PITTSBURGH''!GAZETTE From 4rth4'. Home G'erette. - WHERE LS HEAVEN baring One of UWB4IOIII ventngs in the rely heart of =miner, when the twilight, deepening apshe, eeemod to withdraw - ,ithe earth from ua, and to bring, the heavens near, a mother and her little girl eat together by on open window, and both looked up to the sky The lady was lost in thougid,tut bee child co rated the mars to a low, merry tone, singing — Ma, twenty, a -- hundre4,a hundred beiglt eta, •ols, how many; many, many—and low bright: - until. turning to tier moUlei, and bras ping Ler dre,,, to secure attention, She eiclaimed, wall sudden energy, "Tell me, •mother, is heaven in the elarsl"_. 1 • • "Gently, Alice," said 11'.r mother. In the stars! 1 1 lio, certainly nat.', "%Imre is it then '— in the sky,. between the stars?: "Do tell me where it is. Once you sold you would tell me Whets I was . old enough to understand, 'and I this I can understand • • "Comeiterellittt "' her mother replied, bold• itieetit her irons to tbi little girl; “eit quietly on my lip, and I will tell yen something about it; but you must be very attentive, because it is 'hot easy for is little ,child to comprehend such great truths. You asked, 'just now, whether Heaven were In the stars. that did your father you; yesferday,about th starer "He told me thutisonie of .them, but only just very.feer,.were worlds something like our world, and that they went tound and round the sun, atid.had day and night, and summer And winter. The'rest, he maid,. were great, big sour, ever SJ - fed elf, oh so far ell nobody knew how far some - of Omni were;; and be had no doubt there were worlds going round and round those suns.. too, and people in the worlds who were put there to learn what is goird and true; and by supposed they 'Were tempted to do wrong, and were some. times unhappy, as we are." "Theti, do you suppose Heaven is there •. Oh no: of , coarse it is not. I did not think of that." I •10, my darling child, Heaven is not du any , 'place which we can see with our bodily eyes. We cannot point with hands of 1it3311 to the road • that leads to that country, nor walk along it with these feet. If yin. went up into the depths of the eky, and searched .it through, from north to south, and from east to west, you would not lind kleaven.there, nor.meet uue angel on your • way," • "Then, mother, are you sure there_ is a Heaven, if it is - not any where" "Sure? Yes, as sure as that I love you,' and that you love me. Du you love me . "Why, mother, you know' I do— " Are you'sure Can you see your love: "No." •. • 'team you lay hold of it with your hoods" . "What, shape is it, round or sgffitrr aun't know, - said Alice, laughing. ••It oat any shupe.".,_ "Where is ill - cad you tell ate that. — "No, fam sure I cannot. It is, all inside of • me; all inside my soul:" "Then you see there can be a real thing which you cannot look at with your bodily eyes, nor touch with these little hands, 'lt'd which does uol occupy any earthly space, but which is ',till real, true, living thing. Just such a real, true thing is Heaver 6 only it is a different had of a thihg. a different kind of world from this oft6rth, 'sad, like your love, does nut all tiatural.space. You say your love is inside your soul; there, - then, and wok on the earth, or among the ,tar,.. which lie all outside of it, you roust look for the Path that leads. to Heaven: if you prei to and try to do what you know is pleasing in His sight, He will show it to you'aud Iced you marly along it.." "Will he really show it to me sad will it he beautiful, JD covered with flowers'" “You know I told you we cannot are the. things,with our bodily eyes: buy if you try to-b. a good girl, God will put true thoughts, and goo tie, loving feehugs into your Leant, tout they uhl guide you to Heaven, where the pure end hal.p angels live.” "Could I see the angels with my ryes— , "Not with those eyes." ..Bel I have not got any other eyes ' . "Yes, you have. Your spirit but ryes.' don't think it las, mother, for when I eh° these nee up sot said Alice, pressing her lid, ughtly,togethee, that namely more thou th tips of her long lashes were visible . "I enur, see one hit; anis dark." "That Is because your spirituel eve , or closed." "But whican I not open them' "God has Inn given us the power to Open them while we are in this world; and, if they were Open, ire could see no more earthly things with them, than we can see heavenly things with Our Jbodily eyes." ••What should I set with them'" "Any spiritual thing that was near to you. V..e.ryl painful and ugly thingi, if you were naughty; beautiful things, and angels, if you were good. Do you 'not- remember how often, in the Bible, we are told of good men who had thiir eyes opined,ami saw, and talked with angel, "Yea" replied the little girl, and added. in 2 lOW and reverent voice, "They saw the La rd, too, after he had risen: and he blessed there He said •Pease be with. you.' "Yes, love. All those holy things men ens with their spiritual eyes, when it pleased the.t open them." ••Why will he not open ours now. and let ce gee angels?" "God loves 125, my child, wi n infinite love, and if it were good for us He woo , but.he does not, and therefore we-may know t at it would do us harm. Do you think, if yu saw angels and other spiritual things about von ail the time, you could attend properly to l our leesens, snit the other duties you have to perform here" "No," said Alice, "I do not think . il could, i.e even the little birds dying, past mule me look oil frocirmy book." . Afttel• a long pause, during.iihich her mother kept . silence, that the little.one might have time 'to garner in ber golden harvest of new thoughts, she looked up again, and — ilaid 'with great etr 'neatness, "Mother, I should like to die." 'Kissing tenderly the little upraised face. her mother replied, "I hope, dear one, that you trill like to die, ? rhea it is God's will to take you; but, remember, :merely 'dying dues not take us t, Heaven. You must he glad and grateful todive: you must make the very bent use you. possibl) can of the time God gives ytu, for it in ouly vt that we can become good and happy m this world, or any world. And now, my darling, it is late. and yen must go to bed.' Give., me one more kiss; and do not forget to say your prayers be fore you go to sleep. If yOu are a good girl. I will tell you mare about Heaven some other day. Good night." Little Alice went to bed full of thought, but no , sooner had her innocent bend touched the pil low, thaw she rtas in a sound sweet sleep. NEW BOOK Sl—The Stonea - 4ff Alums of Saint Point; a • V illure Tole. m m . De Luau - tine. Translated Dom tb. French. Memoir of Res. kidsusel Etictereteth, hue Itertur of Ws:- ton, Bert.' bp Mer. T. R. Dirkse.3l. A.. thelor of Kelistisit. Hera; gritli us introduction by Stephen iii Tyost. D. 1.i.