- ' , '. 77 #ITTSBLIRGE ' GAZETTE F‘`'''', ----- -,.._ - -ir_a_ - _ - ___ , .. -- -,',... ----------, . .'-rr...- . : Enunurn ~ . . -.' " ..i .. t'..r. j..: . -.1 AN 12111, 2?!A17. AAYLIdit. ,'" In wain he trustaii" that the flowing bowl • ...:-; ,-! :Wang banish Sorrovrand enlarge the soul." We seine time duce _male a few remarks in felon' of Ona ,, litTLitairLlMTGASnat row DRUNK ...nius.”. lTho.subject, we; are glad to perceive,' is beginning - to excite a due degree of attention, . . llminkenucas is belicued by many to bee. 1118LAIC, :: . ''Llilt.'ciu:able by proper Means.' 'The Gasses may, 'lreduateil by thOiltaild% - alati among • them are • ' same of the brightest sons or genius. There is, ' ifi4l. eed,"Wearcely a fluidly of any considerable ,aa extent, that has not among its taembers, one or ."....,- tains abates to 'the inebriating bone, Mothers :- deplore'the vice' in their sans; wives is their hue ': 14114.. deters In their brothers. And never, • ". ' larliaps„Was it more pretalent than at the Pre- • • rent time -In many cases; too,dhe victims, aware ' of, their proneness to • temptation, conscious of .• : Abe ruin tea aretchednetes whichare sure to fel- -Ai*, make laudible efforts at amendment, butin 1 - a.. yain. Tlie sudden impulse will come upon them ...,‘ Ali tioniednexpected mimeos, and they,will sink i,.." friata : lit, daditiou Pr; laftrinanhood 'and bite!, •:',l' ,. ';': teethed, payer, to' one' of Oomparatite helpless. ,;.:.`•-; rasa inili,grotelling intoxication. s Only a few Weeks age, en individual of fifty years 'of . age, ..-'teas, at the instance of. his wife; throfrn into ji§son for thirty days; in the hope that such in -2; r- ...itarceratil! Would exercise a ealutary influence: .-•;: )Iflille so mooted, be was perfectly penitent, aid: ,-.. made a t &Mena pledges' of - reform. With th e - "Saatteeptlyid Of thiesingle vice, he M an eteellent "..::,:t . 'Wtaii-:•kirLl,.l affectionate, itiduStrious. and up iight: illtit the twin:tent that he; is' subjected to. • ii „the influence of ardent spirits, hjs.tehole nature :::, ,- di changed, and rte in little ceder drool demon. :e.t,"" , ,, ',There is,. then, -no aliornative for him but the' ' ,-,, "naisen. 'On being released, shame and mortifi ,::, :cation' apPear. to 'depree's. acid; overwhelm him, l".-a . . :arid thus, instead of being benefitred, he resorts " '!tif the fatal bowl, and again becomes .an object ": ;:, er pity .and disgust .- On the ocimshan alluded to I'lli had not' been out twenty-four lamas before. .': : :h'e was maddened arainfuriated by strong drink, ; t : , and his wife wits Compelled to make application for ': his mil-imprisonment a tinder present dr -I'.. , cimastancei,attis career in this world cannot be Fong. -, And ',yet, in ,an Intermediate Asylum, :' „ l:: - .•'' , and by a proper course 'of treatment, - Le might r:-.;•. , latta saved. ' ---- .!, . . • ' a a;.; -. • "i"Bome years Since, s higlaly,tdeated and porin. '. . ; ilar. actor' Informed is that. la had repeatedly 1 '. • •;;attempted to break Stray froto the meshes of in- Piticettion, ' nod hid sometimes adhered to Ids •;,....". - -raw..lntim for two or three. year . :Then, some l' "•::: / •;!:•xtraortliniiry eiecumitatice won ; occur, either ; • ='.t6 depress his spirits or excite his appetite, and , a bie was at once unmanned.' 