The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 05, 1851, Image 3

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on ooramim,'
1 ' •••-
WILLIAM P. aon..vsroN.: ,
- Join: gAILOELII, of Lancaster.
man or TU. nonfsin =sr.'
WM. M. MERTDITIL of Phlladebblx
ItICHARD QOULTEIL of Winntnontant
Of:OH:rig CIUMO/11.9..0f Vranalln:
44IIRUA W. COSILY, of Walcott;
WILLIAM JE.3SUP. nf ficinittelanusi.
Mitiinisonio and Whig County Ticket
.: .
- runty ',noon or TIMULT
,WALT En 1 . 0 R STASI , . of ratlano,
Amax', In. JOlni or LI3INC2 0,4711.
N Y WILL/AMPS. el Pitubunch.
. nix, or cmgr or quiarusrPsomir, do:
WM. B. M'CLOIIe, ofkltribarib.
r.aradczarsrrnan or comr ar ackm......"1, do
.• • - WEL Dowid. or Laver fit-Cslr.
JAMES 11711: of fino.den.
ytro. g pt, P ,Nttof 1K
Omit( lIILLEII, of Indlurs
. ...11.11111AL FAEINEdSOO,of Pftsabozo.
azrins. ,
$ lIICILAULDSON. of Allegtteay.
n•sto OF T. dr.
: r • SAILED U..13:11U811.4f usburgb.
. 70IIN itOWLAIiD. oi l Ihn.¢ 81.61a7z
goltEttitia 0: of .
'7:•161:71t9T. Ut Alleggto). . '
•140w . FESIIRICH.Otir . 9uFnitesa, .
idasmottatri Sennolt.—The Reverend Robert
,Andley grovrn, one, of the ministers who are now
atitiodhig the Synod of the AMociate 'Reformed
Chtelet:, will preach a Missionary sermirnlxi,the
First qurch,. earner of Sixib l etreet and Cherry
;11.11eyL* . * .'2 alf past seven , o'Ciock, this evening.
•• F ors
Stroi,...,The first Associate! Reformed. Synod
of the West, -met in the lit A. R. Chach, yes
terday. morning ; at nine o'Cloik. •
The Synod was organised iby appoMtingitbe
Rev. Junes Shields, of the ' Presbytery of Big
Spring,: Moderator, • 1
The Rev. David.R. Kerr ties elected. Clerk.
Eightyine Clergymen and forty Elders were
preeciat from idia.varicktts Preabytertee.
- , The morning was oonsunied In hearing re
, ..ports.of, no general interesL. In the afternoon,
- aoterrittines on bills and oiertures, accounts,
.correspontrence; revision of I
were appointed: 1
ThO Bitted then adjourned:
• Tar OLD ATIEGIUMIT BE11)011 CASIL —The tot
tdowing letter wee yesterday received by Mr.
Alden, from the Auditor tactlefrla. of PerdloOth,
Apurroz Orraretes Orrice
garrisbtirg,l3ept. list 1861
T. J...Forx Alden Eig
Eire—ln the matter of the Commonwealth vs.
-the Allegheny ;Bridge Company, authority is
hereby given tci - _yourself and colleague (Mr.
Woods) to prated in the prosecution, agreeably
to the bill submitted for awl inspection of this
department; and: to adopt such means as the
case progresses as you may deem best . milcre•
latest to wecure the . Interests of the Common- .
Very respectfully
Your Otiedient S erv't
E. BANKS f Auditor General.•
' P.B. The bill is herewith returned to you. .
The bill ober, is the one read in
ihe 4 Eupreme Corm!, on
,Wednesday. It prayed to ; restrain the Minsigers from
disppsing - of, any of the Corporate property, or
&taring any dividends until the injunctionalicitild
be dissolved, as wellp for the id:novel of the Car,
porateri from the eiectitibn their trest, and
'the appointment of a receiver, to. take charge of
their property. An aceonnt was also pray-
Charging the said CorponatiOn With the amount
of the .contingent fand,•(s ‘ lol,6oo) with a de
' cree that the Corporatorii ehottld
be. 'responsihle, and pay, the balance of said
fund amounting to $75,000,} if the,corporate
fends shoitid be inshißeient. The in equity bill to,
- was prediestril upon the finding of the . jury, in
..'the Qno Wweranto ease, reeenkly tried, and was
submitted to the Auditor Gosh:ell as soon after
the - trial as It enuldbe drawn np..
LAGWAOT cASZ.—ante, 0 was yesterday
4tOnelideci, • and 13:1 the aftarntion,pommissioner
llndeinharged the jury, who„iftey a brief ab
jeenee,, returned with a verdict declaring that
Isanclrefrx, the defendant, wan sane., -
.01114*2 was inter
nod net at
Maxon' the slight
--.est finioitint cted at the
' Magor'.‘ Offir
)4-:: •:' 7 i • —..z cOtral.
, L l 4 o: ' ,
..,,, liViorasnat September It..
, d l le Co. ve. ateaMerpeytona ' • errorlto
Distiriettotert. Argued by Geyer and Woods.'.
Tomah re.:.Donlop; errrr o. District Court:
-' - '4l.zgarl by Irowavd and Duni p.
=Bruit vs- McKeever; error to Common Pleas.
Arto4 by Oliphant, 'and 151111 ams and John
. Gilif,va: Bevan, Todd & no.; Error to Dis 7
tricetopre Judgment affirnied.
, Cirr va..Bcott,ot aL; Krroi topordmon Plus.
Judgment;or Non Pros.. 1 , !
Cu lon OHM CONstacrros..—The dubuni
- Adverthrer mentions a most imerstltious and
~./. inhilman treatment for the cafe of contmmpti
' 0,6,
" , resorted to by a family in Capaga county. 12,
• . member of the family, i yoing man, it seems,
- died - about two.years ago 'or consumption, and
Other members of the family are now afflicted
with the same &Incluse: To effect a cure, someof
the brothers and other friends of the deceased,
proceeded . to the grave with - oho - rid and pick=
dug up the body—opened tbp coffin—and then
a Boyars, (what a Surgeon!' was found to cut
. from that mom -of eorruptirM,..the heart end
— .ltinkr,i,whicaCirero 10. a state of tolerable preser
vationconsideriug the lengthier time -eines the
death of the person._ The heart' and bulge were
laid upon the grass—impreguating the aunt's
.- there With their horrid odori—and wrspped,in
the" pookethandkerelder of one of the brothers,
• • -carried 'home and burned, while Members of the
' tandly inhaled their incense, and' afterwards ;its
-....., The Albany Register mentions a-similar caseeiVi .th-emt.mned in Litchfield Oonnty, Conn., ser
'' ' 1 oral years ago. A lame ; family of grown up
: sous and daughters. Beamedall destined , to he
. coniesictime to the fell dee:yr, EL s, consumption.
The disese commencedwith e oldest: ffw
Months after his decesie; th next in age. MID
• taken. sick, end In the coursef they= be died.
0 ,..u3
The next..year-another, and so on for several
successive years, the victims gta:ken in .the
order of - tlatir ages from t o oldest towards
. ' the yeangest. - . The tiling became haunted with
12; ' -the horrid superstition that they were preyed or
1 ' fed nirott by the dead, till finally when =other
,-; 4.1.-* .'fell,sick, the last burled, - was disinterred, and
- I:, - ;hlsheart, liver and longs taken oat sad. burned;
' ' . • : 'end tilthen h he ' had been', deed' for several
-,.., . `
.. marifnaL._if was stoutly affirmed by some of the
- ..i • ' Witziesees of the apectaele It fresh blood was
. • found in the heart and inn s. - The consamp
ii.., -tit. which had commenced - 0 the living sub
' lect„ . hoirever, 'was - not arrested, but went -en
1. ' -to Ito termitiatibm. Some of ,the younger Mem
' beta of the ramily escaped, Sad are still toeing.
bb . . pragu• a extra irm'
br ftla br en el b. A WALARnAvaffl
BROOMS -200 doz. for sale by
see= • • • Is..trinnecqnd
. .
r • L e ll ESE-100.1xixes .I3re4m., for sato by,
. sazBl • • 8. W. 11ARBAGO11.1 •
IEIGGS-1 bbl. or &a 1 by,
:TA aur.2l B.* w:LIAL1881.411.
• '
1. OSQUITOBARB-509 ps.jastt6 ',llLn . d
y, . very <bevy. A{ L NIAFON :CO '
,A 7 eta 64 ihrkrai•
••, V.RIMItD RIBBO.NSI. A. lirevi.l Ca
, • kJ hayart reopped • bine ill ply Vyyb“),,,,, , ,,,,
• magi) .
• , raffiiii: t — Ali rdE TON S--A..• d. lift'soz:
, -.- ~.t•Co. bare lust Ive'd per critvro a largv sketteerut
nipmlTarletcan:vavat rolvrvi
• ''' atgi T t liTtrbroT=t d ior:1 4 'lrg u gg
7LAINE - 8,---A.."
;1 , • ••'Co. are thif stock or Formers and
tax. do /aim.. at kw. than eaato,tn emt. . aodY
‘IIIOULDEILS-4400 BacoiShouldOrs,
•iuse reed from =obi Lou., •add bi
:4.112/ • leObliON, LITTLE a CO.
•pcs. Cariva.6o; • =;
ID - Cera , bow Comb'
casks !Wm le store am/ far de67
SUGAR--20.hhds. N. - Otfor sale' by
. D. /7 - 10LASSES-2001bble.(oa,k) kraal°
by .u g = now LITTLE CO,
:BUFFALO TONG U:.lmrleived ,... fr , om
ii-mA. tacciunti
Gno!rs aaa Dulen
NE I Wbite and Color
__,' 1' tn ue foe maul's
RC.... • ,
.)-1* '
~ .3-ti- ~;-..~;.
New You. Sept
l'he steamer Frets thetas, from San Juan de
Nicaragua, arrived this morning, bringing dittos
from'San Francisco, to the 31st of Slily:She
brings two hundred and forty passengers, $OO,-
000 in gold, on freight, and $300,000 in the
hands of passengers.
The Prometheus left San Juan on the morn
ing of the 26th, and experienced extrediely .
heavy rather on her passage. She' passed the
brig JNlall, of Blue Bill, in Lat. 18, abeadoned,
and could not board her. •
The Califon:die- markets were generally firth,
with more activity. The market-was still over
flowed with flour, with sales at si9® 12 11 bbl.
Bricks were very firm at $20(010 V 'l,OOO. Dur
goods were firm at an advance. - ' '
The provision market was glutted.
Tobaceb waaunchanged. •
Seamero, wages were $lBO forte the run to
Canton. Laborer's wages were ss_to $6 v . day.'
Carpenter's wages had declined. .
• City and State sodalities were firmer. Money
was held at 6 la cent. f+) month, and in little de
mand. . Sight drafts were at 1 Ql cent.
Business prospects were better. The impor
tation of goods were largely excess of the de
Mining operations were priipwssing eatiatae
tartly. The general news possesses nothin . gof in
Tha steamer Independence had arrival at
San Juan del Sad on the lath of August, trim
San Francisco.
The Indian hostilities have ceased on the
southern and motion and have broaken
out on the northein frontier. The hostile .Indi
ans at Bogue river have been allepersal, but sitb
Business in San Francisco is brightolog ep,
and merctuutits and nothing daunted by the many
fires. Building was so rapid that the city has
;assumed nearly int original appearance.
The Vigilence Committee have done their
work so thoughtfully, that•crime, in all females!
been great restrained. • - -
Agri=Bare In Californir is becoming a mane
of weigh to all who perseveringly engage in it.
The abundanae with which the fields are, laden
is enough to encourage the most scientifical.—
The farmers, however, .are laboring under the
greatest disadvantage, in not knowing whether:
the Commissioners will recognize and make good
their titles. This is keeping many from going
and making the improvements 'Which they had
In San Jose, the squirrels and grasshoppers ,
were making ead havoc with the irops—in many
instances destroying whole fields.
The miners on the Mississippi bar are princi
polljt engaged in casting dirt from the higher
table land to the rives,' and then washing it which
pays fair profit
On the North Fork, the United. Stites Comps,
have corepleted a work cutting, one fourth of a
mile In length, and 20 feet deep, which is to di
vert the entire river from its natural ohanuel.--,
At Mormon Island a continuous race has been
dug, a mile in length, at the cost of $lOO,OOO.
At Negro bar the water has been turned for
one mile, and the bed of the river has been made
dry, attar turning the water by use ofi Archime-•
. .
de pampa. • .
