511„SCELLANEOUS ' - .= - -L-T - r - t - tl: — Pßocialulunr. 119ITIIEREAS, hi-and ty f ew Act. of the ' ejf : Chinni f TY OmersbAmoddilY 0f0 1 .. 0 d,.,....... 1* W41?gy;!:. this IIa,VERCIAL COLLEGE', 'corner Mar. t a ,lrfr. I f to ',odd deb and rad - • A And andamat• laws& sakdk...d.t4= ‘ ,4r4 u , , reccasy: ura. the Cottatit xis 1— Mrs ad . Citarmt.". 0. e. 4 1. 4 0 * stye WS :mak ••• 00 V" h. ' 1 ltnr 4 l.V d I *to. of Ambilbto yenitchy, thst a th.rnd o _i s ts s .st tsi s n, Jim. td.nyo. Amoeba.. In flO4 lioeDio‘ 90 . 0 t 0 i..ti Comity Ma th.SECO 3pI r~sta he so 1 m",turce on Mercantil , . Potence, „ th,.,„.r„„„„ of Jll r•,!..lrtatm . 3.llresatileC.corittall.o.l.4 Ayttc chat Poi "r° U"U ni tosticoLV, hoavemf M dorm MM., thoonter ct, ten, prof• Mar rit .. .rantomactialo. , • ~„„ mothertret4l.• lo ' Wares L'2" Te "'""ial • Thaeleortortel Soconal aol Mate city Of Pittatturitt, 1,11 rboor, tortinCiof COmmocClat Lao ,„ r „,,,, .t toe aufft Ivegut t"... 4 It St Moe. ltrotetctry of thithemotte ttnobt sest.M.l ..T..achschl Mann lard It. tioats.l.l.fosoor of blocitatilmally.tornis, of ttrelltint WOO ttftbSeitY.t Pltfobutstb Tht. !mitten.. ot. been etechtly h0b.... sod reliant. y r , co r m Mich.. of A.l row Sloitutter, dco sto co. COO./ • Ithll Prtfemcm...l r Thcaltetots th•Formilt. ,oo d t d th.. 0 1 .600 ' 440 • 0 • 1 ‘. ar on.olont on tat b•Morolootty moo too on 4 olcitallll7 'm moot at 10 , Milne Wont flaw, tti tam yard forlolool. am( an catonomo Llono7 brmitis . It the The clectors oktto ,„ . fartZatil„.F.l44:4l l, , l 2l, l :i 42an•1 1 ..XitTeX.rce n rcalr=1.cl u Ttet rt7rt 1.11 . 114%; rl=4.lll:hAlc,l4"..hholh 11 011. ttAtt mo you kW..., to trtict ' or, The etector. th•Eigitt want et the city of Vlttcbtach. •4111W.J. rottuLu 0., t Lectures oct licattoorectol los t 1 , 1 tomcat at Um Public 054010 11, low, t ad raid otembm bid , 1 . 11001 , 0t0m 01 th.desentic ti ttm X 00.10 i , • am lt t. Bar, Ito. Ocan ena elbr picy.ll.o 010 imtmettoto , Of • • bouts to mutt ot the Public 0.110 , 4 Doom. 1,. 1b ezMetuto and cosmitraticmcpupc. fmnit..” . 310,01..t0r00f no. tattbth II 04 ottoe ofdltlf Guest , . ca. 1,0 n o te Thou etog."" to a eel to the 1,11,110 let cool llouee , to gild ward cf otrt.lbans biarmtnute I,lrmstiets, oto motoo th" Th. olnotor'ol NititthWanitif to of Pittsburgh, thus Is oteLlittititntlon to Mit motion of the etoottrg. electors th Pointe bd.* Wore. to day want _ a oloy coma oly.to t yas goaltfyls4Jodcm n.•• •••- wan e f the ). rod of the dboaw:.agoof U toirutt=toVl.=• , ..l CY as. utumrallm2l,. lll t0 A7,0,1. 4 ,,m0xib1e,.... rad .ralEd iLsbur , to me. t at the holm of Viten. nonliV.itt .001 avo f t and Ippael'nbne Sahara. to ta..4 st the Public , taloa tile edectonof the Fdayllt Ward bithbott=sh.../ to meat et the home of Mrs Wylie. Nast 'rho aleywra tlfOa t toytettift to totit 0 UM hoom elm Napo storeyhYdlectAMM anlFlimers Toro 40.11.4, on askl townzhigr, macre thaty.ol.l rOts" On. i Main/ oommoto Noe. 41. ." tby_eity dlottlat, rho i sitsll 0 all timmtslectloas itttlor.loth 11.101 Um Ite treeblcl tirtreattl to ta m t . , • th•holfm. of raerarara ura mu , The cloctoroot Whoa tonnohlyn to moat at the boom at kleColl, Jr., In *l.. 'Wait. of m e et ta"Uhhh 'the* Lectors 0: XI btu to at Lb* bou.se .kbon Oho/W. no btu Oroalsibuta Turnytto R.I. to "i tlor.le ' obtoosot Pletit idactilithit...4et-reetbe tottalcot John $1111661.7111, tomtit karatiftytM.Pots righoom TorOpitt. two -141.10111131111, to MOO ayttabooloa of Naltrzil/omlamo,.a the teschlturoti Load. Midst time. I Ih*lloolooo at Vasoftintinnultip, to 111•11111. 9. - houl flocs. hear the 11. Mutton,. 1 ormaly oreapi•O by lhodsa haat, ant rm. by Um A. Shim The deco. flialbath torcoblp„ w oxoo at the Mom t D.ottl tortotrit otouttlel bFJoan War tea, to b.lllsheth bo%db. ' 0 goomr. Atortloroodb ob Thoshett. to meet Sato tom. if Dantei Sarta, fora:arty 0ce.10.1 by date lath , era In etertaro ot •fiefson to..orm tbm htrm. of,Michael Fom.fmnictiT octopi,. by.t.h. 6101. 10 004 toolotto -The d.efooo of Multo tactahlp to mmt Mika Loam of I dsmum Wilmoofottotth occupied Ity Jai /I 401,1. said orolu" , Tim ke. , of Upper 1M CLOY t.cotottp, ta moot at thi bon. of boo Como, too tomultip. 110. elector/m.41..0' Bt. Mir 10.T.011p to wort st_the I 04101 . Imes 0 thc junta.. of the Cat 11111.111 dt etair ...vitala - nit It. BinocrriDo Mat The clamant of eto,e6r. township to otesr the puotio house user the PA. VIII tom bridge. on ate otattlie.ollc , 21a. oloclorbof Itotlnoop woutito to ant 0 the bows of identeloo.lmmetly Maley Mentrhoid. mit hetet re of n 02.1- moot; c. thi r • a.tga AA ttieitotae • LeCiellen 1 A Anton. furbostli peermicd by hut Qudionto th. Mitts. t I Chart. tatttottinto. 11.• olooMmol .Iloos ta....hip to moat at the troott of Peter Oaotoo,llo m.W Mattob t il/ J The INAIOZOIrIa Oro meciat tLaaaie Of 3.. b on tort.dis tomt, at Tim how. ...tint by boo 110.muc, to mtd whit. The *tea.. I t Ito Pomo,. of Maaatetter t, matt et the Patin 3chwl boogie Tt• emtati 0 dent,. to....bip ...not 01 th. board 01 notlelb Fisher. to mtliottasiilv 'Lbw Acctoun of 11010010 totrnahr. w cm. at the bow. Of J. tlicuutoto mil form:AO Tan bleetor. of itoomMtit bartoblytto opct at M aboo.. 111 . honor Bor e r.la told InanobOO. _ olocutoo of You th aycter toornoloo b moo, at the broom u 1 L. 11a1o. on MI tam 1 Cooltor. In tabt 1V I . ll oh o erectors 1.4 SoolbFayette maohio - to tat lb.. hoot , Imo ...cool% by broods to Jacoto 4 oa oro Num I, 0013 tovmbip. &ea 1011.1111111 p to dulteS ' Jltrob Idrmstigh. on the Mrmlitti t e 1..1a-mil tow.- .. : - Executors NOtAbe,' :-- ati a . Jo . ' . vit. iVione ndebtd.to tbo rtf+e._ 0,, , , ....' V MeClut t lst.r.ae!oreer thu.. ft , ir r t. t rZ l LL ADA ila, igitel ,trwt hest le ha. Eitttb.g.ag e 7.1r....hit, ..t , ..! , . • ' ...t5,. re etC tuioN,4r.: . ,- ==l -7 t - Notice. . ,111IERF, rill be eleutiou Leld at the pf, ,ece ".B-oyx.orlu.tfl2tatil•triminn. ,, Lui "*. Oh O° t l / 4 4T 1 * uttba.V.sitt ,taN asia Inmsord.r, 4.* rltiZt .. bY . nmi•mvloCi ham; • wICE rreCLNDLESS. J.VOI3IAB &CO. 8 .BTOLb—Now Mcd .k good Looorto2=go i s 4 d ga.Xo =l,,WeelVttil.4"oallgooldollY ImPtiate *ra sol 4 tel. cocuatm • 15 , 'rEA MART in the-lhamond. I ANA ...sjt.bough ()yea tavo edvalacatt4 t r ipo . ; at bill.- 0.0,454;"1!0",•774.4,*...*P"',/.4".*frili W i lt -4° 3 ".I° !Mn r, AVAIPX MMM , • st ite eleal,tre al Nine. tow hatip are 1... et Suer Cononoorojs Loarsttutp-essd thaNNO. NWT.* wJuaav and Nivillormy sue Ito. co .teve 14 Ivey... tore of tinie etc.-hon. to reintee nehl p. • an The civet,. of P1.1.404tet0 tiermOtap•eutt . ..et at the boastof J. Astern.. in not tosoibop. The «Actors of.ltron thoer 'sewing , tsto, et et the thole.. on Nathan Cooler, ttl «eat togrolnp. ,Tb« Tanner* (.1 FAA Deer lowislolor motel at the Pohne School llouer,l tboo IIZIZOugb of Tarsotero. . The. ale.ort of the Poovstph of Tannin. to lane( at W. Public School LtOuae, is aa. BorOutth. The .avatars of laallana township on co get et 1.1.. boo.. 1,11,Z. 4 -'17 ,1 1t , mt.... 