HOME MATTERS • -. • WHI G STATE on ooramim,' 1 ' •••- WILLIAM P. aon..vsroN.: , - Join: gAILOELII, of Lancaster. man or TU. nonfsin =sr.' WM. M. MERTDITIL of Phlladebblx ItICHARD QOULTEIL of Winntnontant Of:OH:rig CIUMO/11.9..0f Vranalln: 44IIRUA W. COSILY, of Walcott; WILLIAM JE.3SUP. nf ficinittelanusi. Mitiinisonio and Whig County Ticket .: . - runty ',noon or TIMULT ,WALT En 1 . 0 R STASI , . of ratlano, Amax', In. JOlni or LI3INC2 0,4711. N Y WILL/AMPS. el Pitubunch. . nix, or cmgr or quiarusrPsomir, do: WM. B. M'CLOIIe, ofkltribarib. r.aradczarsrrnan or comr ar ackm......"1, do .• • - WEL Dowid. or Laver fit-Cslr. TLIOILLS L IMIILLAN: of Allrabrnr. JQIIN NIT.LUeISEV.oI JAMES 11711: of fino.den. ytro. g pt, P ,Nttof 1K Omit( lIILLEII, of Indlurs . ...11.11111AL FAEINEdSOO,of Pftsabozo. azrins. , $ lIICILAULDSON. of Allegtteay. n•sto OF T. dr. : r • SAILED U..13:11U811.4f usburgb. . 70IIN itOWLAIiD. oi l Ihn.¢ 81.61a7z goltEttitia 0: of . '7:•161:71t9T. Ut Alleggto). . ' •140w . FESIIRICH.Otir . 9uFnitesa, . idasmottatri Sennolt.—The Reverend Robert ,Andley grovrn, one, of the ministers who are now atitiodhig the Synod of the AMociate 'Reformed Chtelet:, will preach a Missionary sermirnlxi,the First qurch,. earner of Sixib l etreet and Cherry ;11.11eyL* . * .'2 alf past seven , o'Ciock, this evening. 1. •• F ors .SSOCUIT. nas OEM ED FILCIIIITTIR/da Stroi,...,The first Associate! Reformed. Synod of the West, -met in the lit A. R. Chach, yes terday. morning ; at nine o'Cloik. • The Synod was organised iby appoMtingitbe Rev. Junes Shields, of the ' Presbytery of Big Spring,: Moderator, • 1 The Rev. David.R. Kerr ties elected. Clerk. Eightyine Clergymen and forty Elders were preeciat from idia.varicktts Preabytertee. - , The morning was oonsunied In hearing re , ..ports.of, no general interesL. In the afternoon, - aoterrittines on bills and oiertures, accounts, .correspontrence; revision of I thinutos, were appointed: 1 ThO Bitted then adjourned: • Tar OLD ATIEGIUMIT BE11)011 CASIL —The tot tdowing letter wee yesterday received by Mr. Alden, from the Auditor tactlefrla. of PerdloOth, Apurroz Orraretes Orrice garrisbtirg,l3ept. list 1861 T. J...Forx Alden Eig Eire—ln the matter of the Commonwealth vs. -the Allegheny ;Bridge Company, authority is hereby given tci - _yourself and colleague (Mr. Woods) to prated in the prosecution, agreeably to the bill submitted for awl inspection of this department; and: to adopt such means as the case progresses as you may deem best . milcre• latest to wecure the . Interests of the Common- . Very respectfully Your Otiedient S erv't E. BANKS f Auditor General.• ' P.B. The bill is herewith returned to you. . The bill referred.to ober, is the one read in ihe 4 Eupreme Corm!, on ,Wednesday. It prayed .inr.an..injittuidloit to ; restrain the Minsigers from disppsing - of, any of the Corporate property, or &taring any dividends until the injunctionalicitild be dissolved, as wellp for the id:novel of the Car, porateri from the eiectitibn their trest, and 'the appointment of a receiver, to. take charge of their property. An aceonnt was also pray- Charging the said CorponatiOn With the amount of the .contingent fand,•(s ‘ lol,6oo) with a de ' cree that the Corporatorii ehottld be. 