The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 08, 1851, Image 3

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Priar t ipe...R;efrition of the Writ , -
bliryk Ciimpemp,S.ifturday :was the time fixed for
the annual parade of eargallant firemen, awl=
!saltation bad beeria'efit to the members of the
Enterprien Company, of Welleburgh to et
' tend it, • Atait thirty perstalS connected with it,
"togethe'r - with their•eogine, »Lich though smell,
Is a very beauill'al piece oE, meth:artiste, elTieed
In this city onfriday eveuil l ng.l They.were more
especially the COOOL, of the Vigilant fire compa
ny, the•members of which had peid them a visit:
on the Fourth of July last, and, determined to
entertain them. properly, the latter gave dicers
magnificent bail at the lyilidnit Assembly Room;
. •
Where-the firemen spent the evening very pleas
Before , the prioccsi,ion formed, O 3 Saturday'
naormax4;• a larke number nt firemca and citizen
ani!mbled on 'third street, opposite . the engine,
- hicosile of the Vigilant, where the Enterprise fire
was formally welcomed to-tbe city by
It; Biddle Rehert3; Esq., Presldent.oi: the Fire
mires Association.
David Campbell, Esq-, received teem, on behalf
at' the members of the Vigilant Company, io rt
my neat speech, to which Mr; Nichols, of Wells
burgh responded in approptlute terms. The 1
spoechis itire received with shouts of applause:l
The rorioes.firc' Companies of the city, togeth
,er with two hose companies frem'Allegheny, as
sembled is Liberty street, with their right rest
ing on Murbury street. The windows in the vi
cinity were filled with 'ladies. and the streets
crowded with speotstore. Indeed 'we never re
member eating o, parade or the same nature,
arkhcia ercited more attention. °
• Alter-the lino bad been regularly formed, the
Wellebargh fire company passed,aloag it, being
reeeiemi with.amera. The President of the lin
ema:l Company presented diem wlthla wreath,
303.6 Ras lecelied, and the compliment properly
acknowledged by Dlr. Nichols. •
The following in the route token ny the pro
combo :
Down,Liberty'th Water, along to Penn, up to
St. Clair, across the old bridge, up Eederat to
Ohio strect..up to North Common, down to Band
street .bridge, across to Lilierty, down to Wand,
down to Water,,up to Giant, up in Third, up to
litosa and Pennsylvania Avenue, along to Logan,
-up to Wylie, dOwn to Grant, down to Water,
along to SMithGeid, 'op to Liberty. Rest halran
hour. - Eip Liberty to Flannery, along to Peon,
up Penn to Carroll, countermarch on Penn, down
to St. Clair; up to Marker; down to Water, down
Water to Feity, up Ferry to tho place of
The procession was headed by David Camp ,
hell, F.eq.'t the Chief Engineer or the Fire De-.
, i ,
'ltrtmcnt, and lby hinyorGathrie. Dy erly's Mass
band - followed, mod throughout almost the whole
•route, etatertai ed the procession near them with
their delightf Then came the members
of abe t Fireme 's ASS7C"ittioll, who filled Seven
tiro-hone c *Ages The Fire Wardens, on
iforselmeln, sit 'needed. .
rite Fourth' and hose compnoy, of Alleg heny
City, headed e procession of engines, It was
drfortvby thi y persons, dressed in citizens'
costume. The hose carriage was appropriately
decorated by wreaths of flowers, and various or,
usuneutal: devil. A iland of muck preceded
them. i .
The hose company, likewise of Abe
gbiu.r, Captaia Cooper Gang, Was drawn by 2.2
' memhers, dresed in red shirts with blue', collars,
and white paiataloons and ham They looked
• wail and had n band of movie with them.
The Eagle fireengine come neer, preceded by'
'the New BrightmkArtiLlery band. Seventy-five
member:a:appeared oa psiade, equipped in their
marl strikingly ''beactrifiil uniform of green,
tritmed with red, end white pantaloons. Their
apparatus Was drawn by six horse., end was in'
admirable order. tie bosses Jere ridden br .
postillions„ciad in the mtiform of the company—L
... the engine was prettily creamer-led, ecd in, fact,
downdo the Die!: minute detidis, everything eon
award with these gentlemen psve eridence of
great good taste
The Daituesnebrcrs band went before the Alio
glseny engine company, which 'mastered fifty
Mentiters. , Their uniforma was red hats and shirts,
bluitedlar, end white pantaloons. Tito engine
-was drawn by eight horses, and wai tiSey neatly
decorated. Etch tierve b.a ...7unu g lad
rider.. • s
„The Fairmount fire company come after the
Allegheny, accompanied by abseil. Its 'mem
bers made quite nu Imposing They
were fifty-six in number, dressed in red spangled
oldits, white pantalobas, and Mae esps. Their
engine was drawn by four horses
The -Columbia hose carriage was drawn by
'thirty manbers in citizni.' deer
The Enterprise fire eompaux, of Wellsbargh;
attracted great attention. ',Thirty-two nremi'ere
were in attendtlnce, drealell starts, tiaak
taps, and whitti p&ntaintala Their -engine is a
very pod oneiland'the members belonging to it
we maijlidge Iron their appearatioe,alge
lo . do-good fairies tot s a file Welleliergh may
well 43 pro:d - of:so fine a set at firemen.
Beardsley's Irese band was in front of the
. .
Vigslent einopshy, Sixty of oho members turn
. Mirout. They levied well, and were attired in o
' uniform elioiLsr to ftltst of - their guests, Cho
Wellsbusgh Ere cosnpxny. 'Their 'engine house
is immediately opposite nor office, en that we
bassfrequent opportunities of judging's( their
efficeney; cud Well do their duty • The
Vigilant engine was drawn by sixhorses.
"The Napalm fire company bad had the good
fortune to engage White's admirable brass bind,
/which , itoceonpaniea them , thpougnout the day.
r There Were fift y member, on o.e ; ground, drers
s.ed in white Pazitaloorm lean -„ Mae/bats. A mem
, her, in the costume or an Indian warrior. 'stood
on the,migine; a eery nito model of a ship , was
likewise upon it. The 'engine' was drown by
horses. . '
The Good Intent company bore a beautiful
banner, with the appropriate inscription' of—
•l welt try." •
Setynty members ; marched in the procession,
dimmed in Yellow hati and cape's, and white pan
taloons. The engint , was drawn by eight horses,
land the postillions -veers dressed end pr.iuted to
represent Indians. , ,
The aippount eb ne *ac,drown by tour
" hums, and fifty of its members appeared
parade.. They were richly dressed iu red span
white.pantaloone end bine cape. A
band: of .mtutic was hint - madam:a upon them
The Schnylkill And fire conipatiies'seem•
ed to hare'clubbed their &Inca. They ntrmbered
fifty,- sad were dressed with -great good taste.
• They,hoie a srellexecuo,i banner. repreaenting
thaernis nftho State. .
, The day was intensely wprm.l uotwitbitanding
" which, however, the •Ctrems
epectators, and nearly every one . seeped toker
rained to Eire the occasiou-ard =ice the most
of his .Isolyday,, In the , averting , a. copper wes
siren to the Enterprise Ere company, of winch
siewchis were delivered, totota &a • The
engine Lone a the Vigilant
- west itluciaated.
in the third story were three fine transpttrelibies,
rupee smiting the coats of arm. of VirFir,la and
- Pennsylvania, toF,ether with a beautiful finial de+
alga; abovnliielt Iris painted the word Eater
, p W Ile below It was the nano of
N 7B ilan^ "
WrS-Drit.—James Ellict,.falo u Catt4abie, sari
a resident of „blcKooshort, shot Doctor Forsha,-
of that plane, on Friday. Air VI, loathed the
Raiiiculars, Doctor Foisba had FuraiohFdlabot
with some stipulating that if it, did not
ettre . him, be would not denuani onythini in pay
nuttit, 'Elliot asserted that it had not cured bite
'when .Forsha presented his 1411, and-the portico
arernafterwattli on bad forma.
.011 . Pridely they rent, eel Forstur denotuded
payllisnt, which he opponenr refused, a nd .
scuffle ensuing,:the latter droWA plaint and shot
hint through theleart. , lie a. 1.4 itum . cdiatotyl
Elliot admitted that ho tired ho ton 4.y I.
thit he only " intehded to eb ''oratui to the
'4U'rn." "A 'coroner' , inquest , irati held npon tot
deceased, and Mot ABS committed to prison,
charged, oiroath of. James flarrisou, with carol-
Cassie levastraa.—Aatung Say Pr
shot at ,Harass, Isms William Nictaart 9: All .-
lbeay. City.
.Sicce deatit, tia tatiitt
, learn, received , letters writtea'utter tie:ron
' 'denition.
'John Stubbs, of-the Lune I.lae, wiYel99 ex
ettited at limn* ,
tateurr.--Jaines Sakti a-sia eamealttati tS,
prison; on.Frtday; by Aldernsio LA. ,Iforton;
..4 . seavv3; Ohl& own conisasiva, with larip"
1 1 .
- . -
Forel/dor Science, or th Sarcei,fie 'Esplanaiton of
Common thinya.—We aro indebted. to Means.
Elliot and English for gimpy of the above eiceed
ingly interesting and very useful work, edited
by ft. E. Peterson Esq., of' the Philadelphia
Acadeecy of Natural Scienaes. It contains a
full account of each of the thousand and one oc-,
currencesof every- day life, on which, as they
are always:occurring around no, we fear that
too feu rake-the trouble to think. As a work
of rekrenie, it is invaluable to common leaders.
The work is very neatly printed by Robert
E Peterbou, North West corner of Fifth and
Arch streets, Philadelphia.
Gras Bea/cr.—The barn of Mi. Robert Stew
art, of Sheer Township, wan burnt on..Fliday
maiming, with all its conteittl. It contained a
great deal of hay And grain together with 11
number of agricultural implements. The loss
le over two thousand dollars. There is rut 'in.
stunner of about seven hundred dollars in the
Washington State Mutual Insurance Coirepany;'
MATIDANCS.—John Barton, Esq., on Saturday
moved in the Supreme Court for a writ of man
.demus, directed against Ex-Mayor Rnab, and
his honor, Hugh S. Fleming, the present Stayor
of Allegheny City. • It is alleged that they re
fused to apply the poorifund in acoordance with
the wishes of the Directors of the Poor.
The writ waa made returzable on Saturday
next. when we will be able to lean the merits of
the case. •
C/iLliCir. 'dr 62(11 , PLIALL—W41 iC.TI2 that suit
has been commenced in the District Court of
this county, against C. Evans, Jane B. Evans,
Philip Lamps, and Lords Peloute for cbaspirany,
at the insm.nee of Mr. Isaac, Gregg, who wan
respondent in the 'recent lunacy trial, and pro
nounced of sound mind by the jury.
Mrs. Gregg, wife of the respondent, has been
stopping with Cadwallader Evans, Esq. sines she
left her husband.
Surma Cotiar.—The Beach of the Supreme
Gorr. la now full, Judge Bell havilfg arrived in
this city on Saturday.
Acctt•snr.—A hone ran away on Smith
field street during the parade on Saturday
knocking down three little children in its ewirse
but forbanately tiler escaped with_w few Moon
siderable bruises.
Brssama—a man named George Gardner
Was stabbed. on Saturday night, by n person
. kis . owm . as Plage XL'Kuight. The wound, for
tunately, was a slight one, though it reached the
and. Gardner bled freely.
Tile panics had had an old grudge against each
other. F
.Tur.Dowss Cesr..—Judge Bell having arrived,
we' presume tide important case will soon be to.-
ken up, all the bearing was postponed in conse
quence of his absence.
ImowarD.—A young
_man named Andrew
Kaufman, a printer who worked for the Meson.