• 2 rots, (Mao.. roux. •Oi • ' ' r•" Anshan's Rom. /snug. Decas Mutual sesasts no acuities, with numerous illasitintioms by Mituries Author L. .lijithLi'llheyes. Flisces.for Mesnoinnliso(SEAsti!nl.. .." . two Amadei; /Om°, 111.. ! Fb• our of the ob it ise Men; OkbooJ corazoqatiri Ofo I F tt.Yeecnd 1, h,"t" of of obl Iterieed from oh. LP:ATI ohtloa. limo.. m.o. Loomis' Algebra.—Tqe Klement, of. AlgeLm, delogte, for Beginner; by Gria‘ Loomis, 01. A., Prohoror of Afat to "'' t:7s t N tonal 07.1 d Book of. the /Lerch..., boesom ttesrAm , tr .s t;ii Mantl nh for aelr by jOyi,.olskaAtir 75 Apollo Fltilkihigt Fourth R. T _ osecco-60 boxes extra, for sale 'by up: J. S. DILWORTH t I.\l. R ICE -35 tierces for sale.by DILWIJIITII a Co POTASH-1S casks for sale by • rp . J. 0. DILWORTIII (.0. 130WDER-4 large supply of Hazard tunit . '' ' ''' ' ''''' l " "` -' "'"' WVlV ) rt ! rri ".t" I).10 COFFEEr-10Q.bugsju.st.ree'd DT 4.4) J..S. DILWORTH.* 60 FIRE BRIUK--2 M o t ooo for sale loir to close ett7j*?`" JAXM DALZLL IIACKERFTL:—I`2O bias. Or sale by ; '_ 4 2 1 . & W.IfAIttetlifTll ~OLASSE bble. (oak) for sole •by • angVA K0.1.WZ0N,_401.. CO VNGLISII. LAID RAPER.B.—The best „ L A Len, Parker., fluxcream can be had at -W. O. IIILVEW:t NYC, Wambaki. , . corn. Marl end ob. QPLENDID SICKS—A. A. Mxsox to CO. hare just ree'4 a beautiful %two meat of A very rich bzured mud plain Mark Etta. Thu otxme derimbh Fad. am wall worth the attentlon or r.rch. , ..• ea r-rior Gm. Or Afriaue. Gotha do Chene. beautiful Char, ft,3 JEWDRESS GOODS—We are ram rc , Ivan ceili the tfewt. Lb idyls ea DM. Gond., Nuth w• CAohruerr, PoDllue, Perni., ,Lobeet, Alpstaro,- nabettax. French Merinos. and Thlbet Cluth.. Over lOW 1.1 ,7 1 A. A: .141111SOSJE. Co. WSITE GOOLLs-A. A. AissoN & Co. lur. rut reed,o9/0 IGbitefgplo, 4:4.1.14,A 1,14.4:1 and 1,14141 Jscou4tt, , , >lull, 64. We., Pt.ln And t 4 India Mgt .81,1 m, Mull, Nan.* , A totilleta Y sod very cbP '4° C i pFZ , EE-100.14! 1 3 1.1 . ,2 L '0r . wale bj asrl.‘-. UNDRMS-:-.' 40 byr.4,lF4nattoo , . • 4 - 4Lb /100447 • ' liresse; Ik. int.,•000110y and far .I••Dt ISAIOIII/lehltk Water and Yro[o29 L-On hind, a Wnealvilla 000 rale 4,104.40 e Wtool et. 11111..1.1Y:, INDLI HOBBE ' GLOVE' flzio 99eartzawat iteexod tic • Cilovea, of all t1t919 ...919cturcil, I:Ia . - r as, tho Ku btpullkpoL A 7 awl 9 • 916 - I J. (aCcYrCif SNUFF-30. boxe: Bt nine celC br".'"'"e4 4 ' t a MaTII tlrags. .04 - ,bbls. cur .Jor sal m. e .a...-PAILNZO amzer Fire. au! Wood I: TING-200 MMALLMATION. WIIEREAS, in awl by the Act of the 'eters! Assembly of penroileimi.i: entitled .. .An Art relatag Eleetions'of ml. CommonereeltAtt." it le en joined nu me to givoliatine or such elections to be held, erul enumere. In such more whet offnwra are Go be elect. ed. la inkromenne thereof, .C A IiTEIt CURTIS,Sherifl of the County of Allegheny, do therefore make known end gte• thle nubile antiec. the elertors of geld CottAty Al I iedheny• t not a sal Eirrtlnd will be held In the raid too uty. on the tiE(X)NDTDESDAY OF I jel , ,,REtt st the ,rerat etection 01 um , , • wicK74 mk:ANDLrzs 111 REF TONGUES-A prime ntticle on JJ 4 r 4. ""' " 1° bY wht. A. II'OLUINI Ica, 124 Liberty Art. • 1 : BOOKS, MUSIC, &.c New Books, Just Received. IrEAST: a Problem; reprinted with corree onos attl aiSltlonst by Lk. author of Altou Look.. I,mo, CM/. History of Cleopatra. Que. of EgYPU by Js.tob A bLotl... la., Milt. CIIIOb Field: anat. of th... Puritans. 12m0.. MU, Eas , burr a Yale. by Anna 11. Dogry, author of - Priruds and Fortut,.” Pap. mud mile. Apklrtqu'. Jlacbatika . Magas.... .4 Enguat... JOU, r iiri . l?"..Dictlottary of Euglui. W0rt...1 En gineerlist Nos. 11 aud Le.o.log's Notarial Plaid Boot of the ftevolutit.t.; 00 I Palatine lb. Geognst,hr sod History: alit. '4..L11.!. ograubl , Mapg by F. CI. Ilibbard. Eagt 0yu.... Coop,. ru mor ..11tad by Atari P. K.1..14.r. 10mo.. mu.. For *al. by J. L BEAU. OS Apollo Buildings. Fourth... _ New Books. I ODFREY MALVERN: ur the Life uf an i 3 Auteur. 137 Thomas Miller. With twenty.four 1" 1=1 , latea I nv. e n : En ti n tv c o .. r i ,n u!ing DM and IVA). of Zon.lon r nod the Ltslon P"' 11, aloes books Just reed. and fur oh. by KC STOCKTON. 17 Mark. rt. ECHANICS MAGAZINE, Nu. ` e, fur AUgUil. fom. 11 Dome; a Domestic Talo. n Nana's+ In tbr bonsL (re. Slargan.t Mallland.of Son• .rary Detat. opposite the Peet OS ice. sue - " 1500KS!--No. 33 o o f ej gr i rue's llktionary of Nl eahanlna and Engin . joo %l i nt nrl4.4on'a Manila agartnag and Engin...re Alat,—A large anortmant of ct:rtalcal a:nd School Boots ju.t h r,, and fur sale by 4 READ. o Aga .O na. N. B.—liana takrn7lt Apollon t.""'" New Music. lIE SPIRIT . POLKA, Z..otitposed by 11. Klrbor, and drd.lottted to Stephen C. Patter. at Ml* r t. Byerlre Waltz. arrange , ' by H. Lieber, , ne DM) , " bY Byerly'e Band—one of the...l popular waltzes out. belly Bly. with variations, by Bale. Miry Jones, with varlatimie, by Dale. The Autumn of our lears, by lleorgeßarker. Al.. a lino eelactlon of Forelp Mimic for-Piano. flute, tr. KLEBLR. 101 Third stmt. • je,lo 11100 of the Golden Hari , P. 15.—A Wplendbi lot of new PIANOS now opening. On. very nom) second-band ti octave Plano for rale. 11ERICA.IsT STATE PAPERS.—State Pa g:"A'",it''on'olfolru6iFt'hitf We "'d as a-Mu to t he Presider, A°. - of N 113 9. WOOLLY 1.41.441 k. cuoutning Yottuteu, 1. thogrophical, Sciantlftcal, Statistical. Eronotalcal. stul UI oirraphical Documents, Isar, and l. Far.r, together with Nonce* of the Arts sad Nlaindsztures. auti • Itecor,.l of 11. Fronts of the Tim. [tom 1111. • The obooo valuable works for rale by • ,el 7 R. C. RTUCKTON. IT Market et , Music for the'illoomers. KLEBEII, 101 Third street, 'sign of the Golden Harp, ha-slue received— !. BLOWIER. or NEW CUBTUIIK POLKA. with • beautiful vignette of the Bloomer Costume; publi•.Ged tin• 111 .. .1.rtjU n It t U41: 6 ;. r 03.... beautiful Mr of "Neo r y was • Lady!' Alan, supply of Boston Temperance Gler Bonk. ty IL Chickering's Pianos. OIIN H. )lELLOK, Agent for • Chick rings Pianos, tu- PittabUrah - • aml Western Pennsylvania, No. 31 Rant et , * I I I Kaaeceived and now open for sal, the fol. Wein r , elegant aanortment of Plano Form.; direr: from the manufactory, at Mr. I:Meter - MO(Bre(Breton/ One elegant liosewool senn e lrand Plano, 6% NAST., One N One plain rho-. •• mind corner.. suare The a10.0.e Plano Forte. q are of the 1at...1 lc. , 51 ford , Lure, and with all Mr Chielterinic • improvement, the Priem , invariably the setae am at K•tou, thereby temine to purchaser. in lb,. reek. the eapeme trOL at purtation, 9ne K 05.5.55155551 Caned 15,55biznie. 