'responsihle, and pay, the balance of said fund amounting to $75,000,} if the,corporate fends shoitid be inshißeient. The in equity bill to, - was prediestril upon the finding of the . jury, in ..'the Qno Wweranto ease, reeenkly tried, and was submitted to the Auditor Gosh:ell as soon after the - trial as It enuldbe drawn np.. LAGWAOT cASZ.—ante, 0 was yesterday 4tOnelideci, • and 13:1 the aftarntion,pommissioner llndeinharged the jury, who„iftey a brief ab jeenee,, returned with a verdict declaring that Isanclrefrx, the defendant, wan sane., - . .01114*2 was inter nod net at Maxon' the slight --.est finioitint cted at the ' Magor'.‘ Offir )4-:: •:' 7 i • —..z cOtral. , L l 4 o: ' , ..,,, liViorasnat September It.. , d l le Co. ve. ateaMerpeytona ' • errorlto Distiriettotert. Argued by Geyer and Woods.'. Tomah re.:.Donlop; errrr o. District Court: -' - '4l.zgarl by Irowavd and Duni p. =Bruit vs- McKeever; error to Common Pleas. Arto4 by Oliphant, 'and 151111 ams and John hiellont . Gilif,va: Bevan, Todd & no.; Error to Dis 7 tricetopre Judgment affirnied. , Cirr va..Bcott,ot aL; Krroi topordmon Plus. Judgment;or Non Pros.. 1 , ! Cu lon OHM CONstacrros..—The dubuni - Adverthrer mentions a most imerstltious and ~./. inhilman treatment for the cafe of contmmpti ' 0,6, " , resorted to by a family in Capaga county. 12, • . member of the family, i yoing man, it seems, - died - about two.years ago 'or consumption, and Other members of the family are now afflicted with the same &Incluse: To effect a cure, someof the brothers and other friends of the deceased, proceeded . to the grave with - oho - rid and pick= dug up the body—opened tbp coffin—and then a Boyars, (what a Surgeon!' was found to cut . from that mom -of eorruptirM,..the heart end — .ltinkr,i,whicaCirero 10. a state of tolerable preser vationconsideriug the lengthier time -eines the death of the person._ The heart' and bulge were laid upon the grass—impreguating the aunt's .- there With their horrid odori—and wrspped,in the" pookethandkerelder of one of the brothers, • • -carried 'home and burned, while Members of the ' tandly inhaled their incense, and' afterwards ;its -....., The Albany Register mentions a-similar caseeiVi .th-emt.mned in Litchfield Oonnty, Conn., ser '' ' 1 oral years ago. A lame ; family of grown up : sous and daughters. Beamedall destined , to he . coniesictime to the fell dee:yr, EL s, consumption. The disese commencedwith e oldest: ffw Months after his decesie; th next in age. MID • taken. sick, end In the coursef they= be died. 0 ,..u3 The next..year-another, and so on for several successive years, the victims gta:ken in .the order of - tlatir ages from t o oldest towards . ' the yeangest. - . The tiling became haunted with 12; ' -the horrid superstition that they were preyed or 1 ' fed nirott by the dead, till finally when =other ,-; 4.1.-* .'fell,sick, the last burled, - was disinterred, and - I:, - ;hlsheart, liver and longs taken oat sad. burned; ' ' . • : 'end tilthen h he ' had been', deed' for several -,.., . ` .. marifnaL._if was stoutly affirmed by some of the - ..i • ' Witziesees of the apectaele It fresh blood was . • found in the heart and inn s. - The consamp ii.., -tit. which had commenced - 0 the living sub ' lect„ . hoirever, 'was - not arrested, but went -en 1. ' -to Ito termitiatibm. Some of ,the younger Mem ' beta of the ramily escaped, Sad are still toeing. bb . . pragu• a extra irm' br ftla br en el b. A WALARnAvaffl BROOMS -200 doz. for sale by see= • • • Is..trinnecqnd . . r • L e ll ESE-100.1xixes .I3re4m., for sato by, . sazBl • • 8. W. 11ARBAGO11.1 • IEIGGS-1 bbl. or &a 1 by, :TA aur.2l B.