The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 10, 1851, Image 2

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prcit'R PA LOP/ MAITRE - WIE RE K 9 (WI)
. •
Attantion! Friends-of Scott d Jolintiton.
tra.Tlie attention of the fri .wde of 'i.Suorr,
J0n , 0 , , t . .. And Pcoru-rtom. in All,,brn 6.61;1r.
ly urn to the Mumrtmum of, thon , n
the fonflath,73 of-Clul, la 4 -vary alanti
, AtntAtikn: IL. APPOintniont of Commi
.:..that or niy.frielal ul &at and .1
awl that thus who n.a,ilire It are 0.
.v . t014.0 4t01.e010 h 4 balkA ou the
or-tot., ukt,
TI,. guffawing Coinatittre on Nat.
APPointe.k. Marti..., lC
0. P. Aptokton, A. Harts, heti., Chao. P
A Lloy,l,cantiF. tividenitiikfr, hl. art
Ihmt Wm. It. Walton, Jalttra AleCtine.
ordar of th. 4,,onntTe_losonlitte.,
AllekifenY County ; Scott
. •
•• Mbetings.
eQi* A. Public Meeting will
bon.ughof Elirabetli.onSatnrdsy„.t l t .
ne.t. a{ 7oeinrl P.
At Xoth.Flow.k. on 1100.141. 001.0.01
At altanyldstag,
At.:2A.A Wednroday,
At Italtenitoarn,
• Al Lod Llberll. trin , re
At 'kW...AN.. Falurdoo,
At TArrottatn. Monday.,
At` Prior Itarrr 10l Leonard) aunlydru W. 00
Tua....far,Sant. • :At, at hP. Al„..
At.,Jaa.l NlntinAia, Patton toomattip, %Veda...
at o'clock P. M.,
litoth alliortuick'a, Moon t.,1/14 , 111, , „
Jot. =db. X.
At..l,l.n.l'lailkilltoliets Pine. township, on Fri
P )1.
At .Mhz. 4, , onaya.nalaw in totririlip:ou Fator
at P. al.
Wilkin.d,ufg, on Monday. !Nth, ait ,. .! P. Al.
Al law rene.ev 7 -
At Au,ur jrthl-nott tonttatstp. on To,
P. M.
Al Chub, Findlay lown,hlp, Wr.trielJay,O.
Vt ' ... r tf. Y .l 4 ' tttli T l. attt+lTile j • t, " ii. l l '
. Atitenry S.tun
Mill, Maier WO.: 01L%µ on Is,,
orgatoltno ..... 14
Int chit rirt, for lbr
to, tl
tototon i”000tol,
:motto. I, 'fool Lbw ,
Ferotad 4
lir held thr
- At lat . e..lntae. T
0111,..1.2. P. M.
At . _ 4
1.13 n
wut.ort., .Ittopf.rLaut to M. Ore twlitl ral
" t:l 4 tretdz nrit_ot;' , ll 4 .1
4 . , 4 , t-r e ie;l4 Ibe
' ldn ' Malte ' Lq .. .7ll . 4ll.l ow;
B"rder.. Cl.llll4/ . 1 . 11 , ,K (IP ARRAN'
• Only about five weeks now it terveni
this and the second Tuesday 'of 06to
tro shall, as.cititeni of this gond.tid '
r i ,
wealth; be called upon to tele tone
(d orm:nor, one' person for Ca '1 Coen
five persons • for Supreme Jnd es, q
persona -for Legislators, and to lidiei' 7 t
&nate, initimpOrtant o ffi ces. thet ft.
t i
Anne of exceeding importediceiin th . number
andresponsibility of the stiiions to be filled, no
one will deny,' but there is au impor nce even
above the magnitude of the offices, which may
be . found. in the value and cheract r of the
principles and mensurCl at siake.,' That the
welfare of Pennsylvania will be greatly promo
,ted by theire-elocGon of Gov. Johnston and the
• •ifhig ticket, e,veryi impartial man must admit.—'
'Herfinaddal - credit, the steady liciOldation of
Ler immense debt, her fatuie release frome'
burthens cif heavy taxation;' her deliver . nce
from the pectslatfons of dishorEest °liners, her
proepects of on adequate tail*, and any ottr
er.blessings affecting hue future gra' OeSI and
prosperity, depend upon: the' result f the ap
prime-I:ling election. Let the .Whig t chat sac
reed. 'and we - shall have, cause for n venal re.
jfficing, and out joy will gisciden the hearts and
gtrentihen"!he haed,cf one friends 101 l ,-;vec the
, . ,
•'But tan we 00 CC CO lie bear
ed; \Vhigiuquirt Nnt.; - if we are
wirorini sad doubtful. Such a rou
.etlectaally keep our votes at home,
Of onf jthing.
featly easate.l, which ia, that a
thiveaple of PfUßsylvanis
ro-aleettoo of Governor Johnston.
doubt pt it, We .hove, o thousand
which ils; , trF us thaetilis is the'cti
want to iseoitt his soceteatia that
ticket, is to gm - the vote out if til l ,
attend the tope, victbry ie cerhin.
thin, who ticgleme to vote, and
neighbors with him, in derelict to h
hair son comae to complain of mis
and bad . tlnier,,Le may - blame IC
glie j tiuca duty ithich just ea much
on him, as anysovernmental dopy d •
Governor cr President.
'elf for ne
evolves up
) s upon the
I I •
On Allegheny comity the. result *4l much de
pend.. is one ohbe largest districts
in the State,and whenever it gives its full ma
jority, or near it, w* are sure to suCceed. It is
these large Swig districts which wo fear more
thraoliOse white the parties, are . more evenly
14laneed: In them the minor offices call out a
Above we publish the'proilemation of Govsro
or Johnstou, annottneinic thin the Pintiug Fund
in the two years anda half it has been in opern•
don, has paid $459,122 90 -of (be 'midi, debt --
This is not the total rethet.oe. of debt eflosted by
liov. Johnston. How much has been paid will
be even by a comparison of the amount of nubile
debt on, 1649, and the amount on :let , -
(ember I, MI. In 1648 the debt wen . fol
gheny comity, that we cannot ephre a single vote I Funded, : ; 9 ''l'o•'3so 24
Unfunded,. J, o9 i ,3F,C,
pretty full vote on-both irides. In
inqg distrietu c nauriy pernons negle,
through inittelltion'und earlerznear.
_ . . .
ty ii€ket, - tlO7l eipest, will .he elected witether
...ther,irota:or:noti and they strangely Inlander.
laid the.ralne of (heir eingle rote in the general
I , Toir we candidly tell the iiiii4 sot., of Alle-
I‘yon a3I foto _the Whig ticket will
eucceed. Tfiis 'we will feel: assured of. - We
havoilicroost gratifying intelligence from every
port of Abe State. The work goes on nobly.
The popnlatit,y of Gov. John ton isgreat and in
creasinfeevery hour. All thpt In necessary to
recnre!t glorious victory is tithave our vote out,
owl this we implore the Whigs of every, town-
ship, and Ward, and Borough to see to will:tont
delay. llold:meetinge,:ippointeigilance commit•
tees, and'make'preparatione for the oontlict, and
you wifl not regret the -Inbor; for It will be crown
. ;Atik victory.
. .
The Uniied •St cilia- Poet-Nice Ova , —By Eb
BOwen;"fittu_Of the - Contract office. -New York.
PublisherltiD- Appleton s 1 Company. •
~•114s.iti (Fruity most useful and valuable ,
pilation, Containing every, item of information in
connection with the Post-Office business of the
United .States, including all the Post-Othces,
Post Routes, rates of postagos, sc., &c? isa.
- closely fainted work, in lloOle columns, of over
3f?o pages; and saMo4d be in tery liminess office
and counting room in the co try.. •
10, a tale of the Olden. Time. By K. Bar
ton. .few York . : D. Appleton and Com - pany."
To write a Lir:sitar. mle required no little.
amine, And it but a •doubtful undertakita. at
best. ' How our author has succeeded we presume
not to decide, as' we Lava bad time for only hasty
glancesEere and there.' -
The above works are fop vale by A. A. Eng
lish $t Co.. Wood street_ .
Tar: CODAS kap, - the New York' pa
pers of Saturday:comment upon the overthr 06 of
the Cuban - .gxpedition. The Journal of -Com
merce lityra:
"Now that Loper and - nearly all his expedition- I
including many brave .o.3ceis and men;arti dead,
ten hope it-may-not be deceissiry to advise others
not to ruzi, into the jaws efl, perdition In win
go to Cabo in little silliada, with arms in their
bands, will inevitably perish. And what is
worse, the
. seerifice • will rip no good, either to
t b e mielreu qr other,. On the other blunt, it
will carry sorrow into many families and Hearn,.
Stay at litomel;dhen, boys, ay yonilnvo your owu
'lves and the lives of Milers"
The ?laming Sta.r speaks of Loper as deplore
bly ebowiug t o aunt of the qualitie, sil a
cr,,, ar ai, di the man it itrys:
“LoptiF was a native 0 . Venezuela, and fi rst
flashed file sword in a battle against hie native
ca nary, when 'she was struggling for freidtau
under Shuoir,Brdirar When the Spaniards werei
espelled, Lope accompanied,thenv tn Spain --
!dere he was engage din :tome, of Chose furious
faction fights which hose ro long drenched the
gore Afterward, be went to
ion of Spain with
Cuba, and itr consequence of ',oral, misunder-.
itanding with the Govvrnment or that Island,
left it, and hat since been engaged, in emijano
ems witb.s. few honcreibig . Cubans, and o large
number of scheming specs:den:an do endeavoring
to overturn its present Gorennnent "
The Nun.thas announces ai',.ziewe;
t'The ependence,
dawned so brightly within a few s days past, ill
now obscured by dark elands of adversity. lieu,
Lopez . and hifi. heroic band Lave suffered , the
most entire. end disalitrous..defeat, anti nearly all
of them have paid the Penalty , with their life;
; • -•! i•• • • • •
• Elsewhere
.the Sun charges the Cuban people
satb a.piiltroaiiery ititich;pruved the ru i n of Lo
via*34-jig' -.MeV:awe they so olearl
oheOhed;,:iriecrret,-;aUhaph'lmila itich it hl
reoTer." „/
Gwitious =alas nu Tax T-2•':-za l
otouNT OF TILE REpIICTiO% 0F,411,
We ask the attention,of the paolic
tiflicipl Prot:ll.l.U.
to (11/ 'llly 0714 151 th, cdhor,:zi
• • tresiN of Pennxylronv7.
