The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 11, 1851, Image 4

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is a very common thing, now,a-days, when one
looks round upon the thousand evidences °l' the
progress 'which the world has made in science
and art, especially in the matter•of locomotion
to utter some expression of wonder es to what
oar. ancestors would think could' they wake up
from their graves. and behold the amazing im
provements which have token place in the lass
half century, It is past •clohbt that they would
lie seined with extreme astordshaent, bud, per
haps, at the first, find it somewhat difficult to
believe their eyes. • There is tie possibility, ho w
evar, that we shalt ever bediverted with any 'ex
bibitidn of the, impression which our advance
ment would probadly make upon those who lived
in a lens progreaiire age: We'may, nevertheless,
form sotue idea of the effect which a sight of the
primetit achievements of mcidern mechanical *ill
. and invention would produce upon the people of
u time long peat, by noticing the incredulity, with
which they reprded, 'upon their earliest sag
.gestiori, the feasibllty of those . varionsiwider- -
prises which Idive since'. been so fully realized,
rad contribitted so much thwarda the happiness
'and prosperity of mankind. We find winstance
quite to the point in the following letter, which
$ll3 written forty years ugo by Chancellor Lie.
lagston, of, New York, in reply to a propostion
submitted whim relative to rsiiroadi. The
Chancellor writes: •
March 11, 1611.
"Dear * Sir—l did not till yesterday receive
yours of the .45th February; where lefian loited
.. . - :ett"thirtrotid lamat a loon to 'say. l I bad before
--read of your _very ingediejts proposition is to-the
railway commimicatioit, I fear, however,' on
nature reflection, that they.will be to.ser;
ions objection, and ultimately' more expensive
it a a canal. They must ho double, -so as to
prevent the danger et two such heavy bodies meet
ing., The walls oh which I they are placed,. molt
te, at least,' four feet below the surface,
• led' three feet abate, and meet be clamped with
it(ilt, and oven then would 'hardly sustain fr...
heavy a weight .fl 9 you propose moving at the
rate of four miles an. hour on wheels. As to
;woold,'it would hot last a week They most bt
.covered - with Iron, and that, toe,. eery - thick. and.
strong. The moans of etopping these heavy
earriages, without great shod;, and of preventing
theta from running upon each other—for there
would be:marrY running upon the road at once,
—would be s-efy difficult.• In cases of accidental
stops, or the necessary stops , to take in wood
end brater,.-te„ marry accidents would happen
The carriage of condensing water would be 'very
'troublesome. Upon the whole, I fear the ex
pense would be much greater than that of canals,'
without being to. convenient. - .
R. R. lirmus-ros'
NAVAL ANLCOOTIL.—Whoa McDonough was
First Lieutenant of the Siren, under the com
mend of Captain Smlth,la circumstauee occurred
In the harbor of Gibraltar, sufficiently indicative
of tine firmness and decision Of his character ; —
An, American merchant brig Came to anchor near
the Uniteti States vessel. McDonough, Cn• the
absence of Captain Smith, who had •gone ou
'bore, saws boat from a British frigate board
the brig,: and.take.lront her a man. Ile instantly
manned and ,{simed his gig; and pursued the
Britie_boat,• - ithich he overtook:just as it reach
ed4;•,;:.:vigate; and :without ceremony took the
Ft >A man into his own boat, The frigate's
• twiee r the force'of 'his own : but the net
as to • asto und the lieutenant who
• ded the prows gang, and no resistance
offered. ,
When the affair nos made known to the British
captain, he came on board the Siren iu a great
rage, and inquired how lie dared to take a V.ll
from his bffaL
McDonough replied that the man was ohAtneri
, ean seaman, and was under the protecticinaf the
flag of the United States. Mod that it was hie duty
to protect him.' .
• The captain, with a valley of °lila, 'swore he
••would bring his frigate nlougaide the Siren, and
sink her.
"That you may dn," said McDonough, ly st
while she swinia 4 the tam you will not ha se."
The English captain told McDonough that lid
was a younglutir brained fellow, and would 're
pent .of his raihness. ffupposing, Mr.:said he,
4 .1 had been in that boat, would you have dared
to have committed such an act rf • '
"I should have made the attempt . nt ell hoz
ante," was the reply.
What, air!^' aaiii the English captain, ..3 - 1)u14
you venture to interfere if I were to impress men
from that brig ?",
" YOU can try it, sir," replied . McDonough
• The BritiahcapMiu returned to his vessel, and.
*tanned a boat, and steered for the brig, 3lcDo
nough did the' same, but here-the affair ended ;
the English captain took a circuitous route, and
returned to his ship. There was such a calm
nese is the conduct of Lieutenant McDonough—
such avaelemnity is his language—such 4 polite•
ness in his manner, that the British officer sax
that he had to deal with no ordinary map, and
that it was best not to put him on his mettle.
• Thu EhurrBmoric'Dots.-4 correspondent of
the Boston Journal, writing from Dorchester, in
Massachusetts, relates the following incident of
bird sagacity and canine benevolence: . .
We have a fine dog of the Mastiff bread, who
takes great interest in all home affairs, and he
, seems to think that - the poultry (of which we
keep a great many) are under her especial pro
; tection; and woe to the unineky rat, weasel, cat
or skunk, who,dares venture within the pre
. eincts of the yard. One morning this summer,
I win , in 'my room', Mad hearing a commotion io
the; and I looked Mit, and observed a fine speak
' led hen of the Dominique breed in greatdistress,
• runltingtfrom &deep earthen:Mrsto the dog, (who
sras asleep about a rod from the jor,) and back
This She repeatrti two or three times. 1 Saw
that one of her chicks, (a few dais old,) Lad fall
en Into The jar, and wusnbout going to its :re
lief, when the, dog sprang op end ran to the jar,
be seemed ttedeliberate for a moment, then put
his nose deopointo the jar, and not =receding in
taking the chicken out, placed Ida pow upon the
edge of the jar and upset it, when the chicken
ran off and joined the brood, mdch =the relief
of the old hen. The dog, after deliberately lap
ping his paws, quietly returned to his nap; and
I, thloVing that such' "instinct" was worth re
cording, wrote it down at the timisin my diary;
and you may, if you please, give it to your
readers. •
Wionnifor,EHow - sies.—Two , millione oil' hon.
° dred 'and seventy thousand dollars have been
made by: theshowmen in the last ten years, mo
cking an average for each of one hundred and
aeventi , eigkt thousand dollars. The following
to a list of what oath manhas -made, commenc
ing with P.. T. Barnum, the riches showman in
the world,he having made in thelast eight yeani,
. over s3oo,ooo;*Jenny Lind is worth -.5600,000,
notwithstanding she has given over WI a mil
lion in charity; Moses Maibell, of Boston Mu- ,
$ BO O. OOO l Edwin Porrest,nlie great tra
gedian,sBso,6oo; Barton; this actor, $125,000i
T. B. Ifturikille, of the Bowery Theatre, New
York, $70,00i Gen. Welch, the. great circus
nuin, $BO,OOO, Wyman, the prince of magicians
and necromancers, $85,000; Oen. Toot Thumb,
Barnnta'e` great dwarf, -$75,000; J. E. Owens,
- `the comedian, and proprietor of the Bahl- .
.• inert Museum, s3s,ooo;_flerr Alexander, the'
juggler and artist, $25,004; Mons. Adrian, the
?Tench magician, $80,000; Banyan!. the origin
al proprietor of theArississippi Panorama, $75-
poo; Will ?Able, the celebrated garden proprie.
;tic, of. New York, it worth $150,000; not*ith.
.•standing Ids erCriollll losses by fire, &c.--British
E 1 V B Q t 2) LS '.--Tit, Stoneigip
Alaeon of Pant Point: a Villagg Tale, ff
T De Laroartlnr. Translated from the
French. . . .
Monaols Of Der.r.derard Mekong:Mb, late Kenna of Wet
ton, araity Bre. T. IL Eirke,3LA..Roclor of riellphall.
Herta: An Intrtall by ritephenil.Trug, D. U.
2 rola, " ci., 112.. , •
Anthem's Roman Ant Iliac; o'llaanal of Roan. An.
Montle., with outvrociallluetrutlon, try CharleeMothou.
Light In the Dark rilaomi or Memorlinoriell - rletlrn Lin
lo the Diddle Agem freda the Berman of the late Augug
tor Brandon Mao:,' mu, ' ^ .
Thgrited . of the Wleallem 's Commentirf on the bonnet
' i0 .b :e4L. 4 24t1".Pi e .71 Y It', ME:O:V (lobrs h. Z ,
Berimil from the t.grrion ;elanni. ' llmo . ., mu e. • ' ' .
- board? Algebra.—The to of Algebra, dealgued
foe Beglindang. by BUrt, Looralf, M. A...rirefreeor of )lath.
' ,o.7l.Petorial Vieid Book of the Miro! Boni towline
. ,rifir . lo r tizr
. 1. ; j a ,f,l ., l,%ri b g i eirw Iriontil , y , :llmaltie
egp2 75 Apollo Building. Fourth at.
MOBACCO-60 buxom extra, for sale by
sep2 • J. S. DILIVOILTII a W.
R ICE -35 tierces Gil sale by
.raska for sale by -
IDOWDER—A large supply of Hazard m
.1. Warta!, alw amp liana J.
for Ws at I rort.t rac.
IO CO.F.P.EE-10011eagajwit reed for sato
by lama) P. DILWORTICI & CU
FRE,B.R/CN--1.0,(4) JOY dale low to eIOE,.
run fnQJ tignumac, - bs ' JAMES DALZELL
ICO 3 AIACKEREL:--120 bble. for eale by
11 * anal . • Na. HAREAuent '
N - 0 . LASSE 1:)0 b . (oak) female
ENGLISLI LAII) PAP1111.8...-11e. b,.4
undon.Cap and Letterd'aliare, 14. ahu cm. /aid,
cad Ca had at • w, a:Hill:Niel Pap. W 5...,
aepdi comer Market and 11eatiii
rEI9III SILKS-A. A. AlesoN .t o.
Lace just amid a beautiful amortuent. et ~ , ,, , y rsex
.aft Wain Block tilts. 11n a...ea-able g ads
•ser leall. ..1.11 the atteridan of o ...era. AI., Tory
stiparior Graaf Afridue, hahn ileiChene. bet utlfUl I:ha r.
IV 'DRESS GOODS—Wo aro now
adsias Ms newest fall ptyles ot Gotdr, lurch as
A&LahCashmerar...roplirEA 116bcf,
essaidias. Nriattla lisraDos, sad Thlbet vv. 1100
jgdo?is now opta. wrpsj I •A. A: DIASCIN , W.
VV,41.1"4. GOODS—A. A. '31.1sol; .Fc Co t
2z . z.=t4ti 800c,pietellools, ooluistins of
gailfAnfllthilV.4l,"l..<l aird
WHEREAS, in and by the Act of the
General Assembly of Printsylvadie• entitled
•‘.trwlAtlnif to Blection. of thl.Comunotorealtlf," it la en.
Pitied on me to giro notice of mach elections to be held,
end enumerate In ituch notice what dater. me to bo elect
ed. • In purmmisce therm!, LCA =AR CURTIS; Sheriff of
Oittnity of gileghetry, do therribre make known
oleo PP nubile halm to the elector. of ttakt CodutyolV
kgheny, that a General Flmtion will be held In the said
the several election district. therein
The elector. of the PPP Wardof city of Pittehter g .
to um,' at the bou.stof Jane Little, at the m i meo of
ferry end Fourth Attend% in mid turd..
The dectorsof the almond Ward date oity of Pittsburgh.
meet at the Buriit District Hotel, rimier of Second and
street.. in mid weed. •
Tbe fierier. tithe Third Ward of the city of Pittsburgh. I
t meet at t he house of Andrew Meander, •
The eledars of the Fourth Ward of thesis Pittrbords, I
teed at the Public School flame, tot sakiward.
The skotors of the Fifth Ward of the city uf Pittsburgh,
to uteri at the Pennsylvania tome, oocupied by 'Jotted.
PP Ales. liteerart, in cult ward.. •
The eleentro of the Sixth %Verde the citygf Pineborith.
to meet at the Public School House, raid ward. •
The doctored the Seventh Want of the city, of Prise
iturgh,liimeet at the Pattie Priori Mum, In said ward.
Tbo eked" of the Eighth Ward of
In city of Pittsborgh.
to Meet at the Public School Houle, mid ward. •
Tha eleetorsof the Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh,
to Pert at the Public School Howe, In cid ward.
The electim of the First Went of the city of Allegheny.
to peen rid the bousid J. Woodhout,o, Itobin.on'atrmt.
• The elentore of Gm Emma Ward of Merit? of Allegheny.
to meet at the Unite of Widow Thomp•Mn, north west mO, arc of Ohio street sad the Public Square.
The electors of the Third W.rd of the ei q• of Allegheny.
00 meet at the Public Sc.htel Home. In mid ward.
, The electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of lileghpay,
to meet at the hon.. of lip. Wylie, Bast Ilmatrom.
The elector. of Pitt Lownehip to meet at the house of
Sire. Ylmtcy Ilarty, on the Ilechanlotend Farmer,. Tune
rik. Hied. Its mid MundtiM eacept the qualified toter. re.
tiding it. sections Nos. 4,7, and 14 of the °lt,' dietrict. who
*hail vote at all general electiotts In the Ninth Ward of Oho
try of Pittsburgh.
The deco:. of li ett. townehip to meet et the boom of
John Bottler, In GP village of Bast LitoortY,
The electortof uprushiry to meet a [hr. beep of
' s.lrißlf. Jr., lot tho Last Liberty.
The election, of Wllklni township. to meat at the house
of John Sheffer, on the thocuiburgh Turnpike ttosil. in
tad toter-GO. •
"Imob. Pi.. So DRiet at the ' Leuelt of
Jobe Summemille, to mkt town...P. •
The electors of Patton (
to, meet at the house of
Abraham ra, tar: an rip Northern Turnpike, to said coma.
111 n elect., of Penn township. to at at the hones of
Gwen Donsithen, oh the Leethburgh Bad, in sad town
:hit t.
The cirit.. Vermolkilownship, tit ;twee at Goo Brick
ee hoot Dope, new` the Whitt lion. Proud y «veined by
Titemp amd net by Win A. Shaw..
floe elector. of Elipboth towiphip, to meet at the
o e
.11 Dantel :Pryer, humeri y nmufled by John Wbibert in
Elisabeth borough. -
The elerior. the Borough of kligidetth. to meat maw,
Immo of Ilmtiel Stirrer, fertudly ..miried by Jobb 10010-
er. eald borough.
the eledur. ofJedoreou towndlip to.ineet at the home'
nshi Miria p
m' Snee, formgrlT iompled by John Bibs'. lu mid
The OiettOLl ol3tiSjn township. to meet at the bow. of
Samuel Wliroci i .formerly occupied in.
