HOME MATTERS Commtnies Ixercer.•=-Coronee . Arthani ..yea terilayhelden icquest on the body of an infant, ' 'found 'fyingditid in the tiixth Wahl . A physi olni - who was called in in mike a post tnortein eximainition, thought that fie child had been • born. Verdict accordingly. TIM MYN rotc.—LWe are indebted to-Mr. G. W. Blum, No. 47, Chutham street, Pittsburgh, for the September number of this valuable maga tine for 'children, edited by thoßev. J Hastings Weld.- lu addition to six wood cute, it carmine a - fine steel plate of ^ the old meeting hoUse un der the ledge." Its - literary contents, 'both orig inal and selected; are very good: • • $41.1: or - 1..0r5.—0ur. rewderm•will• not forget the , emleof rots Ori Mr:Wm. C: Doon's faits day, near . SewiCkley. -Thu Ilroad cars will *top there gicingazul ietarning. BUROL.nr.—A rototal,men mimed, James Bank wqe yeatertlay committed ieprisoci tiy Lis donor Mayor Fleming, charged, on . stath lc,Bhaifer, with burglary, ' committed ial,"brealling ,Into Me bode. in Roii ilad :meting to real Aterafratu scuba wearing sp. el. . . Asettotir w.an Raircat.--Patricli Murphy was committed to prison yosterdapby AldermmaXa-. jot!, charged, on oath oftC9 .11astney, with tutaault and battery. itcruntrus,—The / lons of Temperance have returned from their trip Ito llochester. Four .1 h.. dad tient.diwn on t h e cars. ILE .11. EST CASE VE STASBINGI.—Robert o z gli the young men accrued of stabbing Geilirge Gsrdiner, was yesterday examined and raciimmitted for father hearing bntiti Saturday . / Before proceeding to give a synopsui of the %vickinge, we may observe that we have done thg prisoner. groas injustice •We onnuounced a few days ago, that he was commiaed by Mayor Guthrie, charged, en oath of Robert Hague, with murder: Thu was true, but it was not true fortunately for all parties that Gardnacr wan dead, or likely to die, for he is now recovering, sd , that the prisoner , has only been guilty of an &mutt and battery with intent to kill. We deem it necessary to say (bee math for tho sake of the prisoner, meg we do not wish to male bad teem 11 Hector Sutherland ~ sworn —l was ett "L ung in Sixth st., - near Ginnt, in donvily 'aith Gard- I lifter and 'others- Gardiner remarked that he I was going to hale the fight out with McKnight, and asked George Pearce to go along. and see .1 that all was right, and no advantage taken by .1 either party. P•eatee and Severnl others, in ; I eliding myself, went as far as the Dialiond ; . and not finding him there, Gardiner and Trovillo want to George Sehneek's housel'while the rest ' Of us stood at the corner of fourth and - Market : I eta, and still not finding him, we all went to the ! mion' e house of the Eagle Fire Company- , 'P- I. ' vi ll o and Ga.rdiner walking on the right hand of - - the'street, and all the rest of us on the other. Gardiner seeing .some of the members or the • Eagle Company, - went over indasked them where! McKnight was ; and on Ida being pointed out to him, he (Gardiner) said, "There he is talking withlGeorge -Pearce and Mr. blunter across the '. I way." Gardiner and Shop. Trevino' went 'up to where he was standing, and Gardiner told - him 1 that he had been . hunting for him for the par - posa of having their .quarrel out. Plage said -- I that he.had been,pararling all day, and, as ha '; felt tired, would rather postpone the affair until he was better. Ga rdiner still urged him to fight, I saying that they had both agreed upon thattime 1 for the purrio - se of-settling it, and insinuated I thst'fileKnighewas ;no man if he backed out. . After mime further altercation, McKnight con sented to go,"and "have it oat;" and in reply:Ao a sneation of one of the bystanders, as to where 1 would be the beat place to go to, witness an -1 swered, faith° foot of Pitt at among the lumber.' ' 1 Thorp agreed to this arrangement.. Garai- . I!air and myself.welked in advance °fibs rest of the party. :A . large crowd had by this time gathered around us, ranking considerable noise. When we 'hail get as far as Mertulden's ice , • hone, McKnight was fumbling in his breast, as I 3 if searching for emfiething. Gardiner perceived i this, and said to hint, ...don't run a knife into -, zne,,or I'll make you repent it," or words to that • effect.' :McKnight then took his hands out of his breast, and pit them in his pockets. Daring all this time; Gardiner and myself:were walking to- . !getherin advance of Ilia rest rifthent. &laden ly my attention was attracted + . by soma- dispute Iping on .between MOIL and one of his friends behind •ne. I stopped; and finally turned back . to see what was thernatter, leaving Gardiner walking) on alone ahead of us. -On coming tin.- , ear to McKnight, I found that his friends were, . endesotirilig - tic: prerent" him drawing a knife from his pocket- _ 1 I moied bid a few stcps, and looking bark, saw him peal out a knife.' Gardiner was 'about ten . feet ahead'of one, and I eaid—'• Looknat, Gar , dirier,tha Is going to cut you." McKnight then 'ran past me with his closed knife in his hand. ' Gardiner then looked round. and backed down Perry-etreet; throwing up his right arm. Me. Knight ) , running, went to him as close as ho could, and opening the, knife, pat it into him, and then pulling it out, held it to the air for half a minute; ,and said—•• You are the man that wanted to fight with me, are your McKnight's' friends took hold of him, and tried to, take' the knife away tram hint, but he threwlt away. Gardiner then eried—•• I'm, dyiiir His hands were'an the wound,' width was bleeding bsialy.. We carried him to Dr." Speer's- office, where the wound 'was dressed. " .: Crase tramined—l was not acquainted with the prisoner, until Saturday night. I knew him by eight: Have been acquainted a year or ell with,Gardingri but have not been in his compu r ny more than a dozen times. Ga ner is some what tailor , and heavier than McK night Me- Knight was a little intoxicated -Gardiner was not. He anepeoted that - the prisoner had , a weapon on his , person, and said. he would hare him' searched. before they fought I neither knew nor heard of Gardiner having a knife or pietol In his possession. ' • Dr: ..Blaely. was called, and described- the wound' According to his testimony, it is alight, and thereLano doubt!of. Gardiner's-re covefy.. • • ' ; Sheplar Trevino was sworn—He had spent the whole day in company with Gardiner. At fair o'clock. they were sitting in Wylie street, on the gaps of .a tavern kepi by Owen Branigen. Mc- Knight came up to there,' and said that he had understood some one bra; accusedlim of striking witness inlthe face that morning. ' Trovillo re plied that he did not think it was he. McKnight said that he would be the last - man ,in the world to do such a thing, and that ore the contrary he would. rather take his part. - . ' • Bath Trovilloand nyonag man named Hunter gave in account not differing -from the evidence of the first witnesses.; • -... 0. IL Eippey,Aeq., appeared on behalf of McKnight, and Jen very able speech contended that even if Gardiner had beep _ killed:the pris oner would only have been guily of justifiable hondeide. , "" - . Mayor Outbid° demanded bail in two thousand dollars, which not being forthcoming, another .commitment, charging the prisoner with sturder,, was made out,'u;id he was remanded until Saud,. : Tax Corsclis.;—A meeting err the COralZol3. COunall was called yesterday everting, but's quo rarn was not present: litiar.--Tor the' past few daye, the 'weather bee been very hot, , the thermometer standing at orie o'clock, ip Ihe shade, irfrom 89 to 90 and 91. - PAHAIM.