The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 22, 1851, Image 3

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    IE MATTE '
TO D& Tr Let the Whip. ETU]
ple by those of Allegheny City,
• Ott Ls are given in this pnper.
whereisiko ../
whose mes
Tax •Poya •
Faro ot yial
spoilt la th •
rich eaterta
sod & few !I ,
or prinitabl
scenes oTtb
• this exhibition at the Atheneum,
highest terms of its mega, and the
'ruttent it affords. it eambines in
aninsement of the highest order,
ore cannot be spent more pleasantly
I :
than in visiting these splendid
I , old world. . .
isuight l /
All oor atilt
Wt eskulit
and aoll4o.
cm circupsetil
A baud of
a Pasoaans..--This fine panorama
ranting crowds - to the Athenteum.
ms should take pain!' lo' patconjle
one, which are free from the riees
asides which, if net necessarily in
:at. least Coo frequently attendant
and 'similar places of arerummeht
nalc. will be in atendance.
The Board of Manager. of the Allegheny COun
tYAgrititsitunil Society mot in the Court House
on Saturday morning—Sir. J. E. McCabe, fres
Week bathe' air.
Presume, emu. Cootoer, Miller, "Murdc,ch,
Way; Marti Sennwly, Young, Boyd, Speer and
MaCabe,,Chairman. ~
Mr. lifnvLicb, from the committee on.. print
ltig,• made a -sport which waa
• Mr.. Martin on behalf of ilia committee on
ploughing, nt tide a report relative to the eelec,
tion of &suitable field for the ploughing match.
fiebrwasi &peen, the consideration nt the
matter bing postpouid till the .next meeting of
It ,vette announce d that. the State Fair had
changed itt time of meeting to the 29th and 30th
Cr October; thereby interfering with the Alle
ghenyt Count - Ploughing Match, which was to
come off on a 90th Of October.
A. %imam on earned ,ne-to the propriety . of
changing th time of the ploughing motet, as
many "farm ' in Allegheny county, who are
members of the Society, wish to attend the So-
MeV, Cat toattend the State Fair. •
Mr. Way-moved that the time of holding the
ploughing match, be altered to Tuesday the
eleventh of October. Carried unanimously.
On widen of John hlardoth Jr., ,of' Peebles, ,
the following preamble and resolutions were'
Whereas, It Is with feelings of surprise we
learn that . the tine of holding the State Fair,
'luta teen - altered. - to the 30th of October: and
lateen's, all the 'fairs held In the several coun
ties led Seed the time of holding their County
Fake, In accordance with the former action of
the State Fair. ,
Therefore Resolved, That the Managere of the
State Fair are hereby requestetito tie more care
-fed In fixing and adhering to the.time they first
*point, as any alteration is productive of great
ineenvenince, to every County Pekin the State.
Iteidreti, , ,That the Secretary of the Board of
!dangers, be_requested to rend a copy of these
resolution to 'the Secretary of the Pennsylvania
State Pair.
:r t. moved thatibe committee ouprint
fag b thorixed to procure tickets for the fair.
Oaptsin 'Min Young moved 'that five ban
ana diplomas be printed. Carried unatif-
On mothm it waireeolred that Mr..l.lartin ho
appointed a Mantnittee to inform Mr. Geoige
Parkin' fiat fife hundred diplomas aro re
quire, •
• Mr. Martin miffed thot instructions' relative
to the depth of ploughing be given to the plough
men, who amto be instructed toplangh uniform
ly from five to eight inches deep at their plea
' sure, thd nearer they approach the eqtare, the
better, but by no moans to go within the agnate
On motion tht Society adjourned to meet on
the Saturday preceding the fair.
J. E.3.lcC LBE, Chairman
J. K. Kennedy, See'l.
• Score asp &marrow Ilsrrrso.—At an ad.
jonined meeting of the friends of Scott.. and
Johnston, Wild at Quincy Hall, on Tlmrsday
evening, the 18th, the committee appointed to
dintelot the First Ward of Allegheny City, and
appoint Conunittemi 'of Vigda¢ee for each dis.
tint, reported the following boundaries for each
district; and persons for the committees:
• BlitekNo. 1,-Bounded on the North by Rob
inson street, East by Federal, South and West
by Bank Lane.
Committee—Wm Robinson jr, James Howard,
David Lewis, James Hood,/ A Ingram. John
Cart; lames Smith, James Nett,' L Rrakelson,
John Bottles, Thomas Ernest, and H Nixon,.
,Block Ho. -2—Bounded on the Borth by Laconic
street, East by Federal street, South by Robinson
street, and West by Bank Lane.
Committee--A Woodhouse, Chairman ; Henry
William, John W Hauge, John A Scott, Jacob
McKean, Thos Boyd, Gee Danis, bl A Knox, Jas
Mclntosh, Edward:Hilt, Wm Dyer, Jno Sweeny,
Wm McGinnis. •
Meek No. 3—Bounded on the North by the
South Common, East by Federal street, South
by Lao& street, and West by Bank Lane. •
Committee;—Hugh Morrison, Chairman, W M
Ball, Samuel Dyer. David Smith, John Evans, H
Saanduit, James -W Miller, Thee Patterson, Jan
Wilson, Iltuadlton Stewart, M . Jenkins, James
Oregg,,Aletindor Haye. ' N
• Bbook'Ne.,4—Bounded on the North by Wal
ters strait, East by Federal street, south by the
South Commom end west by West Common. •
• Committee—W C Stockton...Coalman, John
'Price, Jolla 'Parker, H P Schwartz, David W
Bell, John Alexander, James E Day,'William
Bcok, Jameallnandlese.
Block No: 6=-Bounded on the East by Federal
street, on the South by Water etreet, on the West
by the West Com n, on the North by Ohio st.
mid the Diamo . • ~
Committee - 3• on Small, Chairinan, Bold
ritdranch,'W H 'Gee, W H Chimbenx.Stephon
Mercer, Los A Beal:lath, William B Newell, q.
Wedhonscliarman Sidles. - •
Block No. 6—Bounded on.the East by Bank
lane, on the North by Rebecca street, on =the
,Weat by Allegheny avarice, on the South by Bank
lane and the Allegheny ricer.
• Comzolttee—W A Irwin, Chairman, Jac Cald
well, Jfit. Ite/ly, Thos Smith, Geo Braden*, Id
' Berier.d, D W-Smitli, .1 Rodgers, Itleiliehard
soh; D CeldWell, Jae Long, Jos Lore, E Upatill
8 George.•
. .
Block No 7—Bounded on the East by Allegheny
avenue, on the North by Rebecca street, on the
West by Belmont street, and on the South by
the Ohic river.. ,
Cotrunittee--Jas Logan, Chairman, Jonatban
Rom, .IVsabington Metter, William Lee`, William
Block No. 13—Bounclea an the Eaat,by Bel:
moat street, on the North by Rebecca street, - on
the WesCby Ferry lane, and on the South by
the Ohlo slyer.
Conwaittne—Wm A Charlton, Chairman, Wm
(piton. S. L Wickerham, Simeon Milford, Juo
Telford, D T Johnston. Robert Greenlee,Gusta••
via P. Cuter, Joe. T. Johnston. •
Block N. 9—Baunded on the Smith by Rebecca
strut, on the But by Allegheny Arouse, and on
the North by Water Lane.
Contadttess—W Dilworth, Jr., Chairman, John
T Logsn,.Cbarles Brewer. Jacob Fonsyth, Sam
na' Lee, Samuel Church, John Davis, John Har
per, Osorkm Douglass. .
Blank l`o..lo—Bounded on the South by Re
.blecis street, on the West by Allegheny Avenue,
North' by Water Lane, on the East by
:Commis Gronind and Bank Lane, Including the
liristet*Thological Seminary,
• • Committee—Henry Irwin, - Chairman, A.
lairsball,. Sohn *gill, D N White. 'Weston
Bowen, D Wallanshaw, Baetzer, R K rultpat•
Jotri Boffaian, RichUd Wall, Moses Brett,
_Woods. ,
rßessolveil, That the repo - rt. be pnblished in the
Allegheny Daily Buternawii, (hectic and Com
•-• JOHN KELLT, Prcet.
• P. L. hrGaiw, Bee'y,
BELTING ma Wiss.—John Johnston line aim
.Milted to prison by Alderman IdojOr, on Sitar
day.= $ charge of beating hiesife.
Dnoitssords—Thdtnas Davy, who h d been
In ?Aeon orr s dame of assault and battery
with intent to kill, was an s Baturdry disitarged,
bylprocott of Court.
• -SerzetS.:—.The Mayor's police are.: still engaged
in superintending the operafions 'of the young
lade who ere engaged in the business of carrying
to the pound, next door 'to the Mayor's Office.
the hop which are 'taught wandering about the
- Ftsa js ROCHUIZI.—A fire broke out on Fri
\ day night, at eleven o'clock, In the Stable of the
,Exclumge Hotel, in the town of Rochester, et
the mouth of ReiVer River. The flames commu
- ileated ',to the stable of Perks & Co:, which
wee burned to e the. ground. Nine ' orses, to
;"gether With it number of vehicles of 'various
Were burned .the stables, and en host
ler In the Exchange ' stable, lota one hundred
dollars; which he had in his trunk, in his sleep.
Ins apartment there,
The Are one time threatened to be a very
earlobe one, and had there been any wind. a
great portion of the town, would bare.been de;
Zier Mantuan.-.The Locomotive, Intended to
-• Tan on the Central Railroad betwootePltteburgh
And - Seat Liberty, for the accommodatimi of pm
ettelerlOtett not .yet. strive. It -detail:l4
entairte the lowetage. of inter in the canatr
:' '..
f`zervison Mainsail.' ;Tastier oflinsic,whose
advertisement has beetr'for some time in our pa
per, is now in town, and ready to reeeirepupils.
lie may be seen at Q. Kleber,s store, Third
SZACTIFT.I. BOrQCT.T...--Oue of the beautiful
bouquets, exhibited lit the Horticultural Society
last week, Rohl for one dollar and seventy five
cents. It wan made by filiwkEller, Murdoch.
Dmrottnascr.—Quitis a disturbance took place
on Saturday night, between siiand seven o'clock,
in front of the theatre. The street before its
doors, was ao crowded, thatt an person could
pass without crossing dvey, and there was much
noise and confusion. :The pidice should keep
the passage clear.
burg paper,that this road will be opened about:the
"first of December, at a point about two 'Miles
west of Latrobe for the present, on Mr. William's
See. 89, and a connection will from thence be
made with the Southern Turnpike by a short
new turnpiked road now being made by the com
pany 2 miles long, striking the turnpike about 7
miles east of that place:
The passengers far some time, will takentages
at Sec. 39,.and be earriud from there to Turtle
Creek 28 miles,- and thence 12 miles by Railroad
to Pittsburgh. - .The Pittsburgh end of the Rail
road now being nearly ready for opening. The
grading of the beai7 Sections between See. 29
'and Turtle Creek, is going on with eurprising
rapidity, and early next yepr our citizens may
expect to hear the Iron Horse snorting over the
net embankments, and through the' Tunnels
near no here.
Austerrenv Betnor C.OOi.—T.•J. Fox Alden,
Esq., concluded -- his address in the Allegheny
Bridge case, on Saturday. Ile Judges will not
probably give any decision fur a week or two.
.Prat..—A fire oc'eurred,in Hr. Henry Tnhuer's
rope works, in Lawreneroyfile, on last Thurs
day. Loss about fire hundred dollars, on which
there was no insurance.
. MILITARY' CiOIPAS V. --It is said that a new
military company will 90011 be organised in this
city, the command of which will he given id Col.
ACCIDOIT.—DOCLOr A. Walters, was se.
sorely injured yesterday, by his horse and,tug-
IL • falling over a Lank in the Eighth Ward. - 11.
collar hone was broken. . .
,fire broke out yodterday
t about one o'eloek.'in !yule fratne'buildings
.a Second street, in Allegheny city, ihi ; ph were
iurued to the ground. They,belpoged-,to Mr.
ames Sterns, whose loss isubutit tire hundred
elect and Common Councils of the city of Alle
:betty, met io their cbamber. , on loot Tuesday
In the Select Council, the report of 'Commit
co on Printing was read and . ,trcepted.
An ordinance authorizing the 65.3 of five
• ends was read and paseed. 'zl 'MINIM,' in isT
‘. C.
The report of the' Committee on Surveys was
. dopted.
.9 petition from citizens crf Mulhent street
♦as read, praying for the grading and paving of
the same.
A resolution wan read, modifying the ordinance
on, frame buildings, which was referred to a
Select Committee, of , two from . 8. C., and three
from C. C.' 'Messrs. liinfbt and South, Committee
of S. C.
A resolution to open Ridge streetTorthwith,
was adopted. In C. C. not concurred in.
A resolution authorizing the draining of a
street east of East Common was adopted. In C.
C. not concurred in.
A petition from Carson & Parke, in reference
to the removal of their carpenter stiop Refer
3led to Committee on City Property:t.',Concurred
to byS. C.l!
A petition from the Councils of Manchester,
!rig a Committee of Conference itZrelstiou to
pricking said borough to the city. meferred to
medal Committee of five, two from the Select
land three from the Common Conceit!, to. report
t next meeting. Concurred in by Sl C.
'The report of Woter Committee *B9 read nod
eeepted, and the following resolutions were
dopted end concerted in bytB. C.
Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to
w his warrant in favor of James , R., Super
ntendent, for $350, to be accounted;,for by the
ommittee on Water. .
Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to
froze his warrant in favor of Robert . R. Ray, for
M. and charge appropriation.
t i l, A bill 'from Henderson,t Co.. for embankment
tic the:Bower, amounting to *227 24 : referred
to ComMittee on Cohourred in
by S. C.
I. Mr. Parke offered the follosing resolution
Resolved,. That the Mayor be and is hereby
uthorired to draw his warrants for the qua,
orly appropriation, each amounting to 537 50;
or the Penn Engine . Company, of - first ward ;
'aelington, second iward; Uncie Sam, third
!yard; also the American Hose Company, third
ward; and the Fourth Ward Engine and Hose
CoMpany, being the appropriation to the let of
uly. Laid over, reconsidered, and referred to
'omnlittee on Engines; concurred in by S. C.
