The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 29, 1851, Image 2

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17.1 T Sr RGH
Itell NY Wil l
11()NpAY 3101t . NINO, S
P -9. 1851
Attention! Friends of Scot
Va• The atteutiun of the,
JOl./.1 . 0 t:atiil lir...Storni, to Alleyai
iy nygeit ILI the trutairmitre of a Lbor
the li.vmatitua of Club, Ili every . li camp., a; the ant.intMent. of Can
to ie , fiiesi. eier; trierat uf ..,00tt ant
aial .lint (I,v alit. requirii it ara
eye', rotor itegaant bar ballot on
taLt.lert nazi. . . -
flit. Inflovrina Committee no N
:I ''' . " ... l' n ' ti l iet/li 'l :.Zlla j r ' t th l. ' fi ' at r i!li
A kloyil, Capt. Y. ilevl,netriker. L .
Ilitey, to. It. Walker, Jolll.l Meet
Up nnVr 01 tho County Commil
tt and Joluudon.
,friendo of SCOTT,
hetly rounty, io epectal
rougb ora anicatinc, by
lertinn afflict, for the
triculltera Vuti
Jobruton 'u asasriad.
naturalised, and that
the :Lem.' Tocc.hal of
turailcati by beer.
. reldetolal, DT. J. X.
Joae,h •Ibelt.
I toe.
and Johnston
Allegheny County 800
A: WO klutbu on tiowlst, 24th
At Lao nn-rt "
hip, ow Tumliir. XOth.
At Ara. J•lter , aa.taara
al 2 P. M.
At Cliutnn, Floalay Waa,lMil,
at 2Y. Al.
At PerrysTille.. Thuraimi. 21. at - ;
At tt.h.rt. Mllllan,.. ',pyre St Li
dar.::t. at 2 r. M,
At the Isle James Phillips. Ito
hk , nur, Wt. IA P. NI.
• Al Spanit'a NMI, eh.5.544°4111 1 011 TtleAtay, 750, at
2 i•. NI.
. . .
At o. V Coulter' 'WI. honth ht,otto tp
the !Rh, al 1: o'chw t.
loath!;l Tbrido*r.
'ol h t ook. M
Mb, at 7. P .0tt0r.... thillauo
V. .
At rosub 113 th...• torotitu, our friendd .111bo achlresotot
Ituyortsot thr ureat Willow! lutoreqte , of
Our I;lten.i. in rich erttlon gull,. of the county', lite
re tuef ted to or and have •v,r, ,re rNit
and mite ariatoetnentA to Long 41 our got," tb.
VOTIR, air you assessed! If not, see to it
immediately. Unless you are assessed ten days
before the election, you Will lose your vote. Re
lmerober 'this. _ • -
On Saturday last, the opening of the Char
tiers Railroad was, celebrated by en excursion.
At nine o'clock A. M. a party of about two
,Inutdred gentlemen, consisting of officers and'
etockholders of the Road, and incited . guests,
embarked en the 'steamboat Clarion, for Cool
If-arbor at the mouth of Chat-tiers Creek, the
river terminus of the Railroad. On our arri
val there, we found the Locomotive John Thomp
son, from the celebrated manufactory of Bald
win; Philadelphia, with steam up, ready to take
us on our excursion trip. After a brief exami
nation of the admirable arrangements of the
Conipeny for delivering coal into boats from the
cars, we entered-the coal care preparid for the
accommodation s''f the Company with temporary
seats, lined with calico, and started for the pres
ent interior termination of the road, • five miles
from the river, which we accomplished in thirty
minutes. We had twelve cars loaded with pas
eeniers, and the powerful Locomotive took no up
the steep grades of 145 feet to the mile with but
little apparent effort. As it is only intended to
take empty cars up these grades, it is easily seen
from this how wet!. adapted the Locomotive is
to dad' work required
At the terminus of the road we found the
minee of the company, with the admirable ar
rangements for filling the cars with coal. We
spent some two hours here in the examination
of the pits and machinery, and witnessed the ra
pidity with which cars cautaining fire tone of
coal are loaded. One of the pits we penetrated
'to the depth of 10011 feet, in a horizontal direc
tion, in which distance we counted fifteen chem.
ben., ap.penetrated by branches of the Railroad
far bringing the coal to the surface in the pit
care, from whence it is passed by a chute to the
freight ears. The coal Is of an excellent quali
ty, and the vein: is about four feet six inches
thick. All the arrangements are well adapted to
incur econmony in the arrangement of the works,
and reflect great credit upon the skilful Chief
Eugineei., •
About 'nue o'clock, we started on our return
with a train of 20 cars loaded with 1110 tons of coal
and 12 ears with piissengers. We passed down
the steep gra . deawith entire safety,t he train being
under perfect. control of the-Engineerand Brake
men. In 40 minutes our heavy train was deliv
ered safe in Coal Harbor, every person express
*lug the utmostsatisfaction with tile:trip, and with
the excellence of the arrangements.
The Company then embarked for home on the
steamboat, where lee found a table set out with
every requisite for a substantial meal, served up
in excellent style, by that well known caterer
to the public 'appetite, Mr. Davie Johnson, to
which the Company, with appetites sharpened
by their ride, did ample justice. some two hours
were spent at the table, during which time
speeches Werelptige, and toasts drank, and.songd
sung, and the'VQ , C passed off very pleasantly
. and to the entire s atisfaction of all present.
Thus has this •grent; enterprise, started and
carried oneitainly by Sew York capital anspn
ergy, arrifed at this .deStrable consummation.
Our coal Gelds haieteen penetrated for • Miles
in the interior, and at a heavy expense, an the
Company i'a now prepared to deliver 16,0001 c.h
els, (640 tons)"per. day, Atd9vir prices, to all/
may desire it.
We earnestly trust that the estimable an en
terprising President ot'the company, Th mas
?ileElrath, Eaqi‘, with his fellow corporeatoralwho
hive invested, their means in • this enterprise,
may reap slidh reward for; their outlay. They
have spept some $206,060 among its, tol .de
•velopetottr mineral resources, and have thus con
ferred a substantial favor upon this community,
meriting our hearty good wishes and grab de.
It is our interest to encourage foreign co ital.
Juts to invest their means among us, as its reflec
tive effects benefit the whole community, and we
hope this Company will he so prof/mot/slant
others maybe induced to imitate their exam
ple. .
If any persons have entertained a jealon4y of
this wok, e
r and haysupposed that it was cil
iated to injure the coal business by overstocking
the market, they should, recollect that the /uau
ed increase of the demand will fully absorb all
.1. ,
the supply of this Company....- , in one yea and
Witt other similar enterprims will shortly e re
quired. Mr. 3E - Meath well remarked, in eply
to a c?Mplitaentary toast, that this compan ,did
not expect or wish- to interfere with the pal
trade already established 'on the Monongahela
and Youghiogheny. They only desired and ex
peCte/1 to assist in supplying the continually in
crenuitiglemand,whiel , appeared to bo limited
only to the means of supply: 'We should not be
at all surprised to see this Company supplying.
the Cleveland market, with. profit, and thus pl - - ,
//peering a new market for themselves.
We gave a full. description of this road In our
last. Its_ mognitdde few of our citizens are
aware of. The whole reflects great credit upon
Mr. Ellwood Morris, the Chief Engineer, ail far
as it was constructed under his supervision.
Be has had great experience in this description
of roads, and the Company can feel perfictly
safamuder, his superintendance.
Tsouts• or Now 0.1..ZA:19.—Th0 N. O. Com
mercial Bulletin ban a long and able article upon
the prOspecte of that City in reference to the
trade of the Ohio and Mississippi. Its Mews
are well expressed in this short paragraph.
•Not contentalil taking from New Orleans
the trade of the Ohio valley, they [the people of
the Eastern citlesleiten now strive to 'lntercept
the 'trade of tie Upper Slistolisspi, end they will
It then goes . on to tell its readers ••that they
will never be able to regain their lost trade.—
Their-only hope is to strike out for new regions;
they mutt lout. westwanb r and not to the north.
The trade of upper, Texas , and Arkansas will al
ways belong to New Orleans, providing they
.tend their railroads in that direction, and it can
never be diverted from them." •
Crne.—The following is an extract of a letter
from , a gentlemen Itit;ew York, whoa, °qt ..,
pondende in England is from the most r-nta
lile awl wellinformed p ourers. Be says:
~ "I.have a:letter by the last British steitmer
"which states that. Spain, France, and En land
"are negotiating a.Treaty Tenanting the uar
..anty of Cuba. , The conditions are that 'phi
rattail have a Local Legislatare—a repree uta
"lion in ihe Corte, at Midrid-rend that ovi
'''l4oll. shall be wade for the gintdual abollti n of
' -the Island. I consider the I or
o n Fin reliable..'. • -
Grstisznilitsgssins,for Odobse is media.
The shameful efforts of the I..ocofoco party to
make capital out of the tragical affair at Chris
tians have recoiled terribly upon themselves.—
The manly and dignified but severereply of Gov.
Johnston to a few demagogue of Philadelphia,
who tried to entrap him, has no doubt made him
thousands of new friends. The letter of the Rev.
Mr. Gorsuch, Manifestly extorted from him,
while his mind was Agitated and borne down by
a most terrible blow, by unprincipled partisans,
and then thrown into circulation for political ef
fect, was another great mistake. This lost pro ,
doction is such an outrage upon common decen
cy, to say nothing of ieratity; that very few of
the locormo papers touch it. It will do the par
ty no little damage.
But the very idea of seizing upon ouch a la
mentable occurrence—one which good men of
all parties deplore—for political effect has some
thing in it so Ineffably revolting, that we are
not surprised that, like the Cuban excitement,
they drop it as suddenly as they took it up.—
Both burnt their fingers badly. The - Post pounc
id Upon it with great eagerness, as ii it had
found something exactly in its tante; hut It soon
gOt enough. Our democrats are not quite ready,
as the Post and kindred prima seem to have sup
posed, to gloat over human blood; and mike cap
ital out of outrage and murder. That they
ever thought of such a thing is evidence that the r
cause is almost hopeless, and, that they are,dee
titute of facts or arguments to prop up the
sinking fortunes of their rickety cause. They
are disheartened, gloomy, cross and desperate.
The reader will find in another column an ar
ticle from the Bradford Reporter, a democratic
paper, which supports Bigler, an article on the
subject of the murder of Gorsuch, which will
well repay perusal
Tee Crean PRISONERII.—The conduct of Mr.
Owen, the American Consul at Havana, in ref
erence to the late trying events et that city, and
his subsequent conduct towards the prisoners
whose lives were spared, is variously reported.
Bo long as the flibusteros were in arma—that is
at the time of the summary execution of the fifty
—he could not act: but afterwards, when all had
been captured and were at the mercy of the au
thorities of the island, there was nothing to pre
vent the exercise of his personal influence in
behalf of the unhappy men who had been delud
ed by others more wicked than themselves into
the commission of a great crime, the conniver:.
cos of which had fallen with crushing weight
upon their own beads. Whether he did so, or to
what extent be didko, is a mooted point. J. s.
Thrasher, in his letter, which we published on Sat
urday, labors to place the conduct of the consul
in an unfavorable point of view ; and upon close
inspection we think the reader will discover a
design on the part of the writer to do so. Mr.
Thrasher, was the editor of's paper at Havana
which the Governor General suppressed for some
reason. Other writers speak well of the consul's
conduct. Ou the whole it is one of those cases
in which public judgment ought lobe suspended
until the result of the investigation into the
matter ordered by the President, shall be made
There has been no small arnomit of blind in
dignation expended against Consul Owen by the
locofocosympatLiters. Even here, if we remem
ber aright, we had a resolution consigning him
to everlasting infamy. At some other places he
waA burnt in effigy, and was every where moot
heartily abused. 'lt is not, to be sure, a matter
of wiry much importance; laut. if it-is proven that
he has withheld :from theee unfortupate men
that sympathy which common humanity always
claims, he ought to be, and will he removed.
A private, letter in the N. L. Courier and En
;lnter, Havana, ',opt ; ti says:
"The consul was right, of course, in not mov
ing in the affair in his officialeapaedy ; but he
would have received every facility from the
Spanish authorities in any„etiorts he might have
made for the personal comfort of the prisoner?,
att4 be would have been honored by the t'aptaiu
Garret if he had shown personal sympathy for
them. Money has been subscribed largely fur
them by eubelili and Americans. The latter
are few in number here, but they have contrib•
nted handsomely ; and this =hey, about a thou—
sand dollars; has not 'reached them through the
American conStil,but by the hands of a private
citizen—su•American gentlenian resident here.
