The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 16, 1851, Image 2

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    no belly, ead•tho gaff was exactly parallel with
the boom; in fact; it ; stood like a board. r have
no limitation in saying that such a sail has nes-
er.yet beta made in England; at lomat, during
my long experience I have never seen one."
, .Aii I. had an opportunity of teeing a model,
an well as the lines of the Amel.s4', per
toit. me to soy a word Ira point. There. is
nor quite so mudh origi nJityLin the form as
her appearance iu the water, would lead one, to ,
sispp4e. Her midship section is nut Unlike •
those of Sir W. Symonds; her ran is Very like
White's; but her bow 5 an unggpbted origin
ality. I have never seen any t like it be
fore., In-stead : of be lug convex, or even straight,
hot I,sy presents a concave surface to the wat
er. rcomuiend till to the ndtice of our naval
architects. • .
i . SOW•hIAIMISE TELFG.APH.—Tbe electric wire
is nearly, completed for the bed of the English
enamel. ' Wens thenereasary.governmental au-
thoritationcrititajtied, the communication might
' he established in less than a month. The cable
formed of copper and gutty perche, is twenty
eight miles long. sod within an inexpressahle
traction of two inches in diameter. It is sue.
ticiently flexible to lie coiled In a ship's hold.
The vessel that is to undertake the duty of wind
ing of the metalic t, cord, will start from the
French uosst, paying out as she goes; the cable
•• will sink to.the bottom by its own weight, and
will gradually bury itself lu the gaud or the
mird:vhe two extremities will lie protected out
to the point 'where the depth Is a sollicient safe
guard against anchors or ship-wrneka.
The ppiniore of Turin, of Aug. S.
a lertet; dated flarerice,, Isth, Aug , which sayn
Squatty Light au' Eaglialitcii, octant Walk.
Cr. and three Floreatistee, who ,lorr in hi, bato , a
to tea.' the Itihie of I/40mi. wpte arrastod nod
causal/n1 p prison. air. Walter. - is a friaml of
C-ount tatta usilad from rus
imity ai a siollinr motive t 1 order of tho po
cOrrespom . lent Of the Daily Ne . tre, at Rome
,RsYs-- • • ' ,
In a felr days lenience will be passed upon
-,,dhyr..parsona implicated in. the conflagration of
carfkatilS' crirriages,lduring the repuldicau epoch.
.There are " • more than a hundred persons
Charged Willi this sacrilegious offence, among
whom the authorities have ineistod on.
comptieiwf td, SIM, and A.rrnellini, al
thoughlhey had nothing to do with•the destruc
tion of the gaudy 'aid coaches. It is curious to
&servo with what unrelenting ire the cardinals
persecute, not only thane who really did burn
"their carriages, hett•also those who neverthought
of Such a thing •
A change having, taken place nt roustaritinn
pie, with regard to the levying of .11' duties on
exports and import it, the British Consul General
hue consulted the British merchWuts in Alexan
dria, who devil - lied unanimously thit the system
fliol - ed in Eg.Vpt i i of ail valorem duties, with a
deduetion in future of 2u per ct. on all imports,
and 1;6 per cent" on exports, was quite satiefar
tory, land they wished for us change.
From Syria we have accounts of the massacre
of'a number of Christians In Armehia. It appeal. e
test a number of Mussalmen attempted to pillage
the 'government bank. The banker resisted the
nisailatts, whu risturned in great numbers, and,
it is- reported, murdered every Chtistian they
met. The Government succeeded in seizing the
culprits. and dealt with them in the most sum.
Wary manner.
The overland mail has arrived Tha' rumors
of. an insurrection in Cashmere were not without
By, theAast accounts, Gholais &ugh was assem
bling attarmy, which xis to march onithel2ol
of July, for the purpose of Crushing the insur
rection; his success WAS considered certain. The
Governor-General has required the Hiram to
give tip temporarily to the management of the
Resident, territory worth £350,000 per annum,
tz be retained until his debt is liquidated. The
Resident is empowered to take military occupa
tion of the district under requisition. unless they
ace peaceably given up before the 15th of July.
In Bombay, the monsoon ,continnev unusually
aral the reports respecting the crops are
favorable Freights have declined, and to Liv
erpool have been at lox as :ifts a tun'
'• China is trill iii a:disturbed Ante The new
Etaphror (of • the rebels) was reported fo best
• Eincluth,, a depertmeatal city of Kwangobi, hso
inen water communication with Cantou,rwhence
it ie'distant nbout 200 miles la a letter from
.one of his followers, we find it stated that Teerr
'loth is kim'self at the head of the gebel forces,
'whom he tool to victory "in the middle term of
the third month' of the present year:" (about two
months ago) ',when 10,000 'of the Goverument
troops'were dihtroyed, being . Gemmed in in a
narrow pathway '-through a wood in p narrow
pass." Ilarlag:beently pro cl aimed Emperor,
Teen-teb dates the c. mencement of his reign
from the month of September of last year, and
hos published an almallac:Wkdch his emissaries
are busily distributing in various parts of the
empire . In Elangosi, the province between
Hunan and Feldeo, -we hear that great demon
strations are made iwbis facer.
Tat Coatis Ea - mamma Asearmazn.—We have
gent pleasure in 'eying before oar readers the
following authentic informed.. con tainvti
an c r etract from an °theta devputch. received
yesterday at the NV. Department-
• Ntrii . ORLEANS. Stefan axe 7, 1851.
"All expeditibmi against Cuba' are abandone,d.
'•'and persons collected here for that purpose are
"returning to their homes."
Another Telegraphic despatch from a known
and reliable ecurce, bearing the same date,
"The Cabo expedition !from New:tiriertisl, in
abandoned, end the men will all be eent home."
Other accounts from the South, communicated
hi the New' ork.papers, state that the tuba
volunteers use .mbled at New Orleans are pen
htless, anal ur demanding money of the•i - lutian
, ommittee in orefer to get borne. ••Some disord
ers," it is added, "have arisen in eousequetice,
and the police are active in endeavoring to pre
vent the committee from being mobbed Some
arrests of the head rioters have beenrnade. The
people of the city will be glad to get rid of them:"
We presume that the excitement bad somewhat
abated, as there is pp allusion to it indesputches
dated on th e7t lb Th'e Intuit report on the subject
is contained in a despatch of the evening of the
ilth Instant. It says:
"No further disturbances have yet taken place
amongst the distressed Liberators; bet all the
hor.rooms in the second unniicipality have been
closed. Three hundred rtibn 'have returned to
Alabama, but ninny yet remain here formant
of the meani to get home." • .
In connexion with the subject of the late en
fortunate Expedition, we perceive= that stone of
the ••deceiverit and betrayers" of the victims in
tend harping upon u report (no doubtmanufac
cored in this country) that the Captain Generul
had canted hie offioers to write letters to Lopez
to induce him to come: in other words, that the
invasion was concocted an got up by the Cap
tain General "—Sor fated!.
A New ern is growing up in Oregon, destined
to be n large place, octet° carry on art extensive
commerce. It is called . Pacille City. wain near
tne mouth of the Columbia,. river, on its north
shore ;and outside of the most dangerouoplaces
-'which obstruct its havlgatiob. It to %fine harbor;
.sheltered by CapeDisappointatent, inside of which
!It lie!.
The land near has a tine eoil, capable of ex
tensive till age, and designed hereafter to furnish
Irwin' supplies tb the growing has been
made the depot 'for Howard & Aspinwall's line
Of steamers Able distributing Poet Office to es
. tebliebesl at it, tind from it ;the mails are sent to
Astoria, OregCentitl, and other neW settlements.
It appears from the repo:seriatim:m=4e respect
" log it? to be th 4 best place in Oregon for present
• •
We regret to learn that the President has been
compelled to decline the limitation o (the citizens'
of lioston to attend the celebration of the 17th
instant. The state 'of the public business ren
ders it an imprerative duty to deprive himaelf of
the pleasure which he would derive from partici
pating in the ceremonies of that most interesting
Petroleum !
HUM iLlird4l3 y Uu. t.
• :-.. M. 11t[6 , ..—Detai hr. Your Petroleum p . -verteutt er.o•
icrr he thii ekereirs; thrtelare vrevot4.lllllsok 'Altos...a
ne Iwo dotoo or the Reeirterer.j. r' 11 . .. , II e ar
.., to
t,r.,ir nett, sod .1 t..l,ein4 inaulred tolor alma-1 .T.l joy .
'- ,, -7.. 10-4,e. zier, JOUN LONG 11..Yee
, .. it
.:A,t ...• dour
r- 0 . ilarch 11, '5l.
:, at. Ktri. , —D r .9r, dour Arent, a frw erect+ riot?.
Lett vrlth tot four doenHoek CU. leiligltzt , lure toll.
Pl.Pr...Ortresel tome ct dour? Immeetll,l, - , I
Your Audit:Kin+ It orlq ue wcottlem , In Old
i i
am obtain moment'7cialfrit se-
Vrtu .. ... .t . W. N
Fret oat. , by Fay 'r 5ie1k , ,:1. 140 Woo,,
E,•llhy. t 7 WoNI i. 711: B. A. laitiente - ck,
1.7-ci...lnmr .. torFrant t,: II NI. Corn. D. A.
Dvuzle....l lit. f,herarri•Allrerlletty. ta
riellfl,JAlr-T I Canal 13.411.2!•••01ttett.:
-------------- ~
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance G
• , CAPITAL, 8100,000.
, ____
OFFICE,, NO. 76 FoU .51
linitident—Jaian Mort.
Vico Pinthlnlin — ltatic ntain i n.ranta.
Stincninit—Jcittrn n. LUX] ,
vertr,••7--. Cntlos. •
intottnt in anottuir Vat
CitizelfsT.nsarance Company of
ee Rn. 4l WSW Ftrrot, I. al.
C.O. limas mfAWAt.- A. W..11A1
Thie otaArda=4= tVAAArAL
°' .A.liist n la gamey c 4
ir4SMl'alll Peigatt,WlT
5.1101,11 CO the roolwitY for tbrirl+p .
w allow " V--0. II; limo , * Wma. BasALW.
s u I.IX. 11 kii=4.s.lll.loat,
Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston.
sntli•lhe attention of the friends of ti..:tivr,
baufrotinv.,n •Iletthre, ,ton,, oposl.
tr urged to the ILLlVirthal. old Lhorotiatl
awl:ma/elect of Club., In t•12e27 elect!, 0 tlb•tiet, for 10.
vobtpaltai, the akplntintrat of Ikanbalttres 4 \'1.11.02x,
to Oat avid) blebo 02ft.1 Johnston Is asuer.....l.
0124 Una 101.. •bo requlra It aro Itattmlll.l, and tb•l
!port voter a•pc•lt blr 1..i10t o the booon.l.Ttloalay of
ttotober nest
The. Comtuntve on . -haturaillation Lou
appointed' H. Nil., Sohn Skorrltou, E. igoo. , E. Joh..
U R. Arcut , AL, A. Han22,.EN.: Cl.a• Pugh. Col L ,i , ell.
A I.lord, Cant. F :41.1.an4tr.itt-,31 RroldenthiLl, Lr. J E.
Vrz L itar..4.mii So.Th
By ,td.r th..l2,..i . unti
Allegheny County Scott and Johnston
4nali—A Publie Meeting will: be held in the
Ellkaboth s un :Saturday. [hot:4k ..itaktkst
.tis‘t. at 2 a clock le
L. 2 P 11
Avkoalcklos. “ Weduestial.
At liar...tors, Thuro-1.3. " "
At EL., Llbartk, Friday. ' to. •
At Rctiosolisol, katianlo, • •.2., ••
At Tareutow. 3touday. • 22. •
At Ptsk.l.l Stiller .fall, East 1t.,, toa wally slookay,
2...11, at o'clorko P. M.
At Peter kator s lot lo.nost4 tau tx+oll, uq
....I,s.:sekt —I. at I P 31
Lt ./out klaut...., Patio. tr05051t,,,..2 Inests,
el o :look P 31
• , Irmlrk'a, t"1 Mto
, oon irothly, on Thom
1, , U,
.. I Jet, I'lankluton'i, Nue toare,asin. et ,, •l".
/' )1
At John (~arata. ralnrday, 7th,
....i1 , 114 .. 1 . ,,, 1k r igtu4A . , , 0n310rt1ay,t)!
et P.,141114r, ThureAny, ILI, at P.
AL &Awn Milian, on Fri
at 2 P.
At Hen' L.Altr , , Turtlr I,Pek.L,IN AnturLlA,, ILh, At
111 , NJ.