The public buildings at Delejko were to have
been commenced on the let of August
The passage from the steamer Independence
to Virgin bar, over good roads, was made in five
hours—thence across Lake Nicaraugua in' twelee
boos—and down the river in sixteen hours, run
ning time, to Sandean del Norte. -
Another steamer has been completed to run
the river betrieen the rapids.
- . During the stay of the Independence at San
jean del Ilerte, a carpet, bag containg Sl,OOO
was stolen from e,men earned Mee len Goff, of
New York. The waiter at the hotel, who was
seen near the missing bag, was suspected of the
robbery; and siker a short examination be was
taken to the.woods, guarded by two Californians,
followed by a third bearing a long coil of rope.
Arriving at the place oppointed for the cleat,
..a noose was made, 'Nested to th e pd. u
er's - neck; and the other end being throWn er
the branch of a' tiee; his eyes blinded, an . his
hands tied,wastold that he had six minutest live
and make peace, with God. lie knelt for a s um:
merit Mee agen to his feet. After choking him
for some time without getting a confession 1.1 to
where be' had' hid'the money, they released
him. . .
Vie police attempted to intereferd, and arrest
the ringleade r
ringleaders, . and Said was sought from the
English-brig of war, which was refused- The
Prottlethtme wee4eirehed, but without making
NEW YORE., Sept. 4.
- The Tribune , of this afternoon publishes pri.
rate intelligevice from 2119angtia, stating that
revolution had ocooned on the 14th of August,
at Leon. • Genets( nacos, at tho bead of 4. small
body of uoopk, look - the President and Cabinet
prisonere, and sont them to•Tigre Islandorhence
the English steamer took them to fian,lnan Cop_
The Senate subsequently ;net at Grenada, the
Capital being in . posacieiow of. th e insurgents;
an elected Dow Montenegro President. Tee
people of the State of Nicaragua refund to ae
itnowledge the Ninth: .14thinistraticm, which, the
Tr - Anne's correspondent thinks, is most favor
„able to cleilisation; ,
. Wasiimaros, Eng. 30.
The Ititelligencer fhb,' morning tittles, by
authority, that ani patent Di about being famed
for Pena% new light, or is likely to be.
tiosrow, Sept. 4.
'l"he steamer Anierici, from Liverpool, arrived
at half put 3 o'clbck thid morning, Mr. War
ren, late Consul General of the Ti. plates at Vi
enna, and editor of Lloyd's newspaPer, has been
expelled from the Austrian territory: , ; The Em
peror issued Ids brders himself, to mark his ex
treme dislike of,the opposition which Mr. Star
rett had shown to some of the meseaxes of the
Judge Woodbury has been Indisposed for sere•
ral dam . at Portsmouth, N, H. 6 despitoh re
tetrad at noon so daj,' states that he not
expected to lire; and that his family 11,4T0 boon
Bad for. .
Bearnesoao, (Vt.) Sept. 4.
The returns from 103 towns give Williams,
(Whig) for Goievner, 14,338 and Red6eld, P.
44084; and Robinson, .(Derr.) 8696. The
same towns elect 63 Whig representatives, 4054
60 Coalitionists ; and in 11 there Is no choice;
The last Legislature bad 82 Whig, majority.,
WNLms loses so far, 100 on last year's vote,
when he had 1200 majority. The, aggregate
vote is considerably diminished.
The Democritid Judicial Ccoaseation of this
city cad county, nominated George 6: Harswood
for President Judge of the District Court, and
John H. Findlay and Geo. M. Stroud, for Asso
elates, the same stations which theynow occupy
.B.wrpious; Bept. 4
Flour—H. 8 brands is selling at $4; sales
1000 bbls City Mills at s3,Blrel bbl.
Corn Meal and Bye Floar—sbales of the fiiimer
at $3, and of the latter at $3,80 13 bid
Grain—Sales red wheat at 11®78, aud . of
white at 76®830 13 In. .Yellow corn itt selli,ng
at 55@,87. aad white do at 68®60c "fil be. Oats
86c; Bye 760 O he.
Provision—The market hi firm, and advan,
leg. Sales new mesa Pork at $l9, and primashF
at $l9 ••e3 bbl. Sales bacon shouldere
aides, 101; and Famp,'l2c Lard, in MIS:
9i; do in kegs, 10}011c. bales Cheese at le
lot "e lb. •
Groceries-811ga? Is firm Molasses is quiet.
Wool is very doll, at 16018 c for unwashed
Naa YORK, Sort. 4.
' Cation—Tejo drairr 'loco the arrival or the
America. Sales 300 hales middling upland at
81(481. Orleans is held at. filo . 471 lb.. •
Flour—The market is unchanged, The sale'
this forenoon arstB7oo bbl' at V 4,75043,87 for
Indiana and State, and slets4,l3i for prime
Senesce. • •
Grain—Wheat is higher, with ISvies of 2400
bushels handsome white Ohio at 80c bushel.
Sales 11,000 corn at .60®500 per bushel, for
damaged, end 52C)&30a, for treaters&
Provisions—Post is advancing, with miles of
160 bbl* at $16,87 for mess,and $18,25 for prime
Sales 20 bbl* mess beef at 89,50 jll b5l.
Whiskey is mama at 28c 11 gal. , . •
Grocmies—sdes'loo bgs Rio-eoffei at $ 0 , 66
100. Sales Muscovado sugarjat 210.
Thrpontitte—Sslea . 400 bbis crude at $2,87
k? bat. •
LinioadOil—Bales at :740 gat.
Stookasir;.Panzus. Ora have advanied 4; Canton
has docli4edt'Readieeme advanced.{;
. f,
end Indian* tire'er,iper at. Q. 8. sixes 1887 hare
advanced }qd&tt
%Ina= 4.
osz,B4pL 4
caularaa active.
now—Sales 10,000 ibis at $3.81iG3•93 taz
Stie and. weate:rn, an 454, 25 L# bbl for tie*
Gam—iraneac one In wheat are emalL—
Salm 20,000 bruhele eorn at 67@58e, for mixed
westma, width is an advance. .
Pnvisions--The market is faun. Bales of new
mere pork at $16,76@16,87, and of prime at
$13,i5 1 bbl, Reef is steady. Cut meats are
firm Lard is sold at 9®9#a
6•ocariea—Sales 600 bags Itio toffee at S
ildskey—Sales of 600 barrels at 22c
Vool—The market is Maar.
Lk.ffe--The sales of the week were '4OOO bawl
Rit et B}lgB3. '4tb. The stock mamas` to
60)0 bales. ,• •
, The Market is otherwi quiet.
Fiour,-The market is inactive, but without
change. Sales 500 bias, at $8,1008,15 't4
Provislons—Are firm, with salaam a moderate
eitent. Sales 50 Selves sugar cured ham at
11c' and 50 bbls No. 1 lard at So 'VA.
14hiskey--Sales at 171 ®l7ic ? gall.
The river has (allele, 12 inches in the last 24
Citizen's Imirance ColiipaAy Pittsburgh
Onef . No. 41 Water etre., Itt the tushouse ofo. IL
iligactfEresident..........a. W. aim, &er.
nit CO I? tottott POI to troureall merOntunes
In n0...a in =muslin, vowels,
• • An ample rirenty for the ability aml Ilatemity of the
to the thereat. or the Directors,
cill.ror .4 of Pittsburgh.well and 6 bly
known to the community for th eir prudence, Intairtgen.,
olt Integrity
. Dmtocen--C. 11. linseny,
K! Meollay, Wm. Earimar.
Jr., Walter
'Loeb D. ng, Edward lieseleton.
John Usprortit. h. darbeugh. LL 61.. int,3l=l.
IPHE SUBSORIBER, having removed to'
the corner of Pam and flancorS mreeta. the
Fourth Ward, roaarureb, win 1,..e.e.a Me English:Clare
Meal and Mathematical rththl, on Monday the 10 day pr
September. The number of popild LXlllrefT thhited;
and the Met' ' -• trill be to the education
and rooyala of •es his eanu 1%41.4.'10
li, ..7
leet Li . 7.1. . 1 ,
4412821 1
Bel t.Voi end In
t For
Store, No. 101
M nee
In the huglish
• •
- Pupil; 'iro
Nr. I
WM sae
1 ro .
0115013 an
Nate and: , .r.
HISIN: to for the
lumina Zr on Noun.,
comprises all
the branches mad &mit.
ries.lust, :hes admaiUtuu
or them.. Mt extensive and
valuable Philosophical. eteical,nald Astronomical rip
petreims. For Circular,, containing full pattrulare and
reference, address the Pincipal.
Wilkicenurt, Ai:must 14. leAl.--imaglfalrodmr3ovh
, -
The ' College of. St. James.
(l - b. Dixesan Celle, of LlsoPrbtettaat Splicepal Church.)
1 ...
uti r,' °°,'-'°NDA,Y,;.!'t d.ety ~ V.1at1a.m.,,,
reify. 1,2. hew atudeua ani . waded toeutnat the
:deaf ra c.l the wag, , but rewired at any thiewtl.l
early; and the elasge is estimated from the date Of Matt
TUE COLLEGE bas the a14a.1 Ilcarkbrr ef clestee, at
Ludy all the opportuaithe for 4 compleeeducsalt..ulat
the wronged terialuatir a of the eolk.glatecourwe i white,
" IIIIM I LIVIZT Pctu'r. lo Viel7%, oi.l, tie
Caliewe, mil ender the sups,' lost of the nectar. butll
- dlialrat dlwirline. aerate e hale at the beginning of
their aiedenaltal waxes , cud taper, theta Co. the ogle
sot,o Thee m ore 01 direttletacf the Profs e
sot, of the Collegweecure epee alestdag , le the 00004
to the Grammar Fehool.
• La the 11PACANTI LE CL.d.S.Kb, theezwir of Greek 1
emitted, and ID plese eupp dbr widithinal otudle• it .
theissu Langttagag Itea.hitsslhare if. ea ' %
, The eltuathn of the toting lo eatinely hea/tiebti. ar.4
by ite elletabee tiata tiaras an. rata, es, tameable to
100 J mbrals awl older.
I; fiNIP (HALL, new hull hag, 00 Dal by 40,' aid to
r e ads lor occhhatlon in theurea of the ertoing reeslon
to addition to th e farther e of Prahssors, Iles Truett.
tura newatar eateelehel flu Dee, Bea,. Ltt_if., hoc
toter ea Clvll wed Bethel, al :LAM, and John It, Aloe.
ander. LB: D., leaguer nn fib Wee and t 3..
I he wholecharga for thasweeioned ten eurhitelfleesease
in the 11er...1 Grammar I hoot), le tan faun red to t
Mantras. dollars. Da Table a Wardigtlll 10 alvaitee.
AnliClolo9ll for adenianwh be raid. to ,_
Row JOHN IL*IIFOVT, Ti. b e get-Dr,
Co of it laree• B. 0...
.Ifasb area mehaly. Maian,.
h. B. —Perigee In Pittsburgh wlebbag ane le cormedice
neyeatiug WS leurtitattloa, an referred to lit Bee. Thai
due B. Lyman, who wee Brandy a Trustee. ,
Pit:tabu& '
ekt N Amnia] Meeting f.tlio Stookholdersof
the Pittsburgh nee SO Veal. - j
for the oss.. of
s Ewe renew Lo =MI TitlAtt. Or tad Camp.)
kw the tents of three Teem. II be had at the Wily ctn..
11i... on blond.. the Ist d of Eeprember. A. D. 1211.
ben.. the hours a 2 snE 6 einek. P IL!
JAMES . CHEWY, Treasurer.
Ogles Pittsburgh Oss Ca. A g. 18.11.—nd ~
Kentucky Mutual Life ea Cd4ipany.
GUARANTY FU. - 1.1, :$lOO,OOO.
YJUS COMPANY 0 rs to4he insured all
'the security sal advs./its of the Mutual so 4 /tint
1,..-1, ilens the heretolLne 147.1 0) csnabltrikl. Demon: Low
rstee r of smith. an annual naurn in mob of the roe
cents. renWred Err 11e mpg.. risk Of the Inn as
adequate. but nut Won for the fawn, see.
Enit 01 member? far the who e terns of 101,..1th an equine
we ia n e7l. to lb. areuroulanng fund secured to curd
mem payable ...rash, by'alla use. their polider,
i gasren hind designed ft: ( hefyreensouot security of
short term members, and alsp for the Emma menthe of
those for the thole term of Ur.
