The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 25, 1851, Image 3

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Vatimara Lena' xis Sm.a.,-(lsliaturWay newt
Win be Amidst Manicn same moat valuable real
estate, aitiated an 'Federal street, "Allegheny,
*rig tha Rant potffou of the Anchor (formally
Pitt) Faebny lot - Fcr the building or business
Louses us lots for eolein . Allniamy offer more
desitaild locations, an tiny:art situated on the
great tffaratigidars betwetta the two eitim and
betweed_iba Railroad Depot, and the river.
Home of Aioteuiporitrifie recommend the site
fors /met clue Floret ' li would - salt wnll for
that no daubt, and nob an estaiilialnizotia much
Seeded in that city; but for any mamma purpose
the, lots are well adopted, and val no doubt
mamma the siltation of capiSilima The Bak
tam :ffiturdar afternoon. Rae advm:-
SIX= Taxiarramax entrion.The fine new
.4 guthidalt
il fit'aolir In progress of erection In
the Sixth, which Is to , be called the
Sixth SreabyteMon Church, will soon .be Com
pleted. Thefittlidiniis et brink, end him • Bub
• caudal stone InUimicmit, oontalallig a - lanfuro
room, and apimtinents for the use of the eexton.
The Church is Mro - Wales high and is silty
six [Gatti:id:Mit with's depth of ninety nine feet.
- fn the first,ettiry le a lecture roots forty by six
ty threefaet, a sabbiith School room thirty four
by fortitwo feet; and a eedeoll room twenty
The kcitnfor the congregation it on the se
cond do* and three byearadifire feet.
The 106610, and stairways are:likewise of ample
dimensions; end a jailer, le prodded for the ao-
eotomodstion of the choir.
"Ties style of , the building althoughidaln, Is
properly Grecian, but is without columns. The
.front le. divided into three a centre and
two .wings, basing 'three:entrance doors. The
.centre le- carried up above the wings and is
eurmontitod hy s. bold ooruloe, forming•the base
'of the cupola. The cupola is of wood,. octagon
. In plea, having:ln the Bret, which to the bell
story, four large openings with circular heads,
flied with luifeir boarding; .
.the other fonr sides
an plain - pilasters on the angles having capitals,
from the. estuiple of the "temple of the wind."
The seoond; which le the clock story, le relied
above the oondoe of the bell story by twOateps.
It retains the octagonal form, and hes' the clock
gals on four of its tem* siti Sunk palmate on
the other sides; the cornice Is raised up on two
broad Minds of frleese, and aline the oornioe are
three stepdto the base of the limner."
The sitivins In the vicinity will, we understand
provide thi'ehnroh with a clock. The building
has been roofed, and the lecture room will' be
ready for °cannabis by. the let of Ootober. The
climb we learn still probably be ready for the
reception of the Congregation, by the fret of
April. • The congregation wan organised by the
Ohio PreabiteryAn Aognet, 1850: It then nom
bend elitienmembers, but now - hits fifty comma
gestate.' The Rev. Daniel IlloKbaley Is the pas
tor of this congregation, and we are informed
that, met:shore being unable to raise the re
quisite amount necessary to build the church.
the varieuiCalinrches within the Presbytery, will
pay off Ole debt which hashetn incurred.
The 'desists and plans for building were pro-
Tided by J.:W. Kerr Esq., well known to our el
.titens talented Architect - rdr.: file-
Olelland, -Mader. Builder, einperintended its
Tax' WatiwtaiTatirtr. l ,-The Warwood tam
. irllk else ia,conoert at Wilkins thia STOW
: tateknevar had= opportunity uthear
beg them; •but leant` that they are admirable so
ead-Austrumental performers. For par
ticulars see adwatiaement.
COVIIILIT; ' .oirausratenza.,-The Borough
Cooed), of Man ter, nest on Monday evening
sad 14'04 reeoht4iins,. expresisift ,or their re-•
gret at the death_ qt , Mr. C onra d Muniler, one of
Nair members. '
, _ .
Comanzu—Nelneemb Dellis,- who was sr
rioted Cornett= ligobj Mayor :Fleming and his
energetic pollee, alter lieu= resift:toe, eras
yesterday Malty co witted to' prison on a
charge et hammy. .Itis alleged that he stole a
lot of carpenters tools from Mr;: Memo.. of the
?math Wird. ••• • '
, . .
' - ftalistarrn--.S. large. militant of 'Girl=
wmigranta, passed down the O hio and Penn
ryllanla nalroad on Tuesday. '
kettot4iLl liy : 34yor ati"a charge
cesellterigikapr withot!t Berme,: ,
nte . . - Doa.-4. Meier its held to bail
on TistetlitY by ..eidannsti Major. charged, Son
oath afJ. 'Mizell, pith fatting s ferocious. dos;
belonging to him, rim at liberty. .. • • .
, SCO#MICD ;01183TO8 111271:80 . .
The'tr4ude of Sooti aridlibnelon ant it the
horitatafT.' the 44 Ward, on Friday
The meeting wee organized by
calling re -BartVEsq., to the Chats, and appoint
ing blecretay.
On'matiodiltesohrad. - -
That fhb. a:teeth:a( procaiattotiatriot the Wart
Into' Blgotto;and appointed tom : mitten of Pie-
No 1 Itckuide4 by Foulfaial, - Ohlo; fitadasky,
sad the cadal :
Cotablai - te-44.1.„Doilgts.s. Liaha, R. Bard,
Ju. Criswell; J.:B. Dalgel. Jai; Lostbard. and
•&•• Mcnatgbibenk - .., . -• ' • - '
3io:.+2.4coapdai by
,Fe4!ria, e,b l ;a3;,EilFulbaby,
wad th e . • . •- • • • -
Precualtree—Polvercl Only, P. fiLtlliott,
D., CJ Elpg 'Too: Arbuckle, Cleo. Lindsay,
P. Nihon ; cud John Maley.
No, S. Bounded by pludueki, Ohio;Earittran-
Ooteulttea—ltotratt Daltell, Dash! Waugh, A.
Bobinsod, H. nab. J. K. - Blaring&
"Botuulacl by Elandliaby,, c i ao, East
Comm9n , Myer. .
CotrunAtteogiar nog. %VW - 1411;H w 1 iio-
mair,Tß Denby. J Hay, 9ii,cmge,.46lC-444.8at"
_ .
No. U. Bo,maid Common, Ohlo, East Leaa,aod;Caoal.
Coadoittoli—Sohn 'mud, ioheo:a . rap
hola:•A; Daildtasi; 'FradoriodO-Woirodo, sad .P
No 4.:.80unde4 by Anderson Canal, '
Lane and Blvri.
_ Coadidwe ► diei Widtadlobari Beito , , W.
MeV.' Salm - J
ilitallS'POrt7. and . John Mph"
No, 4. by East Lens, Ohio, Chsettant
Commltc»--F 6rtametr , ''Jacob
Omni) .014.4..11r: walker, iuul Feist Atldaz-
No. S. Boorotai,tkrtiotLCanal;Cheettitit
Conaltteit—Zediatiti Wo ,
Liadiay, Phfip );iellotine; Froll. . •
Si: 9. Bohhciod by Cheomot, Ohio, 047 Ono,
Catzuni nez —Jan Hama' tan, Jos Jenks, Francis
Cortiiifim,itry.ers. C ailturrtr.'
"Committer at ths Polls.4as Parke, Jr., a. 6
Gray. A Camtrort, H. 8 ne:1110g, Jos Craig, =4
&Mal Tid; theeeptoceld,lngs pebilah
cl the,. Daily En:tip:tee, end the Whig papers ,
Piitt= CVO3,
Son inn Josa ix ); ,ALitrnsch—Thafriandii .
- •
of Efiestt end Johnston, of the Second. Ward,gmet
ogrOildt notice on Thursday -Bvening, Sept.:
23, and was *meal:ant by csamig B .to
• ". the Olfutir, - and appointing HU Boyle; Secretary.-
On motion, Hosolve.d, That this meeting pro
,- noodle district the Ward'bito Illocke; and ap.
point ecormittetertst Vignettes ba efeb - 131 - 6ort: -
ND' 1. Bitimded by Federal, North Sonmonsi,,,•
Beaver and Ohio ztreets. • .
Oftenniteen-,sranob Geyer, Wm &fifteen:. Wm.
.Disirig John Homey, B U M Boyle,
Alen Moore, Samuel !delver. Jitaci s a i m i s.
M ALWisite. • •
Ni.f..2..lLimided by Forth : Commons ; Beasts,
:Ohio and Webster streets.
Oxmmitten--BH DaZia, A Beckhent, J F Btek-
Itami Sanderson Davis, Jemes'WHkins: •
No. 3. Bounded by North Commotts, Federal,
• ihunmqs att.d_Beaveratreetn *. -.
•Oginzoittee—slohn .Bandersin, James Y San
. demon,- Thomas ',Wont qn, 11 J Lemnon. T
Resin, Hobert. Denver. Dcrid Cornelius, William
Jacob :Etatand, Thome Smith; Wilson
Rao Boundadbi f °devil; Beaver, Tiebstor.
! • andedy Line,
Committee.—john 3inir, J B Smith,' ft WWI
- f Geo. Linsey,Frederiot Hrore, John. South,'
No. C.. Bounded by North Commie, filaver et:
sad City Line; -•::: - .
Committee-4 - 011 Bobinsoo, :oho Gebbari,
f . ' Wm Szga!ey; !John Fitzsimons, Itioph 151,11,y ._
IMMO Werißlack, John Thompson, roseph.
• • ; Kgsszedy, John ,IFFitriallet A U'Saln„ 'Johnston
- That the proceedings of this most,
bepnblialted hi the Allegheny Daffy Enter
pain-and -Whig paper; • of Pittaburgh.
On 77:
• :a la.
11.; , • -
. .
Tim" WA" Buntlet.. tiousz.--The third
earl adds is building has bees erected.—
This school hones will‘ when completed, be an
ornantimt to the %Lid, sad vie with any in the
city.Of late years otir citizens have began to
take& proper degree,,of interest in the 'educa
tion of their childres, and in nothing is this
wore visible that' is the beantifal school honeee
which have been erected on'all sides
Envcanos—The Association of Teachers and
frleOdo of education, hold their unit month
ly meeting In the 9th ward public schoolhouse,
on Friday evening, 20th inst. 7f P. X, and on
'Saturday', 27th. at 10 A. M.
AB friends of education, and especially school
directors, are respectfully invited to attend.
80919 Interesting addresses will be delivered on
the occasion. • •
1: 1 23081:113.1.7 House.—Jacob and Rosanna
Shroud were yesterday committed to prison by
Mayas Fleming, eharged with keeping a dieor
eHy house in the Third Ward.
Now Batt —A new : bell has been placed in tho cupola of the workshop- in Allegheny City,
attached. Co the Ohio and Penneylrani& rail
road. •
RAtlf..—We had soil heavy and very welcome
showers of rain on T why night.
WH/0 Blatt:leo ill Snowmen TOWNAHIP—
Tuesday, Sept*. 22, I,Bsl.—The meeting Organ
ized hy calling Joseph Miller. Esq., to the Chair,
and appointing: Wee, fL ilicNary Secretary.
'rhos. J. Bighorn; Esq.,• . being called upon,
addreered the ineetini.
After Mr. B. 'closeit on motion of Hiram
j ,..
Finite. Faq., - the fella leg committees were ap
pointed; viz i• ..'
• ' cid CAT ALtZATIOV.
, ,
Hiram Haltz'fiari • Wadsworth, David Riggs,
James neon and John F. Weller.
School District No. I—R. 11. Fife and Jas.
• •
No. 2—John Malts tuad Wm. Wilson, Jr.
No. B—John Itinrph and William Sloan.
No. 4--James Morn a - and Wiliam
No. s—Harvey W .eworth and Harvey Lo
No. 5-4tenry 1.. loon and J. H. Cannon
N0.7 . --Satimet Wo.• and David Pomarine..
Do motion adjourn.
' . 'JOSE?' HILLER, Chairman.
Wm. IL -e llaNalv, tecratary.
iliew Foes, Sept. :A.
The Steamer Afiira From Liverpool, arrived
setter wharf at 8 o'clock thl4 forenoon She
Bailed from Liverpool at 12} o' lock =an the 13th
Instant She brings 11 pus gars.
Livat or., Sept 13.
Cotton—The market had bee scare, and pri
ces of above ordinary and below fair qualitiee,
had advanced 141 per lb dining the week. At
themilleg of the Africa, however, the market
was leas active., The Week's transactions sum
up 00,600 bales; of which speculators - took 10,-
400, and experters 8,800 bales: Fair cotton is
quoted as per last eteamer. '
Floor- - -Then is a better demand for flour, but
prices show no change of moment. Baltimore
and Philadelpois brands are quoted at 18®191
&dead Orleans at 18@19 labbL
: Grain—lndian Corn is neglected, and prices
are lower; white bringing 270295, yellow 26@ .
26s 6d, and mixed 25025 s 6d 'pl quarter. Glint
is in Blow demand 'apricots nominally lower than
1 Provislons--Beef Is in limited demand, and
stocks are reduced - Some old pcirk has been
taken, for export, bat other sales are:small.
Bacon Ii steady at former quotations. Hams
and ahoulders are neglected. Lard is firm, but
trimsactiOns are limited. Cheese is in better
Groceries—The demand for sugar is not large,
but prices are well maintained. Sales of Cuban
at 3 2 W2a 6d. Coffee is declining, with small
sales. In Teas butlittle is doing, but rates are
steady. A fair business is doing in moLtsaes,
and prices are well supparted. Bice is in mod
int, demand. /
''• Harm, Sept. 10.
The sales for the week amount to 34,000 bales.
Today, up toi2 o'clock. the males were 10,000
'balm New Orleans was quoted at 69€05f.
Uplands is 70439 f. The week's reosipta.were
4000 The snick on bands amounts to 43,000
A violent gall Ina prevailed on the rust of
Eng!anci iirerione to the 13th. The Spanish brig
Cerrantes sae wrecked off Margate, and the
Rotterdam Steamer:Apollo had met the seine
fate on the . Kentish shore/.