05t*Te may, uptured h 1 Adam 1515.1. t it Co; ROONtlrOgyj tl uctss.e, Adam Stc.d•rt d C. ilex El•^013 Ilasve: du: ttor r55-..l,s•Vd as acs,l 555.5 e or, Bwou 1155,55. vud Luud S-. .r.: •' 51545 d sbits, . V , Mi5151,55‘5555 i25 , ..555581 INAL UO LAZINES FOR AUST, 11,iltm-5 LID. rar, •Lrewr. TmrJ 5t • ortva•it. th..1,5t 5M -5. 550r15. 5 's f 5,5 August rd1,558'. 140. 4' Nacional N1a;15.5.51515. DRY GOODS, 6:i. EW ENIBEOIDEP.I ES. • —lust r,.•,:ivod ~,L l l per exprot‘. a sert Ituct tuvitit of I:thla.,tentt.... tte , ted tilt 'nest rota, t• vlstlng of IA nr4.t.l t brOJIII - 11.. La , . et, Mutlitt Neert,,J.. , nrtt ASA Fltt, rioUnrit,, at. andE•ltit.t •Apl tp.ttlCl.st ,. or, ;316,1t. 1-ttoe 11, Ott, ttr itttrtfrvutrit K,1 , 10 , 1 the firottlA vlll t.t.louni tt, odered It thlt Ott, kaus - It, AA. 1151 , 0 N ICu - . Black Silks. Mohair !flirts, ft:c 1.) itPLII BL heti IFELDLahr rre'.l ITII 1,, eg.t....ph..tb....t..r1y . tts,nor tall ~ ;tilt,. fir 1.t.. ..tee tad Ant . ..,. austa Embroidered Flouncings A. MA-.ON .6420. ItavP_j,t 4,7 r • t•r, no -.1.1A I , ,suufitl r.tn, ao.l 11,,,ut, very nt .41 .4-• '',INT.t . ; TA 1;1.1: CLAffIIS xelly tiar tar,a Alat—V.Vat'; ara t , t: , • *4l .tt.slay• t.raab.lV gt.l /Aat—••. V aaatrtturata •trtata t.. toutt.t. at It - owe-at prs , a awe, Murphy & Burchfield itHis. AVE OPEN tilis morning it further .11), . Pii ui niiiii.ento netting, whit...A.lu. wuJ,rretz. ru .ix Linearesit.-. Mail /.1114$ ~ i , P , •• •• • Lt. I 1,, ur0 ebr , k. uegummer arar..ll - 1,21 Lluruu. •h~V NJ .. , .!r. , ./ 1."... rucrs, Se.; bu. a., bustluotut , 0: oar ut Futarth k0..1 M•rkrt lan., Mosquito Bars. • 1 HAVE just merit one ea, of Wants Net. ‘ 1 """ v "' m Ze.4"idtil. Third .Ireo, JrZ 4 IbIER HATS. FOR TI1F: ALA lila. ami •cs j+l7 I6L t i n Black Lace Veils. • • ... . .... _ ti UHPHY & 1112.11CHFIF:LID 1,,,, ~ hoi , i v.ji. Vent ul leuui Lud Dtllll Blurt. t.. c, Crui, ue. vbate sai unruu thui, 4, . uneu 1.14.r/u., .4 Tut...- fur .I._. blue dal clack 'Nit Nett. PlAin and itg.r.....^ Great Snawlll.le. A. MASON & CU. 'S Great Annual Stull I I Tao/Iday. •tagust ttla, twre t /t t oral urfat [b./ laraaot antl a/tit/rat/J./1,1/M kn.a ts et, .IMb/tad to /a t tals at, roc/apt/Ip. Plala Nai Cr•.. Shaw, • Diacl LlAk ..; Silt•• .• rao• Si, l high rul,l Fr.uch 11..4 Ilroclar p t nntft.l and er,l • es.almae, and Lc 01 raw gild twellual quall[l..., ujg whirtk th.i I.:V th.tr 011 $.111 , . Limn tw.nt rot_ New Patterns FIGURED WINDOW BLINiII PA- I. It: In ,T lrt %UN, /1 31 1 TILOS 1,11.111.1 i Scarce and Desirable Goods, (.)F VARIOUS STY'LES, open this m , ,rtn Va, r u w „:l2 , l , ll „ „eit : W.L.7 . Earludl. , Monrstm,P6pnwrAltk Laer:l , 4:; . D." Black Al.urutr.K • . Ologbatu, ar Literal. ta torited lbw churn olor.ent noel; I Law White Good. for dretraca le We will resit.. today or t‘eutofru , fr. , . .Hen ‘adk — Drown Ursa Lawn.. Jor UMMER IIONETS ANL/BATS—It. 17 PALIIER alas just rec......lgnat ran ~ of ew Hummer Bound., woute be and nun! bt 'leo Ale c . Meter taulal t raid. Ptraw, anal other flats. nI7 for Warm Weather. wonmiTSPIIY BURCIIPIELP, at this North Lod eoruer of Fourth Lod Market atnets. an wets ird with galas adapted to warm weather, au, a. ":+tutch and,Freach LAWN:, Embroidered awl Printed Muth.. New wtyle Vtatoris MuslloL lierages Lad TL oth- Piano whits tivriza and. Stoat .the, hare just mired suothe'r ant of NEW 60011, para...oln, fhangeable rat black Mack Mohair 3litta,l4lllrOloy, Orulerslnves, Dotted Nett LOT do.. toot plain Gingham, dark Linea Estrus., , Ilitouut and Drifts, it bite plurls, tom style 111104 chatigeablo POPLIN:. • Their sarurtroent bid y full, w ith (.01341... el,. of ne. goods, sad at tow., .e tudun meta ts are uantied to buyers to call and wake their 50rb..... 1.21 • • • Straw Bonneto and Hat Warehouse, No. 105 111nRcrr STREET, PALMER offers for sale, at very ius. ir.c.es, a full assortad.-01 etray. nof .11.11 in "1:10.11,11: (loop, and And ncan plam at! taws qtraw, Braid. Chip. glilloo. ' Llca flair. P horn to. to ifygmtL...tv .1%4 ?ants' Legh nts n 'orn, Braid, Eltaw. Ctup. Lana and flair Waste J i anuf Lind. •rid otlq. r tom, 1.1:, " s l f iiVtitK's•teuct'tratet and bowl. oho o nd Isi fi na l ?' =" o a d nr o f=r:•ll " 7hra ' n ' d '' co d l c olx:Fir ' :. , i Cotton time. STIt A W T RIMY lIV GlS—Conlc Tatasle, ttuttone,li- P.IPTIAPEte;eneh and Amervan bprara, bunches nod 'r Oro 0.. p.a. Oro de Ithlne. Florence, and other assorted duales and colors .4ATINS-10.ortr4 qualities and rolors Abo—lt and low rdinsd Parasols and Umbrellas Ifoite, 40 . ac Mania MOU BN 1 . 1 ,- 1 - OA - CP - ACC AS—Light iD body git and 1 6.V.1r C d r. p t .°. 174tTq r ain el7an 01 1 h . t?; at of Ifoutnlng filood/—* fun acs...rtnisut to Inc MID! at tha strrs of 11080114 a BURCHFIELD JT/ Oft REC r D AND NOW OPENING AT 01011r5, No 136 WIWI, farts mai super.. iddek of Fashionable 1.00411, adapted tO Gentlemen'a Wear for goring oundyrlaing the nrwrst 'gybes In AISIBIIVEX., English, and Frond, CsAll) v., splendid astarttaant of Loath:lg. and Cloths of /vary h d &hada and color; 001011, 014004120 •Nt~ and 0 1nlaci r T0VVIVI:r.1 0 - 1 b E ?,:t Y lIADB west of tho AllEshrniri, all of which thc t4rtstor ecadlu dr dal...mina:l to. 0700 at. such prices as will coasfa, o il w ho favor him with that not only the most raprrinr Clothing II sold at i thlaratabllshment. but alio at thaor. 'st Akl " o n. nleterigo ll Palloritut a - aerated. Katona nest posalble manner, and at tha shortnot [lotto, 1. I, 0147 [naa CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &(. W. McCLIBTOCK , Tt T 7ll ' N ' ' g ili C ARPEV.Oe Clltrlg ' Comyristoff ha part the follerwing CARPETS. • Extra 1611 al Velvet Cmpetic do. do. Tapestry Ilrue. te I le, do do. Bromic axtra euper. 3 ply, eopertne 3 ply; do. nsralln rat. One do; One do: comassudo,• eottoo ; 14. 3-1, 1-5, and 34 twilled Venitiam 41, 3-4, 69. and 2 4 pl a in do 4 44,34, tell, nod 24 wool and ontton do. aims, RATS, OIL CLOTHS, 6/.0. Eitra Cbmallle Rose, Pm do.; do/ Mrs tufted do.: dna da. do; common do. Cbardlle Door Mate, tuned do. de steep eldu do. do.; Adelaide do. d 0... Shrum do. do. Crumb Cloths, Felting do., Bunking 124,64. and 24 Alao—Elmet Oil Clothe, rcpt lit any el. ball ur morn. 54,74 64, 64. 44. and 3-t 131/ Clefts STAIII HODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVEES, Alen-Stalr Code. of all Mum Carpet Chains - 1g 1,1e4 Car .6l. Caddo' 64 44,and34 3 lattlosc'fableUment C 9 1 raw J Dupre i t h a b n , : t Wan 9adtlan= Window St Emyoeeed itt Corrrc do i liaß I.l,= Li d=k, ot Wonted Table. do 133205 t telheurd Factories, belbs of 4.