6aleT/rls is the coif 110the1 Life Laguna. Commas
yinp rums of bread tun see Axed eta fthr reduced than&
vd, Web • greueniou for ...ells theseseing ea...
Isn. r est hen. Oar Tatum wean Iss) sweet suunorg. us
th. 132=111:10 of bathers snd the hthresel .101 fn. /6E,
reset. age throng th e member s .
Panthblete, Use. , A, giving le
arnn I the sus star ,
rat of the Comn.o). beurisbedn eti ,, , a 0001100[100
Er thaw.. 0,001,0.1 tor
121 Wood ewe.. .111e 0 t0Vih.
horn. Duenresn, .11.1.111.thrlser. 1
li2g4r (la)
__ _
Elegant Light Cariloges at Auction.
September. at 11//6 o;olock, at in Saloon of lIIM
*memo, nomor Ittoth and Oswego atom+, PHlLAlikle
PULA, will be sold for ow la to the hlgbaep.blddlto, lut ex
DUOIiY tondos. collection of elegant LIG= CarinIAGES
WAGONS. lot Ino mannfactnne of Inutlap A Co,
Floaters Ca, J. lie Doughty, I. Moreton. 11. Sputa Lane
a 1.0,13. IL
an Ilenry, and others of acknowleUed Web*
ty In this eitp d vicinity.
Amon_g tit* arlmont will be found worst new etyle
80w .=deafAl
cbolPlot OSA.
o postponement on account of tbe weather.
Open for mendnation [he da
Auctioneer Plolladn Bone and Cartilage Damao,
ang23 81018 and George elevate
- Nr , Yoeut Sept 4
sertytlons to the ?HUM
rood Orninen,
Chnthal H. Pat:limn.
)L 0144111. •
Winds Ilaraptca.
K. H. etwaton,
LarltT illtri. , •„ •
Writ. H. Ilereh,
Pdart A. WtHon,
Hithsolel Mimes,. •
Atm Hertolognant.
hert Entre,
H, Jon, •
fircrent E. Arnold,
P . lClLADlitylrf.l, Sept:
At NaL G 2 it 64 Markel ;trod, 'Pitt...burp%
A 'A. MASON .Fc CO.: era no* in idelly
tielpPof T hicha.o um>
147;1"4 7 .1 The .1 I wit h V r ao ra . rt f ' f ' tur!
larog bustettsy bat" he the ceehern cute, nitali
keS up durum the nue*. fortalug a dock et tan for
.terteti titmllWett4 Pltn, hue tieter teen esu/k4
in tbl. dtv. a.stion of teliolnuthi snit retail e t
ybseere tespe-Pfullyenticitint duet
JENGINE LIOSE-500 feet '2 snob fdy
ritzut Buhl{ Urea, brought tint ezyrettly Me
uac - putpowe %s. tittle the rrik
Deyacal boot
to roll and exal9iLie them, at they eta etatYstiltut to
gnu/ more pnmeure [hen any leather honi manufacture/
In ail meet srhere the? dy not turn out yestetiteil,
tho monerinill tofiintki Ilnito teelyell 07 now
J 01. eirrutp,
sute.hi , • 7 et.l It ifie4
OeOMOTIVES—Just reed, 300 feet la
,' ilia Putties lleee, ftr ficitnnel.ctunntietee Stle steam
, ate/ hat water. It tuannt to earpiece/ hr soy no,
rein . ylT/ F :es ' e ' ret
Agent. sot the Manutentuters.
LUDI-2.5 bbho. for male by •
11 ungla l. limn sCO
NF; SCALP HUNTERS, or Romatitie
"vatiturso bloitborn Atollou: ClOotbflo to Held
iluthertobl, f... 4 talc byEly A4mtral Obey,
TrAVAlill 'Atoortes: by Lotly Etuart Wortley .'
bboothog Box; by Meek Vornoter,
Tt, Mar of Aztonoo, Ilutoorouo !lora . , with il.
'"7l`ZZ.l b l Loom,. Moot.' 74 Tainted., tloAkol aolOZ/
lOX'S Patent Sparki ing Gulgine. T 4l !groan
) for role by J. MOD
ougla f.lO
v lot Orroalo 1 will I. NIDE U CO.
th " ° "'"" . " 1 "' Any fg* t;'d.
I,NHOM BOSTON, jusiredd—
J. • 500 fret IT.b J
" 4 " ply.tadla Rubber Ileac
'6), " Beltlpt
ftt , o
Far ;ale at the ladta Rubber 1.41;91, 1 . 94 9 W9 ° , it
aria J. aIL PIIILLIPa. it.
- 1101AOKED BUTTER-8 bbla. and 5 kegs
aug2ll lfste r t Front sta.
LINS.aII 01L--5 bblo. City rdake, ftirsaie
by awn B.N. alcaraSTIAN.
`UP. CARE. SODA—:3 kegs for nolo by
1.7 attril - 8. N.NVICKPRIMA.V.
011.—/U0 bbls. Straits; far sale by
azur2l JA.IIEB DALZHLL, C 8 Watgr
(.10LX LEATHER-3515ides 'Grime' fox',
/' sait.l p) L.
FIRE BRICK-20,000 for sale low to close
eoralgpment, b, JA311:6 DJUZEiI.
VO. 3 bIACKERELLI2O bbla. for nale by
.4423-B. W. 11A8k.6170H.
Sept 4,
Penn huititate.
hifortru3 his
on llegb Piano
JEWS !Stale
lY is now
more Pupils
my 'city.
r, each of
taining additional sub
-lursh cud BtaabognvllllClCAdl.
PAw ant Oscgo.
J.. 11. P.n.s*,
door Dade.
JoberthatE, '4
EPEreatra Joe',
J. 1.14 Tratiet.
WII Erpy,
Barol lnasn
Yard, ,
minirsYLveltiA IWIROAD.
1111 Z. REDUCED AHD SPELL nlcitzteED! •
Emmy(rank; Railroad and E)prrrs Porker Lino
:on tolls ....... Gaul.
ti MT, MOAT PLlll6ore C0N1701.1i.11 10101 To
Two Daily Lines Riven Packettßoats,
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
Porten of otrm Line leave Mite:mob for Lockport
er*" - voln t le a g at 8 o'clock, and fe;ffarniffp. soltoieleet
c u ing l ' ea kh tn=l' altrithalsTrgiar O
ro-ft for Prolate! hir.
Ulu ass
Leo through. Forty flourSlFl r.. nix
1101511 SOONER than lefr=ll;
al travel.) enabling them on erring at Pnrmarlirm...l
ynnefft on to Now York at ones. -
Take Oh* York and Cumberland Roltroan, at nonfarm's.
Ormtonee f eighty-four miles.. , llm*, FOUR hours.
FL° 0 P 006 .00L $l6. ao
to Baltimore, 51).75.
do kunst. AD do Ilanisburs $13,00.
lf you deAre cheap tiareing awl comfortable Accommo
ulatlorm secure. t rour tickets at the !racket Mice, blononga-
Wu House, of •
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
Canal male. Penn street-
' Ohio and Pennsylvania Rama&
.28 KEW.
fN and after MONDAY; AUGUST 4th,
II 1501. a Nam:mar Train 1.111 to itas follown.
LEANS NEW BRIGHTON at TX A . M. and 2 P. 11.
LEAVE PITTSBURGH at 10 A. tEltad 6 P.
WAY FARE, 3 cm. • Pia LYLE.
Chilitait under twelve 3..3 or ace halt 33WA
BetTtert Pttte nrEi)aYd My= Aux 30 cts.
'lt re=
• New
• air Eantraiou tickets will be to d at red.. mt.:
13thanta Pi...rib and barter. to any stall. and
tat., tbs same day SI,OU.
Beare. Pittsburgh and Naar Brighton and tart,
11:0 This Train - will not nor on Suctday, but thleursiou
17e ts hu.d Saturday .111 ha good for the return trip
o Mouday.
the Railroad .111 be .taltded beyond New Erigbtoa at
R. ea:llmi practicable day.
By order of the Cloud of•Dintators.
auglirtf Tie.* Apra.. •
Melifmry's Philadelphia & Liveipool Line
of Packets.
9ailing from Philadelphia on the
to.OOlLII_ on the?st of each month
" EUROPE. Notbottloles Manor..
. . .
. 4 BYALIt, Alfrod hailth,_thister.
itAug A milt
Mc above. gape are of e bed and nowt tartly
materials, and are noted for the rapidity of thethperwaswo
they are ethyl op with all lateet Improvement;' ere meat
thotoughly ventilated, and an ausurparard for their or
oriallone for Sethead Chain cud Meaux Itarne.
they commanded by more of acknowledged talent, who.
Cunequd for their experlenee In the packet serfloe
omore, desirous of bringing their 13.04. froth thoUld
gran for cars obtain dote of which .111 be
grad for eight =oaths, and our agents in MAKI and LIP
f=lll ., fT u t e titefi tt, ttli a r=r inlbrutation and
For Use courardeLietr
, r d iraers ;Asking to mind
sTrighr jtgloit discount, which wino o thrtb. W rArtg ' r 00
th Ranks or Pod Cereal. the Cults] Kingdom.
jikr-Pthrialona supplied passatthers eroalutt hum Llsvr
po ir •
Zren weak the followine aupplles .111 he furnished
each pulsar:ger of 13 years of .soared are,: brood,
.1 ilia. rid Tor: tea. 6 lba. oatrueljd lb.sugar. I In. dan r .
tflb i; utoli n.d.. usjs b. .and
. 1 lb. po rk
I i. F i A r ‘o . r I.2 a reansok i g and half alls!tattos of ta . , , , , n t drm E idk v . gr
no. 67 liralont street: lobo. 6.0004. Ptdladelphla.
1.161 f corner iv oth bad Kw.) sts.,
1851. •• liftrigiigg 18M.
t l Diuoklik .4 the Erie eannestlng Im
Haas oa Litho Erie, the 111thigea, Cleveland.
CM:prob. arid itheinostl. therelend and Pitteburgh sad
ilatidorky arid Cinciunti Ballthads, sod. stamen on the
21.1selesthal rarer., end the Ohio, lndtans ant
l'.4os,tr an (t.inala.
. .
(!orutsys ssespted
let Morning F.sprm Ystin . * otikrs
Sal Escobar Elpreas 1k •t
in. Whit Tram stops ot kaddra. stars plattsurs
sloop 7 bnurs ast ta ke thsltsprasaYMOM grrirtra New
Torknortsnisning st 9 esksk.makbasthesitstsdissuns
Th. Emsrass Freight and Cattls Trott lestritt Dunkirk at
4 'At M. dads; a Passensts Car Is attached to this Trots v.
arrosamcdsts Way Pamsnsest mkt Deems.
airfare fn. Dunkirk to 19. Tort, 19. Pentad Cl..
prises stit I. Elmo in • few days,
Tbl. Company ka prspased to transport Ilse Stock Ind
holgtte of all kinds to ossl from Bra York.
ratlioula attention gill be paid to Stock. The pass
big a fret stdt) styes Ibis mita gnat admotar
'. /97ttrtft!n 1 s1 TTalt in at i lha t' g4=lsall t Zio a
my short Pm,
brsight Tariffs wul be dlottrlbtrtsd, a - hist/MI putts.;
lamln regard to the slim of Freight. as sow as Idaycats
be propamf 1r . 611: 1 01.199,' ,
I. NOTTININIAM, AGSM, PL . 21.11 9 , . jyttdm
Rotation Tictceta to Beaver, as coat.
Sae. passenger steamero
DEAT'EII tml " erth
'Wee theft landitm at Pittabahtlf aad
&Ado:. *yen daz, lSondayrtheepte.) u follove—
Breyer, laver Iltieleurgb at VA.. horbester.2 r. t.
311Aldren do : • •do . 9.. • • do r
11 1 :111.7:rgait:Ira t tirtr ilittbig i fif IP=
Tletstrytood Mr down oho a.r..1 'toot.
Fur t@/.t. Auld on boned dm stahakate - Braver" or
. 7diattddra ho.f, re at theo *Mee of
eaur9 Cm. %Ka esellldield sm. Int
Witfigag 1851. Egiii
Eapres.B Pocky! ,Railroad' Lau; to Ck , ' , l..d.
DASSENGIOLS bare ,very morning at 9
. dtlock, 1,7 otsamboitt to Elosnry, thwack by oure...
