r... 741 4. ~. ,mpat. ttrAlay in ur old aliiirch, c'''"llClawith tewitehlog settee, 7244 it*Warieer,iial pious look, Find your actusiom'd plate. Itad.yerciJr your many, charms, oia t todawirloriair heart; Myra pr d lor.l2rJ Ulan'all ow .11.9 illiadtsr,-for ;better part .. :4 - .liiiii'ka dust : 4U who lured a° well, - z:P .- -PileaitiViOdly Life, ~t: ' - *fiei OU' "Ishvaue a man should ' choose ; To ms e eroomr;wifi. Thar ased'hillir; lorowirqbar Joan l':' , 'Thill , ' Jai lice mast prose; '• . ' •i ~,yAkr oilj iiiiii - Y4kril.l . iitre aoitii for ma,.' ~,, A -aula uuttriUg ore. . - - • 0 XbD Coil yonritany charms are gone, -..1794.'re' still gist tietter {.art; , The dairy time you, brought to me :*.tztrzind y s lw/114 ,- J/wt. HOG P" ' Ili • • • 9 lojust one •.:if *great eitiliigit:jint4ttnag ai a lion, but gentle as a lamb.':-Ile leaves nothing-alive Upon wblch be inliC l 4ilict,'l,bnt he wouttikitit rattle the feath-' era-114411e: mealiest, chicken unbidden for hie tlithe,tait.'"lfti-mirdiag the children In a cart ae leturas henus drag himself, and never utter a teoo-of nOtiplalitt;• but wo betide the being who'bomes,within Ida reach when a duty calls sterner Mood. A very nseful,dog is ton: Ile will "ceiry and fetch." anything ea to him; and make himself generally *use In the way of errand-going. He divides his tune,betveins one, of 'our neighbors and a farm ainiloloff, andenvea many a journey back andforth of those who would make more fats about it The other day he was lent to the farm with a basket for ens: . it was obser.-ed that ho did not come home as promply as usual, but the dranitusMace excited no special attention. He name in at host; looking se though notating at all had happened. glad to Bee the folkis; and appeared much at his ease, and per feady,ilatisfial with himself, with no goadings . of-conielence to mar hie ,happiness. In the adiast ef hit , apparent .happinces,' however, lie was inteirinited with the inquiry. "Pat, where nridour eggs P'—His tan tell sixty degrees in smistly; and with a look perfectly intelligible, tie earned audio's off. Going to a, pile of timbei lot far away, he tend bin baisket of eggs, and bringing them home, toads the best apology , a dog could make, and gave them into the hands .of his mistress. On inquiry, it was ascertained that on his way. home he met some other dogs, and feeling a little social, he put his' eggs in a safe place, and stopped for a social chat with Idafrleuds„iirid finally went Lime, foigetting to take his esgsalong. We helleve, his is ihe 1174 balsam, Ingot' a dog 'has been khown to have forgotten ing.—.2f :* 11. Telegraph. . . -lea 'is nu goers.-. gentleman wbo had beep •" lathe lee trade et St. Thomas, relates some fantitaneedetes of the natives there, and the bleiathey hare of the "Boston hard water."— He once - sold a lamp to a getleman, wile sent hie colored want far it, with directions to have . it kept for ' e dinner table. The servant 'took it ham., an hutoiredof the cook bow it was to be prepare After 'considerable diseuseion in the kitchen', ' inet, it way decided to have it boiled. ,A 0 dirmer Amy the gentleman called I l ab 1 .Icr it, Ind Watt , in high i glee, for he had drawn iced thamPagne in the Statee, and he felt .a 140y:hankering for a merdnd trial of the same bertmec: Soon .Bambo made his appearance pith eyes tolling on the outlide, grinning like a ' 4161011alramakey. ' ! .' '... t•Where in the ice, Satabo 1" said the master. ' . ....ioigorra.l"replied Sembo, "I pet him tole ixitand War him for more belt' dui. hour end whetti.wen to look forhint, he was not dar." . - '• umilll4-CIC.-20,006 itr sale'llow by F 1, Je!dES DAI2I:LL bxe.prime W. It, for ■ale by 1.1 . *n4 ' JAIIJO DAT 7 r , Maar A. .4.OIOEREL-22.5 bbla. Large No. 3, for • (n.PSI JAMES DALZELL. • iJOA.II & MOLASSES-- , 50 hhda.'6,l6e N. 0. 26610; IEO 413. . ll O .lrN6 • 60 . P. for pal• by oinj Diall4LL. 69 I% ater WLSS AND, JACKONET 4:WINOS, &c. .1.--1113/IPICE. It BURCHFIELD Dm openal thD Elot of - Owls. Ed' Ow and I [wettings. Jar/r.ta as 4 limert/na,E6bba .V.dpiAes insortinds, .Zlgingefiul Ituerthoss, tig of cur atyle. sad 5c.44 eepa mum it Fowl) SUGAR-50 bbls. Ga. br [KD 3 I EICREkIIkIE DIOLASSEIQO bblA Yra..br• OFFEE—: TEAS,--50.hf. ehests Youni lb •" a Po Htliatif El3: -60n ke. %EL ordfr, for ololy fl SEED OIL-25 Ws. fo EFrrat iI . SALTS--15.1 1 b1s NITASH — NgT for hfolsqui... ,Bare, 12 _far& mot reed, for Add lot• suii replo - WM. EU LE, Third v.. PrOBACCO--00 bnad. for ria.). X.Pfli r .'.B 0 - 0 / AMU of Saint mo ß ou of nai.td. tot.'nerfr by am' kkaldersorithllol.2l .. :^ l,a %ltht 0 Baa li a i tt . l talfilsanden --nsik Bm.y:the ' . l9=l:o2tvit Ljr=it w Tav tar .Beiruwa 07 . 1U24. No.l Pletortslllo rirOBACCO-61 1.711 IQZ--45 tie g4gai 1310WDEX:-A, ,ttlietoro,alser's. 11110• COFFEE•L-) b,• - • koala) FLEE BRICK. . ooads4=..lo' O. 3 iiL4.OICF:I a 2: I. MOLAL 67 auk ' LE:111/SEE Iragirgo Ow sat b" " • I.lEttreta - baijoil , ned • . 3 , 414 itlack t. at** worrivake atteru-- Abo, taper{er Oro.4•Wriquir. Win de - Qom. honatltal am- Oanr - . Ana X7-'; DREW GOOLiS•a-Wetnre now re - ...thing the to-nr.si fall styles of Droo.O.xlsostett cubsocres, roptina. Pant. ka... , UP. , .. - IP. .ramatlas, /rata lialaw cut =bet actli. tlner Simla now own. (Imp] A. A. InAtita t W. "EITHITE GOODS—A. A; 3LtsoN , Co. yl- b,Th Jost nal 1100_pea Whttotkada, conastlag LatlV.ltr i ...l77: : /lialllook ~ Wens, Van ant ail anannad. int l wenn ' OFFEEr=-100 bagi Rio, foi, sale sna . • ' 1. S. DILWORTH aCO 10 Ws. tame % . 1..41 y, O ub Limns 1 ic:ll.estraz; luta IDALIII .1)/C Vat. DEA. RUBBER GEOVES—On hand, a rea• seartm.t. of Win' 644 Gleadelnail Ito is hub holnal• J.a U. Pli/LLIPS. , 4114,CIACIPSNUFF.--30 bozets Bomus cele batalllnalf, In Ai Illd /d o rm soi r mi t by WBITIN43-200.bble. extrii . dry, for nolo B. L ‘I N FAIIN aritiftVits. vcrolDow SHADES-A pply of Traub- V' • •t Window AM01 , ......ea mls lialaing store ludic; RMANYIZI.D. OAI 75 hhda. prim 6 N, 0., for aale'fiy mot . MORBRIDGE trINUF.I34I.I VIVIIITBIISWAND• TROPT—_ • Mt IVltts Mb, 1861; br ht . • - - • clarAuczoKErsco: 4e3:.