.-Tu Thomas "JfrEiroth, President, Elwood Morris, Engineer, arid ati sort-reWdenratockho/dert of . , . the ChartieraSgeil Co.P.k , , Grdozairkst , -;-The undersigned citizens of the city of Pittafturgit nod county of Allegheny, ful • IYappitittiating , the importance:of the enterprise which-you have . Ss. liberally .and energetically caried fotiNtrd to completion, respectfully so licit your preetence, at a dinner, on Monday, the 29th instant, at the tionony,shela Haase, at 6 oUilookl".• 11. Chas •Kitappajr, Samuel Roseburg, . Morgan; Robertion, . W W Dallas, • Jae St Cooper, A .IVashington, • Henry Wood., • • Jlt Rweitzer, CO Loomis, L Jim A Iflitchison, A Ir Loomis, 'Jos Chambers, st Geo 0 - Hamilton, Edward Gregg, W Eichbanni, I. Harper, - Hll Milgrim, . W J .Howard jr, Jobe Perrin, , IN N White, :Aeorgo Datil!, .11 F Rudd, BP . Toil Boationtt, Tlt Holmes, - .H •1.. Riniwelt, SI lir Beltzhoover, A . ...McKee, C II 'Paulson, James •Ilersholl, J Birmingham, Jna B• Murray, A Bennett, John Anderson, J II BLoenberger, Pollard MoCoriniok, It J Orate, AI Jones, 'Thos Scott, Wm Roltinsen, jr. Souinal W Black, Jacob Painter, _ (V Snyder; 1 K Sloorhest,- It Cowan, • • W Larimer Jr, . - Ephraim Jdnes, Thomas M Horte, J B Guthrie, J Cast Blair, W J Anderson, • J F Qnlgg, NI K Wade, • Jim 11 Alttrphy, J .1 Itoggera. Morrison :Fitster, J II 'Peebles, H Brady Wilkins,. Alfred B Curling, • • R Finney, .. Robert NI Riddle, George, I-millet " Ed Campbell, MuxoanitiLt HOrtE, Pitt.burg, Sept, '27, IE6I. j GENTLEYEZi: . lam hieldigratitied to learn by yoarnote of this dab, that the citizens of the city of ,Pitte burg and -ihe county of Allegheny attach each en fmiertanee to the enterprise which myself andnumber of gentlemen in the city of New •forY6nrejest proareuted to partial completion, 'has to tender myeelf end them the compliment of dinner. Corning among you on strangers, thin public testimony of your approbation itt 4113 of the moot grrotifying incident,' -connected with our enterpliou I adept with pleasure, for myself end in be ;halt 01 the other gentlemen included in your mote, your invitation, end will he happy to meet you at the time you hare named. have the hnndr to be, With great respect, Your ob't. seret, ittocior ItlcEtakru. To Meztsr.i. ChaS] Reap'', Jr., Morgan Robert son, James M. Cooper, Sr. lincntwo', PAsciavnA —:.This beautiful and 'magnificent representation of the ses and shores of the Mediterranean will be open again Chia 'evening at the Athenium. We, feel no hesitation lin urging all to witnewan entertainment of so mmexceptional4 a character: m 3 this fort should fetid parents to gratifv their children by a night of what can he...e no other thane beneficial of fact upiin them: StrianoottE.-,-The Jews of Wm pity and , the anzrpuhding e',:tuntry, held meetings in their church, in the seran,l story of the Vigilant en , gine' house, n Friday Saturday and Sunday laat. . . THE-A L4310241NA ORPHAN.' ..49.9tiLlnit. —Doctor Hartford, a rithteo of Nttahargh, who recently t. 'died In the Es' t, left hie ialuable real estate, wdrnot?, between 3.. and slo,ooa, to the Allegheny att . & Aryl an. . • • • Tor . licriorn Corer.—The Hon. Daniel Agnew. who has rkteury Leon appointed by Governor, Johnetun, Judge or the judicial district compil ed of Beaver, IBtttler and Lawrence enmities, will hohl a Cbu I in Butler on the third Monday of October. I . . ;:., T TEIL- . UP 1;1. MOGI:. —WP !earn that the,Up p Bridge , nn he Illegheny, will beieady (4 , as ilia short time. l'E — r•uly car savant° ell th tisana dollars, yet its a very neat ntl substan tial structure. . , i . . . . llorAitto.—Tha route Of the rittahtlj lee Platik road, kkan helm at •lant generally tallawn the e74lnrse nt th= and Erie turnpike • PouCC 11tIrsicat.—The Nlayor'el InVittle to do, Ithe hog excitement. hive agninnammenred the war ap,a i hog algae. Alderman Ituokmoster w to take.htadown, and Alderman - . Mc, ing l , een.commanded , to follow hie done so likewl4e, after hoeing he .dollara and ooste • 6tpt.. Rowley, etreet commission li, was fined twenty dollars by the Mayor, fu letting the workmen on the Catholic Church, soupy, as is alleged too mush of the gidovralk on Fifth street. We presume that the Church will pay Captain Rowley's fine. • team of wood fell the workmen cxgnged in removin: Ryan's , on Friday, and very severely Ile was carried settee. Tux Council . —The City Boone night, in .tbei ehamhere, in the Howe. • FIVICHLY(fe Pi -t0144.111, --This Pa remain on exhibition at Ilse Atbancen' Las for Asers.zel—lf .mat, re the time for &Act'g so,is rapidly dra a close. 'A NEcrAvaer lutizowcarrwrii—lt the intention of the Canal datung, erect a nee calrett daring tee e. •i near IfcConneVslarern, t wo miles fr. One ie much needed at this point, Altapir 'ar +Oscar's,/ rotten —A person represering himself to be a drover, on last Fri day stopped et the Fermer's..Exchange, on Lib easyr St et, and after a short time quested the landlord to tend him s'horse and tw oty dollars, as he wished 16 ride neer to Alleghe y City, and purchatPe come cattle. The la dlord lent hitt his horse, bnt could not eratrentently furnish him with the money at that time. On Saturday, however, the money wee lent, but after the drover 'had gone awayi, the laud lord;, fearing that he had been too l 'sty; went ,orer . to Allegheny, and found his de tor in the -oars - which were•about 'slatting. he fellow, fearing,art arrest; gore }Ma' the money, together, with fivo•dellars, as a recompense f.r the trou ble he had given. Cron r,lll,fi,—Mrs. Charles Gi. in was on Sum;lay hold 16.1. ail by Mayor Guth le, chary.' on oath of }lra . Thorpe. Hughes w tb. assault wad 'Watery, and Mr. Thomas Hugh was • held to.bail on oath of Mr. Charles (Midi , charged with a similar offence. Administrator's Notice LETTEIIS of Administration on the estate yomff Churitc A Crew at, late .of the borough of Mr. 40IY granted to the aubecrlter; 4.11 pitons having etaittol,aguard • iti VP(W • ere rt -4.otad to raerant tht-ut without .14.11 r for sett Nrnant. Itt.dttliT 1.101. Y, Aden', XeMag , rair, ttrfld Ath. . ceptAir3tit. THERE will be an election held at the kaa the touwtuu:hror CY.p.lll. the 11.riough W. I , lnTrtr,u. nu tioa.lar. the :Ile dar Ottote , r, tor Lb. yurv...e 01 alewtn, Otis VrenlJortt, tue l Mangle. Trabour. et-. mut nut i•azratary at tht ‘ tpuyh. ualieur . " vi orag. tinu I‘torany, thr, •umiug by der Wen tierrt.-..fit3.''pr.,lle, 3" U. 'I 80r• --- Farm far !Rile. - - OFFER for Nalo that irellknown Farm, Oth Vocl.ll , 1.r..111p, eight oiliea 1 d 44. t h.• • /I , IAR ob'ettarUP . O. Qol¢ Pitleborgit. roareoleorto the ililtaborghauil jegton Tprniake 1:t1 of hlrh 'firer the twat goalie, - et Netteta ft...1,414,11e att., C. etj ea l eln,irj e I , " T V tin teriniVt..ll:Tti7a.. Li m 4 g e.nd 11,1”4. a Vreoae. not n if S eLt, etahling, •WISVOII rvro trite, eplitig and •I 1 ge,„ cat eoll.lihge Ala lir , liat.l.l / cr.n ft ln ' ct l iTtle ' r i . " ;:logr ' e ' l Ti ' lle - ;1' t l r gg gardenlliy. For Incite, it enetilate eziguire or to outectib, WY U. Farm for Sa PA.ltl' of the . Brick Ti ILLovhATMO ILuil.LtbiAll LW • .rat.als. PriJao, r4,uttanin about forMb' IammALILL.ILL nail purrbano nside. got pantrulate. Inquire (43, Adnunutratorli 1 FETTERSof A.lmini , t ri.t.t or A rcbitslLl $. Newt., lat. a I % s !:! n' .z u t l lrii:. n ..",.",',t . questh , s, bkviw clam, •s•l lpr....lhem *II b atarl 'Erlralir Tr , Woltator= a lf. ' :. I --_—, .-._ Rowand's Tonic M AN! I Emmet CompounJ Syrup or I 111 HE ONE a unifer-ail /4.!.116, 0,1 Ttnne Sum. of' mgxl .n•lm ALEX. W. FOSTER, Attc, tell. at L. No. BY .TELEGRAPH. ILCSIVICD HT Till o'siszisr ,trasaisra !Jae, AND U OITZD . ToI rue prirspinisiu oaurrir. LATER'FROM SANTA FE. isuesseoctica,(lllo.) Sept 2G. The mail arrireci fr om Santa ye last night,ac compenial by gamma members of .the Boundary Commission, hearing ilespatchee for the Secre tery of the Inteelor. 11Iajor Wightman is certainly - ideated to Con- Much trouble exists In the courts, beacuse the Judges differ widely in construing:the law, and the lawyers refuse to bring suite until (man. imity is restored. Five of Sumner's men died of thirst before reaching Lsgstnuand the horse/ were constantly giving out. It is rumored that the Navijo Indians have plenteil no crops, and intend to take their strong hold in the mountains. Alvin A, Fiona, contractor of the Michigan & New Albany railroad, hae aheconded, having ovenlrain $6OOO, and leaving defile to the amount of $5OOO. FIRE AT CLEVELAND. CLZVELIAID, Sept. 27. A fire broke out this morning at . about two o'clock, on River street, in the rear of Rawson & Co . , warehouse, which consumed from ten to fifteen buildings, occupied as groceries, board ing houses, So: The loss is estimated at $lO,- 000 to $15,000. A strong wind was blowing at the time, and if it had not been for rain which was falling at' the lime, the extent of the fire would hare been much greater, and the loss ve ry heavy. The warehouses in the immediate vicinity of the fire were eared only by the exer tions of the firemen. NEW TORE MARKET. NOON REPORT.. NEW YORK, Sept, 27 Cotton- 7 Pricee have deollned.. _ - Floor—The market le fine, Rah sales of 8700 Ghia at $3,8704,1'2 for state and Ohio , end 1 4 1,186i14,31 for pore °encase. driain—Wheat is lower, with !sales of . 2400 Lu. Michigan at 89a tJ Gn. Bales 1000 hu rye at 704 e it 110. Corn is unaltered, With , sales of 18,000 ha. at 67Cliii9i for damaged, and 81 for ml xed. ProviriorPork. le drooping with sale. 100 bbl. at $15,76 for mere and $13,21 for prime.