BußGqi. GAZETTE. V 4 ~ 1 11.1.311L1) klY.Wlll7li . i CO THURSDAY MORONG, SEPT. 2.5,13 M Attention! Friends: of Scott and Johnito' n. Fs3 'he , ittt.o . ..ntion'.of the frietele of S6orr, sob Psobbraoti, in Nirigheny want:. lip tin!. i f mgr.] tLa Itspoottates of •paarouoh orsintostkth by 1t,.. hAnablon of elute, to 6-Trey oleettoo Motet% fOr the .toolloy, the shoistmost of Conitnitteem of Viallittee, iu r.r ibta eyory 10,114 of :tots and ..14Ln.ton a aatessed. ski .0.“ thfoof tto requito it are ostboslisiolo sob that rlety, 1 01, r .d+Wo-it 1.6 Lallct on the Sarund Toradai of tx nail. the I.lloirlim I.kuatuillor ou Naturallaal.k.o h., been •rpuni.i: 11. Nlrou, John 31orr/Ero., E . Egger!, E. J... 6 . t:. AP0..., A. Hasts,EAq.. Eh.. Pugh, Cul. 1,.1.4111, A Lloyd, V. P. Paloieustril.r. lareldeollil, J. E. o.y, {ll:l.ll..WMg,r,Jemoy hiccuum Joseph hy ortkr ht the County COggihithge. AlleghbayCounty • Scott, and Johnston • • Meetings. SlirA Puhlie Meeting Neill he held in the botongb of ElleitAAll;on.4atititert tLI 1,4. " 3 " 1". ' ". eel"; et 21/elott P.tt. M . At Mobtertntrn. on Pfettley:SePPnnbtr. ll& P . .9..beetotegt ' TneetteT, " At e *lettr, Weil:teeter • •,. At Irelsratnan, Ther*At•f 4 At Past Liberty." . At Stetitesnort, .. .s:antler , At Tatentoto. Mottle y. AtiYalLiel 31111.../1 AIM. testi - Ina tont:011p. Monne!, 'Fia".ll"‘t'ar.lla>r,ll.-Snow.l.ll [ninthly. on Tueett If. Peet. tfol.' at 1. V. 31 ``-' I AI Joel Monroe. Petton torotttin.on Welneetey, Rttb, tt hod 31.7:41.61!et./.1 Moan totrneblit. on Thur. de,.:nb,tott".l . .ll_ Itllubetn. Thuielay, t.tAtt. at?, P.M. At Jetts Plantlototee. Pine tantatip, on FelLtey. M Jain terou'o,liolaylto loortubi r, vq Satlird.T.27th. he tt Mit:shuts, do llanlor, Uotto at 1. Y. M. wt At m. 7.l4:l;l: l . • l t ' ..l , Jolori , .tpwnotho :on Tumid sy, hOtho ot• Jhutuu, Pold Loy trottioltip,. lrottiftlay,Ortober tif T eit v gtl T alt r' lltjn•et,i t al. 1.04, no Frb Tuttle Cre:ok, ou Sot:inlay. 4th. M. Y. X. • ' • At Ow Joturs Itol:lushoo ThotoolUD. oR :rt i iatot,H . 6 " . t. 31.111 " : TbI l iet tortunlp, nn Tuoolor,:th, ut 41.:Y. thtult;ri111111. tiuuth T:o)otto.tp.,-11.oduoolot. .At .trlt or tiler.. varatlates,.t fAtttlttrlllb allatte4 nil =uhint haporta. 1441. gnat t4tatral Intereau Or tr.ot , uutra. (Jur - Wan:ls lti aarh aleatiati'atotrict of the. rouatr._ .1..1.1 itrgauL.,..4 hate everr and matte, ....a.m.. aa Wing all out tutus it 4 HT ord. of Thurstly,..,t oth, at Z. PatWou . . Mill, Ludlum dock., P. AL - • COMNIIIrEE ditiIdNOESIENT. I:i:dm, you accessed' ,It not,, eels to it itomedietely. • Unless' you are asaened ten dzys lame the election, you 'trill lose your rote. Re ' mrmbeithle: SUBMILPTIoN ILEMPFILLDRALLItiM.D. .A.dargit and very respectable meeting of the . cltisena , ot Washington county, opposed to the subscription of two hundred thinistusd dollars to ths capital 6tiCk of the Ilempfitld,llitilroad Com pany, was - held in the town hall of the borough of Canonsburg, on Thursday, September 18th. ' The inerting"being called to order by Gen. ' Wm. B. Calobau;tion motion, John Johneon,Eeq., • of North Strabane, wits choseniPretident,assist . . t e I by Andrew siiller,Esq. and I,lenry Morninger, Esq., as Vice Presidents,: James Ralston and ,R. Laths:man, Secretaries_ ~ ' A committee was appointed to draft recita tions, who made a report which was adopted.— • The report sets forth that the meeting was not' ', opposed' to 'the Hempfield 'Railroad, but to the modenft ridging money by a subscription. 'Other pro"jectsi . sucli as the Pittsburgh and Steubenville ruilretad,and.warimia plank roods between Pitts burgh and ..Washington, Might as . justly claim the dad' a 'county anbseripti6n as the Hemp field.- fl'oelliese and other reasons the ;nesting moonlit:musty declared against. th e county sub . scription, Among the resolutions adopted were the fallowing: ' 4th. That we regard Pittsburgh as the great commercial mart of western Pennsylvania, and the contiguous pirtiop a of adjoining states, that it is an net 9f questionable utility for the com munity to do anything that will either directly or. . indirectly, retard the prosperity of Pittsburgh, which consatutes ~ both an important , home market,: and reody comumnicedi on with the For . the ' reasons 'alietie stated, with miny others /hat could.. - be , urged with much `forCe, ' such se danger of throfeing the county in in - created taxstioutrweappose the county subscrip-e ton to the capital stook of the Hempfield rail road, and we call upon the voters and tam-pay- ers in, every perkof the county to pause and red fleet before they sanotlon an set,which• will net only insoles as in a debt for an improvement , benefiting but a • part of th e county by a tam t. upon all, but alto establish a precedent that will lead•tr taxation in future for sintflar. Improve mends. . A letter 'his been published, Purporting M have been written by a son of Mr. Gorsuch, who was murdered by the mob of colored people In Lancaster ounty, to Gov, iohnston;ttnd remark able for nothing but violence and - insolenc'e 'Pr language.. :The 'only tapgible charge .he brings against the Govemo - r Is the alleged fact, that he (the Governor) passed along the - railroad neat the (scene of the