HOME MATTERS. MicnAglcal. DILA craliTl7.o.—We examined with great pleasure a few days ago, a seriea of works , on 'mechanical drangliting, published for the Politechnie Eiehools, in Germany and Prance; by' Professor Henry Aloemr, (at present a resident of our city) in Darmatadt, A. D. 1848 The i liraughts are superior to any thing of the kind W. hare ever seen, -and consist of many thou sands in :amber, illustrative:of all the various branches of mechanical science! In them the principles of civil engineering, architecture, ma sonry, machine making, carpentering, cutlery, slating, cabinet mailing, tarring, pattern mak ing, millwrighting, locksmithing, ie., Ek.\ are fully and scientifically explained. ( •ALr. Mocser is at preeeni Professor of Draw :ftsk, in ChaMherlin'erCOMperiCisi College. lirenirtifer's core,deeided in Tranee—reported in. National Police Gazette, Vol. 6, No. 36. Pahßobed Mey - 10, 1851. Th i s 'defendant, with °there, who had been entrusted with the valua bles of Count de Canment, - removed them from the,resideuce of the Count and disposed of there at auction, and with the proeieds, fled to this country, where they wereriested and taken back to Paris. Before themriel of the came, the counsel for Viremaitro ts ored • for his dis charge, & that he be conveyed o the frontiers of the country, for the reason that the offence with which - le was-charged was not embiaced in the extradietion treaty between this country and ,France, and that hie arrest i the city of Npw York, and delivery up to the tench authorities, was illegal. The Court, after argument, refaced the motion . . The'argumenf of the relator Leerns to be based en the meridiem of the tertstory of a State. But the factlbat InOW territories have been in- POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. muted is' a Mere ,assumption. 'At least no such inearion has been shown as amounts to a breach E ';'C' PletND of ithereational law. . The leading item of the London jourvals. is Neither Pennsylvania nor any of her citizens, the result of the Cowes Regatta, which outer off have bees ehoWn to haveeviolated the terrifery on the 21ed, - in which the yacht America distan c of elichigadper to have been pricy to any acted all her competitors. The Queen, after wit of violation. Oar officers had nothing to -with naming the Regatta, sent five pounds to the the arrest directly or indirectly, until the pris_ • working crew of the America, to drink her Ma oner was delivered at the town of Etio.. If t h e jeety's health. - sovereignty of Michigan was offended by the lar- Tho uew,Catliolic Association in Ireland is do rent,fying-the Government and law in the moot open it was done by no Pennsylvanian, but by manner. The diabolic press is filled with persons doing brolness in Michigan, and it may bri be presumed, by persons who are citizens there, ;snots, and declarations' that they have sot at The net was thereforenaught the new papal bill, and openly broken a trespass, or at-most, a touimun criminal offence, and not a breach of th e taw- . .• Inteinational law.. I A new and comprehe4ive field for agitation is Thore is no proof that our officers had any i is ro now open, end eentvers e - proceeding in a connection with the original arrest, and this con- .manner which the Government Mininot overlook. dieetion cannot be inferred from the continuity of It is now believed that belated is on the brink of an important epoch, and a startling crisis_ the transaction, because it can be accounted for The Government,-it isteported: has positively by a presumption that makes the whole trans resolved on prosecuting the Irish Bishops for sa nction consistent with law. The requisition of miming the titles of their respective - lees, on our Governor, and the warrant id the Governor the odesssion of the recent demonstration in of Miebigau, made it the duty bf the authori ties of Michigan to en-est and surrender him.' Dublin. We Sad that be was arrested and surrendered, Greet preparations ail making for the Queetia end the presumption is that it was legally done. jooriley north. • Trade in Loudon is n the most prosperous This resumption led not rebutted by the eel deuce that the arresting panties showed no war, condition. Bullion in the Rank of England is iu a (acorn rant. The authorities !of Michigan may have acted even without a warrant. We are not call- ,Isle conditidn. e" - led upon here to show that they acted conform- At Amsterdam' arid Rotterdam business is , -STATEMENT OF FACTS. ably to theirlaw. They had adnty te perform, and needle ' e Joseph Dowes, the relator, is a citizen of they took the:known way of doing it, and if shy English funds and railway shares are dot. Michigan, to which State he alone ewes allegi- one employed in the act, committed a breach of ' fa heavy failure had occurred at Loudon. The old and respectable house of Rucker & Son had # &nee. Whilst peaceably residing at Detroit,.ln their law, it is for them, and not for us, to via the State of Michigan, the place of relater's res- I dicate their law. , . . suspended their liabilities, and are stated to be Silence, he was kidnapped by andrrespoeible set ; Suppose that in making the arrestt the rights from one to two or two and a half millions dot tars behind . The cause of the failure is stated of lawless vagabonds, and forcibly and against I of ,• Michigan went righted, it is insisted that to be their large advances on produce. his wilLearried front the State of Michigatt tothe I the prisoner has a right to rely upon this fact The Qneen will nidt Manchester and the ad-. . harbor of 'Erle, in Pennsylvania, where he was as a sufficient gronne for his discharge. 'This is joining towns, on the lot October. delivered by his kidnappers, to the .Sheriff of assuming that a wrong done to tine gives aright The daughter of the English Vice Consul at Erie county, who without any legal process eon. . to e another. an Injury io a state gives a right a frayed said Drives in custody, to the borders of { citzen. The prepositive scarcely merits an an. St. Sebastian; Spain, was stabbed to the, heart Butler - , county, andl there! surrendered him to sorer. in a hall room, by a young efficer of Engineers, the jailor of Allegh?y toasty, akar° Dowes has, This is the veer / aro:mem that is rejected whose addresses had been prohibited by the beet held,in confine ant ever since under the il- in the case of nicest in ii foreign cououy to young lady's parents. Prices of goods in the lartelieeter market . legal capture. Cap, aro took place on ,the 16th which we have referred. I'. was never heard of April, 1851. ~ of, that in te foreign country, to an indict- were gradually•advaneieg en the 26th of August. There was a good dented for yarns , and mast. 1. The first question is, whether Dowps at the meet for crime, the prisoner set up the "de time of the caption, uudor which he is dew held, fence that his co u ntry was wronged ' in the Itlnde of cloth' eloste.r iflaaerr--Enslish funds have Reams .was a citizen of the State of, Michigan, and as mode of his arrien. ' ted slightly. during the east three days. Consols such, entitled to the preteetien of her lams 1— If hie state is offended by the ',illation of igg. . Allegianee 1 Black. dom. 366. Cuban Adair. laws, she knows heir to punish the °fence The ' ! closed on the 26th, at ee1e96.1. Railway shares 2 The territories of foreign and friendly, na--1 “Oceen" steamboat plies weekly busmen De- f continued to decline - . 'FR.IYCE. tidies, sacred, and every entry into the same, : troit and Buffalo, and its- officer, are eeekly.st I ... 