• 1 , - - , - • : -,=-•- : -,...-- , , •‘. , ' ,--.'1,-05 -, -'1 I:: : - ter" , : . = - - - - ---r- - ----- - -,---, - - - • T ED At r x am iz lictuois Caaa.- 7 7he ease of , the Cieuruoutrealth vs: the President Ste., of the • Old,Alleghenj Bridge, waaeoutiuued yesterday. Miura. !Banton 'aarLdoiain addressed the Court and were. followed by T. G. Pox Alder, Esq. who ' (bed uot .conciuded 'when. the hour of edema ment illiTed. ! • cy'' • • • Hoartooramtai. Eunsrrtos.—The exhibition of the HartiCaltural Society, dosed yesterday iresainy,'. It: bas been very eneeessfol, having keen 'attended, by some thousands ot our cititens, • and a conelderahlt; aum of money haa been re , laud, 'fat the benefit of - the society, ao that She fair o 'next year will be much more splendid *thim,, any ?tartans .one. The follciwing prend nitteWirolviwarded yesterday. ' • ! .* ' Discarnosaar raancace.e leen—hies—for Sit varieties of. Choice op ' plesoiiikprig which was the variety known u the "Preeldent.'.• lames McCully—for air.varieties of very tine apples, anumg which ir4. the superior variety termed - the ..WltehlVlll . . . , . A. VI; Mirk,—for a large and unruntally fine collection of tie choicest. se ri eti es of pears, int eliadiiii the Bosc,Seehel, Marie Louise, Diel, and other'pears. . Mn.:R... - A. Lesher, exhibited a vase of beau 'titd Paper floaeis, mide by hermit, in the neat est and most ta.sertd manner. The Western' ollege of lionnepathic Medi doe, at 'Cleveland, phio, advertiaes -a Second Annul ours of Lectures, in another column. The Pro/mate . Institution are very. flat- Whig, The member of stadenta attending the lest coarse wins Bier sixty, seventeen •of whom were candidates' for gradnatim?, atase learn Shin the, catalogue, and 'we are informed that the prospect la fair for a very karge class this winter. flonnepathia .praititionem and their students may congratulate themselves, that at length;: facilities for perfecting their knowledge of utedipal science, and art, ire offered in • 'chant congenial with ' their (feints", and every . ,wayadipteil %to their want".` The price of wi thin beery reasonable. • I.4CALL Newe.—We ate compelled to pcietpoue the publication of the prioceedinge of the Alle gheny ,Counciley, and Other, local matters until Monday, owing:to the Preempon our column. XdRBLED, Ai , n Wedoektar moning. September *7th, by the Re Wi Meek. DATID'Itim Stip. of Pittsburgh, to Aft Pitt. I...•;Ernraar,'ot thtsasno Petroleum I ,I*Er.A MOST REStAItraBLE CASE or TOTAL dotiolcas Crass sr PrrlostraL—lre Writs the aeration thit'aditstol sod Lttepuldle generally, to the sir:tarsi. of War HAIL of this Mr. Th. stos our be . ' can tbr sur ;perm 'Who stay bo skeptical to relsttEdi to the Stets tors Tot &rat. I lad beriu alilacted et • end year. with a sorenree of both WCY.O, whkif eon/Alined W illentifi• -• until botember, .lana the Intleminstion of that tlins hariog Involved the whole dining membrane of both er es. ,sisiretaled hi the depadte • of a tineklngo. whith wholly destroyed my eight. I bad • wnoperstlonloirformed.end the thirteuing removed. which • wood returned and left me in is bad a condition as hcfors. ' At this stags of the complaint I male applleMleo to sem, • all/4f t!0... post eminent monad men, who Wormed toe . that 'my, eyes would never get well.' At this time I could 'Mot dilOtilloilish; any, ohjtrt. By the adrleePl some friends ••I omametiool the .uie of the 'Petroleum. both IntartmllY 'and Vocally, Cinder width my Slav hare Minn:midi:tali um • Mdthe Piniatatthat, ind I bare teninerwiany ilght mare. . 1 71.' My Cerigral health ma eery much Improved by. the Petrolyout, and I attribute as restoration of my sight to ;i4 nee.. /realdeatAo./d2 Beeupd street. In this city. mod • '.lll b harpy to give any information in titan** to my ' WILLIAM HALL" ukle!by Keyser A bleDovell. 144) Wool etrIKU Salm, b 7 Kari sweet; B. A. YohneAtork. A 'Cci,, corm" Wood arklyroat bire , t,s D. M. Corry, D: A. Alliem,Jaepb Dcbglatboul B. Y. fibbrarta, Alligbettn:alno by Lb. pro. S. 11. KIER. • abl9tikyrY Canal IlarP.SartbAb sb.pltbabmscb. • . THE number and. formidable character of onzlnamor. Im a &slued slate of. thS liver, •hne lOng challenged the attention of nxedical men. Some of thee &lames, clamed adder the general term of am• snangdloo have twolti inappard incurable, nod the unbar- Try patient *as allowed to die, wittiont mialeal relent.. being enable' to oder him • boy. of recotery. morn,. TAU am no lowa, be the cane. a remedy had been which will mire all thew concipistots, of whatever 'character. anteing from derangement of the liver. , The Rills disecnrerwl by Dr. 3TLans. of Virginia. set directly dm the 1t,.., and by correcting its operation. and purify ..Mg Rd dim*, cots oft and extirpates the eamplaints "Ad& hare-their origin la the dictum of this organ-- 'ldamedied hitherto perms:wad forthadettliarease have fellal 4,3 btallsctier Pill. Inaba themselves telt up= the attion,orbto Dies, and by climb:day tperanntali.drYni the Dian** eq... at aloes. which thence Jeri . tbeir ellstrace VDT sale at P. KIDD t COD. Pittsburgh Zile m ranee Company. CAPITA, 13100,000. •OITICE, NO: t FOURTH STREET. • OFFICERS: • Pm . (dent—J. us S. HOC, • . yid Frealdest—Sassa llcCEricas. ' Treasurer—tomas S. Lazes Seemtary—C. A. CAZADA. sa-g r .. adierVarratat in another part of 111. paper. m,' HEW WM., IMGB.Y. be** , .Ariferrn his friends ie6d•ing lilt first nos!, ofiALL. AND. WINTER 7 0 001Nit..40.1 Ostml weary thing Plaine faiddonlit*Abotgband new, At Oeutte . Imes was.: it7b•lng. utratglialMatible to . 11meribtrtho unto and eirgrame alb* 'bland Vattern, of his Cas. yodings i oy the amerior onality of Ms Cloths. that all site watt tonantam Kay will favor him with an early mil. Alto, b •• ,:, beet manufactured. and mart Lath- Y MADE CLOTIII:St1 in the city. ..ueg • •to Offered at ibe Wry lowest mien for v CorMotetotiti buti7 blareltants, Mod all who smith., largely. will find U. much to their adrantoge to small. tha stook before youttfiehls, as they will meet wlth ded . 61d . bargalas itvery article uttbe Tailoring line made to order In the n AZ t e a s a t k dn t ab bo s m tyl awa the e d th m M ed b ael s . ' - aeplb ocnra . , BLACKBURN & CO., - W holesale Oro- Mati=ggaa . l= b " . "a .A , Tiligezfa u ' P-d m:7 l oet. head at their IVArahoup*, 11 Water street. littfiburg2 MAZY 131EZLEPS celebrated DURHAM FARM (tscraa) CELEEBg, not up tar family n. ha Wee i a t i from to 0) pound., ran be obtadoed,erbolinale or retail. of taw onteralberia bit Chore. ie bad in very high In ha mark et. but Le nor I att.:Zonal r ankle to m a re s Into thin Time draiting choirs litieeted to tall and examine. . Orooras and Tea Dalai. QOET CEUSELED SUGAR-A very imperi ls,' Or talkie L. Lreserving, rora tr - MLA, telseL /MO. - • • BIOKED S A L'isioN--vraf I. real, this 400. br ervan.s mall lot, +wpm pertar, for gal* br isepl2 A. 1(N L 0 CO. A RROW bra. Bermuda, for sale xi. by frn.l6J J. SCIIOJNMAE Ot CO. IFILRE BOARD , PRINTS, at. a discount of . on nut. grow but yOr's bans , Just mined a • Murk},' strnt. mad In tuts br 11103L0 ELLSITIL 4C1iff. 1 }..7 .