1 •to the county. of Antrim, Ireland, - a few days
since, whits an amateur lecturer on Biology was
kph: Line forth in the loft of • wind mill, the door
gave way pretipitating several tintidred. person,
to the ground beneath.: Four persons were kill
ed; and several othisni so revionsly injured that
they were not expected to recover. .
Btisirx ow Taanc.—Trade in Manchester con
tinues fair, and a good business is doing, par
ticularly in yarns. Some descriptions of goods
being abundant, prices see lower. .
limn" - Ileitis:sr.—English funds are slightly
:depressed: -qousolselosedanFridsy at 96E4964
for mosey, and I higher for recount. Foreign
Stooks are very dull. Railway shares are still
farther depreeseil.
There has been s good debtor reeling exalted,
bj the pit:mitigation of a decree compelling
foreigners proposing to reside In Prance ' to
obtain Inimediate WIT& 00 to do, from, the Au
thorities. The decree does not apply to trivet
leo, having passportr, it Is aimed at politiesl
refugees and agitators.
challenge has been eent to the aim. owner
'of the Yacht America, by the Beiihmen of
Borth .Yarmoutb, who propose toot one-of their
Chipper mlsl'4lll= her far 100 .gulnees.
to ueerslof the provincial tone, the ladles
hare ventured to appear the new 'Costume.
Great intreet condense to be felt in relation
to Cuban affair's, and moth anxiety Is manlftet•
ed for further news. Tint papers are filled mill
detail' of 'ttui neve received, with comments
Much excitement prevails. among the Church
ill= 11411tITO to the, Arch Bishops recent letter.
There U little political nein. Ablest from
Berlin, titste,thst the pplicer inspections of for
eigners at the different railway stations, rigidly
obserred tines 1848, is to be discontinued.
LETTER fIOM ma. meta
' Wasmoros, Sept. 24,-
, The Republic of 'this morning publishes .a
letter from Mr. Owen, the ; American Consalat
Hanna, in et - planation of his conduct relative
to the American prisoner'', ii. declares solemnly
that at the time, and under tho ciratiladariaeft,
it vas. not in his power either' to hers au Inter-
Sits, with the prisoners, or do any thing in their
The letter isyribllshed without a word if corn-
The Piet Office Department haa.swarded the
Contract. forlocks, for all way .o H. C.
James, of Newark, New Janet', Ths contract
for locks for the great through mail. hea been
awarded to McGregor and Lee, of Cincinnati.
The People's Beisk at Patterson. (N.. 1.) failed
to day ',The elrolatle'n of the bank wee small.
The Stamusrlilagars day at' noon,
for Liverpool with EW paseengera, and ',885,00(..t.
Nrw °imam's. Sept. 28. -
The 6ty 7a healthy. :The' Whig Convention
hard nominated Richard Ragas, for Con
' Now Yoac, Etept.
The Episcopal Convention for the Diocese of
New York, assembled to.,dey in St. Jobtee Chapel.
The election of a provisional Bishop; In accord.
woo . Frith the canon of the loot General Conven
tion, willforto the . principal business of the Con
vention.: toe Rey- Dre.. Creighton. and Wain..
right eeetb to be the most prominent candidates.
boarow. Barr, 24..
keectuute from Cherryfield, Maine , state that
the whole irooden country is hunting op, there
belng scarcely 1 green acre of land along the
en~ , y,aard, The dr* hati swept orer Mount
Dw o t . . - ,yeadyttit severer bonne. -, tramook is
etiferg seemly. The rc'mds are almoatimpu
mhle, froth =eke ami dunes.. The timber of
itutur c ommit fip leto damaged to the
At Nerteil, - Metee, BFAIV. I I goo) erid Reify :
. allot tto)Bodullsoloscre 'destroyed by 41t.
Paris advice* state that instrustinns ..,
eent to the commandant of the forces of the
French Idguidron to racist the Cuban Govern
carat In repelling the invaders.
The reports in reference to the pdtato crop
are moth more, favorable far the last few deed ;
and the large gratifies thrown upon dm market
have had an injurions erect upon corn, which
has declined.
The weather continues favanible, and the
crops throughout the. United Kingdom had been
very generally gathered in.
Brown & Shipley do not alter their quotations
for Flour and Wheat sineethersailing of the Erie
rope. They state that a better feeling in Cotton
existe,and quote Orleans middling at Fa and tlfiee
eixteeuthe; Mobile at 511, and Upland at Eal 13 lb
The eules of Friday were dOOO balm, the market
closing quiet.
Molter 11 13turar.—U. B. 6 . 0, 1864 wero quot
ed at 111 eull2e: do 11182 at 10710107 i; Mary
land's's 961®994..
Floor—Sales are light, being confined to the
atippty of city desloro, at s4(ir4,l2i for amni
on' Wanda.
drain—The market is steady, with sales red
wheat at 82, and of white at BWBB4 X.
Salm 8000 tut. Southern yellow eorn at 020.
Sales of oats at 32(.220 qt hu.
Whlakey—Sales at 294. jy) gall.
Provisions and groceries are inactive.
Flour— . Balel 1000 bhls Fiowgi,l street at 1 8
87 ? bbl.
Gnarl-80es red wheat at 64 - ,i176, mei white
at 75 .08:10 be. Sales yellow corn et 57059
white do. t;Oc. Oats end Rye at 11.50
buehel. •
Yroviaions—ArandWrce, and holders firm, with
no change. Card in nailing at tii€U9e in
bile, and 10}Q,1 Ic iu kegs. •
Uroceries—Sales 135 hhda lilnsoovada anginal
$4 90505 40 100, and 23 bble,do at4s 15C . t)
$5 20 10 100 The. Sales 95 bbla Cuba wt 00
($5 30 It 100. • Sales Molasses at 221a20,and
Rio Coffee at 81(t81 1:1 lb. •
Whiskey—Sales at 1.2023 c 'ly gal- . •
Cheese—Sales at 7.(1.10e. 14 Ih.
NOON atroar.
Saw Tong. Sept. 24.
Flour—The market is lion, with. sales ;2,800
tle at $3,88(71.4 t, r Stall arid Ohio, and $4,-
256 - 4154,3 l for prime (learner.
Rye flour—Salon at *3,20 bbl
(iraic, Wheat is active. with 4,700 bushels
Ohio at and 1800 lumbela damaged anuthern
at 740 ? bathe!. earn is advancing, with calm
10,000 bushels ao bu.
Provisions—Pork is dull, new mesh being
I held at $1(00. and prime at . $12,37 "t/ bpi.—
.Lard is abundant, with aales at 91e9ic.
Whiskey—la scarce at 23.1c84.30 gall.
Oroceries 7 Sales 100 bags filo Coffee at Sic;
100 hhda Sluseovadif melange° at 25®274, and
200 do Cuba sugar at Set 14 gt It.
Lead—la offering at $4,25 la ioo. '
igSp od. rita Turpentine—Salen ISO bbla at 83}c 7 t4
Linseed ea ZOiat gallons American at
Nee. lose, Sept 24
a ebade firmer.
- .
--Sales 11,000 bble at 53 76(104 tar state
tern: eked 54€4 12¢ far Genesee.
—Sales 4,000 baehels Getweee wheat. at
ales 30,000 bushels corn at 0l) -lo lb
I•iyed western
'ons--- The market is steady, with ealea
pork, at $l5 75 for mess mad sl:t i 37(4`
des--valtis 'JUR bhls 0 . •moluser at 280,
boxes Cuba sugar at ilk" afloat
ay salvi 20t/ pritori bblint 2.3 a.
.t on flour to Liverpool, 74 e 1 bbL
CINCINNATI,. Sept. 24.
The, market continnee inactive, with
• ea only.
ions—Nothing of lotportattatja doing.
ey—The market h better,. with Wes of
et lif:bl gal.
600 bbl.l
sales at
ies—tlag►r cantinuaa in active Naomi
rs..-Have an improving tendetaey, with
I 14
604) Lags MO Coffee at fitraifle
er is etatlonary, the weather clear and
New °amass. Sept. 2:i.
flrvs-u. The mutat is unsettled, withaales
VS) bales middling et 3. ReoMpte are large
And present stock 'amount to 40,000 bates.
Lard-}Prices are declining with sales of prime
in bble 'the Vib..
Sugar in steady; with tales 200 thde a& at 6k
V lb
• Tobacco, is unchanged, with farther sales of
20U bbd .
Notice to Contractors. _ _ ___
DROI OSALS will be received by thi. -Bir
k mho bate acsJ Ellubathtavra Totoolie keel Oa,
tab u . ala I the tetra toe cf October mart, kle the , needles
ry of thno heelball of the Roma lane., RIM.
It tm tual lulus itaye .
Itoaeta be mama at ths ow,. of N PATTER-,
S. Rees it, the tan Batoogh of Itirmlaekato. Abner We: ah
mat JAMES We: ElloUtHreeß*
To Female Teachers. •
/CHROME akti,EN--4 ,:atieti tor eat, by
Li drill a. 11 WICK kIUiILISI
d.l bble. for rale by
s.trtt: J. tielloo.l.llAKltit I 4.1?.
4kLAiIi3ER :SALTS--5 hbly. for male try
pl 9 J. SellOON llAlLi./1 4 ea
VIANGANESE-:1 calk Saxocy for a
br ••012 J. ODILOONMAStifra W
g ‘LIROM.R. YELLOW-2 mien for mile by
EL LEAD,-500 lbs. superior. for sale by
•It J. KIDD OM. 60 Wood at
Sew Pall D 000411. --
A A. MASON tr.' CO., have received and
• ••• r•••• O. have
Mato.. of
utiful oatouol fl 4 th is tout. lo
MP; Alrace..4 )4.410 Lootrof. sattractoo viola hm.
s!1 mite
al2 0f.i..4 quaint. WO on_ Worotol n aMo.
.prf d eot " Alci/ ' lOTOra l lto=art,74;:,l= tot "
. „.„1.
Thattlahly aanstory, bal tole • al, propotlaa
o t la Vlmigar, random It Pa parlor to CUlLigli• Water
tta thy ordinaritinrlinaw of traeltoilat and lath, earratair
Ing thy Rater In its nartionsa Sad LLearnear, and la ILI
l Afei v atery for the
r.oomm. =l:flaUltalliama
tagartilr malavr Std
nIVe" " 0 1 . b1 inle t
t P c,r% ., n t l . .• " [.ta b.
pyr thy NW mad dry new tot lb . LW, and Impart Li, It an
agraaablo alantialty by inball g It, and rubble!, It do
frativira, It will 1.214,6 be h.l. • Nat initiolas
HP& bold by It R ta.Leitt, at
riswirobitsT BOORS!
..4v, HOLMES' LITER R'f DEPOT, N. 74
Tblyd rairet,nlipcielta the I' DAL.
Model Archltact,No 1
Arthur ConPar i or a. to t • Trowels
• IttlOVLl o lEigt I d tra F tot . osi ' or
, a, Noe $,• 10,
ran Later, orifatinA t • aoatlla by A Dumpy-
LUPO. Ltritil ASP 01,orl
Harper's HAlDlallar, tor owed, t
Katherina Walton,
U. 114 lof Doarbeelar an Ille
tortral Pornarawar the Replatio In Caralnii
We-bazar 31agarliiy, for fiapt• brr .
/ha Cosaiwor; ao rel
runtaaws anti Rtaaltara, or aNape Mtwara.
kW/ Krnalant Pisan Wortley'. 1 rarala Ia th. L emu*
ranu of bachalor, book f ' ib. /Pall
Th. ter a Pala of Barrios ran, by I . It Jams.
lards Arundel, or lta, Railroad f
Dairoltora IlurUcnitutNL rap in, from th• Ann Na.,
Handy Andy, (oarr eon,, !Dr,
Ralph Rultarfoid, a ton'fele
Th. Brain II untare; awe of Maxie°
Dictionary of Yd./nude, Na 31
The Ulnae, Vide, by W 31 keypad.
Mabel, or the Child of (ha Pane PON • we of Wit.'
ha Plonser's Danotaar, S tale of Indian L'arllrltY, 01
Sperm. 14inro,L
ha Adrenturas W Paul Derlirlu3o, • Bra Plot? .
ltui Cowan. of Llienbuit, bT Dam.
Warta'or Ha Salons of rarbn by MN. Ilkhardron
I '.N ll,, Prattled , . by Ha/author of "Allot Dada
The tinier's Cotapanion, alth IllustratheriP
• Onlife Hamill,•
lb. sod illionolia
Roos or the Pon, ova. • tole of real ND 1 .1 Carolina
lar. !lent.
Thei lUD of •Haat Wayhool, tala, hy Harr tionat
The lib..; by Molnar .
OIL-15 bble. pure Liumeed,.tur
BUTTER -20 kem i for sale by
up, .1. 11. CAN YIELD.
-- -
I AHD 011.--12 ',lc Np. I Bennett tt
jLIJo CIPI mike, k.r esle be 1 11 ATA11 . A 1.V.,
. 11 0 Water mil kk.....llilmele.
ittroou zt HACH
D 1 ATUft 1.
ors Ja
Straw and Silk Goods.
.•fCli. PALMER, I (j 5 Alarket street, is now.
s • Wax, .4 DP. fin olds M . low .pnavet
1.... sal vrtata, plata Diu 1 fancy. iNsklOStraw, UWE.
...4 ott. , Iii.:INTS, Am. rov.l aed tasutlf La .ul.. for
AA jmhimin. - -
Mkt. Plactitylma ind Warr - BONNET HIBBONSI, .11
sidtto.l • at
&Xs ffiiut 'TOW* RlDlsms, A 3154.1 s.“ 0.4.1 , .... 07 ;4 4
Wmacl r.l . a .„ =aliat reams:42la geusa essortimniVr4:
1 KiPe46,l
_ .— The PILOT 4.ll.Cnus, roaster.
gill lean Pittsburgh 60 t . ellult. Gard. and Reeking
rt, every Turaday at 3 o'clock r. 1114 returning isms
oekthe-pen Gartlna, nrtunling and Pittsburgh. et.
rtT 'burglar . at 3 o'clock, •. rssse.users nod sbintsmrs
mar , drlseud UP= this bast running teuularly duri. tbg
lop watel• sewn.
