„:11TTSBUR r'R GAZETTE PUBLISIM I BY WilliE s CO ItTSBIYHOH FP.IDAY MOEN I G, SEPT. 26, 1861 ' ;of Scott andlolaudm • pi:to-The attentio of ttle.frirridir of Scorr, Praerwrio .In Allegheny eountr. V 1171.Ziae y mut to the Importerge or thorough orgazdietkne.bY the lorlastlen of.Cluha. hr mo' election Marta. too the 0 0 0 .PolFfo tho, ofoointoovot . of Coo=lthooo of Vigil... T.; rt. Ilse toiriy Trine of Scott and Johtuton I. teemed. and that tbprse whip avothinr It es oatureital, and the ovrri derret tax bitint. o ho !ewe Thole of The folloirtrig Carimitton oo Naturaligirtiorr ha. Dean rmintal , MxonJobo Iforr6o., Di VD.. Pi th Appl.in.. EN. (.'ha/. Pog o. L..— • A. Ltopl. Capt. P. DiAlenstrigicr. M. Brvidenstbst, Dr. X. Y. Dim D. Ignikpr. Jag. Meeting. Joergb Anions '-.l.lr.Orderof the IXAtirry Oagratitter, Allegheny Condi , Scott and Johnston r'A Public Meeting will be held the bornunh fat.mtb..3 Paturitap. the 12th oft nett, at 2 o'clock P. M. I . „ AL Noblestowo, on arondar;Ssptstatost , ,t -r• St• At abarwburg. Sularlar. " • 5 At Powisthip,. Wsdpspnat At ItalerWarw Thiar...Lar : : " • At .pant Liberty. Vtiday. ' At. IleAwaiwn. PAlnAlar • " At 'Parental:l, Moist's. ..22. 7 Al P.whisl /Wise. Min. Winn Doer township. hionna7. Snowdru tot whip. on -Tniarl ti. to. Xat. 2P. SI. • AtJoel Monson% Donau toonthhhoti Weilsosiat. 24th, at 2 Welsh P. M. ' - At flush Pl'Conatclea Mow on nun: dsy. la. at 2P. M. At itlitaloth. tot Thursday, 25th, at 2. At JR:ma i'lastklutoo'N oppopip, ou v,id.r. At John Conti:L.l4llMo toottshll4 Panstdap,27th, et 9 At Wilthwhn onidOtalay, 2 M 7 , th, at 2P. . At At Ann. ?fn.., °Anna township • on. Theidaiy. 30th. At Minion. Findlay tromthlp. Wwinwalap.Oc+t Ist. at 2 P. 31. At Petiyarille. Thnzadap;Zd itt 2'P. M Ulntot Clair towitilOp. an PO. t . ll;aty howler's:Tar& Cteek.; on Battn - 3.2. ail+. at At the late Jooleo 11.1144, ROMpaort Toonaltip, tot 'Monday, dtlt, at. r . M. At ovum's Mill, Shun . tom:whip, .. Thatalai. C.M. At O. T. Conllette Stinib Fayette tn.. 'Wedure.MT. MoMb. at o'clock. I . At each of them meetinsa.mir MM.& Mil be ltleoto immirtant to the preat .r ,14-wo au mmay. tlµr Mmda to each tleetloo tIiAZIJA of the Miler, UV • .1.411.14.1 tO organ., awl bare every person mmemed. .make arraucemeam to Ming all onnomers m - POl/ Ily onter of I O. Uttnele.T. the Pth, at 21 Paltersmu t e Mill. raw. too nab lin at 2 o'elmk. P. M. j • COSIMITTME OF ARMAtiOEMF.NT. Vona, are you married? If not, ree to it itomediately.lira yen are assessed tea daya before the'electiou, you will lose your rote. Re- Some communications are unavoidably crowd The MMiness of that portion of tfoe.Cleveland and Pittsburgh adlroad, between Cleveland mid Ravenna, 88 miles, !or five and a half months, foots as follows : • • WhOlo no. , of pueengErs, 12,836, $.33,141 80 Atitottot Of freight, .19,464 68 JBroee earnings, 7:„: , r,.ipteees for same period t 1 Nett Earaings, • ' ' ' $35,070 88 cent. per annum opea $lOO, , the costs of the portion refer , ... red to, Leaving a surplus'of $2,988 88 The nett earuinge ea above,' of a little more than one-third of the road, would payein Mantel dividend of four.per cent. - -upon the entire cost of the road from Cleieland to 'Wellsville, one hundred miler - This read is o completed three or four miles aduth 01 iilltlOVer, and the tract is laid within .about twenty.two miles of Wellsville. The con reactor! are pushing the work forward with all possible speed, mid- we are assure.' that it will be coiipleted at an early day. The. business of. the Cleveland and Cincinnati road for the month of Augnst. choirs the follovi lug result Number of .p engers, Iteceipte fr passengers. Total, Reeeipta In July, Taal iteceipts from February 24, $245,711 17 -An to the management of the road, we bare heard bat one opinion a mong competent judge! —its Directors, Superintendent, Conductor! and Engineer! are all entitled to any ninountof credit for energy rind Coluinbus cod Railroad.—Tbe receipts of this road from passengers were, for' • August. • $14,907 96 July; , 14,119 66 'lncrease, $787 61 The total receipts in Ari Fist mere $21,700. Little .Virri Railroad.—The receipts on the. Little 'Miami. Railioad from the 25th to the 31st of August, were . $11,821 16 For coriespouding week last year, 8,856 a increase-JO per cent.; Nichigan Central Raitroad.-,—The earnings of thin roadfor August were, for 'lB5l, 1850, increase—orer 25 per cent., The aggregate earnings for the first eight menthe Of the year are 8E60,000 Baum timi !sat year, 468,00 Increase—nearly' 20 , per cent., $182,000 L,o uirrille aid Frankfurt Railroad.—Thereceipts upon this road for August were as follows: From passengers, . ' $7,117 05 Front freight. - • •-• •• . , 8,29'2 64 From malls, • • . 641 66 This Dhows an 'increase upon duly, of Il r per cent. from passeniers, and over 200 per/cent. 