outrage soon after it took place, and did cot atoz, Beiondthie there is:_nothing charged worthy of notice. The writer . biirsid.to be a clergyman; 'but we think, that antler. the excitement which - sit lamentable an affair would naturallY canoe in the mind; be. has been weak enough to - tillaw himself to be influenced or need by unprinelpled- The letter bean the stamp of anything else than that of a chile tian or a mourner. It.was written from Mail bigtel,,, although, We believe, that Isnot his resi dence. Me think it probable that the Governor will euifer it - fa pais withent notice. The Post is alretitly crawfishing In regard to Ito statements coucerniug,Col, Bigler and the Tar iff, and the relations of that geptleman with Brat .01d Federalist Buchatuau." The editor says that . ..the. sitiele was not designed to be inserted in the Post in the form which it eared 7 -eome omissions ought to . hate been made. act. , The e.ditor asserts, now, that Col. Bigler is a warm friend of the Tariff, and most cordially.sustainii M. Buchanan for the Presidency- Will, taiing these explanations, would not the Post's choice paragraphs read as . It& sot a Whig tie.-"that Col. Bigler, the Loco-foga candidate for "governor, is in favor of continuing the prevent tariff which Is daily throwing your brotherh and sow out of employ ment to mahe'way for 'British goods. " It it not a WAi.s iis- I,4 That Cot Bigler is the pledged supporter of the old Federalist Buchan an, who says that a working mall 1110Ilid not get MUM than =4:OATS for a Says work." ,Mtsussen.—Tbs 84cessiotists of Mississippi hire become so much nraged that Gen. Quit mnu ban finally iwithwietsn from. the contest for governor; leaving he field entirely to Mr. Foc4t, the linion candidate. This' is a confession of weakness very-humiliating. _ Late acconnts say that hat Jeff. Daily has conseatict to: run is the.: Secession 'candidate against air. Foote. We shall ,thus hem the two late Dwinocratio Senators running against each other es candidates for governor. .• , - .s. • - , Wasp Cosieren:3N tit VIZZIBIA.--Vol great ... - lilliiCenventioik of the •Staie of Virghtfii to nom- Mita '' \ ~. didates for theoffices of Governor, Liou •teriant 'Governor, Attorney amoral, and other 1 ' • offices der the neerConstitation, will asseroblti at Char ottsrille, in that State, on Thuriday the 2tatt Ins t. ; PILOORT3II 0F . 1'.-1.01115.-0 - il the lOW instant . • - & tract of land in.the immediate vicinity of St. LOTlin, called StoddaM.Addition, was sold by auction in-cots. The l grota amount of sales of • - the day was pra•hopolred and fifty-one thole/and dollars, and only one-third of the tract was sold The sale win to 1,0 Continued on the following . ' day. This fact is n remarkable evidence of the progress of . a city willsh but a few years ago wee & mein village. . 1 '' - - The fnllawing letter was dropped into our boo list. !natio& . ' 4 'To the Editor orithl POdt ." • •• disat thee Jew/7"—esching cot thia rotd.^ Ilr..Post I' # . )4111+ 111 7 i foreigner, 'of the most extreme Radical School—. or Fergus O'Cusuc es chs it " ists sud tsplaiug. tePubliqul AintiMgat3, the strongest *Aid: . . came to this .: country tmouod with the zoost. libirul.political notions.: pleat' ter, for eletAo pro", Silo, ra;ellir?te . 4, election-.-nnlese, 000ssiotielly,ifor '.tortiffunk.r4oi tti• rant , : thought Wu ;ttet"Seiehtiri,Co44ted with liaminititatiotis restuinsibility of outing my soti: ionhaye taught me the Value of sy vas, by the' Publication of 1313 v. (Ur.) JohreeMes speeottin the Henn Of Representatives. 'lt shows me in the most immitudve Mims the mho be sets upon this Union; and fully comports' Stith the senti ments, so 11:n11.661y expreased in MI - last toes uge, dexxibingthis Union is the &asylum of the •oppressed of . every nation: the inner & outer wall which guards tire temple of our liberty—the pro tector of our commerce onegty tea—the nfo; gamed of our citizens ou eve ...whore.",. Sir, I had doubts whetlusr I should vote; jun hare set aside those doubts, and will n ow row for the moo who has proved in *lmes past, who avers in time present, and Who doulitleea will •in time Noire, sustain the “ISITIGEITT or rat ANSIIICAN HURRAH FOR JOHNSTON! ••I thank thee, Jew, far teaching me that word .'• Yours with gratitude The correepondent of the Poet seems to be an Intelligent man. We would be ,glad to have a letter or two7from him addressed &kis foreign brethren. I WHIG MEETERGS I 1( JILLEGRENT ODIJITY. (Reported for (he Gazette.) SCOTT AND . JOII3BTON llissruw.—Nortb Fii ette Tp.