Z u ll=4 taL a grilt i . b ilttattugh sad Vt,
era. to
To tl=td.lo
. rg Tgl i etrcit.:7
nat.. given through to
Columbut start Ursa. tp7 Clentland and Clutistutd
Duman Pm tWtruit, Cblesoro :cd klars u lts bass
s c = i pas araZrestrairesel las =4
Wane at ig a'stac I. btliaJlaspl HariboU.o
stlartstas may greening th. at sEt
hio o rpo Llama:llml
DAP, kw rats in IL .
and will Do fausta7suct=
amass. and CP= splatter.
CLARKE s l'ArtFl. Parpristors.
For tick ' w
La'''''U lTllll 7 l _OOIIKI Amt.
athirst earner et tholtheeld eh] Wer times.
e 23
oppoalta the tdonatigeh• •e Ilon s _
_ L _
t .
1851. WESTERN 1851.
D. LUCK le CD'S. ME.
TIA. gatE3
hunt - Aral NEW youß.-
HE Canal being injgood order, are are
ato f I.l r ato ' i nU Olrsit " an I rt cor t rate, ol
MUM, 7rttbezirtno%O i na Moven. Ms boats kV .
ractlng tranondtbal, and all likattl=g4tly
lauded 10.
Apply to, ad addrrto
I tura a sum,
naffarti „ rot, 6177rturt.n.
Rrtalvlng N .76 Ali. C iggrZtlla.
I T f r n VIM "
* adi, North rrtt i o ' nv.
T. U. PLAIL4K, Agana
gee Na. 7, Rat strata Nen York:
naz MIMED !
lad 1851.. &RAMP
Via Brownavilte and Cumberland, to Baltimore
end Philadelphia.. - -
""'''' BOAT leavesAtie Wttarl
&bora ch. Erhig• II o'casei precisely. arts
sacc i
, 37Ith (liars sr Cumberland ant cmsgash
kern daily res.nrst amass)
k - 6 - eclock, tramcar/Ss with the cars .1 Carabalsad trot
7..100.110 o'clock;
'ras thrsush to Italhozran,h2 hosts. 1.0. sair $O.
Thai Masa/oas i'hiradolyths, Is tsars. Tart Scar 010.
The National asap /I 040 ga,CA. C0p4.1..., 0110
ths 007.0 a tatacchibrocoaralsaisl Culatailasa: 0111 , 4
4.1 es 11,1, 4,1041,1 the trst TV ) yis L 6 L , .
SAW ~. ihrlc a th rho lissangahSlilLs t ..
r o , N. ~ I
i /
1851. ula t a
Tlvania and Ohio Canals.
On the Yew.
Itin l iliirrif 2.4) .Q iii . tFiZ4.::;itt.."4-iati;V'
Tlll5 well fa wn 13tie. in ti prltparfni to
«5 (TM/ fTV. I I ;71 1 4 ITTIIt, TaTinYITAIV.. i I
TIA faoillfro Jr Mt lue %
V Ig .1111 anrysr.4 In numb. roptl
ity, rind opaeltr Jr non ritorlapr• of captrAnoi, owl •
v„.; air, • I r l q's li otungtt. MA the ' ri drill, ' man ul n
In ,n,a/prellna . wllti • /kw Jr rteazobronls brtyrren PIIT
MT.ll4 " l d niVAl'clf iliqrer;',"""h""."'".
.. asst. a C.n., Vounstrtssra, U;
SI. U lasior Warroa,sl . . '
, . t. a. N. La.& No;FUG. lislic ti..
Finals,. liarsuus. Cr.; '
heal,.st iI I k Ca, Banda.° ;
rp ruse! a (A, assakho, o ,'
H. A. Miller, euyaissA• it alls, Is;
Whaslar, Lama Os.. ro Is; '
. padhoxsaar<lALU= Akn,
Irdusky Or, 11..;
U. wilitnia• t Co,lletwil, SI lehlp..;
1.6400 ma 4c Ca, pill•alada, WI•.;
71=41tda ALA, l'bkagn, Ill.;
CO eats I th fs 'l e sl sad A r 4 a a bfta.., '
&tug went Made to forytattl — ht
RAILtIOAD aISIPANY nuitt o fo Mlleidelef., 61
111 _ corder W'srUst
WOE SALE—Pittsburgh On Stook;
et. maw. eines Mids. Becek:
Ohio-and Pewarsd. w , tinc= 4. st i l ika
•tiss D ' Ku ;olirth tare.
wAIiTED--,stocke of the Pitt3'ghliatike;
American Dollah. .4 ILI( Dollars:" Ilaitosnaind
igtf t re p v . trnaaaeropts: tor7bird.
prtEFINED .SUOARS-30 bble Loveriog's
tranbed,balmixad, =ON& sal loaf mom,
Sala at tb• breast rates, y the barrel or Mall bY
Groan a Tow Doak:. •
11410 COFFER-wo bagejust reed for Bale
by • • (man DILINIJA7II A 013
...;•4 Mr... 4 brands Vs and by Innore, far NI.
' lantl2l • DAUB DICKir 111 CO
SA I E ATII3-75 boxes,
21 Walla stca•ande c a li kh j ,, sl..a
• J. 14
.- _ --._ 7 ~,.-
~r~ ~~
TTLEMONT/110 1 r 1313,
ITWIS uedl known optabliolimentim still. aim
ceitniVhidg tb 'tritt;'ir . V,; I
ttsVez. • ll:: 7 l..L ' g
oas stroageonsolg; -atol Me motto. N.H... tx.
band then. er.lnhlae to recd.; 11 sgmal.lo and adrarint.
..13 " a n vI t tii th ar r'' of 1.11 . 1. firm orJnbn Tuck, d Co,
Plr ‘4V,1:13 r' sitiljoTo . tc7claVolV . rgt'st2l b or, l on b q
to gi g .• m..141.1.-tlOl2 to tuft ewtotc4r,
zuSbilleolgm IV .n. PAltltElt.
and patterns, an unusually extender' satiety: after:id'
is 'env Pork Ltaportatlon priers,
Baden Glaina, or Terra Ostia Wars, Bohemian Glass.
Vegetable Pricy, Rosewood, illase and Panter Mead As.
Wes. .
Varier Bake Work Boxes, Paper Welphts, ie. '
. Copp:dim:lent spars, Boxes, Barnet,. Lake Ornaments,
DrungistsiPartey.Articies, Teeth Brushes, ise. ' I
Tobacconist, Articles, Toys by the moo or dozen.
Germ. Shins, Pencils. Jewsharps, Percussion Caps, to,
with an endhow variety of other goods at low rates.
auglbani No.I ggiOe Tal 4- E , B ati=ta.
PACTUB.EB., No. 41 South Second Street, (above I
ostnut. east Oda) Plilladelphta.
rye Walt .....:4ond a. coonalr. . 1
R. Q. wo! . . :
...I!..LPH !AQUI.. . 1
. •
It A . G . /11XX, WOODWARTii .
-ILI pale Guaira, No. =1 !drket et, Philadelphia. aP4I
••• • •
pi hALD, BUCKNOR & Tobacco
CothmtWor4lepoltante, No. 41 North Water atm
ri. 16 Nor4h Wharves. Philadelphia. avdt
- -
• eriean Hardware.
. . ,
. •
JEILIVEN'iIk DOUGLASS, Manutactarera'
dlOnte, Pro. 6 Platt attact i three doors from Pules,
u`swa'lr''''rro'"aatoni=ratinal.74" ettentlon
(0000 the ounottlaorere, and for cale-on rarorable tanna.
Steam anananicaildnietween iitnitiii
- . and Glasgow.
rf WE GI gow and Now York •
.l. Staanuld Z.:pany's rowural 12111 ~02 ' ......"..'
atratneldn OL IV, A tom arid 600 ' s, url+l a•II .
h 0(
to power. IL Sta Wart. Oale of the On ...... —.—
card stamen.). commander: ia appointed to 1 front 'ow
York,Urect tor Olameryw, co Saturday. (be Ilth of October
neat, M /2' &dna, man.
Fled Ca
t r,!* . rr. foe i.dvep.......„.. ............... .00.
No Oecragel4.sensers taken. . 65.
These rata Include yrtorlalous, but not tine.
Sr II .
which will be suhylled on bean!, at coaldrate erices. qu Car.
a Surgeou.
.s. I
roe freight patter
6 .g . 4)11 . 4.4 s I
aneS/A2Unentir \ ... 7
n t..R . V YOUR.
New York India. Rubber *arelume,
No. 27 Meant Lone, and No. 69, Namur drat,
mFlrid comer Broeultriy:‘,.VadoriTlolfset24thd.
THE 1:13$014.1:BER P{opnator of this es
• tskaisbase 1, that Lrat Old etudonters.
if rap. till II dolly mei
factorp ntrosnallp largo and excellent .rook f
Goode loanufacturod expressly to , the Fall Tiede,
and which, fro/blueing Introduced meneed now ant kip
he at Lot , lo d rem=tkil? Inge „ llll;g s, sa=m u rs t ltlo . e.
tFpol: Lltral ' on coldlout: bite paid to the otanufat ,
tuns of 117.1p1e10 CABRIVIRCLOTII,otaII rtdthe
tram 3-I Jodi twinge*. The th ins szecareftftpaelected
from the beat IRu:depend with the Cutest unett,Phlch
llolthes o.patent leather. Ur also ananufacturre
.th. MOM= qo2b, • Ihl} lolportant isisrovemeat
.repay discore 1. o ld en the cloth it wale to bespan
aced rtifttoble. . to eootflelt.l leather. Tb. ,I• 10 Gni*
mode and sold Cddrit iihtdal the odistp,
OVERSHOE full dock of all the' different delee
end varlet's% from the lattectid 144 - a. Robber! to the-la
ovile./ I . e o petnal Olues--etubra..•ind Rau's, Rum en'a ao, Cblld.te. 110 , 0e,' Bt., ERN..., and rattlelc Wontetio
Furred ad blood /tubber', do.
. A amulets stiertnient of the idlowing alte ale on bend.
Ai plutortose,7tts, Ca 1010 Fondue, Putte,ldro
Ulovet Ifouv libels. /Renoir s.ltalv. etc,. Leo.
plbf.Tobeeen alide,Marhice Belting, !Wapiti.' cheating,
Elena Corer! nrkap...,1:11.11 I..ncr_ne,lstnas:Porkingr,hbout. •
4.4 nrusr, est. untie., Ate belle. Doll% ttibt sore",
s it la el," 4.ooolpWn of Rubber
Fate maudadotve vl lulraults/ Nlvt.t/ilo Bubb., pum
underllloo l lvesPa Patent. •
vertre ' v d ollts .lemontnr.tiritan„ o c I ' s r lft rtLt " ;
Ahem 'white Kn.
Pure tubber evatTne for flettvro
171:00, lt • iti IWO, A
She le! Cloaks! blanhllas !
S MILLS, No. 6 eorthiudi N:Vi‘i
awl tkortliqllo %Ifni !nog 0111(vflt, nuodtdr ,
•F• 1, Matra Pron.:hoot Chun% totoete lone
~A LP .User ir/ of eret clads •
ft 11.151 1 -5 ' , bort of Votpri., Mertno.Thlbet, •
tistio.attl Celts( CLOAKL . , MANTILLAS. Adelid...te. of
fte Invitee thenodal menton of t loer° and Wes _
10 4
A m to the above. 1.0 the mill dal an aescat
merit 04 Amnia. sad reedy-made 10.4. 5.1 .I..tlivo wad.
611M1111•Sed kith. city.
Also. super. WIRE SHWA' OTANDN.,Ior shading
sturli dot dreamed let every et.lonv.l . Prlnt attl
Comb. et IN and / 6 i
verb. ' te:tat
• To the
RCBBER SHOES.--Our attention
hes been called bto 11 Horace n. Del,
publiehed In the New torn Herald of 11th Jule, ledb ind
the Cond.a Enquire, of ..mate tide._ In which. after
moth horsed shore of our ittterrnel%R. Judson. 1A...
to asserts tha n e e dam VA {Luc+ him vitb plratloc Rood.
4 Y. Patent tiadve our oso ea tad that se does not
- ntailirlgrigt:4lll4/?;:r4 ntriZatr:i('
Ittthbre hoes under anotrenea Patents. aod
bar moony. are dell y P.O. • will' for the acme. and
Sop Ober might base done dot 1/131e, if dlaw.,l to
40 .0, ee than rate own Gtattlyeaea IPatente. RI
shod, hi mote dust toutrid. • tight. to use, • valkl p.
Unto tido to Infringe IL .111, Dap having barn Alco v e- h ad,
eekootriedgvd fora riultts. Rude • rettleninsb add
egreed An
not to 04.100 his Patents. Ile la .no d
%11int: t lnjon
rr t i alr d tuvT,x tL ' ai r' :.; 47 4 0
eluting taped womb-ear's 0.0111110. In the martufactalr.
the dues which la Is aredus to m e bobn. nr.l .t gird
notfee that he saa .4 honew moo:trued sith blot to pop
elvaaing or vending hie elm, =dela violation of said Pat
.oo kl4hts.lM%rM"'4.
I Ry Wm. florkingham, Treasurer.
• IL Rotchinaco, reveldent.
_Rau Toad, Jolly 121T.1841. jyttp..Mn
• t I. W. Holberta r i,
No. T 6 Leiden La., Neva York,
IMPORTER and Jobber in FRENCII and
ENGLIF.II trANCY G 0 42 . 1)N. German Tot. Glee. V....,
leiede. Stales/Oats Penellei3nole Bate., $60.1.0aa Look.
k laern• I : :lte W PettrAttlit.
IdanalartaretivAgaat CirAatairtota Toy., Firework.,
L - 5 Jilirlett •
Stiptitior Black Writing and Copying. Ink.
JtINE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nassau street,
- Inn tolidloo. 2101 V Tut .
Tistr TURA TO tat lLni
(q.t.*. W . :llea-I-SI 60 tioa per . ll-
tl et.
Oa destths,Per ....... oat...m
Thiele the beet SM. atenateetared. 1$ / 44 awl 00761110 Lit/E--atal =0 .4 teolo4.
!r d . ttiltattl t tranti_ ." lllt ' t * M, • With rAtil
mrr.l7 rataette ine s siftt
alideritalied Ia ptvhared to .fornieh Li the trade el.
thee to, *apart or L bearr roonamptiou. at e'hvY
tap ap re ges artier,
and delivered In .1 1 011
a x rte. or reerea. Noe/was fir team Lietvele
in-heas axe charged...4a at metaled.
bl tiarua st.plOalt4lll.l4
• _
Professin Alex. C. Barri: Tritopherolas,
O' MEDICATED c 0 PpUNI),. for
unit rqtti,,,,dVittd,r.l,, oA2zi,Nrig.rt:
girbir=o"Z MATZ= Voe= r- 1 -l i,
• tw, ere PV . l Od parr b lin crosses of •
SbllomIns O f•am000l•Ii 6 •6.161 from h mgotlata;
l atrt r b t e :181=1211.1M t irlie•rt bA b Lirtio rn. glit
slim Ws trial: - '
Res Tort,_¢ent..M, 1660.
Posg. Cater —Dear Elo.-1 bare been spetsel with a eak•
Wan! emtarnf the arab. of e
hal z i tAtgr ,. •= , =
haw: . lad tras allreVelAtie met eminent phial.
slew. Mallen, tale all the preparation. Sor the
din now MM.% ootthe lust beatfte. I was deism,
by • Yriend to try lam Throphemos. 0.1 to, as • last
reeort, aril to my nulled sad gretltMiami wren
enrol lu OM two months. Sorb we thenW of the
denier thet et Mate I walk rwrUelly
K" r "1. "'"14:10eloligl:rg
hr. You, :IJet. 23,
Loot. floilti-3ty they sl,—Abuottue yew-easy mi hilt
out: gnat Utah an 4 al, heal wee oth atalcteLl
datidrkth I waitol4 bra Mello trr tourDicorha ,
our. and 1454 ad to my lato9l tatituttit u a
05011. an 4
wt ratite 400.1 dleatleurtuf, ito the
twf nod I
XI pier titrai, •
lei lihet DWELL.
If w : lett he gehltettaw doubt, the authettiluti the
at/Oie, Utah will ipletuit,lll at ProttePtie 4•
130 Otte4B ty, New I'a L; Phut he 0111 0 , 11:rp ILA orlei
0.11. Ittrel 814ue, 10,1 I
eta le Pa ,nuatly
till penceueut tete Lehteten
thetilfatit ,r the, mautuut uenetillt, i tut LI. seachnt
the pottultalii . attioyert thr lath!. kupun as Prot...hit
that-I'olTh° .utt, tit 1101kate4 .D
teu#(0•11 upe• tribe uhretl thief. #1 0, I#
Itltuciet.et7 DIDI.I, InJll\l4 tieehlu preteteth •0/
titterattqclee er the t 109#51. . lb. too l hi
the hair, Ih ut tothtnis ittiatowt # teuttittatle ite•
te11 . t . 02:41 4 ,1 7 ,1? -It will cur. ill
sunh ite stall fitiati, C ene *emu ittl tithee ehtithaihi ' it
Jere II the elte; w. 41 .01... 1111001 D
II Nl.l 111 tags htillie#, with 2teents # l4l
tri't Weal. y, 41.11.• brut*, hum a...i11. 'Wu....
itrellitileitttlatemaklehasdu tuppitellt
, -
~UNTINUES hi, usual liteilitios to rcPuiv
t'kr.f., Halo, end •froortilproantl. all I.l•vismull'
.1.41.1g.1 LIM. &ale Its.' dot/ 411, fut al
u IL. La kaa pfid
' 4' k ph ran
Wm. 11 Raskin.
ADD AeCTIONEFIt. ho. D Rats Area, re:nni •
..prrl..l at lag.ti..r. t.. I 161. bumper,. a lay].
ST.' LOWS & Sl'. - JOS.EPII.
rosEpa =semi
Prvmtur-. Ibmml. , tml Merrbanta, ou la.
Ho. Akt.l7tPrla j Ta l Lr«i,s. s .raog 4 Co..
Pitteuurzb.l aptl,
PAVID U: TUTtiE, Attorney at Law.
tad Cormalskone hr Pinney - Innis, Bt. Wais t Mo.
cmartmtikationo promptly mayrbrod.
IrOtiN lEL AttorneL and COM
rnsdrlt4 E l ren i r 4 Alo C" r 4 ,l_., 4e_ bar - 14.) Ht'.
e ßverrocco—Pitubtmgh.. (p + d
3y .
.0941e2a 4 atctaar.; Joan, If wo ks :!
&mg.. +Levant &Co. • ; ausltlx
A Good Bizgain is now , Offered,
imat Tlnr. to Bola ACM. In Davao* Samuel,
near Herr', Istad—im tt: prft w rios Is mcoott tat=
in ' t=nd solclT's gad srtor l I . =t1 4 rxmed
97 .0. 14 - 7111 arryir to
,IWalit t4
TIMOTHY SEED-3.1 bi;ls. for s-arle4y.
_ _ •
V.ALERATIIS-5 torus . in boxes and lobli
Dar ole btr R. DALZELL
Llierty 'Aro&
. ,
. ‘ ..
• ; \
• \ ,
, .
, .
• ,
. '
. . .
i _ •
•'.. \ • . -
. . .
• , . ,
. ,
- '
. . . . .• , ... ~
' • '
~ .
' .
, • _ . , • \ •
. . • .
• ,
. .
. . •
. . .
, .
. . `.. •
• • .
• .. , _ _
.. ,
. . .
S, e.
Private : • - . -3. - • for Bale.
TIRE PROPERTY is offercd exceeding-2
11. ly Ina, and on tad amonnodatlog tarn* It
is most eligibly located la the taphllylmprovltig City
of Allen/may. Th e altruulan Ls cuss in the scan
ty. ma,,,,nag a moot plating slow th e title/ Pitta
timee titan at • glauct4 as bang conks
theta to the business part of Plttsboaigh; conibloing luau
"' Tl ' ll h lt . c ' T . lTrike thh h4 =o " ear h -san
.. ha" o hh4'hhutr ls I
nue hundred anu 'lig feat hunk r h. l
tare haz.
dyed anti tifty hut to an allsy. Tb. Lotsta ars
uev. the boos* Edna built I. modern I Of tits bett
material, sad and in the best manner.
dunr mitt., tbst gold taste and skill could Irl7l
ratani to min.,. Share is • well of anutlbent ma- I
ter at tbe door and pipes laid ~,, h Ydr. , ..11.4- VarriaV
anise and stabling, • variety of Choke fruit ang shrub
ber- /h mbrrk Its eitoation and alestitsges tan Only bp
appreciated b- an examination ofats manses
o tent . len
•1 4 11 4 ,t e ' llr a an
t ; . 111 7 th iti4l
Von ' it is% rue egthrce " fo u r ' Nelllfl l 3g It leratrui rvkal
d''`.: ''.o ' ''''"hh'''
PAlg h thrti#lN, 114 5.... a ,rt
Valuable Real
..-loable __4l Rotate at Atiction. --
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sole, on rsie
db. "'Ate. R"P"4.\l*-L trai
IN - h o l. Thom Zcotble thnwetotT P ert lhed &do..
fl=„_d:znotTnlttf i tdr,„,...77 th•
No. Z. wags.* t 7 Yost front on Toon street oloitti
the Third Preshyteriaa Church, on which le et one
lbws story brick haute. wed as • window aloe, .4 ode
two story brisk warehouse.
The also , . will he sold, on the combo. Oil Thicesdon
Ms 4th inst.. at 10 doltish, A. Toms at ses.
OR RENT—The Second and Thirdri .
Stories or Warehouse. Mr 6, Maim Rant
. guqulrr of
rztar R. O. t
and ,
MilONd •
wpl Marke sta.
Country Beata at Audint!
HE undersigned will offer for sale, at r.jir Public /theism, on the presula.s, only two mil.. from
ghee CO, on the Peserorllle Plink Hoods on Wed
nesday, the 10th day of Pentednber ERA, eta o'clock,' P.
11., a euhellehdon of the hro_party on width been. tealdes,
adiolnlng lands of Jame% Wateon...EastprldndELEVl
CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, of mum two to Hums myna
Thispropetty le easy of swine hP the kg...a geed, and
rot malt admlrabar Ins oottnEy nate: ealardy oNsolles
frnm t' fair. 1:•';,111;i
ffgai`:bot=gle: f ir•l I ." rieb- ValINVIZ
ful whop. sca.or ls ‘ oto, ' ree ' rpLiweel by Spy In the
The. Is greetedupon this property are egoallint tic
storhil Frame Mansion. to whlelo an attached stabling, Al
well ofd water, de. Fruit Mee of Ws hest tota ll ty.tAl
trod eondltlon, are dlattiboted *Ter a nOmber Of
Pais:. des..f farther Information wW please 101 l
Fpon thwantworlb4. at th e aeon of Wore g bleQulsto.
ederal keret, Allegheny; at the Auction Wane of Erato
lloyle,"Allrghenn or at the aka. of Stows k Watson,
Attorneys, filo. 110 Fourth Sthmet.Plttaburgh, plan
of the lots can be men.
. . _
2e62;Ocm; &din nub, the balance In ctnea seami,4-
nna/ varment!, with Intereatomeccesd b bond and mon.
-Ito tawnebtp,dva, 20, 18 .8.11.1 d WU. OFLOVIL
• Real Estate.
EOR S LE—Two Iloueeo and Lots in the
Firth w 6r , Liberty 112 . Ht... tad the other ill
'green& 186 feet en Webetef Ault. by
WO:4 twin's. sr. 311 Lib
utnal co erty at
sneterf (Jbpy.)
\ Beare La,Jl )t
Street Bridge! RI.
Z.l= 6 .ltiorth Ca g an
vtre,t,cerad 273 re.t.ateaF
erected a Heide Hotter, cop
levet, astable laid cerrlead
The location le
at es r
no be exatelded at attritm
u lg ood l)D, o ttdbe eat et e,,, J.
i Ld
j tkt
s r
PROPERTY on the Film
tu ale or excitor's. Po . Cltl
kz .teart.Tal 1 at .ta. ==g
fiber offers soldroperty on Ao.
h now oreupi o the lot le 00
t, ranking bark u , Lllero i
a-third a au arku, ou'wbkb
olog ten moms. picasu4 bolt.
Dore o 0 the,book or Oh. lot.
•ffeybeny. Tb• e.
FR' terms loottr• of J.
.Coearner of Fourth add
n LET—A, three a
,11, nWate : ert,
*erfy• nants, wolf al. t \tt .•41 tr• Ih
Loqui , 4.l • \\ JA,
Ary, Brick Ware- p m
, 15t , 171 Mara laina
xelinzeir. .
Ts WWI et.e.