The money has been expended for them in
necessaries for their voylige, he. They are con
demned to what is called the presidio, or work
ing in chains in the public works in Spain. It
is hoped and believed that they will he liberated
at the birth of the coming heir to the Spanish
"Second P. S., Sept. Oth.Two more prison
ers hare been liberated: one named Van Verb.
ten, of New York, the other a steamboat engi
neer, of New Orleans, whose name l have not
yet bean able to learn: both are quite yoong
Van Vechten was liberated at the request of Capt.
Platt, who was a personal friend of his fatheri
the engineer was net free because it was discov
ered that he had laid.down his arms before tha
proclamation of quarter, and that he had taken
a copy to some of the party who were among thy
mountains. This morning arrived the shameful
news that the inhabitants of Key West had driv
en out the Spanish residents from their town by
a succession of personal insults, more degrading
even than personal violence. The Spaniards
came over themselves in a schooner: there is
.much excitement, on 'the subject, as the injured
parties were residents of twenty or thirty years
standing at Hey West, and were in no way con
nected with Spanish interest in Cuba Tester
-day, also, some Spaniards arrived from New Or
leans, whence they had been driven by similar
means., With what shame and confusion of fate
on American is covered - when in a foreign coun
try he hears of such ontrageseithese. By such
acts the dignity of the American character, if
not the honor of the government_ is gravely coin
promised, and the lives and property of Amori
cans in Havana would be exposed ton bitter and
bloody retaliation, but for the strong hand of the
Captain. General, felt every where through the
ever present police at til l soldiery. Should the
men who have behavethuis vilely by any chance
gat into the hands of the Spanish Government,
they would more richly deserve the presidio
and the garrote than the filibusteros themselves."
-WC,learn that Mr. Dickinson Gorsuch was,.
on Saturday morning, in rather an improved
condition, strong hopes being entertained for
his recovery. A correspondent of the Baltimore
County Advocate, residing in the county, de
fends the citizens of Pennsylvania from the im
putation of encouraging a violation and reiet..
ante of the fugitive low, and adds :
"feeling itmy duty, upon hearing the news
of the outrageous' act, I repaired to the place;
as sods as eirepmstancee would permit of it, I
visited the place where the murder was com
mitted, saw the spot upon which Mr. Gorsuch
fell. I conversed with all whom I saw, and tdo '
assure you, sir, that not ono could I meet who
did not express the moat profound regret upon
thesubject.ipd expressed themselves in such
terms ae nollo be misunderstood. Some may
say that they had seen the result of their sic.,
tione, and in order to keep pace with public
opinion, had changed their course, and appa
rently their minds upon the sebject of elavery ;
and the apprehension of pireons claimed a
aloves:but se many of those persona were those
with whom I have had a long and intimate ac
quaintance, I must sincerely declare that I havo
never heard from them anything but each as
would fall from the lips of the most order-loving
and law-sty ding citizens
Tut Mor.—Operations of the Mint at Phil&
delphla for the month of August.:
Gold bullion
Gold, viz—Double eagles, 3,162,1320 00
Eaglei, 76,n0 00
Ralf. eagles, - 22.2,2T5 00
Quarter eagles, 312,045 00
Gold dollars, 301,350 00
Silver, viz—Half dollar",
Quarter dollars
$14,000 00
Copper—Ceuta, 796,476 pieces , 7,984 70
The tulepined bullion on hand on the 20th inst.,
Belonging to the baltlon fandi eo
deposites of gold previous to the 20th of
September had been paid to the depositors, and
ali mint certificates are redeemed on presenta
tion immediately after being issued.
An article in the Alta California, by Colonel
-Worth, estimates the annual yield from the gold
won at 60,000,00.f0r many years to come. The
rifts, he- tbialui, are inexhaustible, and extend
ter henuande, of nines under the saeuntsbut
Srevar.:vvitax Wetuustas.—The Wilishuegh
Ilerala says that a watchman in Steubenville
•in his rounds discovered some heads protrud
ing-from a wiubow, from which obscene lan
guage was Issuing - too vehemently, as the short
est way of manifesting his authority, he "dor
nicked" them, and was fined for his extraordi
nary exhibition of summary justice.
From an-able article upon the 'subject of Life
Insurance, in the 11. ill., we take the foll.wiug
“suppose there were 1,000 boys, - ':
says Professor Walton/at "all 10 years old,
nod the question were asked by some one, 'flow
long upon an average will these boys liver—
The proper reply wool.! be, That will very much
depeod upon the employment which they shall
afterwards follow.' But it may be said, make
them all agricultural laborers; when will one
half of them be dear In this case, one-ball of
them will be dead 113 years after this; there
will then be onl 600 alive. Make them all mi
ners; one-half o them will he dead 613 years
after this-10 y arm eooaer than the agricultural
laborers. Mak them all bakers; bow long will
they live One-half will be deed 493 years of
ter this-2 years sooner than the miners.—
Make them all plumbers, painters, or glaziers;
oue-half will be dead 403 years after this-3
years sooner than the bakers. Make them all
clerks; when will one-half of them be dead.'—
Make them - all clerks whose feet ere never demp,
whose coats are never off, whose heaviest instru
ment is a quill, and whose fingers are never soil
ed by any thing worse than ink—and only one
half of them will be alive 413 years after - this...
It appears from this calculation, conuneneitig
at the age of 10, that the value of life ton clerk
is ,:i years less than that of it plumber or pain
ter, Ii yearn less than that of a baker, •10 year.
less than that of •a miner, end 20 years less
than that of an agriculturist These fasts sug
get terrible reflections as to the deterloratiag
influences upon some classes of - that subdirision
'of labor which forms a prominent item in, the
consequences of modern commerce—a subdivi
sion necessary, it may be, to produce the largest
aggregate of wealth, but which, by condo...ming
whole masses of men to sedentsry employment.
vastly diminishes the aggregate of human hap
piness. On this point vital statistics are con
:,,orrearntld , nywo nf th Pittsb9rch o...tte 1
I mode my maiden visit to that crest
natural wonder, the Falls of Niagara yes
terday. I can only express my astonishment at
the effrontery of those people who have gone
there and come away professing themselves dis
appointed For my own part, often as I have
read descriptions and seen representations of
them, I was overwhelmed with admiration of the
grandeur, variety and sublimity of the whole
scene. lam not so vain and rash as to attempt
to describe the indescribable. It is remarkable
'hod unsuccessful most efforts to convey any tol
erable idea of its effects upon the beholder have
been. Byron's three words, 'hell! of waters,'
expresses more than all else that has been
written on the topic, now of course perfectly
hackneyed. lie must be a graphic as well as
adventurous sketcher who would undertake-to
say anything upon it deservingattentien.
We came down here in the Buckeye State, a
tine new boat, clean and fast, in just twelve
hours, a vary comfortable and satipfaotory'run.
I do not see that Cleveland has made such rapid
advances in improvement as some othe'r places
along the northern lake; It wears nearly the
same appearance which it had tea yeast ago.
The chief extension, however, has doubtless
been un the side of the town towards the int,
Mur 'fur the activity and bustle about the
railroad station indirates . eu IV...Eike:llElg of busi
ness which moot lead to au increase of wealth
and activity. The trains for Pittsburgh and Co
lambus were both preparing to etart, and were
both crowded:with passengers, while the whole
neighborhood round about was coffered with piles
of merchandise and produce
I left in the noon train fory'olumbus. 1 was
surprised when we got off no hour and a half ni.
teethe appointedtime. and when started I WS+ C.-
Liu*l) expecting that we would stop The grade
from the lake shore to the summit level is long
and steep and it required two engines to bring us
up, one pulling, and the other pushing The
day before there-had been a terrible !eplosion
on the plane near the top of the secenz. The
locomotive drawing the regular train to Colum
bus up the acclivity, blew up, rending ,the en
gine to pieces, and killing the engineer awl three
other perimns as reported. The scene of dims.
ter, when we passed, was strewed with the
wrecks and tragments of the engine and 'cars
destroyed" "Fite destruction must have been ter
rific. The pieces of the loccmotive lying about
were of every size from five pounds to five hun
dreds in weight
From Cleveland to this place iota& miles. We
should have made the trip in at'least sin hours,
but,owiag to an immensely heavy train and to the
new cars which formed part of it, and ran very
heavily, we were fully eight in accomplishing
that distance. The road is new and' appears to
be a very good one. It must be good stock, for
the travel is and will doubtless continue to be,
immense. The regular mail time from Cincin
anti to'Cleveland is ten hours, the distance be
ing nearly 2Z..,; miles. Nearly all .the travel
destined for New York city now passes over this
route. I had no suspiCion that so large a tract
of wilderness countrywas to be found in the
State of Ohio, as this rood passes through be.
twoen Cleveland and this place. After the heat
twenty miles the forest is magnificent. Such
oaks, such noble white ash trees, and such
beeches I have seldom seen. The maple and the
black ash have begun So yield to the fulness of
the season,and ore' assuming their autumn tints,
mingling the golden yellow of their decaying
foliage with the pervading green of ,the woods
lat.:toad. We eta never err in eulogising the
natural beauty of our scenery, the brilliancy of
oar skids, the sweet and balmy air of our tent
perafe 'seasons, and the grandeur ant loveliness
of our ' forests; although in setting forth the
; greatness and smartness of one nation, the pink
of all erection, we may sometimes assume a lit
tle more than is agreeable to persons who are
not quite so familiar with oar merits - as we 'are
The State Fair lieginihere to-day. Ihaven'ot yet
that it is seen the Hitt of entries,but I learn
respectably large. This is only the second gem
exhibition of the kind everheld in Ohio It is
given) under the auspices of the Board of
Agricci i iture,a body whose existence is recognised
by thelegislature, and which receives annually
au average allowance of public money of shout
82400. A large number of people from all parts
of Ohio are already here: and the crowd will be
much increased by arrivals until the close of the
fair. he address will be ' delivered by lion.
Vito. A I
leo, Into U. S. Senator. It is supposed
that eh rty thousand to fifty thousand persons
will vidit the fair grounds from the opening to
the dote of the exhibition. In company with
many other invited guests I went over the'
grounds to-day, and confess myself surprised
at the completeness of the arrangements, and
the quantity of excellent stock and manufactu
red articles intended the the exhibition. I will
give you a description. to-morrow. J1.7:91 I!,
The editors of the New Orleans Delta and New
York Sun are receiving that kind of public at
tention to which their infamous efforts to'induce
our eititens to invade Cuba entitle them. The
editors of both of these papers were daily in the
habit of publishing exciting statements in role
tion to the cenditiou of Cuba, which misled thous
ands into the belief that the 00080 of freedom
only needed a new volunteers from this country
in order to become entirely successful in Cuba.
They thus, 4 giving publicity to fabrications
which they knew to be false, induced hundreds
of young men to go to Cuba where they were very
epeedlly either shot or imprisoned. They are as
guilty' of murder as if their own wretched hands
inflicted the fatal wounds.
Wel are glad to see that so many newspapers
are heaping public odium on the guilty beads
of the editors of the Cuban organs. These men
did not place their own wretched bodies in peril.
They, knew too much for that. But hoping to
glut their avarice by getting up a successful ex
peditton against the Spanish authority in Cuba,
they were wholly reckless how much life ;it might
coot. They richly deserve to be crushed beneath
mountains of public odium, and there is no doubt
that they will Coon come to be regarded as the
worst men to the country. •
$4,122,210 s
b 8,126 02
4,078,32 V 00
9,000 00
$5,238,823 43
61,600 00
1'6,288,223 43
Ledion COUNTT. -- 6 1 Saturday evening the
friends or Gov Johnston, fired one hundred guns
at Allentown, upon reeeipt of the Proclamatian
anuoanciug the cancellation of 1909,122 98 of
the SW° debt, by the ajmation of the Sinking
Fund. If o'er the citizens of our fitate had cause
for rejoicing; it is at the operation of this glorious
'Sinking Fund.
TRACES OF KR Toast nun' rs-AMERI
News froM the American Exploring Expedi
tion to the 17th of September, ISW hay beim
received in England, in a letter addressed to the
Admiralty. It is transmitted by the master of
the bark True Love. The persons whose graves
are mentioned, belonged to Franklin's crew.
. Davis Smarr, July 24, 1861.