—At a meeting of. the friends of Scott and Johnston and a Protective Tariff, held at NoblestewniNorth Fayette township, 'Allegheny .Co., on Monday, Sept. Ifith, 18111. on motion, Thoises MeEven was called to the chair, and Ant drew Price chosen secretary. The meeting was eloquently addressed by Gee. Bernie, E. P. Jones and Gee. E. Appleton. upon the serious topics now before the people, after which the meeting adjourned. North Fayette is aroused, nod the friends of the cause of the people are going to work for the whole ticket. Sharpetatrgh Scott, and Johnston Meeting. —At 'a large meeting of the friends of Scott and John- TilOti, held at Sharpaburg, , ,on Tuesday evening, Sept. Inth inst.., J. IL Roberts, Esq., was called to the Chair, Wm. tapaley, Col. Peter Klingen smith, Wm. Garner and David Brysoe, were Chosen Vice Presidents, and S. B. Barnes chosen Secretary. On motion, Hon. T. M. Howe was -celled upon to attire's the meeting. Mr. Howe arose in obedience to the call; and stated that he bed not come there for din purpose of mak ing a speech. He, however, referred ti a few of the questions now before the people, Ina few brief and clear remarks, after which Gait Dar ebb Mr. Oliphant, T. Jr Bighorn and Geo. E. Appleton, in eacces.sion, alldressed the large and attentive andience, reviewing at length the onesiietween'the parties, and urging the 'friends of Scott, 'Johnston and Protection to renewed efforis against the British tariff of 18411. The meeting was enlivened by r band'of ma nic ;" the speeches were well received, and we 'doubt oat the working men of Shorpslmig will, -is October next, speak most emphatically ',against the free trade. policy, which is closing the work shops and reducing' the wages of the industri ous mechanics. Bdgersto ten —A,glorions meeting of the friends of Scott and Johnston, was held at Bakerstertru, on Thursday the 18th inst. Writ Allison, wee President and Dr. S. 11. Allen, Secretary of the meeting. After being addressed eloquently, by Hon. T. 'BL Howe the meeting adjourn ed to go to work, acid to , work.' wail the elec tion;forthe whole ticket West Deer township will. let us here from her the day after the deo- . tion, to the dismaY of Bigler and the free trade fraternity. ' Erist Laerty.--Mit uniting of the friends , of Scott. - Johnston and Protection, held at the school house in East Liberty, on Friday, the 19th inst., Thomas Davison wits called to the Chair, and W. N: Burchfield chosen Secretary. The meeting was then eloquently addressed by lion. Thou: M. Howe, Gee. Dula, and T. J. Bigham, who went Into an examination of the various questions both national and state at is ' sue between the two parties.'—orged the impor , Vince of the - coming election, and the necessity ' of action to secure the election of 'that sterling chief magistrate Wm. F. Johnston, A very good feeling was evinced by the meeting, and the Whigs of East Liberty and Peeblea townaldp,are aroused to the importance of the present crisis. .31T. Appleton was called upon to address the meeting but as it was then ten o'clock declined until another occasion. After a vote of thanks to the speakers the meeting adjourned. Mahe -way for McKeesport I—Pursuant to pub lic notice the friends of Scott .a Johnston held a meeting at,the Market Howe, in McKeeeport, en Saturday, the 20th that, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The meeting was organized by appointing Wm. A. Shaw, 'Esq., President, Hugh Roland,. Esq. and Matthew Henderson, 'Vice Presidents, and 'James Riddle, Secretary. The meeting warn then addressed by. George .Darsie,'Esq., in an ibis manner, who exhibited - the manner in width the Stab; debt * bed.eacti violated under the adadniatrations of Governors Porter and Eihunk;'exposing the rascality Ismai -1 zed under the Lyda* Canal Commissioners, along our State Improvements, 'end then refer red tithe sinking - fund of GOT. Johnston, con trasting with it, the scheme of Mr. Bigler fdr plying the State debt, by oppressing the widow and orphan and.by favoring the wealthy at the expense-of the poor. Mr. Appleton, railed upon, followed Mr. Dar- Decals,. confining himself principally to the taritl question; he exposed the character of the tariff of 1846, which discriminatee spinet the Monet can mechanics, Saliva of the European--pointedl to the manner in - which' it was flooding our coun try with the tat of England, to the injury of the working men of this country. He showed how ail classes ere interested in protective. policy, I which was.once the policy of men of all parties throughout the Union. He then 'referred to the election of the judiciary, by the people, and ' closed with - an earnest appeal to the 'friends of Gov. Johnston's sinking fund, and protection ' I American industry. -to go to work.for the =c amas of these 'favorite ineuures, and insure the election of William P. Johnston and the ticket. After the 'peaches, the meeting adjourned to; meet agnie at the Same place, at T.-o'clock In the evening at which time a verylarge turn out of the people took place, and they Were again addressed by Messrs. Aerate and Appleton until late hour. The meeting after passing a IWO laical of thanks to the speaker!, adjourned. East IiSIEL TOWSISILTP—At &Meeting. of the friends of Scott and Johnston, held at the school louse, near fdiller's mill, in Feen:Deer township. on Monday, the 2 2d inet at *look., W. J. 74I'Clure was called to the chair, arid 'Moore and Joseph Miller, obosen secretaries. The meet- , tog wee then addressed by Hoe. St. Wawa, lion. George Dante and G. E. 'Appleton; Esq. OD the approaching election and the limes con nected therewith. After.pareing a rerelotion of thanks to the speakers; the meeting appointed a committee of de.e.. to promote the whig cause lithe Winship, and to See that every vote to polled in the name, on the 21 Tuesday of Oct. The committee la p.McCall,diathan Miller, Esq. John McWilliams, Benj. Harbison, Jahn Hunter, James MCGoldrie, E. Miller, John Martin. J. Davidson, J. Kennedy, J. Porter, Esq. T. M. Christy. D.' P. Ingersoll, John Kennedy', John Thomas, J. E..Karns, J. Pattereon, Geo. Bertner, T omas ld, N. Milroy, Hinman, L. Peterson, Th Mir, Wm. Bally, T.