.Ptotroanca Maim—The Grand Allegheny Candy plongbink:match, will come off on the eleventh of November, instead ot October. announced yesterday.. AGRICTITURAL AND hlsceaarcat FMIL WO are pleased to learn that an our leading manufacturers intend to exhibit specimens of their various productions at the fair, which hill come off on the Bth and_9th of next month. It - will be a brilliant affair. The diploma; to be preteoted to the ettecese ful couintitors, will ha got up iu the tauter style at art. Filar 'Watt Fenian ScnooL.—We. paid a ybait yesterday, to tie First Ward Public School, and •weie politely - shown through the various dapartasente. •The School. House itself, is one of, the 'neatest, we have Bier seen, and its far. - Withal with all the modern improvements for the convenience and comfort of both teachere 'and yaps: It is three eterie.s high; is built upon a lot omi, hundred and sixty feet - by one hundred and twenty; and contains eleven spa. clone apartments, which are admirably lighted and ventilated. Attiched to the iimitation are two dwelling bouses,,Li one : of which Mr. B. iferr,, the able principal - and euperintendent resides, end the other is occupied by the janitor. We had the plinatire‘of hearing a 'number of recitations, and were very-Milch gratified by the proven *filch the acholare had made.:, Their proficiency bore ample'testimony to the ability of their teachers, and the utmost good order was preserved. Mr. 11. M. Karr, the prin elpal, is s gantletnen ishoselearning end talents peculiarly fit hire for the responsible situation he occupies. 'The other teachers ore all ladies, amply qualified give instricticet in the various brtuathes entrusted to their. charge. Mlsa"..4.' C. Sargent is principal of the high scitool department 'Miss M. 'J. McHendry and Mrs. C. Bingham, teach the grammar 'scliooL Miss Emma Hopewell, and Miss J. 8. West are instructors in the Intermediate department In the secondary department, Miss M. Johneon and Mies, 8. Bailey preside:. Mrs. M. C. Whiting and Miss M A. Leslie teach the juvenile scholars.' •We cannot refrain from saying, that the School Directors of tide ward deserve, the thanks of their constituents for the care they hive evinced in the selection of teachers, as well as for the attention they hareldisplayed *ling for the comfort of the schcdars. _.' TILAH2B. —The Executive .Committee of the Pittsburgh Horticultural, Society return thanks to Metiers Curling, Robertson & Co., for thegra- Minna supply el' a large quantity of glass rare for the exhibition, also to 'Patrick Malcolm. I. IF. Esq., Auctioneer„ for • dly volunteering his 'cervices to sell' the frui &c., for. which he made 'no charge, and the citizens, for their liberal patronage, • . A. B.! McQu-rwas, TEL Am- 7 one hundred persons are now con fined in the County Prises; - "need of various offences. ',Onto Asti ?slim lowing is a statemi. and PeNstylsssis From Aug. 2 to 9, passcagers, Cash received, , Prop. le4 , . .tom Aug. 9to 16, paeseiigere, • , 2444 Cash received, $1,344 87 .From Aug. 16 to 23, paw/engem, 2192 Cash received, . , , $1,093 92 'From Aug. 23 to ao, , pusen g era, - - 2135 Cash received, I $1,103 18 1 . Prom Aug. 80 to Sept. 6, paaseugers, 3107 ,Cask received, • 51,663 40 FromZept. 6 to 18, passe.ogiie, 3508 Cash received,, $2,210 87 From Sept . 18 to 20, paseLigers, r . , 2400 Cash received, - IsLoao 00 Courxxssin.• Piazik Bold, is BEAU Mum cliff Mine copper company have ad, adjoining their O OPPer rolling IL ig establishment, eip the Monongahela,•ior the purposeof building a mannfActery to manufacmie end roll bra* Balm eau Ginersx.:—Liirge numbers of cirri. ara nowemployed hi hardiag sand'and gravel from the various bare which are exposed, owing to the low water. BLasinno Itoens.—Mr:" Thome. Scott, who was, some time ago, fined ten dollars for blast-, lug rocks on Chesnut street; as is alleged, coa ti", to.law, has since been fined fifty dollars, by Mayor °tidal., ;on a similar charge. . . Suocrrnio.—The Enterprizs of yesterday, sap that • "For soma dap' past a number' of boys have been tresepassing on the garden and or " chard grounds of . Mr. Avery, In the 4th ward, near the CanaL .air. Avery was anxious to atop ' inch proceedings,' sad authorized a colored man to watch the premises. The colored'man pro cured it gun, and concealed himself in the gar den, and on Saturday evening about 9 o'clock, number of boya entered the premises, for the purpose of stealing fruit. The watchman fired at them, God one boy, named Stout, wan severely injured by retelling s quantity of shot in one of his legs. . The other bop escaped. . This morning, we learn that the boy is ill a critical condition—team are entertained that the wounds will prove fated.r'. 423.11 . 13 D.—A number GC pentane l avebeen arrested by -Mayor Fteming's Wise charged with participating in the.,reoent dastardly at tack made upon Eicherdson M. Green, • eel end man, while he wee going to camp meeting. We trust that, If guilty they may be severely /34xsz.—We favourite ilia there - are • large umber of hap is 1 ,i. , nxi door to the May .oes "Office, since the pe Will) in the neighbor 'hood by no means rezetablatf - thit of “Azaby the. . Ammatrzarr Pansannar;.,-We learn that the Altegbenj Presbytery of the I Camberland Preo byterum church, trill meet in the First C. P. ehurcb, ot Allegheny city, at half-paste even o'- eloolten.Thursday evening. • • Escaosen.