PITTSBURGH i GAZETTE PAITSBII H.G 8. SATURDAY btORNING,. SEPT. 13,1451 pc - br•READINO MATTER WILLBE FOUND ON EA CH PAGE 4F THIS PAPER. 'WHIG suits TICKET • ICA GOTC.O9, WILLIAM P. 3011.35 WW. ' C• 11.111 COMMII.IO.II, JOHN 5T11.011.3.1. St Lanclotrr. ! 'JUICED Or T. SCPI4.I W3l. 31.31EILEDIT11, Phibult•lpbtf. ' • • iWeIIARI) WELTER.. of WrAlcuotelande 0333101 E CHAMBERS. of Franklin: JUAIIUA W. 1.3.131 LY, of Montour. Nin.LIAM Eintimasonic and Whig County Ticket • racmovcr ,ronoz or roorum-t eon,. : • A I.T E 0 It W A It D; ot /Y. 4.40.• AVSMAIIT SCMIL or rohnuci fiENKI' W. W I LI..A II S. t,f tt.mooc.” 201.1 c or mot, r yarns. smoosi. At. WM. It, :.I•CLUIth. of l'lltAlsotAll. • wokunro 11.011 A or rt•coro' AVAILTI - A licAsit•Am, A, WM, BO of Low., St Chi, TI.IOSIA2I 31 . 51ILLAN, Allectleritt JOIIN WOLXSIS111;. Po Itohinn. PENNEY, of mlie•xpori., w. ./011S All I.LEIt, of Indialm. Krmitoca AAIIVEL, VAIIN mrroc a, of l'ifteLurgh • ALEX..IIICIIAHD ,O IIi, of Alloolonir OM", ~ Ills OoUnT. 34fICD 31.. 1CK1.12 , 11. of Pittoborgh. . . • , • . ' one-unnten.• JOILY V. HOWLAND. of Upper R. elan. 0.11.15a1.1.. i ... 1104ICT lilhtl. ofl•ltl.burgh. i ' * . 3ret 0R .51.j wLsr. of . Allegheny. wTok. JOHN Kali of We 'Attention! Friends of Scott and Johnston. The attenthm of the friends of SCOTT, .liaor.. and P.ITNSIoN. Anil:hen, went,. ~vrial,f ,f . 4131,11anre , of a thnrouCh °man ivat ion. hr lb. tirantlou in ..017 ,110rict, fur Ow ,r..1.4en: the appotntateut of 11.mm...ea of aen that every 0 lend .if ...t.tat and Johtoton itul.That oho Orenaturalittd, amt that art - 001e; depothalla (41 the ..1 Ottobee 0.11. TN. I. "*" epeclnled: 71. Nixor, John Morriyoh. loner,. .lone., 0. R/1111.40n, A. 11atta.111(.0... 421*.t. Pugh. 04. i. ,alll, A. Lloyd, Capt. F. Sridervitrilter, St."l,ldeathal, pr. J. F. Huey. Wria..l3!.lTaller, lint, Ileenn....lnar ph A 11,11.. Br order c,l" the Cetunte.C.Aamitt.... Allegheny County Scott and Johnston Eleetings. Pulilie Meeting will he held in the • berouth of Elizaheth.on ...tutalay, the 13th of l...eptenata.r n•cat, at 2 oclock P M. At Notilellown, en Standar. SePteulher 15.2 P. M At tibarvitaira. Tinwlay. •• 11.. n - At ~rwlckli r. WeilneAtay. •• • 17, At Rahn-Mown. Thumley, At Cart Liberty. Friday, • it.. •• At Melte...ten.% Saturday. At,,Tareniann. Moeda, • •• • At Ezekiel Milleen gnat ra..tr 11,5chiy. ?uDC'=l. at 2 o'clock, P 11. Al! Peter iol l.e.narillSiiiiw`den wan-hip. Tin..4.lay,Scpt. 2 , 41. at 2 I'. M. • Atd.l Donn',, Patton town•hip, on Walniat.l,l, at 2 o:clifek P M. At Hugh M'Cortaldit, Moon how on Thar, day, 25tlr, at 2 I, M. ' AtJe•ae Ina - whip. on Friday. 2 ,, th. at 2 P. M. At Again Cowan , . Raldvtn town.hip.on Fatnnlwv 4:11t. Al Wilkinehuric.ou Musalay,..E...ii, at I' M. At Lawn.ncevllle, ".. : At Aran , Jefthanntownahlto. elk Ttle.dal at 2 P. M. At Chalon, Findlay towtobili. Wialne , lay, Octet, lct. At Poi-rye-rill, Thurvila)-. 2J, at 2 P. 1.1 At Robert 11 iltiaroc, Upp.r i.+l. Clair I.lwriahm, Fr. Ail, at 2 I'. M. At Henry I.rater'e, Turtle an Saturday, Mh.. 2 P. M. At Stang , }till, ?.Coder township, on 7'ac.,lwr, 7th, at At the late Jatnec Phillly Robincon Tonnali/P. on At each I.E al,. npvtln, our Crien.l will b.. addre,..l on ' , antra, Important to the 17.1 ,- . lnh•rc't . the country. Ou' fil,tale in each election district of the tam., • ace requestA on:mum...land have cverY and make arrAlw.m.ll. to hrina all our Teti,. 1.. th. order ol . Tue Cue.. Putsoketai.Now that the late ili starrel expedition to ; cpba has ended in a did,. trona overthrow, and the -infamous scoundrels: mad liars who instigated and encouraged it have been put to silence_ (excuse these words. for nd others wiit cspress their character,) it is certain that the rash young men who went will. Lope:. were deceived—perhaps Loper himself was deceived---hy. men who have escaped the death which they m thly secreted than did their poor dupes and—victims. Of the P.. 4) who composed the expedition, we - believe 155 are yet alive and in prison. Would it'not ben noble net on the part of our govern ment to make an earnest and vigorous effort to Mire them fr'oto the ingnuminions punishment 'width awaits .them,, and restore theism their eau n try ao,l their frielithi 7 Surely Vt. ish justice has had, victims enough; and if !Ileae . poor fellows who pet attritive could, I,s'llte art of the government whose:intl.:wily they eontetatted and outraged, be restored once mom to Ithert) and eliisonsttip, they Will not agar oitend a. they have done. It would carry joy to many a heart, and do ranch •to restore harmony and good feeling between the people of the two go 1 . - erinents. • Since the foregoing was written we tint it sta• ted in the Repnblie, that upon the receipt of the despathh of Contmader Platt, (which will be found in this paper) a copy was "sent Ty the President to the Spanish Minister, to further en force tie appeal eretirly'llulde to deal merciful ly with the'prisoners, in view of the fact that they had been so grossly . deceived." 'There has been a terrible storm in the West Indies, and the coast of Florida, Porto itico suffered greatly. rhe title rose in the Apala chicola river to a great height. The Journal and Metatenger says : • "By a gentleman trOm Apalaedmula, we learn that that city is now a heap of ruins. The tide rose ten or twelve feet .in the streets, washing away many , buildings, arid. most of the others were unroofed by the ,wind. The street. art. filled with musses of rubbish, and fishes and al ligators; so as to render the atmosphere most insufferable. Several Byes were lost." War Lopez I.ANDCO' wooer, or. sun.—We felt and , expriessed surprise that Lopes should have landed with his little pa'.rty at I nhia Hoods on the westerupart of Cuba: instead of proceeding at once to Puerto Principe, in the eastern divi sion of the island, where the only symptoms of a revolutionary movemeot bad manifested them selves, although - event:like it did not amount to • ttuch. Ilad he done so, the destruction of the invaders would prohablyHot have ,been ho summary and terrible. ! We find the following article on the subject in the New York Courier and Enquirer, which we give for what it is worth. The charge against the coal dealer may be well founded; or it may be only a trumped up thing, to clear the managers of that mad enterprise of the charge of unpardonable • stupidity and folly. , Upon the arrival, this mor ning. of the steam- I •: cr Florida, from Sayannah, additional' informs lion concerning the sicatner Pampero has been received, which is to the effect that this vessel • is stilt loitering about Savannah -and the adjs. 'cent places, expressly and for the able purpose of being captured by the government autlibri tic s. This, it is said, is at the. 'Meanie.; or through the influence of one Mons. Segur, (a • gentleman residing in New•Orleaus, and who, is also an eminent lawyer,) lie being'- determined to test this question of arrest on the part of our . Government: and by a - fair, thorough/mid con clusive investigation„th'nscertain whit legal or Constitutional rights, or both, may he connected with it. Other probable and reliablp informs . tion froini,the same-source renders I not only probable l' but evident, that the failure of the ' biteClblin expedition, is, in the main, attritt . - ntablc to the doings of a single individual. lie,' it Is said, is the coal dealer in New Orleans who supplied, - or rather agreed to supply the Ptimpe ro with tlie,fuel necessary for her intended voy age. Orden bad been given him for 160 tons ' of coal: but, so far from fullilllng his engage-, ' •ments according tq these orders,boutSo, - or at t i most .100 tons *M. the quantity entered This ' was afterward eorrectly ascertain to have been, the case. and ample proof is n w existing to 1 iiortnioirate it. lo consequence of this •leficient .. I 4opply of fuel the Pampero. ml her late voyage • . tosCubsi, instead of proceeding to Puerto Prin• . ape, the point of her original deiiiination, she was compelled to stop at linhin Howl., where • there Were loot few if soy ilisaftected 9 Creolen, ' and where followed ihe disastrous and deplora ble-sequel which is now' knostu to all. Whether this conduct of the coal inerciiiisawvi ocelieion ed'hy bribery, prejudice, or tits own selfish co. ' pitlity, Fs — net yet,correctly Utdeien.l. Is Is stated, however, that those mast interested are determined to trace it, if possil(le, in its progress to the first and most incipient promptinge what • 'ever thesti may have been.: . ' ' . • Inisnjoer ,Towns.