7 AVM. F. ..1 , .11Tr '-
ijoveivo , of the said
«a.ll, (a and by an f.c, 0.i.•
bly of this Commonweal•h.p4. ,
April, one thousand • . _ on)
nine, entitled "An act t., creates Sinkiatt Fuod
and to provide for the gradual end certain
tinguiatiment of the debt of the Commonwealth'
it is enlisted and provided its follows, via •
Sec. I That the Secretory of the Ciatimon
pewealth, Auditor General, awl State Treasu
rer, far the time beilag, shall be Commiasioners,
who are hereby authorized to receive. the revs
rates appropriated by this, net, or which may
hereafter he appropriated , for the name object.
and to purchase tlerewithilie debt of the State
of Peptuiylvsuil at its market prQii, if 1101. 'ex
ceeding the par value thereof, m the full extent
of, the enid revenues, and to hold and apply the
same, and the interfst thereon accruing, firmly
add inviolably en the trots and for Gni porplums
hereiteiftei . specified.
Sec. '2. That all revenue derived .front the
following sources, to wit: the taxes en collate
rai iuberitauces awl the per ceniage assessed
upon any tank or railroad, or cool tooting, or
railroad and coal mining. or improve:nem cont.
pony charter, all stases assetated on distilleries
tad breweries, ou billiard roonm-bowlinglsaltions
and ten pin alleys, ou new ttoindies, !In theatri
cal, Stout and menagerie exhibitiOns, and on
eatiug.houses, beer houses awl restaurants, and
all such revenuca as the LPOlll9l.llt, May front
time to time net apart for the purpose's mention
ed in'this art, shall, as 0001 i an the some shell lie
received at the Treasury be paid over to the
maid Commitetionera, who shall forthwith proceed
to purchase the debt of the Commonwealth: on
the terms awl fop the purposes set forth in the
',cotton of this art.
uWm Itaxl.;.n
Ego., Z. Jou.,
CI, Col. L. z. 141,
• demtbalt Ur. 3. A.
Joon,lt Alb
d Jptustston
ti,s.. 3. That the said Cominissinaere shall be
authorized to receive thetinterest due 4111/ paya
ble onthe debt, so es aforisaid purchased and
held by them, which interest shall be likewise
applied to the purchase of said debt, v, that the
-same shall furnish a constantly accumulating
Turd for the extinguishment ~of the , public
Sec, 4. That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, on the first Monday of Septem
ber, in the year one thousiLd eight' hundred and
fifty one, and on the same day, in every third
year thereafter, to cer_Sty the amount of the .
debt of the Commonwealth held by, them, to the
tioreriier, who obeli direct the certificates rep
pretesting the same to he cancelled,and on such
cancellation issue his prociamaticia, stating the
fact and the extinguishment and filial discharge
of so much of the principal of said debt.
Sec. Et That the said Commissioners shall.
within ten days after the ergenization of the
Legislature,•in the year one thousand eight hon.
dredand fifty-two, and in every third year there
after, especially report to 'the Legislature the
neicrunt of the public debt,, so as aforesaid hint
dated and proclaimed by the Governor to hay,
taps cancelled, and what reduction of taxes
mss, iu cossequence thereof, be made, in order
tait -the Legislature may provide for such a rt.
dilation in the burdens of the peaplr,
Ann ;MERE/0, Alexander ,L Russell, Sec-,
tary of dm Commonwealth, Ephraim li
Auditor General,- and; John 51 Bickel. .•
Treasurer, Commissionera of the Sinkinn
have certified to one a, follows, sir:
Glee Coetethee,v-r. 7.kt Sin kir."
Gaustenrate September 1. 1
To is, Excellm, 11,!ba,; F
er, when
erson for
Stw,--In , complisure with the 4t1 . ._
ale det,,e4ntted ••A“ Alt to create.
loud xra.l to provpie. for israrbm,
Atineniehment of the debt of the Com
faint beart
tuahl Bud
e .will must
and def,t
approved the loth dny id Apt d, i • •
snimUeners of Enid fund herehprc
amount of the debt of the Comm •
cbeeed More the pa-cage of the n.
referred to, and now bell by the•• •
ore per
mnjotity of
I et re the
here is so
e. we
the Whig
- people all
very Whig,
lercag his
s duty as a
-reafter, he
Bred au , l finy tat,.
tdrruty-tlrcdl;ll,r, 401 d uit.ety-eig
aced Linder corium acts of Azar
Tour obedient tirvante.
rf ."
Now TlittlitiOßl:, to obetl
Lent of the.fourte aection..o'
end Ansemblyaforesaid, I
Proclamation, publishing r.- , • ~ayw
eitt, extinguielimaut and of
hundred and fifty-nine tho, hundred and
twenty-two dollars and ninety eight• cants,
122 58 - ) of the. Principal of th, Debt of this
Commonwealth; and that I have directal the
certificates, representing the same, to he Can
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State at Harrisburg, this fifth day of Sep
tember, in the year of our Lord V. thousand
eight hundred and fifty one, and of the r 0 CUM.
wealth the seventy-sixth .
By the Golern or
the large
•ct to Tole
The coun
Powerdebts returned iu
784 b and being debts
contracted prior to' let.
De,einbr:r, 1818•
In atating the dehf at that time, the Locofo
coo puipottly omit toriaine ttnatiria debt ad $373,-
861 ech,dr writ contracted illeyally under Gm;
SAtink's admiral:Wiwi, which en, not known
taut after Oareroor Johnston took 'npiet, oaJ
which mdueßed,hy the Legiatoturt, Gar_ diAtotol.
hat paid entoll !! The public debt, when Gan:
Shank left office, wee $40,848,5% •91, being
1:137;709 82 leer thou
.when be went'into othee,
four years before', the whole of this reduction
having resulted from the payment of a debt which
bore no interest
Et, what the public debt now is. The official
records prove it to be as follows:
Amount of funded debt,
iag amouat in the hands of
Commissioners of Sinking Fund,
and also tipecial Loan to avoid
Inclined Plane at the §chttyt
hill, on the 30th of November,
180 - 0, - , sB.l4Stnt,',ll ;o
Amount of unfunded debt, same •
date, . - - tt12,6 . 70 1;1.
I Total sum of debt, ." $4.4776,4t5 4.1
Deduct amount of stock . per
', chased by CommissiOnere ~d
Stukieg Feud,
Total debt Sept. let Ibsl, $45.116.362 I
Total debt Nos. 30th, tB4B, • 1 h10,810,0 0 41
Do. Sept: Ist, Mil, 10,116,362 11
Less miow than two years and
a half ago,
.This proves that tlo. Johnston, In the 0.
years and a half since he teas inaugurate!.
paid seven hundred and thirty-two thour .
two hundred and thirty-five dollar. and
seven rents ($73f,.',23 of the left
Commonwealth' 1
In the same time appropriations ho.r,
made to the North Branch mail- over •
dred and tom ti - witentni d Blare mere •
to the permanent improvement of thr
railway ; four hundred thousand d
applied to an avoidance of the 'net- •'
the Schuylkill, and various other of ../ •• 7
appropriated. which ',VC pine!' •.t
works in heuer.iffirtir than they •
. •
Theie are the results of Geyer • • •
adtnirdetretion. Noble resultA
and well do they entitle Gov j,..t..4,1••• too
retents:tiou or the first. public eas.L • •
whoseirule s considerable tizion. tt ,
debt less paid, the , public credt • •
the public honor preserved —"/ •. '
The LyrS. J r am WiNl,ll,
this gentlemfm.. !rue
- Sew Hampshire, and ve t e. e ,
Ile graallated with high f..
Cai ne in ir k ,i WNH ~ c adre at
the bar in In 19:7 :1 • V.Z„elected
tit e
tenor of hie native state; sad iu 15.25 to the Un
ited States Senate. teeuersi Jackson
appointed him Secretary . of the Navy. the op.
pointment being changed to the. Secretoryehip of
the. Treasury, on the rejection of Jl r Taney roe
that office by the 'Beig!. ...Ail the clome of Mx
Yon Boren's Presidetinf, Mr. Woodbury renwntd
to the Senate, hut during )11r. Polk's. Presidency
Sae elevated . to the bench of the supreme
and thenceforth comparatively withdrew from
political+ life. His name had recently been 6-
cidentally mentioned in connection with the Dem
.rieratio candidacy for the Presidency. Both in
private and public Lifitheeustained a high reput
ation for. integrity and parity, name
a.tways be spoken Stith rtspeetond.bie memory
gi- , Y , cheriihetd bypistriends.-Y, r:Cor2.
. .
'''''.l , 4 "''"". ' ''E ./t. •LirAti . List —The Clict-4 5 . • • - ' -2 A 1 4 3 ; , / , =Vv , v , 1 ,,, ; , •ErP" 4l - lllir'now, often is it the ea. that:ere ne=l,
••:'" ra ' '''' r e i n . ' - '''''''''St --'' ir'''''''• log ''' mat --.- 5h 41.,L AZ raGEK•IN Tag soPTII—Zou. OT ISFE.- eat • .b, t ht irocal. burn.avvellso,... or p a r r. t p:tha in
ten...looarig tho 100ik.... , ,,i eraplo3 e.l on
, thelt.3c-1:. tgel„,„ e received n e nna nt, r,,,,, Ap ,,, ! ,....,,i eta , Lope Shot it w . lll . be well enp_agh in a dAy or [wk. (naiad i
~Orate i1it7...2 ~e ..:are seek, ..411 , twer,V• 9 ,
~ , t nrk,, ,. Nn i n , no . r ., , . un a h nsan ontr,,, an d of cant,: west toe, - gene,. wur., Later , an.l perhaps mor- •
I -a. '',iii • -p 0 , .: - Art2,.e 5.C. , 0 i. 6'.,'- 0,
~,,,,,,. ~,,,,..e , , r Florida, '. ''' • . ot.canou tat place. and the limb Lao to be amputated.
. ..._ 1:,...4 .'...r.z 10. 4.)lllllliftata deaths CC mdre , , ~,..., ` mof a terrific bur.... ' eheu it .. tape ..1 It ei. vaendre Aeataao Limo.. had
... ~. ~
~ 0
~ Ala • torm, width commenced on the MI, and 1 teen applied . the time M the accident, It woul,l hare
' •'-• L iril , nii , irie'' °`• ' V ~..(dinued till the 25th alt At Apalachicola the cored 0 immediately F....l..rtbeattent. ' .lai 1
, I , tit.. commenced a3onstl.l o'clock on theuight of 1 Petroleum! \ 1
~ • • - •-• ,,,,,,,,,, e , ~ ~,,-I : ~,, •••-• •,- 2d, the wipes blowing from SS. F. and the 1 \
,v. m...i. 4•ibl.
li , - 7, 5 0,, i'i '., aPPthhths... at th e di , ' ". - ti te rose fe on re feet in the street daring the 1 aal Ll' Ise " l7 ' ,.ll l .. i Vo ' :; ' Pettro ' halm t . ..worlthir est; ,, N \
tgot , About
, gwylight the wind lulled mane. i .1... in t 1.14 •toustr, therefeen we ..,..ul,l thank ion to Wand 1
' 1- ' 4. i o t a . lii'=" , nxeiling . esuee '''s '', r`hal, and it W thought host the worst of the lor two .1,,,...t. by thy lienturlvaula Rallrrad W... en.