—Th e e Sons of Temperance 'paraded throagh'some of the streets of Pittaburith:and legben9 Yesterday, accompanied by several binds of =Laic, sifter which theytook their de parture for !leaver, ride Ohio and Permsylva rda railroad, They looked T.staars. 7 —rwo bay aad two brown . homes, tare. beam. cangbt in our ntreuts, within a few days pait,'andlett at Trimble's American House, near the :canal ASSAULT AIID, RlATraT.—'.siinerva Ann mid Mary. Johnston, were yesterday committed to .prison, by .Ald. lVLjor, charged, on nath of Mary Rhode, With assanlt anddiettery. . - . Rg.antar.—llr. Wm. F. Clark, the publisher of the Presbyterian Free Press, printed irt Mer cer, went into a barber .shop on St. Clair street, Y eM pllY to get glared. While setting thire, ide at was picked, and between twenty and thirty dellarstdolen froorit. The nioneywita af terwards found eoneettled in aaink on the prom- 'Accrugn.—A young man clamed Brown, re- Allegheay ; on the corner of First-et. and East Lane, toes with a severe accident yes -,today. •was out in the country, • and in • attemptinild pull down a limb of on apple tree • with the breech or his gun, it went Off, end licigod , the ecintente in his leg. !le was severel3r wounded. • SIIPRZ6LE COURT. ifED3r.sDAT, September 10 ,• . Harley vs. Pury—,Error to Inatriat Court. - , argued • by Hampton & Dunlap, and Sbaler • awes oxectitOrr„ yo, _Bure . kolder—Error to, c - by. Wins & a • Bann-ries or Bloari--Ittr. William Bigler is advertised to- arrive in the city,) at sewn o'clock this evening, when he will be formally ',Tirol. We see by the hand bills which have been issued, that a large number of marshals, aid decamps, &c.,- . Liva been appointed, -who are to he recognized by wearing scarfs and rosettes of different colors. Will our ' , .Lncofoco friends inform tts what is the use of this iiiversity of colors in the dark! Green is the - only hue suitable for each an occasion. BY TELEGRAPH ILLOEIVED RY THE' O'REILLY TELEGEAP E MEE, AIM IMPORTED TOE TIM PITTARD - ROE •CMIETTE. SAILING OF THE ASIA. New Toast, Sept 10. The steamer Asia . sailed ( or Liverpool to-day, with 80 passengers 'mei $900,000 in specie. • Mite, STATE CONVENTION Seatsamttn, (Mass., t Sept. 11.1. The Whig State Convention met this morning. The 4 ,, ,,winblage ix the largest. ever known,:there being nearly. 2000 delegates, present. Scolgo Thomas,. of Worcester, was chosen President, and made a strong speech in favor of obedience to all taws. • The balloting for Governor reeulted -tan fol lows: B. C. Winthrop, 711 Semi B. Walley, 220 'Mr. Winthrop was unanimously declared Ithe nominee of the Cpnvention. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE BOSTMS, Sept. 10: . • The large store buldhig, on the toner of Washington and Court street, sae destroyed by, fire this morning. It was occupied by J. C. Farnsworth, Crosby 8: Brown, .henry jewellers . ; Chas. Sumner, Oeo. A. Lunt, Geo. S. Hilliard, P. W. Chandler, and others, who occupied apart menu itr.the building; The danutgo io very Crest: stalthe fire is supposed to be the work or *an incendiary. DEMOCRAT IC CONVENTIC). STIZACtIME, (N. Y.) Sept 10. The Bunker caucus last night ; sustainedThes. L. Mitchell, as temporary chairman, ot the Con vention, which merits to day. The Barnbumers will support Lorenzo B. Sheppard. 'The Barn burners are likely, to have every thing their own way." TEtILADELPHLt MARKET • , Pintansf.rma., Bept.,lo. Flour--Sales.looo bble at $3 8114 bbl. Rye flours selling at $3 26 14 bbl. Grain—Wheat is dull at 88e for red, 'sad 91 for white. Giles 2080 bushels corn at '64e "g 1 bushel. Whiskey--Salta at 22 26c %) gallon. B&LIINORE MARKET Ilummax, Sept. 10. Flour Tho market'is yerydnll, with no sales. Grain—Wheat is selling at ;o®7 s for red, and 76 83 for white. Sales of yellow corn at 65ee,570, and of white at 58@t1 . 0c. Sales of oats at 3437 e, - e l bushel, and of Rye at 60c. Clover Seed—Salea at 5711 bushel Provisions—Sales of mess pork at $l6, and pritoo atsl4 pl bbl.: Sales bacon ahauldass at Si; allies. I.OGlOi, and hams "at la lb. Bales or Lord at Ole in bble and 101@lle in kegs,. Groceries—Sales Rio coffee at Siena ? Sugar and molasses are dull. • Chew—Bales at 7 @ uk. •WhiskeY—Sales st '23024e Wool—ls duIL • NEW YORK MARKET. NOON REPORT. • . New Sloss, Sept. 10. . . Flour—The Market is brisk, with sales 4.600 bile, at $3,810154 for state and western, and $4,124 for pure Genesee. Grain—Wheat is heavy, with sales 2,200 bus Ohio, at 83c V. ha. Corn Is lower, with miles 18,000 bushel, at 630;10 for damaged, and 6lc for mixed. Provisions—Pork is easier, with sales 100 bbli new mess, •at $15,75 bbL Prime is held at $18,75. Beet is quiet. lard is improving, with vales 60 'bbls prime, at Ole ".pl lb. Groceries ales2oo bags Porto Rico C• at 94-c. Sales at hhds. hlu.seorado Malaise% 21e; and 80 hhda Orleans Sugar, at oc. lb. . Lead—Sales 1,000 pigs Galena, at $4,55( 4,60 ? 100. Naval Stores—Sales 2000 bbis Turpentine, at *2,81 ? bill, and 100 bbls. Spirits Turpentine, nt 34e ?gallon. Tobacco—Sales 80 Mins Ky., of Stocks—Erie advauced I, Canton and , Reading 14 neat. SOLMING .NEw You, Sept., 10. Cotton--:The market ie firm, with an Impre ing tendency. Flour—Sales 1200 bbl!, at $3,871® . :3,93} for state and ?ambigua. .Grain—Sales 14.000 - bus Michigan wheat, at 04c 1.4 bombe]. Sales 40,000 bus Com at 616%. 620 [or mixed. Proritions--Pork is'less:firm, and little doing. Beef is firm, at $8,76 osll $ll for mess, 'nod $544.3, S 6 for prime.. Lard is in good deioand, at 1.1 lb. ',Brocerica—Ttie market is doll. Tadow--Sales at, Tell lb. CINCO.'NAIT MARKET. Ctactasaiy Sept. 10. Flour—There is a goal trade demand, with sales 1000 bbis at $3 1063 16 6 3 20 6 3 25 DM, varying twoartling to quality. . • Provisions—Nothing of consequence was done. Grain--Sales 500 bushel, oats at.22c. Cheese—Sales 800 boxes at 61c 14 !b. Groceries—Are in moderate request, with no change in prices. Cranberries--Sales of new crop st 31 , ; 50 bbl.. • The river has fallen fatir inches. The weather is very hot, and there is great suffering throughout the country for want of Kosactd.—Mayor Rangeland, of New York; has received, within a day or two, a letterfroin Mr. - Jao: P. Brown, Sen-ettiry of Legation at Constantinople, Turkey, communicatingthe grat ifying intelligence that Elosauth, with all the Hungarian refugees now confined in Asia, Minor, will be liberated by the Sultan on the 12th of this month, to go wherever they may please. It Tallietight that lieseuth and the majority of his associates will come to the United States. if he _takes passage in the 11. S. steam -frigate Iliesis sippi, agreeably to the wishes of our government, homey be expected in New York about the mid dle of next month. We annex the letter. LWATION or THE,ITNLTZD Scorns, 1 CONBTANIISOPLi, Anga.t 4,1P51. • Dr.ka Sue—As I believe it will interest you to know it from a reliable source, I. do myself the honor and pleasure of informing you, that since my arrival here - I have, in the, ahem:ice of the Minister Resident, received from the Turkish ?Sinister of Foreign .Affairs the official assurance, in the name of his Imperial Majeety,. the Sultan, that on the lot of Septenber next, tour 12th) Mr. Rossuth,:and all, the refugees now at Kntah ick, in Asia Minor, be liberated noel permit ted to go where ever-they please. Mr. Kossdatb bas seat to this legation a decla ration that he and his associates, with the en deption of Count Bethnal, and his lady, will pro ceed to the Vaited Stales, In the Messier Mis sissippi," which vessel, as you are were, has been designated for the pdrpose of conveying them-there, by the President. I learn that the Austrian government is still protesting, and will condone to protest, against their release, yet I believe the Sultan's government will act with firmness, and cary out his Majesty's -generous and humane final:Worm. I consequently suppose that, as the Honorable Secretary of Slate has directed Mr. Rosstith.to be conveyed to Neil York, you may expert him there by the latter part of October. fit Hos-, en& still entertains the highest opinion of our country and of its government, and will land up- on our chorea -a warm advocate of the institu tions which have rendered the United 'Stile, t so prosperous and happy. I have the honor to re main, dear air, respectfully end truly. - JOHN P. BROWN Tue DTSEISTTRY. -We learn withextreme regret that this &maim is prevailing very fatally in th e Southern portion of this county and along the contiguous lino of Greene county We paid a visit to Amity, on Saturday last, and learned eitretm_ that deaths were occurring ever from thoday in the vicinity of that place, and it Ins thought the disease wason the increase. the malignity of.the dieeime is ascribed to vari•tus causes, but chleily to the long continued droug .The creeks are dried up, with exception cf occa. eional ponds of stagnant water Maids beds. We heard oTthrea deaths during our brief stay in the plate, which had occurred within the precedic% Qi hours—lrarAtapon Rep. CRANISLRAI CROP.—We learn that the cranbe try crepis promising, this being the bearing year. put • the marltet for tho kind •of fruit is now to est Des {sive that it is doubtful whether it can be fully supplied. The berriee are mostly picked! by squaws, although the rakes are -beginning to be used. Cranberry deafens go to the marshes frith ;supplies Of bread, flour, calicoes, and what, seer 14 wanted for the Indian trade, and °ache Ago goodqb, barter with the squaws, eat hey bring in their tube of ,unusberriea. The b nsi. near comitiencee in September, and may coati nue until the - rears/ass - Ire frosest." Tear before last there were shipped.from St: Paul more than 10, .090 bushelirof cranberries, which found a meu.ket all the way down the coast of the Slissaw'tppi • ' .riTer to. the month, and the - 17 est Indies Minute. EStPctuz.ltioneer..!. ram our Ant. • The intelligence from, Oregon,. received at San Francisco, was to the 22d of July, The steamship Columbia, arrived at San Fran cisco, reports that when she left, ihe , Elizabeth Allen, of NCR- York, had been lying off the Col-. umbin river for nix days, waiting for a pilot. She was two hundred and eight days from New York. and half of her crew were sick with the tourly. The Jackals war was completely broken an • e Jregon Spectator of July 2?. says that on the 27th ofJune Major Kearny ceased operations against.the Rogue River Indians, having spent some twelve days in scouring the Indian coun try. Many-battles or skihniehei were fought, and abitlitlty Indians were „killed, and many wounded, thirty prisoners taken, their villages burned, and proVisious, consisting of salmon roots, berries and grass !leech, destroyed. A rumor had hors in circulation at Astoria., that Gov. Gaines and hie party had Teen sue ,prised and captured by an overwhelming force at RogueS River, but it was without foundation. A letter from him to the superintendent of Indian affairs, speaks more encouragingly of the state of affairs in that vicinity. lie attrib stee touch blame-to the whites On the 17th of July, a young woman, named. Mary Anne Fishero was drowned at Portland. - She was a native of England, and had recently • arrived on the !charmer Em4ry, from the Sand wich- 'elands. Nono of the overland parties of the present season had arrived when the Colombia left. Oregon, Jacob Parsons. reported as killed by the In diens some weeks since, is alive. The Oregon Spectator says that the U. S. Gov ernment Ints instructed the Superintendent of Indian Atlslrs to:go on and treat with the rest of theludiao tribes west of the Cascade Mountains, sad to provide for the building of a hospital for them, and that re'porrations may be made on their lauds for them ' The party of Captain Kirkpatrick: who were supposed t., have been murdered by the Indians at Point Orford, Rogue's River. aapreviously de tailed, have arrived iu Oregon—thus confirming a vague rumer • received by a former arrival, of their safety. They had several encounters with the Indians. whom they successfully' held atbay. AmmunitiotOecoming:scarce, however, they were oblidged to abandon their entrenchments • and. after a portions overland journey, during which they suffered touch for want of provisions, they reached Oregon. Capt. lichnog landed about the` middle of July second party at Point Orford, consisting of sixty five men with four cannon and plenty of 'small arms and ammunition. Twenty four of the party started immediately for fßogue river and the Shasta mines. THE .VISIT OF THE CEEPFECY AS TO THE PRESIDENT. On Saturday mornig.g, atteti o'clock, the dele •ia(lol2 of Chippewas, from MtnnesetVreli-ritou, accompanied by the Hon Luke Lea; the COM. Missioner of Indian Affairs, proceeded to the President's House, in accotlance with a"orevioue arrangement. The Indians, in their wild, native costume, appeared with extra trimmines, inehel in a profusion of gay colored rthaeds: -. having procured them for tale occasion, as they were now to be admitted into the, presence of their great father,zof whom they had heard so much, but had never seen. i The Indians having been Conducted to an up pen chamber and ecated, the President of the United States abortly nftervrarde entered, when Mnl Lea introdneeds to Sim John Johnson, the interpreter, who introduced each of the delega tionlby name; Creasing Sky, Safe Guide, Stand Before, Spirit Seen, (the head warrior,) and Breast They severally shoot • hands with their great father, aptiresumed their seats, and seem ed to be highly planned. • The Commissioner remarked to the ,President that those Indians were Chippewas, and that they hod Palled •to 'pay their respect. to hint. The President made inquiries as to their country and condition. In the couree of the conversation it was stated that their bead iv what is called the Mississippi band, and.that over forty different handalconstithte the Chippewa tribe in the United Staten. - There is no principal chief having au thority over all the bands, but the chiefs in each tend bind the whole nation. Although jealousies and disturbances may exist among themselves, they are all united against "outsiders." Cresting Sky arose, and after shaking hands 111. th the President and the Cominimioner of It, . Affairs; spoke as follows—the addressi being terprithed by John Johnston: . ' Mo (IBEAT FATFI6I:. I want to say a few wants to you; And ask you to listen to me. I have travelled in a strange country to, get good, and 'to forman idea of how the whites live. I men tionethmy special business to mor e father, 'the commisiioner.) and wish to say, a little more. !.. My great father, . you ace ads howl. am ; how many mti are here. •• We arepoorpoorindeed. 