PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUVLISIIEC PT WHITE. t CO. PIiTOBURGH TIII.IIIBVAV NIOIININC, SEP. 11, 1851 rierREADING 'MATTEL . ? WILE BE FOUND LV EACH TAW - J..1)2 7 MR P. 4 PER.' ER. Attention! griends of Scott and Johiuston. sat—The ationtion of the friends of Scurf. Itiurth:lls , . to Allagberty rounty u ruersul , 4i ittimd to TOO lintzrtance ors thorough atvanuatiov. toe foTroalinn abut... every elortinti detrlet, lor.th• the - 31:1 - rfklotoeent of COMITlitle•A of titiluery =====o== .da that tho.r who require it are uataraliaed, and that • ..ry voter dept... LIB hapht on [h. lienhchl TuewtaY or =ECM follorsu,Gtmilt.lao• . hse beep PPokitA . I.l..2Ziron.Jobo "r.., . . AmAatoti. A. liana, Chu. rug(. 1..15.13 1 A. A. Caot.. Nque..trik.V. M. Breillentball. for. =MMEMMME== ttf ordor of iLr Count, Con:. Allegheny County - Scott and Johnston Meetings. toz7rA Public fleeting will.be held in the LortAigh of tlizabelln,ota Natl3,l”. , h.' , "'th of wort...a tiekr.k P. M. „ At N„blentowtl.. 2.IumIaT.PPP.P. I . , At 4,Aryatmra. Tl,.lay. . 16. ✓ At Pew „1 17. ' At liktosnnovrn, I'. r 1.1., MeK , PP.PL Patur.lA.3. ''" At Tn*n !um. Mundsq, At P.meldeLMiller's 31111. Laat licrr township. 314.31.1a1 P M. . At I . .trp t.,.1 I,onant, tinowden to. t„ttay. ✓ Tuvaday,Popt...,Xl. at P. M. AtJorl Motirts , a, Patton I , ..arnahili,op Weduoa.tay.:l4tb M2SSE M2===i= • it•ltt *llkinzburr, Mnoda.T. b.st P. M. • At Anne l'earrp:s., Jefferson tnyrnahlp. no TneNJay:Wtil nt P. M. At Chat.. Eht.llny,town.hip, Wolve.larithrtober At I'.tr3.oll.,Thurith.T. 2.4 at 2 P. M. A, Hubs(.Wllivya, 11l yrr HI. Clair towt..bip. on Fri • lt'lPury.ton.leen. Turth. Creek,ht. t4tunl.s. .att. nt . I ,tt4tntnieti 4.i111, ithnler.tnwnehlih on Tuelktiy, th, et 1:t - l ' ho ouanr." I htb, sle Aftt 2 mes Pbßhp', Robin.= To.ntbiP. o on M P..M. A t inwthor Mere mrotlng.h our fr10.L..111 t hhirtokned ~t tutnschi important to too groat political Interesti or Vtkr f ' rle r tf..in In .arh tiretidu ..112.tiirt of Ito .ounty, .rr r.inetted to organ's, and hard even' ...."d• sot mak. arraneetnento to bring all our Tatvr, to thq. nalll By onion al • • . . elt5111ITT17.1: OF ARRA:it/X.II,INT. THE VALLEY OF aHE ALLEGHENY. • for some months past, we hare forborne to say any thing relative to the contemplated rail road connection hetwiren this city and western New-York, through the valie.f.nf the Allegheny, ti,A because we hod lest 'any confidence in its 'faseibilityt or its profitableness ; but simply be cause the publie mind seemed to' be fully occia , pied with other and kindred enterprises, which although not more imperial:di seemed to hive taken precedence. But the `recent visit of Messrs..Swall and BLOW?, of •ItothestA to this city; and the meeting on - Tuesday evening; at the rooms of ; the Board of TrtMe, hive -revived theembje4t,' andeet it before the public mind in a new light, and invested it with additional fea tures of interest and importance. A direct , railroad communication from Pitts- burgh to Roqbeeter,throuih the rich valley of the Genesee, nutting_ us with the great canal, and the two great railroads or New . l'orh,• wits Lute Ontario„ the St. Lawrence river, with Can- sole, and in short with an immense and exceed ingly, prosperous regien, containing probably two millions of inhabittints, till of whose trade would be new to or, is an enterprise ` of such ,tranacendant importande; and its succss as no oionvestment so certain, that we think it probable that it will not be again allowed :tosleep, oil to 'give place to others of far more problematical snares. I Nearlt all our other great railroads run east end west, sod are subject to severe rivalry and Fampletiti,in ; &tile this one, running north and South, w041,d foi a long time enjoy the undivided -ictercourse and trade betergen two large ,and opulent . sections of the Union, which have hill . erto been denied the privilege of inter conamuni : cation, except by cireultortstineaxpensive relates. It requires an effort to persuade ourselves of the fact, that Rochester , is 1 -9 near to us as' Harris burg, and that the Talley of the Genesee it but little farther removed from us, than the valley of the Jai:data. Yet' such is the fact, and in point of practicability, the former can be reached much easier than the lattbr. We .have said nothing of Valley of the Al legheny, with its boundless resources of iron, osed, . lumber, .and many other things; and its hardy; and : industrious, and rapidly increasing population.. In sober truth, it may be confident-. lyavei-red that the trade and travel furl:tithed by this valley alone, would afford large batiness and good dividends to a railroad running through its entire length. The travel through this valley, notwithstanding the want of faciliiigs, is great or than many persons even -here imagine. Do --ring the stesmbosting season, probably about ten boats leave thin city weekly for the, Various porta up the Allegheny, (notie of which ascend -as far as Warren, Pa.,) all crowdg4 with passeti gen. Some days as high as four or five hundred persons leave this city; and seldom do boats.go out without carrying more passengers than can he comfortably. accommodated. ' , Tile trade and travel between the people of that valley and Pittabnrgb; is enormous. - Iron, . salt, lumber, minerals of various 'kinds,. ag ricultural products, he., on one side, and mer 'chandiee- of every description on. the other, amounting in the aggregate to many thousands of tons. Both trade and travel are now dependent "Von the state of the water, which on thin rapid rceam in very uncertain. Both iron and lumber have, at prevent, to be ruihed into market with the floods of the river, which cause, conse qtrently,_ floods of those articles, a ,state- of things highly detximental to the - interests of all parties. A railroad would equaliie the supply, and keep the market in a better condition. From the very...heart of the lumber region to Pittaburgh c a railroad Would have no a'...nadmg grades, consequently a locomotive could bring down a enormous train., Lumber dried at the pilUe where it is made, dean and free from amid, would cOmmazd'in• this or any other mar het, prices 'above that which is natal, and. of COl , lllB delivered wet and sandy, fully sufficient • io pay the difference between the two modes of conveyance, besides the advantagesi of being able to deliver it at any Lumber, there- fore, maybe set down as one very Large iiera in the local trade of this road: Western New York has no coal, while the val ley of the Allegheny is abundantly supplied.