'A T I lie 4 ,l wan e~nll% l «Tynte l lict that pitt coLi Ur lull*. too eslotp, I r ' atritZtalt=. l l4 et lepton:lT . ..oar, at etc utpar s go. of Oho fora of Jot. I:to OW, anet rutactlus act ~, coor , of tiad Cilt •0111 ..10133 LW >I. to Oh« Pr: N. nor«. of oAhle farre—thress • rousing le Oftatly oourie All the Sheba township no«. on such• matron ao o u t, 6rons or • lOU altuate Is Conshoughtro's Introet, anal Log i, sethe' neer meta, tattle. tea bon ter rote, at goserat atectioop Ls 1..4e. Atatottab Flasapeburi ,at filo •Ivetina Paol-Lettooopt.. Tb. afAhrßouranclanT innothalNaireta g`l• the I•uhtie PclonitsoLa •-• • • The elnotora on the Borough of test Se ,ta sue«t at doe Ilellrosallhgne Olt.; LL Wombs Se soot borongh.. The electors or tourpornoe Borough to meet at the Pohor -Schen! ILatee, braahl borough- The electors of the Itareogn of LIi.TIFLWATIIIf m meet at the kohl= School Ulnae In WA borough a:elector* of the Inocugh of tharpsburtJo to meet et the 12.14.1 of James Sher«. Ingrid borstal , • Tte elteters or tia baronet of blen.elOort to ...et «0 Use Town lien, In seta borough. tete eteOttorli of the borough of :oath PfltobrugDta matt at ml boost formerly ru - upaer hp It .Ifrausitorh, et the etas of tloe blossoorshelt so le real borough. Ti. cloctornorytte Dart net of Weer Irlizalratio to oven or the roadie .5•&.m1 Lloctuo In sett boob e Inch nuoe and Inacoarts balla rtm far Um pCrS. for Lt. .errar Pearossir . .nao 4 one porno tar `..stu _ .;=tersAu for Joldgel of th Priftreaa Ws. of ?ann. thee pel'lao Sal4Tsublexot J.** or the Oconati on er One pers 11, A =I;ot Judge rein the Lolgtiet Court for (be roontr of Anscherof . ; , Use parapet for Prealamt Wage hf Courts .1 Common Pleas, Querter Beakess,ao, Alleghoo, too-ayeeheo, r Troo pagans far Asoodate Jolson Of isms gnats; colon, for aseochers of essmahly of feanryteaulao _ oto p. 2011 far - Cl out ea tun Coosa ea .Quarte! nenolona no.; OSLO pen.. tee Socaterrer of olliatibeat .0007: Oneporeatt fteltOtruistyeJtetaltattedf.q: Otts lererou'Eof pon for County So rococo' Moots, sod by Lbe bthaaetka. of an arts pprove! flee littt of Aprtl, 1.10.111. enierst,— the, as Lith women of the eat Is.. Jolt.* VIOL ern Med. aelsetaitag Loth* eloctloite Of th/aootfaciOoteasitlo Pat..basOcolutorteed ea to rm./root en osilltoe officer oe baraustraterr from ear , lug as Junior, ,or Clersretingtiseerel ordpootal 1.14021 t. Mtn CIL AO .I ate reform - udze A rcf.the 0,a,« Ca Ceoltlikneartirnt-fish.- seld,ure reaptirtd.boProglTtihe arY bt Pittsbrgh, on after the parooterratiotax of October roesr.ellna 'there ta . alegool the oduthe DSol.smi pf the Lottorpnorlarggoi the Cotten Pt.. tte tatoatjaT .CAATF.II CCITT'S. -IVEATILERS-3 0 !leeks and for sale jby (.04 . /HA LM PICILET ir pnblioned;: . an Monday, Li tEs ut ape . aimed BAP at the Is. uaa LMA, DAN ID aeu. • .404 . Third st....4rme.ta 1.. Post EATIELEISSO Sidai Hemlock Tented LA Ws Lrot er. for sate try • asiglYJ • • . .r. iLDidarliiLkiM 113EFEFf'-'— 200 bagalta,iale ' • E.DA1.43. &N. tjAL".ON-6 bbis No. I.Tdr bale b? ' ' • 13.112. ELL Ica -IDCE--10 tierceq for ea7e.by 1L u t K. I.I:USEWAIIte IL ILEESE—iS boies fur Lib, by . . e. F. voN bosislaulax N C LI LA'TlKG=A>tadditional velaova ne'Ll br dattrif If a BURCllillai> fACKEMI4-40 4r ITI (or sit. AL UM -`25 bbll : fur enle 61 /131 LE SCALP BUNTERS; Roiniia; 4 Jr w ", °l 'l7. n le.MiriT 2 tiklbtr ' gaina dandriolh Lajptitgrt Vortlry. My Shooting Box; by Fr Parnigrei Th. Astoorgs. ••11110.44 tir , l.l“t• u. 110 Mired nt li2 . gatirihry 0r1hr.,14 761 rd igrrgh =orate the Prat Offloo. _ igt4i lOX'S Pitent Sparkbaktialatin . 3 grom!., ‘..) .1. brJ. GIDDY CO., . . ' 6u Nrcogitt WETI{ERILL'S PgRFUAIERY--Afrneb .tot J. Ipnt. k VRESI.I ROLL lc r tUB BUTTER—Rtyd didd do; titcTliy. Auvisizu....a for sal* it atu62 !.l01:1115` Tea Mart. Diamond. 'ROM BosToZ, just recd-, u 4 yDll7adyßuLres~ e; • ±){ " •" For al• stclat talopitga . , ICKTS.I BUTTER-8 bbls. and 5 kegs a CO. tiffliYbTAL ,tltlW-I=Aug• ese a Itastitniale have ten: reeelvel Aria of yeti bewail el 142 . 1110 a suede ex.Owelle for extabit , en the le lee WO Wen, erbickthe etteutteeked.thelulleslsin UTTE. . bblo' bututr' for Nati by L - . 3. uthwontu s CS. - OW SALE—Ar , a cdUeut rA-MILYki J..I34.ILWOMMAILEV. W. DOST OFFICE;'SCALC-4-I,Jest xtoeivett "'" ank ' m- f'ff k *!'?.. ft" kr.l. vlizoN, • -pprzurrhuate.and •ourtb *v. TilVrtlTTSlTuis . ra r .b•n•past melte/ • fall s. , •1:••••• thi ebet • e, e. AV= sl.lfie. 10 $1,25 Pee p• 11. Ammo ofsauk:4 whla •t ,INSEEP GUP~CARLSODAIAcimuzaumIb INDIA RUBBBR CA PES " .-2 dmj twitt& *166.0 forte rips:42'o4i et4isin q purpWr 41r.t't`rtr at tral4," . Time B L CIN,CINI.2 O A uI Th irol l bxuramsea K arptstal_mtolquage oiind for .:011.01LST a ISO. 19 wad agora, imared pal _ _VAIr . _ ..#lfad....t.:: VW,Fi , MdOsawa.a• CARVOginr i l a r liNGS, oompriAnst in Dirt the bllostag tatied.o . CARPETS. ,A,,.. Bolsi Vtliet Pilo COrtots do. ' llo. 7.ltootty brow do. do. 8 Mor , 3 Pln 7 . +14. 3 PIT; ' 4, 477- 1 4,` . ..4 2... twill% valid.: 44,14f1 2 1r, and DMA dr0Z445.34.!4, sod d. 4 wool out arttos/ , , ,'• SENS, MATS, 011. CLOTHS, ci. Ram Caerßir Ago die dq plo 'Obi to do.: do. 40.•10iem==.,,,,, 40..ka1l I , D . if .5 .4, Lt5.. ter , di do. cr.m.b-liiiialets.w a, Weit124,6 4 , Opd2-4.. . 1.1.,1 , tit Cat.....pacadri dto,bilticd ro om._ WAtriarirxwa..Tßt .s.q q9VEUS,'& 4I . aj.rje.,..u11*41.111.2,4 Its.",,lrr.Tttraug_Littp Pr: unaseuektlo...ititi=l,2 az, i 'l X. r es.. t iltl. Table ~.,...1,..0....,04- 7 - 0 ,- ,i , . .4...t r 0 . ~ loa-Itna4WZrcim i get sad WS{ AP t . LOW; .T0N0.4 5.' 4,4 1 i i i i giF449.41 -, , . ziaii.,41001111',6 , ... a...t / 41J/ .....„.Att ...: mi. ,. m m tn id , c 4,,, L a expetwarehopie, S 5 Yourth duet, -, Itii. k•: lachl9 -,101.1114111:MCK.,. ) - ,•• y.:, •ir,•s- ,, ,- , ..,r i• •., , ,"•::-...:.• _., ! .. , .•,.: 1 . -. ,•,..- • it....N10 V AL—We :it ttand.to remove stoat it., newsnrt.t.r, peens , ili nt!Vta.- Icanr acm l / 4 14.4_,Iristlasssis .c Ui.t_ I_, tot stmt. Tait& w , cmusr sl4 4 92oo9lTheimideiA k ii: 44 um born anE *a - dntedancat tha deaf Wsn. - Old c 's Edo:. non taunts an. nizalgicturtd to the United /Ratak int. ate, tlnaddailcd.ducntY dad , . esmorkagr tosannomm. - 2 , ety BAJA* ranted. and tf It dock ant grcle= l =i A . .. 09 crdLL rewind cc:W.l4.dr gym Thltaatict• nat. Wan 13wok acreAl_yaarc an& la Madly 411aperadlag *MT ottur Hdact..^Uka pod am, two, 1.111 not tanalr. boning _ddCl4 )11$111: - lur visclasal• and retaaf at ina . it'sstbea4 .ivratl7 C, coma cf Tcddttroldfilartzt ids BOOKS; MUSIC, i i: `"'°", New Books; list Received.' '• EAST; a Problem • ; reprinted with correo- , A L time at 6 addhlottg by the author orlAhoh 16,111 *- ; lffrgry '" ot'Cleopatea.bloseu of tarn~ bf•hotob Ab 6 AL I is mtr. . Caleb birth a Tale of the Llibf. 1. haelborr. a Tal: by Anti* m bu"eY rtemle 4.4 .tty 4Y 1=.11/66 lhojawee Joor 16 1 . h0.4._ , .61yrnee /hotlohaty of 4.6teole*. Engine ffotla Lod Kyr, 0116tio Na 6 biletorial Seldhcolt of the her . orry 'fti ltriTipe_ l" 4 " l l 7elltrottf th a r l;etotteta b t : tom rental 0y . 1.4.; o P.Sidder. .114:11:6. blierfaloby .• • - ~• 66 Anon ° 15a1111,6616. Duette aL . Neapßaits. 11.0DF11EY 14ALITF-Itti: or int:Lira of 16.0 llotkor. BiTbotoos Wlltittfanty.t.ut 11 Wheal! . me by Ph', 116lbd 1814 • fea..64111 the 11Olted 61tbtelb Jay-guying c 27 the .110. 6 t ea the ton t lost • - eb6r. TO. .bare boor:6.lllst y;e ' d and bye ;Well • 16 . • frilleliTON....; Marta et *Act . AZINT.,;:o. for uam.opr...a • =Jur • uc Tals. rusaos 1.4 t of V. 'Mang. t chsui, of /Bun ur itoeriredlrif O, I AI, gl.lutrsty Wl>o4 cropadtAls• Pelit lot OOKSI 7 -No; - 83 - , of .Byr;ie's Dictionary of eabartsick .21 Sisinw e " (ai n g t° l :l4. f!b..'o oott L ~~ua ie'a ~ • Ne* RE SPIRIT • "POLKA,. co owed by U. KW., Lod do ¬ed to Strobooll roaOr. oX tbt • - rosiuA e 6.141i.r, D'U.Ted es t. , 1066k.1 . 111 7 4 , 1,11 ' 11 . &111:Ggll rjulor IFottzto. cut Dolor Jo r tauk ortZtiariattiorm.biAlo4 ~..the Autumn of oor. Par% 1;7 torn • 1114). s Sao letterClott of Foreign hluato tor Plato. Flo7o, ylo II 54.103 0 1.11, 141 Third noon. •P. s.- - 4, - soanili-iat, u.o. rmso P. OP...MS. One root KO. octavo Pl.ll f 0,5416. • A =RICAN STATE PAPERS.