The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 18, 1851, Image 2

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priinds 'l .
. o Setoff and Johnston.
. Attention!
1;1 The attention of the friends of Sarrr,
.losurrog, ithiPsournox. gnu:hail counts. L..o.oint
lr,orgedto the imports:ice or a thorough °ra4olw. Of
fbe Ibtrodlist of Chiba; In •
every elaitlon dlifirfet. fro . the
1... WM the sowing:Meta of Cifonnitttead of Vigilance.
to we that every Mend of Sant and Johnston Ls assert.
'ilia that-those .bb Moraitit ft am ustnsallsed, and that
'rests voter derosit , big ballot on the Second Tuesday of
October asst.
The folleVing Cnannlnes on Kenna Matins habeen,
V% IL!! Lratf t r y. ll 7i onr fat; X. Kir IX L. Jrz,
A., Lloth Cent. P. Addenstrikel. gintbal,Dr. J. 1:.
Wtn. Welknr, James loorph *AAR.
i" - ur outer of the Ocrunty.C.a.aftw.
Alielheny County • Scott and Johnston
• •
I♦'lel#b 2 P.
• - 'Steeling will be held in the
'borough or 801aq, thallth of September
-Bait, at 2 itelt.k •
. At.nonnitown, 2 " 4 "i'l' b " M. 2Pl° M '
At tilsarpabarg, To:oda, 18,1 r
At Sfewietley.. Wintnealay, - 17,2 "
Babson., Thinsodii7. "
At fag " " •
At /tenant:ea. Benrilt7 , " ."
'WWI. Mintlay. " 22, 7 "
-Al Ezekiel filineei Mill. Bost Deer township. Mond.).
to. sanAlp, on
smalay, Sept. i SW, at 'J P. DI.
tt elltents,ihat , :n Isnoniihition Nyealnewlao, 21th.
At B
o) as • h fdleannintrit',llNl, Moon fownehip, on Thur.
Elßstrontinisday, 26th, .t P. 11.
-"At Jer Plapkintores, Pine townsisip, on Friday, 2ittli,
• At John Daman', Baldwin township, on Paton/to , 2Ah.
Willdanitinne, vsMooday, 2910,01 2 P. M.
At teswitistaville. ". 7 "
• forma rezone, Jefferson township, on Tunday. Dinh.
s .41 Clinton. Floats: Woman:a ITedisesalay,(ktobtr Ist,
-At Parrystllle. Thursday, 24, at 2 ,
At notion Wili.. tipper Ps Clair township..., Frt.
IQ, at 2P, IL
Al Unary Leiarea, Turtle Brett, ins Potosi... , n 1
It. . ,
Ac townahlii. on nelday, 7)0. al
At 16 :late leineo !ninny:, Robin.. Township, 01
Matatar.latb. at 2 P. IL .
At each at than niestins, our Mood+ will be whitened
tai . s i u r bltet4nispostant ihe groat risßal interests of
ilur Maras In ea"h tiegion district of the county, are
tiansested SO organise, alai b ring ay u s eseoted
sail WO. arnonewnients to all o to ttio
polls. By oiler of •
.A LijX•rts COMYMICTION.—The New Vork Sun
is trying to throw' upon some of its cotempora
.lite a share of the fearful responsibility and
'guilt. of instigating the sate expedition against
Culla. It is. well, and we may hail
, even this
ungrateful. sign of iepentanie as a good omen.
8o fni as the Men who were concerned in that
-foray ! ere .held up as "patriots," so far were
':-tbeY encouraged to go forward., bud others
COataged to join them. Even in this city, there
'" . irese_piund. men baseenough to attempt to get
an excitement in favor of that piratical enter
.. prise, hoping thereby to make themselves popu-
And had.the enterprise been successful—
Ittronld hare been int had been welimanag.
it..-41tbotigtt none ihelhestillainous, then these
men whii are now trying to book pot of it, would
Woe elahned, great credit to thimeelven for the
part they bore in it, even if it were nothing more
'than ruching a harangue tit a meeting, as Col.
Now we hold that success, or the want of suc
cess, does not affect the moral aspect of the
—question in the least; and as these men - wonld
have triumphed aye!. us, in case of the. success
of ,the iturnsion, so we contemtibey ought to be
*ad to p strict and severe scconntabihiy at the
• bar of Pnblic4inien, for the deplorable result
follinied their false and inflammatory a • •
• Olds to. the patriotic feelings of the' young and
tboughiless. The blood of those young Men rests
upon times whose lying reports and inflammatory
harangues indimed them to violate the laws of
their own country, and lovade the soil of a
neighboring nation. •
• ;There in realms to believe that this attempt
upon Cabals the work of a bend of cold-hesried
~ .atol desperate speculators, and broken-down
'politicians! The plan was to get up a revolu
tion. at all - lisearis• That done, and a provision
al goverment established, the war would be
„ fairly commenced. Then any "quantity of the
script of ihat provisional government would have
been issued, as was done in Tette. This script
would have been bought in the United States at
'an enormous discount, to fqrnish the means to
earty on the War; mid, then, after the indepen
dence of Cuba should be established, or, as
would be Mare probable; after its annexation,
tldsscript world command fall price, aid large
fortunes Woati thlis pt realized by' the cunning
operators. Ibis, ardent young men, who have
ebme patriotisin, would be palavered into a will
ingness to take the kicks, while tie
era wonld quietly pocket the coppers. Glory on
one aide, golden the other. It has been a fail
ure, liowever„ and while some men have lost
their lives, others have lost their rootugy, and
• the glory in departed from both.
\f,: ) . ,, Wst. Mut! NtraS, son and farmer partner of
late . E. !plea, Ek., editor of Niles' &glee',
hanaonte thought of reviving that arab:table pub
. 'initial. We areglad to hear it; and trust.that
- he will \ reeelie -encouragement to warrant him in
going forward with his important enterprise.—
. Each a publication, in which every thing per
taining to unr'riress as a nation thatl be col
lected and plwserred, is a great national desid
'pretties. -It hart test, a full and complete con
temponumourt.histerrer the enuotty—interest
to the mess'of the preS'ent time, and will be
• still more eiZio those of fature generations.
As we fetr:tbe Poe 'Lleondo to deprive um et
Black's speech at the .Coba - meeting in this
city, as the next best thing we can do"to keep
the mempry. _that great affair alive, we give
the folleurieg aCool:into! it from the letter of the
Pittsburgh_correspondent of-the Erie 'Gazette,
. .
Soma& patriotism ought not to be suffered to
. .
":11,0rate so sudeenly as this would do, bat for
our efforts to preserve it.
Prrrsecata Asg .30 ' 1851.
G.--Fire Eating is one of the common. :
ph nowerdays, almost grown 'into cants
but fo thatiwell represses the -fever imps.;
• triotism, that sort of intermittently attacks the
choice leader" of the democracy. These dainty
fingered leaders of the .untenified saw, or
thought they saw antra chance for stirring op
this fever 'in the Cuba again, and the plan be.
tog carefully developed, who should• bring on the
atizek who guide the.ravings when the fever
was on, and who step in with ,anodynes to Cool
the over-heat, our eyes were greeted yesterday
with the filet symptoms of what was coming,
in a large ;placard well pelted up at every cor
ner of the street, beaded in the largest of wobd.
en type, 'Cuban Liberty!' Below was the epread
eagle. beta* in his WADS 'God and Liberty,'
- and loeldng down savagely enough updn the an
., sotaseentent 'ID Americana had been infamously;,
-...ratoudylsatcherell' 'Everybody' wee to come and
oheer to the 'indignation' expressed by half a
dozen of the choice leaders whose names w
paraded as speakers; knowing what sort w er e '
time they intended to have.. Of coarse we were
there—rs democrat was put in the chair; half" a
-' doundeinnotateas Vice.Presibente, and as ma
lty see;"[ niece, elf loco*, immediately took their
seats beside him; and they were ready—but up
jumped one of the honest few among them, and
• said 'he didn't notice at first, bat thought the of
. • licenlirere like a jughandle, all on one side,and
would move," but he conillse—democracy grew
rampant, anti hissed him down. The committee
on resolutions were sent out, and Col. Black,
who. wee to do the pathetic, and call down • the
vengeance, came on to the stage, and at once
bounded.into the 'horrid and infamous butchery
of 50 Ainericen citizeni At first over-wrought
pantoafireee, the words .butchery,' 'our banner
of sthrs,' 'liberty,' /to., was all that could be
seen or heard tram the outside of the crowd.—
He scan warmed up at the stamping of the cho
sen guard about the stage, and - launched forth
• into a sprain of bombast that I never heard
equalled, Sock fustian I never saw offered s
crowd before, or to speak plainly such a mass of
bald lies either. He knew it was untrue, but
said we brothels, American dame, were info.
• _.,.pisiosiy shotorithout trial, and their bodies snips
end tut into the gutters where the sow wallow
. edl The blood of tightens., Abel calls from the
ground for 'vengeance ! flow could the Spanish
• -authorities know but they were
rying the word of God to the heathen.' etirrionoriee, ear-
When the resolutions came in the crowd ware
ready to affirm almost snYtithjig, and then. fall
short of the madness of .their speakers. A ees
bat& of resolves, condemning the outrage,
pointing settle ...destiny of free-America," and
affirming our right to help the down-trodden,
• . (not et lute about the half million 'of black,
• • 'dates whose oppression the yeti, of Spain holds -
•.,'„ls.n..isomparison with ;) were reed with hee c
-.'.baVt.tie closing on
nit en e, to support our own
if, duties, :was just the one these exalted
41)etrititstifittot *ant there 1 It was innnedi
' lltitiriruirie4 to strike it .off.. The cro the bouthat
wd began
iqh;to the meaning of sit
yelled of the.gpasthers, and : when the
yelled otit shove the din, "shall it be
strie'jkott off?" pre tempeek "no no rt was
destfitaing. Thi chairman; Its sPitit.of tiro,
clued " the ayes have it!"—":No! no!" 'Mutt Is
untrue!" get down frian_there!" "hurrah for .
Cuba!" The question was put and Yost several
times. ,A liberal Democrat got up and was yell
ing to be heard, amid cries of " order ! order !"
quest i on !" tt put:him down!" while a fellow
on the stage, more than "ber at es over," kept
tipping back;rardsandforwards with true drunk
en grace. yelling in the speaker's face, " care,
you an American citizen!"
The "fever" had got beyond control, the pa
tients were running mad: a happy thought
struck Mr. Bigler Dallas to start up the band.—
that would quell the et:Ault, and silence Mr.
Liberal ! It was done—the crowd marching off
to the inspiring strains of "Yankee Doodle,"
perfectly satisfied with the exhibion of. Locofoco
patriotism. Now what do the Locofoco leaders
expect to reap for such labor? What • they did
expect they need not own, but they gained the
contempt of the sensible of their own party, and
the "laughter and hooting" of every body else.
