GILIAT RAILICOLD 1 48ST/N l L—Ynalenany even log a. very large,number of our citizens as gambled in -the Rooms of the Board of Trade; to take intecensideration the propriety of build ing arailroad along the'Allegheny river, to eon meet With Rochester and Lake Ontario; Thomas iteke'well, presid'en't of the • Board of Trade, called the pitatifig to order, L and Mr. Samuel Rea, was, on motion, appointed Se cretary. • Mr. E. F. Smith, of 'Rochester, was introduced to the meeting, and proceeded to point out, in a clear and succinct manner, the vast importance of the proposed railroad. - to the interests of Pitobargh, - tiffording, as it wauldtto, a cheap and direct route through the pones., valley,' to Rochester and Lake Ontario. Mr. Smith was - succeeded by Mr: Sloss, of the mho- place, who spoke at somewhat greater length, and pointed out fully, the advantages which would seCTUO to oar chinas Froaitht com straotion of this road. • He dwelt upon the ourprise - ,Le had felt at • seeing the variety ancleteellence Of our mann factuno--,leolared shit he bad never ma nails to equal thosemide here, tad that no far as ro- gaided the tepidity with which iron Was tfrought into etdaf Arr.., we excellell all competition. The Country through which" this. railroad would PliOn. was. hi absolute necessity of the various Sr. -tram of iron manufactured here, tut not only did" they want thorn, for they required ah dui alt oar coal, for which they would be wit . : ling and coati! afford to give a prioo, which would amply Pay Those who had mines to dig, 'and - transport it. „ ?dr:Bless conclude:llde remarks 'amidst loud applause, anti was eutelcded by Mr. SYiimnrth: Mr. W. declared that the inh&bitatit&of ten thowirdd equine mites idterzitoryup the Allegheny , river Maio rely. on that stream for their means • of transportation td end from a maiket. He . pointed oat the uncertainty of Its navigation, andurgcd.upon the Mindiof all preemie the pro priety of a Railroad along it, which Would cer tainly pays large per ertitago to Its atoekhold erit as well as enpply a minitimportant !outlet for . a vast amount of our manufactured articles. Mr. Wilmarth concluded by reading a series • of etabsties, ohowinr, the immense value of the lumber and iron business u - p the Allegheny. lie then offered the following resolutionet - let, Resolved, That the - interests cd Western Penmylvania emphatically demand the speedy completion of a Railroad along the batiks Jf the Allegheny river, communienting witlithel Min regions or-Clarion county,tand the inexhaustible pine forests of Northern Pennsylvania; and open ing by Genesee valley the mu's:eta of northern New York and Western Canada. to the products. of cur industry. 2d. Resolved, That the formation of this eon notion is regarded by this meeting an ddeside ratum second to no other of the enterprises of the day; thin which none would be better adapt ed to resuscitate the manufactures of our vim,- - ity, by opening to them a demand as yet uh known and unapprecuited. • S. Resolved,: That the 'contemplated, railroad would furnish the cheapest and most direct nate for. distributing the sugar, cotton and tobaeco of the West and South amongst the populous agri. Anthers' districts of Western New York!, and Canada, therehy yielding a-new impetus to the steam navigation of the Ohio. 4: R . :mired; That a-railroad along the wateri . at the Allegheny river, and communicating • eagle the rich allurial valley of the Genesee, wi • ' Rochester and Lake Ontario, would not only meat tuitional' induence the prbsperity of the region