'from freight. AR the Railreadi in New- York and New Eng land are yielding handsome returns, but no Rail roads' are more profitable than those 'in the West, owing to the less cost in their original con struction; and the immense amount of freight and travel which passes over them. There is no .doubt that our Ohio and Petuusylvaata road will pay large:dividends, as the business done upon our 28 miles, with only one accommodation pas senger train; is !sufficient to pay a large dividend on the coot of construction for that distance. lfarry on with all your roads, gentlemen.. Sid you 'grill soon reap a golden harvest, in more :ways than one. • • At WillBvilfe, Ohio, the ceremony of, driving tbe firiitdail, and laying' the first rail of the Southern terminus of the Cleveland nhd Pitte burgh Railroad, took - place last week. The first nail was driven -by Mr. William iVelli, the oldest citizen of the place. '. • . Boer, AND HER ILtrinosns.—The latesplen . did Railroad:jubilee:at Boston, some account of the cloeing scenes of ,which we , publeilied lei ter day, has ' led ue'to reflect upon the great system of ra ilroads of which that city ill thelo . cu.; end also upon what that system has already done for it and for . Afaseachusette. , Bosion,. though not . occupying a 'central or ' commanding. geographical position, althiugh . '.... destitute at the advantages of any - great river to bear its commerce to the interior,and although serrounded by a comparatively eterile country, hits!by the steady and persevering exercise of • - .anerillghtened and liberal policy, made , herself the second commercial eity:of the Unian,l and in rebithesatialth the firet. Notwithstanding she has expended about fifty millions of . dol- - ' - lars upon these railroads alone within lees than - • twenty yesta, her wealth has =tinned rapidly and steadily to augment.. Bhe has placed her , stir up:in ventage ground of , which no.competi don can deprive her, and her future' is bright ' and cheering beyond that of any other city in the world. I • ~ . Whit is i :secret of all this! Enlightened. p i t,bold, lit deist enterprise. A generous union of thesteel:l,st, hof her people. A magnanimous saerihee of all petty jealousies, rivalries and eel . fish-aims--ail sustained. as they ate there. by wise coundfig, judicious legislation and well-di rected inddatry. While a Boatel:deo is making • ' money for bimself—and none know batter bow • to do it—he PO inerusge s it that his neighbor , • may . indiretly chars in his profits, and as all - .do things in the same way, he, in . turn, is bane .. - fitted by their operations; so they all poper to gather. The ultimate earthly agency in all this ..,..: le to be found in their almost: universal inteui f:gaiine,,and the high moral and raginilfi tone of theiVit- community: - : .- .:' ~.. Would hke CaOSOS prOdUce like 'oilcan, bad .'4. ly -,.- ,- Unquestionnb they would. ' Pittabntgh has ~,,, ..: ••••. • , • . . . best fait ;.; retkbynsVon,Wthu. 0 7a7 1 ,üBW- 1 1 3 'nete - issary tiiiender hei:U jereat !fea of ititat Meitie liken, and the sett'of faethring industry to an extent ,beyiind any ar . elgnable , h cotta.. -But Year people . deaire.. to avail themselves of the advantages of their po; titian, they must unite their energies to an ex tent-far beyond . what they havesyet done. They Must folio* the "example of tie lbostontulif: pose the. Bostonisinshadi . done** 'ltiii-lPitts borgberi- tir, cow doing -- eoPPole each had I tried to make a little money' on 'Ms own hook, where wouldthey leave been to-dayinthepresent race for commercial greatnesi? Scppose we should compare the enterprise of Boston with that of Philadelphia. Boston, with a population of 180,000 has expended fifty mil lions upon her railroads, which radiate to almost every point of the compare, while the latter, with more than three tides the population, has bad great difficulty to raise leas than one-fifth of that stun to build a road to unite her with the Great Went. “Comiatrisons are odious," it is said, and perhaps they are; bat they may sometimes be tiseful. - Pennsylvanians, at both ends of the State, need stimulating and our only object is to provoks.them to good works" by holding up good examples. . - Pittsburgh has made wood beginning, how ever; and when she,' like Boston,bai experienced the beneficial effects , arising from liberal and en lightened enterprise, we may hope that she will start earnestly in the race,' The Ohio and Penis sylvania road is rapidly progreseing.and sot we may say,nre the great central road through . Penn sylvania. The Pittsburgh and stenbenvlith omit puny is fall of hope and energy, and will doubt love succeed iu carrying their work through. This we doubt not will te followed; 1 - 'sy another up the valley of the Allegheny to unite us with the great lines of New York; and it can hardly be doubted that the old t,onneliville project will be reauscitatel, and another,thilroad reach this city by that route. All these lead through glees of immense resources; and the most of them to sectieus diverse,th character and pro ducts; of course they will mutually reflect Value pon one anoiher. Now suppose. Pittsburgh Should make as great an effort in proportion as Boston did,andpush these roads to completion, would ehe be poorer or rioter when this irork was complielied Y ;,We answer this question by ask ing another—What was the effect of that! great effort upon Boston' QUARTZ GOLD MINING The clashing of gold bearing Quarts, in Cali fornia, is becoming a business of vast impor tance.' A great deal of valuable machinery has gone forward from this country, and some have been erected in that, country, thus showing that the infant manufactures of that state ire already assuming a relPectable position. The follow itig extract of it letter, published In the Pacifie Star, shows what is doing both in manufactur ing and Quarts crushing : -One of the most perfect machines I sass in operation, belongs to the Gold Hill Quartz. Min log CoMpany. 