NOME MAT ERS . Tars Hownoctruat Exateinos.—The exhi bition- of the HorticuHotrod Society yeste a. evening, tuna ottetoled bj nearly two thousand persona. - Ylvereiglit hundred were in' the Hall at one time. The exhibition will be continued all day, and during the 'evening. The large col lection of fine trait, will be sold at auction, at nine o'clock this evening, for the benefit of the Society.• A - fine band of music wi be in at tendance. BYE-LA'N IiZi•CALCD.—The eonnsel for the defendants In the Bridge case; yesterday, an nounced hat the Board of Managers of the old Alleghe. y bridge had repealed the bye-law no thorlrin:women to pass free of toll. They will be here. fter charged as formerly. CLLr LAND AILDICAL COLLCOE.—The. next Annual nurse of Lectores at this institution will co. mencu,on Wednesday, November Gth. This. Co ego is one of which Cleveland may well be prou Young as it is, it ranks third of its achool t the Onion, and there is no one of its Profe o but enjoy's distinguished reputation for skill in his profession r• d is kipyrn ea a most desirable spot in pursaa' a coarse of study; it is easy of ealthy, and as a residence is the most loa the Lakes. • Callege, located In such' City, 1,181.9 t l ivo aliheral and extensive support. Clevel ' which t. WC pleasant Such aIWaYB 'LB (.213 , 3 WAILBASTO.—T. .1: Bigham, ing in obedience to the instructions of E. Prinklin,,Eaq., Attorney General of anis, yesterday applied in the Supreme a ruke to shoWealMe why a writ of quo afionld not . be . issued againt the Hon. leee, Stet% Senator from the twenty- Aso?: Esq., 'Thomas Penosyl Court fa, l Warrant ,. Timetb enatorial. District, composed of Clarion, rem, 'Potter, and McKean comities. es was elected in the year 1848, and in. I .w aa appointed by the Democratic Board Commissionen enperindendent of the ;constructed 'to avoid the inclined the Portage*Railroad. It in contended ettemot legally fill both these offices at pleas that he the um The .ands da which the appointment of M. nsidered illegal, are— The XlXth Sectionlof the firer Article /onstitution provides that no Senator or [naive shall, during the time for which have been elected, be appointed to any Fe, sa., during such time. y question under this clause is, wheth- I- perintendency, tic., is a civil office i . meaning. The Word civil, is, it. is Ives is . 1 Fire of the el Represt he eb , civil offi • The .; er the within i contend to mill : i tie nom! forth in I and the ton of ‘i nbrionsly used in contradistinction ' and the appointment comes within on law deapition of an office, as set acob's LawNictionary, title "office," authorities there cited. See also opin lighmen, ChieCJ notice in 3d Sergeant. , 49, Com. va,.Butherlond, and sth Ser. Basile; 951, Com. ca. Brasile:. To the .eotts the opinion of the Supreme Court ailed States,. ha the recent case of the age against the Canal Commissioners, hem in the position of Officers under the -rernmeot. - -The Vlllili Suction of the he, or 6th pant & MIME of the proc placing State ti 0, entitled an' Act relative to the ap .t of Caxml Commissioner, enacts that r of .the' Legislature shall be appointed ommissionei, or a Stiperintendeat on of Omni, durimr the time for which be I. to °thee. I v:el that this section has been repealed. -thing that bears ou that point; Pf the ation not of 1849, at the end of the ctioo of ihich; it is provided that the pro, .so of the seventh section of the net of 6thAprit,lB3o, shrill be repealed. It may be that theAerson who managed to ship this pro vision**, the act. intended to get rid of the Sth Odic% hut be evidently -missed a figure - . ' The rule ins granted by the Supreme Court, .returnable in October. • TSB ALLEGHENY BRIDGE CABE We gite below a aynopsin of the arguments, ' in the Allegheny Bridge case, which came up prier:lay before the Supreino Court: Commonwealth, ex rel.` James' Todd. TB. President, Managers and Company, for erecting a bridge oveg, the Allegheny, -ipposite Pittsburg in the County of Allegheny. No. 65 deptember and October term, 1850—Western District ' This is a Writ af 'Quo Wirranto, issued on the information of Jaines Todd. The defendants ' bare appeared, - /yad taken issues in law and in fict. Updn- the verdict, with the exception of one issue, the Commonwealth has Slid a hill in equity to the 'present term, and relies for her -' support of that bill upon the evidence taken up 'on the trial of ithn Quo Warrant°. The only questions, then, for the consideration ,of 'the Court, upon this branch of the proceedings, will be the questions arising upon the demnrrers,and one single fact, found by the. verdict. In the second part of the plea, the defrii= . dents say, inter alia, that they enacted certain brlawe, regulating the amount, which should - be collected and received of and from each pas senger crossing said bridge on foot, regulating the sameat three dollars a year for each and -every foot passenger so ironing the same,' &a. - Tothis there is a demurrer.: 2 . 2. Theyleny that Todd, the relator, was ex ebadeil by Gspecial resolution of the board, from thebetiefit of that commutation, as charged. The defendants' ore charged with entering up on the lands of Wm.. Robinson, Esq., and erect ing part of 'the wall of the bridge thereon, with: out first contracting therefor, as prescribed by tbetict, &a. They reply by admitting the fact, bit say in eioldamm,".that before they proceeded to the eret , ' thin of said bridge, it was proposed by the said Robinson, to said defendants, that the said Com pany should dress the inner wall of said bridge: -next the garden of said Robinson, and that the famiy of said Robinson should go free, as long as said Robinson ahould live, across said bridge, which was assented to by defendants, and that said trail was dressed in conformity with said .arrangement, and that said Robinson and his fatally, in paranance of said arrangement, so made as aforesaid; claimed to pass said bridge, and have passed said bridge free 'of toll, since the erection of the same, and that the license and privilege of erecting said wall, is , a just and fall equivalent for the privilege of said Robin sonand family passing toll free," ,&e. , • To this there is a general dettihrrer. 4. The said defendants are further \ charged with contracting debts for the construction of raid bridge, contrary to law, which enjoined the enlatgentent of the capital stock, if necessary. The defendants -admit the fact of borrowing the Money, &a, butavoid by saying, 'that if they had enlarged the' csfitta stock, as prescri bed by the ',Act, that the mime would not have been takezo Sco. To this there is a general demurrer The a-sett:Linen of corp Orations, as well as nubs • tic favor, depend tipon - corhonest and faithful tub filatent of the datiee which they. hare assumed. Te la t the neglect of these, the failure to live up • to the fitidamental law of their being, that has ctuthnly contributed to the•doubt as tdthe wiedom• •their erection, and thre disfaror with which they are now regarded by many. Their own, as wan public interest, will be best consulted, -• •by holding thein to a etriet accountability. The • terms and conditions or-their grant, being set tled and accepted, they' ought not to ho allowed: .to act beyond its scupe Kul end, nor do come short - of It Within this line of duty, their acts should he liberally expounderf, and indulgently . regarded, both- by courts and the piddle, 22 Wendell, 2ud:- - Corporations are divided into public a Tale, they are, still subject to the law of t and may forfeit their corporate franc i • misuser and non-user. 4 Wheat. 067 - 4 Mod 65. Corporatious.must pursue the law of t • stow. Bee. Arb. tie. Corporation E 4' U. 445.. _ A CorporatiOn is created Upon n trust, that be broken it is forfeited. 4 Mod. fth The Fresident,-Mansgers, and Compaq 'to a trust corporation, erected for the Am the yobbo, as clearly set forth in the act corporation . of 1810, and its supplement' o • For— I. A trust or eontidel*.e . exists tVer, there are sufficient words to raise it, whsr ' to a definite subject, and where there is a • and ascertained object. Story's Dinh. s 964. 9 Yes. 8213. • . What are the duties of Trustees? When special directions are given-hy.the in etituzient creating the trust, or special duties sre Imposed upon the trustees, he must 'follow out the object and intention of the parly,, faithfully, and be vigilait in the discharge of Ve duty.— ?Rory, Eq. 1, 1278.- What duties are imposed upon the corporation p. , • by the charter ? What was the intention of the Commonwealth, r in conforrhog the trust? The Object or intention of the-Legislature, in creating the corporation, was two fold. I. To furnish a then present easement to the 'public, In crossing the bridge, for the compensa tion fixdd by law. 2. TO provide a fond for the pirchase of that moment, and make it ever free to the public. The role for exacting toll was i prescribed, as lids ne the objects of the exaction, and the law ortLIIKU alika uPQ! , "" the extePtion4 . mentioned in the act of issiorponaloW itself.— See. C of Sop Was hfr. 'Tod, the relatoi, to hare a gimlet role for him? Why was the invidious dilnction c in his ease Woe it by a by-law, as illegal? and if aci, Where was the authority for enacting each by law or resolution? • Corporations it Is admitted, ass necessary in cident, have the right to enact by-laws, yet that right mast be exercised; with reference and sub ject to the general law of the land. This is shown, by the true test of a by-law, which is the intention of the crown in granting the charter. 