The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 05, 1851, Image 4

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• Tan Wosn,niskit!)giatiNui)tm.—Proftssor
Bh6 f 4 * ,
in ,,..aPri,:i . Paa4 ex
ploratfatiNf Catfainiaris7ro: .6456 ff tr it
the'folloring 'eothnsraMtle, Oat - norasatie,
style : :
hare now ealored Oalifoerria for nearly
tare years. ' 'reap truly say it fs tond :of (won
ders, ...There.are hush- dowers. erety nienth in
the . year,. And plater now the bloom of
• spruzg:: • I hare fonnd,watertalls; three or four
time 44, 4igkoi,iliagata i-rattualhridinuar cf
white inarhie v , tar trurpassing in , beinty than/
Iturekbridge,' aome.thensands of gold-bear
ing ieitny inealumedble.sp:oddities of iron and
erome,ores, bizmnikandquicksilver, moat
beautiful porcelain' , elS.Yojiadi 4,0r;,-el,erY
thiniethat eon bless an industrious and enter 4
prisbig people. In
,ane valley I taunt.' Mare
thszt-; 4o .oPelniS -ef one 1 12 r; 4'41'1°3
Fabienheit .'ln'ariotner stdier geysers,
like.the (salons oned .i
Inehla !ornate
abode of .Valeial die , rocks are so hoe thaqon.
tan stawkopon thetii but a short thre,tntalut
thierbadts on. The /Orions rockli'arebleach
to snowy Whiteness,. s and; breeeiatedlig:eint,
glamotatiroeits are now antnally :forming.; The
roar-of geysers at times may be heard a mile or
Moro, Ind tlao' -moment ia one 61-the moat In
tense interest niyon approach* thimP-..
.‘ ,
;Romance and Jfairimony.—Our vlibige, him been
in a Mite ferment for a 'few &yap:Let, aond
seeetence of a recent attain, of love, mimes and
.rnateniouy,':tha prima:them.. se:taro:or. rather
Mass; in which, is not unknown in thifvfchilly?
We have not room for a 'detailed hi tort' of the
hoittter,;.ihnt give:the. proraineni 'Meta as. they
were 'rotated to us by an eve'nd ear *lfness.
Dr. OkaliTublme,. ChieflD the Choctaw nation
of Indians, in Atkanasssa's'..dietingnisbed per—
former on the flute, and his been giving musical
entertainments in this enetion of country for
some time past. fie is 'thoroughly educnied, is
the feaster of evrenteen'diterent busguages, and
plays on over one hundet4 different instruments.
A few days niece a lady. Of reepietable conner-t
tors residing in this. place stepped on hoard the` ,
packet, at this village, with the Intention of Melt
ingsfriendstwd or Mired miles up the canal.
On entering the cabin I she met Dr. Tubbee,
whom ale bell heard of but never before seen.
Pond of misio, and having heard of tho Choctaalt
remtirklabla performances on the flute, she century
to ask. him to, play. The Indian compliod„
and the lady was charmed with MS music. She
conversed with hiin, and wan More delighted
with tha Sanaa of his voice than the diver notes
of his, famous flute. The boat : - .'arrived at the
point where she was to meet her"friends, but ebo
concluded not to leave, and before then' meet
ing had been prolonged:to a single hoir,• their
mutual esteem had riPeOnt with such amazing
cupidity, that the lady now fully given over to the
fates, declared, in the most passionate language,
that she loved:the chief with emcee:operable fond
• net; and gave, proof of tier eincerity, in, a flood
• The Indian, in turn, fell upon his' knees and
• assured the tremhlig girt That her love woe mit).
• , roaated, Ile told her that seven years ago that
every darlui bada dream, in 'which he -yawl'
beautifolunmsn who was to him as his
wifil•-t•- Since then he had beeli wandering up and'
down - the earth in search of ber.but to Co purpose-
• • antill this providential meeting had brought him
face Co face with the Identical „ image which be
had Been in his dream.
iliddleport the parties exchanged cards,
and,the enamored women left the boat make
• .
suitable preparations to fellow her tawny lover to
Nialp Falls on the followingday. At the Falls
they : again tact, When thb-matrimonlid alliance
was'llally,.,completeit, and in the preienCe of the
tbeildering ' , waterfall Sealed with a 'kiss. It was
egreed that the ceremony should take place on
the lianki of the river, under_ the blue arch of
lf,eirrmi, and in' the muleatiu presenee of the
great cataract, Friends were Invited ;and cler
gymen eccuced, andat the appointed:tions the
matrimonial group were standing on the brink of
the precipice,..,an a grassy prominence' into the
American Fall, waiting, the iriivalortile man
of God to officiate in uniting the tawny chief with
his fair betrothed in the holy bonds 'of wedler,k.
Attar much 014 ho tirade his awes-an:es rAd
, the' robes ,set his seared office.:' Timidly he-.
approacheilthe conipany, gated 'wildly at the
' swarthy cChoctast; cast ,0 hasty glince at:the
faltwomalivith brilidarreatkPeeloi 6 " 31 ". 3-
ly aver 'the precipice, trembled,
: grew fidgety,
and 'finally backed but Under the circumatan
cm he dare not marry them.
He:teied-tb peretpulethe matrimonial canal
detes to poepone their taarriege for ufew days
until they bed consulted; friends, bat-to AD pur
pose...A clergyricartof better pluck was
ed,- who proceeded - forthwith In the hymeneal
carenionlincil,The parties were married end-the
• priest 'merited fer his melees twenty dollars in
gehl'Aap the hand of ttie fair bride. • .
returned to our - village the day
I . en o miggig thaf of luz marriage, -and remained
, here until Vi'eltiesaiiy, i'when_alieleft , iiitith" her
husband for,llochester.l Dr- Okeh T'uldiee Is
mow trav,elling with 31r.,Gardrum
an :Englieh
man, we. emderiMMl will IpsTO with him for
Europe in d few daya.—Afedina, N. Y.; Clam.
Tim Dysairinnr.--We learn with ettreuse re
gret that this diitealie &prevailing _ lery fatally
So- the, F4piithern portiCas of thl,s county, and
tbru r •riudiguous line_ of _Gomm :county.
We pei,in 'visit to Amity, on Saturday. last, and
learned-filan the citirezutthat deaths were occur
ring every day in the Ticitity of that place, sad
it wsalhought the diserse.vas 'on' the increase.
The tag/geity of .the - dia ease is
rioter canste;hut cbiedy to the leng continued
drought,,The creek:sate dried'np, with the at
alpaca .oLoceasioint -ponds of etagnanr, water
in their hods. We heard of three deaths during
our brick stay in the vice, which, had occurred
within the preceding twenty-four hours.— Want
&crier. •
d certain steamboat Captain had become pop
ular on the river ea a cOmmander,and was about
ta.tifte'sharge of , a new boat, one of , the .hand
* spnieit.tlutS - was ever beilt in the West 0a the-,
,'..7,s„ , ?troning preceding the Morning ,she waste leave.
he was induced hy one of the crwnere to
"visit his hone, where therewas to be a party of
ladies, - smneof whom Were to be hie'paseengers
, to New Orleans. The.4plain felt a little queer
• about going; he was more at home no the '
• :Cane deck,-or social hill of hie boat, than in the
drawing room among ladies. WO nummoned
—fonnelfge, however, went and was' Introduced to
aoolfloY• 'Captain said one his of lady ,
passengers, 'you ':must.lbe a. happy man,. to be
master of sobesaful 'jibes!! •She is a been,
tiful boat, madam; sits On the water like a dusk!
He wee 'in town', ae long as the:cofivertation was
- about stounboste. 'Captain raid another,
'lady, a' blue istocklegiof the LadY. Languish:
• tribe, .what do yea think of the immortal
aPearer .Think, 4 madam! think! I think the
*. • - burns too much wood;I drawer too muelr water;
• and carries too little fredghL' - We never learned
whether the captain staid any longer or not
QMOKED HERRINGS-80 bra Lubec, in
sUrtcre.'fer We by stial2l lA-11A11 DIMLY t
LEITFG-30 bt,Le. for st l e t y lin a
• •
56 bblel Louts Stam ' bulEPti 57Ear .
b 11
' Art rUl k t . :ll7 BO X' a
ansc ids br
VOTTON-5 balesaennessee, in store ond
VL) tor salobr. - mulY.Tonars cw.
tierces arimb Carolium, - far:esto
11, b ;Jitm?..s ,t. HUTCH'I.6(M . t 94.
161LX. 'IIFIST TOBACCO-104 kegs No. 11
Just reed ea& Err rale Ay..11 ,_
&art ARDY. JONES & CO.
no EFLNED SUCIAIIS4-650 bbl. Small Loa
I.ll„fiCruabni, folr.lAred.iod Clarible, for rile by
JAKE'S A. flUTC111.40:1 A CO.. 4
ILUi4 I Air.ld• tor Ift. tkids Brlfir flatrony.
ItICE.--o).tce rice fog sale by
UTTER-6 bbls roll butter for Bale by
.. 2 %; t - J. B. DILWORTH OU
PR SALE—An e':callep,tFAMlLY , W,
NO • Enadro of 4 -
ans 6 '
J. scuoixotAllial to.
reddlo9t .v.k.t"°`"4l.-vni;sori:'
awe; marks sad ',smith sta.
:MDSE TEAS-400 packages fresh Teas,
1: v . Lann antra. , • , I!_ e! .. !ra u cco
orlsing . .
4 a 1 ;74 1 ,,,, , 4 :t: - - to,. 6 0... .
'Pa half amts. sal cattio-tscAr Issiallog latul farial '7
• ,—. WM. BAQALIC a.
LUNAR OA USTIC--5 lbs. for safe by
1 ,
~_ , d. KIDD & 1.1
_ , '
CiIEE3g I---4 5 boxes for sato by
ir24 s. P r VON BUNN litißtfJk,CO. -
trllP E T 4",,b' f esPria .'sf °i'n etla.
-0 b le, for sa e - y
j ra •,:,"„ I
II LASTING-An uddititina
FRE'' 7
PLEB - 4 bbls. tend;l cabk just
:A for O.I O AI L. 011) J.R. CANFIELD.
D ay
6--30 dia. Marietta, in store and
r .p,. " J.B.CANFIELD.
': Norio 3. Ttielnartt, hit, heretofore BP.
tn. arM iir3L A. "WIIITE 10, pan
t' • Wing • • • eminent.
Anna ,
rBACI:10-210 badiu Richmond Tobacco
—B4 sn4 , B4—Pf tb. 0.4 szp__rowd brandlr,Jandu.
tot sale* , - -WA]] , IYII.-11t0/41.11r . sip.
riniE I,I.O.II3}IESTER WaNTS, of differ-
Alr,==t?';',"ll4,r , wn,t 4 T4,...uaw.5 - 4
......,,:. ...A ..t..... T. 00a. k WHIN "
0 .
AND .P.A.P.pli---5 0 0 rais ses'd for said by
..,ClC9' .y ktbn s CO.
A 1 • 21 I
ACKERNL-40gr, brie rery_ itocar nice: 4 N co o
&ergs t 7:
LI: A Ffiii
_'-` , "ltlias never,
„ Any instmeti .
Wr••4111 roppli• rtuealV 1i
etat Tins 'O ~e 1401•4
mitts*, to Uxt ltdolytues.. 011. •u.
0,40 b
tpthtaZtajaysedL u. :#l , ,t4itlis.,..
hia.... r o
dv „
motrolMetti pfa e =ti .
vit.ool 1210j.# ,
yd. to 4emik,ter,Shejlor tuureratee.
"100 . 000 It .0 mtrable••=e4leine.i.hat .vtq
peroon oil • fatally,=llmy• I \V- I =VA'
Tbas. 000 01 , 00 101.0010
to glave enillicalt!e4 tudleticy. Out u4posar
7. bri
by IC. RELLIIa g0.67.7F,94
A ViltiAblelmmnrementlir Ilussei..
- 170,Lik4..M: 41 -S'ltapiiiii , cd Patent '.'T ft VS S
" ... "'u it;: i ffg - l u irtMlii t % tett-l=
0 4 0 44 L ot, ectlitn/voni - other Trusses. having
.... A' 8 , 144-I<satak4ssid unite= unte.
ttre: M. Vent% icsekiniateu as to Oven. end
comfort to the teattlale'pleas ot *mist .804 aul be
Increased to Limpet any form desired. The moues quer
tie¢lt.l 4 ,4P 4 behetA.Er.tut-ht,heigcsltentedletsti eve* ute
l e i
h ISM. t= it ~ ..c. t 4tzird • .7:
Bite 0 - N' +hen if IllWittettertvirratlll:
MI -In . : their ' is pl•eed 'Ley ond the Mtactc of
<1;;CII a L k i cria o l irgt r il 4 regrelislielne Var..
lug or illy mlettl.T r inn . , 4 , 4 . 1za .p ra ".... ra;
M.rt.T.Z.l.-Tbit It :10.41carthts. which ran bi
esen uhvrh vheer,ethe - undsystand the sags= et the
.. Vitkeettkl , slat vespeetthlllt cult the Attention of ,Pbvel•
deux its MIS , Stens, es Ire. know • they 1.111 spPlerlate Its
value. • Wee else- 0.00 • variety , of ether - Teases. .0
Louver 0,0000. "10000 Thealko tea errustantlV cc WW I ;
Kt:lo3Ella Iknotricht.. - asmotv. z
, —., • - , 07103Vecti st• rittehunth.
