The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 17, 1851, Image 2

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• -
Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston.
serThe attention of the friends of Scorr.
J lnYxroa, atui.l.maggnon. in Allegheny o , notf • u v/tvo,ol
- tinged to the Importance of • thorough organitath. by
the'lbrulatiou of Club*, ilk every alentlon gistrirt. for the
ouWljno the elPpalnt.ent of Corrunithrea of Vigilance,
••• that every friend of Scott and Johnston I. asepeael.. -
nog that those who renuire Il sie.naturalited. and that
voter dencAlt hie ballot [fi l thy Ileenrel Tuoonlal
to tole, meat,
11 .• "oning Committee nn Neturalizetion haa been :
epp.huteg 11. hiaoa, John Montano. K Zagora. C.
ti E. Appleton. A. Herta, Eat.. Chan Pugh. Col. 1.. ioh l •
apt. Y. SAdounriker. Bhlenhah Di. JJ.
Hoe,. 010,. Walker, Jar.. Sleenne. re Joae t pla
hy !Ira , e•I the County enzeitaithre.
Allegheny County Scott and Johnston
tie' A Public Meeting wil e Shell in the
SalutlAT. thli4l.
toesl. at 2 o'riuck P. SI.
N chlestortc. co Mamie,. eteptimitwr 14,2 P.. 11
liltartsahura, • Tnechay. l6,
Al !troth-airy, " 11, • ,
4,t /taken/town. "
it /int Wart.). :o
•• •
At }Lelireettort, :Wards, "
At TA , AAtum . Monday. " " •
.40 Etelthil 5111 , 1 era Mill, heel beer um...dap. Mazda,.
P. }I.
tot Lccuardi anowdin tosu•hiP. ov
I.ii•Atay, Rept. Ott, .t 2 P
At Joel Moutocs. Patton tc whip, 01 2it h.
at 1 c'cioek P. II
At thigh AlVt.ctitlea. EAI . lowish.. co ft"...
Aff.2.sth. at 21 . NI. •
At Jew Pine township, on Frida3. loth,
atl P. 31
•, i t t ieattliclicetee. tcattieb iieto clay. 2: ch,
At Wllkln.tura. on llonde7. IP- } I
Lestypt.einr, • ••
At Auto, Ponce's, Jeffers:on tc•notap, Tuetlay.
ti Pi II
At Clinton, Findlay tcnvhip, Vinlutoday,O,tobert lat.
at 1 P. V.
" 'AI Thutnay, 2:1, at 2
Al 1101301 Wlllianiv, lipp4r to!tuttilli. on s
d‘kt:terry9..;:iller'e• Turtle Cm. ..ivtird.r. 4th, at
•At .iipittiet;Mill, townahip, on Tumidity. "ith.
•At Abe late dame. Phillip's. [Whin.. `Tcntiahin• on
s . lletrity; fhb, n 2 P. pl.
At avit ot Oa. crivithige,•.ur (mule will le AldrantKi
fuldecte Important. lc the peat political tutoreetai cf
[Cu rounttr •
ant Mende to *Ceti 1.1N.16713 61.1.001 of the rouatr. are
ictuetted i•rgault, and have ern, Ana:in nause a .
cod hint trraneetnent, to hring 611 CAL, TOIIIII
to th•
{.L.111, by ord. of
RLSTaIs or PlTranolion, 'Cy Ner;(l. B. 1.1-ofi,
Er 9.—pp. 312. Published by Jun. 11 Mellor.
• Pricef $1
We are glad to see this very interesting and
onluable work. It commences with the earliest
known history of thin region,-and comes down
inregular order, comprising a valit amount of de-
Ciii . kof great hietorical value The toils and trials
of the early settlers; the struggles between the
English and the Preach and Indiana; the gradu
al march of Improvement from those times of
troubld down to the present -day, of which Mr.
Craig has been an eye witness, sod in which he
Lai bailie a conspicuous part, for a period of
half a' Century; all conspire to giee to, this book
a Table which attaches to few Issues of the
press.. Mr. Craig's wall-earned reputation for
ssrecity and accuracy will cause it to be sought
and used as a book of reference of the high
est authority. No doubt it will meet with a
rapid sale.. • •
A few days ago, Ire tried to get the Poet to
publish the Governor's proclamation. annoutming
officially, the payment' of upwards of sir bun;
(Iced and fifty tboisaild dollars of the funded
debt of the State, through the eigeocy of the
sinking fund. We lam". it had a reasecr for
withholding , ' this important public document
fromlts !ream : yesterday, morning, that res
tart lb thus forth t
-. • ,
••In the nurdor of ( S c (Jenne for Friday lest,
' it very exultingly asked; •Why dote not the Post
publieh the proclamation of the Governor, an
nouncing Chet $559,122 98 of ihe State Debt
• his been paid off, through the agency of the
' Si:sling .Fund?' And the public are informed
"That we have published and endorer a statement
of Col. Snowden, which contradicts the oft re
peated story of Gov. Johnston and hie friends
respecting the payment of a portion of the State
; Debt. : The atayernent•of CoL S. is pronounced'
=MOO. ' Now tie season why wehaor not published
this vaunting, dialogueea/ill proclamation, is in con
'seiteisteeof as purifies untruth, which sve shall en
deavor in a few wards to pro
This le followed by a half a column of illogic
and offensive language of a pardons' nature, of
which we. shall take no further notice.
'., lt would be gross absurdity, M deal -seriously
with such staff ai the above. Here is a softma
allelel certificate, signed by the Commissioners
of le Sinking Piaui, 511.• Russcu, (Whig) Sec
estary of the Commonwealth, Mr BASIN,3, (Dem
ocrat) Audittir General, and .Mr..liicket, (Dem
octet), State Treasurer, which will perhaps be
*efficient to settle the matter. ' • .
, Office of the (lom're of thASinising Fund, t .
Hatuusetrao, Sept; 1, 1851, 1
• 1 .
To 'His Esaelleniy, We. F. JOHNSTON, Governor
t f Pennsylvania.
Sm-mln compliance with the 4th section of the
"An Act to create a Sinking Fund
and ftrernvide for the gradual and certain is:-
tinplate:tent of tthe debt of the Commonwealth,"
, severed the IT day of April, 1849, the Com- : .
tchisiners.of 'd fund hereby' certify that the OLD maisscalifferts ALL RIGHT.,
--unsourVot the. ebt of tbe.Commonwealth, par- The Whig Convention at Springfield, one of the
Mimed since the postage of the eot of Assembly largest ever aesembled in the Old Bay State, have
referred to, and now held by them, is six ram- imp the New York Mirror) done themselves ith
axed iu l d fifty nine thousand one hundred and mortal honor in the caudidates whey have equa
nimity two , dollars and ninety eight . cents, nand and. the resolutions they have „paned
i 6(9,122 99 ) (convicting of i, per rent loans, Witahrop for Governor, and Edward Everett,
is gotirited under eeriea acts of the Aesembly. ' seth Sprague, and GebrgeAshinun, delegates to
See obedient' servants, the National Convention The name of Winthrop
AL. RUSSELL, - carries with it a prestige that must ensure sac
I • E BANKS, ens, end the delegates at buten" men who will
. , JOHN M. RICKEL, add dignity end wisdom to the eminoile 'of the
Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. National Convention The Heitalutions which
follow speak for themselves: —Nat Intel
• This Cirtiticate, it will be perceived, forms a
ped of the ~e , „..e ht h in 4 -..
. o , „a t h e 1 Reia/red, That , the Whip of Massachusetts
1 unwaveringly hold to the patriotic sentiments ex
- most material part, all the fee[ being little else
t pressed by them m the Legislature of 1833,
than recital and matters of form.
I which they have ever firmly cherished, and now
' As the editors of the Post seen to have became solemn reaffirm, as the cardinal principles of
tithes. their statement's or their abuse. Suffice perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic
mrted through Sheer desperation, from lay- their pertcal faith,- in the words then used.
g become entangled in a titre of falsehood, a tCopatitutien of the o,nited Stites of
d' 1E u era 'to take any notice of Americo is • solemn compact, by which the pm
. v r . - au "'TY- • pie of the rid !Matte, ill order to forma more
tto say, that they reproduce, by way of "proof," tranquility, provide for the common defence,
'oL Snowdon's old statement, or something like proep mote
of the,brty gener
to al welfar
emselvese, end eecnposter re th e
,for- I
e blee
t, which we nailed to the counter some time ago.
„ lv th and
i used themseee into one body politic, cinder a
But we wish to say., word tosuoh of our
common General Government; that this Constitn- I
emocratie friends as read thin paper. you see doe,
doe, and the laws made in pursuance thereof,
We do not render railing for.railing in our coo- ondsll treaties made low erud toey of the 1
troversiee with the Post, because we know our arse, ire the supreme land, any thing
keadere have as little taste for such things as we in the laws or constitution of any State to the
- contrary notwithstanding ; , and that no citizen,
have. We believe yon desire to know the tenth
State, or any member of this , „b2dy politic, has
respecting our state Olf6illi, in Which we, all a right, in any shape or under any pretext, to
hale. en equal, interest A proclamation — the annul or prevent the execution of said Conatitu
joint work of dolour highest official agentsof the tion, lawn or treaties, or any of them, excepting
: we, two of each o f the great parties,' hoe in such extreme stun asjostify a violent reels-.
lance to the laws, on the principloof the natural
recently beim llama, certifying to an important
and indefeasible prerogative of eelf-defence•gain
horn , yet the Post, Which eets itself up to be st intolefable oppression."
your organ, not only ,witylliolds it from you, thin Resolved, That the Whip of Marachusette
i attempting, so far as it his the power, to keen deem this a proper occasion to reiterate the ru
pee in ignorance,but haetried td deceive youby timent they have heretofore expres s ed, viz. that
prononiadde that document a "pcatitiie untruth," the Union is the priceless legacy of Washington
with.ether epithets, w hi c h we wee dy ne t repea t— and his compdatirote—the foundation of all our
You, as' well as we, will smile at tbis pitiable prosperity
alltr an natroi7 ,rl — hi ' e ' -.° Y el l' :iavertin of I g ec n• u- -
exhibition of blind partisan passion; but we ask dons' evils—the nava guaranty of the.contin-
yon, whit respect can you have for men who name of our liberties—oar gloryand far the
ho pastr
thus insult your intelligence, abuse your credo- our strength for the. resent, onr pe fo
tae future, its . preservation transcends any and
lay, and grossly slander your Auditor General
other pohtical questions, iind at we have
and State'Trearrer, to nay nothing of the other
received it from our fathers, so we will perpetu
two.officere implicated! Are you ready to be- ate it to the children t of the latestgemerations.