8 Barr 1838.. What . wan the intention of the Legislature in granting the act of Incorporation ? Wan it to grant a privilege to one citizen, at the expense of another ? Are not all cilizens, - in the eye of the law, equal? Is not each edvereign 7 The conclusion in inevitable, that such intent cannot be presumed. In this then the "corporation" have been guilty of a misuser and an abuser of the trust confided to them, which works a forfeiture °Mite charter, per se. What is the meaning of the terms abuser and misuser An abuser is such a neglecfordisregard of the trust, or such a perversion -of it, to the private purposes of the trustees, br holders of the grant, as in some manner, or in edam degree to Austen its utility to thosdlor whose benetit,the same was granted; it mast be in some degree imlsdemeti nor, in violation of the cibject of the trust. In the Earl of Shrewsbury's case, Ld. Cook explains the term misuser, whereby the analogous fran chise of a patented office was forfeited, by the example °fa judge taking a bribe, and adds, that franchises, like officem, may be forfeited by abus er. 9, CO. Rep. 50; 23 Wendell, There was confided to this corporation a spe cial trust, Sects. 12 and 14, Act of Incorporation, and if they might, as is contended, reduce the toll prescribed, Seetion 7, Act 1816, what is to prevent the Corporation from defeatingtbe trust,- when they please, by reducing the rates of toll, or throwing off whole classes, as was done by the resolution of Ist January, 1849! That trus tees, 'when their duties are prescribed in the trust instrument, have no latitude of discretion, is apparent from the authorities already cited. As Tar as legislative understanding goes, it is I settled by nets of legislature of 'lBO3. P. L. Smith's, BG, Mier rates of toll, Ad: are author ized to be taken. Pamphlet L. 1830; page 336, showing that wherever there is a trust created for the redemption :of bridges, it requires spe cial legislation to authorize a commutation or re deletion of tolls. This, it is appehended,iis mere ly affirming the well-settled - principles of equity. By section 5 act of 1816,', it is expressly re quired that before it shall belawful to commence the erection of said bridge, the title to the land occupied, Sec. must be vested in the company, yet the plea and avoidance ehowsdhat in viola tion of law, they proceeded to erect their walls on the land of General Robinson, without pro curing the title, which they have not procured to this day. Non-coastruFGoed et turn-pike road, so required by the actl'lsc. is per era mis. user, forfeiting the privileged and franchise con ferred.. 23 Wendelll93; and it is not necessary to work a forfeiture, that tha neglect or refusal to perform the duties enjoined should proceed from a had or corrupt motive, It is enough that the duties be neglected or designedly omitted, 23 Wendell 193. The duties enjoined by an act of incorporation, are conditions attached to the grant of the franchises conferred, lb. 193, and conditions implied are more favorably construed than conditions expressed: and by Senator er planck in aame case,'grants conferring franchises are contracts between the sovereign power and private citizens, made upon Minable considera• tion, for purposes of nubile behefit, as well as of private advantage. Such a grant vests a private properly in grantee, affected by the public use, whether the grant be made to a corpomtion or to - ..A franchise thus attained may be col:l.:tier ed as au incorporeal property, held on certain conditions, to be duly executed according Loth., terms expressed or implied:" or, being a priest e property,effected by-,a public use or interest, may be considered as a public trust, -to Ile faith fully executed, according to the purpose of its creation. As a trust, it can only he forfeited by non-user.or misuser. tlis-user is such a neglect or disregard' of the trust, or such a perversion of it, to the private purposes of the trustees, as iu some manner, or iu some degree, to lessen its utility to those for whose benefit it was created' or else to work some public injury. Slins•her is a misdemmor. For such monger an infor mation may be bled in the nature of a quo Ira, rant°, which is defined as o criminal method of prosecution. A franchise to an estate upon con dition and not a conditional limitation, and the principles and roles of law, apply—taistich as to other estates upon condition, Precedent conditions, which must take Oars before the estate can vest, must be literally per formed. Conditions snbsequent, and conditions annexed by operationef law require only a sob etantial perfornuince. " ' The non-enlargement of the capital stock, and declaring dividends' on ten thousand dollars of stock, more than authorized by the Act of Incor poration, as shown by reports to Auditor Gener al, is each a fraud on the fate, as requires no comment. J. T. FOX ALDEN, ROBERT WOODS, Attorneys Or CABE FOR TICE DEFENDANTS The following it the argument on behalf of the Defendants: In ibis ease the Scary found— Ist. That the defendants did, by special rest ration, prohibit James Todd, the relator, and his family, from crossing and reeresag said bridge at the yeaily rates prescribed by the bye-laws of the corporation. 2d. That the defendants did not, every third year, make such returns as it was required to make. 3d. that the prefits and income,.after the de cenneal period, did bear o. dividend of more thin 16 per cent, or would have borne each di vidend if the rates of toll allowed by the char ter had not been reduced. 4. That the defendants did vest tho excess of clear profits over 16 per cent., in bank stock and other productive funds. 5. That the tolls over and above what defend ants were authorised to receive and retain for inn stockholders (and which might have been received) would not at a fair apptalsement have been sufficient to pay for and redeem the bridge, Dad pay the stockholders the appraised value of profits for the residue of the term of forty years. 6. That the j defendante did not appropriate the tolls to the payment of the' individual indebtediess of. the stockholders. 7. That some violations set forth in the sug gestion were committed within thirty years be fore the filing of the suggestion. The question now arises upon the sable rec ord, what judgment is the court ;authorized to pronounce? The record presents three demurrers by the plaintiff, aria s verdict upon seven points. The first demurrer is upon the - ground that the company had no right to prescribe any rate of trip toll ether than the rates specified in the act. To this it is answered'that the statute pre scribed only a maximum rate, beyond which they could not Linda* exact. But it was inci dent to the general powers of thd corporation to stipulate in good faith with parties for a Ater. ent rate. • • . The second demurrer is to the plea setting I forth the contract with General; Robinson as to the eve of hie ground on which the abutments were erected. -It ie enbreitted that in this re spect it was perfectly competentio the corpora time to make such contract no might, in the ' judgment of the dizeotars, be Molt advantage. MIS to the corporation, and that the tionsidera time received was a fnll equivalent-for the lege granted, being I alleged:: in the plea and admitted. by the demurrer, eimetitutes a full defence to that c.hange., The third demurrer is to the plea entries the reasons .for contracting a debt of 15,000 for the completion of the bridge To contract debts within the scope, and for the objects of its being, ie incident to every cur. partition. In this Instance the right to increase the capital stock was a privilege conferred—not the denial of a general right. Brom the pecu. liar cirenmetanoes of the countryan explained by Mr. Anderson, and averred iu the plea that privilege was not available, and but for the ex ercise of its general Irigbt, the bridge, se peers, could npt have bees erected. By contrasting that debt-Abe design or the State in creating the corporation, wee fulfilled ; the bitnefit of a valuable pulblie work encored, while the Company violated no doty and exceed ed nu powers by the charter granted. Upon the demurrers; then, the law in with the defendant. liut were it otherwise, no ground of forfeiture remains unanswered ; and the hide found by the jury establish a full and complete defence to every charge in the •tuggestiorts wor thy of any consideration. Regarding the finding of the Jury or! the first three issues, their consideration, au supported and sustained by, legal evidence, we deny that it justifies a forfeiture of charter or eeleare of frietchieee. The Injury, if any, to the relator, charged in the first issue, is strictly private. No public in terest is affected; no liability of forfeiture is in curred ; no infraction of the charter la caused by the net charged. The case of - The People vs: the Hillsdale and Chatham Turnpike Company, 2 Johnson's Re ports, 19.0, is, in .our jecigixier.t, a conclusive au thority against the Quo Warrants. Woodworth, Attorney General, moved for, a ride that the defendants show canoe, by the next - term, why an information, in the nature of a Quo • Warranto 'should not be filed against them. He read ads davits .stating that the road bad been opened through the land of the complainants, and Wed, without any offer hang been made to them to ' . . . . agree upon a cainpensatian. and Without hav ing the damages ascertained according to law. E. 