The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 26, 1851, Image 3

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    MN I M!!!MULti
mitt 'Attirfiats.
rieteasnie eultFal
teke ,Platie .01 the. eighth andnbith
WWI* Allegittiay.City. ag
esettaate . greet deal et iitteadraywtel the mime
'FlOecdttriel sad ateela_aeldal • implement, and
atiatland 4 r ll siesali
°:izoeltbst oI gni 'year. The Cattle will
ideo-be estry, tlae, aza,
,eheie . ' ijseavireit ite
".-intereeietit over 'thole t hibitld et the leat DAL
litet,day, (the eighth) will be=delo* to the
übibttios at etcek—the sieoadie that at team
teetered articles, graiii t egetablee , , tto
Surann Oeccanzzes.-A Dad as found
lying bn the road, iu Lairreneinrille, Wednes
.42/1118114 sad on examination, it wa found that
Ike had., biillet hole in bia toreleadi He WA/
,aciityid to hrs. Brownleit's tavern, when it was
4ennetained that although he coda no g epest, . bto
welsping on arc him. A
pew was placed bin lingers, and h wrote We
. 4alsio,
...James Kelly." ie a dler, and
itenfrally carried a minsiderable soni lof money
-string peMon it is- sairsed •at lie was
by who robbed . h
in. Some
powder, caps' and bullets were d his
P . o.wewt?. land ItthtP t
statism who snotkitni bitd put t hem I with t he'
deign of making persona think that had coin
minted sultdde: It in said diet ho Ix six hoe,
Bred dollars in his , Posseseion afew is before
"this desedful occurrence, but no moue was s fonnd,
IPo l, bis Porseo: , •
*Cook_ examined bit wound , yesterday
••• snewaing, and pronoinced his nearly impossi
' blithe. ball . hiring passed. between two and
„die:41403/a° Pie brain. - -
Macunis. - --Wo were yesterday
ihnitstriersial shavings of about thelreadth of
Ideit and a halt and several jardeln 'length,
tisien . otiboards bithe n 'w planing
Mankinit Invented 14 Mr. Allen of ew York,
...Iltidlthich has been erected by the M I ere: SIM
Ananias & Co.; in Manchestdr j
gentlemen bare purchased the patent
tot Allegheny county, and inlet*, us that
niiinhine will plane,tongue and groove an
'lnitiilhongand fiier Of bead In one hour, as'
IWOOdwortlea wonld Ina Whole dap Any of our
oltiscsiejrho feel en Intermit In the matter would
di*eit4o go down blancliester, and judge
- From an inspectionu
f the she
flgs,, we feet persuaded of tho utility of the In
t - *Maitland willlake an early opportunity of
altantinlng etie:Machite, arid giving our maiden a
• . '
. . ..
• - , . ,
~.. 13Fitostulheavit.—We are pained to learn that
.M .tti: - .Calins;telicifOr many yestn was letter
carrier la- this ally, but: who. laid id:
`... *llttthintiO, .tHed addealy. yesterda ar the rp•
.v... 4 460.... q . m... - , - 4 oat tliffrourek Bel toed, u
. is *apposed, Prom the effects orapoPlexy.-. He
"etas eftmemed:byall who knew biso, and leaves
tl r.
this iratid, laminted by hhitrlends at a Worthy,
1 i , airtiliClio henanddinistaber of. Society.
B nxz - A number of - workmen, i[are busily
in arreiiiithe largos:liver which crows
'the railroad, beyond the Penitentlarykith earth
tabu from Seminary Aril. A large number of
torrid and carte are engaged. 111
.. - .-JD! B iia Nius Eiisi illiza.—The #eir,Brigh
r...,AotirPoPer`,- nulls, now mind a large nitatititp of
their paper to - Pittaborgh on the Ohio-and Penn
','•'.Bjlyatilit talifoad. :' .-', '•-: : - I . .
i -
Le tO tonna kleir.—The i
dieiii pre.
~ , the. Reverend, Mr. Iltraard t requesting
MIDto eontinue hie ~ lectures to prong men, yea
::!:1140:ted by .040 hi:111160a and 41ity-eight gentle-
;Tmiirrs.-4iro-thirds'of Ulen=ber of per.
eons now ,
contused in the 'County -prison, (one
''''hnitdred and Seven) are common vagrants. Does
' , . , not this fact speak 'ohm's in favor of the estab
ilaDmant of County Wertz/I(3=6f
waik# on Federefjertztet h.Te
the North' Comm 4.
• Wenn:Kirov Cousaa.—The de- of Baol
s` illor7OrAtia; ntion thirty 'aeren
yooapaen at 'Weabingteat Coliege, obi Wedoes
,...,,day.., We are .plisaid to hear that thaprdepeete
of this excellent Institution were later more
• 4.14a1t*M1L..-...".41p230.1161thD .I.lllllot 11.1501.10 d
in the ` first •imeohd: ead'tdilid Ward, lshould sail
uFO thi,follotrjag •persoos
„nit Word , -Wilham Irma, Diamond alloy,
lbettraitn Riamond and Wood et. will lii,iiinattead-,
fraiil 6 10.8 a'aloolg, P. M. ;
Stand' Trard.:-John -MoKee, Smithfield,. be
. titers Sebond arid . Third streets. 1
...15Mrd Werci- 7 Yoseph McCollotte
'LibaTb %sod.
..',..-....lotnonet.—Elleabeth - English 'mut yintembiy
oummltted to iptisait'hy process. from the Court
aT gentler fieselons, Goa eherge.of Weeny.
4OOthinr--k workman named Nm paha,
siisoating & Mason', planing estabishinentOnt
Penn street; near , the .polat.. had lds left hand
imrterldy mangled by a eh•oulne saw yesterday
Several of hie Engel vent cat
• Isountiaast.-4Bone rascal at
• fasrapted to ilre 'Hurksie building in the early .
part of . this week, by thrusting a lighted match
ander the' door of
~the -roan occupied by the
Maud. of • Brokers. The. carpet was partially
burned; but no other damage done. ;
At eMeetingg it the friends of Scott and John
sloe, it the Uncleßein Engine House, in the lid
Wasd; on Tuesday evening, the 234 inst., the
Wen ozonised by calling Col W B Mow
- . era: the Chew, and appointing .d. C. 4lexander,
.taation, Readied,
• •
;That thou Dation proceed to viistriet the Ward
into Blake, and appoint. committees . of
• lance in eacit Block; and also At committee ,
edtand the Polls. ~. •
No: L.Botiodeibii Ohlo'street;Baswbetryal,- .
ray end East Conaions. -
CoMmitati-LiFfeary Canipbell, Alex Oakley,
-Johaßocktield, Bator Joseph - A Reed, Jane L
No.' 2. Bounded • by , Bonn:Awry allay, red
....2-'4mM, alma - Ewa' Commons, , and North Com
' Ociamitter US's?, inn Irwin, jut. Oliver,
Jr.,- Campbell. Herron. B' yler:
No. a. „Bounded by Pedentli. Bayd,. North
anntems and City Line... - ' .
B Mowry; H Dehaien, Jona
• lkiailtSBl4 11,-80:1111:4 J'A. White.
No. 4-Bounded by Boyle et, North COmnions,
Cdj Lino and Poss. all
Morrison, John Eagle, Wm
RlMildar, - Matind dAe. Oargettalph, William
Bcondidb.,Poplaraßey. filianipin and
Onadditaa4ll Sewell, Wm Alexander, P,.
I *, . ciley,l O feMillat‘das Oarsman.
110.L . Botusled by Mlddle.Third. and
• Patterson, Jno Plotter;
• Boundai by Eat Common; Ohio, Weet
and Rhona& sta.; ' ; ' •
,Colaudttee-4oshda Hobiaeon, James- Mc.
Vkte M E !sonde* 'John Itobinsa,'Charles
• 1
• Noe, M Boded by uhlo; Weal, -)ll4me, and
Third sb .• A- .-
, .Coonalttee-40.1ui. Dinars, Willa' Wal
more,„ It -Hastings, John Mooa, Mathew McHern-
Banded by Ohio Middle, itut and
',„ool3ll3dtte••-Henry Arido;ll7l2," David MoVey,
Morita, Win iiitta,',Uos Atkmada , JerrY
$ 4 . 10 ; a"unl l44l Tioido.Eest.Enst uneana
Third en• - . „
• 'X'atnnlttee----Oeorge , Beret, . henry Gerwig,
John Aeheabangh Oarge, HeAs, Clowles Bet-
a :It. Bounded by Ohio, East Lane. Pits and
• 7 etiesuotit ate
Committee--P.rrat, Eggers; John Jno
4`.'S{anni, Tobias Miami Robert Bell.
No. 12. Banded' by Pikestreet, -EastAune,
Perry and Chesittutits.
Committee-William Adams, John Staub,
i.Gatute.:ll,:tte,ll,;. /tansy Bre.wermin, Joseph
• ' 7 No: . IS.: Bou ed by Cleseti;. East Eau,. and
City Idea
Cointattee.=--Christ. Bhrom; Henry Horn,
:r - Jamb. atrial, Billions. Beck, John Remo:tiny.
No. 14 Balance of Ward.
Conuoltta-John Beholentan, Admit Nelmin,
Samuel Brookajno Gothani, Jacob Dillenbaugh,
.I* - Vtogltijr..
Dancers, Jas
Win Walker; Henry Campbell,
J og smemat, Caper Gang, Earnest Eggers,
Joshua BobbactisEhiliP anti , • -
That these ptnotentage be the Whtili•PeTe
- is: • •
Tun Cociatiil.,--Tho/ ind Common
Coomoilo, or Fit!obnigh. .nloet op FOndly
. -
Prc-Bitc:—A-pic nio win held near, tbrissval` e
yesterday.. which was attended, by a very large
number of persons, both from this city and the
country around the scene of festivity.
111.—We regret to.learn that Mr. Meese C.
Townsend, Es q . is lying dangeronslyilL Bin
disease is the diabetes, and he lernot expected
to recover.
NOTICZ.-VlllLtll4O llll . At 306111.1011 will
meet on Friday evening, September 26th, at 7
o'clock, in the Ninth Ward School Rowe, when .
Rev. kir. Quick will stldrein the meeting.
On Saturday following; ldenri,;. 'Wolcott, Kel
ly, acid ,Ecidgera will lecture on topics interest•
log to pirents and teachers, , eommencingut 10
A. 1.1. By order of the Executive Committee.
80112. WCAJIOO, Secretary.
segieTeeer and Ague cared by the nee of
D. Mans's User The ndloaing letter, hon. •
nlghlySespesifille . gootlmnan of West Onion, Nelms Ca.,
1., Is talumnbant Laotian:my in Amor of thl. rselly great
medicine. 'Those •ho ma taffaring under MIA .Manua
Marys Immediate relief and . .prregy raga by
Um use of Dr.)ll.lranet Lifer Pill..
woe Union, Paalma 1d47.
Slew re. Kum t Co.-. About one year ego, I repired of
your agent a lot. of Dr. blltinirs Linz Pills, whlth I mid
Immediately. awl wieli.other supply as wan impossible.
When I realised these pills, I was Mmielf =Kerins from
an attack of Agile and 'lever, tintlis the use of these pills
alanin.lhavw Lewis completely restored to health. 114.
Deed there to baths beet remedy for billions complaints 1
I.lllr. Ow blown. JONATUAN
Pot tale at J. K IDD t OM,
cooker of 4th anti Irma sts.
Pettaieum 1
lie•3l Itosr ritydlitiCAßLE CA! , or TAT A L
&Mews ettato it Pet ...mi.—We Invite tbp attention
of the smkted auk the public sr. attain to the cartlikats
id Wm. Ball, o( this chi. The ca. omy, he ...112 hf a.S
prom •ho may be skeptical ht relation to the facts here
•' 1 ha been dinned areal mare with a mamma' both
eye.. which notional to Inmewee - antil September. 1550,
theltillimmation at that time halm, iniolved the whole
!Inas metobranSOf both eyes, and elided to the deposit.
of a Mick Illes;_eitilch wholly destroyed my eight. I hid
an opentionperibrmnkand the thicket:lngres:toad, sale/
soon returned ail left me in as lad a coalltlon as henna
At ads sage of the complaint I mule application to sea
rel of the most eminent medial men, who [reformed me
that •my eyes would never get well . Attblatlmel oould
boa dalluguish guy Object. ET Lb. of lee of SOS. triad.
I commenced the ute of the PeWatenm, lath internally
'awl locally. under which my eyes have improad daily lAD.
the present time. and I havermovereil me sight tams.
ly. general health was very much, improe el by lb.
.Potrolemi, awl 1 attribute the rectoration of Straight to
ace.: I 'mile at No. 102 Secoodelaa, is this city, end
will b. happy to give any Infortitition Ln relation to my
for ale by gamer it blelkarell,/ 40 Wood street: K. P.
/Wilms, La Woodsman B. A. f cloak, A LW, corner
Wool and Front nava: D. lt. Curry, D. A. Ellion.lwadt 11. P.:idle:arm, Anal:Lew:elm be the pro-
Prigat. 1.21. Kan.
..w.euher Ueval limin.neventh Et— Pittabutah.
Citizen's Instusnee Company of Pittsburgh
.101 co No. 41 Water wrest, to the...hops. ore. U.
(1. O. iltmar, Presilent----1. W. Mums, limey.
Comfany isnow taapared . to HMV/ all merchandise
to Mona and ID =Man, votesil /n itc.
in t rpic rarant . r d nflnoi for o tta . ab teO oran e a L uf
who are citron aEnr s
of PUMMunii. weU and la wiratil I
blown to Um wpm:alt.,. for their Dna., inteUiramws
Dummolit-- El. Massy, Wm. Daniel. Wm. Loam..
Jr. Waist Brdinst r limns U. Hinw. Ildword Unahnoni
actin flayarrath. Umbaunti. N. Kist. walla
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company.
. Pretdent—J•lo.3 8. Coo,.
Niro President—Saxon aleacaus.
Trldllll.-401/.1.11 Lasca
Yeeretary—C. A. CMOS.
aatnitilPlDDlit is snot!. part of this paper.
Musical Cauvcaitian and Teachers' Institute
Uncfer.the Direction of. Mo. L. Magon, of 'Boston.