'Yon are prong; your widen is strong. I hire one particular request to make to our great father. We want a new-mill; we weer to im prove. Welike the 'ways! of the whites—what' we have Men. I feel confident that eur lather cad oar heat father will have mercy on ea, and goon no our request_ I know, my great father, that thetle' is no way we can azet along in the world. Game is getting ..zee; tee must go to the ground and till the ground_ Let Me be perinitted to ask you. my great father, What makes you a great tart powerful nation' It is that white book on the stand, (the Bible.) We want schools that we may learn to read thaGhook, and do good, and be wise, I am very mash pleased that I have been per mitted to See and talk to our great father lam happy that oar father will ...enl us hack home. I have one more request to make—that when we. land in otth territory, we wish our great father to aid usl.that we may gel home safely. :Oar children are azixtens, and wait-for our -return 'froth our great fatter.. They expect that we will carry them something that will satisfy them: An I hale said before, we ere very glad, mei we shall long remembUr our interview with our great father. lnotherj request, toy great father. I nosh you to give roe; a whtte paper, to allow to my hienda when I get home..." The orator then 'presented the President With wampum ;land, after further proceedings, The PreSident of the United State. responded so followo . It glee@ your father great pleasure to meet hie red children on this or , asion. He ismuch gniu• fied to learn that you have taken a long journey among atrangers for the purptoe of seeing haw .white people live. [The Indiana lintened with marked attention, and - resprinded by a hearty Which they repeated at the close of every succeeding sentence as it was interpreted to them.] ;Tiny years ago the red children of this country covered the whole face of it. The whites then came among them, a very weak band, dependingi in acme measiarn upon theirred breth ren for islipport, But the whites have - grown greet and ntropg, as, you nay, while our red brethren have grown weak and few. One cause :of this dilferemie between the white man and the Fed man Id, that the whites cultivate the ground, while the red men seek a-living by the chase. I hope, therefore, when you return to your people in the wilderness; you will tell them of the im provemmis of the white men, their number and strength, end encourage them to pursue thename oeoupationz and cultivate the mil. • Thoughlthie white man be strong and the red_ man be weak, the white man feels bound to pro !. test the red man and do justice by him. And this is thuchlef desire of your great father. Id regard to your request for means to build a it will give your father great picasure to aid you in the laudable undertaking. Your greet father is much gratified to learn from you that you desire education, and to be taught to read and write, and to know the great truths of the Bible. This education is another means ofl happiness and strength to my red children..! In conclusion, I hope that you will have' a nail, return to your friends, the Chippewaa, 'and that you will meet with no obstructions on the jeer- - ney. I doubt not that all the whiter will treat you with all consideration and respect. It is the desire Oliyour groat frither„ the President, that they shall do eo. Your father, the Comtuisioner of Indian Af fairs, will do what be can to aid you to return: and will i - nthish you that white paper which you desire. • I thatdc the &rest Spirit for the opportunity I have bad to confer with coy red children. I hope to hear . of the safe return to your friends, and prosperity hereafter. Ile good and faithful citizens ; 'maintain pence among yourneleca and your white brethren, and you may, rely on the protection of your great father. • I have nothing more to any. Spirit Secu.(after the usual preliminaries) ad :dressed the President My Great Father and my Father; want to say a few words. The Great Spirit' hears what, I have to say. Ilere is the wampum Ism about to present, and leave here, that all may see we bare truly slatted you. This is ant have to say, my great father and my father. The President—lreceive the wampum as 'a token of friendship, and together with the wam pum presented by Cruising Sky, it will be placed in thelnditin Department, that my red children and white brethern may always recollect that it is a token of friendship. Tht Indians then rose to depart, when Commissioner Lea pointed out to them theSeo sentry of the Navy, who wee among the few pale faces present. The. President informed them that the Secret ary Graham had control of all the great vessels which sail on the ocean. The Indians rhea hands first. with ithe Presi dent of the United States, tindthenwith all who were present .on the occasion, and took their lesre bowing . and scraping in•their beet style; end two of them carried their politeness to ouch an eitent as to take off their head dresses for 'few moments. On7Sa - ttirday evening the delegation left the city for their homes in Illemesota.— Ikantington Equklic• TRANSPORTATION . _ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 TR'EDIONT HOUSE, OPEN TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES WEST r, BOSTON, MASS. • ' OP JOHNSTOWN. • !nriiHlS well known establishment is kill eon ''.. it. darted iu the ear,. manner it Lae &Iva>, been. The _________,....— antral and Pleasant ”.01.12 4 'the horn, .tp orrumodl - . --------, 1 .'irt=.',V,',4..r! '„7,•.;.'',';':,',:"„..•211,);t1" 1 .7,;',Z. 1.551. PAIL ARRA NGEM NNT. 1851. 1 ."''". U. ' r.v.kr • e • Haring rev ~oe e, o th, tam of John I. Tuekrr t Co..L CHANGE OP HOOP.. l' e kW, at che load .1 tlx4entabltrinnent, the , üb,crib• r . . , , V;abla beat exertons imam its n•putatioa. and TIRE REDCCIED AND SPEED INCREASED. , My eatir., lion to bla curt,...,... PennPytounur Railroad and Exprers Packet Line 1 .0-194,4)bn . 'sm. it. PARKER. :"41 miles Railroad TI miles Canal. 1 —._.- 081" MGM, ..P. C•11 , 10•1,21-T ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK. 1 -.----- _ Two Daily Lines Express Packet Beak i NEW FANCY GOODS, -% ~,,,, , , FROM . ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY, ( N ONSTA.IVI LI ABM 1 LNG, new' stiles L iEXCLUNIPELY FOR PASSENGERE./ ' ) and yatterop, an on eatei.ded vertety.,ll,,,d .' On anti after Monday; August 25th, the - ..*,.. York importation pie, , Packet. 4 this Line .111 leave Pittobonth for Lclkren't ' in. Gi.. 1 f?4,t1E1.:i1':47 ,T} r. r .. ` .? , . `" Z7J ` ,.:::. ` ,W.,7,..r m.,b, Ar rove , r 7 morning at k 'circa, and avary ••...nln. al in,11,, c , p rey) ther.. taktog the tare of the new Peno L ylvan a ~,,,„ ~,,,,,,„; ~,,.,, ~0 2. , r .,,.. r w.,,,,,,, A ,. E . ,. (which leave immediately ages their &Meal) dig ~,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,, i,.,,,,,,,,..,,.. c,,,,,,,,...,,..;,...,,,.., re, for Philadelphia. ~. , idA7. • Rir'lttue through, FOLLY Iloars.l ' • Dr • • -I tar' Fn . ert• 1 T t E h l - 1:4 " ,7,,,ja.1it r Z.117;; . 11;gnUr . r. E . ''''' ..b " Z' i TA•ar'.4.nlteaa;iie.le,..'l7ip r7'4..-',",'..7,::,,`,-.. canal on enabling them ~ on artiaal ' al . PilltnTel . p7ia l To ! w::“...7i',''',.„',11:n.1.4°;;11kii,!,7,:r"r„,j:%1.7g;',.'3;',..e:."*..''' proered on tr, New York at Ono,. ' R )1 'II ELLE., Imr•orter. PASSENGERS FOR BALTIMORE auglrglm ` , • , .1 1 70mu1ere...1 . 1 . 1111.41,[1.1•111, Take the York and Cumberland Railroad. at Harrisburg. Distal., eight" row miles. Time: FOUR hours. 1 1 1 110N1 A B WHITE, BONNET MAN I_l - to Pluladelphia, din. Fa, to Ealumurw, E9.:6. FACTIIP.F.E. No II Pouth Setv•rel ...R.I. (above feblL:lr do Lancaster j 0 .1,. Harrisburg 3.4.00. L stlant. wet 41,1“.) Philadelphia. If pen desire Chun traveling and oomf ,, rtable smoustuo dainty., wenn. >our tickets at the Torket Odic, 3fra•tooga• hula House. of IO LET-A law and roprenieni2 WaIIy:DOUSE. on Unocal ibrant, ben,. µi,..1 1 mittifeld. Enda:lvor ...pa . V , -am. 0 01INSION. FOR RENT -The 11\p:eh...use. N . ., le9 rat', Labelle strut. at pruene occupied by T r,... p,.•4 own. Poasesemo glton on t'. c ' t C... "'"'" " aelittidilw', a 'Enersdrat of DROWN. An yundmoi, Great Bargain! 1 ISEII'Y ST. PROPERTY FORS. A LE. •fal.:,--,/,h,iA Z.A.N.'."1'.'1.VZ.)•....741.T..i'i15':i.&1!• Maid Hotel Iv no t e:one to the Canal Mirth. and adinitatic th• location of tle Ponnapratia It ailrend Proneuirer bria. ti*n-has rented h•eltlY.Ta• err sue-hmk Drown. t f nat ' ervaeed at, Per further parrieuiank moult, of In PM/IVAN. Federal Itt . Allegheny or a s CAM rBELL.