'Williams, contra. "Per minner : If the defendants have not fol lowed the directions of the net relative to the compensation to be made to the owners of land, through which the road had been made, they. Re trespassers, and the complainants have ad equate remedy in the weal course of common law. The public are no way interested in the controversy or complaint, and that is a sufficient reason for not granting this extraordinary rem edy. Rule refused." We concede that a private and public remedy may coexist. A private action and a public prosecution may in some cases both be sustained. The same doctrine is laid down in the case of The People vs. the Bristol and Renssalearville Turnpike Company,,23 Wendell's Reports 244-5. The principle now contended for (that there might be a remedy both by private- action and public prosecution,) was argued in London vs. Vanacre, 12 Mod. 270.1. It was held, as we be fore noticed, that the city moat forfeit its fran chise of the Shieverick if it did not elect a Sher iff and compel! him to serve. He bad refused to serve. Volt said, as to the objection, that he may be indicted for this refusal, no was the case of Leawood, Sheriff of bffirwich. I. an swer, that will not be sufficient to hinder the for feiture of the franchise ; for if there ehould be a vacancy when the Sheriff comes to be sworn, there will be an obstruction of justice. "The ground was that a public inconvenience in not exercising the franchise would work a forfeitre, although there might be another remedy." These cases clearly show the instances in which a private action and a public prosecution may both be Sustained. This remedy is sought in the name and under the authority of the Com monwealth, and cannot upon the strength or reasoning,of any. authority adduced, be sus tained upon allegation of any mere private in jury. •• We Concede that "all franchises which are. granted are upon condition that they shall he du ly executed according to the Charter, that being a condition annexedlo the grant." This Compa ny itenot charged with the doing of any art pro hibited by its charter; with any infraction of the law c w e or h= l : th g. :law of the case. If none of its provisions have been violated, it is difficult to find any legitimate ground to demand its sur render. Codwin se. Urbana Insurance Compa ny, 14 Ohio Reports, 10. Again, we deny that there was any legal evi dence before the jury juvtifyibg the finding of that issue for the See the tes timony en pages 1,2, 5, (near the, bottom.) 10 and 11, relative to Todd, iu Judge Nlerlure !SOWS. The testithony of Codk, page 11, filcClure*.t notes, showsiconclusively that he did not act un der any resolution of the Board excluding Todd, and that had never beard of any such rest, The testitkuuy of Hobert Half retell , . to his rs uveation with gtauer, page 2., wee wholly II :!gain it will be observed it is neither charg ed nor found. by the Jury that Todd and his, family were excluded frumtpassing the bridge, paying the iegtilar trip toll ILliSe.ed under the Charter upon all trip passengers; hot simply ! that he was not allowed to pass . a yearling.- - The commukation was not a right but or privi lege of the act of the Board in the exereine of! their discretionary power Nu improper reser rifle of that power being charged, it i. peasant- ' ed that port I Cantle existed. And no long as he' MIS allowedito pane as required by the Charter paying the regular trip toll, there WWI lit) right• violated. naring kept themselves within the legal etairge the exereisp a theiy discretion is not a suhje , t for revision by the Court But I were it not sp, the evidence dtscloses a sufficient ' reason why Toll should have been required to pay by the trip. The suggestion charged the exclusion of Todd and his family; there was not one particle of proof before the turv,...l way resolutiou or action id' the board or any of its ottieers in relation to ' the family al Todd so that the finding it without evidence to talpport it ~ The secou4 issue—aye:l'os it may la. called-- is an immaterial one j The suggnattoo charged an obligation is malt.' return once no tea peace, i and averred'a neglect\ of the Company to make ' such return The plea alleged that the bridge, MI6 cotnplet d in lki.ltt. and - that, after the third year loom th completionof the Bridge, the Corn patty did fr mthence ' (Omar.' ID Li It. 1 elk". each and o, cry year. The repld. :do avers that the defendants did utt, earit and-,-t i thud year make such return tithe IN err I r.tss,t by law. This t total departure bout the alleged cause' of forfeiture charged iu the f ruggestiou; and if the truth of the fooling of the jury be conceded, there ie no mathe'er forfeiture insult ed, an the replication charges no violation of the corporate duty under the providionn of the char. ter. Conceding, then, verity to this tieding, it is idle and.wholly unavailing.. Nu judgment of forfeiture or seizure tioYlil be l'egally or prop erly pronounced upon a finding Involving no vio lation of charter.' Again. Tile finding is un.supported by any evidence whatever. The law presumed that the Company had perfurnmd lei duty and made the requisite returns The Commonwealth proved, (page I, Judge , Berrsto, Sept. .I 8 J N •TTlNtill CAI, Ana', IdteCe:-.--. _1 ; : -..11111 1 " i0,....4u. its. :um, Wilt,. . Z. - - ,du ... rad,' etran ere . McClure's muse, ) return from 1830 to Isso, The Liberty Convention, to day, - Dominated I, ExCitritiOn TlCklse 10r i eri 25 Cen t'. ' ' i. " : " iii ''''' '`'', m . l" ) " l " ' '' ';l' ' ':',':',?.l. - "' t ''''''''''''' ..Li "' except tw l ci t yc.s, 1844 and 1845 Garrett Smith, of Ne - w York for President, and I ell II F . fine ~,L , ,,,e , „„e re ttauers Chas. Burke, of Wisconsin, for liar i lL i ti,t . ,;;l i i i ,lie t it .. a h al e st„i r ci t ii iiiic i4La" ,, an3l .. i i 7it i. i .. l ' i,.. ::: r r ";.; l, ::: ::: . " ; I: , ...i . .' . '1 , .i , ; 'l ,, u 't-i ;. f, )‘; " . ..7. ;; ' ,.. E1it . ..:n ; "t ; •:: .. 1. ; :1 , i 1 1 i , : ,, ° : . : -. ,,.. 7 ‘ ,.... ; ° ... The defendants proved (page 7) by Harper, . • •re.uadttor, te, t.iel treasurer, that he made returns every year from . _ , rh.....r..awrri due, I,Puttdaye ~, fi - ,1, , , . BACALINAII, Sept. 18 , es.sver. tray., Pittstotron n i i ," „'„' ": : ",, ';'.... :::::,',1; . ..,? 4 ,1 4. , ii . :1,1ii"..,:',7 , ,,,.". ''„,', :!,:`,......,.1 9 . 1 .,.7..k"t:t.5,, , , 1842 to 1851; it is also mated on the . Judge's , • notes, page 9, that Mr. Harper shows returns I • !bailees es. , I The' steamer Brother Joitithen, from Chagres I 1.....-... noble s to e o to '. f'" ",'''''' '-''''''"'„'.' 'i,",.''''''..., 4 ",,''''' , t ; -"."-. fi ''''' '.... '! 1 ;', 111 • 11 11 1. ".. 1 \111...1l made to Auditor General's Of fi ce from 1822 to l i for New . York, put in here this 15110,111.10 g, bOll2O. ' i1r1....t0 ti. Itoelineler and a'au l : I'l' l. 'l ' . '''' ' '..." . :e..t.'!'thet l i t i andc ' '' '' '''' - ' ' ' . .'" ." ... 11 .' 1 11- 1 , .t.. 1848, iriclunive ; and the defendants also from , abort 0 , feet. site b ., en ... red . neat .; I Itritets a rl tor J., mi. i ; ‘ ,..1,'„T 0 ,r,'`.!,..„..„ . .. fir , .1.mi ... u.,. ;:i t e . : ., ,, ,,,, , ,:. • .: L : : ::', 1 , : `1,. fi 1 1 , : 1 , .V i ,T1 ,.. . , :11 ,_ 1 1“:1 . 1 . 11 .: 1a j fite ,;; r , page 9, a return made by the Treasurer a the gale on Ler pas s age. She brings :300 pitmen ) : I " Ili7.h: il kiiii"'i "" 'l:l' "" l ,,, i' t iti at r i f iiiirie Allrlll l , ' ' 'lf ridge Company, in 1322 to the Legislative. ~....„.. w. ~ Itbeleld et..., Batxburell . BA \ll AEI, 111.11,1- 1 •nee . f tn . ed rtereili i y every allegation in • gen and $lOO,OOO in gold. . Hhts proo aus 10 - 1 I i • --- - -- CLEVELAMS. liii i.iiii..U‘,l:,T,;glfili,V-t,1";•.; 26 HOURS . The plea, and went far beyond the :Yemenis of MEETING OF THE GRAND LODGE. either suggestion or replication . Both legal pre- • '''''' S r i allhf - • B,ALTIAtOIit, Sept 18. g l igglig....-.1 • • .1: 1 1 ‘• 1 ' 1 .• - 1 .1. 1, , , 1 A1 . 1 , , , i C LEV ELANO • sumption end proof were clearly with the de- ' Pendants. ' ' The I. 0.0. F. Grand Lodge resumed this PIT'ISBURIC AND .t. litr, Holbertoni ' \ - 1- - AgateWe deny that a mere emission to make • morning the consideration of amendments to the Exprras Pante( a 1 . ,.` . 1 . 7' d .. . 11 "` I ` . C :'''''''". l . 1 , A. 76 . .1.6!,,1k 0 L,,, , A o ,„ T .,...p , o f I Constitution• The question being on artiste VIII, i. 111ASSENGEL"„`: n. .- . ' e . V i. rY it a .. , .. i. e . u t i it laK a , ii i i I ItlPOß'lig tau ' d iti FIIENfIII arid a returnin time is a legal canna of forfeiture relative to P G., Sir., who, as the consti- . N. •% tat, or 4 a,.tteute.. l .Atto'bura..t.SX.7: t a '`' l iiiii i ii i' sit itOotia usre m r • ' corporate rights and corporate property. ; •1 patkal• to kA o , 1,4.1. Slat lai Pi,' ,'. ' 1 `',.. illai., lan,. .... rte , ..., .1 i. ''' ".