Mr LORD. :—May it please your Lordship S to '
receive at my hem A the enclosed testimony, re-
eeired on the 12th of Jely, of the American ,
searching vessels, o the account of their coy- '
age in search of 'tii dam Franklin. On the
13th of Septetriber, IS 01; they left all the mtreli-
ing vessels at Cape M eves, Cornwallis Island,
they not iseing enabled to pursue . any further
Westward disention fro M that date. A harbor,
called the Awash:tut Harbor, discoiered by Cap
lain thuniatiney, three Iles south of ''ape NI,
tyrs, Niaa the place in ae action by them to It in- ' „,,..,
ter in. The bay ree w/is forming very strung at 6,II'IIAR---4
that time, yet the A wince and Rescue were i , - 5. ~,,,,,
determined to proceed( hetnewards; but, tailor- .
tunately, however, a gitlM sprang up and drove I r IR:
w,I ,
i them up Wellington Chat Mel al miles , and o f isoon ii oil
I forwards they werk(eptela in. The .Aniericau or.e, twatil,i,l 0 1
Captain, D e Raven, 'told' me that the Winter 1 1.1::! .. ,":',: 4 '''':,',,,,
was very m'ld, and that he can give uu further ; m too rt.aja. a a.
particulars respectinnollr John Franklin than. ; l',','="n, ^i ,„7",:
I the enclosed account. Re said he was deter- i meaude vicietii
mined to go to the rent of search again, after If'
,';';'",,';' , 1 U'
;' '
having wintered; and all. the documents reeeiv 1 i i
ill-q' Pii iii
ed from the Admiralty and othera I gavoin bin,l '''7':„% t r,r.i',=
Mnatofuaus. —l, On the 26th of August, 1051, 1 nmet',...l •if is. ,
traces were found to northward olnnis,,Pert Innis, ; ,t2;,!:‘ , ..2tti
Wellington Channel, confirming thoseprevindly I Isr (solo , oar,
found at Cape Riley by Captain Oannanneyr.— i ~,,,,,,..
These counistzd of fragments of ' clothing, pre- I
served meat tine ( and scraps of paper.,Que of
therm bearing the rotate of 111'Donald medical
officer in the expedition.
2. On the 2701, Captain Penny's parties re.
ported graves. These were at-onto visited by
Captain Dc Raven, Mr. Penny and Dr. Kane.
They hors respectively the names of IP. 13raine,
R. M., and John Hartnell, of the Erelum, anti
John Torrington, pf the Terror„ the date of the
latest death being the Id at April. 1046. Ad.
del to these sad but unmistakeable ,evidences,
were the remains of the onservatory, earpent
era' shop and armorem' forge. Upon the hill
side and beach were fragments of wood, metal
and clothing, with stacks of empty meat tins.
everything indicated permanency end organiza
tion. There can be no doubt that the cove be
tween Cape Riley and Beech). Island, Awing
-Lancaster Sound, was the first winter station et
the missing VOSSala. On the list of September
the impervious ice of lie Wellington Channel, noi
derwent a complete disruptiou, and by the Gth
several vessels penetrated to the Cornwallis side
Such, however, was the impenetrable character
of the pack in Lancaster Sound, that by the
10th of September the entire searching squadron
were again concentrated about eight miles south
of Griffith's Island. This was the furthest west
attained by the American expedition. The latest
dates from Commodore Austin are of the llib of
They were then in momentary expectation t f
making winter quarters, and it is probable that
a small harbor discovered by Capt Ommatney.
about three miles went of Cape Martyrs, will be
the haven selected. Thence the American tea
sels, while proceeding homeward, were frozen in
opposite Wellington Channel., drifting during
the ensuing winter from a latithile of 7.; 2rn
throughout the channel and sound to Baffin .
Their liberation, after ranch exposure and tri
al, took place on the 10th of dune, 10.7,1, at a
point south of Cape .Wellington 65 30—a linear
drift, exceeding 1,050 miles. The commotion of
the ice, with its attendant uncertainty, was their
chief source of trial 'Every officer and nian had
marked scorbutic disease, but no deaths have
occurred. The crews are now refreshed, and
the expedition is endeavoring to regain the seas
of search E K. KAM:.
. Surgeon to the Expedition '
The L1A1.1013 Fetes of the 10th instant. givei
great importance to these times, and says
The intelligence of traces of Sir John Feline
lin and his companions has been scanned with
eagerness by the Veteran Artie explorers now
reposing on their laurels at Woolwich, rind many
of them are sanguine iu the expectation shat
they may yet hare the pleasure of welcoming
at least the surviving portion of the noble teen's
who left Woolwich in May. 1 , 45, with the Err
bus and Terror It may be interesting to know
that the Royal Marine whose grave was found,
was Sergeant William Brame, of the Woolwich
division. who volunteered to proceed to the Arc
tic regions with the exploring ',arty, although
be had only recent'y returned from creole,. Is
It would he curio. ,says the New York Tn.
Lune.) it the American expedition should he the
firettu discover Sir Jahn Franklic or his fate.
with certainty
CLEVGLARn, Sept. 2:tl
Bennington the celelirsted artist in stained
glass, was recently preparing picture• of three
or four of the Apostle, for an oriel window of
church in a nourmhing western city lie Emil
just taken them from his formica, and woo show,
lag them to some of the vestry •• Don't soy any
thing about: it for it wouldn't he nottesii hy,ine
out of a hundred, but 1 don't mind telling yen) in
confidence Saint Peter in o little cranked to
the head, he was too soft in the upperend. but I've
got a first rate bake in Paul St. John though
isn't more than half bated Pll e have to hake an
other. John.,. But did ever you are a better baked
Paul Hie remark. were entirely professional.
nor had he the most remote idea of there tutu;
o dnuhle meaning in any thing he woo saying.
CoL..B.Cept. 22d
NAlisi` - -Among the candidates
for the National Council in the Cherokee Nation
are the names of Spring Frog. Spirit Pot, Laugh
at• Much, and Lightning ling For Sheriff the
names of Fish Tail and Pelican Tiger areinen-
Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &c
Drain. In call Ms attentlna ar Illarrhanta ant nthers
A fol Inaln [her .af o now pnioto-1 offer nt A rtioy.
oannot fall to plow,.
Sir A full namortment of 11A '..•1 aalal.rat C
alwxy a on harp,. •ur
Fur all hardened lamps, calla , rt Vti
ennarlaint. Itetern Per. e hhorl nee, LI.
eveeen, Le_ JO 11 U. F•erelt • Aral,. I.ll.tuent
hu er.,:lre,ll a r..putetlrn lh.l n mMi.ln. r 4 the kl n , l
ever errjoyed It ....11, cane,. foe
rheum, ea,br osrinolde. rirk hearacte..., atm.. Lurn••
. pt to.klnel err 17
Dar-Fever and Ague cured by 'th..
Dr. M*Lane, Liver Pille Th• 11 , 11n•Ing lat . ., from a
highly respectable gentleman of Weer Chinn, Perltvrl , C.
1., la triumphant r• fa•or of ehl;really crest
wbc• aufferlag ender tbia ;Mit:Unix
dvaesa. ran and imme•llale relief and a .r. e h ,. 4
the use of Dr Diane'. pill. .
- li'rntu•,o, pa.. co , I loth, 1,17.
kin rs glop • Cr —Alm. no.
~ar ago, I tr-roar., al
ram agent a lot of Dr. M'lmor, Lir, pill,. which I fold
loarn+,, and wiall aorta., aorta, ma roan perm•hlr
14 bra I imelve , l the., ••• oaf sollrrin•
an artart of Agor sad P..rr. but., lb.. usr of Lb... pill..
alone, I bare born renarploorly r,torml In b t .,j/i k
Ileor thorn to tm lb. to al rommly for billow ronara*lntr
bar.. ever knolro. JON ATIIAN
For sale at J KIDD b Cm's
5 , 14=5 cora., of Ith sad Womd .la
13Linwee. Cot. AT Pent...), —We Melt.. the
of the attllctr-11.1 the publir generAlly.l.3 the r..... ate
Wm 1ia11.4 The rar Mkt T ho e,en by C., In rwlation to the GR. br,
Oct forth. N. 31 KIER
I had tarn evernal >ean with aorennam of both
•yts, a hich continued to lodes.. until .euterotae. 115.1.
the inflammation Al that Inn. baylna Javnlyralbe whole
:ling membrane of both Pik and ended In IL. depoote
hf a 1111 Glm, nhkh nll 117 duetroyed my might I hat
no proration t.rformed.and the thleß ening femornl. whieb
wand returned and 1711 me In aa bail • rondition
Al fhb. atone of the ronlntaint I mWe •POlUndion
rdl 1.1 the nun. xmlnenf medliral mn. who Informed me
that •my eyae would nee, aet %wall. Al tluallene I onnl.l
Inull diatie,,,uhth any hluaet •By the ulvlro of alma frfonls
ernumented the nee of the Pntrolenco, Iroth InternallY
hnd 'orally, under ninth my eYee hate ImUrnrad dal: f uu
111 the yreaeut time. and 1 have raroyerad my .00 entire
ly NI? antseral health Was very :ouch Imprhy..l by the
Petroleum. sod I attribute the restoration of my algiato
11. u I realde at No 101: dieenald etr.el, lu thl. dr, ao.I
will he bnPPY Ile Sire sly lUlormatiun la rehab.. le ml
L•se. II ILIA AN! lIAI.I. "
Woo sale by Rayner 6 McDowell, 140 Wood /lineal; I/. E.
Reiter*, GT Waal street; II A. faburetnel. C.,
Wield and lmut ntrulrt. U V. .Curry. it. A. Ellin., Jaa...1.11
lionalion. sou 11. Y. Sett...its, A Ileatiruy:El. hrthe pro'
ealt , ilanry ()anal II Pain. Raven th et.. Mite bars h
Citizen's Insurance CoTapany of Pittsburgh
ORlen En. 41 Water etzeet, In Pb,' warelinnowanti 11.
. .
Pmaident A. IV. Moats,
tbis Oontpariy 'snow prepare' to minimal! riler.l.ll.lpre
in ran, n.l In tritiAtu. Ar.
amor guaranty for tb. ability l o 'an nyrity of lb.,
butlhatlim, alhati..l In the rtninirt, f tbr
who am all rltimns of Pittsburgh. aril and. tarombir
linharn to encitourthy for dun.
and it:Meg:UT
.hnyier - nan—b. u. ibunlay. Wm. /lazalej. W. LanmPr.
Jr.. Waller Itriant, Ilugh b Elan, Edward Ilearleton.
John Ilar.orth. Ilaxbauxh. 6. M. Mar.
Pittsburgh Lite insurance Company.
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
Vice Prod ep—SA a •rns .
let s 2
up. • •
irte.ntrer—Jostrii B. Luca.
Sectetur —C. A. Onto,.
Sjj - Sco rtl Adsortismont 1p spotter part of tts‘ papt4 .,
m •
Thu morning, at 9 o'clock, i i i..illcnanntion, in at 721
of hi. ege. Tho funeral will take place from his lax
mid., Allegheny. at 2 driest. this arteeiron. The
the family are reepeotfailr invited t;attand.
Carriages rill be waiting at the cant end or e Old Al ,
leghsey Bridge, at 1 o'clock.
No. 129 Wood Street.
Petroleum t
Fall. Goods.
( 1 111'111" BURCHFIELD, Northe:tta
I • rororr d Fourth and )(sta .1
rt r...h., hat, r... a
Freort ‘laristo.. black mat Csuct c.a.., Cob... Mr
thtat,ho Cl/Rut:rear %Irma., Mart mu.l Von
Alyercvv l•rastrtl lan...taurFrr ...J Maur Jr
• Lato 1'11114.1 Perrlau
lotrur urs.
nk !nark awl F 11.14,
s. w .r. 0.01 awl
Srarlr !ha.-
.1..,.1..1 I hre wl, 1,1.1 ,1..r0• 1..
.„,. t.•te n.I 101 .2.11...•4 a..ot Inri..t..
I •
I'i' LEATHER _.{u Sltt , s !wavy
IL Irp. I.rehrr, h.r etl..
75h , 101111:ION.
I.lllii MET A L I. s
lIIIKI,tI,IIIII2tia y 4
1,14”. N.
, 2211tr.wsSr'.,
,xll, fankilV, for
n.llll .n. u r n.k SOO,
Lawny or
Irlr.lN, for 'olio I,r
itltr r, m.STT k C..
To Let.
:1 , r1(14:r,
~11n1. • 11..1,1—.1/ 41111111.11( 4.••r•l
n 1,3 :11 - fe.t. hulln:
1. 4 pr.‘s, on lors nob 1.1 r 0. ., en
.1.•••1•—•41.41,1 In lb. tin
lA., har.,•• •
1... n. nt 11411Y.1.. 11•114/1 . 1..L
n•n:n4bl.• nlnt altnr II •
, Pllll. whrik Ito
ntir 1..1 ..pon 1.11..11.xt mud
tls, rer.kuttm.tvintlun.
. 111.11 tinpuritliole I
lora, ll,olt
ttrul.r...tiquin. ua
.4 the wn..r.
