. .. ... .. .~:, h 'Zimttittig a Paquea .wri4lc,in Dickens' Honselield Words refateil this iurn'tkicc of life in India: The ,fuqueer ,la".tlie mendicant friar of n AMIS.' no superior; wears; no clothing; performs no, work; despuieg ev t ry.tody.and everything; sometimes pre tends •to. perpetual fasting; and liNies on tho fat OfilieLand. • . :Ow the afternoon of a vortsultry day in June, rhad got a table out in the veranda my ;bungalow, and was amusing in If witlixt galvanic apparatus, giving _Mich of my t *tants as had the courage a taste of what"tliey caned:Wu/Wu boinlec7.-Englioh lightning--when a long-gaunt figure"; with Lis hakhanging in disordered_manses over (-hisb face, was obseried to cross the Lawn- On 'arriving a few paces of where I xteod,lie drew hiniself up in an imposing "attitude—ono of his arms akimbo, ,while itte.4,lber!held out towards me what up .',..-etwed to : be t a fair of - tongs with wbrass 2: , takthe extremity of it ' -t.'....f..hifarn.,,y4,. - t t .,l called out. ",FM'inier," was the guttural response. " What do you want?" , , "Bheek"—allas. "13beekl" I exclaimed; l" surely you are,joking-11 great stout fellow like you can't bo wantitm Meek?" The ftiqueer-paid not the slightestatten• tion, - buCeoritinued holding out his tongs with the dish; at the end ' l of jt. .'!Yon had better be off," I. said, " I nev er give - bheek- to people who are -ablo-to work.!'! "W do Khooda's work," replied the fuquenr,--with a swagger. 0.-Pyotr do—then ',I answered, " you had 'bitter .ask . .Khoc:da for hheek." So sxying,..l turned' to the table, and began arranging the apparatus for -niatfiug some experiments.. Happening to look up about five minutes after,;:kobserved than the ftf queer was-standing upon one leg, and struggling_ to astinne as much majesty as wasconsistent with his equilibrium. The tonga.and . dish;were still extended, while his left hand sustained his right foot across his abdomen.. , I turned to the table; and tried to go- onwith my work, but I blun dered-.awfully, brOke a glass jar, cut my fiagemiand made-a -mess on the table. 1 had aconsMousness:of the fuqueer's staring at meivith his!' of tended dish, and 'Could not get the fellow out of my head. look ed up . at hint-again. There he was as grand as ever, Cu his one leg, and with his eyos tiveted.ott mine. He-continued this -Forfeited:ice for nearly'an hour, yet there did mot seem to be the faintest indication of -his 'unfolding him Self—rather a-pictu que ortrnametit , do the lawn, if he should. tile into his head—as -these fellows some times do—to remain in the same position: for a twelvemonth. "If," _I " you stand there much Ionger,I;II give you such a taste of boinjea l (iightning) WE will -make you glad, to, go." • The ,only answer to this threat was a smile 'of derision that sent his muStache bristling up against his nose. • •"Lightning!" he sneered, "your light ning can't tonoti a fuqueer—the gods take cure of him." Without more ado, L charged the battery .aed.coupected it with a coil machine, Which, as iliac. who'llaVe tried it are aware, is capablelif racking the nerves in such a way allew people Care to try,' - and whietioae are :capable of voluntarily-enduring hcyond ale* tiecond.4. • • t t Tbe -liiqueer seemed—rather amused at theliteorlooking implements on the4able, but, otherwise' maintained a. look et; lofty stoicism;.;nor. did. IM seem in an tray alarmed When 'I with the con, . ductors. - i Some -of my servants who had already experienced the process, nevreame cluater lug about with looks of ill suppressed mer riment; to witness the fnqueer's ordeal. 1 fastened one wire to his ,still extended tongsantl the 'other to the foot on the ground.' - As the coil machine was not yet in Lion beyond disconcerting him a little,: attachment of ,the wires did not othe affect him. But when I pushed the .. •- net into the coil and gave him the I II strength of the battery, he howled likf a demon: the.tongs—to which his. hand' as now fastened by a force beyond his wit quivered in his untrilling grasp as if it were burning the flesh from his bon s. Be threw• himself on the ground, selli .g and gashing hiS teeth, the tongs clan. ..g an irregular accompaniment. Never as human pride so abruptly cast dawn e was. rolling ahotd. in such a &attic ti. y that I began to fear he would do' hums if mischief; and thinking he had now as mucLas was good for him, I stopped e 'whine and released hini. ' For some Finutes — he lay quivering_en the ground, as if not quite sure that the horrible spell was broketr; then gathering himself up, he flung the \tongs trom hlO3, bounded across the lawn ant over the fence like an antelope. When he had got to what he reckoned ' ,eursinfr distanc6, 'he- turned round; shook lus fist, at me, and fell to work —pouring out a torrent of imprecation shouting,' screeching, and tossing his s about in a manner fearful to behold. i F. IREBRICK-20,0W for sale lbw by • woo JA11.143 DALZELL CREESE,-8U his. prime W. for kt.s SAM DALZELL, H _ ACKEREL-74.57b1T1EZ Lirge No. 3.: AO. by .1.p51 J6llEt DALZ.ELL. 11011. lc . MOLASSES - 50 bbds. prim , N.O. Sum: I C o ' slob y . - ' JAN. , DALZKLI... by It ..Lei tit 611VLSS AND JAC ONET la.—MURPHY . BUR `WU:IZ morning a lotood ,of Sties Mtilagnegivt . m r f . a v g Il x'. lTikligipetr and laitinga, 01 mew Ply I. 1:4 k. POW'D SUGAR--50 ft/A by - terpil iBUItBRIDDEtINVRA a pp S 'KOLAS'S - W-..100 bblitAtoodale co rBs- Jun.. , , 1.3.4) ' IBURBRIDGE a MURK bft g i poriMe Rio, for Rai: .441 itOII.BILIDOZ INUIUA YINEAS-50 hi. cheeits Youpg Hyson; " Mock Powder: . 15 ' O . bloo IS Itureliar sor nolo by jepg . BlyitliaLxitA INUIth •KjNJ S(3 BUTTER-50 kegs prime, in go ' snipping Mier, tor nooloo'br I ".t Pi 1.5113.1 . P. SURl'Vnit.o LLNSKED_OIL-25 bbls. for tulle by mpto , 1 J. KIDD a CO/ 110 . .PSAL SALTS—i1 5 H bbls q l fat Bale-by ' 111 •Pplo ..1.1..iuD0 a. ,u • WASH NET,. for, blosquito Bare, 1.. 1 ... „ na l .4e.- 600 r.0 . 0..0tit r.!<: , .i. Air rale in We to 11Di. 14 MILE, Inlet. IOBACCO-20 kegs No , . 1 twist, ,liedg timad. for Talt b JAMDALZ LL. 1, El• IglViare 1 1N EW : 1100 K. Sl—The Stone ' Mason of eailA KArg.; a V li [apt Tale ..g •. I. Lantarline. Trunnion...l in. for Anmeh. , . , • . Memoir of .ILer.'Edttor..ftlimitrotetit life 2,tiocot WIEZ. mg atom ,b, h.. :P. It. Zia.. Al. Al. Iteetor tf K. 11.. ban, alerts; on. ut antochietam by tbeyben 11. TruA, ft Li., ?. van. If=to... mut. ' Mallon'. Rom. Antmoitem x Ammo' of Itoortntrn tiotio.wit# nameroMs.lll.rottoat. Ot cloy., An Ott, 1.1. D. Want in the Dark Plntv, tir Ilemorisla of Cltel.tion flro' In the Middle AbeK from the tierconn of the Late Alto.. too Amadei; IScoo• mut. The Sax of 111. to'oe a1e.:•CAm4,..,,,,,,,,t,, , Cbootr .A t....11.31113,c lq 'FLIOILI.on Chenevtx.k 'men, h. D..ll.l...ulmarCleolAto ot the Lord'Elthop of orlonLAc. Nolo. from the Luotion edits.. IIIoA. zitninan' Algabra:—The Klententa, of Algebra. dealintg fp, .Bagumatir, brans Loomis. )1. t., Prohomo of !lath. " MI tft-MiiAl fluid &mg of .OlHerolotlbm Loud., seinnmboo tin of liarper's Nelotblonthir bionnotott ~' thin mod ated for ale by 't ./.I..innt). . ;b 1rt..11.3 Btnidtolt. konnt , $4.. :ea extio, for bide by J. N. OILWO/1111. A CO.. Tol❑trn A nq. se supj of Hazard man. , ,b.dasul fur sale at lowest hits. J. S. /111.11:OUTLI I.XI. PARERS:—Tbe 13eSt r ripen, thm cmixell/g4. e. LIAVEIVO sod PAW S Wa.b.l.v. earner Blsrtet •ewsrl As. es, 'on consignment pow 'timmu tutus' CO" Water Nut Front de. 0 f or sale y liy_:: .• DICK.