-s,.bbjs. Frog, for a • gtEtr•C!Z=tl" • I.yJgaiNrentaMONA 111E1111MB, to:lotd by the- Act of Om Othimplailemblg A rehatogNONiactirdttrirW.Pgßit t ethltles . It there • Jae o glth of monetectlithe Ihshallat, entuttaripath gock memos who! _am to %OKI ; esl In pormance thereof, 1,4/ •* .EW C„ .• „ ... .ETTE.Shariff of 1 ° re e :.tell Cbna P Y lJlTll l y=tlPleteria W - 1 Conoty know tt and stki e ttatir,ptlge,lt,Vdttri a tta-M1 •• It =err, ' al e .. ^ :tn ' trettk.! r r -. •e. Ant Watt or . outttior Pltaiburtth to at - the booth of 31M, 'Jae 14tUt, them...Fa Ve and ourth streetjusztd ituhL • Ineelectorsof the Seos Wee thr city of Pftlaborg, mm t thw Basta et I dol otel: earner of Necood and h eardScrit strets.no Wa - want. • • eelctors of the Tided Ward of the citrof Pitb , afTilb• ist meet St the of Anther, McMaster, Ear • , -. , —,frar i ft,lpa r g= l arnrgb, tong eet at The elector,' of the Fifth Ward ottbeclthr. of Plttaborthr. Le meet at the limralriesola lionee,•ursupled brtlethehl l Merlin, late Meg. Stewart, Weald lead, The tlectorsot Warrior the city of PittalthrgiN to eternal the Peddle Nthoolllentre, In and ward. TM. electors/ UM &Tench Ward of th ci Tilts. bnfleb.to 'meet 's at the Pottle B ah.' flame.e ty In raid of ward. The eleetOthof the ChM Ward oftbeelthbf lintaborgh, to cot at thlSPobliothhoot Ilona, II and Wald. Mectothof fhe NlnthWard of tharity of Plethburan• to ioeet at the rubric School 'thaw, It Mid ward. • The eleOtonrch the Vieth Ward of the city of Allegheny. to meet at the boated? J,ll“.,thd.ar,ltobtaam meet. Tire Athlone( the Second Weed of the Freya( Allegheny. to meet at the tosnewef id• Thompsen, nottlt • weettor. ewe of Ohlostreet bit the Putdo Nalrre. , Mt elector* of U. Thltdle tof the either Allegnmir. to innate the Ihiblle feliool II 01.01 In chi d ward. The electoreof the Fourth ro °fiftee[]. of AlinthenT, to. Meant the brume of Mee. s Ems Mmoon. The electors of Pitf township to meth the home or MM. UttwoY Therthr odtbe !helm... end gammen , Turn. one Roathin weld townehtp. the• Nettle Qualitied votenree Wain,ln mectsoo. 4,7, 00.1 11 of the ottedietnth. who shell cote at all general election. in the Ninth Want et the no of Pitt.burgh. , • r• el.nurr Of Peebles. btheibip t 1 meet at the botwevf Joan bitter. bl they'll..., of Can Liberty, The dmo.or oonat kt taw boar." TI • ol McCall; Jr, lo the 0111.4. or. Etht LltethT • The elem.,' ef• Wilting tow unity, o.•meet et the holm. mid John Maffei, on the iimenshoratt Turnpike Poet, In mid torthundp. The electors of nom township, to meet at the honer of John Nthoomthille, mkt township. • • flit elithors of Patton tiro rathlN men at the haute of Abloshem Tastor.. the Nombem Turnpike, Melia town. I P tte electors of Peon township, to meet at the boom of Robert Jhmallm,oo the Lowelthorgh Hood, It cool &IWO. tl‘ p. The electors at Formates township, to meet at the Brick School Hone°, near ths White llotoe torounlythem Pied by Thotaaa Neel, and now by Wm 1. thaw. • The elthters of Elivabeth township, to men et the home st tharin ` Amer ' torment - occupied by John Walker, In Pu borough The 1114,,1n of the Borough of Elizabeth. to meet at the douse of Dente! Saner, formerly °emoted by John Walk er In mid lueoa ofsTfferson townehip to teen at the of Miami hum. formerly is:copied brJoba King t owed townatap /he el...clan of Illfdla township, to meet et the bothe of Samuel WIN.. formerly °empire' by Jae II herri,ln end township. • The electors of Upper St. Clair towo lily, to meet at the house of JthOoonor, ID veld towanhlp. The elector. of Lower St. Vier towashlp to town at Ore turnpike.o at the junction of the Coat tall and ht. Chdr with the Brownirellio mod. The electors of Chanteys towthhip to meet at the public • brume neat tha New Mill It. bridge,. the alothwo oll e turnpike. electors of Rafelson township to meet et the bowie of harsh McFarland, trtmeny Amiley Mannered, to mkt totholdp. The elect= of Findley to.rahlp to meet at the house of McClelland A Amer. formerly occupied by Jl2O Charlesdo the eilageiof Chelan, to said township. The electors of Moon township to meet et the balmy - LI Peter Unstop, to said township The electors of Ohio township to meet et the booth of Joe liar, In mkt towneblp. The electors al Franklin township to . math the hoe occupred by Jos Redman. to rail township. Th. elerten of the Borough of Manctrester to meet at the Pubiledoltool booth. The electors of Earths township to meet et the booze et Ooticib Fidler. In mid township. The glitters of Baldwin township to meet et the benne of Jno Crew., in mid township. The electors of Streorden townehip to meet at Use benne of Peter Boyer, In mid lowneldp. The elector. of South Fayette township to meet at the house of IL Hays. on the ferm of o Coate' In mid townthly. • 'the electors of North Fayette township to meet et the hone,norecocupied by Fraud. Jemiwn. at Rogers' MIL In ad township. • y home, The ;teeth; of Rose township to meet at the house Jthob Colhangh, on the Franklin road, Wen ...silts electors of lthe township to t 0... at the holm of Hugh Crinituny, township—and that Thos Wallace In J udgc, and Wm bleitlthey the Wm Rogers be tenet-- the orttilselection, in sahl tOsithWO• The .lesion allot-V:4l.w township sae to meet at the house oCilas Anderson. to with township. The et...torso( %Vat Doer townstiliy to meet at' he hour. of lie elec t orsn In Rear ownshl The of Easttownehlp to ,orest at Um Public Eclool Rothe. to rho Lt.rough of Tthantum. The ethers of the Borough ot irarentunt to meet tit the Public &hoot 1100... to said Borough. The electors of lthlana township to Meet at the boom rtht " /Proltrai b iL ghee . ma In lo townehl th p. The qualified voters of ,that put or Wiens township, county, residing within the following de scribed boundaries. to wit beginning at ••point oaths Al legheny Irlyth at the upper hoe of the 'Lin. of John Ca tale,asolinthathe northeriy ethnic hea t h en th e far m. of said Cable John /thyth to the N. E. author Cable's farm—thews running a s WIWI* coarse to the Shale, township IWe. to