‘j Lawny at / S kt. , [.Ortr ~ Amattaitratnt, of\ the ern, of Tho, Palms la det.' Nor. \ L..ig r eq, ..:st and eh •sla \ l..r .. Private esidence for Sale\ rrlIE PROI'O2. Y le tatirrii.Fo SO,. '11k,, , - •'' , '"l., , t \,. l'' 1'..• ~,,t ''', , • , I , • , 'IIIIA , AtaII4O, arm- I*, , • F;74 1 t. !met chdl, La u. *the /kll, iter.e.• it tit sou , - ..( , Aileen Aileen.. Lim es nolo. ia untoirter..4 it tri. oii minaolior A , 1119A1 , C IV.. of the eit ,of I `eta burgh an.l 'three tn. t a alan, 1. 11.. tenni: to To rn tolhe &name:m.l o , yamburll, , oomborinn in au ennovut in.gre. the Ai nu ar , "Peelle t o e.. and 4 -votary \ The los \I. later. •tt us , to: .Air , td grout.d.ll\ I or t e hundn,l and tfl i loa ...i , ...nu n buck two Lt.. dtvai and tar an to an .1 , Ihe traDrpT , DAVDt, are ne, the h , 0.,.. limek built Ni l o, dor., at• l•,,:( rile h., al.tertal, and, boob. ..I In the ..., m. 0.,. liann: eovro convenl.m. I t o L e re d , r.lll , lAlleent.k.. MI. art to i t omu et . thee. i a ....1 ofy•acellent na ter at the door, and PM 1 , hrd ti , 1 ,1 0. it wAter Cart l4 4 4 house and atablum. a i!, ) ..1 l\ic tulkad,shrolo tory In .I. rt. fie at, tan, and al Nui...... eau ota1) . le .ntan,l•tle.!..lZsPe r.t417tirtr7...,\1..1‘..„;. ii,.. it ,„ e ti l, on a , e tee .......unnu\ debuta .1 ne n i• rauoltann, Penn street dom. , ot , roe Are o ...pe. intrion • t h STEP efeirk .. .... I : ~ .r..,.., 1 3 .. r rii.,,. n aj Efital.e.\ vt , ' iwr5E.,..... ~ Me. Henry's Philadelphia & Liverpool Line gt ;tram Meet by* e of Packets. • L•flit :iA-T 0 Iliili,A,., ,ixid, . ,int le , Fifth Ward _ - o - n Lib, i e .„..., ~., ~.„„ '-'\!' T•Tr ' kfl ',. ii! t 7t.t„ d' 2 , ' t 4 Sailing from Philadelphia On the At : i . NEW YORK , the ram, * .' s i ftal %ewe, lath. and LaT n tr...^l r n tn. I.t. of tab month ...- deo-A r 0 • ' , I se.t iid e lio teeMorr,Webd.r \ ~.t. ny ip 'fakir Pi.k..AbAar . s. E. 11„ Dragon., 31aster. i ---=_--_,---- - • ,.. m ..- a - 7,- -- 7 - _ _.- _ - '''''' ':; ° ,, 4 ',.c y . ,r" . "' - ' " ' . 4..." . '.,Y.ii„,n`4.4.„4`;"4.,,, '' I Ins 11 terrains pt=y t ir e , lik.N.Als DOMI. 11 nt F tun:liner. Muter. 10 .1,/ iilers in Liquop, &c. I cablf, t 4. leader a . )4 det.N..,. •• 1:1:1101•E. Nathaniel r Mamie. Muter. j - 11 -E-,4lkiiiii, l'itt'Elill\'ii2b . 1 , ciiti.:!,re lately o.unteracts I '2 . 1 , ,!ri1t 1 4( 3 ` , .„:„.afr,./„Ii Soent , lif•steo j .1. Col ) , !TE,.Fieach Reetitir, 360 Eighth • .; '''''' .'• , ''• or. ........ a W W., Motu . ..... • ow. a au. ; he,. . 4 , leah n ti ...e. ale u otana. c ••. ry ''.',! ° Tat ' eatit *'"t' r!Yri . ' ao . l ' ;‘ ''' ‘le,;lall ' :`; ' A Ina. above thspe ere built of the ~..and most orally . ~..: r: . .. • ;; • •,_ . .,' ',....;,• '' .. •,, 0 . 'IP' o , 4 ir °' 4 fun 44° ' ruerry ". t ^ • lon t rio n te . .1 pa,,,,y, r y a,?..`,. manna), Indere noted gar nu. ramday of th-mr peamura, ei,... 4 : - fl i .`0;„„;"'; ' 4 !..4`.„ 4 „ . „2 ; .° 4 -, , , 4 1. 1', 1 , 1 r0, , ....... , ..•• , ..,.... tie u..., A. 1... . -......• •n'y • la tal....ri \ ru'rle• 1....; I \ Di, •ratehd Ilfc.hser oridema rk they are btud Uti , .sth 111 lams( imprummer.D. az. mint ; b i „.„ 4 „ . ',.. • T ip. .„„;;;„. „ ; i„, 4 - y, r; .. 4 . 4, d azr i - ,• , ,..;1: , :i . :: 1 ~ ,....t Britt c -1, .0 crt, \r 7,k ‘ rr• erl,l 1,12,4 on A. AtA , Dil , 6, t . - .61.4 MIS , :a . - - L'AD, t thunuglray .. s ‘ enthat 4 e.l. , ati, o , i , a . e ~...7 . ,..,....d tor thetr am re , olla y - on the but are 11.1 ~, rise E ,,,,,,,, ' of ~.r . ,,,, 1 tculonaintin tann.....h ili t.pt. , ' nerursce rho * , r:C . 8;?,...Ct.,..,:6L-j.,,:a.71,,-:.-,;v.;V.,'',,3:;:ri 1,tt... ,:.',., ..11fuland. the moat... reend to men of th. Imports t , I' '; '' „. • " P ' „ r ej.,'''.• 1T" . ,.' '... '" 17* . r ii °"''" 1 I ' ' ' L r ' k' '' ' ' ' W/Aluiso oot tip biers,/ with offserla : • 4 tinny nonahoo...nuntrl,... D a 1.,. ar.tentml to i all arm , ' "' • .... -4- 'v VI 4 ' 4 ^ore °I V., bP. ate unagualltel tor th,r,earemeate in tb• 5a..1..t e ei al. e ~.. „,„ „.; „.,„.„;..„„ „,„ ; „,„„ 4 .4 „,„ ;. ; . „.„, , era, 1. a.t flrrk lath , raha•nt ha x• You ' \ pel3 17. n, la 114 of the Wotin l \ 4,‘ ," 1 , 1,, ,, , des or Mope then friends nom ...el • . * ,) 4 „„„ ,„, ~ .4 . ,, ~,R , ,„'„ . if ';(,r , - •,, fr.:, , • , • , 1•1- . d. , -..€- ho :-. .1 „. •• t , . , 4 , x•r v. ~ dibg.urtmlYby rieGaYOtes Eatra.l.Ol\l", 4. Country ran obtain cerebrates of Farman, which wilt b)'. a y,y., y „,;.;•' '"' ' ' •• '''-• ''.• i'`'F rn .F••O The I •atlini e a toe . 40,33 Al g vv. The ..iv good for neat month, and our 111'1 ,,,, .11 , 441 ....'ll.l , i ' ^.1 . 1 1. ...” te •......tuturd at ahy ' lima ; t, r repia.. In. r4. , 0t ernicol wilt furoleh them with to s Ctn.. mnrmation •nd t - AIDE , • . tio. nlNnOyt ~ KIV IN r. , oft \!r • of Fou et.O., 6 inatrucnonr relative to thetr departure • _ . ; American Hardware. • ' u sed. - • -.. •.0. i ..._ , gm. _ g..... , ,.40, , t5. r1 t;, ' ,,, t7 1 - s l ) - 1 3i v e l ,, : \•*,,\%.,..,- u „ , Jta , , " :e:f \r : ,, b u' sji.ss c :i: , ,, •.::::niz f„ : :h t:: r ::e , i :: ;:;...e ' . ' : " :l , nsi i . :: s ~, , i 's \ For the conocaleure of -.13.1,21,11. smr/nun to sent ma . ese Iv duns lEr I,- ~ID LI YEN ,f, DOUGLASS, 31.anufactureree 910 TRAY: r SPCARTER,S,Th.O. .SS.DS. -- • 7 4-. \- ~,.. e.er . or flat . h. aD upward. Farah e .. at elaht xlthout 41.. 0 ../ ar yi e h w in t, ea.... 1 b) any ot P A.,..114.,:.76 t Platt titre, three, deer.. from bar! so • I l.htiCER MEItChANIb. -..kor ed , • ~,..„. , A poolthe Duple or Put Otlcai to the Muted Kingdr m . , NI, VDU; Mrs rear,,noly ', t n. a.. idteati on of .1,.. .., .....,;,,. 1011 11 , •erkniltiabli , t .. .0'1,t , . , fmr.tll,,..\ ~,.. ' ' -r ' \ ' '''ii . ' •, ,r. , .° Yor ‘ii. ' •., ' .., \ 4`, • dm. te , 4 , b tied In her nod., thlag tor &Aar now ; pi n e \sta"'T xa-1 meat.. pyrpl4.4 paoaeoyers comm.: „oar Liver ~: Llardware ...Froth , , ' , bolt Ftot - k. of Good.. retel*el dire: , tut tdat lathes on eault Pune. A •ya h eiy. i t An.d true{ ~- ' "“" '•' '''' "" i rd- :'''.'' "4 '','''' ''4''''..t tii 'FY . ..mole Mi ' k hut lama ' .. l ent ehat•t cull be pineal - In . tram thocuatufacurerr. and for tal• het emtrable term:, tag 'lathe V.... 44.000 P.. l.iteir tn't ',rare . ` '. iiflaboty/,;. ', \ , 4 4)\, oikik^ • /Am, week the following supplies isi in 1.......1,1 1 iyIS. ore. i the Derot •ol -Arend., yaelet the tananDani. there \ ' et r 'Dr ri \ ( . .is , -.. •es ..• .' - \ • this,.. a( a .. ....N , ..1 an: , btu` tmo ,"'re , D painienger of 12 roars of au and orer. 21. Ito. bread. --, t --- ... ' I - -- - York 1, •Ronlin . tb e rteseast tar:lns ftr rat] Is. etn om * (ILL m•. •- ~ ~. iir Knolle .‘IICI.IO 'rk I have 4' Sitro ,mel aver". lentStlant ri;cfmactoodedi . s t Ilia rien 2et tea. S Ibr. oatmeal. ty lb .aerie. Ilb Dour. I Steam vonntunication between New th.. a.,,irr...1. c-, q ,a ‘,. - % ), • ' \\ - . \ 'AtIVo eals,. 'e„atura.V. hi.eteart. 13th, 0 the Av.,. e( di 4.6...... es .4.flx 14 . ....4.,...tta.a, • \ 1 M lb mmtur•••• and Ilb pork Coder 12 sear. or ene. a i ' and Glasgow. lot ternie e gine •IR I: \TO tCTC„,I4, Altr.-tiedy.Cit, ea ..k.4• ',IL. r E.XI'I , F„Nh 1 03,ti rl. bate . the by. nd,' \y. „i „t la.,' ) e y„,4 ' a n . „.... ; ...yy -, lbe. breadstuff. 1 It p•irke tall allo.r.risof via. and 'tn. l ' rat W. Ronk: Ireitit. !, .. h. C. STOtibri•Nk ._ . Ir a .. .INAighe utarriyai ot , WE itAISS A viII Depot. Th ra* "- -• c n'.....,‘ .. " fl -,.. 7 "' 7 ,._, ~ ' ,''--;_-‘--, 0.'..^1.°4 el,-.-,--,k•th..lmakvol-c-j!, ►i KrilE Glaogorr and New Turk ..,...e, __:_'''.u__.4.' eokiter \I Market .4 \Thar/ tt I Loa ro earl:l24 •et Itieniv 1.0 k•mt de e n, a iry ,f,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,ff',. Dr. Guy tie aeatew 4i- .. . t i.,. * "` ... \.""" \ • . - -• -.