— Sale. 40 bbla prime lard at tlic. Whiskey—ls cheaper With sales bbla Ohlo at 21.1}c 7 e ? gal. Groceriee—Sales 909 bags Rio coffee at Bf; 700 bbls Cuba Molasses at 20c and 100 bbd Or• leans sugar at Bic 7f? lb. Spirits Turpentine—Sales 200 1,1,1 s at 3:1Io ii gall., Tallow— , Sales 12,000 lbw western at if per lb• Toheceo—Selel nO hhdi Kentucky 4i(4.7i -t) it. Stooks—Erie has declined /: Clinton lf, per. °eta. .iNiOTICE is hereby given that the foliowing pervna have Clad In the !leglnd.'. 0111,.. of Alleghe or tr.:aunt-10f their eareral a•tions sita., Executor,. and lluardhitia, and that said acoantx” ll be towented to the Aglaia.' Court of the Count, aforesaid, on Mender. the 27h day Ot,Oetthntr fleet, for contrination and allotranre, pit, JlLirph Ihrper and J. A. Orly, Ex ra of Andn• dereal.el. Jacob Beata and It been Adair, .4 John derived. Inky Id Dynes, hater °I Jrue Taylor. dyed. Jes:::Conner end ./ Kos., Al°3'l.l of Dr. J. C ~ ‘ 4i Jame_.ll. Christ), AJo,'r of W. J. Tartml, dee'd. llunnrj Flanegau, A.lner. oi .lob'. Campbell. deed. Coultr, nod ramusl it.eart, Adru're. of Robert Dredln,deo'd. M. Cowan and W. It. W I 3,C, Dirt or John Wilson, dedvas....l • Sarah K Polls, Adar, of .W cu. Prat, deed Franesedlb...on, Adoir.l4 I/thole, deed Barbara Kuhn, Adtgerx. of h o se Kuhn, d.'.l Almeria Noble. Adro•rs of Thos. D. NoLle. deed Jeremiah 31. tWyd, Kit of Agate.. Hord, deed. .1, ilumMeright and Rohr. curs;, Adm . , of James le welldeed. Hugh 3lrClelland, Ad loin of James 1.151.g10y, deed. J D. De'r. of Samuel Tharopeou, deed. John Y. Wrtnaltall, 'Adair. of Th. (Wm., deed Samuel Sterna% Adin . r of fmatuel Alatander, deed. J. M. theme, EV,. of Martha Mean; deed. CattamDm Varna, Adneri Of Michael Panel, dee'd. That, 11. Williams and Sarah Roberta. Kx . re of ?Logone logookina.deed. • Mini that and Jot. Storer, Adm . .. of gol,'s thalweg, Mary Mt., Adof of D deed. alawdelona end U. lisztman, Adtera of Ilenrf Llart. deed Edward and Devil of doh. Riggs, deed Jobs Irwin, Es', of Mary llriflith, deed Thome.. Douglass and W. Elrod, Ids'. of Wm. Elrod, dee'd 'Juba Mean, Eng., Ex,. of Th. C. grown, deed. .Ea'r. of W Joaeph 0., dee'. • J. all& lossaniell:rolg and m Car L na a l., Aloa• d re. of John Durrell. deed. hula.rt eirlande, fic'r Mllargaret Wog. honer. duar. of heir Jag 11 %Coddle, deed Wm. A 1 Still en.l. di e Adeo're ..fileur, dam. Lle, deed. Marne, and J. A. dor, Kegs hire. Andre. - lirS3oinn deed. sauinal duanthet of holm 43 John Lassos!!.. Johnrlo,duantlan of belga of Pollard. dee'd • Sr. it, herr, 1..1.. of J 33.3 K. Ilmlett and Eliza :Jane Liman. N Voegtter, guardian of haled of ardeinntheck, ANimetal. • Samuel Stewart, liumdian of hsire of Samuel Alex... der, deed. Andrew Lore, Adm'r. of Henry Sweet, deed. Charles 11. holm:man. Adm . , of Edward Sweeney. dm'd Wm. Young, Awing Kir. of Jame. l'nunt, deed., Esstial lloweand D. Howe, Ears. of Dno'l those, deed noberlDnuren, Adru'r of Amon Sullivan, deed. Km Wilson and TO herr, Ea're 541.1(m. Wilma ,der d. s Joseph AJna'r.of Niatrarwll . wirrord, dee 4. Catherine LiWbge....Llidg of Micheal !Mange, !leery Wien., Aduir. of Pei. Dat. deell. Thom., II thug,. Adair. of Jam. Voillerd. daod A.... Collect and J. W. Kerr, and U. Walker, Adair. of John WM, J. *Lath:Abe. r. of Hold. TI4E 1.11..1'4. Catherine Jon. and Jobe. 3leElhenn . y, Adatinhars tor, of floe. John Ilickman. Adner. of lease Tags, deed. John 111 Irwin Adm . , or Slartha Finley, decd. la d John ed. T. Logan and It. C. Loomis, Aim'. of liobt Duo e drus Adm•r. of John Kraemer, d«..1. Chrleti. liar bey, Adoir. of ChtletimoStoner, d. d. John Bore., Asir of Kohl Thozo . t.son, deed John Iloarther, Adair. of David Niciaeletwt. dm'd. John Boyce, iluodianuf Jobs and Thomas l'atted.o. Jamas Earner ,S. it.rrlaui. and If Simpson. Adoe're of James Verner, dee'd. Francis Nieholam, Surrirtng Ex . r of Wm. Nichol., deed. Wm. Swoon. f John ruder, dril. Jame% hist and in lYilmn.Adar.'w.. ef James Stewart. John Batley, deo'd Ancerson eni F. Belay, Jr., Adio'r•. of Franetr Jaeand J JbJeVrt. of Isamillemon,deed Thos. Wynne, Acting. Karr of WET. O'Neil, clso . d. lard Kelly, ActlWlEu'r•of John SDK.. Amtsg i'dt . r of ktmannal Jackson, dso'4. .10IIN t Itegistwr, gramma . * 0/ /33.7.3 Pdabarati.SepL ourr, espl7. gh and But .aded, ead Patehargh • police hair below over, Int project ts compelled aster, bay .I.trtiple, ban u fiord two Too one of the nuns of loured him home on a a meet to old Court orama will for a few 1N pursuance of the last will and testament wit.aw Van, lat. of Allagilenj Comaty, and South . township, deed, I will Nall at public:rondo. or out..ry,lon Tharalay. the 2.1,101 Ortotar nest. at 12 o'clock, of mel daa prenalesso—all that plaratation tract of l olag ha raid township, bounded follows . br lands of J. Lemrtt, and C. Boy 00 the eau; by Cbar tin . . ovelt, on the .0012, and eat: ce, and by lands of J. t. It Holding. on the north, contalulng about Two Ilum Med and mint Acme, more or lam. A public, mad from the %habit:won and Pittsburgh Turnpike runs through the ( arm, leading to Buyee's lforramly Pagoettlo) mill. On the tarns le a young Orchard of Muth • snag frame Sioux, log Barn with shed. around It, and a *ell of wa. ter at the door. About irk sera of tbe land In Heated and ands. • high Oa. of emitira2lol3.-1, of this Is Creak !ernher that , ag towards , We leant, ionere to ing winter, /.m the city . Teruo Male- For roattrularr Inquire of Wm. Wllltan, ntionn.r at law, Nttotratgh; Ttunrato Roach, on ttornre wirer s=l. Conttsrornar therrlottrrtilo. nr , suberrltnr, orprosen , n JULY HI CKMAN, Ser Li2;il4 OEI If.Aly(f),,i py VIRTUE OF A PRECEPT UNDER the handsMeCLURE, of the .curt Cul:onion Ileac, 113 andlor the lith Judicial Markt of l'eunaylvania. and Jun Die of the Court of Oyer and 'let. Lulu, and General Jail Delivery, in and for Paid Dlndiet, fJ T L Ilan, and Wm. Rogge, ENO AA4 - ,ht. Judos the tame Court. In and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 4th day..of dieptember, In the year, of our Lord Une Thrintearid Eliht Hundred and Fifty-One, 00.1 to roe& rooted. for baCtior • Court of Dyet Ikllrrry at [he Court r and Tarvidne , r and Liate VA .3 0 .1 , A M • • Puhhe notise is here glren to all ion... of the Pear, Coroner, and I am) I:Cants of the County of Allegheny, that the, then and that., n their pro person', with Oar/ roll, sword, Inquiet lion, examination, aml oth. rem.- hrenr ,, , I. do tho'r thtnß , which, to their torpretlre dil e, In their behalf. wryer to M donean , l6l.4a thaw; that will prow.cute the yttemner• that now ere, or may beAr, the Jell •. County of Allegheny, to be-then and there to proeerote eruinet them no ahall be jeer tirren nular my han.l, In Pltt,hurgh, this 4th dity of Sentembnr. MI. awl of the COLOl9o.9llr.ilb the 4Stli. nballtehlr. CAUT/Ikt CURTIS. Sheriff. Homceetinthio Medical College of Penn'a, Located to F.lltert .tree(, above diltvrnth, Pitl4• THE LECTURES of the regnittr course 0011 rnaumemo .nually, on the .rond Mond., of Oetnher, and continuo until Lb. Unit of Match aniulog. A u mnut ow h Fa n rm ae at tend d t . o n fu ll L , ec ur u e r w e e s l n 0 0 00 nO er.chnoie alaaoo tracheal Anatou4 ........ •.• • ..... ........ 100 U Oradustion fee Lc) W The mnfutnencement rill tate plan...tie in March. FACULTY: Walter WllDamwn, 11 Proh.aeor of Materas Medlra, ao.lllaerapollm. fpm. S. ILettoutn, M. D., Profeeaor of Ifinn,opatbie In. atltute. and the practice of Medicine. • Samna! Fxnalli, M. Sr , P,,fagnor of Ratan) and holier) Jorarprudence. Charles N.ialtuard, M. It., Prof.., of Clini..elll.llciaae. Jonad.b Inotnln, M. D., Protemor of 01.anattice tad Me Dieramem of Women mud Children. Alvan K. 81111s1l, Al. 1.., Profevor of Phyaltdomy sad Pa. thotagY• Slalthew Proteemor of lisequi.lrf .04 Tot irulogr. Vranclr Sims, M. D. Prof of Sargon - . fpm A. Gardiner, D., P Ll,rurofraeor of Anatome. J. ". •nal:• , qlS . No. 1103 Arch etreet. rhilmara. 0.11. CHAITHERLIN'S, 1405131E6e1AL COLLEGE, corner Mar. N._ 1 let and Third /duets. FACULTY: • 0. K. Cuananua, Principal. an.l Pr./C. 1 . 14, h , ! , cl . ewe of Are,llo[s. Jots Flamm. Ar.mziate In Boot Kea.ping Department., and lantarar . Merraatite Maw.. .1 51.Panarr.,In.truch.r of Ilercautili Computation and Arahmetir. U. Canow, Profeneor of A. 11. WATS., Lorton, on Commercial Law. K. 11. e.rowr, 1 .tru.tor In C.auraerrial Law. a. NI. Kama, Profraaor a Mai hr.:astir, (night Mllioll.l IL, Prlfemor of Mechautcal Inswing. Ttila Ina/Hull. Imo wen nervatly lob rot and ralarg• .4. and nua etriploys eight Profesenn. TOLZhallll. ha/ pturnl.hs,l, f'.7;1.;:g1:4114 - f7.17.11VE/al7"Tl:T.l. 4 "irgro tioaethat ran poemhty r. occur In butitieni. In additlou.so Naomi. Irina.. an Commetrial Law, hy Mr. Nate., E. EAU. O. member of the ride- Loral/ Bar, hos tern omplorad to give havtructlawa (tor • ot etentiles and examinations) upon all Polar. c".. oected with thb very Important sulynict, Those deafly. on of taiettig • Mereatalk•Edaration, 11./. W hose that tli.re la no InaUtution to this /canal of the country pod e come equal atrantagoe in qualifying young men for the warlaue puraulta of trad . Ummouniteallow addr...l-to 1.. IC. CHAMBERLIN will reeelve prompt &Matto. aepl&wll tern Farm ..n full., from tt:e 11, WI f arfo,, to fd1.r.,1 ' 1L•17,71:.: .> - ~.,...ii,,..:.: I s3c Ice. , Ito on the eitute: f:lltabeth w. 3,44 to' the auharribrt, i••urnload county. te ::%1i1e . L,07. r - rEIVLAN. Adru' F . p. Lk., e n 4.ll.reAS I tom. .. lac..43erry Root OREMEN'S L PARADE.