--4 0 0 bags Rio, principally prime, list nett sall9r sal. LT ' JOLISI ATS' 41 CO, Liberty .• Ax,ERA,:71124-5 taus i4,boies and bbls., 11 , 7 tar 111.4_ DALZEVL ir r• o,smALL,. VAMILIES can with fro . o . L . rooonts 4 ; Ito! . word Warr tun:liar:l.o' or ra 41aAT at rho carnet or liar:l4ra ' Wa • ..tcDoli LABOR ~.‘hd the London Poor, livi..9, 10. IL . I• 1 nt.4.1 Book of thl. 08. 'O ath . N.C.1101 St HULUY.S . 7"ldt" ' "4 " OPIalt• Yom. Ottot.- • - , • °t,3' A l a UGAIC---70 hilds. N. 0 LTalebv v MD J Vasil ('COFFEE-2 5 packeti Jai's; Ov• al eby .14 n uesetn X end T LATHERh.-200 aides Sole, for i O /? 1 1 uW BURBEIDti.tt .1 - 11L20 bbls. pure -- .Toners', for sale by BURBILIDUIS t SNUB _ . 13LANKS FOR "ATTORNEYS, • A. ttiße Alf./I : .1:41. JUST/Cer Of %Ilk HUM- ~"'„",,,„. "'_.. ' , rtgageo4 Bands. Arel arstrany /yr...N.4 Xxsei --- 7 'Enlrxernai4 butranyn4 lilllrot Cort. / Artkly of Agree. —^' 4/Yarlincr./.. ree bar; yr,. krii , rWeat - ' . . earner /WYK and da. ' ro m sfa ate. • _ Ed:LAVED P - 14051ISSOILY. .NOTES ILLFT.i--A Woo raoloty of Kota and .Dzatto. Irrocroved.lor WA . . W.tA.IIAV/LN'S litationonik" •op 3 • . corm. harlot and &condi it.o. WAN. DCXJKS.;—.W. S. llerr.N, comer E MEEK lAA Exeoltdaneti. bag RA Alla Um targest • varre_X of Maxi L.A.. pre, 0n....1 Wawa eiti—coosuatax '44' L.E.:••• JEE'itabr Dr ArAEt. Rooks, 11..132 .1. .11 mi. al Lb..Amu. awl at tkticartst grim. , ..0.7 Z Airrx -FUSE:--IYbble. for sale by p 4,7 a. ' .. LS. DB-WORTH A CO. ._ ER ILAAGINW--New paftenisTor E r WALTER P.MARZILALL. • Et WA:44mA. Ilri.ki:EN WINDOW PAPER-Plain ‘S. •• - • IfditA'n r MiIiaLALL . • 'MEW BOOKS I—Treirels in ttie United 1 , 1 VitilassjAc. 'daring 161tl watt Mtn br ti. Usir b. , - L t lvartWortpy; 1 vol. Mao. - itc.• .29.1 Maori,/ Ups kispressJcesAltoo; by/. S. CAbboW. ."plth mansPAIAAA 1 rol. losoot. AA, .... t _. No. A Stf AAJOOt. A ppletoses Mesita/2W .414alicsst u sa -•:- cttpplascps. Journal ?Alm LS l'lstrttnt,Jlstd Wok of she Rosolutiost. L ' %, N N. and qpirsetiosuT...f ilechpalst!. Latitt , s4}T.t : • AAA Waterlog. Jon Asc.] tad lailata b't _ ' t-t . • J. L. tlEtsll,'W Apollo AttflattosPi. • Aspl • Vonitisistrust. . ' 'ILIEEMEY'S PARADE.--Spangletyylto• Li! imett.... Zu., Lacs. Wrings. /Wain, Ae.. lt wise ra nSJ ....Wu by losopl I -W. W. paw.' !N; • rtRITANNLA W..AItE, Comnaiinica Wt.re.r.ast..l.landlettLekt.T.ble evtietialpdatigraf .„„„ lifivadoles. Cluird.lltra, WWI.. Mart. AllllMo - sod Yancy Hceds, tiold m.syworri..l.o I.lola and aiTIOT, :=- WALL GOODS rauac reed per- express, at A. A. /WON It 00.1 4 , CA artaw 7lobaetl4plAma, rlMosloev titad meat laublourabla e/vb.A trA enu..ll/ pea. tiro de Atelatte,, beautiful eatoer. ZO pea —.lilartalitua eh- abadeK rakilames,ttunati, PIIPSEM; 2,5.;bb1s for sale by. E 1 9, 6o BY TELEGRAP 111:Clornt. BY Till o'sztrzy tztscl AID UPDITID los lip Mrs smula ARRIVAL on TEE EMI MP ILLINOIS. • ; FURTHER CALIFORNIA NEWS. DESTRUCTIVE ma IN SACRAKENTO. INTERESTING FRO)! CALM. BALnxonz,, Sept. 19 Tho Norfolk papas of today contain a lifief enigma* of news from California and south Am;rica, brought by the eteamer Illinois from Chotres.• The steamer North America had arrived at Panama in alzty-seren days from New ork, awl ten days from Valparaiso, being thequickost trip altruistic. The Isthmus continue healthy. A fire bad ocean* at Sacramento, destroying property. to the nine of $30,000. Since the Bth of July, Valparaiso had been visited by a succession of storms, doinglgreaf in jury. The Chilian - GovernMent adrettines ior a lam of 6. 1 300,000, to complete the public !MMus. The Mat had been put down upon 26 miles of the eaplapo Railroad. Tho Department of Conception had 'given au Overwhelming majority for Getierii.grcuie for President, but not. sufficient to overhoinc Mon itz's,majorities in other departmental The Illinois experieneed very boisterous weath er on her passage from Chsgres. She left Nor folk far New York last evening at 6 o'clock. FROM CALIFORNIA. ' Noßrotir, (VIL) 84t. 18. The news by the steamer Illinois, from Cali fornia;hll is altoge th er ' portant. The weather wat...favorable for • as operations, nod th e pre:duct of gold is ab dant. . . , Much interest and e 'tement exists in refer. eneo to the ;ppm= ' elections. . • The condition of s iety at Ban Francisco is somewhat improved, outing to the activity of the Vigilante Committee,! and the inereaxed seal of tho,legal authorities. ! Crime, also, seems greatly diminished in the interior. Business was• brink, - but owing to the large supplies of produce, prices bad slightly drooped. There is, however, eiti special change in the quo tation" from last accounts. 84,t. 78. , Col. James H. Norwood, of North car:dine, Indian Agent for the upper Missouri ageuey, left here yesterday, for hie distant and important poet at Fort Pierre; on the Yellowstone ilver. ODD FELLOWS LODGE. BALTIXOEIL, Sept, lA. The Grand Lodge was in session to day, but nothing of special interest transpired. The amendment to article ElL:provlding, as sources of revenue to the Grand Lodge, Ule pro ceeds of thiteale of books, cards, diplomas, odes, and certificates, was adopted. LATE FROM RIO JANEIRO. New Tone, SePlk IA We have advices from Rio de Janeird to the 4th of August. The U. S. frigate Susquehanna was pt Rio. Having disabled her foremast and mainmast spring, sad her machinery, she will havii.to re turn !Mice under sail. • THE RAILROAD FESTIVAL. I • 43orroN. Sept. 19. The military and civic procession to day was a brilliant affair, and in length, grandoker, and display, was never before : equalled in Nbw En gland. The President was indisposed, and did not appear in the procession. ICrd Elgin and suite were warmly cheered. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. ' s. Haurrouv, (Conn.y Sep 19. A. Serious fire occurred this morning in Mul berry Street. The 'furnishing rooms, - belonging to D. Derry, were entirely consumed, together with it number of dwelling houses and Stables. NESS YGRR. - MARKET. miasma IMPORT. Nen Your., Sept' 19. Cotton-The market is quiet, with Bales 600 butte. Flour--Sales 11,000 bbla at $3 7503193 for state and western, and $40,4 25 for sour ern. - Grain—The market is steady, with salts 4000 barbels Carolina red wheat at 79c, and 45,000 baskets cora at 59(a1)6Q0 foi mixed Western. Cal - N.