THE AGRICULTURAL'. rAni The bills for theAllegbeny count" Aviv:Au ra and Mechanical Fair, have been etnsek.— They can buebtaine4 thase,desirtats . of see- Las the list of premiums &c.. Itt thfi offices of thp Deily:Gesefte and:Morning Post—al the sg ibialturalimplement depoeibiry of *emus:llan Lea Spier-4roun Cal..loin Scott,. qounly Set Wei, and from Campbell 'Esq. Sheila's Messes Wegner, .lincehner end Mueller, are' lithrographing a beatifnl diploma, to he present ed to the enecnin fill competitors, which in point of =Otani exemilion, will equal if not surpass any Uinta(' the kind; in the United states:. nod which; pitrfely frau:and, 'will bo an appropriate ornament for the houses of our farmers and mech anics. We learn that the majority of ourmanufati turare:intend competing, and have co doubt, that the Fair will reflect credit on Allegheny • fjountyiatid far surpass thoseof previous years. It vellttle held in the pliblic square of Allegheny, on this eighth and Ilitith daya of October. Large atfmhers of persona frdm the surrounding coun ties, 'and . front Ohio end Virginia, as well as the ,Sint;' will be present on the days of•tbe Fair. FREE Son. COSTEISTION.—The following gen- Geraewhaye been appointed deligates to attend Free 84 Contention,. to bo hold in Cleicland. Ohio,. on the 24th of Septeadicr. Gen. Wm. Lariteen;'N. B. Craig, Esq, John A. Willa, Esq.; G. W. Jackson, Esq, Dr. John Scott, ,Dr. Joseph F. Ganam, R. C. Fleeson, W. B. Garry, John .Thompson, James Robb, John Wethekal, C..Eilade; Davis Johnston, James Mc. Misters, 1. Mclntosh Geo. Carry; Edward Al , len, Wm: Digby. DIBTZICT COVET. Isaan Gregg va. C. Evans, Philip Larapaa, et a/.--/iction for , an alleged conspiracy; bail in $lO 000 demanded, OuMonday hot, 'Messrs. Shannon and Rogers, attorneys' for defendants, obtained 'a rule to show cane of.acticn, and why the writ should not bo. li triashed ' The matter was argued by the above tamed counsel, and by Messrs. Loomis and thalifogton for plaintiffs. Thir Conti postponed theirifinal 'decision until Itatirday, at the same time intimating that the writ ought to be quashed, and that if, in the meantime, any arreseehould be attempted; they would feel hound to interfere. . , . 9so.Bstorday when the matter , was called up before their honors, Judges Hap :Lure and Lowrie, - the attorneys for'plailitiff, stated to the Court that they had just diseentinned the ‘wee, and load off the costs: . Beet or Lord.—Our moilefs will rstnesibtr that a solo of lots will take plane this afternooit, at three o'clock, au Nunnery 11i11,.abovo Alle gheny. • The property is very valuable,„ and will no iltmlit command goo.f prices, its lorstit!” is most deligkttnl., • • lizcoviaisu.—We• are pleased ,to learn that . Mr. Cooper, the brake,mona, who was so severely IRP:wed tirthe recent 'unfortunate accident ass, the Ohio sad Perinsylvania liallrol,d is in a fair way of recovering. Mrs: Lludram,and Mr. Staffer, of Lawrence County, are likewhie not of all danger - Tat Coons Pena liarsn.—Tbe new build- Inge on the City . Parra, will bo ready (or peen „piney in the course of the ensuing month.— There are now one hundred and' eight inmates in the old building. • AUTO .. ANII PLINtiTLVANt A IiAILHOAP.-r-Tile ears On Saturday morning brought _up nearly throw 'tun - fired passengers, and were crowded when they left. Colonol Meer was among the passangerS.' BALTIAIORE 111ARKET, attnstose, Sept. Is. Flour—The market ie doll, at $3.57 ' Grain—Wheat Is salting at 70a.v; for red, and 76®83 for white. Sales of yellow corn at 5509 h 7, an d- o f ',pate a t finsi.sfic. Sales ni Gets at 3...rps:c bu. Provisions—Supplies are scarce; sat prices firm. New mess pork Is aelliug at Id 7; and mime at $l4 bbl. Sales Bacon shoulders at sidos?1010,11c, and hams at .11s%) th. , • Sales of laid in bbis, at.fiao,antlin kegs at 10,1 ,ASllZ37.—Beveretil itsugherty, on Friday, or- 6-01 c, Chace 6 wlingt4 at 7cooc masted Thomas Roland, ,to, is accused of cam- oaacrtuaa...sataa shoo bagslißio Coffee at raiding an—assault an battery on John Iluglins.. n ,.. The stock on hand amounts to Via arrest was et:tented it, italand's boarding '2looo bags., Finger and Molasses are dithout house, at ttin,Uidtier of. Fifth Street' and Virgin Silty, and ihe prisoner made his escape through . wutsure—tialesut '22 (jr , the back way, into the °grave' yard attached is float—The market is very doll at 15 fi - i3 181 the First Pem,byterian Church, lett was recap- , rot . aawashad and Gammon . tared:. 'ttia!attempt was afterwards made bpa Toascco—is doll, with no amigo ha prices. number of his friendi to rescue him, but offiar Done - -Irty'e onarage at last privailsd, and Ito, Was taken to the Mayor's Office. SeCtfir.NT.--A workman on the railroad watt 'ateverttly.injured on' Itatnrilay, near Allegheny. ..a.itorsa tias'ilratiing it gravel ear, au which 60196 timber wst piled up Id It considerable tudght, what. a hirge - pie,e fell upon him. Crush, arig him to the earth! Ile way able. however, to walk hornit. 4.:3l . ancei Colter:rm.:in.-1 finiesilland *SI bisreltlie city to dap to odeend a.Coneention 'of the band, Western Permute:dile and Obio, ithich.sill be bell stliercons, on IGeh sad lithe Ode present month. llscazen.—A.bostler in..Meblaster,'s livery sta ems very severely irieted, on Fiidag by _a vicious horse. It was at first thought ,that be was ties4;-bni attlir an lesennibility of consider. able derratlen, be recovered. equal= ,Courr..--The Supreme court , was Sri mossron (iv a short time,- on Saturday. '.Fourrit Wm: , Host Coiteoax.—We lesin that the 'young taro h „ eion^i ng to this cimipstry, will shortly can cut thei citizens of the Fourth .Wed. 'for the purpose of aoliciting contributions -to lesrchise - their enlarattu3.. Csmirr.=-TbuAlleilierry County Cricket Club, eb.ll.vged any. club in New York, tu,pley with them.' , . . i."...LiLiCF.SI":•-•4oirpit Smith. Beard Speer and • .. James Fountain, were committed •to prison, ,alSaturint, charged with tealing thirty six dollars from- John Tynan .! • AiiMlurn Starts Tuners. . A detachment of ?AT man, belonging to the by rifle regiment. attired in Pitteburgh on S turday, from Car lisle, of route Or Jefferson Ea riolo. Tli - ey rook .ed well, -. . PALui>z::,-,The 3lon'tgonuery .Guar,lo,of Tilt aim' gblub, Ipsradei on Saturday, They pre `gated • eery appi*oronoe. 2 A . FIGIM —A woman reelding in Allegheny ielumelmoband wee in the habit of drinking at , _et.tirern.kept,by a man named Boyd, gave him statieet,hot to- glee her „, geod min” any more *nor. Allerwarde, eeeing lier husband drunk fro nt'of the house, tint crowd of persons -Arena hint, with one In, was wrest • /big. ehe plo.kednr a irirge stone, find rushing into the melee, moon eeptai ed the oemhatants,' iiMitnade those: who atood ,youtol, take totheir Ow Man two t, otorlily the , blurt, !bathe had to be lel: -. home in a ;wagon. -..fier victory howrer, tree - t nee la her, or the F alco were . cent for; 4ad she NES.4 Wxiluce.:—The rr eittite ehttly, the stutosphe be Ikervy shower 'which • I /Amur eght,ittul tires trere tha thencometer - stomi:at :shade ttlaaoti. Coo, liottet. —Jame lima on the Ohio and Pet who ries mei struck on Fri beo Faturdil 'weather, on the Any he Fqi asti4t4tatense, more SO. im Ala nay prettonsday dusin hht. i rii 1 For Bale Low for caaki , i PATENT COTTON BATTINWOARO, .r.m. ,u 1 onniplele and Pr*fir UR. loorlng /no only 1 •• ;•• Lennefton ••eyi2tel/nt tide OfeoL 4 1 4 ir.111, 1 /1r! . .. , , Hommop4hiolladicel College of Penrea, 1a ti 2.•; —5 bble. Freoll, I,.i.sals hy . ' f ~,,f di, Fl/bat afar(, abor, Elrainth, .. ... 2 , . • I!.DAL./.1.1:LL kCO , "' ' iIEEsE24 - 0 - 17 - xs. — pril Olr 7 ll. ~ for Ralel - 1 - j .inR, I, : geTtf r ETE L lil b . c e L f P 7l:e A' r . o - guls:' course ....., 4 , j.._Ulyr-td. a 00. _- :11. urea. 0n . 7 „,,,,,,,, 0n ipar 1 , cp pl.. ....-ooa taor,dar ~ 1 t i V. Aral:UT VS —5 tin iil keICS and WA:, c .i. , ,,127,.. ool.;;."" """' " I. 44 4 ;''''' .l .' fr ollin - . • - 0 • - .onsfer of Lec/nr. ....' ..../10 .., ' • lent in pound lone", e , ! ;1. 1 .. . Mennen of Fee. • fins , —,,,j) e e nye e t In mt. '• '• 1 , - nu.a.,_ _ 1 H....''1! .7 2 1- !-,,,,) . , 111nolookts who lune alienated on. ' ......... i 4., in to f. 7 -. re.vATE, 'a Tale ~ o Stirring Times. by 1 ull:=1:1O. r...., i t o ,o r ~ c ,.. * ..* - ,li% nn ' ' M. Vt 11, Juan , . F n —lle . ‘‘Ot.lnteronino rook elo , LO•olteal Anotcan ",, "• : ..... ' '''' .. -...;-- .:' '''' • f 111....0 writen , 'Ala 1.1[1•1H• Urn.: Age, le, nnelleallfee fee ' --- '' ' '' .. ' ''' ... -...-. Al on 147:314:14 off 01.11T41.1a72fryrig 1 / 7 41 fr... 1 .r... , 1. - 11". '''''''''''" ' A 'I L '.i. 1"'"'"""1 to ""r'h. '-': '1, : 1 4 _,.49_t_ .' .. P.. ' "°°°- •• ' —"--L„--.1-......!!!° Walter IT 1111atne,.., P it. D.!.1...0 T r Y rof 31Men.• le.lle.e, . g I.IGA it & MOLAirf&E .C 1 . ...t xt.x,..ktfr,. • . 1., t. .1:. c pr, Yea. H. Helmuth, ?I It, Profaner of lin.a•opatbio In . . . 1,6•1... ;moo. • i- . smote. and Me men. of Medicine. .. I".' . • 60 bble. l'lmed • •If ....