—StatAi ntrAttgrG r z'graVghtg , =! I,,,,llll6l.ll2,ltratzlitrofjca MOH ans el nce trEllitigWalltratr:th=r ai! wAt‘: , :figr=tNlitsm....l**l ° V , V, l 4 l Ltirou [YLeAYtn trout 1611. •• • • R.C. SIOCVNI. ;At muk.t C. Nude fdr the einem KIEBER, 10f Third street, sign of the • (Md. Harp, 6.13u0i todgral— . e. toIAtI.R. of NEN , coattvez LE.IL tat Doo.ll.llrlosetto.of tbs. ILkarorpubLtshoot un der the rotroo•si or -the bloom., ore br h. 10 FAY EL.W. QU/CW r-Grapc•ittort . oster's Iwo • Loolt.' roPPI: Or irsr - tas Tooloporia. tilos Wok- 1016 " d9 ' r rini t tor eat b/w bla very El iturotko o 1 Imiltre CO .6E=_ 10k1-15.me. prime, for Belo by i AX 11•,= Ck !!jET- 1 t10761 htsG&2(DI663 by , ao.lan la asabatunt. /730 Bneare of County:Teas TO tiIIARD ACIAINDT 111PC/41110 BEAD TOO file LOWgiti eatto U 1.1.1. The Watills an wrVcultztr rwati,thel twralret • 114. , Cbgnstelnt w/alcb hies lately toad, Its so nerwire and It WWI by thalutrater wins:mane It 1 11, B ifernini Mehl Litiknent " Tit it • Whoa row fraud .11 With Dab/. idecenu trona lan bowing the chow a Tarn{b .16.70 Law be particular now. calt_fae rl of tat we. nix.... IZAcTi.t,,aw4ovrlnctpled,,Osalaire will kneel. SPIT for "d. ti.D.4.u . nhz l eLt . A l,- 1 4- ai IL., t., ,, 21,1!. W the wood. radon bus the letters 1i U. befruxl4.l - ollA bin Ihniature I. ftheo on P ot outride wnpper,_end thii• won. bloom m the glare Pottle- 1 /I h Aurrtlri ftraLitth -- lsitthOri, Shona.' . ,!. -0A.A.0. 1851 ifft_ti Aram willed Oa wen Then, 2 Wag. aft d . ilelic;. , in i • - .N-•• 4•••. lt. Cril.l titan; lu which crs last ot witsbashol. APPIt , ‘ pf_,..c__,,,., by tenor to It 0; Ferrel ,I Pegell, 111 with and Won. , • 1 0u.C.117.11311.0ng TEl3,ll.4i)Ortatifla Line, . to cheractst, .I , pol:odity, W. Cell on the age . "' wo a 11l for nub Fr. et Charge, s;A PENNSTef•NI• CAN'AL.3 AND RAILROADS., ;) 5 .% , thh hi4Wh e in. .. 1 .. b ;• '......... 4.1.• ...l 1. '" .' OR PIIILADEIPIIIA DIRECT-WITH - At olds. Pairti-Wonaba, :0 Odds, tad .tho dhllar per Val?. OUT ILE fIEIPPING The wily an unnuotrthred by, B. ti 1t1f,,, .. ~ A U.A.NI:LTY ICO , . awl Beath. 404 Venn .Root, Pt dru , 8. Nt , I: i ittehnt h I.l=freet,4PrriV,llVlOVlo7:otdiTe holuselftwf null oi CiLARiE , R- 1 1 ;; ';% 11 , C.... , Sh ort h•h.i Ilft.t. rhii a propftetor'e ptif. by it L. 1D1.1.4 RS. I ' IV , . N o. I,; a.; col . 001 „; ' • We'prepend to peel, • Lugs sthouk . i si nerchenal +a Al..ll. l i d A( cuanu, Al -- ca.i . ', °,l rlien. to .101. , -. oh e onnlthi of W. •to PUB - .-- • dtlo itc nal ell Int...Bata phinca at loner rein, •.1 it The Eau= Body Must YersVise, "4-T.TV.,..it,g.l.l7:i ' ll'lrlf Truth bentstled i y V 0 SAI S NATUP.E, to have a healthy up - I ,the ~o,,,,,,Ett,ArafdiVAZi7t2;ll.,,Ufitilili,,o ,1.L.1 prunes. sni perton• .-. pot vt-et Ity, we liable ; 30 ,„„„„. ~,d ~,,,,,.. or c0h ,....7,....., : , CO lb. lung 41040,than Akin who .Eintee. ht.tr, Rot.. Itallen C A •InABLIATI k ,C 0 Chethirel nap own. free pattered.. and at the • 1 • op, Canal Beath: Anis moll.no •nd ge ftens lbw skip. gtvinft it the to ._________ • _ Of in Illtalat . e. EPPrvy bah ILLeunt., out M., are pot putt bealeq, ' ~., [LIMA bY Its rimy i h lon w / 17;177 7 7 1 i 1851 eW2II who the It to such ewes. mud Dud out a-... el.. te lithplea, Islo.bm. Prerklea or wy other tether J l . To Skippers of Merchskiiise, duce, die., .„.."• 4 ,,.'4,!•,. - :, 5 „" ° ,','" . ..‘ . th, '•„,'`,, s °,, 2.'"l.',,„_„''s„“l".',”_'‘,'-r,,,-"; to ten few towielnob tam., itattnean pRO 1. .SC ''''....'. - '." ' .- - . -'. " .. ' . - - 4... i. - .' -.-- ' . ' RELIA.NOI I'ITTSBUROU TRANSPOlt prim.. fond a t sore nerd son law. rote bawl . Bay It-exci the math ...ha Pent< 1.1 would Puler., , TATIoN LINE . ui ..ii it tor ea, ehon. urine I knew it to be WI I Put , I 0 lb.. who are WA* to dialed, cranwLor chapped nese, , ATE eN, 2co ~ Ptoprirtan, ic, .1- . 7 Merkel. Lel II Wllltind this not hely • atm but • wenn.. and I no I Wicithethe sm., Phinhildti. now Wily WO, that way ow •41,1.4 with woo clot, .30.' . DLL(. • LIOtIETI, Agents. Canal Bede. littat-ont or eiwiler dltenv„ •DI rind thus all. end tn. how tufa, , 3On 1361.01 C k PON, Agents, Beinn.i. We we prepare-a., on the condos pf the Bennett.... n"°th llute "' 000 rthres, ‘", th ' a th." .0_44 ". ..0 , Corded with unmpttepp. , Oitttal.46topttext tor P. 10151 etas on hags: and si 0 ant be sure to wt. for Jon.' Itellnbrithdral nwp-woret ablider.a. much de...A and .oats enr 0w... Line , , bay only of if 31- J•Cratha In only A. rat Pitt... , L , bead of Neal -•••----."-- ; it Pearly White Tec - t - h, and Pure Breath, to ____ . - ro .- .. Kil IFs 4 '' '''' 1851 ' 'fit.' 6 b• tad Lth M ceutse-ersout who here ithe, a. havoc ' pittsbugh T ramwi t a tinn Li nn. , Ply twarad that ll their Wenn 14 .tur • en foal. or thaw teeth gentot, den , pains, 11.1 Pacritatel Win two, ' .1•14 EA ifiN)Nitith tCo Canal Wain, Pittsburgh Oaf • :. nod, bad of Joni Pouter:tooth rule will thake ; DM IL 1•11 A 110., Una. Drawl end l aw n stn.,. thll With in White Pt POP, Wel the Wrath olonlethurly ' did No- 3 nmth 'north drset, between Mann and Chet, L ° D 411.111 at J.11716501:1 !tore, 7: In liberty et. An! J' 'u l t f ' l,[7. ,° ; -° Oli l l ' e CV_lNorm m, dour arrange. •r" _ tlSaientifac Hair Tome, ficsterer and a , . ~,.,,„. ., ,„,..,t? % A m .,",,,P7,... w• y., ~,u r ,At r''' d gll,,li; - 1.1ar.-Trial tiortin. VA inn. lone rho W. . 1100 bwoh. Whoa. . rialledeiplin, new 1 orb. Doane, At, lona' Conti 0.1011 Enron 0, Lnow t o et Mini Qualtdee- no sed. If ninti *Pt le.. eati all the But sad 80, so thew wt., till. A. wt. 6.4.171 It to paw. it e ;Aloe., ......t. Wee io-4 ob tn m , . dl,t.ltt. an '. rare than any,. h , th. h; ; ;...--h. "'it' e ft h h. h ... ° tr ..... '; 0.••• . ".. er Lw. Alt in de datlind t y o, m am Inlif thrth. , mature lute co to gthw. sthp t Gallus .P. rider - . . f . neo n,. s onnt ~,,, o h n ,,, o, g L ,,-, p et ,. dandrull. gni cone Doi. tel. oe we, Lai. ith .1 4.fl ro.; regally dardeal ty s., other Lino. Dinghy & Burchilebi . Yaw rend er ing the Lad soft eal SUP, Intltipp cap waned An Co ~,,,, , A 1,1,,,,..„4 A:, ~,,,,,...i..., 4,0 won.. W ad. none It truly Pm:MILLI. pod Pen. tt PP it / 5 ... Mil k . lin innath 4 D .15b, Lthlville, end Lowe e ; RAVE OPEN this morninita fiirtlier sup . Wad. the runt OfPnantinsi-let nucyrwr-gr*l. . tl. cr.b,,,,.... , t. Lo is willonect • ith pining WPAL- N D on Lone We nothriternin whthater with 11. pg ,. 31; 1 M°X;';;"°.V.o4(l',Werctltegly If uen g'°° (l , Z, bo ra . only el WILJACKSO7tf tier-, :11 liherty ....PP ',. Philadelphia.. 4 nttabonti Treurixtruilon Lille et At I for Mather wear; /fish LtunttC o endt• sod colored Mr. bell of Brood, Pittsburgh •ft,, • 4 ~,, gown. tez at thaninrthatin warner of Yoarth sod Market . true 1 7 k 1.4....40 neut. wi it Min nlr . 4' JONES' SOilltioll Of J 47, O L'i4ULt [Swags COVODE & COLE, , - ifowittito Bars. ', , UAW Ir. Dfr the chewing efitius. redo z ,r t2Att blir. 4 • 11,„ „ ....,,,,. 0. maw. . ~ ..., ..., ..1 natrE just rectum:l one case of Wash Net, I ot-aid 1 b..... or black let e .u.m a .. ici atu. I. th4n7.oa• YU% Or 11,4•41.114 Ban. Prkee--4 , 4 milk stoat 31 Canal Bann. Penn Street jrn -.• WY NOBler..lltiztt staid- I blot by la M. .1 ACkatifrN.WOLdeota dint. Leal of We 4. __... 1 Pittaturgh. 1 l'enna- Itisi'l Road Co .- Central Rail Bond' D LOOMER RATS, FOR TILE COSTUME - LA TITRE -Awiteni gni Alinne dug just melted I JONES ' LILLY 151111 . 16.- , Lactivi are ea, 1 1:17111: aulitcriticre hairier, been appilu i t. , cd lt, LI Pe LAMB, Benet sonOnst thaw the ocanwati trrywroi Chalk ft, 7 •`..ippling meats int We Fonnotnants or era tail 1:17 °.1° bY /BA Marne AL fare MA swan haw frightfullt tiontiout It! e to the of . i eal inken the pads- that we we 110., pointed to re. . Pin ongras.how roach , bow tallow, p Bow. unduncrei, y t on. Loy wunUP , .t. 4....tk..../........ Pr...Wm tat ahlytutpt the elan app... aft l th wink Pl:there-I Loans tyre it . ant • it na this thug. Ira: be torrid through in fee 4.yt tr; ki , ,, Of.':p.enir'''''Xit.LiteLtgtoll4ol .. awn gra ' ne l .ll2 , 1... th, ,a. 1, 1 •1 40 thwidrisi t. us nit be lorweried free of ..owe .. call J the.' Spenith Lilly 4 lane eloi t ,- .Agri. L 0r.4•...c... ---- 4 i ti t . lll .4 end itthattt 4 : t i 4 0. eirn't."..llll:l4'lrT,;'...,:i. , . , t•l•-1,pg . , new. rocarartna S. ritithtto I. attester, clew, Using whit. et the slaw, thre, schn...••• :.. u.le. Ethe. Nana bAutordry„Cutlery , Cirafth tsar on the *to. •1210.4.1 t von .14 empot.4. c W iwi, 0 nal.. feathers- f ann.... Druc k Beil o nite. , Odd by. tbe Anat. 15 Z. JACK* , in, ni LW- 1o• . . • daddies, An. Se. betel 4 Wood. VW-Aural; Prin • 5 .ote . thinnww,Q.enewen, Ofthenee,'Poltintje &la 0; hi. w eedeel I V , Lkather,Cl ,, tt. ) lwalsnothr and fitter Oran Breda. II:fol.!. ' 604 it li. 110ESE'S we!, pork, Butler, Liard-Lari 011. Tobacco Leal, A.Petee. felow, Orkin and Rep, fele 11. 100 Asliis. Berble (rough) Tar. Pla-L. /. }..win.lßrlttan . C l .l. Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, ~,,,,4. „,„,., E ,.,,, ii „ it CCUPEES the front rank among the:pro- , 00, ODA. k COLL, .L., potato. ...Ala.. , oi tai. fthantr I a ^rit...ll menet Penn PO 14 erne three. curtus aumurgatt.r.ealtßry•ln. r , , i p . , .. , il co i l.eV: - . I mut.i.rat., 30 , Id. 11.1_-.10 4 rnlO th aretut a rettrrenoy.pepsb ,ll .p lech,4o3,ll.l.ltra Cowl.. *nue. and Udine. Oink tht Clam. lin it , dates, or tsanthent. girtnesec ant a licklisoal,....nosi , u , about the throat. arid le used with unprewdrided anent,. thane...a of Fond. Irv:alms anti General Debstify. Ear,ngthecans V v eared 1 / 1 117 .. .. , 11 1 , 1 :g . Wu. .! he ; "filt7.',LlZOry o l ftfteat ' g r of hello w tante, Bon • al part. of the conptry, Pan be rubel upon, it I/ elnsul o il a , nwiow in meth* cdl iffingors, end nattering debut el bel . wad rant.. down nthotitutlaras. It In purely 551... hie in Its othipowltion, and go scruniely romhinoi .15 p• of tn tint the thellinta bbtauteel, sun thedleal one I peruse Pleb 'rea bancionloWly wile cr. lEifY 'Lilt' Blood. Si s. snowed runt thrwthadirweinthlth blue 41,04 the Aid of the bed Dhoti. am, ....4 has elsocided Canna, I eau m.,,,,,,,a. arreptqurt lifthifiral which kethei•elli: , 'll;toes•be."'en*UsteLitt'...tre'lt:.l:ll,lrazt`a. hp[ L ~ MOAB The moot oliglOnses Cancan Wire teen piled sa l , this thedlelue- %any that 11, is andualdnotsllnue Da ii i 11111010 aVitPLAINTP it moot. .11 olertnoili as fh , the efraidateo. renderini the e l.ger l tre. Vrtli . ILA 5.1 ItifTweets7==y by led% 0 i1 . 1 0 4.1 0 14::, • 1.1 at al milaonsa Me yen, Thts Syrup Is prepared only by (1. MOLNE I Of- 61142 Eithotaln etrestalhortasnre. AL 1 , end sojd, within.. end Odell. ha P. o . 51 IChiILPILLII, , way Meld fid Weistall Pthusyleaulia, _ thy& y A aunt.. cornerilcof es_n_iiikth AS. Editil 1 B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap PoWden ilElllbiO - Ittioul labor{ Warranted ' Wto hOto thr ntains out of tali* dawn 415.4 stop- ItipPrt MP LAI --PUP rnur amt. in • guaus.lo. reiwatlty lONS 01.11 wet. to foyer them, Cant edd two pain spconfuls 0r too 00ap PEl•nlff. I. afet. eti p.n. pt Vide, 'gore.l With the...lotto:4 if tbe vi . f d er Le berd, u l . 4 , l mon g . 1a. 40. Or V 0 1; 4 11 , ”%i ‘ rt:: . tiffinara ti tind onds tdithlf , A I 51, . edit sufleinnt fold wider. so tint th ey will riot lei too hot to handle Theb filn On OL/M.P In lither wends, era than • th orough rinslug, nd thit 14 tufArlect to men them dna- N B -There beln4 up suing la Bala Soap, tt will In.. We el...tet vary white, pad no bed oily ...IL pe tepOP K. 14.1. dl. The onctr• cog Of the =Antal deed awe hat 17°=°:t t7.4111::.:=:l - • v- , - - I This n • Pow sr that PPP paper will nude twol•tquatt , h" t h.. " Sh h erl Ta; la nartsol teeter end Idlithitutto a - ... ..1 • 4 Inn the Paw with .tie and thou lot ft boil, senlire , thin 'ti '-' 6 06 .:, .0 •TI I ttf g` 7 1 4 .7. 4, 11 0 VI/ `1744. - : - .'s whim vomit will be very thick watt tact, if Olio pap, and will wash VAL obi .1)1 not sat th e WOW 1110 other fop Boat.. air rot the Clothes Can be weal with bird . .. set 41= Ll Ttf: ' POW .4.4 lo p g l ' tireZ gri,t'lt f l / 4 V•VAW.ViI' , ` , "111. 1 r ::116, -- II - 1- 2EIJFit, .11,.dia -.-- .. I chi nkirieg li . PlanoL • talliN L HEIILOK; Meat for - *lf •Chlakettafee •PtaSece. - Go• Octet • soya %Saturn ltuotailrattlatSca VI IV It oiti tettetivotaa•l stow Ines La Pte. FHA. •• f . ...tali elPitottt asocatterat ctCPlattf. orteo.clttectfroiogte 1.1 Fatoootptory, at Sir. llbletterttm I, (flortoD) vsl.c.c• , g....4..5, It oastrood nalfl /ET,tri, Ocltve. fire ''' - I clt.th •.. '• Jot. : •• oareel :', f, .. • ~,,. . •• . roual ot - xnere, • c k' an 'rho ahoy. Ila , V are of th. latest erre. of Surto. t ace: asol with all Kr. Chloltorloola lostrtovemweta; the ,j o rkciiipratiactmly the stocie at “8a.../.:, Octal/ savioc to 442a1.1,n. lon. r ntgica the aikpat.!..i zinc of tr . .. ~..1.1“1.... st. 6. roe eiadel Voe ti,ses.,..l. Caned aoulll4 , tkourrs rlww mar, ufsaarsi DT 461.1:6 etoliat 6 , 16*.wrond etavo, Adam ntodatt ex. " 6 ' Dte6n • Haretc. e 4.un id 6 'Le!roo.l as us, - Itseop i Itam.: UAW & I 6 , 4. 1 , 111.1* & !Ig:theta& C. 1319. 111A3GA2INES FOR AUGUST, at ilolmes Litss'szy Ny.St, 'Wed ey's twly's Owls. far Aspet .firstams Boise, Ls4teflio.tissulSlassalse. , /In DRYGOODS' 2 &o - - VEIV EMBROIDEKIES.—Just received . t langpr••• • very e,t en ,11:,:tezf 'stains . of trartal thrllg, Owe, t Lay and Muslin. Mann, Jaetwxti erra Swiri alearielap. haw and t.tant_L#.ll4 . lo. Jaeonect =I 9 str , =sings sill Taws . White avt 21sek it tc. rbe amen. rem eC Wit. 44 o•MiCalbrir sitleitbd to the shave Irma, ar the ameortateht will befrond the 7araest, yerrhOVl; thia .fts (.19) aYalattOti tOO .Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, &o. • • N k IURPHIT & hove reo'd 1. by u rt. mother ervr ply of slaw Mi. ler Man& . 1...1 n. forrDresoe, astd Arran. MO Boilimidered BlounaiDge. , 'A A. ALASOYA CO. t i ravo just reeelved nen vats, 6.2 Gi Mart st. . n; INEN. TABLE CLOTH • Mtuitisti;Alt. thesMilveZtn. tks arrorttnut sine. ta trau4, at Inert prin. austV Black Lac° Veils. .011Re11nELD full .asswellanit of lam sod Deka Bisek amend Well= us. y bits sod kr,. Gar. 34 04 veep for 5lo: i t s do47bleek Silk Kett. DS= liold.rigl,ll.r" • , • .