• We :7W irl7 — , Eo lt )ll2 a e im Mle _,W.EY:IPF Mar' rer *year. . lb. rnxd l • itl4ltiot Divartmmt. *. - tratador, th , .; littaltt oni.kontooielal law..' thlatoWL, I natideltgain-nattrial L. M. Kla. ronlatiot Dna., (nigt actsion.) ' • t.'3.D.lJata, Profelnor of }I Drawing. ' Thir - insittation km - lava oily improvniandrithirg ,, ana nos - empjara bight. Notate Wl' l'oat-h.rio hag how a3'ao3.to manta moan, tixaresatrad and ehvabily ..carartakt, and no ratonaite labrazir onaLraoing Dan , t work . , uton the orto of Commercial ND , — Tint Itotenntila Connor =6 oarlV•ntiait Itao,c tion,that ran was:bit oreux I twine-no . in addition,4 r.gear otos Conmennal Law by NO. Mena; r. If. Store: eo. , also member of the ~ borgia U 4. -has fa•an employ at to eve tnatrucilon• (by a. D.rleo of or.trianr and axam.laptiona)..opon all point. eon , noctod with this very important autdart, Thor dealroue •or obtaintog -.)Iro-Aett) (manta:y-(1n( assurol - that there In no Institut/co Oa action of the rountrr 0000 mint , of bullehot tooruithly .to moot At the Moor Lamm I aropled by• S. 31Aelea, eakt.toutatip. Tho - . 1041.001 I.q.ble.lr p, Cleft ot .100 blown 0111, br NMI , The .oath,., actor, or, that 14U of toiroahlo, In Alleghnly W, sad wring. who 40 not rdisy. *OO 11.114 W Ltd sort disgusting alit Marv., pe, J4gss . 0,4.10 gtsngeni loop muses 10 ,re• yeraultiglggi : .u 4 la. • Lund an.lllles asp.% WU,. the •Isinalvisig:3llhl t. .106 LahLava. . tclany, Sslt Rheum, andars curr4 ate tau,. at l a p11T.10..1. hi , Y.O. to uu it Mauch ma. and Ea.lft utadallitag--he 41,, la kamplea, /111.A.rdire. au, caller eat u ..11,ua .. 4 T crude[ Is assund dm: thae Is path..l hdairma, ao one trial Will pry, I mull ruumvrate 1.1 least Mehl, Pereaa7 • n.ar.d 01 erre bred, are leg, nod +are t...e.rd tiu4 It—and the road., ie a.lon easur , ll . oool,l Illy Mil It gar lbe ate.ra, I Iruou al tr. MI I ea, 114,14 1114Ie 4, e1,.1.44, , rarted.t.r pea t SRI heal thie not only • curr,._hat a prey entis, and a' . - aa unly old, That any..., 1751.1.. a Olaf ur OMB. ateevata, Will dad Mi. 611.1.4.1 r 01, n faLnli., It. prapertiala than I .late - - ahrbut. Mr .1,4.1 N . [1.1...1K1 will:11141(st; aba tn. Seth Lon eArtlr lultr IWia_utharcil,/ Ma, Ohl, 01 WIC J 404101. zaly %Sr,. Gat. • Pearly White T.eth, and Yuen Breath. In il.l —Pottkaatt Lavottittutr. turt ttly atrattn.i Wu II Inn, , rpstlt I..ett , rttut. t.r tt. it Loath tl ,, arn.l. dark l n' Irdrorr t sad euers4.l,l tam. tart, (tut relit Gus .1 J4+l, l'ottrtlt Auxtt , It. trtrtrt milt. an •Ltt.t. ktrllhe bre.tit r..l,ltttr‘tur/r -••rrit. 6011 waif •1 . .1 /41.31,t0, nW r, .11 Litmrt, A Scientific [kir Tem.!, lteltorer and Beate n:i.e.—trio Bane 4 ur.'t roams' Coral lira, ttr.r....ru. trot. Its oraccl.kut yructitlcs •t6r taaTe 1110 ...war., It to the Lee. au, , purr to guru cu pact wry,. agate lutccuir4 tralc m acorn Aug It Cullaug off: rcrcsru. - , ur.l...ltufr. andtuna.n-.1, or Any hut; 0rit,..1/ an: l ttt114(11,41 tti. Lair irult urct rurtirlurr c0r...1 I.IIIA-11. snaked It truly turrrt4/aL .1 k coot% co. It a u. rtr.l, Uri MC. rreuar.uraksl-I.t srlurrivt—arL.l• .r pre bur, • ho oaly at Wit. JACKSON d SKr.. LIGOt tr'r.rlct. Soul of Wto.SPlCAbooll// osato. to nom oSO It JONES' Solution of Jet, a Laynd Ramon l =eg t° 7o=t4nll.7l...;'‘,M7;4'r Illerb--bu ban., abul $1 &Id b 714 di. AChSON. bib Lub.ll7 Oben. hew/ • I :1:01. Pitulargh. JOITES" LILLY WHlTE.