• s
When men (as Locofoco leaders will, who care
not a breath shot utruo Liberty,) will raise, and
make a political citspsw oat of every bubble
th rown on t h e surface, they deserve the execra
tion and contempt of, all honest people.—the
hissing of Christendom For once they have reap
ed as they have sown'
ally announced that the exhibition will close on
the 11th of October. A letter from Edward
Riddle, Feq., U. Commissioner under date of
London 2 0th ult., makes the following mention
of the practical interest taken iu the exhibition
by various governments of Europe:
••Austria has supported a corps of thirty Bei here ; besides ten Commissioners,
whose duties hare been confined to making draw
ings, specifications, and reports of what was use
ful, new, interesting, or wilhable in the Exhibi
tiou. Sardinia has sent over sixty three of the
most intelligent young men from her workshops,
paying them for their time, and defraying their
expenses, that they might have whet of good
could he gained in their varions arts from this '
great store house of the world's industry.—
Turkey has a body of young engineers, shrewd,
clear headed, practical men,whose investiga
tions, if measured by the attention they have
given to every ingenious piece of mechanism
in our department, cannot fail to he most sal.'
utary upon the industrial progress of their
country. Egypt has two of her officers now
fornearly a month investigating what would be
likely to turn to good account there. Russia,
Norway, and Belgium are supporting' each a
body of artisans among the numerous articles of
moving machinery in the building; while Frank
fort and others of the Hance towns are collecting
every kind of statistics, through men. of emi
nence they have sent, for comparison and publi
The same letter has the following Interesting
statement of the estimate of value placed upon
American contributions by the people of the Old
Our cotton gins will be introduced into tw
countries of Aala, two of Europe, and one of Af
rica. Our means of cleaning the long staple cot
ton of the-sea islands will be introduced into
Egypt. Grain reaping by machinery will be
come in a few years universal in every countr
,of Europe. Our labor saving machines will super
cede hand labor in many bratiohesin England
France, and Belgium. Our new method of lap
I ping cotton is within the last month introduce
I from the Exhibition into the mills of Lyons.
Our aandle-mould machine will cause the of
process to he entirelyimperceded The Atte
ilea leg, hiown and used over the world for twe -
ty-five years, according to the acknowledgme t
of every eminent surgeon of England and
Continent Who has examined it, must now giv
place to the. infinitely superior ntethanism of
Palmer's patent limb. The revolving pistols
,of Colt, a contraband article in England, and in
, capable of being sold here, have, by order of the
Lords of the Treasury, been tarnished to every
officer 'who has recently gone to the Caffre war.
The'gun-primer of Maynard, the meet .efficient
and practical improvement upon the musket and
Carbine yet invented, tendering the same body
of men more than twice as powerful in action as
before, though here less than a week, is already
exciting much attention from officers connected
with the ordinance. The mineral paint of Hous
ton, of Vrginin, will supplant white lead for ma
ny purposes where it has hitherto been used.—
In fact, then are few articles which we hove sent
bore' which have not brought with them anew or '
improved Idea: To say nothing of the endless
purposes for which we are nsitaghtiontchouc and
gutiaperolos—subjects of constant . surprise to
visitors—the wood plait:Ling, tonagiog and groov
ing °Wahine of Woolworth, the centrifugal pump
of Gwynne, the stone-dressing machine of Moray,
the presses' of Dick, the fire safe of Herring, the
lathe and loom from Lowell, the bell telegraph
of Brooks the piano-forte of Chickering and
Hewes, the rail-wheels of Shattuck, the surpas
singly accurate measuring. instruments of •Pro.
teaser Bache, and the new motive-power of Er
ricson, are all destined, either to be brought into
immediate use on this side th e ocean, or to sug
gest i n arts and manufactures ideas of great
practical utility. Theseire but samples of what
we have brought, 'and which are now beginning
to be appreciated. I might specify many others
equally important, 'and as practically useful.—
But I mention these to confirm what I say, that
I can find In no foreign department in this great
Exhibition, either in number, or importance,
any comparison irl labor-saving; iugentous and
perfect machinery, in useful invention, or in new
principle, among all that each exhihite,,with that
which is exhibited by our contributors]
Short Speaker —Good Ezamples.—Juilge Dun
mu, in s recent address delivered at Cita kebarg
on hit return as Commissioner from
great London Exhibition, time Were to hie vial
to the British Perlin's:kola end the Courts of Jos
"I was present on-one occasion in the lionse
of Commons, when a measure came up, which' in.
volved the whole financial policy of the Govern
ment, land the. state and condition of all the in.
dastriid classes. It was abated by the Prime
Minister, ; Lord Johris Reagan; the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, Mr. Darsein and a great many
other of the leading members. The debate ppen
ed at nix o'clock, P. M., and closed at 12, when
the vote was taken and the quettion settled.
Thus, ins debate of 6 boon, a great measure
was disposed of, after a discussion no frill, that
every one present wastiatisfled that all had been
said, on both sides, that the subject required.
Yet a measure, of a similar character, in ; the
American Congress, could not have been dis
posed of under six weeks' constant discussion.
1 wasforeitily struck with the close adherence of
the English speakers to the subject of debate.
Therelwas nothing extraneous or redundant; no
flourish or 'ornament; but that which seemed to
Characterise the speaking particularly, was their
practical good sense, and an ability for
condensation. Yet they are in owns respects,
not good speakers. Their manners are cold,
without action or fluency. They hesitate and
stimmer, and frequently seem to be at a loss.
"In the courts of „justice, ;the same brevity
and condensation prevails. in the sPeeehes of
the Barristers, that distinguished the speaking,
In the }Torment commons; and the Judges, who
seemed to be a learned, dignified and hard-work
ing net of men, deliver their oplolocui so concise
ly and yet, so distinct and clear, that the minds
of the most ordinary persons present can under
stand them."
Were this example adopted in the American
°egress and American Courts, it would be of
inestimable value to the administration of gov
ernment and 4fjoatice.
Istrosermi Menots.soits.—An opinion has
been expressed that the importations of foreign
merchandise this year iyere much leas than those
of the preceding year. The following, apthentic
facts in the case are published In the. National
Intelligencer of yesterday:
During the fecal year ending the 80th of June
1861,the _. as receipts from customs were About
560,000, i i 1,
From the lst of July to the 6th of September
the receipts from this source will compare as
1860, about $12,200,000
1861, about- _ 11,700,00
Decrirato $OO,OOO
There iB a decrease in 1851 during this period
at New York-of about $900,000, and an Increase
at each of the other port■.
At the ports of New York, Boston, Philadel
phiAand Baltimore, during the first week . in
September, the receipts were as follows:
1860 $848,543
- 1801 946,658
ayeee of the 21:kinet says:
—Judge McCaleb. of the 11. B.District Court,
bits tendered his decision lathe case C.M. Ruth%
erford and the Independent Towboat, Company
against the eteamehip Ohio, in which it will be
remembered !lathe libellants sued for $82.000,
the alleged value of the towboat Diana and the
propeller Colonel Stanton. which she had in tow,
both vessels having come in collision with the
steamship Ohio at the Southwest Pas. in January
last. Judge McCaleb reviews the whole case,
sod his decision fills 29 pages of foolscap paper.
We have only space &torment for a brief notice
orit. The decision help favor of the Ohio, the
Judie being of opinion that the collision was
!wised by miemanagemeut on the part of those
who.had charge' otthe towboat Diana Judge
meat Is therefore =dared agelnetthe Independ
ent Towbosi•Compeny and in fevdr of the Ohio
'for s24o',lhe amount of danitge received by the
Ohio, as proved bythe ship builders who repair
ed her.
= wßut xiiirrato.
:At A Whig. meeting, - held In theboraxgh of
McKeesport, on the lath hist, R. H. Sheldon
was Called to they - Chair, and John Rowland ap
pointed Secretary.
After the object of the meeting had been sta
ted, a committee of three was appointed, con-
Aging of James E. Buoy, John Rowland, and
R. H. Ramsey; to report resolutions expressive
of the sense of tile meeting.
The Committee reported the following prem..
Lie and resolutions, which were unanimously
Whereas, We are profoudly impressed pith
the conviction that the approaching guberna-
Ronal election is of unusual importance tr. our
State, Inasmuch as it involves am success or de
feat of to present inlmistration, which has so
effectual ll wiped out the blot of possible repudi,
anon and given us a hope that Pennsylvania may
at some Altura day befree from the enormous
debt that now oppresses her, by faithfully pay
ing the interest, and over half a million of the
principal, without any increase of taxation.—
And, .Whereon. Our worthy Chief Magistrate,
Wm. F. Johnston. who bad so wisely, and with
so much credit to our State, for the last three
years filled the Executive Chair, is a candidate
for re-election.
I. Resolved. That we use all honorable meltns
to Secure this result, es we have an increased
and abiding confidence in his wisdom, capacity,
and statesmanship 7
-2. Resolved, That in the creati on of a Sink
ing Fund for the payment of our State debt, as
well as in the protection of American industry
we recognize a policV that meets oar wannest
approbation as Pennsylvanian..
3. Resolved, That it is the imperativS duty of
all. to consider, candidly and dispassionately the
interest of Pennsylvania in the fate of those two
question. of policy, and to cast their votes iu
accordance with these matured convictions.
A. Resolved, That we believe the labortlig
man, the mechanic, the farmer and the manu
facturer, in voting for William F. Johnston, seek
their best interests, by thus sustaining thepobry
of a Prottrtive Tortff.
5. Resolved, That in voting for W. F. John
ston the Property bolder has the assurance of
the past to inspire confidence in the futuri.
Resolved, That view of these facts we
form ourselves into a Club, to be called the "John
ston Club of Mc Keaport," and Witte the co-ope
ration of all in the vicinity friendly to the re-e
-lectiosi of W. F. Johnston.
• Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet,
ing be published. R. 11. SHELDEN, Pres't,
John Rowland, Secretary.
For the Pattlatryh Gazette
The following problems in commercial compu
tations were solved by the students in Duff's
Mercantile College, at their Axamination on
Thursday last." Those of our mercantile friends
who were not present at the examination, will
form from them, some idea of the nature and
extent of the training for business to which the
students of this institution are subjected :
N., 0. and P., 'partners in business, paid into !
the concern as follows :
N. paid in $2460, and drew out $985. 0
paid in $2665, end drew oat $424. P paid in
$2BBO. and drew out $lllO.
- At the time of dissolution they owe $4595
They have merchandise on hand, valued at
$l4OO Cash, $lB4O. Notes, and book debts due
them $2210 Their expense aeconnt is debited
for $1286. Their merchandise account is debit
ed fur $40,050, end credited for $39,500. Their
profit and lees account is debited for $1665, and
credited for $l5BO. Each persotrishares equally
in the gain or loss. The books were kept by
single entry. Required the balance due each
partner at the time of dissolution. Solved by f 1
1.. Norton:
Three partners, C., D. and F.., have paid into
their business as follows :
paid in $l2lO, sod drew out :$616,24. D
paid in $2OO, and drew out $B2B, E paid in
$lOOO, and drew out $412,12. • C. was one
balf,-.E. three-eighths, and D. one-eighth in
the Baia or lose. They had oash,' nierchandire,
and other effects, 'bleb C. and D. agree to take
ats262l, arid allot E. to 'retire from the busi
ness. Required the balance they must pay E
on retiring Sated by Ilarman Veeder.
There can be on difference of opinion concern
ing the shocking siTair welch occurred at Chris
tians on Thursday—the :resisting of a Merl of
Congress by s band of armed negroes, whereby
the majesty of the Government was defied and
life taken in one and the name act. - There is
something more than a mere ordinary. something
more than even a murderous riot in all this. It
ism act of insurrection—we might, consider
ing the peculiar class and condition of the guil
ty parties, !amain call it a servile itiaurrectioti—
if not, also; one ofltreason. Fifty-eighty—pr
a hundred--persons, whether .white -or-black,
who are deliberately in arms for the purpose of
iesisting the law—even - thelaw for the recovery
of fugitive slaves—are in the attitude of levying
war against the United States; and doubly
heavy !wahines the crime of murder in such a
came, and doubly sdrious the accountability of
all who have had any connection with the act so
advisers, sUggesteres, countenancers, or necessa
ries in nay way whatever.