°. barrolel 1..11 ..11 IF /le fll tan .111 11.1 lenee eennonnnO.l. G. *Fenn Leon.... Hen Conroe., 1 1, i ne L,,,,d,,,,,, ,, ... •:` ° ° . . s°°° - ° "° ' `!" ...le Dr . I IJ. • IL/LOYD . , , snry.. Hand Churen ,111411.111 k, — i . L ic tmm,irrobmd., m.D....' Praermor of Cllnleal !Wine. ------ ~. -,--,--• • ' - • onnl% M. 11., Vonlemo of Olotettlees..lao 1130WDER - 150. 1 cegs 131a.ting Tor sale hy,t Dir.. iw..... wed /1.. , • -.. . 1, _ i_ . 4 ,4 -~ - • r lsoil§ , ---265 dozen 'ornric y jrruire by I te u t:r u .."7 "'''''''.ll. D., r.r.rror ni.rm A irr,,,od To:- noun C lee' LL d. a- HE be: th ralful B-B ortio dC l.. ' ); ' e n al .d l " e i;jlMt af i ll ; :, bv it b ,h r b ,!:: !c i t- t' '; , 7"" : 14 - 1 : :Is1 ; 4 1; i: I a at i"11!. ..'1 7 .:.1 10 1% ."7 :31 Aw. `" :7 11 : . r j.Fgr ; Z• , T volt Word g. 1r.g2.511_ rJ. / lr. /111LL11 1 5. 1 " snelenHLS Ne,1103 An. ;IMO. - MUM'. p p ATTN - E - GAE- - gf bblo. I.l!fier for sale by,. v. - rata I ' V3l. ll:,101INHYO.• '''"' tias an 4 ealr , ll' , FRESH-TEAS-T.ZOO pukage2,...Fr„ oer ina. :tem .}49lt • . Y" , litn!icir • ; 7.*:naltuktrAtar, L ..... _By ...T.:EL,Ep1W.,#,,,.„,. Rzerxrco aT 1 . 11.1! O'AILILLY , Aso RET . ORTID TOE tir141714311112017' Gating. DREADFUL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A terrible accident occurred on the Eastern railroad last night, la Elliott. The locomotive wee demolished; the engineer and fireman in stantly killed, and many persons . seriously injured. • SYRACUSE CONVENTION. Sriteeres, September 18 . , The DemocratlOState•Convention has nominat. ted John C. Wright, of &Aerie, forComptrollei; L. Randall for Secretary of State; Itornee Wheaton for Canal Commitadoner ; • L. C. Chat field for Attorney General ;'Lt. Felch for Treasu rer; Wm..l. filcAlpin for State Engineer; Gen. Storms for State ; Prison Inspector ; and A. S. Johnston for Judgef Court of App eals. A resolution was adopted,. pledg ing the Con tuition to the support of the wholelictet ; after which the Convention adjourned. • No delegates were chosen for the Baltimore Convention. TIM BOUNDARY COMMISSIOURS. , Lomerui.i, September 13 Captain Burnside has arrirod at Eft. Louis, , 1 with Government despatches from the Boundary Commission. . A disagreement had' occurred between the Commissioners and the Surveyor, and business te7 tilpsost entirely'euspended.. The Indians had made a descent on Colonsk Gomner's command, in the Narajo country, and carried off the stock.. Major Wigbtman is believed to be elected to Ogress. `The season was dry, and thecrops short the Importation of goods is heary.- - . Only one coinpany of troops is left at Satan' Fe. THE PRESIDENT'S VISIT TO BOBII3N A change of circumstances has induced the; President to accept the invitation to attend the Boston Railroad festiyal on the 17th inst., and he will accordingly leave oh Monday for Boston, via Newport, where his family has been detained by an unfortunate accident to Mrs. Fillmore.— The Preeident'will bo accompanied by Mr. Sec retary Stewart, and others. Attorney General Crittenden will leave 'gen turlcy on Monday, for Weahington. tiAILINO OF THE ATLANTIC. 'Haw YORK, Sept. EL ' The.eleamer Atlantic sailed at noon today. for Liverpool. She carries Oct 70 passengers, and $'288,000 in specie. Among the passengets ore 'Miss Ilretner, and Hon. R. J. Walker. • vi E.FIII.IITiIIE SLAVE ttillT. PHILADELPHIA, Sept 1::. The State and the United .0 tat e n authorities have. taken in ban the late dreadful massacreat Christina, and a full investigation will be hid. We learn from Lancaster, that a strong pollee force went down this wording, and two o'clock, having in charge nine negrmis, and two white men, charged with participating in the murder, all of whom have bean committed. The U. 8. Alarshal and District Attorney also left here to day, to makb,a full 'investigation of all the filreutneteares connected with the matter. NEW YORK MARKET lIVEN ISO BCYURT. New Yong., Sept. 13 Cotton—The market is firm, with sales .011 Lades at tblre'eltble fur Orleans, and tik(ibloe' for L plands. Flour—Sales 11,001)31s, at $3,81(344 , for Stateaad Western, and $4,061-0..r..4, 26 Co( South. ern. Grain—Sales 35,060 bushels Corn, at GIM far mixed weatern. Provislants--Sales :WO Ltda . Pork. at 616,74 for mess, stud m 1 3,'15 for prime. WhiskeySales,of Ohio at 22e L~ dell , • lI.t. AH FNESTOCK'S VERIAIFUCiE t ea The en Ind mitt effeetlre remedy tor ORM I bee over been dinvvered. pmui Il B ftlegnill)i, Can Wenn:MO , - Revert: SS-Yaborstrek the-1 have banignihng Par Vemniuge toe three and te. tar as I know, tt hie gth en attlaterttml h, ably -OUT paletel ee reradittead and purdiume it for we lit their practice. , • Oar piettorest child,' about six Team at are, tor. scraril Ammer. hod maple. of cholla at abort intervids, which . • tterreMedle• adodulstared by her mother haulm rellem.• Her trufferingetteratenible , and daring ragill al the attack. I e.kirlit she would dle. / length gravel. bole venture)• doee al van: bernilfude. which, übout a itar etterwarda. brought away • Frint YlientltTaf nOtm.. , sod gave Instant relief. Moot Ulm montheattel - ward. Midler attack oecurred,w Mot 1 gate another Hid or lb. Vermin:4, which expelled about lb wane. mord ellie I. Low moring perfe ct imruT to loan = and andel . Pr vamp,. Jan. alPtsl. I . '! ,b,7 Il. r A lll.4taitNgt C°. \X • jeltlta . And br Heerftaute moreallY.: LEX. W.. FOSTER, Attorney and COI/1Y aellotat Low No, 47 Fourth areet, near! llorket Portable Thrashing-Machines, Separators and Cora !Mailers, WARRANTED' tq be thoroughly built, t o work de ll : made and told by BASTIAN a 13/HROL, emeffdte Shombergeffe ABlli IBA Peon street, Pittsburgh.' Thp Theashlng Machin. am bean* fdL almpla and comput. we - pity veneered frontplate to and may be need dlsh equal dummies:well, byte or dad. No mealsae inns fighter. dusebel Pager Or mak.. better Bort. Nom that :9,000 of th em are sta ids peo fe the Western Stales, and . men,. Pant of the Mount . limey of them have thravhed Indic ttli to 100,059 bucteds each; and, on thoron=7l, th ey have 4,411 vetionacaend elby those echo use tu be uombndeosod to wort weII as any In the derl . The Sewisdrir le Itsert'e Pateed, alto Butioniamprove , updvd., end I. attached to theThmeher, and campletaly.ff oral. the mid and chaff Men the moles, and boa thee eat 1 1 . vddiemeararicd.! letakseibutllttlepue Me idol to run Be gaol be attached to my Thumbing t• tat t . s i ge l. s ` l l 4,V, j ;ti, t ;'St h al i efVP 6 efit'u t sy'l! . refilled Vlrsdnlo, onal P oll routn 4( Umse Mated end t h e Uldo river, mid eat of the .111.1141p3A river, iee o f t h e Neve of dhlo, evmpit tbe'rouldies DI Trumbull and Caloyd Tbeffeffn Sheltie is oleo aciora Potent, iend Mono oft he I.ff Ifflule, being cheagind not 11.IYM p 1 code =ter. - ..Wa hays - been build and Tending those bars toe thlticalp.'pees In d offfittebutghe eis r mid hate trr rtge'reLl'agl'o"'F'. _ 4 fff/IteePl ' ve elat ' thardaiditeadMil . . ecoarnu4 wit 41.1wloAfr To to ..o r . , N. .—All 1111.111.‘ soma "le./ les wort wet , or 113 tor2l . lwleS •• • Notice. • • A: - AP PLICATION: ivill be made M th e nett , eitetature (ma proaided by Act of Nearablyt for w r fair Far i na Sung frodltatiou, for tb• Citizen.. gl 'n atopl Woodworthts'intoot Planing Machine, .tittatti iH NOETEKU PEsllMyilage. .11,ECENT decisiona !Fez Pittelmrsib Dediv , mar btylna rally and fmalfy twolib.47ll a...lan:f of IL. WOUDIVORTII 1A.1:116fil , (o.antweriber is now prepared to well Ito riabt to us• Ilwee Machines To the State of New YorIG and Ist.ranneyo tuella, la /be tou One, of II rad ford_ , Crawford, Ctlrtrots. INetener. Licomiug, I,vaerne, Nelfeart. diereeri Cott., Suewriabannaelloe. Warnr,Warren, and It yomlag. re l r .b l= " l 3 ,llll ,7 , 7 .te,vgr ,Lhz,zo7. • eed,rot of Cougrea• In the a, th day re Noma ' be, • • kinve _react uneapired term. Tbb Va. chine, 4 one 4i.tialGtl; IVO VW ttackneem, and awn wroorwi.' MIN and re,t,, 10 the beet mannar, I Ulla/ fon of Wants or plank In' la tont; toutop Imo eat.. 4 , 4 y need ILl'dteartas Aurae, plarna, topfagf ettoalag, doar,•*ll3, and bUpli rtuff.and for et.llBlnwroorddlnke. All lande or pianists am perlonned br bin s bfllcr Ivan The prig* of • w•0P1r.4. 31 . 10 fib? . ylantei,bataina , .l Aga pained lumber I oµo jag. ,clllOO ant VINO' 11 now deenwi • Itb Woudw ' t)till'e e l letertra . r,l ' . h :;zll;l ll,6'47,,„' " pTialAt E tt: • ~ Troy . , 110121 . Pt titles. !efface's., it; Dt_Lokirlt. JUnego.O. Pat,bUritb. ° ref y O ,l nth'grll=lng7thi. we. 100. 11 1110 ell It WV croftwsect 000151.10 mIOOIE, 00 11.4 , S""4 IgIgIItZOrit:IVNL. I weit'Strtfla ' • •Atea l r. N, Y. ther luster dap watt Laving beenloooleit ell during the pro. ensant.' I Lttet Week om • 149 to !Al in the I :" Melleseey, . , neylvtalls Petrol& sy, bee itiedo the qx etrucii: we. wao 4ed, _we betieife.4han the present , year. .I.lict : by Mot: s Viiiilol4.- Is;131olis Yoh l‘st: . lAA+. t. Strayed Ito4the sabecriber; livinc in I'ranklin .ww=h l l , l6 l ,-r-r x vir r i n i at . bs Mh et Am= tem M4l/131 . / 171 .- 0 611, :Mrk: e 4 with Mr ited MU land furtmblW A me:4lAl* to mot vat be eiTM . .71.11.11 )413. to Ay patarat Altai talerlaatkint to the tiedetelgniet belfAulmtt. nett's la Clltitaethe44.lo 4 .1_ 4 by...We...Mr STEAIV - ' --- Cilt ST. LOU I Thesplen et id, n, and 041ItAreueliit ILtiner ITFORD, Cant Ilinklett. will Irate for tb labor. and Intel...lime per. on Ws der, so Ito o'clock, for freghi or pasitiet. aryl r on board. setae REUULAR PACKET BE TWEEN PITTSBURGH A BOBBIN/. 