`For (might or p.n.. atildr . board. .1130
• earner ITBLL3VILLZ, Capt. B. Vont: lt wilt
run ae.a regular packet between rgh, Wkwaling,
Bridgeport, and Butifieb. leering Ntrab nth every llonlay
afternoon for Welirville. Steubenville. and Bridg.qott.....
nary Thursday afternoon fur Eteubanoille,
Bridge,rt.Captina.a. Ponflatu rotunda,. loareaßriata ,
pork and thiu.b ovary Tura.) afternoon. and P.n.
artry . t . ' Yr., (nig h t or palmate, add} on
boardW. B. {S L hi - 1..61r Agank
rAetivr, CINCINNATI, Odd., John
Thranplandld boat *WI built by
aid mourn, or lbe ateuaor Ina. Newton, .04 othara, for
the Caodoso.n.atal‘Pitad.orgh...l a , and will
ever) Ikeda...lay (or Cincinnati, in place of the l'irw Eng.
k. For freight or
to. ya.U. 11'...0:411'.;PhiETIVPdi.'"'"A;r7OUk.''
WHENI,INO PACK LT—The irkdandid
la air Nickel ate.. DIU It IV Al, Con.% to
n. Porfunninilier regular trl.weekly trips b...
thin city and Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh at TO oldtak
. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and rotund..
le.. If healing every Turd.. Thura/ay aud BaturdaT.'
Louth week. . For freight or p.terarNaphly on tad.. Into
nolg AILMBTkOfiII t CAOlkil.
TI tl6 PLlWelet, AN semi) trrekttaagn . ,
Prllnvlvanta Railroad and
,Exprtotr Parke! Li.
301 tulles ilailrond • 1113 mile Cana
urrsr. Ron rtamiarrr eta cOlgroX•riutt gorrc.r.,
Two Daily Linen Express Packet Boat,
On and after rinuday, August 2alt, the
Packett of thin tine .111 loser Pittehorih 114 le.ata.rt
.t Outlet,
Ream er ed (which leara lome4httelr , of after ttwir arrival) dl ,
rret for
Ifir - Tid. through, Fort, liourn. - 4,
tly Iblr•uarr.rrguarammat P..ogara thr•dlib
HOURS hereof° ee ltert. t...otymia,lea•
ran.' travel) ...Mutt them eta arrival bi Vittladelohla to
proreed ou In Nee/ York at can
Tait* the Voraand Cumberland Rallrolt.l. Ilarrlabtorg.
Ulstartre, olghty-fular hdler Time, FOUR, tfoura
Fan to Rhlladelphi., NU. Var. to Baltr,
do Lancuter d. Her ht. ali,tal
you chAed, travelog awl rouviort Id s torotturto-
Ma lf one...ura your Hake." at the 'Hetet ORR, thnnta•
hall Hoo, of
J. P. HOLbIES, Agent,
Canal ktaatu. hiuu suer.
Mollenry's Philadelphia ik Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philadelphian the „el&
~ In k4'2 ltiVaria i ttl 9 ll l . b it . l il t " ii:l fluter.
:: RlX.74ll.l)All.lgra c ii i tlanthiTr sot.
.. RERUN, Al o tresl ' l . htulth, th " :ator 4.,
•• NIIACKAIIA.XON,I.•,) II 'lt 1 . ht. klutet
lb. a lnca atilt. aro built or the hoot •11 wont 4..n1y
materlato, and and
ear th ropidtty td t .oir .o 5
th•y are illtad op with all late. improvem to, ant mart
thoroughly ventilated. mod arr utoturpale , La thnly aro
emiamatloriv fur Sermwt coin anti Met,' r Pual,r , rrl.;
they a re
commanded ty men of • kihmled•rd Wont, who
me oF•equallel tar tholr experionn hi Inn
. erart untie.
humus derlrow of balmting the. Mind Irma Uot Oil
lkauntry ran obt•ln eernantn. hi , 4.44,,,, Width will he
good n r eight cuoutLa. and our won. ilk It. and iind Idv
vrobol will fornieh them with
pn.por Int rin•tiou and
laatrtorflow rolative le their Jeo•rtore
Par the ruovebione• of p.0.e..* • lel.o. to .en Ima
. aut.ply drat. Le 1.1 otorlltae awl uo ..I. ratable
11., y our
the naolu or Pled it. 1' ailed bane
. In
.11. - Yrtrrithalat oupphel t abenaer. 4.11.ki1s bout 1.1. v
Karr welt thy 1611 p r -tug tuyoitea will tuttd..o•l
•wk 1w0... , td 12 1.. t r a., ant •••• .: It.. hmad.
1 itka rue, tt na tea. 0, lb , oatm.l, h. It 'ties 1 It. guor,
4 . 1 b
, n . i:ltutr, Ilb .1. I A.I. 1:
,•.• • td ea, 6
?gar ' . and ~,,7*.,l , ,Tr.l " ,:itm"'""'" • ' --" ""
...4 0., ~,...
1...., ........,, -
Vu.,: n alsmt at... Wk.. re uosl Motolatita.
111 P Onk,
.111 If earn. Simla atol IA oak .... Po tordh
1851. atogii, 1851.
p o ; 1.3% 'ROUTE TU NEW 101 th 12 Fri via
Dotal. and tho arm itallbe.l. beaske.tinq Witt
1 , 1 :Irak twerp...on lak• ars• the illohlitan,lietehm.l,
lulualLos and Clumusial I Clevolabit sml ratshorgh, sad
eyeneieevie e
4 4 ; e411.`meefeenete halltubl.,
obi.mos bat flu
~1 1 m •121.Tiziz rt... Nal the indloa. mut
k 411 , 01 1.J.• I I.
I. n[aWtrohvat ha
I 011,0
mad o abote
Manes.lbw •) o
• u .1., 1
Xll avouln• 1.1... - rh, •
Th. 11•11 Trott. get. It Limo, Wt.. owomnanrs gip
lurk . It oro, ant lat l tb•lrwsetalkala wrioint ia hew
lurk oral int ruing at a . .1 1., net,. .1. • te.-.11•1•1..•
I. day Nall I
rho lap.. Pr•l• ht aut i ~,,, I..ii. low. Pupal. at
4 A al 1•11 r a 1,......, tet i• "tart. 11. .Iv Tr.rn .. I
a onroubelm. It kt F.0.b.., t ; ou i ht....
q• Poo n 444 [Atria.. h. hos 1 wt. It am° °°s• 1 kIFEI' • ..1'
We , . •111 le gib. to • eve de" e haw I. ...July I=l4l. n,dam
_. - __ -_,..
kb. lumbmg We 44444 rel 4 , tr.useet 1.• •turra mbl.
.1.0..4 an IDA* In aud remo p... i.k 7- Superior Block Writiog and Copying Ink
,r,-„ ttvi1L. 7 :1; ; ; : ,,T,, t7 ,-„ H.
„ , , ; ;;;; 1 .,,,,,,1-, ::: g. , oNE' s EMPIRE INTi. 4 7 Ne.tete etieeee.
cerise., vat,. Reamed. e• Ft. te•wpoot ' Abet! '" ' 4kl rag
reloting, ..... i ya
44. tllits.oal 1 11 10. wilt , pol sh in .... ataa Y . ~,..., i . ...rr... ,, .. •.“.
V., 4.t..1 tillt• 00 1,11 L - .Le
ktelght S..tts alb le Iletritot•l, aivlna hit: part. ;u , , 1 ,` 61 . .." .'*
1.6 in ..., at 11 th• girt.,, 61 1.1 - ..11t.... eo A • thry rt. I - ".•
le trwet.l • U sr! oil I.VI. op 1 ... At ne ~•ii.. -4 .....
• i nurtiNnlitt ‘1.1%.0•1" Ittikktrt trt,. it.. . toe lest .t. b ...ea tut., it new owlr
, it a ...sot 10.24 INA/ IhR and win b 4 ot te..l. c.o.d.
&Reunion Tickets to Beaver. 25 cents . I J... 4... .''' '. 1.- 1 .04 0 . " ... • . •'• " IL. l e et .. r..-,...
...1 ea a ••••I trr r r.• lot, wiebe r . th• ‘,... at. akk
rr 11 R hike paguienger atesMitget I rb1.1.1 yww bot Lot la. rt...., aw•
1.12/1 ER wkdi al ICU tir••• se ,
ill 1 ..... 41 ..Awd 1* Proparnt te furubt. I. tho it•d• es
lowe laadivas .1 rt.b.e. ...t I. r'•* ‘. 'o . . ... 4 ..... - , o. W t l e •be.• ..,
ota.t., ..ry day. (Pawls. •••••..1., . CIL w• reoP'...., Let , f 1.1. , , / , ..1 , lb , . tollo•tet lu • .F tett
Wt., tear. Pitteborgb at 1• at P4ehoot. :r 11 ''' ... `dr r. r 1 ....11. 3 e. WrIl• • I otte , it.t•i•
Micah,au do du a• • .1 , • 4• • lut 11.••• an Wu. 4 wt. ot Nets to,.
Patna. wtstilag to to to tow. can proout• Leek.," I • • TUltlletar 1..P1t.
?kW. to Roch.stor ant b•ok to Pittaburatu re ...•••.• a' ......... fir. ....• lielltiew,
leas. cod Le lowa 1.1 4., .va op tb• boa,
.k I:11 rokl.
1.. thalls apart. no bowl W. obetatoet• Beaver by ;
ah.b tis., an 1... ,„ ,„ , t ,,. 0 , , 1 Professor Alex C. Barry ' ` Tncopherous,
JU/IN A CAL Olt IS I. •••Ab IMLitt(' A I'M) ( IJNII•OUN It I
su. Cur Water A Paula:Al ...rlti.e..lo (ih 'r
_ •
toe. prowevtut .4 toeuttrk M. tb• halt, w. 3. •
28 NOUNS TO CLEVELAND In, c.e( sta I labdrulL sad eft db...., I Ity ~L,
,1a,..1; ••.1 bawl., itsna. tut.. W.•••••. 9..1...• It
itEgNIMM 185 1 . Ig aiia 1 :11' . ,,. ..7,:::::,...114:41-:-..•;:t. • ,
, flet h a.e. •• I 1111,0 1.411134 •11,11 ou It '
PITTSBURuII A l'e I) eltei ELAND IFA ee:ev hdLteobl..., rberta.l a 4. 14./.1.4. 44 10ca1...,
1 i . 44 4.. it. al l
Fri,'" Tarim and 11,0, ,J .i„, , • e!, ~ ..1 :I ,1;, 7,,L7,.1„,L,„*, „ i ,'„...!,; 4 1 „Lt.',, , r,.. b .. .::
pAMEZWERS 11.07 r oarry morning at 9 4 ... ,1 • 1,1 . 1
tool. k, by ol.mtaott to 11.1., thou:. ; 11} oty... .„,,,, ~, , 1 . ...• 1 .• •'..P. . 1 , P. 4
maid part.. tea... tleta •to 1• 11 4 , •.1...t...- f • .... . -I b. " 1 " .....6 ' ..... ". •". 0 of lb. sylp ~t 1., ow. y.rstal..l cis.,
la•Jltalitteol to Clovetau.l
i • 1..., b• tha lan estew tow, any dust.. gual p.bal
garirbs••to Clevolastd. 14431.
, laor. hod th• ark. of ...of the abet 01..01 0 ~0
I. (..1.,,,L..j. :41 t....a I , • hair...,-m t +Fla .lug, ••1 hate 4.1 F.ll it. propar•st ee a. ti • ha1.....1
11.041.4 16 "
•tru two thug's, wale.. 1.14 4e. lawat I ••••
M.I. a.... tht.e.h to
• ...I tot e . your Tromahrentea I tild on w • tall
CIRCINNLTI. ,t• • . aea. 7 /ewe,. tub. pp•tineat•ors
S. Ebtutato• and boots, by lb rola. I 6 /1.1,[ i .-..5...1 .. atekiliwt chain. lea. .4, 0..4 ...,• a ob.
.:41.4.1 t At. 4. 11. 61 don I e.tvinaty 1.1....1
Po.ontore Le begot, Ettleagn sal ....pit*. car. , i........ 11, ,uile, 41 111 lilt,• 11 1.
Choti..l •v. win at t1a....1.. tt IL. whtodtt I ifieelmoNa etre.. lireeklr•
...1.. it ' litatol7. antral ttallroal tar lot tkotrott. I -
taro. 1,1 Th. ohlork, A Id . Ig Itallread tu N., hn , rldo. f hat re., tat 01, lltel
and Wit.a au. arm:kW at latlgo by ot...nbaat Paw thaw-3t, lbw ad Or. , ......Ir. my ludo
WA*, law wW•r Ia 11.111. k. y 1..., it 4n tub. to (kart. I rem. w • gr... dolibl. old loy 1...1 ••• otwa anletel
nali.Nt Lunt...l 0.1.... roll C. tuut..l unbh ai... I al t. , datettuE 1 war , . LI 4 rt1....11.. tel toutertioupt.
dower, and 01...1ar. teas may oh.
.. our. and I Jol se salt to My .847(8 cal, ow 1..• •••
I.II.ARK/4 •I' CAEN Ptcobrloi..ra, ' 11/.14 e....... 1. Nut all Ms datadnall diaappmrod.. tha
ito - ust.. P 4 ,abet 1/0* *bow. Rthe.
Pat 11. 1...... tot...lino •pply to %tab 1t0... I aul rout tbert iwret.
.10/1.4 a CAL. El If 1, Aaout , 4 E TRAM)* Ett. 61 , 1 Vrmoiwo
IV, own) 44raar la nialtlaa.4.l aid 14 tr. en...ti. . Ii 44r 1.,17 .1mt1.3440 5..114 OA mithowirtty WI the
ullteatta the klomkg•hel• Ag.. ''...• Lbw •1.11 •Ible u•Il ial Pooh., ACIP. • blare
Plrriilltalaril 't4 p,...4..., ... let . t •....•tri t.. , ......... tte
1851. - WESTERN ' 1851 ! A• 1 lota.