—On the first page of this paper, the reader will find a Est qf all the POst (Nimes Ireland, carefully. Coitietl frOnt late friind kind? Irish withwbi4 . y '.furnished o 9: The lief .. will be a.sefial, to:Post mwsters, and to persoWir hartreeCattion o'rrestiond with friendfl In : Ireland; and llity are -not few. in this region.: Extra papers maybe 'bad Wt the counter. jet — relay i the w q m . M4 " l " the itMeon, titi,,thermorefeter raVflg here a Tittle moicmcii in tbV atitneiPiteie, which rendered it more, tolernble;' but even the breete'et times felt like a tirocco. e weather irverY dry, and vegetation is becoming parched. Times atanastam—Vms----September-mnaber :of thismtnallent work is .rlteliseg, and we hail it as n Welcome visitor to our safictum—afroedl-- lag,' asit doeif so much that is interesting and instructive to the general reader as well as to the merchant and manufacturer_ The number 'i,,,:fore us is decorated try a handsomolrengraved likeness of C Durkee, a diqinguished manu facturer. We hove long I, rn faiiiiliar with this invaluable work, and deem it up' exaggeration to pmpounce_it the most useful Land ably con ducted periodical of the kind ptibliqbed‘ in the United States- • -- PROM NEW YRRYL iVnms,nalrro"; th. PitlAbut.h rhdir Ost.tt.. I New YORK. kept. 9, 1851 The ret , eipte of specie from California, and the south and west had, in. spite of the limp:demand for England, more 'than equalled nor exports, and our Flock of precious instals is now greater thon in, April, though in the interval wo hove exported twenty millitma of dollars. With all airs steadiness in the, basis of the currency, con fidence grows very slowly, not there iciest spec ulation In nny article, than hall:been known fora long period. There are. Ithundant opportunities daily offering for profitable operations,, yet the aenrinem' of the money market, deters people from investing in ally long scherne. Letters from California express a single opinion in rela tion to the protinction of gold, and that is a favorable one. The quartr beds, that matri of all the gold that has been lwashel from the gulches and river bed+. nro jest cominglifto notice, and will for the next two years, send double who has been sent. Altogether, Califor 'do promises tobe ,as valinifile au endorser for the Atlantic cities, as she Was Mat year, when stood between MI and ruin, caused by our over importations The western hanks are now. drawn% on our city institutions, to such au ex: tent as to cause them to act ,with a good deal o' caution, hut the sales of presluce, in which these ' , drafts are to be invested, willa soon seldom, the balancesst. The feceipts of goods here from Philadelphia, to he sent west via the Erie road, are very large, owl add liberally, to the already heavy business cf that great artery of (stale. Its September ceipts will lig coortuutis.i approaching three hundred' thousmat dollars. In a single day, no less" than fifteen thousand. ,dollars have been I sltit, a sum that turpasses (he earnings 01 any other transportation company in existence. All the bonds of western railroad companies, issued by country and city 'Maturities, arc very dull oust now, and investments can be made on them very profitably This dullness is not caused by any feeling of distrust in the security, or fears of the, failure of the radii,: lan from the fact that a' gensral ignorance of the value of the securities, makes theta difficult of sale, at a udden demand for money, which is not the case with loetal bonds of less intrinsic value.. Freclerika Bremer leaves (Or home on the 13th, after a long visit mode: pleasant as attention on" ell sides could accomplish. Her impressions are to 'be pubiished through her usual medium ,*—ttt)lary lloritt. - A great book need not be looked for, as such an achievement is not within her powers. As 'die delineator of domestic Iscenes, sodas a faniilinr iiiiiill arirer, in a isle i 1. field, eke Las 'mush uunit, hut when She stielliptd to generalise the mass that goes to makeup American socody. mei describe it, eke l will fail as signally aS her numerous pretleces- FrlrS. Quite a party *as gir •n last night at the /War linage by a Mr. Beebe, a hatter, whom *lista, tune h. stripped of Lis nap lh employees attidthe trade generally contributed the sum of N.RIL farewell gift. on the occasion of hes retiringTioui business ro agricultural pursuits. The cash was presented with touch ceremony, ainid'the applause of arrond male and fe male-Matters. syeeches,l tongs, and a parting cup., This i. certainly it great city for public iimioustraiinns.—whether on behalf of a hungry 'Hungarian, or e. retiring hoot black. The nver, age . ,.suerit_ of the renipients of these tokens of approbation is the same, and the crick has become stale. . . last Reek, the mortalicy td the- city receded to this usual average Of leYs !Vino four hundred a very lartte hill weekly fir five Ituntrred 11114114. and people. yet one that til not soonrhe ditoin iyatedt with the present in mixt - sato,. which, fur , liflbe% the subjects for t th latinr part at the hills of mortality, The pa-1 torty vfight hours !ABP.' been 'totter than au - two days tn Angusy— iodY-Yd quite equal ko the wartnesf of the sun, , ewer weather. mid liable ii provoke a return of summer mortality.. - ' , 7" ,, The Locofoims hare prepared aterimelves for ti 'fife full eium at ign by elect g ilelegaies to the State fltirention. Flat. of Ma leen, only two tire free iiiltlers. The real are all hunkers iif the Jule or spin school, and will go i do dlpp election either tith pure 1/olou Immiblee ticket„ proclaiming Min interference with the South, 'ot• will sutler the Whip to obtain the easiest of vi rite. The negro question berg has font its charm, and the Evening, Post now coolly tells it. Fitt. [4 °ley, that after all, they mast not hope to mingle with the whites upon equal terms. 01111 that Jamaica is a famous place for them to emigrate to. An agent is here now, to see what Can 61,3 done in the way of procuring laborers for Jamaica, that monument at British •tphilanthropi," or rather , stnpidity. Coolies won't do there, fair the poor/ Portuguese peasants, they took there at such ti: cost. Jamaica blacks won't do, for they think idleness tar better Wan work. The Whigs at the next election will present an unbroken front, and place the negro question where it'belongs—amoug the minor rinestiptin Of northern politics, giving the colored race the some aid that wad extended to it by ,the politi: Liens of the last century, nor he such blind men act to sacrifice thetuselies in a honer, though benevolent movement. ConsiderablY specie goes ,to Eunipe, in the Asia to-morrow, and on Saturday in the Cunard chip; but in the face orabese exports ,1 the mar ket for all stocks is firm, and the tendency up want. Trade of all sons is very amide, and no complaint is -made of the payments. ..Few even ask eaten/nod, and, with prudence, the fall trade can hardly fail of being profitable. C. _ - - THE CUBA INVASION EWASIIINOTOn Slipt. 