— The eamo is true of lime to a considerable ex ' tent. On the other band. we have-no plaster, and western .New Pork and Canada hive shun ,dance. • ~ , But time would.thil to enumerate the, advan tages whioh would result to the people of both states, and to the road itself, team the inter change of their respective • commodities which woulddolloW its construction. We intend to resume the 'object to-morrow. . . , OHIO AND PEgIiSSIVANIA. BLl , LROAl , —Extract - of alines to the editor, detect; ' I Massizcox, Sept. 9, 1951. -A few months ago, - we heard here that it was the intention of the Ohio and Pennsylvania nails • road Directors to Commence laying' down the iron from this place eastward If this road could possibly be finished from this place to Pittsburgh thin fall, it 'would doubtless add amazingly to -tbe receipts of the road. Massil lon is certainly one among the Corp best , points in Northern Ohio. It ought, therefore to be hoove theldirectors to etrain every istirve to ac ccrnylis fo desiraine an object. 'The timber has nil iAen furnisiled months ago in this coun ty, as I am informed, and also Teals sufficient to finish sevetal miles. these remarks, are not • ~ made in the way of complaint at an, as we bare ',hero 'the 'roost dmboarbded confidence in- the Board of Itirectors, and its able head., Knowing the very deep interest you haveal ways takeii la this project, is the only apology 'I 1111,1$ to otter"' We. can 'assure our correspondent that the President and Directors Or the Ohio and Peun -eylvanisailailroad partake of a: full share of the anxiety felt by the citizens of Massillon for the ' early extension of the road to that place. The -.- locomotive ,Vrill run to that 'place Le soon es practicable; whi - will be, ire suppose 'within pi' four • four or fitie-manthe t least. lt. is of great im portance -to the comp ay to form a connection 'with the Cleveland medal Alliance as soon of • ter the lake natiOitien closes aapessibls„as the • • current of (Civet now.settieg across the lake will ibenbe turned tffitlziey. The track laying force - ii now till"..engetr4 on - the line east of Alliance; ;b u t ottilgilidnollAiehda need not be surprised .• to see i;parti, cut there bet* many 'weeks. It possible tyst*Sisl Will be opened to Ma., - . gi b ulia :o4---c;* t".. -needy so, an to Alliance. OHIO AIID,INDLLSA retrOW l 4 article, which we cut frdai the Fort Wayne r 4 . 0 1, phew , that the peonle of that region are not content to sit down and do without a Rail road, withotit an ef f ort. The ClhiggEnl Ihdiana Railroad will be• built, that is c 7 —but when. will much depend upon the spirit and en terprise of the Direct Ors, and the people along ;the liue. The Directors are the right kind' of men, ant if the citizens oC Fort Wayne Intl itntyrun, and the other towns along the line may the road shall he toiilt, it would he, and will prove to he trot rate paying stook!' Fort Rayne a ill fall behind withouta Railroad. Nothing less will take and keep-the trade of the countr.y hope soon to hear that the roadlis under ton tract. all ' , re liuve o Railroads—By the last] ne- counts from New York, the money marked sp. .pesrs o little etudes, and the panic to have in a great measure s sulesided. There has not as yet, been mach reaction in favor of Railroad securi ties, but with the infirm - of capital, and the "res toration of confidence, - ,they will again come into favor. In the Stock Market, the difference is always given to the Bonds of such Railroads as are in comase of construction; over those not yet commenced, which are looked upon as merely pro j.rtol while the ‘former are considers] as • works of a more certain natiirt —capital being already invested in them. the sale of the bonds of the:Ohio and Indiana Railroad would be materially assisted, if , our ' capitalists Would at once subscribe liberally to the stock, and Litre the work promptly put under contract. If this is done, we think the bonds way be !Mid: if it is not, we mdcla dunht whether any sales can be effected, and we may be doomed to disappointment, and left to strug gle, as we Lave for years, with the disadvantages and difficulties of our location: with the eastern markets, roil almost all means of communica tion closed against us, for fire or.hix months in the year—and these things aggravated by the fact that most of our neighbors have secured the advantages of a:railroad, while we are left al mat isolated, . It is time to bestir ourselves, if we do not wish fort Wayne to Le left in the rear, when it ought to be far inadvance of most Other places in the state. • All that la - wanted La a little energy, liberality, and enterprise on the part of the capitalists, and property holders, the real value of whose property depends entirely on tL'x.construction or now cot structipn of this Railroad. Shall. an effort be made' Shall we have a Railroad Who will answer • , The extremely jealous policy of the Chinese . Goren:mem, which Rio. ages shut in its people from intercourse with "outside barbarians, - aS: the Chinese term for foreigners hes been tliwnslai ted,' received its first rude shock from the recent war upon that empire by Great Britain, arieing out:of d quarrel. respecting the introduction of opium, it is likely, to be still further changed by, an insurrection Or revolution among the ; people themeelvew • So long as the old policy was perginted in, there could be no progress,. although probably there was more uninterrupted peace than among any other eqnal• number of human beings. Bat it Was the peace of stagnation. The gOvernmeni has generally been kind and paternal, so far as we have beenenabled to judge of it; and,deepot as. it is, it has never, so far as we know, been such as would warrant the use of' ' the epithet tyranny, Civil liberty was a thing unknown in, Chins, even in idea, until sinoe the English, a few years ago, broke open thle gates, and let the Celestials see that the outside barbarism had' more in it than they had imagined *- The revolution now going on, and which may! possibly subvert the present form of government, originated, as-far as can be ancertalued,in 1848, in one of the south-western provinces, and is now a wide-spread and formidable movement. Of ' the character and ability of the Imolere we know s bat little; although frOm the tact that the Em peror