—Spangles, Ra Aiy,l?.."ar thi.D. zi)11:1:1‘. I kt kmllll,4ool.ntalll.. . . . NET, j oL , ceplt, 11010. CIGARS -0,000 Common, for erale 1, S. t W. kIAXBAUGH. and.Coun en. .sr-idarket aeslETLIsr:E. Lnnuonste, 841-27 Land for Sale. (IHEAP PRINTS'-A A. MA... Mao, 0 ewes of thawvet, kinetre.l. 8 c.a. Fiii.T6 Lb. ch"'glrt SOS Na, c. oW N m.,t,, MACKEREL ..y FrOßAeett Flu ksgs N.. I ti twist, ()edge's bur,. !..0.111 SA MC, LLELL, .1n W•t•t at POFFEE-- 300 hags Rio, for sale by WICK • NI,ANLILE.td. ROOMS— 170 Ilia_ eiirn, liir sale by -71 1.1 , Ksigiv 111,1! a A1reAN131.1,...1.5. !OTANI , : IA TEA WALE, Cumnatnion Mi:ratr,VittrlM T ctSW:,7 • IMTC. t . pmelry, Mutter end btalcy . l)oods Yan...lyettacke. '`" ...-4 'M.. 1 .0 of Gokl on 4 miner ae .114. AIi,PON. V dm, Express •acket Line to Cleveland. 3 • rAlitE Prop etorn of the Packet Lines har log mane tl reoulLite arrannnunutn with toe Ohto an liiqit . e. Hall unnyanr.,l nu.nnon , nninkr not either by the Cie etet. • ela th ndkr Now astl. Park, att4 petting W H ollice, will too faroli.bed with &tick rt. which will Lied them W.twiiithe,pe of molui, to Prt, toe tither ley Otto ears Oho tit.. Owlet ior Lleketti tool! to JOHN A CALtillt Y A tiL, eortier linter nod Binithtivl,l tLit , tti aw pep4 Ohio oad'Pennsylvania FROM PITTSB ROH 0 NEW BRIGHTON: 28 MISS. and utter MONDAY, 'AUGUST 4th, a)9 `... r0 A 0 ..1"11 . 74. L P LEAVE rirrtututtutt •t to A:S St . •P . if War FARE, :1 rl,l. PER MILE. Children un.ler tartlet year. of age halt between Patel/tire, and ILrevlll., Fiero, 30 eta arwtekley. JS Economy, •• New Brighton. " at Escurehm tiekpu 1011 001,1 at reduced rate.: 119.1,tturgh and Itnert.tr. 1.. ant ;dation hack, thresh]. day. . Between Mali rah and New:Brighton and hart. shr-Th. Tral alli not rmt en itee Rnteton ficlete leanwl u iiaturday till gags[ fur lb 94919 atitt nn Motado.. thitnltniatee 11 In et 'Depot. on Fesletal .treat, to atatt.T ;a9Watt a landing tbrre any where on the route front the Whig to the Monongetula Bowe.. they =l* eboo.e. fkorilb maps .aleo loare the Ilanungahel• Bon , httnlatint 4 tneelone to the leaving uf fur the e. rOuvoyagra psnoontternt, Iwpot,panitur by the Slerthanta , the St. Chutes, along Fifth street from Wow) W alarke slur" hi. Clair etre.). At any paint along the mut., awna.re tan lour the Omnlbn., and he aoporpol to the ato. The lweatende..l 0...1 New Brighton at the eulhat prat le able dot. •-- try hnl• of the Board of Dintato... UY.Olttl f : PARKIii, Tieket g/9301.. FGH AND NEW CASTLE. mama - FALL AIiIi•NGEIIENT. In connection With the Ohio and Penn. 14n7roa ,: z: : ....' ,' . :' :::.......''." ;:-.-.. l' , ..F:" * :-E' - ' 4" • -: •.: Well IN 6 HOURS. 11101. ASSEN t ...RS will take the 10. A. M. train i ii 4, la. PET g . 1 MA th.• PACKET ,A.l ECLIPSE, Co, J D. GOULD. at arrival at N. tirightau. .5 11). A HI Jail), arrtriug at Saw Cast.i..l I I. %I 115.5urulag Ins a Saw Cool* et i r U., urrivius a N.. ktriAlatork f,r ti. .7‘.. A NI train I The Pact. r ru,ts al New Giotto with the zitslo , run Nlerrar, tillarou, c. For through I .15..t0 aDuli t. OEII PARKIN, A. Clit'V'Zti.'u,`',',;;:r. EL'n' 2 [law" iks• Aloulungothela Liman.. Viltsbur , J St. /Mete, Bi D at J Leslie'' , ltah.l. Nec ea•tle. R, ELL # ilits l. l'lll',l{. Prepetor, , o•pl:Ina , • tiocti.r, Pa. _.. 1 PENNSYLVANA RAILROAD. ConlyittAi to Lorkport, 'lO Ind;:: Ety:ir of Tiotinit,,ttin, I'lll6 REDUCED •tili SPEED INCREaRED. rirHl: SUBSCRIBERS flare 11.• &ensure tit aunouncin to lt fttetu ti and patriot,. &it tbe Penn :11 •nd tram, lu Ftil, We are now prep...ill., rut, ye and turtrerd any amount Stationery, Cutlrry, (lonfriitioueri. Feathers, Furniture, Dritaa, Motu, ae . le Si ji Ivo Et R MAU, D ULASt:— !tar. al.:quer:h. iv etre. lir, roil." Haul, vyr Stuff,. It.. r. """:. '' noe T, UCLAUn ittr Duttor. I.arit.Lar4 thi, Yobs,. Leaf. Oder. an.l • OtiVODE I Cta.),, Agent, • .axe lieuti awl W•yn. alreets • LAFAYETTE HALL: Mnaical Qouyention and Teachers' Institute I=l • l'oder• the Direction of ,l/r..t. Mason, of Burton. MUSICAL CONVENTION ittol TEACII - on It. 41e. of tttorte •trh - tt tree. 1-..0 wormer...lrd la Moto, Iteettnete .1- N. V., suet other plane. trill h« half an Itret LA PA ELFTE HALL , tfj , °;:r.'l7&':"ll'.llT2tri! Y .lnlr4V4. l „A:,::. d lte Prodruoure Fleorlae, .111 entl.nree leirlu ea lion. I pon and Illutrattorle elar, Teachtr, or.l t ultt r air , on. Church llteir, h. a 4 dlderout at)lr, &rater goat, •r The NJ tretlve try ah.to ut tuarnrnan .111 rerettre r-rr pedal •Chtlion. root Ire arr fully Meet reterl prod tpl artott ee hare will pestuill. %Abet eelebreterl rrath,,te .111. troto hens to Ow.. he Introslored, •tot. ID .hurt. It will to- the •Int to haw° molt exerrheo 1. - 111 ho moat intereatina w are' usoful to l'aeitbere of Nitrating Sehoola , terartore rota gloom. Nara of Chuint, .02 Indered to .11 •Ihr Inel 1.0. r-heat the general autlect of M , uer eapeetallr tt of I:bomb Mush. It is •appet.e4 that Mr. M... 0 •ill hav,he a' of tbrr x[11111.431 U1111.11C1•1114 • . . The Loom., .11u•kral MstryruMon, audrt tLr throe... Slaftoe 4 %VOA.. k thr trot astaLlixbad ItLtiLe try) held It tun IS 1•31, sod ~,m l4O tu tho Mao aml ' lmllt Lae at'l l u•tuttrol, may •he übtaim,l ual Mud J.lia II Manor, No. 61 $3 lat., and.geatlrmau. C!...rar d witv; w ol*ltel atltuJ (gr. erirktivoa, To Priuten • PHINI'INO OFFICE, limply wlth all oesualsary tuatrr al. ter &Xt., a aril lute scot Job H0m0.., 1 , 1 thierit 1. together with tha etpired INN id the pmuciae., toot •r., ia hale.,, fared D. sal. The materials aro ail in g.ol order, and mostly /.111. .ml al lb.> owners are mastoid ta other Olusi aces, will he sold Pery much halt,. their value, flu mcdatiou tartica The ahos. pratetits au opettlost • Watt seldom .-uura Tar particulars c/pir at the ultiee ..Dl, y. off Notice to Contractors. DROPOSALS will I.ytho Bil l_ oalugham and iumptSe et, Ct.ut patty. utast ttta lUth ut urtuhat 'teat, Gar the Ur Wm; t . 11 .. stru h r 1117: tier 'kept et the It. hat hat strap Bin. At auscitiestlhot rau etern at the uthen at at 1,17Tt/t at3S, tau , the Itart.ttat, Itirtutosrhatu. atlas the 271 lust. st AS Stet. ettillalltAM, _ I,,t),tettt 1 LUE-20 bile. wpUo.rArr of WO,l ANA 91sO. nts 1 1160141 E CIREEN- 4 eases tor sale by ll ..pu s. N. It ICALEILAIIANI. /'REAM TARTAR-S bkla. for rain by k) 1,0,0 J. • J. NcI.IOoNMAKEN A Cio. I[ILAUBER SALTS-5 bids. for lode by sApI2 J. NeIIUONAIAKEIt a Co. IRON will tie received in exchange (with a tt e . mgl , a t fit , ,ktlX , a :1r . ..: , L) . tir TWO BUILDING LOT, anal S s liA I PE. A TKINSON a O.KELI poR WEAKNESS Alsar . DEBILITY— s• Try sato* Pr MOKIIIII put..4l POOT WINE. at II pot Louth, tat rate at IlOIthin• Tea Nil.% t. to the blatuptut eepll _ W°I?PrEtsBATE'S triNITED wa lar ,ST,ATS eale by sopd IHIR. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-160 it dm. Le iiala by J KILL 1 CO. BUTTER -1 bid. and 24 liege for sale by tap WM II Jcllni3TuN. B ROOMS sdoz. tnraakbT CHEESE -1(1 bores Cream; • I...btual, lor 1 , 11111 Lr J b CAN VILLE). SALERATUS-51) bote4, to ` 111,. `, 2411L ,ture and U.rla I, LAKE hbin. White(fish; Vt. LW. Lk+ fmut, t 64.1 e LT t•E' J U CANED:Lb. - - No. Y, for gala Lv J. L. vAl 4 i LELL.. - -•--- - OIL --15 Mts. pure Linseed ,rale by " 0 _ a CANFIELD : LARI) OIL-12 1.14 Nn. I Bennett et J 01.6 Anti, far dale Li, ISAIAH DICKEY A CII 3.20 • Wale! Awl bruit MANUANENE--1 caßk Satonv, lot iuk tr evpl2 J .4C/f OtCS AI A HER s CO UNDRIES -10 Lytt F.thenn • , • • 4 Olaerug., 4 tibia. 1.1..44r: 6. •• D' ralAti ia lY.A7l% " .. " CC at.,r 4t. VEATHERS-30 saek.4 landing 0...! For sole Iw.l . Ito.ll 1 IJA L UIi LV a VII CUBA ! I.r sLnidar, , the let of Soptoinbar. a now c 01.111.1 Slat' of IL. I. loud of CUBA, price Ile nolo J II 11.A.110.,, ougto Thlra , IS. Vogt VIII,. FATTIER-550 Sides' Tauneil Rol. I.rattscf. fut pal. 6) ug.) II I/AI:ZELL * 411 _ g JOFFE:K-201 huge for tittle t, . w, aug:ol 11. nALLEI.I.O Co . _ S. IJONkt—. WI, prune, I., t rz z i a, l3 by _ 61. A LMON --5 N... I . for “pb. by fJ auesto It. 001.001 L A et) Vit t: NCH LAST! - additional R . surtax h 1 1,1; ft I.lll' d KU IteffPl 01.1, .11 1 rl.l . 1, t I S AIA a ALUM—:S VAR: for sale by 1.4.144= J. Is 11.1. J Cu WF. I ITI ot r IER , I L b L'S PRESiI `ROLL & TUB BUTTER- thls day. Sat urd..g. AllZtlnt auJ .41. at aug2l alt/NHIS . lea Alan. Diansona . DRUM BOSTON, jura 1: • coo IPet inch Ply In.. Hu1.1...r For role .tune 1114, Rubber t0p. , ,.' stut .t. .1 a 11 P1111..1.11• 4 . PACKED BUTTER bbl 4. and 5 keg. La. 0.1, br 1:l010fl Not it .1 . hugltt Water A Frout iILIRYSTAL UNLACE PRINTS.—Mra- Li Y. A BLIW/IFlttl , hare Just rer,lsod a intoi rot" beautiful English Prints, made expr , ..lT * . ahlblEnu ht the ho which Meet...at...n.l lb. ladle. la In. TRANSPORTATION. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OPEN TO log 'EPORT.CWENTI MILEg WEST , ' Or JOHNSTOWN. ~,1851., FALL ARRAIs;;EMENT. IRSI. CHANGE OF HOUR. • TINE II:PI,. AND I..kgrANCII! Prwaxylvonia Hat/road rlll Eyre, Parket 1,11 an tulle,. Follruatl ....... . Capra. .11[11,,1110.7 A.. culoott %ht. 11,1,11.• PHILADELCHI,A, BALTIMORE & NEW VIIIIK Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. kaiaa • - - THOM AS I V HATE, BONNET MA N I 1.4(71111111, No. 41 c.. 11111 0......,1 marl at.... . i (.. statute, tans! .41..)11111.1.1cica. A , 1.14, I y 11(.7(7.11NIVELY 11.11 L'AEN , II.IIIi. 1 On 11.1141 after . Monday, A tigtott 25 tit, the I Lp . At:A LE y . Ay( tot twAit It ,A Whole Party. of le. Linn will los.. Pittyborqb fur I..Aport 1 i, C o ., cit....a, No Lail 11,1... t ..t • Phlledelyttla aliJI ••••73..r01ug at a airla.a, ardor/ A, oryttma al Ye . ..1.A. . _ ror., -{byre taking rho Lars of (b.f.. Note. i.../.• 4 J. ut, Nye.. I t itall/Yl/ loeve Itufo/v1.1.41 alter tie., ,mete! .11 t ik t veAtuve. . /a a //ante reel fur Itllallelptea. ill) E. 1 .1 ). BUCK NI Gt .1 111, Ttilevevo u n... l lff'retab, Forty Hour. -U.. B ) u„ „. „,.„„.„:„„„, p „,„„,„,„ ~„, ,„„ u .„ ~,, , A ~. 