3 'N he found in U .', hhWl '.„'''',,'''' . :ale was over ;At sunrise, however, it fresh. 1 thet. -It. and It ,^ wing ..000 , Tti for .1.'.. , ,',", •lar. i
.., •,. , - ••- very impure venter. malty 01 t • ock!. the front doors were blown in, the breakers ! '''''''• "`''''l"ll'• Jtilla Litift. a i',l ,
1 r..ontans of water have foiled, ae , 1 ~, n „,„, g,,, t „ ~i feet b, gl i '•,,,, tho
_.,,,,, ttatesvitte. Aehiand en, 0 , 511,1. I, si.l.
o. NI Me-- near +,r, 1 tiar Agent. • .• •ecii , eat,
h.. 1 h ''' Le ''' ''' re ' h " l'h," became dr y an i tduL g - 1 tant, :a.m. tiro o'clock, A NJ , the wind'
oac 'root Olin protracted draught and excessive 1 thn „ ged frn,„,
,II E 10 S it., the tide then at its I l l ' i o '''''
d ' ''"
n " . .k
"d "
10-s I. owl the ground still remains Torched and • rward tun... doi.eimmedutelv
highest, rutthillg buck as far us to Market street, ...i ... ..:rr ' •I. anekina vi.uid , rs in the- r'e4iuti We
' t6 1,. .. , - . V , Itita ll za ,
, n ,,, w , t l t l lt 0 , ii , t u the „ ; y, eilaj,h,l7lli,.4.l3,,Lini,at.
.fiefti .is !.7 ,, , , r,, , Lie. n
..1,,h 4 d
i,. ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,:0tree i th10wir , : ,.... ,,,, i i: , 14) .. , ~,,, . ht.,. ...v erai ~‘ .11. nt ~..rt01...., it I' U.l de... th.m
,mbert, ~..2,t
. • 't .....- it . Acirrc.
iiijured: door.. and windows all blown in, a nd ""' e ''' g "" ee '' ‘ h.h.heeh. 14h "‘ wit ""'' to s IL
. 0te11.r,.. .4 a ~..1 street. It. A. $ stineshelt, A u ...erne
[min,. warebouVes suffered the name fate. d og ' ~,„.., „,,„ 11 .,,,.,,,,,....,,.. I. . i •,,,,,, ti A .4.lllutt,..seph
Wand light was destroyed; live or six itree hut. Douai., end II I' i.O.i.i. art, Alle K heny.:tai i by the p ee'
St. -Bias !light gone. Ship in thwlast pass, ' '1:',1, , ,`:,,,,„.. i . ,„„, in „,„ . ,,,„, e ,L.m t t1',',1 1 ..,;,.
high and dry -supposed to be the John Bryant, . t , , , ; - . • ~
tor • I ftlfl ii t.LItA I S ABOVE EBrirro's
boond to Li erpool. Steamer Falcon 'river
I.oat I Intiolt 1;1111RO Sintniatt brig wrecked at I ' lk ,' Ln ",”' '''','! v , r e W A-I , l Kh --:,h,::,,i:',,rm'h I f
h. 1 .,,"
the 11aulover,17 lives lost; loaded with fish, &c , ,j,":„,..,, - ;`,,..7„; n t ; t r . ' '7,'„,i ',7„:4 ',„„ a 15 , 1 ; . 1 ,7",..,., i ,:,',..`, I,
bottrid from St Jaen to Havana.. There were ~,,,,,, i t all oe.te, the popultirit4 with the whole clty.
hitt lao or three buildings not Unroofed, or in- 1,.0 o4u t int r.J.1.. a Ito,thEllto alto popular us. an...
Jared, at Apalachicola. Groceries .d dry plain 1 , .... , ... re-tiir iiut•iii." .i.••••"."'"ie• dl bid i.e..'
I val..lub,tious, anti it I. tti..l4 that to. initabliabea
in storm, were destroyed to a greet extent. At -
Old Wm.'s Bled, IL steamboat,•ou the ways, ''''' ''''',""'"'°' '''''''' P ": " ,',„ h" . E . m t''' en '
had Ler cabin blown elf The steamer Magnolia '„ ° ,',.',"„ ! ' n ",„'.7„ ° ,, n ,„ d • ,„ 11 , n r '.1..1,'L ,„ i ...2',:„,, „, 1 n „'„,.11,7,.
was lost. Mr. Samuel Smith was drowned, Ile 1,,,,,,, n „i , e ,p e ipt.,,--it p r umotee the vermin, ~i.,,,,,,,,,,,
Wan the only person saved from the brig Sara- ..I exertiuu. ot the body, ~morel otatrinaluns, diailares
toga, %reeked on Orange Keys, in 1844. toot-tad and diust.,l matt, etrengthena the stomach
Groat fear. are opprehended a. to the vessels .t. , 'fl. , •tt.'" '...., rr"."' e'w• pine ••d b•Lithr
i,...1. and roguish.* the
i s lOW tonetions of the
It s
itt the Gulf, and it is expected that the BoUtherti
r t a , a , s . ...f . the tealy This . all perlortnal without Ilia
coast and Keys of Florida are covered with , erbium, the preparation being as safe IN it
wrecked,veasels, and that hundreds of human ‘„, ~,,,,„„„, It ala , i„; t a na ,,,,, i n . st.„, 5 ,,,,,,..,., k , It
beings have been drowned. The sea rose aeveral I o aeocit., to corn Wu want '....A«... but time - exeunt..
foot higher than at any former period; the cotton •111,n, II wilt be fottat that a largo marmite of ihe,,11•4.4
fields of Middle Florida are laid agate, had it is i •• iiitteh" , " th• human lei" , •riain•re M tin i•inure
, not anticipated that more than golf the crop will
1 ..letccr the 1,1,eal Ds n ot slooelved then. by .hther liar
he eared, nod it is feared that the injury has ex- """ 11 " - '*""' 6 " .. " "" b ' .''' " ii "" ''' h '" 1 " . "
i e nd water nnepartitin-1 • antritaute for the original
W. 202 to Georgia .
. 1 s i o t o i null'. 4svatio.ii ...
lila! Th. raluable'preparathin the
At Tallahasse the same terror prevailed, MA i , r .,,,,,,,,,,, a area p t ,,,,,,i,;,.,,,,, , ,,, a u ~,,,,,„
a great ninny hous:ts were - blowo th..l,ll—loss es. etltt 1,/ II
--. .1. ware and tur the original Dr . Jot.(
timated at ,itro,o9o. At Newport and St. I
Marko, 1 ,, , 1, ,0 r ,de n , / , .,, ,ei /1 en,g, I - to,l have toltAlerr se t ,
the storm wan, if possible, more severe. Houses I "`''''''''''''" l "" ""''''''' r...
were blown down, and gotalsitlaniaged to a very 1
1et , , ,, ,,, , " th " . M Ilth I'WW" i•-•
..aT , Wholesale 0 Rotel , agent, -
great extent. Accounts froth' Umtata, in Ala- ,
batisa,repreaent not quite so destructive.etiects I , P i ttsb u r
CAPITAL, im rloo,o B oo C . mnpany.
... ,
as in Florida, yet awfully severe" Houses un- ''
roofed, amt crops destroyed It is_ feared that OFFICE, NV. 75% FOURTH STREET.
it hoe extended through alt loliterGeorgio. the OVVICEIIS
weather is still unsettle/ amtithreaterung All . Dnisidcnt—foursS nowt
.t - b e Drealdent—Fuwart \leeringly,
the bridges in Florida, eutfar Is - heard f ro m, Tr.eteursr—.lpsmat C. Latin
rice destroyed, and it will be an endless labor to - Secretary-4.i A Colin,
clear the road of fallen trees
414-2ee sirertte.ment in another part of this paper
Throughout the parts of the connts7 heard t itizen , B imam=
ce uompany of Pittsburgh
from, at least ninetcaths of the tobacco barns
are prostrated, cad it is estimated that three-
N , r , N. 41 Weer . erreet. In the ....lieu, nrC. IL ,
fourths of the crop is destrayed.,and at least thet,
one-pelf of the cotton crop. At Quincy the gale 'c u. ne.ror. tr. 31AarS.Jscrr.
lasted twenty - tour hours—blowing down houses , e , T Arp r .:ggi nt =r he ,:74.r e '' .. " ' hee-hehet "
and fences, and destroying tbe crops. Some . i .t'11,..,?. . 3 . l 7lTAVVigatur vcArrirf, , , ,• r iz
fifteen houses were blown down in that city, and who orti%il datum or Polebutah. well end farTrably
many houses lost their chimneys. known to the entsuannity fl r the. orulence, intelltrouca,
' ate l Weiar.
• untermse—C.LL llosasr, Wm. Darnley, Sin. Latimer.
Jr.. Walter Errant, Math U. Kin Edward Itrallehm.
J o h n llaywortb. it- Ilarhaugh. S. AI. Kim azZatt
rile am AI. V WI, fil.Alianil 61:01,11a.
Friday evening, Aug.:'
The ,lay that bas been looked forward to hero
with so much anxiety 'hiring the present week-,
as pregnant with the most impokant results to
the fame of the British Yacht Squadron, homer
length arrived, sad a few hours will noon net at
rest the limey thousand' COnjectilreS ens to wheth.
er the royal yacht nitudron is,still invincible, or
whether that honor is henceforth to rest with
our brethren. tin no occasion, we understand,
since tle establishment of the club, has no gore
at all interest been mitnifestMl as to any particu
lar vessel as has for some weeks, and especially
sinie she gave a sample, of bee qualities at Itylle,
prevailed all °biases with ieepect to the Ameri
can Clipper. tier appearance in the water, sa
sh'e rides quietly at anchor, ban a singularity
that cannot fail to be observed. -She sits upon
it like a duck, and taken with her clean build
awl sane I. raking, mnstn, stir evidently looks'
Lent on mischief. She took a cruise yesterday,
lo the westward, and her sailing was the theine
of general admiration.
'Toward morning, there was a slight fell of
for which the yartitraen were extremely
thankful, ny the cloudy atmosphere bore promise
of a hr.., Shortly after lithe yachtn were at
their alaiiiine, oft the Club-house, the American
13 ing coniiderahly ettern—a strange looking
eimugli craft, with her long low latch hull, and
thick stilt-looking rakish masts, not at all the
sort of phantom ship that Fenimore Cooper loves
to paint. A big boned -skeleton she might he
but au phantom. tiers are not the tall,
delicate, graceful spars, with cobweb tracery of
cordage, scarcely'vieible against the threaten
ing evening sky—but hardy sticks prepared for
work. and op to.every thing that can be pat up
on them. Fier hull is very fow ; her breadth of
beam considerable; and her draught cf water
peculiar—six - feet for Ward and eleven aft. Her
ballast is stowed in her sides, about her water ;
and As she is said to be nevertheless deficient in
head room between decks,'her from below the
water must be- very curious. She carries no
fore top mist, bein'g apparently determined to do
all her work With large sheets; and how she con
do it this day will probably show batter' than any
of tilt short and accidental courses that site has
'lunette re , ,galue. 1112 Royal yacht
TI f:dlotring the en... 7. w.t.: 'be :5:
'o :2100 'Mine, open to
ITht r.
v.tct,t, ittti.tttt g l, g , t
• :we It 4 e i •
r 1 • Stthor
$40,i48,59 , . , 41
From Fare„„ Parerx.