Kinnedy, in Third street, was unfortunately
drowned on Saturday evening. . lie had gono in
to bathe, and got oat of his depth. Teo young
Men went to his assistance, but were nearly ,
drowned by his struggles, and had to abandon
him. Thu body wsui recovered in the mensing,
and the Coroner returned a verdict of "Rent
dentady drowned
Ivonorsce.—This body met at fhe St. Chailm
at eleven o'clock, on Saturday, and made thee
larmagemeats for receivig Clover and
I Victory " The "Bigler Club — are fairly out
generailed, and ..victory" has perched upon the
banners of the old school Democrats • who pup
port Buchanan. ,
.Cassurr Sean. —The Rev., David R. Kerr,'
Professor of Ecclesiastical History. in the The
ological Seminary of the Associate Reformed
PresbytOrian Church. preached yesterday to'
the Reverend A. W. Black's congregation in be?
half of the excellent public hostital establishid
by the Reverend Mr. Passainnt we trust that
a large collection was raised
itspoar.—The following report was read by the
Committee so Claims and Accounts, at the last
meeting of the Councils of Allegheny City:
The Committee, on Claims and Accounts, to
whom was referred the memorial of Frederick
ktchroeder; with instructions to report •• all the
cases of damages 'which may arine on the open
ing of Allegheny Avenue," beg leave to report,
that they have no means of information from,
which to furnish Councils with nil the cases of
damages which must arise on the opening of chic
Your committee coo ildurttlefLatat come rears
since a resohition was passed by Councils, ao
thorizing' the City Regulator to take the necee.
fiery steps to have thin tweet Jpenixi, which he
dui, but some or the property owners had a j ury
.appointed by Conn to assets damage., and t'oun
-ciLs afterwards repealed the order.. and
.a 11. that
had been done towards ifs being opened ti,Plia•
a nullity. .
At that time, your committee are 111/0.464,
out large property holder, °eying property on
one aide of the contemplated street, had agreed
• to relitiquish his right to damages, but the, city
having annulled the proceedings by repealing the
outer, thergrant was not secured; and the property
has since been sold to theOldo and Vemisylvania
- Railroad Company.
Several of those ownaig peopezty , .abutting ....L.
this street, we are told, claim datnages, but to
what amount we know not, but sathe city, under
the present plan of opening this street, will have
,flefoot the billeof liatuages, we think It will be a
considerable time, ere she will be in . a coalition
el pay them.
.IThe City Regalittor has again, under metric
. LIS from Councile, proceeded tu take the aw
-1 ... sexy turps for opening this street, which will
re ps
ail did the former, with a claim
for damages on the part of some of those own
-1 big property; through which the street pease.
1 : Mr. Schroeder i a case, your. committee - con.
eider a peculiarly hard one, so ha can neither
improve nor sell hiding; and we can only recom
mend to Cowl - ails to purchase find pay hike for it,
if the street is.opeisetl, an the cite will eventually
I have to do so, if llse . present plan for . opening
1 this street is carriid out
Your Committed are of the opinion. that those
owning property on this street, and who are,
urging the opening of it, should put their shoul
ders to the wheel; and ascertain who of them are
willing to. claims for. damages, and what
the damages are Mealy to be, and thus Chimmils
can be &mashed with the information asked of
your - committee. t,nou Datarse,
Chairman of Committee .
rFEET—A large and convenic
WAREHOUer...Srmg scr , e,bElisatiVood
latchllald. Enquire a.
I aro3 WU. d. Joicisz;
yOR RENT—The Warehoube.:No. 189 mr,
Libert7.e , ... c..A. by Tbmaas
roam. Popotval. e t. m on du '
in:p2:llNrj k:nn nirnnf T. BROWN, on preinben
10,-Nplasi" - LAID PAPERS.—Tbe best
L 4 London Cap gad Letter Parer's, bitti anti map
teal* dal at W a. lie VE.N . S Paper Warehouse,
C•elal rower Market sod SeeitatLato
i ii aCENDID SLLKS—A. A. Mssols* Cu.
UU sav. jun reed a beautiful usaustartut of .err
eaufeu unit plain black Elite Ttu above &Arable gouls
art - .melt worth tbe sittantlor purthearta. kia/,.feff
superior Uri...lea:rive. tau Clem/. beautiful Clean.
%JEW DRESS GOODS--Nif.e are no* re
tairaa swim. hall Wicact DIVRII6I, path
lwladop,Cubmagriso. Pop Ma. Pars lamßopAlpa......rY. ,
situ, trench Mn ent. and Tb C IWO
Maces tow Opel, iorp3l 4...31 E.O . N a CU.
urarn 000D9—A. A. •Meztox
pki .ad
/a4ta book PP'. Hall, Mumma Masan% &a. • tam,' rt•
os.artsnrat DIA .17 '
1.14. and 24 kegs for bale by
p wp3 WM. iC . JormtrdN
11 . EMbIS- 7 7.5 dot. f? r ttl ..
V ~,,..IV3I
lk - z i GA , .R.-97 bblo tder,.'or sale-by -
i C .II.JOIINVION. • --'
Ramon of num Plat: a Tillage Tale. ,if
.D4 Liscardne. Translated Roar= ~...11 . -p4 4 '
.each of lieu. Edward bickersta la ultiictorof Wat-
tin,llan; by Rare. T. IL Birks.M.A.. of Rellehall. 0
ro t with 'an Intrcducticat by Stephen .1 - lat. D. 0.11
• ladhan'ii Kum. Antianittew • friatani of Robyn An. ;
*still= withouranoustiJurtrutiouw. of lthari. Anthon. '
L. L: U.
/doh! In the Dub Pl4c. or litetacciale of Christian Lips 1
in the :diddle Atim faim the imam= of th. bate Auras.
twa Netindar. lawn,mu..
The Stir of ch. WleeDera a Daum- - rotary =the Swung
haat= of 3t. Pist.thito,. by Richard f,lbmwri: trench. W.
; IJ, Exatnioing.Claplain a the iborti DiahaPa °UHT , . H.-1
Reels= from Lbw Load . = =Dior, tong .. ~
Trwinis' Algebra.— of gels; diraisraid
for Repttoters by Ell= Locale. Id. A.. lessor of Matti.
=Vim. oe. ,
No. 0 Vittoria Dirld Rook of the itorointlota Driuthi.
dor • f r abar r + ad fiLc i ef f,, lzr4 , Dew idatitlltlT A Sue.
scp: . 7H ati.lll, litrildisal a Fourth . =
----' 1
' !CR 'Third =raid• a•Padle the Out OD a'
sarpur . • A1110:11,41. far Pepteraber
The Corif..r: /in iiiricfl.l Naval .
i•ontheton sad rhadows, or Duds erici Ilittii3ol2ll. •
LatifElipellOr Stuart Wortley'. 711•<1 , 11u the U. Staitat
Lanai= of • Sachilo . ,r ii. Book cf MA Eia=t
ptt•ll l 4 Llffnacitge, itu. P3l . •
t i .1. ,... M .1 2,1. 1 1 e , 2f ; e b tir i tA:tlizott t !L . !. P.ll. Jamas
La a tal• of tral iaidert Paot.
r'Lli.llo4 of liciaux/rlca • 111 c. a. ;
d - be 13. H. Port Lidice Outto • . , . .
Naar Azar, torte.eoinc., :le ' I
Ralph Ruiharkord.. Pee Ulu. • •
The twalp lictders • tsle dal
• The Rode) Arcidurcit. witho• et ecttagest trite , .
Suburban Junticrued, t
liktiOnary of MiChllll%. No;87. ;
TirHaTo P :rib l • ld e.tbk y oAh V if 11 ' 1/ . 4V: 5 i1 1 % Woof, W star
1.. • -
i no io=r4Dtushter, ..tale of Indian D•privirri Li
Ectaracia Boor.=
. - Tha lidtratuvia of Purl riintnittlei, SOS 17.rf ' :. •
1 Tbc Cravat= of Llbotasis by Lame
Eputro 4r the duloca of rat* by 11.. Diantdion •
41. t. • Probleria by ch. author . of 'Alton Loo
" •
Th. Turner's Companhm. with Illoatratkaith'
1 Triaeler's lied= thro_ash t lOl. . S. and Gana.
, HS.: tst tbs Show DSC. • of roll life, by Cid==
le* fiats.
.. .
.Ibia 114.q.0f Wart WitYlarde; rid,: O f a ir , th k r i tt : ,
xtu, Ito.; Or Dakar. " - wiTT•
C C I .Ff 2 LE -4CI° bag* PpDfatt'APl.
_ ___
Nr, lour, C.
The steamer Empiro City from EIBTSIIII arrived
this . afternoon nt 3 o'clock, with dates to the
let blatant. The eteamer CreacentCity lies also
Habana has been the scenel of festivities, jn.
bile's; and rejoicings fur the Wit three days, in'
conseqneuce of the capture lof Lopes and his
The news of the capture of Lopez reached ila
van,: on the 30th ult. On that evening all the
principal building: of the city were illuminated,.
and a gratid torch light procession was formed
The city was full of rejoicing.
Lope: was taken in the interior, wandesing
about alone, and nearly ezhanated,from fatigue
and hunger. lie asked for !something to eat at
a farm house and permission to lie down, which
was accorded to him and while asleep was
made prisoner.
Of the followers'of Lopez. 100 are now in
Prison at Havana, nOli are to be seat to Spain
for ten year's eonfoiement in the dungeons.—
'f.hey represent that their eilfferings before, be
ing taken were most intense. For several days
they lived upon the I leaves of trees. The hot
meal, they eat Was the horse of Oen. Lopez.
They had no arms hen taken. .
The remainder of the expedition ~have either
been shot or perished from longer ,
Capt. Platt,' of the sloop of war Albany, vis
ited the prisoners in prison, and gained inter
esting accounts from them, which will be for
warded to the United States.' ,
; The loss of the Spanish troops As over 2000
They were defeated in every engagement. Gen.
Enna was killed at the head of his advancing
columns. .
Lopez was garotted at Havana on the Ist in
stant, at 7 o'cl.c. A. M. He ascended the
platform with much firmness, and made a short
speech to the populace. His last words were—
"l die for my beloved Cuba." lie then took
his seat, the machine was adjusted, and in two
minutes'he was dead.
The prisoners say that in no instancy Las the
Creoles manifested the least disposition to juia
The Empire City brings u 9 passenger; from
Cliagrfti, and from Ilarana. , She brings but
a trifling amount of specie.
The Falcon, from Chagreil. arrived at /larana
on the 51st ult., with 29U passengers.
The Empire City brings a large iiBVOll6
The United States tio,p of Albany war was
at Havana.
The list of prisoners thus far given, bee tie
following —Thos. Little And Geo, Wilson, of
Philidelphis: Issas Frellems, of Ohio: Robert
M. Cricken, Nialbon H. !loon, and W. li. Van
dyke, of Ey: W. H. Cameron, of V. Thos . .
Morrow and W A Reeves, of 'Mississippi
WASIILNGTV: , , ' Sept. h
The President has appoioted Edward S. Phelps.
of Burlington, Vermont, sou of Senator Phelps,
Secoid Comptroller of the Treasury, - Tice
land Hall, appointed to the California Land
Rea Vows, Sept. U.
Cotton—Prices have 101'761leed > I'4 n„ with
sales 250 bales.
Flour—Sale% :Nth) b ils at. $.3.75(7-3,94 for
fridiana, rs3,Bl€o for State and Ohio, and i -
fa44,12+ for prime , existsec
Orain—Wheat is brisk. with sales of a cargo
of Michigan ut ' - .3( . 3 94e, and 150 hrishels of
(ha at 80c 1.4 ho. Rye is doll at 2iic. Corn 14
firm, with sales 1200 bushels, western mixed at
?envisions—Pork is languid. with sales mess
at $1.5;87, and of prime ar. $.12,25 bbl Lard
is held at 9iee9lc.
Whiskey--Sales of Ohio at 73c iJ gal
Naval Stores--Supplies are scarce. Crude
turpentige is held a• sail spirits tur
pentine at:ltic V gal.
Linseed Oil —ls quiet at 74e.
Tobacce—Sales. ;10 'And. Kentucky at 4.'i
Gic lb.
'Groceries—The market to Inactive. :E.Alea.
bags Rio coffee at 9ic. ?ales Q..elas sup, .1
51e q 3 tb ,
Efeta ri -The market is dug sates 45 1...1a,
dew rottod et $127.511 - ta. too
Stocks--Caotosa has decimal taus:
Reading et.
11.1 fun!, t
slius 1 VI, I..trbi• IA 114
and- Up 1.4.4 •
Flour—date. 1,1•1, srt.•• 71rt , 1 mr , 41.,
Ji3l•3l.il3—tiales .1 - I
Cab:, and of Uiahigaa a 4ile n.llO C• •
ltio tN. earn at Illll.a at fur usual ac-6-tens
kre trw, t.ta +alert art thaftea
Linsee,t • :4c jr s.
Penn .I.4tiLut..
9.1.1 E in st refl.
I,lhe ecru , . 4 , ,,n Man •-k :Le
P,cirt Ward I , Mtre,nrgr.. e and latternatl. -- al M , Ina 111 do , a.
ier.tember. The num I.o.'MehM , d.
and tha ateirlem, latent - I,n I. pawl th er
and morals or co, attic, $l , l
te . eze:ntatlim :, Lo cent, the of a rasua ,
ut .4do loam th.trae.
Wilictnsbarg Academy
Ifale and FChl;:tie • Enyii•ii and 01ci.irul &A,l.
Inurtstrso. Aua ccury 1..
T....IUTS INSTITUTION will tle pen for
retention cf_phulls lambe and h.tualv) on Mom. Ar.
21111112 I.L The eourer ..f.ln•troct.Jh elmgetre ,
the branchee taucht It? he.t Arralemitt y%".
Illuatrations te.clecatt all I , renrh.eWmlt
at them. the Fchr.,l nr•,vilk-i eat. a. eittnriTt an.l
valuable Phlloenyhlral. Chetukel. ard AatronotnicvlOp
paratta. For etroalers. mil partleular..e.l
tern-eV, addives the Prlt.`ll4o.
Young' Ladies' Seminary.
'.ll4e=l/ “"""'n
Proplls are taught tu , ryeat ae a.. 1,24 the Fret,
Language. No charge t..t. Mot it
Vottehorsth. Almost OLL
Mr. Griggs' Grammar Bch*,
of thr Diamond, Allrytheny Cu
THERE are Two Sell4l[oll/4 a year, each of
vrotk., "
pltion. S we be&alcm.
. .
• The College of St. hams.
teThDiattten Coilep.of the YrotetLaut h01,..4,11(1, arta , 1
. op.. MONDAY. Octant . oth. lot.l. and ceatlnve
nu th• text "onalat...-1-arat dol. - the last , Thureeler ~, '
July, 1..54 tire etudosits are ne - teutoonaled to eatoratthe
oyealag of ty oeeolou. but are rereleed at say tie,t
tg&1;1,....aad I t o rlsor t , le estimated Cro. the dAte , d 1 b ... l
. gr T il t ' ll 6r tis i e L ot . ' 4 p , let b ati t Vs ° f or ' ' l lo ct az ° , l` ; ' ::: ' , ` ,,, ' ; ' ,.;::. ' . ' .. - ,.., fi
the oth,es•foltercalnetion of the cw.e . glet. -41:,.....-unfere 1
ro TIVVILIIntr gattlYiVraTm i ll ' llFt.iihthlht . , ,4 .
Cone., .4 ander lb. Atsparthdr. of Lto. Irctot. hthv A L O
Cler fund , dbalpilne. netters led. at tae boalonlne ~
their anulesaltaboalaree. sod preoarea tia. hr It. ~,.
01010 New!, The orertlght and dir,Llcn of IL. 1,1 , i. 1
ohm of the College wears 'aerial aletataxte to the ~...o:
In the Orpenalar &awl. .
In the hIgHCANTILE CLAS4t:6, the .soda 'if lire. ,
caalttod. sod ILA Dia, Ar.pptiel L., ahhtl...nal ,ladle, It
.51.1ern Lonotrages. 1.4 - .l,kwylok. A".
Tha situation of the Celle. Is slack la 0110.01. ot) .
by its dlotance hum town: anl tilla.tes, very farorab:e t, l
goad morals *ad order. l
HEMP 114 LL. a new talldino, lb feet ty 40. 1110 1 , .
far acenpation la lb. eoune, id the e , mica ~ - , 1 ,,n
la addition to thi lamer carte, of Trorresore. ila•lrvet., ,, .
boo. rooeutle appoia..l numb Des' Evan, J. 1.. 0.. leo
toter on Cloil and I,calcoLastkel hew. and .o, , an 11. Al,. ,
s°lll7;teLlLl'elt-Chsr it 1 1%. " ro:tro! ' e ' 210 `"„ it ," 0=1 ", ?ttli Rome
a the Craleee awl tiremamr Sebonl, le two handx;.l , or ,
twenty.f.e4 aollazil, aareht" 11eF 4, .... ^4, 4 ' . loon " '
... Applktelont fur ndtpleolon h , Le ttmle to
Itze. J017t4 11 tt Euro.yr. D. 1.,.. Iteet, r,
Colieg., et St. Jon..-' I', h .
Wth.Lingtou cohatf. tllt, lent
li. B.—Penelut In Fettsburol, wlshltar uny suiortueits.
. reneeetlna this Lastitutlon, are referrel to tbo 11,-e 'VI e.,
dery Lt. Lyman, who
torah:7ly a Truste ,
! • at4,15:41. , 61
' .- .
'PILE Stocklinlder,of "The Little Saw Mill
ILno RsWWI Coakoany."
inotaßoont oi }lv* pir share to 1 , g0. ,, t B , PO , /
on at bolbro Lb. lot Jay of Clcmt..3 . orxt.
By older of Lb. Board of Diro,tors.
.al:davrtalß A I.BX. cI.I[NA BAN. T r Lo.
Not to Contractors.
BALED! PROPUSAI.S tbr the M; I.:to:nano
1.3 .41.1t.11m, cl tb..l.rntk .1 . — li, 1.1t11.1 1 / 4 .,llllii„ma.
ii Ilnwl" cllll,i, the .1 IL.
war. until the I,lh 1“,s1
cite./.1141,0 .•••• • tter the GM 1.1 ,1.,./A.usLot. ,all
Pre.l.l.tit ‘•
41/.....0y, SI It, 11.111,14 N1.110..A14
t4tr l /hiy .
11.111 tap 11.11,..t4 Cr.u.pasal Il
II II I:01.1,
P A- -100 hi. cb'sa .1( Jr., Lop.. 311,1 IJ. Y .
J LILN utti 11 al,,
416BAccu—iill 1..;P1 extra, for .1e by
0.0'7, , .• ..1.1t.W..11'111 a
1 .1104 2 - tierce, r44s'%l
lOTA fnr aaln b
r.r: • .1 I.ILW)kTII
pitily r l „ra so pp iv a Ilntunl
&tutu', ala, batil a(JIIr 0,1. at lotion lal..
sap= J. E. 411,11111(211 &
to COFFEE-1 10 Lipa -'. .1
g.,.. . .).Tt r i,Zu a llTl l l " :
lliii•E'llißiCii.-211,0•11.1 'Silk. low to . nlnu
coasagarana, L. JANINI• bALatl.l. •
ai!4ll •
O. 3 AIIAbICER.F.I. - 129 1 Ll.. f. , r raL IBC
.u¢2l a Ir L IIAIIaAI-1111
O. DIOLASBI,6O bbls.(oak) fur sale
by suaZD HOWSON, LITTLI, a Co.
SUtiAile-20 'lds. N. 0., for
It Call*o2l urtu 1.4.•
OE JOHNSTOWN., Tins well known e iblisbment is still oon
' du ted in the same m ner It has alba ? . been. TL•
mmtrai LI pleasant sittati.r, of Mr boom, 1= rommvir
lon. arrabi t ement., and tbo rtmfatt, mad luxuries m be
I mand Mere, combine to ran or it sumrablo and advs...
H u ellaßt4 r foli:',A the r= of John L. Tucker at Co
CHANGE OF HOGR. long at the biad o tba reml.hrixmaLbtbe
Bzure ..
, s , Eus . D! LAbd ri tr y et: n b o. I.
o e t, ,t , rll o
h o . n ; , , t ,,, oi t ro ol l , n , tai i ; m ito li be it ot .Ai tb K ti E on n , end
Pennsw/vmsta Rcrilroad EzpreAs • absll. , (ioMito
7,1 miles ital/road b.. 7. tones Canal.
PHILISO.I bLeL..tor rbaroamatt ILOTTt TO
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats,
• ....44,••••••••••
On and after Morfus, August 25th, the
Parlet4 Idt.e nilh leer; Pltzmbutgn f,2Loetport
("eery cradling at d'e1....1( and ...ter,. ew•talun it ((o'clock.
pre•l•ely to the Car, or bo n•••
Itnere4landy after their art - hull aI
<FATTin, threldh. Forty ilnors.lad
ElN'll'!‘(:ltingrl'.7TYl,m4•,?'ng'" ,o ueh BIX
• re. (I•elny tor rnty at to leer
and trarel4 cnohl.n; tit , . on ((tried at Philadelphia to
premed on to Nen , Yore at once.
P15af.1,136/13 FOR Da LTMORE
Take thelork and Cumberland Ilallroad, of Ilarriaburit.
elahrY.fur mllrn. Time. POUR how. -
Farr to Ball a / a lp b 11, SIO. Fare Baltimore, 89.76.
do Laormater o liarriabomi V 3,00.
If you deriros cheap traveling and eamfurtahle erratum°.
darlohl , arc.* our tlrkera sd. the 'Cele! 011 Ire. Alouallka
hela How,. uf
J. P. ❑OLMES. Agent,
D. LEECH . 1 CO., •
Omni 1.4.1, Penn 14:1,t.
McHenry's Philadelphia Et Liverpool Line
of Packets.
_ .
4 . Soiling from Pllilluleirthia on the :414-
lith.andrl,l .
~.rp, , l no the lal of ("h
tiUltoPE. Nathaniel C. I
Harris, n
11E11LIN, Alfred F. Stotth. Mast,
SIIACKAALOZON, (new.) IV. W. Wert, hater.
The above ahlps bath of the b.e andonart. roslly
aterials. and are natal far the rupahly ad their parkmgew
they are Etted Lin will ill latest improrementa. axe man .
thoroughly Tentilated. and are uneurpnsad far their uc.
rvtumodatlonn ~cend nor
and .Sfarrun r enOrrci
they are eruntoninied by Men .1 se know ledrtedLaleut. who
ar. unequallid for thcir orperienre In the whet reraloe
l'ersons 41,siroua of brunting their „friend. Item the Old
Countrr can L Ltain rertinc , parauge. which wll be
goal 'for •Lght month, and c ur t na,te in Ireland an d LIT
repel will furribh them with the Orator Information and
Instrueelonrrelatlre to thi,r departure.
For the ronrcnienee of tr...."aonnera wishing to rend ma
att , ere supply draft, tar LI .tarlitiu and upward, purr.ble
theviiht without dircrunt. which will le. rushed by un.l at
the 11.13 or 1 , 4 the Culled lilng4otn.
/Q-Prorlsion. surplimi vast rigera coming from Liver
Fret" week the
tr o t, s, llwl l u , suhhlies <al or fun:Eh - bed
earh pai.zenger of 12 of age and oar 23i lb.- br‘wd ,
2 lb, Ile*. 2 or.. tea. 5 lire. oattneal, , S eugur. 1 lb dour,
eo,lb pert. Under 1 o f )Ler. of age,
it, perk. full allowance water and win.
n .7 drhalf IrP7)• " Sr-I r l. r , ' ,l{T ° P ` or. " •
Ner Walr.ut Philadolnhla:
WM. Fl,Ol 11,
~clr:tf corner Sixth and Wood rte.. l'lttrburgh.
1851. f,
Dunkirk nnd thr Erin Itallrnati. nconertinnvltL
.-rr; on Lair Vrie, the ' , Dail... einr*latul,
entutuhui nut Cineinnztl. Cleveland and l'iltsburnh. sud
Sanduskn cud Cunnit.nnti Itailrundo, and ot,artorn en [h..
cad !li:.ohnlnpi riser, zuni _Mr Ulu, InJlana and
Nunn ' ivanin Dann lDA INS k.
• undayn rn.epu.d.!
Zad I:rerno:
TLr liell Trr.l, atop. at Elcolni, rrlirra na...maars can
.itep LOUT, and .Le lirpet:a Trait, nrrlTin: In N.,
V:rk 11.-xt al ,- .-ning at 9 making the • Lolr distnora
The Ea FrelOtt andCuttir. Train leorss Dunkirk at
doll, a 1 . 1.•..t.t0.t. Cat I, to. N4Train m i,rcantroodate NVI) l'aat.orrta and Itrov,-A.
4tar rare rruna Dunkirk to Ne, Vura, Sresnd Clan
prices alit Atran in aha dell.
ibi. W T .r' Dr`P.neA h, ra rt IM. nmct .ud
fml¢bu of .11 kfoA. t: wi Irom •. 'l ork
Pant=lor attouttun w 1
!. he putt. to Stork. Tb• putt,
C trot 'rid, utrrr ti
cr‘et al .
illfs11,10• is th• trtovportatit. u 1 rtn. - k
.CF.Z.l.ltlrtard't tutu. utr. he put in tuturtltutott to •
Tor) rt. - at Ural.
n•I2IA TA:lffy xlll , glrLug full
l.IVT'1;1 rru
pvpyr/ I\;u.
Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents.
'lv II E tine passenger ,teaniers
Jit PI , A ecd sitelll4.o , :So
kneetio a Ina lOt.hor-41+ oso.l
rbaonr, ern, „rhshhly, 4 nan,44-144 a• .u...--
Mt. 4444rr,r htt4inary h • p. do g.r 4.'44. •
hiaan d 44 P
h 4, 444a4 143.41 lu 4,4 to Ih•asnr ran VIA WV V.117L.111,13
'Fink. 1444-b” et an I hank . Ihtt.harath h al, at.
la Yr, xh.l ha, %hi ao th. u 41
Mkt:Age; Is,.
1.4115. A A Al 011/.1, Ag-tat
al, i :.4114,1,1 rt.. PitiAttra
a_W•Fc b ;g l- '' ISS 1 . i
pirrsisuniiii AND C.1.F.% ELAND
Erve. ,Lf,tl.
•It•••• ' ::);4•• I "."
/14 •• •
• • Srri
, 1. .7:,r,c
• ." C. 11,11 a 1.4 lt , c,
18.5 i
llt I -hoi rd i'U.IIP 0.1
u Letea t
RAI I. It 0A.1) Al 1.1 ca NA I
kti,ll hkji
. •
II ¶"i•. K.
AAA*/ WAAL, rene rittsbusgA.
nAhRIS A PrAprielon. •
Kr•-.lving Degni. N.... IS 14, ,Duitk 34 44, I ABA
I.ll,.rut¢llet , t,AboriL
t1iAN1 . 1,121:,, Agrui,
". rtAT.-t. Neve Vorl•
lad th5J.
Via Brownsville and I umberletel, to Baltimore
and Philadelphia
9.11 E ;VIOLIN INC. BOAT leaven thr IViari
j ut. Tr 11, BrlJ, 4 - 1
wah tbo ..n a CUU U.t lea 1 ilea;
ttee'clore. cc9o,tlng with •5,4
ea 14 tr,.i.4.4
Tito thrllAb . lAAto
/Lo tho..ah to I,llA4rip.A. 4o btoia Vto oil 110
A.l.auel.Q.-1 £0 Alta
the CooLo l.oron h. 6
Lot." Itot. OcaltAll, tt, bon ruts I'Am
tar, rrPorn Ic ah. flr.wweahrlu llooa
UNItiN - Li NE
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals
TIIS kninvr.
pLtnct e prepared to
tLiug-r.rt freight .Li V•1.0.,13{({1,
•,...ity Sri Liputit.•ii,ri•ni • or C.o.ittn.. gol
I J.ll,,running
llLl tvggeati by• oh Lif
•nd4l, it, Liu.. i !trig •.•Nigtegitriggge
I gr , p•lier ',Le 1.41.
Va.rll, 1 Co., 1,6,[1,4,t0 ,
U. C. TALYliS,,l
74 I.74cirk. ~.a.13 al; 0.
IfaiTelsn.. U.
t(6 Ile, rt.& 0..
/ . ..t.t..0ri , "..1 1 C., f+ a 41.11 n.
)(all, 0..
Lea.l..r. 1.,
Ilend,ft4 City. !at
I..Ltuts . 04
ti UCH.), a ,
Uouvrtunt. 4 G.,. 1111 w, kale. WI..
i",.., 6. iiil•L. - C." Cia.,,,a, • 11.• 11.1 .76 1 .i 1hi,f , L. 1
~,,,,,. A
u 1 .,
ol 'f. W.
ur 47 611 ii , mil '11e1.11,... Y.
. . _. .. . -
.Arrangement Made to orward Freight
t> , ,14: a I.ILE,
Kentucky Mutual Life infurance Company.
GUARANTY FUND; 4104.0u0.
yil/S COM PA utiere t., the itft,1414,1 011
lb, ogrurtt; .al L'aggllg t ,P 4 au. Slut isitl:l4
. uDe..k Ylalu. (gas Ler•lot,te an ..1, •
ral,‘ PreiultlT. l : ftgl annual r. to eti uf l,-
obitv muulr...l for We curatroeput tifk Of Ito t• at .0
alequato, but rot eirr.mrre prurient:l fur IJ1• fotur/....11
rlty ut_gwarax.r. tor left. of. lloo:whhao..,l.le.
lutervit lu atrutuul•ll4. lutkl ur4.l ••••
ugezubeir,lKyahl• tl.lah, Af utmst 114,1 c pr.u. t.
• Auar,oll Mot dec4not fur 11,. , u, It. . I
A./rt ulna altgg Lgi Vlenggiil ,1g ur.t “I
O.r the •hol.i•nlo Ihr
4,-11.1. la 11.• . , 101.,•1 I o• /111•1411•Igg 5
,f 111., • Nit •la.l•
ot • ggii FLO.. LI $10 . 1.0,,Y • ggg Dam
,I,g ilg ro g .g
gig in:/-u•li.o /lag
50 LriAIK It VT ob. miu.LN.
, tre,l I, • 1.f.t.11
jr:l 1 r
Elegiot Light 'Carriages nt AUCtiOll.
sIXTII SEMI ANN l'A TRAI , E4 - 44,••••1., I , ,tt
41• to
,l,1„ 41 1111% th• %he 1 tkow. ,
re,n,a ho.l l'1111. 1 ,”1'1.
I , IIIA. 1.•
tcllcr/lou •••...1 WWI I'olll4ol, 1 .11 ,
1 , 1:111.11 Wei ul,ll ~ Itw• , I/Lal./41
1 , 1 1 1. 1 , .,,Hb10. 1 11•1/1. t. 11 •••t1...
.Is • Al 1.1../r, 160,1
W.. 4311 .I.l34%rtnuill
. .. .
. .
emcza . ff, thr smialqinta • iii 1.,,.....i •.. .... : ils 6 , so
bu“ Via.., wlll. rta,l..: ita 1.41/.:, t...y. ,
11, Ll,lraLl. .....u.l liduJ , 4.41.1,. .L. ,
rCalrr 10i...f ILLtIIC-.Li
LO6lOl IA lb.
µ...tgawmrsur , u ' l. • r
" L "'""".
. .
StAi . t.l.
U ntor.,
.11,m 11.,J 1,11 It. • 1
11 Ir kr..., 11.04;
- • -
VILI Atel'E L.- -NtgAcio. cif xhe Puts'gli kiankb,
v v eitimmo tow. dui 11111
tat: t rtziltz i !" ‘ ret ,: , 1 1 11.;ttila L l . .;rowns,
it. L. K1NC51144....1 kr,tet.
sugll ltnatb mre. •
BOS ma
:ONSTANTLY ARRIVING. new 61.{ - /ea
awl ,e,ttert... an untivusii, extend,' varlety.t.ll,
" Ba7:Jala ' t: r lA "' lt: atv. ; Bohemian Olvm.
egetaLia Rory. Vower Mehl Ar
Wqrk We.:glas, 40.
l;outectrovere Pap. -1 - ... Boors. C,..ruct... tinke Urvt.r.Ll..4
Drvorf no' caner Arnelea. Teeth Dr... bra, t,
Tobarruolst.. Art Tara br tt, ran. or ..zan.
Oermo alotes, Pewits Jesbnriw, Yrrcus. , l..Cor,
111.,na eladlra, vari..ty or db.]. oondo at low 'aka to
NM. TILLF:R. Immrlor.
1 Fimmrree at . l'on-tto,Lault.
FACTIMIER, n No. See Ltd Stre e t, .tine
estout. met 4.1 r,) Milladelobin. fubls:l7
y. I,OIOAL, ...:-10.131 CON.V.
'FM P. 7rIJODICAI. ..... ...... 11
BAG4LEI, WOODWARD . & Co., Whole
• mho Grucerp, =I Marbet nt. Philaatelphb, ac4l
lI N EALD, BUCKNOR & CO.. Tobacco
Cm=had= Mer.ha.nts,.North Watev street.
fIII 0. 16 North Wharves. Yhllailvlpbbo.
American Hardware.
pLIVEN & DOUGLASS, Manufacturers'
N. a Platt street, threo doors from Pearl st •
tR Vona. ',auk respectfully Invite the attention of the llarthrata Trale to thei Stork Goods, remis
from the r
tivion.e of
atlu ad favorab ed
le ter..dtrect
Steam Communication between New York
. .
and Glasgow.
r rE Glasgow and New Fork
Steamship Compaor'S 0 , - , ..rfy l new
steamship ULAStiOtt. La6o tons 6ud 4OU
hart. Dover. it. Stewart. (late of the Cu
nardsteamers.) commander. Is appolatelto all from hew
lork .beet
for Glasgow. on Suorday, tt:e nth of Octol•er
nest, at Li erloek. tout.
Firq Cabin (ateirari . . f•-e Included
4nond Cabin
tAkr :
No rtttzaar
T "' sl.l -;
but Lol,lllefor Hymn,.
TIAA onto. I . ou -° O r^ t poddr.t. CI,
vhICII.II I on
rie;:r in ' u*lrlrohn.r .4<li i m ` ; ' ,N, 2 lu-iv, •
ane2o,l::tnerOw NEW YI/111x.
New York India Rubber Warehouse.
ho., 27 Maiden Lalt, , and No. 59 ..I , thurtu etrief,
ruse corner_fromlway. Vartair 215 rut Atti .l
T HE SUBSCRIBER., Propnotor of 'hie
t, e=-
.0011 Inform hi. 0 , 11 cuixtchhiry. 0111
zwichontii -gen.:811), that Le IF Sally rect.leing from Lle
tutor, on uonstswlty large amt 41., of hallo
Pubbrillm.lomsoufwtured ezotesly for the o
n JTrad.
and which, Ire. having tetzcOureel no, o I
kuri.ll in his moclilcitry lad MISIP-Witio..,
Lao kels c.ll4letit iwnwot 1.11 perfert
I , peetal tteutlon utinn.. 1.• h, the' nistiti9v
to, of terve,' pleilei CA ItillAUE CLUTII,,pf all v lithe
from 3.4 to inclunive. The glrille•reelirrfull,
froth the beet liratelio, eproial ivilb the ilueet b
griu.Mll patent hec.ther. Ile eliio matitifwiturea
the tee.liCtilitCleille. improvrieent
u~rt 1,-
illsrovered. by waleill the el•itti wale tip Imar
reeemblaure rimmeseil lem.ber. The pI.I Leileh
ant sold (Wier, spe-15; the 01111.5
• ..
UVLII.9IIOES —A lull atocli nf all thr different ,at, 1.4
sarkti.. from th r import,' l'ara tsblAwra tu ra•
novd.l loe.—esulaari./ a. 1,1
Chll..r-rio 3.111,” Varalal, •
furl," tad Ll...ll.lthere.
.-•. • , • •
A completa aaaorttneut Ulu tontorlun alma qv on nand
.darlotra•hoo.Costa.Capoa Paul.. Life i^nearra.ra
Ginn Duty. n lota, It•-eung hula, thud.. Log.
plu.k. lobar. IV all,- la. t. e
Ilona Coven, Whip... Would Yuan... 0 . ,.
duo Branca, Pao., 11.14.ra. Air I f 11., La. 11.,: and figure..
17.1 b e7n.- ‘ •Vu n k7•l: 7 rer j ; " ...c 4 ' esl.l::l. ' i t ; ' -.lTl b ot•:lli “ , " tr a ut•LarT,,..,
Boma, wolar Y . ad
fl Idoov• •dl 1.0 drund • in.. e:rtain oura •u•I or••
autly. •-•;.' Chopp-4 Honda tdarsund than, and 1.•••,r..
tLoun cud
Slaw's! Cloakb! hlantillai!
SMI LLS, N,i. 6C. ILI - 1,14, NV, rk
u~ s t .• t• • ••• - a
\1 11 I
1. Joa
+o I • .
fu Public
I.l_\ I:l . ltif I'-It .
IV.. .. L..-t
N 4 X_
11lIN • 1.1, 114
.1. W
m ut,ic ur .1 .11." ErNl:ll•,,t, I
I i . •
Sopa' ior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
ON L. 7, 1411.1itt.
k.lf." - "`"
eOa . ..... . ht.
kath.h ...
la the beat atta.l. tamaafortLx...4 tit (Warr tr.a.ty—
ht a 0./I.llhai wth
prartaltsra all the ytnalitie• re.;thr.
al 1.. r • chat altirat teat aultahl• far ttla Vain. and,d4
Loral .. , taptod {:.r the t , h,l l'er.
The uht.htrahrt,ll.. pr.ix•re.l Vr l'artath -tc the trade al.
thtr frr rx,rt IA t,420 r. 1 11. 1 .3i , "%i• •‘ "V aLat a t I.• pna t,
ft " 3,t . t.r . 'n.l"`" l !'
cr are at tart ' t "at.'
5 . Nolan sr. Puu 13.111110,0.
11/A . A .
Professor Ale.l-. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
ott . w
n 'A
Elsa Artnc;f4n.f , ,
astntru , r. ••na b.
, strlns aln Lb.
asse...f th. adu,
n. 12,4 srnams.l Lb-
an d I. rnrin• N.
.1.4 n. etc. of lb. La.. and all lb. sulinsl tlo~l ma
Enlnvlon I.thannlsl. frt. Lund... Aloaklar .
oho. v . slue tLe prinlgraTlVAl
Hun In sblvb It Is ty MY stn. bass
s; nen It • Li.
Nw Nat. S
Moe ..t—Orr —Dear tat, s' atbi ryt tteJ ally
taaw.uvaruSlim of lb. graft,. of a cow! asairstatxd
fix ,he lant gatrou prof.. , od dulisti that I.rital
bay,: hod the al7l, of row. of th mart nmick.ut
cf.o. sal bate triad all tba onpatatiut. fio'r ib. bait and
aim sow known, oltbout tt, 1.1164 Lem-Llt I Iraa tairlaed
by fr , ...1 to try ).fur Trkotlrmuo I dl,l so, am a laat
te., amt. U. co, akat.ria.• au] gratialloo.losl2.lmlf
cur,l lo auGut t•cluoutbc. filth ar. the viola... auto
dl,nler Mat ct . thmts I a. partial!, t0t4.1.
tfusty. V II ittI'ELVE.
Columbia atrurt. Brunltiria.
I1:cr Bazar--)l; Our Sic—A.bnuttleo "'anus:, int bait
z•nav, ~u t a dial. and any 11-.1 a• inndi
with datortill. I vra. tc./.11, Inund U. it" rourTrimpber
4,11 dl.l w, and ta unlif.inl2.Crt. in; Lan'
[truly tocit.l. and all the daulrull dleartva,d. Le 11..
head it. thews Ito Itself.
• I .
tt nn•yeet. .a your.ntvart
J 8 ELL. Broathr•-•
mr Inar el volleamo doubt. the outbentleilf .
they will ITotolm.,A C
I• 7
.:k. open. he .11 ,nlore. U. .1 . 41.
nal letters
,From Lb. 311111 us, wad \...l ISV.
, 19 to tsanotly lot tan pnrso.ent cur... Imltturos
octl dloraoto of the smolt:no k.onornlly, Ow lots rturl,d
sloe 11441.r11, e14 , 1)..1 to, ortlca. llnanro Pron./oar
11µti) n'lrsraOrrauo. or ilsaloated 12‘ . .,411101 It Ires
uona a/ tnn urr, dorm. al II). 4 4 .111101111,.
ounalt synni anrnnal Intol Ills ured lu yrntoreiner to
/Alien nrtlallos LI,. Liu, 111114. M, I WIT thr raatnat
v1,11.1r. um, 112 u• I.lalsoorno it../nnoth In n rntcust.sal. it,
ern. dnotlos. thn s and ra.l au tonln, lb.
lad, Ono rod pin, it .1 nun ,Inmvo 11, /
,u.LJ no A , Ultl do. loom. *tot calms onuuslouo
,ta ot •4111, t rhun; La. /to unll•onitletacj. u
aurlt•lltsl il• 144 XV
%, ON it• I k!.. 1.10, ••,..10 11 \ 0114.
tholitiltetls/Intesauoleuttud. 1/I:Uoti
I ~ 1 4.11. AJtDINI/ A Al r
iu.Vl INU 11.11111
• t .
1.16; •
' Wni. H. lin:skill.
t( ANt , 11.,4 rl rt.. 11
I .k.u..1 e
` 0 iv
kA% ArliMmy .I Lttn,
0111 t ~ i
11. liANfilN. Aibirfo.y nu! I.•
at. I,W,
I L. 4.1 1 ,, Itl. 11.1..1 1'111.14.., I I •&..e.5. , ; 11 ..&& , ..
•1111 e, J 11•4:1., 1,11..,1&...11•
:44 & &&4111,
A- Opal Bargain ni now Offered.
ituitt Trot, t. )aat tit t)t...,•tta.•
• 161•1•1 tat Mt t• • .A. 4 t•• 0.1
• ith I'L.ank
1,14, t.t.4.4 la .1 prnia
putcL. t . .111 v 11.41151/ • IKVI , t
/1 . 11 pl
Frllitall SKEI , --24 1,66 fiule DV
la 1 a 1i 11.011;
tc.r,s iG E:aee and t,61.
.4 i; UsLaiiLL {:0
alma . Litany mot.
- Private Resideu for. Bale.
THE PROPERTY offe exceedifig2
ly low. and weery stecana••• Ling terma.\
Is man eligibly beat/actin the rapidlyltoprovlng ty
of AllashAty. The situation la mieutpaaatel In the metre
tr; co....dint moat plaguing stewiof the cite ofPito
burgh and three mewl at a glance: beAldas being bone.-
latent to the business fart of
Tb. targa Iryandmmir.; -
d4l, h0.„1, e 1 Oft, feet front. runnln:%aek two bo
1 and oft, feet to an allay. The loan irtnenta are
new; the' bon. brick, bEtllt undern style\ of Out beef
material, and dabbed in the beat Manner s atins every
conenleurs flat good, teat e and eklll could trogg..... with
Jur a .ot.o.a rd to eee...onty. There le well of eleelker.t wa
ter at the dlar, and We, bald for hi drant water. lArela,e
11 , m, and atabllng. a ear. ty of thole. trait and‘ehrtfb.
be,. eln rt. do imam and I...lodize: , ran only be
arprealet....l be an Aearoinerl of the rooting
men 'dolling to purettaite cited rad on the under
signal. •ho will take pima In glelog every Intbrawe
thin It to a rare eliartre far nog • delightful feet
den,. or to t..orchaaepo speculaffon
eani2 bAlftli 0114 IN. Ili derand
Valuable 11eo1 Eata t Auction. —
NH I- SUBSCRIBER offers • Or Sale,
Invornll6 urma, the Rilowinat pr r, iu the I
t..)[y of llttrburalt, •Ls I
Three valuable - theta etor, brick yenta,' boom.
ott Seenral atreet between Market eta m greet, the
lota belmd ae , •lt lit re. t trout hl ..leete.
No. Y. Contain. feet (nut no Thirst etr t adJoltdai
the Third Trott tartan (Auret, on whi n ], a,aered one
t,ur brick Lune, u•ed,a, a prualtut o • au , net
tiro L.-k4uareliontie . ,
The alaire will be ',cal., hortday,
the lost- at 10 u'el.ek. A . Ter.. at mtle.
Agent hm.loliniton C
ana , frd. ilelf fi A, /forth:toner.,
1 4 1 01( Smunli and Third 2
Stori..a of IT estik.u. Skarknt near
"E¢puir.• c
.41 corner Markel ThLn.l rts.
, ,
, ,
Country fients at Auction t .
HE unflersii,ned urn offer Inl l , sale, at
nubile iil iition. ernithe‘preml.,.Grilt`itiagipil e o r rc .,
f e l f,m,n, Cily. on the Perri krill. Plonk Ithski. ou I.led.
neiday. thr Itith day of tiolinsub,,ustl, •t..l.oriliaiiit., P.
tL. a oulsdietolon of Cl,, properly on vsligili . ltenowf.lible,
adjoining lands of Jatne- Watson, eonegynina.l.Ll EN
ellnltit. EibitoDlNG 14.."18. 01 fn. to thriett, scree
Tlin property is envy of arse. ur the Mink IWO. \ and
will salt adintraliis for mu try wan. being tnly two tg.ties
In. Allegheny City, Pealed in todhap.. the 'moat ht , Olnlsi
region In tho ticiniti of our ctn.*, tod cosniwndinit i n •
lightful Tit, for mil l er In extent. or rifeh 61111 and frn.
fat valle, , . who. scenery la onourgienaked by any In Meiii
Thor.. is
an upon this propsniy . eacettent two \ AirEgg3 CHERRY p EcToRAI
storied From,. Manson. to chleb are attache] stahling. a' \
well rf gond water, agi Fault trees ot the heat ~ \ , \ FOLVTIIR CURZ OP s •
M.Ottl hearing condition. aro itistribated oroin ntorber Of 'c7leills, CO B, HOARSENESS, BRONCHI.
Me, lon.
Per,oun desirona a further thfornintlon will_pleistintill \ i TII3, VIH PING-COUGH, CROUP,
upon the a.barriber. at tbo store of (hove A .51eQunton. ' AS n
I, 4ersl.ii , -s, Allen/nett), at die Auction P.onitos cif lii „ t i
It Both, Attention,: ur Et the edlle, of gnaws a Waties . A MONO the nataerous discoveries Seienco
A ?to. Ito Vourthietret t.. lizttrborgh, tones Ida. ii . nu mug in this ktirintlan to facilitate the OntWhear
of this lon ma 0. seen. •
i Cl Ills 'Orreaso ihksa.hir4int, and ev. prolong lb.
it.iirms—One four. a. the bitiance in three moil a, • ,
lanai payment, with Interest. seetrroslky bed and soot t• of bnniatt.wwisitoon, nitn. It. ha named of more real valise
NASIUEL f/III)V X. neatallt4, thin this eau ihibution or Chemistry bit On ,
"A', -,.10.....1,1p. Aug..t'it.s•l i•ii.g:fuibil • I .aling 41, A rust trial o Ito virtue, Manna...fill:4 I
Rea. Mutate. II I COM:air, LOS Crane Into a doubt that O 0 etirlirn,s
IFIOR SAJ,E—"Fro Ilonoesnd Lots in the or fWb ' w ` w i f " II ntaillanw. T.. .... c.= 00 .I,r'
Illtb CM—one on Lila .net, and the other in all OA] cantthe tackle., rule ea of pulmonary Masan.
whicl.l., bate bltbuorto asept Puna o midst thounaodo and
Aloo--A pin'e of :round. 1, , foet on Welsoter street, by It o ,. 0.....„\ 0 .. t0 0... t. ., , . i ~.„.„,,,,,.., ~..
30 . , r , l r o. Ft Mt. , et_ bunion. at Z1 . 7 0 1.1 a L b 5i r r a 1 b . , ...t .44.1 ~,.,. ‘,..
~ aa,„.
L.a.,aa j a
ran be r lied . to eon Me Rawl. dlaxeratir ma.. toot. of
lIIESIIt7I.ILE PitoPEitn 0. ti..., Fins'? tb,„,,,,..,. „„, ~,,,,„ i ,.., ~,„ „,,, „,. „
4,-.l. , ,P;"'rig it ' ,, l i` r, ,ti..,'L. ‘ "... r .i"it` r %, b 'n!ir,l7, r is`i.9. ..`" Pr `'W w ' h ''' ° " •.wr " . . '"' L "' h, te w• e• lint ...' I
vata fro ' :a the ASiund ' oct. itbd alicial fifteen bona Cl.. fiend preaeht. the flowing opinions of Arms • ea, ...1 roil, •
~,,,,, ma, - Th . ,„,,. i b. r offers told prota.rtto , n sei farther sago sy Co the • bircutar, with b (helicon beta,.
el mamoJtstloc Wrap.. which he noi. meanie.: the nt is nu 0 .,,,,j o in mt. b. id 0 .....) to t 0,.........,.....!,,........,..
fret front an North Canal .trtiet. [ trio, final us herti ~, .... . i •
seen ~ sr. 27 . . feet, • year ont-thito et du a, e, on wht. his .U.. ~.......... Wt. , itnlnpusider Kim of thekfarti,
b e at
o 11,1 t. it lina,r,oplatrillt, It" Itcrtlar. prit,....thriek final We Previa , . qr mAtiri , ci allege. .tao or!. iial Pin..
trout s -table onil ran la.• tn.uni oaths bask oi los tot fIh.SSUR II ITi re . e.., ,
Tlroi, a' t,, .. us Pp.\ , atu ,in 4 I Intbort, The premier. ...P.., C. A, et
l .11,ste v... yuar there,
,o.t.lrd ur r6O, Our, './L, 11.1 r.. 111,,tirr ta .1 .. rh, hw h i.e. 0, cot• - eatool‘hroushltio. sod au. o kind
h I tiv ... Le otos. ot ./. hiild a en. corner tof kuurth ...4 triith .i• , tteinti tit i•iltnlituthih Mat it lo au pd.', ...u.
tt ~,, o i o _ too.,,it t o i .0.1. KIDD I poioul t.... 11, 1.1“-I . 11 . 1 . , .......1<:11.U4tint0rti10t Jitli.....
ii ii tei '.....i5i. •• ti, in o.inort,.norieito..t tr . t . tir
f 1 1 0 LET—A ilirov ~,1,.1 3 , Ifi.•1; 11 are- =1) •'. “."'"'
" bil..i . v.,v,r - r4l;.zi,r-•„L'.' r -, ... .
i.. 1 hi,ge. ~n II at. r •I 'r•t• 1.4 no-, leriast .....1 . .. • .:t1 . ~.,...,, ~,, ~..,,,,, ~.,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,',7 4 h,,je . ...„ 1,
ern on-. t•. asl atot:•.l,l, lite nredu..lust ue-- ...a.a
rinoutni i.I ', ./ A ill:ii.i.l.tA 12.1".L1.. \i',...,'',!,.4:: .. .. , 1 1',...7 , ..,.
~ i ' 2 ... ".4 i., ,1 . ' , A :, , ,,, ,,... , , , ,...; . 1 , /,
~, i
...E..? . MI , 11.tarc ..tre.ri i r .i.a., „, tudouia_on.l riot...
' .
' ..1 " .1.!...t 12.. CI. it Pe ithril'au .I,l` Ir ' l lo n• .
rillo illA NS POP.TP..K. , . CO MM I SS I t , N J. ti,.........4 it.. 1.7.,t'..ii,ti. iv i.v.'att:t . i. VA'r. t.'"•::: '
Iv tiliol:liiii. Nill'.l.lllNlP -ili..r o.lit 0.1. .0.r.1.M.• • i ret, odes,. il-mo t ly Pie thii.-1.....1i.1i0....e.5. to i'atoo
ling ninvo. Fotilit vet, .0.1, till, trea r p MOW.. - t , Sri t.. iotr. - `....0 Man.. vt... Not 1. In
feet a% in , fie , on M." .•! , ' - ,.." . . 1 ,1.... '',,,, .", n , ' , .. i ,v4;k,l 4 r 1 - .1 0 TI.IV.V. tt - rar-Scr: V tae..: ~.„.str,err,
ttr . L. .tr' ''.. l ' :::; . 4 ' )J:tt L ,,,Yqr ' r ' rL ' :tilt: ' .:1 ' . ' 811'.., - I ' . l . " a ' a:r. ' 1 ".. '" h , w ' `•''' '' f n ..t qi \ i i ii•Wet'.. ••
EY att..rdtria the sineat•-, lard,. .... fyr . hi.•
roegkl,rltto ; '....• " .' •. '...... 1'" ' 4 'be . t i ie•, i.
:h. Itaririe.d i.ri i .n.l \ .N, , ,..., ~,..., t, 4,1, rt,....... , ...1.14.1,
tivr ton, •ainnie .t Pe. ,TOCKTt.... a ii, s hg o , , ..„. . . Yto..J al 1.1 , . i ~i. V... nau.
or at the 11 ,a ...I
• t a ' , rt.( ghost, ...ea.., at,. toy pl. t. • titthr rt. t.r tt t .
4 T ''" l '• itt: '. ,..ltoot 4..11.4 to:r.., aition.r• .tytelbto, 4 , 0... h..:
, „ , ..
r'o/1 RENT— A : , t.init In itott IN el . a. ... , ~.. ~ k o•s•nr so-es. LI ...Woo...wetft ,ni•
• i.,,
~, 1 .,.....,.., , , ,.. . „
...,..,...,....„ . 4 4 . . 1..., ...11...m.1 U...., ttr yttt Nur., lb. to., pal I.
J.,,..1 th.,,, , •,.... t ~. , ~..,1,, , .1,. ~., , -4 °..... • ..!' .'"..^....'. r ,, ,•• , i ...‘,... -...r... , ~•
• 4 alt " . iiii' I'l „,„ o „ n : ' :u.Z.7..::: ' ,....,: ' ; ' ,1,1? " .:, " :;:.... ' '''' '-' " '"''''''''''
'MN %It! I . -✓._ ..
;r1: V, •N!
It,. 1,1 V 4 ,1:. t 11 , 1r:1 , PI • onvo.
_ .
'PO I.E 'l* ';
1:4 .4 .11 , ..111, 0 ..I lit tlii'it. I nil ~-.l'.
r oll. HEN I• Th.• \ .
. •
1,1. k Lir aft l• Vt.r.l,
, t 11. 4 GI
Cindstouen ! da4toned !
OUAN. WILSON & QOl No. P 29 W.14:1
V r tliiit till, Real L.2tato lit Bouvet ColiJky —.O -
1 41Y. \ v
•ot , •' •,^ the ,1 • Rt:NT A ood I '• t rt ,, ,••'.\ rl ll
• • • ' ‘""' ;I r '‘ t
M i ro,
. . '
Nrtvickity rrowty sale.
`JS - .,.
• • .1
••-... „ . .• .
out. Motu, Ih o• a w • •.
k•ot• .m.ll Irata. W aAtots.
6.• c.
-..t.f.:. TC Is
;Aka 1..., plc...wt., a. ww.ita
[II,. "lindum.
UMW tOL , Tl.•
mb.nil b. le.( esteatituq rrtav , N a.?
I t
wt srcet mart. oc wr‘. 1.411.
If tat .ehl rndtvla,. lb 10..7 of ,ept.taber
mat, att r•tr it w 11J :1,,k • DI,. r, yul4,
T..rms .1. •
Seven Valuable Farms for Sale. •
LL SITUATEI) near the Ohio and Pena-
ILLLus iL.alirmi. in Mg I
0..,.0,140w/ 7! in t 0 2,0 ,Sc . b t . I i:a - • ;c.d
i.tWtt Ibis. lateen Lite I.lw.tat
.rt. tot
A I .1. r0b 1,11 w tste
ill t laud •
,11 ..5 56, I.ntmt faithsparch.,
I Stwit t Ibis u.. 1 1,•.4,1•411la'ln
.14. r bt flattt-t l'itt...ltartb • .111 tot Nara. , oD.T•
1 alto vrt , h l druate a pl., al nruund. otkioinhog the
Dun, ground, to a euinuetrut company. to 'tett •
Bret tiutel upon, on a luau
IL or
untent :an to tad to
eupuly the Ef , use ant *toile otth out
nuke= mitt een er
the Lin.ra of ht..
huraL tud Olevelan-lt betu..vert Ptitebur4ll and Woos
tenau.' tne uen....1 to tiont,.l Ito. th e Plonk bowie
two Gems vonstru,..l t 0 .nu 11.. u, Bairn, mattes It tat. 01
tt , e etut Important rotate oath...nue 11 - 1161 nm) for annt
clu.o. note. ZALuth larh ha:T.
'.h0n. , .. July 1..51.—Lty,t1.11n,
Country f)roperty
THE unticreigile , l offers for-mile is piece of
1.51 5.5.5a1ut. 1505w....55 •55.1 ins Are.., .555.•15.51
15. n.A110r.r.55 . 511•, 5 .
115. .11.-
5. • 1 5 .• us 5,351.55 15 tin • (2.5 .5 C
11.4 ii 5. 11 1b1. 5.55 i 5.5.. t .51.. 1111.1. 11 U.
For Sale or Perpetual Lease,
I. 4 NOSTY-TilltEE SCILDINu LUT,. laid
u out •I, No. thr . -riouul pi.. .4 U., to. q
tnl,Lvtik •.I
- . .
si.ut fur tn. Ar tuvrltyrer., tl.. rvvldtni,l
cut 1,2 on th. 11•11,..zrottdinw Lek,: Itadr, 10,11
it •
, it litthl A '..IJ
ovini.e.r. 14 01 11, r. rtr,.. IA
Atli '4,01. '
II .141: 11 I
@6hl Estate fur Sale.
ulttliga, , va t LW.
) )1 )1 ) 111 114" .111 4 1 1.1/.,:/1”..
.a 4 A 1.6, p . 0 ., ,111.11,1
Tl 3
• kbe1 . 11,1.1•
T. 9 Uartiimere.
F e lt T 1 .%i ItES ilei.rileeneur limed, al
s t 1.. e
?VIII. mond...a 111.101 1:11e %• , 11
.1! bt . :1 " :•11 . 1t . :•:.1 ' ;11:•7 4 7 . 2 . •;:lir: ' 1 7 ,
• :::)."!g.
'PIE I; N I I: I. f• I A I f.ti II io.Ll.g =
n vl In II ••,, ,•u:
~. r,Aii,'Eli % , , art, 1 o..ute 1.....,-. , :i the
, ~,, ~
~ „„),...,,,, ....,-. , : , e6ur 'lt.. &LA., nu , ..., ~.. „,.. ~,,n.•• 11, J•• 11111, • 1.•• twie , . , .. 114
1,,ri,.. 0.,..1 ,11.....“ ... --• I $l.. 11,. \x:.:111.• : Mt,.
1... I ..1 tr.., ••1.. , .• 11 A Mi. AI In 1;..
.”1; : Li. ~., • 1.4..
_ . .
Turnip Seed, Crop of 1851.
Gam the ehst, uoe
tent t.s -.14
4 ic.l:7lup
R SAINT LOU/S—The*plen
erne GAO&
P Into
T.. , ed. Bch
.t . .,t 10 da xt....1.. V.
l ef re.4h""'" Vatra lnsa t.M3krielit. AO:
tw. Kamm 3,31C1L IBILNELIN, •
raTilr= l n Vrtit y : gy th :lo ,
Tor (Fright or yam.. way tqt,d . * *mg.
I aTZ. I2 .i.I I I46, UC E:Iet,
Bl larre Pill tiOurgh to
Wbr.l l / 4 ,ftwtha alor Iforklitir
Pow r ,, r3 Towd.r al 3 o'Nuck 14, rrtunntor 1.. R,
11 1. n."3P 3 '. b... 333, aud .v. sod WolpPrrt
at rtroolo, Aorta., th.
y w oo
L—Thr girt rarirdArkilligi
SAO. B. Yon rtir,Eß
kli:47l,7 t i—a ariEgrel=ratTh rst' 4 "i tig*
carpa l % r %bearing, and 14:144,r.m. gya
rw teal Tn.ilq .I,ll=for BU't*U"..4ll4HWhella
Try27ll‘ Fr'SVTTST,P,,,triAr vn
. DItaINAL, W. S. eNnirell, Ira]
01 17.1% l ' ortAT, a .M t r k j, dtr4 M' rt " . •
33E9 ANN/MONO. Chl ER t CO., *oats.
grigbeira. Thle eylekdid Lawt wesballt by
the owners al the Acme, Isaac Newton, el otbere, tor
the elsiorriali sae Periettrede,' end will leave
eZr z z.rlel, o er t r m o;Alloctrizistl. to plea of the Rag.
=no " V..?rintirli fr :Vir auto
RUMEN° PACIO:T.-11. anlataild
tno kat man,. DI CANAL. CormeD, ns .
now porfornanagher rovalaid.r.areekl/Miree......,
tide Mona Wboadins. Joavint lintaborala .. L a se...
eycr y. Wodnaiday and Pciday, and retool:dna.
10wa...V..41ns toes 7 Tneaday. Intrara. OalearMart
Ingecek. or laraWas T reWar iner e ar a
1 , ,n 41 ,151 4 .If I.
.111i.,;:.T04...t..1...1.•ut,•,•0 ... I , 4, V 4 . 1.
1 , , , ,
••.,,.. AI , 011 . .. , k . 4. \
1 \ , Az -,....,, ~0 ~ el I. te1V641117. .44 J In.,
\ .4.". •b , b Y IY• .. , ..xly.., ....T.e.iy y ' b...t. iy.....1 '.
\. ..
' atone Ware Pampi, tar Wells'and Ciztenu.
f r u' .i..sp a,
itiILN,,..,„,A tv,. ~,,,,„
' 13 4.8 CI. MIT. La •I•ilifi4l4/ fa lry ' , 1..? •'' if
.., ir•Vi ..f 111J.1%-tat Focai l, zi I
sf.l..t. I
t V
i••• •
1 ...;1:.1:4t .. ..••• ' :. ‘ 4. ..:r '' l '''.' ''':
:t. ..., \,1, C 1...,..: ' ,Y,
Li. , • 1 . ,J, hf— .+ ... .
• y ••%
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2.• r .),
4',..t 1:
r .!‘'
h• ‘‘ l.4.\ l :i! .
„,;.:.. I 4 .1 ";h.t'r,\.„ '
li '
4.-4...1 al IP , i,tch ..h • 6..1 1,
I, ..
1 11, t , r1... L'l••lpt,
_ _L:2: .112 •lf ~ : ii lIN OlO IJI \i
• g ~ o m3tt•FrE J ,, VkA.lhll3l(le taditi.3ll:lsul k .
), I ,; i
. ......1, , ,,. f .4 4.:: ~ . • v , ...,.4 ~ 1 . 4 ••• .e..1.,,,,1 fie h., \‘
I ' Vl ''' ,l,l i .f. '"'” \ ' t i "' . ' •
For 9 de
1j .11''
tn. ,•,.. • I
, Minn al ~ ' . . X.t.:- . 11'',V71 )
STYLI: HA'I . 3. rLkL lut.
Ow kir
Suns' lire
.411413,24.nt f4r
tar 41
4are4 1ut4441 it. (L 4.1
er,s4o to
Iroof Minerni\Paini.
; 1.0 ,og aompited hi,..— .
% v,r ;!7:11,'::.1'.‘11•,...t .. ,',1;,'*4; . ..' '
, al, NI. auema.e/th,,, ,I, ./
1 ANII, 0,,,131,
AD"T: '
J. A. I' nultet. Dregilst. rot ea or nerd mud 4,,,,,,1 ..t...
4. 11. Neale a Co Drugalsta,"l2ll I.illarty .ti
4. I'..lelawatt.4 VT11.014 . rulLecar,. ,
Eadisral ...,
Allagtrer. \ .
Jural.l4l).ouglas, Drdsgtal...Ded, Allegb.uT \ .
$5 REVIEW \ • \
`TRAVEL OR STOLEN L in the Warri
1.... a of llutbrhlgt t Ingbrasi. we • all Dti, I,li lei,
J• low ley., the east ~..f lAA t.fd., We oetteetly I.larl \
Auy yervon .111ILii44 aILIAI dug 41.11 reetl a Lb. .bat 1..
surd—uo eue4.“,to will L. aAted
111 , 1:111tIbfil: a INCALIIA3I.
itl4 c: lt lift Waskr al re•l
Juin, et.ENIINU,
Akkni frt kuhroo.n k Atn,"..k
University of Marylan . t .
rpHE 'NEXT SESSIO,N will heon ID
"[•041. the 12th day of th-totvr. 11.'4 •./.1
Larch, 1641
,s•th:to hmith, IL D. Detp , r,• -
EA. •altes, th. -and l'hanuxr,.
Li hien
Chew. 11 1 D., Therapeutics, .latehte
N,by, H. D, tt
Anaml and Itqelol,,. -Wm D sad It/truce a ‘h , ,hr..,.
Ittrhahl. nThhh...,.11 D, .141
Whtneu and chlidrett. •
I t,.th,r 3111uttb.rarh, L. Auatutuh.
' r4' tuudt amp! , upporthuitive for lb.
ProohleAl viol-ndu
CD2dral L:ct sae, olulta h,
of, to Daltitnose Ichruar,. atlth thelr‘t 4,6
4WD T 1,.. kID ar.ii her,. h. tn..:.. 1--a r t
ID: the tart.
11 , 1 A All,
JO.. 1.1
• • •
1'1.14.14%f, ‘l., I, I. V , :
V. l' of ...ut•
11.1.41- f
I,4llalluy 11.1, t...k1t..} ...ea it ,v3..4 ING
th• ....• 1 IL:t.11. th.
IL. 1,104 . Al. I. I h.r.
.Ii I. I t..a.—teral,
1.44.414.1.a1s tal
.c.f..1 I. B. t LI
. 11
• Shirting blueiina mid Irish Lin ud.
'I liPli V ISt . rl
q..-414k 474 , 1
I 11,1.6. t. .lo.ctiy ..... . 1..r.1 •
.1 'I, h. r.r......c.rurr Ir.rl r
-~.:, t . ~.,.
A I. F.IV v,rs •kif .Piiar - I i : ,1,1 harr•tit
:t!..rk ..I . (i.r-fttil, : ..l . ;tl`t . tt:....:•te.ot 1... 4 & .I. IA ',
v"..,.. co. ...1.04......1 11..ut.u, .1.,1.1.1u .44
li '''' Tigi` T' s '7. lZi' .. ,
„ II Is lIA • . Alass.l ,
. d ;$.)1.1) , .‘&t; :•.1 tA F1i 1 % . ,, A11'i11t , %•: , ; , - ,
Nil. ttir ~ 7i1:::::...E;,,t :3 t ;::11:in ` .7.- , ,,t„1 1 7 , 3
i 5.1.1 .....• •a.,.
..., .I‘l6 , .t... Lt. 44., ...11l•eEt .eluuttnAiiidSo
, t , ~,, ..,t . t ~,,,, .1/ .., ...A 1.1 pr, , -... I
.....,, n - ... 1 , -..11 ,,, ... _4, ' ti.........r At et..
• ""." 41 ' V liii. t . ‘, 7*,l ' .7 ' N ' t o .:;l::t q .
.1; A- , G.: 4 64',1t.‘1,..1.4,rei, P.ll.L.rjk. 1
:.1, NI,ISON .i.\ e 1../. uto IIOW ih daily 1,.
A ....,, ... „..,......\..., .L. +Lich 1.....5. I.
rrrrr . •,1{....4.14., th..‘ e0 , ...4..p051ia, lidtb dis %wow,.
~.;.; c. ... 6.r . , "' :U ' u . st ../. , ..7iM ,',llitrt"„l . L.: . :.':Zr ; VSI
. ~. k;,,,'„,,,„.„,, the rs. , 4o..gujus a strait will,. 1.4, ',.1.', ...1 t...
it hiss , u s A...c...it5..U.1
i.. Mi.• 4, • rt.. &Una.... iLr t.41..,;:k. ' ,...1 ...... pur
, A..... •• rr - 5....u511r.5.nr1t..1 \ ~
NUN. L . ifTOS .- !. 11 1/ - 1 -1,---,--Itiell :1-1,1.
;;;...11...itut.t..4 it,....., 1 ....X. , t1,1.0ir,,,.......1y I 4 il.e
...via, t... 1.1,1.• liLirt. Det.1.111..01d,.......t.
, tit,. 1.1,111 • • au5.11... aim, .4 ttlyc k oOke rsrmr....t .n
! 11 , ..... , ,, war Dcei,,,,:4.i:
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I .06 , :51 \ I/IT 4 W. - ... 1 .1.
oColltitiVE um S4-J rett'd AO t tit
1 ' Ala 11...N0r Ha., tat to,licg 1........au0t1y•s a isb ',twist
lau lAA s at., .\ It pool bm • ttri.. , ..d tp sit Ift,.. It
LlV!';''Zi:i,",,,,';'j';:; l7 "`'"';'.eii. 4.1"
, tt_l2..
.. ,..„,_... talLutt .... a u.,1..wi1 t .t4 r , ..1•r \
11 -1..:11S- Mill per. Canvawsect, \\ ' •
r"", "` :l . ~.1 ..
1 _...,......,... , ; 1.21it50;;,241.:11.,ifti.T,\4'
Btl..l.;ELA.,.,il 4 l:f w O . N„tU zE , So i- ... .i b us d.l3 ,eive'Ll' .. fri v a
1 "`",-.' \ \ Air , ./?...... 1 t.•D St ti A. LA'LUaU a
ERAtiEC LAINES- 2 M.....
A. A. ..: 5:
11: 1 11 C....a...ir10....,,c Vt..
icstc," acs tkAir ittact...l te:ateii,l
k. . •
....DAN! than .14..4, ...,,,..
I .. .61•
A 1111P.1, ,, I 1,
FM Side
lui Bahl
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r•..'55. - '.......i5t. . t.....• . 4 . •^ ii • ''' . n' • f"" ---
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..,,,,,,. ta . .y,,,..i. ......,.., -: ;L• /...t /.....0..1..1.....t ILO. .....I1 5...... Y... y 1
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i s l,;.\: - 1..... •. , I • 1..,..., 11..9 nt. I C kl•airal!.t. VLI .4 .4.1
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.1 , 11. , alai 4Yer(Iyo•Illa t.e. .trAvt!, Irlik.• I ',
/ ... 4i. EAlrt '.
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litni a 10. • C ... .1 V ...1.1.. - 1.......a,1,,' ' \
• 1ik.,.;,.., u.........,1.,.., I, I, A. 4 . ,
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,:%,..-. , ....,..., - 11.,...1 In IDYL LI..[LtILMIL)IYyI. - i... . '
!ryes', a. Mllw,. ttFo.... y.,et. Lit ,1.1:1•61.4f*LL1M1%
•-II IL li) reaL . ti ... ka,1,1 tar Mr ~, . .4 ua,sl 1^ ; 61 ‘0 1 .9 1, ..
11, LW' , ybroalrtm 1... tiaw\rm......m., L.+ nall at.t. , LLIMX
....1.6 '., My • si ill, VC, •.........44 , 4 ,1 1 Y11..Y.M. - •
...I. atutviity y......p da tm It 05...ii.,...1 I ..,...t.....t IL tt.,
.....0;1 154... L1,:1... ...a ....1•..1.....1.,ut 14,x...a
I all.. lip! ..L.1F0nm.y....y51L.., put, I 11.4.1 •..i .OAI, •
1.11.1 e .1 0... all a. ...a...1v / \ “...1,...1. •41:,,..•;.•
:ilt• e ur..,1 ., \ we, I 1., nu .1 , 1,.. • e•...1,...t..1...,..., It
uril 1..11 talAlt p•MY. My Ikrli et-. r ......., Llpaell-t5 /A
It t1...1 I 14.\...1 II •114• Me ft4kell 1 . Lit,..., I , ..1••••• I/ •
,• •.....Itr It 9 .uld
I...r.ritii I ~.• \.l . ..prtio•ll, 1.^:,...'5, , i e 1,,,, ;WWI'. e....
- 11%•.• ; tiilderrlLLy filalar /11.‘ye w.I
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I. r...u1/.... , 34, ....../.. V l / 4 11. %ILL I•tc•14 lanivir •l• -
1... V at... 1 ,1.e.q..11111, 111.,,,,,..0'1.9:.t.9.,..g....1.:
1•114. 1.a..1...g !L.., .1T•••3191at41,,,4.b, - Cto 1:11,4 1, , NI,
t ••• malt • 14..4 1, a .e. .tt „. .E . kki ;, lc! t. •.4.1 %AA', avite't ,
I ,
•.1 11t„...117:1 ' ,2 ' ."
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, .L.z.eml ...ealtn. ..1...u0, ii:i.. sl., tI , • 4,, , i.....
1... , ‘ , ...41.1. .11• LW 1, ero 1.•.4. ..•. iv, t ; t/. 1c...-
hor.•r.uvlLt./il:dt.,r/t,L., , ,a, L•1....u.r.iy y.y.......,,y,.
1.1,1.-'., 9.41..41 •, ',lli •\ I t Ira.: - 1.,1 . 91. a,
~,,,,, ,„ 1.. 1.1 1 t, ; •:!, 1,. ~....,2 1,-As • .J.,.1 1
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- . u., /....1.11.51....• t... L.. 1...1 • ..ta.l.. . LI L, - -......,....
.... m. a1...Lt....1,1.5. • .1.-.14... , ..1.. Itmmt..
...1,.... It.yrastlett .10. t• 1..., a. It .IJ, •lal •
.41( aUf 1...1, , ot ~,li.• ~,, ,1 IL / G,...,
% . 1'.11 ,- ..., 1L...1 . .L, L.A . , . ..s, .....,
t, ILL. ‘.... ••,, avliiier.,l4,l\t.ll t.... 14,.
, 419.1 Li5....1 Lt.: , I,Ar 1 , , ilt., ak..l t:..,.
....L.. 1.„,:;/ 1.. “./11 .•:;,. Na. 1.1.
A \
..‘1,,, \ . .....t, /Ins, v.p,t4t• ; t ..
la eilit...,/. .u.,
IL ./.1 I, -.. LLa; lI A :
t.., 1..,,, ,G 1 11.131 , 14.,,iy.
/tiara., Li. 4w
fL.L.I Ly J 11 rlse , 1 , ,..1••••:-• 1..:..
tuot ill , alttutetr...t..l.,..tuu.tiT , l)... ~
t ,, ,,/1..,..1 II e.t. t ..L,/.. ult ,/ ' 1:/ . • u.
t , % ti,./t;0t.,11111.4...r.t. 1... 4. t.... , ..1•••• .
I. i 1:.1 \\ .011, tv ...L.N.,../ I. li .1.1.... ,
1T • t1r..t.44• , ..... • ......"' ''''''''.
~ a ..
Itil/rl/./../ a ;•I, 1“.1A•1.• '.. /.. •\ . 1.1 . rr i
1,.:,. a A... 11,\-..01.• A Vtt.a.t. a •. , t •
al. ea, alas 4 a la. 1...,11,,
,t ~..1. ~ ..,..1...11. \ -1 ' .•• 'I.
PIA.. ..11.4. 3 1,4., .t ..• .;./..... NO, I-.
1.4 "ta1t1..1,....t., IV , . .•••.......19.4. 11 , ,111. I ~
r. J...., t....,..1..1.k.a1. 1 Cr ..•,,,, .1,,,,,,i.„ /
mar I' t... -- 1,1 r. , i;.,:,, ...., ./I..rt(m. l.• • .
. . „
•1. Oda.. 0.,., , \
Beyer ri
Li lino Prettpl.a. . . .
11 it ,,
1F: . .Id. t juet 1 , ./ - IVP `l -. .:
, bey
....Nair. d 4.laryyta . c Ic.l . 11.,EL.Lc., 5.5111 LI ...
itt/. 1 41; 4 4 rm ,, L m. 4*' , .... IL li., 1.4,411157}z1 11.
Zirlp.. L. 5 , ILy L..... wcrc ct tkokr.,l ..-- , plabmh..,i'
.L., fr. well 10u...1..., sue r/ Illottatet tax,./ . 51` . /1 oAnt. C.O
1,1 - t/rttluc.i. 554 53111,.. La? 1.41, .41/try :, 11154 j/i, ,
CotN. , ./.4 i;it ti Lb. a.u.lical zutilc.ll4 , .,:r. 1 . ..... w.: A
Coto PI, irciAr.e.tro p.t.i tozerraftk . to x2.e., , ,ar1E. tots tr. 11.
41/et... .11.1.e,10r.L.I.Friatlj far/ tI.1:14, soil pm....,.
hag We ......r.o. talons .a../ - d 4L."...e L., 1V.117 II .7..1..
tie 4.4144;1. 5.1.,1.,, , . The kllc . s.; kr.1..., .1.G.L....,1
• , ..1.11111.1 We_ r.yr,l, 1.1. ort.rred u; , , ,
itiafiga=l lallaCltaa• r iaLad....l J..... . al.
• . .•
. o , r ink.
Sellers' Verniifuge
Fula Watel;ei!
\ •IViEniCAL.
Judd's Medicated Liquid
ARTICLE. i s intended for snit}' use,
0. Yotral lb* pACKLACKILI C,) arrry tar•
M t tte Alrehartles ober are In cooartaat Oar,:
ltatr,Yrrionta through areittent, wad due totataze
'ft 0r . ..att.., car et tool, will End thin artiels to le 10
*table to Lbw, awl alter • talt trial wilt rambler it\iyallta
;his may <entry ttatOe., tbe andante:oat, hart 11 tar - '
qutt , tti7 .ottla root to Jto!rs LiatOtt Claude. •
Nomos * Carat. ...
obtortal Mted
ly raoccta •t; t War rootratittitat tootareco
Ilant Larn e, •• • !,74.11,=21 \ •
• a1!..1. Y t c
,to' /VON, M. L.
, -:*1.“11. , fr M '
,Ceti L. 1, t.
•ot .151.51111•5 UM CUTS)
ForFals \t. CA I) cy,, ,
.1.21 . • • -.ow Wool col
.- .
THE 0111.:&" is..E.NTUI% I kt.,:tli.bicl.
D.11., , J081i b. 1.1.. ' S •SA Reapa ,:,.ijj,
IS pu t up iii' s qu I t . ..: , ttle,.. auk •. ti
ulna . .
thintrautt •.O,Y, ' . •••• i., ILI, Oro tao iniy. •
&sup shall. Dia.. id • . ,-. i n. in - . .., ao,
In per Cottle, or Ida R. at- •., .. drn,- , ...,
It hay tau • trail d.,•...t... ,e :Dui 1a..., as.
Sarupullin, rhea pare on, • y leagued. au der
e, \
cnly trar panacea for'all 11-I= c , .. - 'rutin. trnarant=.
dil unert t:ktt. it ' l r I h' o l l l 7l b ' l'l'4'. fla th' i b e . .ra i' l '•
./...I ' L e..' ll; ;' '.- .3A W'lni /tRAP.A 'rr - ' •
MIT Crer.a.( l 4.l. :nr Lb* Dublin that Es
914apared oa ildiall> sc/aai :Co arta Liz. mud .1 uoUuna •
,Denial, Stin enter, nkt,.. ~. ' -• d witluat guard
to arta., Wad ar= 4 031.11,1. Or: . • . . a/ -( . 1 . 1 .... 1 ...,. 1 .• . , •.'
Ula eh i.,t .....o. iaranarunottonad •
bylbra tedria wed` ', ',
Butr.tlareoratain'aki a ..,. 4,13(141 IY. WM.. of ht m l •
• otbap Patual/e sal•riata \ 1".• 'Der tornitNb. but i 5....
urdarxiutiug tu. ar tart viand anent, la We
WILL cuur. sqiudor •rAii..,l • \
Pernfa . la or
n lnlan's 2 0 11:Untirart. tumor?, LX • ri a ~' I
~1 ., r- c adz:, . 4.', Z rnli i . l a l ine. l7 4. r .t. .\
dim, Pali:min Ina brwallor)oalattl. \
• Marra, UM', lakrilac' .\ ,
.. thElolanli, d Er.yfri
y , ' \
lac. ‘. •
' .
. . •,
' an' ure 'or Aritarr '
PAULI In the tilde and inliall• ' • . •
, • Gtr - GurytallNelel.ty. hits I.
Dud, JateldianCortiarann4 data lki. • •
Been-DIM. Canaan. in IC•inbiour ore.. Luta.. ,
Pulutanarp A LWlless. and all tithe: dtrumor t dial' la
Lim Oomplent, Pewit], Irtegolaritleo at.l nerd.
Mk .14 0,0000,. Litactubr,',lnir Rotel, !Debt I t
RatentUal, Imprudent. Is Lb, i.L,,,,,L, a..,,,L.u. bi.
WM SIAM In is 01014.; awl rJWt.i., /10,1 / 64.1.11-11.1.1/04
I. WI the ea bleu., and g -, ....t.:1, plriii , nt Diriaoittao
suoirlat } • IS.. 1,1.., ~; ~,,.) ~,A,., . ~,,. A - 1,•,
ital . I atirli a U. - -
Ttinfoilow.un it Oa re Unlit., ...pp, revtilDil... orn to -•
U. pornewilua or lb. ;eardini.or of um!, ete....catitl...- •
list R. W Hen.... I. el.l-1, al::! .4..1”./AII) iaa..irti to.*
~Ucyu•tit andanootaellanid ra.dar id tt.- AL a leitesli. nal
it. R. Etaaintiti.l.l Las tntia.t:l2.... at ••. , ..e...1 , 41(aebas nil . a „
, inee r .l .LS 11.1410,01, ea. Ila•• Mortal tk, , k, Laa•aairtqa..• \ (
D,iiiii t•••in , i i-Y ipaor >rat., ..ud at' 1111.1 EMI. /a (1 , .11.a. • .
ttoy 1.101 1..././.•,II/I• I/1/.11
an, i ...La, 1. , •• I( prual,a , ..(,
1%....t.. - ( - le Vat , •• ( aa, an.a.1..,,A( • -
Lb . ( f Tysiiiddep (ant. n.,,.: go•t t r . ,') era io ' lilV,itio•P
1 • •
• . \ , 1.,,,1aa 'lla.a ,0,1,1: - .
1,... tat., a. , ....1 Joia.a Haan, ti..r.a.(•.at.1“..•‘..,,,,,, , •-•
111, Isa , ite'ail, •It!, .4 1 / 1 . 1 , a'Alle.t.., a 1......e.•1 ay. haat,. a.,1,(... .
• ,iiiiLn 11...N.rt.0,
D u n .... Lan., •t, - •.• .. ......tad akl ~
50t...n.11.4 e...tote•un i. unt • ..I, , Diarai O•••• ..'•••••nal, '
iirn•a and I. lya• m,...i. .....1 , 1•••:. .O i e , ni'l 0.• ,, ,.,.Ra
e..trolly illy lata. v.. u••• , / ......c.i.a.•ta.l 1. c.. al.. a 1 '
t0ed.c.1.5 . 1 , 1'..
'17.1P.A! ,, , , •
.., .
A b,L11(1( . 1.. 1,4,11. 1,11..
7; I'.' .:".7:•'', - ,'' l .: - ;.,'
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