—palm 500 bags Rio at 8-Ic. Whiskey—Solos 200 bats at 23c. Prorisions—Are steady, with sales new mese portal $l5 75,.6 prima at.sl3 hbLi Lard .is gnu at 910L9/o. ' Wool—ls very languid, at a range of from 32 to 43c Tc , lb. CINCINNATI MARKET • Cutcnix,sn, Sept. 19. . Dullness continues to pervade every branch of trade. but' rites is a fair demand from that trade, but rices are lower, with gales at sa,os'®a,io foi e. f., and $3,16@1,25 for extra brands. Whiskey—Further salis at 181 ? gall.: Provisions—No demand - and no sales. ' Linseed Oil—Sales from esinal at 670 -e gall. Nothing of importance has transpired in Gro ceries. The river is receding slowly. 1171 . 11000LATE-200 bxs. Bost.; foi sok by agbDB WICK t MeCANDLESS. (ODFISH-3 too. for sale by WICK McCulaiDll33. jj ONG ARIA N SMOKING TOBAOCO iiii bblo. fM We by WICK * bIeCANDIZES S ALERATIIS--43 casts; , 62 bozos Polr'd; for ale br. stP9 'ER-200 reams Mediaira mn Crean: for role lov br JAAIES MIZELL. • jijk . l , CiLl9l.l DAIRY CHEESE--59 boxea ll.J.y'a celebrated Nutmeg sad Drahana Pam reed and for br eep9 , - wicE bicOANDLES.9' ItArACKEREL-240 bb1,5,..bi0. 3, foraile by .ag - inCX k AIcOANDLV.II. F"H -20 bbls. No. I Lake Enrico baboon.; 70152 " No. " • 25 bb . lo. Na 2 • " a 60 6616. L a rgo Na 3 kfackerob hf. ' " ^ • " 6 bblo. " Na 7 ust rembrin 1016 for br [sep6) JOUN .CST 4 C 0... IMME WINDOW GLASS-300 2 1 6 1 11 0; ser.s .1 av It&I!;?ffi QODA ASH—We aro prepared to intinft GMu menufacturms, ant the trade gsnarallf, with Ash el tunas manufacture, at the losnom market talcs, and which es warrant Kind to the best imported. BEtitilETT, BEltitif • mid trout et_ uear Marken Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele graph. HE STOCK of tide Company wanted by A. Waft MS a CO.ti Erock and Esobsatfo ElrokErt terES =roar of Market toad Third stolid. Silver Coin Wanted. • . T HE highest price will be paid for eery a.screittsa or savor Coln, at Ma TA ottaatteCtles or A. W/LICINS AC(3., ' 'not • tt suer of klarka!sca Thlet SUNK, BIIFFALO 'FON GI CES—Jiist received from Pt. Louis, •km &rep array_ Hu oTsra Trawler.; • WU. A. IOYCLUItfi & estyal Wooers ult. Ts• trador/- 130&T WIN& it FRENCH BKANRY— I. Ws: =tad ray, &Wird eryrauly for mWdnd purpose., and for gals by tbs quart or bottle of I , wlt SWIMS' TYA MAPS, tra Iburahxd. FOR SALE--Pittabargh Oas Stock; bt. Clair Burn Bridge NtaV/ Ohio cal Penn:llrola ktaLl 11.1 Mock.' 1 • • it. D. NINO, Ba n ner sarl;Nn/ er, ma , - Fourt sroet. • iIIiEESE-100 boxes for sale by , 5i.../ suglE, ' B. V. VON NONNIIONNT t CO. g IRUCLBLES--Blaek Lead Crucibles , m Tanatott. Masi. from ti 0.40 to L.J. Pot W. ldi asu r to J. KIDD C0..130 Wood wt. ----- riIEAS--40 hr. chests PoweitOng• , ao - - Imperial; ' ! ''' 90 " * lizatpoo9oo • 60 " " Y. iirc.rg cm Ws by , 0001 , 3 • /AMU 10ii,4914. 0* Woter 4. sT L VDRIES--5 oaks Poiseb 4 t la4l;C.4rir Lemans44: ,fiLeiriegioa', 1304 lihde. Cuba and Porto Rico krniuria.witros.o nea ..a kr 'alibi "KY NICK PA-4...LN s pl.. Liberty , sx. TORACCO — hide. No.:fftwist:for ank b y ivlsrl6 I JAB. VALUI t L,I4. Warr ' !REESR - 4. tX) boxes W. ft.', for sale by lJ auxl6 • JAMES DALZELL 7A RD dri; bms. No. I, for A* bf / A astsl6 ' Jaurs 1:41.7..EL ‘IPTS. TURPENTIIVE -35 bb/s- for sac by •uzls B. A. YAIINEBTOCH 4 CO. ‘IUP. CARB. SODA-1.00 ke,9 En Bib; ro Role by B. A. PAMILBTO9B ASBI'MBCF-600.1b5. prime, _for. sale by asailß B. A. PAHNESTOCK t W. ACEt-200 lbs. ff . ti . segy ao.! UTTER--.Able. Packed, for sale by W. t 7. WI LO. LIS &mut It FLOCIR—GO bble. fresh g round 'anvil ;for *ale by a. P. VON ANNUM= M. WINDOW GLASS—Extra rilityandqup swab 4 '" " a a h . Y. 1104101 . 4.110R5T & V.lLV.tai. PATENT LEVEE WATCHES, 1..7 lb= 114 to L. 150041 wirmt.64litshoe_bf.l Ite. suftor do by .428 1 m t,oo. • O . OOPEK Huntinz and italaCams.*ll4,lXtususolgly low prism. Thud an tits blet.Lgacect.seanllltettut4 Wodetns,wed otqappall rri.UM-,...,,,,,tk15ti031 W. w. mum , t.".etu , • • TRANSPORTATION, &, ispreu , Packet Line to Cliveland. TLIE Proprietors of 'the Packet Linetr hay toad. thooretuisite atrangethooto with the Obio at] ho Hallnrod tkcipoor t ral PhNeltle" gi"g Ito Ly tho Okerahood or Now IClooLlii Porkrto, craltik throufti Ucketo at thB oiNcr, will di furnished with a rick. to to Rasher 001/11' JOUN A. OAINJIIEY, AEL, • mrnrr WALTx and gaddllhald sta , Orp wetollm• • rt• Pathburgh,. _ ' ennsylvanit' Itaiko4 _ . FROM PITTSBURGH TO NEW BRIGHTON: 28 HELM 1113f1 alter MONDAY, AUGUST 4th, I L F lLMEN t etnitgraig",sl}7A ° I :23'g; P . LEAVE PITTSBLIAiII at 10 A 51. and b P it AY FARE, 3 CEO. PER NILE. Children and., twelve yeah of age h.lf grim_ Between Pitteburgh and Rat fteille, fhre, oo Seerlelley, 35 10 Baden, - 03 " Pre,lota. " " " ItezLester 75 New Bg. u ftiliuEteureton ticket. will be old.reduced rotor Between Pittehuralt nal Rochteter. to .7 . I E. • back, the lune day.-. . . .. .. . 11,00. Eatenten Pitubarghl,o3 hew Briabtost . and bare., the same da7 . - . . ... . Tle Sag - The Tr. will ' not run be Mondy Sortie u into,.,, lesued on haturday trill be good r"..4ip on Mondry Omnibus. trlll boot the Depot, on redend street,te 2 ro:3 l h P elgrEl'aVelfot h rrorri s e thell 'h a e ug may etimne. Omnibutooe will also leave the llonotufahela erridous to the leavirig of thee - am. the mutter.. of Peet/ . 0010 to the DePotei.ool7°Eth• Mercbude Hotel. the Pt. Merles, Hogg FIRh awe, ‘ ,llOO to 01 .ket, nod along lit. Clalr street. At am - Witt; along L. route,=eniters can bolt the Omulbow, and be coyal to the . The Railroad will be extended beyond New Brighton. the wirier praetleable der. By order of the Board of Director. 000/1/3E PAREI3I, Tithed Agana 64vwM3111winuonimia(0404 FALL ARRAIfG/IEN7. cohneetion m 0.3 the phii+.rtnd Penna. Retiree TEROI3OII IN 6 HOURS. • pA 6 S , .F. ,, N . O , ERS will take the 10 A. 31.. train the PACKET INVilti Bet Ltoe, "Cwre. 4 A. Ijise73,llAlt P arrirtn. we Now ..Tlog r iti:;, , zr.,.. at Now ea.ele with the etaFto• he Fw titm•eith ti,A.Io %pp!) . PARKIN. J. V.lll)oal:,lWern'''n7Dl'4 . 1 poor. whorl. Mwtopqw.hols feritvw PTILlut J.l. 1101Y1{ - lIIDIVEL A i Vit 1 1 4 2 7.C . t0k i 1' P.. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Completed to Lxdport, 20 miss trexf nf . Jo,hnstown. TINE REItUCCD iNI.I SPEED INCREABED. TUE SUBSCRIBERS have the pleasure to anemones to , luri a r fricpt .0 1 ~ patron, of tbe Penn. I , ocit ‘ fc ' tt anal no% S t are; ty P. r apvt "' 4, ' S ' elig:tig n tt tual from 1111.10phla in 10 1i DAYS'. W. are now prapanal to reonlve and farward any amount of roarehandlto or produce within our rap ' wittrb Is UNE THOUSAND TONS Pr.li if ERK, at ;le following rateauf„ frelsht: FIRST. CLASS—Dry , dad.. Hata,Shoae. Books, Stationery, Cutler), Curifoctlonery; Fruit, Iror Feat4ar A s, Furtutura, Drugs, Plodirinea, bad- EP IN le. SEWNDCLASS—IIardwat Oureauwat,Oro. 110 e. 'Wool, to TIIIIMCLAS. 4- 4 1 4.1,Port,butter, Lan.t. Lard thl, Tabasco L,,f, Cod., tallow, grain am! • rousbl,"tar nn.:o4.eorma C1a7, 1 1 ' 14;131, , 0n.a0..bda. COVODE COLE, Aff {l3ll. ruiner z , l Penn atal Warm, ainwta. RADDOCK'S FIELD PLANK ROAD— " "b•r." •' • I Te' • 111INS a CM, srpl3 Stock nal Exchange Eratta,_ CHOW OLUE2O WIN. for sale by --- poll J. KIDD i CO. nFANS3O bu. Small White, for sale - by ILP • SASIIIEL INDIA. RUBBER OLOI ' ES=OO band, for anacrunentkeeltreCaallieutlegnenlo liviso *Lot h, Gloms, of all al xnanulactuxd, for talc la...freak. and mall. at Hub DeuoL auJ 9 „cote, al augls J. a all. PHILLIPS. Qcorcii SNUFF-30 hose:. &alma' cola bratt-I :muff. in X and vi , eß ...z r a z ea l.. anyl4 W T IND —20 , ? b&e ,. .x . tp 4 ,71 ar sale .0.11 • ~hoer Ehrt and R00d.,. WINDOW SIIADES—A supp l y of Trans- C l.Wth". n'1,,, 7 ' 6 '7 S. 111 . 111.15. 111.EARLS--£5 tone No. L in stor , . ...Int for II rain I„ 1.0111 5 u el LLD. WRITE FISH AND TROUT-- • al bbl,. Rime f 1)0 N. btu, Tram. Landing andiargale LT • g . _lo •ISAIAII DICK EV a 03. GGS-5 bbla- Fresh, fOr safer .093 O DALZULL • CO. JTIWSE—a , boo. primelV. IL, for sale by ) • atuflol. 4 & N .EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF BORDERS, otoLoiting t at TarletT of Won - no 911r...ju0t no'd and for urn tu. avrT TIRO, PALMER., 19 Morgotot LARD bbln. No. ‘ l, for sale by . . J. KIDD & 101117311 CE STONE-COO Ibm. for sale by J. KlOO A Cu TERRA DE SIENNA-1000 lb. for sale by au¢3o 6100 a CO. TERRA JAPONICA—EI pkga. just rec'd ar.V " 3, 5C IiWN Mar 2 - UTRAMARYNE BLTlN—lOcaemi formic+ .09 J. SCEIOONifAItg& ACO. EI'SOIII SALTS-25 bbln. for nate by E as aca . SCILOONILAKETI A CO. 11 °511, T-50 bbla. for mile by =Ow J. SCHOONMAKEII &CO ARD OIL--10 No. I, for sole *- X/ .09 J. SCIIOO9 MA KIM a LI'S li bl i f , o x r ) :aale K tz a MACKEREL -50 bbls. Larkko. Mas s eX h".'"A In' T/Vira'9 fo .Z..rtTZ , lloos a Co. TEAD-100b iiirs Galena, for Yale by arocrs Jinaa A. uirremsuiaa . HOT-25 kegs for sale by 1._7 . JAME& A. IJUTCIII9ON & CO. D ICE-18 tea. prime Carolifie, for nib by It .09 -JAMES A. UUTCIIISON C CO. I Q 11. MOLASSES-30 lAN. St. Jb.11105 . Re . 6Dary. for sale b, isuir2B JAW.F.SA LIUTCIII2ON t CO 8 . .:$ COFFEE-100 bags juet reed for mile by ^R tame, . J. 8. LOMPOC:CIL it CU FIRE BRICK-20,000 for sale low to close a0r2.1 conalirmanut. L.l JAMES DA1.Z61.1. NO. 3 MACKEREL-420 kW. (Or eillelJg .g 2/ = t W. ILAILILUOII: MOLASSES-200 bbla. (oak) fore sts N .LN • kV. 4 , 4 , ,Z1) R 08120141, LITTLE' t CO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW %.SILADES, ombraelng the most a:tractive, slut fukCionable style; _ls In use, dust net! and for rale at • grsat rednettsn Isom Stamm prlcso. FALiI KR, so No. 65 ]larks[ se. • SUGAR & MOLASSRS--- 14 bajs. prim, N. 0. Boer, ba Pla ntal.lta naloroar, On coastal:orient, to arrive On a ts. mosor Den tanorson, Tor gala Da' J. a 14 FLOYD, asttO.s • Round Chorea Building. YONDER -150 kegs Blasting, for'eede by metes J. A. 'LOYD. BROOMS -200 dozen Corn, for ante by J e R. FLOVU. TITAL HEADS-8 cloz:.lndiaubber, juet r" V 7 read. t•tr.i. f°l 74.11 r 17iithAliitgaD°' FRESII TEAS-o(l,paiekages Free Tenp, par latv.4 arrival, at N.Y Yost—Cl99Dri•ill{r ""°W I I % . Ah • • Imp s . erl.l, 4.ouch..a. In Ulf etre§ .41 ortn.4--Imw landing .4 tar We by gull W 2 l. BAGALKY • CU. -- BUCKETS- - 40 doz. Beaver, fo;ea.lo by JUIP avir.2 _ _ ~dt W. lIARBAUGH. ripUBS-10 der.. for sale by dii. verle s O'W lIAR HIED BEEF—Exam dk Swift'ssuporior Sugar Sug Curd Ent: HIED seporkir Mom Curti limf, I. 1.1. br WM. A. M'CLMIlti a Ls, .ugh 12.6.1Abortr REST! ITALIAN 51 AC'CA00111—:.flist F rommrs4 .ad On ty M'el.MHO d 211. augtl Zia LN.Prir GA:IDIED GINGER— I ease Cepjon Dry *marred Mir:ger. pat rm'd and 01 *Mr Cr. • surN A. llcti.Mya k 1 . 0. L OUISVILLE LIME-150 ithls. just; reed mad for wit. WIIMIOI *ON, L mmr7: Water strml. S IR4AR--25 bags Brazil; iD 4 " x " ". .!gt;2lmri 47, tr'',4-'4' mig27 122 and 151'Prormm... 1 UGAR—.SO hbds. N. 0., for hale by 0 =IAN ENNIA*II a N'Nfiltert. LIF4 bbls. prime lur iaie by sAA2I . ENOLINII timirti._ M ARKEREL,4O bbls. Now 1 and • • fuii " S:P4 l ::.;:V; l ' 3 ‘ amr27 IS NNN ETT M N . 1;1, MOLASSES—'2:O bbla. for sale by attszT • ENULMMI a 2000001._ OAP-150 boxes No. 1, I . or said l‘w by Aug:'; 1.2101.1511 A NENNMIT T AR -100 bble. N. C., for sale low:bY EN9I.INLI* 50014):ft TOBACCO --).2O bxs. s's Lump, for sale by •og2; NNOLIFIt A BENNETT. TOBACCO—Io kegs 6 Twist, for e;iia JIL aug27 KNCILLSII cer. 1. - PLOUR-150 bbla. Extra and S. F., for sale br augls e. A W. LIARBAULM/. ,LNDIA RU.1313111. WHIPS--30 doz. jufit reeeitod. Irv. I to T feet in llppek. fltPePat to any Y kind Hi laina alike unaffeciall nY ehipate and t ad a, and requiring no Wing to keep than plia. Ile s from, byaaJzia. For tale al :H. 7.4 Wood ts. ettia6 J. a 11. PHILLIP& 11 1 11ESE-,100 boxes Cream: 10 do Coam. 0 a.n—rer. .T To._ (.11) T EA—too-6f. efils f!33p.,,01e...P. ; c° ' Al "' 8. ouxonyil 176 bags Rio, tor +ta." 13 °F ..;18 E— . akscuAßD A -uoa, (+WARS-50,000 Common, Tor sale — r 3,7 V .119 ' L W. ILARBAUCIR. kIIOR ST. LOU A . 6 o. ..s. p atd r =dreufWie rath er above fold hatertarvliate 'porta on this day. at to o'elowk; .I!•Rsir. bow. MiEGULYI AR PACKEI" BE- • TW EBB PITTBIEIRUH h w 11 le...re W AY L g, dentine d Looking.' port, every Tuesday et °dea P. sr.: bon:Ling I Hoot inglArt for Centime, Wheeling and kiittetworh. ev ery Thuraday et 8 onk. Paerwifirers uld'elliPPere ran defend uprin thla boat running regolerll daring W.' low water Yor freight or pessage.nrioly on board. REGULAR WHEELING AND BUNFIISII PACILET—The twit mein. • on WIiLLBVILUI,fIeIIt /1.1.....00ngerta run as regnial parke t beim n rale ;ugh. Wheeling, Bridgeport, sad ch. Pittatuarg h evert Mooday I afternoon to watralla atenbewilla, •lld ilridgrPOl end every Thurwley afternoon for Steubenville. Wheeling. Bridgeport, Ihiptine.and &math; retuning, /ear. part end M on th .very l'ueolay•eltaown. ac! ;la • F d e LTrxr. or W tr AVILIZI.Vr WV? 00 ItIOULAR WEDNESDAY PACE ET, CINCINNATI, °Wain Job:44lU nubsgtsui. MN splendid boats ss built b the owners of tbe steamer. Imo Norton. and oilers, Ss the thoelmoul soil Pittsburgh Pocket trues, and will leers every Wedusseuptbr Cincinnati, In Waco of the New en- . IDr'ai'7 6 " l g h `ar.ridit Wait 'MA I! EGULAii - PITTSBURGH AND a . WURELINCI PACILUP—Shii spliondld Lte,rwaage.t.,:ttossoor DIURNAL, Cau u l i r . T..tri thl; si ty o stidlb.W, e rs7vir Pittabastl i 00 o'clock rerr Ceara ?Qtr. W4d4es i tLal at:g d re=i, ZI::11'" filaMriVitro'zißV.,f TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES WEST or JOIINSTOWN. 