The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 16, 1851, Image 3

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    IYIPOILTATe Dectsres—The• Dome's Case.—His
honor, Chief Justice ijibeon, of the Supreme
-Court, re titre - following:opinion yesterday. is
...Ibis interesting ease : 1 '
Commonerealth ex rclatione Bowe, vs. the
Sheriff of Allegheny County.
Had the . prisoner's release been demanded by
• the Ezeiotiee of Michigan, We would have been
boutnitO ret,shim at large. as regards an but
federal the States of the Union`are
indepertilent sovereignties; end the only right
which one of them has to Claim the arrest of ;!L
fugitive from its justice. in the country of an
tither, is conventional.., It is creaffd by treaty
stipulation in the 'Federal Constitution, and it
• can ha exercised only in the way therein pointed
out. But slie.o oy, rnorof I.fiehigan, so far from
reiterating - the prisoner's arrest, had put a war
rant for his extradition into the, hands of the
proper oiliest. ;The sovereignty of the State,
therefore, was not outraged, unless it resided in
the prisoner's person. 'A soTereign is doubtless
bound to fight the battles of its citizen, when he
has his quarrel just, but it is not hound to main
tain him against demands of foreign justice,
from which he has Bed. It may, or it may not i
interpose its shield, at discretion, but the exer
trise of .this discretion will. he directed, not by
any claim he MIX be supposed to hereon it, but
by a consideratiow of the consequences to the
general weal. The federal cotmtitntion takes
sway this discretion is the case of an Executive
demand,' and makes that a matter of duty which j
else had beep a matter of grace; but it does not';
prevent a State from dispensing with kdemand.
Tho constitutional, provision was not devised for;
• the benefit of the fugitive. It was intended to
;•• obviate the principle that one government may
not execute-the criminal laws cf another. Tho
• practice hits been to arrest, on hot pursuit, a fu
gitive front justice, wherever found—and were
.i.i,nott the violation of territory consequent on it,
tolerate 4 by common consent, few fugitives from
'`;justice would be brought hack. In its practical
:a:results, the constitutional provision is nearly in
', operative. 'The tardy publicity of laying, a
grouid fur dor:dead by indictment, or affidavit, of
transmitting the; documents to the proper execu
tive; and of procuring a .warrant of arrest from
him, necessarily wants the fugitive of his . dan
ger,. and leads to another flight. It was formerly
the practice of the ex;rftive in this State, to act'
in the matter, by the • strumentality of the ju
'diciory. and though I have issued many warrants,
• none or them have ever-been followed by an ar
rest-. .The consequence of tbeinefficiency of the]
• constitutional provision has been, that extra ter
ritorial Arrests have been winked at in every
State arrest at sufferance would he
. useless if Its illegality could fie set up by the,
culprit. oilas he been allowed to do so? Let the
--qwestiotiihe answered by the cases quoted.
• Thu 'Winner in Brewster's case, insisted that
he had ibeen kidnapped abroad,..--but .he was
held Jo answer Thai case has not been over-.
mired-4:1..440re dotilitel 'And the English Courts
hold - the:l-thine doctrine. It was enforced in
Susannah Scritt's case; slot in Mack's as well as
in Krari's ease, the broad principle was -estab
lished, that want of 'itthority for die prisoner's
arrest, cannot • prole d him from prosecution.
And riremaitre's eas alias the decisions of the
American iindlEdglis Courtsi to. he founded on
it priticiple of , universal law.: A judge at the
place of arrest', would not be Gound to discharge
..a prisoner, proved to bare fled from a well
founded accusation ‘lf murder. Hut the pris
oner areuld-rilit he without his remedy by action;
. anal know not what other remedy ho ought to
have.. He that it as nay, ho has failed in this
instance to entitle hit self to a discharge. 0
lle in therefore rem ndoil.
The counsel lur the prisoner asked what
mahout of bail the l'iirt thouht twelve, hut it
- .wits— intimated diet the_stiplioation had better .
he 'matte to the Court where Dowel was to he
tried. :
THE 01110 AND 1'641 . 4.41q.4'Atti1A1
blinitieSS or this railroad 6 inerraeing with
great• rapidity upon . the portion which in in ac
tive operation. The number of passengers over
it, for the creek'ending September 13th, was
Cash received,
Increase over the previous week.
FIENT Waniq tAttroussr,). - IWara
—A meetinrof'the friends of Scott and Johnson
was held at Quincy iljll on Saturday evening,
12th instant
' John Kelly, Esq.., was appointed President
Vice President,
A. Woodhouse, Esq., Secretary.
The. following gentlemen were ..ppointed a
committee to district the Ward, and prepare hrt-.
einess for the next meeting, to ho held on
Thursday evening, 11th instant, at ih o'clock:
Wm. LA: Charlton, 41. A. Knox, W. Dilworik„
Jr., James Caldwell, W. A. Irwin, Thomas Er
nest, lames Wilson, John Kelly, Wm. M. Bell,
H. Niion. W. C,Stockton, R. L. McGrew, Henry
litidn, A. loi.• Marshall, M. Jenkins, Alexander
•Hoblnson, Simon Small ; Samuel Dyer, John
• Hanna, J. A. Ingrain.
The Committee will meet at the house of A.
Woodhouse,: on Tuesday evening, the 16th in
stant, at 71 o'CloCk.. JOHN KELLY, Pres't
A. WOODZIOLIX, Secretary.
SmExtern t 5, 18.51,
Commonwealth en. rel. re. Joseph Dowes.—
~Relettof remanded tolmswer. Cpinion by Chief
. Justice Gibson.
. Horbxk's Administrators is. Elder. District
Court. Judgment se; aside; and judguicht far
plaintiff: Opinion by Coulter Justice. , I
Loonaro Co., rs. steamer Parana. Distriit
Court. Judgment armed. Chambers Justie .
'Pittsburgh vs. McGarr. District Court. A -
I,gaed by Studer, and Kuhn and Wills. 1.,
013 ' 111AGEOUS CONDUCT.—AII inoffensive cOicur
'ed man. named Green, who was on his way to
camp meeting was horribly beaten on Saturday
Afternoon; by a gang of rowdies a few miles out
the plank road. His head was very badly cut
and he was otherwise severely injured. fie was
taken to Mr. Colebaugh'e tavern, where his
wounds were dressed.
Be trust that the perpetrators of this cowardly
outrage 'day meet with that - pwitshtnent which
they so wall deserve.
NZMILT Damen - ED.—We learn from the En
terprize that one of Tilt. Sieenye little chil
dren fell into the canal yesettnlay near Fedenil
street, and would have been drownid had not
police officer Snee jumped in and rescued it
ARRIVED _Among the names of the penmen :
gere by the Eacifte, we notice those or. the Hoti.
Vamuel nod Alfred C. Curling. both or
.f.lowsriescr Cos[.--ye . are requested to state
that the-raSe of James Gregg, vs. CadwaHader
Eians, fl. B. Evans, Louis Peloure and Phi Hip
'Lamps!, is not abandoned, as might he inferred
from our report of .yesterday, but will be pros
ecuted to the extent of the law.
• The writ is in the hs'nds of the Sheriff frir sero
Frnm the fah t...tho 136 or, Septonsher, 1661,
r :tfter , I.l.4trn_
Abs.-itas 0 the Luitime .
il,bniulalhu, Infantile
Meet... 0 the tiNn. .
. Drop of ihet
. .....lover 84riet.
^ hoid. ... . ... . • •
- Taffssii. Ty
ht p PtahAull stud ii,71.0‘.
tarpostitte ..... ,
• Phlebitis '
Itheunsatte. Arta.
Dc POrn ......
' • • 01 . TIIC ejitlVE
year„ 4 Ifkons So to 40 years
• ~, llt, , Te . tr• • I • 40 to 60
1015•••• I . to
10 1015 .• o
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16 to
OT on.ler of the 60014 of
11.0 M Eft,
ser flow 'often in it the cue that
we ne
-gleeta sd , ,nbt wound, burn, areelllng, or pain, In the vale
hope that It will be well enough in a day or twin instead
• Of getting well they grew woro , hate , .01 nether.. MOT
iitiglSOTl lakes place. en 3 the limb hat to be amputated:
orlien If a little of 11. 11. Farr,ll , Arabian Ltrilmort tad
bees enTlloi at . the Mine of the aeoblent. euld Lava.
cartel It IteutiOiatel • Sr.. a.l•Artbeenent. wen,
LIVER PI ion. The lig
tonlsidne •frinantltir this great medicine .4.
Whirl it has been intrulneed. It Lae attain
.1a pmealarity unprevialentrel In the annals of medical
' Prarllen. Phyrielans are uning It In many tares, at least
whenthey' can obtaisit- Patiente, liderever, need iant be
wider the eapense of keklngnmdleal mirk., 'SA they can
Purdue.. I. bra of the line /ICS, with which directions
will be fureiehed, whieh will wort a speedy :mire. The
.111,01 Mut , lettar bam an'agent shows ILA popularity in the
neaten from, widen [La kite,- is dated:
4n at t: srt:e, Lad (oN c pi, March Z 1 . 1 .11 7. -
.1. Kid/ Co..—Oputlemen, We tad we tan gall a great
'estop MT:). Dr. McLane'. Liver 1911.1 than your agent
ler. with *•:-. These PIMP ars rapidly rising In favor. and j DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.
we hare Monet sell ail that We had. If yon can send us
to or 12 dr.. tam hoar«. they roiliest rerbans . 111 1. • 'ST. LOUIS, Sept. 15.
'pour s l im: can bring uszenow 'nerdy. The Mound Flouting mill was destroyed try
,3- T.ll. KELLY fire last night. The mill was owned by Mr. Del
for l'44' .1.•11111D s CO.. apiece, .of Delaware, and was insured ant $BOOO
ang9o4l4.lwltie 110,Cd:Weret et. .
2) share's aarsal. mem low rat - Naw-Aer, (N: J . Sept 15.
• Steel: ael Exchange Brokers. The railroad bridge near this city, over the
• Heckel:amok river, was entirely destroyed by,fire
this morning. The ferry . bohts: We been eta,
itRaIS.S-0 f or Sinai! Whit e , b y doped on the river to keep up. the oonhaunlen-
~ . e
A.J lump "MIMI r•MPLIVES. I tion.
!QUlDbbli. for sale by
troll 7.atuD4 CO
ascuezu St ins. earaLLT ins.awall LIST
Tim ateamer, Peelfm, Capt. Nye, sailed from
Liverpool ea 21 o'clock, on the 3d inst., and ar
rived off Sandy Hook .about S o'clock last night,'
where she was detained until this morning, for
the want of a pilot.
The Pacific hrings..l92 passengers, and a very
largo eargo . of tine goods. Alisseatharine Hayes,
the celebrated vocalist, is among the passengers,
also Mr. Racket, the commedian.
; We have, 'by thin arrival, the news officially
authenticated; of the discovery of gold, in great
profasion, in, the neighborhood of' Bathurst,
New South Walee. The whole colony, at the
twat advices, was in a state of great excitement,
and the people were thronging to the locality in
immense numbers.
The clipper yacht , America, has been sold to
Capt. De Blanguire, of the Indian army, for
,E 7,000 sterlitig. Another statement places the
sum at .f.5,00Q, which was about her original
cost, with subsequent embetli •otents at Havre.
- Cotton—Br ten A: Shipley's Circular states
that the cotton market has exhibited lees, anima
tion since thel departure of the Niagara, closing
on Tuesday atlprices rather in favor of buyers„
but not to any considerable extent. Some other
circulars gable a decline of / eince the sailing
Of the Niagara. The total sales for the four
days ending oo Tuesday are stated at 22;000
bales, of which, speculators took 1,200, and 'es.-
.porters 3,000.1 The quarterly returns at Liver.
i i
pool, show tit stock to be L 17,000 bales, which
le 11,000 bales lees than previously estimated.
From Mane ester the reports speak of a qui
et huffiness eta slight depression in prices of
goods and yarns.
The unfavo ble k etate of the weather which
i tt
had , prevalled or a week previous to the nailing
of the Niagar had been succeeded by , three
days of fine tither, in which a large portion
of the crops h il been housed in good order.
The complain of the notated rot iu Ireland
continue tom tiply, hut the reports are eiteed -
ingly Contradi tory. l l Certain it is, believer, thAt they-are I ing need upon the markets in
great abuidaute at very low price.,
mirdshing the enneurection of all kinds of bread
stuff., which, it all the crinoipal - mariets, were
exceedingly doill and depressed, and great diffi
culty is exp os effecting sales. All the
cireulara in 'stating a decline of I to 3d
in wheat. and 33 to Is in dour, since the sailing
of the Niagara. Corn has been in very lisnited
.ilemand, but there has been no decline. •
Provisions.--iDellnette is the prevailing feature
in the provisiou market. Lard has advanced to
- 48 s lid, at whilila little was offering.
Groceries--There has been more activity . in
anger, both at
i Loticlon 'and Liverpool, and sales
wore made it 11 prices. Coffee continued to
be neglected, nd prices favor buyers. ; There
is no new fentu to report in tea, mole:seed, or
The London tock market has undergone aAe
cided improve oat, and console had advanced
full i per cent. Ibetween August FAI, and Septem-',
her 2, closing . Saturday at a shade below loi, I
and on Tuesday at 92i0.94+. Railway shaven
had also considerably advanced, but foreign
Mocks continue., dull. . !
The Queen had reached her summer retreat In
the Highlands
At 11 , rmiugham, a Hungarian woman, styling
herself Baroness Von Beck, but eight to he oflou .