{.74 CO, WsWramikordAY Cs:rm. for sale by mix* morbalasa ? ~ ~ _. •• . • • • • PHOCLAZATION. Al 3, in and - by the Act' of the I VIFI EP enitiMrlsennblf.C.f reimlllnnla, entitled ''Aji Act relating to ElectilMSATAlily catrams.patt . ! it L. ere Jamey on me to give motets of mob elections to be held. and entuneritte Meath nation wILM Upitiers ate to be elect ., In cilliThltCUlLTlE,Sheriff of the County of Atu.stettr. 0.5 therefOre make known and giro this public Wake to TM eke/mot:ha County an AI. flee the thmerat Election will be, held in the phi County, an the SECOND TUESDAY OP ocroenn NEXT, at the amerced elerldotttete therrein. . The electoM of the Fleet Want of the eityof Pltteburgl to meets& the boom of Itira.LJane lAttla, at the comer Y 0217 amt Fourthetreeta, in mid word. The electoraorthe Snood Ward of thecity ofPgburgh. to meet MA, Bond District /total. Mem" of nd and initlifieliptscal ,l o Wel ward. The elector. of the Third Ward of the city of eltteburgh. to teeed at She boum of Andrew litchilidet.,Esq. The eistors of tbe POurth Ward of the int y of pittsburgh, to meat at the Pablia School Mamie. In said ward. The electors of the Ptah Warder the city of Pitt/March, to meet at the Pentumiranla Boum. meanie! by llottleb Pleditt. late Alm. Steemszt, In mid ward. The electors ot the Binh Ward of the city of Pittsburgh: to meet the Public School Come, in mid Want. The elector. oft a Bermath Ward of the MC' of Pitt. hi:nth. to meet at the Fettle &boot Home, In ' , Mlle.]. t,, 2: e n t l=riLltit i tlghth Ward of in of Pittsburgh. School Boum, in mid ward. The electors& the Muth Warder the city Of Pittiburgh, to me elector. Public School Ilemee. In mild of 'The of the Ant Wardhf the city of Allegheu7. to meet at the house of J. Woodhouse, Sobltumnetroet. electorsof the &nand Ward Of tbecity of Allegheny. to meet at the baune of Widow Thotmetme north wmt cor n.. of Ohio argot end the Public Spasm. The elMtore of the 11,drd Ward of the city of Allesheuy, • to met at the Puhlls named Minor s , in m 4,1 ward. The electoreof tha Fourth Ward of thecity of Allegheny, to meet at the house of Mrs. Wylie, East Commo if n. The elem. of Pitt township to meet at the bun. of r y e. Nancy Meet,, on the klechanietand Farmer.' Torre. `pike Bond, In mil ton:whim except them:Wined "MN N tiding to maims Nos. 4.0, and 14 of the etc district. who shall vote at MI Tomei elections let the Ninth AL anlot the . ttia.El=s- Pee" township . to meet at the v bou en of John /killer, in the villlget of Seat Literty. The elective of Oollim townthiP. Mt" " the honnot Wm. Jr" In the village of to Liberty. The electors of Wilkins township. to meet at the boos. of John nhalfer, on the firentibursh Tun:mike Soul. In mid township. • The elector, of Plum townehip, to meet at the house of John ntutunerri lb, in Bald Unmade. Abrhaelm elnec Taylor . on t t t o h n No w h h r p Tr m np en lk t e, t l t n h m town . .h Y P tier elector. of Penn tomiship. to meet at the house of Hobert Limaident,on the Leerbleurgh Head, tosaid born ebp. electms ol Vermin...tom:Ain, to meet at the Brick School Mouse, near the White Boum tormerly occupied by Thomas Neel. cud now by W. A. Shaw. - - The elector. of Elizabeth tomiship. to Meet at the boom hf Sumer, formerly occuplei by JObal Walker, In cabettchormatett. 'The electors of the Borough of Elizaheth. to meet at the house of Denied Sarver, formerly mcupied by John Walk er, 10 esti borough. The elector. of Jeffeston Township to meet at the home of Alithael Sue, formetly occupied by John King. in said towhehlp The electors of4lllllltl towneblp, to meet at tht, honer of Samuel Wilson, formerly occupied by Jes 11 Nml, ithestd townettip. The electors of Upper it Clair tow mils, to meet it the hon. ofJm Coupon raid tom:milli,. The electors of tower St Clair township to meet at the brick memo at the suirtion of the Coal 11111 and et. Clair turnpikes with the ilmeneville runt. ' The , electors of Charlier• township to meet at the public 'Lome near the saw Mill Run Limbo, on the SteuLeuville turnke. TN. pi elector. of Robinson township to meet at the home of iamb licnarismul. formerir MeSarlanJ, In mid hywnehlp. Ttoselectore of Medley townaldp to meet et the, hoar of ildllefland A Armor, formerly occupied oy Jon Charies,in the vilase.of Clinton, to mod township. The Keeton set Boon township to meet et the bat.. of Peter Outdo. to said tunnel:Op The elector. of Ohm tow iseti,p te meet et the Loom of Jno. Ilay,de, said townehip. eleetem of Pranlaln tom:slop to wort at the hollaw occupied by Jce Holman, lo mad township. The elect:sea the &sough of idanchester tomer% et the Publk i nebool boom. :Ireton ail 11...4arie township to meet at the hotline of ()Weill Poise, In sail township. The electon of Baldwin fowl:whip to meet a: the Louie of Jon wan , In said toiroship. • The Ireton of Snowden tommbip to meet at the house of Peter Itiyer%, in raid township. •The elector. of South Payette township to meet at the hour, of Hays, co the farm of v. 1 . Coon,. 10 mid th'n'h etto o North nah bot h ; nos; oce ' ulled by F P nrcir J t ason i , p at to iti r" .teenit, In eald township. , The Jrte rt ors of R1:43 township to mert. at the home of Jacob Colbengh, on the Franklin road. In said thwo r shin. The elector. ot Pine township to meet at the home of ['ugh Crummy,. in tatd township—and that Th. Wilkie.. Judlce, and Win McKinney ant Win Unite. be inalaso torn of WSebection, is said township. The electors of MiCandles• towsetup art to meet et the house of Jan Andenion. In old towniship. The elector! . of Weft Derr townehip to meet at-the house of Nab. Coulay,th cald township. The elector,' of Nast Deer township to meet es the Pullin School Limn, in the &dough of Tarentum. The dieter, of the Borough ot Tortoises 4.• meet at the Sebool Home, in mid Borough. The electors of Indiana township to meet at the boort formerly ocetthied bf N. Mackey i to mid township . TIM elertoni.f Shaler lownebp to meet at Jeo Shaw. mill, to laid toinrthip. The quabfied totem of that part of Indiana townebtp. In Allotheny county, trending within the folio/ring dot .ernbed botlthlaries to wig beginning ate puinton the Al. lethally titer ad the upper hoe of the them of Jo ble, and running northerly the be the farm, of mid (Stile and 'John Boyd. to the N. B. rornerof Cable's farm—thrice running 'is westerly rouse to the Shiley township {ninth Smother tie toembrans all %rumor lot% Atuate In. Cunmegbam's dirtileti and gnown m the river tract.;' within mad toundarten, shall hereafter ante at general elections In the Barisgb of Sharpeburth, at the ethrtints poll cattail borough. The elec., of the ikwough of Birmingham to meet at the Pblie itebool botseln will The u elertorn of the Borsch 01 gast flittinnthato to meet at the Bailment Office ail Oliver H. Ormsby, is mill The electors( of Duesne Borough.. meet at the Pulide School llousea is ta ilborough. The Linden el the tinsmith of Law-rennet isle to meet at the Public lichmil Mune in mail borough. The . elettlitr;Of th; botouih use al:AU:L. : thumb to so.et at the house aflame:l Shot - P. to wad lawougb. The elector, uf the borough of Malletnport to meet at the Toon borough. The electuts oTtbe Wrought& :math Pittnburch to meet at the house torknerly oceupse4 by tt.. Sleguatueb, at the of the Monongahela Bralgc. lo mid boon b. The electone of Ute,llltrough of West. Elisabeth to meet at the Wilhite School /louse to land twrougb. At wbkb lane and planes the qualilasl electors as afore vahl y tll by ballot rote fur OM peke= bre Goetrmor of Pet:mailman,. Ow person torelnnalllantrolatsoner . rlreyevon for Judge. of the supreme Court or Pen. Jmeenema frc Freakiest Jain...of the lastriec Court for the county of Allegheny; • st. t . te . mr.mr ik. Aselstarid 'also of the lbstrict eitV for 000 person for Wm:trident Jade. of Courts of lloutmoh Illess.ltuartes