The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 18, 1851, Image 3

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    • Ssatrmur, iery, fulaoll paint
in&-ieureatenting" our Savour rising Wont the
Belpuicam is:new'on exhibition, at the picture
fruhei eshiblishitent of Messrs. Kennedy haw-.
'lron Wood Street It was painted by Mr. L.
Beams, in artist of great ability, Who was re
. •• witty banished from Haden, where he bad been
imfrisozied for inuticipating in the insurrection
. tuTroovemeuta in. that. State, and who li now
!adding to Pittstmzgh.
We Sommend it , to the attention of all lovers
of the Mae arts amongst us, as being a. beauti
ful Work of art. Its, light and shade are sad:
rably managed, and the unutterable happiness
vielbLe In the countenance of our Savour, con
; haste most .etrongly, with the.consternation of
. the tioniiia soldiery around.
We trust that , our citizens will extend to Mr.
Brion's con Sal support not only for the saki of
the good. cause in whieh be baa suffered, but•be-
'ctn. he displays great talent in• bit moat ardu
ous and honorsble profession.
Twegoirimstrtratt Etmirmos.--The annual
exhibitlep ot this -11ortiOultural exhibition, was
opened Yesterday, in Masonic hell. The display
'Of „Lentil, &wens, Jegetables, and greenhouse
plants, tree larger than that of any precious
year, though, perhaps, they did not appear to
more advantage, the , room being eeinueli larger
than 'the - one generally used. A. fine hand of
music tip in attenilance during the evening, and
the, room woo crowded with ladies and gentle-
!Aft: Wardrop,.of Manchester, whose as
derfet ie f!O well known to our`cithens, exhibited
a large kollection of very fne plants, but aid not
compete for any premiumi; haidiigjustrentrned
I froze the eget. To day he tent add a large num
! her otplents and . flOwere to the exhibition, and
sthiral'other "gentlemeu will do tbe eatue, no
that Our citizens may expect additional attract
, The, exhibition was hied) , creditable n to our
hortionitnial . friends and the following is a list of
the preiiiinms.;,whieb hare been awarded
ITeat aollietift of (rah.% A. W. Mirka.
' Ap ples—let ,- premium , W. end J. Murdoch;
2nd do., Thos. Thoruley; • '
Quincei—lni. premium, Ju. Mellain ; 2nd do.,
Plums=let:premluin, Jas. 'McCully.
• 'Grapes-4u premium, Jas. ,MoKain ; 2nd do:,
N. lioCombs. •
Catairba ersPes--dat premium, G. Fiehr ; 2nd
.'Peachre;-._lst premium, John Lower'.
Peari—lst premium, John Murdmib, jr. ; tad
d 0.,, W. and J. Murdoch. •
Hot Mame Grapes—let premium, George Me
tithe. ; •
TomatoeaLlat prerdium, Adam Hereperger.
Brumbead cabbane— ' " "
Red. Cabbage— .
Blood beets— •
Maerots.--Ist premium, Alexander Campbell.
:,OnloruP—lst premium, A. Hemperger.
- Seedling Oniona-= .
.;.811ree Skin— • ..
Bleat Potatoes—get premium, Hersparger.
Nerituunook. Potatoes—let premium, Nab
• - Puropkine.—jet premium, G. Fiehr.
-11ia Pieeley—let inemiam, IL Hereperger. -
.illia---. •••• :
. "
',OuTcdlF.—.2d "
Veget:sble-Egg—.." . -•••
Litaaßeams—letprom,.. • •
I . Bldneypotatoes..
preminm,W. and J. Murdoch_
Plaxes: ' • - . : 4 , • •
„Perpetual Buse- "
likens in pots—let premium; John Murdoch,
11.4' ?id dd.,
Vertiensa. , -lat .premient, Jae. 2nd
• • Ont), Pr.::arid .1: Murdoch.
Pereeddati.4lt premium, Cemetery; 2nd do.,
&Wain .. • ' , •
Display Give n House Plants-1d premium,
• Deeigu--ist premium, Mies Marg. Murdoch ;
Mom Vase—lei premium, Mine Chielett ; 2nd
Palr Hera lioquets:-.ler premium, Mies Ellen
Parlor likitiets--let premium, Mira Miles.
BouneE (tiny furin)—let premium, J. McSsiu.
irTlntge—lii premium. Mi 63 Ellen
• Ilitiehlloweiti . —fist premium, Slim Ellen I,tur
-110eht 2nd do., hliSs Ellen Murdoch.
Bogtiets—let premium, Ju. MoKain.
Litre— ilayd7l eshibited n beautiful worsted
trite, and tin " American Wriath," of the
` , .eame - which the "red; white and
,bin.," were fititebilly blended, and which elle
presented•to.the Horticultural Society.
. .
the CantmonWealth re. tae President, Managers,
sadConiparil lot' the Old Alleghetty Bridge, was
*led yelitsrdaY in the Suprema Cadrt, but the
jam adjourned Without haring heard any ago
-I.ment, the paper b l ooks being so voluminous, m
to'reqizire a considerable , time for their nun-
A. Stacie - aim Vtarn:—A . gust of wind' came
mO4 diiwn the leiree yesterday afternoon,
id 170041 strvat. moving the dust
round lo 'circula eddies. It was so violent
I:!.thaiiikten it ruched the river, it broke three
I - IMelb,sats which were moored amidst a crowd of
Oita from' their fasienlogs, and whirling them
rimed two for three times, blew them out into
the river: NOne of the other boats were affect
, eines it.moved only Within the breadth
of:a /Ode..
HanaurConnis:—Nfilliam M. Morgan, who
•iimaionamittid to prison by, .Aldertoan Evens,
E of McKeesport, was yesterday brought Ufa,
I; the nonoratde Tirillitun S. McClure, on a writ or
kEdinn, corns.: lames L Kennedy appeared
for the relator, 'who Was, after agument,
...ehared,,thi commitment not being euffieent
Be had been imprisoned on a charge at sell
hag tea in the county, Without a license.
Puncrre Annest.—Mayor Fleming, secont- ..
*led'. by . police officers Adams and Bnee. oa
_Tuesday. went down the Ohio, about two miles;
' fafthe pnrpoee'of arresting a man who kept o.
• , sae boat there; and was suspected of being a
receiver of stolen goods:- When they arrived at
the scene of action, a man named Dodds appear
-, Id; and . refused tre let them enter, at the name
-tfine fotaishine d pistol in their' .focm. The
Mayor, and his 'Police, however, went on Ward,
and the owner auccoeded in making his escape
:..out of .one of. the wiodows into skiff, which
' he relied towards Biunot's Island. --The police
1 Whited 1 We:nether skiff, and after a scuffle,
'woceeetied i n -a r re sting him. .
..• . . .
"111) eras finally conseicd, to' the Mayor's office
-1 east, and committed to prison yesterday
cOilX Cie* hewing. On ai t arebip ic up,
• ..biettot number of articles supposed to be stolen,
Were found, together witli a bunch Of skeleton
mans Cocrar.—The argument In the case
at.ltioare 'ea, Allegheny city, wan concluded yrs
'Marshall for plaintiff in error, Geyer for
decadent in rror. • ,
. , . . •
. .
Lrsnoomtras.—We are indebted to Messrs.
Allehughanin and Haatilien- for a neat little map
of Pittleint/b;Ailfigheiv. Binningbarn aid•Han
shaater,and fora fine lithograph of top West
itrti rennsylvanhi .Hospital.
,‘• . ,
, .„
t 7—VaoiT:—Froit - was . seen in many p thre'
county on'Saiday nod Mand y °ra:
fatadtircu.—kyoung man named Peter nal
* letian,- a resident of in this .Lfate,
was yeaterdsy arrested hy.Constable Hague, on
''....*.thergnothisinit—alisciOtded. with thirty : 4oer
kindred dollars, "belonging to his friends, with
';thie3Lq had been!entrasted, far the 'purpose' of
!depositing it for them in a bank, In Little York.
• Nearly, all the money. woe recovered. The
ping matt 1,03 taken back. „ . •
PcrAFIPETSI CARPETS !--Ree'd this clay
by %V.IItCLISTCCE. a. w end Holt style, PnPartinta
tie. and lbooanol htiGRA CP 'UR PLY.% whietk
CRtPeSirret before offend
"trrttr l ratrkrt. AVe totdiallr Smite the attootlon of
(flood, it tboss 'dotting to_pordow to air. WI 16. rad. a.
theold waltdod taryot It arebooto, No. t Wouith it •
... .
-- -- ----
brs C.Alhe Schnt it7l.• y 414 rtlors. just wed at el
- gua bi Mark et .c. (mi.; _ .t..t: .iieSoN 2G/. .
411119NGILAISS-4.0 .eaß,em, tronch pa
lm iialue,,iiutroed b, A..51.450N CO.;
;CA.E.PE T I" BlipS-20"doz. rec'd
A Ira ty fscolOT A:A. LIAISON L CO.
,717='W7 -10.51Ta.RcAtton3
*lb= a low, Zltt."47' rortmcg,,itt
Inz •eitensc Tizioura Lunt,
szeozink sosTas rirrastrzaa' cuzsra.
' DESTRUCTIVE ' HuntwitiE.
. . New Poet, Sept. /7.
11 have advices from St. Johns to the 1 0 th
tilt .. A terrible hurricane had taken place, de.
Jar° ing a large q email,' of sugar in stare houses,
; .. pros ratiog all the cane In the fields. The tide
'rose 2
6_ feet above its usual height, and many
',hem were swept away. At Maracaibo' five
Sri b vessels were wrecked.
SeptWenn:mans, t 17.
Th Secretary of the Treasury, in a letter to
Geneial Hamilton, for the Creditorti. of Tessa;
state; that the President has decided-Ist, that
..,,, f 4
7,000,000 of indemnity can be delivered
to Te until releases are filed at the,Treseary
fora that portion of Terse debt which was is
ened !Mr to January, 1848.1 2d, that all the
ism of Texas bonds or ceitificates Of stock,
or notes made assignable ter public doe', are
claims within the meaning of the act of Congress.
Releases Air all each must be (filed at the Treas
ury Department,before the Goternment feels jus
tified in delivering the remaining $5,000,000 to
the Texan authorities: I
In the Howard District Court yesterday, the
mimeses, from this city against Gen. Chapthi
were discharged, the $lO,OOOl bail hiving been
forfeited, and paid to the State of Maryland.
• I
BAIA - atone, Sept. IT.
The Maryland lfhig State Convention reason,
bled at four o'clook this afternoon, when Gab.
C. Motran'was nominoted (or Comptroller of the
Treasury, 0. 11. Hicks for Lottery CoMmiesioner,
and Geo.,o,.Brower for Commissioner of the Land
Odice—all by acclamation; after which the Cob
vention adjourned sine die.
• The Convention *se very enthusiastic. •0
'the Odd Fellows' Omnd Lodge wao in eestion
M-day, hut di nothing of notusequenoe,
The two upper stories of the Dennison House,
*Teo destroyed by fire at one o'clock this morn
ing, and the lower part greatly damaged by
water. The fire originated in an adjoining
livery stable, which wee entirely destroyed, with
henry loss.
Btrerato, Sept. 17.
The Liberty Patti Convention. met here - to
day, Wm. L. Clutplai haring been chosen Presi
dent. Garrett Smith speaks this evening.
. Borrui!,-.Bept. 17.
The steamer Europe., from Liverpool, via Hal
ifax; arrived at half-past five tido& thia, morn
ing, and the mail keg for the south at 8 o'clock.
She brings $50,000 in specie..
The rresident arrived at, noon to-day. The
celebration to-morrow promises to auplen
did affair.
Mr. Webster is here.' • • •
BALTIMORE, Sept. 17.
Flour—Saha 800 bbla City MN, and "800
bbla H. 8. brands, at $3,117+; ithio 2500 bbla do
at $3 81 13 bbl.
Grain—Supplies are light, with no males of
consequence. Prises are nominal.
Provisions' sail other articles.itenel:ol/ are
without change.
5T.33 . 1X0 REPORT.
New Yonr, Sept 17.
Only a modriatobasineas Is doing to-day.
Cotton—The sal*to-day barely reached 30,0
Flour--Bales 12,060 bbl at $5. 87i054 . for
6 0 0 . 0 1 110 end Michigan, and $425 for southern.
Grain—Nothing is doing in wheat and earn. •
Provisions—Bales 400 bbls pork at $17.75•f0r
-new mess, and $lB 25 for primi. Lard is is
good demand, and,srm..
.Groeeries—Sales 1600 bags . St Domini° cap
fee at 714 t. Elagareire inactive.
Whiskey—Sales et,,Oltio at 2.lic
The market &messily, continues very doll.
Flour--Sales 000 fails at Sv 10®3 1511 bbl
Whisksy—Sales at 17}c.
Provisions—Are without movement.
Cheese-4des at Ge o t Sic "id tb.
Groceries—Are dell, and without change..
Linseed Oil—Sales from canal at 600 'pTgalL
Rosin—Sales 200 lobls at $2 . 50--rash:
tike river is stationary.
' ficwoaLiexa, flgpt.
Coldint—Sales !MOO bales talddlin* at Sib?
The,Earapa's new is retailed, bat aat'yet de
• ' Sep{. 17.
CottoW--Thera b ti fair demand, but little is
offered. Bales 600 Dales middling at 80.-
Provisions—Dation N Steady, with sales of
prime aides at 120. Pork is dull, with sales of
meal at $l6 25 till Dbl.
Whiskey--Salim 18fc.
L Third great, opposite the Putt Office--
no Model Architect, tio. L
Arthur Colmar, or booms lo the Tropics
• to, We of the (Men Psi..
Loud= Labor and the London Poot.Not. t, t, Rb It.
eta Tears Lau, or Taktag of the Rutile: by • Puma*
.1.1(14.ra Living Lae. rio.
I tarber• Itrairst, for... September.
Katherine Walt., or the Robe of Doneheslay an
torleal Routsare of the Revolt/boa tuCsrollna
lienbeeles' Magasoce, fteSeptemb...
The Courestor: Ilintorical Hotel
doubts.* and htalos - A-or Buds and Bloesou•
l• lady Routh. Btuart Wortley's
LE. the Il.htetee.
Reveries of •• bachrkoc ••Hook of the Hurt
o of ,
th e
. ti , f.m= U r ?. P. R. Jetlyg.
Darricips• Horticulturist. catoblete final the Put Na.
AMT Pas .( OM. Guide.
iko. RutherMrd, • Bea Tele.
The fl
lirtntere. • tats of Mein.
T p he ri=y o llh hf lt4_ by Cr . _17. q. 4. 7 •31.ey - oolde,
SlabeLor the 00/ICi of the Battle Yield/ • tali of Water
The Plorteafe ' Daughter, a Lain of Indian Ceptiehy: by
Tbe Memlune of Paul Perterbare: . pea Dr a t/. The Co.leas or.Lilatotr i tti D 1111•2. ,
!kenos ortbe Palma of by Mu. Rictierdeou..
Treat, a Problem: by JD*. or of “Alton Locke?'
I=l.l . l:ta= r h t e tb i dli ...d elau id..
/Wag or the anew Elzuva tale of real 111eo , ley Ceroli.
IA lieut. e
The Der of Wert Wayland. • tale: br Wary Everitt
. The Bout; by Balmer: • , erelo
. : ' I . Stray Cow. • -
treepaleieg anon the
.....- 4
yramlenor p the nand - Thaw, on the 13:Ik of }Z ,
at Whit COW, with slits In both • .
l i r en. AKEPr e,Tra N Ttl ' i
eatiwandwupworld betels/dor nine years oil. lo.wwn
b rirr ra r . mme. Dion wr r w i r o lygmtmes. and
ana.wrZA , ' .. Baldwin township.
LIGHTNING 80D8--Spratt's Patent.