has not been able to quell it, and is now greatly alarmed, we may infer that the leaders are able men. Whether, however, they are en. titled to filename of patriots,or ambitious chief tains, or bandits, time must reveal, Be the cha racter of the movement what it may, it can scarcely fair•to be beneficial to China:by break ing‘up the prejudices of ages, by opening the empire to a free intercourse with other aetions, and of course introdticing amongst them the arts nod sciences qt` the advancing nations, and opening the way for the propagation of the Christian religion It really would teem as if the democratic principle was 'epidemic in the year 1848. In Europe, in China, in South Africa, and in other quarters of the globe, amongst people the most drssimilar in education and habits, mad between whom there was no intercouree,it manifested it self eimultaneoutly; and although in Europe it has been restrained by despotic power, it is still gaining strength; in Chinn it seems still. go ing forward; and in SoutliAfrica it is still strug gling successfully against the power of the Brit ish government. 'We believe that this phenome non ie in accorthrtice with some of the great laws which govern the moral universe, as fixed and immutable as those which govern the ma terial universe, though to us more mysterious. This is a thought we have often dwelt upon, al though,it is the first time we have ever suggested it to ethers. . • Latewrriewle from thug Kong bring .5 letter from the correspondent of the 'Deily News,' u bicb .ay3 • My nett letter will probably announce the I taking of the city of Canton by the insurgent pais, which, like a mighty ocean, is moving gradually:but irresistibly onward, involving ruin in its course, unlessthe Mandarins declare them selves, and thus hasten the.downfall of the pre sent dynes' tv; fall it assuredly will, and it will be well if the event finds, our countrymen with suf ficiet naval newer for theirprotection. Already the military commanders slid civil commission ers, appointed to suppress the rebellion, have been carried off by death, lured by the charms of future reward, or diimayed at the number, strength and success of the revolutionists. The ruin put forth as the leader of the movement has aspumed regal honors, is the terror of the reigning and legitimate sovereign, who, fearing the disaffection of his treops,quartered or raised iu the disturbed provinces, has ordered choice s.ldiare from the capital; if these soldiers, in example of the local force, fraternise with the Irebels, and re-echo the rebel shout, 'Down with the Tartar dynasty,' the consummation will be reached sooner than the friends of thepretender expect." The 'Friend of Chins,' June 23, 1841, writes "A few more months will assuredly decide the fate of the empire. At enmity with the very name 'Tartar Dynasty—an. enmity which every individual whose heart lain the right place will !eel, when he remembers the career of hart:na l.= the blood-thirsty tyrants have run during the last quarter of a century—we indulge the earnest hope that a better fate is shout to dawn on China's relations with foreign countries; that the benighted millions of its population will be, permitted to hold with use freer and more social intercourse; and that., so long closed against any advance in civilisation, it is now about to be opened iudeede" "The China Mail hesitates to designate the outlaws now in arms by the name of rebels, lest' it should be construed that the editor believed the scheme was te subvert the Manchn dynasty Sot, although the Mail looks upon the rebels as deiperadoes, it cautiously admits %in Majesty seems at length to he seriously alarmed,* and publishes the subjoined memorial of Bti-Ting-,1 liwei, which affords internal evidence that the Government has substantial cause to fear. "Bu-Ting•Kwei; corresponding secretary of the cabinet for the board' of war, addressed the • Emperor on an ancient text, importing that where the good, maxi begins well he will eues teed in the end. He would have rejoiced to see the •re-establishment of the daily readings, before recommended by a vine-president of the board of ceremonies, but negatived by the board in coulliciL. As these cannot be, htibeseechea his Majesty to keep two thingsconstantly in.remem bi,lnce, Arta, that the banditti in the Two Kwang arc not yet put down ; secondly, that the Englieh barbarians are constantly on the look-out for a *OO of a quarrel with him. The memorial is a' tolerably long homily onself-government, both for the sake of the adientage to be conferred on others by example, and of the attainment of the knowledgelwhich secures a right judgment in the selection of fit, persons to serve the State." Deerkend China Mad, Jrne 23. "The Hong Hong Register; on the Other hand affects the utmost composure, and assures the readers that there is no ground for apprehension in a political point of Tie . ", elthougb commer cially hie doubt the effect of these disorders will be injurious to trade, but we should hardly ex pect to any extent. Oneeffect they are likely to have if not pull down shortly, sir:• the de• etruetion of Canton as a place of export " Orr-Rood Register, fume 23. 1. THE RESULT OF None but the most beisottedo prejtidice man deny that the finanisiid- character of Pennsylva nia hae keen vastly improved under a Whig adJ ministration. feeling of confidence and cheer• Wailes has taken the place of gloomy despon- dency in relation to the State debt, a portion of which has already been liquidated, .and the re mainder hoe been 'shown to be entirely manage able under au able and prudent adtninsttation of the affairs of the State. Our ,nelghboring sister State, Ohio, also pre sents a brillituit example of the benefits of Whig rule. ail will be seen from the facts given in the following article, from the Cierdand Henna THE FINANCES OF OHIO. In the financial condition of Ohio, every citi zen of the State is interested, as dollars and cents are of nu little importance to all. The management ,of our timmces, and the credit of oar State, under Whig rule, have been all that the citiaen, most jealous of the good reputation of Ohio, could desire. A (ew facts and figures may not be uninteresting to our readers. In 1846, the State debt was less than five rail 1101.1e and a half. In 1840, it had been increased to morelhanfourteen millions. In 1841, it was fifteen millions and a half. In 1842, nearly seventeen millions, and the whole Sinking