• The ekehlrr ofll. CiPe r Oa. Clair torn ildp. to mote at the
Moire of dm Cooper. to etld tinrinhis, '
?be eleoton of Lower Citair toiruslalp to meat at
at ttio3ourtiou
r o ot Hill and Pt. Clair
.turupitip with the .
ill. road.
The tiectura of arr.," tounship meet at ill.. yublk
, hous, uua.r am Raw 31111 Run bridge ou Etaubanallle
- The elmtere of lioblnatio tot...ship to mast at the boos.
of ?_rah McFarland, formerly Arelley 310Karland, in ant
The th
electors of Findley townthip to meet ut thy boom of
.11rCkdiand A Armor, formerly omupled by J no Charludo
the stlasye of Clloton,-lo said township,
The oloctota of 3loon township to thee: at the hour of
Peter thiston, itl cud tnwrdldp.
The dentine of ukdotharrystdp to meets:. the hon. of Joo
tzar, in said townelyipl
the elOctors Of Feoublin township tomeet at holm+
necupled by Joe lioleolui, In mid towns hip.
The +death-, Of the Fldroughof 31.thester to meet at the
Tubtleelchoti hount.
- •
The orchn, of itueorre tow whip to meet at the boa st
IF:Melt fah.. an said tussusblp.
TAe etectorPipf lialdwin township to moat at the house
of Jo., Cowan. ll mid township.
The eleetoze of :... 4 .nowden townthip to meet et the hon.
of Poter S per. in raid townehiP.' •
The eleetore of Youth Fayette township to meet at the
boo.. U au the Iwrun of se. Y . Coulter mud
township: ,
The eleCtors at North Faye, township to meet at the
house now occupied by Planets Janilson, Bogen'
In amid township.
. •
The elect.. of-Ewa townehip meet AI cbb Lowe
of on th e Feanklio roa,l, U-tcma
The elector of Pine tortithlp toat the boor of
Hugh Crummy. in mid township—and intet
that Th.llsoe
be Judge, acid Idclilnury ant Win Roger. be: lover
tors of true election. In mid beenshin
The elo,com of blethouller toiroshiP are to huiebrat the
hour of Jr Anderson, in said Inernalay.
an of West Deer
at the hour
ol Nathan Conley, in valittoienslinli.
The electors of Ear Dear hirnehlp oret at the Public
School Hwe. in the ibrough .
The elector. of the Borough of Tarantula la tort at Wu
Public School house. In rati Borough.
The electors of Indiana tonnship to mac, at the hour
foimerly oropled be
Marker, in mid township.,
The elftitmss
toenehlp to meet st Joo Shaer.
milt. In tornabln , -
The qualdled voters of that part of Indians totroahlp,
in Allegheny county. yarding nimble the folloning dr
meshed Woods/its. to nib Lealtining at • point oh the Al.
legheny rirer, at the upper line oflhe term of John Cr
tile, mod, rumung • northerly moire, titterers the ram.
of saiiPtiable mid John lila)d. to the N. IL corns
tam —thence running • westerly mune to the Shelve
iambic In mocha mariner .1 tor:Aimee all farms or
lots situate in Cutostngtounis district, and lumen as the
river terta, wn cud ehall hereafter rue
at genral elselifoo in the horhugh or Sharp.hurgh. at the
election poll of midd boeuugh.
' e The eh/Morita the Borough of Blrmingharn to meet at
Schwa! Hoye caM hopouglo. •
taelee of the Borough of Post Birmlugham to
st e the W it ' allrocl Mice of Oliver. H. ormibri in said
The elector. otllogurne Itortiogb to meet m the Pub&
Schrl Homo, In said borough.
'The electors ef the Born
so of Lawrenceville most at
the Public bMigiol Ileur in said borough.
TheglA:brs of the borough of
tohneet at
the house of.lemes ebwix. lurid Lcrough.
The firths.. of the Irrough of Mclirspict. tr4meet at
the Torn flabl, In MU hottingh•
The election , of the hoinughof Zontb Pittsburgh to meet
at the hour formerly oceu r titallY ti, Menial:Ana. at the
end of the Monuomthela B Its irld
The elector of th e Borough of Went halsetieth theorist at
'the Public School Hour In said berongh.
At rhlob time and places the goisliliect eiectorras ah;re
raid by VOW' co. ".
"ooepern,obgUoven:Tr ot Pommy lentos
Out, Verne tor Canal Lotornissloom:
Brie:=l2o/1.1 JU4,. , of the Supreme Court his
One person for President Jeep , of W. lJC,,ort for
theco..r pf All•sLen,
One person Tor Alainiall Judge of e .... B .istrieb Court for
the ...AY of Allegheny:
Ope 47,011 for President Judge of Courts *Common
fo S r Aongi r an J o ud Agell.e gh e m y m o C un uts
Fire persons for members of Assembly of Peruhricanla
' Quo perm-of. Itecorder of Allegheny route
(Me pawn for Begishir;
One person for Clerk of xi. Court of Quatuti Sect , tuf.
Am, .
Ono perardo for irre.a..erot elleuten7
Onegrerson fraCoitutyContmignonor:
One porsosa for krolitor
Otte MI. for County hurre7ori
in and by the oth redden of =act aporroed the
'dui or April. 1540, it is en..ted. that the 13,4 section of
the a. pawed July, Ii eetitt tan fictnlial.ift.tha
elections of tbleCtanmonamatth.thall not be soCanstrued air
prevem ant toilliag alter or borough °Steer Ifrmferr
in4 ae Jade,. tuniector, or Clerk at app 0 eland crepe:lll
.404 to ado C....intrscalib.
the return Judges of th e rerptcCee die arts arum.
tand m
are required to eet at the Co., Houti, the eity
or Pirtab.gto on theriday niter the amoral Tuoiday of
Chitotair neat 'l
. then and there to dishrag, the duct.
'reunited by law.
Gieen underdnyi hand and real at Pittsburgh, this 2.1 Jay
'a 4. D. and of the Indepandenctiod the
lailted.ri U. um:mar rioth. CARTED Chlt2ls.
VEATHERS—;3O aacks landing and for 6.1 k
CIIBA I—Will be published, on Monday,
U. let of F.plennber, a fine colored 3.1A1 , 01 the le
lam! or CUBA, ro 10 runts. J. B. HOLMES.
nug3o Thad st., oppcaito the Yost Oftloo.
LEATFIER-6,50 Sides hemlock Tanned
Lcather, fax sale or
qq~OFFEE-200 bags for sale by
tr43o ft DAL2ELL a co.
QUGAII--SU hhds. prime, for sale by
&..) Rua,
‘IALMON--5 bbls. No. 1. for sale 1);; --
ICE-10 tierces for dole by
I • .•DI fl. k. W. 11Alt,BA00/1
.ESE-75 bozos for lode by
3 F. VON BON:411043T , Otto
1 4 1 . RE N C H L AST I NG—Au , additional
• .uvor rked by MURPHY' a BCTOLITIELD
%111 AOKI:BEL-40 qr. brl,3 verginice No 1
LUM-25 bbls. for sale by
av J. HIM) 2 00.
Tuatara. to hiaribera Straka by Capt. Itayue Paid.
ph Bothinaml. a Bea Tale; by b y Akoltal
Travals ha Amer)ca; by Lady BMus Wortley. •
My fsbootipg Box; by Fraak Forrester.
Big Bear a Azkialsto,• Horooroos Novel, with 11.
lossrailota by Barley.
Received it licrimr.s. Literary Depot, :4 Third street,
maalLa lb. PostOßlca augZ
LOX'S Patent Sparkling Galatine-3 groan
fur rate er J. KIDD & CO,
wag= 41 Wood O.
1V lot for We by sug2.l •J. KIDD A CV
'tna t
FROM BOSTON, just reed—.
600 feet X lain 3 ply India 1161,twr
000 alr- 3 - Ihlth
- *or tale at tat India Rubber Dow, and 9 Wood et.
aux= V J. di N. PHILLIPS.'
DUCKED BUTTER-8 1,1, and S. knga"
AL fa. maaby ISATAIIibICKEY &
ux:: Wat.l^ & Front sic
~lJstrrk lioscaructio have Just receiSsd a ix of .err
beautiful Koglith CrLots, made expressir for exhibition at
the World's Fair. t 0 whieb the 16 Unotton Of the tadtes bla
vlted. ttleS,
UTTER—G bbls roll butter fur mule by
IL►" wort • kCO
FoR ,SALE--An excellent FAMILY.
Enqulie of
ugt. J. SCIRK,7OI.AKER it -r
, ppsT OFFICE SCA_LCS-Judt received,
sal for sale 3,
..4r631 . .
, runt., arlat anal frourth
MI TTS! I ; TTS!—M ukrur&BcewrtELu
have art Iced • full sanortment of th e above:
Attic e. at from 37%, to 41,21, per pall . , fill./ of whl•h are
of extrs also, •••30
INSEED OIL-5 bbls.Citymake, f
or sale
X by • sua-m - s WICKERSIAM.
(.1 OP. GARB. SODA-3 kemi for sale by
aar,,..a. N. NS'ICKERAILAAr
with timer l • MM no. articl , , for riding or driving'
trniir . „ 'ln
fnr l
i t r Pirtlll7l,r"
' --
Time•Silla •
wvisvlLLl: . •
. ~MlNTt k o llki.-
- . • Urriuh - r .tpr.
11' 111 he porch...l4A et fevorsOle nate L CLIO-ELAyi •
19 21
ItEAt?vAL-W intend t2lem:aatTut
t, lepwmrxr
nor texuyied Ls e. Ilrietl.llDup No lit Nt-sh
kat etreet, oppAutel lat. Clair gli.ehere tee
be ',levet'
to furtnib every ankle lb our hoe v onus'
... auirlh , I . PIIILLLPE. 7 ere' la INA.I•L
tea: prime; for nEde by
, 41,u04 .I , II.WORTII CO,
N W has bean limit:teat/gent for thersle of lini.oll.
twist , Razors. Thaer Bum are tritatifectured in the
Vatted Bata% and Sett ntionnialed In silent; 'by rath e r
British cr American anainfrelare. titer Suer 1e nee.
ted, rad 1i it does not•prove ostsrectory. the money.
be returned the Deng ...honied.. tbe purchaser
inercitib. Thin gratis bin Leon la nag serritil Serra, a.)
restatr superorihog: ettry other latter. With now
Matt Met trill hot rernin; boning for tea retie.
Ft•retliehtroleenh• end retell, at tad Welch 1.5 ift ;tors .
storey X •; • W; W. WlLetiN. )
• st9i "stl. corner of Paarth'snd Market mg.
- tipLAX-2.3 .o for tabby
.„,„12 s U 111)1 6
.1. irrJA.NDLES.t
WEE' TONOVE' A ptinie article on
" br- wii N La, SI'CLCULCI t
SAM. 4 • k sus Lacs/ a.
• .NewNaka, Jest Received:
YEAST: a Pioblem; reprinted with eorree
j Was and additkm, by the putbor of Alma lake.
IXmo, mos.
r.. .
'''''''' ot Cleopatra. Quaro of Egrpt by Jacob Abbott.
Moto, mm.
Caleb a Talo a< the Puritan. 12too„
a Tal. br Anna FL Fkorty. author or - Prlrod•
and Portant.' Pap. and mu.
Appleton's 3lerbaulta . Ea:boyar; Jour
nab No. 11:
byrne'4lllictiortary or 3lethanio. Moen.. Vora aul kn.
aioacringl Nos. 31 and ?a
Loogiag a Pictorial IVield Boot( of tbeliovolution; \u.14.
Paladin.. its Goognkid, .1 Bible Mowry: rdlls Lith.
ouraphlo Maw: by F. IL Ilibbarthof East °rotate COnfro.
roc, oditad by Daniel P. Kiddar. Pluto_ mu.
For 1,1. by J. L READ,
Jr 3.3 7S Apollo buildma. Fourth at.
New Books. •
_ _
G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lind
e.mnt is a most extraordinary medicine, the truth
Prbleh is placed beyond dnubt by the east 001 e. of the
Article, and the many moni. being dully performed by it,
which previously bad resitted all other medicines and the
Ala of the beit phyriiiihns In the world. It Is vronne.ed
of basun., ' , trans and gums peculiar to Meet,
slag. In a eimeentrate.l form, all theirietimulantag, um
dyne. penetrating, uncutotu and reeaLdee praparttes. and
ibre •Idels.agee ago. were miesl by the .. .vow -61 the
I De rt,” with such tulmouloths earns, in caring the di:-
i ea vof both Anal/ and lewat.
. lieu! Ibllowitagremarable wich should kil
j themeel t ves he
place IL U. Farre t ll . . Arabiancure,
Liniment far he.
, row any similar timely • .
Abool • year and a halt-ago. a aliening lappets...l tu mi
rite. etomeeh. gradually incr....We in use until It b..
1 Llame a ,
large:', int. CUL and so nor. thaeribe could not
• beer the lean premium upon It without gleing her extreme
twin. I got the advtew aisle best doctors. and thee differ
exliti opinion about It: some said It was an Ague cage, ur
..illargetnent of the Spleen; come. {hat it was. Enlarge
, m al of the Oven, and. therm geld It was • Tumor of
fftfLANICS' 31 --- AGA — ZINET N078, -- ft . 1 ''' jv ri d ld t o be
, Jr k a es, im c , ,t no carol except by cutting It
J• , .ul, In this ora] situation. I was penned. to tn It.
~11 1 ,t , t uii,c t . , .
bo.„. Tale. . i st. l.rell's Arabian Liniment upon it, and, strange as it
' I ma) Ulmer. upon the third arldlostion eb,e began to Ito-
Peaeagiu in (Bra Ma of M.- M./Merin Ilattland.ei hen prove. and boa in:gamma' getting better duly, until rum
tuella., written by borriiiilf. she Ls ~roll as eeer—enjoylng excellent health.
iteeelved at HOLMEn'.l.lterary Depot, opteette the Pest ; D MeCONNELI.
(Mee. used , Pemba, Land. P. 1084. .
OOKSI-,-No.'"ii of Byrno's Dietionad of . I Robert lauds, in...msg., um.;
Mechanics and Engineertne. Cestow'n Fa, Mu
March at, laili
4 . 7„,, p ,,,,m,,,,,,,,..
~,„, ~,,, ,i.„...„. ~ One woman ha, ueel re your Liniment with great success.