Mr. Boyd offerkd the following;
Whereon, The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad
ompany are desirous of erecting some sheds
or wood care, &e., within their lot in the Secs
ad Ward. city ;of Allegheny. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Committee on Ordinances
e;apd are hereby instructed to report an Ordis
cc granting said Compdti) the privilege to do
o. - I Adopted by the fallowing vote:
Feii.s--Bagaley,Eggart, Peirke, Ray, Schwartz,
d Boyd—G.
liays--Craig, Logan, Smith, and Walker-4;
concurred in by S. C.
.A bill from Pursuance & Co_ amounting to
SA. Referred to Committee nu Printing; corn.
marred in by S. C.
The following resolution; accompanied by the
`opinion of Thomas Williams, Peg., was read by
Mr. Parke, and adopted : , ..
Resolved, That the Committee on Streets, be,
and is - hereby instructed to postpone the grad
ing of the streets on the east side of the Enet
Common, Until receiving farther instraotionn
from Councils. Concurred in by S. C.
By Mr. Logan— •
Itefolved, That the Street Commissioner be
instrueted forthwith to notify the officers of Ohio
and Pennsylvania 'Railroad Company to complete
the sewer they have made under Ohio Street by
making it enter the eerier constructed by the city;
adopted and concurred in by S. C.
Mr. Parke offered the following resolution
Resolved, That the resolution in relation to
the preparing an Ordinance laying out a etreel .
on the east side of the End Common. from Ohio
to Liberty etreet, La laid on the table, and that
the B. C. be Informed, that in the opinion of the
C. C. no such Ordinance as alluded U. crime - •
No action by S. I. ,
-1 ,
11. begs ForstAt,
4 .' (lirms4.
: 6Cls. Loony.
li ..' Great,
I tr. L' :rat; lasi unl
's' far aalr ny
Jepl . Wider and frost rte.
T EAS -40 hf. ehestm Prove.l.lgrig,;
h.) - - ror t ...r..h
.-.1, - - Übboolder;
so - - - V. Mysoli: 44. Vltit by
. _
augl4 JAMES DA LZELL, be Water
v 4.
. . x. 4UNDRIES — ti cosiN Potash; ---
4 bobs. Contr.,. L•u5414.11,
I bbl. East. Cusrastob tur ride by
414119 , .1. D. WILLIAMS k. CU.
UGAIt—NS htidx. Cuba and Porto Rico
L la :Pe" " PitiartiNiitJ l).Vir: t je, x-d• "
V OBACCO-2.5 Idls. N 0.16 twist, for eale
by roustl6l JAhl. DALZELL. G. 3 Weer a.
f I . HEESE-100 boxes W. R., for sale by
ARD OIL-20 hbls. No. 1, for-i;aieTh
PTS. TURPENTINE-351f0r sale by
.1105 • . D. A. PA toburrocK k
QARB. SODA=-100 kep,En&lish, for
salabj Li. A. PAIINLSTOCk A Co.
N UTMEGS -GOO lbs, prime, for sale b.y
MACE -200 1687f0r oale by ,ro .
.015 0. 0. SALIN
1111LITTER-9 bfty Packed, for sale by
Ayr W. S. F. W11.60N, 118 Sevoud 0.
Looll.—bo bbls. fresh •rreund Family, for Fole br S. F. CON WONNuoich - r a 63
INDOW.Ffctrt quality and
.=g/6 V. V. 143 N R0N!i1701 , .52 CO.'
I fr LZE S R ,,
o P sz A . jr . 141: 7, 4 A di T m C 7 l6s, ”
and for rah, by bUIN.
' I . OOYER WATCHES—In Hunting and
Ij Own Oaney, and at unuauany law yrlarr. Ilastaara
the baat'Luxuton manufactured Iliat,bea aryl of unaguall.
n'Out,Ac.. W.ILSON..,
f I IiFFEE,3OO bags Rio, for aalo by •
ll ) oaa %lot a liconariaass.
1•••• • And plus of ... oid tatobli..bn4moho....ottot sod duroblo.
and have the bets eattelootlon of any Watch Oa
!old Pt country: •„
atai tn.
xszkot Fotatb sta.
lot ORRIS' TEA MAItT, in tho Ditunotid.
1,1 —AI Mouth Orem, Teas hare advaxesed In lA.. Kut
chased previous , to Lb* rim. •
V ary superior Orem Tea; 60. 73, wad PI
fliuk tu, &rut u
pope su ,,, p , andLk. V. , Prune Potf.o.lo Ai. thr*L
LIME: AND IVATtat khutfr mot:RAI
Isf A:Aucr,plitagat4 igu isaua le: to
HICSIVTD HI , TUI 011.131 ii.
PDTLADSLYffiA. Sept: 20.
The President, accompanied by Messrs. Con
rad and Stuart, paaned through this city this at
ternoott,.on his way to Washington, having left
Boston yesterday even ng at 5 o'clock. Mrs.
Fillmore came on with the party from Fall River
to New York, where she will remain for a ftiw
.8A.1110112, Sept. 20.
Tile amid Lodge this morning adopted a pro
vision cohferring : a degree upon tile wives of
Scarlet members, by a vote of 47 to 37. • ,
The Lodge will adjourn sine die thiasfternoon.
The whole Lodge attend church, to-morrow.—
They partook of a Magnificent slipperiest night.
NEW Lou, *t. 20.
The steamer ❑Gnoh, from Chogres, rya Nor
folk, arrived this.morning.
The steamer Franklin sailed at noon to-day
for Liverpool, She carries out 63 passengere,
and $692,834 in specie.
Nvir. •Yoa.r, Sept. 20
Aaron B. Stokey teen executed yesterday af
ternoon, for the murder of Zeddy Moore. Hie
accomplice, - Henry Camell, has been reaidted for
a fete do.ya
.few YOWL, Sept. 20.
Hon. Frederic* Whittlesey died yesterday at
Rochester, of typhus fever.
New Voax. Sept. 20.
Flour—S*les 10,000 bble, 'nt $44,75@3,87 for
elate, end $.460,25 tor Ueneeeo. ..
drain—Sales 1800 ton southern Wheat at 850,
and 10,000 tu, Canadian, at 90e 14 ha: salsa
10,000 bus mined Corn, at 50 p.m,, bu.
Mice--Salee at :lie Te) tb.
Provi4intia--Are etenily, with sales 300 Ude
new Innen van. . •ales lard at 9601
CuiciniNATl, Sept.
Flour—le it, rather better request, although
prices have undergone no change tales of 700
bbls al $3 09033 13 V Md.'
Whiskey is better. with axles rtoli Ida, at 17/
117,ic "pl grllon. •
Provisions—Small sales of rump pork at tII
pt Ithl. •Ilountry bacon sides are offered at log:
city cured nt lb.
Uroceries—There is a goal demand for sugar,
and prices are rather better. Coffee and molas
ses lire dull.
titre:so—ls dull at tle Ih.
The river is NUN; alowly.
N nwl In LEANS, Sept. 'A/.
Vottoq—Sales sO&} balm. middling at. !fir, and
gond middling at Sci, Pi.
Flour ern; Ilhlo is held at $3,75.
Provisiou4-1-tales 2011 l,hls lard at I oe, and
TOO kegs do, at 1 . 2. c ",p1
The barque Joseph Fish, from Rio Janeiro,
with a corge-of 4000 bags collet, is coming up.
Cotton—The market is firm, with sales of 1000
bides middling at tli(Mdie. The week's salve
wete 10,600 baled receipts 14,000, against 4000
during same period last year. The receipts of
the reason thus far are 30,000, against 8000 last
Tear. The stook on hood:amounts to 35,000
Tobaoco--Sales LOO bhds !Id steady price.,
Executors' Notice,
LL parson. indebted to the Estate of Jo
.epla McClurg, decd, of Lower etwir township,
ereby requmetssl to mate payment to Mr. OABRIEL
AD 0 00. Tun orl, none ' , AGMs"; tr. anithose
lutrlost slll present tb.. same t , him lorw•ul , atent.
JAS. miltiom. Jr
rep 144121, Itasetaors.
rilliEßE will be an election held ,t Cho
era of of tim Yonsblowheay Naviratlon
h. .Iw...ha Turedgy.the 1 an day' of
,xtotatr, for the purp6e. of electing och• Pr././.lent, nAir
11•nagens lei Treuarer. and nve Ne:retary .1 the Yough.
loghtnyntion Cornr.T. for the •neon , aX.P.r.
aT order, ,
Attekt: INEWI , ON. Fee,.
{leer Newton, Pert. 10. 1451.—te.pt4:w3t,S
Farm for Sale
lOFFER for rale that, well known Farm,
,-.11,4 the ',truth Farm.' lying on Cheater. Creel.
na. garotte townstop. Allegheny county: eight ranee
from Pittaburel. contenient thine Atiabargh and W.A.
tne.on Turn pile .containing 1U A CSC $. el which
ta of the beet ouality of bottom land; the uyLthd Cl th e
hent quality. and all under good Lena. Lbuettraot and
0 - ..1 shundante. The' Imps:mu:nestle are a lags and
rtnrecoent Dwelling Mut, a Frame Hank Dena. with
01... waren .bed. norm crib. el - Tao, house. and all
othet weceetary out building. A large Orthar4 rl grab
Dont 01 the be.t kind, tun beginning 'to be.r. Tb.
ehuitt ie In R 0.4 ord.. and well solented tot farming and
c't A Lt.:CD. BOYD.
the hand, of WM. B. SIcCLCRL, Prot.l.lent of the
' nirt of Common Plem, in mad for tboblb Judinal Ihrtirict
of Penney loaniie and Jurtice of the Court of 0700 end T•r
miner, and llencral Jail Delivery. In nod for raid
and T. I. Won
torsßp, none, aaffettataJedgei
of the rune Court. ln and the County Alleehea_ ,y
dated the eth day of remember, In the year of our Lori
Va. Thou :mad /light [teethed and YlftrOnt. and to roe de
rooted. for , holding . Court of Oyer and Tenfrimer andficn.
eTal Delorery, at Um Court 'Bootee. tn the asy
bu of a. the 4111 f &tenor next. at.'lo o'clock.
. .
Public nonce nt hereby given to all Justices dr therm.,
Coroners,..4 Conrublea, of the County of Alleehony, that
the y be. then end there, lu thew Preto , rem. , "it. thntr
recurds. tintuird.... examine..., nod other =lrmo
breams, too do three thin. which. to the. Torr. - tire old
norm thetrhobelf.. weer to be dol.—end else. tbose that
orld prosecute Inc prieouers that now am. or 1.11 , 0. th
Jell or saki o:runty of Allen.b.T. to be then andb ,
erteiecniengsizoo. them as shall be put. •
titven 'under iny hared, to rtitahlugh,
thCeemmrt cboo eidt l h t hth d e
Eon enA r eeid.esl. and ot C.ARThIt CCW r II. Bbeii hrt.
Notice in Partition.
Morton, Tnrtnaa Morton, William prod and lux. ,
nay hu wife, %Vbs. on.
and Ann Wesel's, Ilannak,
Nerten 111111aLn Young and 51clitoa Jane hie wife, tali.
Ann Lo • trach Ilotsort Logan, William Logan, Datthett to.
gnu. Entine Logan, Jame. Logan, le.& Logan,Jainew W.
Morton, John b. Mo rt on, J. hlorton,,Joseph D.
31orton Itehetca Jan and Ilannah Dorton, Istl:
Ire lbw guardtan ad /iscat John Patterson, heir. at
law of Jam. Morton. late of Eliza be th tannahlp. All.
seen, munty..Yenowylvanla, deed
Notice le hereby given:to theabort named parties, that
by virtue of • writ of Partin.. homed not the Orphans'
Curt of a a id go on., an inquest will ha held end Wen
upou, they remise., therein described. bog the rtal estate
or the sand dogleg Horton, decd, wig. &certain tract of land
situate IA Elizabeth townehip;in paid sounty. bounded tT
lands of roil Deo, William 10 ujlia1, Alegander
Clare, and ot art, =staining 213 X scree awl allowance,
.I"thler. the Otis datof Ocrubar neghat lb o'alcck. A.ll
- ?rof
web 'Zee nod place Tourney attend If you truna proper
halltTb, Sheriff,
Sheriff 'a Ogle., Pittsburgh, pep — eePOw , !?.
LEX. W. FOSTER; Attorney and Coun
. Lam Na.4l :Fourth Area., owe, Market
urn), * ausleeirteg.
I v • rauvady for WORMS
brum H h. CLAYTON, Eril,
Steen,. B. A. li'shituistak &Co . -4 ha.. balm palling your
Vermlfuge fur lb ri:e >oar, suit to far toot luow,lthaa g l.
en satisfaction intrartably. Our kbyedclana It,
and purchase it for Ore In their blsrfire
lha youngest child, abort Ms at
of atiat for
months had symptoms of atolls at short intorrals, whist
the tantalise usually administered lir her mother failed to
:eller, Lire sufferings were and duriaq some ot
the attack. I thought she Would die. 1 atiatigth slava her
tat viinture) a draw or your Vert:mirage, whloh, about
day afterwards, brought away. grass otnitititr
mud gear instant relief. •Aboutthre• Months aftsrwarda a
similar attack occurred, when I gave waothitr vial of lb.
Versoitoget. which expelled about b 0 worms inane She Is
hO. enjoying perfect health, and under Vrovidenes weows
er woven' to your Vartnifugs. H. CLACTON.
, Md,
For sahibs H. A. FAIINgSTOCkI A CO,
. - -
roangr of Wood god Ylrft. ntrietr,
and 11T111.rebsgusa.sconels1.y,
Valuable Property for Sale.
u 4 f.
.•wm. Will Dr. John lt ocher.. on video'
ate erected two Deviling Counes. with good yardai and
variety of miler, abrtibMag toe a; mod hmn, stable,
ninon bongs, granary, erniMe him., ben bottom, and all
ary building. two Orchards of Viand apple treat
• variety of bodied peaoh and cherry lower , Onardokm,
carnation, black cud : re morello.) pear and plum trima,
of the finest quality all in sued thriving order.' Two
timing., the tmert situations for tub ponds. which Ma
Partly made. An ladirputable title will be Limn.