Whotesak Depot, 86 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa
(Cartnishes Cutin7 Store.)
s:meld that they cannot smt out of order- Th. lu
au tor. and Attachment:L . /Ming accurately, the Pointe
an Maginits Rs Ruth,. =—th. whol• being highly or.,
namental, and without &mut. the best conductor etas
unuanfacturoll. Jame. lacksou will attach them at 121 s
cents Mat, and 11l Ptdnt and Marcel. Prim at
atom, 10 per
lientlasoco ant ratTectfully requested to tall at 60 Wood
itroet. and ausalme the alarm wham, also, the Agent mar
las men. • my2lustet
• Stray Cow.
fr,AME to the residence of thirscis
- salter, in the borough a Sharpsburg, o n
or about eels: Inst. OUT. Beiralt• CUP, with
• white •tripe alarm her bark. *hit. ierre*
no ear mtrko she La about 12 rows old. The owaer le re
quested to prove property, pay charges,. and take her away.
Farm far Bale.
kVALUABLE FARM, in Vara/441es tawn
daD,Anest.o7azantr, Moen hes hum Pirtabargb
on Greemsborgh .M Pittebrotth Turnpike Road -.CM:
talning about HUTT-KM= ACHES of Ord vete lend. on
'olden ere owl improretnents—lo offered. for, male on res.
sosortable term. Mile inatroutoble. Par loather nartien.
re soar to the mbar-Aber,
, ol i n u trmal iz i a.L.
1174. , 6*.X Tura.. Creek P.O.
Valuable Farm for Bale.
THE subscriber wishes to sell his FARM,
&tate ha Union Imornstiip o Washburton arturty,Pa,
t 134 miles from Ilsolerrille. sad 2 miles from tNlloo
nongabal• !Backwater, mataining 121 ACit2ll, mom or
Inv, of as One land Nlsto No fouird In the count, The
Poem is as admirable state of cultivation; about woo
am. cleared and unn enfacient timbal 14 acres
ermellent meadow; a nd aileron watered. This property.
sbotuldi I. oral of Om Must duality in the county, and
mai of Noma The buildings ars a comfortable DWILIe
MO HOUSE, a Prams Noble, sad Log Barn.. and's good
lir Alto:re d. The Orchard hi a
xR tton,agrgitme,conitling
winter fruit, not ex rd In quality pertui;a 4r io mr) In the
gup..—Peen, Paean; and Plums, of toe Nu
best girds. In great variety. home very Inv early troll Is
comprised Ind e oeleetion e n hie bar ripened end le e i
reedy gone season. talorgehip goal lam.. ilos
door of the dwelling hon., and the giant Mod. afoot dm
'abed. :rill tan ant:int% mhon. The eol l le not excelled in
fertility and pro 4 ductiresese tor any the township. The 1 good, obi the projeorty contrulept to
churches, sehoole. miii. storer, Mcleod= oat bottle.
on th e let of October, If reduirrol. gortrome. ar.. the
ZaT to the mologriber, on thr premise.
tigOltOg 2011822112
Nolo. township. Washington roe
Tmuntit..—w.bumwitnato., Now oor~oeaW
r Lowisiat aro of with Atm,
wad wehtlitim.
• • FACULTY. ' •
Y. DUFF Lhatdat. Professor ot as LaMar' ant
Contmarda} Ingram
?A IL RAW AA,. Pat •
Marauttila Zara, •
JAL Lats.. aossalishad Pima , ...I
a the Mountains, Trotactarol Mattatad.
Una who luta. so Um Mena rank as acaanlatAl•
halationUd to, anl alma*, tadratar at has ow kuaired Morchsaus. Bank.
Annantanta to tart an , b.. , UiC. 4
. tar bantam it.• ALto U. to
Amatican /mina. Ins Omuta at 1:143.13.1:114 and SW"
vt Lk a to Mantuan lannua onlanaknairors qt
N. y, app.:alma alba Dana ',tat 'a North lanai
000 Actrantant: and -Wagon itteathat Acanumant.'•
) ughinglltitih.
rpIt.SONS having fields suitable fur the
.aubh3, Web. h , Say sila. Ude 411 ander the
at am Alit Owe Avieultankl &aim.
...Turned ada. bOOTT MN, exit*
X„fAingr'lfkm. KEN !tax
}t . trEfAtallailifr
d Profeea
0 E. Cosnansme, Paned:al. ann. of the flei.
ere of Manure.
Jam Etmaso. Amaister In Bak Keeping. Ilthattant,
and Lesmonir on komentlis Mena.
.D.ll.ommtre s lastmetor of MervaralleDompotsibms and
Arithmetic. _ I,
D. Ouseco, Trelsesor of renstmlsklo.
WATto , r. tin.. Lecturer to Ciaminerr.o -
Sams. Instrortor In Commemal
B. M. Kinn. Professor of Miithem&Pme, (night avant)
11 Mass
I . Professor of Mechanical Ihmelng.
.Ittle Institution tun been recent', improvat and eolety.
sod nor stoker. eight Professors end Tentbere. bes
four epacians room. conveniently .Transmitnal eletemll
foctilsbed, sal an extensive Libra" embracing MI the
reirhl f r i 011 t. (I;o4u.irosra4"UesrryCV:=4=
boo that can possibly mem. In boannes.
ln luldition to regular tenures on Commatal Lou, by
Mr. - U. Cum, La, oat member of the P laa.
bush Bar. . Watson,lee been employed to give inarpttione (by. a
01 .m 1.4 v ery
ciamlpalloto).tip.7ll ad points arm
netted with this very Important subject Than deslrsns
of obtallidng a Mercantile Edocakm, ars unwed that
there to .0 imiltoUon to this action of the country pole.
gotag 07.1 siViltitiges to quallfTinii along men for the
venom pursuits of trade
Conimonlcations alutenied to 0, K. CEIAMPERLIIiaIII
remise prompt frp'.l.TS
Farm for Bale.
ftFFER for aale that well hratwn Farm,
...Led Um:lamb Parm,ii lying on Cartier. Cmeg.
alb Fayette townehip; Allegheny mitintY.
feom Plttaburch. convenient to the Pittalinglihmal
.ington Tart:mike Road, numbing 131 germ 35 of which
is of the hest quality of hottom land: the upland loaf the
belt amtlltY, and
The lut goal fence. Lime:lona and
Coal ,in abundance. imprommenta are large ned
.Invirrnlent Dwelling Houma to liewene Dank Dsen, with
stabling. wagon 'tied, MU elibe, opting homer, and all
I other necoarary out huildinera. A lance Orchard of graft.
Id Mat of the beat kind, iePt begin di OR beer. lb*
Whole , fa In good order, and well adapted for farming and
gardening Warp... Tor further particulare enquire of
aubecrier, on tbe nnatileet.
anpl.4.estvid ALF-Tiiii WI D.
- •
the hand. IV3I. 11. Preeklent of the
rt et Comeau Plea, lu and for the:AU Judicial Dfettiet
PPOOVIroulo, nod Joatiee of the Quirt of and Ter.
saltier, mai tlene.l Jail Deliver,. iu and for said Dietrich
and 313101 m, and Wm. nage, tag, AtanclateJudge.
of the emu . Courte, in ant for oho Comity of Allegheny.
dated the Jth Of eeptemher. la the year of our Lord
One Thomand Light llureirol and Fifty-Our. Mgt to meth-
Doh:J. fat hold i l'ourt of "Yee and Terminer and l i en.
oral Jail Dairen', thr House. la the MT of Pitt.
opi Co eth . 3looday of October oast, at 10 o'clock.
Public notice le hereby 00000 to all Jindiret of thePrnee,
eon/here, and Covetablet of the L'lmoty of Allegheny. that
'they he. thee anti there. In their proper peened,. with their
rolls, recasts. lootthitiona, examinations , and o th er mom.
t todose (Mao w t t , Uetl. to th ell/real v eLIL
w 11l termeento the ' itgnitenrthal now;,r, cArZ t te,inthtt
Jail of aaid County of Allegheny. to be thou and there it.
WWI:. 000.0,1 them no *hall be jest:
Oirm under my hand, lu Palahurgb. thle 4th day of
September. A.1).•1551. and of the•TAineamtrealth the 11th..
liepSolltotthS CARTER CURTIS. Sheriff.
• Land lb: Sale.
tN pursuance ;Attie last will and testruaent
of last Vance, late of Allegheny County, and South
ett. tn.robip, cwv, 1 will pall at nubile vetulneor
outer, on , the:l3.l of October net, atlboAoet.
11 . , of raid &Ye tbe nrcollera—all that plantaUrna or
tract of land. tying In sal/ townahlp. bounded as follow r
• gPstr d iL l ir:::,littita in n O ,l O h " tt!l b r C .ln
11. Irastirtits o . on the nor th ; contalnini shout T wo Run.
' grit/ 1 ngtole ift"taT.XagiPti.teuotthklisrtrig..7.
the farm, leading to Borre's (formerly Fawcetta) on
Om farm la a young °entrant of choice frult.'a gored fescue
Ilion*. log Barn Orada arousal it, and I,well of wp
fter at the door. Abo ut 110.1 scram of the land eleaawl
and under high state of cultivation-00 of thin la Creek
' Terms at ado. For particulars inquire of Wm:
Attorneyat Law, Pittsburgh; Thomas Roach, co the pre
-3111.4. , Sarni. Colima, near Ilerriottervilk or the subeditor,
opectretodt • Jolla 111C1131AN. RV!.
Notice in Ptirtitiox
n TO HANNAH MORTON. widow, William
Norma, Thomai Marian, William Plrul and finumr.
ids wife. William Niarisbaldancl Ann bye wife. Hannah
Morton. William Young and MellwaJano his wire. Mira
Arm 10g.,.. Robert Logan, William Lop.. Hannah 11.-
ffitrt ot igfin b lno d e i ti n t
n. n
Morto liebeern Jane Morino. and Hannah olartit,
nom, by their adardlan cal Went John Patten.% lief" at
law of, JAM. Wanton. late of Mirabelli tarruchip. Alle
gheny county, . Penney ileed.
Notire Is iambi - given to the alwre named puttee, that
by virtu. , of • 'nit of Patti tiww. ironed maid Wintimilainc
Court of odd manly. an inpuwit will be beld•arat taken
npon the premiers therein diveribir.t. being the real witate
a the said -I owe !donor, deed. •Ix arwrtain traet of land
Minato in Ell•Libeth Portably. In maid county. bounded by
lands of Philip Area, lion lane, Alexander 31e
•plxitie,and sontaJoinx . 213 X acres allowatow.
Sony W3=7:11"1.'17.71=11-1, ' Ai ' and op.
prainement of wilit.r:al wale. ac in cod writ riwidnidow
which time sod plea. Tau may attend if you thlWi. prover
• C. CURTI h. Pherift.
Ohm-MAI Oftlee. Pitiaburah, Pep. 3.
Administrator's Notice
IC - OTICE is hereby given dint late easier.
erstr e l it I'. ,7, I4TILT:ftri,V.A.MVIt - ligt.,;'
fore all persona having dittos against his estate atz here
ter-107=otliTIZo"aa?TsgitIrre'r I=re
TM.Tosent to tha soh-scriber. A 0. 0 11011. A. 3 oer,
aspecve.o.7.`. Duffel, IN Butler er,..
- -
• Farm for Sale.
HE T subscriber offers a Farm for safe. roil. .il.irtnarrr ACRE'S; iu tlollia wind). U, Iwo
• half milna from dirges.). Tberc ado BLit,/ en . .
cleared. Skre,buildings an. all In rem 1003 order. Tim
eraser on the presolenr it excellent. The. ace opOndot
Apple •1•1 Orekarle nu theprosple..
051. 011.1,LUIP
seprewla.• ledrolniar fun or , )1 L.A.:rd.
. The urea and mart ettictiu ieuov .; WORM! ,
Et ill has ern. been iihreoverril
From R. IL CLAYTON, Tao., Vieeouppi.
Mora /2 A. Fabroatult A Cn.-1 ,hare Lew alloy l our
Tersvituve fur threr , ran, aul ha,. I Lune. It hurtle.
eaUaractieu iovuivAr. ue play evitio• ur.riatterl
and pureltivie 11 for clubs !heir pearlier, ;
our yeller,. chill. about iut ware of eirvil
mutts bait eruptive. of &olio at abort hairnet, which
the remedies asuAlly administered b> hoe Irian Wird to
rearm. er orMarlur. were terrible, our it ea novi of
the &tr le aria 1 Itionght Pro aionll ]at burl h Rave her
daia weeillaria:er leo. len:Warm erbiet, f about a
aferetT r ihopepe
a r e . outtrra Sawn gave sotittr,vial
ranalture. ertireh es led about Slt wore. voiry Ale. I.
eAleriAir Pre.. aids, seri maser Vrriniterui • e
hu recovery ter purl . ..null., FL B. eI.ATTtoN
eartollerilla. MI,. Jam Trvi .
.For WALT' A. 0100. • .
niraer tit Wtoir end Etr.l
sod hr alenbute eirtureili
Pdftablo Thrashing Idaoldnes, Seliaritors
and Corn Shatters
, ARRANTED 1,. h, thorough' y guilt,v v atid to work well, made and sold
,I t. fikirlddl A
CARROL, orposite Shoenherger, 14 , 111ng kit Kan
etnal. Pittsburgh. Ths Thr...hlog Stadhlt., Oro l
fah. simple and compact. are rm.') temored from piara
play.qat mar t. used wµh r.,ual rc,rroirue. 1, barn or
batter work. More Mo. arm art ' o
the Wutern State, ands, us.ty Ed. ihe n db.untallts.
Many of them hair thrwhe.l tram .4 to IWO. bushels
each: arid, on thomugh trial, lbw" tiara horn rvoninaleral.
by thaw. who i.e them I. h......d0p1ete, and not
Y well AS flay In the Wor ld.
The Sayarat, la it.t . • Nt-nt, with improe
ment, and La attached rho Thruher, and complateli r ep
mt. tit. straw mul chaff tr.m rho gram. am hi.. pie..,
arttr satiatetion whenever tried. It Astra hot 11114 , 01.
or to run sad ran h.e lattsched to any ThraAtang tlaf
elan. now Wed. The wlsertlaerA 41. hate
right of
righto for this brPamabr the Slate. of PctirLarb
rama and Virginia, and alt .oath of Wow , , tati-, ant the
ristr, and cf. of Ira 3linabaippl liter and all of the
gtala 0bt.,•.. 1 .0 the ruttclJo,l Trumbull maul talon,
The Corn Fltalkt ir a. Patntt;'•./ In on. of ttt
Got In wo, being cht-ap and arp Illtrit la Gut out a praltr.
MI have ban balldtag and vending Mr/. Ntartunet Wr
Pl:title. yearn in
s. I tha nily of l'itutLufgh , out
mat lLey bane n ' tll; h ettlalirnt '
paraatta pa tax sill rawly. with the Machina admit,
stooptpitaled dtrertlo.l how to at It In op-r Plan.
ti.13.-41J1 Mutat n war...4Ni to trark welt - , .r rla
to the neit
(Fir TICN will Le ra.e
1 1
,natutt;f, Co fur •
Woodworth's Patent Planing Machine,
Ito ECENT dechilons (see Pittsburgh Daily
-Ul tis a" lll ttli`T NI,
u rlii ) iilm " iiii • Ogiti " Varitil l ,
the ~eh g ot,•• I. le ' ,:irttoriL to toll the right 10 tiAt,
them. Alareleeeln Lb: r atan , of New York: and in Perim 4
tale. In the mantle. of brodfroll, Cr..for:Leant...Kik
Lawrenc, Lyrondng, Lnior,ste, 3 , l°l4ean. dlorctr3 . Pottor, I
Priranagnonaa. 7 hArt ti t o i rue, 11 arr..n, and 1t 1,?..0..1411
dm or is=liTints .iir in ' : 7727 ' , ' arttiT ' Lcas `" A ` s.
rer r uleil e ta =l o ot; o;t i fongreer 1031741.k t h e da).al n iterf t , i
at Ono operation. i? can
cluota ' A ' o n b.lakxteac. and pla i n:
at ' gr t, :ii.oglis h g= in tbriti.: 11,, Ito
i t'"' .• :ii ' ie ' t=
' " r i", a rd ' i .."' '
. I j : ki i ' r ' ; .7,; M11. '4 .V. Pl u .f t"P 4l t I: t ir n ' u ' l. " e " ti u er 91
nor, and four times so eopedinoual: ...I aeon'', ~... it ran
kw don., by .ny other 'Machine T EA -100 hf. ch't.s. Y. 11 , Imp , find Q. P.