Journal. • lige had het the use of her legs for three roan, the cords
Also—A large uturtment of Clasigatl and Scheel licion.., , being eantractol so that her leg% Were bent., moon while
just rie'd and fur gale by . j. L. E. ,,,,,,,,,,,, i standing, a. Is natural for the paltlon of the lege while
7 , A ,,,,, yhdidy,,,,,,. Fourth ~,,,,,„, sitting, and sloe could not band them in the leash but by
N. B.—Rage taken In exchange. ~.„,,, the use.of II 0 Farrell'. Arablan 'Liniment, she Is now
; able to walk srith ea.. and h. r. -
a stridght limb. I hair
New Music. , found it a meet excellent remedy :or borae tl.ln also, for
' etery thing width metres ...eternal ”sasu,.
HE SPIRIT'POLKA, conijiosed by U. i re,. ophuon of an oil e.pori.....i.i..utic f . ...i.,
Meteor, and dedicated to Stephen C. Foster, of this 1 ' ;,.. Washington. lowa. June 'ALIBIS..
ty ,• From thisprenly and cur., both °noun end
yerlyiii Walt, arranged by U. Klelgr, ....u n tied by ; beast, w si bleh your Arabi.. Liniment Is . perfunulng. I du
Br reiry '' ll l l;.” , , - if=o ° ., m 7: t
rx'. l -w t ! r g t„.'e iran„: r ort. - .=10tet.7 . b7r.7.1.,1,T:gr,°;.?:.
Th e cy Jones. with varnalung. by siege. • and bare tel. all the Carious
m is t iiimenne as..
' T Autumn "elf oUrYears. by besiege Barker. Iso much pulled up in the papery. but I us my Unit FL
Also, • fine twluctlon of Foreign Music for libino. Flute, y tl. Fusel
o f Arabian Lltument exceeds any that I have
Violin le. • U. EL Eat, lot Third street, i couleur. of or Its use, I have cured Sweeny and Spann
.14.. .• , Mhos of ths °olden Harp. lung after they had tern prolunsinel Incurable, and I base
I'. ii. — A •Dlenind MI of now PLANO'S now opening , cured more than Pity bone. the. saru.n with your Lint-
One Ten good neramil-butil 0 octave Piano for salt. i meat, embracing aver, shade of dlevare. from stretches
• 1 and buil.," up to epeeist, ping Mme, and sweeny I can
tA.3IERICAN STATE PAPERS.—Statel'a- I also bear tesUmOny of Its g 0.3 erten. w i nter human eye
' Pere wod. Public Documents of the Crated States. ; tem I a m ooralmid innwl7 nit Lut wter mmy room
~ ft,., A , of 5.,..,,,,,..w...,, E y na ,,, y o yE g y,,y,,,,,. , with Rheumatism, and mind gel nothltut i ta help me no ,
„,..E . ,,E,,, g ,,,.,,y ew el e ,pgy„p rgarg y gE p . ,,,,,,,,,,, ! all I comment...l the see of your Llnimen which entirely
that Ilmei_lncludlng Comildenthli Documents. ; cured roe. ' ' WM. I :GRIMES.
ND.. ti c ariltrrra, containing Politica. Illitorical, : nun Paha el lon years . standing tuna] by il U Farrell's
Geographical. elcianUfical, Statistical, Economical, and Di , Anwar ) Lient:
Dwuments. Lass',
Facts: together with it , y ge , g,,p ege v,y, y p e a e ,,En e l e d ,s h
Nom.. of Om Atl• and M• onf•Mn'imi .°J • I'''''n'iof th• j the - .tinin Pu' . tu ' r the la - at too )'saps, andeould nev“gct
EVente of the Timex from ital.
. relief except by bleedbambut by lbw use of 11. 0. Farrel':
The above valuable works for W . by -
. Arabian Liniment. applied over toe temple...bout three or e ler 1 It C. STOOIiTON, 47 Matte at , four tb.,, a day, it w 1 evenly remount, and I haul felt
mug, for the i thiemete - I nothing or ft since. ; went hots, the stable One night, tO
of , apply It to • hoo't's mre leg, end being eery lame he etum
1 ti t KLEBER, 101 Third street. bign tit hl.l and fell against soy legs, crushing and bruising theta
a Uolden Ilarp, hav,ittsi. received— , so badly that they turned as tilaik so my hat,
/ a BLOOM/FL or_,-NEW COSTUME PULE.A. with • i Moint Poweriewi ' I anDll. Tout Linitnent. end ...op
IMeautiful , vignette of the Bloomer Costume. published un- i elomign. in • few nays to Yo 'butt again as tt.t..! I des
a,.,. th e ~0 , ...,,, of th e El pug 4. p. c ...„ 1 * ~,, E y e E op . Cruabew my tinges In a knocking manner, by letting u
KELLY Millet 8 CRP, a very WightlY i'mniteelUon on I back - log fall ova In but Tour Liniment NOVO healed nun
I Foster'S beauttAil all of "Melly vas a Lady." JuLLIS B. Mc(SEL
Also. • supply of Boston TempartionaGlee Book. IrlL, : 1 , ..V , srs.sia, remit.... u , .. Feb 6, iso
LA Author. By. Thomas +Millar. With tirenty.r.ur
luetrationa by Phi.
Trarelein the limited Flan., se, during Ibis and toss
By the Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley.
No. S of London Labor and the London Poor •
-rb,. shore hooka Jun reed and for cale FJ
JYZ . FL C. STOCHTON.O Market at.
Chiokeringes Pianos:
JOHN ii. MELLOR, Agent for . TO (WAAL, ati/ILNdT LI/POSITIO., READ tab rub
ne Pima, Fr n...bunch ,• LOWING CAREFULLY'
hd Western Pennsylvania, Np. SI Wtecd , f she Panne are tartxeularly egatost a Liu ,
as received axe/ DOW open for eale, the fol.• . (bantrefiti which bed lately made Its • s
losd.oksitryst s..9.artonLeitt of PISMO For eonsthersomake . it •• al.maranne y
rusnalactm - y, at Mr. Chlekirlop's (Boston) knees
au Linimentthis lea danger... fraud and move
One elecaut LoPerocd ieno-visno Piano o)( tape In decals. brow tar bearlog the wane if Farrell. Thee,-
fore ba particular never to ad! for .1 by the nom "Parrcil s
Ldahoent." I.r unprincipla , ./ dealer, will Impose the 1141°
.Ig/tat , S , e,..nrure u pun you for the genuine, but alsoces art
,• Oath Ism - 11 0. fUrtrlts—iius LISOTA.sf R .
and tote a., al.,
Three - round recurs., o 10 It e genume obocrys has the letter, R. beton, erect] a.
•• his elnnaturn also on the outside. wrapper, axed Mc+.
,Lure Plano rorte, are of tbe !ant styled a rural. areal blown lu the glee. bottle---/I. }hi-rill's Accan,ro
tore, and with all Mr. Chlekeras lun.roYemmtc dm • L, ' lroesear, }torso "
In+artehlY Lb* on, t hl'Obt AutoTK wanted to every
I ,Town notlare in liatelet
nnrchasery In We real... tor nsPetcw end nes preen the United Stave,
.tn which one s not established. ANA,
rotted/cm by letter D. IL t) - Farrell, Pew 111 , with good reference
to ll trac, reitcorlbility, se.
the mach nwho vain furnish Pre.
book 0,41.111.1 g valuable Information for every claw,
of e!usene
, u--2Scetde. to rel./. and one dollar per battle
uwl Y Orsususs L. manufactured by /L 11. Farrell, to,
Inventor and propr.etor, and whobeale drrtgapd, No 17
!lain, Peons, Ill.; mud for sale whobwale and crud ~t
proprlet....r, price by
So it M iced
bold by R. M CURRY, allonhotty LIU
Tim Human Body Mist Perspire,
su SAls NATURE, to Inive u healthy uic
pearenre, and perverts who do not 1....51ur5. are liable
1., the newt disgusting Rain /hawses. Now, JON.' haute
Chem/eel hoop muses a free perspiration, aml at the
time mollifier and *often. the 'km giving ,t the tea
Uov Roe4orm:bl Carrel liuublluip ocbot Plano. m.o•
utucture.4 by A4u4a Stu4tri t Cu;
Oro ituu.ocoode uebsvo. Adam biu4art a 04;
Our C Bun. l Ray,.
t/64. •• 4u;
61.,.c..- 6 Chict;t;iag...• 10.44
•• 6 Ilueou d Ilay.o: •
tio.• Dubosst Yubur.
Uur. Alauhatte.a Comp./
/11. 1.1141.47 Dep., Third et.. opr.o.ittpl.l.
Uud.y's Lady, Book, (Lot Moo.,
Orstuon . ..klaexlve..
Ledin'Natlonn.l Msgutine, " Jrle
NEW EM g. 1 .101 Ifgßlll4.—J use received
per expreo, very aupply Embr.nderirt.
ectrll with prat earr trona:the lat.t Importation, eon
olotlox of Yoorked G`till . las Clarrofzett, , Lere. mud
Mwllo t,lrey,,Jarnurtt sani.Swo.FlOuurings, of .a onJ
beautiful oryles. Jacourti and Swim Wainar and
lug, White eta 1 1 / a et Vail La. dual, . The &Urn.
than of the haler I, rertlesch,), ri.lelted W tho o,, tr
sows. thosslortut.t will N, ttn laraeoLperhan,
orrr otroew In rug city. tif4io/ A. A. , lASON d C.)
Black Silks, Mdhair Mitts, &c.
Embroidered Ptouncings..
1 . A. MASON Ar."CO. Late
ti just
yi. T., sr,
owls. at 62 64 . 11trket . %AIN,
rfis;k:c TABLE. C'LOTLiS.- - Murtrin
11,4 Ituntrartztt ihviti the attantiou at pgarchtser•
thelt ovmatatelat
Aloof the .Gne goal, scud!, media, utk.l
7•A1 u1L grA117 . 114672 .., dtp: .
so assortment alvwrl to be fount. at lowed prir.
Murphy & Burchfield
lieVE OPEN this
c morning a further sup
r au
for 1.11111 C) rl * o k r ,
dr, at U. =VIM& of Fourth ifsl Mark.
Meets. Jr
Mosquito Burs.
HAVE just reeetrod one case of tail Net,
thn.., Tonle Irf.lo. fur Nlocielto Dam
37E4 , WM. NOBLE. Titlzd litracm.
A LA TURK.—Ladier . s."lsll4ore .111nPajast. recdr , ..l
Ex rat by K. EL PALMA:It,
.lel7 105 Sharket st.
,_ Black La&..e VeiLt.
co &
or I L IFIt C 2 F1f.,?.. 1 12 . . ace a
tie, .-bite a 1121 s'reva(ism. do: ~e 23 thalwe mad Ms,
for do.: blue do. ,black bilk Nett, olalu 11.124 e.garwl, D.
Great Shawl Sale
A. 3IA.SON & CO.'S Great Manual Shawl
• ale Hil l rommenra hn Truaday.,Angnat sth. arbor, Nll offer the largest and bu. iclectodaMek of ?hauls
aver axial:lt,' In this mfr. cenopileing
Plain aa tate Crape Shaul.
Mk Late
Rich Silk
Fancy high con] k'rench Ihluet Suagla_
Ylain printed, and erubtelere.,l
Ilroebus.eaudimr and Long ••
01 4 fur and meal.: unalltlaa, of Irldch they Rm.:let.-
=bawl to cleacont, area - lons bo seuelrlng thole WI ehults.
Tiler win to almal al a great reduction Irma former
prima. and Ina than raatern amt. anal
, New Patterns •
?Antifaeloartjes, and for Pale at the old stand 17.5 mlg
Scams and Desirable Goods
OF VARIOUS STYLES, open this morn
.- 31 1 31L . Pitlr i tttlILC a laypiLl.jol. t =r
tlo i =g I!optm,: o iE bowls.
stwoollow L. Invited to tbrir obotm wart:meal of Frworri
Lawns. White ILoods (Or drerws.
z dfo wlL , l r. r i Zo. today or to-morrow. !rum Oct
LT PALSIES kw just real Ted • great •464.7 LLIN
Neuzauct Bmanetm, tome betut4ful , trui povel otyl.
Meat and Bore Braid. nrad•other Rota. . ,11
Goods for Warm Weather.
1 Last corner of Fourth and Market street. are wail
num. eel with goats adapted to warm weather. such ad
Socrteh and Frguea LAWNS,
Embroidered And genteel Muth.:
New gyle Victoria Sluellug
Berne. and Timm;
Plahe white Swiss and Nuil MUMMA •
hemp leo Lama
They have just received mother lot of NEW 6QUI&
mach ea Pustule, changeable Bilk. for Scarfs , black for do.,
black Mohair Ilitta,Lbde Gloves, thederaleevee, Dotted Nett
for do, mat plain 011igtman, D
dark Lin= Unease, grencle
Warn; and calla, Yalta Blonde, new et / le ROWN
LAWNS, changmble POPLINS.
Than want[anon vary full, v an constant soma
nona of rum Koala , and sold at Cowart ranan.luditoennatt•
are °demi to buyers to all and make Omit purebaaea
.W 4
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehoure
No; 105 MAKILLT SnnT
H. PALMER offery for sale , at vary
owlskm pricas.'• full sworn:non of Mtn.; and
" 53041-1 , yylelu sea (soar
want, Cattapntllt l tr.
Ahura tc, to
ILITS-31.0.. Youth?. .nil 11;iya brnteni, fumy and
yyfin Braid, Stew, pa amid n za, n n i , a i and Palm fat It,
dLex filrricy.../anny Lind. sod Ether form.. l 0 W et.YrL
"" ;tVllli h tiralch Bouriat end Scarf, plain
fent, all widths and color; fancy Colin and ' egt , ..o" ,ir . -
LACES—PIain fignnid Oil. and colored
Cotton Nett..
STRA II iRIMMLNGS--CordaTateela, Buttons. Braids.
Pelerine4,olc, ac.
FLO ItßANS—Yrench and AELPfie. SPVdP• hunches sad
recaram, rieh and novel rill..
alert . Ura
and co Ithinc,• Florerme, and other stylee, samtled
- AA alsties
T/A`B—Assarted onalißea and cobra.
Alm—Bleb and low Mired Pirsaeli sad Bmbrelia4,Yland
Boxer, ta. An. • • orbit
ACCALight in t i;u - dy
Y l O
and pecially adardad to Hummer wear'
I(lbally. es Black Canton Crape. Bow/ruin, and other
etylea of Mourning 00034—• full .I.n/slant.. to, bond
at the afore of MURPHY A 111111ANIVIELD.
WM. N 0.120 Ulm= Pratte,
very large and nuterfor Mock of Vaabletuthir Ursula
adapted to trent/emees Wur for annum cumpng the
newest styles in American, Englialt. and Breach Cuuo
memo: a eery oplatulld easortment of Trairt% i i and Cloths
of « eery fealtionabla abode and MI.: +WI , . etherarttl,
t12,071!:011 Hell mantWctunJ . rock a! , rook; a roe of the llatal'and beet
atorka wectof theitllegherder. all at which the PTO ' prietbr
delartollial to offer at such pricer aa will °online.. all
who favor himorith • that not only the moat ebperior
Clothing timid at Mb eslablildnaont. but .1..1 the or
eon prices in lbw , city.
