The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 01, 1851, Image 2

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Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston.
lies-The - attention of the friends of SCOTT,
Jonxeum,and , Pl4 , l4TlON, in /I.llegbrny. county. la epscna
ly itiamitsurr of. thoroulab organisation, by
tbelormation of etvls4, to pyery election district, for the
C.IIIIPSIg6: the aplottainent of Committee. of Vigils.,
V.... lb, every frwtsd of lituti aid Jobnatou Ls sseesued,
and that thus. , •tto ft ere tuturalla.4l, sod that
cry vothr linsarit Ins fan& ou the of
t.o..totoer real.
IL. full Owing ecuamittee Nodur.L.l.l6.
A. ,'Etn.,
A a.avyd, Cape F, miAle.strikrr, E
Allegheny County 'Scott and Johnston
t tc to:ctn./041a, toontlAto Virdannatar,totaber 13t.
At Perryrillet„ TOunas,. 11, at 2 Y.!l
At 14,1,rt Walnut:me, UN.", nt Ciao. an in
'day. M. at ttl'.
2 p k i i 7 r , toalon'o, Tonle (2.r001t, on ttatunlal. 4 tn, LL
AI Ilao Ist. Jeroo.
at:: Y. L.
, 1 2 i . l.Zrolg's 31111, 61..1rr lounsi.p.
Al U. L. Coulter it Mill, South AP ~Wi‘lne•A•t.
on Thurulay. the snbi at 7. Patturtuu . .Mill, Imbans
Urnuabu to. 2 P. Al.
Al ra,li hI Motu, uoiretusit. nut Irletult Will ha
oil tulip-en. Ituyirimist to the gmat putt, itinift—te ul
Mao eiauntry
Our Int-Into In rat h •10-tion Matruit co the 6,021, Are
requeated lu tpr.akze. iott lois , evert
Anil wake ilrtatio,ittieut. w 12112 all n 'tutor,. to tn.
1211. I.y toter tit „
Vomit:l4re you asiessed" If not, CCC to it
immediately. link,' you are if ei,e,sett top Jaye
before the election, you will lose your vote. He
st irREADINg MA h'ER WILL BE 13 UN!)
We can truly aesure our friend, that the tid
ings from all parts of ,the State are cheering in
the highest degree. Thore in a calm but stern
determination on the part of the Whigs Co put
a 7ut.tos upon Locufocoism in Pennsylvania
They are persuaded that they ens b. a. and they
ate determined that they wt, no , Never be
fore were the whips of Pmmoylvania more cor
dially and harmoutomAy united, and never before
hod they a more important work h,fore them.
.but let no Whig say within himself, the party
Chili 'do without my vote: for remember, that in
we had only 300 to spire, and the.reault
mty t be equally close again. t spare
your vote. Even if we had ten thousand wore
than necessary to elect our candidates, we need
every vote we can raise. The moral—effect of a
ch , cldesi majority iv extrethely important in view
of the' tariff" policy. Let us roll up a majority,
it possible, of from ten I, strawy thousadd, and
the new may ask Congress with some degree of
dadence -for that protection which the great .
industrial interests of our State so Moth need,
and we siall not ask in vain
To show 3'uu that locofocoism hue become ut
terly indefensible in itself, we need only point
to the fact, which you all know' that ire leaden
have been constrained to hitch on their sinking
cause to the car of Southern hiavery-i—to become
its champions, defenders and watch-dogs. To
this end, hear them denouncing as traitors men
who erelyihnitely more low-abiding that'? them
selves, simply because they tCrtl9.• to bow the
knee, as they have done, and 'sing peens to a
thing of which they never did and never can ap
prove. In all the history of Pennsylvania, we
find nothing half Co shameful, FO degrading, as
the recent conduct of the locofoco leaders in re
lation to this question. to the name of all that
is true, and sacred, andofigood report, let:us ral
ly itel one man to the rescue of our honored con,
mo ; nwenith trom the deepdegradation which a
waits her should such principles, or rattiest:l.dd
such men,who have shown themselves to he 'les
titnte of all principle, triumph. - -
Bear in mind, we have the numbers, if we can
only bring out our men. We gave General Tay
lor over 1ti5,000 votes—we can give Gov. John
=ton and his fellow candidates 190,1100 if we
choose. Keep your eye upon your good easy
neighbors, who do not be troaled with
politics.. Bring them out: for such men always
yoga right, if they vote at till.
But we are going to get considerable 141:021011,
front the ranks of our opponents. There are
thousands of honest men in Pennsylvania who,
from the force of early education, cannot readi
lY bring themselves to the belief that any party
which does not bear the name of Democrat can
be right. Our noble standard hearer himself
was a man of this kind a few years ago; but he,.
like thousands of others, discovered that the
thing that now hears that name is a monstrous
cheat, a counterfeit—as different from the de
mocracy of Simon 'Snyder ar Rcbespierre differ
ed from Washington. This great fact is becom
ing apparent to many minds every day. Demo
crats are fast discovering that the Whigs have
the substance of Democracy, its true principles.
while their opponents, who still cling to the
name, have nothing but the name.
There is something extremely grateful to the
minds of good men . who are engaged in this
struggle,that our success will redound to the ben
efit of our opponents as well as to ourselves
Should Johnston and the rest of the. Whig ticket
be elected, it will go far to inspire hope and
confidence in every department of business. its
effect upon 'Congress will be very important nu
the question of granting us more adeqemte pro
tection: for beer in mind when Pennsylvania
speaks emphatically throigh the ballot box, her
voice does not go unheeded.
Score - Land. Corsirr.—The Oevernor had R.
glorious time in'Schuylkill county. The great
est-enthusiasm prevailed. He spoke two or
three times a_day. At linurit'Cl.rbou a lixofoco
named Hughes got up an opposition meeting
while the Governor was there, and delivered a
most inflammatory . harangue, well calculated to
'excite the worst passions of the ignorant and
abananned of his auditors, and to this it attrib
utable the cowardly attack made upon him and
his friends while passing along the road in the.
dark. Several persons were considerably in
jured. •
At Pottsville a large number of ladies met and ,
presented the Governor with a handsome gold pen
iind.peneil. TheGovernor%taddrees to the ladiesis
very neat and appropriate. In Perks county
the ladies. presented him with a puree, with an
injunction to keep'it until the state debt should
be so reduced that heliould pat the remainder
17to It. n
.ed hia progress
eisstic w in S,
Soar.—This body eat for several days last week.
The most important business before them was the
choice of a Provisional Bishop to act in the place
of Bishop Onderdonk, who has long been suspen
ded from the exercise of the functions, although
he Stilltetains the namentel salary (lia&00), of a
bishop. On the Bth ballot the Rev Dr Creighton
was declared duly elected. The vote stood.—
Clerical vote. Lay rote.
C hton 105 87
. Creighton, '. 705
Wainwright, •• 67
Scattering, 9 4
On the sth ballot Dr Wainwright had a major
'ity of the Lay votes, and Sts, of the Clerical, bu
it having been found that he could not reach .
majority in both branches, some of his friend
went over to Dr Creighton and elected him.
The Diapt.tch, a neutral paper puhliehed in
Philadelphia, +aye that Gor. dahaatou'e reply t.
the inmolent and aboard letter of Mewrs. -Cad
i.•r. Plt-ney, Hwift and others, relative to
the Gortuch olfair,. has mode him t.e thottrand,
rola in Philadelphia; and be might hare said two
thousand more itt Lancaster. Even , the more
generouri4of his opporients are' delighted with
hie masterly style of laying them oat.
Nov A WORD roe POOH CLOVER!—In the "ad
dress of the County Committee of Correspon
dence of Allegheny county," of the Looofoco
party; jest published, Col. Bigler is lauded to:a
degree that would turn the stomach of a eensilbe
Man. Here is some of it
...Clothed in honesty—the favorite of all class
es and conditions of men, he looks to his elev.-
tt o n'to office, not from any view to subserve his
own interests, but as'one selected to carry out"
those great principles upon which depends the
stabilltrof our empire sad the 'sanctity of the
Union. His highest ambition will be to carry
,out the democratic principles which have made
his country great and itennsYlvaais prosperous,
and, actuated by the example of those eminent
men that have, for 'eo large' a portion of time,
since the lllirrello6 of the Government, guided
the destinies of our common 'country, he trill en
deavor to raise Pennaylvanla from the slough
and contamination of Whig role, and restore her
to her former moral and political elevation
among her sister States."
The Colonel himself will be astonished to
discover that he is so great a man. .
Poor Seth Clover ought 4 have been next in
order; and, although the office for which he is
a candidata is named, there is not a syllable
about the candidate. This is unfair, unkind,
ungrateful. Is it because he cannot count up
election returns that Le in thus slighted'! Well,
we did not expect the committee to say any
thing about that; hot they ought at least to have
mentioned his name, and certified to his democ
racy. for no democrat in thei whole team works
more kindly in the traces tlian he. After such
a slight as this, we think We ought almost to
take his part. They next speak of their candi
dates (or judges in a train lot laudation as ex
travagant as that used in reference to Colonel
to the address before us the important feat
is officially mule known that Col. Bigler rafted
board. on the Susquehanna, and not on the Clu
tri.e, as way mated by the Post a few days ago.
The party are indebted to the Gazette for set
ting them right upon this tmportant historical
fact; "but they hove forgette r to acknowledge it.
More recently, however, it! has been gmvely
doubted whether Col. BigItl; ever rafted lumber ,
at all It is; we believe, generally admitted that
he weiY once, at lOWA, on hoard of a floating raft;
but beyond that theie is nothing well authenti
cated We move that.a committee of three dem
errors be appointed to invejetigate this matter,
with power to send fur persona and papers
As in duty bound, the Committee abuse Ouv.
Johnston nto.t heartily. with& fearless disregard
of truth, honor Pn.icommou'deccucy. infect the
fortunes of Locofoceisto haye become no despe
rete that everything sacred most be sacrificed
to preserve the life of the party. But, to be
serious, we feel that we should make ourselves
as ridiculous as they have mode themselves,
were we to go into a defence of Soy. Johnston
against these assaults: Their own . viloenee and
extravagance render them harmless.
A lire PALesitt.c.—The Positions of tho Whigs
tal the Locofooos of Penns 311vartio, in relation to
hoilugitive alaie Into are adirtirably defined in tho
Following paragraph which we copy from an ar
ids in the Journal of yesteiday. It will be re
nombered that the , resolutMos of She Reading
- ouvention declared that they wduld obey the
fugitive law, not only becasMe it Iris their duty
to It no, but because they Wished iu that way to
admit:et t..eir attachment to their •tbrethren of
he slave holding ettites - -4n other'words. they
• mild catch runaway negrdee for the mero love
of the thing.
The Journal nays, ••If we consent to play hang
men, when the protection of society requires pat
we shall perform the revolting function of that
office according to law, ad do it with a distinct
expectation that society shall recognise the res
ulting nacritice of self, .a du us just no mugh
honor as i 4 due to him who does not shrink from
II duty because it is disegren&e. We nhould.rebel,
ndantotedly, if the name soOiety were to demand,
UM only that we should play hangman, but that
we should profess infinite relish for the service.
