PIT'TSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE k CO PITTBBIIB,OR • TUEBDAY 2.IOIIIUNG, SEPT. 23, 1851 M ATTER WILL BE FO UND OA RICO PAGE OF TIM PAPER. Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston. The attention of the friends of Seorr, , Jags reee. and Pattrecnow. le 'Allegheny county, Le meet. , Ir ingot to the Importance of a thorough onnainitioabi lhe tortnatlon of Cobs. In every 'election dlsfalet, fee the leeehelant the eltteentinent of flomatltlf Vlitlleteet to se Uetreeel7 Diana of geott and Johnsim Is swetwed, and that thorn who moire It axe nat i, and that 'on ,, r voin•Ldepoelt hie ballot OD the &cold Tneetlay of flietotet next. . . The iblinninC oOnnsittee ?WU rentanan has been 4..reArlaii,tilriy!ten &f o' X. Koners, . Jost., Lioyec l ey. szz. t fr , r.g.• Onl• L. Pahl, A. Xer, Bretelenthal, Do. J. C. Allegheny . County Scott and Johnston ee . Public Meeting will be held in the biotigh of 'clock f Elisabe P. h. on Paturday. the 13th of heptember ne at, at 2 . - At Nothataerti, o Aloaday, Septe . mber'l6, '2 P. 2.1. .At ge=e 'rg. PeaVattll''s iiikirter;to - • • 'in " lv At &at Liberty . . Friday, " Incli•ocslidi% Pottirdtr. " :At Tanintton. ''• • LI 7 At .Ezokl+l 1121 res 11111. haat Deer township. Mondor. &phi= at 2 o'clock. P. SI. nt lietcr MOW, int &marl) Snowden totwhip. on sninjay, &pt. =4, at 2 P. M.. ntdoelllooriska, rattan townshlo.ois Wednissiiir, Mk, • L. ditO . itolore, 800, Moon townahlp, on Thum. dar, 25tb, at 2 P. 51. - sr kliontwtb, 25tti, at 2, P. 51. At Init, Planklnion'e, Pole township, OD 1114•1. 26th, at 2 P.M, - At John Cowan, Baldwin tie...1./Lip, on Patnedar. 27 th , wt 2 P.ll. At Willdnebung, or, Monday, Zth, at 2'P. IL At Lawrenecrillo, • 7 • Ali ASO. Pearce's. J'effenion townchly, on l'needa7,3o , l4 al 2 P.M. At Clintonillnalar township, Fad rie\ y. October lot, • z umn Perrmi rt w llulTrd u e v r ,. . r 24 ,. , , et eufr 2 P. uw da, dd, at 2P. 11, At k! .r Turtle Creek, on dotards), 4th, at At •t. lat. lanes PLIIIIp'a MAGMA lawAthia. as Monday, 6th, .2 ' - At apaaa'a Slut, tlltaler emu. V. an T ue .!, 7,11, at P. 411. . . th e 4t R U. Y. Coniter's South Yasette tp. Wrdoesier. e, AV.:o'clock. At tech or thew nlesUrnrs, our triesele trill be eddressed on suhirets Iniportent to the /front political interest. of the 1,00111/r. , our friends each election disttict of the oxalate, ere tastiestad to °meson., LW hare every person astensed. 11.114 make arraneereents to bring. all our sown to the polls. Dr order of COSIM ITTEIrOF AItS,ANGEMENT. Onto.—The Whig cause in Ohio, is laboring .under the . same difficulty it is in this State to a less extent. The Ohio ,Ststo Journ'al says that Air. ruston can readily be elected, if Ike Whigs . . will try. A lethargy prevails, however, caused by.the Whig defeat at. the last Governors elec lion,- 'rind by discouragement from the - loss of so large a number of Whig votes by the Free Soil defection. Tile Whigs of Pennsylvania are rapidly crtereoming the lethargy, and are awak ing to a sense of their plOwer and strength, and there-election of Gov. Johnston may be consid ered as nearly certain. We trust our Ohio friends will imitate ournakm"ple. A Whig ought never to despair, and hp ought to make a rule of conduct always to vote for his principles, whether there is tyPhance of success or not. If this rule was strictly followed, we should soon uverwhelm our opponentuwith dismay. ' BLASTING ROCKS , W1;110131' Faeroes:rms.— Mons. MALLLEFEUT is successfully prosecuting hie important contract for removing several dan gers rocks in the ichan'ael ol`t.fiii.Eist river at the place dolled Hurlgate, a few miles cast of New York, particularlT "Pot Rock,:' "Diamond Fleet," and some others. t The water being too much:agitated to admit of drilling these rocks in the ordinary manner, a novel expedient was resorted to by Meas. lifsillefert. Tin 'cases of suitable form are madit, capable.of containing from 100 to 150 pounda of powder. .These, be ingiilled, are sank upon the face of the-rock.— A . tube extends from the pOwdee chamber to • above the surfaCe,of the water, through which a. wire extends• from a galvanic battery on a neighboring teat or other Teasel, anchored at a safe distance, to she powder. MI being -ready, a spark from 'the battery is seat along the wire, which ignitea the powder. The ex , pansies force ,of the powder acts. upon the rock eimply.thrsiaghtlioels rerrtio of theauperincum 'beat -body of Water, 'meshing it . by the sheer force of the - explosion!. The rationale of the thiog na argued by Oates engaged in it, and which .. .we may say is I,7.reci by the result, Is that the rock being more compressible than wat er, is the first to yields tie force of the expan sive power of the powder, and if it yields at all, trot course crushed and broken into fragments. These fragments are afterwards dragged off by means of grapnels, •' end another, and. another blast applied, until as much of the rock is re movertniis desired ' The .iffect of one of thetle blasts is thus de: scribed by the Courier and. Inquireft . "At the first blast, thti 'Water , . heaved, And heaved, and ' was . raised in a circunifereice of ninety feet, a short distance en flour, whets:there 'broke out and shots upwards from its.': apparent diameter, . three lofty:plume-like shafts, erect, at a height • .. of sixtyfeet thOrt bending owed and dashing off in misty wreaths." It will require ten fans of powder tit - aink..the Diamond' Reef to the requi ' red deptlit;. 'Ns New YORE Deity . Tisi - se:=We welcome dill sterling Whig penny paper, published by Ilaymond., - ../ones & •C 4., Nevr York. Mr. Roy -1 • Roy mood, was speaker ofl the New. York Assembly butt winter, and is onb,of the ablest and most accomplished writers if the cduntry: We . Male'- , pate a brilliant arid, mccessfel career to the Times Asia sample of the tone of , his newspaper, as well as for its'own intrinsic merit, we copy the following extract front aleadiug editorial article upon the Christiana riot aid urder :‘ and "'but chief regret, In this tter, grows out of theifact, that the men who be eve in the "higher bier and who act eteadil consistently, and conselentionisly on that be li ef • are not more nu merous than 'they are. No bsurility 1,115 ever more gross than that of app handing danger to society; from thecoarciendo bar of its members. If nobody believed in a hipieelaw, burn= laws would not be worth the psirehment they are weasel:Om. It is •onlybeca*se men believe in the immutable laws of right d wrong -tiecanse , they feel in their . own hearts the cooscionmess of 0 their existence and their 14itictity=that they • 'regard hnntattlsTa as' any thing but the dicta tion iif the strongest. All reverence for law all regard for it as a rule of conduct and of life, all 'respect for,lts tEctstes, springs from faith in a tospreme law, higher than humanity, and repre sented to society and to man in these lawn of tinnier' i enietment. ;tad when men lose all con viction of • this higher low 'their obedience to human law, wilillepend iiitirely upon the weak • est. of all rellances their 4 own inconstant and lawlms will. - • . In Lancaster County,Pennicyleseia, a few day elate, a partytof whites attempted to arrest se,- Mid . negroes,', claiming them (LS their property, under the law: of the United States. The negroes, resisted, forcibly, and a mob'of