4t is entirely new and altogether of California manufacture. It was erected by Capt. Peck, of our city, raider the superintend ence of %V. It. King, Esq., at the Sutter Iron Works. It has a beautiful engine of about 60 horsepower, and eighteen crashers working at the same time. Yesterday, in ten hours, it meshed. nineteen and .a half tons of ore, which yielded 61 pounds of gold. This was taken him the amalgamating tables without clearing out the mortar, which is estimated would have yield ',ed from five to nix hundred dollars more. *52 605 88 17,585 00 32,084 00 .•This wonderful machine, as is fully proven by the above statement, is capable...of' crushing forty tons °tyre in twenty four hours. This will reach the large sum of say, Four Thousand Dol lars per day, which will not fail, after paying all expenses, of realising a profit of three thousand five liundred.dollars, the erpenses of furnishing end running the machine not exceeding five 'hundred dollars per day. Basel, of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, is President of the Company, and a liege stock-holder; and Mr. La Greaten gentle. man to whose polite attentions we were much in debted. is principal manager. We were also much indebted to Capt. Peck for valuable aloe- mation. .This company, I learn, have now on hand some fifteenhundred tons of ore, and their calms, they ere confident, will not fail to supply them for twenty years. They have three of the rich-. est veins in the country. I should lave men tioned that the ore crushed yesterday-19i tons —was taken from the huge pile of fitteeno hun dred tons, without eelection." We suideratand that the machinery above no ticed, which is producing such astonishing re sult% is similar to that manufactured in this city for a company 'of which our friend Mr. Snack , war is President, and which was sent out some months ago. Since that, more powerful and per fect machinery bee been constructed In this city, by Messrs. W.. W. Wallace & Co., for the haute company, which will be sent out shortly. Some of our citirenewill doubtless sake 'fortunes in this enterprise, is others lave in copper mining. 17,185 $3B 657 28 18,99') 72 2,250 00 $08,806 93 50,t,00 08 $§,206 O Tun PAMPtiIO. —The Washington - . Republic !states that official information hus:been re ceived at the Treasury Department that the Pamper° is in the custody of the reveries cutter Jackson, at Jacksonville, and the district attor ney of that district bee been notified that she is there, and has been directed to take such pro ecedings is the law will-warrant against her. Rho was taken four miles up a creek in strwar4, one hundred miles up the timer, and a great qciantlty of armeare Said to have been bladed from her, and officers . from . the United Stated have been despatclwid in search for them. V2,91M 62 ,The President has appointed BISJAMIZ Bsao tifirets, Esq., of Boston, to fill the T wocancy on the Supreme Bench of the United States; caused by the death of Mr. ,Woodhury. A Boston pa per thus notices the appointment.. $11,631 as JITIXILS or Tun 813Papp COVET.--WO are gia tifie4 to be enabled to aiounoe that the President him appointed Benjamin Band Curtis, Esq., of the Suffolk bar, Milli the nicancy in'the Supreme Court of the Gnited Steel that Whiten oreated by the decease of Mr. Justice Woodbury.: This appointment Will give 517 general satisfaction. Mr. Curtis is a young man, but little more than forty yeers of age; and the desire to appoint a young man, who might have the reasonable pros pect of.; a long judicial tarns:_ lute induced the President to-pass over the claims of many die tingnistust gentlemen, from among whom he would otherwise have been pleased with the op portunity of selecting the occupant of so eminent a position. - • • The professiottal attainments and the high per sonal qtudiliestione of Mr. Cards are too well known to the her, not only of New. England, but of the dation; to make it necessary more than to / allude a chem.- 7 Eoam Transcript. . Pre , oaa to Mr. Curtis's appointment, Judge M'Lean. of Ohio, was the only Vildg on the bench of the Supreme Court; and be was appointed by General Jackson, in 1829. The other Judges are-15"ityne,'af Georgia, appointed by Jackson, in 1835; Taneyb (Chief - Justice), by Jacksot . in 1 1 1836; Cat'ion, of Tennessee, by Von Buren, in 1837, McKinley, of Alabama, (now of Kentucky) by Van Buren, in 1837; Daniel, of Virginia, by Van Burma, in 1841; Nelson of New York, by Tyler, in• 1845, and GrieT, of . Pennsylvania, in FULL BLOOD EDX.riCII MARIS° SUZZP.