The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 01, 1851, Image 3

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    Commar.—Madame Hoicilieparand s ad Signor
of the New York Opera tionpe, have
• arrived, and intend giving a concert on Thurs
. day evening, at Lafayette IlelL They stand
high in, the. Lout, and tie trout that they will
have a r.rewded hone. Professor Qua. Leine
• will preside at the piano, and the eeleotion of
songs !Ail embrace gems, from all the favorite
,Of the day, in addition to a number of
pleating; LitliMist •
. ,
Tan Exile Aare.—We are indebted to Mau,
Wegner, Bticher and Mueller, the celebrated
lithogriphic firm of this cify,fur a eery beautiful-
Ilthog4phed portrait of "Jelin Calvin," the cal
lrbrated iteforiner. It in exe c uted to the heat
style Oran.
I,l43lu#Cm Exriwoatusaar.—A woman called'
. at the Mice of the Mayor of Allegheny, Ott Mon
; dai,-and .etated that her betrothed, to whom
ehtahad lent twenty doilaris 'for the purpose of
buYing some of the articles necessary for set
; . ting up . housekeeping. had absconded with the
cash; and was goingto Cincinnati.
1 His .honor, hlayor Fleming, gave instructions
to have our hero arrested, and he was seized by
High ConstableAdamo;on the levbe in Pittebarg.
When taken to the :Slayer's wilice, he was un
willing either to eve at, the money, or to fulfil
his matrimonial prof:oleos, but, a commitment
having been made out,. he changed bin tune,
• and accompanied hli bride to church, where they
were ✓quickly joined in the bends of wedlock.
Reef, & Co. Federal street, Allegheny, have sent
us a copy of Rory °Wore, by Lover, new edition.
At the atore of Reel & Co. can be found the latest
and best pahliOations of the day.
• Tut TELLGIAPH:—SeveraI telegraphic poles
were bleweidown-in. the storm of Sattuday night,
below the Penitentiary; and a considerable quan
tity of the 'wire was cut and carried away by
some thieips.
Bitellsek LIQUOV. WISHOCT UN:Mt.—Robert
Carlin of the First Ward, Allegheny, was yes
terday held tobell by Mayor ,Fletning, in the
mom of two hundred dollars on a charge of sel
ling holler without license.
den broke out ad about eleven ol
iodk, . Monday night, in one of tho upper
etories - of Howard 8:: Rodger's, tin and copper
ware ostablipmeiati,en Front et., but little dam
age, however,*o done, as the flames were soon
extinguished; and the articles on hand could not
be much Injured by water. The fire was the ra
nk bt accident.
Matt Insr.—Some boys found three bogs full
'or newspapers and pamphlets, which constituted
apart arthe southern mid eastern mail, lying on
the Waiitiisigkm road, near the ferry, on Monday
niglit. Oa examination, it was found that the
straps of
.Ohs stags had been unbuckled either
by design or-carelessness, and that a trunk, be
longing to 'n lady who resides on First etreet,
wsh missiog.• The trunk was'afterwards found,
but come jowelry, which it had contained,'had
been Moira f om lt.
. , , :, ..
Pooch B INIIB. —Not a single commitment
to the ,jali. Tao made yesterday, Indeed we
never know our city to be so free (roil crime of
all kinds, aa it in at the present moment.
, . .
SnondvaU 7bcziahip.—A Scott and Johnston
meeting wite held in Snowden township, on Tues
day, Vas 22d inst. We have not a full report of
their. proceeding., bat understand that' T. J.
Sigham, !ail:, tide an addree., and thatSnod,
den wilt well far the cause on the 2nd Toes
day of Oe ber.
Anton tienship.—A Whig meeting was held
at Joel :Siburoe'a, in Patton township, on the
Sith iost.; which was ably and eloquently ad
dressed by..llon. Thomas M. Howe and George
Noon Thwnship.—At a large and entlitmie,
tic useellyiirpf the friends of Scott and Johnston,
held fa . Moon township, on the 26th inst., S.
Scott Wes . ,calleil to the Chair, and Hugh Mc-
Cormick chosen Secretary, after which George
Darsie and T.' J. Itigham, addreesed the
people. The meeting then adjourned, resolved
to worlif fOr the redemption of. Moon township
from the thrahlom of Locsfocoism.
Ehraidh Borovgs—At a retesting of the (Sends
of Scott, Johnston, and Protection, held at Eta
4both on the 25th inet., at 2 o'clock P. M. on
motlon,'Ebeiiezer Henderson was chosen Presi
dent, Richard Taylor and Major John
Vine ,Presidents, and Joseph McClelland
Hoc. M. ICUs* then addressed the meeting
in an eloquent manner, and was followed by E.
P. Jones, Esq. 'The meeting then adjourned to
meet again at 7i o'clock in the evening. .
At the re-assembling of the meeting, R. C.
Walker,. Eitq.,wes called to the Chair, and John
Pattersonutiosen Secretary. ;
G. E.'Appieton 'being present, was called to
address the meeting, which he did at some con
siderable, lingth, en our State finances and the
protective policy. lie'was succeeded by lion.
T. M. Bowe, wboodthough laboring.under in
disposition, spoke to the point, and with effect.
The several speeches:were applatided by the
meeting, and, the Whig spirit bf :Elizabeth is
folly aroused, as the Tuesday efirictober will
',Pine Towooldp.—A. large meeting of the Whip
of Pint.township was held on the 26th inst., et
which .7 - ohrtEmerink presided. George Darsie
Made atery able address, and the meeting 10-
journed infirm! spirits.
&dia./10y of LW Wkly. of WiLkins.—The in
- domitable -Whip of Wilkins towonhip, had a
grand! rally on the 29th Mot, at the school
house In Willdnsbnig, James Kelly was chosen.
President and lion!: .1. Carothers Secretary.
The meeting wail' then addressed by George
.Daraie, E. SEcKnlght, and G. E.- Appleton. The
'Whigs of Wilkins will do their whole duty in the
.. appreacidisicoidest,
Laurens/TB/4 Am ! te.—At a largeand enthu
siastic nieetbsg of the Whip of !Lawrenceville -
held at the:6ohm:ll house in mid borrough :on the
29thinst at 7 o'clock:P. M. Robt trwii!wes called
to the chair and Chas Peterson ehosim Beey. The
meeting was then addessal by Hon: T.M. Howe,
Geo Darsie,T. J. Bingham and G. E. Appleton
' on the ewes of the present contest Much en-,
thusiassi preialled, and the meeting adjourned
to assemble, again on the 7th Oct in the evening
at the same Place,
TM11f1:07010 IVELIG MX= —Tho Whigs
Mod Anti-' Masons of the 3rd Ward met at Splane's
Buildhi{m,lor the purpose of organizing for the
approaching election.
John Deck was called to the Chair, and Jon
a. NtcFaden, Dell. and Ed. Campbell Jr., were
sppolaed Secretaries.
Tea seoarniittee, appointed at a formic :nett
ing to rep:oil - NU and Block committees for the
Ward, reported - through ChSiirman the fol.
loiring, viz :
Port ccontrewsz.
John McMumma, John Ochae,
j a bs Deck, William McKee,
Major MeCulloch, William W. Sphine
Step hinSherry:• Robert J. Smith,
Wm:- Adams', ' Chas—W. Lewis,
Thomas Scott, James Nonfood!,
Tama McMaster' James Criswell,
David Reahey, John Liggiet.
etween - Filamond Alley and Fifth Street from
the Avenue to Market Street—let. T, M. Mar . -
aludl. Esq., John Roberts, G. W. Glasgow, Jno.
Mecaskey, John Wilson, And. McMaster, 0. W.
Henry, Wm, Gill, Ed. Lippington, Hugh Mo
Muster, Ed. Day, Alex. King, Ed. Johnston
Maisel Pottier.
Between Fifth and Sixth atieet from Grant to
Market thee.
Petet A. Maderia, Jasper Mindy Esq. Da
vid Silllstieorgs Splane, Jacob Myers, Dept F
Pratt 'itobertM'Cay Augcustus Stainmyer, teem.
ittley,'Jokst-Elennedy, John Hblpton, Henry
. .
BetieeiXtrixthand Liberty streets, and Grant.
M Lewis' Esq, Wm Stovenion, Wm Badger,
.111 'Jones, JD Lewis, Wm Cohapmait, Joseph
Cox, Jateee, T Welsh, C Hartwell,
.oapt F Beidenstx liter, James. Gebhart Wm Ar,
thane, Batatiel El Kier, Milani Leonard, James
Wlggans Robison, Robert • Moor Jos W Lewis,
Peter. M Davis, James Johnston, Ftrd E Volt,
A B Arkiaton ' Than Craig, J McFadden Esq.
Prod Canal to Wylie streett from 7th to line
of Fifth and Sixth wards.
Holt - McKean, M Blan, M Nelson, 'James
Mackerel WarKempe, D Bock James T Shannon,
David Jewell, W A Fiteriaris, Charles Beck. Ja
cob Mikm:or Wallace, W C Doe, James M'Callin
Robert - Moffitt; Robert Laughlin: Robert Cooper
M 0 Kingsley, JasSbie
BetwireidDrura and Webster from anyentb to
Higb..atreek •
Jacob.sEller, James Orr; William Sims. Wal.
terliirkpiitrick, Isaac Walker, Samuel kl'Clean
D Welk 4 II Coulter, Samuel Hunter, Walter
Between Webster street and Pennsylvania AN
eime, from the ward line to the Conti Rouen
. .
Alexinder Lawson,_Edward Campbell, Eaq ,
Mathew ',Smith, 'WM. Buchanan, James Gal
braith, jr., G. W. Bunn. ?Janus ticCune; Ga
briel. Adame, F. C. Flanegin, Daniel. McCurdy, •
C. L Magee Samuel Kroesen, George Rodgers,.
-U. p arr y,. Ilene D.. Belton, W. B. Copeland,
Samuel Cook, Jelui C. Parry, J. Liggett, Wm.
McKee, LewieiQctiner, FT O. bittelicr, Robert
Araistronx. fArk. iteniou;;
Marshal Orr, Robert..allingliam,
wett. . .
Comrl77.e ON Imulaicars.
Jos.Cullough, Wm. Pmwoo, FlMpVem Mw
Sherry, Capt. F. Seidemstriker, Wm. A, Flu
The report of the Committee was unanimous
ly adopted, end the gentlemen appointed request
ed to not.
The following resolutions were unanimously
adopted, vie:
Resolved, That we earnestly invite the Whigs
of the several Wants of this city to take , early
measures to secure a perfect ergot:drat-ion of the
party, and to come up to the good work with
their whole farce; and we here pledge the old
Third for her full share in the approaching vic
tory, and we challenge any other ward dp excel
us in the increase of the Whig vote.
A gentleman of the fah Ward accepted the
challenge on behalf of his District.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be
,requested to call mans meetings of the friends of
Haat and JohimLon in Pittsburgh and Allegheny
at the earliest practicable period.
Capt. Robert Porter being called upon, ad
dressed the meeting for a few minutes in his
usual forcible style, and was enthusialtically
cheered at the close.
On motion, adjourned.
JOHN BECK, Chairman
J. B. McFan.,
En. CAMPBELL, I . SeC"tari"'
NEW Tone, Sept. '3O.
The steamer Baltic, from Liverpool, with datesto the 17th, being four days later than the Afri
ca., arrived at New York, at half past 7 o'Clock,
on Sunday morning. She sailed from Liverpool
at half past 2 o'clock on the 17th. She ~rings.
97 passengers.
The Baltic passed the Seth on the 1911, 10
hours - west of Cape Clear. The Baltic experi
enced heavy westerly winds during her Whole
The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the 'even
ing of the 13th, hoeing made eer
days and 6 hours.
The great excitement about the gold mines of
Australia is rather on the increase.
Mr. Gladstone's dislosures about the atroci
ties of the Neapolitan Government, seemed to
be causing more and more uneasiness among the
advocates of that infernal despotism.
The Austrian loan had 'exercised a depressing
influence, and had not found buyers very r rap
=The harvest news throughout Great Britain is
most encouraging, and the weather very favora
ble for gathering.
• The Germanic Diet held its sitting on the Gth
of September, when the report of the Commit
tee on the Constitutions was read ; but so great
was the difference of opinion, .that 'even the
minutes could not be agreed to.
.Much disappointment exists throughout iEng
land, from the lack of definite information in
relation to the Cuban expedition. The papers
were still filled with accountsfrom the U. States
concerning it.
Negotiations are going un between Spain,
France, and England, with a view to announce
to the American Government that it is bound
te, put a atop to the further 1.1.10. of
The attention of the political and religious
circles is still engrossed by the secession of the
Duke of Norfolk from the Roman Catholic faith,
and considerable feeling is manifested on alliddes
of the question.
The Earl of Donoughmore, died on the 12th
inst. •
The lion. Abbott Lawrence is on a tour in
The roceipte of the Great. Exhibition continue
at about £3OOO per day.
The news from the Continent indicates much
uneasiness in future.
The department of Ardeche has been placed in
a state of seige.
Prince de Joiniille expects soon to declare.
formally for-the Presidency.
At Naples, 46 state prisoners have heen,sen
teneed to death; among them are ten trepnties,
two Es-Ministers, one Ambassador, and two
, The Indian Mail arrived ut Marseilles, with
Calcutta dates to the 7th of August. The news
unimportan t.wa.s Erchgo n Calcutta was 2.}(,a)20
Cotton—The market continued firm, and mid
dling qualities were a ehade dearer eince . the
sailing, of . the Africa- The miles of the past
three daye were 1-8,000 bales, 7,000 of which
were taken by speculators and exporters .
Flour and Grain—Flour was dull,•and prices
without change. Corn is Improving in demand,
and in held higher. .Wheat was dull, with a de
cline of one penny pox bushel. The quotations
are—Mixed and Red 53 2.®5e 51; White 58 5d6
be EM per bu.
Provision—The market was dull, but without
GrOcertes--Cattee is duller. Teas are without
The Manchester trade 'continued healthy' at
MI prices. -
The market was rendered very sensitive by
the daily failures. Funds were farther dept....
ed, in consequence of the unsettled state of af
fairs on the Continent. On the 13th, cot:owls
touched 9(s for money, and on the Itlth. olesed
heavily and. Foreign stocks were dull.
Mr. Attorney General Crittenden has Veen
appointed acting Secretary of. State daring the
absence of Mr. Webster.
The population of Rhode Island, according to
the official report, is 147. 648.
Georgia has a free population of 524,31b,:and
8811681, slaves.
Maj Toehmm, to-day, caused the arrest of a
Bavarian Captain, named Henry Ahead, on charge
of circulating a malicious libel against Maj. T's
wife, late Mies Appolona 'Jagello. The libel is
contained in of affidavit, sworn to before a ma
gistrate, at Williamsburg N. York, and hlej. T.
swears to his belief that certain foreign Diplo
matic repreaentativre have aided and • abetted
in thecirculation of the libel. .
Alvesd gave boil for his appearance at' the
.ext criminal *rawer the charge.
• New Yong, kept 20.
The Paell3e sailed for Liverpool to-day at
oon, with 110 passengers, and $560,000 in ape-
Ncw l'oaw, Sept: SO.
The brig Advance, of the Grinnell Eipedi-
Lion, arrived at the Brooklyn Navy Yard this
afternoon. The officers and crew are in lino
health. Her eruisings have all been reported.
Nothing important pc:caned on the passage
The Advance left Lancaster Sound on the 6th
infant., in company with her consort, thn lie
serve, which she parted with in a gale. She
came near being frozen in a second time.
The steamer Ontario, rim down a gig, in the
harbor of Kingston, by which three inen,Who
were in tb gig were drowned.. On Saturday
night., the steamer Ottowa, going into KingOton,
struck the steamer Reindeer, and immediately
sunk. No lives were bit.
The steamer Yacht arrived to-day from South
West .Pass. She brings despatches 'stating
that the revolotioo in Siera Madre was entirely
Ntw 011/CMI3, Nept.
Alderman Wm. Laughlin was killed last Llight
by Alderman Wm. tillk lu an affray.
Noe ()amts.', Sept 47
The steamer Brilliant, yesterday., exploded
her.boiler at Bay m Sore Gouts destroying her
cabins and upper works. Many lire, were lost,
bat their names are not Known: There were 80
persons, with the deck hands and firemen, on
board, only 25 of whom were found after the ex
plosion. The Brilliant was bound for New Or
leans to Bayon flora.
The Inspootor General, Postmaster General,
and Crown Lands CoMmistion, 'have rcslined
It has not yet vanspired whether the resigna
tions have been accepted The whole Cabinet
is expected to resign.
The new steamer "Glasgow," from Glasgow,
Sept.. 16, Is below. Of course ehe brings no
DOW B. ---
LOCP , VaLT, Sept
Tho Blind Institute, corner of First 8
and Broadway, wan destroyed by are this
4 4 , Loss $lO,OOO.
11:urzeloar, Sept. :
Floor—Sale, 260 bbl. Toward Street at S i
pt bbL
Grain—Sales of red wheat at 7203,73, and of
white at 16(n278c. Sales Penns yellow corn at
at 62. and .0Y oats at 31f .34c
Whiskey—Sales at 22(5)23c - 44 gall.
Proiisions—Balee of new mess pork at
l:416 74®17 bbl.. Lard is selling a Ai(,; ; lbc
V lb.
Groceries—Sales '350 hints Muscovado Sugar
at $4 0645 40 j 100, and 30 Wads Orleans su
gar al - r? 100. Sales 30 bbd Cuba
molasses at 23i j gall.
NeW Toss, Sept 30.
Cotton—The market is active, with sales 1000
bales at 101(2,110c for fair Orleans.
Flour—Sales 30(01 bids at $3 756,3 07h for
states, western, $3 940n4 12 for Miebikan, end
$4 22 for pure Genesee.
(drain—Sales 3000 bushels southern red wheat
at 80c. Sales 20,000 bushels eorn at 00e.
- - .._• • • .
Groceries—Sales 300 bags Rio .31Yee at 85,
and 200 do Java at II ic - ft lb. Sales cOO bones
Havana sugar at 56ii.r&to gt lb .
Provisions—The market is steady and firm.
Wool—The market is heavy, and prices firm.
a k ICEITORLEANS. Sept_ 199
The markets are generally very dull.
Cotton—The sales were barely 'Anibal., mid
dling at 8(1'81
Corie—is scarce and ,arni, et rile FI be fur
mixed. w,
Provisions—Pork has declined, and moss is
offering at $l4 50
roe eri es —Snle s Rio coffee at Mr The cinch
FLMOUOM to 18.000 116 g, again came pe
riod last year.
Ike. For all lordPue,l lump.. stiff
diAontwr, I•lickheu. 11.1oIrtu
umuuy • lar.. at boom IL tl Varrell'n Aruluai Llclimutt
bus uquln4l I , ,tzlattou 11.1.1 tayl
udo, .1. It i ,u 4113 In, u.,...0
rbusm.roucl. Rod ruld, butkluL , ...r.thront, Lurt.,
.re brew., r[lllblAln.. ar.. ut v 41.4111.1. ..Dl"
Empress Packet Linn to Cleveland.
.T irE Proprietor, of theiParket Lines hat,
100 math, the roctuialte arra getu•ut• a ith the Ohio
au Peua Railroad Cuutpast,, 11 paegengera gnu. not
~,thrr ht, 11, elei eland or New I.lle,W111,1.1.1110
through ticket. at li,, tAlier. 11/111 .t. r ll ll/1.01 , / 1 0111..,1.-
. which artll gyre them rho pm'rue lA' guing t• 11.. h , +
tor -ither ty the Cara ,• the dien3nlaut:
For I , ket , gill tu JOHN IA. C.l Et; II El', Agt .
rum, Water and Stnith 1,1.1 -1.. lup 3tatm,
neu4 1 tu 1111 bur •1t
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
IN and niter MONDAii, AUGUST 4th,
I I F:.I. •
Par , uacer Tram all ten to loans,
',RAVE 31 11W 1111 Ili 11E03: at . l, .0 m .0.1 24 I' 31
' LEAVE FITTSBUIttIII at 10 . A. 11 an,l ~ P3l
Way. FARE, 3 1 . 1, PER 11 1 I.F.
Cltildron undrr "orlon ~.a,.‘t nue hall Erb-.
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Musical Convention and Teachers' Institute ,-.•
Under th• ntrar , ar.n of Mr. L 111.”. n, na Mltan.
4 NirsICAL CONVENTION fool TE.kcit-, liait IS:, iI. aiiiii4P;;4
.., - 1. EMS' 1 NnTITI:TE. no tn. PI.. iiir O•iiiiii w1iu".. , ..11 1 - I
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tr. The Itnlmitlr , o•4lern ot In.trn .4 ~ .11 „,,,,,_
~,, 1... ! 4. eon. mml 1 , 4.1 i. t05....i0 ....nod,. arming)
pocial atter.... an, 10. ..• Holy slim,. tmi 'owl emi/amml ;.,,,: . ,,e ' :: 1. .: " .. 7-."1 lb.
•• limn slll pr.., .W, .4.4......1 moon-. nlll, from i 11
.. .. 1 e,, paitten.,,, 04 Yon,. la m on., to
Ume in nir.e. he inirmlnewl. and. ~. •
.4,4 It .4,11 1... Ow
aim to hare Nu. eameir , m will k. stowt moerexttne oral .1 ...7 ...r... [•` ..... .... ' ....r.41.1 " .. ... 1 .. 1 -. Ir. ..." I.
0..0.1 tr. Tambere of Sinum • 0n1,...k. I erTie , owl 1 1.1 • ..... •P ' .... '" . ' ...... . 7 . 1 . ' 7. t r... ..... ' ....7 • ....
1/LA, of Chou, *Lel lull.. 1.....11 .. 1. Pm.. 4.. i ...,, .ik ...
. r . .....
I .....
" ....'
. .. ,1
. '."...''.....
. 1.....'
the getund eueymt ef 11.4,e, *nil ........111 1.... 1.14- .1 ,...4 "7- .. “ 7 .......77 ' . ' ...7 ..........." . - . 1 7 . . .
or Church 11imle - J 1100. KlllOO. A 4114
It to eaPretwl that 51r. Hooch .dl bare the mew:sure , __......• .illom 11. the 'Monongahela ilouto
nf Mber eminent mewl+ ur
The Itiwton 31.1.... a. CI•1,011L/01.. 0101, Lt.. dirmtwo •T 1g,,,,,...114, I
ti 5 1 .
Siemer. Munn a 11,..,the nem miabl.4,ll in oh• miun.. '
lryl held It. find mminn rn 1 7 31. and eonmoted o iumm ,
94 ,4 .1 4 . It het .1,411, 10,.....1 1111111. tei 1M.4.. I l i nom. P tiNION LINE ..
finned Opwartho el M., /MANI.. 1114.14VA1,
Van.. 'E r r .. ...". ' 4 .......... . 1,,, !••1!. ' On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
a, be olnaliarol at tb• Book awl quoin Otnre .4 Jahn I
Mello, No. 111 11 , 01 alratt. Prl.w. 44, rulmilllng a lad, , P 1 (. 0,. TWO,.
ae4 gentleman. . 41.. t KEE, PARISI* 1 Vii . . Breen:, Pc
: Clergy.. are Inett.l to mlon.l free , 4f mpeno, i ITII.III/114.1i. N. llt •111.01t1. • 1...
.........? . ‘ 3 7 . , 9:411 I:" 11 . 01 l krinwn Line I. now. isroporo,ll to
. .
Fine Watches! i ralavymrl Irak., 1,11 panwenuer• Irar.l PIT". 11.0111
an . ' 1.1.1 Eh., kb. to so, Irolllll./.1 Um Catiel and Loam,- 4
4. FEW r very outifiriiir Gold Patent. Th '' . " . "''' . " l ' h^ L. '' , " .•. n .J.4..... ...."...ii..
II Laver 11,14.144.. roe y 1 v eipre,M, atu ,,,,,,t ~ 1 ~ . ..,,..[ , " ....1, ... I'm. , • 1 1. 4, mme oi. el
01.1014 me •tiliMiti.llo,ol4-, ...nom; ters..4 boon. . 4 ..,... ihmtleme. Pit..., r. •,..1 I Ireelmi, Jally.running
tiful fnalahi. Touhteenamt Hunting: •Wm. plain and r
ITI .4.nm:bon with • Line 01 ....lan., 1,100011 1 . 1 . 1 T ., •
ugramod, of various mil, aid pat.., at . 1it...41 04 ll'.l 1 EH. Ind • I nem rm, Imm,00•1111,,,
11 . . II 1111•1141111,011 'b. iii Nlatget .4 : ~,„,,,,,,„, ~„,, ~,..,,, „„ ~,,. ,72. p.,
11 0.131511 T TEE for obtaining lubblionni sub-' • ,ussiosno,
C. wriothass to the lOttet.t.rulo and vie,..rilla 11-.1
roul llompauf NI I'
T. lor, 1.40 r. en.. i .
Charles 11. Pa airs:. , I/ward .0-no. i
! A t 1 Clark. Nev.,. Loki. ii ,
It Al 111.141 e. , J 11 P.m,. .• Pr.., Rvenna_ 0 .
Kyle Hampton. 11. o, ow 4 ~... Itak.una... , l .
E 11. Planton, " 1 1rr " 1 - 1 h / . .; ' ,. 1 : a lint i4rtran..l , l ..../.. Fr0 , h1, ,, ,. ,
1.1,1, Her., - Jhbo rm 11.
.4..septi lownw:k. 11.4.410r0n a relt./....., r0n41..4141 r , tr .. 1 .
J. 11. Croman. Jonn Plnithe, 4
It te L. 11,14.. . Jam, Truulck. i 10. t. hon. I Slot, 1“1.4.„ to,
. 77 ' Jut., 11 . 11.0, , 1111114.14, Patti.n. „ e. 0 ohm.. a , .4, Ltntroll. 1141.1 m..
Nathaniel 11,.Ittow, [ 11111.4.4 ',Pi. tiwomunall A f..., 1111...,,,e. Wie .
Jot. Birmingham. , Parma /TA.
, Moo A 1,111.11 a Co..1:11.,a0.11 - 1.
' Jam.. 11..00,11. L 11Alloity Ala.,
Ithbert Prue, 1 ii t,,..,.......,.,... .
. .1../. A o•A171,111:1, tem,
LI I Jno, • I t.... 5.,. i1ut.1,.... aol ear. lame. 4.1.1 nuothl.l.l ..... Pittehoral,
.... E. AL./4. ~..,,,, ,
I Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
g iorrf,:E ..-4111/ line ttin, jtirviii,;,L,4,i,iHil Tii BA f,TINII ME IN rill.: ',AI . ;,
%_i moot
KEW OOODE. • .-1, •
1.11.11.. Lk CIiNII•A N 1 minty, io 1 . 1..1.01e1p11.,1.,
Firm SUBSCRIBER buying noviv rniii; i iviiil i 0,101, A t [ 4.1.1.. t
noMer Pono mi.l 1.1 MI, 1.010 1 1 11, If
JI, G...utire atork .4 F Al.l. AND 11 IN lIX mo., I. "
woubl re•poutf.,ll, we ea...wt. ...I or.. "
'..rtes (1( it , FEE . .,0., 1,.,,,,,,,„ h. °. 1 ,7, ~,1 , , 1, )
that he oreparml t 0.., n 1 1.. ..,........ 4..4/ ,
JA ,I EP PAL,/ 1.1. ... lamer 0.
or retail, •4 very lon aa.
IM I. I. 1,,, 1/0,1/. 0111, 141,1, 3, , e 0111•: 141, . `I P. 1 • A
I: IS. WA '2l/ kr, ilo., ~..•••1 arid
Mora 4 1 t• 11, t 1,01 1 . 1 .1 , 1 1 .11,1 , 111 1/ ~,,,, , 1 1 1 . 1 ,11- • 1/7 (01 l/1 J. I`l. 111111 A u,n lit i .
/4 Chile 1.15 e, to evening awl 0 re. I ...i. , •er, iI.U. i '4.•..1. i ill
PI.. Mark Pllkr. all hr.., AAA WIAII, i
(Manuslllank - - ' 1 . 1. A IN 1 Try m. 0.., 114.1. fr . m.
.o, 41 / i 5....
Ilsovy SVMmed 2111 k. all reeds.. 1 ItAll.l. at SI per b.., for ash at 1 1.111.1, lex llm I.
Erato. Pophe., - le. the //,111011.1
Burin de lain..:
, Fern. n.000..,4 Carbtuereal , T ,k te NNERS'' 4 III, ..!.0 Illtlo. 1 . ., Nub. by
Together with kr.. anii.Erorlieh Print,.... num- ... 1 . ,pl- . , All II AIM, ITH
. rirtY
• 11111380 FURNISHING GG
OHS, I ‘..,AP-10.) 5,.... No, I Romon, liir iinlii liiy
114, 11l 4 al.l IT-I iNruri, ,),-,1.... • 17 .4/1- r A 0 II iii 1.41,11
1-4, 4.-4 awl 64 ' sod lit.ll 1,1,,,0 1.,,,,•. 1 i 1 1 s1 \ •nlO 111 N I t II y ..
7 4,1-1 Mil /U 1 Tablw Puna.,
541.04 114 Inunmk Napo". mi.l 4.411.4. 11 I. Imi." , - I ..
' . ..L. 41: Irll ' A ' l,l . lA :Ail, ' 1
Iluelmhork Maher meltlrx. Iwooloom.
M a p h o nk., p..,,,, u,„, r 0 i,,,..,,,,...,., ~,,,-, 0 ....,,,,, i (
I ; 1., A :iii.`ii • - I i .iy lii i s i•s IV 10th..., for rill , I.)
.11nramllex 14,11/144. I. own.. V wroture 11,,,,, 1,...m0•ehl 1 : : , ml , ll 1 :. A 11' lIA 111.14.11
Curtum flaherlale. AO [
-- . J II kf0..r.... I, rode by • ;
1,44 . 1 t, Black
. Ikunhaettiew. , .P P I .1 11 i 1 1, 1141.0
Memel. de Lome, ..4 and 1, wth. 1 4110 V 1 I ~, Uu 11 1•[ 1 I • l'ovo nb on
klltiek Canton Clotho I 11,, k the , 1 01.%.1 . 41pie150b0r, ' ,..T. .4 . 4 5 r r ,t! , ,,.. to I rlan ' il hi
Plug 114.heor Itmirm: the 1,..... now mwagoeu hi , 1, 1 mnier. No 11,1 11.,
rut Wan. Thitiet Cloth, • . 1 ....... oomt, rt 1.11, 0 , oh.. on -hall le- plem.l
Illarb (Malley. lo rn ~,,,•h re, •Fiie in our Ilhe .. h0u..1
Enallele, !r m.. 141/.1 Itml. Crap, 0 . 4 e .... ' , H . ^ . xal• a 11. 1 . 1111.1.1Pr...14 .4 II m.,
Teile. thetutzethw and Sloeme,• Colin, an.l Tulle, ii 11....
land 1 /. 144 1: alTof winch Mond. will he warrannol ..1 me, 11iI Er - If, tof . s. prilno, k, oak. ky
rol.Tr :sand eheap fur qua. Y• .
erplS JA AI Eh A. 114,111.111 I L . .". 1, .1 , ',Lt./1i o
e ,
Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple ( 11 cif lls s RAZOIs:•.•-ThouliolerNign-
• I to, leoin oppoinhof .rut for 0....Me1d Wm tl• I
I) It Y 11 00 OS . ! 21:1f1 s :array.. 11,ese eaten me 1ti0n....-Hlwel ri, the
A. MASON & en. would ns t-t re..pi.m.- Ili
' ..:4 Al7l2o * ltA . IA . 111 " :1=1.t. ' '' ' ' .....:.Vg,L!;:' 1:: " ,P:1. r
A . NU, 0011011 Ilio ottem i..n "I the puldie nen. rally, i mnhol. and a it doer n o t p,„,....,,,,,,,,,,,, lh, „.„,,,,, I
' I . I 'b" , " te.l l" .. ' it ' e- ' ll .l n ' l n t/::2f. " l ,l ; r l . ...l ' ... ' n ' T.f..rta r .roult j . I * Lt i :/ 1 t . " l4 ,.." T " LVar r t,Tl ' el l . ' ,7i.... ' ~.." : .1 .. h n 1 ", 1 . t.' .. 1 , 1 ., ::,.1 ., ,' 1r ;,1 1 „7...!: . 2 ' ,,,, r ,
7,7,, l j: [ p i itij i „. ~,,, h ir Il i . a o, they 1.., r. over le.. . rupolll ',spore...lin: 1-741, ...or 1104... 0 itli • ... 4
tor e ode.) N.
mealy. an 1.4.• . man, they - mil not ennui, honing 04.0 yens
, t a l e , Hui,. .0„.1....., lnn and ...nre Oha• In For 'ale. w1e.1,-.1.• and rotall. xt 114 Watch dh.l .1 ewelry
lU. , " nob. 2 $.,a1,..114... WO or'.mioerp.r Man,. • an, of , W 11 0 11, 4 4.1.
ha p
- Piann0u,....4.1,1e.. 1.1. ~........ ti a mand Print, • _ anal.l 117, corner 41 1...... asia Nlooket eta
He, - Twltlng; ii. I. L . r..... [ 1' 1 7 ........ . 111 A X o . . .k . i so h• I
its msg.. N 1 hito "1n.., tm., pa I . ormuetiat t oho,. .1 , . - -., silo o ,na ,i .
2s - sh,•,,nok - Jou u .. Al pmetut, •Il nolor, _ augl2 11111(A 11.1 a 5P1.1,44.
/4 pl., Linen Sheeting. .In /mom Ir.. Lin I t - ~ , , , , ,
LOU r bnnet, [ . mato. llonuel.kbhhopn. [ I_,/ 1... ti TONUUES-A prilno :M b+, on
lon .. Invtanalh.lothwl Iwo nor., Iren. Flower,
.. p insal and for ~l,' I, .
..Z.Ol. .. Ca/oilmen, Aro ' Mar.. Inn, Nell,
1T 1I
" ' !'lntl,.. '‘',.-..
Gm.: 4C.x.......1.4..... ~..., . ...1 1..1,14. . ~,,,, •
WO .. Slotting Chream X. ear, Cmlatuerea. d.r., __. . . .
1.4..11, Tina a ped Lip.7. 1 .... ,.,11,...1r: , LEAH -1000 pigs Galena:
13 - r.e..ip•DdJ., zoo - illuvok men . ried.
Togother with emir, artiete usu Any, found in a Dry 1
.04 0000 H. 11., for male 1.1 [ •
Otual• motabllahment. TIT and 04 Margot al 0n14.1 .. AMEP A 11U7cillstlic 4 (0. I
Pennry/runto Railroad and /..'.g.rrax Pne.kd
.1 Ind..
r e•rr, 11.01, PLIVIANT MM111.
1 . 1111,A bEti'lllA, BALTIMORE iv. NEW YORK
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
• • -
On and after Snuday, August 25th, the
l'actLq• . t 1... 1..n....L 4 11 Inky. P.,01 Irr - krur ,
Lks.rt.l., h.ssd:ILLI 1,..4111F
lull rva~7
,r I.l .ll.lrlshan " u"'
Forty Ilvyrr."44
I lir thlr L.L. I.rrau.retset ILLouell SIX
, 515).:5 Lb. Arretoloro, It esp.! Ultra ou.Lrrival
"II Nr.• Vork
lake lbe ferk and Curnhurland Railroad. at Ilarniebarls
hie elehtnfi,ur mils. Time. 11.1 It hour.
"rr t r .Pinth;lellthia../$lO. Fare to nalriarer., $9.76.
Lane metar $9 flanritnurn
II reu deuere Oheah travelthn and enmrerrahla aernwmo.
dabon n' Tour twt.tu Si the Ticket Inter, slhaeoga-
Lela 110n.e...1
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Cant' Hp., Peon otrnnt.
McHenry'e Philadelphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing front Plo
hilkiphin on tn.
ond Larewed nn tbe let oe•bminth
11 , MAR PLEAS CO', it. it treuoti. Muetet
• • S iIk:NAST...III. d‘ P Oartiner. ' Mneter
Et Roll:. Nutlinniel Meru,
luau of the teed alp! uto.t ynetly
notterutt, and kr. noted fur the rouodity id ilarti nueluure,
they ure fitted up yeith all loteot untrueeniente. um mom
tto•rourbir ventllcted, •0.1 t orn niruarrsoued for their w••
commedutidnA far Ner•md Wart old Sher, Parvnner,
they dee •••dasnianded hi men rd su,nowledved went, who
r theLr ~ru•nr.. in rdu-tri ,orrice
P.r.d. kitdrool of id - tin:mg their Inel. num. the Old
Count, ,n oldnin eertinente• of tuse•ft .• tr. w blot, will be
Wood tor turdl month.. und our •tr-nts in Ireland 1..1 His
erteud twill furnish Item ilt,the proper inforinution sud
nOrnetion• relulive n their PlArture
}or thr nnarentotten ro ottrltlnA rt , u , l Ann
nry,tro munitlt Inr torint, And upa k& pat - tatle
At ought Atitlinttl tltArnurtt. • to. It allt I— ruhnd stir 611
the Itanit. Pnot tttbroft in tin. rult-t1 Kinctinnt •
<l4•l•rttr .1”,111. “.1111. Irran Larrr
Kyr, tf 11.- follno ttupplum. nll I.e furoi.h , d
estql puttonwer ol 12 «a ..f a, and over Vt. Iht. Prowl.
2 IL. rt , o, uf Ito tuutul. ...war. Ilb Pour,
IA outotet.AnA I 'wt Utplor 'et,. of t.
Itrosul.l ttlf, II - pork. full al Ituxunro of um., ntt.l tio•
t•tnr, and half all. t, nee of
tt . /t , mrit, t An] WooLl •I• 111.11111 Vb.
1851. 1851.
diN:EAV ROUTE 1 . 11 NEw yoilK (Try I
tuut.rk and Ito. fnututtlfnt: .011
Pt •• 1.. , ...urn., .11 Lakt. 1. flu. Mutt.trun,Plopolurpl.
oturulato ttn,l Paulo: suit. Cotrolat o l .201 Pitt.loorttb..l.l
t . tto - turtatt Iluttroluln. 12,1 ...upon. t , o N.
I I Ito.. tll,l rtv or, onal tthlu s t InAluftu otn.f
Sumla • •
1.1 Mar...rt.: 1.1,—. Tram at
Errrar.. Exia , •• •
71, :t1 oh. Elm mat tria.r..
I,mb ma, •
I al. al,. urrran, ala I .1.....naa
I A. Ft - r•rl•t ~r.l t uIIL l'T•rrtt ••••,•• Lountrirt
‘•‘••••1„:;:,•;;P'r.:U•liZI: 11...
11•• • trte.- rt{ tr....J I • l trunTrit •rt•t••\
ft.rtrt. •II•orr• urrl 1••• 1•.1Jt•• Tr.. gar...
r t r•rtit.' ar,rl a.l.untrter•Arty,
•:.:!. r..rir,ro
•' 4...l ' rt tLrEt.. •' • .."'
• ."
" "'
I r.“ 0.1
tt,l "".
" r "'"'
J sull ISt, ~cr. 11"‘"1.•
Excursion Tickets to Beaver; 25 ceuts.
FIN II E line pas, 11,411 .
1.4. A Tl.lf at, "111.1 i ts , •
&my., leowe• I•I r
Aet• t.. t.
I v
1..11 • A lA1.011): L.
• r A ,cltfir.t 1.1 I',
IM 5
.1 oiti r iya
Pri r••• i it (%.-teLind
')A 3‘,. to,,Tung to
~.i ~.~._
i oaw
i.. e,~n.,i~.
• I . I•i,
r 1. t
h ' _=-_-
e3nal twine In t.d .ro
fr• Al,
trAth•ti,sll, •Il I It•tr,
THIS n oil known establishment t.on.
dart, in the same manner
ronthal An.) MtUxtll,ll of the house. no
nun nrmane eut.. the ' , tuna n t In.ur;'.l.
I.I••••11• tg ,
hay ion Iwou ,me ol the O ul John I. Turk.,
Moue nt Inn the .. rin
cot nehmen, the rther
Li. r. Inninthn. Hs to-pub.... ond
110 r ll VARNER
,1,11 ,
S wurrE. Boic.-T MANI
~, 41 n.,1.1.1•1,4.1
•”1..,1,11.1.1uhnt. .0, I,
n. 'A H.11.....C1.
At:ALE) WI iiil)W ARD S. Co., 14.1.01 -
. ..
ikEAI.I , . BUCIiNU.H. & co., T.,. , ..
A 11.,14.1/ /..11 hat,. Si. 41 ,••rth 1 , ...r•tr,....
.. • .. lb N rth %%11..1,, s . l.llluWylL. sum]
• .
NENV ir"()lth.
To' Dealers is Liquors, &c.
.1 I 'lttril':,
Fresh I:et:tilt,, 360 Eighth
J. -tr.,. NEW I illtlL. la , km , 1,401, se bell ep.r
salub ler 11,in...ti1/inure et I .u.• All elicl. Pure , ,rue.
1.1r1,10,1,.05n.11,, Pouch.. ursrun. 11,-)1116, Aup.elt,
Pill//,. AT The 1 ,e1 ,./lelL awl Ili° or ~Livta/11, um., le
refllle, 1. , IL. I.—l rrit ipl u,..t1 al LL, zuuth es I renr..
null lb.llbul. tln gualhi, ,unl 1,. 41. of lb.. autporla
tlelel 1 , , su 11, .......unine. 11..1,414/.. mall, t.. i .ti I 'La
L,.us lite t t ...hitt tt ittut I,ttnt,l 11i... mtl,ra I, llw (I-
L,. tll It al, et ~...I. 1. LI, 11/1.1, sl he I, %Al I. I.ruauptiv
Atuenean Hardware.
kLivEs 1.011 , G I.A Mamilnvture•r=e
mtg. wr.wo mr.t..
Ilarda, Trwlr to
Steam Communication between New York
and Glasgow.
N,-w York
/44.14044// 4..044,441
nt.4414 44.1.44 01.4,644/%. 1.44 4.1 44%,
/4 ,1 , //rlr. .144.4 , •u•
sal '/.////../ ';' , ../ 4444, r• .1414,144-.1 In.. N. 44
next / wl 1 / 1 ,4/14404. 444..44
Al. 1.11, EV
lint %id
or I sl , rnrr.
et"..h irtll nn ta.ani. merlen, prirr• ear
a Sun:rm. .
... • •
eire . .ll •1 . 2 t err no VEW
New York; India Rubber Warehouse,
NO.fiend,, tone
and No alNom. street,
cor.o.r Imoltrnrale.•• en. tort 211.. rent .rn
BE 11, Prornotor of Om,
tehlirronont, would anferin Jos old ennts3rnrrn. en.l
roorrhent... e•vorr..ll• that he Ir - WO Pro...vong frnm fun
r•nn nrunuell• 1.1,, pop! ~14,•04.,0 erect, of Ind..
•Iserie ne.o.nle. ur. e.prreely for do. lull ?re,.
end e Won. man 1•••ro...: Itorednetel now end Ira
romunt lor mael•.nrrr en•l rnaquen•no•..
•I, I. nti.lent le.i •usttnfretem
,{oosni eonilen.. to le. yei.l to al.. Inenute.-
i ton .4 fr.:ur• nn.! plain C.11:1•1A. ( . 1.0T11,..t nil •rsitly.
from I-1
i Lren•le.ano.proed wan thr•finest gum. whirl
nnsaneo equal to 'patent •••nther lire.manufsrturre
l. • seur• n Cloth. e onp•riant r•
i‘. 1111 , h , vIVOII o nlOll lb. .1111 Le meek to 1.1.
, orir, t.. rtn.m. le.' ..r Gni.h
sari erl I 17.3 fil , t 1 r. +to ~1 .r. , 11, thr •erintr
ttuult. uttill the tliacrunt 4; i..
•nd tretnthe Kara Huttlutry In the td
lett turputust i".1....---141 , r..1tut qua'. \tumult
P l,3l urru lllr,ll d ttuti :. Suttett
Ituttl.. r•autur• an.l tatplatl- IV,.tut-n
a .. ...nrtmet.tV•.1..,r,e,i1 41W, •Cal 1 , 4.1
.1.4 ,prn. z..r•
I , llring ./11.,10,110-14.4. Cas.... I ., N1.r1131.k. 1,11.11, 11,4.1,111.1Lp,
LT, .c.
Th.s II 1. 1.J1,1 a sac , ' •.rtsin est, awl I ,-
ys I,..sei.i4u them sti., I.sltng
tl:ts. sy.l sql
Pus- itst , sr Cerassl
I. 11"1,11..
Shawlid Cloaks! liaotillai!
. . . . .
L` MI LIA, N... I; I. ' ..SIIi'll•I1I oft .N. l ', .rk,
• , •.• ruin, at ton :onion I MI, Not, -. 1 Irnsto I I di an.l At itoins in II A M LN c siumoloo l nd ailt. i. •
nr. ~N , 4 b ka...1 Ind ...noon Wino, Lod, N la•l• . . Ai an
11 :: '2 1.:71O r no ' oo ' l . . ”' I " :2?;, " .;: ' s ' ar " ' ...",'. ..'"': " ',l'Y''
An... nu ......11......,k ..I •••I•urs . ll-rin... Choi, slit.
•, r. •.t •tiouns. nel sty N.. ta•nulanlr• I 1, 123 I•nron A.of
Ila•rn ...nano,.
k „
To • the Public.
N n 1.1 ‘. 1 , 1 , 11 ;, 11111- Jur
11 . h I h t••
II E 5% ,1 S ' I Q ' rt - 1% ' 1 . . l ' 11111 . 1t r. ;; ' :7
•• •
Superior Illiark Writing and Copying Ink.
F. 1 1 .11; I.: IN h - \ .t
"Pr' t I Ilk
..It , • , r•I r.rpr, •k.,t0r,1 r 0..
rli I.F7sT
•Professor. Ales C. Barry's Tricepherous,
NIE1 , 11; FLD (1))11 . til'S1),
t..t.metat•la r li.tatt 1cdt...1 , .Iml],
.1..1 tr.. • .ttnt•trx. tr. •It 1.1111( •Itt.
tt • ttutl
r I•crw•-1‘...a ...I . —l Ir.. I-wn •2111.. with • ru•
:wt.... no .t thw w•in. .1 • whwt
meter 14 /Iry ,1 •ill•wn •nd 11.41 twrin.l
•n / I.•yr tr./ .11 the pr,-•rwt I. a• G., th• Isrur arm/
R,O 14•Ja 11 .114.•Vria. tilu• trww/ hnn-ht I ••• ortylwwl
h. tow: rorprow us./ nr•linnarinh. *nun./ inrw.ll
Iwt nannth•/•• thr •r.l.nn.
whr thwi kr hhanw I s. purtzallt
r// •1•1,1.1 k.
• i 4 . l C—luttal• .trrwt.
iikrz.l •Nj I , —ar
nt..l 1.1 ItsUrh
.11.anIt I tandrurl I tra....1.1 • love o , tr you,
I I 01 1
d anzl 4. tu y zni J. • r.- ind th•
vrt t.
i1 *t t i f...171 . 11:14... AAA BrAsilwar
A I liarri
It, will
Ir•n; Ila. Al.l.l.arormol Stan.. o I.Yi I
I. " .4. It.. ruro .1
"I"•' trt.. rootti.a. um: lon* r...elled
El 3 I, lort.l.
iorar, or Mr.lie.t..l It io .
r 3,33.3t3 333 m 331.333113 3• 13.-1 in pr.rfrtotor
ortl4. ol Itn.l It t. the
I. I.rer gae1.,.......m0rn,.•
aro. 33331 nfi.l Lou,. It..
h,r w ~,,, nli walp,
ao./I , ltoor
upariT 41,1 It I. 501.1 VI. Arge 1..1.{1r, N.N
.0.1 at 11, i41.1.1‘,......1.,nra1r. ~,,
th•llootlot anti Conwrlig. .14,2,11
n.)RwAltbiNii .11ElictIANT,
,)NTINtrEN t.. re,t.ivt•
ialod 11,11-1,,
J..r. avr. nen
Win. H. H¢ kill.
EN F:itA L ( . 401MIS:,11)N ERCIIA :s'l
SI. 111114,1./ U, U. U.t.,
3111 ) 1.1.1:11)N, ItILEN
r t. , At.tnt,lo.r ~,,, I .....
) 1. 11 A .
111 , 11 N 11. ItANK IN, A 1,,,Jr, mod
in•tll.. 90 . J.i •
•.1 ItottAl.atrlA.l
11.41 Ir kr ,r 11,11,1“,
%Her. NI llttnalt l 31.11,/... ./..t,n
11c12.1 , 1 •
ti I 111
.1 111144 11111(.14
I UtAIN ••• 114 K ti. 111 xYut ,t
tn ran 44.441 puret.n, in nntn' •
ERAI/ E DE 1..11 N A' A.
...q. t.. V... 1
." tn,6., rettnn t and 41.. 1.
ta.. On 1 . 4..1 hoa
nal.. at 11...111, 1.414.rar 14,...1 1114n1 tin et. ,•n
g 1 01,1 i A NI) ,SILVE It 11 ATi'l I ES e 3 4.
lIJ j.„ nt...ates. sle,arrann.l. an.l•t tn.. •""
1 1 upturtne Jana in th 4. Intl utailn.4
t.tnt st..l tut." •%ionTl,lre.l ttnratann in tin. tn.
11.11 11 Ilan`, 4 47 1 14,1444;4 44 1.
. 11 / 31
• nen., ..1 tnurth
A Ii.. I : I IATUS---5 in bolen aria
tO part In ,nnuntt taattt . th e4r bY
aux It. lIA LZIILL A Co
riIHE well known EAGLE HOTEL,2
NORTH 1111K0 :TREET. 1111i1.A110.1.11111.1t.
1111 • ‘ 4o lyirt.l 1,1 wE,R ,
rho luxe 1“01 r.tasoltothourt Ilt,4l—evinualog 1.11110..4"
I 1. , 1 , 4a11n. a getullttuf parlor .by IR ft.t. !adios .
I pro,. pmrlnett witt, I.J mom. tn.
0404,1. •lotat, by No leretl--.ituNtrttl IL. on
turtlla. ortntly Ixtmeot vrhttlettralo euttot,
1 .1 1 1 1 . 0 11 e tlitt.oli Ituworm hot.. of ROA I.lo\ 111001.
VII., II 1, lota ,t 1 r.til 1 , 0/.00 •fler tbr
01100 110 APRIL N 03.0. prt,put neru•
The rttotutl,r.ol.-.1 ttßtt. cbotlaßtslistt.l 41..1
It.orto,-.1 .0)10 t itto tttb, rromomtrullaion. Ittortt,r t
1 , / , 0 Reobttl. than 0.,. toßntrallelol 0111‘ . ..-tt 01 the
, totupott durtio: Ow /000/ ttl hi.
'''"" 11 ' 1 * 111 : fr;; " 1 ' " 1T1V . 317k...
Nrtz, near 011/04 I.lolntlttlithut.
Valuable Real EstateF
- ... I. 6.6. 661 u 6666. 6,66 6.6416.6'6.1 6rn..
*166.1 166 6..6 66 rrut66..6.6 1,4 r
' r w
.•6.n.1666. tn, 6.6.66666 11.1.6 r 66/16.1 7 .6
.66.6-1", in.. .1..r1 6, r0k1.6.61116 6 , Itn‘U , un 666
two., • 6.1666 6. ~,,, on, V. 6,666 1,61, tt..•
tr, nor 6u L.0 6 ..66.17. A 1,6. on. .6.6un
un W. 6.6 .6 66646, In I ...IC M 16.1
Mn,. 6 66. 66666..6., 66.661.6 1. 1 6,11ine 1166.- and nt.
6,1,.. 666 tr0ut..66.1 6.0 66-.1 616.6,6 rontroul
rt . 616 6 , 6. nu 6 6 t stunt one 6,66666. r, t onutb
.6,1,6666....61,66666 1.61 In..] 1.6,66.6, 6 , , forth./
666. 6 666 r, 6,6 616,•661.66.-rll., 6666.606.6,
"1,6. 6666.. kn... OIL 666.. y of ,I.
.lAN k! . . HI I,tlNol.
.It. r 4 do , .1,
L A larp. and etitil , lllPlit
w 110,110ISE. Ye .4 Ta
o. Cnoult•
Great Bargain!
Slr A Al.lN,lll\ lli rlv F. tonnerl, l.yr ir r I. II
en I l an.. 1 , 1 J tillenel ,Itaake
Ala lintel iantearle rai the 1 nu.] 11,•10„ and nelnevar,
.the inenliaa a 1 the 1 . ..0n•y hetlnanal
11. her rented 1., fal.,e3 nr—tane , h
ereneeal Fa, wrath., keartirulnre enquire e,I
1r *llOl 1-1. aiillenh. I.e. air It 1 1 01)1.11/.1.1i.
1,1,313 'l. lall2 laurr h.,, the•pet•ie erl
Thi.(llM. minuet, Ur.-,l
Private Residence for Sale.
la ~,,, t 1...0,11. /IIT•na•T
l'olo 'I Latou.
at rt. 1 • 111,
1... t 1. 11.- I. a.-- part rotatault. not
advantt..; of I,th {.0•11 4.11 M ,
Ti. lot i• otnbrarle. float an not, arTatpl.
anr ImralTral tan' nor 'rant. rnantnn harl.wa 1Tun
.1,4 a. l'flT !rat y Thr intbracemrnta \ar
or w: thr lama 1.r.0k. befilt u. Tz.Tlein atria TA, haTt
I.2ataal r thr inantirr. orrti
ronTonlrocr that tn. ntal .rill rauld wah
le; at tha In.ll.l,lrnat antra lartna:r
how.. nut' n anTirt hatro Ir. and nhaalr
harry .wort. ItP -INation hll,l 1 . 11,414 60 . • n Onl,
rnalumetit. •.I promiTaa tir.t/r.
Trionartnbil. to purrhaa. Liao Tualtr'l la call t'n 'ha oath,.
alalTral., Tab. .01 I.A.
L tpga,ra h th.. It rhan ',u.drite
tful r n t ert
ael, ItAltt HMV'
I 4 ,raotl rt
Real istate.
'Olt SALE —Two IL,uses and Lot, in the
SAIL lt •nt Gn rt .troot an I the ..11t, in
Ron Gn Enq sir. to .117 Lt
ant , 4' o, Jc , urnAl o.nt .
Seven Valuable Farms for. Sale,
A LL §ITUATED near the Ohio and Penn
,ri.enn. ll.dnuJ . tn thr
talt4lling fr. vart, an
M t it. u ntk , ,
nt rtlitMlllo2i
Aloo-100 111111 LOCO, twqw.o., thw
itort.ot rhn rillovettrol the Proot At t.a.ui
All •.1 o n .01 o • 1. , 11 eh, tom,. forthe
ens , - k ts, on.lkolll t :o
•.[ the 11, I , ll.lurt/1,, .01 to. rotutu VoI
1 olto. towtta ot wrouud. 11 •11 , onow 1111 :
n t • lo , •• 11•.iri 1.1,1 I, t.nwl 1 ,
111.. botoo• on.l .t 4 1.. • , 111
wol.o, tl , •—•ot - .1 V.Lot 1...1wt, en OW cow. ol 1 . 111.
lwrwron Ptll-1, ti,._
ter. +, Ity 1...0rnt to I. l ,l.rtvoot trout 111, Plonk Howl.
now tw.ow rotuolrw.,..l 1. .4 tr wt nol.l, lota, it t rt. •
0w...t 1111,4, boot, AU, I-1.1,11 fur • Lr.l
• 1111 • .1 , .1.41•111. t 11111,1 3.
~, .lull 1. 41 -11.0'1‘1,1•1,1•
rINJ 4.1.01:11ISSI1IN
Elt 1 1111..111Ni, - ...I. on xvrotom.rt
tisaw twrto•. ittl lo.s,- 10 . 1 r. -.wt. trontlmo
twwl ,••• An., two) r,
all,l fr.tot
tr i t ' oorllng tb. ,ttlaut •l h• .t,lltell,,
ro ti
U.+ 11s;Irowl or Can. 4..
t.rn.•••otto,.. I I, t .1•W bltlyil.wlotir at t,
or .1 111. II
.1 1 1sek.ttsitj 11.1,4
For \
:It., el 11 AT, •N. .11, • ot 11\
urt l tr •. Ilt
~ti.tio. pat- rt0.t.71.1t:/11‘
For Sate or PerpeturdLearie.
Fula) I:l,,ll.l!lNG\irrt,,
Real Estate for Salo.
ABLE 0 w.nprk...t LOT. 'Oll
I.; 1,1 11.• v.• t• Par, miry , rrumhl 411111 v
fn 41. i „v. • 1-4•rrt vi,lrr
t. m „ r
t,. 1 , 1 , 1•7
A Good Bargain Is now OffeAl6 ,
4r arr. •41 In , t• m , •I
I ar unai
.1.„ t • ATI ••• i•i ~••1 ni —ma
•,•„ 1 Ili IV, \
The College pf St. Janifi.
wAsitiNtiT..N (..I . \ll, NI tit VN le
. I he lb ....An • • ••11., or 11, Pe•d•-•Add Kt.tar.., I. habit
91 1 111.: TES•111 .1 N.Nl' .1 I. SESSli‘k,'\ ,v ill
--,,,, ..,, si , mt.‘l. •••1-lor • dti. Is. I. Iv, .1
ditdi to.
toad th• to • t • . some...lSO-el .1%, • lita 1 1.1 ' 0111 e. in a in
otontio, .4 tto ....oh., Llit stat tat'allrial at •n, Ittt to,
•ehl• •••1 the •es.• o edent.ll toss the dst• . / etl•
117171Arl 1.1... E haw 11. ovl. ' l \ number ..t e1,e,.. \,.
l h oI• isl• do ••I•letri Immo. ler u,......e.,...n...f.
'Ylir'il,;'l".lkl: n: ..1 ;: 141 ? .i g " r..V.;..17 - ;:do..tolo R lli.
Code. sod to.d, the oltr• otdst ol Ile hod. hut ail
ttar 16.111..., ii.a . ipllne. raa`alt at l'ad• al, tr' it
t.tat.lo, .t 1
lloor • s...d..vtiosi r•e, mud ret. • ••••• (tom So the roll.-
0. ,,, t , • , ..1 ., t r 1. ‘” 1 „, . , 1 4 1. ,. .., , ,
.7... tr ..rootst Allot, t, the {Aod
It, ,he tl Ent AN I 11.1 t i.A••1• - • ‘I • •tetd,..l Are. 1.1
•Itaall at ale I, htsr it 1,. he•lthAll. and
to IA dotaa,. ,l
ntoth.•• I.- n 04 • dlat , t. I Int . ..natio tr
g'1VET11111,1!1'..1.4;... Idol•lind ••• fe; \.: o, sill A
1....1.. lor . oeeurattnn 111 lla' aatatar ••1 Ilka t 111‘ ee...non
In ..1111.n to the hosier 0d,... -I 1 • r01t....t .• I node..
rtootai y ithoontod II tortt Aster hAnto. 1,1. II
on, on Vied tool Et,lestmelltsj Las. sod .11 .?. 11. Alss
slider. lA. l• . 1.. ft on HA orx and Cheml• els
Tlie s tod...liltese 1.. r flip oo , toti oi tetettodttlo tlhestts,
tn the Coll. dt• udel tI esulth•t el•••. 1, o Isi• hot. .1 •ale
erve., tee .1...1Ar5. tut 41.1. odst snotinllt In she tt
AVl` , aall.. o • for sltniodutt to to stsle to •
1..• . 1 .•I1N II h I.k Vitt el'. l• IA Iteet. r,
II • .1 .....,t0t. o•ont,. Ilitr t lan
II - 1,..... o. I, 0t0d..1. wololig su t 1111llab ,
dore 11. 1., t., • 11- %to 1-1 sod / t • Trued,
litel:ol I or si
University of Itlaryhuid.
m ' 41.....T
‘ 1
111 A. ;;;;Mt , !..`".!:5.AL 1, !! , ,',',::;•"..'!,:1'.1... 1 ':',::':::'ti,,,„,..- 1
1,1 it 110.000 YI It . N 1..., r • ~t , if,.....-. • t
mu.,. • 1.11.0..0 \ \ I
ii...r, II Alt 10•01... t %I 0 . 1'.1... , ,1[11 14141,1111
''II ANT, ItrTt•lT -1.'„ • • = ','. ..7.. "' .. ‘ .. " . ” ;.0 " : ”. ..4 'r t ''''. ''' 7l ‘k k "1
1 . 111,1.41 Ir., tin. , it.tor • tin.- ry Yr...... ' 10 Pr...1....p.N0001
0 rel,l VV. .1.1 1t....r. 11, 11... 111.10 m.... I t•hrooyrt vrttl. the prtykl..l,
4 .0 0 .,,, tr I.Y.r 0.. rt... •
V...• Y.. , tr. 1.- . .., ,, 5 ; 1 , .. tt... I'r - 1..1 .... tr. m\ . •
SW. ‘1.0..01.00.0. I. ttr . r.luttrt.., SlT. ''
• IS II Ft .1 \ Yyr t N. 1.155 . 6.
..,, nen Bkllo.o. ry. .101, 1,1 ....,.•,....
Kentucky Mutual Lite Insurance L'ompany.
sl , 4 l .(sAk
tl I)11':\\1"11..r, th.• nod
47 '
111.10,, I,lf 115. • N.111.•1•• ••1
...k m. . •
l,•11 ra m h.
a a ut, N 4 ...tail. I
11 ,
ne. NN+Nt,
11* 1141. 1.141. ,NON
ar.l. with v.... anUtv.l,
..1 111,., at,r NrllN
alumtst,l ..1 oNII .i.l ul
TN,z, 1,..44
I . I.NLINNI. . 444 ‘1.1.11 11,. L. N
N ' ,:.111,a,, furti.,ll,l avg.!,
.1 1:11111,rj Ural
.11, , 1, .
- 62 4 IN .1/..r%
•\ M an! Lzl .hily ..•
b ...1•••• r0u...1.4.1 - with an ..we. •
11. 1• oat., a I, ,11
a rpr
I x lLl. f 1.1,4
FRESH (.ItocEltlEs A
gro 11111rrrt tr.• 1.1, • I{ / s r.°,
• •••go,r,
,1131 as. .1 IN, xrln.•
"1.1 t••••• ..stot • I ,•••.
. • .
b bt• run " A.. Patent tA 6.11
•• ‘ A ••
r "
" .1 I. II ss,
• u1.C.1 .11 Itr•ae •t .14 intittr.
S Uli A Mid, N. 0..
N.J. A. 6. A ...I Loat
b h. A. CUNN
-1m a;271.1 32.11.1bertt Area.
Li• 141.EG I: I P TTSlift RG
new oncket pt.-Amor DI L1DN..1.11, COIL
r, notntar Wtatntlay L
Wb,litr:vorery T./KW:Th.
'' lllVlgra
VI/1.1.1. A Is; ESVILLE
Yur D'ln:lst nr n.noogo, apply on In
Lll.)ft sT . ! A wl,
U r XlOll., T.
louv,or ...loUlotrnn•D
tat 1 . 14.41,1,.. ltit. 2,1 /ILA.. ma IV 1 , ..r or pat. 4.14.... 141,4, ! .IL I.
For Sale.
4; perry will I,
• St.,h-aw and Silk Good& .
11. PA 01 I.: P., 105 MArkti
at p,lr
awl vita. ‘olltio rind ,
Klr,l paapr IP ily•rlau.l twautliul
, ; y1111..1
qt.', Lp..; tang BONN ta' !LIM!.
fttlii TIOrCIL Itild.onok,,rrimpod and plun.
p . Lltts , awl volute ,
Bunart :tit Patirtr. ~P retr. Last, I. lurar,
Bpourt !soar..., and s itrniralasarrtmentol
r an.l
mgt mot, ei~fi.
Lc: lb h.n
.rth rilcv
Tlstol oar t,oppodtt• tho host LAIN,-
7.1.4r1 A rbhttodt, No I
hut - C0*.,.0 or f. ...n
Trop,.. - ' •
10. • had of lb< 034.., Fan,.
- k: - ..u , t1 . 1 ,. ..1. , !:44!...1 r t tad Idablon 14.. r. Nod t, Ine, 11.
1;•Itia• 140 11.: by .0 Dula...
\i . .. 1 014-ir. 1 .1 1 104 •O,
110 .00., •
novo! , HMS/alo. Oh- Sdotombor
t.,rnehual • ••
li•thtrut•.•l4.o. ltdbol ma 11.
og•-•.4,1 how•odo lb. It.noluti o n In l'antho•.
Ale, bunt, 3lngamod. tor ~ ,Idtot,
Th.! &0ut...0r so 111.tortr•INo!,..
ool•ramas dod olnitlwn, or - 110.1. mot Illeamosh•
Idoly Etudhod goat Wort loy , Tral.l•in. tt...l ot•t
of • B•db.lor. • lONA cI thd "dap.
Paid. • tab. ot •tirr.nd•llllle, by Li. 1?•:/: J•tno..
Lew,. Artaidot. !ho, k.llrnW bt
uo, • flErtioillturidt, roolviele Iron! Ch. ttr•t 10.,
The I
And) !nowt ...1nk...,
‘,T1 . ,:. ' t,, U 1: " 11.11 " j..1.- I T". •
n tal.
lodnottar! n 1 Stdeh•tor.. ,;7
Wtl II .11
I bt I
1. 4 0.
of P•ul •Y.•
I.ll.nblirw; L I i , 11131a,
k.enrt. th. ,•1..1. r.l lo.n. 1,11•,,fr,
I.l .; try thr.sulbnr of -Mb,. ity , k,Y .
nit r • i , aupaniou. vat, I liu•tra.b.,,
blar•gh th'l;l a
IL.,••ut. ,nor bird: • bal. nt mal by C•rullo.
e• 11.
Tb. Ilotr tpl 11. wt Witylcul, tab, Irl Mary liorat
Tb, !bale.
. ..
- • •
• N•tw Fall Dry Godda. ` ' • Prepared .Id.rold,hy JANI •C. A YElL.VaAira.lolh:k\ \ •' \
tatebrari.ll,llayt. !\!. ! \
i A. MASON A co .. ', Are ~,„4„. i v ed An d ~..m.i.,..n ihtteburgh. whirdadali i d retail, 01. A.J,ALeab \\,.. z •
tlf,'l,ll l h A (..X)., nnd pow K5/0. \ \ .
? . ....A! . 7 ! !..T 11 tt..f.,. -- °
! Tre„ . f!u",..!.ir l . : ) 1 V: 4 T . .... , la Alwarhanz Coy. by H. P. 00 W.ARTZ. ig,d J. WA- "
r‘,a:,...,,.:,;:-Z:i..lAlrl..,ir I . 7 o ' zrZt, ". ..natrs . 4:ll:7Nii i k u ,' GLi ! , ;"`":'.iPT I " . "" l '''''''''''' , "1 ' r.. 4. n. ' 3.4r • ' •
.0k warp, lane, ra.T.O.Pliftrtnapon anti ne'd. t.l al atm. •., - 'i -
Id anoli P•rarn•tha,lbilr.t tot hr. •mad Chturnr. , truraa _;c.i.r ~• -,,.. ...1; ? ; .1 •- " \'•.",.-. , ,1...”..: ,
11. y. ail 1......1.... and rallai•••• lOU pet, lz 0r„..1 ~rao. 0, k . . C;•:' • rt.{:„. ~.. :..11.,qc , =:••=f ••••• - •4 a ' \ .
/I laud tat. /..ra 1 /... 141... a• ...0•1" twa .11, fit( .414. ' W- ' u • r .'` ,. ••• r- --, -,- . ---., \
• ,'-', -.;:, ,-- . r ....:-,.;,e: •. .. , -
~.-. all ,t, we are,' an. antrzre.l...../ly law
\ ...1• 1,, ‘, , f. - ...e%;.1.1 . .. -,11 ..... ....',.:'•
~.,,,.." •
•' r l ' e . ;sel l '.,...:-:;.: ....* • • - _ , ipik4l.' .) ' \ ' '
„. ..... 1 '? t1 !n.1 , 11.'r.,\." - m..,,,....;,,.,„.T.,717.,':.: _ t,--' -- :"* - - - - 1---- ' 4 ....'0 - C, - :;e,.. •:•::-. : 's." . '..„ \ ' •
OUSIIL'S A ROVATIC VI , NEGAIt.- •••• 6)A. -- ,7 : ,r'. • :.•-, ,
- tuf I. e . . , t , DutPOTz.l tka Lel. avole t. bath. ttlrl.a.nt ~. ..:- .1. 1n .. ..... LL.0 41 V ... . 14..... , 1 --••••• . • •-•-•?, % \
• rn~
IJ. nil.l, Pannuondt4 t.. lat. fin t1z.......ry hl ..", `v...„7 ...ur. -. .....:.. - .........1 . 4• •• : ..
&h.q.. criv....•
~,t the tnint, ..n , l inn pp...mug h•• ••• ' -a. , z •••• ez • ' -a • • .•• '• \ \ l
fp,. no z ..1 th, ..npli,lon 1, Jo altant •••,11 . 1.1.• 111.. • ... 1 • • • a ..
~.i lb.. 1.1 '• ... 1 d 'a ... “ . a' ' - ' lll- .rn • " . 00. ''' 10 0 '°' I )11. t - iIIYSOTT ' S ImprOvoti': • Xxtra t ',of ,
tri.4 , 1 , . , u;A0n.‘ , , , , ,. . ; ii 2
, fttitlh ,, li. awl rubhing Oa,
•I• putt. DOCK AN 0 , AIIPAPAITTLL.L, I now • \ lb \
wlw I '. • ou ...1..
azda. . \ ai.111.7, It I ,,-. Z. - . ..../ 1 out to , . th, taro,: no.l Pottha. and is hignoWle ' dgzell A \ '
Wilkinalvirg Acaddmy. m. lo Ito vEsr :i.•ll, ,,, APAltal-1 male, I. 'l, rerthlar ' i. '• \
.. t., zh, wohl,rful PORES It hb• perforated' the original
.11./P q.)-I Fr)•;, air fan 4i..1 . 1 and (.71Vicat &Apo', ~,,,,,, z , 0 0, 0 ..., ... z z,„ „,..,... z .„. „., u.....• ~,,,,,....."
. .
ettatAarno, •Azdelttar rizt",eArt . 11....,1.r, thi• I. the only Pre , owlerigtadf artier
,LAMES . 111,'STOSNA - M , PRIPLIZIPAL. 1 Thu Inezhnin, whtn naal ii , unlinit ta JOrttlaita. I
'rill IS I NSTPITTIO„N m ill 1,, opun for ate'
.. , •-•040. LI htfp.b. In.( \ant fgtuale . rb. Mdrib, ,
. .
... PIT. , 1 + I•t lb , Voir... th ootruetion n.qpna, 44 . • or King, hail.
Viz. 1J....ea taught .11T he Lied •Aoulecue. , •Cd. <• der Can, tc, Tumnre.
rba 111totrateto • tllb, alt.. I 411 hratolzer wthutu a ,
of Own, 'I he Sch., eappoidr. rail an ext....tar atel I -
Ery-ipedwaChia/nic Porr e,...,. I \ • \ •
~,,,,I, ri.,.-14,,,..1 fje nocal \ ral 1• g0,,t1 AL 1 . .
tna „a 1., 1-1 - ,11•r• • •a.uterulir I u Ilyarnrular• •uil _ / - or:nor Te•ttel,arah.lll,sdi
ithrututtoru, Pain• In the hanator \ .'
ti .lal4atere A nau-tda, pl.l -i• Alt„ da.l, warn ,
• ! ''''''''' '''''
'''''!`'''' c F t r` ' ''' ' ''''' ' "r \ \
' FOR SA I.E, \ . • Its.: o uu‘p.. :,•,, t•hili, Dyna.g.....,,01l Rhruns. \ \ s
5 T°1 1 2 ., K tt 5 ,,,..• th., - kb-1.1 theZlOJlnolz• 1.1,,,.... id the 1i1d0,,,, L.‘. of APP..,
- :'t 1 4 II:, hot, oao , Jna• Itedittaizat. .
a lliet•••••••111,011,1 1,03 Ult. •of Mr ,
,A.ll - toe, not Pounkrlvauis lazitlraph
"la •• Clog.. I u-laralp , Pauli...v. \ \•ory. Pnin tn. the .to. ... and '
- %•ltratClerzt. General itrailklll• \
. \
. 111 - 1.,11 MID*. ( 1 •11.••‘•1.,. 1•••11111.0 .4 \ '
arm„ , r. Lumbago. Jun
.11 % 1111.1, 1'... \ ' Toe, and Crat.r. . b \\
\•' \ Notice. \ 171, XI ~ 1 ' AV. .11171 , 1 , 1.% Ll• • L *o lITY !
91 1 1,10 : -.. tv.1..),••1;1v, "I . •• , rif,• Li: de Su* Mill 1 In' wont L...utup. ~,, 1terr......... I MAJ . Mel:l.M '‘.:•• \
I ••• 1.....11.• • • •• 1 1,1 , •. 1 I 1 . Mr. leaatatoat.nal t zat au I idol,. huaTrtzea. tr . haw, Ineantineof.- tu..... rine. anJ '
.tat•li,o. ~ 1 1 • 11.• 1 1 .(1,T• 1., ••••tar l• 1, A 1 ,0,4 1. , I' l ' l 1 1,11.11, ...hula •I• 1•• al. tion.l. LP. coral I.• Thk. Gepraff • I k
..t. , 1-1,...1.„, 1.„ at 1, . oh, .. . ' ' ''
, 1 ilr',l , l •,, 1%11,•te 1..,L tin e A.../. 1 .1,•,./1.11, • 1ith".0.4. 1111.
/I ..1.1., t, lb.. llJara al I..raorta ,
~,,.. .1 a A h , t =
~,z htAez, al,. ,11'\:.. Tr..., , u.... 11.. .11.1 to 7. !WOWS tla, tatatel•tiuu of h, lb and
' r ‘ \ ...
Stone are "'titans, fur Welia and eisterrut, ''''''''`'
\''''''''''' ''''''
' ""
. ut aa., %a: a-r•nonn•. ...I att., lizailthy selikai IL tb•
'VII P. , :-4,• ti:-,ett i iSER s ,., ittl..ttun lite ~, ,plll.ii.• • 5101 ...ors \ . 1r
~. . 9 , ..: . !1J1 ,• _nn•
. ..ap, ityatl .I.a• lin..regm the •
P , TaN bI , hat •11 A how lel. ta Lorri , the 1.1, al (row the ouLu ea 1
i4,,•'.,T,..r, V1:.',..,;'..7.:.',"."::::,:•',.,;,',•;e.,.'',.'1.;'•• ,' , \"- - t . '"• .. 0 'he ''......'"°''..." ''' .. .P.""""'"'& I .
•.„.,, „ . , i ,, un....rap hula..., .h.t.w.r tort ell. ' 111 • o•ler• . 1 . 1 . PPlare 11..arprom to ',let mono* '
~ 1:11 •,k/O, ,th, ..I thear lastut- bra, ch., ilea mr , aare, . ••Aa1...., • -a, 1...t0 1.. 11l ...aymet, wt T•11....\
1 a . ..1.e. - L. - . , ......, V.. .., .V ~11.... r. Vv.,........ L .L. . la r•lti 1 Ai. oar 11A ta 1 .-1 •
t..a....v1.. .X.rt.l •11.1 nat... a1..1 t.... •• t0r.... , er.zult... !, •
.'.. ; ~'',..' .... s .r.: '!'
'''''"'' ' Ori." ' "`'!'d" z r 2 1 a` .
4 '. „1,1 ' .%'• !L. z.. 7 . !!. . ''.. al I ' re ' i !! ri;:' ' ; * . z ri: ' • . ` j. ii: ‘ . I
' n ' ..&t,.. / " .„1 1,;...- lo ..t. - ::;.t 7 l 7 (zz ' t ' i t' l7 l :l7e h u: ' g. •
I P . 'f• . ' , ... ,1 •I - ' I ". • ••I'e'd. '''''• ,' 'V.' .rr..n iA. Mt. tAktd.. i.tall 11.41...Vrt 14 4.• ;al- ' tea. ' ,au ii•rie.t... r • k,
•y: n ty, I, .. utt,...nt..1t...1 et stu,nu.•• t•1nn1 z ,,...1 " . , nnn• ••• ••s• . tn. , . tun. Je••• u-• th.. Sot , n tetth • A
~,, I 1.., .u.„,..„ .., .„„„ ~,„. ~..... . . tar hydrant, . ah• r uzatazzore.u.a..„,,, L t. z•,..onzhaf . .a.,,rieurn ••. \
•.• •a •,1 P'.. , t• 11 II ,"I . 1, `.."••• •LI ... ha lur 1 toy hy Izait tuaz,„ rontruse• h. ---I. lot,: 111..•1•1 a. , i astals, .11.....1hat oast. •411 Ilse p.a. , ' ..1 1. • ALI a
" -"' ' ' a ..U . '- \it. . ~,,t4t, t. 5,u,,,,, 11...1 1 /1,11) llal• jc.,,/lo ~,,,I. ~,....ty . cl,mt. ~ 10w...,
I.rol, .1.••• all 1...t.1t1. •11.1 itl•ll.r. Ito% ari, 1 1111...ene In
'e a .
STATINGLASS WORKS.. Idle. •,,, • . .., 1,11 ..• no , J , iteut I Zo• ••<nt•rr.. ,
P. 017 F. It T \ IV 1 NTE II .i. C 9. . ,- I it" . ''''''' ''''r '''''; ; ""j...,th'",'",' '": 0 1 0 .,, , : t .'",L.-"
. .,
ir ,,,,, -T , -s.v. , 1 , , ii. , -4 ,, ~,,, 7% ,1, 01--.94 ::.".7.1',',.;":,:,in.,'"'"..-:,,r , - ...7":::,,...t;,: . . -- :„.c . ,,'; 1 ":::',::;.-,-.
1 II ( ill
W 1 N 4' - y. It Lt- i 11., haying Vtllioll tri ,t. 11L11 law bkt:ll : A b...u....., oi pr.,ltcunti his 41.Wedr •
I ). .... ....,...r..ros. 60 tununr•Ptur , .. h1a1 ., .. 1 No renonmon to health ! \ L L .
•1?;• lt, , a Gto.f.m. Ittalo, ,i 1,%. ..r• . ' • '
• .
11. e, h.,. •••1••••.441 • a at . .., - , .•. • ‘llll
- -;
/ a ; ; • I.
111.11. ' 1 . 111 "." - • ' 1
li,,i ~•1, 1 II i V I•st,iy,. I I. ‘KFT, AND WADE.! It A. `.. 1.4 - .1111.1.P. i:E.q. TIIE tioLLo.ll:u .
/./ .' : " ..A !" ; 4' ..2. 1 ; ' ;.11 ' . ' ,. 1 .:%fiz„.: tf r. l.l l ' f-k V flc '" r.r, E \ . , \.,,,, ...:, .1, January th.
az., -St - tala. nap•ur, In rtattng the your
I, V dattertli•opwlr , that th, \••si limo. arlial, In A ' ' ' . ! „. r!!! . • \ • •
,n - 4• ,- '
. V'r' . ' % 7! .. l, .t , t 7. t .' : ' t C t=tV ' t. ‘ ; ' , !' ''' ..nzzrt: r a '! ;i7 it' " ? P• l e '' n".'
''''''''' '''"
l ' 1at,
h.. tpen • enrol.. fz. ettar nixoulirtn- . nr b ( r,r, rah, arab, ril•rdan inforowl atzt that 1.,
''',' ' 1 " ' ••• l'''' , ..."' ''' . I " n "'• "''' "'''' • 'T . ' . Jaaiihnr •on tazu Id, nOh .11 ahlt upaotruatt ~,, •rhl
" t r' ."! ! .:;..:zr ', / !'''! ez r n"tVi/27... !' •,r-i/ ''''''. :P.t . e 'u' •,, , Itleoi;i 1 - 1 •••••••. lee utor to'huf , •••a Pnr• bal. not hop] 'her • '
i „;, ~.„..... .
~.... . , .
.. L
~,,,,. ~
„„,,,,,,. ottiliat zrotatrual .1,, tor•• orsa tlrooz but by thy
~ )E,.., A Qiiki,.. m..i,,,,,, r 4,
~, ..,..„i i . n „, 1 . ... rat t : lit, wat , I allow lioalt an \,•ruttelrilla the watt •
, t.1 . ....4 11 /.. 1,- ri•p1.1.4...zi1y . ...1..tpa,
r in..,z, \IL . 7 ,
, `,.....1 , .. , , , , a , 1 . 1z . •ur;• . 1 , .. , , , hr , nzal T n .. , wast i it , Ll b and tat., wlthnut
• .
.1 1 ..ii.;.T, . A!';..,:` r.....;,„..! T.'',:. 7.',::„::'•111, / g: :2 r ''' ^ "" - ''' '! r!u.' d"'"'" "''
frzhn to. r • I .1.• 1 hIPP aea
la.aot. tritn......narally. -art., ..t Itaz• •0. 1 / 4 1r../. \ .O.
„ S t yllll4l., •P 11.1.4 ir. ,, ,iit, county. ]hero 1644.
• Pt.but di 1, 1•
.• \ •
,Ito rt. _l..,r IZr. hput, looel, i ‘ :hart time ago_
NEW RIDSIC. " . L. , : ,4 ~, , h 1 eilan lael rzol , nr•nierilin k, hit wth..
\ , •11 k Eli Try. w A T ERS NilW. by 11. RYA. ! " I ''' .• ''''' ''...•4 ''''' ho ' ..."'"'"•!''''• E..-'''.'•••" .
II 1 t.nt. , talti tt, t...r.... ...ono. rat , .. . t.. Liu, "".."'-, ' " 1-'l 't ''' r' '' S'!"mi' ' • ".' ''''''"" ''''''`!"! ,
' . ...
1 ‘ 1 .1•Iia .1,11. a... s .... in .1r..... ht pan, zhvid, \! hop, I !H.{ 1, noeh Of the. Pd - yzny.l. It b. ne•rlw .
...„,,, ri zz, 1,-. .. ..wl t.• Il hat a z _d a ..., . z . a L n i ty..„ /...1 tomb al
I Or, •kb ourtor.,4l, Illi. haler The perettle. Ly , • ' '`r ` .''''''''' r!r ' rth '
. •
„ .i .......„. th,. i n .„.,„,„,,, ~ „,,,,,,,,,...,,, ~,,,,,. . 11.111 pelJaio tn.. trv......t .., 110 Anna., had einill.leht
r..le ...La: .111.11 thy 1tr..1,t % 'tr.. ar..a•Ltrur. Iron. that It • . 11 elle , l •TV rut • ,
\ll5. Ilate, I Inre . ilb.-. Joon.. Thr Wild PLI Ai pataz • 11 ,, 1tr, ler, rpripz• tali, . \ a CO/11 - ON.
, I, • ... 1 1,, ba, upo a..... - I,l\ eta (...w• an.
, -.1.-ni ir, are•lu, uoh. darn , . Sao, •
bto utz.l howl., 1 1. , 10 . ......e. •Ith - hktow. .1 to , . 1, •;. ; \o 0 .ip 0 .
• •
rk.o ~u...... I.+ u.. 0- ..1 the I .11... a.: 1.1, Ittallouit, las.- i '.. • .
',NM ha, Yotatzett ...Ole Pinta, !atom, n n 4.... Alt•uin i ~,,..„,,,,.„,,hit,,,, ~, y r u. V. .....„1, , ~...., ~,,,,t . ' ' -
".. i''' r.. .Italia, P'''' ... ..'' .., ''' ... " . ' - ' k " - ' t•ltunn...u. .11i.. 11 . .ntri . .lii r ritia - e., - iv li:zeZi.i . • - -
7;••=1, °s.',', ' , '-' , " ,,, 1tr.'",..!.;:',!:.r..7';',-",-7'11":.•',11'.':,..3,' ! -- , ('tea r...r• `'"''''' ``'' .N.oo°. ' ° ' I V.l-°"4., •
uo,\ . aud ' l, 1 . ..nt ' I atol , aar-kotlz.%, "IL-r . "„., ::,. ,, ,.,:,.,:2- -.', ~ "-,---" '0 , 7 h ,
~, .1 luz T huge. • quirt •tei \ „ t1inw,31,16., avartur, •"'• -"-
Etor, K....N0v.0A gh 1,10. - •
No l a in bt hugla.t. a......tataurock of Orland. No: , •
A. That la, et „ ..tland 1:•••••.1.u.1 Or alb. by \ : J./ /hrl .Irt, --1 atn h•ppy e.. / infer. ye th•t,,,n,..
. . .
•,,,, \ \ .1.1111, li, ttß el W,..a .t.N , 6,011 r . ,-, f ..,?..,.....1•11c,v. Oa, 4.1 Parnaparl •• which •
• .\ I i • •
i'. \
N ENV \ 0 I IDS! NEW GOODS ! .•,,, ,4 , m i,,,,,... lown the maws. lyrO•r the GI nnen or -
i't.'l lII\ E. NS---A 4pleflul and rant ' l inen ''''''-‘,. ' --"" ''• h' . '"!!'"vh•••.•
pa o- .1 life
..B ii „„..„ . . i h :s .\ --,-,,, , ..,:v, , , , .... , ../, ,, , , -. r-v•-d,, ~ ~,,, \\ II bee 1 .amtneneed oat. tbolelar. Gawk .10 ay
, , ~.,.. ~ ~ . .k. , , , , , \ , , ,, t 0;•,..; „,'",;;:',..„':-;,-.; , i i;.„„,li., , arilla. I eras truly In a. yid, Lazuli. tool, 1..1.1 was -
\ - • - . adh , O.l wt. Palpitate. at the Ilrwitbstul wits, n . ..
,// JR P--An\rat 1/ . and etml, , .t.... •00 z, in, ' l
' l l O IN ~ - ,..\2.. , [ fine .ad ~ 11, 1 . .fl,l u.....k.1 ..,, tt. t \--t ..w°..°.""° .01" trt 44° 4" "4 n. '" ' " ' Iwr • • ' r'r
, ~,
„,, , „ ~,,, . L
WIN/. at .1,1.1,1 WO .11./.111., in Cho. haat cop/ net, al th
// htz P i et.'/Ni/ , ‘- . A .n. ..Let, II .1,1. 0101‘. „Id es trnoil. • ind nutulzio, ht to f arr. and I : A and far , ' \
, •
l'on. ... , T..1.„ 111.... 11.1 e, i 1 ,1 r 1 ~u. r , . L V L '." L
r. 'r"'
" '"'
\''. I ''..."'"
' , r
. •, • r .',
i...: . ""
1, • '''
''''' '''.
1 .1/1 , 1 raja It, the. ne Ord:hand ' . 1 . • •
:Li ~',..:i. " i1 ` . ', .. ' .ir... t ,::,T1 '" :7, 1 ,7 . 1 " .. r,: ' ::: " L"'
nano ~. imm ~,,,i ~,,i , ,,,,n ft,,, m ,„,...„,.....vii.., ' • '
. ~', , ,1 . 7.....:! /9 ,
.1 . 11 , ~
_IT l_i 0 '.. 1 , t..... , ,.;! . n ., 1 , r2tv . ..... i i her, ... "'nod .treat rarizitynt fated/ oodiall'a.atth . \
~,, 1 ~.;„„ ,N,„'!; „7„;.„„ , „, , ,,_:7,-,„„ n „-,„ , ,,„, „ Jr- ..., lotl, Jr a zap.., but thonr. rr,rt that ITo rth. . •., - r--.'
?pa •.11h, Ayrual , ' Li-. 11, 101 Motet. 1 Trllow 1 and F•r"..1•altIlll .1•1, aalal•taitll.l ISLD Vtal t
••••• . JaION 9 IF. 111.1111, 11 . 4111 . N s .1 old , antlizu to de ra urdll allUf tut tottneutftet . •
k, - YR fl") . 1,1' YELL° IA OCK tioccr-12 ! 0.1, ' ,.... " ^ " . rir .'"`"`.".. ,0 7' b. '''. ... "..' W
4 \ic\
, .
I J ••••-•• .n.t ~.1• trun. ProNkt .. It 1 ant L.r ha, ! oui Ire.. 11- ... 1 ... of arO• end INZIa are rattpre z l ta - , , Y
to the ,h,..opr 000, bottb• i zet a V pr1ia.12..1.1 111 ht.\ 1,11 ,1 11....i..1.g% Elt 1< a. 1.1•1•1/1, nt,wnru, ~,4 u,00,, •• !. "
0th.r,.. L., ,,,.., , .
~,,,,.... , , .L i i
, ‘ 1 \1 . 1;11 ,, 111 „ %t:t h , 1 ,. .. ~,,, , , ....t. ~. ri. 0z.,, •n 1.1 L., , n a il ,-„,,,,,,,phy zi p a .
..• . •
s 'b.'. \ ' ! ".., !!'„ t•toebtat ai\ 1 ar, given to neVeral poet people \ , ...Z. ! '
Sl. Is; DIU 1•Ifi--1, . t\a; la.-n... 4 ant nnabl, tn hay mar att . , valuside •- ,\ • \ r
:Ifni+ pro.- PtubrlX 'ls .... s ow 1 elltar root and narninutrillii. and a.O have !!
i.. ma . 1 11 71z - ilea/iv is I twee ~.. ',Or relieved\ la .ii
and zatpnas their he. ten \ • • =• !
lit ..k , ... low( 25 04.•% ., . i eratit s oba ILL." trui ir z M A IIfUP SPACLI)IIgb
I t '-',.. - Litt s Prin.., -,, 1 ' tw - \'• ..rb• ilia...or ....he, put 1.. large bottle, hz- \ ..„1
L • Pulr .1 •• 0, .ale 1.1 ' ioJ. • iota, and name 0r,,. 1.. ro Mown no r thh
\.,`.1.: j"" ' '' , "!! ',V; • ''' ' 'de -. ..\ll. bh• .1:111..5. -)•••ll11,.. S I' ' Re ' ,ne.a, art th4S . \ -7-
.. 3 '
No ce . \ • ...,...,.."x.,.11, \ .
HEREBY tiIVEN, thut an :1 ssl l .isuo , ut . '''' '\ 1 ' ' F' o ' , • t ' 0 • ,0 1” 0, - 0,, ~.01. ....0 .. ,,, o r \
1 \
af Fourth aud '11,,11 0rt,,1. •ntrann. au 'kV Int. 7. \
1 ;. 1 . '.. 1 ' .: - . ',1 1 ' .. Tr ' "l “ ! ' t,: '' lri !'M r! '' T.'' '''';'•••/ ''' L '' ''. k' "" " V,' l ''''\ m ""' ..' ....'."-'". •
t.. , s, I V.. ‘li•sho. tt.
.....Ii„ • , t 9• - tun tut, t• , ~. ~ y :'.,t,,t,,.„,1. 1..-- A 11..e11....111.,,,n, C 1 r:
. ?
, a‘,.. Nk..t m,....,... a 1. ' .: ,,, ! , i.V 2 1!;i:,: r i.7741, '' '" , l •.- ! ,-.\-", i ' ,•• •'''' •" ''' 1- '' V ' " ''' ' ''''''''''''
‘ '
''''' \
) I,\.\\\
• \
Drug Store for Skle. • - ' ! ''''''''''' '''"'''.' '''''''"'"''''''''"L''' ' ''''''''"??
. \ `
~a Ititl. r.s • RiltE. FINTI.IIts AND ! .
- 11.1.1........1 Ska la , , 11,11•11.1. J It . nat.', tiilltaLlC
I , ll l l ' li 4f- m Emit . ' se, mi.. ur m. 1.,.. ''''''''
'N''''"'"- '
''\', "".'"
' ''''"'
~... ~.i. ..u. 0ki.i....,4 r..,.., 1....,...., ' .471.,.. .1, ` .. -"r "' " ' ' '-'\ ''' ' ' '' '' c '-`• '''''''''''''
"'",,'"" '''
..,,i....1 run .11 boa,. al tie. fir tin.. '1, 4, Tb., ..n,.. ~,,,,.. a part,. 11,pari ...., Eau/ •A ,
a ...halal ir)i. c. tlz, p.teldalauent •,.... ' zze..nan.• ~f 'o , uoth, Itrase.b-. J a '',././..... W.T... • 1 - -
tii !! ! !"l ll ' zn ' t ' eli ' l, ' :: A 4., ' , ' .";:f 1 ,"' : ''''! : !.'l .... r er= " 7.n r!!"' Z ' r .
r "''''' .=!• •''''''' ,.) „ . i' Y r•- '''''' . .f r, • .`"•'''''"'" ''
tt „ l• ! ..r ..rt.i.1.44, 5 , i , tr. 7 .V1L " 120. ltil• irlti , 1:1 '. 4:1 ' . ' .. • -•
Pnlar - 4 1 '7,7 8.W..," %.",, f.. 11, P1 fn , •.tii•... . .
, \ ... . ' • ,
ogee. "t • --;
!V.l. PERSON \ knowittg thouluels Ano ' J O " ktedicilte'd Liquid Cuticle. '
t.....ii,.... m.. 1 x 0.:,......... ,-,......4 i.....6,,i ; rill! I'S AHT luf.S., im. in tended for Ilse, \ _ t
...,.... .. I .c.' ' ' ' ':•. ' : , ; ' :• '', :tt h ;-AN '•\, ' t ' l.:• ' ;: ',' +: l ; .-0 .. ",''7 •1...r.• ul ' : ' .! 1 ' ; , : d' 4 ' ...4 . : " . ' ,..,. '' ,•1,• ' ''''' ,t. ' :. '" .. ' t.l,r.,.. '". r ' i • • 1.
••...• Jo• 11. i\P . t he t ' illt. 31' LI,. tb -I A ' ,.. ' ir, 1. n. ‘o r. , . Oa 11... al. Vna ' a1. 111' 4 '1,1 1 1,7 1 , 1.1 1.. 10j , ' • - a
. \ I•
110.0 !OA 1. AN I. OA.I EN. li\ .‘,.,.“ ratus 1.4 \ ''''lan ,'', 4'''' "'I anti: i'4."'" 5'4 `-"'''',` 4'"'''.
.• • 4
Wall Paii,er and Horde for the Fall Salea. 1 'Io . ../ f ef k. 0 ... , --. t tm . ~.,,.... 0 -1, 1... ‘ , . , 1 ... ' . 1
. ..ell. oral, u id J...1.1b. - ,lirated Llill•ba/ CIA Itl, ,r,
II ST lA:Cf . :IN : ED, al I\ ' Oil estal.iseke,l N. ,•, ......,••,1.1. . ‘11.3.11••••., 1. - 0411, a - - ' •-,
a „,.,,,,..,,,,,,,„,,,__, ~,,„,.
„.„,,,„,,.,„,, \ ..,,, ,: r1u ! 1t rezzauct pa 1 . .t t• \,• `;tintrproftwaenal br , bren, ar• •
f • • •'' . '" 1 •• •b = I A: • e . "' :,..,, .... • •'•\ ' A ' I!". " ' ' S . " ' ; ' lr.?„: !" ;;; ', =l.:t “ t... ! . l ..:O 4 7l ' ;:liztu ' rli. ' ll 'r w r i nri
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1 . invit , ,tiihinlliou ntal \will. of th• nyalnlion. or Its an
'. ' co• ' ""lonh an, li . Judge tot' thrtiu,al•au., IX, tin
ow .i, i -.1., ou'Gruriin. h, oat. on lithlaiwortho. or Pal
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~,1 1., 0 b , . i;;, , ,: .
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~.... .., 1 . 1 '0i. ...t allzu tb iury ,
w \ hit I hout iwrinetkrwlistilo\aial iti, tueihain• worth,
thi r lw- I iihlyhuno aull iatmu .1 ,r.‘ ,
'healiatry wail his
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Parat, 4 ,4ut't /u•I au o iTttioull i •ttionwitatilytil.t
c.v. tie , vrii .zuly, or itnyho tato ut wy /11e...
Ito li vn uo dour •ta *high de .4 catiolactiow.
Ili i • inn NCO' '. , f ultoatol chltilrau. , \
1 two. i. nil It. • on luan'alt•oo•Olow • hownrial Yet,
\ '''' '''' "'"- '''' ' ''' 'n' V. ' ll i ftl i Ntn:rE aiip, el. a \
' Erunnwint, In . r IA. h. 1.14:
i Pyi.m.ti tracitiewr itt llaaultim Ilillit i lX Cliyil
ht ,'' AYYY. \I /1.1 , / beau nu , in the :i. t cO3l . lab I
tor \'''' "'''''
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io,l, w owl ay.', ohpurtury to rwo , W .
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aOW thu; y..thnt h lwro, hO• 'nil' rothlw• uh , .."
IWO of thn'tundtrow inantiiiiliieNteably diwttuntn— , \
N 1 ..."'-• liOlt,,O.\'llhh,o, 1! L, lii4.-
hr. J. .: A la—Sir I hayj pollOPh'..,o4n. .;,s. to
tt1r . , :; ,,,,. ti . h. lu r ili , r; :. t , cut VI , 4.lo\n i yu?t ,
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113“`„")",;. 1 .: ~.'7- . rnti......::. ' ,..: ; P" "1"..=".1; -,
1,- \ ...ant, lk we l r uilahlwoorroA n .'whili ' tielPWJOkt, ..,.
.11,:1".Ca.T7Z2:.Z.':;;'11:,d.:%,i'gC7.-i' L. 4
h...., . .‘ , ....1,4 irolu litainuochsakililioio y • sor t wt
tau. ot autichtto fibasy Or in, ce Orin,: t 'we
'fld 7 .l l o l.7O n Arr;th Carolina % .
‘ c ,\
Th. loth\ emir w., orso'y'l the wor,\ nt, caana, tuch a
Ohl ' , nun. / lto oY. thught, t i ,,k 4 1,,".y,,, „.,.. mr ,_
• c . .,{1.:, P. \Aki.V...2, \"6
,„?.,',;„1,"(,--it ".7..t77;i,`'.. t:^'ot,..°fb,:
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