* w:LIAL1881.411. • ' 1. OSQUITOBARB-509 ps.jastt6 ',llLn . d y, . very rw 147;1"4 7 .1 The .1 I wit h V r ao ra . rt f ' f ' tur! larog bustettsy bat" he the ceehern cute, nitali keS up durum the nue*. fortalug a dock et tan for .terteti titmllWett4 Pltn, hue tieter teen esu/k4 in tbl. dtv. a.stion of teliolnuthi snit retail e t ybseere tespe-Pfullyenticitint duet JENGINE LIOSE-500 feet '2 snob fdy ritzut Buhl{ Urea, brought tint ezyrettly Me uac - putpowe %s. tittle the rrik Deyacal boot to roll and exal9iLie them, at they eta etatYstiltut to gnu/ more pnmeure [hen any leather honi manufacture/ In ail meet srhere the? dy not turn out yestetiteil, tho monerinill tofiintki Ilnito teelyell 07 now J 01. eirrutp, sute.hi , • 7 et.l It ifie4 OeOMOTIVES—Just reed, 300 feet la ,' ilia Putties lleee, ftr ficitnnel.ctunntietee Stle steam , ate/ hat water. It tuannt to earpiece/ hr soy no, rein . ylT/ F :es ' e ' ret Agent. sot the Manutentuters. A LUDI-2.5 bbho. for male by • 11 ungla l. limn sCO • NF; SCALP HUNTERS, or Romatitie "vatiturso bloitborn Atollou: ClOotbflo to Held iluthertobl, f... 4 talc byEly A4mtral Obey, TrAVAlill 'Atoortes: by Lotly Etuart Wortley .' bboothog Box; by Meek Vornoter, Tt, Mar of Aztonoo, Ilutoorouo !lora . , with il. '"7l`ZZ.l b l Loom,. Moot.' 74 Tainted., ottpor.to tloAkol aolOZ/ lOX'S Patent Sparki ing Gulgine. T 4l !groan ) for role by J. MOD ougla f.lO ETITERILL'S PERFUMERY—Afresh v lot Orroalo 1 will I. NIDE U CO. VRESH ROLL do TUB BUTTEA—Aeciit . th " ° "'"" . " 1 "' Any fg* t;'d. I,NHOM BOSTON, jusiredd— J. • 500 fret IT.b J " 4 " ply.tadla Rubber Ileac " '6), " Beltlpt ftt , o Far ;ale at the ladta Rubber 1.41;91, 1 . 94 9 W9 ° , it aria J. aIL PIIILLIPa. it. - 1101AOKED BUTTER-8 bbla. and 5 kegs Orr ado by ISAIAH DICKEY C aug2ll lfste r t Front sta. LINS.aII 01L--5 bblo. City rdake, ftirsaie by awn B.N. alcaraSTIAN. `UP. CARE. SODA—:3 kegs for nolo by 1.7 attril - 8. N.NVICKPRIMA.V. 011.—/U0 bbls. Straits; far sale by azur2l JA.IIEB DALZHLL, C 8 Watgr (.10LX LEATHER-3515ides 'Grime' fox', /'.1..be.. sait.l p) L. FIRE BRICK-20,000 for sale low to close eoralgpment, b, JA311:6 DJUZEiI. VO. 3 bIACKERELLI2O bbla. for nale by .4423-B. W. 11A8k.6170H. -k• BAITIMI3RE' MARKET Sept 4, CINCINNATI'IIARKET. CINCINNATI, Sept. 4. EDUCATION. Penn huititate. hifortru3 his on llegb Piano Senteraber JEWS !Stale aug'Z•lw lY is now more Pupils Loam..lon 001, my 'city. r, each of taining additional sub -lursh cud BtaabognvllllClCAdl. PAw ant Oscgo. J.. 11. P.n.s*, door Dade. JoberthatE, '4 EPEreatra Joe', Emltbssy, J. 1.14 Tratiet. WWI,. PIW.I. WII Erpy, Barol lnasn Yard, , titxon, Dr:rti,Mll. YEW PALL GOODS, Y'IINSPORfATION minirsYLveltiA IWIROAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT, TWENTY MILES WEST OF JOHNSTOWN. 1.51. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1851 OHAHOZ OF HOUR. 1111 Z. REDUCED AHD SPELL nlcitzteED! • Emmy(rank; Railroad and E)prrrs Porker Lino :on tolls ....... Gaul. ti MT, MOAT PLlll6ore C0N1701.1i.11 10101 To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW TORE Two Daily Lines Riven Packettßoats, taiffia (EXCLUSIVELY FOR PASSENGERS.) On and after Monday, August 25th, the Porten of otrm Line leave Mite:mob for Lockport er*" - voln t le a g at 8 o'clock, and fe;ffarniffp. soltoieleet c u ing l ' ea kh tn=l' altrithalsTrgiar O ro-ft for Prolate! hir. Ulu ass Leo through. Forty flourSlFl r.. nix 1101511 SOONER than lefr=ll; al travel.) enabling them on erring at Pnrmarlirm...l ynnefft on to Now York at ones. - PASESNOIR2I TOR / RAUTINORY Take Oh* York and Cumberland Roltroan, at nonfarm's. Ormtonee f eighty-four miles.. , llm*, FOUR hours. • FL° 0 P 006 .00L $l6. ao to Baltimore, 51).75. do kunst. AD do Ilanisburs $13,00. lf you deAre cheap tiareing awl comfortable Accommo ulatlorm secure. t rour tickets at the !racket Mice, blononga- Wu House, of • J. P. HOLMES, Agent, D. LEECH & CO., Canal male. Penn street- ' Ohio and Pennsylvania Rama& .FROM PITTSBURGH TO .NEW BRIGHTON: .28 KEW. fN and after MONDAY; AUGUST 4th, II 1501. a Nam:mar Train 1.111 to itas follown. LEANS NEW BRIGHTON at TX A . M. and 2 P. 11. LEAVE PITTSBURGH at 10 A. tEltad 6 P. 61. • WAY FARE, 3 cm. • Pia LYLE. Chilitait under twelve 3..3 or ace halt 33WA BetTtert Pttte nrEi)aYd My= Aux 30 cts. „. 'lt re= • New • air Eantraiou tickets will be to d at red.. mt.: 13thanta Pi...rib and barter. to any stall. and tat., tbs same day SI,OU. Beare. Pittsburgh and Naar Brighton and tart, the 11:0 This Train - will not nor on Suctday, but thleursiou 17e ts hu.d Saturday .111 ha good for the return trip o Mouday. the Railroad .111 be .taltded beyond New Erigbtoa at R. ea:llmi practicable day. By order of the Cloud of•Dintators. GEORGE • • auglirtf Tie.* Apra.. • Melifmry's Philadelphia & Liveipool Line of Packets. 9ailing from Philadelphia on the to.OOlLII_ on the?st of each month * ratwifint.N7vL.N.od=°.°=. " EUROPE. Notbottloles Manor.. . . . . 4 BYALIt, Alfrod hailth,_thister. e itAug A milt Dellfgw.w.w.t.li. Mc above. gape are of e bed and nowt tartly materials, and are noted for the rapidity of thethperwaswo they are ethyl op with all lateet Improvement;' ere meat thotoughly ventilated, and an ausurparard for their or oriallone for Sethead Chain cud Meaux Itarne. they commanded by more of acknowledged talent, who. Cunequd for their experlenee In the packet serfloe omore, desirous of bringing their 13.04. froth thoUld gran for cars obtain dote of which .111 be grad for eight =oaths, and our agents in MAKI and LIP be f=lll ., fT u t e titefi tt, ttli a r=r inlbrutation and For Use courardeLietr , r d iraers ;Asking to mind sTrighr jtgloit discount, which wino o thrtb. W rArtg ' r 00 loo th Ranks or Pod Cereal. the Cults] Kingdom. jikr-Pthrialona supplied passatthers eroalutt hum Llsvr th po ir • Zren weak the followine aupplles .111 he furnished each pulsar:ger of 13 years of .soared are,: brood, .1 ilia. rid Tor: tea. 6 lba. oatrueljd lb.sugar. I In. dan r . tflb i; utoli n.d.. usjs b. .and . 1 lb. po rk I i. F i A r ‘o . r I.2 a reansok i g -.se.. and half alls!tattos of ta . , , , , n t drm E idk v . gr no. 67 liralont street: lobo. 6.0004. Ptdladelphla. 1.161 f corner iv oth bad Kw.) sts., NEW YORE AND "BRIE RAILROAD. 1851. •• liftrigiigg 18M. ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY tin t l Diuoklik .4 the Erie eannestlng Im Haas oa Litho Erie, the 111thigea, Cleveland. CM:prob. arid itheinostl. therelend and Pitteburgh sad ilatidorky arid Cinciunti Ballthads, sod. stamen on the 21.1selesthal rarer., end the Ohio, lndtans ant l'.4os,tr an (t.inala. 1.4 I 0 it LEAVL LUYKIMK Ali FOI.LoWn . . (!orutsys ssespted let Morning F.sprm Ystin . * otikrs Sal Escobar Elpreas 1k •t in. Whit Tram stops ot kaddra. stars plattsurs sloop 7 bnurs ast ta ke thsltsprasaYMOM grrirtra New Torknortsnisning st 9 esksk.makbasthesitstsdissuns daldttsht- Th. Emsrass Freight and Cattls Trott lestritt Dunkirk at 4 'At M. dads; a Passensts Car Is attached to this Trots v. arrosamcdsts Way Pamsnsest mkt Deems. airfare fn. Dunkirk to 19. Tort, 19. Pentad Cl.. prises stit I. Elmo in • few days, Tbl. Company ka prspased to transport Ilse Stock Ind holgtte of all kinds to ossl from Bra York. ratlioula attention gill be paid to Stock. The pass big a fret stdt) styes Ibis mita gnat admotar '. /97ttrtft!n 1 s1 TTalt in at i lha t' g4=lsall t Zio a my short Pm, brsight Tariffs wul be dlottrlbtrtsd, a - hist/MI putts.; lamln regard to the slim of Freight. as sow as Idaycats be propamf 1r . 611: 1 01.199,' , I. NOTTININIAM, AGSM, PL . 21.11 9 , . jyttdm Rotation Tictceta to Beaver, as coat. Sae. passenger steamero DEAT'EII tml " erth 'Wee theft landitm at Pittabahtlf aad &Ado:. *yen daz, lSondayrtheepte.) u follove— Breyer, laver Iltieleurgb at VA.. horbester.2 r. t. 311Aldren do : • •do . 9.. • • do r 11 1 :111.7:rgait:Ira t tirtr ilittbig i fif IP= Tletstrytood Mr down oho a.r..1 'toot. Fur t@/.t. Auld on boned dm stahakate - Braver" or . 7diattddra ho.f, re at theo *Mee of JOHN A. CAOOITM Agerst a.na, eaur9 Cm. %Ka esellldield sm. Int 28 HOURS TO CLEVELAND. • Witfigag 1851. Egiii PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Eapres.B Pocky! ,Railroad' Lau; to Ck , ' , l..d. DASSENGIOLS bare ,very morning at 9 1.1 . dtlock, 1,7 otsamboitt to Elosnry, thwack by oure... Z u ll=4 taL a grilt i . b ilttattugh sad Vt, era. to Clorttstd.sl.oo. To tl=td.lo . rg Tgl i etrcit.:7 nat.. given through to ' • CINCINNATI,' • Columbut start Ursa. tp7 Clentland and Clutistutd Itsilrood. Duman Pm tWtruit, Cblesoro :cd klars u lts bass s c = i pas araZrestrairesel las =4 Wane at ig a'stac I. btliaJlaspl HariboU.o stlartstas may greening th. at sEt hio o rpo Llama:llml DAP, kw rats in IL . and will Do fausta7suct= amass. and CP= splatter. CLARKE s l'ArtFl. Parpristors. For tick ' w La'''''U lTllll 7 l _OOIIKI Amt. athirst earner et tholtheeld eh] Wer times. er e 23 oppoalta the tdonatigeh• •e Ilon s _ _ L _ t . 1851. WESTERN 1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. D. LUCK le CD'S. ME. TIA. gatE3 RAIL ROAD AND CANAL PIPTSDLTEGH, PHILADELPHIA, BAT L!- hunt - Aral NEW youß.- HE Canal being injgood order, are are ato f I.l r ato ' i nU Olrsit " an I rt cor t rate, ol MUM, 7rttbezirtno%O i na Moven. Ms boats kV . ractlng tranondtbal, and all likattl=g4tly lauded 10. ao Apply to, ad addrrto I tura a sum, naffarti „ rot, 6177rturt.n. Rrtalvlng N .76 Ali. C iggrZtlla. I T f r n VIM " * adi, North rrtt i o ' nv. T. U. PLAIL4K, Agana gee Na. 7, Rat strata Nen York: naz MIMED ! lad 1851.. &RAMP MONONGLWELA BM= . ".. Via Brownavilte and Cumberland, to Baltimore end Philadelphia.. - - ""'''' BOAT leavesAtie Wttarl &bora ch. Erhig• rhtlly..ar II o'casei precisely. arts sacc i , 37Ith (liars sr Cumberland ant cmsgash kern daily res.nrst curd.ac amass) k - 6 - eclock, tramcar/Ss with the cars .1 Carabalsad trot 7..100.110 o'clock; 'ras thrsush to Italhozran,h2 hosts. 