Ille'° that Means . Beaks sad Bickel would per. Resolved, That the Whip of Massachusettsl
jure themselves by certifying to a lie, in order willtaithfully perform every duty Imposed upon
to glorify a political opponent! Can you imagine them by the 'Ciustlintlon of the United States, '
any thing more absurd? And yet the . Post post- and they aill upon their brethren in every State
in the Union to respect and observe all its pro
tiveo asserts that such is the fact. Why did not
the editiirs of the Poet publish the document, so
Besot d That the Whigs of
:Lot yin, vs well-as theY, might judgelor your- cordially support the Notional Administration in
venesl Seca. , r• :,,o blew r.h.l ,t carped its own all its just and patriotic measures; in its gener
proof upon Its face, and its pufdieatten ovoid hape I o us eyee p e thy with oppressed nations, straggling
morteted them of a preioue faftehood. That wee for liberty, .in every part of the world; in Its
able . and mgOrotte management of our foreign I
the trouble. Now, after this exhibition of dee
, p o nrpo_ n se ori to spi at e i t tabs .u. ,
perste, reckless mendacity, if yon can give cred
it to the statements of that paper, it is year bu- . „ aw l, from whatever
quarter.,Vst i
We know that you ought to Resalved, That the name of Daniel Webster la',
ruse, not ours.
?refer truth to faleetriod, light to, darknem ettgraien alike upon the pillar, of the Constitn- 1
We know that you ought to spurn men from you ti_on s isesi thi. th .d . hmstsou,
p f
v its w oo of r ah trymen; and we
e prominent o- 1
who would try to keep you in ignorance, and ''''..
altian be occuplei in the Administration, to P.....
' then attempt to thrust their own unreported pries our undittardshed eonadeoce .in tile con; t
• dizet down your throats. But we disclaim F atten/190 aty and statesmatualip, and to
tenmatter of tante— bear.teatimonyth the wisdom of his counsel, sad
Is/ right t° dictate .
. Its' a W e s h a ll the Tabard his services.
and If you' like such things, go ahead.
Resolved, That the members of this Convention
neither coax nor flatter. , i n to via have witnessed with unfeigned eallefac Oen the ef-
Thellartie of getting tae d ' l°W.
' forts which have recentlytem made by the Whigs
ed prediiimieit. iris upon Col. Snowden. It is
of Nair York to bring about an intelligent, hon
the most striking exempUffeation we ever saw of
est and cordial eu-opastion among themselves.
t h e bli n d ; and both tumb'lls II and with tbelillip of other States of the - Union;
the blind 'Waintrot we Idolise that thou efforts ham been crown
ditch: , . ed with mameis, and have' met the universal sp
• probation of the Whig party throughout the
contilATlandAtuatiftlfrisselkYAßtmOr in the t h e
whichhaes been expressed by Shim as
the remind their cunsaltation, and as the basis
of their future satins v.•
• .
inities of ;the -city of Isla*•
gawa* and hie Foto ,
44 1 . 11 1F u !*52"6rist•.tees don: They will
o ae... an aPPf O P
aolinr • time in October
We continue oar extracts from the speech o
Cob Bigler to. the "Democracy" of this city •
week. We take today what he said on the en
ject of the currency, He 'aid:—
"It may he necessary now to state some of th
topics--upon which I expect to speak to you o .
this occasion. '' One of those, and perhaps o
of _the most material, is the subject of a circul -
dui medium- Thi s is one of those qaestio s
that has claimed the,attention of all gover 1-
ments; and it is one that has been generally di -
cussed among the people of this country., a d
h.sclaimed the espeeial attention of every , II -
entire Department. Every people must hive a
circulating medium—or money; and - oue gore a
meat, State as well as General, has been lo g
earning to,isettle upon some system that shall e
in the higheal degree conductive to the pub is
interest. Our great error, however, bas Le la,
,in regarding money rather as wealth itself t n
'el the mere representative of wealth. It is of
wealth, because it may leave us in au insta t,
and if kconstituted our wealth we 'should lbe
poor indeed. The only true principle which Lrre
can recognise is, that lla productive labor of the
'people alone by wealth. It is this alone which af
fords the moans of human. aulisistance Cud
comfort, and luxury—it 'is this alone that tll-
verses the mighty deep. that brings low, he
mighty trees of the forest .. . that eels In mot on
eve.) , piece of machinery, and gives value,' and
beauty, and life to every work of 'sort, end o ry
contribution to the great Volume of Literat re.
It is therefore unquestionable that the we Ith
of a oeuntry lies in the labor of the Mae, 0 its
'citizens" -
"The Government should of tight (untie to
the people a circulating medium. but t ey
should likewise take care toleeoure the ho der
the utmost farthing of that which represents the
wealth of the country , and this guarantee sh mid
not Only be complete, but permanent. Per ape
the only effectual way in which this can be one,
is by resorting to a specie circulation Nlie eve
had a most sad experience, in monetary a airs
—the result of issuing a paper cirmilatioh in
stead of specie ; and similar evils may yth be
anticipated': because the holders of Small u rns
never can avail themselves of the full cal e of
what they hold . I tlieielore contend for e ul
timate and prompt payment of every cent that
may be due to every Man i and conreq u tly,
that all attempts to establish a valuable rm.
bating medium, except upon a sttiet spe d ba
sis, must utterly fkil ;ad thus we arc subj ring
to continual hacnfll the entire interests f all
the laboring and producing ' classes: The per
iments that have been made upon' [hi. bject
have cost the people more than. any och e mat
ter connected with their Government , for a •en.
peratundance of paper money like the read.
ed Uplift tree, that withers and blights all "" •
its influence.
--- ---- .
..I am not here to complain of those w o
fee from me in opinion I claim not for ye
what I will not accord to another All diffe
encee of (opinion should'be etamined alm
and dspassionately, with' a view to arrive at ti
truth; and no man ought to be less hig ly e
teemed merely because of hie political rre
gins. opinions ( Tremendous cheering.) (TI
, 1
profound and original sentiment was wort y of
"tremendous' . cheer.] ,Itut on the grey ques
tion of the circulating medium those who really
think - that we cannot do without a pope circu
lation ; but who also truly wish to secure to
labor its honest reward, should-unite with those
who base so long been striving to overcoine the
abuses of the system we now have; and by this
means there may be effected results In the high
est degree favorable to the entire comitunity.
I am sensible that for a time at least, ire must
h ave, in part, a paper circniating medhim ; but
l wish it to be of the character I have 'named,
and that this cidbe I have some doubts. However
should Ibe honored with the confidence of the
People so far as to be chosen to fill the station to
possess, aspire, ishell exert whatever abilities I
to-promote, on this point, the good of
the e.ntiresommunity. I think I may say, too,
without being subjects' to the charge of sanity,
that I can do much to promote the pubic good.
I cluipay your debt s-heet you pay t o money:
but Ido not dedre to be elected if an one ex
pects me to pay the debt of forty million dollars.
that now hangs over the State . I believe that
all who are sent to Harrisburg should stndf the
public litesest; end-this matter of the financial
*condition of our State should be one of the first
objects of the care of all who are chosen to
watch over your intereers. There is one thing
that I think I can safely promise you, --that I
shall not be idle, nor dilatory, nor lazy, if you
should confer upon me your favor. From mere
hiblt, if dothing else, I am industrious; and
therefore should strive to be diligent in trying
to do your will, in husbanding your resources,
encrin promoting your interests by every means
in my power ' This is all that I can promise "
Now, reader, are you through' - Well, what
did the Col. say° Did he touch a single mooted
point I Can you,gather out of Me long extract
one tangible thought , What is it but a string
of vapid truisms, somewhat pompously expressed?
Had the Colonel told the -democracy" that
our currency Is voofferlng very mucb,from ex
cessive exportations of the precious metals, in
co neequence of the tariff of 1846;• and that if
they wanted a gold and silver currency, they
must vote for men who -will restore our protect
ive poliny, ° nud thus keep the gold and silver In
the country, it would base beerv‘to the : point
Blitto pretend to talk upon an important sot-
Act, and then slur it over in that style, is mere
mockery. As there is not a 'holds of argument
in what he acid, of course we have nothing to
reply to. Onr only. object in making the extract
is to show the raider how weak a man the Colo
nel as,
, , .• •
.., . .
From the X. F. Coitiniercia/ Advertiser. , trays no pretensions to knowledge. There are Ito issue subpicute for witnesses to appear before V... AiIIUSEMENI.'.
. INTE cangw wiTErgosi t i s ' more simplicity, frankness, honest, manly bear- I him at such place in the city of Pittsburgh iS •, . .
[We exclude an editorial to day, to make mg pad energy, in Kossuth, than in any other Ihe may select, to testify all things known . to ATHAENEITAL \,,, . \
man I have eYer met. I do not believe he -her- I them touching the said fraud or, defalcation—
room for the following interesting letter from . an
bore one ambitious thought beyond the deliver- And the said Commissioner, after being duly LARGEST PAINTING IN TILE WORLD
American artist, Mr. Walter Gould, to a 'friend once of his native land. "God knows my heart," , sworn, is hereby authorised to examine the WI LL open on Tuo,loy Evoning,' :-/Tt.
is, this city. The principal portion of it has re- se ta he, upon one occasion, 'Mod let him ;ledge.. hooks , papers. emi vonchers belonging 'to sad ~T0w0.0.;;1tv'0,r,,.Z:0g0:t0...,ee,,,,i,.,,,,. ~,,,:
e cy , ot ,s oi n i i
fermate - to certain exiled patriots ; whose names the purity of my intentions. If tberebe e ntiother'flOolleetor'e office, or otherwise, from which any 1 s m itio . !, : ,_ , ... „ 1 ,,,,, ,i e niei re i.i...e..eaO• o , evertiott e, :* ,,, th:
have become ' , household words" to the Ameri- man to net fajthfully the part which Ay country 1 eettlence, touching the ead charge may be ob• . 0,,,,,re1,,,,, r
we,,., ti ,.
ee : , : ,, „, ,,, ,+ ,e ,,e it. ,:e.,
' - lies. called upon me to act, let hini, in God's I Milled. Ind the present Collector io said of -1 ,„ „ et „,„,, ;,:. 0 „,„„,.., ~. i ,„. e ordo rod ore, r. 1...
can people- . The letter was not intended for prosper tire'herebydirected o
name, take my place, and that he May I' '' - ''..r - n"...''' " mnem.root
publication, but the reader willtadmit that with- l in the good work, will be my daily platy.. Let , papers and vouche r s in the hands of said Col'- ' A t r0f:,„7, 1 u0000,'00,g.,.',',",', ; 7:;!;;0:'
out cataim sad colors, and brushes, Mr. Gould I me but once see my country like your own,
.f . rfe tripsionoir, that a full examination ~f the same '.. oetbO':"77Ooe,;!',=,:`;O,`,',OeO,Oeo O,;a '
1 ,,
has given a vivid picture, a living portrait of I anGod intended itehontil be. and I vrilitwillingF they be made. • ,
Kossuth and his co-exiles, which will rest per
ply glee up my poor life—aye, even sactifigliteet' The ash' Commissioner will reduce to writing To .Printers.
uecersary, to attain ber independence ."
