The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 06, 1851, Image 4

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ial iealaow.
• "Ti*brueFwe r4 WADI; Igur . FtstVat
When Brat on them I met my;Lever;
;Tay - braes bow dreary, Yarrowletrerdn'
When wol(tby waves his ho4y cove,e.
Forever Yairow streaia:. ,
yookiiirt1010:0 Birelitil ' of sorrow ;
For Dent on thy banks 8111111.1
gahahrsay lOre, -the tiower of Yarrow.
ileTrotailed me a milk vitae steo;
Dei.triOt Ms to itla atiter'4-tit!itito!
He promised me AL '. :-
T 4) me tohie : ather'slotier
lie promised me
Thelteda4—.*y wss Axed to-mitv3;f
Noir tiedded to kis. graie.
Alas intery grays in arrow
Bweetarere his- words when hut we met:
My pissien I ss freely told him!
Chutpidii his Oros, I little thought
That Ishould-nerer more behold biro!
Hearne eras he gone, I sew his ghost; •
Lt iardeled with a shriek of sorrow:
Thrift did the water-wraith fiend.
And. gar* otolefal groan Hirai:Lei-Yarrow.
His moths from . the window look'd
With all.we to6gug of a 'lather: • •
Hliaittle, slater weeping waled
The greenwood-path to meet her, hiatiter;
They sought him east, they sought gin west,
They eought him all the roma through: '
They (Kays,* the cloud of night,
They only heard the ram of Yarrow'
No longer from thy window iook, . •
Thou hank no son, thou tender mother
'No - longer stalk, then lonely meld • ,
Alas ! thou more a brother
No longer seek bim east or wear.,
And search no more the forest through
For,. wandering in the nigh . t so dark;
Ele fells lifeless corpse to Yarrow.
This tear shall never leave my cheek,
No other youth shall be my marrow;
ru seek thy, body lig the stream,
And then with ties ru. Sleep tw-morrow.'
The.tvir illdnever leave her cheek;
No other youth became her marrow;
Stutlound hit body in the qtream,
. And now with htm she eleepr in Yarrow.
. . .
These Flibustiere, corruptly called
tlerao Indtheir origin in die Piratical • Common
wealth in' the West Indies. The period of their
prinfess was the litter part of the 170o,centhry,
thengb they ezisted a center) , carnet', a t ti:a party
of Preach freebooters, who• took , 'piossession of
the Island of St. Chnstoph'eis, and thCnce en
gaged in piratical expeditions against the Spin-
Wds- Losing that island about 1620, they es
tabliehed them/Relies in the northern part of St
Doll15210;.‘colt Hayti, ontlin the small islands in
thekneighbrirhood, then under Spanish dominion.
They sustained themselves by piracy; and hunt
ing ot - isild cattle. The flesh of the tattle they
dried for food; snit . -spade in article of trade of
their skins.
After these succeeded the Ducaniers, taking
their name, es is said, from the Carribbesi word
Borman, a name given to places for smoking and
drying beef. They exchided women from their
association, organised their society on the cern
=unity of labor system, and settled their dia.
ants by single, combat. New comers; mostly
en, were subjected to an apprenticeship
of three year before admission, and" pledged
agalturkthe common enemy; the Spaniard. This
' community, When the cattle in. St. Domingo
' Were thinned off, and the war between Spain.
and Ftence, andlngland, broke out, became a
powerfid piratical Republic, and an object of
' terror.. They prosecuted their piratical cope
ditto= against the rich possessions of Spain in
the Weld Indies ' with such success, as tir, attract
' ~ adventurers from all nations, piracy being their
(icily trade. They then became known as Fie
', . burden, from the Spanish name for a light boat,
lame, in French. Flitot, derived from the En
glish word .flyticat. Their number increased with
improved means and craft, and they soon became
a 'formfdable naval power, a terror to ltpein.
wham largest even of war, , they boldly
' attacted and ceptared. They increased in nun.
.her rapidly, by accessions of seafaring advert
:n:6er,, and the favors shown to them by France
- and England ; because they were the Means of
annoyin the common enemy, Spain; In this
. . Republic, by the common consent, or ,
the choke of the majority, the bravest and moot
•Xeckleenstrade leaders; who, by their pepti
ses, gained great ascendency over their 'com
radely,. As_ r orgattimdienatrengthenedi these
. 11
leader's. ' from their , ollowers severe dis
cipline perfect subordination, though they
allowed great license towards others. •
, The lire =com mander _ of the Flibostiers was
tamed g eid, who about the middle of the
17th • , w ith a fleet of 17 Sail, and about
600 men, lured St- Catharines and some other
of the Sp • Islands The celebrated Vice
Admiral Morgan, a Welchman, served under
him. Morgan succeeded Mansfield in command, ,
and carried the power of the Flihustiers to Re
grestait,...h ' t,‘ haring establfilied his head
- quarters a St. Domingo end Jamaica. rlie did
not confine mself to piracy on the spa, hut ac-
-.tacked, pl fired, burned and laid waste sever
cal cities ' a harrible manner. Among these -
places nerto del Principe, (now Port an
• ' Frinsj Porto Bello, and hiiiricaibo. In Octo
ber, 1670, be headed an expedition of 37 Teasels
. and. 2000 men, against Panama. Landing at
Clulffon's lee crossed the Isthmus, under &thud
ties ahnost insurmountable, and reached Panelize,
the 27th January 1671: ile destroyed the Sped-
' • ishgarrison, plundered the city, most cruelly 1
treated Me inhabitants;and then laid it M ashes.
Morgszi's followers accused him at keeping the
... greatest part of the booty obtained at Pasterns
bless.% and in consequence of his quarrel with
' them, he withdrew to Jamaica, quit his piratical
' life, married, and lived to en advanced age.
. There were many celebrated. Flibustiers in
command ander Morgan. Among these were the - 1
cruel Frenchman; Francis Nese, called FOrlea-
nab, who laid Maracaibo - under contributions,
- - and was taken on the Barn Islands, and put en 1
./ . .: • death by the Indians.,! Under the con:minder,
o Laurent de Graff, a Dutchnum, and Gsandmont,
,:'- a Frenchman, the Flibtuitiers in 1683.capatred '
' 7 , the fortress of Vera Cruz, plundered it, and laid
'''O . It under contribution. , The booty amounting to'
._eight =Miens of, they.divided and took
to Jamaica. In 1684, Etrandmont took posses-*,
- sion of the _ suburbs of Carthagena and Cam-,
Under the influence of the French in it. Do.
=lngo, the Flibustiera became dangerous to the
. • English. Coptain liontaubrand engaged in a
. , Omitted expedition off the coast of Guinea, and
in 1690 captured several Dutch and English
shifts. The.Engllsh then began'to oppose them,
..end from that , period they eats their decline.
'yet they• captured Santiago de 100 Cavelerns in
' 1690 . l'brir ,elVedition against the porta of
• ' Chill, and Fern about the same time failed, and
their numbers begin to diminish rapidly. lu 1697
the Flibustiere "aided the French Governor of
..' fit. Domingo m the conquest and pinnate of Car.
- • thaftelm. Their cruelties were horrid and appal
, • ling. It wag their custom to murder all found
r ' en board every dip they plundered, end when
.. . . .
- - .
not activel y .engaged in an expedition, their
creations were indulgences In beastly pleasures
and horrible crimes.. As the maritime forces of
this European poweri increased, Ma buccaniers
declinedointi lithe beginning of the lhth
ry the Flibustims were nearly all estinct.
%Aim the facts in the shore eketch, we are
mostly indebted, to $ historical sketch in the
Boston Advertises. • ,
pi - OTICE—The partnership heretofore ea
' ,Isttap And. the arm of 11. A. WHITY A Cu., tat ,
1- - Maar barn dloolyrtl b 7 mutual conigrar wmTe,
• , .
• • ' • P.lntlittTY •
MOIEED LIERRINO S-80 !.bis Lu bec, in
ennr.lo.o 2 * bir 1.4121 INLIAII LIMEY aCO
I, • 'LIiTIIIITING-30 bbls. for sale by
TV sas4). J. IaDD
. .
Le.bbl.i. Lola. 'SW= . Cltttifted SyLug:
" '—ffrarr.itai.o. a w.
dr!OTTON-5 Dales Tenonslee, in stnre and
20 tierces prime Carolina, - for sale
S IX TWIST. TOBACI 0-104 kegs
Aux roc% aid for mkt* t,r , 05 . 0
7E I----1- NED.SERTARS --650 bbl. Small Loaf,
lil mod , r "Viiikte. c u l tngra
oust Agonto for Bt. L 412311 Bogor R•Bgtty
ICE-20 tcs rice or sale
R by
, R- ~
. ....--
-6 bble co lt
J a. Ditwo "
RT l u
. •
1 8081 E En4ufr. of 1.880 ,iatassi,
3 - --"—r----frat-gd received
lE's'Ylai°l'l'`"'d "VIT. wu.swi.
. tows
WRIATCTU.S. prdnies
r Writ stoma ga r r o l • 7 ,...wid.6
Impala!, aoadwol,
In hat alma. mall esttled—now loadlag Wad for We by
LINER OAU.9TIC-5 lbs. for sale bet
VELEESE--75 boxes for sale by
bozo; prime, for sale by
I .
- C
AS , H" . O bble:fc . T .
CR 'LAS T .11 addl Al
2 7, ifeedby r ImamBURCiDIELD
Miallarkir": ccssl a 1_
ELLEB.S' It tyr never,
Inn single bietsiise,isileirilib ssiSlSsoress.
, Cabe! Cashel Ifainse, Vi o Jule
11. 71: .rill recollect that .
outs nln Pillobsteltb•Lo..tiovensloor *en prossillest outs
td try} Sole yeasidfoge. to test itai Tilt., We did isa. and
ertatert.sre sold _ty a lp sis ,,r ourcheseds,srbich
Agee tt
htth i:in7Al ,l it.`—` -
t at”Wir:dtcrifittlZoorr Tilo r s=r o I ' Y
' e
woo' "ax yon to 'send us .14.
(.1 see sidisoyeans,
dos:Gapes. Well ed 11. so insitistilialianolislos. ssia
o , wey wishes to . hisse it inlbeir possession..
panW of
Time olro bass Pastdosiot nattld wsleetlYssill
to ....sive certifies. 01 os excellency. Cot iho
a se's...led. it boo neves, in a stools fo ots ries. tailed
to steel isoytos. Wal. C. MILL= 110.1.
vreArt4 nod sold by 11. IL eltl.l..Elle. :i t.ld Y ooi st.
/c. Valuable Improvement in Tru nes.
IR. SURD'S Improved Patent T R U SS
el. and EUPTUUE 6E.11111)1. by
abate a leareauent
rare ran be effected. This Neely dillareut
41 1.4
otnod prineltaer of action from other Travel, Laving
tbeaaventagni of a weibregnieted and nntft , un Pre.
Ore. The pressure eau bust regulatedas to gin.resue nod
*ootlarb Ito U. corastalfllenit noes of. Uerola, anal eon be
10 eammt Vv.
tore!. end taloa bre= to boot tolttr'
i tip rWe
U.. 104 Opuing.arel alloratag overact recant,' an mare
'llan st al Una* .even ttbara the neat VioirtaX7
Ey - the nee of 0.14 Trvert, tt s tnnt=br , . l . ,l:ar r a b
t err i a.Ll p uTti n na, th o e r Irn ' y ler Sang... Satinfql , 57611: ,
tOyai. WA nofrepat veaorenee to e Bar t,
Lag of na me truss.. ,le a very manual stree . re
for rename aMloted with Rapture to eetect. a try.* p
tbreeatbere. This 1, a
baulk. whieb e be
Ven'onl4.4.lbate wtto and [hr aratogy Li a ,
? o nly Zirt7eepertfully rail tLe attention of PbreL
dame to Ibis Tmo, on ma know tray rill•PlatTuttr 0.0
valua — We oho Lave a nerlatv of other laquare p at
Wr y
" " k". ntrgergrt ArTiIIVILL. Jig ' etc .'
lOU Wutel Pluaburatt..
Dr. Hard'` Abdominal Supporters:
fiiirEsr , SUPPORTERS ni.intelided
j_ ly for We core of Profaning' Merl, and WI door dl,
suss where a otentaniell support to the AblOnstual %went
111stufttr. 1 . Titer
w or n terfec impport Mlle , abdominal
and may be with nonfOrt by la TPA, dn.
ens. produced by a weakores'ot the abdominal mnscles
• reprolansfs Utesi, Wallin{ of Oa Dowels, Hrs. ttewtive-
IWO, Palos In lb* Bark and lwasstuds 004 Itstratun
Veabogs of Prostration, Ilreuebitia, Sbostaggslof ltrestb,
Palpitation of the Heart, Dysperla, aredgoter4l debits,'
116'Velltit d 4140091. LL,
f ei ISONfood .L. Pittabltrwn.
, • Sellers' Liver,Pills. ,
01R01300,311ardiptu.trtrtlitists4::4, .4 0. r
Nat il t:ln ß a; E 4l : i S .urying laTdr - ot y e ont•nrs '' Stratte
r -Atsmt tn. years
liter, 1 n tatKllo2.4
s weats
an th e
and was. t.duwd
olwht sweats and t (her affects of this droysl ul Intense.
that my life was despelred of Atter (Aber ibl,w 4 badfall
/ adirleed by ray kingdom] ta trs rtr 1,1300 1014
nd 1 Must say that anew Wang one a half 1.
`t ar s b.(llrastotted r e eabl health, w o enSoy st
this time. 1 therefor take :pleasure os r
l aentrntelt l me
them to others atblet.l 114,,Ae b oAs
AllrOoTrlirs(fealr;:l 3CretAtailtZ L LO o
30.( 1tt I:Pcslk"
X. - -
X Basiu's(successor to Roussel) • es
for the Randlterehief.
XTRACTg.of Rose, Cirange Flo or, Jet
uouquet dr t
(hyaline, llaranettov,' Ii w
lietletr ha.Codno,
Tarsus. Dentatuut, Camelia, 1.4 avian:Ala.
Jong Jockey Club, Slaraehal, Flowers.