MIRTIE, on theta. of those whiglilla.
oen succeseral to Itechreter, le. Y. awl other
places, will he held in the LAFAYETTE HALL, Moe
harsh, emomenklow on WEDNEYD6Y,OCTOBEItIeth, se
lie o'clock, Id.. and continuing In motion three or four
The Yrogramma of tiescls. will 419Amee lectures
ei vigi and Illustrations of Chas Teaching, 'fecal Colby.
tho. Church Mode. hilts different styles, Bowler Minh.
to The leidoettra System of Inetructimi will receive er
pedal atteotion. and be &stall,. illustrated arid estned
as teens .11 permit. Othmeelehrstal eubjecte II frt.
to time, be turrodoned; and, In ehoet, will the
aim to hare such enrolees so will be mole Intensities and
useful to Teacher* of blebOng &heeds, Lesders awl Mem•
hers of Cholnd Indeed to all who feel an lohtrst in
We general a cm es of kluge, and wilwoletir tolls frleads
or Church Mil .
It erreeted that Mr. Mason will bare the assistance
of t i
her eminent musletans.
Tea baton MnelestOoneention. ando lbe direction of
;Mesore..llsaino it. Webb, (the 0.1 established In the vtaw
try) held to. float swot., le Ih4l. and consirted ot twelve
pawns. It lam etesdity inero.ol atallltn 105 d, it ounu
toted upwards of 50400 5C.11.19 wailars!
Tickets to the Convention awl 11,1010100 at Pittsburgh
may be oblate.] at the Book nod Minds koala of Job. H
Mellor, No. 01 Mood otril4. VI; admittlog a laly
and gentleumn.
Clizaota=4,intrited ko attend fr. of.arpones.
PRINTING (*VICE, amply supplied
al[h a 0 arorreera malre 4 ale tor Joule • fieeli at.
and Job Haelama la thhe city. together alth the uer
*navel of the Orman, nod • 111 . , Lc., a hereby au
fesed for ale. Tba maletials ars all toeao4 ardor, mad
mostlruser_ , and se the Gant" Sr. ennead la ratite bata
nen .111 ha eold very man below Shed, rain au tench
latalaalbe lama me above Inmate n onalag vhlrh
ankh. emus. FOilbentrlaSti ante at thin /elm
.aaahlathwatT -
Notice to Cofitractors. •
PROPOSALS will be received by the Bin
mineharn and Ellratrothkern Turnpike Real C®•
pany,wstil the ldtti dig of OmoLer neat, fo r the Wallas
nd Masonry of three Sections of the Road between Birds
Hun and James klayif. '
Swear:flans asu be 'peou at ttr °Him of N. I?Alif.B.
SON. Reg., ID lib Borough of Birminatiam, after th. 2115
..,scr=detleT Preoldent.
To. Female TeEichirs. . , '
rjrHE School Directors for the Secand Ward
.lab'to outplay of impart... 4 lamcla limbic for
• BlAlelinsumar Ilepuruccat.Sal.f . ,ll7.oopAr sacocon.
• Au examlucalou of the aollaucts CH cake Alan it the
School House, oo Bala stnah u sear Fourth. ou Saluda!,
th 1
. 2 3, 1 ;rh t lit!= 'AL . Mai be obtalual of W. Simla,
ilia tb• actool Mau. Ado mill racthr• the tactlacoulal, of
cberiater Awl QuAlilisaihous or OA •Adloauta.
• - • A-JAVNE.9, Freal. ,
Jorix r.uulao, 5.4. .. . .pu.3.1
HON will be received in exchange (with a
vmalrazonnVof moon /' far TWO iiIII.0)1110 LAM.
s eie*h Ward. Taqui» of
sepll 4 oA IfiI..ATEINSON t OILELY.
FLAW Duro old PORT 1
pot bat d
• T O . , dx ° 3lOß RIM' Ted >10;
IMADIT—Trn lloBl9' notallas Tan renc
ANDY; .tit bop!, fa eq. 01941t112 . 3llat,
In the Diamond : -. novll
. G Lug—pytai,. Tec'd ft i ti n fpr !ale by
, 'wool( and 44.
'CHROME 08EEN-4 cases for finial
VIVEAM TAR S bblajoi - Bala tiy
3 = 7: iapl2 J'.I3OIOONSIAX)2I:k
V_T LAUBER SAt . TS-s t 2glib i galely
1Jf.0 12 - 4-14
.A.NOANESE-1 cask Saiony:CT sslc
ILK by mapl2 . J. tiCILOONMAJUB.
CHROME YELLOW-2 cues for sale by
orpll 11. N. WICHERSILAM.
ED LEAD-4.00 lbs. superior, for sale by
msti . J. KIDD &CO.; GO Woad at.
New Fall Dry Goods.
A. A. MASON & CO:,i.hive received an
are bow opening—kciises fine French llerinos,
mita:abed., adapted ernmeell. for this remark I,
maw alma. and Mohair Lustres,mni.einj Plain nee,
fancy cold
_" 1 , 1 ,47 a F t.'
Ina all sh l 9 even_
ades and qualm«. pas. it cooed. serge. erg
and fancy mks,. The atovi
area ,'grad we offer fns salt at
Prime width we are confident ngtettelehledir
• The hlghlY saallarw.haleands and txmleWnrwertlel
Le Vinegar, , tendet It far superior to Cologne Water
gbr the ordinary penmen or the toilet and bath, surpos.
Mg. the /anew In Its perbutt. and anew and In Ita
gesaar efliemy Scathe promotion eleanilneuand health.
In It highly reaminnended to haw 10T the ardinary and
delicate purposes of the Ihnilet and Inc preserving the
treahnese of the complexion. Ito emollent proverb.. him.
DM the heat and dryness or the akin. , and impart to lt an
agreeable elasticity. By • Inhaltg rubb i
Mlua few ng it on
, Wgr, ""ii=l,7
; • :I t :11:4: „.
Ittha..crea.ovvcrift the Post Witlern.- 1 .
ne Muhl Ambit.% N0..1.
Arthur Corm ay, or Boma to the Truics
10. a Woof toe olden Yana.
London Labor and the London Parr, Nos. e, 9.10, 11.
. Nis Years Later, or Takata of the Butte; by A. Dow.
Littello LULU kge, Na ilel.
Harper's Usguins, for &Dumber.
liatberiu Walton or the Rebel of, Do
01100. an llhe
turd Eudistwo u 434 , t Itevolutum to Carolina
orelor E mere.
The Lionfuser, ilutories, hareL
boublums sad &Woo., or Lards and Blosome.
tuts Nmellise Mout ortlera Travels in the U. Blain.
Never* of a Loehr/or; • Nook of th• lima
The Yana a Ude of 9ttrrimt Tim ma by Q. Y. IL Jams.
Laois Amadei, or the. Railroad of Life .
l. Datnithiles itortieulturim mmolete from the ant No.
The 11, S. Ent o(llo.we. ltVirlt j f d at4L7.•
Tba littaumg a of Simko
triettonarY of dieelmal No
11,1, (Now Chief, by W.l l .
Nobel, or the d ud of be 11,,ttle u4:11 • Ulf of It dor
Tbe Plooorrs Dsugh , atW orladtm tlaptifitr,
rulers. Bea out .
the *dm:tumor Pa 1 rotittioitit, a ••• :4147.
The , 0000tos. of'y thous
&arta , or Wu Won. .11:orlr, by AIN. Illelarlioo
lout, a Problam, by e mat. of "Alton Lute '
The Tennerls WU*. 0,116 Inert scions .
Trustee. elute b the U mal Cumin.
liorne or lho Soofy : • Ws of svol •I Orellor
Tbethrir Ulf est Way odd, a t•le; br Lary IlOrrltt
The Nous: by gainer. rpm
WANTED—A .r. f, drolif m Nitla
hani 15•6111441 rcwotr. Wi th • good. a.
Wanes w Da *mop 14 tit arcs at 010. and
Washout *lea for a> • na man alum. yours of sur, ao
• hook limper or dark • Moro: Moo, for • YOODC mff
nea r and a van ad boy of =eau to bunt the ober
our • bud.., oleo, a maul. of labortag run in the
euy or sountry,or s bite aortic Please call at ISAAC
*VW/ ••:1 rd. tole.. Third st.
: . Straw • Silk Goods.
IL PAL= , 105 Market street, is now
JA. comb:M.4nd • zo Pa Ws al low pee.
Cuiorwl pal Pm% p Ida anal !MKT, Wrawl, Straw, 0 Imp
and other BLINNETse ••••• Pwlwl wail bantlfal 11.71•2 for
I.ll* &Mama
phi, p 1.13. 6.1...1 • %hue, BONNET BIBEBNB. all
.. maw:ma bom.s.rinn.l w. 4 pun., pflortwi
Wl= u s t d , = . • _BwinOW oapsa Lana,
D „„,,,,,,, , am .sw-erasai an.
'eV ' , kit' EiotAiiii.
sararur'et Tag 'eatILLT ITISIGRAPH Lilt,
177 I7PORT7I) 101 1 . Hi P.1171118P1911 OASAITIL.
Si. Loths, Sept. 25.
51r. Polk and two other ,gentlemen arrived
here sixteen days from From•' Larimie. They
were unmolested by khe Indiana.
The treaty groun4.has teen remarked l 5 niles
this aide of .it Lerlmie, where 1200 Indians
were Rambled.
Col. Mitchell' arrived on the let inst. The
Council for treaty ipurposes lad not yet con
vened, hut it was expected that the negotiation
would close abou the "25th.' The Camvn
ches and Black Pot nations woeld, not be *-
most. of the amateurs had
with the trip, ma were
Mr. Kendall, an.
become disgusted
A. company of
Joseph, in 26 days
live skirmishes with
The Oregon end ,
families, 600 wagon
are getting on
the Snake Indians,l
aliforniana arrived ►t St.
ram Sacramento. They had
the Indians.
tion train, composed of Z 5
s, and 3000, heads of cattle
, They had had a fight with
lin which three were wound-
New 01LL61199, Sept 25
Edo, elate that a revolution
iithern .Mexico. Two thou
en. Guerra, at BeDrilla had
intended for the Mexican
log or Canalas and Caraba-
Letters from Lo
has broke out in N
eand men, under
belted the money
troops• and are wai
jou to join them.
Maser, Sept. 25.
The anti-rent Convention assembled
A quarrel ensued in relation to the contested
seats,:nbich hos tested nearly all day. They
nominated the euti .e Democratic State ticket.
Dereorr. Sept 25
The Democratic) State Convention, to.:day,
nominated Robert SloCielland, of Monroe, for
Dr,TIIOIS, Sept. 25.
The State Fair ie going off well. Alec. Cass
is now delivering the annual address.
The Railroad Amon Crum was given to the
jury al2 o'clock, to-day. They have not yet
returned a verdict;
NKR YORK, Sept. 25.
Untavorableiraports are in circulation here,
to-day, in relation to, the Fartner's and Mechan
ic's Bank of New Brunswick, I,N. J.) and the
Salisbury Bunk of Maryland.
PHILAULLPInt, •Sept. _ 25
An Oriels' 'call for the Democratio National
Convention. at 'Baltimore, on the first Monday
June. 1852, is published toiler: signed by
31 members or the Commlttet.
‘Vesareirrom Sepi. 25
Attorney General Crittenden arrived here lest
night, from Hemucky.
Mr. Mershall has taken the National Tieetre
and extensive improvements are In progrees.—
He will open esrly In December. with a talented
Nsw Youx, Sept. 25
The steamer Empire State, from Fall River,
for New York, ran into the schooner Fallman,
from Alexandria, last night, near .Fort Adam,
and was considerably damaged: She was tow.;
edict Newport.
The steamer Bay State, On her passage from
this city, for Fall River, ran into a schooner,
tut night, and was conzideably injured.
Sr. Loots, Sept. 25.
JA fire brokennt this morning in a two story
brick building On Green street, between Second
and Third, whieb, together with tiro adjoining
buildings, was burned. The Boatmen's church
was several times on fire, but was caved with
considerable difficulty.
Nrw Vous, Sept. 25.
The: Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal
Church, ram this afternoon. ThO hr -t bultot for
Prorisionsl resulted in no cbSiod. Livv.
Vinton end Tailor hod the largest number of
votes. The Caine:atlas will hold en evening
session. '
BALrisdnite. Sept. 25
Thera is mach excitement preialling in Pitt
county. N. Carolime: In coneexidetlee of the die
covery of, a plot fora Negro inpnrection. Bee
eral arrest,' hire, been made. It la ;epoxied
that several white persons are Implicated,
S. V.) SepL 25
The express train going West this morning,
met a serious seeident a few miles from the city.
One of the passenger cars, owing to the break
ing of en axle of the - tender, was thrown off the
track Into a teem ditch, by which normal per
sons ware severely injured, some, It is feared,
:dames', Sept. 26.
Thue have been several cholera deaths in this
Flour—Hales 300 bide H. H. branda at $2-
BElices2,so, and 250 Mils elioice do at $2,04
14 bill. ,
Grairt—tiapplies are very limited, and vary
littlaisAoing at yesterday's quotations.
Groceries—Hiolcotree is yelling at 81{1)8t.
Sales Cuba sugar at 4iEe6ic ?, tb
Prorislons--,Sales mess pork, at $l7 mid of
prime do at $l4. Bacon shoulders are selling
at 8r,90, sides 10Kill lc, and hams at alie
ns. Sales lard at 10(Mlic
Whiskey—Salmi at 2.2c@'23 70 gal.
New Toes, Sept 25.
Cotton=The marketis dull and nothing of
importance doing.
Flour—Prices are ad rancing, with aalee of
24cObble Indiana State, and Ohio at $8,68q,
$3,944 bbl, and prime Genesee at $4,25.
thrairt—Whuitisunchnnged. A cargo of ohlooe
Ohio sold at 85c gl bu. Rye is quiet at 70c.
Bales.lB,ooo bushels anti at 156e0.69 for dam
aged; ruad,6ool,.6oie for mixed.
Prowisions—Pork lo hear, , , with sales MI
bbla new mess at $16,76 /8 Obi Prime is held
at $13,25. Beef is nominal. Lard is quiet at
Whiskly—la lower, with sales 78.1ible Ohio
at 22ie.