-:-The miter depot of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, has n enclosed. Menem. Coa , m. deretand that s musical convention which will probably be attended by a number of, dis•• goished artistes,' wlll be ben in this city abonb the middle of neat n ~ 1 I . EOlllll3 Bl:lB2lED.—Your ho ea ralneti at tllrso . hundred and 'evenly fireldoll re were burned to :death - in 'the stable which wa 'destroyed in Al :legimy city on thanda,7o ig: The fire was tindonbtedly the work. of aninemuliarY. ' Monstcutzwaar. Extusrso. e pleased —We ar pleased e - to learn that the Manage a off the Roetleultaral ,Ekciettirill realize betw een one ,and: two bun ' *ad dollars from their ezilb ion last week, al though the expenses were, , heavy. • . •AtDattoter.—A little cola -1 statnat tree near. abe cement: "ma wan so stunned that be to Peenao.—The parlera are now busy upon , Zoisunond alley, atwre Smithfield . street. . • Voustrrxesr.—Another commitment was yea- Aerday sent up to prison for Thomas Dario, whq ancgsed, on oath of A. TileTtghlin, with as *milt and battery, with intent kill. ~.timearo LAIICINT.—N34cotb Dodds vs; on Daturday comtuitted, to trisob by Ma hoorr ...Id withaior Fleming, charged, commit of of William Aidatas, larbey. --,. . . . Tinntr Merran.--The friends of Scott and 3 ,, Zola:Won in the - Third Ward, Allegheny, will ~ .itteetthis evening at haltpast: even o'clock,. id the Uncle Sim engine house. II the Whip of .lhe Ward are earnestly hailed to ahead. Failtill7B.—Alderman Otani yesterday Joined 'three warrenttragaitiit pelting, one °Callon% is charged with forgery, one srith.larceny, and one 'with obtaining money under false pretences. No wrests have been made. !I sea that e of Ityatee liiitkliagare being cleared dway preparatory to theamictioa at a new factory. • •, • •- fROIII hlistrumort..—The news of Governor Quitman's butting oat is co nfirmed. • A New Abieitts dempatch'dated September 12,.says that Quitman has put forth it letter declining to r'oontlaneaa a candidate for the office ofilorernor uf that State. His party will run Ur. Ceche in lip pros; but the Union majority in hlicsiseippi Is tetiinsted from the reedit of the election of • Delegutes. to the State Convention, to be from merle fo fifteen thousand rotae. Quitman promta, lattildrei , :to desert his frieitds. What don he Ida resignation but adoudonmont, attar betog . zeidiipiodetko Diouniothiaisparijookbainsiikip. .44by- Vition4b7ing, Coustiuttion-tOolatild . qitto of hilsaitalppL -4irew York Aim.; !MEM •: lze To TOO w. Tho tollowin•. correspondence will be found wiry interesting, to oar young readers. particri : . lardy. . To the Rec. W. Li. HOWARD: Dear Sir.—Wt, the landersigilisd, having lie , toned with Filename, and we trust with profii,to your very abfis It acmes to young men, would re spectfully request you to continue the mane du ring the coming winter. John Lavel , Jr. W. IL Collingwood • IL D. Le 'Childs R. IL Cust John Filson Wm. F IL Leech John M.11(1 patriot R. C. Totten John B. pun evy John Gilmore Wm. Res Joel Mohler COPT. 4LL - near Ciro, Sep. 18, 1851- Mr. John Larkly,l,lo. r Respected d 'Dear Sir.—Accept for your selfand coeve to the other young men who sign ed the reques . you pent me, an you conveniently can,mykincere thanks for theinterest manifested in my humble efforts to promote the welfare of the young met of :our city. The attention giv etimy discou-ties by those to whom they were especially- addressed, and this . request by so large a number to continue them, is a rich re ward for my labor, and encourages me to fur ther efforts] in their behalf. -My bole object. .from the begit sing was to do good to a clues is whose welfare 1 feel a deep and growinginterest '. Young men "Itrs the hope both of our country and the Church, and-'I have been surprised and grieved that more frequent and earnest ef forts are not Made to arouse their suspicious against vice tad win them to paths of limour and usefulness. 1 F our beloved country shall contin- F ue to press forward in her unique and glorious ! Fcareer—if the'great interests of education, mo rality and relion, here and eleewhere , ate ad ' vetoed as rap dly as I think they can be, and est hope they will he,it must be in no small de gree by 'the a ency of young men. Tatgive, therefore, to t s ir ardent and vigorous F minds the right bias, inspire them with noble thMtghta and noble purp see; to encourage them to welk in th e paths of irtue and usefulness are, hings most devently be desired. Roping that I might in some unible degree accomplish some such ends, I! co menced the series of lectures you have so. ndly requested me to continue; and your rogue t leading me to believe that my efforts have 'no hien wholly in vain:4 moat cheerfully cootie tto continue them. - F 'F Divine prori ends, therefore, permitting, I will preach the Wi th lecture of the aeries on the second Sabb th evening of October. I men tion the second sabbith evening because I shall necessarily be absent from home on the first., With great respect I remain yours, &c. W. D. llowann. • IN rnr. 1110 below the sectio. our Legislature, is of great impor .one which ia . pro! tention of all busiress firms however is called to its provisions and requirements. The section is as follows, and w 11 be found on page 62 of the paniphlet laws of 851. Santos 13. Tha from and after the tenth day of August next, all persons who ore now doing