TRANSPORTATION COMP.k.Ny 1 rze•aa tte• Wilt., an.t Naval ~,, • Nov tt Mu i
I to. 16 . tamely 1., the tors••••. 1 ow. Of 4•l4Few
I:1 LUC - Et Sr EU I Ltsts.. sod L 1....... to
1111a1114....ra11y tkoat h. newhel
I e.,""' " I 'l ' I..';',...:Tf:ot`"Ts"L'ltt:
asigg§ , t , tn. te me.. br
rig. I ••tt •••• .. *Far. mar.` .1 tle. -uatiationty. i
EEtEia :1'.., ' I.
' ".. ,
• 11. land It . •••• in Ya k.., :. .o
RAIL R OAD AND CANA I. i .. , ..r. 74 ::::t lia r II IMPw. ,I g or to 4 k e t 0.. ., f
, tt. hair, ant ltua rota,. I. grnwth toe rasaullittla J•
1111 1 / 1 1/.1
•1 , ••• it 4 . 1 4....• Mualrull 111111 amt. 4.1 mak. att.
PITTRBU R 0 H. PHILADRI.I•III.I., 11.;T 1.1 , taut 044 444 ei....? is ant ~ , 1t.......1 ill, ..11 ,
oliell •.• wall 4.1, Jew worm and uta. ohne.... din r
MORN, AM/ NEW 11)10. 4,,„ 4 , ,1„,,,,,,,, ,„ ~,,,,.,,,,,„ ~, , r .,,..,,,,,,i . , I ~,,,,,
THE Canal being in 1 4..1 ord.'', an aro ' t 't "` '' ''' " 4.. hi •'•'*• "11.. I '''' ''''t...'" N'
i 11, Iltnedelg,..l at alto Pr Ft...ha...n.1. ..FouNktous to L.A.,. tannin.. 441 a.rtnann. te , a1t0ia14146•44104,,ada app:AO tf
I l trotti th• atm. data . li.. hart ...smelt ratott 14 I •••
height. *Rh prompt...* sod r.... 1.1. Tha law. eel
cue ale penal .r.l routtvliel I y It,. preleviete,e, sew e
Cl' 'Wing trannontal. 444 ali 11•10“..1.111111 pletually at
• APP I to. to 4.11.••
mci Ward
Towbar E.
plates, IL.
Mr 11.46,
e Ovid' a
oh ELT.
at, 11
-614 ocIL
"'le* flutt..
_l o l4_
e by
11.•Vo • rn_s&. rropriaton.
%%eV. Pna
Ir. Pt llWbynb
Rfmelnog N.. 13 • 11. .Y.valif I. It, Ybßa
tIMITIrTI F P6Mi. ! .= ` .I, I LAr '"`
No 7b, Nn - 1 b .1
L PrR . . ' d u i o n m
t I 7 I IV.t U: k Yort
pftill krardb!
hag ISS
0110NOARELA &tint •
ftroormrillo and, Cumberlaud, to I.lalliptorti
•and NhilltdoLpttot •
IIHE MORNING BOAT loarrn the Intort
1 Items the Bride. 4.11 j, .t n .q . 14^1. errtrlrl ras-
Ortiot with W. aus N Ctontetleses emit AILPOLIAM.
The 1,11.101, Boot Wru4.llr IMlorpt eressless)
at 0 Weloals ei arineettne wills the c.f.. thisaterland hitt
" VlVtrgols a t ' olialtlhoote. hew,' P.I. male te.
Tb. t l .4oar~ltpW 1. bow 00 , 4 b ^Afttaak,tE7n o o l 2',Ntl
the C4llO/4 Grows envy novo. out (.Sumbezted, teisie4
MUM tht..4seubdly the teel note
• J Itt•I(11,11N, Assent
ml: Wire So 11.. Alehoutakele• Muse.
Exiiia • 1851.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
/11 1 11 IS Well 610WII Liao is non pre :wet' to
arall!:;:.l'o'..T.';'lol i/ 'nri'i*...lmV.T.Vl"..u.'-`"-"
An* nuilltleo'uf 01* lin* a„. untrin....l in untutoo,
lly. auJ eenvity 01 Ina., • s •*".,•-• was., end J.
Wu, 01 W Amin.
01 , 1 et I*••*• rillaborgta and Cletelanl
l iroTainr
Inlnpollot and rrnalt) 3,* Lstall
(„IIMIUNI1•7 • '
Vat. a ll•ung.o„pou.
t. 4,ll :;lArretU U V•llo.o ;
C. Prrullts. Ravenna...,
„ ,
41111V1 1 , ‘ l ' .• * Rttel
r 1.41 k - "4 1i
rolersna a kattletano,n•nk..•, 00. 0
ton.. 0 1•• • Stott, TO•dto, 0,
I. 11,1 U.. a Co., D01n , 14.31101Ww•
It . 1 / 1 1.0„00,... 00 .
HOD: A; 1/1111„ 1.44,014.0.
Tb•sow 110., ladesly,lll.
• JUIIN A. OAI„IIINY. A•• 44,,
WA wat., Ra 4 Wallbt4lJ , Plll•burmn
yo) ANTED--A pingo for a Moe y „Ong man
In= Wasblos ton e 011•0, with • a.••I „fot.ner,
win,* 111 11)0.103 °n e4lll • dna, 0018.10...1 „.0. the
nunnlne: also, It*. • y on win 1.1101•10 jr.n,
.0 t•An aka In • glow *J.., for • 'von out
rz , .Vdt.r.Val , :tr , :t.l'l,;7,lL"Ar,„l::,m4
MIT or *outtlw,o routnl,llo worts. Hew nil * 1 ISAAL
lIARIOW"A•Iney •84 IttLa. (Mee, Dilnl nt., ..012
.4WANNEItS' . 0 1L -L- 20 bblx. forsal;lty
41. ielll2 0. • W..11.010/101/0.
SCIAAP-;10111,Ann ialo by
ROSIN - 200 bbla. No, I, for tale by
s. • W. lIAHISAIX/11.
. _
"jrZLA.SS—WU boxen W iodate, for solo by
VI gnat e . sw , tiAltl4ll9ll.
.faj, UP. COW UODA-20 kgs. just reed awl
„.., zur i. 01 J. ECELOUNIAILK,
w pad ar.r.
fACTUILER, ficuAlb &wand (env.,
m.. nut *dal Pidlactalohis. rublkly •
....... ......
.111. JA?. AUM.
Ntl. Grocers. No, 7.71 Mari. rbil.ddrhi. .wt
Y. C. /I'C/11MA . - . . V•. 1,11.
Ommil,lort . 1 1grrbaui, tin. 41 North If roe%
00)No. 14 Seth %nary, 1•LII.1olp41a. eugl
To Dealers in Liquors,
1 .1. COMTE, Freuel. RnrGlitrr , 3GO
. t, NEW,' , Vtlittc. h.. ta4 nnunot, ,, n, tun ~prr
itit'gr.rh r :,gf Anto.t;.:!.'„=..rf:::
Bittern., Ar The 141°44 114 , 1 41 4 are ev0 , 404 thnvle ...-
Av 0..., v., the twat reevvpla 141.. in the r4vuth
sod Ilvtilamt; the quality 4011 to moat vvf the ovvyna...-
. limy °ow thu4 rhuntrle.. Dralvw, oto Invites, 43 roll sod
gej,g7lloVnirwrq:all!.?,i;V foneN [lair
to,. nev.s,lno
American Hardware.
JEILIVEN DOUGLAS!i, 3lanufacturers'
Acrott., Na. 6 Platt itreet. ,".ot,Pl
ca 500:,ar666.1 att. , at6m of Luc
liarda-strot Trutle t 6rlr Ntork of tl.lll.
tre. the Maoritablurrnt, mad for lavorabl. trans.
Steam Gonini . unlation between New York
and Glasgow.
fail; tth.gow p,ml New York
Steatu U sblp Coutteiny'e powerful
etuni.hip LASOOW. 1.i40 ton. au dun
ton* power, It. Shearart. (lato t Cu
nand steaturra,) commando . , app - dated sa from hew
York direct tar tilaaoow,td4aturday. the 1111. id...deer
nen, al I:: tddlork. noun. \
Fltr; Cal,ln (strwanl's Ere lupin\ led.) • . .00
No oteerard nali.euger, token. •
Thaw Inelud• provisions, 1.1( not Ilyupta.
•hleh hoi honnt nth... Car
rirraLnr .r4r..urtari;l"4
Pnn. f , lP ' ;‘ ) s;:;,, .
New YOrk India Rubber Warehouse,
Nh. 27 ilaiden tont, and No. 5(1 Snhnn sired,
Ira edro.r trona Itruai Nat . Vaelory Oh. Id,
r 11111: l'ropnetor of t4ti, e.
taldlahluout;would Intorm him old rustonarl4i, Sad
tuerchants konarally. that, he la dilly merino, hunt hla
factory an unusually large and erdellent of Immllr
flood. nutnufaetunal for the Fall 'frt.',
and which, trent banns Intnallored I now and Int
Ct.% eTulrtlri!VOt i r n t '
nu t2lgt . tt ' l2l.:4l•Z ` lLlL " . l"'' '
.14,101 attention eouttnues to oe nald to the manutar
tenor ogur,4 sad plata pAltll I AU t: CINTII, or all
ham 11—t to 6-4 Ineluelve: The Artiln an, rarefoll orlet - tri
Lh. bre, brautte, and spread with the tlneat out, rhlrh
Math. wine) to patent leath•r Hr, mauuteeturr,
thr cxsuctel. Clutb. high!, important
rurll dler.otered, LI attach the cloth Is :Bade t., hear so
exact reveint.latn • •natnrled it
,old Wain nutil.
made and
a. uolial. Ilnleraahouhl aneelty the vorl•ty
desired. •
01NRSUIDES..t- full otack of all .11.• all!Nrent oat Id.
and randtle... rnitn Ito. Imported Pars 1.• the re-.
nowded illuas—stabtarlug Men', Wutueu'a and
Chlldrirtin hoot, (hoe, Slloner. and rands!, %Freund..
Furred and Lined Itubberr. 21,
• • • •
A re.atete 16..3i - truant of the fullowlua se.,, en hand.
Blaelutuehee, Poneluat, Pa ntr,l.lle P .... re,
Drlrtut Worn. Iluumuillana, Koreas. Jacket, Ver., lieu
~lau,TubateolA Ileltlug,ll.alleinheetnau,
llorw Caren. Itihlps.llrn Ihrrupe,uti,asu v. N huul
der Nrseee. Paper floldere, Alr Italie, Dull. awl bingt.d ,
together with evrre derwrlptlon of Rubber ,
Fula maunfveturer n 1 Vulcanized Nletellle !tubber Ow,
Syringe, under Moody - var . ., Vann,
The dead rill lArood •11.1 AP,
T•Pli•• of Chapped Mende, Ideachlng thew and Iteepttue
thew whin and sun.
Pun Rubber Cetueut tor Hatter.' oar. •
/7179. D. 11111A111 AN
Shawls! Cloaks! Kant:Mai!
sES. Sit LI.S, N,l. G Cortlandt it., N. York,
• s•••• etutlnla at We Shaul Wan.huure, a 00.11
of fall and Mluter SILAISLN,remah - tlng GI all et
of houtuh and Domeetle flnJ !nog Shawls. to...glut •lth
Dill iseurtment uf, Freud, eau Vienna Fquare and
newt,* Shawls, of every 'nude
Alan... extensive ntuet , Cohurg,
dada, auJ Velvet CLOAIiI , , MANTILLA& SAOICS • 2c. of
rariuu• 'Lau. eud akeuulsetund fruu, l'arle pet
ter!), •ul ble oleu Importation, reeetwed,,anly Per
11.wer t.ntenr.
Ile lnrila the aped. etteutte , n.rl Soothe... aud Il est
u ;
nsurm. tu che elt, •
Shawl- eupertur hltoD STAN, D eatuhltina
euJ Alaroui.e. dreeee,l le ..... Prna •u•I
a, 1J sod r•ln't•
To .the Public.
I N DIA !LUBBER SHOES.---Our ultrntioh
• , Moo tall.. 1. , so adverti.tat•E t t Ity 11..1,4 It 5. 1
$h Noy 1..t1 nr IMt .41,1 , 1.•tt.;
Pb, Clourler Ititotsvr ~t *Awe in whieln idles
=lnt utazuru.4 ,:f our •Althlry. if he , that dou suu ,h.q. 1.11. .tt 11 W.W.I(
R. Itahr hurnhaartl our Wear. Ihr tho121.1l14.01“ al
ladle Lu 11.., :M..* titht•r ha .•••el hat... awl p•ld
a,I1( n. ,••'. 41•••
n •.t.t...
.t...•••nu stiotht 6••• IL. 4..1
rain.: 11.. n ;.al. • l'alewt• 1% •
5•511.5 jrn .l l''trtlecn• • rt.thl. In Ist. • t•ll.l . ps
tint, than t.' WWII,. It. Mt Uht natl.. t 0.... I
•clu,•l•3Ant 44 p was'. ilfint, wad. a ••111.meht ituJ
4,4 lu uul 14 W.... Li. uut.ut.
Lill IP.. 0%14 to
ral•l• 14.1Lthy.r.
.41.tml••• • tan. It a., Le • latch. n.ohJ•e•tion, phret.h.l
eni• ta.ttl un..l.t an..l I. char, I
4 .11; l ' If;rt;:;•,t17. ant 1 h ht., nut own . 1 •5110tu1..., •I1(1
ph - 4.41m Itt.nn t'ut•nt.. tt....thatn, nt
.In_ • nthn'ti L. ..21...ray 1.. M. nut,- L 4•• tot •
hntn..• !hat t.• sad who hot.
.Jar hi• Ono., wa..l. in mt.! •••••
out ht,Ltt. atilt to ••••••runa
Shit h111111:11tnt,
111011 AS HALF.,
f - *ONTINUES his 'tonal facilities tv rig•tive
th.1.01.4t ..4 lAA Illittats Coast .4 /10. r.