In tills event, it is probahlel that a natural indig:
nation would not stop ehorq in us, of a free ex
pression of abhorrence fdr hanging generally.
and of hostility to the functionary who aec
hangman for love of the sdrvice, or from an un
,orupulnue greed of gain ybat would fatten on
the rewiirds of shedding human blood
, The prisoners were then remand,.
Five flunci,,,yll
dre11111:4y •
.Wellion of Dollar,. A art,. Case...rt.—A young and amiable tea ßuffalo, N. f , September 24/. •.! A NI dY. M‘" B.muna. was thrown (routa hdr"
About four e • e l ee k morning, a flee broke ant which she was riding, a few days ago, in liddge
ni a won). building on Peacock street, situated ; 'Ur.; lona county, io this State. Iler feet
iu the very centre of what is called the Fire hung In the °rirruP , and - lie I.". drugged"°
Puffin. A otrong eon-head , wind arid redo. billing her instantly The - tpper part
at the time, and t h e Lni,h6, bei ng peal. end !of bee body 11“1.1 hJrrally mangled. nod her head
very dry, the tire spread rith fearful rapidity. • smashed and fractured to ouch a degree that the
and in less than fifteen minutes the entire block ' hr."ts fe/I out, and were scattered along
of buildings on 'Rock and Peacock streets, final rend —.lh/lrauks. Ad, tirplemPwr 110
the ship canal and Erie ittieta to Evans, were in
names. The bones of an enormous Nlaotovlon were e:-
The fire crowed; Erie street and lock Us', large , horned In x state of good preservation rently,
planing mill of the Kenn, then to the town of Greene, Suess,: iv J ec
Canal and Erie streets to the bridge, eneepingl
everything on the opposite aide of the canal to
• (7 Ai MER(' I A .
Terrace suet[, thence down Terrace to Meehan
ie street. or along both shies of the canal hero.. B•litaux% anus,... —•dvt;tia.nent..o4
after the greatest exertions on the part of the nett. p.•;...
firemen and citizens, the [spread of the Barnes Ads “nt..
wan checked. • . -
The number of buqdings destroyed is over
bre Limared. Ambug them is the large brick
schoolhouse on Erie street, in District No 2,
A large amount of lumbcr in-the Messrs Ea.
ton's mills and yard were destroyed. Also, an
imroens. quantii y of lumber in the yards of Geo. A
Oeuell.ntid the Messrs. Farmer and De Bin. I
The number of families Unmet out of house
and home by this disaster is great, almost be
yond conception. The must of the houses de
stroyed being occupied by poor families. many
of them barely escaped with their bees so fear
fully rapid was the progress of the denies.
It is feared that a number of persons have
been burned to death, although no bodies have
as yet been discovered.
The loan in roughly estimated at half a million
of dollars.
Tho insurance on the property is very slight
The burnt thatriet presents ► heart sicketnne
1131 a j 112.1 1 .11 I I I
The Lady Franklin, CAPI/lill Penny, returning
from the Aactic expedition. arrived in England
on the 10th inst. The particulars received by
the Waehingtom of the traces of the Franklin sr
pedition, are given by the Lady F. but act more'
satisfactorily than we have already puhlished --
The dates are to April I'th, I dil, (from Assist
ance Harbor and Cornwallis Island). On the
21st of Atrgust, the Lady F spoke the Ameri
can Rescue, and learned for the firm time that
the Assistance had disrovared the traces of the
Franklin expedition to which we have already
• The substance of Capt. ?emirs dispatches
may be thus bristly tasted. Although nothing
decisive has been ascertained respecting the fate
of Sir John Franklin andshis companions, traces
have been discovered of their location in the first
Winter of the expedition--tlist of 1545-4, viz : a
bay between Beecby Island and Cape Riley,
which Winter quarters they appear to have left
somewhat suddenly. The discovery of these
traces inspired the searching party with new
rigor. Numerous parties were dispatched along
the Northern and Southern shores, of whose la •
bons the. following summary will afford some
Lieut. L. McClintock and party were out 60
days. travelled 750 miles and searched 255 miles
of coast.
Surgeon A R. Bradford and party were but
GU days, traveled GC miles and searzhed
miles of coast, 135 milei of which were newly
— Ckromany 'and. party were out
50 days, traveled 480 miles and searched 205
miles of newly discovered coast.
W.ll. Brown, 44 days out, traveled 1:75 miles
searched 150 miles of newly discovered coast.
Lieut. G. F. NlcLean,l2s days out, traveled
256 miles and searched dl) miles of newly dis-
covered coast..
Lieut. Sherard Osborne, 50 days out traveled
506 miles, searched armiles of newly discovered
oast. •
Lieutenant Oldrich, 64 days out, traveled 550
Iles sad searched 70 miles of newly discovered
Other parties penetrated into the interior, but
no farther traces were discovered on either shore
or in the interior, and Captain Austin concluded
that Sir John Franklin did. not proceed to the
Southward and Westwaad of Welliogton Strait.
Ile therefore resolved to search Jones's Sound,
and - announces that ho is proceeding favorably.
In another year, we shall probably learn the re•
stilt of their labors, and that we presume will
decide the fate of Sir John Franklin and his us-
On Monday evening last, as a Whig protession
.10 honor of flov, Johnston, escorted by a delega
tion of miners ➢.nd working men, bearing torches,
wan marching late at night from Mount Carbon
to Pottsville, it as attadknlby a band of ruffian
ly Locofocos with stories, clubs and other missiles,
and several persons—two immediately near the
Goiernor—were brutally knocked down and in
jured.. The intelligence of this outrage came au
thenticated to us from various private sources;
but we- preferred to wait for official statements
in the public journals both parties, before ex
pressing any opinion on the subject. thir read
er,' will bear witness that no reference has been
made to this wanton act of violence in therm col
umns, which was in any laity calculated to inflame
passion, or could be converted into a political
purpose. Such is not Our habit or inclination.
We leave those practices to our opponents, Who
.from the manner in which they dragged the Jour
der of Gorsuch into the arena of party, we may
- - -
imagine, would have unhesitatingly employed
this cmcurrenee—liad'they. the opportunity—for
the benefit of their candidate and the advantage
of their party. '
Now that all the facts are before us, and that
the papers of both parties concur in regard to the
material points of the case, we cannot forbear de
nouncing this. outrage an one of the most flagrant
which has ever disgraced the State and the par
ty which was concerned in. its contrivance. 3 We
understand that inflammatory harangues were
addressed to the people of Pottnnille and its,
vicinity before the arrival of Gov. Johnston,
arraigning him for the murder of Gorsuch, with
other charges intended to exasperate the feelings
of the ignorant and misguided, by which means
this villainous attack on the Whig procession was
instigated, and doubtless with the design Ot f se
rions personal injury to the Governor. And 'now
let US ask in what temper the outrage hn_+ been
met by the. principal Locafaso organ in thislcity
—by that organ which hypocritically cants, day
after day, about respecting the laws of Congress
The Pennsylvanian of yesterday, instead of de
precating the lawlessness and criminality of an
offence in which human life might have, and pro
bably was, intended to he sacrificed, .and sum
moning the offender to justice, makes merry over
the occasion, and most effectually extends the
hand of encouragement to the assailants. Next
to the criminality of the Pennsylvanian's con
duct, in inciting the free blacks and fanatics to
a resistance of the Fugitive Slave law, 13y assu
ring them that they would be supported by the
Whigc of this State, we regard this approval cf
the proceedings of a riotous and a blood-thirsty
mob as an outrage little less iniquitous than the
assault itself.
If our fellow citizens cannot he permitted to
assemble peaceably, to hear an expression of
sentiment and to receive an accottitt °f it.! stew
ardship of a public servant, what protection is
there in the law, or what securityrfor person or
property. The reaction which i'now spreading
through this State in favor of Governor Johnston
and which threatens the disaaterous defeat of
Col Bigler, has called out the worst passions of
the opposition, and they are reckless and despe
rate enough to attempt any means which may
avert the impending catastrophe. We hope, how
ever, to:see this licentious spirit of violence check
ed at once by the powerful arm of the law and
that all good citizens will diecountenancelt in
the strongest terms of indignation—North
From the Den'Apallr •J‘erunar.,-0.
At Ii o'clock yesterday, the prisoners in
Railroad Conspiracy case were brought u
sentence, atrshich hour the spacious Ball
Firemen's building was crowded to repletioi
Hie Honor Judge lying inquired c,f the 1 1
mars whether they or their counsel bad
to say why sentence should not he passed.
which Ammi Filley, Orlando D. Williams,
Rani Corwin, Or: Farnham, Eben Price, RI
Price, and Lyman Chaplin, each rose, and
saying a few words, protested their innoce
Judge Wing then addressed a few deopl
premise remarks to them upon the native r
charge upon which they had hem found g
and upon the character of the testimony fo
against them, and laying down a few of ihe
of evidence by which courts are bound to b.
erned. lie reminded them also of the end I
tuck of a body of twelve men, heads of famg
citizens of one village, brought up to be sell
ced for tt common crime to the Penitentiary
he adverted with becoming terms of rope
tion upon the evil influences and bad pro
.which must have conspired to bring abot
fearful a result.
Judge Wing then remarked that in Lis I
different degrees of guilt attached to di
eat persona, and that, in comequence of
greater intelligence and more determined
edneas of OrLindo D. Williams, he felt boo.
give an exemplary character to his smiteac
lie then proceeded to sentence the prix
ca follows:
0 WIIHILMR), It) years to the Penitent
Wm. Corwin,
Aaron Mount.
Eben Price, 8
Richard Price,
lir. Farnham,
Andrew J. Freeland
Erasmus Champlin.
Lyman Champlin, r,
Willard Champlin, 5
Eraatus Smith,
, The prisoners were then remanded
t 14•••••*—TLe {met weer ha• ..tte y•et
eral Julla.a tu eer, braltelt „f tr•te. hut wt :Lope... t ux
yrrittne • 1.-tter pet••••et ttpece ttyta sts. •sttl
•• let let trmatle•t•te• taktt Itt• t
the Otte, eireuct•tances writ. •••••• It t i lzlnt•lae tn
%be tootle, hal ut • dot,* •t tartheAl to. • tll see. I
• - itue-es improVed .tat. of 1111 L, Itt our tt,-Itt t •
eatiter. for the wet: reset. Morro., the aeo• w tt,
Itt•T beet, tta tt et ••••gutut, att•lt t !l aul year el as
1... r
Itt.tuiLe ptt•t e Lave Let •Lum.tott, r•lat. tLet Ttt
tb• :ALM. t r yau...Ma I
M. ben, wmuuul • T.I
ark., aml larm a.