1' , 11. ,, l yles,lly, hafe• No .1 I Nem/. Water ...al. llofratel 1 , INEIL than hyr/Anforv, I Wort typal, .n,-„,..., ; . ," ~ , . , ,h +h , Pha...t.'". anal canal Inc a .l anablltig them on atrtral al Pl.lladelt.l.ta to . .. procect on N. Nrar Yurk at OW. i / aSSE.,e/fIEIL9 FOR ItAtillloll£ , NF.w y( )Ri t . Tel.. lb. V. 1 .4 and Cuttotoorlatol 11.11ta 11 ol. ft• Ilarth.l...ra . Distance. e1.11.4-IdUr utile, Tint', rune, hear.. To Dealeri in I it' uori, i dt.e. -- r r, ... L e . h ,„ "a t ,..V. r . h. ' IV Pup ." I . lV,Z, ' r ' 19:2 , 1 .I. iIiNITF:.' F. - anal. Ft tte t tiler, :"1,0 ki.4 - itt(l, If you dote/v./cheat/ [raw/Aiwa avid you/tenable * rem.- el • •a.-.. s.i. 40 1 ' 111 1 , lotte lc , NI-CO,' itt .11 ono , dation., ...aura your liek„t• ai. Ih...rick. Office., Monona. • talon tor the tonnut...t.ce ot la. AL...4, lace nowt. beg lieu, hl I 1 1 . ,, / , l,, l llo,liorYvey 1 . ..t.t.,. / .., q./.. Al,. „thy, fint....11., J. P. litAMEs, A,,,t,. 1 Halore.ir rh, ar......, .... ...a. .-......r., .....i.... , IN . lbyy. .1 ...., er , hr ~.."` "' ''''''''''' Or of 1 D. LEECH A CO., anti 11...... t fit .(I.ig• ... t n. to onto ..1 the cote .1. __.ogle' t'nual fleolti, Patin ilfreot ttoro nom Ilia.. , ~, ult..- lit,,Ce• .. att ced L.,,,it at ,„ MeHeury'o Philadelphia & Liverpool Line : ~tn.t,.! ~, ''' ' ' `''''..:,!;'...':''`" - ! ! of Packets. I erman Hardware. 4 Salting from Pltiladelpliitt on the g 1• ji I . [ i•EN Al . 1 ,, ~,,,i, , ,,,5 . s „no , ~, ,.,,,,, t not. Iwo L1terg,....1 the let of ••..lt month iI I, . la MARV I. I.I . :ASAVI!I, IL II IhArato May./ /,,.-: ,Af." • • " 1 1. ''''' ' 1 ' , . 1 ' itt.' '. 11 •.•••I , 1 11 .. 1. • .., • 1 14111(N A NItOA H. 11' 11 I' fittrazurr, 5i..,., ! i,,,, , ,,X;! . .i . ,:;. ' ;',.. - a , .;;;''',F,'„' . 0 . ... , :r .;,, , .,h. 7 ,.., , , , ..,; k ::., : , ..,. : ;„... , • ; ° kfIEIII I E, Nathaniel C. 11.1r1., Moat, : from thy 113....1•••141,... .04 1, • nle •• • rt fiteot•l.l.• lame •• BERLIN, Alfrall F. nunfli Nltoter NUM% AMAXON, ,neat {I . it 11,,,,, .„,,,, • fr.% arn • Tra ahoy. eltlne are built of Ile. neat and um. roycly Steam Caniniiinrc : ation between New York tinaterials t and arm luated for thr rapvlll/ 1,!140,11 intiotNi•••• r they are Otted op arlth all 1.1.11 intigowantenta, era tom and WILE W. te•rougblj reutliatyd, afel ary utottrya +.l fer ,sal. er I „. f0n...W0. f or . I '.•onei f Ifoin noti N•ec., 11 . 1 . 1 nil , ge rrllE ta.aaaa, hll.l NOV I,k tit, ar. eedurnauded Ly no. id aran....lN a eJ (a 1.... Wt.. , ~.......1.1., f'...,...., • it. 0.1101 ...... ~•..:f. : . aro untsluatled for their tancrlence In the packet aic. 41....0.1..g. ill. tn.... 1. . 1.10 .0.1 ..1 - . . • u s e Y./ere., 01 Orin/flu / a Um° 111.1.1. men tO. OM I .. ~,,,, t, yy.„„,, ~,,„..„, ,i,„ e„. Colintre can obtain cern:Cat.. of pa..., •tnclt oil, I. (ard (leant. ....it'll."' 1.1 1. 41..11.1.4 .... ."- - . MOW fur olaht month., and our ...oft. la fryletnJ awl Lly y„, ,i„.,,,, 't,",', ~,..„„„ „„ „,„,,,, ~, orpra.l DIU rornlah lbym •111/ 11. onireg Intortuation sod . ~..,,. 0 , itA.,...,,,,,.. „ 4 „,,* ' - 10etruellon, r/extlvef.• their ol•Lairtitre I PAneAur 00111' tot the yourenlite,.. ol yeeyee... •Iylater 1...1.1 trio : ', Ig ' ;112411,114:11 ' r„ . , ' ..l . . ! iltlil n i. l ...TZ.; ' i,r,l ' . ' l : :.. a ; k . 'o : l•ll Zl. ','.* ' !"'. ''''' '"4".' tLe 11 ,r. or INC 011icen. to tile Lull. J I,lngdon. ~. k ..ora, .4410.4010 106.1.• I . rnrlelval- .t., , , , 11.,1 ~........ure. rowing Ingo Ineer !'Lean s ' tf . nide t.011.1..n..1... not ....• Vr.., I “... WM...4,11., LAU ..14rti. 8.1 M . .. 1. 1, ,a, L.., ae.l. itte I..tioatt, 'w001 . .., vOl2. ((trot-lied ~ rle . .. It notaeyn i,,,_ n b .. , 77..yr,:‘i1..."'',",!."..;;;:::, - ;;;;::.„„;',..y.t,,tz.v,. ''..''''" - ' - 'f' ; llt),i;,,,i, il."'t r ' .4.7 ," rri n i. ,1 ,T , re " 0. 1 0 ' :::::,...: . 0.0 ..?:: ` ,.., " ,:e7;;,. 4 ' ."""'.'"''''-.. 14 York I ndia vt g•e,.....1 01.11 all. wag.. 1,. I.e. 4.11,%.1- .0.1 10u1e...... 1 __ow a lint .1/111,01( V a c• • , .v,„ ...2 - , .1,/,,,A„, 7 „,,,, ~,,A 0. .:7 1f aluntottrceL taevar ~...eic Ll.lll;ty t t/ . 1., , ~,,, ~...„ ~,,,,,,,,,.,..,, 1.1011 cort...r 01 11 10 land 111..1 et•, lac -Lot,. I T., K. SAG:SCRIBER, i NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. ...,,.,:::;1";;X:V:n,•:",',.,'.,";:::` 1851. ff i gg . issl . 1 . 1ru . ,.ifiyr,: : 1,1..T.: z .":: , :, , ,,.",;,,,'.",..',,,a, 740 EIS ROUTE TO SE IV. YORE Ill's to t , 1 pett.. i t ettet. ' ,...,:tTlt ' l:.. d• 1 """k"' '"'. ."" rr '' ""r “ .4. ''''''''''''''' . 4111 I '7 o7 :7' 1, : 1 :' , ' ::• ' •7 : ::„7: ::: :•7:11 ' .:::...1 1.1 elms+ . M. 1....• Er., the 1, 14 - 1.1inci,11,...fint.1„,, A, 74 ~.,„,,,,'„,.,,,,„ , 4 ,,,,,, oletulot e •t.. 1 Clio -tonal, ••loteland euJ latt•loc e d.., act , „ , „1„,. , ~,..,„„,„ „.„. ...la.. mutt la ocinnati 11 lino and enact., on tho , " i,, , , „ , „,, ,„ 4 1 .0,1 ' . " •1 ' t h.• ' - '''''' ''''." , • '''' "'• '''''• • ''''``'• `'''' ant:a:7:l,l ' rk",7.;;;.,;, 1. a 1,.. •Nooei'L.lg ',no,. ti...c....c...• ci..th, a I,lll f to. 711AINo 1.1.‘ 11, I. ,I,IHN 01, I i.1.1..M• cantJay.e•cet...l.l a(rog r......1.t....... i.• ..........1 1.1 :tlee,lny Eq..... V r„..t 6.. e1...t t mad • and roll. *corn' ''' . 1 .. I doeic.l ,v 1 FrytYuy 1. •1`... - •"•• " ' 01•/.11.11. 1 1., 1 Inn c .it . Th. Mall .'rain ...on et Hull, 1.110.• to......enzere eau . „„, ~,,,,,,,,„, ~,,,,, ~,„ ~,,,,,, Len ; 1......, ..1.4 talte.l 1te1.•,..... 1 no, ogrient• In \ea , •„. ~,,, 4 ,, ;., „., ~,,, ~,,, tort. utott notronta at " .c. L. 1 .......... 1 '.• • ''• ''''''''..'•" I 1.. .ire Lc- :lota. eln le Le dot 1t.,1,1 I hoc-. 1 si..l 1 ittci 110.1.... , Tn. Levee. I rentht .4.1 Caftle lralo I l'ooktra at . 4 • , ~...., ~... ..i k, . 4 .1 . ,latl. , • 1...-....... 1'.., I. ollarb•••1 1, 0.. frafts to i ,„,:::'." 1 4.',...,...:„ . , ~,'„.,,,,„„,., accolurn...l.l.: 11.. 1...... rt,..r. at..l loaner. Aar Par. lo ,e, f .... Log ... Near 1. 'a. f• accon.i cb." ' '..,:rt,”.."4":„'"i07.71:i'ate: 11 ::, 11,...... pore. ~IA 1., got... it. a Lea J•t .. 11‘11,.w... 11 Li ... Ilre•tt Vont • 11.. l'o4llol NI. Li0t0....1 to tr•n.f...rl 1ir.... t and ~,,,, ...... #. 1 ..., i,, r _ n „ „ 1....1.4... 1 a. 41.1. to ...1 scat. S lot. Cart...slat ..Igloo ....lt 1.. t.. 1.1 to 0t....• Elle iratote ~., ~,,,„,...,,,,,,,, , ~,,„„. „ r....1ng I. 4..4 . 04,, .11.. It, 1n.ut...,r, .1 ..i.5,,t,r..,..•r ~,,„„1. ;111 , ~,,,,..,. ~.,„.„, z , ...... , .. ast.ll. 1,11....1. In Ili. 1r5t...41.11,4•01 ....ea ~,.„ ,;,.,,,, ~,,, ~.. ~.,,,.., „ :Far .I.l.lmuum 1e.t... .111 1+ guil 1.1 .........11.1. • • 5 ,, , ,... , , ~,,,...., gg.., , ~, ~„L . , 1t..... .I.lr ...I ...11 11.141•1 i.,,n. uk111....1 ..... not,. etym. 1 ... 1 (...,., a ..„,,,,,,„„ , „,,,„, ,„, 1, 1 , „... L.,• . ~.,,.‘ t. 1i,.. 1 , ..1 ~,,,nt.......,... itt.,.. ~ i. j.,, I. 11.101. 11 a•. 1+ .....,.......1 1 . 11,, , IlNcl :tool , • ' - ./ Nt.l7lNoll 111. ~.teg. Llofftort. : ",,rat . Shawls! Cloaks! @f antillas! : Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. : 11, 1 S 91 Ii E tine 1.4.,..r‘n0r. steamers %...111•r.a...,... ..11-,, ! - 1 1 1 .A!./ ' ;.iT:i..7 ' iL u i.c ii t .1i ' 1.t....,1-0tia.,.../ ZI -„,.. a 01,1 Pill and al WIWI Ai. No ii. willitiag t L ~,, ta„„,.... f ,„. tt ~..1 1...,.' a t.. i e . ~• ...On 1••••le thoor lawn,. •t lilt din:. .1 1t... ...all ......,n1 ol I rel. 1. „ 11.01.• ..........114. ne t • .•j"1 ' 1 .. 14 ... •' ' • ...1... ., :. . .11..........1.0 .11. lul 1••1.11,, M•rly. 11.....1 not, M0a..., do d. ... u J0ii..... a... 1 I.iter ci,g, ,i 4, 111.1 ,• , 1.• V,- •j. per.,•.c. ateLtoa to t t o go critic? rst procarre 1.../nrcon , ee....0..L. t ...• ..s.„ g Li. • Mi.., /01...1 11..... 1 . .11. 1'...1 Tway. to ...to .lor 1,11.1 1.01. I . ecteboralt.s.„ L., .....nt. , n.,..,,, 1,.. La „ ~,..t.t......• r....i.ed t.on . ...... 41.1. le,/ Tickets g... 1 for down on. dat •11•1 014.110. Isr II .1.............. lof 11,0.11 •L.pit -10 ...al Cc ...aut...ttt ••ftearar,''..t tt. cc ce. IL.. tpacial ath.tlll... -I ....Leto al.l ..., - Cie hivan at. l - 61. at the olfleo .1 ) eta. glen Lau,. . the 64-... I.- 11,... • . 1..1 n... 1 .....- ,1 a 1.,/ Co t ..1.1 1 'will:11,1 .1, ,tt•lt, .0. .„, ......, ;,,,,,, ..-,‘,..,, ini th'it al ~ lc 1 i 28 HOURS TO CLEVELA.ND. .....,• ..,, ~,,,,..., 1....., ku ••,. I • 'fftilil M 5 1. Wvgigi . TO the Public.. ITTSStAttill AND I'LEA ELAND 1 NCI .I. RI BIWA: SI tt /I.:' , , lur ~i,,./.,,,, F..r}..-.1. I*.eltrt and Rddraad La., . l'l. dand. . 1 1......... 41.1 t.• 144 .11 , 11111....1 r., 11..,.. 11 t.., I ,IIA SlLt ENtIE I lS leave a vary tot trtt t ott at 9 t; '. ;' '' „ h ,:", l ,,.';':,',', ' ',..,:,,j ' ,,', " ,; ' ,:;;;,: ' ,„Y, '' ', ' “";;;„'",; ' ,7,::, 0 ... 1 ... 0 .1. , 1.•1 , ......0ct..11t..1, uh. lac-Loran aull /eve te.....e. A I yt ....t a ern .. ik k I •1ye1.....111.01......" •-1 land ...toad L. CI., Ltn t tad-Fur, CLeat.c....l, 1 ..... lteftc• .40. n. t41..1, 1,. CINCINNATI, ' 1 ' 1 1,. C 010.., and Itettl i t. i t., C1eee1....1 an 1 • 1..-10,..” .:;: , :j I . l h - ' , ...'!..: . ; ,1.'6';',41.1. I t i, l "-11 - ^ , - , ,•,-, I - ' 4 ''''' It ' ' i 'l- r . " ' NI " 7 'l , '" ","'" .. - 2P••........1 - . L.. I,4Am, CL0.;...,,..1..1 M11a../11.. 1.a.• , 1 ,".."`1tiLn..4.....atg .. ...1„ ,, ~,;', ,, , ` ,..1 .'LL`,..' , ... , 7 . 47, 1 , ..;;;Z01- ,. . 1 4 7 • 77':L tt 71 ..r5 7 11 . :111 : : :: V%.7:i11int.: • !. T.; 1.'.„1V: 04 , .., r-ii 4. ' , P..- ....- ~..; .b.,- , -.. , - I , I•,.:. ..text, i...., , :.. ialact! .1 II , by w01t,..1 I. :.... t0m..., ....H.. , a , -04 I•I .....aa a ' . l 1 . ... , I- 0 , • La: ar. ..s . .... .., ........t., ~ tow-toot to t0.t.t...t ,L0, ',....... , Lt .1L L,...:`....,; TV . `" . ; • "'' ''''' buruct Lir 1..1, in tLe Ohto river. tn. tont. L. Wu:lu •;',. i ,' ''•••,' • , ..', 4 " . "! . ".".. " l e' L'l - I..nute. .u.l tial.a., .111 1- found tou.g..,tiltle, ' fg ".. .1.. .. (.