Fuchs manor u totentirace all Cameo. lots eLtuale in tinungtwors and known the rtrez math, within ni Isid bounden., than here:eller you at general elections In the ktoratuili of Wharweburgh, at the eketbri of raid bilthnithi Thiieleetore cif the Southall of Birmingham to meet at the kithgleSchcol bowie In hard borough. •• • • • • The okalors of the Borough of gest Birmingham to meet at the Railroad Odire of Oliver U. Orwell - , In said borough, Thu electors of Duquesne Borough to meet at the Subtle School Roue, In edit burbugh. The *lemon slew Borougn of Issreneedile to meet at nchool Owlet lu said borosurn, The of the borough of Shdpeburgh to meet at the house OfJamos Sledg e to odd borough. The eleators of the baronet of Alegoreport to mod at bin Tomo In odd borough. • The elector, of the lwrough of South PilMhurgb m meet at the house &raedy vertipiwl by E. 11eAunincb. at the sod of the dosiongebela Bridge, to add tasough. The electors of We Borough of West hltruleeth to Pint et the Subtle &boot House 11l Dahl burougb. /mid st will which we mid pluses the auditint eleetors us afore laptallot Tote tor one Wrenn for tiorernor oePermaylvalla, Intei perm* for Cermldssomboland for Judges of the gonna. Court of Penn Onelr:erni President Judge of the Distrlrt Court for U ttno peggi f the D. ‘ t r ,...t Judge of the Omuta Court' fre the onuntrof Allt=t Ores 7; for dent /metre of Court. of Common Pled. at., of Allegheny Mint): 'NW papaw:tar A. Leta Judge, of dyne Courts; Flog WWII. tor membere of Assembly at Penney hauls, Ous pen= Bonarder Of Allegheny smear: one person fmllogister; • Onerposion for Clerk. of the Court of QuitAer Simians. in; U. mann for Traanarerof Alitabeny county: OM/OMS fi3/00.1r COOlrdisel.o3., parson for Auditor; (me pers. for County nurveror; AI., and Drab.. btEssaction of an wt &neon's' sba lash of April, lain, It is sssetsd, tbat tam 11th WM. of .! the art sassed July,24, lb" ataltk , d an ass relatang to dr stsctsaas of ablaCumnsonnealtt.s:usti not be...assn.] to breams; anx MDR. 0:110,or 'curougll oohstrozn MT V- Clta , k. assay General °tan:wend lleeuna Intdcl b 1 +.a<.. • . Gootinle's; —St. Jam* Ref E t /NOURAII. And this raturu dodge of the rerpoctiee districts &fare. asii, are required to reset at he Court linens In the city o r pit:shunt, nu the Friday .t.a the semisail Tueeday of intolier mat, then, and there discharge the duties .yelled by law. bitten meter my band ant ern, -t Pittsburgh, this 1 day of rieptasuber. A, P. 1151, t.,.1 of the iridepeudeureol the Waled States Its severity ASV). aerndautsd CARTER CUUTIE. tired. 0, for sale by E tIAiQHHeH. sac i k: A Liiii i diAaf x d , t.Le . ale Jiro; in good CUBA !—Will beAsublisoed, on Monday, tae let of Septernterto One eclored MAP of the Se lma of CUBA, hem, 10 c.ntA J. B. 11DL11EB. wig ' Mini opporlto,tho In. Deer. • I FATHER--550 Sides Hemlock Tanned Pole Loather, for moth by ' AS2O DALZELL & CO. gale by KIDD a co. r ealo by KIDD a O . CTEE-2°° bags for r D ie A I LIELL t W. • S . UGe-80 hhda LI L e z a t i Lbico SAIM..I3?N-5 bbl*- litfr.AgiL by 10P ICE-10,tiereee for Seale ky , IL aryl . aW. Ittlial.Uoll. Aran BE-75 bci s sea for 11-40 by NJ 1e.4 i CON 130.51N11bRiir co IFRE NCIiL A S I N G--An additional al,. ned by II MINI I A BUIICELVIELD .01w ILIACKEREL-40 qr. brie very nice No 1, W. bf [aagl2) ISAIAH DICKEY i CO A LUM—,2S bbls. for sale by sss= J. KIDD CO. rrtERCALP HUNTERS; or Romantic Ad reatai= Moslact ,Mataa /UM. pb Ntottaortard. • Tia. by Mr adlital irisber. I=vals ittAmmloai by Lady mast Matl=7. ' My //hooting B 02; 01 Prsalt Tornado, Iv a Tim Dig Dm al ittabsoa, /Imam= Navel. =lb ll tratlara 07 D= l l2. Rmalvad at 110I.oaFS' L.liatary Depot. 74 rlolmlettaat. ammita the Pan • , ang.ta IP . OX'S Patent Sparkling Oalatine-3 grWel tat sale by 4. KIDD k CO, • sue= to, Wood at. WETI.IBBILVS PERFUMERY —A fiesh ha it. W.y aurl3 . J. JUDD k co. F RESH ROW, -& TUB BUTTER—Redd till* day, Breartlawdoomt 3:3d. arrl for .d. at nir= MOIUUS' Tea Mut. Irtarourid. F ROM BOSTON, just rec'd— • artrt 6 fL 1111 « m lir lodia Holober F. sale st toy India Itubbirr ImPol. 9 Wool At. .4S= % . P9LILLWS. PACKED BUTTER-4f bbla. and 5 kegs far sale by isuaa MUM( a CO:. bair= Water a Frans eta jr4 . IIRYSTAL PALACE PRINTS.-4lua ,Li grliGithinD have jut reCeived a lot or very hautiful baillsh Prints, merle exprevely Are:lllMb. la the WortiliaNalr, to which tba artention of the hales le ha awed, BUTTEIt—f. Able roll butter for sale by sac J. E. DILWORTH CO FOR SALE—An excellent'FAMlLY HORSE. Eagan. of dpi alkgs . I. 131:1/100libLL8SIL W. DOST OFFICE SCALES 4 --Jet received w idakgrmal stork. .4 for wu.sos, car:. Dartrat Yourth W. v. austE MITTS! MITTSI-Lliferitiziaßoictirumn b. j tut received • full saw:atom:4 of tho *ben. el atm Jam. 117 SO. to 5143 P.O odd& on , e• •oft3O LINSEED OIL-5 bble. City make, for sale et. , weal. e. N. SicKylthiL•ll. 1 UP:. CARD. SODA-3 kegfor sale by O. N. WICELE*SUAM. INDIA. RUBBER CAPES--,2 doz. j ant reed eanag.) a lint rata article for Tiding or driving t y =s Arai inallner. Da vale at. L. De.mt,T god v (0.02.1 • • Ir. IL P/lILLIPS. Time Bilk ON CINCINNATI; • - 144ii tili T tottr i T in . 7i t til LS, DETIWIT AND CUM/MIND, Will be rat Ottahett AtlOnsitto .1 T2l A. WILKINS CO. ' the LAM intend to remove about Ow 11th of toptember, Owe one prertut Mod to LAM wropted L Othrtottort Yessreato, 110 Us, In . NANO. opretto Et. Clair a., wpm tr. 4.11 be Vetted .r err • MA. to our Hoe es lAMBI. • ougle . J. OIL PIIIILIPS. 7 end 0 Wm.,' et. 6,7 b 7 .and Plan lalOE-4-15 tee. prim, fur sale by -.64 J.B. DILWORTIS i CO. IMLOHRISPS RAZultE—The undersign „ tot the We bf.34 , 1p0i.011. ebbtars /1/130. 11111111.11.1Ured, bulbul ttalbs, and bra ontibil. , 4 quwity by cal.,. Brllibb or 'Amnon, nabbfbribr, )7,q,, , 1..... sill um it it. doe. bob Pr sill be rear.: or am Bubb ed • .bag.ut•burcbsuer mar winb. Tblb bra d ,. hag Dr u P row puberblybbn, aul raplilydrupere,lll4, , bbb7 With • coos tivr rai.,./[1111. ,,, t Job Cm stch &al Jewelry doze ob .. N'. CM;!I .V.1 4 1,1X--.2.3 sacks for sae by Imai • I WM", IaceAIOLIMS 11..F.EF TONGUES -t-A. prime . article IN 1. . 