- Speer, J. lender eon, Jr: J. Thoimpson, David _McClean, R. Can. ninghant, Cleo. Pillow. • TAZIDITITII.VO - roe Ras n un l—Pasoan to no re very large awl enthusiastic., mating of th whip end antimesons of the borough of Ta- rent= and East Deer township, was held at the.! school -house in said borough, on the evening of the 224 inst.' The meeting. wee organized by rallies Lewis Peterson; Esq. to the otiairvend appointing James .Dicicay aud J. M. Porter sec- After, some preliminaryremarks from the President, the meeting was very .ably and do-1 ,quentdy addressed by the Hon. T. M. Howe Geo. ; Larne and G.' E. Appleton, Esq._ amidst the re ,peated and tedlitudastlo cheering of the andi ence. At the close of the eddrass, the meeting returned their th anks to the gentlemen who ed dressad them, and _manifested much spirit and interest in what had been said; after which, on Maion it wee . Resolved, That the proceedings of this m e eting p papers üblished In the Pittsburgh friendly to Scott, Johnston and the .Tar- . off of 1842. i . It was then announced that there would be Scott * lind Johnston meeting heldat Freeport, on Friday evening; the 10th ef. October, to be addressed ;by Geo: Nisi% Esq.; and others. It was then resolved that lOrtrOtet again an Friday elating next, the did of. October, for , the purpose of forming a dab and ~ aff olgai p i g_ • • cation for the approaching contaith. St. . , ' - ' ROSTON - ,Tlfidan. . • . . Bang, .Fridey, Sept.lB, 1881. The gra nd finale of thn,three days' Jubilee in. this city closed to-day with 'Military and civic procession, a dinner on the Col=o l2 , henna= immense tent made for the 'occasion, and,a gen eral illaznication and bre-workS in the aiming: It is estimated that over one hundred thounutd strangers dare in the city. The preeision started shortly before' eleven a ls o'clock, and_. two bourn and twenty talantes in passing th Revere Hewn. The , escort was composed of e National Lancers, one regiment of &ninety, and a brigade of infantry. The mechazdest diabaufsCturinarti l Were gooney represented, and constituted the most interest ing feature of the pageant. This depatto,,el wag one an - Win length. The student.. of Her , ,art College, the various Societies , mud t h e 'children of the Public Schools wore out to'greet numbers. The distinguished guests of - the city rods in open carriages: Prominent among them arse Lord Elgin; whose_reeeptiou by the people V13.1110822071g11- . don:The e h e e he e or the Presides:4,lnm the*ooes- , on tsepastat.stf illness, canoed some amp-. pointment • The.#lrerallleil and brinisat deco ration ado streets. sad 179.11cliosiust 04 route*. and _die immease.siortsliithate4. 4 0;10 stnet,, and in the balconies, presented • &nue inspossi- , hie to danor.ibn. - i , Mlle the prooesion,' &ma wits served up ern* immense tent an the Common. About. lone thousand persons were present, including President Fillmore. ' On the removal 'of the cloth, Mayor Meal' arose and said: "On account of the, departure of the train k becomes necessary for the President of tle United States to leave us early; and I suppose that you, as well is myself, would be unwilling that that misfortune should befall this aesemblage Until is have at lewd 'proffered him our respects in the usual manner. (Applause.) I, therefore, interrupt you kid early ha the feast, to give yOu as a eentiment, 'The health of the President of the United Retie.." The above Sentiment was received by three timea three hearty cheers, atter which it was re epctried to by Mr. Fillmore as follows: "Mr. Mayer and fellow cid:ma—ill neEnowi- edging the compliment which \you bare paid to the high office which it is my high fortune to hold, I rise rather for the purpose of excusing myself than. of making a speech. I would it were as perfect on the occasion as it usually ia; hut, unfortunately, a slight indisposition within the lest twenty-four hears Las deprived me of the great pleasure which I ehoald have enjoyed thls.day, In participating in your exercises. I am unable to partake of the costly viands under which your miles of tables groan. lam scarcely able to enjoy the "feast of reason and the tfow of soul;" and, more than all this, I am compelled by imperious circumstance's to leave you thus curly in this Banquet, because L feel that my public duties require that I should - be at Wash- iugton with the utmost possible despatch. , I bare stolen from, the hours that were perhaps due to Ike nation a brief space .to meet my fel low citizens in the city of Boston. (Applause.) I meet. you ar citizens of Boston. On this fes tive occasion we - knew no party distinctions. (Applause ) Nay, more: we scarcely know a national distinction. (Orestspplauseatel cheere.) There are gathered around this festive board the American and the Briton, living under fife. rent laws, but, thank Clod, two of the freest na tions under the sun. (Cheering] The little asperity that was engendered by the resolution which separated us from our mother comatry, am happy to say,has long since disappeared,and we meet like brethren of the same family.