..11141,TIAN A AN UN AK El:,
nver 1110.1.5.. Mllll .~1,1p1.1n
p L re netuortrel tneet•al Thureditypt.:,./...t
/. nt the Ohre or en..l when n
Ltntmo..l hte rtr.....rp. Aror. lor thelr
t Chartiers Coal.
lottinz mod/. ettenelrer...ll,ol.n, for .I,Crvinq
co m th. 11,r. LLI burl....
per tp n of ek
m, ..11n.roLl :or lore Lt. er tlc t rltt. turt t her
p eenl l/ IL e '
th , P.m, nt tlopqr ni on, .1..11,
toeulla peoLLP
mn rrßet.
A I , pri of 1.1 . 21• J rlt
,utly tn.,•t2rl
'lt I. 1,. . et, 11...4.,
I rn
, k II Pot.l.tir,h r,r.r.
A Valuable Farm for Sale .
- - •
N I'l liSl' A Nl'h; ..t th.• dire,
will *awl 1. ..1 -M', I I:1 .11 , 1
1-:A I, A. . All tb. .
F Fl. —ra:Ft.. on 1111.1,n U 0 1 111,11,, 111 11.... 11A11, ..$ AI.
mar, I, laa, r. -1111
nu.l ur the Fqx , I
11 ,, m.,:1 . k .. , :ntAzettna • • I S
Aelt 1.` , . Awl All oxAnr..
qur.llr,. 11... nn4
I.& s• dr..
New Books
I ur..l..rr Art .1.r“rr.11., rrr•pir•trOr r
It ..,,e; T.. W.e
1.••••,ti0z...r r) '•( 11 , . 111:man CI •..t
.1 nn
t real knu.•n.
n.••t •t,•• It. I—l •I . 1.0rzh.,,, 1,11 II
rt.l A..10s • stti
- 1 rwrel- xltie I. xis
%run I-I ..r L., I. It.
Ito, hi., 1i,,,. ull ur,t tr..m the
'1 i.• r~i4~ • l hr.(. 1 3 '~ tt tl h
~ .:~i.l•
tr.r• i. r r Ilr• ~lrl rl lit.. It:, rtr. ♦`.:l n 1.1. .I ii,! ~.
ly A NTE I Phi
imi. I iv •VTOIT .11
.3r u., Itnris t .r
wr.tar , ti Isl
lid It- bp.— it-.. it.
'1.....1.1 I .1- CV tt
I. R•II s..i I.
One Acre of Ground For Sale
'PEI F ISM{ •if,r+.l.
A Estrt .. fin:; , 'I
l- :!n•1
'NS I.; I.; 1I
r , lai.:•l ,
in -i-re a
B h o .e. nn nip!
, A II iIA/MM.koli.
)ARIS Gli 1.: EN 5,5.55•55 of the ..5 I
45erl ' :;. ' n - rt,t:l r c:l l A rill r fj s V„„ l „V . : s sL' ss l ,
115, 51.15 Ar 515,51. Ara isrmata•Aslss,An 55. gsn.
.155,a1 Piarr15‘,55555 ,rsctls 51,555 11, 555.Artu1a51.51455., 515
n "
'I A
In.RICE BA , ,
55,, ...I. AI Atifln A .5
IS 11,1, PI oPLI h'— 1.7. , e , 1•+, ,01-I
;1 A. MASON A Co. have ::Ittat,.l,
K P 11 : BEriiiir. THE. 11:111 . 1.1'.
, i11 • 1(1:11y1.1‘1,
1,0 E., 1, (4.11051 all,
r.FrktivEscisc; l e ~ )1.
I. to•nanretnr...l 1.1 11 T 11.1.50 E ncil ennailer 0 an • ....I
RrOr , 03 purpo.,ll. 1.505101"
,1 It 0,055 , .. Cho ntoo
• i N• • 00• 50rnlar •5,111.• 010
E SE1.1.1:11S, ‘.7
S F:N Cl{ A
, t - Hi:, .t
SEED 011.--ID Flits iust
• r 1., E :11:1.1.1:1 5
. .
AI-S--. ^ 0 1 ) kegs itsn ' il cit v 4:n
Ean 6,51 5, 4.5, I n 050,111 , 5111,49 .6 Co
, .
4 •
/ IlaYsnii , ,tir^. • n h... 1 un4l,
1 1,11511Tt.oZ• 6 Co
FIN( 11.-1?..11 1111114 . 1 i ".
fo r
1•1•1 * .1iEltI9ON a I. •
UI hhilq N.l) iwit arid I) , r
kj Ait. 1.111:111,, A 1,1
tII F.I.:SE NV . *lt.jwit and Tier
I ,
1111 ' 11 FI I.K A.• A.. NI:111011 N. ll:tve
A History of Pittsburgh.
I..pY E n .-- A
p nllvn
i•lte I OF 44 - 14.14. men 41offn lr. tlio .14,44 of 11444 lust
4..14if r. 4.41114 n 414 4.• ot 1114. tint 4... 1 son,.. ~f
1144. 4444,0.411 faannfar.tarlaf and Wn, of Int,
ulaetnirinit and evnanarnal pur.fatta 44 - 41 h a futnnlat, of
the •wfitraux. ananint of hualroa4 trainountal bera annual
i t. 17. ' 1u r a " {:4 ' 4 ' 0 . 1 ' 14 ' 71 ' 4: 4 47 . 41 ' 1 ' 47 . ft ' ....4 ‘ :7144741f1=
iS.I 'avant.. '444aurraor , • 1.1 14,144444,1 4.14,4.41 lutoa
t.tett' • ithln .• Orset rt..l tun,.. In Ito.
counts, arstun.l W. tool thr tshs.. to collcct •tourther
mud s Whit in . 11.-turn ti onlsr rut ~,,, --tsculutu.
and ptu ..isota, , 1.1 our po-II ion. as hobs.,
mcnts tut capitals. r. I. -Mt 114,-. 1,11, pro
06..11 work
i' l tl ' l,tl:ll . ..:l II IA 111.
Copper Stock.
au; iibl•
bra• •
1 . , I ...A". •• ••
• Mull.
C.irn..M.!) loni
d REAM i'LIEKSE—,:, r,,, , ivu.v rer
j 1..11 A I: lin-. ati.l b.• b,
.1 AM
11k: LAIN ES, in great variety r e f
idiom find printo.l, rem] up A. tt...
Ow , A....arm-tit nein yrn kb,
All ItYur
liortn Ea-t Corn, lib and Martal
EAT BA ItRE.L),I; I NUII A)lS.— ' 3lurphy
ilivalitio.l.l mii.lvy I A
• aiya of tiny • i•uppli roal Mau
Labaciiiity t
1 81' F A L: r N i iN i E r L , :;; , ...— . ll:lr i rarued on
or and webrirtb.. ..1.• Lr
itfis DOW BLINO PAPER -- Ulazed
* Oman and tilxin:fity mar. I , r *
/I'llOM/0 liALNlkili
doz. Bearer Buciets, or
1:10 br WICK A 511aC11.151./LE., ,
bblll NO. 3 :trackerel
.5 .3‘r . , barrel , ' N.,.1 . frirpnie by
-" -7 - ---- 7 - 7 --- -y - --'-- - \\--- -- - - - \--- - --..•- --- 7 - \ -- -- \ I
C o nirrE RC 1 .L . N\ Real /I•, 4,,,, Zuction. \, • \{
~,:„ --,„ _ •,\ .•-_ -- \ 1711 E s 13?Tribers 3:111 sek‘at \ p , übrus Am.-
!Muir Antatex...-Adr•ru5ru.43.....,3 eqbeertption ttott. 141 I• j ap f u n r i l. ,; , , MI Ihor: i l t, ty the Pth 4.1 0 . f . .
t l
tor lb. oa t ,e re...lent an.l forwarl.l4;eof eris r tuie from
~g. .4 ,'„- i g:`, . ~; ,1AN41.3, 41 : * rirltl ' ..
0• r ~.m ... ~
i \t , r•-••• , ... , •,,- - ~ v. ......1.q , , ,,, ,hr z ).4.15L[1ty T o e.
I i t'' P r itgl g 3',\ 2•';, b c r uit .j 'e r 'b 1.1 . ..At 1 ' 'A"
FITTBI3I32.OFP BURKE; \ 1.1 mestitas Hon hat. antin answer, tlut Nuldl.ol,
-.'l- ...
; \ I'a yo evoinien, ..t 11 o'clock,' 1 .
ttritPr , Plassoka o Octras ).1 , tie4llloE . RIPEIP4.I,
• Nio o l ax moron.. Sea, .el 1. ly NirkiE. Rh', \
x i
-.tor.. wn. I,X, g norni and rainy...of Ili a mark\ I .• .1, !.i'S'ar°r.-1
4 ........he ass re, ildiel.. l th .4 1, 111 th . '. 1 .1. 'Y . I EN \RI,ES-5 bids. Salerut s: • \
ile .. the tro o noht r a n, a Ineb ...... fallen wall it, l \ tho xr ,
lea d a ....r.. torer ciartml rie;lis.. our n..... • 441../1 t ,
r.. 0. ettralnue, we ron \ anth.pate,sln • five 1., .. tie s \ l. \ ..t „ ~..,, i ',..?.. 13 =,..'1 T AtY,;...
~„ t ,,, x ,„... „. n e ra lty. and • 0111 enni t isussiooty., 1 ~,,,, \ ' HAPPY: JON to a'o
...r 1........p10 , 11 for tho att of 1 . 0 , .. t i , to lip o , ~,,,,,1\ ;
1...1t the. ImXt. pass..l \• . I SVAR L'A NIII,ES-In wc)( , n(lN. hx:s7,"
53....03 3.3 d .3, u, 5,... tk. ~
~ , ,3 L is vie t o - I erns-, HARM JO. a C 1'...
0 tuts ltrore J. lle,t\ .1 .Xtruul nryt . . RAF TOR C4O-in hiis,Abok•ks, for
33 , . , ••t•' , 34 v. 3•43 so le 1.1.1 s a l, l u E ''' HARDT. 4. NE5412.11
I -
''"::,',..7.,',"V: 1 ' .). ' • ' 11 :'P lo "h 7.-. 'd .tr ' t ( II E 4 E- ' --- 7 . , 1- , \•,":"..." N firs lF . r ar k' li.r st:lto \ l.lN - 't
~ Whoat alb hrni a at tl.s. uolls 1 1,,,,, . \ ... 01. a1.7.t.L 10.1)
.... on o. 1 ha. hrogron. IN s o p /4. for yto.l t
1t../.. , l •, • I..l,A,EitAv N__•••1 .r., n tenter an •4.
•' ' ' . • 1.112 I i
m 0,1.1111.4 -II .. initlee .......outol firmness Id Oat h i 1 .. 0 V" 1 0 t.tol. \\\ I.
1 1ALZELL . , ,i
-or,s.r marl, at full pryeen. le soilin g to lots ttit K." 6 ~ puT \ER-25\ •-4 fresh for -all% by
13 I L L i• .3 ...Yin% %tams.. brlt of .1161037 lor pr un e. s , ..) \ 12.X1J.F.1.1. rA:,,
. , ..thou.. 1...41h . at iNg.n6e. "-.. N •
' . -. "" nr. r ' r rr "" , , ' 11.1100KS‘ANI/ Sl' ATI - \ s l jll-Jut r0,..N
0 .."''" '''''"- ''' '."'''' 9 `. (4 9 ' 4 , et ° ''" 0.• •\, 1141.51 , ,r.r, NT.. e,
11, at -11.0..1/1 5 ...op= \ h • \TY Third 4+,1 • N
1•11. iN 1.110,0-ire two 1...0v new th notin t Prue- • •
yr a onornll, n utto 3 4 . 0 .. 0 .„.. \ n „ .., ~. sr
• tut ADi x)e,l: \ ;; FiEED i• ',INK. ROAD
0,0. 3‘....i0., 35,..i. c .1,1 \Sp lre t sides lO,-.. nil LP ,6, ' , h. , - ~..,...-,, “ . 5, 11 - .., , , , ., c ,, ,,
-.• •. Lissa NU,- ? 5 V. sent:. • \ \Bo,ck .I,l \ p:sel ....I.lrokehr
X NlOl.-Ihere to • re.l.r tleuX.pdu thero.4, l o't . ' I OWL oii , t' i_,(,),T 11 -.53 tO irtla 34, 1",,
fo II t one., say for Pittsbur g h tomniVred Lit•-•Aets. 1
~,..., $
~,,„„, . 1 „,
......, „ 0 .• ~..,..,,,,,,,,.„,,,,,,.
to.tuld .a. , . 1 ° 41, . , •••• .l 4 ‘'''. ll °`'• .1" ..... 1 .,- ..i, and for 40.. irLi.ft....1e . t4.1 ret.o nt 11 1 I isorerooms,
.1114.anufathras .0111. X • fait I.ooneas •t those rut."( Nos 7 ...1 14 . 0 cnYl sto `.... IL. 4I III I 111.1.11,t.