•• , • • . Oita , ' 13nawl Sale. 7 ! AyA. Ikt&SON et CO.'S Graz/Animal Shawl • Sale 1•111 eon:meet. on Tom:Lan Aufuntilb...bere Ell oCer th. Itrost and best Elected sflock of 52r01e ener orldtottnt Ist WS city, Embelitog -, • 111E1 lb la toCrowe Ife ,,, it tirk d Le - e '" •. - . "flit!. enz Fanoy , bl,l , 4,1 , 1 Trench Tblbet Raw or Plane rented sad nobroblenel Elfothela Q.t.:bete .21 LcCg Of buy and EMU= laallues. an of Edell they ore deal mlnE toolose oat. oreoltere a, fEetylag thole ball etbeke. me., be offered •5 a ENE reelactioa fn. tom.? .prto-e, atel bey slum v.., wt. - , . ne/ . _ New Patterns nF 44 FIGURED WINDOW BLIND PA .:l_ll=A 4om =ad gaud matsro . tupd cal sale at the old gaud, No- Ulla,. tear .75 1 1 TOD& Vi-atrA- -Seams and Desirable Geode, 11 - 0 VARIOUS tirLES,' open Rai no hiVitill . V=CaSkr,.. l4 cl udin g hi.anssurYoTilso.stlscr.taroo 6l =. blocs 131-111.11.ant 3 iMrSdyg invited t.,,ttetrebnicea.artuent firlVettre. tog Gn ~ cr lrOza S.YO.l— hIr.IISIEI3I3ONNETS Agar HATS-IC. 1L = i•ALatat bat just mei.a I ra& riot, of nor hupT:l2ifaiii&it.Vg.9lZ nth:ilfalt9 i Goods ihr'Warla Weather. tiltPilY &BURCHFIELD, at the North Lott Bornat ct Fourth oat Mixt , " greets. tiro moil wootbse. mob. lito'broldored end ?thou.,' o.tihw. . Nirw Viotorta hinolthai hoots. hod imm*: • I . l=7reart ''' Ttioi .100. ttedowt ha tVW 00008, Otth •• Perwols, elmmiestle 8118. Irklt Saab, black:G.4o. blozhltobittr IlittaLtiloO lindorol.orDott Noes br i t°, haat puts kr di rt Lbws Lati es. od rtror,._Prouch ostd, Virtiito. Oland; sow otylo KOLPP LAVNS:oliishipitblo POPLINS. Ttiar otoortroont below Tory OW. with rottOwut woe. ilo.osoLizowripW.dsi fni sold al hiStoni PaM.mß. 11/14 Wiw 04..1 to buyerB to ealLsod map Shots haretwows ;Btraw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, •Nil. IV , Nisei'? STRUT; • PALMER °HUN for tole; ut very lw Los Taloa, • fall wolortnorni of Straw, and ueua 9PANNUU ElT—Foftlan and Asaarken plain and tansy sore., soft, all y , Ulm, AIM", Pepe, II•tr. Pantele, last. Youth? and FU“ l t ,. l• b. 13 111 i • Pal m it. man Braid, Wee, Plasm, id hnt.4.l.ephoess• Braid, p, Lace, and Heir. Attovee Grow Amor Ideal, a nd othellforinz,in+ gnat "4- 812121C/ a N"St'dPstrPonste".l%altd Aare Pals smins.vre• Cr/Vg-eeTl::l4'r .TsWrgrA=E7.l.4 'Cottxmliftio. • • PeISPRAT, TRIIMINGS — Oord a Timis, tottoar, Brad., ertsee •tege, • .PL Idift freest and American Ppllif", bundles and „. Gin de Ne• Plea,ll.Pro. do Rhine. Florenc SILKY AaND e, and alter Ryles, ...sorted ''''tiitat.'d-trkatfrtct ~nd pjao . ,lthaspd low plloolt Parated• end U bvt i rand, HovsVOUR.I4.INIa,-AlOAB—.-Litt,ht, in body • and erpolatlF . adtPlad- .fa: Stillanier wear. oleo, fi7aMaly. Placa canton crept, ikuottguiveu , and otu.r sly le. of Mourning eloodv—a full atilorlesent PO be lowa NIURVIST 0U ), C 0 0/ 1 " .- r RECYD AND NOW OPENING SIT "1. • • DR/Art, N 0,116 lanann.Stand, Tory . Lao and =pee= Raft of fashionable Gooda th , adapted. In alentlrmen • Wear for Spring, oonipt*ni Wain Mks Asurrielln, Enslisp, pad 3rmas very splendid a•sorlanent or Nostinaand Clotbl 'of eyou Widmann, oboes and oolor; Id& •tb.c . *net .rtilj usavuurtervs•stods Y .FIAD/ 0 tllAVrlll'manes ono of,tl , e, larplot_ pod best selected • steep , . wait of the All•nnemec all of ernion lb. Proprietor 'down:cane:l.lo Coo st roon roloos no 1 , 111 can't: all any blzo_orlth Acon.u=otilgo44. t:„ t"ma AL rat teth.ti,..;.. wiskb neentuelble. mann", and at the ahortalt nave. • crißegrs,, OIL CLOTHS, 87,c W MaLLIMPIC MEDICAL. The most Eitrectratitety Inseetely in the 'Woad the rear 4rabiart Remsdy for Men and Bear{' LEL Farrell's CKLEBBATED ARABIAN LIZIEFST. 11. , ...:3. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini • ue.er. /a • mod edxsorcik.ry mallet.. the truth u hla placed beyond doubt by the rant Wm of the oda, and=tu i tor g . ttgLbelneft . l.lforned . lgg , lilt ortVbeet Y Phydnaue In the 'tor r id. " It ' l ' a ' :oola.ed' of baba., extrude and amma.culiar . Arable. w..- dog. in a nmoentratral Tom, all their dinotating, Ono dry., ponetrating,2llcute.n.lll,l,ll.ltre Frown...id the mime which, .gee go. ware dud by the 'So. cf We pod.," NN auch miraculous sum.. in curb. dm Mot war of both cu. and bfad. t }load the lollowiburemarktiblo mutest vehldt ebould of thowely. pt.* 0. 0 Yarrelfe Arabian Linlmitut too lot rand .y elnall. rented, About a year ant a boltoauelllng arrpjared iit rot *lb/ stomach, unduallf Mormon. 10 dte until It be am. as largo aat my fist, and go sore that ebt, colild out be. t he ban lg..e tumult relthoutglying her eatr.as p.m. I got Lbe b.f. odo u r boat dodo, a. and they differ 1 •=l , t ,: tion . :1 .„ 1 ,,,,,,,,4 0 6 :. .. : , t ,,,,.„ ; ,.... : ~,....t . : : („, 24 ..... that of ge t ()adieu ...r o th er , add it or. a Tumor of the 011,14.4 aid, t muld not In cured a scout by cutting It out. 10 tido cntlcal amid.. 1 0. 707susded to 0.7 U. 6.00 rrell's , npou dm Mini s ditanu ono. It. had. d. it may aide. apptenittion die began to Im. pro.; and bag coutinued canto, totter daily, until now oh. i e . ~ii ge.vey—p.ryirtg, es , ellet hoaltb. D. bitiJONNELL. Pmrlilderch B. 1149. . (Hobert Riede, pallt.T, _ _...T.1 . Ceregewns, Pa. , March 21. 1044. Ons. woman has wessl yens. lenlosaut with greet enema. she hot lost the tweed hur Ism (r thaws HIM. she cords belngicontmeted so that her leas were bermes much while ermAllig, ali Ls natural for the position of the lee. while sitting. and she could not Mod them in the trots but by the Use of th U. FarrelPs Arabian. Liniment, she l• stow able to walk with ewe, and has • streight limb. I tare f ou nd It. must parellent remedr ibr hoe,. &eh; also, for th which requires an paternal remedy, " 41,1opintailof,M9h1, erserieneed , and scientlge Fent. ~ '.,. W•shington, laws.. /ma 2131 IWO. From the speedy,arsi premanent cure., both unman and beset, whirl mar Ansi/tau Lt the to perforating. Ido na hesit•ta. te pronounce, It the .orear hemedy of the A ge " I hare rm.:feel do hones. for twenty foam end hat e Mici ali.the •arlous liniments. okommte, ge,, l i t . ,. , C i rterst ~' s 3 4 = Tin=i r t o ea b' ell ' ar; ItTTLR,,, , ewes nee oL. 11l Its me, 1 hate cured Nswenr awl I , ,pae:o l c o gd i r th .31: d , b ilre - rl rtf.=,t i v l g i t.ta: ..„t, ..10...... every shale ditass. foga Scratthrs eed brume up to rpsein, b oarring-b, end WV. ... I ran also tear tscUmmay of Its riowl pgsets an the t era. - , l ll'i, 14,== -11 . ...I'.:l o .ld . ;it l raltc a t b,. 'L l" ° `: .. 0 l tomm I.44. emed the ale of roar I,j;fl. {wi i. g ''. yt.4l, 3tut Nth ot ton pima standlna aired br 11 U ll. . Firrell's Arghtanfeirdmenti 21. IL. 0. Pmaru—Dear tilr. I had been afftleted with the...inn Pain" for the Lau ten rears, and could nee.a.get rAelgdgrlht=ishtptfrdUol t erieeV " :l4l.lV , 2= 4l. 4 , ;four-thole &der, It I% U entirely remised, add / hme telt I nothles 01 It slum_ / went Into the stable me MGM., to i imjittitmAdosr:LetoroLfg,...ta=ag = b lur bee= m badly thistle, tuTledis I+ ask I " etar Wi r t, g:Amt.., `At'..r7:,''.l"lL, 41.,V, VV, froi L ZlTlllg.i 7"ll r ,i',, mmhe.l MY Mr. An a simetaa manner , hg letting et hack.im Mil upon It; hot your 1.4011. t. roan Malta At up. JOkIN It. liletigh. . L. Mlle Prw,lntt, Froth& col. at., Feb. 0, I.2i^ Diewlntion TIIh CO-PARTNERSHIP herefofort ex' dfuTWITAITIVXdfir ' Ise rn' t ‘d o dissolved by llosualloelialmuttStSt'll'll, tb/W of 1.101 amaisnlidwol Is slatbositsd - "rt . • wants of o• old arm • Wdd. ddscjjfay: '' Plttsbore.: 3o 4 1. 1 - ella sas•doot3 Rild MAI. OTICE—The partnership heretotoro CI -Istlag der Use fi rm el SI. A. WRITE A V.O. tul Nday under tlincl.rd bl mucilsVcouseat. • . i •M. A.WITITP., , JOHN IVAN* .'... Atlilt. 11.ELENTZ - --- -- • •• • qPARTNERSIIIP — Tho subeanbers have atered Into C,Pottnenddvalarl,l, l 447m of Pall), JADIXS Jet JOHN lf. °KELT. ' — Removed. , PENNETT, BERRY k hiive 'etaareil to their nan Warelanvac =nor of Ch t too u lane and 174 su.ec matt CIIOICE collection of Shtubberir,Vinittg au..... Paiipberry.SeraviLerry,thereberry, übar b, repo Vb.. Audi . Notitilly Meta Rh tad emery ;Asia iv , roman to ornament rude awl $(.1e1111. TM be toyed at Ilrorowood. Nureery. 'AIL _Omnibus leaved the rorner el. Market exatrinti moots. Pittelmegti, every half hour, PI the Oodles. tte cm... Lod otters retreatatiouts revved up to the Wa in.. ./.15ere rammed to- the proprietor. West liiiiiehrelies. bany 'county, Pa., oh] mom prompt attention r/Pr.t J. MeKAIN• , . . . I)kINTING WRAPPING PAPERS .j_ raw= Mat. Llas Barr VTraita!ttit Far: alrowst .60 " Debbla Crown " " ItZ anartad 31114.111.1. 00 " Ste* .. atmetior Poet Ottllm Pam; 190 latatio Midltictt 24137 Patatlolt .107-`..b.