Semites, to. of Allegheny count! venous tor Anoxia,. Wart of same CDIII - 44: Rye venous fur membem of Amerobly f Penntylvautat one pertunTur Ilenottler of Allegheny c ounty. one pen*. tot Register: Out person for Clerk wf the Court of Quarter Fewaione. tr.c.; 011.1.209 fie Trumuser of Allegiwuy county Otte person totem:Mt, Com er; .One pettou for Auditor One perm. for Counttuy , o k N 1 AI and Pia3 th r. n th e tee tad. "' at 0 1.4 g Te..qa d tz t ttf the act punt. July.2l, lee% eutitl an bet relallog to the elections of thisCotructonwealth,ehell Dot be. 1.00125411011 as to present any manta omens or borouOt othwr from term mH tmiutgl i l=r 4L tr . r r ar b n, at any Ueneral or Speetal And the return:Audios of the respeettre-distnets eforr MEM, ere required to meet et the Court House ut the cluy. at Pitmburgh, on, the Friday to th e Freund TuealaY * of October neat. then and there to dunbargy the duthe law. Gruen melt by e y lead and mast Pittsburgh, this 24 day Septrmber,A., 11.1641, end of the Indepetutetwent the United hates the seventy Meth. cep3lltatell " C.I.IITEII CURTIS. nbenft. VEATKERS-30 sacks landing and for sale 1: by impi) IMALUI DICKEIa • Oa. - - VIIBA be published, on Monday, NJ 'the let of September, • tive evlarrd MM' at the Ir huad of CUBA, pt, 10 cents. J. B. RUL111:11, mg3o . . 'Third ft.. 0 11P 01 lte the P Oll OM.- EATHER;ZO Sides Hemlock Tanned LA &I. lotaher,for WAN' •' • 0 16 10 • B. DALZELL CO. COFFEE—WO bags for sale by NJ met, DALLELL t CO. 4.2 I:IGAR-0 Mids. prime, for sale by .seo kt. %%LULL 4t CO • ALMON—Ii bble. No. I, for Bak by S eagM M DLLZELL a co. ICE-11.) tierces for sale by .s.ra - s. W. HARBAUGLI. VILEESE-75 boxes for sale by • 11. V. CON BONNIIORST COO E• ltE N C li LAST I NU—An additional Kapp!, rsed by ' MURPHY t BUIICIIE/ELD mar ACKEREL-40 qr. brio very thee No 1 JVIL for sae by 1.11,121 ISAIAH DICKEY tCo A.L . U . M-2513b1k. for male _by J. aim THE SCALP HUNTERS, or Romantic' Ad- Tem..' fo Northern Nestor, by C. fdayl Reid. nalith Rutherford. a bee Tale: by nir Admiral F her, Trarals Ameby 'Lay Ntuart Wortlsy. My blmoting ho my Fruit lorreeter. Tbs. ala Bear of Arknrusas. 0 Iluatorona Novel, 11. I lls.= If tiOrtik& LlteiatT DOM 74 Third street, onposite the Ptatcnota Bug= Pateht Sparkling Oalatine-3 gross J for male by . J. KIDD Ca)., aten to Wood at. IVETILERILL'S PERFEMIERY—A fresh • V tot for idle by aniat J. IiLDD CU. GIRESH ROLL & TUR BUTTER--Ree'd thlettay„ Saturday, duanst,4.l4l, and for sale at mourn IdURRIS' Tea Mart. Diamond. FROM 'BOSTON, just tec'd— x barb 3 pit India Robber Haw; zoo - - 3 -- llatlni3 4 ,4.; .. 44 FoLetal e. e la U:10 Intlii - nobbsDr: i llir es ual . t. PACKED BUTTER-8 bble. and 5 kegs 1. tor sale by ISAIAH DICKEY It (Xi.. atteJ _ • :Maw a stoat rta. G.HMYSTAL PALACE PRINTS.—Muk /Sr it Itexcertun have just remiss,' • lot of vets tolortifol Xnalisis Prints, mode esurnalr for exhibition at the, Worirrs Mai - . to uhien xtoratts•ntion of the Witt lab sited. , Amen B UTI `ER—f• bble roll butter for sale by e s J. o. DILWORTII k I.* FOIL SALE—An excellent FAMILY 'HOES& Enquire of .40 J. 1347100RILLEY/1 POST OFFICE SCAL gS—Juet received U a. emk, am for VV . wimos. . mtg. earner Markei andre eta MITTS! MITTS!—Mtrar r irrk e .ep.CII FIELD ha.. just reeehred a tall amortmeatlY the &herr artit at from tt 7 / 4 6 W 7/:•5 pr halt, rum.' at atheb are mar. IN SEED 011 7 4 bblii. City malce, for Rale .14 by aug2l • f 5. N. lIICKKaallAkt 4,.; UP. CARS. SODA-3 kegs for sale by and . S. N. WICK ERSHAM INDIA RUBBER CAPES-2 doz. j oat rccd (with rl.rec) • MU mtwlitie4 tor riling or drielnx V 241" t ,1n . 7 t ;rear. for'aie et rivit7pri. . Time Sills ON CINCINNATI, • LOCINVILLE„ IDIOT LOOTS • ' DIMWIT k2l , CLEVELAND Will b. vircbsocid. at favundas rani A. W ILKINP . jy2l IitEMIA , L ;;; We interid toremove LA! , itelailuor cam preuphod by e=ger, 01113 Ma ket area, no.* St. lnalr et., ➢ where we ehall be plowed rureneh teary mune In Inn lam nenaL aught J. aIL P 1111.1.11,1, nun Y Wood et . - - 10E-15 tat. prime, for ode by .14 .04 J.:J .: M1.47011MA. CO. Isrs RAZOItAI—The undernign ed has been oppolated agent Syr the sale of Wen Gil. theist). norm. MIMI Ha.. are rosautestured m the United Plate., and are unequalled to quality If either Belden or American manufacture. Every neon le 11., rented, nod If ft does not fray* ratlefanorr the ak ill be retursted or the nano ortensevoira• tho . asoury may This ankle boo beta to itsa earereLyeass, and N rapidly wiperonlirof ererr other Baron Wltlin good atm, titer rent not require honing for Om fears • for We, 'shone:ale laud null. at the Watehaind Jewelry' store ofW. W. Wi1.2(.1N. .413 fa, earner of 'fourth and illartet I'LAX-23 sacks, for oak by . 1.242 WICK bIeCANDLEM B EEF TONGUES- 7 A prime article oTe wx.C,ermme.9,,* , AmeM • 4. • ro a ; BOOKS, MUSIC, &.c . New /Rieke, /tug Received. YEAST: a . Problem; reprintbd with corree tioth, am .111itiorsi by the 1u 3 t 3,3 ' of Ali.° 1....11,10 1 ., U, of Cleopatra. (Innen of Ihmth by .ismb ANAL • CZmus. •hTale of Atte Puritan. - 12m.- mu. komburp; • TAIr; by nal2F. An Dowry, muthor uf "Friends mud Fortune." rap. and 02 Appleton's 3lschorthe 31.smons . 004 Engineers' Jour nal,- N 0.6. Byrne'S Dlrtionsry of Mechanic. Engine WM'S •ml Err cinentram Nx. :I end •Lssinol.Pistrinl Mold Book of Um l'alsstinm fts Groursphr nnd Mblo Na t lon LI th• oursphie M. by Ibbbsrd. uf Nast Ilerierwe Cm:der enrcedited by Danoi P. Kidder. 1.3330, For W. by J. L. ItKAD, IS Apollo DuiWlvgw. Fourth at. New Books. • GODFREY MALVERN: or the Life of an D notbor. By Phi.. Thorne. Millar. With tatentyyfour tr o th r. • Travel' , 10 the United Met. te. during 1849 and IEBO. By the Lady Latmellue Stuart Wortley. No. Bof udon Labor and the Landon Poor. The Mann booksjost`reed and for sale by JTV , IL C. BTOUKTON. 47 Market st. .V.ECHA.NICS' MAGAZINE, No. 8, for Paae:fTellel • Domestic Ti,.a a 4 to lb. Urn of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, of Slin. nyallJet written by_beraelb °glee. w ßentived DOlAlES . .Lfierrar7 Depot, endplate theatt Poet 4OOKS t—No. 33 of Byrne's Dioaonory of Wan:mita and Engineering. . aal.7 of Andetcaia Montanans' Magnin< aud Jonr • Also—A large a.sortsonnt of Classical and School Books, nst reed and for sale by J. L. RNAIA 78 Apollo Ha nu,th attest N. 11.—Kwa. taken In rxrliamts. 1730 New - Music. • - - - Y HE SPIRIT POLKA, composed by H. cityßieber. .4 4eilleated Stepban C. Fader, of Ulla . Byerlen Waltz, unwired by 11. Bieber, ea played by est ul waltre• out 8Y . 4 1r,vr.10 - 4. ',. .ga ., x by r.s * Polcr Jonet. with ratiallons. br vale. The Autumn of our Faure, by Oeorge Barker. Al, • finPoelection of Foreign Music for Plano. Flute, Tiolin, K I.P.Bltlt, 101 Third *trek, sign be Glden P. O.—A rplendal lot of new PIA NO Snow opening. Owe very groil second-L.4 awctuva Pl.oo for tale. AnNIERICAN STATE PAPERS.—State Pa the and Nubile Docipnenta of tomed State& An the Arnowlon of (Dorgo Kaohington lb . ?maiden ), exhibiting &complete view of oat torign relation.. dory Allot time including (Mutidential Document& TILL, *LLKLY Rainomm continuing Political, U.ogr P - O r l n g'of the Art. and. Dam y ttOct r u ' res, atLord of tbn Paeans of the Time,' from 1011. • The above valuable wort. for ui. by tell D. U. OTOUKTUN. it Macke ei Music for doTITOOmo E.LEBER, 101 Third street, sign of the e Golds° Ilsrp, hulas! tworieed— NI.00)11.11, or hid:W..OO6I'IIJUN with s Issortdoi yhrOetts of the dilocanor etwt.Orne, published on. der Pl ' dS ' idritg . ; r a h ; '."'""'d Roy,. Foster 10.011611 sir scit477:47t h i,d7 Y "'" lloo n •1•0.• soTITAT of Hos.. I'm:open:ow (Ilse Bond.. trio Chickering's Pianos. 