Ilahrtootir, rcpt. 10
origin, and a spy in the arliPloTrorel. of Austria, ! The, late deplorable occurrence in Lancaster
was brought up to the Police court, and dropped I Co., Pa., has canoed au unusual degree of feel
',down dead iu the anti-room. -'
riug here. A large meeting was held 3 esterlay
It is proposed 'to reduce the 'entrance'fee to. iu this city, ill relation to the outrage, and of
the Great Exhibition, to 6d The reoeipts ore t e r speeches from das. NI, it re h aaan! H at t,
now abotic one third lees than they were a month Taggart, and when,, it ntrimer* was 11100.1
! to the President, tasking the arrest of the of
The success of Mr. Hobbs, the American me- !fenders. Iteholut tong were alga adopt e d, urging
lchanic, in opening the celebrated Bramah lock, on Gor h ome C „ ea f ere , ,I„. lutes agains t rho
or. Which a reward of 200 guineas was offered, rioters There I. also to he a i.nen meeting
Lae caused great excitement among the lock-1 morrow night, in Monument Square, in relation
ismiths,'hankere, jewellers, and all interested in I to the outrage.
the manufacture and security of locks. In the
meantime, Messrs. Bramah disputed, on tech.
nical terms, Mr. Hobbes title to the reward
The London Chronicle says, that Mr. Steers,
the build& of the yacht America, has already
received orders for the building of three yachts,
forun English gentleman, and that many of Me'
English yiclits are to he lengthened, and other
wise. Americanized.
The Morning Advertiser ; of September 3, says
that a correspondent informs it, that his grace,
the Duke of Norfolk, occupied a seat in one of ,
powa of the parish church in Arundel, with the
Duchess, and the ladies Howard, on Sunday
last. The impression is prevalent, that his grace
hie become a convert to Protestantism.
There wee a further decline of one eighth, on
beesilver, yesterday—the anotation being 110 i.
A royal charter hu been granted to the Orien
tal Bank, constituting it a hank of issue. and
empowering it to carry on an exchange,:deposit,
and remittance business, any where east of the
Cape of Good Hope.
Eighty two Piedmontese workmen have arriv
ed at Southampton, en route for the Exhibition.
They will afterwards visit Liverpool, Menchea
ter, Leeds, and other towns. The Sardinian
government pays all their-expenses,
The votes in favor of a religion 'of the Con
stitution continue to poor in from all sides, in
the Councils General.
The Conrt Martial arLyons had continued its
sittings, after finding 36 of the accused guilty.
and 12 not guilty. The sentences upon those
convicted, range from 'transportation through
various terms of imprisonment, to, fines of a
few hundred francs, according to the estimates
placed by' the Court on the degrees of guild of
the acelused.
The Compte de Chambord has issued a mani
festo condemning the support given by some of
his partizans to the re-leetion of the President.
Prince de Joinville has declined either to dis
avow, in obedience tot)e wishes of M. Galant,
all intention to offer himself as a candidate for
the Presidency, or to Make such offer absolutely
He claims the right to act as ho may hereafter
see ht.
nit pdtato rot is said to he making great raa•
ages in Prance; particularly in the Department
of. Marne. The Cote de Ur, and 'Sanwa
fields, whioh were unaffected a few days ago,
are now completely destroyed, so that not a
!eat is to he seen.
Sept. 2 '
The Advocatec of the Lyous Bar, who threw
up their briefe in the tate proceeding before
the Court Itlartial,htul bc,n sonituuned toe!,
pear before the Court of Advocate. of that City,
to answer for their conduct.
- -.. • • • • • .
rive additional Commits had declared in favor
of a revision of the tonstitotion. •
The continued seithre of the oppoidtion journ
als isalmosi the only thing , worthy of notice from
The disagreement between Prusabc'a'nd Wirt.
emberg has been at length .6itciled: and an
1 interchange of diplomat' • onitrtesies has com
The negotiations. between Austria end Uen
mark had taken no unfavorable turn, and the
Aultrian troops would not evacuate the Duchies
so soon as was anticipated.
The Neapolitan Government is iu a state of
dissolution, The Minister of Finance has de
clared' the impossibility of teeming the State
expenses with the prevent Ministry. Ile con
siders that the political offenders should be pot
to death, and not tortured.
The last accounts state that a new ministry
had been formed; and that the Kink had applied
to Rothchild for a loan; but the House refused.
=desa done by a decree. His Majesty had de
dared his intention to repudiate the oonstito
Hon. ' •
It it eald that Ala Pectin has addreesed to the
Austrian Ambassador a written asset..ce to the
erect that the Ottoman Court, after having
weighed all the circumstances, had resolved not
to net atliberty the refugees at Katarnh before
the first iM.Jonuary next, at which period furth
er negotiations will be opened on the subject .
At the same time, Woman Dry bee received
from the Porte official instructions to the refit
gees that on the first of September the Govern
meat of the United States would put at theirdis
posal the steamer hlieeiseippi, which Out& he
in readiness at Oenelek.
With neat contradictory laternent4, all in vet
uncertain um to the rrenit
NIV OHLEAZ4b, dept. la
- Intelligence from Havana, to the 7th iasumt,
states that the Spanish Consul is interesting
himself in behalf of the' American prisoners
and contradicts literally, the, statement that the
American Consul relbsed to interfere in their
Several persons, charged with participating in
the late resistance of the laws, in Christina, in
Lancaster county, were brought to this city last
night, and committed, on charge of murder and
treson. Three others were also committed to
testify RPM several others were lodged in jail,
at Lancaster. •
The U. Stales Marshal, and Commisbioner
Ingram returned. to the scence of the outrago,
this morning, having left there a strong police
force; and will continue their investigations..
The Governor issued a proclamation to-day
offering a reward of $lOllO for the Arrest and
conviction of any person concerned in the out
INCw Cues, Sept. 14, )b5l
A meeting hae been called, to meet in Inde
pendence Square, in this thy, ~n Wednesday
evening next, to vindicate the outrage laws of
the country.
Ci.ciatexu, Sept. 15.
We had, on Sunday the 14th, a copious ehoirer
of rain, accompanied by a strong wind. One of
1. the pile drivers, together with five men, were
capsized in the lake, but sustained no injury.—
Tee Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Rail
road depot was snaeverely shaken, that one part
of the building was rained four or five inches.—
Several vessels were also blown about in the
harbor, but without any serious injury.
The railroad lumber house was undermined by
the waves,-and much lumber washed away.
A locomotive belonging to the Pittsburgh
railroad, on the deck of a schooner, broke
through the bulwarks, and went overboard.
.The Commercial Bank was entered last night,
through the ceiling and flour above, and a keg
of coppers stolen.
CLIARL6STON, S. C,) Sept. 15.
The Savannah Republican of yesterday states
that the steamer l'ampeio had bgen Iluictly sur
rendered by Mr. Segur, her owner, to the Col
lector at Jacksonville, Florida. The Revenue
CutterJackj., hnd blockaded the mouth of the
St.. Johns River, near l'ilatka, for Aeveral dugs,
with a view to the capture of the Pamper° _
Wannutnyos, Sept. Id.
The Texan creditors assembled to-day, in the
National Hotel, when Richard Smith, Chairman
of the Committee appointed by the last meeting,
reported a series of resolutions proposing to
Texas to accept $7.000,000 cash, of the Texas
indemnity, leaving sit,ol.lo.oiio The remainder
of the Texan -debt, amounting Id I:3,000100.
with interest, to he reimbnrstol from sales of
public lands, and leasing the distribution of
funds to he hereafter determined .
The report gave rise to ... onsidershie discos
4100, end met serious opposition
lien. Hamilton, of Sohtb Carolina, lleneral
ltoueton, o f Texas, and Miler, spoke on the or
Mr. Hounten, of Delaware, stated that mem
bers of the Committee, Messrs. Hamilton and
Ellin, with himself, presented resolutions simply
as suggestions for the creditors ; without claim
ing for them any peculiar merit, WI a heals for
action. •
The resolutions, after fitrilier discussion, were
laid on the table.
Ni 1110,011,1 other propositions were then Nab
coated, but after discussion, were all laid on the
'ComMin .
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New Fall Dry Goods. I _
- New York India Rubber Warehouse,
..Nellenry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line ..', ' 7 ''' (.1 1 / •"'• "'"/ v . 1." 1 ' .... / 0 '''':', • %
, A
For Sale. \ , .• . Dr* Store for Sale.,
t . A. MASON a. CO.. 'Me e ra•eeisesi nod
of Packets. h., . I, g , /tutu Ilnahl••• r.rtnt, ',Uri., 4.10.- i I:A lilt E h•t or pie , Or li:rout./ ni Ili a t es.oti ~•?. ,' 1 '1" . • "I . 1- * * /c*Nth• ID " D.. .... 4 .:.
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de. ,,, - 4 = l :all..ra . 5 :P 7 :12 , 7 ' 'I ' ll! ' ttrr • 11 ' 1 1
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nun, Alva:caw and Mohair 1d..., embracing plan, 1.1,,
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•Ilk ware. hairy rui'd r Chame . l.otl and 11.,! . .1...1 all armle.. ! , .!:; ' A • p!, • l 1 2 1.;:4 • 4 '• • 5 •, " t '2 ,. • , '' ' ' , ' l ' l ' 1. , •• •'• :....• • • ••'• 17. ' • ' ,..... '''•••••“"••'• '''''''''••••••''''''''' ••'' ' '''•••• '''''' ' '•••••••'''';'•';•''''' 1.• '1, ... ‘ '1, 71 ' 1 1 .... M 11 • . t .7,1 in ' i ' l ' .: ,••, , r • • • • - ' ,7•l ' ! ° ,l ' ; r1.jr “ ;, •' r,, •'' . • , • • •• :, ' ,. ‘ „1. ' ,„ ' .. • ,1 -I .' l 'e 11 .;• 11 ..o . • e l (4. ' t: ll, u m, e ,n •Uo '''7r,, A ..l elo " ,,•:•47l.( ° ! '
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and fanc, mkt, flue wutd. w• eller ha sale nt , • pppl,lN, Alf,' { nmlth, ll•eter
nrln e .,. alnet, 1......nef1dem an unprervdrnted. lo• 1 - .11.11..1d 11IA X... /nes,' PD• 1 I .- ' •0,1,, er 1 :1-1... : • . • . 1 :: ' ......:. ' t " ...• ' ii . .1.1j . , • .. 5 1 ' . • , " ,.....t e . t .. , ..1...1 ' .\ I •••"•'• •••• ••• ••'.•• '.*".••• ••••.••••• \ • Notice '.
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I tw.L.ffrtfra ...P.. , ,Ira• the . 1 .1.1 hmhum•hte *I , Pr Pet..., 4 d.......n. ..r ~ .,t,..14 0 . ~.... P l -Pd. I.m. 0 .• . t ..•,..,-. r•••,,j,,..,„, . • ~,„•,:. : r• ' ! . „,...".. 'r r '! ..
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..;:.!(.' ''- . 1 .'." 1 , _ __. \"'N. l• l'.
new la s, imt rrel nut r., ••I. at • urea, nat..... r •,,,,,„ ~a n ..„,,, ~,..n...., . 4 ~,,,........,„ r. ~.. .... • „,., r „„ „
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from former pri.....1., TIIOS PALM Lk r mula 11,111, - 3114 I . ',PEI, Ilt Ir. 1..1.1 .0 1 1.. ,
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~,,. „ ~,,,,,„„ ,„„, .•,` • 1 -•••. ;^' h.". t '.. ) ''".• .' kr, '• t A.' ."." •'' I Wall Paper and Rorders, for ' kbeFell
SUGAR ,k. lilt/LASSES -
tnl7; ;• ,-L iO' , •••' ‘ • •• i r. :!!:J ::7, ! .. "• % S. :.. iii : ,, ::' "iii,i,,.. 6 , - situ , 7.7;,:•, r ,.:, '....?",•:.,':. '7 , i`•` . :N5,.T.6. 1 .."..'''n'....!:.,.'''‘..',...., !„, '''''''' ''', n' "' "''""••"sr•••' 4..Lsti , ii•Li4Vil o -0xi ,,, •• 1 CST BEL: . EI 1 Ell, tit the u 1.',• , .tt5 . .1
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~;" ' ' ,, " ,',.e1. ' i'. ‘ :',Y,', " ;,:.‘i „.“,.;,.!:', • Por Gale or 'Perpetual Least\ \
. 1 .,.„‘,"',,,r'„ 1 ,,`",',;'„ E a ,5 , , ,,',72, , ,17, 1 74r4t,7,,74 , 4
nomad Chu,. Ht. 11.111,,,
• in r.. 1,.... 'l/..- t.. ... • ... N 4: Lr ' -4.. 1.. ', it,, , ,, li 1' V.IIJ REI. Bt ILIA : , :i.,, LOT:\ • Luil . "'" '• -, ''' 'hi' '''' - '\'"`"•"..'"*.iii '''o‘'., , .
1 3(-1 . 4, :s 1 :4 ER--15I)I"4". ' iii " ti ri a l 7,„ o '`, l ,',. I ' s • !,•L i r t.'l'll:;:.7::: •. i'is,'. , t . ,.-' ~.',..,:.1"'. . '.1:r . ,..• - . i
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•B i(0011IS- - . NO tiutelf Corn. for stile to, 1o • hreadrtunr, ' 1 ,, 1.. L. 1 ,1 ..,..• ••••••• ' ••', atm 1 ' .. „, ,„ ,r. ..,.., ~.,,,r . „ r „ .. .