—Ladirs un C.lll. [lomat k7alwt usicp n, romps 177..7,arrl l'L•37 Tb. ate 7 .. .sz p slN;yr t r7a3T. 4 go " :Vt i illMl. u c i elr :,11!rzattgtill; the ' skitt apeftprs. alle-r write prepunst it • tnistiow. WV: 1.1/ {ll • h. , . Pt• • I... Mina •estetaLleartb•a.lrbich w• calfJulas' bp. Lily li bete. It la port•etly tab.:mat Wing P. 11 1 .1 a • 11,1 • 1 4 , tri••• qualities, tidal Ituokla to tb• in tut u ci t y, jiving wh,ltal at the out. Um*. Moak CO the sklu, Witt maul namutt. &Li by th e Agent, WM \JACKSON, >w1.11..7.7 bes 4 4 lima. l'ab.nreb MORSE'S — Compoomi Syrup of Yellow CDock Root, 4)CCUPLES the front rank Wilting the Eta. yrietery 133 , 4441.0 v of thla country tO, u.Olotr‘T owing' 0.11 ter. hilt' kaptipolso, J.,1113 rat GM.? [ll4. • arming froto an e. otato of too blow Al-J, Liver I...UstqUalta.COlartb, Giro-puny Hoed wt., Intruo l'oogho, I•orenors auJ ri.htnT. about tbo Choit. Ilna boursoneou dryurox, out baltutt o.zo•ouu about Ito throat; and to.oout srltb uurronob..nu.,l o In all mum of Rmafa iFeakart: and General Debaiiy Stm.tbening the soakettml tarty. rlvlng .4 , tt' t . rarkto , argon. and Invigorating the ontire ststom. If Ito. tocruntour of .ox t 4 Wing trtuasoos. from parts of Um count/y.4A° Le rated up.; 1,1. sooloo ur. m l) +um ll ly chicon° 10 cueas all .thman, aryl rKsicrlog &Lai, ~ .ed and trot.. down. connitao.l. It 14 p.c . ', Vcirtms pb''ka:rtlr the 31 1 . 4'TT.oh Ingredient totrukonlously unit , • Purify the Blood. It boa remora naor 4.4: :. ofi Loeb. of um lona &Id kane , , \ s% pound. ,4 Fund, uxap \_\ l ,, t e ' jru. '( r= LAtT 1 44 4 1 . yr e.,,,,00k ' \ 210 galkake of froral rddac roagar• \ At Baton Htly, ---t., Q;1 , 1f.46.10. 1. ,, tr;:?.' , ':f .. , ;‘.f..l' , f . Nor '' \;`, % 65 bushel. of new .0W..11 d board,' \ aTe pbundo or graid intrd bad \ \,` ~.. ,afode of goog hotel epertp candles ~,,.; 14 baehel. of good claan dry qua aaft \,• L' I:go alkm. of /pod fddeaelnegar. At Krri 1i,..1, F} rids. \ 65 barrels of pork , 1 \ I l l`. 1;5 barrels of freoh auperflao fiftk a~ bushels of new vehone peep beanl ' \ i ' l '',; l'und'aZ4l t'o'f'llblfVl'.Par -1.4\,. 14 huabelaal mad elean ' 4lll. ej...1 gbko olio= of 0..4 coder tine*. \ ', 'At the Publ.. Lunclivotz =Vt . Vrom.,trf T0f7.7 mouth o % f the ChitAichi. , e - , S, harfab of pork . .:, TS hlrrele of (knob anperlhae Pour \ ". \ \ . It %bets of rm. aka. geld begg a \ Lf•tipaonds of gmd hiud map ~,,,,,da of gond bard eporm candle\ , IC bushels of good clear. drr po n e oak . p . V. P ..l t a '7 e -' o r ktal ' l l atart ' all . the t o April. 1,1::. and to leave brateldteciass bl the 2(lt . f Feb oars', 1,....., At Fort Soda; Arkanlaiir N. barrel. of park .• n . ~ , , 125 barrels of forth eupergne gour, hr. bushels of nes Phi. derldlo,n. • ' t " '0"0 I. o °°l it= :''''' " 41 .