•-• Aral\l - .I\ r. i I w. re j..e,„ ; y... 1 ;,..,,,,,,..,........::,.:„...;:z.r:.:L.,,,,,,::6 1 :0,,it,,,,...,:t11.7 , :zu , it,1,,.....;}::!,,,,,, , , , iiii .. ;.:4 . ,,,,,, , :th.i...,j,, , k . i.,..:::::::" , ?...,. , Ii ,i;eSi.l, 1,..:10,,,...e.:4..r,,D.i.F:0ri.,,..5,:;17,,,,1.1.8.,...,....,vek::.:,::4;;:i.r.,,i,,tin1i....:;:0,pyitig ,:r.:::i., The.l4th section of the original act of Incur. : lotion Lodg stands ; u th il:: ae u : it e , a d titi s e m i w te ,. .ea T ut he la . :: .l. o 7i t i i ..I.:nrre:tafie:iziliiittisel2l...).lsri., rte ii,itisiii. iiii iiiii„... i 1,. ., ,,,,. }.,..... ~. , \ . , pompon passed in 1810, regnired returtvo be to restore the power of 'min which I ' i- °° °' ta. • , f s ~,r4r Ay ut br ii.etickean'ili i ,.r.iy. Fit 1. k made every third year from the date of the act, ; Proposed • 13 ' liati•lo. Lilla, . • ' Was taken from the Grand• Sires lest year. I i ir ' i 'v i ' a "NClNNATl, until three years nest after the bridge shall he ' , .After a hang discuSsion, completed: and if. at the end of three years after 'Le OL. • 7 V,l 'u qr .. • t ' the completion of the bridge, it should appear . 2 h . eels hi. that the average profits would not bear a dirj. . SECOND litaPATeu. dead of six per cent., the rates of toll might be WANIIIII,OIION, Se LlB-6, 18-6, P. M. 11ig.i....v. ,,,, 1C ~ Ball.llo hr. l...colon, '• . • . '• ' ~.", n', .0 .' A • , ~ : it The Convention continues in sessitm, . d laces. r:,,,,liz.:rtnit:•„7lhti. :.: , : , .. th i , , ii i 15:,:5. 1 , :iii::::..;.:0 ,, b • 1 'd:i r i.::,::..: , , ' , ...,:ii: . .5 . 'i 5 " . r , ~r t , .. , ,,, .. ,,,,, , ,,,, , , ,. . , : i.,. : 1 1: ' ,.; , .. i . .1 . i ;•' , ii .. (c• i. t.1 ,,,:1: : ';',, , : . ,: : ' , L„ ; ‘,;,:,, , ' , „ ,,, , ,;1, : \,,, i .„ ' : :: , ,, i . ; :, i i : ,...,..., ,,, : :, , :i _ . increased so as to bear that dividend. TIAN sec. ,tion_furffier provided that, et the end of every Bt 4.a.atsto.r, lb en i.u k ult., preceding , is g the amendments to the t.:onetitution. ten years, tin abstract of the three and if it appeared I A piiitmeitiOn granting to the Grand Lodge 1 .3 ii,,a5.e..... e. nn 1..1 y y..... 1 Writle Ina. ...W.1..' 0ar ,... '" '''' 'al' ' ' . has passed the Convex- ; .11 ~attar of iulthtleld, its.] li,t, .rro, i tte l •Pl.‘r ." 'i r ''''' l t''''''''''' '.. n. "' " . '.. " A ''"" ''' years should be presented; 1 1 t t i h y e e. po o l c ir c e u r ni to n fi g ll ti v a a s c;::i r e , s a Grand Represents- ; yor ~,ir lalaraim i l a s : fl a itr ii l i i t tit, tt ti,. ~,,,,,,. fi ,,,,,,, „,,,,,,, ~ , 1 ‘,.., ~...., i . ,„ 'le- tatn. a. m: that the clear profits and income should b e e . a c r e 4 dividend of more than 15 per cent., the . I .1.1.14 tlo. Muti...uerste•le 11e. .... .. i. e . ' .."*" "' 11-1 11 .1( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1,. ut 41.. , a , k , s• tart ; ,,,, ;;;.i; 0 ;;.. .., . ; ed.le., rut op a. ued.r, aid Betel.. \I in ani exit. should coragasse a lurid for the redemption a the i tiaw - yeas 67. nays 17 - Bridge, save a small bill or revenue tel keep it in • An amendment requiring that the Greed Re it- s•--- Ka ii. .t i t a . t., , ,T .. liirai itistie • No chatav ror e ece tlarr•le 1851 t , art..l a.ttk i •tt ~t ; Prot ' ess - or . Alex, O.' . l;tir '- ; ; ;a " ' Tr ' :CO P P . h il :ro . ' ''''' ne, ' I I F1it...141h t v., e repair the excess to be vested in Bank 'stock or ; r,-...4.ti,5. be contributing members of the , Lis_ .i WiiTERM , 'subordinate Lodge's Encampments, wee Lilian', , AN S FOR TA'RON COI PANT,. other productive,,,, 1 A k II I \ O&K' Thin havjng expired, wan revived by subse- • manly adapted • D. LEECH & COT. LINE. The Couveution will pn.l.shly Cot adjourn un- • gee nt act in 1816 • tit Saturday or Huntley vI A . i ttiggi I : I t ift ,,, l , lilly!cATel, cipirtii:ND 1,4. The Stock subscribed end the Bridge opened in 1819. wan, Three yearn afterwards the 1 CFR QAD AND Cptei, ~,„-f `,l„;.':".„,t'":;;;,°ll":4°,7,C"""'"''''''4" first return was mride. Thenceforward en ali. ' . lIALTINIONE MARKET ‘ .l. etiatt.i : , 1,........../C th. kleu i i K I L* , "It - ,•='" . ;:•t \ :s 7,' l t ' u k ! .''''' '• '''``'"-'''''' nun( return was made down to the present 13s to nom., rapt. 1.8. if 811-11 II (111 PHIL AI3ELPIII Ae2 11.4 TL I - ..."'.".se t•ntet%Lt\tar:-t- 7 - ..--,...‘ '0 "to " s '" , '..h.'' ''La, time. I Flour-Further axle ot $3 elf v.l K: 120 bbI. SIORE, AND NEW YORK . et lte. b. acer., at.' all IE. en ' r at al .Izu• 4 • : Grain - Sales wits lat tit - 4, 2 i'f, t o o t ea, tied 710111 E Canal being in gaud order, we are l' i ii i , ', i' ''' , a : ':* „ . l , 'i,..i... , :. 7 ". - I: i i c s i i i i r s '. .... i 'l .' 3 .' ' .. ' sire.. " Vb r4l .l * ,.....:.: i rsil' t i,', The object of the first return was to beuefit the Company by permitting an increase of toll in h t• Slle for wide.l. is hewer w i th alai W ereserea tu wetonort uoaueo end. laerybal..ll.. u. ' ..r.... (1 1,41 n. " r' ” " ""n nt 'n vi ..r'n. b.." a 'certain contingency . , yell.. m G 7, .. i , white at ~,„,e,,, tt , b.tu . ... , .., ,,. ., ................„, la« ( nice .urrytal taly• .I• • nu enasoneas set! atte Ile. t...., und • moo I.yem ...0.... -to\ / t ''' '''' 'tfr ' '' ''" The State, having become a entoicriber, Provisions-Sales et Wean pork at ill?, axes ...owns] mid oulAroll4 lir My prunreutore hello tem.., i.eitittutue..l I .... t y '',.‘:' '''', e 2'.,%, ..,..''',,'...," • `,. required by net annual rehires 1.1. hp 13111410, Soap prim, 01- $l4 "et 11l 8,0,.., l o c c o a yh op ido, ~...tVltt. . teenomitt....„l. 00 4 .1: 1 0 . i.0 ,„ i „,„, ~,,,,,, , • ~.,..., o u i,,, ~',,,,,N.,,,1,...... 1.dur1ti44.1.4 oh o. 10 exert a more vigilant suporrision. eßc. aides 101611, and b an, al 11( .. 1)1li 14 At:opt, t.t, et eddrect, 1 ! L l'a v n, 'z! 4!:',.:'',4.,7„ .' i ''• '!" 'L N••''' r ''' ' '' l ' c ti . A 2 1 .1';', 1 ., 1 , ;,1,:1' e 1. . j a ti c ti%tir ' i:ei?l• i rtit . i......-an \I, \flt..l/4/ f ' na in jo n' t. '' ri '.6 to th ar ' l 4 ,9l ' it".ft t ::- ' ' '' ' ' 'l 'M a ‘ ,l .' ic, u; ' 'r q'''' " l : :: r • Thin provision supercedtol that in the charter, 1 Bales lard in 'rib's at 'l4c', and In kegs at le ter, If 'it did 1201. the annual returns actually . uto - 0 i.t. 1 ~, ._ _ . 'S .. . . .. .. prop. e , . , eut,rt, eted. i., lay varprie• tend ralitleatiou fidiN If made were a virtual compliance with the charter Orocemen-hales 4,000 .gs ludo coffee r l 'O'''''a a"... , ::-,i. , .. i.routtga •, , i ,.. , , i t it elvd I n stout t vra ph ,,,p,,, 3 ,,,,„.. th . ;,..„..,.. MAI ., It io obvious, moreover, that Otis provision I 14,1 h Sagan mid molasses are dull sUITII 1 t'3l.E‘k.str Ue kUs, /y..nt. 1 , ' ',1i..1t,!,V i rr 11 ,,,,1 n .r.. 1 .... 11 4)114 11 1..• , :...7z., North la., indtanua. ¶. ,1 ItsPeLlra Wee merely directory , a duty imposed on the ' . - , , T. IL PrAtiCE. ltiout ' •Y Colo co Alt. getr .4.1. Oln,ilo, officers, for the faithful performanfe of which NEW ;YORE MAItKET , ~, .11,, 1. Wiest ette..l, Nuar York ; ' ~,,,:, Nor I a 11, :1, 15... , \ penalties were imposed OA them And had then '' PARR RETENgb I . 1 , jt . :.. !i.....-Iti Dear ..- A1....e11.1, k rat..,, u , h a l „,,,,, rztri Bold. 1 80 Liad i tati•Le atellieleifi. been total neglect, it would not work IA forfeit- 'vr'''' N ' E r r ' i T irltE, Be l ia t i l ./1 CD Pe 4 rl7niarreitirwewsissri 1 , ati .„ nj iiiis it lial tit •tosoltinei v.streow,ohar, ire of the charter IBllogg v Unien Co 12 ONO:, 1 • i: . .....:-...1111111111,11.7.: : tr. ,,,;,,,, • -....0..0r ~...,..,.....„, re, heir •ea • Calton-- 1, la th er heavy, 41 a decline . ... " .t. e.t. .Lie on t ase4rtia .I , etitage...l, ao ia• Conn. 7 MONONOAHELA ROUTE. ! .• tar rowit Wei, ...,...ei, 1 mu , f ha r Waal, \ , fi , .0 - ; I°T Via Brownsville and Ihnoberleud, lo italtaroors . ~ J . / I W.M`rk la.. ni.ln ea Third finite flare again the replication entirely beyond the suggestion The /suggestion , 61 °" - dal''' i2tii i iti I ' l4 • Td, for foe . 1 sal. 14u0 bides arid Philadelphia. ~ •t xis; 0e....-!-, soutteanio toot, tb.- ott t.ti. ;*.'" • tot• t..-7 *lll plc.- 4411.1 , ~ 'A 1 .... 1iar:!....: 1 .d i r..': a r t ., the ; State and Wender°, tied '1.4(7!,4213 frilE MORNING BOAT leaviin the IV h ied ( , 1•17 ki....01ua,. ..... lurk., a ti e all r l . pn.letoilte..,l a l averred that ll a pronto and tneeme, emitter. ; Iwo wee,. i,. foot decennial period. bore a dividend of more ' Sainh !" 'cart the liridAe dial, el a ...Owl: prPc4,l, •-,. , 1 G rain H a l es tel hu prime te m , ~..,e , tin Akh the canal C t.erlaud I . than 15 per cent, I 'l. l - 11441. , ,,,a.,: 001:...,..11a,. 0,,, , :•"?,, =ft, I ' ill!' m "" i ".: '';. , „17,, -i ,_,i , ,, ,,-, A ,!:-,:,,-, 1.. 1.. , 4,0 01, Sales 45,000 . op, s' The pl.:denied the averment Thoreplica- Wh '"l'', l . ' .., , v• let a o'clock conneetts, with tte. tans ar tlieueLatia . t.i'u n •ii ' .„.., : t ",......." ° „, -, , -- i,. ; ,:.,fi' fi - ,1, - ,1 - fi . 1 '. fi 1,.....5 1 ,c - 4 , ,, ,, t-,Vi i 1 tiou even that the tironta and income 1.1 bear frirm''''. was end, ' w , , ,,„! ~o , k i, ~,..,. r 7 at Bic I sv•eleirsit uni..loel ies- Mee ~ ft, tars nu -i- , , roue ti0..... 5 h to uselmsro, :12 home. rm. ...I t 119 ' t,;..,• .PePu , .." , l,•w-Pr. ~ i, 0 , .... - .4. /WOW° doe Prot 0,,,, Such dividend, or Roold have dons if do rats o r ()rm . ! , . „.... 0,(.? . ..:, , That thruaph to i•blledelphle, 4 , / hhura 1....,,,,, n„ ; reTri : : :l elOun it i le./Bated Ahab ti t. I Tat. N•11‘4:1•1 ii,t1 8 1 ,, p ,. ......4 t r . y..l Cu es. n . tl , Uel.;-• 0 . orati '71 . ,',„.7, i t;: n i ii ' i n . 