It....noutaa—Maaata , _iodine • (In.
Mean. Jc.• Qui..
Mr. John A Vaught, ap• ryp r
![III AM; A I. I CII4NEAft. 11.1 3 41. t.
I:44•l•l•Miukt4,ti Camtulvluu
Nanolst arp? 3gratislttll.rt as the.
Ild.t lesse.SatrA - :1.. sVi b l ' .4.4ott• ElerllsA Cu
AVI ItTfLE. Attorney ut „Law,
I •n...,,inalaska. rt Loutey,llo.
e,annunicalnn• vu,ant vnt.kly
I.IIOIIN If. HANK IN, Attorney and eoun•
1 , 01.1 . at 141., awl t . ..wroulstLaist IL. SW.
7:4',l=Vi.ii, : '," c ' e •l ii... " ; "` r " ..l=l:ll2.v,,a a
mow, Arroomk. Julok
/1 Co. Stlmltly
trNAR cAtlsTte---S lho, lor null I,v
I/ it'; J It!I Ida •at
! RI R.BON S !—W,” are crimping,
me u... and taantiNthunnat acrd ttorit Ittittnna
attain *11 , 111.11Y bill,
hltaa Mat *tn.. LAIN BLACK S S.
Iliatea titti ha, . Jail rod a tit! Mit , ' ...taint or
taraltaaa Pan t
blast CU. tnittper r 4. llutara will Jn s•t)
Ulu LA lISIES—A. limioN
On are now ttoilag ttul.,thaliattok natintatilint
rep 4* Lila.. at lait thin ...stain Oat. anitA,
- ton, I;i;;11 uitl - 1.1dx.,
itrt In iwun4 PaPita, Int mat hi
sa g % ll. ItALZItLL
11:11iE FATE, n Pule
J. P. 11. Jew..
p1a . .3 OpPt stilt. Al*
Pon Oft.,
Stiiriug Titnel, by
tit'lrri.liP4 L l ':
r. tumc.r. '
I 111rJ
- .
GOLDAM) 811,V Ef
at, •stwl
a...tartar:4ll ' l
ttat ohm' , att lea 4
awaits -
_aw •
Mut , Watch Reskairlzat dam
hatt .tat mutt a‘twttrs,l4.
"Itr f it*
u. O..uotlDx.
K!“le4, aua at pt.r.-•
lu lb. gamut, 14 lb.
Id Cuutin
Croam; *--t
Combo. lor bale by
ALERAI'I7.3 —5O b
ai0(4.1 4la
J. D. CAN/IX/al.
AKE F1513,-5 bble;:Whitafiejii;
Ltna ITbbU. Lk.
bblo. No. 2, for wan GI
• J. B. 04.NIZIALD.
T"LET—A hag, am! ninverdent
wAREFIOUSY. on •treet, beterteio KtN
ant emilLt...l4. •
• .0 Sal. fl JOlrssivx_
Great Bargaita_
A M•t
Ai : tiliiN . 111.1liSt; fo r merly . ki.tit by
/Lt.. en bow hy J tifferrii et privet. eel..
itiJ d
cipprieite to (:aril Beiittt, and ad,..lninx
el the Y•weeser
t ism—La, terat..4 tl.touP.4"ru
ert . l.teri r ti " yrir r,' lil 9 VlPftlCLL
Liberty •t, ttiltuttio.trst.Ni. of the Mate of
Private Residence for \Sale.
PROPEIiTY i,loffertNl
low, tai Leah.r neraitrawalottun tr
Is woe( ni Ito, ei.,l. laitpro.l lase
l.; Ti..- .ituntiou istsiurpa.....l ale roust
tit . 7 . 1 1.11x1ide14,4 a moot .ier ot the tit, in 1114
laugh and threel'.... 41•nrei I. rIJe. togutheotner.
went to the port of Pili. mr■lt rionliininst In an
!unit Winn.. the alto/now. ad I. }own country.
Th.- lot r l OLi.lieg near on arn.uf h.
tats lauthired ou.l tint hag howl • rotating hid/ fon
and nit, feet an on thaarosetnenf
new: the Ina.- taut, hunt Jo rowlern style. of the hest
material. end in . the to.JI manner, hartun relay tlat ikill could ollagnat. anti
dne r.-rd rennony Three I. it orn of excellent tro
t.or.V,h;,.i':arnd.."2.;;rltd,rfoard",?d,fg`l7tl'.:.liatT. Itr\
Let". 1.,
sDhrtelale.lxbort. Jatuation and adv.itagea rota oat/ la.
I' o c a a' lly ,. . " & "*"` ; ' ,4;f
war I•lrSite't. 11,1,1,1, ever, luthrma
lit. It la • rare roan er for ....ertsr.t..; delightful ...-
den. ot t,, now. on specula..
eeti l : • • IitVIN. 11.1 reread at
Real Estate.
4 . '
lOR SALE— and Lots in thy
ttfth it end Llbort, ntreet. oaf Ilse nth., In
sug2tl tf I dournal roof
peeES . ll-tA BLE F'fillliPEliTY the Plan;
au Allegheny. for eatenrtarh.wan tar city:
ntrett .tlrldge. the eqt.enher Wt.-. sold
naroutiOntilut 1 ...rn.,111,1ett hr. unit own:01,1J. lot IA 40
fent trout tan North Coual street, enowito bort to Lllorti
Jar6st Janie 2%, font. near war 11,11.1 311 berth,. ohleh is
. grat :', .. - ro r t i .Csl ".. ;:t ' g " t 7l l:2t ''. ::: 417'11' /71i0d,.."11::t.
[oration or One Ito., in Allegheny. 'll..
141 . 1i1 r. :PK 1 " 1
I J on
I Fill 013118810 N A.
intOCEII.3IERCItAhIr o 4 oc.auntuo,
nog term, 101 0 11 vOO rolustslAlAll . l., esnle fronting 2.1
feet lab 10 , bel oa Pool. Laue, AllAsitienr CRT., and town
Itto. Ow Vent.. and Oblo Inning.. 1 within ...pave of
the nein., i and extend/sigh,. I, to Ili. t'anal 800. there
, hh r nr.t 14 «Inter
.heny en,
inr l oVtZe r' fing ' i ' l ' e7ot ' or It nrktielerON__,
ann. • cornet of 31•11-1,tpird Thins suo.
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale. '
SEI'UATED unlit tint Ohio cud Penn.
o)tlvanla aalltoad, Itt the vie:luny an nolo., mat,
arm Ming fnm IW u. :?AI Jr.. ouch, and In ast
an d ann.
or cultivation.
ALso.--IJO TOWN Linn. Watson. lb. nr.orentlhu.ineat
It o 1 tho vllloao and the Depot •r Salem
All of olden; will he oulil ott eon Lerma to IL. Par , ha•
I she; to .1\ unto a idea, of ground. alsololng
Deg. gniund. to a coaapetrol Woo or ...tool. enAti
Pert rt.. liotel noir, 'nu *twit ...Lt
1 pIILI.. •tuisnlylAr• wrath wskr..
t. , IJ••
Lanni .tad Cleveland, alma. hetswen nnteLorgli'on i l not..
ton ot. the logien', to he .leriyel front the. Plonaltosds
two being rountructen Mond 'mut tal.m, unoteitAt in. of
the mt. , Matontant 1.1.• It. nue. m.o. nor • Mat
rlm llotel Z (WI. ilTnatiT
Solon, th, Jun t, .n 1 —1 ,irS ',
For Sale.
A LARD? lot or pikeaground eitiite. in
za . lb . ,, n.,-.1 .4 the :sty ..r. thltobunt h. (thhotthi
about hO hrt nu I ot Ilea street awl
o patmilt d tw tt . oth,. font ottwl I'his Properly in I.eae.l i
the 01.11/4...t0. au,l,au tho '. Holt, 4 tha Pt... nod&
Sr the lale.. liethil. the, ..foald the 4..41i..g how. at
• II 1e.......0. L., oppt CI. LW Ilorgi N. •Ull.bill .11,Y.i
etthr g I' ..r IL. 55.511 . 5 r, ot Sue of I. tasteful .11•01111,.....
won.. •la ... l/ LI .wallet teloatuouta• i
l'er . t . tr- , • .1.0 thst.litolhau.looott , l.: haltouee th. floe ...plat
" 71. , k ' t . . ' 55.1'
iVoivi tnl %V A Tr...J I N ' , ZAV:i 4,
S. U. I..tkolh atteet; •
-. • •
1, 4 1 01 L ItEN T 'll.. g. Kt.. t r.v.
.2 ILI. Om.. henitll•l4 e• et•• 1, •• Ihra
nom la wit hulldlng .54 qt. paltrier,/ acul pErmrf•Pli
the •htir. Of
t•.•••• 1.1 0 .1.14G,1
, X 1..• 1,4 uu /to
*c1...1 110. r b•• • hath e... • • , •..1. •oh Loy .51 m.iti
wal.-r. • •t•e
t 11.•••• 5.14•41.11, • • cut•irrel•••nt. hiSpair•
, lINto
••1•1‘11 1 .. r
1 1 ISL
. .
For Sate or Ponetno) Lease,•. •
lituirry.TittLEE BuiLpiNG LOTS, Itid
out 1.4 h0..0.1t1 tb• .1•
1 •• 1 1. , •• or t 4 fry4lllo4. 1,4 h
two, Lau.
/15., 1., nut tor "Lat , 1,115,114 r••••.,1L.,•••h•• 01 Lb.
••• 114 ow U• 1•• lata•y‘
IFIAL.O , :ntel
11.• rt.l4lllle, .1 .411, 1.5). Owl .1 ho mo.
Ith •tl••••
U unAuL Rli.6fl.n
Real Palate for Sale.
X VALUABLE uttimprovo.l LOT. on the
Au., LtOarip sal la.loq 11111. Nta. o
be lionvoat'ai roma- llaorab. zal kat fox. Lo.
tI AlI .u 5141.1. Lae. Yon..
41..--fto. larva. wry an.h p (Imo. un
atrart..ah.aoina a, OA Sa. ll , 4 llroag 5. 5
Saaa Tb. iarao aul coo wombat.
rt,lo. ao‘J aaal4/1.•
*any ..3 rar, taluaLle 1a1.../AmooVoLark.Ouigh
Vara, 14.; row pahla:
Afar A kagobol . 21-1 io o.oot, o:11.•
Baovor r00n1,,,
I,loea. ty.t.ta o'oal oar.. 4.0 r o
ir.ri 1 411104. Lt. , •.111 0 , _I Oloola trrr4
noolarato goporo 51
• •L 11 iiKritiiis•Na
• ta.../.4, • it, es3.l •••11••••11.• 41.••••••
• • • - -
A Good Bargainunti Otreied;
VF .41.1.Ltewrity, Kt; OIAL SOON.—
nee.. toe/ el:At.e. Ie Ilueue,leete/ruelte
L... OM • I•l•4.l—aa IL. 1.••.••••• •• • 11uld •
Lau 3.14,
tb-remmr, pr,yerty any t.... 1113
gut., lot, &al .014 al • ,1-4 profit l'oroomr• d•spar.l
pun lua• a.t• /JAI/U. Al Lk VC,
It• at
The flollege of Bt. Jatnes. •
elp111: TEN 1l ANlsit'At. SENsION veil
111 apeu..l4 tulut.t t
`l l ',2`
••••.1,1 3 . Litt Ls* 1+,4...4 *I out alum IL,
atul tla•-,11••1• I. eutiutat.l 1..... Ow 4.1... t 11.1
11111 Ls• IL. •enta uwaul•Tr .4 -liars., al
ttweppeastahrtn. 80 • . ..141114
11 r wrIr'se—...1 4 4 ,4 .441.04. a t
L iT
wea 6 , 13,1.1, s the hwas, twil us.
, 'JAW 4611,0 J.. was.l• tr.:wt.. awls al try
ssasa th.c.ler,haa.
••••• larerlaers et ilas Prole.
. 4 ,4 lb. 44.4 - 14.4. . 1 .41 , ..5tury. L. Wel:l4la'.
I 10 lb. ler.Onsw 'seta,
s le le- 111:11C.CN EL* etwly
leas.lll , l. sr44 .a. &au.. wousw.4 wlslitleu.l •14•41.41 t
iiad. 4.41 n. is .44111•14 L.avnlul..B4,
al. 41wwar• freh a tT• 5511..., (awash/41'
h 6111 . ! HALL. • •••• no)laarw. 6-.• 10 44s slit Ls'
1.01 tar •rnesp..ll.• In thr Tesat... ea 114. Tswana,. wwwou
saallthahla <ha Fatwor Pro} -Tr.. Ih Tru•l4.l
tlt A•sa., LL .
tut., .sa Chall .1 EarLeowalwai 1..•. owl !ulna 11. •Ir.
wag., LJ. 1/., Iwatursh• Oa Ph 411 s. arel elowaortar
Tl 4. • L•testargs t.* the asswen twauwouLlza 1,11•WOUI.
• VI
ha 0.1144•• ran,lUrawausa lUtsawls la larti'butulrea toa
t ova lull., ,4•1•01. aarsulwasneslar 111 auS•awre.
Lc sashUsiwa 1.• wads to
Julll h1:1 1 / 1 .1.11 . .1. D. heTtar,
(1 , 11... of 04. J.,. 1,„ •
P 4,2 Is. , Pur.nuryt. 'Watts, on, 5UR 4 110.4144e,
u ' aal ' art .. •;l;%Tr ' .l l ;lar 'e h."
aswl•4ll.• 4 41
University of Maryland.
~r . E N ENT SESSION si - 111 lo,rin on We
• . 4 a.,
.rath, 1 4 41 J
I, h•thr. h Naha, 11 lo hal i•sa,_
so L • AIL/u, IL IL. Lissualw. •ua Irkwashasr.
Ii 1., f
Lwaythlwa 1181.4. is Mehra.. ..4
tra5 " 1 ', 4• 1.4 0 , , 1 1 4 11 " .