• •••.• • • o o a... 1, ••• .i. p14.01}1.. lig.. t5...1...(r 1 . 41„. IE3 the 1.1...ii1.• • 1... .. i11.,•f. tad nlea.anter,llinn ant Lthot ‘,..,,,,,.. 4 1,,,,,,, , c„..,,,,,..,. the eli...e. • ht. 1. Itel. • ff.t.to, .It . ut.: ....1 we ace tr....n 1.. ....gat Le and .1 at.... con ` 1.1,0..11. 1.... v.. i.." "'"" " n''''''' j a tfh!.Pl '' J . ll v.i aF. t , ......t. ..-a1 , . , .. • • I'l y 1 • . 1 •I i cf. •tair , .. , reset of f.nittl.d•ld and %I Oat flraett. . L ' •,, r• . , .., - ig.o-0.. tn. , 1....u•att0 la Iloil, 4 to • 1 t AL. it t Mit.. J. , . 1 . 11 . 1.15 L ltaill ' •• '•1 Itt 1 a ttlaytt, lat. 1.851. WEST PIR N 18.9 . ;-• , „ 10, 11.11-1 • ..WO I l ..• TRANSPORTATION CONIPANN. - ~.- ,"1,1:,,11, ..,• ,•, _ D. LEECH hr INIS LINE ...:'-' Bum tar Black Writing - .. \II: , " I . :‘14 • 111F INT, arsUi. RAIL ROAD AND CANAL '-- -,.., 1- , •1e . .. I ~ .k , • .114,101 . . PITTSBU R 0 11, PHILA.DELPIIIA, 11. IT I. I. • ~ .n . 1, ... 1 a.t. i..- .,. K.ll‘. MORE, AND NEW 1 ttRE .• . ,e, I to.) 1 .0 IN T HE Canal being it, ettttd enter, wit tat,. k: .!;'::::::.; ;;;.,1, , „: , ,L,;, , :-.,- .7 :,;,:;;; I' "[lt. , ......... 1..... 1 ..• and ''.... 1 ...c. L. 0.11.14. nJugl.•l I r 1...1..1 I.u. .I fro ' . toe el.e. cit., •1 Ille 1.1r...1 corftlll rat.. al ft,- ic o n., •,.... tI. ,„.„...„ , frelptit, VIII ntomplicon and donatill Ib. Loan. and a,. ~ e ..,.• it . , t t ,t,,,.., ,„„,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,a ra ° a nt .) and I,,clc.it c 4 L t fr„. „rorr/yry. 11.116 1........... gull 1.1.. .. r 1.. au of ...Day gr.16 , ..J.1.4,..r..1.1 1...11.. IL,. .4 .11,111 .1. ul f1....at he., .1 .' . I L.` on ... fanded lo or try . are !"reel , . Lc. al togt Apply I. ...Ltd.".. I 11A IP A til Avlt. V-, pr,rtt •-. t;ihrd l, ll l teld, li.wo ,trr . .. , t I . l:l.l,urgh h,, lie,Pring Depot o. I 3 Vito %In /1 et riala ri ' 1,,,,,,rtn., ii,,..5., 1,., ~., p,. rtoressor Alex. C. Earn Nllllll a aRA \ ER4.I 0, Ay I. A k R NI 3' iiii•A LTIL ~.0), LL.. horn, • t'..l ..n- 1 1 ~ ,„. .„,„„, „ I II PY Ant Y., AN., 1a,,..i •lind,ll l ' s ' , '. TI: Y`.• ~ ‘‘•". ,Ire. I. I'. I . '. / hit,. in.l you... .flu .. gut* 1 L., te-,ii .......rta.ond 1 , , .ki..titioen; FARE REDUCED ' , th.ll. 1,.. pr,,,Mead th,taino 01. et I , ~/a / a . o. i i th. th.r... •nd 1: Thu Iss i . atio;N : , Fdloanw., i..timoulal., ~ ..1•- t ..1 in :Sir.: ..t. ',' l ' t, ' ,Vi::‘,l ' n .. a n l ' .l7.h ' l ' rie ' : , MONONOARELA ROUTE .L..... , . LL..., Via Rrowtiaville and Cumberlaiet, to Diann/ea ea, 1...11114, Deur -dr —1 L...t. and Philadelphia - !:;.."i . .;":l,' n =i' '',;ri ...;,"' "' ' %IRE MORNING EIC/AT letiro-i tie , Wharf raii.. Bei iii.- i-irl.-a 'l,-al....t r i"ii 1 *tam. the Whig. dally. at S ~. 1.,t yet,A,,,..,..“ ••1,.., mn 1 har,. It 1.31 all au, pr.per .ktu n...• kl., ten with ot lb. 1... t • "1!"1.722,4 ( b. 1.:f . C. 1 , L : u .T:i1V7:".L7VAMT,'",'..,„,,,) w .1.0.3 1. ,, ; y.., rri-ph.,. at il u'elt...k, ....cat. with Ihr 1.14 .1 Comh.-1,...J neat ... tow, rl, and. h 1.0 •ori r,.., and gra ..it , lng at ID h'...t. t 1 ut...1 In aly.ut lan th.. th. !Poch rim. I lip,unt, 1,, ballint.r., :Id Lour, / .1+,4,1, iiii , Alwd.l. IL, at tiro. a.rt..' In. thluyab h. PhliailalpLun 1.. hdur. 1 at, , pi, flu • ~ 4. , .•.4.4.1111. 4. 11.., The Patudial ILua.l ta tu. gr., td.u.103 . 0,1• - g.., litth . Yi . 0 100 tLe ii. , ...1,. h0tw...0 Ilrnen.rlile and 1dant...r..1. irtd il I '.4"."".'""j"") l" "" 7 ' ;ry ' 4lrim F.s. Anont re. ~ Us, , Ili tna ',l A N L.tit ' ..,: ' + ' •,7 . .. ' llad znyli; i litll. In th. Ylnnorniatwn. Ilun.. - am. ..til • dr...4i Ara , and mi 1n.a.1 •.. shy, arlia-i ---, rlth ; rico,'" / Ira. I. ,rt., aII Lail 1,, I rnph.r. lekiiiial 185 I . ~.. ,i , ..,. 0.1. and i. Pild satotnhudrut. m, hali sw. 16E1 ' litild, r..r.1 hu.l all IL datidnill dlwini..u..l. AI IL. [wad UNION 1.1 NE .Ithre.pret. lam your 1..41 ...wt. I . / 9 The II , WLLL, td..l Beontwa'y . . It any lad, t.r gratlrman den, thwanth.litutti nf th,/ On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. ~.../.. thaw , grill 11r.. rall , lin.l escr A C Parr - ',ttl.r., ' , I h,.. ..y. Ny.. I .r11..b.r. h all, pn.dth .. Air ~'.r PRUPRIKTURA• ..•.,,, CLARKE, PARKA • CO, li..Adt..a. P a. CHAMBERLIN, VKAY. itiltP • LAI, LI." .L. 4L, i/ . ~,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,:n , ----,,,.., A 3 ,, 33.3 , 3 ,, , ,, 333 3, , 3 . THIS rrep known Lino In only I.lll.loureti (0 • eno,r• l• to. i.m...1, Id tn.. g....ru5...,1 raw. ol .1.1,..•, i "nun,. fralght at, paoratnret• lento VII I...Phi/II and dors..., th. ...h. , . ii.h.r. l i , 11., ~... ...1. - 1,, 'au Cl.kl 1:LA..15. h. an, n.,.tut c.. tn.. “,,,,,,, 1,,,...-. •the IT', lltant , , iiiins.. , l 1., 11.. •rti... a twd, n la. Prid..... In. laoilit.., Id ch. P.m.,. ut. ,, utpa....1 tu fano., nual- Halt , e It.. itn.w... , Wwin ,,,,, l ..my.. ,, ,Y1 II . • ity, andt raparlid . ut Boat, nth. t.... 1., Caldolu.. and ./ 1.1. - IrIIII 0w. , 1 . 3, th. upp, ..... ..: ih. ...adman., a, tukii, ol AK.enta. . alniz..i.r, lair... 1., Ihr laud it I. u,...1 ni pr0n..... ono .out Ira.. Pitt.l.rdli a 413 Ct. - eland Jail,. mum°, , -11 ,,, ...tn . .. ht tn.. k , htd It ....I. in.... h.. kb* r , ..1-..1 • . I lin in.,. ctuu with • Lit, id el.mhua. :eta..., Pi Pip 11...0.11, .0.111,/, I rt..... 114 4 1 rr. tt.. • rem. tem, .1. 1 . BUIIIIII and IILA I Mt, and n Lone .1 tag ,I.d.coodali...l* O.. 3 , 3/eira, its- ...Dun ;OA o 01 . 1, Ind u,.... Ih. I . (proven. end v....... 1. I 1,, :he 1.1%. lan... awl flu., Id all, iur. all .1,...-....i 11.. w •Ip. LOPtIllil.:1:Ln. .1.d...1 t o nun, a, ..t. mi.... 11.11•44,141,411,.. II tilwo.O. us...mina lo t.«.ld in .1 3 , 1).. , Wi1i,1• ,,, • , ......A.... , ,:• kl h Cay 1,, 1% art.u,i,, hr•a.la•,, nu., , 161. 1 , 411, I , ll....u•taity, th....h hi A• I. Cl. P.artd, Yaw., . , tbaCintladnt at. and Canada apratici i C liroutiw,ltatenna. 0 6141,0 At l`o, 1it..n.a.0 _.... F..ut, idankhn, U .. ~ ? ' • 11, A K norr, City ath.d. Fall., f,. . CHICA(iii AND PEORIA • Hteelar, Lae • ['L.. Maim, O. ' • . , kl.dereon a Pattiaai/., Rai laat r Orr. id: , .d."--- -- l -- -.AY----- .-A-- - -,- ParAham • :all. 1,44.1,.., THOMAS HALE, 0 Wlllladn. Ai', laWr..ll, 111, //wen, • Donwnnau A CO, alllwault.. !ft- F 1 lOW A Ill.lliikl it CONINIINSION tEI (..., A OIL, • U0.eni...1.,.., 111 .1111 414.1, 1LL11 , 11141. liill, A •LA la/ II LI , Appnt. ' f 10NT 'NJ' Er, 11, . , Beim! hioili (lei ti/ reeelVa .al cur. Ital. and nuinhtlehl ... Illt.t.r.rb • I 'yo lin row. hair. and I raw.hipm.ht hil dler.Landle• .• 1.11 1 4..4 Inui Ildet, leave MY ,1. , :a J.., 1, all ~ ham I Arrangement Made to Forward Freight ' ....,.‘",;, , ;V:: - , d,%!;,-,11 .. " .‘ Ri ,. ...^ , Viii , M and ltd.. , tllu. A k 'rl BALTIMORE IN FIVE ILI Vii, - yl..re. 3,..u. a £1,11 1 ,... Alr Jut., A I ',mut, ' i T SAME RAINS PENNSI L 1 ANIA , • rs, It 11 1.1..1, 1,51 Pk N I r..... 11.1 to 1.1,11a.1.1ph1.,1.V Wm/ H. Raskin, I . COI failo 0 31. L3 :"... . , iIENER A L i i 1)1,31 I SS1(111 11 ERL lIANT _...ir.i. —rn.r 1,. ...." , "• , .....-.''".. tll A NI, AC, lONFIII. I. i n xi., .t., I'loll.l .1 I , ( ‘ , Orri : l ! --1-6-17 , 1 A . ,f,' , 1; .- A i T;;! 1 , 1 ':; , f V" , .. ,, / : I , , ' -,' ....., ,, ,,,1,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,..y,,,,,,1.....1,,,•:..,- ~..t,,, 6: lII'. CARR. SODA 2i, 1,,,,. loot ie, , ,liiiiii . ‘ :-- -.- , I 7 for G• tun. t, ' ' I''' d" ''‘iA ' C. ' - t . '" •Mt "Si& S ' l . . 1 '' . l 4. ' ' .44 11./3 atra.l• . -•- , .. i jr .,, . ARRIICE A ANL ) SUMMER CUM • , ST. JOSEPH. MISSOURI. ,_ 1 , , et.m,o-1,,,....,,,.1,1,Ac1it, dataLhe ...,1t Ft.taih . 1 tx ,, b1,...1..,L....L..L...L..L LL.L,Lui, L.. Al. , MI I , IiLE TON, It ILV. 1 A. An iF.E, . in it.- D...ad "I'F" Vailor.. 1 . mu,l-1 i , , 11../. I4•1I ~ an ‘1.1.,.10.1 , . , n Ille !rgIANNEits• Silt. .201.1.1. i,, sale Le 4.1.., . A 1-rid, t. ,road ... an, ~ ~.,,, ..,,,[lll ACA . 2. ,o-ol: n A W II A 101 I Lail ' t.,,,,,„ • i 333 3 3 • 4, ,, AP - 10. 1 1 .04.4+ N.- I Fi..... , . ,10, , '. l .' 'Y - ' 1 iA l 11i I'. 'IT 1"31.E, Attorney al Liirr, I. r iseplii ~ A it 111116 AI tlll it F wn.l t'..mn0...,. e, 1.. 1 , 114,11501.4. 1 11 14,11, li,, I) °SIN '..!nti i/1/1, !s:// I, for etile by i rit .../.p.3 '.AW ' It tytliAl.'wll 11111\ 11. RANI IN, A liorney mid e./iin aaitur 1.1 hew and innwai.nun, Fdr th. ,1 , , .i I LASS -100 1.. x.. Window, for i' o " I'Y 'r, aoillcania, NI L:.u/a, Mu, klate_ul l'ai , utqls ) s .' • Xi 1-n1 . ... ,A it 11001151,1 i I RoArvurp.-I , tolLutyn lit. ii Fdr ward. ilomp.n e I t 1111 1., MT a A NI K• .:Lhr. , Olutr. 11l i I, 'oro, 11,-..i. A lUTTF;II--- . 211 kevs It, salt. loi . . I.capt., MC, I a 1,, 111. u J 101.14411 AL L, 010 V AL.- -I% e iritenil to reni//re ala/iit - ----- --- -- --- - - . the 1814 of hoiden:ad, tr,,, .or P eland t, 'BISONS ' RIBBONS . ‘5,. al, 41 , 01 hp. ltwi O InY. ii. , .. 14,10.01 1., I'brirliah 1..n..c ~I ll' ''.`, ' It •ikur t,.., and 1.144111,1 i Itonn, an I Y. , e - ndrn - ..,, , 1 a.t. nreat, ~,,....It. pt. Clan et , a tr. nhall t.,. p1...1 ...,,,,,, all lIPII 1a Pr 111'11 aII 1 1 , h. urn.b .1 . ..ry sill., in no 1n... ti. 0.1 IIYCI, d A ,I. r, , '. ..d i , ,,ki,1y.,. ; . i , j h 1F..,..1 , 11l 1.,W. I'LL.% l' ii: N I L. li S . ----3 ii mini A 1,, „ . , ' - 2 urn -, v. rm... o, t. • .I. L. 11.1 a,.....tnenr.•t 3 1 ": ',, 5 iF.,• prima, l ' , : r ' ,l ' ' I V ti1....t Mt . ... ~ .. g I 13. " ( 7 1111ST'S RA Zo IrS '''. ' " F I ' o l . l i i i i ii t il l .rii l3 iirra- i ll E/I All E ILE LAINE: , -.A * . A. 1.,..,..: A LI el idie I..en dpp,,int d ~,,,I I. t th. • pi. Li W m wil 2 ... ".. ~......,,,....: 1i........nd brat a Rand. 11.. Ilan,. at.. Menu's. tared in the I , a... .1. 