01IN 11. MELLOR, .4gent Cur movit v Cdionlor's Piss., for lll , lshorPh sod Westrrn Plosu t errltrao li.Pl Wool et., lout tee./ed and oow porn fur etsle. thr t t r z=l - 17 ' arld ' rll. ' ar o r l ltto., ' ellttz ' A . 7, '"`"th° One elrysot Rosewood ormlirsod Plano, b., rotas... - • .. : on. Oslo 01 1 pound Two . eauare The above Naha Forte/. th. ,I.lltla et,1.4 of fund. fur, uot with all klr.''Ctackenvies Impruveetst.L. the prier. Invartebly the warts...b. Ilinstott, thereby sartro., to pm - allures in tine rerlop the esprttee and rink of tract.- 9,tsticn. L lO n.. lea . r: y o..r a t . Crrl 31cild:r cetave Plan, „rt e 14.50nd octavo. Adam bt•daii • Cxn Uaant Baverl; 18M115423=1 Laud s nn - others •Duboas c :44.1.um. 14;t.idt.azi Cam . any UAGA& S I , IES FOR AUCIUST, ut Holmes' 114 Lau.nri D p t. Third At..4.opont. the Pon Unite , Lady's loot. for AusuA: (Inhumes Magasine, Candies National Magas.l.s. " .17/8 DRY GOODS, &c EW EMBROIDERIE.S.—Just received per expreia.,•wery large Impair ot IPabruiderlei... „ peat rare how the latent Importation, ..u• eleting id Worked Dillarn, Cuffs, Chetutsett.i. Lai , and Nl.lin lileelies.Jarnnett aullYalte , Vluutinhiga. 01 near and beautiful Ay), Jarenett and lirien Edging. and Inaert. lug, White and Ellark Veils. Lae.. The stten tu.rs of the ladles is particularly tbe stove grcsl , l ls thew...air...sit will befoul:4 the !argent. er..r In rsty. hisigY) A Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, &c. 191 URPHY & BURCHFIELD hive rec'd eapr.m. another m.typlr ,tp. - rint Mohair MI.. un4 .4 Apron. acei, Embroidered Flinneinge 4 A. MASON 4. CO. , have just receivrd .p.e. ,preav • largo supply uf topauttlta I k..):birwlernl rw and Sawa Yloutwitta, rwa .41 , , •ttut , t [wt. ,. wadi , . at 6 - 2 GI Hark.. at. alzatt ,-. , . _ jINBN TABLE CLOTLIS.—MyRrur 4. . 4 11 110ttartrio ibritelt; alkatitto ot prirrbamtnt It , ett twnottswat of ttw tr acad... aretall...Klllam, artal large rio.a. ill.tt—ltiaprra by Ma yant, of ramous *Nth* awl qu•tal.m. Cra•b. Tuart , lllow. anti Bath Wawa Ittarwra, at arntrtawnt , alaraws to bn foetal, at boomrt prin.. M.. • I Maumh t y . dk Barefitleld 11,1 A I VE , OPEN i 4 lns a mornlng u a further s . up. p.rll= Mitr - nittc . for oummer wrz+l Irish Linguae. whih. awl miorml roe., /tc.:. the nnßLra~•t comer ot Fourth ouj Moot et ktmeta ir2s Mosquito Bars. I.II.AVE just received oueeatte of Wash Net, thme rai..b. kr Blom .° liar, 11Y1. 6 [ll.ll. NOBLE. TLlni ntry.L LOONIER , FIATS, FOR TILE COSTUME A LA . 11 , ItE. —Ladirev.l Alio/4W el." Ion I . l,•l'lrd 1.6L7 IL IL PALAU:IL, • ;101l lON Market 01. - - Black Lace Veils. UItMY so BURCHFIELD have a fell aggortmeni rd Long sad Demi Black Ire' e. white gm] gggiin Gouge 4104 Fre. hergste.nal Than* Mr Oa: blue do: black ellk Nod, plain and dgured, t c. SZIIr2 Great Shawl Sale. A. SIASON &CO.'S Great Annual Shawl It. 5.4. will roothossas ov itsealay, AncostStb, where as will offer tt1. end bovt golectstlatook of Shawls rase exhibited lo this city, soon.slaß 'Plain %%h. Crape Shawl; I.llask t 0..• , ltubSilt Farly bigti eon! FrSia.h TbitsiFhawls . r, , ,. .j t ax . intetro.l embroidered Of boa and =odium qualities, all of lableh they are Aster- T1 1 1:7 ' . ` ,7,F 1 172M7,1 " . " u" former prig.,, loof less alas eastern met. avirt2 New Patterns O F 44 FIGURED WINDOW BLIND PA- M. " 4 go4Z`zr. lw wmt° ket l street. jyall 1110.1. PALMER. Scarce and Desirable (foods, 'OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn- Mo BURCII/I,Doe l urning Foal :n itwit ,ll Lenne o gb Tl !nc2nlot. els: EinckNllluy neat Mourninn elloninanc. Attention le Wetted to their choirs &monumental French lelcrnr, Vika. thenic for drew., an We will receive. today or tonoorro, llnnv New Fork Brown Pm, /aunt. • Jeri QUMMEIt BONNE'FS AND lIATS-R. 3 PALMER law just reerivril • mat sartetr of nrw sw:timer Mame., rota. brautlfol Le novel nyles. andnore'llrald, Etrat. and LAM, lista. }en ' Goods for Warm Weather. K ITRPHY &BURCHFIELD, at the North East corner of Fourth and Muket situate., are wall sum with gouda adapted n+ warm weather. such as . . Scotch awl haunch LAWalg Inabroblered awl Printud al naltaa New state Vittoria alualius. nerws and Tlasoca , Ptain winter Swint and Mull alosllna. Maraca De Woes. They Cave Jost ...and anther lot of NEW GOODE, enth es Vara.* changeable niika for bout+, tiara fordo.. black Notair all., Llela tilners, Undegalenvea, Ibtreci Nett tur do, oast plain Olngbants,..dart Linen bustrea,Vreoch Loon. 11121.1 .Drills, w hlte blood.. new style BROWN LAWNS, ebanseabte VOVLINN. Thal; seioritueut being very full, with rausgaut amt dbus of new goods, and .old at Loam rticts.luducepaents are offer...Ho buy... to call and make their purchased. MMM2IIMI No. 105 MARKET STREIT 1.1 IL PALMER offers for sale , at • very j-IL• pricy. a full assortment of ?tray. ' and alll/1u- Z e. 3 . 7)11 . BrargiTtriti 43111terak7"'L..7.10,nUaTell:t7.. brirt.,/, de. HATS—Sien'a, Youth.% and Boys' Leghorn, fancy mid blab. Braid, Ntraw, Panama, alautlica Palm Leaf. lir . Wd om t i irLe t ae e a!'g:e " .:7, Jtini ra p t tom':, et, of shape dud material. ' R1880ZY..),-Kleh Bonnet and Scarf, plain Satin dad Tab fet ,, 9 r,t,, al width...and colon: fumy timme and Crave Cape • b'ES—Ylalti and dimmed winte and rotated Silk and Cl Netts. ..STRAW TRlMMMOS—Ccads.Taowlz, But., lirsldn. r Vreit ' eCeetich and daieringa Spriga b.:umbra and e and novel kyle,. A RE Ng AND HATIIY.II.w.. Oro. de fla. plea, Oro. de Rhine, Florence, and other atylea. assorted nualltire and subs TlNS—Aseorted Witalltlea and colon. - .1111W—Iteb and low pnbedParamle and Umbrella., Band Boers, tn. mehlb YOURNING ALPACCAS--Ligbt in body And erpne4lly, Adapted to filacqmet• AI., elLbAlly. IS1•4 CAM. Imp, pomessow, and oth.r "I" of M"m'" 'II—I / VA wc[lmeo[ to L. toped At the Amt. of 511/, e t UST REC'll AND NOW OPENINO AT WU. BIDDY'S, S. ISOMuir, Scam. • A eery large and roper Moot of Flahlonable adapted to tlentletnetin Wear for Spring: comprhsitsf the tweet striae to AMerivan, indlnan. and French Casrl ¢erer: a. very rylendld otemortawnt Of Veen nal, and Clothe or; every faeldouable "hide and color , which,logether with a large_ awl well cruonniettmed Moat of ItEa.tlf DADE ChOrlUhU, makes ooe of the largest and beet 'elected atnelta watt Of the Alleabenler. all of which the Proprietor datrandned to offer at so& prices only will ince all oho femur Into with %call, that not only the moatuperior Clothing Latenkl at this etrtabliehment lest almost the low. - All line execilted, utmost, in the beet pOtelb/iatattnar, and at thnehortest Oen.. tochB . .. CARPETS, OIL CIXYDEIS, • . W. McOLIBTOCK • . c now monotaxally mehing sprivoi Moot of 'AIIPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINQS, Camprioing lit partthtfolloolos - 0&11.PE1.8. Royal Vehat Pits Carpets do. do. Tapestry Brow wslet snow lintasettu estmt .P 4, 3011 lutrweline 3 plr. g j extra Sne do 4 fine M.; sum mon dna ninon do 4 44:34,64, andlt4 Venittatu 4-4. 34. S, and 2-4 p141311,,44-41,3-4, 0-8, and 14 mad and eottan do. RUGS. MATS OIL .CLOTHS, Sc. 'Sztia CCev&l. Rom hoe do.; do.; e sum tutted do.; am del do.; Ammon do. 