9. Despatches hare been received fromiCommo dare Platt, dated Sept. Ist, detailing an inter view with the American prisoners, Who were found in good health, notwithstanding the dread ful hardships they were forced to encounter. The Captain-General appears to have behdvid kindly I on the nectutiopl . Copies of the despatches were ' sent to the Spanish Minister -, further to enforce an appest. It ia statell that Lopes was cut otf to deal Mercifully with his deluded followers, who sated under a bell that the island was in I a State of revolution, a d deserved sasistante to establish a republic. efore landing in Cuba they anchored near Key West, where. they re mained mieral hours, and were •isited bream° chisel's of that plaee. l They landed in Cuba, about two o'clock of the morning of the ltd Au- • gust. The drat fight took place on • the 13th. From that. period they had lost, all recollection of dates. They'had five engagements, but could not tell how many of their number had been killed. They weruarmeld with condemnel,,mus bete; had no rifles, tmt many individua had reiolverwand knives. ?They brought with them eighty-thousand cartriges, and captured many' more after landing tho had no artilery Soon after landing, theyfound they hat been deceiv ed and became anxious to return home. They had been informed before sailing, that fourteen towns'were in possessioh'of the patriots, to use their own language, and that the wholkistand was in a state of revpotion. They supposed I that the fifty men captu make with Col. Crittenden, were endevoring to make their escape. They so infer from thp fact that they were all, dis pirited by the receptiou they toet with, and l dis gusted as they said, with the lies and deception towards' them. The country people generally fled at their approach, nod ;none joined them. Worn ot;with hanger and fatigue, the men Com posing t • s body, throwaway their arms, avieek or ten days previously—they could not distinct -Ily remember ..when-.They had not at that time' heard -of the offer of life to such las would give themselves up, but their intention ate to throw themselves upon the mercy of the Spanish Government. They did not come itiall together. but, iu small parties and at differ nt ' times. yhei had. subsisted chiefly 'upon frdit , and the 'last meat that come of them had eaten was a portion of their 41eneradi , horse. Ile has , reason to believe that lie persuaded many others alt.,. The whole party mantle:o,l much indig nation tower& General Loper On hying thld Gant General Lopes was taken prisoner, a ory; 0 joy and exultation ran through the crowd A Hint. We., %realm, tv n PAINT,PIOII/....-- .8 ... Cirleinnitii paper tiler thAl three yeerii ago n poor orphan girl applied and was nthait ted to• net type for that paper. , Abe worked two pairs, during which time, she earned, fie sides her hoard, shout $2llO, nod availing 46.. self of the facilities which the printing office offered, twytaired i good education. She is nowan Intsociate eilitress of a population paper, 'and is engaged to be married to one of tbiramartest. lawyers Ohio, We should jbe disinclined to credit the fhovc, 'lwo did nut hAve eo many evidences of the elevating Influenoeis of the printing °thee. • CUBAN iYFAIEs EEC= The Wnshington Republic, of Tues!lay, states was recelitA attLe Flaiy Depart ment on 'Monday from Commodore Platt, of the lUnited States:sloop-of-war Albany, dated Hay, na,lBeptember let, 1861, abating that, in reply to a.reguest from him that he might be permit ted to 'visit the Americans. who accompanied . Lopez's expedition, end who had been aurren deied or been captured and brought into Einem cm,,be received the (snowing reply from the Captain General IIAyANA, August '_'x, 1651 §ir. 1 have received the letter which you rut drTsed toy roe this day soliciting my permission to liold an interview with the prisorieri who Luvc I,een brought TA this port, and who formed a part of the invading eapedition which attacked the ishmd. 1 inform you. in reply; that I order the com mander of her. Majesty's frigate "Esperanto," on hoard of which the prisonem are to admit you, ut any hour at which you may present yourself. to bold the desired interview, with rem.iu with the pritamers so long ne yon may find It Convenient; and I avail auy self of this occasion-4o assure you of the esteem which your noble conduct and frank and hon orable character entitle pia to, from me. • am therefore, with all respect, your obedi ent semen% tto., it). Do by C014 . 11 . /1. Chas. J. Platt, Esq. Commanding United Simes sloop-otwar. Allmoy. Bud Senior officer of the Naval Forces of the Utated Suttee in this port. And that, availing himself of this permission. Capt. Platt. accompanied by Lieutenant Wil liam Rogers Taylor, visited the prison iu which three unfortunate men •wero confined, and ro: ceived from them a 'narrative of the fatal expedi tion, as follows: Ertrart from a DrApateh to the Nary Pepartmomi from Commander, Charier T. I'latt, cummandeny ['ruled State, dap Albany, dot"! llorana: Rep tenlrr 1. The followers of Lupe:, having been-entirely dispersed, and,s numheri of prisoners reported us brought to this place4M the -rith ultimo, I ad dressed a letter to the Captain General, request ing permission to hold In interbiew with any 11 .Americans who might e among them. This permission way readily a ceded inn reply, which is enclosed. The intern w was postponed until the morning of the - :loth' the prisoners in the mean time having ,been transferred to the eas,tle of the ••Punta, - and sdrne accessions baring been made to their number. The commandant of the castle having informei'me that the whole number of prisoners was fifty ,seven, of which about thirty or thirty-five were Americans, as we leaned from themselves. This officer was present throughout the interview. Another gen :nun, who WO introduced as inspector of pris ons. came in during its continuance, and re mained until its close The Frisciners were heavily ironed; were clad in a prison uniform, ' and had their hair closely cut. They were eon tined in an arched gallery, to which access was had through two grand doors, the inner one be ij ,e, iige. the ntircl t y w, u iron.dofor, the g. laylnth elittlerin., worn ti t - , ro,mr i. 3 he. teen theiprisoners at the time of their confinement. ,On our entrance the Amerimum were ordered to advance to the front, and all foreigners were sent to the other end of the cell. 'lnquiry Mille made for the officers. the following presented themselves, vii : James A. Kelly, of N tirleans, formerly of Bayou Sara, who held the melt or captain in the expedition :'Robert M. (rider, of New Orleans, a native of Kentucky, it lieutenant in the same . J. It piker, of ----, :deo a lieutenant. No other officer of the expedition presented himself. They were informed that I had obtain ed permission to visit them, and that my oh. jest was to obtain from-them any information. hey :night choose to give, which would be forwarded to the Government of the Umted States. and perhaps might he the mean" of deterring ether.; of Our countrymen from placing themselves the same deplorable situation. They were told distinctly that they were then fn the power of the Spanish Government, and 43.111001 as the President' proclamation hail declared that any persons joining on invading force would thereby forfeit the protection ef the United States. Thin was said to present their form ing any false hopes. front my visit. - The information obtained, was ptea or thr presence of the entire ratty by the otiort,,Lel officers, and being uticontradicted by any .4 them, may Ito scgarted as God testumoty of the whole. • . . Theystated that the expedition had sailed from Seer Orleans in the steamer l'ampero They were not sure of the exact number comp..Mg it. hut thought it was four hundred and eigl ty-aev. en: that it certainly did not-amount to tire bun Ind Before hording in Cohn they air:bored near Key Wert., shuns, they rettivissi aelecral !aws, and were visited