For further partieulara inquire of the anburriber. he the
premise. Dylfortr , T WAI. h. NOBLE.
01.1 N CALVERLEY, Manufacturer of
CANDLE MOULDB, No. 109 Ram Otiowafrui stunt. Ivo Third, oppmite the White Priori Metal, IIIILA•
DIMPLUA. Tallow Chandlers and klannfactmers mu be
yonpliod with a first now artlelo of Camila Dowd. of no
foam excellence and flash. The Moulds ars mule of tba
Met metal, and polished . hy a now patent machine, which
gims them an eaten 11.1.11. They am after the Englieh.
MTh—the tip.. to arrow on the pipe, d the ply. to tenttent
Ught in the Mandl. • Ifurronfal•to be tar eupetior any
•other now In um. •
B.—eureka' Instrumental and Syrinim
Valllahie Farm for Sale
7 'B •
E subscriber wishes to sell his FARM,:
.ituate 11l Onion township, Washington wont ,Pa..
aeon= 111 Mike ftCll3l ? tansy - 21s, and 2 Violin.= thence
to be foepd In thi . F ' Ttnt ni t
_" " Tl o t r e
Yarn is le an ethnic: hie slate of contra.= . b o ut 90
o f
ellarefacul onder Fen. settinient Umber, .1.4 =sea
.Gourds in oval of the finest etuallti to Or. county,. snd
ynt amen. The buildings area =seat...hie DIVX , LI,
ISt) /10375 E, • Prune Stable, and. Log 0.011. and a good.
Spring nous= The thetiard ' la • SuperiScone,eontsinlng
le9 Trees of the finest grafted tn.. inc ludin g=ttnerand
truis, not...eroded In attain/ ;erode Or NV tp the
jesll7l4.l.ft'Totrt' grltP7gYils
....o=ctrised to she nolgene= ' b. ripened incl is al
t cad, gone an season. A an d then Sued perces the
dm, of the d wainnu bones, and the Shock Bowl. wh= Inc
pass with= lbc soil is not ouclled in
94011.b0rb ti
117 nod p-Mwrelse. lip any In the unmanly. Tl 4
.d on tbs let ad vote.= 11 =guise= For tent. Cc., ar
f ly w tbs subscribes, an the plumb.
Washington co, I*-I.=PlOurdter
LIGHTNING RODS —Spratt's Patent.
JAlra JACILEON, fitsuag Jamb
naturals ',Tot, 86 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Po.,
(c.rtveznr. <mum Stan.)
strueted that they awnot Rot oat of order. Th. Lig
mutating mad AVauaumeajg Ming signmamtiolY. the Xiang/
mad Magmata are urdivalliti—the whole bang highly ow
nmatental, tatwithout diywitto mho bed 0004.10? *Va .
smicutematired. JimmatmJucluou will alligh au= WS 12%
wads yem %m u t and dd rat Yolut 0114 111,1.0.1yip14i40
gla= Mat ingieuthidly roadoilimmil man at SS Wait 0
Anso. sad maim Qs &bars .I'wer lAce . :7 2 Mr
be sem .
VOR ST. LOU I S.— Thesplen
111;a1Aig.d.WIL:Atit. fz,, • er
alma and Intarnladlata ram on thla day. at 10 deka,
Fol. freight at Pa.ana, aPP/Y on 1 , ... , 1. capls_
I .—The VIDA` N 0.2. A.S.Crane. masts,
itl lease Plttsbura for Wheeling. Cantina and Horning
erary Tuesday at 3 &clock P. Y. retstroing leaves
linekingasrt far Cantina. Wheeling and Pittsburgh el ,
ery Thursda deMod y at S n'elsek.Passenger. and hia . Pers
boat running regularly dun. the
_per_fnditht7e ' neekaaze. lIDDiT on board. ng3.l
SUNFISH PACKET—The bort running
steam. WELLVILLE. Capt. B. Tourkg..lll
rub rPgultr packet between Pittsburgh. Wbrollov.
Brid,purt and Sublinb, leaving Pittobnruhr• Mrclar
afterbron for 1V.11.1115. Steubera aud Itrideernr sni
peerT IburMar afternoon for
hridgrmrt. CiPtlas.orri Bungsh; returning. It., Prid),
port en 1 1 PubArb erpry Ttuqdg) umd
rtuagham Thu erNttelti beat wan Itailt kg
the centers of thy stemaer Irene Newton, am! other, ter
fe cl r e dr Ca yN n wo .min.ail oi a .t n yi d rt„ Pi tric t b t l l o ir nmm thda.a ...h. k2 .p t .,.. trad ,iyoo e rn ,
nab.. New
. m [l y d 1 , ; t 4:
mrttO el O. B. MILTENBERGER, Ammo
new packet steamer DI WIN AL, Connell, m
ter, Is now performing Ipr regular 01-weekly trim betvren
thli city. and Wheeling, leaving Pittabutgh et lu &Heck
Wednetday .LI end returning,
IeST. Wheeling_ mop TutealeY. Thurele7 ere , e..ra t
lit each week. For freight or plunge, appir Agent,
18.51. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1851 ;
PninsylPartia Railroad and ExpbrAx l'aeLyt Lino
301 Latins Kwllrus.l . . ..... Causl.
tnlr, MONT Pl.Lieerr AND m1+ ROUT. It.
Two Daily Liles Express Packet Boats,
On and after Monday, August the
Packets of fhb Line will bare Pittsburgh for Lovaln.rt
every o
i rsdun at 8 tieloet, an..l event. et '2 &awl,
pr•PlaelV—there takba, the fears ..1 the up. Penney
ple 11
ROW. (whch lea, Itutu
ialnlt titstheir .sha ll rvet tor Philadelphia. 01-
aaa-Titne throne, Forty anra.,lll
by thin new arratu/vturnt 01..enttern. throuith
11110118 nOONEII than heretutor, (h.q.{ tareht./mth. , en ,
canal travel.) euablina Item pu Arrival at Philadelphia to
I..nweed on tv, New York at twee
PAWIENhEKS tuft B.ll.Tltivatll
'lslip the Nark nod Cumberland itallroml 4 it ilerrlabura
Plotanee.elnhtv•tour catlev. Thu, FOUR hour.
Fero to Plaladelphls, ntd Fare to Italtunnre. to ri
A., Lam:eater 1:t 4.1
It tau dative °heap travelted and env:Ml.l3olp aernsumo.
dation, rePurp your th•letp at the Tteltottln.e. ‘lpu.mva
bele lions, 1.1
.t. I': HOLMES, Agent,
Or of I). & CO., •
aunts Canal Binh. Penn nirept. •
McHenry', Philn ielphia & Liverpool Line
of Packets.
Sailing from Philtulelphia tho
1.1•4rp0.,1 on lb. Int GI mm.t.b..MLA
ANDO/ill. Wm. I' Ostalner, 31•4.4
• • •
EUROPN. AN.11..p1.1 U. Ilartir,
Alft•nt F. Strath. !!serer.
A VON, inew,) IV. IV. IVert,plaider.
The alior• ship. ate 6.111 of the litwt and meet ew.lll
material., aW are noted for th. rapelity the. Paiwaitae:
they are hued or wild all lateet ItnPnieemienle. an =met
tentilatiwl, and for their are
mmW.tlone h r .I..wifd Chinn and Merrope illuendowm
they are colutuaildwl, hr tarn of acknowledged talent, • td,
ale unequalled for their exprlence in the putt ierthw
Perwdo desirous ~r bilmoring their friend. from the LW
Country ran obialm nlll6-flit.. of pun..., whlrli will be
Corsi for eight months, and nut in Ireland and Lie
erwool will ennui therm with the proper intbrination 11114
relative to their departure.
For the" mneemierice of paseengera 'tithing to ren t
ore •upply Jeatte Lie eterlitig find upward, paable
i me
t wed without dlerount, winch wili V. eathed by any ni
Dante of Pool Mw in the
1. rail. Perk the following suppling .111 1. furnlehnl
.rrh Parnrnirr or 12 yearr'nf alqe and pant: 2hl Pm. broad,
11.• ‘en, nt. tra, ottulal, lb. raga, 1 lb. tlo m ur,
k 11. [nut ~ r , aad lb pork: Coder 12 Tra , r of
ll.r. breadenffa, 1 lb. pork. run allnwsnee of rater tad win
•,kr, and half al/rwann• of I;.v...l4,76E4durinralar,.
lialr.nt street, below fter.i.nla i ll .
n• earner Sixth •v.l Wood mtg., ii.burgh.
1851. 1851.
Pookiele and the Aria Fialletal. connection with
rrt clue paean:ara Lake Erie, the Mithigan, levelnd.
felon:thus and finclanati.Clercland and Iletebarg h . and
benduekv aun C . ll6:turkan astd *tear/ore on the
lohlo atei Mita:fol Avert. sal tbe Ohio. Indiana and
Feunerlvani , anal u e
(Sonia, excepted.)
let Moral.: Er.. Train at 6 o'clock.
'1 Leaning . ).:nrnwa 3h
The The Mail Train alert al Mail, where ralnetaert , nn
krare. arid take the EarresaTrain. antvil. :61,
York tart 614006104 at 9 o'clock. snakttaitha whole dist..
b• der-light
Tlise'Earrete Frelkla and Cattle Train leaver Dankizkat
4A. 6L dell, 6 CU 0t1a,b....1 tiva. nista lb
~ 0 01atod•t• Yaosenser S ewo.l.werreca
era-Fare n,na Dunkirk to kc,k, kg rev,/ Claes
Ter. will be 06•13 In f.”. dare.
flits Cwren, are r reran./ 10 6 ,06111 . 6 . 61 •666 U and
ir,abla el all kmde ft and Er= Saw Veit
T` I;ll^u!.attcmtlcewill Da rati t , P.uck The Auts
Fete. Itel geld, gtww this mu. 0 - est cww.
snap tuti , ucf
Ear.taditlenal Tmtw• will to put la t.ommlwrlcr. itt •
very thcrt time.
• •-
. .
Tani, du t alone Sell -n..v
•r tt in mrard yrict.wefl , 11'k
r t
7.WMICGILA3I. Dun clt ki - rk.. ner. ,,y u r -cm .
actirsion Tickets to-Beaver, 26 cent".
T 1114D:4 - f, vae.r„
Irare tbriz laii4ingro at Pittsburgh and
rbcater, wrery da,,r (Sundays succor
...Li sr follows—
IkErsr. lease, PlUsburgb at AA. M. [Who., 2 r
Michigan do do 3 r.a. do P .
Persona wishing to to to Brayer can sYisure Excursion
Plash, to liochasteraud buck to Pittahorch. SO routs.
lic bets goc-d down bardy and up rip. i.sxt.
For Warta apply cu tr.. Fteulutsuts "Basra," Cr
”Ilichigan 8e..." or at the orbew of
A - CA UGREY, Arent.
Cor. WWI. A ..11.1311e1d 1,4.1104 hr.).
r,igf-- 1851. tila
Ezprtia Parke and Railroad' Lino to ClareGmd.
- PASSENGERS leave every morning at 9
o'clock. by 04ml:oat to lk . try7, , tkektei. kr '2X:
fwd l eaW =1 tt=d th .
Airaro volond. 14-00.
To C r loyylkad, toCily 2.s boon; To rettolt. 36 boom
Duna, 36 '' Chicatto, .
rickety kiwi tbroupb t
Via CHusobu. and X•nia, 14} Cl&rslend ..0 C 1112.112101
_ .
Purionsare for Detroit, Chimp , anal Yilaaukb, lea..
Cleveland every evrolog Ch oielock. by O. rhlendid
fteamare of kllettigan Central Railroad Co. for Detroit,
Mauro at o'clock. A- id., be Railroad to Near Buffalo,
sod art - Igloo fames...tins at Chicago be eteamboab
Dorfoy la. eater Ohio river, Ode route to Mein
ct.rtril.r.4l,o,l.o4e....ig. %a ; vrtl . l much quitker.
Call.Krt Proprietors,
. ,
llocarrtza. Ps.
/or Octet/ ar Inlanita tlqp upply .
CA.OGIIEI'. Agent. o
(Vp el./n1 torten. pl
• l l.• Msh 41 w . /a 4 W 4 . a c n F op e e v ,
1e36 oppoo nP/TABIALOLI.
1851. WESTERN 1851
T HE Canal being in good order, we are
prepar IOOPpOtt Nib. looms
from Om . 00?. older. low.t ourTant rater ot
trotgbr. with prompter.. And J.ifvotrti. The bw m 1
cur Sr. owed end routroll.4l by UM proprietors. Hills
larbett tramrtuttted. rtml all burr - onion:lt promptly bb
Ittgl.l to.
Apply in, or Alireeo
NAYS a BLACK. ProprieNos.
Cava' Basin, Peon :treat, Pittsburgli.
lIAILRIS A LEECH, Proprietors,
Her-olefin Depot, Nat 13 P 11. !both .141 et,
Lelleerlu Depot, bock at., Pllls.
" '
iYu A NZ—.
IM No. 7. West street, New York:
jag ISSI-..ffing
Via Browneville and Cumberland, to Baltimore
anti Philadelphia.
THE MORNING BOAT leaves the Wharf
oboe. the Bridge daily. at titian preanely. cen
t ng with the cars at Cumberland next morning.
The Bvening Boet larvae dolly (except aiumay veering)
at <Arca othnecting with the cars at Cumberland next
evening et /0 licicak.
Time through to Baltimore. 92 hour, Vero only 39.
Time through to Philedelphte, 19 hour, Fare only 310.
The bedlonal Bead in now grOd. Cates la nd .
the Conches between Brownsville awl Cumberland. which
maket,thla decidedly the beet route Batt.
J. ,twat
myth 0121, e m the Menongeb• Meuse.
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARKE, FARES A CO. ... Itocateri, Pk.
CHAMBERLIN. CRAWFORD O 00,._.Cbrous-vb. O.
riIIIIS well known Line is now prepared to
( 01 Z.VaT221 1 2E XG es. 7 .-"
tba facilltlee of the IMm are ansu n rp.jeed number.euar
att4 tegooelts of Baste, osperimim of . 0 "
boats of e t {
Oao.liost leaves Pdtaborsbb aseJ Chnelszel.lailb.rooMos
nonomtico vitt a
of steamboam betwa‘m
BERGH and BEAVER, and LIR. of
(rerpeller and eenale) en the Lakes.
