• - •••-, ! I ‘;; .;1 - 11 7 j;5, ,I ..,•',Z;':':,O , ;B3 . :AB . IIiSkIED-,.:,61 . .1786'..::: PITPSIWRGH, GAZ . E yeIIWISHED A..tik YiNCIiLY. BY EKE= CF,l , ll.lrUnata iraurotirt coon to T. eon °mu. THRES. DAILY—Nr.. deltas per earn= lieTabi. half 0.6 - MU Data..itjosidto ulreciae. ITIMITLY—Two dollar* per eatiariii ea.e.re Cillse - Till b. eiltadieto. the fallowing radial...— fn-. Three ap ra as piespar madam .. .... b 00l . 00 eaTi .:4603 wltetS h Chat co — besddrea.ea to one peeroq Mite be bald hand:ably to .deem. itts.rtar expire. unless the mope. is meat , for 'Btero( OF (IDVEIITIPIiNG; ' • , 121.t.i0nar.(141 li.A , Ifoobareil or lel 0 Td . 01brea . - too oo , 4... -Do. Soar months 10 00 •. larclea'roornha IS 00 mead itoreents..(u lineetor Pee. per atm.-0 00 • ~ .1.40,41er for esch additional line • _ One spara,Shetamblei at pleasure (per an+ note) occlusive of te, 00 e4Uonu inbstal over one mouth. t ea Dar each odlltional equaro 100 under the yenrly raes, GYTOefr i,......l+l='f i zreedinaz:o . err h ea/put. weer • • - ".O t.,V f I ta be. rot 3 the g ' t g4;l2lillesU Annooadox canderetee Arc chl,ie. 00 be el the came aselhereldeertieesnents: Aleerelmeoemate nor saute!. oreetto copy ler • apociiieu. 'Dumber Of ineeptAute, bo toutlutbe and sue ., aneet asacted-acconflosly. The pried otanduel ttleihieenin, midair limited to • 'll,l7,altrot=TseVa:all g=lite 'r e Intenedlately tonenettcl choir own busineea., and an dames at advertismessita, In length, or atherere, 1.70.0 ..111:01basaseesaiorlit,bcreharsod et the tutus wee For Aar . thicaLue elvertlsin- bill eriil be eopershdr eV:PsaO4 Matt/CP.310.r is + 1,14101 - t-ornaments for charitable institutions,. fire, octal , ;into, aessai, teleplay, and . othc- public and mob like, to be awned half price. payable ettict/r in ed +l,4+.l.4L++ notices to be obarged 10 event Delat/0 notierelurertelwithout charge, wane accomp. Pled br funeral invite:lone ar obituary notices, and when me aftesepankal to be paid fbr. lt. ;alai adrerthpsa...4 all omit. xndinq t tr'tht l t fan, alaraci reehat I.or every- nowcenastreuut to cell attention to private ralculetei or intended to trtrutete 1041- • vidnal Intereol. eon only be (menet( 011/1 tbv • nadarstand- Its that the map law ba Incepted to be I. elute! kerb* loteleotenr. themoronortil be eintrepl the rate amen lea than . lo - ceette par line. • ' litfe.hop or Ala' Nor L -et wee charge/ triple print+ Tim= License Petitions CI tc.• • . ' Eros. Agent/e'en:el Auctioneer? advertisements act lawelesteduide? yearly rat" bat' to be allowed .:fifer . 'want of I chi. and one (bird per Ont. Pram the a Menne of .1,1 • • • • • trallai Oa vii-afestty Ilt purr FOUL , • Dna fklare, three insertioss.......— ST 00 :••-• Do: - • each additional " ST 1 Or+ &P.M (10 lined.) cule nertuon... ..... centu Do.• • each additional laxertlen-... cants. tranabrat adrertlaereents be paid sayers. - BUSINESS CMtl:* ATTOBITEYS. AMES:R. KERR, At:orniy at Law I•• ce tz g o t t Pourlt it.. ITt.ten ScattlrZeld and Cinu2l. Mus 09 ' JEAVER, • Attorney at Law, Fourth ecti =...siztllklarcr 4. offies, ritt.e_bargl r a i 4:Lk uWI , uW. LIPHANT & TAYLOR, Attbrae ya at A .La.-eauarcarh betseirood MI Smithfield etreetc Pittsburgh. H. D. 011ishitut te.Cosomistriour for the State of • • 16 . „ above fti t h isei d” • OA on Fourth I. W.. - F.' WHITE, 'Attortiay Law—OP , st.o on nal streotow Fatuity In Arthur,' DWI& ,11.:Pi * ttitstrgh. . sue.b.93r P. &O. L. B; lETTERMA N, Attor , fiilitictrog,ti'`F d ".12it'b .-irES J. KllllN,Attorticy at. Law, office, 11411. cornet of Grant street snd Dieasort4 Utrargh.Jelbill7 .. :'{filftANClS o,FLANEGlN,Attoracypi . Law, -)c. -orourthstreet.Pfttaborgb• • TOW lc MATSON, Attorneys at Law, • llo.llo.Youstli Meer, Pituiburgh. f. Co. Day; .16hp Ftyd,, Esq.: 11, Idprripto & o any. 11, I.luvr; 4¢tEn Zlan!opr, do cosnatpit,(ll.: 17-Jszknon,l'lttabargh. jmlay IY - P! JONES, Attorney at Law: a - rmirta knot, betwevi - Woad as 4 E.Ltth- ASP ' BRADY, Attorney at Lau-, Na:1219 Ilfeb stn..