The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 12, 1851, Image 2

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011014sgsn.: BY 7K,1114E
()NEAGH P41.9E ,OF
Friends of Scoit and Johnston.
• •
The attention of the fridnds of Scopr.'Jnenrs:
• .•
Lad Pitovicrtov, to Allsbeny COUltly: la eywoleir.
Ir . Wiled to lb. Iniyottest' ce or. thorotlyb orgnoleotloo.
.um , of clot.. to every election &Arid, fur the
.eoveP.Km.,the anYoinintent of.Committeee of { - 40.M
.loYee that °Very friend. of Scott and /obl:um. u eseesont.
.41 /hot ,thowe who . require it are notalwilvol, nod that
ceteii ,voter aleparlt, klvballOt 'Carthe YeroneTtuvelay of
The. following Conotnltlee .on NtIII.III4EDM fins been
'oyzanted: 11:-.1CLion.JOIM Morrison. E. Egger, E. Jonti,
tik. E. Appleton,' A. Ilartv,E.p... Puzb. Col. Bahl,
IA.JAPia. C 494 F. Scideruniter...lL Divichottttal, Dr. J..E.
ituer,,Wtti. D. Walker, June, McCune, Joseph Albelts.
Br. orderof the Countrbonindttev.
Allegheny County. Scott. and Johnston
• • Hdetings.
A: p. Meetin will be held h
• borough' at Ll' U .ra b bellt, - chiSsjdsp: , thel.3thot September.
• IA 2 o'clock P. 2i.
' • At , NOblestoten, an Stotbiar, September It, 2P.
Artlissrpebutg, l'heAlay. • to.
A At , Pltteretotrti,. •Thom,lar, 08: - •
- 'At East Liberty. - 10.' 6 .
' :At . Paturapp, 21. " •
.1/ 7 47:}1r7511/ "
•}!: i t It Wet (4pr...hip, Alutaar,
• - At ithreet ( * or ' LeMtarli Muax.loo toh nthip, oh
• .Thet,Jar i rot& th3,1, - at P. ht.
,"%%ter-11 9lotlo 12.1.0. PettGo!ulth , ,hlp, Wejnit.lpr, Vth,
Sol.,,lltoti . trwaship. on Thtittr-
FhtS l 4.t.ter, 1'a.:W.11414, on Pri7l2e , th,
ACJnhn Cohmh . lb 2412gltilowathip, Pbtnrds.,,
.•;t tp Alt . 0 . 4, Smarr's, .te Seraph toPottitp, 'oh T!,• , ,t.r..tb,
A 2 t.i . C . 2ltl,llo4lstr ttrphtblp,' ISAineAltt,(k ; ,lbt , er
Thttrtahr,2l,At P.ll. •
UPPrt ht. Clair toputhht, Go Fri
:;;i"tahtuTlA'atler't, etivh, opThaturapt, ttla,
1 ; 2 k a..t . twentialp. ol .. ll"urblar,:th•
• Thwrmlttp,
.04 etda to '" tO r tico *u tt ' re7l 4' ?it b tPtet r t74
.-, Oaf. Wendt itr.rathhtertion aittmet of theeemPtr, ar
13trr1,`"'unnlre, and bare otter
ASSA.i:43.E?IEI, • T. •
We.have preparmL.'and will publish to-mor
,row,. a 'full: and emirate list of ALL THE
EOST-OFKICES ISt ITFLAND, irranied alpha
with tho names aT the counties in
w tdch rit4_ are aituated. Penions wishing to
obtain . extra eopies,, will • please leave their .
orders; 'se that we inay know what 'number
to, publish. . This list will' be Very interesting
and useful in postMastere and to persons , wbo
Taisire to cOrreepond with their friends in ire:
CP Tar --,Auxotrzys—We spoke
' .. 1-,: -. ..yksie . rday of the important Keetate likely to foh
loir the 'construction of a reilioad from this city
f . , .. - .',- , .... - : . .through the valley of *the 'eglieny to intersect
. with the great worksrof New ork; hrst,the New
Mork and Erie faitroad at 0 can pod, crossing
-* - • that; pAceed on down the 11eycif thelleneire
' ' '.:: to llochester, thus uniting us with the most mug
. ,
niftheht system of, communication, - both natural
. . .
and. artifiCthl, in North Ainelrica, or perhaps in
~ ..
-.:-, the world.' • • . ,
• l': ~._ We spoke briefly, and in general terms, of the.
.'•:•''•- . resources aid capabilities of the Salley of the
•-• .: : 4llegheny, and the' disadvantages under which
. ,iti, s peolile labor, for want of a good and reliable
~ . -., channel of:act:en to marhet, and tried, to prove
• that ere& in the article-of sawed lumber, a rail.
' fold 10:0 be lireferrel to . the 'riser fo; its con
- vf PLace?- 0 FarYt l - •
this city - thin joad would be one of the
• • most , valuable Mat eoitli be c . oitstructed-Les a
.new batik for - our roaanfactureli and. for the
r t hnndizL that is' hire • disttibuteilas offering
a steady - mtiMii, ;Defeo ted by frost' or drought,
‘.; - of. Ontsumerous articles 4t* raw mmerinl which
:that Salley adding vi.etly to the
tvalue of that Salley an a m iu* t, by the great
hiereffse bt pOliulation and product at industry
, sihicle road-would occasion; and, alcove eve
: . rything else, im opining up a vast :geld 'Of- con.
sneroe, heti tie,ns, in Western Newyork and.esen
etnallb,`"*Pbeoe advantages would berieLt
`lEcerglrtn.jin'ainonatgreater than the entire cost
AS road. - ,
• .
It it true that the valley of- the Allegheny is
labbrintatpreseut and6rgreat depression, ow
-Jag to_the pikneirstion - nt the iron interat: tut
..(list . caoinof - loislalwaYs. :The netessity.of -adopt.
a diffehint policy than the one now'ruling
force itself uponthe minds of the American
p trple.,Lmsol the busy atSlTCheerful hum of
trylvill;ag-ain enliven tbe 'and valleys of
'tint inciontyeglected section of our state. Its
'ere amhstrii, and egricultural resottrals will yet
birox .. n gbt to subserve ithe- great purposes for
were made, and itiviat water power
- ism not be allowed to ran to ' , ornate for ever.—
Far . this reason' no better tine could ho chosen
far canimenchig and prosecuthsg this greaten
, terprise than the present. Labor and provisiona
are low and plenty, and iron is cheap. Perhaps
British- iron can be obtained and laid down oiler
.. . . .
~- .. would be a piellsBi4memnrial, for a long time,
- "..- f' t&the good people of that iron country:, of the
bles6ngiof free trade. 'tut whether the iron
' . be British. or AmeriOin, it would be well to set
the people to'making a railroad while they have
not mneh:elsado do. • We think the people along
• •.'. the line'could be depended neon to pre
pare the rued for the supsrstructure, audto fur.
- ~..: . • - `‘.it.s• ttthe necessary iimber. - At least this may
. . be,etpected'for.the forst' hundred miles from
• % - i ' ," • b F 7ia: .- q'
,__ i
•Buppose the coriamuetion of the work should
.._...'••• , , • higinhere=whiehdt would of coarse—by the
time it ret, \ aid the. Mentli of the , Eiskiminetae,
~ ..... • 139 •or 30 rallee,).it-woula pay a fair profit A
• - , -.; lerge'amount \of trade and travel would be gath
,.. ared:in at thai . tmint, by the canal, the river, to.
• •
,-; " ' istpdat' points below. Fourteen miles fart:tier
-.. r. :.
,-• erMaldbring the Mato Kittanning , another polar
where. a oortelderablii aunt of business wo.ald
lie-thrown'tipon it.. Ahem the road weisld
. - . , pay the interest upon ittitstock or bonds as the
Front drittanuisigto the ant 12
-:.• ' ~......
miles ,•la a rich arum region; le 4 vroull fur
, ~. . . large imountof tradeboiltyst., A'fei
toiles fcirthetc, Redbank ,is reaill tit : which
- - placeneirri all the tradiafid trove'` f 'Clarion
. i
~ • aunty wo . niti he gathered in. • ~- -,, .
P 3033. this Point it is proposed by emit that
. t i e road ought. to leave 311.0 . 4331`,L . p3.33 up the
' .;'kN j silir of Redbenk a few miles, strike =rota\ to
Clarl o n ~s.ttt thenee apthe valley of the 111
r 3
;;; :''' - f . '.:l-' ,. . er stream to its source,' and thence across ihe
..,.5 F:-:- . ;;,..., 'iiding ridgelsaid to be low)te the heads of the
Allegheny, and down - the latter to,Olmua, This
;.7• - •,,in.prohafity the shortest route_ . v .
'.`-,•• ' ',''•% ' . Ottent`ye in fairer of - iontitming up the Ails
:. gbitiy,tatlie mouth of *the Clarion, and thaw
-_ - - .l4it4Aiiik topfeltd 4 ,la abovaistated:. This it
; , , -• , • thentat ehortest - rMito, atOd . lute the advantage et
~*:% haring: but a'aingle'titamit between Pittsburgh
- : .• • • : Othersagain are 111faro$ , of following: the river
ill the way up to the poisit *here the New York
and Railroad; le,avi,e it for Dunkirk, same
, . , ... .
, .•
.• r. •• , ,, , tWerit3.• miles below Olel , ka: For this bitter route.
• . ' - ;there iiii charter fore railroad from Pittsburgh
:"tirthe Statellne. - i
. ..,
..1..., 10e course we shalt:offer no' opinion as to the
••• - - ..';' . .tkierits of them seireal'itutria, other tlum that
Wribelierii thejave all perfectly feasible. - As to
._ . ,
- - •: it'eliartsr, We tract 9ae , day is gone by wbeniiien
shall be denied the or building rallrOi4s
ow:tx -districts, Pith their *own
tUasSais,ii . they roe proper toao_te ; - and elh-ar.-
pent that our folends the?,il.) - leghOny, ehouldi
- they see 'peape.r to build their. road by the
the Clarion' theo
bank,on or , rivet...route, 71, 1 .
• - , astjaatetrtar 43 n.-boon ., but aaho it as a right:.
fat ate ; lottetb from A.s.eriesimizi llevans de
tliat stcries relative to the! 3.basel and
boies of the iff•tivo' Cut
forttlaste-tietterho were shot at th4iplciae,.. - tire
-totally -
. 1. , „
to . .‘. us. Col: !IL^-3,:.'.
:The ' fe st- P , . "153,if ~* "o , c 7 tic , ". blgie-" /„.8.4—.::10,6"':71.--
- ! icAtor..,:hirc;uldr h°T.'l",_..frtl7'n)m'hho Lunt'
u.. - . itaka..,.-
~.,„.„,..... base 4 7 :_ mcb vs „, „up
' . , -' ,. OYi . , i'?
victims of ' tlie d°"*. wo74opintY',6j!'.l
-,., • =.i''..*Eat'
and: Pl'66 T? rs
Ai; ''
Sf''brhim. 4?
-tin„.. Lotus have . 1
_, "--.
~,,, 3!..7:140„4.0
-'' - , , „
auzd of iii#tcr,
, rv..! . .. - 7 ,5- 1. - -_,;.c. , , ,, ..-] ::,-- . „..... ritie4.lf aF iiik.,. te1t
`half vim tegyeee.4
~,T:t•.,,:f---,,,--z---i,..61 mills . ' sufficieh!"lo-i.