— Speak log the same language, and enjoying the same religion, are we not one ? (Applause. I Fellow citizens, I trust that the unexpected necessity that compels me to leave you thus ear ly on this festive occasion will induce no one to leave She table on my account. I trust, partly , • ularly, that his lordship, the Governor of Cana. do will remain with yon. (Applause.) I know that he and those with whom he to •eooatated, will receive from you, 83 they hate already re ceived, a moat cordial grSetitig. - [Applause] But fellow citizens, I can my- no more. heart is full, I had no conception of what I witnessed this day from my 'window. I thought I cow Boston in all its glories when I came into Ito borders. I knew that It had merchant prin ces. but I did not know'until to-day that it had its 'mechanic noblemen of nature. [Great ap plane' and cheering.) But, fellow citizens, par don me, and permit me to bid you adieu. I can seance you that this joyous occasion will be re membered by me to the latest hour of my life. I shall look back upon it with delight, and I trust that my children will also: May the , glorions Uoion, which, sheds these blessings upon a hap. pp' people of 25,000,000, continue until time shall be no longer. [Nine cheers.] Lord Elgin: One single word. [Three cheers, I should have felt it my bounden duty to follow the President of the United States out of this room, if ho bad not given me order to the con trary;:and while I am on the territory of the United States I consider myself under, his au thority. [Applause.] And so be imposed arson me his command to remain with you, Moe eer" unary I shall remain. [Applause.] Bat I must say, I never received an order before, from any I authority which more completely jumped with i my own wishes. [Laughter and applause.] The President having given the hand orlellow ship and farewell to Lard Elgin, 3fa;or Bigelow and others, left the Pavilion. Hon. A- H. Stuart, Secretary of the Interior, 'having been called upon, spoke as follows. Gentleman: I have no time to respond to Vl= flattering call fora speech. The President has i told you that the hoer for our. departure has come. / can only speak with the manly frank seas of the true Virginian, and say. God bless New Euglaud. dud bless you all. [Applause] Hon: Mr. Conrad, Secretary of War, having 'been called on, spite as follows: I 'Gentlemen—l am summoned to depart. other wise I should take great pleat:m:3 in addressing a few remarks to you on this, one. of the most agreeable, and I may say. one ot, , the happiest moments of my life. Igo sway- trots Boston' with the frank. declaration—elthough I said a few days ago that I was not a stranger on your soil—that I have never before known wkat Bos ton was. [Applanse.l I have never known the heartiness, the cordiality, the warmth of the' true New England Character, audit satisfies me that it has not degenerated from the characters of the forefathers of tkie country. I regret ex ceedingly that Lam compelled to take this sn teremonlous and haity departure, and to inter.. rapt your featititierbrso sudden a retreat: But yowl - now the necessity. The President awaits me and I bid yoeiTarewell—l hope a short fare well—for I hope it will not belong before I shall bare an opportunity to visit Boston, and to pay my respects 'to her citizen, sod especially to public Mends whom I have known before. bat whose acquaintance I have now formed In their private capacity, and at their homes. I bid you farewell. and wish to all of you all possible prosperity and happindas. [Applause.] Secretaries Stuart and Conrad having taken leave of Lord Elgin, Mayor Bigelow and others, here left the 'Patillion. Speeches- were afterwards made by Lord Elgin Gov. Badmen, Edward : Everett, Winthrop Ilan. Joseph Howe, of New Brunswick, Hon. Mr. Blocks, of Canada, and others. The festivities 'closed ahem. 7 o'clock_ A committee accompanied' the President to Fall River. • FLAILIAtiA6 AND STE/11160/13 TiAVILLI3III.—The Chicago Tribune states that steamboating upon the Lakes has never been more profitable then this season, and never has there been a greater need of additiOnsl boats Co accommodate the pub• tic. Every boat from Buffalo to Chicago or from Chicago to Buffalo has been crowded with pas sengers, who preferred the ease of the Lake route to the more speedy trip scram Michigan by the Central Railroad. .The latter route, however, is thronged with passengers. The statement goes to show that Sailrashle ore ate ir buskins for themselves, and do not, any thing like the extent supposed, compete injuri ously with steamboats In the transportation of passengers. With every new facility comei -a corresponding increase of business, so that while the new 'are abundantly sustained, the old are not injured. —Tbs which is true of the travel between Chicago sod the East, will be Nand an less so in regard to the basil:tees of the Ohio riv er, and the Railroads which eons have imagined would direct the entire travel from it —Cis Oa vitt. L0C101301 , 33 EXPLOI[O3—IMILAD/ 31 . ACM -31233.