[Mlsmst and It ' o r el t a b n.... prored My Ves. mai colon, We, an premed to all won, frieds and ron/mete at princess foe as they aass P. P.m" , crud ` gr• flf laslawnt Cake. ° We oOrdialll Welts call sad crumb. our stock at The - Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street. nuyliFD . , W. MoOLINTOOK. MEDICAL The most Evraemlinary Dia.:went it t the Wdrkt it the prrut A ',thins Remedy Jr. Mat t and Brae! H. G. Farrell'a CELEBRATI) AltrißL9l4 U. FA KNELL'S genuiue Arabian Lini . Wt. I and 121.1 limn, the truth I" Oared be, und dull by the •,,set ral..sog the arLille. and the twat, cures bring doily yerfortned by It,. nhirhpreridtnly bad raw.anni tdhor u iedlriner and the .f the bywt ohy,..imat. In the world. It is cutuuorell of by natUr, t.il(belA gUint tV,IItZT •Lu Arabia- Poen .. ug. In a nonwatrated term, allidtair ettritulating, ne frt,trataLg. nucutott , and rerulyl.re urnp r rtlre, rod the eon'. ageioere nand Lg the I'S.. of the Dewrt . with suck miroruluu..u&e, lu curing the die wo. WW moo mid twokt. • it, a d tbe fulloortng remarkable eterre. whi,b abeuld of , ywi thetawlynt Won. 11 ti Farrell . , Arablart Liniment far tot— d Au, "Unit, tied, !.w1 rut half ago, s ea ollnig aptwarnlln my ',taw.", gradually increasing in mite until It b. 11:41., and so nue Coat she could not L:aTtry.ti upokkwitbout gre bring her extreme , I.- I tilt. ourlwa ot t doctk, nod thel differ led ut.nion about It. .oine said It was an Ague Lake, or niargytueht uf the gylort, tame, that It yea. an Lulu . , be trariew and ethers .old it we. a Tumor of the • /yarn,. sS,d .1.1 out tw cured wrcept by mining It out In Ilan rrltyul ntuation, I Ye. Perlilad. In try IL Furrwll's Arabian Liniment UPOB Its ADJ. may appear, nuns the third autdiration Abe Leg. to ma tron.. and ha. cuutlitued getting better dolly, Until now urrer—woloying elgtilent 51 retYN ti gwala. 'lamb L. Cere.down, Pa.. March 27 Inca.. m. atm. has used your. Liniment with greet (neeAss. She had the use u( her reg. for three Year , . the ettrde Mum, cont.-acted that her legs were bent ea motel, while standing. a• in natural for the position of the legs while odttlug. and she could nut !mini them in the lemen but by the t 0... of II U ForrelPe Arabian Liniment, she is now oble to walk with es, and has o straight limb. I have Mum! It a ruted excellent remedY for Lune Mt ever, thing whir. requires external rented, The opluiQn of an of eipetioneed, and scientific Fortier • Wewhington. to June 215, From the 'reedy sad permanent cures, both on in. and he., which your Arabian Liniment is performing. do not hemtate pninounce It the “Ureat Remedy of tbe, Age'" I ilst. prectioevldoctuting hors. for twoutr ears. and have tried all the varloto. ointnienta de., marl, pulled up In the newt. but 1 mutt soy that Fan..ll'. Arabian Lintnient tXCeed. ony that I Lave made 11... e of hi use. I have cured Sweeny and ..spetn, lung o uraf hey had been prtmounced incurable. and hare and aura thou e ver Luna.. this makm with your Lid. embn.eltie very shale uf thee., from scratehiet cud Lrui.,4 tO YIPS% riog•Ule. and awory. I C ole. bear I. a t o of it. ga,d effect, ou the human Aye. tern. I was confined nearly all oil winter to my room with itheumati.m. end could get nothing to help me uu di I . ommenmed the ut your Liniment which entirely eured toe. uitiams. Suo Palo of tin years' 4tandlog rum! by Farr.ll' Ml±Ni=d NI. 11. ti. F•tari.Y—P•ar Sur I hod Lon Wllrtnl alth the -Sun i'nn's for the hist ten yonrs, and could slaver. , retie, except tot bler.lnur. but by the um. of It. U. Farrell 's Arab.. Liniment. applied over the tranplee about thm or four tune, a dot, •. elan - Y.17 retno•vA, sod have fell nothing of it Poore I went Into the stable our night. to bleat „.e tur legs. ~ . pvly amt fell horse,...arr leg. endbyring Ter) . Isunet.stut them ...merle, I tour Lirument. anti •.o pen enough in eg fen dots to go about again as noun!. I mho oruohed tot Mager in • .4.11.144 manner. by lettiUK took log POI upon 11. Gut your fauns:mut Mull booted It op s- !WIN B. Ls :sane Peoria no., Eli , Feb .1, PAU Beware of Countfr/(r, f. 'FO GUARD- AtiAtrifOS iIEII TRY. I W.asttAH:Wl the Pula, at. padalcuiarl, cautioned ...mast 10011 bleb [ma lately made I. •ppenom, an.l I. the Irua.ater who makes a - 11 11 I.threll• araha au Lamaeut This fa dangur fraud nod more Peale u. de,./re Indu 19. la•ara., the ero nap, f Farrell. Theo tore he went," nen,...91 joy a /pate nanw - .Farrell • Om went," La unprluoplad dealers nal uulaaa' dlo . 1001 . 5 oar.,. 1..0 or f the prowl,. but ulasfyA -11 a Yarre up lf I Arct.an Low rai.” .12d tour ncr WA, . as th,genusue a 150... ha+ thr Pthera II G 1 . 6.,.11.. Lie. eignalure o enWrapper, 1...1 wordablonu ku the ulwo. bottle- - . 11 FUrldr /anon,. 210r51." authth wad,.l en e•ety down. I 111.9 asul 11.,91+1 In the Una,. Slott,. 19 whirl, ..e 1. not eatahlutad Applr 1., letter HO. Farrell. Frans. 111. fn. yood Merv., reapapaldlity , C.ll nu the eat nhuarlll (wank!, Free I. aharye, tank yout.thoug 00,0 aaluable .Idr.fawn fur .v.rt al ,111P,IA. •11 our dullwr per Path , Fl , my grnuaw 4,1 hr it .1.1,1. wl• Maleand prdpnetor, and abolewarf druaaia. !Jt. 11 Main stn., Pron.. mud fa rah. nbulesale and retail or..preaor.. prier Op ...tat... ri• Wo9l raw, r.J.I Id It M I'oll9l. AlltabludYl:al Toe HiuLiao Body Must Perspire, sAI S hATURE, to have helllthy pornnta •to do not I.:rotor.. .trr Ilanle to It uo.4,ll•4utottno; Skin Lft:retooo• ton, Jestre Chomp,. ottk t0n.... • fro, v.ropiratinu. anr wt tune tnottnn ont ato oltu, atting tno • . . Spurr y Salt Rhpum. an.l p,re.. aro unt curapl ,P 4 a• at 1 . - .1 phi Ka.. 14 ti r•,r k 40 •IP , 4eat ta •LP raw 44. an I road 11 rinf.,..thua—. 1 4 . q.: . 4, 1:10 ,Imp 11, 4. 1 1 n l ./ 111 t 11,11 k 1,11 - 11 " 41-1 Th. raaJir to 4 4 .turp.1 lb. 44* It 4. 1 4 11 •1"4... PPtrutn, r a n aaa ,41 1.1 pr.. I eutal earra.••rate 111 .61h , r parpaul canal 44., ',pd. parr P . a. nal wa .o opard Dur tt thr I ..4.11 141 41 111 , 111114 11, 11 1,14. 11 . 1 4 1. 1 1111 140, 4 h....t0 , k lak rh•f rrark. , l...: eltapr.l L. laut 44.1 441 Pat, • clan., Put • yrtr..ntiv.. sad I ,215 16.1.1. 4.41 44, 11.• 1 .! .4 .tall.. 1: 16 .... 4 . Pu.l o.n ra t.plaa . Wt. I "'" r. th• Tn. Irattapx.r, sx fur ;•:t1 I; . .;tent'h•rnscat CI, 4,141, !.! .1..3f. , 0N. calf_ kg.ut ..111A.,..1 flea Pt.A.rly IVI,Ite Teeth, tLrkri Pure Brevti,, t.) rt 1* ~ t ur r it,. r r—rn dart ..• •.11 .•••, and • anrnalod .111 laft/l. • .1 ,•• at , ' anAlarr 1 aotli l'ata •••1/ Mak.. . t ,t..t -rt A ....••••”tai.• lla.r Eebtur, m I 3: r. Lt.* •Lio 0..1. tit toot,. a t..t•.wv lh. k/ loti. It. —lt .111 lure , , bur i.r.• •.i• ran where • hair t./. 