Th. price of a rot:vino Marhine La plant... Wail:lnc .
..;,,i r ,..,..1,,,,, o ft...z 0 0 t o gloat, arcorchug to Oro and aimed J , 1/11.11(01:111 J Cot
0.14. Arm bre to too boo... Argo rill darn It- Niue. -- -
q.t.. DonOtwl th e of 411 the Piero , comber umel In our ' ; it UFFALO To&a U ES-- J uet received from,
Lugs ones and town/. la row are-- , A with Wotdoofih 4 i lit :I. Loot, a for dole° rbole. Buffer., Tango.-
Nachinrs, which MAY be .. 1 0 in , nuatant. operation it. It.
till. A. IIeCLIIIIO a et,
Mout.pionlng mill. a. Ilro.tcol, 11.11n.1.1f.tily, N.. York. , ~, ‘..
AIMS, Troy . , Annto. title*, 1.., meta.. Goner. Dunkirk. ; - -- 2 -' - - - - ".1 ' ... " "r " .1 " 6 ' 7
.1=7.. 1 =, ,,, L. i. .alo . rt, , ! . .:rie. Pstoburnh, Elmer. 4 . (i.UI.i.AN-Se Mole. Cuba end Porto Rico
/.. .' .` 01. " . '" .1 " I '. ' I T ' ‘"? thee. M. ; h " 1 ' .u..t ".". " VtrEV . ll.ll.Y.A.l . ... " Ct "" l f ti ' ..""
-1 ' • L I.- 1.! .
. 7 = " n0=07.. * .f7, , "'" :3 . 4., r0 u iv i . , " . .4 , 74...1,77 " :1P:c 7 1:: "' ' TOR ACLU-:5 Mole. No. Iti twist, for aal ii
tnyn . wtf.B Amt., ill . l. 1. , istaglol JA - 11.. OA LZELL, olit'alwr .1
_ _ _
- - - . . -----
For Bale Low for Cash, - . C ll E SNE . 1041 h 1. 1 ,4. li , . 11., for sale by
IX all complete .04 ...earl vor OF. haring tun oft t. 1 ARO OIL-211 I'M. Nli. I, for sale by
months. Amur at thl. latlie, , ougteedlaratlat , A swan JA111.4 DALZELL
Homoeopathic Medical College of Penn'a, I i TS. l'u ItPENTEs;E--35 bbls. for sole by
oj augl:. H. A. FAIINFATOCK A CO.
SUP. CARE. SODA---I 00 begs English, for
o Located in Yarn erre, übot. Elf ',nth,
, .D. A PAIINErIM(7 Jr CO.
RE LECTURES of the regular .ioutse '''''''''
• -
will rerolare•.• .00,01b...0'010...4,nd 31.a1d.: of 1 NT tvrafix:s__6(lo lbs. prime, for ;ale by
Tbet, and continue until th. Oro m 31.reh 0000000_ ill ~,,,,, N. A. PATIN ESTOCK AC. I
Amoral of Veer Iler a full roufre of Lecture. .. 414, 00 ' M - A;... -- 7, - ;, - , ----
&Wont,' who have attetulKl t .. Inll not N.. SL,,- ACE--itti ihs. for sale by
matriculation ire. Pohl 1't , 17 ..t l ' , - ot. ' Ilt r. • . - -..
Itltaltsll,ll2o4my . lo 00 1.1 TER-9 tibia. Pocked, fer solo by
Hroduation few .... • 110 le. ' cool.. W. AP. tribeil.3.. 111 &rood et
Thoonnmearoment will take tdo e earl: lo ll 0 rel. -
, PLOUR-60 bbl 4. fresh morn Fily, fi
Woad, Wilhanoon. NI li , 1,...--,,r of Mater,. )1.11,, ' -1._.42
, _r. Y. %ON DoNNIIOIt37 ICD -ir
and Theroputito
... -- ,•
W.. B. 1.1 bnutb. II u. Pr0t......... et th.,,,,,,0bk 1.. , W I NDOW GLASS-Extra imiiiiiy ono on
moors ond . the proctio. of 11. dieing eindod Ares and brands. tor. .1. br
Sabana Prettily, IL it., Moho:, of H.d..,,,, nal Nellie.' annEl N. P. VoN IiONNIII.HOIT aCO
Jl,l-I,l9radraen. _
. Charlet. Nei,khard. M. I), Our... 01 wow.-al. , h. 44,0.... , I.IIOR r 15 !NE ..t FRENcII BRAN UT -
.loorph n. Looms., AL It. Pr0f....0r .d the I a_ Ilartanted our.. ....i er r e d .......4 ~,, ~,,,.,,,,,,,,,
DD... of Wm.,' sod Cllll4rra 1 '. 1, 1 , .`" , . and fp , ..1. 0 1 the emirs or WO. at
Alvan L. &natl. M 0.. 11.1........ ot 1 . 1,.......,41 mut Pa •
11111111tro TEA MAlrr,
tbology. •nit
In the Diantood
bi0ub.1 , 8...1.,m, o , 1.,,,,,.....r f.. 1 Cite to tot el and •r..• ii ,,_ .- . , .
icolog. OH 59.1.E -Pateburgh floe litoek,
"rands Pim, M. D., Ploferrer of burg,: :O. Metz Ytned lOWA , eneo.
Sim. A. Omni:ma, 3.1. D. Prafroaor Of Miami°, , 1.1,...0,1 Peutoryloanla Hall seed stoat
J.B. Yetlerbridael 11., Detnon.tretorof_Ananwn7 II a. NI NO, butt., AA 1, /4,4., ,
0 3 A. 0 A lIDINI.II, M.D., Mao: •nas 1..10th or.,
No aoil Arrh oreot,Otilatlea. --- _ _
1 i , lIEESE-- ithi tosmilfor sale by
Strayed • ._/ iota, AY. lAN LIONNIIridet aco
( I REICIBLES---Bloc ' le Lead CruCildee. tr.irit
itIROM the subscriber, limo; Hi Franklin
• re k it. " .ro 1. 1 1 N B A ' Va .' LW ''
' li a it ' 1 - P, .... "6 ,..?(.l.t.i . : ' lmlnliur i.r o ' ' / lanoton. Moo Om N0....0 n. WI. for ovle low to
UO/1314 tOOLT, and A three - ma old DAV 110N.SE, work Nog= J. 1.11.11 A 00., te: Wood vt.
ed with A at. and two hind fret white. A rasontobb. r. .. r i.. A ,40 tote
111,.. ...--
.. - •
ward will be glyen, and alt ellen:or. paid, in any porton ' S EA S IA Y wthong:
VelittleV,Au.,,,,-‘kpar,tkr..l.vr t. .art in,,,!tr, 10 • " Isamiat
10. - - tlounowder
...A.Cur ."'"‘'"' " TTIIV(. I 3.7 . 13 fr •,. - so • .. Vlt.. • got
- -
o'4oo / 0 Mtge DALIP.I.t. es ton W ent
zar ai
.Valuable Property for Sale. '
5...1 U !NUR lEs. , -.5 coake Potash;
4 tome , Congress L.ouoole,
iat Ih. root ur:ili and theensborgb , Turopite, L.- I GM. ante Currants. for vale 1 , r
tal adji . al. laada ~f ..,,,,,, J. /I. WILI,IA_VS &CI)
171.1T1m. 1 114111.1r01, I.ll:...WVillsofa g ' ri.l olloql, col al/1 , 1, -- -
aro arected too lha...lltea Vow., 1411 gtal 3111 , 15..azal • , 1 , OFFEE---1 7fi bags Rio, for sale hy
yaririr or uteri ebrnblempr in .ash' Trod enrw. table Li ogle
n " ere d4 - 4b ri " .47 4, 1." ‘" t0 . o m' lro k. /.... l."7, ..t ' ltrfe , l h telT " llPP . - .: P 0 31. ' . .. i ! . ei. - CiAlt .' 1,--' ; 17- 0 - ,(A)Co " oun 8 o.ttw;florrAßS'earbll
- ~.ot,o. of b0dd...1 pact, gaol 0h.137 tre. o. .3lt “'" .. awls el. iW. IIaIIDAIII3
rantainn. bison and re 3 morello., bear sod PIO. Me. ,
ror we rims quilt, all 1, - growl th riving rotor. ~ Tr. • 1101.0 U It -150 Lb's. Extra and S. F for mile
otas. the Goost altuationo for roe t , e b. . ,, :::::: b. . r
,b ,
_ „„.„,
_ v_____. ,..„ :„ . 4 „. A •.,„,,
partly Dad/ An Lothroutatd• Mho wtll go. u.
}""n"..'""""^ft r '' "." 11 . 3rE. NOBLE I .NDIA RUBBE RMIPS-Zit) don. just
Pronreg , Or lt....ett
- _
~ I Moen, from 7to 7 feet rte knoll° ouno riot b:. oil
eLOIIN CALVERLEY, .31ontifacturer 1.1 !....!,.... Atojj In sae, being elk, unaffected bi carom. sod
CANDLE HOULIO , . No. /(0 Hoc, (Esodras) , Ptmet, ; ir,,:,; - ,r,rg,..= k10 . 1 ,..g.i w ~1,..,,.... pi.-
. 0 Tbird th e White Oval. 11014 .1 RUA. 1
.. „ it. or Ca l e At . iv., alAi J 05...! at.
Da1.P111.4.. Tribe,. Char:Nero and sit...ewers Zak be _IP .
___.../. a It. PHILLIP:4
pe " gror7at . pe 'p a r. t!l r t. " lfh ' Th f iiifUl al ;aVeV;Otri 't‘: I i l i ittlrk-7--- ICCO bll Cream;
nest in:mat, a.:d politheal 10, • red. i.... ut taorltif.Vrtlt J , IGO do common
rte.: th em an 4349 Aniah. T, are after the On I _ 3 '._ /_______,
_1114 . 12_
rtt-lbo Ono to o.ow, on_the Or, eau the PH. so.r.v , ' ....,_. ArryA......,, ........
..„.. . ,
A m. 's azi.L.,trA tiorrouAl to IA U t ~1 ..Tar‘.?, . 3. QTEWART rt (JILL, Attorney s and C(1972.
-V. 3,-3 3.11134.1 ionsamerdo Artt alrxissm. y,. i • =Ole. at /0.-Oace, Ater's How .' ruth ask.
11 MarEtwat:1" . a l 3ollblablatittobaro. Y. . lausikarlya
.•-• ~,.. ::. • , Fine Watches! •
. •
klo.r, sriperior Gold 'Patent i;etlaakritelwt a l="4 r bes - Er .
Ural tledih; double eased Ifouther Mao. ytalytand
enerated, of redrew style* and
_patterns. et
dr. ' II RICTIARDSdN'S. Al Itartst st.
. .IVer hare now as aseellent assartmatd. of
WATCLIRS, of the mast Seppansed Englieh y breech
and Geneva createmSetnee,ln aee Chad, licastlng,
. and other style* of Md.. ell warranted. and at braes sew
tes;;slly low.
boot o d M wr t
h it i al *l" 47 ' ft' lt h l . l.l " t b eft:T " br th.
" „z„
..„ . : ,w„ M. WILSON, 67 Itter of tes i b o .:.,..
-- -
_ Server
EJOAR-20 idols. N. O. ; for sale by
13 . eag3l ROBISON. LITTLE k CO.
. .0021 OIL -luo bbls. Straits, for sale
..-*LJARES DALZELL. OA mater at.
SOLE LEATHER-350 Sides prime, Cr
io Pale by sued: JARIES D)LZSJ..I..
ll l RtNtii AfERINbES jlitil MOUS. DE
LAMER or °muse, Izfr, Pink, Moe and Green
loralor Children's Oman and Sea.. t a • toed b p
Private Residence for Sale. \
r illlE PROPERTY is offered ' •
eligibly aemerimodatltuefetZlintTa
L• me, toent,lu: the rapidly 1mpmit,...434,..=
of A . llegbeny. The situation is nunarm...4 Ci, tta,„ : ,,,,,,.
iiilrlirtirrr:oV'riVr'll"4,• AZl:si f tl.: I,',l,l,lrortig.-
:dent to Wei`v a lve pallor Pittsbrugh: cotablalmitt•
endoeut dee s of both town ..
The. 1 ... .tt is l a rge. embracing near ut ae. of grentaa,j;
c dlZl n a ' ad dr atiVett , fi : t .SZ.V.. ;Ireltllpl4Vl Oro Pala
u, the Lao.. Dna. hunt In coulsto erne. of all
mat.rial • and fialshol In thert number. ha,. eve.
ronvoninore that good
an skill roved eugg„t with
ratgard to eounsay. Thar. le • well water. star
t he door, and pipefidaid forhydrual.
Ju,. sod stabling. a wart.] orebelee fruit et4Vutg
'Mars. • • In shcrt. 11.0tuatIou and advantages cahoot; I,
.ppreclated by an examination o(1 he .premlsra Gentle
men wishing. toyure...are Iturltedlo ca ll nts the under..
stoned. lobo trill tak• ple.ate4gog every it:Adm.
Hon It I. • rare chaos. for • delightful reel.
d" ; yff,-1-'l' Plu.'ll.l.finAl7al"ll‘ll.N. I4llSecatadso,. ~
. Real Estate.
, I
ie FOR SALE-Two Houses and ' Lo to in the
Falb Ward-011. Ott Liberer etrewt. and ha other In
Mar \
A./....-•• hiero of erotaul. 1110 feet on Web,. •trert,'hy
100 feet on Simon .1 Prepare M. MI Liberty r
•• • . nygdat ', .
.. .y.l_
NEW . (lttli : \\\ 11.. , 1 . 81 .• i. \AlDEbenr. far nate r Serb... f. cur
I I roparty. The Ito-anon o. oesr J. Painter'. ten min tr.'
•.. , , walk Inm th. A , ,nedart. and about tateen Deal thollal.l
- '7IO MC - 111 - 1371 - 1 - 111tiliI701fr - &,. Ci\ , ' •
..• i 'll'.llllW.' Th.'
"'"'ll'' out
v" T " r "
. I .........o.ti.,l..rms,,,whlch he now oceans,: l • °tin .1
~.,.e.,..,• , 1 J.-COMTE, FreVa•li Ile. • litier:Jlitl iibtlr '-,`,•` `""' „,. '94"''' '-=
•I''''' ' ''''''"
' Lib'''.
... 1 A eel eto -. o Get, nurtr.Of an acre, on lelarl,
• I , ALL ARRANOEMENT IQ!". I. l !no: 1". ..T .4 :. " :; ' . - !.. 2` ..r. " .gl ' ei n tu h .•• l l.Vti l . ' :i r . ‘ t '' .Wll . . - , l ';',::-.'r,t."..rg'l..,k`H`''' aw1 ,.7;.,=3,3,n,,,.'n"f":.''',1.,••"01-4b3tk
, Brvodvvloi. lboooo . 1 ' ,, 0e0.v.‘ , ..v. lAlwr0 11, ; Aulett. l N '1 1 1... be , i . o ' r,'':. a,
at in Allegt h ony. The: . Der791.4 1- ,-
CHARGE OF HOUR.' Ritter, An. The D.,... r and tau a • carefully med.*. MO ha • l tned at ealA that inor tetr a
. thou/mord.