maneatly upon the mind and memory of the reit- . • ,,,, ... r, i,.2 t!...s . t, ,, f•'
His first toditical net writiolin attempt to free nod report the feem to the next Legislature. ' g-_,,, :,'„`,".,0,i!,:',::„,:-... . ~,,...,.. 1.,..b0r tzars It, ‘IL,
- oil the evidence obtained, road testimony taken, 1. ,RINT ING OFFICE. amply ...uppli,.d
der. The Mcture. too, lo roe...ding'' , Plenaing. I the Iluttgorian press For thin he was impels . This was promptly paese'd by the Senate and , .., , ,, en, , ,, ,,... ,7 ,.1 . ti ,, ,- , ..., , ,, . , = . ... , - , , : . i 5 ,,;, i
~,a r, , , 1 , b , .. ..„ 7,0 ,, ,: ::;
titid e ill deepen the feeling of respect and adod• 1 oned three yours, nearly half of which en. pasa . rent to the Hoene of Representatives for coe• ' 1..,,, „,.., 0 , „. ,. . , ,, %. .,„ , ,,,,. ,,,,, ,„,,,,,„-,
melon which in already .. universally fat. f o r i al without a. book, pen or paper, to relieve his , ,•urr•SucO, where :we are sorry to adm , it it wens , ie:: .;, .tit ,,,, ,, .. , drr.t1 . :,
.7 . ,
•'!•. ~r , r,.,.,'00.0:,,,`, - .
these distinguished persms. inasmuch as it sup- 1
m ig ht no i tude Ili. • kind gaolers then told him he ~ ..Inutherra rwitthuti . t...ta . Ifing th . e . yeas . and
nod 1,,
„,,,,•,,„ ~„,,,,,O.„ -.1,5:-..., tf 1
have one book, but only one Ile asked the whole thing kilted itud hurtful, woo 1,, no mStray COW
plies good ground fur believing that when they I for Shakspeartt, and then begged ne ogre:ate''. ' A t/o. record t 0,,0. ,I evidence of how any , ~ . •
tiA oil. i.s ilie reorient, ..t tin . en,
arrive here they will avoid the errors orsome of I that they would include n dictionary They : member voted ! m very c ouvetoent way to get
e, ,,, e me 1 , • ,,,,,,,,, , ~,e c ..„,,, , o .
their predecessors, and will devote themselves . complied, and he set to work upon the first page , over uglo"euestions „end kill obuotious bills ,,r.broit li.. 1-110.? ,a . .u.r,.. u. ,.. ,
ta peaceful pursuits and to the enjoyment ot' the i
of the great poet, and did not leave it fore sec.- I without any Jaeger of their entim , tituer . t . ts throw- 1 I O n 'O e i c i ",„' i , r ,Z, he t"•,,,;;O„'',O' i ° ,',7,',',,,,,`,'•A t r.,. b, o , e e no r i o t
insatimoble privilege" of American citistembip..
nod, untilhe ,• perfectly understood
_ every word, ing.,their,.votehiti
teeth be a n tiove r wits e ii,.1 . .. , ,! , t, v 0 t T oi..iril ,i.. , t0,t...........i...1„,,,..,, ,
and so with toe next . told MO wan the next, un- or narrimarg a t e setut.lon, an was actively 11-11.1111. W
Mr. Until& s interesting and graphic letter --the I til he become fully acquainted with the language engaged, suppressing this invests • i Dry Lumber for s alm.
edusimt a o gentleman eminently proticieet in ' He „peeks English with one,
belt with a defect- , eating, . lt EST COMMON WIIIT}: PINE LC:11-
hie delicate tat—will more than compensate for! Ire pronuociationalwnyn eloquently In stet- • ess ut.,i. ;,..,i, and e ...Iwo t 100,
t h o u00 i,',,, u a whet eit bed prepece d ~,c ibis i me, the (.10Teror-pre.i.lerit, as his followers LIBERATION OF CUBAN PRISONERS . nod., , ',, I, and e un....,. ~ 11.1 ,tun..
7 111 en.ou. 4..4 and Snauttot4. ..II Gr.. Jou-t
!Mill call him, end us he still signs himself, tend -----
column I Winfield Scott Delia New i — s be I...enbt to O. u'itt
' ul all 1 beer be true, he it. more Wan so, for . Arrival of the Al.— Lt,, ,
ol hr., u .4 , I ',NI It • %TS
BAltharulti or Kt , APIA Mts., I , they soy his word, even from here, in the ituttu. Orleans. -. ~,7 ritt r oit, II NIIIIN,AN Nun.. Shwa
, 1
Poor days from Cunatantiuople July il th 'Ol i r i o r of All. Minor, .kW at betas)—in stature Th e 0 t.,,,m' slop. Winfield Scott, which "ailed' First Supply of Fall Goods. '
You will no doubt be surprised to learn that I he'i in about the . medium height His head is tram New Okeens ;in the oth, arrived at New xi 1.4 R I'll Y A: RIIIIIEI LID have tiro+
an in Chia-oat of the way plum; so many bun- ~T large and maraire, end Lis melancholy face lit f ork at half past two yesterday , ...T.N. ors. th, r 11l 111 1 111
, .lOutuln.•o4 I,V.
Bred miles from, and so different in every respect I.up by an expressive, full, quick eye., He wears• reg.. , ......,` sot ton'' , to , sovroM
The Winfield Scott took on hoard, off Key ', '' r. ....:
front that part of the world where we last met, It limp betted and thine moustache, neither of West, Mr. Philip Varryechten, who was a lieu- --_. _
and where,' last wrote to you I hail long dish which, however, can hide the energy and firm- tenant in the Cuban expedition. tinder , Lo ez '
P •----
ed for a eight of this part of the world, and yet . nese expressed in his mouth and chin. I Mr Van VeOhten wns released from prin. and .
could not make up my mind to come here for , I have succeeded in getting an excellent like - I pardonml through the intercession of Capt. Plat I
the mere purpose of sight geeing.' I
. ness °Cam alagyar chief, which pleases him and 1 „ t " t h e C. S. st oop Alb any •
ing with you in Florence, 1 bed conceived the .! Ills ,family so much, that they have desired me to 1 Ito y ew. 1,- w ill ~.1„ to the public a (toll no.
idea at coming to Turkey, to paint the portraits 1 make them a copy of it. Thin I muskier to be mum of the expedition, and the means used et
ofKossufh, and the rest of the Hungarinn and I the highest compliment my picture could receive. New Orleans to induce young men to join the
Polish chiefs, and wee, at the time you were in, I have also painted Suleiman Bey, Gen. Wyeesw.
Lopez party Ho was one of the 450 who went
Europe, corresponding with Mr. Marsh, our I ski, nod one of Kossuth. suite ,7 Bei-teem ()HennaTo
.from New on Hos steamer ['ampere.— '
Minister at Conetantatople, upon' the subject, .1 mo rrow I shall commence the portraits of Count Thermo are 140 io prison in Havana they will be
who kindly tendered me hie aid in forwarding, Bathiany, nod Gen Pertzel, both men of mark rent to Opnin The U S sloop Albany brought '
my scheme. But the constant reports that dui- !in • the - ffungarinn cause My pictures mot m e ‘ u,,. P . over to K ey Wee ,.
ly reached me of the intended release of the re- 1 sketches have all given satisfaction. I feel my- Messrs Kelly and Haynes, who are also Par- 1
fusers, and several commitotions 1 had on hand, I, sal al ready more than half plaid for my trouble ,toned, are on their way to the United States.'in 1
retarded my vieit until Spring •in the pleasure I have had in the company of, the ship Norma of this port. They will not ar I
I left Floreisce six weeks since, and on my • and in the attention I hale received from all the rive for some days. Mr. Van Vechteo bears;
way hither visited Malta, Athens, Mayne, 'and Hungarians end Poles detained here. They some marks o f t h e paerm, hoeing bee . complete .'
Constantinople. Upo n my ar ri val at the latter have done every thing to 'render my stay agree- ly shaved w hit e et H eee e e. Be
os glad e nough 1
city, I found bur Minister still absent in Egypt,', able, and wish me to remain until the promised to he where he ix, end is fortunnte in being one 1 ,
but Sir Stratford Canning, the British Arabana- , time of their release, the Ism of ;September, of three who here been pardoned. Ile regards ,
dor, to whom I had a letter from our friend ' comes round I
, himself, we believe, as having been duped to cot
- Powers; received use very kindly, and gave such ' A propoeitioa was made me this morning to on holu'd the Pamper°. , •
' 34813.13 Ce in proeecuting my end . perhaps to paint the governor and his suite, the heads Capt Platt pleaded for the rel., of all tfi. .
,l" other man In censtantinople could tine done -- I grouped around their chief. The suite wish it , prisoners, as did others at Havana, but wither t
in He procured me a letter from All Pao a. one oft las a present to Kossuth ' It is probable I may stveil They would all he vent to'- Spain, but, t
the Minister. of State, to Suleiman Bey, governor I lengthen , my stay to do it for them They are I was not impossible that the intercessions th. t
iff- or gaoler of the refugees in thin city, in which l',' welt tried friends of his; numbering e in. all thir- will be made in their behalf to the Spaniel, GO,
self . was warmly recommended to the kind offices olt teen, and every man of them ready and willing 1 ernment will secure their release. The. Captain !
fez- . the Hey: - it was further asked that I might, have,,. to follow him to the end of LtEe earth. One of i Genersedoesnot foal at liberty to go further. !
my free access to the HUngerions, paint their por- „them, Lelia. Bernczy, who was formerly mem-
I LAIErt.—A despatch from New Orin.. Sept.
the traits, If they were - willing, lice among them, alai . bee of the Diet, has studied Englieh nines he t o , w i t .„, Havana dates to the 6th, four d ose
es- I make my stay ns long as suited my pleasure or came bare, with an especial view to a residence w et . , b y t h e ship-Alexandria poor prisoners I
eli• 1 convenience. Armed with this , letter, and act . in America, and now keeps a school, where Eng - had been - released, (James Connelly, the re-'
hat I companled by my dragomon , or interpreter, / Bolt in mooht to the scarred and weatherbeaten. I maioing one.) being on board the Albany
a I made a start upon my four days journey, mount• defeated but yet hopeful, exiles General Co.. has granted pardon to the
led asp high batted, hard trotting, badly broken It was very ionising, to see these faithful -ear prisoners, indopaid their passages to'New Cork
horse,htoer roads, compared with which. our re- rents of their country, conning their books ev- The Captain General said he would have par
nowned Ocorduroye" are veritable turnpikes, ' cry morning like so many children at Ph infant I
dotted the whole, but for the riots et New Orleans
and which / pass through mountain forests so , school They have ati occupied themealvee with on the 2lst alt
wild and grand and eo thickly studded with trees, I some study or pursuit during the two years of I The prisoners were to be transported to
that they only lack the tong of the birds, and an' their detention. Some of them draw very well; , spe i a
occasional sight of a buck, to make one forget others, at least one .of them, has a great me- ! The Faro Industrial newspaper has been stop
that he is not in one of his own native wilds.— . chanical tact and Is therefore artificer In gen- , p,,,1 b y the Goverameot
We afterward came upon a comparatively level eral to the rest : while. some of them, hiving a A defalcation to the amount of a 0,0,000 has
country, with here and there a poor tillage, In- botalical, or floral 'quell,' have laid out and , b eet , discovered i n the extensive hoe ., of J I'
habited by shepherds, end their herds ' placed agarden, in which frulte, dowers and , Bon a.. &. a o., et Havana.