111.01 . No. B. A. S. liana rouster.. l4 aa, trill lea o llitlf bomb!, Wheeling. Cfotine ay Triomf:, at or for ' hoer. t. li ng Parngerf md frappe . % rag (liana upon Ode bust raining regularly during the low water semt. , For freight or ream, mole oo aug.lll JLE'3I3LAR •WHEELINO AND SIINFISII PACKET—The fan runaltarla man WELLSVILLE, Capt. , ll. Ya w run a regrdar pucka between Wi p& tching, IrTherling. Bridgeport. end Eintneh, Mang Pitt...burgh earl Moder afternoon for Wellsville, Stenbenrillo. end ItridgfPat, end Wary Thureday ateatoon for Steribarllla Whaling. Bridalent,Captlimand Suralaht returning. lareellr2. port and Sonata ear, Taxis, etterman , fa t's wary Veda efternom. For freight or Wag.. ePPIY Mal. to I y2SI W. U. WM:BULB. giant. =Li AEG U LAR WEDNESDAY PACKET, CINCINNATI , CAPtnin Job. rtolugham. ThLe ,p 1.414 b0...t yr...31411C b the Dhows of Lb. et.tuner 'Newton, Lb the ein , lnnatl an.l Pitl.4.urgla Pukrt trade, I„ y ., )t I g lu c e4unatl, In pine of t,l= h rto trt IlfarAfElt'no en. a.m. — EGULAR PITTSBUTIG AND Lti ISIIKELING PACKET.—The eplendld nntn.” th ter ee Idly .4 Whoellne. le.nn4 Pktzurs. 1 0 4.= rep tiond.r. lures Whecll‘,CeMr4latiV,Tbh,24l"i r r:nd tietardat to rbeb w"t.ft''" 4 . t tole lrilintlg SNkVP,V.O. TRANSPORTATION PRANBYLVAITIA RAILROAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES WEST graorrd - -tg. 1851.4 FALL ARRANGEMENT 1851 CHANGE OF ROUE. TIME BEDITED AND SPEED INCUEAPED! Penn.syleania Railroad 0714 Erpreln Packet Inn mll.§ ......... miles Ca.!. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats, a&Egl On and after Monday. 'August, 450. t, the Pwe.n. of (111. , Linn will leave Vill.bun,h fur L.f.y . kOhrt ever NeL y 3 rnlog nt and even et. wing at rtoek. p.e --there t+ll:lng the Caro ..f the new reomrit , ttlY rert which tear. alter their arrtvall ',et for Phllutelybla. /FE - Ttute through. Forty th.orx.. - fic lit •thix hew orrau.entept pAr.f.eo,r, go th.ttVh nti 110:IRS 00011 flt than heretofole. I (.lofts wentrU iexlarx , oh.l ttlret.)...nultllog them nn armal at l'hllhtelphh. t. pr0 , ,..1 eh to New York at mai« - I'AfISESCFRS fIAt.'IIIIORE 'Valet!. York and Cumberland Railroad. at Ilarmsburg. platame,.lo,trlour mile, Time. ELAM bum., rare loyblladrlybia $lO Far,, t., It. $l.ll. I.aumo.r t 0 Ilarri.burg I$.(M. aza rowt.atille ILeiVtlllll.o tArt. M TiTlnt ee, uo,. IhteHenry's Philadelphia ifc Liverpool Line of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia on the 144 4 issul Llverp.,l au Ile Ist of itehltutoolh.=:= hip 111 ADS I.I.LESANTI4. H. IL Yeas.une. Ma.hter. SHEN ANL/h./All. IFus. Llardiner, ?darter Nothealrl C. 11arri,..11...1et •• • 11011 1.1 N. Alfred F. mitt. . Nlarter •• 1/....V.h)N, I thogra W. Wehd. Muter. The abuse Lips are 00111 of {he lost and {most...oath, uwaterishlt, sod ore noted for ilth. rhspLifti of their they ore titled op with ..I1 10.1 improresueutft. ore thoroughly 1.1,111..1,1 en.l ere uthhhorp.geed for their eh. thoroughly rue Cold.. 1,0 /,ortnYth they ars NJUILD.S.I4.4 by'weit of acluouledged talent, who ere - suoightsdied hot . their oawriestre in the I....hitrt :err ire Yessossa deshiraus of Lrhuglug their trienhit from the Uhl Country ran obtatu certilloth... phruge, whirh 'will he good for elitist month.. shod out •40111.0 In Ireland end MY Noe .111 throls.h them will. the pro ithhosmathmt lustru,loul selitlve {0 their do:augure. For the rOntethieoce Iy.e....,hoeYstslShith.l. o eett 1 Lo ^ not which the gooks or 1 . ..1 the L hui.hd I..hoht.loso 4RO'rotishous eup1.1...1 11,131 hirer Xvitry .weeL the 41.erithg •htyylles .111 he turolehed as lb .1 FY. 'there hhf 504 ot , r Y... Its het 11 !battle, 2 os.. tot. ILe oatmeal, to lb et.,•th. 1 11. flour, mc.l.s.ohe.eted 1 lb. th,..5 VoYer 1: bete. , the. hresuleturla. I putt. totl .eter hash{ ,V slote Mal, boll .11. res... hY Ira. soots .14.1 t001. tlEfh. F.Nlt V al p _ mmeihnt etreet;l....loe thehol. o.l2Lth .n.l 1000.1 NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. 1851 . hillgigaP 1851; jSTEAVTt: TO NEW VOILE: CITY Dualrh ..1 It.. Witu rrl elvs..mer. Lar Icrie, the. Columbw end Clueiuns an.l Maqdrisky end eillettamll Rant. 4 , 1 , , maul •1.,..t5, eu IL. ibis ...I M1,1.17i n . /1 tt ln 0f.1..11% . The !la Train stop. at Elmira, wUri• yasnenaarn ran I..ap 'ncrure, and take 11,, ilaprormaTralu.arilvirtl i nN•• Inrk next morn/0461U inalElur rhe ...we man, I.y day.ll,ht. Theo Froglat asul tattle Train tr...? 1..07111. at' 4 A. 3.1. flail, a Pa...super Off 14 thia Train ti. ueroiniciLalatv Ks, I....asiorare and tren.ers. illartlare (rum Dunkirk la New 1,0, 45. el:11 will I* Id ten in ia• Cangany prepanal I tran.F.ri erecl and to tabu et al; kis.,.)• aqd 11,./a New lora. Vat - Willer .flea iLlp 3011 le• fait ftte.:X...Tbn ytatia• fi feet aid.% gire , Mt, ,r...t.alvantay. over narrow 00111,t Kalircala In It,. trac..1,14a1,1 01 4.4,10.111.1enal Train. ail in pool c very rtent time breleht Tarilte ntlitAdi•rritrubrl, aro 0.1 0 . tar refight. of ' ar,t511.1.1.1, A.lll, 0.41 J it tibia raCCUrI." _Junior' Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. qr. ILE_ line pusettngitr .. orn jo a d I.l4. u ettPtjgv"lng!'t:ll'.;:et i ! the... AIM/ dal. in:0444 a trAller laaaer,Araver, eittehurgh et 4 A I flo , treer: Michigan Jo Jo Z. I ' Perecus ernhlng to go tn ay et ren Intr. to Ruchaster anJ bark to t Fltert. fr.r orals Ilrlgata gra-4 lot Anti ena Jai eat the oeee. .nor ticket. apply Olt Laud the etas.hoot , 'Eaueer,` ur "VP hlgnn No. 7.," oral the ottlrr Cr AUTIN A lalitiA, A ~szt. nun? u'•trr A EntithArl.l l'lttehorch alitiMigX__ 1851. lemirett _,_ ~__ rim:l:l:awn ANT) CLEVELAND • J. W. Holberton, Express Packet and Raili:i>ad Lira tateltarland. ' No. 75 Itaiden Lane, Neu reek., IJIASSENCERS leave evens Morning 1i!..' 3 AMPORTEB , and Jobber in I'HFSCII and a 'leek. b T to Uevfell 140. , -' by I*l.-1. • ENGLISH PANOT 0001.0. Germ. rage fifes., Veaet, egg ., = a e r ate !w earr , th e ere I I rift!, orin ,ons ere• er.da. Frahm MG llethill, Aau.l Rua . • 2 • 'J.., e 14, V iand Earlroad to Cieretatol V, 'We 1/11,,,A, Violin, Pete., Au , ' ' r' , ll9' uP • • air Faso to Cleeet.d. 114 hu Agen t for Faber's load 1,13,11: To Cleveland. he Wart •To Introit, 00 bourn ' Item a l r ,turare Agent fro Areal:au ltu Tel e , elutruts, Duffel., 2.6 '. Chlragu. th " A.. II 17'. • Ticket. sir. thraugh to , , - - C I 11.0 IN kiATI, ,,, ~ ch.t.„ i Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. Fla Columbne and Seta, hri,,.i. . Railrreil. 1 1 ONE'S EMPIRE INK. 87 Nassau, riussroseso 11, iletittt. Chlugo and Mtlera lobe I ey ~,,, e al hn ue e, N ea lea Cleveland every etelAng et El, a'.1...k, 1., l ush he*plead!! , urn halal telin mot, acumen- of 11.11chloan. Centred Retlo4.l Cu ler Datrott, 1 ..1'..5011, 1.1 la.. ....II 1..0 r ef 3.0. t. thehen at IN, o'rlork. A YE, tie Railroad to NM* Ituttal, ' PITA. ‘. . 1 11, • I • 110 .rani reseals aural.; st lulthaeu 1.4 lteeatt.t. I .. DUrill.t I , * note, 1hr15.1.1111.. neer, 0,1, ;oaten, Ow to, Thr ...It.. to r....... ~,, El 1 ,..., 0 , Le ,, 0.0,,,, U l l, , f..q;. I mart 1,01,1.00. 1 ra.t. IL. he ortlrls. tottotle to,. II M.,. 11 , 1. - cheaper, aud,pl...-unarkta.hitor 1101 , 41A1Q , .4.4,,,,,. . 4, 4, . I, 11 botel 0 0 10'110J INF -ant .011 not nottele, WOUII, . 5 1 "iit . .J..:.`.' 1'ff,T.,";., - ,lVg - f;;;ll , , P ,',' , Z l n! , `";l3'' , lllli! Zl"lii {or tickets or Infultact yg ni Vr . j . o.... ......... 1 u 44 o,..l :m tpti 4,r i llse Reel 1 . .... (Up MO") r are rof eulltbllsld and Water street., , ther Le eigerstel P F=ll l" Tort. " . ' • l el . t . ' ... 11 1 , : - .. ' :Vr ~ , ,;‘, the ih.o.gehela Heuer I Irv. print., put at, a. y r orane, awl deltr e te.l la Lel loot 1.41.401.Witte1l .of the etty fere a ~ales., ales. No cher, 4.. rett•• Nereid Je.X., 1851. ...WESTERN i„, ... ~.,..,• ..haseta ...tra at ....level . 1001. TIIbuDORE LENT, altdtue TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. ~, al Naze., a , flet, In I XXII' I'OHE ' I • -'' j), well tir L'O'S. LINE. Professor Alex. C. Barry's Tricopherous gaig24, VIA. atigie I, ii-kp. MEDICATED 'COMPOUND. for re. , IL,/ tleroc, Wee. 5001 OP.I kIAllllfl lag Ihr half. Fradtee RAIL R ()All AND CANAL • , Itt: ./ ...I qra-0e..0.!ei.01 11 g dh . ....fte a Ins ;5, gerltea I r,., hOra:erlttla 7TWpga,..t'll,tef PerTrtVtoi..:. ' PITTSTIU R 0 11,, PHYLA DELI'II IA , lIAT 4 I , h. prttlarrd th•eant• ort•et Iv rut rig dineuet °l.'. stio,t,. of the tioree. and oul the atarnal lallttatin. The AIORE, AND NEW TORE. i wa..wit.. he o utouttlele, roleeted feu, han,lo4, of 0.11.0 I Itueort, lent setae la shuts the value of the goererenou, FrialE d'IIIIIti being in gold order. we ate i ..5 ins ssionstina la ;stash it is ions to !nos. rt.. tate Af'NE.lftt4:7lWV,".'',l47.:tl =MI: to, ,g , -" •-. 1 . Na goat, Mot. A.l, Mo. ',eight, it, y ... a u g fur,,, au 1.1 ~...tub The I,oata mud , Pro. hies, -1).. Ale-1 h•vs. !who sfillet.4 .Ilb • ca. cllei..oo OM. .11 eoutrelne4 lit• Ito. why:l.h.... 81110 , ta......h. tenplion 01 the etalh, ..I • taaell mit Ite‘ , lll. , Lt.. , 0! L a my, reeneee it.Al, ea u e n ,arirlogiene wine, e i. 1 Wu, for the 1.1 1.11/.11 , 0.02. sc mop . 