Parks A Co.. Youngstown, 0
M. D. Trrlor, Warm,
A. a. N. Owe, NeartorbEalls.o.,
C. Pre..., liavmma.
lit.itort a Co., Ravenna.o
Rant, Onnnel Co., PrnaYZla
4 . . h t.. 4 14 , 11 . 1 1 19Tb:ohs 1 . 111: :) ..:].;
Ilenderera 1 Yettiberte,Canilueke Car. 0.,
Peels], am :kat, Tolcao l 04 ,
0. Naliane !Co., Darol
Pouvemaa Co.,_llllwklAin, WI. •
nen. A. Oibba * Co.. CbioNer. .
Thomas Hale. C14m.0, 111.
JOE'. A. CAI:011EY,
Wm..r and badtbla/d sm.. Flmbumeh.
Arrangement Made to. Forward Freight
RAILROAD COMPANY readat to PbTh,de., by
corner Ron sad Wilma; WA. g.
OFFES-300.bwe primTRIOTIOTBareThi
Ann .11.,1011 - DALZKLI, EA Water nt.
barerost received 23 wee tweirtifol Via. style
SS, whirr, will be sold el oicalar ran rowirices,—
Abu. brows. at thowgi i
il dsta=tyß : Will ! lll!.
"ar t ! - 62 Salpitlikit it: •
FACTURER, X. 41 e.outla t , ,c9nd 'Streot. labove
uc, ..ext Pb,ll•44.lphia. rebls:ll
11 - 0:10,10. . MG/arr. •
AG , A
i LEY,.
A. J. .11ViiNO,
I. A 011.,41.
EA LD, IWCKNOR .1; l'obacco
M t, ~
Comaivann rrrtma 41orth Water ett...t.,
D No. 14 North Wharte, I.lllladrlphi, ausl
To I;ealers in Licium, &c.
11 .1. I'O3ITE, Irell,ll Rnvtitier. CO3 Eighth
11l • rtr , -1. NEW 101t1C, L.. hi- Ifithllt.r. to lull op,-
Rohon thothifooturn tine tit, hot. Polo Morita.
. tAn. liestoodo '4: 0d._11. , . lullls, Antra-he.
Rtttecti. t.. Ti,,, Brandy had 6th dr. tthrs.fullp made sr
oordlog to she Itotd root trt, t0...d to tlo. i,ottt of France
end Hollow, thottotedlty s- .I to =to , t Importa4
trot. Imo oottttnott P dr.
ott: t, call and
turf, et too viol., and It rword t Ott, to tit, of.
tdo.. di %tor ettroot, NEW 1 - .1,11K h p rom ptly
std,toloO h . hh.
American Hardware
11111 R LIVEN 1 1 0t 1 G L A 11,ipahtetuferE'
• , Hatt flrr...t. t!lr, e., r turn 1 , ,y1
vera. tfulli"y^t•~ tL• att*
liardwArr ettek /.1 .1-.1,1.1,1 direct
frntn thr ma.nutActur,r, awl ..o ,vnrabir term,
• -
Steam Commtuucation between New York
and Glasgow.
rilllE OlaNgew curl: , ; ew York •
hon.*. power, 11 .owort, Onto of illy. Co
unr,l •toomor,..unanwl..l from . ow
1.16 .1. c.l4 . ,tuttlaN. ..(00tflimr
f . 110,4E1'
No ot••••r•A.• 1 , ,,,..,, tak,ii. •
Theoe rat.. Include pn•vi,ion, lail not • trar,,, liquor,
wb , 0b,, ,,, be , ^1 , 1 ,1 “•J , . Nmr.l, .1 iu...l•••rat. {0w.... Car.
i , i .5 • , ^ nr , o
For frriglat
Nlvnl: MON vo, elm , .
New York India dubber Warehouse,.
No. 27 Alaidrn Lane, and No. 1,9 Sasiar, were,
Finn cortitir from 24h et.
THE SUBSCIZIBEIC,•I'n,priptor o f thin ea
-00.11,11..1a. runti.nni.
riatiretiante, innunralli • tiwt he In ineniving. fn. Lir
factor, tin tin,
initalli hog.. naninlinui ntineir ialls
itist•liiir Linn, unitnilwriiiii..l viirrioil y Lir 11. F•ll
artileli,lrian tiering lutriiiiiinent un. SO I al,
. hin unit
rAL ' uu
./ RAI a.1.0T11, of mil wiJtlin
from t. , 4 11.:1114111. eavtally neiliictnl
flow lb. ti.i.nt with the linnot KULL, which
rii p.n. Ile tiasuufacturn.
11.1. 1,1A1.11.111. .1 itutnittso ImPronnitri.nt ,
'sot!, .11,•11,1,...1. I/1 1.11101/ the cloth in rimiln to •n
enwni tii Thn plain Unlit/
not Orden , should rin•rify Timid
O1'EIL,1101:$ . -A Itall Ktoct AA ell the difforetA
suA rnriefoe-. the lmuurtnl fare ItutA u. Ilre re.
uovrat.4 1 . • ,11,•I I Iwo -.AAUrartuet , Aue. ••
Childrent 11A- N.....
Vurre.l AuJ latae.l Itubl.;., " 1" '
- • It•
A r.A..1..te sA.oricurut ul th. I. 11...1v. 1,1,4% • on harAl
Atool,,Cont, rour/AA. rrrr
lirltiug l„e, elpe,
bb SlA•hlue
llAti, ow., 11111{ke. Ilrenst
Jar 131Arre. Paper 11,11.1 era. An limn, 1,11. sA.I no:orto-,
pringw, unJer PAlrot
Thr. OWl'll4 1.11 ,11113 Ot 111 k, eorn AAA pr,
venttve of CLI•ppAl Iticp •A.l
them All. Awl mklt.
Pure Kula°, 1 , 111.11 i 161,4: us,-
I• 17 :. , u1 L. 111,1 A, IS
Shawlel Cloaks! Mantillas!
S. MILLS, N. 6 Cortlawit,t., N. York,
1141. op.utiag at lan hhaal ....Lau, fr..
• twlt a Fall mad N,pf.r SHAW" 1.11, ul all sty 1.1
I.mentic Lon.; Nhawl, ',griller with
n L,lt snoortta , ut Frvn , L at. Vlotita. r-cfunrr'aud Long
mli•voln. a 000000 ara.l,
u .steuelve nt,k rt
sas, htsl, uleatulacto,l (row 1..1
Wrett...l ton owl% new' m0n1t111,...r
11.1wre ..trams.
Ile ihritof the rheelol attettlA6n ,r 1 S,..utheto As! We•A
ere Merehau, h• the AA th., .01 Met Au
• , t Alts•le. ml te.le toAl- weAr.
tp•e., , l he
.u,ein„r SHOW SkAA: ON, for ,hlhrtltta
AAA, AL.I AlauttliAh thi,ere •.•h,,..1 Prim
•At $1 And 1,3 ti
To the Public.
k b. DI A RIIIIOER - (nit :Mention
1... n rtellei to en tot rertieement liontee II Ltat,
fished In the New' lurk Hermit' of I a .1.51,at
the Courier mud inquirer Id nalme date, in whirl, an,,
asurn unmerited Otto., or our num.., Wm duti.on, ,
he ar ...rt. [lra Jean nut cher, him •tth llteattuir
year e Patent under oda q.t.. name, anti that he .use not
Inn two , lin y gr a P•ten. In the rano tar [lleum el Mee,
Ile tra, norelratel nit !went,- for the tuanuftteture er
Ms, Mather :Mara dear rag • Patent, sad pat. l
our money . Itud are tinily tety lug • txrill Id Mae ranet mutt
any <Abet net, might I l ea dom. tbt. Isl., It thedratt•l to
rather then tent. upon tintat es, ierates. Me
think it n.tere pott to purview • rata. to has a valid vs
tent, than hi tut nu, It. Mr Day baying prbs.,t,u,
,uttkrratinl,,, ft l I nab, made ttettietnent, an I
eaten.. In Infant nut tu lulrmatt hve drawn, Ile to mot
tstranytutn.t. udt i) ro wetti ftateute. but to nuts,.
tettnedra, who t in no hap, retnetderattutu burch ,, .l
our Ihnotte. an nt trutM under them, aoll tee elte,,
Mr. Pay, dract qt. //Withal over our f.rn enrrntturre, nab
rantaty upon terallest , tale p 4. In Ow mahutmourb
the alto, •bich tr sZo - mg m that pa ne .nt
ponce that roet and at! who. ern enneerned •111. tint It,
, raettng ttmee, Ina4e In eneltt l tt n -all Yat
I n,
Mghtg. be gr..,cutcl
IlAYbgghh Itt..BIDEL Cu.
' Igm Beeittnaltsm. Trate.,
13. Ilumblusca. Prratlen.
.40RD CO
!tr. Yott. July 1..^,h. 1,1 grAr-Zzo
So error Black Writing and Copying Ink.
TONES EMPIRE 1N K, r 7 Naeenu street,
41hnu Lcll,ll.usn, V.,k
ant 1444,-0 :a tat 1'
A -r,
mt. •. 1 ~ i , , • ,
~../ raught. ,fcr asllco
Thirl: dm trOt artlroe manolacto-.1 It tow rc.alr
-5$ • -... , 1 Cl)111140 .ol e.., 0.r,-,1-. mould,
are,aaa.c« , tcP , ey....1 pecao.,
e 7:11 ,„ 1 , 12c quid u tt ‘ o4 zit: ,
.g,z,..‘:..i:',..:17.1,' '''' u.
Th. undet.nrucl n. prepared lurnuli i. , tn. to et.
thcr i.r,apcci. or. hon.. conaumpt,en, at the b. a •r 1
tow /re. rut up per ante, and dellvervl to sc, ' , sit
of toe ate acerb el deero, No .I...rge t. r [cow, Darn.. ,
' Thfi College of St. ',lames:
or ;:ev, are characd emirs at the
cect .
T11E01.4./1“.. thiii. WASH IN VON , COUNTY,. M'ARTLAND.
.i... ,
Triad -- ,7 --- • -- SILL TE:s• ['II AN NCA L SE..,v . SION iill
k ... 4 '2 - -:' ". dritErf.'" • . Ter
Professor Alois.. C. bar27..'s pueroos, . ' 1,,0m..0....4,,,, t 4 . 141:rwr 0th. , 1?1. , a0,1 coati . nu•
tbR MEDICATED COMPOUND, for re- • 31 , , : i / z...,‘ ,. - :; 1:=7; , , , 0 ,,, e... , ;.:L . 1.,..z d v 4 e:::) . 2. , g, :.cri-,. pra,rwtra. anti 1, - , 11-iti.a. "la 1, ...4• , ' , 4,.. etw.sallai, a the i but arc received at any time they
ecurf - ao.I dandrue. and ctu-te, dinucri. of the ...le:. ' Ir. arid the eL.T,t. t catunated from the data et their
p 1 ode and renaler. sung, cut.. brutavr. ?rain, etc. it. , :gr,.., 0 , 0, ,
ha. tw-wu ww.wrtaiaci h . " earerlmi.ut al. Le' , " r t'iii,b," Illti 0.71.1..W0 hoe he Usual lumbar a a..., 4 ,
....., 1. , M .,,,, ^. 1 th - ..." •,,,, m ,h ...i ..'".."•"' • fords all the orpt,iolllMim ler a tantialet.o adaflatiala, earl it
altM. cll- , the 1i.?,., Lod LB the v.iiio. 'it 0 " . Tb. theft. sonmarti larrinuatdodt,of the collo , lcutecuttrweiltiordera.
fallair/.. anattoanaele, reit-cud from hum! .a aof ton.lari ~. eruthu .L., , ,, , ,, , , u, .... ju0u ,
. ur„,u, ~,, , will acre.. eon." hr i ' iin i . " of th ' i 8 T4.- .U . .. i Tlf I. iißdNiva .( - 1.101.V.E Immellately adf-mtd i f , ,,,
and.the estimation In which it le. Lehi Or thew who have ~,,,,„ ,:.,, tr „ th ,...,,,,.„, th ~,,,,r , ,,, u .
mem it . trial: . „..„, dcr 'Outline d [dine\ recelfica I .la at tn. i,inat
N .. Yt l i i i-i 5. P .-7' 1" . " - ' . l th eir seed., iron. and
thon ferny? I
PlOr Daalr—Dear am —l Mom brow •Mkted wOl • ma• : ~.. du . TkasamtAght -md diruchlon of tl• No
.urous emy.tlen of the mall, of a moat iaigravatt‘l env. , 00 , ~, ~,,r 1 70,4 , 4 0 0000,r0. ,„, 04 , 00 , 0 , 0 10100
0 ,,, ,,
~. i„,.. ~,, i s ,, ~ataen year., and durlpp that r.alod in th e erruumar rA:lool
have had th e a.l - noa of re-M.lot the meat °p phyel- , le, tole, hft., T.1..3.C1,AS , taw eruct, of Crryvki r ..
dam ,, ant have the tlrvii...k.' foe the heir . 04 mitocl. and its
tot phed b • thtional etulles
ncte known. without tan lea.: Gen.-fit I ...cadet:4A , ~,,,,.. I
o n
o. ~,,,,,_
, uvuu,.
by a fricuil to too Toni' TTl'onhcr , tn i l . ' I did ... i. . 44 The alto/atom of etinktiollegt
en ly healthful. d
Icier:: and. to toy cur •h„ and sratillcation , found myself b, ~.„,.tine ~,..„ ~,.. , uu i . ,,,,.