$T u Ole L I4 OT e •
fel ,
tJe legbeeC4
\ tb;
uaxae AIEItCaI
• • •
tot4iatie;i - .:47OTtott etsest, sztestdits
.1;1rd strwd. 'Date oroperuy 1,, Inset. 4.
the Cid to the rioLetty otd the
••I do. late - , test eti Led., beet the dwellh
elther for the enrllynei 0,6 or two
swift Ala or
clone =ellee .osutterate. \
Tertes- , Owe thir.L92uot a. the Lail.* In a.
pal .
," 0 "' "A "' WrttPi bond i, IVA Tro d N'IMIL•
. No.llo Towithiptreet. - _ ,
ToTij/s'r7 --
BOOM, urger ciFirard and Third
lerettow for a nsw or 4, Yh o ..htts..
ot s. eIMLISTVN;
eueS • \ • I
V.Oit RENT-LThe Dwelling, No, 1%
.2.% Third str e et, veer Pollthfleld.r. tecat as the
inuse twee ..•.11.194,V merit.
. outlet/ !Whee) 0n.... Ylair chamber ow the
err. Boor bee • bath room ' wt. h. 04 neN
nr ano—the tines widolotegte n otteatio v rei ri, . kwuttire
tosgbdf' • Permits \ weer Wood,
Sewickley ProyeV for
WILE' Nal.seriber offers f or sale killno Tract
Lod, cont.:dog MS acm e brag si.tim of the
Otoierts lately owned Pb. butuww.L....nvg ,
t i t h er./ trul 'i :ete=ll .. t i blggiln=tiNto
to. aw7l the ...lire/. Th• (PS
the road. Is well adept. for fir..
...le Water rower, with 4 Cute al. e Oil AIM tor
er. nr peon
Vtoee r' , tlV4rty um,as wrr atkrwd.i
lop grow to tie city ai times. by Helireed.
It serer Toed. •
For tert.typly to W. C. KINN, Crow'S Y... Bart,
ne tOOOty. or .0. IL BIDDLE, 114 fortr. Keret. 11.
bur. - ' attglam •
Valuable Real Estate in Beaver County
• -at Auction. -, •
subscriber,offers for'sale the fob:nail:lg
Mope., Mat—
o. 1. I,ro lots to pallstoo, Beaver bounty, h.:dupla.'
Noe. 3 aol 4, &dug alamt 100 fort equal-bon which berm*
etl rim Moot of lior frame dwellltmi; oue mama"
frame dwelling, MI two Marl. Milt
No. It One lot GO bet boot tut Hack Ares oppoelt• thd
*lure, and trtmidlup the Lop of the tint / .
N. 3. Two tracirfots, meh fee/11Mo sad taste s
trim the mat tolowiwater mark, au tha Beaver.
d tine ',Stehle water lot. 100 feet op Wheel ham,
.i 7, too Mame waterpower Wattled. I
One lot opposite the water lot. PO'bot Omit, and
extemitod to the top orthe WO. cm which Is emoted one
two mory brick stoma atittwomhoose, 28 Or 60-feef, allocate
frame dwelling, two aortae high.
No, P. thm tern tot to New Brighton, ettiver cormtr,lis
hug 0.01140 (set an Broadway, and about`2lo bet peep,
row ittlog‘l34 acre, ou which
an emoted two' lane fre.Wet
itel one *mall reissue Ittor tr uld
s hte propertk was Mrmerlr
11,1 j Tft7 CDwlr l . 44 k 6t k ' timnilit.irovp , dt.: .
'the TallitottrOdo
Nd 7. Om, wept, Mt, Lutureltataty belaw falletou Bridge.
teting about 100 Mt in lomat, au4 extending from Water
tre. to low w a ter. morkt or towttor ,
If not Mad befits Thursday. Om I,lth der of September
nest. et prints tabuldwili then be Offered at. publlo mat
ure ma um • Teruo el sal. \
JOHN 71.6111110,
...wird& "Mit saint Jot:Lofton StOckloo. ,
Snell , Valuable fame for Sale, _
ALL SITUATED‘neitr the Ohio and Penn.
TI le 1,4111041, I{4 the vichilty of Salem, Ohlo.
ofcou it loultivattoug Irma .4010'200 err. each, .1 is a gßOdlUal4
Afro -100, TOFF( TAT& \ between the Prebrut butitmeo
part of the Tillage autl the Depot at Palm:
dll of which will ter roll on* my term. Mr thepurobte
e!Omit frith* Ohio and Prober Inala Railroad, or la
ither of the Unto Its Elttsburrlu will he ham to Tet•
1 abo COP to amble • hie. proutut udiotrisa the
Depot around, to a compete= cum or comtpact 111 , erliM •
PM clue Hotel Ou tOgib ttrstrastr b. 4 .1
guar m ur eve:AzsaviVizs e Zt a.
burgh atuf Pitt teed, ilso u hetwerufittabuit and
the Oirtelt to be dertred troatthe lank o ne
bier beipii cousilM to atd from Salem, twit one of
the sotto. important pottits Mt the of
of mlbrad dir a Peet
clam 11001. • ZADOit _
00em, 0., Jul/ 1, . 1 1. - 117eit$1 0. 85 -
Country Property. sellers' v►eil:armee. •
. b I.IE undersigned offers runtish) p l
leroltocutaiuloa hatbetto 300 I,lld Ace*, 0 , 3.004 n „ * 12 „,,,,=. 11 .4 . 4f 1 7,6„ . v ' • i ". w 1 ,1 1 . 4 '
tZ'tsd f rg i ttl r ati=ritlYg4 l :7 7; Ti v2rtmt. - rtxga:::, - , 1 11,,t,.1;• - 4411A1ff,',7 1 ;•A
;1; I ~1P?,1,i1 4 .1 \ 7:‘4,1b0 81 ,b47.'t 0 77,17 -1 ,%"1
of 1 111.1-L PO Aber Mamilartutere rags -tWly, •
IM,*rlittlaP3t/3 ' P' `. COUC, itt D
r *red aud mid to 11. h. MELLEN. Ward
For Sala or Perpetual loan, ' fur to amulets emoralli\ \
yORTYTEIREE lIIIILDrNO LOTS, I§l3 In n i ng 11, 0 6, in 4 huh\ T,inon„ .
titu wit ND. the uriutotal ohm of Medal. ,
ik4so.ssov4,:tt NICIPHY , t BlJllClEFlNLl ) ha\ . ereceiral
at Peak Laud
LL 144,rait 1,4 [tit Li cuLtn. 'ath teillutt ,
ma tbe 11111, • al att.-Hu Ato Elide street, it , toot., pu army fro to. t r
• , ;.o bra •• • j•••;..,• tut il r„ CLAVI r EIIne, tli t tL, 4 4 i giact, Gaul
tut' o7d l • l•tilOtd , •1 Id{ ' 000. ” t the nertheast tomer of Fourth col Motet o6r
too remie ot - r i d entocitter. at, 4.4 4 I l ,O
4th ttrowt, 11tleturOld -
Rod Estate for Balk
V Atli A131.}: LOT, on the
flLrnrin.t ..4 Lat.n t sod Tactrar OreetA, Falb W. 14,
ttag lltrtaat. tatb,lt. C 1.4.1), tievtfr44l4tt..l4tr
•ttf. 1. 4 1.1f.44.16,.4 4, ton rv0464; 44c to Fptici
AP. • the Ibre, etor, .116: 1 , ni44)4 4 4 flogs* on
-Mott, sh4e4. tht lot meet 20 (oat IrOtl y !,b i l
The, Inwe. I% laze sod rotirmalt4l, to it a
oi la a Welt 4,cr towtvla.
hadt of rl{ .um v, bulb)
frovt New
AL.—Fume lu B,.nr coop', ,6f, • &Ma. Aryl ajia
vim e;rrom dtmeu
Ale Etn,u!te 4 , 1
\ r a. ti L. 11.
• Arks el L a.,4lNial East. , ,IgAlLlif,
!,is \ s.,
107 Fourth Newry l'ittshurib
To Farmers.
. 000i... ex ., t , l n s w . i. , : rt a t i .. i t , l.,. a , a
lk a .,.. G w r tti
a u g e
Alhe t deur, rin.r., 9 ili., 11.1111, Milf. da...k7..lC‘ort nod
ells Itslitosd.. ,
Alro-I,oi* Acre. in Vl k ino id, r.ti., tole Co O , .I.
tins laduld. Awn, of A. WILICINS &CO,
_ . til 1 forma of Minket and Third std.
To Gardimer,
ENTY\ACHES.Id thirdouiug Laud, at
r nadr unati<aw.l rultivatiou, utitAily ma. ev cf.
e 4 •al Lio tnll 1.500 au arre Out tlar4 the
141uts la une. t•V, scot ,aarn partieulara
Quit. at the Itant 01
et CIL
my! 'r, , rury Mark ani TILIAI int
For Bale.
rrllVmechbore ol Inn Fairinount Fie! ,
pier earn their Enver for eitir. fl le to
der .l will Le darer. \
ke.531 No' 4QO
For 8
BLOOM OF BOlLLO:it d o i l r a rjrr E
ee L
l eiteranCe4l,7nflrckty of' Pittebergle. • The 44 Florae
One emend-end Purr lour fret ea Peep
etrrer; Pr& o r ,
hundred and bine *ape. Indere on le eretlekreeer
to • twenty feet eel. Intel of
rosbleire Noo.oo ?emit.
--- , ,
For Bale,
&8at!.13.Y. with three - : I 'i , o r th.
',diva sreet. Al* •• • Mawr bss
• memos neseSosst torch ng st e p but...
us. Is rusts and smulss.r., , l lis the tyro cities. Ps•
low. rwtwwwwwirto ~, BAIRD a IRVIN.
STI7 • '- ' . -, • • 114 e.t.a a.
Ttizzip Seed - Crop - of 184
JUST secelved from the east, , one bat3el
froth iandp 8.. d alba bat varicties. Lott mr .ui. k at
5.4 inom wait wcs 4 "d with tra s \
• •
rid ataitaar MET PTIV,
on Wm tor Um atom and intrramattua
Arm tar %rano a :on bassi aat.s
EOR CINCINNATI-The eplen- w a s t
did mot -Li t t drusht \ atom bat
N Coptalu, Nam. wal.eare
the db.. alad r4taramdtab
aoaU. cm this 4•3". thy
btb, et 10 o'clock
rorilvtight cc Damp ayply . on
- Al.
r o oamer, OHNE, /, wait-or.
or I br. 64 the above sad Intortnohate
on this dy, the nth bast, ot‘lo 1. M.,
For Frolert arr i Ncr e .- • ,
oop3 ' 8 KM 8181.11q0.
:. 'The fine
damn . LOIS. L • mute.. 17
leave lbr the above and all la • --
.I Ltd, dar, la edoek, Al. AL \
For halabt p.asva heti saD3
OR ST. LOU"S.-- , TheeplcaLiat t
Ri •
add intdrseddist• parim mi Ws day, st 10 d •
mftetoipuoirsomirou bond. \ rtDl
zwEEN pram:Bon 1104:3112113-
.Tha PILOT No.; M•lkpla =star.
111. Pittabm'ab to. Whaallayl,3=. uut Bxklaa
rl=o, Tr ez; at 3&c lock r.A.. ttmlna9sayas
n= at Bg u alt ai , a. Wh"li2g‘ ni t ths Pratreaa d t ru lr' u ll
low wear amps. •
Far fralth2 wogs. 4tply bar& awil3o
II :411
:130 , 3 , I •
• .sywararl•rDvra!vbiald
• *•raraur pw •
ket b lantag P, etlnem PMlnro,,
• mrrlttcola
f i rdigt:
•• ••. C 7=l W.B. W dim
t • 11.t, 4e ..e
steamer .11:111NAL. W. 45. Cassell. ill LalßYtlp
e (pr the
~" b rLr" r' l3°° . -
a ohs. ThLa Avia cirsr,outennum
nikl bast as
way built ub, John
the ovum of the otsomer rtrotou, - cott Other,. tor
the Cincinnati cot Plttibargb Pocket trod.. Ltd pill an
.itaz=6l4 hoot.
mot N Wodneoday Re atclunsta„ Nate of the Now Eng-
Foo Ihstok . it
O. IL Dia ho nomovloard. Co to
mt..k.e= n r itut.weric=
e d tu' i Mtj.7
eseh W jle . V.
I Amts.