111.1 pew..l Walled to. • I,ev. 1,e.1 tbe ...Ivied of Pogue of the t ...nett yhtel Apia, 1... Of ...1,1r.... ' rti•1e,•11.0....• 14...• di ins pron.r.ions L. , the hair eu4' _.1.,,.: 1 1A VA A NoACR. P'01.1,10.1.. , , ellin 7 7, .novo, • Ittuutethe 1ager . r....a4....: gee .01,01 11401, 1 sue , tee,. 1001,11 e . t o ultal OW Vote Telo:The. I'o4 Itul. e , * ten I' ? 11.ARRIA a LEACH. Propthunr, u , teeurt, atut,'lo tat eared. turd geeltArallott, feaodtufaell A•oll,gb. Ite e ht. N0e ,.. 1 . .1 A tr., &ugh ru e et •th . ~,-4 lu shout 1.... ..:theme. Seel. gee the re. 10...... ot Out Ih.l eltgl/, DOOR 011%11. .1..104 Mk{ la 1.1/1 1 Wee partially Uhl. all' elf S.AII,4I7CIACUe. A gent. he.roottui I t , 'osier 0 V At ,RAPEI,I A, I ' q''' . l . l o ..l• 4 l l flt . C . k ilgt.'''''. 10 C.imar.t. anist,/trooll tr.. ‘ -- . .. yee._ _ No 1„ .. ' , f e et street,her 'a. g. a , y. 4, irt t-i, ii.s, -fiY.Eiftbtickiii Pao. bout --Hy 00.1 au- atTlie/vatie.ol..t hel l et l :J l l l ‘lttlf grl 7l,iil i darf ' a r lt r it , :lloTrlTTU U rt tett i ru• . 1851. igirigiPigi .r,:...;.;.1°11.4...1. , ,..r1i...r.t..14i. - .z., , b,t Tt: ~..„ .„„.. Aeo, to Inell - I NONONGAHW aoirrx. With terpeot, I tar loaf obedl eery.l, Via Rtownsrille and Cutlberlawl. -lb Beitl9ore le TREARAELL.I+O 110.1. ay • 11 ear lady or v enutdo the euthvorteltf of the unit Philadelphia • ats,s, they •011.1eaue rail .0 grote.rur Vt.lllarrr e opt, V I E ''MORN I tit) BOAT iettee,l the Wharf 1 L':, r 1 , 1 ,.." 01, • "..t , . I' l '. •h5l. to." , hh , ho• the alit 'alureTe the 110,1ga dall4, at I u'elork preutaaly. eute , n'' '•'''''' • .... 1.1 1, 1 11 / al. 'XL , 51 alribPribl.lllll thereat.. . I , ~ , m i ., 3 ~,,'"'".3 ~ •1. (.' ye , , ihe :tetitlig Ikett. Into. deny leauht Header eee.lloo , Ilhe7e 7l l , I n . 1 1 .4nt'a r y . tie tir t urinTe"ritl,...l:e c l it t 0. 4 1.,...., at 0 o'eltelytrareen,UX with IP'. '`!.!•!' . .'`.1.1.. 11 ... 1 ..'“ ! eud dluemur of the a malt... geraactlf, t ow hey seethed u1,1,tA.11 i tt i .,1, , ,,z3,..„,. r ., a ,,..„ ~., ~,,,,,, i LA. ha ltellt4 resisted Ili the tortle',.. r eeve L. Nano, T he thin tO Ahlhalt4phle , 'PO." O ;era'lfhY;: lo . 1 . r.V11V1:C=1,7V.,.,17,14'.=.14.7ittTgi&g.„1;..-,1; I The Ninon., Road lu tare golt• Coadul bo'e lio 3 I gle e I the fu the lead It le a.uf 1t.4 0, " taste ha tertereeu Woe ae" , and litaler/apd, 111/if , Oblf, ,11,..1 Of the WO Iflpharhet the, to We fehte hi ! atetthle 4..1 , 4 1 / the Is - ' , ...,^ KV• I ins halt eta inns eregu.lel Ili cfowth tat& rem.ka le de- ' J ME, 'DIEN. A u ra. , , i t ~ 4 . 41 4 - , 4 a ,,,,, mil; • ''','"!!' ' l '7 "-^'"V.h . ' i s 'I.!! I Cl l e'Ane 1.. 1 ;.2.,. it ri110.... 0 oil ''.' uritioLly. lea. 111 th e head, deer gone, eat other. oLtirelkAte &KO , au of the Aka Id chattel:tem. us writ keeel , f7. 11 GAl` ,l illiAial. ,1851. , atuiranal. It In Mid 11/ WO 1 . 5111 . t Pr0e'.. 1. .. t t" . UNION LIN E t latia : IL= 4ll i:r 4,3 = ll- """""`""'" 47gtP ' On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals. 1. - --- -- --- . ---; . ritorn ILTORs• i CHICA(iO AND PEORIA. ;iii l U`ol: , ,,EN. s .c u iLtuldiii; ......................... -, - - ---- ----- - '--- - I , IIIIIIE well knows hine is now rd'epti . to '. THOMAS HALE, „- afralrj" ° Fri , -,y,•ri3.-;;UTV , d I. ' F f illiV A ftpi Now coloirastox MEROIIJ(NT, i ?put Po A 00 • "°'-' I • CHICAGO, ILLIVOIA. l* The feelllttes of the 14. ate ......00crettrtteherat. / "'.."111Fr",-",-,...,....-- -.... ' n .' CONTINUES sic osool fuoiliiiee to reehire tkaoy of nts. type B. t eaves entshorgh and theveletel dall.hratiug 1 hood dial. ltZle . 1 ' 'leV'tf l tNtll l y i l ll relt. n el l t i .r. to eauesetitne with 6 Lille of etestatuude hetet. Atm, ' ~,„ ~,,:," , ,:' , ,..,:i . S th . n . ,,,M, nr,,, , ,5, d i , tv,. . r . hUillili•od DEAVER, sad a 1.1..4 ant 0150 ereaulle.ate I 84.,......,,,,,-Yl eeare . Lorca, Meths./ A Co, itiureller ...teletueelel on the 1.00., . . Atreus Jones .l Uul e c, LuNAIGNIY4a Hr. John A. Ceachet - tlte,,kt% ...rill:V., 0 ; • , ' Win. H. Raskin. c . priars.,,a i i,a, N. Mt . Nerou:'ho,, , Y, 1 ' iENERAL COMMISSION.IIIIIICLIA NT t , .4, IT4MifS',o . • i :ND AUCTIONEER, ND , 3 Wet. r street, VEOIIII. k";,,,,,,,. 4 . 4 4.." 1 r' rg r. : l [ l .'/,‘' ' I Eeeeeie/ siterulou to lry)=.., 11. A. hillier h -.••• 0;4 ' ' ' Wheeler. Lee' ,R . tu , au.. * 0- . 04'; i - 4.°4!'"'..V.t1"-"''''''r..l'Ar cl" ' . , 1 I AT s LOUIS 61. ST. JOSEPH, I BOATS or JOHNSTOWN (EXCLUSIVELY FOR PASSENOEIe:.I J. P. HOLMES, Agent D. LEECH E . CO., • tz.aml.y. 1.1 f1..r01..1 ^ flail l'realna EYI. , i 4 • • 26 ILOllftfl T - 0 CLETF.LMID U. t Willhoos * Co., OttN•ol.,_-lElalgato, . t• ' --- V:'"—lthattSColLirOrOl' ,;74,77--- . . Ixosoolso a Co., Elltosokle, NCO., IdISSOURI. Otto. A. URA* A Co, Ching., 1114 't L.Jo, a* llols, Chicago, 11 . ST. ie. JOS - 74. u , JUUN Jt- (4 . 011EY Agent.: —, Mg ".r. ' ""--. .... —.- Pri.lhrot. CommUstort, ov.l Vorwarling Mo,Lauti. co OA act WO ' d Pullet ta. . ' Mobi Rh. , IKIDDLETON, RILEV .t. Ili ~.....; Arrangement Made to Formai+, neignt 1 it,,,,,.„,",,,,kf.:L,r7,i,.7,, 5a,,, 4 , ,„,„, 1 14 ,, 4 0,., ,(- 4 _ • TO. BALTIMORE IN FIN'S DAYS ,, . . Itittlbotlet.' ,t...r SAME RATES PENNSYLVAI , IIA pArID C. TOTTI.II. /*grney .M., BAILROCE COMPANY tetatotalttirWtT ! , sAI Comoditxtozer Cot Vonoylrottio, t. 11.4,1da. _ .... cootoloolgtlotto toomptly answer/J. toC4t) 3' . . _ --' , getl,-,,,,'""' "4 , 2'-'4 ,,, '" 1 . I l'' :, -I' ..-‘..-- e rirn. RANKIN, Amrnev anii, e„..- e l ., 2., ~..... - -3 ' Uo.amp ' , rano ...0, Or vu.o .5 , 4.11.0 r it Low, owl (.44rOoloktu Ccr the Etat) t , cogIS JAN ESDALEICLI.,. en Water N. ' i .. W. 1., Et. loot), llo iL tlolm of ItlttattuEN ) .....t. Nampo , A ijiKAP PRINTS :- A. A. MABON'it C.Y. I YillefiriWainiklart. 7'.1,1r)7.., ist.a.. a ‘...,/ hate JOIE molted, ES coos. bosotitOl Os , StElo &DUO ..1100ord &Co. ull4tlE IC ' , 1. 5 =071 12 : g rVIgaPZIKISTii; cleapot roods cam offercu in L o mao atte*. I - ~ : ' . . Mali .%. , ••• NM. 6^ W 4 gartetirt-' BOSTON TREXONT HOUSE, • ' BOSTON, MAAS. aimedsl known estntilislitneut is still coo l. ltt the tar, Luanne, It ha, ...Iv Leen. The mntral atoll plearsot lutuation of the Lout, itr ostutuPtl ouv rratwntents, and tt, .ol found theta, avol. to rood s it a:tevablv .4 advauta. a•vuo. to the traveler. • 0104.... etortion • to tnnintatu It, reputation, . itite A•tiAls-tion 10 kir .019.(0.4)/ s {{'m. 11, sAu.O.r.n. - PHILADELPHIA NEW FANCY GOODS, FROM ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY, ONSTANTLY ARRIVING, new otylen and patterns, an unusual,' talented earietneitet‘ ,l at .'ow 'Volt importalf..oprices. leaden 11,1 to, or Terra Cot. Warr. Bohemian Vegetal& Ivory, ficatnrtai, taatii and rapier Mad , At . Celt, Fancy Bask., Work Boxes. Papa Weigh., do. Confetti... Papers, Boxes. Carnet, Cake Ornaraents t Druggist.. Faut, A Mirka, Teeth Brush., ie. Tab....N.IIMA Artiebt.. Toys 14 . the MR , or down. tient...ll Y o ne t la.P.Taihrpt,Pereu.larlthins.• 4 . with an endless variety of oilier giO4s at tow Tatra it aI.TILLER, N0...1 Commerce no.. PULL.M.PRIA- rOMAS WHITE, BONNET MANE PACTUREM, No. 41 Smith Second Street, ((160,43 ut. feblrely M. u. .rw0i~ie...._.......... ... utra RAGA LEY, ISOODWARD B co., Whole s', .al ! proon, bin 221 MatketfLybllsdelphin .03 . . 114.ALD, BUOKNOR . . & CO., Tll.Ol/1,t1) Ekrtomiradoo Merchants; Nu. 41'North int It North irhurTor, Phlindelphis. suttl . NEW YORK. - To Dealers fil.Linors, &c. .1., trees. Pronelt Rectifier. 360 Eighth rr.. NEW ham hie tkiatillery in full oper &Won f...r the manufacture of tine Alcohol. Purr eldritf. ltrandi,tlha. Itetri.n l'e Punch. Curacy...A bnputhe. A ol Bitten. to. The Brandy and tan are rebut sonic ar cording to the heel reetipta used In the South of Yr.. , and hlullaad , the quality esual to meet of the imports. tint. from thew rountlire - Denten. are InaltPd to 'nage or the qualltie, and forward their under, to the of tio, 01 Water etre. t. N1.31' VOILE. which wllll...orotontli attended to 'TO Ito American`Hardware. nLIVEN & DOM) LASS, hiarmfurturett.' Igents, Ju. I. Platt. ,Irret., threekMorr from.Prerl . Voun, ,rte the o , ..thm a the• tbetr it .1 ilooll Stwo.recelre4 .hrea from 111 muoufarf titer, and . . for 'ale I.ll..rutOr Jr I::1n - • • Steam Communication between New York • and Glasgow. . . Glasgow and New York 5,1.505thip Cumin.ll" ,, nnwrsdui 000 ' 51+5unldp tILASSIIIIV. 