•• Imperial 217177 The lava*, with lat at old staka of papati. •far rale at the lo•ut b 7 W. 8: 1iA417:, Ebstloner atall'apar ea) manor of Mutat an d &acted at.ratto. .o Druggists and Painters. : . .. . . .I)ARIS GRES N r:'.'S" TIRANA - Tazonoza , Parftirea Pentsfat rtorented b y the Gehl hlo.heref a American Insthute. thr.perateshey W 27.4 99 1 44 - catty of Oa& end color. The htehafactofer the after.. rya WI produmd . the down! and sante 6 Hort aztle:a 9f twit thy, tturl!pormarat. and that ma ba ileou Al . ! L soot ateletteot tie dwelt** zed hole Wooed hie peo; I Wistr=l.= rallfbMtr. . . :• , . . .4.DOW ble Meta for:thritalodfAids eskobrA MIA& OUNMS-eMI4. Iv be irap: 0." 01011MIZA0n. .. , -Mg - - s ...,:-. .1 --s 0 t . 4 !mii —: , :.: ......,. IZI ~...1 , .". •.• A A. At -FR/MSPORTATIOAt . . .. isail 1851'. . 'gag 1 • LAVE, 'NUBAND. MIONIDAN -LIND. ON THE EXTENSION. CA AL. !. CLARKE. PARKS & CO., It. earn, Peoreltrota. THE PROPRIETORS of thin old and well kmo‘n Lino. would' loin.. tbe publlt:Tat th.f •." t z=tl= t lFiwnven..itztLZ .. ,.. ft z Parifihrp4"7:l::=l - :."V h 6 . "I'Ari=i ll : 1 Live 1 l be tUt"..etoutr et the Isl.tllre, Wove tha,elottala goheti Bridge. to macre freight. JOIE, .1. CAUII tal . Ageot, ' ' • •,,tree, ear. Water arel theithtle . I olio., Fittaburgh. CONSIGN ELS: • It, W. Cimminglelm. N.w re. D. U. Mathr • , tilts ti, P. W. O. . Abu.= 3 2 . UnL. littarpsbarr..h; Wm. /0121•4 ok Ihvmmilr. Wm. ii 01217. El.srtsuorn; Wm. rower. Cmwmatimille: C. M. Royal. Erie, 0. Wallimithm. Huffish, N. V. . New Lake Superior Line-1851. rrHE new eteamer NORTHENER, Capt. B. 0. 6"'" 1,,T,14`47.11;,,fA tev-2aled weekly aberefter on ;dila. 15.1 i M, • for the Eatat tit. Marie. wi The Reenter MAN lIATT -cap t. gellawatk, 1 ea Sant E !.. ?a s. for the &afferent 1.410.0 on Lake 9Twerler. tbe ordeal of thA steamer NortherneiFibakine l e regular weekly I.lne, theoufhnut w pr , (3°414.1 " 4 1" g . ." 4 51 . T1111441t. Prone/err , Clevelanil. O. 419 125, iFtaga . .lBsl,, SHIPPERS ARE lIERERx INFORMED jut yitia LINE, composts! entirely of Beath= hosts, n' tl ' m t 7 of Rala t ute. time, sad al as low West a* et) altar refulai• ppow In sp & ala aratigements hare al. been Enda his ay, b Way Freight .101thstoter e tlollldarehtrll Watar Barest, Alatatelsts., Pytereburgh, lituttlugdoth Hill Creek. Ness Hamilton. Ilea i.r , taftotsti. 1)11011h , :tarpon. Clark's Ferry,liscrrlstattrinColomo'h, and all oth. ay inttrzoellidilVta on the renna oads llyanta Ct o tai o si:ul d Port ' tmto re j U ilta u rs, ' g.E ' f ' .1 , 07 `, 17,71 1 eularlty Iv ih e ,y e n sasl ' p011... al. toe lowest rates, et./ rod. %10,1:1 . N(1017,_ itoprielor. Wan/Miss, Liberty strset, sushi= Secioad door west al am Coml. AWING DISPOSED OE HALF MY IN TF.ILEST IN lILYGIIAN'S LINE, to mr 1:11151111.1.1t, tLe busine. at Pit.bnrgis r, fllhere et. be temmxted tmilrr th. etyl.. -Wm..lllngtokm Cr [metal mil. 111 Singta.ms' Tr anaportatioli PITTSBURGH. & THE EASTERN CITIES. IjITIE CANAL being now open, rea dy to motive and foreard promptly. 1 W." an crehamlUt.tall. and ate etto Crel always at !pant rate, cnatatd blirtspottObl.. Linea Produce and hilltaxnallat will be molted aid fotmarlol tart aad amt. without nay tdmYM. Mr fort tlllng m Ins Mille of Ladlru ant all dle..-:tone httEPolir atomdt4 to. Addetsa or wly_ , WM. 111.50 Gill k CO„ Canal Pula Corn , Llho_rty_ d Warm llttrborolt GLNGLI.A.M 1 an DOcI,,IS3 Markni. ottiroeMfourtn Mid Flftbsta, IndladtlPM• JAMES Wilt.4oNoilillaM '''...P.l.l4l3lN %TN. °,!•.N•tl.Tt" .. • N. Vora Freight received for all the Way Stations on the Pennsylvania .Central Railroad. ri•f1.,541, r....,.. bctsTs. kiton J. ,alga.. MCDIo. Ju.. N.• 11. I..c•lst•Arn, Jaw, Mlllll. , .‘lO,l , U.lou. J. Ll.7bisr. II outiuorder.. • .1, U. Kerr. *Tore ernt, A 4. 111111,g , /Inn,. liolttOryillirgb. C. A. Burt. . Locototer, K. Modornell. ColulatAA Ilcdrrwoll is Kauttit. itarrtrOurt. ' J. Wallimer a Dot. Doom:m 00. /U. Dbeo' bow . . A Co Jee Bol o ter. 1 ;I lera or.. ,lore ttn Vorrysetr. Alpsoo i l l coSk:ferer''. IDobtod Boole. lotto Lmaldroo I 1111 I Or, &Italia t Blotter. I , r•otorD., John Kore n . I COVODY. t COLF, . :,r roe, el Wr. 4.l.l.W*Pile s' 1.,.. !Lily lbri. I 1... Dissolution. )1_,,.; m.d CONSEQUENCE of the deeeme a j..hu ' cyen, %Le parturrthip luintofort. atlglng twfweinu ie vifuu A tl.volt, Id hunt, - iluisoluett. Joht4 Y.•Colu L fully uuttorito VI Rttle the bualrlets of lbe tutu pink.— All pervouv bifluft ;Ulnas will 1 ,1 0,4 Ilf.d.lut Ulf If 1 , 31 P.M^. .ittle , /urfax.Julf lA. ~aily • L.ltleceeeore to Heiden .1 Otreote Ttio blthilleSS of the Agency of the I rms. Tif WI% Citrazsl ll Comleor.til b•rwa., - ...- .tooted ureter ane ...I et, ee 0 ,. E .,, , ,„ thrum - of Peon mot Ws,. Pitt...burgh. JoIT 1.1,9 _ _ ilgritniltnntl Implements. HAVE JUST received from the Eoet the follordlig licaplrialuida, all or the beet maaufartura a the moat ;we t ittreullout, anal I would intlte all • Farmer* call arrl ' exataina MT goat. 0.1010 alaehlurn, for aorta beans, beet., tonal. • tindn Dell , far wheat, rye. oats, and Wt., • ColinCoberusbera. • Coen for nor. and 'band plot , t 91161/ and Ikea Stalk Cutting kora. U; ' Tt l e b ae . 2ti tG at C ont: " ii /Laden. (Nuilataid iltinin sod (armor ertlnia, and !loci. Varteleol tiro, tb.riai and four of lurk.. All niantilartureil Itorri the best materlala. and air al* u'rnsS. N. WICKEIIOItASI, 27 Corn.. or Wqial tel Neth street, • Beimmont's Patent Starch Poll& jrATENTED, July 26th, 1850.—For giving a beautiful Oluilie I.loeug Sloodue. Conobrfcs, Ca. !lbw. Sccooot; Ps, otd who preeeute the lion from edluifiuff to Lino. to.. and prevents lout loom adoSirgi to , LWOW. At, and °outside uottflog 'glorious. 'gruel...le—Put a piece the K. a L • t.• to • Quoit cf tura ewben too. bristly. • • 121: cult. per Cote. Sold ertioloile and rellii) bf 103 • It. E. SP.LiKai Al Wuud • 6CARD.- 1 IMve removed Mmy newstore. Mire doomludow,)-lomerly 4pp 0 .11.4 a r o d•ok o f burgh, where 1 will be glad tome my Irlmul.,•ud 6l ridium,. end rerldr• • •bara of their eiletorol I beep verylgrgr reecadmont of 4bolrurry, 1.1. Mug Curled 11•11, eyrie, blue. I..otton and Hued Maims. kestbarlledm. Warm. and P{llolVg 111.1 , 11t504. , 1LN CoUllUmpareel Mud Cularome, Window Simi..., of rvyry Ad, Door kiss, LIM every witlele locally found 10 the moryortecolye onabllalunenty of Moklud Ordemmrptd. dylly ordletted trul mom zeomptlyllll.l r tr Third Mem. WOOL—Cash paid for:Wimi by .04 mitvilv .t. LEE: • Cornices. --... • LwlTAVE , just received from New York, ne ... iwco 44 of nor idyls Wl.'S DOW INIIIN I CFO and TALE I.IAN Ili V, rain 4;4. . PECTA C L E S itav,i tt ettittpl kj stock a Unlit, Stir t .","4";fl;t7:r.i. - at,:tro:Tlltrt.:ri,:atTalVrt.l7 uPtlcal Pcion.,.. I W.lll L,IN UREA ND EIAY • ir FIORI'bKr"S.-4tAatg n. W:rj'sr"U""r="Zi.oh IF t Itte r . "/Tl2 I I' Am.ot for Harp!, R v‘,.' -- . . - . ... d,tithraaite CoaL 30 TONS just received; ti iiiiperior article for Poorarr or GLIaIY ItIR• Itc n.le by .0. A.NeATIULTY L Ctl,' g‘. l • ..:+.,' ".. . , ~ - Canal Lula - 6 cap'par stocks, - yv ons ton g E HA E Orden+, for the Stock of vuri Cowan., of Lake e.,0 red.. Tboo 1r Abut' to sell will Ideate call, or oaltirtra 4,1/ AWILbXHk Pure Brandy, firr Biarrhced, : i TtEArt IN MINI): should you need ['rano Drarrly,tba Tess =Sr can be uStatned ai' hit/ . Mars, tballiam.ad,. St ,mr quart tIOKEM---1 00 btda. 'No: 3 Small , to' wive sad at em, by LizaticErß9oT--6,01b..f0rua..bz4 Office of. Commissary 13-ett:lof &NM:tea:me, •,, : • W ASHINGTON, August:24ll3sl QUARATE PROPOSALS 'rill b 6 iectiv tJ ed ex this oftwo. until the let any of Votaboisarat 111 the delivery of Provisions, in butts foe Lbw sword l b troops Of, the United State, urn. IllfifP , Cwill , di fokl,twill At 571 . 