by some cititrus ?files! place They landed ul Calt.about two nu the ;corning of the 12th of .kngoat. Their first fight took plait m, the 16th Front that perirld they ' hail lost all recollection of . dates They Lad fire engagements, hot could not tell low many of then number fool twee kille.l They were smell with candertined . tiotaketa -Ir/r4 to/ rifles; but many individnabi had resolvers atol knives They brought with them eighty dour and cartridges, L and captured may more after landing They had no artillery Sod) after lauding they faunkl they had been deoelVet . and Innate nniiralm to return honie They hail been inform...l, before mailing, that tourtrea ,wcre m poisessiou of 'the "part - tot, —t their I"g...fir—awl that the wh“le They x9i . la a ,t,te at revolution udearkiag to make their ....cape Th• er from the fact that they were all dills. he reception they met With, and disuu. hey said, with the •9ies end deception teed towards them. The country penp rally tied at their approach, and none hem. Worn out with hunger and fatig en composing this body threw away the week or ten days previously—they co Lstiordy remember when_ They had liar time . hearl of the offer of life to gave themiwlves op, but their intention throw themenlvet upon the mercy of the st government. They did not come in oltng. but in efell partif4• and •t different They hail subsisted etnetly upon fruit, el tact meat that some of them had eaten, portion of their General's horse. There as no Inch of ammunition when they threw awn their arms, though , mach of what they brought had been damaged by rain. Lieut. Crider stated that he carried a musket, though an officer, and that he had :2:13 rounds of cartridges in his but when be threw it away- Capt. Kelly stated that the editor of the Delta, Mr. Segur, was instrumental In persuading him to join the expedition, basing addressed him personal!y upon the.subjeet. He hat reason to believe that he persuaded many others also. The whole party manifested mach indignation towards General Lopez and Mr. Segur, and many of them asserted that it would heoronse for the latter if they should live to return bum/ On being told that Gen. Lopez was taken pri --- a cry of joy and exultation ran throe, crowd. • • • They stated that Lopez was ohiel of the . Col. Lioweeman was second in oommarn, was killed on the Idth. Col. Win. Scott Haynes, of Tentimee, %- other leader. According to their best be!' was still in the mountains. Col. Crittenden had been an officer of th army during the war with Mexico.. A Hungarian, named Pragay, who at Adjutant General, was mortally wounded nth% It is a matter of regret that no Myer narratito has been obtained from these Ili nate men. In the excitement of the m . . many would spook at once; and to come l ue timls it WAn very difficultto get a satin tory rumer, on account of the engerstens of all to give it. At the request of the commandant of th can tle,f the prisonerswere asked if they had h dthil benefit of medical attendance since their c !dine recut. They replied that they bad. The were also asked If they had been provided with two no , shit a day, and whether they had brag sod coffee for breakfast. dome said that the ,'bed: btt others replied that they had no coffee. Tho commandant immediately Inquired the rescue of his subordinate, who stated those who had been confined there on the previous meeting, conic too late to be provided for on that morning, hot that they would have their allowance of coffee a din- ! ner. Ito stated that the others had been pro. sided for according to the order. -,-. It may be proper to add, that the prisoners appeared to be in good health, and by no means to much reduced as their exposure and hart ships would seem to warrant. They eken up peered to be cheerful. which may have been th, effect of, their relief *from e condition of fel greeter anxiety anti suffering experienced during their wanderings upon the inland. • I should bites stated that my First Lieuten ant., Mr. Taylor, wan with me during thin inter, view. The, whole number of prisonern. including those nOt yet brought to HAVA S IL. IS OffiSilllly Mated to be about one hundred and thirty . I have just learned that Loper, who twat( cap tured on Friday Inst. (Aug. 29 .) was brought at la,t night, and publicly garoteat seven . xrclock. thin morning. • At the close of this despatch the Republic adds: , : ; - •• We learn that, upon receipt of these den patches, the President directed ponies to be Bent to the Spaitish Minister, the farther ttinnfaillie set appeal already Mede to that , government, now ranee the feeder er the expedition has been cut off,Lto deal mein - Irony with his deluded fol lowers, who were eaticed into the invasion under the belief that the.people of the island were al ready in it state o r !evolution, and desired as= to establish a republican government— a state of facts which, had ithxisted, could hot have justified their conduct, either in the view of our own statutes or of the law of nations, • but the expectation of which gives them a strong claim to pardon. From the New York Commereml Advortwer . CoLONIZATteti—LteEHIA.—It is known to our readers that we are friendly to the cause of Afri can colonisation, and. that we are desirous that the emigration to the new Republic of Liberia shooldjucrease.—Advpcacy of the colonisation cause is no new thing with us. We had watch ed the progress of events in Liberia from its foundation to the present day. We spent some of the hint li,tirs with Ashman before his de parture to licit new cr.lony, awl leave -conversed ur corresponded with roost or the white men who have pore there, either as missionaries pr in charge of its tioiernmeut: and not alone with white visitors or residents there hut with tierend of the most distinguished colored men, including tiro present President of the new republic We have therefore some knowledge of whaC has been done fur the welfare of the colored ruin in his now home We have sympathised with Liberia when ad versity sumiunded it. and have rejoiced in its prosperity Al no period of it-411'story him there been more cause for etultationultati at the pres ent, under the excellent administration or Pres ident Robemt. While the true friends of the African flee hare cause to rejoice that a good Providence has open ed such a tonne for the colored man ; where he can at once be free and a citizen, enjoying not the necessaries of life only but even its luxuries, it is it matter of regret that there are those who throw odstaeles in the way of the colored people who would seek a home in their father land. Many of the colored people, who reside in this city, and who with very few exceptions,' can ntof er attain to n higher grade in society than that of doily laborers, are opposed to emigration to Liberia, although it may be to theta 'eland of freedom, and eljual liberty. They nay they do not want to be driven no far from home. Where is their hnme'Lle it the lard of their birth' If the population of our Eastern and middle states had not sent forth their thasantiti into the West, what won't the United States have been at the present daft Thinly peopled and insignificant indeed. The white ,emigrant removes with his fondly from the hour of his childhood and goes into the wllderness, thousands of miles from the spot in which he first drew his breath: and is not this emigration from the East to the West, from his home to In wilJerurew. as great, a hard ship to the white Inane. to the culoruil7 The one might enjoy equality by remaining at home: the other cannot It affords us pleasure to know, however that the opposition to thd cane of noloni.eation at the East is fast disappearing. Hundreds.' who for merly did not approve of the enterprise, now freely admit that it is the hest thing that can he done for the welfare of 'the African race .. The oposition to