Fund 6t . more thin two ntillione absorbrd. In 11344 nineteen millions, 'and in Itt4s, twenty mil Bonn. In 1845, wheu the Whigs obtained control of the finances, the State Debt amounted to more than twenty millions, including the temporary debt incurred for interest, and . the outstanding checks for repairs of the 'public works. More than two In:mitred thousand dollars of cheeks and certificates were mmtanding which had beeit is sued for repairs of the public works, at from fif teen to twenty-five per cent. alicin.the cash value of the work. These checks and certificate, were hawked about among the banks, brokers:, nut shavers, by the contractors and laborers to whom they had been issued. The revenue system was unequal sod oppressive. Auditor Broogh had for several years urged upon the Legislature the necessity of a more efficient tax law, but his party' .frffinds turned a del! ear to his appeals. - The State stocks were largely below par, and promi nent politicians openly advocated measures directly leading to repudiation, which was ap prehended by the people. The funds, necessary for the payment of the interest upon the State Debt, had been for several years deficient more than two hundred thou Sand dollars per an . With six years of Whig ascendency we have now, cash paid on demand for all dues by the State; an equitable and just system of taxation which is deservedly popular with all parties; am ple resources to pay the Interest and reduce the principal of the State Debt several hundred thou sand dollars per annum ; °hid stocks fifteen per cent_ abovepar the tolls upon the State Canals reduced twenty per cent. and the amount receiv ed notwithstanding the strong compe tition of several Railroads, 'and two millions and seven hundred thousand dollars of the State Debt paid. ' The shot e statements are worthy of the serious attentionof men of all parties. Many of our readers will remember the sealone efforts made by the late Auditor, Mr dohit Brougheto bring his party up to the work of,paesing a new tax law Hit party refused, and some of its leading spirits openly avowed the odious doctrine of repudiation. •Under this state of things the Whige came into power, elected Mr. John Woods, Auditor, passed out excellent tax law; equalized the assessment of taxes upon property; held public officers to a strict accouhtability and from that day the credit of Ohio has been equal to the credit of ST. CLAIR', DEFLAT.—The disastrous defeat any State of the Union. It is with the honest, of Gen. St. Cleir.on the 4th of November, 1101, I intelligent freemenof Ohio, to determine on the is to be commemdrated with appropriate nye ' second Tuesday of October next, whether a fault monies at Fort Recovey, Mercer.coanty, on the ful public officer, wbo isSamiliar with the com- 10th inst. Recently a large quantity of hones plicated duties of the office of State Auditor, of the victims of that bloody field have been . .. shall be continual, or the office pass into the homed, the skulls bearing the marks of the hub. hands of a mere partisan, who is thoroughly ma- j let and the tomahawk. Then are to be re-inter acquainted with the cares, duties and responsi 7 I red on the occasion. Gen. Lewis Cage, Bellamy bilities of Auditor. Storer and Geo E. Pugh, Eeqs., are announced 'For sir years Mr Woods hat been Auditor. 1 „ epeaker and had devoted'his time and talent to its multi- There are probably a few living who will ire" plied cares. His experience is worth thousands member the horror and dismay which that teni to the State, and the coming winter, when the We defeat Sproul through the ,frontier settle- Legislature meets, his counsel and advice; to the menu , none, we imagine, whoparticipated in financial officer of the State, to members will be , the h a,. invaluable. Ilia defeat would be indeed a calam- ' The contrast between Miami Valley si,sty ity, and wecannot but hope thet . he will he elect yearn sines and now, can hardly by preneuted in ed by a large tindelecided majority. a stronger light than by looking st the popular tics, fields, farms improvemenre now, and rocall. When next our good friend of the Pit"b‘treh, ing the history of that campaign and its fearful Gazette visits Lakedorn, shall he treated to a terminat i on ride in that "everlasting light buggy," and to I We do not see the propriety of the day select the .•freceloto of the city, - periled he lets Lim for the commemoration, unless there were I self be known. Do net foil to rend thi., .. , reaeone which we dd not know for choosing an . of Travel.''.-0/ereiJnd .llrrold - earlier day It would seem as if the anniversn ... We owe an apology, friendfor not call icy November 4th would hare been the appropri ' ' ing lye only had a few hours to spate, and the ". 1 17 . , v.t• company of ladies to engross our time. But we „promise to visit Cleveland again before the year is out, and will try and make amends for any seeming neglect. A promise of a ride in the “everlasting light buggy" through the streets 01 Cleveland, in a temptation of no small magnitude . AAIRIFICAN BOARD OF COMMIAeIONERS FOR Fog- EI4N Misstot, —The fallowing details are the principal featu:res of the Mimionary returns read before the Board at its last monthly meeting. on Monday last. in .N ew York: Tux CLlOCTAlV2—Steclibridge Station. —The fe male school at this place has had thirty board ers and six day scholars during the reported sea: eon, and altogether the station has enjoyed on !usual prosperity • Wheelock Stafien.—There were thirty-nine pia pils. in the boarding school at this station teal year, the number having been slightly reduced since the departure of Miss ;Dickinson. One or inore of the pupils have recently joined the Church. Norwalk. —There is, a ll.school for boys at this Station, containing eighteen boarders, and three day scholars. The Inure° of study embraces the higher branches of an English education. Pine Ridge.—The girls' school at this place had thirty boarders and nine day scholars at thg„. alone of the last term. The examinations proved unite satisfactory. Oood Water.—Thin hoarding school has fifty pupils, six of them being day scholars. The im provement of the classes is mentioned with much satisfaction. 1 Oood Land. —The day school at. this station tins had an average attendance of about twenty children during the- year. Several families are removing to the vicinage, purposely to enjoy the benefits of .the school. 