negroes, acting. evidently in concert, same to their aid, resisted the seizure end killed theclaloituit. This is an offence against law, and wait be published as such. , No one will contend that these negroes naiad from their conscientious convictions of do - ty—that they killed this man bd€euse they real ly believed it their duty to do etc.' .!'bad acted - from passion, from malice, , from adetprminpttou that the negroes shouldnot PerforitOnilteand bold positions which the law s h ad recOgnized as imposed upon them, We obesere;that:the offend dere are to be indicted for treason: Their or teas* may technically be considered treaaor; yet It seems to ns sadly to bellethe definition *Mat • 'moo crime. These •negroes resisted tbi NA, shal--nSdated the execution of the law: bat we doubt whether they designed 'to overthrow the government of the United States. It is not easy • to say what would all a negro'slatind under such eirecuastancesi but we do not believe that any of thOM had really any': thought of dethroning the President, scattering his Cabinet and usurping federal powers. And yet some such intention as Shia—at least some dim purpose of upsetting the federal Constitution; seem to us essential to the idea usually entertained of .'levying arms again , - : the\ goverament't of tbo United Suttee. = Jlarishals and Sheriffs have been often resist ed,—laws of the United States, and ofthe several States, have Often been trampled' upon. The 'offence, aA..eraa proper and lionesses", bee been Paniehml,--lint it was not 'called treason. Gov. JOLIZIMOII, in tbe letter to ASICOOOII. CADWALLADXS, Sears, & CO; puts this matter ia.its proper light. He militia ns them against exaggerations of the . offence , committed., It is. heinous enough in itself. They have committed - .murder, apd will be tried and punished therefor. The ides of • rebellion,—of en insurrectionary movement in Lancaster County,--he treaties absurd. The • • - ./awsi he' ays, have been )qessly violated, and thnjudicial tribunals will punish the offenders. -110 thinks - it Unwise to give the 'crime cesend4 . t - ted undue dignity, or to pursue Alta a coarse at shall' inspire distrust of tie regular oourie of law. We think s° too; \ THE MILT mums AT soma. .-- - Oar Boston exchanges: are crewded with de scriptions of the scene and events of the great RaDroadJabile‘i which teat place in that city lasi week, to celebrate the union of Boston with Canada by railroad. The President of the Uni ted st a ves,,,Lord Elgin, the Governor General of e s aada,snd large numbers of . distinguished per sonages here present. A great number of ad dresses of welcome and speeches in reply wire made, and no pains were sparedby the Bostonians to make a display as grand , and imposing as the occasion was a great and interesting one. A committee of the Massachusetts Legisla ture met the President at Newport, Rhode Inland to accompany' him to the old Bay State. The President left Newport on Wednesday morning accompanied by the Hon. Charles M. Conrad, Secretary of War. Hon. A. H. 11. Stuart, Secre tary of the Interior the Hon. Mr. Bradley, of the Post Office Department.' Ron. Mr. Crompton English Charge d'Affaires. at Washington; Fran cis Brinley, esg.,, • President of the Common Council of Boston; Mr. Holbrook, a member of the Common Council; Mr. Tallmadge, United States Marshall at. New York; Mr. Doyens, Uni ted States Marshall for Massachusetts; Mr. Bor den of Fall River, and Mr.' John 0. Sargent, the editor of the Republic. At different towns along the route the Presi dent was received withnational salutes, banners were flung aloft, and thousands of people as, sembled to bid him welcome. At Boston he was received at the city line by the Mayor, and 11 large military and civic procession amidst the. shouts of the populace and the roar of artillery. After en addaess of welcome by the Mayor, and reply by the President, he was reoeived into an open baronche, at the head of the immense procession. The streets through which the pro cession passed were immensely crowded. Every window commanding a view of it was filled with ladies, and many roofs of houses were occupied by. men. At the corners cf several streets the President w* loudly cheered. On thenrrival of the column at the Revere House at 2.30,, the President was escorted to his quarters by Mayor Bigelow and Mr. Seevens, and introduced to the members of the Board of Xl dermen and City Council. Large delegations from 'Belem, Lowell, Cambridge, and Charles town were, at hand, to invite the President to visit those cities' The demonstrations made from the Revere Hound and other buildings upon Bowdoin s q uare by the populace, on the arrival there and alight ing of the President, were of a very enthusiastic charahter. The windows were profuse with the countenances of Beautiful ladies, and the square and every avenue leading thereto filled with the populace generally. Cheers went up from the voice of the crowd, sod there was an extensive AU these the Presi waving of handkerchief. dent noticed with affability. At the Revere the President met the ilon. Daniel Webster. The President, in his quarters, in conjunction with, the members of his Cabinet, received Ron. George S. Boutwell, Governor of the Common wealth. The President, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Interior, were then escorted to the State and City Committee rooms and there partook of a collation, Prepared jointly by the.said Commit tee. The route now was to the State House. On the appearace and entrance of the President to his carriage, three cheers were given by the crowd, and on the appearance of Daniel Web ster nine cheers fere given. At half past three the President and suite, attd the Legislative Committee, left the Revere House, and, escorted by the Independent Ca dets of Boston, and the Independent Cadets of Saida, proceeded to the State-house. The galleries and the body of the Howie of Reprelentativea,,were filled to overflowing long before the arrival of the President. Seats bad been reserved for the president and suite, for the Governor and Coulcil, and for the Legisla• tire Committee of arrangemente. In the body of the House were many of the overseers and members of the Faculty of Harvard University, officers of the Army and Nary, and many dis tiogniahed citirena of the State. At a quarter before four o'clock the Governor and Council entered the hall, and took the places which had been assigned for them. The cheer ing outside indicated 'that the President was near, and in a fel minutes he entered. I , oCati. panic' by Mr. Webster, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Con rad sad the Legislative Committee. The audi ence rose to receive them. As soon as there •wee a Vieldellt degree of quiet, General Wilson pres,enied the President to Governor Bontwell, who delivered an address of welcome, and was replied to by Mr. Fillmore. Hon. Daniel Web ster, Secretary of State, lion. A. H: Stuart, Secretary 'crthe Interior, and Bon. Charles M. Cowed, Secretary of War, were severally pre- seated to the Governor, and delivered suitable speeches. Hon. C. T r Russell then announced that, in consequence;f the proposed review of the .mil itary upon e Common, the President was obliged to forego the pleasure of a personal in troduction to!the assembly. The President and suite then left the hall amidst the cheers of