business in a partnership capacity in this Com monwealth, shall file or cense to be filed in the office of the Prothonotary in the county or boun ties -where the said partnership is carried . on, the names and location of the members of such partnership, with the style and name of the same; and as often as any change of members in cud partnership shall take place, the same shall be certified by the members of such new partnership its aforesaid; and in:default or neglect of such partnership so to do, they shall not be permitted in any suite or actions against them in any court or before any justice of the peace or alderman in this Commonwealth to plead any misnomer or the omission of the name of any member of the partnership or the inclusion of the names of per sons not members of said partnership. Scenes 14. Thathereafter, where two or more persons may be desirous of ente ri ng into any business whatever in partnership capacity, they shall before they engage or enter into any each business as aforesaid, comply with and be sub ject to all the provisions and restrictions id the next proceding section of this act. 10•11.—The fol rpts of the Ohio its opening].,_ $1,047 75 and Manchester • Retrit or Ray. Lail R. Rtr.sr..—We e - just learned that this distinguished Minister of the Methodist Protestant Church died, after !Mort illness, at five o'clock thie morning, on the Eastern shore of Maryland, whether be had gone on a visit. Mr. Reese is too well known in this community to require any eulogium at our hands lie had the honor of being selected at several sessions as one of the Congressional Chaplains, lie was twice elected President of Maryland Conference, and in every elation to which he has been called, he has brought with him a mind well stored with praitical knowledge, •and a firm determination to discharge tho duties imposed upon hint with fidelity to thoee by whom he had been selected. We sympathize with his friends in this sudden and unerpticted.bereave- Mani—Argos. • asznwouit.swn Oroo Reziatosn.--A few weeks ago there was some alarm about the cholera along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road, up Grave Creek,: and many of the bandy left. The Wheeling Gazette (pays that it le now perfectly healthy, and that the contractors are all in want of more laborer, at good wages and prompt pay. NEW YOH% NOM:NATIONS. WHIGS. For Judge of the Court of appiala. Famool A. Foot, A. H. Johnson, of Ontailo. of Now York For Secretary of State. - - - James C. F orsyth, of Miter. For Comptroller. Geo. W. Paiteroon, of Cbantauque. James - M. Cook, of Saratoga For Attorny General. Daniel' Ullman, Levi S. Chatfield, of New York. or Otsego. For Slate Engineer and Surveyor, liezekie.h C. Seymour, Wm. J. Mcilpine, of Rockland. of Kings. For . Canal Cenntnissioner. 'Henry Fitzhugh, . • Horses {Shelton, of Oswego, • of Ontinadage. ' ' .• .For State Prison invite/or. ! ' - Alex. H. Wells, Henry Storm, of Westchester, of New York. We learn that Mr. Forward, American Charge d'Affairesda_llenmark, tendered hie regignation . of that . officcaome weeke ago, and reqapated of the Govertinient permission to return, home; and we tinderistaind that the President last week accepted the reaignation, and directed Lenard of recall to be tiamamitted to`bimiad that, we pre sume friends may look for his return home at an early day{ Not_ Ftitr.-The warehouse of Mr. B. 0. Davis was dimorered to be on fire at eight o'clock last evening. J. firb was undotibtefily tbe,work of en inoefitliary; and it is the fourth or fifth time within a - year that attemptili bare been made, to born down this and the adjoining buildings. The fire companies were quickly on the spot with their apparatns but it sem:oth. the house was Fred - in three or four different plan., and it eneteined fionfiidenshle damage before it was got under. The contents, consisting , of bag ging suit bale rope and sager. the latter belong ing to Mr. Jobe Ray., who occupied the build ing with Mr. Dasis(*fire-bmily damaged by fire and water. Thebuilding W. owned' by Mr. 'His loss isßfily covered with ineurance in the Etas end Fmu3,klin offices. Mr. Rues was also' insured., • boy fell from a ~• last Oundiy, for a long time - the waieboluse'of -Mr. P. R. Gray,ort the east and that 451' Mr. Gallagher. - T - trithe west, made a narrow escape from destruenonr—Looinonte Journal. A Livrair PlOPLlL—Lamartien, in, the pre face to bin now work on the" "Restoration of Monarchy in Fiance," has the - following remark able sentenoei—'4 scarcely, exceed the Middle age of man, ye/ behreetilnfaney and maturity hare seen trit - revoltitiou." Judging from the tenor of the latest news from the French repub-, lic, there is as strong a disposition to revolve as .ever, and the worst of these revolutions in that the wheel that makes them has an- irregular on, 60,1 HEALTH, OFFICE. ' IN TUE OV Vitra/MOON, From tht 13th to the 20th of September,lBsl. Adutle. rnddre7. Cox o nohp , loo.- ..... ............. ettakra JarsaiLOr:7 - .... ........... Complivatftl. ..... ....... _ ....... rever Catarrh ... .. ..... 70111mo:013u .. 11/ Tnz, ABOVE: • Under I Tear /..-- 2 Prom VA to 40 e 1 Tram Ito 2 rtartl-..... $ . 40 , to r ,r. i 2to 6 ",- ..... 0 - CO to 60 -1" 0 6 xOlO . . 0 • " 60 g o 7,0,. • r , . ".. IN lo LS . " --- N . " IN to 'No .."." .16to 90 . --.- 0 . 6010' 00 0 . 