11 et...ti it tallmg pit rtireti. - itrl and gnat. Ittht. vr 010 Fr". du , F. sell grid nay¢cULlnr ran a keep/ it so. it i., tu tu; cpty at 111 /...:8.-....tetcre. Gwl htlabutkai cvut.. 111.1 JUN S Soratlon ui Jet, a Liquid Llamas Dye r the TS•ustu .61 Irtuta. rvd, fry, sr." but t , .• Ns.tatatul trnss, .r 1,1.11 .r.t mllor in ••fry, rlakul..• ma, SI sT KU ,A,T:I, "r. JON E: , * 1.11.1. i till E. ..r., • ..it. U. ¢'ttt tt ••• • hi.. t . Li, •pti.ts. tyrvotrvit it • icutiti....titaitilui• sat, •tuttialtti teat: iv Lai. pm...int • ..uttliti• • ~,sutyn • It CI ti. uail it • tiktiatai :1••• 1 / 6 / , /r"• n.. ,6 1:t.L• itir L.A., it ii.tft . ..l•itinetti 4, r a. st J At-ii,11• • :6/ 1 , •/ , / //••••/ hin6l r 2t MORSE'S • Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, (r t,Pll., from rank tht• r ••• lutl/41,an. s,u r an I T IghtrL.e at ot,l. o f eh. 1, lAir I Lt..ropctrrhmu u 1.1, cLit. 41 .• •11 , 11,14 1,11. a./ •hout lb. it as Pap, *va do The outlet. Nat of themalarial used des.e not Warranted two min., to complete a witehlnn of tilti - I,Verriditvd not try rot ur Muni, lb. cloth., This I. a Powder that ono pap, will mate twelve pus:. Wort family Soft Sewn lintntlinws rim Pea —11• Ito, any six quarts et lealor and all the Powder wsth it, nd then lot a boll. eat tee torn utes, then odd six quarto relit water, stir them intimat• ty lesplhor, nd alt It away where, and will not freeze and •lain road II will he very thist. and nine Whltn Sham and ill wuli wall s/int will not oat the hand, like other Min Soap.nor rot too olothos. Can he dieselllth Mint or @WI water. Mallow tb..tuntlty loth six guar. 169,94 of 919119 The Hutt Soap 199%9 191•094.1 for 19.9,,b19, caltrt• and pouts. Meld wbohweln and retail by It t. SYLLESS. . jet Sim tit, 11.iist et NOTICE--Thepartberehip heretofore ex astib.uutt .n dle•ult Umt,l , firmmut ut unt NI A WHITE I Ctt• by .101 IN EVANS. w 11• . . . Dissolution. elIfE COTAIiTNEIISIIIP heretofore ex isitnf betarrou the, undervibroed, under tb.11119 sod * of ofILLI AM 51cCUbLY ...CO Album Mattuf.rturere. le Rae d.; diook . .l by IhnitAtlon and mutual rotoeur. Either 01 th.under.d.p..l :...Whorized to vetch , the ar count,. of the old flrm WM. )IreIII.LY. . , r i, ..,,,,,pdi. IN.t..nr,b. July 1.1001 di, ro,. rims %11011TS1 AN i 1 0. PA iqNERSII IP—The torhaerlbers have A 470,t7 d . ALV? - "" .- h 'ivtr'i7 , 9e,T . R°`''" i '• 00db • JAMEi. ATICIItir.ON. JOIIN 111 OAELY •. . : _ Removed. ENNETT, BERRY h. CO. have removed :n t. 4;:a wyw of Chant...ll=am! Greenwood Garden CHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining /kr., Itnapberry.Ftrawborry.Gooseberr,. Ithot.nrb. reDe Sin., her., Monthly Itneer, and even plant ne. rd and gardena, will 6. found nt s'Ar: learea rho enruer of Market end Fifthetr,h.,Plttobllrgh. erect half hour, (or the Owlet. Ire Urratuaand other refreahmenh , ,,ed up In the edam , Orders zuldreser.,l to the piopnernr, West Manchester, Allegmmunty. P., will vv.-rlve !anal aZinto i r . ... it WRAPPING PAPERS— Iieg and Inter Wrapping Crown &Cr Crown •• snorted Handle On, N •• •' Poet Mire Pa /00 bouh.e Medium . 2.4%1.0 pe Printing Paper, ho. •• ItorK•Hel - The &hue*. with lot of rdd P/W1 rap.n., (Cr MI. la W. M. HAVEN. matloncr end Paw,. Dealer, i vy corner of Market and Sarong Hawed. . - To Druggists and Painters. trA RIS GREEN "8" BRAND, Turopoia. :Rowan's 's Pawn, rowan's.' by the Pula Leda) AlDatittll 'Malt., fur pr.0.:#4141, tinmylug Y 12114.4 yoity of shad. and color. The manufactured of the abut, k n iut has nrodilml the deepest and =oat brillieut artist. of Paris Ores, that ty ywrmaneob sad that ono bo µToil od without detriment to Use Yedused his pro oree to IsonarTtog unlformlty. ilavitio hen appOiuied Moot -for thy pale of thy alletaSted brood of Paylo Green. ponchspra mil he sup pfiel y stabamd prima. ft. E. ISELLiistl. VI Wow:locket TRANSPORTATION i&itlal 18 5 11' LAKE F.RTF AND MICHIGAN LINE, ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. CLAKK E. PRICKS A Co. 1(...-vt,r.. Pr,rarr,3 rrHE I'HOPRIETORti thi, :1.1 well kurren Line ',raid Infr Gr, Ira. public that the. are rn ,eratr..n tte rereent Dudneatre, card tererrertrz Freight *al Pmernger, urtrieb the, rue furi, uvry ill Inlet.. on tte Carrul. awl LakitEr, unJ rehigu, et We 10.0er run, r)nrr Or. laerr , . , tale Lin. .111 tartistaatly the lanJitt. telrer ttorar, lirrarri• Lireloe. u. receive treir,bt. JWO A CAA:rill' , Agr•nt, r.,r. Water et.l bruithte - IFr.. PIII,LIII,h CONSIONEZ , It Ti Cuunin,h• m. Sew Ce.tn• Pa h. C Mather rruis,rti. PIL W. C. 11 , len. :4,ren J A /WC, tillarprotruergb: • Ar•hre ,t Co .13rrenwri , • Ilart.nrew: icnr Power. Gaun..twill, NI Reel:Fri, PrL. r, Nallleirlire Brartulo. 1 up% New Lake Superior Line.--1851. • rirllE new steamer NORTHEXER, Capt. B. U Swum, having mai•ra sa eti and ouruthrt, .111 leave Clevelaud nu Fridai thy MI uf Slay urn, eu . her tlr.t trip—and werkl, thwarter on ltc FriJny, .t JSr&k P.N. Yur thee,., at.., fan, u, pill leave taut S.. Marie, fur the dllilerent laridirtml ' un Superior. uu the anis al of thetheamer Northern., makinu tle r ; ' 'Jl u at 17,171 s dtilliNk:ll,.Pronrieturs. Cleveland. Pikl.—th • Manufacturer's Line. algtgWE4lBsl6 QIIIPPERS ARE lIEREBY INFORMED thut•thla LINE, compugreetalraly NI tivtlon Boats.. DOM i 0 full oi...ratlou, with . roust/tit, of (night to Phlhulelphia 644 Iraltuu..r., teortrhit , Nuts, a. Osort time. end at a.. I. k w rates. rt nnl - other e. , ,ular Line. arratmena•hta have also hem] mule fur 10001100 Way nvight to Bluirville, Johneumn, IloilidayAorst Water Alexatulem. PeVi,burgh, 11111 New Hamilton. MeVevuown, L•wiituan. 11111110. New Clark, Ferry. Ilarrfatlurg,Columba mud alt , a I. intermedint. ou the l'ntsuu:vnuls Canal nu.' Port age Haring o.turn Made of Iron ....cme.4l frou. the Juniata. hrompto,- and rtgularitY In 4hlPmeut`,• t. an. .f.kreaMJ at he lovr..nt ma,' tru'' , nyost .1 311ICIIELL 6CLITT. Warrhou.... Laqty tnehllttf door went of the Canal rr AVINU DISPOSE!) OF 11A_LF MY IN TEKI-ST IN fiI.SWIIAM'S LI VE, cu, Ikroth. 4 . WE HINGHAM. tin. bu.ntodo• al .fter trurr.art..l 004, tha otyl. of ••Wm. 11.0ghan. Inn:111i 1111 Bingham Transportation Line, LIFTWEEh PITTSBURGH S THE EASTERN - CITIES. THE CANAL being now oven, %VP lca 41 twelve tau] fru.ti hatutit,....t wvot Fr.glita SOF eLVIV hit 1011,,, rAt, y •pdalerehandir, 6111/ be I, el 1.4% art and wend. without •, , Isar•e r••, r•uclug freight_ coma:LIM.. or •tarsp• Pill. of Ludinc turasnir•l n. nt•l dur.lPA.!l•Lchtuil, Addren• or Apply to MN F. IINIURA3LA t..`U oat P•Aln. i " I . • tneh I Neu . I , A• 1851 Nis• Merchants' Trafusportation Line, (VIA PENNSYLV 'NIA UANALA AND BAIL. /A / 'OR PIIILADELPTIIA DIRECT -R•ITII CT 111. 