • v \
funned, iv a sure Inhrehou o f Its futon. popularity
• .
vrT , e , artl t agl i i , etiztt . bl o exre p tl.. , l;:e:a i se ,. . ,,,,,,
.. . \
TO err mmartons that thy timlleine eon ....,en work Its tray '''
into the
awe d o
thee« wherenffer. and wish to ,/ve basted ~
Whtha we do not Haim for it • Luther...l appliattlen ha eel . .
rry, wa'onhevnatinstlY , ar, th at in •
, .
Lltrritnf Liiiiim4e4 it 14 otarit•llval. Among the may be
enumer,,,l—au diseases (.1 the mue , os tisane. ouch as
CIiKUNIC IlltuNC/1111, CaaNSUNII•rioN. tin Itr,errly
'Whig..? A 1,711 31*, wml all de.eseee ~t the .ar passages, LIV. !
ER 1:0311.1.AINT. It I', , PEPSIA, Diaries, lohicaves of Ul4l .
BI•Ider and kidneys. Patine In the Mark or .*lll, Nervous
Moque, Diensidaits. 1!..i sr, Rheumatic Visins,dnout, Ensin-' •
._alwo,-Titer.-Itingworenc Burn, Scidds. Itruises, Uld semi. •
in. Av. In eases of debillt, , hulling from e. nr '
tong and t!rotmetd ca.. of dibease, thin tn=rwill
bring- •
es.liet It will ay., general gene!)'.i IC end ALTER
ATI Vg in vueli rate, imparting tone andenrral in t•• • .
ho!, fn.+, removing ..bstrocuons, okening the sloe wilts .•
• function., which rause diseats. and it - broken
anal giving increased and renewed energy to eh. news,
of hfel The pr!lngetor lineal, 01 0,0101 Mir. , 011,Kti ..
[het misted every ether treatment, get well an.wr the new ,
• of the Pk:TIKILEUM lire a short time. The reesof van Iv.
alien to any perren wbedestres It. ..
None genuine without the signature of par'
Bold by the moptietor ,
S. , 3t. KIRA..
Canil Basiit ar &yea&
AbyE. E. SELL ER , ,47 Wong et . . . \
and KEYSER •••,:trDOIVELL,
eons,. Worst s wht and Virt. in Alley, what
'000 . 2.:d1y his regularly appointed Ifiummta.
mein' ruins iAintrk or limbs, itlff lona, 04Enteli maumx
Imo 2c. i AAA they can he cured bl inktug the Llano-
I..EUM: foil me Talk (trout Its Reim: s noir - rumen mush
.which era qot vanish:tett in AM' other ne.sslT. The min
eibo rarliA itlnrktln, mil suffering (mai diens, air,
fostin rents. 'Frt inlet from any of the Ills rrointennel
Mader! A ensts vrrri hula to
a trlel. Pero
learnsto tolstAr.—ho comp - and. fit the the intrporwi
of mo ppotio s the ccura o urutr, totlt s renalyelaborer •
tea brlrhe maitsrhand naturi.. sn.l bubbles upfront the
twenroln( our moth/A rail!, ow orrithal purity ~.4 ea- ,
far. to‘sailf.rinii humanity . a nailri.Ar• • eerteln sad
It bwi , rh rat 'After other here illedln
mire IzoNrsaia. taredlll . 'wurnitil , thi • InhA
fta.liOlC, th. worm lit%Ant tr.inful eilaracter. is
has ay..) I.)k i erra MnriAls. Ems tr doses. It ban
eurni i.hlrs srby-n in ',er r other “a11e4 7
has.t,eo o. Lisa. 11,1 Ti.z,irily In burns .14
Wall, it IA berth thsnawir 41.1104 CC., pounds orliintrturnt
that of. It will enra chAldulin end tinned ti e
Ina few eppliesilvoi uzsdonssted Inottssonj tes -
ed tlis truth a, omitted in the ihte , i inntinneuti hr
Inn Snrturf. m. Ell, catqa n filch Or -
either ir the auntik
K"!'r eln sal' corms street sad
l alter:
1 w . ela
,s.ase •
the sees*,
s , -Da. Jame' 'inn. the dieenverclt and td‘ly,yro tor'
tt.,.... most ss,tatite
s atat, , Lettetlcial itieditlo.,. ,, al
.I.`;;„V,'lg 'Zi.'!dit„ — :,.l.:,".ea=2:. r, r..', V.