'tMeeillls DM, MAL% tartest do. do; entry skin do. do.; Adel.M dn. d 0.,• Thrum du do. , Crumb Clothes Felting des, Hocking TZ-4, a. Z 4.1 Alao—Shirt Olt Cloths, cut to Pt .7 airs hall or want 5W.74 64 6-4,44, and 34 Oil t o ' ODDS, BLINDS, TAI/LE COVERS, So. icalis, or oil Carpet Fludigitn ThetCar. PAK nairdo46-4,44.4434 Plattla. Table letneme,Cualb aud Pieper. p.ket.ckdo. Testis Parent Windowbluldsg Burr Window ibillandin Vcalliatt bat... 4 Plano Akre. do. Table do 4 do. Standdo4 Worded Table do. ii 44 .0 44 1.ted aml numb/mations etyekdlmetfultis the meet mleorated Factommbping of the Lama actsgoolt ap prom.' tyles and co . lnea, wit an. 17.4 to ..It to mu .friauda. ary sh,, L=TICLa c : . berlITA, MO Write WI to van and orranalu. ooe.tatk at The Carpet Werehouso, 85-Fourth greet. • molls W. hic(11,118 WX3I. MEDICAL. The mast Eruaordirtszry Discovery in-tic World ike great Arabian Remedy for Mancoui Bead • H. G. Farrell's CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. I_l G. FAIMELL'S genuine Arubian ire b el: trtieli, and the many (-urea twin,: ,rfortne.l by It which previnuxly had ramiee.l nther ns. , hrinea and the akin nf the beat phyxhaana In the world. It mnnr , wrel of belpatna, eatrarta and guru, Peetiliar to Arabia, slag. In a ronoentritted 16rtn, all their rtimuLating, awl dyne, penetrating, nneuttam and rerul.ite propertier, anal the Fame whieh, aqua ern, fOri.'urrvl by the "eel). a On Derert„ . with .urh tairaeulene ...jag the d‘,. enaex nf Nab loan and /want. Read the following remarkable cure, whirp of themselves place 11. U. DUMP. Arabian Liniment far hr rertiedr: Maul • year awl a half ago, a earning appeared in my ulfr . e abotromb. gradually Inerem.ing In et re until It Ir came as large or my fist, and eu earn that elm could not bea.r the lean premeare [twin it without glelng tier extreme pain. I got the advice of nut beet drotara, and they Mlle, ad in opinion about Iti Mem oald it nor an Ague Cake, or froth..nlatn of the Spleen; Nom. th It nor an I:almite. meat Orarimo and others raid It nos Tumor of the tMartee, and multi 10.1 be rand except by cutting It U out. In this mitten! eltuation, I oraa pm . ..laded to try U. rarrell'a Arabian Liniment 13j100 it, and, strange IN it m a y appear, upon third appllcatton ehe began to ne . sad rantinued - Mettlng better daily,nntll .P. the to as as t•er—euloying eamllept health. U. McCON NELL. Froth, blarrh b. Inv. • 'Robert Hinds. rostmanter,enra I Cr.restown. Ala,liZ". 11,19. One worn. lon 9osir Liniment with wrest eueiwsa badlmt the tnw of her lees for three year, the cords loinn . that her tem , were Lenin:. murk while stanalmr, as is natural fur Lb. position (.1 the 1,0 while 01ttinn, and she mold not 1.004 them In the leash-but la, eteT, 0 :1 u.;irrr".. 11 ,1"„titt:°.'g.T.9711.1,'." h°,7; 00004 it a Most eseellent remedy for borne lie.; al, tbr erery thing which re,,oires an rxternal remedy. The opinion of an oil, ...sprier...l. mei seirenhe Farrier . . , • , . lVesailuntnn, lowa Jute • . era., the iffeeqr sod permanent cur., both nu man and beest, which your Arabian I.ltlident pertarroing. Ido not hesitate hi pronoun, it the `limit Itemedr of thin I beer prectineldoctoring lion,e+ for taunt, Inn,, and 11•TP tried .11 the v ha arlet., liniment, ointment, a..., °P.triP.a . ...:',..u,°."4 tanl m ant emend. een tent 1 here ad +PrF but I mnnr 4Y that 11. tL e toe. Of. Hy ite une, I leave cured Sweeny end /Tarts, lona atter Lbey hid leea pnmounced incurable, and I. here cured more then tiny horses thw rewon with your bins. monde endffacniu ~ e rr shale nf down, iron, ',retch. and brute. up to epsi on. tin 'tune, and on.ur. ewe- 'eho beer be of an med effects en the humen ere tom. I Wee connued nearly all 'odd lender to nom with Itheunistlam, and ,en nothing to help me un. 111 1 commenced the nee nt Lour Linim W3 en 1. It. t, w tl hI IlLett...eehentlrelf cured me. . no Palo of Ern yes.* .faminerureilly U 11 I , 4rrell'o erabl.o Llmumnt : Mt 11. O. Vahlirth—Dear :Mr i had to,o &Babied witti the ',tun Pal", for th e lantraton y..rh and could nevi, got relief oacep6loy bloodin, but bt the urae of 11.0 Arabian LIMWMIL, appliod mot thr tratubleira obi,. tier...or lour tiro, u day, it was rantirraly tor:toyed, and I bate telt Loftin., bi . it tra , raighltitsiltir ,labia our 1 1. a badly that they turned my hot- Yotoh - Itnii them pp I appliod Tour Janitorial, and nu soli enough in a lon dap, to go .bout stain nous, I al, ortbdird hutor in w rabbeting winner, by lettitig hatt.tog tall upon it, but tour Ltninoint net. hiottott II up JOHN 11. lietthh. La hallo Prminot, ft.. krt. U lATo .M•wctre of CouNerjr4ll TO GUARD aliellNal Ike Itkal, Tut: k,a, Low [No, 43 44.0 ,1 " • The YnbU, Ape tarticoasity..rvattoped assanat • h.. lately m4a . ., apywarataa 6.1111 if culled toy the ImJeater xlvtailteartt . V Farrell* ant. Lalitlleilt • 1 . 11, a, a, dad gaol,. Trawl mad more Ital.l- lt, deeeite tram ton Imealtia 1.114130 .1 ',trail n Le tyro he partavular arm In Xll for ft ..cy the natae 'Farrell . * .almettt," tor unprinetplAl dealera the stu .estadun upon paa lit lor the •autue. troutLti.dlO , o , Yto . Furirtf Arataan Lim:neer,' atal tday na afier, tto , groat. ainaym has tt• intOrl• G beim, ncrn•ll, bap elattatun &Inn outtade vi rapper, and •or.to, blown the gira* ta.ttle - LI Flarrefi'm artoada L 11114,1/, Per.rm" .nutt-.1 an rwnry Tnwn, i'lll.t. and 11.01,1 In M. Ufa. I nat.,. on whirl, .no. u Dot ental.llflni. Apply Inttor to IL to F.ml4 I . ,raprla. 111., with 1.0 nlmrarr.f.r. 1,11 nn t 4. nom. vain If ;II lurtalfh Inn nf ('Marc., . bock enntannluff touch fra/nabln Inlonanktion Int vf.t) nlfwn• of 1 1 1,11.3.--11.,,,15, W eents, &oil love ilollarper hottlr. Tht Wnutnrts m.nuLaetun..l if Itrente, and drucort, No I: M 11.112 raver, Peuna, 111. and air rale Irlit,lePalr nvl rrtatl at ==t= Pohl yUM CU Rh% Alldahgen, 1 - 214 1_ The Human Body Must Perspire, t3U SA) S NATURE, to have It ap r..araoze; watt orrPoo. who do mot Pentdn. ore Ilabba O , Mr wool doo,oetso. 0./iO NOV. JoN.' 11...50 Cherokol omp /if,* peropration. Alool 1.1, time wolbtro sod •ofletz. lb. sklo. fin. I.a of so Infwal... • • -• fi-urry, Salt Ithoum, am] Soh, a n hit ouly cur,/ it. i.e.. at loaat iphypielau. 1.1 . . to ho to , i to , t in mouth thiil It nufailiug alo or Loynthor -tau rho tei a...A that this to no Pude , ' ittru., ooei pro.. 1 could autituirato at -.sot eighty IXtroue cure.] ul mire brad, an n low, laud rote boar& - bar 11— . 1, 1/. n.4rr u a atal aimurril 1 ..111.11 wit or. ;1'";;: „,,I had thit uth salt • rambut a . 1,1 1 . 1 t now Ouly that aoy t hi s attli au, of IL. or I'loll. yui awl this awl ern cior. uulml rad. al p.iisi than 1 eta.. Rauh tea., the slur. aro J. With Isaiah awl jull .at tor JuNLY ItaltauChvani,ll - ...l.—aud ItC1:11 01 W JACIOWI, out, 1i.r.51 l'ittabtirati. of 111..1 Pearly IN' hit. Teeth, and Pure Breath : to bat by 00 nisi. ahii tia•o wit.,. Sr. WT mnr.t that 11 their Orvatti in ...dr s. St .111. ot 116• IF Jut or yollow. awl ouerontril With tartar. that a. evilt Nix of Jost. Am.. 'toth inali• the o.tb aw .bto aw 0p0w..0.11.• brrtlit sweet. only at JACKV(EiII DO Lit..., 4.. a... 4 of • • A Seientatie 11.ir Tonle, Restorer zuhl Beau /Ant, Cur.l ti.rr UK.. who bare our. tr. to ;tire+, 4.1 .1 u...1t 95.1/11, —lt Intl tort,t lour I. g* am u omit rlour o-Alorr Lute:A...l lour It th •Wy r. l.lllru; off, cur...ran or Jar.trufl. sod I.u_So 11.1 a, rost. or wk . ./ Kr , * For t t rodcrlng Uls• lour toll sod lollty,ootlitrt rwu nand Ilar—tr luster," truly I..auttllal, ko.l tooio it to it an. on tront rrouorcurtal—p.l, rupr.r.,—•rtlrl , It,, W. . . el, .4...4. [ wad ol h1.1...43,11. ==Cil==3 JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Liu, Ups. f4r ttu• rhar..µ ord,., :••• 0. saarul brulrn. Ll•et al • 1 ,, r and $1 Vold by WM. JACK It/ Wbrti etre•t, hood orth. JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—LuJieaurclatl u tswed, s ari taonvi IL. ../..11/ 41.11 t0r,•• , 1 t•lt as tow tl•htfull, two vow,. how ruus.l3. Itow at•lunf,•lll.7 Lb. akin appear.. •11•• ••••• pr•pez..lChnit' I , •Aler .1.• 1111uriniu.rovlainitag • lariat.quanta, .4 Ic• boon prepared • Nu.. .tut twawl•bir•rt,lor.