1851. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 185 CHANGE OF HOUR TIME lILDECED AND SPEND INCIILAAIED! Pennsylvania Railroad and Express Packet hills :sot mile* UEllros,y R.l Mlle* thirlai. MIT num." LID 0.1011,11. aufrre In PHIEADELPHIA,BALTIMORE & NEW YORE TwoIEEE Daily Lines Ettyards Packet. Boats, (EXCLUSIVELY FOH BAISSENORIC . ,) On and after Monday, August Zth, the Packets of thu Line will Into .Tlttahurgh k. Y Lockport aver,. morning at 8 .Teloe, and over, e . yettlue at :dike., ra11ir7a.7...i.-Itirrln,# rrTrea 11 nit roes fur r.olladelphsa. riaTTim. through. Pony Houra. - Tall !Br mi. aaw ...gement paste( Ito thmagh Itotaa :1001iNkt than here...nary. (bal. twenty males In. 4..1 frayed) enabling, them arrlral at Yhiladelghls to TroYead on to New for 0n... PASBY.NGERS TOR BALTIMORE , Take Me Port and Cumberland Railroad, it Harriet.... Oistanna, eighty-four mllea. Thu*, POUR hours. P.O. to Thiladaltd.. 810: Fars to !faith., Km. 'do Laumastar In do Ilarr4horgllB.oo. If rm. travahng am/ faunfortabla aoeranmo ditto., ',sour, your ...fa at the Ticket Ofltra. Bounces hell. Ilona., of J. P. lIOLIIIES, Agent, • D. LEECII & CO ttatod Buda. Fenn Brut. hidEfeorra Philadelphia & Liverpopl Lae of Packets, . . 4. Sailing from Philadelphia on the - 44 16ttb awl Livertew.t , cro , the let of ea•ti 1 • P ti;t} } gA P N L lftl: HOPI% Nathaniel C. Hamby New, Alfred F. kolth, Meet,. SHACK .t/JAKtOb mow')) W. Wear, 01mm. rhe above ehips are built or ftw, tweet nod =tot wally msforfelt, mei see rioted tor the T plalty of Ilkebr imam.; thoywre fittr.l op with ell la,. eiwernototents, ere - newt thoroughly , Tehtiletegl , end am unirpeewett Ler their sr omoroelate ear by fltbiorport biereorie !Uneven , : the, oo.omeridoel by torn of setoowlodwietteletit, who ig the ro,I:IAA rw mre. NN Country ma °Maki rewtnd. paseage, iteerh swill h. wood Am .Ig2it mouths. del our ewrota Ireltal and 4.1.. mewl .111 tomb& them With the mt.. 1 . 114 ... 114 . . 04 loetruettoto relative to their delwilbre. • For tho 0007.134,n of temente. wiehltig to mei to oey, rupply drnice tor SI sterling ied operetrb peuxhi• at milt without dieriluot, whirr. will ho cashed kJ . any 01 the Bente of row Oflleee le the 1.2010.1 010040.1. CM - Vrorteloun ouptdlewl wweeetrgewe tomb,. from Liter Krer, week the following ouppliew Ilantl.4 eaiblwasenyer c.l 12 'warn flr no and ovor: -4 kw. tw , a ,, , 14. 11, r•re. ak, tea, o S auk, I flour, f " -- L.' --- s - altNi;.wgr',: , ,sg.',L 11. •Inat wirewt, Wow Sozniatri/11119:. tomer Pixib and Wood sda., NEW YORK Am nit liiILEOAD. 1851. 1851. NEW ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via Putiliirk and the Elie Railroad. connectingwith Or class steam. 10 01:1 lake Mi.. the bilehlgas, Cleveland, olusuhns and Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pittsburgh. a nti dandinkr end Cincinnati Itallrnade. sod tdeament e 0 the hin lul LI.- Dpi ran, .Eki the Obi, Indian. and Yeanarivuusi Lanai. TRAINS LIKA 6001C1111i AR lOWA :4 le...days excepted.) Ist Kornlng Malt. Train at 6 o'clock Mail " 01 Evening Elide. 10 The Mad Train stone at Eltnire. where pans ,,, leep i hour, and take the Eames Tratu.s.rtivigg in ran New fock nett morning at 0 o'sineh.tualilng the gnaledistane• by darliabl- The Rearms Praight and Cattle Train lea,. thinkirk at 4A. RI dell 111 Passenger Car is attaatted ha lbw T. 11.1.12 so aecnnunolate Way I•eeeencers and [Proven I} bunklrato Near Tort. Pamed Class prvva nail b e pen to ala i days • This Cotorway Sr. prepared to transwort stnelt and nelahle of all binds tu &MI fnatn New 7 ork aitet.t...n will ;dud to The gauge being e wads, stye, tin* runty great advania g ....e.oir usreue gauge itailived, in the lianeportatlen of °tn. k li - AALlgixnal Trains will he put in collegians. in a very stun Nine r. laid Twinswill be I lonbuted. ving p.tk. Ivnlp re .d gard to the pewee uf grefftd gi . as nun they [ln J. NOTTlhkillit.ll. AeOri, 1. ( 01 J'.17.:16m Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. H E fine passenger steamers If EA VElt atuf HICK MAN No. Isms th eir landlturs at Yittilboritb amt shsalid. isrory day, !Sundays atrovisad as lutlbw r-- /non l'lttaborath, ads e: ihaiter Zr. u. niebisran an do s Y. 4,l ds a. me Personatrlzblow to so ta arses eta ,rocure EzeutAloo Tieksta to Hochman. and bark Is Pittsburab, ka W ...la. 7tritets !vs.! for !hrn so. dar and up tbs. oe.. 1 . 4 e tkigt. apply oo board the airamloair nr - 311shigan No d," at ths ottico of ARO A. CACUltr.t Agaot, .nap Cor. Watsr droithheld licaburth. • 28 110IIItS TO CLEVELAND. ° 1851. iffsEii PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Elpi7SA Packet and Railroad Line to Cleveland. iiASSENGERS leave every morning at 9 lok, by steamboat to Waver, thsocs by saps.. moul par.kets to.flavansa, then:. by rlttaburib god Class. !via Railroad to Closet...l. sErEart W CliTtland.l4.oo • To Claralaod. ati hoar, To Gate d., 2t , hour. buffalo, 3d •• Chinas!, bo 'WRY , . Elton thr3.l) to CINCINNATI; WI. CrOlusoboa anti Zeal, by Clevalaod and Ctrictoaktl Railroad. passongart for 11.11011, Chicago 'arid .1111arautt, lease Moreland emery starling ikt Oh o'clock, by lb. splendid sc.:Amor, of !Whig.. Central Railroad Ca for Detroll s thane...at 7S o'clock, A. 111., by Railroad to New bu ff alo, and artirlug roma s it Chicsaro by slsamsboat. Doting low wants (5.10. Ohio dam, thiamine tr. ClOclo. oati, Rd Louts, sod Chelan, will lbsfotituf.miarb sheave, seed plaasstolsr, than any othl. CLARKE A PARKS, Cropnabnrs, !! liskamr.a.. Yoe ucksts inhanastljoolit.tphlycluoat,.A..., (Do .fain) corner of dirattill.l4 atui Wilda; strut,, 0523 . cooed* tbk ilhltoblitlßKAMVSol._ 18451. WESTERN 1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. D. LEECH & CO'S LINE. Tla• RAIL ROAD AND CANA L omfus PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. BAT LI MORE, AND NEW YORK. TIE Canal being in cod order, we are propmed• to trantrport p sod ammbatiulls• to • Nom th• above calm. lorpt currant ram. ot I , r , l . l 4 yr . otastr o =74 d b l:pate . h, m li , t , r o. t• , :t o t(ladlog trimustottted, and all lortlyrtice• promptly at ruled to kV Apply to, or adArra. NAYS A BU Proprietor., Canal BRAM,' Penal M treat, I•lttaburgh. limstrloy D4r1, 4 1.1 1 4 ' . t 3 11r Anr,r,o ..141771e/M1,,p,„&' 4 " . NA 70, North ' ~ mammon. T. IL PEAltek. Amt. led ' No, 7, Wu{ Mont, Now Work: PARE ILEDIJOKU I ligEst 1851. Ef'g MONONGAILIELA ROOM. Via Brownarill• and Cumberland, to.Haltimore end Philadelphia. TIM MORNING BOAT Leaves the Wharf th o r l BII.IP doy..g o'o.ll putriautr. r®. u TCiielgtl:ll24riltglelecZtrrg . TFLningl at 0 a'rluck, =martin, zrith tha rasa at Colubargatut nazi mooing at Neel/rt. • 8.1. , - Tisza through to /14111morto, bowl.; Vara only 19. 