410 Orleans L'arraeles, Lonialenso.'„ V.lll4rnits. of Trait ' 125 laurels ot faun super - nue tout , 00 ke.,50, of nsw whit.. told Wane „, 610 round., of 5-15,1 hai'd soap 29 pbunds of pp d herd ens= t t .nre ra , \'.. 11 bestir, of good elm. drY h.. .1. 4 , , 230 gears, of good rider vitos es • At Baton flosve Barracks. Lovitionn.' V& befrele of port \ 125-berme of Mesh superfine dour \ 15 bushels of tea .15110 field a sus 575 . pootlasof soot Mod •oop 7AI w . \ inds:ol,l,dd hoot rtwrot reellas II bls uvir o f goof clean dry fwe Nil TA) dollops of good Ater m veva • i • At Co., West,•Florielo. .\ if barrels of odr, \ 195 lwirrels of fresh surarens dour , , , 65 , busboLsof 0r , •210.0. 1 4 bro. , ' 506 pounds °, cowl had soap ~ VS 100000 of good hard sperm andlos \ If burhely of god clout dry doe sell \ 220 gallons of good rider vinegar. • \_. Al the I,'eslase risnalbanding, H the A mileers/tnittom Fort Towson, s of Chshi, ats barrels of Pork n ''', 125 bra - refit of fresh supertato door ' 55 builiels of new while field beaus. .. arroyounds off goad good 11.1.1;1 so , ” d, ',I rgti'l,`,.,r ...i.t. '1.3 7 730 m %,"Llt.. . - prdn g oplos or Mood onte u r vinegar. - The whole , tro be dallvorod In off the;with of April. 1502. and to ins, lVdtslatpchse hp th em of YobrunlT. 1252. Al Yoe: Smith, Arkansas. , \ , l, 55 barrsle of pork VA barrels of trearb SUP•rfiZo SOW . 04 henget. of new .000. field Iran. :id pouods of good herd sow ~f , ru1,d,,,, of good tglsgrnl S., gtill* ~ m ~4 , ... of good d 151.. %J' The whole to o• delivered In all Vl* . y. Val!. At Fort Gaffe, A rhonray. forrobCof IporU a . 70 by.rr e ld of frort sztorratot dour • 105 Cachet tir flow white !ladle's," Mr pounds cf ;root herd o.tP 600 Nunde of good hard npurro cudl' al bushels of VA too . • COO gallon. of good refer rioreer The .bode to bn dellrezedlo ?lay, 145.5 • At Fon SnAl.ing, St. Peter's. \ 2.50 Carrels of pork ' oi 0 Cerra • or kerb supertve dour f toehrb. of ono white deal bed,. 2 f P'Ve on ch,sh,ot ° • \ cda galloon of rood 40,r 'tomer. The obote to to delivered from the 10511 bea. the 10th lour. 1452 At riouth f Cror....ng roc, 18 vulea above Fort Snelling. '. 1 t.. I.orr;le of pork 115 barrels 01 trerh superfine four :5 bueheis.of new whine Bold iwOne lrel prods of iced hoed eon, 3s pounds of gavl bud tallow renal, I. 14 Goebel. of gtxXl clean dry Ede nit , 33 nal:071. of coni Harr vinegar . • The who to be dellsmed from tan latJune,lB.s2, to the stb Auguet, 185 T. ' At 'Peet ifaernaortf,• ,Wiesouei River . 510 barrele of pork eou barrels of liens woperflee flow . . tkeltatati of tons eitite held tau. • xedi pounds of grad hoed snap • • 1.302 wends of goal hard tallow cazolle• wi lembele of gonl deem der Ems Felt 550 gollmei of gOod eider .111•Zot. The whole to ho delivered by the lot Juno, 1352. \ eilf For. &Oft, on the Normalooe ricer, hliseoter4N7o mile, land trethaportation from Independence, R. the ifirsotax river. _ 55 tenrelepf pork Trieh se . p • 1 10.5 Naval. ofcrane Slow 55 imolai, of new white field beam 570 pounds of Val hard wale 351 iwuntli of good herd Ilene cetediee • It booked. of good clean art Ins silt ?hi golleus of goal cbler s viergar The whole to he dell'arte! by the fat June, 1822. a , are —.Alt bidder, erwrequested to extend the amount of their Ws, for mob article, and exhibit the total amount of cork bid: and no bid le ill lw scud on onion It embrse, all artialce requirsol at aprot. The pertua• Led quantttlee of each delft., of thaw poets where they are not noonleel. will be, one fourth la June, let 3ap.mbea, , lot twoonber, iota, and let 31arelt. ltdat lb. hope of w bah the teak le parked to be fattened en earn, mod eerb hog W weegio not icon than taro hand,. d prod, racial!. the hal. lea, enr, and man. Side awes am, be enbratuted tor the beam Thepork LP lobe Brat tailed we itb Turk's Nand, salt, aril then carefully tanked eelth the wane 111111 , 1 e in pieces not excemileg eight pound• each.. Whelk the waking Lae Nom eompleted. the ematractur mutt fornWh tuthie office cortifteota from the Janke,. that trm lark hoe born so salt a wi and peeked. /hi pork is makeeontaine i ie Ki1,..G11e.4 hrart 14 •hito so ot barrels, fell lootsti: Ow neon. .04 Salt In barrels, d the imp and canal.. etre.. now of convenient size for voca -1 W htl t e?All only be reveled by measurtroe • nt sf thlrty•teo sl•V ' two ' „ta b a ° s;t h lt. IP.qe!. " = " fo ' r • t b rtl, " 7_ , .._7l oo ,l%; 7...1.7 . 111 ,,, 17 . :b; u : ., ie1 . i tt , f:to dem:Smith. in the :L Q.7lll .cre. of ... AD , r1 , 1 .,.. ,16 . 5 , 3 .5:13 0 d , :5 i,..,fr at0r5e ., ' ,.. 0: 0 f t e t0 rt , le ,, ipl ,. ei ti an . u „i st . tota , L• . X. . of cnvert. vat aut Department affirm authorized to Bar ' chose tu eupply there Duet. 1b.5111/V11.1.• 0110 la teepee:dal at the trme and ;Awe .0 Jelieery. andall cotenant to be raid by outetwateri anon they - ire depoeited at tech woodlouse- at no" be deetixo ' led by the agente of the Liefertment. Th. Come:Wool General ewer." Ito prltileqe of to ...amino or dimintahing the one: Nun, or of Mettna . b.3 with any m ell_mtlelea motored et an/ Veto vet em 3 thee before entenos into meta" end ale, ot Increasing er nelueing the quietness of owls delivery onwthird a 6?,ll ` rrat '„ TJ:r:;.. ' ,V`,...`4g'.-."-- 1 41g1T =1: 1,1.17 their pnetwons with the of the r abllitY , Maette er el. the DM. Of aw ltl the l wean*, whOW•feolons ,ll lnetf 021 .011 01110 the teueerrallen, ,thorwbali elev.,. ea , will nut te Irt,l an Adeesou *teat he +ode in eat/ C. 211. and evidence .1 tn. oraMon and ,ful , feSt•toz ant: O. , craved at eh 01.60 re lath •,11 tee ion . '!leZtl it. t t e .Net l " p4bile . r7ri r e '' y erroty ' ge ermerlant to the ',tete VI dell err, Me place, of tar, awe, or the reset”efice ..., the 0000rertute. al the orttc" ut thoireseeere Dever/melee. It daafte no this eats ril tee ...feted ro Paid au , n any eirruniatanote. Each propowl will ts saaßel i n • separate envelOtre • , •5 marked .. froireatia But Berteartng army hubsatance iILeDRGI: GIIDMOB,I.I. It 3 Noir -efellrore will not be pad far ...rang. tbetv t w pare this wleertameent nylon antlevarsd to do r, 0; toe Conomaatry General of SubelateLta. soitillawt&Delh • FLOUR -50 bbls. B. S p ra g ue's . u extra Sim for mud. by au ROOMS-- , 200 doz. for _ . Ail iIARBACOTI. boxee Cream. -for sale by 111L{LISA UGH. GGS-1 bbl. fur sale 6. y sorll t. IT. lIARBAUGIi. ItIOKWITOIIM- - .soops.jilAMM W a j f , r coda vet" eb,,,,! L.A. NILSON auLAO awl 154 MatliLtst RI.MPED RIBBOI A. hisso. tCo. bwre Piet received • Iv*, ropy!, or the abeeve n • Iv veve,eted eolres- . • TARLETONS-A, A. M XY= AMIN VVEW MAi,oNt Co. tolll ,ntincto to tooktott sidittortsl tritancitio,* tOuttfut wow :Ws crab:l,lo,Am ant! Eel them oy 11012 LDER,S--2ZAM) res. Fitt,: Shoulderi) Lt. Ch. PRENCII GELATINE, Wb tc 1. .freed m'4nf tt3l bt r Nn hr um. A.. 71• CL VOCOA SIIELLS, receiclili fresti , frota the Foo.fsnurer. and Car a, bt .40 0 • 4..-ckftru!tg-. EILNED.SUCLULS--- 30 'til/gove n1:11 crnsb.d. anlaarlsal. eat% erudad,' d lad • • Ville at the lowest no., by tint bamel mil by ArX. A. X 'Rd A aye: Libecere t *cotaDrdern !NUFACTURED TOBACCO `"1147-4 'latst , TIM' APPLES-4 lads. and I lanes T.J.P.,..d cud tof vals ("7 Will , J. B: UCKETS--Mi doz. Marietta; in stood for sale br (wall) J. U. CAN VIK4 . iirBACCO--21t) bOxes Richmond To r:;11.1% 1. ` — '11 . o b lIT &" ‘kkTintabatti 'PH E MANCHESTER P4INTS, o.f differ. lei:Vgi.7iterak'liiti! ' , ..lrig:, "llll `g - k ' ; ' tbnT. T 1 'OIL tON't,, `AND PAYER-SGO nn k swig 17ISTOR OIL-20 b. 13 I lode os4e by _ Eaug9) IbIN BALANCES, for etecune Counter- I.) kit Agnarican n.."