'Contrary to the law of nations, is the legitimate f , Detroit, yet no offence is charged agairht them. 1 The French Ambeemeor at Madrid has prom cause of war. I •f . • .. l lt is months since the prisoner was arrested or ied the,...,SPensh Government the en n teen of put down, mery piratical expedition Rolm a. criminal cannot be pursued" into the 1 (to put on the coloring matter of his creosol's I F rance `'" against Cuba. territorierof a friendly mtion, for the purpose i statement) •fkidnapped. by an irresponsibe set I of caption: a fizi - tiori, can la citizen be abducted, lof lawless vagabonds ;" ant yet Michiganhee ; Paris, at the latest accounts, remained teen. quit, awaiting the reperie and decisions of coun. `and cerried into a foreign jurisdiction? .14 Pe- I presented no•complaint of injured honor, thoich I , ters -54A'. „ • - I the prisoner's counsel has been endeavoring .o I, ells' - t 3. The , different , States of. this Union, 'are I excite in her Executive a proper cease of Stop 1 Commercial prospects in France are in a Yen ad hoc, the administration of justice, within rights and State pride.. ' .. I comparatively prosperous condition. The bar. • itheifiordera s their protection of their citizens, Strange, that Michigan should harbor such , vests are excelleot, and mostly secured according to the laws of the, State and Federal I. "lawlees vagabOnds," nod harboring them itThe Council General of Seine et Mame, have governments, foreign to each other. Mr. J. I would be strange if she should fancy that her - adopted resoluilons, not only favor of an Immo. Bell's opinion, Penn.'s L: .1, . , i honor could be injured by allowing the arrest ofl "' reviei oq of the Constitution , but el'. of ... '4..Foreign States, are not bound to the extra- f a fugitive forger—a pilferer of other Metes prop- Article IV, which prohibits the. re-election of dition of crime els, unless by treaty stipulation.. I arty--nn imposter, who has taken advantage of i tie Presid e n t 2 Brock... Reps. 506; 10 S. &R. Short'. five, 134; I the truthfulness of honest men, as a means of ' t 2 Broth. 60,. . I getting their money,—it would be strange . if she 6- The States of the Federal Linion, as to the I should think of interposing her yogis fur his pre- ' extradition of fugitive criminals, are foreign to ; teetion. • li. 8. MAGRW each other, arid have provided for the extradt- • GEO. S. 'SEJ-DEN, tion of fugitives from justice: in the cunstitu- Counsel for Respondent. tibnal compact' Vide. Art. -I, See: 2, Con. U. • mr . All en occ up ied th e o f . ..,, .21115 th e Lour./ I 8.1 - 4 Johns; Ch. Rep,. 104; Bell's tuna. 2P. I. ; -; ; J. 161. I . ,it adjourned at dinner time. Messn. Meow : This impoeti ex et:cern:L. that there is no nth- j and Seldoe spoke in the afternoon, and Mr. er legal mode of extredition. ; IleCtindless concluded on behalf of the meters AS to what is the eitenteof its operation? See I The prisoner was remanded at the core of 14 Penne, 5.56, '558; 1 Blaek. Com. 1211, Pere 1 the argument, the Judges hawirispronatned no soma liberty. I # Whah,ii thelconsequence of ..the right of per- f d ec teten . senitalliberAyli I Block. .C. 137. -.6. No precedent in. ancient or modern times, . an be preducied, where nations, having say re . spect• for thentselves, have permitted fugitive criminals: who !hale fled to them for protection, to be kidnapped with 'impunity, and carried against their Will, to extra-territorial courts for trial,. still levl, have they permitted any one owing aliegiadet, and as a consequent, entitled . to their protection, to be abducted fromAtteir territory, and conveyed to a foreign jurisdiction. If such an event did happen, the State permit . ting - it, \without demanding redress, would be - deservedly infttntouv in the eyes of the civilized world. - • I • Will the authorities of the State of Michigan, I ter. • . refuse the protection she is bound to give her citi- 1 Elizabeth township vs. Thalia unship.= eon when soleiithly.invoked ?'. • : Judgment Mimed, Opinion by Mr. Juice Coul- Has she not the right to complain, that her I ter . ' citizen was iea from her borders, withoht.iidne \ • Foster vs. Stewart-e-Judgment at6rtd. Opui course of law(" when.she has been ever reedy to : ion by Mr. Justice - Chambers. 'fulfil her constitutional obligations.? Vide 14 • Hansen vs. Daviludgment affirtd. Opin- Peters, 6h5.8-31 , ion by 'Mr. Justice Chambers . Can any American citizen be restrained of i Commonwealth Ex. rel. Jos. Dowee ' lltibeas .Ms personal/liberty, or Imprisoned, without ;Corpus. Argued by Alden and M'Careits, and authority of ` law' imprisonment, 1 Black, C. ! Selden and Magna*. , 13A. ,e. H HIOMIX IMPORTANT HABEAS Coerces CABE— The important case of the Commonwealth, ' or relations Joseph Downs, a citizen of Michigan, vs. His Excellency,-Wm. F. Johnston, Govern or of Pennelvania, and Carter Curtis, Fsq , High Sheriff of Allegheny County, came up for hear lug yesterday in the•Sapremo'Court Messrs. T. -J. Fog Alden 'and Wilson Mc- Candless appeared for the relator. Messrs.. Henry S. Magraw and George 8. Belden for-the respondents. Mr. Alden rising, observed that he deemed it scarcelyneceseary to read the depositions rela- - tive to Do ores having been kidnapped from Mich igan, snlj forcibly , brotight to Peimsylvanie by violence, 'Without even the color of-any legal authority: Thine facts were, 'he _believed, ad -raided by the gentlemen on the other side. Mr. Magraw said that he had (producing them) a requisition from the Governor of Penn erylvania, directed to the Governor of Michigan, dated September 2881, 51849; for the surrender. of Joseph Downs, the relator. Also a oral-ant from Governor Rsnsom; of Michigan, dated Dec. 3d, 18-19; for his extradition. Ile read al so an indictment returned by the,ol3nm.l Jury bf Allegheny County, charging Dawes with forgery, and the subsequent proceedings thereon, prov ing that lie had been a fugitive from.justice. Mr: Alden, by request, proceeded - to read the depositions In the -case. The follniting is the case 15 submitted by Messes. Alden and McCandless', on behalf the relator. 7. Laws inhibiting under the severest penal ties, the ingress of foreigners, within the domin ionuof their sovereign. enacting such laws, are ever iisoperatiVe, or furnishing exceptions if the persons entering , . are driven lute the territory against their ( will, no (or instance, mariners, by stress of weather. . . Would not tho ammo principle operate bare,. to prevent jurisdiction from attackdogso the State Courts, when a citizen of another State has been treacherously kidnapped in his own State, Fend compelled by sqirreiiistible 'power, to come within our borders. , - .Stephenson!, ervr. I•ktated that we-saust draw our arguments _from analogy'. ' If Doyle had ndt been guilty of a white skin, there is 'no doubt as to how our lawer . would view the 'offence. Dunlop's.. Ag.• 883-4. , The law of do to others, So., applies tc States as well as Individuals. 8. Arguments, .z 6 inconvenicntri, are sometimes 'the: grounds -of judicial determination: • Ram. • 9. Conaiderstiono "of public policy often Out l weigh tho'hardelltin of partiCular cases." u o 9.28. Whit hap been the leading public policy of this government/since its organization 7 Proartb4 to Cm. of / S. . 1G What has peeri the policy of our own State?, Mr. Mr. l's opinion, 2 Penn. L. , Jour/i5O. ' • The is the case as submitted ou be half of the respondents, • and on 4 sitiels dieurs. ,Magiiisent.d•Seldian based their argonaut& ef the .Cerne.