< liztAnzah. Pa. , TJf" 'SON ,SWELL, AM . :, at Law, V CrUa SttLeCc.st`a.kuer err_taltin Dr tbus, err i - 01•41,94:11 as grat „ thr '4' • 01k11:0.1:4/3**1,1139:11)m0:11 - . IIIE • -E,ARNOLD 400., lisoken: fle.e<3l. larElchzuse, Coin, iunk ram, r=stree r t ai r.lcnr toll,. Leak nttAcciris. Oal sPl' mreVtliolfulost.: 44 ' 7'7l ? ' ft'it'd•C's ILT . 11. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers ;grraxlsortokBrokorn. North Eatfoorner of Woo! X 0,2 groats, rittobarott -ll ttootoictiotto =vie on Moral ttrtos, au/ colloctlo= Satostotly:atterred to.. . War WD. KENO-, Bamker and Exchangeßraker, roatth greet, Deal. bti 83.1 t Not.. Bali et Ex. r.P . I t bcCabt trilT i f °4l ar kmai.z Din r.l" . .uut att3 P:474. LA.RDIER, JR., Banker att. Broker,' V.-, rtregt,.ll. (Skadjol Eau tba Baal - of Ilttatrarsla. pIVILKINS :CO, Exchange Brokera. ar Sitah.razt Corttei , 6r Third aul3,laiket 'greets. en • dos At Inortllb , ral rates!' • - - DLMES & SON, _Dealers lei 'oreigh • • itutlecesedele Ilechinqe, a•tertee 'Bank Notes and Specie, No. ee Market street. Ilthe. made an IL the arlaelval dale, throe out the i lrgte t rate , . tAXER era and Et .:.'.dam..,7:tettewatet."Dereltrs Forelcr. aid Domrstie oritiirdauVi l og•S D sM ."' & ll"'t • -.SPT cyroetp • 1 • I h Commiffulort Merchants i 'teal= Bra..enr. Fa tlt&cord dreet. Pereamt i . hr.srsoutisr muu.:.i.:-...scsameasylel... —EL CIL., ' . , F „. ATMER_* .' :HANNA &I - CO....Successors tr, '- , .M - tit C. 0., WNW.% ES.casma Blosix*, - . ' ral teCiorelms and Datnestk lischase. CeniCactO .'' • It, tau': :tam sad Speck—N=lh West caws Of Med strKta. Carrynt Monty retejSed O. /I -.:TOttbaCht=lll.3,l4. of r u , , , , , , dit i e.lr =ode on ntat - •,' I nd lTbi:btr i ten recta - Gun paid rut, FOretiCa and .i=oulna ,ir",:lllttinetts Made CtCedelitgainentsoirioduelsodasTed std. __aatlb/rfl terms. ... • . _ , rfi'W!:TATLQR, Comimtt iioner find Bill ILA .113.0er, 112 Second.street. strict attention trill be .urea. to all endued entrusted to ./}l/1 ears. Pittsburgh inanneldttuset settclee slusyson Arun Or. preceded at asset. coded. ,Notcsi Hotels, Mortgaues, A r un &roe. Adds SchnilLf Admires ants. If ode& 800 .4 : : 4 3 : STAITOTEIfa. OOKTON,. late Johnstm.,l, - -Stock- Liv Bobolier; Stationar. Printer, and Dinlertera iorrot-Martrtscot MIA orrearK-PrrObarab. I ,LAIIES' Cheap' Likeiary Depot, !avow., opjkacte tb , ll , xt . Ner Um). Iv -1444.01yz, Subccriptiona reeseJtsd. to sm. of tiW , 41C.4.6 imbllshed at the Imbll,bef • : 1101 ) KINS, /NO kieLler and Station} Yomth RulLilark •-•-;g • -, WOLLNTOCK, Manufactureradd Ili, - :•,,rd. of eginwv 0.641,.. summ Dom Truc , . in . 1 or /Ude, tc.. arehoure. No. RS I' Duni: 0-. TeON/MMON Alb)-401tWARDING: 14;POINDEXT ER, dornirof 'Water acid . aanyt t rntrlacrnesav,r Ir. Fax: Wotan Mull:te. Nallo ° 4ls, zadZA::l4tFas fln@ i , astlehie Pitabstre f .ft.otorl. 4 - 101- haadechki • orisp. and Joaldni k QV. metioryseke4 Staa. tf oANULTY A CO--Transp: , r_telis, mErd'-'!"' &Db?,`• EgC4= Com Won Madasata, 50. at wwt H. JlAlNSTON,'Forwaiding' and - - • Mcchaxl,. Na U Seretui strmyt, "lab rl, j.Pitot...IO.NES, orwalding and . Cora - • • • Merebsatt. Deena hi 1 . 14114 %IA ititt. „i otial JCIXES. — & - 05:7&.ccessora to_ At- ..*=****o.- bu tm**l.4.s. and remardiar Mc” tab, Maablicton4 goods, 11111111- 1 . . DRY 4M3 3IEECHAI4TB. . MASON CO., Wholnlaid and Retail' Dralen in raze, and Staple Dr" asod,. C.Mazkrt 111F.HPLIY d; BURCHFIELD, 1V11.70,11, Regail pry Ganda Ninth... mr^..xi er reartb DETISTB. D. UUNT: Dentist, Comer of Fourth WOOL ' d-?CHANTB. PII Y & LEE, Wool, Dream' and Lettroleerat 7 , l...relent:U. for the wile -of Artertma rota tea. V,. Liberty et— Pittabara: 1,4611 „toy.. lIIRRAUGIL, MeTubante, . Lgr .DeOerA Inn. , ow), Proto, oroorallo ud For 'loud/ o.nd Goessof mins morchnoto, No. 115 tax=t; Balm ottoot. Pittobarcb. • - EiA3DWARE NEFLCIUMS. 4VKII-01, Witgrti & CC., 'lmporters and imam& >ale:, to IhrS aan. awl Cotten', Ns. IZ , Plilighorrh TEA DRAT r: i OBERT 3.101W18, Tea atai Wine Nei 1 dmet.;,,t.t I. Di.moud. Pitl•Lurgh. "Wu: A. 24'CLURG s. ti toc et i r ana henrail Dealzrs. 236 LiGarts! sbc ,, woa OIoOTS Oil 111.101 s laiio sacrament at Chains Oraces , N and Inns laah Alts- d'araik's trails said Natal. Wbalas *Naa6t tali.- DsaksasslßDlM as UN Ulna Was. - -• • , D . A. TiIINESTOCK• CO:,.Wholegtle Lod mta.utiftettirtra at Whitt Lestiiittii Weal mei lzoitt etwt % Ptita , blarxia, e=3:=ll 14. n. mai.) 78d7rIlW riltrl to ptioa Rot, corr. or Woad I litreeS sad Virgin 107:1. Plaraidarte ravaatiptiout carefally eacmadtatedt night sad /ay. a. LT. _........ W . KIDD& CO., ccccccccccc Drqggista: Dcal b Pa1ub,,011.. ,. 0ye Stull4 and listrumentig— . gjr:ng CUSS ro , urC, W rPot and reorth httsburgh.. pack. .1.1. SELLERS. Whalesale Dealer in —II, ' , Mg., P 1.% 014, 47, Prim Ao. W l'atths.gh. I •(O Intrnat, N. WICKERSII , Whblebale Druggist dDeti!:teda red Arriminer Vtglpkmenci,t.?lr.alind MUM. . .. - 11.721. It s RAM Whafesale and Retail mr. o7 Or Übat7 lit mare, £lOOO. f SO HOONMAKER & CO., Wholesale Drag; gy K IN', ;5. Wood httaburgh. I •C! '. Pcntt.'n 1 , 3,441.4. N 0.1144141,74.11, 147 now 44. 41 SHEE, Wholesale Grotei,iCommission Morel:mat, ang dealer to Paper aaajtagn,corster. tt and Inn, zrtree. rittlbursb. SAMUEL P. STlRlVEl2„Wholesalo tiro .ear, Prodttoa and, Coonnistion !tient auto, and Deal =PgreffritneM:ntr'antr:dadinFetaitibtlrPitetatV "'WIN S. DILWORVLS .h.CO., Wholesale 9 Waal . W. WITKIINSMI_ 11. F. CWII4BI. 12 IJRBRIDGE & INGRAHAM, Wholesale Granata 'and C01.011111C13 Merchants, N. 116 Wato Amt. and 180 Vint stn.. Plttahv3Xh. HEY, — StATTIIEWS 1 CO., Wholesale rAt's 3 f r rrrj=="Y r 6:llrZilL,lltant: s. h. • t0n.n.‘01... . • . AliollN XV4.l"iCk. - COO., Wholeeala GroCers, Coaimissitardorcbsotioltul ,Dim/ers in Prodne. wad tablitgh Illantifacturm :0 W.: Liberty etreet, Pima bur.h. JB. CANEIELD, late of - Warren, Ohio, . C wad Fen t. and Wbole sabiDealei Western Dea na Pot and Pearl Ash,und Weans. Preto.. getx . Water , etresq, between bunthhelnWsal Wool, Pittsburgh. ks. , , VON BONNIIORST & CO, Whol; o*. aslit4incer4 forwarding and Comminnoi PDrate t ka ritub uaryer rgn nlmnt anutoet.tartn,46,l Refloau roaaaa.Pittab MAUI DICTA} ~ . ....... -MOUS? DX.S. Dfek - m if & CO., W6eleaale tam 6e WW } , a D y 107 Front Ate ' l e filDtitqatage:l.mdu. . AN6LISII & BENNETT, late Eaglis6, Gallagher Cc...Who/Wilt tirocara,Cmalscon and awarding Merchant. wd Dealeir in Produce and lino burgh blatstretruca, No. 1= llyebtal rt and la Finn at, Ntroon and Ennthhell. Mn' D. erptu,—....werrea C. ans.. & ROE, Wholesale , Orocent and •••••• Merchant% Rio. 457 Liberty earn. tto \ • 40BERT )MORE, Wholesale Grocer, rweritsi • • Manlier. dealer In PandaNa Pittannrarb tifartanes. and all kinds of Foreign and Donindle 'IV and Unwary No. 316 Libert Meet. On hand a = I ..X b:C il u mneo6 iaa .I.l l o l ttr DALZELL ,4 CO., Wholambi, rs, Costubiesibso Stattigtite,stealiusluTtutucs • thuse and tiburargetares. Liu 253 • •Liberty •stresit, Pittsburgh. HOBERT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale ' Groom Preetuce, Foreign!lug. gad Coma&lka :ges- Liberty t. sad Dealer /11 rgh ttsburgh higutillstures, tisk Deal Pittsbu SMIASST.6I.6-6.6.--- -lOW B. =OLP. WM6 BAGLILLEV do CO., Wholesale Gra vy. orrs, Noe. IS and 23 Nom' sThet, Plet.,bargb. MIN D. - .DArLD VCDADIDD WICK & MDCAN/51;.f.SS, ericceeson' to • L. U. 7%1). Wick, Whol.sale Grocers, Forgynrdi...- sz2d Coatlebtelosi Marebacts. &elks let. Imn Noll& Ulu., Cotim )arr., sad Pltteburgh ILDDfactuxe grarreali. corner orf Wccd sad Watt/ ear n& Pittaburgb. OULBERTSON & CLOUSE, Whoteeale AA - at end CommLei= Slereimms. Denim laPr and Pittabm•gb 118.nulactured VS Lawny etr.t, Pittzburgt. Pa. D.. Ifriai - Sfs - rii. - 615:"WE7;;Li,"*.a.' RetellYarolly °mei, Fommihrt oad 036911,i411 =W m: Dea fen to Goontor Produm god tleatorM Maufserwrr, comer at WWI ml aut M.A.:Whore, . - _ cat ion.; n0..,--inos. r;511.27-SiXt: - kimmtmt. °EDISON, LITTLE & CO„ No. 255 Motu street, Piciabargt. Vitelesale Gromrs. C 09.11116,21 Herchante, and deslas Ia rittebtulth 41Cfi 4 51t 0 .Wholesale 6neer; mad= Madman...el lk•len Praluc.4-II ow% its. Manage, froatins c? Wobd. 1.4 bath amts. Pillabargh. ro. - nom jaw PAiikkii&bs.,iirijoleiec.ei. lkslen la Prod., Foreign Lloaore. 011 Mon tit=Vl±l=^ Wtht.T—Na AS. DAT...ULT.., Violetale Grocer, catsdau gad Pormiritzq Iterebnixt. ad &slot la It r. AS. TU.% ar..l Yirtsburgb Idaanlactur” vuemll7 — Na 61 WArt tt.. re!! 78 Fula PittaburKh. OM II: lIE I 'Dozier in Piano Fartes, abut.. aa7 31 wird 1 b,-S 1 Trot. ...I rola agent fur Cbk- hum Irr '4 , =....o..ilrankr—lir.Bl wood a. • lIENRY E.TABER„DeiIet m =in, Din -4.1 toatracorata. and Laaortae of non. =no agent for Nelatae aZiarga crawl acidmocera=v ; eeithColatoao . e -totem Acucar... alas th Aar.- 4:1:0 FILLINGS, wiLsozsrle . Co-., Nana:le ham of ail oioos teas, loos awl gimp toot.' efolu choir. gut Uning nal*Oohlog. 'doom bob.. cod et , l6: l ),VlLlo i r . a . z . barrel sae lothbag al s o boo 81. odd Oft& &at LIPP.Z bunk, .40C7iT i CO. No. 110. WC. st-, Ma. J. C.,oll.luLt- - .........r1D =US— ...Litig.lCUTllll. KO CITY TACK FACTditY.-lho eta. jittir [Tea...tore coastalltly on band all "lob Zadtr. Ant D i ger aVita=lialLn - 95 , P10ad. ;:+nda and Tacks: Idarrrt Nana: Coplaq and VS. 4",Z.M'"2 l !Mie'ristt tiajar . splwy mireboure. nstzelt...2t.t4rek, ENNEDY, CHILDS tr. CO., Manufictv ton Tune wG r.'afff47.l' 44 ""titteegig. TONES a & QtTIGO,' abufacturs'or4ring WI sad Blister/lur Plouh Roe]; Steal Plough Willis., Golub sad Miptio e!, 'Springs, g Ilsoustaniol lsoos Azle% sal dealers la .Mallisabler Coatings. kiro.linsiro- losiorbsosSid cariutiStristiOrloaisgernorsllT, armor of lions.' ilont et?, Pittsburgh. I. pITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS.--Bett- MP=Erg=to and bt 1,0 orbs '' A•ei 6 g, Wer } elt et4' No. 03 Water ce.. below Ferry. " • • %nd , Dhercierr rb American Pacer ihrengs arai Peele. Windqw dbadeaaire Board Printe. Also—WMilng. Printing. wrid Wrgbring Paper. No. CP Wool stmt. between und Pittnmrgh, Pa. P:/.l.l:ii' L lpzit,q4ol:etc):444:l VIII CAUGIIZY, AgentlforOo Lae K r a, m a dice op tho turnerturner Water and iimitblkdd rts. t• • 111 LEECH tr.'. CO., 'Traz . aporters by Cannl Wln¢ Dterc6mta , miner of Pt. - Wig . cla . irr4:l444Ll:tiole:ps7:lll AJIROWN would moisreepectfullyinform the mooed be Lebo on bead ealthletth.l th the e'en Weil the ,A.llogbooyeity, comkto atoorltotint of Ileoltlall e sthas &hot - Weary code to`or4ss I o the bat style. .erbsthael pool to any to th e United Meths Ms /Binds as be removed teltboth the old of • eon, ibises llsoleg b aniseed the atothitools, and ttood of the thlothet ertabliebthent of larateri.l4,42AßUanda I r = Iratt d x=l; I Assacy No. shoot, Ylrlsbubgb.. nr . rlVM$ ' MW. JOrINSTON, . Pins liencta u .11aarpora—llesidevoc.corner of TMA streetia‘ Cosoms Allogbou .--itsta., Surd. Mortar. Lath. t 0.., for sato. M: - I#l=atT .SITISMON, ADAM ILADDIE, Veterinary Siirgeon,qute txrm Edltammth,ttmtltad, Weal reifeetftar ...at the public &tat ho has commenowl prattle& in the shove profmsloat mai; by mreful ...Ration to whclever la etemartßd Whim. he o. to tOeelatidfmtio. In con with James ILartlt itorwabh . o.lng 6.1 or Blaeltsm.lthhen mmeral will he tailed mt. at the Wriler Immel street todlressnyy/ nal. uu, •'71 ,1 1. r' • 41- V*: . EVI. LE JOIINBON, Engraver _cm Philo4falL ( th ird •%ary.) flttsborth. 16...1ife.11 of Mantling& otartery.lleado of Nrovospeoo. anal. Drug Label*. in colors: ErraU far Dietotorts. So roftios; rsoofooloWleollantorprpo..te.,to the Lrot sty!. r.f art, awl at U. lowest grfegoo WIL9F4 lol2ANSLithout Umw,P 0110Pat:a. brut, IlowL Lsbols.Arebnartxml wart gar)strw alum Drumm and Vloirlair eumv.4 nt arirst Sint, LSO' rtitand 212=3,4101, oOld. Brun.. ar IQ** tb. rm 4.4 apartorwr and at tita mart resir , ll. 11.4:11. • Wegner, Drechner & Mueller's NEW . LITUGGILAPIIIC ESTABLISIMENT. • • • . 'VILE, ABOVE FIRM resliecsfullyiumaunce bion Mreds and tbn tint nonerally. Qui tbi , ,n Nprops:owl to. lIA.:I{C , tbootriiiist th e on Orr Snow cote, Mlle WOMAN Ctivelin,liininno and Pniirosi.iosial Coati. >loon;Chorn,, Labelit, noir oionbinilitanotca no. O. Market Axons, lootoinen TP.lni ono room!. oitioo, main. 1114283 Z, WW. WILSON, Watches, L:mcky; Silvis Ware. w 3 'UMW,U k4 , ,cortp-T kinarket and ••reillV edmair., lttlabwh.l. N. f..—Wafs•ationtsrl CIKIU • __ EAGLE „lIARBLE. WO3Ks,. („ t ibu,,h e d I=3 br EDNIUSI) WiLlr.sis, No. 184 Liberty et, of symd woo., Patttougt ammonite. IIUrOO toult•,l%-mbs. tLooltioneit ic.; .k ~,u . . , , brpd, and ludo to order. • • billnlt n so " rolokeldda of DMlttNts on bi& $lO . .... . , .. .. . . . . .. ..... ~~;~ .0.1" , DRUGGISTS Win. M. Xanigtt IVILL 4*.l ive atten . tiont qhdo o th tho ea, In Demo- E ""m. • msp adurence—otnaloniatra L Whit, Mows Ramona. And W. le: Doctor G Iteichhelm • LNF,CiRMS his friends andrfbeputdidirigen nrah.that he has remo•ot Oleo. reioi Meet. No. neNtlo St- CI. /total. P. to—Yettotu indebted to b.tor foe. • Length of titur, are . regoeNti4 gettl., their sEemunot. .jylB:3to & CO.!, Agents for ' thanlea !MI Vorki. Etf 7:M4:Mr to md ..)* . TEMY site** • .ol •operior 41../itY• I.T uad tkeet Iron. NoilA. irlo F. R. Moore, M, D., HOMO;OPATItIO deTotes Anent:Lott tti , bleretatownt of Slow.. of ww men snd 01110., and tn. dildtVl gene:ldly. as well as eturonk edrinnaNdesj dlsrusee. ou Anderson steeet. ose the , Eteset sod host.doce to the Plan. n Ing 311,11. PM td.ddY Cloy. MU., boon Croll3 d 10 el A. 11. Shen Ito S. unA team 7to d 71 millsre AATILMAIITH dc NOBLE,' City Flouring •xo.trz IJbetly co:: of Attura fit-1'111.1..0Z Tile/1014S . VIVIA.N: eiVil grigiaCer p Drasa er nan . z.zd Po tf 1 Oil ..tmat. IJM raughts.of McKiels Li [be Patent 01Et," ar4.,its of !tub/- very tor Mine., Water Work, .1.t.a11iu , 311113.4., ;11.r b e fows4 bet.lat.lll.ll..ll.ancl d rr.ldersre,,No. :431.rbcry At%rvet.. Pittabaratt.. Jn0.14:41.^. ' GROCERS 1/1 TORE? . CO., Wholeaala and Retail clN , ?=4aTtglt:l4Mb e ,Trrl i ,..t. Wet a full and amino 0.44 ti4a. C a p{ Fars. Ac., even- quality sad sty - le, by Wbobaale .o 4 'Retail, aad-Irb alto tlna attention of.tbelrA-a. , tara and purchttsrrz ally, &marina them that . ny via r.. 11 thn br.ant al. la- 1 ! ' M. DIGBY r 'll eroliant Tailor, Draper, y_ . ‘ &gut Datlrttirltadr lirede C1ecb1.1.1.17 Itid.JAVERS4.-„Sur g eon artdPhyiticia , u.' Thal sidee n" lOrtal l'B. a l citeEgithfle l leM. D. Myer. leas Dermanellur located in Pittsburgh, end will attend to O. donee of hie Protrusion. Ile will Fitt perinatal attention to Sneatuat wee and the themes ea atom baulthildreo. ..ap16.11. HONEOGER & Importers of Wined, RI Liquor, add Palen CO,-,re 4ot Emithtlehl otrpe, twe.a liht6 nod eeseatb. PA. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware .stu twit Sifetr Insuranc. Cairrony, 42 Wator 114.4 JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent fur Franklin ru lasaninm Cmimar. oath rut niraer and Third streau. 11 r ? I L d E . NN, BOOT BIRDLH r Wood sheet of Tt,*d here he te L7c .PV.ltgr."l7,thMtb. m r 'Elloting with towbar.* boduri u . aubetantiallf . 0 Ilona ' ? (t u t Ithritte ' re7 o ß t . trheolot bottoti earefolly, nr repaired. Names pot op ht gilt lever/. Three who have birollaz ern larded to roll. Print to. Steamboat : _ ngy, and General Commia aion, Receiving and Forwarding. ! ED4RTIN, PLIMIER & CO., hnve . 114 *day M withal.= 31r. John Law too, tad Gthir I. onrrlce tot Imbhti .3 SIANIIIII:Xiat dreOttl. iiIVIP rat Ctommitztnet,,al,l Foritartlittg hustneen, °odor the 411 e Of BALDWIN. PLUNIER 4 CO.. Lot - lomat. April l'a.:lt , :l. 142 tl't Watt" , gnu. spril2L.My BOUNTY LANDS—Carr. Cu.ws NaTiorr, .artorany at Lao. No.IIZI Third al,mrner Clul er. hadno made amomenuote for the Purano , ... Pronoro Bounty Ludo for damn and mldiere; the r utdows aod children', and attend en any other bud rteeramotteeted with the unrornmooot Oran Meld manta' the Penefnn Mho, c•f- the C.." at the City pr yaThdtt: Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil. D.. 11 WITH is now piapaied to Ore inntruetinn to it k. lu tlfilomut branch.. n f tttthhhhf, delightful art, to big ,mall., in Merlin, • Atkinan's norbniWh, Mont ntmet, between Wool and Market streets. "tout . ..of lootroetion. from din to 43{. arid from s n.ii i to IX T. X. Clinrgos aulottror riartienlart can uT tattertmord.gt the room Hofer to Dr. Geosion or Dr. Addle.. LIGHTNING EODS--Spratt's Patent JAhih.2 JACK,SOS. t'irtcwit. A.,. • Who!tacit Depot, .86 Wood ' , reef. feart,WlGhtW ITL+ In Cuthirr Finn, NG ' n HESE LIORTNIRODS are So er rtrurteii that they'vwhot wet wut id 4o ‘. on+ tort Attadturtentklittiur Kt:cum.-4. It, rant. and Mwdiett. tyre uuricall,V—tbc 1.6.41 a ealsl., .0.1 ithout thut., w c.iteut m u lhcuing. Jees-tu ole LI(K (boot Otto per riot. Prim. at the nor, .h) coutu.. fientleutieu tau respectfully ner,iiiutol too Ii at Nrio , l stab.. ea.l waluoion the *Wu; where, sin tho Agent m..3' by. emu. . fitorage,filiipping Commi..-Au a tlerchants., NITo ir c o .. e %r : te t.. s, strtrt. Caeh I.i•ll,4lu ad.nnrcAH~n A[. diP4s 11.1.15tex1ab0u.5,.n.1.4•4,0 Ifrr.. in. the .1 -a. INTicr Lile. )(eforr to—Wm, A. Chtl. t Cl—Clareitat • to— Mik a lilareler.ltar.4. T. M. Itowe, Oubler. Llttsburgb.. rayltt , m • Backing== .a 0 Damet.rtic,Queerawire. upxolvAito, BLUCEIitt• Ca, 3lnn -1140l us ad Fella* Cute W. r. iletliaTegt , Frat ertt=ft' 'Loyd, Wbolt•tale 0 rcctit "" j " . " J. U- e •.• . . Oar eltexuaro Kar); aalar WI to an ardor/ promo -a,. :A cooper. tdrot.tr.rt.betna taartaatly tar.rl , y.ol, aloe obits NM to berp Zoom watt all ata• now and tcorr , of she atedro -. Ol W otrV U r M & GE Io b o et ,,ar, bel enO, nFamyTvw o ? leaco rt . ` rend cant parr, and article.: for dom.:our at, In groat earl, ty. ratters rarpoctfully acZteltra., N. i 9 Woo, erelt, bet.t.m (SIGN OF 'Ali: GOLDEN I‘,l ANUFACTUREIt of every do6cripti,m 13,1 of COOIit4VG , OTOST6. of the sheet approcol oat te, eta even retaier the beet eatltttalott. AI.—PASCUA( 00011.4 amen g •telooh ire Jewett At RooVectleorat tat foldlog der: Peett I ~51011, Radiators; FratthlioE.VeY Otto act fettor Or to which lea Inetto the attratten of butalerr Tea , Hollow War, Wagon thtee •, all of wt.:l,h ve:urite Ito attention a dealer: befa;;;moretwinte ate,. =Ol7 Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. lIE undersigned have just completed their IRON TUBE WORKS. •dare nrm =Anew:WA= 1 . 1P.F Lo motivv•nd flues. 4.41•11 Yob awry otter for sale ot loco.. Tboy ere o proyarodlo etc - ale ender, to Aor extont, without do , y. Ac' a Co.. -.911 tad i 1 (obi . I'IT ht, ...At. PA Bolivar Fire Brick Idaoafacturing Oompy. ,u. 010.7 - r. ~Vlll,ll. GLOVER, KIER & CO., P801.81P748, • THE SUBSCRIBERS, 'temp, .been aka Pete.] Jeanne (or the Reeve nazael kerp ettotteet Is on Lewd alf pp' yet leo celebrated ',lier iltabrtekrutible Err Cla 7.} urnabe Ileer:h,al lava/la. Thee lie also prepared to rear order for *aid hetet:. to to made. aleentel there WI malt parettaten. whir shall prOMPUT Whet We do act &eta It net:every to eettatetutu (bateau, ..1- 11.4tatret the Waver Fire briek mew, nerr allta:bat bare beeb althetet ihr saie Ist the nail e d e t e t e .. U,'., g o , rloritj being well atterote to tamest all parahao who wet' Vire ileirk. The proprhteta hate datertniewd that the Brie% a/taint:at hate of their 0< -ear rtrelahh•repetatieo. btad that DO •Spert. • 11.11 atterpare4 to make them .ten etaralhaa.they bate bet... More hem. TWA 011 Lb. war ettabljahment pow taanahee.tutsta Firebrick at Mita., KIER .a.lt , S Vat web: • etas] Owen. Seventh et— ?tante:ea W. Dixon'a London Patent Levu Watches, Sumlor to any /415,..15,1r0tr01trte:1 to. ratpurgs. RECIIARDSON larket stye t, , artos.tCuirGL to too Adst.lrollJ, VA,. DI tON. cot, oomrteristi Wean 51,5tmfootIto.r; 45 P,111•1, Ittli - c•rtitootittat. the to,tonouttyint N ottb. No.—, L. test by me to Le of my tatoulnotOte, to Wittob ttitit Mroome oyont it Le troo lee orlt, 2,cntra0)....1 • oertletoot w e ars. my Ornato, / It'attb No. to Le t -9 3 1.1m0 tt.....at- OiNtellto of life porchaort. ' NV I 1!,1 ao\ tolttlk L• HAVE 'FITTED' 'UP, (on the Nett York .pluidi.Oety WogOdor Warn-no for tat ca. or Cur .. Coots. Kau.... and ecru thing spoortoicioc . thoh.hionable parlor- sod hoot elooto4 do lug+. LLLCI Most cupudoy gooortniont of !WIWI). lodneo, Ifro,clc. Pruett and Omuta Mauch bo Chlotzl: Tu e L.a Othin. •!f . ta r rd r or St-r i ff,f and !Ltd.% Dow Nom Witch, hilotic sod Hoodoo. tug duo.. Corm. l'lnc.2l,niconllooLei Le. A, Ocul. 61/k.cod WoutoL L..lChinto,.. Mao coillocc nod lunoUtor Coon.rpor,. r010r.4 Cooed/to, hlltrarocs, Undo cod Itoidin, -All old,* thiohtally roulord onut ;droopily Clint. col 6 Wm. NUnhl.,ThiOJ /trecl. PINS AND OAASWARB. ADSUEL KROtSEN.teoro, qtaisrantl band a cror4 ar•nrOroer, CO 1,0 run, I K r ., ElrricrWo In n hltd3.4 or Drs. Utnc.:K. Wrodrl3o-rir. , Churn.. Dr, Zinc •nd • GEORGE E, ARNOLD & CO., • BANTERS. • Dii.LLES3 DASI. N., 73 e., vs: 4i I 7 Not, au , l Drat, .11.<1,1,..a1l p 1* at , , th. Unv....— 6,-ko Lomat ,n , 114,14 entemtolem. „ ...... ... L taxa,. yIITTSBURGII CITY CILASSIVOEIK.S.— w.ouNr: gm lAll it CO. Slattufsautnn of IVMDOW I,elvreqn n ralinl apt_Tti nnn paid In (43 Alar---;,..i•-r• , kn. ILItYr.4 1111 Mir JAYS! or. r. QMTLEY . St COLVIN, Coal Merchants 4,7 .su D 021,1 In Dr l/0uin,_(..5:1,4, Ir. and Nall ...of 'Walnut ntro. .4 Wash... '14.Pi.1,44 1117110L .. E d S d A .‘ 14 d u r: t. t man: wrcol nowt, thintdoor bolro Dinziond Alle7, • boiltwhenta they ono it Nn aoa ...pi: 4014.1' 2f data inti Caps of their tom end Enttern menulattelo. of ' Patro Unit tbpwlll WI on the mmt d rge t n&Ae t: munvo.tb+m . REAL ESTATE AGENCY REAL . For Beaver. Counw, and adjacent Countia, LocArro Is THE th.oloooll Or NEW .81:101ITON. 'SUBSCRIBER, having been lonited for Amer twoieses put In tbefiourieb Borough of Nee Bright en ; /sa resfilml (mood [Lau twelir. In the Termity of e mune, not during that time hie au tenturn boa been . glee° lamest te Mud Ate . . dee. for %be etteonuau4ntton of the tetbfie Ife.ereilf• "" /meenetl an race In the eforesnet borough loltanteel out fl.-matesy area.. hear Ito centre 11 the Own)I urlofi the pat yen:, .d tree,. Pub anger fie' enwriott TO.D Leen erether rent mete We J u l e Thor. ere Currlf i numbre of yxlusblo lots rata fine rent. decree In the Inee.untt not oeighLorlutol. lot ca. at leer rutes, and ten. attuntetoems. Tithe; shreys strictly ...blood Into, ebtl be Pretlerti tc offered 13211088 the bac tsublispatebto. Pinto. desirous of pad:me ittF will .10 well totalits4 uttualeolbe tilentsclecs. • ISENJ. ILLI.9IIIII6DFOItp. etttaMtlat Boa Utste Agent. -'---..----- inikagi );WSSEY & SINCLI.I9, Alexander Bradley, l';'HOUGht IRON - TUBES, I. Wilson Bc Son. PITTSBURGH ; THURSDAY, MORNING,:SEPTEMBER IS, ~. Sanuiel. Gity ME-RCHAITT TAILOR, ST. C 1.44.11 hihILDLNali, WT. CLAIM. ISTIOZET, IJAS just.returned from NEW; Yeas. and s li esttc=wtto,r4ll74:2. s .:d °P. 1 714t,!:1 to kw them up to Ong.% to a erele which cannot be war. Peered in the eaetern cite, gentlemen wanting wool and fluddonable gatrearaugwill hod it to their advantage to glee him • era , 00,0,11 , PALL FASHION- I ' VE have just received this beautiful 14 Y V RtJle of /lATA, to whfeh we invite the mean t,m of nur hiendo and lb. publre p-enrmlly. lleCOnD t CO, eor. nigh end Wood era. Pena Glue Works. r. wan, sx., I ram. 'Minim. I ORENZ WIGIII`n AN; (formerly of the 114 ^ n ` n, n i s We- mrcdnf t &gni. " ell W rod ‘ 21 1 4 . .. P. N. 11.--Partitewer attentiou_paill to odd elms of Piludoer Mar , arid prtatie mouhla for Dottie, tad Viela. mac= ATAII7. GLASS. WORICE6 • ROM', R'fINTER -CO., W. , hotse--No. 17 Market street, Pittsburgh. I ) mcmi n O c p &t u arikn T er WINTER Ie;CO ~ having token ar ., ffV rLuoi TUTcbrioKVlre, Wiaa is. LDrilt4 PYVIT /1A[.04 t the g f HOCKS, CLIO PAO. ES, CLARETB AND Itemititio. dcacriptiou or cc/crial trnv - E BOTTLES. BLACK' POBTERS ALES, MINERALS. do. th'egrot"4 . l,h g °4 lT.Z. L .tv. , ;; ' .W: i e.: o, V;, '" .zt that' hope. by ettlet attention to boalueliar, C. merit ^ of patrouaire that bar been erfeed.l botherpiaisufeetu ccca. They arepi.Peirvit to fill all the maim with -bleb their Minute and the public cameral Mar favor than. Particular eaftntion paid Boyne., eaciddr. repel p• C. W. Feine, Professor of KIISiC, • nEGS leave, to inform the citizens of Pit , •l. burgh mud Allegheny. tbat , rill no". cr,mtoriary to gln ve ivalruetlon2 on the PIANO IiOVE and 1 , 101.1 N. c rea L mafils tart. For further pitmen's» eteonine It. KEBER'S Monk Store. No.lol Third strert, Flo at the Golden Mary. • • ' New Chtcolate Factory. GIAMBONI CO. respectfullyin (anti the irahne that they an d now manufacturing 0 1 5000 LATE of over Quality and talcs. This Chomlate, unllte most other sold here, Is ...mot, pure and ona. dulleratcd. Lod hone. of Oiler flavor , more notriclourt and wholserme. :lig. U. Coe haring be, proonstors of one of the largest Chocolate mannfactarles IMly, assure the mbilothnt t 1 0 ,7 'till furnish an article evial It not fops. ri ..:).7.1" ! "r.r, 411,4,5 f • net ' , dcor . torLentaror's ii( • nutn.lm(t.kenl : - ST. CLAIR IfOTEE, - i (Pormerly. the Exabango,) ' Corner of Penn.e.nd St .01Mr Streets, .. , Pir&BITRGH. THlS'pit Seioas, rohtrifi; hod mo-control:Li sntly located HOTEL. having been completel. ...