'V - Olis 1 3 ? . , ~ ~ t . Awl ii. 0 9 1"
~e,ab of Liu
::.,,...-.2,-,......"M.7.......1 . 4, , ,,.. '
.- ' ~• ' ." .:. 7 •
.. _
. .
Tax Port Aim. COL SNOWDEN. 1 , 's . &masa iccouNss.
. _.,
_. . s
Why.does 110 t this'fba publish the priniauts- , Cl/4632MM or ONE or Till 1/CrAnral.
=Bah of the Gorerzicer announOing,;the impor- 1 His Excellency, the Captain General, has per'
hinefeeittit $639,1112 98 Of the atiteMpas =lli itututlon, in the of f i cial Gazette, of
th i ff lor of D. Emelt/ Alexander
. . ,
been paid -off tlusingh the agency, 'of tj j e g
e e who compdol4.. lhelpiratleal
ing fetid—dun amount of th e blinds of the cam- .. p d iti ,,,o ;
monwealth :hieing - been pureitased and nal- I
In the Plaza of Havana, August 30, HO, the
celled! We ask; why does that paper wi th - Fiscal, accompanied by my Secretary, pro
this fact [rem its readers' '. I ceeded to the Castle of the,Presidio, where was
It is only a fe ' w day . since the . } , c ; st endorsed i confined D. Francisco A. Lathe, whir, being
Lw in, ord, offered to testify to the tenth, as fol
ded published Col:- Snowden'e statement that
only $168,374, 58 of the state debt hail been Being asked his name, religion, Sc., &c... he
paid during Gov. Johnston's admiaistration. We said l .. s.-1 am named F. A. Lai.. aged It years, a
showed at the time that the Colonel was guilty native of Alquizas, C. A. R., executor of my. too
of uttering an enormo u s-- ,
we shall not give it
tter's, property.
. Being asked when he went from the Island; if
a name—mid the Post, we are Pleased to ch'' hie passports had been verified: end to what port;
serve, is in a quandary. It it publishes the he said that he sailed on the 4th February,
proclamation, it will show that, its statements 1849, with passports far San Frenciactf, - going
are not entitled to any credit. N an : , an it i s a first to New Orleans.
Being asked if he went to ;Callforuia, or re
rele oftlaw that ¢o man shall be eoinpeqd to
maimed in the United States, lie said, that 110 L
give testimony calculated lo criminate himself, having received, in New Orleans, the letters
we suppose the rule is equally good in polities. which he expected, and falling 'ln of money,
W e therefore excuse the Post, and!no longer he had given lessons in Spanish a 4 methemnt
insist upon the publication of the Governor's ics for a livelihood. , ,
Being asked if embsequent to tide time he had
proclamation-ix its columns. Passably the Post
returned to Cabe he said he had not
might auccessfullY 'ergo the plea of:lgnorance, Being asked 'he knew Nareiso Lopez, and
and we should find little difficulty in allowing it, what was the na ure of his relations with him.
especially as the falsehood wee put forth by he 'said that, , whet; Lopez returned from Carle"'
C4l. James Ross Snowden, former State Treas. ass, 111 1850 , he had acme conversation with
aver, in a long aud cuttuingly Written article, did him respecting some C u b ans, whose names he
not remember, but whom he bel ieves are all
having all the appearance of runlet, strongly deed( excepting one dr. Lono, and that ho had
'Marked withthe peculiar egotism of the author, no employment with Loper, or relitiona with
cud signed with his name. ' ' bite, except in the course of friendly correspon-
We con, however, allow no such plea to him. Bence,
Posse, and which was• afterwards found by
ence, which was lost with his letter book at
Ile knot; thatjal statement was not true' but
, • , by' one of the Galenite; o ffi cers
how he could have the audacity to Ink , it forth, Being asked to tell what he knew !of Ithe de
-IS beyond_ our comprehension. We remember signs of Lope! in this expedition, wha t l was his
that towarla the close otitis communication, in force, who were his officers, and what topened
• After Leaving
New Orleans, until the 'Mediu on
offering an apolJe.,y for its length, he observed,.
this island, he said, that the expeditionl w hichi
u the lea gmtge of scripture. "fruu l the shun' started in the steamer Pampero numbered 600
dance of the heart the mouth speaketh." We men, exclusive. of some who joined the steamer
leave the reatthr to say in what that "abundance" in the Mitisissippi river; but the captain haling
consisted. I Made known that it was impossible to carry all,
. aonion returned, leasing on board 4,0 men,
But we le thePon off.
p it would ' he ungen, wh o were all who disembarked at Mo ro, that
emus to insist upon its publishing the problems- the object was to go first to the river S I John,
tion, and thus chronicling its own mendacity them to effect a junction with a force of nillery
an d sane. Naturalists tell us of a silly bird, which was waiting there : and then to land nt
which, when hard pressed by its punters, bur- ' i s u bm t e . p . o h in e t d in o thecen w tral em deg r ar . tm or e4t *. uip u e t. ; ha,v
les its hour in the sand. it is a poor expedient re
ceived information Y that Pinar del Pityl and al
in. a bird, and equally poor in a loco-foe° ed- most all of the Cache de Abajod had revolted':
that it Was then resolved to land somewhere in
'Voelta de Abajo ; that, by 4 mistake of be pilot,
they were taken before 'Matanzas, o d were
obliged to retain by Havana in search ofo port
'of Ortigosa, where they proposed to I d, but
were prevented by. the frigate Eeperau a i that
the officers were Nareisco Lopez, nII garian,
Mr. Pregay, - Colonel Crittenden, and . t o others
named Lands sad Clinton ; that the C plain of
the Cuban company, to w h ich deponen belong
ed, was Ildefonso Oberto, who was kill at Las
Poses ; that the design of Loper was earth
' lish a Cuban republic, counting on an ' urrec
tioa in the country, and the good wit of the
troops. i
Being asked what occurred after landing until
brought here, he said that they disembarked on
the shore of Morrill° at 11 o'clock a; night on
the 11th instant, without any oppoeitiOn l beyond
four or five discharges; which dispersed some
'countrymen of Morrillaz that they found the
shore deserted, the stores open and forsaken,
and having left something lees than two Imdreil
men under Cal. Crittenden ineharge 'of the us
necessary arms and provisione, the remainder
of. the'expodition, under Lopez, advanced,to Los
Poses, without' meeting any thing eicept a few
countrymen, who tied when they saw the advance.
and that upon arriving at Lea Posen they found
the toin abandoned, 'nor were they able to make
the inhabitants-reran, notwithstanding the offers
made to them, that the day following they were
attacked, by the troops of the Queen, who, in the
tad, were forced to retire, leaving them in pos.
guidon of the place, with the loss of Colonel'
Praguiy, a col op el whose mane he had ,fargetten,
Capttin Oberto, endgame fifty tilled and wound
ed-; that finding they . did not eneounter the ex
pected Sympathy amongst the people, and were
attacked by the very troops whom they expected
to join them, they resolve I to resort Lathe moue
rains, and with this object started for Pinar del
Rio, but by the error or treachery Of the guide
were conducted to the codeeestate of Fries where
they had another encounter with the troops, which
resulted in the loss of four or five men, which
with what were left or lost, triuced the force at
Friar to vo men, including 13 or 14 wounded- •
that with those they passed to Brujo, and spend
ingthe night in Union, went to Martiorenea or
Candelaria, where, on the 21n, in number- cot
exceeding. 201:t men; when breakfasting( they
Here su rprised, attacked, and dispersed by the
-troops of the (Keen.
A. hundred or more hod themselves in the for.•
est, one-third without arms, where they remain
ed far four days without any food,' except a
horse, some eons, and wild, plantatine, that then
arriving at the road the deponent Left the rest,
in order to write to his mother, and that for this
purpose he went to a hacienda, where some offi
cers of Galicia, who told him that it was not
necessary 20 write at the moment, as they were
ordered to give ;platers; that he was delivered
to Brig_ Gen. Rozaleq, sent to Bahia Honda,'and
thence to this city
Being asked what resources the expedition re
lied upon, both in the United States arid in this
island. who were their principal agents and cor
respondents there and here, he said that almost
all the resources were from Mr. Legur, who, ac
cording to Lopez,;,had given $75,001) to purchase
the Pampers' that: sundry cannons and arms
were purchased at a sale ofgovertozzent rem
meats: that the cartouehrs, hc. were pUrchatied
through merchants in N Orleans, whine names
he had forgot under a receipt from Lopez; that
he had heard money had' been sent from the is
land and, many valuable jewels, which various
young persons had coma to the island to receive;
and although they had believed that, la thin is
land there were other resources, yet after their
landing they had received done; that the agents
ha the U. States were Legur, Cuthius az Co.; that
these were the ordy promoters of expedition;
that Lopez had constantly said that .they could
not count on metallic, aid'in the island, without
the co-opeartioa of thejanta in New York, which
had idisagreed with Betancourt and Aguero, to
respect to the plan of organizing the expedition:
that the junta referred to is composed of various
other Cubans besides those mentioned,i of whose
names he was Ignorant, that silf which he has
said is true, dm. it°.
Sigurd before 191}..431A111 VIL/AIDA. '
We shall again state the amount of public
debt paid by Governor Johnston :since his in
Appropriated per Act of February
ith, 1849, to pay old debts,
Appropriated per general Act of
April 10, 1849, to pay debts on
canals and railroads, contracted •
precious to Ist December, 1848, 550,39708
Appropriated per general Act of
• ?day 10,1850, to pay debts con
tracted previous to let Decem
ber, 1848. . GO, 09784
Stato bonds redeemed end cancel
led by the operation of the sink
ing fund system, officially an
nounced. tifi9,12298
"State debt paid in Governor
Johnatnts administration," (as
CoI. Snowden statedit, ,and the
_Post endorsed it.). 168.37460
Short' of the truth—
Cot. Moltea arrived in limo last evening,
and has taken rooms at the cit. Charles. He
will address his fellow citizens to -day. We like
this system,' Which Governor Johnston was 'the
first to ititroduce, • and for which, he deserves the
thanks of the people of the State._ There' is a
great difference between 'a min speaking for
himself and letting others spe4 for him. Let
us. give. Col. Bigler a fair hearing. Serbs ps he
can clear up the diffidulty abort that vote ; in
the:Senate which he did not yir4 ; and it may be
that he can reconcile the apparent, inconsistency
of his Vote fur the Wilmot Preiviso and his pres
ent position on the subject of shivery and the
rights of slaveholders ; and it. will' he very:in
teresting to hear him reconciling the interests
of each a place as Pittsburgh'. with toss tavorite
policy of free trade. (ley. Johnston had no
such difficulties as these to grappli with. We
. people tut here know but little shoot ships, and
nauticabaffairs„ SO it will not he worth hie while
to. give us as much on that subject as he did the
‘nvention at Reading 'Then,.again, that sink
ing fond scheme of his, that: nobody would vote
for, wants explanation. It. is possible &tithe
can give a good reason why we ought to make
widows and orphans pay the State debt, though
we cannot make it mat; and!tre expect, while he,
is on that subject. that he will show ns the de
mocracy of allnwing rich uses the privilege—
for poor men Would not be able to do it—of re
leasing their property from any further taxation
on itcconnt of the State 'debt, and giving them a
boniiii • Of 15 percent. for doing so. We might
lay out more work for him but this is enough
for one day. It is a good system, this, of bring
ing zro.rcandidatei face to face with the people,
and giving them an opportunity of explaining
away suchelifficolties as we:have here suggeited.