141,14.141 11 1 Lau., (I 1' •114 Ilawwww'h1.14.4 • . ' -
uses rvl
, 11 41/.o.lwhisr:ll L, I'.Lbrale•S.l
• Tb• newt amply •10•4/111011...• (41 the usts....rtiou el
allyelleal *hewn, al • olcatrratr
4 1J11111,1 Lulu. taus war'. • lewd.. Ls l'hshanacralhnlll.
arthe Mae;llw lialtawsur letnahaa •111411.6.1•1144,
L ..1414. wath..Bl char.. to the st•J•sl
tOu Wiv, -
.ilra4ustwo, 44 " . " 4
-.Sto " p l t s ..utk tit''"
Kentucky Mutual Lee Insurance Cutupany
GUARANTY FUN)), 1:111D,pt10
elnd Y offer. to the.l figured. 'all
LLL et the Slut.] tod.f.i.hlt
(at /0..144. apPlog) =flattened, nateeke. Lew
_titts• kla fulaual return In .aeh the pee
ventage tratilml lot the et.utlneptnt rill GI the twat; ea
etleetualt, but not elcalutlifproviatoo tar the future beet,
uteinhete Lt the whni. to..
Ne litbrent In lite teceticuulatltta fund ....tett to such
ottaLle at death be moult. tad( 1...1..;
• te u ttrentr.ilto4 de.2l:ted k 1 it.. teetuearteld tteeteeitr ut
atoll terpt nnottele, and .le ted lb. preeent 3.olsnly .1
-thee. to . Eby anal. let.t el life.
• Air Thl,lllllo Gul, 11.0.1 W. l',•mytail
wh tkl./ GI .wan 11.01• I a lout teelutael stand
ant, with e pt.t.latao Jur su eordtallt eeetttuete
Ikthal laud. (Mu I alunt ihocurllt)lla etiGol imptrttkett to
the amount t.l tualnate an 4 the tortes...el tiet.. 4 .ot kJ' ,
tatuatiaG. albung the number*
t t emPlalatt e Huta. in tletalt the plea and,
tfate. of tin Centleasit, teruleited ttratis. end apwilesinots
.lrtumr rpc..l•••J etwent,
in. 4 ritteett.wh.
5.0),. (ottteueltt. Ntedival htaeutnet
Jr.. if tte)
. _ •
. •
- 41 Su. 62 464 .If4rke .Wort, l'lllabulyr.
A A. MASON & CO. gr. sow is ddily re
.-i.. nolye 01 paw Cob.le /zany .4 • 1..1.4. bay. bloat.,
1.1+4 eip.r....(10. for their we1e5,t.....C.../ eta. en Isinnouse
...rt.., .4 eb.4.., ii6c.lo, .....1....1•4 will. er...1 from lb.
1, .7 . VI! , ' 4 1, 12. 1. F1 t g ve--4. i.r:,,rn...';.....:.-..nvi,T.4„..:2:
. arl..ty, .uallty, sod low (11 , ....1b5. 4•001 10.0 1 1 11 04104
10 Ebb. city The Went.. of wh01e....1.. at. 4 ......e/I Fur
rneutte Ie reeyrtrully 0,11.1t..1 .
.. , use
114 1 141: ; 311 CitIOCEHIES Aryb' SUNI/H.IESI
t (ri rl .e"l f ' l 'f{Afsr. A. an.i ari 0 . , .t.t C2, 1.
MOI rat. b.. ' .. - A 1..... weeorto4Clultlt , A \
no 14.. s eliult• Tube , ...... 4'" CAt. 1 ..... , ....B.(1\
A rrro. 21111..r . 0 A ./.1.1etr..). If eruner,
1.101 Cut Tuba..., 11l butee Abh....4. 1 '...1. en.i
Win. neva. Feeere; 1,41.40.4. y.
Wet. Cum nod 111 111 , 101.4. I 1...• 1.2(0.,
111 ItgattoCuftee t. i ?,.. Itaet etAjtl J‘Sl • O/11
'At .. 011 70 ' 1 . :J:!' l ln • 1 ' ' V1•111 ' . 1 . 9 1 !411,1 ‘ . 4 ! "d
.N. .
.. Mat Caudle.. Ili bor.. C1...11.... I . loe,
10 ...1+,114 • ;LS Joe rateut Mo.. Welb
.1.0 - Mont.! A I.loprd .. I , Cosy,
(.0 , ex./. ilrou.el !Noe, COO Jot lkorll 1t0,.....
o beds Ceps>. A Venal., . 11 n01.1...1. elO4 tylelibY
./ ,II 2211.1.1011 e a 0.1
....112; Northeast ...r 11.04 and 1,02, 01.1.
--.. . - i
g - NOINE HOSE—ZOO . fent 2. tnoli l
• 1.41. Cubbel (lore. bronAlit 0111 rll/1;//111? b., 1 0,1
.11. DO purr...lnvite the Wire benveinveev ~v b u lb
. ICH to Nal sn.l exantbab theta, ea tbey ire warru.tro to
r . ... '41' :.. " ....nr1::(71:1 " T • t " n:,71. ' t.r . t. ' t o
tar . .. u' e r..: - :...11.71.
1111• 4WD! y 11111 be refulb...l or the Co., `lt .4 11, new
01.1nn J .1 C CITILLIC.
nnann . an 4 I. 1 11 1...1 et
It i deobiOTlVES.—JUet rev 'll, 300 teat IS. '
Sim Sabha, Ike., for ?flog 1e....m..41,ra within...lo
a Lot water. It ( ( gamut (.4 *urn... by an, 11.0, Le It
equine no Arree....e. lo ywrf,llyttgbt, anti 4ot afecte.l by
~..,,x 4. ,. for sale et .. J 1 11. 1 . 1111.L1 VW ~,
Astute 1., Lb. CsouteetnterA...:
HAMS -500 pen. ettllcalitle.d; - - . -.77,
IV Ceres. luny eu2.l:
' reeks Clem; 10 otoyw Awl Cm W.' g
Nee ~ . 110/111.00. l a / 1 1.111 AOa '.
LEA[ .1100
pigs Cisions; , ..• , .
L.llOO. lbw, An . snlely 2 ' Aultil JA.l.l= lI
4A. CH.411.40N At CO:' '
u9AR- T 45 , .
1,,4°51: CVIGVA.II.
jtV rredt.
\ \ W I,: i . but Alxulei24.
kat 1311 Female nglicVand Chiaseeni &hoc!,
rszru. . 2 .lsauvrt corxrz,\ t.i‘
.lA.II '3 NUS dN.A. AL , PRI NC, , i . "... •
T uts I.NSTITU ON: will bt opell Mr th , '
~,,,,..„‘,7.,,,u. alg and letuale) ug \ 3.110ng, I
Isareglion lA. 11,. cone. a ingtruction acgitarig,.. an I
th. Wrng.. tan git In W. l Academia. and. ilngn. 1
Illushglinna, gni bra in nln all bran" annual.:
of then, TI g Soil , x , gz . oror eg rltt ui agtongive and
voluabln Pigkpoopb NJ tag= • and afronnenea.l,Ab ,
pawn, roe (Imo coo na Inn igirtgulargg.Al
mferetn-r. utdreap We \ Principal.
Mllkln•hunt A u.u.lM. Ina.— , :-A., , Lgrinnl ,
• `
Pxwand'a\Tome larar e . , .
N. sl
Rotrand'i Compound :...?,,,,,,, of Markt errs ; Raa : i
'IliE ONE et' nniver\intlN eltn lished e
4y ( kly PEVEIAANI) Adel:. i1,.,,,.h equally rain.
. , • for .T 31.11111 LX/MPLAINT.
Tin- , ..... P.rony V. 4 1,, ,, , ,. 1 , , -,.
gine. ni IL t. , 1
eyeing !UAW inul -re u
Iseptanogrlon:S gole Aleut fig Fir ',,,
kSiTOCKS FOR SkLE:----''—`
kr. .hang PrgAnnekg Field Pi/mg Runt
I .. , Allegheny garLogi, Ilistlntion:
Igo - I Ado and l'annaylgania fiallmaA.
..CI W Llsr Insurance Cotatu. • .
eston:l le.
io - Cliff 11.1naeoul Toe .
in k- L \K"Mg , of
Stock scut 11;lehanan,31nk,,I.
-- ---- . - -
\ ,
- Notice. •• .,
Ta sto i c r, k ..4 6olders I. , f"Th ip fLi.eti l sz!iti
of Eire Dollw per ototrelA rap uhuul to t.,,er0.1.1
ou or IZ the Lt day of October nezt. ', .
II order of the Board of Dlrortorr.' • 21 - Irtdz23 • AL.F.X.IIAIt NM/AN, ?nit, .
- . - _ - .. - ,,.... - c..
Stone liTiare Pumps, for Wells andcistertut.
THE 'UBSCRUIER ifaiorms the '',.. publi C - ,.'
Met he Has Introduced tato thf , real. the ATONE I
tk MAI_ ,P.t. muaularturnd by Mer_era E It. 3 C. J.
Munertl. of htldrliehury. baratalt rOunty. 0.. which hare I
given each nalltersal aatierattigux wherever turd. The
good gualltiov el\ the.. Pump. are. that they ant ually
worked:web:tom or , •er getout of lame, Amp the water
petfeetly meet an am'. ~.r. as durable anti.,
recta' The, &tie el cLo‘tv. Ihi, ran 1 1 . er
Canfield'. t0we1..., No. l•rd Etrat pa1...4,0t et low, Hr
tt.e store. on Liberty • eel, twlo* St. ..lair. Ord,* tan
at thuee plat... will te, Pr.. 1411 fllled by the enbeerlbar.
blotto Warr Eli, menretutql at the ono Oars, and
need for eonotylng nate fro. apratga. or tor hydruate.
In, be toratehed It lo ot ell pizee, and re * he tar.
0101 ed at it.. thew nue hell the price of lead pH*
te:Pidaeteli \ \ JOHN L Oltrata
Notice to. Cntractors.
EA LEI) PRCWOSA.I.43 for the Excatatien
H,trge.t ue.hed Of tbp tor \ orpTkie tittle e..,,, AIM Bun
Itnad." •1111, re.,etypel lip the Prerklent of the COX,
pout, until the 1130 of
. Hotpt•n3tetAttevt lye aad en.
vibration,. can be ..en —•..- ~ a • , ' t n .. hr oil.
upon th.. Pre4dpr , gineer of Itte
opeer. et the 1..6. In
. MB )
By I
Hu orden
Ita ofll the iidard
t... 1 Craw
_ . _•ttett!!_d&wl.l3l__,
- • STAR "!
IVarellowAi—N o 'l7
1,1011E!1' ISrr 7N,
~,,ria,,,A- 1 :40,1re. I
They have appruptl..
toSritMetilring Fri •
WWI., CIIAIIIPAGNI,I, C 1.,. .I.l.lftrii#:i.
.1.=.1.1Uti1i1...;.PTi1.,?.1V14:4,./...1.V.‘" er"'':
, u , c t," il. " ..Z`j.l. l 'L ,- .7., 1 'W., 1 2'.','1L:.174, 0 i n f.1.: 1 .4 1 ,7 1 1 7 ,N
I.t. hope, by tarirt ette.llol. h. buour..n met t•
• -hare
u pittrousgA that toe beet. eateadett tae her ont , unfartir
fur L h .`L's".l' , l=l,4;.'.!.''.l...t,,V. f t .11 '.: \•!I"'
,rtiewhlreatenlionpaui I. pri Net , .rn , !..... , ' 7 ~ 7
,Ols ... , rent\ i' ,t , ldi.
~ .
I 0: . EN 5 1 QUIGU, Manufacturerw ci(Spri4
,_ lr. Wirer atee . l. Pleugh t liteel. :teat Plringb Hi
C a...1.r. r 4. s i. il it ' ot . . l ':j:T , R.,="Vwda !, '!:„,,f4::, ra
Coetehlrl , rmtte goterellr, ro . ruil of 11.,. and I , ,ekt Ito-
\ 44 - iiNViifferd _ ~..
vER 'rift: WATERS . HOW, by U.
Pun I + hll:4 , ln AllViTh A/ ountalubeisy. h
114 It 0 INSOTT'S Improved ]attar of -
.11_, 11/LLOW Ducx AN n ~./.liOAl'lR/LLA. I. aror
pill “,.. sit,b. 15.r....i.t.1 Duffle, *MI It stkirtNit•ctsl•l
tt It, Cl.. RRSI . SARSAPARILLA mar, r it no - M.
er, th. soodro:fal CURL:iII hi:. poriattool, tb• original ,
ot,lo ... ertdolt ar. to Ms rryyyrn o Ito primietay,
Ibtrorither. thltke th.,boly Era, and oriontol argots.' • •
Chi, saaltritor / oto. u... 1 accurting tf, dlr.:Rona
\ ,
WILL \ CORE 11111•110/11 FAIL
, • •
0. ,
' ~
, hairy., 100 r ,...
, , Eruptions rt th• :+ttit, •
:( El ,e1)...i0r.f,15111••,..1.5e h.o.
11.1....0rm hind... beat! Ur..
\\ fa ''' ' ' . •"•it;. 1 , 1 f.! a: , [ hr 1i. 4 1.. ,
/ 1[....... old Sores .1 1ttrare...1.1... a
1t..\.,4,,..,,;.,..5,0 tile. 1. i - .;..-...1... da,ll.ltbantr.,
Oa.. or ltd Rldoste• to. at Athol., ' .
lo . / ........../rteins (ton, stke uto aNa •., e . -,.. _..z . :7,
~, Palo lo Lt. Sitio an I- - -- tL /i: '
.. ...tetra Orusral Det,littl. .. .
\ 1:r.....1...t, Lustibatu.3.'ila
\ \ di:, 101 Corti,/ \
larlstwat Cototiaatlon.kalyeatiL4.lrottinlar /denattit
.o, to, oohs., 4; •Thltoi, Isoontlnotua o/',..Drins. L. '
4...1.1 gloomy ataly mind. ar• rood to Dr blasortft
Sant-. sr l'elLen Ask Sdrattoollt., aril. silos lm. -
wellata ...Orr Lt tebot 14 • Igundatlon trl kleslth no +.'