.41%1‘ 13\ ORERRT PECTORAL \
, iciamo aou or \ '
4 AttiNa, lA', \ alluiVtorui disar.varied rt'roiar,a
n.. wade I. 10.1. gmmintirm U.tartl.ltatortmtql.l“..r.
of Me, im.......1..4crr omit, fl ,1 mau protrog Itm ‘ l.r..
of Loma .•. LBL....o,L.lmandot imr• ft./ ...M.
... onolunt, .L.M.R.l.V.orrlttullm. of Cbeatt.try to IL.
lleallrm An 1 i;),NI tao Of P.. 1 rtrtur. LtroughouLlMs
not ....d.). Imo mi.r.iL fit that to. um... Zia
or ormAtualltal Oramat.lnev et law., eau to t0r.17 rwr‘,
110 610 tors Mt ot.mifOrm ....141..0f var,,emur MA,.
v/Lich Lam. Lit:MM. . 4.t frie...e.w../.111....4..01,1. ma I
ILoOmar, Inf. Jr4l...:Alarals sow flood.. ma
1.41 to nimm. a mcicir hail \ bs ingth Herr MOM. ..111:11
no I. n0...t to 41,0 lb. trmt t Mmiltrout aVetilmal ~/
in 1•o.[, on.. tom. tar. nlll 01 smir.llllita rmtrao
,a 1 1,001.. tna mama Mfect..l L. It. Of.. .41 ..•
promoi ibi rollattiM ‘Lifolaa. Id ina= nun. and War
Lath. tontnity ta Ina lamdlatt. hint Ina sputa 101..
diant,l 6111 .L 1,.. ha pittatl,lo frlialai tr.*, lllmrett. itl
rill vati,o.r, ani talLnttataLle sant:4 of, lttaaafintd.
Wats Ma Prentlent qf Act/drat advt. Ma ate M- -4 2'26
"Jamas O. Amar—ifln I Lava WS yont Chun , iwar , r4
10 my a rn cum of derpmated Brattabtato. and am aanalnd
\ from
Its y1:1.13404 crimattanton than!, IS an
0.... a, S. th... 5.1 1 . 1 q umurul. wet brotte=frt:
0 01 Oplmon &a to it. topericMollmmmet ow 1. 01.,
op , ` - • , :1 , a, fon 06 at It u tV - Lt a ro u ltAtE xN s,
3 a think
l toys
!;7 , th‘ ../... li trttg i fft:B 4 fai r i. :4_,
Val Malgtarynat uf 1 t. WO, ..atm
t; ddapfltio muf 411AFtra, .4 .!.. .... . ,
..Imt ::tA.. LT . :7`..'171:ituaV:1VA"..."....1
if. et...ti sclot.o C,C ; ! . 1....ty , 1 . C.2: tlMll4 l 4 i d
tiftftPalt - raYJN. YrradM - Of CU S. 6=o\ .. t.,....1:1ar..
1 •,bas al..ttt•COmt r Iwnatd,trltn a - tannin 6...
1 c L rm... 000011011 of thy MUM \
f \ \ af km.iikyl etor,...ta rd.,. \ , •
1. 14 ..nyalltlat,
I • I nt\ Y \ Int 4,..,. — gear: II am mai taniattaaMf
1413 n411:3.011 hafIMA la =natl., and ma Ilia
\ I -,::: 0 5 :2fra t 7z:VIt Ir :purr. ;
amaM Ito I. Mud ham/ ant to'
4, Lt.t,`,. ' n.,,V2 1 re 4,
~.r , ,,,,,,,„.n iti„ ....,„. 47,‘,1%,,,, ..
\ l\l
t, r tp...:zi,..,„ , „,.,,,..,-,,..,,,..
. 11% 0, 4
. ..4..1tt JA . llltd id A 11th. Pra7;..101.11nt,,
ti It 1 N d i tr tA .l4llllArdigi t l A 2 l " \ A AA,'
.. t i d &Militant \ -
' tut . ItCtu
on woo:maga
vb fronting 20
, ala front
• wintre 01
b 2. V.*
`,7 gltber
"Kb tri
. 2. 1.. 1
AnleAT these!
\ \ OHM{
,44.7 \WILSO)
o• o. 91
Z.TTL t hr tt;
`. .- 1 '- -
.: ims, .nil Pi* \
THE littliellD,--. ,daVlDA\CON:ipletld \ his ea-
Adeadt-bli"V.: ZA.1. 4 ...'" 11,77.."''',
p x4 ta ba
obi, \ , v. 0. 41 ,, his " tia * va a i m : Or
J. .CConitsr, it mi., of Third sad ®odd•
I% IL Navin t Co, 'LW Marty ~
DV Doubts, D ond.sAliairbotr Asset,
.'. •
k ‘.
' • \ Ilkainvaid. '\ \
ITRAYED OR 3TOLEN \trim\ the Wire,
im..., of r Eturbridgil t Itsihrtm, tonsil DOG. bevins
Ta . lea.. tholvst of Ids body Dans De rr ab!sol.
tr.o :=lttrdalb s sllrs. vs tha . ay.- ,
‘:, BURBI Tr E "°
'' .lA4 0.116 WAterstrest
\ University ollgarylati . 4. \ \
ryItrONEXT SESSION Iril i pAgukpla.Wrre
' 1 , 11:3&, tba 15 th d ‘ sy.ot Oct o ber, sixl claw .
Nui.tir. Omlt.h. M. D. • ,i 4 siLvii. • •,, , ‘ A....
tat. LA. Aityn. IIL D4Ctutinistty d POstpsey.. •
Samuel Castr o M. Da Tbastsprubles, ittatesis maims, sad
51 , 16". 1 . Rob ,_ ‘ ld,D.4tiOmy std pcl, ' • \ •
won.. Loistr Y . SSW., MascoLtad ..1111.:& i. '.. .
• itkura u.. Tbalmos,-SL o.:ididnitery and ci
Wn" ''‘' C il l id d . li . Inft \ tos/ tnsbmly .
• ltroxolot: sospls rg" lita , ..gto Moo of
promos%, ,
Prvottest tummy at attalemds Sigmas \
alai.] Lattores foul. Lbws. area, by Lrateseosv Smith ,
and Pow:, Ittir Bsititoora Intirsolry; witlx sisibriviteo
of daily visits Dv wardA• sntbamt chugs to the sto.lent
* gel rits LvotoravAN to 1193,_• S•ssilesl Alstosi:
910; Matilvolthon. ila Grirtion. A. ,
• , D. E. A. AMEN. Dtut \
Battu:mom J01y, , 1941.--1 a 9•64.?.istrAt
aradzsasosr, 0., Yet.
Thts otrttlies that. osy Wifo.S'alitst2l Mil.,
.9.1.11/r theatan mooled lox Ire yeses, need,
iim =fined to her bd. I haysibr lbw yeses a
deployed the beet moiled talent thsteould be pet
thisesetion of the oonntry, adds:nit .07 hermit erl
I have also Amtglawninfray Inatrotoont it<012312.4
, b. =re of such dowse. a.O of which mental werrtla
\ to O. Aring_of led, I was toducal by at/AAA
(r, Ito citmott's Yellow Deck aulaaresnarills.lnikh
'WO tbr toe otOtha. Mt. , Shihedaised it for alillat
etrit r 4::4Vidat Or all of na Una she was
~,t dist.. ohs impatrred cagily, and wattled Zit
and , mall da is now atiOring =IP WhianOth
health , : WM. lIONICtILY. - .
liee, Penn selghbert to Wm. and Julie Dloofart, know
, that tho above Adenomas, .. to the stamen of nes: Ms
art, and d to the care Leine etfAtod by Gnlrtat'O Yolk.
Deck art ,
gßatedarille. .re Aridly true.. . .
. \ ' \ JAKE IZL,DY, '
_isarn I.olMoss
' '''
I .\ \ \l l .4 • 4 4 4
\ ranee 04--Cou of O. M. Leotard. -
'et ,ft r. eamor a 0.-cisc, ; goo. time to Ast:'
i .Y. 10.203 with King's Esilia mr Amt. *lna bodes,
wi what. rola tot me ft, and to lath mortlfoation astir.
- r 9 .4 - ° e a diff:4:l7" l l?t'f "lad`l;,„.
he .7::
i :. 1., .
~,. t (der t., 00. braro
was Yoll ssf ramdrig
soma aly_eteogth ;Adds time was iturpletekr.genavt•
, eJ, 44m7 itera much sulsoutett. I mastinool to thls
, amta teeth UM whea I Co. u, advertisement (Chsysotta
I ?allow 4...0k and AreparilLoy whith 1 end, and Ant gee
t....t0s of article , Susdn'e yellow boat sod llmsaPs
rine sneak mei I 1 , ,-.10 au oil.. tonidrwhile wing it,
and hit torpoil perfectly well Lefer• axisg the ritth hol" '
, P.. da , , IttSit A the
Sal. aces appearance anis - 1.4,4,1 - .
ati ...r a u 3 here \ oval t . 101:6,5,4:4 . of robs ang
.00.1004. I . same.. rscarosoond Ati7 penal:ll4MP s
Wino, under wia ,,,,, s iv nnalar disease, to call Oilrfail 1.100
1 D.Vit sill Pule w„ witlch 001 twitcrW [Lem hit health -
1 ~'cure, ih orktrhitin \ _0 N. maimia- r .
`,(re, of an - o§ ra.-37Zteaes of .grysOtcaz, 1 \
I\ 1it,.... -62,e5 pee„ - 01 1 n. lao. , 't, . ratraa .0 10 \
1 ; •
Doc a anst tiertopetala - • lasting. TLe f.-thilit'll lith i
ntelth . rceitlonts to iso SOTS alt. Wade 10 zetetbrodi- \
‘ luf. ere xif thensicla nut.l 11=0 0. Nur baud teat
_. ~ lb.l` 0441 Co ao Wenn or mos c 7th. disease
Pine Watches!. • \- - v . \ ?in.. Mae n,,,;Jklefonter7, IttO
' ‘, .3 . FEW very cuperier Gold p t eat \1 ~\ ii.v..c's c....-c..ts it evreasirvtpk,...ct• A u ,
' Leant Watch . .. eved by seats., eta s. -l I erne \ sod sbodtho iris hallo' a.lests Of `yam Y
, • tch
dtsaafal di 14tbso
.reolen4l.l{V.4l,t 0i1a5..1.4•14, a NOW JANA endl.ireepeoll,s ~.p. say`An.orts h...51041S tFIL nit
fauna en es that lae a.n.alr.rifa
Mal anise; double cateel Hoot., elan vides
0r d. ". “ U "ri ti tit,„lllg, A gr) , ,i,li, - „, ,\„: ...., with ttlleft he whir . &treat.' 10na...L1 ass inclose
-- s- \
~- - „silnortlia smAdol bl .ali of one best' ahrsidans,"whe
1 s tiOLDAND SILVER WATCRES-L- .- ' ‘ Alm ofw.ristrtrou.fir)oo.olatorittnt.or '
1„ I wo nay. on. 00 excellent asi a rternat of At e baanstal east:lts a tat... tit Lesion educed to a flyt
1 AUDIS, ot Ile most Improved En b . , French p,..k ~,.., ~ i ., ‘ ,,,,, . Co. ~„.,„„ ~,,,,,,„ t a t L i p , „, h i. ~...
....1 Pellet. hisattfacture, to toe 0 , saaatteut
awl othst stile. a ruts. ell warranted, nal at Aioss a a1. 1 .%re tOn unlit aiaterliiitil dlse - nalloglY Heed
,00slly ow, ',a , „' . w.f. hiensal s Intrgial aniv , urirs,-4: rcrads., •- °
o .w.° 4 ° 44 . 414 . 1 a' brat .:',.." b y ' a - .04 la.. 'las 4404 LI holleiert. theta could be nothing' s „
asstand um t elf el•Woett wet..... ... 1 1 ...1.. _ \ , , r. ,riyt Chows rribiwprhprwaiftlit ratan. 1170.1.0
11 .W. WILSON, .0 ad ,tst.>
0011:k A.
000 C or tcorsal aujoaf 01,01.01 Lie dfeAlution near at haul
ne a mg nelehbotehe hat cared %did of
a \gyre inialnable m On. widedine to inda...l ~
a: a 000refram the eas
ldestrelodoannethiaiw •
? i
Ilia . , then llama any : - pe of nettioer , /llef, /Mo s Mmll
rLre• e. Of 7001 Tao Look .oat Paipporilloi, aed
It \
T. ,k .tia using Cl. not to MY utoolootrioste IselAket ,
inept y 'talus he had weal the thiol fatties\ and beasis .