—rWILLIAIt P. BILADY,. of Short Creek, Brooke County, Fa., is connection with WILLIAII BUMP.; brought out from the East lent fall an imported Buck and some.. Spanish and.half blood French Merino Ewes. They clipped, from the Buck tut Spring 18 lbs. of wool, which they sold for 97 cents per Mr. Brady hoe sent us an engraving token front. a Daguereotype of these celebrated sheep imported from France and owned by John B. . Patterson of Westfield, Chautaugue County, N. Y. They hive purohased of Mr:Patterson. a Bock, Ewe and Lamb, the latter 4. weeks old. The BoOk sheared early this spring 2231bs and the Ewe abs_ared 14 lbs. These gentlemen bare also bought. the celebrated French: Buck Napoleon— tbd, same sheep that took. tbe first premium at the New York fitaterair in 184k - saute! bigely commended by the Judges on the ocosaion--one of whom was Iltir.lemes G. Strean,of this 'Jointly —one of our most opulent and liberal spirited wool growers.—Hewers. Brady & akey :bare at this tine. three Bucks and one Ewe of the Im putation of John A. Tenter, of Hartford, Conn. They are crossing their sheep with their Spanish Merino and Saxony Ewes. Their Spring Lambs will weigh now from 70 to 80 lbs. and will clip next spring from 6 to 81be. of fine well washed wool, on an avenge. They have a number of Back Lambs now fit for sale: The gnostical now for wool growers to decide, is whether it is better to grow 22i lbs. of wool on one sheep or 21.—Wsehington keportee. We hops Mr. Brady will attend the Agin!. tarsi Fair to.he hel4 this county,'on Wednre day, and Thmkro,ba ILO We reel confident it would be to Ida kiteneeh wi would greatly gratify ani. tannery.: Fa. hitation will take ilia iwialegtieuy COLOIIIII.IIIIIIEI9IIIITATEIIinS ' ert, we are sorry to say, wiii - acceniiartiinvidedz: CeliMel Bigler, in speech in this Elty, Said= and of wareinjoihd from the tramp: , 4 1: 8',[ 13 the administration of Goir. Porter,. /4 Otthairettstn• Theses' however,: am - but, in'lB.ll6, a bill inntintrainced into the Legisla trili[ lB B =den in View of - the Providential es tura verbatim pith the act of 1819; built did cape of our town from so imminent a calamity I,ol,ps.;.bx4ase the Legislators d id not knot- —threatening at onetime a most desolating con how lo raise the money to satisfy it Ireported tiaBTati9 l : l . Frafi , s"/91 Reporter ; Sept. 24. a similar bill myself, at. a subsequent period; • end the . only reason why such a bill was not [ passed before 1849, ems,bscause the Legislature could not devise the means by Which a Sinking Pundmas to be kept up." [ There are several grave errors -in-this short extract ,• L- Governor Porter's ndministration did not extend to 1846. Govern Shook was then in the second year of his first term. - 2. The assertion that the bill proposed in 1846 was verbatim with the 'sot of 1849" is not 'true. That bill, the reader will Mmembcr, pro posed to increase the collateral inheritance tax, [to lay a tax upon matiat inheritances, and to Ore a bonus to the wealthy owners, of real es- tate of 15 per cent., for paying off at once their quota ofthe State debt, thus not only depriving the State-treasury-of 15 per cent, of ,what snob persons might pay; but robbing it also of all prospeetive increase of the value of such prop. arty,' which, in many cases would . be. immense. We say wealthy owners, becauSe. none but such could avail themseliree of each a irrovisiou. (in the other timid, the lid of 1849, (Governor John ston's,) levied a tax on charters—on eating [houses, beer houses, and restaurant licenses— on brewery nod distillery licenses—and on bil liard room, bowling saloon end ten pin alley S umacs. It provided that ; the receipts from cer tain taxes formerly laid—that on collateral in heritances, on circus And menagerie licenses, and on new countieashOuld be appropriated to the Sinking Fund. Thus are the only :mime of revenue Pre which the Sinking Food derires ire This brings us to another part of the same, speech, where, still talking about the sinking fund, he sake : - "How, then, has the amount stated in his late proclamation. been .paid? Where did the Money come from? I reply that the balance has been obtained from the increased revenue arising, from taxes upon Reel Estate. —Yes, every county in the tate has contributed its pro portion to swell the amount paid on the public debt, for which my opponent and his friends claim such an extraordinary degree of credit." The true answers to these questions are given above; and when Colonel Bigler states that the money teas been obtained from increased taxation on real estate, he states what he either knew, or ought to have known, to be untrue. No part of the tax on real estate goes into the sinking fund.. There are certain specified items of taxation, (enumerated above,)'the proceeds of whioll, be they more or 'less, go into that fond. SYimt Colonel Bigler asserted respecting that matter was not only not true, but it is impossible that it could be true. Moneys arising from taxes upon real estate are .paid into the treasury, not into the sinking fund, and when there, by what authotity could they be diverted to a different depository? Nothing short of an act of the Leglalattlie could transfer' them from one to the other. We sae, then, that he not only asserted au untruth, but en absurdity. Neither is it true that the revenue arising from real'estate has been increased. flare is the AuAtorOenersl's statement of the amount of state tax received during the followingiyeass, (see Report, page 118.) 1845 $1,318,832,02 1848 $1;350,129,49 .1846 1,445,112,70 1849 1,298,921,23 1847 1,880,781,19 1850 ' 1,317,821 55 Annual average before Goa. Johnson's term . Annual average during Gov. Johnstan's administration Difference 437,717,46 The correctness of these figures cannot be disputed. it in most extraordinary that is man occupying the position pd. Bigler aces, should dare to make such assertions. Our belief is that he— not being rernarkahle for hie powers of investi. gallon—has adopted the statements that he found :ready to his imild in some of the lotofoco papers . The Colonel is an easy, pleasant, good•natdred. - but weak and stupid man. Should he, by any possibilitt, succeed in on election, how easy it will be for the bold and designing Men of his Party to manage him ! No =titter how good his intention may be, they will be of no avail. Penn sylvania needs a - rtroug man, as wares an hon est one. We have put in the plea of dnliness of per ception, and general imbecility—and we do it sincerely—to shield him from the Ohm-wive in evitable charge of deliberate falsehood. If it is not admitted, then let him and his friend. take the other.alteniative... Arerraatis —The recent discovery of gold in Australia is exciting no little attention through aut the world. The gold region is about 150 miles inland from Sidney, which Is on the east mu coast of the continent (as it is now called) in south latitude 85°. The •stories respecting that region are very much like those we bad upon the first discovery of gold in California.— The niestpober-Minded men have great expecta lion of the productiveness of this new ElDorado ; but not enough.ls yet known to enable us to form any certain opinion. It has canned a tre mendeoue excitement at Sidney.. The London Times cline describes the, section of Australia in which this new gold field bee I.been discovered: "The-eastern coast of the continent, from its extremity in the 38th degree of south latitude to the Tropic of Capricorn, is defended by the Bine Mountains, which rise somewhat abruptly from the plains to a height of some three or four thousand feet. The summit of this range forms a table land, which fells by almost -- impercepti- - tile degrees towards the vast tate, ior. It is on. the commencement of chi/ gradual elope, in prise ,ty nearly the same latitude as the city of Bid: ney, that the region is situated of the newly ,food treasures of which we have reoeived such ' 'flattering accounts. Nothing can be imagined more delightful then the climate of this elevated platteau. The air is peculiarly clear and salubrious, and the summer possesses all the brightness - without the sultri ness of the 'Australian climate, . The country is thinly dotted over with trees, like a park, and the soil is rich and well adapted both for pas ture and airicultnie. These allurements have already concentrated in the neighborhood a lar ger population than is to be found elsewhere in Australia at so great a distance, and the town of Bathirat, which is-this metropolis of the district, contains already between three and four thousand inhabitants and many substantial and commodi ous buildings. From this place to Sidney Is road has been carried over the Blue Mountains by the skill of Sir Thomas Mitchel and the labor of con idea in irons, by which difficulties of no ordinary magnitude have been surmounted, and the peas tif Mount Victoria, in which a formidable chasm has been filled up by en enormous mass of ma sonry, may rival the feats of Swiss engineering." The Cecil Democrat of Saturday him the ful lowing paragraph: Hasty FAll.l,lllL—Jamee Camady & Sons, of Philadelphia, we learn, have failed for a large amount. They own a very valuable manta in the lower part of this County, consisting of some 600 acres of land, with the improvements, valued at $66,000, against which attachments have been itslllsCl, within the last few day, amounting to about $66,000. On this estate !sone of the most valuable and extensive peach orchards in the country, yielding, as we have been told, from ten to twenty thousand dollars' worth of fruit per annum. Thinorchard embraces about NO acres and abounds in the choicest fruit. As ANA113(1311 Fiax.—At noon on Monde-, the stable in the rear of the public house of James' F. Brown, was discovered to be on fire, and before any attempt could be made to arrest it, the flames bad burst from the roof, envel oping the building. At one moment the appear ance of things was appaling in' the extreme.— The long dry spell which we have bad, had en tirely exhausted the pumps and. cisterns in the immediate locality of the bre,"end apprehen eione were felt that the whole square, if - not the entire town, must be abandoned to the raging element. Lines were formed, t and from [tome of -the neighboring cisterns a sufficiency of wat er was procured to keep the adjoining stables wet, thus saving the town Trom-a terrific etaals gration. The "American House" stables were in Imminent danger, being not more than GO'pr GO feet from the burning building. The exer tions of the eidtens, however, saved them. The buildings burnt were the stable of James F. -Brown, and the.stable and ice house of Gee. Lon kert. To the slight rain of the pnimioustryen lug and the calmness of the day Vs are 'to at tribute, under Providence, the escape of our town from one of the most destructive coal's stations that ever visited the plus. : Thank God ,teethe goodness that vintohsafed us so:Merciful an 'escape. The lemlitt comparativellitteetunder ' eble--souleill - taroovered by a few hundred dol lars. 'Tile heittafoltleirer garden of gra Leak , VOX ' AT BOORVILLII, tire hroke out in this place on Saturday afteinoon,which destroy the 'Rank MW; and the boarding place belong ing to the Company. The estimated amount of property destroyed is $70,000. Insured at the -Ha r tf or d office for $20,000. In New York ofs - and Protection st Rome $5OOO, and $2OOO in the Tolland Mutual Insurance. Tna STAVE FAIR AT ROCRESTZIL—The State Fair, which closed at Rochester on Fridsy was probably the ',largest assemblage of people ever held in Western New York. The receipts are sold to have exceeded those of any previous fair by about three thousand dollann The pre miums amounted`to only'five thounitfid dollars, ed thareceipts were $44,000. Ortosi•ru OF DFLlKlHE—Dunirlik, which at the close of last year had a population of only floe hundred, now numbers about three thousand. _ 4t For aN hardened lumps,, galls , star complaint, distemper, sot , ' Pd. , . Undoes...l flatulent colic, 4.6, Sr., in horses, U. U. Farndes Ariblan Liniment has acquired a mutation that v mr , licino if ths kind ever enjoyed. It Is equally etlieachote for:erysipelas, salt rheum. coughe and colds, sick headache, .111.111ront, loam, nor. bests's, chilblains. Cc- In mankind. • end: Falllmportation of Hardware,Cutlery, &o. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., i No. 129 Wood Street, Desire I, call the attention of klerrhantsi and others to their ciao. 'Roos of ; POULTON AND DOKESITC HARDWARE, QU'FLERY, &( f IBM/RYER BY RECENT PACRET3. And wirldi Orr kre now prepared to ofkr at such prices aa cannot tail to please. 4GrA smortmentor MANN'S mlebrate4 B. AXES always pn hand. aualtr, On Thurs.', - morning, the 25th ost., b, th• Rev W A. Passtlvast. Mr. Was Gus, tat the 12.rm...f Intin Parke t W Itss CAROL:VI. daughter of the late Juhn ?sr gosh El.l„oll,ewisburg. Pa. On Muria tr, the 2..itt it.. by the Rev Wm. Peesavant. JII/Z3 11. Itccut, tu 31 ta , i/art, J , daughter a( Rec., C. Two. gIAPIId. Esq. ( 1 .1 011001: WANTED—A young man who kJ' hb had ooirlierable otrart.te asi• teacher ta Hr. Rost, brings good testimoniale of energy, ability, and moral elmnieter, Is deeitnue of obtaining a situation. A Relaioliwould be preforms'. to ennui:emu wan. Please ad. drumlin... Rattly. (noting partioulara4 etughilallt* A.. D. RICHARDSON, Pittsburgh. Pa. EARIS - GREEN—SO eaten of the edebra we "8" brand, rewarded by the gold medal of the rie. 111.0.1tate for unifortaltyof atmdti. ane for being the deepest. mat brilliant, and perenanent Oreau yet pro anted. Parebsolug directly from the manufaeturet, we are able to .11. no favorable tame at in ore Wait of the Mountains. J. aCIDJONSIAIihR a CAI., etip . l6 Wood street MASON'S BLACKING—SO groat asetd. rot .4.br .1,24 J,SOIIOOH)faKER a CO._ ALERATUS-5 casks pure Tor saleby 0 .06 J.ISCILOONMAKEit L 1). lIQUORICE BALL-4 cases for sale le Abt .0 26 .1.00110412 AA ER 'ILK POPLlNS—Beautiful gomits - , just 11,3 selfd ;cs egpre4s, at Pp% A A. M A.,ON A ors. ti A. MASON & CO. have on hand: um! =. •• alai in receipt or Ism. klussaltie.ot N. Dn... U • 40r.11 as rich Dgur.l Yawl, Ceukaucros. Ds I-Llun, mi ishi.b she, Irtll gluararato . psiee luzul quota, .4111114 ttas santkit. t.{ . ..11 ~ - EEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Y 6 W ntrcfrradala of Yam!, or thrrons.:.sllnrafr sr pftsoncc, wad Jana. row .nneral suoelance la tbe moor of Um ...tent .11.14m1ne , ....1 In to. forma t. l 9 ( Morse ftsrpaund 4ervor 1,1;.mn s . Roaf rmreintrtartatde, haring no mineral or ...mortal rolater , IDIIn it. a. many can Lead,Lead,itrho lm lb .b * Inaredientr of whir.. 111 rocarosed. [Lc I:taunt, of =attn. news /s • OI:a, al well ••• .an. onedleina. Sold by 9. N. W1CKE10.1.1.31, OZ., Wu..? s od 61110 et. No cd:u have ...Malin. nett sod. Cara, r.../er It La creel- RABBITT'S EFFERVESCI orClaalcul V. Pc.da r' - Caravan. Cornattud" lor • ...hawed kr H. T. b..bla, .04 hut saki. fur ...purpose It 4 u‘ 44,42 J. N. 8 [a. or Oa. apulsr oracle just H SELLI MZil== true!. p . "'. R'r 01.LLI rel-15 Al SEED OIL-1.0 bbls an 3 fry aalr Ey r0p2.1 !TAILS ---600 kegs awed eit ..1.1 bawl anA Cu aal. Cl - A. CULLA .PH3 1 10 . ARS-50.000 Regalia, Havana CiAaro, hrral Ltd for pup= A - CUL I $1,878,58P,85 lIMEIEI ►/WBACCO-IGn 1,1 thanr I LADY lard ft bale by 62 U 0 AR-20 Main N. 0. in. CI .4. by top2A A LO. 1 i UEESE-50 bv. NV. !tin 10 ..I. bl .0.4.4' A ex 4...y1CU SILKS--A. A. S. Ya.t aloYbacl • GosoltlinA 1. , G. a..• 6.0.1 rick M 1.,. _ . . .. . . _ . Administrator's Nal LETTERS of Administratio ChArtti A Ccoraar. lA. !A tb 1 laeomport, doomed. have beet giUttAil te•l!ltric to Pal LAmoolti , AllprroccA baring coals. •gatort, u toted to ;mow:a them without Jrlay ItOBVR ==l==l Adminiztrator'a No ETTERS of Adtuittilltrutio of •rebitsald C. N•irta. late cl A•gbris manly, hate n Rt.ntKl In tiewllkler to•e All ,1 All inneani , ha , nns clatut• salmi ynesti .1 to pi...nt A History of Pittsb. :h. BY NEVILLE B. CREII6, I ,.i.—A II tory of Pitt•butula, Into the use ;'pens.! IP bfr wyo visited by WWI. men. &ern to t • eh*. of n• I century, with notices of the Brit ' , stall urgent of own. the Important toaanlactorite ad en .. ina.r.k. el int nal Improvement, up U.,,the prevent ti iottliith i• , 4 ,... ..,1 • chapter upon th• &Pratte,. of G 1 AU. for Wart - mina fly commercial' ursuits. b a ruCiatiert the agar...ate dunoootof bulgur*. teen iened :lirre ant IT upon sir men, eared., and sla , kw. htntroeenn • Them ii nn paint It Una Unien wte ao hussy ins tent arentA aril mer of Lisle 0 intent I: tau. ecntpriswed within nrrenne in brief. pine V (thee... In eontinty around the had nth, °ta u . 4 ,r t,1,,,,,,, 500 . 1 and exhibit In bteteri.l order tinge To. 1.14, sod to prortaim the advantages sheer ton, a Ind tuentuf, rapltaltste to untie bere,.Ntl lonct of tee pwed wort 412 pa,. 12 mow booed Prier In.? Publithed ant tnr Bale bY JOIE , .XI ri.I.OR. eep2:, • I Ilhuel drew Copper Stock. 1. 42•3.6 MI et usea ta bin, na CunEe. ~ luo - Penh:unto .. lOU .. :birth West .. •• ' WO •• Untonnon. - - . BIM= clalignlZollt.a , lPlrule at In. rite, A. WI LKILHe k 041. Sur k end Y.r - _ reel alai ,(11 a - ( 0 co, ha •up.rk,r de an tit, estate t.+i4vg h a me o the rulrrib.r. Id Mate err r rodt4rarat UALA, Ado r ou the eta hat h t tonah u the mt. - ft tt , &haul] , • I elllst, SIT ttreettloattat 'Will h. Aim r pI)RT OF PI'('TSI4BLR(;Ei. . ip ___... 0a . 14.1m—yi..t. 1.... r., 1..1 11,014 scant banns etc! .1.1 !pstg. Wt er.12113.. and at • stand ARRIVE!) ' ! J. McEre. lienArv_ltann.)lcße,!pilt 1 ' r."!! ' 14tr; L :! 1 .91171; . ..=;:g - toon. Omen?. Halle, U... 1. Newton Balt!, aanrti. lir ”rnEklll.. REPARTER. Allanth, l'arkill.m. LlrmansEtl/e. !LIR, Bennett. 8run0...4110. J. Mclic.,..llendrlriarn!. Itleiimlo o, V. Thu. !...briv, Bail,. We. Sonton. 11..,....... Bailey. 1\...1 N..rion !RIVER LE-AVI4I4.SUIS DAV. VOR PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIII'III4 D 1....!...0 A Co, Pawn.? E.,!.. I dal! at 6ftto .0 2 p !RR 11,0 , V It ITILLS r.tlix tit. I ' , BROWNSVILLE. n .. N. and G 1 . SI. Splendid Instainnents. ItiesllE subsiber has just reveit.;l inroivc of • vary aolvtion Pianna. m t• by Nonni a ark, and alui hy Dunham. Newt V crk. MOD. , ra. agnify...D r full r-esen Grik94,1 . 1.,, made 0 . Nunn% a Clark. 1:1,14 lotattment, , after • ear- NI tria land Inwasngatiln. Ir. prnnonon.d . by th^ reafora f Newt Yark city the [meat t• IL moat rrful thand Manna , nianufacturrd ads enuntry regeral auperb lamia taallontal, ;, 75a and tare /Inca of every vart...ty .tyla and nrl , -. 11. KLIMEK. Str;ne.l tke U.Vklen Jlarb, n not, car., S. IL Mme. lianc% haring Aw r, n eI..W by lb. anbarritar fr.& tba,txttr.'anwarrann.d Ntn•l• a brvueht 1,11. 'lCrz _ .klinnesota Copper Stock. 5/1011AKES of this Stork for Fah. at a low V, ra by A WILKIM. , a Co.. PP corner Mart,l all.l Thin,.,. • VOUR.--100 LII.. kiztrriYaruily, for sale I. fr oetti3 e * tv.ilAliliAl.till. Mt ACKEREIe—IW litile. I:urge No. Iva fluserhilootts,n.r,ti.: I, egkir by imp= ' .t. it' N. lIAI4IIAtAiII . f 1 lIEESE boxes errant, for mule. by 115 • W LACK WOOD, for September, for male /JP ittwitES. Lll,vrar, 14, t, :41ThInt rm. tho 1.1.0 !Mr, NOME • EW BOOKS.—'rrovela and Adsentort In 31.r.0. in the tourer of up•a:F of 'Z..4...1. gin...dun fent, glituir an auvutit of the tuattuers. a of the trulph.: by Wm. - Carpeuter. il,lO Or the Lhaloutry 'Flcaut, Judi u,'.l and lur tale by I. L. itr.Al./ Apollohulttlaum. Fourth •I ARLE'S CAST STEEL lIIONE AN SIAZoIt frFoh nate . 04 . 70 Apo& Ilullatuu . l s u Fourth to I ONDOii . ART JOUR;iAL,tut Septemb l bottn LondUu Pony, 0... 11 411":1=f0:120N:i lIUL 4Ell 'Literati Depot.. 14 'Mini the Poet oak.. Beal Estate at Auction.. • THE tiubeeribers will sell utPublie o the pretubteA, oo Thumb" - , Um 9th do booLer oval, that won tow.. Foopalla 10/121.1) . umupled AN DOL, decd. dl. tooughlp.•unomlintely Loud the 1 nd bounded onnue eLb r by the or* Frookllo good. lAt iR 112 fret by 161 Cott.' ou ah.ch I. erected Uric lc Do el boa tiounAi sod •1111.. upcsA,Yl out bolhlo Fel. to cornovor. at 11 A lick A Al. FLHAIINU, 111,1111111: IL RIDDLE, 31r1IENUItE.Y. Elroutom 4.fUNDRIES -- bbhi. SateratuA; tJ 2 box... Seed Lett Toburn, au racks Leer NJ< ur .onTJ HARM ..14,/tiES Ag CO. CANDLES—In whole end hi: ban., 0 for mile by 1.e..221 JUSF.I4 LSAF TOBACCO—in lande.tind bones: tier I.y 1.4,211 R riliWO COAL FLATS—For sole by ropV. .1. t eflOS K a CO, 21 - UGAR—tiO hhds. prime, for ode- by sep2.l t!abUld. Cll. - . . . fki OLASSES--M. bills. N. 0.; Wrap, bto ^ , =MEM ne nittargi from the Penn- De o pot. Frbr`fortberparthm .l,lo.'ol4, Fifth rarest. r rate. ()if ELS E-5 6 ti p boxes ...C ll.: e .. 4„ lt : .; iorri. l / 41.bT..cit rr'x , 'ISALERATUS- - 1 0 tons in boxer , anti title iwte2.l It. DALZEIL Lep. I..ETEWART, or J.kMkd ItULONO •th WipKea 641.144, dee,d iKiiBUT'rER..--"5 kegs fresh,Tor .uk by pep ji..I,M.ZELL CO. B OOKS AND STATIOIYERY—Just reed et 1101..11EF Idierarr Dep., \o. 7a TAIrl strevt. RADDOCK'S FIELD PLANKR(iiD— dame wt lovra N3 co, .13 Stock saslExtblags Jimtars. CATTLE MARKET EN UINE DSEIMCINAL POIIT WINE, .... BRANDY. AND M..VDCIII nattlee and drenoLt. for male by set.l9 4000ED6 SIeInIWELL. 140 Wanda, pAPAII.‘IIANOINGS—New style a n Guld ~r tmo l m a at'ri. r . ,,. .fiiji r arikirNrlll. l tA i adli Gold and 86 ' Vo i rtat. 1 REEN OIL CLOTII-500 ytgds 4, -4i, quarter Green Cnitb. for Window aupenor for aerrice to any artleirmanufactured for that, purron.just received and for mile by LL. poor+or yard... the ware nano'. Nov. 1' .aid 9 Wool 'trent -1,19 J. a 11. PHILLIPS. 111 I DOW NEIAPES—A fine stock ^em ir LrarleF all the vatic-Ilea of Travapanitit Window iinadea, inn receivel trcm lbw nufacturer. whieb Ire .II .41 wbolcaale and retail, l uw u Harr can br J A H. PHILLIP,. 7 and I Word at. 1.7.41i.a.50 I 110 ,47a.ino . o,Use. nu , %Vb , ,.t nu. Guru 1.291.462 1.440.9.2 110.1.0 609.024 141.404 7.1.2•1 2.1,0u9 FLOttE MARKETS. AMOSEMENTS AT 10321 ta rIEST PAINTING IN THE WORLD.' IiFILL open on TIES \ EVENING, Sept v tith,"et the Athen t antat, Liberty Meet, utrrell. l!\ GO' GRAND CLAESICAL PANORAMA of the SEA and of the SIRDMICRRANEAN, depictin g a ll the tr rand. beautiful stel eubliat e ettetvry larva the classical t[horre of the Old World, fur •uttarly bons tholtaand ip exhort. end pronounced by the pUlthe sad press to be It, far the most truckfulteorrtnthetuir • sad uta A utheent 3 ~ l "t=l:;`,P,t r w."C`F,tA‘rri= t r y . The Pau:tomes alit COMlaniCi• movin g at a q uesur be l're o'clock, every mule. la the week. ' with Administamtar's Notice ETTERS of Adaiinistratioa on the Estate A of Wm. J. Darln, late of the city of Pittalporgb,dr at.thl, haw 1.- en g:M.4 to,the unt.kralsktod, rec,iding In 1.1 eltyat m 345 Llberly tltreet. to "'Om all pepons avlng , Ilitne erdemaode oks.lnst the raLl tratabt.. , ere rw. uert.o.l to woke known lbw pan, without sal G. how 011 perm., who know thetnaelver to imh•ht,.,) to aid not to arc trytnarte,l to malt,. to 11, morn IP3I. 111M111A111 ILOOR OIL CLOTII-500 yards 3, 4..5, 1 6 snit 6 quarter, 7a" rerAl ftr,tu ry n0,1,1,4wh01e...a1,. sad id the grarnror,a,, , , Wm..' . ],t H. sinkuss. - fic;sKED 011.-30 bbl;. for sale by J 151.3116/NMAKER 0.11 k LIN EOl I,— lo baskets for Bale by _ ...toe, J scoooostatarn a co. . .. , A Rl3. AM lONIA —'2 casks for sale by / etcol/ ' . ,_. • J. I wait, and mats tor 62 .iate juclat, the sat u well he r••• hi law., • Sec. 3. That the Adzes of the hither.; Coart end the re.i.leot Judaea of all tithereourta of recent, and the we ...elate Judges of the Monist thiurnmd theCourtof Coos.' iton Pleas of the eityantconnty of lettiladilphla, and the ietriet I.,urt of the comity of Alleithiny, thatt be learn id in the law. and all the ateresald J udges stiall be quell. bed el.ctora.ia his thmmouvrealtb. and shall by otherniae .1 itareAutred by the Keoad arch. of the Efth ar of the ttatilJtotion of We Coeunonwealth 1. That the sieedootbleges shall be held and oindorted In the weasel else ndleteMte in the same mariner lo all reenacts at eleetiode for reprueulatires are and shall be held and sob /octal, and by the unto jittlas, mepectorsi Lod other officer.: and. the provialons Of the general a.senohli. entitht "An A - oi. tending to the e 1..- ie.:l.i or the Ce . .ramonwealth."pproted the second du of duty,ooe thoutand eiht hund red and thirtrninth and`` serest eupplementa a and all other his latte as or ea the • rl.llll. shall or to lone sod deulnad and Laken to apply' to the election of Judaea: Provided, That, the atom...aid electors shall sob. foe 111dipte of the Supreme Court on wparate piece ot raper. and %. other Judge= re , itured to be learned in [battieon anal separate place paper. Sec e. That at a meetblx of the return Legdgea of the .a2teral dietrieta In etch county provided 41. r by the eat hereintefort duplicate returnaofalitheyobea glee. in ouch county rayon,' _of th e Supreme Ceurt. sod ail INrtc7Cl i el o ti f e llr ' =res c t?n t- co re n el ut u ei t i h :llll.r..!:,: eonnty or dittrl, then be mode out by tbe