the multitude, and proceed ed to.the Common. A grand military review took place on the Common in the afternoon at 6 o'clock. On• the close of the reception ceremonies at the State house, the President, cinder escort of the Bide pendent Cadets, Lieutenant Colonel AMory, and the Salem Cadets, Captain Foster, - proceeded to Common, where - he revieired the troops as 'they appeared in line. He was accompanied by his excellency Gov. Boutwell and staff, tellether with Generid Tyler, and the other marshals of the day. The President was • mounted on • beautiful black charger, which he managed with much grace and skill, keeping firmly In his seat while. the steed was prancing at the booming of the guns which announced his arrival, and hand— somely acknowledging the numerous cheers of the vest assemblage. Quite a large number of persons were on the field, Incledingmany of our Vat/4111 from Canada and the South; eeveral of whom were dressed in their uniforms. The au thorities of this city were, alan present, togeth er with officers of the army and navy. The companies are the same who were on pa rade in the escort of the,Preaident in the morn ing, Mier riding round the ranks the Presi dent halted, and the troops proceeded to march in review before him, as be eat at the right of his escort and the city authorities and vis item • • • The display of the military was one. of the finest ever witnessed in that State. The num- Jterof the troops was quite large, end the preci sion and skill which marked all their movements was the general theme of conversation. At six o'clock the president and escort left the field on their return to the Revere House Gellert Ed mends thanked the troops for their attendance, and they were then dismissed. In the evening the city government entertain ed its.gueste with a supper at the Revere !loose, 'which was luxurionaly and elegantly provided by Mi. Stevens, in the fine style and with the beautiful plate and Gerrit. which have made his . establishment so. celebrated. After the cloth. was re moved, speeches were made by the Hon. Franiis 'Mucks, of Lord Elgin's Cabinet; Gen eral Edmands, Cot. Morn, the superior ofhcer.or those of the British army now in Boston; Hon. John Howe, Provincial Secretary of Nova Bre tics:, Col: SCAT/17; Sir Allen McNab ; Governor Paine, of Vermont; Jostice Aylwyn, of Canada East; Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr. ; Colonel Schiller; General Lesley Gould, of Kentucky ; Hon: Hen ry Wilson ; Lt. Gov. Lawrence, of Rhode is land • and his honor May - or Bowes, of Toronto. s , The speeches of the city: guests were fell o f expression' of satisfaction at the Cordial recap 'lion they have receivedrhere, and congratula -1 tion on the completion of the railroads. On Thursday, a Grand Excursion took piece down the harbor. At about 11 o'clock, A. M. over 4000 people embarked on board tree steam ers, and the Revenue Cutters Morrie and Ham ilton, which were gaily detorated with flags for the oreasiim—previous to embarking in the steamer. 8. 8. Lewis, the President and, suite Basesed over the Grand junction .Railroad. The Beet of slimmers, amidst the Bring cif cannon,' * from the Cutters and numerous points, and in 'the presence of a rest-moss of spectators, pass ed down the Harbor and eround the Islands, re turning &Cahoot 3 o'clbek.• On beard the 8. 8. Lewis, in addition tethe 'President and .sulte, ' were the Mon. Mr. Crampton, British Charge at Washington, Hon. Joseph Howe, Colonel Horn, and other British military . otEcers; Hon. J. 11. Clifford, Lieut. Governor Cushman, and ether diatinguished personages. During the 'Excur- Bien, the Presidet inspected every pare of the ! 8. S. Lewis. and `expressed his admiration of the improvements introduced in this vessel. 'The President landed at the pi sr/ Yard, accompanied by - Com. Downs, and was received with a national salute. At the dinner on board the 8. 8. Lewis, the Waits were—" The President of the United States," "The Queen of. England," "The Gov ernor of Massachusetts," end The members of the Cabinet accompanying the President." This .splendid -Aquatic Excursion terminated without any,aocident, and wee highly enjoyed. Lord Elgin arrived• at th c Depot of the West eon Road at. b. o'clock •in the afternoon. The city government, the cadets, known as the Gov eruor'a Guards, and a large crowd of citizens, were gathered to receive him. Lord Elgin salu ted all who approached him by a hearty shake of the Mod, and was Cheered most enthuaiasti eally by the sasemblage . Ho eru aroomparriedby Lord Mark Kerr, Ma ,. jdr :Cotton, hie aids, and Ids brother, Colonel BreMog -. He eau' weloodted Meior is a sphitid addrea and re" ' Owed reply. Tha'President gave a public reception at the Revere g 0930. at fire o'clock in the afteration, and - was waited upon by a very large number of citizens andatrangers. Bubeequently he visited the ladies' parlor, where numbers of the fair sex paid their respects. The Mayor and Council of Montreal, and Lord Elgin, of Canada, were also present. In the evening, 'immediately after Lord Elgin had dined, he called upon the President in his "OWltroom,.andires introduced by Mr. Crampton; the British Charge d'Affaires. All formalities were dispensed with. The meeting was most cordial and unaffected: Lord Elgin dimply ex pressed his pleasure at meeting the President of thin great Republic. - The President, in reply, said he woe moot happy to welcome his Lord ship on American soil, and hoped lie would Bud hie visit both interesting and agreeable. The President then introduced tiitn to Seers tiries Stuart and pound; and the parties,- after brief but free and sociable conrereation, sep arated. Thus ended the second day. On Friday there was a grand military and civic procession, which in tip, and uteri& cence exceeded all pre'vioul displays in Mitt city. The President was indisposed. Lord Engin and suite were present, and enthusiastically re ceived. Too DROUTiI.—AII over 'this country, the drouth provaili, with an intensity seldom wit nessed. The rivers are unprecedentedly low; and brhoks, foOntaine, and springs are dried up. The (Va.) Advocate, says that much suffering' for the want of water is felt in that region. The Washington (P.) Commonwealth, of the Ilth inst., contains the most gloomy ac count of the.prevalbnov of drouth in that county, and also of prevailing siakness and mortality. The eastern portion of this county, has been for several weeks too, visited with prevailing sick ness and mortality, over almost any other period; attributable 6 the unwholesome state of the waters. The" Cincinnati Commercial, of the 11th inst., says that in that vicinity, cattle have to be driven two and three miles to water, and that the country and climate have more the ap pearanre of Arabia Deserta thin the fruitful valley of the Miami. New Toes Svcyo Fax—The fair at Roches ter, the 16th, 17th, and 18th, was the greatest ever held in the Empire State, A friend who was present, tiays the Cleveland. Herald, and is .a judge in such matters, says ••it wee tremen dous, and far exceeded previous ones!" The display of Cikttle, Horses, Agricultural Imple ments, Fruits, Vegetables, &a., &e., has never been equalled. ! • The people could not be numbered, and over 8,1100 tickets of membership, each admitting a• ftirinly, had been sold on the 17th. Lord Elgity Jinny Lind, Hen. Wool. Co, Hunt, Gov. Marcy, lion. K. Granger, Ex-President Tyler and lady, and many other persons of note were in attend- Hos. Joan IcPerrwsos Beaniss.