Tl/1E giglic gat, sat, ape.° v., yig,..• , eoedi..; I; , , tlr - t. - 71Pte ov.rd al t . ,.1: So ., r , i i i Of 111 .: 19,Lit. .t If I.t. etre,of J. li`64 - 1, U. to of 1. ourth nod
ErstrlayiadM4 itaikood , a/ et Es p rex, Pile het 1,1, ! i 17.1..! 1 it! w in g . ... . - 41:414 VL ` ,. ° ' y ', , ' , 3 ,„‘,.r,, , "-- --+ ,t•_.."- ,,, " , -__ •l°N.RlDll '
P.Ol gales Riiiteraol. . •
_an m t., c.p., I sitittzf the viutilln.... aud forward . f o rward{
\rte. In the B o
reet. !, Ell YORK which 111 he ortatildll 1111/CER . 3 1}.11CHANTS. For Q. 1.4 arc nturA ss •
MIMI. MOAT lICESIC.•Wit Oultiorrmti milrt c rt, I ti'v . V . 4..l:4', ' ' ' A' ..,..1.4. ‘. • '
Dug sera, }OUR 'very „lush a LOTB, ..01; fr: l D 1
PIIILADELTIIIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORE : - - - V -- --------- I ftti. P.,`,1 Int.. au Bank 1. .... Alle,hruy ' Clty. and Dunk
American Hardware i ~ ., v . ,b , e , Pen.. utLiMil kali did, withia at 'oath. 41
Two /lady Linen Express Packet Beata, .
f awl este • la. 1. to he 6aual Buhr. Were , 11,./L11 . E.).' 3 , S DOUtiLASS, ltlai
/ail - Ea ' LIP 1e.... Ns. :elqatt Anst, thee, .10or
1 hrfe .01m, •rtgla .res.....thalr lost. [h., o bt Scroll th.ateatast 1 viltll, te Gil meat by edit.
tive ailn
.. t an, \ ,
Vonrern r Armoire et the. 101.111 .. Allegheny Llty
Hardware Trade 16 {toll Stock of thodo ..: At Ch. Hookstore of \ It. CASTECA.
Irmo the triontifacture„.
• att4 tor eat. nu I naval" corner qt Ntekat iind Tb i, d rts.
i tiientitinalilit4iirtits Pair Sale.
Steam Commupieation betweet Li. all ' flAT'ELl near die - Ohilx and Penn
-4.1111 Glasgow. :1,. efts:aka Itadival, • lo I. thatat, off,rialem, Ohio, - -
• Frill; tulnatiw . ‘,.nd New l'ork ree v.einv nve , ii ie iu•• e•r••• • •w-th .n• tot{ 11 , ..1 44 Q ENDRIES- )
of culthetion. •
I Dream/dap o•Aty 'I powerful now
~•\ AI vo-.100 Illi'S: LUTS, betive:o, ~,,....„a4 hi,,,... , ...• .. : ,0 Mid, r. 4 ,, 1. ,, A.S.:
.I.auDhl t , 01.AS1/OW, N.... fro. *lnt .1... • sart of floe WIN:, .o'll, Depot sts. m. A
\ 'O/ Shams taco;
borne :power, lt. Stewart,. 0,.• et the Ca \ All of whrh wan to W 1 idi ...ay terms hr we ,1,a.. ‘v, to
Loaf u•sr;
Ifroll=2; 1 1=1:. '1 ,71 - 4;.t . ! ' TtT • 1 7i1, 1 1 . 11 ' 1„V. v,,r.,.t \ .Tber2o';'l'l,lenltiTghrn.. ‘Vi . o l. :l:l l 2 ' Ml ' "t's \e'iVa."S' \, tUDblaCrustad a 1
s at .t
V h l Is' ,O I- deal. • PO s • e et eonad • olyolula i the
go, .lad, Loa culupetent tuau hr comp . 4, to yr... 4 , ' JOHN WATT tMt
First Cahill (steward's I ....teMd • ea•L - ...... SO.. f - i)vit v es. Ilidel upren • Sno whirl/ albuntola ....11 I ' ll '
Po i • 1 n „ . ,„ " v v .., ' ..7vr 0 ,.1.4 ' ,! " ,, r. ,,,,,, 1 1,1 0 e r i n .4 nt at., 510. ,•r",.. 'l..:44:l4l.):lll'.:thl°ll..'"'"e'eti,:Fi.lll7.•llls"ll',..litt:ll.l.7lslr"..,ill.l'beu'r4l•ll.'\'',l"'":ll'll.l;',."et;
•hfelt .111 be noSSIV ,I ,11,1,4 .1 0...i . v.te . f.l '''''' '' fer. *thl 't b. hettellt to , aerie./ front tts. ktasll Mad.
rleo• • Sorge,
w• a I Otogw ,{named lo •CM from Sailem.insko•lta.n. fo't
„1. or or paean,. ens , to. \'• , '
Or id i qc•i l t '3l . , • `k, 1. '1 4.. 11'r' 1 17.. ','' 11:4 'dew I . ll'''''''' ' V I. ' III , V I- 4.4llta i a-, .
ottgl.uolllearftw. .
aright Canal Baslm Pena ate... :
New Fall Dry Goods. - ....,--=- -- - -, , - ...=- . i New York India Rubber Warehouse, •I
"' \ \ - ---- k - - • ,' \
, Isi : ‘, . "1.---h '''''''.4'" \
'..4 F - O i r 4:c' a u le j'" \ '
A. MASON .k CO., have received and : McHenry ' s Philadelphia & Liverpool Line I ..1 . .. 27 Ita.Jert 1.41.,, ......1 .Vo .; 1 ,;.!sma , tr ,,, ,
i LA ft. ' ilF, loi or piee S e . ' ,.1,g . r• ' ' .1 eituat• iu
•am u•o•wmi-is woe. 11. }'reach Sterla...f ' •
I. aut. 21\14,12 .1..
Agfa) shades, adapted tiagmatly for MI , N e st.; 11.1 • of Packet+. 1 ~ t r i i ii - Ailipstzra - B a ilil , ~•.! r, „ , 1 / 4
..., 0... Seith‘• Wv.\•l . the etty a Pith Sarah, frootro•
earers Alpanma and Mohr. Loam. embracing 1.1•1Vg..1 4 Sailing from Philadelphia on the
,&,e • . op. .. no. t .... eo ~,,,,,„, ~../., ~,, s MIMI ttel. stol itstriotiter twelia,not
: tahlishmeut, wuo•I Inform ht• old ruktott, eiv4 hoeresienl •te4t yhhoprn.rty ... Sur.a...l illreviii tibeer ,
15th. andiAverpool on HMls:lnt earbmanth.Maa 1 , me/chant, genttrally, that be I. Jolly ne.ifeing` tmeg m. the t tbi 1,, ~. eel' , Agire vieltot. v.. fhe torirele re.i.leore
silk we? Huey tol . a.Chaenoleau rard Seed. of ally ra
12 Ms. arma•ttas.Tblbet Cloths. stul Cobare. e. ltt MARY I • LEASANTS. Desomb• Slut r in%•ll. ade•and rift.; 100 pr.. Wonted N . M. , . tilt a SHENANDOAH. W. P. Oanlirus:, ' Heeler 1 ' t: ' :; l l7,e l r .n .r " '''
'''".l '
" l V '' "I
P "."'4 \ ''''' '' sad
''''4-" t
th I. m 500, ' 0 1110
.0„....14 hr the Sell I r de. A lA. IrAml. at
• ati. ran he oetat ...1 vuit I. vat awl
no faory "atom he aborts gtode vu oiler for .ale , '.:', v• EVROPP Nallaatiorl C Hartle wa. 0 . ! ..4 epinh, i „,...1.'..i 0 g e ta. .0,n.! •••••,••• it, either ter It , :emei . .60144n ir t litaafol dwelling . - •or
Arlon whirl we are nu:Mt/rot am de
low. r .• UEELIN: Alfred I. Smut, 11.t . ..t0r. 0 iI" war. imam vemrtit. In ta. mat hatery •0.1 .mmeropo t l I . n.... A.. hag ....Otern•; ' . l . ", •
' r a aIIACRASIANO:f ta.. ID. W. Meet. 11 I 1... leel. rep elent
lasi • Ivlr, ...rt. 0 , rpm, i, :'N . ' I
.. ' - ' "'-
lee • \
_ .. _
/be •b0r... 1 1. are heti , of al. heel votl me, restly „.........1 .. I fetfolort nralnue l . ii, I. I Itvlbe
. I.'"'"--1
11'1'11'1'611°W ''''"*" ,""\'''','
IrINEG Alt-97 blilx. Cider. for Nair by I Sisuiri•iii, 4IN/ are init:ei ad Min rapidity of lbeir pw,... ' p ' ala 1• 1 1.11111trit 1144114.1111 ii,lft.• : \ ''''" ; ' , ° • !'t .'" l ' l.' ' • " ;.. - rit l 4 l • • *; •E•l . " ''t"P \ •
V sep.l 11 . 31, ri. josuovnos . , th., cum .9 lrltb v. hat. , W.Va...., A. inte. Intim:l4 th 4-1 thta... The drlllnarreaVfllllT.trytotl '\ ' ~-; ~" , , r)NAlt'.:t 4 , ,
,„. 110 au arse . ,
thomughly Miltall•Mh . sod art. unearparned Cr their a` rms. thebent 10and....1.0„•1 with Ih. Cavell kons,bielt f. '" - " .1 .I_ • :
ITIRANSPARENT WINDOW SIIADES, ' ••••43.443 .i.' itu : •Ne.".of nt..• .utd ."Der o o , lii:• , ,er: milei,... v.... 1 1.. h•teut bather. Du ..., mariutseture., I . .. ~,...„, ,r - ~A -,..--- - ....- e . , ---- , ~. "v.
i „,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... 4, ,,,,,,,.., ‘,
.., f. ..,...., , , ,, ..,.. : they to. rpm:amulet b.; guru arooledge,llv, wb6 f ibe v k,,,,,,,, ee,d, , ~ huh, . moist '
.{ -
a l -,_ ' liel it. lip:, 1 -- rho LIWT/Ilutt, AO. 135 •
i. ev .,, 4y , ,„. 4 .., 4 , ~,717, 4 .. „,...,.. 40 4,„ i •rn U.N. 114 4 P. , Iliqr .1 4 1... Is Iha lieka! al.!. . • 011111 .111, hj 5 0101, 0.. • anti., "set- to Igsr .14 1., 141,1 fro•••• 1. Le. Spailhritla -,.. 0114t1 1i.4 'Atm ~...,11 1 \ Notice4o Contractors. , .... . ,i , .
l os. 1 . .. , k , ........ drogrons or hrlihrltg their trlmich from the OM • i ..el 51.... I . ettontrle 1.. ft,... ::.. ter" Mo. h m M 1....% h 11.11ne end Ms ...bur eke( a., vay. ,r.,...a'.
from tormer Virg*, by
sistr x.„,„:„ si v , 4 l,. t . : t s - .. ' ,2 1 ,g;r 5 t h f i'r=r1 r i 0 , 0. .,,,.... , ,rr.a i ri, • : • %.,..1v ., V,11 1• :; , • 1 tt....16 , 1 , ... , ...- ....,,, fh•tsv • .... 114 •le - vit• • the „ twir 'I be :16.41. M 4 6 ., prr.iplet.4“... Th., !WO et.1111nr•All.1 ILA .%.1 EA LEI) PROF' SAGS for the Eicaratita
~, „
~,..., .........1 2, Aug 1a...* bath room attouhs,l. with hot wail ~., 1 4 I.J and Urselk, of the tree' sf -.Thu LitU•Saw'SHIINIDS
S [JO AR ,t - ij6ll4,g . gks -- - - • moct will N a ir{ them with the paper Inlortostiou •1. , 1 :01 Eitel:. ir , t rt. .es eaten raw., •.. r • . •
, , hailnosol. a WI le terelred hi the Pre:Urea of the now.
ro to their departure
11 Mid, -rime NO. eit -la l'.l7l l !' r:L "'"' lthl 1 I .I.' ... ....i• .A. tt. 1 horn lt,•eher.. 1,. ID v, : t ts. ‘ the Hsti...• silo.ltung., ,/ to...lrtate reoto. Ifon/spao taus, finUl I. pl. of Sepeetlther oral. Ph. arellapee.‘
bo bbla r........ ~0r...... 1 n, ~...p1°,7.',.'...7.;'.1- 7 :;ff."l.ll''" ' 3
ti ' • : '''..i'd I.°
1 11'''' ''''''n''''''
' "I
' It, DAILLINtiIIIN„ - A. ...Imes ean [eve o aturitoath of Fop/ember. breall
"" It. " It Isoi 000 I. o• • •tatts tor alma., aim CoUllethant lat si:of yin... 41...„., ,A.,, i , A ii i. .: l ll"ar, i , P.Ia ‘. fhildren'a 1t ‘ adr..1.0.... Slipper, anO
....MI.. II adarrie I . offgA•ft . I.arth Mel . . hear Aroata_., In.; own the Pre.jent, or hetvritebraf .E.8 1 ,...wr an.
our 0. I Furred sad hated Bubb., de.
ev. Conspany, sr [booboo-eat Aletthew Mclntosh, metilletter•
nap by
.1. • a It. FLOYD. . I the Hanks nr Post OfBe, ft. lb. Celled Shad.. 1 A romiaehivisoorttment nt 1I,• to It qv.. al over ,on haat Fo . , Sale or Perpetual Lease, • ti . ..y...1.11 , , i
ene, Bound Church Building Wel"Provlvom. ...roiled i•-•ennir- i•ehiivz Pen i•••. , • sldolos , 0„, IV.votv. Cap... /....../..„14,1.1., La. ...,
. :. ID rilti . • r th. , rotatt , 11 iti trine , oe , Tbe l Llll)494 . lir
DOW DEB-150 kegs Bluating, lbr Sale let i "1 e 1 .,..„. ..,a It,. g4t....„. ~,,,,,,,,,.. .. ii v ., „,,,,,.., , ' !Wit 10., dinfeeAltose. 01...m.e. IDelfits 4 vu.k.„. IN.p., 1...,. , II I iIHTY,TiiKKE Bin Llnkti\ f,o ' l'B, Lod ‘l•lltimi. •ileont cewfwev.•• '"•• - le ' i
ji_ stu(24
- J. f. R. /MTh. . ! rani. sa,...vger .4 12 1,ri:0ry..,.. - ;. • 4 ;ir e . 2,;ft.., - 1,.....,i, Vi1f•....r.t,r...`"'"•,."•‘• 'd'h.1 ,7„ 11'1..... V:7. , , ,,..1,.. .,f ,. :1. , o.t 0 , ~i F. , No ''°, in the nrigiatalplaii,r ( Ha. Den i oltgakillgt.l g , (CAL ESPY. Presides"
, ti les .
nee r f: oe.
Ga11.,,,,..,..1,,,,..„,. In .. ~.„... I ~..,...:4 ,„,„„....;:r..`,12.1.4,11741.1,,in,"r011., I t .:11';,,`::::- ;:.' , '“';' , f ,l 'i!:,::``' , "'''''""'""' - ' ! "-''' '''''' 0 \"`""'""
1.1 - liiso - SLS-L2 - 13i1 dozen f!dra. for sale by
.11,J1 amf.a-i . J. aR. rsoi , 4. ; 1 %. 1 ' fv" . ... 1 f.rt; ' ../ lb D ', 0.71. 1 D•11:2:10,..1-0,1;%:r0::10•.' I"lP:t' l eb.. u r st "2 : ll t ' s ./.l7ll rlr \i,7 i 'l',ll re ,l ::i ' r " vol i tt ' 7ll:tHl l,... , , "-•"' '''' ' '' 1.1.,.... '...'.' ~...• Il '`' ,• ' + ' • k . '' , • l 4 ' -
. .1. 1.4 "le rt.,/ 11111, eat.,e, so Ilido., ,dreet, low/
1 - ,l 6 LEllkaii/g-- - 4 titfg. indra fLubbe - r, just "".."I,.h:'' . 11'."-''',` V. "4 :4g4V1 ' t.t7 . ''' ; ', ; 3„" X. 7,r . ",‘,1 1:: k ..7. '„' .:,..?. " .V,., - „ .. „ ..r, `.,... ,‘, ' , , ,'' . . -:.::: ; •..r s- - , -,,, „ ' ; ',.., ~, „,,,,,,, „,,„,, \
.15 fer'.l. • 6... taut roll., rer ml. At th. ttnhh... , A.. A Mcnt ar..l, tortnw Senott. Platalelphta , v.. 11 •et etopeeii ii/••• . We/4.'1.e ...le m.l .r•h.o.. th. preitst.... hr . ...f •h• eoleveril • 41'
' l''' '
pot. 7 and 9 W.,1 rt. 1au.:51 J. alb PHILLIPS. W3l:. ti
n% . ito.ta • lilt. incl wo fl. •.