% \ • ' \ .12 rffXadlo. of V. , '" , a /..... :''canon . \ go, eallona of good cod .Inegar. I;be ..hole to Oe deg. - offal In all Me/ 1102. \ At Fort GiNon, .4 . __.. t , :.S Lamle of. pork • ' t . - 5 barrele of Reefs sups-rate flour‘ , ! UO5 huahela of near 1 011,4 . 11. W loom., 24'2 , parteds of , al.l hurl woo v. p,,uods of gos.l hard iy , erto catr.lij4 , 41: ini4hols of good dean dry hoe salt, tit s all.. of goal cider ritporar. , , The ashole to be delirensl lo aill Ma 18 , ... ' AI Fort \ Snelhno4‘ , 4k Pct . & /1 2.-y. Immix of tark \ \- ', '‘ ~ r. harrsda of 0,11 (u rime arm, Inl bush•le 0' r.a. ~00 ., 04 , 1 iwilli. '' lf ' .4 ". l. P' 7ll: C l l i ' rdlZV.lgr . C.! rot/tele of good el*.aetdry One apish.al I.s. galltros of ',Nod ekh.r IttueZet. ' the wholes, to tai deirreriatUfrrao, \ the lith May. 1, , ,,52 to thel4th storm% 155'1 At Fort ietit•?ryi moot): sl ,l\Cro•r•••6•l,9 rarrr, 1;;U rap': abore fit - EN,Lsnrlierog . • , s \ • ••••• barr. La of 1.14 k 1 1:5 barrel., of flesh Pallet hiIoi.IIJOI. . . . A ~.b 1i, ../ l A ., ~., , ,,,2 1. - ~, :i ,,,, , ,,,,.7 . x , . \ ~..: I . alt .1: ' l ' d' troos4 ,7.n7,1, 1 ean4l.4. : - la boat/eta of good thseo dry pre aalt , s gallon, of oosstbrler etoegait. , . The whole to be dellsiensd frim, thh Ist J gard.,li=ro thr I,th A u.sioe, 1t5.5?.. s.. ... . \ ~ At Fort Leur•rni(orrl., ~lhorrler,r• Rirr , 340 barr..le of rock s. • ' Ina) I,arrele of heeh PLll.Ocilos Boor \ ' .-10 bushels of new arhitakfteld Anna .. \ • , ;;,604 pounds of go.' bard A:soh 1 . \ 1.312 poutsla of good hard allow osiodlee's '--, . fat las-labels of goof e 1.., di:s. fhtelli.ll t' 'S SSO .I.llr.pA ot KoSSI rider' etegar. Tk.e satml, to E. Jell serssd by the 1 :Clone. 1. , 352. , :It Fort .1 . •:, , ,tt, (lo Mr . 1 / a rmaApn rirtl, .114:61.1ri, 70 null. land 'tronr,rortation irren Indrpenitcy fo r, On tAr .111'..rourl rite, ' • • • . , • • , tsstrela of pork I'-Ibarrels of tresb Aupottino hour '.. • !.5 hostels of teas a bite hell bv.atot , .7.s 1 , 000. is sa pest hard etotft ' .., S, . ~...0 tutu.. of gtsal Lard A,IISI ostadrea ~ II busbols of ...1 drool dry drl,l,palr. ..., a , ~,,,,,,, n , ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,r , \ \ , Ihe allot. t.: he deliver. al by It* la Julie ISs.!. Nall —I IddsPra •re reydrated to \ il , eos). the amount. , I their Aide tdr carp arth-le. e,11114.t thmtutal amount ..t earl] 11l sod od Lid oat 0e sled 1414,144 1 / 2 n etuhraess all articles regotted at • poet \ \ , - IL. Odrlult, aud queollties a. each 4011.11 at 1b..., r... ""t" thSY are vat .0.. , th t tall 1 / 1 4'CIII-lourtlt In[ June. 1., Septetdhoe. lot Ile. estiNe . lt, 1h42. i 9 a 14 u.rd,. .. 1,,, Vbe t0.. -, os of , ko I . the pork vs its\ kej to ‘ 1..1, Yat?sned ou -•als. 100 l v, Uh, PP troltllA Lot I.T. than 10'4 hil . ndre I 05 ...1 :7 ' i!. !' :::i.1 ', 4 ° .1.. ` r4 1 ,T, ' "11 ' 'V "4,...',....,'%'`i4.,,t;',7. nest e.t.a vitt S'ali's Isistol salt? eopd theu caretyllY paokest as ,th the *aro us tiels su 1,1µ.00 ..:,l eXtkosiltlll ehitt ts.ndo each t 1 131"„i'.1%g;InPkItrt tlS:„llrk:.rl"fll'Vat.g;l=4. ,t,r. the pa n ha. Leers .so salted sod pan The Pork ts. to'be ~ ulatol to ......rol t l bee I Of. whit oak latkrels.N tt,ll tosbe.l.. the 1,041, add salt 0 1.810,1-,, , ,,ua rireAoap , ottl ...toil,. is. t1i0.0., StArt, 1.1 -op rOulont'filts r.r • .14. , 1 ...,..... . alt .11, ~IT r.,,rlr-4.lme,.,roint.al4lalltr.ei,., duarte to tha bushel. p rhe . ave r . taae. cortm sai:kst, nt ".I = ‘ ;s i l '' . ' e r. lL ''' r .. t ' sl . ollrlL ' s :le ' S ' tl i t,sii,, Vi e e i hste P, Jts ' rf:l Aptd. 14..1% nal IL. 41-onwl f.:, \F , •rt I sift mutt s pset lSt '1 reier •to let Jut, IOU:- , , • , A !allure so thee. part:co:at . ..lll 'Les. st;tared ./V'esb or roottrael, lOW the Department iyi te a Mori:ad ts J..1,.,1 , base tr. 10t.141 thsft Oust, • , , lilt I,ruvt.tottol will ha Iosp.-et...1 all the tl.pls oral plat, of steltverr. arsd all eapseture to be ' by eotatiartori until th, Ire 'lO2. peek at Ruch 'storehouse- st. , toil ha design r.I by ch. aownts .., r the bey.arttaslat. pa a% Ttv essostulasars \ 1 3ans-ral oseertest e hrissaft• of los ..1...11.4 , diutlulsoll, IL• quaLlitleN or of disperse/I, ulth an, or all articles. re.ptire.l at any et, at arty time . ...t..re sotsr,tn.: lots. ‘coutrart: ausk alas spfs.taorestaloF s. , re , lurstg the •,,k41.1./.. al cash delivery One-third ktita..- sosot to •s ostrael, a. - Ivlckg ollty dat ll' 'Vous os,tire. , Ilia.ter• hot ters-tofOre ~Ittrartars are Mot Ito Isesolo pat, t telt ,o,posals seithustleuee of their • lift. togiin , %111, ti., flatness of then set.srizt,. • whose rsyspoombiitil st.ost Le , s-rt,tesi I, tte 11: 1 v.s, A ttornay, or by some pr sots sselt ...ea loth, Gov. 'tett otherwir tlseir prop Ws a tll out Le act, au- S\ , t . Ath-2,..3 sone..< b. 0.,.. iii, , , , i• .1 ,. . u. , readors 'Ns , ry-etsas mod '0! tr,inery •ual ty.i:przruct ur Mir etoe kr, A . ,- ssisss-sit..ss sesa t... saod. wasos.'l.li Vroo.ncry jr u .t/Otto.l.S trillell Poll' tan ette.2l.-.1 is aura oldie aka,- ay - hls, Ir. roeveoloot ,o 11, psonts a dstt 11. the Olasese,OS ,. .r. , chase. or Inn "...let., of 1& , ..,--..st otors, at the op 'sr .sf, the I ree-Sury 'Department. i lb , inatin on Ell. oat, will twin pled or paid ottd, an; cirs - untelsoees. . , I.ael. er,eal alll be eeatel he a ',Pane eoresoTe..!,o4 alerted - Prcp,ala tar fornlnlane Arms. tlutestatersce. tiEU11114.1)1BRON, C. I% 0 N. R.—Editor, trill ma tx. paid for topetlini In their Tr' pert this- ad r(1 unless acithortk,s.4 to do so by tea aagl. awtbeptli , ------=--- '" - r -- '7 - —. LOUR-5u \ r bbls. 11. .spro.gue 7 aextra4am„ Jr tor ..I. 1,, ~ ....t..1 sit W tIAIIIIAUIItI. • II 1{00:i1S--'2TO doz. for Bala by'. ' 24 ..,,,rz.i \ ' l , , . S. Atl lIARB 11.'411.. A iliEF,s};__liiill.. Cream. fur wike. by NJ steal ti 1 W IIARIIAL11: , 1, 1 1)liS--1 lAA. fl,r,rida by \ ~ LA ..,:zi , S 4 It ItAltliAlltill. --- ...-.-- —, VIOSt/ii iTO BARS- \ SUU Pb. jut,t!ec c . A. 6 l ItalA I ‘ - ....:.;i'''' "" ' h * . "' A. l . 4 ' njl " igita & rket .. .t. ~ 1 . t RIMPEI , H.IBBONS, A. A. 31Ans & Ca: 1.. i b..j... n.... a lir, .1‘1 , 1 ,1 7 , th^ , AV. r... ............01... if , 1:1311'Ell TARLIiTuNIti--A. A. k enos . Juot rer'.l Ivy [went Cruzy...lT•rl..n., ymorted mlor. \ , ancal VENV ENIBROIDERIES--A.. A. 31ea01..7 .f. Co. .1.11 onntintp• tr. n.. 1.. 1etAttit...1 0 4.01.1114 . 