Dr.liard's Abaci:l'32*d 011 POpitPl;
trtlllBE, SUPISMI'EAS 'ate kitCr:ldea c
AL, •ly ler Telma Of P.tonr.4l , Itt i oralft
ret:lnT t anlral zt,rwito the al:Woods:1
orgtos..4 may le Vora oft estaturt by all. die
toga. prolate/
Utter.., st it o trot tbo eb.tistal moot.
nee roo nee Uttel, ruling of Um bowels, Pito. 9ostlyo
bees in thy .& toe Bleb*, Wearies end latoma
1: 7, 1f. of
lon l ub fottlattos i, t ri. froshltls, L a uteltets of & Vb.
! tWebtl bIiCOLLt '
littlYobt rkfabaratt
• • EnticunrESX,,ft s lOodte tr.ouiee,) Jona 2a,
"Ematt of twt tuna ts 9tor -4 !!I` k ° thinoppor
ro r lan agile
11=7/r .4.4=4.../irt tit/ dn.dtnl a
d. I no* adriord Ay nay p ski.. to try your Woo la
I ,
rnurt; say .inal atM.• ratio', ono boa and lo had I
bore br notated to nruntscatitn. - nbrolo 1. MOT a
thin non..
e L trirlare,talra reorm=anorno
"7COnrp_.'"'iltre"llll.!.'6 .oth' of the
11l rniO r0r0" . .. "Firs;• Kula. - aro counlarielts or
Duo UMW:Lona. 'gamtbs• arramrot and sold ho
,y 4 „ , . 11..11.91r. Wood it.
X: Hater (mama to Itmateel) l'arrainea
• , for the ttentliceichief.
Ip_'XTRACTSiif Jes
Clemente, 'et Jenny l HuvLela r t
and, theitlin Citronelle noun
and t: steam Musk; in • one anon bottle', with ghee flop.
pet, Os Om Exteattebleh nre only • pert at
gav yeey b oot duality, being ...tin ,
turd wi hU
th tepeeist tee. The extentiw eales =tie In tale
country, luny test the MO mrination In ttnirl" they are
held ., :i . l the eorn . mutiny.
o tilwi a ra m
White Paint.
s.7ll."tsrbiltf..T.ll: Striasubmt
Painters to nil. article; which' we have twen ovine lor rep
wardn( clam menthe, and v. reennimend to be powered
to w bite kad 1/1t1.7 obombise
the lieht Uhe white kat,. sine white nitleete it, and come.
quently bus fnedier and more brilliant tone. It acquires
*enter hanlneits. and le more durable embed se oid
wide. It rill not tuba, and can be without ` let.
tore: and se it mean Anon entire with equal weight : lt
late olly . se cheap av white /red: —
!eel 1. k tL.PttII.LI PS.
JUST RECEIVED,. by this mohaing's
. i ttiTy= r 9 =', '1; 4 6 4 1 00000
pyabtic gtherslly d (0.0 we nave nor, Sul Iszteml
n. -ttandyit"intr i rXr'estt=r I Z/30 b .. s .
nthsrments with mthwastorry..ssimpsrus , snsszt..
warrant us In advestialnn that wows stustsbut to sell st
,we lowestssewits. pers.:own In theithlbst 00050.
aals- thins month& by ea pestioneal soul Iltatheil mauls
ustherty custaltuus mar' depend on MOM. then Wateno
repaired luthe ben mannev, and munintW. •
W. W. Wl 143tLY, t.
l e es. elreaturns Marked stWI
PLAIN UtLEIEN; • and rittla st f ;
, 1 11 " low ° W ° 4T2I4.PL i ngti l ie
f.r t •
Go anl. Weil.
ti.A.V.-109 boxes Cincinnati o l Soap,
4=/-',/ .. 2E g'"`"""! /LT. VI:4601/AM,
No. MN Liberty 4.
,k1X.,1/10L-50 Ibis. for sale
, by -
',LARD - OIL -75 bbls. No. I, for sale by
'Fro , B. A. FALLNgSTOCIL l Otx
bls. 0. 3:-
-- -
*be S eas a. or .• e y
.te4 J. KIDD
NJZII4O-2 ceroons Cti.i=aa;
kegs KM low lo claw
Ilfelill DICIC44 /I CO.,
Wag. gal Front as.,
1 1° ; 1 7 . 11 8 , 1-20 etL'ks rrila s'"lbicu
c9RN 00 bu. Shelled, the sale by
NJ 101 . •-- .J. e.tdt.worra CO. &
AISIS4 casks superior, tor sale on con
rigna4aot Dr T. WOODS t CON.
Irlo 41Water '
(dry and Teel ane)
,i,„ l 4*.nk" by J. pct,pu,sicAKEß au
QAIKBAT,U&--$ casks (werreuted pure
Hr tea by .1. :4 ;11vONSIA/LKIL A CO.
• r KEttEL—Nog. 1 2, WA 1, in t.
aid hf. bbis by !I .
. JOHN wArra
WDER-;-..t - Ll* 0 kegs far sale by
von , ntwu. Asial.p.uality !vary Bawl: " P
trAt '
110.. h, : 4 . 41 4 . 71 . • - -
1 tilva • orksaaliii; Marfa Tette. taionuctar•
.16 grj,....amt aipai wertamst 1 , 11 band, at taw .
loarect. - . • , W. W. WILtOd.
• n t, • „ .• • sm.- etaitb, C alarkrt Watt
•• • Eharamer Witt . • •
• I ,11.i17E reeeieddll'ease of fine
Q or Cfreettt ft -r •
j r.42 WU. 1.0151.12, Vahtacca'r, Tbl.4 a.
'QMpEED , HERRING—GO ,bvs . . New No. 1,
io far by 11q1011.111E14.11A112, to thA Catir-.1
"300..)regt attoited sixes in ttore
We by I.ITTLIC s a..
t . 2 btu. r;.,4
1 task Clw I.llg woilsodley, prr itAr
138 Water lama
•' - ' J 4 KIDD
.172 1 1 •
Breen teas have advanced 10e. pei lit
YOU can btu Green Teas, for three ntouths
to met., et SIOILIUS' fr• Man. th the Ole .e.04:,t
. ote pekes, and th e may guelthesotetwithsts..dis the
'l'2' 4: I PI
' 113114 rtteVit==
ADi,CjiEEs< —5l
.tate-tingPht ,
RD'l La. Ca sLLe ;
jI'LL* .
D tri
61W ttetsti.
' o l§l3--25 bbis. Trent, (next)
"j. Ds
e.VISAILN.9.4 C 0.4
• MOP kniiiiair.l..llllllpaka Blitthyr
14 .
L FFEE-125 Duke Often #lo,tor•ealet.y
.t.t.:4li..airstoi 9)._
BhCCQ- IQO talcs•Manufactnred, W.
11.11,marto, Eusr'll a itoplomesou4
tatsele Ur • • •,A.0!..111.14/9rtift,f..v.p.
•0412 .
•b00m:,./1 at ,
110110WDER— ; ,
L . 1000*mys 'lilting, 14=44 Gt
low ty', , , fJeli '''''
'l l! . g. et iletT4LgaVor
SIPA , - .lk.S . 1.1- 1 -650 casks, of our own anintb ,
'awn. 'tamale(' of as Wirt, test lut./ Itar. l .l.
•'":"."`• 4 `"""``'urtfertatir a co., ;
i II
Pi - 4 - 171414 lial..nrar llartvt.
• .. - . ... _
A; SEW SliAßEg' 0 is Stock wanted at
' i gto , roctotoot moo or
114.1.EACRING PO DEUS- 1 200 oasts for
by Jyll &MUTT, BERRY & CO.
CatEASPriEr bble-foisalo:by • •
Vf.,b4 - , ISA I Ati DMASY & CO.
Sret ASH-15
VINEGAR—IS Cider, tj
- wanted,. for
whin, the lashes. Sri.
104 • Itsdassire st. 3 esne.lns et. .
Patent o:aunt:ticks. j
ua i itiF.ol).' AT
arket . 11..
i, n i n g lAn a tkoPi' .
i n or.evaro% tbe eid *bleb tb. psblla are rt.•
• • uU lu•SL•d beL oud =Luaus.
iNEOA.B" - 120&
J, tely.l.LiMi co.
ILIEESE—,-Prime rot *de by .
. . 11. DALTALL t W. Übe rffr
1 ULPHAT4 QU/NINE, - . 4 () 07 - for sale try
A rk LD jocibi Tom:fiend Sanapirilla--24
. ‘Pirl d ft a Noahg
CH,MEOFrACCANcts.. oie &misigrinikei4ivoiv.
.1 ibirabr by • isstAtt DIDKNY a (I,
Ny.l. - In 2 for
; ;460 tims lat ag eliz..l(
• .
R10 .1. C0 !,7 1
''"BOOKS; itmcwr
• •INew Itobi* JdrtttßaiieivaL
VE.AgriProbleth; reprinted with cOrrett:
tl.rdOsid'abiltlniir,' by the inthorof Almh Looks.
I MALTY ot Cleotatta;Chlies .kliyhtt iriCiabob Abbott.
r= 4 ,t' Arm P l=,=;r ' rVittende
pate hi
• sad-Ifortahea. i r ettd.; h • oepe e Jon,.
i •;:nttrollnalriaticif Sticklhhe p
DkAtonstylof 11.141e' Rosh.. Work scut Ett•
glair!. hoe.= me= • • • • ,
lauds Pfotorist 'Uhl Book of the Errol ',Moto No.ll.
Pa no Ate Geogreptosad:Blble History: sigh Lib.
ostsphle Nam.l, 7 , 11. (libber!, nest thebeeeeCush,
oteek - elittet by Dudek?. l'htto,moh
• r • .• . J. L. H.F.AD,
s Apollo thtildings. Poutthst.
New tioks
irIeDFItEY ItIALVEM of the Life of an'
x.n Author.
at ßr Thema rape. With twenty-four 11.
h Vnierl:Tir b arlinitiel !As U~ ere. inirturg MCI and 1840,
oT ri t ee l ot i =ll%P=bll.ll2:4n Poor.
Till nbere brokerest "red end for We by
.1 -IL C.17001LT0N.47 ISLA. R.
MECHANICS'; MVI ----- AZiNE,. No. 8, for
'it% ' l L A= • Domenic k°
al .
EnieZdni In the Lifeor rdreliter
nyellirn 'written br herself. Blaltrend, or dun-
Kendra' at uoi.mrs Liter:err Mint opposite the Peet
IrOKS!—No. 33' of Byrnes Dictionary o
M,..tmoleo and Ermineariiik_
• 0:7•of Apple , bsrex .Iretlisilltng•Mag•astanand EnZioreis
largo; ananttmerrt of Clandeal and Nebool Mel"
p" for '
"d' 4 l Arollo Itnltiltg ß aVu n ortlgtl ' ;ot.
• 13.-11ano talon In orthantre..l7: l4 l
Ne* Might.
ILE SPIRIT POLKA, componed by II
Klebor, and dedlnntod to ntepben Poop, of an
'h ltyrly"o Wolk nrraliirdVr IL .:puted
Ityoriy'r Band— sae of the most royal. ',nitre* oat .
Noll, My. With vornittolOr. by Wt.
Dotty Jones, with 'artifices. by 1.41..
ADD. n • ' lln "" el...roct OUr n " f . * Fter . o ° 7ltris . B ft"ifino, (101 l
Vlollll.ll< t , , ti o nLY.Brat. 101 rnlrd Arad.
~.3 Sign of ttdo Goldolf Harp.
• —A olondad lot of no. PIdNIIS now oven!.
Om eon rood recond-hantl 0 octavo Innen for sale.
perir IRA Publk DOrttraearte of' the thaltod Mates,
the ArerstiOSl of n....u.W&shiegtoo to the Breeden
laettattleAsromplete "lowa oar ftrtro relstlatia sten
st limo
m e , V iardl Fr4Ai:rtii alrtieUcal,7l=l,7iaolirnel.
Oastsphel. Brerrti
t h s roJ,Pat Er t o c uom toel, sod BF
oa awol the T
A a a Am leoueetores. coda ner=oJ=
ETelltit Of the Times from:lM.
The .bare •Aloable .rot hz for vele b 7 .-.
It C. ITINKTOrr, 47 hierket et.
Music for Alie Bloomers
WKLEBER, lOtThird etieet, eiplof the
nrGolden kairdast wwweved— •
111.00111ili,or NM COSTUME MAIL, with
beautiful vignette of tbe Bloomer CroltrFubliehed Ur
der the pimodnede theillahrwom corn by B. leßov.