1„5.1 It.n• end URI Lorne sn.ner, 11. Slew art, (late td the Cu-" mad etentuere.) *annum:l4er. enioint*d ' 0 *S drnm *, lor .11,5.'1. Inr Illsonnvr. on . Stdurded ,I`, 11 Ornlintnher el I'd n't to e, noon. PAS.GE 310 . N1:1" Fitnt Cabl. Acton,' Cabin No *leer.. sudengers taken. he. rate* Include yruclaloor, but not wine.. hOthlr, a bleb will he crunt.thed no In:owlets. h.. , Car ries a Simeon. , n... 1.6" ur °°" .r...algl Y AlSN, Oos.. !lrecl. awAhallan.C. NNW 11/11K. . . . New York India Rub b er Warehouse, 17 94ideas I.ane alid No. 59 .I•aaaall af ro", Vint earner from Broadway. Fart., Oho N.C.:Nth 1111 E SUBSCRIBER, l'ropr , OlOT of this en- lahltahulent. ...Id Whom fur Bid enstecnerth and I ruereloada genrrstly. that he is 0.1, reerlvtug (cum taetur. ad ...wall, 1.0 awl excellent *Cock of leall• Nob., thaal• wenn...W.4 ene (L. rall Trade , ID.III haring litiroduced nereral new sal e. he .1.010,0 loam l• the neatint... t of °gored aced plain CAI:NIA( I.: CIAITIhof all le . trove :1 , -? to 4 Inertly re. The drill , urea:l4lllly raid led trout that... hcand.,o4.pred with the horst gutd, .ual le patent leather Ile al...Wart.. L's7;:;4l::`, r. eaaeeoll'reerzublanee to lealher The lAaln made •al .I.las u...1a110u1.1 tr,' the ratlely —.l Coll .leak e d . .ll lb* &doe . all le* and Inan the Ithnerlad l'sra Mob.n la the re Per yet.% xi lope- ...hrs.,. Uocue• e Clildren . • Rho., Siltte , • urnal and 1.1.4 Rubber, Or. , A c.0.d.. saw tsueut the a.....thuoth ear., hints, lair Yr•• ttttt brialna (Nor., 111,...heetinA lieketa csys, haw , Alus,TelabcoalliateLe.,Maalilge Urltieg.ll.,ltst°l.erloy, lbereee. er • .%V treart,PurarA,'articw:hheall der tin..., Paper Whir, hall., I.lul I,,ether •it.n. very olt'Kuldatt dcaals colethenundlorer Anlreol.A 1.1••1111.1inta. , ta tater Valet. 11111 In teusal a aced certain rut. and a euti• ot Chirped Ilan.: hleseulng Chow 50.1 lhara • hit s and le. leure Mader Cesnent 1d Ilattene uae. It Mg. v., Shawls! Cloaks! Mantillas!. 11, 4 1_ 1111.1. ti, No. l ; i'ortitolt ht., N. 1..16, • v:111, 4"' •I 55151.5... 411.4 .11,14,301, 1/ le ,51 513055 51.155.• 1..0 114111: 11555 I N pel , 555 . hie... nn, ....vll,l 60.1 1141. 4 lair pe tlr . 1 0 1 . the , e-outhutu sal IT ern Sterrhaolo to the 514.11. AR lb, .41 end nu 111141 uumt 51 Shale!, and t,ael, male troude vat 1.14./5' . nil the ri "I.;.r "'"'"d IT., FO, super ,r ..I 01V STASI., 1,./ exblEllinq .-11.• 1. and 51.1411165, droe It,, lift.,, tkunl, 5151 and $.5 eacti ...1 - - To the Public INDIA .ittlfillEit StIOES.-- I lur attention 1 hal 15eo called eft ethr.htper.ont Lr 1f1ra...11 ~ ü bllebed lu the New e.rt. ;11...1.1a 110 Jut,.1,1../.....1 the emitter 40.1 I:noulte,"..l rat. dot, 10 whirl.. 'oh r o:11 onmertteh .Luca of our attnrneh, La a...rt. that w....lart. ttIM • 110 htratin..hlh....l rtt: rue in d rl=•Zs ' .. ' ;:l ‘ rt b n; : t r.; " Je osie the 111,1,44, 1 0 , .... 1 Ituth.e. nth*. tattier I. , Alt•er• •hh hall .or tal.ner. an.l ati, hall) pal lull . t..tlt l t. thhaeh.e and anh other ~rkon might Lahr done ho Fn. nther than pirate wrzn Uo,dhear. Patente e think ft hut - chat. a tight, t tent, than to tut - mit. it hartog helm arhn,whatg,..l I.ll.oiyriir,uta,lo ../..tti•tu..nt...4 apeeh In tau., L., la Intrtrota hat. uh. 11.1 t• '.' ' 004 , only to !..t ' reel ' :,l n ., ' ‘•ho Late, ha a 1,,,• hur Itrathoh. sud Dow both u.thh-r aut. Olt ...•1 - harce atuwu• I. ti'oinot lot l . ll . noel.that Es . 41.3 att atassre w/IL Loa tr..pu.• rhaaln, reAling hia ahcas,ll..ide tuhh.lation.rechll'at ant 'll"U'lluot4i,ll7-1 W, Wm. A. ButAinghtAwatvws..licr. it F. 111, VC ARK 1:11 1 1A litlphttlt 1/111 CCI., 11. hitstehtr.thn.l,l•ll.Ah FORD t CO 3ul, 12th, 16.1 LEINAR CAUSTIC-5 Ibp. or salaby 77211 JAELDD* 00. • 910 LET--A largi• mud eonvenient wwILIE =M= Great Bargain! I !BEET V ST. I'ItOPI:KTY RJR SALE. A —71., 1)-1.NRILVN 11111.IFE. Rumerlv kept LT Iv R. MILLI., awl Doer by I. 0. Stan. I. ullernl at Otlvale mean. add Hotel im opporito to 11,e Renal Resin. toad eul,hdtdoil the Invatlou f the Relmerleaula Railroad Paavotleer Sta. tlah- 1.0. recited for 31... an. per year--hu. Frulllevfa of too. cresa.l 0.10, Vor lorth, purtieuh.a eluloleo of R. FAIRMAN, Federal et. Alhitheny, Ja It. CAMPBELL. !Abort, of.. rittaborßh. AdI3II4I,IIMOV. the ...tale ul l'huuue Vuitton+, dre'd. eetat.tuu Private Residence for Sale. • rillHE PROPERTY is offored exceeding 2. In lf.r, and nn tort sreommolaltust terms It Is moot eligibly lotettm it. Its-rat-141, linprovioa CRT of Alletthenv. Thu totuatlon Is unsurpassed to the roan tyt eommaniling a corot pleasieg view of the ricr et Pitts burgh and three risers at a dlarinel besides bufug ranee ,dent to the nustueas tel ut it combining in on eminent degree the advantages of both town end eountry Th. int Is large entbratong bear so are of Orttad• it one htrodokl and ilftr fr. front. ulna ha. k two hun dred and pity feet to on all., The imewireMerits ore new. the house brick. built, In mcdern style. of the beet material, anti fi nished In a beet manner. having every convenience that good taste sod skill could suggest. with d. e- e-1 toe conomy. T iere I. a well of excellent wa ter snip dour, sod pipes 1 .1 fee hi-Arent water. Carriage house and stabling, a van -tyof choir. (roll and shrub beef. In short, Its etfuati u and 11 , 1T.Lage.1 ran only he appreciated by an examltts ion of the premises tileutle man whiting to purchase a Invited In call on the under signed. who will lAb• ple on. In giving evert Informa tion. It Is a rare ritattee o securing a deltobtlul rest d'or,..:tt::lr ' ''"b."' VAlVVl t l i t ' Vial. 111 Second It Real Estate 110 It SALE-I'wo Rouges and Lots in the Filth l Ward—ono on Llbert, /treat, and the other In r. A leo--A piere of “routel. 110 feet on Wchaterdtreet. by 30,11 tact on tower/ I,nyttirt. at :117 Liberty 4 anat.:Al eePS I ppESIRABLE PROPERTY on the Finn Haan, in Alleabenr. nate or t arbnuae for tit, roerty. T.he locatfou hula J. Painter , . ten tolnutfe* walk the Aquetloct.ntol about barer, four the Hand titre. Ittblae. the etthaeriber utfer• raid (r0t.,,, on ae• rut:mandating terns+. tel,la, he no. I.reupies: the lot hi all feet troll or, Nun', Canal /tree t. rnuolnr bath to Übe., ntreet nano En.t, neat ant thlt.l of au sere,onwhlchl• rent, n Ilrict I...ll.lllll.pteued tarot. trout: Je atable and ear - name housouta the Luca of Ih. lot. The toeatlou le to tine a+ any . to Allealleto. The pretaler. 111Leet =tined at any hum /or tenor Itayuire of .1. 111. :Le store of J. E 1,14 Co ...tier of f ourth mot. Wtaat Cl..tang' J lan JOb. KIM. fro THANsPottnits, ci.6tmissios 1t1t01.7.1t 511:11C11ANT0I —Coe allo on setuutut, titor Folllt very watual.le lat Tn. rash tronthan not salnn 4. 11.0. Inn. Alle.hrur CII,. nod trt , on the I . ruue mat °law Railroad, tallton ,squareof the mot ex ten.ho,. bark 1. , the , C20..4 barque there LF ettunl,,, the greateet hattllttea tor O H A: went 1 , , U.' the Itailroaf or tfansl. For tertuamoqulte of 1 , 1 . . STOCKTON. All.,:hen, ; I rat the t.l WlllettTitN. anal, of Market Mint .• . - Seven:Valuable Farms for Sale, Lb SITU A'rEl) hear the Ohio nod Penh rylvmult. gnWaul. iu the vi ItiAl :t.h.a, tainlng how 10 arml it.. 10.4 stods mna Tin% N tirtiortit piirt ur the village mail Its,. tit. Nide.: All which win tlie ers. Strissk to thio Ohl° l'entigyliiistila its Atlirt tli• .01 fly •lee toodo LI &Date • pie... of ground, alpeotius the Depot grodiful, to • ....Wont limn' or roust..., ....iv. , • ores ehue Hetet ti hit millet, • teun“lti gat. had le the bootiee and onside wldto deleta • le Ilseneutral tedut bet•sen the rill. of Pitte• burgh mud Cleveland; al.e. bet•f•exo •Pittsburgh and hoe.. to, sad th• benefit to. be dertve.l trtm the Plank Weide now Glopcut...noted In end from utak of• It .our ot the law ouip.ert•nt volute 11l the Value railriiad 1•1 • Sint ta. lintel. 'LA bl 1,1( sr II Err :talent. 1.1 , July I. I td , -1 )1. WA" For Sale LA RUE . lot to piece er ground eittinte iu the misth.Want t 4 the eat, , ot l'lrtethutsl4n , nEntt • milt• GO feet on Yulttat stnEctletsllog twit —trot Urs•funl otreet. TM , property In located direct!, above the OM Lts•ltt. ...lin the the prltsto rethltte.,, ,r Itte Into tt Metc , it, eau ,•thl lh. dtrelllttg ban.. of A W. Lanza, E.• 4.1 • gr rither I.r the. I, t.l hoe o h r e tot. I•stet taltahl ttl Asetlltayotto%, or xu •is wlghl ealler teuentants. thinl In hand and the Wanes In Av. eot•I I.oLiaid 19 bowl •tul etturlsag . .. •AttlaTt'l STOW E t WAT:eIN, Atty . . .tt An IPo Earth r Opel. Wr:S'i•- Dwelling, N... 155 trt4. 11' Third tireet. bear IaiiILISAJ gu..o j.:; 44 A 4•• hark kidding anJ th. pose!. Ih• malt.. Lbw,• tuatpletetl. be 4 0.4+, I. It. secuthl 11. , r I.+ • Lath r..u.t •Iterbetl. il l,t 4F•let, •strt ch,ket,. At. , -the Hun.. •,tpitting. stuuderste rent.ltlqutt. • DAIILINUTON, •ttg,tt nrett. nese Wont For Sale or Perpetual Lease, 'I . IIIIF7E. 8011.1)1N11 LOTS. g • If u.,...i 1.4 S., in 11, , qrldllKal Ono 01. IIL. t. .. Rank I.l{l, Ann. I:41,111u/ ..... ol IL, nnt Int ~.. 11111. k 111/.4. IsK, Kor I•rtp,' .0114,111 e 11 N1t.444 44./ILII2Ii, 11.1? yesLoleen 71.4 •I Ll• N.. 4i Ist,SurKt. 11l .1 II it KIS!. 'eal Estate for Saie .11.I' LE tonizolpioW 1.1 ~,, the 1 I •-•i f ;ht, ...sp.'s,. unumul.-1L..1“ .Ilatt In Xll. ./1,. I: 1... e 4. ri. t • •• 0, t•yr hsh I a.. t.t...„Ltr ct • '; ' haat.= Of ..:ht ~r, la.---AA I.argl ..1 I • A:ro. W.. 114.1 NA.. ijatla t. WarmLouuit. .1 WLe• 041 oto 0.. a. PrLoto Loyola,. A ./ L U. FETTER)JAN, • ht I .IG Kral ti•utr Ad.t.t., 12.1,3 N. w. at A Good Bargain to now Offered, IF A IMMAC A TION BE MA DE SOuN. Fmi Yoar Aejili'r. it - 4ough. b.ear n • at< , Is wo-1 t. 33 rtnl, s. n." a • ILe I.l , l*.rtY may 4ITV 1.4 snJ p I yr - A. w 311•,.1 k I lln I lII , * 111 VI Si, Penu Institute :11.1BSCHILIER, t.