1 •4' ILitlful newt ..1r rta1....a1.rit.... an& ...II di.. y... 141:1 \ _a. , jtl.4 iron, emoi, /mu, i.e , lu , liiroN, LI L k IL 4 1 11ENCH GELATINE, White d 13 ed. prefer,l tr, ~ thing nave a. t le are tie Inkkir.g Ar.. for We .A..II'CLURCi 2.14 Lltratt7 1 1 0110 A SHELLS, received frelthir7 - 4 tie. r and e.-r Aft.cl,tuta augt..o Groe,.en and Tsa Droalerie. EFINED SUGAE.S--30\ bble Loveiitep _Lc m 141.1. puleenznL ern ervetted, and loaf ntgarytk at theloM rate, h; the harrel mretail Ly A. , ,hIeCLURG ' flenerret Tea Dfaslora. A .N UFACI'UHED ItJBACLYI--10t.) ILA \ ta•..t nppr,ed brer.,l , . tadlcksinne,for le , IPA (AIfDIVKTA . k ,11111 C APPLES —4 bid.< _LP rect. - v.l att.llor e deter kaull) iitiKETs --3 t, doz. Muriel rate kr; ,amil) ritOBACCO--21U boxes Kiel snd Itt. snort iipp 4mi rinr, nud I.r nI, [gull, WM. - - r 1 , irtiitty, i!IIE MANCIIEStFATPAa 2,2 talon, 2yrii . 12.1 by 1121 ob ..0 to n hr 02.2 rit tie iif suyiery at A 101 t p2 .221032 _ SAND PAPER—WO r. . IP iAsToR l A A, Bloom BALANCES, fur detectini Counter r.nt Ameileib coin. of nil drentuinationa, Thia la • a[1,21111/allO dawn,. for rale al aue , g t OLD PENS'—A -7— to. ussortmeht \of the beet moo, alaara ca nand. and warranted. 15 111150.1 , 1 TAR -50 bids. store and ILI- Bile ity, DICKOI A i. OLASSES-160 bbls. Plantattonlo BCJamee~u4 , (ok) I t. 444 ", eel ' , t ais L'4 AIERY-45 - kegs cas,iorted) at radar to EA and usually *old in Chia Inußet 4 forloy bi , ILT 0. MOLASSES-15 0 bbl 11 . or is. In IL sklol 11. AtOLASSES--20 I .„sle It A.CVNI's • &UR I. u, . . . _ DINE APPLE CHEESE-Fur A 31rel.UKU nopli iliwere,nrul Ty i 1 OLLAND m. thAlnnd Herring. snail thItIOAE-140 hbd.. primi N NJ axial Wr lode toi nugi • JAla-9. A. nun , ' S"l''. TuItPENTINE----ZO bt ,I+r„ lur Pair SCHOONSL nug , OLASSES-200 bbIR. N. .1, • Plater. , Strop: ' ” Linn.; Frr nr suel9 J. g H.111.011e (61H1PER, IOIAIR KITTS.-51 arm. & ItursnruLD h.r. r.....twed this reetainsi Utah, '''''' fry " rnents7gltrlT4tll pt, • A.NII/ WAIiKANTS WANTEit!!—The• lA' Ith:l:wet makes prira will tw ror Wu! iVarrawl.. 0E0.E...1.1C:11W a 74 Fairth et., ._ . oug,lS urzt to tlault of hAttburgb mole Ada.mle,it.o arrive Nor rata br .I.* It. PLOYD, Round Church Ruth Situ. LIPUTASII-15 cueku pure, for aaie by augl9 J. itjl , o 1 , 1% 1.2 UTTER-5 bble-aua . 5 kegs, Co , sale by MP •ugl9 7. 11 VLOVI.. O. 3 MACELEHIL-30 lads. targe f 'for 2 .alr by auglY J:k R PLOV VII 001.—b saeke for sale by 7. -- cami9 ..I. A it: YLOTD . ill IJCKE TS-50 ,lox. Ilurietti - ivake.for sale AJP by Jr I 4 ; .7 11.i.!AgFLF.L.D. .11TC41-40 tit.reen kui arrit 0) fur sale. by ILI, Jrao UtilliDllol.lart. L T7l Lt- LS IwPbPittgilr isle by MACKEREL-5 bble.. 15 Lgr. bble , 4.1 r. pa. by .260 • \liii —l ibtErg h s Pfiliyiialiiiimi C *2.0. r l ~; , W S OMPA Ursa, incortio\iited ni, * ...,i 7 : 1:::X14:0; 7 1•42M1..1 bak , - -The • ravel Nuttier Telkkanlce.lediglitr and DO thOjolint illßeltilleil ilie‘fatee ire One-third leM Uteri I hoce charged by 316 MelabtopitiOn.auetIltioroPertImit, lower than, the rateekr toori..Mocillleße k, e l b > ,, 4 1,..., Dahill Mlie• are tbe Mine as [la rerdr oviddeleil tlempulles. Shoo al on the maw RI principle de the coMbined leetlAlies eCbr That itie_.Jll:l4 . loVni.l .. it sl±'"4" , , ,_ h'." .17 1m4,. . The tarter Ormitc theren t ig or iniairsnee on Illik I n ...I Ram. Mellidlom the riotht or• s •riBo chalrepS... rcute. rlations, friend. or eirorr—, M o rro •meof \ "frillliii ektlilld• D'oeßrolla whirs:ter death. \ I:l;=.l'etfe Wrtla+ . .cie. Abe sir `BO: i BD, oiDe ..i. , the option oyli rarW. 3 , c \ \ . 