Alemp—Sales 38 tons dew rotted at $127 3
Mint Stores—Sales 200 bbla crude turpen
tine at s2.Bi Q 7 bbl. Sales 100 bbls spirits tar
patine at 84a gal.
Linseed 011-1.9 held at 76a El gal.
actarso AUDIT.
New YORK, Sept. 25.
Cotton—The market continues steady.
.'Flour—Sales 11,000 MA's at $6 75Q54 for
state and western.
Grain—Sales 40,000 bushels corn at 60®61c
for mixed.
Provisions—Are in fair request. Sales 600
bble pork st $l5 75 for new mess, and $l 3 374
for prime. Sales 600 this lard at 9 @Mo.
Groceries—Sale , 200 boxes Porto Etc° sugar
at 4i4gsio.
Whiskey—Further sales• of 011ie at 220.
ST. Lotus, Sept 26.
There is bat a light business doing in the mar.
bet generally, with but few ohangeri.
Grain—Wheat has-slightly advanced, with
sales of prime at 94c '49 bo. Pure yellow corn
will bring 42044 c, and (sir white and yellow
39®41c pl bushel. Oats are mold at 26024
• Flour—A moderate business Is doing indiour,
at $37604 for fair and extra country brands.
Provisions—are 'quiet, with no sales to re
,„Groceries—Coffee has declined, with sales 800
bags good Rio at. 9094.
- Lerid—ls very dull, with sales of Galena at,
$4 10@4 16 1.1100.
fferup—le dull, with sales at $740116 "4,/
The river opposite this city is at a stand. The
Upper. Mississippi is rising. Freights are
scarce, with a slight improvement to New Or.
Cti4CINNATI, Sept, 26 .
Tho river is stationary, and freights to Lcmitt
-villa sio 50e 13 100 Tbs.
Flour—The market is 'quiet, and business
confined to city eonatuaption. Sales 600 bble at
$31603 113 for good brands, and $3 27 for
Whiskey—Sales at 1716 gallon.
Chaise—Soles it 6061 e. .
Oroceries—Sugar is in good demand; with
sales 60 hhds at private See, and 100 do at nue-
Soo at full prices. prime bringing 61Q6,fr.i
- Cranberries—Sales at $6 ji bbl.
Tea:-=Thetrade ale of teas,wat well inetided
4-day s notwlthetariding the inatipenidon,..-nf Over
naiigation. Wee 1200 haTcatita 'grin at 80
®7oe 'l4 'Be inis The
a7mge phew for all kinds mere less than : the
=mut ratesin Nett York. -
NevrOarstaas, Sept. 25.
Cotton—The market is active, with valet 15,-
00 bales at 81c for middling.
Fleur—The market is again depressed, with
sales of common broads at $3,75 '4 bbl.
Grain—Corn is firm, with sales of mixed at
500, of yellow at 53c, and of White at 560 £1
'llw PILOT,isserlen
will leave Pittsburgh for Wheeling, Centins laud noshing
port. every TUtAiILA et I &cloak P. riLturulek
liorldruiport for Cantina, Wheeling end Eittebornh, ev
ery Thunder et e eflOCk.. A. AL Poopetwere &EA
een Jenwiel upon this Loki running regale'', Jun. the
low water season.
Tor freight or paiwege, ands np feurvl. eugoo
ji_csuNettrii PACKET—Trio non roonl
st ajdiat
ionier-WIMII3IIILLE. Beef- It Tomo, w
run as e nnrsilar packet between Pittabli
Bride - e11en...1 Punnet, Ilieolog Elttehtlilb
afternoon for Wellerille, and lINItTeT.
Thursday anernoOn for Ktimbeneille Wheeling,
Bridgeport, Citrltitu.sad Punlish; returning, ts'imeillrldgt.
port end tonallell *eery Tueelay afternoon, awl linunn
e'er, Friday altersioon for frelghtace,aPPlY on
Weed. fn UM] I. w a. Airenl,_
unhens. Thle *maid host wer. Wilt by
the owinre tne steamer's/no Newton, gni 0i1.... hir
tlieElorinnefl tint Pittsburgh Portoi [redo, and will leers
evorylrednenley for I.lnehinathlu piece of the Now Eng.
OY.o for 1"'"' 47 tr.V.+T,VA:Mtitl7.l°.
jut 191E1111BU PAM( ET.—tb. rplerslll
now gen./rammer DIURNAL,ConweII, maw
ter, le nine Iwrlc4ol4 her molter fri.w.kly trips between
It. eltY and W litcg , having Pltteiburgh et 10 tielook
infr 011 4 =1.1 :
inotilweek. So:freight or pa/rage,Appry on Went. odo
0010AlteltrYltONIS LKOZER, Aloof.
PennsOrania Railroad and Erprtsgi Airkei Lino
:01 mile. Railroad 01 talk, eauel.
Wks,. non" MASAN, rostronAso le
Two'Daily - Linea &press Packet Boata,
(ExcLosivaty run PASSENUERS.)
On antefter Monday, August Zit). the
P.u.krta orISIVLIne 111 leave PittaLural. for I.. , kport
"T.l.2gl, , iit L 'iLlT " Orit,"' . "" ° o
KraTlrt V:bielt leave f.m.dinti"..k.n:,"Zi;:r°,l4lnr
net for 1-• liaJoluLtu
B trigarTT "u li fr
1.1(11RB SOONItt tbar b ' eTototteril..flTa
canal travel.) ensbltpa them on arrival at Plalla.lelubla to
.0 10 Het. lork at nue.
Tat. tb • York and Cumberland Baltrnal, tO Ilarridnalf.
Invtart, fled, lour mile.. Tim., 10011 bout"
Nara to t•bilidelybla. flu. 1.,. to Baltimore. $4.70.
do Lanaseter SY O.J Itarrlsbur,l4.tnt.
. If fall dome cheap It0I•110,1 al ea...tunable...m..oo
dation., verura 1.11 . 101,12. Ili I bf w Tletet Odle*. tdannuarr
het. 1101314, Of
• J. P. 1101,151E5, Agent, •
Or a D. LEECH k CO., •
McHenry 'o Line
of Packets.
git Soiling Ernm . Philitdrlithin The Atli
1..•eri,001 00 the 1.1 of iarh month.
- 1011.111 1 PI.EASANTr. 11. n. Ws.., Illsertor.
1 . ..111,N AN lat All. Ara. P atrium, ?tutor .
'BVIRLIN, :Mei!l , coltli, Melt ,
AV. W. Wet. Outer.
The a
re ship. are Milli' of tlk• beat awl 10101 tenth
malarial awl are•
hot,'lb. rep/Ally Cl their p.neatlea:
the, •re 910..1 up •Ith all 1.1.01 111.4..yram01,
tburouchly ventilated. awl ern thetrar
mastawietlabs I.r.sectetd 04w owl ittsreaPeer:
they "tr. Inapozeral«.l by web aeltapplodgetltalebt,•hi.
•re her their experieure to the well
Peru.. rotto of 1411{11y at their Isirmle from the 013
e.mialry mil obtain rortlfiratee Damage wh.rh . a ill Ir
1.14g00f Jackal.. and our erten. I
In •14 - 1.11
erta...l .111 iorniah thew vat. the DIN:I.r Inbrspat,o. :put
tn.. raelbou• r.lenr. wlhe,r deP.rtue.-
Vol. the counrenteuce 1061401 y to said a",
11 eI
.• naulte oa/eosin the Wafted giardata
a01.P 1 1.1 pa r ." 1,40 .'.. 114 '"‘". "i"
I.wery .rot tbe 4.llolylrot auppllpe viii to furnished
este!. peereop, 01 12 'awe of age awl over , lha 11.14.
Me one, 2 us.tes. lb* OiLtE.ll.l. Ni lb. :111.. BEAU,
lb. m01e..., awl I Ih. pbcl. tir Akan olar VI ' of age..
. 1 .•• 11 - 1.0 4 , 11.11 6110.1Larst Of water atalni
half allryaner of eucar aro
MeItIF.NRY 00.
ntreel, below es , oct.l.
0 al hl Y J+ , t.l.oi
0, •
'Ol6ll reerwr biatb .04 Paret.tarett.
1851. Wigi". 1851..
bunklrk We irw Aailtow/. iteutretatar tettb
r.. 1 fti.12,111 on Late Erin, the XI kao,C11.•1111,1,
I.lnnot.un cud Or•elsua tel Pattbutala, au.l
SaoJ bet) . 1.. l Cancinuall ltatltoal, Lad steebagra oo the
tottut apd ..111u1.01ppl rite, 1a..1 the Uhl, Juliana tuJ
Prober tranta L'utale.
TRAINS LhAVI3 DOMINIC .01 101 1.0 11
Omuta, •5. ,, ,.0.4.1
. • let Shads. ttPre— et
. Meting Myr., • % -
1'hu..1411.11 Truitt stops at thutra, a bern paser-ogartsau
11.• Enure,. Freight tau Cattle. Traits 12•TasIttiottrIt
4 „lath, a PaAseugar Cyr is attached 1.• this Truitt tu
ar,..atur.lato W. Fs.eseugen , ltti.ror•
gEsf-Fareiruat ta Neer Fort. Vt. samuJ eta..
•ill ha glean In On day,
I hi. f'.,tupar., 11. 1 parin.1 tu
tr - ansp..,rt IT. shut end
t.vtaLto'of end frotu I,llt
l'articalar attenturo anti Le pal.l tu titoct. itio gangs
toll. 0 feet .41e, gi l es this out
greet tt•lsautegra over
harms, gauge kallroade tea the tran.pottat64. 0i
eill put tu C.311111,i1.11 in a
'err short iluto.
• rrrieht Twigs will he distributed. tiring pertku.
Ist roger.' to ll...price. Al Freight...ow-at as Itter tau
Orpered. 111001%
.1 'N ,, rrisuti 4.11*.. Ltuultrlt. 12 Ltu
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 2b cents.
Fr It. F. fine tuteeenit,er stPraerre
BEAVER arta 311ettalAN 1,111
tea,. their landing, at httattorath sod it
rhe 4 l.t. r 7.7 day. (Statolay eteritt.4,l as Sonoma
IteaTer, Wyatt rittaburorb at V 4. S. Itocheiter it. a.
dn4.. °'
to go to Bearer r oe, ittuottra E4eurelop
nett. In iltteheeter oral hart to Pitttborah. for to rapt..
r. ; Food for oast day aoti th ,
}tor flat... b 0.4 the etetttot..ata t'Beaser.^
Np " J a tlgt . r. attatitEi. *pet, •
.o,to ecr. Water a tiatitheleittl au, rstmorgh.
gtogS lBsl.l2kEiiii
Expre,... Parket and Railroad Line to (Nearland.
loave every morning at 9
rjork, bfenosnitgAt to 1.1,41r,r, them, 14 erprovo
4ual j•frketoo t titi.hurrak God Oa,.
laud.e.,llrosal to eirvel.s.d
. . .
urix to Clevelsud,Stm
bout, To Letrolt. ZA haute
..., . ... ~
. . . .. .. ... ,
kluGlo, i3d . Chi..go, Ur .
1.1.1. o.llthriFugh .
vi. x.. 1.31.11. . X 061.1,
lit bi Clew.laod arki Czortunntl
Paasengera for IWtiolt, Chicago and Nilwaukta leave
Gartland. arery evening at Ch, eclat, by the oplautild
ateamard bf 511ellthima Contra' Railroad Co. for Datroit,
Ilona. at M. byllatlrnad to Now Buffalo,
sod aniving rama tWenlng at Cbirago by Weanitwat
During low watof In the Ohio river, 111 rout, to Charm
lath St. twat,. Lod Ralson, Pill y I , lottrol mutt Ottlrhort
r and platoantar. a•o
n What.
CLAR th KE PARKX, Wroyttelore,
. .
Ht. - lust., PA.
for nekete nr Inlonnetlf g isrnA , ... EA,
(Up darro) enzonr 51111001•14 and Wper streAl..
vppolits MoocalipAhrla
1851. WESTERN 1851.
THE Canal being in good order, if e are
prepared to tratirport pralum and merchandise to
en from the above rine& at th Inward curtainern ot
freight, lent prone
and di e
rpatolo The b o t l, nod
cam we nosed and ea:droned the proprterone Bins
a holing :Tann:Mini, and an Meirornons promptir at
leaded In
epplt to, or adetreee
lIIILACK, 1111e1J11,
'1240•I &Wu, Nem., teet, Pittebtglt.
11/titian • I.pECli, Pratalelore,
lteeertlng Drew, A 4. 13 A lb, Sos .14 et, Phila.
Delivering Depot, b alt et., Phi la.
rMITII i VII tlytute.
o North et., Dentate..
T. 11. PELltele, Agent.
led Yo.:, Mwelstreet, Ne• York:
jag 18 51. kritSiMil
Via Bronriatille and Cumberland, to Baltimore
mud. Philadelphia.
THE ,i)IORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
ahoy. the Uriltga dally. at It o'clock tirealteil ,
nearing with the care at Cumberland neat morning.
The Evening Boat loame daily (except Sunday evening)
at o o clo t, connecting with the cars St Cumberland oast
keening at 10 o'clock.
Time through to halttmore, Miura far only 0..
lime through to Philadelphia, 40 Lbw+. Pats o r 110.
The National Raul Is now pined. Cobluelora go With
the Coach., between Urbainarille and Cumberland. which
mates this decidedly this bast rout* Lea.
J. 51ES11.1.21thli, Agent,
tor:: Office In the Ittenentrahela lluurts
1851. .
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals
. • •
CLARKE, PARKS AI , Ilkoo-rnt. ea.
THIS well known Lint, IS now preptlred to
truulport 11,41[4 •01 yeatutottert frob PITTSBURGH
CLEVELAND, to euy point cA the Castel and 'Attu
The tedlltteu of the LG. ar. uneuritatal to hum her... 4.
Ity, Lod nitwit,' of Buda, .{,erieme of Caputo, mutt et.
Beau of ga..
Uoa Boafluaree Piltrburg and (Beldam' 4.11 y, runt Gos
In connection with a LB. ut ...mamma betvtuu PITTS
BURGH awl BEAVER, and • Line of Ova etettefoaothr—te
(lAooellat and yoeuelat on :he Lula.