I! 1
cons, W Curling Esq
er1 .65 bona, R. Fro.nlaan,l
I,ltter MI to., H H. reart.on
17. Fernande, ochooneri 1'27 tout; Ma) )1
1 Atirml., jentter) 4 tons. to Maichant
At five ininutes before ten the signed gun to
heave shout and prepare for startiug was fired,
and a moment afterwards foresails and Jibe were
run up on sir or seven of•. She squadron With ,
in three mu:lutes all were beady but the AMC!,
She was. not. only'lietern, but apparently
resolved not to hurry herself At length her
enormous teresail was displayed, and aa if to
show how smart her crew could be when they
liked, her jib: both her fore and aft mainsails,'
and gad. topsails on her . main. were spread. like
lightning, and when the
.t ecuml—gutted.l
ta little before ten o'cloek,; she tripped and;
went sway with the rest The Beatrice led, the I
Arrow being second, the Valente third, ilipsey
Queen fourth. the remainder of the. party close '
together, and the America lest . . A light breve
was then blowing - from WJ. Within the
first minute the immense euperlority of
Alum - tea became risible. She began at Oat* to
glide up to the deet and then to pass one yacht,
after another until ell Oldcastle Point, and be:
Pore the steamers that were going round toVent
nor had:got their passengers aboard, she had
taken the fourth place, the Tolante being first.
Arrow second and Beatrice third. and all. that
could he said fur them :wan, that they were do.
laying her tram taking the lead a little longer
than the others.
nit 4 nnly question no, la, artist can the cutters
d 9, with her in beating around the island. 'lt is
said that she can go to windward with any cut
ter of them all: indeed I heard 'yesterday that
she beat thr Pearl to windward: but on drrr are
gond for little whoa there is no regular m•teb
But I must now close this despatch, and look af
ter her, and, as I go, en old-sea dog observes fur
my comfort, to his Messmatea, 'Frye 02e that
ere steaMer • I'm bleated if the Yankee don t
heal her,Out of sight around tit, island , ' and
the signal master, at the club house, tale to, s
gentleman who asks for information, •Pahs., air,
catch her' you . might as well set a hull dog to
catch a bare: . But notwithetanding the speed
it is scarcely probable that the race will be over
iu time to send up particulare to town, ,
Corm!, Friday-10 30 P M.
The zltin sup; for all nations was run for to
day. and after 4 most exciting contest, !us won
by the America, which beat all her competitors
with the greatest ease .
The day was fine, and at starting theri lea
not much wind •
Eighteen vessels entered for the eruise,•atitt.
west 'Off briutifully at 111 o'clock. At the Nish
Ord ahead, and• at the Needles Wee
keven miles ahead of the nearest yacht.
Sd^ usey her 'iibbootn.
r q s , Bare St Vertnor. 'There
n, °yr' 9 t'lontil: it ble.:::f•e.hly
:'. the )cith•.3hnre not
rcorrn. , e ye.
went off cec the
,he inCht net el 11-.1 Way
:a Ara.rie‘. -nr...vie , l Cie
‘II I. "
• ' a4b , ^
.1 ••t
...v.b• .1
I.: 1 C. (Lon, noir
Negro ecluslort
cr this hew , th. lowa
the fact, that Martin
politician, who formerly
in lllinoio. has just been
the Methodist Episcopal
our of ADO Aleuts, and
pouS •S • pOlic ape -
slul a popular and ime-
Statesman announces t,
Sweet, u t roll amain
heid prominent Mlices
ordained a mintier oft
rhumb. Mr. B. b a
elwaye been.eol.lll.l
et lie canner fall to
(111 minister .
nounces what mum wh
much more extraordin •
mith, once a Charge" t
lOhn Tyler,' and always
also been oritained a
church. While in this
r among theakepties of
he shall be as :taloa. in
as in his _oldies cannot
env then mischievous:
The name journal a 5
.knew tom will consider
ry tact, that .1
South Automat, under
an erratic politietatt,
tnintrter of the e I
Slate )Ir. S. woo a lead.
bin new position 4, jje
fail to be as Useful tis h'
--Albany, Eve. Jintr i I
Greeley, in n recent letter to the Tribono, gives
the following account of his catrange into the
city of Padua
" ai3nis h • doom on I area weary of gating
at the same millers diversity of grain Ete;de, vine
yar itt . or, of tree:, ¢c., though the bright moon
woo cow sifaing; and skinning oat the cold night
nir, I dospcced myecn on .r. 17 old greatcoat and
suttee[ earpet..c,r, fur r. _rouse, having- ample
room at my eemma:u oceant Mu have brought
.stn h ezrt.liht inc. tot tho Oo i was hard,
coach rt lu".e the on.,raU.,ar I over hardened
arp cf a die.
ret: cube 1:113 !ewe pi
,doriag m;,.
Pdae 1 1,0-,
, • •411;it
,•,••••,••11 - :! • ..• li• - ••2 • ,
:LOA , .1 Ja.
sh.apltg cc
; v
became ni tinbeb. I .
ivtiere• I 9 , 1; 1 , ,M1r in ..
.T. met DOW.] more nor- I r .1
• stage. coedit, Wherein I kw!
Mt..; ny way froth Pd . :reek to Padua 1 Mtro
.I,or end looked out
and guaril, were aid guile, I was in cclose .
. alone with NIpIS awl Silence, but
ere . A tlinrcb clock struck three; but ,1
iv a promised that we should reach Padua
by roar, and I, making the usual distmunt on
promises, had eel down tire as the probable.
of our arrival. I got out to take a more
dedberste survey and tie tall torte and bright
bayonet of on Austrian sentinel, standing giant
over the egrews.of the court yawl, were before
me. 'To talk German wes beyond the sweep of
my dizziest ambition, but an Italian runner or
porter, instantly prevented himeeld Prom him
I made out that I was in Padua."
INTFaiSTINO INCIDENT.—The following inci
dent connected with the recent trip of the Pres
ident to the Virginia Springs, (says thearannton
liptotatort has been fUrnished by a •frieni fce
Six miles northwest of Staunton, on the stage
roufe to Warm npriage„.ic the village of West
View Here resides an aged Presbyterian MM
icier, venerable not only for pears but piety; ,
original in thought and manner, decisive in char-
Icier and bold in the expreesion of his semi
molts Although trembling-11BU* the weight
yews and disease, lie had attetnind carefully
to passing evente connected with the ',Attica! I
condition oT the country Always a warm
friend to the Secretary of the Interior. he had,
rttiu"l:rtdehitt9etthiiTcoh tt.agf ri end
Wwtst"ri"e; with
their passage to the Springs. .k.s alight have ;
been expected, the request eras courteously com
plied with.
The ceremony took plate while the feeble and
aged man lay reclining on his bed.
"Mr. Fillmore," 8313 he. "1 sin. grateful for
your trouble and condescension in this call. and
regret that my physical condition forbidt the re
speetperendu posture which '1 ant diapered to I
- •No condescension. err. replied the Presi
dent au: sorry It hod yoUr health so fee
—1 ow no ofmn-worahiper," continued the
rpeakcr, —but honor the office created by the
People—had the public officer who ie determined
to execute the laws and maintain the Union --,
The sin of a dietinguished relative, now no-snore,.
was not my *in 1 love this Union. My desire
has been to take you -by the hand, as the
friend of the Naito; and 1 am satisfied and
pleased. I pray God to put it into, the hearts
of the people to take you as their Chief Magis
trate for the next Presidential term. I believe,
it would stay and strengthen the Unican. And
now, map the rich blessings of Seneca rest up
on your heed 'I am done air. sad wish no re
.The President bowri, and pressed the bond
of the venerable Christian Patriot. ! , My
erond Father," be said, am under great
obligati o to you for your kind feelings and
bl t¢
All gi while ;tool the manly form of the
hoe) , of the Interior, netlrithireit visible um . otiose
from the novel and affecting limns
;; .7-U.N..; TUE A 611"..
—Mr. Tanautge Utnte,l Stntes Marshal, re
:eyec yzdtertlay from hte
3L13..• , (.21 t 7. -;ton, S. C.. saying he
and his n- :Sere with Bolding,
nuuld tam,:. Columbia, S. C
which is :dr. Anderson.
aleiment .2 .11,1.11,g; rems.:n.. in New
*.• rk:tt W 1:. Others.
ep.rn a! nn , The re
, • nt.
,t • :11,tC. t'te t-ht, eller the
r• ~, .. , t.i.,,.....1 1 .in
f .
-0. dny rums up bai I
, : , .k, wll.l2Was also h—
,,i.,," sai3 be, "but Pm the a, •: a,
. .
r . . - r . • ,
.Ijari.K. Me,Ahr., II 2.4lErt i . i1.14.--.1 tit to, -
i i
• ...., .10tt...1 for - tbl, gr.! 0c...11 tur, tan. to. .to
• , ....-e Who. It h. ttrro Int ....d. It Int etttan
. L. p. ~“,artly uprrretlet...l in ILI tttoulit ..f 10:1•41C10
,U. v l'brArtat. i n ...lug ato ...I .... '1...t
obtain rt. Paticot, however, nerd not t.
trio ...pew. of uking medical advico, the; rail
Portrir.o. I. box of the Lircr•Pillx. with whieh directions
woo turairhed, which will work • fired, run.. The
vrtru, loiter from an um. show, It. popularity +u tb•
•P. ofrnn which the 1,11, ;11-11111 ,. .1•
CIDIf PPI,IIII eou Pa 1,1,,
J Co —o.ntleroat. WI Md we cit, 01111
rtrusy :pule br. !ifiL•ne'e Llrer thou fniir alltat
o.t 7ith to.. 'cher Pill. are rapidly rising IP yaror, and
we bare shoort uhrui Jou a. bed If ruu ran ear.rl us
lo or II dozen men tux., Chip. van lilt prUhaps outli
your ueut ran bring u.. hew SUDO/ •
Fur rah. Of
fall iFOO4I/FIOIIOC H ardware, Cutlery, ete.
No 129, Wood. Street,
I.eirr. In ,II ILA .n.utl❑❑ of !bamboo.