____ ~__ „,,,
entv4 in about two mcotha Pitch wan-the inolonee of me ~, ..„,.. i ..„ zij . ,... \ 7 , iiivorao
o , ov:ter that at time, I vest partlally blind. SMI. I.IA - Li.. s. neleibulldluir, 90 at bv arl, will b..
ccpectfully yours, .V , I "P.E . LIT. ' relkaa lace Ceripatleal I v t e tour, of UN. coaling noafiala
• 110 Columbia Arcot. ore. re,. To ...loupe. to the
orprofe likte.. lb. 'fronton
' ' e. . D 1.,
_ --. N. , Y.. L . . , 3.2 ,,,,, 0,..,.. , h:,",",71A TrEV,r l a.lll,7*. L7:17 , 4.ku ll....file'it
Pro, Ermine Lea , Pir—Atouttwu 1T...a? .._._,,, w - c-i_._,i ' andr. IL. 13., teeturer on Phialta an. ChettUrtpT
cal, and my head waii tooco ......-""•• • Th. Wholecbarae tOnthabeelden ot tan cocoa... - thew:,
' w " it e dVn t drlirl "' w - 4.W bY • frlet. to ~ T ii. Tr ri. i'Ph . ' !in th Celle mil Gram ar .
o i.ooll is two o;tmelm.l am
o . 5 \ rji '' - 'A
tr.1:',.0. 1 .t° 'Z'd":ll ilra..rdruir' — 'dt..'7" . l:2Lu" fr . . 7 , .. - ". -1 1 . , ,,i i r..,-,0_ ,, --„,,,,r,,,,, , -„ vg ., , - . .. ?: „.. 7 . r .
head now thowa for Itaelt.
a your otwod i t real. 11N. JOHN a. :i tt.l.U.l4.W b .il, i . .. 0 r, ,
"01r."'L 1 ft) TIMM/WELL. ell Broadway
If say lad) or achticmott donh. the . ab ' ajci 'l aa. N. 11.—Per•Orie to n \ litaburgb 'elating any tutor atteal
awe, - th ey will pleura oil at Itofetaor A C Iferry • 0tka,,,,,,,a, tiff . laona. are referfacl to the Rev.. Pito .
137 Broadway, New York, where he will Prod.. me °ri ll' dere B, liman. veht/ was formerly a T , tucten. • '
nal fatted,
iirtm tbe Military and he Argo, Nov MO
There Uno remedy hir the permanent cure of Wile,. tfifivere\ty of blarylairl. \ '
and dli-earea of the cranium nenerally, that Lac_reach.4
" T '''rft i. "Ai*"' bi
'r ed '' , ",k?.,7',.'" f,"17;..!
, r iE NNi^ , 7 5.C,4510N ~ill be in on W.n ,
• ' kr .4 ' ' ''''
Darry'r -rmee_noun., or e4h-at ...1 , r , •
o r i
b liar77t .t or ti m:l7:;: ' f ine: " :6 k :lnye ' i tfult 1
r i• ° : . .t.i:keil n ru , 7nr e rrFra , :i 17 ,..E,'" : ,ii.r. i , A thr 1 t",,,,,,,th u ,.d._ . _,,,,::,.:\:,,,17:,,,,,,1.:\1,,:,,,,:7, , ,:,...1": '.'
tole hair / and thua t r,„„,, r itii,17.,.02.,...,1..zikat.:.1.,,t. p.m.! Chew. 31,1\ Thlt!speutics. 31 trim .N(ettlea. and
n. - 01. trgaiy.'llttir cure . s i ll ' dj..ou: of the ;alp. H7 .1=3 . 80br:,31. i . dnattiii4 and Pnytteltitel
curb BA mall hm•l, Ir. worm, Nal other
dim, Wm. Power. 11. 1./.../Int .ltd Practice Vf id. on.
den of the Alin In eheapoece ee well ...fitter), It ...oil. Richard U Thom i,., . D., , blldwilem , end Plii,ssis of
unrivalled. life cold in large bottle, prroo —.cent,. Ito Wotnen nod Cblidr,M. \-, 1 ,. \ \ ~ .
li., Broadway, at the Druggiats aencraliv, thron . uhout 0,, mu,,,,,,,, ,, ,k1.. X 1„ Pathalociaf.Ll Amide:ay
th•Unlital Male a and Canada. . app.4o.lf The most anaple opi.,,k nine\ Tor taw prOaaatiLlnaa of
' W,1n i t1izt . g, , ,,v . .:, , „ - ,,,,,r - zi-71,7 l`rofe.4l,
and Power. in lb. haill+ - 144-ruary-, with *
of . the to IV ward . et‘ut cttirge to atudetq
for the tlekni..
'‘ b \
Yeem for the Lee Or,. . 3 a 9 . -,. i Practical Anakiany.
M"rk'''''' '
' Jr
V), )' il.f. Tilk: V.v. Dein,
.4 \._._i..s.
Beni:nom July. * .--(0 ii
citiCAou, 11.1.1N01Y.
fIONTINUES his mum' tilt:Wile:, to receive
‘,.J ou Wm,. Nalq and Trant.hirmo:nt. all Men-handl..
o r..,ign0.1 Ebikta leav• dock ..1.117 Intr all rgtnta
the I.aagg tbn Minnie Canal and River. ' •
llenm.perr--Mee•gs. logros, Sterling a Cu.;
Megan, June.. a gun.
Mr. John A. CnUghey.
Wm. HTHaskill
ANI, AUCTIONEER, No. a Weter stnvt. i ' Eulll A.
Eppectal agt.ntion ttrCommisdno buMperw. eagle:)
Prolnce. Commission. nod Mot - wanlil om.pLac Morass., on the
J. M.
RE rAr G ordon, &leminder G sal Lore o na, Merlin',
PituLurnh. aptly
ItAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Lose,
anal Commu.ehmer for PeuvArlvxn4o. [Ands, Mo.
nonicntions moon./ sne , "red. t0121.1y
701 IN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
t, bellors&J-Aw. end_ for the State ci
'n l o te t ere L” nce.--. '' L i etTr ' if
. .t k ifrt tte
MIII4I, 51'emetIlms a .ut-Clure, 4o l n 1. bigheills
eetnale. McCord .k Co. .u,14417
tINAR- CAUSTIC 5 lbs. fur sale by
14 1,7 J, J KIDDaCA).
filIBBONS! RIBBONS:—We are openieg
JUIL, v... new and beautiful Bo n s t.t and uinbon4.l
rLAIN BLACK SILKS. —slciirtry &
raminittri bowie reed • liplerdid manetramit of
mck from GS. to V per yard. liuy<rs will du '
to call and yitirelmw from them
'WAAGE DE lAINES—A. A. :114..b0a
`ALIIIi ~TOS—S tuns in hoses and bbl
I''4 II. P riLIZILL .1 CO.
1 1.1. E FATE, a Tale of Stirring l'imeb, by
U. P. R. Jamns. mon 11:clenlaing
162 or ba4 ever ',tarn. Alto—W..llli Lyrtrlg Age, lso.
11 , 4)—tIllid wit), niter.tinii .14 ui.lul miatAra
Inr 'ale at 1101451 ES' laerlay Dn.. MIN ilmet, op
pokta IL. 1',r26
- -
'now exec ' llent aiic,rimunt. of
b ATCLIE tLc movi Leginiti,Yrrpp
an 4 Genet* manufacture, in tar 13,i1.1.
auct other styli, of camas, all uiti
YincWatch itepaictni: dear in tba best mapper by thit
1051 awl sitiaL
ourncr urYclarett.
. .
bow Cream;
Common. for msl. Df
wPY 3. B. CA:MELD.
-1O box - ee,
10 oesks,
repB ° .20 ebb. in store sod for gals by
J. B. tteNVlta.D.
L AKE yistr—kbbls. Whito Flab;
12 . tto t . L.J.ITtLtL,Z.,4IOII2. 1
~'~ ,
0 LET—A large 3 d ortkenien FJ4
WAREHOUSE. oD t, bt.Riµ Roil
R.1.1-r. of •
Great Bargain! , ...
—The 3IA.NSION cocas, fcreaerly kept hy D. R.
. MX.. .cl ocrov by 3. O. :onto, in .Cerelhat private eale.
thelintel to opteleite to the Caw , thooll , \ . Ood IntpAnino
'the location of the Permayttonia l'oailrosol Fto 4 ooxer.Pcl., •
tlon—hei rented for $1.1(9 te r , oar—hex proXole , ete nt,ln
crest.i Ins. For further particular+ enquire .1 '41..
FAlR3lilli, Federal et.., Anti:hear. or R. CA.IIPRELI, I
I.lberryo nt, Pittsburgh. AdmiolstXotorn .1 (lake-ante 1
Thomonliunaan deed: oet , elnl.
Private Residence for Sale. \,..., ••.,
TILE PROPERTY is offer, d o•ne.tdieg, fd I
I T los , and on very artlorotaral non lei-u+, Ulla
leat ellailely located In thetaPidlYl i.hro° , .. C ho'
of Alleeleny. 'The situation le unkarpaeeeu in t e cniire.
, r.mmumaarliog a most pleaniag eine , In the rift of Plttt,
burgh. and throe rivet. at a glonorX booddee beni, ruoveo ‘
tient to the bunineen port or PittetniNhl comp' lug It-I to I
eminent depre,th6 Ativrantageo of .lelth townatuteountry.
I ,
rb. I. In Liler. eutbraenor near au ol gram!. ,
ono blinclynl awl 4111, t,t front. rt onion bank tore.obuo.l
cited and nni feet in an nlley. 1 e unprovement.O. are
now. the house lornek. built In mu. ern otyle:of the Lent
roatenni.jand oulninot in the boot mon,, luting every
e0111,12(1.01, that trod taxi. and .kill rorulcl moral. Wltil
due ward le eennomy There is o a-elk'!" excellent we,
ter At the door, awl Open hold for kritrantwater. Carriages.
bow.. ond stabling, A vertoty of-ohon, fruit and shrub
bery •to h er{, its .tuat.a, and o , Rnmgr• on only I . "
oPPreciotnl by on examleation of the prenslnee .sods.
Men aishtox to prch... ere. harlted,to coll'on the under.'
ehpaed..ho rill `Macke ploaaure in klring e'er, hal:lrma
lion. It Ina Lan for noeuelna A d.liglafot le,.
dente, ur to pun:hail, on ex/eculotion. . .
_ soot: \ BAIRD t IRV 1N.114 noono let
, . .
' —I
Real Fstate. •
OR SALE--Two llousq am! the
kttth %Card—nue uut.lterly •teen,
. .
Ah r ,..-A ply, ofuroud. In.. W
fret an rhvtor .to eel. 111
5011 feet on Some, •t. Eitutine ott .ii; 1i1t."., at
ESIRABLE l'lgirEitTli tin lit, Ft its'r
BAN, in Allegheny, to,olo ~. y . . 5 . , .hat,a• tor C. v
{e Dana
The Ccatton ... near t. tru m 00..,
walk frOtu the Aqueduct. Atod •Loht totter Iron, Ihr it, tot
Street lint.. The sulawrot, otivre.l.,l ,ro,ttt- oto r,
exttotiondatinit terms, votarli to non 'la , toto. ; .110 lan s. 1.4.
kel. front on North Canal strrot. cilium, 1 , ol hi Lilo, et,
street Rowe 275 fret, neer 'no-o,lolla oto, 1,1 ,on ithtelo tr
a Brick Ifou, filth, ten 1-00n0... lirirl
front • atablv owl rartirur too the'1.,.. , 0,1 llor lot
The locattoo ir a, aloe ...tot 01 Allot:10u, lid, torerno.. ,
an Leex.ltriltwol at aloy urn, tor lerno. otoottor,. ui.4
KIDD at thentom of J. Rua A t....., e , rurr of Foit i cti, and
Wood our, I iitueM.,lltoi I ,
.. JON. El 110.
- .
tiROCE:II MERCHANT, - F.a 'este on a,volit oval,
t no, terms, FOUR rrrr rainaLle lAriti. *soli 11,01,,1
11,1.14 iorlars tkl4 Haul, l.rur'Altr,lieut City. and fra il il
in, on the Peoria .31.1 1/1.. Railroad:, i within 4 1.0 , 41 1 ' /./
the Ihput.) and extend., too, to the Cat., Bart., tioor,.l
idl ., .. l l l r=t r hL u arrottr-t te.illttro. toe ' , Element hi pother\
For term. ennutre of 11, I' ,Ti itlKTON!l,Allealorny'l ',I ,
or at Thu Rookatore 01 ' It 1 . ,Mll,ll'lo,lli. .
anal:. corner ot Market ay Third Si r r
. Seven Valuable Farms for tkale,
A LL SITUATED near the Ohio 'nwl P81,31:1.
/-‘,. orri•anla Railroad, in the v Irina, in:ale., tibto,
MIIIIIIIIOII fillla ad to W,l acre...rob, mud • jr•oti mato
of cultivation.
Alao—ltai TOWN LOTS, betwoon atm orrarnt 6elneve
part of the ri11.," and the Ornot at Nairn, \
All of which will 1A.40,1 no eavy . one for the nutebra
arc Black In the Ohn, and Pouliot itanta Railroad, Itir in
...her of the Rooks too l'ittalnorith. VIII I. taken iti i•r.-r
I ala. •Ith to tionalr • i,leie 01 ottimaLt. adolintiot Ito.
Het , ot grootol. to cou.retrut wen t. .0,10,41. 1•• ereetta
drat "la. Hotel upon, red
•1u1111..11.111111111 , 41, I+l.l lIA ,
" Mll/ th l y , b g: " ,..!. ` Vr.:1 " , ', ...1 u t:::: 7. ,t; k ~,..... ,'
lotrah •ts,l Ctreeland: •1•,., between . 111earittgli ant ta 0.,...
let. 00.1 the latuela to. lot .I.llseti 1 octo tha Plank ll.,ade
now ...,14 rot...fru:tea to tout trout 1. , len, utak., II one of
thr tnttot iioloorlstot nom , ott the 110 ol railroad for u Lint
,1.. Hotel. • . Al.h A . 14th1...1',
Vale, ti., Jul, I, ILI - I
.1,1 culla '
LA RA E 1 0 1 or piece, n,uud situAto •
M. I , fattz .rd etta tr.lofloa
At 60 faot on Fultnu ,ftroo.t, arid ittaudiag budi
to+Crowford This propert, tcaled irae4>alade
Baal, soul Etitb. "fit. of ab,,rivato rot=ol,! . *
of [lna lat. O. Metcalf, End, mot tha darlllag boor.. of
AW. aad elan L. ...I sultalde
fkd erortodi ml au* id Iwo tantela I davllloat•
...Inn do or +l,lbl eroall.imeuruwoo,
I elm,•-on. Nand In haild andll,lndanda In tho
uxl: OttNn lIL 11/ninth P.n.....