.f Ir. I .:Mk
ImmbamlT. atm IT I Um T
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fall aura,. 1.1.1 b 1.•• w.lmu Mk. .1
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sum.l.. tram M. rank {l.• fat
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tlaEl././01... Waal *UM... TM . mer Mar.... k 1...1 I rar.
mdurannut• t -{tra• trr....1 at
a. It. {Turk... TT! me. ITimm.• ttur
ark, rm. ti...•.•uram. Mar Careaktr• unti Mal 1.• re.
fur .11 WIT t.. IL. war., a ...Tatra
Inn. • IT. mt, thmr
An to the markt... el. 4.... am 4.M. T•I T. rT.
ime dun. t g Ern. ..o,
%Atm mum. .0. nroalar
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; mar hula mo u... 1.1 .1 Me pr... alma
A,}ll,—S•les t.. ssuail 1?t• at
rals•—.w.s• tsh vt•Etivse.
ash Mbk. zalsratus 45*, •cst . Putttst SANt•sts L
-ILesrtyts .ppk. hm
sbsl. an./ Lleh prscora Ease twerlubtamrsl ••.A.
at ti 1,1 bbl. tratrcn••ut
ALL— It.. htts, • rsoutizau...l itt 001 soar
tat at full pr, - . A . roar st
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tr,.. "4 LLI
•• tr.nb{il
ALCUklul.—We Gel, D 9 alterenco tu
bol. reaul.r rurrP” ,
curd.. to .tr,aell
BACIUN—We patina roa.lnowl arm an,. pr....,nL
Iv, Leavy ask,. Our quo,.
Ham. bugsr ur.l .1., mud :sl.4.ltHaly
0,11,1,6. at whltl. Inta.,..kß Tr, tt"..
Lava. tran•vir. , l •
BurrEn—Receipta : have
sod yraca, .011 melatalEtell C011.14u
. tk111,...1.1,1an
roll at 1.417...0 prim. k.., at 1 , J!...ti.11 ,- /b ,
BRAN FEEL , II.I. from drat bands al. bran Ma
Cpcini and Nll.l.ltags 30,43:.; sad ea. 11... 41
111,ANp—{11. , e1pIe4ay. beta ..r( Hata. and otarepli.q.
are Ilmltnl I
We nat. 111... la a .mall way from WA , . at
$I 34..(5al 42 for Irbil+. and al 31 44 1 3: la bu, ~,can,..1.1
awl sataed
BEEziSVAIX—IN• vas, gooe bumloally
Ent Osuds. nod 2. 4 44< (W. stnn,
BROWN..Li E NES—Pttrurgh sumo u lactu red. Grua I,
aloatioAo .t r llny at 7Vc fur A S,•t. .1 , 1 Sr tur d•u
BUCKETS ,(1. TUB :I (r.als onnr athl .J arl
att. bare came hor , war.l yratty freely. and we 1a.., mgal
.upplin in iba market. ,alea War Loam e.titin...l to lit,
Beal lota from ,tore at 11 . J . 1't. , 0 2 '4 5 it htltet.s....l f• 4
8 tur
- .
littlalMn—Tbr. In lair supply. .0k a
regular trade damawl, at:54,7 , 4,0U hum lr.t h...., . 0 4
1 2 ns , n 1 :Mal 37 from ow,
EILOW3I3—The market for sunup bno Inwo very
nut., and an has , - un report•hh. .sin, 5 , 3•4 ,0 ton mad
be avwf., on about lb. prin.-in rnnnst prim.
CuTTON YARN —We insAsw further chatnre ur nunc•
notwn yarns. The fullosnna 0 • rnrrert list of prwn.—
tarc I;% ' ,
Nn 6
No 6
No 8
No 4
tic 13
to 800 eltalo
No OW , Coverlot 1 km .
.4Je. •
no. 70u..
No. 1.0. .........
. 4).4 t
LhAtDAGE—We i kare alteranons to uotiee nod, tole
bar!. 11...0,1100 •in • ,orr,et 11,1. 00
I ' 1 . 1.02/ . 2-1.00 V dos.
IlesuPps 404 • 11.2..” 3.5 l
blunt... V s'oll tb.
pumas: tlrt.. •
.... ...St.uUdltrost, 7fac Vac..
Lausitz Mspe„Or lbc
Iv st. .Art.
Sibiu* Stow, 1 , 7 out , . . Ilc "
U. stu' cut
Puukluu .
()UPPER—Thu regular Pittsburgh mu:law:turves pro
of uu s i muss., lisagsks; Wets Isratber'• and of
shcattung at 1144023 es cub and time, and of oLI coup, .1
17eli 0.
OUItN blteL—lteelph. continua Malta, trite talas
• model. extent et 40814.5•11 ea
( 0 1,11w I n g I. • Ur: nl tbr matraarlat
rare prices:
Wain ervicsr, d barrA--.
bcrnar enaers V, pound ---
CANDLES—rho, is a reaul at dvn..l:l la tit- maxlv-t
fall prit,t. ray for l'at,urgli udanulaclarnl star Zktt
muuld tallow lUalOge. and unuctnop dlut.l at llurft
utt manunularert are 4..111, a fa...butte,. at tnd..t. rate,
u,loz Stige of water, turen , t• of
14 aL rn liaaerae bar.. I. .r route tltue Loan 11nut...1
huvrever, con:undue pretty full. alOl a fah- tt,dara,
4,1,4C13012364 and rrt-an.
Idlt I PH1.717-10 dried fruit v.., 11111< ban been
.n,t. •r.. 1 Ow. gad, tram
awall ldt- at 11l .14 ,1 ', tor Pe3eLen. eu,l 1.0
DRIED REM—I-mall aalel of wesD.r . n cured L.s. vac. 1
pied .1 104 A I, it O. vrlth very little offer
.SN I/ \I EDICI NES--Wr e..e ot, rhen,
At.t b• o-n IID If prin. ,
1...1111 ,4 uh‘l, thi.
If ,I 7 f1e....r._1...tat.r. 1..
.114—, ..k7 .. (Stead, : 1-rut.r. 1.. .41
4,40, rti )74. ru.o., ...) 434,4
2 , 1 NU I ....... 4 ,
Arnta 14.4 t .. .Itbtaturttrt44,l
A 4 t4.fort4. In 411 dal Attottoar 14 41.
4 t
Ltrtmolott4 IT . e.rtetrlc Actal4 1
41.13414 tr, nt'd.....45 et, I striol ltlur ~,
C4tm 44+,4. to (7,t, 7
CI 4w. l'srter ..... . 1574 i'ttxtutl3 4 4
R IDlTr ßttx
4 t 14., '1 1 41 44 44 4/4
i , 1 , 1444-
• . .
Cr mu ... .4u 14.4. ac ...... ........
4, j) .14144. yl .uu
II EY Tragartulla . • 1.411. 1a404t.r. ILL. 154,41"
utio ....15 3..504.4.00
LAllreau . 4 DS- 645 u) 4:465,14.1
1.1 a 4,1.4%4 Cart. ..... 4.4e444
I, its,— Th., 14 a We' ',tie. Tur 4•441 fru4kk 4,g 4
Iruul •64µt u
11.1,11 t Lavr been todtteratr dttrutd ttid - weelt. have Iteeu ettroutelt petit rreetpl,
1•111, lb., nutty,. vaned; ott hstJ. have beeto Auttlehint to
uptd, The tvorte ddauattd. atth tou ttut.trtatot varlatioto
priee. But lb. I - I.e tu IL.: neer hot. rherked ate lirtutted•
td theurtrlet, add guider. 11l ..otte at.tattrou have .uttnatt
led u ultdltt t.atets.ddt Aleut more. rah axle. at S 3 31td,
rohl , to tne tumi d rate. behtre
µehetto. fur the toud tea data Lat. been ouvb sr band, n.
to, the 'tr....out lir.t 1,.,,3 rt g ur,-, thiuk. howarer, teal
rate, vt di be It 1.,e03 Sll Obt ° and uhcultl re
tttd gd. Inman! by Ise, au We have reason to expert,
it gat...161e that idle... fall .hurt of tho.ot flgunttt -
'rite etty mill. lay Jmuu Inert 111,11
at tull
1111. IL. - .IVy hnye heart nettling .1
ry• IN. MIL, ot.rniusll, or S 2 7.7rn
/1,11 The In ~,,, try, pru•••• A are ...I1
..1 , 1 •1 , Imr the
. 1, •
1.1. t• nr...1 17 1 ,11 rlngl,
1,1.1. `....1.1..1.1,,111.11n1 No I INt 111 ;Vb.. fish :Nrr
awl 1.•11.. Tn/ul at 11 1 1 11,1,1. Iler, ir.,ectioll. Nc•
61, •1.,1 0 , 111•14 114 II In Ps
k EATIIERA—Tbr utm,. 1+ 41u, , 4 hod oal,
to :144
F IT—Th• demand Ir tnir, weal .•East Ilff.ln• at st 7
uf A lynifudo at "if b. ut firtfuu4 Nut. eT
$1,7 If flu•helf 14 Ff.,. at ff.', 'a Cream Nut.. fu
7Y. of /...a.Currauta al If .01N., Alla of Enylisb...lutt.
audoyf Furs at 124.:4•14 , if , D. °rang.ea au f Lucius. •,
try srarre. end we V .OI ft., no f•lef
C.O. AI. folliffring ff, the ebarr.•
r eque 4.1 the leading aryeleo from Om potetr east
Itaren. btittor end tellne
e nu o. yny ,altereln.ou fy.a. ay
/et • n • 1 / 4 1.• aeen Ina n onst
Wm, :hn• onalaprnue
nyynly Ina • • .0 LA.e al u• • ••
• 'ea. , . tat e.. u. lust ary4 Ylu.nt ,. .• •
en nta,n anaa Yytth -la,. In ••J i.llat 4 r o ..e
nay I La ,•, pre., LLI- n Oaf, nuy y•,•11
•In •n , •yea•magrn.vezneut Jam. the • *el. yytni
f tit yata•
in ( - 111 ana nayntry trn .Stuall ealy•• Ilya.; at r
I,t• 1 gr• 111 11,11 411T111.1 •ior
ant • ultele,•ie he., ft- Isa• dnt.. w“.
re' •11 &Ili, M pea e• 11 twat 1134,1114.,•111 1.1, 1 - I—,
. e y Barn, a. •••116c• .1 Rye im Lur
111i•sth I.•r ell
1..r..r.1ut rrtetlkuu to
st Y"'"'
k1..“411-I,ll'. are nI 10l Ww ..1..r•• al •ffi ,
11, .e , watessil, at filo jr
Hal Imar .
sal •
1 - b .a1p.~.,.n
11^11., 1 • -It..S ~.S 51..., t 1,., ~P•.1.~
.. `I b, II *4 - 44 0....4.1•1r, 1,1111. dnuarall. sr.
.II 1 ,- •• W.
1 E,I• I L•r , ,s • ret. - 11, 4•1•34111 th• naarG•l. •
r...; 641 , -t..r
1,11- rialto of r.r..-r• .6 7 ; 01,, .
LC —IL. wotrt . .1,411D n.. J.alt. at .tnut
• yuntars. ea wiuua..n 1: ....I FL xl 4 rl„ S..