0 26 ,9 .... , ••••' _ ny ontaz 'it Gl.iiia 0 rt. l igh 4l.o3 - ' ""- 0 - . • ~. , - - . - • •:, , r _ • .U. ISISTBEIL ClNrk:: iltn u tr Tibia. fol . saleulico—: . . . . , . . ' • , \.._..., . , • , . • .. % • . . •• , . . • .. . , . - . 1 - . ..„ • • .... , . • . • . . .• , / . . . \ I . . . . \ ' \ N • . . • • • . . , .. \ _ - ov Panritgasuirs.—We give .fan act ptbssecl last session of o relation topertnerse which nee to all business firma, and bly little known of. The et- CINCLNNATI MARKET. • CINCINNAT4 Sept. 22. The river is falling slowly. Freight to New Orleans $1,30 100 lbs. Flour—Dull, with sales 2011 bbis at $8,150- s3,2ii for extra., Whiskey--Sates at 170r.171c "i? gall. Provisions—Bacon is offered at, dentine with out finding buyers. 'Some holders are shipping North, Via canal. Groceries—Sales are confined to a retail bu siness. Sales 100 bags pepper at 10c. Cheese-1s dull at fic. S UNDRIES -10 tsgo realliarg: 4 Ginseng, 4 Ws. flow, E.•• Urn.; 14 1riVIIVATItZ l. " espl Walas and Front ns. COVEIME • Executors' Notice, t LL.persons indebted to the Estate of Jo ., tola SloClurz, d..• 4, of Lot., Or. Clair towothly. ar ), ore . Eizn . to.l lo , tftallp o pAy . to . W u tt jll: 6; ce . Aztv EL r. Ealing claim. wilt preletr tteAtumith/eastieettlement. JAE. PATTEREON, Jr., Executor.. Henry S. Randall, of Courtland. Jol C. iVright, of Schenectady notice: T'ORE, will be an election held at the of bee of the Youghiogheny Navigation Compny. at Iloreve, of Wart Neon.. on Tuesday. the 7th day a oeleber, for the yurposu of electing one President. nur Managers., one Treasurer, and one Secretary of the Y ace,- lOshanl Navigation Cornpany, for the ensuing fear. order. For Trearurer. Beejsmin Webb, jr., . of Erie. !OFFER forsale tknt well known Form, called the . •bottlb lying on Chartier . .. Creek. nth Payette tikeruship, Allegheny county. eight relies froto Tittaburglbconv.lent to the Pittsburgh and Waal. 'noon Tuntolke End , containing 132 /cm. 35 of whieh lieu the beet quality of butt. land: the nytend le et the pualla n dwl all under gcodne.i. vet. and mar in eb.re. Tbe lutprovemente convenient Deethng How e,Vrante Dank Bun, nolth wagon corn cola .00th~ Lown and all other merman. out building., A largo Orchatd ol graft , a 1 trait uf Ulm best kin d, et tetninit tti bear. The whole 11 to good ender, and well tor liming and tf•Astds. POrPetee. Tor further Dertieulare enquire of the sutacribtr, on the prentiaes. sepl3:weekS 00014. BY VIRTUE OF A PRECEPT UNDER the ands of M MeCLURE, Presiden of the rt of Co h mmon Plea lola nd Mr the Lth Judlelal t Onetrlet of Pennsylvania. and J notee of the COUrt of Ow, and Toe • miner, and Genend Jdl Dallrery. In and for raid and 'Y. L. and Wm. Rogue, Esus., Associate Judges of the same Courts, In and for sloe County of Allegheny, .dated the ith da of renumber, in the year of. our r.Onl 'Chan Thousand Eight ght Hundred ad FlltrOoeotod to toed.' errant: for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer aulen 'lrt7theCr I=? °Lro At= , ou 7 tlllondeorC li,aPlOt'oe A. M. • • • Pub/in hOtke M hereby alTen to all Jo grtirea of the resee, Coronem,.d Constable', of lb. Count, of Alleithroy, that they then and there, thrtr.moper Pmmt..ltn roll, retard., Inquisitions, exarolnattons, and other mmens. brattm", to do than thi/VIII Which. to then. regimen.° ca eca. in their behalf, appear to be dona—and also. rho/a. that .111 promoule the pried ners thal. non are. or mar i.e./nth. Jail of said Count) of Allonbrop, to be then ‘nd Mt.-cute aCWILINI. them am 'hall he tast. thorn under my bond. In I•ituburatt, this lttk dm"of nentember. A.l/.1/431. and lJommnorrealth CAL. sentolltntthr/ CAILTkIt CUKTIM :Marla TO lIAIJNA.II MORTON, widow, William Morton, 'Moms. Morton, William Elrod and liuran. nate hl. wife, Wi llem Manaoeld and Ann hie wife, Hannah Morton, WilllaM ➢ Young mot 4.0, hl. wife, Xllta ant. bane. Hobert 'Logan. William 1.01.1,1 , Hannah Lae usu. kaoline /Logan, Jamea Logan. leaac Lopan,Jsmea W. )tattoo, John D. Morton, Thom. J. Morton. Jonaph It. Morton. Rebecca Jane Morton, awl Hannah 31orton, ml. mu, J a mes guardian' ud hi E l isabe t htter.. heir. at law of Murton, late oftownship, Atte- Wletly county' Penneyleania, deed Notice la hereby glean to the above named partial, that .by clefs. of a writ of Partition, !flood out, the Ornhana' Court of entid county, au Inutteet trill he bold and taken upon the ref/Miaow therein dewribed, being the real +Mato , the/ eald Jamen Morwn, dee'd. els, banana trmt of land aituate in Niio.btb tosuahlo, so /mid ann,/ Gunned Ly Imola of Chillp Kee., William Dougluo, 41/004.. flu Clare, and other, Jay tree. o[l.l &Litman, on ariday, the luth day of Oeloker mat.. IU 0 . 1.10 E I, A.ll, for the purtma, 01 malting war - taloa or valuation and Pratautomut of mid roll .04,, aa to sand writ rammed. al which time and piano you mar attend if)ou think per elowitf. Sharlfra Pittaburnii,l+ou. 3, '51.