.ou.l ~.❑.,. to
Oolr itlaz MCI of
, . .•
Ana 1r [tory lac UDR •proplared to Odor la path ilium
11 cinnot WI to plebe
full emulate= of \•B oole.braced C. B. AXLE
drays on auglEay
1)n Blown"' crewing. at 11 o'clock. at the reilionce of P.
in Birmingham. WALT. Formal. In the
Slat icer at las ate. The funeral will take pre, today.
• Wednenday / et CI o'clock, A 31., from his late Twiddle..
The hiends of lb. derdiscd are respectfully requested to
~instal the funeral. which will preeeed from Ihrmiugharn
to rt Nl•ry'e'ecroctery-
Grand Concert.
UNDER the direction of Prof. BINGHAM, a
itrand tnlncert 'tl-VUCAL 511;111C held al
lb. NEW JIASUA 117 11-ILL, on Fifth arty, Ittrtabaratt,
THUHti/tA EVENII , I' neat, Septytotor Ilth. by
nit.. of tha wholara aalected front ets. thattyand Oa
lonOng tatf. what!,
lte m:t. rtch treat to the, peopla a,,lltrera,t tontt
51ire fi t. 111N , t11.111 artllpreyt.l. at the hano forts-
Tl:kett rant, ChlUren. 15 <ante- to by bat at Mel•
, Klettatea, and at lb. dextr .
111.1i011AM a ill opal • Juanita 1 1 inttuttt
at hi• haunt no releraleitroyt...3atordan In/thin..
, lUo'citaL. M . ft•rtai,t- YI Kr YtFntas tut tba gnat:
Teachers Wanted.
T.F Male 'lr Icente4 the Ptihlie
Charner's I:v3aninstlon DI
„, 1.0.5 ow, al 14. I . ...bikc ze..Luul twin. w
~ , rut• tett. IS.. lust at 4 drloce A 'I
11111.111) DN Frit, 41,11.
New Fall Dwy !loads.
1 A. MASON CO., have . reoeirwl and
n_ C
lu, 411 stmats wul w 4 1V.rotra '
01-e, nr. ,r.11.1.ut
Fail Fashions.
11\VILsON d SUN, No. it l'lVood
• tthstd dror blur Inalnund nonid in.
% lb« animal. of them tugicanais mad Mr public
t tl.rrr itiryy• which tliry arc ants recrirlin
that; itunitcr unet l 00. I. Th. tctuurtniant IS.I
tort the niii• MI Hal p i lately i • tinder and whicii
n. iara Annan i tiat taro beauty and outtllty.
f-;! ' iny ' Tltithrt"rrut rarwp .
b. ' , Vitt „ l elq ' i r l ' 4';,lY U C:e h r;
anu 1,1111t1:2;t11.1•43 . 1-I.llNit ()attn. ninth. oil.
and rt 4 CAP°, ol &Imo' , ilrecriftunta. lancy 1180Yil
and Cit 1 . 5 Ka ellibirca —.bard at IF twat
aAL anal ratall.
81.-08111 F."' Fri MY., air Black and Natural Lyn.,
Fitch, ticu-iat d 11111'11':: kited an&
By wry.' Du
and CC V Ft !Cato' ani Children,
1 11 'l_,
lIV:ANT ED SOON-Placee and employ
v mono for • nuraher of fah,stnyn.lxok kapera •to I
war. onae, conch and l4.l.r.ttna man, lnd quite a
100 a cr all ago, 1 ,,, ,, ,- sTlosts Iran. sad unDlof met..
Ictutc.l ...,,n.—tt.,..,.ral goo.l ft , lti. hoar. heopera. ....on
and girls for all ar001.: oureca-de. to our cities. awn,. or
,antr, around bona; Lortwated and it.ut,arta two,
uscoanted .Len tocrtar au be had for them AU tint.
o f
agenriee tatentl.l to Cc; modtratacharttes at the nzr..
Agony and Intelliattn, 01105 18.tAIS lIARRI r.`
ae9 o - 3, Ihivi at-. urcalte au- 'FA 000-.
.1- A TEST NEWSPAPERS kept for gale—'
. 4 Ali cur batty. rosst a 4 . tur IC rrail IT, az. I 41 Jura. r...
r et, a late E.trhao... Naa.?r,ra .a, loom I..ttnn t.. N 4.
t i..a.... a 1,. ......h,...1 i5...a,. Ail:ulna , . : , ..t.1,-;.tt'a Loot
E ar s'
Det.i...P.rr. I': tart, mud .au ra ,- : all base, ,I '
ar Fanal, $ 4:.. mule, (.1 Harris' 01.1.
aud s.llth:trot nittlau• :. 1 Li.' ki rot wrtusot Virasbuzgh and
4114.h.0r, I, VI, cr r, , Iti.k..te lI.LRIttt
a plo .1t Third at . ontratt.. It. Pon [Mee:
/I t
, Third meet. oppalta the Post Offt..--. .
, .. Kludal Xrahtle.t. No , l
, rltnar 01111.3 r. W ienn, In the Trott°.
• tale of rho Pal,
If: 1 9 4 lean a l b' .a e:, '' clr Vklf,•td,r,L':'ire,x.:',:,•) - .. 5 . 0 6, 1 ;:r . ..:.
Littell'a Ltrlne Ago,
flarp..r . . Magazin. for E....ptrmtwr
1 listb..rtne 01 - alipn, tn. th.. Retu•lol Pench,str , 'an TI.-
I. riml Romance of lb. Rp.rolutkm In Carolina
Mechanic: Nlatrarioe. for Septrsot,
! The Conk...ter an Iftttorial Nort.l.
t Nunkwante and ,1nt.1....., or Dada act Ulootwrna
I bad, Ettp-linietuart Wirt ley'a Travelr in oh.. 1 , , , ,..Ra5a.
1 Re•t.riea uf• Dachelor a Rof.t: cf It..
T ev i l
s. a tala of finning Tune,
I'. R lame. .
L Arundel, or flu. Railroad of Life
Ila.aning , Ilortinlirariot, romfil.l , free the ten Nr.P.,
to c ,' l.l A. Post 01110, Untie'
Handy And,. for. edition.) 2 .: , .
1 Ralph Rolherforl, a Pea Tale.. •
The talp Hunt.", a Tait of 'kat.,
. Dictionary of Mor.hutte,t.l.o..-4.-- - ----.-- -.,...,
The !Jiro., Clilel 1 / 7 G. -. lit .ReTouida. ...,
Mahal. or the Child of tha Battle /lath a taliinf Pouter;
The rionetr a Daughter. fain nl fallen CaptlTltr. br
Ell/cl,o9'l , toCll,
The Adv.ntures of Paul Periwinkle; a Sea holy
The Countess of I.ileiburin by Dumas. •
F,eatt, nj the Salts. of l'uris, 11151.
Yeas, , a Din the gpfha; of Alton
Thy Tntrites tlnmpuirtitn, sith Illostrattens,
Itavtler's Guile thnnoch the U. S. andTauila.
Run. or the tnou Bird. > tole of real hl Gaoling
i.e. /lent..
The Iftlrti Walt WaylonJ. • tale, by Mary Mosul
The 116,, by Huhn, ; striU
• -
ValUable Farm for Sale.
rid n subscriber wishe, t0.,..5e1l his FARM,
11, idDista to Onion township, Witahlosnon countY,
about Da toles bum Finlerrille, and from thoVo
nougahtla Slackwatsr. tentold. 12 . 2 ACRES., nacrt o or
loss, of a. doe fond WI ,),•I , ,And in tnunty.. The
Farm is In on admirabde.. state of cultitatlotn about
Auras dogma and under tent.-. snltitient thaburf 14 inut,
of sonellint meadow. and 44111.01 W 11.0204. This PrilDrat7
abounds in coal 01 the float quality fn the county, end
VOll " Ere ' s I•Yo " W h olte n t3f: . " it ttici
2 ": ? ,l_';',e._ b :
afgter Dot Pcrb.Po or Aor •ne
o ,.nntr Nutthes. and Plants. of tn. Ter,
Ital. kind., in great •,uhuy. tu:na. vary tux fruttls
In the stlettlou. which hos riivial awl 1/1 Si
rtatly ;ono lilts seven A Inc township howl msof tha
,I,or of the dwalbot boost. and Mut Plonk WNW-when tin.
ishrd, will pia, elittlnlSi lathe, Tho soil tan or rane
0,101, 11 e d in
i n ' ttgoirTott "' , ' Lrtr7l rte teal
elegus sttres, Ar to' rosttsst.o , on ht•gir.
,u 1 on th l t Ist of (lrlober. If rportired. Vorteroot
ply to tt.t sotr . tlb“. on thn
OEOAOE I , 4tfriir
Unity it , wn.ton, Washington to.. PO.---leatanw , l , T
l` sss nt Ot rtrbtat Atrlts and , color.. tort era. dAt 00
and 64 Mork, st seplo, A A MAStiN LOp
fIINGFIAMS-10 rutny, French anti
11_,J1 mostle, just rrt'd 1,1 A A M"Afillls
fI ADIES'. CARPET doz. rec'd
,14 per ,aprese by 0,00; AA. MASON
I 1 - 11 FEllgirufiw. i--Mnstr
r Innoth K W,,ut
. Vort rtanty. la writes a. follows uhl A Co_
1 c r
pp dlattly. .. , 1•1 all tint Vtutnil
mod ha*. great deal
new o imma gobt•
nort, P If 1., Lai It .0. haul The aunt Lar6. after
trying all nth, ra•Altings lot that non, I.
•• vtai tr. I.r 1 1 .010110,40 Pot lt br
J. KILL/ 1,0 . Wool et ,
, .10,1 all th. City Druggist*.
I TNS , EEI) OIL--26 bills. for i: S K a i k b , D l.7 ,,
41 , 13, for ini!e
11'.41 • atbln• u J 1,140
• -_
4NASH NET, for l'ilosputo Bars,
v ,oat 000,1, Oa sole it. 1.4. to
pc•PIU 1r M Third .1
1110BACCO--20 N
kegs Ni. 1 t wst, (ledge's
L brand. for sal. b. DALZEI.I...
sent° tA Hatt: at .
Bcg-2(1:001/ tor sale low bf
F m
163 AYE R reams .•
.•••• Cruiru, for a.l• lc. 8.
PAIR of 'fine' Matched bright hay.lA_,,
Ufe -
NriSr KO •
'Ekl TUE IVAtERSNOV, by 11. Ryan; Erie. Child lovedsika L blohotths Ds.his br Chil i es
I happy on I rubs In &e ms, cif vette; Chilies
th „ with vial:tette: Lost tiewrit AY . s•SpLI to thy lat.
St , , with riFtsetts, Nykly tVr: Ben-pada, hy
echnhert, Th. floppy Cbqnc... nnna S.ShIY 51471
o w., o h sgs When la., Bethitt htsys hhs 4.l.lllswothel
t p
t r ll i
e x
~I I t
q .
Plostht.l lath MI, trsr , ttws:l3 l w
tilll'sfsnitgrdl.elltY;'lll.7ll.'Co24ufbEtw'g.bth' tAfqll ' , ' , i?
W44 " gt ' ' ' " ri r i kslt
it'sslT!lT,;l;;r,"4 who;
l'oltas; tAn.t. s cm: yid
Teufel, wltb color.] thrusgto. tr beret - , Floret titlssthSb:
'hlattsds Yabran and La Mit' Tanthout•—s=dr., Ear .,
dttf. Opk,L.Ro7t4t=i7l:di=llVin°l'antTO.
37+ - itsily encland. geed and for br
.ry9 JOLIN - 11. MELLOR. 61 Wood
T. [ J. KELLY .
J. KIDD [ 00.,
60, Wukt
21)3WtOODS i'j'.:Ogr: GOODS!
BC,CORDEOXS—AsNeItdid A raile
etwit if the both snot . t J4L h." , • \,;\
Lr i',,t..s.•A N r. r y desirable solectfwee. with 4,6. • dd.
Oet . ~ ....+0 • 0.1, ...I .1k the boot mkkere, veer se s p,,kri
(.1 kr.10.5--Att. eateuaXt sod ek.ot \ tteek e
\,-Sorair .en 11. iAt one, and new „ e re
ta%? ( .,•,117,..,j,:. 1 ,,,- Pr itb4leols.. n . al/.. ': am
VioHlror. ‘r ,
..,,,,,, t , . t ta b, ti,,,,.... I tHow,ror Ttlinstoy. au i ...,
a'aP;lll• 4 l . :l'm p agS . i,''llitlTVl‘ll;; l rr's;e' d s,att4'".' f4 f'
11,..,:\th0 treat wad rdcw ro t 4r %W and $ I. reeetee3
A It. Th . :. Uu..inetromento v...,.,..„„„:4,,,,,..,,,...\
~„ ~ ~,,,'I, 77,7,'„' „,"',.57" '''''irrt.'ilt•BV, IV h. I I T ,I".r
-\ ntoil 71 ;111 , :N3LI.EN 11.41 . P. Rall
/1411 I,: I;\ytWitz•7 l .lf th ° o ti t&el s ''Ruit \intl
i I .
hl. . l j..,. mul e (~ r , t ho3LAtotLatiotto,
, . , ~,,, to. ,•, tio•tt000.• or RH 'KT 1110,1 IT
: T .!, .1.1.,0 e • sell. , toornat t l / 4 a eottoty. , ,on
\ .."I"it . ..'" t',.'.. th .d . 4 /;;;Z:"."),K,,',:i.:''.',2f;V:,,1":,1,
~ MANI C1Tn0..!(,1.
, \ s Tto . ,‘ , kr- 11 T- . \
~ •
‘ , 4 Yol; Np shl AN t •nbaut '-7k . years of Ito, is
ti ' 'i 1 0 r ':`;;;',...:,1"4",",1'N;', ` , 5 . 0 . 0 " 0- .',,, k 7A'At, 'ok, -
~ .Ms It.. burro..., 1.11-.,,r been et5,,,,,,3 ,i t f , ) , 1-
' 'r!,".11,14 . Irlr":110 '!: 0 114':'' tr4, r 7rz .. 1,.. c .u . „,. ,t
~.,.... ,e.,.... ~..... witt resert yrith p yr a ttentio ,
rXII Isil PA] RI '`OIIEESF 9 box.e.
A HeHen . ,lebrided 'Nahum • ktot losH eam Farm
' -.."' ' 17,,ktfrow.NN.,r.s*
• ~ i , •
!ill ACNE .EL -240 bbls, No. 3, for s• eby
iv' elope \ , „ i\tt.,lHN,t 2drCANDLI, S.
la R„00:11S.,. 3 . 0 cla. Cork ;‘ fheal e E t ,
JUP. ,po Hit KIIIetTANDLE,-.
- IOFF.E.--:1( 0 tap Rill, rAr,sale by
• to' • 'I . IC-II AUtriiAIIDLESS.
if,' 4110 .otATE bvt. liosl kr ktle by
1 on , WtrlC a ea.iNDlatd.i.
i , ouri 'll \ --3 too 'r anti hp \, s
1 it lei Af sat VgLe.lift
LI 4o Si. !met& by ' Ca a ,HrlIA:0 Las ,
i 4 A LEIAIRK-43 ens
~., 5t , i ,,,,,.,, , 0 ~,,,,,,,,,, \ ''''
01. . , , W ' aIeHANDI.I
1i I 'LEESE-5H boxes, on o signment 7
' landina , for sah. br. IstLur , Ity: p ivot ,‘1
Ita a and sha f ,
I. (t OT,TON--.14 b . dled for sale 7 '
HOAILA II DI . . A. 1:1)• ,
4 0 ~, , ' , WO N . • Front eta
. \ ' NEW STORE. .
T H SILTSCKBER bii‘ingtalie. t (
.or i . i s:V. ITW R .l,:i 4 sge:.744l7;7ertio ...'
..... ur..4 . , ..0. n t ,. h e ol . :llar ..\ of_ , Rertemser. wlths I
\ ' • nu Y notoDEls ,' A
. ,
trawther with a k \of TRPHHHVH,O\4,,rd; frny ,
Uri 000ra, ea mple, alereto 4. nne kept hr thl,t. I
"f,7,705000d Gorr(
` re rs pe orgt . ilt i lll . rrl o tti< t ot pers ' \ slfirlD
Mour4nnl4,,lloore. Fuhflettine o ro,;.l e , OM i n
hiS P, ' Hay ran °brain
m en complete stock 0 0 0 11..-
.else,. n He eiH t . lee* Dree deeoting partial:ller Atte-n
-bon toOhosa beepebert,of brulnem importhon`the Mein
14„,r1.1 on Of the C.V.P. Irtmeelt. eml dlepnalno of [bedsit
a rms Pntrra. \ .IA MKS A, Ide/MGHT, ~ I
r ane"-Soltf \ \ ,
Mooonuartr Bilretf • rittilblll 7 4l‘,sl,o.. 5, layt
\ l -
TLIE President \ And `3lanagers of-the Cont
i:my far 'erecting a Dridoeer the Hirer 516nongs,
e, orpoet, Pittsbur g h. in . County of Alleohdny,
base d o ctored • diellend si( roue per rent. for elk month,
IMe b VI 14.01t^'Jva71',nrel rn
t.' l7 " .
eerkeKlArlVOT ~ . \ JOILN THAW. Treas. ,
0 ea,. Art reeNl fix , ro Prordenet. R. 1- aide sale
by the Oren or Tingle Hie. (Se a ad vertleetunt Ingo-
other ernmnl \ K. N. WICKEK:III/.51, , ;
',Omer of Wood and Sixth e
' T .P I ' S . TOW \ GLASy 300 bt-e. 1 4 51.0- -
For rale by . ,' BENNFTI, DREIR.Y A CO.
.0 ' .... VeTst street, near IlskaL
QUGASH-7 hide. N. 04 for sale by
Io ttps J. B. CALWIELD
i.IOD ASH—lrs are prepared to furnish
1,...7 Ole nauutac.rerrand the t. d e generill.e. with
Soda All, 1 home mr,l o cture, at, he Invert market
Om and hiettitae ...rank sopsal toll, tor Imported.
''",.V s Prnot et. near Market .
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & Louisville Tele
gtaph. •
P T HE STO of this Co t5 . r i, , ,. ;% - , ai r - v tted by
Pluck and E - 13. Broker.,
, : • •er of ?dukrt red Thlrd ateweta
Siivel\poin Wanted.
FrHE itiglich rter AVM be' 'Aid for every 1 ,
l .I,..criptv la ;1 tilssisC4.l.4. ,t II, 111)t.tol, Oftirt rd '
A. WILEIN• • 0),
FepS MILIV orMknt lorl ThinVorret, ' '
tiIIEESE WO 11 . 1ces ("ream;
L ' ' ....• • .'"
_ __ . ..
s ALF,RATUS —V ~..
, ~
o st.:ry and t, said I,
pEARL ASII —4u bbiri.\for aide by
AK F. 'FISH— 5 1,1,15. Ito
1.4 u WA* Lai... , ;4 . 1 . 2 , ....,,1 . t
vi ACE EK.EL--7 bble. No. '2 , .,,Zur ealu . by
1 N. 1.4 J A.NPLELD.
kIL— 1,5 bble. pure Linseed, foic sale by
, J. 0.0:41 , 111.1).
UTTER kog„.4. raft by•
1 AHD bills. No. I Bettruu
4J .u... mat, 10 4, !PAULI PICE.ET CO,
_Watar .01 Proot Arr.*
S- 1" 4 - 1 - 1) br.i 4 l? a u i lle i li t ! s u cl e c t i r, fur elide
eepS Watel sod rfo l aTits.
1.5,A1A11 inCE.E.Y a. CO.
casks Pkv*.ras: Si eats Feathirs; P,arrear..l
Sr ale t, SLIII DICK,EYA CO., ,‘
1 1 / 4 41ep mid gram
ePtic'o pp 4 recd and tat
• .J01.14\ MELLQP.
t,caNi• and Bilk Ocui4a.
0, it \F , A,LI.ER,. 105 Slarkeuifeet, u•uou .
opt ;g0 ,1 eller* tor *PloippOrp,
oPmt PP101..111 - a01.119r ,
hald ather NE7l\ ourei.,l t,s.tielfpf
uta , ...frJ tari - PA2NP KT *II.
'‘alou sod Tont* }att. cno:np4 and p or, \**porte.l
ones Pilt*,7Pitioi; ,elyetz, crap**. k.
Flo rs, Il , .noet Fralnu,.pe * ,i*oePal 41.**.ettaqi: of Ati4l
line ' • s otoCuPp .
Oy • Puteticr Poltroon: \
gr h b f. bl7 -
hblx. to
Lair N`' , 24elet.fp..P.
i*PPOi ,40aN
s trNDRIE,
' ~':•..
l'll hltdx prltno.l•Utter '
, hblet. 11.11.110... a ., L., .
1 tierces Ittre: \ 1
1, caw. Lost matt,"
, 5 •• l'elv' , l - , he
V.1 7"... .R.1X SUPEitTUR RYE WEI SKE,Y, ot .
rb. ryt,7.-. onl3lsfctNeill So MUM!: TIKA 51,ART •
in L. 011919nd. TIIVOIN 'WAIN," 1,11.140 en ` to 4.111-
lue thew tto MAI.. as (onto. celiidered) .7 Are ct,i.
dell, chpar.\ \ .‘ ,5 ''
4ortictatti 704c9.,
lIIE AUTgmqqAL F..015.11' ON of the
Pittsbur,tl Voliettltural_boeitltS, ettl.