• oh erve... Pat.horrh
to tall ...fuer Ststb .0, It ea:, star. ore. i.„ r e it„,.... c..,,,,, sfa. ii it„.. ,
RESTI TEAS 11w Packages, Fresh Tree, I
'''''' 34 ' * "• '' 4 " . 3 ' \ j*:* ' " . " 8""
W 1 Lk'n'''\
. NEW YORK AND ERIE NA-ILROAD. ! '-' ' 2-- --- - ;- - - '.. ' ,
s' twor (aert arrivals V New York-erne/oriel,/ •
, Real Estate for Sale.
1 1. 451 I . shawls! Cloaks ! Miunillas! \
' 1P. 7, 7 ,' ...i.r. "`""j r,1,..5„,, '.
. 1851. giiiigiß;g ~..1 • \ I I LI.N N ft. tiCr.rthinik st., Nk.• I A\ A LOA BLE nnituproved 1.0'l • . en the
l.ieetisi, &.f.:boos.
14 '
1n .. 1 . 11 0 (....t. and euttiet-ww landlng apd Ihr wash, VMV ROUTE TO NM' YORK CI TY tax • .../.., o .......•e•••• ... ....t...i xi ....1„-..c , , 1.-I, •S. •••“••• •• L ' . '",r ." •..... '' Al t''' . • I" CV
1%11. DAHALEY •Co ' i • I Punkt, at. lb. Eri. Railroad. sainertiot, ' -.." or "II ..d ..., stt A WI:, ~....1 . 11 , 1 5 .4 ` ll 0v. ,,,,, out tea. tit vetuau L,DAIe Church. .:‘, h. t frouten Tao-
14 ., v .i.„ „...,.. v . „ L e ,. E v ,„ , vv v ,,,„,,,,,,,,,,..i.„, i, ... Soot, weel
I t ' Didne-ie 11-.4 1.• u• si... it, lotettur sub ' ;11,:,: I ' '''' 'P I ' 4 "o ''" l "" . • III • r """"ol ' L.. "' l" ":"'"lt
I . bout o e tut tani-,00.0 , et , ...!•••1 end r telsosh. ago/ • "1 '•'" ''''' '-' . I ' .. ' I ‘ \ PL."' - ' ,.... .'l I' . "' al.:, L. in:se- eio,, no. i: ti•-111
~, th,:s ou Lth•rty
0.. 1 . . N.
ie ited AWee • O•Ille ..., the tvid .. Duni,. so i „.' 11 i 0 v, , ,, ' ,, . 15. t r,. • ; .• ;',';'.... v ! ~., , , , , , A,, , k is,. i , ;.,,,-, , • ~. ~.., ,„ , “11 , 11 I, La., i. i., biht 4 . 0 L 1,1 iVLit. Lai:llU
' '''' Virs ' l3: l. l.7.4 i DLNDIRK att tobistic • t trioOt•ott.• •nd t• tI. 2 Lisouts.s.l2 a ;- - es.. i•e:r• ' ..l . • ..' ' ••"'''''" "' 3 '' • " 3:• '; 3 • 33. '''''' .3 3,3 " .•
~, Ll.l 1 i u. „ . „ . .. ,,.„
~.....,.• \ I
~. • et I ...1., .., ~• lc, ke•!, „Diable Load soar V.h.epadash
Csmadaya et:opt...Ll
o mut. ter •, • I f.•rot ,• 1 . 101, la Nrest Derr tattle nip.
• bi Mars., kern-. Trail/ ll c,; OM. k itev, .1... r.
• I sem •• 2,1 ..... tu notml;. A guile,
. /1.• le.o•• th. 0,1.1 mtroloot • t gMal k .'el he
•Al Lreaitst . Etta... ' - .a.. •• „•,, ,i.„ 4 ,,,,..,„ , , v h, ..„.., ..., vh., .1. pud .., ~..., .
"'von , . De 0.. ., .o L o t.. . 4 ~.r.u„, Av e . ..4
The Shut Trait; rt..„ •t lauds., wt.,* pastrug•r.... .....ut et !howl, •wt reel, e, 1. ~...1. 111 \ I , oi, vire
'....0 , efre•ol.l...
"nrra•e, If, he ett
, I•: , ,at
. 7 . ba , t=4 , tt4 lo.• Om Eapts , Truln,artiririt In Nee ' ..,,,,, „..,,, .. ~,i vi , ~,,,,,,,, ~,, , , , , , ,, ,2 ,c
•..,,,,, L ,.,,v0u1t.1e :A.. le A...., this:, 'Prices
log ;a v , .1,1, walla. the whetedlataare • v a
hr 4•111Alit. ' , Law I. ....1 .14., .. :I .., 13,....1 t rearl 1.1. 1, 111116171.1 i
• ••• !.• A 1 1 , 4 11. FETTRILMAN. •
Th.. Erl.he I I el, la bis.l 1 .111. Try. I Dunkirk, • ‘'.ut.,•11.1n11." esel, , +2l-0 A 11.....?, at 1.0, w O , idol Rval E•tata Agent,
. P.... 1 to Mir Tn. h. . '.. 'N. tv,,,, Rub iO. ;• ' •\,,, - , No. ICC l'eurth etre.. Pitt.laiegn
.vornautals Way P„seuese awl Drurer,
To ••••
~24 , ..=.,1 7 ,.D , , , t t ,VA1:, i t1'a'.• Iv' f-... "`.. 4 Cl. ' INDI A it i,iluEs -Oka. utte.pnoi. A, Good g' • 1,,, - raw Offered,
~ 11 &," 4 " t " 'l fri x ,:.l7. t. " 1 1 :1 " =11 . tt ' 1 1 , • !;„ "" ' " ' O, .00 1 Ahll ' ge l7l ::g. ll' . " . l 4 . nrt i t l l, l r l e:l7l ' . l ll :?, ' 3 ' ,1,. " 1.?1, 1 11,11 I F ..t PPLICATION DE MADE SOON.-
r•rtir..l..• talent". wil) he paid to Shea I'o. gnu,: the C"..let .., En
. 11, rl .... 4 . . ./artt, . 11 . , ' 1 laud s'fhte. o• Ftvor ACRES. In thiolues. Bonatab•
~ v.„,,,,„ 4 „ .i.., vh, 4 „,,,..,,,,,, .4...,,...,„„, I m. 0.). suaoerttel shu nt ...or attorney. m Jud , u,t‘,), Island-nn the premiere I. a go) tau ) lad.
usravw les.. Itralseid. iti the trstreontratkon of Shwa be ...' l ,t , t b.. o f t of.
,:t '.erica hi m fiql. toretavg 0 .00 I .Ith me... Van Guaath*.. •
ots, Ilia property ltilll LoAtlrh
4 . ....,3,,1„,,,,, „,,,,,,, ~.,, ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,. ~, . 7 , tr e I 51001 orN•i, etra ...N... . *II, Dna. oat .104 tut,. loni and avolt.t s •nv.l prfiat. Penions dlettoel
enry ithert tit. 1 • .111/1.111.6 114 ..1),...r, Pateut •lo their...6d [toga( move') h. purely,. 1,11 .„0,- •„, • 0.1110 4 ihym
t veight Tariffs ..:; i re. Ist bove.l. ft,..he n.. 1 p.m... ,Wo ,t.•• • • • D.'S ha t, , ..e u. - -....- t.. - u.s Oftra - torn ut „ /. ~. •
t.r. la naard te 11.• orb,. et ir? 1,4. t i ro .. tbry ... I : • • , ......•... , 1, - , ..f . i.fes I. lll±v\ 1'. p.n. e, imol 1.41 A
'4 l 'o :;:rnlß4Nl/11All. Aors.. Ito ' ott.l ' r 0 • "T
7 r ' f..!.... .b. atii"er' P r' r en :Zi . staiii!: ' , ', ;!!... 'l l: ' 2 ll L:.. U .Ntp. ll' l l •AVA ... ' I.- _T ,-
._ - -----_---.- .
_-- -- -- -- ' ..10 so, rather than pingo, .V.l/ ii..... 1, ray'. P• 10,1• W. \ • • Penn Institute. ~
TExcursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. :`.t.'n,..Lige'..,DT,! \: ,, t 1 T.L . :t...... " :1 . ...... "11 . ' ..1. ‘•
3 .,, V. SU iiApRIBER hating reinoe oil to
it Eto Nea t ntetslltere 'wan,. Int god I:say.... e rlgh , voat., ..,r0ut,,,,,a. so t 111. no•rnr ~ Penri and
Lio n etrtets. to the
~,,.,.,,, ../,,,,,,,tv, •;,••• ~v . vv i, •arret of ratan. a I.• ibtruti v hie ps.4t• Ito D . .. Vv.., th 11.r.1, Pitts ~., . ,41. will reO,A Ma English. CP,
leers their Dwaine" •t Pittatar•h ..v.t Is .o..utottfoa.,, out r 1" ,naluq. .1.1 tAtimalq 101 l to i hi , .1...1 my Alathennal I rh All so tionasy the lyt d• r
, „tored.o.. • who hat. bd.:. n • ' - • r 1'•
~..1 , ,,..„, ,j,„ ,„,,,,,„,,,,... M!i•aa • . • ,re o ole „ Dn. Porrh ..a selD to vr. Th• numb. .4 pool's Is ppettively limited:
Nave, leaves Pat-Waal.. S• a llowbetter v: r a • . 1. 1." . .' .. ... , .. '. dv foit'. iltemf earl ...... . ..... th, •,-Frlntevt vate ..on will bepast :so the educit.,
Hi/Wean h. •In. A r . i„
s o. . . 11, 1,,,,,...,........4 th, ..., ~,, vtieto,a, ,I, 64 I mot, t f 0.. et mltto4 ts hi. nye. Tuition, fl In
I ere.. wl•Liug to en tr. 11...rer eau procure Cs .a • P" ... • "'V' " . "' 1 . 1 ; . ' " 1.....V.. y' .... " ..... " . '.. •r. ---0 1.c......7 . • ....!,..“. , b ,. st , or. v•lin -
Leta.. ta. Itorbestor and be, ta lha.tom o t h ~,, ~......h h. Ito• 5h,... w lueli L..- . ff.., t. the I, o.4in. opt .. -s,, f.. „.1,,,, 1, ,„ .v. ,„ . 4 in v „„.i vh .„.. --
Tuts good D.r .I.wo 4111,1,ty tiod al• Ole se,. • n..tve. t haul . ..sod •it eta , •ro. ...a...1.mi ila io•ree •••tvid
J "Si. \ euirii
1.. t tlrleo asp,: up b ant fh. tteavole,,t• " ter ... • • r . 0 . ,17:.. - ervadma to• .Of. - 1 ....../u • dare 0 \.. , •1 I Put - ---A.- - --- 1 -- -,-------'
'01,..h1e0 1.. ...., . th 4 pt.* of
Mr. Griggs' Grammar School, ,
Ittllt. A CAN:11).1, Avid, 11,CANDSL. , ,
..,,, C. 4 ...ter I Smithfield eta, hlrehotelt • IC Al a A 1.1, el / 11 111.. A.:
~ , jpe, Svvje At . the Dl'dsipna 7 , A Ileyhmv ' c'd; i .',
26 HOVELS TO CLEVELAND; eel f ..'• ; a l.'' 't i '('1" . "1 • " 1 - . 1. 611:t It " tlt't. l ..," a - irtlEliE utA,Two Seslial, a \ ear, edri, 'of .
gitif4 - ' 185 1: litiiia •0. 1. 5': ,. ." , ''' Ii" , • ' , grid{delver •t.
....., rer et. 0.010. - ' .
.clt % ?LIZ -?iC7I`I!!..t!.(III..INiSTBYL, •tty Is to, e.
..1%., 7 1ii.H'r,.,...,,11.2!be,...rtax,t. )-,k\\
Pirrsßußall AND CLEVELANI)
\ al 3 l -a.M AR tI VEAN.B.
(' s lats .I'.7erf and A'sdroaci Lbw to (... I rrria rot .
. hiPoItTEI; alLi, dold.or in •PHESCh ir ond ' 'r"it'iti.}:'''''t'.Cl,`,;'..lll7l.l..'l.l.'zl7NP'U'l."'''l. S sE l .s .,SSib i N c" A ‘ r d' i If
VIASSENGEIZS leave every morniirs at 9
a, .., lock, by ...unbolt( is. ilvar.r, theme by rape.. ENald-U IANCY tliaill, lierumuTsl.. WA., ..•, 'j_ rjon an NIONDAI, • ote.; Gal e 1 .1, mul eo tion
eanal pant... Remata, th.a:s by Pt:flaurghovaJ Cleo . ealahlista.,slate 1,4,111. Shoff Bet,. 4,,, , 01.00, 1 ,,1Z0k nat.! M. mai •.theibiellerlareAt da ' y....thl4ist.TharZer I;
land lisalroad to C,lms•lazg.
leg a1ih......101iti1. OM. 1..4. , . , \ 4\ll, 111:.2. Now stvolents arkreifommeteloenterattho
criani to Cl•veland. 14 to
Agent for Fah, a 1.41/Prurile ,
TuCleveLsal. 20 tvourr. •ii. helm, 28 tante: Shtgor.mor.r...A ' j- . \ . .Perthlg of th. verviDia, hot •rt, rreelyed st ny time ther
buffalo, lid a Chicago. 61 .'
le gela r verb... lie )„,.. iy . rese.44,.. •pply. cad the , Lunn Is oetitaele4 feu( the ale .1 their
Ilea.. given through to
~, .S2u, \ entrance . • •
--,-- , I ilt: L01.4.1i.t. Pa. the ueustoomler 40, t au af.
/1. L l :di:mess •••1 arms, by usteitas ant renetnsi.„ I S IN - 11°r Black
and Copycat ink. L'ic- '' ‘..?: „`', l l ,. ` PPl '''•"" ; ' ,, " „TZ,T, ' ,',', r ,t' • ,l7,.''"'"'.q°°•
Itvalrryst I ONE'S WM PYRE IN ' . el' Nan:4llllqt ••tf, ye It• graduate. T. o....l,..dta t tesi 3 , ..;-- T '.".
pastengers Mr latrult • chtragn and bltiwitalla Ili. i d run 111n1.1145, Tog Voih. A. \ , \Tar Dit All SUB SCHOOL, Imotedlatilr adMinlog the
Cirrelmol every merang 51
11 'lord, by th• splendid . t •.1 ellirt. ralgthlailet . , lAre, and uoder the strhorrlskin of Hsi Nee ,tor tity; on.