Orength-tbe hot It eland... L. bona/sit atop.
Uuualu rat ,etetl.., atUI Tre baallt.; a 2110.12 tO .41 the
Lel .:1 stut wt. to-put,..O Llte.Lfrom[l..lagorlils.
rah 4 ram[he tomindnitt A na. lid Lh• .2.1. 1 0. tinting ....
tt.s 110.1, .04 to trepan. rt. los,. ry trig Framer •
•Galat,:te..rt • to Dr. Go VI Eitiatt of Y•ilsra '
Dr 12...1 nareao4lll... whirl. Is -Ting Molt . anglots ~ i -
tor roans ot Eild most al•ligtiatit4l :ALI IlelNlSbalt• -:: • •
..ttk. t.t, wad Itur 041 nat. La ditaßbotit d r tat inn gala Ist.-. ~..i-' ,
„..,,., . \ - i sl.T.,,r.iintriZ i rabn't dr Om nohl/stalth hoe lii.; witizel ,
.41r can Raitat II ..,
1,4, - "oto ~t Nood and Silstßatt. \ i t- , 111 . 1 .nadai LI 4 /5.r.......14t at IR. stant ct at. ~
11. 81oLANII - ''i VER3IIFUGEI-- s 8 ail
‘s, thst .4 e p or lsuit ... osound.4foulute.......... -
tal.ral nostrum.. re4anhbo.....llt - e,ant sl.'
t i Pa. 71' . ',." 1ttr 4 : " .....1 - y. M ta. ‘ ...... 4 1 '" [0r th . " . i n arloTo. " 4l.l4ll a Ft' Ifr- ''.- ?La. ''''.'•"''''''''''''' ." . " 4 •' a.' 4 l . '""; h°'•"' -
, \I
1 / 4 , ii ,
I " Late add .11 /0. V.ron.a. on 001tp.1., and Isis . bt. . down it health sad stOrtra. h+4 \biathlons Li:
41 otos ly taatoltator. / ...14 . 114..91,1 a great i hitsealf and ottirra.let na me dash. ,- of hO komtaty, ...t
nora IF i bad had Ii in b•nl Ili• F•hri• b ....." th.,..p' ...i, .. sr - 1...1 that kb host -'( ithiss , ...i..
tr,hos all ousts inalsrinett tor l onsia oßthat orstopla , ...4" ' , . - ~)
~..a. tr, Lir lio/5..., toroy o o • ... iou. or , „rar, ilea co. In ttrymtt a I...xtrarbor X' Fo. Dock
-I ICIII.. a 1.X., • 11.. Vosal st., 1 losaapartOs, all VaLSOal. taam.L.L6to I.Mhtmkv,mr --
mkt Wtr
i• ..../ DOS. 1 1 •1 4- : / tr. 1. hill \ so has. no hrsittataan m bred:Wag ttif -rty ~
r., ...Oinhisalth.
~ \ ‘ , --',
Iltrt t [ti L lan i tklagar, , , ; ; ; ; ; 2 \. . ~ .
2,24 V. klnr, :" i'...s 0.,! \ -11.n. READ rut rotterciz.l.- •
~, .. 1.. , moo Leal 4.4.,
1.1.1. Crush. , - , '
. 1 . 1 .1114. N. 4 , 3...17 21.. • ,
/ - F... 4 .4 .- go ro, ' . dir Po err,- IF. mt.! titutmo'm ammtortlut yrr s• ''
'" JOUR Ralik aCU ' '
,dta d . 1..,,,.
„,, ~ E • oi.aarsfla glssi ar4l.l.thartltit 1,,' '' .''. •
Fire Steel Hitting Company. • •?...1 /..• ,
itent/acuta. ittltt...4 us teat 1.16 ‘.'
S 'I L 'i . C . I4 : 1 . 1 .9... 1 1! ) , , , , 1. , R5 0 , . 1 „,':::, !T i r ol/Y . .l l u° fi4 1 ,,n .. d. ' l ' l.7l . t:t4a .' s ' N•L b le In. littlrnit manotatlon, and - 1 --
~, ;7,1, • zi, ) ,„,,,,,,„,., o ; ,7:1,.; ,7 Mr'," 1:17, i Itar hid.ts.r• ps tr . 4,, R. NI. tool Ltd rot 1.3 Ler • \ •
le.{.••• LOL 1
.11 ...Mot et Mom POrnar, Elan. l . i L.I. rustattU•l ta • t okras tor. hd.. Sr.., Lot I, MP.._ i, , • , .
J If &NJ.. C 0.,.
i -a Dr utlybotr a eik-111.1. ind.•44414 . 1 tii•-• 11 ... - "
110,4 olio., Puototab.
~, 5 ...51,11. 1 1
. ...... ? I"! II • .ally cot. line .1 Joao.. s an. othaoraltnout ''
\ .
Notied L , tors. log IL. slightast. I Ile Ltd ...taught.? ttt
S 1 1 -Eit.EBI GIVE_N that am Asseismaitt ''''
' '''''.lin".''+ \\ lE. TRIFY &Lc.), ' !
...c....• I. 0.k..g0• county, Ray.
re 51.10":17..11't'r,;,:-..,,r,....kri,v4,':-.?‘=v - ,, ,,,-2... th,:,.,i, ,F. ~,,tc,--1:.2'812, c1.V 1 ‘...:),
..... , ..t fttem+t+.' "'
+++.'+`• r.• 10.t.t.A. at It.. 1,111.. U to. Comgy, to Pito.- r„. tot., w you/1411m yte.'kumom - ttly lot my Yak, ,
',.+... t• •'. \h.. " , '..... a. of t .•••• . ' 'Vtort. eta ..4 ~..• toi haildlatnt. c7aa.aal ao. .. ..'". •
N PAL.lll , lt,lnatsul. 1 r .. , . ~ .
. \ gia , .. ~I • Miutua Ca LS toor,di. Folvit. nib, 1,,V , 4, .11 i n F. -I[ Pit •II at the W. , I. I-J Ai za.l 11 hat. altsaly , "-- •
\ ...4 Int
1,4,3 hat •• latkt. ot tar 'ty at It h. nearty, -,.... .
Drag Store for litale. . - ' ••1L.24.1 •• tUrv. .1 tors. Just pitt7tal • t.0..1 bati., ~ .L. -
ylo .m.tmmt Yr Uty Yffort or ID: !:riser. owl ..t.4,..t5t,t -
1.11{111.1 STORE, FIXTURES, AND , it.,,,c,, a
. r . ' l . •••.eelit• \
11 -
el gal ..) 011DICIN. Oa • COmt rat. 10.
1..... Mr r5t.14.1. and R. 411.1... ...1b wilt ; V.... ' ... th•i •to \ i'i \O:DC'D•g- i ~- tut. ot neaton. at the ptamat Wort 71...... •
lir r0n0..9. w. lb. retinntot nioral .4 - los , L F , ff. 44f..-. '..,' :r
, 1, ,, ,, ,:, ,, , ,, , , t.v... ~ slalda •1111 th• at.. Lusluese 0n.,d.0. , -
....noll to us", ous. dotrwas DI
~,_,. . x .. ,
lt. n /or ya Itett/st• •1.1"...n Rat 41,1 with taal • et - ' .."'''.. -P....+.8,•4 + F. P.-I°.'"d" '•• • + r k, V bth ''' • . -
....t.11at , 31
-' i
-... -.-,__ - -.-" . l'alpleattou of taw Ifet rt. L. viz. at II , Colt- •
. nos of. thrl ltstrantilWarl totnabn.lof th..4txtba,..t
\ Notice. , , too poor ymmung \ at..ty by lloysot.C. I+eitor % ltort
sod tor...rill. /
i LL PERSQNS kaawiag theutteltn •irk- ''
• \ Etty ii P.., tioymatm• *1 9
/1. 4,,, , ,,,, ~;'..,. r,,r [4 , 700415, KM twL;...91.1 t...-.LB lint -, D 1,, ''.. EL , Li- -1 ..1.c. r ~, I ,, tau, roi tfut' r. -
...ato., os .I . l.:Ltr: e th. , lst i dot Itl , Oet , so, sr athr (hat ' Nati* 01 iill,ll..•V•flaii.\,Do k and 14 . 1.441115. rh,R,ki ,
tr 7" J ' lttor. JO fn s t fr ll-111t rl ' ./t ' n ' tTLlVlt ' l l er . 1 •'•' r '' [....`.."_•• ‘ ... .• • •rt 'lt." •.• ta• g•ingtko .
euadnyOrtl i ij,,,,,.. ~.,,,,,, .100.1 Prortleta., or tort no„. •to brlt.4 art Me au\ •
ALI SiNlitials C./. ltkii'llNolCli AnO.Tllki.ll OF , i ' J.,.... s 1
W .'. 1 ..... " -+ `" t
L'‘" s
it ikv • l '"''' 4 '" • "' A
Wan Paper and BoHlem, for theTallSalea. 'oils., la o truly lna MOO Rahlon- ISr i' ' -..,
I UST RECEIVEI, `tit trio old o.Ytathlinhod I i ` M '''" 4 ' il°P.lX " t "\ ° ' th '' ,E ' C ' 4 " 4 " I `ll 4 ' N.
ej t.w. no ilmt“..ttr. fq. ty,... o tt.'ryiye.rituyi .."'‘ .-.'“'.•0.1a 0at..., the .oa. ni WK 'l-6'.
4it.ra tart„ lee a tiro ..../ c.t PAPE.II II AN.. mu. 41414.4 in tai ..4,145er0f the
11.0 ...11101[Dend, ....MM. such . tati.ti of et yl.. t .5.,.., 4 1 ' ' - b a r
••-• Filt•• •• oin b.dt• WI to itrytlty try mfr tott mom . " ''
' ""'
'"°'''''''''''' 41 '''''. 1.4 ... " •1 . '
•,,,, ~,,,.. „, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,„..,.., ~,,,,,...,,, N , ore no. Lon Toy wall. I lava rc. tt. 1 Tors...
a....t. , 1-11...x5., itat..\ll24 , ...Vulg.p lb. moat able mallow soltica,4---' -', \
New m une. \ r -- 7- •I. both. Lot ebuld get no tnUof trptt tbekr,yrtvrytirs • , ,‘,
~ . ' 11.2. yiY , tnyt • gnat variety rt homily - • ....4..ltt+
l 1
t ill 01.11 , : IIe NIEL LOH, N. 81 Il'osid;atttoe, ono- ~.1 no litioso•S, Out ,t,L. heat it...t. to‘st 1 • •k, LI. \ . \
La. stralsrd IL. bollevlna flw• 40 hsoubo p[..... ot 1.41.... "D.IL and .titr•Atattxll•. .tt st4ll .ttit , 2 :t mt.'. \f ' ' \
~,,, ~.,..„„_, ~..., ,
~,,,t . n . ,,, fr...„ . ~,„". i... \ Ltd .1,..ut1it...1 to AI . now 11/ of tay torment/ <Ct.% I. \ \
MO toye.,...ry nty • imy! . -1.- Squaw.; \ 5 t, , , a.10t1 sr., tutlivll nuit,....1 , tit ts.aft, Ott .. o. A
/ Nowa, boatats--Olor.r. Fot j1ar...1, , ~ tocs:re, fr.. pant„ imj stlut .4 44 ar.Aaator LI • • t.' •
31i3ullati; I. , Iryty. t,nyyy Aro, r ,
1n.,,..: ~.+1, 4 , ~. ,-- 4pcolittyyra, my •strataltty ate it•rtu , }At 4ltittib ,
7'."" :;:tir: i.''``` ‘ 4 4 41, 4. ...It act,...aulas old 1 Lol in nil tyyr.Miptly - ' •
Tt.r.".7%. 41 . 4\ll' _ ~ .„ ,„ , , ,-,.../.,4 : . - 1, •,4 \....,././ ,/,,.. 1 hat... - 1..n. sroos.l. IS,. •la
'ltsto litatito• thal s set att tit I. o Act .1 bLe -S. - ry stilaabla nits '
Bo 1.1. So the 1,44. et t• . atatto, ...hone . ''. • "' o°. ' uy '''' ''
lather's 1 - rato.' ' ' ' ' IL, y,,,:„.31.,,,„..„...a,. , i, ... dodos as. 1.110. Dock sod
01 .10
111 1 alFhar '
J Itody, ~, Nell.. no It all thou . . Lsan giosls. roller. Li is anl ..rpt.s. thstibelstglt . • •
11.0, do rummer tor toy' 1 :tsarina /long :bastes, ttatitible \ /owl truly, MARCUS. `Slid CLDIXO . '
1.11 out 11,... Co tollst bl.p.. .1 i
iss. t •
Pt.... Biqa It's. 1 1... r., atol Ellso 11411 N1[J..... • \ ' 4 • 1' ' .•5 t' ..h. "I". ' .‘" ''''' ''' '''''''''
'''''. f
11411, buto.e. icor, Iltoomer, Shoot, /Oa Els. J.lnny i 'Ll.O. • g t . • .. i .....^ " '''`• .. ,. . 9 .... 64,10 P ,_
~ ,, , , , v ,, n0...0r, ...wheat, .0.4..,, 1,,,,,,,g.', ..p•
~c ,..1,, \ ~, 4.141 lb *Ott. Ornaturr. / P Do.. Ogslita. _ i ,
*t_ l[ .. toOde ay.n h o \
VEW VitINTB AT 1,8i0.7. - .(7,. u 1 tv ch i , \,. , ..1.1,-, 1, D. rikii,Cttbit, .nytt um,. .ultimo trmi
ktl Ismytal tir‘o .• .4 11.11 haat. ; .:l ''..++++.t+Y++ 5 all
II , tr....u. ylatau, tt. 2 altiLlt 1141.
a•sr••lst f•st ..k...