'Mount Pleasant—Mr. Copeland is the only Missionary beyond the boggy. In ...peaking of the general aspect of his field, he says that it is. upon the whole encouraging. Where there are darker aliades in the picture, the explanation is commonly to be found in the deficiency of miseion ary labor. , 'Among the Choctaws , the Presidential Com mittee:think there is a wide prospect for 'addi tiOnaP laborers. They. ask, "Who' will become partakers of this tniesionery joy' . Stheaorass.—Therki are, the Commissioners believe, unequivocal. signs that the Cherok - eee axe making coneldenble progress in knowledge and the arts of life They have an excellent government, and the affairs of the nation are managed with - dignity-and enlightened decorum. Thcrpht. —The boarding echool at Dwight had about twenty female pupil!, at the close of the last term, six basing left in April to enter the national female seminary. A school had been 'eatable,' at Fairfield during the year, sei usual, arid a portion of- this time tine likewise at Lee's Creek. The Prudential\ Committee make au earnest appeal for additional missionary labor in this de partment oleo. Avery eloquent encyclical letter from the local mitten accompanies the appeal of the CoMmittee. Tee DAROTA3.—Four hands of the Dakotas hatnruently agreed to emigrate to lude out of Lake (reverse, pursuant to late treaties with the General Government, which will have the effeot of dividing the mission in .this quarter. One band only, remains. 'Meanwhile the moral con dition of the tribe is described no flattering. Tao o.lllllVA,—Though the question of re moving the Ojibwas beyond the Mississippi, hoe been agitated (or more than a year, the La Potato Indians are still at their home upon.the south curdy of Lake Superior ; and missionary opera tions have linen coutimied at La Pointe and Bad River ws heretofore.' Recent communications afford encouraging accounts of their progress. The labors at this station have been the same as on former years, There .ave generally ben two Ojibwa genitals on thiLlabbathi and two services have been maintiabd in the English language. Meetings have been held also during the .week. The onatemplated removal - of the tribe has created considerable uneasiness and re . • • ited.Riecr.—The mission of this place has im proved wondeifully. Mr. Wheeler, who is ,at the head of affairs, speaks enthusiastically of the euccess of the cause. He Bays—'• I have not seen a drunken Indian this summer, nor have I hoard,that any liquor hes been brought here - The tribe has had no religious dances, and scarcely have I heard a medicine drum since I returned." New York hulisme.—This minion ommists of five stations—four among the Benecas, sod one among the Tuscaroras. Owing to cauees which have been in operation for some time past, the missionaries report but slight success in certain 'departments of their work. Nevertheless, the committee entertain strong hopes that a bright er day will dawn, as these causes are Met !and ultimately removed. ' The schools have been more prosperou this year than usual. A small boarding echool, commenced at the Alleghe ny reservation, is continued under fair au spices, and will doubtless succeed 'Another school, under a Miss Taylor, is ins condition of forwardness, though not soachanced Al It might LIZEBTY OF TIM PIS!, FRJUICIO—The prison of theConciergriias contains at present two ed itors of the Press, three of the Rocnement, one of the People, and . two of the Mozsager tie f Aa-' amble. One of the editors of the Susie will noon join them. DEED, terDz. McLAYE's LlvrirPlLLs:Tkie ns Near Fort . 'Washita, 3d ttlt, suddenly, JA. P.A 1.'"1"4 dement N." th" Cr e an "` "P ikir". ".4 ' 2" Farrelly, sth Inf. U. 8. A. On 'the Thursday to e ineifravw. Whet, It ha. , been introdueral, It h., snafu• before his death Lt. F. was thrown from a horse, i pfifulant, unpr..<4...iett... , 1 in Ow nf „ his head striking a stump, which ,affected the who, •-an obtain it. I'ef...nta, houf•Ter, nf-f, Oct t. rfinit and brain, which is suppose d by his . phy- th , ...areme , .ol - a•kme. wediral .die.. they sician to have caused his death. , fairel.tf• a b., I of tlio h. L L iser ..l,, / I %lla or ir k th .hick dimtiva , 'Lieutenant nurelly was the son of the lion. 1..n.'6.4. . Patrick Family, deceased, formerly an eminent! "I"l44 Lunn f a.m. a 0 0dawe a P.P. 1 . 1 . 1 f/ fn tae nf.rtint.fnr fif Lath air lettertri, representative in ongress from Pennsfylvania..l Et INT la ht.,. Mardi Win. 1 4 10. , thi the maternal side he woo a lineal ammo,. j, h, i ta a 6.4 ,'4•11 • gf'4l dant from one of the most notable of the pil- ran, ii,,,, Line Pill, than tour 0130. e, grim of the May Flower. 1.1, .111, 0.. The. , Pill. on, capon, nolac 0af.... awl' In 1841,.he entered the U. 8. Military Acad. Iwo hoc, shah, finfil all that •.• ha, If fen coo »w 1 ff• ems, where he distingu'ehed himself as ft Cadet, l to "c la d °ur n 010r'' Shoe 1.01 0001 and in 1545 received a commission in the U. B. '""!'."'"" br ' 4 • T .1. 1a1.1.1'.. \ rimy. ,„. '3 KIDD a 1... V ,I,, , ,uing the 4th Regiment of Infantry then at t, 11.4 tir No Co.-110,1 , Corp. Chriati, Texas, he participated in the opening acenes of that campaign; which under the direction of lien: Taylor, terminated so Sri. umphantly to our anus. Transferred afterwards to the sth Regiment of Infantry, and ..to the Southern line of operations, under General Scott, he accompanied the army to the city of Mexico. Thoroughly versed in the Spanish language, and possessing an extensivO knowledge of an cient and toodern literature, be enjoyed many advantages over hisdess favored countrymen.— Frequent ..uspensiontt of hostilitie,, enabled hint to cultivate the acquaintance of, and exchange courtesies with canny of the most conspicuous citivens of the Republic of Mexico—both civil and military—producing mutual acknowledge., ments of consideration and esteem. Tu a total disregard of personal danger he joined the' magnanimity of a true soldier, and ever tempered victory with mercy. Many a ma tron and maid have cause to remember their un known preserver from the rudeness of a lawless soldiery. These qualities, together with a na tive gentleness of manner, endeared him to his unetnes, and regrets will follow the announce ment of his demise, even in the capital where -be once triumphed. Though a brief one, a more brilliant carter rarely falls to the lot of the soldier. His nave is identified with • Palo Alto: .Itesaca de la peinta,"Monterey,"Vers Cruz,' •Cerro Gordo,' Contreras,' and `Cheruhnsco.' In the latter (Nagement, in the language of his command. ' officer although "suffering from indisposi tion and exhaustion, he was elicit down at the end of the ditch, whilst leading his company to the assault of the 'ter do pont.'" ; Suffering from many rind severe wounds, he entered the city,„of Mexico with our victoriTs army, and wasiermitted Cu return to Pittsbur to recruit his shattered constitution. Enjoying the-society of his home for a few months only i n his woundr'still open—he again joined his re'et ment, in the Cherokee Nation, and died as Co bad lived, devoted to the service of his country . His native State, through her Legislature, Ims appreciated and acknowledged his worth by en rolling his name among those of the many herr of Pennsylvania. • Beloved by all who knew him, both in puthic and private life, regrets for his untimely decease will be mingled with the memories of his =My virtues and accomplishment. His brethren lin arms, as they "fight their battles o'er again," will recall the name of Parrellypridelas one of the "tried and true." F a r r ell , , wh se_ life was without reproach, and whose memory they will delight to honor • lL THE TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER VICTIM r received by yesterday's mail, the following letter from Jolly Rotten, late of this city, who was among the fifty Americans executed at Ha bana. on the 10th of August Mr. Fisher *oo employed for Nome, time in the Louisville Marine , Hospital, and tnore‘latterly was engaged in the husinessof capping and leeinhini. He denounces Lopez, and think. them has been no revolt - on the part of the Cuba.. The letter is as follows HAVANA, dt.go,t IG, 1861 DEAR Ste 1 take this last opportunity and liberty of sending you this letter, for the benefit of those who will probably come to Cuba. vir, Gen. Lopez, ho., dartt.,l us all . : be is a traitor and no gentleman. Than o no revolution herr, J. , (44 papers hare gated. Tell all those who in tend to visit Cuba not to come, for they all will be shot. There is no chance to get beck again. If any officer has raised o'company or compa nies, tell them through your paper, it you think proper, to disperse, for the expedition is all a great' htlmbug. I don't like to see O'Hara bringing men here from Kentucky to he shot, Sir, I am condemned to'be shot, and as I have only a few minutes to live, I thoUght I would inform you that fifty of us will he shot...shortly. Colonel Crittenden, from Louisville, is among the lot. Give my best regards to all my friends. I would write more, hut I Cannot do no for want of time, Very respectfully, J.- FISHER; Hospital Steward of the Army of Cuba. Mr N HALDEMAN, Editor Louisville COu Bcleroption.4fthe NurTendered Slave, John..Bold toy. —At three o'clock yesterday afternoon there bad been recoired at the office of the United Suttee Marshal, B. P. Talmadge, Esq., sLfifil,- r,o, towards the $2OOO necessary for the redemp tion of the mulatto, John Bolding, of Pough keepsie, who, on Monday last was surrendered to his master by U. S. Commissioner Nelson,eat. isfactory evidence being furnished that he was a fugitive slave .of Barnett fi Anderson. of Colum bia, South Ceirolina Not long after we had the pleasure of handing to the blareharadeputy $74 which had been eent to this office by various in dividual. for the same object, agreeably to the annexed statement. This increased the amount received to $1,960,00. A friend (A. G. P. jr.,; having authorized tte to draw upon him for any deficiency there might be, not conceding $lOO, we availed ourselves of the offer to the extent of $4O, which completed the s2ooo,with fifty cents to spare. Thin being made known to the mar shal, he announced by telegraph to hie eon, who with other officers accompanied Bolding and hie Master to Columbia, Eionth Carolina, that the money wee ready, and authorized him to draw for the same at eight —Nero Yoe/ Journal of C,,oluserre. The Cumberland ➢llner'e Journal statee'that the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is in good nui gable order. During the week ending on the otb instant 3,637 tons of coal were shipped to the District. For the week ending the 30th ultimo 1,%3 tons were sent to Baltimore by railroad. Fall Importation of Hardivare, Cutlery, &g. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, firpire o. rdl ❑m sttentiou of Merchant, sod oth.re t thriijkAgt 111,;'.1 - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE ; CUTLERY, &c 111 . t/lITED IIY ItECF.NT PACEETS, Aod x Orb thry ate elow prepared to OWE.; at eneb ;nom Ca mono% (Clt to olrato. AIMTA oonortment of MA!.lNTrolobrzted C. :1. A.X-E4 al•ors oo baud. aingll3l • ler TROTH FLOATS ABOVE FICTION LIKE OIL ABOVE WATER —The rick Man MU Intl • good tootle.. by trying it, as quick sea Dr. can tell &goal dinner Ly eating it. And It on. man tries 13, and Lade It poor. It will deitroy the pOpulartry with the whole city You caret Introduce • medicine into popular use YUIVI , B It poem/eon really eutatennal virtues, free troteell bpi.edecta 2 ny valid objections, end RA, tide tact that hat eentblielatid the reputation of “Dull'. compound Fluid Extmict of Par mpasilla,” beyorid all cavil or Own.. lie action upon the hum. .return IA in amanita. with rational and phi loeciphlcal principles—it promotes the various eacreticom and exertion!, of the body, reMoyes ohytructions, diregiame morbid and dimmed matter, Mi.:abeas the etomacii and digestire organ., cresfav new, pure, and health/ Llood. and rmrulatee the various, fanctione of the Oillerent organs of the body Thiel it all perforated: without the least danger of harm, the preparation Magi u safe as it effLoselin, It may be thought Ly the ekrptical, that It pgypoyta to coo. too many illnesses, but upon ...gamin. Uoti, it will be found that large maioritr of the •t. which afflict the human family orlginamm au Impure elate of the blood. Do out demtied, then, by other Par captains, tieing riftenol you 1 4 of muiLll4-• slut water pretar•LlOD .• al. oub•titu. fur the original John Dull. Semaparilla Mitt r.inabl. prepermino L b. proprietor warraute to ...fierier to all others. I...e.mrton.—lownre stp.l ask tar the miginal //r. Men Iharr .Sorlaparald .Intos tirgturky-440 hai'e nodther 2.