•L•enw. dl j4OOl . panlah LO , , ft l• p.tf.etly 12•:••••‘. talon p.n1 , 1 LII qualit•wr. sod it Impart.) duo nitin a natural h•altto, fj•tug 'oh.; now. ttru. acta.• n wrist . no N. Pale, tualtu• at 1•41 and .•••th. NH. JACti,ll,, I lir M, rit.baryl. err. ' MORSE'S Compound Sycup of Yellow Dock Root, heCUPIES tit, front rank arming the pn, prietury tordoinro of no% rouotry f•~r mu:lo..lv cooloo; 1..1.0ker, Yalo It6.um. Erropelay. an 4 on.. eamo• arlsow from an oorairo MO. ol W. 1 , 1i,1 lArvr onaristat, Catarrh, I,yrr.poa, flew:W.lo, !0ar..., Cougtu, eorrnens 00.1 lughtu.l.4 taut lb.. Cheri: 800.. chi., or boarrenrO., ilrforso, d un t l ,kllog vololtO.o about t.bo throaL: uo , Il wltis pr,c.oleu i ted 11l an ne. of . . . kimale Weakness and General Debility Ftrenathening the weakennl body, diving tone to 11, ',taloa organs. still n sigorat lug Ihr entire system. If the testaninny of fluntostuisnl living witne.es. Into all parts of the enntltry. can 1.. relied upon. it . einiCUIST It efficacious in curing all ilum..m. tad re torsi delohis i led and broken dun roustitutions. It la purely , eget. LW in it. eomborl an. and a, accuran.ly cotuhineA iti its grnportlons that tb chemical. botanical, and tuedieal Pr , potion of each ing tient harmorilouelY unit. to P rify the • Blorxi. ft has manned to ay chronicdismac. which hay, baflhel the WWI of the bee rbysirian, and has also cured Canker. Ads Rheum. Erysipelas and Scro b tul i a, which Sareatusrilly ''' if risla " te.v " Vle l tt i gi To :31 .k" all:c atV,Pavo7:.orill_ MORS. The itygt obstinate Cane+. hsve becii toyed by this simile-me It.. cay that it IV& taluable mediethe in all lIILIGIId I.X/MPLAIYers. It removes all obatruetiona lu the circulation, rendering the hiver 1.... active. and hyal thy. It removes l'alpitatibn of the Heart. and relieves in all 2, ,onslstent with security. llte I- moony Lave row, t a large cOntillamit food. wßich, with their Capital ono: Faerunno.,s4fol, futtatnl, afford ample 0r . 01ne11.,” to 11 , In..nred. , The itarwte of the Comp., ,on .I..muarr Istd ,, Al , sr pub. lishetl arrerobly to the Ac, 'SLI !link. tobly.•erc as folhose, .. . ..... 21'11: • $1:;1•2,74.01 44 \ iumnorafl4.% • ,n... 1 ftl yr.ara, tey Pave paiduo. aria ona 51.11.4uu Four ulhArreal Thou tq Fir , Elo.r..by altunting'..lollvu, of Q. p advaut..K of w.-11 a. One ahpitx ftuF. ;. 1 1 1 t 1 1.7:;14V.,\Anut •,111 Off,- :•`. of o,al "0. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Phl , i , Ps. , A GE.NT.IN VA11.1.) J F Jr . 5... 3,1 laberex eet \ ..[ tw.1.1, i 4. htuammal.rr No .:4 litaal an akar ecl.ry,mlartusta... n+w tcu aud eutuukolurnnoxq.i...l , atVE. , l , ..t C.o. l'aulphletek raplalolug prionpka an kwuetii, of La., 10,..eauk...•:.4 I.lual I.,ruka lurm,b.f.l tat N.pl3,4um en.t.> J.Lugw., Ls, Iwilaiugn awl ItAor , yrsoj.rlx vr, J,criptua, Ana ••,•,IF. A;11 toN luland Will wake Inr•uraum au I' ii EA, Iltial vieJnity; 4 sll., -..\:tr;.. ' Vtl;:nTrto Me ArWor ii Volta, 4 . ,i... , - 1301. i. P. 1.1 , ,, ' Pamts4 it .h.u.., Jot. IkNell. ' E.lO sad :wit..: ,Itsciatr,LVOcd- J.. 1. A ilsr , ..en. • %Paha. 'de la. 1..100..1 P. :will. P.,11114.1 im., Pr...0.1A II km% , P,2,111,W1 ,Alalmnul, Searle. Taylor, -U.. P.. Ilov.cv, Acul,rewe %%bon, • lirt.r,pr..A,Liprdl, Jite.,t, it. 'MI... ' Juum, S. Ilact*.n. P. M.,rnk 11.ry. 11, D. Phern , rd:Prep, Thu 1. We ohle-t Itketrraric , Cotup. , PWW• , W*f r d 01. r. • :VI .T,Tain ' g b .t h riro ' itn i , ' ,4-; ' l=-77;;• c•titiTart7 i '''' ' 'n"'".4 """:141.1.tiT,1 r.yfg..itt'f'.r. - N.): i4l Procil. 51Prot , dlm rill be odwpted or raiq and • • - Western Insurance Company Of Pittebtuvh. 'SPIT.IL $300,000. It. MILLER, Jk., 4. l PreentJent.. 1.!1. llordoti,,cretse, . agnmA ki adju nd, mrd Fire and y Me aid rino', h. . liherall All ~ ' A hoto.Alll Itutltution—tounageel by !hereto.ph.m who. are well known 15 the rommunit,, aml who nv• determined ty pramptnew. and liberallty mouton the chwnw..r which the, hore`towumesl, ollortott the brit protection Sr thove who &sire V, be Insured. Inkarrotow-X—lltiler. Jr, Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, h. Holm, Jr., 'Wm. L. H01m... C. 11n", , n, gJeo. W. Jackt4/11, Wm. M. Lyon:lamer Lippincott. George horti.,.James 5.1. Auk, A 1,,. Mundt, Thor. r,..tt.. . . . • Na. adls anr Arr....r,(erar,taonso dpang • Co.; up auk n,) Plll.4l,lirgh. Dokiny • Delaware Matnal Safety Insurance CaraVy NqtTLl. ROOM OF TUE. RX- Tdird ern., Philadripida. Frias.lerehandin. and r•rlier propertr, to wan and'. coontry. ineunal a..,anut lope or damage h 7 lire at in, Ilvt rat., of prproluzu. also I wore ranch, Cargoes, and Fran, Le, Innlgo or es,altwi,, uudrr oiwn or, i'kerda , pulleirt. as Ilse wound aax drcirv. • lstarnlX , a,ruli-r.v.rmg.lbe,. plan mann. Merebandlae transported y Waa , ina. U. road cam Canal boats, add dream boat, n riverA and la re, MI meettlitwral 4rlns. Diatorria-s—do,rd II Seel. Iloliound A. sonder,,John C. Davie, Robert John /01•ron.e, I.:anaktl liirfardo, Norge Leiper, iiivrard Darlidfron I,aac Davra, Solamll, Jolin Nea - bn, Dr;l(... li. 11nston, C. Thcool,llov l'auLding, 11,„ Jong, brooks. Hoary Sloan, Hugh eralg, ,o,or, 9.11.11. .pant llelltpin. 'Chub.. Kelly, J. U., Johwin Pura tiny,Dr. b:Tllo2l,ia • • .I,oba irru. Jr. L,Lnarervav 'AT I . l7iSitUlitill-1). T. 51orgran, HU'gh Craig. • John T. \ ' %arm, l'Ovidcor. Tao, cep dent, JNYIPiI Cow.t) ,\ ..,,,r•tary. Aliarilrvicx of the Com ,a t. 42. Mater .tun[, laratt, I.,ltttf MADVIILA. 7.1.7.: - - .17_ - _=:_::•-_:". _ _ ' ' , Ohio Labortory. 411, jig.), 76 1111111 b. 92 . \_, ..... ...„ , , ,„-,... 4-.;-..,-; ifiii 8() iiim t : 5 ' tiro ‘..,- ~. sa. ~ .-E - , (j • ~ ...,2 17- _-_-. , • \ . Per !iiont Strength • !di()WELL FLETAJIIEft Si CO., r l t , nufnoto- A rerS,l AlAN)littls, yureSpirtOtArC“lng e arta Bran ten Coppsq Instilisa Vat, Whisk.," altrete o hand. Corner'nf tine and Front etrvett, ClarignaTA,Oato. AliP-All E,lrr, Irvin Pittaburgh 0111 he pi - on:ditty. nll,l at Inwe,l to Let rms.,. . , apt - :l7 \Wines, an&Liquors, ' iNs, 167 Liberl# at., Formerly/6mm irathe r far rye t,, ramatarse. of PM telmrit.i 111 14tDrysx - rt, of N I. VICKEISEZi , ‘ b itt STOUVEZ , EL, d rip , e clfuity \ i.. - FA \ 7 ; ;l ' ' '' 'V o - l E t . 7161‘ a r' i li Ft• aloes. ' 4llFr ' t ' 76 . yr Wi te \r' El ''' . 4 l l . Br Arun a full.a.oortinent of Mae 1.,.,1 o.lock—mcAelie ate Freneh , red and Whitt Moe, Aim, }meth dark and pate Brandi.. of the chniseot `inlages; JaMalea rum, 11011 and gin. lils Whlitker.thamptatir and Aparkiing hock ante,' Si ll, of tin m •pprovetl brands. port wloes, Mavielr.s. cherry arta toupee it ter. Alegattir,ar. Aloto.nrolitoes. Midland turnings, Sgt.., and Limburth Cheese. AU ',dullish titer teal well, while...tie, or retail, it il then:nod re•winable,terms. 001 of the partner,. stillter. ,to rotal r. retail, nuing Ina Amputation bj,lne,, to the ell of N Inst. the IthOorotreo I, otooktoled to Sell s otomper it better article than any other lion.. In this car. Pisasr i , e os a ;all. 1-, sfore 1. 0 Ittinchase•elenwhre. iirerPamiltes ~utmlied for, of on charge:. and at Co. lorrt at Antic,. \ ap, Lewis'ii. PatenC:Reversible Water, Filter, IS NOW to be oeen in ope ties of M. TAl'ti • WS, PluMber, N. 11,north ,troid.. he- Ivor Ferns aial Lit.rAt MA. and at PR IVA • W 1 1.4:1 - A, No. It Ihirketatreet l'it.liurgh. Thy Piller Imsrre l tiTed s (iota Hecht from the Altahrinto 1n5t001 , ,,,f N., 1 .rx., •nd a Cortalesite fr,,ta the FrAtiklin Institutg ~ir Phil .q. for 1 eapertortt in as , steals...wpm i., mta • ' r . oAgates ' fromthoae having Moon in n,...rn NI, , whit. of whleh Co. folkstrlngArs east:toles. '• • ..I'IULADEIVUIIi. March Zsth,ltd , l. \ I It gist" tue gorrol. lotootoon, to IN , \-tototu•toot to the servo( Purr-. lean t, , it the Patent heversitile Water lit rer,hg vended 1,5 Leas% Marina ups-Anne of them f., weer. al month, 1 am enahl.l to tuave of\ their 011un. Ultitlßig PLITT, Psi Walnut streeL • •• ttlittolrourtitA, March Mal,. 