• • L• .rut .f I, •zrra• ib ourtb O xrJ, l'ar•burib orx ...iti re ~t 1 hr. k nvbeh • twat au.l Thatbernalb,l rrb 4.t. lbw 141 f ....d 112 , .% 0.. 161 Luc.. tbamitte.l to bk. rare Tultira, lid ::1:.. ' 1 ' 1...11112 ' ,t:t7: •fa T4L withitbl, """ atIG-14,141t .1 t NI \ll . lll Mr. Griggs' Grammar School, • tr,w , Sri, t the, 4liedie4 ui rit:RE ,n nl Selsi , i a year, naafi .ll Irtrt. eot ht. oil rattrttuT • • 'bill., 120 bur E.,,Lon. I, busli _ _ . . _ . The College of Bt. James WASHINGTON COUNTY, 'PREen -Aleppo( tins Prot...tit lifiliiropoiChUrott 'PRE TENT H ANNUAL SESSION 'Will no . oubylhilLtY, Oi.toher oth, uti.l copttitue tG •ult t le*'"x.:Tagtp.',;l 4 4 41 .!!'ik.1`,2,;t'6 4 41,' of the A.s.leq, out ate Inn•Mte not in; ther tho Loran in ontimittoit front the 4,11. otterle el3llranto • • I Clll.l.F.fiE bat the usual oumtei of, r L a , of 1.6.4, all the upportuoltlot for • ottny•leteedurztlon. sod at t0,161/4111terntInalloo of the eollogiaterourroe,ettder• ~n It* Frainotn. the usual aradamleal di•greee OtlAilslAft fellOOL, Ictgoodle.tely adielidng the Callta.e, 604 coder the evr•roltino of Das Hector, tot no d, 110111. t 4101011, rentlere Ids at the 16.6111,10 K cl .I,l. their eadeadtvl 1.11 ~, •0•1 .he r o. aod dirspiloo ot the Pthrol.' Ito Or."*Flr a.ltsotkest tolls. pupil., la 11, Othoul lu the 31.1.1)411.62 , 111.k. Cl.4t•t 11, 1,6 eRtAy ycze..• • q t py i . • The •Itia6Vl Ih:tell:en ' : 6 . llrely healthlal. 60.1 It Its dlelatn6 frr.s to ao3 tart feraLAL , e ./otl ator•de 604 ord,, 1(2.411 11ALI., t- 1.011:1(06, ltd 641 W.L 6111 la rerly for tccupatlou l oa olhe court* a the cumin` 0140 lu 6.l,lilLtu to the hArzatr wile rrof6.-lolst IL. Bare apt,loted Iluqh Darer Etwaht, Ll.. D, • t a n., 014011 awl rxelttlastical Lou, tut Lotto IL Ain• I 1•11341, 1.1. , Leetur., ..o Pb talc. soolthaullearl. knith:i•fh;el.ll" '"' viade.miluanuall, its 1L40.0 , .. Wirsaious far lidtalatleo to h. tuodl. to MJ4.4 11, '4: l y ( ht. 1 , 1 11 -I'2l:aus lu illtteourgh wooing ant hattuluatha, • reepeoLloy this ludttluthal, aro 0.1.114 ta t Ile.. Tl, A. LI. 1.1m60, lu• mit fortiw Truer,. . attolxdlavr al '.University of Maryland. • TIIE NEXT SESSION Dill begin on WED [ll4t. the EAll day of Ovit.ltat. au.i dw. let amp, Natl.. It. Evalth. 11 Ea. 1: A, Alt yu. 11.1 , Cheullptri and ebtra.A ,,, l. vAaluol Al. .Ad If yv"..' I , ,,Atuautu, end PlUMAkutt.a. •%i IVA.. AAA VrAct.t, at 1A116190. HI.lasTA /I. TlAsinaM, I). hilairliver ARA 1A.6,44. ot rtu..u.....1 0611Areu. , . •• • • . • •• • . , t,orgo . OJ. Dr, PU11.110441 4n0434:0 /h. mart yl. - oyyarcumu., IST b• )),4,41 , n4440p a !7L l ll=LT,;l.,,,Ll4l,o4 . o . w . :retPlorwwv.SWatt, ww4 iwiltmilry: with twee zf r lid t 'l . i . t i o . l.• it. Fn. t.. tta. Leautes, 111 W to fine. I't.tir.l hiatgiculalkutz, W.ll. Y. A. AIKEN. flalliguato,JOl . Kentucky Mutual Liternsursuioe Company. GUARANTY FOND, $lOO,OOO 'PHIS COMl'ANY,offers to ths insured all the teettittf end sdrentepei of the Mut.) end Joint ttinek Piens ten borelofors.pplisil/ notedditooti t totnnt, Mt' Lbw Wen of en 1141.1; 1.4 atT r "! 'l7 L'`.4lti;;;Pits:,:c.T.t!:Ma n 1,4 f from ono to tee scree t finj This pr0p...1-gut the bend tic, _ t bl otr ‘ trt !rib 1 canon %lour!! tilt.. o nottinlin , hen thn nen,. will to stay tn. th. 7 pittnit.e• there Attn. dune,' or water an 4 roe/. and a ntoolytron too , pr O 0 • delluil Thor Totenti—nerourth Is note at fig ontrfour:h 1 I t ti , e , letup LA Jantoutr l i tfitAkfta W. itto,`" JanA :tilt . Lo ;teen at. 53r LAN WA 5.1 tr;Fl r r i s. Ft. CI Sr nre. O.K. • . .. 1: :4; ;Ef '\, COMMERCIAL COLLEGE., corner Mar , -- , rm., fur :. s ' s . ' ~, U. K Castratottfr. Prig. mot Wrorerkii.Of tba Bel. • Jogs lid Watch Atuociata In gook troaplagsrlapartMent,,,, us 4 Lunorer on AliWnallo rte. \ . . A J. Mat . re of ti a oe. \ ntilotlo tat , ala fad \, Atithroeri,- , ILL - locus, Proreaor of Penna. 'bin. • A. It. Warrott, kikh,Lretatwir On ' stela Sr- ' • : E. 11.1.,„ t ga tt ge tge t„ wo,mmi law. • it U. Kota. Protidsedr of Matt:stoat 014 ht et ;nal 11. Ma-or, Profeisor Of Aluchantrat wring. s . Tbia Initituthm.bsts Ecen recently hat Inaland di 'rig -, el, sod nos employs eight Prontawors an Teacher& lee \ - ' i:gti . .=. l' errfeTt= u ribrari n'n" eVti ' VS ' t , fiz , v•,,.. 7 .2 ........,...,„ ...b•..b.,,,,. in Cum Utah \Pk saies ~ ', , 1 .. eroantlie Conned ambnace. eallr earrirr\f ‘ if \ 0 .•••• • V A Ll' Alt 1.. X PARR, 'or kii.ejity-auvurt I i 1',,ttfr 0 Vi,,•=, , ,,1 5 ;71 -i t!Ztefr4,i,,,, , ,,, ,•;,,.,., , i, \ lore, 47 cleard,C, ink. hug Farm is Ingeoi rept. i hl r. at,. ,K, 14 ~d d. N g , . ~,,,, ~,,,, o f 14 . 117.i..w .d - \ oe holidta d . ea. .punt. se. •dohng ,. ..f : 1erkm . v . t10n ,. ..., , harsh Ver. T..a. teen employe! to vivo olitrmithifkarbes i'l4 • ,'1";•...,••".•g , .''..;.!•• ' ••!• - • v:::4•. 4 .7‘,4.".! I • *. 1'.='„VP..7:,17,..1t',1r,",....r,`" ) ,°•:M,T 3 :11". "==.% • • i t\ noir o fruit kloirehet of summits.. ,bneetoient. ' of uhlaintne a Mecca.. kdrimition, ars azgarwl tbst,:. This Fa nr I. ...oared at thx. prtion of the Pittatutrith tbon, .. oo hoduoto... to L1...W..4 the ...rater bate ‘..\ g ui s es Luang oud Loan . , .11 0. . , 5tal Ilse., row.rd 3h, aur a equal a1”ata,110,u0irjet,,,,,,,,,,, fur_ae, mile- •r Bakestow. W , I r townoldly,Allseldeny aura.. palmate of tn.. . , ....; Pa and a. he sill My r "oral. terns, Pith. CommuniestiMmaddires.e4 PIO. K illyaltaltEl.AN arab:, ' Inoltijiterd. for , art.....k."0A.,... ot the...nor. un \yonder tuompLattrotan. , mr.larerV, - u.« ...v. i-erd-wifilt \\ glen. FIX/41kt) , i-,------0, . i- PamforSale. , . Virrh' , l: • h,rell g"' 1! V"' "üb'ribers IFEET. fur. xile tinti woll'lrnown Perin \ -.' . ' ti.. k t ' l 1 i. f , ~,'; ' - - - ''.- '''''' ::: "' Nr j i '"' :!...“ 4"` Call. the ." ath Farm;' Isla n Chart/ ' k, era. ter the Va. ~,,,,,,,,,, 5„, hi• a",,,.,,,,,g c 1 g l alb Fayette lowt.ohiv, AlL...raj . ' ortnty.,alll:t ‘ sellag wild Company: et AOAll.Atablr - will he from Pittoborati. roureulent to the litlttittraltiand WWI hebt M.O. Pahl aiao s tamekalefl'allrieej, itufton Tam.. flood. containing 132 Am*, PA of add ..' ' i Ea., beer tow. the ItStlo .1 Pepletatur,' I, of Cu Last . unlit! of bottom land; the optan.l Wel th tha.Cknonilionars lout goon.,nt ll under troo4 fece. Llnsrattignmaid \ • .ii AIiP.III4FP. \ Coal lt. atrolance, Tho asotovemsnla are • hug* and ~.14..T1 PORTI 'As larlor andenient Dwelling Wows, a Franui•llank Earn, wide ' \ , w - -. , I. • - Mottling. w agOril 'bed, C 221.1 cribs, orhighoosa o _and all. \ \ • "\Y other nerktrory oot louilditats. A tarica °rebuilt or craft. ... ' .•".., • II AIi.LN I , ~. ..,t frt.. tb• • beet Mal, pot 1 kg upon \ 'at ~_ .- , w inuir, {4. la good rioter, and it to fue=rul '. . , \ ut au.- , ~tt tfie Eult tFL ge d ing wrpoc.„ For_turther lurtientarftie. , Ist:\ 1.1 rah Olt. lo but -- I tioi r. ,,Zeorltur, auto, pr e ake,,.. • of ' , ~. _i. ard utdos. .....-Wel cd "o , ' Ilareou.,.. I ea/siert...l or Whiten, Ir regular Menetruat It, I r awn,. IFNI rAL "\I \ . PROCLAMATION'. \,-,\:, • • - • . luotaitintood o .4 It rit.eittener, Prfatration of , ... • wtr lloldwin fugue in \ Lkorenael Yost. and Mounts Plate of filial, era rural by \ - - --•-- -- - \ - 4, - -- -• ' •• Y ' VIRTUE tn. , A PRECEPT uspEk , \ \s' 0 ., For S , - •;• \ \Oki...Ws of WM. \IL DirCLUILE, Praallant or`t.* ,p,. , 4. , ,444 - . P.a... -, 0 1 r ' ff. ' u "S " '" J ''''''''''” UU. ~.h . " . .. A l 1, 'DE LAND, 'A .Am D 'NI"; m . ourt'of C\ emnon Pleas, Irt and for the 6111 Jool DIALAet . • . 41.2 i• 114144,212. r. 114 Li ~4 ip,4 alt. fouutalu utditaioo T , .. 0 k,,.,,,,,,, , , ~,,, „ra....i . ,,..,, 5 .,.. 0 ,,,,,,,,,, . - Pooh," I mho, and JustkirOf thr Lkdirt of thkeatial Tat: . . • ' , • maul furl Ileitetal Jail Dothery, In .2 ibr sabt Mari . mot .I.enst h , the moue It too. Mites bet humbrk Mop , , d . 44. ,r 0,,, dri,,h,,,2 2(2. Ire fin..., \ ~,), ~...,....,,,,,,,,,,,„„4arg s. flo gd, y,,,,,g,g , g,,,ja g s ' , 1 . ...turd .... • r rod.. aka 2.12.. val.. ...ion to fat •• IA Peuu to,ook.k. Atteelieor duonly. st I goaol Impruok \ \ i , , .....'N . .. c.„„,,,,. in ..,.., , it. ( A.. tr ., t u,,,.1,„,„ ; \ sad pow... roe., los,-.oosAvd tole on ressomilde7. For furl:. . ,7 4 ~,, ,, 1 „ ,,, ,, ni ~..0 .0.„.00b, e , .0 . •000 . 0 ...„ a . en . . it. mad anorative 10/wan.. ran rlt paculualy arta/. :, • ,, 1 ,11 r ,g,i;',V . ,, • 11 „1,.. :,,,.. t r r •”"i'rl'i ' r • ir ••••••••• ' itas Tottia I Eight thimired owl Ilfty-One, and to me Si- \ t rat. to Wu dosid.l one .I.llcate ott mitt.. of tbr hs. d i„,,,, ...r\ s, , 2 . 11011 A ~ttl DAN "' L i" , h.' "i11... 4 • Otorter °far t. , 1 2... M andUen- \ .\ • 1 • I/0120y' , .it the C.. 800., la the City ot Pitts- \' ' ' • ‘ • male. It bannorlistely rountn - sets /Led itit..4l. surto. •••...... ...., ~.,...0 0., „,.. ... d .„....,,, ~:... .... id ~,,....„a 4unN A ElCLEY\Aln ' tnifiNto fir “f )°.,, , . th ' ‘ thin. "F " ("" r" . "''''' " ; l6 °.6 ' ll ' . L CANDID: WOOL a. ...-4, lir. a. e, t0a.....Yr. .anut, - ic i i l,l . i 4 ,,,4.,„,,, ei „ g ~„11• 1 1„,,• , ,,,,,,,,,hd y ,„,.„,. . / avast. ao octal ithr h•tti../ .•• " t it , . ' I " , a v.. Third, o roe., be White nwso 'Hole!, 11.4. c„.„„,., . d 0,,,,, ~1,., „e lira uouute a atteioutur that, . ; ‘,. \ • are I. tt., Liars eviihisea do die al bi i 0.... 1441.1 . 111.1. Tallow fib tiller. aoil alanufscturam nhe t h„. p d. ,1„,,,, v ,,,,g c „ . 1, ‘ l,,t r ii ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gg .,,,,Ab i gc, - ;- - . \ - , ~ \ 0 \ drungly to eautomenktbut medicine to riteol veash ...But with •B. nil° rti"!• •i • tit.tai• M... 1181. ‘ 3 1.•• roll, 2..1222 luanbu furis, ecarainatron,suudotba Masa- -, i . . .: who 1.... toe Wool 41......4•1111 oft", lag ',odor .sulleaue mot not, . rho Would. ore madkof be t,,,,,,, tos s !, tido, ago ankh, lath*. reareathwtreta loon AA 11, and v01t4.1 , 1,y.. a Su.% :dards tosehl .. mitltlik ,a h e a ., . adowhel,dr,,g, fo. bd &me-arid alsktheoattut . Prolstat. uteri,. !rail.* Oar ISUmb,of Or. to .„. • ,, ; ,4 i r, z , ,, -,,,,-1:4,-,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,--„1.0.,,,,,,u,,,,,..,-,44, J a il VII.Z . IINh• prier, ~.g., ,r t,,7 g ,r,......ti b wz .. d..,,.. ttr2.l 1 2 b 1 0 .. 4 4 , i•-•h r t•W .."••••I ea ..' t r jlit to roe l ' :•i r o a f rr io, ottigeel ttel\- ' tee ll.rior to v i a r r . . i es:- . erto. sato r akt ) lixtu r‘ to. g hslrll;e4 " .t --- , - \ \ • itar.aparills, after ea., De., knowt, ...mod, hki leo. otker now \pi fik. s. iv . \ \ , .llreo Dud to hand, Pittsbugh, tide tit ar.of Died without reller• • i,. • ' 4 t It ate al I.u. \ 4 lirtiotei B....ptemter, I). It\ I„.ind.dath. Oununonwsultli tn• •St.h. \ , vtddillterit T ....*:..litri.l-.4 ', ' s AAKTEN. CLIMB. littelift. : - Wagon.., o.;.Fato lb. alt T... ord., End my wtfa, agal 07 ygnt. brie sole rol kl s tiC s \ - - -ma I " , . , a -.. \I; d for 1:1O. - •\ \ \ ~,,., the due.. uual.... he hv.‘4. - a.. l V•illkii ili i I E iTER.,,k of A ilninietta 1011. on tn • Fo \ - It:\ uirsnanco u Ike 10 *ill and 4a:3l4in:tent • • ' \\ \ k..........., t.. her Lod. 1 h. e k. , r..k. k.... - --...... ,, I A t,.. • ~1 A. ‘‘.ti. 1., o Ina: •tie,....ultiki., Jr .Ak,.... Van w let Atlas. if,l4ol.lnlj •111,1 &Rah , , ', . ~....0,,,..,4 N. iest 11m i ...rat trasnt thaehoull I.spedreural to 42.24.1. Lai. 14.2121,024.1 to ito Ultd nt4102.1. la PL../ 1.. • i I I ' , ,1,..1 alit re•ti I l pular vendor or • ' ail pers., todakt Witireto ar refulA to Osaka Wawa, ni ilr•• 'I. • All ' . . \ q.t.... to u of the ...unary, alatiout autbets• whatever . '„. ~,, , . .0 ... .„ ~,,,,, .. , ed ,....,,. d ,,,„ A 1.,,„,,,„„,,,,,. Gun r , (horst., , floi m ort.letoarr neat at ViLetralt. Iskia , v.... baasi , th......'•1 s '''' .••• •\f •hi. " l " S\ au , idad ...tato., .....,..ted to make Ism Mout.. Y . i it _ p f .:2 tp,....,, • ,t;.,-01 6 Littgi n tL ~,,, ,T, :f. \ , th.. La. of ..., m. 0.., att . vp Welt On, 001.4bie.... .I n to w.a...17 , - Jou.. r.ttxr.n IN, • ;17 0 , 1 ,L i Ni..... L„.;,,,,..;; q4 ,-- ,741,,,,,,; , ',7i . ,,, - .:4,, b i gb *r _ , . \ , la tho m•rant or Ws. 1 • ... i0du....1 Cr dui It ( o .h. it •••""" rI. ‘i A • , ."`'l"-il L.•' !'...0- . \ fiat ol erni• . t ‘ ,ll.lta kuilb 101.1 Id anaVanle of LA _ . • . • • „, or tfoiadt( e %OW* 1.104 sod 3anouoirilla. •n +.h ..., • A Plouithing Natoli \\ . N, I/ .r 0.,., north; e eang of tiro Man- , I el ret Lt., ntollt,.. atter, ahe too ,i-d a a L. kott _ s r , 0 , . ,\.. , ~ ~• ,N •,,,. , Ural nail a ia • rry Acme- more or d. A p likthhl r.... , • '' - ‘. *. ).,,, lEJI t.S(Ji. 'r ...114.,Ntetul sttitar,y , s ur btu ttie tla/htogtoo and Plrtaburge uroolt/tbrougb. . , • e.... , .fiat. t0.... 4 . 1 "'"'" , " ••• 1. " . L IS ' 1110 Win, 1.2.1 %cid 2.,13,44 2 • lam e r a Pm.. ',lain. Oa _. . da ,, f,,,, mi.., at,. lageotal . raoLlir.atl sd.;•l 0 .0 0 , , ,,,,,."1 i g1 ii ,...• 1 1 ,1 r ,',1 " ,„• d i u r° ,,,,, •1" ,,T L I• A " g ri d t ,, • g f g i.:,t,„, i• ". IL, rano I. a i ung Orrba. a 24,4 trult. 2 Da 121.1131, . ' ~ .." ....... ••.'..L• . •-• 0 ....• ••••‘ • "" I ' 414.244 Ira to 0.. Palle, L. 111 sr ..1:121 . 1t. he,' ,kt ~v,.. 0 /44. ,0 e, , t1 . 1 , ...A .•r t „, a a 00 .11b ..,00, 5hrd . : 0 1.1. 0 3 0.0. uad d,. 1t ,L. , 501a , 1411 0,00. .0f ir m a. ' . .., , . Leant. \at 11. ttigaltii r. Lee... , . .11•01. 1, 11. .1,4. KENNW..I!. ji ., ), \an 4 I Igb t • t ‘f •Mr tionlikt. 0 1 thiris Ore& ~..., . i.. 1, It tUt el" a a •a 4 . ri. 11 21, WPM 14421sLoti L. 11 to lU6,Julio didnArt, know .t n( ' . 1, i .r ' - " `. 4. '',.. 'Bttom. ' ' : , s , \ - • Mot the eigo • .lateamoto, .to the dam. of 51.• Mos FARM FOR ALE \,, • \ T ''''"" '''''' 1; r""l7,!irb'°•i".i.,tlrtf,Viet. . \ , , tort, and igeto Wei ma. Wine alt.., 4 IdnyadlS took? , ,•.. r. ar , • •V•.l if ' • . to " sV r li...l,ll/Ilau. r it r e IoefSTIM.- - e , , , U., •ul eereaberithe. 2.1.. ykrl.4l, trod. r -aro.. Rut it, ~.1- , 1 .11111.111t011 p.. .... j. ,., 4 JOHN Illa ti. Set A , •, , . . , JAN 11,k1.1-. -ta ...Asia.; stunt i Arr. of I ."., i i i • .., ~ \‘....=,e , i'• • - • \ • ', c atria 1 11 11 Lk` A ,-,:y... : ,...:5f , .1...jni3 .1.: ...L....kautemogo.nta.l.orfet \ ' Notic . q , \ in FdrtitioA., ; •• • ;1. . , ; ~' 'V, ;'" 'l;;.^7, 4 ,l) 4 . "'''''‘' 'Thi ' - '''''''"'''''",.= I, - MANNAR m TON. Tel** Walial`l'it : tNrck rovn lit Mitt . , ‘' , 4. • 4 A \ ' ' '''. 1. •2 1: • •• • •• ' ‘ . 1 r0.' Y .1 f5 k7 0 1:• , .1..11 .., ,. I;rankUst-Vikoshili \\ .1 0 ,,‘ ...,,,,,....., M., . W a[... rj,4 . 4 8p . .., I. ' . ti .WS i 2'.4.!--eu yo ,1,, 31 f I'l ''' ''ll . . ' ' ' ' .. 2 . . ' i ' " MrfCr4.- "' t t t ;:r . , ••,t t s,U"Az,.';', .., .° 4 , o tlv\ „41 4 '411 ,_ • •:i• . . - • . • \ , \ \• `" - :••••. 1 . - "r‘•.'• - • '.."'', . -, AU Bo ry , Land Agenay,„ l 'i i • 1-• • ••• • • "' •••• ' 1.••••• ‘• W 9..1 • 1 ••4 "• •• !' • '''... 1 . _ s j _ ... \l irlirte &tee , 7410•2 1.0 . • A Lu t rci s tooNF ..' , ' , Me."' " r s ''t \ 4 '"'""' n''" li ma du ' ryII ' tINDF.itsIO Et , , rediding in .k. gul IM. ‘ 4O, -'.\ lo l\* iltittOn. Th.. Jell. 4 1 4 PA' b-,.- \ , . I ag. at .. d.. 4 It Wks'. I.:vino my atm, toblai bora:ad e. dd. 1 4211,2 41 \ 4. 4411.1 its 14,2 Mdenri....... rot la ...... t o d , ut , 0, 1 . \1114 , ... m t. ~,1 2 pj t ittS2 ‘o„ l.2l , l i rLl . 4rtir 3 .,..., fL111117, , ~, 1 i . M ., ' , ' ,.. t ', / r o,,, r " t ee .' 4 ,,,4 "' ,,ss " uffTfc r' fa i P ..o n i r i‘ dtteracm o.ool 7, o l, ,t elg r iad. , : .. i i . La. o . *M. uted.„ lb, of E ..• .4 , I ...Vial. at di t 4,,..., .226 r.1..21.1• 1 4 t 4 r . 41 .. 111, a...• ti, ari. l / 4 11.A. us serolr• art,A.Ndartalkarron ~,d , ,,,. .„,,,,..„. ~..d d00 ,,,,,,,in . ,td . , J. i .. . \ ‘ I . • ' , - , •.111 01 S.His. •• I .11 41, LI.1) .P.l tuuet he amptit•hol f. 4 al. tf, . s tt I,rodrual tot laa rrarrokh or, it' ~,,,....,,, id „.... ~,,,d ~,,,„,, d ,..... dr . g .....3 ~„.,,,„ ,i,,, • / coo, It o. Avoid., 'i • totoiretui •oi ff. of running =Tr tl; , :11 -,: a ., : •,,L , v, !. .,. .lTh g, 7 , i., ......, ~ 14 Flit 4'4\:sta:Ts, Iftuarl Agtof ahi a - iiov I .....• at, .t.ano to ef i .1. hue a toed. 1ii....1y .‘,......i ~,,,z,, . , ,, „„ ~„, „,•,,:„„ ~, ,„ ‘T ,„,.., f., , mill} Court or eoontt., n iffeur oo 7 . io b. Wall a tsk ... . . . da. the . mat.. turn, n oes. „ na e real restata, "...i thf 1 • ••• • • "...• iti• q• .- ' 1 “ " A l \ i• ' • " thiri I iii ,•• • • iii • •" '..., ri•• l i•i n r " . •, • "' i r • " '''" •rl " thl; PIIA %MPS MOlitity11•11/1.11..11•1/.11I . Oilllnd. . \ '''' \ ''';'; '"' ' " "'; ;k," ' " .''' ' '''''''' ; '''''''' .. "Wn ' Cr.itl i 11.11. ra. i , „ s r... lit tt i i: . "' Er -.1 ' •th. " • "`" I PI" iii " i ' atii•r ‘• '" " bit \ is... i' •\•"••••••••• i i i • kii t ' i t. " . ••4 v .. i.• • L 2.r, ,n,l .It - rt , a Du.. }Lteta. etotTollt Ilamo il s , .. ‘1, 1 „, P ,P,,, " , ~...K ' '',‘,...,,W , ,,10 "',./ D r . 3,... 1 " . . • A ,,,W,1 L 3 , 1 „.'' . ../.. . battle et the Stu 4. b., ~ • titik.o. le., audits... 4. too A nom, . ,- L L.. 2 . ,,, At't'r Erid - thic r1; 4 4 dar of . rnear,eetten'ebtiek, A al, ' \`• ' '\ .. \e , li , en or v ttnit.2 and P- • ' ...... "1. "'" "r., "" ''-' ' ..A.' ''''''j' 'l'll' "' l ' ' Luilyrruliu k s‘-siwattPiktent. , ''' thin -4, ' - 'l l °4 t\ ", .14 ' ,l'ru. tout, I ' ‘' \ , ..... felt rd, oelf self. if, .... 1 - aemit in. st , s hot yr... nt of . .1.1. ,2 a. 41 It r • lt• 1121 I.•. I\l .., 11,0 . ot au 4.22.1 pin al tb• .fint, I elteir, J i CVO ' Ours. at Aot. r \ i. •hicli • at. rya d ae0n121.2 Pdirlo l . l2l Mr.p. - , ,'..;•, . •\ • fitillklogluntlf. , • \ .... i •\•., .••••i . ...4" , " . .. I . ••ki ll Soid,ofe i leg, Liu fe'u abed, Wait p\ra., Sherill'l,olllre. It .Inn T on, erV ttl.--I r,te.42,_ \ i \ ' eutie,tad. 1 L.P.d. 2224.411, ~ • 42.122trr per4021242.‘ ~. .- . - "" •"'"'"" ""'"1"""• ‘",".•"...''.": '. rlift.:4; L kiIITNJVY RODS .F. 'coo- • s • ' • ; / 1 •''.. \Adui trotor's two. '• , , , 'eforrl i thrt,lld lery ttor t , 1 .• • • II• 1 ihrli i .r. iii• \ ••• Li • iii Por = t - • • ‘ " r •r- b -- - \ ' I. .a I NCIT lel\ lo ilki47 bilicen kt \ he - der -' , ..; 1 . . \ k .•... lit snuff - to, . I' I.e,, \ NAtth. ' ~,,,, ~,, ::......tai l lit, „s . „( l i tur . o u o n o t, itl o a ..o l , r. ,, f ,o orst ors . r • . O. 00 ..11 ,0 .4 0, ..t ..00.00.,0•0., 0,,,,.... u 0 000,00, . .. stvo,o. 0_,„„. ...r. 00 .. 0.. „ 0, ,00, „,,,,.... ... 0.0,.. , ~.,0,0 a 2,..40 , 44,10 .. oill Slayucto are unrlteliel--tti k. v. , tsdoe bag. lre , t o ......L....f J..ittr, lard. ,ite ..r1 ...sit , utou. / ruktoutd sail I.I.Vsk;•IIL liii•TY. /IP /.1. rotuluelor •r' tore 411.1.,..4. /4111.44 2 , 14 14 , 42 , 4 1 1:14 , 1Atr 424 .4. \ • ..." . t. • '"-r-Ci•""' IL' \P\4' It I'. P ''''' '‘ V ‘ , '"'''' I .".'"''''..'"'"''' 5 7 1 V1 n'' , . 0 1•th,!,,".,i, ". ••',1.r,,iti,!;.ii...1',N',“r • 142,..44.< g-4.±,••• \,. \ ; \ \ . - - ~... and forearm., aro ..Lind IPo (.' 12,21 • lteraL -,:• , .,c,-, ,,, -;1 ; • , •••. , •,. ~... • ~,, . ,„ags roan.... rd !wl. r oe an on Stood.. .. vo! - •• : • 5; . ...v I inin. sr. rott-etrollY ........H.1.t.. 1 1 .I€ 4 , 1 T. 0 . 1 140'.',..". " "TV '' ' '' h' '''' be' .k ; :.‘' U. W L - V , r .14 :- \ ' \ 4 , rff I L. " L ""' "" f' t ". " ''''" b" ' " "''' \b, " , be 4r eVe ' \''''''''''r th' .", ''' ''''''''' ' P l .ti t- f.4 s fr ' s -7--- r` ' filiA3ale '\\ . \ \. .. \ , , there . eie,be 11. ntitti.t.• .4 twin u ~s wam. 4 \-- - k --, ~,t a k u \ ' \ . ' ,i , , s \ \ \ . . ,;:- 11,1\14.4 42 . :Mod \\ , Farm* Hale. 'k - 'WE kubacriber afore istrrit for ea e„ P''. \ 11- - r 5.....,ebe i , ei,., , ,t. 1.1. le.l.iet'eetp ~. me that tAnn El lITY ACkE.S. Itu,',alllnenunty, • Ofa . \ . Fre - re ~.i. otado ito v.,. 11V,V5 V Ai, 1.1 ~. r lea. , , Vi.l. AISLE FAIW, inVera at ~,,, town= .s T . ,,if ~,,,,,.4 , 4 , 0 . ,1id; „ ~., A m, ~,,, 1......,, , , •'. D. :1 .0 I •of utiietitta no u st4v o. ell\ baehtue • e • IS a ...k . h n i,e ,, ,.. , t , tiLA . 1! ~c o4 u lt, r . , , l , l l,er.o hi rtk i ler 4a fr i Ara . l i ` t itarra,' clear Th.. AuDologe ..e 40 loi fifty goad elder. 2 -\ • ' ,L -' ; 1 A-een• warn u the prem.... to eddifilohteVi s hers era role VI \ - i.i •ne,c-t tt•At Aii\bhu. , •n•i‘k."-. ^tA k, i . l. '"'". L ' .P . Woo about Flit IV-MC.l ff ACIthS of dm rata a, ..4. 44.1. 4 r. 1.. L.. ^ #.o , 0 . q.,r , ...t.r ixtul \ • . .-. ~. .l,r.L Lt. 422 2112 , 2. 1 .1 itt 12 , /041 4.21. r aff r. def. or. a { ql. Intyrotomotth..-Issliccul foe sole .74.r.50 , _ \,,,,: .. 11t,..,_j __. . o i, ,_ .: \ , ~ moo • aft. u let 1,, 404 a . f oh, 1.,. 14V.1ilf, • ‘t• K0•,b)......u. 111 , ,i 0 Vvotobled:}ut s fat.hod ao 1.. k it. 1 _ tne,r 5 __ L e, ~ =alert l= el Ty!. at !lea ~5, \ \ art =+ ,,, v‘in t. ,,,,, ... 1, ,••,,, ....4 0,40 \ ; 10,0 . , • gar t o '''' `6. '''' \ n '' TaaiNiniutu-, \ I :rill: AT ILVNTITOLKIASSRDI T E ;•,\, \\ . ~.....-....., 1,,,,,,, -h.. o. ~... ....' %t. i, C. 4 to a 1 o"For3.nt 7• \ x.g. t (infrak 0 \,, ~.. 4..• ii., 11. 1.4.1 41, . • 1,24 , l/. i eal• V. ,\ . : v ia ' la\ ',c . - ••------,- E 7- 0 -_---- . - - ~., Da. Jo "wit/ Ratsjavi ,\\ .; 2 .. NIT IS gni ' iu\gltatt L.414. -- ,V' , .(1 ' etan- ' ' '.'- ' ' '''''' " ' '''''':''''''. 4. ''''' ''''" ' 1 "'" \\T F \I 'll it •i '' t 45 's A it r ESt , ;; \ LAND. • ktk. tn.. 2St to 01'42 I t l r l 2 ll .doth tap eat pit. , ' N i. 4 ''' "T'' ' '' fl i te 'll' ' Lt .' ' t u tt ' Ll ' ..\ he r 44 \Ll ' D ' ea . 1\ e " n t 4 i e l l ( ttle l b it uralacti . 2 or unary Tarovite, La- 1.... arr ohnil 1 . 0 -Lola lit ilt.A m , O.A. Mrk l Ottl 7 \• • .. \ ~-,•\,, \ .. - - • • 0 '- a• "• ' " * - 'rd 10,,b. 44 2 I.avl .11,31$ mut Wakinitturg. ya k . ing hoods of Weyer bottle. Pt WI h ItlodTl " ,, ,...7,8M 1 • \ ' „ dd .... , \ , 4 Li s d „ e re , . ti. 'fa terribi ",....,, 4 , ro. ..... u.. . ~. . e, ~ ._, , .1..., "L rsteuut.ieh , ItA,tur 1 0 " /manila. 2 '24.1412.114112,........• •41.1 - 011 141 2pat ~ \ • i .2 \ \ , \ , L .. 2pd tervii 4..4• 1 .1 4..„ d oj a . A o/manila. when turrynn r, 11.4 grodirt , . 0 ,... Ou. ohs', n 14.1.1. (AL tn 2.3‘1,1(2 I in, kALI... : oolf,4rne peniteea cr. eve.. ...en.tia . UI•A . I ...141 - t....... 1. 4..24,1 .11dIrla t.l. ' it ' 4 1 .1; 1 4 7 4 IV/M • frh tt r:PL l• fgVA.W2l4l= 7l l4l ' *a ''t \ \ \ Kt 49d. i241.212.412l (42 trari\o4ll,2 . 2121(1, I 421441..r9/iN Elt U.) . .6. II a $4.11.2 VA' ;.. ,1 1. 1 , : , \ \ 1,8.1.ta,‘ la Ism. a l ..\ thtk ....rea trope, 41.L.A• 14 the onif tante:Atka Dater/the on ..., Z ,ELL e 110,0.1,111. tr , ~ur 4, k Lt ' \ „ al, T 0 1 . 0,4 rfe r. P.. „ooo. .reeig h tri ,Boo.oo. elly 1c1e0 ,,,,,i1 12e it we , „4 7.4 .1 re , 4•M1 .110.0 01 1. r .. . . coma - 0.n.0.; Ant 11 ‘l% , fo,l \ ~ ,I to Dm, aak•woky 1,21111/. 0004 ft (2, It 14001.1.L2141211, . ~1 ,1, , \ t. (4,2.1..,, r. TO. 1,.d to . Ur' • •il ; , tbr otrictut.tdoentleal•wera,..4lo , ..._.k,somentaalsetTVOns• \ L. 1•44 4:(2 , 1 . 1.21 r i do u A lie i I 'Ur' b•fen ll 11 . air ? . .4- " Zla are 7 toiSislia ' t. rietnes"Oritartura • ",.., ', - . \ 1... ed ii. 0.1 t0e5...411 \kilo .. m other raniabiy'sratro L.tibet ents4l.-, tbs 1a1t2471. , • 'i, z • \ , tte r Lrd Le 0•• Lir/. 112 NI.O. si ulna, andarni,ektna to e area Iv tt. retrattl gnat t , ( IA ' \ d, eta .:•" 1 1 U ;i.V.. " 1.,...,,,,,,,...„,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,, ,, , ,it‘ \ G11 , )3113.1 NUITECIVE f'&12 , 1 .......... )\ d , I \ . . \ \ 01-11•..11 , 01.110 at 111i,pre• ‘ \ l ; ‘‘1::, .. ', ' ',. me blAmpoz ul uod. it., ' i , ' l L' il ' l ' " 17 ' 4 "4-1 ' ' '''' ." 1 ' '''' ` V U ' luu '''''''. ,' -ft. 4 ;1.. 3 14 14 -W,Forzi itg.'n rixr ~•: • \ - - ,•,... (..., ‘L and.:.... :........1. ',.' 4" ; \\.. 4CLLT L. ~. e, surra Or r..4t Pottell I.ltAel • klEln.a.• •, \ , ‘,l . • u,,...11 tial‘er 1:1.. o{lll4 , I IitIFF \ 'reed it, mielitel Lt Iva' o 1 b. aal .• \ • U.ii c uPt evi . A. •• •Wathret th4 . \‘, ' ' t ' t • . . idy that I Inlorra ran of • i tar sir sou •, nett \ 1,. /ATS 44 te,A...\1i . ,.1 WV :Mottle 4.0% 00 e• •,,.. • i ! . 0 ,.. 00 .„ . „ C t• "-- • t . .feo r`a cwt ,ar ]biota s• iali 2 * Vt I= the eredenUat V.thu \\ . NOP , ~, .. . 4_, ~4 %% OLl.line.O. tardirmall,, 1134114 i i. Ire attwarelaatelo. mend Harahan •e...- • •1 - A V:- _ ! • • , • - ‘,..\- ' . 1 I both mot it ..t. Ikatkm oll•cr, en and . totalitS In Chile Alta. who have hewn tem 3 1 e u„, ~ • ..,. . -, \: -- I • at Loan n 11. A lattll o . eassirhatM tratimmaisla Ogbr , , Ih° nee 1, or 1A 00 10. • • t'kdoriocii en t mosso I t ate. tna Anther rktkurituuste. 4.1 DT 1 (~,, , ,Vii‘ ic,,,,,,,,,, ~ 4.4, eV lattoriesoo ...ors:kens . ... Nr rt {bing:pas abet, Baulters Jllmok. 411104/11003. I .\ '. • . - , , l'alle In Lb. halt aitel rt 1 I 112.4 1 11. 21.slti 1211( 1 1 1..042(•5tuPtiP2 2 .4. 1/. . 4 .41 li. t o It ... MA. pageou I oak ',hum, aunty! , •• ~..0,„„,0, 0 .0, .. e. ~.... ..,„. ..e.. ...,, y ee „.. k ,.... „ st.dg , _ . ,, m „ ~,,, w u ,,,,,, , ,,,, ....,...,,,. \ ~, bi dl-a. tiona .a. ra! 44., Dehltt , t7....__ iwi „-Ernew , L Thw iltn• ." , Nt. \ j. , ~ ‘ lialtocl, and • hoo, liukaintgort. - -----\---\- -----•.---- --\,, b.. 0x.h.Nimi0..“,,,.... gsddddd ,•: tit.. 0-184 , ? Ilthl.M.oht • fity • taditt\si F. KOs l, Wit slang: 11 3kt , li r e , • c ompany , , adilltadlarT 47 0 : 01 ,.. k w aii u .= . 4 ,4 =elitAi , thA , . 0 . - .•• 14.1e5 . \ '..l . Ly.o. A 1"..111.2\21111 , -1 1 ,111,..4 2a. , 22' TO bora \ . :\ ' „ I 0 \lf -7 ' . : r 4. -• " s ,Eteaf U. /Malta. ye4:l7,;ttif,s; mil WitiVantit sta arta.] I (~ tVEalleuter, \iebts'itl,:t tier to kCo BRAN 'l, l)r\t, \ •-•r, , to. , \ .ststart.t..o . 1%, ~u=if„,,,,„,su 144, kw 4itb a 1aht..... 46 1 .1. ' , 1 eac ikremir,A P.A.,, Wed!, .01,1...1 101.11 . a ,11.0.. \4 1 • , 1••,.d MoOtll, nudes:! d 6.4.1\u, W. , jl , u;'l , 4011 \,, ''',...,. .V 1 V i s 'a•U Pll! . .tAujokfit - tysi. 165 k h gogg,r e y . tg rAWW"'" ,,,,lng.ts.l o ' t wecze lii44 l . =; '. orgoo th'a ctz, l*. , j"..."‘*"P.r4 ''''k. ... '"..." \ l'v s \ T R P.' ts 1 e "f ' \ U r °Il c Ut. " }itriLt i uk \oo4..r...atta..duk. e* /11. ' ger pr, - ,...111 I.`q „4/A./. 4' - '.0...- 1 .1.4 I , \ '4. 4 \ \ - ''''' 21421,12,4 ~. 2 tig to t late )1.0.,1 . \ ' . 1' . ~ 1 ~,,,,,,..,:, t ... , , dci. , ~ .1 1 ' ‘4 ~.._. ::., .... 2, „. , firl ,4 l . ll l'. ic •, , L N ''.. ` \I, i , th e unparallefeA u. tof WE \stet tt - . A A---,.- -- \ ~ i te, having itanoV I Dates aurn4.o..P•ed Fear. TA•Viorlityla Mime ItOpll4,araltrail&indelll , ~.........., , ~,,,,, RA a ,, g.,,441,,,, g ees id 4 st, ta t 'm us. \ pans or Th • tholeakaalthiat of the ne.ialle , r let Atari hadlgarlillioe• A YRE.'S Cualtali SlididnAdd. 'cii.“4/11128 latind ~.,k ll4, • 40421( . 411 Omni party In lig, E. NG ne.o fp Ildalyp 1 5e.40.4.v.. ,/.two r,ot AllOlll4 01. • our la of them:at I. . I e 11 t k atkla. Sal.. alothdlt •11.1trautrillankt Lira ht. . Moll. lOW - ' ' . - • 4,,... hauled an ant c • 4, - ''''\ ka,b a ter ocelot the 1 . l'ttlAt II Li, 'CtILIka, Ilihillg,NE.B, BROW! ,t. 'it.,,ty,..f ki1d.1:1,4 \ tra2 4 .2%,==.141.4 , it . t b . ~,,,,,17 , "... tit!. Viiil)OeiNti.entraH. lit .. \ 1. P. •411'2 , 1122, 21 2041, 2 4 k 2 . ~,,,.! \ t.. - watt Af Int tnAg t rIAAN,DIAIeLAW ' M./. 1 • • .. ,_-...1 \ ' \ ASPIt ALI 00149Vjarli . ‘ or tent ter m. k \ *kr.i,..K=h * *Till;k3 T ..- ' "1 - :, .4 ,tius traMtru.\ 47 one wutl.nouttout trtirs_ofpArn .. t... 0.1 4, , . ~ A MONII Ito ;Lanaia:4m disaovert S'Ui.rkee 4, „ ,\ .4.1. t. 4.0. .04..\.e • ' ll \ ,o ;, \,,., \fagateturr ut /Lugar In la pr 1 1 1b4kir. 7 ' "., 1, 4 . . /V W. P.1.d. 4 . • ho,llll. gmudathh 'At...tali" • • It.I.I.•••• 17 .. • ''',,t11;4;..' , -""\-\ "' ' . 4 Fen f.•\ ' \ titiar Illerillto4 \ OW/. tang 2.5nr Ctireid ill dear 14, • a iu,,, a i,,,,. ~,,,,),,,,,n4...,1 .em. wa.....,u..1..... .e, t......1....1,