Theaevillages were our halting places for the ''vegetables, -walks,. suit-dikla, ten-pin alley, ar. • The U. S. steamer Sa r an. was in port when
nights„and are generally called "sleeping pla- . bore, tic . are attended to with daily care -- , the Atessmc bi e sailed, Sept. I ,
nee" by those who have skins thick enough to There the Governor and his family, end Immo
resist the pointed attentions of the Turkish flea. diate friends, spend an hour or two before dark, ,
The traveller seldom so denominatee these khans, and chat away neon their proepects of release ,.'. „u me ism
~ 0
r _ .
~ , e
eleep only visiting the beds of the denote. and , t which are apparently douht for the Porte 0iet, ,. i .„,, me , eme ,
eme ens,-,routs t..,'.:.,,1e„,:,,,
the sulijee, or guide, who seem to be Impervious is so fearful of Austria, that she will coo o ent to : lonerel thlt tWuithetulei / morning. oclock, to-on
to the attacks of these vermin . With our party, almost any 13.1131.1 res that Government may die- L. 1,,,, ea ,,,t,e0.,, „u 8,..,,, ,r e ,,, st, o ,u,st,
d war. them to .
it was generally our custom to put our four I tata)until the cool night win ran ..... . ware _ uery, ac.
importassion o f aura ,t; tt.
horses in ode room, while we lay lathe Mime return to their pri.n home
Wheeler the animals were placed m oar vicinity In this garden they gave me • grand supper LOG AN, IVILSON & COWheeler
as 'n n attractive power or not I can't say, but lon the fourth of July, m honer a the day . I -
knelt, that they did not by any means monopolize I twisted the stars and stripes, which in miniature : No. 129 Wood Street,.
the attentions of the occupants of the hose,— ! I always carry about With we, end the Sag WWI tu..n... to ran tn.
rhea assn
and 0.,,, to
Uron turning the toot of a hill, on the evening hailed by those uoble follow. with 'nine times
of the fourth dity, we came in sight of this city, nine." Rockets were sent up, speeches male. ,
airy situated in a beautiful plaits, called the , waste o f drank, and son ge sung itt ,HARDW A RE , CUTLERYI &r.,
••Valley of the Sultan, " and crowned by the fu. honor of those uho fought and bled for lit erty I tletuitTED DI tat EST l'AtikETu u .
hie of an exteusive fortress,
r e; at adistaMe, We made • grand night of it, as you may sup- Au yawn they :fe , :_ , ?..._.uti11 . t., ,, n , 01- , ~ .u .,1 - , idl'''•
give one ati idea of a place of great strength. 'pose.Their edmiration of ..truerice and its in I 4,,,,,,,,,,....0r,...7,"m1"A'5,.,,',;:,,,,,.
e. 0.5. , ,. ,
Upon reaching the dutskirte of the city, we ' eaten°. is unbounded. Kossuth never speaks I a io ao s oolhand. sun.,
I were met bo IsTurkish dregoon,lwho old he was or itbut with gratitude for the Seta ath which ,
I sent to conduct .to Suleiman Leo. I e receiv- our country, through Congress,' lise P ...Pressed : 11OH - For all hitrdened lumps, guile, Still '
leaseunder. a tree, where himself end some half for himself, his followers and their cause 1 complaint. nuatesoper. sore are, blimanats. nate Lent col,.
dozen others were seated or rather squatted up. I have just agreed to paint th e group of heads I ...sot. 0 , . m bor... i t
Li .7 , 1 .. , % ,. :b .,. ..:, 1 ,. , 7: . ,
on cushions, drinking coder, atohmoking th eir -:. before spoken or, and so will be detained here a
s h v.,.,, V r ." d es ' ti r
e te te t. ti s iv t e h m • ove t
,eu ert tec i vrr., i ,..e m ie „ . ,,, ° ,
chibouke ate" narghele After glutting over couple of weeks longer at least . then...ugh, .4,014 N, Act, twain:he. so. t hotst,Nurn.,
' my tester; er Turkish passport, he Immediate , ors Great. -tullblalns. di .. mankind_..t I"
I ly handed me hie own pipe, said he was flail to . • 'Friel the Waynotlargh Afrorenyo- ~ _—-. _
see me, that be had already received .odor of
mylntended visit from A li Paella, that [would : OEN CLOVER. AND THE COLLECTOR ' S
In garDs. MeLses's LIVERPathe ne.
ntabltut ors.. for the. 5een....i,j,.. ~..n, ~,0 , ,
the Inen.a. Where It tun. L... tout etc,' o
find my lodgings ready prepared for me at the ,„ OFFICE
.. .
of . , .
• Roman Catholic church, and that he and the , "e have been repeate dl y oned :ate, 'won : iea r 0re..., - Oetao - ato , tin,
.17.4 ,... 5 ,... utt modu :I
whole elty.were at my disposal. He . Mao gain Lay become of the Clover affair' Whet has been orrn.7 . r , h . s . e e ,, O , T e rre 0:. , : , i . .. 0 .1 ..., _ • !il t . •,',
ime immediate remise , n to visit the tioetiwci , the
case"resultof our lentil to the Legielatern in ! :La e
, tt b, ? ..„. : , , ,, ,
~ ,0 v ie,, , ,, , v.e0 re J . : rt .... y r . 0 v, 7 , t m 0 r ' ,..,,e
l ens, paint their portraits, live inthe barracks, . ' kat . , I."*„'eS to ' °_,• l ' a .,
. °I °°11." " °I " ." pterbase a hoe of the Liver l'ills. with .etch
and in abort, promised me a gre et dept mote , these tomurres, tut to ant.t.esl those who may POI.
.111 re furolehni. chloh will work Uneven> cur, Th,
than I bed
ever hop , he
„...,3-4.. Up to this I he aware of the data . on winch the petiti on Was I ~,,,,,,,,o , ~,,.. fr . ,.., .. . pt shoes Inc mottluar is me
founded, that the pe ti tioners were not acting un- , nom . bleb the lett, is teat
time he has been as good es Ms word,and utile.
he shortens my clay, wh i ch i s b y no meson I i,dviisedl i y, but had . abu i lfim o tz . re ne vi fo j.t:: , , ,.. , . ant Naar,. Iterfird .. rut, Mao h Wt. Int
., ItUld U l r co --I).ittlemen Wu. end we can mull e V-1,1
probable,l shell feel myself entirely indepen
. I....°, o n iet n ce ve ti s o U r o t. f io t n h e Collector ' s o ffic e . and we mans t more of fir _ met-su n' s Liver Pill. thenecor aeret
dent of any went of faith . He asked me to dm ...`" °
I so me statieticti end facts which have he.. i ''' wi t " '" T h ."
Pni• are "Pk" "6" in
4.."'l ."
1 13. the day after my eeriest - I underwent th e l ee base almcel se. all tbat v. had. If run San wwl us
'P r P ::r ' ed exhibitine Ovidence a the o on
I mart Y rd°° ' wltit t ' t ' S °°.l ° a r° '''' °°. P °°4l ' l° ' . r,...„ pod placing matt. b eyouT me et
- I, " r I' ''''''''''''' I '' ' ' ' '
'0 " """"" P. 6". "n"'
' holding my breath .1 swallowed huge lunips of .blit . of m P take— simple that not ' " '
I' ' '' '''' "°
''"""*""'° 1 a a KELLY.
I raw onion., end dieing. my fingers into the s i ' y i s _ e°, have only no eo n,
dish a-Ia Turk, with all the conedence of in old misuuderetand .We have only room at present . 1 , ? .. - tut , ta . n% .,
.in n i flo ,,,,i, for a portion of the black catalogne,.and as th . e , aa.i_o_i,::_, .1 HIM , thnu..
So ell. WouNI e•
I massolman. After sumo twenty
and inette: in as
I cooked dishes had been disposed of, we walked ' l l :trk sl Beau' wall oho; :,,..
,0. ~. tbeequatticeound Lefort mentioued, ehevgvniteetnistenner,vkilenvegit7; ,
e , i.l t . t.e. he 0 t I
where pipes and co ee were nerved . It appears, then, that there were some half a I
The Bey then asked me if I was food of horses dozen flat or markerbeats that visited Pittsburgh
Inc stud of Ail ldatt° ' twice a week during canal navigation, running I
Of looms I was. He had
. brought out, and the prices of each shown off (tom twelve to twenty-one miles, and paying toll '
for my especial admiration. "These hots. were in proportion to the diet/ince. end, the tonnage I
eh." or amount of load and numbef of passengers
all at my disposal, at any time I might
to [me them " He then told me /Or knew I w ee carried These twists pars no other -office, and
a great man, and that my family were very near- , consemtently there is no check upon the Collec
ily related to the chief men of my country, and : tor: so they can, at very short notice, foot it up
o ,
I that he knew also that I was a great painter, r . ..
and see the exact amount paid. Four of these , .. 0
So., am , a Ire. , many Persons attempt ed to captains, on being epplied to, furnished earth?,
paint, hot out one in every thousand could paint
cat. of the amount of toll paid by them in the
like me To which, Lof course,repliedthatit wee :
year 1949, to which they hold themselves in . ~.Nrta A i kw.
the came in military profession as in art, and .
realities. to he qualified, as follows: ... .r ,.., •IS 4 4 1 the
ii. A. lillunt.J mph i....
_ ~, io
- that out Of too thousand generals, ricareely One Capt S. Thompson, . cm-Mints i T 144,50 , -- . "'" 'low T ''''''
could he found so great nod, renowned at him- . „ J Henderson. " 194,34 I PALO."'" '
self that I had read his name frequently in his , . Adam Revd. 1000
tory, and of the many desperate battles he had ~ „tom Boyd, •• 230,00
fought and won lie wan very much pleased ~ Wilson I estimated, 70.00
with thioquitting, for q m
ui:ring it was. 'ln the , epeedy. 70,00
'first place he had never seen or heard of e be..
fore my surreal at Kutabia, and as for_tiM know- - $861,84
lag anything about my professional ability, or ,
.Now of title lieni.o4 collected off these mark
my fluidly, that watt eutirely out of the question '
what am r e , ti d 'll our honest readers
I cannot imagine what he thought ni my replies i " bean. ,
! suppose was, ente "L o 'n u the look. ot the office,
Cu his compliments, for they woe still more sib
, and paid into
. .be coffer's or the State' Why
surd than hie own He had never - emelrpowder
except in the way of salutes, in his life, and I I just tiro hoed..? and
. nity-four deliars opd orfo,
am Burs he in better known this moment to the I . 4 ee"""
t Thus the amoutdeoll.tal was ,
Hungarians' gaoler, than for any deed of valor,
Paid to the credit of the State -
or-seen clever col of his life. I
' The Idler from All Pacha was the talisman I
which worked such wonder. for me. Others,
who bad been here before me were hurried off
'Mere few days' stay, and were treated
. by the
Bey In .1 other than a 'respectful manner,
while lean roam about-where and when Opleue
never stopped by a nutty, and never in went of
anything that may be necessary to my comfort.