dent pf that eminent phy,irien. 1...r.t., l'hyalc.l.ll; „ te a
glatill4t* of the University el Nonsylranicatnit roll[ ety •
yYtro Ape* Lae lon. engaged Oa ahe , uaaatilatintavf di/t
-ea..A th.. applicatirm of eel:l.h. thereto.
~. \ ty
hl ' e rh i l trli b l ' a. -h° • ‘" §fr of ul t , " esolVT. ' 4 4' T:l . P . re=ray U rt.r .
graluml at.' , .11 , 01-I..i ' esaine nee tit curing lbw: uttithrl
and fatal ea. lula•ecular (kn./option, Catteetas
Scrofula, Rbumialmt, Asthma, Force and Arne, ferarto
all kind*, Ch7le Eryolpelte, and all
eves p...ralut to feu:mire, r'vrey lona of dlisaart .
vaubthes male . the we .I . hia retardw<to which hut:haul. t,
ty is heir—mot hr the we of one
h a
1, only, Cu that i
la lurmnpatilde kLtJa l'bratuloalcat haw, Out by Lon of ‘ l.;
Ma erturdi..., tatahted to, sod
prey t a x,
nit, each peg.* \ •
form of
dorm.. \ ,N,
hr. hoses 'Mule 411..111re Vill when wad, an itoseti..
• . - . ... _ .
. . .
Dr./U....Thule 4 11<ta:lye Villa, when nal fel. n. Itmqta• \
lily acknowleage.l trt he en riot, to all nthrt • CO•tal Rflte .
Dye or liter pill. Wean:inch ae ry Pero the bowels
fcetly tr.....1n0n rustivturag me al . file tinkle/011ie are •
utted,. by the facultf... Poeta. Peculiar aroveil ‘ l....up,
utt th female allecaaefo hut. tming,tatieted t.1...0are trtal \ •
14 mfr.-lent IP egtaLli.h I)at hat been eall. In thantilateef '
the moot skeptical, . 1,
She aZictetl are Inritml to call pon the agent:end Pr. \
cuP. (grattl) one of the Doelor I. 111130blett, ii MO& a dated. l.
.e 1 serontol of flat rentetlr,aud SA application. -',.
• Ft.r rate hp the followlntiVti lia wellsie bt•moet ata ,
glen. ththughout the coon h • /. L.,
J :fol...teak, .t lA, 2t Of et.. Piti.flot , rell.. \ :,,
4. at T0rn,.... 1. In octosh ito‘harket eh:\ • tt, •
Lee A- 11,41aa0. Droggl4, n.l.,fs the Polf.TFLoe,Allegbfa ,
'r iai, Daritlez, Darington. a. 4. 65.,-, - p ; \ '..
John Elliott, !anon Valle, 8 1
r.. ," .• - • .... . '•
2. Adams,. Dearer.
atfalfhllf _ „
COMPOST AND : : s• •
KOP. AFFLIQT£2O Will be teen& in
Dr Dem INVAIdaV..
ag), !hod. admit bat stool the be-sto thirty yam ex.
either, and her, hermit o doubt. -teen tie means nesse,
• g the lilt, aJ thouganda of indlaiduall, ta alma tether
elan and ammeter of diem.,. We feel that Ire hound
thing luny - inn that this I. the only medmine Weans.
ara..l to the milheted.thot doer, ib every eel:teen:thew
what it Is m i nd tur
it hummed, and ealeible of trine mere dilemmas than
y other tnollcsrg od , red for ca • •e care lug by whom oreold. nr bl , filet none .