—lt is supposed that the evidence will shoir the following facts: Joseph Dowes is a fugitive froM justice from the county of Allegheny, .Peun'a., being at the , time hefted charged by indictment with forgery, / And by complaint of W. Thompson, with obtain ing money under false pretences. It being as certained that he was in the State of Michigan, a requisition - was made by the Governor.of 'this 'State upon the Governor of Mulligan for his surrender. In pursuance, thereof, the latter Goveinor.isimed his warrant to arrest and sur render the said Doves to the authorities of Ibis State. .After that, the said Dowes wee arrested at Detroit by the officers/ of • the steamboat . 0C111111," ,on board of said boat, and on • her carried to Brie, in this State, and there deliver ed to the sheriff of Erie county, and, conveyed • to Pittsburgh, and lodged in jail. it is suppos ed that It. writ not appear that the officers of said steamboat had any warrant-in thrir hands et the time of the arrest;and that the sheriff of • Erie -county was also without a Warrant. . • Inthaforgery ease, the said Doves is held in - custody on a erarrant issued out of the Court of geysieb, and in;the other case ea a warrant issued by Alderunin'Steele: . Ile clisims • to be diecharged botanic of the defect in the mode of his original-arrest. ArviineaVfor the Itespondatu, This c.a., has already been heard 'on a Habeu Carina iesued oat of the District Court of Allegheny -County, and we' cannot add anything to the force of the view taken by the learned judge in that opinioo. • He tins accorded to the prisoner the advantage of thej assnmptitin thatvius rule of low is the same no criminal:as in civil caesuras to the valid ity of an arrest improperly effected, and shown thateven on'tlais assumption, the prisoner can. 'notnlaim his discharge.. , If the reasoningot the learned Judge should be deemed urositisfactory„then the inquiry re terns;' it the rule the same in criminal as in eiv- lasatalab Beott's case, in 9 Earn & G.,116, where a person charged with perjuryin England was arrested in 11 rum els and earned to England. Lend C.. 1. Tenderden held that in such a ease the Court-wont(' ant' inquire Into the circum- Manna of the arrest Aleteli's ease, 3 Lan, 167, and Aran's case. .1 Barn. dr- C., `2.58, establish - the principle that where one is arrested • without warrant, or on defektive waront, the, Court Will not discharge, hta'if therebe eraeient evideuee thrash offence has been camiaitt4. - • • rprowsteies.cose 6 Vermont 11. p:121. The defendant had been arrested is Canada without any warrant from the sulk° Ilikrk, sad brought into Vermont 'tor to Ile objected on the ground of theillegalitp •thin arrest, but bin objection wan overruled on priuciptes condo• aloe of thin case. SUPB bOURT Sentembei and S. ligrrison vs Soles--Dspres atirmed Opinion by Mr. Justic.Rodgers. • ' • . , Forsyth vs: Wittson.—Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Chief 'Justice Gibson. ' Clmusbers vs. Calhoun—Judgmentanirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson Chambers au. Harger, use—Judged, Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson, Benny vs Stroup St. Bro...ludgmeniffirm.i. Opinio'n by Chief Justice Gibson. ' Hamilton vs. Hamilton's Executo—Judg meet affirmed, Opinion by Mr. Juste SELLING LIQUON NIIIIOO7 .LICENI.-J_SEGGH Clicton, of the Fifth Word, was yesteay Com mitted to prison by Alderman Chamba charg ed, ou oath of Letitia Hutchinson, wi selling lignor without a liccrow. • Lit Orno AND PENNNYLVANIA - Raman,— The receipts.of this Redraw!, lastwi, wero 51,603 40. When it is considered Matta on ly in operation between this point d Se• Brighton, a alight ides of the enornion,mount of. money it will make, when completwitsy be formed. • . .FluaTlNO.—Two s drovers Were yeStely ar rested above AllegSeny City, by poliepffieer- Chess, on a charge's of raising a disturber, at Colbaugh's tavern.l They , at first yolk., but at lasteurreaderetli and entered bail. conskrtemrs.—Wilson McCandless, one, at the cbunsel for Dowes, yesterday pai, high and well deserved icompliment to the Merle" , of police. officer . ters, to whom his chi had been handed over by his captors, thougle rep robated in the strongest. terms, the 40Itt — of the latter in kidnapping him. ht to mad dog was reeentlyot in the Canal Collector#s office in Allegheny :y; by Scott, , Assistant Collectoi. £ortstely, though It• passeed - , osiers.' persons widowed unmistakable marks of •madness, it bit zoo. MFHDEL—Robeit :11cHsight Intl yards" committed to priemi by AlaYorGathrie, aged, 'on oath of ItobertLElaguei. with thud He will ho - farther exatoi nal on" Wednesday, tl Oth of the present month. , Our readers will recollect that' thii! the young - stun who stabbed George Hardt on Saturday night. *Hoe4tnit.—LThe thermometer ell et eighly-rtino7 in -the eherle,st noon yeetert. rrGET—=A larg and couvenic7.2l ivAtnatousr,na Beentd street, between Wig . Gmaulre or w h y RM. IL YOR RENT—The Warehouse, No. 1a: Liberty street, at Tramnt one led by Them; en. Posewasion Mien on the /BLOWN.ober. - enPl uire of T. on peen. - - . Penn- Institute. nom SUBSCRIBER, having remov to the earner of reran end, IttnirtinV otree.. le Yo Wnt, ttlttetnittitb,will mere lie liglietits. tterd and )anbonntionl itobotol, Ntondnr t theLlet of noptenibrr. : The umber et popitele Minaret? li•d: SCA the etrictrit attention +ill be raid to the edron Anil morale of thotte O01:1191tIt‘i tO WO_ Trotielo per reedlont Stationery, 00 tent, *Ma the neent cu. Lie tele, Library tetttlout, additional them t. 4>IITI e. • - J Mx...Origga' Grammar School, ' MA: Side of L4O Marldfa, ..4112heny Co' rtHERE are Two Seooionu 4 year, eaof 1.1 weftkr, tomarencing ND , 10... , ra'""7 iIUM. S.O per Fren:OLLlthelh.{, Notice. Stdekholdere df "The Little Saw I ...a. nee hallooed Couthany." are hrrefor notified tho OS 01 kloo Dollarspro there to rodolood lobd co or before th e let day of October oral_ • hr order of the L oud of Larectora. earl..O.d.t4td-8 , ALEX. .107 LIA::. Sr. • 1 .• Notice to Contractors. , . ‘7, &AEU 'PROPOSALS for the Excave.i ioend tivailid.rof the truck of iillie Little Him SHIA If mimed. - edit be received by the Preeklent of file e ran;. duck] ale illth of deotecciter acct. little end , citatleace celut.. rem after the oth of 'member. by ' Cd. lien the Urceident. r tieorive oreY. Encideer of oo racy. at Co. boon 'l slaftheirliclotrisb.infillari "'Vt. Tr the Bard of Limiters et ' - 'fbe Little d Itall Vdkavatty." In' lo'' iiiiiiitend S KW ESPY. Preuideni.. Aar,. - .B uTTE R_-1 bbl, and 24 'm kege for sato *r,' pzi ~.._. IT JOHNSTON:, BROOM& -- - 7 5 doz. for ealo bv , Kri ; wo. I. i° ax Fro ; . , VNEaeg--97 bbli. Cider, for sale by oer3 . WM. IL 40/INOTcel. WAsumiorovi, Sept. O. The president hoe removed Robert B. Stille, P-----OFFEE--100 begs Bio,• (or sale by I Sum," of 'Um ort of New Orleans , and ep ,_toz S./lELWORTH k' ,pointed cold Wm Christie hie successor. BY TBLEGBAPH. .LCGIVLD DT Tim emur TICLEGaAPII LINZ, /OM ILIPOItiLD FOX TS; pirmriton oAnwri LEMAL IRS 1317 AX 511/2 FRANKLIN. FOUR DAYS 'LATER FROM EUROPE. • ' New YPIIK, Sept. 8--k. M. The steam ship Franklin, from Ilene and Seuthampten, arrived this morning. The Franklin left Co . wea!on the morning of the 28th, at half past tin o'clock. She brings - 118 passengers, and a very large cargo of freight. The steam ship Niagara arrived 'at Liverpool at 9 o'clock on Sunday night, the 24th ult., and the Pacific on Tuesday, the 25th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. On her first day out she ran down , ari American schooner, the crew of which were for tunately saved The steamer Washington arrived out at Cowes, on the afternoon of the 25th. IZOMME Dates from Lisboa to the lath, ....tate that 'an ill quiet ui tbat quarter. Large quantmes of the crop of grape:l bud leen deatroyed by the drought. SPAIF The port Of Gibraltar to tht eatened with quar antine, in consequence of the cholera rrevailing at Oran and Mali • • INDIA r The overland moil bring dates from Botta:ay to July 25th, and from Caloittta to 12th. The'import trade wabirather brisk, hut the export trade was Hat Money was abondapt. Z--- COXILIk ERCIAI, INTELLIGENCE. L/VEIL.CL, Aug. • Cotton—The piarket was active, with sale.