, p held oi the
i .tt0 — ip14 , , , ,„! . . , v w 0 b 5 , 1;.t , m e. N h i e C re7tt•
t o t i tac e cA t tn o l i ttr , otgratenenui. rev 'clock. A. M_
family Ticketx wan bte lind fr..... 5 . her of the Et"
crutten Conitoittre—srlV. $l. E'lngle TI ett. 25 eent,
.5y order of the I.`settlett Cammlttee. eePtt
rbeel,b), eatattoryl,hitiastatle. sad walk 550;ertlel
o t Is Vinewkr, re.let It ra.urerior to Coloiru , 1c... ,
for the nrsinAtT 50500.0. of t.lle tenet an.i bethA723..4-
log the latter-In Its rtrftt.tnel and theernoott, in.lts
ir• r fame, fertile prevention of el 0011 Inntlttl,
l. ' l3l . ghlr recommended to litlite int the ordinegy end
, kate purpose* of the toilet end tar
en the
frvettettt of the roldteds'sle.n. It. rettolient tier t o ra
per the heat awl d'O‘Pr`t' 0, , Vi . 41 Vt 1. ' 4 'l4 ut/ ND
agre,gtbla rle.Ao , ll, ' II:r 'ribs 1 I .. arid ,rubb r. It zt
tfie tt.t9ples, it will soh header le in a ter +Amato.,
~,,b • Rohl •tT 14. E. It ii_.,utaln.p7 woc:f 0...._
dri - ifti? .T F,—si) bre. prime \Y. M, fur eale by
1,1 gros •
_. JAett-eD4I.73:LL.NIe Water i't-
ARPETS ! CARPETSI--Reo!d thin d a ,y•
hyNa. MeCLINTOCIK. now and riehatjlea Severthe.
F he, gal Optrtaros /NURALX CLIJUTTS, eqrlett
f,',.*V.:.41V7,V h ,fgtt71, 9 17;11",`1'Vr1ZA147,1
(eland, eta three arirlatt: to leutr-ltaaa ao,givalte.realll a.
the Ol d CattiblKnell irarehetellNp„EiTol4rth
Roweg4 \ Tomo
re—. oh4', Coo pfundSyrup fitgekbr4ir Bei;
. k miE.6NE Ruikivefsall, estahlinhect repo
-Ir'ifor Ft, Veli AND Ad Vt. the other rquali,
These safe' Family lliallelties are for pale at the (hot
Ftnre • f `0411 . 8,E1t.
'rt Vl l' it r'" I.7 4 APg'ct
— v . !!!!!!!!
i b aTocu.s FOR SAL,
.11,11 l4,tlaytannte
1p r as nmeiTraemuiLti et
wv4 - 4.10 . 4 , 9
bble i k; , 52 , A N
L ;., ,, e t (-
1. 7 5.1 Mad"
. ttl p
. d N,
Sz w o 6 v :
bbl, WM4l•.leKk a
l. •
, JAW:SPA at,r et.
'.1118 . 5 AND JACKONET &cc.
—Mtlailt . t BURCIRMLD lure ormveJ tote
l'o...rrOngs. of no, noinara.,,';
I ••
uteu Ite.l.t.atretZuo.lll.Ml!itri:
ie UsuLt\ii . d &vale
4 1.:( . ..j e t:1 54 %1.11 , 941 0. &:!,
i 11{11Sa
For Sale,
S . ll. Aftt!..ASSES—ltibl?le.
017 , 4 7-2511
. \si
iiio . ol - 21,-`2,5 octets Jaya, for ittl:?ti
1--) "M. • _1F,1V . 0.L."Put...A.P.9.T.‘4 6- _
•£-110 - tltu o ae: ik4reVfor cafe tkp
4-4 "7.i. ` - ,__4 lni , PO. 4 na“llek 4.
0 I "
vbbf,. am annerb% for ettli, ITY
--•.---- -2._
COFFEE- 400ba
r•za aivl
.rirrWO SMALL EOM ! c s , be accom
mratated with. rhassett fro
. a ir k l : t d e B,eoop,
ettbrr harairbod tuthinattb4d. AVP43
[hr Th " ..4 G.u "“'
01iDON LABOR and `she Poo
, to, • •
tonal Firld 13w* M thr Itooolut , o,
VtrfAygoi it HOLMES' Lltroory Depot, 74 DhirA,tre
1. kr
JJW w•
tt.,411 . 0
Imir; at,
leg rice. It
• hatrOg,
4 ... ,
\ C
,Ti"..k ZTriii,abg.'4i,:-.otr4k. 4.-
... 1..•, , N, ..10.....- -"...A?"1'1 - (,..` , i..),
erY .trle t.l bin e ``.,
..if',Eii. --'
' " * 2'
ILA N ..,a,
NEIX 131
t..ta k , li.
e no atnars, W
The Llistotv
with etntr.vii
No. n, for Ai
..4 rw_ a:l7 ks 7l id -
lireitoTarr — ntl ' 4A n A ti E ° l2 , .l , , ,\, '? o, ,
n j F a g ipA,,rin, Just ree'd siusArsl l. ,.„ , ..', ~ \
, \ L. It EAD, 715 • Ai1k., ...I' . ` '., `,
. !"I:\ t ' —" S fiR A DE:4i) h
ie .i t .Rl) \ - I
\rtE '
lEl\ 'i
• ' Friv Horkies,44. I
At 47;r7 ' '''
\ (espfr
kNI7A. ilk& WAB:E,s2 ', ' , . ..
I k rrAlr - iftlek. T bla co tleft e sof
j!--,t l.— ,-.- -..h.lair)327l;.Arckts
,'" .fir
e'd, per e , x,_t,ens,
sitousßen tletlW , l , Vm es \
dos. Ulu AFT -I
\pttisil als. _ . W.
\Nunes. cbt,lllv. \ 1" , -
\ _ M
atia fee sale by .r
15 \
POWT 811114,11-50, bblgllor
.10004.1 '8;
Lib t 7
i 7 E.=.l
. 0011
sale gls
Tit a
tteims for
. 11 '
.L. \
,the 1,1.15 •
S. C6:4bN;
1 - .1ra1i7. , ;4 . .5.,1
-1.4 - Pk g&. hist reCtON
oovmattlt C 0.,&, i
..t& •,•ct .t:. ~T
1 00aS tilt 6 01
• k1:1,
ry, I.TRASIARIYE BLUE (124 . 7
a__ .4;5 J. Far .: KF.b
L , PSOM SALTS2S bids: for 1. , e1.,
12A .4.2' , 4 SCIIOO,OO, ER A
ROSIN—uO bide, fOr salo by\
IA 10q
_ 29 J:SCOOON)d 19T .C 0
LAND OIL-10 . 4bLi.'No.`1, for bale by
.airy J A31005AA.14. ' It 1:0
vi r ifITING— lOU bbls.Tor 85.16 1.1 -'
T V .uq`... JP. .5011Q0NICOLI3 t, 1.,
ILI[ACKE'REL—LO bids. Large No. :,,N,y- , --
.LTA, fachtwers Ipfpreffina. for mile by \ _
•eg . ..^l J.OIES A. IIUTCHLSON t cX).
LEA D-1000 pip Galeria, for sale b •
HOT—'2s kege‘er eels by 1
vig23 •
' t
31 _
JAmt., uteni4oN
Tbrating . Lk - rest \ raziety of pallernm
Atuil; . " l" . " PAVENSS ilastO
a 4 ' — '.ll.l h :4l.llv - tre,ttlnrwari& ., k,..-
frolp former Orion, by \ THOS. PAP( F.,E,
No. 553.1..ket
WIRE'I3OARD PRINTS, at a ditcount
7 "a" "
F. 5 TAG.II.:
BUTTER'-30 keg"'
bisptnx " 1 " . t " ' !!'`l ,l 73/1/E.L.
jo t EA S-10 La- Sinall Whi
lamstrzi , IiAMITEL
doi. Beaver,
xj, ar.2l
riluss-L - 1
doz. for sale by
8. Cw.
_ _
I'RIED BEEF—Evan ,!E S ,
Stipr Cured Vert.
eLn 7 'l'l" ' 7IRI "d .
A. E rL ' Clifra . C.
rag:. :Lk Libertr rt.
"HESE( ITALL(IIs, isIACCARD - til—Just
remised aad ft =lib" ' •
W s k. A. 11^CLURI.1 t CO.,
1* - F
\ 4.,
- -
ifTC,I4 - SJDIED 01N6E1'1 47 i c.n.4e Ctirtton Dry
1.. j Px.erred Gingerjust 'd and for P. 111•1,
4_.-_,t1e...5 Wl4 A. bIrCLURri 4 co.
New ItiviaQ,
~_7jJ■ 01.1 N, H. MELLOR" NO, 81 Wood /Ascot.
bag * F ired tb..pv . o.oiis omir rd popular too of
ibre i ;Joiii..c. Fortes . . Muth tam index d. L.
~, 6„.. ,.
iinefiAZ:Vre - e : 441 T.. , 111=‘,
M . miiiliittit 1/81eiiipipm 1;i1,/11...Ar.',17X84.,..
We ono• mmili . ptiri; ,
The .../.1,11m.1 % \ . . • 1 ;inv.. rich" thou had
Take me homei ilk: b o,.Loo u .th euc
1 watch tar tlimi, '., • . 1 • Como slug mii f.4t reel alr
Ile Mod to W. 1.1 , 0 oom, tit.: otalcr—iistriatOorq
1441rin lino er, , Li. trimolo—llioriollem”..,
Joii liaril” - • \ , lieliino me if all tlide en.
Wlll do hummer rceimiVer. • ilfismini 70=0 fliif'fof:
liilllg7of liosoCoAralpii ifIKI
Mg em. nym:l7 . .. Minors. mil•Filrer 121...11‘1"ltskii.
Ulr. . ir F ...,, DiMILIC-1, !baron. kite }lr. Jt. , ifir
0,12 x, •
sansei-l;attifq•,Obbcg, ON‘i“ l ... ii4t a y l , -. , 7
i \ ac
ILLE LI-150 tags. ppt roc 4
612 d , VoOtS .t SON. s
61 ter strboc,
• .' • arwr Mod P 6 -1 .. .nfa d'rede. .
hf. ch. Gime* Ill'k rt:ag 15 Oozes Omea d.Cheeelete:
130 mt. bre " \ - . 3 MeessemeteelPietlec
dl lms. tid.lee . 'redv.eme 3 4 Bordeaux andr.lel
-5 rro...sllllefe & *lre', •Ir Prunes;
• lino cut 'robe • ID bong. Almond. Pelm. era
20m.lbereme P.•yacx, T'' , 1 54 .5d •
~,:,. ~,,,,,,, lit Pr edrhl 1 ''''' Ni .
50 bare Rio Celree:,' - - tern_ P Urdu.
, • " Leernrea PM ~ 1 2' ._ rm._ We; Pear and
, : Oldo4e ,p leAt , . 1
1. 14511= e i er, ,z
10 : en " . 3
~ t 3 dot o L d av Moe
N i N. 4.44, lim. , 1450 dee. C. 4 25mdree. . .