11nza through to Pilladalphts, ttZttoure. Para only 010. thNati Noad uow good. (Malodor. go with e tZwltia is{wrap On/m.OllO age Ploukrisdsd, which matzo this ch•rlamill the hest 41 . 1 mvr .727, wan, lu thatttaiongsQ — Tia La — . 1851., . • UNION LINE On the Penneybrania and Ohio.Canale. GM= • • • OLktbid, PARKS I (0) P••• 011AillingLIN, CRAWFORD 1 C0......0ia•zun0, 0. Tuis well known Line inflow i!reT e nred to Cinl:l7- ybt f °lll tbtrVtla I r a t o d 1 41112 The Diellitle• of lba Lin. are uloiorfamod outobeinquab 47, capacity of Mats, ft:rodeo, of C•iffsioei finny of Akin.. O• Boat Urfa, iltuburghand dal!, i tunaing lo emulation with ••Lin• of •taamtioata between P M. 11011011 and llKaVtittiand • Lion of firft elaniftemicikate fliforallre •rolae•ealo off Iha ' ammo:arm: Parks & Co., Yowltorn, U.; A i : • Zf!tillrrO,VN'ar .torn, C. hoot. Karentna. 04. • • aeno A. Millar.C.Wahoga Whirl. Los A Co., A knn, liendotison A r.tm.,oe eszalusty Lett. . Prikham • timer, Toledo, 04 .0. Williams t On,firunit, Slirbigan: • f nutria.. & Wu: lit.. Thous. • lli. ArIfALOHEY, Agent. nor. Water and noMtbilski sta...hUtalourgh. Arrangement Made to Forward Freight TOIBALTIAIORE IN FIVE bAYB, A T SAME RATES 'PENNSYLVANIA /. RAILROAD CPANY ro - AITA PhUI.4.II,PDIA. COIODE Uol.x. .__ . 1131, earTtr Penn A.. 1 Ware* da.. Dlttee. ir i :OiPat;ioo prTm e su OS' JAII 89 RAW At_ CILA!" PRINTS!.A. A. blaeoN''.t po: . hitt ion ro,...ired 25 cow hear l f:ll so+ pule lat)cti 101) 1.4 . 2 4.11•441 at at] 10F 1t14., .440, Saw. of Wow dsolfUli ym4bytij ttu, Tgra.— " igeavra's64.-., BOSTON TEEIONT HOUSE. BOSTON, .11 THIS well known establislunent is still n01:1- dneted in the tame cannel-ft bat alma ye been. the central and pleaaant Mutation at the boor. Its ntatannth one arrangement, and th . rentMthe .and , to Pound th ere, combine to rendre It aarerable and adrenta. gout to the traveler. flattop torn one, of the fin!! LA John L Tuck. Ito.. to ham et {be head of the estatlnbumat, the etLeriter Meth, hie twat'exertion%to maintain Ito reputation, and It give estbrartion to tan enetrentro. auSl9.(m,d)lm WU. 1.4.11KL1t. PHILADELPHIA. \ NEW FASCIA' GOODS, FROM ENGLAND, 'FRANCE AND GERMANY, ( 1 4 ONSTANTLY ARRIVING, DeW styles nod eatterum. auueually aztalglai warieti,odared aC . or Saga Importation grim , Medea China, or T.,. Cana Wag, I/n[lmila Ohm , . egetable Ivory, lbgerood; Glare atal Papier /halal Ar tio!t. J .. i. rt~ p~W rni Hoxre, P~irr Writ!lit... fir. Prn, Ilnxr., l;~roep, l.Jcr Urvuu.o DrUairtda' Fancy Artielen, 744.7.11 ➢raabes, Ae. • Toba,:ombrbo Act Hew; Toy, by W. , or Jou.. liartnan Plat, l'Pnrila.JevAbarpa, P ; We i z , he ptvottWlr \htle4 bk . lb say:Ve fS r. mune Ware Pt autsßetnrept at the _Pt ~ 1.. ,titl . tz ‘i,r,rgiguacn't 7:; zi.nv ,.. ..tr4levitk ....,..., at leta I.te olu \balf th e pt 4. wf lead'ell4._ , \ R '.\ s koketAtontratCtitri: '' \', \ ,EiLED PRQ ALS foe t,tie Exekration it.% ! ' ig i l fe , ll...to.lb; l l. - rlexiMit u Sf,„ - , r.... , hve t 2s ....th;"Lruct,r j .p.„; Tl44_,minCrti :o H"T ‘ log pipi t the kneat4eat. ur stemma Oran Yostere4u.khe• =jau . p.,.!4 \ thh l boom of T.laTtbrrllclutoelt, irtVutiap , , My or& \ ohthlk soul - of VlrAtom of -re. Liit o le 4tit. 01th nun ttr. Lt itkerapavP.' \ ,N . , k . \ .1, 1.. . 'S` W-uAletynsitienSt , Ailkiiioburg "An.. 4 ‘ s tqy. •, 'I :) , ...Krit and Fekuif P_AyfixA alio\ dtaiaire Sclwl. L y trustuSprpa. ahttuttpwr ,p .17, JAMES HEST ON, 'A. \AL, \EaliockpAx.. ' rp,QIS INSTIT,LITIEN will be 40, for the ...Vreeeptlu o otpuPil, (mi 4 limit f....o,),oa*cgrzar, R tikm The trwtructiok a t erouprisee all the bewhetwe tau g ht in'tbe beet Arajiet WO re . .rws. 1 luetrattobe wlll h e WV.. all brartrbeethliWittina of the \ The School le2rorklah with ‘ ea . p iton ...w , valuable Phitorophleal. chawite'L 1 I t Wrohe''''' — "' h per4us f or (.1 7 1 1: --e rWilinisbhwa r Ttunith' 1 \ N'7l?lF - Stp).l' SVOCKticipm ...22';1..! \\ --\ .I§t. that an Aaaaaamettk ` \" "'u V..,t,,, . beeklmvied cniAt du San 7'4 ".' ' '• ' yttini,, rite= /OILLO4 COSORSOr Of .V.l .V Arr r air i t . Nuall.M, lima. * '. V 4 ' ' \,, C '' '.n . , r, TAMit. evp.i. ' \\ 4 )11 14, 1 3thre faisii \\ \ D ' llthl 4tollE, FIXT,OI4„ES, AND _\ s , lil , a2tio'of}!'4 l l4:l" atm:LP - X' z, - gt":4' rim , -- - 46 - r,P,:t l .- -- --- - pl,b• do .A mg..-- or ta..41. . Oatober, as Wier that l , A the hail& OpAAjr• , f.,h Voilaat4. attD, 3.".1' Liberttm: I,n' • \*?9-Y.fi '‘ h A JO! iSA! RTI t I a ENT a O A TillPr t i ai lt . ; lUsi 6gbiati '\ loot a4,4mi.crua • alaa,ra orpapp "AAk ,iheO.., , Ahinth r of tT.. b.Wt.OA matt -.., ihat: MAA PALAINK. ', 49 Ilt i, - 31 W 9 , t'ol4, =l* , idvik7:l2,,„- .14 . ,, phalas• Daiwa \ far ' \ D.Lerr .40...,-, 41). _—_-r. frola - Lucia \ , Ik . • thaaltycatA \ 4 1 \ , ''''X,=2& - T• 1 t : rl t AV ' \ {1 '9 A6144/1; 16 \ .s.\ Walt% ' a 441 laeP,‘l._ . 1 . 114%,,, hpAi, ; \ 1,1 atf4l,V 7 i watal'aat aim - A \: I s. • alahl y taa thst meat CAI gal, Ll Vhla;r "4 . ° ' \ e , L*' ''' EA taola - 9Visa,rar o i I 1:1., Joe We'd), \ , ;6, S tltArs;a h ic t.)* ". 1/.l o t ~ ,g...,t r :k .t„ix ....., ~,,, „„ „,: ~... , ..,...te,, v,,,, 4.. '?' ,Thilikeira iVy' JahAT I,IIT, tither rtaeh Blukandr, ~. z.e4e a,,,,a c.ur opar. Shikcn!, ~...,. t r , ... ~:, ...„„„:„ .e ,4 1-I,ESH\ (.4,,,intEltlEN .107.6,\LIqDRATsOl , Vittat onk,Aftli of*.q. , . . hL 4. Green 41Akt•Tfts 151..3 4..1Nt0a .I,Chott.i• T.: Llttio: obamq - \ \:.- 1 d r . , L- , Ant 8 1 „. ''.-,3l:—.,Tabt-i!*. 1. boY ''''''''' `- 1 i.'i. vo.:l4l,lt+r: .\ \ Tr s tirV \ ' 1. tVor4V.J . ! .. InLvro , .&h, \ ,i xtv ,.. i .„..,.. . ...,...• -,,,, k iit gA ~,,,.R :,:,: \c Aw v..11:::' llO Loxes Clotta tr`, \ ~, 04 1 3 4 , 714 ht p.. 1 - 1- 2"9'.44=6k, line. 'ik..l, . g , tirou.4 , 4llr, ilOO 0.4„ Coto RITMO. \ \ \ St ~, Nl'ortokr At . Yaotinta I O ,r....2,11,r...i?,\ • V, 1 1. 11 P t lll'Ae : BURClft,'lpp *t.a.A r 7 --. ovr, s ' , . V. A 11Nit7btttal li-MIFYAI'L 'ln ~'lf: .blUr . 0 , : 1.'2. ! .tt1tt."4':°41:,',41,1":. 7't a° v - * 7- E - Icis,,s-0.,i,24 5? - . - :z - 6,:=„ - -da, 40..". 5z,„,&* altiorstaotanof aro et.LIO. , Lat„l. p•oittl. sa eat \ V .. ., \ \ mitaialr a icateinlia>. ',. keIUST:RECEIVED. fro*, ale \ PhilliPtire' oil &kb - t.. \ io. 4', C., and 8 ivisilirc kat etittliated oinuivioV. \ wv.ik , it.O. atti4 ,l 9ll •,oligitosajo degooaaNd lag* toatatttapturata to tba.acorot atttolo.—thoy a.NI 913,11 to LlAlLttdocuttav to purobsottie :1 , 't.ti•ALOetotordodtto % t00tt0tf.a.avi.,...,.. a,..._ • boLtra. tg ILIA Nits'? 4, war y Lt l / 4 .....iiti6.. \ ....., ,... - ~-....., 0 '4 4 , 9 W ''''. NEWs , ..,\ FitEn'H •111.EK14154. A. mA., \ ft. kat bay fa t tattkood i - lorAnr _IOL. of qr.* nOtett4tortoo., of..aost .141 abllcittod „4 1 14 rvtOrt.P.' N:siat for thtTtall tnt.l? . —o_!Oi r ot Lt. r , N - W SllKS—ltec'd t.Bie dti o l kiktAutlipil tatty ttew,l7la t \ 1 .. :Ain del. a. TO. ct [19427j \.. • AAA. Zot N a vv. iSrEW, BONATS AlsiD R11410.A.\ .. nook .t Co. ilari tun 'tjaetmot • lam lit; 1 Boalloto sob florault JuStoaktiall atrlottabla 4 , ••L NN101:1•5,4, •A IIEAPIMBERMERULS—A.A. 74AsciTc, Aj t La hav4Just melt aziotho7e.ot Itizes • , 8.• b.14.1t. 42 .4 od , §lfyket frt V ms EEDLE. Wpßh. iOLIt I 3.S. of 1: 1 1 1 7.,% '""'" d" _ l l.7%intal 4tßuirtifLo 0\Y!1141. 4113ONS!—Waro—oppnizii n S eEVOrt, ti :3'. R. t ubas, +_ t u b . teg t \ kr, UV "16141..kgiunur4M4 attiet4b toatbrtbe 4 s . • k atUrb. ._,.._s VOI:I4ND S ILVNIAVATCIia - - -- , ', 1 .\litzs‘Ni ba:i\sguli t n a IttakrZl i tyf .1 e utitilsbaut matufactrts•eatiofd, ltustUbl. "'i s ' , .a.t . tlg,„b,Estryla s ot,enla & all M lta4, lad atj l i t ... mu 7-tu" 3 - 7,fateh Itapatrini;\l6:mlo ths , but mamurty th. 4 4 ,44 bum arturbucattacrualuq b th• M T . +mrwr ....;4 W. W./11,1.50b OS. killi=... (1 1 HEqEL-.100 iloiAreaiik 7 ----\: mg!, 2XI "M. RI. 111t b eb. '4. 2 \ R,ALERTS-60 box4i • \ - \ 4, Mb bla!tiattra wit 'be L./ - \ ' • • • It It.U.A.ViN LAKE FlSti::s bblA. W' M'e ' ~ . . • , s, ~ \ . • .\ \ • \• , ‘ ' \ • . \ •k• \ ' \ • ''',. \ •' ' ''. \ \ i \ ', , • ' - \ . ' \ ‘, \'\ • . ‘, : ' w , ' • tAi ., , ,..Nii.;'.,-; .- ?;\ s ' • \ AITII,II Ciikuri - PECTOBAL. - A _," 1, - POUIara,TOLDB, ROABBENEBB. BRONCHI" '' ..;%, -.-718, AROOPING-COLIGE, Icßoup o . ~ * , . \ Astrime, atzistrsipnar ~ , - i sscrs.._ . < TN ocerin • l. the etku,useanity O s lo •-putly... Al le rankiekifor dbieniotKf dm thzwitllci bilmi, ' `41..4 otinerls/i to LOG* 'with ilk Ilrea or hatilt4tba -. ilfilletinl. tint twin], V; lay balm, p. tb• op of - dletbigimpal en anemia, cf tbiorieldoms of r 1 ,6 ••••• Ilminl idileti the/ Mk' judo. tin Itlkebtiortveal 11* do-'• . , me, gado ounaelyea to .aktimoll2Tarliki• r Isi•V statecnoalie of Its iFicsayenter ../. 1 1.te hi I,ket•iirl, llf ' i' nano/ 'humanity' \ which rim Till WI [ tru e I . ‘ adv ho aitt e and via all:At an itki horn atilt, Into . files w . aid-w.«, fpillaliailiatttl \, -I , will gm tb,m ppeit,,tliuniudile,fieltbe zatichinn• , Yi: \ • theft toat onnlidanee outai s pottonale. humanity' tli thaidlAingtatebed Ftfeneter•Cf ebettitilind ' ll... , ' • . ' SIX I I Id layed ameraring tbakteoe I. Of f pap , • i ' 'F,ru°,,, '4'l" ur, ,, :T r t t f. u 'iv,:s,rrluP, 4 4,re -' ,b4't b 7 , oo Lto item' wan a high de of FiCalstac§niu. In O. f i ne *Sulfa =id ichildp•tr. 1, , ~1 , . \I ha finind in, as It• l cgtoilici.•. 111., PII•I•r t- I L T , 7 4 • : •• , ad, for ,01,40,1T,1,a1ta1a1i00. 17: di. i l , , i , 6 .„,, in:limy k, life, l'ebni. 1•47. \ 1 , %... l , \ ' tft ---- \I (P pm an eraior In brmitton ill.. bit a ruir..l: %. L, • , Dri, - 4. C. Ji fill: I boo. Main ctr . e,4 of tb a leiakoolngna ~ \ *tar tiad In at, 114. by SCAr IJI.III " —, 7.,,, i 4 I , l. \ FrZA4 "" l '""°=111,-:''''n'm \ . , V, `„ Lee4tNe ee . vv.,. -, A e Eutilt - ‘. - Rif - ii..44.i. alfierlog, and pl , a2lf tailaniolkinonitAttb, , -• &biol. Tli , 4patien), heal beentailSevy &ebb\ ini4Ste‘t - ri - "k ~,, • real of the Orlon itea iiimulititiat;lr IIIIII.c." ...\ \ \ ' I J :7 l, ltoasanaemacte lit td:', Jul la 'San. , ilir. J. C. Artap.viri tibaJe heel, feted Pri .......1 . ., \ \ .taallo. al th. ithia, ...'th MY ....L FF V1 1 ..t ~. ‘\ , ‘litr , r:=l°,f.t .r.:Ar°41 1 `.:4a414,.... IL- - \ ''',; ' rapii 01, scot Claerri , \Perm ' which woke e .1.11 a., . ~ \ , IPA . 4 .1 i him PieMteniii italnicg inti:eplcatiillit •li l 1\ \ inibaaltlt it/ sell on& neetappa 14 b . 11.,...fd1y1 ' , or. -L . , , L \ '`,....,- ,lfrl7ji r '' ; 7!' . o .4r:; ' a ' Car ':.4l.l:ari 'i \ \ i Woo impended front lila perue4.l duties brill ••I'll ••\ kiteborituntiebitt• I bap. ntemire ia einftlftillug that., , ... rkaa .o,:atio.tit Ma. eir. part rcitactfully..-11 Lr 90 ,1 .-i --- A , :- iibe foltlint eranTroi. of flue ...rho' cam,er fh•\ • plinnclanalital lfriends thought tn.aell.neuratile cuntMP- \ ' i I lain :—\ \ \ !\\ - i \ C..".• I•• •• 1 • • ••• *-t i I.•‘•°:'' '‘' J. C. Ittna.-Inlr.le am trt , .. *Rh i‘e....,10ra --- .4ti, .4 1 :1=11:ZicNi7; tt b L ,e l Oefif• OrV. °M.u "' " • \ h l y t ~ ,,' tkrogblog nemealialy udgbt autt nay, l'itpc:nie,nb i a , . - lepirand , ,pale, maul iiieralr....., ~..3.,,,......„.... ~,,,, p•burt. todmik,l • if mobil, If toil in nPlidit - 1. , i IL lili lbr ° " - Nitv..het t tz.if ' , ',.mgm= \ ~ . ‘ltia'fb=ltallan.af"tl4ll.l.boaeumha.b..ithr I c , , \ p,...„ w.u. or •-., ch..= $ , -...d*ro --- "'"'':\ ', ' ..._ '\\ A . ~ \, As:..\ 1 / 7 be wouletiaL OR. IL * peV L.LoaSOLIVaqr 'top of whit - oas \l.v The 'goat/. ,It of vh0e1,..„,r_ . .. , . 1 . b.., thls Ich.AIY fn, ~'d . `'',,:.' s- • ,\ T• reedleltuiofluto usel uotutAtulal , d•Pbu. \ , \ WILL Slj4E WITI/CRIX I. 'I. A • ~\ L \ s throVile,', ,y \ \ \'‘), \ • .a,,K arch...l ". A\ , V,. • \• A ''. \ litatgloat eel. rlkli,.. . \ ,• ',", \ ,I, 1,-,4evelet,?gitireur to \`' ''. ' . A,' r • \ \\ \\ BaltiramorTtiggro,hcall fleal •••• _I• _ \ , \ \ -.. .kt.nuntum., .P...i la ,eb,,P...3‘tr ,„ A, '\ ' -.lohat, Ohl &gee ault:leits,4weilln&or ' "‘ \ \ 1, the (3)1113.1e, hiptlia, Drag, e , le, A. Rhea. ''''• .• • 's, \- \ ,'+ Dia.' iV(st the Illd.l/o,aa of Aggatlter,, , • •• •••\ ,- \ , \ ~.... bl c oe u i , t a i t .i etr i 'Zo , tts h :%zot, \jfer• • , ‘ \ \ ',Ahah,lare. lagral /1 . ..ha/lAA' .l•'. , ' 1\ \• , • Vire al' Chttve• \ - ' . . .11ElgrtIt - A•NO ~ . I .' ' fpglys/at Coagualgla•llatagha, ' , Lei - Afeat. -' , \ • '‘' egoo.l.achnisee',,,a Whithw,'lcroisithetietto flate,'wesi: ' j, aAtufAll t hatl tag of torrd, are ag , ta . pg , f4 r ,ri : . ~\,. 