7..::'," ‘, rj . :l:r i .:! ,, r‘ , .. .I , AIII 11 ?At tall aliened by t. charter bed not been rodeo- B . l '' .11 " 11 `'T" l' ° " 0 R. , . ~,, ter dt eased 1 2'..',. c ..',',1'h h r.:•1 6 ',11.71, 1,..1.:.'f,' ' '"' "'" " 4 ' '''' • ' hl.l. .ir' 4 ' .. 1.1 14 ° '.% k lilit'.... illei , 1 1 '''''• ' tlei. r..0,..,' ed. Here entirely new matter wits introduced lii Hemp' ; into the replicatiou, and the Ilelatbr went before •lemP'Thilea 1 . 1 . 11 ,11 . , 1 d. folk • '.I.'II . I.I.B E LINIENAernt ' ‘ - ' 1 , 1 , 1 „L°11..r . :;, , , , -, t , -,..e" t: .. i.... a i.. a •Art.,1.1. ield., d.. ', tare • _mece th thew hohorsheie Il e a,. C th . ~,..., d,.„, ..,g,; 1 05„ , , , , , ,. , , , ,.r.z.. , .. . 1 . , ,.., ~. the jury epee a propeitinn 1101 afierue between hamP. with 'NI", La) lan.. 1 Tallow--Sa l es at 7.1 Est It. .ti s.,..shi tssa Liss 1., No, sci ~ 5 ri .. ;r:,:,..,i i :....,,V!P ' ,. the parties '; talidEUl ' I S 5 I. d.r• ot 'l, en . t....itudi, .. +.ll et..thcs.., It ~ teetut. The Jury , however, found an vi.slation of ditty Whi.l.l' No l en ai iii .2 i , 3' Inged id i a i t i 1r ,.... 1t . i..,.:a .0 lay•hclily•. ohne V. ..0.1.10., 01 So by the defendants- th ere was no illegality in the Piaielei"aa - Are eitiel• au' _ es.,..i•m. el at tl.• Bru e 1.1....tim.11i, ttrueli.h..ell • UNION LINE . thencluLtanaoaeua Cane.. etsaetr pro., eaceesling 15 per cent el any time, nape, - iIT i'I , ICINNATI * ' On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. .. , . chilly Isere as the jury foiled ou the net t (fourth) lit, Sept 18 , .illetteltir issue, that the defendants vested Omelette profits , '' khadittealidlim BLAHIte. PA It KB P * Hi t!`te . 11.. , ..va1b, es. : ('lll 1 ' 2 ' 1 ' 101) A , N 1 . P.R(.)111 A I over It per coot in Batik Stork and ether pro- Flour _ ii,,,eipla ,‘,.. 1,, CIIAAIBEBLI N. CH AN f, 11110 • CO.. C LLLLLL so. ,i, drat e, luaus That they might exceed that ited I liflLSwell known Line io tow prepared to I . THOMAS RAU. . . o.inxram- coidemphood and permitted by the sot, p r0 ,,p,,,,,„ .-Ara brut, 31hiU g ith P'""" unnettt rnstait ead IT 4 sl lll lhlll 'F4 /11.15r0t lit/1511 S: \I:0.1151111SW . M But -iiA N T . ~a11", ,b dr.."i l tg 'hi 11. •i t t' .. (L u i e ri c i l i pal E"L r - Ifr ' o l; ; ' 1 1- S?:1: J ir ' r n l.:r1 : ":i i 3'r t . :Ir ," *d o ° :' ''''I t' * ". '2'r i... k ' 7 1“ ... i• 0 N TIN il L e ..`i l!j lt i i 4 .l. ° l . l ' ... u t s il it ' at u- .:ri . t.t 4to rec:i v e in.muelh .it provided for the itivestmeut a do , ,„ d o ing surpliel. IYhiskey- Stiles tit t, f e e t , t a „ agar. I.),:ty of A t . ''''' .'' . . n- un , u , . The fourth, lifth, and sixth i•intes, t. only Groceries - Thera i f r,,, ~,,,,,,,f cr .; 1 ono Bos lo se. ,) ltlideur d sod Cl.v•ltieJ ,1i aunalte, , ~.„:,,,,,,,I b 7 r. "k-''..tit4 1 .. .e....y . t.13-tornt. al level , . 1 tines - euritainlug nuy serious charite-. against the , ea& the il s wea. id is fn ' ' 3n I. ....."'"....i. , ,. ".., of • 1 1 , 11-111 1 1...11 1a•t1i...11. MT , - 1 eal Ow late. awl i 'n elli" . t I,; ; ; -. ' i I 'll"' .." I. ' ll '. BUlttill and ter-.l.'P. ELL end Lew.. LrAl ;du, ed...eut...a i ~,,,...;..,..„_,.. . 1 1 ,al. ' laliel end ttilti, defendants were fount by the jury lu their ta- at 9,y,e9.3e. at 104(.1'11r. (propeller •11.1 vresele) en 111.. Lai., rrte 4. , ter/Itta A tv4„ Vlevere. Jae.. 42141 A A: ' I . Btte - is in g00.,1..i - f . Ib, c tomatuweesi. i 51r. Joao A. Ca ikii,lei.,-, \Gm 1 Pack. A Co., rounastoan, u, It is hut sheer justice to the defenda n ts to nay , Cheese-Is dun ( y ,„l .tt,„ weather 1. II o. Taylor, Warren.° , Wm. H. na s kill, \ .., .1 Martha. was not one particle of testimony be- • The river it mus tranaa or fain. A, N Clurt, Norton I All' U: ' 1.1 Prvatlea, raver cua, 0 , t i l i EN F: HA L COM lISSItN :11 E R l': 11‘il NT fore the ; jury to sustain the gross end infamuus pleaaan 4., with sot__ h te pto a A• Co., itarenlva. 0., • ASL/ 'A U.:IIW, , li en , !... , iii, .0.-.1, Pt .1 , -1 A imputations contained in dhe sixth issue, and heat, tirimet A Lily Preolllt.. tt : 1 .- A. li • 4 .iv S • I A l M I t. A E R A R .v • I I: : I' S rpl 1 8 I - I:at " I , 1 a M r e ll a •Iv i . ' A . C l-I " ell ' lt h .:27,, F :u n d ' i:• ' \ . ; Lin, U.. F''''''' - '-'1"7'..---" '-'"1---°'"1"'-"--7-'1' .. 2..".. \ 11 I that llie. Ntllhe len. contradicted by the testimony \ E%l' A, W lawl.r. Loa a (1,. Akre,. 0., a Anderson mid 44nye, also by voluntinuoe P....kbaut A rtrott., 1'01.d.., IV • docum.tart evidence in theeaule--denio. s Lra l l y :::1::,,,,,,:e:....g.,,1.....r.r,, des . 8 1. y 7I ,s t fi ) ., a rm l_e t : I „ „.„...„ ~,,. b „,,,,,, ti,,.,„,„,„ err,. LOU IS & S'l'. '.lO SLE - PH -% .‘ in g that the charges tlgn,il:ll.l this C 0611413, emit 0......uten A Cu., kilaraukie. 0 ... • 1..... A. Walls A eu..l.ll,Se a u. 1 Ilu . Baled i 1,2111 the were groOvneav ef malice. I I i Thames Ilate,CLlcpw, In. I S T. Jostpx, missoukz. - 1 The Relator expressly allege. in the first mug- I. with ee l ' s JOHN A CALMIIIII, •Avat , gestitm that , Le hye•lawil in reletiou to _ . .... it liit.nii roe sI. L.. .... sot ear. Water arid Bialthhald au. pi t t e L fik .,,h./ . ilf i l DI LFTO :S, ' Ri LE I a. Nnititi, , ball r..ant u st• •I LOH tier. et20.11.d by thr doroodoou "fur their . 1'.... -- . 6 hnahel a At .16, f ee ydlow , I Arrangement Made to Forward Freight , l•St d i' '''' vorti--S1 awl Ode fe r e Rio Coffee et Ste , end fair 1 ,i _II. .. . reel , and Collo NIA l l p v'"" :t "' V L li . ) L. TUTTLE A neat ar '' i I „s'o., i„ 1 '''. ' rn Y' ". ' own government and for better carrying lute .. • T TI S / A II s AL IE TI R M A O i It i EESINPiFi,INVNESDIALIcSA, , A crawler tiont,m, yu. Lyryoy,tyrllll, l a co, effect.the' provisions dun the Acts of Assembly" i t Groceei' - incorporating the Cempy• . t tne, WATCHES- is !LAIL/WAD Ca/MPANI eu I•l4Madelphte, h, I ea , pa. ,„, ... , ~,' " M. -- Law, This surely charges no assumption of power, I ` m g''' . at. COVOLIE -A COLE • l . . ~. ..„..,...--‘00.,,,f, ..: . ..',:i'Xi‘. ' 1 - "!?:m.- . „al, anti,. rent. aint Way°. •te..111.1,1., , - . , . __ ._ ; _!“!-1; neglect of duty, or violatiori of law, and in our I = . " -.-a SILVER W . OLIN RANKIN Atto • jo gment, requires no further argument. Cm. an eirelleoi hoortmeta f • COFFP4I::-1300 haws prime Ilio,Ttir sat hy . i 9 s•usrsi I.sts sict C•aosisaidte Seventh Issue. To all the charges' captained I ir w......pp.,,,,L12.11. b v r ,..1 elliall ' Jl-IABIIALZELI... as Water st. P.n.,' ipaele. iit..1,,,...510 a (laNuf 'ft, !,,, c th* ''' . id al in the suggestion the defendmits pleaded in bar i, r a la i l a f..2, m ,Z i i. i t t i,Pie e li e ii ttt a i a nttser. __ tiIII.:AP PIUNTSI-A. A. .blesoe ACo. i stett. " T.i'v - e - e liet ' i r li t ere ` ;`,, ,Ll t ei - L. r.-L` 4 .-. of forfeiture that not any or them hail bee corn- Aral crt/ "'• Pr...." bare roar • reviled 'Xi PAW beautiful now stria 1 S!nriPle,fhleCurd 41 ' Co. . , •; -- "... 11 . A p NITS , 4th/oh twilit* sold ee usual pryer, Itnr u fricao- , Anericlr alined within twenty - one years next preceding olnaUtspaplos...done,le tha best mennor by the Alm. 6 Was of thaw_ yea Madrid:a* li rout l'R TS, the I the filing of the suggestion. l' -- iiii:sr P `Vt7.lf , lrga:M i li et., . h "" 4 I- 6 - 1, 0 ••• d 'k u ' l • - ",i l ....1 boa M and -Jeer.* et. l That this plea, if true, is' a toll sag complete „4: as.. of Forme, i r,{: ...~ ....W~Yv..~`iY ...i ~..c~ ....~~ ....}s- bar • any judgment of forfeiture is well estab lish • by the following authorities: Angell and Am on Corporations, 624. Sec. 5. ' •w the truth of this plea is either confessed bytulaintiff. or what is equivalent thereto, it rem ' unanswered upon the record, and no judgment of forfeiture could be pronounced,. whatever might have been the charges alleged, and the finding of the Jury upon them. The relator instead of answering the plea, replied that some of the facts charged were committed within 20 years. By this replication he admits their non-commission withirr2l years, and. hav ing I himself taken the record down for trio!, leaving stood plea unanswered, be is therefore precluded from questioning its truth. tine further observation may be made. The . State was one of the original Stockholders in this Company, to the amount of $40,000, nearly one-half of the whole capital. It appears by the evidence on the record, that in 1822; shortly after the Bridge was completed, a full statement was made to the General Assembly, through one of its Senators, Condy Reguet, Of the condition and acts of the Company, its system of tolls and the reasons for its adoption. From that time until.lB43, a period of twenty years, an mutual statement of the affairs of the Company was regularly made, and the State each year without complaint received its regular dividend. This acquiescence would seem to. preclude all ground of forfeiture for any thing nrior to that time. But in 1843 the State, by Act, of Assembly, offered her stock in the mar ket Im.l sold to the present holders or those under whom they claim at a premium of about $B, on each share of $25. So that the receipts of the State from the forty thousand dollars entrusted to the management of this Company present the following result, Annual Dividends. $70,000 00 1 State Tax, _ 6,667 03 I Proceeds of Stock Sale, 63,104 75 $128.881 78 liar the State to forfeit the Stock thus pur chased from her by those in whose hands it now is, on the ground of antecedent irregularities, however gross, would be a violation of public monde and justice. Slit the State in her own Courts ie governed . by the same legal principles that bind her citi zens. Having bargained end sold this Stock for value, she cannot avoid the sale And resume thei franchises of the corporation for my Alleged forfeiture prior to her sale. Independent of this consideration it is claimed that no ground of reproach. much less of forfeit- UT il t . has occurred at any time bofore or since tha sale; cad that upon each article and upon the 101.118 record, the defendants are outitied to Judgment. • A. iV. LOO:d18, BFIALEe&SrANIpN Attorneys for Defendant The COurrroom won crowded with sprnitors throughout the day. The argument will- he re sumed at ten o'clock. this morning 0 Z 1.4 Pvlk (A7tl de Lady's Itook, Grahom'd, and Nartain Nlagarinee for October, bore All been received. e't Ifolme's Lite reCy Depot, No 74 Thin) street. oppoeite the poet ofner. . At' , 11.1.1 —A young Mali nalllirtl Pat !irk Frniet, Ghoul I•ixosen yearn of ago, fell from walunt it'or in Chnrchn'A township. ye,ierany, nod broke his .nrok Ilr died ionnmily Cot .tear elr Alortatt.