, ,lister Winship, t 4.
ship, ou Tul•s*. 7 th; d`
At the Isle Jame, Ph ttobiu,bu Tovrortd, •At
Slowlay. 6th. st
At each ut thone uwel trig, our frloudt ba •
xub,e,ta imports. the political int:nut. ta
the rouutr
Lrur tri.E...11 eteh eloction of lb. c•ounty.•,
rrque....l W Aptuige, her rs,r,
ackl Krran.ocaeut. tobrmil .11 uur
y.lll it, ~ rier A
~.e.,1111. 1 -Trk.., AllitANdfniEtif
Thu Yost of yesterday, has a report of the
speech delivered 'by Cot Bigler in thts city. on
Friday evening We shall .from time to
make some extracts from it The,• Post tool,
care that the ••democracy shank' odt see much
of troy Johnston's address but we intend to let
the xraggsrp see as muthof the,Colonels address
as we can find room for It will not hurt them.
The opportunity attnrded in due way of showing
the weakness of our opponents is mote effective
than any arguments we could use:
The Colonel spoke Jl,l rations subjects. and
:Tied occasionally to he-hard upon Gov Johns
ton, whom ?a termed '•my opponent hut we
shall reserve those parts of his speech for
another time In the meantime, as the tariff is
the most important question involved in this
cuirass. we shall hear him tu that first,
although he made it last. Here 10 all he said about
it We make a few comments in the shape of
i• But there is another point on which you will I
expect me to say something to night, It is the
lurid I regret very inurh that time will not
allow me to discuss this subject in all its bear- I ,
togs'. but I will give you briefly some of my
viesre upon it, sad. It the editors here wish to
inform yon more fully on the subject, I will tell
you where they may find my opinions in full— i
I refer to a Report submitted to the Legislature i
t.y me in 184 i, which may. be bound in the first
volurrie of the Senate J.turnals for that year
•Our Rivenue System is intended to provide
for the expenses of the General Government
and in Intuiting laws for this purpose, there
always will he afforded incidental protection to i
.tar manufacturing interests. I n the easily days •
of, the Government it wan deemed advisarle, and
indeed important, to try to foster various manu. I
factures to this country, especially of such arti I
elesans were deemed of indispensable necessity
but elute those manufactures have become
established, the general sentiment of the coun
try—even the opinion iof those statim...n who
outs favored the doctrine of high discriminat
ing duties far the purpose of affording Protec
tion to our .mannfacturesi—ie against the doe
' trine mad the public sentiment ie becoming
more and more confamed upon this point. to)—
Bin I acknowledge the full and entire right of
Congress to legislate upon the subject, in each n
Manner as to afford protection to any interest of
the country, whether agricultural or mechanical
Ter I {lo not.recogzato the right of Congress to
legislate specifically for the benefit of one class
of men to the injury of the rest, or of any other
class. (6) All the legislation of our county
should be general, or with reference to the in
terests of the whole People. and therefore kam
in favor of the enaction by Congress of such lane
on this subject as will promote the general wel
fare. to)
"The adjustment of our lievenue system le
all arduous task; and danger lies in tee way of
the Government at every step: Vie of Pennsyl
vania have our particular Interests, that we are
ointionally pressing upon Congress.
"Our Iron-and our Coal Interests, we contend,
ought to share the fostering care of the Govern
toad; and I am decidedly In favor of such a
discrimination by Congresses will afford e. rea
sonable and fair share of protection to those ar
ticles. But let us recollect, that the same de
sire for enjoying — the protection of the Govern
ment exists In. other States faviir of their
own particular products : and nll have an equal
share of State pride, and a consequently strong
ilaposition to urge their own products or man
ufactures upon the attention of Congress. Thus
you see that a degree Sf selfishness is at the
bottom of ell oar efforts of this desoripiion
mid each expects Congresi to do for his Owls
porticrilar State all that has been asked to be
done. Thus Congress Is expect - al :to promote
every interest of
. every section of the coml.
try. (d ) '
"But no laws of this kind can be permanent
or perfect Even the Tariff of 1845, (which I
greatly prefer to that of 184%) (e) insusceptible
of improvetneut; and I aFtriol. disposed to think
that any sit:oiler law carehe enacted that will he
say nearerperfeot, or that can be any more pop
. ular It is not in accordance with our ideas of
Democratic progress to suppose that such laws
shall be permanent, ) but that they shall be
modified or repealed as the.Wigle3 or the acres
miies the. country may seem to demand I
have thus given you, very briefly, my views-up
oil this, and all the lending tepies involved an
the :present contest. So far se it respects this
particular branch of the sibjeot l will repeat
that I am sorry my time will not admit of a more
full and compreheneive disiussion of It I have
raid enough, however, to letyou all - know where
I may 'be found on this question: and if we can
not agree, I truet you will at lelet admit that I
have frankly told you my sentimental ty
• , ,u) He has reference here to the change
Ithe doctrines of hie par,,y, since 1844, when they
'nog aud_dbittiii4.oo , ;v,odiferdusly for "the tar
;u of "4 , 2,'l'Aiiid'alitliad it as a democratic meas
ure It is not true No men worthy. of the
name of statesmen ever wheeled about in that
style. 'T
- (L) Here ikeonte of that clap-trap of which
we have hiid so Much of late. Who wanti Con
gress to do what he here talks about i Not the
Whizs, certainly. - They go in for the protection
at the whole American poople against the hum
rico,. and ruMovis competition of foreigners.
IC) If the Colonel, or any of his, party will
draw up such a bill as he here speaks of—one
that Fi ll "promote the general welfare," by pro
tenting our own mechanics, manufacturers. la
borers. “rafinnatn" and farmers. against the in
jenons of our pretest policy of employ
mg foreign capital, foreign skill, and 'foreign
labor, instead of our own, our word for it, every
Whig will atistain him. Let no see how it Is to
be done better than the Whigs have proposed to
do it "Promote the general welfare.' That
is the very thing we.want. How ridiculous it is
toe a mimpretending to common sense to talk
in this way, while at the same time. he is advo
cating a policy which is at onto crashing Amer
ican industry. and rendering that lof England
'highly prosperous. We bare no Hostile feelings
towards that . but we do most earnestly,
. protest against enriching her big capitalists at
the expense of our little ones and of giving
ir fell employment to her workmen, while many
of ours are idle in cons,equitice. This is carry
ing the "general welfare - beyond its proper
I limits.
re-inn W.
a dr I,thrm
street: IL E
Co wna
.I.lott Jeserpb
. by the Dr. ,
(d) To be sure it is; and a thu be seemli
ness," the more we have of itrbe better Whit
is the object of Congress but ".to prOrnote every
interest of. every section of the cmintry Y" Does
CoL'Biglsr and his Locakeo allies object to this
Or is it the business of Congress tol protect the
interests of (treat Britain and Fratice, in pref
etpuce to those of our:own conntryt Perhaps
the Colonel wotrli not nay so, halt is doing Co
most effectailli notwithstanding. The last nit
rites from teglind inform\ =that tltie =algae.
taring interests of Markekeotar are Tory satire
1. burgh
, houee ate U.
Iwrit) a the
th Di
, • 114a.thtoa:
and prosperous; and the people of that city owe
this prosperity to the tariff of 1846, of which
Col. Bigler so highly approves. And the same
is true of every manufacturing town in Eng
land. Yes, Colonel, we plead guilty of being so
•°selfish" as to - prefer the Interest of Pennsylva
nia to those of any other State, and the interests
of the United States to those of every other at
lion :arid because we do so, we wish to see a re
storation of the good ofd Peulasylvania policy of
protectioo, such as the tariff of '42 gave pt.
w; Mark that
tf I This is a precione confession, truly It
i, the very nature of what Col Bigler calls .
“Dentocratic progress - to keep us in a perpet
ual whirl. Nothing Is to he permanent' We ,
think the people, if they know when they are
well, will stop this - progress "
ty I No doubt the ; •Democracy" went away very
much enlightened ,
Now. reader, we have given Col. Bigler a Mir
hearing on this =Neat. Look at it carefully,
sod than say whether he has given us one single
practical thclught Like hip party he puts forth
a few stale eneralities and truisms, and some
few glimme ng ideas that are not true. Compare
the above, raiding guieralities with the clear
and iodated talk of Mr Johnston, and then say
which is mot fitted to tie entrusted with 'the
management \of the affairs of the State
. The Lorol
not publish Johnston's
have dune this—and we intend to
I nd why', Beciiii-e they cannot, in
riot him, as we eon l'ol Iligter, of
the trust ti. which he aspires
as the one of which the above is
e the - veer documents we want
speech ua w.
give more
ttillft ,en), • /
aniline., toe
Saab speech
AMENTATIOH.--We olip• the follow
di from an article in the.lkea/dm
educe paper printed at Johnetorrn.
.a eptrited fellow: fur he hangs On
.r hie other friends litre achmduri
tender mercy of !tho law and the
hag pnrugr
Fcir IL L..
The editor
to Loper aft
el him Loth'
lER UY hoer, -From the last sews
which will he found iu soother part
!paper, we uhrouicle the defeat of o
id righteous Revolution, where we
pedro stout pass's over its triumph
'regedy is ended Soother melanc
ill of warning and of iostructiorrhus
the History of Stru gglrs of Man
Cxc Mut
frum Ilavan
If tin day
Endo Just a
d Madly h.
The Cuban
Lulp psga, f
teen added
tut it-radon'
11=ff III;1!flIEEIMMI
ri,,s!ell, general Agent of the
met Society, No S St. Clair street
this work It is published by that
) lo one of the most yeautifully <re
ns we ever had on our talk The
notes. which are nearly ns trolumi
text. are by. the Re, JUSTIN ED-
I) The work is admirably well
the 'Sabbath School Teacher, as well
r It is embellished with two beau
-ene of Palestine. and the other cf
nentioned in the Bible.' Mr. T
n the sale of this boob is very rapid
Price CO cetlts
for a copy nj
Society, and
cuted coin ,
nails the l
adapted to
as the fem
forms u th
The Ne
else= of oh
l U•teaa Bee. after giving tho parole
i capture and execution of Loper
and emphatically add ,
oot tx: Wlrt does that mean: Is it de
signed to g up Ulk)re piratical expeditions to
entice more young men to break the lax.., die
grace the sacrifice tnemselres '
We trust no We think every hod; is now con--
vinced that there is .4,134 hat been no revolution
in Cuba an. that the Cabal, do not desire the
interfercnee i.d.( or people 1,1 their affairs If
they lilt , thrir goverrin,nr it nothing to oo
ate hart it May- he
DEATH or TEL..., H. UALLoabST Thn es
salient to:n lied at Hartford C‘trin . an the
loth in•t ''h. Christian pubt, reet.gnize
him as the author •of a number t .ainabie
corks tor young, which nave been erten
staely circulated by the Amerman Tract Society,
among which-his ..Scripture Biography, from
Adam to Dafrid. a eerie. of 7 small volumes. to
the principal He was a most laborious Chris
tian•philanthropist Oallanlev' 'fats the
New, York 'Tribune. ...was well known a. the
founder of he system. of education for the. Deaf
anti Dumb, which has had such e-sterizire pre,
alence in Hi a county lie visited Europe in
dnls fur th:. purpose of examixtit4 the nasthods
of instructlens for Deaf-mutes inlEnalend and
France, on "upon hie returning to the United
States in 816. became the principal of the
xylom, at Hartford. He remained
tint Institution uni,ll 1530, when
at the hen
',dated Chaplain to the Retreat for
lin Hirtford. fie contMued to site
uties of that Ace until his last 11l-
Gallandst was distMgMalited by . ht
.ctieal benevolence, his great sago
s rare devotion lo duty Ilia Intel.
lent were above the common order
author of sevrial works, which allow
.f thought awl great beauty of illus.
toliime of his sermoun, delivered to
[congregation at Pans, was publithed
I since, when the author was quite
.. They are fine specimens of chaste
d pulpit . eloquence, written with a
simplicity unusual among Amen
re at that day. .
be was ap
the Insane
charge the
Hess Mr
, ay, and h
leotual po
IN •oo th
au Priglush
several ye.
m: l n young
and polish.
it STATE ' CONVENTION., This body,
at Syracuse last week, had n very
session. A flow twin( resolution..
approving Hof the compromise measure,, and of
the Erie Canal enlargement were named ; and
the following gentlemen put AI nomination for
the several State offices
Foote, (who now holds the
appointme tof the Hoven:l:ai ) I. nominated fur
Judge of he Court of Appeals "Jetne4 C For
eyth is no dusted for Secretary of State, to sue
coed Chris opher Morgan. George W: Patterson
is nominat d to succeed - Philo 1.1 Fuller an Con
trotter .1 toe's M Cook is presented tor, State
Treasurer Alvah Hunt in the present incum
bent Laurel Hilmenc Jr , a member of the New
York bar, d presented to nueeeed Attorney (Jen
eral Chatfield. Hezekiab C Seymour is renomi
noted for State Engineer and Surveyor Henry
Fitzhugh is the nomineefor Canal Commissioner
Charles Cook now holds the office Alexander
H • Wells is renominated for Inspector of, State
InEVULC room[ Ofovemenr it Aossate. -
evasion of Politica/ Uffaok.• or Wan • -.That a
Milanese on:man, named Chelsea, was shot at
Milan, a sho,rt time since, for attempting to poet
sdme revolutloniary placards.' was announced
the newspapers at the time. Private letters
supply the following interesting particulars of
the man and his manner of death :
"He was to have been hanged according to the
sentence of the court martial . hut the execu.
tinier ce Bergamon, Wiring refused to give his
services, he was shot. The executioner (hatred
to the foreign yoke, is Co deeply ingrained in the.
nation, that It had penetrated even to this most
abhorred of.lts functionaries) has bean ponish,l
with death for his disobedience."