NRI.4Y-QUIBi. BEEP, very eprigb oototowittott on
Barter . , twautittil.alr.OßViviillwv4W LedY."
rupply yr Boston Temporsnoe Wee Book. iyl6
• Obickering's Pianos.
chict.a.e. P ebo k f t Pitt • •
.41 w e e.ra pehisayiviso e; lz, No. el W 2.1 ea, I
bail received and wirer ow jar ule, the tol - _
I°2= ' ,l n k,. i t * " "cr=o%
eiss— .
St: elegant , od rhttio, 63./.cret . rew
Three " round earners. 6
Two " te "
The above Plano Far equa
are a tile latest sty/ea of /Orel.
tor% end with all . Chiskiiring - 1 improreistatthr. the
priori laratiebly the lathe as at lioatoo, thereby saying to
purelsaaerain this regitts the expense eta flak ef Irma.
One Bacerood Caned licraldinne OX wt.!. P....
ofeetured by Adam Stodnet & Co
one, jueenood oe,tare Mane Stodert A i'.
One .. . . Beton t Boren;
One - . 0.
One seeb•nd , .. Cheterfog, as good as ratV,
' Ot : • 7 . ir.ri itint',
uurtg,....ttlbp•dvbprolt , thy von 0ct.....?.
" 'T" •
- -.l.4llwmaior.t.vagsaze, •Ws
- DRY GOODS, &c.
Eitlei--Just• received
l i ar:iitkVa`eVrtruienWi r i:r' " em r ltro r :7;.:
riming of IS on.P4 (Oases. , Vogt; Clonolo•tti Lon aud
Olnveo,./ozoont Flouocloso. N now uol
bonoUfutotyloo. Jocoont %ea Soho Wolof,. And I Inn,
Outs 4 Whit. and Illact Volt. Lon thuds, A0. .d..
flea of the Win , 15ortloolony ...Melted to the *bon
• , Black Bilks,7l.lohair Mitts, &a.
A i URPHY 1111.11CIIFIELDIrecd
.by croon. oothor o onoply of eugenic: Memoir 0111.1
*ad Obok Eno fOr Lowe. nod Apron. Gov
Embrouirad Flounciri g a. -
A. MASON & bave just received
per nwro. Iv
perko• /Doak CIW Morin tt. auto
Oconollt. axt,auaa or rarelaftei to
mr meortment of VS.: Ow* e owde. moil. at
aatom Aloo--Dispon by the Tool, of mi.., vole.
o.lloes,To*ellins. and Ilath OEOOI Mayas,
an assortment shrares 03 b. L 44.4. es talent prime
once •
iatr:b Maker .
'Fourth strreis
• Murphy &.BurChfleld • •
NAVE - OPEN thii morrang a further' map-
Ipli ett kloNillte Nell:tic Irbil, blue sad err: OM'
t o.ff.°-Y,', l = W., ...rrti r bzu = ,m • .
'nu+, ae4 et the scattempt ettrosr e fourth . MVO
4 ,
~...-,•:- Masiaito Ban.
IHAVnlat reteiveli one cane of 'Womb Not,
3 1 7 ' '''''' /br -ViE f rota. mot .to.t.
p i t.oo ;tIE}CiIATS, VC - 414a CbSTUBIt:
• LA TO OL— LALWA'AttI gib.? Alpo in i zein 'AI
tub /Alm Li IL M. TAWS
• id:INS ItArkot bt.
________ _
Black Lace VelLs.l
'IL4I:IRPIIT & BURCLIFIF.I.I) have a fail
i'll. l kr="'"g f a L ja . l:tra 4 l l r%,..n tral)::.; 1 1 ;1:
lot dot Clue io : blart awl, lint:gala ,ati.l ,41 4 .gai ed. at
treat Shawl Sale.
AA. MASON & CO.'S Great Annual s:ha:al
, • elf wil I tt.msaanow CA road ay. A a[l... 6111.0 , wt...
will Darr the hititort• an 4 twit walo - tnIFICOh of b
awl.' , b
www ratittawi in ttoa city...prima , ..
klaio VI bite Crab* thaol/t.
- Vrlelltaes
irlatti Balk
fancy high - word gnat li Thitet FNMA. '
Vail, Meted a.l was brae:Wiwi 44
motto* Onetime. ant Loo• 4 ' . 4
Of Coo a.l.intelhom oaelltko. all or whach art ars itelor
ollewd to tioew oul, prwrltete to teraz thwir al/ orata.
thwy will to allete4 el • veal redo.= 1 4 .m0t tom.n
price* awl Can than eaelwto rod. . • anal
New Pattenw
• - -•-
tL ' PEE, 'jn.f ovelrel Qom Metteatwutw. In
matootwtarbts, am! Ibt wt. at lbw ott stud, 7ioS kl.
kottrool., • py2t)
L.. Scarce and Desirable Goods,
Fit' VARIOUS STYLES. open thir-mnth.
V,ll soy. by acornb ISUittllnt-larludhat
I L I ot=t !V . ealAaW
Biwa Abbe. vest Nevantlas
titnyb•mt, te.
Ltt zlif i t i Le inviend4,ll:::: : nrannostammtnl Pt•tvb
W• roviv... to-du tot Uotaortvar, hogs Nov Tent
/Vow% Dow bal... ioli
PALMER On tan received• 0.4 ••Nrti
useLyer Bosarts, mar remnant sad meet etylee
illeaN sag Nose Braid. fitralr. end other lista self
Goods for Warm Weathor.
IVIL) RP fIY & hu At the North
Loot eorrier of Ppm* well
espy with roods ..1•0•4 •41.13 14•/41. Mat ere
Serdch sod French LAWNN,
gsiodokleded.u.4 Priot..l usuar.
eteei Arts Itetorls Alaeli•A
tta laity I=lllllol Manus
me. N. wan.
They Dm ItietW ano th er lot of NEW 00001.
WeekParasolL r ble $4l. On &vb. LW'S ford,
Week /fame Sabo L !mt.. L1A(.0411.4 'mud o,,cy
dital Uingbasys, WA Lima WNW*. frecrb
1'4.'4)4 D 4 t . "OU. CON 4yis MOWN
LAWNS. etiudisal , it POPLINS
befog very Lill, .00 &utast sews
a re of pm goods, and
Name rasisLinductitoetts
are ofte r isil IS borers td nil cal ma*. two Durebskee.
Stria , " Bonnet and Hat Wareham,
'No. 105 Mkalrr &pert?,
ft I{. PALT °genial , : tale, at. very
jt . law r , r , f . fielii f II wifortwwal of Rim , and 111111.0.
"I.lo.Brili—Fri,lpa sad Peewit.. plats awl (*Bpi
p u ..... p,,0, t.1,,p, lump, WU.. lAirs, II ilti.Pluswl.. Lig
borii,ee: le. • 1 ..
Ll,liii-7Plip . i, Kv . .W.,fie sr.,l Buie Legmi fag e i llif
plain Itrari. Waif , sispW. 61 11 ,111.5 p a. Bpi= 1 1.. . a •
tamV L•plioro..lintiP,Ainii , Ip, warp. fAi i i, a sir.
....1.V.Piii...12413, pa 61A., j.,,,,,,, a v ...., ..n.
"litiio=-Bth Ws: OS
re, Ter
t. ri 1714.— Plata and .f:mflrL .1
Cotton Nit. •
BIWA W TB iNiillifo3--Cotiii.Tworip, 4otioisi. iirstdi.
f ,
P liriMitettoill . td Amiiicao Bpi a, butlebii and
'lOlO3/L.lrealllT/3;1 'Alm 4.1.4.•
tia&x.j4,21,1,7; Nionzidt, pad olio )1ne1...e.t.a
BA 71/Vif—lilli. - I,lposaira Po 6 eoloW. .
A hp...iiiip pod t v er tout yy me. 464 Abtillsi BPod
°CANINO AL PACfAS--Igiii body
ctit;Trat:&r: 4 4.e, gft.41:::11 O k
itligtjrr "
w k"
I . 43riI I oVIT I •W• clouds.
. Th f irr y t.tot o
1,3(ba0 slam yry Sol Clotbs
INT/17 014. 1 6. • 1=; : g
mauur f rz d
it y l f
1. r 11
=TO ;11 . 411:1=11=7, 1 1nt Or: lb. lo w -
Vgarthaiailorint II
n•nacot•Ll. M 41.12 th•
' . i M ißef slgl • th•shonenn tits.
OIL C S, &c.
W. mcdarrom
now • cantsurlylll.l•l3ll his prlo Moot o(
CourprWag parttb•Pall q slog
LlVin d ° Pg 'IT. '"a4 - ti
1 7_ ,,, rerfte ,aroth 49' 4 1= 0 LZ°A . Ii . =,.., :a gg a ; ,
P r doklzr,•Pitf, oreffirrirer, d 4
=es cungbovegg. go cal i tt ., ta i
44, 444 Gaon= 641. .
to Zo. 4364 Ur= do.
".V. , .kigi ti d9r. i4 .4., N.X.14 144, 6-4. 44.
r' t ,..„_b ah . e . ii op
:4 e522:414164. lull 64 rm.
64 4 1 . 1 6 4 , 6
.-S H,.
Stull. 1400, DLINDS, TABLE COMB, do.-..
Aims—lltalr flods,.. 4 l4ll9:„CrWat.l 4 t r a : b .
441,66 0 4446.14.1,04, b x s I=dit.o .
Tat 42. iar ''' laratalaingill 446.
0 17 4:1 avrath, "no p =l ti,....=au f = th ,
=dal. www6ri.bouts or stiemontx
=:l l .4="gg'Arafgralr 4.4r..k•
es 4
14PW4f ttinf 4% and 4660 oar .loch a
TherWp Wibottne, B+s , Fati4tb. etreat.
m 419 ' ' ' ' '" W. IstaCIUNTOCS.
, ,•ii:,a~'. „ dal ~. r. :_ -~~: :....~
The moss .actraoreknense`Dieioniey in the World it
the great Arabian Renudgfor Man and /kW!
8.0. Farrelrs
Li G. FARRELL'S genuine Arabian Lini
article, um! the Mai corer
t ry perforcovi n a t lt.
the o wo e r r ldrinr :emiatie.l
of 1L... extrude snit gonna peculiar to Amble. P.n.
Wing. in a couitentratcl num. ell their reininlattne. tnic
erne. Penetrating. uncutOnsvod rerolelob properties, ond
the twine which. ogee ago. were newt by the crone or the
Daert.7 with cork Inhambane twee.. in curing the dIF
No. of both roan and
Reed the following - rem/triable 0f,,... attach ehould of
themselves place U. U. Farrell's Arahian,Linhoeut ha L.
yoUti any similar remedy: •
About a yearar4 • half ago. • ...LIME nliPeared
viten atOcalch. gralually Increasing in else until!' b e t
-awe as large se my fist. and ea wre, that As could
bear the least manure uperoltalthoutgivingher extent.
polo. I got the advice prom. beat &noun, and they differ ,
of In opinion about In some said it Ir. an AIM! ‘eitot
Enlargement of the nploreen some. that 'Vassar, Pathan , '
moot of the °varier. and others said It Aral . Tumor of
the Ovaries, and could uot be cured exort4 by cutting U.
nut- I n this critical situation, 1 teas fannuidni to-try U.
o.lfarrell's Arabian Liniment °gnu it. and., strange as it
may appear, Ujkllo the Mint application she began to in.
Prove, era get ting ta•ther dolly nUIL 0100
atm Is as well ea ever--enjoying- egnellent health.
Peoria. March 5.1040.
[Robert Illmin, postumater. say./
Paragon° Pa- , Marsh Z . ,:14.19.
One yeoman ha. wed your Liniment with great auetese.
dbe hod bat the use of her leg. for tr, the pante
being contrasted Ito that her brge •er Lena' much while
mandlum so In natural lot th e ponition of the legsthille
gull., and alie.uld not bend them in the least bat 41
the use of IL 0. Pa.,Telre Arable. Liniment, he I. ooe
outs,to walk w ex c e l lentnd has • atraight I have
t It • must remedy forlietheritraht
@Very thing which mg aims en esternal remedy. •
Th. opinion.' ala • perleix+.l, aid • Istaine Harriet
Wmhlng ton, lowa. June 11,49. •
From the swell, and permanent eon,, both on tn. and
whleh your Arabian Liniment is performing. 1 do
ant hesitate to pronounce it the - drool Hetnedr of the
Age?' I have practiced doctoring hong* tor twenty years.
Ludlum. triad - all tot e serious knimentm ointment. I .
muth pude.' un In th papers: bqt linnet my that
e as e arabian.l,lolmont exceed. any that 1 hare
made use oh Br Mauve, 1 have mird Sweeny and °park,
iong after they had bath pmnotinced doomabl,andi have
mired more than Pay hors a th ts ma.% ghlt your
ma ., embracing ever, shads of dieelpe. - 1.1. ecratehee
Lod brutes! itP to 'pasha, tteineg and simony., tae
al. bear test.trany of It. gOOd edettil 011 the humati Re.
tern. 1 •••• confined nearly , all last winter tn.' , rt..
vdth Rheumatism, and maid get nonto help me un
ecanntenect the tier of four Linlinett which entirely
cured me. - • WIL .