--- k ----- t -- y - --,- -,, proyl , It,ro . the .itot agA • ylactubyet t o t io aval h a , .., , a s . ae I, icor me , An., eu 1 u.0.1\11,, atemo fc yr\ ' 4 N0..".7 Walnut street. bolo. traton,. : l4lla L d 6 . gia. i tt , ... ,3, Crntr... • rowooful oow . ' . k A4,0,111D 1i1.1.6 ,,, V, , 1„A, , 1 ~,,,, ~ ~, • _. \, \ Fdr.' , ,S. .. \ \ ',, I ,;.,,'..,...: • " 2 ' 4 ' ; ;,, ; •4 ;• „..„•' 4 '.' . ""4 - ,,t1 '''''Y.., 44 Ott 4 ' ; ' , '", , t t ft , .1\ ait was al nt to„all of to N, t atie,n;arovire, \ , elett cutter mate •tia Wo, eta Pitt.butah I! , in h- '''''' .. .... 4 ..° " ter '.', 4 ' .. • ITit Tofiffeifff kitti kii.ilit - OrD 1 T 4 l ,. .;;;•Trr:!" , ' , l?2••••t?'; . :,•',"`,,'"°';': '';';'"'" l ,`,' -. - , ~., •,,,,-...,, t i ,,, 0 , ~ .,:r. . .,... ~,,,,, • ~..., •• , - La.:mays , ',f Ctio• brvir leelml Onallthe ar CHICAGO AND PEORIA. ...enable el,k of the Sort!, American 31Intag Company rat ' Detrov, puyebleAt the Ofhne or thn Cuturatty. ha l'tttr. ' -- . ,-- - - --' -.- "--' '----' ' ' ----=-=• burgh, Pa., on Howley, the 6th du yor Octrber next, to ' . W PALMER. Triesurer. ' THOMAS HALE. !Mlle", N. A. Mmlogto.or Detroit.. l'lttrborgh. &ILI,. 'tl. ! FORWARDING & COM NI ISS lON MERCIiAIq, rep.1:11.3--.-__-__ CIIII:Mit). 11..1.1.y1:1, . Notice. 'ir ONTINUES hi. u,tal I:oiliiii:ii - to. receive THE Stockholders of . "The Little SAW Mill i U:i°..l4'ifidii.r.3,l:i."i.,a..-.l...rat'i'il.b/iTn'leililiiiisi:-.l'iiri; Rua Mass.] COurPutlf,"'ure berth, ...IS thst nu on oh, ' L at., nog oh., Illmolr C en, una roe,. Ipmer‘Vo! . l,!e Do flare wr F.'S is relutr..d to woe pod Brlereuera—Mer, 1,,r0.., .tr''' ' ...-- -- _..-. .ilt...s. ;;itiViWilZ r 74 t;iit;;;l:ii • Mr Jcho A Cascher ___ apt. S al _ ... - tArt4f "' n- VeZ, D ZrArilu, T Wino H. Baskin Notice to Contractors. - (i f ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ... . SEALED PROPOSALS for the Excavation .SND 11:CTIONEhlt. No. 3 W a t, 5t5 ,,... 1 , rhot ti ,,, ht4:o`;Pt",t ° ,'„ th ,74,7't; h "94 l 4`P;;;''jtu,,na`g. 1 r..,,,0ta oaotwoo to cottoottion L0..t.00,t' ...e.s. r Pant. mall the 2.3 th of beldstabe e r us.. 'Kens and o. mtlentiove ram Is, sees alter the pith nt Septemts, by tall. --"------ . af,mjl'S " r " ib ' P "'"'"' ' G '"'"''''' En''''" of th ' ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. 33 ay. . at the bomb, of Matthew' Mr lutt eli. to Chartism .._ __ __________ ,____ _ ,y °rat, nt the tins,' of Itat‘tors 01 "The Latta i a t. ST. JOSEPH, lIHSSOUR.I. mat utto Rattlroatt ComPahf." ' ttp2s ,xetan 751 Eb11".1.t..d."" ._ _. B UTTER--1 bbl. and 24 kege'for sale by rtraa,e. Commirsits:amt loraatdl& . , nod:malts. or t the set, ' WI!. ir..youssroN „ „ ~ „ ~,, . .....r: Lit ti. - sht t .„ , ~,, Rf r Al sat.l r tcrdsq, .Li pa, rtbs & &Cc . B ROOMS -L 75 doz. for cal° IT _rvO3 l'itMbursti. apkly —, _. _ Wn. IL JORN&TO:t . _ IiVID . C. TUTTLE. Attorney at .tew, ITINEGAR-97 hblit. Cider, for sale' by "''''"'"'"' ''''"'"'"''' " 1 ,....,,'''"' V tssP3 ;,... m joHN ,,, r . R. ail sommonlrat tl m s promptly asuwersd. ---1 Y ._... fIOFFEE-100 bags Rio, for sale Fy j 011 N 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coon rellor et Law, and Commmytt.rer f, r th e Sm. o t.. 1 an,: J. N. 1? . :LWOHTII ..1..C0. rr..,ylrmatx. Et LOWS. MO., i W., ot 'Pittsburgh.) EIRESIA TEAS-600 p - ackuges Fresh Teas - , ~,,tr`.:ll7F-Pct,lbriV... Z b ti . t.r , i , h i rtt . .t 1 Jp, per Isteat arrivals at New lark-tett:Dori:log PR, McCord dam, • ' - ' . . a .l,l t fy A 1 ..0 litstMt Ilse Oolovi. • dunpo•der. Pottehoom • k, p.m ou ua „ t f=„ . „ 1:1,:c.A.R CAISEIC-5 lbs. fur sale by anll Wu. BAcAuty - I 10. XI JP J. not t Cu. BOSTON PHILADELPHIA nioattr E • Edna a. manaao:. • ult rt. LP 11 A GALEY ItOilt,F . WGGD3YARD & CO., Whoir- A rale Gnaw,. No. =I Marlirt IL. Phlladel,lda aptl • . rnwf.an tow.. in'CK NOR CO., Tobacco crommi,-..inn 41 Net-th Watt .1 , In North Ularres. M1{1.1,44. ti,il ua.CO 1, J. W. Efolbenon. Y. 745 itoiden; Lane, ;Veer Tor )1 XPORTER and Jnbber FRENCH and } t.4.31.nr, ...we:, :Mater. rut.nun 1. 1 .1e. , ..1.rnr40un5, Lock. U.,llikax, %Vim-. Fine...NA, Agent fc.r Ink , l ll.otaxt A4 - mat Ibciturrie.ta 7:u To,, Firework:, ar i • ,rl::23= Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. ONE'S .F.:‘IPIIIF INK, street, ky:. Vora. 111 TO ' , III . TOCOO TOti. VI 1.u0.n.......tgrvii oto. Cirt.ll \ s. xn r I, !1 ' . , e ull. SHY. • lLy.lopte uu t.0,u1 g len I l ;r b. . Pitt &red w foru.sh %LSO ti. 4. tprr brer t,R or Loan onGeatuptloo .t O.ebovv , oy tow tit., rut up ae per ctdrr cr , L L .Ye .re cb.rrr l , bud ortrol rugrt, ,1 char,. i, No thar..• tor Los.. IBearele Lr ar THYODOILL Ne.e4au et, Ham AuttdtOt r, 4 . r. ,r 1 . i r Is El 0 1 Professor Mei C. Barry's tricoicherous, (DI:ILEDICATEP CaNIPOUND,- fur 1-O .-no,. prtenrytn4 I .autifyinr, the, tkair,erndica. rrurf landroft min. U.. Akio, em, ha, SO- rdr.t• ethmt In.eurivir .11+eaYr• at the of the h. 1•• anti all ti, autma: 11.111.1 the fllo•mt, tertizumtale. from ~13tinIrrAr of •Imilar 1 4,1",2; glree It • [ma Irma Tom, Bart 23, 10f1 Yit 1. Lux'—Drar brat Moo attliet,l wall • cu. tanr.our aruption of the arair. of • trio,t aFk•rarsta4 char attar, for tha last rixt,n l para. .n 4 that loured hero hadthe 0400., 0,00....1 rho acui,,vt 01313- elan, urki have trla , l Ail rho ,raparatluno for the halt and oklh note kuo.rn, w:thout 11,, !ea. - M.A. I wa• II tr-r 'our Trl , :pheruna. I did an • 1.0 and.to n'T ..rPr!ot and wratineatton.l,und aysoll dttr,4 almut montbi, Sorb was the , olanr• tha t , ,x/er that at nm., I 1.,L, pollorn7 Itanr , tfullr. tr V 01 itAI'ELYIS. .14 , 1 etrart. Lmohlra. ROUSE,, FARMS, &c . ..h. .:. • " 3 C° ll3 gb .., • , .l . ‘ ,e's• \ AYER'S CILLARIi.' PECTORAL. \ . * 1% , .1.:3 li IN G T()N ri.),U. NT r, \\l3l, I LAND ) . .1 , 11117, C14. - a. ‘.ll , au.. 1 , 1.,,...", con,riao.r.n.i ao \ l'asi,. ‘ aiiiy\ - ( „ vit.l.G).: CO .11,,JU.SENESS. 1111.4.19011 T HE TENTH ANNUAL SEVN ..,p' i; 1:e. wEnoras,?.c)UGll. CROUP, \ , , ~ •wet .. NIO.NI,•)' .. toy irb Itk 1 ta mutt • • eta sa.tat - ". • ,'. • ' 4 \ .V . rt2 s tll, 1 ./.I:I.I2iNiPTION \ ' f , Jul .! , ..,'• '`. a. ` • , '• ucl ao. a e,l / 4 ,..‘ 0 tc; V I, e. , , rat b",\ t 3.1 1 . Or LAC 7,,t;S a1 .. .:0vr.r1e5 Sct \u ,, r . i.bh..,..,..- " •.. . g , e r ,, y . ' " ...... n tH " ',. \ 1 a • u, te In Li., ..e.etst; - • ......,L,,..a.b4 a pply. aud the cbar.re t o ....to. ae. fru tb.,\.l.ota o. Weir \,- ~. - ' • .- ' I f,. J... 1 . ....r0..0, ...:, ~ t.at.o. ze I erno t rtlonc Lb.. tpr,u, , , THE CoLLEC.I ha. tb••tieual u sutler , t .14. • .1 •\. ‘ L 1 ... , ....ea1r.r0cv " ,-, , rt. I, rys.a.,l , \ mr.l. all tl, opp , rtunltn, for • eon, ....?,,aue..ata• c u at . W +u.c......4 tertutooocu rd th. , ll,statrsc.ut...:, ~ • ' ,.'t' • a“.. '''''''' -° ' '''''' O , °I ''''...',,, '" ,'••\ \ r, ,r • 01u.,..• b„ u...,,,a,i , ..,,,„ , 1f•-t„ t . A ea.. tat.l a f ..J v.g...,.•• Lbrolbcc • li. ~ IM: t, It tft ,I n ix . a to n'llk kit. Irotot...)).u\ at ) r, ... ) b••• ••• utre,tl,, , rnr, o i.. 1 ) , r) .. I, r l b: that uo a'.. --"-", der dt....t ...,talsLt. rect,tto 110 at t ~ ..s.uo.: • ' 4 ,' '' ...° '-'''' ' 3 ''. ''''''',.''F''' their ~...d.oit• al room. aLO pr.,rea theta, t.t - t1u,..11a. ' ... I ,' ••'''' ••••'' L'4,'r.r."'"'''''''rr,..,......14‘..... ert0...1ae... Tb•• ~o relx).t sod , Ilrabort id be Prof, . :.b tut, hitber:,,, fa,: :: . ..oa .Or ro , l , lfboo.:atla a nt , -n°7,::.' , 4 - ttiniall;..;l7,-"l'' ''''"l tic.'" 6 \ ... , PUP' ' ' ''' u , " ;., ""'l '''' ''''''' lb' ' ' '''''''''''''''''' 1 t I o tl.• 31E1:CA511LE C,1..tb. ,. /;:•• eh, r • udy ‘ L ev re•.k I ' e ' ' •' - . ,, ..7. o t , La.`. 