'On one occasion he " a l:liediperied to be in New l'ink, after a reformation •,..;; of eighteeamonths, When eta late hour of the r . ` . i . .. bight;. he stepped into a thataurant for the par. '..4 , .. :pose of obtaining fitillle refreslunenta. At the. -,;; time, the 'bar-keeper wan making hot whiskey 'Punch, the fumes of which ISO revived the old 1 propensity, that he was a monomaniac fur the `:'timer and was in a.statis o int teritiebriety in less '' than en' hour, Ile could not relit the impulse.' I' '' 'lt e over him like a passion, mi overwhelm -, " :: ml came everjr. faculty. : And yet h pledged • him ;:,., self in tho• most solemn manner, that he was ..--' 'really and deeply anxious to reform.' For rev ` .tieral niantha after the incident referred to, he - ,, -- inished sou itisicarier of dissipation, Amid was' ,:•' tiiiiillY reduced to 'a beet.P r elcknesa Then it a''. ;was that,the whole history of hisifelf came back d i ,...upoili him in yield colors, arid he resolved to make , -rPlt -another effort., lie did. Wake it, and was .. - aucressfutagain for one or iwoyears But then, ''' train same cause unkrawn tons, Le relapsed into 's his former habits, plunged still 'deeper into the glilf. of intemperance, i iand only. a few, months . -.; • since dieila drunkard ! \ 1- ; ik gentleman of Bbstdn, who was ens. visit to l . " Philadelphia last sal:tinier, stated to: i IS the per- ; .1 tieulars of 'another case. lie was and is the 1. "manager of one of the theatres in that city, had.! • a i sonietime before become interested in the history • : • • - of I a 'young but clissipatt9 actcr,;and made him I must libellikprOpoaitiOD 10 join his establish- .1 ..., ' meat, ' . ' The offer was acdeptnl, and tor a season all'Went well ', Confiding in his theirough reform, ,I ;," he,saat him.ian a .businasil mission to'New rick. 1 ...,; :It Isiah:, occupy onisia' few days, but u week a •-.. went by, and still his.agentdid nit return. He ; ":- I ' wrote to him, but still , without effect, At last, ; I ' • a venting - the truth, ,' he horded nay himself, and • ',a ' there found , that bit confideijitalasansitiye tad fail:' I, ; ',' en into the ifidiliabit,'and had for days been no i ai , .ttki *West kitid of a frolic. - Ile lied Spent his ' 7 .. I „bet idellar, and presented, an appearance truly I i.l diplitrrahle: Ilia -besU.friends would ecarcely il A, ' bait recognised - bird, , Ale-clothes Were tattere d-' '-'• \ "and filthy, his . face wee beaten and bruised, and I - :hiN'iNNOCiateN for l a ticin,lweru thd tiled of the - _--Tile: He minlad not glith on account of himself. • .. - 2. • .Theanly thingke"ramembered was that, he cc -. cidentallymet one or Mel of his former rampart a.' s!ionr, , lelly fellows, stir the world ',goes;--itho' i ' . -• tempted him intoop:Mlle:, honsetinil all the rest 1 1 ' was to' him , ,ills patron, knowing the . „ ' • ; .reril.worth of the man, .r.aide from ilinarmi tie., • :: eetniked.hisa kindly. took Lim by th liand, re ': fided hint with decent aPparel—and compani.-, • --' ed hini;back to Boston! Maio now fully redeem mil; 10 - allappearrinces;isfrisefid; able gifted arid' resppeecCted • and with the prcepeet o a briobt' I ,rL . . ; resperous • career before him. But, had hi been ',neglected, eonteniated,. , deno red and , --a abused, itia probable [Lathe would li e brought ~ „ op . at.the almshouse or the jail, dal . are termi- 1 ; I „mated hie Career in indigents and Th grate: ' t ...', • -.: 3tlil farther. A few years ago, a 'gentleman ....; .. of thrtanti died in this:city who was) subject:4 to fits:ofperiodieal- inebriety, which Mo power • , of:mason, education or socialindite/Me" could' , i'• _ ; :ecittartil ' "I - would drink blood, arsenic' any. .1 •ta."'