1.,..u.., at 1,1. 11,,, -.1.11, ..., . 11 "'l = 8, 1 ' . 1 i ." :id , .. , .. j .. '" ku ' fi.u ". 11.7 ". .. t ' r.TV, ' , " 1t ' ...% ." ,: 1 1 1 V ril ii 1.. FtATE, ~ .'air of stir,,, T,,,, 1,,, sY . lntwd• ~...tot II It dr. , ni , 1 ,,,,, .1,...1.. rd il, 111,114.1 I. I. 1 , . 1 .11,... L... - the ~ , ,,Y, hi.,.1,,,,, w. ra th - . tn ~. I . ..tut - Leal as lb. ato, etnhandwi. a , E1...n0/eh..., awls, La.., .r w rat.. Alsw — Lllta . li Lilo. A... • may arteih Eh,. arthir ha. Le... 0 in u w ....red y..art, and ,4 0-1:111..1 1,-,n, ..,,,,,,,, .n.l i.. 0,.. tree,,, 11. rapidly •up.....linc ...rr .thee kazdr it DU-. gond 1 ,, , .¢l.. Ili 11 , ,5.11 Li. Idt.r•ri IW.g. 1, !I, .3 1 ...3 , rdrop, tlhay will not wnyulr• br.earne for t yam, ' pda,t. iti. Pi., int,. Yed PALI, •hhwide and ',tail. •1 M. Want . ..awl d.w, 1 ., - end. 41 11 11 1; ILA./ s. g :uLD AND I I.V Et: IcATCLIEE • - - ..upla 1 I', rorw.r of Fr urth ant dark, .1. Ad. ,.3 atlit. Id aap .1,41 k, t eiw.rtinent IL I 11: 4 LAX-• 2:3 sack, for Nal. , liv iiiiiUll:-., Ih• ay.' , sr; rolle..11:of lint, Pr.nel . ~ r...i, , stil Gruovadtannla. id , .1..i 1, Hunt,. I( ler I MrCA N - FIL Fr a and nthar •etylra .., .... all war. 0 , 21 , 3,-.li ill at pr.... run , 11,4F,EF TONGUES-- A primp arthlle on . " • A L . ,;;. , 1 , --- . . 1 , ..t'11.'1,61nu,' 4.. n. dt it, ha mann., 1 d th. A.ll hand and 1.. r .1. 1,, hr.: and moil elprri, c 1 anat... oin :h. ilt, ' IT II A b/ CLial.l AT., ll'. 10 li'l Lin. , Y, ,o: 31h-lirt ' , ld .o*l4 .0h..1 Liberty rt au l ia• ' o,,rars 01 Yourth ; dl [OLIN in boxes and-r-ble I ,EAD-100.) pigri Galena: ' loope., liar 1 aikla by errs In pi.untl par., 1.4 . .... L, I 'ongs ' JAktEdin. HC - ECELIPO,N a ct). . ...lab IL DAY-ZELL aCO . -., / BOSTIM. TREMONT HOUSE 11,110.. Frill 1S 'trell I: to. n e*tabliAitetit i, 1 , 0, %ilia 1,1 in 11... Aame suautler it LA. alwAiA A-I.tral An.ll.l..amallt ../1.1411.m it. 1in0.... It. tAlt.lptr..l.. on. Arr0ug..J..11... AAA II..• Awl ta, t....21.1.1t.. 1., it AAA...v.11.. 41.11ahlot. r.Atm Travels. flAr t, firm nl J. 4.11 I. T0..1...r A 4. long I " -"'"""'" """ '".' , AA • 101 II I'AItHEI: PHILADELPEIIA SF.' %WO( • it Warehouse, v., r 0 ,. .H eel, ...•1,.44111. rytrteleir nr this YY ,II, ref . ..1.1N, t. .Icok ,•1 sear I.•r the 1,11 nnte, , •-•••er, in I Iht ry 0•11•14r11 1. ti. 1, 111...1 ~,.„ th•• I 1, .11dovnt ni‘ lon it. F. .16 a , .rak !tan I soy .1w..4A1.. • ast rovAito • `1....1, N1..10111. L .. r nd ing ' t I,llk Eol“Jtil, 1.1. N , 1111 .rf ro,len 's Tricopherous, r14)1. NI., tot re .11, Ism 11, !mit ..41k It. kik I at Harr, 4 I rtorktklk Ift k tirlttjf antutal kittaktk. 1'1,.• • ns I rk m. 14 - .4Z L"; N., Sell , /,•0 .4. aft. t, WWI ual gwerk l". 1 .1 don., th.n• 4 , t olal he uouh a t.. pL 6 .. l 1.,t1,111 1 us- ad r1..1 • f 41..1 IA • le.t 1•11t1.1 $i It Ht )1-I 'ES, EfAtilrlsv'S.:o \ - 31EDICAL. i ___...._ . , _ Faluat.\.Neal Estat For Sale. % , , . .. Straw Itnil Silk \ ..- AYERS RlEBltitY„pEcToaeL\ Film. ion- rd•-•• , 1.."' IV O P , r'Y "I A it ii. PA 4 54ERt„,10.`; Markt s Atreet in nom \ \ • hutl4lX cut l•P 1 ...M. ptiblo , I. hal F rkl-,. th..l,intr la...lls:tut. S ...al. at 11\u'eluds..kk \I • us• 11,- urn i--- .. A 11..1i.et • Mt:!,.,..:1 ' ,:rf,',,V,'; - " , :a. , 1%.t.'" 3 ‘''' - i 4i' r t .-- ..,,,... i.. ‘collo ITN COLDS,. HOARSENESS, RRONC • V•,.... 1.1.,4 ~,...., it:4 , ..‘,.., .„a 1 ' .:=2 ''''''''4, - --, 1 4, !- ib , \ \ TIS,\ WHOOPINO-COUGIL CROUP, ..„ eat,. 'J., Pi lANI in (runt, .r. IPA erand 41.sts 1. I ' uasu.s,,,,, },s, .5....1{,5, sass,. 7'. suut ' sp as ssaSs„.j, ar . 1 \ 1,,,, • ' ''.. • W' . ..'wsa UM/ fa UY lintriNET 9x14 II \ 4011111 A, CONSUMVN. \ .r... 1 ta. r ;•• ..1 7 r, I.lq-1, 1...111n, Mt.,. sch .ht. . 1 •- , • ~, ..n t . • At,.. ....• N ,•••ot hoh i), It t . 1,,,,t.ii,,ir, ,, ; , - , ~,,,,' , ,-,1 ~ ,, „1 0.,, ....nom' IN: k_ o ff erirt)g t., the community, thin justly \ E., ~, t c , 1 .1 , b,• 6 \,..„, •,;.„, ~..,„,,i ~,,,, il. Eattn. 1.1 et Cr.p, h...., •Plutat.. , , Y•Tb....letitln•dY for dloaraneof the LlTat amt Dint., is h., .11., lem ,•.• tn er , ,,0. ana , t,f..f d.. Pluwah, Ilonapt Erma, .4 •fkeyal tkaaortbn ,of Eli- . "" t \' , "' . •" i \ - '" l ' .. """ t '' .. "" ',..t""'".••' tn. A lo h on. t • •..to . iron. 1.• lb lig 11......4 t i, ..t. 21 b. itn.r. l2 2,__ . ..., ~, • tobtet.d, put fr.mtly w h,.. he ben, th.m tnooMpurn. nE , • O" ~' .... ‘thl v . I. t 'i P. P. '' .4 . 1 . . "..,'' I ' zoi, .. noxsi ~ ••••,,- .-- • ' dlettoritadr tn., and roma of Ch. .videne4, Of IM eme.. 6 about Ite otuara• tn. thit P.n. 1 ..., PP . ' s. , DOIJAS !' "C ^" Whleh [hp,' can judge tur thent•rlvew\ ‘, W. Aln a µ.l I•iht tnr farlhst Artleta , A T i et‘ll ES' LITERARY \DEPOT No - 4 ' ea24lT Ord., ot/Inpl.o/0•12111., PP wild ,mowitiMihr fah: 1.. r.h.r &Nun ofl!.. Etlllt Ar...r. Third tre.t,0pp0.h.r.,,,,i, • ,',. . ~.....,,,,,.., ~\,,,,,, ~,,,..,, nor ~,,,,,..,,,,,, ~,,,,,.. , 1,,,. ,.. , J 1 11 1 1J 4 11171.1 • PNV1,.. \ \ 1 it: ! ., "M ‘: -' 2,4N . T. 4, :', ' ',; .-4. ' w n ‘ i l, • •% ‘ u , th-;\ or\ \ ' . ,lt.or• i butuAnltc .It IA la,. will not wertanh \ \ • , \ t•t t , e.....t \•r. he,. .hr. th. 0.1 •• wheat an I lt . , -•'"•"' " " '''''''' 4'4 \ \ l , " „, :" , ' ',.., c 1 , - 1,, M ,0r b ,, • k ", : • ." .4 ,.....„",..„_T:‘,..- V• I.; 11 \ o - ... , 4 , , , ton: ,4:., all or. j\tit.lli. s w iSSsi: ss.asSru.l Qs I' s• . untl it nven , i , enti , sst-sr, f.sal s , ...w.,.\, 7 ‘ ,.. ..As: ' -.• t' - ''' ..'•' 77 •• *III du.Ptl.ut torr tlr r011.t...aul ch. hanticlu• •,.• \, .1 -tr....t0 ' , ..1 • \ 1i n i17 ,,. :; , , t/...,.. T0r„ . ..n0Lcu1..... ‘,,,, \ II 11 11 11.E.TuN \ KtitTO•riu. IV otator} or lb. Rebel of to. t . ' .'a It l- iI 1 Pt' , h• LE daatni , ea P.'llwn't . Cit. - EU...l\ .1 ,/,.. \ e.r..1 itotnatt.e.f [fir Itet..lnfinu In raf . , ', ll ' '; •• \ '"' L'• • t M . 3 . PP". 3. ./. Cnilwlte•l 1, \ lain! ,-. *m.,,, .. ,-, ` L e•=e ,. .• ~,, ~......,•-• ", , lb' ' \ q Eta I •latood norerma , tho r.e.ipt uf 4ir tare- \ \ , Eh. 1hnf.....r. an Illatorkal Norrl.. V1T•1n5 , 3.3.111 I had .tcupptatuuth, of wtluouol it, et ' DTI I , t '' ,ilt SA I. r. Stval.ami. .ta 8b.,h..r. or i n , •,,, yu,,,,,,, \ hk-ts 1 tut own , taxtrily..h• an tha tatial.t. of m • II 1w..1, 20br Lt 1. 11 1-soly Mr..llu. Stuart q . 30111.3..0 Innen'. lu W. ' 4•,... 'hi' 'L....tip... 1 M tl WO 4 altr. , of mt., tlour \ ,\\ \ it., , ,r1.•• .1 a 13..-lorlor., 11... k. of th. th.,, \ I. ••••-• 4h L.. . Il.andkbliawn. ' Th. tah r . a ital..,'Ellrrit, Tim... by II I. E. 4 •,,,,,• ! 1 h.., . h unt it, at. Its Inget•Eent. elbow, a howerful m• "‘, 1., ht.Arnaol.l...r tn. Ilallroad .11.1.• '. ''' \ wd r.. 3 , V. ...../ ."0,.....,1.. ‘ . 1 ,.....,,, ~,,, •. Onornfim e llorticultunq ompit . front th• drtt I. .1. ! n,„4 \ \., ,I o V f. A . IaT R • '' ''' • ..--------'' H. r...utot 1, .1 - Th. I' :P, 1' al data. . 11..4J Ahd I . it."' "PllN•thi •'.. . \ In E.. •n ,ri \\Crer lu ..lhatib,n , 1 IL, In Chi. (Up It•lph Itubta•nord. t. beasit . . ‘ ba , a b t ' ial t - VEllit..t4 • .U . VrtAter ' P=. "' s. • •"e h n Th. neat. /Ont... a W. at Matti., trohlun.ry .r Aleehanica, St. \''l2 ' Ow.. lall • atou s l 'E... optoartuul) of se,huurantudlog it Th. tiip/wy Met, hy ..) VI ' NI, P.Aytuble. , t '' ' ' s b ,.....", lt, air, r.drtflly , ,N1ah.1... O. Vblkl .1 lb. hILI.EI.I.Ik • tale-1 Wet, ° "'•I .. .... N. 4". • " I. ' Ell Ea"" 1,1..., . y,„ p,,,,., , 14, 0 0,,..,,, , ,, ,-/ t , ~,,„ ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,: [ 141 I• 1, 441/10.3• ..low s itag. mud ese. it 11..m.ctlatne la wort. P. 111,13. L... .. , •', r • rtal 'I Ot- parlentlib.l 4....nbe aery lartEn, and the et, Th. Adv.uttar.• tl Maul P.oolnkle • ...,Mur - 1 ley , •1 ih. m..ll.cline a 4 bun.talk•ably 41•41 net 4 1 = • !.?71;. “ 4• 1 117;rt ' j1.7r1: - . Ith4dson It • iluira. '.......... A.!. Jul} fo .1.4.1 th t Ay -A4 I ha, 1.. m bfbitited grub • 4•lbiut V.a.t, • Penal.m 1.. It• Ittittior kf• P2iitrui th,... 1,, , ,,,, r ,„ • ,, ~,,,,,,,,,,t,,. w „,,,,,,,, , „, , ... \ ~ , ‘ tt , trzlj ; c , , .. ,, 1 ... ta . .. „., 1tt . t t . au. .01 th_Aynat,,,,tim , ~• 1 n•ttl..l I r.tar.11111.2. tt.n.ttab 11.• r , .. 1, an.1 3 . \ Id .. 1 .• 7 "•• u lATA ' ;.-Z T. ~. • .. th..m5.... Kink, isle of rota Kt, I.,ll\froltn, Lt . , t , .Z. 7,,V,, • =, ,r . '.,,, • ~, ,,,,,:,,. ~,,,, ~,, 1... 11•Sa ' t " . ' "-.. t '' "" tw ' r \ \ ' ...I.VI ' ".."" " l‘ MtP.. VattVnhati me Th" "tr. , 15.. , 11., latd, 111 L; tor !lir; lEs - 11,. • I"" .." ' '...' L. `" l. . 4,41 4 1 f .• 4 ' , / , ' w tlth unt il olc rho, In. [Le i •0•10.4431.... r /513. - . tit , m oor yer \ New Fall Tooda. ..abl fr... 1, r Trman leti)ypEr latabeen, wl. bad \ i Erma ruervud loan tar t••-hoptt ..11utha , ...irate At \ L i A. " 1.‘‘,',1 IN A , CO .. ikk,,.. ,.. I,:eri: ‘,: d t : ,. in . 1,1 ~..:IL, l it, „ t h,, , , ,, 1P . 1c 7 1 . 4• . n. ,„. P . '171 . • , 42 ,,i c , ttir1iarf th..• 6.orit:{T - .1 . , IrZtpi - ;•4 . ..7re:E44 " ;or r• th r in ' iu. ' 4 t ,t, . t . ... \ i P en t.t‘u,M.. e ,, uieti...\e... ,Vx. A px l., ,,x4e.dAl=l. , .... , trloveit Ont. , . ye. r...L.f0....,, ~..1 ts. ...r.t. I eafeil, i.E1:21 th a V„,,, • ,,,i,„ . .1.,,,, , ,,, ,7,71,.,,,t,,,„•,;•: ~: r d:,,:. pn./....131.3 •uot trt.b o t• ta t 1,..t. ur bl A. ' - ' • • '% .•' \k ••• Ina-• l wad.. antl'ehuallnur lou we '. ltufatted r;rae. 'le holi, \ '\ wudLtial 1,. ' Thrt .• good. wt. aft .r tor eat. I Id'', 4, plll \ •h• ‘ , 00.1.1..t. ar. usmrpre,l.ntedly low 4. 4 ..