4 , IIIPPINti C A .r.ANLI, A A CU Pima] Ban, 4 , ,ctn oar,: Plti•burgh C WILE, PA I N,T.....etar•l Bloc, I L.I • d' iV s o., pp-p.p.:l • WIZ, •¢..unt tarr,h•nal•-• s ° 4l orodu, rhip nn the upernug catuAlo .• ah.l .11 It.t.rr,,Are i.lAce• at I..er rat. •. an I 111 iCll,um.ft,” Vo" , oug 41f4" h lb+ 113rreaft, nunt.r ol t r elCt../ Comminworon for rarrytnz oo se!" 14tiroluto . pnyo [lt .os hu'"'" tr7 :'- :‘.. 1,31.11.1•. in 1 s 5 To Shippers of hfrerch.acClAbt. Produce. &c • 1. r• , 1.:• AMA.. 41,0E44 RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TRANSPI rATIoN E nll c o mm,r— ortn, ilitletlrltatta HELL 4 A.ic—ETT, Cana, Harm root r. Cane'. rttttltnet tut - 4tt taryl .nt oLtttp , ro mitt tit.er ktt, at I !artt e• .41 nth , Ltt ttl:: • !- S 5o ,Fittsburga Transportation Line: • J ANT, ‘ . ...ettNN.All •• bat,' Itub. I gru , ur u l, 4 1TER JAMES t said in. tr. uis , ,u• LAI :out, fount, r to•tu. , t. urA ri• I ~/.\••• uut tltt.• tut Ehtlult•lbEk.o Cr , t , lttit6 •n t. ISA/t1t,•1•••• • 1A V ht z.:2 -2 11227. L2o. All :a., !our c.r .4., tub! by cr•LrEn, rr.ll.••ut uay tut,. • .ruirru pat ural, stfunirt4 bt uuy All rcutmunbAtbuto .ireff ,r•u•Ertu •:: . übb uct I. ••• Usb,rt, t , t !tutus • 111 u.-. 1 •tt , ..'•rk ELaartelpht. uud tritt,rur., frunua—rt,... L: n+ kma I, i• r COVODE & COLE. wiru Canal 8.., Penn S. Peoria. Rail Road Co. .-Central Huai! ri .t...7nt. , •1 , lot vinr n apt...m.l , .1 "'q.t. , 0, • r It. ~1,.f. I'r-11-r-1 1:41.1. • thIJ r 1 1.1.4 •11 lac • L... rl Irv., I . ..ttc•-rn brut, At< dr r 11.n1w.cv_,41.2r..V•vt•:.. :cu., • vcc /1“ l'acvlby . 3w 1 - • I •• H.,. Ls,/ tlli. T ,••••• c 1,111. T. 11... 'thcrLic t• • 1 sr. I,:h. tt• av k SILL. P ./.11 N • • • flari , urkrb Jul,siol. 1,1 -- Freight received for ali the Way Station:a, ou the Pennsylvania Central Iliulroad ItUrr MitIll: 1..., a nit• shtl,l ,, J ,Gk.:K t .1 It L. Nlni•rfr..ll haul'. W.11......er A N.A. Harr,. Jun, If .I.flasf lk4.BBlJ.rat Ilit.ett, C..V.a.1.16 LIM I ...Jrcte....l %I. uut rr rm. ao. WILItu Las Ilun•Lurt ut r III!. rvir. Prrr, .uugcr.rl:. Dissolution. I N CONSEQUENCk: do. ticceas,.l I.fita the partnerehlp berobh.re et./.but berrto/ fully autt0.t. , ...1 the huilll,.J of the Late haw All pe.rbhu• Levi. ..ltim• beroeul 11. em b.t bultoel, l'lttroxtr,L,Jul 1., PAIt T Eltsll I P COVODE & COLE, mo.len a ov. 1.1 The beetnexe the Ageuv ..f the Peet, r •ylvanna OzAtznl Cul:44u, wi. l ‘I 0.1.1 tacdry tt, uncle wmi 1.1 CO% n 0.. y. rytyr l'ean sod .tr-. httAuryb. July I, - 110 Agricultural Implements. E JUST received fruit; the 1 follow.n onplevtrotr. all of h. t» n. farroor, to :all and raw:nine mf Drilling Mordunor. for cern, Leona. turn.n-. demo Delll. for sherd, rye, oat.. and bnelo3 C. en Cr unhert Coen nhoDoe. for Ant, and nand :nom. and Corn t.rndk CLIS/113, , SngplAbill ltdot Cuttore. On loins and Cu. Cho. flartor• Carnotoeltlearn andr/ewarrS,diro, and 110.1 ao • Cnetrel awn, Urn* and four prong fddi.a Aldroannfottarod from the no•t nran , rrilt. rool I• r ao at the ""' 4 WEER:qr.,. mt Corner or Wood and Still. F1.1.-elt Beautuont's Patent Starch Polish. p ATENTED, July ?Itli,*lriso. --For Ficin beautiful 0 iOIIP to . Lique, ro Catr, it. ra, Shirt lltwonia. de and prerruto fr adhering tri Linen. ac.. and prevrnia dust front •t!eir Litton,. tie. and containa'nothing ittjuriou. Dirertiona—Puta pi,. the al:. 22 a f , 4 Vt.* , di saar whors boiling - . 10r0 I.2intly prk.,., 124 2.vte ..Fr Cake. 3.,11 a:1101,41e and retail t It. . 4CARD—I hav,-Tenio'red tt,n - ty nr.‘1,4,1, ithrs4. dmra bloat.) nrirly oppoolto the Dana tabutnh, when. 1 will b.. nlad b. f.< utyy, fowl. and low ritiaoos, and trevivo'n abate of their curium I Se., • very asaortra,ut 1.7p10i.,r. n ding, Curled Iledr. :prin.,. tics.. Cotton nod Huai: 1210. oes. Itolaten. cud t/uti montemant.ti, and Cotrif..,.3 Window tL.litali, at er+rt riot): Daor 02 , 1 laticlu usually, 10.04 in mewl estensla• ratablishtnt ut. , 04 the kind fully onlfrited and moat nrutptly filled 'lOl. N - 111.11.4.. Third str.at VVOOL—Cnsh raid for Wool by y Jullii c Cornices. HAVE. jum rreQived from New •:"rk., so mher largo lot nr mlylo W N 1 , 010 'MN ICES al.. ATAIN • WM. SPECTACLES!—WO have a eompkt atock of Gold. Sliver 004 Steel gpretarlps.torl of most, nod tnon...- t evcry variati of 'Won. ne..ntimit to tii notlW arwor... I 102 AI ANDRE AND HAY FORIq3--A gAr:Vjg, r ,L '' tia l n i tM C Zl ' :a7 l ,•= a S. W PLAN DEXTER. Wowt•tre, ti/2 Agent for 'lamer Anthracite CoaL 30 TONS Ir ,‘;n just r - , erik, an or lamp, y , , , u ji;)t"N „ CArn.l 41, Copper Stocks. ItrE HAVE orders for the Stock of vor• V un . Minin, eddgrygdat, dr W.. liggr,, , d. 1. lc .11 win A WIVAN, a - • Pare Brandy, for Diarrinea, &c. gEAR INI1IIND: uhould you nerd Fren ou.u.ty, the exhi ssar tau Le obLithea et *liltgllur, 3lart, In the Dietta.d.nril pur quart (6.1t1- ).21 Nmr.ltd for We 1.1 t ACK bbls. No. 3 Small: • JOHN WATT t CO . ••LitiOORICE ROOT-500 lbs. formic. by .sSs's IL L lIELLER/s. - , MISCELL.,INEOUS., , Offibe of .Commissary Gen'l of Subsisteitoe, , Pittsburgh Life.ln*orttrice tpany. WAsetlNG•ro. , i \ Augusi .2, it , sl.\ I THIS COMPANY 4itS ineai?Onted i n 4 _IL librnary, Issl. vflb • Ihreneual Gbetts.r. and, Lou ~' 1 . . ,1-t.k ItAT I: PitOPCr , AIS will be •eeeti rommencat LusineA•on • tsrdtal 4 - 510).0t.M. r\ \ 1 7 ...I m ::;1....4...... until tto. 1.4. Ay of detni.....e44,42f0r , The Cdtopfixty do•Apusilless bottrnort.th•JOh3lstoegmad '' '...".."' ' C t i''''''''"' ' bu'A '''' '''' 4... 'Sc 1 4 M"' o 4 .ria . ..t nlatl.tbe r•tes 14c mac-third less tbart '''''''' ''' "'..' 1 ""` d '" A.. ' ; ''''' ' , "l 7 ' ' ' ' ."" s ' \ ,' %hot t eb:Zed. t b ' Tbditi4l Com,F.Li. .4. 4 Fin.' , 'R,P. ,, C..rd- A , .v . ..u. \ , .. , ...edomts ,, rdcAT, kgosmand, " . ' I ... eer th•ttbo L. ormart Mock toMpankm. , . , • \ 1, . utual tea an. therowur •• thee* alottd‘by other ~. t o .r• ,t 1 .l. mddtbto. floor , ' \, '. .ly ounducted Cornpantm• Tloneirodim‘l LT*. mutu ... ~,u,...0. „f 414.44 I. Lu , ec f. 0.,. \ 1 0 mindole hoer the ocuntguml•rguritl ,,, .. fornbe,q,4o- et,,, bond. ot .....01 1.1441 4 4 4 1 . 41PIAM of twit..., and the Lapltal•ndß s ueolta "nrol of ' ~' . l,orot, of ez.:d ~.' ' 4 " . ' ``''''''' \ 14 nn..ht1..., v. , / memrdTl nor mdt '''., l'L j ggiaT s r.r k pe d. rnot• tp ' : L' gre.tting of 14.a410AD00 OD life.' '..,., galito. of good'Vtdm 71 nAt4Pr ' , o ..AreAy form, Including, Gad , right of eglikchildr• i n, u.. • D ' 1., , r / I LA r•lagoom friergleut' r lormll4.....—to lo•ure th elfe. of .It baton a otg)f ....arra..A . r, J..4u,,t ,nu mt INT for theircrwo exeltntive bruett. my abßk,allAT dr•Ab. ~rt..t..4 port " or non %part!. arming al tbe sue of to. 4 , . to. L . ; nA',. 