Along with the first account.of the atrocity—
that which we publishetU, yesterday morning
-was a report that it originated in consequence
of come of "the leading absolutionists" advising
the negrots to •stand their ground"—that la, to
resist—to arm and 'fight. We are no friends or
apologists of the abolitionists; but we must Bay
we feel it difficult to believe there can be any
• - - -
foundation for such ii dreadful charge. Were
it the bedlamitee of more northern regions—the :
Garrisons, the Abbey Kellys, the Frederick Don- ,
glasses, who have made the name equally-ridic
ulous and odious-4ere it the theatrical and
atheistical crackbrai. Who .declare their inde
alike of the laws of man and God.
against whom the accusation was made—it Would
be credible enobgh, becapsethey have continual.
ly preached such doctrines, and been proud 14. ,
be abused, or laughed at, on account of them.
But we are not aware there are any fanatics of
this class in Pinnitylvanio, and we should nev
er have thought of looking for them in Lancaster
county. Nevertheless, this charge, haring been
made, ought to be investigated, as it assuredly
will be, in the most exact and rigorous way, so
that full justice may be done against all engag
ed in this most eeditious and sanguinary tumult
While we thus doubt, however, the direct com
plicity of the abolutionists or any other advis
ers, we must say that we can find, or fancy, a
sufficient cause for the fearful act in the iota
' moos party tactics of the Locofooo press of the
State, which, ever sips the passage of the ad
justment measures, has endevored to identify the
Whip with the abolitionists, and has never ceas
ed in particular to charge them with,-God save
the mark!—hostility to the Union and the fugi
tive slave law! In this work of pitiful and unnat
ural calumny the Pennsylvania has always been
prominent, as, indeed, it took the Oa lead in
the game. It has never hesitated to betray the
interestssir to defame the citizens of the Com
monwealth: it bas shown a specialttetivity in mak
men -
ing Southern believe that:tho good 'ptate of
• Pensylvania was full:of agitators, enemies to them
and to the Constitution and Union of the States.
It has never reaped to charge the Whigs' with
hostility to the slave law, and opposition to Its
execution. This perpetual ding-doug of calum
ny has been wasted on white men, who under
stand its supreme. falsehood and silliness; but it
seeds to have made an impreseion on the minds
of, the poor 'ignorant blacks—ea It was, in fact,
natural it should. For a whole year they have
been accustomed to hear the Locofoco party or
grins represent one half the people of Pennsylva
nia as opposed to the fugitive slave law and its
execution. lilt eurprising they should, in turn,
begin to fancy, that their •opposition toil, e‘en
with guns and pistols, with violence and blood
shed, would be rather approved of thanfound . fault
with? In short, crime Is a plant that never
springs except from seed; and It is neither an un
just nor a far-fetched Idea to charge that -the
genii' of this atrocity of the Christiana treason
and murders may be found in the unnatural game
attempted to be played by the Press of the Loco
foco party'lnPenusylvania--Norti Am,.
The same paper adds
Tue fiterwßior.—We learn that Mr. Ado:need
the District Attorney, Mr. Roberts, the• Marshall,
and Mr:' Jones, a special Commissioner of the
United States, left in the care last night for
Christiana, for the purpose of making a strict
official Investigetion into the circumstances con
nected with the bloody affair of Thursday, and
taking such other steps as may be necessary to
bring the'offenders to justice.
In this connection it is proper to correct no
error in our reporter's account yesterday, in
which it was stated that Mr. Gorsuch was at
tendee, among other official personages, by two
United States officers from this city. Thie, we
learn, is not:true. Neither Mr. Roberta nor any
one oriels deputies was called upon to serve the
process, which was entrusted to other .hands
nor had they any knowledge of It, or of the riot,
until intelligence of the latter was received on
Thursday evening. Had the process been con
fided to them, it is poeeibie the event would have
had another and far less deplorable termination
ISCILLEZ 07 Ts AVEL- —The wonderfid increase
of travel induced by low fere and competition, is
almost Incredible. The Mains are now so heavily
laden over the Central route, from Albany to this
city that it is very ditherat for them to make
- their time and we understand is decided to
run one or two eitra trains through the'season,
far Fill travel, or tillafter the Exhibition of the
State Fair et lout, in order to scant. more
,patch and c prompt connection of the trains at
the different points on the roads, and *oth the
IMO at this plase.(Buffalo Cora- Advertiser.
The papas* of thut machine, which hati been
invented and patented by Mr. J. Brown is to per
form the process of blooming the iron front the
puddling furnace, which is usually done by ham
mering, and in some instance by squeezing; the
object being to squeeze out the cinder from the
puddled ball, and to compress the iron into a
form ready for rolling Into a liar, which Is done 1
at the same heat- The machine consists of three ,
large eccentric rolls, placedhorizontally in strong m 0w ,,,,,,, or run D uro ,. g auww ,......A dew,.
holsters, the centres of the rolh, being arranged crate murder Was committed last Saturday at
in s triangular position, and the bottom roll 1 Columbia Cross Roads, in Bradford county, Pa.
nearly central between the top rolls.. These all
The circumstances are as follows:—A fellow by
rotate in the same direction, and are driven bye
the name of Peters had become in debt to a
centre pinion working
equal size, fixed in the roll spindles. In the pres-
sum-of $lOO
eat machine the driving power .is applied direct A writ was issued for his ap
prehension sad a young man named Pomeroy
to the bottom roll, by means df a large wheel, , leputized to take him'
for the convenience of carrying the :nolo shaft There being a trotting match at Columbia Cross
under the floor, but it could be applied to the Roads, he went there and found tam; n and ea be'
centre pinions, if preferred. The rolls are cast refused to go peaceably,
he was tied and put into
solid with their journals like ordinary rolls and
a wagon, seated' beside Mr Pomeroy
are driven in the usual manner by coupling
Two persona, by the name of Benson, made
boxes and spindles The roll feces are sixteen simile noise and threats about trying the prisoner,
•inches long, nail the bottom roll has strong .d one of the them actually stepped up tothe wsg.
flanges at each end, eight inches deep, between o; cut the rope and handed the prisoner the
which the two upper rolls work. - Imife, which be immeditatelt plunged into the
The object of these flanges is to upset or heart of the Sheriff . Ile Yell over the side of
compress the ends of the bloom as the .jron in the wagon, and was caught by Mr. Saddler and
the operation becomes elongated, and the ends , uelped oat.—Be remarked that he was stabbed
are forted against the flanges, which makes told they must secure the prisoner, secure him
them square and sound. The top roll has a large I well lie then walked a few steps and said "I am
Inlllow, in which the peddled ball is placed by 1 dying, and immediately expired —The Mellen
the puddler, and' this roll carries it around and +OUR made their escape but were caught thenext
drops it into the spare hems,n the three roll, . day and all three are now safely lodged in Tow
' this space being at the moment at its largest 1 s od,, jail —[Elmira Gas
capacity. The three . projectiog points of the e v....
rolls, immediately impinge upon the hall and
11 kOl. `I oven Tile Potts.—The Courier of this
compress It forcibly on three sides, and giving
inorning learns from a reliable eource, that yes
a rotating motion to the ball, at the same time terday morning, about seven o'clock, a woman
they have a powerful kneading action upon the ~ tell into the water at the edge
of the-Horse-shoe '
iron , .'i u "' tu li out the cinder ver y, 'ff°"
of-°4IIY• Pall anti was carried over-She was a entry worn
which flown freely away do• down erten si d et he '
well known to all visitors on the Canada aide,
bottom roll. The space between the roll, grad -
and for some yen'rs ha, been a terror to Ladies
wally contracts from the eccentric or spinal form
welting 'done A man was arrested and ex
of the rolls, thereby maintaining an increasing I
!mined on a charge of pushingher into thearater
compression upon the iron on all sides and en 1
hit we undervtand be was discharged, for want
the ends, until it is libersted by the points aim-' of -.admire Ile alleged that the motion made by
ultaneously posing the bloom , which falls down
Lim , and which were thought ' s° be made in posh
and is dischirgel by the machine at the stime i
mher over, were only attempts to save her Still
moment that another hall is dropped in at the
come by menders think they plainlyeaw him shove
top of the machine The, projecting teeth mil the
creature into the stream..-[Buffalo
the surface of the rolls .eist this action, by .. li Air, Ilti
seizing hold of flie iron, anti kneading Into it ns .
it rotates, and these teeth gnitlually diminish In , . w
projeelion, the last portion of each roll being FalllMpOrtation of Harawase,Qntlery, &C.
tinned out
the bloom is consequently. l
in a smooth compact form. The space between
the flanges of the bottom roll is widened for a No. 129 Wood Street,
short distance beyond the point, for the per- I ti.,..r. to rail my attention of Merehants sod others to
pose of allowing the bloom to drop out readily mew teen AT of
and admiring the fresh ball The nine occupied 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC
iu producing the bloom is 12 secende, by the l lIARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C.,
ordinary plan it is from CO to SO second, I IMPORTED Ul RECENT PACKETS,
Considerable difference of opinion was Cu-' to , .alt , ihorlT:nv e v t oraLreit, e te afore.... pace.
pressed as to to the relanve value of iron bloom.
lae - a toil nroortuyent or II tvs - scsiviwateliC S. Axes
ed by the machine and the hammer, some of the 1 ale-is •on h•n6 anslEY
members contending that the machine lapped
the cruder up, while Sir. Cowper and others, I Petroleum:l! i
who had seen the machine at work, held the con- ,
.., i55..r.i.T._",„..1.1,1.17.0,,,nrvid..,6a.i.,,•Pai.
teary was the cave Mr. Slate said that there , e , ..
ti, y•lelnitr therefnre we would thank you tneersl
could be no doubt that the machine was far no „„,,,,,, tee „. i,e the reheeriewtht wane, We ace
perior to the ordinary squeezers. Mr. Eaton , i .,,i, „0. sal B De ` twitist motored for almost every day
liodgklnSbn said that he had entered the room aura, iv...vim, , Jolts Loa° aco
with etrong prejudices agauist the machine, bill flair:nett.. SAWA as . 0 , Marsh IV, 'H.
he was bound to say that the canopies of iron 1 - II Kira—Dear Mr. Yrno Assent • few •seka einne.
produced had removed them in mme degree ' 1:. out, "• ' ,05 doe'''. tt"''' Oil. .bleb w. bass "°l4
Still be doubted if the iron produced was 'tope ' '''''' '"Z r e r i t , e , ta ,2:: et x e d , t 7 u e r ta a eee ', e t t r , ae
„wan W
rise to that made by the hammer . ' The Chair ea ",L e
weer .,
eeethee 7
the Sean them
remarked that it was desirable that the relative it w. SCOTT
,qualities of the iron, and the coat of the differ. ~, „0,. hr 0,,,,, & 0i 5 b, , ,,,g. Hp w„,„, .&,.„,& aC.
ant protases, should be accurately ascertained, enter., I' V/ Wel arse. 0. A Fattlsetsek, A Co, comer
and ha suggested that Mr. Beesley should make V'act ee" ; • l irtrri ilI tt:i ' irs. nn i 7 .z i t:v s itr A . att n ti t ieinft
further experiments and report to a subsequent r „.,,,,., W - Id. KIER,
meeting —Btrratnotam Joornol atilt daecT l'a4lll4.ou.aosalbst..fstab.rstt
war For all hardened lumps, galls, stiff
A t.,i T . PPO9 E : Vinnrlici. —Quite an interest has ' t 'n , t D`l a l • d , Is' 6 . tw 0,, , ....... 6, _ 0 , 0 e .1-:: .,.. , i mi . :. 1 .. . Es ,
.. 6 wl_s 6.6 not ie . :
recently been excited to Camden and Gloucester, " h ` e t t
,a,.°F;e.`„, i ne 4 etah . e. ' th l et
ee 'l mat . iet ' s ' e
et ,lLtw ated
N .1 , among the families of Lippincotta, Price,
er, top, al mad I madly ellesiacass for erysipelas all
Flanage.aa, and Burrough's. in oottitecluture o f rheum ameba ac,Jenlds slat healsehe,siorethrost.asona
the discovery, as they suppose. that they are the ~,,.. lona., rhilhlalos, 0 , . In mankind eept:
legal heirs of one ISWham Jemmies, of Acton
Ipel/e. MAAS ' S SL t re PILLS.—The a. -
Place, London, who died intestate in 17litt, lear
th e , to immense cw ,,, to , , o c00 ,,,i,,, l oco ' ewoc t ~ nov.i.:,i,iic!..m•rii.t.,shi...sieetnea,..vilcin: 0771 to . b;::
annuities, bank deposites, cc.., valued, according
. i ., it
. ._ ,, , ,,,,, "%%7 e, _ ° , ,e ,`",',.