Sesame Aothatcset ROGHLICA.IISII. —lt is
but, a day or two ago that news was received of
the breaking out of a forMidable involution in
Nicaragua, resulting in the overthrow of the
government, thy...capture of the President and
Cabinet, and the organization of ~new edtnin
istration by the. l':untrpera," or 'insurgents,"
“renolutionists,” 'traitors," or whatever else
may be called the patio of Generals Munoz
end Montenegro, the master spirits -of. the re
volt. Hardly have we time to investigate the
it omediate mute of this 1 extraordinary change
in Nicaraguan politics, before intelligence reach
es.ns that a demonstration of a not diasimilat •
character bee been Guayaquil, the par'
tieulars of which are givett in our colt:mat this
morning. Add, now, to throe, the reported rev
elution broken out, or all ready to break out, in
the Mexican States of Coahuila and nu:Devil
; pas, to which we have bad occasion already to
.refer, and one has, in group, as true a picture'
of the vacillations, and Uncertainties, and (nee
entities that have ever been, but much
as. now, the leading - peculiarities of Spiudsh
A.titerican politics. To gift out and trace to an
intelligible issue the local causes at work to
produce these political phenomena, is a task re
quiring the moat extraordinary powers of suety
, sis.illllevolution, seemingly, is as necestrul , an
Ingredient in the political eyetems of South
amellea,yund the Spanish American States at
the North, as gunpowder and cannon are. ' Ven
crop's, is au example, Nicaragtut another, Gluey
tuiEltatullher, the Atgentine Confederation an
other, Mexico another, What the result is to
be, in-the-end, when all these revolutions have
'run out, if they ever d 4 run out, who can tell 't.
-..,The eternally distracted condition of all these
i 80 - 411 ed republics almost forces one to doubt
i whether ttie'SPeatish 'American races on this
t cluatintnt are in the rem
in qua lifi ed,
',mita,* onyilispoeitiori to qualify' themselves,
Yoe selfgovernment: They call themselves re
„publicans, to be sure, but in reality there is no
f snore of genuine republicanism among them, in
'ale - United- States genie, than : them is in Old
-Spain herself. Anon, if these things go Co, we
'must be led. to the conclusion that the blessings
of Constitutional Liberty, wherever they exist,
as well as the nearest approach to an enduring
republicanism, - ere found where the - English
tongue is spoken; ,and no where else, at least on
' this side of the Atlantic. France; on the other
,side,bas been yying to:'do hotter, hot the result
-of-her itforta,.aers far, is each as to make her'
. ;but W. sorry exrption . ter the . general rule. —N.
Y. Express. • . - I • -
coriesponi • of the hlaysville•Poet Boy
efrithhg froettlelingtoti, under dote of the let
~ t heard Tom alas:Mail, Saturday night, in a
font ligurs spree& on the Cuban adventure. His
ape ml Wes hie amid abl itp.—
sn:tenounad Cuban! enterprise as a• Demo
.snids. Moven:Mot,. to affect a new iaeoe with the
, ertdge , in the'poemeashit eitneasti." , '
He right actor Houston was one of the
tortizataders,iandthe Nair YuidaStain`nabitight
up by 'Nall street gamblers to pooh a - part of its
heat us* , entsrptise to effect thwOhject of the'
conspire fora. Many of the'Locifoco preens of
'country; - who supported I other men than
ten for the Presidency, cams Into the measure.
.not Decants they bed any clearly defined knew ,
ledge of *betties- Were *bout; but thought
Inters ralgitthtnede out of it. Whose amoietneW
era. will ttolr called to; pay for theWeide:4
timilYienUliWthirtortufe endured, the wa**
and has. - Ihoell;#147.
and b k itaapolitieal sinikatdOk l gendiders who
stayed at flronie and finkt n'lmmacent - out to
those men In any
Om, those Who
Went and stilt that :blamable.. The .
true erhnieslr,nte thehhizt the fortuniand
in: deli teeri t printing - on - _human
heartiwith'Atiarnipresses,?under the false title
ofpatriotlam'.and:ldise or,libertregnfo.dii,g
Wkoleole and plunder with godlike lore
etliterty truodtke,t.psiof fet4,:stliud9ett
• • •
SIM 41464
The Albany Evehing Journal publishes the fol
'twin biographical sketch of General Lopez who
has recently paid the forfeit of his life at Havana
for his ill-judged expedition to Cuba:
Gen: Lopez was horn in 'Venezuela in 1790.
Hia father was a merchant at Carareas, the tun
having, charge of a branch of his establishment
at Valentia, in 1816, when that place was taken
kin, a desperate straggle, by the patriots.—
Young Lopez distinguished himself in defending
the town, lad, after the surrender, escaped by
the add of a servant in the night, and immedi
ately jollied the . army of old Spain as s
vote.. He eerred
,gallantly, it is until the
waeterminated in 1828; by the eucceu of Bell
ear,l4ving attained the reek of colonel of VW ,.
hay. When the Spanish authorities sad army.
evacuated, Colonel Lopez went with them to Cu
btu:where he married and established himself in
"Borne years afterwards, when in Spain to
obtain the restitution of tooneyi arbitrarily ta
ken from his family by the Cuban Goiernor, he
-took en active part at Madrid with the people
against the sir-establishment of the Power of
Don Carlosand absolutism:for which he was op
;Tinted aid-de-camp to Gen. Valdes, (afterwards
..hiptain-atneral of Cuba,) whose friendship he
always enjoyed. He was aubsequently appoint
ell,to the command of the Natiotud Ouird,whirh -
\posthe retained until his return toCuba, having
accoinplished the object of his Minion.
Before leaving Madrid, ho w ever, Gen Lopes
bad been appointed a Senator from the city of
eville. In this position ha had teen much to
disgust him with the government, and after the
• rpolsion of the Cuban delegates from their
seatsin the Cortes, he resolved ortan effort to
Upon radian; his Senstarahip, the govern-
Meat for some time refused him permission to
return to Cuba. Finally; however, in 1839,when
he did return, his friend, Gen. Valdes, was Cap
teal-General of the island. This eiroturiatazoe
led him 'tc.postpere his movements. though his
ptirpiseri.retnalned• unelmngecL The subseqent
downfall of Esparto:in (soother friend of Lopes)
led to - the read of Gen. Valdes, having
freetto ooramenee Ms operations, He immedi.
lately resigned his place asGasamor of Trinidad
and President of ibb Military Commirsionorldolt
he received/co= Valdes; and, while apparentlg
engaged In .Worklag a copper mine, was for
years really at work to undermine those whom%
MI held to beSyrants, and oppressors.
,1 1n. la4B General Lopez supposed that his ar
aniffilltents were such sato justiffan open de:'.
tioutradov. — But, while waiting for itiforma
lion from. America, his plane were diecovered by
tlietitincraingat, his friends were arrested, and
lottatto otmntry,.where, for the lastdhree
years,le Mut. been prosecuting . his design of
otarpoirering.the.gorernment of 'Cabs. .'
• TistmorttePomosisn Cask—Ten persons were
poteoned yeeteiday. at a boarditig house kept by
Sirs John Cam, in Prince' , street. Mrs. Carr,
one of her ohildron,'sid a child of one of the
boantiiii,diave stage died. The remaining seven
persona are still In 6 preemies's nendition. It is
wad that this deeadfol calamity was caawd by
the sada* of klis.-Carr,vitO pat Area&
moidinrinetead of _white, sugar. Th e coroner
will investigate %Mecum this afternoon:L./4 Y.
. .
. • . From .thelroalnpon Repmblic.
We sincekely pity the malicieus heart that can
.derive pleasure from the contemplation , of do
mestic feuds. Hence it is that we are unable to
'sympathize with the journals that
are making
themselves merry over ,the painful differences
that seem to prevail in Pennsylvania between the
friends of General Can and those of Mr. Bu
chanan. To us they possess a melancholy in
terest. Since the publicaton of the Donaldson
correspondence. with the letters of Chastr, Hal
lett, Brown, and their ingenuous associates, tee
have semi nothing more distressing in a public
way than the attacks upon these '•favorite sons"
of their respective States. We have from time
to time laid by the newspaperW that con
tain these 'cad effusions, and propose-to see if we
cannot do something towards healing the breach
that yawns for name Democratic Cursing, we
hope not altogether in vain.
Our attention was first particularly called to
this matter by reading in the Pennsylvania news
papies some violent invectives against the- very
amiable and respectable Senator from that State,
the Hop. Richard Brodhead. We saw a•Demo
cratic journal published at Pittsburgh, we be
lieve, which began by hinting in italics that Mr.
Brodhead was a very "great" man. The innu
endo here was almost as distinst and obvious as
one of Mr. Giborne's "hints," 11£1 chronicled in
t•Vanity Fair." When this worthy gentleman
gave a hint, we are told that there was no pond
bility (or the most obtuse to mistake his meaning.
Ile called kicking a footman down stairs a hint
for the fellow to leave his service. But our
Pittsburgh cotempornry was not eatisned with
the innuendo, atent on his italics. So be pro- 1
reeds to iasinuate that Mr. Brodhead is "getting
down vary low" —that 'he is engaging in the
"basest prostitution," and in a most
cowardly, and dastardly business," charges him
with having secured his piesent position by "bar-,
gain and ,chicanery," and alleges that he "gives;
great promise of being a disgrace to Pennsylva
nia, and a shams to the exalted body of which
he will soon be a member This not very flat
tering language induced us to look into Mr.
Brodhead's case and ascertain his offence.' It
turns out that the honorable Senator has been
franking certain documents that 4.3 supposed to
be sot highly complimentary to Buchanan;
or, as his Democratic friend states, it, be has
been using "ids frank—thereby cheating the
Government—to secure the safe transmission of
slander wherever its honorable endorser May
please to send it."
. This is a Mark Antony touch
—"for Brutus is an honorable man!" •
Pt:mining our painful inVeltigations, 'lse next
light Upon the Pennsylvanian, which gives us
still further insight into the movements of the
harmonious democracy upon the national plat
form tv which they have been enmnioned by the
potentwand of the Union newspaper. It seems
that the Detroit Free - Pre., published, se the
PenturVivartian "hints," at the home of
Catet, - ;had asked the significant questioalthether
or ntitde was true that the Democracy of Mr.
Buchanan'e own county in Pennsylvania had in
etructwitheir delegates to vote for Case repre
sentatives to the Baltimore Convention? Now,
we object to the infirencesof the Pennsylvanian.
Who believes that. General Case prompted the
Free Press to make anysuch inquiry! The Eng
gelation does great injustice to that honorable
gentlemen. • A man as tender-footed no General
Cll4v never ventures' to tread upon his neighbor's
corps. 'Once in a while the General may throw
o stone, forgetting that he himself lives in a
glass bouse but not frequently. We are
confident that he would not do so uocourtly
thing as to put an unpleasant interrogatory to
ouch a courtier as Mr. Buchan..
But we have not yet given the gist of the ar
ticle in the free Press. TF , Bt Jaunts' proceeds to
say, In tones of signifiqnt Warning. ..We con
fess we do not exactly Wee Mr. Buchaplll . 3 posi
tion before the country. He lamp able moo, and
has done much good senice ti,„the Republic. but
we do not see' how hitt position with reference to
the adjustment measures of vast Cougre,s
eau be justified. We hove no unkind feeling to
orebs toward Mr, Buchanan, nor do yre even
introduce the subject invidiously, by running
this seeming parallel between himself and Gen.