FUR RENT —The IN:olliug, No. 155 7rp
r wtnwt. nnar nalllttngd anno tln•
lb.4act building and the paint ic , / ntad nadd,lun
lb. atone bnur romplr.,l ./ bane nll Ina
wennd door ban 4 bath num.atnt: Ithl l bul SO roll
wan,. aran, nlo,nt,
A1,.l l b . 'I'M. 44 • 04kler.L. rnilt. Enquire
anon F. earld, .d/v, No,
_ ... __..... ~
For Salo or PerpetruPeue, .
011 In nut 10t.N0."49 . ..1. the orhan.4l y 4,m of ti , ' lawn
, 111..gbeny, fronting op 1..h-41,10 11 11-ca. kn.,. earl
no 11Auk Lan,'
A 1..., fur Iwnt for nue rhino, !woe, Ihn t 4 1.4 or Ih^
not Int ..0 1.1, 11111, ..alrenfluE Inv $ 5 Illtlwa . ....4
In, h.rn,e, no., ...huh,/ nE,llr. Itlk 'ES IIjIIII.A.N 1/, onar
lb. orweele, or of the raker/Ell:wt. i inwnehre,
4lb rlnvt. Ettts,burgh. ' . -
if BRA
Real : Estate tizr
VALUABLE unimpriv . .-ed -
...nue" of Lllierty and laclorr 'Mir, Fifth Watu,
.Trogitt tho German Catbrille etturvh,,'ZlV fee front cm LlA
.rty, by ~ *.feat derp rn icter, running 1. 4 t.. iipring s
, throe stc., brief
v rp.rthot 1.1. Met,
aba• trn ni by
i¢l het dren . Vila hum,' .arge +el tnnrs corn Lwlttn
Alit , --5l a ',pry• ahybh. lAktek.
ALro-rA farm M arts in .
Al.—A FArin ni \ 254 scrvs in,tintv... fire
Al..—FArnue ku ^f • srlrak,
M. , - from acreidown.
Tyr,. valn&ble lots in Sena-N..1111u, Fri. II
moth-rata Znquima'
t. G. L t
Arternevyr at test- Agantt..
A Good Bargain to at Offered,
F \--r„
I APPLICATIO4 BE 21 ALE 500N.‘,..-'
rbrsa Yaup ACNE&to Duque:pa Borooari,
14 . V. Inland—en the Pr*Oat•f• I. r paexl tao
LL o.aaaaaty bulainaMte. noto.TMOP•PIT oar b. dh
4 , 41 Imo lota, mil sold at • pod rat PKAOCLI, dtapt•ed
to parphaftwal apply to 11/40Z 1,1 t%
Kentucky Mutual ' e : .ceCompany
_ GUAR-1151'Y `B'U\ :. UN , '
n (o,(tpo. \
- •
iIIS COMPANY [dens ,t` a oared an
T the security itrilhadysata•ea o tli Nutuil.dJoutt
t k /law. (do her.doeste *MAW) h ;1 ,;, na1u011.. Low
rs. of pretalu. Ipanpal, mturn lu vJa ET ;be par
eentage required for tho coating.. hicv , the .1. oar. , .
.6„,,,,,jur, but .1. ex, s4relprorisiou fdt thi l futurk noed
ritylod member. for th ...fork... of li k.
ble.dnle tt ot in th e aro toldins food t..• tttd ...rue.
metilbers, payable at d•ii‘h i ~Vrt‘lito ts .. f , tkistr potri l
!tb=ri'T 11 0 ta l btiVeiird `Pie)l4Vl n l., ,r,... t ' ia r litWf
tkoiso fur th• whole term. difb. • \
Lend. le I only htultl4t UP L.. s ll 5 .11 .,, 041
whose r•te• of Ore.., •eltAl al • fair red own
ant with •
to an
staid increldio Id..
latlim of hr.. for future ettutlty.l max..
to to
tb• ...aunt of tweets and , VaLeitt s ,cr,Mug nst .
, :i.
" f ".: afp 4 lr ' s, '" U a l ' ritiie7Al . l4all th e pl 4
Nor Pf Me Cocopta,. furulkhodyhmk knd smolt / . 1*•
for Itteundo• recolitol by
20 WoollPittsr:rs ~!
.s.mett, ...tin, \ kat.? Ea/wail:rte. 'A • •
irziar thq ,
NT '4.1,1i 6061",1120,
` At Nos. 62 , 64 Are:Act Vent, \F . 1.441.24.
.A. MASk: AVO. are no* s iik \ dliily re-
of cep C oda kuauy of which 61a1.1u mt.
~,,,, ax,.....,.1,-for tuNlr ealts.to6.6bor erne, on
lars ta rg Ili. 141=4:7}, t. ,' t la " ' : , t1..,A . 4; '.""al
be Icept up during the n.lortoluga . LE:y.,lebtb, , to e
earEeEY....o.lllty. and lovt Eiceaahae weer brok . .lEr.illo6
10 this city. The otteutloo. of eMolasale and Matt EMI..
ebneers Is mepecEfuLlx A. \ IlCy .
, A r ki: SUND:RIE'.
(tumor Mod A giirta. %.
.% c at, h Ors..qt./Jll tee.. h hos, Coco. t.Cbceiel ' •
130 c bxa. • ' \SN 76.116aforted Plotl.6l'•
1 .
01 b as . ..EAttoo,Tolo. t - 71...Meaux cod 1-,,,
IS .gm. 3111161.1 6 Goliell.4 l , •47 2 - 6 - uum
, Flue CUE non.,, N, 10 i.:681111.11.roluEld
' _op. Hasa. ltarg., lot6olol
I.Uto. Cont. and /. brOulsh., \ I to 'erlm... •.. , 1
t..l lags hio Coa• : ~ I to ,por.u.f.taroh: ,
..A IV t';:t '''''''i I \,::''' b !'"'"'" '''
~ ...., •Es it ,
.. 1.6,K1 metloe . ' , 6 w
) :: n r e , .. 1 4' ) (,, ,•,, .2. esle , ?.. , 1 4. ~, ,.4,
NALI4 1 lik. 4.,1 7" liet t rd. f.
'2 1Z: 'irpu4:V . ,r;.i,,,,;l' 9 " tpm\fiqr,`,.. b,
.. a .. . _
N,,rz b 4 Tr7NIALIL R , 4:1•,.
. ...
p. , NG IN E HOSE-41.10' , feet
India Rubber Ibr., br'o4 out
_AV O . 4 PMr.u. %Se •uvl. Lb, ' Lo.
I .ll'2 l ' Z44TP%l . ur% " l= 9. :P•t,t ,
•u at eat. .‘ . ! o rr'tbay du net 14 uut t
the ruGuer nlll retund.llv el., Ika rt
1,01,211 7 ilau
1 OdolMsll . P.5—..4 u ' 4 ic•c•d
ll i btl . :lV.`l, .1"„ f t" , ..tlt=
atual Amu:n*l , r •1•1 ;
11 AMS-.-61.10 5
p‘..; \ LI -1 17:1, 11R8Cd;
\IU LuhreeNspocar Lti rtd:
cuts 11. n: fa 4tot.
EAD-1‘1 , ig.24e4;. , ',, \v•.,
pito.\lLEx, ciArcit)..,S,TRILOP.I.4
ht1„.13.°51‘1,/4.1 V.Z... , 11.:•1....—Troutr i
r.... 0) /` 6
,t,f,,„"T,Atf . u . ..aN1...s nes4l.l th. Tt%
L '''' 7,., ....: Ire. 1..• . *it ro.R,r arm a incosit...
,____ N ...y, 5a .v a.,. ; ‘,.. .m 4.4, \lz .4mo/rely ...MbY
CrgriAit.--titili l li4 \\ l Ct o . for sale 4 \ , t u ;;; Sr .1.41 , 4.4',11. , ~=,;.1...11 2 Z 7 . 0,...r.- , i
),,, ..1.10,4 \ _ \
~ ~9..VL IS ()KIM r,V) , __ . Ary 4 ,, ° 19tH ~,,L- 1 1. not , „ „L.', j u , '..
li R 14;.-1 - 5 - ijdot.k rn;sF sale Ily‘. \— , itun're=gn4 'trri!rr.'d4lt.:WZrol;
„ ' %.\ \,' ''' '` ._ ‘t '"" , ' , ` \l -\:- ' : VI ta rt win d q" . ..'" t.. 4, ‘."
S UGAR -45 Eißda N. chi R X , ••.•+- •,-,. %.,••••‘•-----••-\--.•••• •. • .. , ,,, , , , , , t4t, bra c t ..1.:1:4%. , ... ,1 ,=1 , , , t;..1t, dr,ornegzazt
be \ Ika a a .aatitta ,\ ~ T.I, R`.T t, qii.i.., Al4,4rn . b and , v,,,, , ,t i:x„r f..7afz, ,,, li s
ten 6,;Y " v -- 1
Aar Ida by!.. . . ..' 1L , 1i... t 411•11. WMA.I.I. \ N .%, beim ve La..—...tak, A. , ..-, iha... )tan .__,.., , , \ z. is 4,4,7 wwg
633y14 , av LI i iltre.t, 1Z .. ‘{ Pl. .. \ a.S"..'l 4 \ , \
• , \ \ \ \ \ \ , t, \'t \
1, T \,, 4 \ \ . ....„ i t,
~ \\\,,,. 'l\ ,•,,, .. \ , -
\ :V ," 1 . a t , \I. " - \.t.:i i \\.\ R••,,, - .'....• , - A‘ —4 T.. , : , •• ' - \• _ -,"+---•,
\ '1
s _
\ \ mrscE .tt.rEouk' _
\ \. , Wilkitili Rap. ~ - , ,5.
Male , and‘ Female Rngla cod \Plaarek-al .* 4,, P l '
JAMES RESTON, 42\11:', Pin:cll....L. SL', ,
Fr 111 4NSTItt,TION 1411 be'cpen 'for thii,
',....i. re‘ , Plior , Vrila trash. ataft,tonlal on SloasAr,
,t . l,r.war n, S. 11.. , -
le' L`
of srtstsucti,rerprl.,.. all
' t ! “ , ... ' lllte ", tratl74;ili! ' lo% . 4:7 it ' ,A7,re,,,`"ll' '' ,. ~
or ti... Ilse ...+,‘ ~. ~,,,..led •Iti...l,‘e . xll„.rr ‘ e and
.I,Lible Ploh .41... - al. Chetii!.., nos .\ Ar,
I.=, t'Zi::ti`:g',`,,'""" ,, "ur,cak....W
Ivil3ci l e.2 T .r2 lay?t 1, 1„ta,1V,11,:16.-:1/4l'i‘s,A.F,
. Rov.'cia's 'l"coneNtlixtur_\ \ ` , .„
\,,,.„,,,r4 e,",,:,,,,,,.',2:'4.3.,•-,,,/ li. l ,.teri• . .11yo
7111: ONE a univi,T.lll; ~ A 1,0,1i,i,e , e l u i,
Jr (~r }1,5 . 3,1t aNI , LAO c i te. fl.te i4.1.. , N.,u a l rA
a •• for 51..\1 31E1, flo‘ll . l-.0 ,, '
, Stuns nk
Thtar Fatoll, Mao
~•,...,....I.dr win,
, . - ~
Ijf‘ 15 Otiaree. Braddock'
~ 's 1 V . Allegheny ,
' 2, , 'N , l.lblo .1 ,
'',.‘.," '''
'''l .- "` --
.!;.-,--- • 5
'be Oopper Stnek. ' Jim:l.l4 of•
.1131. A. !I'LL a CO., \ \
.-trek alud .P.xchantte Ilrokera, •
4140 rs of "llict Li... 0 Saw Mill
-mot 4 :-..rdartv•" sr.. derer , r. nollded tbas an
,g 14,..16 B9l,tarsi.r ...r.i"""'thi''''''kr ft... 4/I.llsyl' f ..1..,t0t..,
air order f 4 that mint ore.
..) \ ,
a u,,,d 1 wtd...3. \
AL NX 1.1
. .4 ltj,llla.7rnue„ ._.
StonetlTaieAitot)s,. Or Wens and Cisterns.
rill I E SiIIISCRIIiER, informs , che pulliii
Ai u.sTtisE
, A,,l!"l,N7lz l ,;ntn=l*Alttigin,V.:rf,"Y, 11 . CI? J.
, it, 1. nf Nliddlroar7. Nl.lminfl, musty. 0.„ which bays,
e.i.n aurt. ta,! ox....l.Nap•tien, wbererer ”knd• •1. 1, 1 ,
4.. 1 .15a1... , a .4 .... tuna. i.r,. am, th er J, ...July,
.. , lrke.l. et.l,Pan ur nerer.g, 4,st h ‘ f `repair. keen a/..get
p: \ r.w...t .1 c... 1, ar4 ea.\ seclurable MA"grfaltr
..*, rh, an, al. eliosp.ATh4 ala be ...eta st J. 8.,
1 u,/ O, \ LI'F, warettouss, ^ll,, First rte-t, or at Ira., klar.
arr,op lAbirty strset, below et- lair. Orders., left.
at th 4., 1..1..s will tor prompt.l,lllled y the azab.crdwr.
nose \ I Var.. Plpc—illnalltaCtorr,l tO the \name plam sPAI
.....1 tuly.,t, , rj., i' . :t . W . iiti , L. ll , - I rot:. :litig. , : . or,
,ri. hy
bu ti t t . ,;...
;;V:h:t aiii..`,11...-lt kwi n r";.,•' t.r,,,,,'''''.7,f 1:1 1 4 ow.
~,..11\wtr.,. Jell!, LAiliceit.
. ,
\ Notiet , to Contractors. \
c. , LA LEV PROPOS44S for the RaAilv . :ition
io atal tiraitsuF nt •the track .4' .- The I.itfie haw 1111) Bun
Hall road..' a illkla. rec,sl , d .1 1., Ille l're.aideht of the Om:,
Van T. osta llt.' , Ath al t'eptetalk.r - cles.L Naos !Ad stke
roirati.....,E, 1,..‘,..” after tho bib u( Stptetriber. IJS tall.