1.0. sair $O. Thai Masa/oas i'hiradolyths, Is tsars. Tart Scar 010. The National asap /I 040 ga,CA. C0p4.1..., 0110 ths 007.0 a tatacchibrocoaralsaisl Culatailasa: 0111 , 4 4.1 es 11,1, 4,1041,1 the trst TV ) yis L 6 L , . 1121 SAW ~. ihrlc a th rho lissangahSlilLs t .. r o , N. ~ I 1 i / 1851. ula t a ON LING Tlvania and Ohio Canals. loyairroaa! .UN On the Yew. . Itin l iliirrif 2.4) .Q iii . tFiZ4.::;itt.."4-iati;V' Tlll5 well fa wn 13tie. in ti prltparfni to «5 (TM/ fTV. I I ;71 1 4 ITTIIt, TaTinYITAIV.. i I TIA faoillfro Jr Mt lue % V Ig .1111 anrysr.4 In numb. roptl ity, rind opaeltr Jr non ritorlapr• of captrAnoi, owl • v„.; air, • I r l q's li otungtt. MA the ' ri drill, ' man ul n In ,n,a/prellna . wllti • /kw Jr rteazobronls brtyrren PIIT MT.ll4 " l d niVAl'clf iliqrer;',"""h""."'". LAINICI,Satt, ; .. asst. a C.n., Vounstrtssra, U; SI. U lasior Warroa,sl . . ' , . t. a. N. La.& No;FUG. lislic ti.. Finals,. liarsuus. Cr.; ' heal,.st iI I k Ca, Banda.° ; rp ruse! a (A, assakho, o ,' H. A. Miller, euyaissA• it alls, Is; Whaslar, Lama Os.. ro Is; ' . padhoxsaar 0011:k A. 000 C or tcorsal aujoaf 01,01.01 Lie dfeAlution near at haul ne a mg nelehbotehe hat cared %did of a \gyre inialnable m On. widedine to inda...l ~ a: a 000refram the eas ldestrelodoannethiaiw • ? i Ilia . , then llama any : - pe of nettioer , /llef, /Mo s Mmll rLre• e. Of 7001 Tao Look .oat Paipporilloi, aed It \ T. ,k .tia using Cl. not to MY utoolootrioste IselAket , inept y 'talus he had weal the thiol fatties\ and beasis . Is had • half acid,. bolsi., ha conk weli \ oat 4ert used In eLltwalre bustles dosing do rear 1140„ end ir to , ' isbf k . a rn 4 0 arfrtlhr ....A ; ar.t7 411444 . 0 f lite \ alhshiotrorpt. mere, . tweacre4, seal Lc:reit:WU ir. \ _ _ L .,__ __,_ . I 1 ,yylleel,,Weititiii`* tr. Frs./a Ulna re rnowherr, 11$11. ,`, trillP-Di 43 bales Siiessouri Dew Rofts,f, 1 'ha 10 *.fi 0 g *NI- I .Q , it . 41 ' 4, .... ...U. w„. 1 .1.0- - for lone. .m.urs A. LIVIViIIgOS t As, ~ t 4.1.. DOA' an O Sentsperilla; call aka. you tkal. rfoet sage - Z_ 4 aortal( under gy4t , Ihrsta , as tn roc , . N2srlt . r 1 NSEED 01 L--ElOO galls. for sale by , I sox teat I (scorn r \ oa of what your o ur Is KA suss J. lillillt CO, 6,001, 0 ,44; i 1 1 . sal sow „, I thtily. 4 : LUICIK.SI IX ER--410 Ito. for sale by , \ i ' anal . ' ' ,f, Mop g co, i: ' roller .0 O. gut, l . 7 r•rd..! a Y 1 ' Ohio, Cameral , i an.l erntautetzesi _ ~,,,rd ... , .. DALi./ . 0 . VEly-Itt UHL for dojo by__ i 6 , c.cc ~,! W.A. • .t. , .. 1 ". 1 . o r . : „ , ` 3 4 , A 4 . . Y.X11)15 a C 4). .. 1 4. KIM a Co.. !' • ra 4 P - ' '''' ', --,-- l ti11.....,,,,11.4 , , , 1,-,ig .1.,...1.. eau.; Ail., `'CYANIDE POTASSA-40 Ills. for sale-by i;„ , ~„.„..u. w,,,ea tn.\ B . " , vw° ' V.) tom \ - . .• 4. KIDD it 00. . • C i - esoal , taAri , e-..,-----,.. A. OrssoslarE . G , , ISECOND -RAND PIANO, AI y 5t,..11,,rd' • held c Pr.".'ll tintir 4 : _ s‘ tiow.obt octavos, end it ottin-Tit, d - si r il -..0:7r Ilit.bttana a i,,,, le. 5.: ,,r t ..4 . :NtilaN!Cf ,' 17 1 1 ...2 ‘, JOHN' It ELIAt, '' 1 Lyng. a Co. ileolty - 11/.. ~..,„ . 