-- Three young meth named Halley. Mberneken and Stet.... from Butler and Mereetr counties, were . j , e3tetally ar reated by the NleYee . e pulire, charged with hat ing counterfeit un6oy in their frOe.PoSion 54Cktl . were found upott..hetu 'I 4 ELF:GRAPH tri , MR. FoRWARD w Sept IS 11,n Waiter Fuiward, of 1•a Charged Affairs to Denniar . k, Laving tendered hi. resignation ,onia week, Siuct. and requested atom the GOT ernmentipormitNiuu to return borne, the Preei dent lel weak accepted laim resignation, and di ected latter, •of recall to he tin...quitted tlhica at Dennuirl: Charlee A 1....11 ban 4.era apposat.l Navy Agent bl N II rive ratter, re vtgned A • W .11 I NOTON Sept. IS • This afternoon, a man supposed, to be Waal.- . ington Lewis, lieltxaille , 11101 hotritily crushed lietereen taro ears at thii,,Washington Depot, •a Le was going , ll.,oarit the cars for Baltimore. lie dieTwithan a hour afterwards. J. B. Cam. f L.Clitiallll, has -been appointed Secretary of theealifornis Land euuttrits4ionersi Maier Emory, TopographiCal Engineer, Las lawn orileredto.repott.triCommisatoner Bartlett. and assist in the latiors.of the Nlexieau Boundary Commission =II STEAM BOATS L'OR ST. LOU I S.— Thesplenr did.and light draught gleam., I.TIOIL naI, D, Capt. Haulatt., . - 111 lure tor tb above and Intarnor,dlate parts on tin, day. at 10 o'clock. AL 3/. • For freighter peerage, apnll on • R EGVLAR PACKET BE TWEEN PPITSH111:011 lloCium, .—The PIMA' N 0.2. A.S.Crsne.nianter. will leer.. Pittehurgh for Wheeling. Cantina eat liorGlug• port, every Tueaday et 3 o'rl.k r.. te.. returning le theqingv.rt for Capri., Wheeling and Pittsburgh. ••- ery Thuredes b o'clock., 5. 16. Paasengaro and shin,. low d es[d upon this boot courting de dorm, the kr... For freight or tweet,. gold oti board. sue, • REGULAR WHEELING AND BUNFIBiI PACKET—The Not tannin;; sn.arocr WELLSVILLE, COL IL Young. will run as a regular harget between Pittsburgh. ita.vating. Bridgeport. add annfirn, learn, Pittsburgh Monday afternoon for Well. 'lle, Staubenvillv, and Bridge_Por:v and Wren Thuraday afternoon for . Steubenville, Wh..eling, go fir Pt a Mna t h "- er n e r rl ' Puettj 71,'"u ni every Friday aflame., For frelglit * .q.e% a n' ee d apply . board. Or to jyysi IV. B. Win: .LEIL tonal EGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET, CINCINNATI. Captain by Ingham. Thia,pleudid boat nu ball a y Or the owners of the steamer Wee Newlin, and other, for the Cincinnati and pitteburgh Parket trini, sod will lees« srerl Wrdnredar fur Cincinnati. In N a n. me New Cog. vrlo fr righ ! VlMAlSP l ltyPSl74 [ ; 4 l't!"tro:ll . • • EGULAR PITTSBURGH AND 11 WIIEELINti PACKET—The splendid newnsatet staatawr DIURNAL, Coltman, inav performing her regular trivevekly trips Wive.. dd. eity and Wheeling, leaTinft Pittsburgh at IU seer, !fond,. Weaneaday and Eriday, and r.nrui ne. Whe.dlng every Tnesday, T h er ailay and Satunlay, In wish neut. Fra freitt i or ftrapte.enply GO board. or to nolb STE Na CROZER. Agents. TRANSPORTATION.' pionsrsyLvtanA RAILROAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT, TWENIT MILES WEST or JOHNSTOWN. • aI;UVWZSI:iIa-4. 1851. FALL ARRANGEMINT. 1851 OHANGE OF HOUR Pennryloania Railroad and Eryrei , Parket Lino 301 rolle“ 11.11 rad 13 1101. F. Canal. sArc.”:3oorr rumor/ Am , riarTOITIIII.I.[TZ PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ART,W YORK Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, eaWal .02*S2 (EXCLUSIVELY FOP. PAOOENOEEK) On and after Niondny, August 26th, the Paeket• of Oda Line will leave. Pitt-Au:VI br Inekport. pp —th.rn takln~~ the Car. of the (whicu Iran, utter thrirstrinl) lvavha tem for Phllaalet,4lm, 11.0-Time throush. I.l.rty By ttla av•l.) pa , twohl , ra lkouglt BOURN SOIINER thou hfretoforr. tw.ur canal tr entabllut, Iheru ou arrtral cat 14011.101Ln to pr....v.16n to rvw York at .41, • rAgei/iNGER% tiALTIIIOIO. Take the Tort sad Catalpa. land Railrod, at li.Pura tantanre, etgbly.four Tim, YOU a It hour. t.. Vara to Philadelphia, $lO Fare to ilalthanro 10,10, di. Unruh, $0 Jm ildrriatoitiaasiai 11 >mo dealt. etioap travoiaot and itioufrirtabla maiidu,o asthma. ..aeon. your tialet• at the oNee, N1.a.,”„. bets lhotio, of J. P. IiOLNIF.S, Agen D. LEECH I CO., BleHenry'e Philadelphia & Liverpool .iee • of Packets. .44 Sailing Iron! Platite on Ow lbth. vat Idearvad on tL. 1.{,.1, uloolli IV 01011 PLEANANTS, N. H. MIKA ALLOJAIL to. P tiarditia, ' O.IIBOPK. Nallisuiel C. Harr, Mx,. 8081.1 0, Alfred A Atuith, •• 811 ACI,IIIANON, tuev,) Wad. %A.. rho abotr arr both ..1 lbw aud ut malarial, and err notewl i re rsoidat4,..l 1 blip are lilted 11. with all'irdeat ituvradruionta. tud (r!i=3sa.hkop'alM', ta /her' are ecottimatwvai br mat. of ...4,•ldmatl twie tit, • loam lor Med art...ham. lo the pattat Leer kw ' dvairJon of lalugiut the., 141•11,1, in, the VI 1 Coutittl dapthlalu rartiti eeeee of palmate, guy.l La might uacqtlPl.3o44,,.....l.ntoln'tMato aud .4,81 .111 (umiak lbato with Oa pterwr inforuioll4o •, 11,1m...w00 ralatilia thrir daharturw Ade m0ve1p44., u.y, eupplf dmit, Ll +tarn, aul upward. .1 oight without ditatiout, W41(.11 W3ll la t . . 13,3 1.1 nu, lha hobo or 1%41 Mee. 8, lb. 1' piled Athg.4., Aar reoriniann euppilt,l 11 ,81 4 11,1 1 1 L l ler lae. l wLat the (41 .. 1 h.j lol.hliat will 14 rort,ha • L AwalaWwer Cl IV rani 1.1 Is..e 11 '. 3 : net,: • fto• , . 11,11 °. 11. told ..... 1 IL re ea. l'Aiar I re-de , aa.. Idwad.dritl, 1 oorl. 1011 ol Oar and . s. wuJ "" "1' 117.P1". IN,. ...11..111 .4.41, Lei, wm rt."‘ h.lO It fort, lilttla atl.l %.:d ela . NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILRO. IS - 51.1 1 .' EW ROUTE TO NI:IS YORK Cl' I !! liuukirt eh rat, on Lela hr., phe aud eltarltnisli. Cleveland atol I•lltairi"...l elathisiat, atal Ciumirtmli mud "" P.Lu pi ai Cat.,.. the., Jul: It,. l 'Ai. •.. 1 I MAI!, LEAI Lil N .11 1.11.1 (Sundor• rae41...14 lat PiduloB Pao'," Tr., at do •. .4 heroin, rapt,. the flad Train rake •t wberw • 7 boar.. sod take lbw o 1 1 L • ueit Mort.. at 11 aa.tu l r . "' Al did 41/38 lioWthi..•l The Etipwww ) rated arid L.W. 'Prato 1 I A. NlBOl,. • IL...pewter Car ia attaalia • amaatordlato It lir l asodohll4 , .1.4 1 411.0-Asew from Ihrukirk to 0, Por4. • ' u wit., .111 it, a 1, J.d. h. ,111. • OhmPaur 011 a ;1m1...A •• ' r....letta .1 .11 kluda •J /1.6131 Neva c'_ l'•rtzrul•r at...ail...di U. 1.. - `".'" . uzzraw hahje hailrhul• 111 ha trahl.; ~..„ 0 „ h'Nst...t? Opal tarAddltianal , 'h. ~ 0 . 4 `, and that serf dazt 4, I 0 a u•.uutartnr,o al .„„., a Lave fAlrrba...l at,r asr {l2 fa, Etalhht Tariffs will ►r . 0 , 4 0 , .nu I Ina. Ilat.,r Shwa malt, u I I . ""*"' . 4 I /Iy • thritt Gar tLaaatha , L'" "'""', "`o ''"•! .... •,, % •I , HO \,..\, ~,,,, T }'liroErT HOVBE, \ • l ir •LET*A \\\;\,', 7 . . . \ BOSTON,. SUES. 1 i WiIILKHOV3R. me Smthfield.. elbell. \ ''\ THIS well known establinhment IR Fan aCrlit- - o. l \i ' e;' , ' • \ ` V . \ . dueled In rioksame namanar it has always Nam-, Tte. • c '. ... , V. '.., spar e d ...lye...assail situation of the boo, It. commode 1; • X'du a. ...\, x . ~ ~,, ~.„,„,,..,, ii..., the rinnforts and luxuries to be' .s. nr . ....... iri. Lund hi d e lhere.,cmen milder et inerceabl• and edvanta. 11 4 .0.r4c • s w.L. pi , \,.. ‘,, e.,.. to the vel • • ' -Tbh...llL'illidh: 1101. , nasiu s e..l.4.. on Ithe tuna of John L. Tucker a ece s rip" ankSow hy'.l,' 0 dr , . '... \ so 10no at th e. cut It the establithenent. the subscriber i hihl llotel .! I , Puilla r.b. l ' \ riedFe. 1.1.4 hag terrionh to maintain its reputatlon;•Ped ,thL location Of %no Puna yririn ; \ \., X \ ' patufnei I. to hislp.tooicr.. , tiodri-hi. medal for El. pa' ry, v , , au 919 («Opt X 11:31. H. PaIiIILR. ' eyear V 0 I t 1,.. F. ri p pal 1 \ 'X ‘ ~. \ hal %AN, F pal stl. 1 4114gben i '' \ - —,-------- i - --- Llhe I. eftmeteb. \ eaemaeue. \'• • , , ,‘ „ . . . PAI6ADVLPHIA. 7 • _ • ! - •\ v ._ 1 .7 •• _1'.;_ 4 •‘' .d- \, _ : \',. ..•,. . • - \ .. vate\ .Itesid Vo '\, ~ . • - 1 "- \,* l 4 itROPE.ItTY ‘ is ii, de_ \\\ `•. , ., • : i., 0 1 3 :4,131:1',13k Y =0 ilf&n , \ \ \ \ \ 1t \ . .. • , \ : \ i. i, rommaledin a moat , o lbg t or th e . ‘" \ beierith' and tbr. rivers it &AM We b ~ '. ` ' . ' , =:,,t 6, ",.,:grA.r,gapt.;t, .7V. 1 , - .- ~, '. - . .• . \ Th ' l t ot, la la embraelag near Pt eorat 1 • • • , one hundrad arid ky Get frocnritithiM hack ' 1 ldreg 4114 filly 11. ac art 4114 \The imic \i, Tromen. 