0. . ' nr. T alßio by WU ' A.:vaunts id.; 1114,1402M7 S3l !!MIE BOOKSAWRIC &.c Nesi:Bablatang Settelgtft T• a Problem- reirriated with comae witorra 90part, Q.,. of Blurt By-UW . B Abbott :. mae fieltlTlkef Cho Pail:ug I.lna ca r . bywir stL moa Arro7oBVo Sitotoikkolo , Erreneers! Jour- Dietioraery of Monte, mar W. B .o gth"r."' Mm. Sl n'4 l/4tl Book f 81;e forroltiosxNo 11 I t ktortal Armtek Ham 4lrritibbal4. of .X.lB looB7Bo.rofer. rum odholl 871.4.4.P444... IP'Vttß,:tl). I r Tg" r .• -78 Apollo 11¢1815 • Fourth ot. New Boobr. f ODFREY MALVERN' ,'or the Life• of 'nn t Rath°, ibenati Sigler. With tionii.frir iustrationa br Phial • Travnl In the Coital States, ha:, doting 1E49 and ISM. Br esely lirostirlins Stuart Waatisy, S Mod. Labor asid th. L..d= Poor. Tn. athre bnoksjost reed and for sale by lytb - A 6 STOCKTON...I7 Ilarkst et. ECHANICS' MAGAZINE, No. 8, flit. A, Aornst. I • - • HOE. Maw: a Domestic Tale. ' l'a.agra la the Wool Mrs. Margaret Maitland. of Sun or•lLl., written be herelf. Received at LIOLIUSS' Lueruy Depot.. oppoalte lbe Peet Mos saga O , OOKS!=-Sgi. 33 of Byrne'o . Dictionary of Merhanles and Enstineotioy, • • o. 7Of APPloGneo Mothanks. Moffatt. awl Pooh:wont' Journal. A1.4:- . A large usortment of Litoncal end School Ign 'Opt ren . J and for .ale by J. L }MAD, Agent, ret Apollo Bnlldlng., Fonrlhattset N. B.—Rsars taken In ...bang, ryllo New Atm& Yllll5 SPIRIT POLKA, composed by H. Kleher, ant dedgIONI to SO:lbn C. Footer, of 161. •-- arn.n Bend—on. or =IL 111.1t5 plalad by bY4 : I 6 by'rrt._ " tn"' Inley Jon, witty InniallOns. by Dale. I The Autumn of our YVIL,P, by Orange Barker Alpo, • fn. aeleetion of Foreign Mode forker. Nino, Flute, VI•116, kn. 11.11LEBillt, 101 Third great, Jelio f Sign PIANOS lden Ilarp. P. S.—A splendid lot /clan. now grouting. On...ry good mnombnand 8 /Klan. Plano for ..la. AMERICA_N STATE PAPERS.—State Pa gr=aa Yubl r , Docope . m.. th,..raltod stfol4=l:nr '.." ( " V '" vEt to re tbel.""4"' toat time: (what'll:l,r OacAteniUllocu NOS! . *erg. ligAternr, oonielnitgg Pollikal, Metaled. Geographiest, SolentiPeal, Atatistioat Formerikeg , end hi NA'‘Phiewi iWumettme }mare, eta Vactm together with otices or the A rte ego Mannfactores, stoke Iteetmi of the Igroots of.the Time. from 1811. The abort, relest. e works far bele b• , It. 0.-STOCKTON;stk. St rotz3l7l KLEPER, 101 Third street, sign of the Golden . Ilan, huhu.. received— BLOWIER. , NEW COSTUME POLK*, with a beautiful rhueetts of the Uloomer Costar,: rubltebed ure der the jettroeare of the Illoomorpo ootapositr E KELLY QUICK STEP, oyerr eItrIKKUT .• Foster's beautiful alr per elly lnsa WV' More • sootor /3.0.1 T•IDDLTS.O WOO beet 416 • .'• .Chickering's Pianos. ' TORN ILMELLOR Agent foe,* ti o:darer/nes Pianos. Ito Hint, and 14 Nunn I vain. No.lll Wood s h. rorclool and now open for sale, Cho is - lowing *lesson assortment of Plano Fortes, direct from the Posininctory, st Mr. Cblekerlnee (Boston) pdour One elegant Hosowood senihorand Plano, 0.1( octaves. 'On* . " carted riva pleb One curved . GK O. plain Three tomsd corners. 0 The above Pl.OO Pin. are of the latest sty!a of fund tom, and with all fir. Chielisrlnes Improvements. the rararhalr the same root Boston; thstsby easing to purr...Fors In Ibis resloo eupense and risk of trans collation Au. rba ea= Ono tiro fiesod Corm( bfouldino ad( atoll Piano. mau unouad Adam Etnort t to, • One Buono.' enture,,Adon (nabob Ca One " Damn boon ine . One .a' band Chlckedinit. 400.3 n. non On. Ram; n Loud .b Urntben: One Unlxds adStabury; On. " " Wanton. ODISIP.7 IIit.GAZINES FOR AUGUST, at Holmes' 1.1.. r., Dna, Third et. orporltr the 'PM 0131,e. OrA7.• Lartr•• Boot, for Aoirtz , moVe .S.hir.e. • , . rartaleet • Lorliooliotiortaillairulor, " : 1718 DRY GOODS, Ar..c EW EMBROIDERIES,---Just received very ,, Lts suley of , Exabroldsties , Z. sta.', of Ot i rritd th iffs, ' tstiNit " , k act and ?audio sl,..ses,Jenntlett .4 SieL.e rlotioeisgs, of o. sod besatital styles, jscos•td sad Swiss gdpia. .4 hunt. lags, Whits sod Dlsck Aa. The sawn. tioa of the balsa is parttcularly solicited to M. above et.ls...e,sxortment will Le Asada. 1., MAS O N • • , Nah.t. I. Mi. citY• losig) A. A. MAS O N OCU. Black Silks, Mohair Mitts, &c. IktURPRY k BURCISFIELD have reed 1(9 Embroidered Flouncing' A. MAS9N & inive just received goods. ut 6'2 a 04 Market IitNEN ' CAULS OLOTILS.-51Artir licssartc. Invite lb. sttrotLan of purchasers to A.sortmont of.lbe &Lose suult, medium, and U =rolet r l: " .l3.l ", klVltentrls n4 V saortment elates to be loved. at inlrest wires. - sued Murphy & Burchfield j_TAVE OPEN thin morning further stip- Mt ply " 3il i t7Vhlttr o ll:Ver' lb" . 1.1 1 '." tlt . rstutut r r vow; blob Uneux widt! e rvi os ' oi= ;Tor , 01.11. AG: at tit* nortbuutt comer of Fourth awl market Y 24 :.)loainito Bars. I 11AVEttet received one case of Wash Net PrzT m mros i ft Tbmt DLOOMER HATS, FOR TLIE COSTUME A LA 1 - 13Ati.—Luitse and Ulnae sines just suectred fur val. by ! I'ALMARt 10:.31arkst Blacklace Veils. A tm ...l .H L k a BuliciiF D T. , Lh k ar e a T full white an 4 griun Gauze ctor &nem tlerarre and Tlesne for dar blue nor black bilk Nett. nixie and figured. au. anir2 Great Shawl Sale. A - A. MASON CO.'S 0 teak Annual Shawl . examenra on' ouidaT i Augeret bth e here till offer the largest .pd.pd hem eel Mistime. of Ph er arle erre extibltkl he this dry, ronernisio • Plain %kite Crepe litiseelin • Meek Le.* Rich Silk . • • 1 Waney high coil French Thibet ghseleo Plain printed and embroidered Broth., Cashmere ant Limit CH fine aml hoodlum (matinee...ll of which thsT detm mined to eine oat. tomlons to inicalvlngthser fall Woke. Thee . 1 1 be diem a• v 0.4 tet. tom. mum. and IeSA than ..start mat. angl! Heir Pittero OF 44 FIGURED WINDOW BLIND PA PEI!, Just sentient from the moat eittrnete• oaetern net and I. We et the oldatend, t 3 ltsh net street. (.311 31103. PAL)I1:13 Scarce and' Desirable! Goods, O F VARIOUS STYLES, on this morn 114(. by MUUPIIY _ liLbet io = D. Lahrt Mack PoNlWark ' , aci P EUIL I : or ciinalmass. lc, Cc Atteatkris la Invlued to thdr , daroaanortzoeut of iren , b Lay., Whlt• Goodm for dreamt, Ate We will rarely, to-day neloirtoryow, from Nava i.rt— • UMM ER BONNETS 2 AN6IIA1 1 3 , --R. IL tJ PALMER bas just na-algatd a ow Tana() of od. lummox limnata,loole neautind and nand stiles. Ala, jdan'a and Lada'Braid. atm., and otbat Ilata. 