the calms of African coloni- . nation has not been confined to the Ilnittid States. Among others,lldeut. Forbes, of the Itritiih navy scone tun e. tip, published in one of the Loudon magariebes, a libel upon the cititens of Liberia, of the worst hind. lie soiii—“ln Liberia there is as much, if not more, domestic slavery, tint the buying nail selling of God's image, as in the present stales of America, over which the ring of freilont, &c. - This infnuolos libel was widely eircalated in thiii country: and we know Lml the effect of preventing much aid to the cause of colonization fora while t. The falsehood of this mitigation, however. was shown by several getfilernen In this country, among 'whom were the Rev. Mr. Pinney_ the ccorrespouthog secretary of the Now York Colo nizatiotC Society, the Rev. Mr. Gurley, recently veturrail front Liberia, who Wa.4 . .Crit out by the Enited States tioveromint- to examine into the condition of the Republic, unit the Itentlemen cotapostug the exceuti•e committee of the Amer man Colonization Society Nor do, the refu tation of the charge rest with Americans_ alum. e have before us the statements of Eritish (If Wee, ofd high grade, showing that Lieutionstit Forts, was wrong iu his assertion, and have al so Lieutenant Forbe's own acknowitulgutent that he had never Leen at Liberia, and wrote from :tear -We have tia4 that iti Liberia are found the necessaries taut Nexttries of life Inconfirm% lion of 'Ws, we give 311 extract Wow a letter re cently puttlt-hed In the Episcopal Recorder, written by the IL, .1 Rambo, a iwhitet met Episcopal Mteoti•nziry sta tweed at. Cope Palmas. but while on it visit et Mount; ta wi ties thu The pithitc buildings to Monrovia nre three Moue churches. Methodist, Baptist Slid Preshy• terinn. a court hone and jail , Loth of stone, u frame government house., stone noirhet house, a fratne female nsylian, and is light house is word and stone on the promontory. There are several commiatious stores near the wharves. partly of stone and partly' of wood Th.. town Ia regularly laid out, with wide street:, intersected 14teisl; streets itt right aq et, rled , and are •sha some places with the cradge. the mango', plum. nd other tropical tree.. The place id htettactl wwlngovid water and thi• r tog e•es ir.iut the scuthwevt I hese. wll,ll other thing,. cornhino ina the comparatitatly healthy--notwithrtunAing the u ruenatve Mangrove aviittnpa which colet Id tint Itantireiht of 'writs of low land in the rear- The unprejoilineil visitor must not fail, I think, to he agreeably ' impressed with Mauro son Ile will, if A borer of peace and lisrmour espectally, tin pleased with the good ord, whielt pervtriles, the pia., during the Sabbath Every store, shop mot other place of titisinesS ebtseit There is tort the leant confusit;n to the -vests doting any part of the Jay The calls id the shihereh going hell are responded to liv hundreds of pious ettitens of all ages The ilitlervot plares oh worship.thut I attended, are well tilled with devout and attentive worship pers of thei Eternal Jehovah . . and most of the eluldren attend some Sunday school As the visitor enters the comfortable abodes (often elti '•trantly furnished; of the inhabitant" shares their Christian hospitality, ,. and - enjoys their entelli gent and polished society,, he cannot but feel that be is among nn enlightened. as well as a free and happy people, Much good in being done in the republic by missions. Beneficial results have succeed tai-- .. nary labors among the natives, as well as among the. Liberians. Education, however, has hardly received on much attention as the preach. ing of the tiospel Good COMMIII2 schools, reg ularly kept, and properly managed, have been very tow for some time. There are said to he at least 10,000 natives of various tribes in and near Monrovia Sonic of these have received a little attention front one of the missions here. A few children have been trained in some of the schools—and mato have professed the Christian religion. The whole number are more or less brought under the in fluence of eivilisatism—and they consider them selves under the protection of the Liberian gov ernment, 'V( course, the whole number of na tives up and down the coast, who are under its influence, is much greater than above stared. Making due allowance 'for the eirrumstances of the Government, I was favorably iinpresred with what I nnw and heard, during-my visit to Monrovia. A large majority of the citizens were contented and happy: and could not be persuaded, I think, under any circumstances, to return permanently to 'America. 1.111 I ant t at eh a an ther, d the Sines the above was prepared we bare later nceoUnts from Monrovia in the London Times 'of the 27th, received yesterday by the steamer Franklin, which we subjoin : Late accounts from the African republic. of Llberiiiitive a (avertible description of the elate of the . country. Settlements were being form ell in the interior, mot the natives of the newly acquired territory of the (Janina, had finmished proof of their mobile!. to iitiaudon tho slam. trade, by giving notice to President Roberts and Commodore .Fanshaw, of a lipaninh brig hovering on the connt for slave. A new town Is to lie formed at Gallinam, nod is to revolve the name of Gurney, aftefr Mr. Samuel,Gurney, of London. The subjoined extracts of a letter ad dressed by President Schell, to n frientrgive the latent information on the general crinilltion of the republic • • • 'fitiVC.PINEMT HOU., June 20, 1001. . . . . 11M happy to say e r r public affair, ant , pro greasing smoothly. Now for nome time we hove had no misunderstanding with British merchants tending to Liberia. This is exceedingly grati fying to me, and I sincerely trust that the good understanding, wilt continue and that in future our intercourse will ho of the most friendly character. The presence of a British consul in Li Lois has had a most happy effect. Misrep resentations err not so easily made, and all toot tern of dispute arming between the authorities and the English trailers are amicably adjusted on the spot •• At no tune to the history of our little ,'um inonweidth has the progress of general improve went been more encouraging than at the pres ow ti me . commerce in deCidellly inereasing, and never Were has agriculture in. Liberia re ceived greaten attention. Among the neirbor ing native tribe-.there are fewer Wars SU co in in..tion, and they ',re more mildly, too, adopting civilized toil miluntrtoue habits. ' t his in In o great measure attributable to the etholitiou of the slave trade upon thin part of the African count, and I think I may muscly say that-the mac... Cannot again_ be revived within thq hubs diction-of -Liberia—certainly Out betweeti 'Sierra 'Leone and Cape- Palmas. ^Now that the +lave troth, is at au end anon oar coast, anti we bare secured nearly all the intermediate points of territory between the ex• tremes of our juritallotiou, we are gring more attention*, extending roar influent% into the in klealures are being taken to form a ret tlement in the mountain region lk tie interior 02 Grand Bari. -The country has been, explored,. and iii represented tun bein; healthy and fertile. ! while 'the aboriginal inhabitants are , friendly, and decidedly more , industrions oil intelligent, than the natives near the coa'si. lam more and more contirmod in the opinion that it is more healthy in the interior of this country beyond the influence of the miasma arising from the mangrove swamps lsordering the whole want than in any locution we at present occupy, and I shall not fail to mve my best influence and en courrigentint to the measures . now on foot for' forming interior settlements. '•1 regret very much that Liberia...mild not he ropresentedat the great industrial Exhibi tion in London: I exerted ntrelf to ceuxince the members of the Legislature