AU oxen in th e Tallortog hoe executed teueual, m tOO
best nw
cb sible manner, end .0 the Out - tart mtln
• - --
6 imustaatti Ms Sprint Stock 4
.ez mp id Dg la pArtthe following raziotl4
C.pou, do. do. l'apear,
tin t do do. Ore= esti..tut:. slig , u i pertozo 3
littq a -14 ' ,.,:ad 24 twi d lfel 4. 4, f 1-T t ar:22-;
pui. do, 44.34, 3-3. Ma 24 rind =I '<eaten do.
nava tlbentile Bo too do 0104 re tufted dn.; tizo
eti °* ee . d ztelr ':"" ti do. dd. " ;
Cronin Cloths, Felting do., Sick nit 124. 64, and 2.4.
clothe, rut to t sior size ball or roc..
• Ad C e *1411400.Dr0 th.ft•d u o , do. do `
34.74 Ce 4 11 , 1-1, Lt d.:4 CAI Cloths.
Also—Stair Role, otall sissu Carpet Elluilpgr, Llzzger•
petiejtatt do; 64, 44.andS4 neltingii; Table Lire., Orivls
111134 later, Ilockebuek do. Itinarnrent 26 1Zebonniltir .i. T.
Huff 'Airdrie llollaads; 'fealties, minds. Embossed o
Corers. if...Tat:341404 do. Stud do.: Woretedirable do.
itau.uted and purrhaso2 our stockzilreet Uts
mat al e itattari44. Wag of the Utast mud nem az
mond styles and color,. we are prepared to sell to our
frz.d.e and trindonien, at wises Aetna , ran 9.66's
"g zs,, '" zo ' rnlag " y ''' inel l4tg'n tu 411 to C eall 's" oeui . minine our neck. 00
.The Carpet Warehoeee, 85 Fourth etrect.
. m0h1.9 W. IdoCLINTOCK.
The most Eztraordinary Du roomy in tha Worid ü
Ma grate Arabian Remedy jar Mum apd Bead(
H. G. Farrell's
:,rr=rirn " N.;.;lrffmm
of au lulartt's.
Scurry, Salt Itheuto, and Sur., are out only 4.1.1.
rum] by a, ow, aa at lariat 7 ptyrdelatte to h. York Yu
who tow It to Aar-6 euev, .4 lam! It uttfalliugv4-1. aleo. I.
Plaaple, blotch... Freckle. pr., othenakto due.. the'
noider.iv amurral that Ith I. to tiavitat. puifol Itcwuvottl, tut
pur trial will prove. I extvalit enuourtat, at !not eighty
erwns tivrtvl of yore haul. Dore leg; and NU. beard.
Bay It—and the reveler ia µtato ...utvl I .0011 auger. ,- .41J, .411 a fur the .burr, oulees I knew it w be all I toy.,
lhotto • Le to, to eractevt,or chappe.l
will Lod this out out> a vary, but a prevouhre - .d I c , o , p
sow on rid, that •o y vue sealed with sot of the alvoot 4
(stilt:oh. vti.ocewes, will Lod this all. awl .Yen note. mato]•
rable to its properta.l Chau I tuata.
re•vder, tite swrie are ttou.l,l • 4th to u }
sod be bare you hr -ha.ase liallauChetatcal thvap—ao t i
buy it nary of IV !I JACK,N, cult l 0 littehuritl4,
lowa 4
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, t
t. tuial for LiSiiieti..—Nrailaid b. bet. utb.r. nru fitiuvrt-
L1,um...1 :tint it tht4r tire:all
tiwth ilimayaid. dart rennio, 1.4 eincruli,il with
Mai :eta InaJ' Awl., I'm was,'
tlio• whiz... 114 mud brrAth
rare •
st &GA-.
A :3,ibut.stio Hair Tonic, Restorer acid Brum
-111.1.-11,1 14tt1,. 271 g, r-hts rhos.. u sot
ltgrze' Rootterer. krarst its exerll , at gLsl.tto .. —
thosso who ha., oat, w.
lt rObACHI the•toilametng
41 , Sghtteg-11 will tors+ the h e r to grew go may put wt,ew
utsruze tutus:led hair to grew; stop it nluus t 4 mute nut/
or ttgrutruth god make llghh rat, et. hair kruw dory For reu,l.rirtg hair rest mud !ilk,. upthrust out esaw..l
tho-1t mAges It truly too/5ta11...4 6.1 keeps It o. lt t. , In
dote. lb. me4t erewoortegl—,4 superlor--otrtarl. , ter the
. - .
P-tc-...-17.4 nuns. So oeatA, awl
JONES' Solution of Jet. a Liquid 11.u.nan
lielr Dye. I, the chanatiw of whit, red, or Mi.) ho:r. , —•
bewitiful bv.erc ar black jet eo:or. In a fe• Nin o ter
I:rieva—.do cents. tr,ol.
taoned £011..00
ni thu ammo. pm:a:v.l llhalla They
rieththaill 14111,10 u., it Wto.tb• gitite
hoar Eneux. how rvm¢b, hoer aallner. yebt,, rol u.
tba PrararetWietllC In .11. a.
IN;.te i ra '
e7r;ramel s'""
call /glace' ps.ea
hllt Ully hva.
It II Innocent. teriza:l , lazif.i.l of all deleiera n.
..guallti, and It Impart. to the dinlnman,
ar..7, Clef, white: at the , olloo utAng N
ea, on the t 2 /u. toakin, eall Frond..
'Bold by the Acavt. WM. JACII.,ION, 1.0.. r.
hood .r rit4t.erirl4
Cotoponad 8 .. p -up Yellow - . Dock Root,
fIiCCUPIES the front rank among the pro-
Afr pruter,
.m.dtclue,e of tot , moat", for erwaple,ly
curing Cantor. Salt Itbrora. Erialtwbss. and all ...tbe,•.,
arintog Crum -an lgo_paw &tat, of the Wad.
Liver . ...k, litroslachne.
Comght. harvueso anti Tightness& about ths Chem LIN,
chitc, or boamenews. Orion. and a tieltlitut mor.ats,n
about th e , thtvat, sod Is used with onproewdent..l
inall ea.. of
"mate ircaJrnens and General Dailey.
Stroirehoning the weakened body, kthing tom to ho.
Tail All isthmus. and norlgorathig the enure molted,.
If the testimony of thousands of hiring wiuthrasa,
all parthof the country, tan be rellol upon, it in Angular
ly ellicachm. in curling tai Humor. and mato-Aug
ted and broken dean constitutions. It fa purely
hie In its composition. and so aocitratily thathliml in the
rer iror b' rino l'usuoitT.d"o' pro
Purify the Blued.
lr nes removed man ythirorrlc dleamea which base tamed
the of the beet phyekdarni mid has aim mired Cantor,
fah ahem. k.restwls• and Bciniula, which PArettherille
tempi entirely failed to make the least nonnusinn upia.
It hoe t ter,/ In many easee of CANCEItOhd
MORS me moth °birthrate Canner. hose beau euriel by
this modlolpe. Pie air that It is a •efnatdc medicine in ail
BILIOUS COMPLAINTS- It remove. all obetruenone
b ad reunnitne. rendering the Liner fret, active. esti heal
ty. It removes Palpitation of the Meath, end relo ere in
all cum of Aetlidna, and may be weed in all climaies. and
at all magma of the year.
Thld Syrup IN prepared only by C. MORNS • itn
localtain erre, knee/Jew., / and sal. nholeenie and
N. 1 inutraslWl.
br .
GUI) Anal Ci .. iPti ' iit:t - t;t7;tlripZ;;krJt,
m)6:7 Wazatiousa. comet Wood sad Matti Ca, Pitt it
B. T. Babbitt's Colebrated.Soap Powder
IlrAtilllNG without labor! Warranted;
7 to mks the Halve out of table' Ilunen Lod or.y,
Yl=Mons roe lieh—Put your clothes tu •
kinantlty of cold water Cu MTV/. them, then •dd two Labl,
etemnfule or thts'Emer l'owder. Imoh quart. of water ,
thewith the clo th e.; if the water It hard. 611 more' of
the Ponder. Lud•holl them Gn Wont, In the mein tlrmo
P.m them down whit • 1
k, then Vol born In • tub mut
odd ruMtleut told water. nothat they will not be tbo Lot
to hmulle. Then rub Oa dirty meal., or in tabor *onto,
piakees them •
a thormagh hoeing.' and that I. mulchot tY
m theta clen.
. •.
N. S,—There being ad rosin la Ude hoop. It will I.are
at,. clothe. eery white, and no bed oily' etut,ll, e.k,
soap., do. The vallra met of the materiel need J.. w se,4
two teat, la complete a Wattling Of tea per.Lort.
Warren.] notsat or the clothe..
TOO le a•Patider that ,ma paper will Mato twelve quady
beet family ktoft Soap.
Damon., roe Um—Take, be nix quart& of water amt sale the Powder with it. Lad then let It boil: eity fir.,11311,1i
than add els quarto, mild water; Alt them 111111 pal
tie lt il b atlf " !.rri n tt . ;:t7 " tit " ittl a tl 1711. T ii•tijra',•,,
will 'rub welt, end will not .0. the heads o th er Kolt
Hoap par rat the elottea Osu b. teal with hant or nett
water, by mein.- the quntlty Into riy. -quarts ladead Of
twelve The Kett Soap k heal adapted 'Ts waehlng
aud woalleu ywla
Sold wholesela and retail by at E. HELLEILI.
No. Wont et.,
OTICD—The partnership heretofore et.
tt.; 0
1e314.1 ai tr of it. A. A Co,
I. dtmo/Vrtl lit zUtstUnt olinseitt.
Yo6i W E L IVA,
0011 . PLONTZ
Istlug /eterren the trad.rolgued, under tbr.flrm and
y e /d NI I LLIANI ,Ilises Iltrantsetimds.
I. MI. dluolved by limitation and Mutual =smut
hither of the utolerslaued Is milli/11;rd tosettle the er
mum. of the aid Ann W M. 11cCULLY,
Intb:tuareb,Jui, 1. I.l4l.slasnmn TIMS. ,
(:)O-PARTNEFESIIIiCTIie eutieoribere hove
entered lob. , eu-Putnershlp under the Arm Nod!.
At WA.° Oitrir ?TALI Vitet..l.4,
oat JOllO 11. 015aLY
ENNETT, BERRY & CO. have -removed
I V w tbstr new Warehouse, corner of Chancery ime and
mot slim, tf
Greenwood Garden.
A CHOICE collection of Shrubbery, Vining
iare'Vo . l:4, a 'e& b. rlL t r e T !; G :ir:r Y , t ' a u &
M arket
to grtl...rat s and num.. trih r ue ' lotonl ' in
timsosmal nursery An Omnibus leases tb x eornor , of
Horn[and it streets, Plttabuenh, every belt hoer, for
e Oa Ice Cream* aml other rafmstitosinsecreal up
in the beim...
. .
Order. addrrsood to tar proprietor, West Humbled,.
Aily,iwan , ca....Y. Pr-. will rec. , . prompt attention
11r21df , J. 31r.RAINI
9.50 rams dip 1.. Ray and Stn. Wrappine ?arr.
211)•• Crdela
• tki,bir Croarli •• ••
• ii.istirbrd
.0 '•
19 erior Pitt M :
Mc. Yap.
100 •
iiiip - Daub, Medium 24121 hinund r.
• imperial
34 •
ttr abort, wt. • lot of odd uses of pope., lit raid at
slit h"""
Pr"' Z.:tat/nor and Prattp Dm) 4 ' l,
<C•rti•37 of Muket and 8....01•011W1.
To Druggists aud Painters.
Pciuuris Pm= ranted br Qt. Gold HAW of
ahador?lhrguVat t":"roVg„Ilt."'
taint bar prolcul ttro dmort M:ws: brilliant tube.
of Patti Gra., taiumittont. and that con brimful'
iltboot dotrtmot to the Mkt and hoe rodusd pro.
coon to naTer&lar; unlemlto
LbntN bean tu4 . 4004=41,i . rdi Li; Ws .
pllettroluma prim. VlVetitscrat."'
: • .
cLARKE. P.Atuis A CO, Rocraerrk, Pr.onurror..a.
TILE PROPRIETORS or thli old and well
, I n jk o o an
~L . 1 . n % w t r . ld in f. f. u wim . th . ... nohlt h tp , te m ttr az
id receiving Freight en.f r E 7,tlth they are fully
147 '. 4 r1. 1 . - .7L , qo l 4',t,'ll.°:.t.c .— <,ol°J,,nd L"ItI:
Line will Le ronWantly at the bandit+, , -low th . ' n l. , ""w
nab.. Bralge..torwelie frelsjht. . .
, . JOUN t cAuattE I , Ati.t.
'T' 00k, ~,,e Water and Sontline . ,we . Pat3ntar,,a,.
h W. Otwantnatire, low Coo r..
IC. . thew, Pula, t. P.l
W C h
J I null, Sberplburan •
, ,n. A axe C Co. Orevnesi/a.
Ono Henry, Ilartatoww. ~
Ww. Power, Cunneautvilie.
.51. Reed Erie. PI, ' ..L.
- ii B. Wallbridne , ROO, N I .01
- - ----- Now Lake Superior Line.-1851. .
ripliE nevi - ateamer NORTIIENER; Capt. B.
r t
C. darn. baring eery
. modern Improvement for
n d o an , . : f , ,r n k er wl , ll .aj r ;(l7 .. ... , n, ere f o i s r l• t ry. the g
Friday. at t',.% o'clock. P. I„ for the Saul Ste. Marie.. '
.I'h. noes, MANUA TAN, Capt. JO. CA.I.D4My, will.
lea,. Sant tlbt Marie , f the different landingi. on le..k e
Stiperlor,ot, the antral f theatoatner NorthernerFmaklng
'tenable weekly line, throughout the Nra.ol3. between
I.4reland and the C..opwr and Iron 31Ined.
t. a A. TURNER, Prontietore,
,f..;),,7 , e1and. 0 2 Atorll . .:Si, Mil —tf .
Manufacturer's Line.
s P „ P h r. iS.O._RE FOR 3 j ; F: : D
Is now In full upereg,u, walk lacilinay of
to carry a ler,
..Ptanntv of fro:4a tr, Philadelphia and lialthnore, unt:and
trun,Aippmg, In IL, 'hurt time. and al ~how rat., a 5 toy
.li, v..gular Line. •
arvangonente hero situ bona mad, lot carrying
We, Frvight to BLaingvWs. Jo/ram:m. liullldayslairg,
Water Bthet, alexandna,Tetersborgh, Huntingdon, Mlll
Curd.. New Ramat. , McVaytown, L.wlrtown, Might,
elara F.Rry. litrrisburg.Colulntga, arid all oth.