XIE FATE, u. Tale if Stirring
FLA. Jazz., ant inott totaTrat
t.baa ever writtou. alap—Littatt's
Zidt—alled Withkreatlng aud m .rat Mat,
Vox. .61* at 11 0LUESt Latta, r
0014 the Pao{
tb bara atm au rzerlfatit 1..4.111131`..
.441:41f.8, ot the mon
achi Oen". tayavallem.. I. Me tiald, .1
10 Lt4 1b,
otk i r ult.* nt non. all warranted. ata4 at trtro Lb
j Mae II stets Reputing Joni In litelin mono., by the
I ban and matt otappticaoat workyym tbe city.
VV. N. 14 Martimet,
1 aryl.l,
SUP. CARL S O D A— ' 2° 4*JU S TZ . 41141ZRATCS - 5 t --- 04/ti-bOiefind
fps wo o . garron:+mkKgrt ,9art la wood mug, Ibr •
. rata b/
/ It. CO.
Park. k Co.Yount/Wow, 0,
W 11. Taylor, Wytoo, o.i •
A. a. N. Clark. Nowt.. lodic 0.; .
C. PreaMtajtowntut. 0.:
firjo,TirtrZl .a t.l,. „*
' rail.
Rttital ,! , " lll ° Z:, °° A. '
klandertom t Pettloolto,...luskr CI q. T.
P. Maw t &Mt, /Mod., u;
0. WllUatas • lA, Detroit. !McAdoo.:
Domeman W it.;
4.1e0. A- albta a Co., Chleam,
T " " Uld .re/ C At. g . ' eltoriBl - , A and.
~ Water and thaldataid Am. Pirola‘ntb
wxszol!, Eppl.
0.113we1l known. establiehrrtent is !hill eon
ductal in tba mos mums:Ulu. a... ; ratan:lb.
.nlan4 bbianat situation af lb. boa. kart...inn
ous artantements, and lbs. mutton mittluntbss to be
Munn then. combine to render st egrerable end aut...
gnus to an traveler.
flaring-teen ono of lb. firm of John 1.. Tann k
long at tbs. b.a4 ol tbo ntabliabinent. the nionsibrr
oltout attmlocit• toanlsin Its reputatloe, and
to se ettlatmlieu to his customers.
- j WM. 11..FAHRY.b.
FrilahlAS RONNFIT, MAN U".reitt:lt, \c.. II :k.utt,l l
BAL 1 4 1 • 1 : 1 C, ‘IOODWAiIW
Nt/. .01
• a.A. 11,11.13..
AE AID, BUCK NOR .A: CO., TOtith.h.
C..tacalealua hierchaals, Nu. Al Muth Waire Atte,.
a. 111 N.alti Wharves. Philadelphia. augl
. ; YORK.
'U &o.
d. CONTTE, French Re tifler. 36 0 Eig"
ntrort, YORK, ham hle to 4/or.
etlOa for the'manulerture of Ftnd Irobul. Pure MUHL*,
Hrendv,Gio. Ilutith.Co Abrruthe,tuoiselte,
HRH.. le The linfulr and eln are wefully made or
cording Oahe Iron trarlg.te used I the fouth ut fnme. ,
and Holland; the guallly ruel le meal ale hnllulle
tlone How than. mantra., Dftdet ...Inward to cell ecul
judge of the qualifier. 4.4 tote thrir order. to tie...,
Ore, 0l Wafer 11001. NOW Willi., elarli ell) he yruluell
_ . •
American Hardware.
LIVEN s DOUULASS, :klautillteturerx'
/then', 4,. h Platt tirtot, thrt...daoh . ltuto Pearl
woUhl et-that-Malt Invite tho htleuttun lb..
Thhht,ht Itattle tituek,ol 1.144.15. received alit.,
front th y p.uuthtturet, no 4 hw Ilia thrutshle trrtne
Steam Communrniion between New York
and Glasgow.
ripßE tilaspAv 1111 - ‘ 1 New V,.rk
1 . ..trif..,•• fp:vertu! ir**Vg
k,letusAtly tlLArnit,W, 11.11 mal 400 •
u h l7l . ;ru r ln ' ta l. rttn " mtl}gt tr Nair
Vora dire Ibt (118.4fotr, uu tbe I otortnbar
vast, at 120,10 , 111.1. tuvm.
k'lnt Cabin IolowalJ'• fee ukel.J.J.).
N . :14 er4; passro•emtakett.
Tbvs:r•44 Includo provialoup, hut not will.muril4u.rx,
whlch •111 euppllN nu I•mr,l, it aukAl.r•t•pt•:',. Ca
riel • 8 urge..
for (might or P".. .r,va t /gl&s. Btrr.t,
littsll . ,l2t••%• NIOY lUttb.
New York India Rubber Warehouee,
'27 Alaiden I.ane, and No. 69 s eee
Part earner-from Ormulway. Vaxtarr 7.14.r.... - t'Uth oh
gnu; SUBSCRlBER,Proprketulpf thin em.,
taldlatunant, wantlit Inform his old ottoman , and.
altrrhauut genexallYi that sot daily terAli start
tram hie
factory an unuaually large aexcellent • It of India
ktublear (loot. n
umnutact ng urml•spreaaly Go the 1.11 'Trude,
endtan h t I wich, trout hatiow Owl
airmprovement. inintroduced
LI.I machinery ••••rad
nd e aompualtle..
he (+.l. confident cannot siring perfect aatiafaminn.
1 4 ,6.1 attention contionre to lw paid to the meow,
tut , of. Mitired auJplain all wi.ith,
from :I-4 tun-4 luring,.. tho Arias are ranetul it relented
from the !wa11a...15...0 inroad with the (neat gum, whim
fintattex equal to patent leather 11. elan stasonfaulure
the anartmo Cloth, highly tmPorten. tnita‘oen.ut
<volt; diwovend, Li •hich thy cloth la made to hear 111
exert maenad.... hi ...meted leather. The nhau anal]
mole and eold a- 11,112 i. MA,' alsoufa .perlfr the moiety
'tort or ill Ills digorrot oti 4.
and vari+tlra, Dour lb. itur....rta...l liars Hubbyn , to the re
rios.l...lPornotiral iikaro—rouilirseiug Lose, N nnion'o owl
Children, Mal. , Oboes. Sllppn. on.l gativdaD. Irocurn'a
ruin"' and Lined Molitor, ar.
* rotur.totonorcerisrunt of Oro rilluorrog ilea)) . OD band
Alliantrolms, Ltab, l'op.e. l'onctioo. Paige...LlN Yr...riper,.
Driving Ju1..,.,, How. ril.roo, Merkur l-Og
N 31artdool. 1 .1 1 lug.liorldtiarqiivrtins.
Itorao tttpl. ....Aram eting,ti...l
der Drove*, Popov MIDI., Air Palls, DOD. •tid V. 114.0,
“ Virta . o . u ' u t tl=ll . Tirta kP rial 11+1•1/io ' illit.i.or low
borings, under Eloralvviir's• Potent.
11.• rogia4 • runes rortain Mite and t.r.
'votive ol Chopped Itando. blearbing than ond
Orin utiilo sEovolt.
ftubtor tiotoont f..%MJMtrr
111:41.11 II HON.] )L*l4
Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!
S. AI ILLS, No. et Cortlandt et., N. York,
. •WAY opoitaA at Alt IM•ol Wir.1.44,.. • tr.. 11
elork 1 all awl tuts nousirt Lux .fail at, 1..
wA woJ lA...Air. 11.4 LOX bar It .11
• full trucla *44 lEruos eyuacie 1.14
Alro. au oilaualle .1,1, of C.Lurg,
Who, &rut Vrl.rt MANTII.I.OI,
au k.. abopeltiaat all 1., uauuraelut.l
r• bl.ouu 118,k11,1(144,.~irnl 5.11..010 LL r
Ilarie siralurn.
L. Walt. IL. opodal I . if of .?..Itilaaro au..l te,..
•ru-Mercbaula tbe •LA.aa. 11...r.,111116.1 our.rat
oval Fbalr 14, and re• u, lo
eilpt aVr 1111. ;Wm% I 101.,A, 1.4 ,141L4ting
:16a.alt awl Ntau.lll.a. ttrto au.l
. • -
C 111 1. oath .7.11 ,
To the Public.
INDIA RUISBEI: Iht Attention
Lan Lern rannl . •r, alv• rttermeal 11..,..E II llta,
put.II,LaJ Ib Wr Net lora Ilera4l Dl I Ili Jul, .1 , 1, awl
IL, .DJ assonror v.. 4.a, In bleb, .nr
small unsuit,l, ail,. al 1111 r att.n.,. ll,u. ...Lt.., I a,
Ls ao,rta cyst Is. slat. ust , Lata• buss will. otatins
IS7rinars.til".V7F:sujerra..?“ll.4%tll/..1-11.1%",,,,tdr:a Dull
TS. ha. put. is-at on, ll...avas , ir 111.1a L o. ..1
110/11 I.l, , alsrar's I'sl.l,lr, and uniii
nut urn didir parlay a latllf (4,
Ltb., tor,:sn naghl haat sit, 10. , 111111, II
40 10, tatjat than 11111. nlan l'aLas i.
thus! It matt aant ptnettnie a tinbl. t, on. • ii. 11.1
Ilk. In haliintin It tit bay bans. ben014.14,....1.
Isoloarleda,l ,, tight, moan a tatiltossOL.saal
air...a In uol . Sj 1nf , 11 . 13, hi, patent. 11. Is tz .ts
La, Iltaaa. and bow torn arsSer Omni, atm tre eiatg•
ditrells, suJ ~str our tiatsal ate., witti
110.1.t0. opoo ustainfactuteLf
las slasoa watch 11.1. uttering to n od 1 / 1 1
cOllOl l lll/1.1. a.l ail orb. are toneorsual.ll6 Vl4j.
haansa vandlus LI. mast., na ...sat. al at. I,t
ens be,kl.a.tit.l
C.Citni . .F.,
11AVW•iili 1114111Fli IS , ,
Ft lasiA. Burlingham Stratus.,
THE Y1.11'..014 INDIA animist( MIII la.
SI Hotta... Mt.
?Mtn a VIJ
!Iry root. J., 1 . /nuts. Jr..n nit
Superior Black Writing; and Copying Ink.
J~INK, ST Nieeuiu
linr nun Mailings. New lull
NOT, /11.1,11” TOY 11.1.
drnught.per gki.lllt. ~
Li• In iyiinul...eitant It ling.
141Y11Sti INK—n.l mgt mrrod n,lli e, nwald,
n yu
minor oultat,l. ll
11,. .1.3
lalm.Y.ulape.d for I ?.0
un,l,,,,ignAl In to Tatnwai •ta tA cl
e . lte,•l.
tint I , r•ip,it two. tonnunipll.lB, lUr rOonrot rlrr
10+,141 , , Ipul lap re.l 0n10r,.n.1 d•ltrore4l,ln 407 41.11
‘ , l . eit I lx.• ol closj - mr, clantgi. tor nil, 11.11.1.
t.r sr rtarltv,l oni Ira at
• . .
4XI/ fVdJ
Piofbabor Alex. C. Harry's Tricopherous,
ttt',l o l“,.',lll l o°A krrl l ;•': , icl;Suylat
mi. ham prutud•d ibc otkot In outing difroscsGith.
Okra, um: Ed the home, and all the aultual thavJam..
tcnitmoslals, .Aerial From hundrftl. or •mall..
t:n7,1;,..:,1.-.1,',11`;,":47hri.':!1.111-',; lnr °`;,i'grc.'t.',
law Vont, newt lin, WO.
raor tloaav—tivar nif-1 hare been am id.' Wi th • cu.
tatanda eruption Ed the eddy, of • moct aggated ...Par
ader, tor lb. tut sidein feel!, rav a, aud during that penal
have had Pm with. of mate of Ito podet:threat S
.Ti lard all Me Cl. , th. and
akin now known. wittowt the lifet benedt. I was wirtant
• friend TO ter your Telropheroun 1114 on as • lad
and, to my advidiae and gratification, round'Onrealt
lln in about two month,. bud. will the trlntekre of the
jodder that at Liam 1 IN partlidir
no:Pecthillt. yours . ft VII gdPELVE,
Ito Candid,, Otooklyn.
Nur rum, Wt. 104.
Capri Ilmar—Sly Dear Mr—Almuttwo yrarr ago toi bah.
vut •
_gt , al MAO, awl my 0,44 rim tauc much mim e
daratrult wm told by • hiabil tort, rouririzoilyr
our. anil /did ao,_atiol to my aslitulaimurat i Itiot war
Muth rooted, and all the ilandralt - itaialtraimrr, •m
baii4 wow rho. for Kral,.
t 1
ur °trail aary ` t •
'4'4 ' I 6 , 13 BrOwiv ay
It .or lady teuilrmati tioulris 014 aullieutrAty tit thr
roll at Prof.. • 13 Barri ~
tnr;o2?•7, il t.i.vrY rolt, what. lir will ilia
nal lettere.
(from the Wilmer and Naval AOO., NOT. 0, 1.0.04
'there to no rrly toe the permanent tiler ot haggler..
and dues.. of in. cranium generally. that' Pao rind:p..l
the pnlnglarlty *toyed fly the artier. known an Prot.nsor
Barry', Tricopberour. or bledlcatart Onopuntat. It to ex
reurgrely cognl by the upper ol the emnernultr. in
alindet Wren nprPrer In this 11410 it it nerdin PreltrPurP
other article. of Ow kind. It Impart. rtg/or th rootrof
the hell, nod thug pngkuona no growth to a remarkable
Lai r non sot r It will rut'..ll drat.. of the rtdly
gurh ar 'rain load, dew worm, tind other ohurraluutdiver
deer. of FM; In et..puree se well a• +Mewl, it Claude
unritalled ft 10 gold 11. hole teittler, prier
81 liroadeey, and at the DruniPtr aeuereng. throoehong
thollnltediltsto and Catlad. ; aPidnagf
CIONTIN LIES usual titeilitiem re,:eive
IL/ on Sthrate,..Malr, andloinetnputent, all Ilar.than..llea
Latta beats bin an. Jail,: La ail
. lh and lbe Illinois Canal ani
Ileferenren—alerare.l.enc Srerlin, t .
.1 Qulga.
Mr. John A_ Caus.ber...