... 4 , 7 1 _
. .y._
to staiement made lif the British authorities, to
reat ,r,, : pht',,,,,,thi'e
s ad
con ' it it, "' et •
a, 7 , "'"" reaw, ' . r t eT we 'at
X 8.000, 00 0, or '540,000, 1 M In addition to when they can obtain It Tallest, lessees. seed not tv
which there is an iron chest deposited with a nal., the •spense of asking oodles' Welk, a they ran
London banking house, and which has not yet poiveio. • but of the carer Pill, with which direction,
bxn opened, said to contain plate, Ear_, of greet fait i.e furni+hal. ankh will work • weds sure The
~„...,„,. ~
.. ,, , ,, , ,,. .. ,, , ,, 77 ,.. . ,. ...7 , ...z ,..d .. lie popularity let the
'able The several cleimants have nailed,
empowered Nlr . I B Price, of Phda felpha„ ' tarn
„ea., hew,,ht
,e . p... L , ,
, 1,„ ,..,
their agent, who has been in Londm for -nine J 01 1 11 aEn —llentlenwn e. nod err no toll a &rest
months. acting in concert with able counsel ,„, ~,,„,„ 'I lie m,. 1 ,,,„„, i.„„ piy, t t, tow , tarn,
there. Late advice, from the agent plate, that 11, with it- Obese Pilo vas rapidly stelae Iv favor, act
the British authorities acknowledge the title to I so have alaost sold .11 that we hal If mu cpsseal us
be vested in American heirs they are therefore tI , ve I , d' .. ace. than
Wes "1 all cps
in confident expectation of being able to make , r,
„e ' 4 ° '.'.. '. a ... aarrlT, t , a j
out the ease. The elriimants have organized, ht
„J. ,t J KIDD a CO . .
end appointed J. W. Cooper, Esq., President. , ~,,,,,,„„, No to. Wood at
arid Henry Curtis, Esq., Secretary .
That veritable citizen, the • pldelt inhabitant,
has never known such continued and opprensive
ly hot weather, as we have etpetienced for the
two week,. While the mercury lines to near
in the shade, and condones from day to day,and
night and day, with bet little variation, all are "'"
more or less scorched and debilitated: and when Citizen's insurance Company of Pittsburgh
we • addihat for weeks we have eeareel .l hail ~ NCOUltAtif . : IiOME INSTITUTIONS
drop of rain or even a cloud, except of dust, we %La Mere No 11 Meter meet, in the waretiotase ore it
should aspect of course to notice, Re we do, the ty
withering effect of this drouth and beat, as well'
in the animal as in the vegetable kingdom. - l iot t o tc
14,7; of th e
Along the lines of travels the best and dust arei)o.tuate..o. aMprded lu the eh..., the limb..
very oppressive, and what wan-green and re
ft - eel:ling to the eye, is now coated over with .„,„, lmexnu
dust, withered and crisped The streams or , '
~ , ,I c s,f,, : ::;:;ln .l . ,„ l "i nli,s l „. ta ta t r Z ,ll l ,,l l l l.l.:t n:
dry, and the !springs and wells in the country itsrt.uab. 5. st. tier. ,
dry, or very nearly. Iduch difficulty is rope 1 ,
rienced in procuring eater for the stock.. All ",
THE number and IJrutidolde character of
iglu of rain, as is usual in a dry season, have is e dieveved este of the liver.
ailed so often, that the wisest of our weather- b„.,,,,,..ann.05eed Inc stteouro of medical men. some
mongers have ceased to predict rain. The aqui a...a under the general term of c...n•
noctial period is rapidly approaching, and if we Aompota. have ie . . o euei..vvvi lovurßhle. end the oahes•
hare no rain previous, we may look for a down- to p.n . . ws , .11,..."1 010. without 'l".ce
pouring of water about that time. We hope the ,1a5"..ip11:,,1:•...:`,t.'7,.h."..°r::::rti hoe e been
corn crop in this region is too far advanced to
be seriously injured, though in many fields it
rnaneterfrom der‘neement of the II•er. 11.•
may be prematurely ripened. On Thursday by Dr 11 . 1.1ne, of Virgin... Jlreetif
a gentleman in thirleity exposed two therroom• on ta.• over, and be eat - reeling its operaticn, and purify.
Bone on the ground' to the direct ft of the it. elate ollt
ts end ef tmt he complalute
nun, one laid on a piece of white cloth, the I, boar ' bolt a , , , l ";: v d
other on blsek . The mercury in that on the ,
i'm'th".bu'r;orrhe " tof the dteese. , -. but Duster arLsos . ,
black cloth run op to 127, while on the white , o f t h e liver
it fell ten degrees short. This loot should in.
and br eleen.inst thsrourdam,arr urtlie imporeetreem.
duce persons exposed to the SUM in hot weather waded, th•nee.oleriv• their extetenve Pot
to wear light colored clothes. • J KIDD i Co * 9.
Corner Vroxl snit Fourth oar,
While in the West and North it remains so in.
tensely hot,we notice that in Alabama and other
parts of the South, it is so cold as to require
tires in the morning.—Ctrs. Gas.
PITTABCAOH act, Elll. RAILHOAD.—The meet
ing of the friends of the PitudiPreh and Erie
Radroad at Springfield Cross Roods on Thurs.
day afternoon of last week, was riCspectfally . at.
tended. Mr. WALKER made one of his pecu
clear and vigorous speeches, demonstrat
ing the importance and necesstiy of the Road.
and its claims to the confidence and support of
all the citizens of Erie county. Mr. Lower re.. j
plied, making some objections to the proposed
mode of prosecuting the enterprise, to which Mr.
W. rejoined in hie hest style, when the meeting
- The citizens of Springfield, and townships ntl.
joining, feel a triendly - interest in the Pitts
burgh Road, and will doubtless stand up for it
with bold hearts' and strong hands-when it shall
be put in a course of Vigorous prosecution. NV,
oonfidently expect, ere long, -to witness the satin
factory adjustment of our !iiVealiirri" Railroad
difficulties, and, as a nee y incident, every
thing moving an "merrily as a marriage hall
• P i
lIERY. will be nu election. eld at the of-
Gov. JOHNSTON Ann PLIL A OLLwilla Woole, , tees,.,,! ~ 1 ",,, c ,,,„0., N ae i g arion c01,pp,.. et
Want of room in yesterday'. paper prevented thv It•000sh el Wsst Newton.. T.F1:JA:;.: 3 1./a dal of
US from referring to the SpOeCh. Gov , . Johns. I '4'"'''„`,.., • ,".,,,;; b •;,..T. " X 0 '. ' r.. " !,d . r0. " rer c. ta1, of . tall'oollf••
too made in reply to that of Mr. Diehl; when,:7,r''elsvitrattor, e,ropanr, roc the ensut. year
receiving him in Philadelphia. The • fl oyernor. " I .`
,Welt. wit. U. NEWLON. sec's
reply was brief, edmirably, , conceived and op Nv...t Nvwton.,tvet. no. ism.—ttepiewere
propriate. —The whole reception:was highly rite, i to Printers. •
ring. It was cordial In the extreme, and den • A ik PRINTING OFFICE, imply supplied
emirates' that the Whigeof Philapelphia are now. witb' aO nee•wisry meow. at. for doing a sat rate
as they alwaye have been, ready to rally with ,
.. 11 ;' , , ,, v0tt,
~," b, 1 n , rr,,...,1','„,.t h„ . " , ,,V;,1nt!,` , 711 ': t u „ t ,','
enthusiasm in defense of their candidates and I ad . f d or ' ssle. The Malarial. are all 10 w.l
o ordsr ‘ ind
their faith. Our opponent. have induntsiounly =',,,NT.:.:ollZ:r;b;:cra„%q:„.4B;n:u. il`,:=l;
reported that there was great disaffection among patent' SSA opening a orb 144.10111orsora for pubic:oho ,
the Whigs of Philadelphia, Why they 'have giv- ."'", .t th'"e'' arpliditwltti
en this report oufrooojr it evident. They Wish , 17 RIESTE VE It NHL LION.--:: oases forma
to,dampenthe fir dor of theWilige of the inte- ,b , I ..b ib i '•'C I WU N • UkKER £ C °
rior, and thus, by stratagem, achieve a viciory Dry Lumber for Bale.
for their candidates and their cause. These efforts I)EsT cuNisION W lIITE PINE LIJNI
are working their own cure. , t 1 Ban. a o 1, arid,ll Incl. !Mack.
opt., S, 4. I. awl I: Inches thirk, iiii Scantling.
Philadelphia ao far from being disaffected, IN i ii e n o osa 1...) and kantlingi and Ora Joist
rallying nobly to the support of our ticket, and i r • p' ra!'ivZ:intotrt re jl ' ir L .
"' f t " h ' . '" h '!" thou it
next Monday night will prove bow deep•seated, Met—Vsomors ot..iliratkr:tie,.l,.,/,‘,T.00,,A.1.1
AN Ninth Ward.
among Philadelphia Whigs, is their devotion to "T'' ' i* ' • .
their principles, end how worm is their attach - 1 " I &
B First Supply 1 ' Fall Goode.
meat to that man, under whose administration '‘,IURPIIT UR lIFIELD have now
so much Ihrts been done for the credit mvd--benefitet iVI otawi thr , r first aupplY of Fon noon, and Melte
of hie native State. Activity and organierition , to- ~:il7l Mete roomer ramtwmer and buyers gep,wadiv.
alone arov necessary. The Whigs of the Borate I-- ''
°I , — _2L.._..._
see before them a noble t R liertmartrin have °pee this morning a 1,11,,,1, of.
prise. That foito i a I_IIILAID ll.laikiONS AND SILKS---Munruy
the election or Gov. Johnston,. end Tlie PERM , , , a ,„,e, n o doneshle gnat. _ sent: _ •
~„ ~,,,,,p,,, or With) saiNcteccs at ria ,
t ''''", f o ll ow " ° r" "d - g lorious„ t re"u ,„ it i ECEIV ED THIS DAY uud now opening
may .0..0w our e..orts now, W.O w il l b e hare- 1 1 1 ~, sem. hitille'S, 111 I.lberty..tre t.
ward' who will hesitate to give as mach of his 1 ~o pieces lane, and black Cataimerve,o ' t th e newest and
time and attention as big State and hi• party liaee ; m ';',',,' p i r,„,„ b. :11 , , ,,, ;: ::;47t:;,,,d ittoins, or we mpg oupertor
a right to expect' —Bar A noi , iron • mointerture
' , co. largest and most apieolld awwrintont of Vesting.
i 'ever brought to ttite city. , ,;•,.