T.81.1...W-ttmall .0 7 . 1 : 4 ;"7,Fi1er.7+ie
I IN SEED 011.-.. , 6. ior\s, 3 le y •
_. alms 4 roetn at ~,ii...,, ~,.. 4, , p,
•I A ~,,,, .1 N1:11...”:•0 e E t , y ..l, ~4 3 ~,1,1
stior ~s 3 at 11.624 ;111i ini tt , .4 sly A t ,
114,11N-Ehile No 14...41 ....5 P hid. \ , , i ki,llE, o 11,- AO ha s k s to r ...Ty , •
INITaI..EN--Ite x uLar .ost • • ul 'AA, IA bustael f..,....1...• an 1 ‘, / --,., ' ' " '''' 4 ''' H . '', ,
rs e fo• NeshisnnoNks \ - ' i\ dAA RR. A NINION IA 2 ,•333, 3 ;is for I,ate \
~,,w03;a_n5......),150 5 ,at„..d mals A 8t...... 101 11... P -e t .. 4 yy I/00 \ I .11, I.: It , . t O ,
Powder may he 0..0 4 01 1 .14\111.01.1, at k 4 . 7 fi.nt " I 'l .10 s \ .
y ex ....y., .1. (stayer.' lor sate 131 k \
sib g lo Ite g at $5.1N•101 , 1`,. P 1 0\", N'll , Pox..lei .0 10.1" N I ~,.„„,. x .".„,,,„
to at.fith for large and ll.noe 1...0140... ,
', 1, --N‘ °h..' ..• 1 0. 0 e4 'lady eu. n...... .-- i, Li EESE--I; 1,,,5 t .4 fc.r ..1 . 1, s.
..h,,,,,1.,,1.,. l ib the followitlX lute. -b l n..ed , \ l/ 1...\\'.1•••., 111 1.1.qi As h.
N' 1 1 4r 1,, . 1 N•l ';• l ''.. •'''',"\ T . 11°.. A rIN: 11.--51 l lib's. im e m'signment k or side
I'" - "'"r" .\*. r'.." , V'''''n't im tl , 43 .. k.•• .'sl os 13.3,, by 1....aLY1T DR I: Pi '
for po.r. and ~..• for bar. 's •, sor ` \ ater and 1 It.-
.I.x. Ihrr-Tho me.. 'No u n,. yries e 71r x I le, se r oof \., u 4 1111 k .,,_ . •• \ \ ~---
,”, .1 oux.•
' .• -' 3.. li o ,ll )0, COM, i110.a.1.... y t inlow 01 ,
rs" rr. ' 1 •'•" .--k r'''`T ."'.... \\4'' "th \ i'11,. 1 .• •"• 1 ' 1,. pk.r. tir r en kurk T,...1 330 3313.... 3: ansm, •,
o n, ...,,, 3.,...t. r a5 i 1,1 ir -,..
~s , , ,
~...c.r. \
W “rti I.x ,1 , ---P,lrn 1....5e ill , /.2. .1 , .kl \ l, N• 1 , l.:',‘, ~..V',.,4, its ,„• ''' lop . e ti n N t h Whitin ,
y hit. -0 100 \ l 311 1.1.% , , . ,.. 1. It I .C\ CliPuea . r. 20 , 1.4 0 .1 \
Oar. -11., au. r 2 \ t oeh r s ', r ` e hannel‘Nk.Vmet 11 ‘;,. b , ...!. i,„ , ..Rf ;, 1. i , . , d I!•: I brn 1 .,...11 - ... 1, ....
\I '..'• 1 . 1 •-•.....• •" . 1 . ..N.. 1 \ \ ' C .t' t - Xll '''''!‘.."''' 1 .....Is.ll,reolr l. Odle...ea.
\ ...../, h lexruy
..• x 150 •Ides ‘,.1. Leah s, ,
CI. t•it \ h ' \ . fs. b r e..t....1. XNI It( hee, 30 Jul I Coat Rue..
PlO fonehm Moroi. nth .. 4 ..\\ inet. 5.. c.. . th ,„..,,\ t‘ gs . x ..„ yn tt . ottyNat .,
•Nntthe salu, .4 11.. .. I . 4. r 4 \put. .nu nsli pro. .. 0 u oth,.. wit 41.1 ill, Ch, a, ..a. t .er, P4,yer, 4,15 t 0e.,
...I 7ufs. tore I I 0... wraith y.,40, She \ t h Aug,l \ l 11....1 . 0 , 1N1, '‘.. ''" 1'...p 0 t i .:Riv,p1, ,, , ~ ‘,.v,„,. ,
filo th. e•t ..'50nre,...1,...w 0 t ot \ tol o. \ \
1 ,•` . r \ 1 ,. 1. , ~y‘ ' \ :;- 1 . ,.. 1 ..,. \ NOR
. '1, \ 11.1 , N li n t. , llS---- „.. , Va . :.
~,h 213 . ‘N, a I n t l r
.4•3 , ~ , 31.4('-i s:L'i 3,, 0 , . Iv. I )1.11.1%.4 \
Ist,. , l. .1\14;•11/.. ......, •
'''' ' • '••' -• • l•'',(t'.s'.` J..411/I 19 BBIIN - S ~‘N 1.1 P \ 11.,1(:•i-NIA" .- ‘ ",i, s '
cut Ihr the\.. ,, , ,,,_ .. nth.- •,t11•••1 the , 413 • 664', he ti 4 . ,74. . c .h.. , .01 , 1 .-i-
~,,,.„„,,•.., v
‘`,ln a lib e (emetic for TOgi II A 3,11 ,\
\ V ' L 3 4 " ) ' .51 . 2 ''''• ' A -1. to, tonna 1,-11 Young. nod PON dln 4 Itums 4
\ • •• 0 _ 11 •N'. ' ''rin 'W. il l•-1 , 11 n. POWFII•23 .fir i
' ! r ....V.'..;:\ ‘. '' .n ti, r " 1r ' sr } • ti'..."ll''ya I lacs.' '...: ' \ . \ :tilOll.&.'. \ -.'
' \ ... ' •-•-• . t ••\ - - '
'•-•• .•
1 . ? ,,, 1 . LIN N l :31EN I --I% no ratltO to are the
T "' "" r. '"" A N I ".. -- \''''""' ..'‘ ' r'' \ \. l.n '''t ' r ,...r.' \'" Il&ii3i'l"3," il!.'n;',.3Fii ff :At i 3
..3t 33
morith..4 }Liu., Sal upon the ..ven Moo \ - • -Y-• '
.' 4 Nl 's" Ell -W * cr. ' ' l 'q''''''' r ' r ""'"'"' r ''''.. 1.1 - .lrat!tr .N . I D YL ' TY M An} \ 'I KA'
WIN E- . '' '\ k " '"
1 , 1. • ll".l.°N.'r• r. 11 1••• 11 `..1.1, le'' , o.' 1toe• eAln- \ ..,,,,.. ' r IX 1 . 5E11 1.•1111,14 IWELL, 103 w... 1,,,,..
A ~..., - ~,t,,h, \ , ! ”.. ilv- o rn l r's 8.1. of 11... nts. .
\ iIAP. 4.1,- 11AIN 1N , 1., , N exc stk e 13_ .4,
131... s o 3,, 31•os ..., n 313. • r k5...,J, 11, ar \ L i 1 .1. ,11 . 1 ,4t° , 1'. "r I ..I ' - 'i r •V ftZj r ,...,:t'
t .. ars neo i •terl e Vho, letup , itholly unlilte.that used N. rot Donlek.. .or ..a...: • .
I • 11.,.. 1.. 1. .41,3 IS ...l i d. II ,ao ankrahnn from Vie plate \"_,,,,,± ~
1 '0
• . k; , '•,!'373"lre ' r st = , •r, \ t1;:31 ' ;;••%..7i,•%, 1 KEEN \IIL OL 'l‘ 1 I-I(loaraeft,
1,,,,,,k ant ft drn • .u` riat . The m01t.11..x.. I.llllf ,nio • o nar . Vtinen t. I 'l4otil. 'l 9 r Window .1111.1+,
. 1.. .'11 . "' I . l l^ 'll1.11i•• irp. , . - .01 1h...4 P I,- vu k u-ka- fin ....1 to an ir a 1.., marr t ufsyturni for that
t e deneto o tPorte r . l•rfect. stiorraut ', porta..., / u, retoli c d . yhd kr ali t. tti the place or call, at
.. g roat • oontra r t Le 1.... thoy.itiel, n I white sr. r, t.- th e X x ur s n o, tn., N 4 ..,,. and y\ , ...yr iet t.,
lietn.en Ihe mute i, f the ..ft-..evo• a .ea i .team ,e.- ...y.lO. .
t .h.r......1 , Pm t s., l' no,. ..1 Puri tNex N ' Pols , "` ' •., . . ..-
\ \
1 - V '• N DOM :stkekpl''. A \ tine s stoct etn
- \ I 4 s t n t. ng .11 On. ristioa \of \ T nspan t rit Window
' 'fi i••• ./
.i . .;•t sl•ex.. 4 IN 1 1 .1. 4 .. ~.... h l ch ..'
po . e n ,•as lo st e reqbebouitht
24°Irk.Y MAKE7 ty r„,..,. .:4 . , v
.....„ 7.,!,..",...?,.:... x!'"' . _ . 7.l it 'i r lA . lllLl.r\ls -, 11! 1y 7 .1,,,..
\is .1i btreet Chars I,r,k r 041. blati dal. tioltlatuoto .-- .. - \i,- , • 's -
'i r .I ' 4 ' l '•"•. rs‘'''..• ''''' ll .‘ litl‘Plrl. 1 tr. 1,UTTE13, 2 .14 1.. g. Nr sale3l• •
hinel. an.l there wen hull._ up 4 A a trtha dor,- tom I , ~,,.., ~ tio: a se, ,0 ,
It- 3 , 111 , 111 Fn.. It 11 AU,. • , U• 1 If ‘l.l\ ,1131 ray bul - .\ \ n e
. ' 4 11 ••••••• ''' .n . ",''''''.', "' .nd 1 „.• 1 • h'llll. l . 11 1 C lIEESE4 , II\ boxes prkrni, •NW, t.,
tr.... Waters. tiuluut-1-.1 ukt , illn,r• rm. • 11111•IIV.1:1 • 1 , IV ILL, A: 0 4, II .
0... y m.......... tn. app Itta. lwen lerettoore. •r
t a .. \,.. Int la eohdent. o, letl e tie: ef tor coon an ' A
\ S PE,R 51 01 ts 7- 17 b 1 •1 ,• toL 9 . 1 e t . .%
3.3 3 .....4 alit b ar.Nstonl.o 0.• i.Sge.t sPe . .l.. . , .
1 ~.•the stn.. \to I.loe fre , t ortal d, al/ ...I to th r \ • .I‘,i \ l 0 ILK .Vle. A. 11 0-uS.
, j ,:?i '' . [V1,,,," ... ,2:::,ti;.-r r. ,..., '''.1.',1::.., 4 4 1 1...1X22 Nn As for 3ale 11X ,
eg lx.
an 111.0,1,11. had . onfaansttly inttorpoo uni 4he meek 11' -0, ` . [CR . %. , k , :' , NDII',- \
1 ....fiei and a . P nrel that othertaaa. will rook follow
114,-,1,-11.3 i, t 1 11, e>1., 0 11- arc- rvenr;:relv. r e rril 1,54 V glt Nil L LION -•2 loses forsTO
k 3,..t3 .3, ,m, ...,i T.-1(3,1110 ill ! w Niey onfort nil to s 11 . 11 e.. - fi l;.' x .l et'll...lN \I 1ii., , : It •PO
~, e ,...1-, t um :rat , IN. not Ilataltri e s wll t. 1.11
1.01 ttl i 1 ..nd 01.: .-11,,t, upon r....n t lioneks to Dr? , Luinhor for
Mor al e Se \
'''''- '''' V'''''''' r . rrr " r \'' U. 't•' .. ili EZ\I K,. . CON NI UN IV-I IN4: LUM•
our., t......... atel ...t ... 1... i lltlthr• am. unthail,u
owe. 11. sud 14,1 . o id 31u1 N oi rumens are • 11. t 11h - I. 1...1 ' 2 , in'in••l l ll' , \
1.0 h. other WI es. marl, nf Thl. h ..,Ye flar w, rest., ,•4. 3, .0.1 _ Ind.. nook. ix+ all k..
t r ue. 41e bardl la u ,s. In nanr4llll.e thrae. wh . ar 11.. Imst aud Searaltn.....od tiruh J.. 1.0
oont at. who area., . •01-11 f 0u 1. r.13.-,, au.' isr a ...t 1 wal oe;11 lb, ntotro turnhor as low, or lower pion it
~.....1,1.. firms hate . Ile h, Ti. toaril nod we 0..14 eau be Isinahr to the .yty .
tI. 00\ ....nod s t tho 0tirm..h0u..4. 0 .. ut tlie•eurn. a Anai-rwo wo nt of nret rate iLY i ININT,
at I • P ' ~.t . 1113, . .1,11 4 Is Molt,. N Ninth AN p h i
.... 5 t.'t0".....';:.,:e.0tt.4. 21 -\P r ', r e ' n ' i .Ithy. 0 ,.. t .,...' 40/1‘ i I,IION, SUP. -% lAL CORK 9,-
i .....3., 3 •.„ ilorn. eau tl a Ja e ., lur .1. .., a k Ili Just re-eived and li,r min I t ,
No. 11.... ft I. i s . lone 1..\ oos. 1...01. I. Fine ...-. 1 . •••I. 4 KIDD A tN.