—This em inent man declares his intention of acting with the Union party. lie has been claimed by the Sonthern Bights party. Annarnono Conarr.—The Taiga of this form er stronghold of Locofocoism are the right kind of Whigs, and have for yearebeen gradually re ducing the strength of their opponents. This fall they hope to give Governor Johnston a ma jority. Foaaur has returned to the stage. His first appearance Was do Monday evening last at the Broadway theatre, New York. After the play he eame forward and made a speech, in wlich be abused his enemies heartily, closing with the oft-nil - I,EO pasage, Ile who ilea!, my puree steals trash. - ..ke The applause was rough sad holsterons. OLD BRWlA.—Therd was a great gathering of the Whigs of Berk, County. at Reading On the 12th, on the occasion of Governor Johnaton'e visit to that city. Delegations from every port of the county were " resent, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. -At 3 o'ClUck die.immense concourse o ple assembled at, the Court Howe where it as • arranged iiOT. Johnstont should speak, but the building being .much too small to accommodate the assembled thousands, theHonrt House yard. in the rear of the building, visa made use of for the occasion. • • -The Oovernor. notwithstanding the fatigued of the day, sPoke full two hours—and a nobler effort, we venture to say, never fell from his lips. The address was couched in hie canal calm, manly and dignified etyle,—interepereed with occasional pleamintries which told upon the audience and gave effect to' hie remarks. lie reviewed the acts of his administration, ex plained the operation of the Sinking Fund eye tem, cante'out tat footed' on the Tariff, declared himself 'for protection for the sake of protec tion,' and,gave his views and opinions clearly and distinctly upon all the leading political top ics of the day. in a word, he tally justified his friends inthe confidence which they repose in bliability, integrity, patriotism and sound Union and Republican principles. "We regret that we have• not time nor room more particularly to bones this able effort. That his speech was most beneficial and effective on the public mind was plainly s en by the enthu siasm manifested on the oeca on. "At B'cloc.k in the evening overnor Johnston again took the stand and sp e ,before an im mense crowd assembled in Centre Square, where the same delighted enthusiasm was manifested. All agree that our noble Whig leader is a glori ous fellow. and that the Pennsylvindan, and es pecially the Whig. who fails to wort and vote for such a man, is a disgrace to his party and a recreant [tithe true interests of his noble State." The Whigs of this old citadel of Locefoboisna. are fully awake, and are determined to reduce the usual majority of their opponents. There ale dissentione amongst the latter which are very enpuraging to the Whig!, who are harmo nium and full of fire. LZT TAX PAYERB REEIXIEBER That the State debt, Nor. 30th, 1848, was as follows: Beaorded debt, 840,474,730 '93 Floating canal, railroad and mis fire power debt contracted prior to that time, and re . turned in 1849 and 1850, as per' appropriation bills for 1849,'50 and.'sl, . 378,881 48 Total debt in 1848, $40,848,598 41 Debt Sept. 1, 1851, lite-Judi/1y the loan of $400,000 to avoid tho Inclined Platte at Philad'a, . 40,116,862 44 Amount paid by Oor. Johnston in two years and a half, $782,286 97 Remember, that counting thin loan of $400,- 000 In the . sum total of the debt, the whole amount of the indebtedness of the State is over seam hundred and thirty thousand dollars Lass than it wan when Governor Johnston was in augurated two years and a half ago ! Of this amount Governor Johnston's Sinking Tund has paid over sea hundred and fifty thousand The remainder has been paid out of thiturdinary resources of the State. ' And in connection with this, lotto people re member that 'William Bigler, in his speech at Towanda, Bradford county, .on the 15th of Aug ust last, said publicly that he was in fooor of o soon to complete the North Branch canal. Gov. Johnston hoe commenced to pay the State debt. Win. Bigler has pledged himself that, if elected, he will favor a 018 ACT 121ORLABI of the State delit ky , borrowing sufficient money to complete tlarißortli Branch canal I Remember this, ye men who are opposed to making any more debt, and who think your present taxes heavy enough to be borne ! r Professor Blackwood, hew A Cloven:meet 'easel has been placed under or. dery te , ,lssist in a fortnight bends In laying the Submarine Telegraph between Dover and France. II appears that the Austrian Glivernment have been exercising the right to open letters 'upon a packet firwarded by the United States Govern ment to Mr. Flagg, our Consul at Venice. The following account to given of the affeir. • The packet contained a printed circular, andiC pamphlet on the•Austro-Hungarian question with. refer.co to the case of Mr. Dudley Mann. This packet was opened and examined at the office of Central Revision, although it bore, not 'only the seal of the Deportment of State, 'but that also of the United States Consulate at hamburg, im pressed in wax. Mr. Flagg, as representedve of the United States Government at Venice, addressed a pro test to the Imperial Government ef.lhi's violation of the UnitmiStates Beef. In reply to thin protest, a communlciden Of, some length was received from the office of Cen trel. Revision, in Nahannice al follows' The Office of Revisiim claims the right to ex amine all publications. ittrodnoed into the yen, etion States, from any country, wider soyfiorm from any source, and any to oddly* whitener, without the least distinction, and - with no lamp tiona the nevesientitives of other Goretateests. Also, that the packet in quutiou had no external Merl of &Amalie character. Bt woos, for September, has been remind by W. C. Wall, 4th street.- It presents s fair table of contents. PICTIIII OF WRESTIZIL.-4 Corres pondent of the New York Express, writing from • Boston, sayer "While conversing With Mr. Healy to-day, I was informed by him that he.tuoi been engaged upon this painting for aperiod of four years. Its value is $lO,OOO. • Many- reports have gime abroad concerning itallinal destination, but the truth ofthe matter is this! He telle,:me that it is his property; that be intends to exhibit it in most of the main cities in the United Statea'and after that it is to be purchased and presented to the city of Winton, and Educed within the walls j of Fanetill 11.11. This is the long and short or, it. May the artist reap a golden reward for-his efforts." Axis Bar.—Rataass or KOSIIUTH.--John Brown, Esq., Secretary of the Charge d' Affaires at Constantinople, has written a letter, which is. published in the Chilicothe (Ohio) Gazette, re lating that the Sultan is much• pleased with Amin Bey's mission to this country, his reports, tko Mr. Brown also states that he tan been off. chilly informed by the Sultan's Ministers of Foreign Affairs, that Kossuth mid all the Hun garian refugees In Turkey, will be liberated September Ist, and that Kossuth will embark in the U. S. steamer Mississippi for the United States." Corsgar'Buween.