On his trial, Chelsea wasesked. "Who gave you
the writings to post," He answered. •.No one
I composed them myself '"Where did you get !
them printed , " "I printed ' theta myself in my
own dwelling." "Whore are yoUr printing mu ;
tennis'?" "I do not knoiv. • •
"On his pasiage from the prison to the place ,
of punishmen the confevsot promised him im
punity if he *mild make a revelation of his ac
complices Chelsea. who has Jett a wile and
daughter without means of support, constantly
refused to ph-cheer his life at the •price of die
' honor. He siduted, with a quiet and serene air,
the people who were negr, kneeling to receive his
death, hessidi in a loud voice, "my sacrifice is the
sign of the aiming ruin of Austria - He refus
ed to let his eye , be bandaged, wishing to look
his murderers to the lest In the face
"This "political assassination, so atrocious in
itself, was even emannomated without legal forms;
for the officer who commanded the platoon charg
ed with the execution, having fallen down in a
taint; they fired without receiving orders. The fol.
lotringis still worse; 'The wife and daughter of
Chiles are in prison; the Austrianjudge leaven
them ignorant of the deeth of their relative, and
tries towrest from them revelations , of his accom
plices by promising the Pardon of the husband end
father as a reward for avowals. ' We hope. for
the sake of humanity: this last detail Is not trne. '
We understand by telegraph, sent byC. Brady,
a agent on the State road, that several shock
ing mordent were committed ycoterday at Chris
tiatta,wbont Tour miles from. Parkabufrg, Lan
caster county, Pa. The facts, so tar as we learn,
are no foLloers :
A tremendous riot took place at Christiana,
in coneetplektow of a Aare owner aid hoe son at-
tempting to arrest a fugitive slave. When the
owner appeared in the presence of the slave, the
latter shot him dead. The next moment the son
levelled'a pistol and killed the slave, and im
mediately another colored man shot the eon,
and the mob collected and killed the Second col
ored man. I
',wring the sanguinary conflict, an officer from
Philadelphia was wounded in the shoulder by a
piste.: or musket lull. It is also stated that two
other pvrsain, are missing, and are supposed to.
have beru tilled by the friends of the alleged
slave A great deal of elcitenieut prevailed,
but nr could not learn any more particulars of
the tragedy Crum the passengers who arrived in
the line ienol that place last evening
P the chose was written, we haoe
the following additional darticulars, through the
Politeness of Mr Paul Hamilton, conductor of
the Accommodautm train oti the i . ennsylvania
It appears that Mr. tiorsticit, the owner of two
fugitive slaves, from Baltimore COlgity, accom
panied by his two sons, the Deputy United
States Morelia', from Baltimore, two United
States officers from this city, and several police
men, also from this city, proceeded, on Wednes
day evening, to Christiana, about ii miles this
side of Lancaster, for the purpose of arresting
the fugitives.
After a coneultatian between ':the - uthcem, it
was deemed inexpedient to maLL the arrest until
yesterday morning. From the ,est reports, we
learn, that the colored population in the vicinity,
having been informed of thenature of the visit of,
the officer% to Christiana held a meeting, and'
asked the opinion of severaileading aholitioni at,
as to what cones they should pursue
The Krueger wun, tlO one of the most current
reports, that they should stand their ground.—
Accordingly, shout eighty negroes Resembled,
with gone, So, and serret.l themselves in
neighboring woods tool eornfields The signal
of nttack en the oflieers WOO the lilowing of s
When the officers came upon the party, they
were surrounded ou all aides, and a .leadly tire
poured upon them by the mirrors. At the tint
tire, Mr. Oortsuch, au elderly gentleman, and
the owner of the fugitive olimes,. woe instautly
killed, and one of his none mortally wounded.
Another of the party, said to be a United,Stotes
deputy officer from Baltimore, was also much
A Philadelphia. officer Wlag fired at five times
and missed fle was iu .thelitha of the flight
at the time Al the time the five o'clock train
passed through Christiana, they were bolding
no inquest on the body or Mr. Gorsuch.
, Thr wounded I.lllthincira officer 11119 in Colum
bin when the line game through. waiting for the
cam to York.
The atettenuant m Inc uelghhorbou.l wae
The MiOrMal/t3ll to the fllgltlVO slaves that
their master and the iditcers were. pursuing
them, is believed to have been .given by two ne
groes from Philadelphia, who dogged the pur
suing party to Christiana
A telegraphic despatch was received at the
office of the Marshal Police, dated at Lancaster,
asking that officers might he eon- to West Phil
adelphia, to intercept 'the murderers who had
tied in the slow line
The line arrived at tive,.and the despatch did
not reach the police office until quarter past five
acid then gave nn description of the suspected
The Marstal telegraphed back for a descrip
tion. and was answered that Mr Charles Brady,
agent.. would furnish aim with one Mr Brady
did not come down in the line
A number of the Marshal's officers proceeded
to West Philadelphia, and all other weetern de
pots. but were too late
Two suspicion, persons came down in the five
o clock tram. Serena white men also came
down, who were beard by the ngent converting
et the attair tine of them said when he heard
the firing, he rodent:et. to the BC.O
E rery effort will hr made to arrest toe mor
derere. If they come this way
We saw, at a late hour 1.51 night. a letter has•
tily written to a gentleman in this city. by a
person who was en eye witneee of the riot. tally
confirming all the shore facts
y„ Oct, E•t„.ri
The hose". of tliohes, in summit times Ira.
the prescriptive heir of rd - r 1 desuns Ireland
eceolues is similar pnentom u. the model o tau
of osseous- Misfortune no woe seem I oe her
inevitable heritage rs opou her orntiousl
ly one term of st mi.:v.:dor departs thananother
seceeeds tier malignant star is ever in the as•
eendllhl• oed flops rises only 0. glimmer for a
while in puefill Thet. Sunk •-sin
in darkness
A famine almost without a paretic:l in modern
listen. crowned a long series of frit& calami
ties, but this very woe, afflictiveas it eras, inspir
ed many with some little confidence In ibe furore
The immense reduction in the population of Ire
land which the famine caused wonl,l, It was fond
try/toot prove after all, an ultimate blessing
by bringing in English and Scotch tattle,.
drawing foreig n spud. Increasing the demand
for Jabot', an d infusing, to a certain extent tie
least new vital power into all the business ,•pc
rations of the isiar l d. And indeed many things,
combine...l to exCitetiope Political agitaton had
disappeared, agrarian outragees were abandoned.
crime in general was remarkably diminished,
hundreds of large estates, by the eiparatton of
Petriiament enactments, had becomecleared of in •
cumbrance that had lung clogged all improve
'moat, the clearance policy Lad pretty ettectually
broken up the miserable rousere system, noel
important lines of railway were opened, coin
mercial schemes of much promise were yet •ot
foot, the pointer and other crops were spot in
a flourishing condition, and the elimrsieri ihvcov •
ery Lad given a great stimulus to the raltivatton
of fan, for which the idand by , nature I. pe
culiarly e - ell adapted.--'tae not strange that
many looked fora pre epoch in Ireland's his.
tory fat hope once, more !tattered only to t Lk
cell, It is atisolutily certain that Ireland I.
again about to be rim'ked with the mine religions ;
agitation which in time peat hat prov.,l to her
the source of woes unnututiered
The Eeleslasticle Titles Bill, recent]: passed
by Parliament, has excited among Irish wtboltre
a rancor and a spirit of defiance that in one an
ticipeted. The law h. already- scion .rampled
under, foot, and rebellion is preached in the high
est places. We have before taken occasion to
express our own American Vitae iipos the lan
policy of any interference on the pert °Woven.
meat with eclesiastical organiratious We h a ve
contra4ted the perfect indifference of Anermans,
in regard to the asetpption of titles I. Roman
Catholic dignitaries in this country, with the
storm of passion a similar:act hoc occarioneil
England But, after all. this high escitenieni
RIM not to be moot. wondered af, Ensland has
a Church Eetablightneet ate] no lons no
keeps it, must studain:its dignity. This:paid not
be done if she allowed its titles to be oppomted
by a different religious comrhunity. The Papa ,
rescript dividing England into seer, and *N.M.
ting Bishops with a local' designatiot, rslfed
therefore, tonic legislative action. Cossideriug
the caviller 'manner in which the Pahl decree
was framed, and carried into effect without the
slightest consultation with the Englitil govern
mens—the haughty and imperious Junco!' Cardi
nal Wiseman•and his coadjutors, when the pro
pricey of their course was questioned—Um facts
that the Queen'e Colleges. one of the tust ration
, al means of benefiting Ireland, had .1 - ren deeply
injured by Papal, interference, and that Plus IX,
after refusing the English Protestnnb in Rome
the privilege of a house of worship, till, in Inn
gunge not at all respectful to English trotestan
ism, called upon the faithful for funds there-with
to build a magnificent Italian Cnthedid in bon
dpn—and the extreme indignation tith which
the absolutist tendencies of the , rent P apa l
policy In Italy has excited in England consider
ing these things, we say, the counsel the En
glish government was far more moderato than
could have been expected. The onlyfesture of
the lent consequence in the Eclesiaalcal Titles
Bill, Is that interdicting Roman Catblie digni
taries in England and Ireland frau astruminz
titles implying particular territorial Anodic-tom
Thus Dr Cullen, the Roman Catholic achbiahop
of Ireland, may style himself Archbioop at be.
fore, but so longer, Archbishop of Anagh No
interference whatever has been moo with the
Boman Catholic organization, distiplie, worship,
I or with anything appertaining to thelierarchi
except this mere territorial desigmitin
tine would think that thin was batty a colt
ment matter 'for which to light upagain the
names of religious discord in Ireland 1 et -o it
1 , is A Befence isaociatiot has been
formed, end a great meetin• suggeald by ear
dinal Wiseium, presided ov r by ,echbiehop
Cullen, attended by a third o the fah Boman
Catholic Bishops. has been h Id in ti lion:Ludo
!di Dublin. The speeches we e of te must in
tlamatory character, and the esoluhnii were
rampant defiance of the Pa 11/Mel:WI enact
ment. To mule the challe ige cesplete. the
proceedings were signed by aul (then. tech
bishop of trmagh and Primal of e !retried --
!To use the words of the Tilde the tomal organ
of the movement ..the statute was tnopled upon
ollicinlly and formally by th Caesura of the
United Kingdom, , letical and lay, rehepiecopal
and episcopal. acting loge r ai one united
body England of course ill rt submit is
such an application of the •. tele Law'' doc
trine She will never permit her sthority to be
braved in this way with imp nit,. Legal pro
ceedings will be instituted to nforl the Statute .
This will give occasion to the cry (persecution,
And will revive all of the sec rialfends which
in time( past have so effect. Ilymmlyned all
practical efforts in fpvor of t e rgly essential
interests of the Island Thy spit with which
This agitation is commenced s WI enough il-
Instrated by the language oft e spew of Arch
bishop Cullen to the Irsih .sop:— oWe are
now forming a Society such th never b e en
, seen In Ireland before . we halhow !emend
perfect equality with oar op reties, we shall
demand the complete an.' • font the tempo
ralities of the Eroteeteat, mad by the
manifesto of The Nation, the organ of Young Ire
land :--The Catholic Church has fairly and
boldly thrown down the t...flet to the Govern
went ;' whatever let of it, the law is 110 w
broken and will be broken uftve ad fieft,l , and not
broken in a' bull or by letters of ordination, or
in-any peculiarly spiritual act, but ins public
polit;cal meeting of Catholic+."