011 Goode for Warm Weather. lIRPHY . L . BURCHFIELD, at the North IVE. corner a Fourth and Startat streets. we wril witlat e 8 mVt• and with gd owto adaptod IT to N E warm weather. . nab a• Itreneti LA; EmkolderedTi rbd i la ant Printid )(mann hew rtylw &awl.. and Timone, ' ?Wu whit* Swims and Mall tloalinc Dna. 0. Laws. Ober bale ad 4NI ther of NEW 006141, V "' ah ""'" Eak• Ihr Death, blank d.. Met h "mobai i. ""`"frktrits, uvensi.”.. paw Nett kr do., neat plan litagbasu, dark LINO Ltutmh_irraah Limns and Drilla Whit, /Noah, net strle OHO% N LAWNS, changeable POPLLIk. .Thelr amort.nient being very full. with mutant ma Mona of net goods, and add at town" rental.] ocelnenta are offered to buyers to call and tasks their porrhao. • te2s Strati Bonnet and - f — Hat Warefi-orie, IttLlTart, U. PALMER Offers for male, at eery • In. plow, a roll samorinannt r &rain and MUM.. 's'atrlnsg fl r itr Le rk in ° llr . Patna= kumns an.. te.. °' thirs-34•7:2 - 0,e...,4 Boy 0' lAtbona. 1.0. spd = . 17: 1 111l i g p l Fat te . shg . Mims '' apor7.tiodinn . l.lnd. and ethat Annan. in treat natl. sty et idtalm and matenial. In.ll/110.N.9 , 4441tinb Bound and Mart plain &lin and Tat Mar, ail win tha and rzlorr, h., bn. , amdt:4* Cana LA Cli.d , —Plain and tgured white and eolon4 FIIII and Cott® Nett. 37114 W TRIMIII3/0.9-o.l..Tamls, Batton., Wald., P° l4 l lboW;l3 — :Ynnonb and, ddnnnina.,... BMUS, blanches and rich .ml JiT ' Zirfl Y ,i: Lvs—oi... dm do No ntaro. ds klbUte. Floreacn. and cantor nylon, sunned ° dd ag— .Od =.l gua/lars and cobra. Aloo—iUth and loe priced Yaramoln and Umbrnan 13.4 Ham. An, do. 4 =LIB tor.AIOLITINING .da AL • ACCAS—Light in body usiy sdaptat to Summar A6o, ly. Block ontact Cm, Botobositatm, an Who, gyro. of Aloortdmit Goods—a roll amorommot to be toitod at the gore of MliFtPlll( IBUIMIVIELD. JEST REVD AND NOW .OPENINO AT WU. )lOBVB lips 136 limn kkUkt nilry large and garter stork of Pashianakla Ocods. adapted to deutlemetts est jar Padua: comprising the moms style. la American. Enekk. and Preach Que. metes; w veer epinglid anortratut of Veal ia tt E , uul Clothe or ;nay lmblettable dude wed eolowirbidt erwitt well ..rritgarytel.,. Owls uest of two Allighertirio allot which the 0 4ristor lected is determined to oiler at stick prices m meeinse all wha favor tilso with • call. that siot Pair the most superior Ciotli . ,_ing imAti. lit this estahllehroeug but a n ot the low. "t l . llqWe'rl j;tee t igiloring Hue executed, solusurd. I N . leg pomade manner, and at the shortest notice. • made CARPM, ,OIL• CLOTHS; .s,zi‘. ; • ; W. MeCLINTOCII c • A.AA. seobstently mil 6L &Dot of ARPETS, OIL CLOT & TRIMMINGS, • COMPriSIOR In pin the followitto valiode.c , ' CARPETS. luny Valutillo Came; do. do. Myosir . ern. sell dl. do. Brussels; extra tape. Pin Ono . rdoto FIT: 13:,IratT111:St'it.i411°V,°;&.r do; 44,2.444.4 21.01_•!di co . st_oo do. OIL U1"1118, ChAri 805aZ0 r d0.346.; 'anis tutted do.; duo do. da: oxamos do. lo mow. _Vans tortod do. do., shoo skin do. doiAdotolds do. do.; .leivm 1 4... do. Crosab Cloths, .Feltlog do., Dotting 124... LA 24. Also—nest Clan/. cot to any sito boll or mom. 14 74 'O4 54,44. sad 34 Oil elcd6s. vilAt *DS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &c. o f al "li'lc.c l ut, tdadlmr,Vot Cot • song Ras& • .444,0nd3.4 blsttlagis Thblo Idnousput. and Mason 1- obOok4. arjr2t W.' ltull Window Llailoatht kr.b..d F t .° Co. do. Tsblo do; do. B=4 do.: 021;54 Tule do. lia•Loot....udoodpozobonodoor loatWnoet ttke most oolibroW newish WAS alb, Wog Ord moot .1. - st . osod styles ond colors, , we ors Immo& to sell to our dltstst caskon at Vim WtO 0001 P. 4 '. 4 * area i. M9l VW LISILVIS COLL • Ws =au.arlo•lts all to con and oxsantos Mistook aC The ChliptiVarehouite;.Bs VanitS'Ottimt.. d. 30119 .• •• W;;;IMILIMOK.- A- • -:..~.~......m.,. ~ ~. ~. .. .;~ MEDLCAL..r The asoeLExtroordinary, Piscc.ersiis Ple-Hre43,1,- die red Arabi= .ReßeaT far Maitaz4 ,Be.dt H. G. Figrers . . =mum' ABilLusr Inuereirr: - 0., FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lird ortaigiv,t.f.ritnaiyeruLne:s3lerte,:, thenb wench., end the men, ewe:bend dailyperformed .br • hich rem/fond, had restated ell other medicine. sM the ill of the best Vbyeishino ha the •oeld. It le comimml of batman., olthete .04i IRMO hemline ,. to Arabie, name. sing, hi • ccomentrated lon. ell their Minmianom war prontretingomminineand revalpire pronettlem and tfie same which, ege• ego, Wet. need by the — tbn. of the Desert,' with soot calmenloms sum., In curing the db + mom of both men and bast. • Head tbe following remarkable mats, nhien should of themaelree plate ft. Farrell's Arabian Liniment far be tan.' any skater remedT , ' About • year and a half az% a swelling appeared In my wife's stomach. gradually inenasing la nee until Wt.- came as IN, age my fist, and to sore that she...odd not hear the least pressure unam it without giving her extreme pain. I got the with-04 Out best doctors. and they alder Aln opinion about It: some Paid it was au Aka , Cake, or ,ulanzernent Of thy epic.. Some. it Juan MANN , theof No Ovules, and other/. atilt It Vaal a Tumor of the Ovaries. nod could not be cure.] except by cutting it out. In this critical situation, 1 was per.naded toAry 11. U. knell's Arabian Linimeut upon It. and, strange as it may appear, upon the third applientinu she le,r. 1111 . pi owe, and Itaa continued arttinw.better daily. null! oca •is as well as evir--enjoylng axnHcnt betdth. N !CLL. Peoria..slarch [ltobert 11imi.. p m uter, .T.! Cercatown, March 27, ISIS. On, woman has toed your Limner. with groat sucnum. She bad lost the nee of her 14,01 for the. years, the ramie being contracted w, that her leg. were bent as much while standing, as be natural fur tbe poeltion of the