through which it may pass, but would also prom* eource of profitable iuvenfuent to those elatarp'l "tig contributers Ity whom it shall byconetzuctied 1 - 6. Restelved, at this meeting has heard with greati , eaMtfactiin at eitisens of the enter. •priring city of Beenter, are about to manifest their conviption or:iheNtaportancel of a direct "-railroad cominunication with the Ohio, by the liberal - contribution of three . hundred thousand . dollare,,for the..conntiencement of this great en terprize. . • P. Resolved, That this meeting\ arneolly re. coratubsd the' example - of the city of Rocbeater, to the consideration of the cities PI burgh and Allegheny. 7.- Resolved, Thal - a committee of El:a lms be appointed by this meeting to confer 'with similar esitimlttees to be appointed by other meetings or corptonstio&s, in the various portions of the co - entry interested in- tide groat p.rodeet; which committee shall have fall power to twit in the premises ai they 0411 deem .best tidtiptticl to promote the welfare of -the road,Ond the inter ests of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. On Motion, it was. Resolved,. That the blank in ' the seventh reso lution, be filled by the number seven.' On motion, the resolution were unanimously laiopted. On =Lotion, items resolved, that theseproCeed ings be_ published is all the city paper;B.4ll all the papers along the route, favorable the muse. • ' Oa Inotion•of George Darsie, Esq., it was, re soloed that the Chairman be appointed one of the Committee. • Meters. L. WimOtritt, OCorge Large, W. jr., J. E. 3foorlaead, Joshua il1110:111,. /MO CaroMers, and Thomas Bakewell, Esqs., were OppointedAM this Committee. ' • On motion, it was resolved, that the thanks of the meeting be tendered to the gentlemen from and Allegheny county, New York • , Mr. Darsie succeeded. Mr. Wilm.alth, in a few remarks, in which be cordially agried with whit bad been •said na to the advantages of the pro posed road. The 'distance between Pittsburgh and Olean, New York, woo one hundred end eighty miles, and Itocheeter wee oat huridred . miler; from the latter point, thus the: length of the road would be only two hundred and'ighty miles, end the grades would be but blight- Gen. larimee made & very energetic speech, in.which be &cared his intention of supporting the propoted toad by every means in Lis power. He had no . doubt but that it ettodittut would bo constructed.`. E. M. Staunton, Esq., coinmded in opinion with .General LOrinzer, and made u few appro : pri* rtunaylii, provinglike importance of the proposed railroad to the interest of our citizens. : On motiptt, the meeting adjourned. - Tat first:inn Car os Puisßoacu,-4 meet ing was dolled in the rooms of the Board of •Trado last night, for thee. Purpose of making ar ras's:rine:its to'provide the I'h:tide:Thin and lira— espool.stsson ship '"City of l'ittabccrgh," wall rind of 41.0r5, a boil, or acme othei tok e n of tho estiatztion in which our citizens bold the , compliment paid to oar city, in naming this fine stesmerr after it ' ", • Ott motion Gee. W-111. Laricuer welt called to, the cluilr, slid Mr.. W. A. 'Wilson I,ppointed se- :Theobjeet of the meeting wee stated by . the On motion . cGeorge Dania, Esq., it Was re- Solved diet a comipittee - (the chairman of the . scenting to:be the chainxian of the committee) be appointed to collect imbscriptions for drat pa- :Meserre. ;jell. W. Alexander King, . Owns Ogden, Joshua Munk J. K: Ideorehead, 8.8.' Bays, Jagtes B. 'Murray, John B:Outhrie, silieui A. , Woods and Thos. Brkkewell, were np peinfwd on said committee. Atter.proridjogaoi th4ohlication of the- pro ceidiniti. the meeting adjourzied. Nor Bs6r.s.- - We are pleased to announce that tite-Yonisg Melia Mercanttle Library yesterday reredeed three hundred volumes of the' bestyno dens works. They 'are admirably =elected. . ,'tits or - Lore.—Oar readers will remember that .it rale of the Property belonging to M r. *Mani C. Penn, near Sewickley, adjoining pa 'auditor the Economy Society,, will take place . 'te:morrow. • The railroad cars will atop at the l ii ptitcw cr . gab. going and returning, re lit every terilitY Will lie given to pore deeiroue . I" ping down. It is unnecessary for no to cola go upolt • tfitiVilue Of this property, and its eligi ility for cinituiry. eerie, situated aa it is, upon aline of the railroad, and within • a few minut ride of Pittebtrgh: Tte land iteelf is among e most fertill in Allegheny County, and will be divided into' lota et n site suitable to a •.... • . ..pur amen. \ 4 Cwassrao.—d man; named Edward"' =pitted . tti prison yesterday, by A Bteei, charged with haring made awl hone belonging to Thom. Boyd. 1 that Loyd, wbo is A workman on the ol ington plank road, had borrowed s liorse day for tho 'purpose g f riding into 'to when I t em fraded It or to a drover, for svtirtinfaior qmility, with whieb•ha Ems Curket.--Goadi , • highly prized as itpildiffi • ' hsd the:, pleasure, thro'• Messrs Wick! and Meeita qualities' of .11ellep'e eel Nutmeg Cheese," manor Gusts, ' , ILL Trumbull coun noun.: it s most suporio will not disappoint, the es keeper. This cheese is ',a climate sod ituproye by iq ped both, to the .... I , Californio and tion. 'tie put accommodate th Wick & MaCoed ilayiusburgh, w) call and oxamin: September 9. •Horbacb'e etch— . Eldred. Errol to District Court. Argdad by Kuhn tend Hemp. ' ... Emerson vs. Wills. Error to District Court Argued by Shannon and Williams, and Wills. Amonthe inventions Of modern •science, few. confer a greater benefit oh the. community that; that contribution of chemistry to the healing art, known AS illyer's Cherry Pectoral. In )our adver tising cffintuns, may be found tho chddenee of distinguished gentlemen, that shows hair confi dence in its peculiar efficacy to' care distempers of the throat and lungs. i . Cams.—The Cincinnati papers state that row dyism is plavalent there, .01:10 hundred and ninety four coromitments having been made; during the . month of August WO regret to say, that during the slam , / period here, two hundred and sixty eight cocnnitments have been made. .1 GERMAIN rejoice to learrithat our German fellow'citizens hare organized a library associaticn inTittsburgh, the design; of which is; similar to that of tht Young Mea'a Mercantile Library. Theodore Umbetsetter, i Fay., was chosen President, J.• Roth Vice President, J. G. Backoffen Treasurer, and Thomas Helmle, Sae rotary. A board of directora was also eheseo. • . INFOR:f ATION WASTED. -If any of our readere are awarq of the whereabouts of Alfred Kershaw, -a small boy, about twelve years old, 'who left home yesterday morning, they. will confer a favor upqn a distresved mother, by leaving infor mation al the Enterprise office. When he left home, bq had on yellow pants, check shirt, a block cloth cap—was - barefooted, and in his shirt sleeves, ' % ALC OCS au C1 r.. 11.— ..— A young Dian Dallied Clark w 1 committed to prison yesterday, charg ed, on oath of Bernaid Dougherty, with innlicious mischief. ASAI, r AND BATTEIir.-F. W. an : i C. W. So• terock.,liere yesterday held to bail by Alderman Ramjet, of Alleghonst,chsrged, on oath of 11..5. Pearson,' with assault and battery'with intent to kill. . . Wanness, Mr. Isaac Harris, who pas lived in Pittsburgh about fifty years, and has been Very closely ccinfined iniective business as a merchant about thirty-twit years, and then for the last thirteen Yearn engaged in an agency and intelli gence office, and printed and published five dif ferent editions of his Directories of !Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, and neighboring towns, At, two years of his Commercial anzElotolligen cer Newspaper, and always for about forty-five years beelt closely confined to busiposs, feel, himself a goo d deal worn down, and being rather too gener , kind. and benevolent .jn his 'not charging d ex - acting his reek—especially to the poorer cl Seri and Working females, Lind women, .and girls rtiredis few days ago froM his Ages -11, di and In diligence Office, since when several friends, • lour most respectable andf intelligent aititens ha • seriously recommendedihim to re ' cematencei 'is business and offire, with his usual fair and reasonable charges to all whp may call tied have business: We hereby most freely con nay in recommending Mr. Horrid to tlje most:lib- era] publie patronage of ! out citizens—knowing ' his poet industry and care, that hevrill strive to occommodte all who will give him a,coll, or lib erally aid. im. t / r. - PITTSIICALGII, August 40, 1 135 . 1 . J B Out 'e, Mayor Samuel Roseliurgli, P NI: Wm B Me I re, Judge of the'Couri; ',lame Park, ! Jr; Curling, Robertson & Co; Eing,lPennock & ',Co; 'Edward IreriZelton; Corode SL !CO; James , O'Connor ! Co; Limbert & Shiptoie; Murphy, i II Id oat; & C ; refl Fleming, Meyer of Allegheny ti ably: A Li ' eech & Co; Was Lorimer, Jr; John McDonald Croitean; Rhey; Matthews & Co; It Edwards; Samuel Walker, of Elizabethtown; Jonathan Indd; George 'IV Jackson; Wilson fife dandleas: It C Storkton: Cuddy, Jones & Co; Samuel Bailey; Coleman, Ilailman & Co; Luke Loomis, , ,dg't; Ogden & Snowden; Semple, Bis sell & Co; c; Denny; T II Nevin, & Co; I 1 S Scully; Wm key,' It Bruce &Co: .I 1) Williams Si Co; John I)Ll . eV* G Breed: H Childs; 'W W Wilson; Alemiffid - Brackenridge; Wm Bell; Lew is Hutchison; amin Darlington; Lorenz. Sterling & Cc; Jameo`Dalzell; Jacob Forsyth; I' McCormick; J Holmes: john Irwin &Eons; Ben z+ lWoodr James WilsonNJohn Herron; Jelin Wright; Elijah Trovffio; Clark& Thaw; Wmlich tWum; C Ilimemi;‘, Wm Bagaleisdt Co; Wm Rob inson, Jr: J Ithbioson; Kramer&t rßahm; N Holmes & Bons; W H Lawrie, Germ Denny; J. O'Hara Denny; McLain & Moffitt ll67.,Eich barim, BY TELEGRAPH. ICEOZTOLD BT THIN O'ILK74LT TELEGRAPH , 7.1 lOW IMPOUTZVTOIIIIIII PITTSBURGH UAL'S= CUBAN AFFAIRS . Officialth e Na Department yesterday, from Cemmodcire Plat, _ . of the sloop of war Albany, stating,Oisi by per minsien of the Cißtain General, he visited 75 of the Am v erican prisoners confined at Havana; and pt conferring with Captain Kelly, and 7..ictiter Inta Grinder and Baker, they gave him a detail.' ml narrative of the proceedings of the , Expedi- . Gob; since the soiling of the Pampers. She` whole party manifested much •indignation to. waids General Lopez and Mr. Lepter of the Delta at New Orleans, for deceiving them with false representations. that Cuba was is ; a state. of revolution. On hearing that General . Liipez had been ta ken: cries of joy and'ezultation ran throtigh the prisoners. The President, upon the receipts of these des patches, sent copies of them i to the Spanith isterVwith a view further td enforce the appeals already made to the Spanish Governmelit,•-now that the leader has been cut off, to dui imerair fully with his deluded follower. • , --) WASIIWGION, Sept. 9. The !lJnion" of this morning statesthat Gee. Quitman luas withal awn his rums as a candidate for Governor. Nov rpak, Sept. 9. The steam ship Florida, fromlfisvannah, ar rived this morning. She reports the Pampero lurking in the vicinity of Savannah on oirsiese to be captured—her owner, Mr. Seger, having determined to test the legality of on arrest. Borroa, Sept. 9. The U, S. District Court; this morning, passed an eulogy spun the life and character of Jtei Woodbury, deceased, and immediately thereafter adjourned. • Batn4oaai, Sept. 9. John Withered declines running as a earaP date for Congress, in the third district of Mary hazd. The Southern Rights men had in large gather ing at Columbia, S. C., and •aommattd General Oxen and Dixon liameq. as delegates to the Southern Congrme., LOotsonak, Sept; 9. Mrs. Crittenden, wife of the Attorney Generol, died at Frankfort tido morning. The temperance' party of this county have nominated s full ticket for Legislative and coun ty offices. It embraces Whigs, Free Sellers, and Democrats. • Vie Firemen's parade today vas a splendid affair. Business, in consequence, is'almoat en tirely suspended.' The revenue cater, Forward, with Got :Let-. cher and suite, sailed from Norfolk, on Sunday, for Vera Cont. PH ICARELPRJA MARKET PHILADELPHIA, Rept 9. Cotton—There in more firmness in cotton, and stocks are light. FlOnr—The market is steady, with sales 1100 tibia $3 /31R3 94' bbl. Rye floor and corn meal Ire inactive. Grain--Wheat is scarcoand tne demand ed. Oates 4000 'bushels Sodthern red at 4334:1- Corn is firmer, with sales of two cargoes It 64c. for yellow. Provisions are steady andlirm. • BALTIMORE MARKET. Bwinmons, Sept. -9. Flour—Sales I bbla-City Sias tt $3 87 14 'yd was armaxt , with a pk*rs Wah 1a Mon -1111 I ono . of dull, and prices remain unchanged. Provisions—Are firmer, with soles new mese pork at $1.6 lA'bbl• Fit.tu remains at rater, day's quotations. Whiskeye—Ssles 5422 0 236 .. Coffei)-80es of filo at 81(58to. Sogew—fteles Porteiltico at 4€97}c... • m a i gg ot g .4g quoted at '28124775. isan e sutiale as vrttrobtaixt. We hue the politeness of . died, of "Math* .the brateil Dorhem Farm tureil - by Deo.jlieriep, , Ohio, arid eau pro article, and one which ectations of the house assented to aloud any sod has hien ship 'est . and, to 's entire' satiofee trims{ sizes, to users. Blesers. do of the maker our 'leaders to • New ioac, ,Sept. 9, Cotton-,Middliug cotton is dearer. Sales 460 balee:Orleans middling at 9i, and of upland at 1 1 4(,?9ic 14 lb. Blotis-i 2 The market ig firmer, with sales 3iiioo bbls at s34l7(eis4 for, Ohio and State, and $4 1.2.4. for Genesee. .araiu--Wheat is steady, with sales 31100 bosh Michigan at 92c. Corn is scarce, with sales 10,000 bushels damaged at 64, and of mixed at tilt "t 4 bushel. Provisions—Turk is active, with sales 290 bbls at $16 , 87 for mess, and sl3'_'6 for prime. Lard is drat at 940,9 iii 14 lb. Whishey—The market is Arm at 23c? polo. Lead -1. -Sales 100 pip 'Missouri lead at $4 CO cwt. LinsaW Oil—dales 1000 gallons American at 4c. Tobacco--Sales hhds Kentucky at 5o 'l,l Stocks--Reading has advanced 1, and Morris , td cent NEW Yong, Sept. 9. Cutton:-.The market is firm, and prices have farther advanced with sales 1500 bales at 11} for Orleans and 91 for upland& Flour—Sales 11,000 bbl at $3 574 fur state, and Al for straight Michigan and In diana. drain—Sales 1000 bushels Michigan red wheat at 94c. Corn is firm and scarce. Provisions Aremore motive with sales 1000 bbls at $l5 . 75(0315 870 for me : 80105 mess beet' at so' 75®1 Lad is sold at 40)110 Groceries--Sales 150 bbls Orleans sugar at 5i lb. and 100 do Porto Rico at 50. Sales 300 bgs Rio at 81, Large sales of rice at $3 25® 3.37 14 100 CINCINNATI MARKET. C.IC.INNATI. Sept. 9. Fletur—The market is inaetive,wah itmall salts only, at $3 1::.(7 I 7 f l bbl. • previsions—A sale of .50 bbls mess pork at SIS 15 Ya bhl ' Whiskey—la lower, and the maket dull nt 1 , gall. Groceries—The market is inactive and salee limited. Dried Fruit—Tho epeculattve demand oentm• .kpplee are held at $1 25 % hunk. with Out few ut market The neer hen fallen 4 inches In the lust Cl Learn. • - - GEN Cass—The Detroit Free Presa, has an elaborate leader in favor—bf Gen, Cabb Iv, the candidate of the Democratic party for the •neat Presidency. Possibly the 'General ia apprehen sive that •the wires' have not been managed spe cially for his Learnt of late, and that unless he takes time the foreloCk, som a sharp - witt ed competitor mayforeetall him An old lady was telling her :iand•childreo about some trouble in Scotland, in the course of which the chief ,f her elan was bihewied. It was one great thing of a head, said the good lady, •.but it was a sad loss to him.- A LLOP,HITII.IIII.I).—The Louisville Journal gives an account of a child in that city, aged three or tour years, the offspring of a black wo man. The Journal says it is not a mulatto, but spotted.' The face is black, with a white spot on the forehead, and one on the chin. The legs and part of the body are white with black spots. The white is not like that of an Albino, but like the skin of the white race, with til• blue veins showing themselves [brought it. The mother is said to hake been, during her pregnancy, very fond of a. spotted colt, following it about and manifestir.g toward it the love et a mother for her, child.' Here is a question for physiologists. Tut Dnorrit.—We mil t informed by persona from all..sections of this, 'and adjoining cone. ties, that the long continuance of dry, hot weath er has almost delstroyed vegetation, and render ed the dust upon the road intolerable. Many springs and streams are now dry which were not so seen during the dry, season of I;145. The prospects for fall feed look very /due. --Cler,!and Herald. _ SALES BY AUCTION. Brick Cottage at Auction. ON MONDAY, September 15th, at 3 ' x',s;. o'clock, I'. 31., on Noun.; /1111.—% I.eautiful new.Cottag,n-with oining nom, kimht.u. parlor, nd Om 'Root chuabarr. a hne how,. withinfiee yard, of the kitchen door. evert' thmc in nen, nod arraned in the =wet enneenient manner. 11", th the ho.v.a g he sold two or threa sere. 01 ground. ot • acyl.t...lF. A 3101 - 1 , 17. Federal Street Property at Auction. WIT WILL OFFER FOR SALE, on the p ten, on hetrda.Septausber laLLi. 1651. at tp o'clock. A r' 3l_, i 1111tr.k. LOT, fronting on radr . ral etre,iih heavyset, the Duttoot.J and North COOll3lO. 1)0e lot is 214 fast front, running .hack Ito feet on :Oink eller to Ce4l.laLl,,_olllrtlith is • wall Umehed orion•llouse,sUstile. C 114131108 Holub A, Alto—tan Lots, cub 13 Oct front on the tome otrent, ranging back 110 es In a 21, feet alley. thie of said ...ha depth of 180 lest, wu 105e.41 to Mathew, dec'.l, having 10 yr.