- Modeled. std thorn hly repaired and IMPreted. P uir open for the areomma ug lallmt of the PAU:. The attherliber. teraen mid proprietor ot lb° :.T CLATII , respeetfolly 1010-m. a his frtenda and the pubis , Pll'at!'hat furui.lnal It In the to t elegant and Mentor.- h art i ll ' ZiaL n i Vg'Llje ; ° :.i'VaT t i, 7 :': l Nt . 4`,:o?2„ • .!::`4l,7, to make It equal to any house to alecountry. The well known rentrat location 00 the lions, and wn , reulestre of Ile arrangement., rendertna 1 1 the Meet ,n,"'Ta ble either to travelers ur permanent boa him to solirst and hop, for It • Ilbertil share or patrumve r C. W. UENNETV. Itn:re- 4- tf , - . WALL PAPER. ‘ Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. .. '4I3IIOISIAS PALMER is dairy reenividg k hum the Esatern CAW., at the : a 6 eltuaatiago tilt:V4,, : 6,ai. li.o. whiji k 0 11 4 14 dacht 1 10 , r 1 ' \jean Bt nn oitAloga toi ti t ' 'ctre sit r honif4y act bldg h owl' inll^4ku t be ; emus n'sttr nelractlnibiottlrCln of. a t . ndous iirOlo.' hen is co in.fwv‘dee,ttt al*-14e hater 1.5 . 1 if ' dsbinthin sb3nrthhl . liana 'ehe Susai &bid i Is, Pact 41,‘.11a la, IA 1 ,rs,to tl.l`" our i pros:iio oft: a e.okkeriA.,;4 \ ,, e , ‘!,Dge 444 g+boYol..Cii ea, if the inclaii ~, . i loy'aadVitil,!...'etbuma , solleivrauoli'tholigai.l . so wAy 14.4+4Vel I'4 \'f!i.sessN srbo b (..41 , ,7 t t C S l. lik.# , t the phrnies toilkey i hal. 'wear a 4 D V ., ,,, ~... \ Vi m \,,, tp ~,,, .ecr 0w !.. ,47 : 4 o;: :ir r .i,w o: ttt \ i,o o .4 .3 .m 'il e : 7a llt,ta. :47 : asti - ‘... b t 0: 7, 0 . . , .., r..:: , :1i: . te..i ~ii. ,\:,- _ . N. 1 \..„,..:,,,,,\:, , ' nstbrb 'o . klii Tr.\ ,1 le ' 6 ' l l 4 t i ,'': tin . * i•TE , . \.• \\ ~ QAL ERA T 5,—.51 c htt: il=4s bills. :^PS TIRI) 01L-1:717, 01 ,. .14 Mak., k,v;:s. 1.17 tipal, • AS/J-1Q b - b \ k;. bs sapa.:)A.3 EOM - - `VOLUME LXV--AUMBER. , \ ;PITTSBURGH 'GAZ TTE , WHIG ST \ ATE TICICIr . v • 1 , ,‘4«...., .. \ \ WILLIAM Y. JON , \• : \ ia,iiN spt tn;.,ar 1.....4. \ nvois or i1a.,8C12.131/ On rt. \ A , ii .M. MEkEDlTlLek,Phitulelptds: , •It HARP. COULTtn. of..Weetoi.rrbkr4. \ ' \ a R lls l .MlTE;lage n = '. M air i\ wl ~1.51 4 ,l l , ,SUP.oftirtumps. • ' \ AntiraaSOMM: =On* Votuity'Ticket. , \PliirtriXT:lXi. , ol , Dlstillet CilliZ2. S t‘ A ET IS it r 0 IL 11 - A If. D,• of N.M., , . , , oussuT4oon )2P, Da*. COCK . , \ I/E, N il. - .. Wf . t t. L IA M :4. aq'ittstmugh. 1 . Im°92.' l47r3 , M , Cdl:l2Zo ' ili=&‘,7 IC' , . ' '2'' ' ',' TM A7 l .. . .... '.. . ~.,.. r -.. ar I re.' r ..... .".., ..--- NTIIO 3!ik ‘ L. s. ltrMlLLl-4,-of Allegtrear:., )(MN 3.aLUILF.I 7 ,Ii Etii,i'.. D ' i,, ',, \ , '74lCA'R.ii6s,Mir'gbiu'- oftspon. . JOLI., nitat;,,lfai,7 ' dlk.Nlik,L. HAW. t LliX. MeIIARD.. N. of\ CURL Or Sal CORI, , MUM Ma DRUM. 24 Pittaka 'MIN' N. it:0;11.11 Dr m 17p14. Konitilt WINO. nt Plus vrra ' \ WM. WEST, of Alleghen! autaron. ~ ' 4OIIN EMER/CIL,OI - ItVandb-m. i. ' •-• f Pftutrmig . N. of lettheny, , • 'LClsiri 6116 117 .5( 18 14 18 N -V 5 19 "0 51 -V 63 1058 23 s, : ~ , , . F ‘ -„ .. \r „,...._,..,..„,....„,..,..,_,„,„, \ , i. ..,..,: \i ,,,,:,,,. F . '\2. . ''• ' 'S , ' '''' d. the, other at, Csletitta, ,hat Edifit) . h liere once thither asunder . Octrrpoo . New 17o* -- arek now, .and •aIL lichee hhhala*ch power of, . A . • • - :1 , • 07 B.01:1 . 1:3 , )tti, pt in Not I.' , eliihtm vet ity. or the last tr. trek.,:or tbo death\ , by! .yriejaar: rE , ot, .illor, genet nh , • apoplexy, c . .... Or \ thole ot. 1. t lorpoelee an\ tlll,'l7 , the 150 1 1 7 '. tho'ree.ord.ot t . eti .Ittioathet •ttion , tif tilt ' ' 'Oran hovel t y " twekro a .:•leato 'cri t .., Which , • al, - es, , • . 1 • ng Ilk U tre, I a • rin ' o INo kro the 7cr • t. . , thif. Tailor _...- tile title of ~ • . .... t .Fs: Alp eF,Ep I / 4 .! - "145: , Pat o,ooarelleie 'ifi ch at pleellt7n` il out a liociAl, SAITIOnikt that work.Nfoiiale, le a4rhad 6,oapplitamions-'o*-hpm I, 4 l 4 ll i 'd tm 2 e4to ll 74..wip. ~.... \' '''''- \ : \ ' \\ \ A \ r` \,\, \ ~.,.\\ \ \\ _. ~\\ the ed ' • .ki • \