— eitice the sailing of the America, of .7.0,000 bales, of which 7000 were taken on speculation, and for export./ FfriCpS arc id htgber, with rale, fair Orleans at si; Nfobile-s?d, and l'plands at ill Floui—Thert good Jemoud of 1.. t quota tiona Grain—Corn it in better re.luest, at 27(74 . 2"6" for white, and 2tis ®27a for yellow Wheat is in good demand at the America's Flces PrOTiSiOCIS —The market is without change, excepting lard, which i 3 fid dearer—Lest quality being . quoted at VA per cat Groceries—Sugar is in limited plenmmtupd prices are barely maintained. Text were very „quiet, with small sales. In molasses but little doing. dud prices are unchanged. :Salta ha rice hr .18s fid per cwt. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAX6RIP GEORGIA. LATER HEWS PROM CHAGREB. Ni Yonx„Sept. S. The steamer Georgia, with dates from Chagies to the 26th, and from Kingston to the Filet ult. arrived this morning of 9 o'clock. She brings 891 paeseagers, mad 51,497,1;13 in gold,on freight, besides a large amount in the hands of passen ger.- The Panamedlemld states diet there is n fine opening in that'city and vicinity, for all kinds of mechanics and agriculturists, end that their la bor will yield them from five t,Sie times sumach as they are ecnrmtomed to receive in theVuited States. Advice, from Guayaquil,' etate, ;that ou ;the 17th of July, • military revoltition'occurre •in Ecuador. Gen. Urbinees and a smell part 'of olllcere and soldiers seised the President, N vo, awhile on his way from Quito to Guayaquil, to visit his family, and hurried him on boarda . email. government vessel, which sailed immedi 'lately with serried orders. • I By an arrival of a•British ateam, r from New Grenada, at Panama, on the lilt of August, with $8 4 000,0f10 in silver bullion, , e have Val -513.11{ie0 dates to the 27th.-of July,- They folly confirm the frightful character of the previously reported hurricane of the 7th and '8 t h of July. Thelittitish steamer Peru is reported to have dragged her moorings ashore ,in the harbor of Valparaiso, where she subsequently betame a perfect wreck. The specie on board was saved, and a part .of her cargo in .a damaged state boring the four weeks preceding the 27th, five ships were wrecked in the harbor of Valparaiso. The auction houses were filled with immense quantities of deranged goods. . . . . . , The late election resulted in the choice of Don Mlguel.Monte for President. The •Neigh. bor,' In congratulating its readers on the en the `result, eayn that the election has been one rather of principle than of persons, The editor regards the decision of . the nation ne one of inn prevenient and progress. The project of building a railroad to Smiti ng° is in a fair way of being reclined at no din.' tent period. It is proposed that the Government start the work by raining a loan of two minted, dollars; which will be sufficient to build the road to Quillita. . - The latest accounts from Bogota and Garth.- gene leave no doubt but that actual revolution has broken out In the first' named place. At Carthageina active and extensive preparations were being made by the liberal party to resist my partial or oppressive measures of the ex istmg government • The lieu. Werit - Duer, C. S. Consul, nod - Mr. G. McPheetue, IL S. naval store keeper, arrived at Valparaiso, i the steamer New Grenada, en • the 215 t of July { i Mr. Eekle, th enewly appointed U. S. Consul for Taltabusams; bailed from Valparaiso on the 12th of July. A newlaw has recently been promulgated in ' Peru for.the greater extension of the freedom of trade, and the utmost degree of harmony prevails between the ezecutive and legislative bodies of the governinent. A new article of merehandine has made its appearance in Calle& and Lima, where ;Spit Chinese were Imaged and sold, by the Captain 'and I owners of the verseis,at the rate of $lO7 per herd; under an c i rgegement that they shall be free after the ex .nation of three years. It bas become all the faskion at Lima, particularly, to have Chinese Ben d. ~Tite market wot everotocked with articles adapted to - the sg season, and the editor of the Mercantile Beporter, nays, that urgoea du ring Augt4t anti September will meet ready bales at retuuneilating prices. The coast mar ' kets, on the same authority, ore also bare of I goods adapted to the SCUM). 1 .ht Talultuanne, it wan stated, the millers s, would ehortly be forced to stop for, want of grain. • WAnniNGTOS, Sept. g. BOSTON. Semen . Lucie Pulido, Minister Plenipotentiary j *--- - from the Republic of Venezuela, wits presented TREMONT HOUSE, to the President On Saturday.' by Wm. S. Der- BOSTON, MASS. • rick, noting Secretary of Stltte, and delivered Pr HIS well known establiAlunerit is still eon his letters of credence. The usual addresses 1 darted In the ,attn. tnenner it *limy. Aeon The were delivered, which were conducted through Z e.trt ` i ,„....,"rr , ', : , L. F. Table°, the official tran,lator the Stain (MIL theee, ' Lmhtne to r,n,l,t'llo the .•L ' reentile ki( att 6 ranta Department. eoug In the traveler. fleetna been ere et the lona of .Inttn L. Tucker .1 aye trial has been granted in the Case `wog nt the Lead. et the voinblohment, the euLeenLer Day convicted of the murder of his wife, ly no the ground of alleged tampering with the u• titre "Wm. 11. re.tuunt. jury. i THE run,s EXPEDITION NNW 611.LEANa, Sept. ll The t•utiaii Expedition in abandoned. Many of the Laber !dors are here without means of re• tur.m.g. home They demand money for the•Cu- I - ban Committee. Some disturbances and airest have been made, but nothing serious has neon, , . .. ! tole. red so far. The police are out in strung , i.,,„..,. Ohm w r , r k nn st ., p.p..r weiahts. an force ' eon...dinners Paper, Bole, Carnet, lake Ornanit.nt., ion. Drown... Pane, Article, Troth Drtnlara. 1, •MOVEMENTS OF THE PAMPER() i . 4 ° . * Ttt " l4,l% l 'll. T ..74l`4:rrs'a%l:lTses. 5... CHARLESTON, Sept. Ca , with en andletw a/m.lr of other „ 1 . L .,.. r . tr rate. ,f Lettem hove been 'received here front Jack. 1 - m ,„,,,, ;;; ~. i! ~r,,,t ~T , .'„ „'.it ~ , n ,.' =7,', , 1 sionville, dated the '2.d instant, ,tuding that the ; iIitIO.NIAS Wll 111.7, I: ON NET MANI . - I Pamper," hail arrived there on the Pith ultano, ! • F. ,,,,,,,,,,,, , N , 4 it ~,,,,,,, ..,„.„,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, 0 . 5 .„„ for troops who had been waiting there for three c .titnot,eam 01d...) Ploladelphsa., G.ldn:lr ~. mouth. One hundred volunteers were expected 1 :,-o ! st.st.l.t --Inti• a codouva. , to embark no the night of the 2d instant. va. it. woonatiat. o lutra nano eV General Iran% es is to tins city. Ile antes C I • • .