III . 4,I•J• uothf, 1. liar, u. i s \ Foie ediroril. e I. CAW,. 1 ••1
'.. i'5 . ...., 6 "lo2r:.'' . 2 r Van' Vy r ri ' .'..lr4' 4 :t. l .'el r . r a:.Z(.l ti. '
-1 Fuat Supply of Fall Goods.
I etill'llY & BIJRCIIFIELIe have now
1' 1.. •.--u-p, .0- ly. ulll, 41. 1. .: Ansi-1,0 Troti,..rer, .4
. ..:1 og ni i tho.t. no, . 0 , 4 0 ..1 Fhtl , inAe. and mit.
4 fon, odor aerh.s•re r• •• •4, ni t men. ..01.021n t .......0......
L. t c. 1...t. r gi , it u E , E . w r 005 0 n; 0 rt ii ... 5 r. :
Ille ECEIRE fl THIS 1 , .t'l .entl now opening
IS .' . 4 I \''''''• '`l !"-")","'
it .. 10 ....... mo. ..1 hls.. t ...,. ~,,, ,or the o r s.. 0..1
..1 , pity... Ms, ity 1 e•d o r. .1 .loths. ot the most sitturtor
to ..lore
l'lo i
r ln , e 7 r.A. 4 , 0 1.-tt 111 n•-•,,mvut of I neon 45
i :. l'a . l •r:0itri..,...1 Waster
' - . rone -hirt
'l" ".• v 5...;.. etaufrarre,-t :se •
.1 tat.... a......111ueul . .l. .
%, let t . F •ther all the sory Lino sostl . ILI /101,
0 i t IA, ci...1011.....1 I • loott taohloamtde st, 1, el ua ••
n b I. t ro-oure eno ... I o 1. 0 ,4 stet Ulo, 1a....n.1.14
t o r yt t 0 As., .d. 0.1.4 . g rulletn.ll'. 0.411-. tu the.
wyertern ouotrylt . i ahi I. tho yro fi rtelor 1- .000.10.
~.• I, e r • at It.. var. 1.0..... 0 \ v.. ,•••• • ...I.
rree., et, I talon... ill. .3.... uli,l 1u the 144 ...n
hor and 110 . 11, •1i.,,, -t uul I. •• { .l:
I(10 ( . 132:u. I{ON F.: 'rIN K - On Laud
\,o \ .t gm. a ts).
L; S.LLINS Clit. (ILI \ F. (111.---
\5()()J - L.
„ ~.. \
li\,l - "" "N , ""' "' '" ' 1111.0 II ..
\J., ••.. a ...• ;..: \
Ic c .., .-1. , ~ , tbr• • Po.
... .
IVENW .1 X .0 F ...t 1 11ER.,
2 , ....• i,..-..,.. \--4 'AA- IC•alluu-, L.I.G, ,i 1
1.4 ••13 , VAI AU ItICHEV A V,
„„,.a.,., - , \ VI ate, sod Prot •
")()( - .........1 ...I ~. \ 1.. h,
I . 1 NSE Pil II L--20' ketRA, for ski, Ir
"; , . 'eV aco .14 . 1 ,r,
'CORI A NIIE ' SEED -1 ni-k Cro sale by
4 111•110.• \ In fillip C3l
111 OP S---- Plll.' 11 . I I 111. :1)0••kVOS, fu faro- fare, ‘f, s
, I AU,
11-1 \ ' l ' "-'. ''' - '‘ ..i . 41 . 1" t t'i r -_,I. 0 4.06. 1 hat a,
." 11 '
\ ' .., ICr. uhloy
\ `lors of
W .
e 1 ODS. tar
Ax - NI . . D13.111 - Y\1313g33 33 inform his friend. 3...
1 , I T .o.t.'' ' •lV4V - ;:iVt, l n t l'',Vll;',4',t p1•' , ,,.21, ,
• •• g• .e..... hat 0 fa,. 4.. un.le. • g
. and naw. for t a ut's- .
.....- Oa hoitist ntN rc t: no , 14.. toids4n 11.e, t t .,,
carry 4 ...1.4 xa 5te....1 tbs ly 1., u. I ttornY of bl• a s .
sooot a , and i ernotts,.4 ltun 1 0 ,11.1 UVII, 01 . 1114 01, -, U.
the Prornstor bop,. that .t 3 'Km sin to,purchuo a \,..t.; : la.
fp hit lino .4111 liTOr hi k t wan ” tarty e• 11. Ai r . , . x . , ..
.: 1..0'
b tre 4 ;l , :%!!'l r flV i r il/V,mil'iL',,, :•; ', r7V:tr;. ;',- • r , Tt r" : l 4
.11 ~ .I,lkr, *lli t v effete] at t o tory . no. Wo e .. thr . • lareods
oast ,. \ N I ar etb with est.
Contraotut. lonnix t NiutchanlS.S3l.l all U r n Iltchu••• ! Ca ..111 sta•lishmant. ....
1/tr,Vl}. wit P.,lind It much to their ellyenta n e
. ..ot o s , ! \
L ^
,1 1 . t` :URCIVIELD , are now,
INstook 1...f0xe pure1.1,00,x... tfierN/011 nor de.l„ i t
..1 horuatt, '. , 1 00l large atlp.rtnaertl Nl.ll' FALL GLIGPB,
1 vary attr/oin the Tailhnux lila mA). I• •- ain the s y to wla -11 l'is orlte the attention o tbelr mangier* .1
most toelthine.ll.l, etyl.. n 510 slahrtest news \turas. oela ral! rkelluyinx the asu rt they mill re
,. thst rote Saleeman a., t e,ll ,1 ...OS 1. s ire su II c he `roost ffeelra . ble or stri. or Goods.
,- - 1 , -- .tdtalu rix iti snortrnent U.. to 14. out l asted, Ind at
Li EZLE}'S NelebrAed MU RII- ~'3I F A:3I ,a* ,-*sh Ice 0/
Li 3 3;3..344 ci0.r..3:, 3 ,34 up loriamileht lo xee .-\ - . - b - OR•l.E A jiy ,
~, ...., ,ram ts to. PC.Ul:lthl. e. he obtained, atholesall or i ~
retail.. H. mitArribers Tblefburno labelditirryla ta , , A l, ,„, , j ,a,.. ~,,,, i E, ..,, p „. l / 4 „ .
repute in the tad: but is now tolnalueed for the Ira 0 . x r . • -"N
Imo thin market. Those .I.sinn,i, a throes. arter are ry fIIGE sub•Nri er would \ s ectfilllylk• r „,.
5 3.33... to eall utlll ltiaLtlltlr , •
, ll.l. y ; ,.., ix.X , t , . co , • ,1. Nell., the l it Ke tio of re...i1l orders an - 141P7e.,
.pillto that, r rl. eve or 1111.11.1pur up
ihN r• •° 1 r• 1 'vac co s eered pto Kea. to Cpe-tod the \
1,, orf I' R LIS tIED SUGAR Avery sup i- ; ttr .UN.ll. - ..tlVx • filatl. rli. r
r , ri .
0 or ar t lole for preaarthil t -c -VII 'ION. Jai •
ra dlt j \ * b "g' xi ,', f i „ ' o u P l ,l', ?"1'11.,;=,,..,,,T,...:.
\ , pt, • , +Oh a 41,3•LLati A 1.N.1 .r''.l.,. ...1 ~ k, ° . . h .ry\ ik
' l'iln.. ki ) SA L. 116 N - -21v i l a ' 3 €' r"& d , 'hi' I .3i.V3liit '' . ' '' '\ . t . ,. s r; 'ne. ' i.l3•ll ' N'''3 . :',li ' 3hf l !..ll:l3,‘ , g
...I. b/ Mare, a small lot. very by 7 ~..x . y . ,,,,,,.., ,„ ~, „ so y, ~.., .„,, ~,,‘ ,. .0 . y . .. IL.
vent, ;111 A 31c421.1„,1iti AP. , st 11111,11 Time.ofil by the ba hats ar n Llanthrle
( 1(100W ROOT-.l;i•VlEterinuakl, for sale L”.7,n,1, 5 '.', 1 1 :=I d a , andr-i'r, b. r ",'.1..°,11.,,,‘ ,4 -- -- \
..,-.,,, • .,, v ; ~:-.v.......* co., , 67,„:, , .._ wr to\ 1/0.1 iLki me It f .t thkrseprs Der
- .., - - -
N___._. , x - soon u ...I in sell. . through 'ex to PPU.lra.,
onruing. , { • and o, worthier... ti.iaged 1 u., at .M. +max
/or OS purs. ny\ oxhinltto ...las . ,y r . a r .
WO SMALL FAMILIT.S 12,111 be \ UCCOMe lea•on lord fruto us. So avuld an 01 41 1 MI 1 01,
moti.l o l With pleakant front roorne on lb.:is...rot. observe Oa every park. PUt nn IV l t 1.le•11 'l. O
T. hither lurodehed or .WWI stied a t id tnasa. \ Ap t ,ly fo r ruitneand ultaisonew
at tbe cornet... .Thtrd and `Omni sta.
... , •.... . x eAl - • I.OObE 4.4.6 of 4,21 grad. aud i.esu e... hole. o ,c,.
1 1.. i. A801t. 'l33!ii the L:431410[1 Poz,r, r "` ° ., il ';' , 1 7V ` m.t:"io.: \ on& a Li C ,K, I.
, : t.‘:. ,, 31,1.,,, \
Book of the ItAxolutlon, .1•1 0 .. Pt. \ y \
ZIN C\ PALN TB, \ , ,\\
14 12,` ? .. 'r :' N . n 7:4 1)°i' ' ' .: U : N: 11..1.11ka , Llter•ry Pe r sia. 74 110 0 1 stros. \ \
pp.,. the Post nliee. .
el. - UFAC . 1 . 1.:i , /{11; Li \)3l THkx W\ \
SUGAR -70 lbeis. N. Le.'„for valley ~A, JIRISEY E.:11.1.0111Sti eihb .1111:11.1 t.l). P ..1, \N \
4 , 8. 1111.1V0Itil 'At (N 1 l•a . outt,r ,.. k.N J.
t reports] to Nir s ials\i. supply o 04.; \ \
\di ' , Of FEE.-- . Z5 paukets Java,. for sahXby r , v , „1,12,k7, -- ' r \ ~ ~ \
I,} AO . tkUltIIIIIIXIS: A 10111111?4. : \ 7, 1 Nt.' I' A 1 ,'N' ',l\s, l . ,
I EiT11132 . -201.1 Ades Sole, for sale lip • .''..l",l;'' her ",i ' l",. ° l=V3l r tz, - 4 - I ' ll7 ' ,lV r i. OV 3l 4 l ‘,, \
24., s ept. ' IlUitylltl tam a 1Ngt11tn.31.... 1 x.. o . at y amf protatroe prOpertlea superfileko any loth. '‘,.•
sale t - l patot whatever. Their
, ( iI( L---- ' \ i " lid ."` P ure . T '', ° ,,,.'i ne ;, t ,'Yar, ° m "!__. 1 ' WHITE zt • N c I , ,,kiNt : •
\ ...33. - 111, Rulif i\ --' -_ ' ' ' s ; le purely . Oxide ol Zinc, add ea alai-Maud klar frt. all, \ •,.
ALANK - FOR ATV) NEIS, ALDER- i. adulteration and Uot Linty wtraroever, 0 er..trs 5'.11,40 \ • ,
311XN, AND .11:1a10E.b. fit 11lb PLACE.-ILY..d., ,reautitul . ly I, 4•31.4 I. •Inflrely In.. treate we pdiaoner \
.........x..Bood a .;alarattero, Irotntl.rea, Ekerut.oh I t I Q - 1r..7, p .: . ,,,,,, r ,rL.:1' r tjj h .t i . „ . nt,... , ----i\P t • \
nL...,..... au. .., u,i.,. 0 f Liu. Articles 4f A.,t,aart,
L , ..ta..4,' . i . .. di.. ae,. a , r,r ~..47 , ,,t , • IT. WILL NOT TURN YELLOIt '
' w.V3.'11.(1 EN ,:,4,beAtioarr, i 11heo ek ta lsed to . -- aphorous or tneptatto eklual•MYlN2 nr
, ,p 4 ,U.A., 3 .. 1 - eserrarhen Chat up Ina rinse room. As an uundJe eaut
yl's . .l'lliA) . Et) \pRomISSORI\ N OTES "4: 1 '3`3,l, " V"'",' s ert h ' n 't 3,..33V' l 'is k kl"L d 3 th ,,:• n k, or r.r. : :
4 DILAPTS.\--A ban 0 oarisli . NoLi s ..1 Lhatte, rrunthh. and in rd. It may be worltest with y etu .
atidettturl 4 . t o m mat, r aid. al ' ullti. water .4 our, or watt ran:4Al. winch u trea the cal
• I,V 1 1A1.17.0`8 ntstionerP.tore \ trite.! pprorialn Illobth. \
. 0 \ llther 41.1• 1, ^1 . 4 elilooli Cr. !‘ BLACK AND 'COLORED ZINC PEI.IT.S.
1.. e LA NK 'tlOpliii. , )- . V. $. I i.v, E., t-ortz,.r :
t i , ,11tr i 7 . .... ,,, i . .. , rtz..1,0: fjr7; . . , ..j . nr . ,... tart . \• 4 • ,, b ,
0 Market nod B.lpodst te, 1.11 lux eels 11 11 4 00. t r..\s retiring, otithousX•tea.boaht. any •a - PP,rl sur
.......y or 10.1. No v as \..... 0 c al ill 011+ l'll- , •3 1...30.1, , ~...,-,;,1 uoud b r lrk 0. 11:. -000, as they are tooth
..4 , 2' . .471%1 ' 1:21r0, 1 • 4 21 T :1'A1 -' 2.::4‘ r i : %.'s ' r '' . t . r. . t ..r , • i ; WEATHER'. ND F r lRl; . . PR00 ,, F. , '
AI , KT li Fl s,,E-\ P.Z. f ds. rue nnift by ' 3 1 f ,.,': 4- `„l,""`L'=,,VV,; 3 ,,0,',. 3 , ~,'..',3 . ,;3 ,
1.3 3 , 3': \ 4, I.oll.lltiaTal A to, \ 1 yl. o n tis;', .1. 7 , - .tuokl/.....41.... • P.. •• , ••. 1,4
• ,- 1 , r... ,t...., e.... 4. like i l. r 4 the osttli t paints
DIAPER ItA NOIN\IS-;e3c putterri Ms •\+,,, ..,.
.._ ..,t.. 1 4 11 .14.T111y N 'Alit Ably ‘X ' Nhalern.artaksi .. "'( 4,1 ......t4L4 , 0 •1,...
....,,, . YX b.... 0.
\' \ ' •-- ' . . j u l:'.l 0-V) .._ II t- ,,,,, .. \%1c. , .... P.,,,,,,4,
A I !LEEN %1 INDIA% \ :APER--.1-4 3 0, 3 13 , 31 1
k. leaked. foX hale 3 , r \ \ ' \,„
....: Wak.i•ta I', Xlittlial.LL.
I i .ALL tiOODS.-403t \rike.',L her e. press,
at A. A 010400 A ell - 4,, , ,i- ..%
and ra. st tasbu t hanto sty ley 111 4,ll.lfabs ...1 Pale
• tlo=:trr.l ,g
:•, do x Aligns. I. titiful'eulora t tu t J pey
Lo, a .1.4....rw1i tutne..,earalre rlns.
\ sw o t
\ VIEAILLASII--10 11,133. 13;;` i ileit3/ , . 1
•1.V.15, H fl
INS-. 00 hza bunch in star,,l . oK sale j
, ISAIAICK/11y111.10., \ '
Wator aral,Peont no.
11_111./NEY t; t•tilee. tor sale I.y N s \
.3e. lieut.! ntelier - 4 co. ‘,
_. .
'..x \
6 hue. us Nos. 13. tn. Oround Ase. " L.ra fit. 4.1.11
. -. ••1 4- 01.7 '111;/011LIDli L. i INOet
116 Rarer; 1 111 t..,
5.3 }Yen[ et. ~\
. .
PI )1a ()F . ' PI ri Iv
Ina ~.,,,n- t'y r c•nno •••: k
Inn las th • ..:::, t Inhailrl.n. , ” \. '
• • snr - 1,..- in .11. Ann. , Mr caln. minks:ln twit nt . .f.: sn
• s J...s tss,rls i rvzt o .t.‘,l 1- , • , e1“, \ c....t ....ann.:.
v 1 n• st n •sn I. If thr ram •- • as, 'ton....nrrnt
r . s „ nur :. sn-rnns ~..,„ L
i V „
Ann, Et, . • \
J Sleisoo, Ilonalorks.nn,Nleßnls.,..pnrt•. rsultstn—u. Ilrnurn•s sloe.
ri,v .stmv.r. iwi, .11—, !•s• Isslss.. n .
inn 5.......... Itnslns il ‘....0...n•5s .
Halts,. In.nsms L. kr.nrrtnnsll..
t 111,11, , 1111Innrr, IV, • :1. , nn. ~
.1 nts.• Is•• 11 1V...1 a unl Ilton s. •• s 1
. 1
linsts.. 11.1. n. o ',towns, .11. ,
11, h.,. eGanlts •:....s1 NJ /.••••!•., ,
...Inn In•ass 11....15s •
t's•rn Illltlnv.,
• • t• • • I. *" .. V • '
N t, N ILLE •
- .
\n us I.iJ S\~rtv ti:
I N I'l N IN THE IvoHljt
V V bccic . n,, *Lb ill , . I' et 11V1VII
1..:. „II P, Si .1 tr., ,N11.,..1
, n 1 "t AVM It 1.•••• • 1.1.1e11ua.1111
11. 11. 111 • rot, l'lnto.lll4 6,11,
1: , •111, , t fie 1. 11,11 1 r . 111,
1 , 11 ”.111...111.11/111.1...1.111 u...ton . pnt
1 11 1 1111 d •••/ 1,1 , 1141,1 ”ut t•tax , untrl
, •
I b. booloratv• .01, Is. .1 .
It' ANTEIL—A you lean in the ,h-y
- - .
Il' . ; % , 1 , . I, PAPER ' 2 =.1.• - , / 1 11 , ,,V , c
Air'-',Vt', r'.": V",":7,.. `it',.
tt .n to • ortt.l.t., ..t , qt., tt attutthwfurv, ~
Tll,ollAtt eu LA.
, \ ..O Nituktt
kill CII ESN. ,--`zil Ivo, !uglily
I ) t i . i l v t ii i ii i ,; 0h........ t hitt .I.y\t•rt Irtccautl4 tr .atl bp
if s M'CA Nlt L t.i..
11/ I.lT"{ 7 l'k t? ' F'''
B \
C Tre"l w\
lii ~ ' :,,v v• viii i i.iis
vIIEESE—'I bus W. I, Chee\e, lis do
Cr,'.,,,ttt tlo rverivoi end Srfo .•1011 , - , .
It' li , , Nlet'Atilli.Kett •
I \
0 ‘ lint: MODEL . lirii!iirtEi...: 1-...4?k I. .2.,
, of flat. expellent rtr.-1. ht, tt t,tropnbli.b
, Ihe ZI tat I 34 , 0.. Are C , ELO to. tf L. tttr Rom thr
ant Ali por,ott• fl. • re ty,lrt.r to 1,11,1, • ottld hal, it.
1,0 lollMter otontair. four tun Ittbutaxplf tirs.fittot nf
..i I de.tizn. for Cuttet,t, Vllla,t.ulturtterfatrxlditere.
A.. tut mptsuiod by r• planation, Aprritlratiort, .4\41- 1., Sour P. , . of &tall.. correrfmtaltta • ith Alto
,to, watt The ter,' btatattorue etylr In whtch lb It.Trepant-J
0,1 otut hotbed, ren.lrr, It • tasteful ortutatYfrat trtr Srt
d ',ring moat or Ilbritry. Prlete,fx/r fort - number.' '
F., ttale .4 110LMEI , Llterittl Depttl. No 74 Third (It- e4`
0t,,...•1•. Ow MAL OM, mr,i1,..M,..
' . Splebdid hotsimients.
, ~
qIIIE ail cribeir has jest received iuvvice
li ....v., • tol , e erlection t f Piano, me.l. it, N u tty
1 I lerk. sod al. by Iturthis, New York. Areoutz ode,
Ir • a atiuttio., full . !teat /OTrM ...tit,. Oraud, halt,
c.d. b, Nunna s Vltak This ita.trusurnt. aftrr• ren.•
fu I I rittl .rd. I v rettuainn, .... prnuoutlx,l.l el ,l's pro.
11...0r. tyf Now liorC,lty the flue.t ton...lBnd Lyon, t.,. I tlrnt.l hula... Net mautifartur,l ',this rountrl
A 1,, , t...r.tral imp...l.h ttlt. lath, limit-. hlll. 5.. 05 slot 1.1..
; "" '.'""' ' l '"'" " l'"
'l"' 'n' lr d hl.l"llEll,
NI. r I Ito bl , o II•rp. No WI. tttl Mt,
. :. II Ib. •bovn 1 55,555 Slut .ebtt..l 1., tit.
ut .4-Itt.r frotT \ the .01, rtstortf or, far yurrantod
egt..l.. ft .1 t , u ~,I•r. to an., t Lrottght out WOO
O. K
2 iiiiAesota Copper Stock. --:: --
rii mi A itt:s,,J this Stock for sale at a low
Jt 1 ~.. b). `. A. %," ILKINS , L CM,
0t,..e, ' •,, ~ruery.t4. noel 1 . 111,1 rib.
,11,4 1 LOUR : 411; 5 4r 44, , Elti . kt Family, for sale
t., ~5 ,,, ~ .oss ilAals.tutm. '
1 s i AC ‘ Ii. t ER/::
, 1, , ,.+',1,41 1.... 1% , 13. , ii,arg , e i N0..3;
"s, s. A Oil Altb r A UAW
i I IikESK-5 1 1 In c os Cream. 11(r sale by .
.%/ s,•YY, ,Y svi II Ntll,lolll.
lIVI 3- ‘ 1 4. 1 .." ..t 1 ) ,1 f t )I'.
1 11% i'4 ,.. 1 ` t' . ' " " t h r k t7 ' \ J " t r :1 '1 . " ,, at
EI 11l fUI :s.— r n. 4 ., :aid .lthkenturror
II .n Mell•4,\ln the tour... upuani .4 2..50.. ta...
, : r ."... r. '" .1^ . ^ ":^ .1 9F...9""`" , ..r''J "''.sovs.s,
",- ,\
i• .
t -, - - -t.T,:‘..7.ii ; ,
...,.... ~,I,1•1 br. rn , ~,r n.r. ~• = , ~• • .
zn,.. 1 v. - . 1 1 . .,m0 • , '
' ..m.. 37 told , Lf 1,rn..... 1/Irll..ary crl .4,haofra, .ir
- J...1 r.,-.1 and tot .1 -
r. X .
.I'. .11..k.A4, %
7.• Apoll.• Dullthi 'tourtt ••
' ~ . .•
1,1 ABA.:E'S C.As\l ..!? • . •. .
- ''. . ''
' -TEFL 'II kVlt'
1,4 111A.701t ETROP—.I.,fr.7II oUri•11 c lun mei ats•l 4.
4. ,, .7 . L HEAU.
~- 2 . 7 tUo I , ullituc,. fromil2 , rt . .,
I ON flol , ; A itT JU NA L, tor Saitv,nsber,
14 . ibcuon&r) ..t .11•vhimir NE, 413. .
1.•,w10n 1...1.• and O. Loud° Po.r, N , .. EL
I: ' ,. "' ,l::st ij aVtritg A ts ' iv ' ilt . ti..lll‘kt,• 1.84,..11 r.1....N0
74 l'lnnl 0tr..0..v1.1. ,1 . lb!'.r.. ...- : 1... 9,
r I iW 0 COAL: FLAT S -Fug 64110 1 . by
AL ~...12 4. rell. , Nilklitg, C.,.` 24 Wu. ,
ill UOAR-61) tckl , tln. prim e.; t . o . ! . :p . d . 11 ,,
, J„st.:r;' ,2 u• r•••• •
M SSES--16, x '6 „ 1.41n. '
s N r .4
''' 4 \ l ` °"';'''''' '''u°l'!L;li.z.ri
mem f r
tal mai
In •1,1,
7 estern Octll, Ogeoaf,..!r44diceoonpai..thic Medicine
~ 'VHF, Second Annualt‘urse ~ 1 Leona. , ill
I ,L, W.. •strro 'colM,re or itodkep..b. )I ^Liki.". . 11 '
cow:taro, Go }tonged • flireetotres..l ,
sod eontlooeslet•en
er •e 1 :1. \ ." A.