Ini,onnedlata points on t h . PannaV•vanlaeanaland Port
aora Railroad. Unclog return loada 4f Iron ured
the' Juniata, proarE
up w.l tnem and regula ri ty in alriptnenn, to
the. af,ecal.l nolo at the lower: rate, v tflio
Warchou., labertv arm..
tdella-tt r.,a,nd door wart of :tie Unsl.
TEItEST IN lllNGliaji'S tn Arr,ther,
OE BINGHAM. IL builtauss Ilttabut gh her.-
Ittl , r Lr traxv.act+4 lb, FITI, of • • Wta. litighati •
to'j mchl• WM. lIINGIIA
Bin g ham' rransporfranon
giaggE lB5l. 41. ft
Tim CANAL being now open, we tire to,
Iy to s ol.alvo and forward prompt',
3 , o - rharotlro. .a.t and went
Frolgbta alwayn at lolvaat rate, tllu.go.l•t.l- rno.r.nstLid
Pnaluto and Wert - tenth. ellit..x.,:earadaa/ forward...l
.an - and voet. without any 0h... far fm - va-rdlnit
Olny, freight. co=airsion. ne ttm-agd
iilllx . of-Lading Laroamted and 111 dmr - tlona futbi ..f
:it...1.-Ito Adam , / or apdy to
ICH DINC/1 e CV.. Ca . rial
a Midi
t..rtwoon Fourth and Timone. Philudelpt.l.
J.131E1! ILSON,..tont.
• 182 North lloword llowt,lalt.M.c. a
Nay - lot •
t# , ..._ . - 1851 P 3 s_4o=wir z .--9
Merchants'. Transportation Line, ,
yta; CO,
,A. AtrANDLTI /I CO., C. 1311 a. n. our Pepo tre.t.
PitLlhu neh
CLIARLES ItAY Nua. t...utrO Block. ProLt Areet, Phtl•
We ex. yrupare.l to r... , .-n. a 14,0 eettuuut uaerel, u,11,.. ,
at.,l ;valuer to /hip on he upening ,,, l the tu..uh. 1 0 'LI ,
elphis, enut all int , rtnedlete plerteL=At low. r rate.. u t ft.
le., time then to too previous...lm. •
E N II The infoettr.l nuinheruf Truu,t3 rrovi ”,t t.l
thethe Lepel CL'isauLuilauets for catrying our %.olito II the
Pailiumln, nill ntresost CO Neeitillta of d le, at
Juhustcoru. 14 . 11 ded.h.rti "r C.ltOnh , .. th , . ' . ....t.•
lebl> . l'unel Du. u
P tg . er ! tB5l ..!-_;•_,.,7,
To Shipper* of' X' ercira,fabe Produce
TIT CNN .01( PrINNIN, haP., NNio N
Ave., Balthaure.•
CO., Novlrktrin, No.
CoMmerer at m.. 1-1,i1.1.1phi..
$. TAYLOR 0 SON. Ad.A;Nrr,
Usual . Pittabuz
Ovid • aro prepanN. of tilt Nun-y
tuc , utrart tor rm,ght at as vick ,
ahlOparg as much depFat , hautl c.aro At, oetott,Ll,l
1 ' 34 7
Pittaburgh ' portfaion Line
JAMES O'CA,, , NNOE.. Pitphor. L
Ca.. bvt,ta Urusd and Cllrrry I
and No. 3 SAattl_lourtb ear,. Marl ft ou I begt.
out ntr,ta,
NOUS k CO.. 70Norm atrrat. Ll.M.unuy:
. . .
1A r full; rum pI o tost our .IYrutyrt,
urn. no *III I e prepgrA ta,uy thg cper.lty.; .!
pp rata
Cenr.l.. cur, (might 1 .:: from egy.
tram daltlmore, I . 2..l:yirlptin, New it/11,11.Y,, Ca)
"tuna.. I.yuisylllr. 1.1 12.u.t .ad Ail the 1.2 n .2 et
I,Wer nameslut nth arri rut; 11.22 -or th
iLint. All gru te:hIID."I In , err Law grg hall, r.4 , ',11
f ltuursze., without ear ehuge oweirry. a yr. gffgrdtri by any other Lir,
remuranucssions addrowd ogruirra re .12ent..,
QUI 2Co eynctunatt WO , b.'L.e.ttlArAlg, .an r.. 2
Oybky-nr, nth ;mug, ut..rtge.2,
42 . N. 11. (Ayr hyg ouncuttlectusy rthsturer nth t:'•
Philadelphia hud lttsburrh .11
tits t Co.•
to Mcladen .4 c 0 . c .,1,.,
• . Canal Bain. l'enn. S.
Penn, - .. Rail Road Co.—Cdstral Rail
MIRE subscril>tja hiOicig been lipp,
Ilnul 4hlpplu4 a.g . t.r.ta l'anittryivazda or GetatA
do. J. 41.11. that ttra T..ea pamr
wire toy or pr...11t, for ebt
tart. , •
(Roll ria thla ricut, 0,11 cr.hrimt through Inch
a.tul 101 cccorolmoa!lo ca will 1.•• far - war-1.: f,•cc c t
tit. ur
1.70 •,1 . NM..C.-nil. •
Drj 1.1.4; Shoe.• floolt..litatiounrr,t'v.tler , .
t,la..r), }rums, !valb.,rp., run:tit/1r". bro . , ,
Etn.r.. , at, rwert,,, Pui Pre
L...atlwr. Cloy. r. Tu..othr' nmi ~tll.l Oro
r—t, if ult.,. Lard. Ina.. Ni.
'F.l.r. ()rain
APb..Z. I
aqua.. •.12.3 vu
1111,-4 jy9
Freight received for all the Way Stations
on the Pennsylvania Centrid Railinad.
.., Art „„
Mount col,.
g:n1 " . , e 4 g711.
/p . m,
V , .lltraarr.,
,4 .1P0rt..
UzJ A.lam irru,4 : :,,,, J .k.,,, : r. i r. i . ir.. , ,
nr% Net; ..
Jrn . rt VilLen.
:'. 11. clo.rk
A• ,CrOt
U. Slolurria ,
31.pber.ell . 4.
J. Walla """.
Wbake,l,7, " ''''''
Ith•harlnoel,l .
Join Lounakin ' = " •
Eowder & Ilatb"r.
John lluret.
111th, ~,I ..rns , 4 P., C un V ll 'l l ' { ./ A LULL.
V. s.,
Ni CON SEQIJENCE of the deetuee
Vasa., Lloe putzerslily buretc.forycsip , U.g
'advt. 6 Corals Is th•re.ty dissolved. Job I
r Mtn unzi, ul
PA KTN 11 Sli 1 P
co4orir. '
Mandan ¢ thetde
1A.164103,1 of do Agency of the
W u n d er Amin (der tatt
th al e [lama a Eat:roadnd rtylc Undnrany arsrl Isefeatier
mrnr of l'uun and Wxybe ,t,...-
ttabura,b, July u 18;4.-1,0
itgricultnral Implements.
lIAVE JUST received from tkre Eat
folluw4ng ,utt,l•u,euu, .01. of the tent./11/4,u
„ the mon rv , %•ta noeutiow, Istgi I ~:tild to
i , ers c, call 8.11,1 ~allie 1113 00411
r 111122,, Ilar.hhom ton cora, hewn, boets, turnip
~ rain 11r111. Int when,. nos .., nod h.riet
Lk rnCobt:runhero, ,
l ' ro r' s• B :go l l ' C r Zna "r Bt:l47 " e n ti j i[t " g ‘ ! ' lt l i ' s n".,
S'l l .'2.P.';',Tht,'S'AT:i. lialt•rs.
..tnel Grain mud Ur. , dythoN and 11 , ..
true] two, thr, ood fiate prn., fork.
i curtuul.clunA rtun, the t.. 1 ortatern.le. Old
•• Drug uod ~...1 Smr, of
Con.. of dIAL
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish.
ATENTED, July tb, log:SO.—Fur giving
- • tiißuttivi Oh.. Cntebricn, col
, tn.. d.c . Ind elf., yrnnents the hen auto
ering Lieu, dn., and hrnynuln Bunt hnnra rihAlay u.
thn tr., end chnhhlun nuthhan ITUIIIIIII,
Irectionn—Put • run. the er.. n pnn h. • 4.1
when Wiling; irou hrint.l).
nen So
. F.:), rntar per Cake hb
Id whlieir retell hp
lea It 0. SELLF:II3, nt
CARD.-1 have have removed to toy t y store,
citizen, and receive share nint.,au I mill
p • anry large 4 ,, ortsuvni , IL:,l%and dB
R.Curisd 11•1 r, Spring, , oon end 11.4,314,44
• Reviler Ilvds. B.,lst,rs. anti
nterrAne, aml.l.,unforte. W 1046%. thade.....l
Dour Mats, und o'er, artias usually an
.1 extol:mho establishment, of t 11... kind. Uniersrecpeet.
1r no altos and must promptly 011.1.
apt Wll. NOBLE, Thsn, sOnaat.
• -
muKvAl LEk:
IHAVE just received from New York, an
toh4 I. lot of now sql.. WINDOW Ct/IiNICL, so I
MAIN EIAND: , . For +al.. low.
PECTACLE s!—Vie hove vomplE•tt:
.toot of Gold. ellver and .94,4 try4l
lity .of cony. end cones,. Wen:no. W., ot I.
y variety of vision. secordin,., thr, box: przncl,.l,,.i .
loot i ) 44 1
- _ IV it, W Los
ANURE AND HAY FUltli.g—A goco , l
supply of Warp, nelebrat,l Ilay and
urn Ports, on hand and for Rale at raitern prima, by
Ar,.nt for Harry , : it en.
Anthracite CoaL
i TOWS just received ,
, iL euverier srtiels
1 lb ' """ " 1'",3,.4.1,'...;;..rjia7'1'y. 0).,
.:i Cannt Itutn.
Copper Stocks.
,TE HAVE orders for the Stack of earl
ous 11.1t1111., Comtutaeo, of Lattn lutp,ri t .r. n o ,,
tarty, to null will plF , alo call, or :Wan*-
It'll A WILK Tv: 4 ~,, .
Pure Brandy, for Diarrhcoa,
FAR IN MIND: vo.ll,:cilrow•b
8 =4 ,, cm: can I T olanalcd La 9161i1l Ir .
Mart. in tle Diaufor.d. at se pr quart ur
ACKEREL--100 bble. to .
arsiv. , and Or aur by
lIQUOHICE ROOT--51X) lbs. for;3l - 4;
A t SYLLiala
- -
Office of Commie wry Den'l of Statsurten ce ,
IvAiumrros. A4lst 2, Issl.
\ ,
n; F: P
t AR ATE PkOPOSALS will be receiv-
Vl: ; l`4,lt . b t ! tn:' , l , T , V ,, : b i e .WEY ' r ° il,:t.,'W , ..g e .
Crc,o, of the , Uttitcd Stabs...P.2 i ,22 ii; 2 . lonr , rf:
At Yor O r
Barro4s,r,Loiria ia , l4 \
174 baroda oh pork
.15 Parrots of troth suprrfloa door '. • \
.45 boshos of slew Is Isito !told toso4l
tie: coot& of good hoof soap.
.2: toutid4 of good bard gparar candles ,
.‘ 2 , buscls of good clean dr/ tillf salt
' 0 gallons of. rood slier ega ,
At Eaton Roug. Barracka,,Looloiana
FS harrola of po4
taor, of fro! h raperfrie dour' •.
14 usbels of hoar white:Sold beams
27. gads of goid Isard son ,
222 p4O2ds of goad bard sporm cantliss •
14 totslsolr of svod claim dt'y G. salt
2 2' .alb of good cider vinegar.
\ Al Kri, Werf, Florida..
4 . ~5 barrels bf pork
.21 totras of tresh superb. flour
6, bushels ot s osar arbito 0.1.1 baba
at (4outls of ' bard soap •
2. ei retl; ' o f f 1 U " Try m e.r.L i r
I ,
A,11.., 0,-,:,..,,,.f vzi,..r.i:i;Fru-from Fort TOICKIA,
. . 71101 all of 1111 Oill4llliehl.
. f Doric
t 4." '
. f frot sp,rtlnallapr
nest h *ls/11 Odd bends a
1 bail soap 9
r bard
.pers -
' clear: du - - - -
cider sir
a Piton
' \ r
. -il 1'
12a hnrrvls
reoPm d ie of
11 , gallons of
Itta , lsolve to be .
1.911, and to Crave Net
1 cider vinegar. -
nlivered La nit tha mouth at. April,
chinches by the 9th at February.
Al Fort
05 bed - rel. of yak
barrels or Deth su l / 4 tne your
h 5 bushels of now whit Cold teens
4To pounds of good herd snap
17 ri=o Ll ll ° Jt=i i
oo,6o , ma n e , l'gfjtor•
l'he *Mfg to be dOlivered lo 0114, 1052
\ elf Fart Gibson, Ark.tourcr
1,141..114 Of Pal..
barrels of teeth anirernne lour
165 busibell of now white Held beans
ihtd2l pounds f 4 gocAlm wap
gT,mt at * ci , ... 741r.„,1r
ebb pllnne of cuter
*pole to be g del era Well KAY, 1 11 5 7.
Af FOff eilig;st. Prof's
{,arrl• of pm*
barrrie Irma. a b ut lciptitisheis of now
1 1 io told
2.2enonils of tooth WV, ,
Ipourde of good ball r low 4114.4
42,butheis of mod de ry :the rolt
atu otlintto of goat okle rtheow.'
Tbe.wboll, to be dellvet Prom that/kW 11S.Y. ike -. 2.
tr.* 15th - June, 1651. ,
14plry, Mouth o erpip-winf-rtyer, 1010
witim,above FomStkelltny.
16 tuned, of tam WY.. oall o.
pound h taunt
14 bushels of goal clean dry tine Salt •
.C.d natl.:dot viol alder
f r om ,
Th. ishole to tei daiirereal from the Ist.? une.lo:2, to the
15th Augur', 1812
Airid ra
Leacc,4ll., AlLuoul-..