4, ~. Altiratt 070 48:07,511t r .:I‘rnvanltky, ph!, , aravg-• \ ••, : lassaltehrellei\b, anew.; thi• oundathau ofhhalth and \• h • :whatlitetnnjth il, ang,• awd Lag,: *thy . tiouttihtl.e. \, , • c li, '`• tat all *I wkeh to tams the Word trots v Itarertith. IL ~ eagraesal }hug Lc' has I.laLge.e*lve a ' dithai ‘ , V. *at. Lag . Area. abo trosa ha reei4,asonuaer ..- A, .. . ! wv•ldeatla rooter wCu Dr. Clivott'wExtreet 'oi , -• , ello •I \ \ Doek eta! Servivalllt, *bleb iivgioviwijaelf. gate `. marmotgr the Logetgallghauggiagovehig at Beata, ~., ' \ LLhathl that will ‘ Letaekis AIr•PLOOLI.; hlt•ltt .1. p. 71 ..\ \ ,AT ik. Embits aittr t:44 ver wavewod—heV, ~,, E lver• \ :Tor. !Lis lounged a ark: :oat as Their Wag LOW I. •h : \ \ / . . 4 ‘ 6 1" 1 '..d . . 4° ....A• "4 ..4u, '''. 4 .. n • , ^4.: ' ' ' l • 'Tell 6./ fr.. .i.... 0 ..a ipi ,63 ..khar , i, lit., L 'ial . X: , at:treat. areas vegefatitt ogia;•the\refo k t4ter ' a 5. taulkia awn Wheat .I"tgArltt,iii."o" . • • - lIIIILAIIt .4 Llth.a. let .o oat gergau of bh 21.;) • . let' .• ay gittathalt garage. NI hlv'hops of,obv 1r- ' 1 eatettgeelleialoge iti,EavaatOi\Natert of l`pilent ``` • va,gattltitte.,-,and . pealled• tiil. fet*l'la,;tt leaky :\ gi al,... ," • try ft, sag a have nahaltatithe gh.collTa b•i•jvv• , , 4E5.(4 S, READ pm FOI; Pl/flhik ... \ , , ,4.107 a.. Alfa tag pleas* la shvling tfro tto•- ' '', •,• , • "it. D.A ., A I I' atwaaelle Ages goetiathrteckla i . , vituow. \ \ dram \ '' . ' ''. t A L••••••/ ow - Databllf e. \ alma. 11...1.1aithis i' • • daughthh\ wig troubled s erikvliculli k to, 41 ',, \ 1 , other glhlhag walla la ~ hat.. t e hal thit,../1 lag ,", ''-,,. 1 \ A W AI AL -4, 4„ ,,, u 0 di.-4r '... cr tl•A \ „, t4A trAlll t ll'in, .' \ \ .' ' ~ gee of I/y.og Yearn Yellow pork Saalogato t ag gai\ \ \ -.1 )•trall 7 cuZeg. She asiT7seial'a evgatare *![hoof \\ , \ '„,! • \ t Ogg ths‘llghtes Clte. Ile'hi•l' one &gnat:Lad/4' \ , \ ''.. I , ftogi the MO. i!,1111., - r. *TR/ PP 2 4.VIL‘ •-• \ \ \ ' ; \\ \ • Ifiataartut, Ova. `tall, hi 9 . ! /fa , \ l ' .i '. , 3,£.. irk.,,. - A par air, 1 turihae,l,,e fah. Day.. .' \ \ \ \ ahottg of your Ifeflow IP, t ouJ birramilla Ibr my wibb , ~ • -Ur • h 'She: boo uteg %jos cow sonsylv k la 'Eavg....a \ ,- • IFIe • \ hhlllag elt , le Kotra. aav , stllt ha aga./ ' , , s k, • i • , h ~ tray,- catutil: Of the Ergilogas ichas tlearly eft •••• a gte. I hag, gst are*. \ a aeon& bottle. . A, - ‘, t'' ''' ' .14 • • • %foal the effswt or the 1017(1st,, flea agadeat that th eft.et a perga wore' k Va etn*reasethillv - I, - ': V.:, OINIIVA-t•''''• • ' -••' ' '' 4‘ ~ n.„.„,,,. ~,,,. ,•„, ~ Erie, Pc,r l oted of LAT r k.lamgletat. ' ~ \ PAILAIAII. ' IA" lours, DESVIA.. 4 th e U.A.A-WA L.. •gwatof La 14. agues, at Matta. of tbahltobaot ‘ 'JL. z..1, , ,mi E iwt:Towr brt-(l4yeelr Ner es Tei- sot's ' '.!.',,° '....." \ .. \ \ \ EaV. 1 , ..! , , ,, i ' Ati.he - zik. t4l:- • \ yob, h \ tt1i,4... fuk - , r...,:th am . lhaptty Co lightge jog that Vas t o b tal in o.thw poa ...1.`4‘...irUh4,7,14b 1 4: avlhaat. ohsg ha Lgeogagalw ligrag Otottlenee \of ,i , IA ortn,t hop to 100.att•ital The: ix, • toig.tia( Oft. l• V '',•• \\ \ A '.-, Whati•fgainiewead Yeti tho`Yellog Do 4 ah4 , Be t ,,- artllig,\li ri gktrulg Ilea aat eehla ecalltVg,f' ilia are, It atligt, tigh Paaltoth.C . Y. , tho;y..t , iokr*f.th.• yacket ay 1 iclar,b4, Isles la,N, bp back and abb . t.b . ,!9\wal \ ' mush ttliathlagrta ttltilasev)htior hewi, al.. oil eigemltlie, atuegumboar tf ipt,cruti,erd lei& ,u,;! Tate bate,bt im . ry ectetita. 1100• tor man it , q. ohaltha ay oaable male. \ Vita In La ea4r.., ;I t; t, • • I agla s , hNo.Kg..gat no tad Olathe/wig t \ • Lt • ev•ta/ro I o nto. vuletgot 'lathy raedltaghata , ,, _ gulf ri . atge. . but the urn uit e ‘ t that Ito kti,:• .2, \Tigaw Drat elaihtgqffgrilla ter aragromi - teigavt. \ \ a 1„ •,ia haat ti( ‘o , 5.511 all of mi,‘Latmentair•-• •\ , \ plague:went tattier, ,temooVd. 'Mg berry. sow etroug \ *0 it rout van' s e•yrtal awl feat ste Ottawa:layer- \ \ • tar Meal% Mir.:ll.ltirtltiltiOFlt 1.2911 sad it••'•Yhy, \ E s say w4s us realatt.l \ 1,.1 to all 40.914 ph , ,• 4 '4Y ‘ , tes rim. • / • glee. tcrne•eral Abbi, b. \ \ bt b .\ ' .[bai l, tllaw. i l ' ati3:l \ '' S r atika7ar ' lll ' Z ' al9 Az.. 5 k . 4.,,, 99••#•17 , ,rAll•mad by p,isl axy ( t••• tbyirl lb atat.lo4, \ low, tru ly,' \ \Mel= 9 SPAIJLDI ~,6 0, ..,,„,,,,„„,, wwle. yoy ay Inlarra bottles, ;110k .04... , ;, T .,\,.1 ..... 01 \ Lea driest •bio,n, .it.,., • als" , ,Wlth \ btu !Tea gout r10.',!..' F. 81mae.,......,•*(iS • \ teldw \ Bold 4J. It,,C4RX, cladaa.an• ~ .stalwa ....,, \ s ot Nonstb.atallOantkitnats,' , . l Litz . khiValasbataik:. • \\ , . a \zoti to` ham all abilmia•alf b• . \\ .. “.: . ' 5 \\ Alital *Va.. 80. 19•9nastaik it A .. ll,)px, la. flge. " tw s • 4.. itecOa..*o \llr/b•a7C9Y, I.4.tiivanell. WY ' •L. IL litro , rA, \L'aloabown, li . W• l 4: o ••••wbbaie Kmibibbaraerasa 19•4•Y8 Gllmc:, 13•4144.9.1 A 904, atlakibiaMia.o4i,.l4llblerawra bp:T ... \l ., uieVteid 4; IC. wrikte, ticalbillwa: aa• )/ 4. ana: ' wilaa. a :.,“.. 'W.oliaA., o..itz,, a , \ 1 , 4 4iur. hick' . ' I Cl,, 2 , 4 .... z. N .. l lotatilleditaion t... e." Pair, Clm„t 'crier: , m.,..041 Int. tr.rtiVco,Lu , 1.-,13\EX1V..1-. :), O. i!.‘ Wait* 1'.1...5i t., . S..T.o. f. l2 *.iip.r.r.t....ir4Bicrnarilo;', 'VN. jek.^4,—.sl , ..pripotii4; Si. . .'Bottkitfrif t.i . 5 . . 'l..r a 6tioqiiift. . —, ‘ - :... 1::', - .-. v, •;;;N: , tcuate l aillic(o44.47\ rs a' OLE is .aendP4 fdX 4U4iiit'eA alia shrhillti bokciold In th.r.k.rdoi.orireri - 1.1. N '. 1441=1:... 31 . 1 ..z,L. vho ..11-14, conitsat, dasr r. ct N s .or cutidal OA , C. If ., edillOrti h el2l IN e vtleti,TEM - 4 . '''' saliblif to ttuip...4 , {s4r [Aar •111.7 441.1. - 74.114 , ..; ~o', i. .1 , '.0. 5 gl . r ll = ...i,demc. 0t.41%A0'r0,.4.i.X..&1nkc.., Vattii.l, ~ .;•, ' ' 3 „ 474;retf nbsttotaidtvEljrp.ia '- '', \ I ,9r cu SorlM P ier 4 1 1 1 4 " 4l.ski "'""r". s ', \,l \\-.. . IivTAV I ZZjai-''xo. \ \ 0 .. IVI , . 11.10.4ElfiN 1. ''. - ' , ,` V 's ' , • ` \ \ . D.lirkfilueotfN ' , razz at.k ii , i):: , 1 , \ \ illii=, 1.7,'1;'''.4k,r310..1 , ..4.).fr.... , ,.. \ ,:,. \ \ nr ni l bi B. AIL,WAVItt. ICCV.,. - N:. ,', \.. , I J: I V 0.9 N P r L Al_ N T.. 0 4 . 7e jpitkre r rtiO a A:: ~, ., ‘,,, ..\\ r lg. .- . 0 ,5 .1.7 , 4=i474'15" 4, 7 •:\ • t \ , it. v, .4 14 4,4-?,_it) L 4turs*,.. ..`vglr." - 'qt.. , ' - \ . ttoond xUttt tiln IVAN, tritlclittonit. ~, ----- ‘, \ \ ' %Into:wort:m.4 too i re( of the conoort, hreh7 :tt. \ Mr= 141=erltri =UV., 7, .....\.. \ = ..., .i., tut tot?, not;rltot 06 , .V. 14 , 4 '"!, •.?.‘ 44 :‘i t .. 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