Cans, but warn the Democracy against
departing from what is just and tight, for any
end whatever."
This'was rather more than the Pennsylvanian
could endure. So, having dented that the Den
ocracy in Mr Buchanan's county. had instructed
their delegates to vote for Cass representative.
to the Baltimore Convention. it goes on to pro
pound certain pregnant ion-ie.-toGeneral Cast,
Ir rather topics for hs perusal and reflection,
and wants to know how it happened that General
Cass did nut vote for the Fugitive Slave Law, on
the final important alTiAio2l, though "he was in
Washington, if not in the Senate chamber, when
it was decided . having just befogs, on'thrsame
day, voted no another gnesnnn ' ft account.
for Judge Sanglate,' absence ,on the ground of
ilJneasTan the Judge subvaqueotly anantei in the
Senate. It seem:teas .for 31:vdAdinnon'i absence,
hS that Senator had paired attend took. OCCSIIOO
on the floor of the Senate to advocate the bill.
But the Pennsylvanian has the record,
..and so have others." but it giyes no reasons
for the remarkable orals' eon of the rote of Gen.
Casa Indeed. earn the Pennsylvania: "We
have never yet seen any explanation of the course
of General 'Cass in that crisis: and as the Feat
tire Slave bill is the put of the Compromise
meuuree upon which the ?oath is most sued
tire, and to which the Abolitionists and Whig
agitators are most violently opposed. we shall be
glad C. see a statement setting the muter right.
so far an General Cans is concerned."
Then comes in the Uutingdcin Globe. nod
calls its Democratic cotemporarice to account
for assailing Senator Brodhead, and upbraids
the Pemisylvanisto for its insolence in this behalf.
And the latter journal replies that Mr.. Brod-
head tam been circulating ••ender his frank thr
mutt Banda/au taptraions 'nf Mt. Buchanan",
personal and political character:" and that it
does not care three brass farthings who Mr.
Brodhead is in favor of for the 'Prsaidericy, and
rather hints'ttust the favosita candidate of Mr
Brodhead is himself 1 II then intimates that
Mr. Buchanan's friends would not have touched
the now Senator with a• pitchfork before the
election, if be had not declared himself one of
them—and now it charges him with the circula
tion of slanders against that distinguished gen
tleman, ”Vithollt CZCIIJIC, prOTOCIaIOII, of reason."
All these things ruffle the naturally sweet tem
per of the Pennsylvania Statesman, another
Democratic papeepublished in Philadelphia, as
friendly to General Cass is is the Pennsylvanian
to Mr. Buchanan. The Statesman devotes n col
worn to the demolition, of the fieystone!s favorite
we—and gives the following graphic sketch
of the causes Of the war between that gentle
man and theitde Democratic Senator, General
Cameron, and the prevent Democratic Senator,
Mr. Brodhead. It is an ;Interesting, though
painful picture, well worthy of minute examina
•'General Cameron became. the first object of
his [Mr. p:tchanan's) impotent fury. lie was'
an acknowledged advocato of. General Cone, stud
although he did
,not. obtrude himaelf upon the
pony, but expressed hie preference, as every man
is called upon to do, who is at all interested in
tho political prosperity of his country, he was
immediately assailed with the rancor and
venom of which such presses as can sympathize
with the heartless and unforgiving character of
Mr. Buchanan are alone capable.
• • • • If . 4. •
"But it was not enough to attempt to crush
General Cameron, who had strenuously sup
ported Mr. Brodhead
. in thr. canvas for United
States Senator, fully underetanding his predi
lections t for General Cast After Mr. 'Buchan.
and his friends had exerled all their appliances
to place a decided Buchanan candidate from the
west in the exalted position now occupied by
Mr. Brodhead, and utginriousiy failed, the only
reparation of their defeat which, offered itself
was tho possibility of reversing the expressed
sentiment of the Legielitire by claiming the
successful candidatt'xut a retainer and sopporter
of Mr. Buchanan. The affected attachment of
Mr. Buchanan soon became palpableenough to
excite generalautpicion. No one could detect
any affinities which could possibly unite two
such antagonistital characters. Mr. Brodhead
was as‘pare itt politics as Mr. Buchanan was
corrupt and intriguing: ,Mr. Brodhead 'favored
the aspirations of General Cast Mr. Buchan
an moved only In the circle of his own ambition.
Mr. Brodhead was a staunch friend of the Con
stitution and of the Union; Mr. Buchanan was
openly stimulating' the aggressors upon south
ern rights, by the advocacy of a doctrine which
opened the door to unlimited encroachments.
But this incongruity of oberacter i'did not de-:,
ter Mr. Buchanan from his usual appliances of.
flattery and trained addreia Ms Journals laud
ed Mr. Brodhead to the sky, and shouted their
palms over' the "prostrate fCatricron," and por
trayed the event as tiro settled judgment of Penn
sylynnia against General Casa
"But a few monthapessed when a legitimate
opportunity was offerer to Mr. Brodhead to
express his sentiments en the Presidential
. ques . -
tion. And this he did frankly and boldly, xporn
ing the crproachts of Ati. , ,Bucisonara sad hio Moe
'lo9o, and reaffaming7trrit character for purity
of purpose, resolutiot .of motion, and. immova
ble attachment to trtuiTermoerstic men and true
Democratic metro:is, which had impressed a
Dimocratic cams, zed "secured for him a glo
tines Democratic 'tritimph. The song of ila•
charm' viotory wee immediately changed—Mr.
Brodhead passed under fho Buchananban, and.
was depicted, if not abeoluto traitor, ma
at least, the associate of disorganiren and trick
sters. The issue wal widened, and ho became
the object at once of thti,bppusition and hatred
of Mr. Buchanan, -Such. facts carry their own
' comments ; bailre ceanot refrain from asking
thoDemorracY, whether even a feeble eittenipt.
to strike down ,such tried and invaruable sdro
catgut of their fit Its Senator Brialheen—a
Mari:born and among the "strititbst of
hie 'MeV! who has no fallen - into the sl o ugh
Of Federalism; and w olsia always allowed the
impulse of higher matt thaw isehazpres
mit t a;Lto
.• - ,
•• ';'• ..'.. !! ,-4 .
. .
and over reaching ambition—ehold not •excital
their indignation and elicit their honest resent
ment! Shall Mr. Buchanan, in his headlong.
efforts to reach the moat exalted face in the
nation. be permitted to assail with impunity
men, the latches of "those shoes he is unworthy
to loose ! We have spoken brietly_or this subl!
jest to-day, reserving the other of Buchan-
an's stratagems for future scrutiny and animad
But our Democratic contemporaries hare one
"great and glorious consolation" for these mor
tifying feuds in Pennsylvania. It is certain that
their performers in that State jostle each other a
little on the natioltal platform. But' still they
have their consolation. It is this—the full and
entire surrender of the Democratic party' in
Ohio to Mr. Senator Chase. This gratifying
intelligence, we presume, our friends of the
Union trill make suflicieutly public. It ought
to compensate them for their sintering it( POIIPO•
queuce of the Pennsylvania divisions'. Mr.
ChinTe is satisfied with the resolutiona of the
Democratic Convention of Ohio, with their eau
didate for Governor, with the language 'of their
public journals, and he accepts their admission,
and proclaims them all as good Democrats and
Freesoilers and he is himself. With such bril-
Hint accessions to their ranks is Mr. Sumner
and Mr. Chase, who can wonder that•our con
temporary of the Union sees visions and dreams
dreams of a Nitional Democratic party that
cat alone save the country'
iuureder inorchag, the litn Init., by the ileT 1. B.
Lyman, JOll3 B. Lee. and Eutti E., daughter of oeorwe
On Wednesday. the 11 th
. .K at 12 &cloak. Writ. Asa
ALIEN. consort of Jaams Allen. Sr.. to 71st Jeer of bar
age. The Mends of lhe funny an Inslisd to attend the
funeral. fro= the residence of her husbind. Pio. ail Lilr
brtr strest4ifth Ward, tbir•(:Yrlday) afariemn. 4 a&.
OBLACKBURN & CO., Wholcsalb Gro
ur • eel!, Bost Furnishers and dealers lq Pruduca and
rit.l..r, 'Manufactures: Oil, Pitch and Oabuln data
ou Laud at tbolr Warehous...,l4.l Water ntroet,Pittsburpn.
Y. eepl2:p
it EZJIEP'S celebr!ited DURHAM FARM
(Nutiteny CREEPE. put up for family use. to el:ie.
to au t, from 0.1020 pouuda. can , be obtained.ernolesalebt
retail. of the subscriber, 'ILL Cheese 1110441 n very hlgtl
repute in tbe east, but is ilow Ittroduced for
article time
two this mark,. Tbox-deArbag a choice art re.
quested to rail and irumitte.
1C..11 A. *..CLUAG L W .
Grocers .d Tra Dew,
OPS.--Tut in 1 lb. packages, for fam
iir r.ed aad G,r.wie b
‘l7il UcCLURG
btpl2 "-AO Liberty rt.
OFT Ctt,LISLIED4GAII—A very superi
kJ oreagle for ‘.7
6,1 MOKED- SALMON—WiII be reed, thh.
11,3 day i
cry adpreas, a em Int,•-ry ruparl.r.for ..le! be
! WM. A. NI,CLUItO & CO.
IVANTED—A place for n nice y' r enng man
V from Wiehinoton county, lir 110 a sioxl refrrenci,
o wisher to ba employed in A drug nor*. and learn the
bushitaan:f young man nineteen year, of arm. a.
• honk kroner og le rk in an o also. for • young roar.
nein itsid II .01 OYIUMIPti boy of fdlivir to learn tdl2
nerra to:tette.: also, fora number of laboring mailn the
ur eanitarn or Intel.
aorta. Plate s call atd. i iadi.i
BARRIS' Agency . and kind Mira. Third et. .renl2
riIANNERS' OlL—`2o bbh. for rah by s
( 4 ) II , E r TE-59 bozo flr
QOAP—IOO .t , rixr•q No. 1 Rosin, for sale by
I _1
Nn i. iC )r it!t a ii * L b L y o„
ILA lOU " t SPti '‘V I ndow • forbale be
,•:P. . IlAltBa.1:011
UP. CARB. SODA --20 kgs. just reed and
t.3lur .ale J bellta)N-MAftlEl4
sepl2 :4 Wood etreet
'REAM TARTAR-5 1.1614. for safe be
.01,1:: J 801100NNIAKFIN
• .
ILA BElt bbis. for by
I_4 FCEIrpON &
1~• -
11 A icliAN ESE- I eask *Saxony, for sal,
.B. L t J 010
Valuable Country Seats at Auction.
rTE suhseriber, baring laid out hfs Farm
In Ohm, tbernshlr. ad,rolhi Litte4n • hesrs, h.r.trer
llnton. end other, into LOPS_ will cloy th. barn. fr•
tote it Pubbe Auction. en the yrretrayee, Tlillt.YDAY
Eeptember 14th. at 10 tielark ar.
eentatutae tel arr.., bee 1.01 cot
I.te o. front lha le are, ralcu.zre.l rot
COUN //tY 01..A00 and Oar.loci Lute. rummandlng en et
'tenYire.4 delluhtful rum of ihe surround ry a ecruntry
ceathesclug 10 trulas of t the Obn. river aol naier., lb
f.ll. ruponbr unahy. ar..4ut too.thlrJa clear...l. en.
tl.e tartan, covered with eYbellgot timber. sod- well we
erra Lrealeal no the Ohl, boor. the i.thlu and bean
Kanroal and the new hearer lint rttonmer through ti
aud •Ittylnten mane. , ride cf the elf! by nulroral—.l
fromAltergheur CA, • .y
Term.—One-Alta each. the Lalance in .net equal 1.1:11A,
al pay-tart:P., 'nth Inters.. to be eeturwd by bond an
snort rags. For fu rt her paribrulsrs etNutra tle hod
caned. Mille. rev Rau, Albgheor Jobet blank
un the rreLllLfe, Oyer,/ Ibly kr. ortloneers
.. 0 11 _ 111:011 IrLrl
To T'emote Teachers.