—The culvert bridge on the Cincinnati Columbue & Cleveland, Railroad, be tween &ably and Cardingtou, is burned, which has detained the wars to-day. The locomotive broke through. • No one seriously hurt. —Clew/and Her., Sept. 18. Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, .itc. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, =3=lM=!l=l3l ==M FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c IMPORTED BY RECENT PACKE - Te. • And which lb, aro nos prepar,l to orf,r at %tick. Drire. as man nt WI to pina.e. 111 Z-A full easortment of MANN'S eela Orwt.l C. S. AXEB always ca Land. TIIE number and formidable' character of dPeasos originating in a diseued state of the lir.. hat long challenge.' the atLev tlnn of medical men. Some of there dtsesars. chased under the general term of mu ...TAM, bace been supper." incurable, and the unbar.- py patient nu allowed to dle..w)thoitt mot ral Selenm hemp enabled to offer hint • bop( of retnerry. Happily this rum no longer be the 'case. A remedy ban been found Which cure.all these complalota. of abates . , character. arming from derangement of the hoer. The dierorered by Or. hfLane, of Virgtota. art threetly o the' firer. and by correcting it. operation , and Punt/L -ing its disease. eats off am/ eitirraieS the mmrdsuote which have their onto in the Marva.. et Lb,. ‘. 11.amedies hitherto propoaed for there ."maestri have [stied to operate upon the neat of the &Win, hot Derter Nl . Lahe's Pills mate themseive4 test upon the nettou of the herr. and by elearuting the fountaln.dry up the impure etr.,..mn of disease which thence dance their r Melee,. For mle at 1 K 111 D t CO'S. Corner Wood and Fourth stem j For all hardened lumps, gale, stiff esenplain, iistemptr, eon eye., 'dinette,. datolent esteem,. ge_ m home. 11. tt Farrell's Arabi. Liniment tee •tifttlirtili a reputation that no meitirin• of the gtvd •••,. enjoyed. It Is ••••11, efarartous Mr eryrthelas, salt rheum,thughs adds, eleb. headache, se.ro them, burn.. eon. breaate, ehllbWa., he- to mankind . . cep': Petroleum I Ur' A ' MONT REMARKABLE CASE or TOTA littxtwma Cram: DT Pwraotttai.—We molt* the Went i••• of the afflicted awl the public generally, to the oertatiewt of Wm. Hall. of this city. The ease May he seen by ehy person who may he skeptical In retattou to the tech. he set Lrt4. :4 ft. .• I had been afflicted several Yea , with • *ore... of Nth Otos. shish sontMued to Mersa,: until Itgplambgr. the Mg.:vitiation at that time harlot Involved the whole :bung membrane of both eye, and ended in the depogam of a thick Alm, which wholly dverroVa mit right / Est an operation performed, and the-thickening remored.w hloh POOP returned and left me In io bed • obtain.; a before At this stamg of the complaint 1 mane application to ...le. rol of the soon eminent Medical .met • whn inform,' tog that •my eyes would never gel well: At Unit . ..Lae I could ma distinguish any avec, 87 the adrift of Palle friends I odniumnovid The use of-the Petroleum.' both internally and locally. under which my eyes have iueprnred daily the prevent num, and I hare romans,' mi vight•ntire ly My general health au eery much improved br the petroleum. anti I attribute the restoration of my sight to Its use. I ratan at Nis 100 Farina strvet, in this Sty. and will be happy to give air mformatieu relation to My Mee For tile by KnyPer A McDowell. 140 10 006.1 .0,40 It. A Seller., FT Wcal .tree[; A A. Wahrwstnek. 00 Co, c...rorr %cod and Front otreeoo 0..11 Curry, oGuAlsam..ard 11. P. ' , dawn., .411.,:be0y:„01wo by :14 Orietor., N. M. Buin.l4oreptb et— Pittabors - . Pittatmrgh Life Inanranee Company., CAPITAL, 8100,000. OFFICE, NO. IT, FOURTH STREET. OFFICERS: Prvoitleat—J.Z3 S. lioox tic* erealdeol—tiaavraEttraus. Traatoaret—Joirrat e. foam errmtary—C A OwAtat. ifireea aalvertArraalat ta au:Abu part thir ns. me= Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh NCOURAGE HOME iNSTITUTIONS 4 02Iea No 41 WM.. are,. in allo vratace....nlC II AST. C. G. linen.. Preninent...---.6. W. Munn, 1. 1 e2y. Tine 1..... Input, Inrme prepand to haIRUIV. /ii merehmadiu In paws, end In trntontu.verael, te. , 14 maple guartinty for th e shalt, and Integrtty of the 1.0.1nm...in afforded in tbe cheracter a the Director, who , r a; clusenA of httrborgh veil and Invonabt, kno to the community fur their prudence. intelltgenee. and nunrrtty. . 1,1111:=18-6C.. IL Ilsoney, W CI. /3•410.7• If m. Lorklnnr. Jr.. IWelter 111rtatt.., Hugh 0 hin.,, hanenl Hennlvtun. John Llarevrth. Hezboush. S. 11.161 e, arattrt On SundaT el-ening, the :let lust. Brat Wtsvcir.4l . son of B W , Esn.. late Cheri! of Allenben, count, seed Y 'rho friends of theta/ally an reereetfullf splurged to attend the funeral. froci his late redden,. rner.of Koss and First .475.1!, this (Tues./sr) ....In , at 10 o'clock. to prcieeed In the Cetnoterr. igiy-The Executive Committee of the Pitts- Mach florUenlvervi Society return theuts to 'Merin , CURLING, itOII6ICISON # CO.. for the gratultoutettuDir of a large quantity of Ola)umere he the ertgblllon: also. to PATRICK MrIiENNA. tag.. Auctioneer. for kituily volunteering his met-rime to sell the fruit,. Ac.. for which be nude no charge: end to the rinses. Le Orir ilt.ersl petrol:mg , A. 11. SletltTEßAti. LAFAYETTE HALL. Musical Convention ancl Teachers' luditute AT PITTSBURGH. Under. the Direthon of Mr. L. Ila.sonof R. hiusICIAL CONVENTION and 'PEACII• the plan of three whirl have hLMMeeen so somdeful In Roston, Rochester. K. Y., and other whne, nth b. held in the LA PA YAITE floe bomb, commenclna on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER I:ith, tour 10 Waled:, A. 51- 16214 coutinning In oesolidi three Pt tour dare. he Programme of Ramie. will , embrace lectures upon and illustrechens of Clam. Triiehlog, thaltiva. ties. Church MUllie, in Its different ardea, Secular Music. to. The Inductive gn= of lartractioa 0111 !Mi. eq.- Pedal addenda. and be ufollf Illastrated and excaired tiHum will penult. Other ulebrated lath:vete .11 from me to time, be introduced; and, In shod, It e the elm to have mach enrcione ea will be most Interesting and Lento Teachers of alnitins &hods, Leaders end Wm. bed of Moire and' to all Cl. fool an intadist in the general as eat Mani, end erpedally to the Moab, of Church Ma lIRStSI2MIM=I .Tho Barton Musical Convening, tinier the dlrertlnn of =int L. V. 2l b o;Plrll3l wJ l oonsl l atW of Roan tr-rrd fiv. , ham , i;.l ., &..l.v r lils , v t =l unit, to M, It tan, l'inkots to Cgs Convention sodlneCtette et Pittatmagis may be obtalmid at the !kook and Moot, More or John II Mellor, No. PI Waal street. Price. $2: &distilling • lady and gentleman. 'Clergymen are invited to attend ftle"of aspen.. sap= dtser,:. . - WILKINS lIALL! Grand Concert. , t 9CHE WARWOOD FAHII,Y respectfully amounts. that they will give • IiIIANDWNUNICr. a ELKINS HALL, Poorth atreet. co TiIUIL.DAY Et' ENING, NNPTiPMBRII2hth. 'Xialy 11 l be SSW .' by w. talented vocalist. the Mined 00311011.. and Mr. G. W PUe.e.tiltatist, laan they will intruduce •• cackle • .... lo.ction of 0b.., Trim. Duetta, Song. and holm, as were ever prevented to a Pittsburgh...lleum.. P. SVARWPOI , ill boacromparded by Ma Wanted nephew, to T. o J. tParerood, who. Moho playing Itsa twn so highly Commented upon by thy public pram Concert to commence the Mon..hi o'clock. Tltiket• 2.6 cents, to bs had Cl the Music of Mn. Blume Sir. Mellor. li.. It. Sieber. Led at the door. entrilat Minnesota Copper Stock. 