L. Or, kl• W." tmatifylre.l ~utrganry
I i ,1111.1% la4rty
U, i..r o. uJ I', t.c [rw ti.. 'ant
1.14• • 1,, cr.' '
N i a.,
m 1. %,...llng
11.1,1131,411 71,
I, • in., r-gts•rik , Itat at• •141,
f .I , •tft itt., • f rn•r
taa Ilar.aa•l.lwa• I, and 1.a2, a aacalitla • 4:
.la.u•sts 1
• r • in • rvaltiar wat at 11. 11l la II I. +LI, 1
rtk• ra. • ,, at
In 4244 4O
sli.rr at 11.0+41:118 bl 5 aml SI, IL,
'Pik -
1, 1•11t1T• rr ItPPSTINL.• lu I, 1.0
TA n the, 1,, aal.a to mall la. , :J114.a.1
Tl , Pl. VTE- rn• , b• m.rkr , a , ,/,•,
aallln,al oa Ur+,
Tbn, lo 41c . 1.1.1 I.r •11.1. 1 , 1 , . „ n.
.1 m‘uor.rturi, 1. n. 4.1 ,rI,A c4.laluu• ”ry firm -
1 f mar a-m , n
:rum. tu•nnfx , t9r-.17 , , ,, , 140 1 . 113 u.
Intry.ll p•og I: I•rta
rit Its 1.4. tr,..3 •I. r
V. sr,
-11.: regular rullag rata* ler tu
,vle at luo 1,1.1, raw at ',la
bee, for eon,. Ow
ml .r• altogether ntantpal.
Epur lord guE•rogg tuarket prEggE.nto nollalug . nprEcP•l EzE •
ret pErEggutil corptuougEg gram !MI,. tlogE
Eg tEEEw ~11111/ gEgEggl otage. agE4 lougnivogoguel gpEuza
LEgIEgE anEr cEEEJEEE ElgEmEgt. 1.111 trarreamo for Phut
ElpegrrppElEEEgp EEr funElEgg mad It to uguru
111,1. lEgs• pp.,. PEE tgE,EpttraEln PEE the Orr.. al I lEid IP . •
•••Eut. grlsEle uPEE•EE Egauwe •Ittlethrr rgelectg. Eg
g:hems., E.° LIEP Ea.t ugEntigulEgo rgErEt
,11,Ang toceurroA t the en. 4 ntnr4.4.
•11 141. rwaiuur Trr, 11*. at 41u...n.
Ever, acro4 - ripliolb ta
larl•o. I.lret,r. ..Jeprul
That M.rnir a 3
Auy lbd call Jun.dv with tbaru
Iv, 11. i a ,irins see fir, yn,
I{ u are tuforeted to My Gontneh hal Lot. that theft , .as
,outinue.l tuudeuef lu ear tu moue,
markat ou the Flget ..1..a toper was aouahl aft.,
.0.1 the rah, veary 4u•Fu to V op In Ra cent, aluut saw.
mouths paper ha‘lnv ya•red st the Inalar Mau, ,y 0.0.1
rW.uacuto, hwever. veal tallier hart at 12,,h15 teul
'I be hank, .ere lu 4,utfortablu yondttlou,n4 wore ',her
all y diaYour,fing their lewd., torn...en, Liu ' , lion paper
Ihe Ooek mallet was' rather tOuc. hind Itasimaal abate.
were Ih. 114 out I,wer than the preenllng du;
Al New Ittrlt, nA war learn (rem the Tril.utte. the tquelt
Martel A,M•IA-1 Alla, A feellu t , tkf Areal dettre.Attn, at/
norttattued throatateAt IllAdart tart A beim.; eettlaw tlat
watt thy LAO.. thet Meir tAnte
quota], the market reit Um yreAotire,' Thor/tary a tleellva
tn. ottteke taltlt the reepilett En. In ctane,
tettAtt bad tite-n It - 0 cent WA, watt IA ttAAA detuattd.
and much atytetAre estAtel, Ablle *AAA!, a... rasher
Ittulte.l The r.e. weret attlteut elt.uwe, rAttontt tA,zu IL
In tArtt taprime PAPA. 5' •• • ,,,, • PAN , ,•••.
teult to Ork,llate Ant •Issreonte.l a: vet, trettiAAr
Lir •
AT ou ',Ch. themono- market-rw...L5..1
lu • •truuttaeru4l outldulott. but u•oon: hold
out ale uruitilee 0' • returu Letter rutulltiurr F,f tfut.,e
Sum., 4 the bawl" , were awoutulOgur n r. frawl) Ulan u•
taw, awl it leaks twhered th•l all of Ihetu •uula. lu due
owa.•••• , enalawl I. sac.? lurreame
CIRMIP.S. riper want, were, in tbe tue•urfrae.
to reason or lb• gerierwl prewture. Sawa., eon
uuunt quite worrier, •1•I prw•-• we deroresied Bahl.
Darla errelt wa• o:fermi at UK, A erlerchauts.lre, twat
Ula: awl Farruer• Merchant. rtr, Batt a ()Wu Rail
Iteilmoul wa.• neer.' at et!....,1 hurt d l'Uralwrlarul
at ITN,
retuot tuclement weatbet, uututour
tattle Jriteu WU. cunfibleratar eburt
Itu•I uFeek, but there tuus nu El:tuba - tad etunge iu
Brevnn—rooln. T. to twad ncre•nl.l to city litetch.,
..411,Nt . enual, to 3n,nyin. b C 5. net nelsby
Innin.d ;Amber at 6e Vt. n-t.
ISnzit nnio Lama—None otkred.
Cony nvn Caits—A number were eultl et theig,
Wign earl
Oatlr—The •uppl, ve4 nt the
unuNnally . inrr• tor ad. numn of th. ken:. Trins rlthA
.wetl. km.,
1 - 14 offeri4s of lynched Inui llnne•AO of m.blen
pry but.nbrs, 140 were na ostr, and in+,
driven Eno
Hines tin:N.l,mm So. tn. h•n4. en 001.?
1.4.1nn50,,n, 1. 4OJ ay...razing Si I. rn.,
• liiiininnuninn.
donoand for Late .1.111 c001dnu...,0
owing panic to rho high prior a.•loil dr.vori•
At Lilian, thi• stunt 'ddnii tiond tow, mitl
ding nun driven to New roil, 0...wi1d naive.. it.
•kn•l 3xll ph••••D sod lamb. •
11..1 Cattle—Are In Drl,4 ••••Il In•Lc•
mt from 6G ••‘• t•.• i• Ibv t , •• nor t.rdlnar)
wttl4 oalv.uf ••%trz ••I S•••
enord and 1.:a1,--$1.4.- fn—b 4-5 n .1 at 11 . .• to Iw. each.
Sprtnn,... $l2 to 525. alnidny cow. tndn En t.• la
11.,—Tho demsnaditur talten 41Aorl.d U.- 111.1214,f v.
Wt •4-ek. Salea non. [ann. at 55 aldne. d 5 1 I , u 5,
$15505 anal Lantl.--nal.4 14 lld• ntud-r a. n•dn s i .t..
61.. and the latter .111 :5 tr. earl, t ,111,111
t ►lt'l' OF Prrrsßuitial
m*r. Junk. last r• ^LIII..
J I . lreidrirknun.
Park 1n50n..L.1111,111..
tine .`1,1..r. tu..t.
8.11, , e , t Nett.lll,lll.
Bet.. tirownsillle
J. WK..% 11+.121. - 1.-nu.
I low .51,11,1 , , Itaikr, n
41e.1 S•wt,.
1111 gEt.INO —lhurtml
LAN F+l 'I 1.1.E--Eturn,
-.I L .
Fn. WIIErIJN.,—TL.. ,plendld pti!,lllg, attar Innrn*l , • BeeiwßA.
.nyt r.dimrll. ba.. attain r men,* thr [rad/. lintirrrn Mt, 1
TUE laid,siglied will iyy the highest In
..I lThealins. and in In am trim for tbe arrrmnintla 33n3
~..„ 3 .
03 , 4 ,..., 3
0 . 3
.334 . 0333(
(.... E 3.0 0.
tton of travrltera Shr mill Ira.: thl•mortungat I.loil rk . ~, ~,,,,t , • \ M Fa..
. . , . . .
.....- ... pkolla r h* 41 Ilrirket .44. r, l'h . ilatert.M. '
I a *tam' ti 1 r -IL. , Itne luau munch! -um. Empree• 'g 1 E4, ‘ ‘; BERILLE6.--lost r e ed end Int . tide •
\int •111 hex, tei ale, e th. day The hropre.• has •g . braltsg.tortrt Or Moller it 11.11.1 s us' Tet llert. sn WI.
..4..rg011e puterrtaur teoprovemwote and rwpwree sod I. , 10•44.4.1, • 1..
11.4 11l , Plr 1 .4 1, . 1. .. r . 'L.' j...'.........'..". 'lll' 1 LI PGA R-4 I lihdb. - prime N, i h;,flir ate le by
eller- , 1:1 a tral t ralkll II 1411 . 111: - W re VW I'
a's r
Fall Importation of Haraware, Cutlery, &c.
- 1 'VI 1 7 11,PLIV „t - . i3 , I 3 II,(IIFIELD No ‘ rth - east
LOGAN, tATILSON & CO-, 11 , a r." , of I .W I . kr• l'' %ark., Kr... bare rer
1 ernesh I.rt., 1,1.., n 1 4.,, .mat.ts My , ,
No. 129 :Wood Street, et a reaas do. Changvel.h. Ilarm k Mae* •41 haw ' •
iv yst - ran ltn•1 Autlnneree I 11our. 1‘
D. +2 - • I .11l al , att•nrrr.n IL Merwhlot• nwl .0.•••• ' . .4 Itner Prlnt• I l'enorwr s 1,11. , 11 , 1,,
thett 1,...42 rin. - F cl y ‘ Ih•rnArt..l . , or. Ilny - lt, 41,41 240•1 , .
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC D111 . 1 ) 111 , 1 1. 11 , - .....11.. r . 1111 11 .11 1L '1 :1 1'11- 1
HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 8,v...1 \ ~..„..,,,, ...I
Prom.. ',art* Ir 4
IaIIORTKII HY ItILCI:141 . PACK El -. net 11,1,,Itunt, Nes k 141.4.44.
No, Pt It rMed k •Ilre. Prat, mut
Ind wldell ura premtrusl tr. wfler at ,art grins. ,,,, , , , 2.,. „• , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,. i ~r . ,,,, 2.2 ~,..4, 2 ,,
itr warmht Intl In t'leene I 4,,ltuyyrn ar•wnrm.i thgarl and lowk la s t,ur large wlst.
WA full afte•rtutent A( Ale . 1:, y ,elehtnted C. FAAhh r . holynale 14441.• try nutty. • 50t.22 1
ale - to. nn ''''''' i ) aval!