( ell ds• Inatinos. Thisla • Tory nude* and WTIOIII4O newton , ~vo rna.tv ,• ,,ni IN. tul4 U2,0L1). PENS—A tine -- rtroent the V,R but sb mats *Wrowo on nand. wad W. need. 130:o WW. T Am—so lib's. in atom fox wile by MUSKY • 1.51.. OLASSES-160 bbls. Plantation, (oak; erlder .IEIH;L. INtEtOVI' SIERY-35 kegs (assoneci) attporior to LAI that usual}, gold Ira thl. foie asl. • I SeIIANNNIARIM x V 0. MOJA. ' ' tor l. 6.2 .11. M(/LA. $.7 for slAl• br “.,14 2ge. -7 i,S . TV 11 Aurauci..l 1.1'14 • 1111112 , c .L 4 GAR— .110 \ "" d b JAIME A. littgnit t"— sug4 • 6 11" rs. 'lli It l't.N TI :s IVO fiblA: . fine ur- ID a.. , 5 A,. ~, 3 3 IiAI:3I`4IS.FII. a co. ...,re" V ' - A - Soat.re ..Irlit,.. i: .' . ' ilk,. U 0,1,4 4 , . 14 . 4. ii. Mu tip. _ k.1`1.• PER NlollAllt •fill - Vb,c--Alnerav 4C1,101“1 , tale Tereiltgl tisb illernir4S alrMtu.: . " ‘" " L ''' '"' Trnfa:.;iut b s li ti ' Muntih 09 I — AINTTINTAS , blzb 'Vif)"n..t.Vit _ fijiEARLA)SI3-1.8 cf.olcs Aahinv, to \tfrrivi), j.„ for We lo fluff). auA IWuu./ 04.1,01 Bullling. LoyTAsll-1.5 casks puro, AL „¢l9 tt urrat —5 1,1,6. awl 5 kegs, re} 0. 3 blAckvEitE.L3ll bble, gc, Corgi pato to; ===EM UCKYA..- ,, -51.1'dua. tui ttamake.,far Iv by jet/ It. tSANIngt.D. lE.--SU tioreca (to ur\ivaCofialairr - X ILL Iz:.•5U sAntVantti.i. • Li key - Spnnii t f:nc,sale b 7- 77 . 1.111 .10,/ ..TALEIt rki O. 21fAMMELEI 'AA . - tor ast• by , OOP • re. tIJ:P- , Tills , CQ srgai peorporaied ihbrnary, \ with 'iPerkethal Charter, kith hest Cott noeel touthe4ort a MAW 001141.. W. . Th.C...4424 bath:lees bothva rho Jotal Bt. and . .I)LtteJototatoshlitho th e ratee b Z ttae than 2114tVtiatl=1"..0etn.sa C•Wij e'tt:„""At Ur , td.Sr br othla MActed sa4trne t Obith?"4 ll % .14 I. Capital:lir. Fond of etho s zarAra trea t d ere,(ll%—u , to/2 tha ttto IVoat tahe the eno). Oe7 or Olt ti o;" John nrdoo t 31.1c0 Jcue'rb Ouxam ortunl.h Ur, Raoquel IHI Robert Sos John C le oven h. b Do Dilworth d o or z d at o UOX , .11114.4.1 r. State *ut - cull(,Pire BRANCH OFFICE-No. THE best \ovk deav dence of 'Dthertars In eoorthg to 171 W ,WSUILANCI: COX the CatimMity. 5 the us vldeb hea been door; having th o levtieth, ther , l7 othithr of th ef theet u flody. tioNr=dl t i h.742:llhdislet Wood—. De. de. exphii.Drealoated, • • Da do. In Come trove Do. eakeleJ,tern3l.l.4.• • Do. Pre:mil:ad Da. Do. earica4d,terio.hdoted.o: Da.Cub Premiums T, Do. do. do. oa.noot {Stool. nun loon and aspen Bsince In tarn of tb. to., l • . To city or conarn neon. ssoil loolst.,Pand conntrr Pro • P*.) • It trilenn In fir.serva.-, taa Inferior to no lei • Conducted on tbs equitable of Cliontlestion Of Man, nit.' marlin calr • 11004 , 0 .mount alinna lb. freqUelley 400 ilso on bairn. Ortnekesindill noes tbe cbnpness and • Lut entliles [h. Inland to I • I.llnietorsi—Johnl , Rutin Alain A. Carnet,Philo C. : /lion, 404 10. Paltsr, John v A. J. A. A. CrAOLPS, AOO2/.01. N. D. — A FAlip D 1014.00 0 adiaw tin biro Se food lot rei.able at thl. Ulltos Pis sun d. ob oho un t•I Lanni dors Franklin Fire In.: : , a 'Co. lof Fiala's. . P M IRECTO: en• /e., Vnridakoo, (e... ' W. Ltlclnn.• Tboa:l4 ordnal .u. Lionn, Tobias ‘ .I. ' S " A .. . glitlfirriirltt. "d 60.'0' 10 ..14 Drown. • CLtAI . ' x. 104.6001'8. Ponnlnd ' Vont. U. Butane, Sccratr c . • , ..11000,4071•0.00:;t1=,%0 I . ' loittbnnoouo, porn. , ..l 00 00 . 0, 7 at flan as lore 11.11 6.1. 1 ? - •.4.ool3tVirli o = o l , Tin 14cdolind Lan non. , I 1 • Lams 0 altsmalmoatdAdll las, aloat sertindm. A ;^.. t. allu \ th"th In Imo in VD Alfa's, \ Li • tett La N oktsw a5t , a , m , ,,, VMA ,...,, 111•a ..,. „, , , ,tx. ,... t w \lt gm. me• a mat pious:. to tecoturd to tha 1 ar• 00 V., cl.r vi ' the Poised Itsesulatd•Vrwtat /at,•la ratat.l In dlo. DOM^ liatuati Wad tdts Orllem I , Ye t ram al month., 1 ada'attabled to leafmtd 121010 slaw - -, - Qrsidii.V/a.= 4, , ,.7 ly t tlg..l;lfilri, 'Ma ilstst Ratii.Sit r ln 'a l=Wisiir, loyal \fa k ii - by .1g" ttomual ‘ ll Lo.Aie. ZitC . rl:ll4la b, au .1.41,.. mo tha is t ei. ff,l;:ro.',..* l i`r,rei , ' At' 'V eTl'\.',l. Nii%•;gii. 'reotottm^mt ! older too th• plat, g* JdNaa F, k Allay., ' • :so. a •armorr r... 1 ' Tbma Ritmo ant waits loam! , talm mit 000 an of tub II hich spar Mier (dap_ emmpomest mama' Ur 14 .••••.• IA Um ' , Um • MI - am woman tot two Tams. uad .Job orthomy 0 . 1% , ', , a - ill last tend remAttba only to to. /4),133 I. 0.4. 40 ,rt , tt..t \ ILISEB. t JW., s , = it atte•L l'hllAletla \ No. 1, lo .11*.00 llViag.) ?AM. e 0 rt . utO IME nils, b ihoa a EAD PIPE---C'4rnen:J\ impruve4 stank it/ trod Pa. for Urals/AN r dUC tr All troirts, .U"'m hand do `Orl /640"tortt etrert., VANTDDH—abe ,q LtlidVscr.4„ . , , Heating and Vettaiat, ' • ' IATE ARP .MAKING uotoOrArtftuir.tkti.i n oo =istlaan t u M exmaaarloula.4llo4.ot**ll.l24.ll..4 pwerydosertptios4, pulak drirs Dry lag rut trosperstura4.4lW.' -r—v=on,by 211.W . f0rt:'4.1 . 111 \ rrepand.harsrr ael,ured. 'mum. are 1:17. - I.4.12 • = 4 :=. ), == fe ."4 =.7.o=?A..„7=t?' . " u 't I.lVT‘rth•r r :\‘' . my-14 f 4,,ATKL51541. Op+ _ r oby \ J. ,a IL ruti-DN,. ...\ .\ ,ut oo dko., are _ now . Sifts% Ageptp . nod* Ws* (2,0 P0t5.5W...1444;4, It LI ;it • ..n. 442 4174.4:=W:77 . - _ 41 1:0/11.J1 •Vic , • .• ..Neikctlis'O.letirated. '\__ \ \ ilOmPP.,\ 4INIIP-.9A-*: • vvgk.*EA‘,,_ , .-. xj Thesq idsolyoUtod p.asccti'hact . kmlfr iiva - , ~, 1..... \ mom , tbso Maim .y thcstoc•ltylbjc-tag , - , trst.lo r . a Iftirt=t4ll:,4Z,,t ..•,, ~ , _ , ritelscif or a. Mitkaa=r4r . ... r4 . 7b4 , & - =. • .2 . , _ 1 ,Itrcnh=4;4l,AT-i0U1".7.c.11,e9t*" i :1 1 1 " = " .. ' . ‘ l nt•lVe ". 7Agrn=l' ' '...' ' r • 1 ,, b ,c• rocs colds. rrieto ' itStiposs. ,' l.•iii ionaleijkin Losotogo,,thss/..,.., , , , .. t• • ~ rtcis;rer•ollostozot lkyylicipc , ", tOoll , ss Llistacco.... • ~...,.,,,„. kijk.3 tar VOlTOberl ,. l . belLrlellreelliPOLtl4. ' • • • :,,, IZ/147,7.14';;t1I'V=ktTO'nr.11t .. Trrf .' \ '' ' \ ..‘, \ Elfful ' , 4i ' Va7grWlrl * CA h ethfgglei g ' 41021 ' L \ \ . • • plizdscn.• • bo - has Oda Sr sdsts•OSystos. - stkv , ~., , r•o‘cric • 1.• si•ccoco3codyd..oic lbs Radon &VIM., `\ 4,0,1.1rw,,11t. bond Ssry doadc-1., • ' Sor A.M. • LAN.,:,,F , 4 ~ .1 1, 11. •• • ..eht , ,,,, ••,,.... \ _ ,1:-.4...AVISII1,=.." • E ‘,. 10W1 . ... I .A.TE,WL\ S'rARCE rpoy.: _P• lOW, for ,rolio t.suciful gi*e L.1*,3!..1.4.•\ ; V. OrA"ors, or.d U 100111.0; fig" ' ..rprerror, roo \id herluf Lipsil. and MIK .00 0'.111,111, ollorr• .1141 .1‘1 , 670.1 dotheo tarty rospoot. 7.11 ix S• iono• allorKfolt CbolmanloO - . : rurh Ihro their expettvlon rri t g . krrooloorl; 1,1,1'01 omorOtirtlr feared .T.'lOr cakkirnrao of e • '•-• 1 '. 12% . rent_ip4e:colro: Eze.4o446ltten Lareet ' . " • - Forrqlo Or, •. • 0....1 EAU:M./318.M\Wad_' • •-• • VETROLEVIL,9It f•2l 1 -lbittF42lollibtPl=h7Pb4il \\ .1 TLIEVIRTUE:h of„thr¢ retatu:kable'tem.4 .-4, A bUlAatig.frPapll4.l74trigt'Vt. .., th. ...= . , .CompsacelßVJ b `th'''''. Egille.'Tt u.,° g,, t...:4 M 1.., - ' •\ ' \s ,ty,..t dehiblafitona t01pw...14., ti0...rty".....10/ 1 4. juirckmcm Svitst4 t . anic., vusast gar,au=7,.. , .. l it t . le l isat as IE . 117:c ' ee bt 'ast .L ibe tan } 41.T"rgi , irm.r...tr:',lata ' ' \ t the STATE irrir- ‘sm.o ° . alsorilia luirte.r.• LA segfting th. , bbaga d : \ )‘jargel. \the ..au ot 'Ad el and •1542 to inany a f ugh.r.,4 , ,t.ouir htfora,tha parp.f Ind avounkf buslnooo Anclellhonatt of plittharlt Up Lb' hotrit., it had lartlattlp . P ciao drrting idart the cure 01d.**... Thanon/ 1421 .. 114124 P.P 221 :! 1 4' -.- tall funds oleA sa lo for lt: and saraeral r