---laeg,tuw4l•4l ALEX. W. OUSTER, Attorney and Coon. twllor at Law, No 47 Fourth garnet, near Market Itiabornb. no. inAlt,s. 11 A. FAIINESTOCK'SI -1.11. Tan /Wee, acid moot elfactle• remedy fur WORM tint bac ever hewn diwoverud. • Flom ftLA V Tftft, Weer& D.A. Vabutoftek Vo—l have Levu Belling lour Nerinihnie for three yr/amain, au far Oki I know; it bo I. en eattefortlou iurarfaLly. our physinanr recommend It, god mochare ft for ow in their practice. at ;mutant& eldld, about .10 loon of Aga. for mverat thehad symptoute of cheat, at abort Loterrals, which the ntualleit untaily ailtulnistared by her mother failed to relhae. Uer zullentom wo u ldrrible, and donut( route of thi attacks thought sh die. I at. lanalb garotter Ott a venture/ • doe, of your Vermlfoge, aboat • day afterward., brought auto (trout qu.titY of worm. and A.A. Inettud r.llef. About Ilona moutlirafterw.le rind). attack .aura./ whet. I save atudber vial of the I erualluge, which ezeled about ea) worm, mom. Shen now enjoying perfect 1/M. .tut under Providialm ono:oaf her recovery to your hemnif Lig. it. Li. TON. Carrullsnlla, Mar., J.. =a, MI. hot nal. hr It. A. VAIINESTOCK A (XL, cornerof Wool and gloat elands, nod by lbortimula gruerally. LIGHTNING RODS —l4watt:a Patent JAIMEI,JACEMS, ()maim. AaxnS. , WAoluale D? 188 , Inrod street, .Pittaburih, Pa„ .runt RODS are SO Oda ' strdefad that titi3i cannot got out of oral:, The lit • stunt mud Atasobsvnivntting arcututaly, tha - Mats • and Maguantara win/t I—Lba whole Wag Sled? or. namound. and Iddbout del - nut* Um butt wnductod a.ar manufactured- jam. Jackson will attanta thou atiN sum iled toot. and SI fcd - Votut and Illagnata."4 . dlandt uta Goutlamou at* etp.Oldtt“ Ilitidirtudtets OduaL and esaatteta tha stmoruthatir. ago. SS. blot. arr 24 • BY TELEGRAPH D.CODIVED DT TEI O'HILLLT TILIALPH LIS; AND ILEYORTICD P4ITUI TriTSIMIGN CIAZZTri. FROM CALIFORNIA AND'4LIVANA. Nriv Ypia, Sept. 22. The steamer Cherokee, from Havana, arrived this morning, with one day'■ Mug news from California, via San Jnam . She brings no newt of interest, except the-hanging Of a horse thief at Monterey, by the Vigilance Committee. At Havana crosses had been distributed to the soldiers by the Captain General, lifter which he proceeded to Rabin Honda, to effect; in person, the.distribotion of rewards to the people. • The Cherokee brings informrtion that forty five of the American prisoners are still confined at Havel. The Spaniels Consurhad left for Spain. Yearly $70,00 had been subscribed for the relief of the widows of those who fell in defence of. the Island. The funeral obsequies of the slain were celebrated in the Cathedral at Ilava na on the The steamer Monumental City left. San Fran. cisco• on the 16th of August, and reached San Juan on the 6th of September, with 130 passen gers, hut no gold. The Falcon left San Juan on the 10th of September, and arrived on the 16th. The Cherokee left at Havana the United States war steamer Saranac,' and sloop of war Albano. The passengers report hoeing visited the Amer ican prisoners at Humans., Nineteen were in good health; and twenty-six sick In the hospi tal. They expreesed their thanks to the British Consul fur his great kindness and attention.— Oa the 15th, eight More American prisoners were brought into Haiene, having been taken in the mountain.. - Among the pnsonensjetit to Spain were John Boswell, C. F. hichluiiiiy, and F. Hanna, of Baltimore; Thomas Hilton, of Washington; J. C. Chapman, of Charleston; Benjamin Gilmore, and Charles Willa, of Cincinnati. DESTROTIVE FIRE. CININNATI, Sep ut About noon yesterday a fi r e broke oin Cod dingtou's extensive chair factory on Vine Street, which was totally destroyed, together with thir teen adjoining buildings, mostly second class dwellings. Seven other buildings werealso par tially destroyed. Coddiogton's loss is estimated at s6s,ooo—the insurance $15,000. Total loss sustained s loo , ol :oineurance about $20,000. STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION-LOSS OF LIFE. 22. The steamer James Jackson,Louisetun whilSeept. leaving the wheirt at Shawneetown on Sunday, explo ded two•of her boileere, killing and scalding 35 persons. The steamer Cumberland yalley was close to the James Jackson '.when she exploded, and towed the wreck ashore. Many of the scalded have since died. WASFIIIOTON, Sept, 22. The official census returns Of South Cardina, give a free population of 283,528; and 84,964 slavei. The President's health is'eutirely restored. William Wells, a marine, has been fully cam mitted for the murder of a youth named Mau delby, by shooting him on Thursday Inst. erros, ept 22. a We have accounts from, Atmßt S Cayes to the 228th of Atigust Thu Emperor of &longue was on a visit to the North. kwas likely that he would attempt to prevent the reconquering of St. Do mingo. Doubloons had considerably receded in value. Coffee was in active demand at $B9, Haytien cur rency, 100Ibs. PHILADCLPHIA, klept 22. The ngw Masonic Hall was dedicated is Hoy ammoing to-day, the ceremonies beiog followed by a Pend procession of the order ert., Set. The bark, Vesta, from W Philadelph p a, 2 wtu 2. wrecked tact night below this city. The crew were eared. Ahnaar, Sept. Sep t." 2. A serious break occurred .iu the Erie Canal, five miles west of Schenectady, Mac will.requiro some days to repair. Ldmartu.c, ziept Forty-two Califorukine arrived at We9ton, Mu., ny the overland route. Only one death occurred moag them on the way. Bar:intoea, dept. 22. Com. Cunningham hto been attached to the Nary Yard, in place of Com. Buchan., de tached , Com. Warington is lying dangerously ill at Washington. . I=ELTE Re[ Ner • Aft.. t Wll. 6. NERLON. a.c}. 10. 1101 {.p1&.3 * Farm for Sale. PROCLAMATION Notice in Partition. • Wartwright . • coven emoa STEAIII BOATS._ . _ _ 1 _ POR ST. LOUIS.