1 ;`4 , . , , Lt :rOi..i. ~ o `j' .J NrOt • lt s t omlt.t..d. aud lta Pia , . e..ea..."1 t , r a/datec.,l e r-... Ir e • I. renkl ea ..< ...vu tl, c..,.,..1,0.,,,...1.N.1..k...1.,0•• )1, a 1 .r. Laocua,a.l.l , ol. - P,...ptua.••• • Th• attuatu, .1 Ow C01t.,. , I . ,, , ,ertretr healtl.t,' ar,•l U. :: “,'''' ,`t ur 'P , "' ,. i:"" ''' , l ' '''', l'' ' ' ' ' ', ' ' .' . I. i " I' ' ' Li Its deLarr. tr• oi •zu. aul '41,...,0. very Let ora . •l• ' .", ` " ' '''... '"'''''''' '''''' .' 'S, f,,,,1101.141.t.1..r or - , It. t. , w 11,...,,. to A • 1 tu.,.,,0 t•f • • ,,,,,t wea a •I to:, x 1 'r .. ,lr 1:1,11/' J-lALL. 4 ,4. builatn,.. pu t.t t 4• vreN. ~,,,,,,„. . ~„,,,,, t.,e ~ u•T . .at,o la, 4,,,, ,- .4. I ri r read, t..., occupation itt tbo rout,. e 1 th , ~uelc ...e, . addlrlou to patron nut ruer cor. • I Prt , :.....• r • li.. L ru• . .. \ '...' '''' '`.•••', '''''-r".. " .','• he. \"..• , 1 .1. 0 , _•. a‘...6.aar d;1;1t ...,. baer rereutle oppodtted Huvb 1 . •,, ).•at.,•. LI I . L., ...I: part: In ..,.tal ud,,,,,..),. .4,,, (44,„ ti . N. L ./4,- nod.Entl . ee44l utteuta*u rt. tail, •A tur, ~ (3•11 uod E,ele.htatt,al Loa, 4tol J.•he IL A'....1 ...•••. 1< ) . fr, - ion.,, r 7r‘,..11 - 18ch r 41 1 . 8 t? , Ftxrild.t. or 4 ,4c , ..,.. ) z 0i s . 1 1 ,1iCer, lore.. 1/ ',. a t ander. LL P . - I.e . turer •ma i'lly,,, .no I Cle•utleet , , 1 L ,1,4, ": , t,e, , ,i ~.. Tpe O toao.. liar', 11, the to .1 Lot. IOWA! 4 e , . , .1-, • '., - ay.., t.•, - /r I L., - 17 P, • torPl, l \ .•''' \ , TrBrific, \ In ett• C•• 1,0, }DO 1 41 - .211r114{1 erlool, . PAO buch,l, to. I to. - r,e.......- • ~ /. -.4 , -.. e, ' " tote. eatc,,,i \ The folloaritu !t• Inv *4l* , lltiron:cr e\ -. , to nn ..n tnnty.tn ,t 44111,, au, ab. -Ault manually tu .L . l.au -. , tr, t, - 1,. } 1 , 111•• • ~.yo :.. ' , ' Aj; ' , '''','-.'" I \ th' l" ' ''''''''' '' ° ",Fr•T ,l,,,,,, ; o VlO ,, , t X.. i Us.- t. n 1 nit , sti. cis tor eileut. too to t.madl, cc , 1,, Jistll ,' H laLltYLetl. I , P 1 ,- , r IPl, ' , ' ' ,..7, ' . , ,'.',,'. .•,, '.,,`.., .co At . . 1:e7. • E. , t t. jabeu ,i.. , n....e.a a. , ...2Exue.•tiyau,tore • . . . C .; Colleve of zt...tanLy, r ~ ~-in ... 4, -n,,,, , ' '... - 1 . , ' , 1 1 ,2Sr 't " • it ' 4. , i'n u tl Ore rte n TA l-Nb an n r th. ont lg '\. ' ‘ . ocf:'X ' n ' t , , t '' It , \ wn,J,•,,,tton conor Nrrlan. . ` ° :t., .L, ''' . X . ; ''' aod-letaotaSue.lo ra t.,Ltr g C, ~ 1 1, , l'err , ue . 1 cc - but,l• a t • bto, ..u , I+l, , ..4•11. r• - •• r • C•.• j .L.1)...._11 ,4 • .sull boaat et' Oar auft..r..,a, aut ail bi., Ctor \. n tl: . r e,• Pr e tlOg Ulla I o•toluelon. are rep.r....1 in L., 8... .1 - A-:. t. ..... r• 1 • raiN„.....t. . inn blab nal rt4 • 12 , 1L0 It •onsta n' t , t.- Lt, It dore B Lyman who.. forn,rly a Trul.r.e. 1 '..;,,, i . ,..; . it,....,., -\ , , .1\ Tb1......0.i , Book Coricern. Cair 1.4 Call pr,....,.1 6 4 ‘' e, it ..Ct`a., aurr1,...113.• Pt • , 1t•.. - , .. Irev‘. ray , ..„. , ~A ,•ell:l•44cry tectl.olay Ls kw/F . 4 el ray i..a.• ...i.r %., , ••• 1 ••t• ... Calvrrr / At University of Maryland. ~,. , ..•- ,-, -,- 4 , - - - 11 - 1 -v1 , 1 , v B '''''' li t' li. c.l , th.. .. b.. 7 1 4 r 7 .e aA I . l4 "''' i • . .•• r 2,\ e tor‘l, 1, , 0.v.1.4: 0 .e.....tt 1,, , , . .•,• THE NEXT SESSIOIs: .1111egio on VL ED - 4. L , , o , . \._ = .-.,"'..' W--. N° '. l '• ' II '1: r 8 \ T.. 88 \ 18. - 8 . SI4 ,, AT. la.• Val day of Co2tetmr. 1 , 2..11 .; ~,, I; \ 3(..5.) , :e1, I. iv/ ti' , 4lSt:e. • A ~, t'v ,_' C. & •. feara . .ee ‘ i . '' . ' • ''''''-" , 1,, , i, , 1 . " ' L1. , , , ,,2, -- .',,,,,,, - • • \ . '• arch, 1,1: l U , ~,,, \' te "T V , ‘ . 4 , ,, Lt1 , ar . 0.H1 , .11 alt, ,We hate 0111 :ch.% 11 - zaTer ecti•y0u1b.z.......1 ea knave • ' $ It. be us-d, vitla etbre etr,..c. I\t;a:. wo Lae, oo bac` 4,L1. X a . ..Lb...left, mr.l e'llartua,. , • • )7krfl 444 e ...,, :., 1,. , 7. r - min Vona, \ • 1t..4t10u in otctteNlJaat +an belll roleAl talc. bk.. I ebr. 1P . Tb,rap• oti• ', )1 V. - me M. , .. - • ...Id • •., e*. il .24:V.'''. 1,10 . acle ruedltal earn ounl. •4.1 .c., n :a prvd • =nt - 13 Urnwur an. Ar...,. J. ~.11---, ~ ,-, •• • , ~;, -. . , , nn4 nd' II . V • b ''' 4 .' . ' It to r,....,. NI P . l'i, , v ./.6.1 1, , n. - 1, ot ,f...,)).r. '.',,'1.'1,..,':!;.,.,.''',,,,,',."',..r,',2;,„;.4.,1'1',,,:,,',,°,,°41,kr''''';',..,."'",, m .7 7,... '''''"' ,!lr - " 3 '""l ' r r ;.T • i; -`" ,?.? . e4 . :, t-' `l \ ''' , :.\ 1. hard LI ni tb .. .,.. 31 :, 31,1,1,r, ../ P 1.,.., rt ....,.' . ef 6.,,:,. ~,..,„ ...! ', &.,,,.......',:•!', ' - t 4L. lo coll• - \ t . .. t./Tcr).,,ktr ; \ ~ . ..).”):. w )11‘...)...r4 , 1 1 , 1 . .11,, , ,.i.0i Auaro... '.. . ,- ' 4 '''''• ''''. ' l., ' '' t '.? ; ' ••L 00. , ),At , 1 I , t e ' I , t l, ' .l 8C. , 7:171:1., r..r.: :....Elri. , , \ • lb roo,l aturb oP; .-. rtitu‘t.-... 1- - to, i•tr.... en. o.t '..,':•- \,,,,,'..... ,',.;,..7'..„:,....1,-d„.' e'Z, , r 1..1 , ,,, j , ..% - 1 .- ,....11 1 „ ,, i c \ a Hr .. ..a . w.••.II a,l.rulra • ./ , aur beaut ,- .144.., eke., , •• 0.1 AnulOr4, t • 4a, nal,. v.. vu• 1,...,1 Lb•-k. 11,% • ..12c0 du 1•••• r..i001..1, ttt U. \ • . ''' 111 " 111.0 Lt, all, 7 Ur , 11.• 4 ~...1. t 0,...... ,. .i. , , , ,, , ,,0, ,' r'''* ,;::',,; ' ',',,,,... ‘ . '“'"' \ t '. , ~ ~, ~,\:, ~ ,t , „, r , ~ t0,j4,,, tly o d,o4;•rotrar, \,O arrLmtir t 1.• 14434•1 4 . , \ 413 , 1 IO•rt 10 tl, ' Hallot I••latircuar... • teb tle , •privtl,, i p"..T. ......and ~,.4,1 I ' , ~,,,%.,..; c ,... ...,...,A , ~.. 4,, , . s tortlus .., .O, p, lotton.i, 5 4.4t4 - 4.;4,141ati, ata \ of , I. 11• el,te to :ft, ',ad.. ,thr,ut cbdra •h• lb. + tn tl''n , . ;' , i: - ,'" ...I, , ',. `•''''.' latertaL., to r,-ator. to [her a boir.a.cy Or Irb.‘t j,,,,,.,.., \ , , ' \ fur tbe etelet \ . •' , '. 7, ~,, ,L i; , i . ,„ \ '...,,,, Les deprtre,l thvra ot. mod tba.t toorialLuat lulu, tr.'. ' ' ,I ' Yor ei,.. L.,,,0.,.,.. .11 le, i . ,., p,.... , ~, ~L.trco :, , ~,,,,,, •,,, c ` ,7 4 R' - ` ., : b t : - a ,'',„.,.:11?: : • ;c:1‘ . ! •', • ~,- T AB . 1424 raft. bulre Bare•Parl/1•15 /Le Pert .:....ati, ". 110. 31.1trecu!...ttou, ..!..... 4,1 ajr,,,f,o .... - „,,,..?.t4„. „.„.,\,,.,,,\,,,,,,, ...,. ~ „,„. It ‘,...ullbre the th• elan, by nntuonl ,z 4 ,..,,,e1,,,•,.f` ,L E. .1.. Alla L., P 7., . ,•n A . 4• I 1 ~., .A. ' it , ^ •,-.. ...A.- , ' , - , too:Pam:A dlarazed taatter•ltor.qlt 1 .....1.w.. oa It Fur, \ i 13,11..,... Jule. 1461 - fen. 13,.. ' ' .:•--.. ''''' '' ' ''''" "--.. '•- t - --\.-..... '. St'l" .- °,n ' th- T • ' q.n...,.... . °•,.''."- . .... 7 m... ' , \ ' --- ---- —.---• -------- \ 1.,I• le . {. • -• 1t t 1. - ... 1' .• Tete,/ end obartabae: I.h. ” . .iic ai 1 lax,: ccutireoaarn to \ i Kentucky Mutual Life Insaranee Company. il l --s - '-' Ili -" •••--- A. ''''' ' '.4 '''k''‘' ,.. 11, hlVto aaa freahtless if In.tb\ Lei:, at•a\tdou [be' S , , 1 \ GUARANTY FUND ' , .101 , ,000. ' ' .roc."4.?'d.‘:::','l::;'S',',3).,:'l..tll,lrr.:4l.'r ''.'t:\..,‘4l:' .i[t.)::rli;)','d'Aidi ''''.!)';-. •••'4r,‘,-.4,0P'11: ttr7.Vl"- 1.119 CO3IPANY ofinri• vi \lO itiaurod all I .c, i uliitlb' l'E.l `1...1:' in t. erh- a l- n — neg. ' ‘ ' , 0. 1 ' ,,,,',.,', 4 :ii h t4.`,. u i,k,'";,,,1:`,,, b ; 1 'i.,." • a s . ,,,..ar)n, ans . tin' ...nnr..? 4.1 nth nute,t, eln l, n%ntual Jun Joint ' Ilk _ „.,,., „,, „ ,„ x. , , ~„, ~. ,_, ..., . ,---- -- (.." --- -- -----L- -- 4 , , '., fik Platte tea I,:rougort. ap;llL4 I ekkiloictf,Laanele..l.,, , rlsul. , 'p.l ~.; .;.L.," ; tii,c„;;;;4- : .,4...:\, s al: Cotnnsent on at Efficiency of irull'a‘ensrea rueikoi rr.....u. .) •41:141241 aLtartak .. 5. ...,A tb . ir. , r, ~,,, h•,.., ~h:1,1,,,,,, • ~..,e; y ~. b‘r ~, , b.,,,, r,,,..... N ) k ,,,,,,1 , cood,sa rennin,' int ttn , , ontrriptot kpf,. , ear; ao ; , ~,,i pr. ~.1., • • t• rt. , \ \ .