Is had • half acid,. bolsi., ha conk weli \ oat 4ert
used In eLltwalre bustles dosing do rear 1140„ end ir to , '
isbf k . a rn 4 0 arfrtlhr ....A ; ar.t7 411444 . 0 f lite \
alhshiotrorpt. mere, . tweacre4, seal Lc:reit:WU ir. \
_ _ L .,__
__,_ . I 1 ,yylleel,,Weititiii`* tr. Frs./a Ulna re rnowherr, 11$11. ,`,
trillP-Di 43 bales Siiessouri Dew Rofts,f, 1 'ha 10 *.fi 0 g *NI- I .Q , it . 41 ' 4, .... ...U. w„. 1 .1.0-
- for lone. .m.urs A. LIVIViIIgOS t As, ~ t 4.1.. DOA' an O Sentsperilla; call aka. you tkal. rfoet
sage - Z_ 4 aortal( under gy4t , Ihrsta , as tn roc , . N2srlt .
r 1 NSEED 01 L--ElOO galls. for sale by , I sox teat I (scorn r \ oa of what your o ur Is
KA suss J. lillillt CO, 6,001, 0 ,44; i 1 1 . sal sow „, I thtily.
4 : LUICIK.SI IX ER--410 Ito. for sale by , \ i '
anal . ' ' ,f, Mop g co, i: ' roller .0 O. gut, l . 7 r•rd..! a Y
1 ' Ohio, Cameral ,
i an.l erntautetzesi _
... ,
DALi./ . 0 . VEly-Itt UHL for dojo by__ i 6 , ~,! W.A. • .t. , .. 1 ". 1 . o r . : „
, ` 3 4 , A
4 . . Y.X11)15 a C 4). .. 1 4. KIM a Co.. !' • ra 4 P - ' '''' ',
--,-- l ti11.....,,,,11.4 , , , 1,-,ig .1.,...1.. eau.; Ail.,
`'CYANIDE POTASSA-40 Ills. for sale-by i;„ , ~„.„..u. w,,,ea tn.\ B . " , vw° '
V.) tom \ - . .• 4. KIDD it 00. . • C i - esoal , taAri ,
e-..,-----,.. A. OrssoslarE . G , ,
ISECOND -RAND PIANO, AI y 5t,..11,,rd' • held c Pr.".'ll tintir 4 : _ s‘
tiow.obt octavos, end it ottin-Tit, d - si r il -..0:7r Ilit.bttana a i,,,, le. 5.: ,,r t ..4 . :NtilaN!Cf ,'
17 1 1 ...2 ‘, JOHN' It ELIAt, '' 1 Lyng. a Co. ileolty - 11/.. ~..,„ . 4
,:._ - " . " ‘" 1 '..." \Wentz a Co, a C.I sr. . , .
,k,,,,,. a t rc.rt.r.M.ker..l.4-se 1411,X,
1 i.r., 1 o.44itij W.W.I .I.C. ti1t14.4.4 1 16 V)
I 8 3„..,,, 0-ousuanosen - I , LAO flit
.psiss-Vil Fa . Bon • litz c
ky \
- -
2 eerocrs. Carina.
4 "4'4.
'1"1".. 1t. *tor , .0 .111 b a, ..1.1 * e . { 11.0,
bbli'''-.. ..rt . .. 12U,I.AllpICRCI. a
t c . ,6 ,\I
• 1.415 , i 3 ,541, 5 0 5 .5 5 5, 5
Alatiss and Iftvot• .
4, "-IL.,
IJCIAIt=I - 41Cliii - di.Fa 7 cCgim , ..4 1., in more
I-7 sad lb ' " 6 bI " 111 - IrnnilSON a CO. -
"aus4 ' {ANIS A .
PTS. TURPENTINE-4 bbio. in flit
.1; BC1101.):111•6131s CO: 1
ASS ki7AltD&«-25 fin' sale by
IPILDID1)1) Galena.; • \
\ - lax —'-----rT ii - ruaa - Szisee
BEK• has inai eii• , - er-' , \
Pt li blat k7 ~,
JUL, cielmtestall reorgorto: tbMl 4O ,
, b ,
.1. totied,brlro.reionse am An ao ...,..,,,,,,,,,\ ~
A_ UTTER -13 kegc Spring, for sale hy 4\ 4 1 tirV. ii , v4 ,,,„ 4 " ,, e ben. 44 4m o r tb d er . t nic rica k,...,,, K thlube --- ~,
is j„„q o \L, • .• ' \ %IL HIM.= ,Lvt.lC, ~ lp. Vojtitro.,7,, , ets.j . L, h,clwsup,W2,4e. - .....v.=, ‘,,,
RAISINS- -- 60 Ins hunch initnrei-fothcle ' tt c ' 6 , l 7,7ZAV l Mr= i r i ,Mr,„Vt i =v 3 l. 4. : \ A
0. 12 \ muilLesx4 . l%. A \ 7 .4=l4F i rr=gxr , -.44 4 . 4 ,..m 0 \ \ s :
Q lIOAR-20 hbds. Nl - 1., }n More ad flit s ,: i =d t iti* C ;:. l l — ,,,
' , ..h0 t \ \\
Q ral• br (gall) ' J.B.P"' . \ , ,Pschwas Batbooda.Ltieclasaa. v, \•
• \''. . . ' ' \ .
BVKlTtgdoz."u'v,a'&4 o ,T..:'de
la ICE-50 tier Fits (to arrive) for atikby
lea 1.30 \ • •BAIRD lIITI . •
Tars Iffedicated . Liquid Cutar-le.
PPSIS ATITICtE ie intended far family 1184
Mad aboald hr *and the cominaloa at arm ram- ,
, thalami. „Valuator who are to ormatant danarr
Wuxi to thatr prnon.r through accident, rad the
=ream aro of tools, will and Mir artier to
aiblr to Many, and altar a fair trial will otroatder it todt .
, ,
nat stakf artily Mat th• hiring tn.
aciLl Fra nab et Jruld'a Iledirstrd' CatLel=
przut term =lt Qu
e,Q m b... &6
lan ticridat =NUM* tar ertherivil plaster. 2=5
toz ,h mt alg.rr bruise. and all I,4m:trot trtatt Iroarad
74' . 1trr4. .
7. WOODII.I.TiI i &Lk
LLAIIILTON fl SW 11. I) . ' • .
zu.swogiu nulls, U n &awe..
Compridar all Cl. proof:Mu PhYsidans tir sae Qlt7 of
, ALlddletowa ,
\ ,Por wile bi D . 1.. IeItINESTOOK k 00:, •
\ ~ Pell • tan= Wool ma Itrat de.
rp, pit up in quart Denim, Ltd oon•
%J i b , a the atnetall.
MK =Baran
lar ber or b. irtta. Ift, a
It tyillne 1141104.21.- 7.4 r• part. that
‘l' mr= ft nia= n lC2/=.7 . ;kin =de:4l.g:
state of \ theftt. tbs sir=rsuklotoaheanon
mita . tacoBls , B A.naLacT x .
Mho./ oo OAVr aulabrlto rent Ir bra thn su i ntletraisi
tra , ta , 4Lta... i Tha Bane raryttab: althout=t
tba ataiotna I=artirtatztod
Leans Imam mad*
valuable's Batraarobillawont! ado ,
eoe4l/21. [4. 'trim of Ward
yyyooommmyyy t a:attar formlug the beat cont.
irodointo areata a t etultrave agent the
\ • WIT/1017S 'PAIL
&ion , *I L , Evil, ...thara .
ii. Thark r irn i Mus te:
vox. or _ /Mansur
attodatm. ha C. tome=ta • ,
- Ufa.
tha use et
4.. Pab. tba atte,eat " M' '
DobAlMa. BM. , MM.
' B
P 501456.7 " rtga. ". ....1%
PRODIMB 0086 lull
haaaaggluradamt• M. thutatituldobal Dl* c,
=Ma '
rsiTf t etd gut and =
rZtt in = Su:
Enactor 14 B/4111614 or Bourn tratonnalta. or
The Othlawthajitha varbathu ap]&ol . eel*. Onto Sr. la
Baboto t ts== ° o r' Zl,Vrn a "Zi
einnaut and aocompthdool mall or 4olai. 8...741Vara
bra. &mason bow Coen boob ea_hOe Or the mut tat ,
sold aud widow tuomber. that the Caguakr oonnafta
anald bout or FOr 1/1.11 antra, and at luta Um. latllllas
re= E gt. " 'C i lbtatir ar,.4 " t I'4 S. ' in
to tarot or Illy 14141• .
Alto, Ttirtimmy than mu Roe, Offen \is; Fara ,
Art E. Nola—lle. 0. litarmixor.
hot:wham telar„Z, lug, •
H'• lure mad Job s Bair. Samaparial and !unknown
don, 1 1' IL/717[11i " ' o ' ! ‘ ta th tg.•Mo n' ea ralblintrval b it
INo amoile n 1.1..4 W , and adaulated to handle!! rm.*,
Ltm t u r erin U r " Alan " AV?
Mate. Mimed. , t s. TT.• ,
• . 311 - 08.511014. \ •
• act pet !IL 1.11.111. SKIN. • \
Haw ire 1111 admen el., beaatinil vhlte akin.' tad
Hof ' lt lilt. lb'. o r " &""
. a salaam 0., . .rosin
o•,•l4t.,t , :_tOomotlco, am, c 0 1ay.&, 4 \
". "a n t "‘""
"n" ..* ` nn
le Mit mtil l' e.l=l,Tzt . =VI' is
1,1 the . tho Wu, by nottr pasttobrof
orbil mad LOpbtocd, it pm..
haaltbr. sot vhaeroae, glottal actlvlty tai •0117 WM.
thatittol tha oelOlVea4 4.00 oostatonanna to
tho bkom abd clubmen of youth. ataatd en ib
Sit or valuta Ina tatztarm, and on. Erg.
„.. Blaserno. •
We r airahrfil tOlbT r l d ati "."
b"Tin... any Like the fotioteftqt, St .
- d:! Catnnealt on the , Irhtientsst of ma .
fun 1.1. I. I` 1 , 1=111.7.pAr.a or vterabtry Ili; thi
. Inuindlle Odin, • -
• / t ut mould Oyer the Oat Ingradieuta ....ammoaltor
lay Bull.. Cora r roml rtr.h,l m to
t ot rairroz,..-v,n,i.v. •
Poamau, ...ay/6A
10h4t DBI P71,. 79, yanteetett_to."
a +r u. Mawl.ta4 tot. if
lannSrns , brach X, IBM,
JAn h ttilliVr ta lb th oc=a r ti
hen avails= oua, and well adeu=d'ho produaran rd.
taotlvalsamaaiou cut tla mat. I kat, audit. both ba '
ga;ert ;s"ii' ' "a th l'i44llrieri kj , "
Phi WA. at Loolnlll. Diaatua Bostdra.l(
Air s C i ejllyiiii , hp . w i tiva%
• X,
rdstones !
CO. No. 129 woad
piftfazz., du*
eda• •
Berrat.ts.LentotTi r iata• tisttes,lrrisatlx)len.
.tattatta.. oflarloittheacrelPrtichwtheaof the Brehm:,
Derwaect Gloomy elated' miadoue...db7
P. Olif's Satro4 41110ina Dad out Earnpantooddth
sine talletby rebating the Tbsintalttot
dnatett, the bloot. neabralista bad Union. Wt.
4 .
tor l aboral w7ettwas, and glen heathy ailiow to at the •
• lie lal
wild aitecitice twqpirttee reaSts potrolitsl7 twll -
cable to lb. abrader 414'4.11:ate cooatttollow of the *
male. 8J3=411417 coanieract4 that direestait hirmtti
nar acal lawitwelato =mph to the Walla trims, aid
Imparts ..erihr\ara bittyznar se trororidoese o'r
are wratabol. We h w wriilecoe on Elie tette& f
gangly to k i eft mawoa
who him hot-been blamed with olDpring.•
Prolatkele Uteri : or Mho{ of the Womb, oft
din& cared by Dr. Ouratiti Extractor Ye
. earsaharllts. after ererrAlliariosown real
Wei \
3e , ..atßi ~ ~.r.,
, ?..rlllt.ittnrsix.:__
ctitAtiket Coating;
fgrat.\ , • : ~•
Mali itc42 ex num.
l 'ic VaMilboriti st .
. ' \ 141