— Tbesplen- 111101 AS WHITE, BONNET ,IA.:1 , 111- INiiTkincti d . ibteil, :TM: Tilt" FACtUREIL, No, 41 South Peeud, :the abut Lat'litir nb . on, on,, tntonnothnto noon, on this y ay. P. to ..c.,,. ortOnt. rata aidn,) l'htladolt , h. A. Al: sit. 0101121 -JO. S. ottose-tra. For (renal or mum,. &POT ‘tt. Id.ard, ,„,,,, ! aa p. trutt.trantr .... , . ...atlYu it4....itat Xi EGULAR PACKET BE. ,l) AGA LEY, WOOD YARD & Co., IVl.ole rah. am, n. No 221 Muir t eld Philadolohla aP4 I ,_ TWEEN 'In...PITTSK/1111H it WOKING-lag - ,", —Tlnt PILOT .A. U. Churl. otaator. I . . ......... ' ...stos tear s uit wlll leave Pit...bores for Wbotollog,Ca u t sun PI:Nt Iloet.lna• , „' , , ‘.., '..,.,'' „,„ ~. J e . t.a. K. ,tyrry Tnetilar at 3 ' , Hook r It: triton.. Ireton 1 1 1 rtzl.lat, Mit MAUR & CO., TObSteeo . 4 , .. T kl b rrm i rt ., f a t,T , l , ta ., p i ti oo tt , WL:t . '11 ) ..... ,... 14 a.t0 , ,0 l 0. P . , t 0, . , 1,...ret 0 . „. ng t , (.I,n,u t io n .)lerrhautn, No Al North Icatnr atrnot, eau depend u,n o thni [Kul rtionlu g rogularly Manny lb. ! '''L ' .' l o N or t h Uh. ...."' Ph l l ." t '''''' I low watt. ann,. 1" For frelcht or t...,4 nn b.".n. •L' ''''.. - NEW 11.)R1i. REGULAR WHEELING AND HIINFIRII PACKET—Tbn fait rtimilitillag To Dealers.'n Li q uors, &e. atraas, WELI.IiVILLFt. Capt. It Vou . will j.L% ar.wa .tL.1..,,10,m1,,,,,,,Zza1n1;1e,,rh. wtrzii. I I .1. CC/SITE. Fri-,u - h 14,titier. :WO Eighth i I.t"toon'ti. W iti0tig.:5..b.t.iu:...7....zg:‘,.7...:3 ,•y , • i ' - i ., ~• t i " A "Rii• ~.• I- . ".. 1 . 6 •:. In" -,-, 1, , ,z1,,,,,Tb r r&d•r • 11 -970 ..u.,5..,%•,h-r•Dir ichrir•• : 7,,!2ar“ t .r. t V: " . ', .T , " , :,;''i. r .,t,'.",1, ,A ,.. k `A",:4 1 ,.;,'?:."AttZ1t:!: p.,,. , n d eu.Nr:, - ,15,', T u u n nrdai allortno'n: e at'.l" * ,,J;(,l", ; ~;,",..,": f., r ,„, T l:::,tf',"" ." ‘ t t "' orj '''.! .. tur t nr t .' '.'- ln'a'r T d 'T. O tO , .a rj7...r . ro. "4 . n il!t',! t a . } ,r,F.. . I . nn s h ,l l'I'll;n.I. tin. .0u . :17"n',1,71 ::: 4.7.,.:.11,:,."1„,1% - 11 • Ag,nn. ! t ion. tn.u. rt..... nnuntri,,.. Itonlonnnro ,nrantl n. rail !an, EG ti LA R WE DN ESD A Y i1m 1 ,741,. 0 .' ....h.-- 11 , P r.. .. 1 '' '''' n' . tin . ' 4 1, rAcKrr, CINCINNATI, Caplan. John ' . r ,1 . ,,, ~.,, N. "..".E. NE" ' W2E• "" "'lle"'mE") "rpf. In, nwlllptato. Thin aptoodid boat win, hula b t . - ''•-• '''' the...loon of the ftraxper lowan tt...ton. and ..t.b..r., tor, Ameneaa Hardware. a. en"dn'... , ...I Pittdburph Parket trade and will 1...,.. p . 7,! , v. - ,k.11., fr.' CI, n•tinnaL In r.1....11b , Nnw Eng. ! I) LIVEN & DOUGLASS, Mannfamorers' . 1 rl2' " (r. '"' Y. V.MlS P Arotit.l..`“," i 0 A'.22'. N' 2 " ' I '''''.' l thr' " E T E 'Et.' E""' E' ' ,I Nza - 1 tat •nul., ro sportful', otrtto Illn sheath,. of lb,. JIA, WIIIIRLISO PACK The sr 1an.11.1....Aria I I.lrdt'tiht...t7'LLr'''''''''rl':"'''''''''' 2''''''''rknr‘L'.."; '''27:::7l'''''''''''''''';'‘ 111 EGULAR PITTSBURGH AND Fw packet ntotato or DIURNAL Couwell Ist r.la.now n pnrlnclu nn t rut h, repular tri.areaklr tripe 1 .1`..... ! Steam Communication between Akw York r , riuZilr'. hwZtak``'L,l rit''rrdb°,7:nrni.'t' 1- !' 1 -., ~,..1 , ,,, and Glas g ow.. "1: . :1,17,...,Vi . hi.ga T''''' '',.. "..4.1 ..d '"""'" ,, j rinirr, oin, iliw 1 N Y k POlB It ' k E rr(Mr• A LUCTAII I Z Ed It ' t.f. '" 1 ~,,.. I, 'e, '''' ' e" "r w i f ill Alt .t ••• - •• , 1 or.;. 41 . 1. F „ M'"?.C1.0f77.".T'',1 ° V,', --, I hn. pwnr, II StownrL. lint, of thn Cu. nard ...ant, tn.) rennuao,t. r..p.,,pnin.,1 3,, F.Oll horo Now I..rit threat 1... 111....,,,a , ... ~tonlat. C... I Ith nI Onto' neat at-19 0,1..11 arnn TRANSPORT, T1()N. PENNSYLVANIA OAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT * TIV EN tY Al ILES WEST OF JONNSTOWN. 1851. FALL AItRANGENIENT. 1851 • • • CHANOR OP HOUR. 131411601 , CLD ANT SPIED INCIIPA SIM! Ponoryloania Railroad and Rowe,: Parka Lir, 3131 miler Rallmul Math... , Canal. BLITST. JIM? 1.1.,,TA.NT £ll4 anamollllll.ll *or,. TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK Two Daily Lines Eipresa Packet Boats', ag2 (EXCLUSIVELY FOR PASSENORIth.) On and after Monday, August 25th, the- Pi.rkets of this Lino will Irnm l'itlrburch for Lorkport. ,'ll.•Tro'rtiCrv't:k74l'f ral;T.;711 " r y ;:g l nl ..l l. 4y .' lVslt (whirh learn aurnouliatoly aft, thou. orriral) red. fin l'hilsrlolwhiet. .IFir-Tudo through. Forty Hours 'Wig Olio wow at rguurrorto pagorogoro ibr..ugh SIX lIOU RS SOONER then hormnfuro. willgo logo maul turvol.)gbling thorn on arrival at Philadelphia to Vroooo.l co to N ow York et ortgo, V56 , 4619(3E116 POW fletl.Tl IIdEtE Tat. lb° York and Vamborlatul al llorrad,unt Dindated,olithrydour mulPs. Tim. . VtlUll hour, Max* to . YluLidolptila., SW. Pdro to /toltlmoN. 69.75. do Laurzater 69 do Ilarrt,burd, Indpo. dWotuti IT you dadlro rb.d4p travollogi aud-ridul,rlol.l..orr.domd rdsouto your tickots ho 'no,. Mouoador [Lela How, al J. P. HOLMES, Agent, D. LEECH & CO„ ==2MI McHenry:if Philadelphia & Liverpool Line of Packet& Sailing from Plalndelphin on OM; „ge,, 1510, and Idvertim il on tb.: eaol. mutt 1,.M.. 1° 11.0111 ILRAtIAN'M, 1•. UaNlner, Starter. 0111;000.. Nathaniel (1. ° BERLIN, Alfrod Smith, Matter. dIIACKAMAXON, (n em) treat. !latter. The above shit. are built of thy beet and aunt .any maharishi, and art unlesi for Ore rapidity of their pans., they Ottdd up with all latent linprommenta, ore nowt - ri th L a Mnalio ' e a t a t ' . l. an liraTin vaz;', l l . .