I would advise every travellei in Turkey to car
ry la letter from one of its great men In his
pocket. It will work morewoudeta thaw chest
'-.11 of piastres, or a long train of attendant.
gO3lOlll Alfin 818 ILIINDS
The next morning after my arrival, the Bey
sent ma his own interpreter, who said he was
ordered to tiondrut me wherever I pleased to go,
and to attend me whenever I should want him to
do so. I called first upon Glen. Penal; then up
on Conni Bathiany, Oen. Wyeowski (the Pole)
and lastly upon Kossuth himself. I we received
very kindly by all of them; by Kossuth, very
warmly. He expressed great plhasure at seeing
a citizen of America, the only country which had
!shown any real sympathy for Hungary, and to
which the civilised nations of the world looked
for example and support in their struggles for
-independence; the country whose institutions
were thefreest and best adapted to a free peo
ple of any that had been founded within the hie
tory of man. I was astonished to find him so
familiar with our ounstitution, laws and general
habits. He has read a great deal upon America,
and has evidently thought still more lie is
versed In our politico, knows all partlev, their
principles, their leaders, and, in sbort, under
, elands the genius of the people, perhaps better
than any other European living. - He seldom
mentions. America without expressing hisgrati
tude for the interest she has shown for himself,
his followers, and above' all, for their glorious
cause. He last evening sketched me a rough
draught of the situation of the ll;garian, Bus
elan and Austrian forces, and of hi lan of opera
tions at the time of the .traitor Geargey's naren
der. Of coarse lam ignorant of military affairs,
bat his explanations were so clear, and his plans
so well laid and matured, that ea far as my poor
understanding allowed me to judge, they teemed
certain to ensure success, not only in driving
the Austrians and Russia/LS from ifsmgary, but
in giving friedom to Poland, in securing the in
ilepemienee of Italy, in crashing the' power of
the House of Hapsbrirgb, and in giving liberty
to the Austrian,people. All these brilliant hopes
were blasted by the treachery of bne man—the
man whose fortunes be hut made, who repaid
hie kitidualla with .treachery .to' his. benefactor
and his country. I have been his (Hosnath's)
guest for nearly three weeks, IMO'S seen m uch of
Lim during that time, and have bed a great deal
of conversation with him.
I have grown so fond of hearing him talk, that
the conversation of other Men seems almost in-
Sipitt He seem to have read Sad thought a
grbat deal ori alxnelt orrery subject, and yet be-
Unaccounted for the sum of $607,29
This would bi sufficient, we suppose, but we
will go a little farther with our 'testimony. —1
There were a couple of firms in the - stone bu.i
nem, Messrs, J. st H. Forrester and James Earse
man, who had quarries about a dozen miles
above Pittsburgh, and boated their etono to
WWII by the way of the cartel. They hold re
ceipts and certify to the following per:cents In
James Ferman, (2 reoelpte 1'0,40
J 5c H. Forrester
Making the sum of $123,90
Hew much of this do the farmers, of Greene
county suppose we, paidover to the State? Why
Positevely not one farthing of this money is
acconnted for on the books of the oboe as would
have been proven If the matter had been loves
There are other facts just as glaring, that
could have been produced, such an the salt boats,
the iron boats, &u, which would show anastouor
ding sum total: but we think this partial exhibit
of one yea out of the three will answernur par'
pose to day, and will satisfy all that the petition
ers meant what they said when they asked the
Legislature to order an investigation. Just look
at the two items we have produced:
The Market Botts show e deficien
cy of
The Stone Boats
Making the sum of Val IB
Having abundance that the above statement
was correct, and that the State'hed been robbed,
of this money, our citizens forwarded their pe
titions to Ilarrisburgb. asking that the case be
investigated_ In the Senate Maj. McCaslin pre
sented the petition, and asked that a select Com
mittee be appointed to report s proper and
ficient mode of conducting the investigation.
Whereupon the Speaker appointed Messrs.. Mc-
Caslin, Walker:and Mohlanhurg said Committee,
who promptly reported the following preamble
and resolutions-
Wertasss, It is charged that monies have been
received by Levi 0. Clover during his Collector
ship on the Pennsylvania Canal at Pittsburg, in
the years 1847, 1848 and 1849, which he has not
tally accounted for, and which monies it is also
charged are not in his account, or Lay entries
thereof mule in the Books of the said office, kept
by the said Clover. .
And whereas, the books, witnesses, and all ev-
dence necessary to establials such alleged fraud
or defalcation are In thef t- city of Pittsburgh, 'or
In parts adjacent thereto. •
Therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and
House of 'Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, That John 14. Pnrviance be, and i
be is hereby - appointed Commissioner fully to. in -•___.--,,—r—„
mitigate the 'old charges of fraud or defalca- rrtilltbit N
don, and for that purpose is hereby euapowerad 1. br I."
LA, Huntlnorion co.. Ps . Sismb t,
A SI MLAAsistryont-I.ra Ply, Your to working orpn
d tern thl• rielutlyt thoer.fnr. tr. •rould tbanli 'roan. send
1..• two dr.son by the rellll, Ralln.A.l W. Ai , on•• out. and It I. twins LisOuDPl,nr dot/. I
,n rot rot recttolly. LONU
IJATIOrtIAL. Ashland on.. tl. Niaret. IC,
51 Kirsc--to.or Alt, tiuur Alrns. • rAw
loft with 1.03 Book •t.lob wn he..
PlOss•• forwm l l In u.xls Anson Inntria•
l'nur mawltoto • I. working sot:I4.TP In thin neon
r ap nbtalo errant rtrwltent rerllsontlo.. If Ton &kr. thou
W. IP PoirrT
r n r tale by K.y...1 A McDowell. 14.0 Aland •rrre-1 It, PA
W 60.1 , trr.t. Ii A Falonottnoli. ,ornor
limo! an.l Front strow.s., D SI Cunt', IS A. =orb
l L'lllott.Jonuslax.,•n.,l Poh•rArts Prro
yrkt P. M. F. Ell.
.nll nr.
Arow T rAn.illsotn.nswonthot .Sitt.t.ttosh
Pittiburgb Lite lnintrance COmpany.
Pralent—./eltrs.S. Hart.
Tire Prvnident—S•Arn..ll,l-1.1•••1. _
Trruanr—Jogtre Ltzt".
Secrttary—C. • Co.os. • !
Are,. fulvvrti.m.ra Iv twatbrt hartil3lA
Citizen's Insurance Company of 'Pitt/burgh
°Mc.. Nu. 41 Water etre,. to the ',archon. 011. 11.
C. O. t-.... ..A. ..A. W. Minos. sot',
mt. Comps., Isnow prepared to Insure all rotrehendne.
in tots. and to transit 'easels, ie.
An eruple µl4lllrlall, for the ahl l l l 7 en , lot.aritY 0 the
inatitotwo, le alforded In the character of the Directors,
who ars all citizens of Pittsburg:b. well end favorably
known to the cortunoulty fur thelr prudent. , intelligent,
and inhaerltr.
UraZolol.—C. U. I(o,l.7,laritner,
Tie, Wiloopriixouoli, vaoup,
IN offering to the community this iustiv
celebrated reined, Mr diseasee of rho Ilroar ...I 1..6.
n I, not oar wish to trille with the lives rr health of the
ob e t.d. but (tautly to lay betoru them the opinions of
dirtinguierted men an/1 some of the evidences of Its roc
seet, from which they 41.9 Judge lot thanneerres \Ca Will,
rerely pledge outset , . to make no wild...calor. or fel.
Malsounte of Its ekesey, nor will we bold out air hope to
"offering huumnity whlth facts will not warrant.
many pro4l ere given, sod we solicit an inaoh,
from the pribllc lota Pi 1 ,. ... troblith. feeling assured they
will find Chem perfect) reliable. and the rcedielne worthy
their dein confidence tpatronage.
, p r o m the distinguis h Professor of Cl...retry and Ma
terica Med flowdoin College.)
Dial en , ' I delay.] anewering the receipt of your pre
pstanoro until I
ftlidillgfo=ittr / i f, 1.111r011111.1 1,.. o f
Thteg:::ol/ dOrr , arff:s high degree ea ' lleVtlit
111l0:•101:Ltrlin11111014aregrors14une. a powerful rein
11.11 '111.111".'°"1111. "ZIT,T)MilaTtr ,. ; . ,
Brunswick, Ms., oobf r b. Ins.•
. -
11'rom itu Owner In the LiszelDorr Mills. In thIA Ciry j
Dr. J. C. MLR: h• • bean cured of the ...urn d
trer Cad In my y your ..Cmclun j,n
f Aug. i 9. EMEH,4IN.
(Read tbe fal ug, and... It thLe mullein. It worth 1
trial This patie• ad beef.. eery fewble. and the et
feet of the medici ne ' numistatesbly di•linvt .
IJ. 8. ROTS, 2aliaretia Fralene, July 6. IS4O
Dr J. C Aita.,3 l r. I have teen aillleted with .Palutul
oftection of the lung and all the oympbonto of vett rd
nousumption. tor in than a Vv. , . I vou ld tod ~o .
Moor that would r• h nay over, Until I ef.Mltnellr•d lt. ' n'
171 OILUTII•T'• I:2=A'; Vli?„„"." . 52 t; ":1,'",„.""
my and i . sel . nlitti reetortel. While ' win . : Tour me'
:11.17r;e1m1", A h r Tr t'n..6.78.107prvr1,710.01,i.C.Th7"...dr.
been ...endd' fro hie parochial dot.. by vry ' re ' e -- ,
talk et brone.h.itil. lia.e pleaeure In•cerivr " yin, "- th;.;„
texts to you , d,am sly, Tour , reopuetful , y.
CALUOUS. of tooth carohna_
Th . t o iloey,oo was tie of the work of care, Which the
ohyatetaos and Irian thouaht to be Incurable common,
c , ..... P. • AM:. =looa.
J. ~. Am.—Mr, j was twltato artll a terrible cough.
Orcrught c. by • ~,, r ,• ...b. Wici...! of /....I. ivbru.y,
ine war otonued tot my bed for More that: two moutbe.
~,,, ~., 0,- : .. t awy.yy I.lght and day, 1 became gbataly
,y, a 4, my aym W.= matt. and Mawr.. and my bratutt
„ ~..., y u d, s y, y ma. rtypil o f in apery dlw.
trar br..t.b that but little bop. of my ramwory could
Do ofrtsibrol. WWI. by Mot altuattou„a friend of Wu,
i s T o tling= 4 = 4=:erlnhill=ih'
mar tF•tiLE::.:.,l:tr'' :,:21==.a.,:°::11,°,g,z
, found my bat al murbi improyatl. Now to a gora
Jean.your 'mat dna. WM: Ma Matbart grab:oar,
"... I pt= mtdrOM by JASLES C. AYER. Practical once
'slowil Mart.
4 " s &nr .o
2 w l
In Alabcel
31.A.1tt and 67 brut
vrto.leni• anCrotall, by B. A. EA U .
'RMILLIUN-2 C. 31.11 for Ella
!L1 kN • '
_.)L.'LI r 0. .. . . I.l:7lLb..r.,—)letreirY
A DVIC9IILL9 11.1 , ~p-SS 19/, 19,09 t •L• 9,9 .. • i
111,9 V faoheoott , ... h(v•Vir.