legs while sitting, and nlie could out bend thous in the leant; but by We use of fl. U. Araloan Liniment she Is ow •ble to walk with eiese, and has astriught limb. bate and HA eaeollent remedy tor boree flesh; for elegy Wag which requires len external remedy. The opinion of an oll,ra perienced. and scientific Farrlsr wthingtoni .1 , , , F..111/ai , 26, late. From the Speedy and t. , llaaannt , On.:tmth on man and taiwt, which your Atabbui Liniment If 1.1 1 1:4112liht• I do Wit hesitate to pronounce It lb. .I.lwit Of On , ' Age." I hare pllktilf,d 0.7.104 honor tor tamttY alai hare tried all ths yarieom Intim... ointments, 00., much matted up In the minors: but I muet say that H. Ferreira Arabian Liniment emceed& any that 7 hate male use rd. By its us., I hare nisei Sweeny end Spaeln lung attar they,ltad been pronounced inoutahl, aro) I hate cured Mare than lift, horses , this season with our Una mutt, embracing every shade of diswaso, fmtursoreteho4 and branees up to liPalltk.ll4.-bour, and neced,• rat , also bear testimony of It.. cruel client, on tho bug. n lye tem. I wasanned finaily all last winter to My room with Rheumati m sm, and could not nothing to help sue en. til 1 commenced the use 01 your Linionent,whieh entirely cured It.1011).11.0 Sun Pain of tea years' standing rut.] by G. Yar , We Arabian Liniment: Bar. it. O. Futam—Dear .1 had tram antlered with the 'lnn Pain" for the Lot ten prams. and could oureraet relief, escoyt by biercling. hot by Mu ure ILO. Yarrell's Arabi. lAultnent, applied over the ternylosabouAtibmn or four times a day, It way entirely reMosen, suul I have telt anti:Wog of 1"111. I went into the stable one night, LSI •COY It 10 a ham'. sore leg, c, Kona very larnattestuar• Weal and fell against nay crushing and bruising them en badly that they turned as black a. my tint, rendering ett.grt's"l,-..andalon°l null .1 1 about 10010 j" o c ° I . tti FaU b -I d us !flTii.°llt.t ‘ t ;n-r asf.d fl JUIIN 11. alclif.C. L gill. Prequel. pearls ea, 111, IQU. U=== TO GUARD AGAINST I,ur . ostrioti, VV.S.D TIIV VOL- LOWINGCLOLIO/bLLI. Tbs . Public are r.articularlycautiotled tozeJtat • Oa, (buaterint which Ims label, made It.appearoun. eked by Oaf Itapoator whocoakea 11" W II Farrall'a an LialmonL" ILIaI. f 11.6.1 mud more liable to deceive trona b.bealur the aucia et Yarmll. them torsbe scuttled. sem" to calf for it by Ma nane - Yarrelft. Llutmeat,7 (or unprincipled, dralere .011 larl"." Sil - RIVC3 touzfare loam you (or thn mato, but alwk.r, rur IL U. I),,r(Ts ..troheon Lininrytt," and Mkt rN ahrr, to the genuine ahooya has tha I.lw. Farn.ll'... Ede Fiaaltura la Lino on the oub.itle erauter, awl th., words bbrern la the alma bottle- - H. G. Fltrr.lrs ..trufgan Lanitmear, 101.ia. e bazars wanted Ia every town. {'ilia:., and 11413261 to the bulled Sate In which ore I. not eatabllehed. Agorly by letter to U. O. Farrell, Peoria, •ILb goal reloreo, wt.* character. respoudblllty, ar. Call no the saarut who will Ittmleb Free of Charge, • book eoutalulaa couch valuable Infnmad.for erer,lare of eltlteua. • PILIC2-I:Screm ts. &I rants, and one dollar Der bottle. der only removals scoantartunsl br It G. l'arrelLeolv Inventor and' proprietor, and nholeeole druntnet. No IT itolo "0,4. Yrona, 1114 and for rale okolorole gaol retail at "IL N. StLLYltti. No. 57 Woott noor or U. 11. CUBA)", Albanian"' Qtr. • The Human Body Must Perspire, (a 0 SAYS NATURE, to hAve healthy at ki peainiver, and persons who do notparspire, as, liable Co the ait.st dlwuriiva Skin Lima*. Now, J...;llalisv libatairal Soap amiss fensperspiration, awl .t Ms a fan infant:a . time naollifirsi anl soft.. Ms skin. lain; o It M tea sourry,Sall. Ethanol, and Sore. are not only hralwl, cured by Ite new, neat lewl. 7 phyrielerm lo N. lurk an hho use It In such mark and Moil It unteillug-141 al, to innies. Blotch.. }Lamle' or au, other FY ha dire... At !wader in assured that tblo is no Seellerw, hoiled ouitruin, one trial will prove. I could enumerate at 'Diet eight, parson cored of war* bend, to 'rote, and t 0,,, NILO. flay It—end the reader le again aervrni Iwould urn 4,4 pally sit • a . €-(=carz 116,7 P 4014,•tbs Wt al'. Omit' orib—Jr Altriso%. C.... - Mot& J. allrips ivable at rhe a oulmlursatim ___ • \ \ ' \ i hio , salary . \;. \\ l itir . C .- •;:: k,, g ,,5 iii . a litit' 'd tliiii-K ~...,-., . --• \ PekTit. Strengfit - ' '`..' k 3 WELL F TOY:I . /3:•,!E CO Mittlufactrkl.l • rs al ALCOIIO • Pure2iklaitafcr wa imewp , ' '".—P`Till:idalVtil=t4xcaN""=. Sir *Nets ftom Pktliturill . .14 be ktlx filled at low arlll.et, Pic. , % . . , Pa'? . Lewis', - atent,• Rev. .. : • Water PU. - • As, NO, ' to be \ Aeen ip \ ttp - ation A IY, iaTs * . !•'=,..tz..14°.,?,i,W019: My ilikZ , ti....a Dan • t. I t tet, \OM Nutt hemenewel • tiold Medal •••• Um mime /me/MN= .xt", ..4 • CettliScatok • .•• the Makkletlmsei or rnnw,o , • • tri. Its Meet:Weep met QM moftlrttl ' yrote tb , baytei,them 1.... , Pt.d.t.' of welelt,ll SollateM tree 'mtawleN44, aut ism , \ It gime me e met* Meammeed ketiolowesi ef mum clear we . the R nt Itowereible WWI; Flltertr.b. N. weed try TLy. /mete ', Must newt one of them folti elver ,el mon th s. 1 anatenebird ow of te4t. YeJfee ';•,, '• s ° N. a. nytaetierth 24,11r171 , 51:, The Petept el IV e ellt•MO. lematett by eti. &meal it. lawiN ekd met me f.Y!... p t. " . 8 .1 1, W.Xto tmet.t... Wet Met el • Jetwoe,_mekelie fan anuktor ft. erlyikew 0 e. ,.. tt t elf t r pv, moraymend It to tbe eeee. , ON AB Y./ ALA. , t • V ..: No. ti Semarrymeme Tb... rm.:m.4n \ 1n.:v.4,d Mee ote tt.t• tedkh M. 7 ~ t . 41 trete dee= Wm ore ve, ,l. matter itt the ...WY' Xt../ O. *untied to , tltro Mewe end Mte.ontiamy eery wet t Met emlMeml. 4'ij t° b' ."'' ' be " Va4-ft. * YARDINX'• \'' • 2:4 Aim!, earl ; Platedeethee . ' , T SAD PIPE--Cprielre 1131 , • . Ted pati4t 7 1/' ripe ib r / T I M"... 2 I s All H 5.... tu - ktt il,l to Aril, _fg-rt. bji ' , \ \ \ .13.15AA3111-tat ilo .4;1. mehltil ' \l ' Front s I. - - - ---7- , . i.. isrE Heating, and Ven , ..‘,, on. ;,..