1., t armle of ,rer hits our g tt. , o or ‘ t nof the gutted]. \ ' .4. 1.0.444. ot 0 , -n 0 14IN t 1.44 Leao• 1'...,,0n0d. of g‘,4 Lard To on „ \ \ \ mue• A• 112, '. 1'neLAnt; \ , ...mud.. \ \ , 4 ~,,,,I. of 4,41 oloon (.4 hue Ask . , , ..DA/ 4 , 4 11, 4 4, of good Older III:krone, \ A •A. Calton, STFreL•ry. .4t Kr,, ll'et.t.V . torida \ 1 J. ^"t\li .. l ''" lt - osephi,Lefeo. `4, tare+, of IA t , John :1 141 .rth. '. Charlet A Colt. u. .., 1.. t.. I.mM, of trowb 41.14 , 4,14414.1D4cr \ 1 tmonel NIN:l rbAit. Wm Wino.. • ...., I,,ttek of to.. • tote teld 17• 4 - . \ 1 ",, J.A.w.ottork. , • ...,, Lmund• of good 11.1,1 rosy '‘`, BOADD "o• rMatex. ......,,, ' ,mo o , of gutul . h•rd openn Tr Mrs \ I i lion BB:lam tyi 0..ri.,.., Dreretari 01 War 4 4 4 o .he Vof ~....1 TIT , . Are our sr,. , .A wilt[. late Seeretary of Tressurr ~.A. ~,,g4”.. of good older Mom,. ... . l ' o:o ' 1: - tt 'a y ' d. r r, F L' Z,.. `tabirr of k'Auburgtk bank: , 4: 'he Publte Lutottny, roe roll,, /ruin Abel 71:rwron, l• Ma1...10n Leech, L.,.q. Wl , :t r :saleGrav Mouth of the L l / 4 ieniehi: - • , ion A. W. 1.4,4,111111141 A.•B. McCall:2o4c. Feu]. ~ M. tArrl. of pork, . .:L I.•redo of flu s h to' hoe tour ' .\ • ~o toohele of new white field been. ". '. Jclt•pb 0142.1.11. 31. 14 ‘, 3% 1/11tOn s otddl•on: Al. LL. ...; 4 pounds .4 - goal heel .•O , , Jcvnlab Brun/3. AL,D, E.G. }Arington. ALL , . r.A. 1 owl. ol good h•rd spono candle. '. Examin ,PAlrticiens."' 14 bo ' ,..nrla of goal clean dry Our tall ' . ~ Salnnel Dilworth, Si. /.7,lSuAtbekekt ,strovt, \ • •-, 4 , 411,0 0 of goOD cider OtOrglX , Itotrrt Snyder, 31. D„ OXfloorth at... 1, . ii,.. ob.!. to to.. delleeted In all the month of April. "Jobh lh;n...nlyfd.lL,D z ,.:ts 4 4 rth,....t. :,____. •. it.. _..10, 1..,... No.ehtt..b... by Oh. :Mtn of F.l4 , u^ry. Dr W ., 1if,t,..4,ti.:,0 i n , t?r, 4 7 .....". - ..y.... - ...,.. 1 vi 2 to tin roe at the om ...Tory d.),at 12 'clock. .. \ , . 00 .\. , ,1f 0 4!.,Cmuln•Ol. N0..51, rtlarttrid. , ~ jr.g.darf n C. COLTON, iee'i. State Mu Fire Insurance Company. ..., \ lIRANCit OF ) h4i'lr• -- - til[T, A, Fart Smith, Ark a nsas uurrek,t•ork L., worth , (2+,1, sut.ttlur b.tid. of clew white ItdJ b-,04 ' AT . ri •! ' ito rutul ll o r ( t out cl.su A.• twr.kulru.• u %blue nria . . . , .-.... pouu.l. , 41 ~...1 Gerd ~w, \ ..., ~ound, . 01,,,..1 hard ererta nadir, 4 1a,1,e1. , et, ,+.l elears,dry hoe -all. oddynlirde. of rowel eider tineuer \ \ 'l4.e a 1, , tutw elleered lu nil M•y, I Idl,. - .41 Fa Snelliny, SI. Prier . ), ~ , fultrela of por ~:fl trarrdlr of frerhdupdrtne Iluur lu./ tuefier• ~f. uew .4 lthe field lrean• , .1 ~f zw.l bard we.), 21 Pout,-• ~,,,, h i udluw noui.er \ ~ .4 puunue ul aro an Id k.utlww• et ~ . ..1 a..... dr, Lua ekil , , •,,,, ~..-1,1,,r,.. of dre.d .. tdr , , , lwrliur It. , or le te le. letlvered from thed ., th Mar• ltd.: 4 '-' I al, .(rut..L..d,..: . ~ , i',.; iltpiry, ~ ,Lah'ol. Crow togny raer,lii.) pot., obove^lort Sneffirisr .., N . \ ...,I• ;;I• ,r 1:. •.,:. 1...,..1; a 41 , ...b , La....rtluo . [Nur ‘. ~, tpu-1,1. .;f• 1,...0 %ha. neld 1 , , , , k.n. :;; Atna•• ..1 y , ...4 t.rd ...ap \ , • ..4. ..1 Inn hau•sl TT N'to,l Eel 14 ;0.4,1. ;.( moo] .•;;;;an Or, nn. kut ....,) •allon• ra goccti•vi, yll,kr \ . • . 1;.. IM. O, t.iii r r., tr. 131 in.. 10.,Jun.• 1,:...:1•.;ttt.. AI -;•,..t 1,2 • , he, Leave n*rth, Rive- . .._ co I orrek ILe let Jun, ley- . .. .. .. ~., 411 I,d , let-r. •re n:vtort,.. , i L. e,t4.n.1 tCant , unt m.o . hi.l. Int eVh,arti..l.., ,hdrshibit fort:. .1 anknuut , ... t, b,j. Kcal n,, !Ad wril t. ..rt.r,l on unlvolterotra ,,,, .l, ... r , r,- , 4tsa la, h'' t • ' 4 ' . "nd guant , ..... nr ,•,h .I.lterry at tho,, 1.. , ero the, r. , ho; P,, ,, 1tit , .1.' Will bt.. oovfont - lb 1.1" , v. i e ~..t.t..tni,T. t 'Z'.••••nb ,, r..1 , , , ..2. an., let 31,1,c1,. 11 Q., • f w lota %:.\; . .,: tr ~ parimt to be fattened:F. n .... , 1 oa.r.i, 1....,, :,. a,,,g1, sl , ,t ,e, ,, , , than two bundnel ~,, th , rl , M,. OM artn.l mon, to t- • , .11,, , etubid thr tht. hum...r - rbe port la tot, '` ''• '-' ' " - ' - - - " -• c!cht It lo,po. km, too to , ny-N".".1.1 , 0..ti0 1•1 4,1 6 AL, a rertl4,,to , fry4l4l. park, ro. •, r ~atte4 I , 3lted The pork I,art, lehlte oak barrOe. stol • r , treNtLectt um for [no,. " cl.,..4aVrEent of tlisrty•Mq tart• plat, I Ih.. - ft n/10. t• - • en`tsm eri , k• t Vt•t,c• I.t t • At , t 1.. a f.,r 11." r ,116,L , .t auk lire, et,At of t • no,t 1,..01J ees mt. , t-yn wl/1 tr. lutthßriied to r \or. The , i , q1•11.,.. • ra the tt..,..it,olpliLce'nf tly : 1 .41 rt. couthiacr , .ttA Clear a ltorD. rt`nenT T....re.. Ihe'pnru.cp of ark. , onzeutt: eloo of Inrreulyr Isr, 4 ntrtel s vr , rious .v.• 1 , 1. • nOt ooOr:o . Nre roquirol to nor. I •Ar 11ty.1.4...1A ent •,• -,•14,1. tti,•• ,t • .`o rot Man, by eon- AT •.p =out of n. t- , 1+3. , • • n-i...tence .I , ‘ ettiv,‘,l ~ u rh 1).h11 , •) 1 -`• •t ‘..-ro L. O.- . oont`i tio•• woes i.ur• o •3 • - •1 I(6. , ,r , fltrtel • .. . R..zte,'..p.."',',,,&;.;:% 1 T I=7lrV.l",'„,r'z'i7:,*; . \ __ vs A the Inventnr of the ,leb \lre. Inetrenient for inn. ~ the ••• \\ rt i' jf i tivitlVr. ' l 4 l,n A '" hUr'll!i l lre3: l : - ,rt - in " .; '-' N• • gra:Mete or _tne Univer.tty% nsylemila.end Apr tbErti ' Tea. since hm been Fame , 'in t 1... in.riatigatior of sr: ‘, a s a. end tLe elnPlicatmn of rt, rd , th..n.to Through the ewe of ,blelnlat)nu übe.ineo.vel his Prolaylfaticl..y.p, .d olOy.r hie remcd.m, no hsiLlk., it . 0 , 1.41 an um:Al:aided omlnene, \,ln lutring there drc-Vful t. .4 fatal =radical TuherculAACcamunptlon. Canon., tics, Ilhaunilin Asthma. 'efernitul Ague. reverki ' \ , . all tical,, Chrnme Erylitdae, ea-Nl fe , o' l r ol'l-ltiu.d4 \ ee" ;mouthy to 'females. Inds< l. a.rely form nf 415 e vatilsbve under the uw of kil., een:unlit, In waits human& , ~.. ty hi h/Nr..-not by the ix, of on. ronillnurill .IY. fdr that is Wen.' ible will l'hy , iona, - lcal Law!! 1,..4. by the um of . . hie unit ',s, alapte.l to, tali pre,rtheti or 1, , each peculim, t, . I P.,' c, i., of 1 11. %,,. ' Dr...liose 'vnic Altera tt,,el',l IV, • ben and are Meat& . \ I """ ' '''. l " U. " e "' ' '' "ti V \ " ' this \ ',‘ ‘. or liver p L., nannuo m thee leave e pow,. per- '- f y free from .TeLif-• , -; .1•11. r. ,o!,1•* PO, mend, ' \>a cultted i. by the:, Why. i to pcieza e la cuJit , 4iittrin.s, /.dap \ \ 1: 4 .3„ . .T.1 1 7..1 .. ..7.17';,, ':.L.,. ift, V.:., sa,l, iti.,.7i ' nn r :of ' \ : \ . the autikeptlcafl, ,__ The level are Inette4 . call upon-ten an .1) n 4 pre. cure (gra.n•Pone of Dceta , r's pamphlet..., giving!, dkned ed annnunl of each re ...1 ,m a de d Repia:lntl 'ea Fcr min i t . the follo• ve ~, well as hy rune . Rig` M‘ J kl ,S,c=tlCe ` r a r - c:Zs, "-, k • \ \ ~, \ 4 \ .x.. 1. ,Pi burnt, .1 M. Town4nd, Drunglo . S.f.. Mart. PI, ••• \ ~,,,,, 1 . ,„01 , ,,, , brur„ . ..,i, ',ono mw Poet OM., A le k \ laY city\ ` Le, Josepu Bartle> Darlingt on aver /.coat), P, • . , .. \ \ .. .. -. \\ , John Filli.t, ciou {"tiler, t Mier. _ T. Adana, Beare o COMFORT AND J.TiRp •\ • • _ \ . . 