NEW opoDs,
DECEIVED Till S . I , AY mud now I peninB
It .1 w.t If ICI UV . 4. , i 'bort. ••11 - vel
Igo ow, owcy nod hie, t.••-,J199%[ 1;1 tier uevreet atel
[loft fantouhat , h , atte, s,
hif pin-ahl.. a p rel r 01 .,.
1,1 P hoto.' f lb- moo *over ,
...factu r e
rh. ~,,,..t 0,,,1 poet .1....4 4 1.. , .. ff.'s' , ', 4,4, ..-f
7,, nud:Vrflorte loot lo,,„ .
...1 , , hae sod fop, roue ' , hitt, • ' '
t ' jrcr 'l7,.a.:2',....ente:•;lif";7l:l''...r'fi'rat',':=:f.lf.-4f.. a 1 , 1%
m a 1.,: , 1,01 HI alr. of iho 91,V1 lefiltor,,,t.l.. ety,.,.1.,,
oh hand. , re.o.t,te one • i the 1ff,et.....1.1 fitoet I,lsl. , a_le .
..,,, , a. 0 , IhoKto. aisolfal Po' death-taro f v , l'an fti .1-
w...urn euutilr,all ol ..bich the ofoorfrior s• .Iktaz ta rh
val to otter at the err , .. , . ,
lonters qt, t
lb. latilf.lls., 1t , .... xr , tlL..l la the loot not,
• • 4,
VVA.,..57E1.1)i-7.tkr,sri,t 7 nti; .13 ,, ara , , ,s ,r inta , r . kt in , .
, ,ra1...ret00.r.....--,
. falferlag 'Norf., 111 1..11 er ecogutry. At , \ lehaffee , faate , f‘.
for orveral I,a, ol ill 5. , ., h• • 'drool eta taoo latit, -
• .... '''''tr'"..-. ' ‘ ...t VD,' 9/I•V, V VvVVVIII vill•M•
U. Ap..,,, ,•••,,,..•..., ~,, 1 .„, ‘y,,,,,,, •,..
1..0r0c noer..l ....,t, All 4,0 , h , of hurt: ao , M1...n.1 , 4 to
ha. taulecate ii, , I 1 , 1, • ••11 at 1,.', A ' /11,aft le' iv.
trtl era, .111... 'I 1.11,1 .1 v.. 1, s.
i Ai, 19 vt. it oor nt,,l.tlrel ,laoteaptel•Nfultoa, au,.
~oh• varlet, • f tfeo otrf et.a .r ft Loa, ,f nu ..lheaor , d
f 'awake ..... too. tellaper.Loco horihrato'. :Ilatftwoh . 1
herort ff ahlr• , ka .' ~ r e.,h, ~t 14A A. • 11 Alt 1.1 • ,kffh ,
1 .bir 1 ft •
200 C h LBS. Ii.EFINELi
1 .3 .1 Kinn
'ASK A M Efti CAN AKhOAI ftour.—
? SS `; I'. V I Al. CORKS
U r 0 ov
gal 1
CV .
1000 11
L , B t S7I - 2 , K hando.l7 •41
rain CiALLOS ' S ii}: \ol,li -' l , . 0
4,11 j Jug: rd-inve I an.l fnr
Anchor Cotton Factory lot 4 . T , t , Auction.
,SATUttIfrAY, ptrib, , ,, ' 7 th, bu
-,(o.lbinson .ndL , 1V , 06( , A0:1 0, ‘ 01 ruu
::r d tt nnd In the in‘n,.ll,• 0100,7 nf‘.•
Aallroad Drpot It rannrd 1.11 0. •Isad, In \3.00.• , o , r
•ar• romp I . az,ol alnalmol. \p/T,‘ .
otolk .••11, t` • 04. . 0.1
In oair• If 1,4
tngothor, , .to 00. 0, aILII
Terna,—(on•-thurtla in n 00 ^.R`"
nd thrrw e•ur. oat. xb
tt. I, V, ar, t.,
.'"'at‘ptd..l k Ili WI • 1100-10, ewtsono,-
dl3 l "4 - 4g...- , •-•7 - % 4.
sttlpint • seu
I ELLIth" hr s1:1: :ANIS slAlthst ka ILLAA ss), tr.
ut la the tertteet Il••ss eseit ea.!
s • 'Pet the RE , T sAn.< • ArAR ILLA watt., ie
Is he- pertere c d. the rrlkitt.l
•pte• et .bleb are .the prere.seus the us- ursapet ,
Pet:semi - 4P. ths• le thus Pl• • • sz ossippho l sreSs '• mesh , Ise..thess u esl rill/o‘ o o ll, :tr , ‘.
C•,:.E 1T Si IIs,PP
sr • Lts •
tmirr,•.l - I,r DV' ,r• I - set. .
Pat, ls.eela Il ed.
Itheumets-m Punt is. .1.• tests. , ss
Paiute. hld %re- 1,1 V• - • ,•...11 , .;
the rll.n.le,i".p!ill -P, Phi Ishetn..
Ihesteee at: The lisslo••,. 1,•.t ' \
Isseeeuer &neat, stsuss •Ura..e ••I Met
llesu en
•`put le— ii sa Ilstthslsth•
Ik, apt . •,: kr.•
THE BE: 2' FEMALE. Ht. OF 'lr' 2`;‘, , , , r - y
~I •
iG.l.lePt c•Junl.lo,l. :n. 1..., it 1 - I^klit• Mrt.t.t...t.
~Ittr.. latcotrt• 4, et N 4 ult., IL, ,itt. 1c- t\t tat, ntta
Lstrar: qf Pio,tr. A-el - .... a son tt,...ty. It , ts c tta t• • ...t..
m.. 4. rt of 1,• .G. tta I , t V ilt.
a t attit 11 .s L..
tlyst t ttb—ttte ttltpta It neutral., beet 11
N.T. ~., f . .
Itnnatu tat t....,.tr or. tt..... 4I • •I` 1.4 ,,, 1, ..,. , 0.1 ..
N ~,,I or,-, • .
Let .11 lab:, v....5h tn roe, the 1,1 ,, 1!t0c3 the I tttit
tnkett‘l frttut tht• try. LOW c..te;tttf the . ttitrt , t‘t
Qt.,. vtptat .Z. 1.1 V/ pre,trt. t:...•t*ttzt 1.• ttatkt a
,Ilt•tat., In , oll WO. In V: tat , '• latt,ot a
Itrxt. at, ttrrt-tia.:..... vb.. tt • e , t4.-: ... 1: Ii „ 14 , 1 :
.N l '..• l, n N.,
alt e 1 . .. t
11 / 1 1111 • VN.
r eu3 • • it, u,••.1 m ...,... , i.., u •I•ei ON, , ,
, *ad tki, wt.l res. , le. &eel i 4.4.-1. , .F. 4 1 , 11
n We
1, ii ”L 1,1r01..1.. et, neve.. .I.' '`. ~...", ~..,,x,
„ .b. r end •,1,10.1.. — 11e11 ,, 1.1. L- le I. i 11141../ 1 ,, / ..., .%. ,. \ 3 . ,
1 e., tly trdn, camera, n , , , tru.ii• t ; •.,-1. 'ad, \e, I -
r [rem Oil. pd•••[y • • .[. - d i•• • • geed, iher[i• , b• - ••• i I nc i..T, G.
e•ket. down tu beaiiii ....1 ridr li.. lu•weevr lon h• • I lor,,,iisl. 11:
01. i,
bintreli •iiid otter.. le: on ...Li .I , i..pri ••I Li.n P . ., .ry.• le, ;
the ratlent only iluder..dirl thr- ,, i'•' 'i'i' ' Ph" • V t ri- C / 'AV TA It'r/,
1,,,tic,,,t,..i0tm , . ou• k •ter.,•it df leided. [.. , [k „, I. e _
n" '"" t 't. ' ' ''' .'" ""'"i' tthn. . ' . .u
. \ LA i. SALIJ- -- v
try 11.;•[..1 we been we te•datlen u ptedietu, hie .ve y 1 . . , 5
(,1 M.,,
,toratinn te•Neeld ,
ei` ;;. • ; ; A .d\, N . CtANAE-1 , C73f , 17 "-- \ §40+..,
\.• ~ .4,k. . .LIDVN.MAKE..
iTNI OA, ItliAti tIL 10 OW 1.!,,i 4 ti '
-, • \ 'aluabi. C ... try Seat4t ne ot
t, Is, ' . [anunrr .
ii , "i' 'i , i'i"‘ '' .i . , r 'III P., uhHet'be bill in , ,r hthl nut his F.
..,, , i4t ,, •u , ..4 ,,,,,, L. q \fn tibio ui . tertit• tiNdjuluinj,t Dump'' liaise. MI.
.e...liut••ll) and ,th . • . Linn, w 111 o•;:r_ta_raine \
;h.„N, m. f\u4 rt., 1,,, , ~ ,..‘!.,, , ; No l aa t :u ; Ti\ , ,, ! + , l , lr t r T t2 '.. \ I. .' i- k' RzDA •
iii[r ..t'' , n n'i ' - qht.ii•ajnert.: con.) tu,\:,,',[ ic.;sie. beelike. Laid alt it
••••• 1n t hal her i Lo.e , ot_id,eu! , 1, , ,,.[ . ., di.. id. , etuf cltulate,l-19r firtalut
l '' ' I ' IA " ; ' .• ‘ .ti 'L g i' ti 1 ' ;:11...1 ' i - t ' rve r ....) '.".' - ugo n f..ronf4 m j4:
, r w. Ip. IKAP ‘ ,..tateln Iti miles cf . th I) 'n river and vally., \he
\ \
i i ere About erid le ...,1 ell rh.r dnellty. ha two-thirds cleared. and
~,,,,, 4, the haluitec eared
,with es
5,,, timber, and 'TO! wept.
,r.d. t0c0,64..0th the Ohio ve the Uhl° and,. VIC.
i INN, 2,1 Flp. new Breve LW runldox through I!,
~ v.,. , 4 " ud wabiu,teuk[linutee i rule t. s th Ity by•ratlroed — ea\
N: '',..' i I 'L' rm fr [ ''' •[n i r ' ,:Fitt ' cu r ..V,!_fid. hale)r[_ [wean e nal anian-•
• .. s w i.e. i a ) oeurrent... wit) intareet. to
,a by g tiond and
~,...' '2 l ' g u n t.!? . 'l i .ithr l ' e rm k ‘ i ' l....iit ' o, o :: - / I fi ' 4lt r et\74 r f`l'Ob t rog:eg:
~' i . n tb; „. 1 „ ,17 , 7,, , r , ..-s:t s t.S Boyle, A t ll kllf i re 6LTs „ . '
. i To Ef e Teacherv , . \
E Shoot Diree re for the See.rfiel Witrd 1
, I. '.ll. to ono! nor Of or rrienned FenuelpSactier for
i ta. [O5. 'ir , amiridorDepaktme t tialarT.rieikticrannuta.
Nu es nation of the:pion to will takcvlec• at the,
red LI .•ll,we P x. ear Fourth. otiqatu,rdel,
[ Ttl, „ l , 2 o'clock. [. iil..
X; ,..
k fur formation moo. obtained of I.lteed,
, who .111 ree lee the testinudyitale of
the ppbcknte. "i. \ \
- \ A JAINLE3,FnreIe \
eepL.F[kik „.