1:1; 0 r r4t 2. . 4 „,a., moo
... .Iblubelst of now whim told beano \ •
Mole , pounds of good hard waup \
011 ruZisclroollg".4l7l=r
kito:r gab°. good 004.0 vinegar \ \
i he whole tu be delivered Or the Ist J.!, loth
.4! Fort ,Scot:, on Mr Norma:on nos, Matqufh,
toe Missouri nu,. \
35 barrels of pork
iambi of Doolo Awn. tour
55 bushels of new white told bean,
ri74 mind. good hard soap
2.10 pounds of bf
good Lad soap eandie,
11 hushele of good dm* dry Itheralt
14J gallons of goal rider vinegar,‘
Tbs. *bole tw denvored by ober Ist Juno, lIMIL
Non ail bidder. are requested toestand the amend
of their bids for nth article, and exhibit tho total amount
00 even bd. tool no hid 0111 le acted vanish.. it epabr.r.o
.11 001101.. re,111,1 ai tval • .
The periods and cobant,rsea eb delivery at Uwe*
teats , when they aro not etweillial. wi ac ll be, one-fourth lot
J , tae., let tem.:ob.. lea toomber. 1860. and , lat March.
rue hog , t en t whleh the pork is packed to be 'fratoned fal
c.. o[4 ec hog to weigh not lees than Deo hominid
pounds, erohoLog the feet. leo, ram and I , oo3.Ekfe
may be subetituted for the Immo Tbs. pink is to to
first talnel witb Turigg Wend Rah, and theo carefully
planed with tho meae galore in Diet.. not •theeding eight
pound, early
When the pocking bits been eumpleted. the contrePLer
must furnith Lc: this oftena certificate from the touter
that the pork has been ea salted and parked The pork is
to be co e
ntaiood. seasoned bean of white nag b00r.!,..
full hibroth thLouie and mit ha barrels, end this soap
and rsonliee In strong 1.,0vi0 of oonveniant also for' tram,-
0.01 will out, be toeviel4.l by thelmorthatht,c4 thirty-two
quarts to the bushel. Tho rood!. to bare eotton wicks.
dovinotie for St Petite , and tort Itipiey must
et Louie Pir threw ultimate ateltip.l,olllthe trot ww peso W .5
Ayr,: 1652. and 'the store. for tort 'Ripley most pus Pt.
iieteds by Id don , 1151 '
O failure In :Lebo partleulan will 14 CODNiderol.l a breseb
of contrast. and the Department will be authorised to par
"lnov tc supply the..
The prerbions be Itothecthl at the time andOa , of
delivery, all expenses be paid by am ton until
they are deposited at such storwhouou as May be deargna
tebl by the agents ef the Department-
The Ceaunittoarr Otintral noose* the privilege ol In
usasitte or din:nolo/nog the quantities, or Of dispensing
With alpy 00 all Mdicles adoired nuy poet. at any time
Leta, 'entering into eontrul; thoi aloo of intresertir or
reducing the quantities of .4.1 delivery oneethird autaw
yont•to contract. on giving piety days' previouS notlee.
Bidders not boretefore contreepon are requlnCl y. RM..
pally tbrir propneale with ev denim of their ability. tnotb
er with tn. Lithos. cr th.reeidirlties.whOge responsibility
mutt dirtibcd tbilhetnet Attorney, or by some pew
ww, 0-111.114 W, to the t.hverninent. Moonrise thetr proto
..y. wall not to ad../ en.
adcanom itua Le muds an any mar, out endows qf tog
gad'," .u.ffiri7 doberryr ve,li te rwitienal at Ws 4..7mithofon •
itocindet witade amtb miors Precincrie for paireting,
wovb will be odertod In ouch publicmoney ad may be
1.11. winds of soapwort, lb*
or r.h4s.:= contracton, at the nen of
tO,. Trull
No drafts on thlo .111`bo aDowyted or paid tinder
thy cticumunencel.
bath pregewal oeilLies sealed in ;separate envekv, and
marked stroposals for Parrdr i tsnim linbaistaince "
lione-stelitors will rite mad tnilneerting in their pee
}en this alvertisonisint deas authuDord 0, do so by the
•uifiii . o.eary General of SIVA, .
FLOUR -50 bbl. 3. korapie'p extra tam
for \ s. t W. HARR/MM.
Itl)031,S-2W . doz: le sale by
UP ...elk
(IiIt:ESE-100 boxes Crean; for Bile by
LUGS--I — bbl. or gale
,!Ui S. R IT.sUAßllittra q.
MO , S .,‘ VI , T , ,B b AItS-300 A
, ro ;i t do t4le c d o Ind
as sr:',
It RI 111 PEI) RI BLION g --A- A. Is4tiox & Co.
‘,_.) hays jun nves,..d . , Fargo 11.14 ..f the abo , , rcd.,
coh , r,
} TONS--A. A.,3leZr
co. bz , . TS. , reed I,yrr ex pea o large asocrtttn.t
oats, Tarleyes,..lrted (viers
1„ 1 EW ESIIIROIDER 'S—A. A. Diesor:
Cn continne twat.. additional quantilhonat
a-dutiful nea th.
rolnviderha and !ell them vat,
as atirX j
6111.01.7LDERS2WO S4oulder
uF~ """t .1 m 7; rlta. E\t Cq
o I. prekrnd My thin bow I two fur mating• Iv ito., for ado by' \ _ \
zki Lawny
and tI
.t 1,64) OCO.A. SHELLS, rocei;.ed fresbfrom 6
rusbtscUtyvy. and fer gala by 1,1
üb•r r• T.. Ty.'
crudidod. pulvert.d. act% cruabad.4.l Ida
pr sale apt the lummtedt., br ru t t v ,
11,4;;1 . brar.i . s rittait
jRY APPLES--t bbb.
./ ..t.lvel - ibra Im. 1,1. by
111 UeIiETS-30 doz. 51suiettn, in store n•
tur foie Or twu J. B. CAN/111.8.
911013ACCO-210 bosen Ristunorick
/1 1 I1E. MANCILESTER PAINTS, .0* diire
, {,{t mon, at, 11.14 by as {o tb tt•kbuyer .
ch , r). qipil lotynts_
th,.. it{ {AuglJl T,"00.0, "00.0
AND PAPER-500 rms ass'd 'for sale b
a.OJ. KIDD a Cu.
' , ASTOR OIL-20 bbis N. I, fu
riLlo 1,..0 . ) J. KIDI a cv,
tOIN 'NkLANCES, for defecting Cunnter
, GLL Ame ran coin, M .11 Lleakonlinatiol). 114. Is a
r..uu.rk lutallAbto ant/wk.,
OLD PE.' A fineueortfitent of tfio ,
L...t.t wake In on band. and wsrtanted
In ewer and - for sale by
IFnlnu DICKEti
%lOLA SSES—tt2 bbis.
. „ P , liintstior , ..(oak;)
}ll ••
s ) . 1.4\'11, , W. kili,ll.3llPONlV,rr e
- , ,gt_
LI :SIEIRY-35 keAassorted) superior, tu
1A lb yrually sold to tlll4 market, for Ws t., ,
Q MOLASSES- 2 i 0 bbbi.
~., ,rTrpr- e m.:).`
1 E „,.•,,,, , , N 'A., CI ;NI N '. l7 ' lVA IL
•° , 414 , .r \" el
1.,:.' 11. MOLASSES-20 - 11 . B . nt!Te Wound;
i_. - 7 „\ 1.4 rale be R. A. 01 Ve LNIIIIAM.
lON _
.._ . l.leertrelreet
pIN ; APPI4: CHEESE--,Fpritlile 1:1y
\ . WM. A. 11kf..0)16 I CO.,
N.,.1,1` \ - Gresen. apzlVeat Dealer,
11 0L1....1) ItVilifKr.r.-157:kep New
1 - 11 .4 , 1 ,ii,' , 11 "" 4 "' "riiNib:A. McC.CViii iCO
S 1.-:G Ait , --140 11,M.1. prime N. 6:
- eo
i f "''' ',\.'' J. 6 F , A IIUTCLUSON
i i .; PIS. I'UItI:NTVICh-3011b1s. i
ki dee. e‘r e. , 1" ,', \. f,liCtßlON.ltAal
e. 25,
, 4)0
bbls, _ . ?;
ti PER MOIIAIR MI S>.r3ll7Rrur
`Pcecztrular h e r . \ ',Arm! .soria l os • furtbrr
risi 9t he atv, nci{c• la.nd dealrzt 4
• ~' 31.1. A a Lomb
h t o tot m . r k et ItottArlartli Wattants
\ Uht.t. ARNO 4)* Urb.,, , Cpoloft,
ttuelP xt to Butte of Pt h
cav ti Adams ty Tve.
or fa' ,' • J. lc ft. FLOM!,
Rou Church ,
ke inir' for sale hi
4 N. 1/.41'
. pod 5 Irei for ;ale`
LEL-30 bh e Large fok
t. . tsp. 11.0 YD .
i. acßfoi sale by ...
d. Muriettamarojfor aaJo
J B. C.I.J,P
pICE—So tic
Jur pra,
0. , 2 MACKE
_LI kr sae 0)
Pittsburgh Life liuti'muice \ Campan,y.
THIS COMPANY wiii„:Lineoporated in
Jg, .I:retirgary, 1851, lath a Pe rbelmal Chaa;bw, and E.
witinnenned banister.. qn a =pilaf of bildOdcat,
m att...7 does bugloss, both aced? dolhi Steak and
On &doled Stock plan the rates sell.l,4as than.
Dane by Mutual Companiea aratllfteen dace Celia
lower t.I
rat e rases of most btcek (Sthipahleti. \ • .
Med es ansatha same as Moos adttpt.b.i tiy otter
lushly co nistad Companies. Thom Wanes... Slip ear:tutu.
al DrinciPlaturfa the conslidtivd aecinittse to.l.- bed bribal
fire/ 0 1:1 8 %1
, sal k nce„ =amt rte Capital and Surptsarutid ot
' TheMbartTir tishalts the granting of inintrat4 on life.
avert' b
\ including tbe richt of insure inAato
Mita. nrlationa,frianda or crsdlionv—to Dot at
atherlisr tbstirisseri erelusise benellt.palaticeftet4tlcath's
or up= the witis arriving as the ace of DS, bb. ao.lif W.• at option of the insured.
1 \ James . . oan. Deesitlens_. ,S„,
Samuel leant tan, tics Presthr.t. • t
Joseph b Leech, Tleasurvz , ,4„
\ \ Charles Calton, beenst.y.
e \jsmi4d. Deem. \ , dosalls D. Lasgb. •
, d r obitisKlttiseortn. \ • (Dairies A.Caltda.
Bemusl.)cfllurtan; \ Witt pbilllps.
J. A 1, %Matto. •
\ 1.4. Of Maxim
Eloa. 'Wiltias 'ICI/Lica, lataliecretat7 of Ws=
Ilon. Walter sward. late ae.setary of Tress - tar
kb i e: o lia ,,i ts 4l,\.}.A Ce4i , l:fof ,. ri o ttaburgb Bank: •
. \ sadiatnatt
Hon. A. W. Loomts, A. U. IfcCalnsont, E.
' • \ \ actmcat no• An. \
o GRadtmg Paana
Josipb Oszataln. M. M s Rilltain•Addlacct M. I),
Jeremiah Druck& M. bi., - 11.0. gdgington, bl. D. 1
• \ o \ C-anniebuigs Payed:ha
Learns.] Dthanitb, dt. 7 bmithtteldatreeti
Retest Snydatot. da l Fourth ativet, • •
Joins Cranfm 4 l4l. D., iiiBl.sth shags,
Wm. MelLgiorgan, Ai. 11 .. ..107 Liberty Wring
Dr. Dilwort h labs its in ndassea at thealboe. every
_ d• Alfe l oltbe Consperd \ Do. :k Fouslb stralt. ' ,
irn,..un,s ~, _ \C. A. COLTOD. hater.
State Mutual Eire Insurance
BRANCH OFFICE-'-N01,54 Surrunnu
• -
• •
P 117511 ROW -77,
Inca Nay 10.1061.
PBE best evictence,,o the success Ot\ the .
ilastars la aplearciting to • OSTATE .4fUTC
IYErINSLI734.NCZNO.IIP4 NY-meet tbs attd.• Of
w h o eotatOoaity, 1 s the unpartillded anidurot of btsiness
wich Ilse bran dour: bialogdeettrl4; f ooo Po ll e.las distioit
the pad year, thereby addle otos 30,000 to thatortd•
of thechao)ps.oj.. Nearly all dm popery Insured Is of the
rolt 4 , .41 • htrittProt•rtlosi tosored
forte:ll outlets
Whol•Na o Pol Islas ... \ :POO
Do Do . do.
o. etp‘rd.tsrmlostud. rancel'd, 1/3.
Amount of Properiy • 17.606.410
Do. aoseled,taratisiated,asplzul-62./1,71.1 00
Do ht isisareol
Ns tifed — orSiirlel .. . ''aftr
Cuh Pte.:gusto raerdred. ...... 41,357 4 •
hoi amt hewea and sirpeometpall...t.4ll•4.s •
lit faros of the Du In cash— • 332,324 40
tir country of W.
Lod owners of dtr•mogs,
tdull•oll4.d end otooitt7 PrODerty. It le basm.s Qat tau ,
way arlordastlessittrot palti t
genl .
00,c14..01tratlrm k eta , sa i itttf . a . t33. Nal
of Clatudloati. of . 11/•ks, esoludlutt apoolal surarus.ll ,
soling Only % OQ /2211•41 modal. loan, eon locallty, thus Pur
clad/tag 'the near: and,oecurrous• of taro Ina arut
alto on both the hack and 4lutuar phut. lt not crolyle•
mars the :lg./qv. Lad secommohttlon of both ittst.
J I• uci . to 4cr the_ps . ts.
- Dlres" tors, , o ut,b o tic" , A • Vrj U J E" ' ToVi
Alum A tarries. tato C. teutg•lsk ue ones.
&lota Johu 11 John 11. Kutberpad.
-LP. 31131131./ItD, President
A. J. (i parretery.
A. A Caws, Actuary. ` otyll ,
N. 21.—• SorpNeldtral of tfteeti per alba 40 exptrued
Polities Ise term deslsreit by taw Darstors, and 14 now re ,
vett - able at th. /Ortrate el! or redeemable, lo cab
at we end of 011.03 data' A. A. CIZALIA: de-
r' Fire Insurtmce Co. of PbiLora..
. 'RECTORS: Cliarles W. Baracker, Geo.
. W. Iticharda Thoal.‘rt. Mordecai D,./wswis, Tothul
Adotea E. Bosw,ThatoselGrayst, David 8. E.t.a
le%rtt;d , • Morrie worst. T' .
CHAIM tX,. V. BAITICSER, Praeident.
S. tti U. liancont, horra=.
Ttds ' h.. Danes to 0 Inattrazwa. I:KM:wine.;
or Waited. us Slay, daTwooption of Property
toort? 001
countrqratcs as low Tv are consistent with security. :
The pony hay. teemed a •barga contlaneut fund.
a mph,. Abair Capital and PrecoluresusafelY ihrestwl:
afford anaplappotaction Ti the .aural.