••••,-.a t l 4„.. • • •„ n .fti, , ~ rr thi. ‘...,,. A, 1.1. n • -ht on by • cold, [ll ch. t....looloAOl;VothrldSe ~,, k, ,„,,A ~,a ~. ea: .... for s.. ttia. tiao mon \ 1 till SSEUS A' (E'.IIATIC VINXOA R. - 1\C.,,,,b1e . ,, t......p., h et ...,t day. X la . 1 1 - t . \ ' ,l '‘ r 4 i....,,r2,,.:f.,--,,. , i-v,.,,11,! . ,.,,A.1 . ,1"4,,,..:.: , , . •L i,,, akif. :, , ,,, W , i i r, i ,4, T • ~,, , ,, A, ..v , , t;' , , , , ., m,,,,„,,,..1,:„: Ft ‘1., , ,.- .a A I \Titl - ; 1. , 01. L. sIV i, ~„ il :a l iils ' arltutss L a l '.l 4Vsn ' lkll)7l3 - I;h7=l . 7W7% '" ,' ka ' a r usr w " . ' i 't"'- an - .. " :air ' s• " ils r .. " l.%su ' ss ' n:tf a Vr„ ' S _\ - \ if,. uilrl 11• other.. I.lPl.ltinahia 'tat, Ilk I t. , • N • •,. I, /011 nlon I. Irene ..t \t,vt 1 i• v.k.,i ' ltitc ' t , -'. ' ''' ,1 %% .n N:4L,..s \\ 11 ' tu ' t ,iFt. •tit. Wahl,' ' All u n .^" "`P"' , . th" ........4 t 0 ,4 .1 h .1,, ity„,l, , uo,, u, ...... F,lcet. 5......1.\ 4 ' 4...0t... , rtoohl.,l wil. •inh'btr u.....triantno, att, I t , , L , t? Aki,T,.:, , , , x, : ., ,, 1 , A v . r, , , , ....i , ., , , , t,h 4 N.,.v ..„., .11••••• pn-ktstra t. , 1..r •••• ..,0,.. h., .. rh. 1,..1 , ; _ \ M.D.,. :-.Art •nd 1-.' . 1 . .il . / . .tfiLA- H..t.h., Silier I ILr ..''" n ' w ' ` t 'V .. .." t '' .... ` ' l. ' . '..". I” • '.- \ '', ' \\ ' attg. • IaIA 3, 1•30 thro. idedl.l•l••rtap, • ..f Dr tin. .4 - tb. VPllow hock and 4.1..4.• liana. k • `‘,., . \ 1". " Itr"-.• , F i tml•ftw, .. , ..17•ShbmEkt ..1 1 oh, 1 , l 2 urn Ilt • ore., Ph, u-k i i ..wts..n.t . , loth 1 a ith....‘ s \ N. , ,4 ' . . •• • .4 , 5' 4 ' 4444, .....:K.P . 4 .4,1 for P.11.h, - „ VI Nll .1111./.. 4.1 e - ... 1. . r- '`' . .t ' l - - -. ,--, ,--\,-.-, e- e.. 1, .. - .1 , . Mu , ' Sa \ , ' ~ .. _ NEW 0 0 1 118 '. N - E ' W 13°i/liS ! t (TOO iicg\ 1 4-, ~.% let , ;;1. - . ,( ;1 ,, ,f.-1 . ;..!Ilf . .,I,t ‘ I I'l' . . '. 1.. 7 :• "1' :;3 7 [1•1 ' N. "; \ \ . c. ,,, .......r 0.. `,..h tt • 1,..fm• l 1 I .ilO . --. 41 . V.ix40‘ •n, rt., 0... t ..,,,.. A Imo so.ri " •AS - E , ..1,.. -. .e 1.. ,ia ~. e.ll put, .e.d i ...nod both!. \ \ , \ ,1...4 A. Ih I ` • 1P.1.1 1 ,-•\: • ort..th t t ch• t .\ \ ' ' C L. I 41 , 4,19,10q.111,..ra • - ' , ', V,Ni•?tjt:o r• allb • • • t ' ,l,t t V 471 ; r, o \ \- VT u 1,;:::,7.7:...11, '`.'l,',.`7' \ \ ' ,.. and tut , en,tt 1 at.. 1 , .41 . ct Li et lump..., , \ \ ."-• • \ Y 1.111 tet..l II EL 11.. rt, I.•ll2lnta ilead, C,..1 , , ‘ \ , • ......P . L ShlE /711 E, 1e.13r1 hwtat . a . Lb..., '. y \ Y Itil I DI , 11 4. 1. 6# Di, ~. ....,i,t roe 4 frAn.,Pnll.en Late, 1... :..,•,, no- lr • \ - I, the dor. 4 Od t 444- 4 4 , 4 0.. am hen. 1.• Intsao t ~.. 0 r thr.. .., bet L, culum, - ft,l.. blloor tiockbandE*.p tllla, wt... \ , \ - ' tr•l a l i: ' , ~ 1 Vr; , • ' • \\ .4 u•liba the I ollow Dar., \ \ . % rt ,Z•V t V • tro•A Iror Indill.n. •• \ I h taoki. Cruehat ' .•'.rn • itc. In lb. 1..... 10( A 0 1 31 .., b%. 1-.4 11 a in.. Io tr. l ort. wart. .Al' ss • ;jun ' Steel Ikaning i Ln.\‘ t to, •• m... 1 k.• . i I r QOttliiilol.lPF, RSV,' ha ....it • I tois• 1.. t. ni•by ••••:\ A- P LI. any... mkt:, 11. lbs. f 'MA Sal • : . 1 - 11 '-; ) ' tiltrrlt ‘ '*f '''" -1,1,,,1.'1•••,. ..:;',',,..1„,J,1.a7,:' 1 / 4 ., .... reict thhit au, pr.. I.2.che . • , ' , It ~I, . .tka, Itt•turgh r•ri. ..t bac., maJtctu '- k t; ' \ ~. .„ at. t 'I 4L A ' " t " •'-""''' t 1 \ • . • \• \ .pa•l •i - I Eh , IMPr 1 . -\ Notice . ' 1 s GERM ' GWEN tr 4 111 , ,; 0 4 Iwo p.a., p.r •totra ths• bertalevuu on atlth s aa• ~- ‘.." tr " .. , w• - •.1.T ..l:tPrml I “Pa ...POO \ bla •Inet hf [ll Nerth Am.rlan flitting Crmhi. ,Id IV; re. 310.11., In't ..att. , mtv,••• ••. co au•l‘li..itl,„ • t' ' , h • l'!'t i ,at i tE,VA , T h 'l . 1., , ,Yrn . ,,,tt. , .. , P . P k • t, 1 7 niyX...a• .r.. r.e.rut•,\,.l 1 '.41 in al r•st.....l\Erti,k. \ .‘ f' s ' h, ' r'- \ . '' . '-- ' lE\ 1 ,• 411E0. • Ita r ao ' nre , * IT .12 ' ....3 man. I \U. 0.4.,e . , • , , exml pout... \, , \ , ~.„1 . 1 , ,. \ lining tof betchlt Pit1.1.1.,...t• 4.' NI, that `1. , •ra , , ,, e1. a and unth l / 4 h. tt\ . tar Ar',..lttal. rut- ,1 s, , , •a, \ , ll ‘ __, 1 ,‘, kin,. ta., 1•11 ow li.--. an.l S.r.parstA,2ll ail bar. • Bing Sre for Bele. 1,. Ars , , i . lAA 1 5 , 4 , '011 ,;, E 4, ' INTU - RES, ,,, ,ie I f \ 4 ""' ‘ ' '' ' ,, Y, : , ' " ,` "' ", ,'k „, k, ~ \ s ,\ , \ ~, „ „. , its., \, -,7 . , i - i.:;ot - ro - iLu ' to . .4.7. ` na i,.,0a: \ ‘. 4 0 t , • Unoet• wu 3 Ewhh• • t th. . - -' ; 'En.. '''' . '' r. '''''' .t..lt'aut 1 uk, 1 cuat.Dr...r th rowntulute. I h., \qt , . ware ibe wlnt.n ot.n.tdre. e P.-, . ,:n t.,., , , , , ',... - ,2..z.i?V.t..,t,:-h . ', ~:%heel,Z.:trvw.L'i,.' '‘ ,4. ' , .r.•,rf;",••,,,..,,.,....„ -.. •,,,,.,..„, • ~.,„ ''', \ , , it 4 prolnd,a tbra•lm•nt to .ny \ ne dtallba. fa o I.ogiu, .4, • • ' ' t?,) par Itettl•r• 4.l4ressli.. 42. .111, teal balk" ..f hurt .1 tlblaot Er..., •rodanc. t. I!a`lcat a.r...: \ \ Notie . , , i' cl ' ' '' \ \ j. , c „ .. ~ „. ~„„.„,„, ~ „. , , ~,„,„,,.. \ o ”... tt, i\l‘tatotrafn `,,,,. a ss:\. Lulu A tbAen.y . - .N \ LI. P 11.: , ..t.) , , WINC ems lyo xn ,i„ ~,„ \A „ %,,,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,“, i 4, • •abobt..l Ws. b. hkr .560.14„..r. r utol.l h,alt LEI • p„ -• • te •• 2 I w ~,, on , 1,:f.M... I 111 U., a at. ~ ... t, th.t '''""' •" " , `1- '''''.'"'-'"'"" ` ',4:' '.. "'"' \ \ \ • • \ it a. 5r....0u1A a lit ;1,-4 iu th. a••ul eq tart • bottot I, h. d .1... untlat.d.o, , ire IP,. PptlL.a) thtt. \ \ \ \\ ' S --`4 \ ‘ ' \ . \ \ 1. r u.ll lE., IJr N' ILEPIIARD, - {the r tet \ d.r.r..-.1 a.. 1.42,J K tlmaibt- 'KM...Vb. t boae,ata II `, 14uurn let h., •• 1 , 1.1-,P.111 A %Dam A Et.r., 14ynt.h , ., \ A tILSEIIAL VO, , XX '. WIVE AttSl.ll \IEZIT i .E'i tcd 3 th• . \ Cal Ltd., tilealalllaS ItJE\hu A' ,- "I , \ \ • -, '' \\ s , Wall Paper andlier , s, for Chef • IBa a. "i ';' '''''''''' ''"\`'[. '''''' •"''''"` "" ' \ •'• •e" \ • , \ `.. . I ~.- Ni.." , . k, . ~,--• o ii , ...ta. . 8 •",,,, , v t • lizyl Rt:CLI OW . t \eli old .t lil . , ,t 4,".,,e,,td., ,rEE Cr. ar,2h ,lirccortlEs• \ • V. ' I \'; otaad i.Palott at • 1.4.1 I tonot.ll tha c`a . ~ Ilya, no toll./ ~ at, Yoh. . our or Id t. A., \ ‘ :\ \slUssui ti,III,IEK,, compyleln nut . eirl•rt . •••• - ....0,6t ~..e.,? , , t.... 1 .1 eta, hardly tkEln gr Etc the ta•t•-. , ,__ Vi `f,"u,.. • .fild4 medl ß atett r e.tiel6. ~ , . ~_ \ , ~ \, ~ ~,,..,,,r: \ \ r riITSAtTICLE,is Inton etl • for frail Hy !..,..,, 'New ni, \no. \ \ ()FIN H. 3[El,Lt IR, ' n, \„.. ” , Vood \street 5 it1 L 1.1 . 1.,, ' f,t47%.:1; ', ..t=1, ', , %II ~,t,`::,`,.Lt I`' „"‘,.t.; \ ' \ , . \ ~..,i. \ . ~. ---, ~,- fr4l- - --e , -1 , vi- 0-- ~ iror - th-m.:N,,-";brp,".,, , -)d, ,, P,„, ,, ~-; it, ~_,,,,, \ - Vv , q , ~,, A \ •r r c et,....4., Ir 3 41 4 . 4 W 444 ...n. 1 ........11Jr.e . •r• 1.41.• \\ \ •., 1. 4, .1,,0.. P 1,..1.7'..,, I\l A .. .Ncta tht \Lam Nti•blt to air., ontlttoh 13 WI llinl VI LL: II Irido• \ , , `. '- '.. \' ''-'" '••"?.." ' \ '' VEtt. r•rttly PS \ \ \ , S , Ihoo i.. 1 eijEt-4/lovrr •‘, Fmt NI 1% 1 .,,, , \ . el l . 1 , 4,. caters ed, havln. tr. \ \ .-••; " '''''''''' ' " , ' 11 ' .1 7 41, " ,tyt tin ‘l \t.t..„ \ t ' •... "' . " 111 • • • a • ' 1 '. .1 t d • 3 tri '11 11•1‘e l t -C .:r ' & '• , \ ,•' \ % I' k ha, sulthww. mho Imay ktax• ful ' “Lin - MM4d fa OW prulatl2nAll•reare.a. `' - \ \ '\„, \\\• P.V2to ''' l i:- .13 : ,7. ' 1 . ... ;;I ...I 12lIttUkcat \ an ea 'ell ut ittbst Ult. 2r Elbert • Plasharain tlmsotu. I wottrn or tbaet - i .V..... Apt that \ o ut •tr horn. cu .c.h2a, h,,,,i pi n ,ilt roi , ~,,,,,.....,„ , , He t in.' l. th. . .31 C.... , 1 ••00--,03•001.3 . • r\ln h p.... h, ..i n. .„,,,, '-‘.. ''''' \ \ .• \ . ' • ••a1..• • I .5../,`, In..IArtaLINN-1C33311 nvr .. I 1.64‘..., .. o \ .11 th, \ ,n- - man E , :5 7001 WARP\ N 0 ,`, 111, .1., •unim.t th,.• lot.t i de.i•ro. .otiar h', '1: i!l'llj'',l4l'l.S.lf!'li:' ''' tf:. ' l ' .L "' rt . :l;:ly ‘ t\ ''. ..Z,ltn't I' l, ;' , th'il ' ' '' ' wt.''''' , \ . - ' hallErit hailii 4. IL I. n, N.....•• P. 1.1 unklun.r, ;thews, I Ir• Pki\Jn A nattli •BURE 1 , , }1,.. , f. 4 , . L4 ' ... 4 .... .\ 44 4 4. • 0p..... ~. .4, . ..t.. . a ...i t o.t.ortona. TO I t 1 rait:lan/kin thP Il l Er. ,I.ll44.l•llnarta ... 1, ('.IfDo 51 E I' EI. I \ll5 l - \ P. ea?s, for satol . ,y , ‘, 341 I. I 33.11 .\ II ICKI:±1.5111AnI. I v cum , .. t , E ,, 0 .. i.,EAD ',....‘,., 1. aupo c riooor net Thy Int H r t.,l bvbi 2 .- - . - u ~I K Il.hnTa) Vo , ou.l II : ,E•sl It P" LI-I, i r , Af t L ir , r: ~ I ~, N, t , i 7 : , r 4 -.. r. r t :-., a PEI &Brnc a r tn. 44, r, r, i ., ., :14. „ ,.,_3,- ..i . 1 . ;.• ,1 .. , ~•• b . to $1,2Z0 1\ tZlf. •tr ' t ‘ : ' l T. to•h b• • • r• ' w • l c i ' .-tia ' r usillta a .01 ..tm ml••___"" •7 1, ' I t ItItry b ti • rll L ir'N' NA I) Olf.- ,5 hbk Vitv muke fat sale ...... '. li,, 1 nx , ..alt• .:.. :. WiexAitsuAn, 1 ','L',.,,1tr,' . '„,1 0 , V . . I' A RD. SODA -,--3 l'o 2 For gale la; ', ' 1 .. • "I,t ' r." -' ' ...In 1.7 .00,1 S. N ICKEn`-- h'- I, „,..,,, /b DI - 1 • ItU RISER CAPES 'yr,: -\.,. un. in wet wrWargre •ulL"Ertr•er'are'ttrat ' ".-4t ‘.1.u.2.) J 311 'II i n- ' Time Bills \ n.tt,,, jIN CINCINNATI, .4 " 4' " vouteriLLE. .2AIIIIL 1..1U1.2. NiAwllVll.l. IIiTH , I, ‘ , dl , :>.2 l. purrtia,...lorhatnrabla ratoje L l f, L. j, AITTTkR :6 1;14;co11 butter for i • •"4 4 - . - ~_..._231 1 Av.. VOA S }` ALE e: silent E.4At 1-. -. 1 . ' e 34- """•.-• ' . J. ItOEIQPNMAXE \ proper ..vituma a1..11011., It .strr tr..lutr.. 00 , • f:f IV ARF:1101,AI. etlf,ltol.l.l Orea Bt_, I I Iti:1:1'1' , . eI. ~, .. 1 1 ..nn li. ieut.J ter 41 . 1 0/.../X% ' /.•/ ... 1.. / 5 ...r1Tie1.t. '". ..1.. ' ,.7 . " t„, " „ ' „! '"" , " I ,I.ert i 1 1 . 111.141.1, A1...1rk. eii., •4 \• ' Private Resitlence*w Fl 3 ll E I:IIuPERTI ,:dr"... ' iv.... 1.. .41 iv, ..min .i .t id 1. 