~, ,. ., ,, y , , ..\.,„„..,.,., , , „ ,,,„,.,., n . j, s oliN 11. :11ELL01, Ns. of Wsoll . IT,e.
....„.•‘ - ... it l 'i •" ' f' ''"
t'.7;l 1n4\11V":.'1.7: ',PP " , ‘,. I . " “ -+1 ..... ',N.,
r LID,r r.rr , ..,,,,.. ir, .X• ~ .• , T ,,,, .., h. , ) ,Ip '''.. i . ,•••••••I Ihe Idling g now rind popular 1 , 1
I IHkoLL 11EADS- s .1., India Hubber.iii*T ' " '''"' "'''' '-'- ' - 1 t'"','7'7+;'"' T . : p ' r, '.'1" 4 ... i.: u .' j '...,, ~'',7,' r,..',..;:.,..", t 71:L, u ' \ ; . . i . 17,!,!:.....1 , .'..7,!? . .7„" .. '‘,l ‘:cin,l,“? . ',l„‘, l , ..,..S';'V:.'', ... ~.ft,k. '
..'....,1 Ihrir ,Arrurr.r- S e. , ,lrrrrrter
. I'4arch Imes Lode de
J.! 'te". ( . • ' , up , . ar..)•• I.' ".....). "'" It ' ' .r-t•• i )1 •1 d ' .. ' Pith:lyr, • '.. . ' : •"' ou ' ' err t - rt ' ....• • ',I .. - •th rt,m. 1htt.1.,•1,4, , ' A '•'N - • •\l.-2 , ,a,:;,7t,,:-4!?.f.7 1 "' ,;.faln, ° -`,•T,',
,•,,, • ~ ~.,v,s , ~ ii \ d, tp: Veoniish ~ bit.rioes {llll se quosit hire;
• o. , t,st s a ,
VREstl TEAti. tkk* 1,;„4,,,,,„ F re ,), T e ss, , NEW YORK AND ERTL RAILROAD .- • . , . . . \
- , ll\ nos /urn ltinr\l •. Fair Quirk Stept
r v., Lit., trmal. a, kr•• 1 ...L. w. urhripnr, '
I. fßig.:- -- -4- 1.‘.: - ) I . shawls. Cloaks ' Mantillas \ , •
Real Eitel ror Sale \ '. \ . rte , ..”,.,..,...
e i ha . rube, Ilion tuu
\ s T.),, m e heme tn the • t.... tr -s •••SID.'• •
.und 112 w.... 2 . lus
• '11„ , .. .%1 1 Li,. \.. erl . 111,1,11 1
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„ kV,. i 1 fill'A BLE tat intlL,r,ontl 14 , 11, .Stt tb e • I ...iced. ' ...neck ( I MAIe :Mg me Char. xwert ate a
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L. Affm . =ll ,, : . nn e r i.L,
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n 1 r
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• • •• •"••\ V . .W M WI, ; ' drinne / un•ebinnik.. • - ...
iID OCKETS: • ---40 dos liens or, 61/ .mill,-, ' . ",(;:::',,,'; :(,., ..(...,,:;:`," ~....'....:,.;.' 1 : 4; .t: ' ,:;;;:. 4 . I . •• •• .' . -•..• . ' • ' • , .11•,- the three -h., Pm 1, Elm. id, k Ilenr.., 1.,,,,,... NI irk t.,. •
yklinura. an 4 Pllver Pop Waltnnei
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t.. \ x. Illoomnr.V1)9no. Finr
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FM BS-1. , &a for sale by • ' ' '''''' '‘'rF*!tl . P.k ' rt A . ll PI Lk hl , 1 . .1 1. 1,- .
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....., . u .,,,,,, ~, M ,-,„ ~, , Ter. • ....db. ,nd nen, h.rpol, mil. Illw. Omlenl,..l.knetts.. and tall/
ni. •ueTt e• W IloOlnAt OD . -und•d.........1
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pion) BEEF—T — csne & Swift's ...per., '
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. ir,u and r.f& r‘,....t, \ l
nu/kr Curisl D.....f. ,
. ~...,4,,,,,T,a r n ih r . 4 h p n ,,... , r ,„ r „ na „.„..„. arr hr ..... a ~.. . :.„.. „,,,, „..,.,
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.., trreer , • \ llSk IT)P r i . I, botit;rma , A Chhenlat• •
. * " .".". " ..* ,',71, fi rgi1y'„ . ;',•t r „.,7' . '` .-ek, 7 ht.b.....1 t.s. in./m..1.3w Arrtruu In s.. “...•f - ' - '"' '" ' " '' „I.:_ „.;',„, user r..• down
1 r nes, 1...,... .. .I. • e .k.„, 'I, .0. .. ~,,, , At- •n, rt.., P. 1.1• 1,,,, • ' .u., , „r o , r rrrr , A. N s ., v &lamb. 1.. t. ru ..kuv • •*. I Nina, • 1,...1. i . - ;lt ., t , t;Val,l•l•otr.i,cerr -\ : 'l .e . n" "x - •
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F RESH ITA "Al\ MA' CA "N I --J “" ( , • ..lit Y 'dlZ: ., :fi'l , `..,':‘:•:,"..l . ,, ) ii's",'j,'i'li, l ;:";•,'-:',•', ~" ' ."
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sot t o-Air . s i - , ;ad inuo r, at, 5..5t.,,
..r 11.rna Miga, A. Toilet Sew /
r '''"f t '' .'.., '•'• ...A, ~, ~ , b„, , ,
~. • ...eroroase sre. Je.....n,.... ear 105...... 3 " 0 the Punlti• ~,,,,, \ .IP / I nuttll etTer . Plltelnmah -.A, , and 1.1. 1 Pa,
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g, - 1...Xu2 a crtlfee. ..: •-. ttabbite. tliun ass. .
•fla r g,
A Goodliargain is now 'Offi ,\ •ed,
After • reces/, the drawl Lodge !spun met • . s •,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,,
„,,,,.,•,, , , .„,,,..,„ „,, , „., i ~,,- , ~.....1 :. .....iremt-rm•rd • . 11-mm lIJ 1. •
du ' 01.141 n 4.111 ' lgar, thmgera.k
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Numerous appeals were AUhrilitted, ail of which . if , A NDIELI GING Eli- I ewes Canton In r
..,„, ~, ,„.,, ~ . 0 ,, , ~ ~,,„ k‘ ~
1, Pre.em..l Plug,. fil. P. , Amn I ...A,. Id
were appropriately referred to the Ursnd liter.
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Al. Wade
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~.. o• . , • . •o•I • P. \ 4 - , 4 . o' ;•11 1e." ,,, 5 , •'‘o , e',74 loe:T.tert ,',':(''.l=e,a's '''' ; `,' . ''''' o.i.: ', A "l „ ` , , i ' .. ` A ' .V: ''' "''''' '\;;;`',.", TN,'„„,,. ”Vi'i,';:1'5r`17,,?,',,,,,,•,'‘ \
rhe following committees were appointed by LV UIS V I LLE LI3IE-lliti t,1,15. just . re. I . us : ( 1 1 1 .'11 , .. ' 'L.. 1
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.1 1 11 ,.. 1 • • •• • • .. - , 1:A , 1 .. 1 . •: ;. 1 .. , ,. .1 ., •:; . n ... (1 .. 1 ~,,,,,.. /,.....,/
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~,,.L. ~,........, /„...., .. 1,... I
\ ( .1 0.11 ILL/Ann • CO.
and fur mt. bp T 1, opk•P 1 kt,ll
It et 111% LA,
the Lodge .
sae::: al P.., ore, •
'r• , ' , '' .. '• ' r7, " . • ' L. ' • , ' 1 • •• • Nr • . • - • •.. ‘ r . r :X..• " , •• :, „„).. Put r-r at... „... . ~..,.,•.,,,,,,, ...,,.„ i,..,,,,,..,„ _• „.._,• ‘PrN• "e ,. to "Mood sod \ nab e.. \os Duicu,sion-Messrs DOsannsange. of :Zonal ' , I,O A E
_O4 - b,,, ii 1
t , RPII , Y ‘I 7 •WIif_'.IIVJELD I. are now \ ,
Carolina 'Small, of New 1 ark . and Callus of isel - K" r ". • '.l \I/111 , 4'111 (1 •r. Punk ri
• I _
M . lel, lb •sl • te ' t LAX/imm,. Of LlAnre c...mmt,d. ton \ ,
1..i1.1/11 A Ilk NAIII - 1.
nur.r. suaulalls , ... - Ohrusg Ili" to on thersnll se -
- 12, .i.r,tiai at, 1.• I• ul el E.ictasion Tickets to Heave'. 25 cents ,v,,,,;,,.,,...r.,,....,,,.,....,,:,..,,,„„ : : , .. , , ,: . , , , ,, , , , ,, ,, , ,,, , , .. , , , , , . 4 . ,,, , ,, .,1 0 .. ,. , , ,, ,,
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~,n orr, i w ,„,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n„...)04„, ‘ ,.... n ),, r •r i d. npo ron a r. , •
L'e,gisloti re -klessr, A 'only of G.eorgot Han, . ••''''''
/ 111 B tine 1,••••• `Dv, ...mon,
rttemnt, and
of New tort: and ir ss b, av• . a. „ i • ;,,,,,,t, c„,,, a t 111 j A}{ Su Wolk N 11„ tor nate by - 1 ~ b , ,I ,r
, ii asi: : r '',,,,.. , ':
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4 4.41411 s tlt NA 61 r " ‘ ' cut ‘" l. ' ' .'" • ..„V r . r ,„, . , - „,r, .
...1., " ••• - • .'"''''' r ,b P • t.) Mt,. n alll
IPA, •-
1../. their haul,. r., 11.1.1,1 • .ort il • '''''' •) ),\`'''''''''''..'..."' .1;1 ' 1 .11J :I.AematA,7,•l4e.l ,‘ , :mt, ) ,:;" I ;l'''l::',€ ) '-',', - '-' ~ ." , r \ l \ —.----, • \.',
On Correepondence-Mess, .mith, of I ety I I NSEEI) OIL- '2i , 1.1,1 a. prim,. for "al , i•I ',... r ;„ * . 'l, - P, '.. , -,',', •'• ", •;.**•,'
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fae.a3pff , E. C. Patterson, .4 Virgurs . and Nlan• J.-4
_,". 7 .. •
. 1,,i1.11-11 a Ph. , k Ell .. r 1 • • "l• • .".. " 1 " ... '' ' "). '` ..t. '''' .I ‘ ; ' ',:',l .7 , ,' ,t .' , " , ';',,'„:.'!','4:.;n,„':.. , ,",,,;',r,id '''''''''' - 1 """"' n —°` ',,,"' ""'%,`"'''
'are tuition. MO `L , P ,11,,, 1 l•di •,-,* \ '''..
cheerer, or Rhode Leland t, 1 ACKEREI,--t.u. 1,1,11 N„,i 1 and .2 n
•,‘ nitutt 6 lIIIRC,EIELD. '..„ \'„
On Finance -kless, Cheater, of klichigan . .LVI l 0 hi •.• b n,,, ....• I." • 4 ' lll ' . '' ,/ " .!•r, 16 1 ••• ,, ..., •• ha .r. Inr 11... r,,,, ....., .1....... ri. 1•o/ . r. ..4.....r1,-/ ..,,r, r . rr. vrX. '- .
~:`,. r' ..., w “ ,,.. .. 13 .1 , :. : 1 7 ,- kr; -.
~, Jr sT E , E, ...FA . via , , , •,,,,,,,, I_,'„, pbl, 11,,,, ,,, - li e „ . \ ..*
Curtis, of Pennaylvanta . and Bombard. of Lou- „,, nktitisu a Dk`init.rt - sbn, n i ,-, ,t,' ~. , ... .
, ott f,
i l.r ll- J-;. • (.../Agt, t . n yjn l, l t., .Pat
° l f
Itil 1. 1 , I • AI r.II ilk •., •,,, 1. 1 k , 1(1 Y. ' ' t Mr. Griggs' Grammar SchooL •.» .....,,, d . art nge old , Milt ", ,„
i•-• IL 5101,ASiES- 'JO I.Lle tor sale hy -4 1 s, ~,,
I ' . ‘,
r '''" . ' t
((.: ' ,l ' : t ''' . ' t
''',' ' l '' \ t . .( ' '1 " 1.14; ' F ' t ' S ' O r t ' , ; ' F11 . • 1 1 1 I .f i ' E. I{ 3 F.„' h. -... r S s r ' ' . l '. 'ci ''' S .' ,. " ,ii7,l % ., -. , l i ii f •Y lil 'l r. ' ou r ; ' l ' , ~ I 1 ..,' , r' , : ,j \ '''` ,:, : ilff 4 l l.ll l ' ; ' ; ' , : i l lc ''ff t e l '''''' ; ' :ib ia:; l\ 4. .w t''''''' r e
7:4l'7: tht" n 7'be rFfe l :: .
‘ . '
On Appeals-klelsrs Ellison, of Han+ . Set • ; 1. ~,,,,
.N. 1.1,11 a'
mrd, of northern New 1 York ' amt Kellogg, of • - , i., ..„, ~,,, 1, , ,,e ~,,, i f .. ,, ,
~,,,. ~,,,,, by 26 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. •
II a ........e,..,,,,,,... t
Michigan. .