Wm. E
1.? AND 40CTIONrAN , W
A titer etß • ft. r EORIA.
sttentino to liomrulsiNo Lyith.4•. augbAr
Padua., Ccalatui9elou, •/4.1 Itara arawg the,
Leta, Jo+a,l3, NI..
meynat,11...1a0,•“..1 tliu4 a e.
• • - -•
VID C. TUTI'LI. Atto:rney ut taw,
lusyltataa, at Lou, M.
ituaalat4llll.ltUatalaaLtt, 11111Mitra.
SRN H. RANKIN. Aturnay tuiLI.A2 oun•
ritl e'olka at Lao", Rua Cotomblattaist far M1.'411114.
ir•ull, tnuf, ,• flirt at a.aUtPlit)
haoar..-I'l,tbu t tgta Ilan:, F Pl aarlaa. ll•Ratacal I
N11,1•11/ars•31,I,Im., John V•rk, 111,44 •
.9•1•ple, 31K:oat (.la.'
111 !BRUNS 1. RIBBONS!—We are o pening
Xll,come uow sod Losu Im
llful Honest sod Sect 11Ihoe.
auCki aeacarna.a
;Mumma, More jug reedrpfrodld esmrtmant. of
ietk Silks. from tat. zo e 2 pre ec.,l Boyerr will do sell
Wean sod purelmet hum them
c 0.... now clwicie 'Ltuir eforli r
e de Liclarn at to.n lame maitre rt..
6t r . MN!
• . -
T. 0 , tiF, .--,./ liirgq . end : con valeta
n'AßEMOCiegott aetend..atms;,*, ti*
au . .?.millkfield. •Xpenarn or - s g.
.....,.. ~.... wis.. ti.. to .'srog: •.'
Great Bargain! .. .\\'• •
_I -13:6 , 11ASSION LlOUOL.enreittly 6.6 P, 144). R.
mee6, and now by J. O. StOon. le offen•d en enlentientle.
Paid. Rotel ix Amanita to.f tes Canal Rada. luta .djoiotoo
the Ir.. tion of th e Penney Mann Whore* Yuma:um nen-
Rro-Znyen ted 11.114R0 Or Yrn6-66. 111rnereete of in.
mewed ew. I'm turd.- particulars Owen., uf •
MA IRMAN n . Federal M.. illvirbenr 6r R. VIOUPIALLS
Liberty 'A-. llunburnb. Adinhelebrotner of Ow canto 61
Thomas Foirin66. dred. 66W -On
Private Itegdenc# for Sale. \
I'IIIif:PROI'FIRTY i•Aftersnl eseeedlng-a
I It 1... . • ,,,,luu ter) a'ira tinavlalltia t k rour IL '
Ix LOC , II digit It \ 1.-5t...111u 0, . rapt Ili a TOli 11, CI.,
,i 1 All. ahem. The ntuotiou lo aural,' In the Mut,
lf "ffolfaauilfuea Mott ulen.lng flew r be ty a Pitta
-1 oi,h atol thow , tivoro at a alto., bad ii inn Novo
t00..,1 I. ihi La. , 114 , 16a rt nf I•ittiit Ural; r hl tug In KU
iN c. i
r LU1.,0 lc., tbr innala.fre kf faith tow an .01
Ti, IA I. la . :‘.. in. soup Om: mato ri• fRI Jaino
l ' i ' .l b i ' i ' id " ;if ' ti ; , !..;11 \ f aZ i n t r. ‘4 crii";;:71o!':1?-i bun
... iho lo Low i tif I i ullf 11. offAela .tlfo i 1 -.ft
awn,. ,I un i i iii.hlit, the broit 'Wanner lo t rfogg 2 eri
duienw rtiol foo.f 4\4.61,11 oltlll\nrfld .VirIONI • fa
...•r , l i .4 , .. .. 01 \ Th.e. lo a well Cif, x nnt I
tar at the door, anJ ~,,,... RH a.l, hvottato wafer I a rota
bout. as .1 .1.11 oo . lonely I hul••• \ft.i awl a oh
I,etf 11, .I.lal, tA.,tinolloa an I futraottow,,ut ,el lo
avproelatoil In 4. on,anit otti 4 ~f the I•main.. ve
t y,.r, o tel..* to i u 1,•.. aro 'ari to , williiat then
Blanad who will la uleatouni In .1... S ea.ri info , m
1 1 . ,.,
li 1. • tar, anu o ter ...soros. . Jell,htful tool
4. "‘::;: r "' ''""" liniTfi l trlti. Ile tLvl\ndi
- - ite Elltkte.
OR 8 AI.E ,r,,, otw. , qtl,l Jo it, Ix, [hp
F ,„. 11.11 ill tit .. Itorei tout In,. In
1 • re ,f
Ju no - A oft,. got arl utul I\ • fwet . n it 'Gator "root, lig
If, i , * 1 u r Lunt+ ,I Pcs jili 04 ..,i, lat.., of \
11114.-1 tf \ , f.lo!! tualeor IL
11 ,.., 112. AIILE , PROPftl: on the him
11.,. In fillegh \r \
o ff for . 1 ur slant, ,?.... till
J,wrty The Ineitili n . war f Ann...V.:ton minutes'
want lona the Agunltirt, .1 41.itit Ulteru frrait the !Laud
Ntrnet IfrlJar fbe eulonaillow 011. er 14 oro a.
peri, te
rono.lnfloa tonal. whith\lin Cilia *, , 1•1. 1114. ii I. 1. oil
fort fr. lit art North el‘llo.l4lgeet if runts. ha to Lao rt*
tt ...of ailue 27N loefoienr filiNititia I f az. eire,i nwlllett to,
trrelt,l a Brick Ifni,. a nt4lll lig 11 11 .au .proaalLnelts
Tfront, i *titan an I rarriAgolit, re on the I • k of ilia bd.
he k•19(14 IN . [tn.. am au} ,fu Iteitheny he proton.,
eau La otarolued al eroN than ior terms vita of J
K 1 Oh •• tn. 01411.• Of ./ IS Id I 4 t .. earner of ourth an 1
NI ~.I el. IfiuS=. , att. 1_ JO N,, !"."
/1 . 10 TitA N:4l , tflVl'Oftty, , A\) , !drtllBo ON A
(11101161 t DIVItt'llAN Yr, -got. ale tru art al. it
1 ug tonna, I.ONR Ter, ntilable LIM. rub Gin ug 4
Net h.* 14'4. 14 H.b Lane, All. about - tit,. sled rout
ioa i u th. I roux and Uhl,, Railroad, .rithitf • .0.1 , 0 ,
tho Iftpot,) And ettriallug hark 1 .,, t1ie Lanai B•111/4.1S:k re.
atlonliuy 110 l ..ITZIL , 1 b.,iia . k•r ahltual fit I, I .•r
th. Railroad o r C• 111,1
Pun term. asiquire•if b tot 4roescrov,All.ahrtil Cif
Al at tho •IL. Yahoo. ol It C. NTANNVI ON.
ouglo a roef.l 0 il itraet aria ThlrJ etn \
iliven - Valaat4e Farinafor Sale.
A l f . ..L SITUATED Dour thkOhio and Penn
aintnnin itaitrnun in the yleltiltl Of Mahon, Ohlo,
rut. Whig Nom W.• tare. earb, ituT In • gowl slot.
of cultivation
41.c.-10a TOWN IM'... betwoott lb) faievetit hu.anoat
Alla Which wlilll 14 /,./.4 IV \ .1.1. air fle pukattra.
Sta. Elect 44 L. Ohl, Sad I ult. • /Int.* Itatinia4, Of
kph althea . of lii• Haute It kills!, rit . will 1.• talr /a tiaf
wot. 6
I la. 011111 to dull.fe a Ilse Ile.ola I. ••Llaiaba the
Driodt grouti4, Loa o.aupoblut tau ur A...unsay, iii yowl a
fir.t eh.. Intel oto,o, on what, u li uatotif eon 1.kt..1 to
- 11, 1 .'.:t'i.ber''...1 . .t:11'2:aigitt'vt .TI t s ., el Li.. of IN! Ur
liural. foul f'lerel‘ro I al.u, b nee u Itta ...ahwuJ nton,
tor and Mt. Lear. t.l. he 4...0,1 li iui th.
it Roods
u or t.eifiq iwt.trtu 4,1 twain, fr 1/i , talato U.S., it unoOf
.I= " lre c t. ', r -'o' '''''',,- u - ';';l4l l 2Viv'"v
~,..,,„ ~ . .J.I, I '..1 1.0".. 14 ft \ ,
For Sole.
A I.A lit. E lot or woo of grown! tylate in
Z.1, ,,, thn • - not, n anl i f the ..tly 4 .l' PilnAturst , froutinn
+,. to 1.. t ~0 ) ult. Flrort * J fott.roilltit to a - for..
. Lra •
I. .N 0tr...1 Thin properll\ls 4..f...4.11ree . f1l above
the 011 /lawn .n,l IR tho •rleloili 1, 74. t oast.. rWilleure
of the late L. 51eLun , ( /Loa, .1. I ttoo laellita.t Wow 1 I
I " I. off'. hua .nanf ‘nu 1- n 11, •• mittatl, e, u t a d
oft,. I r the erection.,l ilia or ta .ta twhil dwelllok 01
44 .11
~ t olaht ...lief \;, k itivtoeut.
Term.--11.. thle.ll.o h• 4 \cud th. balsa, to bre equal
A " :g ' ir " t, '" l " 'l lll '. 4,lt l a \ 6 ll i Tti .u ri t iti . rt '
atiil244 • . '‘ \ ,1., .. ,111. ‘ , ..- 0 .... , .
11 4 1 01 i 111:NT Ti,. IhWatillig, N, ,55
k ThIN otreet veto. *tufting! \fa *an 1.11..
•• 1
bar* luli tin. titol th. pain {{wad natoirtng of
thowitralronai lit onanhawl The r.l rhamloir r the
eon.lid flexor haf. al ath no ti, stiochn •Ith h 0 0 1,.1road
a•tor, water ,Lata,Aii. \ \ .
A 1.,-the throw a 1aNni0g..e•. ,,, e,.. ,,. . ......
r,I, ~.. a ~,,To, ,
tato'•if /4Wm otrtwl. ear tt font.
For Sale \or erpetttalLesse, \
l i NlittTl-THREE II 1 1LIANI1 VOTti, 1114
In iut lot No 1 to i .444...11.14,. . \the low in
, 7 All.lhorif.„ fl Ohio of I.lh oi,k. oi geto.i, a tr e .t..iaj
.0 Kan Lkuo •
tI ~ fu nat Inane 1. 1, . ire \kat., the rraiJa• of the
uul.lot on lb. 11111 -ttetallf.,•ho. 1 .R.J.. eti nit latoto' so a aaolur. LA , \
f .. MILO. 4, ril.,lllre of fife filikkl n bit ALA 1 b roar
ih. pnoi,t...w ur ot lho •fsf . TVwr 1 111, ota e, •oi \ h))
Oh ttroet, MAl...tat. ‘
..1 It lOTA
Real Estate fo Sale \
4 1 AI.I I ARI.F unitopro A tOT, on On
n ruor I Mort, iiu I 50101.r0.... birth S. ..t .
fair...oft. tho t othola I. huolf J I.or fn.{ .Al 1.,1.
.la. II 14 4r, \Wei I, u !web, , rout.. LA. It I. Stniiii
all., a
Alno-lbe 1[14.4 rfsri la, k brallin. I 1A.., au 1.11... rt I
...tat. atrainius lb 1. Lave lb. lot bola.; C. Lath/rota hi
1114 1..1. J. op 11,. tiro .. .{.. , brew..l. tout f Willa
u.lars, it, No, ita 1,, alui 'loom t 0... s
Ali,--:u aow I .
~1 5tuah10.1...4 roar fault., ri.l*
„,,_A. hausp .1: nrei In 11,..1 lio.L. t w hip ,
Ni'. - 1 t..n.) .4:.1, ....t .01 oatei. ,: euat o ad..*
f1,.,.5t N. r (...I4
Alw taut.. 4, th.....t....4.111 , 1 41“1. 61 Rl \ \.. atli
irt .• 1, 0 6.14).....y01,
AI. i - tett ralaall. I.\lh soot . , M. 0.,. it•ria•
ot a LJL lihrlf.K.MAIL. \
•ot 1 4, Bowl helot. Aatut
~,,, -""n ' ~.. .., t 44
Ili Ai., hatiibur ' LL
A flood EsTgam u. w Offered,
11. goat rb,.. ,a a:.4 AlAtiS i R.N... 1•10•'b,
.::t. t i t!::" " till -vu ,
lq i lr , .rf;tirbo Y dri a t 1
finl law ht., atrt wok* at r Oft !treat. ,ersozu illApte...l
i A. tun hay will at ply I t LI AIR A lIILLNI.
\ 4 aforpia4 at.
. -
The College ofl Junks.
AoiicsfiToN cutiN'..)lARY ANI).
tin* Issorouis 1.1,14.ge01 the h0te..1,nut.N0t0...,, I Chtreh r
rkati.; TEl:cTii ANNI;AI, SES.S iNs will
'ope 0 •111 s). A), loloner Ott, 14)1 'lt. N r
n II tlol ' o n eit - cotu l e c neeniLes,t ,1.,' " the\,,, , t thut*lnt I
JuI,,INY, hnh la ntello x..outintsioul 4 toeutekst. ar,
..peel.: At thn'neoetnn, hut ere Oet.ivrA *tout tom. \bet
.rpar...4 i)e. eto,roo is \0nt.101,1...1 Irons Ihe \date ok hi.
...wren.... • . s ,
l'IL)11-1/1.4.11i: Lan th.‘ ooual hutostor. Of‘'clitung, \Ol
Ilra. nil Ils•!4.0p011111111.1diet a, id, totoolete,,loodu.n.asol'ea
•luse,,:ut torthioation I the oolleollOoseouiee,.. , ustroo ,
. u it. r-oluo.trool.. at ukt a/c:vowel J.,,r00t. \.
lllhit It I‘LAI Mt SC thttu stosoodlntell n 4 losnlosO the',
'..11,,,e, .0.1 un.k.t as. v oou ot sato, but nu
-0,, )1,,,,,.., .t....,, 0,, ter,or.i , lade ac.tae beelnuloo ..1
Ito' , ere.Senl.... l O At , .... .4 I.l.l.pare, theta rot . ? y li t
,n,1.. Elmo., Ilse .•`ou \lir totiott of the ?Ole ,
noc, ol 11.,•1.1.11ro:- us. enorhs.l ranse.,,,, ~. th, Pnp s,
'n l?,}_g.,nrireiAti CL. , L.0.4.., the at,,ul7 of Gler.i.l'• •0 It. LIU., 2tppl i t3.l . kktol,lltlonal ntu4iee Is:
n' el . s . :ll l- itt (.""?;, o ih ß friN7ho Liet ' aely t;slthinl. nod.
or lu .114•211,1 ' fatu . ton 05.401 0k114.04. ter ' , fnirnrskt.te t, '
g...10:14ta1s stolintler. n . \ ) s
KEMP 11/ILL. h her huthltutt, VO., het Ly ,10;\ 0111 t,
etoli•for ,cutonths in the 4-,n r,, 14 the h e 11,11,111.,
In a.1.1100n to the fiouser os.rot ut P';-oh,eorr. the truetrot
[mos, reently appolated Ituntr,lnroex• Bran, LI. II
, bee
lrn 1:1•11 end. Field i ztotleal 1.1.VF.\ 1.11,1 Johu 11. Ale,
ee,e bl , I) r.koture uts IYo itotploontl,try.
The whole charge ror e ...vow,. ..neeon...the
u '!
in the ally{o.l.4l,..ustintr:Sehuoll Or C7 \ o'huxoltroS nn. ,
I•entt tironro. o•yal , lp oquot.sunuell Ina.leau,..
A polo:0110 :tor Att111.51.1 10 be tus.Je to
Bov JIM): If tilllift)01. L. 1), „ 4... t. r,
t20%V0,0h.0t, JetuOs.l%.l.,
11 neh Otott,ottuty. )laryl.o.l.
N B —Penton. in PittAnstt to,. hing *try I.u \ Conuattion
telnoctinis thl..lttst.tunau. ate`ertetred to the eo, rteo
doer B. LIMILII, RI/0 !O Id.llllel\•,Dr.4.e. s
auttl,onlancht \
Uniereity of liT —r—
xastur, rho 11 . Orot Oct
vf,°,2:Ttth. 0 4 " 1 ‘ ) s ,
Km. g. A. A 11•11, M.41,C1i.111
Staunet Chew, 31. I/ . Ihntopet
Jooeph Bohy, Al. its,,A.4lonst 11
WM I).,rer, )1 is, 'Loony. 441
111:hard II •Ohoran.. 01 1).„ s .1'
W1,41e1:1 etolthlhlren. \ \
Itleorge )1" itilsenbother, It. 1\
Iho tut,. stooleol.Oortuost.l4),
Ptectlosl Aust.!) st.• sonletity
Cllnical•Le.tun.., Sous 1/11.11.1. 41 1
11.1111 Puller, i4l Ih. baltiyinn, 100 i
of dell, OL.Ito to as Param. oat. ,
too the Ilene,
• 'Fees lot toe Lectures, SW to
fly Alsttieulstoot, 8.4 strad , tt Tl t .
lilt/tore, Jul, th:a - lau,,t, 41
Kenevekkhlutlita Lifeltif
'''‘. OIIAR A NT y itkIND;
Frlll,eu.Ml , ANl' oiOR
\ \ .i tbl etwurtt,`..lll /...IfAttldirl ' t
•‘ , CII Ptub.itikALobetsl....teup:4l.4,
I tett at btbuntat.r. ab ittnual TOIL
....);4. rettultv4 lot tho eouthtWf
ad [maw, bUt., , twA elcsellettbzwetV
Illy tot tuebatnt, lot lltut wbule tem
.hie lut4rebt tti ;F.. edutuulatiutt
fgit. , ,: s tlre ' u . nlPl4 l :n h ?o b r l ther
abet,. Warm lawautterklad aLwa It..i
throe Yob the whobt tu of lib.
INlP•ntle Is the, eAlututa 1..
wt. ra of pretut tr.t . wr.. fixed t.
tad wit!,brutbiou hy uu mixed
I, tact. __
Ittlutt of tutbla Mt fuhtt...,a.writr ha tatutb.s.. ,trthwt to
the utabuto. ...I IttiAltteV IL. t ...s-,113y, 1 . 1.+1,411.. 64-
nu..; t, St.ll.K th. 1..
Yaill.taet., trittl. 6., /Oily, delt•IlX.I.L. -
ralni of ttut Qtrut...). lutuetbk. a em. ttbd
. 11.1 livouistve fe., to' \ \ ,3. TRW , /
. 14 • .11.4,
dalArtl. &tank., :{1.4..4.11 ..1 tel
j,21 . 1, fill
',12 Noe. hll 4of .IL,A,I\, ritr,bi n :yh, .N.,
A A. IIIASO1 1 t ti CO. now in tinily re,
fyi, . eelpt of Dom gentb.. ins,' ,t.' . ItO , ltt have tw;ta Un-'
butte., exprreelt b., ilk.' ,oalee. tot t et,. ith . lumen.
variety of C 44 1 ,4 1V...1t. !sleets. .trl It greYi rare from bhe
I tt r rePt i :rt=t4le.7):l th ft ' .r L llL i ttxt7i * ,...r .17,T
z ?
.•II i • t r ill•14l,, *nil lbutt ee, he beitkr , J..wo ru.11.-...1
10 thlr y The utteutloo,44 witt I..blesot .;.$ rAtail pur
chwent It. tort...WWI, r....11r2t, _ . , • \ ut.4o
FRESH atoll: I kg\ A ';i c il .17.15 i rtill F.:4
yt..y., ...4 and' Y'. to Wt., I
YY lar.ett.fltreu e lII' Te4a. 15 1..0.0.. etatt,letei
IW .11. h.. . - - h • 1 ...oil Pohl., . ,
ed la.. choir. Tr.b ,tr, 4", ' \ littttl . w ...., ,46 ' .,
•el p.n. 51.11Jet4.10.1wire'r ‘ Pr. tl:
t i \
Flu.. Cut Talbert, 10 a ,Al .I.Pubat so.l
mm. F l u.. . 0 jet
Mut. `deftearrt.Spuultt , I t o ..Pirtu
.0 hags RV. lt tht C.b. titarwl\.
F:. t• I.4mtgru Cbttee . . I. • bib tt."x buluwod
ft: '
0""(1'4.k,1, . .....,, r 4 7211,..!:(" J `iti1"% \
i. ..' S . r. 1
‘..., I, ,i,... 't
10 twitlt,tutl ',Jowl uo . . curb t........
~ ,
' 6""' .1 It . o ? 7 ' ltnl7 t.': 4 ,;:• - '''' \
gtr Niutlettut ...r 15'....1 • iibb..-- ,
--,_... ; ,
ANOINE 1 - 10Sle.--fitm 1,...1 '2 itelt 3 lily'
tall. Rubtwr tittle, ttruuwitt out eab re... 19 tor rite
lu4 . o ,, purdtc.m, lltt to rite lbw itr i e L L.part7:t r it ~4. .. ., . ..,
itand up% prette " uno th. ikul7l:talisetlfue "s e wit...U r i:waved
to all case+ l atest. blav) 40 but tutu vut .4. “ . 1.....1, 1 ,4 .
Itt• money will be refunded 1w the litwe +.''ll..'^lr'T tw . ..
open.' . ' J'a II Hu tLLtr:t. -
....0 F
1 W0..4 .t. \
MO OCOTiVE - St-julq r,'.-.0, : At font its.
di. Rubber Ilueejbe 1.e./tug Lucernott we with Ilea.
0ee.,.., ii e. 0 e.,,,, t... nurtmetted LT LI) lltert,.. It
requite. st..• tyreselaw.hrberun.ty tight and adectutt Lt
bola or mid. for .1 b. II Pill IPb%
11..0 I, th. 11. ...Surer..
HASIS--50b pc, CluivitYY , i. _
Itillebwo l'ugsb itunt.t; '.
, . 5 rirto 0.1at15b.1.1114.6
vt Or .0. b,
\ ttall/rAJW..I.I. LC b. Ca
GI WAR. /S*.CIA. \ ) •
.." • I.?&NAttus,
\ mt.
- st
\ I
, \ 5 CELL . - 0118,v ,
tt ,,A,..,,iii.
Irs ,N ; :
V: \
Puilw ,
th. , ,brut ts•
i.... 111 to
ot Choy. I.
\,7 1.
‘6o,"k:t: /1.
I\ -;— ' 'l6
F ri
Fs IL I I, A
au NLVg
a . eel
ro e 4 4l , ll? th:
nt thoF
Wed far •Lty3
. nti &lan 1.4
)1 tl
It, ral. the, we
Ammbl• im ta,4
;no 1... men aa.i., h.
t:lLles i ttbnerl:44, ,
oWor &ordnance. ,
111;1 p... r_.
i} , i* . _
~...tit.l, 2 7,7amn::
.534,-ii.g.,,,-.4ze...., , tik.... 7 ;-
..,....., ..
botta , 4 \ 3lat luartiN ,ir. =44 $..-*
;, ,
atutZbalantd,l, '\ , ..ap „. t,,
rest .\\
AV f
sl \:..
wm pat taken
orta.;sill mat 'Orem
\ !
arum", frind,in
ittrivtiateL a thi ,
'..ACINVI. .:
taxrlptlon t.. ...
ig 'ENS. wLas, i
4:' — in t-vgate,-;.4-,tk , ,,,-. ? ‘,,,,,:.'L
ia ' ;bope. ,r ' st. .ateotioll ltt 1...11:141,,5, I. toprit a ogpe
~I. patronag%. alit as been rata td to .214 nonlitailo.
tarrr:, Tber tut. pro to all aid Dv ord-J., it b Irt.l",it
tbrir Oland, au.l n üblir In mourn! may.MV.. .r.,
rurhildur attamtu id t. pram., ...Id, \ eoptglyt . ii
._,,....'..atia'11 , ',i1.104
uNgs a. I..ibi ....
blinufactu era of kst ring
...I 1ik. , ...*P..^ 1 . hate:. t.... 1, nu.. Magi. v . i.,,
~, ; and ,bilytto Sp Etamtuarad, Ton Axlat, mai
taAlTrusZtt ' igat i 7t. ' n{ l . ZilatiV:t ' ilrt a ikrr! ' n ' irs .
.c t,,,
" ! " !1 r '!....Y.,—' ' ' \ _____:?
' my 4SIC. \
(i'f / . I, , T , l l2 v ,l li a'rk. Ell , N a , ° ,,,::,111 1 1:: l iAt i O
ric l,
, h.,4,,a, MY I hewed yam \sn VVilmg of poL T V#I4..
tor Kern, vvrttb ir t nat . to; liVlN h a , te t al . Lol j . litt;
.' : ' 4l; r :4l . 4f.rAniypy matt., br It ILJiady . I ttel I.
iTaxle . mien ihkv. mbing, - ate t
mu., '" lffew I Lor•They, Mont: Thaltild ()Id Mr, •
NAI, ulia a, ' Ltt ;•Evanlng Song—'l`piligbt. .
'W.plitc Hokin Let 4 If dralrlar tqgh.N.'
the WWI Itmlbatrek flail Cdumbh.
Vrtilltl!.ienrs: La Fl . .:l.ltiq ta.
\‘ It ,
\, • rt .cr foal th.
'4 4ro l f7tlo ' ne .ro
.f it :filo,
\ • \'• . E4l3l6.l4i,ChichiEliteE4.4.
• :'-e - yanetnTettre,SrUldlied , l, ..
74, Paths In', th.spraten ny
th-41. mof Ille.irs2l4felliog t'.r
1.1..W0. tleten44,l•llfllithd , ',. ,
he INturre, Ln • of • irthoetlt., 2 - ",
rislositrom the of 1;.
I.ln Irt s. t.h. si i• as •
1.t...,.. L 0LT . , ,p e1 , 1; . 1..1 ,, ty. \ \ ...,__,,
\ _..\
. ,
etwk of, L • ALE .11TVILE K. OWN! • '._
cr gs-- • VOA, dentret.t.S.E., r
. I‘ .- t ß es th l, ' n ' cotest *l r KU of %22 t i r tid " •.
key",,,oino. lgolnL 444 . es the 1-1 , LOS
..1• ;a f fur are eased by Del•ojantte. 1
GUITARS-- A u ASAAAL.I., esol thin .. NUA7A. artirtuu
VIOLINS-M.. , Te. alt" , 5r, ..• 044 c....* ..1 4. ' n n . , rebid. eiln . i ,•
) ,4 etyle and orire. eta, g, e fattoda •
slot he AI tirri / 1 ,
" If...:XY'LiTRISLIS--A doe rairril\ is ••\,..". tot lade! a I. s
` It o Its. hunthrOuttnhe :
: tAnnnote,'Ttibu. Busles,llllegorour,teutrihess and ~, , ,nd 4ie hvaltilL ~ .t.. ft.;
;ti,,.4rtyd -tr. 2.7=r;sl;vrA-13."-,"'
\\.- \ - ...' ' . -
.., .. • 4.4•. oat Inks Ihrsint • •,,
A+ i.... the ...owl •ottl wort p0t0.11.4r 314,44,1,111, oval',
N. 11.-Tbe star. lostrunotoLe aro warranty...l. ha • rthel tag Wt. f the • 41 , 14,11•11 44,
... od sertfut In . ell rothn-r-If (sum& lady tV• L., .. Af.‘i•l'Alikl• i•Al\ito la reel Olen, \
oe, .111 L. It.toel. , 11. fi1.F.13E11."101 hisl et. .t.44,...5 . r.0. 4.1 , t . ‘..i: t Em=a /".' -
.... ' 'SOLO \ ..!:rk9.UOLIAI'LL,kILI: • ii ,„,.. ‘ ,, , , L ,,,.t .. ,,,, , ,,)„ „.,,,,,,, 6 ,,,,,,,u,,,, , ~,,,,
.„I'FtLIP OF .YELLOW'DOCK. 110(1 ,. - r ii • t ,,, ...;-..e1t.'5...4,
.titithi , jil d . i • ths . .i#l4i . , b. i i \
11... - .1 cat. \just 1.'44 flow P1t.t.t,..,' IL t., • 404 aele , •t . .4.l\lhrf 4 . 10 . .. , : - ~. ‘ , 1 1..00a.:( a; or ln thte rs• - "1
fo• the .1.,,..0 , •Italt In tot U.- i tot, w.lterts.,..loat :to ... , a , I i„ r .. , , , a,,, &to b 6 ,,,,,..”,,,,,,... y .' 6 6 ~,,, j.,,,,,,i, 64 ,- \
oft. lone . o „ \ S. I. VICO tridlLlif, ' l , • - •••• \
...,...,,, \
..i. ' \ r•stualjA tCA•wi ILLIA Sixth As_. 10' it Is 154.4•41 . :r1i..< re. loet./ ilt ta.Voi f..,-_ • ,
' .;-- \---,-- st,••ther s• •too. .e , sclis eir niS\ ' ..11.14:iii‘ \ \
jp It. eta LA NE'S \ V ERSIII UOF. , --MoiY., . v
• ~ .• ‘ ~ 1 hey dy f W . 41 405lYtt Ata sett 0\ • • .t lan .
• , t,,414,,,1dr.,..1e0Pati•5a houghsnate, of ‘,lrst.l tar hum thje •IyIr,G A MO r Aly ,lb a-\ i x,. ti... - 4••. , ' •
ect, !..K a ma utx. Ls . wr,tt'yel•• Ittllole•.to 10.11 es \ , -'. r, --- ._ .
~,,_ ~.„ , _ ~:.
~ ~ \
..I. Eye. tohl •it the 1. , ..41.4. ton ....thon.„ end II thne. t''''''f„....."' ......4 i . • • 1 •".. • .77; "".. i'''' T
ne\ eurcy intmer.l4.4ls. l.rould h.. enklajthest Seel \ to.mtif •tta r.t “, IA to oit• ti ttlt o f -, 'sr le.
latl , f,' • I 0.4 1.6•1,0 AO hunk \ Th...pecuil• battr., alt•T 1 \.„...,i,.., ~,,, ~,,,„ , 1 ,,i 0,, Es ~,,,,, , ,,,,,cc ..,.,..),.
~,,„e t . 1 , 11. ,......,,,,." lot tp4tlis t 74, tti./...4z0t., Itt
~ ,, ,,,,, ,0 b...k.
...,, ~
yk , t . c ,
..,,, t'
4. ' r ~.
' " rI,VII/ 4 : CO . o t., Yttalt, ` , l. • .L..11...f1u., ,i d pereet.4. huh \rot hie) :114 . 4 eh I. - \ •
\ .41. ' ...l.•llthul'ili S ii l .l , lth'i' ),,,l Lan lserettthe neettailenstltl,l4lirthui Ulll 1,, i • , ,\
icir, .1,0 p,i&ring.=. -
' .
n \ ; li . , ;/;
\ ; ~.\ \4, .'
\ \ \
1 tfi1...41
i " '''\
i ''' . ' n ' ', ' V241.111'5. ilf. 1111.1.1:013..11 ;Nu' \ \ ----• '
, \ \ a • Polrd •,', kor sale t, \ j mr' , ,trterer.--- \t'. 0.'4. Igieure h nth that V • •
ltAmpattl , slriii. t• : ., 1 ,' 4, , C .. " .. . i i i ,.• 1• (\ ••
• Fire Steel Mining' Oomitany. - • ~ • r •rr .r .* . • ‘ r • • ‘.\...!' ra , • '.
l'OCli HOLDERS are Ekrebv ' ' ‘ a lg.'• i 1 \ "*"‘'''''''''''''"‘" ° "L'•"°"
' \
,ot •0 , 4„,,,,,„,... 4, - ,41t A.l 'oh 4, .It rothsataitis S i,'...l \ \ ..
1,, \oaf en wlenswieut of Tn.., rie.Creniocreboi , , ' ~ ~ , .
to.. \ tneeni.l.l Couto. ,on or Lehr* dm stn of. h., , `'i li'i ' '"'.... iiiiji .f. •• I .i i • i'n 64. A 2 . - ki4 • o.i ti , \ \ 4 . 1
tenth., /Sit,. eh. otk• er Mee.*
_Caine.r, HUILA. LAI, , ...W. , ~ 4 4, 4, , /•rfr tr`l •l 4 . \llo.; . 0 r 'PAL \ \\•,, ''•
WllOll street. PlttAbuttl li t 0 art.. s ...1,1 to u0y,611\4 who* tt..... "n. neteeplauti*L. . ••••'hl
" ° l ' 4 L f• i !".. - ••
‘ _.. _ \ -L! .. 2 4 '',........'2 i .Wills eare.,S, Mi. .1.1•-•11,W1,..11•1 '•OICAAASAIIit'A a t , ' ' ' 1
Notice \ ,• ,......,,.• u,../fl',1 1.../u-ni ti,• 11.4 tit., AILIIALIAZ \AI , \ .- 81
I S 111 that 'en' A;td; t;,:,....,.. ~.1.t... \
\ ' . t
I: of hit • 1.... i, 1. ted ,h, n 0„,,,,,,,,, ......„, .sor, \,, 4 1 , 4 , 4... ,
~, , • ~::
...math et W Shull:4G, re?, -De. 1.4,-, i wasoleeed. ii ho I , 44". : \
, \\ • \
hetet.. P I. ' " of i'f,TVr' int I Wink 14..1. .ol !!. , ,,pia 3 * tw nayinti"
kursh, I•• ~,, u 5..., t n t to. ..uassiot tica4.4lll' 4.1 • ,
ati..•,,1 ,Cut i..outo, se . .14 ir tan .144.14 •, \
\\II.VII, Oh, l'ittriatih,
lerj , ,tr.,t ,`I th. truot.•lll II h...uieri, , '.
---•,- ---, \
/7:INIW---' . • 2 have 110 tolscb...iol • elecoqi Itot.t., ,
(044, tl.'t 06.0 ~,f ti..l,oslivr. 1;.11V4Ililliat.: ''
~,, A . 71`1, iTURES, Al
IA a dretofest 4%persol cur, ‘2.., - 4 .
'mu tett...that , , i 1", eoinam .\\•, •
.... he.. .witoree' s end ha.
„Ak, , , , lldsit o.o.oattica*. 11 , . . •
i i \', ..
f___. ‘,
~, omo. tmetat firfargi •
wot. al th. other twin. .\\‘'.
11.•4 ra. E one desthook of 51 tog, nf Erie, lis ,rured Of Llier thsLplatot. \
I. For .000 CM - with re. \''. •
..ntisit.,, (1 • the a lt art burins.. sf the,11 \
----,' \ ' A. , --,..• .4.0 Lixr.¢ of thellmt, of
- • "----- , ten - ~....i, etehhod, ..I.lf td: lturwthe I,ilmt Dr,,t
IV Notica. \,/ , , ~,,,t : er...tiii \•. • , ,
LL PERSONS knoNring themselves' in-:
_... , 1 :s0r, Pa, Nol,mtor 21 \ 101,
A diltlett 1.0 oit far DT, th,olB, ire requeeteitscall eo,l . 1 . Ps., ,S,:ot ..-',I am Levu, ta tsp./. three . .
"et 0, oi, 41.- bertoh, the let day Jl.ictur. . 411. rt. , both. tg 4./Ilril'et .Ilene honk and tioteakestile. winch
. .
't lmo the lemma. 4/111 t . 14 ph , ...e.1 to the hoot§ ot • , Ut.i.• .1 got ot 4.1 \ hale bane am ine•11! ; r tl-r - l i lot blethoge or '
tor rollenitst. •401,11 tifiEllfiliD,3l.l Lite tip \ is.
*Stud 1 . r0r,t, , 4 ot first, in. 6 ett 14.614 oth
.2_"' 6 ?"'t"!,-. % ' 1.1- X 'r''.2":.} .\ -1, Meat, .ot It
' 4 GENEtIS,L AND lIXTII.hdIVII' SheilENT Mt s. w,,,,,, 1 ~,,,,,,,,, , ,,1,, c 5 . 1.6 . , e ,„. y,...u n , ~,,,, 5......, 6
Wall Pap4' and Eardara, ' lap Fall fialel, .0a..., ILIA. lAIII 14\ 'A MAI teei.l. corkil \.'4 ;l' Wu ,t...
UST REaEiVEP, '14.1.440a \Ver.libliShOlf , " ...B ." '• Rh Pl4PlllLti . .' s i 4 IL' gif`' , .1".
,kii , •• a ' ..
, \
J .4.1. GS Sher. , ••••-- .----.,...-. -. , i.-- - .-•..1 0 , 0 \,, , tose, .)eras 4(144 . 10.1y lot Zlnt Latt 124 U. 5.,. ,E... ~.
Atuterit , ,lactorle• 3- , 'push In - nat.-0 with, 11retneasun the by4.1,.:c wor_ol or , : • ,
!tY:lf!.s!= • a tzba:L•lie., .41.1 tattuth -I ht.... .All ',hi int ' ' •
' • '
rule hast. b..> eery sieqe. l'sare lot many 4beoi.
th Tleut Of th• •
• curiettithlgthe 41041•41, , ,Eseettr•Nolth Itt this.. thl ,
in 0.1.10, latt,sulds.l Inklauf kotsthdr its. ollone ~ '
. .
• ' I baidt„ . „,os., 001. ed 6 trice 0:01\17 a 1...117
iii9ll.,N. H. -' ine, But th. greeiseek that Imo this \
0000,eratve3 ''',' '' .4ko ' Dikk k° 4 - , ki•nuiiiti , \ \ ,‘Fr .k.e.m ! iiiri. i,, \
.i.L,, ,', ~ . ..1 <0.0..... ' 4 •' l. iiii'ii itC , Of ....r.rss.s!uult- , \• \ \ ,•±
WV.2::t--Lt'c' ..t - tg.tute were entll4l4 regeared. IT hattf , 'le Itstritmen, \ \
P... 7 I .S:141/I=M7: "' grth ' strak , , \ ',..4 I." 'liii. 0 . 1 . , ' 4...• ." ' ,V ..4 ' .. "" a * g ' r- \ \ •if,*o'.
SI t.dtlillit Se tl , 4 , 4 , ittlif: !MM. ti k Sing '• , \ feet .431l111.•21.4. An •xtrattll.l4 4)t•raritii.tind rienhith, \ \ 7 . ,,,,...,
World'. Sa.l quick Ster ' \i„, I
rh " ettilittirl V \ ", " • , I b. » rtelnie, thou hut , r t ,.. . w. nwu l . l- • w , 4 IN. itf•iS r.P.Veldthutii. , „ -- " i i . ..isM
1149 en.0110‘00•IttlIc., N t Leatay-rattatioing , i , iy..... *W . ... I h. , '4 ,1 • 0 Vt.'. P.. P• ?N'' \• • \ ' , 2fE ,
\1 *mat tor O.', . , Caltati-10.04 tO•lllittllvtet AU' AILAL toms.. 11e1.....2 utual• to bur .70tar\ 41, . axtrh.o.
• % '
'Ott kind toliteloeell ...Is.: AW ,4-,,,, l ‘ .':k. -- Z. . Shihs,, tha 11.11 on Donk' an.t deruthatiii*. . •11114. , \.\ --
, PalltteCtt ritdot t , ,\. Le I..iv-4nm- ol.alr. :
\hi.. 11•114Iti ', -" bo/I•Tc cay'rt .oi, 1b... , . I . , = s 7 t \ 5 ,,, t1, - .11.1 . .1 hi it, .01 •kPreth. ffir?„. , / , \\ \
Why do untotorr Tne • iVlS.' 11earitig40.14.„keritir ffi ra t,.10. louse Isuly. 11,1.hCG'S Jz,„ , ,1C1., 40_ .
.tittfeot With en t..?.uir they 8
_. . . difilkne genuine wel•er rue.. ,, ptti P• - • , I ,
~, \ •,, r ' ,
'' ; ' \ ' . 6. .".'
' 1
y---- -0 iim 2 ' 4 '"3 " . " i tostand gam ani Deno 41 the drrup B, l4. ,, • the
lAil ~hancra an v, gloomet2d2throto Vire Tilf,4•Eiii4 . . , '\,,, • , . ~. ~,,,. , jr. ' Li, \ \
OS, `l,l•rtotn, COO*. Ottden, C.odaurn. ..x. \, 0, .0115 ' F , 0 0 0?.! ,, th• •"°. 8 0 . ! • . -
INIkkO. \ • 4000. manta iv,40..00•
PIEUS, C.1.th0th.. , 1... 5i; • ;i:44,14, oat er '
'N I \ E ,4tt ‘ ll it .4 lN • l t . ... q tfjo \ , -1 4f 2 t .--3 •ryk: r l .:l t ri , : t it, s ,• la ' rl d:L 4'\ j:il l -ghtut arvetS,•Ataitz• 0tt , W412.4., .
to ntie.m..llciosra sm. to evidtemed
, •"rr a . .aU • r s". Sfaihithi s i•d kiIiRCH-Fihlh. , , •jr, Kiss 4 *AL A. Fahneetnec leo , ,i. S. .:14., I.
11,U8'rEIVED,' , frOca the Philliptviil ut ,,,,,, / , .. 0, !... ,, - ,- .1 . . a . o. '''''' . ' .14 . 1 .. 4 . ..rk . i.•
ILIF \ Ohl. ali , ,Vsetozi--i.i..oo\phi\ 4, 4, 4vddgnarla Pat \A T 1 t0...11 4. ,11 ... ....tht ... t0.h. , 1 , .
..A.1 .. .. , A ,, ,,.. ,: tf. „ 1.;:. ; 1• ,1 .Ar i„ L., ,,, , r .
V "e'h COrlAtHehgr‘4l?l'llArlfUlt ul ° \ '''''. ., " H rj" .i a.. , ‘,1,. li oliss,1;1, sits fur h. iiisao.i. ••• \ •
wholetate'd•qt tO WI tar . ho - tc• - . o - - , ' , ' " \ i
5er164....tber6611114.1 it tot Ir•0400008•10curch.104,
~ ~.., , ~ ~,,,,,,,,, ,-, k •,,,,,,, E ,,,,,, , ,,..,,
Is wle ale detirdithed tO.ll I good on utielr et as Inv- • , A . . ..
_. ' .. : perbapa a \ li!'lnotter wad lUere - then say other . Ereue a Ls. A., irsiwo d• Son. liarspen,.., \, . I
vA340.41141110 L•tAr ht... .1.4 . r 111LLI Ph ' t
, 4
strilsais.l Alb , N-',Cellsh.l.l. 1,1 , ...1i M.' J.1,, , A, Ai . •\ , .
." ..N.. ',••••••• . '''
. " i ' ' "'"''' id. "tiro. 4 114 isi, sltar.ltsr. 000 ,, ..dka 0 , e;-;
iiINEU: •IlilqsNal .31EltINOS - \- - A. A. .- ..r a n. ith.B.arar. ....tummtrod , 1 *Tr., et. s \
' me it G : 6 - jsztet esoduretgkr. i'• 1000.!. It , nr,Ansrilie ~ " \ ,
itrich Sierttiw. of t ..•tpost tleelt•lttti • .4.4401 . color, , l a t .
. fi i,_ . . 4 - $1 1 ,,, ,11 , 5! „. s„ ~,,,),,,, , e .„.. ..,,
I.l..l.loryeely our .44.1 tr.l.--.... Shen. 11.1 ',
'', ~,, \ •• i • ' .plifkiliel . ' ' \
NJ I . 7\\ SILK s-- - ' 4 of'd this dap ; a LTI.IIIIIIII, .
11 4 "! "" ''"''' '4 ' l ' n ' '"''''''' c""'`h "1 , 'Judd's Medicated Liquid Outten:\
.1 N••• , ~,,\ A. A. 111410:1 4 cl.t., ,
' ki l----' EuIk . BON , NE , I 77 's A NL,' RIBDONS\,-
„\ L A.. 1 1 71 . 1 a D i i . A ,: 23, 1, T ,, 1 , t:1. ,_, E ,, 1eL . th u. t.n4e ,..,, d 1 ,,.. 0r fiti - .. ..1 ,,,, 1y , 1i i. ,.1e, .. •
/ 1 ..\ 1A.V . 4 4Co I.64l•ltuttitia4r4 4 nowlst,ollio note :
end Inionerkliktowt, tell et4l.;,,, , hletth. 41120pr .. Y.4 ' i r e t 7. ., :rt ;A , , , ,...: . 7f4r....„,11.4 , - . . , r , .. , ..„ ~,..,, ,,m r..., .!
kosp, ,\ , \ I:i .. ...-1! . (t....\ ' : - .; i‘ a.i ". inn. \.l itols. friri lindlLa ankle I.J-1,4, i pv.\, ,,
.1 i ti }UP
L ?tril4 . ' IDE} F.S--A. A. 111,001\ . .t: t ttb... sul'tt......u . ttufl "6,lle,teeeT !!„,1 t .,,, ,
gt_, • t , ,,, hey ..,ket r.r.• ...the ..k I f.l thair• ••fl •;_ , ,•••P 'Tole way rertite that ore, the ttaderAshed, hisings t. \
ehihtotdeTtee. fhi . Jti_ni •, 1. ". I' s 2... i ".r'"' 1..., uuthltl , 4,* . dit, tuot 5..1 .k.tty . .. Ittslt.ttd - Li.lllthltutirlt, 45, ~
piEEDLE Vi,0,11.1i 'OLLAIIIS. oi . . I '' . . n d , , T , Vajiryt " =: , :fti , s7,,..=ZY.......r=ni-Z . t.., \ •
, b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.1 . ,,, , , ,,_ ,.r t opr i tslb_ .
....,-4., ....,... A ...,.....-. .....,,,....l,„. ),
seustl. i 4 1tC. , 1.V..t
_.. , :,... .... r i11t..1,4 4 ,::4.: 7 . t at, all kludelf tr.),,,,shit • \ .
1 --'* All.l). O IL •-, this. or mii.',..t., .„ :, \-; \
\p, t:1141.111.Kll c ° 4:itrai•eo. i• '
, nr , ,
~, , J.,,u..4..1 i z1it5........ \„. wit. u.cessr, IL li, If, •-•'• .
--,-,-.- -- v1 , 7 , . ~ , . V. HAR1126.141 I+. i •,,• . . \
L I • IOA , F.h-Fil,thh.), RIIIICI : ,\ , , , \ . lil.lll/intikil hi. D-, - - •,•-• •
L 11.14, itgliWtik •1I li ''‘ • )
1 ' • \ 1 1,a itatt, , \,,., t,. ', ~'',. , \ ' \ V1t.t124 . 1//1/1/ BURR, 31:it a iti. ,
a1,,10U NAV 114•41 , i ;,' CO4tPti•ittl Altlytil trtaclitbzteletz.....ta tt ..
. ~,,.. .. , :oft - 11.1. tt'imt .11
_,t. ; \j lttlatuatrout.. ~ t
, .: , ethkuLthlt \A hk , S , SIN . V.:- Y‘.o . 00ti„ty I, o t, • n ..i 1 s11:::IIer.:1cl: ai .
t,...1 . 1.11.4A1t- 2, :;ti.lthtiti. N. , 000.le 1 , , ~ 1 I .-•. ~ , , , . , ,
1, - 3 tatigiS4 s 2 ,,,tylso. uty.1.1.; 4 i.,,5..,i ••1• IN ht.,CO3IPLAINT otftve yeur4" . ...42;t111; ..
II 1..; eux..l hr using the 0ni.X.E,..41.6 rtsSatt.t., -'.• \ '
a . IL- lath htd.. Streit. Ir, s. o . l Ahv • • i. , Itra LI \ Ett.'ll.L.s, sonata „ 1,4 a. i.,`.I.LLISISS „ 4
1,1 ..„. -,, JA • 31.2.5 .1 t • ' • (.14.1.1,_IV•ehlostre. ell ,0 , Sty. le, ~...: \
5A 1• ' 31r. It. t.., • btalttre-1.1.4tr tir. II :f li'llb rino‘3oo L • .., ' \ •
SOLE LEATEIEII‘-L. ,4•,i re.ii,m44.l 1014 r Liver/idle. v Wet 2.....entsty'Sr.tan,-
. este tot . goial ."- ' 2, .t=b7 , l6 ' rgo " u ‘ s ' eTaiTo. . ' o4. '• • 'i l . nti " fgh . 7.4s . ,I . T2:i `,: .%,
1i ACK EKEL-40iti vl.*l.uutt v., bllions•dantintes. 4 ... tor•lst.,to, 41.....: ...k}. 1., •
..a . .- . 11l :.' ' \1 ' *r..: 1 4 1 . , ..1 OAT the; ttude womtL•o Cent. i A litlt.7-11,.:t . t.A1
' • lale 4.0 pao Kt littlat 004. 1.i.,.1....tantt14w.1 tnat
.„, 4, kale itr .: ', 'I:.
\ et - ciasplant 00404 Elva limer. it,l - 0,00,1.01 - yerlorn. ~ .
ithi,...ll± . . `,.. 0.......... ...
.._, , 0, ntesjet, Lot in at .t, iltt '1 teeth ot yttrTS tyrr Pills _
cVAR_,(IOI,I,d,, , N . 0 .. t or B i,l67;lttvot
M a g i c, 0e111.07,,p, 0,0001t0‘.....t I 30V,
..... / . A-0,10.0.1. aalystwarea ! Ahla son .psyferf 4ml:of . .
Ot . 1,,..21,41,4 . • ' tl.. et . D.R.tittit 1,1", 0.., • i 4 . ,.. ....,...,,,,,..4,4, , ,,, t ~, .t,,,,,,.........r \0 , „ . 1 ...0 .
""-.1-n11,.17-• ' a', o th. .t=ieit'f.a• •• • \ •-' \,
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fr 1 iVern.t, ';. '.. ,:
1141 vrt:r% , Viuse,jrain: Um (4TVentiA,FAl's ...
- I,IIIROP: I ALEN. • '. ISARRY'S , -' ICORlif,
I_, liistth. LAN s )[ 1111..15l Try t's)llll.jtl't S-Srs.... \,,, X . ,
litro lt
.....1 kg aIt'APC/1.1.11 , 0 ...Id I . Ai•lDAYl4...Sghir_sce..i,
A irthisto 06....... St .I. kee .1.1.1101 W. suf.., ,
arrarby the 4 , 1•1? 4non w.krofetherhorTrel.6-u stases p. \
„,„, C' 1•a • . , • ,,,t • V, " =„74 r . er ss. '
Ttela4.l IN i,...1 It. l. rum '' .i.. \. %lo.t. t o total, it,ul,i ,
„ S tr
t lt, a...a, vigt.4 - 14. lot rt..VI.S st Stab.,
~ .u.,
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oth t 461.1r1tn...) ,,,, 1 ortott - .l4tttaktsttrerlttslrt.peatu \ . t
.twil.- ZIIIII , IIIY atnipit; ot •t.
~it tiewfrfgraducd at 0^ \ .
, 00.01•11 00 , ,
I'OPFEE--176`)Ags ktio, tor We 1 11 - ;;VgAer,...
V seals \V_ • 6.. aw. matn.a9n.
t - F. 7 ll.'!"`l T6 ` ; "'"
Ott lit
10 4 rrS
I Wale f F 3 naltnil, if
ranti . PomPalq•
V 00.660. •
d the le.'iui,a
lii. VolliurpsdJolul
Lind: h S m 4 m f :ly:
r r n t u f tbl}..,r p o
the hatitto.,l44ll
et life, w1t11.3 egyita
mil socurwl tIA Web,
0\ upm their PC/11e.;
0 , 110111.14 roecuttlf:
tbepapennt ereatit',l
Ineyilltr• COrn6.4,
II fxf,xtkluct4,*
creydnif ktatta•••''
.. ...41m
...any, 11,lyt por
.t•IL t•plan and
. ,0,1 ptilic,thpot.
i ittrurib.
•YER, airsairt.psurci - M ~,•,:
us rat o) \__
1 \OL , acteAlaraisa, natgivrik,\,
wg NO ,s, cacro:P,
'am), cola , . 4. 9N. \'_
. -, ,,9 tb=l ..ty this Surely
R Sr"' o fT.4 tlacat saa It.pc,
Pt le . e/th tim ll r. hmeltli a
. :.J.•
`,loeJJlsy ‘Ustlorn the • • •• npiedoni •f
aMoome 'of th• sal. kv.. or 1,..,k, r.
they \eletoodim tor taw • fter 1V• hat
11.41,1 toskt`pa odd ir‘one or fat.
Uflmlon i' s mai w•POLI c tkii hol. la
\ '‘.
, \ ,
allele la will MU. at,
. bet a ty. d o uhd Ito Yolicit AF.qulm .
to all n• pu lido. feellig. 1q4110 , 3
2 \
Vtt s i.ctir 1.... Mt tau the talkies V g.rtka I
hanamt mul putene \ nent. , .l k
zUlabed kinfault I.litta4srf
... „
rviltdies. Hom an terul - 1... , ,
daynd. mommaitne mm 4 Dflt 4 f . . ' 1, .,. '
but Ms ouyortuulta f TAIStOMVI sts I ~ ~.,.; ..
ClEttily„Ot ttt the Mali , of MY Mt , 4 , .:
%dutue s uith • Dish denyso:estittrttOn 4, ;
. ~ \
T l ar
tom, tti : j,l7,;;.l t 1. : 6 \\ ' . *
lest a \V \ l 4 mullede 1,1d1e.. Cat 1,,
. har• • no ur•doi Um vennek t mc N .
inkyr •.. , - a2antr YECTo ' \
. 01. tICIts a reurtt=l.4 g o ~
TT '.. V .." ' T • .D. ahlantl, r \
. \ '
4 ltluimul•at f tii Li muJIMMIaIf
I had 1......• ime,e,feabitc, - Mod 0{44.
',......1tat,',44.11..""' .\
. ,
tt-t:alltil..4 \ I . llnU July 6,180' , "
, tr. tome hem MAI , rn..4 1 " 0 41,', --, .'s
m t .114%e 015 , 1 , 1 , , r a„ ,
, 1 . , ... ,
etaaft '.; rin 1 \ .t \ n =ll‘ '':
f Ur • I ; • . ,,stn• m im . emoth nod
• • mmu, ii:icallindal fe.tmlu.d Wullo , n.M•VOur tne
tkt, Id, l 4.1 alto a , in.fseav maim; ....tam my mre. \J:
V.,: , A,14. a ;21di ie luil; '"a,',l.D,4t, 1 ,a;t! . :1 1
litelepremanballt. I retl . , , Ix, .11 I.ittif abets
\ '
'"d.".(l, c,l i ni,, •,,
.. •
•,,,•. 04,.... Me th..:l/,', cea. - t, •• ~ , I , •
• pt, Aid 1 And Mende lb uht 14 ltg - JayttNee Ittn .
\' . ,
`, J. An in, I we, Mb,. ulth • terrlbLt et. 1 0 ,11. \ 1 't j.
hilnut , I. b.. Id, In' ht tAylanlnd Inez rebel. J. N.-, \ ,
bl \
end we. \ emi ... i• In!: test Mr tuft - . it.ty.t tic , stwAttlk \ - ..
t., , tikthiu \ Ito, • ill 3,101 t bOt. ast, 1 Ick ,ll .l.lataltit • \ —
~ 9.1,, lity .., en, flunk.. add alnerey,• l oday ore tie \ ~
`may thort lU I d, irice LI pully FILMS. aMil.tunoub CU.
um. 3.11. Lretttt It ut Ilttla tuntAmy neUtery wield \ , .\ ; \
tt, muumuu +I L lthlllkin Mitt Mu n stamina mne, A \
IT halt., Jnh \ Kell al the Method tirehatmemeh
4 " .a::rll. l Un i rl iia r e r ira P ieTp ' etieta of ..Lei mate
Ilm . Il i
gnu] e . le In dum femonMpue wee a. , nod
my emslth nOch inmemult.„ hoer In hrce
Imonit n a.nm .31 hod et nk„ mud mn all 'Auto my ore . ,• ,\
MO . rbor .o.t orb. Nwi th IlraZtgrA L , ~ \ \
~1ur...,,te ;
s kr.r.ted nnd enl.l.lq .1.441.FM1. AV I? 11, PrAlletl Vh.o . \
, ... __.. .. . .
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