• thing: "I.Woidd comMit, only atrocity, for the an- 1 aa: joynientaf the momentary roadnets"•:—vma - the ,I language he held, to his physician while suffering;' milder one of these paroxysms. He was. not. . :a tart °thrums, bit a gentletnah and a atholar,' - .`._with'ttie highest .sense of' irobity andlioncr,— ''Nevertheliss,liit moral power, his foreeof char- - acter, his 'position' insociely—all Yielded to the, •.; fury of e desire for strong drink-sfor execiordi.' I nary atimnkoata. lt was irreestible, and he per-. 1' lobed a victim. ' Aftertleath, it was atcortained, • that the formation of his stomach was of such a character, that i morbid Aeiire 'tor eacitants was i ineiritable. It unneried, unmanned him, and literally,oeeriuwered his intellect. With him; therefaret . Intemperance was a •dimase, as it .. ...doubtles3 lain many irises. The question then •• - . recurs ..tirhat is best to be done under the 'elm ' • ''curnstanees? is. ' , existing arrangemeuta,• • ' dare ar*, but two phices of refuge for tlif wretched inebriate-:the almhouse or the jail, • ~, • Heinust either be recognized as a pauper or a ....:,•:.'tirindiad,. and . in. either ride, the: chances a arc • ,that 4kie diaearie; the infirmity, Will be exagge r. ""'raled. ; rather than relieved and improved, Surely,. then, an TNIENACEDLATS: ASYLUM, on in diddle* where thedrunkard might be cared fort. a... -arefeirmed and' cured, would be a great blessing, := Lit the language of .an enlightenedaphilanthropist,. the ~ , p olicy hitherto pursued with the habitually intempetate, is dither consistent with reasoner • justice. Intemperauceis a lehysical evil,..e. ilia-: nap as firmly as insanity; sad like insanity,- it is' . -dairying , of coramisenition and sunchptible.ifi. - -_;-cure," - There may of connie•be exceptions, titit;.. r:a this ; !wee hioad propoiltion; and it it be found, :::'ed on an enlightened ties ;of the anbject—how' : - initutiattjal dud an asylum firths care of the in ' ' ' ' turiperata shank! be' esti:Mil : id - 4ln evergreat a, ••snity: 'l' What : countless bleseingsitvenld flow from' i'f. - Atie ganinition 61,auch an Institution: Hotta ,' .man ai hearth; rioi At* And detelate, 'eight be r- Shoe . andlidghtenedi • Ifotrinitny a fond bat u arri . falliev-hfrieuteuv. 6 generous but Mit- Fuld sons "xidjflit be eitveill —PO. 'lnquirer.'lnquirer.a l ~ppw sob k S I—The Stone ' l iven of taint P 0194 • VIIIUM Tar, .11/ v A. Lomsrtfue.' Tomilated tom the bitiybly of art: Disoud Birtoiytebb.loto Lor, of Wat. ~ir0b.1103."1 by fir. TAO- Blot." 41. A. 11., • rof etfvhalL .Ipefeni.luo • akt1.14 , 41311. lEtryboot - 'OO4 An 50t..131.,11111.1, IMlp3(7ol.lutalt,nuonn Df . Prin Ataboo,- , ',Llght the Dub Pl..;YlOmoylojo of Cbriot taxi Life the *WO* AffesvfOOor Utnap crW pap 'AAL.I. 7 11 , 1 4'41 TfilfstleZTIo ' fi: 110.4 mill. 8..61 41 . 0tt11:3 ;U. nice inpi)ly,of II • iud nian nicture,vprays.on and Rulbor+wde stqinry.r.t ater. • prv.l • . J. DILWOLtpI 1,4. ttOkfia";---100 bllP:narrel t d ter 'ale by fsugn 'J. S.DILWO i(X) WIRE IatICK-,2l.yx:(!pr eats 1. AIAUKEREL--120_bb1s. r sale.b - auk= L• 7 M. k AIDLASSES--20Q bbl3.o* forsalq • , ausal . 110B14.02:. LUTE >.G CO. OL,L3 - -LAID PAPLIZS).—Tbe. Lea • don Cep ALIA Lotter Pae•ir., bleu: see; mate lel/. aka Letet B. ILIVEYB Fever Werettetter, e-Pece3 . • • • earner.Markei Seeeeel Ate. ' • 5i,...A„• A. bLuscipl: Co.& 2.idk josell6ll benuUMl ikacitaust , Crery rich r. •.dl plain Riga WU: 'Tito a bcrrir datirable awe. or. Irmab the vatieDtion of puthama. ALva. very' , 1111Pa107Gto..1 . 