.1 lad ,
t ak:
N ...,'
'd lit. ete,hange (W . ~_,lth\ a,
0,,,,, , k a, OF'
1,11.. w Dort and ilarrauartile Kit
A rrry relt , Clatia gontl,uan
I.usbwr troubled will l:fllcult
.61.11.6 r
,01:41.1.1231.T.,1.0 hi
of Dr llitynett'slrlloir ,ars
radirally so,
errlou tLr 414 ht.,: Ilr hitt one,
000 Me rap
1101 , •• ILI:. 0•1‘• • .31“,..
—lay, Sit. 1 t‘..rt
..haul. yr yvor At. flow •zUI
which lir: Arj.upol
tielp , l her
.illirted • rut
sod judging
that it will
ttlet o f
I txt of
Mod Nov
at eta o
Vh v I
rill, I Vk
IS a18i:4 , 1
nu t • rt
uouch tr
rwrs haw
u Buttolt
I ha lo
tttle nt
on tuuttn
t tuts wr
tnn fr,
uT L
!hat r
;caw tL
r I
a r p-,ot
Our, WI
ILA yr
P...b1 , 1 by
it tot
ni I
IWaa Lint
Mel , vat
I• .
v. Joc
A , Nll3 E
c u t f e yk.IN Firot
vi to rHAW
and Winter Stock of Fancy andltapld;
• .1. MASON' 1t Co. taaulil mast respect
. fully eolleit thC attention of the'llttate getteair.
133 14! wholAgale tr.t, in pertiepler, mtheir MN. and
be.rx Urown
! b so -•
i unto ~,,upernor Mantels., i,ae, o,uredt•• rbo,,C.l.ns
141. • utl.
. I • I"'
''?""d. MIT7%*
, •• 19.1 p.. Alpecet•e 2 eolore:
blue°r,h,ttuir. Irteh
Sedhett.,: carton, I4.noet tithhAth,
• • lwat Nhatioelnthc, 14Erartr.h+ Vraewb
31-t..3i.. Itmed irk • Ur}
I\N 1'i5.1 I NT 1.1 Ii Cr yCat , ' I
• rag,VjVc2l.'tVt<;... Ira
IS .11”1, It t• wttb4levbrurs I elm
, n ,,,, n 1 .3•ur 1 , , I,ll'n. • 111 , 13 be.e etVeted wonder.
• reo ; ert roam,. Men, - of cla,'
them. d Iberia V
to greet
•• 14,10 Is• Alck 1
...• • . ; "n 'two nentmcl:aebbLet
I,heTe. th UT
r I "1n3.1.13%11111331.3 r•111".1 11 1 , 11,1,1 ‘ ll . ll '' ll
but 3331, l Ilcard ol now . Liver 1411 e.
4 , 1,..J ta, hvey Nite r , sit may
3.tis 1101 petit cured •
th.,, to •11 , q11 , nro • with
.oet..fulTriond. \ .0= bNIITiI.
l'urc , will rodrintor that ell eallnd
.•th, ti.h tho—,,emr , d by it, K.
7 31 . .3.11•11•Lev7.• ,, amie ,,, 00 , b.•ttlt!betinn^ K . rb?
rullE SUBSCRIBER having n se received
, 0,, ..1 OAgi. AND' Itu Elt 0001 M.
•11 , 1 neworttUlty coloncuetora ,, ,a d hhhhe
• b •,l -1 p d , .IbL
ropeu,ho , 4 111. r tber whole
• y -te,;At errr
ho Orr ell the :staple, es wed es • lerCs'
Ot ban,. Ur. end
cver3log and rut, v'erf rich
eb,•do "'`
1a1:i,t111 , 1s bilk., nr o width , \
Hroe hiack :kit. •
11 , 31Vr Wetered R:114 ell glades,
h I'
Montt.- end ra-breer ,
•;.--r, 'nth , Fr. , ;tch Prthte.tet to.
1.1.1,2 4 awl l¢l llatu.,;ey Shet.taniks:
I.+. 34d 1r1.6 rwe. Lioenx
•t auv 104 Tail, Damask,
tib nun N•pktns and P”111,..
11.etaba,lt !anat.., and , Crash Tvaellh.s:
l'xsutel Clawand Table 'CaTe.r, E rtr rola
~..114, ,Q u.1.. k Furoltur, Dant . ',Malcm/
1k101:11.NISO. DRY GOO •
Ilack. Noahazttu , r.
•• ‘Nouslln de Woo. 14 and b 4 wide:
Pl ark Cant ¢¢ (1 , 11.1 s;
Rl.ek I.ltetrest
.` , II 1: IV • Thit,t Cloths:
black Malley;
' . ? b h r gCre * o ' d a t.Z ' 47 Um Craps: Diode a¢d Crupr
1.1.ry: 3:1 rl blrh ttco.vta - A •Vrt.2nna ¢Z!
• au I , nv , v 4u 0 “1".
\ •
F \ or Bale. 's, 1
~ r,,,1-, j.„,..Ahri z , 5,... vibe:lmm the eltY o
1 f I .y.elau,gh. cto..trol , front \ Etua Lll,rty. god I.ltrv, qua,
~ , , , ,c, f • tn.. • In in the otrret Hank. Itond—tkese
:lurk , • Nr , a , ry. and a•ljmnln, 11., mrs dross of David
i r , E.,,—,.,,•tnny of 1, ,, 1 1,1 , TY ACRES of .I=o, on
,lau.b. , .is Pr... 1,4 r. r,uroutent rialcCotmge Hone, with
•13 ~ , ,a l.ent Well Of eater •I u kltee..l2 door. together
~.o.h m,,,,,p-ut •ieb:ing..hed Ar, Also. • Rued e.t.a
~tsAilt U- e- Thn urt hard co Min, Ito Apra , Trees ot
U.- lel gr•LufWirost 11:tu ea rl, Tr.. Ithre,tourths of
ol h or, yudded and oi the choice* kinds.) 100Cherrl. Man: Armor and Quin.... Trees, on the best earl,
~.. , to °rape tin, boat 010 Iotlcts trees. cPcalsting of
,1. rult av,.l • u•nenototni i r,te 1 .1 . trgnonlanting. Alto
-1,pb,rr...... 1, , ~ b ,rele, a n d Curragte, together with a
v',-.. wer,Ly n hy.mental Ire. and Shrubbery.
l .. 11,4 , pr ,, ,verty will be -...1d nu 01.5 v ~.
1 , 11.•guit. 1,1, for furall , r pa -ticulae
-es \ t-r.•.n the pr..tma , r, J,
Singers Patent Straight ...
dienlar Action Sewing 1.,_
\,,,,i I. it hater, Pafrnt of the Gnilld Shi ft,.
rINIIIS MACIIINI, is tie most ishortapt
i \,..i A . ser.rosii, usual Invention of th e age, It has
hi -en di, I i, eintliesen• lonzb of time to he thoninghlr
• i
heted W. , . a tireat rare , i,Pw ortand in all clue. /A f WIT ,
ppr , ..V.l 1 eiisweutes in the riost perfect and sstisilictory .
' n ' ai/41 ' it r,,•;;, ..' 71,0":.":!?,`— h " . 1:,_ l',Z7r`V.l°lcuTet=
linen, keel Tr i mmer, )lalt ere. Suitt Makers. Co de 3latims,
Carrlikee Trimmer, ran Maker, ondllat Modena Rants
',taker, roYturnars. Celoee 31akera. Stockinet Slanufactur
ra, Carpet Bag 31annfacturera. Trans ilakersrWhip Ma ,, and eplooleiterrr. Anil may also br_probtabli umsl
uanksns, raVto sod \ Avrnat,. li.d. and Matreinies, a
041,, oiled , Qlot hike. t arking h r Map'and ' hart
Bindin. mud ineleed lor au e other purpose where stitch- ,
Iny.. 1., band hakiirdinaril, Leen rwoired. This mactilne, 1
w loch ... en Int twi ise ili,...,oare,andarrighseiztptice ,
, 00,,,... , u 1,4, o,rtegJ,...utAi tu form, durAtole lo alllt,
It tll , lr to get Oill L vt unit, ana eanly aillueied
tii iip,ratid. It "al pettiirm the lahor of Item fire tii
te. pi reio.. depending iitil Le [T ai of work and [kill of ,
‘the iiterati , r. Ttia beet kinti,of Tailors' Custom Work can
.n .J with It in :La I": rowatier. and in matitta
0,, .u.l m 4, otbor vscicles.u/ which it is adapted, its
w Aek ii far euriior to that, , mmonly dime lir hand. Fun
,kriqt,l l ilt,lli.c. for uetpg 5c.,(0rn1 5 1.4 .. ittl each ma
. bin, slot •I 4 apoirxtar m.plev, and Pratt
',,,, hf u•Me 111111aInt tho Patent, isll , - , .
The', , ts,hins. will be ccnatantl,es on eakdbition,aad f.* I
.0 , Kt yhe prpal iinloe.V4 ,, t; liondwar. oPPeei. Cat
1101, M‘ier Yok: 19
Plac4:,lto.ton . , or 57 South
GLierth ,lreet, ladel,thia, 4 he ,
ta d tiero. intere , ..a
~it....y,.., sl.. and ma, belfnsurodiof receiving shun
i.,..: ice sod perfect on Int ilimeolistralion of the
t it - arid rah, of the inveution—and that It la
atil, ru,,er lei any. ieli,r i I T,. cdrenril 1 1,0 the poidie.
Ece10..., r ieht, tµoe. t lie 31 a me th am tart of the
,riti, ..f U. I_ :.air.. net I),peireit,of. will bt old
,i ~a,iinahle .ittl, and iwi a. to emuraln the purebyers
.615711,1^ , pref." The mo.t dos,rabte points can be seen,
el only tiy 4. r a t apptirwieon ISAAC Ni'iiil!itiEit,
wept:l - it \ ' • fiti Br74war,'Ziew Yort.
- 2QJ
.bscla m s. s fair
-siabatel l-b 1
..ylj. J R
MikNlAiEllo CN,:
c rayed
Zd tO
,Li-tifER rED,I cemA/rsalfiby
ut in I lLt
tela* : lo:vfor fam
li \Slrniecirn , ; \ t. co..