50 SHARES of this Stock for sole at a low rate by A. WILKINS t CM . mop= comer ?darket andlhinl sta. W1_...._....---, - ,__ LOUB.--100 bble. Extra Family, , for mid I or .P .mi t. kW. lIARISAUUW. MACKEREL -100 bble. Largo No. 3: Mamschumais lospectWu; for ::le by .1.2. , __ S. /1. W. HAMIACKIII. boxen.:Crearn, for sale by 1 J ern Ta S. AR. RARBA UOll. lIE MODEL ARCILITEOT.—Nos, L 2, The It. of this esnellent work, Lae lust been Publish ed. The 24 and Sd Noe. are eivial to, If not better then the ant. All various Met ere gait:gin build. should bare IL Each number contains four to. lithograph engrILVIDXI4 of orlitinal designs fort:al-40is. Vlllynoburboolteeldatiese, meteximpanie.l by explanstione, opectiLiallints. and en, iter .1110 four pages of detailt, correspriniling with the deems.. The rimy hand... styli lb which It le prepared and embellistiod,nders It a taanfol ornament tor-the amlring roam or li re brary. Price,boc. per number. . par ells at HOLMEIP Llterarylkyrot. hi, 74 Third street. oppoelta the Poet. serKL¢i= Wiffitib C , for September, for talc lit 4101.31C8' Wynn' Na Mint street, aprro elm the Poet Oar,. _ TREMONT ROUSE, BOSTON, stAAs. et North of of E3OO a THlSaeell knoin establishment in still eon ducted to the same manner it taa doors been. The central ath pleasant altualfon of Ito home, Its romagas, the arrangement, and th e comforts and Ithuriee to be 1411.41 there, combine to render It a a rothle and edeanta• 44nua to the traveler,. , Ifaelng been one of the arm al John U. Tucker k Co., tong at the head of the rrtabliehmthtl the robre4llo4 g e .f474l .— tsg , Vgtrcustom :,I. l°lm-P'44,0. ' " aerthtfee4)4lsa WM. U. PARKER. NEW BOOKS—Travels and Adventures Nln It' th e tourer of toward of 2,600 miles, , per nnea on loot,erinif an account of the ... Fs , Le., of Lbr 1190 or Ift,•Z•LarPenter• Way( the L. b. Ar. aP.I ...Ai of Dletlanarr of Waled... 4 . um fee'd anstdor ale hp L. READ, eep22 la Apollo Bulldlage. /north FL pauxes OAST STEEL HONE AND RAZOR BTROZ—A froth enpply j lord feed and jar a br tszLZ k; ) aeyouo Bektklnae, rounb.. e ' NDON ART JOU RNAL, !or September. I i..trY of aidohanbv„ W. - hthar *ad. tholondan Podt, No. 12. laratetl 11:411S AS •BIPILVALIIIL; Literary ilopot. No. 74 TWA stmt. Molts t.tw PosSOlSsa .022 liotice to Contrattns . . PROPOSALS will be received by the miharn and Elizabethtown Torordke 8 0 . 1 C.r. Pim,. unt il the 10th dar of October neat. for the Omit. al liesoory of three Boatinns of the Road betweettßirds Roo arid Jam. My?. Noecitleattom can lei seen at the office of N PATTEB CON. Ean.. in the Borough of Birmingham. after the 27th Imt JAMBS StIODURABS. reg.2......ddtzer2t:T President. I Dispatch and Post e..yr.l' Real Estate at Auction. MILE .subscribers will sell at Public Auc ulif.V4`.t.nsni.,,tsiZitmst,on 411;, -1 ,1 ,- qt'lLrAd4t.tf_ lie tarmeriy occuPled by nANDO deed. 4itunir Iteweve town,hie, in....gaiety beyond the city line, anJ bnuuded side by the new Franklin Road. The 1,,t,14:412 feet by feet, on which t 0 credo nne. goosl Erick Dwelling 'Loupe, nod all the necedanry out building. nag. to nu:Lunen, et 11 o'clock A. Al. JOIIN FLEMING, %V MeUC lIIDIILE, IIENDREV, Executor. For Sale 4 DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE t o l i t, t o w...hip, tour will If the alit of Oitiaborgh. tine culla fnsm tut Llbertt, and three. quart tor• of a mils from thr Yourtb street I'lant !toad—war SI urtlorkie'Noraarr. and silituning tint meal...aid David Irwin. Esu..--aousisting of SWlthTli /141111,1C1 land. ' n which is ereetted a sonvenient rick tub....,_,,,,,.,. .ia, • 1 6 est...lieu. well of wit. - al a kitchen dair t tog..they 'Stilt convenient sLatillnit. she la. illao, a good Frain.. Tituani Houma. .The °reliant ntains Ittli Appls Tritest of tli. bast grafteddruitt Zoo Paquils Tram , . (tlintstfourths of whlah or . budded and of tlx,cholerst Unita) lOUCha . Ysar, Plum. Aprtrot and Quinine Trrea, of Lb. ben •arlet tie, 40 lireps Vines: about WO 70004 , n.s.ronsistiog of troll amt Ornamental Trassi , lor tranetilaistin,, A 150.... ltatijitterrisst Gottsrberrleseidad Currant., togstbar witb's . .. rat a satiety ot struatuanlal Thees and Othrobbert • The tt i t it ss onsparty will to Sold oil v., lemius, snit title induiputaitils. For further pattkulars snout m of is.. so b '''''''. .. r t:l;f dlltiCiwlT4l'"'. ililllTi tisCONIBeI. UNI)RIES--5 bbln. Saleratum; 2 boar. Kled Leaf Tobacco: 40 primp Walobacco, cofromous's Tobacco: 40 racks Deer Harr; for nalraby .7 , 22 11A anv, JOSE, a CU TAR CANDLES—In whole and hf. bxs., 1.3 es, nal, 00 letp=l HARM', JONES k EAF TOBACCO—In hbds. and boxes, for Osep22l HARDY, JONES k CO, 'vivo COAL FLATS—For sale by 0,22 ' J FCIIONNIAICER a CO, :241Vorri ot uGAR-60 hhds. prune, for sale by L. 7 II. DACZKI,I. a CO OLASSES-L15 . 0 N.vq.; I . is cat a.,rye. f!a_glt rev,' • 711 DAI./..q.L 1 CO boses.W. R.; 1.) • Cran, for sale by Ira I.ZEL S 1 , 11 . TI; R kegs fresh, for sale by DALZELL A CO. BOOKS AND STATIONERY—Just rec'tt st aIIOL3I Kt , I.lteran No. Third Atrr.O Administrator's Notice ETTERS of Administration on the Estate LA a Kut J In. a lb.. city a Pittsburgh. dr g ' sVgart i ..., ", .!rtt p mnlOing 's haring claims nr demands min e the said cltate. an , ..u. ateil moil, tnidsn the mune without dt.lnyi and whom t , .h., inn g thamiaslyas an ha indebtsd n, ..atatr ar. , nqintital it. malts lainuallute partnant rill:d. WM BINGIIA3I. STAR GLASS WORKS. ROBERT W I NTER & CO Ira rri, ”110-Nn. 17 Lark,: .gtr, , t, Pitts ,edr . gli. 11013E10' WINTER s CO., having token Le t, work, iIII conoutacture all Lund. of ore, arul Marl I,astx•ZlN., irMit4.l GOA.. • • - TLay has. Riprunrtated . Factory parlusarely w the papu•acturing of CIES t7I..YALTS AND X !MEDIAS. aleo—,very deec , riptionof calored 117 NE BoTTL•ES, POREEEN. ALEN. MINERALN, TL , .y rtator thew's:lvo, that they ran furnish article's in natal to any manufactured In the military. and tn., hot, Ly gtricf attention to huaineax, to merit • a/tare of parroname that ha. been ratandni to other manufactu• rcr. 'Mei are t.rroarml to 1111 an the not., with which their friend:rand the public in rryttaral roar favor them. • . theficranr.eo-nnon yr.od h.onnufe "DOA. , reptily laue roycra_..loan r. Via? i.tONIS & QUI , Manufacturers of Sprang and Illinter Pletrah nevi. en..al Pion. Wi n Sa. h and Eliptu. rinntioa Pau:intend 1101:1 !ale, and avatar, in Caarli.s. Fire Engine laMt....hd corner of Ho.. and Front ate.. Pirtaburgh. Western Collegeof Homoeopathic Medicine V 111 E. Second Annual Course of Lectured in tn. Waatarn Celle, t.l Ilam.rapatbtr aleclienve. ...mown,. , V , nday.:lnvarnka, M. and naralnee gateau new chair Ga. leen added to thertarnar during tla P e .:tuff, 11414 It I. eelleved teat the !.chine) fur ate ra.tnna • zl. , er,,nahinatructionilralaar Selene. are ma I. Prof d Slatati.er and inaraßep Of %V.uneu and Ch.l.lern. 111;11LE., N I LLI /LBS. SI. U. PI4TG./.0, 4.1.10.• In , l Brae., of Boma:Broth, A !LIU Ult Y. BISSELL. SI U.. Pnnes.r Prinelplos nod ,atone, • LEAL- LAA.E. M. 1 , . liAte.mor nr Mater.. Nledlcs SDI 11.41 , 1/ Jurt•prud.,te-. ' LIAMILToN 1.. SMITII. A A A C . ,. Proleeonr A Ch•xty .try sArkl 110KATII , P. taATCLIELL. A 11, Prufrnoor , pf Pby•lok, /EAU IiItAINEItIo. A NI . Pmt.w.rof Itlargo.al Scsoulve LEW El. E 10.]A. I.....Arewr ‘1 Anstr,my for Q.. rgur. 4,1 I,..ootureo. 