•upou the Preahlsat, or Oeorx , ki>rar,lo.4;i i nevr Jr the
\l_,..patly. at the 1N.0...14 .11attltew%31eletzefh. pellsrliors
tpwa.illlp \ ,
.17 ordrr ‘.l the hard untilOh of "The. C 411.16 Saw
MV \
: ,' . u i;;: ', ' ,l l ‘ l ‘ .:• ' ; ' .l:i l C'.1 , " . "'".. IV X. ESPY. Preni•l‘ant.. \
- NE* . MUSIC. -
viy E rtriliehltd in Ameitrit Mountain Dal., br Lab yt
K., happy ere I lege...d 'out In deetuna oe In. o (Nu I
tpo Wove, with. vignett, Vat Mew.; Or alwat to ttly ,
with Th.riutte: lily; looter. The. Perenadeg he
Sr bn t..[ JOdY MrLeieS•
come. won. her 11w Helen 5 nee> art. 11.1.1nw. aurae..
I lore 3 hey. due The NV/1.1,01g Moh.l.t,
Nell/ 1 .4 t. Ereontit ben ere
I Wel i.drawitlegnsat..lnette; .pt
the Inn. Itio. hee, Colunat..4o Ith liken..
1.11 ;wile of the l Illagtz Vulw Benham: lA,
Fwko ,
rne Wnlte; A thong
• at, —4u...lqt:rota, •t,.
Pent Tachlaur—, trart,r
A II)MM EliC A L COLLEGE, corner 3la
' toi si\l 1 lorg etreet,.
. .
II K. I rl 4./4 . 1.1/X, l'nnclp..t. andA l'rofensca of thc,s4n-
Jona ELL..No. A.,..c‘t. in 110, l'ccirlng berartthent,
,al Lector,- ..ct \ , lcrr,uhlo ~ r ichrt. , ,
.., .1 Al. Nutt IP:. octroctcr..l3len . antjiceompplationai
.i. Cooi ,u. Prof.. rcl Pcomenanchin. ,
A 01. 01.75.,.. Ern.. Lcctorer c.O Co=to . arclal taw. • ,
1\11.,v0c... I npuncter in Comulereaal L.
.h.Ol Rtha. Prof.manr of liathcolaths..(eUght ovecion.)
II 11 , r. , 01.. Prnferaot of Nicchanksl Drawing.
1.0,1 ct.tztutlon has leen rverntly Icoprovecland aolarg
.o, . 0 ,1,0., crunlo . , eight Profec.cri ala f towberw, hoe
lour ecaci.n. nccet, mnvauleutly arrat.g.4 .04 el.gintly
1„.a.. 0 4 .c, ..c. o ,ar n Lthrary ea:bracing all the
'tinoljokl'wcf ks oryln 11.. Apbjecq cr C.llllliertial,La..
o. Mergiwitic Conpa, aro/au", er..ry varolty of If s. ana
on that , a'a ecccibi L v occur In Lwow,.
In .14ihou to [egoDar 1..-tnre n Cuntanrcial LWw, bY
,i, Kam), t.. IL ninwe. /...91, ui,. ILezzawr of the Vitt,
burgh Dar. hi, hewn give inFailCtiOnl , (147. a
wrica ai ep.w.i. s awl .waanumil.u..) upcn all points cum,'
nr.1.1 with th ry itoporantColdect The.. deaircua;
01.1,1.q.c.a . t o r ` :antile Uclucaition, orb awsuiwl wadi
is wo I welt au In this eocuoo of the country ems,
...,ne equni tcli.. .. in quallfpng young man for lb.
Tenou, nurNolte of 1r...
Gomm unication. i1ur.,:0n.1.10 U. K. CILDIKERLIN will
y.... 0.• er. - o,pa. xttcnth n. • 1 atpl3:wE
- . ._
CCORDEONS--...A eplendid and varied
i2;r Oh. nog br'l l, l l ,
bt.l lt A *ebb, 1. 4. It and ti
rr.l.--rr, nod o( theebtrt rerr cheer,. .1 art
bite Itlyl rbtAciret, ,, k e . rnner.
Verl fa. /Si s al onr.l, , nrl new of teer 7
71 / 1 14/..*."±rbcr• en:;:11 , 11: 41;11, 1, GUitar t tRi
Coronet, .1"11, lluglre.• l 3l , nt , bncv. Trrtro ben, end
rerrrt 11
bra, loetrprnenc.. Nlerl..l'W tr.l br the
r le re- ,'
\ , ti Itmrument• ere leArran ' t , clto .' ne'rer.
r .l
eet, ).vrr err,. r.rport—lf roitn , l the ure
er,,,11 tettitD.A K LERLh, Tlprd
1 114' • THE (I ,, Lr, /IAItP.
4. 1 .111 i.: P 0 YPii.l.'"A DOCK \ ROOT-12
v " 1 . 11 ‘ - ' 11- ' 1 1 / 1 1b 11, 7 1 A.. 0, , , 1 1 n, eon fee
r.7.12 . g7 b 4 :l 4 ,lo l liltriti3l77
r.O . 1 . tvro.,r of wr..l ete
,8.. .W10....k.ici2S XER.NIIFUGE ',,—., 5 o
' Tra.mohr.--)1r. Jcina \ - 7 11f:wean:m,. kl Wt.;
~ t'ark mAr.t.y. i•-• 1/711, •• fulloys o littril t Gaz ,
ay. 1.61/ all. tne V.rtnilut "rou tet,,, m.....,, ~ , la b a:
! P l l l. t rl ' vt '. .; 2 . :1.:h:.••=1.:'=•474.
.11 ott,r vtrAtc46.e;.; a tra, a a , ea: p.a. 1,...
Dr. NleLanu't Verknp.,.." Fort..l. by t \
' , j '' ,X4 D 4 ' . ' C ' : 2 z1=.... , . \
t. !
da,l 0
.. , P:
SUN KILZS-- "' \
30 14A. 6 sreee e4 .6 .. r.
t„ rwb
51 ttvltor 8.1
- .IOfIN wArr S 00.
Firel344l kining 6,mpaii\ fi .
. 8 T ‘ O , C . K . n 9%
, It S .
.i. ::rz ,... 'ker....2 , , 1e ot r e d
,t . O
thP .tock Irt et - .. 1 C., ,' 4 , .u.r. cal ,vi. Lt'-ore 1:01 6.4.
tern MI. 1,:11. ma, 1,:,.1 \Am vf Iletca. Ysamti, Hanna& Co..
Wuni Strnel. {l{4 L balih ' J. He ,, ` ,-, :: \
Pr ,liraunrat—itie take pleas
yellow Pock and Bathers/11a gi
non cat',
\I very I. , ...pactable 'reutilize=
da...\#, - -kiter wag troubled with ditto
Later dives.* readier to her Ica
regolltr mane:rue/ dticlutrue for r
e nf der. Ouracte• Yellow Dock
ruiloalfx cured.' She ad Troth., —ottaernedtbsi a. s •
deretving , the slightert benefit. lie bad our, dsughtsr
Crest the yem a cause. I.E. TRIPP an t :\ \\ \ ‘
Ituntakinon. Orinoco rowdy, litsy;l ,\ \
..F •
.',. r ,. ..4„d —Door Eli. 1 purchased, a short lama ,
„7 .„:
1 en a idol. of your Tearer Dock and Parsaptrilla fur myvt: • . \ '
I witch rbs h used fo r her Oomplaint, Erysipelas • \ \ '
Real:rola, Falling of the Womb, de. and It has areal s \'• '„
1 belre.l Ler very aueb. Of the Paysirslas it barrusarli)
i effvcted a cure_ 1 have luat ratuted • seemed bottle. A \
0.1 raignig boo the e ff ect of the t\ - mer. fetl•conlidelat • i
11\st , tt. will effort a rerfay.. ll cure. , . .
'‘\ '‘'
ours,,.very re. -,-, li. 00.111110.
\ \
l l
; \ ' `, fi s .,\ ;\ ; \ \''
1 /I.u'our btuoldtuff S e'd • ktrus.l2-.eurntof /deer 0 :7 1 / 1 1 th .
t rairdattou of the Rata, Turin. , of tiani L . o nz of
l are o 1 the braiturise. and a tanbuses of
Out bearer 'sundered, solely by tiumatit v. Dock
end :Mamba:llla: •
~.. 5,4... •
t.. .. , i i z) ,
,180 2
\ ,), • .
);\‘. , 7
I hattry to luta= rod. d4f. three' kt
1..023 of G h iaTtli ' 's — Tallow Rock and Hirsayeriffn. t s ibled , i
1 ateLf you. et be f ert tr uthans.varai t s:A. blitr (. Of
hg ,
1 i7• l •; ' oa* i ttr n f I;u '. * ***
\ \ ' r's
••\ q; 3 ,
\ wLt. 1 comae oed utunnthrOTelioir ritiimideivriki - ' . i \ , ,, 1 i:as truly a a rucdt !Pablo arricittersi I en, /Ire:, \
ly afflicted rich 1 ketation of,Lba Iffeurt, sad bdtb LOA • i •
mast othruClatiag rains to the\ bath, sad slip. Ivens . v.,,,,....,,,.c; \ f
much troubled with mica lu'lleeL•sd,..xlasussof Lb*: \
autrotaues, and iamb ess of mit a and legs , sad dal, \ i )
~),Teart bare /waken-, tire. Iha 611017 7 0441.0 % \.,. _ 1 ,
111 7,2:f,l°,7‘7l'it:gb. l ° °"',..„ -I ,°n',.'',, , ,t,s,','"'"u"', rt ..
W. .':,- -. .i . ., .1
. 7 . t\
I'bias e alet\trioi agreat • trot fartii?thedtelaseueritlt •.. 1. . 1
Illite . .O no \ suceesr, Hut t\ i fi l zst treitntliat I took the \ \
Yo?ov. Lock \sal a4ssrisql My 117:1,1);.1.!$0,4 1.P.^ 4 . \ '..
1 .ail kotrn„ued to do /I \ o until Of ray ithantattag thee , • 1
I•leintrvera entirely removed. y bark tlt t, a, , ter Muni \ •'1
and frecfroak pain, My 41:511 art kg, AZ. I 4 , 4 WWI , `, i ,
fro ..eosture coda .7 ..irr.mti`. ..... '4 .ii r• iai i• • •
ay bouvls•areXeculs.r.....a.t feel ail reererthp dateil• . •
y ,,,;„.
ly a renovated ma \. I hark dirth-lzs rare./ PIN , ' • • i,
that irere sick anti unable toinity irth•rerf valltalli R.. ' '' - 1 •
Wattle, the Tilton. Rork and \Unearth, aril Idt,..
\luith greatly in 04 alp tail harrthelt, ' I
airautude. Tours truly, .11,12.C11.51.EP.1111.1ff* \ „
I,Notte genuthe unit. rut UP ln Lonvinatilen entre ', ' • 1 ' d.
hvinuth • 00.4 urid \toot?. of 'Xi* ar r. / 0,14 k . . " A i! , •', . • •'• . I. I. \
'44 tae
. **l'*4
Cr J 11. pl.* Candanath tholl. nor roe= \
f le. rte sal lialuu , t o f , 7l . l. l, . , :entrearvi„2 , \ ft IT alai:mon \
. 0 \ 0. 4 . 1 '. 1\ *l a l * C rd o.. *o lt o .l. " Setae/hack a 0n:d....L • ' L.. '\ , . \
k, th. A.....
--°, v. ,sy.V.,„ Ili t.burtglat Leo Aber/ham, alleglautdr Olt* . `, • '
diuw, • 1. La t yll. Wheltunguird• LAIL Bowia,\ lildhatoun. /I. \ i' • • •
e/OOPIL • r:\..ty, or 'arliura 0. licats.bro,maroot: Reoce# (hams. ",.\ - ~ A -
, - "',..i1ru... 11 .lera. lid, ia Sun. ilutattualou/dlrctirr. Itoaldarstitirg ' i • ,
tole ot ti db. 0,1 ouirthit Cu. \. /Mien* . 1 , It\ Wright. \RitithaL4l \ •,',
•v /p' ... `L ‘- '` . ` t i i L . .\ss\ s co. ,11..05.i.1.. A. W il son \ 4 nos. $ Nik..v.ix.
5.i'_4..,4-1i,....-1 4 ,,, . o l t :, Catlende& - . bleadrUla 0.1 t.....• co \ ••
~..--,-Open lug' I this 2....,... [W . , rlt,, ileroe . ri . , Jar,. Reit, ergo. List- $, . '''''
r). \ : , ....! , 0. I r a Prlnta. b ,e r-, , ,, r•g: \th ,L, 11 , , ,,,,, • • •.1.1 1 .0 „ . , bo •
lt yern. u earn. rL.4 CI • t, , t ‘
‘ XIURP ' - ' "CUFIEI. \• .-. e.Pltre.---sl•ver Butit . 4 - flr
Burs.. J .,,Nsa. . \ \\ ,• .
, _ s\ ~ • , 3
. ,-,
ed Lie
i ' s Lutie..Le. ' .... \ • \
i ll:11e. :NE. i \ ti...LL - i.e tuteLeir ut !xial) L
am , \ i
.Lik bto.ul4 l e r lcd...sit itm. pc,, , 4. uf wt.') Lam- \ I
t y lberdaua. I,t.apir.o La, art . .1.1,a/4 eats" .1 ) \
n0 tt ,(1.,•10.4.......L0 tla- r od,,Li acr..w.L‘ aiw d... uut err \ .
et or a. t , el. ~ , 1 , ..... ..., 2 .' 0 0 N• ti tv - 0 -1. v . I \ \
u.Lie in tbek, .p.I a tea r a ...11 , tiro Irtl. C ...1 At 31.411.- . . \
arlAtUtt:;4lll:74 J. b :4n, t:,l . 1 1:::;. l'',' ttt P U'. 'v s. ' \
I,jp, Athta l‘euteel a ivaut o ion .. , 1 \ .... .:
, : \ \
oearfully , setnuln .r. i .t to out a. en.u..r... l. o u et. • •
\ EA\VIVS.S -- Eire ', / 1 1 / 1.1 . i /./i . f. t,
et, ertellent ia.. \r• • r etiff-ei. t ‘.„ . d:te A' \ ,
ore. at ' \\/. L01u...1 ... 1 . u.11,--oli Lit' \ i , t ,„, t ,,,,. 7 ., 0 ,„
\EW 114...NA . FT:b AND 111 - INON.S.- A, 41 \lt . -,. ~.
le2, l .274tlN4k;n ° ...t:b ' ic:. ` sii `„, t;::\ \ ..: ~'X ':. - .