5 be. Pepper lk '2lednrcr 4.o ,.de t ell g er e trall bi
otter teertheut em" Irood .r 4 Pm ,), .
QUA/ ' —25 bags Bram ,‘ .
00 1.0,441Th.1te 11.4• W fez sole Dr
4., • , %NOWA} R VXNNVrr, .
4.1,V MlL:mai, etol, L 57 Front rt.
(..1 UGAR-10 Plpli. N. 0.,\ sale by
liJ 51,411 1 E:so.llsllF\BErqsn'TT._
j . - NtiKEP - 01E...f.10 Mils. prime, fOr Wafe Cy
AA .eige 1 %NO LEIIIA laliNiTr.
' ---- ,&I h:.
li ' /ACKEREVar. GO bbls. 1r05.,1 ~
_ q l l ' itiN d e l tt u' ii• N r -1 ' z 3 '
ono= ' .kENGLISII aTiaartarr.
S. 11,)10.1.,A55E.0 bbls. for dales I,y
.arr • ' y-NoblsU 4 =Nam
SOAP -I-150 boxes I!it , 1, sax sale low' b;
Ong:7' ELIEU L r.r.NNrrr.
err,4 , !--100•Ibls. N. C., (or sale low by
e 27
TOBACCO - -120 boo. s's timp. for sale by.
TOBACCO-10 'kegs 6 T*i.s‘, for sale low.
/.. suer kNaLlBllNarliso7s.
eiGARs--10,000 Priaclpe;
, L Bignint;
. . :4 I-I:ii1 'V . . i h :
. \
." "7, 4 " - Itrtigq:a.
_ -_ __ . rr. _
sot harejust recolTed a largo lot of s{e r nor
hlerinoe, of the =net desirable !diadem oi
.spreeely 5,r the read toe:le—eery eheap. aOf , 4 1
EW SILKS 2 --Iteed this day, a beaut -
%II lot of 120 V , 5.11ke sal Cava., doli
F' —
%I e 1
one% d'. 311oSON CO. \
uordar co: Give Jim npro new Mt of Wane,.
and ~Na lvot 4.11, 'A wl
boin, 1101 [tile*. w¢igh they Tery
k. •
.*BR9111)0 - ]
ES—. A. litesort
aetktrigrhr _ll;tr"t PATENT LEVER WAYOLLE-.4,
.tW . **J".gVi
t f t OM WATCHES—In/D Runting and
414 it unusually h• T ay.. TEells Apr
Deist utava wanutartnna W lelcbmaeo einequale•
~” : " 4 " 3 . .1mr2 6. 1 :iv:v. - Amax, •
_ _
• d
,4[ .a.l Dum
ish4 dutable,
.11 F . Z? -""
voartl, eta.
"N.o_, toi Rile' by
4%.• \ •
Q p.; iV.'=" * •
rtjha.llrol,l,l will et.t.enlleu Imictud N• 11 Brishtt
the \\:\ ,
VT elver of
PAh IN, \k
\ Tiek/t Agent.
AILRAN. i f.:\Nt.
cuttirwtron'lrt.fMl Lyeßd: .k:1111.• Raihrtll:l‘,
. .
\ • .
" , e, , . THROUGH L 1 6 1r.016'66.
j_.4 " ..,t'S'ENGERS nil' talia ili 10\A M. trail, . ''
I_ ,‘lln Pianburgh, an , i_ 3t. • • % 1 4 ' tra ,' -,-
~. ktAcliXT IuIAT EOLthir. CIE, B. 00,IILD. • I \ •,-
)s.rrlvarkitt Now Firigtton. ~, hh? A . . AA. Aao.r. arriring . ',, ... •
...Now CA30010.411. AL
tetunairm Wave New Cast 4 at 7 I'. M. , , afriviiis at•X • \
Brro r µl.e. 7S. A- 14. 'JAI°. ,
\ ki. T Ir t t4t:, rouni•et• •r, 7r. easllt st•ll,h the 81.1.047 . \
p.r . rocA l' 'l, 44 'ci c •et,l4l.l7qta • • . GED, P \ ARlrilf, • i ‘•,••
• \ s . .1. Vi i allOak.Vl7:t.itt,
. d"''' . '"M a ' t p r . 7:4 " ll ° n7al, 4kl7 : t . l eaTt/a ft. . ''
\ \ \ :III.DWY.I.L a . BILOTIIFIII. Protit Kari.
II .
l \ ,
, .. .
• ,
, . .
• ,
. .
, .
. , .
. \
• . n. 4.
7PT I C - T I E t .;.l. l; l7; t t .t .:: , f ' D il \ WELD dB 7 \ t' ' ' '' lcE j it t \..
~ .4 1 ME SUBSCRIBERS: eve the •IleasuttFiq ' t;.
Meme, to Them trietfkls'.o ratan , a lb. Pe.l ,,
tailmit, OW. lee hare csaaamaurr4 , l4aaßblyriv):\
I -L stet coubderAT to delve. frtigbt t!l.,
, %Irr.,,Phatdelplais in'ATUM MAL 9— .
\ M:e 4ramo. prnuredth remtre and forward vamootteti \ r ' k,
of ` \ e Ulf
orproMws within our, arsktitTorbtelt la .
~&tig.‘,l44; 1 =
" W E h.
'TIIMiTI.3,A.-Dutload,Ma.,E6ors.lloo . • '.
\ 2 ' 4 ". V " 6 " . C ''''''' th "'"T' I'm '
L ts., braore,.Drl4,lE,Medielotp:r '.
• , ••V:ili 1, " 5...-6 ;;` l;.'
' evrkote,_ V nut Dya Min. vim Lrahrr. el . . •
v.:l.ol.lmotly and other.brises Feed!, " • U
Tiratikh 711.:45"1;i1 " . ' .
08. Tnlwts. 4,4 UM., TallaW, Mrairi .1 ' \
" riieddS' , —Ap ' l4 M
• %eh, it,,,,t. ,7f,....!.bi_r_(...aglitii.M.c; "
\ .
A 1 PER e`
ha tn maii,Dir
" = " vrfilt , 7
. ......•
1 i
111i — v .......— .A 1. `,
..._,.rAln ponce pax
tri FAYE; IVll, k
O. P. It. Jansea l. T.a
au r has aver writ , ..a
.130—elled erith Inure? inn
i Zo t r , le
pl ialet . k, t
410 GAR A: )10LA,1::: -- -- .. .2 `,...&
• kt ti b it rl' u rt.i i g, - „,,„
On cearianneent. ,la arrive pert ' Sesriner iskil nunip, it '
Fele by ' s
~ ,, ,e\ 1......, ,..chr .1"11.YL0YD. ,..., \
Elt--150 k e iilatt lfor !mit 11
IROOMS-2eirdo.oll C41:14,
BV I. II.EADS Slih i ji
rat, 7 and a wove' A .n.-5,
w i4D T ,s ; ,,, ? ES=.4l.liniiplipf T rana-
Z 7 '"°' - r' " d a n d . ' A.
- DELKI*-8 to o No.:i. Ito • And, in
k sale br \ , (aull) , “I.CAPIPUAD.•
\ .
rr, tarale FL by
. DI
o of. Sturtm
—dm mcatintel
Ll•o—Llt all •
' 100 boxes Cream; .. \
• oo = 'do - CAmetton 761 and fart'
ea by (31111). .# • ' J.V.-FA:4YMa).
P ,
' FNvii,
Wo.tranteti purr , :elecketE uprently;lar metriino.l
r.arga3er,.“l4 foreale 7 the tv.rt ar botIN la •
V RECIBLESLI3 - lack Lead eriPibles:frOtft
) Thttpion. 31.4. rein N0...10 YO, baemalo kw by V` • s
.41:J J.4C11 , P 0119,,, tuNeol \
C 0 FI'EE-- 3OU bags fin. byt.,,
itmlb JAACF.S IiALZELL. FS 1704er SU
T EAS -40 hr. cheats \\
" 'Axes ' 1;1 . . amf-r,
UNDRIES-5 make Potash
kji - 4 boxes tboxoess
•b[IR . Ire,,4t.ttlg
jad.. 1 15—,50.0C.10 Common,Tor sale b*
saes e.l w7.11111114U011.
14 -I— LOUR,--150 bbla. Extra and B. F., fa
by .ssn, • s. t W. LIAILBA11(
1 NIA A — ItUBBER WHIPS-30 doa
AZ-TirVrO t= ti:ti;; 7 .V. h uc i :Pga T P. T' r u.a%
:7`: ;al= a tV d .
xusus J. 11. 'MIA:
kg IJGAR=b,si litis. Cuba -and -Paito
17 auorN kme‘pnallt.hjual 1}.4%1 a&tl far
anal& \ • KOBER? OA & CO, Mr
htids. No.l 6 twist, _
.., box,ip . . 3 , for sale
.11 , 42.5 vai.zr.x.
W.o.ii;r' ..`2.0 bbiSA ia..l,foTeral bj
, Isuela ~, \ 1 1AUE.5 DAAL.
1.1 --- ii.r.rir , 4l-) bble. iixtra dry, for,
,y n _ ~, U. A. PAI.INVatik3A t Co-.
tomer lien .AQ Paid
Q.V.FS. T l . l .4PEt s aiN-jAbls. fors ,
! . .7 \ sgl.s ',.- • - \a.AA FA 11V ParOCK a (
Sitl 3 l - =i)Allir.. ;#,E'riglish
1.11,10 - . 41MCk .k M.
. _ . , i
UTgG.-' for \ yale by
4.3f4L r.rockt N.
‘1..5.CF,,,,.! ..
yA.,_gogi_s,\ . 11)Cil. s-co.
- '
114,U'll . EK ' sale by ,-
jj sugt. ` 11$
_-7-1 __.
14Nalit -- ily,lor
14`1 1.1. Mk
.1.• ar' by ' 10115 It 1.A.1„ ,
Ay IN PQW .unlityluid air: -
, !...11 . t.4 airsalAxumm.r. rr.r au. ~, . , \
..,,as '. .\4. t Lg., 144.01 4 JAS a 4:0
;4 - iil.Ta.l6 v - -•
yRN,Ef._,.),i241.451..,. a). , ..
1 Ftii . E.24llll/3(Ci
alabicutlemsc*ixita hut.
- e.ttw..l; tor I. wk.c.1..t0
7 .t
. W l
J. l Pal e & .
.1.4411 k
bo." es Bomwe
lb\ tor atl% b
'l MIN TA.7l4 saat
10 him just reciovedewes loomtlfal JAI. .4*
tticb vat tee rol leltra.l . l4 low
GeNtof ' •tieesa PRINTS, lbor /
~. ‘ s now cdlilecl
:5` t
11. 1 40316-15411c4
Ali gnat
ithrk the
AIM h&