at their last session of the importance of the measure, and of the god,' that might possibly rent& to Africa, and to Liberia in particular. But they were afraid, in view of the embarrassed state of firianceo, n, inciir the necessary et i•elie, 1 1.11 sexed to think that. to my knowelibte there will not he a Liberian present • We take this occasion to any. that the New Votl Cobipixettion Society have chartered the trig 7,1,110..t0r Liberia She will oil from this port nu the I2th inst. Emigrants desirous of proceeding.to the new Republic will FlOll hate an excellent opt ortunity Forty porshos have alre:nly signified their intention of going out in this vessel. A l'answirannar. -It W:l7 , LUC fir - St TCI , OOOI, that Rev. Durbin. who died at Greensburg is few days since, lost his life by being, struck with a falling limb, while riding through a forest. during a storm. It isnow thought that he w a s struck lightning, as he bare no outward ;W. ream., of injury. Ile expressed a presenti. meat at Greensburg before he started on his journey., that he would be struck by lightning. but eould net bo, dissuaded from starting for home, at he thought it was hie duty to gO.l •Olome Institute for Ladies, Canonsburg, Pa. EXAMINATION of the Pupil. of ttlw S.ruluml will hibr phh-r nu ut. J., ..r gyryrlreJ In rvarh, nt Hock, An ntldrro .111 lb. hnl on Ihr by JI/lIN mrliszwihn, Ibt Th.. !Inaba hf Sts.n.rintrn nr,or.hrl In taro on WeJormilei,, Ihr bAth innt o'rlork 111.11 lli VILA:M . II. PrsnripAl. 0. K. CHAMBERLIN'S d 'WM ERVI A t`ol,li}:OE, ALar .aiJ Third rt.,. 1.:11 . 1.T1 LIN 11 Jun. ELLIII,I% kia Bwh limping Dopnrinwst. unl I.orturrr no Merrantilt , ,,, , v .1 tI ht.., I u.trurlor rrrrr Anthrtmli, I*. • tazr 4.f VAnnootnAttlo. A. W.voutrt. Lemur. r evnoner.roo I.4tA V. II :tome, lastruftor to ia I LAtt ft II Kcal... 1,444.4444 of StAtitr tonnterr ototAt, 414,141 rt., Ih-tirtzthrh Lv tworn rowntly Awl roiAr, wt. And now ympt , ts YLRIrt I'mi..or , An I Tywohyrs. L.urAwArson- rpnrwmentlr Arrstice,l And AleirAtill, larntshist Awl An stlonAity 1.11 , :sr• ~m traolnw 101 Ite prioripal works 0p.., tbs. Ant,,,l• I.i Comm/5r...1 I.A. 11y,,,Ant,IY 'our, tntrAr.• +sr r ruts, o , ,r•orso :v.v... ran noaqhl, ... 4 rur in In .I , lninu r•gui.tr ..... Corrnurrrnti ntr.wr.. 4.1 hur•tl. Bar. ha, Inen vv. lortrurtlnn• tln • •..1,11111.41-1.311, upon •Il p....nt• inn I/4,M .01.1 an• 1. 0 nupnrnrot•olotnn n llorriannir }Aura. .... . hr.. Ili* te Instaunon In till -1.1 brlllntakurr 1t1,11111,4 ' pUr•0n....1 H (AI LELIA A Rare Chan . ce for Men of limited means. frost.: w ish inv, t.. vnillark ery pro 1.1.1..1•:10111r". •ro ,4•1114:. 1 oh 11,1.1',' , Inchna , ~, 1i1t . A1 1 . 14 . W1i5 , F11.11. , 11 PLINK 1:t IA IA . "At - titists, ttt t•At. I: , ASE . EI l'Atr • , 1 I J dPnu , SV 4 h 4:441(44 .4%%4 - i SEF.I , - I .-144. 1 , 4 r -all. V, flal•N,10‘1%Fll A M . Sing•er's Patent Straight Needle Perpen dichlar Action Sewing Machine. IS MACHIN 1•; 111., I I.ta I 14114 ersssity “th.s, ol the 1., en t—..l •utn , ient I,u K th ..t Is• les tie zss such the work ef the 1..1 less ins; ehls..s. h th aerms l l r ... tots nree-4.1 hsrs. rtel 'M “ e s Sawsh ll u r h p St h.l Hat. ....e. Cu s lS•\hlrrs,\lraer... luses, Is ule. ttt Carp,' , '3. r, .1,1 I pl, , ,lot,rer • ruleA ix, pr. , t1.1,11 11- 1 , , mak ong,lll. Bullnod lintlitoc. 11ln/ ,04. - 11,g, .111 , 1., 111mlitar. ut.1.•,1 1, t•LIJ.r LI, 1,, 1.0.11,1, ,r 11 an, 1'1.1..1. • WO, I , l• . , _ end ottotratrel. •It • ill tett I.trto thtt tete, Irtttat 11, r i o sett tor,ti •tur toe to • krt., t• • .1.1 1,4 1. 11 - ...rt it fat eutttrttot a • .ttt tltte .• • • Itextd. 11,11 Ith t . i.t inlet! , Jr rt totn• lor Let tie Alt tot •• e. • :tee untl tottoot t• - The tl ...ht.. , will tat rottetantl, tto oteltillotetn an 1 el.. et h. prtntiviel ttatett. lint. twat, ttnyto,t. , • • • 11.11. sots I ork. to Hen 4,1 11,....et; or e-tta t,u /tit elev.,. I . llll.letelo a. It 11, , all tter.ot, tot. rot.t• •I vx/nn.• !tn. , einvn•lntpnen ntrul il b nn. t. t •up.r.of at" •••••rpu,. F•t• Innen••• rin:ttn•• 1.• . nn n nn, null min wail, ar , l , lwati•nn, 4‘l Intn . Farm for Sale' bFFER ,ale that tr. II ktit•srliFlt ...11.4 the .. ?onntl, rerun," In Its,4 ,Irn 1/0.1.• Allnneln•nn ri•nuntn. nnrlnt Inn. • truth Ihstrhurch. erolrntcht t • the I, t- , ttratt sr., tt r IN tIN ..1 thr ton! ,ualttr tlf trattora la.tal. ,n: t• •111.. h a rt 0.1). and II ultdor tarrettonr In al,undan, + rt•nventrtst tiro.... a Fere, hatak Nnto. •Ith .1.11,1ta,.t. tprlts, .tt:.t.tti t,tl/..r out • orehar.l rtilt .tt Lett k.].Jtt.tt .Itl.l t....11Nt1tt1tt....1 t o r b. 1. 1 . 111n..1 •1..1 !tut her tatrltruhtrol tt 1t.11,0. ,I).F.d 111;:ki ,itrn.la• NlArTegt • g en, eleohe not.l gmluon o .4g toneet ot Own ll ' ornte..n.... 141 ‘V on, g, H EZLEP'S et - 41.1,310d M rent up Ino !snugly •-•.•• tn. ogeboorg 11.0.111..... to hold en ono, lege:te n•geul•• in [I,. .MC hut n Intnolginn.l (~t term ggegn gent remote, Thorn. •In iiiiii chemry orteole nro•r. no-teol In nail nnel noseennee . . . VVII. k k tr....T. tool 'f.-% I;ti , P o u „ t j:w i t! ,. ksatt.s. lor 1., II NI a it . L , (irr CRUSHER SUO A R—A ' very eltuot o nr rnrlo for tn.:wining, &a—_llllbl. pea r.. I 1V31..4 QMOK Eli SALMON —Will by rood, tins ". ( 4 t'Y . JANTETI-:..AI,LIec lot a n n u ine young aria elo Y e woo tole saulloWst to s ' o•tre! `. :o slpalng soung mn nineteen ',lan nae n Iter.por or Markfor a young anal neer. :ma n well educated 1. n + .. • ( Mean U. learn ta g e n , tnara bunkur, •Inn, for nn., of labnring wen fit of or ef untry.er on pub. work, Plelt. pall Ina Al' :tanner and leaf other, Third al. T ANNERS' Otli,—;2o r", sale Lv e HM.,AI 1n..11 dt lIEESK---40 bore. for mule Lc 0.0 a Haiti:Al ``'OAP - 100 NO. I Roein, br sob. aeplll m a II !tanned:fin 14051N — Lionillita. N 1 4 Ak , thl. i,enl FtAltlll A I LASS - 100 bo le. Wiallow, for•sulo by 11.31 petal, sA II 11.1111131,1.11 4fi l 0 P. CARR. SUVA- kg.. juet need and Ly for tat. In J. Yr 110101IIAtill.1: A lull .1110,.1 alt.. t f REAhI TA RTA It —5 bbls. for not, by 41 .. ) J .9t'llo/ONNIAKIKIt R 1 , 1 LAU BF:It 7 'i A LTS for -ale by J. KIitIONMAKK.It A cir M AIS. , ;(I,A N -1 2 x m o , fl iz y ,ill fi t ) Ift Valuable Country Beans. at Auction. haring laid .t his Farm, , lu lobo, toarnthip, adjoining Dhoti, too, non.tt M. - Ulm Wu, and other, foto Linn. wll,l ant tho -amt. 1.. r trio al Intl , ln Ao.nnn. nu tho..lt Till 11-It k 1 Ittilt. al lo o'clock A tl Timrre,rt Ittt At not tan• out ..t Lntn of fron V. t P., It. nen, nod ertielilotell h. l'out.Titt CA. and 11nrtIon not, command..., .t. n•lt. and .1.•11chltul tee el elleYoUt).l tav • . touthrat•itsv lo ot the 111.1.1 rotorunil landin of •ttinttior quoin, about two-llttot • t.lottiol, and the. ktniann . envonni with otrellont timber and a nNI • no'. Lavottni 013 the nye, Ito. phi , . .11.1 / . .114 1.411111A4 and Atte nrw Boar, Road rtlnnintt thrt..ntti it, nti within len inittutre ride of It, rlt) - •h) tattoo front A llonhony . . . . . Teruo,-4Pur - Ilith coo.th. the 1et1.0,. ee. en e,ual mm.. al peal/scale, .with iuterroo, io tre •ee - orod to4ol ot ,p o e,age. For Water particular, enquire 14 the owl., otlyt4l, pear How, Allegheur tt, ,litho pp o pp, ru Ili. pn.11,f.: nr Keel. k hurl., kueil-MMee 111 wept LIP To Female Teachers. rrlllE School IlireCtorc for rstusb. 1.4 !h. Male Grampn.' Departmnu :War, . of the•pp11,4211...,..11 take War , wt tM t 1 :eO4ll flour. no ltd. ktnest. near S , urtlt. on Sat terday. the V7lb Cl o'clock. 1..51. Any forth.. Infant...on Ma/ olktolnal DI Or. sl.4a. at the, wharf rootoo, who will ewer.... the lasatutootal..,' eharseter and ouallnewtiona of the aprlieantk •" • - Jon:, y i 41441144 See,' 4.4.41 id I RON. will be recoil - tot iu oxchange itli mall nv s ot of ran:4,l for Two 141 , 11,141N44 in I.ll44lllittnixrd. b44,4i411,4 ..1 :40 11114. A1K1N44 4 4141 0 , 11,11.0, Va. WEAKNESS AN I:) I ) E11.11.1T)-, - T.ry tioin•44l 11011111 W 44tiro obi 111441 4444 r 11411,1110 T.. /41.441. lo 11., b1a1411.1 ...pi Ft() It DIA RRIP AND SUMMER EA A SUMER el lin: PLAINT—Try ounsi444( 1 11 1 11Itue . R. 11,31114401.1 114414414 1411.1N1 4 1 , I,t II b., bottle, 1.,, *i ni.. 1 1014141,1,., 11,44, it , 441444 . 