VPuri Pain ol ten years' standing cured by 1/. 0. Farrell'.
. Arabian Idpinient:
Mr. U. GI. Fedutna--Dear Ell , I. had bean ahheted vilth
ths venni P.M" for the last ten veers, and could tavern.
Mkt except by bleeding: hobby the are a IL u.
Arabian Liniment, applied over the temple. about three..
btu 11131aa !UT, Ina attliclT macrrad; and ILhave Aff
1:10L644 (It it..alnea. I went:lnto the - arable one night. to
the horse'eeare leg, and betng wry hune hseturd
Abed and frit agaltql my legs, ertrthing and bruising them
eo ball, that thee turned an Nark
a my hatsfierinq
bam.rh. applied Tour
. .r well
crivbed my finger in shocking. manner., by letting a
bath .log fall upon It; b a t your Liniment movalmaled It Up.
JOWL B. Mal gr..
Salle Pnvlne, Peoria co.. 1,1110. ,
Beware of Coward:rite. •
The Public are particularly cantlorml aiPinat a .N7'-lr
CistostnYed whiclithas Lady made to ambearatace and 0
ratted by We lbspoeter whomakes It °W . 11 Farrell's Arabi
n Liniment.. This ls • dangerons fraud mid mom liable
to deosive hem. his bearing the name at Van - all. Thera '
ton be belleular wever le con .1W It by GU now "Farrel} . .. '
Liniment,' for unprincipled dealers will Impute the SPV
AJOVSaitzturr 'von you for the kenuine, but oherna
Am .. 11. O. Rrrrelf e Arabian Ganes!, . and lake no who,
the ktesulue Waters hag the letters H. a before Farrell*
elgniture Is also on the outside wray-per,_and thew
words blown In the glass bottle.- - 81. flterelbe Arabian
Unbars!, Peoro,."
Ileum wanted In every. Town, Village and flambe In
the 'United In which ono not established. ApPls
by letter to 11. 0. Farrell, Peon.,
.Illy with 111000 Mere..
an to character, responsibility, kr. ..
Cali on the µcent who will flterilsh Free of Charge, •
book ecntatning much valuable information tor semi
cf ritlmens.
Met-25cent. to rents, msd eine dollar per bottle.
Hie Only genuine is manufactured by 0. FarrelLsole
inventor propnetor, and •holenaletedrugstlet. No. r
dim. greet, Peons, and for tale wholesale and retail at
proprietore pdre R. L. SELLYIiIi,
tug Ldker.d of
bold try D. AL (.131t RV. Allegheny (... N. fty . 6 . 7 Y'."4
The Bomar. Body Knit Perspire,
‘lO SAY NATURE; to tniie healthy air.
tj variation sod permits 'rho ile out perspire, an Ilatli
to th. awe:lds Wag Skin Irieraetee. hovi,Josirs' italiau
Chemical ['yap eilarea a fxv perpirlitiow,,aud at the /,
Um. moll's/ars art.. tipe ailth wino. it,the tea
01 ow Infant*.
?Joon, twit, Rhe um,. Anil ham are 1101 ably trealwli
curial by,ita ulw, am at lout 7 physicians In N. lurk loi
I who us. it lu NI& flaw, arid bud it taufaiiatr—u also, in
I Pimple, bLohlu4i.. Prertler. or out other sliluiliaverw. lb.
realer kr awaited that thlw Is ay wielewitititleil ouitturii, as
oar nil will puld rounieratv at teas .151 , 31
perm.. eurwl hf wove gore leas. auk erre hearil,---- -
buy it—Wial the reader lw min wowed I .null bolero •
ally rell Itsburo, utile.. I linear it AO to all I ttaw..
Thoeir •bi, aro liable,l, ervltnl.or eh sppe.l lierh,.
WAIL Cowl W . . not tulip arum, but a piereutiir, and 1 eau
'DOW only wt.l,, that au I ow aniktotwith trip of the aboti.
or illuallar illowarwo, will Lod alit al a:IP ere. more I with,
' rat+. „I o Itl prowrtiew) than I rule.
pie rut, rwalwr, the .101.11 WV hooded with hialtatioria
.4 bv sone yin iwii Pa 4.1.3 . lis li apehlwriowliniwP — ww l
but it out, of Iplll. 4.6,likiiillhi, .irt./tivut in 51t.1. , 000,
he of fiord.
Pearly White Teeth, rind Pura nztaLb. t
bad v s trots.—Porseus vb. bar. titter, sit.
[Jr snow. that it rtitir larwat.oi. rlsr y 4,03. Ituir
tercb dart .sr yalkoa. and rarrlartwl tut..
Ghat rrut 14i1L1 A1141,_11 , 04.4 triskO,
Lboi tooth ea white a* stun, act UI, Advsa,6
A Scientific flair Tonic, Restore; anti Brio-
INT.—TOW llotll•o, 37./. cual/. Thh•L/ •ho //6•4
/cold lheilentr, ttva Lt. szoolkut qualtto.. ,
Mom whoa hal , / act . •• Lai powole tb• follo*hat
•O•htkoe—lt •11/ Love tho Lair to vow Lai Lot put +lbw..
oalois lota•ol"I halt to hi r Lor. //top lt hating od. oorylkslrl
or Oaaalrath mat, 1101.L1M./ Ja,
hoc muleslos the halt soft ar4 th; rah *lam/
this—ll omit. Itsl, boutitut. and b/hp• It lt
dead. tb• MUM kaiske—).l L..Lh01,4t—0.8'4. I.r La.
ro con , AOLIWPS mom, to h1?../417
Eat Wool, Pals/rand
kriera-.47X, mat, La/ outs. lout fl
JONES Solutiott of Jet, si I quSJ Iltimrat
rry, bre (ha au/aging Irbil, I.* itt•T
or black pl la • •••
Ptfros—bo nent•- sad $L •
Wild by MAL J ACK,DOX Ito YfatffNn.l tend Is.ol.
Plll4l stet.
JONES' LILLY IY lIITE.-,Lndiu ard.aria -
tica.l ru . s.mrt user% thr rectuattro Ittrtr.ert Chrale. TN)
rue out ...7 Lor rrie.tfoilt iskturturtime l• i! 4tm.ekturt
lam towns ow raa.P. nmr alkurt Irtem. 1.4 1.J‘ , ... ,1 T
thy ....p ... Orr rases pimandeltral, a..
In zrat i .. t=i: loan %VI z . Lt.1.1 ., : ,,... .
tl Jruer trh.lAts Whits- 7'
1 11 ta pale-skit Into., et, Mum tuinftod a sit 01. irt - ,- ....
walaar..a.i a Epp,. la If. 4/13.) oats .4 , , bmalt, sa
.1.4,/let. < ana, mbar, 61 till mar dlr. andtar re. A./
Ova. nu tla PHA .. moitenc et soft rod =moth
Unit er shr Actor.'
fl. JACHKrt, Z4UI-Mrt.frttmt
5...1 1 Kurt. rtterktutr!. me , . sr nnaa
Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root"
ice:llllgs 1.b, , front talk klinitlyi that pro.
L•trtaT rtoolOtnra tfth. rotan try for ranylobell
eon. Cantor, flit twoo.. nirlpgeu, nal all ay, eto
roam asking fora:an la pare 01. s. a lb* bin.. M..
Urn Com trisint.titarth. Dythmia, Ilariselert tanlnotr,
Wafts, Sty-thou end Tightro. .bat Ito Cbt*b Mr.
Cr 'dryt.a. .1 • tickling tonal..
aout the throat .11 le and with Olttlrerr4Cant ROMIt
W r i ;;M irembino end helmet Daiittd.
itorartll i tal.. •••konall WO. ttittal tth; tint .
minas want., .4 Inrlttaartht: the att. e yyt e n..
If tha lastirsaty of thantantio etli.ttat kit... , froth
raft. IA Mr mouthy, ran a num ppm.% Is sittitttlao
10 rtllcarinta In rat... 4U E..% sal ItetataAtiththar
Wand htthon dawnr.thlutionto it I. ;fatly otretto
et. Inso erchrately caatiatal
pthyortletto that tba r anal. botanklth, and at0.4.1.n.
yen.* of oa th 1.1.1 unao to
Puriir the Blood.
It ha. re.rten mazy rhrontodlattateeswhieb hire e.fred
the 01111 of Um N. ' , hyoids. awl ...aloe rayed Canton
?tit Rheum. retrial/ end ierotnla.*
' lrrarloyo U' n jrs ' ttlgy ' rarn ‘b"b' s ' 7l " Cakral;Cn o tit
SOURS. ma wort obstsnata t Ctn.. have been tore b
NLWUS ri.*Allir fate
tote circatation, trtnitrior thy I.nw ' fretr. salvo, atel beak
WT. It morn. rintrltalan Itol float, and in
nu cunt at Anna.. .4 mar It all rilatata, oak
K all Mloll4tof the you.
Thly tyro, le
pro Taal.
k a 1.107
Fountstn Wort, Yrottletryt k- attl letb.l,ltholror.ouni
rthall, by ,
• Only ...tont at, Wetter. Coantrlvanlis,
rtryky Raub... ratter Woad awe strth Ifni X.,
B. T. tiabbltCa Celebrated Soap Powder
AS:ls2ttloaWarranted! trte.a._stl ..O. I ~a L p
WWI.. rot OM-4Ot TOUT clothed ha a thfrEcient
quantity . or coht ant. tO amt s Om. thth 1.5 tthlr f .
thothtfula of UM nay Pallier, t etnh all quarts of *ate
herd with Mr Cloth., If the wattn . Iv boini, old more rat
tha Panne, an 4 theta ten ntenntitr, In the mean nine
pr. thavadoith v. a M.., then rat than In • tub and
add trot t. tw hot
N, 1, 4 1= 1 ;t1e1f:. * .i5r411..,: " 2j In
m a ke
th a thorough rioting. and that le aullkletat .0.
a them dear,
k..orfier. Wing no rata In thla loan, ft rill Irate
the clothe , . stay wino. .0 no 144 env ratiejl, Ktt
rape dn. The en.* rat of tha roateetel noel don not
r are W. tltrthe..
MOWanu kw • Itnetlor that to to rat at
one paper till math t.lytt rpm.
bra totally daft nap. '
Dincricsi. rot If“.— sit nutria el nth., anti
tolith• Pa...tenth It, and then let It ba11...) Or.
able. then aO.l six nothltrvld Va.: tar Mont Intnnatati
togrther, ent art it away where II will al anti
Otto r 044 It he 5415 thick ant aloe felt. flap, a.
•1111rath wt., and •al not rat thothanle 111. other AM
dap, nor rut Oa cloth...rem tn "won with ball a si...
tater. by walnut, the nontlty Into nt nnerta theteay
r tire. tito Nutt toev le last talanton tar waehlok rani
no.d by
MAE CO-PARl lls 'NtEtifr heretofore ex-
Ol u gglillrfalvlZlffj6tl;g: r 4 :2=.
/t i lt& day &tattled by Ilintlatto• and tootttel ' mmoh
lltber of the nudendonett euthorttey to twttio the sr
aunta the oil oral V/ 14.1d1rCUL.1.1.
AD. bultkti Z.,
llPlttabonth..l,lT 1, 1661.1*Irttret TOW, WIIIIITMANt
EtO4IaLTAIEWILP .L the ettbsevi,bere have
i cav a s 9 ftettnerthtiottok A nt . of limit.,
1 9 P ...
— kmmoved, •
PENNETT, BEEILY CO. have removed
to Welt narrhoote, owner of Utonary lane loud
otting/. otll
Greenwood Garden
OA.CHOICE collection of-Shrubbery, Wining
ROsee. Pose4frebtitrwelorry.theee 'Verra. linnborts
papa 'ines, hardy Monthly How% wad awry intant uw
ljelftZvi 4 otri h
' Vo l Tnlnfarretenhis=.ol
I truVriV. ge t lrmto T iLia6 " q h rirreigtne " Dia l: stAfroP
in the Saloon. . .
Orders Wilreanel to Use prolarlados, 'Situ lospiclosr.
Alk tkart "Mr.
.• I. 'intl.
-0:,0 name Sled., Ras old ISO r! Wrtisping Parr.
* froulle
M : rble nr aat tl esirfrintno Pap a lk
- Imperial vi
The aka,`,lth • lot of add al b
of of l
papemfor sal. 11
the lowest prirea. 14 w. a , zN,
Stationer sod Yaps I
Je26 =dna or Marta wad Ileemsd atrial.
To Droggistajo4 Painten.