‘ l - ir they a i m rimmatoltd in into mktorialimhimi ti.lent. •ho •rei uomtualled Lir thou tits...M..lw+ in tilt packet rorrite Pomo. dealing. of imaging their (Monde Mum the Old (binaiuoJ ry ran obtain errt..l. giessemi, wilikb will by Oir eight month.. • d our armor in Inland and Lir erpool will furnOb them with the proper information am/ hi:qr....one relative to their deputy,. boy the convenient. of parmeowere Mehl. to wend mu brANT,°,:fg7.l,l,Zot,'' nt« lip the nanite or Poet Oahe Itin h in e dom. ilSar Provialime supplied pasiontrem timins front lies I. Retry week the following' enrollee will he fitnitehed each pMiiender of 12 years of ,ige and our 2h, Mr. bread, 51. row, or. to 5 Itio. ~at lb. imam. I dour, L ie lb. molar., and 1 /b. pork...linder rram. ot aro, el hrysiletta I pork, full allowanew of water and whn a°°'°°,3 ha" alh"aaa‘aa."l:l7.Oall'ArliVltl°"Pat..Za. Nu. 3: Walnut atreat, below iitm.pd. 'Philadelphia; • WM. 14.01 Li, 'tiorrier Birth and Woad ran.. I'll.bUrah. NEW toils. AND ER viz RAILROAD.JBSI. at_9__Z;;' t 1851. v EW ROUTE 'fo NEW YORK CITY Mu Dunkirk acid the kn. limiread. tainnottioit 4 - rit elm! t, Lake Fri.. the Michisan tilevelaaj i I l'oltntitu and ievelaret Pittehurdo; 4.1 Mindualty and etymons. and etramortirin the Ohio Niwireitilii riven. mid the Ohio, India. and Pon., lvanla Cam.. .r.mkim4 LESVI: DINKIER AIWOLI.OII - t. oirandayi extepted. lit Siornind'Flll.M• Trsin at. ti °Wirt. :'J P.renlog ° la Eatirrie •• _7 3., _ a Th. 11.11 at Mica. piterengers ran pleer hour., and lat.. th. Err...Train...nettle I by n New lurk next morning to tosiXng FreteLt snit lint Train I Bunt in at A A. H • Car I:attar...l to flue Train wernmrnextato N ay I,seenger. and nee•er• AF.-Eare Finn Ituntlek to New lurk, Itx nil thua• prlnex. will he intim S. • Sew .timyr, Thix C. are prepared to tran.tevt hr• .1,11 am J frrighte of all kind, leant] 1.. New Feelt • Perticular pill I. paid It. wh. lc The rain,* kelp. h teet with gif., reut. wrewl ...stomal. rarer narrow gauge Itailriewl. 111 lb. t”nry....a.w. I Fliwit 44)-Additional Trani. will he put in contit...4en in a • eery .Curt Uwe. Freight Tarter pill he distributed, wiring Pull parlk.n. lac, In regard to the rt.., of Frvig ht. as ...a ..4i, mi. ha 111 A, h J. 7ift'l7l . Nllll A H. Alive?. Bunt, tel. Recursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cats. 'INII E fine pii_.iiengor steamorii ft BEATER suad kflelllllAN trlll leave their landlnire at hrtntinrgh and R. every day, thinnalare excepted, es R.ll. w,r— Beaver, leaves PittelitirtiL at u • ri Itivbeeter 2xi it Stiehl...A Jo de rw. do w a at, I . ..renew...blew In go te Nese., e. prawn. Exerirur.n to Rochester and hart te Vittetiurgh. Inc tiO mu. Ticket. {rota tar flown nu. d•r end up the nnxl ED, tieka. aorp 04. ttltirtllgan ne at the OMme 41 JOHN A Agent, aug9 Por. Weler A tinilthirlehl l' i mehuriat 28 HOITIIB TO .CLEVELAND. 1351./13N201 PITTSBURGH 'AND CLEVELAND E. 171,11 Pude and Railroad Lm to Clereldodd DASSEMJEILS kayo «very wonting at 9 a. packet/. by otaatoboat to Oe, tbauct, by calm... canal packet/. to Havanna, (lawn 1, , Pitteburnband Cleve land Railroad to Clearlszni. Ata - bax• ac to Mleod. I•bfa3 To Clercland. Lout, Io Introit, 00 halo= litottnin, 30 anemic, Ou ?fauna given thmoreb to . CINCINNATI, - VI. o,4o.beLa and S.nla. by Clev.lwd cod Cincinnati - • Pataiostery mr Detratt. Chicago awllwankle. learn Cirvelarat every crycning at Gla o'clock. by the reamer at Middx. Central' Rallroal for Detroit. thence at 7){. o'clock. A. 11.1., Ut ruutroad Ir'-d : are hare giien and'erssielf . ut 5YY14.1.17 ft. , m the plaits tries, all we publish. feeling assurftt thsT oil cm th.m i+. , ' ,. • - or rvii.ta.,andilie medians worth ' their L'oat sonfidenes and patronage. ' ' \ t From the dlstleurniaind, Protssaoe of Cbe.a..., spa R. `, terica Medina. Howdah, College.) . ,beanbean Fie I delayed &uprising tb..lYeetpt or youi , pi. \,' until I had an opportunity of . 1 . ,,,,,, i.s ........ 1- issts In ins own fatally, or tp tha families pr my Me.. This I bar. now Jona with \it lath deg,. of sathdagtpa in twses botbof adults and Children. I ; . } } . S. , :re tonal it. as Its Logradlsrits show. a it...reels, rein. \ I 0d ' ''''S '"hg. V4ll)lV` " e.hr Et.Ttip. M. D. . '‘ I. Brunswick. ale.. fah §.11 , 47 \ • • t -4. i t',7 , 1 7 : t . ttrenorir In the IheniZn i, .ll4Nigtes CWIJ I " r ."' in al; lif " e. ' 1 , 4 Tons '' `Cou" P.."0.1":' , '..aa . r1. , r : 1 . . when I,l.ase opport.= ornding It : 1 " . " 11... t. It• I= ''''F'. 1. 8. .13LERSION. \ K e - head tts , follow tug, and fee if thla m. sin. le wort.ln • A , krial. This patient had be - c — oroe very feeble., ni4 0 0 4 c \ fe of the inadichia was unmistakeably dietinet—‘, .. Float; Memos e 9rituteg. Jitly 6, 1609. ht. J C. Artst—Sin I an yenned with &panful alflTti I. nf the Intigsand alt the rymplonis Of ~ .1 - 4 1 71.4i'1‘:.°,;.(....,r‘ A .-.. t:7 1 .,..... - .. i , tilv.l -i ,t, ' m . 0,... ~',.. ydor Ca.rry \ f...... swirl...gave coo giTdnal u nf i t lief. and I \11... er , stsadilY gaining . soy strength until . :il!.!::7ll',.lyir2e."`flgr,',lo,V,- ctrall":"All7:"...r7 , cr.4l te.end; S . r ) irumanl, of klnizipter . District,. wno had hsa it ihststal I tint; bit. IlArKtall .1 hew by a su.sen , at. ta;t of birneh St , .. .1 bars . pboaance In rectifying them '''.. l ," "'" "j.V.4lgßoZr,`,l-It2in Carolina 'ThS 161h/wing was one of au , worst of ease, 'shish the Physicians sal Trie thonglit nibs incurable ounansal. hon. . -, Comae, Pi, dug. 2.!. tilti. J. V. Ates—ttie, I taken t'lth arribla cone, bbrought .o by ..e. , a I4, in \the beginning of last rebnisry, and was confined In mg , hed ftp nurritthidi o aloe h a. 0.. t"tit '''"*.".