1 0intt l ifICTI . 1 , ... ,. . ' 4 ' i11 '1 c‘ , C \, \ oceentt am.. Marv.: ..,-4 \ l . \ enule4 i.e.icau.....7. ~, ; t,. , \ , . :CA Dilworth, Boos. . \ \ CliarlA 4. tliiii s cm'a sganla.lßleClurk a e.' '. , t4' .11i1114.1 ', ' A. A. *llMitt ' • 1 I % \ , Um. te?l,Tato iTirin. ' :Wci r. rari o;•.itier. \ , lion. Weltroyoree k ol. )14 Beerelorc of Ttea , ocV \ ' John Still,. Cal, Cashier oi l'ATt:ecit...k. \ \ Malcolm Lerch. 1 , , littmArialell r. ~ tl Don. A. 41". 1.41% ,A.B. id Imolai% Iliel. isiacill Uatimm t rllYlillin ' Addle. ' ...V De \ ' Jeremiah lina.kkLii._l 7 1 )?.. =tialpit. ill \ D. ~ Amur' Minn.7/711, .1 ! .1 4 .. ' , 47 A gelittilefd littem. \ \Robert Bnyder. 31. D, ha Folinit etrim4 John Cmiriord. 3/.. D Di Elatit ciMeci. , . WM,' McK. Morgan. ti. D.,107 I.lmair R keet. • , Dr..llliworth .13 b e lo attend.oljet th Mike, rein 'llan eall-olclock \ tiMm Orr the Cu . topan;. 80, Ti , Fourth arra- , ji - TliolltaeB . C. A. COkTilli, Bee l• • v ' Anal State\ Ma Fire\ — ,insarance \Company. 1 BRANCH arl'ICE--No.':, BffiTIMIILD Brass; •• . 1.11-reitt)ithit. ', \ , - 11 ,, i.m..v...11.1 iot, Ital. Ili beet' eTidence or..t e suct.-ces ', of the tureworo In 'endeavoring to in I, the sal TR M t7V : there ' sc r 'BE nig .. i ti'ltr,AP -vP 11 1 4 . 1 . ' Ll. h , ` :C=:! onion hos tower donk. having issued 7 rlbilits dining the pint ycl,r, therobp in oval 2%000 to tig funds 4,llhoColapiny. call tbednoperty , nsiorod of,the toltist kind IA Walt \ riss, and • lorpt intportion Asurval C 1 " 4 .- ludelo.o?rollcl 1 tied " ' Alai \ \ • ftp.'do. exp•rd e nrailluited, eoncord.. ila , ..lOnill`td rrobtON:T 10.. - ....1...., ;.,. \ , 87,486,1i19 bO.l, rowled, tiwolrAted,vapnre . el-iffi1,1...„ Ott :,., \ Do kremlin:l.l.4es .. .. .......?„--.. 70,076 07 '-, Zr .. Ciateeltel.tonltimitoilexPirod... 0.17 10 ',, ' i.,, .... , b eminwly reed 01........... 41,.... 14 W.I. awl lott , antexpenses4o.l,l23.4ll 47. - 'A • Dillow in fay nf Use Co. In with- 1 21 . 82 ...1 4 To city or rap Cry motobAults, il Ceram of doollingv. and Dolated odd Country. property, It I. bolloned WA onin, lion' o 4ll - , o lLa , te t in point nt co heaptic i ts i ge o y o .. o ant 11 .,. '' Cooductoil on the table and i ninilini=oni of Clessibcotion at estlinffini all special Ruston wily a limited ount In.wyobelocaliyeihnoPri lr:g bbe Irvine. a nd oicourivoced largo Id.; and :t .,... 4 , 1:03 : : .. 110 ttooli d irulJ=l Ift: o n , \ 11 mcgigz burs utitles Ur= a part...tils' so a the pron.. *1 1 .:11;177.4f,T . , ra.c. , --,„, i2,vhs,,;;L. , Fotri \d..... glets,` , John DI hickeo, Job B. RutherfonL V. `, , 4.1'. rligliFUltDl..Fteeidwit. A. J. MLITT. escretar t. . A. A. !4.10/11.1., ACILIitY• %, myll N. 11.