1' ' . •, ' a * tait'lliVe rn' uat. d i L bt 7 h,r ' Y ' . ' n ' er. ia. ( ina th el , \ . , ' . ' \ . , ' ,'' . , renvegelege. at a e .d. / timid rimiest. sr e , 1 . 1.! '''' U ; '- r o \ T l ' d er f ' le I n ' Wtrri ' ' ' ' ' \ a& ' a....l 'M ataist4g. P l P' s,v' lety'c'ef hr ''' ',mil na .1.1 . :1 '''' \ bery, In thorL I. oltba Cio and Mr taps cab only 1 ', emporia.] by arCelainime nof the Mims ent!. . Men . hing 9 turabacieri!re ritad to him armada. L. . r 'i ,.... "'iri ''' 1 WO Idescrit in. givln r; In , \ ii 0,,., .....,, %. curio, a e latl" , ren . den., or o t er a N ia , ~,, s„. ula lan. x , ___,e_on_Li \ BAIRD I Uhl. ltti__ .\. *cl4l- - • • w \ \ ELIO )14 ---• ,tt , , \ \ pIO , V , LE—Two \Liolf,V and LAI in ' tl A \ Ai...„,...., Also--. 1 jevi o f mew. 16y feet ebster strentim •L ' X ,\ . ! dreh fop en o m 7 , r,,,,alrexat 3 . I. rty FL '' , . . , ,''' , tf , _ f l ~ ,,s i, o ty' ko,T.: . coms , • ,111 . W.1) \ p .ii t' l l,,,,R6Ff.EßT:k \r: l, tl*. !I t s; *P iggim ~ ik, ' , ' \ \ ,\ ~, ~, . . . k ,cg , , ... \ . , . • Vrfr " , 1 4;,,h 1 ;,'Af4r";17:4 1 41=,4 t rll, ' Z ' d ' \ T !rffiV PRIa- ' . Ski.. 1.4, ‘ , :0, i,.rber Offers oft rrilleerty on ari. I. l o l ln , ' ~. rommodarim i ..„..,,,,„ 6ha now iirehririt thd. lot la rik, 't C 4 rniergt T f tl i t i ehte .... , \ fiT'efrir&r..? "ar.j . ' !'3' . l • 11- Lo -b.s' reY,Pr A t(fe t ? . ...:teq.4i. nb.•VhiletiwitAti .„ -ece,zob, I b ni '....K . ,,,,,,, Pick ' Ai., the otrweet 414,0. \\l,o l b. ter., i s le ”.."e e.,. breed relp undygolcri. in ern, n • gre n . 1,. nay, will be retururil. 11 \ , itAID a ' ile=i,v - . 4, _ in,. . ' rile. ne 'tli . ~.. 11 . 5,. is , - C.; Y.R.UP OF Y • 1)1 \ - - rIMI; T ' ,4\ 1,,j fatre4 ALltt roe'd f )Y o.: . , ..l. ir- i 00.. der the 'Loren gr lin.. tt . ',/d., \t \ ~.. een, dj, hyl'on• ont. ii l eli , rot orof ' `‘,., , n , - th , ' K. IlleLA,Ni;'l , ri l"R.M.,x , - ., ~, , . . i r Luriatodt.-edlr. Jonath nßu ‘, rhea, Payk. sonotpla w . . . \ !ea, band. .4 ' i \ . , 1 1 ei for • .. as) ' • i ‘ res. - 11 llil.h1; - \ - \\ . \rC i ' ' \ \\ teg1..... \.: •\ • : 'ss, a 3., ,,, , .•\,:..., , \ • . s \ iiratice. • -\\ ' ..• ' \ \ ''. ‘, . , . , .. , e . 5 . f ..' ...721 : e .. 1 . ii r e a u. ..\ ! . i , 11 ‘ • \ ... • ~ \\ , rta re,qu7:7A \ \ ALLtS aiinieWarel i iuni , for Wella anii . ,.CltertU. ;‘, • . , . . , • . • t \ r.LE , SUI.3.OLFiIt Laterals' the 1\ uhl.iu .. \„, .., , that ha has in tired Into gels recline the 4Lteis I. ' '`.,\ N ' '. A . 1 ith PUMPS, man Und b) din. f:: IL .1 , .` J M.Kati4, of Sliddleb.yl, F,: ' it county. O. which i 4;• . , " ' \''. Oven such universal, ra In on wherever 1. . de) e . void quabtles of the,. maps are, that tees - ere . aer • i , e •orkal. eelitnat or netts i 41,i 01 repris e keel, Os leg., li, , A : P x l-, '"! -7,- .' ,ll, nlFlvrZr , lFrel r aLll:: • ' ••,' , •or Cau.lerd warelieoinw, No. 143 . , rici gotpige Liberty rriet. be 4...lll.Ailair a th4 , l .. .,:hitt !X ' ' iri ti b b eltottepary. will be r 1.,,; , ii,:.,60g;',, • mei alen bet lrnt.b ---.- i1i4t..1 At- i,- , ..Nttn \ ' S 's! FA- --.±.---I ,, ii ~ , • of •-. i • ~: ~.1,7 , ~, EA LET P.},i • i' ..., .ii‘i •ti.i k and eirsallug%l ' e • \g- Eieelne eau*senl the tart paraTS:r ne. TON, citle, tau 14 seen en rthe talt of i-r -1.4.1. 111( Au. Prealdrbt,.. ‘Coun,n, .O. 119‘25; , ki Slnlthew } d el Lp \ t Pi 11 11=11,,Vq- th i i .t,%l ',!ui.--,14,...3:8 BO ON. „ AE~K GOODS,., FROM ENGLAN . V, ' ARC t AND GERMANY;. cONSI: rJ~ \ANTLX . • RIVING ' . new btvlee •cil patigru. art up. 16.14.01, Work Mills. P`kr,wr W04y,h , .• i..• Poern. C. °roman... Dru .. 6 ."Eftorl Arth or, , 7 I "si rt. ,,(2 ! ". a r " T IIOHAS W tIITJ, v_ AGA LEY, M 001)W lUD al t Wbol4; JUIP 4.'l\ OrD , rl , , st , • . [DR 6 ♦ l4ll•lta. D. C. - ------ . . A. ~ 00... E /.‘ LI . CO ~,?,,,lscep • AV Y()RK. _ ~... To 1- t. ra in .r,i , gno tt, rs,. : \ ' L",, w ,,t',..' • no b ,'.."ltq l .;i"pt,. . I .` J. 'OMTE, rettrh flocti 'or -:iti Eigh tratt . .4 .° .S. (:ti l e l .; it% Cu raroa..4 titicntha. A . Le Bitten, to 1,, Bran nyl Oin are can/trolly m e riontitio In the twin reret ar to ibe oth nf 1 , an oorl Holiamli the quality anal to most °fah, 1m rty tam. from thorn rntiotner niers am tortilla! to ay I m Judge of the oozing,. awl .1 1 trard their ordka tu the f nee. CI Water Merl. NEW 1' li which will *propt atten.lya tn. ayliVm American H ware. VlLlVgent, T,N SDOUGLAS ',l 3lanufitctTors' A. No. nlqt. It stm th loon from Nail it • .oW WM, .0111111 - 10w,WIIIII, not . c ottentiOli 01 • %he Ll ardware Trade Pc their tarok of la. received 1. of from the manilpseturers. end for xalr ri s zaoralile tern, j f 01t112p3 • Steam comatameatum betw nifew York \ and Glasgow. , MGT; (1.1,,b14A m,d '.New . York Aw s , t eiriti.Pairo P tf`4".l l ,t r i:Zit An 'omit, , Stewart. Onto otlythe Culp_ • wyr,l pleat:L.l,ra. i l iqun am tole, a &ONO:tot to nal Ilk :, i Vork dimt or laonw. on nat0r.147..1.• M. n . ',next at IF ii . lce,, n.on \. , t i nitilAo It lON Ei l li, • i Pao lal. tytaa al'. Po I:maiden, ....„ p l tai i. ytocraze Norio,. toilet/ They* rate), tucl de i i t c tl ^ lini ll i l. i l, ioil n ,.iii cl ii't h 'i l ti'ls •loci, lent i...‘yali.olica yo , ai.i at tre.•1•0.0.•.11., Ca ••••• sOILII•oh,q- '. 0 .° \T'''''' ''''''''''''rill?i'u`', 1....Pii .1 . -lawNw s 1•31" t l t WK. 1 New , York Toidia Rubber Warehousill, .v.: . 27 1144 J, ti I,lnr, bond , A Cte .Vo 0 autt t !fat, OK., 0 ,0,,1•w0n Liroa.l.o. lip-nor? rft 11F. NU DSCRIDEIt, I .'rupriot..r of 11t19,r, 1 a ,•ta, \ .1., ww•l4 101,u. 4.0 .44 conk•Ciwo., nonl - ern1••• .000\101, ILO Ire'V . 1,, i)• r•••••• 1• IMO /Mo. ,•••• 0 In,iwo, en onookylir lona. 1101 ea.aleni .tto 1. of In , lia 11.0/1„,110•1• Innt•tltn•lntol , at, atocly: from Lay oiyi tuirt-1,0 .....11.1 •••••• no I in, pool-n. 4 poprn,.•••ty• lo toy machine, a.. 0i1ia..,.:,.... L e Ic. I I: l inionen t ...twin tail yit thr yYe.l arta. 1.,.. '...V"‘"'"'" (4..".7.-111'.'tiYt.I'Vo'ilT.T..11Z.117:: ' ,XL '' .!:.r,r,., ' ,yr, , :.,.„ ,;,. „,,..,...,..,,,,,.,,.., !runt I he l• V 1,01•.1••.1•,01 . t• hit,. W. 0.4 0 nun. w 1...1. ; fil/.1...• • Innl ••• kn•ol 1,01},•• lie .00 so•utols. to••• the 1 • i Pelt, h. a lotto, 0.i...,1•..1 ' 441,4.1 I. .441.111.1,4 • 11/ 4 141111441/0 1,111 , 1 tto. ,41.tu 11,,,, r bll :I r1..Y .. 41{ ! 4S 140 t., . 11111 ft, .\ .1 .II 114 44)01 eld 641, 1..1 ' LI W 1..., 1,••••• ° ' 10 100 1,11. Out•ti• t• /.. rlO ••• 1 ' (7L, ' ,7, ° ,, ' :. °' ..:1,...%. ;;;' : .' n . . "." ,• ' ./ ..." .::• . ./1 ° 1 ‘ ..: ' 4 . 100rw,•: 4 5 1 •• . ..4..... " ...1 I.• e , l l• t.ini . 1 , Po.a.pylll.O . itiM 14 W.• I, h i /;1, .•1141 r ' 41';',T27.7,',`‘11"..':'t7:`''ei!'7','1'7;`;ktr;,`,17.!:.' , 'i.....-:-Ti7;::;.. 'r:l.l"..Fii\,::.ll,l;l':•..t:lYa.Tit7p.'•:Ven.'l. ri .ier Briar. I . por ilt.i.lei...Pl U•ii., 1,11, ...1t . ..c00k , \ =IVOI.•••••, I. e. tool . a irtj t.c logo. I any, ...erten.. or. oaot pie ) rewire of I. apt: I ifau ly. 1.i.,t00. Ito,. a ...1 1....,1n, 11••••• • lt. nkl ...i . . fore 1104.4,1 am 11 inr natter. ori. \ Shawl ! !oaks! Mantillas!' 1 1 , S 3111.1... NO, t; t'.•l t law ft s .to 3.' I',''rL. ' .f..lll..r:.,Vit''.',:',`-`; \t'1'2..'•!;7;',:...;',.:':' \ i tr , ..a: .. ...... t .:2:77 , ..! , ..1 , 1 .. .A . i..., ‘ ...0.. ...g.,.. 41,1 i..4t1/, '."'11':" , 1,4 .11,1 .1•• I /1114LI11 1. I I \ O• 1101, lw. •, I•.I nt,0••••• .0 Inwill,rt• •tn.l If • ,•t. .04 11,. tn.,/ tw tlw, •0.0 . n. n \ i, •• 0) raid .o ~.....t , o.ot rilo, ... kJ, ••••0•• twr.lo , ll/0 . . 11:‘ 1,0 . • I w. 0 :••••r“.• \I II•O. ;1110, :. '/I , O lb /alto.; • ..10 I. nu•l NI••••♦III, •Ir••• 0.1 on .0\ I. 4 . l, torOrt ' ut ut..l I To the Public. , 1 NDI A RU Blit:tt SHOES -Our Alto:ll6.m , iit bew• 10..4 • ntlwl lo •.1•••11,onnut 10 , liwo•••• II 1 , ,, I •00000 w. the S.c. 1. ra. a -rat.) .1 1 Ith.lolyt Izia, and I ir... c.loroc any . moan,. on -.we Ont.. 111 A W/0" Ono, tun\ I. non:0,1101 •0.,..^1.1 l•wr,11.•••••-• .00, • • •• ..,. . . • . h . \ -k UOAFTCAVS'rTC ------ for sale t i y JCIDII UM, S 4-1 par .1. 1 t.!; ; Ii, 1 ".., tiV., :I Ira X, In 1. , !1r1a n 3 //w Lein _. 4/4 La 1. Ott .......-.- „Laii. n tspurteNt Panty •11 , 1111. litactis4l/4 \ 41.,.. 1... Jul, 1 . : , ..—r.e ,; - ' \ - \.-. -- ,-- - 4.\; ' , For 8 le. ~ 1 A \J\itat: let e . ^ pie, w , routa, ituate in ,-1 hi...nialL %Var. ' N, ray AlPPillsink, INentiuµ r 1.. . ,./ .../1•*-1. M. PuING *N.., .A 1 . 1 ...0,1..11.1', 1,— EP... , / N Urn,. krit tr...-t_ 'EL I. N;opell 3 - i , ..P.P.pleald , ',above Inn 1/1/111,41„ en..l IN , the.init, ..1 - tht i ,prnat.,.. , nstlettre 1 Al':* A':::',1:, ':N' nd 2l.',ll l l2:ti' ° - ,11 •itok,r or to, 1 , ,,L11,1,i 00, 1,,.t•0 i. l /fU4IINnItrt .., or no/N. nta Lc ..Vlk, nualler Nuncr.nui, \ 1, .. , r.ruk.- ~. ..-41 / 1 . 11./1 IN baud aNtli. , lulau , e\io Egan '.l i' 4"/I,l.'"*T " ;: ',7lll "Vl ' il l i?..O I N P .T*-:1 Li •u; I ~,), i /**., 110 / ourll, ntren,t. • 1- *.,- 14 1 01{ lii:NT \-; The 1/wellitig, :c0..1552• 'EN/. nOpn.l. LitiPtunt , ls.l.l-,,,, , p,./t/ an ' t Ili 'l , s 1.,-,. putl*pn au IN, palattug nNlNsperiop,7 IL. *lair+ Low.* i...v n, palatal; TL.. Inn! Nnzubvr ploXtin ....nul oitn,r basa L,llll/poto ottar.l,l. In,ln INI sti,l nl,ll • *Vet, ant.. rhonsi. -n. \ \I 10?..., 4'. \ ang:,:lt• • Ilon.l • For 'er t VoirrY: t ~' z, lic„. • .0 ...,M11,61. t 0./ V u Ali.t, IN f . r ,./..,. 1 , ' * Ittn4e, p,, ~ , , ,1 •13 I\ . • ~,.,.-,,, g .;,.' 1141 fr ;:: . 