+ , ruu from Jam 1,'02. Thia property Cr well worth the attention 4 , 1 eapitaluda. the heart of the city, and MEMO!. tAil advonre in poke or I our. t.. come. Person. w1.1..n, invest ~,, in heel would do well to id, it their attention. tt h. the nlll, PMPerty Ofretred in tlint•letnyy. god tame prom., tO wl vane.e fut. In price. The noun, of salt propene le anx• Jona to ass hisey in utile bonne, would not hare loon°Eared. halo its lisputahlt. mode known on day of ule. sep' ElthhS A BOYLE. Anetameere. Mount Auburn at Auction! WILL Ise otrer . r,ti art P . ubliO a the ble- 00 a o'clock, 0 . 0 A c 10,50 lvt•tulito,satosteit U.S'.'.,l Saw XIII I,firatcbst'w sr,/ lo,ctley's ran, adoinin, Col tom,n tb , cLortb,. sod It. l'atnt.rsoo tbe torte rim hod tb. Llghest outs rulLvallun Sr h.:. proltd ;,00 I - I. of arn,i, tins ;mt. u alto SPPIe tr••••• • quantity ol Ina.b Tht liapr ,, yrnirot, 1111 Ili. Os, vslustdc. It /la: tin. 105 , 00 .1 I,rlLtur tn It all to our 1.0 1,1 NW , . ,trnog to ,lt)ceinrnts cat:N.l,i, And .r..c...latcrri , Ii net Sc. gethtt it null., it ~, U ott,. to :nit buy erF ThelPt"Perr• bat. , coortandln, •Licw: of 4 1 1,1,12 ,- su l !` 1,1;;; `, ro.sad ft, from ritr taxstwn. grrst frEtnnttrAk '' sll3l3 tiva;;Tin OIL 4. AD 1 511. I no tim.. twit puittaut iormn—un ,re. Kitk,l*.it LIOV bef,sllt Auutione.r. WA.SHINOTOII, • _______ Auelion Sale. I)ESIRA.BLE Real state for nale, on the 3.:th . nepalaber. st 1' I I , lawleti on Nunner: LI wat, agrt. greund timutifsil new Eir..A rfA o ~Onntug ab0...44,1 t.I IrrlD cue to 51 e Thit propemr lo at tO. head f.; 1. dcral r,O the of Alle4netty eltv. and Ow t • st.!, ed fats .sed,run Veder.,l vtil , n r t, 1. the acct. will Or e.s.r au the Pfenn , .. uhu ,, l i n g ee b t . d u rtf .. ana alnu..t ever, i..ut preoeut, Trrn;--0;e-lourth • now at 1. days , on...fourth 17. 1851% toe-fourth 1.1 JanuntY.los4: and tit.. balau,, lot Januery. 1004. A plot can ottetu be euen .11.cLANI; JIOOI 11%. , .. Cleft • Sewickley Bottom Property at Auction. I[lN Thursday morning, September l 111, .et I . OX oclock. will ou tbo creethe. LNL. N for g e ‘i.e.d reelable LOTS. S.usismuly .Ituated be - tworn ID. Pbio lluct tbe Obio'eod Pe. Railroad. 4.1. Jolnloe, lend. cif the Lena., Foietv. and David ~' bieldr. ..tOtabk for Gerdem ng or for C.'oarr T r . eotc et the iTrion repo. or en 'bo bore re-op.m. o2ers loducement... t.q porch. Driest =log ibe moot oll , .red fur min in 11118 ;,Aaarla4Lxirc h g .•J st " , ImM, \ 7loce 7 c=4 / , \ ' \\ - A the bloom \ sod freohc-oe et t o A . ;Lai e-i, alwoe•on \\ \ 1., redo ..ftvind rerindr. "A me \ ton leo: - .14 Wet 0 ehOt . ,ol • tho S ' E -,,tk. "/.Ermony Ekr. , 1.4 7, ', J . ..Cvnlmr : oitifht Ek•ino 'in / De. L P. .e otki.L, rroteeeor • . I.e. rlllo Elodlokr' r ir l . rn Ct. ' ,,.;,, ' l' iltet ie4 ..,i,,,, ..t ther tor, ~./,...... t•L, ( - Mast Junot4' , \ 4., ILES. P. 3.• . ‘raohlt. ii, Hondo/. One Lr '. . l bs ,,preeerzn tor ./ , 110. hull'' , Sorl,p4nll4 .3.1 ben be eo ..treneoton., d well t ortati•e I.prnv.lon thelrsteon. Ruth: and private pre Ur. ant this , MlNlParilia ill use. Avtrlent fhyr.otar, at • Lettlok JcM C LF - 11.VzP '' "'I/lid"... ,, ether. ~T. 1.1.1. Er 1.0. WL.I•I rtre•et. Pi :se h. Pa. ler,alo by I, N. COPDL, % Gi....1• , I , r , and De ElOirctsto c•ani u. z.ntite .1f h it- o: b Cva,10.%: true JO. E T:DDI •ARAII COI ; JL Leonati.., hum. Dec... 1.19 ". • 4501. thin my arm:which i.... m 4 o r .3 oh sad.= of .9 =us he r 1r la full t.. us r. , muletall, I. t , cuullrauul • , r ; ••,i•",•rH 5 i• . a 3I '.n'. "T c f I• V . 17'' ';1 , '"crj' 7 :: :' -" ;k V4t . , • \ . . • \ , , . . _ .. .. • 1 ‘ et --...51 f J It •'1 B ey ers' I,LLI Ell, • \ veL/r., T Eurtlr, • cl,=l, \V 7 t. \" 1 1,- t , - 24e4t05 7 nut ~ , \ , \ _. . • -.Pm. , . Ant long , ttagr. • - t gmxtoth.' 7 Gf Inst, . rhoginv• ,