,I, do, Undershirta and.OraWere.
oil doe bee and aularaw• ablna •
A lA.! iiIIarAtASLIA Of
o.lln DE ,
er n y
istai .Lisn
ludntae b rcb a e t k e On
~,r , ,,the r with4ha,yery huge elock
r o ih
w A a DI
o A h a n CLi,l nt on et et h thel m rwa a s h and mot tub p
nub y.
~.„,. ~,, ~,,d a , adapted for gentlemen'• wear, le the
a•wtern country; ell of which the proprietor Is deferral.
,„,, ~,,,,a., .i. W. reri Lowest prwes Pr cash. , ,
.der.o lit the Tailoring Ilhe executed to the tx.t man
to s, and at the Abort..t xmltee nap,'
l lVA.N .r. T o,. .ED lio — ht t , s , i , tia r, a . ti . o . li t t , is ass lnw. istt in t 4.
t oes,iLloariou. young man. Al, w a on:d fl p= f o e ,
, v ,,egi o tner tome men, In or warehouses—or toe
1.,..0rt0s wort to teen or countrY. atm, places weenie
k r
hors at all ages, to gsricore enoroorment
?..,grAlty , i.
L T.” r.,.',',l'.°4'.'d.r-nrd fl'irnt!';'4.°,-t
burrow enteral soma. All W ad. of Pekoes* attended to
for mOdersta chargoa. Kraal can at ISAAC liAlittls' /a.
asitionoa Mee, IM.ra W. •
“TOE Duns CAN SPCA.: "—Nue. Taney, in a
letter to the Ohl!, Statesman, written from London,
go by OPOCtIO privilege to apeod a day
at the Asylum of the Deaf and
,Dumb I called
there a day or two since, and learned what !long
ed to know with certainly, that the Dumb ere
taught to speak. I never was so oviereome with
pleasant excitement in my life. I wonted to Cry
"Eureka,” for I thought how many heart among
those !know at home would daubs for Joy at
the thought. I shall to-day make no thorough
investigations mpl can, and report to you by, the I
neat mall, Meanwhile, say to those who long
to know it, the Deaf and Dumb may betaught to
speak, &mita understand theirfriends" -
~- Wu° sac-"Union":Mits!—Lit the-piiMie re
member, : whenever a Locotoco boasts that their
party throlighout the tonntry itie.sustatning the
Compromise; that every Secessionist who has
beenelected toCongress in Alabama, TOllllo3See,
North CoroGna, or throughout the South in a
Loco, and that all the Secession Candidates in
and Georgia, belong to the same
Pittsburgh Lite insurance Company.
orricE. so 75 FOIRTII STREET.
!1. Mum.
asure NleCIA•l2 m
Trer lAs
A 0.41•04 •
Car • : , • ALI V su..thri ylqt cf tha•
DEED, 4_
I , ,,dneed, e•enlng. NAM W111..11111. Tonnkeet
d.ughter ill Mel , Mazy Metcalf. !ler , funeral will tak•
Owe from the red.boaco of her mother, trod of Fultnfi
.v.,1 cliff at , . thi•wttern . co . n. - o'cloak.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Co.
Ter '.yrn. r, IYtteLurgh. seat. la. IPSI -
,r,„ SUBSCRIBERS to the Capital Stock
.d the a.bovr:Cornpany. who hove not Paid their &rat
irodaiment at $6 per ehaer. will be called lite.n to do .on
r en,r the I.t WM. .O.M"
eepia Trelaures.
t l N : l) .l ° na " a * it S tb l e i t " .. E ti B— ee o t. Tra li nsp tle ar st°e nt !in e „ m ow .
ahadee 10.1 received from the ma f
nufacturer. which we
will rid) wbolreale and retell, all low ...they can Co
ol bught
elmehere J. k 11. Pill LLIPn. T and SI Wo et
LPUTTER -18 kegs for sale by
lIEESE--00 Mixes prime W. K., for sale
PEIOI OIL-17 hbls. for sale by
- 01.AX—Ir2 socks for sale by
WILL open Tnesda4 Evening, Sept.
v 16th, at - the Athaeneodui. L rty striae, FIUTOIf
SIIORESof the hIEDITERRANEAS. dtplatas .11 th a
Kra.d.Mims benutifal and =blithe arguer/ upon -the olaaothel
of the Old World. for nearly thoumnd
in extent. and inonoutood Sr lb* Palk ond pews to S.
br far the mart trnthlnl. comprrheariv• and merthilleetd
pointing ever brought nut In ltd. country. -
Adinlmion 25 contr. Children 15 orate. •
She Petioranut will commence motto. at a quarter be..
far. o'clock..verf we•k•
5000 ?„,R,`'sl.ol u. r d
ror V L A . CORKS
1000l'odBr N S.
PINK—On hand
JD. reei.l.4 arta for rale by
.1. J. KIDD CO.
Just med sraa for Rt. bY (11017) J. Knyp AcA
Anchor Cotton Factory Lots atAnction:
d iN SATURDAY, September 7.lth, will be
i , . - 4,...:tiV`N Y AWAritT=. t t e e= b' strw ...t i.t=t;
Itobineon and beacon etrera t teltt fr r er b t i lront and run.
01. I n v 1 g.x) atnttut of
capitalist's, being frgriTu.?.
nen part of the oily, and in thlllsaatedlate vicinity of the
It cannot WI to advance Iry price for
which b
coon It would nit dirably for A I.IOTEL.
which Is greatly needed in this c l oy . Persons wishing to
ions, money in real estate would do well to It their
attention. as It bi the only property for eale In that vicin
ity, and none Manion to advance faster In prin. It will
he eohl all together, or In lots to snit purchasers.
Terror—One-fourth In hand. the balance to one, two,
. 0 j three years,ewith lobster& to he enured by bond and
toortz3l.:. h1t08.4 BOYLE, auctioneers
-2 !make Berelras; 84 rarke Feit err. h landing and
tor sale by ISAIAH DECICXY 0).
neple • Water and Front rta
Public Bale of Pews.
kNUMBER of eligible PEWS in the Firr:t,
preebytartan Church. !p , tbla city. 111 , 1. oflared at
Me l* ..i.. M ca * r " * cl*".• A. Y.
o k tiler of the Board of irta tree
sif.ols:Gto P. R. vetoneer.
roe ins 09
IN offering to the community' thin justly
... celebrated remedy for di... of the throat and lunge,
It is not our with to Cline with the litres or health of the
afflicted, but frank', to lay before thorn. the opinion. of .
i ..
distinguish , / moo and tame of th e eli de met of Da eh,
cess. from which they can judge for thi'm Ivo.. We gin. ,
rarely pledge ourselves to make no wild Along or false
statemetts of Its efficacy. nor will wehokl ot any hot...
'uttering humanity which facts 'gn l not ot.
Many yr,l's an. here given. and we licit an InquirT
from the public into alt.. publish. feeling matured they
will find chess e pe e ` reliable. and the medicine worthy
their best rood ore and patronage.
L Prom the disllng,uirbed Protege. of Chemistry and Ma..
taricalMedica, Dowdoin College.]
Dein ere i d 11114,1 621.refirl, the ...4A or re' ere-.
Peceoco•earll teedde. op portunity of dimes Da cf.
fromy mr yew
tamp.,or in the tamale. of my friend ,
Thief have now do with a blab deme or eatistactioo.
In ea* both of lulu children.
I have found it, Jo 10 . togradienteshow,ia powerful rem.
'''''.. -ugh'
7?..Z , Vira.7.l:letAli.. m. D.
13R111;Witt, Me., Yob. L. 5.17,
I Prom an Messer in thiltori Mill. In this City.]
Dr. J. C. Are?: I haveheedgcurad of th worst angel I
ever bad in coy life. by yode,..thmaar Prcrout," .od
never fail, wheal hale opportrill of m mending it
to othera.
Lowell. Aug. 10, DOD. 8. . EMERSON.
tie Read the (Wowing. &adage i this edicine Is worth
II trial. This patient bad hemmer tv , i f big, and the ef.
fort of th e medicine wee unosratakea y istinct
V. S. llorri.Pallarisha NW o July ts, 1112.
Dr. J. C. Aura—Sir. I ha l ve been ell .1 with •Irainful
affection of the lunge. and all the q pion. of nettled
comramptima, for morn than • year, I ld bad no me
dial. that would meek my am, until Fornotoeneed the
us• of yoilr Cherry Pectoral, which ga e Me grednal ra
iler, and 1 have been steadily gaining strength unti l .
my health is well nigh restored. While trabkg your me
oldne. 1 bad the mildest/on of curing .I N lk my raver.
end friend,,,Mr. Tram., of Sumpter ehdma •ho bed
been suspended t ra m his parochial du aby slavers at
rack of bronchitis. 1 tia ra carafe d these
' "4'
'''' .l. sic fezr.froz ,P roV " ‘6 c ~..
• The following W. one a the wont of cases, wh the
physltians and friends thought to he la table cone r
Canna. P Aug. TA Plad
.t C. Arta—ekr, I waif taken with - Nu - tibia coma\
gal on by • cal. In the begionitut f last February.
gal vat congaed to my bed for mare •on two months
Coughtua Inoessantly right and day. beetimis ghastly
sold pale. my eyes wars tuaken and gi y,andrus breath
see, short. Indeed. I wait rapidly failln. and In snots an
tra. for Meath that but little hope df e r recovery could
be entertained. Militia Is this situation • (gland of mine,
(the Ray. John Kellar of the glethollst . reh.lbrought
in• a tattle of your 'Larry Pectoral. • .le ts P triad morc
ficoatify tom tharr os an', etPcmglio •of ...Ming r ,
''anonts goalgts, aimed ma to con Moe Its ause, and
found mph di much
. Iqaprot • . Now In three
mogjhr I ism wall and rang,
~i ii i d et t u oributs my rote
ru a jr IV ' *,
. _ ,A f c o . o t r! " '''''
.1 A t S ilPifitglir.'
11.P..75, -. C. AY E . Pranks's-Mery
R.-member. this la the only t. , mote.
Tbie medicine. when argordlog to directions,
derofttly - x
or KitureErell.
' , Cancers. Tumors,
E`ruptions of the Skin,
Evaipelas,Chronle Rom Eye., -
litagrut or Ted ...Beard Read.
Ithennt rim. Pains In the Bones or
Joint. Oldtares and Ulcers, Swelling of
. the tilatr. By hill. Dyspepata, Salt Rheum.
Insesse f th;insys. Loss of Appetite.