I , I. ....., .a ww..... I...adossod
-.- ' ' ' F'' ' - '''.!!!. t - 1 ... 1 , Y 1. , .2. , u halt. 1 LE I , .J.. 1 a Co , II s \ spot a c., 1 A ILry, .1. - \ s
I ()ST - ifiCEIyED, if \ iii tho - l'iill - Tpliiill s : . woo o a 00c00, , a . 0. A nront.... Yttryttyry 12 ++,; -. \ \
1101 'ma ChM Yartory-rthil 1,1, 0, amid lanactir p„,• L.,. ~ , ...,,, tc,..... .1. L.l b.,..., ltll.4llita, /a. ' • AS'
will tilart.4(7tatl•,•ol)Xfottt. lit lb* ottenthstrOf ‘ Naits. o t tog; h. ho'...L. Shoo O r doott A tarro...., ‘
•bhlstal Moho.d o a rrlagits.nall ontrat. [ Otheatroo...,,,,,, , ,,,,,,. a .„.., 1:14,t tio Or Linlotlayebtud '
artarboloy toll nod st4l/41 adasol[agato sogrlostoa 1
nit •t l d.tonstost to. 114 4r.r.1 It , ttcl.l at m'imi•-\ 1ii1y..., ant `, y; co . tt.tlytky, J A, WI . tttt '' - tutt,tilt;
te , ...t .pr o ttal, , , ,, R,r i t:y ..I .Isar_ th•r. o:kottor i Rt.. 1 C.u.`tattattilt: A: 1 ilatt 3, t , ..0. Its attiattu. t ,
.... Ut, \ . 3 ..t• rfuLuf • • • "1.4,•1......,,,,, a .11 Cidboadre \ Llittson "s , ~.
*Ugh/ band 1 W et 1 ..
.19., Gt... a Torker,S-labor \Jalt.! }LOIS' a to. not. . ~
DER' FRENCH .HYRINOS-la.. A..1%1s- , f.-, 8 onotkioas or. 4 0 Nona . c , t o,s, , Poses: i I: a o
.0, sco h. 0.. t r5,11; 1 4 slur/ tct\se mi/or d,
Cuirstosp t R trootat. Jr,. Brotratmit.
iy,,."Py1r.,,,,,t;,:!, aralti..,_ .b !.:,,T7, l ,ll , '''', ''.!!' lie4yMe--$l - ier ButftY, SO &Wm ass * a.,..t.
----,------------, . -,-
VEW SILKS-Reo'd,tlint,day, a basutiful i
...,_ . 91 e.'"'''"? , • -
LI tot ot new styt. aan, and tatladY +Ara, ytttk to
tattg::) • Y. 4\ MASORA CO_
sufrbftTE - s-
. Jiiid'i Kali4ted Liquid CutiOe. :':.*-:
`A. 1 'inns 'ARTICLE iiintanded f.i s trutity ink:, i ..'`'
1 nit,"44.4.=: V. P nt -4 . , .:al.''."•iti 't .
\ fuxty in ittrlitr.ll2%l at.c1 . 1 . n... ant. •nn2f/nna .
. Atior,..; I7AT. .4. 1 :::411 ana.r :stun nil attilf contid!fnt it, tin.... -: ~ : f
c . ‘•
. . .
('L 1 q s ! ".,l7 "' '""' n ""t , 71 , 6 . , i i L1.1z. ,1 ,,, teil4tft-,..
_,_ q n? Wiwi. limo 11/..16 nied 1.4 n.. 1 .... 1 3...t.n. t -
EEDLE WORK. CuILAII.S, ..4 ii,lll•',lrtd ~:..0,...:.,.,:iir'in,,,0."...!\r,....,,t 4 ,,, k ,...TAk,..., 3 ! " ‘ Z i ,,. z .......e,5. •°. ..; '•••-,
i •Ul "! '''' - 4-4- relr" '' a a "°"" ) 'k 3 4 i t="7 ,ll 4=,tl= oku La tnieTtill. trj,t,:-,,
iiiiiOTllTl:.l)ll7:roz7sate try ,), .! ..'. l . Eit ‘',• 3 '... ''' ,ll t,ll . 7gV u twOZAl.. x, ;,.
. L‘ , , :-..
A /WIT .
if I 'OARS-10,000 Vtirktnire: ', '' ,\ \ • ..., s t, . 'LlVilt,llij,:t!
, c ,,,....,,,,,,,, ‘ , .\ . , ,
.x, ,
, 1
~ .\ . ' - cLkommaNtwouyYk T toNn. ' \
''',lr, —.,,,f 8-.-1,..,:t,,. b., , ._, A. ,-...,...\.. 9. '''Fo. l l.l \ P . TCII la t/ City 4/
‘. iolulatill i busr4 /al% , , ,t 4,4 4, 1 i... b ••.AI \ A . .PAiCiKn't 'h • n :' ,
q ' 7 ,' \ . ' hrtt is - ctr) V * ''i ; ,
N. U., for sale‘by A s : ~;,'!"-. ..... ' . 2.k.. . ' t " ""' - ''''v "'''
teo ar
IN, h.e. Jun ....elstaotber NI J Q.* ,
.41ert. atui Mama... • •
_ _
SITUA 117:5; Mad&
• ,
...tyr,C;fe,,' - - L 4 VER COIIPLAINT ot\fire ‘ e93.9' ktaurd
,..., for sale lv \ .Ni ~tl:4l e iql:/.3. .01 , 1 LT ra , . ra. .11,:,
1 .. a \t,
,—,-.1.‘ . k nal ha\ Vas O. ~,, —ll-.....ir5,„--.
"" 4,0 :22 !'ZIS-- 1 •atr \ it. 1 .. , tretti
,I=VLltt;',4lrl4l'il Q'ttill'i'.l..-
Th-5-I\lliles nriztollar 14.= MOIC , r , T , . 4,. .i . \ Kn. w 1 . 11 . 1 t h. , * ... t...... 10 .
NMI DILZILL )„ • ! 11,,,,04=4,M.T.Vr&jr,t,'; ;!'rija'rk...,\
...,51.iiii - e - 77,.., ..,,utaltiltf,blnous antal.t.m.ct .1 ,4 ..1:a , .. /.
9 - ~, a /Veat. .1.0 tl.l Mat latrazielarbihan,a-a a ataaoetha:
K 8.. cv:imaula, t -\ au ~ raka au van e goat \I Lava began witol.ll., ,
',w t ., „ t ,,1 . 1 a torlalot oalarl, tmo ID .4 ltanN,V-tl . _
~,, t v -‘
—.._...,......._,_4_, ,Ow lat„but Isttllnt ,I, tht. pottO ca r. 4l l . 1..... mia,
tbr sato by -. , ;t „L"'...,...-"V,M ...i 4.1 a..../44,-. =2 -'''
,ILIvoRT LI a Ci‘ . t \ ~Z .a.,,,:' , ..a aa4,latatia ta alt 11. G.. at., Qt Uttll
,totl.. aby I ,"." 0 \ th' 14 'W' , \ , a -
..,,,„,--...,-..., ~.., , • i \ Y ou hiwat ~
.. i .NIII ,
'''''''''.'"'" , ; '4 , tscO wilt nottember lOW its. PIO. cule.l. ...:
, rev , r ,,,, vy 1, t. Jr.1. ,, ,,X,11 .
for gala Vv . ..
1 3 ' & ' 417.0 j- r.t.r.T.rfra.r. - b5. , ..1 , ... \ —P IS , ..
S Ur
I . ROF.. ALEX. OCILLP.R.V.i T11.10041.1.:\
SUNDRIES— :" , • N, •, p `,4IVCAI*I.)
parc0.).4..,V.1T 4. be lllLimeatriG
‘ Tlxre le
b : . 7,10,14: ,
.entervalz. mat yka5.r..11 . ...1 Lti•
Ci= :=l2=s,"'XlVlrt."ll"l.Z.l.6'l.
B lAlt r CillltaVa l l,% " ' t:X\ "P"W" ltis
tn.W. ' int \P•rt, Ttirr i:ta t' ntittA ' \ •
VOBAC120—"0 ke" Itico.l) Gldge'n f
JL 4.4 Ls \ JAVA DALYS.II., ri .•
• end.O. *, \ \ WU ElabtLftmat.
C9FFEE-176 bo446fCio fe Wit Ilea:\
\ \
. 4 ~-At, JG.`..
run T tat
HE i-I s Q , '
I 1 N. , d ,, ring ' 14, , th e coturacloity thii - justly
1.. cel.braawl comedy for Dens ow of the eirost and ?no.a.
it i i i t tio , : i n a t =o r fTle i. w , ith b, =toe m ol b heah.t. of
, thw ,
duatioculito...l pad \ Ake. of Ow: oridonc . e. of as s4e.
~...„ fr..., vldefi thoyzauffelge to thomwilfil W. id."
•coly dodge. ulavalr.a 19 1n1dr.,... no wild...onions .pilesi
A s t o r.'i‘ s '.a ‘'• DSErs.s7...\ will we bold nut atm WIWI*
.4.1..c1ni• hOmnalty which fa.sla will not warrant.
i'‘ an., Prow/ are fiffrowintioind wa .41;618.141.01
D•ttl! , ... on htf , mio ail we ,111.1tcti. gmllng asannid fp./
vn 1141 them norfeels swllahlo. fl , •• malminw•ofthr
I ei,,kl.A, oofffidetiwo attd Ir.noW
I(I rn. th, \ 441.ityltli.bed Proh.tioe Clisnifitrr .o,i SU.
\ • 1.0 61.18.. Dashing elfal • .
.f ,
11... Lia \ 1 d.layad milli attar tt L,,
j f , t c,.. 4ocipt Of 70411 Wm
' twrationomtfl I had an cyportuMuy of isl fewest pi pa at
o.lf In my own family.. is. N. of ...,' m.."-
rl.l. 1 have no done with a high ofcatislacth,
''lcra7..L.T'' f'fftd.PalUt:lflgit.r?..... . *-
. oc w Yoe eoldt%mahs:antlyniflffm,D2 dis
i ~,., -,..,
~, , .t .. 0 ia1., . .L.437t.L.A. D. 5L D.
•' ' \ .
f Sc r ota an urerwier In the itmollUda ..M111..,,1n thfiefflt) '
~lat' f . Lc tT, ,'P, pare hire ,'P',!' " "'" '''' t 7l..!
vvar fall. wit. I bgTo n=l4lllt, Of rE,TIIIAI log /3.
tywrg. Yours, respecCfully,
w. , 11, AUg. Ili, 1619. S. D. EktKR-\11 14 \ f ' ..4 ' - /..'Mewing. and awiilf 'lle medicinal..
aDi l'hic mdleid had became very WA.. .8k s
fa., ay 10. medicine. was yeautognably dinittet , - ,
" 4 .\ .r,
11. s.ilaret, &anent BMWS.. . 1. 11 , ..._. 1 "'....,' \
t A'sza—Bfrc I lUD. ham salieteel eel e.r... , L.
• the lungs, and allate symptom. of finial t
.... ~ for morn than a 'sm.. I ,uld 8 8 4 no tat
' ould mach my cwt. unlit' cam seencv•J NA
orr, Piwtorat, which gave me ar.inal rws
b f ., ...dfly ifsinion crty
y o math ~
I mg h ~..„,,,,,,,, 7 .6161 0. ...,....,,
oni , ral.l4l=nring wah it efL „ esite . c . ; \
I'm bar.ail'lge byli Ziwre h at. s
I bar plommic fir oeftlfyinit ;If*
' r.l2Tl2o7.fnlttiCh OffAlttfla I
i of Ito
.Irvrat of mom, which shit
oushen. tia. Incurable sonsoMD -\\\
.d. .0 ri..
idly it, •
'om if o
' Ur. , iS
rea•urap LA
.11,1 no th.
r,:i.0.fre,1 , 7,.„
....,,., brourbttlo.
111.,i...700, anJ 'am
rh. ootioltne wan eti
Dt)nlnaur auk R 1.141
`arena, Pi', Au. T.,' , 1514.
.1.. c.. Arsse‘hlr, I sea n etith a\ terribia.sough,
tdoesibt ou by a cold. In the mina ofslast Imbrue,.
end was conidnrd .my bed r more thee two thumb.
Matablos inams.tly oleo. day, I Meanie elatedly
.d ;ode• my tqa• were 3.keLl • 1a....T. btextb
very' short. Indeed, Iw. rapidly beg... eunenie
tr ee Mr breath Rillt little h my roc° rr oardel.
br '' .itertalaal dbe this di. a, a trim:dor tot
100. b.. Juba Feller, of the netball. Chayell)b.ible
me i 3O
no• a bolas of sour Cherry Pectoral, irla I bile4note
to erettfy Lim thou from onyeabortatioNci: obtaltung n,
11. f.. lire good slams Matured me to cent tie ita see.end
A,nri found my beetrb touch wiproral.. You to tb.• . _
moothe Imu well and strong. ainl,mu slit ate fly
.6 ia coo, err. medic... It ith thrall' gistattcla- . \
.. ' Pgi„ts :'. .4 1•4.1 brJAiliiii a. Atli lTaa calld. ;
~ ~ \
i" 1.6.1•11, Ili.. ,
auld to Mtlabarsto whaler/ m! Muth br AL It. SI ti- ~ _ , ;,
SStc a IJO,e.rol J. M. TOWNSYNIA..
la Aiteebeny City, by 11. V. bililWalt e r'4. .red J \lal. , v , . ,
lipid:mud by lanaatmenememilt. erpl7.lsmaret .. .
.1. .: : ,.. : d . ,..
\ ,
Jo& taken
: ::*.te,4,..-....;,. - -.3v? ,, k.:ff - ......-
~-.,:i..3 . ....-• - .f!-T.,,34.7..:ire -.............1(..
~-._. • - ~1,,,..; N 5ie., 1'..% 1i i cit 4 ~ 1 7 .1 , ~,
: ,
._ ...7,•-,.:47c, 7.7.- 4 :.5. • _-- ),
• • ...• - ~:. r - ,-- z • , -..- ;:-....., 1 ,,, '4 : ..) 1
2... :,.....,,, "44 , -; •
• IT:--4..;• „:.-..7.....i,if!,,...-,-.:,- lef , 4,,,F. V
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