4 ,:._ - " . " ‘" 1 '..." \Wentz a Co, a C.I sr. . , . I. ,k,,,,,. a t rc.rt.r.M.ker..l.4-se 1411,X, 1 i.r., 1 o.44itij W.W.I .I.C. ti1t14.4.4 1 16 V) I 8 3„..,,, 0-ousuanosen - I , LAO ..ir... flit .psiss-Vil Fa . Bon • litz c ky \ - - TNDIGO AND NWPIEG 2 eerocrs. Carina. 4 "4'4. '1"1".. 1t. *tor , .0 .111 b a, ..1.1 * e . { 11.0, -I bbli'''-.. ..rt . .. 12U,I.AllpICRCI. a t c . ,6 ,\I • 1.415 , i 3 ,541, 5 0 5 .5 5 5, 5 Alatiss and Iftvot• . 4, "-IL., IJCIAIt=I - 41Cliii - di.Fa 7 cCgim , ..4 1., in more I-7 sad lb ' " 6 bI " 111 - IrnnilSON a CO. - "aus4 ' {ANIS A . PTS. TURPENTINE-4 bbio. in flit .1; BC1101.):111•6131s CO: 1 ASS ki7AltD&«-25 fin' sale by IPILDID1)1) Galena.; • \ out 4 JAILALES II :JON k \ - lax —'-----rT ii - ruaa - Szisee Sayers BEK• has inai eii• , - er-' , \ Pt li blat k7 ~, JUL, cielmtestall reorgorto: tbMl 4O , , b , .1. totied,brlro.reionse am An ao ...,..,,,,,,,,,\ ~ A_ UTTER -13 kegc Spring, for sale hy 4\ 4 1 tirV. ii , v4 ,,,„ 4 " ,, e ben. 44 4m o r tb d er . t nic rica k,...,,, K thlube --- ~, is j„„q o \L, • .• ' \ %IL HIM.= ,Lvt.lC, ~ lp. Vojtitro.,7,, , ets.j . L, h,clwsup,W2,4e. - .....v.=, ‘,,, RAISINS- -- 60 Ins hunch initnrei-fothcle ' tt c ' 6 , l 7,7ZAV l Mr= i r i ,Mr,„Vt i =v 3 l. 4. : \ A 0. 12 \ muilLesx4 . l%. A \ 7 .4=l4F i rr=gxr , -.44 4 . 4 ,..m 0 \ \ s : Q lIOAR-20 hbds. Nl - 1., }n More ad flit s ,: i =d t iti* C ;:. l l — ,,, ' , ..h0 t \ \\ Q ral• br (gall) ' J.B.P"' . \ , ,Pschwas Batbooda.Ltieclasaa. v, \• ---\.., • \''. . . ' ' \ . BVKlTtgdoz."u'v,a'&4 o ,T..:'de la ICE-50 tier Fits (to arrive) for atikby lea 1.30 \ • •BAIRD lIITI . • ATS:, MEDICAL: • Tars Iffedicated . Liquid Cutar-le. PPSIS ATITICtE ie intended far family 1184 Mad aboald hr *and the cominaloa at arm ram- , , thalami. „Valuator who are to ormatant danarr Wuxi to thatr prnon.r through accident, rad the =ream aro of tools, will and Mir artier to arsaablo. aiblr to Many, and altar a fair trial will otroatder it todt . , , nat stakf artily Mat th• hiring tn. aciLl Fra nab et Jruld'a Iledirstrd' CatLel= przut term =lt Qu e,Q m b... &6 lan ticridat =NUM* tar ertherivil plaster. 2=5 toz ,h mt alg.rr bruise. and all I,4m:trot trtatt Iroarad 74' . 1trr4. . 7. WOODII.I.TiI i &Lk LLAIIILTON fl SW 11. I) . ' • . zu.swogiu nulls, U n &awe.. Compridar all Cl. proof:Mu PhYsidans tir sae Qlt7 of , ALlddletowa , \ ,Por wile bi D . 1.. IeItINESTOOK k 00:, • \ ~ Pell • tan= Wool ma Itrat de. Igg,ll.llltAT KIENTDOKIC REIIRDYI • • DXL .10113 i BULL'S BARBAPARLLLA rp, pit up in quart Denim, Ltd oon• %J i b , a the atnetall. MK =Baran lar ber or b. irtta. Ift, a It tyillne 1141104.21.- 7.4 r• part. that ‘l' mr= ft nia= n lC2/=.7 . ;kin =de:4l.g: state of \ theftt. tbs sir=rsuklotoaheanon mita . tacoBls , B A.naLacT x . Mho./ oo OAVr aulabrlto rent Ir bra thn su i ntletraisi tra , ta , 4Lta... i Tha Bane raryttab: althout=t tba ataiotna I=artirtatztod Leans Imam mad* atm Bull valuable's Batraarobillawont! ado , eoe4l/21. [4. 'trim of Ward yyyooommmyyy t a:attar formlug the beat cont. irodointo areata a t etultrave agent the \ • WIT/1017S 'PAIL &ion , *I L , Evil, ...thara . ii. Thark r irn i Mus te: vox. or _ /Mansur attodatm. ha C. tome=ta • , • • - Ufa. tha use et 4.. Pab. tba atte,eat " M' ' DobAlMa. BM. , MM. g°l. `twat ' B P 501456.7 " rtga. ". ....1% PRODIMB 0086 lull haaaaggluradamt• M. thutatituldobal Dl* c, =Ma ' rsiTf t etd gut and = rZtt in = Su: Enactor 14 B/4111614 or Bourn tratonnalta. or o rzyruntaign The Othlawthajitha varbathu ap]&ol . eel*. Onto Sr. la Baboto t ts== ° o r' Zl,Vrn a "Zi einnaut and aocompthdool mall or 4olai. 8...741Vara bra. &mason bow Coen boob ea_hOe Or the mut tat , sold aud widow tuomber. that the Caguakr oonnafta anald bout or FOr 1/1.11 antra, and at luta Um. latllllas re= E gt. " 'C i lbtatir ar,.4 " t I'4 S. ' in to tarot or Illy 14141• . Alto, Ttirtimmy than mu Roe, Offen \is; Fara , Art E. Nola—lle. 0. litarmixor. hot:wham telar„Z, lug, • H'• lure mad Job s Bair. Samaparial and !unknown don, 1 1' IL/717[11i " ' o ' ! ‘ ta th tg.•Mo n' ea ralblintrval b it INo amoile n 1.1..4 W , and adaulated to handle!! rm.*, Ltm t u r erin U r " Alan " AV? Mate. Mimed. , t s. TT.• , • . 311 - 08.511014. \ • • act pet !IL 1.11.111. SKIN. • \ Haw ire 1111 admen el., beaatinil vhlte akin.' tad Hof ' lt lilt. lb'. o r " &"" . a salaam 0., . .rosin o•,•l4t.,t , :_tOomotlco, am, c 0 1ay.&, 4 \ ". "a n t "‘"" "n" ..* ` nn le Mit mtil l' e.l=l,Tzt . =VI' is 1,1 the . tho Wu, by nottr pasttobrof orbil mad LOpbtocd, it pm.. haaltbr. sot vhaeroae, glottal actlvlty tai •0117 WM. thatittol tha oelOlVea4 4.00 oostatonanna to tho bkom abd clubmen of youth. ataatd en ib Sit or valuta Ina tatztarm, and on. Erg. „.. Blaserno. • We r airahrfil tOlbT r l d ati "." b"Tin... any Like the fotioteftqt, St . - d:! Catnnealt on the , Irhtientsst of ma . \ fun 1.1. I. I` 1 , 1=111.7.pAr.a or vterabtry Ili; thi . Inuindlle Odin, • - • / t ut mould Oyer the Oat Ingradieuta ....ammoaltor lay Bull.. Cora r roml rtr.h,l m to t ot rairroz,..-v,n,i.v. • Poamau, ...ay/6A 10h4t DBI P71,. 79, yanteetett_to." a +r u. Mawl.ta4 tot. if lannSrns , brach X, IBM, JAn h ttilliVr ta lb th oc=a r ti hen avails= oua, and well adeu=d'ho produaran rd. taotlvalsamaaiou cut tla mat. I kat, audit. both ba ' ga;ert ;s"ii' ' "a th l'i44llrieri kj , " Phi WA. at Loolnlll. Diaatua Bostdra.l( Air s C i ejllyiiii , hp . w i tiva% ~,,,,,,,.NENTAfrv.,xm•• • X, rdstones ! CO. No. 129 woad piftfazz., du* icy eda• • Berrat.ts.LentotTi r iata• tisttes,lrrisatlx)len. .tattatta.. oflarloittheacrelPrtichwtheaof the Brehm:, Derwaect Gloomy elated' miadoue...db7 P. Olif's Satro4 41110ina Dad out Earnpantooddth sine talletby rebating the Tbsintalttot dnatett, the bloot. neabralista bad Union. Wt. 4 . tor l aboral w7ettwas, and glen heathy ailiow to at the • po.i • lie lal wild aitecitice twqpirttee reaSts potrolitsl7 twll - cable to lb. abrader 414'4.11:ate cooatttollow of the * male. 8J3=411417 coanieract4 that direestait hirmtti nar acal lawitwelato =mph to the Walla trims, aid Imparts ..erihr\ara bittyznar se trororidoese o'r are wratabol. We h w wriilecoe on Elie tette& f gangly to 7.am.i k i eft mawoa who him hot-been blamed with olDpring.• Prolatkele Uteri : or Mho{ of the Womb, oft din& cared by Dr. Ouratiti Extractor Ye . earsaharllts. after ererrAlliariosown real Wei \ 3e , ..atßi ~ ~.r., , ?..rlllt.ittnrsix.:__ ctitAtiket Coating; fgrat.\ , • : ~• Mali itc42 ex num. l 'ic VaMilboriti st . . ' \ 141 W=M