441,11421141. reo'd bind for mole N 1111.*11,1114111 4,14,411 4,144,4,f 111.4441 ttld F 144,44 444, iIj}IOME ITREEN-4 POW,. 101 Nab. 14V 1,_„) oif . YELL OW—'2 coves lOr solo by ) mobil 1' N. WIVIIKIibIIA II 11 . ED LEA 11-45110 ILn. superior, for tail' by .11, .401 J. 011111 4 1111. 144/ W 444.1 , 4t I) R. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment-11111 ior bib by J. K 1.1.11 • 411. Teachell *sated r"EN Diale teuebern iliukttd (Or the Yublit A Behoolo oi Clolrtter , o too to.hip. Examirttiot, .4 .). pun to tato ploo. 12,, Putrilo School room, Ilk Tont foolizoovillo. on raturdoy,ZAlllt,itt I' 0 • c i 0 .,.k 4. 01 Lty order of thy Board of Dirioloro. 1•111.1.11' J. NMITif. Pro,et. &WT. • • I !QUID ULUE—`...i.O ltbls. thr sale Ity , A . 1 A -: 01 J. Elibb a t _ ... ..... . _ . _ , Gew Fall Dry Goode. ‘• A. 31ASItS st \ l2o.. have Pee tia • ld DO french nom. ( t NrirTZL°.=.A... ,`,Z'-,.;:.:fi, tae tat, matiterr * / r .,-,, r,,,,, a nd moka, t , atrrea.eirthrachaq plain bra. \ auk war,. four; ...AA, eba ti anal MAL of tdl Mule , V: ...-... Paratuatta,Thal,t t .ha and Cuburlie. cocina..- .I, all •11.1.... arid .kustitooll 1 no., Wor k f e d ram. brk .liti Lin,. .olr The x1...0ve . wr offer for male Si Dee,- wh,ll we ate ronfklerd a , nutmeat ..111y low -.3.1. Fail Fashi . '. II ATI', CAPS. -AND' LA /TES . FIRS I W I LSON '.5: SON, S. 9 ,uoil 14., •l • tthir, door Iwnor Insuron.i,•llek, would ln-a . ‘.... toe tate,. I.( then - ettalorn,rr &ark ile pupil.' to theu larue midi... wi. li‘ the) . •ve`u w reeravtou . 0,1... , ..0. r ...eh. olitiewale Tbe akeorrm, uari .1 I, hew At) ie HArs. Islet, net.. - Lena whkeh are -.. re. nu+ admorod lor thaw r eek? a I ueutilq .\ \ toueth , r w.th a kweat variety ..1 Iltr i :lt. Itnnlart awl l/ra M 0... en. imn:arm, Snit other k .rle t., 11 eta ~ Um a... 1 io, - .It - , an.l llolotor 1 . 1.1 Sll . ..41.11. t•i.o ,011.2 , 11kr awl ..larwl t' t 0r1..,1 alnuot all derewtr.tlonfn tan r MATS \ : ...d talr ~ .r1..1.1ret.,-.fferwl at rearOusbl e prow wbol , 1 ' . ' ,l ' ! '' t:,;tlE,. i ii, Itla.l. and Natural . I." ti ' r . r.:l " l n l . ..l.lZ l N l l ' V.ll,4 ' ' ' F F l. t,' , ' 3 ' , ' ,.. ' t i Nend " .7` \ ~,V , i.., .-• , lt,lo , k ' '11.1 1, 01 acid e I 14, '- IV AN ,: i t ' i t .T. 1 . 1 . :w " t• i .,.t -- .1,1,1,w n . i.Aoli`k. Tkr...l'?l ' ,Lr. h...,.. , pulp end lakorlon urn mud (Ann, a uunal, , :k .1 1..., • ..1 all au., 1., ‘ nriou• (rad, nud , ,e .I...iUnour. aeol go,- for u.ll work. nun,. de .in our rt, mar. on ..,,„„ r , 0 „.„,. atone, le.rr,we.l and lent. ,a [l4. .1...........tral when 111011, .ratl 1, 1..0l f o r them. '\ 1 Itinrln .. ,to we , . at.....1ed . nor ...era.. eharlo, al, t t t , . 1 6,..... aok 11.tellur,nre .1f11..« 1` , ..1-at' HAIM , ' 'Rq . ( °Maui. the Prwt Mfg •. \ 1 A T Esr t7s: EIV SP Ar EliS kept for Nixie A au Otir ii.. 4). Int ,i. of I al! 1 1 1,41,, 11.1 11 4111, 11 - : „., , , 1 ;‘ ,.. 1,/ , 1.,- New pare , r, from 11,...4 to lle ..,....a., a few ,11.,.1 Itook, Alumna,. Firdwlt'a laurel' I onutert... lotoetoew l'. Int, lott.t al email bose.e•ol 1:5...- I. nt...1, al.-loon,: a 1'.'...., r O , ~,,,,,.. 0 , 1 ,,,,. 0 , , 01.1 ,11 ffe reot edit tout .41.1- DI rewtornood littal.urgh and • ,11 , wheny. It, •ale ..r r . ..,...... . ISA All 11111lItle.. Third ..i.1.1 , 0u1,re the Poet 011ie.. ' _ _ NEW EQOKBI NEW BOOtEi • , T 1. q ERA ItY 1),EP0T,N0.74 Tlonl elr 0ng....119 rho Port nlll.4,tre 9..1..1 Aorta... So A, A Hiner llrtast . N , ttittS V l 3ll, Tropic, lenolon bale, tool t 1... letnaloo r. Not. I, 9 11.1, II al, lona- Later. l'akthr ant, ILIA Duturta. • Itarner , Ilagarytn. notn..nt .y. I ntertrattort•l e lintilortno •19.9. he Itebel Deinelleater\ an 111. e. aoraartoo et tiro l'artatas • Ile.•Immo. Ilarrartne, for loorotembe 1 . 1..• tarloo , o ant Ilintortml Novel Yob leant, anal trirsa.,•• • or titan. ana \ 1.,13 Knoeltea. •1 Lunt Wort lay, Travel, In. ,it , . It. nor,- of • Intel. I, a It oak of !be i \tar, 'rho Vat, le ta of Stlrrtua Tunea by 0 i• fl Jrano•'• bottle irun.lel, or the Haar..., of Life, Itau Ilrtrealtoriat. eontrltne fro thentrat N..: Tb• I W INet th, tlttal.• liana. Ana . "low ...Waal.. Ralph It utborlor.l. • :Sea Tale. rip.. of 11..onantee. Nn 1 .3 0 'lna, by IV. NI. Hotynollo II•te ••r the I.tril.l 111+ itxttlonebt: a talclaf V•tet 1. ta. Porno,. iktanter • tale of Indian Caytirlt \ Viral Pon•tni.le. • :tea enTI. . 0r.... ..1 1. 7..11 c. 1-osr , r. the a.trt of I arn. by' Rich rd • 1 ,3, 1.91.44 % th.. author Of Alton Inrke • lb.. In rver .I.yrNtnnat. totth 11, uranalons. riot e'er o thrrok, the I.' and Cana.la. Ito • or tl.- :nu w Ma) of ro•I',1t1I.: by CarolieO I or liont • • \ 110 Ile, of ne.l IV rola I. • tale; 1, Sfaryllonstt. k•';l'lra 8010 1.. B arre , AN ' {) DE .1.A1NE,,,S —l5 ol• the ratan ttylya, a-1 enloWorr.l tun 'Tee at 69 n IA 1.014 l A.A. II Crt ,•44 ! . French 311 4 !' : 1 RI ET }IX t. I'oe,'tl /ter rrtret• by A A II Alit l].lrin ,;,,Nl',l ortttar. Jon •••V ..,•11.11,1.1/ a i.1111" . 41.• 1 101 , , , .1a great let! ..•.7.% 1 Im.l 4..1 It ota ha/el The after •it, al , r .....tortto• tar tr•.rat o. hat non.. to • to In • I le rtalata. Fon, irl' I, Inn A onj . •e,...1 all tbe SSl'. )1 I. • 2.5 1.1.15 . . far sub I lli. J KIDD • LL 11.0 kNI N.% Las---11 ,tle 11 J W!1511 N E:l' ;.,an. i e ll rl thrr.l nl rr ?',,.-A li mixt, I.A WELL, - - . 11 111 t . • • FIBS. Itidt n k ).APEit • '9,10 14.1* J Ant:, DAL/Y.IA. .1411 NEW MUSIC. I 0 ., , ,. { .}: .17 . 1-:. W \'l' F: RS ~N , 015 ,, , , i by ,. 1,1.11 , y/irr. i. •,- r,, •-, 1 5 r I •on lo In .r, not p•-roen 0,1.1. 1 0 • II .‘. a LI. ,1, a. It. I, 0,, " ..E,,kl In thy bat •• - •N , ei..: ~,,, f. N• 11, IL • I , elno 11. SorouneAk, nof• • .fol.irn loon , . In, IfneVell‘lntlnok• 1 on- , M. 0.. I ...00 llt ••• • Ino tr• Toe no fit W.l WcrolO • • k L.LI• Ln• uon. n r.... -- Inr.lw to ..ore ,71,P.f,, 1',,,%r' .,, 1 ,,.:, -. %":h ;::,:.,,.;:lm,',', , ~,,.,., v., .',.' ', ' tio' V ~,.., ~, ' lir‘D.' ,,,, l'' - ,A , 4, , 013.•11../.. 55.11, 11, e • f l W •111, "%Wool' o 'N r 4 Hr.. Le e Wolf e Poll, no. Loon,. o.rononn nob,- nI root. •• ron. ntf I, Pennt oml.our-llon•Lo. Olin, ..t o nk.l.on. Inte.r,lo • Lon, oa, Oleo- Volfe, • nrerinror •• r ) e l •• ••I L ...lono No .... i•lonintmek no ler•lnt.d. No .1 1, 11 N II •1 CL,14.1t. •1' Wrool o 11 KW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! 1 1.1 ‘ 1.10 'FA r. , .;!.. 4 --.- A splendid and rariod 1 ' !./ %:; 5 4 ., " \`l'..r:7o:Z;Tip't,.: i i::i,,7,7:. 7 a, t,4, 0...4 g .I I I 11,X- it, . tf• rt•nro onsl ehrooo no ek arifTwor.. 1 /..././.•.•••-eoloo or vorr Ono olrt \e, kni•mr And of ev. er n ~•',• '' , ' , U•s'i•s - • - t Ono ..I. ots 'no *lon, f •olrenntor ond • • I .r . • n.l- Ti.hc• Ru,i, II I benotok• Trumpole. wlf,. ..t . .o.ri•t • of I' neon Ih-11,1ne1., ..O. Ned ono nr,4l by Ow • It o- ,le•••• In. wof., to • too worennt..l to Inv c.v. r• • ron neoro • on .4., .sore —.l 1..n0n0 1111111 (1.0 1.0.. (.. ..li I- onneno.l 11 K1.1.11111:.\ Inn' 'I lon] St OW` , 111. 1 II I. c'W.1.1.1.• •11Attr. .. •• • • To lkDoksellers. ' \ t• \ (ii.N6 MAN. about 24 yea, 4f :we, is ,i,„ ,i,..,,n• of orrenrin a notnergent r....• Clerk kn oboe!, \ ro on .onno yr, .torn ray • loon Ilr n• won ffenprolnt ..1 e. Oh 11, I ..m..... h ..,,, • r.... 0 0n0a.,..1 o, nt tor ncer...• Csf : e•er. onel o•st brow , el r•••,••••mcnoodo1ione •• Any • . u•noll.lltente,ll. II 1.11,,e1i Iv D Frunclr, rim of, ll It. • P Inn-, Ineenon. •Ie•. '' wel)rt. knlt A prompt.nneutina. , , t 0, N - GI.JSO HAllil C 1:144:-59 bon ILI ., rt\ t. 110. 