• , :=55
(' ulikT , ' 4 AL - 51-Wllll , c
L 4 .', b: •Y"'"' ° "" n alci `Z r it . '" A
lIT'ANTEI2- ,-.l.pateer for a nice)
v qt.. IV tala, EL coast . , s , , go ,
who u•bee to to etelklue4 in s drs6 4.... ,
twie, , Jle, foe • N.. , " .. , ss td.ete , est , L -
...• I,- per nr r Iqk ;fl- a !tom also. tor s young emit
t.,..r. a s ..I equcelvd lot 'of Wtceu to I<sru Om <apt
rwrt 'e hw.ret. 0,50. (sr's rEtt.rtther of abort s Itk the
.I'W,r. r , r ..uputlitc.orke. rim-, nil at ISAAC
.i ' ..4 0 j , ,,, , i...,.....11a.tv1. 0111e...161rd et eepri
rir-INN 'lts' bbls. fur rale by
C IfEES 0 boxes
boses I.,Rosin, for sale by
N0.1,\ for dale by •
LASS- 1(O lipxvs
13 11.°9015\ Aoz. fox
~...t -
\,:. • 10: 41-1,---, w` 1 „
IcIIE Proprictors\of tke Packet Linesi ka , , '
log made the raanielpe arranzarneate wit .,± -1
o t , Ohio ‘. \
. Tenea Railroad oaar,,r. .1, ~.„. . ..,r . , ..,u, \
, • itha )t he the Cleaeland ar NI, Caotie Parket, all .
throat h tieketa at the oftee,will be faraktted w ... il • ' , lt. \
..t •hlt9l will glee them the raleile., , f ,sing la ,wh , '.. \
,all':.'rtlraeb:tyi the
F'',7,"T0ti 4, 77 1 '," , ";, -,, i, , , ,
,rorX &mar and a¢litiletl ...... i , ;,- 4 ,
•1, riltebu I , \
• • .., - , ...,
`'. Ghia , and . .cerasyliralika Railroa
. agr" r: ' "--; •—‘ -'' ' ''
-. • • ot - -' v ,- - -- - 2 ' ' --
' - • .t . ,.. 7 .-7. ;s . ,
VIM!, P1T:rk 4 1;1.310. 311 Ttl NEV isolon ,-
\ 28 MILES. \
- ,„,,
, , • ...... ___. ~
AiN ~ It ‘11. 1 N11 ) .1.Y. Al.l-;11.$
' IC\ 4 ;,.'.v. l :: " l:l:YA 7l l :l Z ",7',;.' . '' Z ' 't, : ' Nn 7 : ' s
\ Lt.% lir. l'irrzlll.ll\pl
. .t , IA A.. 'I ar.4
It mil' rAKE ‘ .1 riS. 'I'M; TIlLt, .
\ I,i iretl tplder twital , , ,, D , ~, ~" I.lle
8:q.....vz. 1.11, , ,t;Lzh Ml,l li•Fl.ii, in,. 36 ~,.
\.. 'Vn °. ' •
' . \ ' B+o,l, .: ..1,, :•
, ''''' V r.b.. • ',\,
' , Kr , tlTrott tlekels wilt at rAI nerd u'or•
Gv....., Ittalftirch •d.. Hoch tvr.. .u.Y . gts on e\
it fro. i
'11.1.t., , l'lll... , btlre . h .. I ` . ". 8r: 1 5,1."` - ' .'" b.
,b , ',e a v ,.,... i....A, .... ..... ....,.. io..w. ~
ad. \ Tbo Trcni,rill hot mu . l'.ittvl•.• t •at E. curet= s ‘
Tiekete,nued n junis . 7 , T . lll he ~, , I T the; ura MO
thrktitte , v"11 fi...t tb,. T1.,....ry , tend t::. ‘ ,•et.. t.
n,,,, hitrisng then! 5,....\. ,- .• ou z o \mil,
Imo., th,, r,le. V t, Mort
4,..,,.., eroney\
,h0t..... thopllwitAs wlll el, 1.,re“., t.,., 11 ,, •enttela
lott.s" itame..l4:le-1 , vent,. to tb, Ira. Im.P.vt CI. Cere. for
tbe ,In toy an.l of iweeng.r. I . [be l',s , .:. re., : g bv t.b.. , ) \
`.. M•rohara,' liotel. 021=0 1.1.14...1.e..-4...A „ NI ., tro.!
. w,,cd to Merkel. end i .t. 4 fr.'C'tlwrell.- , t •
, 0. 4 - the rout, pe:res , resCJI3 Lett Q.. ‘ltact: e
.t,..yed I, the fere. \
~ The helix-owl rty F. es 41 1. , , ,,, 5: ,
an: •er liest pre,c41 , ..1, ,
. - BY Nor olslbe lwe C. vf 5,....1'.‘5.
!. •,
...;..,, , \ \
~ ...01..1i,0 ) . .
—!. s.l--.2.L,—,..----'.1.:
- i1T15131313.6/1 NI \Nysi. - -(
. . .
lei rorrneettun with the hio ct4ilertt
PraK r Ann i q'iti
I turn; kw. NA*.
Drfa tt. TX A. 31. trait.
f Forkgt ccronmas C. New
elaaffino.. 6e.
I L rough thAscp,e.trt c v ,
‘l. C. Lti
' dot. At9vA Akosolagft
Comple rd to L
announce to the Menai
T i,.111311 - tattroil, the la, n e i
t ' tl L l: ' itTitlV , L , LAT. ' i S z t'i;, now prettereat t racial
of rnerchstehre or yerrancsh L
oSti illtiliSA NI A 0,-
at the following rates of4re Lt:
FIRST CLASS—Dry Goode, I I.:Atte,. ,
Stationery. Cutlery, Conferry. F,
Feathers, Furniture, Deno, cuisines.
dlery, ae.. ac.
'E og,,, D Au LA tit B- 1.1 11
. ; I r i d uWionVe. " l7t ‘•
war Flex. ' 'Filnoin ' end natter : re;
wool, de-
THIRD CLASS—lieef.Pork , ltutor.'
QII. 'lobe... Lett'. Coffee. Te 11... •ret
FOli t g all CLASit— e tlahes.ilarble(reu I; t
Pitethßottn,Oersian Cl ay. Bones. Bat u
Cut ODE a. Cu
I , lisle corner of Penn end tt
Newark, N.J. ,
Thle C om pany I t paiHl CI funalUi :top I},td
Pro •
r w leable
_ZINC PAINTS, ",, L ,'
liTickchavalleen found aftar aercral l van , ' fibil, now I.
ElAPPe`mad the uniwa stab, co relnin their toad
• barley and protective penpertlea Fo r wrlor to a n} airf a re
paint, •batever. Their ,
1, pusilly an OuldeV Zino, and le , warranted free Duna s ll
adulterition and irOpurity".ehannaer , u. it 0111,1 - 5 well, LP',
PeanUful)y 1d:0...W is anima] 1." , frmla.t.he
\ ,
=et of mod o th er Tula . o 4iatjeroua to I.b
1 P a inter, and thee families. ,
When ''' W '''''"' s or m'r'hi'Znfnli","..:l, or, \ \
17:14.1""'int.sootkXIALTto.m:.10'the weather" oeucc ',, ' \
than any ellet, not bring 'bank, to, tura chalky or to ~ ‘ .
crumble anc off. llt mar beworked vitt, any e010r,., \ s ,
with water anew etre. orlwith earni,h,wkich glee, the rale \
trated porcelain thainla. . . ...
Three and furplqhiri e ta low price. and a t e un donbtedl, , • '
thy cbeapevt mod 'Wit paints In the market for meth. . '
roof, fencng, onthouee, i.t.ombosta, m an, exPoaed'aer
lips of ...cud, brick. tin., or Iron, a, they 1011 tiPtt.
Foe Ir. aurfares they' Patticobuir valuable... the/
torn • nalaarak coauet.llun. alai!, prceepa otala.
tam, they dry o ulzkly, and havimi a purumetallte bare. •
oo m u r ban g e color bac visor of the earthy PaiNao.o .
in use.
,0 1g . er! rapplhal on llbera\ter , lo .
j. t o bKe s e . tgata the
studal42P) it sontil, 'Owe, Phllrviolphik
• ABM GO DS. 'A \ 2
' e l " It A . tElt:lrete l g G tr7o . od
r1,.7..:.11. b.....ft:4lt.m.:bie ,IceeFhil!a
.let,. arta cles - eaca of the .3 . rma.of hiaCro .
Men...CA Veetaest. 0r me ileher,a . Quality Of hlrChathe.
the proprietor bow that 11 a who wtchrh hunhaae
ankle in I& !avor him with - eacatir call. dleo,
ee h ee d. the be•t tnalmfectured. '604 In.: Us!,
lartable muck of lthhAY 31.1.Dt. Chi/1111Np me , tai
n ell of which will be. ccSonfl at the car, lortaat et, for
Cent:hetet, Countri 7Chrkentr. ind 011 wis;urclialt ,
laiaelf 'I Goa it ta).neh vtzeir wiTantage
b te.tne parcLante, thei w o
1,1,17 ankh, in the Tailcnnit I:114d to rod.
area taeltioaable 4.71 e 00 tb•aoortact h ome.
A Cart rate Salem:Dan whatel archcthehrir,
\ - - ...... \---."- '''' .'' .2L
. :,\l.. Vitlpiecalie Gro
- dmler , la Pr,luev awl
~ ,I 1 ma il i cum alv,a - e.
V eretrft i'l.buro.
arplty A
U .11,131 \ EARS1
"t i
t, a-,•',,..:;„.:.:.
...... I, cid Iv •.111gh
1011 r tbsdr7
etuias art:cla are
k, Modern.
H. A. Mr ccunn
Grre.i. And lc/
St:GAR—A ver7
Re et/. by
7 s. ILERATCJ -5 tone in lione and bble.,
so tpr 141. R. 1,11-ZELL
3.32V1 Li Liberty
, .
r ri,
• NV I SMALL, FAMILLES can be accoia
mod. 4 r..t hens 1,0.5 S Oil *MI 1..& , 10.
Ale, , either turta-be cr uri.Nrat.lltd, and boartl. Anil
at t t <matey(' Thin artd.4ract 1 , ,, ' ... pa
fvr Fall by
a Is - 11ARDACGII.
A lal LIM
fiat w'd and
.ellna x,
Vuccl elrtet.
fo' inlo by
foneako by ,•
sixony, fpr"\ sale
W tedi\ \
,antcd fir he Public
Laitit;aiitit,ofar ,
en , Lan
ion f
ILLIP J. b.illtikro
No\Sq\NVoOd eti
:tad alletj wtruld
ree we public
they win tam D iv aai Thu aasucttnlktitM
.latrJy Intriducod and a
amt. tvadty-and ,tauttl.`
of Mack, Ifralr,asui Drat,
bet kind§ ot tor .N.ll'
46/ 1 k.,\1,. Clutat.(n,lilt
la d trea
It ,- eta u
nablrtln fatnil
Bina and Natural:trns.
:n r tallAfe ' r ,
4 ke6s r sale
r, a.
,d the London Po'
et }ITO
rtt , Zl kleld
Ileceirid I
orpwite tb., IN. OTA,
1)tpo. Itard o
13ROF X\ .\‘..LE 0. BA.IO
b. tar t.L mrition tt ett,ro of
the crxttitup votertt that b.
ottiortof h n. th e Inte l norm .er
orous. or Iletilextrd C to tarot. I
Vt.. uprer alattot lif tto oaur,tt
-trr il% the 1.4100 ottd 1 M. ,
ttto 1104. I { imp*, 'lam th
thoe prOttaoter Ito trittxth to 0,0
Orion tlth aut-tron o)tt troll, tt
t am,. 10 wilt euro j.1 l ttlirzo
r.-ctra r rni aM l 7. ''
to .41 to tor a tottl a, pp ,
E . ,: ti e l
llGliii-- \ oblids. ' O.
.b .1 , 2 1,
4 \
\ .
, .
.„„ .
, •
* . -
A \