There may be two opinions in. Atneriea, re
specting the justice and propriety of the law in
,ueetion, but there can be hut one respecting the
inherent wrong and immense practical mischief of
ouch a defiance of that law
.:ars I', roof fel nil toli• pl:fro fro. , , Of Of ,
z otoahriold otroor, 1.0t00.11 •treot iftol :raw ma.
tao: do.. at o'cfork. eod pr. 0..4 1. , Lilo Allekhoor
so] .couLtfltat , f of tho faftolf
aro In. kto.l att•ml le.lhont !trams . oto
Anchor Cotton Factory Lots at Auction.
A kN SATURDAY, Snptomber 27th, will Ire
Itotqu.on and 1..n,0cA bring 1!(/ fret front and r uu
II 1W hut to I 0 Iced .1101 ThL4 laut.ertY
uell worth th. aventton nt capftelists. Wag In lb. Yun.
Vertof the cAy, and In lb. Immediate ~Inity tt,
Depot. It Clatif.l advauoe urn., ire
to none it WOULt .011 admirttbly I, A LiIiTEL.
.Iml, I. greatly tio.Ale.l in thl- city Perron. els/tint to
,urr.t stbor re.l estate ',mid well to give it t leir
•A It n. the only yrut , nA ...I. in lb , . • nn
111. arid nOne uruau.ey edvApre fart.; in Onc. I' rill
soLl togrthrr. , in lot,To suit purchAt.,
Tenn.—M.-fourth In hund. lb. Wane. In orn.. - 1.0,
old t erli to leanest. In lA..ecured no•el and
. REBA A illll I.E. A uctioL
euetcIt...•ax ,4 uekt
wr vale I A II DlClit:l net,,
\Valet aLnl t r.•nt st; I
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:;•,,::.:7t.:::F!'),1,11--r 4,
••• c. )
VA... • • ;-.. 1
' 41;
• 'no..
.... 4 „-:
,e•--,7, - -I, •
LairS -- " -15%)
I I It. OUYSOTT:S Improved Extra, t "I
111 YELLOW InWh AND SAknAPAIttI.LA. ut.a
un thr lard,n rdard duple, and 11
the BEST SARNAPARILLA turle, am t. rat.,
clFleti 0: a Heti sre the b,sen.l.4. or lb.:
tle ,, membet. this I. the "LI ylru. .rmr on-spina4 ,
The Netirilue. hen and erconlitot t!•
W I LI. ÜBE tflilll.tT V 111..
t'oamer.. Tninbr
broptibne t/ tib,n.
Erl eipela.n.Chtbuk e
bLet/umb.m. ram. 111 the c,.
‘4,1 and 11..t.,ve11iu5..1
.1/..1 , N beepe,mt. ealt
10.11,....1 the Kulb,e, ,4 APle , if^
in;en.e, eririnc from the he. nt Her
eur,. VIIIn an the Side• sn.l
eibiders. General Debility.
- Draper. LußtAirek.Jvn.
tire and Outive
(HE IIE,; 11:3%41.17.
Corceumption, Darter/be., 1 rr.culsr )heuril
r Wbrr, ..1 .13 , 1
grnena , reb ,bl rairbl tat. cur,' !nibr
Eztra..l r • SI,: r. -
r0..4116te rvilef n. rev.srive :b. foundAtion health and, trent,th—the blot.) JO moutrbli.,, bad humors.
unnatural 4,2% atv...healthy rh.,
• vltai mar,
tit who with It per, too blxl trm the troP•rit.o ,
!- , olrart..l from [h. Ito. Int•lgcnce or thr
Inc winter, and to prepart, tho orstent R, rrotot•ummor
rrhternino, rotor: n•• to to 0 ntatttt, Ertracerr S.. 11••
lltck un.l tlor•apartila, a blot, to prr•lng Itaelf an amid.”.
anonr•nmt (L. oft rtmlignant , ,trwoloo. that bob I. twlr
to, and lb, will n ewt .11.appoint..1 . for in Om
dr the putt, faith has no', war. red - 4 , r. , ••., •
1 t•I . it t"nnd•d on •• • ni
Poonoe, jnot v tiptr wont of foith
luo hor In.l t,lrlou• compound o to tounted on
1 het er Iran mtnerni-ttortrltm•
Irt• trom tht. pert—, rrntolo th•rett;rr. h”wr,
,r , we In hollth enor.•er In•thro.m•
! PM! Oil 4.1 !!!!t!..• .11ot to. f.n. •{, • f
leo roatent nnlt ;snit. t , t•nd thAt el. fin, ot phrolr•l
r.trlet of Volibw
I 4. , aroarttritl•. on•I ,roua.l.. :Jr hlo
try an.l at hovenn r•••11tIon In rrotitrting ht. 0p.,.
rrtr , n m rralte
;;; ; ;
11, • 1.1
:••11,111 L11..1
iL the 1:13•Lt Ile 11.1 .11.•
11,311 .4114. NUN'
—ant, Mao 4••
fitnAr:: •--I•par-
- , f1... ..skrbsparigl.i..., ....,..
F...11.p. .3 11.. .aol law
hit trr L., -..•
and Li I..rat, I the
the It s).11 el., rf..t
• t
.." ;.„. f: 1,
ao!Juas, r.. i • •
IA It- . ilt..t.
otte 71, L•ettotii....l7 I cilitrit7 , .1 11. Lk:, • t
t7ti inati litutitinir t 1.-11
7,7,77 i.
it 1L.. . •c 4 Mal 71 .1
.7,141., ••4777..71 4 t'. ist 7lttraupsiiii•
I .7 7447 it, , t
furl MAI," :tit 131. Cl. t
.1 JO.
lutiis 1 • 1 4 try, Ir.• mi st .•
• .111,
.mal a. urni natulair... I .• /I, leg 4. I :
• .lar. rrn ..• 11. aa rumor t.r.n
ltughlr. OW aid ...t tan rel,t frourtbra orra
I bar. al• - . t.../•It of ram.l
Wrl. or 111. •11 ,4 1/41. hut the tlr.n•erk that 1 Irak 11.-
1411O•1 14,0 •11L1 nartalwtr.ll. tat •tol
..1 tr .1' a , troth all or Jul Inrtarnotta .•
r0 , c. ,, ,1 SI 1.., .r d.k•
frre Itru, tut - 0w...431.w orr 1
rtiterultie• warm wni hrultny.
r,rtlar nind I fr.l In •11 t• •ttacto 0t.t....!
.; re .. Ih. “tvett Is. tovera Ntor
ttutt unsttitt to buy•ery
, to,/ ~.r.soLittl.t, ta.l
.tratlr r.llrn.l I, It. antl eiprv4 t , tr ,ttrtt.-It
ttr.tlint. trut, - ttl.A.Lot
. a rt. tt.t.....tittuttte ttut., put tip In tatty.; 1.0tt1et.....t
libllbits. gli•rs, b I 11:• .Syrup bbn :lb
obtlb ltb. le MI., s:qual arr. o IL
tut 41. •ty:bp. r • I. .1 L. Palt6.l.l.n,uuall, ota, •••r?...r
t . ..talt. au I 15...u.,•17, antra:Ora:oat
. I•
I .
u. II
rstrrrq• ,•.tt
/ Nr.n. .:.11.111.1•1-ti,r•
1111.10,0, . 1.112.4 A IS - 1 - ,nt hi,•
an. I snilua AI.. Nlender N1.1.Jr111.. Burt.ll. • Ur
tinkLatu t tirr,r, Jame. itrltt A Cr. But.
irr,t 'math. Pre., J P. ',:traert... Wsrrwlß r n. l 0
Stir ;,- S.: Bo! $l3
Fall aid Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple
A. MASON •A Co. would moot Tespeot
-71.,, st.lleit the attention ri the public .tuti.
10.1 the is boletaic trade p.ttcular. to thou ...Se and
rare:oily lectsti stock .1 Unotls. for all and winter odes,
uhuit .di be foupd larger than ant the, hurl ere, be
furs utter, Mr hare toiltdet
baled Brown Muslin. rte. lontrandsitnate
Intl.* ....tatter., U.) jun. iqummor
i • Flannel• '; motel tagur..l Prow,
'Ptah. till pt. French Merit.c...
Ila ruses White •dullus• I U. 1.1. I • mr.nrartill L'unur.
,lsva •• 1d•A1p........11c0t0t.
N ' Itt 1,1..4 1 rte. I.;nen.
',At • iLatin..ttt. • po ear‘unt Ilannet
• btut makcClother.. hal cartons Prencli Poorer,.
yu . exectmerea. at.. 1 le. Maus, 111 k,
Caselmemsc, LAI colored •• Fbirtlup Ks cases Cashmere-.
caul. pro At OA lOW don. Nosiest:
nreccfnutsl Jean. 1000 ttiocet. urn sled.
lodetter with ccery urtiele. utually to a Inl
Heads ostablichment 1 1 2 nnd ti 4 Merlon
is A l•
NooN. at .; SERV HILL
.u. 016
LIVER CO3IPLAI:\ T oi live vrars'
Ins • uted by UM. ,uundt../dirt-o , .1 ~on,
Pt 21.14. preptacti e. n, ,). idtc
At cabins:Pm rt.
yr. it. Sellors—ltrar tbs. It is with ideas... I eon
met. your tdcer POOL, which have , al. aoud ots
...racer U.KI our part ..f 111. countr Many of my
ne t hale usta thcm....l found Mom or I lir usu.
act utllitt lain... adoldion . sick headache. As As tor
m If. I tan ear that there no rrr has bee, wedtaiu-lIAt
bee Janet:no...much t ot. I hart. Iwo (I adlictml will.
er c om pi ain i sods and bat c trod I sr.
lull., ro.
Mr.*, but In vain: • last I henri
, of Tout Liver pills,
...dr LA,. effected the 11.141 Lap 011111, 11.4 ,oar
nor ' , Mb°. elay•Acratk.o that I am mos w1 , ... , !*
tho.relont recommeturtloun Ps nil all .t.• &filleted ledb.
.!Lease of the Licot.
our ,ratvful truen.l. .4.
Yurrlte..•r• gill remember thut wII PA.
Palo," .[her than 11.0 , 4.3 p r.
.parn, boil
11'1.1 bre .•,40-,-reelt.,,x loll.tlvns
M. DIGBY hcgs to ii‘fornt from&
V V no.t e,icny,. iv. re,” bin :sr.t ,qlO
FALL AND 11 ISi Ouol, It, U.. Al
_ . •
. than., ,
aay .. 7 anna ~,,,ht , ,,,n t a t , clod. :,..vr, turtlrttt/e.
It 6'lll, Itt,rl, tttittt,9ll.l.- 1. , titv.,....,,
vanoty und rl,tattt, .11, rt,l. ..ittl 1...1tt rt.- r.l ~. ' a'.
1.4.11 .
alr,• iiarrion— , enl
art . hi. will Ix., lam Ith MY 4,11, .11..,„ niauticacturasi. ;tail riavit
mark 111141. , i IUD!: ta.01 . 1100,,u.,,,,.,.„,
:414 which will 1...4.,1 at U.e vi.ry eeat
eavl 5....
;arr., fin:: a mod: to [Lett adv.a.....c
aikare ptartautor. they ..111 4111iL
•it 1 barilaah ,
tar, artials..a tn. Iha
iacat Naha/ "Ink a.' 4. rot trAirr. •
A ficat rale 'rtolvgratat vante4 ecommltately
Public Sale olPews
etc eLtu t u t e. tug . .:24 !Lit-, at 10 4., dr. 1 tl
al, to tate ylsce Se. tba• Church_
Ily anier of
Venni of Truett..
oda:4 tft• P. M. DA
rtiRLES FE VERIBILLIUN-2.m.,e, for.ula
by HO; J r.:lbrUN SI (KYR
——• • -
AAROW T-5 HUU bra. Bermuda. for
b y
L „pis, e , Cllkeuei3l4ll.l., t tt ,
Oiomeaisii.tu to for Ladies, Canongthurg, Ya.
rrliE k:I,I3IINATION .04' the Pupils of
in.• Fell.llinrr will tat, TIUINJ.O la.
....pletabd • Larr,1,4 , ,, {l,l „.
doer., !I. Au alarda v.. ,
I.YJVIIN Ut),V, rep. uI W LeLlu t . .
11,,, board UI 6aperualoadelary ie rdare‘d LW.) •.i
Weebeauuky, the Nth inst., at v ~
solikll OLIViA J. IfilJtNitaltrrueripat.