• A q•. their h u p re irldnd to Valli datink the
pot .d c . turt, and it Mixt •Te.t. th .fi.elllD r, forob
trottilog , ttPoteolth Doti'. ta to 11 „cel Sciere ere not
fr3WW itr„l,l. ,VS..' -
e \e
' tr.Toll3l 04. M. D , Deaf.. 114 ' . 111, F1 1 .1 Dif , .....f
Woman an `l3llth•ro. \ ,
Cll 11l LF... D WILLIAMA. 51. M Ploreseb,,iof Initltute,
'4 ll.llTlffi e l'AdV• r ir.inV ' i '
smir,.,, .1 ~Der\teerror of 'rV , ;7lplerrachl
Li:131.1 DODNI. D.. Pmf•ne , or,\3le.terta ‘ 6.ller, cog
1D. , 11 , , 11 .l unap t •oer.. \ - I,
11A Al 111.ToN L. lIITII. A.l ' Itl . toortoN,l ClrA on-
L. Vin l i s i '' lrllll:4l, Dr. - I',.•aot .4.1% •loN,.
f.' ' ll'il l' l:ft, ' l . ..::EßD\ A . 31. Pr010u0ka11.,,,,1 ....\744
1.:: 1l 11- R. 1001. , A,' , 01 lil Colynn•ltVot.6.l /oat. oi,
rt. te of, .4 teo hail rout,,,, fo rrih,
V,. o.tro,to r , Dr I, r Det,ratl• to 1111 .- u,11,1,•• for ..
.r‘t.,1.......0`1,.. .......... .....,
4.-o, o-, ~ I Ter ,r.f (14. ILV ( C.I aibooo. a upoltteil
.11,.• , r...rro peltouut of to Isirolsot, ferr)trly,, , \ , \
I, ~..4 h 0r,1.,,,1ng10r room: uel and likhts, nal V?. oh. •-j , -•
1 .
, ..,1 ,• .. , $1.2,..., $2,.,‘ per .. k. • , ..,
,A ' It, o•-el t sr-cht l •A! 1 IN . 1 1 th.Vo...
1 21e. al,l Iniilll.., irtll IX ...lof\trA ~r the Mo). o dill n,
, •, ,orth, 3,llorsoattou ruhle4•
•„), i.,„11J,1A311,, M. 1 , ,,• 1u of th• rs: tt , '
• \ •
.4,y , 1 , r,: r 0 i f
, A .._ 4.5.11T11.C1...5‘vDr00k . , . , h,... k
[5, .
%, - C q VELA 7 NE D 1 641, COttltiE.
olp II I' .t.”.. Cc: ri... tif , L....tures in the
„,!•N, -` , s • t' i ' ; ', l ' i- ' , "",.. i : ''' ,.. '" ,fi,..7 " .; nt,2, 1 : ' ,,• " :1:1«;
' \
~.., A '.' ' ' ' . . • ' '‘,
\ , ..
1 t•••\,, ,,, .4 ~,,,,,,..,,,,,, , ~,,p,-.• I, ,v. ,,, 1 , r 0, in
\\ \ .
Jkql!: inil. MATE/1.5 . 0.. r.f . ..,..0r of cl..nen,l• .
\ \
I,y, Ill.rref, mot 114,...,1 A oto,, I,tr.l,l r l,lrer, .
1 r t RFD hiIITLAZI , I „ , \P . . .
, r , rf o r,f „ a 11, eleal 1,1 .
• \
' O r f ,4 1 , .. F :,...,,,,. :
‘.,...',.".'•:-,:,- „A,, •,. --, v vtv 2.. , ,.. . . ,
A N 11: V. tr t. 10112,. Al 11 , ,1. Ile•r•IDi lh 01 4 . ! , arti , •
'..'' C '' ‘ ' ,l..l,Vr. r lNk . l.A/rlt. IA , Proi ‘ A. rof All.tArtur •
."... A
~I IA t . ,... for the etNc. \ •rvn,•••ol 4 \ \ \ .
; '''''4'''' r? " i l: c! i :t t : 7 • YA ' Ar . ' rigt 'l: liiit : e 4 c 4 to ili i tt :'" Zr ". '
- 1
'71.:;11':t i d!'. 1 1 . :!::1 '"11: : t i noh N;71 ' 1 b f L , :l ''24r l : llll:tuitt '' \ , •
t,orl. r• rulltle.l to kr. a.Ajo,„lot, to to,seAtt s,
"' ,f ''''nll'',"l''''''lt'' II
f' 1 . ' \ 5
xt p ' ; ' ,— " 1ni,7, " ,r:; ° :14 ,11 ::,1: - ;. " , ° ; , ;:. !' ' . r -- 7 , \ -
. ary 1. 11 tv 'fr ••11,t,..rdlovAar5. he ol,ta)Otg al to :. .
Tarla COM.
oflt, tto err cOurne..l loetaren,"lll,!..r.llMat.flOttle. '
h.rC ' oll ‘ ..111.•ocomeon, fo ur' -fre,tfre preelouA to th ..
1... on:met:teem. of the reglaillr r011.1,N . PAd cooll.truertintit . ,
!•thr openly:No ri o , he term. Dt . ogn ., lll: o lir r lKl m e t i of o the ,r vlll .
V'- ti' l lr ' , ' : V . 1•! . 11s; . 1 ' '' Tfllcft r / Hiasq‘.,vl.... I.4.4itn \ ni.
004.,. owlet tr.111r,11.1 of ProlermorAprternattr,Kfri \
wetA„ eni Ark h.y, tbp unan bet, rarletrloXtpooetso \ .
or kir ptrorrut...A. 4. haDreed to be r•quSA I earl, tta .1 • \
A.„ ‘yer•r•fitry el tbe'tlodtrao %J . r_rtllll. \
' -
Nf•N r BOOK S '.--frrerehi _in tIA ‘ ailed \ \ • \ \
5n.... , ,,, 4: , ,)thripg 1,10 eng lArn). 1., the 1„.• r Ana , , \ .
lito. etuerq 11,,ct1, I 1 nl. 1 . 2.tur..
~,, r.‘•
TI 1111 , 10 of tho Empty,. Jul. , rhour. r.T.I. ,i Ca hott " \
n,tre hor, 1 tol 1 , 4r00 doe. 5 •
X . t ` , ..1,•;At1,fr0.r, A oplrtoor, M, ~,,t.,,. 51.,,,,,„,„ u 1 A
Rnron•err... ao out
A,,. lf, Itrtor 1 1114 K.Kik .., Ito. It loft ,' • \ , , '
, ~• 3, pa d . , Dietlner, of Alechttolea, hordoe
o M or
\ T, , ~,,,,„,
~,.....,70,,,,,,.1,,,,,!,.,,,,,,..p,,,,,., \
\ •
, "i \'k 7 irL : 1
\ LIOAII- - I de. rune N 0 Ar sale t,
00.. , .. , ra I'C RD4IIOOOO A INt 111tA11. , , ,
ili"f.:l'S , ! , .tit PETS !--atec'd is day . r ‘‘.. \
iV \ l' . 'r n a w e.= L .
a u‘ is • I ‘ l , 4 ` A r n ' d r: Vti t' i -4 .4:1:1,4 , 74 " .;, - , , ‘ , .
l'r^r••••• 1 \ D , 6•11 lore.: tlos,nrpo, Cexpere•ver beforVred ~, . '
Di thie \ week,. MO' ..Mall, invite the attro of
trlrtels Po 1nc......d.nia,00 pureheie to Ova on s • 1, a
the 01,1 \AXAblinhod . .. , arpellyeiebour• No, e.S . Fout:th , Af
..,.. \ , 11..14,-CLINSULX. , , \
t 1 A SII4Eit.ES A NIADE I.4INES--13 c'e-,. . ,
I_, ...,, ..f . \De rlelutut At, 1,, ertol rolois, rust r, \I ~,, &2 • .\ ' \
eo,i t',l 51,04 t. 1,,,10j AA. II AMOK ACO
ill lINGIIA 4 .IS--IM ca,..;., Fireman and 1)1.- i
\ ,
• gut roe.t,,na, r,..,1 1,4 A A 111ALIN A CO,
• \ A DIES". I , (PE'r WAGS— 20 doz. rec d '
\ \\ '
. . \
. 4 to \ 14«,11/1 A. A. MASON 00.004201,01000. '
\ X
)'' IXEGAR— i, tiblii. Cider, fur sale Ikt
ll \
~ .3. \ wm. 11. JOHNSTON.'" - \
,RENC❑ of .MERI‘4,7? , E ua S
p A ua ND m IIOI:3 d S, O DE I..
0 i4,1 00 Cb"d"'''
hys..N\ 0., for rule by
r, RA
hg ^ g7: f‘ n.I •
„ 11
t I ;.T. 1 , - - :,-;.v,i:li,:s., —. ._.............,, cai
`"-- - 6 . 1 - .., ix k Co.
Ivlit g 00 , 1.)..-- , A.__ , .
... i.0.„
her. t”t ro"d ]lulls= '. -~,0.,, ,, „ .... pleln - wed tal
l'''' ' O4 plO 4 j""""' '' '' , ItU. So. it w 49.1.•
.o.ila 11...1t ..1,0, Mull, Nau.ul \ , ,
. 0.
•,, , ,,rtusturau3J very .1?•P
d xoFFF.e.__ ilarg ftoT v s7 -- do by
- Nv i oons.
i ill
%,,um rte. ,-tforLrinL co.V. ' inern IPT ' acol the
ILIA h. i t .yard of hin.tio,ls, either
pq.r4stula to part—
Cheu..lta. I,r•Lituthic tare.
Plato 111.1 t...., k,..lll , ttzeß 413 width!,
iteary Hat ed toll, all a 1,.2;
ltr,q,rb Ito?,
tr,oct, ~ rlua4,llllCla talrvt,
I.,attier w ;v1 thl Euult.h P olialruolas•ya
o IZ 4 and 13 4 klarn•lsy \Lheetlutt.l.
1. f/1 21D1 PIIlo.l Emma
an.l `r•bla I,l4OLekA:
awl a-4 N•prine stuJ Lothar.
iloetahara I , lapor and Er..h Toyeeltla,
ta I q1nu.4 1 1 1 . 1 , Ireeu urott - orere sopb gtchill4Q 4 ted la.Ak Taldg , , Curtathal
Lalo., amtl .5-4 \
11,44 Cloth , \
Cray.( 430.14 and Crap.
Olavvea, sol Glora•
th. 0.14 will La laratsante,lot goul
t .
.... o,tnter Stock of Fancy and Staple
. k. lA \ e9 ..l3 l\ R: l Co. GO
Ico D
ld .
moot respect
\, 'i „ full eolloll'itlao atte r ntlon of , the lubllc gener•ll, - ,
' V )47 •• 1 1 .1 . a !Mc o o o f o tiVr 11, 'AI f LTlLri.'i.r..r...
i an h. I !And jtrger tluto . any It bare ever be
'l.ll4l3ro'l h Altra4:7 l. ltt ,l ' o ' i l l k 17:1 . nano 8h.,. Ir.
:-, VLII, ,-,fr, O'i! 000 Pr' :: u 44 r l ß l4.lgr '
'Wag; • 100 r . French MerinOs .
~ V \I. Mu
. .o, COO', ',rental:a n Coburil
. L .. 4 ; ''''' ti c l ,,h , ". 14'
1 7,i r .. 4 .A L 1 7 - 1 71 2717.1%, “4" :,
0 •,121. . , french Flownr,
e WeLe .I
1..G0 ~e. Folk, bllk4 .
imer 1 E 0 tar rOOOOO4 Velsent
.1 5 rae
' A Cb.ooe,
.o.l..rrbnaces £O.
D LO., . L LlWerl,
.1 .4“.5 . ~ "' Liinve, mned.
, ', ertiel,usun:irtz.llud In •Do
' til: and I% Market 51... .0010
11 •
.4 .• rfts
for obi
. . .
.2, ..• -
It. Pool.. • .1.J1,14-I.lreg,,
H. M. )1:111e, J. 31. V..0u0 , ...
”...2.1 supuoa,
11 N. Al. Lyon.
I,rk, I , John Wall, •
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