• .Ir.rt.iie.toot I.n another roe , h SEii .IVDOIVELL, 140 Wrq.l IL, - - elu wllnet Wholasal• Recall ag4 n 4 4 , Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittiburgt ENCOITR.IGE HOME INS'CITUTIONS um, No 41 Wan, etroat, in thenarrhouno It N.T. C rteanlent ..... ...A. W. Matt, Sen . ). oomn.nytt now prepamtl to ... all inotebandlm tn tas. and In Mania. t0...1.,. Le , ny ,o g &T y...ay tor thrl ability aml Weal!, In allnnll.l In the rbetacter Um Intnclan, 'oho all communityof Plitaburgh., ...1) and favorablY 4. 4 1./.44 to the fox their prinlenrlianum amt Integral . BIT Drucm.—. LSIIHozn D. Slum E. y, m. Rachl..y, Wm. Lammar , Wide 4 Hh ..hrud limed= John Harwards. S. Harbami ug tt. EL .0001 • Petroentn MALL I uotmudnu , Ps, Slaiph M. KM. —Nu,. Ps, 1 utte Petroleum le •rrukum vuti , dem s Ito tmlultv: tber.l , r. •oul.l tlmult tmitOnMbi O. bleu Juten by We l'estunylmuma Itmlbaul. We are ott bre!, mut. and n M Leong Inquired Me uhuo.“ 'every J•)• ree,ettullt. JOHN I.ONt) A Co. ' Ilumrsvom. IMblel4 I 11., Marvb N. M. KIM —Peur Sir. Yube /be.. • •ltuT, left trop , Our Moen RUA ertstrb lee bate Well luevr/NI t” to .15 atoo, Mauedlelrly tetra.ua sunder, lu INC reaum. We tun reyeru I et vile. eertoi,ete.e. et you Itrolr.llmm. eon.. to. It. W. BOAT. Vi.r ti.. , yraf 1 NI 1V orAl J e re t: It. F. etr.a.l. If A ehiatett.elt , A C.., ,t It NI 1 . 11? 1. At. A. Ellin., Joseph Ikamlai3, end II I'. Sam artt. A nevhent • alga by the pro- Pr1,14.r. 8. M C on alit canal Ita..in.B, routhel..PltuburAh. gee . tints often It it, th . cage th a t, we nee O r e rlfght num. iarelling. or pain, in the vain ha, that It yin tie h in • LW' or two; int.tend ~,,,tting well they wroe wore, fn...., thud perhala mot. libramai Lakes phara. end lb... Unit, he,. to he sniputated: when it a lath. of it. ti. lerrell:a Arabian Liniment bed teen applial at the time of the neridrot, it wont& hate aural lintutallateli. .nlyetiferdneist a•pt: Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company. CAPITAL, /3100,000. I , FFICE, .Y 0 75 FOITTII STR EFT of lakt, Prrltient—Joir, Y. Iloon Ilwri,lent—,llll[.t MrCt.cantn. Trrasoret— o-11 . 1,.1.rtru Y4,-,trT—C A. ir S - S , s ..ni a .•1110111. wn.tinr port ol 1.1 ,, tue.t, To Female Teachers T.UE School Directors for the Sfal-md Ward • .id a t.,, employ an napetieueed Female Te.cher Inc I Male Grammar Dcrartmerit. 0 alar $3OO perutuura . examination of O33O33 applicaute "nil y, take place at the ,clu.l Wu., nu R.e ctreet. clear Fourth. on Aolurday. the 27th Ins,. at 2 o'clock. P. M. • - . . . Any fining, Information may be obtained. fir. Meeda. at the ...hoot room, who will twolve the .etimonial• nt bat a:ter"..lqualltiestlnn• of tp. appliewatn. A. Nei( *erllAti RON - will be received in exchange (with n n. ung , il t sgozsg , i % , , na , L for TWO =IL - WM 1.01.,k OBtlis==l FOR IVEAKNESS AND DEBILITY- Try of MORRIO' porn old PORT WINE, at SI pet bottle. for sale at MORRIS' Too Mart. In the Diamond senl-1 LPOR DIARRIFIA AND SUMMER.COM LAINTT, a.m. of MORRle.genulno old Emmen W. at SI per Lott', 000 Bale of MORRIS' Trt Man, In the Di 1.1211./ ,1.11 G LUE -20 bids: reed and for sale by 0. N WICRERSJIA3I. feyll r.ornrr of Wood .of slab tifiROISIE CTREEN-4 enses for male by .rot . &N. WICRENSIIASI. I I lIROME YELLOW-2 cases for vile by j w e ll 5 . N. WICKERIiIIAV. 111E1) LEAD-S!NI lbs. superior, fur saV be .1. K IDD 6 CO., 1:0 WoNi ni / QUI D 11 bbls. for =ale by 1.4 S..sauu a CO Tilt. MASK'S Magnetic Ointment-10J Jur 'do% Ibr rmle,by J KIDD CO BLACK LEAL (2 RCICIBLES-11) coirke, jup 611 number*, for nb, low to rlrme ocaulitnment, by wpll J KIDD k W., 3u Wood Valuable Country Seats at Auntion rEsubscriber, liaviugln.la out his Firm, s , s4,swing Disran, hem, Hobo. Klludurt. 1 , 014., talc .111 oiler 11, ram. far at Public Aludtlro, the read,. 00 TIII. - 14IIA 1, .C.,,ternber 111 Wriurk A. M. • Ult. y . rno tnt 1,1 nor., bor laal nut In cf fram ta IC art , . and a:col:LI/A for Idearant COVNTRY ff..Aff• ain Gard. 004. commanding an r, a.... sad drllchrful rlra Um rai.round [l4 nal., umbrariug lu mil... of 0L.•Oblo nrer and walls) .3 the land I. at rournar quality , abaut twadhtulr cleated, a/A tier 1019.000 rarrnal with .rollout tlmller. andlrcll a.- ..n..1 1,...,4 au thr rlvrt, 101 Ohl. wad rrnur. Ilaalruad and Oa. UMW prayer }Wad ruumag throUgl, adal with.,tea tutuuarr ndr 14 the , MI rallrukl -011 tall. e tram A 111-Fthev y 0111. T..11110-ot,fillb r.b. the biriworw in rovon.n.i.l...Lt. si with intenr..., in b.. .W.tarwl by lAind awl niortnage. rwr further inirt.eulant ..riquiri. of thr 0141ard. fililine'l'new Row. Al6,liies/r City, John _'troy. the prrnilor, Kiwi., w 11,1, AUrlitztll.,l Grand Concert! T T‘; DER the direotion of Prot. BlbtyalA n ilra, .4 10,11. 111141 C hy.1.1 yyt thy. .Y - 411'.11...1:01a , ' Fifth Pytteßurgby oyy THURSDAY F.l* EN I NOne YiPpro t..ber 111.11. by- a Cital or lb* Lmt scholar. sena-t.ed xt, Mtn !is thntmatid " rl t ,:at i lt . tn ' tity; py lonry Kist ti KitailNt/mtl srlllrimutett I, b. 3 ryano yyrfe. Tins . 25 Ytrnor. 15...stip—to . at MY 1. to a. 21 at aye door PROF DINT•IlA.11 all] opt . a Jyy yanily• Hi his Amyx Pry Ft dent et reat. : 4 •ll.plia). the Mt . a , lyy eeloeby A 1I Trrms.- sl per N-hyybyr (by. tlye.,..ar• ty r .• New Fall Dry Goods. A. MASON k CO., have rProivetl . 1, 1 ;L'il;',1: . iu eta Mohair Lu.tre, embracing plain 1,11.. a. ilk am,. fanerenra. Chem, nem mai fur . .l. a ell ,raier. 11 mum, Pramual - Me. TMl , ei ‘n,l Coburg., eAmlrne. all t al?;.ll . lte i, a , el;l I ti s z RhWm, teal , r 1110 + prirew whi-b . se ste , ,n9dent tin . p;%:llnte f il r y Teachera Wanted_ IrXN :Vlrtle Tinchere Nriintell fur the Public School. ..1. Chest.trie tow - P,hlp . En o:dna:3nd of .p. ;mats to mt.. platv at the Publ. debool room. tel / -rd. p•ddiacaPille..ho esttmla . r...l l th Inet-at .) o'clock A M • BY order q the hoard ef Idreceor, PHILIP .1 SMITLI, Pr -it II {ll-VI.G3TON ill I, . ~, Fall Fashions. RATS, CAPS, AND LADIES' ft.-R5 ILNON aON, No. W6okt+st., 4 4 . D.r.tnond •, would in v att. attention ot rheir.eo•torner, and the t.oblle ,their iar.. whittzonthe, are on,. receiviug to their farmerduck ol litS•ik The iwaortment iVtlerl,l, Vat th.. new style II A ft-, latelr tutroduez‘l, and whteh sew a. zee.. tour+ adruirvi for their Leant) and gontintr, together wain a great Tanetv df Black. Brown nud Drat, !Pelican. Ilungariau. and other Rind, of lIATF. for no u and bop; /3alla and Holtz CAPS: Cloth, Oil, `in. •od Glazed CAPS, of almost all deernattoo far, w h ole god CAP. , for eluldreu—offered at reavlonable r. pneta, whole ale and retail. PUB:. viz Mari and Natvra P l Lr,ns, Farb, Gennet and Czniev MUFFP Fired : Fil and iterlau, Zirrol TICT(IItINES and CUFFP;IItIit-g,.. and Cluklren, 110005. napllZltu • 8 - I . — TS — NTED SOUN—PIa363 and empin . 