HEW GOODS \ t '\
' fliß. SceLA.\F"'‘ "EibtitTGT, ..-,-iII)R.E
I? Tr ,1 , 444.4 - r 'au ham ItrthtnaM.. nf W.
tut /.•,- 1 . aa L. 1,1 , ra Co lutdd /Da-
T','„E.,.,5r,'„, 1 '.5.'....",, 1 -',F;,`,',1 1 ''.;‘,',.,,- . 'q . ,.."...:.' - , 1 . .'i-g.;.,-..qp.:, J.... v,„ ; t r ..,..,—.,.....
'N ,,,
...tie, re.reett. , :ne.rtn‘ht.Fuer , t the .T 11• ., .... 44TIVIT iruthell•Terz 4
..... _ _ 14' ...
the tI, .• poTott, ti. 11•1.4-.4 'T it•'t • 4iT,‘ 'le: r te-T.Te. „K.. tt 1,1...1 trYk It on O t ut:' r t '' i. !..* trn' t ,.. -
...alt er ',tat , . .'r ~, 1 , .. is -, - 3 tn.: all\ at., 'pethetnef r wpm, Far that tlune ..
IV 4. DI Pre ~..,1-.0. the , tat... ••• we! 1,-. ai, \1 nal t . /DOI. Law , recall I: For rule ter
wt. ol I:arler Itre, 1,4.. een,t•srt,en . .t In part N , • ~ s Jsl I; Js, CD., 0.1W,,, , ,1 at
1-4 C. en. ;•tik, f..r 4.1..r00c .....1,,,,-..1„,....... at m Tu. \ th4p3o 'l . , ,tol Op etty I(Futaia .
-4 11-cd. SLIK, - - IV
IS•ris tvwc •uts, all t-te.., In Ie et th• 1 „,% 1\ I NSE EI \ OIL-20 bbLx\ fox sale by \
Itrue,wlc lit ax, ,Ml. - , •• •••• 11. A , , ~k , . . \ 'k, . KIDD COC
Deary,t, tureJ t..,1i. all 11.1,1 e, ft •,.
nI 't•• " 1 F.,.)31 ti,\L . T. 3.--1.5 tILL to sale b,
I t aliu. ~1.1,„....
.5.,i.1. \ . 1 ,, :IDD 1. c'ttk,
reneh Mer/t..e. un,t , „..11.1u.n,. ‘‘. '
1 ''''' )-t. - , k ,,, ~,,• ^', . .1 . r" , ”-: , 1 , 4 ,, •.10 ,;., -v\ -1 7 I§ll \l'.; fel' . \ Musa uibt, ' bars_ 1'2,-4
11Alit: ‘F (.. I - L N lA4I I,it 's I i1..,11„, \ \'' ^ 4 .2 7 'T ' 1 : ,,, , , '4\7 llll 'l. fr 4 1711. ' ?It h lt.,l ' •. ' V 4 • •
14: 2, : n nir!,-7fl. p,,,,. , i ~,,,, Ing,10c(1-211 I:, :O. 1(• Mist liedge's '
I • 4 .0.1 ...i s 'AL ie rOt.a/,,,, . ' ""
' I...atlit. Titk enle te. .. ..AME,I I,II.D.ELL
• • .IJ -1 op.aaMt \ aa , L , CauJ Ile.. • ' ••• Oto \. \. \\. t " 1 T'N . '
~,,, issrwr AA, .1 . 5...1 . •r 1.1.1,. , ES .I.` iii . ll4i , i 1 ' S ' 01 IM. .Ale IoW V
tuet t Print...! lo Nt ••O't To ••• ',\•-,-, r s 'e 0 ,''''' r.' ' ' \ - - , ' SAII,IIA LZ ELL
,f u r,t)l..• ktut,,.... k rtch.•l• uctut or Dunn tCu rt... awl., • \ .04 \ ,
r5e . ....14 Me... 1 .11.15, a.\ ',
NIOURNI , I3.I i.1,/[.):.: ' .), L.).A• s.ER- -0 11 4 Yealas \lediam. ;
• ,rA ~ %...... • ~ ~.. ...7 •ale lovr b.t.l.
Hl*, Con n Cloth. \ S
.....• \ \ SrEW. IiTIISIO. \ i.
1 , , s
i•tik Marf.Tlubet t s:Ms, ...• t i k ER 'EtiE W . ATEkiS ' NV:. 6v H. Rya..
BD., t:hallT,. • ~,
. ‘./ Er. ~ COW p,,lloeKlcat., Mon ii DID), by Lint,:
1 ...0 4 t• , ^to , . •ttt,J PaO- 11,1 cat•-• tt..keutt 4 0•41.4. • • 4,11. hp, . tr . ). W.T..d'yvv: th Jrmal 4( peace. Ch DJ a.
, eli... 1...111 ~,,, .................... ' .. ...t......./ ..,....,..•.../.... ~ -h Ware, ,tt, yltfunttet buttilearttV A.* . V L••••t•
(J 11 , i. ttl 11l
I elt , i ll t mr - •itta,t ll , l ^ • arrantAl ut AKA 1 ..s s.a ,I,nrtl,NAlly Dry, Postel4lM\ &Ten _,e 1 1
\ I
1 tittt l,, T. To" DttP/tt Otacwe, ll\ It .ttoy aleu•ary.
, %ml , l , 4 Meh011) 11 u, le -.cry. II I,en lb,. Dkrlght Mai, are1a.10„Mkt,,,10 , 14..
V i ..\
\'• \ For Sale. .\ • ‘, l, ,i a" o....di'i.i-t i r.,, t',liii Song ...,Trelliatt
, Itaza al";
‘ l , :11.1( A IkLE COLT NT EY \ EESI DE NqE \:;:rlIt Itgrtern Va:l ' L' a tNii. Ittrcol:Vol l' U:‘:
tl- \ \
st,N., ' .i, ', .l r e . u;c h g . l•l ' Z.-2 4 L ' it ‘ t . y, o e t rtrr,-,.. i . ' , ' „a ' A I \\
11 '' .T...!z!1 ' , 1 ;c.N. `‘' i ' ill..1 ''• ; , : ' ,,, S‘ rt i c71 1 4 11 4 1 , 4 11te .
..,.... ~, •, t , to, tt,,,, th, I.Jurtt. ~,,...., puuu, „„,,,,,,- „, ur \I ,ralt.r 11, erir.% Watt, Ituttt.: Ftnem„Soloa and Are
11.1,1•• V . .1,..,.. awl u.Dtat.,t, the rel./tan...ft LSll.i 1, ...5.. 1 , i . . , ,....... 1 .1 . 1e . Itnlaue I,,n•lta. ,\I tiara and
tes,u, 1.,, A.1.4..t.u.N0t 111 I.:1T I t At : llV:tt.f land, un \-•ttlt , ` , t•ttlt tettOk.. ll ottolte• tti 'VT , . T . Thwith estaqa , t ,
n. I, ~,,,..., 3,., ~..n.4oent line, 1 .01 .2.. ii,11., • 1.1. t...%. , .. ~........" '...
, k ,,. ' s'yassu - --,i.isayN ..1 , ..r . .
ll ' '' • ''''"." j 6 "2` " ` l ' • ' ''' ' ' ` ‘ "V,, l , "` ' . r ' 7.t... k . ' . ' . ' ll. l t7ll i ttll ' A, ‘ TilWrt'oCtri.r. ' Al•fio k
I,nonlo'Vl.7.'...'\'' t .'l'j r ..' il.• : nt;klu. " i ' ZAnt'ir.... 7. : , • hi 'l . ' ' s."`"l. II"1'"°"" i\ N'" b'
\ \
.1... te.rt uralle4 IJr ,t 0
. 1 uel, l'rP... (Mr., ,urtl,•. I , .1 - ..
•-- --• t•--- \
„I,IIIN 11, MEI, 11111",a,.1,
r!Tr ' llLl..•lXxo " 41 . • ' 141 ."'" 7 . •;::•. '4' tiV '''..rr‘ „: I 1 tti . Or YELLOW DO4 ROOTI'
.. '4,, urn, \ ~, , t4. 0 0t t o, 'lnttn. Irv, .. ,, rt.t ~, t ~t t 3 r , , ' ...4 t -, d - frutu P.0 ,, 4 ,4 . - e• V. 4 tbr .. 4 '
ritt and tornantemt r 1 T' ree. 1,,,\ tranatJant,fiu .1 ,- 1.1 tha ore , eitutln 1•411 n. .1.4. utre enteut lu a -
tta•plerr„.•,,,,,..e.har .1„. n„.I I 1,,•,,,,,,,., t ~,,.t.b., u , ~,,., , „,., ,•,1 u ,. \ :S. N. 1/ ILA :011,51..
.1.... rur., ~I th.laus Na.i Tre,A .1 t•hrunber, \ . ••tta: atrnyr ot Uood ~ 1.Z11t6 .
I ....t..... , t4...rtj, s 1 rt. t : .. I.! Jr, ~.., h.rui....0.i IN
~.1t,t0tt.1.1.. ). , r Noll.. .rtt....1..0,-..,....,urr...11.1,...,. NE GOODS ! ' A NEW GOO 1
tl ~,,,, i ,,,,,,,. ~, Jt• Met.tillt,
1 k "Ofil k? tijlDllllla an `Nairn,l
d , ~,A r,..4,..,1 , \
Singer's Patent St,r tit Ne'e4 e Perpen• I 'k," ' TP ,- ;;; 4\ 'stg^'",,V l l\ - ^,."lV,',,, i ' hl ,',4:ticg.i.
dieular Action\Se 'og Ida ine, ' ...,'.3,*:.-:,"'' '"'` \'Ps ' ` '''• ,' • '''' s,
'!, ' • '''' J'''co . k; '', rNsk d ~"'" ii4l: i 't.l . '" , TX I°-'1.. " "JP' j ' ' 'l'k "VP
. Tl,s,r'Sr;' , l. " A 4
. an S s e e
'I I I.IIS \`...IACIIISI.: IS, t i,,, „ 1 „,,, i iy\orta 111 'P‘ jr.;I7 . I I .VVAN'.O - 4\\ thia. ..., iNryult.r amt.
I a..,•1
m ar 1,11,1 it;NentiNult the ni, •It Cs. c,,„,,,,. .. , ,,Z,' , ..2.r . \ \' • •
~..„.1 „ ra,,,.... ),,,I, , t.nte J,.. 1.. DI, ....11, .. ~,,, 11e...r1.11.2,02.e5.1 'W .V.... N. , 1.4....4".-
S \ •ll‘..llel . , ..1 ueeS •/111.., 111 .......i. tall, .r, vane, ..1 Itraot,lnatlnuneutta„aelerteN n.ll4leut k,r the
„p, ~ ...I It .. e. tle. 111 U... a,,, , k 0 ttk•Oes,J•atia 1 ten ~.1.4,,,,,r itru...lf, apit 141.1,111 ye/, I ,l tAt , \ , ' t o•• W•k' ' 4 .'' , ' ,,,. ...14 ir.l. •44 L1,...01, . 11.. AD, the Iteorem uf.l,lol4,Ornlar Mulut.
tilt rcetre.l.
DIT:,• " -.Tft ' u ' j%,att)alt ' e ' ; ' ,..7 tt ' L ' z ' A Itt.;;•. ' g u rto r tll . .:). ' . •••• , ert e l itJ . I. l .et,t ' jtl7x,l-t,rpkt ' fAt*rltll,. b e ' ,73 ' .
\ r,
arnau- I manner
.0, Mal", . ast.l ll.t IN,. Ltrtr. \ t- „.., .11, oe tet\,..a..k. " 1.1,141,MEM,y1 hirds4 *
4 . 1•,...r.. i. •..totoer- ‘,,•,, , I a ~ .,r. . . •t..1.1,,,,et 1 upfarte ...,et \ DA Of VII, 1:01.DI.Jci1111r \,
•r•. La,. 11.4 i; M.. tur..r.. it ki., .NI tax'', }% lily 31.1
•,...1..1 rti,. i..t..t ~ Amit„, d.... , 1A. pn.fitit,l, ......1 \\• To Boksiaera. ‘t \
a. U......1111..,..a.... i 4tutn, 1,,1 , t01ntrea , ... 1 411,..e ..