-- t . • g ' PPEU LEOT lel; It -- 2 4t 3 Siles ‘ gt- - 1 , 134 ,,, is v
.1 , '
glle-Fert, nod Agilp rtlro42 by the woe el 1 (..• .:, ale , l•t , ,teet , • •l• al \ .
aunt • L Lirri.i , A \CO 2 . , 1,/./.4,1 et. -
to ll• Lave • 1.4 - er I'll. The fwllra Inc teller. it.,rl 11 ~ -''''. , .• \‘' ... .. \ „ 4 ,
LICII, ro.p.rtal.i.• amateur... 11,1 Cnt m. P.*. r C,. , i I[ 4 l LIM: 14 -7 , / I' 11a. 11 *.lt r qtrd I*llllly. for A
fl r\l
Ia . le triumphant testtur.ur 114 Irkyor hi tyu re,lr wre a t I -.. I ' 1 ,
11 "••••••''' ‘• 141, •. 1 ..e.1. 1 ‘• • E.
11' 4 Urea.. e.
it:lr, ThA.e Achy nye ealTenny under thi• afiltrOust ! . l ' , `2.. ,
j ,,
dww•re an err I rtutur Ira, 4.11,1 and • .........11 .ur . 1,, IVl4;tt t: Li ft- -Ik, La - , tar ~ le by le
it•nx. •A Or II larne's hirer 1 . 44 1.-'. "•I t‘ l4l. 11 • 1 Fri.,,,,„ , ~, 2
-". ••
W., r* 1.1,1 .1, (.. ht. ram air . I r.. riv. r.l • .
Ft la nteot a Ira ot Ur \1 '1 a 1.., Prilr wht Is I awl , , .. 4 3 , , '' ', , l , `k v -, „ ~i,,.;‘u -.,r,, .„
e A .
kr ~.. I r....,,.. dm.... ‘,,11... I 00. ice... -rile. mut fr m. , Notice.
All 4114 , 4. ~I ty Jr 411. i 2ener but 1.1 the nee Al 11,.... pill ri'lli E. 1 'KE.Pl ' fuits 0\ \I . U. PA 1'1‘03 , ;
"a "a'. la."
''''''''' r..-I-rIII ll'
III.'" I ' ' . 1., , .:i .. 'i'.li 1 ' .:',"'t;;: ' ,". 1 ! ) .::: . ,i " 1 , ...' '... 0 r At 's..': i
i 1.... 11,1. I , te. it, 1, vi. ',rued, r. 2 inhAue . wham(- i L, j \
jj ~, j,..,,,,,,...„.... jj , ,„ j„ ~A „ .: l j n At, j t,,,
tj j ee ,, , r 1,1 1 , 0 4 I • -••
larders ' Coal\
IrIlE IIi:VAT! ER' , (Al.\ 1.• (101 pA Ny
reLroloOto I I. i,•skr.• m , e 1.,...,. ..17.0... rw4f• Ihr rhipplusr,
11 .4 tht M.P. .r. ~ tn. mrrhaw ‘t w•OelLee . sll4.-2,
De` A 411,4, P22.A.1•82 , ABLY 1' 4.1 rti T4t2Al. .r. ra, urkpare-INI. 1.• . r 1 :•• t...chr r•\12.4 e.
' , M.'s. , t l'aFr. rr 14 •Ih•I. 4 . - ..• r. ,11, 1 ." ...I.'" . 1 .1 1fr.' 1 1 11 11,:t . 4 .1 1L 1 1 . ' w - 1 ' ..i 1 1 1 t 111 :11 p44: 1 , 1 .1 1 . 11 .. 1 . '1"1 1 1 3, ‘ , " ,rir, ‘` ::.
Al th...111,.•..1 au I 1.4,...0.1, t y•nerel• • n thr err.. ale 1. • .e.ty AU. , e 4 r., r , de.wr ""
\ • 1
~ , a .,,, ~,,,I . ~, ~,,, ~,,, ~ ~,,,,. 2.,t1 „,...„ ~, 4 ,, , • t ie ; 0r , 14 ,. .; . 1.V•thrt , •. wry'at thew al.wrl at war ,Prtrr t
wer.. u,1., trmr t ••••ate •, Inc , n 1, .. l '• d• - l° `' .. 1... r. '-' ii ...:t ie et:i t I, '... i- \ ttii r :':'7l:::,tli F , 244 Ant I
r-. 4 •rt I, 2 •Il 2.12/t 14.. n.. 4 11.4.. •, 2 nt, L. V ... . 1., tile 1.142,e, 1,....r
' 1 hut te. n •,,,,, ty..l ACT -ral teat...AL., ,reno, ,, , raw!. tr•rt• t• ~,,,,, . , J
••• .4 s' wr 1
use wittamputto.r. at that true 1..., ',sr/ Itwoit al ila• .1,..1- 1,.:;',"i,r, N Fri t,
..S;,. r . u , ..,. ~,, ~ ~, „..... „,,,,U:..„,. ~
11 N IA . i 1. ,
AI 44 re. tt al,. sr, 1. -tr., •1 mr I ,, Lt 1 • Ile
I 1, •i h 1 Alll •
4 Iwut Cr
I at. w a serrstars , f 41,A nu 1 tAa ‘.l. seuunt ten...... 2.1
A #4uable Far pr Sale. \
1•• wmplaitt I ruare 1 •14...... u• - . IN Pi It2l, .1,h33.0'. 111 .• ,331, et ie., et•nintlll,
1,1 1: L. tan•t en ~,,, t, us-loul 111,1. It h... 111/4,111.11 11, g • , ~. ,t , .•• 34,, ~,,, .•,... , . ..,,,,,,,, 110 A er,
•''.* ''''' "‘......'' ' ll. , .; ' r .. 17:1t n r .." .Z \`‘ k4 . •.r.t1l " 1 . .. r.
..., .I.lrer.r , rr r ,, rl ~,,- ,I, .... "' 1n..... " 1 '' '''' '• le - chi. it. 1 1
t 't• •\rk. • l. 4 11
Ito l•wtswieum. te.tli irst•r...ol i te a m tstnste ut 11•42 .n•tyn-nelt.y.
n ., e. ,,,, „,, j.., e j,„ e no -,. A n n- n u , ~,, re t tny ni• • ,, ,ffr •rr“I.I, I , , 1 - 1,1.1. 11, he
I 2\
it h •••• tll
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i i F. 1.1 I. I v I. ~ ~ ~i,,N,r ~ . 1, ,
Grand Operatic Concert' - one night only. " , I ' ‘,'\ - ' '
.\ :'' " " I\T' `N, \
1 Imo ~i k, ,t 441 IA • ret , I 1 rd.
14 1 1 11 E .•••I••britte•l Allt• 4 1 . 1,112 Prima Denim ‘‘ •• . ,••
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I g I k illil All F. CLOTH .t: TitimmiNGs- i d ' quAW-5.,..,.H.!. ii.•:.,kill n. Prln..qt , . and
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- ' .11 110,1 Mlll eM. , ..m, 1.,
Notice to Travelers. ~.,,,,,,` 411 ' 2,UL/A tl!, * t 1
DENSSYLV ASIA RAILROAD A EX- i k;l'Vek \ R -2 , i s hbd• I`• li. ilest\ and liar ;
I ii_ l'ltEeio PACI• tr, en El Uhl.. el4-11tft 4, I r 1.2 the .u. ) '2 7 enli 1.1 4.1 . 24 , t 1 21 1 1 \ 4112.1:4 AI. • I ',
,j ,
. au , 01 yae...u••• r. lryta
~ rbiladdpikia, Dlitritum, and Pittsburgh. - ''''' h ' sr" "' II 1" r t' 'l ..”/ I 'l.
it, •Atual tedw n..• In ion, ..rder, the Parket.. t tt,h. , 1 '\" . . 1 .". • ' \ ...''', A ' 'An' ''‘,,,...• A, 0 (
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, sienetetxh.n, ii..-, ~ I 1
7 :,,,, ,9 ,
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- \ ,lo,ll.isicry of \Pittsbur n gh, ‘,
i . Dasolution.
,), 1 ' Nl - '1 ' 1.1.1...F. , \13 ( * RA'S; E,A.--A'3,11,..!
.1 TII E PARTNERSHIP heretofore eri.ting i I) ~,, ~s\vaikturAA rm ti, rr l t.a.t hamt , tl akti II
rl • tetwwen the nub:write rw. utrirr the :mine mkt attiv I ars• t ...11,1 ne.,.,t.k. a 1.0. ., . o 'L•' l he 4 " ... I: f ,44. • 44, 4 ,
4 , ~t ,• Cahlwell ,,, •••r . .u. h . • thrr arm .11 , ohred bt thin . atrium •Ith'lthtru • r I N'T 1 . 01 4 .'N'' . " . ' ; • ll P ' • 4:• , 1
ty ' r, ' ,7. 4 1_,.1 ., . " . 4.,,4 4 - . " .4 .,..1f,',.i',„; . .V41.4i.,: - ' ‘ l4 % "' e l r ' r ' er r :l3 ' . ' rfTrVlr ' t . ... 4. i . l '... ir! -!'l ifli "-17 . '14" 1t1 ' eir ‘ ,.7 , .14 i
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, talunnal Ivretute. ul.kt. n •unitnett e,'
CO-PARI'NERSIIIP. ! 31,:" ` ,\ =.' ' ,3,4,,,,, .. trtn.u. el hrre •nunel
..g The uudertOgned, touring formed, „C •A -p n yt. I 111 -ta ll : r e „l,,,f,; ' ,; ;,1%,".k,, '" 5'.3, Z . . ' ,.... ' , 1' . ' ; ' ,„, ' ,...,,„ ' , 4 ,4,. ` . !
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bann• - xx• la thr r•umr, ..1* th• 1,. Mtn sarJulrnCatdwrll IMt • nwl I kw 1 4 , ... , t ..", , r ^. e . .." -0 •\.
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WISC. FUR DALE -A very desire-
P r , ''''' t'.s. t„ , .., a' e tc. i,4
tae Flattl22 Hurt, warrat.' praectly 21.1 . ,01 1 . p••••• , \ - ,coo no, r a , „,,,,\,
4 I li puuna. hargUiro ot J. gettniasmax, LER • Co. - I s taotentoit t , b , h• 4 1 . ' ....• F ' w• - •IX.•
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114-111. " 11 • r i I'ILBAC") --2')
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I traaol, 5 r ••.I.• t r
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„„ ~,4 . 1, f , XFl..s ,
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I(I I 1.'4 '''. Ilit/ 1.1,1• N 0 , for •11.. t•y \ • ''-', k , L.•"":".t . . \e , \ol'UTM\___ ' .la,. o. STN.. P • er 7 1 1 , , ,,„.., ` t .