A, MizZlST io r , ent= p , ttltte Uole if% 4g
trlV6l%.l)lCrld th:d ni tifF
of Mails unto. thaf.S.p•
without detriment to fdu shaft nod WO reduce 4 Cl/ Pro:
ree to snar/leg uniform:lnv • ,
.• U.lll/11 = 1 .430t0tta.r . ...u , ftr .
am WILL "P.
to ladles ss • sadetildo tba hands In
00.804111Millii :in. ear* et damn, &s. Ara"
c 3 o pli l 7rAtu i ar low ILt
r BaOb • : • 4:1111.1/11/1.114
Tit - ANspoiermoler -
wcz ERIE /AO' - iticeineeir LINN,
CLARICE, PARRS Co.hßommerra, Monism..
THE PROPRIETORS of thin old and.woll
known Line. world Intems the public that they are
C:Zn b' oolil ' mn ' r r tt t' a " rlrer ""'' tte : tlre; '' trY
p z2n d, r -7711,
the t weet points on the aria and Lt ' ke Brie
rg.u live irl ihia... ll =Casten .
A. :".of2AritAlL.toi!
offi,or. Wood n o d ymithde ' d e 1,., PltUhnßh.
it. W. Chuntushato. N..
C.C.. Per
IL C. Ma th es, Pulaski.
w. Mel.; Phatoni '
J. 4k . Sbaspeurgn;
Wm; Achrd d lirreurilis
'Wm. Henry. Marine...
WM. Power, Cooneautville;
C. H. Red, Erie. NJ
O. B. Wallbridio. Buffalo, 0. 0
New Lake Superior Liao.-185L,
Tlltinew ste:tmar:NOßTllENEß,'Carit. B.
ry umlaut linprove'ment for
u. nor m , on /Mai, the 141
of Mar .watt, on her. Snot trip—and weetlg therrafter pro
Prides, at, 4,31 rielork. P, 31.. for the 13aUt tite. Maria
The steamer ISIIIATTAtt, Cspt. Jorin VoLDIFDLL,.IIV
kw.. Soot Ste. M o ot,, for the Ainerent bindings on Luke'
Superior, on thearrivalottheetwarner Notthenterr, mating
regular weekly Ito., throughout , the Season. between
trierelard wort thetroppelaild2unAtlnes....
Proprietors. -
Omelets/. 0.. April 2.5.1351.—tf - ,
Ninufactorer's Lice,
tj thee thin LINE, - rammed enthrely &eft= Dem,
" jrrOf (u ax,eiihnitl, - , Jrnlrtagg tlvx:
cr=pping. awn ts . wwkilow me*, ma SAT
81.01 =rtawaent• 010•&00 beo¢o:os.o for 00111 ES
" Varar Huttr . ,llsl
creel. iiii tiatelitem. eVelbren, .00000.0,
P. l b ''a y `F °lua. "l" li ed g:
rout mysett ot
"" teeired from
the kgfale;." m e s u ial l AValaity= 101040000..=
the efereeal Poieck et the !tercet eetek.eolty reued
upon. • J. MITCHELL BMTT •Yratrintar.
WarehooseAdbeety street.
oachillY Femsui.toor west of the Canal.
cri'slt, tin F iVollifOirgft' s Mtior m ativrt h e'r r ;.
mior be transacted under the style of "Wm. Bingham a
BinghanurTrazsportation Trine.
Mg= 1851.
VOANAT. being now open, we are rea
rrcharott I.
eat ond wpm_
tainadlY. Produce and
3 eai.
Freights ammo ot taloa rata charged by rayoudblo
PralutoMurtha:Ulm will be Mowiled ankforwardol
oast-and var. 'without ma aura Air forwaMlak or 31:
Tg g o f f r allit= 6 S t ar Trrctireetlona falihrollY
atandod to Adana or smnifo
W3l. 111/03111A Cl) Caul Basin,
Corner Liberty ad Wayne ots., Pittaburgh
6.4ll3lVitß l ,7,Th'sts.TArgidelA is.
JAMES SITI n owN, Mum,.
No. la North Howardotreet,_33attlooono
moll New auk.
El dii i a 1851 g a ERN_
• Merchants' Transportation Line;
• ~.. OUT RP.PRIPPINti. ' ? •
. A. AIeAVULTY A 1... V., Canal Bann. 408 Penn intent,
011ARLES RAYNOR, an tral Illoct. BrfayhArett, Ciao
l.qpllla.- s , '
WW e ire wowed to metre • large amount marehmodlee
a . 4 pruduor to oh I p on the opening of the canals to Phila.
dOphlsoontalllotananliate places at loner eaten end In
Its time than tu mar groan. 11.11.0.
fir!:. B. Tlaohicrtneed number of Truett pnryLled by
the Canal , tAnamlosionere Mr tarrying curt Loan, on th o
Iltate'.floOltoade, erill. prevent any poesibtlay or delay at
- Jobtotenrin UoW.lo.oung or C ol umbia. this inanon.
C. A. WAN 111. n 00'),
, G.bri. ' ' ' Canal Hann.
Mg!ggEß.. 1851 ~..ISEEE2I
TOthippers of Dierchtiniiihe, ProdnOel,
„ , sw ➢i4ratuat`aao a. ioat
Art( INS 0 CO, Proprietary, Na 5.1 Mart., aO4 01
otty , st.. PhiLastBlpttba.
10018. 8 48.1(181T. AgeutB Canal Nash. Pittabarab..
TA 1: Wit A 50:,. Agvats, lialtstaura.
s an vespar., on lb. 04.404 0 8 Uar P• 88 .1 , T 8 . 1 1.
1t...4 Is salary,. far relght at rat./.1
a ah.t.sna as mush desoatuls and es. wan o Ws. u.s
bob 2brt,
Ei.NEM • 1851 *T: IL " •
Pittsbtugh Transportation Lino.
4ANY.B tY0.4Y00.111 A CJ., Caaal ties. Plttaburgis.
NITS 0.48'874 LC, Le WA &bad aral t..l.arrr rtss , ..ta.
otrsst. totareu Startat
nut l'hilwilorly
a 04,10 North 0t.r..1. o.ll.lmcn.
I A V INO fully completed our arruntre
...w. we will up pr.pared upped the U•nlinit {1 I.
ts'aran tSt . :B4 l l.
L t..s a cars/ fn . latt aa4 (ma Htt...
nuYl L.a. a. 1 tat, 110,140. Cirs.
000.011, bantrrills, 00 ' Wats 1.8.1 CDs est„al
lower rot. awl with oars ill
spit wan thaw guy yl
sr blur. All x. 84.1188.4 by au/ 4W. an t".l c . r."
by 11u1rae.osltb081. LOT 1 0010 to 4 • • ••., • te"tt-Oott
Da really •110
O•U W...
11.11 aw, QllO3OOOOO 10. n ' re7 d . Lt.Z.tra
arshethe; Laala Via.* ORO Drtmlip. AttwwWwW
/WS • VIII lAs• Imo what.. *Mt the
Phitastatchts alai Pittsburgh Trastits....l.l 2.484
hiZtl thw,
• ---
Ca 44.4.1 itarraFkaa St.wi
Penna. Rail Road Co.- 7 geatial Rail Road'.
%\llx autaaribera having been appuin .
g wailLatja Gaan t ' o
kui.-asayAsomset 0' Mb. 1.4.1... itaaar • - 1
tkcai nnatil .I 3 ai.rlidttriturttu snagb
504.11 eutvo4 1..111 1. tarrFetrd fr.w. cr ram..
coo cr rhvg. r.r sdraer...
UTIS rz noun Isrctrs rwcuma.rna An rrtrEcrus;
Dry 0n,De.11•33,1•1x.0. ne.t.M.pralkr,(ll , kr.c.w.
t/0.t,, (tutu., Yealbtr, rurtants . ., Nat..
LE: PA* 10 ,
law. (not.., rams. Fty4. /Mut:l,ol4
1.1., Tlntelby oal 'Aber tits. l.
.1,4 e 4,:1t0
Iltatter: . Lard. LarJ Vtl. Totwx.l.doe:
R.CS Welk Nu k4o. Mort, Dad.. CD•rmso
rig . t received for all the Way Statical'
on the Poonsyhunia Central Itlnitna
rtAllt. ,
Attota .
1411? .. L t .7= Nor.
&Moro JoJaro &Wilton
cam LW., J Dlochlro
th010?A•444 J b hero'
Vp•••'l'.l.. Z MilliloO
i 11. CIAO
bqkJA .. POpuroh f A Soon
A.A,...,, R, Mod•r•oll
etooLs. - lfolorooll • Kao&M
I libUzt• J Waltooter A Agol.
1/Weassom , pober di tlorgon 1 Co
Alla•rolooro. !I * ll7Z=7•Aoo • ,
tt0.1..0& horkort, 1
John A.VoiISOIL.
Ala Ormi. ' Cowles & Alrottooss
Ooaorlo. Jetno Hoye.
L1)101)E a CULL._
oconao of Non AU WAltarlix WA.
Jal r l'Otb. 1151- _ _ - _
yOh. ONSEQUENCE of . the deeetw e ef jahn
o partatrolap totTotorareeTtxting laaroes
r a • Coto It lambi 4.1a01ea1.. Jobs. Colo to
tulip • • thorlood oo Annie tho.boolsear of lb. loaf Om ;
An po roe hoetral thliZtt• *ni parent
c. 7.• • Pita ara.Jraly lIL IF . •
. PA iiTisiEßSii I P.
pm,.... ....... ..... .JOl. 1. cots.
• ar arm, -
. 1 - plareolloro to Pirroloa a llnV[Or.f
The •businc.9 of the Agency of the Pintn
ilyivank °metal Rallas.locropoor rill no-
dartollaodor the now. sal .13 lo of
: • • tvToot a MIX. •
'eatisir - or 1/lenearol
rtu.Luirb. 0.4 —tirtr
4=4 . • Implacteal4. -4,- --',' - '
LITT :WSW received from itiii;;teet the
IM Via* impleattrals, ail of tho: led tomtjafatibm
tartemarr ' sli n rort; a r t_ l". ittia ' y arr " : " ' !?.' all
Drilling Matillatte,jeote. Masa, to rnipt. ar,
Drain Drill, Mr wilkat t 170, 011.1,..A4 bat r ,
Aiort7Shollyr. for berm alabbamt power.
Pm.' and Cote Stalk Corn** Dom*
VotrptaLt• llsot Cullom.
00 liblet ant Cot LIMA lialt.m.
eattativi brain am/ Otter tribes, and itoot.
timultml ttro, tore. and four prongturk*
All Vilallifietiard trout lb. beat matnialy. Sod Wt .µ.
,r i rt
at tbo nag ma r.e.e etee. er , • ,
e. r. 171CHDRAILAM,
tof ' i Comm of Woad attd Math airort.
. • .
ea oat '. Patent Starch Pelich,_.
•1113 A N ED, July '26th, 1850,--For giving
i .Imatt 1111..101.1tami; illoilim, Combilita, ea
:aM, V Irt btals,4lo„ and .11/7 Dloyant* th e I tom trot , .
VlPLlStr t ' allottflllarstrl ' ag " ltt . tfo l or. '''''''' '
Dirmilottor-itiut * bio, tbo, Alm of a ma to Amami of
starch the latIllmi;
Ca DMagyt. •
D 061411.4 coatil bet Cats. to wbotraalaambrrtall b.
ill . . IL ti *VI UEDA IT Nutlet.
AtARD.-1 Ilya) removed to my new nfare,
tAM door, balov;) attatly ,o6polito th e Dank of
I bomb, why. I rill be g1:1 tome my Moult aiM kb
to* clextia, l and
, 7 t o a . s t ti pboiltr t y Otto. ,
u l l tr ill
ditty (`piled a...g. oftsr,..g ~..: M0.,,&t0n al that ' ll ' arte
peroattor VW a; t14 . 1104.ab1,111,101 alaDatitit'QUilto,
1 ' ijell ' l t ro r' y la:, aat ' A *l " 4.:gtrut " tity .. Mltlrl . l It:
atm Atm:Alta mtailltabart tbalil,6l. Ortimaresmot•
Mil, aullelbal and mat*
of eittlitto SAW slant.
IVool.—Ceeh pet& fur Wool by
No. Ca. FY out at.
•Cornices. •
IiAVE. just received from New York, un
elite I ayi•Jot of net eryl• KITTQW CORNiCXB ar..l
1Z " "V"'"'"' WM. roßa.
Q.P EC T4gLES I—We bare a complete
, o , i iiglgu a y*Wir'4ll l 4"l3"in theb T
gai v ri t :ig tlrir •"
of Ilarpor .Co), ralebrited 114 , and
"7, ""-'ll. reulgigittia=r;"' "
. Avnt for_ i llarm & Co.
'l l AlanOitiCOßL
0 TONS jlMPtge:irittrar article
@3Oll fur 'mar; or rlifh IV •DT • -.
If -at&
Copper Stocks.V
HAVE orders for,the Stock'cif
ono 11 1 / 1 114 Companivi of Lake iiporior. Thoao
to well will roll, or address
j • MUM: A CO.