-A ?trip Dividend of, ND* Mt cent. on einiribo irlicica ba4-been declared Dy thlil.trectory, and IA non Co. cniwbic at D. M. for renewai \ or reliennabbi in each at {be indrEninety day, . • AA. 1),I1.119, AIO II Franklin Fire Ins — min ea \to...cif Philaira. pRECTORS: Charles W,';,Baheker,. Goo. K. 1111.04,, ThoO.,7llart,`,Trdqui , p. tinrioL"dtddio .112 '''. :lac'lE,holig°llllPl'.,,,," tar", D"''' ' s- B'B- 1 8. I.III4II,II4I " .. ' DANDtb, 00.010,00 , rills Wpm. - continuos tont, r low ow, perinenent . or Ilcaltod,\ on to ilescriptiotOuf ProperlF, in town tood . ffttai 0 leo as log wow t,ibiletent sitlioecatity. e 13otany have Visit A large contlinieut W.I. dad., with Weir Capitol 101 l Frolpluotweeatey In I k•driya,.=,', !,Ft1= . ,2;:.try: ' . aopnb , Waled wrivoitty tr. the 11l . 0 Aftsestibly.vr• olin.o TO ' llorirog4.... ... :.. 24.......-.;. scha.ri.6\6; itial kilatie...... ...... .....--...A.. bt..377 Tf, • . 1 i 0t.".4,t ,. ... : " . .T . , ! ........... ...::::::::::::,... . az ~„,. . ,5,....... ineorpewtion a. ptric4 Lot hi 1,4 p, ttt4 bow paid up v anis of One Million Four 1/ undyed 'About./ bellow La.ars by Fil0; hereby Affording evolenw 01 tinil adviodagon of t nt - newt,. well oo Weir ability OW 44- .. . '''!'" T ' ' '' '"0 ..." Va r l , Ma t Ztaiti._ Az..a' , '... 9 11 _ ..,..._. oe 'sj ' ' , ._. .T r _ r Y r _atA,..V...l . 49..t_ Pqan 3tltttial Lie nrance Co 'Plulan'a, 4.tiE3siTlN PITT6I3 Ault, Iv, u.D.S.vis; \ il l , t,, - .. , Fluiter,ff,denniceoi,) ha. 3634.11..1,y 'tree:. \;ozr . titio . boner andenieuci, a., below. reAldlng in too r t4i.rt. Atha city, We V.gent nay also Litt win4l doill. Ow= lido lirsuid 0 toff Veto..., . the whthlithe at... ' J.',,hrtoothifthat a to, no 21.17 ood.oiletrt. whops oll•neeiot t, wry infalwaticit will begivon and ctionnutilosinenydnousidy . ', I T tateduhil to. \F arophictowiplainirop the principles and' benWits of..l.ife Inteironco, wit - I.lw/yorins furnished nu .I.iixt ..., , ,,,...43A000....d ..14.1.14 I....thit- rrotaidlvideld ounbal4p amonget. Woe., Insurra for life. , . • Iltioburobl.Jan. ii.11,51.-...3.4 ' ldre, ire, and Inland Transportation .. ,\ • % Trunntince. 14 lneurboee rtyl qi*taity of NorGiAtrterictt,' Vldlealelphla-iebortf ro4._Capitalt.loo,ol/0. AW.-04 uwary t...t 101, 01F/Uleffytt, Mb K ill matt lowtranre on. bullitl o ligsbrel Welt TontexiOrts tJaLit , rty .04 vitturra . .lso tt ' otre' r ei n e r 4 . :.2 . 4:VF‘tal ' t=r.D:notto the szttickas ' , .V , •.- \ \ . \ r h' \V.P k t ," J ' i t. - 8.-...ri:i,e--• \ ‘eriQt.: • . ~ ~..; b. 74.1, , , otga \a. tkrowt h • wh14.2 Wolff, itAi-T.iiiillft. ' 1 , 4 ,1 0 . ' .5 rite Sailor. ' • Vit;lllitg:, "'' ' Alnibroeedi Jorea oho ' ''' o ' Ofe r . o N A . l r 4* e " l='. u TtrisillitWore i ' n en I " 4 . billielfil ' itod r iltabet asel In. an hlgr o f , ,f uy. h 64:4:Terf;sTet11. Lt i r • l ' V; j ..u ' l. " , i dL. ` fr,:rit , .)_to llielpubite. ol'irvi. gar ni. • 10 74 \ ,"\\ \ V , Freut stro..4. • - t - v - t• weatera urfu:ict 1,:,A eit4, t ) hybl.lr.ll,. i . M' ili man.. !welt. , All Owes will lie A bowel it , alte knew w It.e. r,;`.7r.,„ -1.- m. 41TIT . f..;,.1; MOLT, Atez mrial CMS=I --- icebiliay \ - ' .! Delaware ffit (Kl i gk. 3; `' . .- t TEM V ~Atk . o asnasses.