' Meow ari g from the um of Mar
b L'ain. in the Sides an
e rs. , (letteral Debility,
Drky . LtiMbUto. Jet..
elf \ land .. , Costivs• • •
THE BEST FE*4 B irrneva /CYO wx,
I.en plea Conumptlet. rrenness.lrrerutar Mermtru
mion. Logorrhea. or MDR In;stinence of Urtne. axed
general gloomy state of n . ' cured be Pr atrogsYs
Ezfract of Al/ose Duck a eargekrika, which gives lag
r; t
mediate relief by renewing h four \la:on of health and
tgnigth—the bkgel It neuXtallres b.% humor. stops
unnatu rd recretion. and g 1 r at y action to ail the
vital novena
. Let all who wish to purge th e 1 frolm the Impurities
contraebed from the tree IndulirenV th;'PPetimdaritril
that win.r; end to onpme the ey te`y reMst mummer
epidemic. resort now to Dr. Onisotlus2M of Yellow
boa and Sarsaparilla. which is pros eAtaelif mt antidote
Br many of the mon amlrgnant 11 II \
is heir
.rt 2 ., and they will never be ai..poin.d fo in tb-I. ~. .a
ay the public faith has never waxgred — otv gas\ waver ;
ft•r it la rounded on exprrienge, just as the wr Qt WO
in tuner and eparion• compounds is founded qv xpeMence.
They fly from mineral nostrum to seek hope\lll; i m, vi
sor from this pundit rmelabte remin; therefor. owager
Molten down in health and spirit. however Inathtair w og ta
htntrelf and others, let no one despair of hie regoxe . let
the patent only nrelerstand that he, hope of phyideal gs..
M.:alloy lies alone lo lioyeorre Extract of Yellow. Dwelt
add Parmiparilla. and per hint fdg his lifes eadaa,`r
try It. and we have no hositatiou in predreting hie IMA•lill
restoration to health. V
; 4 ;. 4 ;' ' 4 . \
Navas, N.J.. January :d.
Yr Bennett' —W. take pleasure In .taunt Oat tour
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Alen Reel satisfaction to
e'er , came
'able irentleman informed us filet Ids
A vary respertable
deughn, was troubled with dlellcult menstruftlon.d
other dlseue• pecullarin her nes. Ph. bad met had'
nnular menstrual discharge for along lame; hot by tjler
u...e of Dr Ouyeotne Yellow Dort and garsayrarilla she wee
rwlically cured. She used Towreentls amt others altboun
nnlvinethe slightest benefit. U. hod one daughter die
from the ear, ruse. I. &TRIPP A. 00..
lltanagartu.s, °gam. county, MST. Me. •
S. Bowlf :—, Dear thy, I,parchaeed. • short tlmie .t..
e bottle of your Yellow Dock ami ereasoarlJla for mr 01 fe,
which eh* tou usW Ibr her complatat. EMldpeles sod
Reskoess. ratite of the Wool!, It.. kot It hes elrewly
holped her Tory Mech. Of the hrisp:rello IC hoot tamely
elfected s cure. I have In. ,
sod jodylpg from the effect of the tomer, feel confldet.t
that It -11 l effect • perfect Cure
Xottre, very renactfolly. ‘fk.
'0 0 0 0 o',o
Mareue Spaulding, of Erie. Pa. cored of Liven,Oomplalnt,
Palpitetion of the Ileart, Manama of the Read, Col d '.
neva of than Eitrymittes, .111Notabons of thatJuibr, of
tke yea.' stanflino.. sole. bT kkolvotr , Yellow ...A
fiat. Pa.. November 24,1219.'
D hark. bAllaj to Inform Too thai . thrro
be....* of tiyaott's Yellow Dock and Pereaparilla :hid.
got of root, hove bean the Means, under the bleeeinda of
• kind Provldmr, of restorist., me Co health and the en
iciments of life.
When 1 ,nonfenerd using the - J.410w Work and Ser.,'
&Ole, I VW truly la • most.feeble eon:Mica ; t waa earn ,
with Palpitation of the Wart. end with the
tuoeo earruelating pains In tha tack atoll Ades, I wee
much troubled with dltalneea in the tteatt.coldnyea of the
et tree:dn... and numptiele of my arms and and for
To are ha. been very rvative 1 have Or many year. h.p
con.lllog the rat able radical men in Ohio *edit.., and
in Buffalo, but codkd get on:relief fr om theirpreeeriptiona
I lave .Igo tried • Prat. merit) of (wally Medi...with
11.10 or no sum-vol.\ But Oil. firet week that I took the
Venom Do. ond mr arintitome impeoeed.
and continued to do ti.ll alV t if tonnenUnn corm
I P:A.II3IS wet. entirely r ed,need. back le now s rotng
end free from rain. pay elms end teas are ca n to
pat acusitivenees. ml eitrOmitk. warm and healthy.
my Overate.' nunalsr. and 1 feel in all respects phy
renovated man l have &Oven to .carom poor people
Ilia Reit slot and unable to but your very valuably me
dit3DlN thy Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and all hay,
been [,wail, flawed by it. and exprree their beartfalt
sionuele. Vnurs truly, MARCUS PPAULPINO
Tiirtione leanedna onion put op Iu largo bottles, con
tatting a {matt. awl non. of the . 2yro, blown on the
gs Wvh . l.llWorrltter. signature.. A. Relmtr, on the wran.Y.
and bY ,t ettannati. Oluo,northeaakcorner
of Yount. aciEttfalimit wren., entrance OA W•lll , 3eflrret.
.tc wham ail calaza aloe be addreasytt. '
' I. Kidd t Co. , iA.‘Jtaltatestock • Ca,. J.ti. Jones, L.
Wilcox, or., Pittablyrflf4we .L. Beckham, ellaghank CUT;
4. T. Rawl}, WitobtaA - at L. U. Boyle. Uttatora.
oilyOrattaibosc, Vi c .l,:olutle,joiacreatt Scoti 'Maw*,
1.1 ,1100.111 teed Pan. untintrdatitStraOrr, llotthlarehura
ILldebrand • Co. InUttaaJ. K. Wrlsht, Nittivenlrmy
Eva. 00 CO, BrOokettle44. WI op 4 2 4 :4 Wan. bar•
tatEenao• 4 Cu, N. CaltitTdert 1 4a.4Tille: Barton Co
Frei Graham at Yorker, *For: \ Jaaals Kelly • Co. at.
h r . 13 atalth, Deaver: J. o.lltrar. Wityraa; • Q
P. Cron a./ Byaltaseills.
Price-41 pis iitatt Bottles for $6.
I =not of oar Pi:Woof gb OWL. lotd vreoktf* and
c to •i‘naty of SIM p.WHVA , fC1.477 011/ citieg and
ultras. and Skbbet'A Conntr rteit Dotortot: to lota and Other
Monks 2511 &I. Trotp•ralar. Genitrs.= Shannosis In-
O•rest Tablef...,.tept for Ital
Third at. NT=
2006 L
. 13:EF fo L'al) , BORAX—Sus
Fall and Wirite,S tack of Fahey and Staple
4t. A. MASOI it Co. wol . :dd \post respect
• . fully sollint the a tatalOn of ,t l te Pitbllr genernllY;
en. the wholapls Made 11\pulleviar. to ;heir iarge isnil
,arefully selected stocit'of taxis. for fall and v 11140.304
which will be hund. laror .stum COy they Ater erer be.
lore offered. We have 01 as follows: \ *.
40/ ha2e. Brown Muelloin, It .00 Innirnud , g l3 (...ebe u t.
100 • , Drllo It Oirstaberyn 'Pt/Ours. superior fllsakets
100 - \ Flannels, cord. tel V 0 cues ffko.l oo .. knittr.
103 -. 'Peking: tun p, French .I,rir.:
lit eaves \White MLlShois '.. p...Parametted `obura,
• 'ft ' ' , I;:ilre r n g nh \lO '4lv:tri.r,1 1
P ,et cetlds: . b . n ,
LP) - Ostlnetun ' .0 1 fintuftoonet Rib inn
IMP - bAst makeelothm WO, tiiro Vrensh FloWerc.
• r') .' cfxs-cl,&_" ',1 . . 0.;-tr,,,gds'&,,,*'
100 ' Shli ' Cheeks:l 01 caseg o sestimerea'te.N
21 wee pro A Id Linsey: 1000 dot. dower.
13 - Tweed ,and Jeans 500) ..`, illoyes, smarted.'
Together with kr err article tuotally Vinod In • , Liry
tioale establishme . 02 and 04 Market 0 - --- 1.
,1 1,.\,,
iliff cured by us the .0-10inal
ins IVP.R. PILLS. er e arc. , bY R. P. •
Fssanto yaohin g ton e
Mr. R. !. .:411.11— Ater Sir. It Is
recommend your Liver I Is. whish ,
w bereser.used in ourp of the cot
neighbors have nsst the and found
est utility In bilious afteent s, sick he
yself. I mussy that there Ter haeb
has done me w 3 mush son!. have best A,
er Complaint rmarird , --•-- ••—•,...
11.11). but In vain; at last I\ heart of your Lissy Pills.
which 'have effected the most Lappy results. .133') Mal:
1 0
o t r b7rlP o u t rec=rie r ggeoli b g iill " i ' sh n n " a r trell=l '* „ ' t
disease of the Liver.
Yarn vateful Meta. S' J. SMITH. 1 .
Purchasers will remember that 141 Pills ettllol - Liver
Pills," nther thanthose prepere4 bY I 3 I . K. StLLS. II B..SO
01 Stood street. sir- orrovlcr.feibrorbusionitad_on_e. ftPl_s',
hi. entire, stock of FALL sVf
wuuld respertfullr Inform his custom,. .
that h. is pnpared to diara . coe of his Geoda:
1,164 or Wall. at very low prim,
\ Ile has In Drr, Uoo , lf , An the Sl,aple, 1.1
Ftask of Fancy Drew floods. ,utopkistng In par ,
4-I , Chene Silts. for evening and street dresses.
ay Draode slit. "
Plain Black 'Mks, all price, and aridthse.
,Brocade Black eiLk. ••
Heavy Vratarel 211 k, all shade,
French Poplins.
!dually. do Wan:
french Munn. and Cashmeres:
Together antb Freneh' and'EnaliFh
0 •'
11-4.12-4 and 13,4 Barnaler Shretinern
4.4, 0-1 and 04 and I#4t Unarm.
7-4, /4.4 and 10.4 Table Danru.ks:
and 3-4 , ,tiama.k,harkins and
Eluctaback Planer and Crash Toereliinita:
Rich Printed Kan., and Table c,,err. auperb Focahr.
Maarkiliee Yrenrh. Vurniturr. thinity. Curtain and
Curtain Matrnals.
ruattl","Lainr. 3.4 and :/4 grid,
Illaeß Canton Clothr.,
Mohair 1.0e1020,
Nllk 11;r7, Tb;N:t
Mark Chu
e E k 7";b:nr Roth
an n, l 4 ;._l r e": " ! . l !' (Fn r ir;e%!!;VA, Ti l M P :
a lr uO ' ner); inf 'Oaten .Jocatvrill ' to. arrantml otpmd
color, and ....hewn , fvr dualar. •
Singer's Patent Straightlieedle Perpen.
dicular Action Sewn* MaAim.,
SFreired ky Leitei. Patent of fh. , " rnited Staler.