THE Sehonl Itireetorr, fur the Se., - )htl Wart
•ed. •.allaor attaallatieraw. l remala Teillier
rak , tiraatatar bevartateut Val per aonote
A n el of U. apci l eautt • l take plat.. at lb
6 , 12.1 Wale, oa hare near CO Ina. on Catania>
tha =lb tlt., at 2 "'clock, I'. .
Any further interaatlou mar cbeena 1 of Mr Ate&
al thy Nelson/ non, •hy will reattle , rye teeth:mottle!.
character and tiaalle.citlbat of the
A AFCFP.I.I., Prrs'n
JOFIN F. teVIG , e, :Ste t.
IRON will be received Inezahnnge (with
ALsmell amount of rsenri) for TWO 11C111DII‘G LOT:
Itte Itialb ralult• of
me 1,1 3 n.:A I FE. OKELY.
Trireme of Two FORT S
prr..X.eittle, fur tale at Mart. to Or , Dleowr.
. 0.1-
, r ReEl29 of 5101CRIO'fonoin?1,f 17f.c.b
NDT. iii pro leak. for sole ot (01t/LIS ..I.ort
in ',be Diamond. KT; 1
LUE-20 bblx. rec'd anti for ogle by
xtrll: ccrser qf Wo,tl oulblxth ob.
"R - EEN-4
Q - MROXE YELLOw.T . 2 v e..c . e.s cn rg s s n t , l./y
ED LEA D—itio lbs. superior, for s.kle by
.1 KIUD s CO. GO W. 1.:
LIQUID GLUE—a) Lble. for sale by
qsal) J. !ADD R CO
flt. TRASK'S MagneticOintanent
dor. or rat.. Or J. 81Di> iceo
Grand Concert!
-1-TNER the direction of Pmf. Buicalr, ;
4._) o end Onacert of VOCAL 311:SIC .111 be bull 4.1
the NE . .VASONIC !FALL. on Firth strvetn'ttrvinarnh;
en THU!DAY 1,12 , 11N0 neat. eert.mbct lath. s, s
Clinnvor the Peet echelsra selected front qr. thoussod tsv
lonring tn his nbool.
Wei/noe-ea rich treat to the people and bents of .oug.
Mlee 8 ITTI V.PINGIIA 31 nth prvel,te at the Piano Era,.
Tickersj 25 ante: Chtliren. 15 cents—to to hot sr Mel.
in s, Weber', and at the door.
I PROF. DIOGIIA3I will open a Juvenile 81olunklkl:nel,
lit hi , honer en redersi street, on ustrunsy, the 'loth U:.:
Pt 10 ticlnek. A 11 Terra.— SI per khnlar Ice the guar:
. re 01,21
'kw Fall pry Goods.
A. MASON & .CO., have received and
au trfJ°.lMZl:i`rf.TP
ettetee Adeseter c aod.N a olialrd.ustre, embnitelaa Idale btk,
VP ' es:4s'a r AWstTa ' aAt ' d ' tet cl
all tandem cod qualttleat WO to
Wonted de . nee.
atel ranee "Ara The whore genie we otter far tole at
inn . * .Idele ve confident an Interreadeutedly
Teachers Wanted.
:LEg.,Mrtle Teachers wanted for the Public
.t , etiOolp of Chuttler'n torm/hip.
sto Lat. Ogee at tho Publlo ici oolruoio. in , tn.
perannvllle, on returdoy. 9 o'doak A. 31
" P PATErr .
R. ItAbinstror Km, I:tr',
Fall Fashions. •
1 WILSON & SON, No. 91 Wood st.., A
4u , • (Halal door Indoor Diamond alley.) would h..
rd. the attention td•
clionnueloo•uol thonoblio
to thrir larae. addition whielt thrr are now reoeit
throe. fortaer otork (Incd. The wisortmenta
4 , 1 the new or, le LIATIL lately lutrodued, and so I Hi l t ao
rre an yet! ID LW!, admired or their beauty arid
toaethrr wdb great' varle ff Marl, Bnivro wort bran.
:dealt..., unawriao. and
!Ind. of 11A.TS. lit wen
ottad Wye: tub and di
CAPS: Cloth. tril.rillt
and 1.1811 CA1'.5,.0f almoot all al,oriptlonn; fancy HATS
and CAI'/ tor ehlidron—ooderad at reamonahloprieco, w hole.
rile and retail.
A11..0--LAI/164' FURS, elec Blecktiud Nal‘ll.l
Fitch, lieur...t awl Cow, NWEVN: Fitvd s J `4ltenun.
!Vim] V awl CLIFFS; sa•l Cloldn.u . A
, • 1.1,11 n 01
SClON—Pavex and er e kiny-
V mem a number of-ean.etneu, book kooperylod
war. , bouse. coach and latorlng tutu, and quite a nuukta.r
of boy, of .11 ap.s , for rarinu , tool". en y mplo 0o 1.
, rante.l stnu--.ereral n
one, . oks, bowie k wto u
nod We
for all work. nin aar oft m, towns.
unix, loner borrowed and Inn[, aud uotea
Sdlnwu wbrn moue,. mu be Lad All
•f usenet., attended so for moderato ebames the siew
Axe s.o and Intellusenre 11111<e. ISAAC LIAR. tl t.
reVlOSt 'n+l , l °ITU. ID. the lost
L A P.:ST NEWSPAPERS kept for.
All otir Da.lly, moal of out', Wo r k and fur
w c 2 ,
ay of late Exchange NewsTelns o et, Irnm Roston to V,.
rtraa a fun , bool banks, Almanacs. &Lbett' La eel
Counterfeit Detectors: 2 Ivo:. end , awarl annsli
t.rane Faxully Slodleiner, about 25 cooks of 11.7 a
... o
and '6dß:fluent rditlonnuf bbs Dlrktcrlea of kittsbu glt u
Allerbonr, for rale orrefenenee . ISAAC HAS' is,
• aeplOZt fbIN st., OPPogle tb^ Ibet
Third Mb..0P1 , b4 4 the— ....
, • lie Model Architect,
Arthur Conway, or netineeln the Levee.
to. • tal• of the olden Faye. •
London Iwbor and the London Vote, NM 8, 2,10. lb.
flu Terra Later, or Taklug of 'the Dimwit,: by A. f... 1.5.
' Littellis hieing Age, NO. as 2. . •
llorper's glnguicie, for Sepiethocr. •
Internatil i•
e Walter.. c- the Ilebel of Denchon, . IP,
toil.] llorownee of the Revolution to Cavil.. •
Meehan.' Magazine,' for'neptembey..
She I hetorh•sl f‘oerl -
• e Stuart 4::r l dfi l ln the C.F . :atm
hotelier of • b.htion • liwit of the Mari,
The Fate: a talc Cl BUrting Davie; by U. IL JC.1943.
bowie Arundel, or the hatinaul o f Law'
Lawnlite. Itorticultutlet, rennin.. fro. the Tryt Ne e
The U. S. Iron Grace Guide. ~_,
'Dandy Andy, (new ; .c
It.. Itutherford, • .1. Tale.
The scalp Ifunewo, • tale of Mexico.
U of Methaulos, Nal BT.
The Clefts Chiell be U. W. 41. Reynold,
Mabel, or the Child of the Dettlef ieldl chile of Water- .
100. . .
The l'loneer's Daughter, a tile-Of 1=4111'1:a deity: by
Emerson Bennet. ..
The Adventures of Saul Periwinkle: i Elea 8
The Counters of Libtabolic by Inintatk- -
.getartc. or the baloos of 'gar* by to aj.Elehsrdi 0.
Yen!,• Problanuthy the author of - ea Unt Loeye " '
The Tome i & °AUT./ono with Moat:atm. •
Ti•veler's Guide through Uyo II: l, .Ithinteln.
Italttl - ei the envie kern: • taleof real 114; by t _
aro the
Inet Lena.
,: -
. The Belt of Trutt Wayland , • talc: by bleyllawitt.'
• Theban. by /Inhere. , - aenlo
if I • AbiIHEItES AND.DE .IA - IRES--15 aa-
N, j ..1 of the itylayst etyls• • 41 cblorl i Y•7 , . 5 y ,61 ,, 0 kil
.!'..' G f.' a P" . "'''' . • I ' 4 ' l ' 3 A '. 4 ' All ''''' '', i '‘ WISS AND JACK° 'F...,T EDGI3iGS, icd
k u
4 •T1NG.11.016--10,.e.tises, Prenab: and Do- ....11naPta , a- nacar az 114,
•gx = .,,,,,y.t ned lif A...i: ..111SUN • cq. ~ ~,,,,. kt or 15•12, Eligillo U•1\121,u1=14441.
Ext,Vapo mid 171.211/4*, bob ~,......
LADIESOI6.IIPAT BAGS-2.0 doz.' reed i tn ,.4 blo w . as& bun ,i 7, ~.,-,a a
' vsAispztarts Nonlol J.*. AldbON a cO• 0,, ,i.11i• ' . \ \ •-, -;
"P 4
.. it•
, \
. \ \ ' ' \ .
\ \ •
•. • '
\ • - • • -'• . \
• \ \ ' ‘l
' ` •• ; . \ \\ .
, -
‘ . .. s ' " •
. \ _\ \ :, • '''• ~: ,
t .
~ [ •
' \ - . \• ; . L. , \, , \ \
\ \ ' •,,
\ \\., .. ~. .'
. .
\ s•\ .
'\. ' \ '""
. ' ',' s • \ \ - ..., .-,
.\,, 1• . ' • ':. •
. \
•\ . . ,
. ,
\ - \ •
p - R. MaL.A.N.t'S YE ' MGR ..--41tpu
itSSMINT .—Mr. JtArttbart \if oitthm. ctf wilt"
^I ',.;.r'Z'llr,f. it; *VZ.L'AITS, g,'ll:l.b
4 1
-, i ,,„ r i i. ,lnca l latelr. I _ maw here sol i a ' t rre V. d
V " q..r-?t r4 —.7 l k. P':°o?,hl'
_d~ a`~~.r mxlldnq for ~orrmh
~sT`~tDit ~c
n+ is
~t e
1-4"41 7 D7
4•00 : 11111D et),GO word . . L.
Ga et the CY. ty Dtu hi ,
I NSEED,OII.-25 bble. for sale by
,plO KIDD lco.
E PSO i l o l SALTS-45 bbls. flr K t by
, N !IL t 3.l(! . : q f tto .
3 23 th afl 124
,pIE) " I 'Vq.1100/.1i. Third et.
rrOBACCO--20 kegs N 6.1 6 twist, Gedge's
t.retut for sale by . AR ES DALZELL.
69 Water st.
- VIRE BACK--fflioootorsale low - by
. woe , JAMES DAL.71:14-.