1•Aleigpiey . fiatia Cbane. 1...m1[111110w. DRESS' G061)8 7 -3Tre are now re .. 'tbe wryest WI Oiler Irrtomilcoi., inach. net., repur , Airerri...43b6+4 Airk.r, trench dleriao.e atA TXtbet CJVtL. ;User LF.O 11.0) ALAEON ie CO._ GOODS—A. 7 4 - 760. • teced. 900.pe. Matzle flid e A et e f ceakeneat asayerratup.. ; :. .!..1 3 1N.OFEZEr7100 bugs for sale by, - ' E. pi:worm a co; OcLAM4rtoN:; MEREAS;-...in ei4d: by the Act of '';the W General Asia :My N.... Finals. entitled rAn Act relating to Elections of of groonomnealtb.i• It ILittel on tor to Snake of such elietima to be had. and to to s =tics what ofileers are to be Mee rl. pursue:Ai roof, I, CA MINX CURTIS, Sheriff of the Conner of Alleaboty, do thereggg make kmwd and piyis Ude public.nottec to the eloetersof lehleounty Al i-oil:loin Mat • General Flecton be held in the mid pontr, on the SEOUND TUPZDAIf OF ocron GUT, ~pege ...rat election distrlet• therein. The elected" or Me Phut Ward Of the city of Pittsburgh, to bu , el of the home Of Mr. Jane lath. at the corner of r'+rr7 and lOttriit etimett.to rabl wart • Threiretoreof the nemnd Word °fib,. Pittsburgh, 1 , meet at tte Burnt Limier 110.1, rornerof fiemnsi and Thestreet', evil Cord. . The Armee, of Its. Third Weed df the city ofPitoberh h, 1•., Inset at the houde of Andrew lleMseter, TOO elertore of itinfroorth Ward Mille city of Pittetuegh, x 4 meet at the Public Retool HOlll.. said ward. • The eideltns of the Fdlia {heed of the All of Pi tisttrgh. u. meet O the Primsylesais omooled by ti :Orb Ws Alen. newest, In said nerd. . he electors of the :lath Went of theca/of Pittsbis rat, mtat, at the Public &Mel ildone. in :teed awl. • Ths electors at the Seventh Wool of the of ,Pleb. • burgh, to meet at the Public School Goo., In said mod to T m h ee e at t o he Publ - i c L re h b t o h o t B d to of ihe& caitdy wfa rPd:O..lntegh, • Tho electors of the Moth Ward of the city of Pittsbnegit. to meet at the Public School Henan, in a id wand. The electorsof the First Ward of the Illy of Allegheny, to meet at the house of J. Wog/ilium, linbi.do Greet Tim elector. h o ars e Seana Wird Of the city of AllagbeLLY. 10 131 Pet la the of Widow Fhompe.cm. north rest cor er and the Public•Sonsre. (Ohio st eer Third Ward of the city of Allmilmoy. to meet at the Public &Mkt House, Itresid.ward. 'lhe eltut..rs of Me Fourth Ward of the city of AdJeghsny • to Imo at the boos. of life. East Gammon, • The electors of Pitt Mertiship to Inset at the house of Nancy Murry. oo tbry• 'Lech la' sod FermenTrum. • ta 'Pike Hoed. in aebidorihim except the =Debit voters In witons Nos. 4,7 . , and 04 of the city district, who • ',hell vote at all aeuetal eltetlone In the Ninth Wardol the • car of Paublirpr. The el ton of Pestle's tokuship to meet at the him. of JOin geitler, In the .Mina. of Past Liberty. The 'deo., of 0011104 nertmlalp, to meet st t h e Uhl.. of Wm. 51LOOLOr. to the village of-Gast Libert/ The Gorton Of Wilkins township. to meet et theliones f John tihsffer,• on the tit...burgh Turnpike Road. to 'raid township. The electors of Plum lovably, to Meet at the tau. of Jobe thentmerville, sald tartishly. 1 he electors of Patton townebip, to mmt at the Lowe of washes:l Taylor. omit* Northern Tampllst, Mead town. 