' a Pure Brandi% for Diarrhcro, &OP
SEAR shall neodYrach
iirsadr ta• MT Beni obtatned nt itQWl.lB'
11,krt, I
In . T. 61,1411 !MIN: . ,
lIILAVIC.EItEL-7-100 bble: No t . 4 Small,' to
iadtbesar bit . 1 ;
,„ , .JOllll WWII eke&
QUO OE ROOT-500 itut. for sale by
littrie7if mm eargQeri' of. w
ilvaisamoToN, Anguert,v6 ,
i;.. --
_ .-. 4 ', Bsl•`\
eel at Ills office. mall the let day of Onto gla
the de/Prerr of Provisions. in bulk. for the use the
t.. 11 ), ;at, Oho U01t..• Pram, arm lospootka; .. •
At Nero. Orleans Barracks, Lanai.,
65 barrels of port
1M barrels of aiPmfi four \
14 bushels of new retard:t beans
876 pounds of good bard 0000 • \
14 =lll/t go d herd
od cloinT7 - I,:vjr . -. s
...,,, gelato of goakcider vinegar. .
Ar Baton Rouge Bars•ofria, lalriana
lIIIS barb o f rzt
imblsof h : 1e
026 pound. of.good hard Pep
t =2%c r4=r4l,:rl-, '
0.61 gallon. of good elder 'Mega " "
At Ely West, 'Florida:
ES burets of yorit ' -
1.66 bands of 101 l otarrflue Dour'
66 bushels of new white Clad teens.
it 76 polling. of good had soap
a I r . r h e le of ,ept woo& egoal oal ca. a hard sperm .1.0.110
gry Otr
MI/ gallons of goal FlSer vinegar. all •
At the Public Landing, tit Ma. from Fort Towson,
mouth of /h 5 Chtecucht.
65 barrels of port
166 barrels of grab en Pour
56 bushels of new white 11.1.yernat 1
876 round* of good hard .by
261 pounds of vial hard sp.= mall.
14 buena. of pa/ olom anfine salt
2.55. i gallons af gad elder enmity.
The wbole \ to be dellemed le all lg. month l a Arrfi•
11A5M ad to leave Natchitoches by the 20th of Irebrital.
At Fort Stria, Arkansas.
85 barna orlt • '
• . 126 barrels of M.. 0 stratainatour ' •
65 bushels of now whit* bell beans
"i 870 paunch , of incid bard al)
. Ipounds of good heat rpom rend Ice •
, 14 bushels a goo@ clesadm fine calf
760 gallons of good 'dart anmer.
'Th. whole 0 b e 45,1• . ,14 in all tall 1052.
pork Fort Gibson, Arkansas. .
5 bomb , o
576 bands o f f fresh superb. lloar
loti bvhels °Pray alas geld Pease
2,n25 pound. of toot hard Kan • .
I, =2 of
f f
= ' C1V. " ,,1 , Ar1 e , ,,
600 gallons of goat elder vinewer.
The whole to be dellresed to all May. lan.
At Fort Bpi/Bosh St. Peke.. •
256 bawl, of pork. \i
676 burgle of fresh MiPerfine gm.
t ar5 T ut ., , ,,,.,. 0f qw ...lortf.tisia bolas
„. , , _ , ~
15P4 pounds ofjtoodlutroor . candles
4 2 , b galloV:reV Pri4 rr g "It
The -whoa to be delivered W\loi the ISM bitty, 1462. to
the 16th June, 18.52, -
At Fort Ripley, \ coOtztA 'of Crow-tray neer, 130
miles oAtore Fortßrng.
05 barrels Of railt \
126 bawl. Of fresh 0 .0.000. f1an
66 buobolo of new .rhite geld ho •
57 5 Pallas Of good hard too r •
mfil poundit of toad talloW males •
'l4 bushels good cleat drTflue sell
. . 1 1-31 talons rod eldro ' , lntim. \
Tito whole to 100 doliterod hom tho 14772, to rty
Uth A9058.33J2.
At •Fort Learentrorth,,‘ Misnorrrs doer.
1140 beryls of pork
614 bares of ilaih mmerbne Oboe
5 . 4) bushels of new white geld boans
t f a t poun d , 01. =I bud nosh ,
66 rolhell ' of mai Inn .14 3 110., ,or , \
The igole to mu ol good
~ dellv d e= Tr ' yirlO N .fune. 19.62 \
• ,
Al Fort Scott, OS Lde Marntaton ruler, Mursoutti, - 0
woke /and transportation fcarti Incispendenre, 1 1
the Biasoutt nom,
• `24 torrid. of pork •
12 hermit of fresh superfine gone \
66 bushella new white field biome , ' •- I
S;6 papas oLgoal hard map AN. , . I
- . 4 11 ro '' tet ' lf Iroo ' it i gera i nll7fi7ll;r - rc
2 . ,, gallons of caxlcider Meter. " \ ,
The whole to be delivered by4he lat./um% 1012. \ ,
Horn.—All hada, ere awarded to extend the erbonot
of Moir bah, fore ortlo, and •001811 the total 045 0 ,10.
of each. bid; end oa 0111 be alai ontatimsit,etai 00
rill ertwim molted a putt
kdrll.rwVel 7 4 o t:""e'4,',.."42.:,_ 9 oD :are!foVrtTl..
. .4. bentLeher. lang!tro:nroten. sl I al, sod Ist 311,h,
The hare of w eti the port a patted to to fattened on
rota, and each bog to adult not lluathan two hundred
he the feet, lege, ears, snol moot. Rine
Ames ma he subealtuted forth. bow The part le to be
first natal with Turk', Inland eat. and then caretulte
parged with the sane article in name not exceeding etch ,
pounds each. \ ,
Wben the patirJoir hoe bee&rted.the contractor
must furtiati to [hie ales a or I este from the otekt ,
that late poet bee been a waned a psek ed. The port a
to be remained 10 o.l.obed heart ot whir, oak lama,
l' , l4 . :l!:= l l d, h=o and. salt In . , , terre d ly. ii en . d the FOILS
nitration to .nt f o r = fq
smt „ii, .01 5 to , Torol alotbr .....41.0t of tbilirdr - 1
gtiv .• boatel Tlit modita to ham <0 00 vii d e ,, s.
Th. , tarittelonsfor a. Pttree and POTS 0514ey most oar
St .1. for their ultimate don:dna/on lola 4.0 v.. of
April: 1652.. and the stores tar 00,, Ripley mot pea !et
Peterea by 10. Jane. 1541. \
A tallom irk titers pert laden. will tw anal tend e bre.*
of ccaltrlet, and, thdgettsrtment .1111.. tuatara Ppm ,
chnse tu tupply there itt.
Ibe prosaic. 101 l he
to et ths time end stereo,
delivery. - ad ell earners to he ppd by must recore mail
flier ea. dyposited et opts iitardionwe a maybe aahma•
tot br ilmatterm of tbe Mato:tent
TO. emamktary 0.151 rwm.. tbe privilege of 10.
caving or all:dashing e nonage". on of
with any or all articlee reo IM aay poet. a anyllture
tsliire patellas lad rentran .4 very of ibtroodOs .- or
rotating the scuttle!. et Stich
o delivery one ttird a ese
VilDri . trrartl;at ' a ot thi t ' ir:e o u r , P o
, Pn v a l Tio oo.- ‘ l ,2: \
1 =ITT.. Tria ti . t or tie, :' =';',._.g..=;,:ri!:itl;\
...A b0w.10.1 oy the %drat Alltrogy. or by route pea
von well 1,001 ter the L....rhulta! mbartiaa Mtn" trot.
W. 011 l uot ht am•-. 1 mk \
...tramea macs! is was-. cies cose. and nagan ei 00-
, awe.. wed fall
lade will a esuated at Op's 44er tejim
re...a.. .21 N' lade sato. (bass PrAmo - v for sonst , n4
. h 'J
tall be .11., - tfti 10 pat. publat only a mar Is
ernvenatit to the pante o delivery, too pieta of pun
Lee., or of
oalente of tb toott-totort, et the option of
the Trourury lleportmenn ' • \
So 4.114 on Oa oda. II be speedo \rer pad trader
' lsar r ATIALI will b. 1. a ' 41.... rortlo i t. ant
nottni. l 'llll'ilAss. l . Mr la Map Amoy PotwatencAe
tifigkillelllMoll a li ir
- tows —Eaton will 001 by 061 fir
mr, , ,==,,,, ,, ,1„0:4-,„,...,.. , \
~.,..f..., , ,k u , •
,_____. , .
,---- --,...._
1 . f.WEKTNG. 4 SVGAR-50 GM/
"IA an 4 Pullrylakt far Yale ty
r yl2 ~ ', a- CGLIIISIVO I. .. - -
P .--,
EACIIES\ - --10 ow kei - prime caves,. for
.1.1.1+r `.yll . \ A. al W. I.LAILYLIPOW .
1101ACKED r.;., : s !—J 1 1, kkine & 1 Co.'. (of
L raltailelytlsl wit,/ pie th,a slid lllawlt Ti as,
hi 'v..," varttyy.raa a all tla. aarplyaktly art,. ay:tl
**7."'"' e".
`in'''a it. porNinerat, '
/rl.l ‘ H 'Amka \ an. Allan. a Co.
LIANS -- 500 prirrk Canvwed, for no le by
- is.: lin \ E. k Ate. it.
. . ..._
LAII.II-450(11bet. Ist .•.' 1, for mile' by '
'„ leT. WOO ..It i MI. OI W . 4. tt.
I OAF SEG:AR-150 abbe. lisle \ cl Nos., for
LI ...1. WY WIO \ w. kr„ wwtox.
IV O. MOLASSES—ZOO bbls. ortAfor eialf
,1.N.• Vx Jrlo . % 1',....7.___ .
Q. IL SYRUP. 2 7% bbbt. fo sale bY \
1,3. WIO W. S. WILOOW.
O. St
earner P , AII AAA W.A. Amt..
1661--{ll 9 •
1,./ Line at
4 , 1710 i and for noir by
1,1 , •
F j O? Wt-- j ) A9 4l'. E'tetrajitileiktrn!ale
driIITIESE-150 boxes foe i s i it c bi ri s
co, '„
IiACKE . SEL-100 bbl!. Large e\
tollZ:ty iy ru hi 's.: v. muutaxa4,2
No. `'...
""" 147:5VAt 7 21.1.1.: as W•tet rt.
MACKEREL-7LO Rile. Large .N 0.3;
• lavas No.
101 f LEI.. .. - -
71 4° 1 41"'4 f"
E AI L:AF' SLIJAII — LO louver Lorering' s Mu
. bleitellarl, med ..I ns . 1 ,
10 1 , ..
DRIED F11.1.11T —;300 bush. dried Peaches
e-ss 60 ild eo ARO..
the by nouissoN, LITTLE I to.
1116 _ . ... _
i l olsili'Ell. OIL-40 gallons, gage wurre,
'J for ialt. 'by ,IS IL Id. SALLSICA
. ... . ._._ .__
i 101)141JER b111e...-3 gross genuine hush-.
Li D., CSW 6 a Co., fur nalc 1.1
" 19 _ 4. 411'4'4c:0 -
FlSH—Metekerel, Salmon , im, Sa an
d, 'd for
0100, far ea l• Lr . J. O. if I ILIAMS a Cl/.
ram1 : 11018 -- 'me Sugar Oared, Venison and
I:tattoo, Dried Dorf .n 4 Star Tangos., lar oils by
yl6 J. D. WILLIAMS A Co., Ili Wood tb._
J: D. wlLLEillif a:0:
. Corner of Wood and Fifth Somas, Piliabaryd.,
jAVE NOW IN'§TOKE, nod to arrive this
resit tollotriugg66.l4, lb. a neva pt baron
to MS. RIP , Ch Ottered tho most re•Usousbis tom,
116cstty bases solos 000.4 I'L'. dors,/ Patent Lino 11,106
•• Id:asst. do. do. ,50 bolos sutra puss Starclu
40 lloolorors - Ch Own strpaluir,
ju,,14,4, 0g 01.10. N. Robs.,
16, Lasurns sd6lJsr J is.. - e. jj.
Wbases Ws, gs, wul IA 10 ••• doldro '
lump Toboono. . . Loeb 1gu.,041, sod :
93 Dun Nos. 1 Ruda Mack- , Pot lisonthogan
• srel: 530 bg, seed's. Usbinu
20ood 14 do. No. 1 .16. drups Ftsu
sad to do. 0 ,, 1r00u, 01//ors•llordroux Prows: '
thni,r, • c 9 11 , ..1 1 0s 1 11•
1340 11s. es us 1116.1d0n. rstopo/1.1 , 5.6,/61f;
3 Lab% csnds:
1.- Clioresd 2, /Jaws Citrons
10 - Lborrdatu
o r = a aluakr - 1,1 6 / 4 1 , 1 . 10 v 1.
I 1310.00r4 1 1/6St; 1210 u. 31110 , 6)
•••• • katria. 'uotaa c ='Fr u •°7:L •
10 Leto Mustard/ I case Yosrl 664 X •
10 Condo: Y Nutuc,
iu 61c1if and • Rerturd
Chillett. Brum . Liquorice;
thearis , Condloc 1 Arrav•ltoril •
eq, o ' " • lirf i to r trtiulpt,
100 do . rouleh:vo ' 'slll " arklus , 100 gross tdearbou •
'lOO leg. supertdo ok. Flour 10 doc gatosot or Lcsoort.