IA PER-200 rearim Medium;
cra.o, for .w ur,o,
h'ER THE WATERS NOW, by H. Ryan;
kith'. Chita In Emetic*: TinuntalnDalay. by Lin*:
1 'tat beryl' vv. Mt; In decants of Pea. C 101 d": 4
the Weve t alth vlgnettat ,Loat Pharr: 0! steal to thy La--
with vignette; telly Illy, Toner. The Harm:lade. by"
t ish until; TD nanny nanny Chance, by IllassalL Judy Melsearft,
, omie sne= Vibvn the Bright 'naves are Beablvir s , duels: '
• llone, I Love Then, daetnet The Wild Ohl Wood
Selty yea a Lady; Evening Bong—Twlllght Deere ma
%Leant!. Rome I. feet le drawing nigh. daette; Bong, of
the Mod Brothers Hall Calnßibla, with likens , of tren.
Weshlnguln: Is Belle of the VilLasm Valve Brilllanß Lis
iWalt, Nonsunk. Waltz Itlev's favorite WaltE
tal r nearly's Waite; ItolUtorre, Emit, &lonia and As
r.rsynniykai. Bane Poltea—Caniella, Slurenhen.,!int!
L ' irtlV ' Slit ' nTra r' eriti.;it b i' B' Mr— r ta7doV ' S . 2: h e;
Eltio 6 ey , <:2',yl l :l:4. ° ll k Nri'sr" me,Pr.cur;4*,
.t, Ile of no:atm:t tme,i nod :or n'T
.v. JORL, EL MELLOR. 81 Wood 12
iiplendid and varied
d obnice Men arriving,
art cow, and new of every.
leetton. a.% for Guitar Ind
litn.rnoin'lnoaDetn .onto ,
Into, saloon:du:4 Lein!. bytle
nstry lot rates.
'pular Hunk.. Jost ronalved.
nolny, watnitsinnA to pg. cat.
; '.!..' st - t4l . eft3Zkaiali . t — e; Ittrt - ,
li. K LEDEn,I 'f
01 otd at
\ t -
\ 1 To lkrs,
YOUNG( MAN, a t 2,4
. - e.ars of';ia
rit destrour of\ procuring a t non an Clerk torsi.
rtorn to whitt anoints the or He 4 .li/
NI 'Mitt the Ll36iDell., harlost n nkated la It for ware.
ral yew, anti ears briny good , - matendatlkrts. Aky
mmutdentiove midim.l to - D.V. rands, care of 0. It.
Painter. Boehm. Man,. will meet t . rpromht attention.
rep9:3rtwtl) \ .
1.? NGLISII DA LRY ORE • 1...-59 bole,
11;4 Ilorlete4 calPhrsted i intr., • • -Zbrat Farm
r,ed alvi far rale
ACKIKEL-240,018. No. ' reale by
I.VI. \w - • ‘'DLESS.
U ROOMS—I7O doz. Corn, for sal. b • .
UP oapg neg. . IIeCA:. £SB.
MYI OF VLE—ZOO bags Rio, \Cur aide bI -
, p 9 \ WICK i )I' , CA.ND F.!..
(l EI OCOL A T E-200 lizs. Bost., for , C ,
i , ODFISEI-3 ten. for wile by \ 11
..4,4 WlCrg & IttrIAISPLESE.
-111 . bbl.. for WO 1,7 Wieri.MtC4NDLPS.
S ALEIATUS-43 casks-
. 92 box,9 Puld J. for •1.1.4 y
•pr , • MICK 0 ..11C \
tei , i iiEESE-sil bp zee, on consigtonent:r
. ..Ndliaa. dor Fab. by l&AIAll DICEgY & CO.,
Water and Xrolat • .
'OTTON-4M bales for sale b \
isAlAll DICKEY k
Watwr eno in'
'PILE SUBSCRIBER tihving taken
NO 62 FOURTH STREET, form I 6 ron.
Vt F O. EATON. and bavifilt en ntlr..le ...fitted
• di ofi Ifi• let or of
I.:7ngttr•Vt i gal A ig
or,rn And fermi. e.tabllehart.t.
.yould reepertfully Irdorm there ptM9,l defiling
thrrelne end./loam , kurnteldng or Linen tiotete, thahln
ht. e Flo, there. obtain a more Template tuck than el,
• !err.. In the city, lre 40113SM:1a devoting partletalmatten.
hole to there branched of bum..., larportlna the myo'
p..rtion of the Goal. tdromil,and Iltapostng of them en
qtrl4. ,
rhallh.S A. MeKtfIGIIT.
I rages '4tkre rta- , 1 from Provideace..l2. 1., and fui sale
t tbe dorelf or tingle bottle. Idr. n.iverdrement In an
other mfmadt , ' -9. N. WICILEILKIAM.
'OO , ' corner of Wood add Sixth .it,
'&11' I\ DOW GLASS-300 b 3.8. Bxlo
y . _76 " 101.12:
Front otr.nt, taw Marlon.
4toili : 7/bd9. N. 0., byp
, .:.cs.
4.10 A ASH—We are Prepared to furnish
jhploula..aurere. - and the tre a ts' enareir. with
pl Dome the lowest =abet.
0.; whPla darreor equal to the - beet Itsortect.
, . ilaShaTT. BEIM _
Front et.., ,ear Market.
PiitsburO, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
r ir n \ ST6
OK of this Comm wanted by
ste* Mad Xzehaage:Proker! ‘ :
eeri rimier of idarkei nod Third streets.
Silver Coin Planted.
rP,Ilt bixbest price will balid4or ever3' , ,
sroetiptlon of Sliver Coto. at tbo Ofboo of
corn A. IV "IS a Cll,
ooVII er of Idarkot Roo Tbbol mot.
t . ‘llE}3sl , ',--alOO boiee Cream;
4. 11. Mt kIE D.
SALERATPS--si) bo*e.s,
\ ebt's etwe cud fNN b)
\\ \ •"'
10111 EARL .A.SII- 7 40 bbls. fur sale by, \
L AI{E White Fish;
ftre We
(ACKEItEL--`~Qle_ i 10.2, for sale by
} i .. Dg \ .1. u. CAFFIEcn.
d 11L-15 bbls. purol, riseed, for solo bi n
E11:-20 keg,*
1 ARD OIL-12 bble9. 1 Bennett a.
JLA J‘iatlo tulle, try tile by 1S AR DICKEY C CO.,
*apt 14! bstabt !logy do,.
Y) AISINS-60 bts bune 'in store, for
br mete bICKET • CO..
.epS Fgoet
,o If
' .
.., i.. as. Jutea,
\ II.
Straw and Silk Goods. ..
H. PALMER, 105 M. , rket street, is goy'
, .. nrettlas, awl oilers for sal. at low peps: .- •, ‘
vetered mai wale'. plain amd f• r,,ltratd, Strata. °Uhl'
and other Ilancers. some novel •.1 heautlfal styles tor,
tee valuta, • ~
Pica, plaid, Leurs.l atellatcr,St NNET raIISONS, all
addal \ .\ \ ,
. Lea and Ta ff eta fllbtedat, elta d ea.] `plata. snorted
'widths od solar,
Hants Slam Eating. elet*, rapes, Laces . Pauses,
rina. Doman Frames, sad a g seal ateartiodatof Sal
boort Geode. . \ s a pdane
:0 bbLe No. 1 Lake Pa rails Salmon;
:e'vbh . ls N. .. : .
IN \ •ri . • ..
lee 111,
. /4 hG
Vas Lats. No.
• 3 51teludelt-
\ • LLlds, •' No. 1 '•• tait , t
and fol. Sale ,by . , , ", 1.141 JOLIN WM,
sUN Pkti • \ •
• bbla:b. 11. Mamma: .
\ re) Lad 91r,
10.bblet. erw•t I:s•ud fr
f . „ •
, Pqlv t 1
u k3 , 1 % o . , •
25 ; 5 0 , 7k. anol. (Or ea'ot at MIMS' TVIIatARIN
in th e Diamotat. Tayern karma, would do well U. rtami
in. throe Wahlttn, a lattWitl aFtaadtatal) OW . are &al.
cheap. ropy
- •
'. • , Horticianraniotice.
ritlshorgh Ilortleu It r 4 Sockly'il/lArld wrillte
~...ioad 19th at Septlauber. 1n.51A9UN10 , 1111
21:t l y t z i. :gAr ., 7 th 6e=itejort=ta.A,,,
of tht , Mb 0f',840.b , ". \
1' nail, Ticket. an Itr bad Iltma may ear\ ittret of Cher E.
~.—valnpz:Bv:AaLavriTici., ,. .,42s:r. '
tin The hlehlp imnatorr, balnamlc and tonlOrroperece•
.. . i 3 Vinegar. MOM . RP. Imp•tior to 'blew.. Water
for the onllnary porter., of the Milk and batb;:etienam
Me the littler In W.A . :wenn.. ,Led.. 004 - folio
r.a M ter ertieacp Pm tbe preanotlon of clAnllnc.44.,.te and health.
t highly' nrcommencled to ham Meths °Palma) , and
debate porpnlyS of WO [ON. .4 to; pere•cen,p m e
in b l ow of the complezMed. Its emolleat prt.pertlecum.
per the heat and dryness of the eatn, and unpart to'itan
celble alacticlM. By 'lnhaling It , and, rubbing IT on
he temples It gilt ta d headache In • fry minutes,
i<P5 told by It. E. hELLEIttI. 67 New! AM'
VIM:ESE-80 tots. prgue. W. K., for sale by
11)Lrerra . JAAIES AA =XL. G Witter rt
d" RPETS I CARPE'ItSI—Rea'd this clay
F. MeCLUITyCIi, new neel rinh etyles Elnertine.
tint .1 Comm= JAVRAIN vA Mr.% sacra \ ars
rsu en well loenr Menem,. 41neie leer Leto. egeeen
In nitre We onedlellf !melte Inv attenn.n. of
'elands • 'Woe niebian` n? )..46•143 copse , us a ca 11...
tat o , ltl o ta bin* , rat
.wand's Tiqic
..roicand'c C. poled
NUE ONE unirersalb
ky for AND
ITtelserfo Modidue•
!tart of
\ .rner
. ,art.•33lt\erlia:l3 bole
ELLiare.' -\\
of Mae Very hoot :
L . establAhect Tome
r.,e cab. a , .rualls' .*lo
\far We sa. the Dr**
1.1. BMYT,
arkskausl Tbl sta.,
4...sust, 31. ' amt.
+ TOL:I:ZS FOR ,411.
15 snares arnd•l i C 1 , 1
Alnem en " Olds eta en
10 - • ene'e 1.
10 tar.:
lid Plank now:
:o lostitodlors:
yx:go lid Wad:
ono. Col:avian
d k:ooltaseo likotord.
ACKEItEL--, 225 b. Large No' .3 for
I. ' l l br Lirerbi ASIEs - DALZ4I...
SUGAR A 'J104.645E: '
E• 0 hbas.fime 9. • .
.LLMLA LZE e•E stern.
, .
b?la..ed N. tattle Giound liallyerrt
• • •• Lafayette
ca tom] sad for We by =Ramo 7 Lll AMY
seri `. • . 1181 rater. Lod. 100 Pro.
CRUSH. & PONY'D SUGAR-50 bble.. fir
%.3 Bale by laßp , ll BUTLEUDGE INOTIFIA3L
11.. MOLASSES-100 bbls. Gooi
60 8C:766606 . Ref.;
For eby (6604) BURBRIDOE t INOURAM.