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w Le W.L.,. VI arranteu un - pis -..0 t..tu , not 1e:.11..1d 1\ - the i\..l o
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U 'KPH \A DU RCM/ 15:C , . / r I,oNer IntAtuallon rldra. \ \
J:ns vst , t Lir 1.1 . t \
; -1,, li it ,wrie. dun Ohio, . \
3 nert
' , 14t ,, ENLII WALL \ APfu
L 1 .uJ ,-A g t
ylit , , Stray Cow. . \
4 i , Am , y, tr m..1.n...„ zit,: 411 Os.. I ' CI - Aine... p.c.. ....1 ,5 4 . \
.!! i t",,i l" PALM s • X). , i s \ C VELANDIdED/Chlf ‘ 9 N• .G . \ ,
%, . , tin -att-oth.r. ''' "."'."!'''"' d " '''''''• , •'S. :lllr ‘ l,Ni I Pt) VI. lILINI. , "..1 1 ;e. - 0 . 11 . 1 ' 11 I riiitst• k •3 • L-.. ;of \ L. 4 .'441 en \t. , e\ • . \ 1. \
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Ir * \ '.'r 1 " .4 . . r 5 1 „ , • ""''' ,... . " '''
' i ..1 - 447 L In , 14710:Ts I ‘•, d.,.,.. tiea,, r klik ;kete, for ...„, , ,
.. 1. ,........\,.... ,
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"'""' '\'', ' ' N.
Wel. ...t.,5 nee, .11...• It L 1.15.•
„,•;,•,:_, 1. ,,, \ \ , • \
r•:' AaChOT Cotton F actory Loti at Auction. ' • ..,- - ~-,, - - - , `m 1m u Prof loser r >,. let , '‘,
,ToI; EH Hi,. ~-1 1 ; 1„. t. At KNEEL- ikt 1.1,1
, i.'4. .1 \:1 ekerel„
~ .,,,V \‘, 1 ,;,. E1 ,i;: : . ;21 • „....„,';',,,, e1 ' ,,,,,,40,,u5pe,.. \ , - A.
o 1 4 )!C, k ,l--.t,,1 . 1•Ti,t1,.',...k„,1,', 1 „?, :‘ , „,„ ~,,,,,,,.„. , ,\\ ,
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~, ,,auter \ arrel.. N. , \ 1.47.& , 11 , •
~ • d A eltA I' NR . V.AND,3I It '..1.!..r.....r , t 1:04/4‘. D • . 'f:
I• if 'fr., V .I'l, 111. 11/ s 0. on fa -, .0 .., ..4,...... - es , ,
\ - ' \ . T .\. " I. °` .li.kirts S A pi ' l Ti ' ,7• L' l ' 7l ' tun ' ..'!: s ,.Ntirit•:rr\ - 4>
Se It ...Ai-, is.lca 5 . 1 -. 1 ...0 ,5 .,""0
• I ' vl V . r • VV.,,, 1,• ;,;,,.. 4 1. , L.. t .41, 1 . 1.4 r toll 0 ,• • Splendid lustatunen .•,, •-, T - A.,,,, ~•AFtlktlk NI tar Profos. ot iler.rin M. . 1„ ,,
\ „
L.AI TTI . a:,ish the tU \ .,' •I , ws.ow. +wq .•• us' •+.• Tll E, 011.,- - 11Ler hatt re•\,l i T nz. s ,' er . '.o , , l m in•L '° l 4l' .....ll . a'a n.,l4ofe:lrr of czoaharra
I.flll.llte 1 ...... tart . Cr 5...,., . at.J as, st., tuim.,tiate elvitot t o ty
• . orteproJerlee \ \
• *''''' ''' ' • ''' T '' ' .. " ,., ' ' " ....n .' 1: “ . , ., ' ..11.1 "" • ' 4. 4 1.11 . d.; ' ...i1,. i 1 V1 . ..2A. 1 .1 • , • ,.." ;I : 5 S,' , 5;1' ' 1 7 F4.d-,; •• %P. ~,.c, , c , . p, "..4 JAC r t l ili j ..l DPLANIA'%•O, iht,l l . Ph'lreew u! A, , 1 , . •.,
, • .r.t un nisru .....'an 'lx's., ea \t'tnut , nod Phretolosi ' O , ' \ \ .etr • ' ' :
in..t. t• .tr..l, nut , tut, 0 6 ',••••' .y.,' ~. ,r,-,, , ,...;,1, , , , .„.',\„,,',.,....'.,.. tar • uI1• a Clak. TI3I. fntrnto.nb, al la 4\ art ...,fe for the ontlrerore or,Lecturc. , of . ......, 4
„, •
' .'",•". ' a v t V •T ,, 1 ,„ •. , * l., , s * , • , * 5 , • ;,.,.,,7,.,, .„;,„,,,,, ,„,„ ~,,, trtal ant s .ve•tigati= Dkoloun.r . 4 yr, 4 Matriculation fee v.• -- , \ • \-• ~,V, , \
1 ' ' L \
T "'' '''''•• V,„, - ...
t•. 5 . , k ss o,er 0, once \lt ant t., , of New 'ork est, Mt , 0tt 4 .4..... m 'WT rind [L . fee • , • . . \
•nd ,':'.i'.' :',.', ,0 „.7 , :, • • • ~,A,''',, , ,,,,,7',„,,,,,,, , ,, , „, 00 ',las tiraUl P • .1.1 6..010 thD u - \ • \ 'o en &wired. • rrainn•tory nOCe. P.lN • hla lu frZu '
• t4, • •,.4 1, , 1 . :• ••. ... , 4 , .. ~ ,,. .i,,
~,, ~ 4. ~, t• ,, • „.„, .
• , r ,,,. ‘,,,,, 4,..aer.1 „. ..a. 4 Louis [7 8t h hor.ttotAl, 7, n • „Tt/r • thanthr, for ,156 Kod Stunr , l jaintty • asthVoMe Z. '
* ,wh., hponellllf le rtrufri to by ty nellewof the P•oser, ,\
ril 1 ~n 1 Ont..' tram wilt. i tt. i.,t . .... 1.,, -Four,/ bt Wolf, od ~,\ s
• tua retnr Taney 4.1 ettle,..4d prior, ,
\ • Ktho IL ar • Jud e , to the Lou at. or lo w idea \ the nista.
,u , u.a. • ^''''+- s ' c "" LL A.. "'" "l, ' '`, 01µa of e Gowen Hart, N 10 1 Ild AT. • rnsdea, toll to Accented. the place 'n ' bet 10 the MAR.
\ \ \ Tt Ahoy. 1 •to tft; been cited by t ,•41,,,,,ttr a t oa s, aad those wbo , •/\;onooded pen .
n. mutt 1 00.n..1 Beeiws.x. , .ustu. , ,1, zr, (rem the r tit, ra •rn etook, re
•• ••rt. nor volt roomer of lctor', .4. ol whichas, •at sibta 1a5t..., , , • \X
‘ ...rso•I. Nor rurnmt. HAY t. r . r hr.. , . o :.t,rt \ Lon are elintled trr• free tahatesdnn Lc ...Luetturetn O. , •
'' ..d.. '''''`'.... ''''' ' rir. it ucl,,iglit ., l kill ilay the highest mar- \ .I.T. 5 .1•_„. - 4 c'• • V., tug the 11,5rdsiculation f., ugly. ~.. r \ 5, .
or the st.rotittlintls ik10...11.31,T1 irlllikccrn,ll4ht, and tact. OA. Tan red A _\ \\
r,,,,,,1., .3,, •1, ,,,. . 0.,. , ~ t,t
•,,,,,, ,• \ 0 11, innesota Copper St rpr,o, rant. rut Om. 51.1.0 to S.I. per trolt. \
t e'teer rkettieN 4 ur nate b....L. can be oh at cd. , A, • . ~,,,.„
... a lis tht ' 5.•. 41 Nlark.4 -Au. c Pollatrsth. tr, .), S „s„RE§' of the Stoe for cal /1 l o t 4., .., 4
cht .sna Emore•- , ,E. A e I;BERRIEzi-.11,4, ree'.l and for sale .3
__ ,L, rat.. , I,\ . •.L. , ~,. .1 .. 111 ,, K/ .. .r , , , A ., \ v i, . , bz „(. l. , it . tixT
, u, tz.„.1..1,,,r,„,tur5,uVr..7.,,,,,0a11,diXttru.1,4 '•\,•' \'‘..,
Tlse Fdat.o.•• 1... I ' , orp .• , n•rs or bunt, is 114.1tIst, T., 114, sn th• S. '''' . I ' 4p ; t. “ ' A„ Cu CrretrOnt or e reg.!. course. said onallada. Ist \ •
od ream, and Is , 1.44n , 441! \ I ..e.O.
, ~ , 1 1, %.*T .11,--A \yonn rant in the dry
v u , v ,;;;;pcasfra+,lr...r.s..weoug.Vlttly4. en i t '"""'"'" '' '-"` 3 UU13,111-41 itild43. -proms N. 1 •„jor sale hr 1s ~ .4.. I t • iftes.t, A Sit m... a d ( hunk k r . ".(4,'"jl, 17 "., ty , . m ,,, mtht,,,, ~,,„,,„,,,, u.„. , •\ ~
1.7 .•, tr/s , IIIIEI NI iTT111:14•. A• t. , 0 Oferr 1 0 . AI 5 ..r•0 4 " .5.•,. • . 'k • APP L''.• • 0.1144., hder the dir trats of I rofe. •
- nu . • ..1 ,4 ,/ 6t ,• 'l and; A.M.., to tt number, evlrt) and im nee \ ,
e, Cutlery, &c .
•• Um \ ,
L 8.4 12.
•, , T A : le PA FR -Fresh \noort.,\llent ~ •, montrk ii, ~.. . . \\ • V.,
,VI 1 7 11,P11 Y . ~:-. 13,1111c . 111 , 1E Ll l , N;1" .e." '',' AI a tr. „.. re wet frt.\ b. meet eetabf‘tedMann-• . 1...1.5 tt,f ,„ „ SecNtArT r) thr Meths.. ross ,„ la , \, , . , '‘., `‘
tSI CO., I I T I , ;,,l ' r,., ' I NlV 'r' i , L'''' =; ', .llr ". .t. \ f 7' r*""'”"1- 'i
; "' lt i t
N IO " gs . to ." l' u ' tw '' i' i 'll ' . l ; Stiooo
\ LBS. RtOSE PINK-On 'hand \ \ \ A •
r ri;',.....: d ,' ..N......a.., , ,.. snwii; , lita'els. elt.l Ca. ' ' P.... *ir ' n "“ ~.' !lAA . it., Ft, aod tor rale bi ly.
et, N• Alpsn-st, 1'rtn.11.1,4101c.r..• till I Moo 1. , , \ .r,...,4 \ '55 ark. rest.
nt• .n 1 • tt...- • . s / at n..• Pr.ns• 1 l'er..a.i, 1 hal, 11•IST 1" _,_ " 4. 1'4 ,
" \
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d and fo sale b '
1 . 'TIC v. 'Dr•••• Sllt • op, r14..14 eban,lr
, \ el 1 her ••• 41.• I. 4. and 11 / tuntent e 1.... Litt.; reCaii ..If.t. late 0
WIC. A 11.CANUL ~ • Judi mkt • 1 / 4 i . 4, 4 .• ~„ 1 \. ' ''.,
ER y , 8,/,... !