122=01==t2== Irrtstett.r.rt.r . , tart. UdM ratt•• tu all cauttllaira tur gr 1.10•14.111 , . lifuJuste. n,rciable tenu-s 1.1 ..buute ure edmittei AL. the I.llllont of matnrulatlen fee ouDl• glutei how,. knclutllou mum, fuel sod light*. MO b üb tm. fn. tu 12. fur .wt. .11010 0 4T r • VV7 `bthC ot e VS;I :ku,a4 "V:!:ft`r'tr! C u ti.Vii.sTe t M a)... Yeettlte• Dr—Pref II SNI IT 11. Clerelerl. oblu • • • reuluttu. , I.PLOOR OIL CLOTH-5054 yards 3, 4:5, • s 4e d 5 quay ler. juu 11 , 4 fn. the I , llllllbinlle Yr and for nele • L1kie....4 ut CO uunfnu.l. NI. a. 11 14v... • 1 , u2 . 1 J. LAI. I.IIILLID-. 1 INSEEII OIL—SO bbl.. for sale by 14. J ,1:1100N MA KEIL a I'o., X111,..1.1_ ALICE OIL-10 baskets for sale by I_,/ rev,/ J. S.CIIIIIII\NI KER a cia ARR. ANDIONIA-2 casks for sale by I,_) ,+(.1100:1. 1I AK Eli J. CU IC ORAX-10 eases for salo by ---_— • nrpl.ll J SCIIIRJEAAKEK tCU . - - ILIEESE-77 bores for sale by • eel , - 0 ISAIAH DICKEY It CU. riNAR--50 bbls. on eonsiznment, for sale los le on., to- 10141.511 R ICKEY e co.. Wrarr luntl Fneat It+ CLEVELAND - MEDICAL COLLEGE.. rilllli Annual Course of Lectures in the Blnitral nill mammon.. on'iVod noadar. the 111111 day of November, and continua liateen `arab, The CAlnlrlas gentle:non totorao. th. P.emtr or In “TiIIrND6L.MATE.II. 11 D.. Froftrear . n . f,f.keq,r,c , E'sh• . 1 47,. AT-% Di. ~ p 11UItAUl: A. TLA and mull, Iltdk-tra, t. l ko l f=rTo gje 'r rif P^:474iurlaffl. I), Prof.., of Chotutrtrr and 31 .71=1.1 ' .7110. 1 i . 1.11',02.. M. D.. Proferuor of Art.., an i l be h Zu 6 l : t i one entire'courK• of I...cturrs a .150 Ilatrieulallon fee 11,0111.1.11 fee 2t, When desired. a pretulgtory note. patiable in twelve mOttillt, for $3O. sad 'Maned Jointly with OM. person whole 11.11,01. Ix rt Hint to brustice ot Its Deo., or • Judea In the County or District ho which the signer reltdre, will be oreephdin the yl•re of moor at thu time. (Irtolleate, and thane wha have •ttentle‘l two full courses of om of which was St this Inolllo ton. art entitled to • kre• admhodun to the Lecture, by pal toll the en Alstrlculatlon fee o,ttlY. thsel board. with rOom, light, an fuel, men he procured at Frio. trap 111.60 to $2 Der week Every.faciltty hAr .4lf boartling rah be obtalu...l al mod. cello newt. A ore/huh:tan. ill of lecture, tree to all Matreculante of College, Will coMmenre bolt weeks previous to the , -commencem. nt of the tegitler amts.. and wntsmae until the owning of the term. Proelmon Is med.. fur the callt. estlon of pr anatomy vu the most ahem! term, The Medical end durgical cllttlpm muneeted with thil College. under the direction of Prohwaors Delthtater, land. ad Ackley, , u the number, variety and importauce of rates yrolweted le beller.l to be equal to any In the roulette. J. L. CAlltir.LL. ceplU:tf eer . retary ot the Mcllical Yacultr. SUPERIOR TEAS, • Put up in Metuthe Pod.s, at Ewtrrn Pricer. TILE subNcribers would rempeetfullia Invite the attention of retai dealer. and . 41(- 01 era to awl, vet, superior T l4 - 4 ch" metallic covered {4l[., sealel was to excludes the ear, asst prewsrv• the Teas perfectly trash. The advantages of Teas_put op in thin way, forretalliag, ( ~bon,b but lately Introdured)theY base alanwaentirelY aUtwrerdsd the lobe T... s u l trtb.TW7X,Vue So ll; . rece '"t g:ng to fr b erl!ras T,' is Ise are esatuted to roll ar, low ea Tea. of Itke quality is the east agroll Team sold by the aubacribere areaold on their oust PO liut any not giving eatni. lattion Mai Le returned, and the nwary refundetL C.,11.710.1* We lune - bee Informed that thetas. Ter. 1 ` .. "° ,74 Ta tar nos pd tiner to ours, by el.htuttlng ...Wee of li.t12:11 Tem ...tamed fn. us. To avoid On poeition of this kind, w a o.,,e, package put up by as la labelled with nor nune and guarantee 1.11 , 1hE45 , ..n ot grwles_and.warleties. wholesale or retail, at the lowa. rates. WNI..i Tea Dealers, se 10 *a Liberty street._ SUNDRIES-- Go by-• Rio Coil., 1000 00. liflo.low Glow, it.o pkgs. tert.oa • /irk T,.. /011 bbla. No. 'I Roam; 1..10 bac ba •Ma It'd Tobacm 10 - N C. Tar. V kgs. Vir. Twist. and Phil, by •• \ io,4ra r. . W . cr.. fresh Ition . ..0 •• byanish Whiting; 30 MO,. P. a.& N. O. Punar. :10 •• Lantern Alum: 1:0 bbla. Loaf. WA, o+lll .•/ W . ' thiPP. ...1 1 1...; 101 - N. ~ 10..... i. 1: .Nonalndlg.: 60 LI.. kl.t4at C...Linwlck: 4. ;IT: obt " ti . usn. a Wit Chwv. dor. Patent b0 , k..5 GAI a9a. Cons Broome.. Z.UO GO N city emetic ena em i er, Ptyper. Ala O ince, t.toon. •e. ~u hand and for eat.. (. f „11,11 r. W . I.lh•rti . VOR CliAblßElig—Vety 'eheap Wall Pa -1 • kw, and cheap Dordan, meant! t. ..rhlt..inaab. On ann. Lr 1. VC9IVI . . 11•11:31 1 / 1 LL. LAW RIIIBONS auanneem har• no. n this morning • nippily of b.„ tashoooable avoda. AN Infallible Remedy for TOOTII . . Tart , ' on th• Trrlh. Nron and Ille..dinq ituna, for at cente. for sal- at KEYr.EIt Man./WELL'S. 'eopttl 140 Wool 0tr.....t. . 1.)11ILE OlNTMENT—Warranted tti eure'the. 3_ worst cases of Pllon In a few dark for sale by K EYKY.It * SDDI.V CLL. lair Wand st. , l ''N' UIN k; MEDICINAL PORT W li , ;g, VP DR.ANDY. AND Nlit DEIRA WINE—Io bottlesamd dr 7 l t hL for '4 IIW ~ EEE k mstowe4.4, 140 wst4 st. IiAPAJI __ lt lIANGINGS -- New style of Alold Parer Ilsoaings. for Parlorswills elegant Gold and Donlon.. vet on.. fur A.le by WP. 31.111211 ALL. 115 Wood .. UKEEN OIL CLOTII-5110 yards 4, 4 i,, inJ I poartcr Oreari .00 1.70 th. fur Window Bllno, ~,,,,,10 , for sa rri,,s to an) art.a msoufactursd for that purpose.lust rateirt.daud fur sala LI U. oleo , • nr raJul.at lb. , nar. mans. Nos. 7 and V Wool str.t. J a 11. PHILLII'B 'WINDOW SILADES- 1 A ftne staCk ern 'tzsans all tbe earietler of Treosmumat Winderr Eb ' eh. Just ree.lved from the ruartututurcr. which Oa .D.lhrholrsalwarl retail,. low . t bay an be bought rlsssrbvro. J. • 11. PUIL.LIPE, I and 9 Wood It. oil; 11 UTTER-1B kegs - for sale by • Aft - sox! WIC6 A kictIANDLESE. fIIIEEaE-80 bakes Ei c tie;L Al ß , . b foe sale li Dl , I PERM OM—. 17 .. bb wica ls. for a sal moc s iN al ussa y .., 0 wR l ' ii „ . LARGEST RAIN - TING IN TILE WORLD,. virILL opep on THIS EVENING, Sop y y lo th . at the Athens•umZ Liberty street, 11111- IN WV Ulla NO CLA 4 VICAL PANOKANIA of ths SEA and , 811011.013 of lb. DITHitkANSAN, depleting all the grand, beautiful and ... slthllme owner,. nett the classical rliorszof Ms old Warlel 4, Mozaly \ lir, oeunaand mows by * lar thi mos 5.6 t=fUls cnrciprehrs%). nod l';'„m"Eft.l:t painting ever brought out In this moiety, - Athens...l°o2s anise Chitalms 1.5 esiatio,, The Pareirania sill amines. moellegat • wafter be fors 8 reclock.every evening' in the week. \ asilthtf ' T FLAX—:I2 liackn. for Yale by \ _..,„ %i lea a IIeCANDLESS. _ ^ P ' To Printers. , PRINTING OFFIC E. ' amply supplied ~ vita, all visessaary inater.abe for doing a 15pt rate Roo tut Joh lin 'tie • • lu this c b . ...Ore% IN the P 7 ;rulaee. at 4P.171_, e b ., " Ur tle:wly " p n i fered for sal . The ,undrrlials are all! goal order d uto•dly new, lid iv the owners are gad is eth e rhu s t. urns, will t. Id Irry much Ledo. their Val.. The abuse pisaents au °patting \which seldcen creurOYor particulars apply at this ludk . ee. , . 1191:..1.1tlicatS \ 911RIESTRVER - liLILLION—'2 ratesfor earn, t ,, 'maid \ J. BCIIOONIIAKER kCO , DIOr .k umber for Bale. ' 11.1 1 ES T ,CO5 N \IVIIITE PINE LUM BER, hi, I, atufl . inebea thick. \ • . o pt, s, 5,, 1, mia, inelivi thlek,.