• 1,141.1.,/1 a 1112.NNICTI
S "' nf ‘ :•-• ' . . • . --•
' 5ic .. 47 :-.4,4i.-.. il s 5 L 0u.41.- - ..- 4- -, . „......::.° •,:,...... \ ~,,,, ,i ...,,..4113rOcIP s `,.( lAt. 41(1_ Rel... ,11 f.• nd. lti , 171 , Unit.-1,,m1r, .1 2 11. PVILIPM..\
totlnn. PAP . r M.Ann ' a;g111:,:lnt r _ A entep to u r s at \ '
On Constitution-51es,, I skew. ot lidera,. -• , '' ',„ c7 '.,„ , - ( . _ . ... _ \ • •
Penningholis, of klisste,ippi . and Chid,ey. of r t , " — '!" ° 14 " . • r`; ( i,• : ' :,, f , , ':: ' de l ' " .5. PITTSBLiti.I.I i.IN I , CLI:1 ELAN ii JW. Holbenon. \ The College of it. James. . I NEW fittliSPll 711ElitAS—A\ :Si MA\
aug.77 +ld a LIENNI , IT , .
, WASHINGTON COUNTY'. klAltl I.A.N B. y r , A, rtit , 4 ° , ,,h ;7 ' ; ' ,,r, - . ` ab r Att:_. ` tiot..?esro l i ` ; ' e t . r ik 'il""'r
11Ar,..:.- . ,
Uri Pentions-51e,,r, Morley, of Nfi,r•ykrif rrOBACCG—C2 , . hss• li's Limp. fir soli . LS 1 ,lIA:...SENGEIts, lie,: , es •ry ❑niornifit• di 9 1 )11•0 , 1, iER ~„1 ,i„5,1„,,. „, nt EN , li.
~,,,, • i.rNi i iirint1fg.. , 1 2 4 1 , :;• 1 •,..: 4 ,.. 4 , 0 : 11- 1 ,10,,,,i,. ler_ed Mr illc rentlEtorde•-aemLglarap. u".. • \ ,
ii , ~,,,•2•• • Ettoidsli * IIaNN TT
' " ' ''‘ ' IL ''ESSI(TN " rli \ FlV ‘4l tiC--171F - T `-r- 1, Tii .'
• ~.,,,, r , • , ...•-••= t , 1 , - , ttt , o , tm- ~. - , t‘-.. 1 1.:1.'. t .o.c \ • nahl.• ...mar I. • oh,. f•-•• '
Purdell, of Kentucky: and Ely. of Ma,
clue' e1.,...11 ..n., I.heb. l • '" ...Pl.' ' "'•'• 1 1 .1. •Irst.. • .0......-... -h.., p. „A ' l'i .• i tl'.. s. (1 ‘1 , . , V. •Wdinr Qt., I*ll, dn: ~ min.,. I • • n , *D- • 11. „u,. " s, e» i .
oc, Returns—mess, thane, of __New Kamp- : r‘oll a CCO-- lit kegs 6 Twist, for sail( J.(11 /„.., i,.., ~, . 1„„,,,,,,,
~ •
~,„ , - . teb• ..• , le. teett - Amberekmeloust, the la, Tht, .1, .r. r‘ 1 1, 'nr It. a' - , A le :), L• unin**•Dri ad nt, In ri Nord :
\ -
• DUNI] L Ia.NNITIT ad - to. o rbesomF k
k Ju1,,.1 - 3hAe ...It sto
ebire; Pennington, of Nlimeour.. and Wilaon, of ; ..•••-•' '
t0t...1•11.1 t.U. L. ur. I Let, .1 ~. tu ur•
".".*•‘""." "..." '••'•"".." '" I. r '', ''''•;' ''', 4. - 41 ' r.1.; ' ,1 :i:'• ,7,;',:.'L1e''.4.',.;',...',77,',,',7,',t1:,,:''''',,,!.','.4 I lk EIV BON NETS ANI , 10813-1 •
I •
North Carolina g , IGARS-10,ink, Prinetpa bridal,. .... Itu .. twt a. ~,
il l , , , , , bx , .
~. Ler• up., z1.....A. t•
P , D,LI a,neur . I • I
On toreprelented kt read Lodges-kissers 1---
If F :rrs: ii4:"`" BIN( INNATI,
,A 1 Ful• 041 IP or h 1 1) ',.• 1 , -..1 Domher .1 dlrk e. .(I ( nhi,l4,llJjlthht.l ' ,.., 1 -,.... 11 ‘.' t. t . ‘ 1V..hir 'nth, : \ _
Potts, of Illinois Wilhart., tor lilkiiie, awl , ' ',now !Ira s ~.. t 5.,,,,,,,.. •• n; n„..,., ~., ~„,„, „„„ , ~,,
„,,,,„. Sul i a , .. \ rs i sr . Itlta‘cikoilyiritill ~ ,...4. 9 \ o pying ins.. mr,ll.llthr nevertenlin • Ing a mnppotemi,atlou. and, I gh.".rll. A
Mitchell, of ,Vertnont PlAagr ILdronen dur .1. td• ,
1.1.....1 „...., - 4,..,,e. the Jurnendul terminal,. rd . lhe Adl•gin.eisurm. ,tort.. I I ' - ..., •• • - 1.• . •• ' 'i, i i • - • •• ---,- • . I%
• )• 1, Il• graduxtr. the nit,' xradentical .1. M, I \LAP .Mbll )I) 4.1.E,5_4.. A \ i.
•usr 1 , 1 . '1.1411 A .ur , ..k II ....,...,o• 1 , r., .., rtu..., .u.t 5t.t....., ... op -u.,,r• .• Irk
tin Printing -),rasa '•1111•11P, of New Jerhel . „
'I M. Ir HAM ll.‘l, liCIII0J11„ nururrrhatolr ...Ijrriorsur lir. 1.. A V t,.. 'nit r , r '. I tattutbri\tt 1. ( Ihner r
~t IL% Eft P.l . l' I:N TLEV ER 11 ATI 'ME' l ' , '" .;,; ' , ' ,7: ' ,;71 ` ,."‘;::, ' " ' , ' ",,1, " ,, ' , Volt ~ .F. I 1 11•1 r,.. , ~t 1 ..... 1 •• ••
,•'• •- - • •,'',.. •.• "• , . 11' ",••••• sbi 'tint, th.auperst.hon ..r tn., hen, Im, un Emj.r...).... ~..) and GP )...-Lea 0. •ar L.
Bailey, of klary land . and George a sn r,,,t o f
J lo t to 11.. a, '50..., • Irstrant...l.'uld red.', mkt-- thrsre .1 ),... •el. ir.)l t . 1,1,, a,• • N• flollstr, 1 , .,.•.• 1 . ••• 1. -1 ' , ilontn, dtrendina, rem..., 'ad l....l.gannind ... '
Connecticut •
•u./ fur orala Ity .11,..1rJ, •At WTI r,N ~„ ....or., ..m.r.r„ r r .r.. „r. I tjr• r r, ' r •r.rerrl,r Pt\ 1r,.....”...w.i ewe, and ere... wn, fur Abe ~0, V EE OLE 11 . 1)11K 00 i.i.;:ttis, 7,t., net
k . I vl . Oa., Ihr cmrreight And Arne-tam. Pm Pr. fr..
~ 1 ~,,, 1, . - ~,,,, , nen, gPr \ *
ya? . :, M' p l eTo; - , - , ‘, : e' Z ' a ' t.a l , l ,a7, ll' a ' Cor ‘ l ' irrt te sZie N , ' 74 C O6PEI4 IV AT' TIES- in Tin""` "' ''" ' i ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' '' l ''' ' ` ' ' ''' ''''''''"::''' ''''
~...„„,;,,,,,,..;:',..:,.. ~.. " / .4 .i , ". .,' : ::" . ?.r i ' '‘ l t;a
~ ": .Z . :[7, 1; ‘..,....:447, 1 11.; .
p : ' ...: l' ' . l ii ' l . 'lC' thr i ; li ' F' n l k. '. l ; : l i h : 7 "::1717..., ‘ I. ' 1 ,: ':
::: ::::, 7:, ' : .1:7: 1 ;
- I
1;1 • B " 13.0N 7 S ":' ' I
C s l ' l3 ' 13 ' 1 1;N ;. S ." '.‘-- 1- l u' i' '... e ß : : I P:p l t d n ' * in
pnon Lo, • and al unusual', L, ,Ir• • 1n.... . Ite.;ter •,., •,......•,:. 0... ah • ..-)
Vier:ousts, • [Le PEI
Lou lun wistrularfultal Wiffrber......l uf trftrtf..t' I'l IRI I . r I• ill tih 1a../.1.1. .•
' .1 rept:tat.. iseterLf W. 11.22-ILrufN so kts(r. r•
111.. .1 I
' . nued.l
Tn•*i{u•Sinn,..l the Coll.e. I... Dub I,..lttind b.„ - . -_.
- -
J TOBIAS „I.PO.'S 11; al Cli 1 . ... NOW inn, A 1 11 Ours 5,.„, ra ~ta1i „ ...,: .. t(....r, 11. ~,,- : ..-ti i.,(.. tr.l. 0- , 1.2 It. dlatafure tr... luau, aad ILau . - - ..` • 1 AIX I r %Pe SI L KS.- ‘, 'l . l.- A '
. ' W. 111101,0., September 1:1 141 •
~,..•.,...• In.. dr kuttbarld .0.1 11 .1., •,...ka. • ~.., Per .11.41 ...- 1,.. -4.• . I . , LL,.m.tyls• I, al the ,Lost ter e a... 4 morals am r Met ” "•• •••••
' FL -4- '' ' --- - - L ( "" rß '' ' ' n
Oen. t , ,cati return.' from thy White rlttlphor e,,.„, 1,,",..,;.-7;,.,..171,:,74-:.::;?...,1,1„.....p..g,n,,,t,,..,,,,., lo- ,....., ~..„ „,. ; , : t ii . ADitz - ,1 •
~ w.ri.,... it. , di. •,/ e.., b., •,,,, i, ~,,,,,i in •ni D.. t KEMP ILA Li t ... we. I utLi.t.a. u.l 1,. to ft. ..,.. t. Itra. it, at n h••• :runt Mm . .La erreolut beeor.,,moruk of
iprings on Saturday list atta h•ve agyeu the twrt relsrfavu , r rh ., :4. , ..t ; L .... f- ,
t ,
...... , 1;;;P:-..• ;. 1 .
~ .y I . •
~ . :. ,,, , 1, ...• . , • 1( se 1111.1,12 1 . . rr...4 for ~,,,,,,,, ~., ~,.........,/,...„„ ~./. th ,„
... , ..; 11 .. .,:, ( 11? , •;,..11•01 . 12.1( . 2.1" .... 11( 3.2ren yard Iprep. aqui. 4n v•lt
soltl in lln.ennutm
_. ..1.1‘.. ..L , 11.1.altat anu louril...f. 1851. W EsT ER N ISM ' " • ‘,.• . , 1... t...., ~
.., ~ . ill Assuan in ih. 10n..1 . ..[1 , trc erotatt.... the 11•1(‘I., ' __..2` .. kk '' l.' . them. , Adla
„. , ... .:.',•,•. •, ,,,n g • t • 111,:. , r •••••• ,' U T •.'''''.... 11. ,1' I. '"" 11 "..• 14 . p• *••• I
i t b EltAtiE HE LAINES—A. A.3issou ii:
111/BILIS' TEA MART, ilt the liinmoild 'I
lIANSINtIif ITlit N. eti)ll'lNl .. “, -
. ~
~,,, s re, 1.11 • Llml and, frrelemas cal na, 1.1.4 .1.1111 IL •.`,.. t, r ,
l male, LL.D., L•etrer nn I'ho me. amil'hems-,,, ,sr• ". .1-dr nna• rh , ln•j• .1.1" Ihkr mark of.llgrage. anl ,
4V I - illtbutufb tire.. Tea. bar. palarauw.l 0.1 11, 2...1 , h. LEECH At roe ' LIRE •
Profes;oi Alex. C.\ Barry's Tricopherous, ' ~,,,t,',..r.`,T,..11',.-tx,tl.'tziza.;.‘;,°;-"th'''''.- t"--. ll =- I ' L " . ' ''-.'"" ""t'' '
• •-.'.."''''' '
1t.., ars ...lima pre....1). th• ..hon. *ant... .rt ~ . .i ~..
1 ....• Lund., • , 1
.1 In, soabliMtunot, Mr., • Nati.. •In• It on I.•u I tut , I a414w .„..,_,,, 1t ., 1itraii2i ti ,, Ari...idi I TEl k \i' ll lllol',Nl l , I „r re 1 **** ' • ,,l,Vatt , DVi;*./kI•I•• *••*.k.inualil in ad,..UP . 1 Judd'i Medicated Liqaid 'Cuticle. ' \
hay.) kr., `.,km
1. Me Fia • ,
r ~... , : ... r• tie.
.0.1 /..,,,ir,o, to. too(,, 1 A , "4„!