1 , 2. The Patera Hever-this Water Fillers, Irrirtlirmi ii, Igi. . Uri It. Lel., and mssl. hs' me it , * sour months li I, ,ate T , Z,".' L ZY: - ; i,';'HV.v.",:•'N171r,),7V,,,..,.., roo, =end It to% the public 4 JONAA P AII.ASIB, • ! , An. r suMmer street . Th Faun, are wart-auto.] lo tale not an ormelt or taAte Aid:, may art,... room se t ant al riolrtao Lie mats •in ILtrANster. Thet ere warranted to Las two tears, • d with otslatary tstre roll 1,,,t tern and re at . star to I seen to 0' app,mclatnl. , 4 . LATER a JARVIN . • myllgt ' =J. Arch street Phitadelohla. I. .1 LAD \V pIPE--CornelPe improved patent .1 011:1 Pip& for 1Irt11111f,„ , . \ ' ' Pump, . , \ Al.""e'' ~ Irdratilic gams:, . s, , All inset on hatf'•u4 to IITIV, Ou tale 41 ~, • , A LEXANItgit tstittDON, - . night': tf . llll Froht greet ' Heatinik, tuid Ventilation. \ \',, ilkrE \ ARE 31Ali1Ku APPARATUS for y y ii,,,uo e t o httoturktto llotelok,COUß Moats, Lo.clun T1 " ;• '' 07 00 " T . P . 9 \" 4 Yo th7 l,.7ott "n4 kotl r torLoTpt . ott i n t . 'l7 A,r,.. , ,. d' 4 ' .. p_ ki : n., end trryjo ' g nett'' 1.11...11 put o ptotoolo whet" reon ' usr totalwritnre. ettber high or 14, te depinst and ht. tb, , ,e '' Prarer n Ven th glftro th n,lr ' n ' aTil;:al 4. o; t lc . mom, sek ' ll:7l r dre l e 71 ".r tItIrel.;i '''d ous . deA'AiPtioris ...AM/eyed , are ), ot,nt encressfully heated upon ttar plan in - Eatern A, es the method Bourke • wholesome., uniform bt. at an, reguass.l lomperatorw, with stairs \ treednra from wag. slunk, ashee.aust,or degonoear and east, fro. flow. A aarll ethtfrit.,irgineoi,e!iMMA , , • 1 Copl4e Pot Clay, , f • 'HE enbseribeis \are now Sole \ Agents" J. , .7 0 Co.. hr aale.of thrii Pot Oar, 10t -•- 113tlialrod lotottitta[loc for the , mattutactnr• 1 Pota, Is. tt le mad, amigo( thit Mat , knOwnt attl, II KR onftlMglPateMad ' u''''4:tilkumstassit:a.co:- 79.676 hi .147 79 :DA=:. elerta.K•..... • gul Tournuy I.Anum. an,titly toeaShXll , 101,.1 tmor,l cr ha' We. Transportation .g North America, ;.yst“vovo... MISCEWANEOUS EINE \ rETßoLadkkoß ROME OIL \ ./hern am mare tangly. la oven and e.Um, ban are s wamp( of Id ith lowertrt . Ty • % MI LE i of tiro remarkable 1 A. Si r., end C.1.F1.11. lqpirron PPD. to th• 2 et o lured him to bare It p t up ha bottleacwi Mb and di Bette,nl' w the beneit . the nubile lb.. 1411 ILFIISI AI AMAMI Iron a well Da this en ty et a t\mat • f i ur houdrne 1;11 a a pane itzldtea i ' LI . I fsl ' i:esi \ Tof o " r n is T re:rtabrats ' @apao iriiin la b ...Z. vroperlies r.b 3. • ntunber of d polka, 1. no long. a ms.t. tf I: nt at abate ern man y ,Dilour in . e an •vat f ust r w lei II know. .... 4 . ...,..f., ,in*„\ ...,. yudertog and re. , i the bloat. a , al nu ,t imp to any • entlercr ton ti before the swo • miller th. ueld n ttnag it up In bath., Vaal o Adrift. tun tt un • ((di ... The conaant . dolly Inn 11. tor It ant re ryl remarkable cum It hase , 3 an , a a tun a1 , 13N, of Ita fut. por/lart4 at. rid etre. appl natl.. the cure of 31 sew We di. not wu 4AV a Wu parade of oettflarts• we are Minoru. that ...edam. cm awn w0rk113.14 1 nth the wpm of thaw handler and trub ter ton II h.q.+. k e no rtedm Tor ft a unlvirnal ippllcat la at ery Ilona. nhee tartmag any thht la • sirk. Et ct ton e Dia,. it 133 mar Ifni Among the. inky be enure row I-. Amman, of t n mourna tissues. au* aa LII/D.PPIC DR A 111 (In \CO mUMPTION. (to Its ly . • tam.) .71141 no t 3 RH d 4.. of the alrlattages,l3 • ‘ \ lit C.. 411 LAI i DIY,' 71.10 A WA.. Dtrdaasea af Bladdee sal h. lo ; a Acn e IA lAXek or PIM, Herres? - . I • ape., Neut. la. Paley Rheims r Perms G o u t. kat Ten r Rance. me Dorn. BrAses OA senees^ An At In cave of Catty 0=41 3 „ WI e.o.m. cr \ Mu; and pro red AAAPII of \ this mned. will Mint Te1 , 3e .., 1 t t&1 , 01 la ti. .Nig soot ALTE.M." A• ole frame nem ram Neltructtnu t liirn . ft=3.. funct ouy winch caw. dier and • n en ..31..... skill otiln arch sod renewal awn i tAall rt e yr.. 0° lik.l The r 3 mrletir ku we of severe . . Pll.llO j that rtalthal every other tr Arnow, grt nine... then. Of the Jill QI I. 011 for • ebort ti ha ...Awl t. , a ter um any ne lAA •110 dea. A It ••ow eIIUiOPIA/ A ut the signature of tlh ' ~ Sold hy the proprhthr \ 4 \ ; '1 Aiwa I t . 1 11. ' P a 8 8 1 . 3% ' 1LTP ' t4. 5 "' and KISSED at M'DON4 1130 \ cen Der Wand street and 'drain Alky *lnt. romrtymily \ bra regulatly appointed AgeNte 4 pROCLAILILTIOD ~ \ K1i5 ., 04 , all \ ill eaaee f C ( 1 ,, 1 . 47 ,, h .d 0 d 11 . rt5 n0 n 1111 , d ., : i fili t.: 7 4, l i tuau .3. 3 u harlac r limbs tla roluta c Wean a rental uleater.e 11. sh for. r.....d by rake the 4hT I I L3l Ina may taib •P•3l Its beang • nas‘nt. as numb sr ;ou ; ley. but It IA 41. • • out make at 333( Opera...lAA \ In tb • fop el an Icu id' he that it has . whleh are trot connalueic in .7 other Pleedy \ . inns \ who . map! wlth 1. 1 .6, Ad etXcrit a fi r " .5 ., z = \ for La c rite. art bet Ar 17 .7 of ehi . above header , IL COI. very little to make a Dial. lili.Petra \ letnn I. no maxture-A artanoatul PO , - OP Pr the Pa.= \ of Impoesok on th empannultt but 3t ly a remedreleiarna 43,1 t y the muster hat. of nature and lobbi wimp. Mart. 'b r a v o of cur mother wit h an ths onaitull puritY. .4 . fgt. to antler.; humanity a res. remedy , a eartam aV \ It . cured I Ira after other ER Delors hare Mad tot red tt any n • li,f . It has anted lm .. .3 i umation, of teal \ \ .. \ t.lna .1 of the a Ant sual wet am It h a cuml ltodera Alurt. by nom two des. It has 1 \ etny 1 old eant. of D arrh • In which 'trey other MAU 4 h. ten f u It Tall 133 a load 1 me(ly in burns sual `3 maalda it 1/1 bet/4 r thart.y medical coarprands sr abatement \ i nat Ire know of It 1.1.1 eure ekdiblielas\ sal frosted fmre n a few appllcabon undoubted Ps Ony atit be total. - \ .1 of the truth mntabied In the above foment by eali. \ ua on ,A AI I I I NI I It It Canal Den n , nenth Amen. 4 \ either t the ne ata \ \Y He... A McDowell. comer of Wood ty \ uad ii.Ws \\ \, •alley I 1 Yell r " %owl stteet D A 1,..1 , c3 AA Dhi curry (3111.1 wily 'try an rhea[. , \\ ' l / 4 INLPORTINT TO THE OTED flit ROSE'S CELEBRATED REi 1 AlEs , , -DA JACOB Rase the discoverer .31 sole \i l.4a . rt t, mowe Mort penal. and beneficed mcollela. dean 3.1 ut.lor I the celebrated I weument for Ws (he \ l urt 0 in Of elm a cure of throttle divan. was eV 1 drt if that .3 t rot phy titian Dp tor Physic So a \l‘ I raulna. t the Paternity. Pent:Pyre...drat yea. rt.. ha. h.. engage/I 2n th e lornaightion of A I. ttn. A f air so,dics4 uor ret.dis th ereto. i \y I nano. the uw of ho ItIA•ALLA tube In comectienw \ \ hie 1 . 13:1 kilt. 1 .3 3 3, 3 s =ea . !.•r . oll i m .r rem th e=b o 1,1 fatal win ll. ' hid molar Cf c 3remmptlon thineen. rofula DI eumatrem Asthma Peter and AK. Terms. 1 kin' 3. r`hale hosip I. and all flew okitltude die • utn peculiartr I o r. Iladerd Amy form of dhows ole the row of his Pme.ll. to which hum.' 1 r y r 343 . 1t-3 ' tuat r hy the me of one P.Patand only . for that hip •ronstable with {• A polgund law • fur by the use of bid e e Ph. s !anted and prnotrahea for each pr.d(ar \ \ forma di•+a.. 1„ it •al' it dDemAly r Ila when 33.0.• brtart. ni k biy ark t Do PA wrior to ap othe m , ea a purrs tier i r if r pill Inane. fy as they learnt.. barrel. per fctly free Dutu cosiltynena We aLw his holden Pille.atab h tr tat, by the fir• to ~,r it p. miller pao , Pert=ed•fa- . ted it t . I 1.... a. Lot ot eatland al • tea \ msulliortat t eytotalleh what been mid. In the mindset the n• VekeptlnaL \ \ e I T re ' Corty r WntrMPU3 ' e l lo ' c ' t '. 