- d • I B AG ALEY, WOODIVARD & Co., Whole- role Itrodora. No ..:21 Market at., Philadelphia anti baying anything to do with the Pampero rape - r - - .. of a washy/. d dine ' - -- EALD, BUCKNOR & C 0.,. Tobacco 1 IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. Condulaslon Marrh.., Nu. l / Nurth W. 1 ., al ooo l. lag, IR North Wharves , l'hiledelphlw anal Warn lauTow, Sept at I 4-.. It is alleged that llon. Lopes was decoyed to i NEW YORK. Bahia Benda by stratagem of Gen. Concha:, .. _ .. _ . . _ _ mad that (aura connected with it imiolve grave American Hardware. ,uatlunsl questions. There was a Meeting of the 1 1 LIVEN &... DOUGLASS Manufacturers' I 3 `Cabinet, said to be connected with this matter, . /cent, Nn. f. Platt greet, threadoor4 India Pearl I,L, on Saturday last ~ hew roar, would rapentfull, lvrd.. the allentlot, of the . l , Hardware Trade to their stork' of Hoot., reorient affect ---- -- 4 Iron, the manufacturers, and torlale on faroraldu loran ACCIDENTAL POISONING. rta4m .. N ew Yoe'', Sept. '`. I Steam Coramunieation between New York : yostertiuy. at the boarding house of Mr. Jobs and Glasgow. . . , . „ , e c i a r e l .r i iy "' l ' , := , C tr i n•'“ a t i e . n g. l 7 l 7' 9 ,7 , 7 r 7r i., . I THE Glasgow and New York 'rife and children lire Cam one of her rbi1...1 . •nio ' ki . :l74ll4 ' ilts"..7ol. , o P ili r' ..:::,,F. ---- ; -7 , &en, t 1.1,1 A child Of nue of the Warders, hare '. , t.. .:17.1 . ;71:1 ' r1 ,1 , ' gl:l7:Lle ' r. 4 l - • a ' r ' prgtiZo vull In..'e• since died, and the others are very low. It is 1 I ot,hrod for Olaauuw, o/z . l.aturday, th< I Ith of i ' " ~n u 10.1..1' '',l.\l. *torte, . o hers.. r /ured no PdO• -.L.-4,41,1'4y ram the maralf.cture ul m Moja to hl. L YHA: iln Stinttiii t than t „..,,,,.rr,,,,,,, A5r , trorn o L r 2411•0 le, ..7 Itt.,feey... o „ l , ton Drugalato .nourail, lltrouchout molten .t • r. wad. roam, •It. \ to, n ro. -chi a/ lo•eld { wort., po-,. Alen, „m a : 1,1,, rnohl ua k th. on vernal v. Ithilodrlploa to theCnotolhlates a:lC:mad* nopin ttAtee.-.:0 den.of (er •luhi.- lan ne r ihor j eLux,k, \. , , .„. „,,,, „. 4 4 ,4 g 0 . r .h,,, a , ..j,,, 8 or. ua. or, 14,111.4 listkua • . \ Pane.] en le ite. Veil.. orne.asee.-• .•..... ,_ Alm— • 2c 1 . ‘,. c.f; ~ ciAi .Aerrnit. I!'..At •-• t tAciccAn '. O . cc ' 1 . c . c..n •-• • •• t01",,,,,Crn0r0l Sur th end Morn, ..treete la :a. bai.....1. 41. 1 sin - Pen.SLNl.Lint lOR IiALTI.:IOhE 1 fro m o u w C, •,.,. • • \ CHICA6O AND PEORIA_. . 4o . zn--P.A. it, V.V.' roUnt, s' •••=tt ,, tt , x* tttl ~ „ Fu i - e Walehe,s; : re could il k nothl . \ —.,___ faro tl,. kook and Ciamt..rhind Raartnot, .t Ilant.bors . on. . Warn Ay ...0.- \ D1 , .....,..w., four mil. Time. I,(Milt hour, •tu i\ or meat aii tuna. FT-re to l'hflodol f lris • IMO i'arn, to lioltmnre, at , ,.. ' - - -----"-- - • - 4 I. Al &- tery. tolunble ‘ l. , e t o oat k a,.. 11:trotS, Prtootc . VOX , ' o,uptmur (....u.l Pa( t -.. dui,/ of 5.44tia . I.' '-anoaoter / do Ilamiebur g Ono,. , • THOMAS MLLE, . tuod.tatee- Lupe. ot , o tamale nr \ d n i t tl.' l ;7•?.''' L lr ti t:':,..;,": o :,',.lrzt'Vt t ,'7;=', - ° . ; F,?IovAhDING .1 OIMIEIRION MERCHANT, :.. t. E h.,111.:11MA N. - ,,t, n ~ \ltkl...4Cat'ol.rodumer..r,,, r btu. . ; Alletroe i e ot la., end Ited.Ppemo: At. utn, . ~,, ,„., . ~n O r ~.491un i nda . .0...0.1..u/ 1 - taik.c.rlat \ hela Wm..., - 1 I.IIICAVI, 1LL1N..1.. ...P: . ____N . ,,..14,.L....rth.ti0 c,.. . 1 1 .1 tt 0, bu r . h , ~,,,... Lct nu icuB .t,i0 u r...0l pdtt, ru 8...., ro• 4 1 promait z i J. P. iIOL.MES. Agent, i f . ,ON T IXtrES his usu.ll facilities to receme i , ~, \,. 4 kft•kkAlth , 'N''' •• • M "'"''' . 4 Or of D . LEEcll ,t, co ., l, , so !0re..., P. 1., atni Treurbtpuen , l,•lolerchandine ! To Fa rm ers. \ I 'IL/Lb ANA:tilt% ...11,1, Altill.,- „.E, taho• • hit begria L 5, , 5 ,,,.. 15 , 55 ~,,,,5 , -ru:ined him Pt.. [eel e E... dock 1..,...1- r ell I outs l i onn ACRES Firmlng ri \I Gra.r.ing , 1 gr, „ , ,„, ~,,,k ~, ,„ , -N,„., „„ r „,,.., ,„ x .,,,sr,t h Lc • tracts. earn. •t. • ru •Ls 155x.....1 the Illtuote Co.ual wad 44..1'2 ' i • k Pk/ Lauds, in Woor o o .. Lot .„ , cat•Ll, a tho ,l• AN/ IL, Lr the,' , L ..1•• ~ .11 i!..l. , ±P,Prenris.Pr“.S ala-• •ut. Me -, \ ,--.--n .--- ---,---,....:- l...terenc....-3, 1, .. r. 41. 0. ,. t i rL i n u n,, , 1 z. ACo .: I A.... het, moor. within ha -I,e ara. of riot,. rAI 1 orl a r, I ' ko i tla p,,,, ru ,,,,,, n ‘ 4 .., .., • , 10.,,F, Uno n o..mr.gx lllcHein7's Philadelphia it Liverpool LMO Ur. John A.Ceu.her ~,.. 1 hrta Itatiro•.l cud • n t h ) •ro l , 1., ,1 .a \ .1, ..., • ‘ o ranto.l4 an I 1, 1 ,1,, U' „1 : MIL •by Oa Alro.-1,.. Arm. in 14. it ...tot, tor e• 1 e tr y T..... a i. tIA • .of Packets, : Unp. term.. Ln a mre ••I A it - ILE %it. h ite. ..t sr, ~.,.... \ On. hert n.luner by t , 1,00 M i . mat tie•klei• In Wm. H. Raskin, 1 e., I corn.: of Markut a \ iMtiling from Phil.tdelnlua on the ~kliAx, (1 E NERA L CoM :MISSION 31ERCIIANT 1 - Gardeners. To Garden • "......lip k Vtli. and, Ltrorptol , Mo. 1i of eo.h mouth.Zb.a,„.'n !in t , MAIt 4 PLI:Ao AN fto It Is. 0...,,u. \ fwd., AND A UCTIONY.E•II._So ..1 Motet etre, PL(OhIA. 1 1. t aal h. nt cop, r . , , , , ,- ~ ,.. .t ~..1,, \ , o ,. it-b 4, c1; ,. ., t ~ J to oI cIILNANDL,A IL. Win, P. Gaol., 'Mentor I -?! ~ , • , Twrs rY ACHES ,M Garden ',' 'rs- x .7. 7- t+i 2ir i' - iii,llii. '-- - - ~, tlAt 1-. ' 1 - Elititti-1,,• iisthan.el r 11.4t r 54 \I ter I...p s olai tt ntl le to Comeau...co burro. en. wuglt.l. 1 411 it is with • N , , •• it/JELIN, ...atm P. :nulls. Mento r . t coy. •di to wld IL r loco a u o, re-ooL th ' • c rt .‘",.. ~c,..: A- i,.1 _1.:v..4 area, r.t4eartyk EIIACE ANAlatit, (n..) Mt W. W..t. Mt... 0. . \ ‘lll,. tN a CO. 'i t , na i n :1 :till re. nag“ ,,,, rtila • \ \ rn. 414..4 .4., .... built of the hoot out rood c-cotly c,..: , I, I /1111,1 ii, ..., I igy....,13,M) maNnals.aml are noted to the r o j e dt t o of tlsoir poneo c .o. ao / • 1...A. 1 U1.10 %X. O r i ‘ A A“.lo.EAT'lle ' '- ' .... ' "" '" l‘.. ' i “ . ” u ''''''' A ~.K.,..,,, c .:,, ',e . :... . ;•.......:, va '.., • . ••• .1., .r Lk. 46181.14. they ar• fitted up with all lame hoptueromal., an, tort, __lL-to - -_ , -...0_tcr0.-,...--O-4 - - ~„ , i thorou g hly v....Wan:M. and are ounur t o...,l 1., 11,,r co. tro 4 1,211!.) - \ ecmatulatinne for ~,,,,oi (hbor um! cStArc . r, I . cc AAAAucc , , ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. , I Far Sale: , Ural agent it they are commouded hy mon of soknowholced to.ant. • ho erc unequollol for their exportonee to tho packet te.r.,, „:IIDDLETON, RILEY & .M'GEE, 1 T „ E ....,,,, ~,. ~ , ,, ,..„ ..,,,un, Fir,. c , ,, ,, C, \ ....,..... ; -, : ‘ i,... . 2 ,, i, , 7 ,.. , , , , ,-, : y..... , .. 1 ; ..., 0 r s , „ .... ••,..• 1 n, ll . at ba 111,1001.111110 V; •\ ' • Vetwnl &elm.. of brincitur doll' fro oil. fmn the old p,,,,,,. C,...,,, 0, all I „... 0 , 0I N . 000• 0, 0 ,, , . ~, J. 4 .1,..,e C0t1.1., nab obonln corttnooton a p.....,, -1,10, ~,i ~ I‘. Au-a,., \ ' aiott na eight month, and our ecoote lo lodatLl And Lit It..fer ..• Aioaandor (*nolo, an Lorecta, St.rltt o t k 40.. der "nul wh. t`• '" "`•"‘ L'lt . ;'4.l'• •L • i ! pti ‘,...,..„. . , ~, 's x , - iNE ji05E:....., , , L . L , t •,„:7 - V -i A- 11...,.... rpool •rill fornielt th......itt. the pr o per innomoOku •nd pl.:Agora, . ape talc_ i \ tt iu-truotinne elotiv. to, tn.. departure , , • ' - - t o I L Lubler llost hoLoold . ~‘ o kr r ..... • . o el, toretoo.u.ur, o loc.oht.Outuodent.....ott a kdtwore, • t-- - , L , Cro tho reorninneLlCe of t oonneurrere • lohttot tetuto 1 ton 1 4 .k . \ 111 C. 'l'L I I'LE, Atl.irncy at Law, t''''''-° i'it•• "at:Orimet. :., te. t,.. /.."-,11,01. Ono ...cu. II Lutua ao lo m 3....sont,llmlala)el.nrir 111,U'llUPPir drott. fc rLI ...rim e an I • r. ,, ,,, I. 1, , •4 4 . P arol I eram..tou.r.for Penne, iltUla. rt. Loin,. Mu. • I w Sale. ...,. ~. e 4.1 303 211.1410 tbela• le , IhAV ' •.err to.I ; I: plot. ot 1- same ma rr y, hutu ,r, f4_, ~,,,, ~,,.. , ti,rd.t.r.,, a CO.. ,1.4..nat ~1 E. (V h,,,A iiittaxattm g; thet.,cht wahout diwount. voloch ',roll I- , woool h.ow d ot ~, , ~,,,a ucu, 00 , 0 , 00 , . 0 ..„ 0 „ 4. li.ok. to Pont tuktrox in the Unit•ol Kingdom ' "• • •• : ••• I r ' 7 1‘fiE . U . N 1 l' ` -,1: 1\ T I z., II OIE L • , Is , ~.,..„.. u 1.1.1. 11., do too turu out \ o top . ro n't.o, .1.,...,.. 4 (...L.oww•irol A- Wil.ma X Soo, \Warn...ht.,. me - 1 ,,,,, .. , ..PrdiA r.....mt.......r5.: tr.nrs rst, 10A\ it .1..1\ KIN, Attoruoy and I. Di-OCK t.Il ••,'' ' • th. t'AO' - '''' "," ... .i'LL. • '"'"' '''' '''' L'• '..'-'``". ‘''''' II.••• to'lfl 0 ,,, ...4, o•ne s Mlt't taralia.l a Co, N. Calle.4.r, .it................, uttrt.,... Co; h oJ I ty ,-0 , ,,. Law 1.1,1 Co:Luau:tiro. rIL r the Stau, o i to.toa .0.1 . ono "1 Tin-1.11, n 'lO I ,ccgc c Acecc, , \ : ' R . . , . , : ~ .... s : ~.,.,• ::::,:: i ... " r.., " : .-"'' ' ..i.1,1,dr.1,.,.i.' b r ,i ) . , r i t: „ ., LVt:..d U , :. t :; .. r .j..0, , ,..d ' 1::1 1;:; ' ;': 4 i:•: i " , " ' , ; ' ... i t\ : : i j r i i: ;,- " ,• 4 ,72 ' ,71 - : ,',-r"' " Jfi r. 7:!;.;; e • S ''... r. 1:(: U. i'... 2! e.4 : : : o r 1 D *: ',", '^^, , h. ~,,,. Ir, , .erei. , 4.. ii t. 4 tar,ol..hol t . 0.• , 1 , an... Ot lo,uu Mo t hoe of ritt.hur a h / el .raul. C.udi. It I..ttmtur.,.. ihe Lot ts. to. „„,,,,, ea I. oso.oncer of I: 3 .e.r. . I az. aml vier. ..,it !h., hnaul. t1,,,....._ 1 , Lurc ' L jjoo ter f ,,,.....,,,, ii,,,.. 5 ottuor..l ntILI 1111 a. no-.! or. not. 4 ile• oatmeal, i t It eu...r. lln Cow. ~‘„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 31,,, L ,,.. ~ , 1 5,,,,. 8 ,,,,,,, ~, hutolt.:l nod von i it. natte.e... an lll,. pork. Cud, I: yrar, .1.. t 0t. t . .. 0 , 0 4 ... , 0 . 00. , , co • . „.,..i , ~ , 0 ., . ~.0 , , 0 .,,,. IC . 4 relo4toffa. 11D.pore. follallo"..":.''' '11,.• '''''L • '''' reattegnraWMaYfoffg gg s e y........... !g ar. awl half . a110w..., of tea, engur 0r01_W0 ~ ...IZ. e . ----•-- 1 mote Orn _ _._ .-- -- Sr ~, w . ir. . 0 , „ ,.. ~.90 W . L, ?.: f . • ,,a,,t, i ,, f ,;, ~. A Good Bargain is now' Offered, 1,, For \ Sale. , ~,,..:\ \ Agent, for the Mauutaco.-A.r r,, , . B even , pi a no . pr ! ,c,epto r . liM Ylfillt. I F ,APPLICATIoN 13E 3IADE SOON.- . BAKERY. wlth t 1,,) oars ! ,, t•e of the 111 ills ‘' , I , \ c , ~ ~, i\,,H, - 4,lEfiEl lm. pant received Bayrs', ‘ ,1 , tt corne r natl. and irn.l Inn .I`ll.bu g h .• 2r--e , .. InCtl. .3tlVllitettr o i . .., t l em Timm to /our ACRE, In //11,r01• Its.routtb. 1 t e....i. Iha Is.k, Arrangement Made to Forward Feel ht , ~ , . •Ar, l';.! '„'„'',,l =7”:,b,,.. , riv , r 1 , 1, , 44:, ,, .±: ; .? .. 1v , d,. ~ A,, :t% ,,,, , ~„,., „.,..., ‘l. L.re,' . Pu g . nura. ~ 1 . Ittratod pr nr io n klar.O. •liark i l a 5 ,,,. \ \ ' , tut,. i on in eton. tan! tor tal. , ,bi i i k ,,,,.f., 1 ,7,,p h y prooncional inert In thie cOohlttry and I n TO BALnmotti: IN FIVE DAYS! .1.... d... Lws, ALL .ola ..t • ~.I I TC. 1 P.i"...n• Ma r a-nor ' ow'. , It' , \LtAIA 4 au..O_ \ ` ‘ MtAtio,e4. Lirtit ! t:y ., i , E ,„,,,,,,,„ ii i i. ,,..1 , .... 1, 1 . ..f , :r , ti.. ti , , (;2 4 •1 t tl Mt :A:twist:tea. . to 1 ...b....rut ..,r., to DAM, Ott IN, I 1,,. I..cr ter s 1 SA .11E RATES PENNSY , LI'ANIA ~,, , x. _ 111 Per.... 1, ' tO I i tt t.i I.IA - al Vt.:\ 0 e"FS-Just re..teirtr7lfrrixtit, Vv;-.A..,,..0.a 4 ,.... 'b Le. ro t Oita a vault= ••• ~,. L ,,,,,, , , \ A, ~,,,,„„ ~c ., ,,,... ~,,,,,,, i .,,,,,,,,..,. x r ~,,,,, • „,, I , lA t t , rt..tottAx.,ll al, •111 4/11elemann. / 3 . RAILLLOXII CoIiPANY Tyre C I C'W V ttl. i fe' ' 4 ' ' fril l ikol, -tl.l bbls. fur Bah: 0- ? Trirlll 64. I ....re.? , 1, st 11 Mr( Li ii t i s n. , \ s s ,:d.rt 11,11114,,U11, CO the bo in In IT., In.uter. .1 ,-- " T., . timer , thue reat4 racitlt 9g. th ' ' _ign...'" - - ''''''''T ''''.... l w"'l:l'! l Lti' lll ' 4 .... _ a J.' , J. aIL 1441 I. .I, S A I LER AT US -ft tontt u irt z lste lL uf. , l o hbl.s., 4 0.. 1 .. 11 r : 8 : 1 1.4;7f 'I.T r, ' .4. -- . ' c "'''''' 'M'hat.t . oehntl..: d Ina l - 3)orhattttrlV'''' 1, E ICA li E EkAdIN EE-A. A M s ,ni.. 5.. 4 .`rr'',l`.l,' us r rs,,ta. t ..Th s `.1a11.41.5 a • Piolnaen4 itrirh r iti\ T.EA-100 LE eh'ts Y. H. Imp., and (k. P.; I .. 1 fru sato by .O ~ ....uow Ape . out b ar otook or Iserace, o ntol to'r.d.." \,,,__'“••_&."r°4 , tft.td 1. , .'. .• ma l. 6. =won= a co. .4 4 ' Liborty at m.. 6 4414 I rage .i. 1...... t 1.4,A,.... ~1.9, ~.,,,,.. ~) ‘ /WWII. aa4.110.44 La 042104.41. jr---"" -A-r, .Ast - ''—'. .... 1 Gr>cerir :ue~ of Kea Cottee at • Supsnrl• and M..la,,en are dull Whitley—Sete. at :2(3 1.4 CATTLE MARKET Leaver—Aboat '..60 head %ere uttered to day. and 6,i0 raid at :n.d,dsllrn.i on the Hoof, :equal to $1.30(7,5.75 att. averaging , rd.,d Hoge Sole. at ri5.75(7.i01 14 100. CLNCINNATI MARKET CIeeMIATI, Sept. Flour—The market iv very quirt, and sales toofined LO small lots at $:115 - r+ brrl.. Very little is arriving Whiskey—Sales at Nie Cheese-1s dull at lilc rPriir:sions—There 13 00 movement - in Uri market. Dried Frmi —There is a. Teri:l,l6re demand, itL sari, 400 lin apples it Hoe f or inferior, and fur prirno • The low stage /I' water prevents tenet letsi• neon in produce.• pha river has fallen fourinehes in the last 24 bourn. Cottau—The tnarlcat is doll, With galas 200 Wes, at a decline of 1 per cent. Middling LICIV troy is quoted at 84.: 14 PHILADELPHIA NEW FANCY GOODE. FaGNI ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GEW,LANY. CONSTANTLY ARRIVING; newEtele6 andpatt rt erto. an nnu.allr r‘ten,l,l variety. chore.' et l'r.rk Impoation yrric, 11.1 en Chins, ..r Terra Cro. War,. 73.1..tman Ivory, , Ilena and Pni.l.tr Maria Ar. . . .1c : Pit/ aae r I,r 1.%.k / L.; . J. W. liolberton, 75 Mud,. M ')} TE.ii ,nd FIiENCEI ara EN01.1."11 ‘,la, rual )6,• • IMMESENVII HOUSES, ARMS, &c Private Ilesid ce for Sale:\ THE PROPEt TY is o ered exceeding- It low. and an very gem m alit.terms l In Lunn ..igthly inea in the rata ly teuhrovlng (It of 2.l l 4gbeny. The m eilation ie u rurhearrerl in the tr., onrunranding • 4 1 0.4. • wof the eity of I be and three: rise at a glance. twahrlcs being ma went to the nun' pan. of 1 1 1ttab h.cocublnmst in eminent lierrpe tbe advaAtag. of be town and oruntn, The lot L. lar go. sonthrl. UM. all,aers of yr... Lt. one bundrand flftY foot runt. monkt l ''''. l t w o hUo dretl and Ott. Iraq ti \an a 1-y. The provententa am neer the lo.une brick- butlt b i ,,, i warn le. of the bent tnatersal. and Lotehed .1n t .be et manse having every et...recce that tool tape . akin mold riggent. 1, 1. Vr ° 4.ree1et, "' ..717.4:4 \ i i b d ' Z ' ci;dr2l * wa Tt-ri '' a:r . L . . henna and ntabling. a nairety of rhorre fr. rid nhruh bery In she... ne nttuptinti and advantage, nalLonlY Le appreciated try an exagranatates Of the prettits.4A, tivbrre al..ti wishing to,cirehnee ore Invited...lJ on tIS, UndT [L l% 'd. lt .. i ' s ' a ' ra ffi re " etarl ' ft l'' fo ' rVurin h crf .rliqr: f l '' ‘- ' d: drim. or to pinta. en rdeetlettr.. • '% arnS. NAIILD 2 I VES. 1 second tin . 4,. Valuable Real Estat at action. yILE SEJIiSCItIBER offer for le, nn 7,1„.