~,,T,",.,"b",,,1',",.,"1 „ ,1. i ',” , „.,,, b 1 (1 1 1 II 18 A ItT IC LE is infertile for ininii)fuse, \
der, ...petit, Omen fru.. rk. SEA ti 1.. •
(( - Burk -L. tai,•,1,1 .D . in.., -n,, ...I 1 ,i,,ine. au. Vt., dt.eway...4 1.1, AU:, I \ '
rid :6,1111, Muml In ihe parr, 'nci a .•,///./arn- i'
owl slut, 7 •od a. y • PriMe MAI, L. n, Ihr 1, • RAI L ROAD ' '' AN D .CA NA L
Ppi gtnn count, Para.,. r, 14 a' nr laud Rert.ataie, win, are lo en leznt dans./ . f '•
ans*. '
I Sltli R 0 II '''''
I I ,
~, b 1 ..,.'„, ;,.,:,;,,....,;; ~,_ ..;,;,!; ' ,..,:t.'',"',,, t.l,:' ' '', r j r ,.',."., l .',";rrl' I, k 1,- • 1).,•....i. 111 11 1 .-. l \u h r ‘ u " ta a ythsni.....ny tuforrn.ii, , . :1'...1‘" H . s. r'r'''''Pr' . ....p ' , Md... 11 th , , ,, 1i7:c \
frirm- 100 M. chits r 11, , imp , Arid U. I * . • 'ITT
Ait,Elt ., I‘ . ., II I I ,, LA N I pTy LI ;, I , I Ii • `,',". " •'' l ' ''''' " '. ! "' .'"' ...•"*' 'C '"•" 1 ". l::: ' zn - t..,,,,t,7,.:ri,',',`;',.':-1:;;;Tile.1-;,.',-,''`: ''' '". ' e r, .r. , `'i,=.l,`"l . l`,l",Til,L, tTlatiig'..4`. ,7 ,`40..
, • .... ~. ~..,.,„ .
1. .
. • •
tury'd Jr. DIMOIITII •1, .. inti: c,.., (win!: in auud nrildr, 1, rr Me „ ' T j A rj r „,.., ~. t....... , jr, th,,,, r .h., j.„; - '- . -,‘
- ---- r ' I Thlrr mat eentllvttot, , ..e. the •unclmangpol i pmmr.,, ~„
8, 1 1,, , ,,,,},. ?.1 , ,,,,,„ 1 ,,,,,,,,i: i ,5_ . ,.,..,,,,,,, J. ,,,,e 0t .....,1 . ,,,,,„
~.,4 , , ,, ,, ;;. : ‘,1,:-:,, 1 . ,,;,, , , , ,‘ , 75,.., . ,...v. i .,,, , ,, f , ;,,:::,.: ., ,,,7.::„.i , ,-,.i...,, , ,7. .. ., , ,., y ....,...!. . .; Y:::: . ,":::: . , ,_ :•,,,_ i
~..,,..•,,,,,,.?,.., 4, 1 . ,..,,,,,,,,,,...„„ , T it,. ,;17,1•ve,l i s t Y::1,7, t %,arYin i. l •,an, g il:„., w„•,,.!' - ji,F;„ 1 ,',,,i,''•, , ,,,,-',,,,:.,,1.:,„- j ,... , ...,,,,,,, \ 1„ 1 ,v, , z,•,'„0-` . ,' 1 ;11 . .iii, 7 4 , 4 1, ;; ,tt. , :. -,
W.V. • 11.CLCIti/ a 11/ .(nra ~,,,, ~,,,,,,, ~,, ~•.„,,.,,,,,,, (~,. ..,...,,,,,,,.. 11111, II or..tabrroptlou t I 11. ri,r‘r. ror r. 1„..t I .4r.rrr.,„lrsl rLar ' ; ‘ , "lr4l Ikrrl.rltl .43 1.1 111,101
er .......„ and 4. .... 1.1 I r 1.1;47,”•• j l ....,,, , lrhe 't hr r ip...l.kt; aP ' Llud ' a . nt trattrb •
dal '',
•y_i? . •11.1 Tra Duler• luf lateliaa gm,,, n rp.„,,,,,, , ..r.. • ,1.,... r.r.... r . al ••• lel I I in. ILFP 1..0 .4, un•l Iti.llL It..‘ ,rl,l I , I.rrr,/,,, \
rr c r
i Id., I r rrr„, ' , lnn m a f •trtAkt tf f , t .
' ruded to
h."" hk , .. . 1 " 1 ..../ .^ . I tw• tn.. . .... ei els/. , " 11 .? I` *.**l4i.s. l'. rot-Pol. ' . ' ' 1.1 AI: LK:1,15'001.11 A fi ll 'i li, 11:P.,
',OA Id -lin 'Ad& co., .3nd Port. lite° ' ~,,,,, ,„ „ ~,,,,.,
.uus. sui h., 1e1...1.11th "dr ',rat' A. d r. 11,41., •nd "'PI 1 . ....• VI . • ettr . f. l r.T wr.fl I• lft‘r•fuwt't• 'Ls\ "
" " ''' N 'Vt M.
' \ ' • ‘',
1.7 ffuwarr. a g,lnte quality, Jun don't' and for We 1 , 1 I akou 0..w.rt..,..t. auk uI LI tea, fus...b. '1,... Ishised ~s imii'l k p)''' • I '' , U\ 11 .• ,-) 4MPItch V.:M. 11.4, . in'
rurgia 101111,11 T 1,111..1.F.1.1. is t t ./,l.ll.rtrty ra ft,. 1. fat •rewt. I•lll.t.urJr. 1., • in, li.l, : .., ErlmnPlereu.. I .11,1 • ,
~. a la r ., lidoruer . \ ' s.
.r. LI ~ .1.4):., FP,' I T. D . \ ''
t I I.V.El'il I . nrjrrir , 4 r., ~.... •o . ... ..... 1 .. 1 1 , :a1..11,.. loncul n) .ht d'..4. 11, , 11., ," II L .k. ,,,,, t1T .1.4 1•11-1 . ..1...,
, 1.111 I.P r m . 11jEllfli r Al 1), N \•
TOliAC1 • 11 25 litide. N. I 6 Mien for POO I 1 , ....,rn, Ir..j ' r I I.1 .?„ 7 I A Ili. ' , run. rlrl rt . I'lrr.• r r IV. , 1/. .1(1 , 1.1 , • n...1(11k1, 11,1, ea, 111. (1(1,, 1•1./(,. It at PAW., 11 I , , qr. .1 ) atal Pr ..L..' 11.,,,,,, I \ t.t 1-11 0)1111 PI 111. Al. D. Bunnoc,
~., .aueldl JAM. • 11ALZE1.1.,1(4 Wift,r •..i. 1 1 , 111...2 .., Irr„n •I .1%11. .11-..zrir, 1r.., •... nn...• I ea. tut uli ni,n, ' Dieh.e IL, Tlidui., „Q l• , *lni..l ..,....1 In, r..•• .r 4 . .t ,. ~„ ~ , t . ml.-Iniu. In tit. nine. ',, -
~ i, iII 2 211 alsr Irtel. a, .2,„,..ut 1,.., . ttatt, ~t .. I‘l i. ‘1•2:11 2., ‘ , ..rueff aruf VI& Irro s \
1 , lIEESE 1(111 h.. 413.1 11. It., for stile by on. 7r. Snrtl, , . dellattt• lOf v.'', I. -tr.... Pu..Llrn I h.."' " ,1 1........5. W. D . 1 , 1,.......h...1'i Amon:Tn. . Irr . .rt Ain; NA, TA 1 1 : 11 :4T015K • Al.11... \, , \
II I'VAI<UR. .11,111
\ .
~ Ch.. crtc. Igruplo np,r1A1P,.... IM 11, ,{...... .1,. il .1 ',km ~rldv Wond .01 Firt.tatiL \ •\ \
il a toot. , J a Mk:ft 11.41.7.V.1.i. I 1.,,, , • tf.
turr..l.. N•w 1 .4, t
la 2 „ rix. rrrt '.:, j 4,... I OcUrral Alratrrtr.% .1 ra 1nr...4:4.1. , rr a Vir... \
li A 1(11 VII. CO Itlds Nu. I, Fu r . u h i by
. FARE I REDUCED ! ......., se., tU i 1 1 ,tr (.4 0.4.411 .••• ( ..wr •t, rri3 I,r. 1 . 14111 , ...- , 1111, .wr u t , lturltt rwr,„ .40..1 - rt.r./... r. kn , I , P , ' A YZR'S CHIGIRY PECTORAL: ' \ \
1 4 •"'“' /.1•12, DA 1.2): L.l. ,e n,
' t .' , !.4,'.,..,•,,.;':,r,,,n, .: ,° .' ,7, ‘ „ ";Trt. , ' , '::; , ,N1 ,, ',":4• , :' , `,`... , • ,, : i t , T,-,,..r.N,K," - ,'„- th ie"".'''. ‘ M., 111 P. CUTE kW ) ,
PTS. Tli It PEN TI N E :Lk WA. formal. , he , la s i ISS 1 ,g t _isi ."- •".. ... • ...., ~.., ...„,,.. rit. [l4y lI4Ir gr, I P 4 th. WA..
„ , ~,,„„ , _,, i ~„ I „i, ,e... ,„,.....,, ,ti 5,„„,,,,,, ~• b u n in,. tdr ild lilt tlll. I.OLDS. HOARSE/Va .
17 ault.. it s /111nro lurk AI, ' jr
The meeting adjourned too ,
adopting any plan fur future action.
The meeting was numerously attended. It in
underotood to be the or the creditor.
to rely; on Coogresn or the adjudiention of mat
ters lietween them.elre. told Trim.
The President readied this cit) shout 4 o
clock this stlerpoonson ho veny to Roston. Ile,
took the 2 o'clock steamer for Nei! Yort%
The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows assembled
here to day, and appointed Wm. M. Moore. of
Washington, and Wm Payne, of Wine:mini, 4.•
sistant Grand Sires About 4tKi ere ita attend•
once Nothing special has yet been done
.. . .
The contract for printing the post office 'awe
hoe been awarded In Colorants.. Alexander, of
this city„,. .
11A LiluOa L , Hop! 15
The 'Preahfew, accompanied by the Hacretwry
of Wee and of the lary, p.oed through Chia
city to-day, on route- for Ilrodon, to attend the
Railroad fastiral.
Nr.w YORK. Hew. 15
A Ire° anti unconditional pardon of Clement,
cnnricted of the murder of
date morning from the . President
Now Yußif, Sept I:,
The schooner dray. Engle, arrived from Port
Au Prince, with daten to the ,Ath mt. The
flaytien and Dortuntenu I/oven:anent. are again
preparing (or war
The finytien Meet WO gores far Hi 'ape Way ti
A Hereto hurricaneoctfirroil at fort till I'm ace
on the Illth of Auguill, land 71/ hovers Iron.
Htroyed. An English and ltrail pocket Hobo.-
er Was lost, and nearly every crone! in the har•
hot was more or Irmo injured
PIMA 14.1 . 111 n, Sept If,
The Ntetsmer Europa. Lott. with
Liverpool dote, to the' let inst Laing there
,n own than he l'acitic, arrived at
(We waited until half peel eleven o'clock last
evening without receiving the news -liar
PHIL, 0F1.1411.1, 80[4. 14
Haar—The market is steady, with small salsa
at $3,87 14 bbl, but generally held at `Bi•
Rye Flour and Corn Meal— Rye Hour is Selling
at $3',36, and earn meal at 'b2,H7 kld.
Grain--Wheat in in 'limited demand, with
wales 1000 bushel% at 82o(& 1 4l for new Southern
and 90e for Penna. Soles gnu hunhele
corn al 65c for yellow .
Provisions--The market in steady, but an
Whiskey-19,0am+ no 21ir r td gal
• Sept. IV
The market generally in less active.
Flour—Sales 0,000 bble at $3 07@4 fur State
and Western, and $4 00}€,4 123 for Genesee.
Ornik—Salta $lO,OOO busk at 800. Sales 2,000 I
bush rye at 70c, and 3,000 bush northern oats et
430 It .bush.
'Whinkey—Snles 1(10 prinon bbln, at 2 , ie 'lO
gall .
Provisions—No 'movement A' importance.
Groceries—Prices err• writ Mlstainal, as lost
or.l Luxe- ,
too do entniami—rutzlrel And lor 1 .."- -:". ,- -- '. "-'''''''" ".L ` r '" i: . : I i1.zu...... 11.4.tiKh10!., ‘late fit 111 .urgl I \''
BALTINWttE AIA BEET. , ea: by Wall/ ..1 n.c.innuu.. ctIE.AP PHI NTS '.--..A .A • Mena :"A Co. , . stilije, r l.(T.e:ril ' e t «n r gte m ee , .i v h l 'e'''''. H' i m P'" 4
. _
13..0.. Sept. 15 „..,,; ~.„„,„,..__.
..... _ .
~ .• ~,,,,
.. li_ae . e .. juFt relF,4re.l 'X, c.A., ~.ittfol yo.. Mlle ' PrEtti , le. Itre...rd & Ca. \\ l-- '-"
'' 1."'• " L " .-11. I N
% ..uixl4 ly r s
hi a _SWART A (JILL Attorneys-told Coon- l h , t f . 4 t",',.,T`„?4, 0 „," "7'l. l',: r .'"' L ' i l '4 '7;7 V I 41.'411,71 I .. ! I."."l.lmilisil wenn= L'
oul . llors at Law -491 m. Alery's now, Filth gavot. Cheapest goobnco• oftegt tu thtn . ' k ' t . .. . L UNAR CA LI Stp
. ci
mut. tzuopired .t su,s7 for ir 5.1
I a e ghathllehl. Alt =IL ra. ittirklar IL augl4 Now 02 sztAilliarkat st. 1 ,ral
Grain—The market is dull, with -!iales'Ted
wheat at7o®7s, and of white at 75®8"0 ' 7 EI
Sales yellow corn at fiBic, and of white at
Oats are selling at dfic: Rye at rioc - 12
Provisions—The market is firm, with soles of
new mess pork at $l7, and of prime at $1,4 7E/
bbl. bacon shoulders are bellitiit at 81feed9ci
sides 104bi.1 le i and hams at•l lc to Is, Sales of
lard at bble and /14(a in kegs.
Coffee—Sales Rio-at Me ;pi ft,
Wool—le dull, at Ito for unianhed and com
Whiskey—Sales at 22(i! , :iiie - 0
Potion —Sales 1200 bales middling at 10.
The weeks receipts of cotton are 10,500 bales,
against .1,000 bales same period last year. The
week's sales were 6500 bales. The stocks
amount to 25,000 bales.
Sugar--Sales offirr quality at (lie 47 lb .
Flour--Sales of Ohio st-$31,50 t 1 bbl.
Corn--Sales of mined at.4sc f 1 Du.
CINCINNATI, Sept. 15. .
Flour—ls heavy, with sales et $3 15(it:t3 1611
kohl. Receipts, are large...,
Provisiona.—No movement of importance.
Oats--Sales 2110 bushels at 22e.
Whiskey—Sales at 17@l7ke.
Groceries--Are unchanged..
The river is stationary..
ST. Lucia, Sept 16.
The market is inactive, but holders show an
increased disposition to Pell.
Grain—Sales prima and choice wheat ut
@6BO l bu.
Flour—ls exceedingly dull, with soles 300
bbla at $3,00 for fancy, and $3,75(444 for ex
Provisions—There is but little movement in
provisions. Sales 300 bblit lard in the past three
dhPli at 84eCt•0o, and 300 kegs fair No. I nt
10te it, Sales 8 hbds bacon at 80ii4e for
aboaldern Itie(3 - ilthi for ribbed, and• 10/10.1 In
for clear sides , canvassed ham, itte( i i. I fe, and
Lugged do at Ste(i4citi.? Iti
Tobacco—Sales of initiation to fair uncap c•
turret at Tenn9c
Lead—la dull at $4 2"'( i ii4 26'p1 tint.
llemp—The market in inactive at iiiStlfn•o4
Falllcuportatiou of Hardware, Cutlery, &e
No. 129 Wood 'Street,
thry aro no• prowo4 to ilfror of 014
cautrot WI to p10.0.r.
ou lull •Arurtment ul I% All,l
ay• laud. '
8 It B. Se..l),;t , A 1;s A l ." . k_ce,;_ , En 6F ;l , :bl , l ; for
ILTirniEllti -tip° Ib.. Ilnme, for pule by
2011 "”.. fur xah+ hr'
bldg. Packed, fur Hale by
.u a L W 4 Y. WILSON, lin 1 4 ,0nd PI
1 1..011R- Go 101111. fr , ,111 grOUlld c",
-.1. A. I VON ES Willi/HST ICo
i. lk)1/ I NIKAV (11.,A5--Extra gunlitympl
ri. ll.d 44 ' 0 " .11.1 p b 7. ° ; l iitiii4Viii.11hT 4 4 44
L K arraotrrt purr ,Irrtrol ..xprorolf for moll, luro
10' rw
116 ly
' rfrial l :l ?', ltt ' m .
11. lbw blarroul
• SALE—Pittsburgh Gan Stork; °
01 Clair Stn.{ Briar,. Stock.
aue Fourth ntrool
C "11"S r "H" ; " : " I r! fl fr iogr„o b i,'„, co
IRUCIBLES---Black Lead Crucibles, from
1.• Stanton. Slaos fro. No 111 W, !or rah. lon 64
1.42.3 ./ 111110 k CO 10,44
r r EAS--40 cheats D0m:11,1,4i . ; •
10 I ruperiol,
. 1' .r
mill Amf.e.
1/NDRIES---5 casks Potash:
4 Anne.,
Cou-to r s r lono nad r
uglS. I MO. ZantaC
WM an . r
AN.. r ' 14
IRS " ,
g , OF'FF.E--17C, bagn Itio, for sal,. by
• ulll n s. A 10. [1A141141.011
1 t IGARS--50ND Common, for nale bb
.0,a,10 E. • W. 1.14.1111 A
- • --
FLOUR-1,50 bbln. Extra and S. F., for sale
by a ul4 l. y a W 11A-ILUAL`IIII
riiNI.)IA RUBBER WIIIPS--30 dof.. just
rerrelrrd, from Ito terl . superb, to any
er klnd uro, twin; .111, unallrotul br
rrot vrral6,. •11,1 requlrltui Ile, olllns to tr o op tbo. Poo'
Irnu , breoLlres I. tale lit Ngr. 7,00 V rt.
auslO .1. 4 11. Pill Lill',
lIEESE--10(1 boxes Cream;
,F OR Sl'. L 0 LT I S.— Thoiplon- • TREMONT ROUSE,
did, and &iiht drandhl etevuier
RTFORD. new.
Capt. I Ord. will leave for the RISTON, 1f ASS
bove and Intseulediate Dori. on thle 'lse. at II n'elne, mins well known riitiblivliment is still con
e. M
1. dusted In the rams inanner it love alwara been. The
For freight or pae.aire. vrpl.. do N aril
- vlill.l •
central at..l pleasant situadlon of the hour, Its menandl
iEt;ULAll.-I'AUKET .11 E- , ~, r ;;,:ii7i r ir.f,...',',....iiiril. il•.4.%7(i fi . r ii7.:L:i..Trfrl.":”%i i :::
. TITRES PITTSBUROII 1 111/CIVINO. „,„. ,ej p.e.ii. p, 0„;,,.., e ' e r .
jSI T.—Tbe PILOT No ..... A.S. Crane. to,oter, 1110...... 1.-..1. M.., Ilis Pr r I \ John , 4. Turkel. Co .
will leave Plttehnrali for ‘Tliceloi.r. Caption sod 73,,..n, 1 ~, :..i, 1: IL , 11 , , id the ... .11 tanspt. the vuhrerlber
port, every Tuerlay at 11 o'clusk E.. 1.1 ...TU. /ea,- t .i...1,.... 1,...,,... „,........ to .... (.... 1 ..... srontati n p, and
tiocklhdrol 1.4 Cardin, Wherlind end Potrhorgh.. , tl• PO/. v atldvetr lllll ' b. '5 .. ...
err Thornho at V oelock. , vr. Paseenper• end Onstr., au sPr i.e., i Ito , r. :kr. II PARKER
ran depend um. thig Ivial runt.. reirdle, I r dur.nd. ths
Pow water troenn•
' • '
TI-TfrOCIII 'd Pe--arr Food, WI 1....r.1 .1.1.,,,
.. \
LI, puNrisii PACK IST- , The fret runtorn, NEW FANCY GOOAS‘
5t...1.0..r IPLLI.SVII.I.F. rapt 11 \ ounce Pill
nrh lo •
ocular Id4r , he., en P`ttedolrdls. Whe•• l lna. FROM ENGLAND. FIiAN(I AND f_i , . NIANY,
Briihrepo”, and SIMS". Itorlo, Pittrburdh el eri ll j vnila f , , , • .• . •
ar,,,,,,, pp. w e il as jik . pj e „, ppm,
.....4 ~...1,.......„. . I 1 i.NSFAN ILI .1111414 . 15 G. 11,. ht4les
i imero rb r ip ga L ti a n n o T,l i nfi l .., r ;. ; , .. , I.t u u , b . crall l .: -. : . •. 4 11 , ,..; , 1 . 1 , .. , , , ...71
~ .. ...1 . 1, . , . ., .. 11 1z 2; r; .a . L:.:, ,L .....1.....n.1,.1 .04 .1 . ,ten.4l
Dort End linniti everi - Toeida V arternret . . pd.. ' dor: r. Ihuldin i lin,. • , r TerrYdittr:Vl an 1.1..hei1...1 i-.
scary Fri-lap aft , rh,m. For Inici.! 1 , 13ra , ,,, et , t•lY ~, ' 0 .-'" , "'' ,'",' .. , - ,. . ,, ..1...,-- v , .. , 1, , ,, M^, Ar
board. flr 1 "
_. i.IT-S!‘ Pi• It O II IsEldri. Ail.til , I.slre
/otos, IlioLvt,... IV .r..., 11 0v0i. I •ler 1, 4 4,1 E, .''
Illtiabran Thi/..pletoltil Idest yr, hal It to l'lser , •' l-I ‘ lll- • Arl ' 1 '••• 14011,11 1 11 X, a ,
the os. -- 0,.. of the eteamer later Newton. rod other, ler , 1.1,1 • 1 '..' 11- a• 'l' '''• rr• •,' 1 he • `or• el d. , .
the Clnrinnatt and POW/tin:li Parket trade. rod will ler,. Gertn , ...n , shoe,
, P;.iv , rd1v r .1 , re5d,d,,,, ,. 1..,,,,,,,,,,,,... e .
la n i t u r l y Nr ',.' 2 n. Tr i nrt; r ol:TZl4 F :.. 4 i 4, i'.. y::.Tit.,:i ". or '4 l ' . ' . ' 7 '''' '''"" ' " • , ' , %; r •Kri l A. l ir:K r t . : ,
Tr'"? ' o o Nod./ I. v p l l lelo t i rI: V . 1,1,, j coal.. Int Ns I sonmerve .1 . 141/[41A1.11111/...
11 EGULA R. PIT'fSBE RG II AND re . , i riliium.l:l , ll li•IT E. BONNET iLA..NI2-
Jut WIIEELINIP PACK The vplvndelliliEfl .l "'''•'•.'• ••''"‘'' I•I ' ••-. V bnI1••
tunryosctet , tenna, DIUAN A 1.. Col:meld mar- ' j1:1...1.31......, .../....P1u1ad,13.b... feblVdr
Gr, Le now 1 . .......1ng her re,rular cr..5....-xly tr,t.e iwt•re.r. ~,.. „‘„,,,, '
this city sod W11.4-11hot. hayin: 1•11...1t0 1, I. ... k . pn uoope ,r 1
d F• ''• 0 /I. 1 It .
"-"" M° " "r • ".•'''''''''). ''' • ''• "• "" "•• .I) Xl' VI FY ' 1400OWARD 4 e wi 1
bares Wheeling ev.-r, Tuesday. Thur•aey ant satttraay, , -• . •, . - + • t... Hi -
In rash week foie ferldla or parrnse.,tpl, on levir.l..d o. 1 •,, 1., (....r• .No T.. 9 Marl., ir . Philadelphia aptd ,
add ANSIPTIIoNii d. I' lloid:11. A rentr
:kth• —• -
II• mitliisTowN
• N Ell'
To Dealers in Liquors, roc.
()LIMIT. l'r;•11,11 Iti•ctifior. :;tit; P;i0111,
FAL 1,-.IIIR AN; ; F:3l b:N T. Is .1. 'P01..:
11, ht... Ani
CHANGE OF HOUR. • . 1,1, Are rarnutil, ku•
11),41. ""o'
Prwilyir. II HOP ' .
• d Olt/ PI P.1.'4, , 1., • '
Italircolut,i I li ill
.der. , t,
1, r ilf! ;o,li xllllr prowptl,
rot,, uo, • • 11. ,, ..0 r.•l I! ,„
Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats, American Hardwaie ' '
I litrl2-A i Li 1 1.::,; ,t i ail:GI. ts.-: ,Thilitil t •t , lrers'
i ,s'Eli`l,l 41% l• I l' 1,14 I' ,•410 , 4 4 11.4t ,
, On and aft, .Nl,anla3, .Ingamt :2ralt, 11, ' ' , .. ,, ,, T: 2..".• . "" ' ." 1 '"."- “" '"" r'''''''... -
1 Paola., 4( fls, Line 4 , 11 1444., 1114,144,h I. i 1,4 h..,
i "?. tr; ' l7,7 , ' ' l 'l 7 ' 7 " '''',.." ' 4.' 7 :' '. 'it ‘,. Steam Communication between New York
1 Mr:t ..t,, , 1;,.... 6 ::“.,,,'L.,:r.t: ,;:r.", u ri...,;Z1 - ,,1,",, , .and Glasgow.
44 , 1 for 1•1441,1414, 44
, L , 6. •Ttni, tl. ~,,, .11 1,1. 11,sw 11, 3 FIIIIIII 1 01114,11 411111 \l•a 1. 1• k
1 11.4 • 44. ~.. ... -.1n.. 11 I
WA 114 "04 PNEIt. 1144414, 4.1 , , 144, 4 444.4 tut , , • -444. 144, Ip i 'NO .‘ 1., .l• . l. 0.
i . .,..r.11., it, 1 t/1 1 11A11111..41
lake lile 14.4 nod lltaul./.1.t. 1 (“Litr.m.i al 11nrr.,•.1 ' >1.. I " " 'l ' " I '' ' II
I 1/I.lao, HO, , 1,, ,11,. int, f ttyl, 1111 14 km,
is, 4.. 1 . 1441441410444 4 {ld 14, 4.. 1141145, 4- 4 a 1.. , , ' '•.
If ,oti 11.0, .1..1. Ira, rim., .0.r0. , 11.1,t.1.1• ....too,
&mica:A.m.-or, ,r 11. /...- n. 1,/ , 11,4.1 I etti,.. , 11...,.
1.• Is How, ~
J. P. lIOLMES, A L ;ont,
Or a 11. LEECH A; CO..
eAust l'rtm
r I'ili browe,ville sts.l Coruherhand, lo llallitunre r • ‘lOl !.1.1 e .t.\
t, elo I s.s. ..s tr... voso', ,
Hod Philsidelphin
. .s,s'• I. ..,, Ill'nol''' 0,.l h. , ' l 1 (.•
' F1; 1 11E • :MOH NIMS ISOAT leo s .so Ow Whorl ''''' '''''..•*'• N''" '''l.• wIl . . - I'l' ll 11 l 1 •I'A
above the Ittl.lec dal, l . h e c1..-k gowt.sts. ...Is . "•' l '" '
o, to, , oltb the cad, et 011ptitarlend tc , o Inert., . ~ ,,,e ~,„ ~,,,,„ e,„,, •,, „ e , A p o „_ ~„.„. ,
lino leatnu a neat leereetleitr•nrCePt 1,11141 av • , ..411,1) .I'l,r. 1 . „„ „,i, a,, „.- e..,,,,, e ,,„,:, ~,.....' ,l,
.et It o'clock cenucerlal a alth IL. 0.0 nt t aellarlen I ecst. ~ •, .. , , l' '" - --- ' '
' ." I I •" II I . I I - I ' I "' I 1 '1 1 T'''','.,..'"..',',.. ,' .',4,,!:: ':" •
' 4 nolo itir,m s I, to Illall,ahre, li., lie 1. Ile, oil It i . ' , ' ,..;;: n,r ~,:th.,7:!,' , ' ; ',,,. '.. ~ .., ~ I , " ~. k '
' br4 b L "" ;:e; '" ''""-"Pok.'"' I. "—..,, i'" ~...,...,, ..., , 1,••••,,,,, i.,;,',....7: . r'',.r..?..,—t!,,,.
I tho Cna . cr.:tailletrVilren n t l l l r * rllt. " . l ncl I t I 'utIT. I . L .;ILY I Ll"h .I n. I ""'"' " I Ib "`" d " I- “'"," In l r '''''" l l .
. Irll , ethrr
an 01. Innd .It lunar. nine , •le thA nrd.
utak. llete declantlr 11,. teol tent.. 1.,1 , the herr, and 1100 hnenel.r li-,,eth t.• n n•tueekelde .
. J ,i E,II 1,1 I.N. rarnt
Li, „,,„„ ~ i ~ , ti , . ,
! I sorz "more so SI. Illltllln.Aoo. 111 00 . I ons• end ,1!- , ..+,. .I:,',P','"..;".r' ' "'''''' "'"'" '''
..,......e.3.1 laad. Ira a, rn, a wl Alter hne,,,,n ,10...-
begUica I
S 5 1 a , der. el thc cal, 0. ch.-epee.. e r •11 aclAar,, d , 0,.,
I 1 1L 1 c17 ,, r . ar1 1 ,, ;;1 ,1 1 ,, 1 . ,. ....1:a 1 t t , 1 . t . 1 11 . n , 5fe,. ,„07A II 1.;. itr r , 11 .11, 5 Tr 1 .. 1. d 1 .1, ‘ .,, t
... , .... If
On the Femutylvanut and Ohio Canals. .- ,
• - enoexotous: C I -lICAI :0 . ANI) ftE()H lA.
11.Alth11, l'Altlili • CO., ... itecinerroa, 1 . 1.
i 0 1 1•011EltLIN CRAO tollt • 1 . 0 . et,
~, ~. ' ' 'r
l IRIS well krwOogn UM' ill Itii,V prerftrefi In , T 10,A8 HAIE, , , '
~,, e11:17,27n . : % . ,; , , , ,1tv47, r ,',„ . ,' . ,„', 1 ,, , , 1 ,;71' t !T11 D.ltly 11:i 111 .0 'iVIN/ ISSIsiN Nl \ Elti•iik NT.
Ma fatelltlee uf lhe 1.11.• Ric lanpaperre, l l l lll pitinter ..,11,0 . I • 11-11,, 1 .0 II II c.
jar.talitkraparity ot Peat, ex node,. et Cnntelo, .01.1 ri di 1( /N T 1 MIES 161 ~,,,1 1,,,tn, 6„ , ~,,,,,,,
(716 ' IIIPi I OVV . ;4O P 441.07014114 CtiPTelatla , 41 , ,t1,111111g i ,%.1:::4 ' ; '. ;;; - 7,::::, , t, , v,h1;:v., , ,,71, , , ,, ,n; , ,.,-2;',:;;
lirir;Cli'lltit ;it i tia.7 . lZittlt ' .!i, " :::::..l l ,?.7.; ' ; . '" l ft. ' ‘ x-. ' . ;;"2 - ' ,". ""..,P., ''''' , li . ' ' ''..
„ ropeihr MO 10,01!) 4,:, ntii !Ake:. I I ”' 11 . ..... 1 .: .1 - " .0 - 1 1 / , :“." • .
CAOOIIO N tarn • 11. A \eth.c\\
Aral,. (he , lininvetirwo. 0 .
11 b. Terler, 0 erten I, I. ' ' Wm., H. a tn.
A. /1. 14.. Clark, Cl.,;tn l ' Val 1.. 0;
g • EN EH AL txopii, 4 l( \ MNICIIANT . .
I' Prey., Ravenna, o 1 r
, lb enter • On., Ita,nne.. . .I, X. AN! , AternoNetni s•• \I , I, •17.1.1 1 . 1 .nu A.
Mont, Orlnnel • Ce. Pre, 1111,,, • 111.
n'i'ilL3it:ls-S; IPC!'',
II A- 3111Ier. Cur elieen •ell, 0
Wheeler. Una •It eli, AL.rms. 0 .
Ilenslerann • Ilettlhone. cno.l.r • dr ,t
l'eckhem A Scott, Tted, I 1., ST. IAJI!ls ,S,-.,.'•11'. J I ,E l ' ll .
0 11 llllamn A Cao, iletmil • 111. Illeen, e
r .' \
Iteumenan a Cm, 1411anukte, %I/
~ , '.,
Ileo A lilhhe A en, t•ln-are.. 111
name. Ifele, Vilifa,„ 111 •
ILO rot, icgglar .1.1 Penthneld en...' I.lo.ln;ret, MILPI.I:'I'US. I ISIIT;I:11;91.8°EPN •
3011 N A t rilti 111'1 r ant
- - --• I, die-. 1'.....c.-Inr,,nrpt I , i \l/noglq, Alerc, : , t th•
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight - . - '''''' ''l ''''P' i ''',
~--,.. t.• el...onArr, a ,pl [/nuns, St ar. am 0,.,
TO !SALMON: IN FIVE DAIS. 1,1,. .. ,1 .
..1., • _ \ r 4 WY
AT SAME RATES' . PEN NSY I,VA Sl.l 9A VI I.) 11. Til I ILE, "Attorney nt.\ L ' Air,
HAI /-00A0 C o sll'A l'• V rrrssto. , rhik.iririoo. I, I 4.i l'crninc,,oener le r e..eev*. mt. I.n ,3,
rill 1, II Cll., , entntnnnicatidete prempUr" anser e . Ft
i s •lil mt., Penn and 1$ ern.. .0. 10.0 . e
I 1./ii:".` 11, RANKIN. Atteinev 1 C
•-- - -
I , OPPIiE : 115 I
—_ 1 ' .le r trime Itio, tor male by p r„.e„,.„1.,....„, en ., c._,_ .. m't
` . .5..-.__. • ' •"-'N 11 ' „
1..~.~1..1 n! ~*2. !.~.
I ul
t 'lt
foi- nu 1
,‘ N. J. KIDD
, HO ... ES, FARMS', &c.
Tl o LET—.
arge and eft uvanieni\oFm:
• 1 \ wAREIIOI;aI Aco .pd attn... taguitentWngd at
an ;,,,a,p,jitotteld Endscragt
, Gres \Bargain !
1! ..;: rb 'd \, "t N, ".; N„ ."' „ ' ,E, ..i. 6 ,Z,r, 1 1.,'`'1,bJ)41::
ii i i ,, .'ttl'i:X;V: l .` -,I° .. , I;;X'VArIgII.IV.:V" .. O A 7
tino—lia• rented, t,tr II frig per i ar—bi• prietl. ,",, ..' ju 't
vx 7 a.0. 17, - , g;T.`rilf..:r..l:-,,ATVV.;
Liberty -1, Itirittefh. ndnlnn•tr t , , , of the tette.. of
Thorns, Patrulan.. toil • ", •etehthn
Privaie \ . o..ea'' - - idence fo •
Sale.• •
TILE PROPERTY is offerod eis.ding- ~":„*
l, 10., ..0 nn rerysarrinnan4annn
nut it ritii
to rno•I e l lutblrtlura 4 dlnihnhaltdiF inthre nit
nf a/Ira:hen, Th., iritnatkitil• unourpa•ei v in (be coun
t,: ennui:mud., a mood pl tan ilea of the t; of Pit,
burgh and three riven at giant, hintide• nn amt ..-
ntent In the Miami., part pt OM burgh: centhhning in an
Thedegree the tultrantagen of both titan an tliiiirttr•
The Int la tura, ornbrartuar *eat au acre rd gin in, ,
nne hundred anti hitt haft fron\rUnning hark to \lcsart
died atui nay' feet tn an all,. The iniprutement are
near; the howe brtrk. built hi it dr, at) h, iht the e et
ruatertal, and nnithed in the i v s ..‘",-. halls,: et hry
onvenren, that coal 'taste and kkt 1 iminht •uguieit. aith
and In ertinont) there i'• a idl. tir eueellent mat
at di.. dirt, and pipet laid tor hp! tit rater Carnage'
`tae' mud anthill:lg. a •ariett of ibeVrtitt and •bruli
a n al elicrt, t• mtuattnu and aili i tau, ran eel, he
.atial hi an it...mitten nt thti pyc:•,, , , inntin
nllnn in purists., a, 1.1,4 .. I ~II the under ,
whip will take pleaeure to gtshlg rerg Inform,
in a intre ittautte f..r ete-tifing u Aitul re •t.
0 purrharis , iTu .penolannst s
• : It.tiltD.t Littlt, 111 `.-had ttl
Real "Estate.
‘ . ,, . , : - .. : , r , 1i t ,,, ii i., 141: . 11 5 it , e , n r., t1 , 1tt . 1 ., 1 , ;ig ,,,, 1 , 1t , t , 11t
4p. *,
N -r •
eeteptet ..
4 1 (1R Set e
11 , ' . r :, 11 ‘ 1 . K et te.
‘ ,4 1 / . .....; - ..‘„'4 - 1; r 't 4 1 r " u 1.`n d ..,te l ‘et'v Vill' . ‘ e . c... ' 4" . ''''
e .....r. I e ... t ., .
I s i s l; - ...11iA1t1.4 , ' IC . OPER'fI . ' ....1. OW P 1,11!.
a r ip, , ... i„ ~,.. 1,, ~ leer FA, e ,r ...vb., 11
i topterl), •Ilere h... A .1 Pa.- •. ft... titel.te•-
..... r 1,111.• rt,lneee...!
...tate....” ~. Len.. v.Ke. a n. A. V 1,11, I. i. l,•
1.. (twee .., !,..rtle lemptl le e. mo.; ee.teek e. Kee. rr
nr. ere
1,01. 0,11Al•i, IA.I A.llll, S. 11 .... lAA , . eel - r e ...l.
I'M. 1.-eateten lk a 11...... . stlecl.teet e . 11,te rem...
LllT,,r,":::::rr. °.',1"1,,,';,'r.; ..".Yr',,r,,,niT;;;•irt:',.!,
\ \
....,.. .r. i5.,..11..i \ \ \ i .el,o# KIPP. 3
, .
-'NI) 'IItANSP IVrEItS, el 4011:4:e$11 /N . v
I 0 lloteEll NI Elite ..e v eNT:-..--le.e r \ r ,tl, ..t. , .5...:, .
e... t , tett.. FOUR ter • tel...thlte 1.. el \ k . t. el ` l.tae. _'.
••I YS Inc. ..II tea . ie, .t(logletete l Ny e ettt.l lieet.l
1., t e n ie, Pre,. ea. e.,A: et...,
le.. 1....1.• et,l est."... 1L..• Ihe I te.its. k..,
~ Itel..r.ftter I, rt.:vit..... hip— le, tltr e e t u i et a., ”t e 1....
H.. lemilr.l. r Caltml
to, Iterrnet.-ap e teet. Al' It I e , \l eCh I\ 0, ele c V n le. I,e - - ~ e retter.ei \ II etteleeet een,Nsi),,e :it
• Sevew Valuablk Farms far Sark \
CLI. SITUATEI..., tO, Ohj,, „ n d 1 , ,t v ,,
; A . .. ' '', l !"") . 1 '!'!'! ... .: ... 'lll.. ' I ' -. ''' • ' ' .
..1 qa, REONC HI- \
~,v 0, ; ;.:X,, 1. , 1 ;:r.':i,-t - ,:;„',',,\ , ,, , ,'i4". \ '''' ". '- ..
. ' --
''''.-- '•
1 . i ri, 11. ?Old I:at-CW.101 1 : \ SOUP, \
' • II tr e.c, ~ I /..1,,0e ... , \ \
1.100,/ ..• Jolt 1,1 -it -• .1' -0 • { si , IM A, CONOIIMPTIAN. , . \".
kgntne,ky Mritnal Life Lisuripace Company. P A MONO the \t.utner,lox diarcaerhs §aidnea \" ,
. - x_ 1,.....--I'. 01 tqa c-u.r....rt t ,l 4 .ol t.telbetalldraret. \ , \\
tit/A it ANTY FUN 11, ;$1i10,00)
\ ,\ ,
t :a .. 1t..i., " 1:...qmya....1. tool even prclo ' Its ten. ,
ry , in4,3 CIOM PA NV \ Lilt:, 'to tlik I on, Mil ;111 1 .. 1,,,,,, 4,
otott t o 1 , tnt r .N., ~,,.. L
R. "J‘ ..... . 4 0" . 1 . 1 A , '....1,` ~ "... W:. , •n 4,... . l ....12.0 . tl• a-. 110 i 4,tilr it L•tIol, ot ChendttrNt the
.. Plane ...a...M0t0r.. I.,he I , .......1.1.'"`1.' II- 1.....'irtu,. throutihr this
Yl. oetnina annual rev,. ... .4... y ,
ft .11 .- 1 .' ...,..„ ' ;`,.,.,",:,.. ..iv.:•;,;;•:",1:1::', ;,:5„„,,.; ---'-,-- , ••••• ,- - . . 7 4. 1 -.......- , u-iy -
~.. --, ~
A l
.....,, ~..„.. ~,I n I •-- ••• ----- , 100 ,, ,.., toanolnart dioe .
~,.., ~,,,,, ~,,,b, h e , ....J. t,0•1, 11,...00.11e1.- VOL.. h Lat.. 10. ~... to ......I.Cfroln our taolat tht...4;
, ,v, , ,4,,;-. ~ th . ,ertaeoeur , - w ., .. 1 ',.........1......e r year Indend. that.. Es /tow abundant re t
e 4 . , . ,.... I n
~ ,.., , , ,, , o a
t .. , .. ,. /k01 ,,, .i. , .. , f.r the 1.e..... -. , .N .., , ... ,h. IALLIIILL A ...err
I, Itt tAttoil t.... r,..1 Fr..e s '
~,, AI. - r L. 11, vl. MALAY; W. I...rtlntn ..,:...,.., . • , , , .%..0..1....1 oo . cur. Ito, ci..V,lnng.rtm• q 6 , 011:1:a ut
IC Z: ; , 0 = .(•.t nk r.. lt7WVl., 00, ..t. „:4 ..; •• ~ 51 '''''• , 11'r...111 t. , 14./ Mit us to nultllat,
I a I,ln oi , to: tutor. • ...tit, ..v r tit. I la. Iv,' 1 '' '',,.'''''''''' ' th" M. ,•'.,l \ 1,1 Ira nee bht se
11.. ary. oa.t ..1 ....adv . ^t , 1r... toe , \ ao, t.. a o 111 AI - * \ th. mr.,,,, „i„,,,,,,, , ~c , 1 , ,,,,,, , ..., ..4i,,,,, „
t0Ta1 , a , r , ..... th . 1 ., . , .;,,
~,,., . tot thee ~),5,..y, to th. r.rculnr. .1.1-h tl,.agvla r.kt.
1.1.'\1 V.- I ... t oo. , run.: lo qr.... `,, , ,t 0 . /.131,01,', 117 -. ' . U . '" ,.. h.. 0T'.... lartnehiti.e. nrhtretrx ..
~,,,,,,., ,
~ , . runi , ~.., ~,,,,, •Il pert...ajar, and ndlaputabl. uroof ar.thee faete. \ N
„,n " .-- '.-4.--"- i'-..-u-----"''-'-'("a•-u " '4''''''' '1.4
V.C . '''R .N I7,. .M'OCK- . . ' \
' 11.1.. r... I' Ater—telo. I have us., your Cherry 0..1.1 \
L,_ -.,,,4 .1,-........ but, ad. antina '
,G.O 4,5 , \ ,u. ~ ...141(1.4 L'l3ll.llttlltou 11 10, ole ea athattnl.t. eo n
vott, i 0.1k1.1 t I 001,1'0 Knd brtu.lal t ...Venn. \
l. N 1'\,,2 A • 6 'l .Vorkrt *(reet,\Pli:3l.4\ ) ,', llf 1. , 4, n et, tO vte ~,,,,, ,t,,, en i. any . .
i 1 AP:A SON A (1) LIT\ n,,k in dal s" ll\ i :"." ' t 'NTAT,'III S ,,,,i' '. • ,,,T ch a l k 1, • '.7 . , f \
1 -I I.A ... \atoo .... mans .4 bleb`.tott. I.
~...„....4..r. Wyor Their •ele....touttler a tin et, it; . ' "ner' r7/7/4L.l4'.ltr''
.. eg ot " c: 7" !..lF 'F4- y.r. 6A ' 2. li rr. L", : i;tM 7lr ' I'
, , It. I • V..i, - to. 'Ol with Id, zit 1%,..... trout "he 1 Isrle . Cratt ' o, non'. zuv r ets tn i e, ... ' t n0rt...u...../..11112 *
• 1 0 . 10 , 0000, bou-Nr3 01 the raat.rn ~.. 1 d ,
1 LT 1.....„....1 .....g 1....'h../..., 1.,r lug h , L•71N,..1. 11 ' 1 'I. ." I . ''... ll n ee ' Cl " th RI
‘l. ' Ni7E;rat.. ,k lr•lla .
i,v nu• I,,xrltra, nu m booth 4w,' , lo i lru2, L. , . or I, att'•l•2l,leS 1:0, 1 .100,14 ITZErt I
A.,,„!..,,..;,, ,, ,,„,q,„ , ,,,,11t%:- . 1 ttht , ....ala.and ott/t.. tv i er ,i l Try eit,tee candt t• i' . .l, rh, St Li , I,AAAA It IS thter:
• • 9.
--.- 'T i. ' . 1 . " M„t fe J7/7P.1":1'2 riN f ~.7,"...771.‘;'4.1'''. I.
I £ te
Mei F., I.IOSF (10 fqet, " Intl, pl:s . , ". ,
..„, , ' , '"
41b.4 ludta Itublwr II ...malt out ex pre.. ; . r \ I . in. ...- .' u" • '' ' '.- " '''''''
' ' ' ' '''.'"h '''''''''l'''
0,..\ -5
..,...2 , • e-tr 1• i 11, , ,,,;:n X 9), ,
... ..' .7c , ... ~ ~, •• Mk l'i, lkintm... ,:1 1t , .. , ' ''"
Toy '" : " th"
- ' '''.
r •
cit.... to cal r and .t t .5.0.. EL.,. aro nArraultdlta,..
Na MA lllll, .941 A
110111 d tuere pre..nur. than ad.-1,41er hoe. tuntottortne, 1 .. 1 . , 0 4 - ,".., 1.,- .- ••••: •- I aea n
In 1.11 ....t. re Where the, 111. da. turn iur a,. r0ur........ N. \, ~,,,, . ~„„.;',.,,,,, ......, at . .., - raT ...rt.., I:...ruli.A r IVITt. '
..ner 1011 Lc rrtuoil..l.", the Hoc. roa.l .• ... or t , , • ~., ~., , v -n tr Plalthr 'tb
. . aII •114.. '
a" It it ''' .. . , ‘ V.V',....-.T.Vat.T1r......7..t t,. 1... W..e.thl.7l U tklurtn •
14 , 013 9510T1VE5- - Just e. 1. 360 fect
. fn, `:,\,,,,'..'"- " ~,,,,„,„^,A, , ..... - ..--,i.1 , ,,---,..,..m.i.i.,.
..i.onbb,rn... for trod... , 011111141., L. 11141.0•1111.11 f ' 'fl y k., ...Ali I ' llr ' l L k/4%2 ' 'fl t ."" 1, - : fl''''' ': --.- ' C r .
. hot.' IA ..OP. b...ry el 0 Ott ito - ... it ...,,, 10 ko.:- . r r-. 1'124 %lAN a
require, no nnaeh n e. It parteolly tie an
not allelett.l,./ 1,1.. .4 ay .. ,1 - . ; ,, .....‘1ie1l d...ilC.Kß''t . •- ,0 •"'
heat or c,1.1, fur ea.. at Jalen 1 ku r,,-,. , ~, ). .-11, ). - • , ,/ -.'''''' C 0...,
~,:n ~ , , ltron!, tor tb. an , uft.r oral,
_,„ 1 ,.. t11.1 t r IT•• • iiak . •Itenal o 7Alppe, pi a. A.1,,t11:.
H A M S—JT , 11 i. t . r t1 ,. .. ,, L 5 7.1..1 - 1 ., 11Le.12; \ \-, 1 - *:d 1 , 5 411 .7 .4. r iA2i ts fdp . . " l . 4.,quirz. 4, .7.!,,,a,
~,,,,,, . .:ft,:p
- ~....... PLAIII ID 110.1, a 4 t .I.lal' .
. '' 'hr '
11...1111n00, yr i.,t, a 1,.....
\r•G .N. O.;
al bble , Nto.l, att.l F, LoXLf.
\ LV Liberty rtleek
Itawand's Tonic Nature,'
Rotrund's Compound Syrup of 4laddr:y Roof :
rrlrE ONE a. universally ••established reme
dy for ?EVER, AND )(.61.1 g tho other egitaCT
, ab o for 1•W M eI ER COMPLAINT.
Thom. , oaf.. Family Ninth-moo art. for .1e ar thaDretg
,:oro a _
ivroor Markot anal Third eta.,-ajos A4eat for Mr. Itograral,
• .
•hurs, ll rad , i , roVieid Plank !load:
116.r:bray 5a1 , 111,., Inoututlop;
Ohio and raottorivarda Railroad:
extiron'o iIISIIr.UNI
Cliff Minn Corr Sleek. Enquiry of
4at..t Stock and Kichantro Broken.
, Notice. •\ • •
1 - \•
Fo of "The Little Saw Mill
- I; ~,,padroa' 4 ...pan," are hereby \pttfled thafan
ti..lnwnt , ,q the Dollar. rf, L. repaired tab'. pall
-. to F.,•.rehe let de) of Orti2t•T . next. \
liy," ler of the Hoard of ' , erectors.
‘n.c, dawld'S . ALFA 'CA UN A ItAl.i. Tres?,
Stone Ware,Poraps, for WelLsruif clotersta. -- • _.
• • ‘o
r iE -Slittlil I.lEli, informil Lite public
that be ha. i troduded in. thi. resort the SVC
ot .PE I'I'MP,, mapufactered by die.... I:. II: .1' J.
I , lthltu.L. vf 1 , 11,11.11 eh, 1. 1 .1)013Jit canny. 0., which have
el. en ..-1, uniti.r, •at.odertion wherever tsee,L Typo
7Pal nn.11.7 nf th P . dup , , , , .l7 e ; e Z , •aw . F p nj:;wrll ,
.7fAL :',,d , ...° :..77!:X".',:i" .., durable sagranite They u, al,. ehe.v The, can he nava at J. D. .
c'hFf. , ....r. wlarFhda.... ,:',. /Nl.O Fir5t..1.....e.1 fiieee liar
'Oct. eh ldie'r, .1..1. below ot. Clair Orders lend
so 11,... r...... edl be erd ptly tilled by the Inthweriber. '
etd.' ‘Al•re Ili- • tuanufart, fed at the Vane Pl,_•.• . 1 1
tter I h., dnl, may wxter 11,1 - 1 1 r 1 R.P. 1 . , 141, ‘ 1,d.. d . ..
. , •1:4 4.:. 1 .-.11.1tA+1.4.1 LL ,ml ,Il shwa..a rah be furl
0.+0,, , d d 1 , .. ttuoi., nth the .11. uf lead pit. ,
r Notice to Cou cto s. •
. ,
6\2 to:A I-Ei II IIItikPOS_ALS fi the 11 - zetivauou
1.7, ~.1 i.r..11t . ”: nt the ir....k.r .. The ttleS.air 31111Rao
1:.01N...1. . 011.. hterln.r..l by the Pt Lieut. tif the Co.
p 0 4 0 , 1 :: ;;;', , :','.','.• 1 ,,i`t.-t'r 7J • ,:0.;•''.• t i ,.=:`:;! gl; ,
%.,:, ",..„, ,1,- 1,,,1..t5t. ..1-111.0,11. lir,. 'noineer of the
t papa°, \a , it, 11.41., Al NW Ito.* Sle.thtt Ih. in Charliera
' . ' . 'ri l:; ,d tht ''l 1.„, bon. id's. , a LIU. Saw ' •
' ,l' V.'•W r l ". . '''''''''' ' . 1111 P•IPP di, idea(
\ • WilkillSb l 4.AClldeMy: '',. ..,%,
N s ' :4 d 1 , :14. , Plivii,S will Clussical!, hood:
111 ..mrst rotary, Pe .
qi ',... 111/011N A. AI. I'imiCIPAL.,
NI . 'ST 11 . (cr lON will he oi)ert for t e
... n. , , ` , 14.. , 1 ,al,4\ ,gawle en& Irma.) hri ;Mune.
'SI, t'II:. 1 - I,lh I" ~I trnett.. oroopiiito , al
ii" , .l. ... L. 1 k.,. .10 in 11. t•e?tAndentle,a4dl Serail., .
. . t .. ~.I
w der, FtIF eh en br ahh..4 l !ohtthl A
' ..J ' t1 . ..,T, 141 1 :1., 'c 0.C ' '''
Coo"11:t-IloTrtIggigarlf, '':\
~,,, i ~r i, , Z :,(,, oroFoßK - tollpartlillio, anti '‘,
...1 1 ...0,5,.., .Idt, x• hX"Jurir,il:\ I
II An i.u. 14 : 1, 1 , -..lanAtt.dr , ..1• . •
. %
F 'teei -
. 4 % 4 1/ T v\
A \
1 - Tey" \
'-5 tones hi\ xci
1,„.3 s fruund I. re WwV , br.,111.
, . '..
(1 1 1111 . !; L ia,.a . 1 c of• St= 'runes, by
l%or La, evcr,,,Zitt". LittelL
wn,—Ell.4llth ustful
Lli , L , l ‘ la Li, Dl.P.,LerFe°P\
„posit* the, Post 024c7. \ \