'b l r i)e electors 'or POLIO 101 , 0514. tO meet at t 4 of !llotetrt boutililigai„os the Iswchbarsh Item!, to •s e a:town. The elector, id leirsallles township, to meet at the Brisk Ccbool !louse, ner lbw White Waite turrertle occupied by Thomas Nigel. too t bow by Wm A. Shaw. The elector. of Dieate ti. township. to meet at the/lona ot Datel Sarver, lortnerly otettpied . by Jobs Walker. in Elimbalt Mirciagre : The electors of t h e Scottish of Elizabeth. tore{ at the boo,. of Daniel Sarver, formal, - ccruplid John ' Walk. to lo esti' boroug h. The elocuirs cf Jefferson township to meet a She brow 61 Metal At..., former!) . uccuplot brJohu FlOg:In ald Cur whip_ The •lecTorg or 311111 In township. to melt at the tuba. of Smoked foraterlt occupied a its 11 Neel. In said tow/ably. The el...ems:rasa St. Clair tornado, to.ussa no the bowie of. r.. Con ar, In said Lovably. • • The electors.. Lower - Mt. Clair townsblp to meet at the brick tavern t a Junction uf the Cal 11111 and St-Clair turnpiten with t ie Brownsville rood. The elective of 'artier" township to meet at the public house near the 9 w Mill Hun bridge, on the Steubenville turnpike. The electors of Robineon township toneael at the hon. or &nil Magritte', formerly Audi, Menotti/al, iLI said township., The Meet.. of FindleT township to meet at the Boum of McClelland A Armor, formerly °monied by duo Chiale,it, this silage of Cliolon, In rani townstup. The elven:ire ollloon township to meet at the hone , of Peter Custom In sold township. The electors of Chlotownsbip to meet at the Lonmetif Jim Hey, in said township. The elector. of Pranklin township to meet at the boos , occuplial by Jos Lohman, in sold township. The electors - nettle 'brought./ Manchester m meet at the I PUbiin!Sehto/ bona. The cotton Of Bemire township to meet at the house of Outten, Fisher. in said township The electors of Balthein township to meet et thi. house Juo Cowan. in wad township. • The electors of2nowden township M nom et the host, of Peter Boyer, In said township. The elertOre of South Fayette township to meat at the. , house °I 11..liaya, as the farm of u. . Coulter.. In said s e °I et north Fayette town hip to meet a t the boom now occupied by Francis datulicutat Bogen' 01111.' In tell township. The elect°. of on *carnal:up to' to et the house efolamb Collankh. on the Franklin met in said town !bite electors of Owe. township to mem at the from of Hugh (''rummy In mkt ...Whip—end that Th. Walla.. he• Judge aud bus McKinney aui Rogers be Isom, ton sni de election - . In said tosnehip. The elector* of Mettactilem trmuslitti err to uteri at the bolos. of its Anderson. In said township . The electors of Best Deer harmful, to meet at the hones of Nathan Conley, In mid township. The electors of host Deer towrohlp to meet at the Public School nous, MO. Bormoth of Termini ELI. The electors of the Borousiti of Terminal, to Meet at the Public School 'Boum, to mid Bonnie, • The electors flndians township to meet .t uba house W occupied by 0. Markey, in mad towtahip. The elect.= ot &Ater townehai C.. acct m loo: mill, in said township. Tim unsalted voters of that part of Indiana township. ' 1u Allegheny county. rmidlusewahin the foilowing de scribed toondar l ea. to wit beginning at a point on the A I ' , lawn, Ober, at the tapper line of the farm of JOhn tae 'Mo. mid running a northerlymune. between the. erms ' of :aid Cable and John Boyd. to [MCI. Y.. cornerarCatile , tantrotheticaunning a westerly worse to the :hider township lip,. Irn such a manner no. toembrece all farms in lots situate to Vuhriowilistu's .thstrict.end Maim, es th. Oyer tracts, within said bounderiee shell licreairer yew ot electson poll of eneral electimiond The electors of the Borough uf Birmingham tO mast at the Plablia echoed Min-vim said Wrong h The electors of the Borough of Lest Ifirmamtiam Meat at the liallrond OASIS cf Oliver B. 0rm0t0,.131 1.14 The elector. of Doom-toe Borough to meet at the .C.Ch-ol flea", In sdid borough. - , rb• Women , tithe Boron., of Laweimorrille to 0554 LI the Public batml Ifous+iu rvW borangh. . The electors of the borough of blaernehurgh to meet et the boas:. ofJaines taiarfalagabl horbugh The aiertors of tbe toraugh of gicSeeneirt to meet at 'the Town to'ettattitrougto. ! The eLectbre tho hoootigh of Ouutti iiut.ourgh meet at the Long, formerly arrapiid by C._ llognatioch. at the end of the 31orgrogahele brif Kaiit tor.v The el.:torso( the floronah ax ElLatta tOcaret at the Itiolpiie School Howe In maid Imolai:1i -.At which tome rail fibula. the co:Wined elettors 45 afar. sail will by ballot rote far One person for tiotentor of Penney Ono person far CatuJCosouth6siourt 'give venous for Judims of the Supreme C4llll of Pena. tyleanL: • Ooopertota for Pr.-talent Joilgo at the Dbtrict Court for the county of Aktnit../ ; One person for Azt Judge of the DJUiIS daurefor the county Of AUe One yrrsola for Ala J.lge of (6.551.5 5: Common Pleas.. Quarter fiestiena. Or., a Allegheny connt7l Ilse Ler ga-oilate Juilges of earei nab Ilse persona for members Aseembly of Pcnneyf roma One person In nocorslotof Allegheny eenntr One person forlbegleter; • true Mean for Clerk of the C 15151,51 Onyter SeNaorta One ;arson forr/reasnorrpf Athenthy mono,: Oneporaon fnrCiuntpCom min One person for Author - • One pen fur County ourreyoi; Also, in and by stir sth section etsot anon". tor lath a. Aronl, 1,40, insoren, that. an the 13th .akstion of the sot Pulsed thasa entitled= act retsina& tothe elertiona of lbisCommorarothh.stsall not bo aotorunorsod as , And the return Judgca the respective district/. ators• 'tali. are yequastl to meet at thy Court Ilouso to ytte city ot 1 1 /tubas/04 on the Fildas alter the *maul Tuattlay of Oqtober nett, then and thins to diteluras • the duties equital by lea. Ulan' under my hand and Rt.' at Elttstum2t, tbta 21 day SaPtsittbar, A. /t4l, and of the.lndepandeuceut butted States tbs seventy dstb. • nllaltatteS CARTERCCRTIf aberia FEATRERS--30 aacka Iw3ding and for 'Jule by . lELIA.II DICK el! S CU. • ( 1 11BA!—Will. be publianed, on Monday, kJ be Ist of September, • Sim roamed 11• P the land 47911 A, berm 10 ceurt. J. B. 110LSIES, sere() . Third wt. opr.n• tort Pmt Mime EATHER-550 Sides Hindlack Tanned .?ol• Laatber. rur v 7. by .sugat CHOFFEE--200 bags for sale b • s 2 Da UGAR—FO'hlids: prime; for Hale by , sug2o . R. DALZELL Lou bblF. male by 1.0 aura° DALZELL co 111 tierces for oak by QL «4p4 N..a R. lataUG H. lIIKESE,4S boxed for solo by ' irP+ t=. F. TON BONNIMILST Coo rtll nov N C LASTING—An additiona' 112 Aopply , d NICRPIIY OURCIIIINLD nu 31a ACKEKEL-40 gr. bele very nice No 1 J for nle be 1.0.1] CKEY at CO ALUM -25 bbls. for oale by. ang2:l .5. KIDD t CO. xi. SCALP HUNTERS, or Romantic Ad ventures ha Northern Maxim by COL Men* Reid. ph Rutherford. •D. T* by litr Pamlral isher. Travels ha Amelia; by Lid/ Stuart Worsley. My Shoostag Bom by Frank Forrester. Tho Big Bear of Arks** . Homonets Novel: with lastrattoos by Derley. ' aeoeirel LIOLMES' Literary Depot, 74 Thht Arcot, opposite theFost Offlee;. • else.l ir . OX'S. Patent Sparkling Galatine--3 gross ILJ for sal9 by . J KIDD a CO.. =e'3 CO itiml 0. - WETTIERILL'S PERFUMERY—A fresh .• lot for no/e . by atyal J. KIDD k W. FRESH ROLL & IftJß BUTTER- , -Reed ang %h =. i* day, Eatoalay, A Mugl ITill 6 •l2= 13.1 , • aL,. F ROM BOSTON, j ree'd- GOO Lt. Pi IE4 py Dabber HON! 4 !kith:lZ • 332. ^ 4,- 4 .. r For r•ate at the Trollettabber Depot, ". and 9 Wood R. , J. it IL PHILLIP:LI • PACKED BUTTER-8 bbls. and 5 kegs for eat by • ISAIMI DICKEY a co.. sup= Water& Front etc . VELRYSTAL PALACE PRINTS.-"-pica, Xj PM'ECRU 1/211. !Mir Jost rweived slot or very Imattlful English. trio., mule expressly for exhib i t i on at the World's Felt , to which the et:Lepton or the tattier ls tn.& uura UTTER-6; bbls roll butter for sale by aye I J. S,DILWORTII It CU Ckli-SALFAn. 'excellent FAMILY F HOUE. Ezquini of aags J. SCHOONHAKER I OST .OFFICE SCALE`S—Judt. received an addnicenn wock., and for sale be W.W..W11.50ii, • snies corner Winkel. orea Focrtb LTTSIIAIITTS!- bava rector...l a full assortment of the abate attic a. at from =tic. to 1423 tot MI f.oitrio Of idadi • -- - INSEEDiOIL---5 bbla . Citymak ,e for sale 1 , 7 • Iszte.l 8: N. WICKERBIIAM. UP. CAB:. •§0.1)A.--s . l z rzpr Bale; INDIARUBBER CAPES-2 doz.just reed (with ileerosJ iste euticlo for riding'. thivlac. Vir ' X j t=7.lDr '1" .1 f..II..PIDM7Pr v. . 1 , • Time Bills . .. : ON' • CINCIFI4•AI; •- • , 1 - 47,I PAIP , N%up . • . ! suiMt.,.-„n„ .. cu:Ulan , . , . . . will br_purch.p.da tavorible raiz % Liam k Co. Jr.-. MstKnOVAL.—We intend nn•reloore ibont o tt&ittt otSabracubar, hams oar present stand La ass an...ruined by Christ/a:LT.lyr, N 0.116 Idar , keratrret,nrisaillte rt,elslr here vs,: stud be pleased: W 1 Sue err s tale la c LIPS, and lE 4.4 IL PH 7 and A.Wooa ICE- 2 -15 tes;iprime, for sale by cl 4 I• .1 .1. DILWOUTA CO. RAZORS!---The ea has bele ip•OWtttia meet Sof the salsa lEm.1)11: • •ani.e,.,,,st tens Rams ere etentdatturettlle the ,ErdtedlatetssJahil ltrwouslied ie. enemy' by,"sither Bellth' or AlD•ViCiall tosirtsetore• Every {Caws ls wer rented. sad( If it does not prove salisfattory. Ms =Me/ 0611 to yvtoreetter the Ilstroj:lehenecl, as the wurotufty : id es *le Etaksytkie bss is_ An Ireer severelyears, arid •Ls re:Wry. supetwalng rt.& • coal tstrop, lbry,trlllyat Oman , hoollart ter tea Tears. • • Far etas, ;phased. eoa. yowl, et the Welsh sea Jewelry "tors of ' • .W. WELIStraL,.. tuas ! ! • 67; soma a Foam and Hertel . 11FLAX,--= enekn,ftir sale by B EEF z i zIGLET - E4-1, pnnutr-- article' on arra AAPCIATIO Co • Libartfirt; ' . -;: - \ • • I BOOKS: MUSIC, &.e Newßooks, host Received. rnAST: a Problem; reprinted with corree on. wa IttLllVot. by the with.. of,Alton Locke e Mr. IDs ic.7 01* C 1.1.1.. Que. of F4fflit by Jacob Abbott. Caleb Field: etele of the Purl... 12.0., mut Faetbury, •• Thlr. by Annan. Dowry,sUthor of ... Friends Pet , el. mos. AppletosO• Meehan.? !Ivo.. eau] Etwther. Jour. Int No. O. Byrn'.uf Meehan. Curt. Wort ant Co• elhortiec ster. 211. ht Laetelng'm P ieta //kid Uwe of the ILevuluthar, N. It Palextloe, It lieltgrephr eul Blblutll.ary. with Ml.lth ..gralitue Maps; to r. 11. Fllbb.r.l. of .Wt Oeureure Confer "'FT _ ad" "W“ ./ .. . r. t Au ullu Bulkllny. Fourth el. .1771.2 New Bo tIODFRFAY MALVERN• or the Life of on Author ) Br Thu... 11111,r With terenu.Ss.d ii 1140 and 14. , 0 ~ a or LortJou labor mud th e L-didock Sour Th. •thavo WOO inet reed wad forada b. A. C. STOCKTON. 4. AlarkPl ICS' MAGAZINE, Nu. 8,. fur MECHA L 4 iwmet u it'r Dontr.tle Tele u ,uu Pemievel irt the L . l.fgi at Mn. Margaret rile a •of u telr:l 4 l . lro b .L.kler Literary ltaeoa. ereee.e . t , Pe. Uffiee _ QOOKS4- , -.1%,,,, 33 of Pyr DietiteCary of Mechanic...A gnatuearthg. . 7 !A APPletou'r Herbania I,Lagazine tad Ka at ueare' Jouruad Also-..a large ...0rb.... of alp god shoot Boot, lug reed and for raleby N. LL =Kruse Ittlit bang. fy6 --« - New Music. oTIIE ' gPIRIT POLKA, c0u,50,361 by H. . Klelfer, and dedicated to breybett C. Foster, of this y d eir . r Le. salts , e ' T - I 'L ffe 'l m o b it ko H i2tlig. P . l Y, 'l" • . Net, Ply. wltb varlatiougpy mate. Daley Jones, wilt% variation, by Dal.. • The Autumn of our Years, by Ciforge.Barter Alf,. 11101. ewleetloa of Forel_go Music for Plano, Flute, Violin. ac. KLEBan. 101 Third Urea. t r.A. 81,13 tbnlioldeu Harp.. P. S epterali lot of new PIANOS uow opettlux• Ott very good areand-hand tl octave Piano for Gale • MERICAN STATE PAPERS.—SthotePa- Tv. Imre um" bucument• of the United NU., Irma the Accesalon.af deorge Waihingtou to the Prooldeo. y..thillag a complete •lest of our Wraign relations altoa that time; toaluding Coot deutial I.loeumenta. W Nlts.a . angs., agotorsit; rontainiug Oeortapdie.Nclehtitica.l, Statistical, re,monsihal,r lii oataPhical iAlMlMettt., Meaya FIKIA; togothe with Nottooe of the Arta .4 Manufacture.. and • Remy of the Ittents of the Tim.froto The above valuable auras for a I b It STOCKIO. 0' Market et 2rltu3io, for thThoomers. K LEBER; BB Third street, sign of the tiolden Harp, hew yust noised— BLOOITEIt, N Fl. V COSTUME Polka.lrlth beautiful vignette of the Bloomer tkostutue. 11aWlabd uo. b tar 14:1..Crarltfl ' aft, y n:moDattuo .0 Yu r' beautiful sly of ••Nelry ow LAily Alan, . rylpl.l> 41 Baton Temperate,. tiled Book. 104 Chickering's Pianos. I OWN 11. IdELLOR,• Agent fur 54} F strt es :i‘t'eof hae reels note opeu rata the fob Voting elegant a:am - Went of Plano Voiles, from the Da.ufactory, at Mr. Chletering , Wooten priers tam elegant Roaelsocelumbarand Ma ....yea •• e.val One • 14a11,t cardtS tot, •• yltdo - . rtturttl corners, 'Frottat.kt . The aberf Portoi Sr. uf the Istle.st n'ler of furl.. tut., sad watt all Mr Chlekenug'. Improydmpota, tLe prlpe ittintriably the sautesr lint., tb'esetty• saving to W e l ton. Mn rdttlus tupertd. sad Irk r.l int.* at Que Hogre.oolleuved Mou .etaea i•un, mat, ulactured by Adam Stedsrt .1 Co, O. Lc...mm.10 Adam Btodiat I 11, • J flacon i 14. - 1-11; tt.,l •• Clact.nu,, as good io a,.: 'Clue J clacol kas•u; 1.11, •• 'Loud I Itruttitra; Va. •• •• Dubelo Seabury; On. 1.1.11.un AGAZINES FOR AUGUST, la - iirnbau. . • - • /311 DRY GOODS, &c .. • NEW EMBROIDERIES .-- lust Yeeetv,l per !SWIM, • let, lame We of NualanAJ•ru, . eete,l•llb krml. are lbt. 111,1 iittpurtatit.h..,o. Vigit, W0rt...1 Col Lat.. Cud.. Cluquiretti. I.a, ...I 1.a.1 iiirk.4lr.tiortiig.si.a ay. nal beautiful nil.. Jucuett and Sal+. Wein,. and Lou, Ivy, White ..nd Black Coil>. La, Guile, le The atter, lion of ttir ladies is particulatlicited sr. the tlie.tarritituetit .111 acti larizeit.yethaps. •ver uttered In this' ritr (suit) w. A..11/liYiN a er., •. . . ,r Mitts, . hiohai 9UR PEI" BURCHFIELD tiny.? rez'd by eaprean another aupply gupork,r Slnhalr and S/ikA Ifor Vrt,na and .trmna. au.r.? E nbroidered Frotumings. A. MASON I CO.' liate juNt received I.re Pr' rot ‘suthful .F.tularnh.ter.l hrousrtn and Flhuning, ()row qtr., and wary so s..niorscoda at 02 S nt Mark et ott s o a p 11E\ TABLE CLOTHS.-Mcerar @ 8.L.11131,1,3 tp Vitt. the a:tenth.? of porch...v. ar anaortsorut at the above gonds, malt, in.datunk, and h.rge sues. ALso—Dtanen, the yard. of Carlow arLdflu and ~uallth-e C.O.S. rowelling, and klah.h Hncnr, Dhapa-a •woartrnent alma ea U. he found, at lonnat prior aunt , . Idurtly & Burchlltdd IILAVE OPEN this mornicri a further sup ply of slcAlnltc.fietUng, chltc:blLe awl vten. etc per.