.Ii kr-. mito.,l CI .o,lng.X‘tetting. Buttollt•tMet• .44 titan , , YOUNG ,lAN filzont*+ years iii;s o e. ‘s`
“... t . t...n i h,o. ~ r.tmr.lo k
k 1..... r• .3 utr.-4 ..,IW•Ene..yin.. In wpf= c r ilj or tyvn Ile Is welt acknatut
„,en t•at• „t twelve tnel.ill tu um, Mei Se,e-b••
rle . t..roaa,At,,l In tortu,.lurittle In At D. th. bacine,„ 1,-, v mut tro ~ e k....0 t=. it wt. yr,
Mr.. and Clln Nina good , rrmate. , rras.t.ioaa NA. , :q
, •.rt • 1,.., it •btl , . v.z nut .t , ,;0.1..r...nd o• ..m. , 11y .14211 ,
.c._ tit., taldrce•ed to - 0,1, Frimacia. care of Ct. p.
41 kd ..t.erale•l It , la ..1 4.1.1.. tty... i.a..1 ~ t. :tont Dye te,, 1,40,,, Ma•• .. null merh,vith tycatupt at tentntt.
.• t, {ay.,. let. , llo.nx , 11. 'ml. uerk anti okill Or 1,,,,
u....perater 1h...1-at 17,1 ~1 rue . .. Cum..; Wia k. ran -•
• •,ecut , I ulin ,1 tt, 11e.1e...t antler. anti in tuakl, 'SW O iIRY*i'. \ --;19 boxes
h,rl 11,1 ~,, arto4,• T.t Thett it ~ ali , ' '
h it , ...lar's...l ' tii
ii-t. iniat 7 tti,rti:t.i.ttlial 1,4..111 1 dm, It batalA I'lA
i rt... 1 •Ilrat-Orni• tat troth: a, Ittotrolaal stair t not
Wt.. Thu rrl, rah 1! , ,, mr1 , ... + ma ;MT i
„orl, uthi.r ti, v0... 4 - :;.,,,, s
" .4. 11: 3 •. ' \ia.:lo.• Ail i litt • at,tathl t ....ll . , abilattacra.l)t i t
tah. at Itta 1 , 1.11‘ , ' o '"•\i'-'” 1 7 . '"••''''.••• "rn . ” 44. C '''
Hail. ' , et Vt. \\ 11. liatTat,l Ph,. Liat a a. i•t• ht haat •
tilt -tr•—t. ',lath Ida,. ‘li. t• ,all t....a.ti. intrrattot
ar. otattial I, , I..iral ma t 1 it,..-ur\-.1 0 rcia•trittr :Ova
gaol ..1, .) t-14,1 ,---tgla r Authattrartan tit it.
.traut atllit t alitt4.l., atl, , ny..” 100-I.lkl that it tt
~,, t r,...rir4,ha r i•rair R. to Marta!,
Yo. 111,1+. ,Itl- tr t......ti.• r a m • i 11,
t :hi. 1 ~,,Ni •.•,,: . v,,, ~,.. , , ~...,,: .......,.,
tar-to...Mt Tana.. 41 a • • t en ara tt Oa ritrelw,,
ic,ht...t, V•mt i•hlt• \I.-hitt mu 1., t t aar.
• 1 Nit, al att rad, arltaxat..4.
..1.,.k,1.1: h \ Ml:Whit,
...pi •..1.
1 I NSEED 01 1..— ' '..5r1.) .' :,1r - I n 17111 . 47: inrk
i A •^ t .1.1: .I,:r , t•llitotstta irk. R . Co. •A O v al tt..
4 , o,itlANDElt,,sEErst 1 k
A r.. , .16.
l._ NTI . s . . .l t-ttil N
itiO,NIE. • •
gIOP,S—Put oNn I 111.+3.,atithtgra. or fat ,
li i 3 : — '`''' ".' I 'ip ' , _,y;, - p.zi .. ;., - ,."0., ~J .
I.lara. 1.1. , , f111:1 • •( . .. \ I v. ~ ..1 , 1., 1 ,
/ 1 BLACK lij; ILN n:"1.!0..
, sale
IJr . tart. Batt t uahohnr, .11 , 41 th.atarti t. a l‘roluo• n tl
cit•htt \ t ,. \ Inas:l,l.4a, iitii. t rivlt cu i 'a/cum Mtn, •
a h•tt l t , Vit. r .' - +K.-- I + l ls•++ ,- •+ ,4 1 , . I , r ~,., ~.
I 1 EZI.EP'S 't,.1.•kat..,1 l\ I: Itll AN FA IV.II
~t...r 11., 4:1.-.rt +tr. ttr.t.10•••••,')...1..-11.49 Y 1,t 10 ,h ,..
t •\, 11 I 1 \ '.I I I.'i\O
~ .'11..' , 1 •, ,1, ...3 . an 11- t In-alt•l' t
k..1 1 i...r 't.iii . :i i; ) :5.,1 (..1t \- A y'rr, sups 44-
'...,- • ;A i 1.1 itt:, , rt L . )
Mt..ll\ Elk '-.\ ... ON -- 2 -1111 i I.ttrittr:ti. Jlll,
1 ?, ' • `A• • "\', •,, o ' t ‘ t .t ''t• t o. \ l'N.
IVAN ri.i, , v , • ...., ~,,, n ,, ~ -, Tr .y .,, ,,, , ,..,
1,.1,..:\ 4 , 0 . 6x11... v.,
t «r • ati,tia, Ara 1 ti t • i..m\
. rt athii , ct it_ti Qv
c 111 i:1• 1,
.. a- an li.\ 1 t•th \ a
• 1 i rt 1: ':
T ...j.,,,i,,, I,
,• - 4 ii 111141ft:11
4 ,If F.E - ZE - :w I. ....V., .4:,1 \_.
A . ',CI., , 1. , 41 , 11 h43.f Lk,'
.i" A'l' —11" i " Xe• - N". , 1.%, "' 15 4".
:JI ()SI N - 20. tali N,171. If
It t ~.,„,..
S I , SODA-.
'REAM 1 . .1 krAl:
- •
NUJ' , - • i•
t 11.10N , 1.41, 1 .11.
- ,
Valuable Country Seats at Auction,.
rll I F hat 1114 1,1.1 hi, r:jon,
h. 1110 1.h....1, A heir, 1101v1.
1- .. 1 0 , / 1 4 10 O At 00 0,1.1 t;aoula l A.l p 1..,
t 1 ....,.rien maucaott,n4....t.
AO,l ,Arr,olo,l rtg
10 .•I I.L+ r./. r taCI 1 1 1. a.
,Att.l iA R.
Actlo , ,, clokre.l. i.IJO
ka1au.... 1,- 0•Ac...1%0111.1.4,1r,01 timt.•t stud toroll pt.
r. 1,1 11s/. ttblo and 1 1 1,111
atul th• tari• 11..trAr rubulue
utanu te rinnute
tr.,— :run: ,ll n ,Genv
Ter ILLP artk, IL , led.rne...n equal nab,
per wen,. nnt ••• nun! le•rul mutt
Inr lurther unrttruinr- .L• na“ , "
1,1/11e • Dell I:nre. riliel,:tteus Illy; Juba ..•linune,
ltre pun"—, Ur krete. ktu,lnneerr.
III:611 IA Fr
To Female Teachers
r Eliinttlor: for thr Sec .nd IV:lrd
• r.mmnr
~1.111f.1411 M :It
lurM. rrhrorntrvirr,Arret, • , ,,Inr•11,1 11 r.
prep" I
nme (u ith
,151 m.;
~,,. I. vl .o• ~.-• >
IRUN Wlll he ron - eived )
..all amount rl Lac,' 1 I.
.. th. ~.-....1 . 11'oria. Fndalre al
c.,11 SCAITE., A . A - ol: El..
, „ .„,„,.f b ~,.,,,,v, ,N,...., :1
~.,,..... r -,,1e al 111,1111t1S . Tea Mt, IL 1 bc• Inaanood
YLAIYT - Try nan... , M01111,1, ,ccoolr... obi lc . Itch
i . lCA‘aal I, 11 p-r l'ratp....c n... at l lfl/TRIF' rea , ll,rt.
~ lhe llo.mnod
• ' a
i 1 11 F:-.n hhls ree ., f , atid tor sale by
- ir , :, I' 1111 FII.I.IIAi ' I.
nn, tll
n•r . 1 , ... , 1 1 nll 1. ,
..`p 11 , - ': "'
. •
^: . '
B , HEIN F. (I li I . ; F.; N-4 esse3 tor t male to
It • ~ , ,ii , N. kt:lerlt , lllAS ' l.
I ' l llltol , ll . i YELLOW - :.2 es,es for srile by
‘ ; •, It it 11
. - ,-, • '
11}:"p1L1EA"-6("',11b1;1',1"Aecroi'1117r•'Iat:' by
I )K. li:,, TR A , Sl r I i " :1 litguetia • t ' i lat h at r aart7ll)l l
Teachers Wanted i
I EN Male Teachers wanted ter the Po ' ,lie 1
1...r.1....1 CLarticr , town.hq. , F,lcnlnatit.n. , ~,..
P. , ..ant , to take placn at tha 4,101. r.,nt • ill 1,1- liorticultnnil 'Nate°.
,-......ii,...,, , ,,,, , t ,, , , v ,, . ,,,,, .. , ' , .-..,... ,, ~, 'rift A UTPMNAL 'Patitc c urroN 01 the..
tn., • ,a. I 1 Ile 11.41,1 1 11... .i . a
~ I'lq .11'.1 rt Irti. 1 . , • i laital.ur;ill llvrttoultaralt34yclaty, 11l be hil.lno the
I:. II ssiiten , Katt, c.a.'. ..- I
11th ' ar t' ...l ' . "*. ‘ll ' l! ' ati ' . 1..:T . . m e.1 ' htm1.:%, ` ; ` :2 -` ,, i fi, " ,., 1 :3
Fall Fashions. , .. the ("..tuttn al .1 Claal,ntantal. A e1ad...,.. 1 :1,...1. A 1 1 .
.1 1.1... MI, II
J ,-re
ti A TS, CA I ' S. ..% SI , LA1 1 11:1. l ' R:4, iamb , 'flcteln ran
1..1 tram ar,tnesn ' tqr ol 1.11. , ix
, ut.. 01,111111{11, - -r..6 Sl. Elnatlellke • ~....
di WI I., ' : ', C l .*a S. SON, No. !I; Wood, cf.. ),.
~, . Ily ord., et th c 1..,,,L,„ c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,.,
, ~
FA • 11 %1' 1 .1 ' l ' l '''''"'' l'' '' ". ''''' . 1. r ''''''' , '' .4 1 )011SSNL'N ,A. fiChliaTlC VI NPR A R.-
a,ok. a ea. a ..; 1...: rt4,01.a.. • a, I ~,, t.tot.t..
. nada lac., .I.l.liar, ..11t, 1. tla. , ,r.. ta,••• r....e, •..• 1, 4 T, ,, :. ,s, g b i , ^^ ^. ,,, . 1 . 111 4 1.0 nr 111 N , F 1 '1 1 . .1,,e.r 1 . 11 "-;
....i Jon, a ••10 , k ..I 4 44 , 1 ',l, ... , ...rt a.,( for111:‘,1r1` 7 ,
,1 1 . -:
~ r:; , c ... .:;, gia , , , k 7:Tf , 5 , 54er= i , a , aa..: :„ ..... ,
,7 ``, :• 1 71 . MlW ' n e. .. ' !: ,, r, ', ,',' ;,?.. " l ', : r a:r ' r%, '" ,:t ' ::. ,' e s , l ' ii? ' • ,es the %.* . 1 . 1. '" ... ..." 1.1". 17 .1 ' . ! 11-114 I.l ''
~,,, ',„ ~,,: a gr ' ., ' ,,, , ,,a. , . 1ta,,,, 1,,, ~,,,, ' 1,...,,,,,, 'greater Hansa tar the pnan...on al n nitnean and n . ralth.
n,.,,,„ iy,,,,f , ,, , ,,a,.. at.. , ~,, a, n, (~ ~, ~ I'l, ~ „ 1 _,.• n. i, highl, I, mrtnnendral to ladle , c tb. nratuara anl
~, 1„,,,.,),, ,, . \, ,,1 . a au, at/. nr I'l.l ' , II .:.I.l':'t .111 11 1,1111,1 1 '! .. k." 1, e P1ir1....., af ILI• lutlet. ala , l .r . preicrairr,jtha
.1. I .134 C. • Ai,: ••I aita,nl.ltl 1 , -nrtia.l.,,,, 1..., .IAI,I ." 1 4 11 - 1 .." or th0 , ' , ... 1.... its.teels . 4o.vv.rte .,. ...
asa t a I .- ~ ,eni,-ee..rea .: ,- ~,, sma. sna ,,. . ',ea, se , V ,. l e- . I ' ll 4 . 1' 1 ' 1..1 11. ' 1 . . 1- .. ' ll.l ' . ' ' ‘ 11 ' 1 4 .°
1 all • i starcoabl., 1,t,e1r,. 14 Inhalina 11.. and cubtaing,ll qr.,
.tea 1..-. at v. , ,11 (e . .7111V r hrS4ll,Ol, //I a l'a..l,llnutec. x
' a S'' X ', .. ' .l. l t t., ''', "' l
1117 ' 1 .. ,T. ' .1 '. ..... .... .7... l ' 'h.
1 ... ' I ` ll. 'S la, n. nA"fr.i.i.inn,:i: nod . 1 1 ,, 1 ,
. 'I
1 -ti N ,!,-;,., v ,,, ".---- •^l ,- ---.• i. it: El i ) .4::"1 . : -. ~, .lhts ;dime W. R., for sale hy '
, • ..' ' '"' r , r , ,a• ..131 . k:.a. DALZEI.L. on. {Fader at. *
NEW IlikoE, NEW WOKE ' .
ta A RPETS ' CARPE ' I ' S! - Ila‘e ' d this thly
t 111_,LNIES‘ liryz.k It i i.F.PoT. N. 74 , It ) sh ‘‘ N 1i ,3.1,, t.5 3( .... met 11, h1C/ 1 • 111111 4. 1 Tdda.
I, , i int, ant I ~,n..,.., httin..111,..1 . CA it P 1 : ,.. .1 , 1c4 'Fe arn
a ,
a n tZu ..' j!..,lV ".- l'Or '. . \, / ~ 1 1. /. t . '.• preanr..l t,. , a4tah.anca char, any eurpclA•Te, lag., ,1.c.,,,,1
•n till Ina - ket , IV.. v.lllllll, Invite tho ettennaa
, r....t. la nr.,l than. \:.-Idal 4.1.0/chafe La airo ur • talF,
,y,. 4 lll ~...I.lhhcd c. hr1,..." 1,11 ..... ' '' , .....t. N.
lv !Int:LIST, a:h. •
' • \
' a , AOR LREI: , . ge No, 3, for
ILi r e ' ; ' , , s t . \ .. , DALZfkl.l. _
y ‘a cy, 1 altnn nr i1...110 - .1 ol 1 \ ca , k 11. n. , ,•• , ... ... v
t..ra-al It,nde. ot ./., 11. , •.1.11,,. , ik ,‘ / ,,,4 11.1% i iS . ‘ , .1. A. /
A‘Cdll.-1,11",V,,,' 4,17a;ia;%,. ' , *. ,,j ' a,,•,; * ; ' , ' , ' , ' . k , a,,a. ' n.:. '''
, ale hy
~,, Igunt , 4 It. \
tr",:4:.:•°:`..1 1...r.1. Id. tat a
-- n- ----,
.111 Fat, , ta1...,1 . Urdu, la. ... . 1.1), 1 . y. ..1..m... \ W IN: A, Nit /RINGS, ke'.
I,citic Arundl. ,Ar, I . KM tr.', tl i., • \
_ 3 ,,,,,, , ,,, T „
',aeon,. llortanatlL 11,. .. 111,. ~• .41,n, tha 1 - .I • k 1 7",„, 'j o t r ~., Fa opmcd thin
Inland,, , , ' ‘,
' • 4 I ran 's' ,
nil Jackanct
1.• EF . . I ....t allsn. 61 ii , 4 - yin," ~ .n- -t. ,,. . 4 , ..".•••••,.• .. , ...,C , so tr.strta,o,
WO} , *no nm - .. eat s, a., . *. i ' a • , .n.. 1 Flatu.o • eLS \ 4.,,,a.,,,, ~, ~,,, ~,,....,,,,,.
~h kit ~- ,te
1, 11,ii tat". ,it lAit. I ,1.,1-., \ \OAF SUGAR - -
is,nermer et abs - hntre, N ..7
'.. t.h.. ttaT'd No:. ilattle\/ra\nd Dancer,
:,i,t,;. ' 11; ' ,%il t..1i , 1 ~.I th.. na ... i ..1 , 1, a .1. . , 1,, at, • ' \ cO
\ \ .. ' 1 - 7 1, 11:.;' `. . ..
-` ? 1 ;•• ~••.-• r ' , • 14, •• ,,,,, ' r . l . l 11. I. .• en,. . '. l , a-' 1 ' 1)11 f1' 1 ' 1.r ' , l e t) 111:111.11111.1, * 1\y1,111.A 1 1 ' . '
ilneC,on La u nct, \
_e, , T,.\ . 1111'1Vatcr.....1. Front et
'+'''' Ad•-".'" ). *' l'''''
l*n*:* ' • ''''
''' ' ' 1 46.541. & POW 11 SUGAR 50, LUIS. for
11...1-Nant• - c t.. s Fd1.. 11 .11, 1 . , Int ..
",,..,„ the e 3 ...,,,, ~ 1.,r. r • ) n• 1 1, 1,..r , 1- . i ~,
, 1 , Fte ,1 .7 lzeyalj 111. 1 11,811111,1 F A INIFFIFI c :11-11, ,
'''''...**.**M.:**. Nt''''''' ' N ii , ''''''''''. \SIf -`
DL,I.SSE sC e-11.k blals. Goodfile:4,
i1„.1,,,,, , • t ~..,yla,s, r 1/11 , 11.1ct Tian. . 1 a , a a..
1.11,1 ,, .n ll . - , LL .4. 4 / a 1. 1 aan ' 11, a a",
• k.ena vr tb,, , n .n a laln ~ n ..t ~ to \ i 7" il le .' Y 1.., ~ ,te t . in..., 1 114 kUltiLlaif. 1 INIFIIitAM
The 11.1,1 11 a. , 1, A .., 4,4., I,:. 1. 11a Una., . frIOX li.\ - 2. 1 •11.13.11ui p , TiIIIC 1114. for Sale' ty
lb. 1..11•; Le ildfaanr 1 •..Lla i re 4 1/4 111110/1.1111.11: {IN./111,11
iIASILMEILES AN la bk. LA IN I.; ea - • 'in ' :`,,--.3 0 - hf. chews Yltung Ily/ieha s
' .., t thc ra . b..q xty le and ...At., jll2l riist d: .1 . •' .1 . • . W., iL. • 1
1 , I '4..4 .: , -.14Q .1- A MA/ 1 1F, .. t a ~a, a • lun Pander. ' •
• - V 1 r \“/ .. ~ .a.', t. ' 4 . 1 0
61 \G 11A.: ', 1S - LIP . toe?, Frenell 'i:, 0.1. , i ~ a s , \ ''' ',, , pa,ny,RwoE y imwillia . ,
'\ ' \
tanntn . .u.t. pee , 1 I.y A, A, atAF , I 1 a .
- --
---'" ' I 1/, :11 RhTTE--;50 kegs prime. na good
I ADIES ' CARPET I.IAGS -- r a 2.11 doz. ri. 41
a1..4 9 ' 4 ? 1,h.., Pr Oeplui .. A, A. N s 1 . '''''" l “'"k"' silsia.R.B.tlitivEß..
. .\ \ •,\ r - , \ -
- \ s `
1. " • \ •
s \ \ \ \
t •
8 .. A ,
Tr;',' .'.
r ,
, -t,".;': ) ,,,.
- ro " \
•WiTKA• • i
AV ~1.;:!:!' ...._ _ ,
alic.V.IS-: , 70 dos, C.,,,..,
Lp ~ . , ,RICK a A
CiVE aE-300 Lags .FC,v, foy .
pliad INAT F.—N - 10 tas."Tiost.,
~...„,,,,, %., a \ w IC4 A A
‘0.1)1 , 1:41 - ' - kr
nn? \
iehrrtrd Num..
,m 1 fietsle
4.1 lan Iln
... -.._ -
flit! Si store
...1../. 6: 4 by
r V I i
I 4 .'ain,
I, ^1.... k r. ra, , otl
I ',
, V.ifwvl , i,ti t iii rsoi
'!,.` l V; ' Ni7g.Zl-, ...ow-. tNISI4..
tat a-.. 11
t. onan at..i larnrit n..intalphru.,. , '
Ile yonlol r...,.. oily Inform tboa•( pa.,,,o,...p.dritia
mnornlng had liqup .larnkhion. 4 .; Linrrt 1JM..4.4.,tbat Iv
. I „‘ij,,:::j;', l ,t",',7Zan. u i:t r e n,7"'rfi l ellar = . kr ,
'r, t,, tim-. urm....1,... 4 I.u.inet... illlpi. na Lb.. %in
lortinn ...f 0, Lin., b ,It, .na , i,..+ r.v.q at
Y.,,, PRI• • ,. \ JAMM .A- Mr 't. 1....tcr„
„, n 0,... at: , \
-VK IN FICIIS' OLAS:II./0 brs..K . x si t!; ,
F. r 7,,,. % i ~, BERRY 0 C ..
, 121 f LI ( ) it - 7 tilids.S. l' O7 1,7 0 ;f1,.. !A te71 : ;::
\p ~,,..
UOL , A ktill-We are pared to funii - h
iv in.,. La...d0m.,. an.i• a Usde generally. wt k
..i A ", a r..m., manufatt , .3,t`a.ho lore. 1, 5 1a,0 ,
wt.,. d ahl, are carTgßigt . n.tla ti tar,!.7, ,,
"ittsb h:&L' cinnati & I --- ' -
\ \
rr ii R. , TOCKNf this
A. Co , l o, itatig 4. .._ .
• - , c: . Wanted.
Fril I 11 . 00 e t. prieetvill be paid for t - Ler : y r
L t...., irtnea et .r are 4 , `...E-. •
(I lIRESEtt.
• ty.
\ .
1 Iti t'.. FISII-1i bbls. White `*-11:
I A rNi.l. Like T 7 r,if. Fair tc
...1 ~ 1... DA. LIELD.
i i \' ---15- f - l I,
xi .1 ' E ,4 ' ER El.- 7 ,8. 4. 1 . ..; :
~ .., . .1). 1 , .. .
. L e i,. y •
_IT •
i kIL-• 5 bids.pu" . I for "a.
.n"e'.i le
"*F.` .11.6.;Nit . D.
\X/ ,
"U UTTF.I. - 2, 20 kegs l'or kale by \ •
LP ~,a , , V. U. CAXIIEI.D. '
11 , „ . Altil 01 ".V. bbls. IsN. 1 Ifnnett '.i
I Pon... mato. V, 4.1 a by I.i.S.LtL.DICILI;Y BM.,
tap> . ~ It ater*d -Froe t t expo.,
11,q/01) & BA 'l}r.'S UNITEIISTATES.
v v ip ',,
SIT.Ni , AT, ,It -,'speii/ f4.141 9 n. pill reed Li for
rah.. t, ,
Straw and ilk goods, ,\
It IL PALMER, 10 iltirk , Ivtreet, is haw\
/Tee ia. and off,. for ~ , at. 1 .21.0k.x s.,
'T'Vrt...l an ' d alule. plain wad 1134. .d, Film tillny
aud ~1.11.1. LIVN N WI'S. move nd 1.. uttful lay to;
in.. autumn. \
Plain, P laid. f1 g r.....5 and iaary Li N!'ir.T tuittioNa, D
a ,Ithr
C.,tin an.l Tulfetaltibbon, rrimped nd P1a4n.5. , 0r , .
width.. and.Lolur,.. ,
.I..ourt :11ta. Satins. A elvrts, trapt. Wet, 'Wanly,
ElkaHrs,,Bonne Pratt.,, and a g enus! toropt./..,f MU.
ii,e. re Good, •
\ '
13:11.111L ASII-10 bbla. f o r ea t- 6 v \ \
:'.....'''l'' J.K. CA.11.11.D.
1) .; i 1 . 2 , 1 . NS-60 bis a k, A ir A ll i i p i , nalo t re a f 7 sale,
~. W a t ai . aril Fron, ipi,
I_IONkIX-11 bbls. for sale bv
iaitin tiiiiKka .i. el
pisit— \ •
I, -.11.61a. No. 1 Lake Snnellor Salmon.
.' Vd . I' ::::!` .. . .•
i ''.. !. \v l - - ii la. I i ‘rd,.
u bbl% Lan, No, 3 N1a..1.r.k.
\ g
1 'oat r Crel T.
and for male by I r v.; JOIIN WATT C '
' S
Ditt}:B-- •
prima su g ar :
I,ll}A. Li, IL M015a.,... 1n •
cZ I. "4kilz •
Iv ,rutiopa
, • 6 uhr'd.JOIIN FWATT or ealr nl
+.0.1 1 CO,
V SlTl'Eltl,tat 1
• [hair aa (41,tlIty en ldeped) 00 ern drri Aial .
T iH Pre' prietons ut
n r i e D : —l ltall '
tither by.t.Vvetto.d or Nor
- • to 7, '
annecli with teh hi° rfktf
• 1437;01 . 4E IN' 111
rtA \ SJ ci ImUlis will i.: } kx II
NukAtANrilgl , ..
o w at ' Senor ID;
Now Cs'ltl• at 4 P.M ,
Ilettgitrw less! Now ;kt P
CoXi.dettcl to \ OFAtrt,',lll miles
\TIME RE Cc' , D nub"l7.7/
to 1r friends arx.l
s ' t i.=,:t4t...1.,‘ 14‘..,1v . •,.,....t.;
suetrom Nille.teloul Itt \ tots It OAF
We \sro ober preps{,j•r ond
'll',',4"i.„."',lgN'AV .
tLx IL loafy
•retee el elicbt:
FIRST C A.'.3. Dr ,
~,tatiu\, 4, ttlei,. an ,t/ouer3, . I out, \
rwthere, Fu turn, 14.44. M 1 tlletuv, fad.
FIECUN CLAhb-- lerderen.l4 ~,p, ,e mr, ~ l , rp
*' V " il l s .'" l " '.l';'' l ' ' t i l l t I, l '''‘''.., P '
. &,.. 1., 4uutt‘y .„ .• r v.\ ~,..„ r, ,,,,
llaiciab , 1 . ...0 - hi,;rl,ll . ‘, ~,, tlncli , ,,i
, vni,
, Tc.l.scro Le f. , C.IN, \ 1'.11..r. Ir\. ...1.1 „0„
‘ l,3l ' .lltillti - :all. qttrtfle 111
` \ l' db R ';'''' 0 ""' ° 0 V, t lilUW:t u to 1% 4 14%1,
1 , ~ t _
_,..71 , ! - .1 ., r P. 42 and,l, „ isrjTellilielt,,
I\‘, ZINC\ 8,A1,NT4, '
vt A N ' T! FACT i.NEIE lt , :B1 , - lIIE NEw
..y.u.rtftstil F. 'i Et.o it, NI/ , 4.'ill'il S INtIVOMPAN It .
iii.Nestarl, N. J
Ulla (17., t.. breperod n. 11h'. Aut. \ ply of three
" th e hi '' \ ' \ s \ • -
--.. .• ',„ ZINC l' AI N 'l'
Ikt..c'h•b. been full atter eset.N.i 1 tas . trial, both In
Europk and' \ the Unltelf: .tate.., L. Arta] thole . Original
beautLten.t Invtertive p,pertie.. rtl,, Cu onj \ other
quint arkst<ver, - Then . I', \
, wqrr. ZINC P.VNTI \
I. Purely ' ku t. ..I Zinc. sod ta wartiLitted he. front all
a.lulteratiou-en a Impunly a Llts,eter, 14 enet , t i .well, Ii
buoutifully iiblte,up.l la uutlrely tn.e creto the hottous,
C ' eall r' stelhe rn r:tiir l ' . ' e * *_n i =ee
..." ''" ?%7 . 7 to
Ih \
When esmsed to eolptiuroun um mephitic exliollitiotkrt. or '
lirTil b tril " 2: ' ,,Lt..rZ k rr. r . " ,: in ,s., " 47.. " _,.7l, ' ; M;
crama eater:mot being liable to turu rhal„lte or to
crumble and rub i%T. L . It Ina, be erork.l with Any eolot,
with water .4 size. or ulthjerutth,abh-li Otto lbe IQ,
Instal purcalain Emis
Tese are farolobed et is lole•price, and ate ututoubtally
the'cheapest and un. tr.trits to thy market for ...liax
roof,froting, outhuuse..,4.earohotax. or our ex - pc' oted eAr.
face 01, wont], brick. uti, or, iron, thry are both 1,
',IVEATI/ER A. 11,) 1 RE PROOF. ' ,„
F..,r irSu surtur, they eXe,part.l rli rolusb.ll.4`,
fvrro is.,alvullo cor.neelak ond k k/t , l/ parent okia.. - .
uo, they dr - e yul,kl,, on,l bowing • pure oletto,Ul, be..... \
i \i,..
. not rho., color Ike tiko.Kl4' lb. .krthY Pok,nt• ono \
=ie., .npoittii Cu liberal terms 0 the ag la at th
7 ' *
" .. ,_:' , --.1., - . - .
20, i. „...h.,la t rrel \ Philaele
...-,a.FEE-101) brig; Rio; moat my
\ILA .1*...- . ,, and rot \ [alibi 3 0 ,1', F ,1, eml g,,
-- 5iN:,...,...,.—, ...6,„h. E..4. -. .,,51\ - '
T \ llt s P lo sident g
„ t id rt , l , anag!tro . f . t.Vl:?Cor
cram' rri
i ti l i ; g-Ct' ltt nl i b ‘'jt,
pay.u.lo the s 4..1.1.1rea as
et the VW How/es - 1 and knil
QAITaITIORI7 - 5 - t,
10 tor eale'by
8.0 " .
W .2..i 5 ,.., " ,, , A 4 4 , ,,,, PA
either furn.someq * s nullf
at the corner or Thir4 and Or
9. iNDON
F Field Booksca 4
ItoeciNed Literu
•[. FLn P. 51. Offire.
1)110F, ALEX:(2I,IIAItr
l.:Prd, by the article Imo-run
a us. or Med Inato-1 CotopoundA
th one( rl itid , 1.119132ta1... _4'Zrum
ItlN T liigrtifeci , c . ace inotter,anelee of
t rreeta`ot the hair. end
thus teduoLes Is growth to reularkabledevee, I do
etrore ditetruf end rurf. al:4mA. the hair Ena t eud
t l eTzn li atou' nj..." .7 . lrtUr i =Jteri ' re'ere 'mth tt: '' ri ld
rt :lino es, a;; , ;. , 1 , 1 ,, es 011cag, It /fends uuttlellnP U l
eep3 \ qt.EffSZlitefe bT .' 'S : ocel it .
Qui:tAli blarls.N: kale by
FEE—'2,"i packets Java, for vile by
'ur p, g 3:47.,P1',.. Dr ifirie,; o &:'4ll=-1=
‘,4 \
' ''''' - '1$1:oula-g°...Ittud.. \
N, .... ' • eurner'Slarket sod ~.ecorul .
1 4, N. j k i. }.„ VE , l? l ..r. .c . o!l t .l , S 7 SO r ' R s y t, N .L OT , S r.f !
aird .ty en ved, l'; : tAlP al ' ..
\ 1. 1 .:. " ' " CI? .I ;:i' l L i titl":o 9r*
: - -•
13 iiS - - -S
- i -
It ark t• . owl etret 1;1 lk ,
la k A ever .11ri..4 it. th
01 Le o nelo .104tru . 1 I:l‘w,lg.„Kdoti.t..
. 7 hl din , I Ait , t, lord
S AFt:'llr :LIT. ' E -I'
j 1i , b17 , 1 ,
APE i1.,6;(. :-.... .isj.-A
1p..,,,„,„ „ VALTUR l' ..1t
'vev2 \_ _ '‘,
ibli!f: ; . , E .,, N ,
t„, '‘ , V . l , Z , : , pp:5A , }..t' El tin ar3d.,
,\ a• 92
._, , IV4IE. V . SI 0t1k‘31.1.....
V ER' BOOKS' -- , 1r1,i Islti , t ( ht\NVott.o3 ••
t 51' 1 a - i`::rid,` . ,.te.,77 . i'iol''./f '•-"..' ' ' \ I .'
Th\f , l ,4 l.oy or it, Lavers, tit. . I.y. J ~
~ , ,,L ,3M
olth e 'ip / '• I. b." • '''' :
Z. b\ for uau..t..AN.,:et...... M. h L. , ~ ..i.. .4
Eopluroine Jouroat \ - . 5.
nn la letnrialFl..l,l6.oli, ot tlt: It
Z....AL ad :, i..ill, mu
~..1 Eckg In rt, Jud reAl . per a to%
.t I, fIEAD:O A r.tql, ll Ibliu, .
, .l utth Ntrrrt•
14 1 IRENI E. "'S PAl4l(.:'--tip ITo
-,.p....:. , 1 N ,,,, ;,. , fp0..,. 00v.,, t w tE ,,.... . ,
it RII'ANN IA TEAR 4h 1.1, " Cordniumpo, ..,,
i ` .lr L:1"03'.`d10 u. 0 1 1 . "f,":% . .. 7. 0t. ' % 4 .t.":J'*'1,4'. •
,etry, MM.', and Want, 0, ... 1 , 1 / 6 1 , 11 . ens,peet t cls \
r.... g alta. Tlittautc,.. “r ti,'..1a0.1 ~,Mr,`J.r. , ,
e !.
11. 4 4 ALL t7ool l S.—duet roe 'd, per exprels, • \' l .
ir at A A 11A., , .0 A Ca.", ~,,,,,,,..Kk.,,,mt , bo ,
,wea r r 1104 Ittr4t f, 'l,,tuble etyl,s. 1.15,1,.c.tabs &al Face
R owe% lop, th. 1.. X ot.,u, I , auttlul eq-rre. 60 pt. } \
M a rrelt..
..1. ~..1e,.. ~ loz.ootriel. Pitsino, hon.IN US*
DIP 5E1313.--21; bids. for
• •
II - ' al. NADI. A 4'1 , .. , 01i . ..1 , t
• ,
1 A 11.1) OIL-10 bblx. No. L, f,r male by
I 4 aug„M , ,J Milli, acko . .
I.IIUrtII , SE STOP E—soo lb.. to , t\ra . lo by
J 1,141.. t (V,
PTIF.;RRA \PE SIENNA-10_44 lb. f o ! ,,,,t, by
1, .9e3. .l laL.l, CO.
TLU R d it f!ra j lX l , l)Nl( J 'A nC ' 7l• l JO U N l ,t k A g il ' ijt " :C. "'''‘
W. 3. ~.t Road eL
1 T er \ t;.A 111A111 , NE BLDE-1 1 ;ensesior s. le
1,_..• sl ✓"l9 . ~. ../ "Q . I I ?OVIIAICY.IR. 04:0
13soksA•LT . A., 7 1!: b 4. .ale by
`, J. ..lAt,, .. for
t \ 11AILLE a CO.
_ 4 -
Al1) . 10 __lolbr,.l,. 1 „,,,.
14 .
J I i CIMON ILL KM: a L..;
II • / 11kr ING T lull bbli. tor male by ,
T_l.L'e . q.:4 ,
VI .ACK s kßi.d..}-50
_bbc.V...lrg k N, :::, Ma, \
111 '-' 4 " \ `" ''''.if th e'-!':i . it 7p . \
g , ;_ \ t .
_,. .I. ON & Cl.l _
LE A 1 , - -- -I tiAto Inge 4 .1:31 , da110r sale b
a a 4. -. , /, \ .lk. l / 4 1., A ItLINI ! • O\ Ai
-_ _ _...
61 HOT.;--2r, 13*1\•• tor 'lode by , .-‘
kj au ril_ _ _
.._,A.lin A
... 113.7C114 , 8_2,
1.1 leEl l'.!, t:s, pvnl.• Car011,04...f0r sale b
g, ts,
k aug'2l ' J ..
.t .. ,' : ..‘ IIUTOI:,Vht el.\ ',. ,
~.,. H. tdoLASSIS.:iI I bid', at. , orate! lit
. Ov e r ) .1"...r ~Ja t o ' \ .5 ' \
caawl .z 6,110..?,..1 lILICLI ft , t.C.Ot CD.•
ni ER-- I bbl• Iklid`:l4 iega ro slje b
, \ lky h. j , .lll,lSaTijN. \ \
, s la 8.00315-71. doz. t r ... ale by
IV "Pt' _ 1;31,
p 1.1...121iti 1 , lItEl HOARD PEIN 'S,. at 3.diieudatof
. to Ptr 0.0 4 . tr3r.. 1 . 1 1....' • 1 , 14,.. Just 5.i...1.44.5ic
4 Siaz,k.aC n.r.ecaod for mot/.
. il . ~, ,
1 ...W3 . -- 0, 1+5 'wawa. \ , t
\ .
... 1 • • ,
. .
, \
\the Ta,li.k. , LLines hay
‘treaL.,metok 'rah Ibo Ohio!!
All otattf-ttgeto comic out
, stio troogt .
Sole, for sale by
'Aunerg, for ride by
Imbue , : s mama -AL
.113 • -