- .. -- ") ---\ iF - -1.3. 7 .1 - 1,171111 ;7 C- - = -74 " --- . 4.; : ;:, - ; --- \ ,, .
a. \ kt\i'-''''''\ l ' : 1: \ :Al' . lt
.1,C .. ... /I ', : 1 ; „ N E , A t e r[ atedber 11. ' 1. uf thoerivery eh. '-' a S p 1:14,11e4,1,0. ''''
\\\ ' s
''.. Ar ' ' ' . \ - , r,,,,
r...,,,., ~.. • ~1t. , .. Slarkrt at. , `•14.7 i , Prft ..te , b 3 .. \
YV tyt... I.) Ll, lA * Afi, ',oLLAItS, of nitix - 'and , -
L le) \
J -‘, ttt „'t s ,k''''' • j'''''"4 • , vi' • di a EL' ittlltel 1' ,
L A, s i L y \
:—1 , \
, , ,
, -------,--
I ttce
S HEREBY 4.11 - I'N' AB.,t'ssxcetl‘
a 1,11.4.1t.r5,...5. ;LI!, . nl, b , .....t s lw u vied n.l4lthw wz: \ I
Ig'::. ' , ' ... =l,lf. '!',* i ' t; ' w r ?Alf l'Z' l intlf= - "ri7t1.. 1 . 1
‘l\ ''C ! h.
" ' " )I°T"'. "'
T.. I ^ WlV l' rc r to! L ta "
I?al3.. ri W. 3Lzaww.Co.c.t Le;,` . Vittatnwtsit,t , .. r.t , ' bl.
s Drug Store for kale. ~ \
A 4.).4t.:(3 sToRg, Fixruhg.s, ANDiI
...- 3 , •L'lt.V.l( O M
F EDICI,SE.,. mw nt , wt.nite.l6,2,- '
tn. fop,t 4 Iwohnwlw stwl rtnatl GIIJILC,Re.V.I ban •A I
.wcwilcd, tun wt elle.= . the rrwwwuwttran, There
Is trowuk wd• with tlw wetwluwboawnt berkal witeutiew II ,
r-Phla , ,1i , ... Wkll4l Vg Ith th, other tinny,. reuttorw .
IL • pron, pia invrntwyrut 4.. Y., ono ‘1..1.14 ot epg.gipg
In tt. !,W . lnwrtmul.s nitre:. Rvx 4 . .n...taA0..0.....,
~,,, , . ,
- Notace„\
A LL PERSONS knowing thenioli-f5 in
debt,d t,u4e, tor Thy Goods. nri, roquestnECto&ll and
K y le. on or twin! , the, lel ds, ot atc , . that
n,, ts. Ow, In and. ttlulre
2,.11,ti0n .:517 LibeTZ, nt.
1 .5 4E., , ER-11 AND \ EXTZNSINT . ,,TI. - 6144B.TMENY OF:,
Walt Paper and Borders, for \ the ales: ,
tIST RECEITLP, :it the 61(1 4tablished ]
VP, .;411/i. ~,, Stark. etrect. frvam mcv•Z\vt [6 cobvbruted I
011, :\
l iint 11 y.
tlait GvNrbA
l a .l S.:•l t).k.w ;;l ,ov.."t l‘ k. nio . b.IY t.
I.4. l p6 r thTa OP e 14,4 Vb curt 11.,tmle
‘. New Mreae. \ ... . ' • \
10N112, IL •MELLOR, ,NI,. 81:,Wacai , etteet,
Ili b f• S M•dkkt the fc.lim gr,,rsnvivuaa j,pubvr NvvAl, of
V o ir, ~0 , ,,, , .v 0. F,ter. iSincb from`.{uas. do 1...14.
OW Le, v. carrnroc 'lnn—do.; InrruMr.. \ \
to ' .;li ‘ ;:b N, ' tV ' StAjr . tUl.37 l :flvkk tVt\s i '1
Vv. v-,,w ma. mt; V Wor/.1 . 4 Isar Qu( et% \
1 .1 . .'' c . "'.„.\,.."'. , i.b...r.l,'Fq,`'C 1
kT . i . i; ‘ ,'.. ) ...i - l th . p, ,A.,Air.,L:f t il'a::-.l. l tT t t:'r . ,
k 1 .,,,, it\ d„....,,,..N . ,, i.. „,,, i tz _ 1ux ... „ ,, u 5:.:. : 1 , 1 4 b,...y.,..
r ttl2,7i3,<eini, 9 l ~' i ' At.;Vrl. 4 ar] 'Silver Orll Irt:/ ' is.": .\ \
Lay N. cy'a,.litv,aver. Obaruts, Fly,. Fly ` Jeuvy,
OrsLY,`,byr 4E, CA.l. v ,.\ ugqvrt. Cuiuutte., .vt v eva. , \
P 0144,
...4 7
1 NP rki,l
tat 11.1): s BU'
- '
,i. 1211. Fit. LI) to,
tha: nl,of NLW FALL IiCKVS.I
tlutircustom.. 0.1
ill ~.
wqrraz., -
B UST RE e. 4 N k ;e1 3 2, ,, trot
.-. Oil ‘,..,.,.,' '''''',,i,CV,'[..! ' ii . . •
j'"'"" Venl.r, ri..l . • ,
44.'"' ''''t as Icy
\rect!..;" ,*_ b„ will ma. , V1, 4 ,''1,. 0 .,1 ..t, u.r,6„
1 z i k.. , •°° , --hV `f:xt,.- 0.-i .- t i ',,..u..6.
i,*.J -4,4 P -b, "e.trirt.A. 1, ,-, i= , q , ..d.
L` ,,—, ~0,,----;1.-7,4-,7s17.
f ., $' 1111 - .. s CII ',4• - fate ' ~,t of - 0 i,,.,-
N‘ % '''' e 0 t '" r' l ''..4 l.t.xle. at c411(,,r,....
4. }r: '`le
~ ..udN 4. 1 D" ' f C r '' u 'ui Eiad.-1- . ..r) , b
WWI. (4 -«*I!, fi.r U. r 0
1 '\‘' Ilk Clali'l4/:%1: a 11t e)c.b..ia:' aUyott-
UIIrI, 02102 N. p but r 1 p.m..
' .o % \ ' 'ME'
n " z"L \ L . • " '..±. } . L 4 . ./.: it'i l 'ir..7: l 'grt. 1r4.:...` ",„-T. - .: if:,".
ri..60.1 .et . , ~- . ..l:tio•cr'U:tl. Itrutr. part at 9161, ..,...rn, 1. 3 Prsittr
41,, \ , • •, \ az,.rrirl.trit. eit .. tts...l Meru: 5.1,1 Itut.4 tPlit . ri... r......
.: cur.r.p.
I N , eirrtpaust*rlt , / , ` 40 ‘ 1 It' "V .
N 4 r.r.r, \ P. '''
to a-a- s, cat, I N, Mat 1.1... lb r..r... t. a t.r. I. k altar...lP .
L' m f ,,, ~,,,,,r ' , „ k. ., , ..,
i a.. t . .ra
L'\'' . tb' 4 2 ENX bri, . L
t ' irtill.. " .j. lc " : tc.. ' rirl , vt.r I.t?ar *114:
N. NO - ‘ , a lo 'l, v \
6 \ ...
17..11tr L .. t.l ru.. i co. \ ~) ..ii„A,..r, rectrurig tt.... `r o " .." 0 " ""'°°, 4 ,' ",
SAS. ft.,0 3 ,- ' \ \ ,V: l ,t` i ffA ' , ' ..1. ,111 t it., '.:
:.., I.itirl.4 , o..>:3 . ater r!.._ V I. F I. r ‘ szf o nt,= 4,, tr , f , a.t , rt . , l 4 = o ;:ittr ,
1 \ 1...
350 5.14 \rittio, for ;\ A ir " 0.../t.....:4.... 00. ' 0,0.0 . ••Pili
.1 AN1 , 43) 12t..LL
, • --
— 42.9 LAbralz.,,ugA
:. •
i \
. \ roe mt, Cu b a hr •
ASTW24, CONBI33II . TION \ . , - '•
A r N offering to inn cothmnnity . tarti justlr_
it, celebrated remedy to Ocean i a& the 'Mama Ucel inner.
it Le nut our with to Cafe \ with the 1t,.. Zeitimltlt\ YY the
nO4 , ted. but frankly to 4k Wore them the,. Odutibtl , Of
i diatingluchea man and motet & the etlaccutta, of sta\ane ,
\ eeea kono which the, can 1.40 for therowelfel. We iikin
- \ IwrtAY OW. onr , firee ti, stuff nowt& anaenkris or 1110,,
1 etateme:iu of ita elltUey. nor wHicre hationt any. bap. tat ,
etitrering \omartity ethfch tacti k i not warrant, \ ',
‘ILMIY ~ K., , , are Le : ii given, il we mite& an InTairr \;\ .'
(yr...lh. yo to inta.all`we pubilth, feeling aurae] they
n 11. , dlr.4 , ffrf. , 4f *llll.bift.......diolnn•lfeitt7 \
their best contidmco au,l Petro:Laze.
iFrom the dietthenialuel Freiressor . of Chumatey anttlthe,
t terlachlutiott. Bowdon COLlgimi \ - \
\ ',DMA Si*: I delykyyd award. the reejt . , of ear yr. \
harattan, tit I had an oppurhoitY or . .of . \
I c..., Int family,. in the tamille• MY
hot I has mmr dOtto With a hishalrettiSlMOSMOtion.
ka "e• both f adultra. children.
t \
L I ave rott g..lninittentn.4.4ll,„.l!"'•
7 , colds,
\ niths, l„b a k t . M t.A alitko c tri s„,,s,:,
1:Z.... 1c : 4 )v ''
l '
let . tiat Hamilton )ilibt \ •I" '
'l,7,"U:C\r r i4 76t7RFit 7rbVl''EZlLl
0tthAa,. ,,,,,1,t
10. ,. ?4i 0i=,,1 ,
‘ , ,
4',Y. Y mvkltiA,fialloithAscalmio\ Vat
triai nth, ',gloat ILO beenm . .lff
feet of \ the Albano,. wan ofeniatake• ly
11, ;.‘l,t /t"4,thg-1tt:t...•,6024,.
.t,,,,,,., g ,h r0 pr...n, and al I, ma, yyMym.
,YA. t , ‘ ~ C .V. than a .1.. I odd 14.
Mgt. to 'tout reub my tut , . unUl ftontatmam,
a . of youft Chart . Y./tua,. W, gamble psdna. • ... , •
lir. And I lam. baikommilly ethue
,, la 11 UV , Moored: OA: 7 =VA tw Eir ' . \
,licloo, I Mal the ennlioadone eating with ,I. MY 211YYM \ \
\ b V . 1ma .. , 6, 114 trca.ltlimi o . petoc , l 2l.D , i . stlict, , who bd . \ \:„, ,
tti n t r „ i :7:::, " .l u! 17 '. Pk'un" al .l7V.4ll 4_ - \ '...,
\ . 11'. i 4 L7kOMr tglib Alfas.: ' \\.•
\, '..,
file following was . o • \roma ktceues, wh /pi' ‘`` ',.
Phletaciata la& lam tbo . tiebe le \ *able coninip- I.
Uoti -, \
et PlAtte ". it,\
. —,IS t '
~ ..
J. F.. Avea—bir, 1 vat tat with • terrible conithi ' '
I,yought nu by • rola, In the bee,t he of hut' February,
woo tIo - nbuta to my bed
. 1 . , , ,4 thantero InMotheAA.
Omuta. bweettaaraly oiebt t;i4b..1.41=1:0
:et P tto : re7 Vee:17 " :4,n 1 ,%11 ' y pitaVirliet 41. \
tutsena bra, that but Aill-le ope 4 my, preaveryt coal ,--
be entertaldeO While in that altuatloh,afriend Keane, A .
(aloft:kr, Joh. UAW, of the llethodietilanrb,btaeght `:,
We a bottle ot,your Cherry Actobal, **IF I trieibinunt • ::.
;refit= ggc= " 4 ,7 l% V retit . tiVtV i ia:ft :
I; soon 1414.1 mylwlalth
.tunised. , ,
months lam well n and Orme, •, stiributs our
„t= a 7ttt\itrearn , lirtoe. wt I ft
sk f mittared and nold\b‘JahiliS CalLifitt, pIC
UI' AMTA M "'- . , -1...-t- _._..,11 ; .: , . _ L :. •
al, winter. 40 to proper" ' , e eyste'rit 1...
erglrestl , l4 rerOit now to Dr. 1.1)11(2We:1;4U,
Ikek ant FottearrilLe. which nrowthes , tptH)
' tot
ninny of the nnort mallamazirarni Uzi
to ‘ and the, will niyer be Ibsen . tett: Ll* i
di the pubili (anti . .t.o ‘ te nerer waviWtt—nlrei,, ,
for ft le few:tied nu er..iwrionte.jueOnt their %Omit et, Oath
In - Ober end greet:us iisFarm,6llla LAtilidedeli'
Tp, t, (T.= val.ral tt,ostx3l4Fas to .Ik:tope
kor fl,m, tbispao,fg relLVN4.ll7nutsu dee'
btrhen do** to health iliq ernite, bowv.
bloaralf end othete. let no'nne downs. of,'
the patient only unteretani.. ‘ tbanhis hr lira alone fn tinpo'tiht Ehter
\ ys
and hersajettille. eon rersusete hitth
',. it. =4 we hare no hesllatiein Jr
i torwtion to health. ' o
; ; ;
.. \.... ' . _. ..