\ \'''AL , T ., ‘. s . '-',.,.",!'• ':,'‘,"' fturftit-fg, „kvn g n ; N o, 1) tter reeds . i (424. - SK AMERIeA.N \RROW R --\ \ \
ACK El -. ~ 110,1-, , ,,,, +.IIC III. • ",
awl fositale b • Als:ls ~ICK 4 IcCats ' qLl•:n JaA r t ./4 dl en arraMe by 0e.17 4 1 J. KIDD& \ V,
N 1% orlsett i •ticrA. sun. nod
.4., at xur.h prie, a
''''' 4.'"'' lei .. 4 ''''''' * 4 ' • C ire t.:4-94 b Iv. 4. ch.., rl.ks do EE \ 5 FEATHER%- • \ \ ,
4 4 - liar,* araunra, d tr..4..1 and h.. , ahoul Ork.^..-' "
treawaa , 51 rack* rekthenn Inadiniand , \ ,
•Orated C. 0 A Ahe r 0 14....a1e 10t54.• Ur A. 5 . ,. \ , ...t.2. , 4 , et,am do . rrerltod .ITc, f ?,.• 4,1 ,
W 11. 4 Md., NDLL ''. '• i t ' ' "'
• . ' IgAl (Li DIe.KEY a LW., \ ‘,
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_,„.„_" . iv.- ke Fr..'A__•• \_- . \\\ .•
l.° ths ...,, of . IL. I:1.1s r I...nth .h.O ...1. Ki . , , . riNIF., \3I4JDE,I, AR kit i L.-. - os. , : , N
1111; 11.51. REFINED 13141,A1.---juiz., •,, \ ,
- ' -,.., Itollf ON, mrri.; ....... 2,5 I\ll3rt, 0. I, .‘!",, ol i tt * r4.4. ' t, ,r i‘n 12' i 'l . `,..l,•_filt'vi', \ utir ..1 , 6 , nv , ) , \
,- -
I - --. ' O- * illill'ii- -' 1 S . 1 . * tea of, tliils - for ''
""ir l .a; lla t ar. 4.• trt hul shosild•hkre it. 17 . \ • •
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~• „, „.,,,,,, ~., , .... ~ , iv 411. i ., ,Ml I . 4 I SEED.,tIII.,-3.a . bhp . : foist ilkb \ \
,t.. tht• althroue I T., '''' , 4 Lthertr,es ste 1 4.... for L 5442 art. VIII • bu ban aidaures, \
, s a..... a-rt./n..41 br uspintict, towlotAtto.. l .lr . ~.. .... 13
•./.., XCII..SJts hbli • CAL, 4 . la..
• 0...1, . us ., .., j phi NI I: -4 k., La - , tor , le by
. ..`'''',";'• r" qi " .=+... : .. " .g ,I, L I r : * .tr V l ` l ttlt• (. t 1 NL.Et - CRED l cask for sale by
IL \ "' ' s ' •;,7 , . '' • " ‘ ;111 " •". ' '` ' `..!, .`„. ..tet ' .ll : ttnat ' rjou ,_.• ode.. It a ' ta•tl loo m, nent for • a • , ~g• A :„, ..4„ uoykIAKFR kw .
1••1 MW. 1 - 1 VirLA..,: , ,F,;n::.'2l\ ,I/. N. t / .i..suts Town ...lbearr. we. 5 , ./e. r
. .mber ,
~ „ , ~
/.... 10 , ,1101-51/, Later4r, 0 "4 01 , to. • 5 flea .n , ,r 11 , 1_.• 1 . 111. D\ trACk.......05. fs . . - 7; 5- •, iti ,, ,xt„ -
-DT. I ••
Ily er. mit ter \L• 1 ea urcy , \ • ,
Pis. ohs 61 .01 7 .„,, - ',, •W. . A - 51.021•U1t5i,& CO., •
', lilt -OUR-Wu Ws. I.,ttra Fanil,l l y eale \
~..„.1.., . Toe, Lawry
•nl ti. , Autice. ibi `\_ °
....,-..,,,....,..., *TIM sECDEruits *.) 1. II PATEO!"; , , ,-- , - •\
', ---- A. - .., - ..,
'' ' 1 ~"•* t IA. KIREL-tpu bbbp, Largo No. .ia NEW ps.. - • '
i - i•••.I. I-• lc ..,.. = \-- i ---- . ''''r••••.) *• •- - r - •L ' i*ji -,, ' stetut-bunttto in,.,tio - ford e Lk ' it' 31. 111 B hegs,\y, inforis hie friends . \
~,,,,.. , ..31....• , \ .„, a t „ ,,,..,........11.1r it rt itr. , -1.1. Irt us i t to .1 ~,.n . ; sA , SI/.lllll.bArillll..
`, ,
\ \ \
141 00 4 1 ...
, Chartiers 'Coal, if 1 111:ESE -,511 hose\ Cream„for - sa ' likby ‘'.- 037V.V..".a....°15:,•.11-....1-11.,".:Ltib0u:5.X...1icrj.:'4,h6.::40....'"4,.„,14,..1. . -
‘ 1,-,, 4,..,..,
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\ ,
1 . 1i F 1 1141111 Eli' , el..‘ 4 0( 01 EA N - 1 .
LACK W 001), for S's [sail r for dale at „ , •• 11 . 17 +.11 . ..... rr 4. 4 1 tgi i , t•ArT, ,, hat t r , ,
,_ ,
.4•14. mute e sen.o- ..rr•st,, irst'lit• lot ...ulna, . P. - • untaraa an oreopertS
I ' Is sit ~ v. .a. to. 0.1.4 . T\hltee . • Rorke.' li 1101,41
II EF 1.110,/, ...qui, tso . A T Sulam., 4pro `a m ~roinuart.o hone, \ (ha all whd, taht‘ rr naktisaso any r ..
• 'P': ' ;r r a r'dr In
17„ . . • : , ;Nrst r I n =ltTi ' . - .1 - Ita l int: ,
~,• v.v , vy n. v ‘...1.- ---- .. ,,,,, v; ~,- ,-, -- A' ENV HOOKS.- Travel end llyenturee '3=l ` egs '. ' or r• sta.4l4l 51 . CIA/' , ONO lo th. city. I '
\ \ ,\ .
• 2 .- ,,, :..v.- ~., - ''. ,, ,,n.r.'.',. - '-' \\,_ ''''•'"- ''. in .n.n,,_ ~.„. ,"...1,..., - 4... • , ,500 maft, .0 or •da,q, 101 I. , n , .1' , th .. ,t 7 , P , 1... 1 .. , ~, ,',
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. 1 ''' v ''''' "‘ v ' • '''.
•L ,,,o ' s . V-s' s !.. s, .4
' Ts, \ . t !. • ,.5, a '•r .s., 1 I .... yroyle: 1.. Wm. ii - ,Carproter.l \ ate of Mr U.. Ar 3 Contrartorc Country hle haT, and i''.'wh Iol=l.
\ ,l
• hiraely, will Mal st onurh LIM \ lr ale.. taNe te , \
0 ht. 1c.... t Ilia c i Ist, ta a. 4, . hr sue 1.1,kt,,,r 1.4.• r
~,., . ., . ..5 .t , . ., .. :Lt of ll i true • 1/...tt0nary A 01 L 517 ,, h,\41., tar \the stadt Lel,. porctsinn. .. velllauct . h de.. • \ ;
dal Aargau.. 1
''' • '''''''''''' ''''' "."..,..`., \,,tt., 1,,. .. ut. ... . , -,...• ~, t.koutt...l, ...1,.., ' " '','',. Aoodo Building, V...uV i \h•ery artlel. in the Tailed. b made Idlest.. aD. ', fl
• ma. 1aah10n.1.....y1e v. tba' a \ . Gown. ,„ • , . ~.
' :i1T . r.: ' :•• ••" :: 4 11.. r . . 1 1. '. ..4:1 . 74 ' : N 7 x.r;V.l 0,• ~..\, . .1 NI he. - Hocit. \ \,,,, 1. F A R LE'S 'I I..,AST STEEL IIIONE:• D a, Cinit nws 3......-Aann.t.a...3 • nat.y. 3 mkt/ , : \ ‘
'.. '.
11. ' l"‘ " "0
r ''''''''''' '."""I'
'' s ' l irti\ii . 1;1' ..1 1 '. 11 ‘ ,. ' 77i t ' '' '' tsl. 4 . f t "l''' . ' ' il"'-'
'''''' ?nadr 1.4".
LIE MID'S eele,brated, --•
IIIA.3I,FA.R* ' '
t + .0., I 1,. J ' '"•_.11,•„.,-.t.0, \ , ~ .., .. ~• . .c.,
•,,, 4rl 7, ',do, m01d.... hourtts AR .0,41:1,) cithhss, kut up n• Intl! tial, la laza+ \\ ; \ , 'i 3
, \ - Lc sultt,.. oto -•J undo ,can be 14 'o w ks, \
A #aluable Far *?r Sale. I I.Kt• I )ON , ,A.ItT JOURNAL RNAL, 'or &ppont., ~,,i,.4. t .1y s . :al4er . i „, ).,L \ I . .lotr a lliv... I apt lot• 1 . 1.4 1 4\ . A k • ' ~, •
'a55.1.....,... o. -.r IN Pi HSI, .I\NVE of 11 l I, •cioi,- ..... , ,,n \ - 1 ., 4 ,, , ,, ° =, u x ,'r,...1,i'u, N ,'„, 4° . ,..,„ „ '\
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Al....tau , I ....II 't " • ..'. "• ,-- 'o'‘V'''. -- ' .0 ., ' k• - • '••"" . ""- , Itre..-1 44,1 I , ,rsnale al 11M' M 0../ Leh. ,.. .54 ;• :10
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'''''l , ''' , ',. ' .\ r''''. 4 •,, P° 1 ..... a i tit --. 4 rt,' L. s - t s • :,
LIS , . r` •I• RD SW' Alt- -7 -1 e
0.1...1, int•r...ll, t a. , 4 ............A ~,tran,o,r, ss,
~, t.”. 1, I A ow*, L............... a ..,-r or na-e ..,3 , 4, ,, , ,. . . ...• r ik,. e .
h • ,,, ylme b rk. \ .„, \ .\\ •
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out ~,, Te ' i•s' 0 T "."%. '4 - I. •'' L'. • 'r ... , • '',,•; • .
,• / „ ...... ,r i: 5. AP10NN1A14:. ,, 4 ‘...z Cit , f54 „ : , , , ..: al„ ~. „ artl•le Of , r•••iluire4.- 4 .51 .,• 16 ..,. rN ,
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~ ~ o tts .. • , • 1 / 4„ l , lAft ---V) 116,1 e. prune Or aisle ly
' ( i i M9KELi " .).ION-Wili , be .r0p , 31, this '‘: .\ \ \
...... ta, .mta . .4 1....\., or.