THIS MAUR "E is the Meet important
and us/thermal, el Invention ofdlie age. It bee
been used a runic-lent le gib of time td.,be thoroughly
tested upon • great earktrof worn., and in all over fatally
approved. It executes In th 4 most perfect end eatiefaMorY
minter the work of the fol witu; tradasandneenpations.
namely—Tailor, Boot, Shoe \ and Gaiter Manufacturer,
Harness end Sadd l e Maker, Shirt Msker, Corset Makers,
(Smith, Trimmer, Cap :Mak*. and Hat Binder, Pter
Makers. Costumers. Glove filakels, Stockinet bletinfactor..
err, Carpet 800
Manufacturers, Truss Mither, Whip Ma- .
ter, and Upholsterers. Arid may - atm be_prottably used 1
in making rail, and Awninx, Bola and Mistresses, Horse
Collar, Oiled Clothing. Sed.'aing Bottom, Slop and Chart
Binding and indeed for .ar other Porno r where etßeh
log be hood hat ordinerily-been required. Title toachthe.
whieti is about twelve nob& squam, , endsreithe eixty4l , o
pound, n o t
compact, ornamental In loud, durable in all lie
parts, not Liable to get oot of order. and is easily adjiteted
and operated. It will perform the Labor, of from doe to
tau person, depending on the kind of work and skill of
the operator. The best kind of Tailors' Custom Workqua
be executed with It In the best manner. and, In making
ope and Tel other artidea to which it Is 'adapted, Its
rk is Per euperior to that commonly done by hand. Full,
printed directions fpr using are fornithed with \each Ma
thine, The price. with elf appareni!ounfilete, and oriel.
I l r b=u u e 'l erl h h e e ' '',.rrtin i tl i y a en ' ertilhition ' tend rot
s a le si te prinethal can, 250 Broadwa opPOribll City
Ball,ew York 79 lien - ant Pleas. Beata. or 57 South
Fourth street. Philedelebds, who', ell persons tote:meted
art inetted to rail, and may b....4und of receiving alitin.
evidence, and perfect. rwruler demon
—an of the
et otillty,and value of:. the Invention—and that it
• tly euperior to cop other ever offered to the public.
Baclonve rights to nags tbe , Xlathlne In an/ pool of the
territory of the Bolted States. not dingwed of, will be sold
loin b r
o l :f I
e on' br and early application. ISAAC M. SINGER,
sap 2 , 4 t , 2000 Broadway, New York.
IL , 1 N Elan OIL-20 bbls: for sale by
. rep J. S.CIIGONMAKER 0 CO. 24 and st.
i i OIiI.AZDER SEED—I cask for sale lii
..,_) srpl3 ' J. ECCIOONMAh ER a CO.
00 -13
13 OPS-14t \ up in' lb. packages, for Cam
sll n y we, j reed an4lo . sale by
. dedi. A. MeCLURG A 00.,
_esini2 \ ^4. 6 Liberty e
.......—.-; \ ......... —on. a robe!.
ti BLACKBURN & C 0. ,, Wholesale Oro
iv ,',' s.r, neat Fu Wier, and 'dealers to Produce and.
Pitthborgli hianufamo w. Oil,. Pita and Oakum always
rti ll.
00 band et their Wareb se, lot War street. Litts o„.y bu Ia
nx , .
i t " L l,
'P'S c.elebratted DCIRIIAM FARM
. (Notos,o CIIEtSY, 000 Up for (stony uni, In area
to cult, fn. a 0= round'. Yon be obtained. wholesale or
retall.of the subscribers. Thle Cheese is bald hirer, hien
repute In the ea", but I. now introduced for the fast time
into Olio market. The,. desiring 0 choice article are re.
goesthd to call and examine - ,
sent:: Ur" re mail Tat Dealer..
orn BI) A o d, foe eaesey,ing, .4.-20`Vds.jmn ree i) d by
septa WM. A. MeCLU. -
.._. . _
QMOKED SALMON—WiIi _ 1, he re 'd, this
. Ibl '''''''' . ' .l i: 4 7tt r6rr. t ° Op
y i 3.1K1 iff i.
• -
Aro r.
for a iiice3oangArtQl
" I:efeii.”-
ANTED—A pluck ..
• , from R•shlngtost manly. with • itreionew
bo with. to be employed In t drug MIT.. leszto•
0 mem Woo. for • you. man M0e..., year. agelow
• k keeper or clerk In • moretsalao, foray wing en
nee imd • well boy, of tlfteen to learn the en
nee 1 businenr. alas: far • number lot labor,. mete. kk
oilytry,or on pnblle worts,\Please call .t ISAAC IIARFIIS' conn Agency and Intel _ C®e+. Tkad et. emit:
'NERS' OIL-20 bble. or sale by '
r. .t R. kARBAUGH
(I ) LIEE§E--50 boxes for sale 1 - 11 .
I At 13, a W.
OAP-1,00 boxes No. 1 Rosin,
pepl2 0. & W. (lAA)
1) OSIN —4O bbin
Lit, nevi: \
L P.„ CA RB SODA-20 ices. just reed and
rDu 1,0 for role lor J. 2cllooNsteNant cc rt .,
21 Wool rt.
'REAM TARTAR-5 bbls. for Bale by
AI : • ....I bbls. ur sot e y
lANGANESE-1 cas• Saxony, for as
by opt! J K000N11.%15.131. ♦ CO.
Valuable'Conntry. Bea atAuction.
'FIE subscribe having laiß out Ina Farm,
lo Ohio loarratilp. MOolning KisMn'a - heir., Robert
skllnton, and Wm., Into LOTS. soil 'offer the • urge for
Nat. at Public Auction. on th e premise, 1m TUURSDAY.
ee bet la th . at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Thie prowl, motololog 103 Acic, bitsl):i laid actin
Loth of from IX to 10 scams amt colonist for pleasant
COLISTRY , SKATO and (thmleo Loh, comma ding an ex
tensive and delightful irlew of the eurround ng ....,
(embracing 10 miles of the tthio river mei Talley.) The
land la of superior druid), Mmut s tmethirda c. 171. and
, the Listens. , carved with eacellent i tiother. and ell srat.
mad. Located on the Ohio river. \ the Ohio and Penn,
tteitrond anti •the new 'hearer Road Os
.44 kiditu ten minutes' ride of tar Mty by rail —ail
miles from Allegheny City.
'Perms--OnmOttli oa th . the Ulana liacsonegcalado
ymente rata ledereat a to i be
c aersised bi t ridmd .
, sl ° V,Ttiddsl7.. f rn h it r o. P 7.raValn, Lltfl, Sohn . fffuilsi s
\kri I , premtheit or Each. 0 Kay!, Auct omen. • .
YeKll:nn TlCllid DUTY.
A\\ To Tema° Teachers. \..
ryt.T . School Directoru For the :14 Ward i
A sa4:l3 rt.' Tigf=l l 7o7ll,ol",TlVo ..7.4:1 0 2Z
Ana ssamAnisthm , of lb. •IMllearito wa if tak. phew the
School Hpose, on Ito w street, near /mirth. on 00105.,.
the 'fflth tosli 4 at 2 o'clock. P. 74. \
Any forth Information may be obtained of Mr. Maeda
at th e aclimed room., oho .111 remise the testimonialoof
th''''''' '''''' ' .l4c!' " ." °. / I LIATTri. Pres't. ' \
JOllli 1 1 .1113Keer.
is •-s- *mato \
tithe will received in exchange (with a
on amo® o =moo') no TWO 111311.1117.0 LOT'.
IS igth Ward Knonire of • .
-call •• ECAVE. 4001ATKIN Jt 000 LY.
, mma of MO4l re old FOOT WINE,' at $1
for de at . u Tea Mart, In the Diamond.
IC' c
-- -
0,5 . 19 , • :vine 01: p F i rr i nth
apa'Sfor sale by
. l ' ,!i K ,,r!i l l t lollib 'l it..
.., kr
eale by
Ae r sale
b7t cm: _
lo`r,lo - '
pll ronwr (AT\
aepli \ 9 10„CI
g_p ED LEAI auperatt : . tale by
111, eeptt \ .1 JUDD CO ,V. 6 4 - cod at
IL TRASK'S hlalTetic Oinitaeoloo
Ay dot. for s a le by IDD e't,
Teactkers Wskuted. 4
MEN Male Teaohern wane d for the pub he
hlchcols of Cturtlars tousuldp Easuninatich, of au
plant* to tat s place at the Public tielsdols *las. \
caheitellle on Caused," Mtil last- RI 9 o'clock A. dl
ornl r rh° rk ‘ .°l " " rgft..i s
R ,
1 WILSON SON. No. 91 Wood st.,
stelell= d aVf = d ° re ' tihNr,:Viiric:
to their lar g e addition which •tbs., ate Wt. remit-Ina, id
their former dock td (orate Tho weeortasent coition. lu
h art of the bee style HALO, lately introduced, and irhich
are so Tare much a d tor their beauty au d
together Irlth • alast'failfty of Mack, Broils and Drab,
`attic., Hungarian. and other kuidla of ILATii, for nu i t ,
and tam 8110 and hobble lILLSII CAPS, 1.30 , 110,11. Mak
and Mated LI SYS, of els:obit deecriationa, burg LIATU
saI.CAP/1 for etilldndloffered at neseortablel prlcesia hole.
sale arid retail \
FHREI Tit Black. and Natural I
Fitch, bonnet and (limey }Hod and hihar e d, I
d d ulrrel NICTORI(EN aud CUW)B, bilseeraselChilli 7 e
BUTTER-1 bbl, and 24 kegs lor rate vi : \
IJI/ Jon,eruN
800M5.-75 dOz.lbiAsalein
sep3 11..waNnON
~.IR memoir ...ore. bahande and um. prupet nee
0 t la Vintner. render It far eaperior ti.i.cro/o,Lie , V.. 1.
rqr the Ordlearr PM.. of the Wet andhattl. eurpane
lug ' the latter in its perfume and ...sulfa, and In-im
f 1 r; . '1.127` = 4 .1=1.1.V41:.iT.=a7 d .1
dahrlda ...ell of the totiet. and \ tor prerernolr um
reeaboese U tb•romMorian. L. etuouent pmnernee tem—
taanaltwat astn Om. at, the au. sod mart to is an
ypetable 1.0.4. Hy inhaling ik, and rubbing it .
the fainZ4% it Will Imo.a neanat at a'Ww annnatt.
.. ~ . WU by 141. her t ..b•,67 W• • • st.
\ .
. , .
Express PacketTLine to Cleveland.
XHE Pmprietora of .the Pack:e6.lAne u t
• ths 114111• Ii• Arranal.6ll6 , ll. Ohb
relws Ihothmed t..•ttr e zil i =oign.S4 4F jsttl .."
grbirt r tbelee C hlZre d o ° blri.vill tornatect olth
o ut!-
.t which will give there the privilege of zobag to Hoene
tre 'Utter by tbe Can or the 1 10
For ticker. oyott to .101LN
corner Sreter end broittaleld ots.. (Oh Miro.)
\ r$11:/oo Plttsbortb.
AIN end niter MONDAY, • AUGUST 4th,
p pv..,vo,ver Train will ma av follawr
LEAN E )!:n' KEW /ETON al 7, A. M. and 2S, P. M.
LEA TV,: PirEEllEllli II At 1.1 A. M. an,Et, P. EL
. W4l" FARE, 3 EIS. PER sat
ChlAirerkutvler twelve years of avre , ban weak
lel•A.11 ll,ttvfwargh sadl SO ep..
" twwickle
' 4 ' • t.." . Neer Btu,
Jae Eleuraion Mae , will be go at rrhatad Won •
galon Pitteburatt 'I rel Swimmer, to any narlon'a
imyeau . l end New Brighton beniN i.2o.
The Tlidif - efill ' iii - tun on eundar.l;;C - Exeuttioaa
peke Muni or& isaturda will Do good fir Um Mara WiP
on Monday.