C EE-25° ba nE, r , i .q= ;:ront„by
TEA Odic. chests Young ilyson:
16 - Gun owdar,
15 ^ Im d I fur rat* by
(/ ■ ,IOFFE packets Jaya, for sale by
N.,.1 1E154
, BURI3I7.IIMIRI a 1101114.A3f._
Ig.ATIIER lioo'sides male; for salo.Ayy
ure Tanners', for salo by
COFFETE--100 ba: - Rill principally prime,
Jaat r 2 , 41 and tor as a •r- JOILN. WATT CO,
4.25 Liberty' a-
For :ale
PAIR of , fine Mateb• bis
110ht‘ES. squires the de •
sepihtt• /JODY P.s Cli..
Moot...alto BatoOL, Pitt? • =et. • b. Mt- ,
lIE Preelilent, and Mori. ere of tho pOIII.
Pun' hr erecting At lirldgie b ort e iae ty ltly . IfAtra
tVe ifg:4•7lirib,Petrtif ph f o
our per coat. for 4 moa t
parable to the etoettoolders or their lerol s reprotestryi
0$ the Toll linos., on and otter the 16034.0-
• • , r • \ .1011:4 THAW. T
AkERATUS —5 ton in boxig and
P. 1 .14t' br fi
, \,
FpWO SMALL FAb a taE,S can bo, ace' om
• 1
mteileta with pleilaant front elem. on the' eetond
fleet. tither • Idled or tmftintidid.itithil Arpir
at the tomer • Third end Oren ftp3
ONDON 'LABOR and the London poor,
, to, t,
IC.nrial sk Field Bookf R4l'ololloo. No.
Iterated at HOLMES ' Lfterall Depoo, ‘ "4Thlrd
't;ppoplto the Pelt 09100. \ l .p 3
_ - - - -
remedy fur tbo permanent cure of Itelgnees end diseases of
:be cranium generally, tbet hes meted the popularity
enjoyed by the article known ss.Professor Parry's Tricoptc
t.rots. or Medicated Compound. It Le extensively rued by
the upper Castes of the contromiltm in almost arm moo
eery bo the Wad it le nerd In preference terethar mimics of
the kind. \ It imparts vigor to the rooteld+bsir - and
than promotes It. month to rencerkabli . It do
trot the dandruff mod erne. and snake. the ale Insand
Mosey. It 1.111 core ell gteesses of the scalp: took te a td
head. dew worm,ard other obnoxious Recede:sof attain:
In cheapnees, i te
w ell es efllesey.ll nerds mmicaLted. It
Is eoldfla ledge bottles prim 'l4 mints. by
sopa IL B. sraAkaa SCOOti
SUGAE-7il bhds. N. tbi'siLle by
Bete.l. Aintwoirrics CO.
..,„Bonds. Dreltrttiort, Indrstraer.,'Erreuticts,
tubireues.Storicront, 800 or Cost. trtirlesof Agreement
P. BSI, tr.. ter- for flkii rt
IF, S. HANES'S:Stationer.
rep 3 , • earner Ilartet and Second tts.
DRAFTS.--A Imrge railrty or Not. 'and
hoodoomely ertgrarftl, for 1.0.• at
LIAVEYS Statloner7 Wee,
0te . 03 cocoa 3 exkot and Brood its
LANK BOOKS.--W. S f Barrlc, corner
Market and F. tand streets. ha* Or Ws the !aunt
' , tack of Blank Books ever offend to this otty — eollgolltlit
of Lows, Journal., Day Book, %nun; Boot, de...1110T-
Lrf orris of bindlur. and at the 100 et Arlen, 'eoA't
''- - --- -
• PER HANGINGS—Yew 'patterns fin'
1 - 2.21!'5; WINDOW P
d. lb, sala by
\Naad T: ? O m —T F vel As the
i ~_d ib,
c. h ,r i v e Smazi\ ;Vey:jrnl. 1.t0.75
T & s :VARE, Communion
I/ Wars. -rs. Candle • oks. Table Catlery,Spoous of
Lin LL Lambs Ulf•ndol Cltodeiler, 11•Sehes,
\•• d ?soy oods a uold S.PC<ISCINI.
" g3 g a 2;l . r "'d 7/". W. WILSON.
V I ALLVOOD,4 --Just 'ren'd, per *xpresa,
0A A \MASO. Cf).ll, 5010no1Sorinstlabbor0.
nosert asst nut f • ablo irtylss:.MAcasTat•sfsl
Flowero 10 per Oro • Woes, les7ooll celore CA pea
Ifaxmllas. k...oorleb amass, dale* tip.
H E L I . P . ,,SEE I 25 4 . bLLE:r e : 3 ll f r o i, by
LARDc bbla o. s l, for Vole bir
, r?Kinna
umcg ST %k e by
*to ,
TE DE S I /Sii-1 ilQ3Aor ale by
ausr3o ' • LIM O, SO./It.
Store far S. e.
,Cl. STOCK OF, MI ONES, Isk, • first, to 10.0 s
twn fOr A w/soletloe • rstsll o A o Psss. • • A.O ll
lasellant sou of •- 11 she press% NINA Ulm
s mores:Wl AIM • estakinsblosial mrsosoles
IssoAlsr Atedl•Assesor kh •lch the °Um bus readers
!t. minio. inri• • III:IL &LIZ 4.111 41 mos enemy.,
In IL. Zosputte • address Not • ruz.
immommaimmall.W '
Ai u
oa my , , - BUR
gt i gfi t Aair, .Ti
tow i. tho;itt,!l • 7
•• an...a at thole cvstcta....
\ buyers ganently. •.- Luring lb" team:, spat Irl
4,4 m UtH
, 0 optics'of the - • Cestrabb new sin, of El
rutintaltuttit en- . • llit[l2t hat to',6e sozplatted, ar4 t
! 3 , 1! raeb Om. \ • s • \
i 5i t„.... , ,w La = r; , , , ,,,.... S . t , ,. T .t •, , l,,,. f.t c . .. itirr i a li gre .thihts.a[LahtM.„'
.JET, • -\ mcraptir a AVIIMILma.
JUST RECEIITD, from thePhillipsvi4ei
Oil Cloth Pootbry,4looo yda 4. 6; and Onnartat Pat
ent 0 lasedVartlaga °C elan. Wc.112•%11 the attention ,4
aboleowl• &ten and oattlag• moon* taunt* the stove
artlelt—theyverlll and to their adit.tagoln purchasing.
at we aro deletnalned to seitas good an Witt. at as loa—
Dd pethepa Mtn tatt7d lover: than an. other
onne In the rtdted amum. .1. h• El. PRILLIPp,
• mug!? \ • 7 and 7 Wood st
r.s••SERRA. JA,PONICA-=-10 pkgs. rust TERRA
far pale bx \ J. SCIIOO \ N N.S IiAIEII CO.,
• 00l
!Li twit. 00164E8 it CO,
'Si • • S*" s. qr sale . •
OSI 1-50 bbls. fur sale by
AEI) 011.;-10 bble. No. I. for sale
, ilar 11ITING-100. bbis.Vor dale by \
augl9 SCIICKINZoISEB. 4 co.
!VI ACKER); 4-50 bbls.'Llrko No. 3Mais
, ITAAebu.ew Inglecilon. for
• au g2s JAMES A. HU BISON
AD-100U pigs Glarus, for sale by
sue& VIM A.2IITrCaIT2OS7 al
IL earn
. 7 JAMES A. nurcarsoN* co.
; Carolina, fa , eile by
AMES A. 1117 TC11150:7, k
SU. AWL SSES,-301ibla: St. James Re
• finny. Ibr • br \ \
cogti • JAMPSA. \
BORDEIViI, smbruing gm/. farietT 5f •
prices, Just :55 . 4 and far mkt - • \
mo4r2s .TllO5. PALMER, 65 Market .51..
`rrobrardzig the :odd attnotin and tarldooabfa nyl
now, In ore, Jost reed and fur auk at a gnat ndortfon
from.fortan wind by THOS. PALIINII,
. mine: , . No. OS Marketat
yMutt; BOA
601.4 r cen t
uket divot:
I) PRINTS, at a discount\ pf
f List
aly b yur's prina,iust nsvired
ij fiG 'OUT
E31,—,d0 kegs prior, in good
r, for eels br
GER—tease Canton D
Wd dfot nal* •
New liege. \
Ili0111i'll„B ELLOFt, No, BLWood street,
hae receive., .• fallereloifte. 41.1 rind.' Pl.. of
Dolor Jonee—. CI ester`, March from Lucia d. - Lan.
=4lY r li r 4. 7:e g a: l 9 Ferri ar * f;; '
Moonlight to "leipt
World' 1 11
l'ibt . ,°:4ll.V,.P I have riot.. Mott ha..
Take me home to dl betutr—eartallOng
t watch tor Men,
B. kind to the loved Com sing me Mat modals
nutmeg graven 14 grethololtoesellen: ea.:
oftittmer ma &hint me It all , Mim e '.
nearing 7otng de.m..
Clitgent liotoCo.gule...eom \ . `,
1217.!'f,t24.7, r.....1maza.'412,zv1:,1,:r,;-..,
.m. tqr..", comic, woos. covetE. , . .. 4 enar
Pathan \ \ • , and
OUISYILLE L 131. 6 .--1 0 bble.just recd
14.sut wl• by \T. WOODS s 'SON, ' •
. 41 Water atrytt. •
\ _
O Ctrrrter . 110.1 and AftWeerals. • ‘
• eh, rem M D Trar. .16 bunoo moot Ch
Ilf. OtooooK
100,l ctsgestgorte ll
tax_draor Tot:mem •3 `, 11 00•040F4 0001.10-10 P
\ gro.llloll.'A COAINIVe • ly•YrOgg...
' - Yloe Cut 'Mbar.; 10boxerAfgurrwi
:Mc Cora- arnt IL. Binalikk 11 ca1 , 0:00r, \
'!is Uittgnotr.., ba'Sar,ttrapszt
• " 001 (fircJ " Ttan i'vwdepc .
11. 0 ) mar exoll . 4ec,
••• barn Clusturt 1104 1 i
00 " ' -' 017A711 ikr\ 2.5 A 0", 4."* ' " VP r
30 kris WO-0d 0100org - 000 00. Corn Ariooo4 ' •
0 brig l'rrper 1..<0100044 • ~‘•Wpoktgis askeirr.t.cll7
• 2.1014W..4L00dL1122)1ftTet4
SUGAII=2 O tiaiet - Brazil;‘
bsixnlvbite Ilas .. aas: Air sae .
4.115 U 41:11 a UEDltirrr, '
. - 111 Second...Di 157.11 vat.
110A1C-50 hhde. 1 , 4.0., for etalo by .
BZ' =SUL 211+,8k:40am%
CKEREL-60 bbls.\ Nos. 1 aiol 2;
\ .tat i lte r 7 4
„ \ 9 .k.NoLlau
H. I , IOLASSE4-20 bbli: for sale
♦ .ner , \ ,
iTeis Packet Linkto 6velanfi
TUE Proprietors of thoyirket Lines ha 2 .
• \lgirt , t l be reitatila ariauxueuts Id the Ort. ,'• '
ethers.. tb.Cleselard e rrTZ T Ustle P.A.: lITTI.B
!MAZ i ck i rr i u=v t ub...nmal.c.l. .ttok-
t.., slaw. DP Ms " Cua or e r itelm i' bog. t g - l'''
\ "..