• 00.1 licantllei. Unimak Joist and negintlinit. arid tirub Joist. ~ I .111 . 11 a. .a. ,,, k‘'W.0%.. low, or hour tbr It rau be I.light In the city., A Nu—Two pairs of Ilniliale 1 1 AT BOATii. soptTet• JASIA I .I I I . M ' QROAN. Moth War.. . 'Find Supply ag all Goads. . ' „ .iVIRPHY & BIIIicIIFfELD have now t i open th eir first •uppl'k OkFail (loud., and invite I e It s of their regular runten andbuyers general', sepl7 NEW woo?, VIECEIVED THIS DAB 1 d now opening at ells Diaarrelat l rti \i7loo. \ vvot riroahtTar and ratterna: " ''' \a l a 1,1:1.11. .d !A/places black and aploecd Cloth,, of'A moot superior, m' At f rarge "'* t and moot D . 1 .011 , 1 assart \ 41, 00 vegt,..' ever broucht bo this citY, . . r \ e s 50 des. Undershirts and,Draw rs. .4 b 0 Jc: floe and superb - yr SOUL \ '.: l A large acsartneent of Cravat.. fimdkercine . gm 01A i gtLIVIVI h tlti,..ol ti tte lb ulo:PasliVfabtrit ' t! ‘ al .A ivea D y V s . ii.ini• iTea , .... 111 of lb , largest and meet ,iinuable of of b l eoda, el tit gentlemen's we ti tit the west,. eauatry; all el *bleb \ the troprietar iv Ztain .6 to oder at'the very lowest priers far rash 1, -,_ ti Orders In the TallarltuMlr - ' - --und In the kkgni ocr. and at ths\shorteat pot' R'Sl 5000 .I.K,?—" 11ifiic 1000 .L. L. h o 6, 500 .1..1.ALr,,,L0i,..., - .I " C t rli.'l( AMER" '. 1 Just reed and tor: BEESWAX & f", R mut, 11, , ,,w.:: sir b, Pablie lit._, A Pews., '•,,,.- 4, NUMBER (4,..e)igible 'ER'S in \ 0 Farst ~ A Preebytertan Cburen, Lt . i , thle`rity. will pfa er.tat r.l ' e h t Y att ' l7l:ze lo Fn " tiNhrfila bnet \ ' 10 °YinC, A. ' i. . . , IVt• Yr " thy " 7 .I P,I T : O Y7Att. anetten ' V '''' , THE DAILY ANDIVEEKLX GAZ E ' ant moat of our Patsbulla dedlareancl weeklies. quite a rariety of ne•apprets 0111131c 1 0% 0.13 r cities* lowa, and 810bere'Counter.el al rt tor. to and nth Wanly.. 250 , nrm. Temperance Carta .a _Kbannorie I tercet Tables, ac , kepi fote.aale akin. AC 11AT1.8.0.' aline, Third et. \ .17 ~ :t 2000 LBi.SMIZ:E'INEP 13/11-N—J.9t eel: 1 '''' C 'th' 44. J. "r1)64.1`0. \ \ \ Fall and Winter Ste* of Fang d Staple - ' D,R Y o\c/ OD S A \ :\ \ ..i A. MASON & Ou.',,w4uld 131J13 respvt- Ll3,:".til2r,"tt b a:l:l.'`ptik„` f ,i b , . e t, r o'iM """ ed l ti u y selected .tat of t.tooda,.. tad ankteln r" ... which w ill be found lamer the. 11[11 her [v. 0, Ws lore offtml. W• have tee/need le knows. a 000 Galen Brown Slualine: 16500 tong Kul euultre 6 alto I. - Drilla a (Jenabarga , Ofa , Pra., WM..' ratlllt'hi ' I I. . Flannel, vol'd,a, 2101 CaNtli hawed arinta k Ito - nett. , . lOU pm F 1,3110 Mean. \ 110 ...vet White Slocum.: faa , ta p' at. atk , bna\ .10 .. ahe.etins .. • It. p. II noForn 50 plea,. Linen I•ll3evtine.`..\lo maw eh .1111 . Wu - k.‘antietna tu carton e moot liibotts. 10.1 •• beet make Clothal 00 cartotas I , Flo era. \ - '2 U : =y * r:aZ to • ' o r ' I rm . c F r 1 Tti%.....` .. - ahirtins Cnectri rases g 'r et. 'rea.. to ~, ..,1 m. 0.-4 en o pl d Linoet; lOW or. paoery+ • 13 3•• ends LEA J./3e,, =A/ •• I.•lores, 11 together with *very amide ant Ily found '..• Dry \ Gad. eetatliahtnent. CC: , and ft Nlatlat ~.N .!apti±. NEW 000Ddk. \ ,\, ,‘ rr lIE SUBSCRIRER upring\now reeeV \ .11. his entire noel. of 1e,.1. 41/ W NSF.A b GIag .'. 7t:.111.7.7.;.= tio'rero4ifY=Vle, the putt' .... Gut a„, at very lowev \ • \ Ile in Dry (locale I tha,,teple, . w lae a laralt ack of Pane) Dm.Goods.esnoptintnta In Paat 4-, 1 ebony Pill.. far arealng and Weet IfeasolatrorT nab": a-a Brocade Silas. , . .. , - N M ii,a un ark 411 s, ell price, quid aid 0 Brocade Black Wk. 7. I .. p s, Heavy %tetanal B.lk, all .bal.., 1 ', French Poplina - , . Iluelin J.- Lalea, • .. 1, , raar'h .‘"UoP 'Lad 90Pa.rar ''. . • T.:other orsth French *nil Nu4.11.h ILOUSE FURNISHING GOODS: 11-4. 124 and 13-1 Barnsley 40.‘tittga , G-4 - and Irixh Ylllua Llneni:,, tl-4 and 104 Tablo Datnaoks gala Si D D iaper Nak.luo and lwilloa kliv.ltsback Diaper an n ti enott l'lmellllls Rich Printed Piano ned Tatlin Covets, atigerb vonnda. 11an...1.140 guilts, Preach. En rotpiiro. Dmilt,L.'nrtainan Curtain Material. to DS MOO R\11;0 URI\ %GOODS: Latin's III!ck L o o m , t v p g . i.....0.3. _ .5.4 ,ind,‘ Black Cantoo ' Clattv; . , . ' 111.1 Mohair Laat. ... Nll4 Warp Thlta, Clog_ e ..:', . Mack Ctiallar 1 ~. ~ Enallah. Framell and Italian (_,apek , ,810..1. and Cray. V Is Cbemizetra• and s lee ,yea Collar. alid Culla u raa aol floater,: all of which lioods will la,tairant.este •T. \ STENIff \ OATBN L. B . , ‘„.. Tier eteurtbeet `cooterlan& No 2 eurik Maas ho. The keeahao MLITT , /kraal kete. 2he Butki, buretOzre Amu NaLrhea4.slLealeelpeL\ No one 2hrt- et, is now sale i. . \ \.\ TR:AN4e FIT#IO, trpresi Packet\Pn' e fx• FiE Propriqtariof Patiict Libes br- Ing mule the roiulatie arnuerneah, with the Ohio ell ' hetp ' s u tii% th elerVialtd C"' or PewllrWhert.l4 l*" wa f ttarsl throsat tichete thewthee k rniPhad with stlek• pt glee theta the WhaDea 61 paws to Itarltew ter eillsk.by the Cars or the Ftette t. For tit..!VIA apply to JOUR A. CAUGIIP.. Ohio and Pecuivlma s — :, -4 ‘N, . 1 ="--c - k --4 - \ . [ FIII,M PITTSBURGH • • NEW BR BTUS': \ \ 1i ~ 28 \. • ~ ii , i• and otter MiAND 1. - AVGIIS 4tir F fe a PrAetiges Traln wil to:u se totin. lc \ . , .1 GRAVENSW 11010 lITSY, at lky 4 \ 31. god 23‘ Fp IL , . 1.. \AVE PllTSßlllitill at 1014 1%75 P. lik WAr YillitE, 3 rm. Fitt riti, .% ". . • \ platen under kerkive years of ii eV vice. \ • 8,,, , ,,,,4 ai rtsiiburwh *Cid 11.1.01,, E r .. • 3' red \ .1 1 Sewickley. •'.. , SS .. Feonomy,. \ . LS .. 1 „. • ‘.. \ ,\•... " VneVAßZiAtoll. 4, 64 , , \ Eitt o s Uckslc s ll l- 0 9 to. w 1 dil o csil , wcwciA, &twain Pc bland • 511lachezrter, to any litlittoil a. \ , . j ks • _0 o ' o ' o ' o 7 n s k i At itr 0 ;IV iOlO tq4lPrIlit7l4Ol7ELS back, \ ‘i, ,ic ip , !;; "" rh04 . 0,4 ' 4 4 - - - dl i cio4 .' ' in " u'i , :i . e:c . ii , 7 , - ;. - a ga . i .,,th.. ..M0001 , \ \I Vasalb lel be al the u Fetid's' Strad, 10 '4- ' 1 ' • : *"'" tkie Bd. Vh d ir cl t o b tkri ' r *b il7X. 11:4:4 V, \., ~,,,, \t" ikiiTri. o . - .2g 0 0r..71. 1 .t • ir,1, 0- .Va s &, - L b v.: v- . , • I,. ( xpyr,..,.FAifttrr:. „ar,=4l.t \ \ k /, lksict LA gar Krt. . aTouir St. Char m4l lAt dty soda , . . klcw,th ut.. .. Ada du tall Alluitibta. and be.. .4 . „ \ eetntkrato ch. ,. \ ,,,, it t....4, 4 ~,, , ,. ..ri1b, q ......,E,A,h,, , ... \, \ ~. \\ .. \ ,\ . " . , r ' l*C ''', iP t i lik=l , k KIN. , . • 1 itiopj bentip• 3reta. \ PaiL \ P 1.4311RGH •.' . li/PW C -17 i ... \\ - rAtt. AV M , ' VENT. •\\ \ . \ \ \' • . fi, ,onn'aitaqstrit4 the Ok• \ iiid Pc:;Ta. .1? ' * . \\ '\\ ,v - , k\ 2 , ' V \ . . \ -• 1011011 ER fl : 011811 0 . ,‘, \ :., . ~ ..\ : ASStli 7fill take . ' itv.A\AL \ , t,,,,m Pitts b. and the . • ~ ', en 4.lll:il K anr B w bton, -- at 11% ..4 . .. . awn ' vingg '', • . T , a laming leave N CON. at i P IL, a riving SI Nen\ \V‘ - \ righttni for the :N. N. traltt. \ \ • , \ sVi the mune ae New 4.rad wi‘h kg. ftr ‘: %\ , ' ercer roe 4 ;" ' """'' " ' ''' 'et ° t A ertriltitlN, . \ \ \ ,‘,, : , \ . \ \ ' ,\ 2. rs above N l*shOP .4 7 ,,, ETA ,\ A \ \N \ V . v , , et 3.Vll{e's Hetet. New \ \ . , \ \'N \ . \ Hotemb* [startling, pr e p e ke e , '• \ .\ , ri.til3l .A B , , •,, \:( Kt,b,,,..,,, AL , \ •, ~ \ \ \ \\ - '•\\ • \ \ , , \ \ \ ,\ \ 1 / 4 ' i `, ' • \ \ \ \ \•\•• , \ • \ \ ,\,, .\\ -\ • • \ ' \ ~ \ \ \ \ . \ \ •• . i ,\ - • . , • \\ 114 , • \ \ \