4=htle=lleg . Vie MT \ 1 sep AA l f each me ty and eta 4 pik.u... For sodn I a for folk I.l..entec aT t e . llws brined drag .mete(neap out One country I 3. maker a Ca. -4 { Veal at ttaburgh I 41 Tran.end Dm... 45 blarkst t., \ Lee it I , enbara Druaalst nee, the Poet Opiet Alleghe '' =.lll Barkley ' Darlington, Bear ar county - Pa Jahn MAW Conon 1 edl y - \ - .. S[ `COMFORT AND RBLIER as \\ k OR IllE AFFLIousD will be pand in Ito.&.iiiii a Keith:lvrea nuLtaxiax, LlNggir. \ or lune }lad which heart.. the test of thirty am rem enc.,. I 1.. beyond* doubt Lure the osearmpf BAT ma ll e lino AN thou wade of Indlduala, in Weed \erer7 •1,4 an" obaraeter of lima. W feel that web no lehm that \ B ' t • ' r ' 4 1 7331V1ect, th t21 " 4 . 3• 3 I r e p ygy Wm of ' t;1•17 b" whet it I. sold tor. Z \lt h.mnol and myotereof mum mom Mamma . y other medic.. oferal ter ealso `urn End by mk, , \\ ' t Imo.. or arid a brahat nana \ \ Mast.. and rchmine v.. Of rh• A. mr• my \ tt ist it Is tbs. mil, aruck that haseprested in the fan A \ A a Fat ht iledinnalhat has ever been patrool.3l.ll mad. • , • \ d tho prone of tbeellte geanndly. . the mon . 3 33 3 . 33 1,h, it .311, AI Ileace et. Ale for nit Or usad bp an Of lbe floe DA. II (hi 10 Late C. The nertflobt. I Morna tat Mayor Lon. John A Dix, lab IT LB.. \ . \ William II Porter. E.tLetaaf tar,drlterN?: \ \ t mna aufba hart of ether a , rt, who hate fully 4331 its cnta bets benallited tbo , roprkebr to refer to them \ ay It . well known that PLOD Umbel's..., Oistiterr. \ alloulsad by rt. learned thy and gollk km, \. if. barnsndrothlially • tight,. f ounntrey higbly xi, , 1 ling d Th.l4 ender working Catre i tual bastions noel) a rea moo Lel"... tbehlublx /la t friends Kt now Da ottongert sod lant. nab most MA. badly is rata( sad \ a ,AritAIII, proof po goner. r00f... .d ^W.\ 3oaldiey II is a B a te relon rem dy fur .. EITo. glean rkrucastle I. scloltalous mellicany r .... au I all the pans and to het Chat eZra tee, \ ther 1 X. coo bottles hate two sold sal out eomplaltd. d I hate perfertnt yeah ...platting...Me anemia CAW ...dice hate falled; ea won't stagger be f Ind yiet co l \ ' \ a red eta xn our nowntion, the damages peatikle erte e i , ..,, thin medich aor oamta • s p medy. Ie pie Doan Pat 4 tI I a fur II tern.. well as external nip It Ahab \ IY 31.. the 113.30.1 jarb-girtna it healthand gthe. my •ut cure for DiArbea, p h LP O. CIMIS., sad \ .111 na.malle affection. dine.. of the KA. and it Am Ye ha male or remain few eh.. vet Iye rloman d For .1 to I Ittaburgh by - IL Pellers • blems I \ I and Paden et `wool a, and h 7 the retail .113,4 Ci 3 ally It Is put up In (our tam and 1.110 shl/Inag • e._-- • ittitatri To the Readers of the Pittahtregh Gaze • DUBLIC ATTENTION . re s spectfoilly rind to the following truths.,%4 forth in ratable,* to ou, of the tunSt hapielsat remedies of modern tuned t PETIttiLESM OR ItOtili OIL; it In not more than On. year ago nom Id. greet 'remedy was brought before the pul.li• fur the re ief aced curt of diem.. Its great pawns . to he oh hat, eitice then, lerveriti fully appreciated - by the nom natty. end tie allege that the louder iths alai the nem nem will its greet fartiriepresd. it is alt tea rem• •do of dor, sot tio.for the role pubjelie matey: „, hot, hue tench we estedre, will audio. to be used when. di other uoetrurds hate been forgotten 'l4 th e le o !Woe.' iletothil, elaborates! in the depths of the earth it, . power sad egettey thet laughs to earn o u r eamius iesupellilatt to oar duty, wheu we write about sated). • doe, that we write the truth--thst me bay =hens •atiewe lated deceit, r thee win may =opt ellr word or put Nab dete mor statement, Ite. stet are rery &nth, ratchet aP; b e oh at Promisee totter prat clovsue A noel liardly be too highly wrought ne erdWer the do ins or humbugging Rime of 'them, Now• el do bat desetne'h, to doll* we aro Lank., may that the truth la I t tete remedy should be LAB, In order to steaks for It arelon • whin fez ' , seeding say stuck %nude let the materia Med. ion Plain um - amble fsele—fachi that maybestmertaheed to our rity and neighborhood. boo ample tegiaoar roe of the etroleum. Within the paid two =torahs, two of One Well eitkelD/ b ho were o f bleed, here been micro:VW sight. fire es* blindnen. in thy-Bade of Wan hare been O-ed.. detain the caw of • sentient. Be/laver ontl=7. h en thorn hot them are nave near hone, and MI Le (erred to by say perinea who hero doubts. the mt. AMC wbea seamitng to dlrections—Dierrhue, kreneter7, Pilei,llanstlem, tend, Neuralgia, Leapt... Urn a thole- Pimples u the fsee, Chronic tore Byte, Itingweenn. Settee, Stead i t pins to 41:21. bones sad obj Erne, Mom, einb, Charade Coughs, A.14±113/• • B.U4Sitibl.Xt Pulrooneryrome of • ettrottie notate. Pallas to pro. thi et. Con.o mm. • • Pump end 'midi, diem*. of the Illadifet,d Radian.. Chemed eland, lescortsted nipples. Coma ant Beenices. to feet. it • tietter corrsmet arstar,ardl by beep tiled to amen of theahei. dieesseawithin the put pear with th• toot perteit itnereget. Certificates tbefordi neonate we PI 1110 head. of the prapriettia.welotell . l Mire pieyme to th e RP/ICted or their pleads. - itti4,y2,„ ~,,,,.„,e o, „e r shred their medicines; th• Petrolenm I. the nreinest Ilattmey of th e age. phyrad e p,,- VotWent=tirtotrol'At dUghiti l uneert.etty, are • lilMo_to ewer/ it dos peals sad runAJebtea. hew= teed par rolls round. all will b• .L.toutellet to arkineeittlgelted the Paroleunt le the great. tee euediente eeer de- o.t.reeele,r/fuh. tedeoettoiessla and r•• ahood i r !Al al leo • It7ri, tale g.eroy tr.-, A „ y • • S. 01010. l et .0 Itesto, -hereon) atreet..Pata. I Lend, and B. A. Yalinestock' • thee Stood and Irtat 11110 11,W - - -- --- h.:EL:LEM' 131PERIAL \COUtill- SYRUP. &,3 It 1..1..v...r to tike , ;scslsidel.ly ettlawkrid.. AL5......t CM., \ titt'th Wt_i_M 7 l,_ _ .tly. 11 F- t , ..11..rt:—.117 thildien, it other., soot. ..... nutueet troublesome coughs, aral ha ion ored,4llforeot medico _ roc,' little nurpooe. rubn T1:10 .ti .41.1._ \ couseuts Mena Jour Lough ri, to 1e ma Ltlnt. !! . a re It to , o:p1: „ toy toys, and also loCiy , [letter mama .h, •reht nth . sad nth. nererlallad So c ',the.. . i hate re coded it to ray so ighloovcotod do lion .su el:Nett:malt I,el , leve khot`ltle thi'best cui=cbs• that. utter rt offerrJ to Ihe public. _ \ Axone., A O. Vat: to ihonld otperosit their cblitrits to enpor foini " mug!, hen they 'r be cured by • :Met. 17=1 of th.to ''., ilt ~..„,,,,' \ , Tr :sls= nrr'" ll4ted It- and & DiSigat, . . I.TE.'T MED' CANES, ...te..i..lark,t,e e k \J • . ~,,,". oad far nau tbo most libcial tome, Ili\ udicirKo . tOota s ent •\lA,.rottiatie YAlit,", . .\ FrVotialSalt ofbilato d: Elorttn • ..' . N' \ ''*" tk''' '''''''' 81" t "A'"l''''t umie \\ ' . • ~ , \ iS,thoonery Ws., eruventer'st 'LtraCtoftnebn • , mi.. ~,„scb lions '., sr,,, pl y , . o \ •• Lem . * \ • Dolby's ilnisutitattro . ... ~,,,,, , ,,,s \ ' Me hyrtlya far [be . Slott. , t \ ' of Moe. Erit, amok - Eon t ettdi - Ins* ul oyphllo, e. •e Et.. Ls. 4I Palopcyratad o Pbelperoma .. ' actuation; ' ' . ' • Crumboelteto ' k - ilTiO rto eir ; "" roma' ' e glue Vilt a rniono„ . . o . , 7 ) f 8... Itoo•Ointacra for Totter , Ere . skt•r -, _. " V .r. -' ,nissetVltddort Pbuters. - 0.1, r.O ,rot • • '-- „ ..,..x.F.- , Gicstfleurllal, • 14‘ . 1 ,4b„ o bolo= Uett. 'llletiara ;.' •.' klayfiahs d ‘; • • Kahn I dg attdss of u nf4lll.l.e sa i a 4. •.: ' eIP4 \ . =ma of 19 dtditsikilixtbatts411,!. .- . . ILIKITIDEaI JA.LAP-1450 ire.' ” • .."-° l \ -.. ,•• • - WNW - - - \