, 5"... , .A . t o :75 : ,
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, t 14 . -. by reps Fe .1.. Antall lot. eery sauer....forkalellay 4 •
••.","." 9 :, ,•,....4.• .!0...,5..., ,, .. •• .„.....t N I (:),I. A SSE s----I,Ablt lu. N. 0.; tF lo.t. - \\ - \ ws t . a licetuau a 11 5 \ •\ \ \ .
;•' ' - •'' ' .*.r ' \A ft • W.E01... 1 3;*5 bx... Bermuda, fur side_ \ • \ ,
' ' \ '..
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% 14 g• ''\ \ N .
-.• •• '• .''.- --., - I: , '•"' ' " s '' . ( 'teal Estate ai Auction. • -
rty 0 S. ALL k N.IILIES can be aceora-`, ,
ii,r tr\?:. v. , Y l e . w i I Ba l.:1 \ 0 A v I,E pu \ ,
,I 1 , 1 , 1 ,„ ".
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oh. Y or a te T
llitt, tsth day of , r....r.,4415er fur .I:.bed or u hrral•hal. and heard. APP I Y\ \ • • , \
. 144 1 et rats ~ 0, be 1\ a„ .un \
.', r 004 r next. I hr well ano t To 1 . -na , p 4, ,t2 .. .r . ~
_,., rzt :!,,,,, 7th e riyl2 • Lr ~1 • bird and Rat on.. 0 mad
1 . :...s :,..N. ,:\,,:ti .. .,...„ .!'; ~„.,,, \
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.11; 4 01 ., N ... .
i LIBOR tAI the London POor,' \...." . . .
oof Pittsburgh . ,..,, ~ A ,1,,t,.., ~. -..., -.A 7 ..,., ‘' \ ~ , ,..,. .i- ,‘ , . ..**•\*, . * br o ** * * - Fn.". Red. ...* 5 "" . • 1 .
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\ 0 ilelf KNDstEV. Q. 00 AR--,70 IA .\ t. 7. O.\ fur sale by ' \ \
0\ , ~,,e
_ . 4 , 1t" 1.M . 00.TL1 A CO. \ • .
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• 0.4 ~.. x to.. 444 ~,, . toe rs, v 5....4 . .. .. 1 , 0 \t • `,. •22 , ,.. s4erutora
\ - 5 ' - dIWIFEE-2 1 1packAte Jav • fnr, sale by \ '
o s solearlts . 15 , .. sue,
• 4 . t. * Mil ES- 5 MA. Saleratus; \ I_, l ne a t lllTlBRltalgriguriaASl, ,
a.. -t-d tat. 4. •, • • u.. 0 losur.i.l .1 Aft . A . ...n . s Ito. • .K A, t....r Tob. , d,, • • •
1 ' \ ~, '"•• ' 441 XI T0bw...... I EA.\TII,ER.- , -21 1 0 an fee Sole foqo, by -% . •
„• • ~ •• r\ =anon :•'s Tobtu . ' s 4 j 4 r. DURII ILGE ' A IN /MAIL
' t, I •\ kEtr If sr. fur 4nle bt, •
To. ' .. ‘ . I I-•..... s ..,. tk .„. ~.„ ~,.. \• t",...,0 n th- .14 , *- ' , •••0'4.: •'' .'
•• t ~ 1 14,V• • F. , . 0 , d i11.,--20 bbls. pure llnars' foßsalo by
e Company. ‘ I 6,21' t ' ll i\LA,ES-Iri l wiuSle and hL li es ., •-_,+_ ••.°2_,Z_ .•
, ,
,i ‘ ..7,.. '. ,1„ ' r, "" `' ; ' .. ‘ , , , r , * \. " , 0 1,.„t7 '1 7,. L 1....-:\ ,'"1 t• .4 . k.,.. ~,,,, ' 10 4 111,5 0 40 NE , .C't pil LANK S --.- yoR, A.TTORNKYS, .40PER- • -
~.\ BUliplit . t e .,_ ;!Et_ ,. Wrt`eu. ~
, \j MEN, AND \TUMORS UP TItE \ I•EACE. ,S 4Drods. •
000. V. 1- ' * , (iia--.11 , 111, 0 aridb 0;• p
~.•„„....,,, .r •ut LI,- un • nu• ' t. ,,,~
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ti ',THEFT \., h , , 'I.- Le - 0.. \ 1.• \ A, • , - - 7 ' \ - • , attacbasema, Yee Da kc- Ar., for ealeCat \
4t II EES .' - V Loxes 1\ . R.: \ - \ • NV VILLYEN'r,Stati,, ,unstr ,
1... m. 1..nt,,,, I v.,...". ~.'\„ ,
.n. Cr•asn. for Nair y . • • \ arn3 • • earrtlt, M.rkf! ud • nw 4o lnt • ' 1
SA, 1 li Ls ' . L
, '" .l "' . \\T \ '\\\\+ T• \'' kiNGRAVED PI \ OSII\SOR NOTES ..,. ' 3
'''; ' 4' . "'' ""''' ' ' ..\ \ 3 -- ",`'' %,..1 LEE hr . 7 -.1ci\t„,.i0t,.,. .o\d 161,„ OKAPIS -A larte earirty of Not. \mad 4 ,
•es r to. cis,' \\ '... i 'i,,„, Iss i t s h. • ti),C,2l\ ,
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r \ • I'VPII" r I 1 ii: 1.;1... iii•TTEIV'2S kegs freek, IA 'els by ,5,,,a • ` - corn:, Mar at :nd • ° 5:41731,rba. . ..i. . \ '
~.• '..'-'4. • n ••• '‘' %'''. ‘'‘; ',...,-• "!' ' I IV n Deug.e.u..\,.. -- k s t ,
h." BOOKS .-N% S. Airre. coiner .
'•"‘ I° l '' `'• ' s ' ''' ''' ).,I'S N \ D ''.. • 1•; . 1 . NE111--eduet, re.. d m I,st and 15erund strnt has it. ode Oa lett ,
Il il . .....ok ut lank Bad. , ever ad, tn th clty-londauf \
ra ,v „ „ U .,lng sp* ,Wie, o f Legers;4ourtmle, Day Book, *Mute .1..., Ac„ In ar• •
- 'lll ti " '• kt, \
~...,' r‘ ,
- s , L - el, odtleLL , bunbnu. awl at the learnt tare ,arn , . '
rh.t... ctosoli \ 1
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\ LI AFETY FUSE-12 bble,- for side , bY ." \ - \
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•'" (B EEN WEtiDOW APEIt- Plain and \ \
iv'' ''' ' \ " ' - ' ! • - c "-P.:111Ls' ' . . - 13r .1,....a.,,,"„,,4,
. ' iiNcEll it fl 11i2., la I 0 , -. ,-• . 1 1 I INSEEI.OIL.-30 bbla. 1%, - , fnl . n , 1.,7 .. \ ~ ...i.5,„• WAL1 . 5.11 P. NUR-MALL. , \ •
lit T 1 .1 sits, -1 1 I \ ~N, •1 5 1 , 1 I .‘ rt.., n I
„ LvALijoooDs.„ An.til, per errors.,
~. ~ km.. ,
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, '4l OCLICIONNIAI.II 000 . thorn...sod Inert faab onan e .1' rsc t4.h to.. an Pate 4. \
, ,• _A„ 2 _ ,:t , , ' ,' lbracrr, itt s. tiro de Atium', tu'uticlPl ,, u l .T. , u M- ',. \ ,
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„ : ,: •:' , .... , t \'\ , it AI \ iti \\ l te . :: .SE. inaluile lir. Morollne,uthden ad' os,Datmels Phigt.4.4hcodentsPh . \ \
'' 1 1- T4 l . - I" - 'l l. 1 -5 u 0" ' I.I'R Vs.' . 3 . ; ,,,, I ‘41 ;.,, A'
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One night only . ' I i ''
I \ \ - ' 'lpck:st; _77 1,,,,,,,‘Ae.U, by \\\\ ,, 14 ALSINS--60 las b.itteh in . etn , re„ for sake
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ii - '''(rNEY,--6. btile .for kale bY 'h . \ 6 ' i \, \
Ws. Tu1a...1.1,1c
'llan, and 5,10 en. , 5 •„ a ta.o4 N \ 10,4105ktMCKEI. *, ..
1,„ . 1., II 01.01 411\
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'- '7 ‘ . i •,LCTAF SUGAR- \
i:. ~,, , i \ ‘ ".,,.. ~,,,,„ DI T•a•-k It'd Md. 'l'. ND.... ‘ \so , r. - WT.. 1.1 .dr7d r , \ , \ \ ,
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' ' '! 0 u r :.,"...t, 'n" . s rl,oi. d i o t n....5,au t n....,5. leo s,t . .1.. r a.. N, t Aatr.".
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FAO .Joarto4,- , , hyd. C..t.bott . : „
re 1.0-.1, ter -rt.,. , \, ' ..-' \r ' ' '''.• ' r 4, A ..,-Iv n .k .It I . lUlte. lt. do Patent 1141.-ko. astlN entetwelturat I\7l. to ort. \ ..,
kr..,, n , ~,.. 1 , - ~.. , . • ..:, ..,,-- "• , . , 1 • i b • . :At, leo. Nall, Ott , b tC I4, 5 . \. hA a. 5 .111 1. Ar);° 1115 . m° ` ; ' •°;°;•'; ' ;• • • • °°•°° ' \ \ '''.
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• " Julin it *IT A CO. i-tt.rtr 6L •• Noe 35 uld ,r,,, ru.; , ;Aart vs \Alechnotc../dattineWork , \\ ' \
.7!.. , n ' ' ',,,, ".• ,-ra.l S A i. LIZA iOS - 1 t'il'kit, poke tor - i 0,„1,y ..„.„ I
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.1.. - \ end Eng lowert4ns. J „ Ter .I „ ntsd lor ..le lit : , \
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%. ' *UGAR**,:k libds, rime N. 0., toiteale byr ' \ \ .
r,r„,;,„- 'g„;.,:;1, - ; , ~,, ~,,, . i ~ i „ . , \ I L ILAJ \BRONS AND :s tfLES-511.7zrur .„ . 1 . _ . • . *CO T ,.. , 5 . , ' Ph 81L1D.E ,„ 4 Mr, It./...11 , . y
\ \
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~ . , 1 13;;;: ~...,‘ ...I . ? . . lo • , a a+++ •;•. ths ttn root • Is:PajT of 'lir .4}tpETsi %ARK, :S '.-ttecd gas day, ; •
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\ eirpute.enr before atrerent • N
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• " '''s ' '.'...' . "" t "'L lft:: 4'. o ' 7,3 rit ' '' ''' N.. :::::! " ..1 ' ' ltTl\-t . ; I ' N'f..INE SIEDIOII6I - PORT WINE, +.. ol ` l •!+?'+ l . 1. • 1 • 1 °.3 5...., - AZ? °.'.•?,..___ • \ '
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1., soe - I,n, I.4surnatol ...,, 1tr....1 ...I t wt.-. \ e. Aal • Itort•Ten oil Cloth. fa. Ind Illlndic _ , .
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IV l',',;llt,M s'iIIAP.P•A fin at •Ic em- i•J ~,,:
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