The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 17, 1851, Image 3

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ORTICULITRAL .EXHlB ll.lo 7.—The:annual ex
'Son or the florticulturil Society will be
tmeneed to-day, in the Ni69ollie Hail, PiSth
tat, artsich . arill be opened for the reception of
viaitors at.,two o'clock. It bids fair to be the
most rpleudid affair of the kind, ever got up in
Al leglteu,l county.
The supply of dower,. ftuits, r plants and veg
etables _VII he very tarp-, and the competition
for premiums, spirited. The roomls a very fine
one, being large enough for It good displiy, ae
well as fur th9lirimitera to prime:lade, er rest at
pleasure, on the ecttees. A fine fountain wiU
play during the exhibition . ; and a hand of music
will be iu attendance. We advice all oar citi
nos to gu, and see to whet perfection our' ger,
diners and horticultprieta have attained. The .
adwittance fee in, .we believe, twenty•five.cente.
business iu Mancheetor yesterday, near the Ma
rine lloapital, we took, a stroll to the latter, and
were politely ebovra through the various-apart
meats. Mr. Iloyt, the Stewart, and his oath'
tusbl, lady, pay every attention to the cleara
nces and comfort of the inmates,• and the root'.
are as neat and orderly ae if they were designed
for drawing rooms.
Sincu the Hospitsl was ppet.d for patients;
thirty have been receiver!, only one of whom has
died Ile, indeed, can eearcely be sald to have
died under tho care of Its physician, for he (a
deekhand ou a steamer,) was In the last stages
of cholera when hb vas brought to it, and per
rally ira.sible. too a few. MiDtate3 after his
admissirM, ho was no more. The sunsets Which
haa - atteuded the treatment of Doctor .I.V. My
ers, United States, Surgeon, speaks volumes in
bin favor„ The grounds around the; Hospital,
bare born theriugh)y drairied,':ind a number of
fine trees will Soon be planted, which will add
greatly to their appearance. When all the Im
provements are completed, it' Will be a beau
tiful qua
MITPBENE 001:111T.
• Stelgeopir.l6, 1851,
rlVisoe rt. la. ve. 3JillerrigetrietCourt. Argued
fry Fleuegin earl Kuhn, •
Fitsimesuns Fi4immOue,. (tegister's
Court. Argued lay,lt. W. WiLitems,arot Geyer. ,
Moore re. Allegheny city; Distriot Court. tls;
griel•by.3lashalituid Geyer.
',rare ro tee Houst—War Dan been declared
thepolice against the hogs, who see to roam
unmoleited through our streets no more. A re
ward of one dollar has been offered for each of
their devoted heads, by the Mayor's police, and
a sort of pound greeted near his office for their
accomodation. The dog days are over and the
porkers will be taken to their winter rivartors.
arrow:reed (11tAliD PANORAXA. —This pano
rama, iilnatrative of fhe'''sea and shores of the
Mediterranean," bas arrived in this city, and is
now on exhibition at the Atheneum. It is said
to -ha a fine work of art, and wo will epeak at
length, of its merits, when wo have had an op
portunity of examining it.
named Thoinaa Davis was yesterday committed
on four different charges. One alleging that
he had committed an assault and' battery, was
made, before Alderman Parkinson, on oath of An
'drew Conningtun, and three, two of assault
and battery, and one of riot, before Mayor
THE Sot.i.aa Illsontrst.—We are indebted
to hiessrs.,E. A. and G. L. Duyinhinck,'for the
September number of tbis , valuable ,magazine.—
Its literary and selected contents, are vary
POLICE OFFICER.,— The Police officers were
1111 idle yeaterday, no criminal business of the
slightest public importance haling beep trans
From the Commorri.l journal.
Mmuoments Coxteer..—An examination of the
students of this old and well known Institution
tooliplace in 'the Lecture Room on Thursday
last. The'exereise.commenced at 9in the morn
ing, -and were- continued throughout the day...—
In the evening the Graduating Classes were
amined before's large audience i Philo Ball, on
Bookkeeping and Commercial omputhtion by
Mr. Duff, and on Mercantile La by Mr . Hatch.
It'ip sdimly necessary to say t the students
fully sustained the'well known, ong established
reputation of this Institutionf r superior end
efficient training fyr business. i Mr. Duff has
promised to hand us in some oC the exercises
for publication, which we has tio doubt will
prove interesting to our business eders.
At the conelmion of the n itration, Mr.
Lewis, on behalf of the Committ e appointed to
adjudgelhe premiums, &Impute the award of
the first premium in -Bookkeeping to Harmer
Weiler; the second to 'DavldMaAlister; the treat
premium in Penmanship to Miss Lt. Grover; the
second to J. S. Martin, ~
On behalf of the Faculty, 80.
the Graduates witlt their. Diplom
ed with an appmpriato and v • the atudente..
The. Committee expressoa, the!
pleased with the proficiency of al
tors for the pretniaros, and the W
iented-Ur: 'Williams with the fo
At s iateliag of the smile's:an
instructed in Peonmanahip to D
Mr. J. D;Wilhanis, , touvenedin
pursuant to notice, Mr. John W
• to, the,chairi and Mr:J. E. Vog
Secretary, when the following R
• readand unanimously adopted
• Reaolved, That in the opinion
Mr. Williams ezcel. ail other T
part Of;the country•;as no °imam
rapid and elegant blisinesa petals
Reisolved; that j4.lglog from o
mice; we are unanimously of the o
also equally excels in the talent for
acienea to others, and w
superior style of . business
communicative talents as a teach
tide him to the folleit confidence
and the Mercantile public.
Resolved, That the thanks of
presentesi,to Ms. Williams for
improvement which he has impar ,
Reached, That tue „Chairman and Secretary
.subscribe their mimes to these It lotions, end
that the same be published in th city papers.
• 04E+1) JOR N. WHlTE„Chairman,
T. L. LECLERC% Vine Ch'r,
• J. E. VOGLESON, Secretary.
A2:o7llEll.Fumausrra Ent Dino:L.—We are
no sooner out of oue difficulty, tensed by the
disposition of citizens to interfere with the goy,.
eminent sad prosperity of a foreign country,.
thou we ore likely to run intoanother. The Co
bs expedition, for the lout month, has absorbed
every thing else, and even diverted the attention
of an invading piny of finatuterinf Americium
from what seemed to be a less attractive adven
ture; but now that that enterprise bad failed
thiy wilbprobably return to their original pro
ject. W understand from a source which leads
us to giv it implicit credence that for some time
past a n tuber of Americium hare been anceti-
[. ttre Ttio Grande,' at
an attempt to ravolutit
;liras, Mexico. At last
some three hundred n
itioo, and were waiting tl
I, a noted freebooter, in
0, and well remembered
testing u'
to assist' ,
of. Tama.
the expo
peon p
/ericart tronpa
he last war.—
/ a pronuocht
alipai, and the
pan small portico of A.
rt cf Mexitcr, during
l a taro takon tae load I.
Id the molotion. of Tom.
003 from Tex were to
d aid in the eattibliehm.
L•ar. A 5 1/11 haTe eald,
on in Cuba, under tbe
. •
avade the 'ler
:tit of the now
t e prospects of
flag of Lopes,
c he attention of oar Ts ' tapas Patri
ots; sod e recollect thutprie of e accounts for
the New Orleana papers, etetted t t about three
handrail WU had congregated bout Mustang
Islind, waiting the arrirol of a vessel to take
them tn Cobs. They did not go however, and
now the 'lld expidition 'will be; : no doubt, re
ned,re woany men In due country
sea, • T are o
who, eta disposed to eirguge in ' y enterpriee
ratlieg. In to do bird work, a d 4ence it is
that ern Minns of this hind are so PopuLar.—
Other re en urufit by .them la arious waye,
in fern; .hing supplies, staanaLir , &0., in fit
tins mit expeditiona at manna profits, and
let , pleki gup all the spare ' go which
.3 to be found amoug anch s 'n tuber of men
aollected together. One would think that
the very (name of the.frecbooter.lwh'o is to take
the Tend in the Tamoupilaz expedition, would be
aufßelont4 repulsive to deter any American Trum
engaging in such an enterpriee, t„ n it i t sa it„,
certain it is not. Vie hope that e government,
askready+Probably advised of this, or, willtsho
' the most decided measutea to dis erse those en
gaged in it. —Minot,: Republlseuti
INSEED 011-25 bbl.. to gab, by
jiji 1400 . KIDD I CO.
E PSOM SALTS--1.5 bblz. for !tab by
. .1. KIDD a CO.
ASH NET, for 1110 ,- quittlare; 124
yy /arch J. 4 niµa lots tonit..
alert vt.
/MBA ecti—itti kegs biw.l6 twist lisligsl4
4 2 . In., 4/1.103, DALZELL,
• . HALII,X, Sept. 116.
The steamer Europa arrived this eve big,
bringing Liverpool dates to the Gth She also
brings 161 passengers.
The Europa sailed from Halitax tar linot to at
10} o'clock.
• Cotton Market.--Cotton has assumed a d 1 as
pect, and boyars find the feeling decide. yin
their favor. The most current qualities of Am
erican have Buffered eoarcely one-eighth of a de
cline. During the week the quotations of fair
hoWell was 6}; Mobile tit; fair Orleans
The sales for the week were' 36,500
which 3000 ware taken by speculators
by exporters. The sales ou Eriday we
Gales, of which 1600 were to speculators
porters: The market closed quietly.
Produce 31arket—Grain I in fdemand
monde good price'. Thorn feu 'Coady
'doing in wheat. Flour to dull and ti
were those current at the tailing of the
with lens disposition to prom sales.
. Provizions—We have nothing to repot,
the extreme didltiess. Lard le Botha and in
mond. There is a larger buninees doing in su
gar than for central weeks,- at rates current at
the tailing of the Pacifm. In tea, rice and cof
fins, the trannactione are very Limited.
Sroset.—=Tar 12s 8d to 12e 4d; Spir
its of turpentinNeasier ; eeles at 33e; Linseed
dull at 33s (Id.
Iron—The markec in dull,. and the advices
from the United Staten are considered unfavors
; We- The market (or British manufactured eau•
iinuer without change of prices.
Money is in lees demand, and the rate 4 of dis-
count are tending downwards—two, three and
four per dent. being asked The stock: market
is better; Console for money and accounts are
quoted at 96®96.}.
The Manchester market is qUiet and dimin
ished animation estate, supposed to be caused
by the increased caution with which the recent
heavy falleree have'inspired merchants and
, : - ---=- •-
Cottou—Thelatest New York dates to the 19th
of August, are (regarded as favorable for a rise.
The sales of the week are 4000 bales, and the
imports 1000: Mobile is quoted at ;4®Bsf.=
kfplands 66f t t 84f.
The returns published so Friday, give the
export. of British and Irish produce and man
ufactures for the month, and the seven months
ending August sth. They chow an increase
as compared with they same period in 1851
of £588,638 for the tri0nth..L2,708.98:3 in the
seven months
Sixty ilea persons were arrested at Pare. on
the ales of August, Learn • Rollin implicated
with them, on charge of conspiracy against the
State. ,Among the prisoners as an Advocate
named 'Millard; formerly Secretary to Ledru
It is reported that Prince de Joinville pub..
Help declared s intention to compete for the
Presidency. ,
The French .. editerzaean squadron have re
ceived orders proceed to she coast of Italy,
the Italian pe " ale generally, and partioular:y
Naples, manna the movement
The whole I ian States are Lec , l...P. daily
G thre — atent.
"reat excite eta prevails thtottghout Europe,
in consequence a the promulgation of a decree
of the Emperor of Austria, declaring his inten
tion to rule the 'Empire absolutely. i
Still further arrest, of eonepirators have teen
made to day, the whole number of. arrette now
amounting to igs.
A general Social revolution wet the ~hieet
'the cjinspiricy.
thir advises from Vienna are to the .11,tt.—
They represeoV the attitude of the people, in
relation to the, recent edict, as alarming and
I -
There is much excitement, in consequence of
tho_breaking len and searching .the rooms of
Signor Alegran ona's palace, at Quintal, as is
supposed by ord rof the Pope. The Signer is
a high official, being under Secretary to the
Beata Staato,.. • . .
The Chaitibern of Belgium, wore prcro ;pet on
the Bd, by n roynl decree.
The Lenden jonmals disbelieve the reported
further detention of tossuttt
Hollingshead Felty'a cifeular, quotes cotton
at a decline of }, with but little offering et the
reduction, _The Bali° on Saturday to 8 o'clock,
were ever 8000 bales, of which 2000 were taken
by epeculstors and exporters—prices closing n
shade firmer. Middling UpMade were quoted at
4 , l@4ii, fair bad, and Mobile middling at 6d,
and fats at s}d, Orleans 6®l6}d.
American Stocks-0 8 Ve,..1888, 112®113;
Penns 6'6, 81; Maryland bonds, 88(389.
etch prageated
and coacind
imskreagyn ad-.
...elves highly
[1 the sompeti ,
ting CLete pre
airing teatime-
,ticw.Oetissiva., Sept. 16 -
The eteamer Yacht arrived frOm Galveston,
with dates to the 10th Inst-
- ho have been
a College by
• e Clans Room
, to Wita called
lawn appointed
solution!, were
The crops were generally gopd, though It wee
thought that cotton hatibeen partially Injured
by the worm.
Charles 'Downs, an American merchant, was
murdered above Arownsville.
Wm. H. lionison tilled W C. Clark, iu .duel
in the street at Brownsville.
t this wading,
achers in this
oral, and an a
' The Indians were cemmitting dreadful out-
rages on the lie:lean population, 'Upper Ta.
Gen. Pereira? F. Smith arrived at Galveston,
bound for San Antonio.
There is some talk in this city, of an "expedi
tion to aid in a contemplated movement in the
northern Mexican states to denied° their bade;
pendente. Horace M. Maley and F. Britten ire
reported at the ahead of the American expedi
tion. Many Texan rangera, and parties engaged
in the late Cuban Movement, have enlisted in the
came. •
. own experi
opinloii that he
it commnnieat•
eenisider hie
•. .'Q Arai his
.r, such as en
d' our friends
i bis meeting be
e satisfactory
ed to our hind-
The alleged revolting suites are Tamaolipat,
Coahuila, end New Leon. The movement, it des
waled the "Buffalo Runt."
The Mexican officers naifind, are Caniisija and
Canales, of notations intmory
FILEEisou, cormyryiK
W,Ozezarza, (blew.) Sept. IC
The Free Soil StateConventioa met thlsmorn-
Eng, at 11 o'clock; there being about 1060 delis.
gates present.
Hon. Henry Wilson called the Convention to
order, and iathe course' of his speech, said that
the Whigs must' i never be alloked to regain the
control of the State.
Hon. Horace Mann was chosen President.-
BOSTON, Sept. J 6
Extensive preparation" are being made for
the receptioa of the President, who ie expected
to arrive to morrow forenoon.
Zr Fort Bream,
ioaize the State
t aicoriat - they
Fri,. ready for
e ingest from
that State for
for Me depre-
Nem Yeas., Sept. 16
James Fennimore Cooper. the Novelist, died
at his residence In Cooperstown, on Sunday of
iernoon last, aged 62 years.
i:LIARLCISION, (4. e.) t;ept I
The schooner :"William and John," with ..latee
from Havana to I.he 7 th, reports that 160 of the
American prisoneg bad sailed tor Spain in one
of the Government' Transports, and that only
fpnr had been liberated.. • •
RoCunantt, Sept. 16.
6re.t preparations are being made for We
State Agricultural Fair, which opens to morrow.
The price of tickets to the grand festival. an
Thursday 4s $lO. The annual address will he
deliversd on Friday, by Senator Datiglass, of
Waettsto - ros, Sept - . itch
Jr. Geo. A Gardner returned to this city yes- ..( i itiVISS AND JACKONET EDWIN GS, Ac.
terdar and delishred himehlt up to-day. He •tJ —muiti'll - i - c BUIMIFILI.I . Lur. opetwa mu
was admitted to bail in $40,600. for hie appear-1" r ""f • '''''"`"'".*'''''''' "' '""''r '''"""‘
maw, eon ha.rrucc.,l4.o•lng .. , 0.0 4 1 . 10 ,,,, ,MV.
Once at the December tarts, Dr. Thee. Miller, "...a " 0 . 0 "" "`"-"".- " t '''' '''''t u p"t"' d
stud George W.Bagge become hie bail. 1 rhea," .--
........... 1 LOAF SUGAIt
N . F3. tintLlo 9 . r0..1 lircTtr.y.
PZlthwysindA. Sept, 16th.
Despatehee from datanneh to-any, state that
difEcalty odeurred at Key West on Thursday
lasj, in cousequence or the arrival there of a
Spanish 'ewe. The citizens endeavored to
'take and hymn her, but the escaped. They thee ;
=ride an atAck upon, and broke up all the Span
lab shops and etoree.
..---.- '
rabetetortt, Sept. 15tb rr EAS-50 hf. cheete Yuiing I.lyeon.;
'The Grand Ledge of I. O. O. F. reassembled , It - " . nue ec 0.r..... , .
at 9 o'clock thiscoorning, and hu ono. been in i 1'
- Iriallta:fit':lllotildm
secret 'taloa, coital/suing the report of the 1 '
Committee on degree tar the_ wives of Beatles :IL EU BUTTER- 60 .liege PO l n e .. 9' good
. - ,jbhtlipleg order, for este Ia Y. Bums.
Iftw Yons,iSept. 16.
A fire occurred this morning, atthe corner of
28th street and 9th avenue, which destroyed a
row of 22 wooden buildings. About IVO poor
families were rendered houeeless. •
Nan Yoax., Sept, 10.
A fdilore of an extensive silk home in this
city is reported. The liohilities are•reported at
• ,
- NEa Yuan'. Sept. 16.
Cotton—The market is quiet anti unsettled,
and quotations cantor he gireu with acertraq.
The cab-a to-day were about 100 Wee
Flour—Sales 800 Shlr at from 54 to $4 25 Po r
southern, end SO 0715/ z 04 for State Budwes•
(lrein--etalt,i7,ooo hush uuw routhern white
wheat at 90cr - pl . Salett 35,000 bush corn
at stlO62Ttir mizo.l
rT,riblvlacr—The - market kc watt ealee
900 bhls new mesa port: at $l7 70, and 600141 s
old prime at $l2 27G12 50 14 bbl Lard in
firmer, and a held at 91.p0i pl M Beef is
fair demand.
Linseed Oil—:Ialee . :7,000 galls at 72t.
Tallow—bales 7,000.1bs at 7i 7pl lb.
WooL,The market is dull, and eery bele)
Fluut—Sales 1000 bbll Cir. Mil , - awl' coo
bbia li. 9. brands,, at $8,37.i. .
Grain—Red wheat is selling at 630 . ;,7vc.. and
white atlfi ,01.800 V bushel Sale; yellow cork
at bun; Tate do 67G68c. Oats,'34c: and Rye
at 65c V bus.
Prociaions—Are firm, watt sates ma; pork
at $l7 V bbl. Sales bacon rides at 10/®lle,
and of lard at 9iS,llc It
Groceries—Sales at auction to day, of 2000
bags Rio Coffee, at 6/6..45i, and 250 blids.l'orto
Rico Sugar, at $6,2506,70 V 100 Its
Wool—The market to dull and'unzhanged
Whisl,ey—Sales at 22@,230 Tel gall
Cottoti—The , alee thie morning, werr 1000
baio9, at au view., Middling: ix quoted at
7 0 \
,t. Louis brand, at , $3,57,141.1.1.
Lard—Satee at prima m bble, at 10c,
HE SUBSCRITIER Itriving tak,litbe ,inre
Prlf7tTle STREET,' forturrt,
Mr. F It. EATON. :aid herirrg •Mir^ir
(I),lst ginr ..f Srptorn,i, filtb u lath'
ellperir.r rtr.,.-1. fl .
together wan a An , : or TRI.V.WINGS PrNMSH.
LNG GOODS, Ample. a..bert.S.,for. Aro t.y Ow •ll
kseal.l sod farm-Its crtab:S.lnmpot ,
liAmr, Sept.
. • - .
Ile woul,l re.,ctfullr Infr,rul t•er..qo
Muurning and 110131. kurnitlina t,r Linen 11‘.1, that in
hie Eton , all, ran obtain a more rt.:mien , 'awl ,than Ore
whrt, In on
no. tn t y, o .
n . tore.. t.unmnr,,, I 1ny,71.1, the m;Lio
.1 P Z ' AN1 1 011 ' 1 "
111111APER-2,10 roam 'Medium;
• Croxu,. for
.1 IL;lnt'. ...debt...4 Nun. g and Durham Farm
• mre. .nd 2.1 , •
WICK 1 .
MACKEAEL--240 bble. N. 3, filr salo fir
~ -- Y 9 . WICK 0 M,-CANDI.E,:, _
BROOMS -171) dor - . Corn, for, in le by .
rep 9 WWK K ISI<CANIII 1,-.•
1 , OFFEE--300 bags
. Rio, fur 6nle by •
V .ers I , WICK t Ilredg . DLEll.
CHOCOLATE 200 Us. Bost., for sale
K 1 by
te, fqr only by
Per. 9 WICK.
-110T-25 ke1.74 for sal; 1.. v
I? ICE-1, too. prim.: Carolina. hole tv
JANE, A 11UTC111.,..N
• Emmy.
JAMES A it 1.70111-...1 4 ~
ALti:Ha97L'S-131 al.;
s'uh J. 9..4,1. I
egg. , WICK A *lm 0 , 1.1
P . ll EESI, "Pa eotimik - rintrnt r1,41V
1144•1 U..., Pr., I I,A , LIII'KEY A I'.l
ArIOTTON-1 . 1,11e4 ,alt• lap
I,AI All 1.1C1i1.1 A
Fcr L'i 11111 .t.eas.
r••;03 Erma nest 312,1-4.1
Peale, beptember 4
LT; A , for glib, Ity
171 feos u FiELI.
ODA ASH—\K, Are preparod to lurnish
GI.. rnattutt,turer, and tie, xclt.
t.totta A.b of hot, nostratfcrtore, tn,
• .CA`I: TT.
Front tt.. otntr
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louistille Tele
T HE STQCK ',Ft his Ca up : ' , anted Ly
Lt - rxttlooi, Sept. cl
'PRE teigtierit price will Le paid t,,r ..very
I LA.L N, .
rorr., of 7 , larkut •nd Thlrd n‘roets
L AKE bbio. White Fish;
Lukc Trout, fur ivsle c.)
repS I 0,CA,F11,1.0
MACKEREL-7 E , a le
FiEr, h . y
()IL-15 bill, puro ,Linseed, Get salt+ by
erp! , J N CANFIEr.D.
111UTTERH20 kegs for bale 1.) , •
I Ant/ OM,- fa.k. Nn. I Bennett
Jon., mAt A, t.. lAA I All I. 1' A co..
cepl • W rater 3W icvn I. ;Jr...A,
DIP IT,N,AI , III' 1,1
Straw wail Silk Goods.
It 11. PAL:kIER, 1.6.51.,rke1
" I t'fil:aTr"ll o .l s l; , .';`,7, l. .1 ';;" .
'44 atitualti
.€5.415 Tat 151.4 hi1.t....,,,1161.4 , 1 64.0
wilthe arrd rotor '
115 , 21555 51157 e5t3,5. 5 . 1 vr 1 -..5-1555 5 -
f10na , 511 , 55+5.... +5l 5 5 ,5,5,
PEARL ASH--4o t;I.IA. for Nate t.v
J. K. • .
vANewu .
Alsixs.min bunch kr) Hort:, for, ,le
bv 1= • lAll DICK VI .5 C,J,
srps Wver 554 }eooo Sr,.. - -
II (VEY-A; MT, tor o:ar. he
5 5 ., 511111 , 1540 IC , .
20 1 , 11, No I 1.555 5 , 055r,5, .1009
5... •
0 .0 b 1,15 L., NO,l mck.r.i.
5 b 1,15. No.l
_) 5 55.55 ,5 1 , 15g
and for sale be 115551 JOHN WATT k
y 0.76 n and $l. Int taln at 311iAMS' T )IMIT,
In tbe Ilistannd. TavernOteerert would oln well to elan,
Ina Whitkiat. fenahly entmiddrmli tb.%)
dally ehno•
HE .11 I.7TOINAL "i tbu
Pittatiorib ,
I,t , and 1141. ot Septrzuk, 'IA:
~ v ' ‘l4• •S lc, II
half ant All •rt,rl,4 WU.,
to t
lb. hr
17 ComMitthe
dvpt Amairmt , - , 0 ' AM .
of th of .mber.
Fkoally Ticknlit camlp 1,441 . 11001 • IS, the
ectltave Committee—pro, it ~041., cent,
BY ^Ydrr the Eacrut,yn
, ita • Vinegate rer.d, t, • .f‘ ' , Lugo"
ordlouy Lb. t.ntot am! 14110 1,,1LL,L.'
lotto, In 11, fro . r lion , tr...)kc.e.''. L 0 1.
groat, ellleac, for IL. MIL i 41 1 110
It highly iwotttolendott thc nutt
.61 tbo trsl.. anti rrov-rtl24 tho
tre.burr , of L. chapploson 11/. tow ,
per the boat and Jr, aoss oh b. •41n. tarad 11 911
axrceutla ula.ooll whallor; it, 0001 NO
tomplo.. ,Il fralnvo bo,, , turhe . b/Irwte •,
oor, i,+lct KO:
I !Al prim., NV. It.. for onto hy'
11,{ b.% L.. Gt ft at.,
iiARPETS! CARPETS thim thr
lJ t,y 10. Mt-CI.INTOCK, ntt. art !, or Mup,l-0,:.
Fine, sod CClllalcy :AGRALA . •trlaition. rat.
prepared to malllows than any Cat,i tt - rr n•lorm
this market. ar tordlaily Into. Me ettLetattot
frlgati , Inttt tl,otn wo.Lioa 1. An:trio.. Sr give roll..
tn.. Old Eitablitheal I:art.q. M,,tIcCLIN No. Kt Ft
H ll. .1.
ti • .t.
ACKEREL-224 bble. Largo No. 3, 6,1
br [.GS)
‘ 1 UO4ll
,Crbhda. prirdn S. d.
.1 A MES DALZEI.I.. rt, II
CO . lAA? et.
Os baud Lod. far .I,lc I$ r.Criii , llDU ., & P.i(illitAil,
..14 110 IV•we sal -. lto Itou inall nt..
- .. -
POIV'D SUGAIt-50 bbls.tor
‘_./ eat. by F.uil
{.2H. 3101.4SSES-100 bbls. Guudale't.;
1 , ..7 • t•-• bt. Jetno/' Hof/
/ or tltle• tcPp , t 131.11,11itIDIA
Heys. lli
r ci Mark. ilLti TON Arm,.
Silver Coin Wanted
IT ESE-100 boxes Cr..r m;
• Lt.:, tr,
Horticultural Notice.
IoFFEE—'9IO baprprime Rio, for salo by
pr .1 UL ILDILIDOr h 1N,11111.174.
Pima Watches!
i FEW Ternsuperiur (Jul,' PatentL I
.iii 1....... Raines, reed by oaprra.c. amnnit,-1 .-./ I
vl ith ar- 1.141.1 l'irket Chn•, nt 11,E, r..,
tiful fallen..lnuLlo mard Huntini......... i.t.inninl '
.1..., lama.. W I., and ln,. et
, t t ' it. RiettAxf , , ~, ,T.., %.,,,,,, 4 , ;
s lEt EGU I. Alt lA 4: li 11l t; L
)SiLVFIt IV' ATl.'lll , z- . ..0 i 111.1.:111i 1.171'.11,1:i •n. If f. 1,, . •
ll I i ' , I L i ', AN I '
~-;;,,,,,„,,- ~..,,, .
•-•-, , ~,.,.•-•,.. ; ~.,,u.T -TI : . IILAYt No 2. A:, I raci-.1.12..0rt.
W ATc11 .. Y.1.'.';..i . „'::!1,',..1'.Wr0. , 1t1L-ttattFfi-in:ti,t u. ' rl l ;t l ''.. -2 1! . . r .,. , 7 ' .-' . .': 1 ''.'.... 1 ',..7'''. , "r,:,!'2,. " A"- - ::
-' , - - "---1.- it ..-- .I , m• 1 , --- ' 1 /1.-kiL;: -,-, '(:, Lreinina 111.....1 . 1L. aii 1 'l,ll-I.l . rah. ~..
and 011,....ty1i......f 0,r....11 var,ente.t, and at prin., Ml' •• TI 1. IS ••1 -I,' ' , - • ;In •
u•nally Inv
Yin. Welch n. t •itri n 4..0. nt Ins ta.t limn:net b t in. I Ivy ..,:t., 1 -11. d.t.
1.411 atot saint,...1
11 1.-ni, I, in it. ~. . Innirt r 4 no tes
V; 11" IV ILFHN, r.: Mira, . -- -
~,.. • Inim.r 1-an-.1. LII klitiLAli. SVIIEELINt.I AND -
- • -•-- - •
sI . LIR 2 ,, hhl. ".0., fi , r ~d e ',V ft t-eIl NI - 111 IACIHr -, 1.... t 11.1141..11a,
on.aut... Wt 1.1...1,1.1-1... will
_pout Lirri.i.,L , ,
t 111 l• l'""• 1,1, •Irrlirs• for ' , I" I , " - . r '2'':' . ,.,:'rt..."4',",1?::1 . ,*:•,',•';',,:•1`,..;',: . ..::.'r • '.', - .7.,7,- -, ' . ti
a , .o g -I .11111:1 , DALZELL lb le,ler , i ..,. 11.
_ •
lIL E i , ,F; An! E }{— 3:4 I Sjoit, prlllle inr p , _ll ; ..i. .." t v Tu.... 10,1.. , •••••1 a,. 1.. b
I - 7 -al. I. ~, J 4,11,1, DA L 7-11.1
-- - ---.-- t .1 • • 1 , • N, , WI. i. 1.0. /...,„, .
LIRENCILI 3IERINuES AND Mot s. nt: : - - - • -. •-•-• -
ii , I, INV ~, t„,,,, ~,, 1.1, t,hee, „e, ~,,,-,, )1 E i i• i. 11: 15 El, Al'A I , A 1A.,. t1
Ir,r, ft, CI 11.1 1 , 6•.,• and narl.., n iet re..l t, d . ii, ,n I ; el Ni I•NA il k,••nzt.. ~ts I . 1
lill. NIL i lit 1tC111.111.1. , :41... ...,,, • - .1.i. -,,,..n.i i ... _..,...,,, ~.
U1i1:14. - -2 , .. , Law-. N. 0., for nab, by
~ ~..1 1 :,. w 111.1.11atHi, . -,•,, ~,,•••••,- - ~,•••,••,,• -.•••• ••, •I •••- L..,
i OLDEN Sl'itcp--lu I,bld. tor 11110 t,, ; ~•_,•• ~ I tI/1.Ti,,,01.g1t1.... ~I.•
gnu t- A/ IS liAltbaLi.if
..11•%I I kr. -11 . r , Itt , RiiiihtNi. •
a ~.0,..!.. I 1,11 I 11.• tr.. 1.11.1
C.; .I.LER.I'I `-• 1,1,1,. for
11/.1113.0 4:11
E I f0 r 7,711
rro it A . Ci,v-1.) kt.p.
bbl . No. 3 L.rg,..
- h 1'1.N1.1‘,101.
:IT VT 'P'g-Vl rd '!47 - Ce'/" 0,2,, '
Vila AND WATER PROOF! MINERAL rel-" .. .."'"" 5 "--
ll' PAINT-961,bn' f, ~L. L, t,,,,.. - 0•1i..,..u• 1,51 r ALL ARRA:NW:MI:NT 11.!, I .
.-- • • CHANOF OF 1101:111 -
1 Alai OIL-- 1 . 2 1,14 a. for edLie n 5
. st•li utpeori. ~ r• -.11,, iNccts,ll
I A Jrt: JA.ll}: DA L'.1.1.1
... %)r...1,i , -)e, r •.• Pu - . 11,,,,
. ‘ , NTXTINSIII: ‘ASSORTMENT 551' P et r' ":l 7' *,,, . •""
t. `:
i 50cnr.c , ...6114,114 • eA' , II •••I•I: , I i. , ..i... , L., ,r, ocAT nub,: sm... sruensitS L U l CTsl). • '
un rr......1.1.1 ...,".1 ...If, ..sle II
TI10)). I . A I.M).:11, ~, Mea t , -, VIIILADELPIOA, 13ALTIMilliE tiNEW VORK
LI RADI/01_1('S VIELD PLAN I 1 4 .0,i L. - Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
in •,..5,.,,, rut .ftl..• • low ..1.• t•
11 ketiE2
i... 1. ' A WILLI 4, s O. •• . ‘ .... '- ',7a
.),-)..1) lad Karhstw. StroL.,,, F, 2.--r-,,,...
.caria:,ll, LI A lot; I' tr,” mai: ,
I 1QU11. • 511.1..E-2. 41 1 , 1i1. for , i)i. , LS On hnti t.t . M,lblits, .tugt.t '2511, the
•IJ .. , ati J• 1,,,m t , . • 1•..,..ri. .1 ,111. 1,,,,...,11 1..... I•lit•buro 1.., 1,••:, 1.. n
B EANS -30 lai. Small White, ha—nlP liy ."'" V.. , . ' " ,,,, s• 5. , 1.., .......),..) se ~ ...1, - 'l.,
~ SAM Ul'l. 1 . ..511 li I I 1.1) 1:;;;, j ,;:',",ti,;1, ' ;', - , ,t"...;"f "!•(;."-;.,' f "...- - „,':•,,",.',.',,c.-117°,;7
d , OMMIITEE for obtaining additional tail• """ 3-'..
P I' e ' ; ' A h ,..‘,,, , ~,, , to e , u„,„ .e.,,,,
....' sr. .. 1h• ))11t.).urqls 5..1 ,t..,11,1a-111.. it,. ' it, I), .... .., , ,....5....) ~s, ,s itz• . .r. 1t,,,,,,), -IN
rw I C.,1,1)..., 11)4. It' t
, ,e I. Inst. 1..,..1.1... 11 . A.... ~ ..1, 1 ,01'...,,
ellarl. , II Paul... 1.1...n.1 Lt.... •....•1 . ••••14.4, il,ra -.0 •rr.••l , 1,,,161.1,„. t
II Al Illddlr. I SI rep u<w:
1101 , Ilshist.i. li, ty. , P:). ar
PAsseNGl.ll5 LOP. tiALTIa..IO '
I:. M ,l,•••la. , L
i .1... t..) Vot, tell I'lltrilm•tl•nd twlnsul at 11te..1)....
srk. Hansa, Peoun,... 1 j. r : p e r lTlL.,, • 1.),....... riclay.faur 11.11. , Tim, FOUR . hour.. ..
J. Ma), Crosoat, 'MID SUMO., SW. t,. l'hilulelphis. sLo r.n. n.n.:ne.or, t 0.:..
13tu 31, Il.rnh, ' Jima T 00..., 1 lw-ast, IP .1 . . Ilarrol,u1,1),
.ol.r. A. Maud., Wlllitat .I . low. It • ....I..sirs 01)..4 "1...1,, ~..3 - t•I•lo •:••••••,,,,
+Ill.,•Lool IL Ica, Yillhank 1)., 3.3;.... rout.', or ilri.rV s. ths — fiel,..ilice, Mounties
ohn Ihrusinehaw list-.-).. , F..,. - h•ls 1R.., •.)
!sine , ll—Sewell, Wllhmu NIl•di• .
I. P. 111 ILME:ti. Ag,thi.
Robert Brucr. [horns, lint...
t) r Jon, , 1 ,. ../s liur.-1))...
° Or .•1 O LEECII A: CO , •
.1.......-n N. Are..lo, nude, ... I , , ss•llfs.)it), P.un sue.,
1 - 11
4.! rG A N 0. ode Lv
1.;11 • 1 , ouWonni ..o
1.)1100MS -7 15 11 710. Con, fur gale.
g • .1 DILWORTH it,
New Fall Dry Gooda .•
t A. MASON 1t CO., hat, redrived and McHenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool lane
It.i_. ,„ ~,, 0p00i0..--h nue, thin Emrich Merihoe. of . of Packets.
eautifol •h.ter. odarhwl itarcrialy tor tht• work,. h• , • , . .
,•,,..„.oioti suit Motmo• hortio e , embr.w•og ri o t.
~ .4 Ntlllllp. I fah, Phdadelpin. oft 111 .
ilk •arii tau, eol'O,Chantroron 544 f4(4. 41 OH 544155 . 1.1, stl.l Li rerfrall on the let at N. I, ler - to 2.. , ...W
1 . 2 ^.•••• Pa , ..• ;; ••• • •/h•brf: ' ,n th , au , Cufwite• crtor! ; •ar tl a 1! V•l'l.h.ti• Ate iP, Il P. lie •.,ro. tia•ter
aro ll'ha:le-woo ~oalttow. I,r p•r. Wore,. , roe. ..f. rOilrlSLaia If. Wm. I . : Oat - rimer, ha... , '
oralfacie, •olurs. Ehe ote.ra voal, w. otter ter .ah• a! 11 littl . l. Nwthanoil • ilarrw. M 54,
views. afoot era are coof•leut all. oimtcrwlenteol3 U. Iti:111.1N. Mu, r South, tlw•te•
rept.. -: II 1111 1-1 ANON, tuerr,) If . II It ...t, M
-- art,. 1
/1-: ate:te •hipe new hoth of ch. le!, owl vo.t owetlr .
I , INEGAIt-97 hhl.. eider, for ~alr, hat.
4.. .•1 , ..'^".'.; ." kr " ° • 1; w ? li. rfl P ;d! '! , • !;;; ;he ' ~' '. .. .1 lao II Junssans f, cre ito ur with al: Istrat otlrrw.ownca l °. ucw uu. • •
. 8 Nor- oorl,l• •entllo, 1. atot are u0ruip.......1 , :o thelt
riIIiANSPA RE N'l . IC IN DOW Sli ADES. "'"'''''''''' ''' '(' r` i '''' i ''''''
t...... oonmemiel he mem ul aektroh...twel i t
who ;
I ecut.rariog lb. to , :0tr0.0.... sol ...loots.. stews an. in. t0u11..1 for th• o•e rwrletio< in Cr- po-Art 1, xe.: •
54• 5 , 5 44, lu. ,-...... •,,, , ~ ~ + 4. ,. .. , re ftiwPw l P.o - w.., • il•-•,:•1• at ir.fruwii their friend, from the t,14 ;
from tumor prier!, I - on's rAI. , MK. t>uoirt .-ori a r e -etr!fi•af.• of more. .ro-n 'ou •
stiotti ,‘ • •'• Hal ,,, . ifOt/ to .:ullo ;Louth, an., our In In. a MllePa ,
UI i A Ft 4 MOL ASSES— ~,...d ~0j 1,1,1,, them o ell. the po ot into...lnn 544
1.., i ,•.•o , relat.•o O. the.rutel,rtorr
C. , 1 hto:h pr•Mr ,r. O. ,mmr 1 r th! coo•voiruer a Alio, I. ow ;
. oo hhi• romiatiou 11vhowar, a , eeeorili i ratio oo CI rt. rho, 1144 LI 40 . 544. ra,hle
Oa Otortil to arrive Mr cleame Der ittoriett for : d 4 :.4,4 4 . 115010. wwouut. which it% to. "alp - 1I• 5, i . :l
4 S r I: iIOYD,
. •," h „.1 aLuttl. Oa, or .
. '
piIIV . DEK--151) 1, 3 r, Bil.vtin f t, f.r .1.. 1.,,
• Uj, J Mir 4%,..1•' , ,. 177 .
U!!Ii00:‘1S- ,4 21.0 clozen.Corn, for ,ale Fry 1;
j J _
IIEADS--- , doz. India Rublozr,
rr , '.l. ntee of 111,1 art.ele. fur 1,1,,
14. 7 5...111 W.. 4 et. x.lll 1 . 11/1.1.11'
1 4 -I RESii TEAS- 601 , packages pren resh
A nr I,el,ee ei Neqe I ort—ersttng
1 !4;;1a.,•„. N: -) 41851.
EW 1101. TE TV NEW YORK ill
I" ' ,
r. fur • du '1;1
M 11A1l181,11.
4r 7l:tA L l:4 - I!I,TA V 1,1:,K11 . 4. AA. lAL Lt.,
- -
D T F. lED BEEI . -.l:rane A. Suitt'h eupwri- n•t N1..,n1n., mr.,,,A ~., .: :1.,
. m.' . h'
.tu c rar CuTINJ 11,1 n 1 1,,11, t:zynAval • :' Jli • '
~.,,, 'AA e-r...' ~. .i.‘:,-r.,ts .v c , L T A.l.rx, . . ~ , 1 , ,A111 . T:n1 , 1! . ..?..Vim1ret i, .b7: . 1 ~..logeis, l 3 1
•ua,) . i tr., Ll,ti . , a , . ;,:A ,„, h i ~,,,, nt ;,.110 , v 0. -V. r c ii .L'HZ, 01:v1:T. 4 11%4, ,
F RESH ITALIAN 11ACCAROSI—.Ji.t ''',L , .010: , : .... i .,,..,
~,, ,
..„,.,,„„„„,,„ 4 ,„ ; ;„ i
. • 4 A SI .1!11, a i.,:...n: , Car ::01A/A4.11' t1; , ..5 Tralu I i
ll 1 / 4 , A',Ck t A. , A . A. O • . ...n..,..1,, J , a1' , ,.G, ww.l Ar ,. ...1.2
..,;-: ':SE Lanirc, . ap P•,R.11 1, 4.ri. tA ./... I.AL t. •-.,,, I i 1....
1I A N DIED WM.:EH-1 Canton Dry '' ) ,,%(:•, ; ,:,,,,.,„ T r ,.:-,,..11Y,...,.. ~,, ~, g,,,, a,
V) I',KArA n 1 , iluer. 1., r,...1 ar.;.l (or pai• LT
~;', - IT 11l A MK IL' Itii A. C.• ' , LA. ‘ I.• ~., t 4.',
" ,:' r''7
, i , '••'t - t ' ..';'2. L • • •• • •' ' z l h% 7 .',':l';'.',,7, -- Li.,_±,,,,,,,,,, , „
• i...•• ....1, u. ..• ita,-I..rati..r. a era,
''', , -, r•'• • -1 , l.- r,:.111 , : , 1 , 41.•:... • '
TURS -10 '1.7.
LoCISVILI.E, ju.l L . , ' a T..
ruhl for ,la r will, S• ;
G AR-25 Lap Brazil,
1. , wan. iiILVJAY lel e r
EMILI:311 a 1,11:3, ♦
•.+llz. I dui I:: I
. Excursion Tickets to - E -- e; - tver, 25 cents. I
4., , , 03 A R—iir hhtla N. O. for uric h) ail II }: Lo,: 1...,,,ne, r lilealliEttl
ICI .aa7 1..:,,Liu1l A ItEN:i.i'l 1 LuAl i:. uni •11C1‘1,,, A. ......uip..
i iNsEED UlL—LObLit+. pnrue, hn. iale L) ,', - .';.:':!!,: - ,;.. 4 -,;,.",;`,*:T . V!,,... '-',..,,,,
EaoLrau a BEN A in - _, I . r . , ,. ;:::; ) , , , .. A res ttu..-1-4.. to. 11 , 3 u. 5: , ' EC.r rt.: il. t .
Jl4 uoula k uu E ,
1 , , , ,/ , u , l4:ing In at tn T4 .. coi+ Trcture lAcum. i
t , u. -1,-.1, unA 1...,,.. l'AtsturgA. tut (6 ceuto.
~,l . ,Tu. 4 : , ,I,ra ...u. Ju, uul up the r.,.:
q Ittiu t 4 urn, 4, tqurxt 11... rtra.buste - Bess," or
liu trim
, ...IP , A GAUGER.. ai,....,
- .te r a kustattrl.l .....1 , •.',. - 4.... i
ACK.EREL-6 bas. No'6. 1 auti
' blf NO ,
u. No . f. l, r 14
, ‘ 7
1 1510L.A..1: , .4.5-20 I,Llu. fur till. by
1( 1 . .10AP-150 l.oxe Nu. 1, for !...:11./ low I , v,
'I I AR-100 I,ble. N. C., fta oak low
• L'BEl3triT
1 0BACCO-1.20 !um. s'e Lump, fur sulu by
.0 • 7- uESNrrr
TOBACCO-10 lege, L Tvriht, 6.r eale
1 .uu'n° 1::,./LISU VENNI=
C ,loAliki-11),OW Priuct , e
p .
1.11311 Sprauel• •.'trtr thoutvl. to
d tiENSeri Lel rcse.l
I Lvifil flNtEliijr:Ct!VEii•WATctitS.tL. •
3 fr. •r, I • etu I ••,r6uto.l. ru. 1., u( Siirlii•urs Cuntr,rl Huhu,* 11.. for Diardt..
••ku• (k 1, 11 1 1 •••).• ut 7 1., dirlorl. •• 31, N.•
•••• • al r.rrirlro 14rd:or ereu•ut . 1. -t.1.11 1.41.
, 1)(:)PEli A • fell ES--In Ilontin, qmol it;l , 4 - .3r0 to (Init.
u/aln tot iruurt3alli I•• L ( o, ri. ,rt •• 111 wt. 1 quirt.,
t 1 u. 1,-1 1...0.t.q. ur.curraelurrl 611 , ••11.r
,11,..x..11.1 bliglglj I 1 11n 1. PAH
Ito .
/ •
•, sruithftal.l sal S.Atur otter. le
pp...u.r.< 51.11.urg-,oheln
1851 WESTERN 1,351.
13.2 a ROAII Dto AT
T EA -1(10 hf. Y. 11., Imp. mil O. MORI, AND ,NEIV YOR/:
—• •
b.:41 Ill.ulaq an 4•rnn
L•e••. or rh Foun.l nea.l.lusn/.1.
awl halt. ,I•vo ntirfartinn of ens Wnn - h r,./
/.014 W W1.1.e.0N,
• use.‘i linslint sou 1,1.4..4.
VI ORRIS' TEA 'MART, in the Diamond.
jVj o -A Ithouga ! t0..1 Ipso ny4.l ill Ono ran
Itre nr-rol,l, oottoo• o,to4tilmo
Al Thu p.isblntano•nt o loik•nni A 1.. ., k $.O to•I.
o'ha'nd WU) too lboo•
Vtr i .oolpprlo, 61, 7 u Sea, .0.
5 ,'. ILPILIVoIt U 1 1.•.,
U UFA LO TONG U ES--Jus c received from
" ." • " ''`INP"(V-1 9 1111,1",:t'•, nal tea I.)Pal.a
L.! UGAIt--+Q.; Cuba and Porto Riff.
13 Sag., Immo p-ed fur Filo L,
RAM/. IJAI.ZY.LI. A. CO, Liberty n.
1 013ACCO-2.5 blids. No. 1 6 twist, for I+ Te
tti • tta JAS. 1,„ 11)rter rt.
,plea W for rade by
JA 11 re: IJA I ZELL
. _
I ARD UIL--'2O bids. So. i, for salav
'PI'S. TuIiPENTINE--35 1.1,1 , . by
Ay,l, 1 1 A. FAIINUSTtA".I.
UP. LAHR. 1 '501)A-100 kegs Eti 3 Oids, for
/ 411 1 11— , 111Ch Col
Tt- • - •- —•- -- •
3iEGS---1; 1 .10 111, prime, for Hale L—
-1.11 au 1 , u A IINEAVI:00: a,i
‘,l ACE—':zoo „h. b s ,
1 a .u.,1!, 11 A 1A11•?,,ifl: AJ.
if IT!) . I 7,117; , 77,17 T ,,
Vl.Ollll- -- 01) 1.61 F. 1r....51i g...r0in.1
r Vte 6 ;
W N DOW L etSS- 441 n.I
ITnrrAmt...l 1.11, %do! 1..1
—l, • In IL, Ilusyge.gA•
1 4 1 011 t .
CI , Ftreet 1111,1.”
11 ""
a , 111:1,,SE--100 kn=ee for nal° by
... • _ _
'.WCIIICES—BIock Lend Qructbles, from
Li Taunton. Map from N.J... IN, v., aal.lsne
a.; J IVD n. C 9., eN .
r EAS-40 hi. elieete l'oweliong;
••'n pMJ.t u
•.4/ , JAMt MIMI" FAA., 11.1 •:
1).R.11.5-5 etititte Po
1 , 41. Zaut.. 1.. r
, OFFEE-176 bugs Rio, fur gala Ly
4 W. liAltilit
Q Commou, tur tmle by
H 11. W.
LUCN-13 !Ms. Extra wail S. F., fur tale
owitl9 t. 1 W. LIAMI4LKILL. ,
, n i je ., Vu 10. j
for rnsaleanUtlo.o`?,,4l,7ll,4.
cIII.:ESE-100 bozos Cream;
Cammotz—vesl76d cad Ibt
L 7
(.0.1) J. B. UW11,11414
F 1 L L Atiornasz rind Coun !
t TI;" Aniy's Bow. MO. selet.
Victebuzith auselnivr
fL I S.— Thesplen:
n... and liiht drwht
e at f vw
ERT/0 11 1 , . car,. 4, at 10 o'clock.
atov.,l Intennedu , on .
F or rn.,,,nt or pa-k-aO, 010"
f''S '!i t 4.
.•-L -uppl:e•
,•,, S 'vow. 1 11.. lws,
awl Ilk L !FM, cf •,.
- n-1,1
• A.. 7. I:,CIL
E.7re,e Facie? and Ilaftrcad Ltne IJ Cleveland
'PASSENGERS leave every Laoraiag is Si
• etesoat:o64 to 11,.v , r. tudue. c t
Yitut Laiit and
a "Faro to CI, reland, 14.. a
To floveland, Lout, to Gr..o:t, Lout.
Cbtceop., .•
, rI I IIIE., Canal bring in good order. we are
trtawo_rt. yral su.l tosrebassits.
n. ISt. Its tams, tlttes, at lire
t urryst ems, rl
prtatt;ttnt... tit , l , ligpat :Ls roast sn4
art. trn•-tl' 111:011 , -/ tt, psopn , ,e,
I or Islins .101,1,011, Proingtttr
, tot - sit-4 14,,
11AI n s
t:tinal Dens, ryes Ur.. Pitla.b.".o.
II SIMI, I I.itECII, Prosriszurs,
ho , . 13 a 17, Z.:slat , Phas
Ltrielerlus lot•ser.. IhteS
11l 7. IltaNclses*, Ascot,
fo. 71 , hob rt.. 13altt;s , ,
. R. ItEAßCl:t.Astna ,
7. Ktot .ttrsst.. hew I orh
hiCi.NOltiliAliELli ROUTE.
. Ctimberlvaid. I:u:tiln,ra
owl i'billulelphix
ri , 111; ...101{NINU BOAT lett,eo 1“t•
te, dt
rr,tld, vitt, (do Ciim , drlidd 1 Id
I'd•oluy I•d•r••IdIty (dsc., nlnday dr.:king)
•l d. tad wall.(dr. at Cutuldalsml oPit
• rd, thr,dt, • iv. call, 1,
TI hr... 4 , 11.1.3. r. Erre on; y
td.. Cou i• wtlh
ad: C 01. ., MuddAY/iis , all
welt, th, if. 1 , 111,
t.“ • 1.,1 ‘..1
Id u.. 11. td•z,dheld
185 . 1. j e ffi l l'
ot, the Pennsylvania anti Ohio (taunts.
GLA11411:. A 4l t ... . Rut HUM, IF.
‘,11A311.11.141.Q. C lull *OllO a C 0.,..
1411.1. S W.ll fr.III , ICLI
rt Itn , r.rtr...4 to
4p• Lr....II , ITtFIIL HOC
b 1, 1 1.4 4 1 k..LAN n, 14 F4l t 1.4 Lat.---
f t,1144.1.11v4•
A or e
ry 0. rrow
H.,st 1440, i'11t6,14 501 ('O4Ol, E.) .I.Pl.r..nufug
Kith x 144* F. , 44.1.41tH00• 1 , 144 .14 IT.A.
01.1:1111 nu.t Hr. 4VEIt, ar..4 a lan: a
4.14 enk.1.)44. 41n LaYFF
!Las 41 Go., V.Fuogsl4l.4l,
U. IL TaLlor,li . meret4 0 :
.4..2. N. Cho 10111...
411.0 ton 6 .
ti 44.4. L Fraulalit. • •
A. 1111144.1.1.1141..4.1/..11.
NtoNt. /,..1 a Co., /sou.
11l cder.42. a l'ottaLc..., 445 .1.410
V.,c41....4. 4 1icr0tt.T01..!...0„
'I GC, Delrult.
Co...4lllveauhle. 1111
A. Oibb. C Co- Chic 4N, 11
41.1, c lJ licagu. 111.
t4r. Ma, aucl F1Fu1...r41.
Arrangement Diade to Forward Freight
u.sitAcoADCWIYANT tamitiViillayua, Dr
virtaa Nan and i NVerne Pittie
OJUN IL HANKLN, Anozney and,
, that at L.., sad. Commission's ter tits Stals , ,to
pxlraule, ttiaLegu.s...lll.lx(lste.oL........l.7lSabut
V I 11151AY PRINTS!--A. A. Meson eE Co. awn, )r"a7.u'... a Zcag'...tba — rrilia., nut=a
r Ar w ill , =lv L'f.
ala ..rses u jsolttltal k r , stile retaple.Sl4m a o,', \ stml&lr
Itkott= "h =lskett '"'7lllll.ll; 'I /MAR CAI/ / '
Wili MW
' //caw sad 141407411 a. ' LA nu . 81., CI- 7 6 IbiL 11,4 1e a b .4
, .
, OYFEEQO bags prime Rio, side by
91111.5 well knout establishment is Mill con
j. dorte4 In the mine manner It ban .11,t,
rrur ,"'",it!":,?"(3gr.igh="l4.74tribil;
fi•InII 4 . e. nAa t blit% To rend, It egreetble Ithcl allrsats
...ottz tb. elrr.
' tf;ffin., , et.. Don of lb. tirrt of John L. llseitt
thr bf et 1.13. retablf.bfaeut. th. ittocribei
0, ttzt•l. ffrialatffiv 1(4 repulacivo. acel
• %, •eo,f
vv alf.f:cm.4)lso. NM H Plulitrat, •
, neskyllea t
a, t Yi:t $ 1 . 1 4.:,11,..yr...••
ui.-0 • Trrm Gotta 1r.,. I.l , ! , eastso
1 llamDl do
Irm. 13,kr, , I:•••••
E,,r. hut., elite.
47 ke 11,11%.,%ate,
tau: , (0,.• 1., • qr :10,0
tlerem. .1.1••• • 1,12
I, • 1 l..t...literrn . i•11lLf1.3.11•111,
It'l 10 1., 4.1 :••••.1. ,••••‘,11.1 lattott,
( (+tout - I.,ttliwat(lolito lottlottif
J al-71,111.11111:;:
LE y, wooDlv co., Wbvie.
11) 2 .,1• 2 )1• 1: 1,•( !L, l'hflotlelphla art I,
11 1 2 A L I
.11 . 11eK N()Lt ( 0 '
_____ ._
- Th(7lF — earefi - uiriqu&c.
l' 1 CONi'll: Frttnekt 14,4 r, 360 Eiiitti.
T \\,,,
.0 . ...-I Nl,ll ti .11th. Lee lAs Pitt Iro lu Inii op,
atom f. 7 tb- webula, us... of .1 'b. Abx.ll b Pura Yl,ltlrr.
I ,t,.:,, tio,ut hut b..,C:.t,...kt ute..antot.ll ,
'bal.:. It Iha trai], acd tilb IT
car ully Dade or,
” :bus lb the bent re , ttott tn4.l to th• C... li of - France
t:lll4.llaub tb. qualfly. •,,tai tr , utool bf et loaw.rta
tim. •, 0, tob,...vnntrn. Itvaler- are IntlttA In etel le INI
1 0 4 - . h. ri.E.... tub .rwat.l t ,
115, to ttp. of.
C.:, I Water ,Igt.b. T PIT VI.IIK. shicb will bAyrolort , r
k atbto b.l I. ta :Ito •
American Hardware. • , \
' 111.111;N 4 UVUULASS, MiatlUi.Cl.lliff
[. A ! ‘t.l . ;°, ' ::,.-1.., ...xt...- trial, ‘, th ,f,...." ‘tf," '.' 'v 1 :4 Yr " ;
thinlyarn Tr u.l, tn thrir f.trek 4 rll3o.l3 4 , t r t r r eelv " el ell t
• (nap It, mat0.f5 , ..1,.. and t.r ,sla c. favambl, i•rza
i ' :191 , -.1121
Steam COmninincationl7etweenHew York '
and Glasgow.
p r Gi.agow and 'New leak
•Ai. Crn.4tlf P.,f", •
• LASGOV emd 400 , 4/11.•:
nrl , fire,t `Mut ta• 01.111 h rf
u. ht 1. rinrt ,004
I'VIMAGt 31L.1.,
cm +at.. Ittictors.
t our I 00.1. r.,
nuo tat
New York India Rubber Warehotuie.
Atat.ien L.•, and No. :Vatum
,r, .rn.r frnEl Fem.ri
rylitE :.,L'I3SCRIBER Pr6prietor thi e?-
1,vc,11•1 alf , ,raa his LAI n. and
I, haw. , ,cAral; • .L. ••i• to( frco. ttanesn.. I.L.
(Lae,. • ,u ..n,ttar•• v• 1 irtal• , tt , t , tre.t.t‘ar...^.r la” tA,L. aal.l
4,00 Irk tv.hlurry r/Anpral. ....
,nu , A
'• “Ar.nLr• • r , pall LA tt0r..1..E,C,r
-urv.t t, • rrnd tAa,E. A k Ili Mi C luniofrs...&.
frunA •,t1
•.-A 11,
(r•.AD brAnd ..•PA or. , , 11 . ••• 44t0.r
Unt.l , • ,ard weal ar.tAracqnres
/h. r • u , v • Cl,O, hl,b`r,,a4ent
.t r Dr, •i.. 11, 53 best' en,
Jou ., r••••••••.t.e., edu.r....1 kat Ler L. plaid Prillh
met .0.1 p•.• 1•1 •..I.l.•petAl, Ih.( ',fluty
w1.n,11.,1 ,1 AANkI.I3I el, It.
sad .55 ,1,, b.... l'Ara tO VA" [l.
l'erprtual ecAb...A...tu a ` Nt 7 ftmtt.cOtt Sod
11.11.1 r- n, Pttott. tt11,,,,tr4 " , nnAtlf, II on?nia
Ign , t I hy..l
11A. At ssi.o..
li.r• • A
11... r., A \Aud
Itu.. u
1'1•• t.V.4 - • latil • 106.1 rt. 1,11. nu.l tr.
.•••nri••• /.40a, , 114: 4 .11[11, 0,11,1 1ter . .41.y .
• ' ; ' ,..utd.r feu, •r
Shawla! Cloak];! Mantillas l 7
m t , XL\
11—LT0'w, vv.
ter•, • • r, • 1.:4 3,11 U.A , 7,.: • !, r.:.
1,• f .14 il`e,t.
,ilGt • ttae h.s .
utet :,,,1211616 .7.6,1.1. La:
A &ND?. I,l' exb.11,14a4
e.vorr evle , l,lPriut ty;
To the Public - .
.lilt ItU : 1111Elt SIIOE—Oar attention A cipa Bargain Allow Offered,
t.,. ,uo or 41 4.4. ,, e Lar- kft.r, hom Thro.A F.Akr , ,irCitE.:l: , .l. Poqu..sos Box:nglo,
L-.-.--ito ri:..l .0.... 01-, caOreqe.VV“. ?led.m K. 1., I fly. li.reJ tho c KW./
lan tio, ao,tottcm him -ith p.roiluath.o3- I, To e •prtly 01E4 Le :111,
und. - 2 - 7Air uot I <led lot, lot, c . tk • 0.1
• ....rlLki Il...yeure Patent.. In the truanhol.l.lnlateOf 11:14,4,1 rUrri.or, 80.1.4%4 /HAIN.
It, L., pu1r!....,1 •ut amillailOture at ylt;. Ft.
no 1 , , .it.pno on.t, to»..lirar to. •44 1.•14
GI, money'. • er..4 arm haft) cai tug o t,rhfaor the osOoth
• ~ ,V •tl I • e
fi rat.t,.l.lnutt ts
It u...te jun; le ,r°l
Mtn to Irttriutn 11 • 471 .tr,Y0torisberenr.......t.t
4 .. vtttlaningt. •eti
In' t.nt., i,. now
.t l , , c.ntiny. not t utr I,:ntrlot, cut , ' itt•tent.. tn'injurt
c wt n I,tteci..l it
•u, the., nu. OnSFI•
r Dal . litra: • thnt .tser t , wst.eitatat.rre.
Lot La In I,at,
Ist-tru cv IA: tc'e It of *LIS
-it till;
wm. A
c„ ' II 11,51,1•nt
• .1.,-'4ltr.
.I --- ; to allege of .St. Jarea. !,
J. W Uolbarion, ! W4BHINGTOIC couN'Ty, NI Att•XtAND
:;:•• 74 .4 - 1:::Jev ..V
.I. er nr, ~....,40. ; IL. Dic,..sutt C0i1...a. cl the PrlgeitLaLEPlemTaTttre . 1
1 '‘ 1 1 ..,, 1. ;, ti i .I,llirf fi h i l ! ,' e r ' d ijaN ,l ;l 3'l :7 l. :Gl r rrtrt in an F /1 1 :..:: N .N. ",
' 1 open,. M. - lI:AM.' OrLia.e 4 tltl4llsl. sn.L e bitt.tat.
a..... 6L......,:.1ar• Pencil, l'oul 11. 0..1, 1€ •Lr. 11,0 h I ~......• tscall - Ibtar% : i .. .......;crute,t .11.).' tOe I....ITLitIa, (ma
1.... ai,..... 11,41.:. Cut.... A .. r
. 1 , 1 1, 1. , N . ... Futdents are reroutra....k.l t4.en t Lhe
. .‘ loot k.r I at, slr -.I 1,...,... ti . plta,i 07 l w Ww/01C11, • .LWI kre receirel ‘ tit at tl e.g..,
,la.lefonur...? A.1...1 tnr 1..11 sit 1 su 1. ~, t .s., •. it. , art , ,. aul,tl „ Large IreAl.eted fr.,.. tL., ..,:atu c • t.ei.
.L, Lr:. - 24. , ea a.u,. '.
- . TUE COOL 'I, 13... Ito us,. unotte t sr, , ~...... u
SIITIRTIOr Illn,ek Writing s and copying Ink. ! 1iv!,:',',?,11Pg?..g„, - ,y L - ti.;: . !'...:(' , „:-:--,...,4.
i ervtiT7'.; IE3I ?Ili I. INE \ r - - 7 N,,,oaa str,t, I 0. It.. Frs.tcmti, nL:n...!,....12,:.',.e.,.i,,'
alp A.,. I, .111.14.... IT
lora . 1 TI IL ti1...101)L1 5CLIOUL.`l.....liaul adicialuq the
....I ITV.Cullge. aad tuLler ite.olperat.l...f al- Itert,r, I la on , ,
, aer .1i..t4..... ai.dp... te... - elrra \ILI, ut tAt.‘, beclLuit.s 01
1 4 ,.,,, r ... ' ' '''
' 7 ' 1 ........ ' 1
'.'. '''''.• ''''
--•- lI , Ir ErLlrmlesl .\ - ..a..., and prepare. he. for 11, e.....
- .. pat, clap. The ~or relaLt .....1‘.11r,..7.., IIL
I WWI, ‘.I the Cr. 11..., r I.l* 5p, ar1k, tu tn.. tool•
[La Grammar S-1,..,...1.
In tha aii:Re ,STII.I CLASSEZ. U. :41.10: . ....fehl.
1 . ...t1ted. .....1 11 , . 11 , • , .... c . Phel b, e.LlLtional r. :ther . ,.l
Modem Lauftutge, Ltnal, ......0 , - • ,
ttc . 4 lttr.t...L. of the Cri v. a ratlraly hrulthlsLl ko
' 4 \
..... 1..11...Lance Or.. Lls - ,,,L.a..1 rillLge,, sr,- 1., t.
. g 'itWil'itUi.":"Jow ir v , ... “, . ,\, ,i-. I.
, 0w4,; :or .....p4.1.1. ia IbeW r,:r..f .1; en . - -..L1.
[ luLdlitlon to the Prater corp. .1 rcpt....are:4[le T../....
have .....eutl) •ppolut,l Ilu.grlgt 'aver 1...4•10. Li. IL. Lne r
tun,.. Cl.!) sal .1'...e1.r.1a5t.41 - , and ..•.tru 11. AIN,
art.t.r. IL. .ar . ParLIL and Cheeutstr,
Th.. at hole eharynfor the .11.• , ..tarp uu morttS... eu, -
In th College anal Grimm.: 4,441 . lvc humitz I •c...
tv.s.,.t.e d,,llar, P.).Lie aa.l., alv ~. • - ii , • , k \
4,0,-,,,,... for ...ItuL,a.c. VOkr in *AU
h r Jtl.l:. li. LEE y. • • ' •
1...J1.,« r I 10.. /01.00 i • 0
W..1 . 4 , c,E.n. , \-1.1 tr. Marrl..•
'‘ ~ L t . ., - ,31. 14 littaLtte4tl .ah ..r.- Irtr:rmet,.N .
4 t thla lasttLar.i... a. n L . th., Ita, It., \
Ir. L 1........., rtLa a 1.... L...... 1. .T; ~.
I, • t. -.•
•-1 1.1,1 i`dwould,
n.o c<ulr•
Tr:t(og Ts. .lgua, I , r sal adl
Pni , L.,l n Tho 0u.far.1.1.4-C pr•vured no turn.. t. n.‘
ha, 1 nr twana . musunmpr:.u. ktavo
prin. a. 4,Ln at ,r ta..) part
..,, so eiaii ,
_ Ll4' Ok •
Profelic4 ilex C.ilarirsTiicopiero — its,
11( N 1 F.I)!C iTEir C'OMPOUND, for
w :t, i.u.11....Lit,;ng Llos
lalvt - .Nnirnif diAtaKA of
i • ‘l. ,, nient• b.r , Y^
boo , tirartlrt in ,inlng,lintase. att.
a. ,1
1 . ..• r,:.s L..:4 :7 iA;L: ,..,4 ,1: 1 :....
11L,.• • , 7 . ' '.l n."..,r. ' ' ' r . 4 in ‘ 4*
..-t., . ,
~,...`t . Leat .14.114,4efr.41 , , .4 , 11111 mr. ,,,. .. • Gr._ .
Lass bet the Orlce nt Pm^ ~, the m... , sl.-. 9 P 5,, ,.:
rz..i.,..7",,,,h!...z."m",.ra:%m.., , ...:z."..•L,...L...1„......1
i•tv'•,,..,-.., ..., rAer TmitnarlArt,mn I dir , s , .. I 1.,
; ..m n ,I t,-. Ln, ntrmin &AA nsnlOksVcr,. ~.buys ser self
;-- ..I. L et .41 1.. nutln+ se the r.n.lcues cr the
41,4.1, ha: to 1.4,e, I tea 1411.•11;1.11.4.
'. r . t!inl , .. r nr , , 41 V II i:A.PELIit.
' ' * 14 , 1e,rafelln vt - iimakly k.
• .
Nr. Ivus. Oct . zti. 1: , I , .
rft.:t. t . ..—dly I.),:ar 2 .1 1 - 7tbilirt..a.ronra=
c. ..(t:!".: ' ,. ' 1t1 ' t1 ". ?!..4Vt',.N..; R frietut % quelrl..plave ,
ou - .did r., uty uoulfl , Trd. ruy Liar yr.,
f.r... , , rt. it% Kul all rtut . I, . , tribt 4... ..; , :iotd... ‘h•
1....4.i 1.4, , .b.. r 1...dt
• 11
gt/11 of the
o hs
rota ma.. •4 tsar. V. St. •
Arto tor st. p.m.toot ours of .litetts
,tosas,s of the rraotoo. a:4watt,', that has Fled
s. tolotlarato 0t0..,1 hos 's o
to...oirsly 5, LI, tiovn ot.tsor. tbr, o...3ottllssoONst
st.o. st • t", I.SosS> In the t0t..1 .t ts porforso..
arttolOm t4.' t. 1. It to ths t. 5 ,.. f
Uto prom., It. gfl•nli In • rtostookohls
It 1...tr0t s avoStort , v.... . rho I.sit fins an slo—. I sit' etas 01 .11...t05t0 of sail,
r5..13 ILA nos. Los& trotto, WD.E..tber
ss, . tht skOto otoutpu..... St tr.:a...11M0, mt...
onr. silo'. II Is 6.4.1 In se bottle., tole , .
y. no.l at It. Itruso,ot• goortotti f. tbrouolto.
• • 1441.1tV
; a. 0.1. th• kat!.
IV Ur ,aO.ll
I Ei IRIVARDINU S.. COM it 5 6 .10 3 .; NfEktelLiNT,
t.u~.:a„•r.l LLIil!,
g , ONIINUES hqyal facilities i. re , eoivo
spx l thtyllicolACagnl and Itivrr
I r
Lotto:, .il-.1111/4 a
. Jll4eA
_ ^ 4. r ..14,k1...CAugh.r. •t•tmca
- Win- H. Haakill, . •
AND AUCTIONEER, Watar ntmo, lA.
U;l.l.l.:O.Datusi to Came buslur,,
JUsi I
ST. J 0813 1 44, 48,491TR1. ‘
c,,1121.111‘1, iul W , ll - 444,h11,1 xpU, 44toe
Ot. Jives*,
&I•xan&T lierdou..rad Lon..elsr mg
I 1:1-.Durth.
C I I'UT'CLE; \ Attorney
pad (Wazazatsconwr Pcx111 , ...M. et. L.
oaanacmicatio. DIV=PUT _, • --.17
l 0 \ LET- • large and veni t T4'
ere aeid. snows: 6. 24s.con a d 4 .7t.b. • wo'dje.
-sic n. 'FroN,
—The 5.1.1,N1 1 1117, II LatE, Gartarr . 7 t, ~ P. D.
t.1`1`.,-"id.77,,°2,b t1:1°11 7 —,„ .. 2 . " $ gf . ,,'
t i. i'
tha . loedat . to , t,\ nor \ Pa.,' to ,tnina, a a ,/,...a. " na.rX r
V,‘...'...,'"..r,v. ' ,,, '‘'' e , l';'L'Ar,: - .° - ;,= 7,:: \'' ‘.
F. , 111:,11.1N, Ted, 1 t.. A: ;c ut - or 11 ea.3.111N
llb.ny .1_ Pine WE . 11...hitacit rat,. et •b.... eatat• .•
Tt...±'2.".1'1_ • ...IVh. ‘:
. Private e\ idenee 4 , - Sale.
TIRE PROPER Y. offered ,xeeeding\-.....r.:
e::s \.
la i t lola, and tat ver. ac, 121112c.Ilata ,-.. 1,
~._.t .....
co cht4tell;thly lent.ditilhe rid'', Intreorlna C5-41 , i1.
Of All...ghat*. The rituatitn le ustonrpaa In the -0ur
tr;•...312.0.11111( 6 1131.5 t Itiip.l.l, .1c1. 1 ,,0t t Clt• .1 illt.i.
1 o fV l.l" lt ' Parr..lT. — . - ; , ..t ii t - i, --
4 ' .. " - ' - 6 - -,
. .. . t ~
...v., . bin.g h, .
.IT .4l.l,, rtt r rr ' 2. , a . te tVr ' antl 7 lVO 4' 2l "" 0 :; 9 ; i g=, " ta
' lltl t' . " 4 " l, -Oi i:'..t . ";, " i t .7T.7 `. 1 ' , P,r!"°
L. AO, t.t. •r• :
the Ilona.. s rt ry, bath in 0....1.. ta atop, of • best
• Inatertal, and finl.bed In the la., cowr a rtaeln every
....csarore that tr,,,al t•ete and .Sit Id tit, , fl,.• , , rttl.
• dn. traarl it,. There Ir adtel..t.l excellen ant.
' rat thd door, cud pipea 1151 for hydratabstaar..l.lnr. co
houre, aci nailing. • eartne or choke I s ralt and,ab
hdri.,. I o eht,rt. De rltnatian and alwatatairst i can raily
aPitetan-.1 . .r an ...thud. of th.. i.i; . /a ....... De.,
m e . tattning Id puretwe ate Waited to r Mc 115 a Watt ,
olgual. wo. .11 tall.. plantar In AMD. ..11.T7 Illirtlll.ll
- It 1. Z. rars. chware for penning r iiellOth.tVe.,
11 "nrr• dr . PurdhLtt 1.1 . 1 , 1' , . ,,, t , .. ' \
eer.: KAIKD a IKV 4..11 I .dea.l,tol at
Beal Estate. ' \ 7 '
, \
. riLSit-LJET.T.ownoultl'„u;k7;,.=„: l .lA.4;ittkhthe
t o rear \
Ala. --A yore, 6( around, 196 foot on Webnor rte it, V
5.10 feat un :tomer, et ' Enquire at 317 Liberty rt. \ • •
anitZs.3f Jounc_i__tal copy.: \ \
D.I. in Allegheny, lot . alleror arehan. I r Cal;
:•11: from tli b o . A l r47; ', llTc ' t o .. o,o , o :4 . . l• Ar ' n ir ' ,2 rtl'lL - 4,
:Drs. Bridge. 'lnn subartiber offers told property oh nc.
entarnodatln, tdrecu., which be tator coOtiptrot lb• lot It LCI fault en North Canal rt., running back to Llbtrty
moat ',lna 275 lett , near one-third el" an acre, on which le
.15,1.1 • halal, ilataar,contalnlng top morar, peened IrrieY
Arum: a an I.le ond.earriaat' boo., on,the back of the IcL
=The It., ~,.., 4 ae but, n. any in altecherii. The yreltl.l , B
fan 1...., a...untied at on, thine. Int lama iinntre ot J.
: KIDD at a. ar,rat,f .I. Kidd .1 l', , ,rtter of iourth and
1Tc..41 rut fentradlnt i \JOS7. KIDD.
rro TRANspOR.TERs, com x lssloN
•.(ittocEn 31ERCILAN18..--Prr ogle Go Locotolop a.
Obi term:, FUlat .Yory coluabla LOTU. rack, frootino 1:J
teat , I)6 In:ho ou Danl. Imr Atirol,l4 1.,1ty; and (not
U. the Penns Lod Ohl. itoUtood. oqua, cot
Ma Dew-) and exterolloo b. to thiloull Ba lb. I ,
by atturdtou tbo greatoU forilttlo fet LblfZeoOky riCtor
thr . Railrool or Caul.or term roquire of D. C. fTOOKTOON, Allesbotiy City;
GI. at the Beek:GlG,. of ETOCrf
augl,s : etruer Market and Thirtl,att.
Seven Valuable Farm, for sale, A.
ALL SITUATE') near the Ohio and Penn
. ~ylvsala ItaltroaA. arehe rielnlir of dalexa. Okfti,
Irani from ttn to,2P4m each, - and In a good state'
Iso- 7 100 TOW:: Lgtl , . hettreen the ot , tn.t buitoo,
P. If e rhT.V . t atlliVXlo D' n7. ‘ 4. ' t=flv r ' . r to.. pre hat- I \
tack In the 064" and l'ettakrieania ...13r0a..1, - or io
otth, k! lb. !tank. in t..ttaburoh. rill 1.4. Mknn in or,
me. %
I at
aMosalth to &mt.a ma. ,4 mount, adjoin - tn., tot.
Dspot ktounti. to r competent man or otooprot. 14 err 't a
firm elan ktotes npon. on aht.-b a ibuttl,t no h.. bat I,
"711rthicte.'t:Vnl.P511.M=".in+ t.ttett.:l,,
burgh and ela.tand; slao. batnaen rittaburyth anti Wno,
tan ml tho - hertokt to La danrmi from the rank Itrlule
no. Idag cortgructod to .n 4
*from 151.1e61.11Intes II hno of
Ihn ir o, lrmriaCja,hats cia he Ilaiel . Wr s hilkkiL ctrl
hat., U., .1.1! \!, 'h;..c.//a3.oa-,5
\ For Sale.
LARGE lot -or pieoo 4 ground eituato iu
ivy Eixth 'AArd 'ret,ibe city of rrontio
I.lA.ut h.,. on Fultaknrewt, nnal ..xtAndhoz.back te. n
n. I^n) oust. fhtlkorApc.-ty
the linfio. nod In thi,Alel of tn.. yr5...1,4 , 1,4n
IA Int., 0. Nlrtnn:f. n,ty. tba dwelling hot., of
A. R. Lnato. Y.p. r at NA, ...Aod 3.3 Imitable ground
eat.r tbo•n,tino on o: two Isztefuldwellltp,
41.. or Antallrr t.,ocmoots.
AlAnt In turd kpd tbs balAnro, lo est, c.,01
:anonAl Intrlnent% w.curr4.67 bond ..AportAVA
Apo,. o. 'l'ollll.A.A'Alrf.)NiultAyr's.l4.3
FOR RENT—TheDretlii g, Ne. 1
Thibl g1 , r1.• near ffsitbtrLlA-a..4 , ,, Ly
new haft buildlaz raid tbit paintio:6./ wiper:fax 0f... ,
tbe , .obre br4f.,cabasoleta,,l. Tb• 6,16 b,
rrron.l loot ban is 'bath rmot iavvh..f.l with bba
bnt ar ott
Alr.,- - tb , Una.. ebbnittib,, ebovletNte i.l3.ltilA.
•b 4. • ,! \ I ~u rlit etbmt, • eat Wad
For Sale or Perpetaal Lease,
'jury-T.lln E r
n !My. of .11...1..rt55kay. , 1., cad
40,, ul Ihe tratido t.I tLu\ co 1,. k•to
t..-upl,l ps.mul,. 1 , 1
%It mi , 1,...)1,111.1..1),.p.,
r.r a tea ost , grit..,. sal. /.111 ,-,
;AI ,
Real Estate for Sale
k. , V A LOA I: LE unimproved LOX, ~ t,. Ow
_ ',..r...r \ ~, L. 4.“ r .....a Ftvq. , , ,,,, ..,1.ftS \ ti - sr 1.
‘1.1 , ..-1, it..... , ,Faa 1C...U.1, Llactreh. •0 f.t.t L-.. 1,1 01. lab
•rty, .1 . ... 1 , .. 1... \ ~. sicoo <4l 1..,-.. r. rat r.„:1, I. .. :wing
\''' `"
1\ ' ' - ''''
- V
7: t . if2 , 1 ' ?: , 11 ' d ' r u ll ','''
V: " .47...., ` ~ , ''.+ 1, 51 ,!!' ; :;!1; :`,,: :c., ', . , ,„L1;; ' ,...fi1t d,
4t ki ., .. "°' , , i, " :•.,1.. r :t,, ` ,11tear Ehaxpobitab
Al,— i . .--, ..t :5,... vre. It. W......t D. - ....rtownrufff: . ,
..•1),-. A far..:t ..:/, %, •1 , •• In Lalarcut , rouray.....u...l
Ale. - -. k . ...... \ l.. ii ,, 0ri,...a , ,y,.. f sarlous sta. ...24
pr 1,..... ;rem W. , ...*.• ` -W.." , • ,
A/... - ..12 r. , 1.....4uabn1,..,, La :111.1,r,. l'Alncti. Pviza
.c. 4. c.a.\ t..1...p,tii7 ~I . 1 ,. L ,`,.. L It-FETTERMN. '
• `'AVarz...l - \c, 1.... , :j .4 Rea •Esta. Algera.,, \
, SU 10 `,1,...unt. at..., Pittaurit. ,
p i * I ns tit u t e . \
glfiE ' BuBSCRIE,ER. it.iying
, 74.-ored to
f t ! . ,dt ' k... ` •Tjv r it`j,,L . .." ` ?. \ ;3! ' 4: eV le E ' retei!, ' Ci::
alru, ar..4 atur.atlrmi e. , •13 , 4 nu!., ibis Itt di r al"
teptembtr. Tale sva.t.bay c I i? , :pII. Is goolt.ely tual a 4.
mut the alerts: stamstola u II be yali,lo t!at. edlrat , t
strd =mill al tam, , uasmirtn.sta
it r-a..r. a :Adel, SIO
€l7:':,7i'4i°' ';-:4 ° :,72;g o "P` -11'...a.e..- of e‘Y—
L .11.4t0
\ j si.:6:quit\,
Grig — ge,Gramaisr
.Sde of Ma .b4omonci, 4 , llqh<mit, \
1: 11 E4 ere 1 - 1 \ year, kad. 31
•14.1, #2.3 r.r
\ . University of llarylaki s /f,
a \lii WED..
~ Pay. tt. ilay, txt. t.r. It. , ''. r.vl - 1 - -• 1,1
tl rcb, 1. 4 ,....:. , , , _ , ~, '
\ -
t'!. ' . . 117 . 1 ::i.t:L " )g 2 „„,,.t ` ..
" 4.- '.. - 11 . , Tr. utii- -, Zi. .\....1
tee° ,
U . ,, , , :yh nal ..i . b. AtaI.EAMS and l'E,H.,:r.
11m D0w.,.. U. Tn...,7 amt 1 . 3-,n, ~.l . .1..,i,\ .%
Itirbarl II 1' om,. il D. ill3oty., ~,,., DI ~...v
Women sad Cblh n
41 rorii W. 51,,, he ., PI. 3.1 l'.. r.,iiiiiii-i,i eri.i4iirpii i .
The ors amyl. Crr the yrc..r.-Istl , mvo‘
' Trtr l lVnlt ' ztures 1 . 1 ' r
llVf.r:fteir'otr,r)r, f,,.•'4,-.,..;',0
at. 4 I , :trer. la [Le Dalt .. .nu Inermari . , Ith fir Ini,i . , A ,
t.f dmly % yd., Ito - var..\. k ull.butal :1,4,, ~., Llr ~• -t Y , •
%AL th• Uact. .
IL:. the TE,taret. .c.) I. T%; 1%.., I.:al Ac. C . ,a-,
'''' M'r'l-ai"' ' . S\
"' 1 ", !1 ' . " ; . . ' ..1 - 7.\ 1 t.i...';. 1--•;
Keiteeky Mutual Life.
tlaa arcuras and al•aotavi o
t•oxt Pima to, barat.ofdre ain't i.... 1 I
re,* of vrerolora. an Imo.' rrimma
n-ro+aa ry,nir..l for the rent , certa
ad, oat,. ,- .01 oot er." , •,..5e prv•wott 11.
tc, . , t.,,a1,r, for thr at, :.. 1.,t0., Of It!
W. .01,,,,t In Ito ar , orr.olattua fond
mumbrt., pa, ehl. at dpalb, by net' , op ,
e austatat,
toad deatgurd au lit , 0.r...t.
sbvrt term moat..., and , ..tro la tn. We
V boat. Wr the obvt• tznia of la. '
1151 - 10. b the maly slntlel . LI! , torn
..,...-• re... , :;f Pflro , uto t.r. or., at • !for rms.,- ..
..L .
,4,.. .:r10n ! , . , r •n ...O.), wer,lsktts ,u1:1).1
b. mnont '.4'T:Tal'l':.!.:•••l7lutbr.2l'n't='n."rfr.;-°•T‘
"TL:',1..".!..i, tL , me:o-r,
mot, cl X'Z'::ll . l ' .. ' ; ..: :nf' ' ffr ' Lk"'
''' t ' '4
fir in.u).or, r... . , - - .`7iti.., •9 .44 - t - , -
, ..., Ni.:,,,i11...',.".L're." IT'A , -. 4 0? \
~ ,
N , $lOO,OOO
thejntAired all
'NEW FALL (mobs.
4: -N . ,. j Atarket arree; .
A ' 3tAN,ON CO. are now in daily re
g.... 4 :...:;r',;C,"mtt= r ' 7,,,ff
r.rinq n eNate. ove.e.leeted wit/a .rTarear a •
rl7,,ltrf. ' :°: ' , ° X.T" us ;G -h wlll
•ttt.464% et Cgi.:4.eink,....rd'aitall
r. 4 ...t( 1 11 1,
14. N
e xtuNt: aosE-00 feet 2 inch 3, ply
A India Iltitllter Ilex, lsula, cut elpter.tly io:lir.
A,,,,tyurrtrtty. wt. Intrite v" Dlr. Departaarat 4-1 4 .6
clq•-• Cu WI nol , exual. tito tut ttooy an wan= v. 4 ,
st..r.Dd wore immure than cnv 1 ther,tnenelsvummuml.
In 111 ,•••••• .disrs ltt•y tl. 50 urn ;out ret rnwe1.....1,
she money - 0111 be , ”nandta rr tt. Llg.e i rplaprd In s'.
,tie.. . Lilt Wen.
9909 • ' *999 Wo9a,
LCdiaOMOTIVES—Just fad In-
Rubber I.lco. 11.11ag t Ue2A.ltticur.guk
wstel. If cancu,t,tm surpawd
reTert oV7442:l9"l3.lfiltat'Af.''' be
- Agent* fir 14.11sadtar.turer..
AMS--511 pca. Caaviasod;. \
la Dem. Pligirrthirrd,
TAD—IOW Piga (Jul •
bN '•""
V( IR—lade. 04
. lb Ne“, azFAA.S.44
'l...Wit • \ aIY.IS4W'
Rowtuad'is. Tow Mixture. • _
Rotro•id's Cvmpour4ry of Bkrkberryßoot .
THE ON - P. a univrEadiestablishul rome
}1 , 11"1:1i .IND kGEE, the orbs tyt.ll
• •1, .YI:'3I)IER COMPLAINT- t
•sl. huoils Ilellethrs art , for .1. 14 tlio.l.ros
11. SMS oElt. •
cyrnpr Alartet sO.A. thud
N.. 1, A&-ct Cr Ur. liromod.
..Q , Tii( 'N. sl. di: szkl.E..---- "
i - I '• 0, -,.. L 71. 1 ,1,. a'a Eiaht P4rElEttgagh
" A! , ..gta n, :-..lngy inatlhation:
• - . ggo an.l Pennaclroata Railroad,
k.. ,„....,..,..„...,,,, a:a jacapar
• ,cf Ult. ~ kocli,. E U lf. er
'la ~. ...-E• „ ,,, ch and Exchange ElOaaga,
tr t THE WATE4' ,NOW, by ll... Ryan;
it 7 .„,,, child Ira, nenericai - Lh‘lli
I, is, rararan., -IV 1 I.lraral ....ran In dreamt...l P:MS. 1 ... T.
l it; 55 ..%.y ,. :1 hetviteT::.:.T; lest ii.s.,-.'ila?rararrarara,le, by . ,
` .. h.'...- \I / I .9PT Ch. , . i., - Russell: Jrara. Xpleerai7. -,
erae, e eee,Aie era the nrie - be , i arts ZlVot ~,tr.
KHarp, Brame. Lote . Tnee. eitiette e T c•
~ ...a .ti ., _ Not h
' ee E X ira,....ll ' ra .1\ e ' 1.4 r f.T4l. : i=l ' . - , L„„,.. 'a.:(
t,„ „.... lier..ule.. Ilan Cra/urab..; - .eq.!. Itxrara/ra.. raf Ora.
,-‘ Z .Vl .7,l ' k r : -,"" 1 ''''ll 9 'iLL' ,t g.- ,s .rtt l eAtTl i t i rtlg r Q
N. eitra. , .....?eriz ' T ' le*: . Itinerant. nese., Ferasorals and Le.
ir . t1 .. : . •...1 , E.1._ ,
. . , ...t...iie 7 Praleirate..!ft!...
r t . , .reern s =
toting. ...11.,1--ar, atic ' e.sltt itoriultr,-K=. Cillfer
N ..l7'. :A S ll ''. !ti VTE th'',7o'.
.2. \ i , 'li , il , o . r-krU n kr. 4 r. it ‘S. G . an . h l "M"' or nU. 4 .
, \ .lb - J011,..1,1 MELLO& ti,it nal st.
‘'., •-- --
lIEW GOODS. \ I(Eyer G00.1)81' .
tepRPEOS—.2... • - lendid and varied
.• , ....- F . cf tbe b v ecl,ll .4iAtc*,..4. .
tp , ; ,, s 2 c S, el 'r.2 AZlCtVe " irr.t., '''. 'ith
drk , ill. , -tte extebele. and e ' Caw y-•' T y r
rjOLL‘V— ... 'err, Lc* old Artoliiery
atictt_ to
.., p r
41 4 ,1- . - Sr(-1. . cLA ..vca , r,..1, forGoltaz Slid
it'', a.'
‘ r . t a ll r at .,' ; 34'..- DWi,
MS mclm lb
kntib: ' eete\ A''P.4 " 4 ".
odt.ttlbet, tonetV. a d sold at ',I, low retek. a.'"i
s Wtb.
Idet , oldruedett to Itio.d. Popo!. MuloOo t teetitede
:N. 11..—The &bore) truce ote ate etettoti to be cote to toot teepeet-4 touttt Leal ttototo
te7*:ll. tze teturntd 11.. KLEBE.O., Itl to rt.
obib OF rut GOLDEN id Y. \
OF YELLI; n. W.DOCK 1100
frrtp iderbio. I. and f
ninent.dni>= •
LT dm dr'rrn rinirle rArrrtinent..frilstz
orb, colytp \3. WICELk 11/01.
emu-. 1%.1 .on fitzth MCA
. - _ _
Tteruirol, —3lr. Jesitthan \nought:um f Best
^l. ha oei ull.tat
naw •atml cgmit ha' alicrai Wl{
od aloha
dmar, if
t i ter hand. Ur. I, e. \
ung all `nth, titao..e,tor tiorzE, ay that no. it
equal ts , Mclatt's Vertulfugq." I T br
. KILL/ &
seplo nni all the,,Citx
;>,) hhda. prime Sugar.
Mlle. b. Li
.53 LI,C•11
/0 Cleve Loat
lo Cruthn.l • \
" P131 , e3 n n i c a
.101•L'i WAIT
Notice. •
IIfE Steekhollere of, "The Little Sasr Notice. "'
91 t • .
ere hereby nettEett
'ftstalzelat of Iyr. [Via, r•er enave raNukre%Sto be pa i d , . •
nr 1.0 o.7tobi.r nett, • '
111. ,rtler r l the Itoart.t or Ihreeum.
%tone Ware Pdnips, for. Welk. and Cisterns:
IE SIJItSCRIBEEi informs the ; public
1 11. ttet Iv. too . Intiv...\
r um! into thl.• recion th e /STONE
I ItX panul. tttrtyl Jirtera.•ll. 11.. C. J.
of 31i.141A1,0ry, , ,.. 1 unmit pout, 0, which tia.r•
h.vturil m elts
lac .ta co wherorer wed: 'IN
nx. , l quahtl,e th,on yz, Igltl, that tbvparc. rater
work,d reiNT but of keep the water
twrferti ct,, dural.d.l gran!.
at, be reelust J. U.
Cantl,ll , warehon, No,l4l:l4int nen-nor at Inaao
beilw St. Clair. oPl , ra
at thor, Dispel , gull I.zu pr.,1:131/I' s 5 1 , 1 1 11 tn.. aubor-rit.r/ ,
"too,. Ware Pip% crantifactorel,a7. the r.e..xe an 4;
ure4 lb: etiova,n, wap r 1,41. tjaki.:, or for hyttrarda.7
near be turm,h,d. It 1,4 all ‘v. and can be
and +t VW> 0.11 [Lc Dr ' of lead pipe.
14 ,, taert!1: , . J 1111 L. 011.11;11..
Not4qe to Cant= , re, . •
QUALM.) 11.tOPOSA LS Yur &F. xcavatiou
G'istivapcf the trzel. LiiklaE.•• Mill Run,
U. mut." rill nrri,N4 by the 11... 1 . a the Com
mu, tt, sod
lnatlnly. rum b.. .)14.eptt Lfy
mg up n cu.. ut. or Gt.ori. GraY, Eno.oa of t.l.
\ tet th, c.t 51.rtarm 31thatcalt: la omM:en
mu.. r tlAc Board ,1 Directors of;,•The
• WM. EePT.:Tretli
Wilkineburg Academy: , \
Mak' 4n4 .Fc.rna:a Enyind.. and CiabaieqSel
.7 , 41-viiStatO. aSiLauLY tutrt r ra. s :\
JAMESlicsrozi. A. P 3 C# 4,1 .
'37 n NSTITUTION will be en fth
reclntt... at pr;:e (naa. au.l ft Wahl II
,re'regur, ht The cOur, at Irt,tructlnt marl.
tba tonnh..lll.l3gLl KA tLa Amicaor,
L ; ' orlA '
aaa eatrnaomkal
V 5.... Far
Cacw.rn. COMMIIII)4 104 1.2131,111111
Fire Steel — Xining Cotqqay.,
QT9CKIIOLbkitS ,Lre IterAy
tU,roverv:int s c, Tyrcrly 11,vt , 94W
q.l lc mkt cr.p.l.¢: - .;14 or beSore
:141, at tbv411..,,g
44%.1,ttret, \ \J. 11/2...hi.
.upktd(o.) \ \ Ireurzu
IS `HEREBY HEREBY G .1 1 71.:Ns thai . an X 13.4611.3132(
a Ven LEnP. LS., Leen levied Ln O'
pork LI the .N.ctlL Acaellean Hminulkun
DeLn.n . ,_payaLle Oa. cPn.tenk
Lur4L. et }. ctli,d,= - Unt.
P 111:1Le,'Insolrer.
oat. L. Mining Ciat! DeLeviti,ntniLriete bet ,
Drag Store fur Bale.
//Tax. 4f
wtiole<mie b/a/c/ss. nal Is ,
rateliste run Cl <A.m.. n .
is maimryttl with tb< <sub./stmt.. sc<c.c. •
pors/t/r/..icititrh vitt/ tbe.ix,r b.cut
m przeirtlo 114Vc0114,41. at, Crle
to it. Ycr paiuculataadttEJ Dar. 42.b...1it `
LL PERSMNS ku.wing theme(
debled to 1:10 f DtG:...4, srsisrrnsers.l
so us, oc,cr Wars tl:o l. [ `
.a t" Umber, y
4.21. t/sa sCoossts writ 1., piss...llo slat hassls
T.or col , sotlau. ' D, LI
suAl,trasl [Journal,
Wall Paper and fiurdera, for the FE
UST RECEIVE!), at tho old rat
rtau.l, Starter art.. 11,131 molt 01 the
I.t l TudVultril , , r j.tau w riUu e gra . rh ' :=
athkhrlea4 at eau hardly grautyttaUatea
• - '• New Nusle:•• -•
1 1101iN H. !kIELLOR, No. 81. , W00l
\ Led ale a, ',..,.e1v fellovi a , zo Ew .4 pci•al.
14,1:Inte‘-1-. C. 1 , 0,t0r; ';`.llarrlC.fmra Luel
1 ,, ,,.c.rry Lti,.iOng•d-04 r ruercazor,
l'es ct 1u:.N.,11t.--111,tr, f,a 3 larb.,
7 , l,olnitgbt It k1,..D/as: I L
quid , $I•1, ~
Vou L.A. van. Wcrla'n fa., Qul, Sg, ~,
Tlivsa:aQr; , L Lev° nal, . Ili:. MA \
Th 1( 15, I:iota,' 4me , latlt)—rarlat.lon, .
le' o r thea, Cou ,,, r 4 - 1, 1.1.,t.f A' et t xir ,
+t ir.. 0 the lwred cue, 3 f.:, Ap.r.l.—variatloa,‘. . \
\ k ~L.r • l'ca, er,
L, .1. rrovlo —114.,„rei1t.2 - . war.. \
, I 10 , 11 i lh a-v.., . all h<-.e ca. •
VI , IQ 01v..,t . r 0..,,! ! ..:,61 . 1vg >c..l..ukc eterm.e;
LTO -I. II el:- Qul,lt ,te, _
Imp., tar! r`,..1.1.a.
13.. N. .; CC.). it, ,J,
aCr U.. 11 WSW:en
lt-quett. rats
rwver 1r....i' cud EA. errrid.
V LC 4. 'reef \ orliek 1,,,, 1.• War.. Crprvar .4 ri.ccolr.rtr,
1:'.0 ...k‘ 4.1 " . ‘-' " ' 3 ca.., rurortrd Ptak,
.• '
tirltr. ch,,, Ter.,ictr. - 3 - /k..rderars. and rrlci
rt a:.• HiiVp •::r„...ll\ri ir.P.rriri., - .
, Fine E;4l,Vbr,-RCL. 10 boson Arzsmad, ream r... 1
Toner :oar,
~.. 0......i.t1 v. .A. 114.1: 1 ~A....p.,,
.., - 1 1,. r.llio ....4,,, , , , , tr,ics
1 , kriplirmis ~c.,,.... . 'r ..!I,l,lritt. r. Seat, Lr... 1
; \ .l, , !,', L l : .‘a, , ° .' . . .., .., , 4 V... 1. l'arr&rn.
~ F...str 1.•1 , .t.t,
3 ...
\ f .. r..t r 111." ' \ . . k ‘ ;‘,.r.1 \ ' -..
li:TX: ' 1"'
39 1,,, , - - Gr.r.rard ~ . .p,..- x ~ \ \ ;, 1:4.i ..:. 1,,
a rum:.
4 ~' i.'7, I , VP. rt. IN nr. , atr.t, ‘ r‘' w...irec, rvhil br
• ~ ., r r,l, . :' verrchre., , t \'','.. %,,,--i and 1 - ,feb .4.-.
t . .. 1 VRPtii 4: \ii(ilitllFl EL L) ail: now
~ .1, „ ..„...- .? ,.,'..!.-'4,',.;1"w.,Amr,.,',..',, ! ...,,.,, ! .1',ft2., , v,11-,:i
'''..Y , A.c•..-HY\ ' 1..."1 , 11\i \ n..., tt.i.,..`tta..;;. 1.1.. e, will ect.
c..........r,.4 tbe Lauq. .00-.ld Le.w nt.,-.- of Gix.,...,
Y ir..; tt. 2..,t.prtaktr.: 0.1 0 , 34, tuarl..,-N, Ea.:4 nt
l'i'il\PlLlNT AT ", ' , 4,,.:=rt)per.ling ttti.
a 1 ~ 4 1. n.n. tt.:,:ttlt . Llt t it, 'ltlit t t lii i t rattft
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