\ - "'--• tol , ,ualt. Lut uot ..x...i,teeprot44(4,bvbe tutE,.,.,,,1 , f , ~. , ,;.,,,, ', i T ';,, „, A, -,, „,, -, -op, tun Dr. L. k VateuLL Prefe..., , ! ['L...r01a . ..7 to I.Lo * , rtti ot tu , ,rib,re kn . tin h, le t , rlby`f II or}tlao welt. .... . - .L '' .." " d .• ' 1., ' ''''''" :.-1.4' L 2 Ele lett , r•a, tu tb. .e..oatulatn4; Nu: ~t, , ~ „. ,;;', , ~, , ,:. ~., ~,' ~ ~,,, ~, ‘. 11 1, 1 , :. locbtod on: 0.,, , Int c I .C.4te,...tat 01at.,..,,,, :aerobe., p,a1.1., at d, aLb, h, •,,,,,44 ~,,,,i, ,y,,,,,,,,,,,i,„ .... ,•• • '" ' t , ' • •:, ••*\ •cr r • -• Jtio ~...,(1,..0n,nat0 I,.rnet t ti4n00.:063.:1.4 . •• LO a cuar.•;utv Wad .1 , 44... , ,1 Gir tb•• pl . rua-rt,ot X...lrlty ,• t, -- -- ----.,,- ----.- 1 --- , be.‘eattxt: to &arm,: LOU la, tr rfo a •4i• co 01;•.44.4, Wel ht. Ulla lll•mtn,•.tax r., tn. ta, , ,, , ,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, r, i - ni, k 1 - t I ti, v, 01, E.,. ~ 01 , LAR s , G • ~,,, , ...d. , 0114 :Poe \ protaLre. well to aaaiii.0.tre1...,.... v. ab,, , 1, Jt Ls tbone tar tlia.blita ter. of 111.. .: ^ ' . '''''' L. /... V.1.ND.L.LL..11. 1.1. t n e Tn. I fn't t ntr/ 3lntutti 1.111. luaoraure e...,' . ..1,....y a . '''''''' ...''''''• ”. ! . ...? "41 . b, .` i ‘ 4 ',LV''' :1.. E., his. . , shoe. rote* of pr , raluto are Ptel tt a I..tr I , dured e W/ . '. ' ' ..., ‘-n "I. "Y t bL" ' ' ''' 'j j' • ' \ . no. nu b a t•rbitoott tor .9 atit'ul:l„,oatil - 5 . , ,1 It i 10\ . 9 'ii 1.8.U0NZ":—)Le ., .,,, , ~,. t 1 x - 1%11 1 ~,,.''''.,..,. 1..',,,,, 1.,,,7-4-B.,..„'''.l.,ll'",,,',.;'',.,''.l..,lt'ii'Ms's,'zrler,l !abut:tot lunda t tor future a,,..atrte ..a...A p:.,n,re,u 1: :".. - `a . ~„. ',, , , .., , u tlav attv..unt oil u...istere awl tb. groa,..ug r,,. 'Lech, :eh A - .. -' -- ' n ' n ' n ' n • '''''''' f ood •''''' n ' ''' R ' ILLA ' \ ' '..th: • 18'' ....e at. mewl,. - . ..,.,. ' Atl, , HPli V a 81.10 . 111 11 . 3. , . ' l, Pam;lt ets, tra,ta. te., ,rasuac • ', 11,:ell tb. c a . e.c.l 'r - ----''' -- 1 i .'" --,-- i — I ---- I ----- i . i La ` • " '-'. ' \,. at., of tb• Comnor ntrunben/ ir/d,. •., , ' ,..L. ' „., • 'l.l -. , 1. ..,•. 1., . :... alt 11" ) .„ arra u. . . 4.t„„ Lull., ..';•,. for ...aura rri,olt ed . by . .1. T o ,l l l3l3.j . T!.l,xut t' , '.' : , 1 . .. V %food skrt,.%; Inttrbur,t. \I ''"*=' '' ../LW?h,TH A Co , \t• mt.', uorrea.th balecot OlLauard, Molltal t.s..un,r \ - 7 ~ '--._ \ ~.,),,, ,ulprtrat, 1Y1.17 lie) \ • 4turFALO TONGC F.S--A.I u,t reen.ived fr..ni ~. . I v‘ ,,, '. ~ ...a ..a . os, e,:t.. r,air‘ia r. O• - 1.1.0. ' \.,;;42);1:T.,,,;;2P.\. NEW FALL GOO icx , .1,i.i.p.,. aS,:•4' cw:. w,.., , ..i.Ps ~......h un...nrsttnlOLl:nn Int rt. L ~,,, s„ Orr At. o:. 6'. 4 - 64 .11arkee neer& I • .I•s';.r,P. • A • A. :\IASON't CO. are not , i d , nlv rr D..\ ), ' it! W,,,a •11,..,. r 034 • r• , . tenk. by P 11. Ct. Isl. %,., ct . li.t nt un* • • or.,ia, many of ...barb \ h p...•• .. eapr,,,lf tor theo min., t,etlet , a . ,11, 'Y ben LOIT•[0.1 t, 1r.0.“.. s arLe'l .I cl,,oltn gnco , ..inenl ~ ,, O, „an, `t ,nnt - , -- Inr,e - et Ircfpottlita 2 . 64,4 It the kurturn ~ n, In , kel L up aurno. Tim eat.,,n. fecenta: a ,t, ear• - t,. , loilt7. arut lord ' , rt.., .. haa o.Ter b 0..1u "t"O• ottcOl.O,D :.I r •irat.sol...o. 13 , 0- , n,U nnlnTtinnr e•onnt.4 ...,.. oggliiKE tiusE—:ioo IQ% 2 ir • Judi, lintln, lint, n i..u,,,t ,'Lat <>a , .o.• ptlljoAr • If • my.. 11, 1 tr, Prpart nor, tz , t,l and r.,unln. t., t,lly ,a,, etand atorr ,pr,sue. titan al.l . ieaLbor Lue• tr. la all a.., bet,. b, • to t• 11,.. .E ~., on tuouey - well be re:or:tied ea the 11,..., 0 'Are. J. a LI. 111 - 1 .041:6 ' • ' • 7 mud D MEI • Fedeial Tem.. At \ \ ,ductick ll' P.,...1' .. 1 Fc c i l ..., , ,,, iLE, on , ..... ...1,:14-1,,31.4 a nitank. A. 3 'Z.. , /VP }ntletal keret, betuana the ~I, 1.31! Gat (rota. . ~ , t t. 'l ‘ : :' , F ?....' "- ±4.i , 7 7i1' . Inn: aline, , Alent—Tt• Inn,. aateh lk L• 4 r rtant, I•tank I,lt. rte,: In n ...t, l. the tlet•th •,; Wt . 1,1, a,,`,.1 ' 1,1 3 3133; 31. 3 /an. I,2titrafinn t .et,,,, i.,. ~.-it , ' .. h :i::..:. , ),- ' :: " :. 4 *, .:Xl'ck:' "t „ ?;,.” ostston.l,,, , thtt atentq •th unt. , :tient: tt,ntrnttat ~t 1 /II 1 . 33 4:31 , 1 3 3 ,/.113 3 , ILL/y . 11,3 1. 3-I 0 3 313 \ - tor :a ,he , t . 1 ,, .„.. attl'l not l . ,. . trint;f4nr.t. 'Tat amain k 11 3 ,131.1 •/I ~1h1,,,t , " '1' ' Bitt,.!..lneaLyv , :, Einliiira' , at tied \it Pm ~ . ~ Tilt 1112,0,,,X. ahlt, ..tC:t...hin itl• CI Mnn.,ll'n't .t.-.,'1...W'i - t. th . . tni‘l enotv,st , n e e...9 t 1 t ;,,., s It t; beat,. nt'e t '''" q t ' i t . ' l, ~.7a ~'„,1„T47„,,i;,r. 'f....4',.• \ . ~-.,..\ 71"I'vi..t!':V,;,,t`tTV.-I,'d't,Crt:- !.., ' ad apneu,lto , A ll\ fTe ' t r, a r nlt ' l Pl, cite tit,',V;l4.-;;,2co'it2tatlillt":.tsteoteltViC " tt ' eatr ;tatd ?.1:1;',1.r:t V'e:rtnin''fritli'llti,Vta.nf.; s'47tf':, '',' trni, txe tt a. eh, haslotnn. it'ollnhairentltclure, Intents tit relent, 'entnb , tt- trt p'er-t , tan hne , hrthnit par 'tint=4." nr ' .' ' llt " l ' ,l9,T \ .lo op b ' a . fit f' .: l ft ‘ 1 SeWlCki . .4 , atata I'llißrt . s , at . Auc4fota. \ / 9k!s; . •;T :.. h.u ,, , .4,..2-.41,1,tiTt,tT....‘k,,tp,t711:n..,.,-,1tti,..„.,, 1 . 'ZN.:i-ittl:%;;), ';';,"..VC::s6:!\4l7r2iitta`it multi tt.tckortn E•Aue t. set..l - .-. blu' t , 41 . 1t 1 ' r tl ''...at'''CT.at-''lt'!'t>'"Zl'llt7tr''''7nN7P72,.` a n ‘ :tot au ‘ et 'Qr. ttr:h k at;l. '1 ''' ' 4 \ t ' '‘ t, " h' 'br ''''''. l:llt ' t ''. '.' lllt ' ' ''l4''' lstlC th 2. :!? . u,, ..t.T=Ati'” , .;ie .. ' ,it .:,',li'' . „,,:.5 .: r nin. e .. l ,3 \ , f.. ~,0,. , Itiotn titat '...' ' \l, ' ' A Valuable Faim" atAuctiozi , i IN PC RS L :iN Cr. nrthe ilirectirt*l,.....ii.r,.. .- . rt, :,..., ..,l1 .r.. 1 ltallataVat of Ja.n.lla t ..1)1, , ~,i. ‘,.. a.O) ,a, I, t. pal,l.,avalo y a1. , a11a , a1.n., /1.• aa - . • Tk.1.114 lI ;.‘ k"' k “., l' O lW. ' 2lt. ' l l l ' l t. ll; " ‘ ..6 . 1\ l . 4 i 'l \ ~ :d4, I , e. tall . lit.Nla I, 4 l .". tit 1 1,._ t .a..1., ‘ ” n., .1 l Dal.l 1 '4 , . , .. , a1,' a ;:r.,,,,,,,,,,...,„;;,..,.„,,,,,...,„:.::::1•.,”,,53;:...:yik,ie ~.= , ...,..( A i k0. ....i \ 1( .... ; . 7 .,, , , , i ''' t n.' \ ' ; , ‘•....14in........ : ~.' v ,„. r :,: ` I.a.r, t. -, .lua\l: .: at. la . . tt/I, : ea ~,,:'al ‘ k,:a!,,P,i,,, ;;,,1%, 7r. rg o2,t,:: : : : ." ii4 ' E ; if ;.'" ;_ ; ''A, " :„ t , ' ...:4..,, ,, ,a1t, lc orfurt as .al tlarFalla T.-a,. ~a 1,.• , ' a - a . \; 1,.. •,.. l' N., \ .3 ,, ,Lii , illilf, • \ ...tuait .iutaitiiti.s. I:akaz,'V ..r..r.dac.,, , ,_T \ t:e..t...tclat (-Wady, .ie 4. ...... tTett n n . : h vai rktat cI S ly err d • 11111 i, LI/ 61 uclr )4 . \ Jut . r .,..,... 113 La Ilt " :: ', lin imoury I, tbk vr or car..l.-.1 .•?, .61.,.. 10,, L t4.1 1 3‘ , \ tx - . 7 .1.. , t ustk ta -, [MID ~ 1.1..Ver • fav \\ . .... 4, :' r . 11it. 61 3::;av . ‘ , 41.,r t. , \, ~ ,i,.‘ , ~,,,,,..... ,:\i,,,,„ , \,,, \ \ 'N' et ‘ l a i r .. F" V;:• "4 \ ' ' ' ' j i... ' ; ' . ' 1 1'41 ,1.9:1 ' 4,.\,:& : ., ' \ .ba.,.% ' ;:e. ' ,..:',:',.V!, ' , '. ' l. ' • t r ,, ' , .‘, , t,' 1.11,. `'...,,ti , • \ \',. . v,.., % \ !•1 .‘.VJD.V'* I, p-. '. ', ...' '''' . " S . I ', \\ 1 ' ' ' . . \ 1, 1 • ' 1 1 ' 1 31.1..-cl; - e..1 tl, i.i . , , ,ript.:ii slr.' it • uri•raiit.m7 olz r=rill.a, ac 1 I ti,...-,hi, tucpiiiotio.i 1, . . 4,4 w.. 1: , ii... - ,_si,ll L. s re,ltit, b.n \\ 04 lb: v.; P Ln.3. i.. , ),,,, ~ v... 1 It. 1,..t.t.,11 rsot, 1,00 aiiik,.. ri., i,,, .1,11.1.:e ot . L0n:..;,!. i I:J:b., Mli . , , 1%,, 1.0,:ul. x l '' .) , :,i ' ie.. ~ , , inio I , R. \t,:.-'!;.i.ii`.:,!;:';;111.7. ..i,b, i ... 1% is ..ii, ''alwl\ ' ' eheAlin e: the rh2.h.la \h.' hteciict \ , 7.4-41...... bekhiess4e..l44 N ...t..ithirNu„ „,,,,ti.,•, 1 mile: it c...e 101 `C`.; •\ . .: ' ltt t t t nTltAt r ,. a. ehre-nerhc the ... \ ''cke .4111,13 inIN co \ cu .....4 I ;:c . ~ leareuri cc* N, ... • heel 1.e., • • • N , \ 1\ lEEE