•‘ . favorable tern.. the fallowing 1 - ITAnn .11 . d ."Zili\ ay of l'lttabtarh. v.:- No. I. ITht, valuable three etnry brieiadervl g hou'nerh on Frond stmt, between Alertnt ..1 h\t".l . nt eat. lE. lota being earh I . feet (rant by ..ternt. \o.:. Con. a. 4.7 11... t front on Third roast ratting the Th.! br it:., t: vu ClnimE. err which l La eree d on.. f.;ur .tors Frick h.,. n.... 4 an a printing etas, - a one t* 4 ? l:.. ' l . .o t n r n ' ti • ' l:tfl.c on the P etrel i.e.. or . r\Thur ay. are 11 h o mey, ut In Wei, OF A. M. TSi ...hi\ JOHN FEEMISIL. \ 'n o A:ritit m t.: . .k i ln4l , 4 .l, l , Stocky.. ...g.3:.1t. I"OR RENT-tTlie Seeena•and Tlard\,7 : c., IS Stnrie. of WarehoUre \nS. Aterket nt. fasta. , Wrs low. Enquire of h. C eItrCEION. ...a. own,cornet Alarkeila44 Th ird slue Country Siat - AuCtion! . -\ TlfEe undersigned ;sill offer for sale, at l!utdie A uel,l 4 n. on Ore in...1.'44.14 tarotuilen from 1 A gli.3 y City. ou the Perryn•lll4 Plunk ti, 1. on Med. nesday, the loth day of Septendaer nest. 0.24'0.1- P. M., a - hub-din laton of the proyerty en wirrehEre now mnide4, 1 .sohnining lauds of Jarman Wa1.44 eour4l,4lhl ELEVEN ClilllCk. LUII.DI\U S LOTS. of fro. two tt three {llll,l each. Thin otoserty ir error elf aro.. by tfre Plank Ito., Awl i WWI MI. admirably for ortuntry nee. brskng Lob - twenatlen from Allegheny Qty. 'neared to perhannAli moot health,' region In' the •icluit, of tn r city, and man... art , llghtful view, for unllen In‘ettent. of rich rile and fr. htl valley, where ecener, \ln \ unnurneened \hy any to the country. Them In vrwn.:l upoo rie s. yrroperty an arsacell4.nt ten ntnri4.l Foos. Maned... to nrhohrare attache.. .tabling. • well of g0...1 water. do. butt IsaOt.of the benthurOltn. in grael bearing rendition, are the hided over a tlurub, 4f. ..e. tt. \ \ Perm.. dor.aroas of further inf aties will rl/ M e the notarenber , at the afore `prom li li m n Federal Amer. Aileghtuy; et the !tank. Itoomnis a tn . ., Allegbenn; or al thv othrtr , r4f, Stowe all. At., r, No Ile Fourth atrevt, rittiburgh. wh ll of the lot, ran be sere. Terron-thne fourth earl., the hal.m ‘ lnt three equal aq. nual pa, en... 14., with Interest, metTnget.on&a , lV t onott\, `T g 1 toworhip..lt4,V. ISSI -ja:i;3ol.l Real ' Estate. \ '-, - Olt SALE- . .ftvit Houses and Lobsi in thei F .F.l : th Ward-one on Liberty rtrevt.. and thr,,1. 1 1 , . 1, . , Alw..-A piorrof ground. I , n 44,1 on Wel.nter •trert. by 3.4“...., on Sors4r , ei hon.., at St: 1.11... rt 4 .4. , , lloornel • , pr \ '‘. . . __ l IIEST RABLE PROPERTY on the: h . kr \ F linsg.En 211er:beer. ter j n.= t :. , 5 . ..1 . 1.: . 44e in u n „ 1 , ... , i ,„ w r .argrTin l b e ' A t i , tl .. !.7Xsire ' l...or 4114-en ' lrn... ' tt. thin. \ htrvet 11.14-. hn 401-,r0.vrna.r..41.1 oro,vrtv on a. • , s r. I ...rudoiruir tert. a 141. hr to. 4... ...curler. the 141 4a. 'art , 1,4 !errs on North Canal *Ore.. ruuniron, I wk Arr Liberty I n., rtmet ...nunntrit ..n.41.141 el Qll3, /I , In 31 1, , • b tr.\ I ,1`,, ,, y 11 font. • -r4.44 and t.rrria,,E..... rat the b‘ ~ the r..t 1 , 3to ... • ...•..11‘3/ . r.rer• uras }rra rslia, ,I V' sit ':, i . Lpt. rt., e C C. ....net ..1 . corrh au t ..... , , i .. r .....AL. 1 , • \ 1., IVO rl . ' • . /r 1 0 LET-A thr;ie • steitiv Brick tits' n 1.72 1 ' \ - 1. En pror . r 11 St - • '1:. N„, ,- Tiii - 1 . Eft:S- CiiV l \ ll- S. 14 : ) .\ ' I e_J - ai ' ri. '.". ‘ i j oi! , c s k. t h .., lLANT,-ir.r rtev‘o e'er emu. , .•. ,1 a ' •.r; : ',' EA. 1.. . ' :1 '. 1.- } 7. ,' 12 ',, :;,V,t ,' . • Tc,.. L :„ '' ‘.i ' .., ' ? ' ; ' , ' . " .v", " ; ' ,; - •. -' , ' '''-.,„'`,;. ~ mg on the Ennna .4.1 . - 114 8a1i:v.4A.... rti\o , .,rtr..r.... I. the r±r., !le! • .11 , 1NpL1,A31 , r11.., a:6 , 231.1ai ... 3, , ,... , t 1 .... t. , , , , l 41 ' . V.N . ,1 . : 1' ;I'i (I ' 1 ' ;: . ' s l l '...'"' N '' ''' ' r'''"'' \ For tNna ...Our , tt ii .\ 4 pito: ri . ,, ,Ati, ~ ;Vl' at the Ineoketo 4 1 \ h r . nr,%\h 1 _ ai.l. E ...tont Market 4.41 1 FOE 4E:4 -4.-i - :7191 , 4•Y ‘ .‘ ,,el and Di ling ah... , . a\birtoir...:44 ,a 01 nit iLah tw ma.l ~ re- ern 4....., ''h y r 1 .01 be ' .., • 6 'r r ‘ Ar i4 v lli':'. l hAll I 1 1 w, of -\ . \-.! . .".1.. " . i':ll:t • L' \ \ For \Sitio. - X ~ . A. ..1 3. ,‘ O L E ,..'' l.it i. cr .aiot ,,,, iiifitf . o , i , t , g ,„ l e rboet.. Au revt cir ..Ifin t ntr ' ent. d ' eat . r.tl.lsl , 4 C l ef etsvnnt IlLa 1-mhert in I. cat•nl .1. .1L • .n.l Iran,. .. . 1i..C.3.1011. • I LI, hri, at .4 0., Er, , NI, if, E., and `re .1 1.11144 .27 ,\. A M 1.... min. E., . ant ...re be uneet an lo' eltbvr ice Ctie e..nee Neve or Lao tvtetul .' ronsenll , -1,1 ...LS. ttne,oreLtr. • - Trra- , si. •hfrd . 1ra , 4 . 1 ...1 the 14..... , 1 arati4l ; 14.1,. ner.ord •y le.nd end th , tver :1 OWL d WAT..../N. 1 4.tt , ; , !.1' 1 ".. . '.;,lY!!_unli'c'. , TO - L.%T:, A RO 31. corcier of ti tit, and 1,11 \ . ..,, :Ai:, ti •'is J i, . ate. .._2l` OR 1 li.}:Xl-- 'lrr .. • 2., 1 Et, etz4-1,. near . r;. Eine Lek 1.41: no: out I:141 Me er... L .....• . nntuo-, men. S.. ' . 24.4 . he 1i0n.3 , 4111 t ' 'i 0n..4.il \ 1 . : Sewickley Pro] Ti ,,0:.,,,,rib,, ~p,,, or Laud. cors.arrsf At. , rtresr‘r lately own. 1. - tIA le Irot ;ou Land. bate.... tr. a end toe onio seer. I ebe 441. in well 414h:e1 . !, • , a I.oi. ~ .,,,k, toa•I roe.tr.L. ref,' P4r 1,‘. 1....4.; ~Z / i., Lit, et f a . ...e " . • r '" 4.. '. 1.1 . 4., l' v. ..., , ',.t. , . . ~ . . \ \ 'l' . EA.11 . 1. gi A ."•\ ' ' 1 '. A '\ MEDICAL. ' \‘'.-. '.. . - r 1 1 .• SA ‘;'r tOUILII . N Spion.. . L C . Jidd'a It[ ted Liquid Collole. • Alt. f,T ig.'7, l „T,1 1 a, , . 1 - Dzr. ,- • i rynis*RTict.v is intended for family nu, mei4e. i , dat th, 3tO InFt. aellaa.a, . . \ I \ ind thould bt , fout./.1 In the zoloosalcaa or a4cr Fano For fret •aor t, aaao. applr on . 33, or to ,* • I i ratty.. honl, ..11,c1,...4 who aoa In conatant daager td oln. N .: El I. 11 31ILTINI1 , GER....., t ,O,lnry to Metro...ma az . ..0 ao6tunt a and the 1.G . . rdCB N AII -L iiteTlie -7- l: \ .. n r affa.V . JVl.lnai l a i l ‘ 4l ' ngal-f'1111"'"1.1=del he Le\ dtd ue •e.na, r JANE, IRAN ' V, ',L . s - i •%a hie. . A • ' ~.,'" a pt. 1,,, Ben ,t. a 1,,,,,,, , the ~, ~, • • Tin clay. c.a., eat .., tt. undatalguial, 1310:1.4." 2 , =don totorl.t .to laktt. thta d ' a , a ; to 3 •q end, a 3.4 nectytu: Fa 31 red Ltdailentar..lo.lre , , tOr frrtzbtor vac 1., 64 )),...,rd. .rt. br ) lama . l'oanald k Cann, sliddlototro., Co.. • • a .ItIIY Madan , . 1 , 3 , 10 our profnialunaJ br.thron. art EGULA i ,. . ke K r ET II E. .‘' ~He'a mUi....t, , ,,, Of .dhonae nloatar, id droon d l TWEEN I'l AtlLlltall a. 11t.CKINC.. -burn'' -''' '''' 5 -.'4": '''''d 1 t'..ll'"°'''''' ":"' . r,--riie Pitor • 2 A.O Co,: ....o.r . 1 ." , - '-`` AI PF `. ' . ‘ l '''''' .q.-}; - -d. wi tooa Pa ...b WhoaiartrA:l4:3.., clut • • \ ‘ - „!,j 1 1" . 6',....P ~ItIRD• M. D. fl'Orcl; ' ,..A ir't473.'.ti J‘ .. ii ' ln ' .. '' " 1 " 1 "'" V v" ' ' '' - ' )4 \ arra r,d.t ' j3 ..*:.. .7' '. , ;,t;,;;-, .-:.; \ m „! .. ., :, . 0 ,, u 1 ,!.., tha, to rontona ragnlarly aultr. ll\ ~.„,,, -rtn'i.“,„.........,',,,,,..,.*. o s , iN \ Ed . ,- An. wtiEE\ ~c (i . ‘N 6 \ . \ laSI Nt II I Ath ET-7 h. , rdunina tamer 44'4 ..VILLI.. Cant .1:3 ang,lll rup .. a rr. ar mart It.t.« ttrobursh."Whothua Bodatoort, apt a...ft./t.-mg 111 burab evory,Ntondi ~ .r. tor t tar 4 Stonto' •II .1 " • , t a "'"'":i.b.rw" . u .,,,,.,. ij' :`: , irf......5i,,',94, r ;u n . DrthroOt , Ca and etut. , lto..ldrup3g, losaaal 16; rt and unt• , err Tureda,,ftornr and Sunny a.Friday alb. For IMO , ' or, loan.. sOnl.3'‘ou h/x3l, ero , f t IS K. H. 1!q.p . ..15yti;....L., „ Wit WHEELtiti 2ii t •/,.. ,nor lIICIAL. tr F. C0a...11, .111 I \ leer. ~ h.. att...., ...ton ronothato f< rt \on ~.. ~. 