Al a - end prreX of the thorn Wei SaY
that It i mam only • le that has aupeartel In the foim of
?.1 Vaeolt.nilV his. that
h' elo .r e ' ra r l ' ry u ortl7:Vost "'d
Ji amity kledlemi ran,. d r rale or tmed by any or
fM Dan. Hobe y o. . ell, late 31 C The Won Anktg
IL Home, late Ilayor . lion J t lof
latell. &Sem
tor• 1% illoant Porter, Pee , llter of the SIAM of the
'llll2, mad • ho+t of other dletlegulthed eithams of New
York who here full, Irvin
ors. d it Meth, Dave voldainel Die
to them.
pa t pr
IL 222 D knowu that Patent Stelminessis not ignore
patr, r 1.. d by the li anted, if I nithy and polite Melte.
we Lae. undouhtstilria right tot feel °ismer. highlY
Tit Winder woratnaCX7,2•2l224 Das ben neatly
seven year. fore the p , ablif Ito ant friend. are now It.
rvnonret sad bat This moot a l 12 moan and
'orlyin'lng _Pinot Of ID general ugefnlatene and manna e
m a u lltma tic m a I n egift . l . o:43 . ely ., fik:,lllerro „ ns ,,, t a l .... iseana
Oend alr!L ' , , pains and aches that (Web lirtintir to
ver 1,0I0,0(KI tottles hare been eold*lthdut OROPIMat.
and have pen:veal awn egtontehing mina, arteralf other
hare faded.. would rtairg,r bellefAul we not
offered. and in on, Winn rain., the granite). ppinible eel.
This rindirin, or nature a remedy. is preepared Prom
e for Internal ea well as external use , tit ante dlre
an ej- •
\i r t r.:Lt " halt.
of the ° Klaney n s 4 , and
P, wanes. In male or female ,
from whatever she agony
hese orlginaled
Rnr aM In Pittatrargh. hr }LE Seller, Blew.. &
peve\ \ allr. It it Dee ep in tour, two, It
ed fgtaft,.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette,
DUIfLIC ATTENTION pi respectfullyin
rited tertbe folio-wine rrtiths, t forth In rdanon
mint ri t t halliaftAln , ar e i l t aArczlle l i s , Wa
it not man lt ,
yen e
ago meg thin greet remy was brought before the
puhll Pc the \rellef and cure of disease" lie mat Fere
to heal, bare, Ara. then. Immo font appYteWted the
community am. we allege that the longe It Is tri the
IOW! Mrtale Will 4:a great ht. 'Tread It to eon the rem.
tuiVrfrii,gierteW"e4; 1"47.;
°I-hariwP.btato Da°. Demean. The tam is
Nattgai Remedy, elaborated in the deprh• othe earth
by a genres Intl therm- that laugh. to Ye, rn nil n human
onnapefti , ort , o
wriai da. luny, ohm re . e , ante ab
not out anted/ •
rsr4 t oot
deceive three w what "' martn n t
&ace in or statements /he f rom aekrs TniT *Mtn et
any thing tha .. 4romites relief II, am A anal
[lordly be too ly wronght tolstise,r the .Meet of guil
log or humb ng Rome ol\ them Now , we do vat ,lasts
to do thla we ere anal( us only that the •truth is Manes to
ar.r remedy ethouLl be told, Wenger to secure Pm it • rept,.
lotion far exceeding any sing4g ,u ernel in the mated. Med.
Ira Plain unaarnette het.— that may besecettathed
in our gay and nedgetartafte. tw‘ar azaide trenoony in fa 2
rot of We Petra.=
Within the net monotui two ciont man eltirens.
who noire ;gaily kilo it teem be i en
le tonight. See
yogi nun. of blitninme,,ln the . Litiale lin n have been
ennal and, also the cover otlet,. main I,weer county.
there an. Lgiere. but their. are ar t me, and ma r
ne by any yet Ms who hi. \ dr ui is cm the tube
net Ines« rases eery earn' after th•••th,l Leon abandon
ed by playsiciane bopelteo Th. I •dtcleara curv e
en-cunning to antennae-I , MM tA, D,reintery a
!Ides l a on Wont. Ntturalots, tuytirne ntteEktn e
a on thy fee
throule :um by. , Worm. Tatter.
Peal I 11.'10 , paane tr. the Mme, A sthma 1 "I sores..Pliers e
Wens. Ague, thr.mle Coughs, Anne..
, Ba La mad all \
Pulmonary etfertlona of a ehronse nein terldipg to pro.
d domes of We bladder and liSdneree
Chapped a-anat.:ad I ttpples, ta rue end, Dinka..
To Wlt la a angst cerrts,stamrd and has teen tried
In ranstc the Os ditese,s ,red iear arlthre•
na.22 pertect encore" t ernf. area that will ...ionise\ are in
t h e hand. ef.dt. •ho •111 take I entre alma •
Ing and. the adlicted no their frt. pis
pi peters: ngtwr• may eat about their medicine.. tha
iNdr , brunt lithe greMrt Mtdr ri rile ta. Physicians
ot high standing In the pr
do a-. beginning in It
their Thus...who at and 1 - 13 With doubt
and Unseemly:it, are willing to award It due praise en&
rylandenattort DCmrl oca thee year mite round, all
prtW ,geeniad,„, that the Por knu la the greet
ed men am es, Lbovert. her set et I, sale and tee
Lyn', ra 110,41%4 r mood
E t - 11 cad street h tl •wern. D
elthat. Deapb I touelaa, .allaatan • I• 12 Altel, by the pro ,
rktor, ,SI it tI. (Anal Nadu. lt arra& atnat Pit; I
bur h, and 1.1 A tat -ranek A Cu, 11 4u1 and brunt stet
-it e ms d brep, easy to tat...and Ll Wilt eglaerkini
Ardanutht (hie Slintb -St INT
Icira r eetle,i4VirarTn 'l e utham , heed
renintre tete, llttle ' porie b %*e an i tat, " l:l I IT, dyer
allsmt Clo y Ijrrup to glee It • tried. 1
nevelt to UV,
hest' tern
yyy datl.,nt Cadet. PM , . .ter fah.. to er
ii her tjty'doirn ndtal it to mynen li n e., iln mow
tra= f ul „ b=7 ,. .. , Lb t ensign medicine
waua tarn - nova
Varracksaiaald ned permit thnr eh larrn to culler rm.
air 2222,7 aaay amg by • et_ bottle of Ilia
I , laanal and said ea to a LLERP,
tni Ste,el et and 1 , , inning scanain•
K AT 'M EZ , 2IIIIEI3II:LN —A large !dock
in ee for sal. onthe um, Ith.ral testae. win
kinalfintment Aeomat 'ldts
Lemon e2a2d • , Drop.
gg e entiai Galt of halsisto di Manna
Nerve and Pam,. Ignatent hlonahs-1 Uncle of VAIL!,
iipneleldee)hietee Iyd tqa
Pulmoriariann lit. r k awarded latiebit
Pills, Anti &Ili,.
I Plea-tarail
t elug
I n
A,r„g Daunt-m/1 yrup.
gm he foot.
FILM mln Ni nenntat
Crumbs. •••
Unmanl Layne],
bts \
•. iimmaEkraC.
" Dprirativat:
lAvetider ,
Druo*, Betz
EY* Wator
lirrtittk.r . r. UAL:Nitta
of Wto.4 ood. num
150 lbs.( ;I,lre for sale
• •• • •
50 lbs. (p)ge) for sale
mat .I.E.Wvit.oo.