‘• • AIM MA'ICING APP4. ' ATU" far l t t . ' et= i st l'u* Vo, " " '" 'kta, li, u" lasi' of every description, Publle aud Prisitsa Na= sew 4. dr - Wsauti Lints; Rooms, Mt, all purposes relleratel rasupkrature, el tbar i4,10 .. ¢, Ige, le demised; sisal en , thr L \ t l ai , ', " :',7 ll =l l ZXJ,ota . vest i \ ri s. slll 812 ibi i - iligg :of Ula saskrus disis:riPtarsa aeenuias/s1 an , ' is ." * . Aal lMtr a li rt= P tAstrar, ra; esp te*penuuts, stutk antii ressdosa Isom\ '• . smoke. a s llalliOst.osulumpneas, au massy tram tta \ Perla ' A EaL l l. l l4Tl[l:cli ON a OYLLY. \ \Colliers pomp rlInE eube6ibera':atow Sole Agents set o of .ell Isti C lti l tru.'"f Lds °et= et °Ow Pate, rou. cl?it .1.4 . y obs , avow! lanote sob:tutu kaari.ind , sa4 ~04w51.0540, 1 \- "....:\ Need:les' , Celisteatied% ( 1 04trpliND -11EitLocK, PL.& _ \ 81,1 Than hied,' andleand inners ban Inea th r th z more EMI retail - VW.. thuiag hhdth One - 'l. how; s s,plord • P...„,.... .D•ft.op., aa th e non •111 Eneurnatto nod annimentatir ain, anis, oiond. '''''' enfant of the bletth g ,, 'r h o . u tt ,m,,,,,4, trot hie tees fa ' Elven the net Valli tonhinothda se to th nunrine Tinny over allot/on PI "fluttngtelleota Of thothotothialan. Tory orinfilllN. ~soar combined. render, th en Peoollortr ithltlkoht• I , Yea nirrj, e tt 1 tF0,, ,. 3Z1==. 1 1 ..: 4 ktid / 0 .4 INutuTro the an.. aninslgh th .,,,,,,,..., t u tkv ‘ inty r th eir encird obankon =vet- Oursnon or Illsqte. As • trued ylo Lune Ii ,rtoriv r °Ter , itharil applatioth, met 4 ,Ac., tin. Pi I othrobented 67 the um:yearend ..' tor 'nktn. and path. in thhheth from noon WILMA, 4.4 .of the kidneyn'ter. tee' r n`gl."-3. t .V.:ltZZTa':`"ute7.,i'alf I ' ,^,l,°Y - ,`,1,„- 74:. ° .:1:1,"g1C'r"",,,ttn .r• ,h,. thou bthefkaal efroofahl be footacevp nee' rot rob, • bn'orde and road. by \ . ache , , IL,E.BI'LLEIth,L7 Wa r \fr/E-ki.F3ION'I"S PATENT h'TARC.II LSI!, Yy mina • bol:KO:4 /Non to Chiron Woe, erdlant.rlait banns, and oat lainnefp oktprevonts the Irvo front adhering totho tram. tronahviothie it months nothing mono. to d nor rthookk Tl.. !Airs haverlonk ranee kilt the' of nub an valid., and to thn their espeetatlonn I4l . 7athkre o l. 8 , ou'routhetillin IF Enn ll aftor ko' ~, at 11.— , (Ite \aite s silt do thirty doseatt elegnt. Vl' , ahoold hithont it. \ Prl4' l'fli fen . per Calm NosoluCithoolth ftdrdl 1. y rale I, \ ‘letel.i. , , IL E 81,LLER.8. 6,W t, - ?Wird, „Mal, OR RCCK\O7 \ \ "There en Othoi thiaka In heaven and eti.n...,, '', rElluti ariOdonnoBt of in phrlokothr. \ \, . t riga: V1RT132,,S of this o n roar; \ dr and the finfthat application Porn, totha prom • :,leanVtorurluvedjil&AaLe r mat f os „, to Del Mlle i t I b ‘47 l ftrOtEll . )ll7neound.Loots • a T•11 attooml ‘7 1 , *Pti of four hootived f t. t O P.a . .. nnodaNer , t-, 3 / 4 *An". ilthout vath Nbem.gil elatati• , not jortlek It, \ flows Irnrg Notaree Ortth \ fabratoryi: 'That II Ira I.ZioVlZ a tlr a fnt a r- aa Tt . I %' a to f a uttintt{ ' ln ka lre a rants Of =lnn ithia. If kook a to Ingot ben van ntefo ' on s on, In AN..r.11.% eatt , ringo.o ... ,,, riag m. hEeak : ‘ lioalth Ind \vigtrt. [el num a volfeehr. Lyng bell. tan pro. relator thetthht Of Punka It oriktottlev, It had • MOP _ . ,tlfin for the core of riposte. Thy Kant andilally Ineyeat I loaned.e fork, =deems' roma.), blo eons It bta imi ' Ls a 1411.,, theektion of Ite \panto popalatity and a l a er aa tlfitr a' rnasio a eV 'a lontr " rebt a r ro•rtlllotheit. ' .ao I{. ec ' t. ' J.'. t his M rd 0 1 ........5L... tier! , it tek7 Into On favor of those olio aide; atlnVietah to be healed. Whlbit on do not claim PaPjUat tuilverNaLapplicatim Ina, . Ivy dinne r Ire Eintaff air ear, thathin . number of , chronic Preece. it unraratled. atir th an Ina bk I ennmoraten—orl of the inuenn tenon no CIIIIONIC 11111 , NCIIITIA. 0,54131/11IPTI N t ltha Ito 7', , ra)if r ini A l, ' l3l l 4l;67 t Vi r jh a t ~. ' 1 lyi= ' ; ' ,. :l 2l : 7l4;klteitittgi 4 tNg gh. 0,,.., au ii.low•••••....ura• ad a , i , , •••••• ke. 10. In non of debility. result*, inrtn e m .l l long &ad prothiend cartn, '0(4..1 , tide ' I . bring potter It volt act in a gown] SQ.NIC and I,7ps- ATIOLI In nickname. iathartiOk k . to nt htht erroo"' - ' fibi# \ ebb, frame, renthehur obotrootloto r trtnee lunation& ',Well non dieran. ant I \ ' ‘ lol a hl g e!! ' lln a pr7ir a .rit i dia;•lo7,lr, - V.,„, , , \ , \ that mined Ivey/other treatment, gh of, the PETROLMI'fbr, • dun .thaver. even to say man mho &dna ' • \ None genuine withon4te eV \ Idby the ymptietor,' \ AIM, ..br d li.. , corner iFood tioeily \ b \ \ \ . \ I \' ; 'VII Us NOW all r ix .itAdr...... , at. oed.stn back i ' ,l 7a "i a n' t ' l i el . W. 17 ,in irs tee, IA rp L 1,61. are IX.t eenta whets racked ht., \ ter Ukeits. irk 1 . m. \ deaden It on. • testa In no roistlf t, c *.117,AF.-.,f: - , to,norfette ht L S tatiennet l rtls :.v. r , Yogi., ;:i4tl=i 4 rlr.` m " --- 1 a...Kt :ti\ h. '" Cholers Mort., be one od tw6 doom \ cooed non. df Thotoottosat it 4, ,ithiteh t...7. o iidd.ttf ..c.( e has been of no assn. As a tom ruguAr 10 bur. onto , \ t ..t te . Vot b y:t7 i tt%t r eig i Viled%VojtZrset i f: Is few eq , iestiocusvodoobted noreA ,.. bepsona., eof the h coots ed in the .0.0.. it hf • itentethEclk , Canal Batk r osPerreO s thannesls we \ ~,,,...,77,..,,,,. 6N "n pZtrt t let 7 ,ll..4,/:1116 . t. d d We ..i urri zE lrheit \" f. seat. saants., ..t 1 , \ ~, , \ EMT TEE 11 . ROSE LEIMATMEW ~ , \ .),-DIL. Jaws 8 the dloonseres and twba o adman yonalar twiseltdal niedichotos, and the, Insinitoren nte eoar l i bi ,,,ith.r. 0., o l i * = l ntftt:4l4elate'D;nor d l"bAM to \ . • 13') ..1hr0 ;4f e ,, ei Uni n "" entonde lr ''' P li ="7‘ ties l l7 l' neestsitie. ' "e thfiti f diet \ \ ease, end the ttani. of relliediellhclato.i: . - Thronseh thesis. of his todlattna tobsetonnoonteiniiik \ t hi; Pronnylacteo hymn, and other of his fanotedlos, he tug nalned atfluisetesilkled manse. to euSitly there dreadfal and \ tag ea.', dettereidar Lenesaotion s Carson. IVdtt, * i C 7t 4 Ted A WT L . an F d ' z .PAA,,-- .., peertlito . f ' a. looted, wrens for. wrofialt i 5. b... ibt' ti- , ,;. 