1 e ,ii...l,l,rihie 1.. ei.il it. the rat.ll. 1.4 A it. dlteiii 1 1.. itu.0.41 ... oiii.use . ..v. \ 1,• ~ ~,,...I.l.l,nee i nAer no ... le At. .i... ht,relnel no htt 1 1.., Irani ...inn, , fi tri.. dr. i .4 nll e tee, en . allele. 11, inek .14eliAnt. It. • 11... 14.0.... 1 t ii.i. hinit .1, au. lArt. di I, ..1, tle. I ...tine ....1 440,1 in 11. I...‘Nr tnAtiner t•ii,.....1 ....,..... i 1.., ...4.1,1... Ie And +1.111 . : .411 . e . ..44...V. ; .. 1 t ; .'.% 11.1 ' .1.• .. 4;:!1 " ;T: \ I r al ' ; ' ,.. • r " ri,ilt .:::t ~ :4.le. 'l " i Vri.A . . I,..nee ..1 .hildneA, .. riett .4 • 1.,.. Iron 1 iel. . r ...1....1 hi At/ hlliftlin . 11.4/ •.1 Ill' Pr..... i , Ae. l• mr P nW I.l.tinr.di. dintls...k. Ivite., r1,11,111.....etiel •ign.l er, 1011 tt. nle. iite in Acernli ~ in , i. 11,, It .. aT, r Lil., I.X ....fn. A etri..• . 4 , 1en t eri.......q....,1.0., -el , itAfillielltil , ..lll,...r. 1 Real Este.t . 1, ',1, 1t .IIrL --T‘r., I lietiii, dll.l Lv 1 i int, 11,d -. ' ..• i. '"" A 1... -A pier. .1 it \ind i let, r.. IV 1V.144. 1 1 ' •.4 1.1 nii .1 L.114 ut 4.1 .7.l'.l . e L !l; ''''' . " • •1 - 1 ‘. hinuall i - ""• '',' .\‘ , i ' Seven Valna le Pannelirr , S 1 A LL SITUATE' , \ /le 010 O*X II ...n,/ulnarn. ItAllrnad i In etee *kin/tit 11 i e fie..., t...., .. 4...4, and It,. , .1...-1141 VOVN Lyle, I *Aeti tn. 44,••111 1...10.... Dart ..440e elllage &Ltd the 1p Xal i•ohlle Al 1r whirl i•Ill L. rit,d an e 7 tArtair tar tat diuretiae et. Shirk In Ihe ig.1.4 and Nene Identila 11.111,10. r In ettliAr .4 the 11.,ke /13 I'3llnt.ll, .. nrlll 1... todien In ..n pay. m A ul I ......141, L. ii.AtA . i•,.... .1 41 Lind. .1)...14, lb: e grnund, i... i4nrusetlAnl mai, .4.,,,..ttipany, 1...te • ntot trl... 11.411 3.11/.11,...../ nr111.•11 n 17111 .an In. hal l [, ...kiply the 1....... iind .1.1.1 r A ilk, ...1. • 1.111 P 11.... r/.//ttal p.ll/I InnlVP.r./ ne ..iti.. ol Her. nuria, 1.1 I laTelohl; .1.... Leta eel, PLIt 11/11,11•cnI 11.41 / .. ... •rl the Gene/. le. , 4Arst ed. tenni ern. 1 . 1.1. 1t.•..1N In•II Iplni• rAtllntrunin.lX/...1 In•in );.lent, ..1.... it .4.4 .•1' 4.11 •sr not 11/1/.4001 jpln\n/ the ht.,' rui ...I i..i . h..i .e :ft.., , e /114.1. .I . el Vel 5.A1.1... 1 , , .I, I. '4l --, /e. tt.ll. e \ Fp , Tli.kN 'MOT, CONIM!, ' S,;II) N a \ i .ii..l.ii 11 ..11,..1', I. r ...I; on ...en..l, 11, tem, l'i01:11 • le ...lit I. I.ir, A..ti tr.inineei het .... Ineffe- .41 fl i 1.., Ileirirrut Alt, Anil Irmo ia..r. Ilie P.n. yell .1.1.. 11. 1, ,, ri ...I. i A nhin ...iina....ti the Iµ4 And . et.l i i ... A t the 1'..1 O, lenue i 1, .41.4-41., 11. i.5....t1.. ta, note ed etiii.u.to he kb, I li. 11.11,....f .. i 4.1 t • X . ,''''' .".••• , • , ..1/lII , X / A, ' ' 1' i A h.';' , .. , , All..diAl. i rt., '' ' '-'"" .k " r ''". lq: ' i .\ t t ..1. li o li r , de. L i LAP , / E 1, , t ..I . .14.1,Y . ,1 or.iTij ii i iiii,.. ju . -i .-1 ''' ' ' ' ' " •.' " ' c r. . 4 ' . ." i"" '.., " "" k Al I -.nil , In• I .a. I nito// X nnt .IAI ../1.1a./ . ./X, pi/ p ' . Int X niPp I .'lll•,,h:d 0.......5Ati ...,h •I•.•nn: Op told lia,te .i,4 in me i.N.lint ee Vt.e here e . 4 44... e.! I tli. lite 1, AI., .` t , ~.....0. • I . 4 ri ..-- utt! li I ....1.-, hee .a 1 :Ai, te. de, ... rue .1. eine. I e Ant, .1.•1 )her in , l/..“ .. nip. 4.1 \t . // I X ,till 4 111,... i I erm. •tne 1.1,11.1 an 14,14.1 awIN I, I* 4. ,,, , 0 ti., .. 0. , \ f,„ •iiiin.l p.., ...ht.!, ...Anted he leek..ty:ridst....• i '"' ' ' ' "'" '' .. " 11 ‘ ..Ni.t ' „0. ' :1 ' e....; l'w 5uA1...1!4_ \ L 'I OIi.RENT 1i... OvAlling, ..,.. b. , 54. I"' 1,, ~ , ~...,, ,o 5 r N.. , itidl-11 .A ei..01,.. the \ \ ‘ nn, 11 1 er- - n.' ti ' ... • t, 'Plet'“' ".''',,n47,‘N.",,'Zk".''!"' \ ~,,,• s - ii.. 11,...\ Per Selo or Prvetuit\Ae ~,.,, l i l i'l' , l , ll lI\LE E1 ., 11...1. , 1N , k 5t i\0 ' . ~„ ~„t ~., 5 ni.. A .../.,•1A / Of et.l . V.i. tt. , 111 i eal,Entate tor Sala, ii , ‘AI. I ' i l , , 1.!\ ‘‘, .yiii i 0,, , .. : ,., , 1 ,, F0T ~ \.. ...nlarn , •11. le. il4 te curatauln• en. •l . }lNln ././ A. r• n \h . ti.nd AI. e I !arm 'AAt r• 1. p.,t L. A Vsk up. •:;..l st., In IX. • /nut, srer ii ad i\ hi ear, \ . _Ale.- I, ter. v!.11, .le 1.., I N.V. nil \ '''''...:• ."'"" \.‘ A 0 / 11' I\ :VI /...1/N Amtnetee 44 \ le, .6,4 eal ........ h. mr., . ._ ' L !'" 1 '..! ''''-'. ' " A Good Bargol Is now ctle 1F A PPIACA FIV), ISE l' LIE . A • . ,„.... L. ir..„,,, ..- ~ , ~,... ~...,'''',..'. I.ml -.4, IL \ ...nil,. 1- . A..1,..1 ".'' d " . ',4 .lTra ' A . ". ..)11 ' . ';.', 1 , r. oir -‘ b,... WI .yet, ki . ' I,lllAl ft A` '' 1- ~._ ~.. , The eollegb• of 9. . auies k \\ \ 'l .. I ..1 IV - 111111.N1.1T,1N , ..c,NII, :Ni Ali r . Nl\ 1 h• 1.i.,•-ao C;0ti•at..111,•Pkt.t."...•14 .t.,..•..1. 14 1 1c,..0 . .. 1 frill': l ' lc.Vl . ll . 4 .N Sl \ A, I. !;4;SSI ~ v't.l 1 , ! 4,,,",, :::i'- '' ' ' ': ‘ :'';!;' 4s ' l / 4 ' ‘;': 71' ,: . ...4::`"';, .r ...it ' . ' ll, ttr tkutl•ht.‘,.t. ri,l[..rt. (.., ter •...i..1., I It, ,b. At, ~ 0.1.. in If i, i • i tlill f •• \ i„c, 1..r...11 IL. .4.•rti. Ict,.. I. t .1, .u• ti t. ....,,,,,,... '.-.',..t..%.,•••••••;;;Tt.',V;.'.'."...; ....1•1...t.1 .',•.."'' .1 - 111: ..11A Vlll All tt! .1.. Ai11.... , N1if 1 ....11,,....i 1.4.1..ie •• Pfli f •••i , ~ ~,, • der .11,1 u, dt•cly u.a. • ..1 1 /..... c , I 1 1. .1.1. c1..tat.... /U.... •tl• I .attd .1.0,1....1, , lat ,V tu t' Unanui at ...L.,. , lu 11,. .11.1:11...AN II L , 1...\•11. - -.. 1 h, , •`.1.1. 0nu11.... mu& il• ith,.. Atp.l., 't., ..., 31.•leru I....u.taate, 1; , ,10- 0 ~..• VI,. •Iluntl.,ts 4,1 In. 1,11,, ; •n.11,•1 v I....itht 1., I, .. 11.4 . 11, 11 . 1.1..u.....1 • le., ni \ :.c., t!“.••1t.. , t•I• 11.1. Cif dei `,. /tl.ll - 141.1.. utt.41,,,11,11u, 1.1 ..i I i t . t .1.11 it.r tvtipatiftp hi ... - iturt• • 1,. - ;,,,,,. LI, ..1.,,.,..,., 1,uver..... 0 ,,L.1 Yr .......z it,. /hi, Intra.rentitilly appaillt.,l Vl,..ih 1.... 11.•,.•. I.IX U. 1 qtr' OW 1 ... 1 .1.,..ta•1t4...t, a., .1.1.1. I .11n\. '"1!1 ; . ...: 111 , , ...1.. , Vt1tJ1 ‘ ii ‘ •V.1..i. ' .t . N7 •-' ' 7,4.f ' lt: . 11A. AL!. i , itt' the l t. 1,., uttattlratity,at tatlt ' ....b 1, " t to,/ott.l.lr,A ..., tr•it,, 11••.1.•11., r,`lsranle e titt , ..yu.ll. I , ,a.lwatiet, App....tin...L., ... el, , et.t, t. 1.. my,. in lit ' '' " P • flt , •" . ...,,, ,',,. • ii.,, , -^! , . \ , s . „, r,f,:,.l'.•:',.' i t,t r . , v.^o , \ N It -- .1‘,. - ..- lu 1 ttohtzt.l• .I•lsluat t aut 1 /4.11.1.•..\ fie,- .in tj., ffinillitlilik. WI, ti.1.1...1 tn I i.r ..\ 11..,. .h.r.t. ii. 1,, La., .1...•• ..ruwilt • Vrit.ac 1 , itiversity of . lititrylEpu , ~ , r iE 'k; . 'X\T SEsSIO mill ~,r,n, , ,,,,, 1 41, :.•hatt /1 , ria 4 it .01 11. Sur.u, . . s 11 tat 1. A t 1,11 It CLeutVoir ...I I`..reusN, t...uuel 1.1••••., 1 [. 111 ..i.ut1\-. 1.1.11* ti. It tot. 11,• u t ' • .....1, 'Lt., .1 .t.ual..ttt, .1..1 Itity-1.,..0 Wm ....•/ 11 1, . 1 t.....r, - .u.l ki.t.sl.•• 411...11e1ue Itichard. 11 11. U. ‘I ‘,“/ ...it , 1 .1,1 11 ....... 0 •' • 11 t•stu.,• •vt./ t.1.11t1r.. - t....t, St' 11111. h, ..r. 11 lo . Ploth.tl.•orelAt..l..i 11, ~...., .. rt .t.,... (.111.• 1,, h. 4 or..la t ..stmat ..... 1.... - eur-• 1,14.11 1......... . rt. i t rol••••t• ". , A ,, •[...11 . ..,,•••t.. balms., It.utet.. wtth 'h. (.10, LI v•to ‘.. 4.11, vitt,. 1..., ..tr.tt. . it.,..1 . h.,+ t. att. ttinft.. I ~ , ,r. 1..1 _lt A 1 i1;1... 14 to Kentucky Ittutnal Lite I.ll4tininen Company' ouARANTV rum., 11,i1,0“ii TIIIS COMPANY t.f ern L. 41... inuredell 11,••••tirity ...1 4.16 WA., ..1 a \thou., a0.1.1.111it . rhino ,ash•toti•fair nitlle.ltr..irth n... 1 h.u..1., It.. 1 11, 1 , 1 Vrataillux.tt U, ILZlitiSf t•tury lu .••••1, ... Oar .t.t.t tvtif., ri..,,,1...1 lrlth• it.litif.kfll rltit.,l th. ~..at au ...1....... but G.ll e5".....1.•pr.•,... it I.hn lulaia• e.itut 110.• t ut.ttaLai• tut the rch. , tot,. ~ 1 11, at ...qui, Iti. Ipt.rer•l in lb. ....,0,14. WE. On• 1.1 In • at•h Au i.•... 1,1• ct .1t...1., 1,, ...,•11, ti 1....., t •ir ,1,...... • Auttrautt 1u..1 Je•lart•d `.\ , ..r tb• I...truaa•nt t•urilt,• n 1 sturt ter. turutbura, .1.1 411 , 1.. r 11.. yr••••.s.t tuiti r ,.1 th,•• for 11.. •holto t•rtu hl 111 r wthl• I. Me Wil l ...I \affllLi 1.11,,1111.11,1f..• 1 . ..1ap...1, *5O" "".^ 't ''‘ ll7 " . ' ::;',N . ,:;;,7 1 • 0 !".': 4 ',; - ,11.f..1Z,:r. II ;1;,. 7 . '. V'.:,!:::*1 1 .7.-"i',..'- ....smiry 1 ' 1 ' n ' . L . ' 1 ' ...;;.t.,..wit \ 0,,. 11, 6 1 / I .lfo 4 I 1.0,7.-• en.llot, Inry-1•11, 1,5 4.1 , to .litt - ing .9.14......ini ft, =no.. 11i,./11,,,, (..,..'.l. , on. la, . .ii•Lti'l ti,.. pirt, 11l ~ 1 -.4 ,),.‘1.,..., .1.1/1,1•11-1..taii, slid •pp1t...,,a • . : io•uratto. r. , ...,...1 1., I 1t 1 .01 1 411t11, A.t.ut. 1, 1i'.....irr...1 Itirt•vur.h. 'l,lll L 1•11,•..I11, 1Infl , ••1 1 K•tulhe. alt: A./ • I . . N..W FALL (10001. '. - A , No • , N.• 6.1 Iht ,A e' •r , cer:', itiroA,,,, , . t A. MA !•1 N i i:1,1. , k r, ~„.‘. .j,,A 3 11, n .' I . l• tr.. ~,,,...- A..r. 1.,-.11., 1.11 1 . ma 1nam..,... .41...., a e1u.,..,..r. ... -..1...1...1 twltta ~...111,ra. 1t,... qa• ! !1 4 ' .tZ , :i1 ' r " .' 1. 1..t.i•.. ' 1. b.. = . 11. r :.•".-7.:\ Wft„ • 1 1 „ 1 ! .. ,,, 1 t i uMlt 414 1..'1,.r 1.. k.. , 0i...r..-s., 1.... 1 s anpfh.ll.. I i. ,IV, . , F HEMI Glicri:EI:11 0 : , A A B U NC N 1.1 . 'l.:i2 , 1:1 -1,/r—ra .1 lii 1 1.••.., 1:.•1..a.- V........ A 11, ..,41.... ..', - M.trstrma. m... 1,1 • ~,, ....i .mot.l. I'mo..ia,l • .1... hi, •Dt . A,.., ‘1....1‘ IL a 41,. . , 111..,1...mi0 ~...1 r• 1•., M.fl^e- i°. as , NIH NE HOSE lulu Hut ,r ..uuu.purpr,..r cure, to eldi aul.riarut ot.nu3 Lunn. pr...llre lu c•nn , the mon, I• I 01 . 0 Mt 1" 1V F 1 H :l,,;_ ctl 'Ylzt,l4 _M=l 4 . OJ • u ...4, •y• i , a ' NYLIILI., 0 "I , ....1 1 ' a. [Low al ' 0:111. it. Y." , ; re voi\ • • • r t,4l(ev 'X to • 1 t• 1.1•1 " \ \ ~. 1~ ~ ~ ~_ ~` =\