-1113 morning While the freight train on the Clevelend and Columbus Railroad,--to which tWolocometivess the DeLeitare and Lorain were attached, was going out,: and some two miles from the oily, the Delaware exploded. The Lo rain war: the leading engine, and so great was the force of the explosion,. the due end of the Delaware was blown over and some twelve rods ahead of i t, end the main body of the engine thrown forward, over the Lorain's tender and upon thi body of the Lorain, where it lay se- , cutely enough to be run into the city without being dhspbtued Mr. Salmon Boothey, engineer of the Lorain: was instantly killed, being horribly mutilated and crushed. Wm Steams, a fireman on the same engine, was badly-scalded, Mr. James Bryant, engineer Of the Delaware, I -wee severely scalded, as was Edward Colton, a fireman . The ttaek wan-torn up for some forty feet; and some of the freight eats injured. The cause of the explosion is not yet ascer tained, but it Is'supposed to have' been • want of water, ro the explosion followed the introduc tion of add water into the flues.—Okveland erald, 2121. 22. There Ike modesty in pure desire after excel lence which affection can 'nerree cotuitarfolt. If parents would render their childred happy , "and wealthy, they should early inculcate In them a desire fdr, ands knowledge of labor both man nal end mental Tut 'Caws oy Gout, itaszieas.- —Far better, and mord &meetly I could dburonse with some Aorta of the downright necessaries of life, than with certain circumstances of elegance and pro- Priety , the dilly habits of using them.--43. chancey. The most splendid efforts of genius are less the effect of inliplnstion than that iff -profoand thinking. Few [lunge are necessary for.the wants of this life, "bet it takes an Infinite amber to satisfy the damned of opinion_ Trust hint little who pra all; him less who eel:duns all; and him less whiso es le Indifferent about all. . The greatest truths are the shiniest, and so are the greatest me. . Every man ought to endeavor to shield others from the evils he has experienced himself. Wisdom is the olive branch that springetb from the hotart4loometh on the tongue, and bea r fruit Lu the 'Lotions. The most ignorant hay* saffscian imowledge to detect the faults of others; the most 'clear eight. ed are blind to their atm. Consider whatever be thy totes thit it might and ought to have even worse. It lieth thy band to gather even blessings'froto afflietions. • "Fir all hardehed lumpy, gang.ir .2222.1•12 t. 2121.22 a, soft 1,11222aa, flaa/aa jr.„ny. ac.,.hozosoai. O. 1 , orroal. A rabian tialsuat .22f snared '2: Mal:Wow that ow am/142e of U. kind , It 1.22222117 iflkudoon fat 2,121.12.. ull rheas:6.224o saleals, hadattio, ommbroat. bums. 2as briaalar.".... as. 1232.22124. elf talimprtiAb)n otireadware, (?Ixtlm, WGAN, WILSON & CO, No. 129 Wood Street, • • Imiro to all to. ottoolke of Momtionlo and Dann to . • Lbeta. suacprx: of FOREIGN AHD DMILIMIC HARDWARE, CUTI.RRY, 111PCittTRD lIRCENT PACIRET.A, And nblcb dui aft non prontrri to ear at men Pelee. cannot Phman fullaaliontuant at SIANN'N celebrate.' C. 8..A.C.D .mare on band. angle,- THE number Find fprmidable character Or &Napa originating to a diaeas.d elate of lb. liver dim long challenged the attention of medical men. Rome of thee, diseases. clawed under the general term of con eumpthm, bare boon .nppm•d It:mumble, and the ttob.P. or ratlant was atoned to die, without medical wience beinganablei r.. oder him a hope' of recorer e . Regally rsn i remedy 114. been Mood n. 6 will our, .11 the, edmplaints. of wherever rimramer, slabs; from derangement of the liver, The YIW dleroemel by Dr. fetal., of Virginia net directly on the iirer, and by correcting It. operation, and purify. bog ite diseaaa, outs off and extirpate. the r.mphilute which have their origin In the Ramer. of this organ.— Remedies hitherto prolloma for the". dieeenn hare failed to opnate two the orator the disemer. hot Doctor &Mane. Pills make thinned.. tell upon the action of the and by cleatming the fountain, dry up the impure etreeme of Mamma which theme derive their existence For rule at J. KIDD I CO'?. Corner Wood and Fourth cot Petroleum Ser A MOST IfESIANIOOLE CASK or Totnn Buriortgra Cons Sr Pfloocgiai,—Wo Invite the Irt.ntlutt ut the ataloted and the public generally, to the certificate of Wm. Hell, of thla Hl>. The eae mar he eeen by any t . a rr o n aLo ma, be ekehtiral In relation fn the into here set forth. ii. H. KIER I had been afflicted several years with a norm:Lessor both eyes, which tomtit...a to increase until Septambwr, 1660, .the Inflammation t that time having Involved W. whole !inn:lg membraneaf both eye, and ended lu depoiito of a thitA. Oho, which wholly deittnyed Ell sight, I had ot.rollutipmfortned,and the thickentng removed, which F.. returned anti kit me In as bad a condithot wa before. At thin Wlago of the complaint I ionic epolicatlon to Awer hi of Itte molt' otohorot medical we, who informed me that • toy eyes would never got well.' At this lime I could not distinguish any obir,l It, the drip of mtue friends tOmmenced thy U Lb w l'elloleto; both internallY and Juan', under wh N. ich at, eyes bare improral daily on. tit the present time, and l has* raroyersti my tight enttro ly. y general health wan yer, mtteh imPloYed dip the I..tmleuni, mud I attrihnte the segos...inn of m y sight to Its ow. 1 r...iirst lU2 WOOOOl street, in Ibis 0.tY.... 1 will Po happy to wre any inforpostiou hu relation to my IVII.LLAII ['ALL." for eal. , by Keyser a nt,Uncell, 1.10 tTc.M sty,t; R. 0. ballece. C. ti of street: 0. A Fula...incl., A Co, Lamer Knad 4.K.1 Front Km,. D U. Catty. ti A Elliott. itnePln Dcanisua. and EL Allezbeny: ,11,0 by the pro. pyfincr, tl. D. KIER, oaln4As , t Cana! Bantu. dusontb st—Plttsharch. Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS gym:. No. 41 Wan art,.to m• ran.house oft:, 11. NT. C. D. 110330, 1tre014,04 1 W. 411.1:44. !key. Tbla Company looms - 'tmmel to Insure all sterrbandlee Atom, In mulatto, ra tC. Alc ample guaranty for the ani a lutegn4y of Ma I tlti . 'o "'"' 011 " et ''''''"doloPltre=lell OllO VaLabrl7 town to Dm community 4.r [heir prelm, intolloottnott• aml Inteprity. nmacru.—C. 11. Rutile,, Wea. 144.141. ($ loarlM44. Jr., iValter ',Bryant,. 144 b D. King, 1:4•00111,a11,4ott. Jahn 11. 4 wort.d. S. Ilarbanch. P. Rt. ND, air-Fever sod Ague cured by the use el Dr. tirLane's Lfrer PWs The following lett., from • Wear repeatable gentleman of Weal Tinian. Parker Co, la.. to triumphant tertMacny lb form of telt really great ibme who are entering under this atliintl.G di.las can find biabbilbla relinf and a rP'Olf cure by all , law ale , engine's LiemPlila. WOOS Damn. Pu.zo Cc., la.. NC, 191.11. tsar. bies.ts. Eno t Co--About trot yeas Ago. I ere-dyed of your arm:a a lot of Dr. ATl.tur's Lives Pills. whirl. sold lattordiAttly, sad wish .nether supply As snort asp...ibis . . Whet, I ...rived the. pills. I 1ea...Y.1f eufiarl. from n A tieek. of Ague and Fever. but by the nu of [bete pill. done, I bare been completely sertorsd to health. Ibe iirv r teem to be the twat retard) far bilious esotylaints I have rrurtnarst. JONATHAN HOUGRAII. For We at , J. /LIDO a C0...' carnet - 0(1th and Wood ate. A History of Pittsburgh Ili NEVILLE B. 23 ever orPitt.bur,b. firm the milk.t to.riod eke It wee 01 0 1ted hi 'a/We PAR klafll /0 the cloro of the lat the with notices of the brit evtabllehtnent of eouti.of the Important Inanufactoriew e t taxi.. IMO. of Inter nal Itobtpeetnent hp to the nreerot time, to whlola Is old ect • chapter until the edtenh.ree of ow , for lawn ufeeturthif and comenereial pursuit, with • pummel . ). of the eghtegate at:lowa trtheacted hen upon out rl te.. tan.is, and elhetwatee Imprownoonta There te no point In the. Unkn where eo ober honor tett events sad occurrences of vertex/ bete been ocinpreemod w Whin so bele( a vertex/ or time. Le In the wentrywientetl the befit of the (kW To , ViitCl ethltlt In Listorkwi °idler thew reelotte locid•nte. and to prochehn the slew:M.oe of matl . .4llog as endue*. .thts Pit capitalists to tattle bent tithe object of the pro. wood work.' Po2bl=4'l,3"rb:=Ey AIELLelft. eebVs' Si Wood .10.01 Izistsumenta. r‘ubßeriber ban jalt ticeived - vary thole* orl.tinn mato IT Nance and al. br Dont:tem.:Tim York. dotone nth ero, •ictlynillevot toll az. tn.,. trot. Cerand I latest. made by Noma Clark. Title lostraarat, after acme. ful trial sal theeettltatit.4 was v.... 04 to' Pro lesom of New York city the floret tooeat and most paw. 'erful drawl Pomo m yet manutattor..to able &dui:arr.— Al. error.' torparb Lanb lath. haritootal. ria and Or tar. Pi.. of ovry variety of etliki Mid Delta, if. KINDEL. Slav of de golden Miro. No. l• N B. The bare Tian. limelog-Oreo . elected by are u ' l fey from the =tire suite. stock.. ye. ' , arrant. equal. It errparlar. to any ere. hrought . ifor yen. .105 Farm For Bab AVERY DRSIRABLE FARM for sale at avert law rim Good anbidantlat ItatTnYetnente plare, ronalstlu 4 • large new frame Doeldng lid., In • .{Want . tuetion. u drallant Barn ard Btablhot..good wring , of otter, and shoat lI.T. acne of ...ht. and ptalus. land, first rite ~.1-haal at lb* hot grafted Iron.; tea what. t ereed•ot order. and •iothl ft•attentipn of any pyrton draleons of hying In • haalthY Etuatktb and following Y agricultural Ills. .0..y0l eurse of wheat and other grain ate rabbi. The shoo. /a daily aelasad. Incao dairy tam. Bltuattod tow lb. new - Plant Baled lllatlay ha Pittabodth, sal within balls of Bakerstown. If not told baton tile I . lal 01 uembe, It will be cold at Public A 0.1.100 Oil that day ..odli,dt°T JOBS VIBIIEIt. Copper Stock. !Wtheist Iltootams ti.nota CamEany LttMM NESSE ttliM2o rolidyn M trien Aß t. Dna for tale O. to.rAtga, b A. WILIAI NA A CO. Atz , k aud Wrver AY Mark. AAA Thltd Wert, DREAM bxo revolving per ‘.) L. L. A U ilve, AAA fur “le by s. gt, JAM Al , l VALZEIA: O . , 1.1 ). ti , I ,, N n n E ta S ko . f . rt t v , tt r to utr t t t, rl 44 ' gr ' l " A° . ""ligifiartivittlrstirn ° ,' North Earl corns 4th arul Starless rear EAT BARRED dlNThAMS—Murphy Ilarchnold burr cei.drod 11 a ctn.. sworn:mut of cba X lt.l2, l l ' ll " (7lsl , .0 "1 uf real Mao- Vir r ELSEE FI a ANNELS—AV a . iranted un- V stateliest:a, tow bad - at tOr sent. of Vas 111.1111.11 Y b IBUILLILIFULD WALL PAPER—Fresh assortment for fall W.. etc...rad frocnaha flue Mare:tad mans. tutor/at sr l'bleadaljoblx,'lces Yves, atecilrostat, In addi tion es waled sloe doturnoln i tagtmesr i ttny et '25 4.s.nlartel oteret VRENCIi WALL PAPER—A general adoortodeur of hold .aJ other estrietke. kr tale 6, aepl2f. WINDOW BLIND PAPER— Glazed droen az.] PICA, fo.datv ...p25 • TEICIMAP PALM= BUCKETS -1W dor. Beaver-Buckets, for sate by ,p 25 ACE A IieCA6DL6I.!7 A CKERE L-100 6 le No: ,3 large, 20 Quattar barwl. No.: far le Irr • %V (i k 3AcCANDLEIII3. puita4l4 otiEssg—m) in, highly 'cul tlveled tb de,. recved arid far aide by eep2S W ei ICK a rCA..4I,LetB BIITTER-18 kegs Fresh Butter received *rid for BY THE .NEW‘ IT" Ir.111:181.EXPLOYINGI AND adININIS CO3IPANY,' " Pt i =iii.o N j s , iii sireii,l to furniiih • niptils of thew valootile \ . \ ZINC \l',.