°,..:l,!l,,':":Olcontlidilfar.bZ‘. '2 ::7 1 ::a sser l y ' staa . rt ' , " lnTea.a was ' ra idly failltig:and ib Aldi dill.. [sera , by briaith that but IMP. hope of nay'reenrwrg 00014 bikeniertainad. ikU, in this , aktustion, a Wend af naigab I thc . lter. John Keller of the. nathodisjillairieLro:gotg trget:glnigilla 'ut ' irou '' in l s . 7.ll " i&tion of obtaining aw. lief. 'lb 01.11,1 ftat?le. induced tos tet time it. 11,111.,.. sad soon'Yound .1' health much tingrSard. Non • In .tt‘S. tionthitl am well and strong. and an attribute MY elan WY . i\ur great In.:licit,. With the deepeatgratitubr, JAMES liOUrtttCY. - , 'S"Parr; Itt.l soLl 1,..( Jdlil ES C. AV Eft. Penstirallaiw --, th . filews ts . ..ndvrfol CURES it hu porfored. the ti . ckglnal ot which ere I. thr pone...lion a \ the prop.t.t .embrr. thin I. the only (roe amtonalw i .rtscr, ThIA Inedldno. When need aceordlna to rertion, • WILL CORE WITLIOUT FAIL. \ Scrofula, . . \ ' oc King'. Eyil. \. . Canovre, Tumor, Ernptlon. of the , ' kin, \ Etynltednel.(lltronk,km. Ey, • . Ringworm or Tettembeaallrod. `. . L ' ItLeomyiAtn, reit. In 100 Lion... or' ' Joint, Old Pon. and Uleerii.lt•rellin, of the4)laculs. Syyhtlii. 1/yepnosia. dolt Ithotuta. 10na,,, of the Knlntys, Lon of Appetice. d ' pin...er , &tieing trom the ore 4111er 'cur, • l'ain In the ,4idea .ltnd • Shoi ' lld'ere, General Dehilliy;. , • Dmpey, Lumbago, lan° , Wee an! enelleo“ Extvg,P., November e 9, 1149. -1,,110w , ata UMW' to inform you Ala titres l . Doek and PareaparilLa cloth ' b la the mean, wader the blessings of o rwitoring to. to heall.Dand the en• no the Yellow Dock and Eagan, to yPeable condition; 1 woe sot, Lath , 4 the Doavt and with the doe i the hack and sides. I to.. lisaln it; the headotoldneal of the bootie of y orate and kg, and for met., l'have tor molar Tear, Loon Ole mettles/pen iyhtn9eatimi,and tat no relief fkom eirprenwriPyttio . at variety of Dmaily medielnea7ieltb air Dot the linit‘tteek that kapok the •\„.1: atiparilla my itatoptome Inkctrocoi, .14.1 e. .1 bp skottkl all of ay, apnoea/Ito/ coat. tt.,ni 'te, I region:rd. Ily bark s la noir ,hang r . .itratt ait. ir ago. sod legs ttotgyettored tithe r . tie m ittlyeatitie's are .arm, and healthy; s tat.,\„tedl teal in all mitmegtallb.rvi* 'll4 . / ikt gi ego to maven./ Poolde • ab to bur You/ vary Ykik cotk,..kt.',k7 Valk k 'ki garnaperilia.9,9l.o.h..i \ \ i hoet., ~, , ..eally nano by% and .I . m:trivia - hie heartfelt el. gratitaVo. /OW. . 1.V., .11AVUS SPAULDING. \\ frip•N ne ...ulna ote,s p tup in large bottlen. Lana - t Ut,ioing goatl. and aNT• o the Syrup blOwn on tile icktkkk, wit the writte7troata, S. P. Dettco, cot the u4itk bl J..D. It/MD.6lp toted. 4hto. nortgeatit ctiiiiiey ou \ • of ". If etotralltutel4.2nt.rookr„oo t 1 el ' ;• L'.l7.!;:rialki, Z i .. ', r q ' . 7.. " . ' ;::::% .". 4. ,* co, .1, At Jon* L. ~ Wilcox. r Pitts rub: Let; A. kbatti Alloghtor Chi L. T. Ito ID. W toot 1.. PC Howie\ UtiPintos n, U. Welty, il .\, t ~t ra; . hoontat.SaMeratit; it;: tt it llitokore, it.Nllrkl. D., gan, DantingdoutAlw.Dr9.l il a n.„. 1 ligi s aliratal .0 11.1uLtung; .J. Kg Wright, ' Dumpat,: ' i 7 .^, ' C.n . Iririi- „,..:A- Wawa , •&\,,P00• W Yoinibtarg fll 'a reiod & C • ...e.attender, 31oe4tIlle. Du •ie &,. co '• \ grit. Cifithete & .'zier. Amer; Jame,. Dr a tic, Bud 11, i. &nab, Iteavey:\l e . \ o.thimemerton , Witten: F.•U. & C t u ' ~,.... 0 ...kr.P. , (.: • Crt4orr. Jr.. lirtict#ille. •,,,._ \ ~... Pit:ay-007 Boh4e; ' Six Ppriles for tiF.b. . (., v .. _ . \ i;(1 \ , \ JUdi4 a\, ttediel l L glue . Cuticle,. LtAlf.llB A rtglit, ipteri e,cl for GI \uly uke,. , ,I),1 ,Ito Id he foetal the nof e ery Coos A, i r it 11% Doti. klaieta tr r winivre I ovoidal. conger it glrial:iellna 7.T it ! oltaiTll.44 ' lll . it.'" " iii r it ' lti74 . '' , • vaplei C., /Dia, alter • fear tine( vidliaider It 0. , 41,.. \ ponsabe. it;:n• • \ .v • ~, \ Mtn angetiUtY Ittat,rni. the Wvratguid ii ttattog \ it • t', \ •', anontly toe ot \ ,tut..l o kled7( anwl Luticle. ow- , • parect,l4 ') ,g. CeVoleld A Cate Dahl wo.. Coon., '. '', eari'erillilL=Vatttr, ' sae/a!, "a 144, 7 1 . 1 rit r aiti rj .a \ '• ' „ *e \ - : ', ! ° , ` - 7 '. 7* :. ,, litel l is ' utirr NA \\''\- :t7, \". kil.‘pb.;":":aill'";::::,VilhAt:::\"':-.'''' '' \ ' \ \ DA 14.ta11,,...t, , . &mitosis:4 sIL %Du IDO.noit'phyti, 31Alvarett. , \ .. ~ ~,‘,1 . ,,, , ,, N, .4.,..\, \ • Wel 'l,'" 4 '\,,, COMPLA It tat :, i. tune br toollg the olt Iteit s tl%Ch V LLB, prepertil h 1.'N...9.:1 , ;\ •,,. Wtatutiot,Waebing ity oo) 11 R. 1.. ^ .,. tcattero--Drir Olt. Ic uif rmatu . .u 4 tpur \Lau, rdY., whl bet • 'b' lr T".*4'lu WIE. l ' 1!" mlt. UoTs irk . . uu.au. ou +L.. ect Otilitt irk blitinckaffections, tiok I a. to yeelf, 1 Lao garha1d,r.r.,14%,,,r, ~,..cii .ret71.9 . V;i1...„:,VZ.,a ~ ° N iI,• m a s i d , , t: h ts .a cr 'h i n'T':. n eVe:e t:;:;...., Lai tAti• L el ' .vtakokat e ' -ikeritual that 1 ook nor J ~. 1‘ ,,, 1 therefore. rwoolttemPiltaim to all. who ore .. ti., diaeattiot the 1. ,, er. fria., :. , ,:\ J. 2 , ,, , i . u. t y c,ll )4, lLurr „ h:X .. at r aill k.::;.„•rugauutix.,,,r,thabt:lli:_iid....t.,,,4.,P4 7 4 . ~, x 5; Vaal street. ant , i - o.f.InOT leas i otikatioltai, VCP/ai - ,IIIR . N OF. 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