3 V met, for a numb., of taltomen. hoot kw.verg.an , l warehro.t.o. no,h and Intonate men. arol quite a noter.or . or hurt of en IL., for ranana trades and orePlo‘tn,lort tV.lted good root,, b 0 0,.. keelwrz. w. moo and girl, for all work. nur.,,, ar . In buy nitlen. won,. •, eountry errand. Money borroir.d .14 !rut. and dupeounted when an d cube had - for thew. All kuov. of &gentles artgaldrd tr. for ruoderite charzozat the new Ago nor and Ino,lllgenee IPAAZI HARRIS. aer.lo - .3t Third zr • oVigtzite the l'ost Oflks• A.TEST NEWSPAPERS:kept for iale— CA All oar Daill. mPat of our Weekly, and a large is of Istl.Elae Nowapaperg, frnau Bonn, to New ...rive. a. few School Bonk.. 111/..[M , . ot Latent Counterfait Dolsen,r, 2 lzree and egentral Fmali a, of E 33,03. Vat:ally 51,11charz; abort 25 cop'. •nf Ilarrii old, anti R different edition, of Ida Plret - tories cf rittaburich and Allegheny, for Sale or refol-erwo lOAAC m. 10411. Third it . eppnaito the Post aline, NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! 1 / 4 T I.lOi,3lES' LITERAItY DEPOT,No.S4- , Third evert, oppostto the root Oflllor ' M e odal arehin.ei, 10. 1. Arthur Conway. or Scene. in the Tropic,. 10. a tale or the olden Fano. London Labor and the London POOr, Soli. I. 9. /0.11 Ito Tear. Lane, ~rTaitinauf the 11.ttlal by Al I.nnian LltteWs I.lving Age, No. 2. Hn . • . , i anter'r aval, for S 3.9 eptember. International . .. Katherina Walton. or the Rabid of Donrhester an Ilia lenient notnanee of the Revolution in Carolina. 'I Neehanlve Msg.:ln, for Septurnhen. The Oortfatann.an llteturical Nueol Sumba.= mid Shadow`, or Undo and Dicuesomr. . lady Moline Shut Wo...lry'a Ttarolatu rho U. Etn,s. R0V11,6101 of a Bachelor: a Book of the Mart. the Fate; 01, tale of Otirring Tinto.; by 0 1 . R. Jam, Nei...a...dd... U., 1L.U.1. - .....1 of Life. Derillif • iirAttitUitllriq , cowrie.. from the trot Ito baton' .etel:—.7 ~. The D. h. rcat Qin. Gehl: • fiend,' Audi'. (nef , eAftlon.) 2_c, eb Itutherford, a Bea Isle. 120 Buie Ilceterr. n tele of %leer° IlletiOnSTY of hlreheole. No. 37. The Gips, Chief; hr G. W. M. Rer[l4l.l. Hebei, or rbr Child of fee Bettie I. tald, • tale of lister- leo. • The Pioneer' , ['slighter, a tab' a Indian Lbaralrity E' R r e ' A n de ße etM ' reei ' of Paul Penwinkle; • Sea Sh.rY • The Cout+. or bilelhorg: by oot.. L grarte: or the Salon, of Paris. by Maj,Rteh.dson thoAntorr of "Alton Lex.), •ilf,ranrerr.lll,Mrsztion. pith Illustistions. Traraler thMugh tbr U. S. andtlona. Canada L . er the snap Bird: • 41. of real Mr: by Careliol Lae Bent, The Wire( Wagi >land, • tab, by ahry llow . o • The Room by Italwer _ . IASITMEBES AND DE LAINES--15 Ca , td per of the rirto.st et.,le.. and mlm-s, just rred at , It! d. Market mt.. i5.,10; • A. A. MASON di CO f I INGRAMS-10 eases. French and Da l. meftle, ,,, rm' , l by A. A. MASON,. CO. ADIES' CARPET BAGS—_O doz. reed Vr.xPt ,,, b 7 L,ALplui . A A MASON aCo )1)R. MeLANL'S N'ERALIFIJOE!—Mmii. Ttsntxolr .lonathno ficagnmen. of Ml. here 10 .II fh'e t'ermlluoe to over me, sod ~ie4 pxw Cu.. rupply itormoilately. I could have sold • gloat more, if I bed hod It in hand. The peoplo r•, or tiling ell other medicines for woman, c o y that nowTrl eon.' to Dr. 'McLane's wry , 0051 111 . t.he City Drugnigy. LINSEED 01L-25 bbts, for sal.; by . tow • . J KIDD 0 01. EPSOM SALTS—IS 5515. for sale by keylo J. KIDD k i.O W• 12-4ASII NET,' for Mosquito Bars, s id,--too yards toot sle'd, for Pale to lot! tr, .nit. veplO - WM. NOBLE, Third it T QBACCO-20 kegs No.l C. twist, (ledge's 1 truid, for male 1., JAMESDALZELL. **pill (4 W.1..' rt. FIRE BRICK-420,000 for sale low by ~a, . JAME, DALZULL. "PAPER -2.00 ream:. Medium, : no , t Town, for .ale too k. (.00 • JAMBS DALY.Y.LI, _,_ MEW MUSIC. THE WATERS NOW, by R. Ryan;. I,fi lain'a Child in America; Mountain Daisy. by st I eat h•Opy v/e I loted you; In dream, of year, Child of the Wave, with ,dnette; Fbrarb feel to thy' Let t,. 'nth vignette, Nelly Foete The berenale. by , ebu b, r t, Tbo jlappy Clone, by Ater , reil, Judy dirLeary, i ou a c ao nz When the bright Kavel gre baelug. &tette: Ilomr, Homo. I LOT. Tlirr, doe., Th, %Old OW ‘l.qat., N e u, gas a lAdy . ,_ Eveunaj; Srig— T , 22.%.,r."71:1'c1jg11T.V4t I Va,ik a tte t a l? gt. k raßer,rif t 4ltuly litptn o7 n 47 , '." A l4 t 3 o = obl ra rmtAulil.a4 mb Po,lie nd -[Te l ' ; t ,l 1 go Lm Wu °ale, No Qvurk Stay, three Malley Overtu,. _N o 1, Wye of hi/gland; No... Shamrock of Ireland: No. oThialla et Scotland. Reed nod lot gala by' zumon, Wood at. NEW GOODS 4 NEW CHE)DS! CCORDEONS—A: splendid end varied nook of thr twit brawl.. Just reeeivavr. , YE., Arvery devil-Able eelection..lth 7, s. 6. . d 11 reawa rd 3, a0.1,..5 the ben mother; very ebeep.l. ,,, eponeit. : . . yx.m.ivy Ana Huai...sm./a arrivng• I /oLINS—Pon., Orp• yv,ry ,Tlfif t., I. awl pricy. If RP , THING. , —A firte - .,..1.,ti0u also. f.r .110.ar art., .11,4/tt. t'oronata. Tubas. buulet. 111 bcwortma. Trumpets. 1024 tar Defy of limas 'lustful:Luna% velar,' trtnl ‘to. -ulwrribor himself. LIM ..41 , 1 at, tart-low Mk... A 1.,,. :bet:ewe. auCtuoat popular Music. lust r.vir. 4 l , S. 14.--Tb. *tun. urtrume . Sr.are warranted to . rut , 'r"" ..""7" 7 - 1 t id i .F.Vll 4 f . 07 F r, ~ "" ""t - ^ l {3l,lli \ iHE 00f.1517.N .• 4 YOUNG MAN, about 24 seaTr, of see, is ''"'""••"''''''''•••• •\ '" u li `l`l.l`.4,‘=L Mr4.lr Vr.s.rm rity tow.o. • ror I .ii ti b•Wn it ---..^toetutstiotta. An of it. ... .. . . . . . . . . w w l wwil , 11 0 ,,, mw,,..^ will ww w il ITltt, prompt attend., ~,AZtfooLl) . IF NO LISII ifrAIRY eIIASE-50 boxes A 11.xlroso colehrotol Sutruc, airy; Durtotio Farm L I' \U r"'''' 4 " rnr ''''. b ' WICK t ' bjeCANDLKSS . ...P . ' 81.1 . C ,R, EREL--,... 4 40 bbls. No for sale, liv WICK t.. 11 l cCANDLESS. - ',-- UROOM S--17 0 doz. Corn, for sale by „pv . WICK 0 SIrCAIII S LKI. i II ll'f' EE. -300 bags Rio, for sale by x. PrPo ,Cs WWII& BIeCAIND,ILSS. ( iIIOCOLATE -200 bx.s. * .itiost., for salo by WICK A 31rCANDLE.1 I lODFISii —I t,s. for tale by ~ 1 , „ p 9 WICK dt IIeCA-NDLESS , .., _ __ LiUNOARIAN SMOKING TOBACCO—' 40 bb 10. for -.le by WICK *IIBCANDLEZS 4 A LV.RAf i Ii•S -43 ("8.9k-8, .•. 82 I*B.B DBl , t for map W. r.o , . WICK 8 iIeCANDLFS , gi i ILEEsE-- . 51 7 Dozes, ou consignment now `I I.ndln.. for ,