11,FOR THE ATI7I.Ie . .CEI) Will b.. foiln.tin . ..-I4 Or I)...witt V. Kellinge-r's INFA l• s tlilLli LTN131.9, ‘ ll a or Nag, F[ !ILL If Lich hatettot the It f thirty,y.re e - .e, peri.nee, atal ha,. bey ond 1 .•_-` •l . - the mem. oraay., ,), , Inn th, lire/. of thousand. In almost evr,rl \ cbans .k..t alcutr: of dun. thing Mamma that One i teat hue Dean offe'red Pl.,tho entitled, that what it u,+1.4 for. . a , It hm cured, amttempt any other mediripr oCere,l ne by wt.w..' ' made!r .Id, or by what Aa • tarn , . and convictabci that It LP the out, much. tt :rtlt4rllmlitrtitehellt!"‘g ''''' '' ll ''‘ .l '' \ \ ' pmaili Ni e „ik.... e ' er 0n . r ,,, c, „ 1 ,., , 0 ,, •,,,. , ~, \ , \ them, rtg The Bon wee 11. Orll. w, 31.0. Thellltn. I es- `,... s l• II Horns, late Mayo': lion John A DIX. 1ft..1.‘. :71 Sr -• • ' • bor. Wiliam. II Porter, Len.. Eam. bf the *rn of t Ti, end a ham, of other die tILLOIIS of ye , York., wha hate fully teste.l,te mepit., 114,4 pennitred ' ' pro s to refer t....i.ni. As it la well knouu that iln-ut M. Ida. are..net. gene, ', 1 \ air patrunn,..l by the teem d. wealth • and polite clrehon 71:g l' er. R l t i i i i ' i ' lD t on i kr n w r o ' figg ' ent i pe_ ' t ' IT hTa l lsra til lne_ . l ar7r; .., . ' \ seven yea., ucforc the! üblic'. IM nn. f ends ensue.. ast • ' str.ol-4 and 110-3 t This matt Undoubtnl is strong and , convincing protif of its general nwShin . and annatd. qualities. Iris • 144Ve1,1•1 remedy for all n direneeit, the umatlo pabm, scrofulous ...riling.. lyrld hrubcs,old wry.. and all the pain. and Lehr. that Cash Ls , .ir we._ \ Over I,o),Qtal tropic. 11ti, , 1.....ti "old withou pleint„ and have ya.rfected surlh aethuielung curvs, /.rte. ell remedies hare fal ed, as .ro ... -c., belief, h offered, .1 in o pre•,:lur dente Thlo medicine. or Muse , , table,. fur internal tta well It upon recur dieatpoirt—it . \ It is a mi e for triarrhe hiveell ,paeinalti. all,hans. ti In male or lean& hive origin \ted .Fri a sale IL 1 . 1.LY1 - Lh. \l en„ nd ua. tt SL(I O -112. geln . rall y , 11 le put up in I , I tie. the OTC ots of wine.. Jurlu fund. of ch oral ;WI A y;F.- Ile: Curry. All..b,ur To the Iteaders of tilt cIiIUBLIC ,ATTENT' ',nod to rho folloi•Ing 6 T,klAhdi.mnfiomte yes ago inure till, groat. n rt i eVar th :a r l 7 a li 4 4 tltt .T.• co= Ity. and tro alio, 'more ce Salo will its vent fs iiTt. o ln . e.tiettr ' n 'p Zeri th r . ., all other Warrants hat, tors asbatural Itinnnly. olo.borat by* horror abd ngetacr d u ty , do 'it in our duty, gtitWhal woa7il i e Iti , e r ri o th. , dnure%•cte statirnicnt... 112 e ext thing. that p mire s eel , hardly I i uo his, wrong: lug or humbugging • of to do thin wary ant o. nip • Our mood,. bora.] tot okb \ joi• tattoo tat ex iti., ea oie • e xxXxXx• Ica. Plata un irmahli• eta—fnotothat ... sin otir rur ...1 tebt., :\tr , * K? 0^ , \ :' cclV ' rthlrt tie D r me sl. two '',..* mil. ovn_,. h \ • o worn toiliDr llud, ha, ho'n rorti,,,, Kn c;,‘lat. \e J{ nse. of hlin •ros. in Not- of ..tin. ha., boi. urnd. s And, also, tl • ramorn ••ntlenuutin boa, or oniitr. mro ail% oilmen,. biredbetr•nre roir,r , rein l•oute. and ecnr refserd tu by any T • vie hay, ninlq•cn thr alib i • Itt mote. trora "od arb.. or 1,1 . 1.-on eihandon ed hbriletans tu b , :Ira.. Tit I•citrtlouns ill cur, ria,,i,v wh mini Xecurdlng to lim it T•airehrr,ppoottary, P s i , l3 total., Gout. - . tomtitin : -upt,:ono•v, the nth:. Phrt on th fare. Cbron Coro Lyr ilturrorm. Tottar • II pa na in the bon amlyinu . owl nor... Ulm.. Wen., A e.ChFle Cough. Attain,. reochitlaYarot all exl \ Yuba alles OD of a chronic noton. herding. to p ro due* bon. .. t, \ Burns an caldindtwanorof o Inotilo ate, EldneTa papal r. kx‘orloootS:ip r... ,. ....T 1 d B union gi ‘ n= co t ! ihe a '''' . Uk r ear " ; ' • • ItT4 ' bb:! .. " t b re thi tr g N . , moat perfect ti to. :111C , ca . ~Lt it): : :ver, ,,,,.f lrniTon ...i sh 'are , : \ . s tlturltandLor tho orie r, who 'lttny.arhou In the., Ing , a . eigtt t , 1,11 .. eted thel; oex. Pretplexua le the arc tent It mon, o taa auo. Ph clan. \ uf Iti•Ct , aU.dintritrtbr ntoi r... • herinottig to so It , ha 'lbw mantle.. \ nate who I briri 4.4.1 rot with • nit mad itnoertainty, is. willing imam It In. praioe ,d cocuidesedoe. Pekoe xxXxlmx I ntr rri I , und, all •111 • compelled to K t nerwictlethat thc Pr tool jiM I.tho moat, oatenedicine er , i diaoctrorwl. Toi: . ., • \turtao, and rt• tai , hl ._ •l . i i‘r... . ,..., Ligyia.10 ,0 2 d i .r n t ‘ . .•,..1 3 1 . ... 5. 1•101. Cur . 0te1 . 17. .,.. „ Elliott. Joellph DeXAtes,'4l,legbiel, ei.&. Al by Ch. pro • r ing . E. a.3 fVt a .l;&',l, L A " ; r ,:, l ' ef . .llit ' ul trt . 1 1 ;Tt; jaw' a n d '\ • , \ ' ''' ... U...\ \' •I 9. 1611\ ?.. • Ls. Brea ' difer: . V I •y 4. a\.rad.. \ ‘ •;.t 7 . \ \ ~LE.v., wuclis,,, t ‘lar irt - ja 4 _,\ Br lore, 4 tor lo on the Mt: 1 rkl to v.. 4 - .l•Ws . tnntmkot ' .1.....- ,L s . '''"a m ' 4'1 4.4 It of \ 1.... t .- r - • \ .to rr , 80. Li 1.4 Ell...hton4t• L 11 Lf Lle •., UtoteLl Bow 1 firturb ...5.1 t . • P 0.... Baum \ kloproa•r•allir orßood • Ms, to.- Btor. , ;Loon l`t,stor • • \ - Lter ‘ !BAB•rs •: - ..rott• \ .5 ,,,3\ \ :: tlowv \ 1i i " A y. 1 , 4 1 ; ,.. , \'\ h ., ....i-P" \ k z, ~,,,,1.„L,;,, •\, 2 ' \ - A l - Phelptolt...,--- \, • .o.roark \ \ \ • citAtokrfa - • I... ` s t' ' B •• Blt. Bola \ • ..* ty••tor,ro. \ • • \ rden, \ n0,..„.„.1•L0, for tor,r ,k44, ,,....rt• . I," ‘• .....9.1 \ \ \ \ bum:4o , 44g Plar. ra • ittl. 4 { . . tr . t U. , '• \ \ ' ' ' , litalm's lino tio atr • cont, ..t = _ '. ‘ ‘, -, , Id ~ aunt p• oder U . teß i at: , - • '.. .•• \ \ (. ..7. 8 2 1°t- Q % \ \ n\ \ \ I V \ \ \, , \ • , ', 4.---x-- Sk ' \ \ , • k.k r C ' "‘ \ • I.I.ELLERSq.MPEIti:4I 'coat \ 1 ,7 -it. le chean.sin.,l,,o, tti,.....9,41ii12,?;E, Nr., It. E. iitelltrr= . .3lJ rliildrer 111...-cittit Subject to trnolilet nrlit... k /..ring .or ; \li, I '''''43" tn vo" "U'' 'url'''' , "r , I ';', ,m ,' l i.": V. . trinente about Y. , . C. . , ._i . ' ..., ~.., Te it tf..two of SU 1.174 ..,.... T..a4 , ‘Lr4 4 erent tient& and it liwi'iti T., (Mini, i tunittien Imre twurrimooded it. .7 ne.t, , r, aw lenciattrir White tbat‘, in 1nt1 . ,. 000.1 i rui. tViiii eTt*tei oileted to tii , pub Ir. \t,,bp4vit permit thei chil.trmi i err iii,,, ~,,,,, ili trierjei curd t .1... I.ii et'. Me al thi pp. ...lvied ?. . ..4. 11 , .. ,