The esecto fibs lb= y.y.ou Jarit4rB 15t.d.051. its,poic
tiabed ogrooably to the art of Awendrly. were as fuliowa
cis'— t
fteiltilltk . ......
..... 7..1:1...7.7 i.
:1 \ TV 4
I Zo n e ' ro 'ror' \'''.... : \ 53,96 i 9 17 • !
' O 1 SOO 6
Cada, ato 04.31 lil
44 '
alms their ineforfarbal • periodof ZI rears.' they
bars paid ,upward• °ta. Your linsdrefallooa•md
boilers Lows by fba. theraby affording oridoure of Llau ,
.adventaae• of Ingurtnee..•• a• 11••• their ability...lnd db.
bucitual wraset Trich.proaaarfoaaali ff" , aiff-to.
• J. Lialtbb bat WFYIN.
•010 Offlca S. la corner of Wood and ad es.
Penn Mutual Life Insprance Co, Phi.
c . d. 2. none), r., ..lecentali No. 383 Libertr
at the hatter cuovatdonne of \w teliaily In tbs.
lower part of the city. the snout may alanno found
from 11 to 12 and 2to 3 o'clock, \ counting ranuof
J. Sehoontaaker Co, No 34 Wood stmt, whom all hoots
lacy inlormatdon will better. and communicatlona pro,m3P
ly attended to. Pamphlets expialnlntito principles and
benorda of Life Intl. - anon. acid. blank orittu furnished on
CafAlk. Nig 0vej143.3.044 and coitrintly
Jan. al. t eta ol. = lll •
Maxine, Fire, and' Inland Trangortaton
Insuranc e. TlLE Insurance Compeuly of North .kmerici,
PhUsslatiala:-.ol.llllgradifitil iv tit i p34l44l 6 .4ntott•
'intd/utPlint tltt;di t atauta, B ll Wad!, and Onlyultyp e* W.
property of atucy d a2tytw,, ahf/npad Par Eatant C 9844
and other refuels. /omen by Inland transportation or on th.
Annoy 0.001110. Prec. Thomas P. Copo.
timcioel 14..10nea. JUL. Et. ha
Ed wand Fmk], , It/rJaard kt Wood. r s
John A. Bonen William Wattle. •.-•
Bann* F. (od d,, e • Francl•
• Eamttel Drools. 8. !walla Alliboote .
Charles Taylor, • Wrn. S Boson,
Analtroal IN Otorgo Aspinual/. — • r
it= 0 . 1:1181.,
this Is *a oldnft/co• Compatir lituto 11.020, kturted llitat4s •
and from 14 atandluc, long enottien., ruetam,
and avoiding an risks of an extra on. enaracter, It
EMT be conaolorted as oflenng Iklaphs Ile.rity 10 the publle IN JONES. dim;
fat No, 141 _Front Matt
Western Ingusinci Company cd.Pittebtrgh.
CAPITAL 8300;000. R. •DII,LLER. Jo.,
• Proeldent, Gordortatecretary.
11,1 brume ermine% klmle artifice, Firenn , .l intruen
All WM. Will be Ileumlly artnartad sad promply pale. •
A home Inultution—rennagel, Intutore echo are ne/1
known In the ummunity, and nbo are determined, by
promptnets nod hberntty =Munn the alieracter
they have shunted, el eitterr tize vest protection u, thee.
vello desire to be Insured, ,
Dlaccrat — R )t Ikr,JrJ, iJeo. Clock, J. W. alutior,
Rotondo, Jr..,Ww. U. /lane& C. II:mom, Coo. W. Ju1...,
14.. 61. Lyon, Jamos T Llppiit s. eott c, thoorgo 10kri40../nonnt
lu ogo;o A No.::4, 1 W Lot' otrooi, (warehouse of 'Sysn .i g Co' o,
Delaware Xittnal S ---- aietylintrraneeComp'y
Nur :CLIA NOE. Third Wert, Bhilralelphic' \
irat .idiatt-MaCebTinildiate, Niblebuidtie, and other
Mt P a r iiP= t=t7n7t . ., Or , Mance dnancmos.—They alto Joann ., Vessels, Cargoes.
'pad FrelOite, fonctin or cscrtwlee, UridC2, epee or cpetta.l
potldes, 01 Oii° \
\lna. Tacearocr.rotr.,They also haute Merrim:ll.
tranaported \hy Beate.. Nall road oars, Canal .Data, ad
Steam boats on rivr. =id Nitta, on the moet/lheral term,
Increloim-4owaph 11.Seal,\Cilonnad A. &fader, John U.
DBobert Bud,. John Rl,Penreee. Samuel Glwarle,
Oreepe O. beim. leincnt ParldistorL Lomo rrom.. we
e.. Falwell. Jahn Newlin Cr .11. Einstein, James C.
Theo Silas •Jonee Brotits. Henry
Chines 1 11 ' 4 e ft J o 4 hTsoc ran• ii 6 1. - 7 '
tin:a Tref: Jr • 4 ,7 " '
. PoreternatiL.l), T. !Inman. Busch Act.lg.
nLP la. \
aaaaaac ybbybb lde T/306 Vto Prosi.
ofqbe Company, No. tit ater strt,t. PAM;
(oetintri \ MA DEIRA, Agent.'
ObßLLabli.\-Ettory. \
I ,i
76 -Amt:
- SIM t. , -
0 Will a ILL I.r
O 5. "--•-,-..
ti '=`l --
r cent; Stiength.
OIX'T,LI, F TOILER A CO., . antifactu
,lza7p3a2lja k=srtl'4Z:V;:;t:at ß. ''. .
AlA . .V , "42,l2'nfil%T=.,;.'ilTii,:,
at Oren umagit ptiem , ap1,7:17
, d 4iquors.
No, V Attorti at , F,,, &Do w crackerfactery
D M r v, of Ptttikb.d..) \ i.4.rroavg.m.,,,ttt , S
, X
1 ,1 1C .6 ] , [ SEN ..t.• STOUVENEArespeatfulli
lug . .u. the poblitiortr v all r . aod their frk. x
Malß Y AVl. th alqra'at= 4 b i," 7 o' I
vlt'l It ' 1
r=trVATlT.lT,Vi r % b 'r:Tri: . ,. -% .,4r.& ~, v,
io.i=irea k -4=, : t=2. 4 =.1 1t , He r.) ,
,1 / 4 q1i.%,'1,b4:, 1 / 2 1,*.r zr,V,14, 1 31-!,
L'a t z,ls:,...l7 t .t c rt'actit:=4;t•t:fitin c ci i .' .,
l't Ui!ii,.‘s \ 11‘111711..10ri. a. 'a..%,'„
purelir. atm.. , \ \
girfasille• w rihtd \ 1.0. 1 -D DID. at Mk
-- I , D•T
Lewis s 'latent g,entae Water Filter
S Nalkt_u li4ecem. ill peration lot WM..
TATE A whi tuntmai, 'N 10 Fourth ,80 o. h.e.
2 7 .1) trtirltc L eet• Pt 1.:1';' "'; o l'ltt ß Al ) ter ll , a b_es " ' 4l ' i
,k 4
li Gold Model
to the e u rk l er..lnetitotte Of :New York,
and • Certlll te froth t FroVlttlo',Daktitute ft' Phlladel.‘
It; " 1 t ';
ten ll ' I L' r itiClY..• ri e 4n , ril—Vr.
Bb ltl k r o
t ' ffr fgoo r l r bt , 1 4 , Pli •
of u• the folloett are e eat can .
, , PULt-tret:. 31ereLPth • 1801.
It glee. me greet VI requomeud 19 the loon .•
Fore. elm. water. the Pedant itkIAWAGT Filt , or.i.•
ef Mi. Le.i. ,14eInt Reed hue path for sever.
. 1
1 ..'ll'll.r4.\*PtlßAlSl;bist'l'eteet."
_', _ '
~., . PUlhortrutyl oz.teh,t. u r !
The Patentj arstlelo Water Ft ror. *mob
Pummel L 1.1.14 ual 1.12 la me er r =e ro4uth ...
Che vto reltr:Zei d lY;' , 'l l t o tl4 \ tL. - abr.,, it 'l'it. - "4,,t; t
reoemthend . to-cee puha, ',
Tido P. F. 3 ,lheed.l '.
, 9Xrctere.gee '
TL Filial.. ste vearrarke tale t ohr.Oietl
Lane which 000 axle.: fruca de hoped e.h.uslc• reg.ot.
boo matter in the 'rater. 11.1 30 s re , learrted 110 to
youre and with ordinal,' rate. 012 r iset 'toe; un refl...
out, to be eeeteto be apprechtuet. \ \ ,
. t.A FR :JAI,tt•I . V
' ' 7...7., Areh.eteet,PhltedelthA.
.4! PIPE-Leornell'm 1. . U 1 ,4. pti3O ,
4 L, pipe for Ilydraa.• : '
\ ' \
`, A rggrac II
111.4LertuR.fa ' . ''
ptcs on hay 1 sad to arrive , ,lbt:sal, 07 •
a 415.1.A.N 1 / 1 1t XIV DON.
, s , Heating and Vc4tilat\- ,
al. MVLgrre...Veictefarasal7
1,,,,,, of ~N cacrlptica. yabllc and\ print. ALA , . LN,
thief .d ag Ri.f.. 11 all partga...a.berrcvavatg
1\ ' """".4 4 er :tflo. fis ' 'l` 4 1 V.''''' • ' t ':
I"l"=V;ttinrtl.OPX .M%l or 1 6, 71 4.... , ^RI ',er 0 red. . ,
'4l"U"ee'foell Ws: i t
tro„o d n 'i l l 'ine, s ovv,-:_re.,..r.
'‘,:,' •=botl gar). Vaaleaco. O uniarrek Iwo, ...Y.
....;ktr P .Arsi.o " A ..t h le . ' o' l ' l ;Xt. '6:l tof fr. ' '
~ .: 1:.- 1 3•• ' , it OA:LT. ' .
. :Coplax I tr k tot. ' ClaY•
rp g, .übbbribers, kre\ niw Sole ligents
4.`4l% l ifi gatitti . "'Vg h igZ;.`2Z . .....1
a ogr 1 kr....7ttrgaZlLV
• ...t
to • " .; • , 00 .
Needles' Celebrated \
Them highly Medicated plated ho vrObesuin
more than twenty ron, deutg sahib d
yid._. ban
: g i ' m tts'== n 1 gir A rrk art rt ' r A r ‘ Tri7e A M '"7 :`•
~..f. th e highest el:ninny, to whom that
OM ban been rubmitted bare anon the most tlatt.l.
tntheemelall n to their nperior .Irl7e v.v.. all other
ten sold.
The ingredinto of their compollelete. eery terefo \ In
colTactry combened, render theta (
dint, it t•
per., suffering with pulmomry dint,
For gams In the, bread, resulting fern prottotted
, ilas
who. ride nub. and Ina' vans en tt anon n u g
deress. re the lady, Unit oemgreal %banner Lin; ~!
dOneme Or diepute \ As a ntnly In Lonna., thin .1 Pr
portent, over all outward appllcara, such as 11a1a..4.
&Agin been Mile cortolwroUd bY Mr . ..Tn effected. \ '
Pm went.% rued palm
the book end tide, vanillas \
bvm h eel, strain. dieesarsarof the kidneys Le m tl eir to
r'r.r4'•r;hroVeva,h.7,l4rlercetih:L.b*, LT
~.0,,... ~, endurd,
i velth rhomatie pain, the.
bt " n t ; r et.:Two r M ' si m elAmtliv \ kte '• Vail Ve4 A .eo= "'"
\ I•c rule, wiwieea • and it: ay \.,
erhf , il L ,LL t NS, 67 rend s t
temdtl,n, 4,, oeig,,. vsedufel dionie Linena Italian.
i , n, Collote, rin. t Rowe, all elt glen of newt im •
use p ents the iron rmm Alberto to the Linn and de.
hem Minty The oo nothing notion to cloth. Its
any resjet, ladlen b.." long Fin.
Wt Ms unsase •
of such ;ankle, and In ebb a th eir .rwtatiaa wi ll bet e g.
ly teslit oe a , dm' Mellon fe, feared %Met. itenriel.
N. It —Oils Oaks will ..00 tilty down °Felon., oo MI •
family sheltict s br without \.
It._ N \
Pd. 1*; eget pee Cate . Lookeake with full dpws
For We by *ebbe k.l v.6LLI•It& 67 a
eThera are ;tore Milton hew enand earth. .
"Than are drearof tof In phltom by • y-- •
FrIlE VIRTUKS of this to arksblo rent.'
j dy, and - Che ocoorbout application r ft, to mo}l'
etor, bar Winced him tis, inn it of op IN bottles. with Id
Leis and direction, for t h e bend lof ihe Kid
The PIaROLLUM t. pcLod from a k. MIS costal
ty, at a depth of fourteen led fret, Ira p utewlteltarli.
Led ertiol e , without am r . • mica' Morn z paid a. It
toes fro© Nature'. lsrlat `,i.abrararyt 1 F It contains
properties reaching a nunderd of divans, la longer a ' \
matter of uncertamty Then \Aye maro thin tbe . 1 ,
read of dna, which, if kno.g , might be o f, wenl•
nos In alleviating sturibriog , and restmAnd the non of
health and viyor to many , a gage bog b
ed n h,4 4
Dream thought of putting it up al, bot tin. It b e on. e
Ws for the cure of diwase Th.• endrtent and Maly • ''.
ging oldie feb et, and nesralma:aortal:, „dreg It b.
fern., 11 a nen indication of its Endure popnbuity
wide eland erotic.. in the gum anon.
We do not with to gone a long pus to of cerilthate4 • _
rt e ten,<=t; = b : r = 71f4 tt71%7A,1f •
Whilst wo do not clef= Melt d universal appliestion In ez) '
cry dim e , w e
it say, that 11. a number
hre., Mesa,. it IA um - milled Anted thaw may be
.1 umemted—wit ineas.of the allamaS blued nd ea
sham} ASTIDIA, and all dm ones ara.. r l./he
ER VAIPLAINT, DI 6L1•51,1, binknea, weans of
Bladder and lillnyo. l'al. 111 tha ka.,.. kor Sid :know, \ i
Manna N. ales, I add - , Itheumatre Eats, Goo Yrysip - \ \
elm, Teller. Riogworsen, Roma noble, &nen, 0 .....
be Le In dews. &UM', peralting from ex et
long sad premien:l man or dbeilpe, 01, . ~,.in
bring relief . It will art se • general TONIC and AL TE R \
ATI TO in %Tech cans, ImPorting tom .red en 0. "0 nn
whole frame, renaming obttructlonAulnds Me ronewin 1 '
functions. w bleb muse dn and a broken enneseene ----
azoi giving Innen. add remind Imp gy to all an nen.
of lifd The proznivtar [tre
at of several nun en Wilda ,
tat, vet nil wenn the ne \
Molten's,' every, other tre. _
' TROI,EndI fir • shot time. ^..-• ~... 4.1
' l=th . 4.7 the sigumture of tts
\ \
T Val: 0.1.1 H. ,0 near Berne
Ma, byat 0 SELLER 6 671; o.d . ,
A ,ioa KEYsia 0 : , i'Donam... . \ . \ \
erner %Cowl stmt endNirgir, Allay, who
tdo nmelstly app.inted Agetaa \ \ \
all men who ort,siek .