1 , ',let.. 4 1 , tlllitt , awl Parham nom It 11..1N 0 k1e1.V.111,1.... ‘ I .% I 'ls 1::,. KB to 1,615. 1,-24bls. Nn. 3,,f0r sale by ...r , . WICK 31eCINDLK:••S 11 A(K).145_..,,1711 don,. I ';l,rn. fo sale by i /4 ntote.f WICK 1. eLnANI3LICe: , . g , i4T -- h Et.--:100 bag" Rio, for sate by SIreANCAKOS• ' -'• if 1 jincoLATE 2(5.01.,. Bost_ for We by WICK a MoIIANDLE:F.O ' . - ..... _ _. . c(IiIiiSII- :1 tn,C. for , ale by 1 . ...n • - WICK A kIoCANDLE... , S I_IIiNGARiAN SMOKING TOBACCO— ', .0.,,,,,.. r .., ..t.. t ,, RICK *3IoO.IINDLEnki • _ . • . . 1.. A LERATUS-43 rusks; 171 • ..., loon, Pule,. for nnol• by WICK An WoCANDI.Enf, - /I I H EKSE - ~, Motes, On vonsignment now / 1t a .1in,,:.,......1. Ly 0 , 41011 DICKEY CO. , '9.05 . It ntoi ...I Frou ~._ e OTTON --4, bales for Halo a, 1:;AIA II nicKEx A 1:11. Von/ Witlor sod Front -1w NEW STORE r[p II E ii li LISC RI I3ER havin , g taken the shlet• A , F .... ;7' ,ZTl';V: i !:=7. ' , - .., ' „ T i 1 1. E. -Vir...i7 n rlV,',.',;?l, k ,''', 4 b e y . n.il ~..G. ~.. thie,lvt Mir of iienteintior. with • lame and I' kNI•l. iiT.n..i'Llii, iiiiitiltninii A MAT,: FIIIINISIANII \ DIVY GOODS, \' 1 / 4 ; ,1 ','7;:i!..1.',.'..'. . t ,q!.. '' .. 1 1 1 ... u /i ‘ ‘ . . if; ‘ ,....1; v 1,; I rrkiViSl. iv that iroll, \ k k eivii Knit favor e.ovinnililicaent o mil nein. 11 f. thivii ermit,' die.inin, riona viol liii w Vueniehing or Linen en ... that tr. v, b., no Wu oure enconleto !qua than Ono 111 OW ,10.10 1, Winton. devoting particular &atria , . . i, . f .', i . N. r` . , lb., I.t.nrlll\. of Ittn,intwa. Importing thr clam Y Y. 4 :.T., ""' , '"'"' . ' AV. l 74,l\ ?WV ' " , i.,; .. " . . I ''' : ur iFL Oltii)0('Ii ' llooi' 12 i., 1 ~.:'.. .t rwt.' io lin , t; , ll , .rolt e Nrw.e. ' ll I . and ftl.ollr . ~1.5.-, c.c , la. 1 ' A.? . .\ VII.TIIVItra??1" ' I, the .1 -•.s or •nt. r 0, ~ ~, ... . . • t . t.a ii triNtto 0 LAS: tc . k . l ss: S:10; \ VI , c J. I; 10 412: 4':,r t4f4 ht lIF N:t cu. Hmciry a co. ....0,. 1 14 rOnt ntrwet... now Starin.t , C . l . IMAR- t i lt d, N. 0., Vscr c...ci..1,e, Lo 71 ~..,,,, \ ' RrA,NVIELH UOl./A ~ ASII \ ',c• are rreicßrcici to turn,ll 11 tllinw arum nr. •• awl the troth. 0.11.4411 r, w t th I. kth .. Inane tn. tift.etar, .111 Mi. Inwein. nutrkrt ion, 4thl wh hwe Orr nt equal to 0.-n...A irtstwrh .1. UV:NETT BERRY 4 (NI., 1. Fr4nt mt. tkear ?kWh, \ 111CiiI;Ai Br Louisville . Tale. 'rb. '‘ "f ti..., ‘'ioccpacty tratfind by A llitklNtt• CO. ',twit nu ~,h.nehanwr litrnker, 4,1 ..r ni 11,41.41. t nod Third otrtwtw . • Silver oin WiNed. rilti F.) 1g1i,•, , 1 4,ri r will li paid for el ery \ I ~,,, t tr Ln ..I ;=,11,, , i.,, , ,,,, , ,i i iT irci t ,, , ,, ,T.i., , ;;:15.,.• or i IllEitiE -i i lIHI kIIP, ~,,,, '' ..V " Til I l ‘ r A tc,-.T.. SA 14:11ATUS--- s c , !vice., \ \ _ 1 • ',..'• .:11,i',„ tr .n.l I, i.L. - .11 ~.%I.i li. I AKE F I iiii --5 AIM.. IV iliti \hell. 11 PI W. 1.. I.4kt. Tn. - I, twit. r • 'wt.` 1%1 AOK Ell El.-7 14)1.1. No. :4 c male lc ( ll ITIS III& .. lltef, l \p4 4 ,l;7l li t/ ~ 3,ieA\, y ,,. 1 1 I IrrrEit--tol o 4+ I,r /,11, V ' ) twn,l h! 11. CILIFILT. .. " ^ I Aill) (111.-12 . 1,1,1 m. Nit. 1 Bentiet 4 41.1,... 'ma, Int .al.. hr 1 ISAII let(liT nt t. ~ E ~it . 11 Ste M t sat. tl d trroor-et . 1 I.:SWA,A .0 FEATI.IEKi..-- , .I IP ~..k. ta. , -Ta , 34 .4,, I.wthtwtv; to wrtlro4.4 h • 41.. h.. . 1tt.1.1.4 II 111eli EV a 01., • ...i.. , W,.../r ...Id lcei,nt tt, 'lllll , Ir. 11A1111 E s IJ N 1 LLD tjAll,'.:3 11 , "p i ,,,:5 7 c . rvao n". ~.11,.... ~,1 r.vvd 41../ for Jon S II 44:1.1 n. tent, • .111,. .3 Silk' Goods. \ to Market ,greet, iv Row . for .al, at Init. nrfrri: ' s wn,l lan,. lirtnd, Straw, fiintp ottani and lawutintFtn,l, ft —ph Pittsburgh. r ,E Straw ► 11. I'AIMP,R, I kit, plot u.l ;ON YETS, the autumn. Vanc, BOZINET RIBBONS.,II' +lJtiv n• stsn and TOltaslt.bon width+ and rotor.. rilk, Salt.. V Frain*, S. lumr, , 31.11p.1 graplwarted 'H.R.% Crap, L. Pluvms,' Pd • •••ttndanoluneotet tIll• •414:3•• • 113EARLAS11-4 . 0 ht4s: ft:\Lale by -F- ~. , . 1 - -.,-., - 1111 AISINS- 7 60 bxs bkinth ihNstorr, for sine. ke, kw•by , IFAIhII DICkFy k Cei ftro % WO.Fr and,Pront ate. HONEY --6 \t,bls. for sll \ eby • IFA Aff\blCK • k et) ' 1.4 1 1S11—• ', \ nor . .h. I,bll. ~ I Latfr Su Fsdin - \ .. : 42 h i t i g o : 1 : \ .. \ 1,., .1 ,. •N . o. •• {Vb. FI. JJ \ OM bids: Larg Co. 3 Mack.. • _ . lnd for ' , lll. ht ' thef!S JOHN ig UNI..ftIES-- ky :w hilt.. Trial , . Fogkr: \ f.O Md.. F.ll Moluovr. Ii deicers Mo.; • • ' \ lo caw, i.e.! .FlFmr: , , NI bble,Cronl.l\ ~, ‘. - I_2 '''' lol WAI: ~ 1' S (.\\). \ \l. I'ERY,4IV:t.. R 1 11 . :0R . 21Y-E moi ;11 .... fS T tt , .. , KEY Till In thF Diamond. T...rn krFren. would , lorFll no ekitn- In th...... WhlAinf.W.,quallty F 41,914 4 ,4 Ito, on . fi.o,k -4FI r.1,...F oeob \I Horticultural Notice. -\ - ricli : AuTum NAL EXIIII3ITINc t of fbe IlAtnburif 14 ilorlleulfuril Foc.letyrill boll Id on If. I, ‘ F ' i11; 11 .A„,.. ' .1. - ::, ' .: , :c. ' :;T1T ,,, L , .1 . -nr bLc‘!,..i^ ,o' 11. Croporrnittoe of Arroncomouto.N.4o4'cloek. .310 I W. 17lANef Soylentber. Posnlq,llll7?2 ran_bt: had , tenm lily member of th Zz -9.ltiffle Titke' f.Lre -...13.1 WriP"alti. " ,' j , r 1 -n ,at, haul I•4ci •1, I. by 411 r 116 l 6" ir I RUSH. & NWT Si v . ; ~,,,,.,,, (~..,..0 IX' ~ Ss, 11 : IIt(II..A t SSI , IS-- li re,•41, ) 1.141 \ S , u l letlITE---2.50 lel . 1 llrEA:••,-50 ni, Aeste •c• re W' , 4 iteint el If I OI•TErT,-4.25 paeCeb , Jnr , k .eel j, I'VI!•IP9'"' • 1. \4, :A•I'llE I am sli l ee,Sole, 1 t ~ ...,4 , , 111 I E.11p9 . .. , r _ .N , b . 1 4 -20 tilic., , arehlllls.S ; I)rAtl6 , l \ 0 'Vkir.-4001) :13 1:U0, Vinetp Ilv pri e, ~...1 aad . furall\ 1.4 . 011 h W i la:g . o . • \ For \ Sale, ~. , I f law Met lied 1. lith tbs .3 l - ',I, 4 • • l' "" ir ill/k ! ' M l ;:tigun ' ', ewlrt ..t. ••,•••J Tt. HKielf.. Pi .slAtmla' s Fe'pt. f...ls't st . I eitd llin tgersn( the e `I, t g r;n 2 . r :e d %74Prt r .taiCn .. , A. lof four rex rit for u Moo ‘k o pr. or then it ter Tipt.ttles. o s e • I after the ILt filet. c r, it - one in box. :and bls:•,, it DALZP & s tn.. , \ 1.1 ty 'tree \ '` 3 TES cari,h neon . • ut min.. on. .4.^Y. lobed. otttl board Atm! rrl: T'resiV t nnr rot A . = :VA'6 , p Ii n I ALERATCIB--i A 7 'k^ sale by k w hat o‘smALL A., . mndeleNl with p floor. •Itherqurnkhod or uogi. I, la th,Jorver of Third aile_Sorah ----"'f la110.0, Mlle LONDON. LAllO.k . and the London 'oor, . 'llo[oriel Field Rook of th • -`rol • on, No.lo, Reeetved .t 11OLSIES' Lt • LI. .1.- TlOThlnl dr 1. op t ...rite the Poet Moo. \ rep!! PROF . ALB , -C. B. 'RI" OPTIF ROTS, OR MEIHH,.!VIED COHEO . S \ Vl:l,—Tb+ Is toi reined, for the pennandot eure oPdavdd • god dlatiatro of toe cranium generolly;,that haw - neighed ho popularity e nt oyed by . the erten, known as Prvisor II rrs'oTiph. theor meditated CoOlfedottd• It IseStana rely \by the ori,Ar alipei of the roil oath: to Olin .eoedine ., fn the l a nd Ot la need In profenvnei l lOoth _ le o he. the Wet It impart. vi t ro/Ono the !Tonto( th n a l, th.. promotes He growth to i t remarkahled o. \lt d... inv. ) n the dandruff and xeurf. , and maker 2 al flnearid , d h.....y. It velll eure all dleesiwoof the,. .vitteh secant bead. dew worto.so dotter obnoalcus die rant tel S.: to cheapna.a, as tell as etnraey, tt Honda Aptivall . ,It la 00k1412 large bOttlen, price 7..5 raIH N ny o . IL E. SEL.F.T.S. 57 ti " oel H. S fiGritli-70 hhds. N.. 0. fpr salelt, \ J. s. , olwourit• do. : 1 pIANICS FOR ATTORNEit ADF , 'ER. , HEN. AND .JUSTICR4 OF TILT. EACE..e-Heedr, I . o ft...a, Rondo. Declaration., Indent. Exeentlonv. nuhpiertu.Srunotonv, Riga of Caot,Artleleapf An 0k... 1 H tio aeh.nta. Fee Bllle. ke.. te. for vale at W. nev..l . anner Market .t ( o n et.. FNGRAVED PROMISSORY NOTES ,‘ DRAFTS—A larp . .riety of Not. agot Draft, I ..audeornoly engraved. for oale at \W. S. HAVEN'S dtatlonery Stgre, ftep.l roam ll.ltet andtr