100 "' 0. 3". Indigos • Boos. sat 6.40116.•
' 00001.11dd •• Loam Pagan •
160' •. Com Broom, • rusk Pal
Ulans, N611 , 3,311:16 , 3466, Lsnl OIL As- 500b93 ,
3.l7.brs.prims fr. Cube: N/0 bro.. IL g
1 aauosralmod
11 1 11,M5 . 4 .'"
16111,01.1 b'sLr P. and 21/ gag. Wolurge.•
3's all Tobsear .60 • Lirourol Nuts,
• 155 tes. Bloc
WW O 4 Coitisbi .00 dnstum Fl o;.
Else Coast/re
itt,Try.:"*r s • Lemon llogan
Is., 4 gogun f,l \ ToondoKetchtfir.
=Mat TribsplW. . .00 l' o pogya,, Er •
/46/6. • Vl.; 111%Iss .
.3.5 U tr. Vll.l, mug !too,.
irutpnl46/4A1./IWe reg); 4 ..,4gre
s ,
, 100 004,11borr, onus and
800 goo 14011 s, wed nistg ' • Butter
bls . 0011tWing 5 7 .
0 Pie, a 0 4• • D;N9t,t 6, ;
I VO loni:D=P Ltada •
200 •31./....a0as
• og.
N. O. Eti gad 3SolsgruEDed I.loodlo Ground 9 &tra .
ap voramr. NYrating and inroost•riner,
lksl4l6lsisk gad T"sism , ull.ll urns ,
osr=s4 of goods ant Qtratill k at r ice.,
=OW ' • . U21 50 0X 1 4,10 6 4 21 0 1110.‘•
ed 0.41., 1 ow V.I.
- -
=La. "
IT2I. itAc co..
GARS-3O& Non., for
II nod Wped
Pittabitigli life\lninsialHO CoinPallY.•
TEs - 00b1P.Alii was ineorpozated. - in .
.F.t...7. /6g. .ith' P. 7. 4 71 Cb. " r t L ' l '' "
Tnced business on • ClLlii>f 6 00.040.
heCosupany dae busin/Se tb on the JOWL Met 1/..d
Shawl pie. •
On the Joint 9theic idea then • arecue-thfrd Tess than
tiate chatundbr hfutnalCampUbee,
_tad Plfiteat ft - Orin , .
loves than lb* uslas of doosSZtack,Cachpanita.... a• 2
ilotnal rate* ate chestnut es titose adopted br *Owe
*felt iend tied Companice. - Th oseinsured on the mutu
al‘principle'buse thecotabluad teactrialeattllthad by that
,g4excv of insurance. and the Capital and iinsplue Fund of
cit Stock department. c.- - -
Chatter permit. iliegranting of insuranne on bin
In e rr form, including Mesita:a of ea, children, pe
yenta. lations, friends or cceditoce—in fume the liSs of
soothe for theirowneselosiee benelit.pacableslttr death,
or pone
pectioceartietng at the alto of 50. 561 GO. W G,. a: the op • n or the Insured ' L ,
Jun. S. limn, Yee:Went
uel licCluttan. Vire Presidien ' t •
ph tc. leech. Treasurer.
(.Icri , ea A. Colton. Seetetur. . •
Jame. U. it ci. ' heeph H.,feerti.
John 4. DiLe rat. Charlet Ic.: Cotton.,
9anguel Alceintlan, Vl{,. Phillip,
1 • J. A 00 illa4. ...
cat masa. ' , . \
Wen. Wil;:am Wiltirs e late &crater, of W I i s it
lit• ..feerirtar7 of TIVIIIIIITt t '
YOM l i rrer.Z.Matil of Pittaboricti Wank: 1, C
fdalooLta Leech. Lalelhlcaie 6 . o .. ...
lion. A. W. LoomiS,
.41.11._McCahnonte FAI. ''
j .)=l i hVato o . l '3l D . D U G " P.:I. L M . D."
Pionual Dilworth, AL it., 41 . 3tultblield streets
Robert Snyder. M. D., 103 Routh street,
John Crawford, 31. D. 20 thte. totreotr
' Wm. Morpum, 31. D., 3071LIbmi7 Keel_
Dr. Dilworth trill be In ettemlipol at the elm 40007
day, 01,12 o'clock.
Moe of the Company. DA Tb You4 v stmet.
ir2PdatrtS C. A. LT,OlT,Seey. -
State Mutual Fire Ineurai r Company.'
BRANCH' bEFICE--lio. 64.8tcrrartme Brzirr . ,
• • ?MOM% Mity`dirt, 1051. '
IrFIE best evidence of the eueeees of the
Mouton in radearottur to make the .2n,22 Nan=
FIKZ - LYSI , 7UNCE coarAe're.. , te.oee.d .
the community. in.thevinniankileled amount on Muth..
which hart been dour. having issued 7,900 Polictei diming
the mud year, thumbs eddluic over 1130,20 0 W 0 .
.flitecomPa. , 'Nearly as the property rommed la of the
rod thrall Mal Wee proportionintend'
or onl y one year.
Whole No. or Poles 155ued..._..........1,000 s
42P'rd.tethilitate.0,d W
Jartmcnt of Pm:wit - Y. 270M.410
Do, canceled, mmoinetodothydred-1201,T.Z 00 •
' Do. In firre 7084,a
. 70.07611
Do. \
\ ;:slod, terminaQ;;dpiretil. 6 . 17 10
TO= 77 ,
Do. do. do. =24
DM= 00
tirktolothet Imam and thyousm pail-423,411 43
Delano , In favor of the Co. In 127,824 43
To Fitt orectnitry tasranth, atol omen ol treellaa,t
and Isolated • thd comory PutP.M7. be-Wad 1.11 1 1 1 1. 1 . 1. ,
pony aiforila advthtegesit, point of thesimessilosfetl, and,
oictulty. Wain: to no Insurance thmpany to this 000007.'
Conductad on , the equitable a= mrcaUr Inticron 4 =.4
of. Cthrsithationnf Risks, molothig all apecinl.
spring nnly Malted inionnt in luir ~ n numem
Muth. th. freqtynt7 And occurrence of WOW far,
alsoth both tbo ntiret r,ol..iiuninl‘gla It Ent 01117,,PW1
eon( the cheapness tionl orcommcdation erboth
botentillth the lothred to partacipaidon theratt.
Dirutdonc-John P.'llotherforl. A. J.Clillett,_2. T. Josses: .
Alenzoth. Cartier. Philo C. Pear wick, Samuel Form, Don't
Mots, Jinn B. Packer, Hahn D. llntberribnl. _ • •
.1, P. RUTHERFORD, President
' GILLMIT, liventary.'
.A. A. Callum,. ActuanN,, 0117 \
. N. 8.-A &rip Dividend of fifteen par mat cm thilying
Policies kas both Jecbtred bro.he Dtreetcqu, and brume nit
miriade. ea this Von tor, 0 e r<deatabb mist
st the mut of 1141,00 dors- ~ A. A. Cann,
'2ll2llrlia 'Fire Insurao Co. of Einlad'ai ,
\V. Banker{4Seo.
I Beal D. Lewis:Tobias;
^rem, David 2. &moo.
ch. Matra.
4,g...i.T.-7......._ ...--NrdtiVrit.
14Viet Inn of the ei . !n1..1......went - :a4 „ : , 1...1 1 .3. 1 . ,1311 3.
PA. ' r ' i hgs t l ' aUlt% C:O, 6‘ i i lO . L k lOc.,l ‘ 5ti41:10re ". 41 " :1% . 1
itarsinfon3l.llll3 will biglveu and a3n33... naltatlonsD333/.14-
IX=drrf'. U.
11e f"'Pbi"! o. =tlVaa'sl'elaitgl=tg.
sP ea,, t
i de ' c,r;r 11D,3,/30 .3 e 31331.33 .I,i , Inemesslia3. l
MAD. vide' anneally apn33.. D., I 31ar
RUUD 43.¢..11. ID+l.-.13.3.1,_____
Idttrine, Fire, and Inialui .. tion
133m71LE In prance Company Nmil rim,
..rtaide/phis—Chart.r)-4194 , capttai SUVA* And".
aroy 13, .14, Will ..U. /...i.....
1.141410.33 .33/.1 Dille contents, dal , tit, sad iicilgtr, Moo
..,...I.= . 44 17.7,171r.5 . by VLI ' 'dlg.n.port3D '*r'"" 33 or O P iti:
..." , \ , \ ...,.
.14,Le'''',. i ,:,.....039.., . .. \
' a. 4.4 emi.a. ‘..5 mam D. Wpoa. s,
13.113 Drovr. , W 13313 Webb. '
-33335 tel 1K.."/U311.D. ` I nasals 1.104134.
B.ll:melMrek; , . 11...Awalet .113.111xes.
cp,..a r i,Bowen.
1 Jarob li. Ilica.3. Jame tl. Ddeloms„
8. Ikaturs/c , . D. D. 11...3.errerd 11. ,
1.3 Rae° •"
r ... 1 7,....
„.. az,,, r &F, 6 .., 41 ,,t , c : 4v . a l
,v4AT,. rAtt=t-o. !J. 4 , , ,, rr., - 0. 1 .
ihs.rnll. gith.r..17 . ..: 0.. Nlack, J. IC. Balk", N.
liNctrN .1,...Wat.1i. lintaws, C. Mama. Neu. lrl‘v , i..
li, Cr- , Jart{e*L , poinerat. glembc, bangle, TN..,
,ell,, Tboa. eintrtt. • \ \ ,
...11ow* , af Biwa* Cc:o
Irlll4The64, -
suthlt '. or\ VIE
,ren.21444..... \ ',.
~,, h ,
4,-"' 4 jou
IL•Pow IpoPPAP .., ?Zer ;LOA imam VelPeLk CM...,
Pod rithats. Lathru couto iptAct *pm 20 - pporta
. r.leuxi=O;os illks.L.TOP7Plao haPre MrAindite.'
M, hoatstnll . r4 .. e
_AAA W i l.7 . tot, lhoiffoitlfhetal t t 44
Dolsotat-Jcpejob 11. total, LlhopnA A. Poodor,hhp C.
Dwripiebr , rt.llsartro. Johp . H. Penne., &Matt Ed•rapto,
a"r lPAPll,!At i n\hl i t V1.Vr... } ..1 % , ` : ', 1:
. ,L \ Th,op, # .. +lug, 'IL ionst.flroon,ezt,
=1TZ911:.1.1.=.2 iirW&Tuol.'
John holltro. ri- CP, 4.., r, • ....
14,:crou Kr Putspoloh.orl. N. Moth. \ nosh trahh
Johol. Low.
..\ \,.,,,,,N c , t i .. ,, t ...,.."
deoctrJorll7or4p, Stat- C. --'-- 7‘ ,-- ..---•
• r. Of the OhhhPor.
A ~iW atr
?.‘N ,Lopttl .A.Ai,ADCLU AF AMLt
\ \
Ohio Laboratory, \ ' , N
EV — irlt • 3 \ iir ---- p. 92 \ git____. - 1 - 0-,
1 1i ,7 - 7 2: '' 4 6 '- lr - ri ..- \ eiT 1 . ..
Illiq i - 0. 1 111111 i 95- liam/ 1
‘,.. 7. 85\ ‘l. r. ' 99 ‘.,,_ t
Per qui,. trezigth. ',, \ 1
J A OWELL FLETOMA.,&. CO., Man urn-
}ere ot ALCOI101.: Por6Spirlts for Cologne one
ea %PP. Distilled Vapor wnia., 7 O.). tla hold.
c o or of Si. and getatt*orld.Cunreartehatsm.
66-All orders from PittebroVill be promptly fill '..
at lowest Market Idle. • s \ stolid, . I
--- ,..f- -- \ -. • -
ines awl -
\ ' ---'-: I4R
No, 157, Lidury .t., ilunserly q . sicker lector?).
ttlwaLoar,oftetiorg.i IJ:L. titre, of N.y.
~„,„,,,,,,21r. stand generalWNa deAtii : oB l
Trjr Ll' i tV h at ttrito * Vrt i sr I:dgb:i. ehalnl•
MI.. rrZfaTd li ttl7. " V ' TV Tie.t . 7l:Z - 1d1 0 .1 . 25, w ." 4
Doodles:11f the etiotrees o vlotagen Jorudeamigt, ittliaLd
llt i l it ' ir ' i t c el '. 1 ,4 1"7 :81 4' tr. re. porte jff,i`, I litd= i , , :•rs'i
and muscat . ...1 0 4 A tviratiri, go Almo,reoltorda polio,
Curti :dr lea tool Limbo la Cheese. All of 618lott Ids y
gill .n sLoteede, ar rvtall.f. ibt Zooft or...hie sie
Una of 'the pertoore. LW Sturivestil, atilt coshottiog le
Importation bueluers In the city of N look, the stake lid
U enabled to sell a cheaper itt4 \it tatter alai. the LS
other h..... In thle chg. •PlitalieSive too rail. Iteto%
rfoc l\
I purchase r Peahen.. \ '
Striantilles euppliel free ot extra charge, and at •
4. '4 e L.I.. A \ eta
Lewis's Patent Reverilbbi \ Water Filter
irNOW to be seen in 'Operntion at WAL
TATE 0 CO.'g, l'lntobers..No - 10 Fourtbietrest, Le
weeniVenT.sod Liberty ate. and at PRY 11 6-WILLI'S.