For watts ~1 , D 6. to ' kl ,1 1 t. CLVO Y. Alt* ' \
, z Wm. tad' geld to :\ (up .ta443
.14:1m • \ ' Mkt...T.
Ohio •
d4exiii4 v ivaiiii Roitioad.
, . " \
_gt 191.123. \ \ .
i Cs.; \ ukd kite? \pf.OND4LY,VOGUST . VI,
x v 1941. • Passenger, 'Hein wilt rakes folio-1m . •
fillZEiTA:sniao '.Z:"D . > 4 l:l::;'lPtka. \ : ,
` l- ‘,
1,.11,\ Fair; Cll. ma 1111. k. '. ..
catlttaa tinder teak tart tr ea. , ' Litt:with ,
Lttween tittahnrat• ihl ltalptll., , ite a . ag p?. ~
. •.: \ ' \:... j..".4.N4„ 1 ”' '. ..:\ - 3 6
... ‘..
. ' •••\ .tiel,on.
Ay- E.urort tiatets 11 lie • o el redneitl4,
Betwetn Pitiallatith \ and •mhtraltr. to ant ,
Dart. the aloe d
Itetween Phu burith eatti 'New Mi' l 6 lo h sad Dad, \ ••'‘. - \
the same
IGr The Than .111 not m 147 tody. but hecae=
Motets hooted on Setnydarai be BOW toe the telotrattia
on Monday.
'll ' t ' lla *Dewot. • . Fw \ twei at\ \\
wtiotoT Pawith ri pte landluViere any whet* to. WM •
the B to the onon- eta iletweaALe
'f,„c1,,," „,,, 0 1. 0 . a,,,, LI t t a'.
110010 Immediately IgeTilll4 1.0 atebtolrnnt 11 - I:ein . ritt
i t i tl= " l•ll7a & . ..71ThItX,i7141nrilr l' streetVi, \
Want en Mrta:, end SiOrtg Bt. OW 7 , at .137 Patna
he ront•l•-••nnr , cm hail the =Ant. sad k• \
alteredron to the Can.
The Railroad will ha extended Uinta li7ll4san•
:The ...Bee wrectteetle dee. • • •• ~ . •••.,
By other of the Ik•r1 et Director ' - l\ 1
(WORDY!' BARIUM.. ; • •
tttel:t.. ' t Tlekethreat, ''''.' ,• \
FouxtV p;.
• :: I :t : ; • A. A:
\onneetatn icalL the OAlo and P..zna \Ram(
• i'••• 7.4 "
mamma m,6 ROVE& \l,
DASTERS will tic the ILIA. trim
Az from ttsburnit. and Um
PAC& BOAT F.CLIPSE, C.". ID. 00 1 7LD. \ 4 1,, '
\ on units, at Now Brigltta. at 11,4 A.. 41. datly, ter(
at Nera , Canti•mt 4 P.ll
\ Henn:lllJ Itv , iiltrft at 7 P.1:7., writing r' %VI Packet tot:Mead rii`XlitiCi•Nat:mitt, Um lit
:Senor, Ittaron. @t: , :
Ear through tiendfirapply to ,0770. Plat
'Menet AF ' eat, Railroad In
3. C. r4litit t 11.1., Wartr areil
2 loon a ldotiongano, 1 . g °7 . T A
TO' .
J.l..n.%Wilitio - t, Nor ,
to, \ \
BIWA+ M BlRTlX7R,Xretorit
6"77 1. 1e ; l :; ----d e t ßz 6l D;llD l"Pc't .l6 2° M R;
THE 31:MS0M:13E11S ba &file\ pier
onuncincito Div!, friends and Onions of L
syleanly Railroad, Maki:a have corn newt tram
at Lockport, and co nil. expect. deliver fr
aiad fr om Philadelphia 101311 DAYS. : •
We are 0000 'rewind to receive and forwaid airy;
of marchandlae oryinvicovi within oarcalowity,.o
ag' Ll mins of
rb . •
SLUT CLAILI—Dry Ovoid. ilata,Ehoes. lliio
Btallorwry. Cutlery, Confectionery; Frnlna,
vmthurs. Run:Rime, DragrA Had .
oerief, PAW.. Dye Ruth, oils. L Lan i er .' '' ''' '
ear, Ms. Timothy awl other Draw lieeds„
Wool, .
TEIIRD inater, ULM. Lard
ou, Tobacco Leaf. Coffee, Tallow. Drain and '
Efrilf[til CUSS—Ash. ble . (rou
eater of Pear and Wayne et
' ' • Notice':
.14)LL PERSONS \knoviinth themseli
h dcbtedto ma far Diltde, are "qut •
cc s, on or before the DI dar of Otthbf. so
Ome the .000001, WM be pl In the hands at
lbr collection. JOILDI bI.:PBARD, 317 Lib
swab:Wet:l . • . I IJournal copy.,
Wall Paw and Bcirdera rthe PallEialet? ..
1 ciST• RECEIVED, lot wplll establiatted
rty Band, 65 31ariet strut. from ost abbe celebrated 1:
csetcrn factorise. a great manymog lp o*D'APßlt BANG', I:
INOB and BORDERS, econpristng en a variety of style. ';
sad prim! as can hardly LW to wanly °mates sultana 1.,
the TIC. of the 21101 It Mathiloas and economical L . . IN
, . , ,
.01 .TERSETI-ARL011,.1:ill AbiD . Mlbllgg =sprig. •
This Com Mail it Prorated tO lambda a &MP a thom
minable \
'\'. 2/WC ' PAINTS, • .. ' \
Ntialch Immix= Stand gnat , wend. years' UAL In `..
Eumito and the United Fates to retain their!
beauty and pmststuse import:le., superior to may • her
rang. whatever. Their . _ . •
Is purely an 'l:Mids t :Mt s . .3=earralool bum itrz . I . .
I sad tt i utiftdly white. end ie entirely trnristan ' ttn li polecmoo
properties or moot other relate. as dangerous to (o .p
hmith oLoaintere sad their Mmlllee.
Vasa exposed to ealphstrum or mephitic ashaletlcan:
!VIZI when abut up in • close room,. Ls m =aide
it withstands a emathata ethastagnd th e leather r .
thmo soy others oct being liable to turn chalky ar to
ennoble sad two off: it meg be worked with any cedar,. ' .
with water stri also. or with Tartish. which givmthe MM
:, . Those are itraished gt a hiw price.and are ondoubtoilly •
tim thaalwan and best. paints in the marlosb tor coating
„... b. g • ,.,,...b..C.,11, stsatabos...l2o.4l.' • ,
A.p.rotmOod„ bilek. U 26 or trozois tbel , oft - ,
~, % •
. For Ina rarraceetb•r,sra psalm:dui) raluable. &a they
ram. a galvanic coo n.e.n, and enttmlY 100 000 1
.' OMMe , • •
Lon. they dry gulo&Ig, ao4 iambi I , D.. .i.ft
•do nog durum color ilt osany of the esatb.r mass. .3.. •
Dealer& supPlieron I
. .tberal terms 'by the tall the '
_' • • ‘,... V. O. JUNIgI It . • .
auglab(..M) • . 17 houllt•Whistues. Phi 'lndia." '', 't
Q0.11?-150 boxes No: 1, for sale low by
t,3 an rr
AR-100 bblo. N. 04 for 8010 low by
\ sxprasu s Bs.vmsfr
OBACCO-120-bso. s'B Lamp, for Lola by
, su • \ \ ENGLUileiirarxrrr.
YrOPACCO-10 egs 6 Twist, fof sale low
,1G.V . 5-10,11,1pe;
iscoon \ u,
re)ST3 ran p,
mg = , - &
ENV E • NCIL ,rt
tor t Co. 14,41 Jun retelied law o sopetior
NNEWRec'd' •': .dy;e,bea ,
tot of z\olf stAlatia Chen., ti co(
ot AAt (angM . I • A. A. 2AAAIiN I
i=ittb cc ' I na' XVI V" ltigr?4
11E.A.PlISIAROID 431450 N
ha's mat,- , 4 &after lot ot atael,o7 -
4 . antrolderles. fdasul64 \
a.,: t tlal===r t ia) 7 lo pri_ors.
" " 1.U261 IkW.7vrol
• : •
0 hand a gad anntolatt • ln no Inv
of • old establlsbed msth wank and • the ben sansiannat at as \W
on In Inn nuntl7. IV. W. WA*
augt3 \ nittkot tOrt
E'r \
.v IF \\ , '.21 bbl.s. Wkite PESb.,
I.l.ll.stilUl flit, by • ,
~ au41.0 .\\ . Winn DICMET
--- F -- '
11EEM=4.36 . prime Vr:,a;, fa
' . • DA.LULT
t y .naz= ltEßATUS- . —.5-tnne in boieit and Ulla.,
in . I.oiut by \
• t
PrEW.A.T.E. \d„TalEl Stirring Times;. ~
0. rqt.. 1 .41.&,- i f i tt
o M i o=„nr4 r e nt
rh-zglatliiiiintereilins gam! Auleful mlgloar. \ •
For \ 41. uL.111; Llters.ri pot. Zphinl greet, op!
posh. 4.1. Fos 091.ce. _ \
QUIGAR &11.10 L: •SES-- \ • .
pr(4l. N. O.
04 c0it0,,,,,t. V A .bll4- kli3?tatio4
4' '• • A •J. kit2olr ,
• und LlntraOinild •' \
POWDER -15! ke
aualt \ ge.Wasting,
it.ll,OlD .r sale DI ,
,RIOLL Hatr..z.; in: oust
_l.'4 a ,latialo 63? s em • • Dr
7 and Wcoi J. •
nigr'd*l.4.4 444...\fterP..ty
pm:sr-10J box",
itarynateS pure. - .Be3ecull , Vo - • Y< • - ••
vuttmel, ma for Ws by the qu..{C ;
VRIIC43LES—BIack Lead \ Crillb es, fro
T.....at0p..1.1.a55. front X. :0 to 90 for ate We ler
J. KIDD (3)- Ww41..4- •
VOREE4,3OO pririn OI; fcri
1,,J auttlS JAYII.2II)=I. - .1.1.; , 0416NtittY eS.
T EAS --4t) cbeetsl'owthon :
• r .fr'Lliai • by
4.0.1 - ZSDLIZEI4. 01L3VOctr
1 lINDRIE P . 4A44
• 'On a c . tees , . tray: ,
J. D. ww..tAyt,
iOFFEE-170 bagreNjtio, tor ealb bj
&wall 0.. t W.
1 1 1GARS-50,000 Coniuston"; tur s tiale
`, • wano
ipLouß 7 )-150 bblo. Es= tuid S. F \ .,'
- - - -
INDIA 'RUBBER Vl.l.lEtio di
JIL recal , ed.'hcaa 1 sa. 7 feat lin‘leva* suicriLa
tal.Per Ithal am a", tabs La-a utkaa.ciad Ly cittostel
Wet itrAlli,e. letuirms u,atuq,l4 Lap Qua
bla anti tresz tryeallas. tot -1.1‘.4 . ' and WA hyIIILLIF I,
*wad • , . . a: alt
liaElaik.R,--S — VII. 8 lads. CU or.
A 7 awai.n PgtAggia
by (.i4161 JAS. DA.
Vexes ,
OM- I 1)41. kif).
_E Z