31/..1 11th moan, sal A,. N total • AItNISTIte ,t,. CfittZt.l. .it:.t lLtr:o I IDE G.LA,R. WE \ NTESDA - t:. - 7 pm. ^i , ..r, ci.Nc4.NNItl. nu, J,. LT truttnah .. ~ Thia , rp10n.1..1 bra arlatuilt Ly \ to ownors , tha. a!aanter trona. Newton. and Oterr.avr t Cie and 1 run:Liar et.trado, and .111 fano. I.'„ ', ' 7 2.°' V,. 'f.A r ,;i1A7,Z,..."',„''. 1 ,° c,'l7,',''.l,',XY ß tk ~„i i, , 311 - 1,n... BERGER. AtnV,.,-; ~ 'ULAN,. J'IliiBUI:G11 N'p \ \ . ~ 5, , . - A. ,,, , ,, ,, E ,,, La Tr ..V .l p z iit t .- 6 1,14 . .... e s uit, , . to Iti rto .rf..roatoa .rr rogo ha trNscokly on Let.ern thi. cl o a. .1 WI;1..olln tra.ix,l ,L t r t i torgLat `0 , , , 01 . ,,? 1 \ 1 . :. weeei ' ;,....re, ` ; 1 .ra . AY . 1,...F.1;. .'Vlrd'af.,l°.,t: ''.‘,`l''''''' r 'r f 'lll', l•rtl'Fil' 6 P 'T '..."' . a N 11; L. t17.1,11.dga .t 3. • 34 S 1 LL - NEOUS. AYEIViH CT , EY role all: cola, COUGHS, COUGHS, CO. / ,pARSE S TIN, WlNil'l2lll-00c,G \ I ASTII! CWINUT - 4 7 A MONO the nu\t,f2roil,,, LIDr n k 9:,.. LAW.. thin von atom.. of 111, 11,,,..,. U. ,c8.,4,Nt, 4.4,1 c. 2 1,u.n0 4xisteui - .4. Lu o. r. , t: t8 , n441,1 . 4 . m413411:4, chau thi, rt , otilbut,Bo r,I 6, , 41..rdiug Art 4e 4 4 . t trial olvu'ivr,r}ues C. ~ r Bat rourrll-1. Lua pra4ru I , BBrutni i, ,Cal3l4 tha 6? c,tubulatioo of modic..., ,t ut\rn. ,un o. tryl4o4 rut. tho ourteron, rano 4.. C.prilmor. t.K , hare btrberto awept fro., ~,\T ,h,,,, thou,. 8 ve[)fear 1n.18 , 81. CI, l• •,-.. olpute/ 1.41 tr“ licre n r,0...1.r ba.. a' !, o t• 3 V , NO i' t , : \ ..40 188 ?Nib , ' 8 u t , ." ilar,B the ;,,e: .1,,i11; ‘ ,.!1it ail,ll - Ir.,‘ \.O :pa.. /,..r..1 nil tt ,, t 1-rzi:t. 1..., r-ol•• nor rf.s.r‘f4.. .1 ft, our, ,1., ',l 1, 9,e . , 't, I,rl , ~,,..4t th,'- \11r....mg 8 , , , ,0/on, of rzularat`..4 , 4nlr, further ..,,qutt,, 1 , . the .. ...,41,, x !,,... 11,...5. .88,, ba r es 'Tzu, , l mil . .t1.7•8 Le rtt , .....l4 , h,irrag,h, ..4 St lu , s r. 41 re,/ , e 8 WAte. 4F'... atiivutatlerf , ..t.of th-def 4, . \ ' 1',,,,; , ',,,; 4 `? . "" (1. 4%: , \.-48 . "/ ,, ..rr..‘ , (P1i0- : 71:,,.. - f• . .118a , ... u ,, Pui\ - b•rf 8 1 . ,-,,, , c4 55. 1 ,414- 1 - 3.4 , 4 , 1 - 0:1,,,,a4.1 , Bt.. , zu. Al ~ ; 2,4,1, 1 3 rbaf tr 4: ao nautu,kr.l..f.r.o4 , t-f h- t. 1,, 01 ur n.. 1 . 02 d 14,1 1i. , .11,gc14.4yr y \ Vtl::: . ltl. ' ;ll,r47\hkel 1 \ Ei.01 . ,%4:1. 111:1 8 •1i0C4,11 1 1. : t. * ' • Yi.rh.'‘''''' ‘A.k"!l'''°'''4lVs-dl-\'''''' ".: '-Cr .1 ‘ g ' f,:i ‘ JlLt s . ,n., ~t ‘,...,5,,•.i.1,...r, r .. s ''' ..4,-., 1 , ,,t0r.:41`44 .8 1 ratraL:V4r..,,,, 1 ‘14, ,'. 1 . 3, : :: ' 8 N0r.1i1 8 ,,,,. et, her , ~,,n4, , \ i 6, ..., , .. , ..1. , :‘; .i. `c 1in:54,,,,...1 ~ h.,771,.0te, , 4.,:ts IrcolB , o4rte , ' ‘p., , , , f 1.1 F.v. , , - ,ci , ,,Crltliak4,() ,`.. \ ~,.•.,;':‘,;;'''1 , 1 1 11 , 2 , 4 P,,, , .. P .1-' .1 8 ' .%,'. I ' ;:,t, '' ' , ,ee 4 . : tors) cruf, , au 7 .. .. 4j. 78t V i;‘, ' :to r. fil.1% i ' l " 4,Trc ' tk '.'4.1iz,...'N.,-a . ,ig ; ,. .b,r:7;,, , , - ., - ,,, ,t4z \ .• 1,, , z.7.l.Lcz ...f =4 • ' 'V. CL eLC,14.N.11.1,:,A111.11,171.,411re,11, \ 4 1 ~.!;.' . ..1" ':k i\•. , .,., ,'1 .' ' N rfi , t r!., % ' ,W A-r‘r i; ' %..1,\..., ' ,.... ° , , A VlNior l . , Tiliffni ,-, 6r.i11'., •.‘: 11.. t., OC , ti,x,r. 41,. IL i1,rk..,. .1,. . ‘‘. 11 ' ..4 ' ... .`'. ri k'r . ‘ ' .--- \GriAd _.'.l. stoa !GI 01,1.1 N, AVT.,,ILSOA ‘,.:, . .• 413, nl.-1 , L4, :okL i Ul . al,. ....•.k , •/. YuriVl. , c' \ A ...'"'‘'. - .7J' - "''''•,;'l.t.i. ),',; :1457n"..'„.R..EnN:.,1:Ti•NC.ii,;;;..',. ~,,> ,'''''""`'`'.l'._.ii•::',..l".l,lc•• ` "•\ \ k‘,`H".- '..n- -- —"'-•`.`,` an.liantirw I\ , ,a+e 1...ry .., V.,1 1.11, \'‘V.C,:;.`j'• ta tt\r-r.. ,:),•1 tor t...‘1, ...• ft.: A,..,11: `, •i ' Ilk % \ , tiln I.orth":?;FAN- ' \ ' INP/MPePtll,lsl , lt . '. Kilmer.. \ ' ' • \\ ' e • Ice. \ .. . \\.. .. , . '' - ttintenteltrgt=r7\ '\ ' • \ kale lott the ride ..ei,4.,.. \ \ bettec4i.setiredler-*&lllitt. D" triet ' e;M• '', •\ ' .. \ Smuehlti.e. Co:WIN CNA". 14 earn.. or cp. • u. mu T Acr , % , ..... .0, all other d 1"... U. l l * . t• \ \- L 1.., c rp.,lslut. i i ‘i 1 .1. 3,10.• 111 , 0011 WWI! Mid .orna I ' ' sick a Nemo., Macho:tn. ertmte. 81sht EY Mit : 1.P.1. 1 ^ , ..k.. Lem CitroMe Otmerrtutlhusl • um.. the 1,, 3 I' Si :ax 41,4 • .I:ll..rArtu'%. IttriVeresl kg fes• the rel....and leluele ah ti , :nt e atvetet . ....,ceB.lll ,4l ••" . ' , e cIi'VCCX M.ru i tlEPTl ' ON '' L ' \ ',\ ' L' • ter.,t. mu. Lick Le..‘CemitretN7'B', '''''' " \ \ \ . \ tairlicomiale. • . ~. ~- \ . Site followithor tioneorbatlra4in It eertitutie .r"Li, , • . it ,' .. " 7 ' .:571,1,1,,,1 ' ;:i74 ' , .th t..: U mik - ,‘. 2:„. .\ .. , .:. . eiorpvcrial secohyllsbm4putrual the , 'Le Church. e \ , : \ Rev. 8.. toTerle,n Ireerrme nue e most • e ..t. v . .. L.. An E.. 1.1 •2+4l,lt4slour 111 tubers hat th e,ieutuerr.Ceekte ...test:i ' , mt.", of ler m '.: Mere. urti'M ;a" ":'''' i ' . ' lth ir --\ -- :`:- le.tet Loeb miki rt.-TV...eye I , , , tie27 . ipteT tt,r \ tb• IL ,; . .. f7.'l..C.eilt'L•).'etuilteriV..l.:: ti r t ' ir¢ N etil.447‘7 4" • • . l ' A'r l''''''' ' l l' ? ' l e• •'. P P " a ulsl' r' ' 0 - . ..' , \ •:\ • 'm... V .'"— Vroc&L.blay2tl.6-4141 ' •:', ' e • ~ • ii eU. ateet Joh . EttS'et a resepetike 'enel CeeksetrB . A "'4 l '.*""'""'' '7'''"k'''''"'"b" \ . . ' \'‘S' . • '''s '• It , ttett i tetteete that beace .t to It\ .11.3 vale, , , ~ t melt 1.1 eompour. 1 ml cal late" ett herein. =rot, , c.r . ,An 0 thltese meth , ),Itrorl,Ug. 104 "M \Vella thereto i\ .. \ \ ,• , ' ,„ ',. •talf a \ , ,1 rlnst , m.rr. 7 co_ War It . , to th e ate.: , S. 8 YENS. 1. \'e • \ . , \ ••• hAIsCSIYVL cu.seit.l*.m. . N.' \ Vitzw".;,,11,aA.,,. a eleet• t \MM ,7111th at mil \a . , \fe. ' \- 14 • 1 1 V ::t d7ol ' es . ' %I T ' : rlt tn7'e ' tt7i h r . te 7 = . ' 'en '' • . • - '''„ \\ \ cittk o to • . ,:1atit.i....1 ..1 , . , VVE.4.•,..te.Vi CA,TUIC * ' \ • . ' \\\\ , ' \ Tk.dr. In restore tc the a ...Pieper of hat Awe. , . • . e , rti , i; ,m , ereittkra ,,, •Lt i. V i t i, erfit3l:l.l.•=telp.l9= . . •\ , .„ r • ' 2, , \rt. \ \ m\ \ \ - \ ' \ It Ire See Oki the alcia‘ br knotihr, eves; r.kt•Tzte; . :( ever kl Alkeen. ceetteertnemchoitl.m he t hre .t, \ 1 \.\ e •' • . '" \ \ • etalthr. i 1 - 1,...... rte4tte ttritr t -o .ece97o , loBte ette.l. , . eir e'er'. ihe r0i1.... 4 4 . , t °""'''...B.".\\ ' ~ . • '‘` \ \ the Moo. em,lrreentte 'of *verb- I e 4.8 er.'ede.. the ~ ee et ramitittel 111xturra.,11.1,4eo. BAll m Earnermikle. .\ • t e , ..,1, fcctnivi eme•ar •ri, w or d \ CA ,o , ,,,, ' h . ~.0* \ - 1 \ . cK am, a ttftkrookit to . I_4l 1m4k,, , ~. . Te. irlori;\L , C4 c Fot/04;:n.9;, - - - Re.:‹cra \ Superplatc\ \\ • \ C.. ..4\qxtth Ezra 024 3 .1.. e. Sr.na- '. \ \ - .. . \ • , 2 ,tk Lcu , .‘ o . 1.. tt .. „ \ . t i ~,P2z. v . ,4 1 .,.4 . a . e .,,e7. . \ \ . . ~. Q.., ~..c....t,c.- F 1?0 Set terneltunts\ ootitleMett Jo a tt;"; Cutermse I*Uouttorße.reeparille ek Tura ne Le . s. IL h. he, tett oarieL. ''''"'""''' f...t.tri."tft•e hfc 4l.;ll • L' 01 I. :rto. ' l , '_'• . i'" 7 " t \' ~\i' . .`s. V ' eaieliLL, M. S, ' ":. • . i • \r \.„...5. r. setJ tm 6,lete. , \ . . . WM.: t2f s py .}flTN* s by .., pi.n.u.nicetexcZ, . ~ , 4 ‘`, 21 ' 2 -1 ,. .7: :.,, x r ' V \ .I\. ' \ \ 'Lo re teierett 08. Mae % \ ' • t ' ,.. ' ,. .t: \ N pr s eoc • rectAL -- '' - e the r. ----- ce. oh' tc t It\ \ ..._ ;EOTORAI '\ \ qN I:ROM:III -1 Our, , vcte;lScience Ptri.netr t u ar. , tbc t wthourtble • mo inei.4l6ixe t a dines& at tu,b 1 and Ciste I r " T \\, . • • s. , , ,