‘lsonlb t omes will be at the c tirme edema alert, te
&meet g reengera landing, ere any where on the route
from 'the 131 - 41. 40 We 5.1 agarkela %INT maT
etneve. Omgribitenes erill alp. - kw. the ilomminitela •
I gehee irentedlately previa. tol be leering of t•ars.ler
06 of Inwentere ny'.the Depot owning by the
ilerchante' lb. St. Cbarleatalong Fifth Armen, h . =
Wood to Marta,.
along St. aMr Wrenn At an/ 700411
along the mole. paesenserwcan the tiMnibull, and ea
a.nveyed to the ars. ,
Tbe Railroad MR be extended besand N.w Fifth= at
the M'wt , mbie day. •
By onter
of, th. Bawd tirD iatriti ntora.
' til t
Argot. "
nme on with ote Ohio and ‘rena. \ Rearm
\ I
ow received
'TM,. GooDs.
god th e public.
'Other hol
IASkENGERS will taketho.lo A. AL , ain
irnAnu' r a9l:Vtigt. Cter..t n.OO
. L '
arrival, an,New Brighton, at 1114 A. 2,1 i daily earl
at Now Ctittlaat 4 P. 31 - \ . ,
Eetoenhig X New Cutle at 9 P. kl.,Jterivitig at tr.
Brighton Br t 734 A. N. ttalo.
lho Packet nech. at New Castle Itllh the &area de
Mercer. bbareci. e. \ .
lice through trikrts apply to GIB TAKITIN i
N Ticket Apra, Carved Depot
. \ J. C. ND% BM., Bruer streak,
ti door, ahoy Monongahela r. Ilotoe, Pittetturghl i
.. \
4. 111,110U1 - ,
\ st J. tootles Illitel. Ne.Castke.
BiDWIRLL k BROTEItiIt. Preptiitorc. '% .
' -
\ . Rochester. iht. ' \
\- '
Comp (id to Lockpoit, 20 im treat - oriollfillferrin.
\ 4
ri 7 L E: u : B E7 s u c c R E.;: E ...:D
h rs:D e t:l7 a nz i ? ens Fo ini3 : ‘ : 0 . . .
Tim' ,
atio mui to their friends and, patrons of the,peum
rmsniaJlifiroad, Mat.. have oncamenoed trurehippins
et buoy.., wad conlidentle poet. to Uellver (mita to
sod from: Phileilelphia iu FOURDAYS.
We are tom Vrepared to receive and Wet aril MY 2.111=111, ~
of womb:v:o2w or
_Trod am within our e•iimity a whleti le
t the folimvitig rates of freight: ' \
FIRST CONS.'—Dry Goode . Itats,,ShocEllsahr,
Stationery. Cutlery, Confectionery. }hull. t
Eythen, Vurnitnlirnits. Modicinca, Saar
SEM; LASE' tiardware.Queenewtime
eeriesedatrtir , Stags, 1.41 , 5. L o mther,Clo- \
Wel, V..' " ...°....!'_.. . '-..-..." ! '"" )Sfle-- i' ii
THIRD CLABD-lioef Porlti , lotter, Lana, bald ', -
ANL Tabs.." Leittliotiee, allow, Oren and ' A ,
Itage.S.. s .,.", i'
'FOURTH CLASS-AsheCalartiletroogb).Tar. A
Pl'ih `i ß6'in ' G"'"U' ai l la. B ra.=,' f'k
airai i corner orlie and Wayruraineet.
Al la s t T E
f tall A li e. j. ixo ' nja li c E on l ; .7M . ' k, ,L, ..
?Die Miamtuar le prepared to fain a roPPly of they
Which have been Mond 'after
~ t o year Trial , both
COMP. i abd the United State , to retain Yr ohlud -
beauty Wad protertly properties rupermr say cd.ber
paint whatever. Their •
Is palely au Orblo of Eine, ankh, warranted '-
sanitary,. altd !savorily Indalldrfer.. ..
p b re "" yll " r d :' r2trergilltl7, '
D.Ltil2 of L o loterrand their families
iiThenlahaurni to solphunieut or wmphit
Itlabsitahot up in &time room. As
it wititetioula a Louthera elbawte and 0
Myru2Avttier, not tieing :liable to t
\ crumble Yid nib oft- it may be work
'.Kith water sadelse. ar with vartitih,wl
tasted poroc ban Ilniatt.
' These ire fervidied at• low pride,am
the theatre. Yid beit'tiatiate 16 ADCs
roofa,leaciatv , i tithouaes, steamboalth!
fare 0r,...d. a, u.... t...... tb.,
Far (Qv madame 'May are pyticularly
Eden wiritivianle connection, and mistral
non, tlyyllry distill}, mut having a pc
i i l j not FILeD7 co/or
. 111, many oa the
Dalin elf paned on liberal taraurbi
''' a m ull'U..42lo ‘ \ /7 \AattithVaiVe
be 400 DB.
W3l. DIGBY begs te info
v v eystomer*that be lateral,
of FA'Lle ANL, glt (H/Cong. rog
rthey thing Watts fathefonable. OM SA
men'. wEr. , . Yettest_atterly rogyeetb.
variety'. . 4 .g r e. sr thle thr e Lon De
re ' Veg yrintorllores L° 4l7,7r:va
artleleth his line will brava gltb an
Go bthell the largest. beat Inanufteturted
ionabli trek of READV SULU CJAIT/
all ofd Yob will be. offered at \ the 1 . •
COlltintOTS. Country atorthant, at
leegebt,l•lll find II much co thelrill
the stro.le iorfar• onrchultigori th
led bargain,
gm ankle en the Tanoting.leoi
most thabloltabre etyle at the .brrr.el.
A first rate tlalu®m wanted Iganthlittay,
ARROW' ROOT-5 bno. Berme'
. by fieolle] J. bell t/ts2`''
60 pry caw. trout IPA Jetaiel
etreetbara fur rale LT
4.:21 - Tilol
OFFEE--44X) has Rio. pr;
- 1,1) Just reed MI faitale by Jr
or mile by .K D
Pimp\ sataLL FA3III,IE:
the rorne; Third and limn BM'
r sale by
. LA 9,10,11.
rietnriial lielLP,l3aok of the haroluttpl
Received at ItuLMES' //MI
0 1.PaaIts the Poet UlRee. \
ROCO, OR 311.VIOSLIRD'COAIP0010.—Thorti Is Ow
dt for the .v ottL .i tattrat i f . u t ra h lt; ba m =a tir kthie L aases
elow;ral the ertleleldittott rrufessar
...rap. or Iletllested Othitsbund. At le extensively' nt b dV;;•
th , uppOr Islaroll of tbe mattluttlty; itlatocrsewry
serysirt the howl It le tortilla preference to ottwoluvelesid—
thr thud It imparts 'mar to the roots of the laslr t oshst
thin Nom.. yrowth th. rentorkable dear. Side
steels derldna wwd scurs, root tank. the hurthaltahth
glosy,' It 1.111 eure all dicest4:l the 'sails Loh woad
lased. dew worm. sad other oh kat dasortlersot the's/MC •
theapness, as well we drowsy.
,A 44=13 waravellet Lt
Is roldlh bugs I.. , Ha..l?_ortAßt rot; 0, 4
.0 SZAA..E.I Cr Woad
UOAR-70 hbda. N. o.,<for
J. S. ca.worrti o co.
COFFEE -25 packets Javii., *
'III7RIIKIDO b 15011u.13..
Y EATIIIIt--200 sides Solo, a l ,
JJ reot 131711BRIDOE 4 L7011114X.-
OIL -20 bble. pure Taaners', fo; sale by
eic4 saaratroos a Isamu&
•-broragro. 'Bond, Diclaratloor, loderanros, NEMO:SS..
tOptors. Summon+, 1110. of Cort, eatirlotOFEVFOOB.B4
carbroento. F. Bi ls. to.. to., tor Solo at • .•.; .
W.B. tiAytvs, St.sic.a.
corner bLukot sad Ba=4
.12.1 Dic6a - I's.—A lam variety or Notecind DdIM,
""'''''l"°V lr . 6%rit.tAglitatlorm7 B. =
• corner ark. sad
111Lii:NK BOOKS.—W. S. liamot, corgiez
11.41rst and ..%etnd attests, has Ihr WO 01101 WV.%
of 11i..1= 1" , , D742041,1WP4=.=
ors stele of bindlnan and la the lowest orison - -
QAFETY FUSE-4.1 bbls. for sale bg,,
.41.2 J.D. DILWuRTII 06.
. \149 . e br
',Used, tor .ale
•tp2 \ war.rga P. 11AR.111104..
NEW BOOKS!—Travele in the United
brotekte., ihaTIAT 1646 nod 1..69b bffht, lordy rip.
, btitiT/ / .
orlitif: / vol. 100. ion. \ . . b
no litstorrkof the tromp Jciorphlo LT•Nt.(llllabrAfi
with cogrartoihr. I vol. Ititho., bUo.
NA 6, for Atzwiurt. Apploton's blerhailibf Alsgaiihrir pad
triginirersi JourriAl. , . s o_
ho. 15 Plctortal lii.: 1 book of the Rcrrolutloi...,-
Ni __orid :16 -ITI/..ouT of noctitarle, boilthircerk,
thl Ihflriorn.n.f. JILIL rverl and fox We DT
" •
T./..kchilb,l6 Apollo IllatlinfA
' \ lloarbb am/A
PARADE.—sKugles,, :7
moue( Ulan, Wry:4llnm Buckle., nu, in Lute T..
t wty.. wk or •p.DII W. W • WILISON‘
1111 RITANNIA TEA, WARE, Couurninion
11, csnakalcs4rabti causn. ipso. st
WO.Oana. chandenm,lo ale.bea,
J•n•Any, raut.rr and Yaney Om.* j 444. 4 P 4 n 4 .
Knnalla l Aritnoing. (dd and elm% an. •
FALL GOODS.—Just reed, per express ;
s , A. A.SIAL'ON ..;1.1.2, nOcarnan•ddnnet irdbbans.
..aast and moat lashlonab,• ary 1., 114 dud..labnandraom
" argre n "Ad=n b i?e
5 bbls: for sale L 3!
- J. FULD • Co. tot 11 und
10 i,bls. No. l, for sale by
1,11 anel '• • J. /a COOS t O ).
YU3IIOE STONl=bis.) lbs. for site by
• . 0 4 - v J. VOL a 0t...
rI I .E6A \DE SIENNA-1007 lb. for tole by
aug•O \ J. KIDD *CO.
r JAPONICA-1U pkgs. just recd
and fin.,;ale Or J. nOIII./ONedanadt CO,
• sae: , \ , 24 Wooden
, AMAELNE tfLU &,---1.0 cases faraala.
.a . ..v / J. kfat - VO:i3LCI: a co.
14 , PSOM . S7aTS . 72S . bIiIa. for 'talalif,"'
,LA .mta • J..01.0..4.004.14Y. aO, _
ItO6lN-50 f.;bla.Aor sale V• by -
.a,c2 , 4 \, ..1„.9,.:1100Nmax•En s 4 • N., \
AHD OlL—lu thlallo. 1., for salt by' \
..0"49 J. t,01100,...11.AKE0 a 0,
1 , 7 k,
V \ ilffiNli.:-W
sbiic. for a ale'bl -. .
1 ape, ) J. SllUON31•11.141.1 CC.r.
VI A .. K_Elf.E.L.w, bblstrge KO. 3 \ i- Ma&
..p.L.Asetp.i.tkrinquilign, for kai O F ‘., '
41.... \ JAY -Y 1.8.11 ICILLiON A CU.'
Li; .. i.D _
'DINGS—New patterns for
BD vocctsuvort.
, r sale by
UOU pigs Galena, I
h , JANIS L. lat