.1141131.1,6 111 light... C. 1.1 Railroad Co. for. Clan.% quell.. ograot -• II :A V • , P .1 3 1 - 1 10 10 ..t.llvliort sal tee, ea lads stl ip the neninnlon el
then.. at Th. o'clswit • A.M. by Italimal to New hurrah, Poole • .. Ito A.\• . ' . ~... ther \ , s , ~,leteleal m ar. rehires
rut for theokohr
VO ArrlV/O• smite ...ham st Chic.. lov .leambeet. I Sc' ... • .D. ...:, , _, V goit. clan... T. urentlghtvaad dirert on a the Prato,
During Ina IMUIt la 11, Old.. n I er, thl. male toCum.lo. . , . 4 v .„. 4 . • .., 0 . 11 .„, •f 4 „ v „,, v . .nr. , ansireepechil al, ntavee t hrd
earl, ht. Louts, Lad C.D.., nal be Lune touch ouleker. 1 r,,, s to ' . , „ s-1.-1. 1...1...inije:1 •
ad . tnedyn -, •In lloe'cirammer Seb...l. , • ‘ ' U. ' - 11 -, ' ''
cheaper, .0d Itlessantor, tbs. soy {her 4 ' .. , .....„4 ts•pi len .1A It -Ana trill hot esoad., mrolj o• -• In tI , NIEP.CA sITII.I. ci.A. , st - .A., cb.FIIIIII of Or..ek .•
• .LA.IthE a PARKS, Pn,puetore. I•re.itotet , •, do , . ono. v.,.4., •It thiequaluse• ...ton, v ".. 4 PO. ~antl Ile elm, enroll,' he addition, tad . •
nautearts. Ps aI err • go., it. tine Int. luttoide tfr Die ..,pull. suJ all • ....den.. D t ue v ota" . ., o l: I ''
!or to...Ls cr laihroadvan • pl. to
• Vie 'WWII. of tar. toll,. is es:windy healthful. and
JOHN A.CACtiLIF.Y, Agent, 1 11'il r ej i 11 :: 11 :r 1 . 1 . 1 .- f l ' i. th r . . ' rr1 1.... .f.e!,1 1' ; ' ,, I' iort,...r \ e, bv the Dad.. I°X H•difv.t. 1re.:..t. ... 11111 .4 ,'S Womble te
{lip .t.ire, career of Pdalhasl,l and, I .. rator•trteita, , User tor •sport or bor. nuo.umptino. , I.M, ebus• „ry I mood me. l 4nd order. ' v ' ••f' •
oppealt. the Sluoaugah fit II mi.: i iit. t5i...., e ell oe ,o, ...r i me, lad .4,... , 0 in .., ton I II,IVAID 11,1 4. 1 -• • lI.I' boa/. ,OD Het tu . 4, ..`, .fli ~
'851...' pITISBURIIII et the eft, free of charm. No ...large for r 4-,.., Ramis sat her Orrapation Mitt. entree Of the entplog ee inn
. WESTERN . , ~, , . •Ta dr0 . v..1, ix. at PIM COFI
/851 I i soldtton o tol • he former corp., of Profiworth'lbe Tror " trH
1 1111 , .1 , 1 . .. , 1:
~/ ..114 7 ', *. 1 ....;„7.7.,,,,t°0.:.01f1.111... L• z t e d r.,° l . l i ii b e yi li „, ll , :s . a . y .,, E , V m aga ,..„ L tn. L. D . \
\ I. if
TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. iie 0,h., ie• ..,..,„ ... ~,,, n ,i,„„, , I lurer to CiSil ati.l Ecrlrentarthal Lim sod John II 4.1,•
D LEECH & CO'll Lunt
Pio - fessor Alex. C. - tarn: .I TricopheTrous, 1 ~. ! h i r• A• ll,..: l t i uvsV4.llvar". = t f. '4ll lt h a ' . l d tb 4;l. "tt , '
ag;gggg ' IA: ..,,i,..t.rillisEllllllls . msll . !dkE. Al EDIC.I TEO Cid)II9DND, for, r,• ..t7,Vi,,.t.\:,, r ' s7',„ll,,i " ll l / 1 , 1 ;,=, ° :,;,',Vi7,, 1° r'• -• "' I ".. `.,
. t. i i,,. e• ... iv Inc and re outof ,ith/ the bats, erall, , \ Rs, JOHN IL KERFOUT,-11. `ll
lull BAIL R OAD AND CA Fil - '...•, ••' ~ .i .... 1 . ••, ... Ofee.n n of tbe dd. • College of St Jan.ea.P. 0,
1,! . .....1• eo •
_P a h- It , , ' Washinton eisnot Mary..
aarwasfi h I° , , sw.rhato .1 to. ....penaveut. that Barry•s Trl.ooll • . P.- P. ivonn . Pitrthurah self Wog sat Massa..
PITI'BIt 1.1 H. id 11, PHILADELPHIA, DAT L I ••••••• it.nrop.o.l tbs. on• .1 , ...,1..3.1cm diAeare•of 14 t teAmAtitt . th.teln.rituthav 4 .. ,y,,,,4 4 ,, rh, iv„, , ...
t.....nt•1a seleetat huts/reds of nlo:Ntsr 1 •
• oogls dl.w.u.
f! . 11 1,',. ....!ff1 ' ' ' 1"
\ \
7-Wa are ' .t. wal .. ,•,.-.. hint, 111. !or ' ''1.1"1'1‘1"1.
' - - ---- UlliV 'r- eTli - ty or ------ Maryliuid. '--,
' .'
its ts •di ev... • . qr..... tt, • I dtt
FEllki Canal being in good order,
1 to tido.. •Ln Ls,. ' '
.-Nas • , .....0- 2.:, tsto I 1: \ il I E NEXT SENNI,ON will begin on Weir.
bt•Lated te traosOort P.D... stet Sperrtmatilm• to ....s. Al • trt•l
mlngo the above nl, la lb. lo•ret rurrunt rate. et / v,
ight. with lostneteett sod dispatch Th. boate •rol • .Pror hung -th,.., 1 tate be, *Mime.' with at a l
tearatarter. own, .od rontrolled by the prr , prietoro Dille • ftimen.• .., npßou ot t ll* .ealth .4 noot itAgaM.Al r 1., I , er ,..., *. a...!' 'l " ds".‘ 'k . ' . ( 1.- "n .. . , "'•'• asa 3,0. 1 34
ttog trannallted. tarot all loon...flub. osmotl, et : •rte-. to. the 1,1 , 1:IL-en t ear, "ad , turing•tlat period , '.......4. a ... - i - , c•-•. si 0. • ...A
de/ h,
hare 11..1 the rod - nove of oar, 0 the most emi.ent .1 ~,i I „ .. .„ve.v • .....•••••-,,--e-, o .....•••••4.• ,
*1•1•11 la. td. •,t tree, eu, 1.1 he,. tried al. the prvia:at"- • .44` the Ma ' fel I ", '` *.• ''' ..".-.-."......, OM ,•cv
1141 n a BLACK, Pe.„,...r. ...lo tv„w t 00... e.t.a the le•et beal,G, I u., arr.. i ''''''
T1"7""9110, 01•" d• M"U''' ' .
l'aDal /luso, Peon Arr., Pltd•latreh . t/l 1.1 try 10,00 Triropbtenut !..ill ..., v • mast
it sitHIS • LEECII, Prop Jr «tore. ' rth`stvol. 1.0 oil ',florin. and =Oaf...atom. troa.,4 W} ' If Is t ....P . , h4. 4 . 0 4 1 11 'd t ! !I r ".'." 6., r k ...1 'll l-'''r k 'ti •
Ile/ eti iv,. Lopst, N, 13 at 15. South .11 - 0 , Phil. 10 0 0 ared to a tout tut trmothr Stn-L •,..ia•vi0i.,,,,,, t o t /1„ •• - .."-•-• - t•-• • •"‘", -00 l:ienctsc o• ••••••••••• 1 0 .
1 1 ,41 , i,eiti , .Nntai,A t t: , n0 i t ti., Pfal. , 4,1e .t.. t . t . , ....,.......t4..e........ 1 .,. ...: ,. . , , h i . , : i t:11 . L ; 1ii ... d ..,.,,puri1m.. i • 11;., v t,.. 0, .r . .i1 , :v , "..; 0 i i 1E L . ':' , . , 11 : r : 1 . 1 :A": :44:106,•...d111.....•:,,::1.
'H. 7f North et- , ili:Coide I
; 1. ' 11. ' 11:A110E; Aent. , . • : , k l r. '1 • 1 Ite mud ample optournants'e\ Mr Sets Armee:alien Of
1. Nu. 1, West street, N•tr No ll : I New Sorts, a. ....I. I•Aa 1 1.. ,'!;;1 1 ,`,...11" 4 ,:.: 1 4 .. .,.,... , •,t •, .f....,2r717. T.
1 ili.l a 411 1.-- , 0 r L 4.1 sir-At...1 tiro 'ex, my mar . .. - v" -'... ' .- n. • - • , L'.4.-. ' ' '‘'''' th
r _ , .
..,, .
__ i .
_...._ ... ~ . , and lower, In t fr llaittobire Inormary: • ittilheprell. ge
I wlrb .1su.1,11 " I 'i r5 . .if 47 . 7 : 1,4 ..7.7,7, '" T """ r " 1 ' 1 '"" 0 "t• ''''' ""'"" rt , ' '"''" '''''''
1 C. 2 r 4
„,t.:,...,i..1,,1,r,, tt1 e .. 1 .•• ,..., "„t 4 .i1r .. e...,4 4 , 1 .. ....t. 5 P.a.i / ...-.1 . '4 .. ottbolo Iv,
I AEA ICls) I • IrirtErigtftl
t. e . r1 .... 1; : t .1. 1, !t .. :i 1 i. 1 . 7.5. ', ....V T ; , b. ' i1. 1 :1n 11 . 1 ; h ira " p:;: :: • ' t r .J.. 7 • 1 : 1' 5 . t. : . f ("r
. MONONGAHELA ROUTE. tem....tee.. i ...Li r"tir steal eervl s , ,', AIM. h. A. *lli t•:, / , ..,4,
glllmore. Jul,. Ital A - l•ligh.C.ttoctl, ' • •
! Via Brownsville an& Cumberland. to lleltiMitra , -3 v. , 111 !.1 1 / 1 Vt.1.1. tAI, Itio,„•1 I ' ' ' - -- A - ' .
fa] Philadelphia. • . It •
•n, ...Ir or renctervoldovildo. the ..utbentedtv .4 the •E.a-,_ yr • • v : 1 --- '• n A l
, ........, ie., .eel , 0t. , ........11v, Pr....0r A c u lt .,i • ~,*„..„, t nentuea.y.intlata.youtunettranne...ol:4 1.
F1:1111 310ItliTINO BOAT Inavea the Wl.arf : ! 4 ,t 3 , 3 :;.''''"`... 3••• • •• 3 ''''''.... ■ 1 " b " ... . 0.4 . 1.• eat ,
I OUAIIANTr \ FUND, $lOO, tl. . I \ 1
e. e \ .‘
I shot. the Bridee dally. at 8 o'clock precterl.f: eeov ' 'll
'' • '
nee Int with the rent Cansberhatul hest monalag. -- . I t 5,,,, th e ma,.„ .„, . v „. 1 „, .„,:. .„„. . \ ,•., v l m ills i COMPA, l ' S•icere to t h e tri s iWited, Al
, T. Evening Boat 1. latly (except Sumlay meeting) I ~.or e , „ v . r,..„4, - ,4. 44. -- .;',, - ,'„„, - „i'....1, - ,, 4 ey'r.,' I
„„,.. the „rarity and .4„Magne vof the Mutual Vliut 3410 C
111 .0 O'dock..Otwei In, •Ith the ears at Cumlarboad nest ,„4 4.,..... ,I ,h, ertraton v r;erA,,,ll, thit_las „.....bed k PlM l .lllrherrtolore atr.thodf coMioned.natl'ln.
...tang at U o'clock
-.: ' ;be pope - Am:lir minted lo ti•• faqir!. into.° as Ata el ..or . 4 ." ...A. 1 . 1 L. t ..1,1,1. 1.r. II:t "`" b "l 3• " le'
Time throne, to Italtuoure, ad ho Fare sot, 11. r thrrry'• Tres - then., 0 N t stop...awl. ski l, .•• n.. I .g. oisoirol ntr to u
r.di 13 IK. o t et,. of lb+ s or. au
Ti m e thmogb to Philadelphia. to urs
ours. Eon
l 0 :lo ten:h e ti mt...., ,h,. g,,,,,1 ,1,,,.. ,f th„, 0,....,,,,,a, ~ 0 aleutu t te, but wet exces...prrision for 110. futurkosevAA
The Nation, ./ I. now Itiga. Co./tarter* Au with I ii,,,,, „r.„,,,i.
kit,.l, t .d,, j,,, \ ~,,,,t; ~,' : TIII et member. for the whole testo of Ilfe. watt 44 44411516
I Chi 0 .. b.• betweea Brewasfl.....l entnis•tkul, 'too. ' other •rtlrle• or the lt liumall, moor a the er - 0.1. II . ruler. I. I. • °..1.. . 8 1.. '''‘ ....l '' ' l.l '
makes ltd. decide/Iv th• be, I.;vorEt.:iatzt.•••. the her. suil thu • prostedr. dv , membStr.o, able sit death, by credit , upon their Dflthen,
- - IntEN, A` pt, s. l dritus. the dandy. ao4 stut arstal toad
for the perm,feut security 1,1
- '7:11 -- - "M '''' ."' 4.... ..?' • ... ...f. tLicUti l • *Lel goo, 'it soli rO.. •ii di4,,,,,,4 " ittc: I 'I I „ ‘ .. , 2141 trrflOttlehl.rln larel am 1.. r t.:. tor•gtil lorarlth.l:
.orb amerall head dem warm. Au ether °tonna,. y ,i. ' „,,; tbo.. tar the whole term .4 111.
I iSiiiirtfa 18fi 1 . d,.. er the le
in chi
pAte.t e... lese • t fdanl. , 11 a . Tst k tio , milY llutina LIP ...too` , vmvP•
unrivalled. It so eila In lora. te.04.... or =. ,. ....n.a• •1 •• ...' '.'"' 1.^‘ ,41 . tt.' fi teJ , 'Du' welurad 'us -
' a ''' ' •
it 7 Broadest ,•nd at thebrogyst. aeo,natt •, I, . I. 1. db. al ..1..1013 Leh 411 11441.11) 1 , 11•111.113,1 arra.,
UNION 1INI!', .th•UultralStal.„...lCinlada .....a.vr IVlst qv of Muds Her batten ~.otrar) ttAgMet, tatmorllhoro
\ -.•*" - . 11g. •uantol of lwahm• im.l thr u......i tg‘r..l. Ruin V
On die Peimsylvania and Ohio Canals. ' - k -- . - - ••.
- ••, •' - - ' "'•• " Ittl '1 1 •
.. '“ f7an... ' . ' :e m . Ti.ays V. ..A 1.11 Selo{ •4•1
a ;,.. it•, ...t,1 !"-'v .r,t t t„N, ' v '' ,l l'' ,..
cLABIIt. PARRS &CO Rstwastta. Pa. -- - .- p - - : - -- • 1 ""-
' . '.•
' ' tf:: 01 owl Mr.,. C h. mr;l..
CHASIIIERLIN, CRAWFORD A tNI., .. Ctrorte..4/. • ••
• --- ---
. i s „. rv i 4,...„.,.. 11.11,1 Easomioet. ,
• TIIIS well known Lin (' I. now Prep:LT (9 i to THOMAS HALE,
; ~,
c uvr t. ..v4.5.1141 ji...11.44111.114 lI I ITTSIIIIXIIII , Int./H.WA , IiI.IINO Af VOSiAII.SIIII.IN AI EIII:BAIS T. : -
TD. f,cilltleo'hi i ll' . lll' .. l." :•Vets " u ' rp th' ,,e l rtn 'a o . o2.- 1 1. k rual • • ' v el "' Ag". ruJM". \ NEW. F,ALL - GOODS. -.. \\ i
itl• e.d.r•itmr of 11 4.,•spotiane.• of ifestalua aul .4. 1( 1 °Nil N DEN hlB 0.,uul fneilitt. x to reveiA e 4 • . ' l:• (~, 4C4 • t P lll '''' ''''''• i'lellh .,• , ‘, \
i tkiver te aseats e i,n Stone, 0.. u. sal rratehr oilent. fat Alen a.oelei, I i A , 31. SON A: GO. aro now in dallyre
: 4 .....iii , •1 , .. Pittsburgh •wlCl•valanildalli.runatati I ~...elgued tam MM. 4 1.5 to Me L. * ~,,,, 1.... 1 ,4,,,,,
~ ....R..k. faith a LI. al errs:et...h. i0n....r. PITT, f ... rti. 1 0vv .,., ~-,44h„ iti. v ...„4,...., .. 4 Ki r „ , , A . ...a. , 't so . 1 ‘..• rover . 11 • 111 llth h•ee4b.tvb ‘ v ,
.., v ,„ , ....Ay le thew rs regoetoer with • mat. re
I Ouctl nod LOUVER. soil • L i u, 0( nr•irtio,t/Lanitost• I r b Si '
u5,,,,,,e1er hod ...what,. :he Liam
"Doers Jorte. it ' Ataige. ay., 0 • •• ~ t. tt to breat care Dom •
. \ , i ,.... imy,,,,,,,, ntowe In 11, eset•rn tithe, atilt' It
1 . 0. 11110NEIts• ,••• ' Wt. Jahn A.1.`,14.,
-••---. - .- ..- ''' \' L. trot ut dan. he , e....., .forming • stank .bleb ir
P.rlns A Co , 1 coungrlcort h .. ,
Vt'."l7:l!A‘:"ll...'Vt ' trltreplf%7.lX.rm t hil '''''''''''
Wm. H. Haskill,
1.. r obr•
f , IAI 11 . 1• /1 " ,i, w ."7.7,..., ° ,!.... ~, . .