1.111 1 :: . 141 . 1 1, 11 1 k•.t I.+l. \ .- 7 .)1 '.. :r 11; l%l 41, , la, 11,1. a Cro• LILA. Ai..r:- I'"'"t P" .Zr:t . t- r • I s t 4„ ' . \ \ \ '''''. .: 711 1.. It vErrr,.... „ '''. .„,n7,4l,:v., . A Etoo Bargaie 13 .nOW ered, s k * I.": A PPLI TIUN:STE . ..4.1)h Soon !'row Tint,. to Your notes. 113 Dotant, it ltorottttl, Ilitr,, bilottul oh Itto ttt.ctlaes I • 041\ .111. n h tt 7 t 7. rt!..Tt:tl d l.l ' t . ' ".;„L''',7..,“ r4„,,,*\' - ' I ',.:!i to purrlto, wit' s ' ly ,' ' kt r ,taurki t ItA. " : .r." 1 . _ __ Pena la titntei~ Fr Iff. SUBSCRIEEI9 havixig \rem ve.k t .1. lta. c.ora.r 01 .I'esta •sat , l\ll.,cOk , itreete. In the .; 1 uortl, W•rd.PllL,Lor,t4 , trlll pen ble Engli• , (.1 , I I ':':::;"L'..`7,,' r''T;;'.:":!,:111.7 ) '.7'.;;. 5 • m cl,''''4',4' a:44 1T,„!" and tno ettlenot ettontien will ld tlktheodu io I. ! ..1 'horst. ot.thor., commlll.4 to b ear, \ Al' Ttiltion, lo I . , 't..i., .......z1.71, , , r t . 0 r t;0 . nc , r i v . „ . : , ,Z1z , t 1 , 0,11, . Lb. n . ): . , • re] a i \ I . aay. , 1 , 13.• ' !‘ I. M. 11111111. , lir. Griggs' Onsimar : hool '... ~ ll'ert &de ot Oa pit , Alleg tat +. aro Two in ,o \ a ye2i ,` etielt \_4 r„'*volt, ,4,, antotwai.e.r., \ I AP, wail 1 1 e itterr 2.1 '. I utt1..ti,,1...,,ton \ li 11 Int , The College of. St.\.T4ses.. i . A4.BIIINGToN couNTv htil{i'f—ttiti. • 1 ilillir'ile.cofl"lii!Zl`..a.". 1,4 1.13, 3N tii op.„ ~it MONDAY', 0t0.01,r fah, 1 . K.1 4ei \ etrid Null 1tte , %..41 .. mtuni•oreme,,, day ~113 e. I t NhurNa, . July, 11 4. N., •Indiutt , are 1,- ,0111,11141rt toenteratt ' .I.atatt al L. ...lon. hut ato tre,rt.,l et baysT• thok, *VIA,. .1,4 the z . :terge t...atintst...,l fn..en'll4r J•to r , /e ,,, , Tlle CULLIstP: ha the Salatto umb.r a ‘ 61,,,,%.,!, ea. 1 finlls ell Ult. ct.portualtit. 1.0 • ~ t uplet..docatllm4 et , Jan ntwo. , tolut tern:Aglaia. ~ t the 0c.11.4atteq,,,,,, \ coatere •-y;;•,f.741";',;";', l‘"Ir ';:•:1rk,.;...,arftr:113' leg . i.11...r,. slid audorthosupotet.,oa of It% kertatl ' bul lAV, I 't7,ird,-"`....7.'.., °?..7'.r,!;4....'"'5?r-r,!T'.st:',,..--betz...,ti-.. etelr •••••,e,.. the , saint 'kW ' airection m ot the 1-roten ,..or-.01 tho ta11.,....,,...,,p....... I .Irentimem to tbo pato , . , ~, the timunter :1 , 4,,e. , 1,, it,.. MERCANSII4: VI.-1861,... Ito that of lli..eltl ottatto.l, •41.1 It, Nee,. song. tad by wldilL.nal ~ Is t Modern .1..en05.e.,..13,,01.-lurotatts,[c. Th.. oilasto.t, ”ris.r..m.q. I. entir.l. h,..e.ltnto. se.l 40 111 d0.te.n.... lives tven....q , i110,.e, rot.) tavor•hl• ti• good aural and aales. . 1,1:11 . HALL, a ace , 1 , u11.11.,. hr-kt,..1t1-.' 1.A.13 far , rupt,tion, in til e , dare. , of ths,pomll.l,l 4 . , ,./.4., ~ •Jdittou ts.ktlo. luttoorlivIIII. , ...went!. tdolitioDtor Dia fut., eine.' lity tat tnottatm.64 i :aar a r e •bol• \ tone oflas, within° ...AID. litr lotera-ot in It. areoutoboitt,e YOrA t e 'ttrrit t. .o" , D0g0k...r., ',at. .t death, t.) kr..1.1 , ‘ 4.1!t0. tb eit poi,rte, , +h loaraoty food ID.liro.l far ti.i e,tutsurot augur GI lili lU 'r r ' l ' Eb?:it! ' , :‘ te . : '' ,;llir e. " \ i b \,' '\''' '''""" *f eerrio. I, ter okly 3.latual Übe Domf...-. tina.pauy eu.. tate. of ,pr.ottuto arr rata 1hr.... , t1 reti.el et... - .D. anti. a pr.amatau tor. ku....11, Ntetufa ...ob.- Latino of lutal. r itor fut , e. oevority) to yeaet prop,rtior, to tto, automat. ot boeluer,e,ool the IrDr...ltre.reek Imo .1 ,AIDII, au t o mat ILIDoI, IL,. naval., alt:",',l.'t,'liar=',' . I.l.ll 4 l .l,:t rl att_ t lioj :41 if.:ll7t kfor. , ,iretice ree....e ~, . tri.E 7l .% 1 •111. \ illll LI. I/DIA./Are, Ylralatall 2 ok " etrai l ao i r '"'". \ '" ''''.. \ .1.1,1/, (1.11 , 1 isrEw FALL'emoDs. \ , ; A, V.- ... 2 4 CA , lhold kW. PdittaUt.A. l k ' ..l , MASON 4. co. fir,, , ,..n 0 w it, daily ie . , ~,.1 ., ~.., au.le.olitor oltitieb bate Livia/lie Doirenl etpe , e.l, for their . I ....tvierrt/of With all ittalio.u. iarlety of 411.64 . 6 4 / 1 1&.....1refe 1 i With df...1 cum from the ~a , , i,,, b,...... th. eaetarnevtiril, tehDb, snit ...K.. tay turaelo i 1... roauoma. torn/lug aotoet whieb, for aa,set,. auslii,. ,a,l too onore. b. uerek beet. Nualia' ID ID.. MI, , Tu. atteutlen of aboleitti. gal even par elt...r, rm ...tttopy eelte.t.l. ~. JE: Millß.F, `..OSE--..51.t0 I;et. 2 TA•ch 3 ply 1.414 Rub r ID.; btruabt nut exprvevy to Yo-. .11/1111. put pr. \•._ Wei... tba Fite Dererteeet of bolt fllit. ID ell ark , tr.latulte tel., ea they Sr. irsrematel to atot owes. ore.aoretban sm. leather have taarturartarrel. lo all .e. trli i . Duey do pot torn out as reprir s ole.l, rbz i. suuory • ill , e , rr1tk , 71..1 or Dr illitepratisiliVe. ..17 IVwW awe:a OC OMOT/TES , ..j Übt Yeu . ll7:3l — ft`TEl .I,a 11 , 133., Eke.; (or Trniiee Leementame‘th.ta,P I rater. It canto* ' e0n...el by auyliote,. r, for ag r eaittat..e'reirf. is este-ane not effected bi T . beet 4 cold, rate at '. , J. 6 11. PHILLIPS', , 1 \itt, 64.=, etariette or the StattuDeetuneru " H A S‘S--5 - 00 pcs. • hi N r..a Sularcured; Platt; tivte.mut *q. exit L 1 •, ILO tyi 1 LITTLE 2 W LEA.4-- , 1600 lifilena ; ..toulo /Oa. Liar, tie tale, % LILT fallEt/L , LYL REG tihda. '4ltalc Lt CUNLIL •'‘iii)• , -• LlL.ttr 1.4.4 \ k mai VlkillBl4Lii•ACadttllq Pod ode Of ilk and tit \ NIES ff3ISTO UTIoN will uvu~ryZgnin, ruay.;:lmtri4ltt trod. d:00:1' o . ty , l2l2l :4 2ftillittl . Z Ic ! uvu " a th rfi \ \ rr • ti tt P 11 L~ y ~S f~ `~~~ ~r ~~. r \r: \ \ / :A ER S ot`.p, Doh. rt. ' : yr ' Is, In It Iv i : Pk .oii tf N amact4 'Ver.4lg:i;t for the . S "r_n Aa.ryadni: Mark,.. at. touuN to 1......., gut, taut) , ) EhS. cost;itting rot, 6Nardl3 - Itu gruoit .‘ .P''' h'" ‘ '."'' ' WU: C . I L. 1u.... ~..,,' , ii , t ,H, it' s !Zi......-6,... f.a...:\ ic... h 1 ~ , i ., , ::::61, , rzik u 5 r , ,,.....,:. :t,,,K: 1tr.,,„.,.....,,7, tutur. tkpAuu. .0.. u \ ‘. i t u .. Ikott7 RTC. at, 11. h , I \ ring' /.. ..• and 0. 31A - ard, ham .La . taertthah I?. /Wn. Vol t tr3VtiLn tk, L' tti v oly h''' n: qts„ . Xoe. hag that .....e.l thstl,- 0 1rar thallc .1 . e.016 z.elln .1, ..r.. has it oirm.... • . -...\ - WS fa ehqtn, 1./....11W !1N..." .1. hiria . , J... luoUr, aa./0.1 .... . Ipt:Vill illiOCAlt a lt 'UNDIttES V ‘ , otA....\trx end P&.. A. ti; • . ,5. •L. tr...ty lir eV) 4,111 . • t't I 1 borpg , g.lll:4lgZl '. :l ff . ; ' .L: . Taues \ n , .t 7 ,7, agn‘ °L. ;10 '' "irin i ' Ttltet: " 7 ' ef ai.N.,aleNl'Ll., L. u m.'l _ '." , Or . 1 boniiitti: P % \ ....4Ztio torn, 4'44°' \ .:.:gmes tlartAtiM, 1 r, •••• I.itogrq e rr '\ !N 2 „‘! IntbtinN L.,4, '', : '. :e d r ' i:ll 4l :7l, . '' .0 b 6174 /21%%.% I t .'" •... Sioull ''''' 4 '' LhltneLl ". t ''''' ‘ ' lLTr i: :..- ' \''''' keg. timunes Sticlm 110 . ac., ix,.., r.o 'il, . ‘,,,„ • Wnolessis bpd L L. L' i."r ;" . k '''.° . , °''' :(. l nln Luis IC 1.11,47 . , Nurtbrn st .N . g. IV ) 511 .nd ri n k ; ur \ - -- -- - . It/URI-TY & BVRCIIFIELD :aro /V cpetting a loige amoitmomt of 104 f /41.1.0ip to • mh, the, invite that iamn of their etnnomm ii u g Lap. pmeraly. Jan len MVO nnmbee of the manlrablo=l:lofteml, molommici saismortment odd to bo. onitca•ml. MEI T. • ea.M' tom., Ikr FAV . PRINTS AT 1•21e.--Openingthi , /11 mornM• on amortment of 4•4 orocriTriot. warranted an eulom. . , , \ 0.4e.1 . ' ... 111f/tIItIV A \tlo/1131ICTE D. JUST RECEIVE.), from .tlie , Phillipkyill. Oil Math • ratnt T—WPOP Tna. 4.l..ieriio ottlartolof rot fasted Cordage CU Cloth. W. Inolto ationuo c allnlemCn 41,is and.carricgAmartuf., tratia orue/r---ihor oral tad . ir 10 their shoonLogblst basiel o. or oro dotriffurod to .61 wo hood aulatkla as low an.l perbara a 1111/0 better and favor; that r,, : boo. In the tinapa :latex. ' J..L'II. /1111.41 ht.., I , 7 asul 7 ltlp7. \ 1 si ll . L7 e n v FRENCH • AIERINOS,-- , A A : , :I env A 00. bntilupt wevir:A a: /after' let of on ' r moth )ferizo,r, of Ibn 1.04 tifftralga 044.3 Cl m 1... Ifficteo ex - pi-Twill for 1.6:t watt tra4A—,-yea :lab,. \.. -, TRW SlLKS,—kkeed e . ;; K.uul V \ .:i f ' o f `ll7g!.. l ' k° BONNETS AND 1 1 it Cu. Liat•Jun,opooed • Div 144. 4[14 utt . hibtonl. f•3l etre% whichl.b., will otha re•••i.. UEAP EMBROLDIMIES—K:I. L . " • tist,e,jtrt toed vzot4beiar4 al (Er iv verjr sAnGrr . 4.l,l4. (4 end 64 MerY.f At. flaNe XTEEII)4I WORK COLLMIS, of now, i))16B NS RIBBONS t—Viekare °pew .iu or s bow. Rtblx At l'11.11:11 r 6U15Q111,1141.1r r. , „ . : , ,,, ,„ ,, , , y , i.5 . ...,, ..11\S ;'-'—. T!.i r ) . 1P ., .U ..,,, 1 , H 4• h• at tra tt rnlandikt an t iwk Prins, tn.( I , :n. int.tper yard....ltnyert Lit do r to All awl pureha.... &pm the. ~. • . tt_ ERAGE DE 1.,.\!!1 ES-40., K. Mi.l.. (....Plating rno dp Lunar+ at Inn than ...Ora Pool , ...I -. l tiddls Ma Lipid Aticle. , 1111 g ' , ,ARTICLE i . B ID LA (14,4.Mi1y Us \ r ji ant rnnuid be . founlnt or tr-tc 1... ' t yin tb laud. )Irt-hankr lap' la PootUntrot".'", 0, niintY to ttttir [...nuns tbnounh spentnr.L....) tn ~ T RI.- 61 ,- • pp op walea nor pi Lunn siLl finl It anr-n. tr. ~. ootal toti.le to ttutn MINI rdtPr • fair teal-ntll consid et \1..r... ' .. RV..= , Ls Perttry [tea we , the tunleinnno,l, tta.:irtit It, . . \ tltoLntly tm .de ttreKloGJN, Arnterlor I...ntvat ot.P.yrtr ; ~,,,..- ~ totod by Morn.. ...oteM 'I Capp. Mind•Pb”n; , ( tr...,, , 1.. -, en...tinny re. - oven. 1..-- - - , t2ttinlttt ' rr `l'n''`. rsn;f: ' , .13 H Ver ' : 171 "A. alto, Or port. Nirp (0.11 Old idt akwr b. Yo NI. by ` I.rktt.ll~. m,w~n 11 . 1 A H. Jun, 4. INTx Par t W. lit - 1[016.1L sore \ \ Ka Ntit.44 War L.A -A or m k4\ \