1 ht. rsionneo. ho vtiatig... T Itsdr e -tnot hy ths se done caarp,o4l.o,"er Clnd hie with et. doled.. Jaw. , bat In the aho of 'lo ealleee ad tad eteo4 . , ..wondn-dfine "eh, prat. . ' 1.04 tAtil tersifiknis, whs. omod e ,aveliefarii• , t r el.7lr dg ri r t"t iallt o6 .. s =erg o r :ll.7y7the7faroltirr. pOwnte .k. peenlfgpropfties,%: ..hat bead ratiated thaw base WM \ Mtlegro Wish *kat banlteenssid t inthe zoteldsof \ th ih M AZ . I. . 4" T i re * lral . n \ ed ..* th• ant. antlint , \ 'entre (sooll. of the Dodoes blas t oiling ode... \ , necottotore esniedf.nd to a plioation In eels b throa¢i Lb fellowittLapoiLasofeillio ler ono. dOitets • * 1 dehodomeker co, riVe.trt.tur.&r. \ .11,d1. Towtt.tsl. inhiaelsen. IL • . , \l , ,rtit 11 " - r * * * " s \ ..,.. 7 u..012...A1k0,, IreaMr= s ;Y'lr'w.-I;er. t'.• ' •' ' .t7 s. .4,., ik.,,,. \ - „ • COMFORT \..' 1 • RELLEE I / 4 0 \THE &FEL' ED willin • ', • Dr\ Devitt, 0:70AlltIn•r% 07ALLIBLE, US . • • ' Kigie famed othlthaii rood he test p a l:arty, tsliari la. .' . .. ft=lia a b f= j ttiicti b a• ••• Zi, W miaf 'C''. .1 \ ois ,. h.,=.. s .. Ma and chamois,- of *Wow. .al eel that , ,thing i aaranOlrist - this fatheads. eidbraat tranhago . . . ' , :offered tot the =cud, 1„ ~,,..,,, th ,„.„ \ •f ok h•f b it 1• cm, ,,....i , (4 , 4 - -..,,,....‘• 4 ,.....\\ ... 'l l \ s, \ tthspahliief .....m. ' other medic* off , red fot \ sale, • oisrirgeotllit ar I. , • ••'. ear mid:cc Of \ satoi*.tothiii, , -;• c 2. ~.• \i .' _ - , i,,, Ai a aro. rsil coor ming proof Um •siCro.‘ am .3(/ ', 'LOX la the 0121 y •Afela a t • lathe ORM of \'. - .• . ' . • • tit Wrl t traPrPtVrlltcl e gmierTh r ' lr ea • m Ise e a a gr= ,2\ •” . Vatidly,Stailliersc aeor o Mid fm 13. . ' wed by •• of \:, \ ‘ TLS ru, , i . "ftro Rog. Slam k (11/ e ll. late CL. , . limo .• t. , • . . IL .Ilorrto. late MIMS-. Mai, oho IN; IL /3S A - „, • \ to,. William 15.• Porter '.,, Editoraf Apirth . .Timer. and *host of other dtthalas•arii., 'york, vtio him Tally tared I UMW.. • Pfttolilliedlini P rig 4 alit r e ' ll ' fa r din th 4 - Pa • 'i'iladloli y iiisi \ XL - tel. \ - . " * %ir s t" tra ib ; i l . "Md. ' ta ' 14tizti, ... .:i.i r .,77. Th • lhhaint4=pdhiliezodihza beakamely , '4' T. la t qUiVis i r%t t' d blert" " 14 ' `?;',Mt .g . , f ~,f \it, . t ..,,,..1. - ~, d ,.4 7 l lttls=l iiallsit IL amel c g:...r, : afor lsinirron• illaalia `fio ' 3. itsciZth4sairtaod ills .Z.T.lsiiilegb. Ls dram \ • '\ , \ , nli\ .1„000 WU a ham beau, oiithm o rraftftla \ a rat gr•Pc=c2i , =the . ..., A , 4 , 4 ,,,„..,.,: , \ thd :%:. \ tir sma,tap:te gee eatiingrk , gosaih „ laol - \ \ a" TTIa - \ olikot_ oat\ re'a IrOccliAsitr4lathd \ /LOW, _ inte.C.thera ti ttahtit dirneV ; \ i f k m... nupototh diamard sing it h =I. [Oa • mire. fra i1t,,,..17.1:p.' toff mat n elating, of ~...K.lstratras. owl Me • met In ale a\ fens alo v ern *ohs omma Vassar bars r glmi.l , _ Vor*sb. iti‘Ctbusiio, VII. x. Ulan, .11 \ iniii. : ii14• ' ' \ vb.; and, °Vim • ...rd.oisLcind by the .retiath g irth ~ It Ls put no \ill fOCIE•3•Oi and Mos thiliiii iaTioi: • omiemois Tct \ the :ea era ofithe PA U . Ossetia. \ viIII3L AT,l%N o gioN \it respectfull In.\ A. Itteel to tbo l lotk•ltiot 4 brulbette , 7,fmt% to Ma to . \ ` A. te a I t IrMrtir r st 11, eterisorthati \ .k .= Par ..,0Z.817 I le a . or . tr J ek. extt , watt btloitigla berate '. ‘rt M. - taye • eirtben. Nevi to en= t " "..titlllitr, ••la woodier.. that the layer it la erimi It \ \ \ Par ri :r. "I t' M f tt e l 0 b bL i ~ 1, 1 b. 4 Al Mt: . ,but;.lotoggere=va. tetil=nj. ttrtMl.=: \\ ,' , all wove earl:roma bavotleeett forgotten. Ma retro/ma bi \ ~ 1 t.P:Or tW atrigoci i.b t ut ria she , tutturttroVe.rh= \ Mtl 4l°L tet tee ery.i .' the truB=Ve, AT notleta:= . r t..W to /tate) ~, , a thole, 'be mar mat cely lewd or pat mt. d g. l 4l4na. p 4m-, a:m...l=w to.tka at s Leiky.ba totebigilly aerollobt to-/poratr — tietittgetal ' too bAaboaliono some of then, No.. to *t• bot oar al b az i =ottlr=tto troths eecon r H.. to 1 taticla r t i ar sv, 7= tingle artte&fr emateria men. ' J.: tegy 1 "- T . 4 1 1 ,alt4 0,, r1beettat.t. bear molar leiLoys , "'"l4'd ,, la th. • Within I.lposat tee tiiolllll., tem odor airrelittartor. rho wets .18E, , blind yea been ;teetotal to *7AL flert• rral tame orb! inattlear, In the Etota at Obio, bate lan cturct. And. We ow eta rentlettanintienereottrity. ' IrtZenTereby.e.argello . o . =b.= TrATI:11121!: Nat, Dana easecr ir eund Vier tbeibeti beer, botio.a. 441 >r bbr.- . 1444 Mb. 1 et.i... will 4arr Whelk 1 .1•VIVII=4 dirtottata—Ebeyb ee . e , "jy,,,,,,e,: Ill.:met. t,Yleitrabyl...buptlcatroatilepilitio. -. Petablve cm the farr. tette .1.58 BM , . X. Peaki mad, Dal to th bones sad lota.. 0 1 .1=11 Wear. AO% Cbetna4 „ . Asthma. itiltaakittit.statt, Pub:maw at/nth. it lteolLie motor% Wailing to .No. (dal ds. Itselat.l. gigreA li tris :14 4 Il ah tt= It la • ..I.Z, mg has bp. tried \ In Old. a lbe mot year trittte* tollatt Mit. se Cart tea that arilt el atlt to \ tbe betels clan iotreettl taka pleats. btabOa • inf ir t i tlego , Lr b ieted Cam 0, 1 . ~t, /...,.... Petroledza la Lba 1 , .4 rta r .tet,MT tl? 1:"21 ib i , (blob stan d .„ • Pr0r••••.•..,, Ar. t• 141111111,4 to mos ft • i tb *„. eir i.e..* . a r.. vrtt.looked on t 1 7 ,4 eo .7eiaitoajien ' WV:M . l4mnd. all trill ta \ eoto iNa to Ntoottlediettbot tba ”ettola= IS I. 4440, eat \ l ALKIt. X.l,ll K etZt7 a s treet D %Pm. D. ElliattOinb DlF•glAly A. 11•111•07 Cilt, Mao, by tba yr . a. 'Veber, 1L11.E.. •ftasi , a•to. e.: to street. l'itur la, . a. ! .. t .} ' " k 1 \ e r• ''' 44 4, 4 . 4 /,... re , UNLLEILS' \ lnfpFat.W, ouch; ___l:lP L.7‘ 'att. 6 . 7, el i t t uake: I.9 C hi, llly e11i,........ \ \ way Crrr, Motel b INT. 3lr s te E Eall rc"lty ehtionot„ ae otherylbsve beea aubjett teoublepont et‘,..tiVral...Vali...A me dies vety , titt 1 trey! aeueed rer r ' e,IPITeto. t ot ill " , ma, 4 2 1d 1 .7&a,V121411 4 ileot tiag , all‘ butioNalledlotecirotyarr . 1 .rd...t. tlell.. 74 . ...12, 4 k4- lima ever e ta ?... utak. \ Porti • abott4 t titelsTldren 1 4 nib. ea tberyktl..y berNt bia 14 et. i . lulo "4 '1 1 1, 40:d ;le l a ,F,; °' MEN ME . dor. t l \LAP.