GENERAL tIOMMISSION All:RI:ISA NT , ,h-- v• Z,......_" . 1 . 1 .0 ' '' 6l.d . , us9._
wJI •ND AUCTIoNEER. \., .. 11•Ier etre. PEIII,II. , r i .Niel N E 110SP\.-.500 feet 2 inch ..l,', lay
• e erentis:ll arenas.. 0
Mitytort t Co. Ihsveuta, 1,
a Ent, 11rInnert Co. Featokilu, a ' , 11.
I • ‘ltlls Rul,ber lloattambt init expressly for dr.
it t bt ! U .:Tr.: I . e s ' 6: "' .., W 11,"..;." . ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,„.. ~,,,,,0.0..,,,s t 0.11,,.. 00e 10 • i rorp0s••• Wrlor etb. Pire.parterteut of telth
1 !lenders. a Pottituue,B•4•l4PlY rlll ..! ' • -----...-.
,--a--•-.-... . I rale tu,rall and motor. as morays witreantt.l to
tom mars prettn, Mtn an loather Peso meaufacturtel.
Perkbam A Brett, Toled., U ",
_.' 10 id/ .•:,... sbets tbaftlo ct ?ardour as reprreentrd
it IA Illhn. • Ca, Detroit, Mit:dean
the money, wilt he rebind:4ls the Dn. tqlseed hy Mr;
01.1.14140 iI, Milwankle, WI. .
Iwo, A• Gibbs a bo„ Choate, 111 . .
• Thum. ILI., Shicsc ol ll, • ' ST. JOSEPH . , MISSOITiti. -- ---.- •
. , 7 voilvNivia•i '
vlv .r. WaiorTl A . . ' illfti t : C ,tl . A g• V . . lIIIIILETON, (111. li I A AEIIE:E 4000MOTITES--JuSt ec ' d, • 3oo feet In
, -- - • ."'' 34.- „,„,,. tv„...i 4 .,,,,,..4 p,,reedvn • 0.„ Dna, e. is. . 11 . 11t4 ,1111 ... Di faotlng Lpoorfahttiea • ithetema
Amulgement Made to Forward PreighX „ , ~„„,-„-J,•.,, , , . .),-„ab......1%..,,..,..,,, ' , A..t.”"l:_"'• 'Etr, , l - .lrt: sll i'i,"ttry .t.'ltlit.-, , r4
i TO BALTIMORE LN FIVE DAyEI, , enutonai. . vectr . ' . Jor . ... K t\ : \u7t .r .S. I PILLI.LII'S' 1'
i A . i• SAME RATES PENNSYLVANIA AAVI.D - C. ' TUrI'I.E, Attorney at Law, 1
. a , ~,,, , `, i -
' „ llaillatoA.D taPitYAN V rerrlpt to Plaiwrgi.,., , ....s Cmastarslotler Mr Pormariv.hor, tit-Lonna Mo. H-- ,--v._ CUIIYHEIIO.:
NVODE aCO ' I remonordrallow promIDY ......ned, oet=l.ll .• 1 roes Sopa Cre:
1,11 corner Pena and Warn. sne...ka s. ' ----I-- t. One Mann in rases a for „la Si
- --- - --- - - 4 °UN 11. RANKIN, Attorney end. , " ..
-0,..n• vox!. \ BOhLtON.,I,II I.s. • co. \
iLltdid,V-Ell--3-Dil-T.,-i-ga prime Riu, tilt. sa l ehy MI.. at law, and ComMisilatiar Yea the Mats o ' 17L Ai. - 1 -'- jiaj! --- \i ---- 1_ , ...1 \ \T- ,
• angle JA. .9 DALZELL,GS Water al. nosylv•pla, tit. Loot., Mo., Hate Of Pittiiburab), , ....'...'-.,',,,,,„,.., 1 ,, ~' , . .0 1: 11 / : , '
..eolived audit, . , Itearreonw-Pltaburgh: Um. W. POrgard, Ilatoptob d
J. B. CANFIELD titt.EAP PitiNTSI-A. A- MASON 11k. 1,0. I Stiller, M'Casalleas 4 SleClare. dam E. Parge, Bllovells a anil4 - -7
\ " : I) .l l Pla k' Llidaaillti CO
I, N1V. °, . 1, V ,,,'„ rir.71.g.: "- .l *-""' , ''''
14 11 ! 1 be'l" .. llll6l .M l M/W0M1M1N....g ' ,,...T.... i .' i gikil'N'd 1 Co.
S UGAii---45 il b• d k
venal at
'" ip °' airrs - .
... 6 area Of Weer m• devils e ten ~ i o s.
rawer made wew ofervo to thisniairtia. CIA lINA,R ,
_C.4.11,5T1C.-5 lbs. for,salel)xl . - T - or ale by 7'
~. sssis' • ars. 03 aim 64 /await st.' l int
QUI:MR-20 hbds. N. 0., for salt by
essi. P.* W. lIARBAUOII.
IOLDEN SYRDP-10 b . for sale by
.*1 8. ksir. IDIRBAIBSI/.
MOLASSES -50 bble. N. 0., for sale by .
ts* 8.. k 87:11A1411611011.
AItRWO - S--31 bble. for We by
pepl 8. t w. fIARBAUGH,.
I'ibtACCO-40 kegs Wit. Twist, for sale by
8 , 1 , 1 _ 8. W. ILARRAIIOI.I
MAt r k
,No. Large;
tale I.r R B. 4 UNNINGILBII.
£OOl4 P.O. Liberty
_ .
1.1 UCIAH- E. 0., for solo by
lon:14. J. F. I , IIBPORTII l c
du:. Corn, for sale by
PAINT—N 3 for aul.• IoW t 1 ch.. nni4l,o3mrnt
.18.41A1.1 DICK 441
ARI) 01L-12 lib Ibr hale bv.
1717 ' ' TAMES IrALZEL,
BORDYII43, nmtar.riog • re-st failky pattProl
1ia.151.) - ak S FIELD PLANK ROA1)-
• :o.stareo for.etalb a a low rat. by
tiepl3 . 31... ct. an I
d Eututgre Broken..
LIQUID iILUF-L'u Mils. for sale by •
eepl _ J. KIDD
iEAISI3-30 bu. St
ttg .
( 1 011IMITThE fur uirt
t ,
_j ..,ii tio
pann,y: to the Pine,.
Com • .
C H h . ;V ent . il u ..Pa . union. , S.J.lrarp..ii.ocreakih,
Wade /Isaia,
Win. % Pamir,
h. M. Ramo., '
Joh lilinVi o . '
• Lnehr lmper,
Jonah Pennant: • EP JAI. Jonas,
J.3lo.Cirossan, Jahn Prolliony i
Wm. M. Hersh, j James Traniek.
John A. Wiliam.
Settianiel Halm.. William My .
Jolla liirminianno. , Parana Fnni!'
!amen IL /loon. William Mho,
Thorn. (ilazin..
heal, Iliarliinni.
._ „.—......______ angli.: ,.
1/eonis.W. Arnold.
. gl..7roßniri.''
all , \Vhite, for sale by
taiuing udditional;ub
jargh awl litnury•orill• halt.
nUCKETS-40 dot. Beaver, for sale by
•ut', S e 11. HAI!11•1 ,,, II.
rinuts-•—io r..r kat,. by
1 e HIT 11A111111...1.111.
D RIED BEEF —Evorei & Swift'o suporior
.roar eared beef, Word. for W. I.'
11, 51. A • WCEVItte • Ca.
it. i lrfAN 11 ~I'CAHONI—Jost
" '7. 1Y% a 111:1.1 . 1“/ • 1:4),
won". 3 Llbarty
d tAgtilEit HINUEH,-1 elm Clinton Pry
Prosarnal dialer, 'O.l reed and lot mil. by
•uati 11 - 11. A. 3/cCLIJIIIJ a CO
LI itt.ti Ca wle L.
bap Brasil.
10 b..... IShl. Mean*. 4.r 4•11.
.E.NULISII xrrt.
I tl N l 4 7 o n,L f a o o r d 111 r, b7 ,
S U . G o l g --s(' /L.Na..11 , 11 011;:50.1:1•1
NI SEED an.--20 bbis. prim.' , for sale I,y
1.4 EMILIA! • t:Ns tar .
ACKEREL—iIiI lib's. Non. 1 and 2;
m4L 1.4 . v .. . t b 0 t , t , ...5. ,• . , I. ...
r. N
se,: EMIL'S!' • HENNEI T.
(4g 11..310LASSES-20 bids. for Halo by
tO• guar:: intoiLiall a heNTirrt
`OAP-156 ho . netl No. I, fur solo low b)
rte AR—too N t'., for sale low Gle
, aoaT.. aNuLtill a aCNNOT
rCOBACCO--.-120 rio. s'. Lump, for Nair by
11 au-4V miusirs DENNCIT
ilrOlitkoo—,l.o kepi ti TwiAL for sale I.F.
..1127 EMIL'S!' a L11 , ..5:N6rri.
t 1 10 All ii - ' - 10 - OJOU oo Principe.
LR gara
OD Hatina.lla.,
Half Bpaa.a.
• •da 2 : 1:1, ' ?.• (.7P
frcm 110 la 120, and ...mated, lust ned star...
rd Ws by {..e.,1 1 w 0,05
, DOPER WATCHES—In Hunting and
11. J plain Caws, and al unusually low prig,
the IX.
London MUM lICUIPII.I 11 at... 4, and 01 un,111...t.
Itt 11. WILS”,
T_ V
la , ree'd
. _
A . on hand • gowi Iluntlng gni pica
of hi. nOi ostabtlaturd nkaka. wourot and dorab,s,
nsol has g irrn thp hut gnalslaction of r
puld In 'SU muntr, W. W. WilljtS: b !"‘
am or Lurk. ana fourth eta.
ORRIS' TEA MART, in the Diamond,
.-Although lire en Tau hare oeitsta:ril Is the
Prreitele tLe mum paslttlee a: prieve
at Ittle establlebtoont, Lavong • Luse .tw-i 114n4
rhae. yerriock4 ta the rite. ,
Vet,' , ttperiex t i i i = le
Tree, ~ • F .
teLeel: rele::1:e:t
*UN. le , , 10 d. tut et
Eit,R ST. LODI S.— Thespleri- '
dtd, nasr e and Ught draught decade
FOUR Ultra Hulett, gni les. for
ahoy. and interntaglate aorta on tabdry, at ID o'clock.
Tarrfreight or P.m., apply on board
__ .05
_ . . . •
Prrnatutou a HocKING
.—n. PILOT, ornate,
trill leave Pittebmth fool Wheeling. Cantina and Booking.
rwrt. ewer, Tvenlar at 2 o'clock a. got returning lava
Hocklnownrt for Conti., Wheeling and Pl ,.. colo n. Arit hl ll iw e r. e...
err pbnrador at 8 o'clock, a. to
ono derwrid
mason. awn tido boo rnonin7=arly during the
lo• water
Fur freight or intorno, &Orly an board. a: ono3o
nes IFYLLEVILLF., Capt. B. Tomo, will
ran ea regular packet betweeo Plrtabargh. Wheeling,
Bridgeport, and Llunfmt, tearing PlttsPurgh every Mosulag
afternoon Tor Wellsrllll.Bbothenrllle, mod Orldmor
wren. Thunalar afternoon for denbenrlllr. Wheeling,
Btlaignorlo tignos.and fianfleh: rrtnnilno, Oar. tootei.
port and Bunion, arery Trontlar afternoon. Bud SnnB•2:
rrida7 .norocott. For freight or Now., orrir , no
Ward. or to LITZ! W. 11. WIIIIKLEIt, !tarot.
-•• . "
t oer i'gh'' cre of Thi :P le" lea b t 'fir hull [
ton Vtil others, for
the Cin ' alntatl 2:1 Igttsb " Lnh Packet trade, and all] loon
•Teir Wrl.A.Lay for Cincinnati. in plate of the Nee Co,.
land N 0.2. Pot (night
(7. bmamemmotrAvr:t...
it %VITO:LINO PACKET.—The splendid ,
Ir}oiler Not 5tee,..,,,,,2
fe cl i r
oNd Wheeling, frog% l'ltteburith et 10 o'clock
.1"'" lyWit% ll .."4r d rlntiry, T F IVaI . .pd m .9=l l r' .
In rooks rel. ' V.:freight or paarage,shily . on btanl,.
uolti ABSISTBONII A C 01Ell. Aioolle.
(EXCLUM KLY not I'k4tli:N./10(1'0
Ou Nlmuluy, August 25th the
Psekets - of thin Linn •111 leave ri.l.rch for 1.1 . -kport
p e TZLIV- r —V4 . 44:lZkt g h- 4; sc=;`,l:',;.lVd.s.`„ 2 . r d lV:rari
fiAlrued (vorblets h0n0.,11.t..1r .11. r lb.... Arrival, .11
ATTU. Ibri.ugb. Forty
r. lfy thl•
arrunglecon. pas.ugers go through MIX
UOUltB nOONSIS than berettforo. tw.uf, 13)(1.,
artal trarel.)erlablicty thew ou nrrirai en Piolnl.lpbh o•
'yrtn,rea la Now York et
, 011 RM./1110N
a. Vora and entaberisud . Railroad, at itartisl.tara
Dlitatme. olghly.Mur miles. Time. YOUR Lours.
hra to r 6l /s4olPhia. $lO. Van to risitimons, 10.70.
Ismmaater • $0 ,do llartishurg 10,00.
If To 4 drain. cheap traveling anti entartatabli• acenanzo
dationa,Awcur• vnut tirteiA•l TiLket Otte., linra.nv a
.1, P. HOLMES. Agelit
P. LEECH & co,'
T`B\F IIL OH T _ /1.0111:8 g . \
itatniti . .4tAtat
i ‘.
T HIS *ell, owit establishmeht is still sou
-1.. dueled in th maroon It basal...4 - e beret, ni.
(venni and pleaaant /nation or the house, It. nomoodt
Mendarrannementa, 41 •lbe center. and tunnies tote
theranicilane render it agreeable and - utrantn
aeons to the trairler, • •
Haring been one of %Enna John knocker 2 Ca:
so long CO the held ot,tb estattlahrnent. the autenriber
l''',A',.ll7,lvlTgE7,•.l=":'''',_,,P‘a""P', sad
antinleodim \ \ \ Vitt. It. ram-rat.
. ,
!'FROM Ear FltANot \Uri) GERMANY,
i c, ONSTqL'TLY AMIIVING, nett styles
:r/ ot , , a , A an nu
n. n...a:lit\ 7 xt..n.1..ii varitty,n&r.../
Ila,fre o . l tV..X.7llit....flohernian this.
Vewetabl.. hot, ii awl mutt Paplar Mach. Ar•
ranr.7 Efariev t ,'W,kk Rnana Pater\Weiaitt..l..
Co*f.'tinarr• .'ktwra ‘ Box., CattieLt. Card. ltrnatnent,
l ' i r =Tl • gl.: . :\ r'lirl t "..' i ''' T r t tt ß = . 4\ to' ' '.l... •
Gernaan sLstna, l'ihAtit. o 4ogmr; 147ton.Cantt•..
with an tn. 11..... •.......q.t.l 4747 .a 1 it I , . ,=.
an w ilan t Nn IsCootto.treast-Nt4natzlit,,
_. ...-.-', _
rrIOMAS Wli l'lcE,\ tIONNET \ .61,A.NL
FACrumrx. N. 41 Souk ~„,t„, ~„....„..v.
C ...i n i l aid,ll . ldldelh &
~,.. .._ fin s lS...l, _
t ' . tra -A teili .... ''''''
\ .. A .7'" 14 . 1:0tr 7' •
nAGALEY, WOCIAV Ai . Co.,ule- '
11) sal* Ururamn. IM,. _I Mark n. `741
, --,—..-
• a / auca,c,a., .. ~ ........... .. .. ... tau aut. , '
art:Amami,. ~
WALD, fir( ' -1i.N0F. , , &.', I, ,Tabusci.,
c.......i...i.q. a.n.iiaul, !N,),41';,,,,, 111.1.,./ Ar.....,
iau ...I. Id sane Wharwev. Plataltelptiala sual
• • ' .I'4 .1- C.
hirge conienisiog
WAItESIOI7EZ. On &woad Amt. 12••••.!, Woo 4
wx. Jotcorro'
• Recdtbemld. Erio•fr• of
. mat
I M.,..;:tim"4l? Mg az Y r ottrti4Ti n ' F U . :
iedg,t,flrith t h
cola =l. Ftssta,\ and anjulaing ,
tiau—has regued fox iMn• yeat3 L mad
aa r=l * .n..
MAO lilo - 1 ; ' : ' , !(,„17 zr, ni!mr.t.
üb t ,ly .., P4I-Satrvil. my mniVittlau. Or lb tigtec a
Mau. Taletasa. dtt cl,
6, 6 ,,PALeeu
übatrs •
\• \ 14IR ,\ \
Rowan cr a Cotajotird Spy tliatir ,2 " ,
4ijr.„E ONE ntthersil • establi
An.wr \the othei
• for COMPLAINT. .
The.. Vamilr Cor at Lbso bsias
not, of
',. --..; :: ohL nr1:,.." .I=': '. - ''
1 \
~. , \
°.j,, - ciorAii.. Cutpor Atetk. L er.! • ~ •,. • \
~:f, akellt • mark Tititnre Brokintl, • • ' ,, ,5 4 1 1 '5.
ern a an
. \ .talvmisic. •\ - ' , Nk: \ \ ,„, ,
\ii !VER. THE WATERS NOW: 44.1..13y* , \ \
. ,
v." 1.:.d... egi l d J. An roltataln Dals3, by adnlnS, ,
1 \-- 1 \ • •
r ~.... h.ppy ere ai lured CO. C o .l dotal:CM of pew*: ChM. , . ..-... 4 , \
"th. \ Ware, with le, - nettet Lent Cwt. CI flea= Lkl2 \ \ .'
Urea with ti It :sells 1111, illatl3l The Se a. to ' i \
Schti c kers; The iilltt Chlaton.l i TMlSA•liiLiqdy 2101417. 1 '- \ \
rl2 l l e =:1 V W i r
1.0 14:T p ireat h il 1.1 . r .. /1117 irkirri ' d 1F1204 •V 1
• ,
:su i • w. 'lady; brr e nktl '3 4." - INlolltht Derr are , .
~':Eir,t'allgy.,,crzi:Ctrif..,,%`?,=.s:Ps: '.. ' •\.
Waahlactant La Belle t!lttbe VI , Aran, ValaaHrilllanktla
' , \ '
'al‘'[:;Thir rlT' 4 . ' N' k al ' :;AlsVet:.. V i, 4 =4 4 '4 zt,',ll * -- 1 \
mtv. , ...— , Z 7 . - P%\ t ig: : ,._."!.%.l.__Mmt \ * 1. ---• • \
Inathda nabran, and he l'eti am,...., 1911vcr s •
L'Sq4l4.l'll 4!4,7%*.,?k,e'.141,-*Zlll.(= \ • ,; ,• •
3, Talatle of Snot th anend unl kw nal* bz,, -- \ , \ .• •. s ' 3,
..rry 41311N u. NIVLUAL 41 ''''' ..d .4 '-
. . , \
3 - , 1
. NEW Gaps! NEW 0001 : 18 ;--\ a , \ 4 .i•
\ CCORDECINS,--..A. .plenaid and 'Ynri . , .
took of the beat ,apdy . l ' rd,' - . \ '
j erIES-A Mt des\hle e1r31 4 tanArlthl.43,Nned •-, ._.,'"
koa, ntaartaal. 'to or • hest ntakerna, Jut. . ' ~, 4
opened. , ,
GIIT.I R.,- Au eves., \ and <Lowe stAtt • 'dirk • • • '
F/06/N,Y-Sonara rely •ard ..... owl aw - Of 0f,a17 -
'4 / . . 3 g.4 7 .4.714 1 .3 2 -Y e line ' clam:Khan, 4743 - an \ nad. .- • • "'''
' 4-
Connteta, 1 übnA, b..ttlea. II: N;rontt.3ricalkVed , , . -.. " .4 s
Vl4tr--.,411:11.4h113311"Zr,'016PL1T1T : 7 ,%,,t',''',, 4'4l' 3 ' \ b ith•V - -.. .•, - . . ,
, Alen. thr newton and carat I ln pulae - Mnair...inea.4l . ,•7. ,s, : • ~,,,
-, N, 11...- be ante /UMW:. 0. 111.1111.UTIMUCt to cow \ , • . \
rrel ArKt indent ill 0.111 7 ,,, P ,- . 4 ..4 fauna t o WO. \ - 4 . . N ,
oar Min he returned. Elk ' EX, 101 Third
. ttlliN. OF TILE GOLDEN BAAS. - 1, • `.. , ' '
LI'YItUP OF YELLOW- DOCK. R O OT - 1. -• \--- , • :., \
0 1 ' 3.3-• J 3. ..c q L•3 m 1'r. " 64-.. ' 3, at .Ild tlrg 4 lt'3 - '' • '' . 1
Le the &eon ar 4inGir bottle. lkhre adve foment 111 k*-- a '. ". •-•.'. '' s
other enln Int 1 ti. N. WIC 'mum., .- 1 . • -...--.., . ',
~,,„,„..r Wool sad SUM au. .\ . • ~,NYI.. 1 • ' I
nR. Nep,i - s -- 7.,F - xitmilly_ l - 1 ,,, , \,\...- ~.N , , :! , ~ • \ \
e" , "--- - ut; J-ab- finiZerkOld.W.ettis''\'''''. \i' \
.14 i;:zr o .roiP.Tll,... l %croZ!",-.... t ...,...4..ha. -..• N,' . .. \. J
OMIf r inatnelllttely'. / tumid bare an l 4.•Ernardeal": ••" '•- s l
,If And had It - on band. The mole ham. Mee \ ' ',„ \‘,
terlnn all other tnednittaq for tonna, nay that Atkr I. ~ . • \s; , ,
..-attakto Or. MeLartaa llarr i cuß b 4
....parln t..\ -;,.. - ._..,. --.. \ ' .
twain and all the CUT I-knells/A '• , 4 , • ‘
, „..
. .
. .
s t uck hodyrs 4 ,!•The Little Saw hrtti
. .R. C:irrapauy , .kr. Lereb, notified Chaim&
Ito !mittot live I.lbap per'ettare 14 retultel!oboptid
W& ar befure lb. , 1,1 clo*or Outobur •
11I'.viler of the lipan.l Dirertorl.
LA ra:x. CAILN-UIAN. Smut. •
Striae Ware Puraph'ier Wells - and Cinema
FT SUBSCRIBEhI, infortas the pith li e
L. Lg. Irdruducbd Iran ttliA region the FIONk
RE \PUMPS, wa.nutortnract, hr ltevi.. E. P.
, Mukant\of Alidalebury iiusamit [TAM*, whkii
tiniror2ut bathActin* wherever used. Th.
wrrtkd~ '4 ,a curet
vweetiiiid,chol se asd kre iiv ,, duraleliv . ad rig . la
I c ' ; ' 4 t. fa.
N . boltnr y
fir , 7 4 ..i i r i ,=, 4 1 ; 1 ..
a., Pip.,,annoll:verlid oniirginer. wing,
iuivi for, convering grater (ma. rynngs, or, beg vidninte.
.n abut.. hirnished le is of all sing, and ran tie far
ad-brit ail... Ilion half the prier of leein pipe t.
ivdhilirigh - •
'4, • \ Wilkinsburg Academy , i. • ..-
. 1 1..(rand\Ptnal , , Engti , h iknol 'o4trii/d - Selact:
. 1. wasjwsicu.i, tt1....1....i ( ~ Criii; iall :' •
2,ANIE9 \ 4IISTON. A: Ai., Paucipai?
tilip, N S INSMITTION witijia4c•ri for 04
x n6l.tica ( , ry.upiln (undo arid . v•u10),'031 IIoaALT,,
641,1.4 lu. 'II' mum> ,IllatreillOil tatoptillif id/
ltu• braucar• lau t alL tti Iv![ Audaukioiks azASesulau.
r 1.4 II I nnij. tiou• wi le glvxn lu ull hrinchnilodieltitug
a Mew, 110 YThuot ruwi4.l with al extclutrolveul
0 a luol.l. Phd.,mAsra, :quint'. mul Aftroapmleal ik
h,. ...r05u.. ro4 eirrt i tla.,.., ,, tuttiluglUlt purtit.lrisul
IMlT,l7 thVgsMr l . - -I \ aufadAecoi:4l&6` '
\ Fire Seel Mr
~i rifth
4,1 Tt,ie li. 1.101,4tE11*
, 19K P 4ixtl:Zi',f' , ,t
ii - `;:t 7. 4N:j' ti:3
eurk.f i n:
.01, N A ..111:.1.0.5
seri lent yu . o of
lleo novi;;:e7.l-I;itirit,
In It. For P.tical r ,
nug d7t.r
ontlthtel to ukt, rot
a, ota Or beton, t
EZIO the amount, sit
J ti.seNTE:ELeA.;:v,
Wall Paper and.
Mind, Market
fietn-ru, 0 gt
I NI/ 1.101:ERF,
B .L I Wien a. tan herd'
th. les - 3, of the too.
. ~,T
b‘ . .:l . ;:7: j o h i: l
, 111: : : '
,no. 7 :
bu l
rl e 1: 4
:i .
r : r
: :::: :,s p i ; i:
iblIN IL 7$l . L
u 1 . , !...0 1.,, 4 tb,.f
1 ,4 .17.1iZi... WiVirry r e
'Lao Z. horarra dim
I•YroLch. lor thee:
.... 001 - 13 - ;' • , •
Why do hammer Myee
Dirment Hero Cm Wei
hod., Byerly's.`,ll
Lill, Norter'e toor"e•
Grua. Syracuse-. Volhol
130 tat. bys. ."
C. hue. choler Tobscou,
f KM, Milken L Clods
11m. HavCnat T=
om. andlll'4
rn t.gaithaCcene:
• 3.1 Cho Ceculle;, '
11=11 . Dipftel
No heir, Groural Fcriesh 1100
• Iholcesle erten hr
Noel. tem hor.2ll . oeal sod Fb 411: -
o k f 'l N E E L W D T : L a r., re a !e vs,
us. • h thee Ittrlc ho atteutlou of their CliliOlaCi• mud
buyers petterally. air During the hecurn theT will so
otier sot Ilse of tb• mon &Arable new. eir la hf pacdc.
utairthuolo acte, aceortsctent fCr auchaarech *ad sr
Fa- cash cut
IVEW P4LNTS *A_T 12}0.--OpeninkUlie
11 morph, hu aesorloieht of new Styhc O.
04u:ranted ract" . • - ,
\ lUB:ti' L /11111C1H/CLID.:
JUST RECEIVED, fTbn2 the Phillipaville
cloth r.thrr—a.C4) yak sod 0 ib,l iirhhr Pot , .
nnt °laced CstrlaualCloth. IV - eine - Ur Cho anent= of.
whoJurale golicra lot arelag. mach:facture= toAtuctborth
Belicht—they ...II nail 0. oi tbetrihiraataueluxnfretnallitg.
55 we arrcletcroune.l tu`c 011 se ghat au artlele at ar Itur—
t? lose r.-
t gh-rlf9 '( . l . ."‘
aug"..s) \ itat 9,14:301P
ilred • largalot oflsu4al"kr
re" ralihrshadturof cohor t se
11f giant
.1 so,f Y Co. Lire nth roc
Itooth Morin., or tto moot a
Pooroosly [(TU. rßtafl t/
EW SlLKS—ltee'd tl4O day i ,l7 7-*-I— kteatitafll
II la to DIM style Silky CEeks; 'rt
st ' fittattlt:),
NEW BONNETS' AND RipsoNsz-7,_ S.
.4..„ •YaS -Cu ' tiara .I.'o/ low la <4 utsisoas
sa.lll , .onet Itibb...n 9, lee: 14U% tjtee sellletletepee,
• .
Onk COLL . .-lISS, of. ty;? 4 ;;:i
.4•3 t • •••3°•lfulgirritbartelki*.P.
gfiuioNs: RLBBONS:-:,-We ari'ofmning
- ~,Zi`:', ' :\ ' `\ ! , ''''' ''''',46ll,l° l ';.t , enat t yr- ,
DIAIN ACK S I 1.5. S :,-11.11:11.19 &'
. ( 1- BV.Snriar• lokt rted • W. 414 it.rts4bit \ .
Ikk s.___ Silk t, 'tom ?.. to rtyrt. Su 4 DtlYtf,..lll4a . -trr s
t.callsto4 lakt,tt t. froze them. mil ,_,,
: 11,14,1 P , D.N,LAINES.A111iiio N 1 \ \
00,i.,,,,a4r;:cmrtza tturigrttrk . ,t 11.niges , , t, , \ :
• S \ \ \
\ \
\ 1 1 , ,,:
• Sudire4olaatid . : - . Liquid CUtiCle,i
XII f§ ARTIC:LE ili intendedforfiunitPne,
A1 , 1 , 01+7041 hCl:ittadia ttintia e ,, rT.E.....
I y It.e 1.0. Atiebirks - 4 - bo io nct :mr sT t rygi , er a
, : \i M aTtiZl,l4 t7Wil L rlii h ht=g;ntl,4o:l4;S '
Qat thaw, I vit., hat trial 1n.:1..,T)“..q.-
ai ct[l.l:,' Illgt VW . ; b., ”nd ,,,, 5 , ..14 h .. 14 fi " .
,ifits. ? ter. ti,.. n I .lut PI letlic•l4,ljr.9l:fill./12,441..,,
r'4ol" N t g . jr:TTl , otiVV=l ' ireErlagt7s3
t l o l t> r " e C , " t l :;4 7. Vr.11111.trA,13,17,1",1L
. 4 '"' “ . t . T . .IvP: ZlAlhtlytßZ, k 4 : il-' x.::
\ \ .. r -A,..rp.0.: v h; b: -•• ' I
• „,
.._ ,I L
~,,,',,,,,\'‘ ; \o\4,lL4l:ll'3l,lL:ia.tif;liTiLi',,:,"''l:ll47.,,,,,til.:-.:;
For oodol4 A , gg• ei+ n treats r c 0.,.
[ it po-aupereq, ter nr• b •
suit% • A \
o. P. EL Juan. Bpi,
pze , ig . ! L
la me s sale litt3lol
\\, •\