Clontatite, Welt End, Jenny Llud, Casvle.Clirat , ol ,, novel,
and Extract Moak. in onv ounce hcttivr, .all.ll ghout stop
ara. Atl.the above Eatracta,wlath etcull • Part ot hda
rurrll"tiftve;ricarl C1.;....—:/bt`",ll,lt,Tl:.,t,3l.t't,"ttl
country, laity last the high estinAstion dna ate
told the Ounatouulty. Fa{ ad. by
wv, 11...E--.SEI vt , t, Vor4
eu,,l ZINC.
Ixaln at Nos.: and Wood
. nava , the atti,iitiou uf Hutto , soda mtvadhboat
Pan:arra to [Lie article, .111.10 we have brown.., tot "up
rude u/ three mouths, and eau t
u at
nowt - Luz
to at ato 1,43 punt in evert ...Wt ., . luatrad
Me light no addle Its,, vine white al eon.
Queutly h.+ • Prober and moo, brilliant tone. It a aNdlo
greater hankies:4yard la canto durablr for dui:dr or out.
work. It will out rut and ranh. wash 1 without
anl As It 1.4AV1 . 1. MOra . turtare woth ro alit
Ls malty as .hp as white lead.
.1 U S'F.RECEIV ED, by this morril . gs &
.•. tVr.rgl,ll,=7;tno%rnguiZr'curt:.nj...ll',3la'avatil'..
nut.. 11.• .o.werally, that we ills. how. and Itsbm.l
Lewrang ,uo.asatly.s.. , wrm...a yt.coe % ,, 0 ,,,,,,
1. 1.‘1,1T be found at any ...tero establlsbutent Jur sr.
fingetneuts stub nianufeetures • sad unportims ars such as
to warraut . in redvertudng that earn suled to estrat
Ws lowest regular m , . fottud la the bolted States.
GS - henna sealated by experpur....l and illsisbra sestrs
611. kt r 6, rustuutep , way depend oloha , ‘ou, , r , W
retwtrad•lo the hest =sutler, sad warrant.,
: W. W. WIL-40N. Watch later,
jy4s 67..eortter Market and I.6urth streets. -
PLANA:IEOIN glued u.j.Kl tfriglas
-- 4 ed WIAIOW II MN LI ;I , ' , A - g,i ' i s i A t i, } p us ,i t i 7 i r E pl i z: -.71 and
, (or oar or. .
t.).,1 55 Mutat street.
1 lilOAl 5-104 Itoie« Cincinnati :ant Soup,
r l .,
" a
" on
`°""nn°°' nn ti . f e r . tteNll ULIAM.
i t JISO S,. 3 . .) testy at.
1 A Leollol. -- 50 Labia. for .alp bi
IV .0.30 Lt. A. I , AIINE- 4 11.y1 „ 1: a CO.
LAUD 011.- - 7 5 , bbls. No. 1, fat bole by
' P.. , U. A. kAIINE,TOCK A 1.. Z.
Ikel AC-Kt:MEL-100 bbls. Lonrgo No. 3; fur.
IV j. sal- 1:, .ty:10 . ft A. CUNNINGIIANI.
iiI.P.S OI „A t..1'5--117 ,:nAlur nor toLle bi ,
12,11 Jr•A 1r....
------,----- 47 --
1 tiD101)- 2 .. oeroons Cur:woos; ,•
X . A tee 11.111 w—will toe 'old law to nose
a...Up:lnept. ISAIALWaCNY/eV..n.,t
1110TAS11-20 maks pure, for sofa by •
i_slll J. s. utorouru 4) CO.
./iottN--Cuo bu. Shelled, for sale by
NJ 1111 J. t , . DILWOIIII I 1 CO.
.1J A Af--.--4 casks superior, fur sale on con
Xi alwament by T. WO‘JOSIt SON.
flu • al.Water at.
---------- ---
b i t)lt i (drl id a A rLl E e , rtt,ine)
• 11' 25
ALERA'CUS% — zs eneks kicarranted pure)
17 tor /Mi. bj J. S.:IIO•JSSIALEI: aCO
MACKEICEL—Nos. 1, r and 3, in t,.)le
aud D 4 LLIi. L Wt. by . wAti,
111 - 161.ifr - POWDER-40 0- keg.e for sale
JUL era, s. vuti OuSleffoksts
Gadleztlets, Candelabras, Tea Trsy•l• "Vs, Pliant
lat A
able Cutlery C•ke
U.U. Camel qu•ltty leen , t..1..te.
dl,ll .
• Nivel iklpaala. Fork&- 2ht•ez Thug•
'rd warder, and • good...Mcmat always cal Gull& at the
limedprieem. P. WlLet)ti,
al. hare: - Phalth, hlotire• stzeet. •
Summer Quilts.
IHAVE received a case of line Marseilles
Iloilo, of dlgorer.t sloos. for fate .
fyI.Z • MI. NOBLY, 131.boln•rrr. ThlrJ at_
iIidOKED ILEitAING-5 0 fiae. New No. I,
A. 3 for Palo at MORRIS TRA MARI, in the Dif.aLc.i
VAILS 300 kegs ass rtes sizes in store
II tor cule br gouilifOti, LITTLi: CD
2 1.1,1,.N0. 1 lAttl; •
4 .. Stalin.
a Cage 0114... g?. ;
. .
1 & itu l i TTl ,u s Di T yln i ... .r.: l,:.
la g_ 17 ...'
lcuisAut We DT
101.(ILL'S SARSAPARILLAI2 dot. tor'
jut ,tY 7 JKt a CAI ,
i1.%1t gab f 4 O Wocorl ..
Green Teas have advanced 10c. per lb.
V OO . can buy Green lleas; for three months.
to moo, at al01(111W Tea Niel. la. ale Diamud, .
d.4e chi prin , attct Me tarty qualit4, tatfaltbetattLltl . l l
V """' h"
'''''' .-.' ‘h" h o er 24 ""- tgla .1 ...4 da
b.). tell th e beet 'leae In tatto out at ,
. Yy °prodder , . .
___.lT),,_ .
()ARMS CHF:ESE-51 braes receiving per
too,tl by GS
Jolt. L:no.'.
1 , AKE FISII-25 1,b6. Lake Trout, (new;)
!Am Teuur.4 ror P.a. t,l .' k , ( ~ , , , , , in _b
, lot. - ~—. '
Time Bills
Mko ttp Itstard't enetor 61mtitor.
t(A • - t KUlt,
lo maks 311607 Foem-_,• for rob. Iwo LI
J. 3. DILW ORTHII.3t. -
I . OI , YEE-12 5 stele Greta Ilre,,lor tale by
.4 ti A. CU L.BrtTSUN a (YU. ,
rINBAjC6-100 boxes Blanufactur:d, W.
i H. tinut•t, flimsol! A Itubiomo„.663 oth6r obb66-
Grand, tor ml 6 be . .11.CUL113.373UN 3. CU ,
Jill 110 bliorty rt.
oas.l2,con , 114 !wood '
,00 tir ua Mast!' or;
10. by , 1,21 .
• UI IrmtftNia h..
i.IOILIA ASII-450 musks, of our own warm
1,7 [wt., rrarroottral of ao.filgb ton as .7 truparr•J
orkt for salo at tho lowert u uartoglicra ia
rt or . rwar bl.rort.
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati araph.nd Louisville Tele-
FEW SHARES of this Stock wanted at
du Ezehenot Uebee of
yll A. W !JAMS At V.I.
`AL SODA-200 casks for salehp
° Jrll EbbIiNETT, OEURX *ILI).
(1 REASE—IS bble. forl3
sale by -
s _‘;u
_, Jr+ l -iu C"v _
SODA ASH-15 casks for sale by
jyll & w. LIARBALA)II
rINEUAR-15 bbls. Cider, for sale by
WANTED—Iand warrants wanted, 1,
" b
A ' ltglii.V l Cu.
11 Excbssuge and Bankine Flour. Fourth'ir.
-(Patent Candlesticks.
No bi bath.. Jame. anal. , tuf. Ysteth lAruile•
• is. •
s allele, at present much in rothp,, spers
itomrovemiast 00 th e rld whlth th e Wulie Vn
opodlully 10,1ted to coll •••416thathm.
V INHUAKI-130 galls, Wine;
10 ELlctldo - ft.r nag.
, . .
illEESE—Prime W. K, rot male , by
IL DJaZELL* OL,Lltert, n.
EZIFLPHAft-QUiNiNk--OTP .OZ. for e;ale by
JJ'I9 J. KIDD lt
j[kLD Jacob Townsend Sarsaparilla—,24
‘l5 'dos. for Hl[ 47 J. KI DD It Ca.
CA) Moist.
I. Pa. PT; "An gar Yrooi
on COtiVALM e1 ) 1t now
5.... E-54 boxes,
• a qua bbIA.
w e v y LB4lAll DICKEY CO
- 'On t Wart aw v irte.
r- - - wiG OI PO I° a,B - - - umas p landin , and
at. tot
New Books, Jest Received.
YEAST: a Prollem; , reprinted with corree
luldltlonn by the author of Alton Locke.
Ilipory at Cleopatra. Queen of Egypt by Jacob Abbpii:
U paceb '" Xilit a Tale of the Puritans. Ilhou. mos
.0 `
Posthorn". Ten by Anna 11. Do yry,Author of 'ire
ss l:pi r =rslre l lrunefrg:g u' as ; tint kloubicert i .leur .
No. A.
Dnnery of Mechanics. EUSlue Wfirk and to
niliceriout N i oe ill ant Na.
Lis to iti t
o. onle Pict oJo orial Yie b ld Boo ool k oflb t"
Id tzw}nyh do t within LIU..
• N.
Dlolel Pi Kidder.; Pierto i. tult r.A . ,
Poe i.le by
irU.l • vi Apollo liolblingaTourtb it.
New Books. -..
11!ODPEEY ',MALVERN: or. the I.ifr of an
VI Auttior. tly Thomas . Miller. Mltb twenty.four it
lusttalsOu4 by
Tr+nla In the bolted Starer, se, during Win and MOM
fly the lady Intonelion Smart Wortley.
• No. g of London Leanr and the Lseslott Poor.
Tbe aboie books knst reed and 09004417
Jytni ISTOCKIMM. 4. Market at.
—Rome fa Ifoine: a Domestic Tale.
P 4.• A• VA in the Life of Mr.. Margaret Maltiand.pi Han
oyelide; written by bereelf.
Itemised at 110L11144 . Literary Depot. opposite the'Peit
tItoOOKSI—No. 33. of Eyrne'o Dictionary of
!Mechanic . . aal Engineering,
n 7 of AprletisMerlianine Magasnas and Engineer,
AbLor—A largo osoortommt of C1a44.1a1 Ind seb.l**k
vt n4.'d tod for 404 by J. L 1714 AD, Apot.
Amain buildings, Fourth .704 47 -
N. 14 —17.4 tater, lo exchange. JIM,
THE SPIRIT. POLKA;' con:reed by H.
Kieber. and 11.4k.t.a suvt.. L. voter. of thi.
yerly'a arraoged by It. &leper. •• Pl•IW
11r bI
~T: 16•8 1 :•1-arka.of the moat poprtlar waltu• out.
rarialloha. by Dale.
* Doter JOUP/1. The -Intl., 14, Dale.
The Autumn of our Year.. Ur BAI , DT•
Al.. • Due oeJectioo Of Foreign Moak for Pun, Flute.
Than.. Se 11 I( LIIBER. 101 Third street,
spleudid lot of -' n ' e g • ,'" l'./ h lTO U S 'l t . oi n otret s thro ' •
DA. eery . at.l ftmorol.bara 6 oetav Piano sue Oals
pn sod Dublic Doeunanole of the Wafted Starch
n b. Aorearlort of George 1f sahltoctou to the
= , l;l „ 7 . gStr . tx
U.tkalations Ones
Ohm' •rx;. ' l
itrot•reATtiotalotnit p0c0d.1141 6,1 .4.
deowraphieal. holelthtiraytatlottc•/, lahoortical;And !L
-oofah/oes) DOCIIMPULS, /JIMA FuotA together with
Ifotipes ortho Arta sod blaoufsetur•A and • liechrd Of the
Areata of the Times from hill.
The above vatuablo •orks for s•leby
1010 It C. fiTtAIKTUN, IT Market rt.
Music for the Bloomers. • •
KLEBER, 101 Third street, sign of the
. D. j. , . melted—
beautiful thresne of Cho bloomer o,o=o rublnEtol,
der VintlVlt b r
attnuht y tempost on 00
F.lfr . • beautiful air of "N ' elly"
Also, a supply of sal on Tempera= taro Boot. trlf,
Chickering's ;Plows.
JOIIN II MELLOIL,•-tgent for
Ptatme, .r Pitoburglt
an 1 tejilVeisltrivasts , Nn Wood 0,1 • f •
has rscourel and eow opeo toy mt.. the fol.
lowinu alagaut aarortment Piaui, Wort., direct from the
tosoufartory, at Mr Chletatihes Moot= Freon'
(,oo 00:ant kosetrooti nea . tauttl Piro. e% or ' ;
Vit. • " • plant
put " •• ourst.-1 ".
putss •• •• round corners, I ••
•ttore Pento Fortes ate ot the latest egln of furnt.
tura, and w
sbl ith au Mr. Chnkantera Immeneutettr the
0 0 .eauts 0 at 80... therdbf ovtett
sambas,. to On rsolun the r•zpru.• und rlets of trans.
• • . •
Our Car*..l man
1.1.ut...1 by Adam Ettr.lart
~..1 kieo,
n.. 11...e.ewc. 6 <env., Adam `...t.Jart A Iv. '
" V&A. a Kbwrn.
e Jo
" 11D.ct.trtt.,. woad uevr.
Ow. u I.lwou Harem
ti •• • I.lrutb..“;
•• 1$ Dubois ./..Y.5.b..1.",
-- - .
I irk
FOR AUGOST, h atlroimon'
iv I.'''. Vl2 ' • •
Graham's Maga-tam..
I.a.ll..;tisnutrua '•
11N E
al wollu
yy 6c Burchfield
4 tills I.llorni
a further sup
, site Ne0:1u0. whit. blue 0.301
1117 Wart Wel/
r„-.„- kW, Ltron. !' •_ " hl b.
.02 " 1
.T171, , : a 110; uarthet..o 00i00r 0 '
1 HAVE just received ones. se of Wash Net,
thr ffitratt.
A 1..1 TIME. —l-adwi And
11.:YA LLISK ,nettrpreirred
n for,kl• 01 IN, .
100 Itxtkot M.
Black Lace Veils.
1‘11311P,,11.T.0,&;.., have a full
Sta , white .‘al FT.-40 tisase dc, arteo T r bel '
foe blue .14. black. Elk Sett. ols..lllEUtrd
Great Shawl S
4 A. iI4SON
. 1r re, r.-g
. arbibitwi ta this city. co.pyisicd
Plain-111m. Crape
EEa It
blarlc I I ' "
td/01 tad Fr.l3,b.Tbibet Ebawlwl
Plant printed widd embroldrred
13wwbra.Castmerr and Mug
too md Lalfditan of winch tory IMO dater
coined to elose nut. Prmlocol Wwwirloir their fall Mlata
Thry will be offered to a [rent mule:ion from tomer
iTrov, Wu that ess.ry coat. ' watt
New Patterns
( r )
_ Plql, r ust wrist.' from the mat azynsiva ne•tera
Lev..., sad for tali of the old .ml No. No. 0 Mar.
= .
ket tr.. . f ir all Tilob VAK
. . .
Scarce and Desirable Goode,
L. LAM., dastridins Due
M".7itaP7p_ irtlestMllol/rll?.l‘'
. . Cho s h.,ms. dr, rte. "'
Atentloa la turstad to thrfrobolor ...rt....a of Nrrmh.
davOto, White Gouts do drum, te.
Yr. Val reM•lva. tdrl.7' or t.morrod. !mm Nr.i4o7rlt—
,Br.dren Dress Lands.
1,1:41+1.23i BONNETS AND IIATS-11.11.
PALliEll Las pet ...lead • eat. ur u•.er
unmet Dottuete, acme beautiful aud novel Mks. Ai".
&Wei end Bore DnlC. Etas, atid tabar list. ie I •
Goods for Warm Weather. .
XtURPIIY 5. BURCIIFIE.LD, 4 th e North
IT F.sat con. of Fourth god 'Stuart Masts rini welt
ropy ial odskted to num windlicr. authas
Sri,. mid Fremh astir NSA
r ' i r e " l: ' 74tf l rirlVlltlL: ""
heron. and iissueu
Phan w hile Swlsa.o Moil Moan.
farrago ha La...
1 ,.
'{her pre ii.l. ‘. ni.1: 1 0 1 must. , lot of MEW 0001. it
id a:Mohair all ' it 4. ' 1 ' 1, liloil,ot==ri bi l= "o4iii
Is do . Drat plai:Olnittaa..ntark LlimityLLlstrasi Preach
L... aod MOIL, Nite !Moods, new MI. - DROWN
LsaWNr, ...tad. POPLINS.
Ili. arsortount Lel. very full, with nous - taut ma.
us of nevi rids, and sold a, LOWS" NUM. loduatomats
ar offered no Olen 14 kall LIA 121. k. that, purchases
. __ _
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
• •
It. 1 1. rrito9loTlLlt'F"-ntfoorr :m al t' ohl big!
Zfg,f i tr i liVre. , ,vilitre , :giiv.s 4 gp f .y.. 7
b .11'",13,5v,,,,.-e....±-`4.LlT:4.`i'l="ll.l `lti
: .,1: R, i f '.r r: .. a . a1k.p ,:.,; . :: .ir i ,„ .:; , L:: . Li . :: 1
m- i
br.u.mTvia...., oUder forip.,ln gr,t ny,
' iANP-itratrilliao,Zitag;:r kitnod
. kifelTAßimmthCM—Cor.te.Tawls, Butt.oh 0 , , id.
P rerlag±:tesketkon6l ?Janie. 0040.4 t.Ockir.. l . l
Pfi'fli°6l"l:llll7Z Tki;gra 7 6 1 Z; • I ril
qiiii'i L I ' ' '''tsi ~.17_4, . .. w. ..... ,To ,. 444
Bo i , lr . .lilituad low ptr...1?...- al PRATtitlisad
%Ai ()URN INO ACCAS—Ligtd , in body
Ptr - ' l z. "0 44 w 41rt
Ch lI T. lowl aut. C.* ,
nil". ."
of e
ALlAlRlA4l`*ntleutetio Wee rot S o pthatu cm:1,101151ot ths
mat I
I t l tra r tAt !tad hod ittleatad
sucks Veit A
to egbral C. all'of
'4,4t.g.t"tit tritts ' 4.ll, r Ist st lut otg Outoutii4attur
ku,bAtug L 1,14 ot A tjalt ettattllthuutut. but tato ttxt lutt•
All O.AL. Iluvrzseuttg, Yuma!, to the
best= gl. attu At be guntat outles.
cAlifgai.OlL CLDWS, &c.
. . usuuetantly 14145F14% Stuck of
• c,........ it
C p ARPETS. orta.: Sollotriurr44l4tleo .
. -
.e..a mini vof.t viiv t gv.rpo.; d.v. 0.. Thl: 4 4t.tS agoo .
"do!' 41".Ps."Aif.g.,• .::,T,.!.-ggordr.,7mtvg.
.4.',..,;'irtscur24 tr1114:4 Vaal , . 44, 34, :us, sod 5.4
" itt . w . w i yr . M":`ctolltaddio.
r..u. ob.w. kt5w.4 4 ,10 .1..4 , 1; 2:-..c.n.1 do.; 4...
do. do.; °moon do. 4 yaw - tr,. t do. do,,
4.1144p4id0 do. do.;_
1. Crum
f b Clo th t h regilL -.44'''. V " : loa d'
ittg , ..Thia 7444 vr roan.
114 1 t4 R 1 4, 4,1, mut 84 ..
S Al - ODS, BLIDS, Th..E COVERS, /r.c.
AbStole Hods, of all Mo. CO4• 1 Maio, $2 , 4 MAW
-9444 Nag d0 4 _64,44,414:1341 1 1 T0 N1Y 44.54,1,44S
vatteDaujig=erk to. Trazard .. 44N , ==
arrtr, do. U LM
du : a.. Stood d07;47W0 " r0t.:4 !So.!:1 4
54 '1U41"n iid ' ,...rL 4d*14:=i lfrW r oi l & 47 ; 472M=th.6'.
Wo,,AVS i tlit=rie and azOlattsST aloof at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourt h stmt.
' mchl9 , W. hicOLDITOOt.
no most Eldraordia' ary Difatorry=ia;tke Woad it.
. Otsreat Arabian Remarg for ran and Beast!
IL G. Farrell's •
Gi F ‘ it-fiFitL ' S genuine Arabian Lini
r t extraonllnary siedtrine,the truth
' Eul doubt bT to tact taler too
article. land thu many nun,. being daily perfarnird Or it,
whirbrotrriourly had , roalsted all otbrr medielnur and the
.4111ot the best phyeleisus in thy world. It it cataponed
of balsams, ertaacts and gnaw. puruliar to Arabia. ;Ewer
alug. in a eastern:dilated woo,
. 11th
i t
dyne, penetrating. uticuttrutiud revulaive propertraw. and
the tsar whieb, age.. ago. were yard by the ',one of the
theert: with ariehmatraeulous tame., Iv curing the di*
aaeo. of both man and bnuft. - '
head the followhig_rentarkable.unu.
.eliould of
themselves Oiler 111 i. Tamil'. Arabian far to
yowl aut riuular rowed,.
scant. y lai acid • WI ago. • aweilibig
wires clocnarli, gradually tarty
in Ns* uutil b.
I.Vp . r: - .;u " Y r. n i4ra t. Nit= gl ' al t n2cr i Fi k t=
Veto. I gut the advice ot our brat dortorr.aud ay differ
rEI opintou about. ig auto. raid It wet a. Ague Ytlfe.
t ur
ualuguniutit of tbr fiplrer. KM, that it Imam Lfulartcr
narnt of the [sou sod others amid It war Tuutor ot
thr tivarira, and could, uot he oured rzerpt .clittincil.
out. Ili thia critical situatiou. I was orrianultsi to try a r
U. Farrell'. Arabian Lintuarat utany it, awl, atrange it
Ma? appear, opoo Lb. fitful ho tte r apPlecan stir [...alai to int
' prove, alai roatlaued grttlug tte thoa uutfl tom
she la au yogi amtt .
Peoria:M.lmb b. 1849.
When !tl uds. postmaster. mew]
Cwrestomn, Pa., !larch 21, 1849.
One woman his used yuur Liniment with are. Mums.
glue had lost the use of her lege for three Yam, the CON.
being contracted so that her hnts were bent... much while
Awaiting, so in natural for the position o[ tbp lege while
sitting, and she mold out bend them in the least: but by
the use of IL U. Farrell . . Antis. Liniment, she 1. now
able to walk with rime , and boa a otr•lght limb. I have
found it • moat ez , silent remedy roc bores Crash; also, for
marry thing wrehire requires au raternal remedy.
Ilwroninion of an old. ealrattentrad. Muisioirlittinc.Forri e t
bitubington, tow, June 1.Ta1549.
Prom the speedy and pe.loa cures, both on vs. end
bread, which our Arabian ts:m
Liniment is performaut• I do
n eslbto tu arum:mune It the '.'Unfit Itrunedy of the
Aga ' I hoar ymnticed doctoring him. fur tront• years.
Yid have tried till the varioue Iletinicrita. ointment, A,
so touch putted up In the pawn, but I must say that II
U. Forma'. Arabian Liniment eimeds any that I hare
made ane of By' Ito une, I hare cured uweenyand np
to t ayto
.rwr W . had horn pronounced incurablannd I him
cured mom awn ally tinders thls sewn with Y onr 1 ,00
Meta, embracing !every shade 00 dimes, from ocratcben
and bruise. nub sparaltLeingAranis , and .weehy• I ran
alto near testitoony ofire. on the human Sys
tem. I au confined nearly al l last winter to My room
with Ithouni•tinor, and south get nothing to help me no
tal commenewl the nee of lOUS Liniment which entire!,
cured me. WOO. IL liilllloa.
Mau Pain of nen rear , standing out.l el Il U. Fatten'.
Arabian Liniment •
Mr. 11. U. inagiLh—Dean tur I had been stslicte&willi
the PaitC ta r the tut In year; and mold never gr
i°ll2..t d p.
tour Chain • dal, it au entirely removal, and Lbs... Felt
nothing of it Moo. went Into tit. ..table one night , to
tap'n.ltdrail.tilloroe's morale. end being ~ er7..4.4,1 .
my legs, eruehtng'xve Motto them
badly that then as black a. my bat. tendering
them powerless. I eppllral your Liniment, and'lrres well
enough in a raw darn to go .Lout again m mina.. I also
wooled my finger • /Mocking assigner. by lettin g . o
hartlog ta ll upon it. in
but rout LinnrAtigno b nlivitil E it
La Palle PreCloct. Coons to-, 111., !eh U, 1110.
Beware - of Calniter/nu
tU ola MO" G .tINOT I\l CO ITION READ alit eV!.
• LOWING c.oLtruilY.
I.' Public aro particularly - esutinced ssaloat
Oraaartfrat alilsh Lea lately wade 0* shrwurars• aud
called by lb. haperaterirtua math, It - la la Yarrell's Ante'
au Llaboeht." Tbla bt • dangerous hold awl more Ilsble
be Marto , Davi. Om hone ad Farrell. Tbere -
lore be particular erre, fo LLB for tio far nano "Farrell . .
Idulthsett,", tor hoprbatipled dealers 'will Impare,llo.
1210 Ca mi.tltrr o pon you ren• Om hlh•Or
for - 1.1. G. flares/Cs stratum /seaweed," Kra lake aSo.
Lbessoulos ohoostkoo the letters U. before Farrell's.
shiria-I=.l•'tbeirlias"S inn'eirridratg
Aortal marital th every town, 1 illeiieurllLoolet to
the Vuat•l Mates, la which oh,. pot otabl e ubed. Apply
' by letor to 11.11. Farrell, Poortalll., with soul reberure
aa Wellaraolst.real•atelbliltbac .
Call on the agent .to rill funalob roe of Ch.a.s.*
Lout contaaning touch valuable luthohatiou for every alsal
of ether....
ketict—V.Lceols , Wheats, stale. dollar . yer WONTe
fLrenlp arniiinL hasnufacthred by LI. U. lissrell,e ol e
ltiveutor aral protestor, mud wholesale drusyglat. No , 1
Math atreet, Peoria, 1 11.: sod for cool le .oil rataliei
proprietor's priee It b bELLIOtaIa
No. IT 11.0,A
Sat bY D. SI. LUBA Y. alleaheuy COO.
The Human Body Must Perspire,
ti SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy ar
1,7 var..; a l l posous •Lodo axol. are BOA*
tbe most ctlaguirloa 1110 1a...a. Now, Jusas .
I:betakes! Sap oeuiee• free proptrellou. and et the
term mollifies and nallehe the Sash, stylus It lb. esa
&noel, 111 ribetup, and borea, art not MAI
I cured by its uar, as at least 1 ploalclane lu 14. York to
who hoe it la such mars. sod hod Ithurallitut—es
Moyle, Worth, Vreetlee, or 1 1 4 latb"? Ole dee.... ~.rbe
reader to enured thal W b Is uo oa.leel, Pulled host...,
obe arta! will prove 1 r 00.1.1 euthateree at least eimbll
Poe.. roma of sore brad. env Item, slant m0....4 beard.
Buy O.—and the rosette o ~tail, aNeired 1 1r0u4.1 knAtEto
401 it It for do abate, waiver 1 tort it ba all I Oa t
'Mee • ho are LOX/Leto chalet, enoteaLor a/refl.: l re , .
trill hod Gala not ouly a eta., tut. erverhumsosi 1 rah
why ohe witty./-with any et the ,
A:girt-ewe:rein hod this all, iaud east! ahoy. 0,010.,
table ba its propertaeo) WlO 1 Oat*.
IT:S.4 man, the *UN. are hooded etch Ihutatarus,
tad tare you sot be Jowl Itabo.tallartukaltesp -- eos
00, 11 only of WM. JAChbuf.. obi! /keno to Pllalletralt.
tool of Hood.
DERIES.—JUst received
lane au aril art Em Wold•n•a +r
In. the Irleat impartation , mak
U..,,. eilfls, 0ur:L.1.1.a.. Lac. roil
Of wrand
ll rod r•lit• Using+ .4 tarot
VAIN Lam thud., A. Tito btkr.
articular!,w.dellrd Co al.or
rill 1,1..1 the L•rit..‘porlialn*.
(..F(9) A- A. Y SO. 1 CO.
Mohair Mitts, arc.
sU IRCIIFIELD have ree'd uI vapotior Ilubsir mud ApTUDS. &us',
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath. to
be be] car 1.. ceute.- - Yermale .the bare either. Sr., twoure
bly %alum' Wet if their Om[ es. f. 41. 4 Unix
teeth &cased. Sark eud ...crustal 6.1.,
[bat cent tx.M of .I.4cs . Au.le, Tooth will met.
the teeth er. white se mu, and the ttheth
t ' W 6.ll ouly at JAC1L. 4 014 . 3 :Woo, 40 Ltherte st., keel of
erect Floancinge•
CO. have jam - .received.
mopply of tootutlfal broidofed
ounflog. uo. otyloo. end 'Fry B.
• Market ft. 1../9
ILE • CLOTEES.—Mtarnr &
tv *b. attetaloo of porthoaoro to
U. &bur. r,,,tr. otnall.ooodhat,
ITo"rrtr.a. rld ' orD is=
to IN sauna, at lovett Pfimo•
A Scientific (lair Tunic, Restorer and Rom
:l7S, reute. Thum tiny have wool
/osas • 1-Naral Rah Restorer. atom IL eseelleut
lhrr tins have mt. we issore it ;owes.. the fallowing
othditlew.—lt will fumy the hair tu grow ma any mat whe t
' nitt umintended He to groin step it felling tot eant mar
or dsoulnilL and mate light, red, os of hair grow Galt.
Yot rendering. the bale soft and s ilk nothing cOn sued
thle--lt. ova. It truly beautiful, awe tam* It ea. It Is, or
deed, the 00240131L31--rot sosersor—arttele In the ,
no ad) at Wit. JAUtto , ../N * o Moto. Tde LAW , '
head a Wuod,
grideW—Xia nods. tdo cent., and SL
• •
JONES' SA'Aution of Jet, a LNuid Flamm,
flan Dye, ffu tb• obwmabot of 'dot% rol, ova
bwautlful hytoo, or taut od .10f. lo • I.w Moot..
• 1 1 .1.e.--5O mot.. •ol
5..111 by WM. JACKSON,II4o übfat,.tr.ot.f..olof
Oa. , arab.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladiea , eat,
C.gneti egamat nun the common pter.nryt Ch .M. t It.l
are cot swore how frightfolif totbolone It I. to the tact
bon were, haw: rough, how aalbw, y talon. and nnboeltry
the sktp app..... after Wing ;mewed Cf l v hal, t 4
bwilles. ate
trcnehrts,conteurnag largo_ potenttry
2, A=ttralh ' t . . ""'
It le perfectly Intrenent. being put-dent of 101 .1..4 , , ~
plialttleg and It Inmate to the ebin • ty.t0... 1 Leant,. a
alweter. Yes, henry •blte, at the 1411211,44,
WAR' VII the pth, waging it eon 41 , 1 etneoth.
heid by tbe Agent. WM-JACKSON, 11t11...drir
bend 4 Wood., Prue. Ot.
e. ,
t Ahnual Shawl
otfof otock of flbsolo
CompouudFop of Yellow bock Root,
CCU PIES the front rank among the pro
pritarm medkinm thls thnntry for cr.plMly
mann; Canter, Mat ttheum. I . :ryalpelsa. and all rine,. dr..
Lira arising Anm Impure state of Um Munn dien.
Lira Complaint. Gt....h. upp.r.i% •••-•••
Cough*, borer... and Tlanatuto Mmut the Ctrs, ftr , rr
Mattes, or tionmenass. din/can and • %AMNIA nmainn
the throat; 8.114 13 turd with unnmeedentert au. caw
In all cas. of
Female Wraknass and Genera! DeLaag
F 1 ., - Ditluraug the wpaltened Ki•the n th e
various and invlaorMina the elltlr. eyetem.
If the t.timoor of thomands of Irbm
all parts of ths enuotry, canna ralted'upon. it uncut. ,
ly aric (Uri.' WI Humors. and
an , down conmitutiona It le omit V. 1700. !
In' Mo mmnowition, sad so accurately co mbined in Its
pi;ortaztloorthat.the herald, beranteai, Idnite.ll 1 10-
b grqy " tTZ=. ool"
10 has removed many thrortiodhamats which c ure d
lo stlll of the taut ha. &Am cured Cantyy.
Salt Rheum, Eryalpe,lss.andlaValra MitmMlanll•,
gr.t.d.,V,V,LZS. oft, ~.!ftitravelvant
bliollll. The toted Minato 1NY...1 basil been eons by
this r
OUs usetiolna• We my that It la •Taluable mit.lid ow in 1.11
CON'PLAINTS Itylentheas otatrothano to
the nrodertuty tha Liter frea, sante. and baal.
thy. It Muir.. Palpitstaon ur the limit, and relies,. la
ill rasa of JcsOnti,•.d may Le used lat all ellmatZs, and
mannsof Yak,
Tbl/117.17 wirmanal only c r C. NORIO?. • Cl/..
Fountain atreart.Provldenrr, 14, and sold, wiloltasta and
rttall, by ITICKEIVALLN,
Only Agent kr Neste. reonsyls an
Warrhouw. corner Waal aria math am, ran
..13. T. babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder
t s tl i s i : N is? O Nmthuut P'l b .l'4lo 4 IltILI " efl Ur Lf!' 1 00
tins. •
rod —PL‘ , inn , cloth. us /0 sunlempt
Quantity of cold your torowar them, that add two table
apoonful* tlds loop Powder, to ova tit quarts at wstar
uswd with thy rlolbsr, If the stater It bard, ant rants ol
thw Powder. and boll thorn ton solnolaen o the mron thyr
thetudnarn with • Mkt, Mum put 110.0 1n • tunand
add aulTirient told water: a, that they will not be um oat
i' to tamale. num rub Om dirty streak.. irk alba 1•1.1 s.
g lee them • thorough liPlO4, ind that Is eutliel.t tol
mate that:tall..
N. IL—There tlo w no
o nyt lilll "S.p. at o,ti tne,.
2:;1 0 /17 . ./tfirsatire MI, litl Dail aVus..l . 11 " oas ' : -. 1
ammed two mai to u•nylste a wairdlai of as, pernans.—
Warranted Out to rot or Injure tha clothes.
This La • Voardar thanome paper willing/4a trrelst uuttris
Met hmlll loft Soap.
latathrtuas U•l.--T•ltiromy 011 411•321 01
min 10.Nerare vita It; La 4 10.0 1.0 It WU. aay ado
arse. thou add Ma quarts cold water; stir them inn/natal,
- vg " ZRI-tm.. i. aetl, rin Oct eat the Lands Ilk* orb oott
now,. nor tot Mb aldthys. Can ta. used wltti bard wr
mats, by manna, am alltalt> Into sit quart* 1.1,0 a
tare". Ths loop la bast Wadded for !lambi.. maim
and woollan wasts.
Mudd •holeaele and mall by K. 0. YELLETIn,
110.01, Wool et.
FruE PIVAILTNERSLILP heretofore ex-
Y4itrimiemlniff.dtp2arg , :t l .
la tbla day dloolvad by litaltatiop . d Pottamtt
kittpar tb. undennitard Is autborttal to pettlp font
NUMB of ttio old 11tau •
aPittabarabpJaly 1.111.,1A1.3mb
(0-P.44.tUbIEftSIIIP--The subscribers have
11 • - .
••,.` Removed,
ENNETT, BE(lItY k. CO. hove removed
to Melt orw srrElouro, tweet ut Cbuicery i.orawd
Greenwood Garden
ClIOICE.colr .
etion of Shrubbery, Vining
A. Roues, Its..ptuom .Saortou77,o , aoubarry, ribnharb.
f ..,pa. Virus, hart, 7 onthl7 Rom., and every plant nr
armory to ransom. rand , and garden., wlll lx, found at
Op.armunrs Nun.) An Ornialhos iron lb. caner of
Wotan& 4, - 4 Filth Aloes, Pllt.bOrill, our, half hour, for
Urn Wad.. ' lu Crum send ctn. ruhrshount..errrlup
in dm &Moon. • -• •
UrJar. adArnss to ft . ptoNittrt Wert Alumna...
Alleging., moray, Pa.. will re....r.Pn3rop: Otontlon
Jll4ll , • - .J. MoSAIN.
fa) ream/ Writ, Rat and (Wray Wrappleo Parr,
274 " Crown
Ul .. 1143Siln •lirj.n • .... -
I^' " •OrtriMllfa . -
" ••
x, :: 1 t t . t r , ...., P a t 0111 c• P. .
' . PI um .17;7'Plintinif Parr,
I. " m ini.
...21•• 'I .
Ili {Coen, •ilta lal of 044 niu. or rucull , a
the lovas. Vim.. 7 W. ALA 'EN,
Iltallosar Ual sou nr,
PPS maw Of Warhol /174 i /keen .err,
To Druggist:a and Painters. —
ARIS GREEN "9" BRAND, Ttrzoron
banrAwrVa Pyrryr, rcyranyed by the Oclilblectal of
Atnerim !beluga, fur boaalsoolos unaryfog bulb>,
fray of ;We sod color. .Tba manufacturar or.tb• above
k.,,jr . i...1=4.ri Ocapst art n lcarilltt
, blc .. t i /
ViWt 2.7.V r bo ' rear.orod roduce4bla pro..
art=%l.l the pia
itheorlowy bnad of burls L l"bll be auD
"old az redninaVio. “ L it 4 1 J,L5....
I stubli to lino is • intuition to the Nod. in
rir Z" b net= s
ala il t4o.lial c "
a a. aaaLlan.
LA • :
CLARK) K PA. KS d CO...ltr:ortandO.ltallTOM
V 1I PROPRIETORS of this old and well
known Llti,e, would loin= tho*Duhr. add-4.7 . ."
130 w iv operallotofor the [mown' pew.. and trove outtnon
ow, rt'oo , odti Fo , iJollt and Podorndeoo. whkh tb.T . , U . Y
prrparmd to rw111:, 4. 111 MILO on the Coma, wad Lake Nee
od Rhohh.u.u , or, the lowed rates Ono of tbeitloato ot
Lino willeonetautli dhe M"...
yohde "dg'.o4 r'!"' :M r lirl t . GUUIIKI. altent.
Ir.P.T. Omen, eeti. weer and Soolthee..l IltUbunih.
IL W. 4.lunnisaillain. Not Camtle. l'a :
B. C. (11albew.,-(eulaskl. P.
IV (J. SI( (an. t(haron( .
J. a . wan, Shana.a.rabi ,
(l au. Adm. A Co-, tle , (rovlllt
Wm. Wean. Itart.t-wa:
Wm. fkrtrer, Cuoucauttill, .
' C NI. Reed, Eri.P.P•4
li B. Wallbridte. Buffalo, N. Y _ at(t,
New Lake Superior Line,-4851.
i i: iii: sew at.e:utter NORTHEN%.IR, Capt.. B.
, ti. ittrr, bail.. t ((very
, thoderr liti(l.Yeffiestt . for
' t( •cal tuinfort..ll( Ina, litrelatial ou Y A i 1.4.!:, ta r I..:a rr
1 ' 247 "' la' 'P e . 1 , ja h 2E 'r .,,*.,.., - P -01' ; ' o :. 7 V 4:TiatiV'
.r (
Iv.' 't
G ..A t t Alrf.,lapt. Joss Camarma., will
(ray., Asa Sta2l(larit, for th; different 'audio° op Lak,
SuOttri«i, , ou the arrival of tae steamer Northerner( maklut
bout the mtlailu, batlrnoo
• tnru,.,.,,ltt'L"thh. I,o" pta,r thr uTfron Mutt. "
'' 4"'
8.1 A. TURNNW. i'eoptielors. s
e,,..iaaa. 5.)..', turil 24, 1351.—tf , .
f=rrMMM'P I M
t 8 5 1., tPlagN
In pendlon, with
Iphfacill, ompanl e¢
ities carro a larg,;
onnutlty u(heighth to Philadeia and Baltimore, tedland
tronshippital. In .n.rhort time, Buil at La low ra4s, at any
- Wu. regular Linn.
r metal arrangements have also heart Made for curfirot
Way freight to Blalrevlllo, .Johrultown, 110111dayaburg,
Wator tltrert Alexandria, Pateraburith,dluntluadorl, AIIII
Creek, Now Hamilton, AldVeytown, Lewlatown, )11111ln,
Newport, Cloth Ferry, .11iiiisburg,Colutrilil. and all oth.
r otermullaroladota oi2 the Yonanylvallta Canal nod Port
, Railroad , Tlarilfig return loade of Iran
the Juniata. promptnear and rrollitiltyln ZuTett? ‘ T
a U
the al-vs-envoi putout; at the broad rah.% may teveliel
max, '37 Al irciry.n - eOOll,. Proprie
wantons*, Libortf ettoo,
-• .14 , 00./ door west Of the Canal. \
Bingham` TransportAition Line,
- -
CANAL-being now open; we are rea:
' ma
dy to remarry wad far - ward Driiiarabi- P.A." a...
or-handl - 40. oast sod wall.
Frdiabtr alw•wo at 'sweat rate. chatiiri bT reerdtaibie
Produce rad alercheudit wince
ea.-.t and wrat. without any chary. fill - forrareum
T 1.1 1 ,41,4 freight, eotticohtelau, or ithreye_ , r,10 ,. 101 , 0
Bilh. of twolitl forwitrdal dud - ert-'
'n""Wtt towel Bula
brtworth Fourth and Find
J aidila wltsoNaor.a. t
00 r t O niTein i dirblt n io'w.t. , - Baltim '
Now Yoh.
lillEit •• 1851 gfiliA
Merchants Transportation Line,
tlult 1111LADELPIIIA DIRECT --‘vinr.
~..CT Ilr. till I' PtNti.
. A..3Ie.ANULTY S CU, Canal Daalp, lib Nun atterl.
" Staa3 4 RAl NOR, Crutral 13Inc4Droad a1t,.., /110.
" eel. ga..yar,....14. ro.,lve a large amount t t archana ,,4
1 I . ..itEr. - .. curl 11::=AesiTitt%"Plho'Zeirratf.:1.7.1"1%
i' ler ."" ; %'iri,' t=7."."iVi Traci" pvi.i t,i
tua. u,,l.l.(2,Ajum.l.rier, I. carry It!, out lwato pn the
State Hallman., aril! prevent any r.,...1L11it1 of &Os,' st
Juhu..lavro. AMU, aburg . Colombia, Ibis %maw ,
.g),O 1851 islaiirA I
To Shipper& of Merhht&, Produce, ite.,
Anvi•-... /ULLA 41.7:114,. fuel
I(INL t 10„ Prbyttitors. No V.l Market. sal Et
11E41.. r,
N AY C•tml Walt, Pitttibit.
111.1.11 t•
N. Orr pretared, tbe -opening a lbw 'rttabsyl able
bt cbutnxi tbe E retell itt mei lb! mt.* sra , t, bite
ebibrotrt utuas eul era 1.157
1851 • ElEeAl
' Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
J A 'IE2 tf OttNtiOlt a CO. Canal tiuLtk. littkantrall.
a ilV! t 2V,i 4 u!= - 1,1 ,9 A ` , ' L.:4, '4 :... 41, i ' g r.`,Lat1r.r,..-
~,,,.... Iv. Philndelpon . ' ! -
tit:or, tOntt a CU, ". d horto etreet, ltaltintwa
I`A 1; LNG fully eidapleked uur arrange
' menu, ve r sevriuva uj,.... th ., ,, P.aii .r Lb"
nne, 'yards ill .
Canals. to carry freight to sad Iran Pitts
burgh. Whitton., Ililladelphin. N.e. Yol, linattn, Cut
[WWl. Louisville, nt. Wunk and an th• hist aol Neat. at
lover rate. and with wan dispatch endear. than.> ot-b
-ti1,11.,0:e.,.. Au g i V , ,. 5t:11 . 71 .
, t , tz , o v u . r ,o s o aa: ,.... t:11 . , torl i red ,.
' tont re,:ily'nott.lekl°l.‘.'y any other Line. •
All tannentokloatinue sotioestkool to °tapir.. dr ...VC
Ilan 5 Coo., Cock:own 0 Wahl, Lokilmiltt, sail Cu. , A
Valor.. 0t lAA" , sill•iticet. wink prumpt attention ,
rait - ri U. tras ljne W. no owatertinn •batry.f sills the
Ithiladodpbta . and Mori:nub TratlitrOrtaLlOu tubs EA Al.
kin. a Con febal
--.... ,
JOllll C.P..11- -.-,
. • - Jail" I r‘..14
t.irre....n. to .I.l[Yaile... l Corodet
Canal Basin, Penn Sies , t.
Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central .ll.ail Road'
ryll E 'subscribers having teen appoirnreil
shipping scents Ins the PertZsyllatii.o7 (klatnll Nall
na.l. kat, m t he public that vs sontio. prrpared to re.
roll , an r nneinia or a...chold .. or pond.< for al:rmr at
.".. _
Gpodvrix ttna route affil be rarrl.ittrOrtZb in no. dos
and m l , ronnarnat to v. sill be lora artod free it retarata
inn harge Or aloknam
1,11.8 01 ruts, 411 - FLIN TlMAl.wets lino CITIVIXIMII
DT, - 0.49, Oats, 5.., Its... t`tiOotmr7.C.calery , Voll teo.
tomity. Eruitp,Taathers, Vx
ol:Laura, 11311 . 00 li . 001 i lux A
1f Mier,
4.1,0,, Lc. le.
Ibkralela.., qu....ooa...titorannaS, Dant.. Dye aLlffs-Oits.
I....ther,Clay.r. 1' I.x.liteutty and . „other Or.. 64...1k
IV c.ol. sc. buc IV,
itenr. Port, DUItiC. Lard. Lard OiL 1 i ...4.1.,, t, Cgre,
.I:lLU.".riartTe'ln:ttt 41 41...Pi1ft. 'IWO 1.1 . ,ier. 1 . Cisr.
ll,arr, tiscost, 1,.. 60c V.l Wu
ccrnes.....—L Peron tad Wsrze street,
l', July bs.lsllire
--.----------' •-----
Freight received for all the Way Stations
' on the 'Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
An I •rs.
Icudn uat ral ,
Lau a. or
Ilarriablaz •
tltlerptc , ^
10.17 1. t0.n,
1 ' 5?:.1.
tti.ur•eu • lt ants
J %Vaum...e
ilstur,l4lffsiat. Go
J Boaer.
U17..42= 16.
Loader Doualdm
k arab."
q6 I t I tIDIN COL , .
norovr ofTros end %Value .Itetta.
July 1 th. IP ,1
Dinsolution. -
1N CONSEQUENCE of the decease of John
!Menefee. the ertuerehlyberetoftere ezietf err hewer ,
Fealeo e Coro& II hereby dleuervied. Jobe .V Cold re
full' nuthemsul to Pottle the easier. of th e Ist, Una.—
All !,,:d, hprlttg claim/ *ill {11e.... lymsent Own! tar
,b,rend ritsbutzld.Juld 1. .P."
'1 , PA R T NORS fli P.
" covoiii . COLE .10 . 117 I . 0.11.4
iSucu..eture re Maudee 4 &eel.
l'to. business of the Agency or the rem, .
arlyse Clentrul'ltailrorl Courpiee will hirsedue . tur .e
duerni under the mune era e{sru g roin 4 cuL4,
eurnur et Veen bad V... merle.
ateeurch. Jule ler. lea —Ol 4
Agricultural ;Implements.
11: 3)
DAVE JUST received teem the Eaetthe
FlUttorlug Latvian:wt. , ril a the heft rusittltsette.
eh the moat welt{ lnetutautts, wad 1 1.01114 thrite A P
W.l l.?Tirttair
.'''..elattly.Tt'tr'rVOt!rttfrkereteltuntds.• a,
tireL trrilt7Lor whoa, 1.1 o:pste. sod bet ry'
qi.orn Cube,' Lem •..
I,urir 813.11.1. fur horse aod . lesutl power
titreor aud Curt, ittalk. eutttettt Here. ,
Zt:'VeT:ettotC.C:tlt:l2ll ii•lto 7.
rusll.el Wahl and Una! 5Ytb....e f t . ....•
ir.;;zt..'rt„r7r..1 4 14",r.r.L...i , ... ,,, ......
..;.b.b".."—a ... " 0 ,1.......5u..,
• too,: etzher at Wood wad Sixth eterela
- -
Beanmont's P4tcit Stsroti ?c,
IDATENT EL, July gtith, 185 - 01—For igiviy
t " " !,`"',:.-...11,4,= ttairtig'trual
Lerrutr'in premata Iran etirkll.4 to
L10en5, , .., .n 1 0012/..lolnotbiFts t
LPireet.n•-11. • V.. tb.• use Of • 11•• to • quo: 01
. r.p/I h re . : l l ' l l .% ttk 'i til l"g y• , r V•011ir.:41,Vtitti161.,....1.41.,...v.i ey
CARD.--I - have removed to my DOW etoie,
low or
I •ill
-.rare =are ,oitTiir eudioto% ylll
...ry'lergo'amalmoot tlybo :Lem nalsoodl
1 1011. 1 .
1. WT I eld.itlttrz .
11.6itptrnalietanfa a C ' ootgur, wirrgalodcOt tvvrr
.11styl Door 1/oU, ‘1;41 44.11 oratoi wropt mond to the
OM, ...Ave t lAbluen is et Ole $144. brae}n.lD•lp
10111 sK l rllOll.l owl roold ,W00r181,1.1. xelra 000+1.
ooraces. •
HAVE just received from New Yoik, an
tb eclo lot of Wye rtylc WINDOW CORNICES 4.1
NDS. Yoesa
tO stook of dold, Miter aml Vogl e thotost
poolity of cooats sod ow:mere Masao. Ws Itt olostoo to;
z m i tasitty 111100.
.r r ot r , dtod - tod i O,o ~ ,b rniMoo t tkto. of
.opoilllsrpo-a Co cot eLllitad NM' .4
.noun, bop., oßLMAttisga r =La Dna( 1 , 1
)712 Areal ikon. I L eo.
— 40 X 4 14)
30 TONS jiyif reeoped, aptor article
an " ft ranl4llll! f a Po
L 1 U.loio.
Copper Stocks.
ivE. HAVE orders for the Stock of Tali
0. Mlntrtg Cowponies of Lobe , Inoolor. Tb•
'oohing to soli will yd.. odl. or olldreso
Pure Brandy, for Diarrhoea, &c.
EAR IN MIND! should von need French
the MT tou JA.reel 31118.11 P
I:l P .Plat. to the Mamma.. 111 per Gaga velem)._ •
ACKERE4-100 bbPi. No. 3 Small, to
JOIM WA tk co.
LILJORICE 1190,T-4500111g0r mit by
.w . ,, slimTON ,..eittpust, S 2,
teaEPAILATE\ FiRbPOSALS will be -
sal at Wks (ere', until the let dor or October tio-5,
the delivery at Proresstous.lo - halt, for ales LtsttAf •
trona of the llultol At -ate, oPoo I OSPe ^ISSIS, fond!.
At rYfrr Orftetts Barraeks; Lovi,irma:
05 barrels ofpork
b Art=los',slos
`ll5 found. of good
lagi d l,t r i`"..l l '..l=7g , `"sllr
galioos of (1( - 5751, 2tooar
At Watonfongt Barracks, tentimurta
to 141erels of
115 I , arrele of t web supersOr dour
55 tootheN of flew who. oard Waal
575 patty& al goal hard mop,
220 2.01112411 of•gocal ard +perm (moiler.
14 bushel. of good clean dr, due salt
galiaos of s (id rider alurger
A ( (cry 11 . '4, F'Art,Li "
barola of H.•
125 bomb( of Leell eoPer s oe 000 r,
r 5 bushels of oleo +tot* held Mona
o pooode of stool lard aoat. , . •
2 • X pound. of it4od ease . 1 ,111113 4.13,154.•
14 bpnbels of glut el.oal dry too lel,
2220 "Roos of god atoettar. \
Al the Puhlte Laudtng, etr miles from Fort Toulon,
mouth uj the Chterucht.
55 of fork •
12.5 barrels of fresh superfaue Poor •
55 bushels of now white held beans
570 o
pound• of good' hard Soap
=e a ls f 1, 621 h t:21274 - 6a o 4ir
2:5J /WWI. of goof' older ether..
The erhole to' be dell , srol Itt fl the month of
1152, and to lease 51atclalP 0 IRes by the 201,15 of F •t br.r),
• ~
At Fort Smith Arkewers.
50 bomb( of pot* •
125 barrels of frrtb ruptridne flour
55 bushel o.* .610.• tiot4 \be.o
'57 . 5 of good hard soap \
f dr. , 4.d .4".q.1`..1!0.
- II L'u71,77.7,'( 1;Q a;. , drr o
- diPlgalloo• of arse Moe 01100 \
The whole to tse delreered in all blay Ititt
At Fort Gibson, Arkon \.l/
.3. , barrels of pork
35 isarM fee le of ,eh superdoe fluor
1,11 bushels of nee, white told beans
gert pounds of sued bard 1.. p
elu pound. of good bard ar•ren ranee,
al gosget, of weed clean deg dna tan
~,,,,, ~,linua et good rider l. G.
06. , whole to be delivered In all May, lei/ •
At Fort Snelltno,\ Si. Peter'A
..5 Markle of pork i
Cb barrels of hesh Import ne flOor
led bushel. of now white 11 4 1 baling i
2,d 38 woods, of maxi hard am
~,,, . he r
of rood hard t Ow earelm
.11 bushels of wood -clean dr,hoe salt .
Mkt genet. GI sMal Md. vinegar \
~ \
*he whole to let dellvorad frdmikht, 16th May let- to
Me 15th June.lBs2
At Fort Ripley, mouth of CCOsp-teens reset, 130
undue above For( Snelhnp
a 1 barrels of pork
1/3 lodine of leek auger.. th , or \ ,
tya bushels, of hew alitt. dell beans
tini ' , iit,ds of goodhord soap
1..01 node of goed hard tallow easklles
13 Isabelita( wood elven dry foe nit
Tis 2 it i gliTo ° {:dV " .:.:ll - A7.% 1 .1 113'^ t the
35th Asegaer,l/152 ' '' '".• - ,
Al Fort ‘l,:er.r - toW., ifilmcat: Retry
MG barr , Is ol eork \
1111 barrels et fre.ll Pipeful. Unit,
VD bushels of 0.4 a beta told lam.
3,564 pound. or lead bard...)
1.71'1 pounds of Lewd hard tallow candle \
00 bushels of good dean 4ertoe.ll
441.1 gall.. of gond elder vinegar \
The whole l be delivered by the le Sone. 1012
Al Fort Scott, on the .itarmdton rarer, Aftsaourt 71. ,
mac., land tronrporttion from independence. co
de Ifsuotsra ricer
'..i btaTels of hock
12.5 barrels of fresh troperdne floor
55 , bushels .1 hew triate dell beaus
k'd pounds f g b.. , 1 hard soap ,
' l L lC2l o . l ( " gte h e ' l ' o r, a ' n ' trr; ' ftn: t tr /-
42.0 gallon< l $OOO6 elder 'looser .
The whole t be Maimed br the le dose, 1361-
Note —All ti den , are hy..1.1.114)..5teud the motbint
folio bide (Oneself article, mod a 561611 the legal auaboot
of tart bid. ellaw . 41,1 .111 be weed ott 1.11110..1t ...brae.
all .retries rodutekd at • mast /
yes µekes .3.1, 10.goiles of 0. la dellserat tl.kae
mars Where they are not eperlB.l, 1.111 be no tire, let
Jane lot September, fat Deneriler. 1652. an le snail
151 A
The bp 1 .
b o g the mak isomer...l to,ne fattened ta,
err. sod e ,, t , hog ..\ \ •eigh out nes than two buntred
pound. exeln now tb. ...t leo nee An e 1,., t. , Ile
g .p may bie
D a ne) rea‘ , the pork le to te,
dre salted tele, 1 ark . de Nil 1 the tarefullY
..s c ,k
wk.. , •ith the mute art elu to uotesee:dlue etorbt
pounds *eet, ,e
%hen the parking tom bklt: cologletcd. tha roots...lea
must furral.h w that 'eke ev et 004 from th e ea. te,
that the pork bee ben +et let Y'arid PVIL./ The Poe,. I.
evilo. tuned...l to ammete :itart is, ul . l , *ldle oak barrel..
. 1='0.03 t l it b. sil` ' ..a ls 3 cl Lue , ColZet ' sti . : .l2 P `,," .r." :
'Salt will o ly to , rend el by age.urnmept a ,hi.Ly r tr
sled to
1 Ittr:10:147„"it•4 ..t.':4::.1"',, i '1t:',:',.,7`,t,`.' i ..' 1
Of Louts lbr 1 ir let/male demenetido In Math - sr week of
April, le,: ars the blur. La Suet illplery roue pan. bt
Peter's by le J pe leg,
of A 1."10 T:tall b W;',:,-1 1 ::.,7;. 1 1,M,'.':41°`,=`;<7,7•0* , ' J
' b11:',.', 3 , 1 ,41',.. th .,' ClLigaraggdat th1i1.1.11.. , 11, 1 . 0 ‘ ,l
ea t, OA ail ~ uses to be ped by contreelom 00111
eat, are ,1 ' , owed at Lich starer. oes aa .. le deely h.
' ll b j.,a , lntetuVy \iseapnrrerrv a % the pritllege of in
reculhit or illuitalshlos‘the r4nartitles . of Sheyenetnir
watt ei.t or all areal r can at any I;nett, at Sat 1.1 w..
boll,. I , of Into us a r mil atm, of inertmeing , r
erdueing the quarter , t act, del.., oh. third ettle
10 vet
tolgt t re ' e,:re ' VO . Zre on ' ' T
4-,: , z.110r:,..-',;,
ram. thee propbeile wills • Deo f thew atelty. t ,10
, • tag gleltaggl.. ,I , 1.13,1 . E 1,, 0 Igo** r , g. of , blot,
W.I. re: bred Ls the esteet i.etruey o. by 0.0.... oer
an, well knoten to the liusersune t .aberwln, then prof.
at i 21 , 14e , ,,, ,,,,, b7 „, tm,beid tt aa , i ,,,,,,
~,, ,,,1„,,,,,,
med. et and full ~„.., . 0 704 travt ot Om rake I.Vore
requgastfaJn , oa t be amen Loam Mr dere) fee nrimee.
which will 4.• arettl, In port pa c Wit.) ....1 Is.
coo•rui , l3l lo ,ILtf , polies of de
thy , Mac. of pl, r'
...bap.. cr the residence of lb,. mere to 5 \at 111. 01. 0 11 L f
the Treasury leapartfuent.
No dram on Mla Me, will Ice wren or pa..l un ler
any elreuregMnceil
inat.h.lPrrrelella.Wfo;'tiTr‘'r'sh'l"ryr'rk4Ullll7, ."'
' r'd.,..;1,
10 0 . . ,
hurl —l4itors will out be paid for inwenog i, M \ thea pee this advertisement Mole. authonted to 0 so to the
Commissary Octane of Pubestence.
&ogle lawtlitmptlS \
stitiArr.=-tp am, CirU.;
d Pulrynyed, for raft by
YEACOES. -- 10. easks prime Halves. fo
da 14 J rll ll. O , IIr.II.S.BICAUQII,
PACKED TEAS " —Jenkins Co.'s (of
(.m10.4121.0,.1..}0T Dtderd Green Mack Ter,.
ruppDolts emir, anl
It. )V TOINDeLIT./1,
1,12 is„iret far JeniOnf k
ILAAME , - - Eas 'l prime CansTi.4 ed. formate by
nl.l wAy_olesseie
AED-15t0 lbs. No. 1, for sale by
I_4 Joo r. WOODS S SOI, ci Wooer
OAF StOAR--150 bbls. azs'd Nos.:for
1.0.10 W. A S. WILSON.
NO. AsotAs.sEs—aoo bbls. oak, for sole ,
11 •by w S. WILSON
(.Ibble. for sale by.
1„.1 j/10 • Wt W. WILSON
0. .00AR--150 lats. for sale
• 111 • V' WILSON".
HEE ' E-4,5 base; reeeivin4 per Bidwell ' e
V Li.,. ILI fur salebf ,SME-11,-"ZEL/t its.—
fie Water, and re /roo
AC EHEE -5 0 bble. New N 0.3, for sale
v .1.1.31 ES 1/131.7,ELL.
Adam 7.Walters
domes North:
Iran. Milliken.
J. D2ecbler.
J. D. K.
2' I.lllliken
11. iJikrk
A. Scott. ,
NI fCKEREI COO bbls. New No : 3 Large
oa .ditor , h i„ hs ivti
Li oAF CIJARS-=7,31.10 btds. ase'd Nos., for
;1',,1,y W3l. BAGALST h. CO ,
lh ika,l Wood at
IPLOUR —2) bl 'ztra Family, for sale
/510 ' 1 4 .6 W. CIA
fillEESil - 150 " bolos for solo by
MACKEREL -100 bbt9l Largo No.
to; Nolo yrl9 5. W. HAEBAUOI.I.
. . .
M ACKEKEL-50 'IN,. Large o.
AtitEIEL--50 bbls. Large Iso.
ITo bl/.
• 10 bf 1.1.0. •
Just i+avi~r~d Ana
'"*l' bx
Jokl.l. WAIT ♦ CO.
I UAF Slir"/AR-5P loaves I,uraring's Don
a.; bI *werit..l. r.e S end formal.. ,
?la:1X HU a Cu
111K111 , Ir FRI --300 busk. dried Pesenee.
(106 OII.L-40 galorue, PURE want,
L., fur pilt Jek9
UM-3 gro,a genuine Rust.
u,o;,unda aue . /wily J itua, N.
Salmon, Shad, and
r r ,... bi u. i a 0.1.
I rime Sugar Cured, Venison and
- 7 --
J. D: V 4,..._
Cork, of 'rood aid, Fi . ),
liA V E NOW IN s'rol
0 w fl: v a in TY 11;f411“.g.ttil ,
116 CZ ~k , .4 1 , ..... ,),, ..• ' 25
44 td..qmsta do:, do• t
.. 1
ig osa . 4 eget " *M : it
Layporavia Jr. •. .
tubo i xtroet, 7 , ...a I ~,,i I
• ZS bbli. i: o. 1 laul :I,olapral -
. \ 9)
2, =Jo ao. Z'..). am
. oik toVACilit r riA
1300 oxtro ott arr.. .:
Itst . •', \
\ 1 bni*ri " 4al'P4F.
- 'thou.. .41.11 r.
I L , :: 1 :: Vtart r liCn
U ' ' ' r :: Ztit r : ''
Ibb Wary ctil%t
43 pax 4 Maga. Ca.ll. •
!A) etu
1,/ 40," ='.D1;1131,0:
1 , 1 b . !. vil3a , R , ! 4 re E I mr.
lt de PoNs'iroccrm I au ' lt
Olar, - aii.. inals Lod, Lard OIL 1
"Vri't~ceav ar.
04 , u p .„:
IE4 wittb temblany 14,..ccatb:1
66 tea. ' ' Tb.o
6000 M. 01:bibb. 60 et
6 •
ZV " ti • C M %
". 1s 'dkietgbr
• 30 p.unto
. btetta 4r.
•I'•a cW
, .' ykklrt
4 - • • Pnok
abo b .101,14 gist, Dei o t,l3.-o , 3!‘b OlWa .tFr. •
100 gra b
qt. 404 , rt. blab
t risnoir:& ,, g: e.r.
CO Ills Da " Ma. Water. Sugar and .
" rep ' " "" a4 4'"'• 230 61. 'l l .l= 9 2fr
3000 lbs. MIDST.
#. bbIL Ibbstere OD: 11.; , 0Arrs
anbar. P•boxes 11.414 t, etbw,
' Tubb; :00 •D. 31•CsodleA
I. 88 =5 4: 4:14g e ltit tt C4
I . o =r,t . P.P " ". Vel.ralre r ltilrikrl, •
.1.22en00d..04 /Km's"
Pitt,s erg e ce CotrzN
T'li CO M P ANY as incorponiked\ 6 t „
FebroatT, 1231, Urlth a Perpetual Charter. \ atid .
rionnietiort3totaluese mum eapttal ar SPADA. ,\\ ill,.
\The Cor o does does buttineas both , °it the Jourt btrula aur .
Wool plan,
‘P'''''''''' ' ''' ` '..k t " "' lt 1 FR '''l t ' T! ' l l' Z ' a n i
. f
to% Vit ” ok i3o %Intel.. I.
, r., ;c , tbizap adopted br litibej
-oleo. brieettui on tbe triotti
we Ootobioml Urittes rolsbut by that
24.1....ittitl the Ca; sod . MA. rood ol
erit. • ..
otate the .am• •ut Imoi ore on Ittr.
~tio, d o e rita at offa, tiltdrro,Sow
remit to troun the lite ot
cliallre boob .paria , le a Iv 'bath.
Om. \
rtij et the et: oil to. 63. • i, or Ira,
W.•..uettlfirter 3 4 cer •tre-t.leet.
ij„t\ t rerit '"'
_ti ' 1
''. lll. 1 , ? . A t rikeT7•t , 47: . ;1. 1,4
\, art:wee. \
troelih 0,
ra h\ \ Marto , ih,Coltar , .
a log. ".4."4' 4. " \ '
i \ . 1.
. 0„ ,,,. \
r \ ;,lrt.„
tiou 11,1.:ele 11111 a -.( r i:i Se...retie, or Aar \
Um Walter'foreant, I e OecrOtary of Tr•iteur.rl
.lobo tlord.r.V.iiii., C • rof tilltborataltaultt
Malcolm Lama luot 14t. .o erialeiluticar. t
Roo. A. W Loalials, 11. A bACa,tmetil. Patti' I
; ....,,tr aw apneuietr. N '
josepti Oust.. 3 A - i tillatollld2balo•lii A• \
Jemolab LAW., . ft, U. taAlugtotti, . 11 , D.
Exate,. from PA Artattoo , \
Parouel Dilworth, V. 1.1.,, of tro AMYL:tat:met, \
lt,,bortanytter...ll,V-103 Po i eitoott. \ ' .
Vohlt Crawford. St 0, 20 12.t1a tree. , ' 1
It21.3101L.ibliortool."01. 11., 1117 betty atreer. t \
Pr. Lthrorth will be tri etaertiiata at the altire, ray
• /AY, e t t 12 °Work. ti i t , ~ ,
ulltor of the Arcopatir, OA TOloorth • +e.t.a.\ \
4 ,21.J*.rt .... c..s. . 2IIN, OR'.r. ,
State Mutual Fire 'intairane etanpany
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 64 . 1 3 / 1 1T11111 D
Prtmuntunt:Alld is h 3.11.
FrHE beet evidence of Ate nieces.] of the.
Directors m ondosvoring to nvq.etbi.,ST.A2" XL - 17. 4 1
.DLD.P. IN.WRINCE COMPAI , I" 131. t the , • t , / of ,
the community, It the unperolielehymantbf
ninth has ben do t e. laming tamed 1, 9 D Dothlell • -0
tlie u =ear., Morell i aid i ng:ler griIPOO
' salved kLorititioarriste. l and :ago rth ' At l .
Ibr anld om ear.
Whole 1•10 . 4"Polidos Issued
14. do. 'rd.torminated. mowed, \
• Do do. In tome.— 00
Amount of DroDertY inod.d 67.1.86,419
Do canceled, terminated, ervlatd-5201,714 t 0 0 461
Do In lace
Iq Promittre Nate.. ... 10,011317 \
De oemeled,teruttMied.midred 1 31 1J ma .„,.... \ \
Do. Cash Drendunte revolved. 61,61714 ,
q 1.11.35 DJ
Dante em't losh•s soda penhtryild. $171.411 45 ,e
Bedlam tu moor of the Co.. mob tai,b24./1
To city or coudtry merchants, mat ovnere of datitlimr,
amlihnoted and country I•.U. to
rani ailpNe advMdages Wdolot. -
seturity, Inferior to no theumnot Grammy to t thohat
Canduothi on the equitable and great/7 improved mete
of C
oo Make, eacludinn all ovoid basaMin . d.
string mar a limited amount in my Cill•
clutilug the filament'', and Ocs,nlA2l%, of large area and
siso on both the 10.2 th oat M ylth, not anlv
resell tbo chropuml vat metrunathasym of both methantl,
but entitles the insoren partlethanon in The Dtht..
Directora—John P. arttherimi. A...J.0111.0kb. T. JOIll
Alamo A Curler, Philo C. beic , lck,
blots, John 0 Pother, John D. Rutherford.
.1 IDAILEIII ORD, Drastic.,
A J. GILLETT, Sectrentrl
A. 10 AttuarT.
b—A Main Dleider.d of Aileen percent. on extartng
'lot bat Meat Meland by the Director., and it non to
,ble at thus thlAce far reureth, or rodent:tette in cold ,
end a t 111tA , , d 07. A A Comma /WA
I .,ud
Pritnian Fire Insurance Co. of Philail'a,
IRECTORS: Charier. W. Banker,, tie..
LL w !tech. - de; T i m - hart, Mordecai D..Lewle, TObial
om, Adolpba K. Bari, iziamuel Gram. Liarld•S. Bruen.
Jarobil. Mold., Mere. Yalu....
Ca.aalta U bmicarri, Yermtarr. -
lade Company curallaue•Mi make liiieurau.s, perroarWrit
or Uroluel• oo every deacrtptmo of Praperty 14 TAlrt, and
' l 4.lff. '&11,,`.11,`;,11 1 "." tr ' W! . gen th: 'l;4'6'2l=l 1;11.1.
which, • Itti lbelr'ea'pll-1 mai Prataluip.,,rafe , Y 'ra ,. . ,,,,, •
lallord ample protactwp to We *mord.. ,
The area m of the litureterw,rio January lid, lidd, audit .
..i i
Imbed a ebly m ite • Art et Amembly • were m toll we,
. Mal ed., • Mi1e,11.25 tO
, ••
sealdram ... . • ... . e 4.377 le
. 1 eaddrcar I.mdie ....... --.......... '13,..G 1:
41,N11 at
S ' ii:..1 .- AW , ii
. Su,: their taii,porstiap, a plrlad s et 21 years, bey ,
bare paid opwerdy el dueNil:du. Four throated Tbu awl
'oilier , L. , -ei - ee L., litre, lbarety Yee erideoee r the ,
of losuranre, se wall as the . .ability an de ,
"""" ' ''''
TrAl7, t1 1 111V: .0.4.1 ,
.0. , idiom. ii. E. mmiler of Viccel amt 2.1 e. •,,
- • , .
Penn II utII al Life Insiirance• Co., Phil. 'a.
/3.(rice J. Flooey,Ljr , deceased,/ No, 2M Liberty Ate,
our the letter cumezeiunee of ;mom.
14 We
waver part el tbe OW, the Boor may aloe he Mood uly,
(rum 11 to 12 arid 1 re 2 &Mak, at the creiriting M d aim 01
J. actanaltualer it Co., No 24 Wood Amer, where all Wm.
aary lefermarieu veld be Oleo mkt conmallotcatione predui.l
ly stymied to. P•caplaltla eiptaittlmg th e prindolen and
teuell. of Life Irourayme. and Ileol. Room Yorrallied uo
amtlierithro. I
Capital Mork over
B out and cowl:soil) locreaelog -
lineita illaided suouelly ecourdtre tliew iwur.ll. -11 fa• Jaw hi. IMl.—iiii. \
Marine, Fire, and bland Transportation 1
Inau.rance. \ s •
F.:11! 11 E InsurancoMmpaily of Korth America,
l'hUslllplass—onbarternl 17114,Crtorts11500,00o. Aspen
moles, 11, ibil, 'lnd' ',15.5 fn. W il l mslo. Insurance on
buildings end their, A:m[o[l4ln this dry essAvciasit,; also
,h property of ver, dentrtotion, shipped pet :town boats
sad other snoods,. aid, by lulanl tr./kap...lino of ou rtb. ,
•.ct. \
1111.741 1 .1.
Arthur 0 coin., 11.0 , 1. Tbataaa P. Cope, \
onsuusi W. Jung. John U. Nod, \
!Awned bosun, Ertl:un D. I. cd, \
Joline. BMW]]
Willtans Welds, \
E.F.tkUE11.4.... \
ilin;arliMill h:ru7tia - 11 . Vona.
tttt 11Zr/. Wel. g. Bowea. \
Ambrad 1,1,1 u. Georg. MTh:mall, . ,
Jb Nl,‘Tom
liherr ama
a. lama ti.
TtU' aco 3ionisY h .l2, I' L• the r.telam mom-more Coonhazo the United Mato from its high sum o ; tug armiehcau
aop . l , e mam
.'"' °""h4 ""'"
•" "'''
o ' ta "' eutt7VLa oni
' ''''' b. "'".." t, " "'"r IVTLITAI r. JuNEs. Ava.
~.,.3 \ • Na 141 Front street
i extern Inb - niiknee Company ~.. —lurgb.
c APITAL $300;000. R. MILLER, Ja.,
P.L-..d... K ",-.qt."Lalr :41z - rt., =A swum
\\ 'ill Insure Wet.
lassueot vill be libenatt sirtarst /oad m.rty Detd.
, home Inetltution—manatod by Directors who aro well,
wn In the onntnunity,\ am! *he ars. deletntined by
Ennete .4 Itherabte to, tn... the rhararter which
aye a...m ed. ae nitertna tlte m.o. protectttat lo thew,
who ore to to Insuml. - , \
Untstruna—tt. )111.1er. Jr.. Geo. 131.1. J. W. Butl e r. ti
1101 n. nJr.. It m. D. llohnee. C.. 4 l \ hewn. litoo. W. Jarltann,
Wm... It no, Jame,. Lsonakcat ()came Da.roe. Junto. St .
Ante r . Nmaza, 1b... ecdtz. ,
Othea ‘WI W
suet, twartr". of Fn. it A .(:....
oa 'tam, , 4.lntroh.• .
DelawaVVsntaal Safety IngmceComp'y
cuANtikkrnini aar4et, Plallaaelh4a. •
Iton.loV..—lnalld/oace, Hem dims s.d. othzi;
z o lvir,llP - 1k,Z., -, 1,1i .,1 :17 - rtto.. ' k'''''
4 .44
Ilastra Irat . sar —They also Imo., 'esols. Cantos+,
and Yrs/alas. or ocastwLas. under 01. 0 or sPriol
porde,/, v, ths may dam.
/sumo Tlustesoaarl ts.—Tbor also In are Merchandise
transported by Waark , gar rood ears. goal \Loan., and
Itrar, 1..4 on men lairs, on the most libard terol.
rauerrus , a—J oeephil. 4, Edmond A. Yonder, Jolan L.
Davis. Robert lint'lnt,:,Jobli R. mar., .9.ltv , a .Ekiwk.rp,
George CORIP,OeIWayd filttrljngtun, ltaac LDana. i
lls= Fnlvell. Jobn SoWlturDr. /L IL llaston, Junes C.
Hand. Tbkophtly• Cantnik
. 11. Jot, Broca, flrnry
Sim, noo Craig. 6.1,r1r. :loaner Mena.,
Cturles Kell, J. U. 3r.tawn.V.- ' oar. Dr- t. ,, ,n ,
' John tAl o ere. Wu. EY. , ite • ... - ii i, Ctag
ILI re,rnikin.T.a ~D. p c +O.. ug• , John Inttssnn
• WILLI. Slum, Prsold.r.l. Tit a HAND, Ntliftkri• \
dent. Jour, W.,,Ctryar..rSstar ~ , 1. i, ou.
but,VM'l=4(imr*"...P.°/r.itliatiLr., Agent.
Ohio Laborah4ry.
80 IRO 95 how
85 99,
Per !oat. Strength::
140 WELL 'FLETCHER S. u4nufnctq
nrs ALLI)1101: EDirsts to Cologlig saddle. \
ow Copper Distilled %W i ped Whiskey always on band.
Corner a Vine and swat Meets. Cileresurodsua.
Air ..kit orders froef Yittsbutgli will Le prvtalztly Dllyd
we lawest market tem. . aDittld_
I cuT:C
Wines cud /Avon.,
11 , u,1.67 .L eberty .t., Formerly Darla ilcrikirfarr \ -
o. etreateree, of Pittsburg.) • trerTmrt, T
- 14 1 1CKEISEN & STOUVENEL, respectfully
• -.amour,. to the publics .rally. reel th•lr rAma,
s ord.rellrbo . r:d
. - n . ,. ° ,:b"177Tb1a
V iA
Yeakeep lellaasortesset of the utet eiteck—uccell•
eatch cat rod white When. Alen,,Aleo, French duk end Yale
Israelites. of the etralcdet eintager.'latoatea rem, Walleye
eh. Whlster.chaealnlineara bllek neg.
etch. men approver branch. 12..1 eters. codeine e ßeer
sad muscat 1, lace. Alehhabe, ae. Alee.eardlera Weller t
Whine., ahl Llmbuegb Ch.-, All el which Weer
Fill sell. er behest, or retall,rn th atemet rewttable tin= a.
va. t.beparteure. ft.tilteueclual: still - heattnairee
Imrartahoo Owlet. he the at N Tut. the shore firm
caabled to xll llehetpdr •=. bell. , ..?"• ••T
ether hewn Le Welch, Plea seerr us a call, Leers
Derchshe thew b•••.,
FC•rlaltelbee rer,leel h. of ' , etre charge, and at tL•
ehuchsA uut4v • well
th Streets, Pittgurgh,
k..E, tapl to arrive Lille
~..., Y,f lt; 65 , 4 r t r. i : fa im . r..
13 &:.n Palen, 74,, W.. 560 b.f . .. Il t:sx:e bt.ret;
G.01.1. ' 0. "50i....
t 3 1 lain dyrup; •
1 Ly - *../a.d. as.l.
a 0 P. sool ' lVW:try u r n
L•lt at...Jam - m.4 . 1= ••
• tig? OferT '''%'‘ t
\ 1 !, (741. 1 . ergo ' i
\ 3 dos , bltatvijk,ll , .
I 14'1. . t.4joe "' TerAn
.11 . r ir ' ef,lir
- neer e.e 7.46. 1
' L•lactcsirt:
Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
ls NOW to be even in operation at IV M.
TATE 1 PlumNers; Mu. 10' Fourth street, 01
ent Perry aml Liberty. ete.amt at PHNOM WILEnb
No. 00 Market street, Phtstutrgla. Thla niter Lasreceivel
• Mold Medal from the American Institute of New York,
and • thrtitmate from the Pranklin luvtltute Of Pbibuicl.
phi., for its superiority in its clemnsiaggroperthuc stud also
from threeluminu Mica bu Stre In Phil:Jetta. ,
.of which the followins t. srestyle... 3
It glee. Me meat pleasure to teredinummt to the Leers
pure, clear wter. the Phteut lleverv,ble 'eser l'aterst,u ,
vented by Mr Lewis. Marius used \Mehl them fct rev. c
al months, I ens enable.] to Judge of their value.
OblOailE PLITT, It 7 aluotstrrete
-MUD:brut, March VM, I Y:.l.
\ 'the Patent kbevenable Water \ invented by Mr.
Surouel IL Levi.. sod um/ If roe tor !some moon" at MI
'l - Pclfille m coy perem . t.rnold wish. I
a rg ‘ nte ' r7lVelgetVlL l' . 'r' t 1.1f1.11,MT to
e ilumtoer street."
Filters am warranted to mks out may rm.° er
taste which may arise from deccmpased rualtuthur
hie matter in the water. They a wartanted ,te lest
b 4
sad with animas, mare c oil lam tom ima , 1,1.111:1
n t C o ttt.."'. tv lttt 'n"' ciai lLarfai a .721.1tD11T. '
mllO,ll Arch etrect.Plahutelub4.
10 Bah Ihic_s
bls. fin
T EAD , PlPE—Cortmll'e improved pa
\ nt,
Let 4 PIFa for Ilfdrums.
: . A ir=te Nam, • .
. igana. - \
All Ate. cm hind so.l a c A rin Irk L4 Rvos . .
Heating end Ventilation..
vrE /via atAKll , j'd APPARATUS for
V ilesnatbr_lee. isbliedels,teartllordos.l.catun
Prams,OneT. Stuns, e arteries, Becplais.. n db,did.
l uo ernptiob. publicans! non,
AI. Luau
arid Drrins Incran, far ell' parpbsss vbrp.
luanunnure. sinter lash or low. se de.nrrel: and for these
other ma at
mend in
" ITrilr \ o , axr!a or tuned bean, .. - 11 1
_prepre:l whs., desired.
b. puiletipas al the TEM.* deeming= mentioned are
ppnoas mama air treated Upon Ude plun 1n EriAtern tome ,
aq method ins urvi , • wbobsucce. untie= heat. at an/
Wren ,inparaurie, impn tread/us reats
ake. Wu.. dun, or orator seen
• rl6
rr - en"rs 1.4\613'
embfecribers are, s
.ncw Sole itt *en o ti
'utxle of to .t bIiA of th" &efbr ib ts setas ur. .
bl"4.° = M r•e * lnts.l
Imam and ir.rr
sad dames - 7. 1r - Tos tip grra ocia k an 41 co,
rcp.m ..ikinr - r \ '
thaw the? tam , , \
7 tiw
'efleatiipi • >.,
. ''.
V.. 1 . ,, PP, =W. l• \\;, ' 111
M. '''-'isT...
11 ; ,
ekcq.7. , ,
s t shv e d, rvaatio
\ \ ,
=";' "c y , = V
1.. , got& , o yery
.l ee:
.1.1.F11, 1 1 IV tai ` _ Ni
Led uages.. I
c\littlsa •kL
rt. as
x Plasts
,'r. rsew .. jvt ,„ •
al globe to flail., v
all kinis Of yruteer. lee ' •
heir es peetabin will Lehi.
lig (anent after an Itiparibit
drzen or Aothee: all .1.0
\For ntalelo - \
. Farb Csk e.ltlt direc •
t hL1.1.118. N•w.
\ PETP.OLE 1ik„,..0R • ROCS. 011
\ "Duni kr• more t ln heaven ilia eiirtbs
i °nen levneapt.(ln ptillrhy.''
riTHE/VIR UES o this..yeinarkble reins;
JL tti, wod th ....tan ( IPPACariun rat- it, to the 1 ,,, Vn . .
etor, hes lad n u Mto basalt pat 1r in bottle, with Is
' 'N'T i e r " ri 0172 N. ' 'h p * b' ted ." & "". ' lt AI come,
',At ade th I four ' i ' undred Met. l l' s:n * l:re. unaultera"
14erticle, willeint.. chrmirecbringe, _ but .ittat We it
ri Irma Xaturr's 'Winer Lab WY! , • The It woteins
/1,11,M nil, r hnin n tilltier of isciti., to no Irwin' •
mewl of nor rtainty.
t, ero An. tenni \thin:, in theier-,
~...3.1 nature whiiiii.l _ now. na ht,he or vet extol- ,
o ialletati Wrenn , snob n be. We I. of
health end rkror Many a MfFei.
before the pro-,
\ Er'=""l,;.9r.l:o = 1 " . "; ' ,7.3 n =l: "' ; l llV.lll "T'ut i
Ming ealli k WALD everel • arkable um! it birpe!
I firmod, lii • funs i tkro .of 'NW, pilinderit! and
* 9;74Te l iYegl ''U ti n ' 4l ' l ,, Tgt .‘ l.r?' ' f' ' l ' fsnites...
mere MllaSciata that e on:Urine , -orb
, Intn the!avar ii(ltinee bointlferi ' W
1 hl i t e tn , lrrotrtnttlY . ZEtk ''
1 e b =stti.= ' t' 4efertt li e td •rn.i?g - i
;,..-E.g.Ti1A.,,... - „Th,... ,, .?,..,,,ix
Elt MPLAIST. Ili ' , lll - ',l , Innrib
Bled ur and Mire, a airA in We 13,.
tt_ liTtili; hd
Xs -4 , Lls
a* A T , w owe. *.titabll S, la LL!:
laaa Ma protracted of ise se,
b A rlik re u L It will aria 4t et T . ,
i.' F , L..... 2: NW .It.t, to t . ri \
VIII. "' . l ' etTe7l:ts cnitretarie7sir ' r73. vt... , Z 4, \
...110,1,i end 7 to .11 0z..-- \
that stele clat . trestment.. t ! ann.
of Wel rit() r eal fac e t short time 1 —7.6 r-A , by. ''‘
' Ton? Y or. jot? d tial i firgitt4e t :t •\ .... • \s .
86'. ' br B VlCl,,iii..iior ' live .
Ann, yR. M. ISELi,wlb.. YAW -4 '
' , a d xaxsp.ic a I , OWAI.
• .rri r Pi' . 'atreet"and
l e ..i.di ! EnAkeitoleair Oboaneet A • , e. \ !
- - 7 5 0C.V44. TION.
lANOW all en Ilia e 'Fii..k and :filleted
OtN c igiti, , i,ii. d'' b m itik. o lardil ' ,l4 . ' T \ lt t it i l " : " :4.
st . b AT
Van ,I.`t,z,nit a — rt y al *brill ' IN • ,74,`: ,k .' 5 .4.-=‘.1, 4.:" /
i, Wu Piew, wit tai , 'i not WA it ni, for ii e proc
.lao r tV.VLd r.g 'illtkof.L l ,li b . 'g, - '
who is r
en ted with pain, 4 s IlnLdirmeiniesiy. . • , 4,.
for•W ct* yet relief I an n' f \ t iiiketturierated , „,*.
Woin, ', \
Read.' i.. very Utile o ate s k tr Ii This letro
Isom Is nom lum—no fop II d, in.i. 41, - Ma purpose \ \
\ A
of Imposing un Ow COMMULLM AM It ia rrtallelaborei, '
Wit! the mieter tend of wt., •,...I tnibblen mitt= tibe \
o.,ra of our ta*ther earth, in 1 .riwnit
Of . \: ‘, .I \
Ars to silerin.+inesiitty atr reined!, it'ekrtain and \\\ ~ \
b ut
'• \
It we cured I it. 'Mr °W. aiiilies' hare felled 0
reader any Mi.(' It b. en/ d Iwutasitisin,slif I.' , i .
~, c,s
standing, wit of tl, worn sod cAt e inful cheratier. It '. '
Choler. lorbee. by lib Ow o dor* It WS 'I, \ : •
mire! obi co.!. - , errh , s it. In. al t livery other .emedy . •,
Lee iikti of ni
n i i " ,:r " it i ' ri.
M a few applical
id a We truth ,
ing oi, YAMI., LI
either of the es, ila alal M• C -AC '- ' - , iil •
,meili AI romb' s
ore.- Inlbb
. '
lifyier . a
idles R. is , bra
t.inrr!,. AllfisiPro . .
a Mmao most
tar MI entur ,
EV,;l.lll* 3
grad* ot , 4 l\tr.
yesrs ce La r s.
es.e. a Sin nd the
Through the es-_. _ -, Venn
his Pr°1•01-tio.1rm,„tt,6—f,1,7,.,-,-.-;11,*"•g-h •
.grd,...t..ll=e•:.T.abotrul.c ......aptlon. Canes. \ _
lirg_. ,.. t. f Lt unrnr"ne n or., tt i o . 4s ll;Zifiq:re
erues 0 e...11 ‘ .; to 1,211.1.... 1 10,...1. *serf se * .. of n disesego
vanishes under thn um ul his7,femedies. tO br hums.
IS It heir-not by the ore of ooekompound aly,'for thst
Is Intl:imps.. sith Physi.o.rst Laser hut r the cue of '
his reunehes relented to..n. le, :,:. ri brd for, eorti nrcullar ,
form of dis.see. s. \ • .
Ds. fine's To. Alter Stir• killsSehen ated. sit 1.....
bly •AnMPimlitml to 0. surkenorrOsli ~t tcre.. a Q.V...
are or [Mot pal. in:sonnet. se they leari , tho Senn. ' ,
freely free from cosnsenere. ei niso hie IDA.. 111 are isi- \ ..
ratted. b, U.. fa , .1.1, - . to ter.......1 1 . nrelicee sloe ---- \
led to but heft. astir trini x 5
Is sofElrient th eg.ohn.b.shot hs.. teen said, In Om no de of
M Th e snlisted are inrited, to es!). upon the eljent. : lMPl ,J.
UP) one of the Dorter's pamphlet, tiring!' de - ... •• '
.I ‘. .d ur :rfmont' of e.b r..M7...4 104 nmikitism. \ ' .
tot role by the following *Senn.. sell to br Ons‘f4ftT
Ciao- thnsuithour the rounten
J. Sehnonmaker a Co.. t.S. n er.kst.Pieetiumgh. \ \NU .
.L St. - Townsend, Ihroosiet.4S . >1 stk. et., ..- .. \
Lee A. Beckhe. ijrionclet.roesr rhe pn,-, ofts..;anmi t . \ -
roseph_l3.4 . Do: Unities Brim" county •1':4.. - . \.:
John ot, I me Talley, ei. L '
' T. Ads.. hooter.. \
seel.lif ' \ ' . ,e, •'. A. \
\ i 4s• i • .•1' 1 iigNii:4
'EOR TILE AFFLIC El Petal be tonna iii s
xPr. Dewitt C. Roiling.' I,IFAI.LIBLE LlNliclf=ffff., ii
or atm k
whklit haratoncl the toot of thirtT 11wre , ... \ - \ \
inoietitol bn., beyond a dbuht, been the =wane. of W e
Ina the liven of thousande of divid.h., in almost evelT
clue araffharacter of diee.el An .. XI fr. that or bland \ •
IN,r,fdrtgo:mt,W.htV.l.Por'' '''''''" 'tit" = 1 „ v - ,,
what 3{ as ,eld for. , \
It h. r.+El ad iv cspabl cif curing more disown than \ •\ , i
any eth. mettle i pi. offered sale , we care not br • whom \ \
made or eold. or t, what name
An strong an.l reneloolut roof of the &bole. for MT
that It is It.
• nruele thaelinaappos-ed in the form of i \ \ •
natout 31eltrin • that 11.4 er beta natruntsetlaral melt, \
. s el the rno of tbe elite son •rant, as the roost airr,abla
mitlf clieSsin , ever.othire• for rein, or oral bY nor of i \
it lion. liosen 11 (.1..11, Into 34 C. The Hon. RObt. • •,•
1J Mama, late Maeor. MO Jelin .4 Oro. bite b. &Eon. \ , ,
V.1111.a II Porter. Eng- Vditor of the Priwit of Q.
Tim. and a hunt of other bstrarniehol citue. of bey \‘ \
Yrrh• who h. , fall] .1. a. Merlt, 140, ronnitted Na i \ ...- i
morriator to ref. to them. 1 '
Ai. it in well known that Intent 31i/dickies are rso an..
ally patrol:mid by the if,1710 • wealth, and midi. circles. ..,
we hate undoubtoliv a • feel overtire* hlettllT Air'
Rested This Wimder woo l' , ff. Cororwund has been nearly
Feral:, yeon. befinv the publi its Sent friends are now its
strongest and tie. Thlnto , ancloubteda is arts. rod
COnlinflOß ,t.n.of of its
,Sral fa i l and sanatira
=Ol io 12,a . =l i t 1 ‘ 1 , ...
~, %14fuz zl , l Harme=d was, . •
rore, end atil ho
pal. and hes that Ceati iS heir to.
Toot 1 oini Coo bottloe ho 0 twenntal4 within...crop/ante •
.1 haee kerfetted such net nislurtz cures, _after all othes,
[smolt. , have failed: as w If Moos, belief, had
not opt , e•
offered. nod 112 MET pCtI.SI n, tbr , Kronur., radbla IMP
This noel wino, or roitnre's ••eir• IS liffeParwitniff 'flit 1
aiatle, fir internsi . ec. II • orteimal
ri UM 1.1.11•1 N • A
ly upon lb. dieowardpart—ff mut L. th and atrengthis— . \
It is • Pure I r, for Ditirri. • roror, 'MUMS Chote. and n
.11 m oon affilcuen, I neves. of ft, hidnef a, and X
lim e iuseen in mal• or temalr (toot whatever O u . it may
b { l r ' a r ir Lrri:rteLtrnit. h II C Sella.. mon. Skti ilk ._ ~ • ~
Co , KEA 1. , Z,1 1; en.,..1 • • and by Chu resod Drionffistt , •,,, • . \
Ce¢ , 1 , 317 /tilt rlll up In 1 t, tw. .ad er-oNtillusinf bole
To the Readers of , iti Pittsburgh Gazette. '
`I.3tIBLIC• ATTEN"lapis; is re6pectially in-.. .
j_ *teed to' the follow - 1n • truths. pet tbrth le reldtrou to
on of thli noel impel - taut mlelitent roolonalonms% •
PETHOLlitlid tilt 1/Cel • Oil •• a I.).ol.‘=orls Mem ma
year ago flare Mr wrest ly was broliebt bcfordtbe
public. Pm the relief, ima - mtre if poet*. , Ma wrest prams ,
to heal, hare. Ram thew de fully appremeted the'
ememoutalty, awl •we `allege lit the longer it In til the
more cartel= will its gloat Woo Fermi., /t ill not to. rem..
roll of a flay, got op for s tbe col. porpou• of making motley;
but. one. whleb to, coucetre, rill readidue to bowed obeli '
all ether miscues.hare born fordottee. The Pctreleutu Is
e•Seterid limerily. elaborated the depths t.f lb. mirth \
by a rower awl merry tlipt • nudes to Rolm till bums= •
cempetttott. • It it our dem', t+o we write steed lama+
tine, that we int. the mai , Met We Pay nothing cafe,
UMW to demote these who may trod. Mr AC0,14, pat rout-
derre b l i n er tho lehrracut lirdruli ere it ., :rf eptZe catch et
r e „lril•
mei l ' Arilf ' orntriht . ti=werilloldeglit ri tt
tot' lettinbUMMUZ Pr= of them, liar r, so da nos doldra
ton thir, oe arealiztinut eddy dal the troth :ambition tO
oeArendt' Phiruld ,Pe told. tol4.rderair+ for It a rep, •
tatioP far excamilop uir Curio ate i• in Mi. matted iit.d.
Im. Plain onvarnaaltedracia , -f.rt. trot; be afortfained
I In our tit] . and nelphbortrpodipeur melte tetimony tri fir
tor'of the lettruleturi.
WithiPyth t COO ' rits ten
- rat t ...wo - ire/9r.
oho were Irta y toed. b• l— --...,e, ..., ~
<sal cam. lit Id d I , '
rand teartAle - --- ,county,
i,lhon - e am otherm
and mity,
re 1 . " R ' et e W I ) a •
. the tub
, pbeirdimie
lit L T Fl!anetie teal rime
ttlysetnienli '
riles, ltheunatiste riu th e ekla,
Pirroplra on the Mc 00raL. Teter,
Fella fired. pun* some, Ulcers.
Wm* niumi Clam kith. wad all -•
IdffooOna.7 gloolla 'car to pro- •
duce Corodamptono
Pardo • d baddl , 'Kidney%
fegollriliorlfrlo 0 (
barn trie 'Br... d
le most Cc . the.. 1.14 , Y With ik•
fee', II q.Calaell VFI
lad_there td the
ytheterry et
of hob nand pa .n tint prdidakla ant Leiria
In their practlot. 7.l.cee 1 atUt { lookael,
and onewitaintur wild —to lanird lt , dl
conalderatto. re mot et' ye* mu s ~,,,,,
ttanpelle4 to aoknoalodtp• t If L theretruleum
rt ntedledw eve, diroreq. I.', 'Sale...holt
1111 bi , FiETS ' t dlattAt t1L..1.1
a}.—/t. r. , Selkror. 47 "oat ttrt- , lk L. IL
Elliott, Jowrph Dougla., Alloghond C0."4 Alm
prlottot S. M. Kira, Canal Radn, t , tunth
but - tin:and ICA. ?dant-duo:4- 4 Co. Witt a'
tad/ .
—lt b ebeap, to take. azul litgbll
Auto Erbn Co, .llnrft
m,.n. F—
ret rroob:estryo.,roca. anal
r.met.l .. i r lto o my
It V 4 t , . , 1h0 ,
7„1 ,Z., t
Z.V.•to tv of O m y boy shataito tot da
afferent time& tact it baa rwaer Udell mew
I have heoammandatl it to my heaabm ,
row:detach - WIT balleve tat ' t i tl 110 ott l 0 0
that baw Lean.nhan-d to the 0 011 ia.
. .
Parents sheath Oct ciro4llJMn
tough. when thor 13. r., be rand bT A et.
Prepared and sold bL.
mein ointment
o i r!
Leman t:uo 842, Of
Nem. &Ed ElOOO Litalatra
t apnea.-
- halt Anti-kmapiie
..- •
3temegtheotn Ointmen n
t f
Yeleitenz ;letter
Mmatife Flumes
Warm Ten
kt the UMW Stara of
R F.l
r, and Drßccf
the Count litre.
Atol:2•Lc JAIL'.
11it41.4.11 . 1 , IWO:. .
1,11.-sat do,llanh• • =
inondgvdtz 1://sar at
oelll/1 011 14 trader Banta
,C..nzt Fluter / . ..
/1./nit/es enrudnntlnsl,..
'llstnanan•e• .hemp, tbs
num of King's MB. Sant,
uls, Brnlnltr, in
Eurnve of re ppexadtt • '
i "•• •
Ldrende linnair
11 nnor
1 - Clu, is - '
I t •/'• eprunr.. far 3.a - '
/ 1•111Vatar•
I riarleners Lintorne '
Ia n=r4in= i .. /...- ' • • :
in ui. l.rdsr 'i.: .1 .
KN. If 11.31MSFEA.11:' ...
• of Wad and ninth arailx.i...
450 /bs.(pniel far ale
int , LARRalco. -.,i