M5...0 of the Bladder obl Milne., with Mee ,
oalls in beck
beaus or limb, stg d /illts, Mil Some, rett_ildilos
tb . t . Lig=
as you p 1..; but this does oat mote It scS for we macro s
in the fate ot honmt commoulty, that it hae virtues
which are_scoil . coutaloed In any other remedy. The mm
who is raeltal With
coats,_ p a.,t. ma matte.. from i 11..., enee,.,
for 50 coats, act , ,rollef t i® .3- of the ills euumermeu
Ite.sste7 . l It etkErts ilery Dale mate a trial. TIM l'atm-
/Inn] Is no mixture,. coMpouird, put up toe the pompom '
of - I.Neting Go the obransusuryt but it le ClKlN•dreilber.
MI by of our ha*l of nature, on bubbles tur from true
Memo of our 144. earth, its oritaal purity, add of. •
fem to suflerios humanity a roitly remedy. ?Prima Earl
o cure. •
It Ites curd 10,0. el. Other coo licints hails WI. to
rem .
bet y relief.. It him cork' Itlmematiml, of tonsil
staathrtg, the worm hod most palatal character. It
has oared Chotors Ilorbustlloy mcs•cil two dose. It Ms . }
Duaumil old cat. Dtertt...;lo whlrh .eery .her oilmisdr
been of no avoil. '. a loml remedy la burns sad, •
nags, it to bettor uty melt* Dada. Mutat.% i s ,.
that we toow,of. It will ettprehilblpitie and frosted feet, 1 ,
Ds • few ePPltAttiono ohiloabtollcstilmoT milt te.faroulsh- 1
ed of the troth contained in the libove statement, by mill.:
lo g
of t HAIM:St 11. KIELam
Camel Itemneilevtroth strueS m
e lho agorae. • -
Foy.. t McDowell, corner of Wood street sad
ohm 11, i br•ileste,o7.Wooil strile4 L k /. ; •
Curry. lillescheny :it )'. &M ore usents. \
• Ce• I: • A.' t a • A • :41,
—D. JAM Rfoe. the MINT and eols iroprletor
6:l;4=ll . firgovgavg,atignlT4l.l4:.
effeett4 •c.v. of Chronic d Ins a at..
dent 0f... erniarn.•hyddeta. Doctor 1.15.1. and-LI •
in... of the Crtverarty Denney houds,end fee. tbtrty
yeete Once bet bee. eng.-ed In the InvervAgatten of diee
erv4.s l : the •PPllratton of remedies thereto. •
abrougb the raseof Ws W.I. tnaeetneenneetlonerlti P.
atieretTurr* Ifat.ghteefa"'rdtt,7-rtiat"a=',
east q.t. malt.. Tobercalar foUnaryttorr,
troth:. Facer WWI ASllGltirtft a .
Clnrm e:.
all kW., Chronic Evrelpeler, etad 'all those abetter. die \
teller to female. Ind.. every :Gem of
rat bet valet the of Lie renolies, to trld. bunte.t...
belre-hot try the use of one vlompot. cedy, for tt.t•
le in paubln.litt YhytiWogjorl loilr bet by the .4 . 0 f
hie remedies, Ida.. pt v eror• Debmihr
rok, Mtarative,Dlll/ oeede - •
hip eokaookaysed to be royal.. .I,olbere, at a purer
the rxr Dyer th.trlattgl the bow., pare
ft....lden Greed`
tedro a 1.. I s l e d tT. to Dover
1. endlelent eau. t brit bloc ob. Las Iron d:o the mtreteot;..
tbv no•t ee , eal . .
The aglitts, In to cell aDati the Agent, end roe \• •
care Lust:Mtn of the r 7.401,11 . ' tete air • •
t 7 . elh nortuonsjon. \ \ '‘.
For bZ.he ....Lk..lts.' as ‘
\J Bean n e aka
. 00l
5/ rt. \ Do./alt o
Jl. Townsend, • • v 45 Ilarketeto b• \
• ne. the Poet pule ! .'i Inte
sty nlty.
John • Ilett, ten. \
T. Meet. Deere. ' " " \ \
\ COIEFORT\ ,'1::4 S . : \• \
_... ‘' • 1\
K 4 OR TUE AFFLIE b D • 11 be wand
Dr. Digit' C. Kelllnton'e "FAL etLE LI. a .. •
, 1 ,
eget. Fluid. which btu. • of, tblety wart wge
' t ' ' \ \
r d ' r il.rllPd etvitarVe ' Vgend b gTs, th li %new "Y n, •' \ •, ' 2 1 \ '
aura ch ' szacter of h.'s.. fit- fewl•ne wa let• - on. , ',. v
Doing!n ettvg that thle Ix the y-• - • . Mit tuft •-• \ \
~..N.,. t o ek e afflicted, Ude date lit \ :7 n0tt7f...1b,. ' \
what It La sold for. •
It It
cured, end le ntspolle a curio `awry
,nuey caber . ..held. offered .., 1.1,10 r 110 b 7 Yth \\- . ' - ' ,
ode or .oki, or 14 whet- nae. \_ z- . ,, , ,.
.{. I. strong Intl COIITIPting MINN 01\ ahoy -we wow . \ j
that It la the only ...lett:tat haeAppetued, In tea tag. of , \ \
egiatent Mond that Au over been pauonlped • \
Lt e cf. , of tbe ease gencrally. ws th sort agenvabla • , , \ _ . •
etly p tledlelne ever °tared dbl. rant' or b mai by lot' of '.'
• , \ t 1 , , '
them, et=_ ,
The lion. !Down LI. Ortnnell s late 'MM. The now•-ke ,- , • • t-. \
IL Meer., Wettest,. lion. JO has lt. Mg , latetlf li ' . \
\ lin% Willi , . /1. roller, new,. Editor . ~,1 the gpleft of_ • \ ‘,
Time.: set a 11.4 of other dist Agoittncvithwdol asdoa "t
fOf. NA ' \ •
Tork, who have follylested Ite muite, bag. ash evw •, ' \ '
cm. - \
PTgittrj:ll' A ' •;% th en l tl I.l ttc.t 3r .lifill:kltfu •(.= \ ~
' -
to l. " • \ i
‘, \
coin ad nafbe.a ,
7tegad'll''''at,ttatalg= ndoutallidn v •
i t Litz( or Iftit 091.1 nle:tettm arett r Saltja• ~ \• _ ,\ ,
Stintnioerofulte swede", ''''.
b., ' •
wave, and thefalcu and settee tbaf IlEsh lo ilegi \ ' \, • • • v
i'Vpeer 1,01.0,000 Lott. llair , 2ce ., t sold wit ho n hetteg b Ativ \ ' 1 ••
inr:C r ot . rfriel, 2 tt*Ould et'a fig%Mg, l t . ad .6 :, \ ''
'\ \ ' . 1
pain, cat In . . a putaccetty, nu , q-a.egNa 76* . \ '
~, \'‘.
' s \
Th. medicate, fa• animate nitnedr. At larkwied
dj = k. \N•" , ' , ' \
toble.for %meal am well asaiternal taw tat
l i tinil m- rO t'.-I-11',...Agne All" Lb lotu - tr -", rt= \t\ ' \ ' •
week... In mate orPenal .0 - rma\erhatnerr awe It r i, .
\ • . \ .
" grWLEll'D , , l iubor ‘ A. br* . l.„ •*\);,,, b1,,0, w afdd \k , ',
Co.. and o.den & newt
\ l= Iby the retell Dengielft , _VO • \
me:rally. Itta PO,.UP /0.4\ ~ ..0 . .4.d FP...biniPir ,` ' l‘. • ,
To the eaters of the PittelitiVette.' ‘ ' A t , 1 \
-Dir-BLiq ATTENTION ig - relip kt in- '\\' • \
-L Ct. , MU.. following trOthe.hertot* Motion to ' ' to • \ ,
° lllitilanTo'c'ETsv.\‘tm ai ,4. .\ \. '\, \ 'N
' lnblle, tribe +VI L. cure of WgreetAncwww - \ •
to beat, btu, alnc but.? sElAyeiv.4o,t.._.. ea: • \ ‘t a
conemunttg. wed allege that Uth nta an. \ \ ~
mate oertsln well Its t Shia otwiti. k not %be no. \ , '
kly of • d
a ffy,got asp the sot purrole of opithego v ‘, .
but, one, vhkb we
h commtve. Intl conttrom tos
\W S.tturOdlteo.°a looe:b•eoforgoaoa. roe y~Rt
ay a power and agency li, lancbs to - soma I, h , \. ' \
competition. It le our det , when we writ,' r‘ \
amt, l 2 , ==b:arft .. u m , ra aa4r , hati, \ . • 0, , , ‘
d en in or matmenta. tbelmek ant very ant r to Aat • , • •\ v,
~y ng that entanbea .lientrou att.. , AIF ' bo tr. batir wronaht ettemower the elm •\\ -' /
i tfo ' g 'r ''''',
be,t= gilty''att‘tlielitall giadlottotsZ- .
offs remedy ahould be told. In ante to earcre for It. setae .
.. ',,
ittlo n p l it r ig u , ce ; all .4 n wigig l 24.l.l..4%. l l..l7 . l . oltatif i zo • • \ ,
lie oar elty Ind neigloborbotal, bent 7,..kp1? a , ,,uat . 7.r tea, 1 ;
wlibie the tiZ i :rt I.'wo, otuntatel two 4, tut ottloff fife.. \ '
\ :. .1. wz,. ,
„i", , 11At , ..1 4 IT ti.f.•lni=llfizalg••• F l 4; • • •' \ '
k er.,. And.aLtt, the eaenof a gentleman 1- Vitatreteoutay. .. - \ . t
bet ' v e f . g . •!•vi to fte 7.'' ' '' 'Ves ... i ' ol,. ort. blee dou cm p ath the tier Mv ; ''
\ r 0
.1.. i.. " 111....tlaiSe meld liner tbs, nowt n randon; \ . \ '
.„, w e ppg a go a La , Actol.d. The r etrole wII cure, 1, ,\,' '
v. beh_uwei log to dtrectlors-,Alarrhowdt)reatacry. , v,
Pllnigibeumatont e opt, henrelgree Anett.. 0,., the Aldo. ,
,floaplit on toe Let, ilk knot Lite. lAngworkk, Tottel e . \
NA. \
Scald lived. pllne in the Ad . ..wen! Joule. old coreqUlttre. ' .• ; \
We., "dee, ehroole Quad, Asthma. 4roachithowl all I
.PuLtimal 0.11...-tioto of a dlr.& =MA betiding to prr. ,
Burro sad Said., dasektit a Qua Illadder and Edda'''. k
Otto ptcl /aid, Exectrienel, Nipples. Cornivand Detni.... , '
121 fact, It is !VMS. t 711•124.41.. male X. WI li.e hew, td,..1
In moat or thowboro doomed taro tbo put tear win. 11. • t
,: 1 ,,,,,,,,pc,.,. ad.., Certheate•entat will afttonlah afte WI
'the bands t•f thel.preiprutor,VrtVaka phestun in atoz
1' 02.7 ' ?ttei,„.13200.1320 ° ;01 , cAtrorlt, lr otedlidnent, •
. p. t. ,„ ri , . s , , the y o,..i.iiiiiiedr of th• age- Phyaornme
Thigh Matattn
,Ato Yr.tni t t= twatnalnd '
.. T . ' 7: t
I==`,, "::ihp°, R.......T k ir 1 d''''...T.57,1 \ - ,
ttenderntlan. Defontanott.r ,way voila ....1 1. " . - . L i ' .-- '
...paled to acknowledge th.t theretroletan Is th
art when. 01, d.COYeroa. , r tele, ert.....h t
tat2j_ R
tlllott..ire itrig7...elv., Qty. Also, 4 ' l
g ri lt ' and B. A l-ahneetorl .?"•'`nth 'l'
7..1.' •A. • C o ,.. ~ ,...f and f
1,) 7.-/C In the-cif:Cal trick! : said bf /TM'
Mi. h. 1. , hdlcnc-11, ch s ftfirc 'e' ll ' ir yawn.'
whines co troubles... actryf a c, cl . cl Lavin, card 4RmedJaa to ,r)
4.IIea . ,...v7;AZWriATNV
/11;:rI rg ' x '' ,11Talt b l '. 1r 4 1,ci 1 741 ' eff=t; . "
Dors. .4
,131 1 Z'erocITIIVe'a "It tc'aS o
Qua cr Avf Plf,Wg 4.. 4
‘Pra:cif ta• dcfccraflt their ibltdrer, to ager .
righ, rchfraf, fifpc7 hlr rff Mr; c IUI :oitlo 01
Fr4 Paf cckc % LI2 _
4 . R. U. FELLUEU,
ht c , f rod bruggiat oar—
pA / TEN T lit I GIN ES, 4:4-4. lart,
, in i.e. and fO3 . 'e on tbe moo. laedral 'ter/
otlkaie l'anionont \ ; Aromalle 1 , 14. \
t Atli; Yalta =rrg2l. e
Neree,rood telo r e r, Llanne , 1 311400d'e Uleld A .
gix r .t." .. 14a., / ,:m \ 1,..4ix. % ,
Tkk' . l::"..V"'" , a ,1 : 44 `zi...,.
• ,s:, til',,w.", - .'ttiw'gr.t,
\11,...,4..E4,?..'k \t,-szht=
-.1;,,,,,,.„.,,,,, \,..\ i' , ...-...
\ ::\c47,1: 0 7'' \ 1 'kr'...
•ClOloe • ''.• , .. c
1 .. '''
Patillere.a:da '‘,• ‘ I " ide 4 7 ,l x
Otani:ea\ Plealra . reafeear's L.l,onent
aeoido'eaz , , ( Wan eCord • '
Tuilloodnßn'a Holt= Geri:Ml Ttnetn
Wnt '\ ' , Ill;7l4did
Ad Idle 'BOt of . r 8.,.. Ultdial;4l.a.x.
.• \ conle of Wdal amd 1411Witliett
W DEJ. I a , ,AP-1.54) 1
.b 7 b %"),il f'"