-1 - IN TS, \\. Which h., lirrn limn& ahereverol reins' trial, Wm In. Kurope and tOr United Stalk. to Main their, ortstinal• Newly and poteetive..prorarticit inatiestor to ais other , point .rinneveri. Thor . WHITE ZINC\ PAINT N\ .. 1r purely an 081 do or Zino, and is `tionsinted tr. tram all adulteration and hunartty whateoliver, it corny wall, is ter•utundly *bite, •hd iv enturit , lnisi ri' the rellistadoise r.;`.lr? :I=l3hrttir.Vhhnia. . 4 " P ''" e° tk ` . i''.I'IVILL 14f.yr:rutiN, 'ELLOW ‘\; \ whoa avow/ to rolphas or total • arhalothinuo or even when rind up In • close roosio As sh, outside Al., .It withstands • southern tllitiate and theOseather better thou any ether, not being Itoble to tUrnli chalky or o ri inundate and nab oil. It iiiki i,,, ba dia6 seortedortth any color: with water and fur with. whlett ton the sale BleACili. di..ND„COLORtIii' ZINC P 'TS. . \ie. .0..., are huh Lahti at slow i4 . l . oe.ttid.ari h oubtedir . `the 'Onuses( and best paints trii.lll, Daarket lor, waling roods; fencing, olotonhts, U.S.I b 0144, Or 4.. Z .r.P...d f . ' , 11,.. of .op.t. MUIC. LID. 0 . 11401., •• they .r• both, WEATHER A.N.1..k FPI\ PROOF, ' .. ' POT dna view. titter an Siertknheelreah•sble. her '''r'aigl"; 7,lr.Thr.--sitir pomatt tw, • h T "'rot. itch * e m ir." "Lt' u t ,ti' LI„., , , 'l " ' r, u lr .th .. A =ion I.lbeial. '1.... b r e ie o r to! , ' V . :U - li ' lcditt tti ' V4, ' . /AI , 0,000 Common , G P 4,1‘..bi ‘../ \ mei- `,, '• • 11. a WALZBAIIpA, T i fWISOR am.\ Express Packet Una Cleveland. -- - • . - !HE Proprietors °isle Pa t Lines hay beg made the tannishe arranyesaus with the Ohio • teas'. Italtroed thanYnart raberagarszag a Z tether by the Cleveland or Ain them. „ through ticket. at th e dabs. *ill tat nnet e tsst nub sus. , d , c h One tbsm the pair antes \So Stoehr • ter I, the Cars or the ntaartheat' . • For Uled 1 / .......111 , • 'L . ,.. , ' , S'. 14 1 1,11 ‘ F. , sitseßlß log LK, s feceifed4l — ", \ file wait stook 01, PA diId,ITINVII.ft 00008. ifi .. \ , sivild: respect Iv Inform I,ll a essetontisescual the POD\ ::',. \ : ids i 1.11 I. 9.1..ird la dh•Pom aLW 1 , 0 `` , ... , ht, wt.+. - - , it • bee Sti \ Dry end. the Staple, i....i1l s. hater' stsok et Pane/ Des 9 (alt rci...e import Si Chlnse Silks. for .retils , J sad etreet dr lutist' t I`laisi Blac atralla k Silas,\ all p and arSl,ll.: ' j . ' ''' \ •, . • Br lVA,Tl=`! " llk .. all tistr; ' '' '. '' ' ea, \ \ ' \ \ Pentads Der fas , sad a ...;... . Tivattie,•lll\ • Versa atsd kuallall Pei:atlas. haw --- 7 \ \ito - u§,....tuArnincisciNkootos, .- .. • :-•' , ~ _. '4l 'i. /. 241,rd I ; 4 ' f t . ":l °., T 9:1=.„,,, ..,_.„,, •\ ‘ ~ , . 111 ohtl 34 to W. disailds Sal WA.: IY, \ --, . \ Due.r.sbeck Diaper and Clash YoaredtturN \ -,,,,;;,. ~ ill , t 1 Prlute4 PilliNand Uhl* :Coven, .-'. \ , SUOMI. u 141%, Pnu .h , ,rurnit..., xunn•rug , .. , `,., AONINO \IMX, \ 9 00119: \''''V''' late 1\ , , , rose Dude 11.1 , 1. \ " Wif,ANltTZl th :i \.', SIiA n' , b:i. 0 f,,,, ...rich • Italica,"enisst Ilada J 1.,01 Chruilnans mat ides rug Vahan and Cu , a l !lister,: all at is Inhilsodaielll he •arraut :or" and cheap lot qualify . . \ , • \ • ' , •P IS . \ \ dASIAR A. /doh& \ _, Eall awl Wintir 5 i:;;:da, al ltaney aial t \ \ ' DRY eek.opi4,, :''',l - \,' .4. MASON 1. C. Vould‘inae. i : 1 ~1 1A. 1 , ,i i r . . .=t4. t , : Lairolon V th• , itau . f .. l".. ..-QuAr ink.a.d mock a .iV 4* Ve" . .. ida.t.in. which at. : {ouc,4 Auger' Utah 0.4 they '4lu - c 1148 ale . Ws hate If2iTed lklatOlN. ... t \ tou bale Worn Mcollur MOOM sad ILA) .. list UmasLacg too we- .P.l , • 101 , Ftlak.bi, e0rd,...; WO &lira 0...1.4 1(..0 .. Tletio, _ • , Mx/ so. k I; Me I PC,:ates Whit., blubllnc ' 000 ve. Pm MU .'t .. theeMnic_ ". , lm /p. .. ' ' ACcpleces Llvip Ntutetucc, . i IV Gum TiCh LS MU " Patiactcr; ' ' I t.O Bonus lou, -" twat 1400•CloChs1 IVO cormouTtastel au. ... t...Y.wdzeres, tr.; WU pc. FatxxVlt. . 1. ''.: . i .". Vet &awe ''l wow k ...d i . , ..„ ... #„.t..1.gtzl , l'Omplacr with orver... as • tuctudly fOwal bunt • entallichwu wt. parvl 00 Malutt M., I I URPTIV. AURCH.FIXLV, -iv opal's:tau largo Gowan . ..ol'ot FMIf su oro ots am - Mato the tsautalosi t.t akar as usual amoral', .64 .- DuriF•ocivou they Id rear atoplas of the' cart d' Dl* now, ~'tyl.•fl Go' ,a'uoutalog au assortment GOAns earaulador -cto • , awn d • • bh,, artsortrocet • 8L1E331011, TEAS; ', . \Put up in M etallic packs; • Easton subscribers would_ szylftk 1_ toot. tEe *unman of Matt. in to then b rew euporlor, ILLS , o ur op trudaUlo pecks, rested soul to • .14, t tee t