—Bulldn, , Ple:Nhanillse, wag °this s topertgen ,, tonn t And , enunt;y. ittetqatl itgagurt. !... ok troon ' b r or.: , l.7-11,73.41 . 27,v , ,,, ( J., ~ vat Ersistatta room . rei smihs, tt..cres or specutt pollen, assn. aseurtel.delis,. . I , t itiLOID Tat,saaaspant.—lbar *lgo [snare ‘‘ AlienbanAires transports! at\ Wagons, !tail mad nastaiatrat neat, and Aug= boots. festive... and latrs4 casaba nntlititteents. i Inatesosa--Joneph Ili Esal,lMmund ~. des, obo V. tr.% Rigs!! Untie, - John R. Penros • So. Pi , prarla, I loAl r Vol - 2 .. ko L V-1 j r olr 'd D 'l gf ri. a .C i r, v k t ' ssil , S N,l W t. Ilagul. intoghtlue., Nowli n,Bi A, as. Joss. Bs*, sttna, aot scri,4, t li hanl• 11T C l r t . ltii . J U r n" B i 'r i MU IP P' El , `: - 8,1;,%' .2.,,,.51.,..'w.;.ii:,,N.°P. W . '''' ‘'. , Prismanton—D. S. 31argan Th igh Crag, JognVira. ' , ' 2 t ' ' lianas alast. a rrentlent. 'Taos. C. Ifiatn,,Tics vat 'Acta. Ira, W. Corot .Sessetaer. Caredt A of the Company. No. 42 Wars itreetltga „ [os=af.) \ r. A. gIADELUA. Age , 5111KELL.NEOM • , \ , 911,i0 LaboStory. , i\- ~ ..._, ii. ,7 \ ... 1 _,.. 92, k 1 - 7 ,---- ,_,„ \* i -- -', , 'B -- -------- „ ... , 4 f_112 . .., tifir 66 W • 1 11111 I V 1 11111 1 ' , ~ .7 .r- - • ‘..-,•--'• ~.85 ". .99...- -- . \ Per cent'. §trer , ''' r , dLOVi LL FLETCIitz" , Btahufacto rev, V:COlitne Yr oloamein4Drarr ars au hand. ' ' C C an i rr e b e la 1 j e ' t t i s d % ro ; mkatt, Oulu., {)`Allor from Pit , promptsr tilled at lorrett market . p . teor --•'-' - Vt . in . es ai .'Yo, 167 Latetat?!%FOSlZL h-rOuultan, or Pier4ll;:g,l .s` k•._ _ ,ICKEISEN sn dr, 4TOUVENE \ xesplictfully s'oculate to tbetnaklle generally, • •tbele frirods i, that they hateteatabllabed aMO WINS and I . tb:/li r WrOkl: at the ateite stand, where, ttm ehall al. r` ' . l. Tet.Vtl e alid U n= . lVant h 4oV,Trel. Ir . a. l .l.a.M ''' Wangles, of the eholent Slntama am...lra ,Miami alu, Irldstey,chafopagnk soda parkling k rims; vxi y. of the robed brualla port ',lamb /Laden. ebarm andm tTo mien Abenatbe. an Aboosantlm ollaad heritage, neelea and Litabungt. elteme. All car they . 0111 toll, holesale, or rata. Iron rea...nab rm. One of • termer. Mr. Stoa anel a atlll manna %1 .. ..1 Importable Madame In therein IN tort, Ma I.mablel tell a ebenn• and atbetter article t 19;7 other hoax n this city. PkasasTre us a x nall, balore au purcbsew else bay. 467 - landllee \ annplied re,. or 499 i, cleats. ltua ut-, guar ea \ riv,ii,„ Patent Reversible N icra6r Filter l'§ NOW to be seen in operiAinn at WM. %%cps 9 co..s , plowboy, No. 10 7101.14 fßentT -7:l3tgLrlttiat:r - c t. d IhTelllttn ierV4 • ctold Medal from ttoilsimelican Instltote of New tort. era a P.Prtlneat• Aura tta. e'rantllo Ineltute o . f. Sibllolel tvzha'rigr tovt°4l.A..--1,v.°::::%=17. of ohlrel dip followdr; wet:amyl.: , • Plat.l4l. March nth. 'Bal. \ i po l r l e, g el:a ' rtar g •7. ' ils p e i r ..alt t ilet7:lll 4 e t t ' gt'llte kr =ln• aunty Ilr.tlowls.' tiering used one of them for never , a, / arlo enabled to Judge of their value. , 116011 till PLITT 197 Walnut street" '. ..Portentionia, March Inth, Wsl. The atent Itelleralble Water I/Mem, !a . m.,/ by.bl , Enamel IL Lewis, Slats oaed by ma tor maw months at ail prie r a.... ?