:t VI Wat i f=llPr .b eriTa 4. vt I l d_Wtte (New York.
sad ' s CorYthodS from the m i nun Un lottit of c ll.
14hihfor t... i . taalptzont LI it Its cic6rta i ngPOe , ela d oe p tl d t.
of ,stgh the gape; e n d; ' giro ;le ' to" You
4 1 k '
Puudoomits. Idareh• the FAL
I I 1 gilry.ll We great photon...ln recouomend to h• oven of
owe t i clear enter. the PatenegareouNla Water yut rehirl ,
vested elm. L... MM. toed one of theovro ten
al month, I act enabled
dee id' their value,
‘, Witglldt: Ptilfr,.lElVoluut greet.
”PortAtottrlnt, Larch
The Patent Rev... Able Water I. them\ invented tic k r.
BeLluel ft Leath and wed by use for soma siontlet t si
Itre=i 4l 2lMod e t eal ! te t I ' 4 e n E; htz."3:l .."-'4 4 ; k .v, ; • : " .
recommeodo th public JONAS l' Fe/e.....eA t0
Na 8 Summer street
.11,,..• Fi1421 SP, Alrfljr.ied to take sat any smell ot
tads ankh oar toles from itiroontpopey mama' In reg.....`
hie matter In the water. Iher are warfuntel [lait too
Tatra aod alth ofditiatT on will lag !tot end rerun
ti , lib" ••"*” to T. ,,, arpreeletal.
orlolf , = Arch street- FttliadelpOs.
LEAD ' PlPE—Darnell's improved .- patent
xs Leak Mrs for limits.
r :•• die Ram••l
All .6i on haatittrl to •,
wit for nal. hyl •
AtfiXibbilrbift&lOßDON. •
mebl-tf, - 41 flout stmt.
Heating' and Venthatica
by feu, lo libtehttw
Sh j
t. iomi,Liw
Roma, Wank Mara i s totmiremorim, tait.d Wl
- I" gA7 l _it=tr
e'es ti " ,.. 4
Iriflor r hrw ; l alatn i d, ll At
" l= " l2, '° V Mfr., 11 ' •
swv.4.;;neeerliedstm• • a !
C`7!l!!`"'"' ofp
n. in t "! Fs.,sts i"" lty ! Wq,s o nMT, is t oY
MIA. WOO/ /Mum Ara n kosp. m M
wiquirod temperature, with . t it filmdom from moot,
amt.. eatimobitV E Vl arm, tro t web, h•ora tint
my tb 111•01;1:11".
, .
..0 ' POt
subscai nr aro: now - -bole - Agents
cafe st for
4 ' l &I: sT ag
&Irk= 1 4 rat 521' ° o !!
4pl <kayoed /b^^
• ! Needles' Celebrated •
HE/dloos PL A TE
vV rime highly iaedigted platten have Nem ma& Az
More than t•' IT Yee" darted gab time they ham
=6 perTo6peat I.66taticn, .166 mutat adagio..
atte gal dtlgagerdoir Mash, erer odenel. Par
Wigs of go highest eadneam, lanai their compel .
ton .bat been aulaalttel, hot. alma the moot Clattartalt
tiothooolatedurtrt their mpetig get,. in. W OthAri,pb.
e. Tber lurredltots of
art heampoalo, eery carefully aad
%iorreetly manbiaol, m them' reonliatlysyylicabla.t• .
? a r'or '' pal u v f a r l r u f' 4 ". b " .W,tantaa,=:vrotratted made.
hoopMg mugs, and Mal paha in the 'agog ItiettiStiria
0 5 the tegy,thelr botearmal character ts
Lauogion'or , i llu i nZtA r to i a . re= t bast a greso
rfra 7 ;;Z. tollyrorrotorr c tlo
roc .camera ant palms to ga back and Oda mrguntt
loom mere stegg. deu , ..a of the. Warn, 66, the" . o •
rertority over all other plasters nu Gee amnly Mgm i l bT
Lands t. vho ham expetletrl n V;m: / frana . er
' Provin " 2l , llllll.l% Abe etp6lilt assitranCe
.r h ., 11;:,0 befoUnd deglad. -
For .le. • hole.g. g 4 troy.
mcho• 91LLE1t3.67 Wood it
A ,S ' ' T • .
1 u. tor ciiinz • b•••tif
=brim WWl,' dbir t flosozna. ma all kbzda apts. •
prerente the Iran tram .4b th the UN., adal d
from Kicking; it mats., Nothing Jut to elothae
f 7 Reuel 'The limited hare lour ram - felt tha
each. article, and la this their enact.= 'ell be teh•
ly realized, se au erdaprlitlon Is after u.. •
N. 1 . 3.—0ae linlwa will do thirty &deli o(clotlias, •• •
11.17 should .7.. r without iL
Par aale Viral
... There are more thine! In breath and ...MIS
know erotism:apt of tn pbilldWhy,••
ILE VIRTUES of this remarkable US/ 110
dy, and the constant arbllosUon tor it. to the tkqel
etas, ha. luduced Ma to on it put too In bottles id Is •
belt and dtrertions. SW th e benelt of the Willa
The PETROLEUM Is wrgthred from a well in Ws maul
ty, at • depth of ft= hundred fret. le • thre. nththl •
tad article. willnacit thy climatal chthue, but Just at 1
Sows from Nature's Grind • Labraten7 , t That It ennts/ns
properties nueldng • number of disessee, fant that..- 0
matter of onoerteistr, Thereat* *thy Mis Dij o n=
rasa of vulture, which. IT know* tolglit be of wits
nen to alleviating sulleritig..srid• retrains the sith of
bthlth and vigor towooth • potterer. Loth before the po
t r rgr t ir:fu l lolt r"th4 U T u b p e l egtep t =tt h ira d fir n".
Aug .11.1..1g, and several rthualtable =roe 14 wt. Z!
formed. is•• et. indleatlon or Ps future sthalthlri
oi t ' L r 7 l l7p r' li k. to li' m ' a t : Vot o r 01
d 4_ , Te rergtales
0..000.0 10.. gtht theltolleineeth .......... * tte
Into tbo favor of tithe who mirth and wish to be
111111 at we donut claire tbr it a rittivereil miplidtion in
ery dO.OO. we
.It oar. that to • tentobcr
Maple Mew. It Is unrivalled. Among deft= b •
evonwrated—hll au.. of the mum.. tWrowo,
Mae.) ASTHMA. and ell derma etas atr_perequats LI •
Mt lAMIPLAINT, DINPLIMIA, Martha. Disease+ of tb•
Bladder and liWnerk Mae In the Pest or Blde, Nereous
Meares. Neuralgia. Pal•y, Rheumatic Piths Ont. Emit,
eles. Tettio, Ringworms, BMW, &aide, DrIIiMIL Ohl hon..
4e. ke, to oisee of &laity; repalting foth ethothre, or
bog end rotrseted athe of &Pease, this medicine mill
. It will at as • TONIC an dida.
A Ili *laths*, lm tone sad \enerhz to Ow
funeticelbease o.o. and Mier g lite=
of ill g r4l: 4"." 4 4 prop etor booth .ilt i :e 7 rX nose PILAU;
that ;labial emery (Ai. tnottownt, CIW Ws% lb. .A.•
e pirrnoixox err 0 abon. Othe• Tbs •,... IN
[hen to soy petoon who tfeethwe ft.
hone genuita without the Agatha. of to
Sed by et V i.
0...1 8.40, svro ,
Athi, n '
It Si SILLEIS, 07 Mad -, '
comer Wood street and N Ilkin Alter, Who
nay:ally ble reindarly appointed Amts.
____ ___.—
rOW all •meii \ lehti,are sick end at:aid:la
' with diewee ofthellindiler and Kidneys, with its*. ,
Woe to tact or hints, Wit johetr;olt softly =tine
niters, tc.., that they caw Nicated. by •tetlng the NU
LE vu. 100 may talk
, ithent. Is Legi t * or7trrn,Zina
5,,,,..'ir, Ti. o ' t on h hi g,' er"...%titr, ttlii . :4_itt •
~.. non contained In any other wooly. The men .
,who is \ ruted with yew and stitlerit trot lieraw,,can,
for tei_reTit,. art relief from; an of o the etionwireled
gore. ; ''' •
Bewlerl it 'roots eery little to mate • lea. This Petri
Letioni=sorw—no innnipotheik gat hIl tit tho pongee
of no • nta the onintatinity; but It it agienodf elebiTre
tad bythe er hand of slalom - ad ha bblea npfrom •
broom of our other cant, In Its ontrbota ;Mitt)
.• and olt •
, firs to etifirrln -humanity iiiirewr retneWy, ti. wow. and
‘b llle c arrired es. mu. o nc e totaitbod noir tatott to
render any \ rale It hasm itheuriation., of long
stand;, and o ft g worn WI noon painful rharneten It
has, send Cholera norbne. by ono or ton denes. It hiss
cured old caret of hies, lerwleich every other It
tine hero of no emit An • • local remidy in burn, wed •..
nwida, It la Genet thsiAnyonintleil compounds or eintinent •
that we know of., \ It . . .II ewe chilblains anighneted fort.
too few itglAationw,nnli n i u . btLd writietniy can be tigge . ~
"i n
K a ° el ± . /t.,,vcrer..Ttnt, cn.nita=t 4 nrreu or • '
e I Weer of the agentr. , r -
,; . 'c
Kryrer , t MeDowel rof Wood,street awl V irglr
idler, FL E. &Moe, LI \ rood t AK ...NW.. awl it
"..kris my, Allegheny :Ay. Orr thements. •
.t 4611,, Preedent.
\ .4sneet,permanB.B
"arty In town sal
o tlngeut ath nrculitj."
onu tufuli
418sfely'furein , d,
881, gul_puto
fOncorot. 'l
84.37 78
61,89 till '
1142.7051 44 \
-21. Tenor, yM
84 : evidence of iblt
onatglitBll.l d1It:
' NIT. Ago. ,
Vontand ZS eta.
.A.D.. Jae. Ear, lbst.lisasinisr and solo gond.. '
o Mese most popular and bersendal medicines.. and also
tristatentec of the oslstootestiosPOment for lartatiop the \ •
I.o:4 ,4 4:=sca t eN r garr. , :m7 2 ;:l4 . 4l:
Rnshods of the University of Pi!'nitTillaula..actil Mr thin/ .
)41111. Mose has been engaged. tri the h
limslitation elite-
we. mod the . *OOOl or remedies thereto' .m - •
Throlth the um of his inflating MM. ,UtordineethmSrlth
other <4 his mmedire.
,Ita bso
gained suilif t y.S ' isille r leTenalnesies lutuelog thoesvinvadtul -•
and fatal.
lds, =W.I.
Tubercntsf Cons o e . , F , Cann. i
hera Riammadmi,
all klndo Chronic Er•yeltelsa,'and - MI Mose obstinate dim •
eases peculiar,. fermi. Istileol,.eves•u. Rsat ofdmass .
vmsbdies.hder the ass of his• rem..., WIMP. \truss.- .
ty is hvls—not by MP use of one commund \ only, for, that ' '
is husmustMle sab Phytolotieal.La .11.• Dot by ths meat
Ms mania. sanded osomelMnocrinal far, liack , .
form or diets. \
Dr. Ross's Tools Alterallre PUP, oh. nasi. tots =4 ' •
My acknowlishred to Me super... au others. as a mugs.
11,. or 11th All. Mumma ... th: .. E 6, 1....-42. b.. 14 irr
Maly hoe from eoetimmon as also (holden Ms MS OP \
talsodt by the (...011.1.01.....0 , promo.: MOP
u.O f.,, fe...le dissmon but bring allined to st share . rt
is sufficient to establish "hat has been saidy in the photo . 4 .
ths most skemilest
_. •
The effilicted invited tZ. emit Up= the sseot. and pp
curs (gratis) o neM..* Doe.. panimbieteonitirdta detelP
% ed sec. mud ores. mmedy. and Its suulleatl..
1 \ • E.g. , V. gannint , ritiarßos moll I. trZICIOdttrZIP
14.11thoonsciaker t Cit. 21 Wood M. Pitteldiradt , rt - I
J. M. Tommie.. Ammonit e * Marker sto " _
t , L.A. Desk.. Dram.; nesrkka Pmt Oftllegboi" . '
" .i ll Y n aM 274 . “11:47:1C- .
T ° . 461.4. 1 . Deaver. .
vre - xv: